#dad said he might visit tomorrow
ayakashibackstreet · 10 months
Wanted to surprise my grandma and visit her today but it turns out they cut a bunch of trains this month????? So I could only go for two hours, which... isn't great, considering she lives a little less than an hour's distance from the station
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coco-loco-nut · 1 month
Revelations - part 2
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Summary: bringing the kids to a gp
A/n: whoooo double drop day! Enjoy!!!!
requests open masterlist part one
“You know the drill, stay with me or your dad,” you remind your son and daughter as Daniel parks. Oscar immediately came to visit your home when you got back to Australia, wanting to catch up on the hidden parts of his fellow Aussies lives. The exchange? Free babysitting.
Daniel is such a girl dad, it almost pains you that your daughter likes him more than you, but your son is a mama’s boy so it balances out.
“Florence, keep a tight hold of me,” Daniel says, carrying the four year old on his him. She dozes on his shoulder halfway to the paddock entrance. Your son, Sidney, had a tight grip of your hand. You decided to get here early, before media, so there was a less stressful entrance. Even the video that Red Bull posts of Daniel walking through the paddock blurs out your children’s faces.
“Uncle Maxie,” your daughter stretches her arms out to the Dutchman. He carefully takes her and walks off, chatting away. If it were anyone but Max, you might be concerned.
“Hi Uncle Christian,” Sidney greets his godfather excitedly, the older man equally happy to see his godson. Christian gives you and Daniel the go ahead to walk away and grab breakfast at Hospitality.
“Will you be okay watching them the whole race while being my engineer?” Daniel asks as you both pick at your plates.
“Kelly is going to keep an eye on them, they will be with her in the garage. I think your Mom is coming in for the race tomorrow,” you tell Daniel. You decided to test out their F1 tolerance during FP3 and Qualis instead of just the race.
They do well enough that you feel comfortable with having them in the garage for the race. You do your race engineer work from the garage instead of the pit wall, preferring to be closer with the mechanics and other engineers. Halfway through the race, your mother-in-law carefully hands you a fussy and tired Florence. You let her sit on your lap as you work, holding her close, something that F1TV caught. She notices you talking to her father.
Daniel, overtake is available at the next DRS
Copy, DRS is enabled
Nice overtake, continue to defend. Daddy?
Is that Flo? Tell her I said hi and to let you work.
Copy, focus on your race, please.
Florence is happy to know her dad heard her and quickly falls asleep on your shoulder.
Daniel, box, fresh set of hards are ready for you.
Copy. How are the kids?
Flo is sleeping and Sid is watching with P. Please focus on the race, Danny. Box, box.
Alright Mrs Ricciardo, I see how it is, all business no fun
Someone has to keep you focused, Daniel.
You honestly don’t know how no one had picked up on Daniel’s radio messages to you before your relationship was revealed. He does focus on the race, it’s his job, but every once in a while he does make comments that aren’t racing related. As the last few laps are underway, Florence wakes up from her nap. You point out her dad on one of the screens and decide to surprise him by letting her talk to him.
“Okay Flo, just like I told you,” you gently remove the headphones covering her ears and put the far too big headset on her. Christian is the one who suggested that you do that.
Great race Daddy, P5
Hi Baby Girl, did you help your mama out this race?
I did, just like you told me to.
Good job, I’m so proud of you. Now, let me talk to your mama, she has some special things to tell me. I’ll see you soon sweetheart.
Hey Daniel, great race. Team’s proud of you. Pull in for weigh ins and media. We will have a quick debrief but we are happy with the race.
Copy. Couldn’t have done it without you and the team. Thanks guys.
Kelly and Daniel’s mom entertain the kids while you and Daniel have post-race meetings, but when you get to his drivers room after your last meeting with the engineers, you find him passed out on the couch with your kids sleeping on him. You snap a picture, sending it to one of your Red Bull group chats as well as directly to Max and Oscar.
Social media was loving the radio clips of you and Daniel talking, as well as Florence congratulating her father. Pair that with the videos of her sleeping on your shoulder mid race and every other clip of you and Daniel with the kids, it’s no wonder why your family is trending.
“Dan,” you whisper, gently shaking your husband’s shoulder.
“Hm? Have I been asleep long?” He whispers, trying not to disturb the kids.
“Probably not. Let’s get back to the hotel,” you smile softly, gently picking up Florence so he can get up. He carries Sidney, who is still asleep, while you carry Florence. Thankfully for the both of you, you were ready to leave.
“No more races for them until they are older,” Daniel proposes.
“Unless it’s here, I think I will agree to that,” you nod, brushing hair off of Florence’s head. You realistically know Daniel only has a couple seasons left in him, and that Florence wants to race just like her dad, so it might be better to wait until one of you is available to be with them the whole time. Sidney stirs as you get closer to your car.
“That was fun, when are we going again?”
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Twenty One - The Kids Go To School
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
Series Masterlist
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The Monaco trip went incredibly well. They hung around with other drivers, went out to dinner and such. Y/N got to explore somewhere she had always dreamed of visiting. Daniel took her to do anything she wanted, all to see the smile on her face.
Daniel took the kids to play padel. They played with Lando and Max while Daniel watched on, grin on his face. Before Y/N and Milo had to fly home, she agreed to do something that Olivia had always wanted to do. She took her shopping.
For the rest of the holiday Y/N didn't get to see Monaco Daniel. They had short moments alone, but not enough to really bring him out. But she had a feeling she'd get to see him again.
The end of the week came about far too quickly. Before they knew it, Daniel was kissing Y/N goodbye and giving Milo a hug at the airport in Nice. He'd spent most of their time in Monaco trying to bond with Milo, and it seemed to have worked. "Bye, Daniel," Milo said as he hugged him.
"Bye, Milo," he said and let go of him, standing up straight. Daniel turned his attention to Y/N. "Call me when you land, okay?"
She nodded her head and kissed his cheek. "I will do, Danny," she said. She couldn't stop herself from throwing her arms around him. "I love you."
"I love you too." Daniel couldn't stop himself from kissing her one last time before letting her and Milo go. It was a damn long flight from Monaco back to Australia, and he knew he'd be counting down the hours until he heard from her again.
As soon as he couldn't see them anymore, Daniel headed back to Monaco. He'd left Olivia in Max's care while he dropped them off at the airport.
The minute he got out of the car his fingers itched to call her. But he couldn't, not when they were about to get on their flight back home. Besides, he had to get himself and Olivia to the USA.
The week that Daniel and Olivia were in America passed by slowly for Y/N. She worked through it, and could hardly wait until they got back. For Daniel and Olivia it went by quickly. They had something to do every day, filling the time until they returned home.
When they did return home, Y/N was working. As much as she wanted to be there for their arrival, she couldn't. Not when she already had so much work to get on with.
But Daniel was ready for when she finished her shift. He and Olivia unpacked their stuff, had a quick power nap each, and headed over to her place. On the way Daniel picked up flowers. He'd missed her so goddamn much, he couldn't begin to describe it.
"Can we sleep over?" Olivia asked as Daniel parked up outside of the house.
"Sorry, Badger. But Y/N's got work tomorrow, so we can't. But we might get to hang out with Milo tomorrow," he said as he climbed out of the car. Olivia followed him out. She took her fathers hand, holding the flowers with the other. Together they headed up to the house.
As soon as Y/N opened the door and saw him standing there, she threw herself at him and wrapped her arms around him. "I missed you, too," he said with a grin, squeezing her back. As soon as he released her, Daniel kissed her, and the kids let out a series of 'eww's'.
She stepped back, allowing Daniel and Olivia into her home. "From daddy and I," said Olivia as she passed Y/N the flowers.
"Thank you, Livvy," she said and led them through to the kitchen to put them in a vase.
It might have been summer for Daniel, Milo and Olivia, but Y/N still had to work. It sucked and she thought of nothing but them as she sat at her desk. It was clear to her coworkers that she was distracted, but they couldn't do anything about it.
Daniel was happy to look after Milo while she worked. With all the time in the world, there was nothing more he wanted to do. He took them karting, on fun days out to the zoo, to theme parks and more.
With the amount of time Y/N and Daniel were spending together, they might as well have moved in together. But they both knew it was far too early in the relationship for anything like that.
Before any of them knew it the end of summer rapidly approached. Every time somebody brought it up, Milo went all quiet. It was no secret that he was terrified of starting school. Y/N had been so careful as to not upset him when buying school supplies.
But the day was fast approaching, and Y/N had to sit him down at the kitchen table. "Munchkin, you're starting school next week," she said. "How're you feeling?"
Milo shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at his lap. "I don't get why I can't go to the same school as Olivia," he mumbled under his breath.
She let out a quiet sigh. She hated mentioning money to her son and tried to avoid it at all costs. They were poor, but Milo didn't have to know.
"Miley, baby, we can’t afford the school that Olivia goes to. But you can still hang out and play on weekends," she said, reaching over to take his hand.
Reluctantly, Milo nodded his head. For the next week his nights were sleepless. Y/N didn't know why he was so terrified of school; she wanted to do anything she could to fix it.
Just a week later she was walking with him to the classroom of his new school. Milo hadn't gripped her hand that tightly in almost a year.
She held him tight before she left him there. Guilt spread through her as she drove away from the school and headed to work.
For the entire day she had her phone out, waiting for a call from Milo's teachers to come and pick him up. But the call never came.
It wasn't that Milo was getting on with things and making new friends. It was more that he was too afraid to show just how upset he was. He was quiet, sitting at the back of the room with his head down. He hated this.
"But daaaddy, I don't want to go to school," Olivia muttered as Daniel drove her.
There had been a small fight between himself and his ex over who would take Olivia for her first day. Daniel only won because it was his week to have her.
"Why can't we just have summer all the time?"
Daniel laughed as he pulled into the car park. "That would be cool, wouldn't it Badger?" He asked, opened hid car door.
He helped Olivia out of the back of the car and grabbed her back pack off the seat for her. Daniel helped her put the backpack on her back and walked her to her classroom. "Be good, okay? I'll come pick you up later," he said and hugged her before she ran off to make new friends.
At the daycare the parents bad gotten used to seeing Daniel. They no longer stared at him, whispered to their partners and pointed. Now they they were starting somewhere new, the stares and the whispers started again. Daniel ignored it as he headed back to his car.
As he drove, he used the hands free in his car to call Y/N. "Hey babe," he said the moment she picked up.
"Hi, Danny," she replied quietly. He realised then that she must have been in her office. "How was Olivia this morning?"
"Oh, you know. Complained about summer not lasting forever and then immediately ran off to make friends," he said as he drove to meet his trainer. "How about Milo? How did he seem when you left him?"
Y/N sucked in a breath. "He... I'm worried about him, Danny. I'll be surprised if he speaks to anyone at all today. I mean, it took him all of daycare to make friends with Olivia."
"If you wanted to transfer him to Olivias school, I'd be happy to pay," he immediately said.
Although he couldn't see it, Y/N shook her head. "Danny, I can't ask you to do that," she said.
"I just want you to know I'd be happy to," he said as he pulled in the gym car park. "I gotta go. Are we still on for dinner later?"
"Of course," she replied. "I love you, Danny."
"I love you too."
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lily-ann-b @cixrosie @amalialeclerc @teamnovalak @tallrock35 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @lightdragonrayne @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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caesium-55 · 3 months
—seven days. [ ii ]
pairing: max verstappen x manager! reader.
summary: as the third time world champion, max verstappen's manager, you function on the belief that whatever max verstappen wanted, max verstappen shall get. but this time, after four years of working as his manager, you can't give him what he wants anymore and that was to stay.
author's note: not beta-read. not edited. here's part 2 folks. part 3 is on the works now. did i write this fic instead of studying for my important quiz tomorrow? yes, yes i did. pls pray for my score.
For Christmas in 2019, Max has gotten you an apartment near his in Monaco. It is a loft apartment good for one on the 8th floor, a building away from where Daniel and Max lived. Originally, he wants to get you the unit a floor below his. You decline quickly, insisting that you are very fine with rooming with Julia and Kendall, who are both members of the Red Bull PR team whom you have gotten close with since your first year working with Red Bull. Max may have beef with the PR team for making him do a lot of embarrassing shit for the views but you're besties with most of them and actually thank them for making Max suffer through PR stuff because you cannot afford therapy and watching Max suffer through PR-related activities is a good form of free therapy. Also, Monaco apartments are fucking expensive. Red Bull might be paying you well but not well enough to afford an apartment in a country as expensive as Monaco.
“I want you close,” he tells you. If you did not know any better, you'd have butterflies fluttering in your intestines right about that moment. Sometimes, Max utter the most heart-fluttering of nonsense without meaning to. It causes your heart to stutter more times than you would like to admit.
“Well, I don't want you close.”
Max will never ever win an argument with you. He knows that. You know that. The best he can do is come to a compromise, a compromise that is usually tailored to suit whatever you want.
So you got that small loft apartment a building away, good for one person only. It's easy to clean and it's cheap, Max already said that, which makes you happy because you can set a payment plan for that. An apartment as a Christmas gift is already too much, borderline giving you a heart attack already. Rich people spending their money give you, a person of the middle class folks, heart attacks. Why can't Max be normal and give you a normal gift? A bracelet? A bag? You’ll even accept it if he gave you a slice of cheesecake. Not even your parents can buy you an apartment.
It has only been three years since the keys are passed on to your ownership and people say three years is enough time for a person to make a place home. But your apartment doesn't even feel like home, only a place you’ll sleep in if you happen to be in Monaco for the evening.
Home is that humble, two-storey house painted in red and yellow in Lynnwood Avenue, Vista Del Pueblo, Austin, a total picture of a picket fence dream. Home is Abuelo's old farmhouse in El Paso where you spent your childhood riding horses and driving ATVs across the dusty dry earth. Home is the retro milkshake place owned by the sweet old couple that has been in the neighborhood longer than your entire existence. Home is the tree-lined streets where you walked the family senior dog, Niko. Home is the Austin Fire House, your Dad’s workplace that you visited a handful of times back when you were a child to deliver cookies that your Abuela baked so your Dad could share it with his co-workers. Home is your mom’s clinic in the middle of downtown, always smelling like eugenol, disinfectant, formaldehyde, and her perfume. Home is not glitz and gold and glamor and cash cash cash. Home is not seeing wealthy people left and right. Home is not Monaco.
And it is not like you stayed long in your place either. You're always off traveling around the world with the Red Bull team and accompanying Max wherever he needs your presence. You don't even spend your breaks in that apartment because you immediately fly home to your family once a break is graciously given to you before flying off again to watch Max collect trophy after trophy.
Six days from now, you're going to be flying off to Texas. That means you have six days—less than six days actually—to pack all your crayons and go. Of course you're going to pack up the day before you leave. Doing shit last minute makes your life exciting, and it's not like you had a lot of shit to pack anyway. All your belongings can be tucked into a total of three suitcases. Three years worth of belongings in three suitcases.
you: you doin good there?
Max has been holing himself up in his penthouse since your arrival from Abu Dhabi, probably dealing with his breakup with Kelly. A shame, really. You thought the two looked good together. (Do they really? the asshole part of your brain thinks.)
And P. Thank God for that child’s existence. You hate children but P is an exception. P brings the best out of Max. Max has gotten the chance to act as the father he never had. It's heartwarming, to be honest.
him: not really no
him: can you bring me coffee
you: on it champ
Fifteen minutes later, you’re knocking on the gigantic double doors of his penthouse, a tall styro cup of espresso from that cute café two streets down and a slice of blueberry cheesecake because you’re thoughtful enough to buy him his favorite cake. You experienced a breakup before. A cake and an icecream work wonders when it came to healing broken hearts.
“You're fast,” he immediately says after opening the door. You kind of expect that he’d look worse, snotty and messy and looking like he ran from hell and back. But no, he looks……fine? His sweater and shorts look absolutely neat and comfortable and dry of snot. His hair is a little fluffy from lying on his bed but not too messy. He doesn't even look like he was crying. No red-rimmed eyes. No red nose.
You fake gasp, putting a hand on your chest for additional dramatic effect, “The fastest racer in F1 callin’ me fast. Truly honored.”
A smile plays on his lips, sidestepping and beckoning you in.
You frequently come by Max’s home, for work purposes of course, but you still cannot help but be amazed by the enormity of it every time you enter. Max’s penthouse is twenty times bigger than the apartment you currently live in. One man and a big house—it must be very lonely now that P and Kelly are no longer around. Now, you’re even more worried about what will happen the moment you go back to Texas.
Oh… You still haven't told him yet.
“Coffee,” you hand him the warm styro cup to which he accepts gratefully. He utters his thanks, taking a whiff before sipping, letting out a pleasured moan.
You make your way to his gigantic kitchen, navigating your way through his cabinets in search of a plate and a fork. You slide the cheesecake on the plate towards Max, who followed you to the kitchen and sat on the empty stool in the kitchen counter.
“Thank you,” he says, picking up the fork and taking a bite. He glances at your feet, eyes trained on your YSL. The obnoxious sound of the heels clicking against the floor as you walk probably is the one that caught his attention.
“You know, you've been wearing the same shoes since 2019.”
Points for Max for noticing. These YSL Opyum heels are the first luxury items you bought for yourself after saving for three years to buy one pair. You saw a rich international student wear it once back in university and you liked how sophisticated it looked compared to all the pairs of converse or platform boots you owned. So you made it your life’s goal to own one. In 2019, after doing tons of part time jobs in university and working with Red Bull for a whole year, you managed to buy yourself one on your birthday and you’d been wearing them to work ever since.
Your regular work uniform consists of a Red Bull polo shirt, a pencil or a slit skirt, and that specific pair of heels. Around 2021, you bought another pair to replace the old one because the old one broke. And 2022 again.
“What's wrong with ‘em?” you ask, brows furrowing as you followed his train of sight. Your heels might be a year old already but they still look fine.
Max blinks, “No, there's nothing wrong. Just…Do you think you would want to wear some other design?”
“No,” is your reply. “I like ‘em just the way they are.”
Your conversation drifts into something else as Max finishes his coffee and cake. You spend the rest of the day in Max’s penthouse, lying on his plush couch while a slasher movie from the 2000s played on his wide TV. He has given you access on his Netflix account so you abused it to your heart’s content because you don't even have. a Netflix subscription. You can absolutely afford one, you just choose not to. You have opted in using your phone mid-movie because the movie is beginning to get real scary but you do not want Max to think you're a coward so you acted like you're disinterested instead.
“Oh look, Charles is also back in Monaco. Do you want to hang out together?” you nudge Max with your foot, who swats it away from him, face contorting in disgust. You show him the post on Charles private IG—yes, you were mutuals in each other's private IG because whoever is friends with Max was friends with you by extension—on your phone.
“Stop makin’ that face, my feet are nice.”
Your toenails are a glorious red now. Ferrari red actually and they suit you better than the Red Bull red. Huh, maybe you should have considered applying for Ferrari instead of Renault in 2018.
“No, it isn't.”
You roll your eyes, pulling it away from him and sitting up, “Do you want me to schedule you a dinner with Charles? You might need the bro time, you know? Dad said bro times are also important, but not as important as family time, of course. My bro broke up with his sweetheart back when I was still in uni and his best buds were the reason he was back up in tippy top shape by the end of the week.”
Max stares at you blankly, “I think I understand the words individually but not the sentence entirely. I don't know if it's the accent or you Americans just have a strange way of structuring your sentences.”
“Point is, hang out with a friend because a friend can help you move on from a pussy.”
Max hurls a throw pillow at your direction, which you luckily avoided thanks to your non-racer level but still considerably good reaction time, but unfortunately, this action causes your center of gravity to shift and before you know it, you're falling from the couch. Unconsciously, you grab Max but then Max doesn't expect that you’ll grab him so now, you’re both falling off the couch and onto the floor.
You groan.
“Fuckin’ ass, man. That was uncalled for.”
He flips you off.
Nevertheless, Max ends up following your advice though and calls Charles to hang out the next day. Lestappen fans should be thanking you on Twitter the next day for bringing those two together on an off-day in Monaco. Maybe they'll hang out and eat together in a restaurant? Maybe they'll go on a yacht picnic?
Except Max sends you a message at high noon.
him: sos
you: is your kitchen burning
him: no
him: but this is still an emergency and you need to come quick
him: he’s with his girlfriend and i don’t want to thirdwheel
you: succ it up
him: you can’t do this to me
him: i just got my heart broken in abu dhabi
you: where are you
him: home
him: i also need help in cooking
Charles is the one who answers the door when you knock. He looks genuinely surprised when he sees you and you deduce that Max hasn't told him that you're coming over.
“Babe, who’s that?” you hear Alex’s voice behind Charles and you light up immediately, quickly moving past Charles to throw your hands around the sweet young woman.
“Alex!” Alexandra laughs and hugs you back. The sound of her laughter is as pretty as she and God definitely has favorites because why did he sculpt this twenty-one year old like the daughter of the Aphrodite while you look like you were born from one of Hephaestus’ sperm that lost the gene pool contest? The world is unfair. You always get the short end of the stick, may it be career-wise or appearance-wise, and you can't even bring your personality to the table because normally, without the whole act of professionalism and sophistication you put on, you act like an extroverted American frat boy on a good day and a sassy drag queen slash war freak on a bad day so yeah, you guess that's the short end of the stick, too.
“Seriously?” you look up and saw Max holding a frying pan, staring at you unimpressed. You roll your eyes and slowly pull away from the hug, gaze returning to Alexandra.
“How’ve you been, sweetie? Been a while since I last saw you.”
You didn't get a chance to talk to her in Abu Dhabi and in Las Vegas.
“Good,” she replies, smiling sweetly and ugh, you want to pinch her cheeks so bad. But Charles is pulling you away from Alexandra before you can do so.
“No, no, she is mine, yours is right over there,” Charles says, pointing at Max, who's still standing there in the corner. “Go on. Shoo.”
You roll your eyes before walking up to Max, “‘Sup?”
Max raises a brow at you, “So Charles’ girlfriend gets a hug and I get a sup?”
“Well, she's Alexandra Saint Mleux and you’re just….” you look him up and down. “Nevermind, what you trynna cook?”
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“I thought you said you were cooking.”
“I said I needed help with cooking.”
Your eyes narrow into slits, “You’re going to let me do the cooking, aren't you?”
“You know that pasta you made in September that you said was your mother’s recipe?”
A sigh escapes your lips as you roll the sleeves of your button-up to your elbows and power-walked your way to the kitchen, the sound of your YSL heels clicking against the floor bouncing against the walls of Max’s kitchen.
Lunch goes great. Charles and Alexandra love your cooking. Max has even asked for seconds. Good to know that he's eating well. Somewhere down the line, champagne is served even though it’s mid-afternoon and the four of you're sitting in Max’s balcony, staring at Monaco scape below. Thankfully, it is a cloudy day in Monaco. The heat of the sun isn't too harsh on the skin. Despite that, you hand Max a sun screen.
“Sorry about Kelly, by the way,” Alexandra says. Your conversation has drifted towards Max’s failed relationship now.
“That is very nice of you to say,” replies Max, smiling slightly. “But I’m okay.”
You give him a look, clearly unconvinced. Admitting vulnerability gives him hives so he's definitely lying.
“You look too okay for a guy who ended a three-year relationship,” Charles muses and his words get you immediately thinking.
Oh? So they’ve been dating that long? You never noticed.
“Even [Name] looked worse when she broke up with that Williams mechanic two years ago and they dated for like what? Barely a year?”
“Unprovoked!” you exclaim. Alex and Max laugh.
But yeah, Charles is right. When you broke up with Leo in 2021, it was not the prettiest sight. He entered Williams mid-2020 as a mechanic and he immediately caught your attention. He's kind and handsome and a very sweet guy. You have similar interests—engineering—and a similar sense of humor and you just….work so well together, you know? You were sure he was your soulmate the moment he cracked up that Physics pickup line and you know it was the same with him. You swore to God that you’d run away from all the British charming assholes but Leo made you eat your own words and gave you a run for your money.
But alas, 2021 season came and Red Bull Racing became busier than ever because Max and Hamilton got crazily competitive and Max demanded your full attention, needing you as a support system to win.
And Leo. Well, he’s busy, too. Engineers are always busy. But he felt neglected because all your attention was on Max. He felt like he was competing with Max for your attention and it shouldn't even be a competition in the first because Leo was the boyfriend and Max was not. And you cannot even deny that you prioritized Max that year. You wanted Max to win. You needed Max to win, so he can finally ask Horner to move you to the engineering team.
Losing Leo is devastating but Max won the WDC title that year and while you spent nearly a month crying over Leo after the breakup, you're hoping that at least, in 2022, you’ll finally get that damned engineering position at the cost of losing your soulmate. That the tears you shed and the broken heart you carried inside your ribs will be worth it if it was in exchange for your dream. Then, it does not happen. The job isn't given to you and you spent the early months of the 2023 season wishing that you have chosen Leo instead of Max Verstappen.
“You’re still friends with him, right?” Charles turns to you.
“Of course,” you say honestly. You're still mutuals on IG and he still hearts your IG stories at times. You still talk, too, on the freer nights where there's a lot of time to waste. “We ended on good terms.”
“How about you, Max?”
“Can we not talk about this please?”
The four of you empty that bottle of champagne and once the sun has begun retiring for the night, Alex and Charles also left. You're soon to follow, fixing your tote bag and going through the mental checklist in your head so you will not forget anything and not waste energy returning here to pick it up.
“You can stay for dinner.”
Max’s offer surprises you.
His face drops as quickly as your answer came.
“You're goin’ to let me cook again.”
“No, I’ll cook.”
You give him an unimpressed look. Clearly, you're not convinced.
“I swear, I’ll cook.”
“What if I get poisoned?”
“You won't get poisoned.”
When you continue staring at him, he sighs.
“Just stay please?”
Of course, you stayed. He asked after all.
You keep your eyes on him as he makes dinner with clumsy hands and a bit of unsureness behind his actions.
“You're goin’ to burn it, honey,” you point out.
“What honey? I didn't put any honey in it.”
You blink. He blinks back.
“You’re gonna give me aneurysm one day.”
Shaking your head, you walk into the bathroom at the end of the enormous hallway, lock the door behind you, lean your back against the door, and slowly slides down until your ass meets the cold bathroom floor. You slap a palm against your forehead and purse your lips to stop a scream from erupting.
God fucking dammit, Max is too adorable back there and this is not doing good things for your heart.
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trblsvt · 1 year
★ random scenarios with seventeen members
genre: fluff, slight angst | warnings: alcohol consumption, some self-doubt for one section, maybe language i can’t remember, and suggestive (?) innuendos ig | lowercase intended
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choi seungcheol
seungcheol gripped your hand under the table. it was an idle conversation with your parents. it was about time to go and he felt like he didn’t have anything left to talk about. “oh, well, like i said earlier, i just knew ___ was it for me,” he laughed nervously as both of you made your way to the front door.  “that’s so sweet, seungcheol!” your mom gushed. your dad had opted to just smile and nod through most of the night. “mom, please,” you pleaded softly. “cheol has a long day tomorrow, so we should probably get going.”
“ah yes! i’m sorry, i just really loved meeting you after all this time!” your mom smiled. “come visit us again, seungcheol. we can see how happy you’ve made ___. you’re the only thing ___ always talks about!” seungcheol grinned politely at that.
“mom,” there was that warning tone in your voice that you knew seungcheol would tease you about it later. 
“okay, okay, i’ll let you go, but i expect weekly calls now!” she relented. seungcheol and you exchanged your final goodbyes, and when you reached his car he was smiling ear to ear. “the only thing you talk about, huh?” he teased.
“shut it, cheol,” you grumbled. 
“come on, babe, you know you love me.”
“if you bring this up ever again, i might not.”
yoon jeonghan
so you’ve always known that jeonghan got cold easily. he would shiver at a passing breeze at the beginning of fall. even though his teeth would be chattering he would offer up his coat for you if you were cold too. but you would always have such warms hands that he couldn’t help himself from holding onto. 
one night, you were sitting on your couch half-heartedly watching the tv when you heard jeonghan unlocking your front door. “hi, honey,” you called out. “how was work?” “it was fine,” jeonghan said, rustling around in the cramped entrance of your apartment. he flung off his shoes and made his way over to you where you were on the couch. you looked warm all cuddled up in your blanket. he on the other hand looked frigid. “i’m cold,” he stated. you smiled at him, and his frozen body would’ve thawed at that. he practically pounced on you as he slid under the blanket with you. “here, give me your hands,” you whispered. he watched as you took them into yours and rubbed them together softly. the soft friction warming his hands and his heart. he smiled as he pulled his hands away and found purchase on the exposed skin at your waist as your arms came and wrapped around his neck. “thanks for always warming me up,” he said, kissing your forehead. 
“corny,” you sighed cuddling closer to him. 
hong joshua
you didn’t realize that painting your small studio apartment was going to be such a process, but you were doing it with josh, so of course it was going to be a process. a long and difficult process.
“get back here, hong!” you yelled. you were now covered in paint and only mildly annoyed. you heard his laugh on the opposite side of the room, which was small to begin with. when you finally made your way you didn’t waste any time splattering paint all over him. he yelped when he felt the cold paint splatter against his clothes and neck. “___! that’s cold!” he gasped grabbing you from behind as you tried to run away. 
“josh! let go of me! we need to finish painting today,” you whined.
“you started this, darling,” he whispered behind you as he pressed light kisses to your neck and shoulder.
wen junhui
sure, this was a bit pathetic. you were a grown up and you couldn’t even deal with a roach that had crawled out into the middle of your kitchen. now you were standing on the counter yelling for jun. “what? what’s wrong?” he burst into the main kitchen area. he looked at you standing on the counter and then glanced to where the roach was. “oh,” he laughed. “let me save you, sweetheart.”
he coolly got a cup and a makeshift lid. you watched as he carefully approached the roach and smoothly scooped it up so it sat in the cup. he held up it, “not so scary when you’re in there now, are you?”
“stop talking to the roach!” you yelled at him. he smiled as he moved to take the roach outside somewhere. but not before he fake tripped and fake threw the roach cup at you. “jun!” you screamed at him, but you were smiling. he nodded and brought it outside.
jun came back in swiftly with an empty cup, and he threw in the trash. “come here,” he smiled and helped you down from the counter. “a kiss for your knight in shining armor?”
“of course, my prince.”
kwon soonyoung
“did you get my email?” he asked through the phone.
“yes,” you replied.
“did you read it?”
“then that defeats the purpose of the email.”
“we’re not getting a dog.” 
“come on, i spent two hours on that power point!” 
you sighed. you knew he had been wanting a dog for the longest time, but it just wasn’t realistic. you worked, he worked. the poor animal would be left all alone. “soonyoung, we can’t get a dog right now! it’s just not realistic! we don’t even live together,” you tried to reason with your pouting boyfriend.
“then let’s move in together,” he said, you could practically hear the shrug in his voice. you froze. the light-hearted argumentative spirit that you were completely prepared to use evaporated. “i can’t believe you’re asking me this over the phone,” your voice less confident than you wanted it to be.
“that’s a weird way of saying yes, babe,” soonyoung chuckled. 
“i’m saying yes to moving in, not a dog,” you sighed lightly.
“how about a bird?”
“i’ll think about a dog.”
jeon wonwoo
“___, babe. i have a question,” wonwoo nudged you gently. you groggily turned over in the covers, his hands still resting on your waist. it was the middle of the night, and you couldn’t possibly fathom what wonwoo could be asking you at this hour. maybe he was concerned that your family didn’t like him, but you had already reassured him that was not the case. 
so here you were, in the guest room of your parents’ house waiting for wonwoo to ask the question he felt was so important he had to wake you up. “if this is the guest room, why are there glow-in-the-dark ceiling stars in here?” he finally asked. 
“i’m going back to sleep,” you said, cuddling deeper into the covers. he grabbed your shoulders lightly before you could turn away from him. “come on, ___, tell me,” he teased. 
“the bed in my room is too small, which is why we’re in the guest room right now. so when i had friends sleep over, we stayed in here. it was a bit boring in here, so i needed to add some stars. it makes it look my room,” you explained. 
“cute,” he sighed, kissing you softly. 
lee jihoon
you stared at the five empty coffee mugs sitting on jihoon’s desk. that couldn’t be healthy. “ever considered a different choice of beverage, babe?” you teased lightly. jihoon looked up from his notebook and at the miscellaneous cat mugs on his desk. “maybe a coke?” he suggested.
“a beverage that isn’t caffeinated perhaps?” you tried again. 
“are you suggesting i drink water?” he frowned. 
“lee jihoon...”
“fine, fine, yeah. i’ll get water in a second.” you were satisfied with that, so you walked over to him and planted a kiss on his forehead which he jokingly groaned at. 
lee seokmin
seokmin was hammered. gone. inebriated. “___! you are the most beautiful-ist amazing-ist person i’ve ever met,” he mumbled into your neck. 
“you stink, seokmin,” you whined.
“i took a shower!” he slurred.
“stink of alcohol. but maybe you need another shower, babe.” you tried to push him away so you could start undressing him to get a shower. your hands played with the hem of his shirt and began lifting it until he swatted your hands away. “woah! ask me on date first! already trying to see me naked,” he shrieked.
“seok, please i’m just trying to help you out of these clothes so you can get a shower. plus i’ve already seen you naked,” you sighed. he gasped, scandalized, “have i seen you naked?” you nodded. he gasped again. “okay fine,” he relented as he let you guide him to the bathroom. 
“pretty boy,” you mumbled as you helped him out of his clothes and into the shower. “i’ll be out here if you need anything, babe.” 
“okay, ___. you’re the best thing that’s happened to me! i love you!” he shouted, the warm water and steam already bringing him back to his senses. 
“love you too, seok!”
kim mingyu
“i can’t believe we’re arguing over the fact that i made dinner,” you grumbled. 
“babe, it’s not about that,” mingyu shot back. 
“then what’s it about?”
he paused. he looked around. then he looked you dead in the eyes. “because i’m never home,” he finally said. now you were even more confused. he must’ve noticed because he decided to clarify. “you work so hard every day. you come home to an empty house, and i feel like i need to make up for it,” he sighed. you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. he easily reciprocated. the two of you just stood there enjoying each others company, something you didn’t have a chance to do often. “thank you, gyu. for everything you do. just let me do things for you too,” you whispered, kissing his cheek. “i love you.”
“i love you too,” he sighed.
xu minghao
it was supposed to be a surprise, but a certain kwon soonyoung had a big mouth and spoiled your fun. “you really didn’t have to drive me all the way out here just so we could go to a bookstore,” minghao chuckled. 
“no, i did!” you exclaimed, mildly offended that he would even think that. “deal is, you can buy as many books as i can carry.”
“so what, like two?”
“really funny. don’t make me rescind my offer.”
there was something about watching minghao casually stroll around the book store. something lovely. but you noticed that he picked up a book you knew he already read. “hao, you checked that out from the library last month,” you mentioned.
“i know,” he laughed to himself. “it’s for you.” quietly he passed you the book he had just picked up, and you couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. 
boo seungkwan
“do you think i’m handsome?” seungkwan asked out of the blue. 
“yes,” you said without hesitation or glancing up from your computer.
“do you think i’m funny?”
“do you think i-”
“seungkwan, what’s this about?” you stopped him before he could continue. he shrugged, “just making sure.” you squint your eyes at him. that was a lie. his demeanor was weird and he wasn’t looking at you. “kwan, look at me,” you commanded softly. he didn’t. you lightly held his face in your hands. “kwan, listen to me. you are the sweetest, nicest, handsomest,” you paused while he giggled and blushed, “funniest person i’ve ever met, and i am so lucky to have you in my life.”
“thank you. i really needed to hear that,” he muttered kissing your hand that was still holding his face. “i love you.”
“i love you too, kwan.”
choi vernon
“do you want to get married?” he asked. that was bit direct. you were standing in the middle of the grocery store when he asked. was this the place that he would propose? you had always considered it, and given that you had been with vernon for almost three years, it was a valid one. “like - right now?” you asked for a clarification as you reached for some chips. 
it was almost as if he didn’t realize the question he had asked. “oh! no! yeah! i meant like, do you want to get married in the future, or do you want to get married some time,” he rushed to clarify. it was sort of cute how flustered he was. “i mean like it would totally be cool to get married right now, but i see how my question could be confusing. i would totally want to eventually marry you, but like not if you didn’t want me to, you know. or like not if you didn’t want to right now. i’m not forcing you to do anything. geez, that was a weird question, i don’t know why i-,” he just kept going.
“vernon, babe,” you stared at him. “i totally want to marry you eventually too, only if you want, you know?” he smiled at that.
lee chan
what a dork. “i didn’t- i didn’t think it was actually going to be sad! why didn’t you tell me it was going to be sad!” chan sniffled.
“yes i did!” you insisted.
“well you didn’t say it was going to be sad sad!”
“what does that even mean?” you laughed throwing your arms around your emotionally distressed boyfriend. it was his idea to watch the notebook in the first place. you did warn him that the ending wasn’t going to be flowery and rainbows, but he reassured you that he could take whatever this “dumb romance” movie could throw at him. “you’re such a baby,” you cooed at him. 
“i am not a baby,” he sniffed. he wrapped his arms around you, hiding his face in your neck. you could feel his wet tearstained cheeks on your neck and you chuckled lightly. “you’ll stay with me like that, right?” he suddenly asked. “if i ever forget, you’ll come and visit me all the time, right?”
“of course, chan,” you smiled and patted his hair. “i’ll stay with you.”
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min | well first seventeen post on my new seventeen blog ALKSJDASL i came from my main blog, so this was new. maybe follow maybe leave a comment IDK this is my first time writing in a while not proofread
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roosterforme · 7 months
Always Ever Only You Part 19 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Before Bradley leaves for the top secret mission, you manage to send him on a special mission of your own. You want a little taste of how Bradley might have operated in the past, and he's willing to indulge your role playing fantasy. He's prepared for the possibility that you might laugh in his face, but he's not prepared for the other roadblock.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, self doubt, fluff, smut, spanking, role playing, bad pickup lines
Length: 6600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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You were practically giddy from nerves on Thursday night as you sat curled up on Bradley's lap on the couch while you talked on the phone with your mom. Your husband was running his fingers up and down your bare thigh and underneath his shirt that you were wearing, and your head was resting on his shoulder. 
"When are you thinking about coming out?" you asked, switching the call to speakerphone so Bradley could hear everything. You looked up at him and smirked; he loved your parents and they loved him, but he hated when they stayed at your house. Last time they visited, he lied to your mom and told her he had hotel points that were going to expire before booking them a room at a five star hotel on his credit card. That way you and he could still have loud sex wherever and whenever you wanted to. 
You kissed his cheek as your mom said, "Maybe the beginning of July? Just for a few days?"
"Oh, we could go to a Padres game like dad wanted to last time," you said, already thinking about getting tickets.
Bradley cleared his throat and said, "I think I have more hotel points. I could book you a room at that nice hotel again."
You had to clap your hand over your mouth before you started to laugh, and he just grinned at you. 
"Oh, that hotel was lovely," you mom crooned. "But don't go out of your way, Bradley. Only if you have points that will expire."
"I always have points that are about to expire," he said quietly before you elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow!"
"That actually sounds great, mom. How about you get back to me with exact dates next week sometime? Bradley will be away on a short deployment, but he should be back by the start of July."
"Sure. Let me check with your dad, and we can let you know. Love you both."
"Love you," Bradley said the same time you did, and then you ended the call.
"You're the worst," you told him as you tossed your phone aside and straddled his lap. He looked so satisfied with himself, all you could do was shake your head. "Your ego is huge now, too. You're going to become a nightmare for me."
"My ego isn't huge, Sweetheart," he whispered. "Maybe other things are, but not that."
You rolled your eyes and kissed him softly. "Don't even try to deny that you've been strutting around since you got home from work and told me that Cyclone said you were 'one of the best pilots to ever come out of Top Gun'."
Bradley shrugged and bent his elbows, tucking his hands behind his head. "He said it, not me."
You scooted a little closer, nudging his cock intentionally with your thigh. You could feel him twitching for you, already getting a reaction. "That's why they picked you for the mission. You're the best, Roo."
"We should talk about tomorrow night." His voice was deep with that biting rasp that made your skin feel hot. "Go over the details since you won't let me see you after work."
You bit your lip and braced your hands on his shoulders. You bought a tiny dress and some new heels for tomorrow night, and you didn't want him to see you in them before he met you at the bar. You didn't want him to know anything about that until he saw you. "Well..." you started, scooting a little closer still. "You're going to meet me at One Trick Pony in North Park at 8:30. Don't forget to leave your wedding ring at home."
"I told you, I don't like taking it off unless I have to," he murmured, and you nearly moaned at his words. But he didn't touch you at all; he kept his hands behind his head. 
Your body was practically vibrating at the possibilities for tomorrow night. You would be getting the full experience of what Bradley was like before he met you. Part of you had been dying to know how he would have tried to pick you up if he only wanted to sleep with you. But mostly you were thrilled that nearly two years ago, he wanted a whole lot more than that when you met him. 
"Well, if you want to fully role play as strangers, you'll have to leave it behind. Just for a few hours. I'm taking both of mine off tonight before bed so I don't forget in the morning."
"You're not wearing them to work?" he asked, looking a little upset. 
"It's just for one day. And you can't come home after work. You'll have to get ready in the locker room so I can get ready here."
His cheeks were a little pink now as he examined your face. "I already told you, this is just going to be embarrassing. There's no way I could have pulled you if we met at a bar, Baby Girl. I'd have taken one look at you, and I don't think I would have even tried it. If you and I hadn't been assigned to work together when we met, I would have absolutely never stood a chance."
You kissed the tip of his nose and whispered, "You have literally no appreciation for just how hot you are, Bradley. And that doesn't even begin to delve into all of the other wonderful things you have to offer."
Finally he brought his hands to your hips, but instead of removing your shirt like you were hoping, he scooped you up and carried you to the bedroom. "We should get some sleep so I can be well rested when you're laughing in my face tomorrow night."
When you pulled him down on top of you in bed, you said, "Or, we could stay up and have sex."
"No," he said, shaking his head as he stood next to the bed with his semi hard cock poking his shorts. "Not tonight. I want you good and needy tomorrow. I'm hoping that'll make things easier for me."
You whined his name and said, "There's no way I'm not leaving One Trick Pony with you, Roo. That's a given."
"I know, but I guess I kind of want to feel like I earned it." He was blushing again as he walked into the bathroom. "Like I impressed you or something."
You groaned and rolled over so you were face down on your pillow. He really had no idea.
You had Bradley all tied up in knots. He hadn't even seen you at lunch or anything, and now he was showering after a long day in the air. His body was sore. He was exhausted. He was leaving on Monday for South Korea before heading somewhere classified. And he had less than two hours until he was supposed to meet you at some civilian bar you told him you went to one time with Cam and Maria. 
In theory, tonight should be fun. Role playing with you? He fucking loved it. Getting to take you home from the bar and sleep with you? He lived for it. You were his wife, of course he was excited about that part. But his bad lines and terrible moves of yesteryear were something he hadn't thought about since... well since he met you. The best part about being with you was that he never had to pull that shit out to try to impress you. He was just himself around you, and you seemed to like that from the start. Sure he was nervous the first few times he talked to you, but that was because he was already infatuated with everything about you. Not because he was looking to fuck you in the backseat of his Bronco and then forget about you the next day.
He took an extra long shower, and luckily everyone else had cleared out by the time he finished up. He made sure his mustache looked good, and he shaved the rest of his face. He fixed up his hair so it looked tidy, and then he dressed in his black slacks that were a little snug in all the places you liked. And then he slipped on his black shirt with the tropical white and gold floral print. As he did up the buttons, he wondered why you wouldn't let him get ready at home. Maybe you bought a new dress. Now he was getting excited. Maybe it was short. He quickly packed everything up in his locker and headed out to the Bronco. 
After he killed some time by stopping for food, he realized it was nearly 8:00. North Park was trendy, so he wanted to have time to find parking and get to One Trick Pony on time. He found a spot a few blocks away, on a quiet residential street, and he checked himself in the mirror one last time before locking the doors and making his way to the bar. 
There were students and artists and musicians out, and he felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb. He was used to the Hard Deck, not a trendy civilian bar with dim lights and music that was recorded post 1978. 
He was too old for this. He'd just zip in here, let you laugh at him, and then take you home to bed where he'd teach you a lesson and beg you never to make him do this again. The bar was already kind of crowded, and when he checked the time on his phone, it was 8:28. Showtime. He just needed to figure out where you were. 
He did a lap around the room as he ran his thumb along his bare ring finger with a grimace. There were some girls looking at him. They looked like they could have been in college, and he wasn't sure if they were going to laugh at him or try to buy him a drink. He just nodded in their direction when they waved to him. He missed his ring. He missed his own bar. And he missed his wife in his arms. 
Where were you? Bradley didn't even see you anywhere as he started his second lap. Then the color red caught his eye. He saw the back of someone sitting on the last stool at the bar through the crowd of people that looked like it could be you. That looked like your hair. That was definitely your hand, and when you turned to look up at the man who was standing next to you, Bradley could see your beautiful profile.
He took off in your direction with a grin threatening his lips as he tried to keep himself calm. When he got closer, he stumbled. You were spinning sideways in your seat, still looking at the man standing there, and his eyes were looking straight down your dress. If that sexy little thing even qualified as a dress. 
"Shit," Bradley gasped, because you were wearing a tiny bit of wine red fabric that clung to your body and left almost nothing to the imagination. And you had on black heels that laced up your calves and tied in cute little bows that he wanted to run his lips all over. When your eyes skimmed the crowd in his direction, they paused on Bradley for the briefest beat, but you gave no indication that he was familiar to you, let alone that he was your fucking husband. 
No, you were every bit of the smoking hot stranger you wanted to be tonight, and Bradley's cock was already throbbing at the sight of your straw pressed to your bright red lips as you drank. And then it all clicked into place for him. That other guy bought you a drink. But of course he did. You and Bradley agreed not to break character, and Bradley was stupid enough to not even realize through his own nerves what that meant: that you'd appear one hundred percent single. It meant you'd have other guys all over you!
You were out of his league when he met you, and you definitely still were now. And this fucking wall street douche bag wannabe in a gray suit bought you what looked like a dirty Shirley Temple which kind of matched your dress. Bradley had no doubt in his mind what the douche bag was thinking. He had to be imagining your tits and how perfect they'd look with your dress on his floor later. But he was never going to have that distinct pleasure. Bradley would make sure of it. 
Be took a deep breath and closed the distance to your stool. You knew he was here now, so there was no sense in delaying this any further. He wanted your undivided attention, and he wanted it now. 
"What did you say your name was again, sexy?" gray suit asked you as he inched closer. 
You told him your first name, and Bradley's skin crawled. 
"Fuck, that's so pretty," he replied. And then he had the nerve to repeat your name a few times as Bradley came to stop right near you before the douche bag added, "I just want to make sure I get your name right for later, doll. You know, for when you come home with me." Bradley gave him a bland look as jealousy rose to the surface. Yeah, that wasn't about to happen. 
You didn't look too impressed by this guy as you sipped your drink and glanced at Bradley out of the corner of your eye. And holy shit, you were even more exquisite up close. Every curve of your breasts and thighs was just right there for him and everyone else to see. Your makeup made your eyes look even more animated than usual, and your red lips were dying to be kissed by him. It had been almost two years since Bradley had done this shit, but he supposed he could do it one last time.
"Hi," Bradley rasped, and you turned to look at him with a soft smirk. The asshole in the gray suit just glared in his direction and sized him up with his tumbler in hand. But if there was one thing Bradley wasn't afraid of, it was a skinny blond guy in a designer suit with bad taste in whiskey. So he kept his eyes on you as he said, "You're gorgeous."
Your smirk grew into just the tiniest smile as you said, "Well, hello there. Are you going to tell me your name?" you asked. "Ethan here already told me his before he bought me a drink." You gestured to the other guy, to Ethan, and then uncrossed and recrossed your legs. On any other evening, Bradley's hands would be all over your body. He'd already be suggesting the two of you head home for the night. 
"My name's Bradley. And I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman in this bar right now."
Your laugh was so genuine and surprised, Bradley cracked a smile too. He held out his right hand, and you shook it as you told him your name. He added on your last name hyphenated with Bradshaw in his mind, reminding himself that you were already his. Then he nodded toward the exit with one eyebrow raised. 
"Nice try, Bradley. But I'm not going anywhere with you," was your response as your hand slipped out of his with a grin. Then that straw returned to your lips as you finished your drink, your eyes skimming over Bradley's outfit like you'd never seen it before. In reality his clothes were all hanging up next to yours in the bedroom closet in the home that you shared. 
"Can I get you another one?" Bradley asked, letting his eyes settle on your empty glass. 
Ethan stepped a little closer to him and said, "Hey, man. I was buying her drinks first. Why don't you go find someone else?"
Bradley snorted and squared his shoulders. "That's not gonna happen, man. This one's the only one I want."
Your smile grew as you set your empty glass down for the bartender to take. "Can I get you another one?" she asked you, and both Bradley and Ethan said yes immediately. 
You looked a little overwhelmed as you adjusted your dress, and Ethan had the audacity to moan. Bradley's hands clenched into fists as the other man leaned in and brushed his fingers along your neck. Another man was touching Bradley's wife, and there was nothing he could do about it unless you broke character. He felt short of breath as he thought about all the ways he'd love to pound Ethan into the ground. Nobody else should have intimate knowledge of your soft skin right now.
Then the douche bag spoke, and Bradley's stance faltered at the obnoxious line he used. "Doll, if you look this good in your little red dress, I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle you out of it later. But I can't wait to give it a try," he crooned in what Bradley was sure he thought was a charming voice. 
"I can guarantee you can't handle her, Ethan," Bradley rasped as he watched you remove his hand from your body yet again. There were some nights you were so needy, Bradley could barely handle you himself, but he'd die before he saw someone else give it a shot. "And you're never gonna find out for sure." 
Bradley never fought over a girl in his life. In the past, he'd just find a different one and head in that direction instead. But right now, he was going to have to guarantee that he was better than Ethan. So he reached over and handed his credit card to the bartender when she dropped off two more drinks for you. "Here you go, gorgeous," he murmured just for you. "Make me jealous of that straw again."
Once again, Bradley got a genuine laugh out of you as he stood to his full height. You looked up at him with your straw resting on your lip and said, "Thank you, Bradley," before taking a sip. His cock twitched in his pants as Ethan stood there impatiently, jockeying for position with you. 
And then you stood up from your bar stool, still sipping your drink. Your heels were so high, your height hit a different spot on Bradley than he wasn't used to. And now you were kind of sandwiched between him and Ethan in the crowded space. When you looked up to your right through your long eyelashes, Bradley was there. But Ethan was on your left, and it appeared as though he was thinking about touching you again. 
Bradley glared at him as you paused sipping your drink and asked, "Are you really jealous of my straw, Bradley?" 
You wanted to hear more of his lines as you looked up at him, he could tell. He knew they were corny, but when he hesitated too long, he could feel your attention drifting to Ethan. So he told you, "I'm jealous of the straw and the glass and the whole damn drink, Sweetheart."
Your soft laughter made Ethan grab for the other fresh cocktail on the bar top in frustration. "Here's another one. The one I paid for," he reminded you. 
"Nah," Bradley said, never taking his eyes off you. "She seems like a one drink kind of girl." Your straw was marked up from your lipstick, and he took a deep breath before feeding you another line. "And that's a nice shade of lipstick you're wearing. I wonder what it would look like on me."
But the thing was, it didn't feel like a line when he said it to you. Yeah, it was ridiculous, but he really did want your lipstick all over him. And he really was jealous of your straw, because on a normal night, he'd have had his lips on yours by now. 
"You'd like to find out, wouldn't you?" you asked, clearly enjoying teasing him right now. "I think red might be your color."
"It's my favorite color," Bradley said softly. "Your lips and your little dress are just confirming that fact for me, Sweetheart."
You giggled and ducked your chin to the side. "I have a red car, too."
Bradley wanted to ask if you were wearing those red panties he was obsessed with, but he could tell that Ethan wasn't going to be deterred. "Did I mention that I'm an investment banker? And that I'd love to take you for a ride in my Ferrari?" Ethan asked, trying his best to nudge Bradley out of the way.
Bradley wanted to laugh; this poor guy had no idea that you drove an absolute relic and couldn't give a shit about his overpriced import. "Investment banking?" you asked him. "I have a degree in engineering. You must be very good at math."
Ethan shrugged with a smirk, because he finally had your attention now, and Bradley was the one getting antsy. Your body was still close to his, but he couldn't touch you yet. He hadn't earned that right yet. Ethan's hand was on your elbow as he told you, "There are very few things I'm not good at." Then he leaned in close to whisper something in your ear, but your eyes were on Bradley, daring him to win you in this match.
Ethan's breath was on your neck, and you were frozen in place, your dirty Shirley Temple gripped in your hand. Maybe this tiny dress was a bad idea after all. But Bradley had been doing so well, getting you laughing unexpectedly with his stupid lines. You knew he'd keep you safe right now, and if you lunged at him and told him you were done with this whole game and wanted to go home, he'd get you out of here immediately. But you wanted to finish this. You just hadn't planned on someone like Ethan being part of the scenario. 
Bradley's fists were clenched as he stood just inches from you and watched things unfold. The shade of pink rising high on his cheeks left you biting your lip as you firmly pushed Ethan a few inches away from you. He didn't have a mustache or pretty brown curls or eyes that you wanted to look at all night. He wasn't yours. You decided to help Bradley out as you asked him, "So, what do you do?"
Ethan looked annoyed as Bradley perked up again. "I'm a pilot," he said, his voice deep and dangerous. "For the Navy." Even if you didn't know that voice by heart, you'd be ready to throw your arms around his neck and beg him to keep talking. Your nipples were hard in your tight dress, and you could feel Ethan's gaze on your body. But Bradley was looking you right in the eye as he smiled softly.
Ethan scoffed. "The Navy? Don't you have your own bars full of tag chasers to hang out at?"
Bradley swallowed hard, the scars on his neck bobbing with his Adam's apple. "The chance of finding a woman like this in a Navy hangout would have to be one in a million. That's why I came here tonight. Because there's no chance of that ever happening again."
You practically moaned for your husband, standing there feeding you subtle lines about the early part of your relationship with him. You wanted him to touch you, but he wasn't yet. And you wanted to touch him, but you were waiting for him to take things to the next level when he was ready for it. You sipped your fresh drink, your head feeling a little lighter as you squeezed your thighs together in need. 
"One in a million?" you asked Bradley, your new straw already covered in your lipstick marks.
He nodded and ran the backs of his fingers along your cheek, and you wanted so badly to melt into him. "Yeah... you're one in a million."
"Listen, doll," Ethan interjected loudly. "Maybe you don't know what a tag chaser is, but there's no way this guy doesn't have them all over him on the regular. He looks the type."
Bradley's cheeks were red now as he looked down at the floor. Somehow Ethan managed to touch on one of the topics your husband was most sensitive about without even knowing it. "I wouldn't be surprised," you told Ethan. "He's built like a brick shithouse, and he's got a mustache." You ran one hand up Bradley's forearm and bicep to his paper plane tattoo. Then he met your eyes, and you added, "And his lines aren't crude."
It was obvious how Bradley was able to pick up women with such ease. He wasn't handsy or gross or over the top. If this was his tactic years ago, it probably worked every single time. You wanted to kiss him in the worst way right now. 
"I mean, I'd at least let you spend the weekend after I fuck you," Ethan said, returning to his drink in defeat as you held your straw out to Bradley. "Not so sure about him."
You rolled your eyes as that deep blush returned to Bradley's cheeks, but when you asked, "You wanna try my drink?" your husband nodded and bent a few inches. And then there was a smudge of your lipstick on his bottom lip that was making you giddy.
"Thought you were hot and smart," Ethan mumbled. "Tag chaser. Just a dumb bitch."
Then Bradley's hand was on your back, pulling you a little closer to him as he snapped. "She's way fucking smarter than you, asshole." You watched your husband take several deep breaths, and you were a little nervous he might go after Ethan. But then he turned to you with soft eyes. "You have a master's degree, Sweetheart? You seem like you probably do."
You nodded and bit your lip as you tried not to laugh at the question he already knew the answer to. "I do, actually."
"See? She's smart. Fuck off, Ethan," Bradley grunted, his eyes on your face as the other man finally wandered away. "Do you want another drink?" he asked, his hand still at a respectful spot on your back. You were about to give him a filthy kiss, and then you caught yourself. You were still role playing. This wasn't over just because Ethan walked off leaving you alone with your husband. 
You felt excited goosebumps on your arms. "No. I think I've had enough," you replied, easing yourself back onto the bar stool and crossing your legs so that you were seated sideways. 
Bradley leaned in close to your face with one hand braced on the bar top and one resting on your knee. "Then how am I supposed to show you my big move?" he asked, stroking your skin with his rough thumb. 
You bumped your nose with his as you asked, "What's your big move, Bradley?"
He was all smiles now as he said, "I always have good luck when I bump a pretty girl's bar stool and accidentally spill her drink all over her legs." 
You were laughing softly at his description of what happened to you at the Hard Deck that very first night. "I don't think that's even necessary now," you whispered. "You have my full attention."
"Well that's only fair since you've had my full attention since I arrived."
You felt wild, like your skin was electric. Every stroke of his familiar hand further up along your leg felt brand new in a way that you couldn't explain. This was your Roo right now, touching you so intentionally, but it also wasn't. You needed to find out what all of this would feel like. 
You brushed your lips against his, and your whole body clenched for him. He chased you for another kiss as soon as you started to pull away. And you let his hand slide up inside your short dress as he brought his other one up to stroke your cheek. 
"You're exquisite," he whispered between kisses, watching his own fingers trace your cheek as you melted inside. "One of a kind."
"Bradley," you whimpered, afraid you and he were both about to break character. "Do you use that one on all the girls?"
He ran his thumb down along your lips as he shook his head. "That's not a line. It's just the truth." 
You giggled and kissed his thumb before his hand trailed down to your neck. He didn't stop. He was stroking the tops of your breasts as you gasped, but his eyes remained on yours. He looked cocky and so sure of himself now. As he should, because he already knew exactly what you liked and how to make you lose your cool. "Bradley," you moaned. 
"God, I love the way that sounds," he murmured, and you wrapped your calf round his thigh. "You make my name sound so good."
You kissed him before running your lips along his mustache. "I bet you could keep me saying it." Your fingers were in his hair, and you were already wet for him. You knew you'd never react to a random guy at the bar like this, and something told you Bradley wasn't out there a few years ago telling women they were exquisite. But it didn't matter. None of it mattered as you made out with your husband at the bar and pretended you had just met him. 
He broke the kiss and let his forehead rest on yours. You were on the edge of the bar stool and precariously close to letting him find out you weren't wearing underwear as you moaned his name loud enough that you were afraid someone else might hear you over the music that was playing. 
"I know for a fact I can come up with at least a dozen ways to make you scream my name, and that's if I'm only using my mouth, Baby Girl." 
You gasped and rubbed your knee along his hard cock. "Baby Girl, huh? Is that what you call all the girls you hit on at the bar?" 
"Absolutely not," he growled, pressing himself against you for more pressure. "Only the one I want to call me Daddy."
Fuck. Okay. You were ready to go. When you looked at him, your new shade of lipstick was smudged across his mouth, and it really did look great. You knew for a fact it would look great on his cock, too. 
"I want you right now, Daddy," you whispered. 
"I'm all yours," he replied immediately, carefully taking your calf in his hand before letting his fingers slide up your leg as he helped you down from the stool. As you stood and recovered from your daze, you watched him collect his credit card from the bar and quickly sign the slip for the bartender. But his other hand remained on you the entire time. "You coming home with me? I promise to take exceptional care of you."
The way your pussy clenched as you moaned was absolutely ridiculous. 
"I'll take that as a yes," he murmured, bending to press his lips to your shoulder before he took your hand in his and led you toward the exit. You caught sight of Ethan as you passed him, and Bradley's hand dipped down to your butt. "You gonna say goodbye?" he asked with a smirk.
You waved and called out, "Bye, Ethan! I'm going home with Daddy here. He promised to take exceptional care of me." The other man looked annoyed as he turned away from you, still sipping his whiskey. "Let's go, Daddy," you told your husband, cupping his cock through his pants as you stepped out onto the sidewalk, leaving One Trick Pony behind. 
"This way," he grunted, turning left and lacing his fingers with yours.
"Bradley," you gasped, trying your best to keep up with his long strides in your outrageously high heels. "Daddy, wait!"
"No," he grunted, simply picking you up in his arms and continuing down the sidewalk. You were giggling and wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed his ear. His right arm was around your back, and your knees were bent over his left arm. He was rushing down the sidewalk like it was nothing. 
"I'm not wearing underwear," you whispered, keeping your legs smashed firmly together and praying nobody could see anything. But it was dark, and soon Bradley was turning down one of the quieter streets. 
"I know," he replied in that raspy voice. "That fucking dress looks like it was painted on you. Do you have any idea how little work I'll have to do on my backseat to get my cock inside your pussy and my mouth on your bare tits?"
"Bradley!" you nearly shouted, your mouth agape. "Do you say that to all the girls?"
He set you down next to the Bronco and wedged his thigh between your legs. You were absolutely panting as he unlocked the doors and said, "What do you think, Baby Girl? Nobody else looks like you or sounds like you or tastes like you. You're top tier."
"Oh my god," you whined as you rubbed yourself on his thigh. "I need you to fuck me immediately." Thank goodness it was so dark over here as he cupped your butt in both hands. Then Bradley hiked your dress up to your hips and opened the back door for you. 
"Get in the fucking Bronco."
The fly of his pants was open, his cock was rock hard and hanging out, and you were slipping down around him with that perfect pussy. Bradley had the bottom of your dress hiked up and the top of it pulled down, and you were riding him on the backseat. 
He had one big hand around the back of your neck, and the other was squeezing your tits as you whined, "Daddy."
Fuck, you had him so turned on, you and he were going at in on a residential street in the city at 10:00 pm on a Friday. He was always this feral for you, but you just had to go and add another layer to things. You just had to make him earn this privilege tonight. Because that's just how fucking hot you made him when he had to work for it. 
As you bounced up and down on his cock and whined for him, he realized that tonight had in many ways been a great example of how he used to be with women. But it was also nothing like he'd ever encountered. Sure, he'd used some of those lines and his hand on a knee with other women before, but most of what he did and said was uniquely his reaction to you. 
"Top fucking tier," he growled, leaning down to suck on your nipple as you rolled your hips against his. 
"This is so hot," you gasped, head back and tits practically shoved in his face. He was trying his best to ensure that nobody was nearby who could potentially see what you were doing, but it didn't even matter. You and he wouldn't have made it home in this condition. Not tonight. 
"Daddy," you whined a little louder now. You were bouncing on his cock hard and fast. Dirty. Raunchy. Like this was a one off. Like you and he were about to hit it and forget it. He shouldn't be this hard right now. He shouldn't be wrapping one hand around your neck and smacking your ass with the other. But he needed to hear you whimpering for him. "Oh my god!" you nearly shrieked.
Your eyes were wide as you tugged on his hair, and that dirty roll of your hips grew more languid as you made all those noises he loved as you came around his cock. "Jesus, Baby Girl," he gasped, pressing his lips to your tits and holding you tight as your orgasm left you a mess on his lap. 
"Roo," you moaned, your hips rocking slower and slower, and that was it. One word and he was coming, too. Now you were all smiles and soft giggles, kissing his entire face as he squeezed your hips and fucked up into you until he was spent and you were filled with his cum. 
If you broke character by calling him Roo, then he could too. He squeezed your leg and dug around in his pants pocket, his hips still rolling up against yours. You just felt too good as you kissed him. He took all three rings out of his pocket and broke the kiss. "Hey," he whispered. "Put these back on."
Bradley opened his palm and you looked at the collection of rings. You took both of yours with a smile and slid them on your finger while he did the same. "Did you take them to work with you today, Roo?" you asked him softly.
"Yeah," he grunted, still toying gently with your tits as you let your head rest on his shoulder. "Hated that you took them off last night."
You sighed. "You're so romantic. Tonight was so romantic."
He chuckled and shook his head, his cock still buried inside you. "You thought tonight was romantic? I had to outmaneuver that douche bag Ethan to get you. I had to work very hard for this."
"You did great, Daddy. But I must say, I'm not sure those lines really worked on other girls. You're just really, really hot."
"Hmm," he hummed against your forehead before kissing you. "Then it's a good thing you were already in love with me tonight. And it's a good thing I made you spill your beer on yourself that first time we hung out at the bar." He let his fingers trail down your legs to play with your high heels.
You pushed yourself off his shoulder and sat up as you murmured, "Like I said you're very romantic." Bradley watched you slide the tiny straps of your dress back up your arms as he gave both of your nipples one more kiss, eliciting more giggles from you. "Did you like my dress, Daddy?"
He grunted and lightly slapped your bare ass so you were biting your lip as you shimmied your dress up over your breasts. "Baby Girl, you look like Daddy's little slut in this thing. And that is not a complaint. It's a compliment. Yes, Daddy likes this dress. A lot."
Bradley should have been alarmed by the look in your eye and the way you were gently rolling your hips again, making him stir. "Please?" you asked softly. "Again? As Daddy's little slut this time?"
He stilled your hips with his hands and shook his head as you pouted. Jesus, he couldn't believe you were up for more role playing right now. "Hey. If you're gonna dress like a slut, then I'll fuck you like a slut. But I'm doing that at home in our bed. Because we're married. And I love you. And I need the drive home to recover." 
Then a bright smile spread across your face, and you reached for the box of tissues on the floor. "Don't get cum on the upholstery," you whispered, and then Bradley was treated to the sight of your bare ass and pussy as you climbed into the front seat and pulled your dress down over your rear end. You turned around and looked at him expectantly as he cleaned his cum off of his cock. "Hurry up and buckle me in so we can get home. I need my Daddy."
Bradley smiled. "On my way, Sweetheart."
We are full steam ahead with these two role players. I hope you enjoyed this, because I was so happy to finally get to write it. Special mission and Bradley's birthday gift coming soon. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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marvelsmylife · 24 days
Second Choice part 3
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Plot: After confirming your pregnancy you come face to face with your mate to break the news.
A/n I apologize in advance. Things are going to get sticky in the next part. Expect a lot of jealousy and feeling insecure.
Second Choice Masterlist
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Two weeks have passed since you visited the spring court, and since you got confirmation that you were indeed pregnant. You were in denial at first, but as soon as Madja took your hands into hers and repeated that you were pregnant, you started to cry.
“If you are worried about giving birth, you do not need to worry anymore,” Madja tried to reassure you that you were going to be ok. That Nesta actually changed your anatomy along with hers and Feyre's after Feyre’s first pregnancy so you would have a safe birth.
“It’s not that,” you replied, “I’m so furious with Azriel right now. The last thing I want right now is to have his baby, but I also can’t bring myself to terminate this pregnancy.”
Madja gave you a sympathetic smile before standing up and hugging you, “It's going to be ok, and don’t worry, I won’t say a word to your mate, but I do suggest you talk to someone about this. If you do not wish to keep the child, maybe you could give it up for adoption. I know a few couples who would love a child.”
You pondered Madja’s offer for several days before realizing you couldn’t give up your child. Yes, it bothered you that Azriel was the father, but at the same time, you couldn’t give the baby up because you’ll always have the guilt of giving them up. Because of that, you decided to move back to your old home in Day Court for the duration of your pregnancy.
After discussing the situation with Rhysand and Feyre, they agreed to let you move for the duration. “You know you have to tell him before you leave tomorrow,” Rhysand reminded you again that you still have to tell Azriel you were pregnant with his child and that you were moving, “You might still be mad at him, but he’s your mate and the father of your child.”
“I know,” you replied, “I just know he’s going to lose it when he finds out and do everything in his power to stop the move,” and you were right.
You called Azriel to the cabin the following day after all of your belongings were taken to the day court. You didn’t know how to break the news to Azriel, so you just blurted it out. Azriel felt his throat become dry at your words, “You’re pregnant?”
“Yes,” you replied while rubbing your tiny baby bump.
Azriel rushed to you and dropped to his knees, “I’m going to be a dad. We’re going to be a family.” Azriel placed a kiss on your stomach and tried to wrap his arms around your body, but you had to back away before he had the chance.
“Just because we’re having a baby together doesn’t mean I’m moving back. In fact, I’ve decided to go home to the day court for the duration of my pregnancy. I need to be with family and-“
“You can’t go. As your mate, I’m prohibiting you from going,” Azriel responded, “I’m the child's father, and I want to be by your side the entire time.”
At that moment, Rhysand decided to step in and intervene before things got worse, “Actually, she has every right to do this. I’ve already talked with Helion, and he’s offered her a room for her at his palace. He said that because you are the father, you are welcome to visit, but he will ban you if you cross any boundaries or make y/n uncomfortable.”
Azriel felt like his world was crumbling around him as he realized you were leaving him. “Please don’t do this y/n. Please don’t leave me,” Azriel begged.
“I’m sorry, but I have to do this. Don’t make it harder than it already is,” you responded firmly.
Your words cut Azriel deep, “Let me kiss you one last time. Please,” Azriel begged again.
You looked over at Rhysand, who gave you a knowing look. “Ok,” you whispered before you felt Azriel’s lips against yours. There was nothing but passion in the kiss you shared, and made you almost change your mind about your decision to move. Almost.
“Goodbye Azriel,” you kissed Azriel’s hands before you walked away with Rhysand.
The second you arrived at the day court, Helion embraced you, “It’s so good to have you back home y/n. We’ve missed you here.”
“I missed you guys too,” you smiled at Helion before you looked over at Rhysand who was picking a piece of lint from his jacket, “Are you going to stay awhile or-"
“No,” Rhysand replied, “I have to head back, but please enjoy yourself while you're here. But do let us know if you need anything.”
You were about to thank him for everything he had done for you when Helion interrupted, “Come now. I will have my staff set up a nursery for your child. In the meantime, I’ll show you to your room,” Helion kissed your forehead before putting his arm around you and taking you to your new room.
Rhysand didn’t miss how possessively Helion was holding onto you and wondered if you staying at the day court was a mistake.
@lilah-asteria @lees-chaotic-brain @sleepylunarwolf @iluvyewman-blog
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
i’ve been very quiet so srry - my week started with my annual performance review (which went well) and ended with an emergency surgery (also went well) so…a lot going on to say the least
this is a deleted scene from the first chapter of plant a seed
When Robin called, Steve and Eddie were in the phase of newborn parenthood where they froze every single time the phone rang (because said newborn was napping more often than not and when she was, there was a 50% chance minimum the phone would wake her up).
So when Robin called and the ringing of the phone broke the otherwise peaceful silence, Steve froze and he waited. When the baby didn't wake up, Steve exhaled a sigh of relief and answered the call.
"This is Steve."
"Hey Steve-o!"
Steve immediately recognized the voice as Robin's – of course he did, even if he hadn't heard it since she and Nancy left for a work trip in Japan a little over a month ago.
“Oh shit,” Steve said, because this means that Robin and Nancy are finally home, finally back in their Boston apartment fifteen minutes away from his and Eddie's in Cambridge instead of the opposite side of the entire world, “You’re home!”
“Yep,” Robin replied, popping the P, “That plane was a million degrees, I’m pretty sure. No more August flights if I have any say in it. Anyways – wanted to let you know we made it back unscathed. What’s new with you guys?”
“Uh…” Steve began, not totally sure where to start, because Robin didn't know about the baby he and Eddie had been placed with two weeks ago and she certainly didn't know that they're going to adopt her (because they'd landed on that decision that very day – about two hours ago, to be specific), “Well–”
“Hey, do you still have those placements?" Robin interrupted, "The kids who like to read the Goosebumps books?”
“Oh,” Steve blinked, “No. They went back with their mom a couple days after you left.”
“Damn. Been a while. Forgot this trip was longer than usual – wait, so are you between placements now, then? Hey, we should finally make that trip to P-Town!”
"Might need a raincheck on that," Steve said with a laugh, because at the moment a trip to the goddamn grocery store required at least a day's worth of planning, "We've got another placement right now – a newborn. We've had her for, uh, for just under two weeks, pretty sure."
“Shit, a newborn?" Robin repeated.
Steve faintly heard Nancy's voice, though he couldn't make out exactly what she was saying. He listened as Robin recounted to her what he'd just said, then started to laugh.
"Nancy just said that if she misses out on a chance to hold a new baby, she'll kill you," Robin told him, "Any idea when she might move on?”
Steve paused for a second. He and Eddie had decided earlier that they wouldn’t be telling anyone about the baby until the adoption was finalized, but…it’s Robin. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever kept a secret from Robin before, certainly not something this big and certainly not for very long.
He has to tell her.
“We’re, uh, we’re actually adopting her.”
Robin was silent.
Then –
“Holy shit – Steve.”
And then –
“I’m coming over right now. Immediately. Wait–” Robin stopped, “Damn, I can’t be a dick and come over unannounced anymore, can I? Because you guys have a baby. A baby. And she’s gonna be yours? What the fuck? Wait, let me start over.”
Robin paused long enough to take a deep breath.
“Steve Harrington – my best friend who’s finally fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a dad – when will you allow us to come and be formally introduced to our niece?”
Truth be told, Steve wouldn’t say no to a visit from Robin and Nancy that day (especially after the our niece comment), but their case worker had just started faxing over all the paperwork to get the ball rolling on the adoption process and Steve has a feeling that he might catch Eddie trying to fill that shit out as it came out of the machine so tonight they might be a little occupied.
"Tomorrow?" he suggested.
"Morning?" Robin added.
Steve laughed, "Sure. Tomorrow morning."
"Bright and early, dad. Holy fuck, I can't believe you're a dad."
"You can't?"
"No, I totally can."
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lucerothings1 · 1 year
Dad’s best friend
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Chris wood x male reader smut
Warnings: gay sex, top Chris, bottom reader, oral, ass play, cowboy position, sir kink slightly used
Summary: your dad’s old best friend is back in town to visit and one thing leads to an other.
“M/n” your dad whispered into your room as you where awake “what what’s up” you responded half asleep. “Um on of my friends is over I would like you to meet so when your up and get ready please come down okay” “yeah I’ll go down in a bit” you growled back with your face buried in your pillows.
As you got up from your bed you decided to take a shower and get dressed. “Yeah shit yeah I remember” you heard your dad say as you got down stairs to see they where having a couple of beers.
Um Chris Id like you to meet my son M/n” your dad introduced you “ nice to meet you M/n I’m Chris” “Nice to meet you to Chris and I’m how do you know my dad” “Oh we go way back I went to college with him and I was here in town so I thought might as well go say hey” Chris responded.
“Well your always welcome here man” your dad said “Thanks man” Chris said patting your dads shoulder.
* Timeskip
It was now getting late and your dad had been outside in the back yard with Chris since they made food outside and they had continued to drink since you went back up to your room.
“Hey um where’s the bathroom” Chris had poked his head into the room looking at you. “What um yeah end of hallway to the left” you said “okay thanks” “ mm hum” you hummed in response.
“Hey um thank you again for the directions” Chris said walking into your room with his hands in his pockets. “No need to thank me but why wouldn’t you ask my dad” “Well um hey is a bit of a lightweight when it comes to his drinking I bought him inside and laid him on the sofa” “Oh my god thank you so much and yeah I understand he sometimes can’t control his liquor” you said sighing.
No it’s fine plus I should of known I went to college with him after all but thank him for me please I’m gonna head out before it gets more late” “no please stay the night my dad would kill me if I let you go and plus you did drink a bit and it’s not a good idea to be on the road” you told to Chris.
“Um really thank you but it’s not really necessary” “oh please quit it and please I need to k ow more about my dad in college he hardly speaks of it” you said patting a spot on your bed for Chris to take a seat.
After awhile of discussing of your father and Chris friendship in college you also happened to tell Chris himself was a little tipsy. “So what about you M/n the son of Alexander College royalty” Chris joked around after telling you about how your bad had been so popular back in the day.
“Well not much going on in my life I’m single and I’m 19 I have a 8 to 5 job I have weekends off and I don’t really do much so there isn’t really much to talk about” “ What, what do you mean your single you look hot and no girlfriend” “Um yeah no girlfriend and plus I don’t go towards girls mostly guys” you responded to Chris.
“Oh I’m sorry I shouldn’t have jumped to thinking” “ it’s fine your good” you said reassuring Chris to not feel bad. “So you um like guys then” “ yeah I’m gay” “yeah I mean I would see why I remember back from the college days.”
“Wait your gay to or” “No I’m just me plus it was in college where everyone normally experiments with guys and girls but it’s been along time since I tapped a nice tight ass” “give me a minute “ you said getting up from your bed and going down stairs to find your dad on the living room sofa snoring and asleep “dad dad hellooo” you whispered loudly as for your dad gave you no response.
“What happened” Chris said fro your bed “my dads past out on the sofa there’s no way his gonna get up tonight not until tomorrow evening” you said taking off your shoes and belt buckle and shirt.
“Um what are you doing Chris said with a confused look on his face. “Well you miss the tight asses right” you told Chris “yeah but what dos—wait nooo no no no noo” he said with the realization finally hitting him.
“I can’t sleep with my best friends son that’s like a big no no” “well I say it’s a big yes yes plus I have a tight ass I’m gay your you and your hard I can see your bulge” you said staring in between his legs as he looked to being caught.
“Well yes your hot and I’d like to fuck your ass but your dads down stairs” he said as you walked up to him unbuckling his belt and pushing him on to the bed. “Well then do it Chris” you said as you went on top of him.
“Fuck it” he said smirking with joy as he took off his shirt and sat up on your bed as he pulled you onto his lap “Exactly what I want you to do” you said smiling. As he pulled you to him locking your lips together in a heated kiss.
As you gave him entrance into your mouth as he explored your mouth with his tongue as you felt his arms move from your waist to your ass as he started to feel your clothed ass as he reached into your pants as you felt his fingertips tough your hole as he pulled off your pants and underwear all at once.
“Oh fuck baby you gotta hot ass he said as you began to fully take off your pants and his as well now in front of each other as you saw his clothed bulge now only being covers by his underwear as you started to kiss down his chest and leaving marks as he moaned happily cause of your touch.
As you got closer now to his erection you now removing his underwear and beginning to kiss down his waist and next to his cock teasing him as you began by first kissing his red fiery tip.
“Mm you do now how to tease someone don’t you” Chris said to you as he closed his eyes awaiting for your mouth as he could feel your lips and breath sending chills down his spine. As you began to put in the tip into your mouth as you swallowed him whole taking all of his 11 inches all the way down to his base where you could feel his pubs rubbing against your nose as you could smelling his mustiness.
“Uhh-Oh you are definitely a natural to suck cock nobody normal can deep throat me” he said breathlessly as he belt you hum in acknowledgment on his cock sending more vibrations to him making him more desperate as he got a ahold of your face as he started to plunge you on to his throbbing cock.
“Oh fuck yeah take this cock M/n” he moaned out as he continued to fuck your throat. “Oh fuck yeah ima cum oh fuuuuck yeah come on swallow it” he said as he pushed you down completely onto his cock as he painted your throat white .
As you got up from his cock covered with your saliva leaving a string of saliva from his cock to your mouth as he pulled you top of him. “Come on baby where gonna stretch out that little hole of yours” he said as you laid on his chest as he pulled your legs up and started to push your ass cheeks apart to reveal your throbbing hole.
“Suck” he said to you as he put his fingers up to your mouth as you obeyed. “That’s good enough baby” he said as he took his fingers and began to circle your entrance as you moaned melting from feeling his touch.
“Oh fuuuckkk” you moaned out of breath “Ah you feel so good baby, coming undone with just my fingers all tight and hot around me” he said as he begun to push his fingers into you as you begun to push yourself on to his fingers more to try to make him get to your good spot.
Oh no baby your not getting off that easy when the fun has truly only begun I’m purposely not hitting that little bundle of nerves you so desperately crave for me to reach. He said to you as he continued to fuck you with his fingers ever so slowly teasing you.
“Okay your open enough” he said as he removed his fingers causing you to whine but know whine “Don’t be like that plus your gonna get in upgrade” he said as he started to push his tip into your hole as you could feel your hole being ripped apart by him not only was he long in his length but he was thick in his width as well.
Oh-ah mm-mhum” “shhh it’s fine I’m almost in completely” he said as he begin to kiss you to muffle your moans as he pushed past your entrance as he was now completely in giving you time to adjust.
“Oh fuck I missed this so much” Chris said breathless as he felt your warm hole around him. “See I told you Chris” you said to him as you got up from his chest “Call me sir I don’t like being called Chris well I have my dick up your ass” he said smiling happily.
“Okay sir” you said as you started to rock your hips and ride his cock as you placed your hand on his chest and he placed his around your waist as he watched your hips mesmerized as you rode him. “Oh fuck yeah baby you like my cock” “ oh fuc-k ye-s-s sir” you moaned as you rode him after now holding onto his shoulders.
“Yeah fuck your self on my cock baby fuck your self so hard so your dad wakes up and sees me with my cock up your ass baby” he said as he gripped you’re waist and began to fuck you hard and all that could be heard was skin clapping on skin and moans.
“Ah shit fuck sir yeah fuck my ass with your big cock” you moaned loudly as you could feel him tearing your ass up even more. “Mm-ahhh fuuuuuckk ima cum” “ Yeah cum for me baby cum for my big cock” Chris yelled as you cummed all over the bed and on him as he continued to fuck you through your high.
“Oh-Ah fuck yeah I’ma fucking cum” he yelled as you begun to feel his warm milk leaking out of your ass as you now rode him through his high.
“Oh fuck that was amazing” he said breathless as you stayed on top of him as you felt him go soft inside you “Why don’t you stay here” you asked him “um yeah okay I’ll stay tonight on your bed” he said in response.
“No I mean yes but we have a extra room stay a couple of days and I’ll convince my dad to make you move in so we could fuck anytime and anywhere when my dad works unless you don’t want to” “please and go away missing his tight ass no way” he said slapping your ass. “But right now I’m tired and I want to sleep is that okay” he said looking up at you “ yeah I’m tired to” you said as you where about to get off him” no stay I like being in you” he said as you then just laid on top of his chest soon falling asleep on top of him while he was still in you as though the night you could feel his cock pulse.
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inkalight · 2 years
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Katsuki knew this kid when he was 4, they would play and pretend to be heroes almost daily. He remembered the boys green fluffy curls and sparkling round eyes and his insistence to follow him. At the time it was annoying, at the time he was a stupid kid who didn’t realize how happy he was. He teased the boy and nicknamed him Deku.
Then the boy with green hair and eyes introduced his dad. Katsuki immediately hated the man, and he made a poor impression by kicking him in the shin when he grabbed Deku by the arm. The father told Izuku at the end of their hang out he didn’t like Katsuki and they were going to have to limit their visits.
The few times they hung up from the point on Katsuki realized the green eyes were sad, he mentioned lightly how his dad knew best and getting in trouble was the worst and time outs were so cold and dark. The boy told him he wasn’t allowed to play heroes anymore. Deku mentioned his father was at the limit, and if his quirk didn’t show up soon he’d be in big trouble. They pretended that day that Deku had found his quirk. He looked at the green eyes and grinned, ‘I’ll bet it’ll come tomorrow.’ Deku smiled sadly, ‘tomorrow would be too late.’
That was the last time he saw Deku. After a week of unexplained absence their teacher called the police. And Izuku Midoriya became a missing person.
Looking back into his memories Katsuki realized Izuku had enormous bruises and scars under his shirt and that his fathers presence immediately petrified Izuku making him quiet and obedient. He had no evidence and the police officer who did listen to a 5 year old didn’t find Deku. Katsuki grew up and made a promise. Even when all the heroes gave up on finding Izuku, he looked into the stars and promised to find Izuku as his first task as a Prohero. There was no option for failure.
Then he was kidnapped by the league and met all for one face to face. He called him a little hero. Mocking him. But the name felt like a memory. Izuku’s father had said it at one time with just as much loathing. All for one was the horrible man he kicked in the shins, the one who took his Deku.
That day Katsuki had a quirk awakening. But all for one had Escaped.
He trained and studied under Aizawa and All Might. Learning quickly he was no match in skill. But would steal the lost boy just as AFO did. Quietly and while no one was looking. They proceeded with care. Everything fell together when they found a recording of a boy in a dirty shirt looking out a window his hair filled with dirty ratty and long with just a hint of green at the roots.
Katsuki with his first day on the job as a prohero faked an injury. Hundreds of heroes raided a nomu lab the following week and Katsuki slipped into the building and and found Deku. He was small, clearly malnourished, pale and shivering. Izuku saw him and tried to run but his foot was chained to the ground. Katsuki knelt and he used that old nickname that fit like an old glove and a small flicker of recognition sparkled in Izuku’s eyes. Izuku took his hand and finally after all those years.
Katsuki had found Izuku and took him home.
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inkblot22 · 3 months
Can You Keep A Little Secret?
JFC this took me longer than usual I'm so sorry anon. I sort of explained it before, but I didn't exactly use your prompt, based on ineptitude on my part. After I finish reading Oshi no Ko, I might try again! Line divider by @/cafekitsune.
This fic is aimed towards sort of everyone, but the reader possesses afab features (they don't come into play until later, this chapter has no mention of them.) You'll understand what I mean by it being for everyone if you read the first paragraph or so. It has to do with suspending your belief/ employing your imagination.
TW for: lots of confusion, semi-shy reader, creep behavior, mention of death, mention of lobotomy/grippy sock jail, reincarnation. These warnings will get worse, and this takes place when all characters are 18+.
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Waking up was never your favorite part of the day, but that feeling increases tenfold when you wake up in someone else’s body. You know for sure you didn’t look like this last week, and the name on your ID is similar to your own, but you don’t recognize the face in the mirror. Whoever you’re inhabiting has a few similar features to your own, but your skin was never this dewy, your eyes never so… hollow and strange. 
When you looked up your name, you found out that you, or your body, at least, had died in your sleep. When you looked up the name on that ID, you found out that you’re the child of some big business man and a prolific model, and you apparently dabble in acting. Your dad isn’t your dad, but he calls you every night to make sure you’re settling into your “new” apartment. Your mom isn’t your mom, but she has popped by once or twice to ask you how you’ve been and make you really good food. She mentioned last night that your acting instructor was worried, since you hadn’t attended your Thursday classes, and also that your agent has been trying to contact you. You didn’t know you had an agent.
When you called your agent, who was literally just titled “Agent” in your new phone, she sounded relieved then irritated, chiding you for living the high life too fast. She said you weren’t popular or loved enough to go on week-long benders, and then she mentioned that she had a job for you and she’d see you on Thursday. According to this phone that isn’t yours, Thursday was tomorrow. 
You made a night of getting prepared- slathering on the fancy face masks, trying on various outfits, scrolling through the pictures on the phone of your new body in the past, painting your really gorgeous nails- and then you went to sleep and woke up to a phone call from your new dad. 
“Hi, sweetheart!”
“Uh… hi, Dad…” You mumbled. You didn’t know him from Adam, but there was no point in being rude to him.
He pauses, and then he speaks slowly, “Did you hear from your agent, honey?”
“Yeah- yeah I did, uh, I have acting class in a little, and she said she has a job for me.”
“Oh, I’m glad to hear it! You know you can always visit me if something is wrong, okay? Just call me or Devin and he’ll come get you as soon as possible.”
You don’t know who Devin is, but you don’t point it out, “Of course. Thank you, dad.”
There was another pause. This one stretches out for a while and then he mumbles, “Okay… love you, sweetpea.”
“Uh… love you too. I’ll call you when I get back home?”
“Sure thing. Bye bye.”
The call ends with a click and you hop in the shower, trying to scrub away the confusion. You pair the lotion with a body spray that makes you smell like a summer afternoon in an apple orchard, and then you dress yourself in a soft off the shoulder sweater dress with a pair of tights with little sequins and gems sewn onto the sheer black material. You pull your hair back, tied at the nape of your neck, and roll on some lip gloss. You grab your bag, which isn’t your bag, and stroll out, walking down the street to get to the talent agency.
The receptionist looks at you in some measure of shock and greets you kindly. You smile and wave. He looks even more confused as you clomp into the stairwell. Once you get to the third floor, mildly out of breath, you hurry to room 3-5 and silently slide into the back.
You’re not sure why you’re acting so covert, as the class hasn’t even started. A woman with dark hair strolls in and flinches when she sees you sitting there, your new name tumbling from her lips with confusion.
“Hello.” You hope that she’s the instructor, “How are you?”
She looks at you like you grew two heads and forces a smile, “Oh, I’m well, dear. Give me a moment to look outside.”
She clicks to the window in her heels and opens the blinds looking around wildly before she turns back to you.
“Well, nothing’s on fire and there’s a distinct lack of flying pigs, so I guess you’re finally serious about getting better at acting?” 
“Uh… I…?” You don’t know how to respond, “I didn’t realize I’d been late so often.”
“Late? Half the time you didn’t even show up. The only person worse than you is-”
The door behind you opens. You clench your hands to stop the shaking you just realized you were struggling with, and turn slightly in your seat to see a willowy young man, tousled lavender hair being haphazardly smoothed by his slender hands.
The instructor snorts, “Speak of the devil. Hello, Mr. Felmier.”
He smiles, but it’s a bit too calculated. When he speaks, his voice is soft, almost artificial, “Ah ha… Good morning, Angie.”
Angie, evidently, rolls her eyes and takes a seat at the front of the room, crossing her long legs, and tilts her head skeptically, “Sure. If a satellite doesn’t crash in this room and kill us all in the middle of class, I’ll be shocked.”
“Mr. Felmier” walks over and smiles at you. It seems even more strained than before, and keeps eye contact with you as he points to the chair next to you, his voice high and sweet, “Mind if I sit here?”
“Oh, of course not. I don’t own that chair, haha!” You joke. 
His face twitches, some micro expression that you’re just observant enough to notice, but not to see, and he takes a seat. Angie gets up and leaves and you look out the window. You can feel eyes on you, and when you turn to look at him, his face is impassive save for a slight narrowing of his eyes. You look down at yourself and pat your cheeks, suddenly nervous.
“Oh, no, is there something on me?” You ask.
He doesn’t immediately respond, his eyes blinking so fast that if he hadn’t done it twice you would have never seen the movement, and then he gives you that sweet, plastic smile, “Oh, no. Your makeup is different than usual. It looks nice. Pretty.”
“I- I’m only wearing lipgloss, so I guess that’s why. Thank you.”
He nods slowly, and tilts his head, still smiling as though he’s trained to do so, “After we’re done here, did you want to go get brunch together?”
You’re about to say no. You don’t remember him, because this is not your life you’re living, but if you did know him, you’d decline anyway. Something feels funny about him. You don’t really have to decline, though, since you have to go down to floor 2 and see your agent afterwards anyway, “Oh, uh, I’m so sorry. I have to do something after.”
“I can wait.”
“I don’t want to put you out. Maybe another time?”
His eyebrows pinch together ever so slightly and his smile doesn’t strain, but it feels wrong as he leans his elbow on the back of his chair to better face you, “Did you hear the news from Mirelle?”
“What news?” You don’t know who Mirelle is.
“Oh, you’re meeting with her afterwards, aren’t you?” He smooths the hair along your temple so it is slicked behind your ear, “Are you wearing that perfume I got you? You said you hated it.”
Okay, so whoevers body this was definitely knew this man, and now you don’t even know his full name. Judging from the way he’s speaking to you, you were friends at least. Your lashes flutter and you look away from him.
“I- I’m sorry. It smells very nice.” You don’t know how you’re supposed to be acting. The irony of waiting for an acting class while not knowing what your role here happens to be is not lost on you.
Felmier sits up like you insulted him and his voice is quiet, so quiet and tense that you don’t think you’re supposed to hear him, “Interesting.” 
You glance at him again, “What?”
“I didn’t say anything. You like that bagel place down the street, don’t you? After you see Mirelle, meet me in the lobby. I think we should have a chat.” Although he is smiling, his voice doesn’t leave any room for argument as he turns back to the front. 
You stand up, leaving your purse in your seat, and walk to the window, looking out of it for a moment until Angie strolls back in. She clicks her tongue and you walk back to your seat.
“It’s just you two? Now I’m really expecting a freak accident. Well, let’s get started.”
Acting class was… interesting. Since it was just the three of you, Angie had you read lines from a script and act out some kind of argument. She seemed pleased with your performance, but Felmier kept stumbling over his lines and making the wrong expression. He seemed tense by the time the two hour long session was over. You didn’t want to follow that thread, and besides, you had somewhere to be. You went down the stairs again and bumped into a woman with silver hair, who looked at you just as confused as everyone else had been, and smiled sweetly, genuinely.
“Hey, you. You’re a bit early.” She says.
“Uh, yeah. I guess so? I don’t know.” You guessed this was supposed to be Mirelle, your agent, maybe. 
“It’s a good change, babe. Why don’t you come into my office?” She doesn’t really ask, since she’s already leading you over.
She takes a seat behind her desk and you take a seat in front of her, and she taps away at her computer for a moment before she says something.
“You remember Epel? Epel Felmier?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess so.”
“Oh? You ‘guess so’? Not that the two of you are constantly arguing, or anything.” She smirks, glancing away from her monitor to look at you, “Regardless, I’ve got something that will help with your little PR nightmare last month. What were you thinking?”
“Uh, I’m sorry.”
Her eyes narrow a fraction, but whatever she was thinking is ignored, “You and Epel are gonna be collaborating on an upcoming short film. Hopefully the two of you don’t get into another screaming match.”
“Um. Yeah. Hopefully.” All this new information and these new people are making your head spin. You don’t want to start panicking- you did enough of that last week- but you’re already exhausted. You wonder if there’s a back entrance to this building so you can just sneak out and don’t have to talk to Epel again. You don’t think you can mentally handle him talking to you over a cup of coffee.
Your agent, Mirelle, is looking at you expectantly, like she just said something. Your heart jumps into your throat, then sinks to your gut and you clear your throat quietly, shifting in your chair.
She laughs airily, “Oh, you didn’t hear a word I just said, did you?”
You shake your head, and she laughs again.
“I just said that production starts Monday. Try not to do anything crazy. This project is monumentally important for your public image.”
“Okay. Sorry for causing so much trouble in the past.” You mutter, standing up.
She shrugs with a happy little grin, “Oh, you’re young. Maybe you’ll grow out of it.”
You just nod. How are you supposed to even respond to that? If you get mad, you’ll probably get hysterical, and if you get hysterical, that is a one way ticket to a stay in grippy sock jail or a lobotomy. Rich people are different, and even though you’re living in some rich person’s body, you did not live this life for longer than a week. 
You purposely walk to the other staircase. Most buildings have two for fire safety. Your eyes water as you pause on the stairs and you sigh before you start descending them. 
Just as you get to the exit, your hand on the door, you hear a voice behind you, “Hey.”
It scares you out of your skin. You jump and spin and squawk, only to meet the wicked smile of Epel. It doesn’t reach his round blue eyes. He tilts his head from side to side, slowly, as if appraising you, and then he starts walking towards you and you push back against the door, opening it ever so slightly. He stops his motion and looks a tad surprised.
Then his eyes narrow, “Come back in.”
His voice sounds different, rougher. You don’t really want to, but it’s hot outside and you figure from all the odd looks and reactions you’ve gotten, running would be too erratic for this poor person’s life you’ve taken over. 
When you close the door and remain leaned against it, Epel’s face relaxes. You didn’t even realize he was making any sort of tense expression. He glances at the spandrel, the area beneath the stairs, and sighs.
“You hit your head last week? That why you were missin’?” Yeah, he’s speaking entirely differently. He has a sort of charming country twang to his voice, an underlying roughness that makes him seem even more boyish than before.
“‘Huh?’” He mocks, looking back at you. He looks like he might cry, but his eyes are angry, “That all you got to say? For years you’ve told me that I don’t mean shit, and now you’re actin’ like you don’t even know me.”
He is right. You don’t know him at all. Even though you’re still in the cool building, you begin to sweat. You don’t know what to say to this without going through the experiences you’ve had in the past week, so you decide you don’t have to, especially since it seems like he may get aggressive if you say the wrong thing.
You lean hard against the aptly named panic bar, turn on your heel once outside, and take off running. It dawns on you a little late that he might be following, or, seven forbid, that he knows where you live, so you take a different route as dictated by your GPS and call your new father as soon as you get in the building.
It’s the middle of the work day, so he obviously doesn’t pick up. You unlock the apartment door and pant breathlessly, leaving a hasty voicemail, “O-oh, great seven- ugh- okay, hi, Dad. I told you I’d call you when I get home, so that’s what I’m doing. Hope I didn’t disrupt a meeting or whatever. Call me back, bye.”
You flop face down on the bed and groan, rolling onto your back as the ringtone that you would never choose goes off. In bold white letters on the screen, it says “Bumpkin Boy” with no other indication of who it might be. You pick up.
The voice on the other end sounds heated, a quiet mocking lilt to it, “Bet you went home, huh?”
Your blood runs cold and your very ability to speak is ripped from your lips.
“S’okay. You don’t have to talk. I could pay you a little visit, see what it’s like to live like a nepo baby for a day, but I think…” He pauses, and when he next speaks you hear the smile in his voice, “I think I’ll just wait for Monday, since you owe me a coffee date, don’t you?”
He hangs up after that. You stand up and double-check that you’ve locked the door before you hide in your closet and try not to start hyperventilating. You can’t even beat yourself up for this one. These circumstances are entirely out of your control.
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illiterateaffairs · 1 year
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 1,190
summary: the first time you spend the night at jamie’s place. this takes place between chapters three and four of distractions. 
A/N: here is the first missing scene from distractions! sorry this is posted so late but it’s still monday for me! i plan on doing a few of these here and there, and will be posting another for ted day tomorrow. please let me know if there are any other moments, either mentioned or implied, you’d like to see from distractions! because i had a busy memorial day weekend, i haven’t had the chance to get chapter seven of distractions in a perfect place, so want to make sure you guys have some small things to hold you over. chapter seven should be out friday!
distractions masterlist 
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There were a lot of things that brought you to Jamie’s door that night. 
One was homesickness. You had made the mistake of going on Facebook - a mistake in and of itself - and happened upon pictures of your extended family at a get-together for God knows what. It really didn’t matter. It was just a reminder of what you were missing, even before moving to another continent. You could count on one hand the number of times you got to go home to see your dads in the last few years, and lately it's been hitting you harder how much you missed them.
The second was also Facebook's fault. As you continued scrolling through the app in a depressed haze, you’d happened upon a post from Mason’s mom. God you really needed to unfriend him and his whole family. She had posted pictures of their family; Mason and Chloe included. Without even thinking, you’d clicked on Mason’s profile and saw his updated status.
In a relationship.
He and Chloe were Facebook official. 
While this didn’t surprise you, it still didn’t make you feel good. It was embarrassing the hold he still had on you, even though you’ve long since realized you deserved better than him. It just wasn’t fair that he got to flaunt his perfect, new relationship even though he fucked up and cheated. Eventually, you knew you’d stop caring, but right now all you needed was to get your mind off of your ex and his new girlfriend immediately. 
The third reason you came to see Jamie was a bit more complicated, and you didn’t even fully understand it. The reason being that you just really wanted to see him. You chalked it up to being lonely and horny, and didn’t dwell on the swirling feelings any longer than you should’ve. 
You knocked on his door around 10PM. You were worried he might already be asleep, or out training with Roy. You felt more relieved than you should when you heard the pads of his feet approach the front door. When he opened it, his first reaction was one of surprise, before his expression became pleased. He barely had time to formulate a greeting when your lips were on his. Jamie didn’t need instructions. He immediately hoisted you into his arms and carried you to his room. 
While you were used to Jamie’s generosity in bed, he was extra giving that night. You’d quickly learned it was because he’d sensed your tension. After round three or four - you couldn’t keep track - you and Jamie were laying side by side. He’d slowly turned to face you, and pulled his sheets up to cover you both. He gently thumbed your chin, coaxing you to face him as well. 
“Are you alright?” he’d asked softly. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Jamie shrugged, “You’re quieter than usual.”
You chuckled, “What? I wasn’t loud enough for you before?”
He rolled his eyes, but smirked slightly, “No, I mean, you’re usually more talkative.”
“Are you saying I talk too much?”
You realized his hand was still making contact with your face when he reached down to lightly pinch your shoulder, “Stop it. I like when you talk, but you’ve barely said a word since you’ve been here. And while I definitely do not mind the surprise visit, you’ve never come to my place before. Just wondering if something happened.”
You sighed, no longer able to meet his eye. “It’s really nothing. Was just feeling off today.”
Jamie hummed, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t think so,” you shook your head, “Not right now.” 
“Okay. Do you want to talk about anything?”
“Hmm,” you basked in his attention and the way he was playing with your hair for a second, “What did you want to be when you grew up?”
“What?” Jamie let out a confused laugh. 
“You know, like when you were a kid, did you always want to be a football player, or did you want to be something else?”
“Huh,” Jamie thought for a beat, “I feel like I don’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a footballer. After my mom got me into it, I never looked back.”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” you mused.
“What about you?” he asked after a few seconds. 
“I think in kindergarten I wanted to be a ballerina because I watched Barbie Swan Lake.”
“Of course.”
“And then when I was 9 or 10 I wanted to be a meteorologist. Or no, a storm chaser!” 
Jamie laughed loudly, “What? Why?”
“I don’t know. I watched the Wizard of Oz and thought tornadoes were cool as hell.”
“I think that’s the opposite of what you’re supposed to think.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not like other girls,” you both laughed. “But then in middle school, I took my first creative writing class and I was hooked. I felt like I could write forever.” 
“Is that what you did before you came here?” he questioned.
“Sort of. I wrote for an advertising agency, but I wasn’t passionate about it. What I really want to do is be an author,” you admitted quietly.
“Yeah? That’d be so cool.” Jamie whispered, still twisting your hair between his fingers. 
“I think so, too,” you smiled a bit, “But I just haven’t had any inspiration lately.”
Jamie nodded, “Well I bet when you do start writing again, it’ll be great.”
“How would you know? You’ve never read my writing.”
“I just know.” After another few beats of silence, he continues even quieter, “Would you ever let me read something of yours, when you do?”
You studied him through your lashes, before giving him a tiny smile of your own. “Maybe,” you respond coyly. “You have to promise to lie to me and tell me you love it even if you hate it, though.”
Jamie huffs, “I doubt that’ll happen, but I promise.” 
“Thank you.”
You and Jamie kept chatting for a few more minutes before your eyelids grew heavy. As you drifted off, you note how comfortable and at ease you feel with Jamie. Whether it's when you’re hooking up, or just enjoying each other’s company, you feel nice and safe. It was a new feeling, and you didn’t know what it meant, especially when you were half asleep, but you liked it. 
The two of you slept soundly, wrapped up in one another, until around 4AM when you heard pounding coming from the front door. Without opening your eyes, you groan as you feel Jamie pull himself out of bed and out of your arms. 
“I’m sorry, it’s Roy,” he whispered, “I’ve got to get to training.” 
You let out another noise of protest and Jamie chuckled quietly. 
“Next time we stay at my place where Roy can’t find us,” you mumbled tiredly.
“Sounds good to me.”
You barely registered what must have been Jamie kissing your cheek before you’re falling back asleep. 
You were fully out again as Jamie quickly and quietly got ready. Before he jogged downstairs to meet Roy, he indulged himself with one last lingering look at your sleeping form. 
God, you were cute.
A/N: once again, please let me know what you think!! and if there are any other missing scenes you’d like to see! <3 p.s. anyone who asked to be on the taglist today/yesterday I will make sure you’re included in my post tomorrow!
Taglist: @atabigail @boundtomyfate @sammysgirl1997 @lil-tracys @shephard17895 @alaspice @itsbarbraann @redpool @drmeghanjones @straightforwardly @alex-sulli @aiyaiy @artemismaximoff @roadtoself-love @theloud-yet-quietone @forcesofgrief @kirisimpster @geek-and-proud @grippleback-galaxy @lalla-04p @gabbycoady13 @royalestrellas @qardasngan @creationcitystreet-em @percysaidnever @emily-b @mrfitzsimmons @k-n-e @agentstarkid @legobatmans9thab @mrsprongs25 @escapismqueen @sokkigarden @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @dollfaceyourfear @dicgohargreeves @heyitz-julia @vampirodelascajas @grxcesmind @lizziel1410 @bcon24 @looooooooomis @queen-of-dumbasses @moseyluvs @alipap3 @amachira @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog @daphneblakeswife​ @chelseamount​ @k0z3me​ @lickitandsendit3​ @miakreid​ @shimmeringfrenchie​  @meg-ro​ ​@spookysins @a-sweet-little-fangirl @optimisticsandwichgladiator @marveltg365 @ringpopdust @gcidrvsh @beardsplitter @scaramou   @ibong-adarnaaa @piper570 @eviemae263782 it wouldn’t let me tag the last few of you, let me know if its something with your settings, otherwise i can keep trying in future updates! <3  ​
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perzawa · 8 months
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kinktober masterlist
♡ toji fushiguro x fem! reader
relationships are hard enough when there are no stakes, but it’s even harder when you’re dating your best friend’s father. you never expected things to get more difficult than that, but when you only have 24 hours before you’re on the other side of the world, you can’t help but wonder if such a relationship can even last.
♡ warnings/tags! toji is like early 40’s here and the reader is like early 20’s, toji is megumi’s dad, reader is studying abroad, public sex, sex in the woods lol, unprotected sex, fingering, kinda angsty but not toooo bad
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“C’mon, relax.”
Your eyes are still stuck to the car floor, nails lightly scraping your skin as your boyfriend's words kind of wash over you. Tomorrow, you'll be miles away from him for what feels like forever, and it's all you can think about. You try to hold off on the waterworks until you're on the plane or, better yet, not in the same room as Toji, but the reality of being apart hits you hard.
Trying is pointless now, so you give up. You chew your lip as hot tears silently make their way down your cheeks, and you attempt to distract your mind. Your stomach's in knots, your head's pounding from all the stress you've been wrestling with. God, you weren't prepared for this. Breathing feels like a neverending chore, and you’re fucking sick of it. Feels like you’ve been on a rollercoaster and you might vomit any minute now. Just when you're lost in that sensation, Toji's fingers on your thigh draw you back until you’re focused on him.
He stole a glance at your pitiful state and scowled. “You’re gonna make yourself sick. Stop.”
He's shattered, just like you. Despite his efforts to hold it together and keep you grounded, there's something in you that senses he's crumbling on the inside. You nod, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm sorry," you groan, smacking your palm against your forehead a few times. "I’m just scared. I'm so damn scared, Toji, I don't know what to do."
You remember being so excited when the topic of studying abroad first came to your mind. Having been sheltered most of your life, you figured it was time to get out there and go a little wild once you graduated, but you never expected to fall in love along the way.
Especially not with your best friend’s father.
Right now, you should be with him. Both of you should be smoking in his room and flipping through pictures of you both in middle school, but instead, you’re with his fucking father. It’s almost sick to you how big of a secret you’ve been keeping from your closest companion, but you knew it’d kill him if he ever found out about your relationship—and it’s not like you blamed him either. If you’d been close to someone for this long and you found out she was fucking your father, you know you’d raise hell so this was no difference.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, baby,” he said, cutting the silence with his deep voice. “Just tell me what’s going on up there, pretty girl.” He kept his eyes on the road, steering with one hand while the other stayed solid on your thigh. For as long as you’ve known the man, he’s always been a stoic man who never had an issue with staying calm, but the grip he had on the wheel was a new side of him.
After a while, you spoke with a meek and broken voice. "I just... God, I don't want to leave you. You understand that, right?" You gazed out of the window, watching as Toji navigated through a path in the dark forests of your city. It was the last time you'd be able to visit your spot for a few years. "And Megumi, too. I feel like such a bitch for what I'm doing to him, Toji. I shouldn't... we shouldn't be doing this."
He just stayed silent, pulling into a parking area not too deep in the forest. Once he stopped the car, he breathed out a heavy sigh before hanging his head for a minute to think, retracting his large hand from your thigh. “Fuck, I know. I know how you feel, I do,” Toji started, shutting his eyes tight. “I know because I feel the same. But there’s nothing wrong with you falling in love with someone, is there? Father or not, it shouldn’t matter.”
“Maybe, but you know how this looks for us…” You looked into his dark green eyes, the shining jade pigment sending a wave of relief through your tired body. The vibrant hue held a deep, almost mystical quality, reminiscent of emeralds bathed in sunlight. Flecks of darker green and hints of gold danced within, creating an intricate pattern that seemed to shift with every blink. He’s so fucking beautiful. You couldn’t begin to comprehend just how much you’d miss seeing him every night. How much you’d miss sneaking around and kissing those beautiful scarred lips. There was nothing okay with falling in love with your best friend’s dad, but you couldn’t help it. You never asked for this.
Toji nodded, his gaze focused on you. “I know, but let's not dwell on this anymore,” he murmured, his hand gently squeezing your arm. “Tonight, I just want us to be together peacefully, okay? We can tackle the tough stuff another time.” With that, he left the car, walking over to your size to let you out as well.
Your last night together.
The least you could do was let it be peaceful. The walk to your favorite river was painfully slow, consisting of you trudging behind Toji and dragging your feet almost slothfully. The only light illuminating your path was the soft glow of the moon, making it a little difficult to find your way in the beginning but you soon found yourself standing in front of a steep river. Memories of your first night here with Toji resurfaced, causing a small grin to twitch on your face. It was a night for a lot of firsts. Your first kiss, your first time… it was an easier time.
Everything seemed so simple then.
Toji sat by the river, stretching his legs until his shoes nearly touched the dark, glowing water. He glanced up at you, observing as you settled down beside him, crossing your legs. A soft sigh escaped you as you gazed ahead, tuning in to the gentle flow of the water. You yearned to be like the river—serene, a graceful body of water simply existing peacefully. No struggles or worries, just living.
“Fuck, baby,” Toji finally groaned, playfully bumping his shoulder into yours. “I’m gonna miss you so much. You better call me every day,” he demanded, a small grin stretching on his lips despite the inner turmoil he was still feeling. No matter how lonely he’d be without you, all he wanted was for you to achieve the dream you’d been thinking about for years now. It was time for you to break free from the cocoon your parents had trapped you in and live a little.
“You better not start getting too friendly with other girls,” you teased, narrowing your eyes at him. At that, Toji laughed hard before smashing his lips against your soft ones. He let out a gentle noise, his hand reaching to squeeze your waist before he hesitantly pulled away.
“Doesn’t matter if you’re gone for two years or two decades. You know you’re not gettin’ rid of me that easily.” He clasped your hand, giving it a tight squeeze before pressing it gently to his lips, his rough scar grazing your skin. Regardless of the complexities in your relationship, the thought of living without him was unimaginable. He wasn't just Megumi's father anymore; he belonged to you. The distance of the ocean couldn't alter that.
“Besides,” he continued, pulling you into his lap. “We’ll always have holidays, won’t we? This isn’t over. We aren’t over.” His lips were on you moments after, moving in a slow but messy harmony. Small grunts escaped you both as his tongue forced itself into your mouth, tangling with yours. Strings of saliva began escaping, dripping down your chin and neck - but you didn’t care. You couldn’t. It would be like a million eternities before you were able to feel him against you like this again.
Finally, you pulled away, your bottom lip glossy with his saliva as you panted softly. Tomorrow, you’d be in a place making your way across the ocean for two whole years.
You only had tonight.
“Right here, Toji,” you started, quickly pulling your shirt over your head before you finished explaining. “Need you right now. We don’t have long, so just… just take me now,” you rushed, pressing kisses to his neck and lips.
You lay down on the grass, pushing your skirt up to expose your black panties, body aching for his gentle touch. Toji wasted no time in getting your panties down to your ankles and then to the ground, his thick fingers pressing against your clit. He sighed, dragging the tip of his middle and ring finger through your slick folds, starting from your clit and then down to your entrance.
Slowly, he eased those fingers inside, burying them as deep as he could before pulling them out, witnessing how soaked you were. “I bet she’s gonna miss me the most, huh?” He asked rhetorically before slowly thrusting his slick-coated digits into your heated depths, listening for every moan and whimper you blessed his ears with.
“Yeah… don’t know what I’m gonna do without your tongue or fingers,” you rasped, rolling your hips as he pumped his hand inside, moving down to lick and kiss your sensitive neck. He continues moving against your bumpy walls, his darkened eyes watching you in the moonlight. You were always such a wreck for him and so easily too.
His fingers suddenly curled his fingers upwards, pressing into that spongy spot that you both loved so much. With trembling legs, you began subconsciously attempting to close your thighs but he wouldn’t allow it. It was embarrassing hearing your own soaked pussy being fingered and it was showing too. Your cheeks and body felt even hotter now, making you turn your head away from him. Your back arched off the ground as you began twitching around him, a wave of heat filling your lower abdomen as you began to get closer.
“Oh, no,” Toji teased with a chuckle as he quickly retracted his soaked digits, sucking your juices from them without caring about how dirty the action was. “When you cum, I wanna feel it.”
You pouted, perching yourself on your elbows. “Asshole.”
Toji only smirked, unzipping his black jeans slowly before pulling his hardened cock out. He hissed from the feeling of his fingers on his neglected cock, squeezing his length in an attempt to replicate how you’d feel around him. It was almost too much now; The ache between your legs, the tears still threatening to fall from your eyes, and the way your boyfriend felt as he began sliding inside of you
He groaned, bottoming out against your cervix with practiced ease. His cock was throbbing inside of you, making it difficult for you to not cum on the spot. His hands found their way to your hips, his nails sinking into your skin as he began thrusting inside. He dragged his cock against your soaked walls, setting a slow, but deep pace. Embarrassment is clear on your features from the way your body reacts to him so perfectly. Like even your body knows you are his now and forever. He pulled out almost completely before pushing back in, intoxicated by the sounds of your moans. “Oh, baby, fuck,” he whispered with a rough voice as he threw his head back, pounding into your abused cunt even harder. “You feel so fuckin’ good… gonna miss this pussy so much.”
The sound of his hips meeting yours made him twitch inside of you again. “But she’s all mine, right? This cunt,” he rasped, emphasizing his words by pulling out and thrusting into you roughly. “belongs to me. Say it.”
“All yours, Toji. Don’t want anyone else,” you cried out into his neck as his fingers pinched your sensitive clit, dragging a loud moan from the depths of your throat.
“There you go, pretty girl. Give it to me. Show me how much that pretty pussy belongs to me,” he praised, taking your button between his fingers as he stroked it, coaxing an orgasm from you. It wasn’t long before his heavy balls were tight and sensitive, revealing how ready he was to finally pump his seed inside of you.
With a loud moan, you came hard around his cock, your pussy tightening on him so much, you almost pushed him out. His eyebrows furrowed as he focused on his own orgasm, basking in the way you gripped his cock like your pussy couldn’t possibly live without it ‐ like you were fucking made to be fucked by his cock. He thrust inside of you a few more times, his strokes lazy and uncoordinated as he finally spilled his hot, white liquid all over your bumpy walls.
“Making a mess all over my cock,” he growled, burying himself to your hilt before pulling out, denying you the feeling of fullness. He collapsed beside you, both of you panting, sweating messes. There was nothing scarier than losing the one man you truly loved, but if your relationship was meant to be, you knew it’d last. “Such a good girl…”You turned your head to look at his barely visible state with a gentle smile.
Everything would be okay because you were his and he was yours.
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cheynovak · 1 month
Somewhere only we know
Dean Winchester x Y/N  
Warnings: 18+, angst, jealousy, fluff, spicy scene,  ... 
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
Words: 12690 - Sorry I might have let myself go a bit...
*Does not follow The SPN storyline * 
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Y/N is Bobby’s niece, when she decided to take a break from college, she needed a job and a place to stay. Since she had been around cars her whole live, her uncle provided her a job as mechanic and to handle the papers in his shop. This is where she meets Dean. The son of one of Bobby’s oldest friends and his only employee.  
Y/N gripped the steering wheel tightly as she cruised down the familiar stretch of highway leading to Sioux Falls. The decision to stop her college program a few months over the summer had weighed heavily on her dad’s mind, but now, with each passing mile marker, a sense of relief washed over her. She was finally taking control of her own destiny. 
Her uncle Bobby and aunt Karen's house came into view, nestled in the outskirts of the city. As she parked in the driveway, memories of childhood visits flooded her mind. The smell of Aunt Karen's homemade apple pie, the sound of Uncle Bobby's grumpy comments echoing through the house, it all felt like coming home. 
Stepping out of her car, Y/N was greeted with warm hugs and smiles from her relatives. Aunt Karen's eyes twinkled with excitement as she exclaimed, "Y/N, darling, it's so good to see you!” “It’s good to see you too.” She hugged her aunt back.  
Uncle Bobby, wasted no time in putting Y/N to work. "Glad you're here, kiddo," he said with a grin. "Got a ton of cars and paperwork in the shop that is need of some TLC. Think you can lend a hand?" 
Y/N nodded eagerly, “I would love to help.” grateful for the chance to be useful. She had always admired Uncle Bobby's knack for fixing anything with an engine, and the idea of learning the ropes alongside him excited her. “Oh, come on Bobby, the kid just got here, I think she at least deserves a night rest.” Karen added leading Y/N inside their home.  
Bobby took off to work while Y/N and Karen stayed inside. She told her all about collage and how her dad, Karen’s brother reacted to her decision of leaving school. Ever since her mom died, he wanted nothing more than to see his girl succeed in everything she did.  
In the meantime, Bobby arrived in the shop.  
Bobby unlocked the door to his small car repair shop, the familiar scent of oil and metal greeting him as he stepped inside, he saw Dean was already hard at work, his sleeves rolled up and grease smudged across his cheek. 
"Morning, Bobby," Dean greeted with a nod, his hands still busy under the hood of a car. 
"Morning, son." Bobby replied with a tired smile. "You're early today.”  
“Well, we've got a backlog of cars waiting to be fixed." Dean nodded towards the cars parked outside the shop. “I thought I get a head start, besides it’s you that’s late today, boss.” He smiled.  
Bobby paused for a moment, hesitating before he spoke. "Listen, Dean, I know times have been tough lately, that you could use the money. But business hasn't been as good. I can only afford to pay you for six hours a day." 
Dean's expression remained unchanged, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "I know, Bobby. I'll make sure to get as much done as I can in those six hours." 
Bobby nodded, grateful for Dean's understanding. He knew that times had been hard for both of them, but Dean had always been a loyal and dedicated employee, willing to go above and beyond to keep the shop running smoothly. And since he had no kids of his own, he always pictured handing over the business to Dean one day. 
As the day wore on, Bobby and Dean worked side by side, their hands moving with practiced precision as they tackled one car after another. Bobby wiped his hands on a rag, glancing over at Dean with a grin. "Hey, eh, almost forgot, I got some news. We've got some extra help coming in tomorrow." 
Dean's brow furrowed in confusion. "Extra help? But you just said you can only pay me for six hours today. How are we affording more help?" Bobby chuckled, understanding Dean's confusion. "Don't worry, kid. It's family." 
Dean's eyes widened in surprise. "Family? Who's coming in to help?" 
Bobby's grin widened as he leaned against the workbench. "Remember Y/N, my niece? I told you about her before. She’s here for a few months and decided to swing by for a while. 
Figured she could lend a hand around here." 
Dean's confusion turned to curiosity. "Y/N, huh? And she is going to work on the cars?” “Jup, and paperwork.” Bobby looked at the young man.  
“ Is she any good with cars?" Bobby chuckled heartily at Dean's question. "She better be, I taught her everything she knows!" 
The crisp morning air greeted Y/N as she stepped out of her aunt and uncle's house, the promise of a new day ahead. She decided to take a walk through downtown Sioux Falls, eager to explore her surroundings and clear her mind before diving into her new role at the car repair shop. 
Lost in her thoughts, Y/N didn't notice the black Chevy Impala barrelling down the street until it was almost too late. With a gasp, she leaped back just in time to avoid being hit, her heart pounding in her chest as the car screeched to a halt inches away from her. 
The driver's side door swung open, revealing with a furrowed brow and a look of irritation on his face. "Hey, watch where you're going!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with frustration. 
Y/N's initial shock turned to anger as she glared at the young man. "Me? Watch where I'm going? You're the one driving like a maniac!" His jaw clenched as he stepped out of the car, his own frustration rising. "I wasn't driving like a maniac! You just stepped out into the street without looking!" 
He climbed back in the car mumbling “Bitch.” and then took off wheels burning hot.  
“JERK!” She yelled after him.  
Y/N walked into the shop, her footsteps echoing in the empty space as she glanced around, taking in the familiar sight of the garage. She hadn't been back here since she was a kid. She noticed Dean and Bobby talking. 
"Hey, Bobby," Dean said, turning to his boss. "Where's that niece of yours?” 
Bobby chuckled, a knowing twinkle in his eye. "Speaking of the devil..." 
Y/N approached, her brow furrowing in confusion as she caught the tail end of their conversation. "Uncle.” she kissed his cheek, Dean turned to her, a boyish smile on his face. "Well, well, well, look who decided to show up. You must be Bobby's niece." 
Y/N's eyes widened in realization as she finally connected the dots. "Wait, you're the guy from this morning! The one who almost ran me over!" Dean winced, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly looking at Bobby. "Yeah, sorry about that. Sweetheart." 
Bobby chuckled, stepping in to diffuse the tension. "Well, good that you two have met properly, let's get down to business. Y/N, this is Dean, my star mechanic. Dean, this is my niece, Y/N." 
Dean, ever the charmer, flashed her a grin and leaned in slightly. "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Looks like this shop just got a whole lot more interesting." While Y/N rolled her eyes Bobby interfered, "Watch yourself, Casanova, she is still my family.”  
Dean laughed, shrugging nonchalantly walking back to the car he was working on. "Hey, can't blame a guy for trying." 
She turned to her uncle Bobby. "Is he always like this?" 
Bobby shook his head. "Oh, you bet. Dean has always had a weakness for the ladies. But don't let that fool you. When it comes to his work, he's as loyal as they come." Y/N nodded, eyes still on Dean’s back. "Well, I guess as long as he gets the job done.” 
Bobby looks at her with a weird looking face.  
Y/N's cheeks flushed slightly as she realized the unintended implication of her words. She quickly clarified, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "Oh, uh, I meant the cars, Uncle. I meant as long as he gets the job done with fixing the cars." 
Bobby chuckled, understanding dawning in his eyes as he nodded. "Gotcha.” 
“Well, kids I got to go, I have an appointment with the bank, don’t burn the place down while I’m gone, ok.”  
The shop fell into a brief silence. Y/N focused on her task, the rhythmic clinking of tools filling the air as she worked on a particularly stubborn engine. Unbeknownst to her, Dean approached stealthily from behind, his curiosity getting the better of him.  
With a mischievous grin, he leaned in close, startling Y/N as he spoke up suddenly. 
“Need a hand sweety?” Y/N jumped at the unexpected interruption, whirling around to face Dean with wide eyes. "Dean! Don't sneak up on me like that," she scolded, her heart still racing from the surprise. 
Dean held up his hands in mock surrender, a playful smirk on his lips. “Seriously need a hand?” Her eyes narrowed “No thanks, I got it,” she said before turning back to the car.  
“So, what's your story? Why are you here?" He asked checking her out, whipping his hands on a rag. Y/N hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by Dean's sudden interrogation. She met his gaze, she saw genuine curiosity and warmth in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, she decided to open up. 
"Well, I just... needed a change of scenery," she admitted, her voice softening with vulnerability. "Uncle Bobby and Aunt Karen offered for me to stay here for a while, and Bobby mentioned he could use an extra pair of hands at the shop. So, here I am."  
“Here you are.” he echoed flirty. "Well, I'm glad you're here. We could use all the help we can get around here, and it doesn’t hurt a change of... scenery." he said with a grin, reaching out to give her a friendly pat on the shoulder. 
The days turned into weeks.  
Their work in the shop came to an end, Dean turned to Y/N. "So, Y/N, any plans for after work?" Y/N shrugged. "Not really. Just planning on heading home and relaxing." 
Dean's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned against a nearby workbench. "Well, how about I change those plans? How about a little tour of the town? I'll show you all the best spots." 
Y/N hesitated, caught off guard by the invitation.” Thanks, but I think I'll pass. Good night, Dean.”  
Y/N sat at the dinner table, her mind still buzzing from the events of the day at the shop. The clang of tools, the smell of grease, it was all still fresh in her mind as she tried to unwind in the comfort of her aunt and uncle's home. 
So, when Dean showed up at the door after work, she was taken aback. She hadn't expected to see him again so soon, especially not at her aunt and uncle's house. 
Karen, ever the gracious host, welcomed Dean with open arms, "Dean, darling, I’m so glad you could come! Come, come, sit down. Have a beer. Dinner will be ready in just a moment." 
Y/N watched in disbelief as Dean settled into a seat at the table, his easy smile making him seem right at home. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Dean's sudden appearance at dinner than met the eye.  
Turning to Bobby with a quizzical expression, she voiced her suspicions. 
"Why do I get the feeling I'm being set up?" she asked, her tone a mixture of amusement and apprehension. Bobby chuckled, a knowing glint in his eye as he exchanged a glance with his wife Karen. "Well, you're not wrong, kiddo," he admitted, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.  
"Karen thought it might be nice for you to have some friends your own age around here." Y/N's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she glanced over at Karen, who was beaming at her with motherly affection.  
Karen nodded, her smile widening. Y/N watched as Karen offered Dean a slice of pie with a warm smile, her heart softening at the sight of their easy rapport. Dean's eyes widened in delight at the mention of pie, unable to resist Karen's irresistible offer. 
"How can I say no to that?" he exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face as he eagerly accepted the slice. As Y/N observed the exchange between Dean and Karen, turning to her uncle Bobby with a sigh, she couldn't help but voice her thoughts. "You know, I don't like Dean that much right?”  
Bobby nodded in understanding, a knowing smile tugging at his lips. "I figured as much," he replied gently. "But you know Karen, once she sets her mind to something, there's no stopping her." 
As the dinner plates were cleared away, Y/N and Dean offered to help with the dishes, but Karen waved them off with a smile. 
"Oh, don't you worry about that, dears. You two go have some fun," Karen insisted, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Dean, why don't you take Y/N into town? Show her around a bit. You can't spend all your time cooped up in the shop, after all." 
Dean's eyes lit up with enthusiasm at the suggestion. "Sounds like a plan, Karen.” “Aunty, I-I don’t know I’m pretty tired. ”Y/N tries to back away. But Karen couldn't resist the opportunity to play matchmaker. "You know, Dean drives a '67 Chevy Impala," 
Y/N’s chuckles, “I know, I’ve seen it up close.” referring to the almost accident. "And did you know, Dean, that Y/N has a thing for classic cars?" Karen continued. Dean's eyes widened in surprise, a grin spreading across his face. "Is that so? Well, then, I guess we'll have plenty to talk about on the drive into town." He held the back door open. 
Y/N sighed softly as she slipped on her leather jacket, a faint sense of reluctance tugging at her. "You know, we really don't need to go," she murmured, glancing at Dean. "You can drop me off at a bar and go home if you want to." 
But Dean shook his head with a reassuring smile. "Na-ah, come on. I know just the place for us to go," he said, his tone confident as he gestured for her to follow him outside. 
As Dean pulled up to the roadhouse, Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the bikes and cars parked outside. She couldn't help but feel a surge of relief that Dean hadn't taken her to a fancy place, especially since she was dressed in jeans and an old shirt. 
"Nice choice," she remarked, a hint of appreciation in her voice as she glanced at Dean. Who grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I figured you might appreciate something a little more laid-back."  
Y/N smiled, grateful for Dean's consideration as they made their way inside. The atmosphere was lively and inviting, the sound of laughter and music filling the air as they found a table near the bar. 
Ellen, stood behind the bar with a knowing smile. Her eyes flickered with amusement as she took in Dean's presence, yet another girl by his side. However, she didn't say much, merely offering a friendly nod before moving on to tend to other customers. 
Dean excused himself to buy the first round of drinks, leaving Y/N alone for a moment. From across the room, she observed how he greeted Ellen with familiarity, a warm smile spreading across his face as they exchanged a few words. It was clear to Y/N that Dean was a regular here.  
As Dean returned to the table with their beers in hand, Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about his life outside of the shop. There was more to Dean than met the eye, she realized, and she found herself eager to learn more about the man behind the charming exterior. 
As Y/N and Dean raised their glasses in a toast, the cheerful atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Jo, Ellen's daughter. Y/N couldn't help but notice the tense expression on Jo's face as she approached their table, her jealousy palpable in the air. 
"Hey, Dean," Jo began, her voice laced with a hint of bitterness. "Who's this?" Her eyes flickered over to Y/N, assessing her with thinly veiled suspicion. 
Y/N felt a flush of discomfort creep up her neck as she met Jo's gaze, unsure of how to respond to the sudden interrogation. "Uh, hi. I'm Y/N," she introduced herself tentatively, trying to keep her voice steady despite the unexpected confrontation. 
But before she could say anything else, Jo's jealousy seemed to spill over, her words tumbling out in a rush. "You're the fourth girl this week," she accused, her tone sharp with resentment. "After Stacy, Annie, and Stephanie. What's so special about you Dean?" 
“I don’t know sweetheart, go ask your diary.” He smiles before taking a sip. As Jo walked away, her upset demeanour leaving a palpable tension in the air, "Is she... an ex-girlfriend?" Y/N inquired softly, her voice filled with genuine curiosity. 
Dean's eyes widened in shock at the suggestion, a surprised chuckle escaping him. "What? No, definitely not," he replied hastily, shaking his head vehemently. "She's way too young for my liking. She’s still in high school." 
She hadn't expected Jo to be so young, and the realization only deepened her sympathy for the girl caught up in her feelings for Dean. "Oh," was all Y/N could manage to say. 
As the evening wore on and a few more beers were consumed, Y/N couldn't help but notice Dean's easy charm seemed to intensify, his jokes becoming more playful and his smiles more frequent. It was clear that the alcohol was loosening his inhibitions, and Y/N found herself the target of his flirtatious banter. 
Dean leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low murmur as he spoke. "You know, Y/N, I have to say, you're even more beautiful than I realized." 
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his boldness, feeling a flush of warmth spreading across her cheeks. "Smooth talker, aren't you?" Dean grinned, a twinkle in his eye. "Only when I'm around someone as captivating as you." 
Y/N couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in her chest at Dean's words. There was something undeniably charming about him, something that drew her in despite her best efforts to resist. 
Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at Dean's persistence, shaking her head with a teasing smile. "You know, Dean, as charming as you are, you still won't stand a chance with me." 
Dean raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Oh, really? And why is that?" Y/N leaned back in her seat, her expression mock-serious. "Because I have impossibly high standards," she replied with a wink. "And I'm not about to settle for just anyone." 
Dean's grin widened at her response, a hint of challenge in his eyes. "Fair enough. But wait, if you're so picky, then where's your boyfriend?" 
Y/N's smile faltered slightly at the mention of a boyfriend, her mind racing to come up with a response. "Uh, well, you see... I don't actually have one," she admitted sheepishly, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck. "I guess I just haven't found the right guy yet." 
Dean's expression softened as he reached out to give her hand a reassuring squeeze. “You're a catch, Y/N. Any guy would be lucky to have you." They locked eyes, feeling a moment of quiet intimacy. 
As Dean's hand gently enveloped hers, a rush of warmth surged through Y/N's veins, sending a flurry of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She couldn't help but be acutely aware of the contact, the sensation of his skin against hers sending shivers down her spine. 
Feeling a sudden need to break the intimate connection between them, Y/N gently withdrew her hand from Dean's, a subtle shift in the atmosphere as she did so. Clearing her throat, she forced herself to focus on something else, anything else, to distract from the moment they had shared. 
"So, Dean," she began, her voice slightly more subdued than before, "how many girlfriends have you had, anyway?" Dean blinked in surprise at the sudden change in topic, his expression momentarily caught off guard. "Uh, well, not as many as you might think," he replied, his tone casual as he tried to play it off.  
"Jo was just... just joking that's all." He took another nervous sip of his beer. "I see," she murmured, her voice carefully neutral. "Well, I suppose we've all had our fair share of... acquaintances."  
Dean’s eyes grew wide. “So, you’re saying...” She waited for him to continue.” I mean, you’re into one nights and stuff?” She laughs soft, “Don’t tell me you’re not? I mean...” Leaning in slightly, she met his gaze with a teasing twinkle of her own. 
"Well, I suppose I'm just wondering how a smooth-talking Casanova like yourself manages to stay single for so long... " Dean chuckled, a roguish grin spreading across his face as he leaned in closer. "Ah, but maybe I've just been waiting for the right person to come along," he countered, his voice low and conspiratorial. 
In that moment, as he watched her, Dean's thoughts raced a mile a minute. He couldn't deny the magnetic pull he felt towards Y/N, the way her laughter made his heart race and his pulse quicken. She was like a breath of fresh air, a ray of sunshine in his otherwise mundane existence, and he couldn't help but be drawn to her magnetic energy. 
As Dean moved to close the tap, Ellen's voice cut through the buzz of conversation in the roadhouse. "Dean," she called out, her tone warm and affectionate, "she's a keeper, you know." 
Dean paused mid-motion, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks at Ellen's words. He waved her comment away with a sheepish grin, trying to play it cool. "Ah, come on, Ellen. You know me, I don’t do relationships" he replied casually, though his heart was pounding in his chest. 
But Ellen wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily. With a knowing smile, she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I've been running this roadhouse for a long time, Dean. And I've never seen you so invested in a date you brought in here." 
Thanks, Ellen," he murmured, his voice genuine as he met her gaze while placing the money on the bar. she replied with a wink. "Just don't let her slip away, alright?" 
As Dean opened the door for her, Y/N couldn't help but offer a playful remark about his gentlemanly behaviour. "Well, aren't you just the epitome of chivalry," she teased, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she climbed into the car. 
The drive home was quiet, the hum of the engine filling the silence between them. Dean stole glances at Y/N whenever he thought she wasn't looking, his heart skipping a beat each time the streetlights illuminated her features.  
There was something undeniably captivating about the way the light danced across her face, casting shadows and highlights in all the right places. And as Dean's eyes lingered on Y/N, a surge of arousal coursed through him at the tantalizing idea of the two of them spending the night together in his car. 
With a shaky breath, Dean tore his gaze away from Y/N, focusing instead on the road ahead. He couldn't afford to let his mind wander down that path. Bobby would kill him.  
But as they pulled up to Y/N's house Dean helped her out of the car, he couldn't shake the lingering sensation of arousal that filled the air between them. Unable to resist the magnetic pull between them any longer, he gently pushed Y/N back against the car, his hands pressing against the metal surface as he leaned in closer. 
Y/N gasped softly as she felt herself being pinned between Dean and the Impala, the heat of his body radiating against hers. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of anticipation and nervous excitement coursing through her veins. 
Dean's breath was warm against her skin as he hovered inches away from her, his eyes dark with desire as they locked with hers. There was a raw intensity in his gaze, a silent invitation that sent shivers down Y/N's spine. 
And as Dean leaned in closer, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to hers, Y/N couldn't help but lean forward, her own desire mirroring his. Dean’s voice warm and deep as he spoke.  
"I really enjoyed your company tonight," he murmured, his words filled with sincerity and longing. "I was hoping... maybe we could do this again sometime.” 
"I'd like that," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she met Dean's gaze his lips brushed against hers, a jolt of electricity shot through Y/N, sending shivers down her spine. It was a gentle touch, tentative yet filled with a simmering intensity that left no room for doubt, this was no longer innocent flirting. 
“Bobby has probably heard the engine a few minutes ago.” Dean whispers before giving her space. With one last lingering glance, Y/N reluctantly stepped away from Dean.  
“You’re right, see you tomorrow?” She asks while passing him by. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, Sweetheart" he called out after her, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and anticipation. 
Dean turned back towards the Impala, a flicker of excitement stirring in his chest.  
Dean opened the shop as usual, but he saw Y/N standing in the shop, lights turned low. A few soft lights illuminating her figure. But it wasn't just any ordinary scene. He heard the soft rock music playing in the background.  
... I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life...  
Y/N was clad in lace lingerie, the delicate fabric clinging to her curves in all the right places, accentuating every contour of her body. Her hair cascaded in loose waves down her back. 
... I've been waiting for a girl like you, you're a love that will survive... 
Her hands deftly manoeuvring under the hood of his car. But it wasn't the car that captured Dean's attention, it was the way Y/N moved, the way her body swayed with each graceful motion, a mesmerizing dance of strength and beauty. 
... I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive... 
As Dean watched, his pulse quickened and his breath caught in his throat, a surge of desire coursing through him at the sight of Y/N in her lace lingerie, her skin bathed in the warm glow of the workshop lights. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her.  
... Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life... 
Y/N noticed Dean's intense gaze, a sly smile played on her lips. With a confident sway of her hips, she closed the hood of the impala then perched herself on top of it, her legs dangling over the edge as she leaned back against the warm metal. 
"Come closer, Dean," she purred, her voice a sultry whisper that sent shivers down his spine. Her eyes danced with mischief as she beckoned him with a curl of her finger, a silent invitation for him to join her. 
Unable to resist her allure, Dean took a hesitant step forward, his heart pounding in his chest at the sight of Y/N before him. She was a vision of temptation, her lace lingerie leaving little to the imagination as it clung to her curves.  
As he drew nearer, Y/N reached out to him, her fingers trailing teasingly along his chest before coming to rest on his shoulders. With a gentle tug, she pulled him closer until he stood directly before her, their bodies almost touching, the heat of their proximity igniting a fire within them both. 
As Dean's hands moved over Y/N's thighs, a shiver of anticipation ran down his spine. With a soft moan escaping her lips, Y/N parted her legs slightly, inviting Dean to stand in between them.  
Dean stepped in between her legs, Y/N felt a surge of desire building within her, a primal need to be closer to him, to feel his body pressed against hers, his touch was intoxicating, his fingers tracing delicate patterns against her skin as he drew closer, the heat of his body radiating against hers. 
With a longing sigh, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them. As Dean felt Y/N's legs closing around his hips, a surge of desire swept through him, his heart pounding with the intensity of their connection. With a low growl of longing, he leaned in to capture her lips in a searing kiss, his tongue pressing eagerly against hers as they melted into each other's embrace. 
But just as their passion reached a peak, Dean was suddenly jolted awake by his alarm, his eyes flying open as he gasped for breath. Blinking in confusion, he found himself lying in bed, the remnants of his dream still swirling through his mind like wisps of smoke. 
As the reality of his surroundings sank in, Dean couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the abrupt end to his passionate encounter with Y/N. It had felt so real, so vivid and yet, it had all been nothing more than a dream. 
With a sigh, Dean rubbed a hand over his face, trying to shake off the lingering effects of sleep. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to erase the memory of Y/N's touch, the taste of her lips still lingering on his tongue. 
As Dean rushed into the garage, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nerves, he couldn't help but feel a surge of flustered anticipation at the sight of Y/N standing in the same spot as he had dreamed about.  
She looked effortlessly cool in her old band shirt and overall knotted around her waist, her hair in a messy bun.  
"Hey, sorry I'm late," Dean blurted out, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he tried to regain his composure. "I... uh, overslept." “Overslept, huh?" Bobby teased “Is that the name of girl that kept you awake this time.” He rolled his eyes at Y/N.  
"Well, lucky for you, I haven't gotten much done yet." She winked at him.  
As Dean approached her, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu wash over him, it was almost as if he had stepped straight into his dream from the night before. But instead of feeling nervous or apprehensive, he felt a strange sense of comfort.  
With a shaky breath, Dean cleared his throat, trying to shake off the lingering effects of his dream. "So, uh, what's on the agenda for today?" he asked leaning in against the truck she was working on, eager to distract himself from the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him. 
Y/N flashed him a smile, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, first things first – we've got a lot of cars to fix," she replied quiet so Bobby wouldn’t hear her tone flirty. "And then... who knows? Maybe we'll have a little fun along the way." 
As Dean's eyes widened at Y/N's playful comment, a surge of excitement coursed through him, his heart racing with anticipation. A sly grin spread across Dean's lips as he met Y/N's gaze, his own eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, is that a promise, sweetheart?" he teased, his voice laced with playful innuendo. 
Y/N's smile widened at his response, her laughter echoing through the garage as she winked at him. "You'll just have to wait and see," she replied coyly, her tone filled with tantalizing suggestion. 
With a playful twinkle in his eye, Dean rolled up his sleeves interrupted by Bobby's voice calling out to him from across the garage. "Dean, stop flirting, there is a phone call for you," Bobby said, his tone curt as he held out the receiver. "It's your mom." 
Dean's heart skipped a beat at the mention of his mother, a pang of anxiety gripping him as he took the phone from Bobby. His mind raced with questions and concerns, had something happened? Was everything alright? 
With a murmured "Thanks, Bobby," Dean brought the phone to his ear, his stomach churning with apprehension. "Mom?" he said tentatively, his voice tinged with worry. 
Y/N glanced at Bobby, a look of concern furrowing her brow, ”Why is he acting so weird answering his mom?” Bobby sighed, his expression somber as he leaned against a nearby workbench.  
"Dean's dad, passed away a few years back," he explained, his tone heavy with emotion. "Ever since then, he's been... different. Doesn't talk much about it, but I know he nearly never visits her or his brother.” 
Y/N's heart sank at Bobby's words, a pang of sadness washing over her as she knew what Dean must have been through. Losing a parent was never easy. "I had no idea," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked back at Dean, who was focused intently on his work.  
After another day of working Bobby asked Dean to come to dinner, just like had done almost every night.  
As Y/N passed by the doorway, she couldn't help but overhear the hushed conversation between Dean and Bobby. Their voices carried through the air, tinged with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. 
"What did Mary want?" Bobby asked, "she, uh, she wanted to tell me that Sammy, eh, he's graduated from law school," he explained, his voice soft. "She wants me home for a surprise dinner next week." 
Bobby's eyes widened in surprise at the news, a smile spreading across his face. "Well, that's great news!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "I bet your mom's thrilled." 
Dean nodded, a hint of emotion flickering in his eyes. "Yeah, she's really excited," he admitted, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "It's been a while since we've all been together." 
“But I told her I could come. I’m not in the mood.” Bobby frowned, his brow furrowing with concern as he looked at Dean. "Are you sure about that, son?" She sees Dean nodding. “I’m the disappointment of the family. All they will do is tell me how great Sammy turned out with Jess and his degree and how poorly I did.”  
With a heavy heart Y/N turned back to the kitchen. ”I’ll take over aunty.” she said grabbing the dishes. A little later Dean moved beside her. “Let me help”, while taking the towel. 
As Y/N and Dean stood side by side, washing the dishes a comfortable silence enveloped them. Y/N glanced over at Dean, a small smile playing on her lips as she appreciated his help.  
Meanwhile, Karen and Bobby sat on the couch, "I see the two of them blooming," Karen said, her voice filled with warmth and affection. Bobby shook his head. "I'm not so sure," he replied, his tone cautious. "Y/N's a good kid, but I'm not convinced she's into Dean like that."  
"No, no, he is growing on her, I can tell," Karen said, her voice filled with conviction. Bobby raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Karen's observation. "And why do you think that?" he asked. 
Karen leaned back against the couch, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Well, for one thing, they aren't fighting," she explained, her voice thoughtful. "And the way he moves around her... there's something different about it." 
"You're right, they aren't fighting anymore like they used to," he conceded, his voice tinged with a hint of agreement. "But I still don't see any romance between them." 
Just as Bobby and Karen looked away, the sound of Y/N’s voice filled the room, “DEAN!!”. drawing their attention back to them. Seeing how he splashed her with water.  
They watched in amusement as the playful banter, they playfully sparred with each other. Dean swung a dish towel in Y/N's direction, earning a playful squeal from her as she dodged his attack. In retaliation, Y/N reached for a nearby dishcloth and flicked it in Dean's direction, causing him to grin mischievously as he deftly avoided the incoming splash. 
Karen gave Bobby an all-knowing look. “Told you.” she said before leaning back.  
As Y/N walked Dean outside to his car, she couldn't shake the conversation he had with Bobby earlier. But as they reached Dean's car and he leaned against it, pulling her in closer. Y/N felt a surge of surprise wash over her. It was rare for Dean to hold her this close without a few drinks in him, and the unexpected intimacy caught her off guard. 
"Dean..." Y/N began, her voice trailing off as she searched for the right words to say. But before she could speak, Dean leaned in closer, his breath warm against her skin as he pressed his forehead to hers. 
"You know... It’s been a while since we spend time together outside of work or here at bobby’s.” He started. Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. 
With a playful grin, Y/N teased him, "Are you asking me out on an official date, Dean?" 
Dean's response caught her off guard, his words laced with a hint of vulnerability that tugged at her heartstrings. "What if I am?" he replied, his gaze steady as he met her eyes. 
As Y/N asked Dean where they were going, suggesting the roadhouse, Dean's eyes sparkled with mischief as he considered her suggestion. With a gentle smile, he shook his head. 
"Nah, you deserve something more than that, sweetheart." he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Something fancy, something romantic with candlelight." A soft smile graced her lips as she met Dean's gaze, her eyes shining with appreciation. "That sounds absolutely lovely," she murmured.  
Dean brushed a hair out of her face. “How’s Saturday?” With a warm smile, she nodded eagerly. "Saturday sounds perfect," she replied, her voice filled with excitement. "I can't wait." Dean's eyes lit up with a smile of his own, mirroring her enthusiasm as they shared a moment of shared anticipation.  
With Saturday on the horizon.  
As Y/N stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the straps of her red cocktail dress and slipping on her high heels, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. Tonight was the night, the fancy, romantic evening out with Dean that she had been eagerly anticipating. 
Just as she was about to finish getting ready, Y/N heard Karen's voice behind her, filled with warmth and affection. "Need some help with your hair, dear?" Karen asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief. 
Y/N turned to see Karen standing there with a brush and a handful of bobby pins, a knowing smile on her lips. With a grateful nod, Y/N settled into the chair, allowing Karen to work her magic on her hair. 
As Karen deftly pinned Y/N's hair up into an elegant style, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity wash over her. Karen had always been like a second mother to her, and she cherished these moments. 
"You know, Dean is talking to Bobby right now," Karen said casually, her tone filled with amusement. "Bobby's giving him 'the talk,' like he's your father or something."  
Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief at Karen's revelation, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the thought of Bobby giving Dean advice about relationships. 
She couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and mortification at that thought. 
"You know, Dean is a good boy," Karen said, her voice filled with warmth. "Sure, he's had his flirtatious moments, and he's had a few girlfriends, but he seems to change." 
Y/N listened intently to Karen's words, her heart swelling with gratitude for the older woman's wisdom and insight. Despite any reservations she may have had about Dean's past, Karen's reassurances helped to ease her mind and set her at ease. 
"Thank you, Karen," Y/N said softly, her voice tinged with appreciation. "I appreciate you saying that. It means a lot." 
Karen smiled warmly at Y/N's words, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Of course, dear," she replied, her tone gentle. "Just remember, sometimes people surprise us in the best ways. And I have a feeling Dean might just be one of those people." 
As Y/N descended the stairs, her heart pounding with excitement, she couldn't help but notice the way Dean and Bobby's eyes widened in awe as they caught sight of her. It was as if she had stepped straight out of a scene from a 90s teen movie.  
All eyes on her as she made her grand entrance. Dean's jaw dropped slightly, his gaze lingering on her figure as if he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. Bobby's expression mirrored Dean's.  
Dean found his voice, his words coming out in a soft whisper. "Wow," he breathed, his eyes shining with appreciation. "You look amazing, Y/N." Y/N felt her cheeks flush with warmth at Dean's compliment, a smile spreading across her lips.  
Y/N nodded eagerly as Dean asked if she was ready. Taking her hand in his, Dean led her out to his car, the anticipation of the evening ahead filling the air with a palpable energy. 
Y/N's eyes widened with delight as she took in the cozy ambiance and the soothing strains of jazz music drifting through the air. The scent of delicious tapas filled her senses, making her mouth water with anticipation. 
As they settled into their seats, the warm glow of candlelight casting a soft halo around them, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to share this special moment with Dean. With each passing moment, she felt her bond with him growing stronger, deepening their connection in ways she never thought possible. 
As Dean took Y/N's hand in his, a thrill shot through her at the touch of his warm skin against hers. His gentle caress sent shivers down her spine “You look really beautiful tonight.”  
“So do you handsome.” she smiles.  
With a furrowed brow, Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of concern as she turned to Dean, her voice gentle as she asked why he didn't want to go home. But Dean's response was guarded, his eyes clouded with a hint of sadness as he shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Y/N felt a surge of empathy wash over her as she looked at Dean, recognizing the pain that lurked behind his words. She knew better than to press him for answers, understanding that some wounds ran too deep to be easily healed. 
Instead, she gently squeezed his hand, offering him a silent gesture of support and understanding. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting embrace of the jazz bar and the soft strains of music drifting through the air.  
As Y/N observed Dean she couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't his usual scene. Sensing his discomfort, she gently suggested, "Hey, do you want to go somewhere else?" Dean looked up at her, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds good," he replied, his with gratitude.  
They arrived at the roadhouse, the sight of the familiar building bringing a sense of warmth to Y/N's heart. As they stepped inside, the cozy ambiance and the welcoming smile of Ellen greeted them.  
As Dean made his way to the bar after ensuring Y/N was comfortably seated at their table, he couldn't help but notice the warm smile that lit up Ellen's face as she greeted him.  
Her eyes sparkled with admiration as she took in Y/N's appearance, She looks amazing." "She does, doesn't she?" Dean replied, a hint of pride in his voice as he spoke of Y/N. Ellen nodded in agreement, her smile widening as she poured him a drink.  
As the evening progressed and the drinks flowed, Y/N and Dean found themselves growing increasingly relaxed in each other's company. Y/N felt a playful impulse take hold of her. With a mischievous grin, she slipped off one of her heels, her bare foot finding its way to rest against Dean's leg. 
Dean looked down at her foot with a smirk, his eyes dancing with amusement as he felt the soft pressure of her foot against his knee. Without missing a beat, he reached down and gently ran his fingers along the curve of her ankle, his touch sending a shiver of delight coursing through her. 
Feeling Dean's gentle fingers as he began to massage her foot, Y/N couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of pleasure, her eyes fluttering, Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal coursing through her veins. 
The sensation of his touch against her skin sent shivers of delight dancing along her spine, igniting a fire of desire deep within her. Biting her lip to stifle a moan, Y/N felt her heart race with anticipation.  
As Jo approached their table to say hello, Dean quickly withdrew his hands, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features as he shifted his focus to their unexpected guest. With a polite smile, he exchanged pleasantries with Jo, his attention momentarily diverted from Y/N. 
But as Jo made her exit and Dean returned his gaze to Y/N, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement rush through him at the sight of her foot inching further up his thigh. His eyes widened in surprise as he felt the undeniable bulge growing in his pants, a silent testament to the effect she had on him. 
Dean couldn't suppress a subtle gasp of arousal, his heart pounding in his chest as he glanced over at Y/N, his eyes dark with desire. In that moment, the air between them crackled with tension, thick with unspoken longing and desire. 
As Dean rose from their table to pay the tab, he couldn't ignore the undeniable bulge in his pants, a clear indication of the desire that burned fiercely within him. With a subtle shift, he attempted to discreetly reposition himself.  
Leaning in close to Y/N as he whispered softly in her ear, his voice low and husky with longing. His breath warm against her skin. "I want you so much. I don't think I can wait until we get home." 
Y/N got up and reached out to him, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him close, her lips finding his in a fierce, passionate kiss. “Then let’s get out of here.” 
On their way home. 
As Y/N's hands roamed eagerly over Dean's thighs, tracing the outline of his bulge through his pants, Dean couldn't help but let out a low groan of pleasure. Her touch sent electric jolts of desire coursing through him. 
Feeling her lips press against his neck in a trail of soft, lingering kisses, Dean felt his control slipping away turning the wheel and placing the car on the side of the road before he surrendered himself to the intoxicating sensation of her touch.  
With a gasp of pleasure, he leaned into her, his fingers tangling in her hair as he pulled her closer, his lips seeking out hers in a fierce, hungry kiss. Their passion reached a fever pitch as Dean's hand slipped beneath the hem of Y/N's dress, his fingers trailing along the soft curve of her thigh before moving higher, teasing her.  
As Dean's fingers traced the delicate lace between Y/N's legs, a shiver of anticipation ran down her spine, her breath catching in her throat at the electrifying touch. Dean's mind wandered back to his dream, the memory fuelling the fire of his passion as he hovered above her in the backseat of the car. 
With each caress, he felt the heat building between them, the intensity of their desire reaching new heights with every touch. Y/N's soft moans filled the air, driving him wild with longing.  
As Y/N's desperate pleas filled the air, Dean felt a surge of primal desire coursing through him, igniting a fire of passion that burned hotter with each passing moment. With a hungry growl, he gave in to the intoxicating allure of her pleas, his fingers finding their way to the source of her desire. 
With a slow, deliberate motion, Dean's fingers entered Y/N, plunging deep into her depths as she arched beneath him, as Y/N's cries of pleasure filled the air, Dean felt a surge of triumph wash over him, knowing that he was the one who had brought her to such heights of ecstasy.  
With each thrust of his fingers, he drove her closer and closer to the edge, until she was teetering on the brink of release, her body trembling with anticipation. After her high she pushed Dean back.  
And skilfully unzipped his pants, a rush of excitement coursed through him at the unexpected turn of events. He watched in stunned silence as she took him into her mouth, her lips wrapping around him with a tantalizing warmth that sent sparks of pleasure shooting through his veins. 
Caught off guard by the intensity of sensation, Dean couldn't help but let out a low groan of pleasure as Y/N's tongue worked its magic on him, his head falling back. With each stroke, she drove him wild, her tongue working wonders as she took him deeper and deeper into her mouth. 
Lost in the throes of ecstasy, Dean reached out to caress Y/N's hair, his fingers tangling in the silky strands as he guided her movements with gentle precision. The sensation of her mouth on him was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, sending waves of pleasure crashing over him with every flick of her tongue. 
With each passing moment, the intensity of their passion grew, until Dean felt himself teetering on the brink of release, he knew he needed to slow things down before it was too late. With a desperate plea, he asked Y/N to stop, his voice thick with desire as he fought to regain control. 
Feeling Y/N's lips reluctantly release him, Dean pulled her onto his lap, their bodies pressed together in a fiery embrace. With a primal growl of need, she began to grind against him.  
And then, with a swift movement, Dean guided his dick to her soaking wet core. Feeling her stretching to accommodate him as he entered her with a slow, deliberate thrust. As he filled her completely, they both gasped in unison, their bodies trembling with the intensity of their shared pleasure. 
Lost in the throes of passion, Dean and Y/N moved together in perfect harmony, their bodies moving as one as they surrendered themselves to the ecstasy of the moment. 
As Dean's lips found their way to Y/N's breast, her breath caught in her throat at the delicious sensation of his mouth on her skin. With a soft moan of pleasure, she arched her back, offering herself to him as he teased her nipple with his tongue. 
Y/N's fingers tangled in Dean's hair, urging him closer as she surrendered herself to the intoxicating sensation of his mouth on her skin. With each flick of his tongue, she felt herself growing more and more aroused, her body trembling with desire as he lavished attention on her sensitive flesh. 
With a gentle suckle, Dean drew her nipple into his mouth, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through her veins as he suckled and nipped. The sensation was almost too much to bear, and Y/N found herself gasping for breath.  
As Dean felt Y/N tightening around him, signalling her release, he knew that he was on the brink of his own climax. With a primal groan of pleasure, he guided her hips, urging her to bounce up and down over his throbbing shaft, with increasing urgency. 
And then, with a final, desperate cry, Y/N shattered into a million pieces, her pleasure cascading over her like a tidal wave as she rode the waves of ecstasy to the peak of her pleasure. In that moment, there was no room for anything else there was only the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that consumed them both.  
As Dean pulled Y/N close to him, their bodies lying down, entwined in the intimate space of the back seat, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of doubt that lingered in the back of his mind. With a heavy sigh, he turned to her, his eyes searching hers for reassurance. 
"Do you think I'm making a mistake by not going home for Sam's party?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Y/N gazed at him with a soft, understanding expression, her fingers gently tracing patterns of comfort along his chest. "Dean, only you can answer that," she replied gently. "But if I were you, I would go home.” 
After a moment of contemplative silence, "Hey, uh... would you... want to come with me?” Y/N looked at him, her eyes soft with affection as she reached out to gently caress his cheek. "Of course, Dean," she replied with a warm smile. "I'd love to." 
As relief flooded over him, Dean felt a weight lift from his shoulders, knowing that he wouldn't have to face his family alone. Dean leaned in to press his lips against Y/N's.  
As Dean's nerves prickled at the thought of introducing Y/N to his mother, he felt a surge of uncertainty wash over him. With a deep breath, he reached for his phone, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. 
As he dialled his mother's number, Dean's mind raced with questions. How would she react? What would she think of Y/N? And most importantly, how should he introduce her? 
When his mother answered the phone, Dean hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Hey, Mom," he began, his voice tinged with nervousness. "I, uh... I wanted to let you know that I'm bringing someone with me to Sam's party tomorrow." 
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before his mother replied, her tone curious. "Oh? And who might this be?" Dean swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. "Her name is Y/N," he said, his voice steady despite his nerves. "And... she's eh,... my girl." He said looking at Y/N.  
“Sure honey, I’m glad you can make it. See you tomorrow.”  
Y/N teases him "your girl? Who says I want to be you girl?” Dean couldn't help but chuckle at Y/N's playful teasing, her words lightening the tension and bringing a smile to his lips. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he turned to her, his voice filled with humour as he played along with her joke. 
"Who said I want you to be my girl?" he replied with a playful smirk, his tone teasing and light-hearted. "Maybe I'm just looking for someone to do my laundry and cook me dinner." 
Dean leans in for another breath-taking kiss. Hearing the music in the background.  
.... When you love someone, 
Yeah, I really love someone, 
Now, I know it's right ... 
As Dean and Y/N packed a suitcase with a few changes of clothes, they couldn't shake the sense of anticipation that hung in the air. With the possibility of staying over at Mary's house looming in the distance, they wanted to be prepared for anything. 
As they climbed into the car and Dean started the engine, Y/N settled into the passenger seat, her bare legs stretched out comfortably on the dashboard. Dean couldn't help but admire the sight, his hand instinctively reaching out to rest on her knee as they drove. 
Despite the nerves that still lingered in the back of Dean's mind, he felt a sense of peace settle over him. As they neared their destination, Dean couldn't shake the swirling thoughts in his mind. He found himself reflecting on how unexpected it was to find himself falling for someone like Y/N.  
She was different from the girls he had imagined himself settling down with but in all the best ways. Despite his growing feelings for her, doubt gnawed at the edges of Dean's mind. Was Y/N truly here because she felt the same way, or was she just along for the ride? 
But as he stole a glance at Y/N beside him, her laughter filling the car and her eyes sparkling with mischief, Dean couldn't help but push aside his doubts. There was something undeniably special about her, something that made him feel alive in a way he had never felt before. 
As the engine's rumble subsided, Mary, swung open the door with a warm smile spreading across her face. Dean felt a surge of affection as he embraced his mom, her familiar scent enveloping him in a comforting embrace. 
"Hey, Mom," Dean greeted her, his voice filled with warmth. "This is Y/N." 
Mary's eyes lit up with genuine delight as she turned to Y/N, extending her arms for a welcoming hug. "It's lovely to meet you, Y/N," she said warmly. Y/N returned the hug with a smile, feeling the warmth of Mary's embrace. "It's great to meet you too, Mary," she replied sincerely. 
Just then, Sam, appeared in the doorway with a teasing grin. "Still driving that old piece of junk?" he quipped. Dean rolled his eyes with a good-natured chuckle, accustomed to Sam's teasing. "Hey, baby may be old, but she's never failed me." he retorted, a hint of pride in his voice. 
As Dean greeted Jess with a warm hug, Y/N couldn't help but notice the subtle tension that lingered between the brothers. Despite the playful banter, there was an underlying coldness in their interactions that didn't escape her notice. 
Once inside, Y/N's eyes were drawn to the pictures of their dad adorning the walls. She couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between Dean and his father, the same rugged charm and confident smile mirrored in both their faces. 
As Y/N's gaze fell upon a picture of Dean, Sam, and their father standing proudly next to the impala. The image captured a moment frozen in time, a snapshot of a father and his sons united by their love for each other and their shared passion for the sleek, classic car. 
Feeling Y/N's eyes on him, Dean met her gaze with a bittersweet smile, the weight of memories lingering in his expression. Before he could say anything, Mary, sensing the somber atmosphere, approached them with a gentle smile. 
"It used to be John's car," she said softly, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "He loved that car, spent countless hours tinkering with it in the garage, making it just right." Y/N smiles “Like father like son.”  
As the conversation at the dinner table shifted to Sam's plans as a lawyer and Y/N's previous studies in economics, Dean couldn't shake the feeling of being left out.  
He listened quietly as Sam and Y/N exchanged stories and aspirations, feeling a twinge of guilt for not having asked Y/N about her studies or plans for the future himself. Sam seemed to like Y/N. Keep asking his brother where he found her.
And more importantly how he is going to keep her since she is a smart woman looking for a career. In which Dean just smiled like he had a toothache and drank his beer.  
As the night moved on a new whirlwind of doubt and insecurity popped up.   
Dean observed Sam and Jess's affectionate displays of love, he couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty about his own relationship with Y/N.  
Dean couldn't shake the nagging question of whether Y/N wanted the same level of physical affection or if she needed her personal space. Dean gently placed his hand on the back of Y/N's chair, a small loving gesture.  
Y/N met his gaze with a soft smile, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. Leaning back in her chair, she reached out to place her hand on his knee, her touch sending a wave of comfort and reassurance through him. 
“How do you know Bobby, Y/N?” Mary asked. Y/N glanced at Dean, a smile playing at her lips. "Oh, Bobby's actually my uncle," she replied, her tone light and casual. "I've been helping him out at his car repair shop for a while now.” 
“Oh that’s nice, finally a woman who can handle his books.” Dean chuckled softly, "Y/N's not just good with paperwork," he interjected, a hint of pride in his voice. "She's a pretty amazing mechanic too." 
Mary's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze shifting to Y/N "Is that so?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with curiosity. 
Y/N nodded, a modest smile on her face. "Yeah, I've picked up a few things from working with Bobby," she explained. "I've always had a knack for fixing things, and he's been a great teacher." Jess chimed in, her eyes alight with interest. "That's incredible," she remarked.  
Dean grinned, his pride in Y/N evident as he continued to sing her praises. "She's better with cars than she wants to admit," he admitted with a chuckle, glancing fondly at Y/N. 
Sam's question cut through the conversation, his curiosity piqued by Dean's unwavering trust in Y/N's abilities. "Would you trust Baby to her?" he asked. Without hesitation, Dean's answer was swift and resolute. "Absolutely," he declared, his confidence unwavering. 
The room fell silent once the woman helped each other in the kitchen. The brothers seemed to have an awkward cold moment together. “Mom seems to like her.” Sam said to break the silence.  
“Just mom?” He looked up at his younger brother, holding the beer in his hand. “No, I like her too Dean, I’m just...”  
“Just what?” - “I’m just concerned how you two are going to fit together in the future.” Dean got irritated. “What do you mean by that Sammy?” - “She wants to study and build a life. You never talked about a family.”  
Dean kept quiet knowing he had the same questions.  
As Dean and Y/N retreated to his old bedroom, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over her as she took in the surroundings. The room was a testament to Dean's past, filled with posters of classic cars and iconic supermodels like Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell. 
Strolling around the room, Y/N's fingers trailed over the edges of the posters, a smile playing at her lips as she imagined Dean as a younger man, dreaming of fast cars and glamorous women. It was a side of him she hadn't seen before, a glimpse into his past that made her feel closer to him in a way she hadn't expected. 
Turning to Dean, she couldn't help but tease him gently. "Nice taste in posters," she remarked with a playful grin, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I can see you had some... interesting choices." 
Dean chuckled, a hint of embarrassment colouring his cheeks as he looked around the room. "Hey, don't judge," he replied with a smirk. "I was a teenager, what can I say, I liked nice things." 
As Y/N moved to close the door, Dean's eyes grew wide. “Eh maybe leave that open.” Y/N noticed his nerves. "Come on, Dean, a little privacy wouldn't hurt," she teased, her eyes dancing with mischief. “Or is there something behind this door?” 
Despite his protest, Y/N gently pushed the door closed, the soft click echoing in the room. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, her gaze falling on the posters of Pamela Anderson adorning the door.  
Her grin widened as she pointed to the poster. "Aha, jackpot!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her amusement. 
Dean's cheeks flushed slightly as he glanced at the poster, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. unable to hide his embarrassment. "Yeah, well, who didn't have a crush on her back then?" he replied, trying to play it off with a nervous chuckle. 
Y/N couldn't help but tease him further, a playful glint in her eyes. "Sorry I'm not the Pam type," she teased getting in bed next to him, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Maybe I should start wearing a red swimsuit and running in slow motion." 
"Nah, you're way better than Pam," he replied, his eyes softening as he looked at her. Y/N grinned at his words, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. 
As Y/N nestled into Dean's arms, his voice broke the silence, his tone tinged with a hint of awkwardness. "It's kinda weird being back in my old room," he confessed, his fingers tracing absentminded patterns on her back. 
Y/N chuckled softly, her breath warm against his chest. "Tell me about it," she replied with a playful grin. "It's not every day I get to stare at Pamela Anderson while lying in bed with my boyfriend." 
Dean's lips curled into a playful smirk as he leaned in closer to her. "Well, then, maybe you should focus on me instead," he suggested, his eyes dancing with mischief. Before Y/N could respond, Dean was already moving, his body hovering over hers as he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. 
The loud squeak of the bed drew a laugh from Y/N, breaking the momentary silence that had settled between them. "How did you do it back in the day, without your parents knowing?" she quipped, her voice filled with amusement. 
Dean chuckled, the sound warm and genuine as he shifted his weight on the bed, placing him next to her, pulling her in a hug. "Believe it or not, I never had a girl in this bed," he admitted with a sheepish grin.  
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Really? I find that hard to believe," she teased. He kissed her head, “No I'm serious.” Dean pulled Y/N close, holding her tightly in his arms as they lay together, a silence fell upon them while Y/N’s finger drew circles on his chest.  
“Hey, eh you’ve seen my type... what are your exes like?” Y/N hesitated, her expression guarded as she considered how to respond. "They're... different," she finally admitted, her voice soft yet tinged with uncertainty. 
Dean's brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to piece together her answer. "Different how?" he pressed, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. 
Y/N sighed, her gaze drifting away for a moment before she met Dean's eyes once more. "Let me guess, they're... in university or in their dad's business by now, right?." he asked, she searched for the right words to answer. 
Dean's heart sank at her silence, a sense of inadequacy washing over him as he realized how different he was from her past partners. "So, they're like Sam," he guessed, his voice tinged with resignation. 
Y/N nodded slowly, her expression sympathetic. "In some ways, yes," she admitted, her voice gentle yet filled with empathy. "But that doesn't mean they were right for me." 
Dean thought for a second before his voice broke the silence, his words soft and earnest. "I want to tell Bobby about us," he confessed, his tone tinged with uncertainty. She gazed up at Dean, searching his eyes for an answer, her heart aching with the knowledge that their time together was limited. “Dean... why, I mean are you sure?”  
His eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and determination as he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Y/N's face. "I don't want to hide it anymore" he replied, his voice gentle yet resolute. "I want the world to know how much you mean to me. That it’s not just a fling.”  
"But... what when I leave?" she asked, her eyes searching his for reassurance. 
A wave of sadness washing over him as he struggled to find the right words to say. "You don't have to leave," he blurted out, his voice raw with emotion. "We could take over Bobby's shop together. We could build a future here, together." 
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at his suggestion, her heart aching with the enormity of the decision before her. "But.. I want to study, I want my degree." she whispered,” That was always the plan, you know that... right?”  
A pang of hurt coursing through him as he realized that their dreams might not align as perfectly as he had hoped. "I understand," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I thought that maybe you felt the same way I do." 
Tears welled in Y/N's eyes as she reached out to cup his cheek, her touch gentle yet filled with love. "I do feel the same way, Dean," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "But we have to be realistic. We both have dreams, and we can't let them go." 
"Don't you think we could make it work, I could wait for you?" He continued, afraid she sees him as a plaything for a while, afraid his reputation necked him. "I don't want to hold you back, Dean," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “I don’t want you to wait for me for another year or two. Who knows who you meet.”  
“Or who you meet.” he echoed.  
Y/N's heart ached as she watched the pain flicker in Dean's eyes, his expression clouded with a mixture of sadness and insecurity. She could sense his turmoil, his desire to retreat into himself and shield his heart from further hurt. 
“Goodnight sweetheart” he kisses her soft before turning his back to her. 
Without hesitation, she reached out to him, wrapping her arms around him, her cheek to his shoulder, in a tender embrace. "Dean," she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring. "No man has ever made me feel as safe and loved as you do." 
She places a soft kiss on his shoulder, feeling she needs to make sure he knows she isn’t playing around. “Why don’t we start with telling Bobby. We’ll figure it out from there.”  
Y/N feels his hand caressing her thigh. Feeling how he eased up. 
“Dean! Dean wake up!” 
Dean's eyes snapped open, his heart racing as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. He blinked in confusion, his mind still foggy from sleep as he tried to piece together what was happening. 
"S-Sam?" he stammered, his voice hoarse as he looked around the dimly lit room. 
Sam stood before him, his expression unreadable as he approached Dean cautiously. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. 
Dean's pulse quickened as he realized that something was terribly wrong. Memories of Y/N's embrace and their tender conversation flooded his mind, but as he looked around the unfamiliar room. “What happened?”  
“A djinn.” Sam answered, "We need to get you out of here," he said, his voice urgent as he began to untie the ropes that bound Dean to the chair. Moving from Dean to the chair next to him.  
His stomach churned, his heart skipped a beat as he looked at the girl sitting beside him, her presence filling him with a mix of confusion and disbelief.  
It couldn't be possible, could it? 
"Y/N?" he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur as he searched her face for any sign of recognition. 
The girl's eyes still closed, “Hey, hey ,wake up.” Dean took over from Sam, kneeling before her, San know stood confused behind his brother.  
Her eyes slowly open. "D-Dean?" she breathed, her voice tinged with disbelief. 
A sense of relief washed over Dean as she recognised him. Despite the impossibility of the situation, he couldn't deny the overwhelming sense of joy that flooded through him at the sight of her. 
“Let’s take you home, sweetheart.“ Dean and Sam drove Y/N home. She offers them a shower.  
After his refreshment, Sam drove on to fetch some food, leaving Dean and Y/N alone in the quiet of her home, a palpable tension hung in the air between them. Dean shifted uncomfortably, his mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions as he tried to find the right words to say. 
He waited by the window in the living room, looking outside, waiting for her to bring him some fresh clothes. “These are eh, well my exes. But I think they might fit you. The bathroom is down the hall.”  
She hands him the clothing. Their hands touch.  
Y/N glanced at him, her expression softening with concern as she took in his features. "Are you okay?" he asked, "I... I don't know," she admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. Dean nodded, his grip tightening on the fabric.  
“Everything felt so... real. And then I woke up, and it's like none of it ever happened." Y/N pinched her nose. Dean hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching Y/N's face for any sign of hesitation or discomfort. "Hey, uh, can I ask you something?" he began. 
Y/N nodded, Dean took a deep breath, steeling himself for her response. "What did the djinn show you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.  
Y/N's brow furrowed in confusion, her gaze searching his face for any hint of deceit. "Why do you want to know?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. 
Dean hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest as he debated whether or not to reveal his own experience to her.  
Shrugging his shoulders. 
"I... I was back in college, working over the summer with my uncle," she began, her voice trembling slightly with apprehension. Dean nodded, his expression thoughtful as he listened intently to her words. "That sounds like a good gig," he commented.  
A soft smile appears on her face while she thought about it, "Yeah, it was," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with emotion. The silence stretched between them, thick with tension as Y/N braced herself.  
Dean took a step closer, cleared his throat, "Uh, did your uncle have a car repair shop?" he asked, his voice casual yet tinged with curiosity. Y/N's eyes grew wide in surprise at his question.  
"Yeah, he did," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Dean’s heart made a jump realising they had the same dream. He flashed a mischievous grin as he leaned in closer to Y/N, his eyes twinkling with amusement.  
"So, did your uncle had a handsome mechanic working for him?" he teased. Her eyes sparkling with amusement as she shook her head. "Annoying, definitely, handsome.... maybe," she replied, her tone light and teasing. 
Dean chuckled at her response, his grin widening as he leaned in closer. "Well, lucky for him, there was a pretty great niece to keep him company." Y/N smiled at his words, her heart fluttering with warmth as she met his gaze. "Yeah, I guess she's pretty lucky too." 
Dean made his way to the bathroom 
As the brothers were ready to leave Y/N stood at the door. “Well promise me you take care of yourself and her.” She nodded to the impala. Dean smiled soft, “same for you sweetheart.”  
He turned his back to walk away with a heavy heart.  
His hand on the car door.  
“Dean?” He looked up. “I know it wasn’t real... But for what it’s worth... I meant it every word I said to you.” He smiled and nodded slowly.  
Dean turned on the engine, the radio started playing music.  
... You're so good 
When we make love it's understood 
It's more than a touch or a word we'd say... 
“What was that about?” Sam asked. “What, eh, nothing.” Dean looked straight out on the road.
...Only in dreams could it be this way... 
Song lyrics : Foreigner - Waiting for a girl like you
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Tag list:
@suckitands33 @mostlymarvelgirl @yvonneeeee
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
02/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&CrewSightings;SambaSchutteBTS;RhysDarbyCameo; DavidJenkins/RuiboQian; SaveOFMDCrew IG; Articles; Analysis & Trends; LoveNotes;DailyDarby/Tonight'sTaika;
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Samba Schute Feat Rhys Darby =
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Srcs: Samba's Instagram
Videos on Tumblr:
Steard Video - @kiwistede
Merstede Video - @kiwistede
Videos on IG:
Steard Video
Merstede Video
And just to distract all of you again: gif courtesy of @bizarrelittlemew
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== Rhys Darby ==
The Our Flag Means Death Fan Page on Facebook was kind enough to get a Cameo for the crew! This one features all things to visit if you're heading to Aotearoa! It's quite a large file so tumblr won't let me upload it so please visit: their site (where you can download the video) or on facebook!
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The admin on the page was also kind enough to give us some links to the places he talks about in the video! Thanks friends!
Te Henga Walkway
Kemeu, New Zealand
Te Rimu Tahi Ponsonby
Aoraki Mount Cook National Park
Fiordland National Park
Franz Josef Glacier
Lake Tekapo
== David Jenkins / Ruibo Qian ==
Hey! We got some proof of life from Chaos Dad on Samba's BTS, and a bit of love from Ruibo!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
February Love Collage Fest! So I am very behind on these so I'm going to share a few a day to try and catch up on these awesome collages our dear crewmember WanderingNomad @wndrngnomad on Twitter made!
Today's: Feb 20: Ra Vincent!
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Feb 1 : Samba Schutte
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== Save OFMD Crew IG Calendar ==
Over on Instagram the SaveOFMD Crew is keeping engagement up with "Crossover Cruesday", suggesting lots of fun ofmd crossovers (including Jurassic Park!) Feel free to check them out on their stories!
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Tomorrow's engagement is #WrongWednesday!
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== Analysis & Trends ==
So much data regarding OFMD's rank on Max. Thank you @adoptourcrew for this awesome analysis!
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FULL EPISODE: https://t.co/HFVLQgm1Um
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Huh, I wonder why RHYS could be trending today?
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Thanks to @iamadequate1 for catching that #OurFlagMeansDeath was trending! A lot higher than the last few days too.
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All The Shows Canceled In 2024 On TV & Streaming (So Far)
13 TV Shows Have Been Canceled in 2024 (Including 2 Netflix Series, 4 HBO Shows & More)
== Love Notes ==
Can I just take a moment here to tell you how very proud I am of you lovelies? Like seriously, you are being so supportive and sweet towards each other. You've been sending out love and positivity and sexy things to make everyone feel better and gah I just, every time I flip through this site/cross platform I am so incredibly moved. You all are the absolute best, and I'm so very grateful to be a part of this wonderful group of misfits. I'm sure I've said this recently, but IM SAYING IT AGAIN BECAUSE I FUCKING MEAN IT. Okay sorry for the caps, but for real I love you guys (gn), you make me smile and laugh every single day and I just you make the world such a better place to be in. I hope you know just how much you matter and what an amazing job you're doing making this community great. And I just wanted to add some additional love notes from @bethdrawsthings on IG because she always has things I want to say too. Goodnight or Goodday lovelies, I can't wait to see what shenanigans and love we get up to tomorrow <3
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= Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika =
ALRIGHT, alright. You might think I'm lazy in choosing the gif everyone has seen but I just can't let you leave this post without seeing it again. Plus it fits with a taika gif, I love.
Taika gif courtesy @meluli!
Rhys gif courtesy of @bizarrelittlemew right here on tumblr!
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And bonus Taika cause it's #TaikaTuesday, and I feel like it follows the theme... after...whatever happens after the gifs above. @blakbonnet Ty once again for this lovely gifset <3<3<3 It's HD and Gorgeous and you rock my socks off.
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106 notes · View notes
roosterforme · 8 months
The Secret Ingredient (Rooster x Reader)
Part of The What If Collection of blurbs for Roo and Baby Girl. Written for an ask. My masterlist. Banner by @mak-32
Warnings: just fluff
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"You seem a little nervous," Bradley whispered as you snuggled up against his arm on the flight. "You know they love you, right?"
You buried your face against his shirt and inhaled the fresh smell of the laundry detergent you always bought. Bradley smelled and felt like home, and as you slipped your hands around his bicep, you snuggled a little closer. "I know," you replied softly. 
You'd spent hours on facetime calls with Carole Bradshaw over the past month and a half since you met them for the first time. Sometimes Goose would make a cameo, but usually it was just Carole. She always called Bradley's phone, but after a minute or two, she inevitably asked to talk to you every single time. 
"I know," you repeated. "I'm not nervous exactly. I just want to make a good impression on them in their home. I'm literally going to visit the house you grew up in. And it's Thanksgiving. It's a big deal."
Bradley just kissed the top of your head and said, "You're a big deal."
You glared up at him, but you were smiling. And then you snuggled in for the rest of the flight and eventually fell asleep. You felt yourself being jostled awake by Bradley just as the sun was setting in Virginia. 
"Let's go find my dad," Bradley said as both of you walked through the airport.
"Your mom's not picking us up, too?" you asked.
"Doubt it. She's probably already cooking more food than we could ever hope to eat."
"Should I offer to help her?" you asked, walking a little faster now that Bradley had spotted his dad standing in front of a row of benches. 
"If you want to," he replied. "She'd probably like that. She might even tell you about her secret recipes."
"Secret recipes?" you asked, but Goose was already pulling you in for a tight hug before he even reached for his son.
"How was the flight?" he asked, rubbing a firm circle into your shoulder with his hand before releasing you with a smile.
"Very smooth," you replied, watching him and Bradley hug each other. 
He kissed Bradley's cheek and told you, "Don't say that to him. He thinks he could do it better."
You laughed. "He probably could."
Bradley kissed you and whispered, "That's my girl." Then you let your fingers tangle with his as you both followed Goose outside as he pulled your suitcase for you. 
The short drive from the airport had you more excited than nervous as you listened to the two of them chat about everything and nothing. And when you pulled up to their house, Carole came running out and opened the back door to collect you in her arms as you climbed out. 
"You're here!" she announced, kissing your cheek and hugging you. "Goose got Bradley's old bedroom ready for you. You'll think it's so cute. It still has his baseball theme."
"You're adorable," you told Bradley as he rolled his eyes.
When you smiled and pulled Carole in for another hug when she started to back away, she whispered in your ear, "I can't tell you how happy I am that you're here."
And then she led you inside and gave you a tour of the house that included her pointing out where Bradley once wet his pants when he was five years old and where he threw up before his date for junior prom got dropped off.
By the time she tried to get the three of you into the dining room to eat dinner, you were doubled over in laughter, and Bradley was shaking his head. "I only threw up a little," he said as he helped his mom carry food to the table. 
And there was just so much food, you couldn't comprehend what tomorrow would be like when she made Thanksgiving dinner. But you didn't have to wonder for long. You and Bradley slept in his baseball bedroom, your body draped on top of his with his fingers tangled with yours. And at seven o'clock, you could hear Carole in the kitchen.
"What's she doing, Roo?" you asked as Bradley started to stir. 
"Cooking," he rasped. "She's always like this. Has to make everyone's favorite side dish. Brenda is allergic to yams and needs something else. Terry hates cranberry sauce so she makes homemade chutney. My dad's favorite vegetable is lima beans, so she makes him a special casserole that everyone else hates."
You stretched as your body reminded you that it was actually four in the morning California time, but you got out of bed anyway. "Your mom is lovely, but I'm glad she doesn't know my favorite side dish, because she would have probably tried to make it."
Bradley just smirked as he watched you pull off your tee shirt and get dressed. "You're right about that, Baby Girl."
"I'm going to go help her," you said, bending to kiss him. "Suck up to your mom a little bit more."
Bradley snorted and rolled over. "She already wants me married off to you, so good luck with that. You'll never get rid of me now." He pulled the blanket over his head, and you smiled as you went to the kitchen to investigate. 
Carole was somehow peeling potatoes, reading a recipe and making stuffing at the same time. "Can I help you with anything?" you asked, and she turned to face you with a bright smile. 
"Sure! Peel these," she said, handing you the peeler and the potato she was working on. Your eyes caught on the ring she had on with her wedding band.
"That's pretty. Is it a ruby?" you asked, and her eyes flashed as they met yours. 
"Yes, it's my birthstone. Goose got it for me."
You pressed your lips together and then decided to ask, "What happened to your engagement ring?" You were sure she'd had a diamond when they visited you and Bradley last month. 
She was quiet for a beat as she diced up an onion and added it to the stuffing. "I just thought it was time for a change," she said softly before she smiled at you. "Now get to peeling," she added with a wink. "We have to make everyone's favorite side dishes!"
You worked for a while side by side as she asked you about your job and made sure Bradley was a top notch boyfriend. "Well he can't cook to save his life," you said, and started to chuckle. "But he cleans and does all the yard work."
"And he's sweet to you?" she asked sincerely.
You looked down at the peeler and nodded. "Yes. He's sweet to me." Then you set the peeler down and said, "Bradley told me something about your secret recipes?"
She laughed a little more. "That's just something I always told Bradley and my Goose to keep them out of the kitchen and out of my hair. I told them that I had to cook my secret recipes, and that maybe one day I would share them."
You smiled and said, "I hope you're not about to tell me that the secret ingredient you use is love. Because that would be the most mom thing ever."
"No," she said with another wink as she opened the refrigerator. "It's wine." She took out a bottle of chardonnay and opened it.
"Okay, that's pretty funny," you said, accepting a glass after she poured two. "Wine is the secret ingredient."
She looked at you for a moment with a thoughtful smile. "I guess there is another secret ingredient. And you'll have to excuse me for giving a total mom answer here. But I think the real secret ingredient is patience."
"Mmhmm," she hummed. "You'll need it with Bradley. I need it with Goose." She took a sip of wine and then said, "But you'll need to be the one to add it to your recipes. Your relationship. Lord knows my Bradley can be a sweetheart when he wants to be, but he can sometimes be indecisive and other times rush things. Let him rush for the good things, like being with you. But make sure you help him through the indecisive bits before you both get too overwhelmed. Now help me with this coleslaw. It's Erica's favorite."
You thought about her words and considered how it felt to be with Bradley. Sometimes you thought you and he rushed to be together and move into his house. And as you mixed up the ingredients as Carole added them, Bradley popped his head into the room. 
"Need help?" he asked. 
"Why don't you set the table?" Carole asked him. "And don't forget the little bottle. I put it in the pantry."
Bradley kissed his mom on the cheek and then pulled you in for a kiss that was on the verge of being too much, and then he disappeared into the dining room. Carole just smirked. 
A while later, when the turkey and no fewer than twelve side dishes were ready, you and all of Bradley's cousins headed into the dining room. "Where should I sit?" you asked him when he wrapped his arms around you from behind. 
"My mom had me put your favorite side dish at your spot," Bradley said, rubbing his mustache along your ear. "See it yet?"
Then your eyes caught on the bottle of your favorite green hot sauce, and your heart swelled with happiness. "Oh!" you gasped, turning in Bradley's arms. "You told her about my addiction to hot sauce?"
"She wanted you to have your favorite side dish. I told her you weren't picky, and then she got that information out of me."
"I love it here," you murmured before rushing over to give Carole a hug.
She squeezed you as you whispered, "Thanks for the hot sauce. Happy Thanksgiving."
"Happy Thanksgiving," she whispered back.
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