mr-foods · 2 months
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misc digimon
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toripafu · 3 months
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Pokemon with guns
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digi-lov · 7 months
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Satsuki Tamahime BT14-086, Numemon BT14-056 by poroze, Commandramon BT14-056 by Spareribs, and Hi-Commandramon BT14-060, Cargodramon BT14-064, and Brigadramon BT14-068 by kaz from BT-14 Booster Blast Ace
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765nanami · 1 year
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High command dramon!!
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notaventura · 9 months
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tepi666 · 7 months
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Commandramon and Tagiru
maybe it'll make for a good combo ? 
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melancholywally · 6 months
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Digimon Game Evolution 8/?
Commandramon and its new evolutions, featured in the Vital Bracelet BE V-pet and the Digimon Seekers web novel.
Stages: Baby I: Bommon Baby II: Missimon Child: Commandramon Adult: Hi-Commandramon Perfect: Cargodramon Ultimate: Darkdramon
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cobalt-axolotl · 14 days
The digivolution line for benji’s second partner commandramon!
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bethanythebogwitch · 2 months
Digimon fanfic chapter 6 draft
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
 Andrew was fighting not to let his temper get the best of him, but it seemed like a losing battle at this rate. What should have been a simple mission to retrieve the second of two artifacts needed for his plan to work was proving incredibly frustrating. Apparently back when the Digital World was returning to its correct state after being twisted into Spiral Mountain, the artifact had ended up underneath a rather large city. The dwellers of the city had rejected Andrew’s perfectly reasonable offer to relocate and allow excavation to begin in exchange for a better city once he had begun his new world order. Thus, Andrew had no choice but to order the D-Brigade to drive them out and begin excavating by force. Unfortunately, the local Digimon had proved illogically attached to the place and quite a few of them were of the Ultimate level, making what should have been a decisive victory into a painful campaign of the D-Brigade defending the excavation site against the attackers. 
“When the D-Brigade approached me with an offer of an alliance,” he said to the assembled officers, assembled here during a lull in the fighting, “I never would have thought that the greatest army in the Digital World would be delayed this long by civilians.” He emphasized the last word to really irritate the officers, knowing they wouldn’t try to speak out. He was the D-Brigade’s client and to the Brigade, the client’s word is law. After giving the brigaders a few seconds to stew, Andrew demanded a situation report. 
“Captain Hi-Commandramon 8A5 reporting sir,” one of the soldiers spoke up. “The enemy’s numbers are vastly reduced, but the survivors are regrouping to the west. We believe they are preparing for a final strike. The excavation is expected to finish soon, but we will have to pull workers away to defend against the next strike.”
“Fine,” said Andrew, even though the news of yet another delay infuriated him. “But this is the last time. I want those Digimon exterminated today. Dismissed!” He turned and left the meeting before anyone could object. 
“Will we be joining the fight?” Asked Green. Andrew’s partner Digimon had become much more quiet and driven in recent weeks. That suited Andrew just fine. 
“Of course we are. I want this done right.”
What happened next was Andrew’s least favorite part. Waiting. He craved action, progress, anything other than waiting. He was so close to the power that would let him build his new world and yet he was forced to wait instead. It was infuriating. Over an hour later, something finally happened when the D-Brigade sounded the alarm. The attack was coming. 
“Finally! Let’s go, Green.”
Green nodded. “On it.”
Dracomon Digivolve to… Coredramon! Coredramon Digivolve to… Groundramon!
Andrew rode the colossal dragon into the battle. Little was left of the city, the mismatched buildings and wide boulevards having been reduced to rubble and crater-strewn fields. Green knocked a few of the skeletal building frames down as he charged through the city, his sheer size rendering him unable to maneuver around them, if he even wanted to. The sound of gunfire led the pair to the battle. Cresting a ridge, Andrew gazed down on the battle to see…
“That’s it?” The Hi-Commandramon had said that the enemy’s forces were reduced, but Andrew was certainly expecting more than this. There were barely a dozen of them. Two were Ultimates, yes, but there was no way they could stand up against the D-Brigade’s forces. They would be slaughtered. 
“They couldn’t have thought they’d win. Why bother attacking if they’re just going to die?” Andrew asked in genuine confusion.
“What could be more noble than to die in defiance of injustice?” asked an unknown voice.
“Who’s there?” Green’s voice boomed out, his long neck twisting to look around him. 
There before them, a tornado of fire appeared from nowhere. After a moment, the fire dissipated. Standing in a scorched circle of earth was a Digimon in the shape of a human man, tiny compared to Green. It was adorned in silver, shimmering armor, a deep, purple cape, and a pointed hat. In one hand was a sword and the other clutched a crystal ball. Andrew recognized it. Mistymon, the apparent leader of the city’s forces and a major thorn in Andrew’s side.
Green growled, the sheer volume vibrating the rubble around him, but Mistymon did not strike. Instead, it spoke again. “We know we cannot win against you and your army. We know we will die. But we will die standing. For as long as anyone in the Digital World is willing to stand, people like you will never win and justice will prevail.”
Green’s growling increased in volume and his muscles tensed, clearly eager to jump into the fight, but he waited for Andrew to give the word. Though the dragon had grown much more violent and eager to fight since their return to the Digital World, Green obeyed Andrew without question. 
“Justice is what this is all about,” Andrew said. “I will gain the power to control both worlds and I will correct every injustice by force.”
“Where is the justice in coming to a place of peace and demanding its people leave?” asked Mistymon. “Where is the justice in slaughtering the innocent when they stand in defense of the homes they loved and the community they built?”
“If you had just taken me up on my offer none of this would have happened. This is on you,” Andrew shot back.
Mistymon’s voice finally cracked, losing its tone of calm and letting the anger within show. “Your justice is false! You claim to correct injustice but commit atrocities to do so? You are just another tyrant, and like all tyrants you shall fall! If not by my hand, then another! Now come! I will fight your tyranny until my deletion!” Mistymon’s sword burst into flames at it pointed the blade at Andrew in challenge. 
Green roared, understanding Andrew’s unspoken command. He charged forward like an earthquake, rushing at the other Digimon. Both of his massive clawed wings shot down, going for the kill, but Mistymon leapt into the air, avoiding the blow.
“Core Dart!” Mistymon’s crystal ball burst into flames and shot forward, aiming not toward Green, but toward Andrew.
“Green!” Andrew yelled, but his partner was already moving. Green leapt to one side to avoid the flaming projectile, but it adjusted its trajectory, once again targeting the human. Green was forced once again to move. Impossibly nimble for his size, he turned around so the call was coming at him from the front. 
“Scrapless Claw!” Both of Green’s massive arm-wings slammed together, the crystal ball between them. His strength crushed the projectile to dust, but not without cost. Wis claws parted again, each had a large, circular burn scar where the flaming sphere had been crushed. 
“Blast Fire!” The Mistymon leapt onto Green’s back and embedded its flaming sword to the hilt in the base of one of his wings. The limb went limp as Green roared in pain. Not wasting a moment, Mistymon pulled its sword out and charged right at Andrew. Andrew threw his hands in front of him, a reflex that would be utterly useless against an Ultimate-level Digimon, and gritted his teeth, convinced he was about to die.
Green reacted before Mistymon’s sword could reach his target. His remaining wing slammed into the ground, the force spinning him over in an airborne barrel roll. Andrew, in tune with his partner, was able to grab onto the edges of a scale the size of a manhole cover just in time. Mistymon was not so lucky and was sent hurtling to the ground. Having come full circle, Green landed on his feet and shot forward, getting into position. 
“Megaton Hammer Crush!” The massive mace that tipped Green’s tail slammed down on the prone Mistymon with enough force to knock down any of the building remnants that still remained standing. Green turned around, allowing him and Andrew to see the broken body of Mistymon lying in the newly-created crater. It’s mouth cracked open just long enough to speak.
“You will never win.” With that, Mistymon’s body dissolved into data and it was gone. 
Green lowered himself into a crouch, allowing Andrew to slide off his back and onto the ground. As soon as the human’s feet touched the ground, Green collapsed and de-Digivolved back into Dracomon.
“Are you going to be ok?” There was no concern in Andrew’s voice, none of the love that there should be between a DigiDestined and their partner. To him, Green was another asset, nothing more.
Green winced and examined the wound on his back, the remnant of where Mistymon had stabbed him. “I’ll heal.”
“Good,” said Andrew, before his attention was drawn away. Three flares shot into the sky, a D-Brigade signal. All three were blue. Victory. 
Three hours later, Andrew stood along the edge of the massive pit the Brigade had dug into what was once a city center and grinned. Finally.
“Your orders, sir?” Asked a Hi-Commandramon. Andrew couldn’t be bothered to remember which one. 
“Hook it up to a Cargodramon and prepare to head back to base,” Andrew said, his voice full of glee. “We finally found it.”
“Andrew?” Green asked, returning from the D-Brigade medical tent with his wound patched. 
Andrew glazed at his partner, then turned his gaze back to his prize. “There it is, Green. The data remnant of a Dark Master. And now it’s finally mine.”
Green looked down into the pit to see D-Brigade members already hard at work strapping cables to the artifact they had fought this small war for. Even in this state, the severed claw of Machinedramon looked deadly. 
Blue, in his Wingdramon form, once again flew over the desert with three humans and one foul-mouthed Digimon in his arms. Clark had estimated that this would be the last full day of flight before reaching the edge of the desert and finally finding the Subroutine Jungle. He hadn’t said much else this morning. He was too busy arguing with himself.
You haven’t been to this part of the desert in a long time, one part of him said. You couldn’t have known that a lunatic Bombermon would claim the place for itself in the last few months.
You let everyone down again, countered another part. Once again you put everyone in danger by camping in a Digimon’s territory and Tsukaimon and Keiko had to bail you out again. 
Clark was shaken out of his thoughts by Blue’s voice. “Something’s coming towards us. Fast.”
Clark looked up, but it took him a few seconds to spot what the Ultimate-level Digimon’s superior eyesight had. A black speck in the distant sky that was growing larger. 
An enemy? It could be some wild Digimon, but it’s best to play it safe. There’s no way the D-Brigade will leave us alone after we defied their orders and killed a Cargodramon. Still, why would they only send one soldier after us?
“Change course,” Clark yelled to be heard over the rushing wind. 
Blue obliged, tilting his wings to fly to the left. The thing in the distance changed course as well, aiming directly towards them. That settled it, this thing was coming after them. 
“Set us down!”
Blue obliged, arcing downward to the desert. He dropped his passengers in a field of stone arches that were coated with Christmas lights. 
“You think that thing’s coming for us? Asked Daniel.
“Gotta be,” replied Clark. “Get ready for a fight.”
“Alright, Keiko, let’s do this,” Tsukaimon said to her partner. Keiko nodded and held up her Digivice.
Tsukaimon Digivolve to… Witchmon! Witchmon Digivolve to… Bastemon!
The two Ultimate-level Digimon ran forward, leaving the humans safely behind. Between the two of them, 
Orders: locate and eliminate targets Target: three humans and two Digimon Enemies of the D-Brigade The D-Brigade? Follow orders Who am Special unit Darkdramon 1G1 of the D-Brigade What’s going on? The orders are absolute Follow Orders
Clark didn’t recognize the Digimon as it flew close enough to be seen. It was long-tailed humanoid and mostly mechanical, though flesh was visible through the joints and a shock of red hair indicated it was actually a cyborg. Its body was covered in black and deep blue armor, accented with yellow. From its back extended wings of light and on its right arm was a mechanical lance. The Digimon came to a hover and seemed to examine Blue and Bastemon, before turning its head to look at the humans.
Analyzing Consistent with targets Begin mission What mission Eliminate enemies of the D-Brigade Why can’t I think Thinking is irrelevant Follow Orders Who is that Target acquired Engage
“Listen, big boy, just go on your way and we won’t give you trouble,” Bastemon shouted toward the hovering Digimon, which looked back at her.
“Do you think he’s gonna leave us alone?” asked Blue. 
The Digimon suddenly jerked, its motion unnatural. A half second of that concluded with it roaring at the top of its lungs.
“Does that answer your question?” Bastemon leapt forward at the Digimon, claws at the ready.
“Dark Roar!” From the enemy Digimon’s mouth spewed forth inky black spheres. Blue’s wings flared out and he lifted up in the air to avoid them, while Bastemon was forced to twist awkwardly to avoid being hit. The orbs impacted the rocky desert floor and kept going, seemingly deleting the matter they hit and leaving behind tunnels extending downward into the earth. 
“Holy-! Blue, do not let that hit you!” Bastemon yelled. Her heart had skipped a beat realizing that if she hadn’t managed to dodge just in time there would now be a massive hole right through her chest. Digimon were born for battle, but she had never been as close to death as she was right then. What was this Digimon?
Blue flew high in the sky, the enemy’s head tracking his movement. “Blaze Sonic Breath!” A lance of superheated fire burst forth from his mouth at the enemy- who suddenly wasn’t there anymore.
“Gigastick Lance.” Blue’s eyes widened and he shot forward, leaving a sonic boom in his wake. The Digimon had somehow gotten right behind him and stabbed at him with that lance. Only going supersonic had saved him from being impaled and the force of the Digimon’s blow left a crater in the ground hundreds of feet below from nothing but wind shear. Blue circled around and looked at the dark Digimon. It was hovering in place, head clutched in its left hand.
Unit operating at suboptimal levels I don’t understand Irrelevant Complete mission Who did this to me Control module experiencing unexpected resistance The D-Brigade did this to me Loyalty to the D-Brigade is paramount Not loyal to me A good soldier gives all to his army Get out of me Routing control to home base
“Hey, Blue! Down here!”
Blue flew down to the desert where Bastemon was calling for him, making sure to keep an eye on the mysterious Digimon, who was still clutching its head and twitching oddly.
“Alright, while that guy’s doing whatever he’s doing, we need a plan,” Bastemon said
Blue nodded. “It’s stronger than us. That must mean…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but both of them knew what he meant. A Digimon strong enough to nearly kill two Ultimate-levels without getting hurt could only be one of the legendary Mega-level Digimon. Mega-levels had the power to save the worlds or destroy them. And now one was trying to kill them. 
Bastemon broke the silence. “First off, I need a lift. Not being able to fly in this form is killing me. And we’ll need to be fast. We can’t let that thing hit us-”
She had barely finished saying the word when Blue went supersonic again, grabbing her and pulling her out of the way as the enemy’s lance buried itself in the ground where the two had just been standing. It’s head whipped around toward them and unleashed another Dark Roar, forcing Blue to weave between the orbs of dark matter.
“Looks like someone’s got his head in the game,” said Bastemon as she clambered onto Blue’s back for a better vantage point. “Can you get me in close? I’m not too good at range.”
“I’ll try,” said Blue. “Blaze Sonic Breath!” 
The enemy Digimon easily dodged the stream of fire, but it was followed by another, and another. Not intended to hit the enemy, but to keep it dodging long enough to close the distance.
Another sonic boom rattled the desert as Blue went supersonic again, shooting by the enemy while it was still dodging lances of flame. Bastemon leapt from his back with a cry of “Vampire Dance!” and slashed out with her claws. The enemy raised its arms in defense, Bastemon’s claws cutting ruts into them but falling to pierce its armor. Bastemon flipped over the Digimon’s head and grabbed onto its back. 
“Vampire Amethyst! The jewelry that adorned Bastemon’s figure glowed and began pulling energy out of the enemy, causing it to stagger.
“Explode Sonic Lance!” Blue’s lance slammed into the enemy’s chestpiece and the dark Digimon roared in pain. Blue retreated and began another strike, but the Digimon’s left hand shot forward, grabbing onto his lance. It twisted in midair and released its grasp. Blue’s momentum became his enemy, leaving him unable to stop before slamming into the ground. 
Before Blue could get up, the enemy took flight, zooming toward one of the many arches. Bastemon’s eyes widened as she realized what it was doing. It would pass under the arch but she, clinging to its back, would impact the solid stone at high speed. Cursing, Bastemon deactivated her drain and leapt, clearing the stone arch. Before she could land, the Digimon flew up in front of her, its tail lashing out and wrapping around her neck. Powerful muscles flexed. Choking off her ability to breathe and slamming her to the ground. The enemy flew forward, dragging Bastemon along the ground, moving away from Blue.
Shit, he’s going for Keiko and the others! Bastemon needed to act and now. She focused all the energy her Vampire Amethyst attack had drained into one claw and slashed. An instant later, the tail around her neck fell loose and she skidded to a stop as the enemy roared in pain. Bastemon stumbled to her feet and realized her attack had severed its tail. 
“Oi, there’s plenty more where that came from!” Despite Bastemon’s words, she was wearing out fast. The only thing she could think to do was buy time. Time for Keiko and the others to get away. Please, Keiko. Just run away.
The enemy turned to face her and Bastemon raised her claws in challenge. It began to charge, but suddenly stopped and grabbed its head.
Unexpected resistance Warning control module damaged by energy drain attack Remote control experiencing intermittent interruptions Get out of me Get out of me Get out of Reasserting control
“Vampire dance!” Bastemon wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip by. Her flurry of slashes left scars in the enemy’s armor as it made no attempt to defend itself. Strange though, she didn’t recall hitting it in the face at all and yet it had three jagged slash marks there. Another strike was interrupted by the enemy suddenly grabbing her arm and flipping her over into a rock.
“Blaze Sonic Breath!” Blue’s flaming breath slammed into the enemy’s back, quickly followed by several more. The dragon was back, dented, but ready to fight. Bastemon pulled herself into a standing position and made one more slash, but the enemy grabbed her by the throat and whirled around, holding her between it and Blue.
“No!” exclaimed Blue, but it was too late. A burst of flame, already in flight, slammed into Bastemon’s stomach. She screamed, then went limp. The enemy tossed her aside, then shot upwards, flying toward Blue.
“Gigastick Lance!” Blue tried to fly to the left, but the enemy’s mighty lance caught his wing and shredded through it like paper. Blue bellowed in pain and began to fall, but the enemy grabbed his tail and spun, building up momentum before hurling him to the ground. Blue landed headfirst next to the prone body of Bastemon. This was quickly followed by the enemy landing on his body with an impact that echoed throughout the desert. 
The enemy stood over the prone bodies of the two Digimon, watching as they began to glow and de-Digivolved back to their Rookie levels. It raised its lance, ready to land the finishing blow when-
“Blue!” “Tsukaimon!” Daniel and Kaiko ran out from cover, tears streaming down their faces. Clark followed them, swearing. 
“No, Don’t” Blue croaked out.
“Run away, you idiots,” Tsukaimon said weakly. The humans didn’t listen. They came closer, despite the danger, knowing there was nothing they could do. But they came anyway, because their partners needed them. 
The enemy glanced at the humans, but turned its attention back to the Digimon. Then, its head twisted oddly, wrenching around to look at one of them. Its mouth opened and out came a strange, distorted noise.
Control module at critical condition It’s him It’s him Attempting to reassert control He can help Attempting to reassert control LET ME GO Control reasserted Priority change Eliminate humans first
That voice. It can’t be… Clark stared at the enemy, who was standing frozen, looking directly at him. But the voice, the voice was a dead ringer for him. For Commandramon 1G1. For his partner. And those scars. Three across the snout, going from upper left to lower right. The scars that Commandramon had gotten leaping between Clark and an angry Digimon. The scars that refused to heal no matter what treatment he was given.
The enemy Digimon twitched unnaturally, then turned toward the children. All three stood there, helpless as it raised its lance at them, ready to snuff out their young lives in an instant. The lance shot forward and Clark made a leap of faith.
The tip of the lance hovered a fraction of a millimeter from Clark’s chest. He had leapt in front of Daniel and Keiko, arms outstretched, and it worked. 
“It’s you, isn’t it,” he said, his voice more vulnerable than it had been in years. “Commandramon.”
The Digimon collapsed to its knees, the nightmare that had seconds ago been trying to kill them all now looking lost and vulnerable. “Clark, I’m sorry,” it said, its voice now softer and sad. 
“What did they do to you, man?” Clark asked, on the edge of tears. 
“Took control of me. Betrayed me. Made me a monster,” his partner replied. “I tried, but I couldn’t stop myself for long. I don’t know how long I have.”
“It’s ok, man. We’re together again,” Clark stepped forward, placing his hand on that of his partner. “We can fix this.”
Warning Control module experiencing total failure Reboot unsuccessful Likelihood of reestablishing control minimal
Activating contingency measure
Commandramon shot to attention as the thing, the control module began to surge with energy. No. Not now. Not when I just found him again.
“I’m sorry Clark, but I have to go.”
Before his partner could respond, Commandramon shot into the sky, trying to put as much distance between himself and his partner as possible.
Clark. Goodbye.
An explosion ripped through the sky and the body of Clark’s partner’s new form plummeted to the earth where it lay, unmoving. Clark ran to his partner as he de-Digivolved, first to his Rookie form, then further, to a form that looked like a living cartoon bomb with three eyes. Even as Clark fell to his knees, his partner’s body glitched out, distorting, his data leaking away. He wouldn’t last long. 
“No, you can’t die,” Clark was openly crying now. “Not after all this. Not after we just found each other again.”
His partner looked at him. With no mouth, he couldn’t say anything, but what could he say? Commandramon, or whatever he was in this form, rolled over, coming to rest against Clark’s hand, and closed his eyes. 
Clark picked up his partner, Commandramon now small enough to fit in his hand, and held him. Then his eyes shot open and he put the bomb Digimon down. “I still have it,” he said as he pulled off his backpack and reached in, rummaging down to the depth. 
“Found it!” Clark pulled out a dusty Digivice. Its color was gray and muted and the screen showed only static. It had been like this ever since the two parted ways, a symbol of their broken partnership. “Come on, do something,” Clark held his Digivice in one had and his partner in another, praying that something would happen.
The Digivice’s screen flickered, then the static faded. Clark gasped as color blossomed into it and a light shot out from the screen. He turned the light onto Commandramon and watched as the glitches faded from his partner. Commandramon’s eyes shot open as the light faded. 
“It worked, oh it worked,” Clark gasped, relief flooding through him. Commandramon’s eyes met his and understanding passed between them. “It’s ok,” Clark said, “Go to sleep. We can catch up when you’re feeling better.”
Commandramon rocked his spherical body in a nod, then closed his eyes. Clark held his partner as Daniel and Keiko, each carrying theirs, caught up to him. For the first time in years, he felt whole again. 
General Tankdramon looked as stoic as ever, his well-honed control preventing anyone else from seeing the utter rage that was inside of him. He had watched the whole battle on his screens and participated in it via the control module’s remote function. And yet all he had accomplished was losing an asset and wasting resources.
“How much Digivolution energy do we have stored from the previous experiment?” he snarled at a subordinate, unable to keep the rage from his voice.
If lieutenant Hi-Commandramon 7W12 was startled by his superior’s tone of voice, he was too professional to show it. “Sir! We have enough stored to Digivolve a platoon of Commandramon to Champion, a selection of Hi-Commandramon and Sealsdramon to-”
“Can we Digivolve an Ultimate to Mega?” interrupted the General.
“Yes, I believe so, sir.”
“Then prep the machinery and inform me the second it is ready,” ordered the General. There was still a chance to salvage this operation. The human Andrew had reported his success at claiming the artifact and was en route to Tankdramon’s mobile command center now. As soon as he arrived, the final stage of the plan could begin. All he needed was some time and firepower and everything could be put right.
“Sir, if I may, who is going to be Digivolved?” asked the lieutenant.
General Tankdramon rotated on his treads to look his subordinate in the eye and said one word. 
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nx42 · 1 month
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Welcome to the Digital Army
Posted using PostyBirb
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michuzurek01 · 1 year
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Commandramon in pokemon gen 2 sprite style
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drybosuperstar · 8 months
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Commandramons are cute
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comradeyurika · 1 year
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Digimon Seekers looks pretty cool. While it's a shame that its not an anime, getting a regularly updated webnovel is still pretty cool, especially with us getting some focus on X-Antibody Digimon and with the D-Brigade and Crack Team also slated to appear in it. Looking forward to this story.
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digi-lov · 2 months
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Satsuki Tamahime BT14-086, and Commandramon BT14-056 Alternative Art by Tonamikanji from BT-14 Booster Blast Ace
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tenzeniths · 10 months
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Digimon figures/memory markers by artist CptCinnabun on etsy. Commandramon, Missimon, and Choromon.
I love the details on these, and the bags they came in were so pretty too. I won't be using the figures for the TCG, I just wanted to have some cute fanmerch of lesser-loved digis.
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