#daredevil x spider!reader
brianwashere · 1 year
saw requests were open so might as well request :p ; imagine being peter parker’s younger brother that also has spider powers and during the snap peter turn dust so most likely aunt may did as well. So reader was most likely homeless for a while until matt murdock comes in as daredevil and becomes a father figure for the reader :)
Kicking my feet and giggling. I haven’t got a req in so long and I love getting them so this made me very happy. So sorry the ending is abrupt I really wanted to get this posted!
If anyone wants another part to this I will write more!
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from Daredevil or Marvel**
Paining: Matt Murdock/Daredevil x Male!Teen!Spider!Reader
Genre: family stuff(?) it’s all light hearted
Summary: look at req
Tw: a bit of language, probably; Matt punches reader on accident lmao
Fear’s corner
You seemed to only be scared these past few months. You were scared when you watched your brother climb aboard that flying alien donut. You were scared when you lost connection to his com and phone.
You were scared when you held your Aunt May and watched her turn to dust.
You were scared when the landlord kicked you out and called CPS after she realized you couldn’t pay rent.
It had been two months living on the streets. Two months starving; two months waiting for Peter to come home. Deep down you knew he’d suffered the same fate as Aunt May.
The cold winter winds rattled your bones and caused you to pull the threadbare ski jacket closer to your body. You shivered and kept moving down the street.
Tonight was a shitty night. You never stopped your spidey-work because you knew if Peter was here he’d want you to continue. Tonight was too cold for it, the suit doesn’t exactly provide thermal insulation, and the suit that was a gift from Mr. Stark was only for emergencies.
As you wandered through Hell’s Kitchen you searched for any grocery stores or restaurants with accessible dumpsters so that you could dig through and find food. You squinted at the sign of a large glass door entrance and saw it was a grocery store.
Walking around to the dumpster, you took a running start and scaled the wall, not so gracefully landing on top of the dumpster.
You grabbed one of the two lids and threw it over. The heavy black plastic banged against the green rusted metal and you cringed.
The black bags seemed to taunt you, reminding you of how low you’ve sunk in only two months. You shook your head and jumped down, beginning to tear through garbage bags upon garbage bags.
You found an unopened granola bar and ripped the packing open, gobbling it down without another thought. You gulped heavily, pushing the last of the granola down and taking a large gasp of air. You got back to searching for more food.
That’s when you got the feeling. Your spidey-senses were tingling. You grabbed ledge of the dumpster and threw yourself over. A man in a red suit with devil horns landed in front of you. Stumbling back, your back hit the brick wall of the dumpster.
“Hey, hey. Calm down.” He said collectedly.
You gulped and easily jumped over the brick wall, taking off in a sprint.
“Hey, wait! Hold on!” The man called.
You sprinted even faster, any stranger chasing you and telling you to ‘hold on’ was an automatic threat.
You could hear footsteps following you.
‘Holy shit. This guy’s fast.’
You ran down the dark streets, trying to find somewhere to get up higher. You turned down a pitch black alleyway and jumped onto a fire escape, scaling it as fast as you could. You grabbed the ledge of the building and dragged yourself over it, gasping for breath.
Two red boots blocked your vision and you shot up. The man punched you right in the eye before gasping suddenly and gripping your hoodie.
“Jesus, you’re just a kid, aren’t you?” The question was more rhetorical but you shook your head ‘no’ anyway.
He didn’t need to know your age or that you were on your own. You began to flail to get away but air wasn’t reaching your lungs. The man let you go and you broke into a coughing fit. Collapsing to the ground, you wheezed for breath, desperate for air.
“Hey, hey kid, breathe. Breathe. In and out.” He spoke softly to you.
You followed his instructions and realized there was a weight on your back. This stranger was rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“There you go, just calm down, Kid.” He comforted.
You couldn’t bring yourself to pull away from the first positive touch you’d had in a while.
“Do you have somewhere to go?” The vigilante asked.
You shook your head, seeming to forget that you shouldn’t be telling him this. He sucked in a breath.
“I know someone I can take you to, ok?” The devil said quietly; silently asking if you would go.
You just nodded pathetically. Trying to get up was very wobbly for you. The man helped steady you though.
“You’re in no condition to jump rooftop to rooftop,” He said, seemingly to himself. “We’ll walk instead.”
You just shrugged half-heartedly, suddenly feeling very tired. You met his mask and he gestured near the ladder expectantly. You raised an eyebrow at him but began your descent down the fire escape.
You finally reached the point where you could jump off. You landed on your feet, but your knees buckled and you fell back. The man was standing over you in a second. He reminded you of Peter some.
Peter would always be the first one by your side if he thought you were hurt.
You stood up slowly and dusted yourself off.
“Follow me.” The red man instructed.
You caught up to walking beside him. You glanced around the buildings and cleared your throat.
“So uh…what’s your deal, huh? You just go around finding homeless kids to shove into randos’ homes?” You asked, trying to fill the void noise.
He seemed surprised you could talk and fumbled over his words.
“I am Daredevil, protector of Hell’s Kitchen.” He stated.
“Wow.” You said, unimpressed. “So is that like—the full name or is it just Daredevil?” You teased.
He huffed out a laugh, seeming to realize the ridiculousness of his introduction.
“Just Daredevil.” He smiled.
You nodded some.
“So this ‘guy’ you know…is he like..some foster care guy…?” You really didn’t wanna go into the system; you’d met other homeless kids who had ran away from their foster families because of how awful it was.
“…no. Would you rather he be?” Daredevil responded.
“Hell no. I think I’d rather die.” You laughed some.
The silence was more than slightly awkward. You cleared your throat. Your eye throbbed.
“Soooo…why’d you punch me?” You swung your arms back and forth.
He choked at that.
“Thought you were a criminal. And an adult. Most people don’t run unless they’re guilty.” Daredevil explained.
You hummed in acknowledgement. It was his turn to ask questions now.
“So how’d you just…jump that wall like that?” He asked.
“Oh uhhhh. Parkour…?” You tried.
The red man nodded some, though he didn’t look at all convinced.
The rest of the walk went well. He stopped at an apartment complex and buzzed in.
“Fourth floor. Room 14.” He stated before running off.
You raised your eyebrows as you watched him scurry off.
‘What a weird guy.’
You just shook your head and began your ascent to the fourth floor.
When you got to the fourth floor and room 14 you paused, hearing various crashes and curses. A few seconds later the door opened and a scruffy looking man appeared. He was dressed in a wrinkly t-shirt and pair of sweatpants; he was staring right over you.
You started to regret coming into the apartment complex.
“Uh…the devil guy told me to come here.” You stated.
He blinked and his face morphed into one of what you supposed to be surprise. It more just looked like over exaggerated confusion.
“Yeah come in,” the brown haired man opened the door wider for you to pass through. “I’m Matt. Matt Murdock.” He said with a smile.
“Yeah…so you’re uh…some kinda—“ You made a vague, random gesture with your hands.
Matt just blinked and waited for the end of your sentence. It was then you noticed his eyes didn’t actually track and movement or shifts of light.
“Forgive me for asking, but are you blind?” You attempted to ask politely.
At that he cracked another smile and laughed some.
“Indeed I am. I hope that won’t be much on a problem.” Matt grinned at you.
“No! No of course not!” You rushed to explain, at which he laughed more.
“Calm down, Kid—“ The rest of his sentence faded out as you zoned in on those three words.
The words that had been uttered to you not half an hour before. By the same voice. Matt seemed to catch on that something was wrong.
“Everything alright, Kid?” He asked concerned.
“You’re Daredevil, aren’t you?” You swallowed thickly.
He huffed out a disbelieving laugh.
“No? Why would you say that? Why would I even know Daredevil?“ Daredevil started.
“Your voice is the exact same as his. And you’re the only one who’s ever called me ‘Kid’ before.” You explained.
He pursed his lips, looking more disappointed in himself than anything else.
“Yeah I’m—I’m Daredevil.” He awkwardly stated.
“So…you’re not really blind?” You knit your brows together.
“No, I’m blind it’s just that I can—it’s hard to explain, let’s just get you settled in for now.” He changed the subject.
It left you more confused but you supposed you had no better option but to agree. You hadn’t slept on anything remotely related to a couch in two months and you couldn’t wait to get the best night’s sleep of your life.
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noobsquasher · 2 years
Love your writing omg, can you pls pls write one where y/n has never had an orgasm before and is really innocent so her best friend Peter (who’s kinda dominant) helps her by going down and fingering her??
Say Yes To Heaven ✮
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Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: unprotected sex, praising, degrading, fingering, oral sex (reading receiving), swearing, etc
Summary: Your best friend, Peter is shocked to hear that you've never had an orgasm before. So in return, he offers to give you your first.
Notes: Peter Parker x Female Reader
All characters in this story are 18+
I know. 6 months since I've uploaded something, but here's another toe-curling smut for you <3 thanks for all love I've been receiving even though I've been gone.
“Which one is this for?” You asked, holding the foreign Lego piece, not knowing where to place it. 
“Oh! That’s the last piece I was looking for. Put that on the top, right here.” He pointed to the arch of the plastic building, indicating where to put it. 
You leaned over, carefully moving forward to gently connect the Lego pieces. 
“There! Voila!” You cheered, impressed that you finished about a quarter of your Hogwarts Lego project with Peter. 
“Great! Now we have about… 1,500 more pieces to go!” 
You took a deep breath, already tired of how long you guys have been building this. You took a look outside, the sky was painted with deep rose and tangerine, slight hints of indigo parading the ends of the horizon. 
“Pete, let’s take a break. I’m hungry.” You stood up, making your way towards his kitchen. 
“Uh, sure. What do you wanna eat? I have…” he followed you before opening his fridge, checking to see what he had in store, “Well, I um… I don’t really have much. May hasn’t gone shopping yet.” 
“What about pizza?” You proposed. 
“I have pizza dough. You wanna make it ourselves?” 
“Make pizza with you? The last time you were in charge of cooking, the fire department showed up not even an hour later.” 
“Hey! That was one time like forever ago!” 
“That happened last week, Peter.” 
He narrowed his eyes at you, huffing. You giggled. 
“Look, it’ll be fun! Us two, cooking, creating something homemade. Come on.” Those big brown eyes of his practically begged you with just the bat of an eyelash. 
You gazed at him, a smile creeping up your face. 
“Fine. But I’m in charge of oven duty, not you.”
Afterward, you two started your cooking adventure. Having Peter even be in the kitchen was already a fire hazard, so you took on most of the work, letting him do the easy parts. 
You watched intently as he rolled out the pizza dough, a pretty smile on his face as he enjoyed the activity. 
You couldn’t help but get lost in the minuscule act, something so small doing so much to your heart. You felt pure infatuation run through your veins, your eyes practically twinkling as you watched the person you loved most. 
You knew crushing on your best friend would have you end up in a ditch, a hole deep and wide enough to keep you from crawling out, a dark abyss that held all your pent-up feelings. Emotions that pricked you each time you saw Peter’s heart-wrenching smile. 
You didn’t know if he liked you back, you wondered if it was even a possibility, hoped there was a small part of him that felt the same way you did. 
You’ve known him forever, he’s been your sidekick since you could remember. Even when you found out that he was Spiderman, you still stuck with him through thick and thin, never leaving his side. 
You never thought your relationship would turn up the way it has, but now you are stuck. Adhered to this impending adoration you hold for Peter fucking Parker. 
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t even realize when Peter tried to catch your attention.
“Hey? You alright, my love?” He looked concerned, slight fear on his face. 
“Why do you have that look on your face?” 
“Huh? What look?” 
He gazed at you, studying your features, eyes marked to your chest, 
“Nothing. Um, I’m done with the dough. I already put the sauce on it.” 
You took a deep breath, reaching over the kitchen island to grab the sliced cheese. 
“Here, put the mozzarella on it.” 
When the pizza was prepared, you took the pan and placed it inside the oven, setting it. 
“Okay, we just gotta wait a little while, and then it’s done.” You announced. 
“Alright. So… what do you wanna do?” Peter leaned against the counter, looking down at you. His stance sent strange chills down your spine, you gulped, trying to get your conscience together. 
“I- I dunno. What do you wanna do?” 
“Wanna watch a movie?” 
“If you say Star-“ 
“Star Wars. There are new episodes of the man-“ 
“No, Peter. I’m not watching that shit again.” 
“Why not?! You made me sit through five Twilight movies!” 
“Don’t act like you're not on team Edward!” 
“I’m team, Alice!” 
You gazed at him, a grin staining your lips before you rolled your eyes, letting out a laugh. He couldn’t help but laugh at himself, the two of you cackling together. 
“Okay, alright, we don’t need to watch Star Wars again. For your sake.” He put his hand on your arm, squeezing it. 
You gazed up at him, your cheeks suddenly heating up. 
“Uh… let’s just talk, until the pizza is done.” 
He nodded his head, walking back to the living room to grab a seat on the couch. 
You sat next to him, keeping a safe enough distance from him, for your sake, and your panties, of course. 
“So, tell me something about yourself.” 
You grinned, 
“You know everything about me, Pete. You’ve known me forever.” 
“Yeah, but people still hold secrets. Tell me one of yours.” 
You kept your eyes on him, crossing your arms. 
I’m in love with you. 
“You first, Parker.” 
“Hm… well, this secret is one of my worst. Truly horrific.” You tilted your head at him, “I’m… I’m a Leo man.” He confessed, putting his head into his hands as if he was terrified at what he just shared. 
You gasped in mock offense, 
“Leo?! Oh god, no!” You wailed, covering your eyes. 
He laughed, shaking his head, 
“I know… I know, It’s my biggest character flaw.” 
You giggled,
“My biggest character flaw is not being able to have an orgasm.” You admitted, sharing a personal confession with Peter. 
His brows knit together, his gaze shifting. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well… I’ve only had sex once, and the guy didn’t make me finish. And I’ve you know… experimented with myself before, but I’ve never really had that big O every woman talks about. I’m kinda… embarrassed. I feel like there’s something wrong with me, you know? Guys can get off so easily, but then when it comes to women who are inexperienced and who don’t know much about their bodies, it’s a whole other situation.” 
Peter listened intently, showing care in what you had to say. 
“So, you’ve never had a real orgasm?” He gently asked. 
“Not really.”
He kept his eyes on you, analyzing your body language. 
You felt the invisible tension between you two wrap around your neck, practically suffocating you with your vulnerability. You felt your heart race, wanting to change the subject. 
“Anyway, uh… I um, I think the pizza is ready.” You hastily stood up, making your way towards the kitchen. 
“It's not ready yet, but it smells good.” You say, inhaling the mouth-watering scent that’s filled the room. 
You felt Peter creep behind you, placing a careful hand on your waist. You didn’t jump at his touch, instead, you melted, leaning towards him. 
“You haven’t had an orgasm yet?” His tone held genuine concern as if he really cared about your situation. 
“It’s- it’s nothing, Peter. You shouldn’t-“ 
“Can I… can I show you how it feels?” 
You were nearly thrown back, almost dumbfounded at his words. 
“I’m a firm believer that every woman should be able to have a good orgasm every once in a while. You are such a hard worker, honey. You put in so much care and effort into your everyday life and into the people you love and… and I just can’t see how you haven’t blown up with all that stress you must have.” You were completely starstruck by Peter at the moment, you thought your feet had molded into the floor, “Let me… let me take care of you. Show you how good it feels to finally let go, and have that earth-shattering orgasm you’ve been waiting for.” 
You stood staring at him, unable to open your mouth. Had he just said what you thought he did? Propose an offer that would completely change your life. 
“Peter, you- you don’t need to do that for me. I know you care about me and all, but it’s not your responsibility.” 
“I know, but this feels like it is. I want you to have this experience, to step into a new path in your life.” 
You gazed into his honeyed orbs, contemplating the idea. 
This would be a whole new venture for you, a life-altering experience that you’ve been dying for. Denying the offer seemed like a foolish choice. 
“…It’s okay if you don’t-“ 
“I want to. I want to experience it.” 
He blinked, 
“Are you sure? Like one hundred percent positive?” 
“You're right, Peter. I need to experience this, I need to let go for once.” 
His eyes never left yours as a smile stained his lips. 
“So, we’re doing this? We’re really doing it?” He questioned, leaning closer to you. His chestnut orbs sparkled with underlying excitement, as did yours. 
“We’re really doing it.” 
As soon as Peter peeled off your sticky panties, your mind started to ramble. 
Has Peter done this before? If so, how come he hasn’t told me? Does he like me too? He wouldn’t do this just as a friendly gesture, would he? How does this affect our relationship from now on? Is he—
“Hey… hey, you're alright. I’m here, Angel.” The nickname slipped out his lips so smoothly, so perfectly, it nearly stopped your heart. 
He was so gentle with you, rubbing your thighs carefully, whispering soft affirmations to soothe you, treating you like something so fragile, a thin layer of glass. 
“Are you sure you wanna keep going?” You felt your heart thump throughout your body as you looked down at him, his face inches away from your velvety folds. 
“I mean- my pussy is already in your face so…” he chuckled, his warm laugh calming you. 
“Alright… if I’m hurting you or anything, please speak up. Don’t be afraid to talk to me.” 
“I will don’t worry.” 
He took one more look at you before his thumb trailed to your throbbing clit, drawing slight circles around it. The instant shock had your head thrown back, soft moans escaping your lips. 
“Shit… you're already soaked. Did I do this to you?” He continued his movements, playing with you like a guitar, pulling each string with pure delicacy, with one prominent goal in mind. You whimpered, breath heavy. 
“Tell me, Angel. Who did this to you?” 
Suddenly, his finger sunk inside you, almost too easy. You let out a roar, chest rising and falling as your gaze narrowed to the curly-haired boy between your legs. 
“You! You did, Peter! All you!” The pleasure was overwhelming, you felt your entire body heat up, your mind spinning. 
His fingers curled inside you, hitting that sweet spot of yours. You gasped, gripping onto his bed sheets as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. 
“Good girl… such a sweet girl. You like that?” He praises, fingers digging deeper. You can’t help but continue to moan, eyes closed as you take in how fucking amazing this feels. Suddenly, you feel Peter’s hand slap your throbbing clit. You yelp, looking back at him. 
“Eyes down here, baby. Look at me while I make you come.” His sugared demands came as a surprise to you. 
Never have you seen Peter in this light before. It makes you feel a type of way, an instant feeling of desire. All you wanted was him. All of him. Every single inch of his cock just buried inside you. 
“Peter! Oh- oh fucking god!” You felt something burn within you, complete ecstasy running through your veins as Peter’s thick fingers continued to destroy you. 
“Talk to me, princess. Tell me what you want.” Your eyes practically burned into one another, Peter’s chestnut orbs were filled with lust. You wished he could always look at you like this. 
“I want- shit, I want to come. Please, please let me come. I’m begging you!” He smiles, diving into you as his hot tongue starts to draw circles around your little bundle of nerves. Harsh moans escape your lips, your legs starting to shake. 
It was as if his lips were a work of magic, moving them in such an inconceivable rhythm that you thought your mind was going to explode. With how he was devouring your soaked pussy and playing with that honeyed spot within you, it felt like you finally reached nirvana. 
Is this what heaven feels like? 
“Such a sweet pussy,” he groans, fingers hooked inside you, 
“God, you taste so fucking good. I could eat this pussy all night. Shit. Why didn’t you let me fuck you sooner?” He dives back into his succulent meal. 
You couldn’t answer him as crying out your moans was the only thing you could do. You started to wonder if this was really happening. Was Peter about to give you your first orgasm? 
You even realize that he’s been humping the mattress this whole time, fucking out his throbbing boner. 
“God! Peter! I’m gonna- I’m gonna come!” Your chest thumps rigorously, all your nerves start to light a fuse inside you. You start to feel lightheaded, bliss starting to kick in as Peter continues to play with your body like his own goddamn toy. “I’m- I’m gonna-“ 
Suddenly, he stops. You quickly look at him, all your limbs trembling as you whine. 
“Why- why did you-“ 
“All this time I’ve been waiting, just fucking dreaming about this baby. 
Now that I’ve got you, I’ll never let you go. I want- no, I need to feel you wrapped around my cock. I gotta make a mess inside you if you’ll let me. I’ll promise to make you cum on my cock for all eternity if you do.” 
You stared at him, completely dumbfounded. You needed at least three to five business days to process what he just said. 
“Please, babygirl. I’m begging you.” 
You laid still, those glossy orbs of yours stuck to the man before you. 
“If you don’t want that it’s alright, I’ll just—“ his ramblings were cut short as your lips connected to his, kissing him with such passion that tiny whimpers escaped Peter. You gripped onto his curls, pulling him into you. 
“Shut up and fuck the living shit outta me.” 
To say that Peter’s cock was big was an understatement. You’ve never seen something so beautiful. It was thick, long, veiny, and absolutely angelic. 
“Holy shit.” You blurt, eyes locked onto his leaking tip. 
“What? Is it too big? Or too—“
“No- Peter. Your dick is so… wow.” 
“Really? Do you think so? I always thought it was—“ You shut him up again with your puffy lips, you couldn’t wait any longer to have him deep inside you. 
“I don’t want you to go easy on me. Just fuck me like there’s no tomorrow, baby. I need you.” You plead before ripping off your top, your breasts falling in front of him. His chocolate orbs immediately stared at them. 
“Can I suck on them?” He asks softly, his hand grasping onto your pebbled nipple. You nod your head, biting your lip in anticipation. 
He lays you back down onto his sheets, his pink lips immediately attaching to your chest. You whine with pleasure, his hand reaching down to your abused clit to play with it again. 
His candied kisses mark your body with much love as if he’s branding you.
Never have you felt this euphoric.
You feel his cock brush over your cunt, as if he was asking permission to completely indulge inside you. 
“You have my word, Petey. Please let me feel you.” 
His pupils widen before he catches a kiss on your lips. As your tongues dance together, his large length slips inside you, stretching you out with blazing felicity. You both moan in desire, wanting more. 
His thrusts increase as he brings your knees up to his chest, completely fucking you insane like how you begged him to. 
The bed bangs against the wall as he pounds his cock within you, your cries filling the room. 
“Oh! Just like that! Fuck, Peter!” 
“You feel so fucking good. My god… such a tight pussy. Jesus Christ— I could cum already.” He groans, kissing you. You whine against his lips, arms wrapping around his back to pull him deeper. 
“You fucking slut. You love my cock, don’t you? Can’t get enough?” 
“Never! Oh, my fucking—“ you didn’t think he could sink any further, but when his cock hit your cervix, you completely lost your mind. 
You could feel him throb within you, your walls gripping onto him for dear life, never wanting to let him go. 
Harsh claps ran around his bedroom, you were definitely gonna feel the aches in the morning. 
Peter was right, why didn’t you let him fuck you sooner? His cock was addictive, this was a feeling you could never get over. 
You started to go numb as he pounded you senseless, utter babbles were all you could make out. 
“Already cock-drunk, baby? That dumb brain of yours can’t handle my pretty cock? Huh?” He teased. 
You honestly didn’t even know what he said. All you could feel was that huge cock inside you just absolutely tearing you up from the inside, and out. 
You felt that burning feeling again, soon realizing that you were gonna make a mess on him. 
“Gonna let me feel you? Come on, Angel. Let me feel you.” 
Suddenly, it happened. 
Your back brutally arched as all your muscles tightened, your intense orgasm raging throughout your body. You screamed Peter’s name like a damn prayer, trembling harshly as your cunt gripped Peter’s cock with all its glory. It was unlike anything else you’ve ever endured. Staining his thick length with your saccharine cum is what enlightenment must feel like. 
He grunts, “That’s it baby, that’s it. Good girl, such a pretty slut for me, yeah? Tell me you’re all mine.”
“I’m- I’m all yours. I swear. I swear, Petey.”
He smiles before crying with triumph as he finishes inside you, painting your walls with his delicate seed. 
As the high died down, you couldn’t help but feel fulfilled. A smile pricked your lips as you started to laugh, euphoria clouding your head. Peter looked over as you were giggling like a maniac. He too busted out chuckling as it was contagious. 
“Why- why are you laughing?” 
“Because… because that was the best sex I’ve ever had! I feel so… so fucking happy.” You confessed, a huge grin attached to your lips. 
Peter blushes, softly laughing before catching a much-needed kiss on your lips. His kiss was filled with tenderness, sweet love fusing between you. 
Suddenly, a burning smell pricks your nose. 
“Peter,” you try to break the kiss but he doesn’t stop, wanting to caress you forever, “…Peter— what’s that smell?” 
“Huh? What… oh shit. The pizza!” He jumps out of bed, running butt-naked towards his kitchen. 
You sigh as you shake your head.
“Call the fucking fire department again!” 
Copyright © of noobsquasher 2024
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farfromstrange · 3 months
‘I love you in every universe’ | Matt Murdock x F!Mutant!Reader
Main Masterlist | Read Me On AO3
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x Female Mutant Reader (she/her pronouns)
Timeline: Set during Spider-Man: No Way Home
Warnings: ANGST with no happy ending, mentions of Major Character Death, mutant powers (mind-reading/control), grief, anger, canon typical violence, the multiverse
Summary: Spider-Man killed the love of your life. He died in your arms, and that night left you alone, bitter, and seething for revenge. At least, in your universe. By the time you were ready to face Peter Parker again, your world was already on fire; you would have done just about anything to ruin him. Until one wrong step lands you in Manhattan, New York—but it is not your universe. The second you see Matt Murdock standing right in front of you alive and well, the mangled pieces of your broken heart start raining down on you like daggers, and you come to the realization that a very real version of the man you once loved exists somewhere you were never destined to be, and you won’t be able to stay.
A/n: So, I rewatched No Way Home (The Extended Version), and I got this very angst-y idea. I hope this hasn’t been done before. There won’t be a happy ending, but it has been a while since I’ve written pure angst like this, so it feels fitting. Reader—you, in this case—gets the Wanda Maximoff treatment. It’s not a fully-fleshed out series because, for the time frame this is set in, it wouldn’t make any sense. Instead, I will tell this story in 3-4 parts (depending on final word count after editing). See it as a very long One-Shot separated to make it more readable. You’re welcome.
If you want to be tagged for this, don’t hesitate to let me know!
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ONE. "I Bet On Losing Dogs"
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editfandom · 1 year
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Matt Murdock - Daredevil, 2015
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Y/n uses Gwen's Spider-Society watch to travel to Wade's Earth.
Y/n: Alright, Wade, I'm here. I'm sorry about yesterday. What did you need my help with?
Wade: It's too late, Y/n. You've already broken my heart.
Y/n: You interrupted my day off with Gwen!
Wade: Either way, I have found a new best friend. Say "Hi" Matt.
He pushed a guy wearing red tinted glasses and holding a cane out in front of you.
Matt: Uh... Hello?
Wade: Figured it was time Ben got a second chance at the character. And now Team Red is officially together!
Y/n looks at Matt and whispers.
Y/n: He kidnapped you too, didn't he.
Matt: Yep.
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skyfallslayer · 11 months
The Darkness In Me - Masterlist
-Kingpin!Matt Murdock x Vigilante!Reader-
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Main Masterlist
🖤 Summary: You were shocked to find out your childhood friend turned out to be the Kingpin of the underworld, but you had to put those thoughts aside to bring him down. You were Hell’s Kitchen vigilante, its protector. There's no valid reason not to stop him. However, when your hidden feelings for him start to surface once more, how will you be able to even think about bringing him down?
🖤 Pairings: Kingpin!Matt Murdock x Vigilante!Fem.Reader
🖤 Rating: Mature - Explicit
🖤 Warnings: At the beginning of each chapter (This series will contain 18+ themes)
🖤 Word Count: 25,966
🖤 Start Date: 8/8/23
🖤 End Date: N/A
🖤A/N: For those who aren't the biggest Marvel fans, I'm going to give you a little backstory behind this fic. This story is based on the "Spider-Gwen" comics where in this universe, Earth-65, Matt's origin story is very similar to the one where we already know, except Stick was killed by the Hand and takes Matt under their wing. He's turned into an assassin, but still goes to law school and eventually becomes Wilson Fisk's defense lawyer. Somewhere along the line, Matt cuts ties with Fisk and becomes Kingpin himself. This story was kind of a 'A-ha!' moment, and I decided it would be interesting to see this take on Matt with a reader insert. Don't know how many stories I'll do, but if you readers seemed to like it I'll keep going :) Enjoy!
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🖤 Story 1: The (Wo)Man Without Fear
Summary: After all these years away, you’re finally relocated back to Hell’s Kitchen, the place where you were born, a place filled with happy memories. However, the city is not what you remembered, and when your job as a detective is not enough to save it, you might have to become something more.
🖤 Story 2: Auld Acquaintances
Summary: Deciding you have no choice anymore, especially how your new partner scares you half to death, and the police in this city seemed not to care, your hundred percent committed to becoming a vigilante. But before you could do this, you run into an old childhood friend and his business partner. But unknowingly to you, he’s not the same little boy you remembered hanging out with. He’s… something else entirely.
🖤 Story 3: Kingpin & Daredevil
Summary: Your night trying to save a kid takes a dangerous turn. Now fighting to stay alive after a possible life threatening injury, you soon find yourself face-to-face with the man that runs this city’s underworld: The Kingpin. Aka… your childhood friend.
🖤 Story 4: Snapdragon (Coming Soon)
Summary: Your world is officially upside down. Your small taste of nostalgia has been ruined by what you discovered. Now, you’re out on investigations with Frank, and decide to dig deeper on other cases to take your mind off things. But of course, you always had the worst luck, and nothing can make your heart stop when you find the King of Darkness in your living room.
🖤 Story 5: A Euphoric Misery (Coming Soon)
-Taglist Is Open-
@utterlynuts @etanordoesbullsh1t @mattmurdocksstarlight @l3xiluve @lunaticgurly @margoo0 @swift-enchanted @athenniene
@up-in-space-reading @itwasthereaminuteago @lazyxsquirrel @yeonalie @scoliobean @kayden666
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2-fast-2-curious · 2 years
Christine Recommends Audios (Marvel Edition)
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Here you go @echos-muses​
IDK where else to put him so Andrew Garfield is going here too
Eddie Brock and Venom
[MM4F] Two For the Price of One.
Andrew Garfield
[M4F] [Script Fill] Let Me Help You Baby....
[M4F] Making Love To You
[M4F][Script Fill] What HAVE you been looking at?
[M4F] A Straight Razor Shave
[M4F] A Spot Of Tea
[M4F] [Script Fill] Sanctuary
[M4F] Relieving Some of Our Tension
[M4F]Your English Boyfriend Has Missed You So Much...
[M4F] Your bf calms you down after a nightmare
Frank Castle
[M4F] Eating my gamer girl
[MMM4F] [Private script fill] Moonknight : Marking you as Mine
[MMMM4F] Moonknight : Lonely is a Man Without Love
Matt Murdock
Stick Around[M4F]
[M4F] Encouragement for Your Quiet Girlfriend with Wet Sounds
[M4F] Your Horny Boyfriend Gives You Head At Your Parents’ House
[M4F] Round 2, then sleep
[M4F] Impulse Control 
[M4F] You Don't Have To 
[M4F] A Succubus Corrupts a Chaste Altar Boy
[M4F] Your Office Daddy
[M4F] The Days Are Long, The Days Are Hard
Peter Parker
[M4F] [Script Fill] Say "I Am Beautiful"
[M4F] I'm Bored, Let Me Play With Your Pussy
[M4F] Can I Please Practice on You?
[M4F] Your birthday
[M4F] A Lakeside Evening 
[M4F] A Friend in Need of Proving You Wrong
Part 1
Part 2
[M4F] Snack Break
[M4F] By The Firelight
Johnny Storm 
[M4F] Truth or Dare
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musicalbl00m · 5 months
Imagine #1: Being caught singing by them
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You are sitting in your room, all but belting along to your favourite song as you continue your work. You are so focused on hitting the notes that you don’t notice the creaking of the door and the soft thudding of footsteps to your chair. The presence of your lover goes completely unnoticed as he admires you from your bed. His gaze filled with adoration as he looks at you in your natural state. With a gentle and lovestruck smile, he stands up and decides it’s time you give him some attention… making sure to be quiet, he creeps to your chair, softly running his fingers through your hair once he reaches you.
“Babyyyy.” He all but whines. “I didn’t know you were such an amazing singer.” He teases with a smirk.
You look back at him with an embarrassed look on your face, a bright blush on your face from being caught. “Oh, shut up you. What did you need lovely?” You ask him, rolling your eyes.
“What? Am I not allowed to want some attention and love from my favorite person in the whole wide world?” He says with a flirty tone, moving his face closer to yours.
“You would be allowed to if you hadn’t scared me like that.” You mumble, looking away from him.
“What was that, sweetheart?” He asks with a smirk. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek. “You sounded so cute, baby. You can’t blame me. Plus, do you really want to deprive both of us from this?” He says as he peppers more kisses to your face.
“You are so lucky I like you.” You say with a soft smile before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
He blushes and lets out a soft chuckle. “Of course, you do. Who wouldn’t?” He says with a smirk. “I’m only kidding baby. I love you too, my whole world.” He says, cradling your cheeks and pressing a soft kiss to your hair.
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myficreccs · 8 months
Marvel fic rec masterlist
Updated 9 October 2023
Matt Murdock
care packages by @chvoswxtch
Horses and Zebras by @peterman-spideyparker
Notre Dame by @theetherealbloom
Wake Up by @sunflowersandsapphires
One shots
A Matter of Opinion by @courtforshort15
Corduroy by @peterman-spideyparker
heartbeats by @talesofesther
Intricacies of Identity by @courtforshort15
Lie Detector by @ellephlox
red tinted by @little-miss-dilf-lover
You Are The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine by @farfromstrange
Peter Parker
Anti-Hero by @spider-stark
In Case You Don’t Live Forever - rewrite by @waitimcomingtoo
Secret Identity by @sunny-reys
One shots
Arachnid Starvation by @jotypes
crush by @ptersparkers
excuse me, could i get a picture? by @biblio-smia
Ice Cold by @spideyanakin
Interception by @waitimcomingtoo
Private Story Predicament by @shmaptainwrites
push and pull by @literaila
Take A Hint by @waitimcomingtoo
[Unnamed one shot] by @fallinharry
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babyjackdaniels · 6 months
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Peter: “I’m joking! I’m joking.”
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pastafossa · 2 years
“What Was That?” (Haunted House Fic, Matt Murdock x F!Reader)
I CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO POST THIS WHOOPS. I had someone send me an ask like a month ago about Matt and Jane dealing with ghosts and the idea was funny so I typed up a little something, meant to drop it on halloween (hrrgh), so I’m a few hours late in my time zone, but not in others! So let’s do this! This Reader is from my long-fic TRT though all you need to know is Reader is psychic and this is set far enough ahead in their timeline that they’re married.
Rating: SFW
Ship: Matt Murdock x f!Reader 
Wordcount: 2,488 
Warnings: Swearing, references to spiders, ghostly spookiness, though mostly funny. Wanted to see if I could mix a little scary with the haunted house humor.
Matt seen here, questioning what the hell you’ve gotten him into this time. 
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“—goddamn dumbass, sneaking in here,” you grumbled where you were on your hands and knees, shining your flashlight under the moldering, half-broken bed. “He’s lucky his mom paid me to find his phone even without the thread. Him and his friends probably broke in here to drink.” 
“Uh huh,” Matt said slowly. He barely noticed the soft sound of your footsteps behind him, too focused on the corner of the room. “...Right. Drinking.”
“And look, I’m not saying I don’t get the desire to do stupid shit. But at least hold onto your phone.” You rocked back on your knees with a groan, dusting your hands off. “Well, it’s not in here. Next room.”
“Is there… a mannequin in the corner of the room?”
You swung your flashlight around towards the corner he was facing, your brow furrowed as you carefully rose. “No. Why?”
“You don’t see anything?”
“No. Room’s mostly empty other than a bed.”
He’d have agreed with that statement a few minutes ago. While some of the rooms were more furnished than others—all of the furniture being long past its prime, broken and crumbling, faded and coated in dust—most were like this one. As far as he could sense, all that remained in the room was the bed, its covers moth-eaten and ragged, a small end table, cracked down the side and on its last legs… and the ridiculously conspicuous, elongated human shadow standing in the corner, where it had remained for the past five minutes.
He’d been hoping it was a mannequin. A really, really cold mannequin.
The chilled human outline slowly rotated its head clockwise in a half-circle. The movement seemed almost broken, its head moving in staggered intervals, each shift paired with a distant click like the crack of a bone. Only once its mouth reached the twelve o’clock position did it stop.
“I think we should look somewhere else,” he said quickly. “Preferably right now.”
“It’s a spider, isn’t it?” You grimaced, taking a few steps back towards him. “I can handle a lot of them, but not when they get big and hairy.”
He did his best to throw you a casual smile. It would be for the best if you didn’t know what he was sensing. He wasn’t even sure how he’d explain it, in truth. ‘There’s a figure and it’s cold and its face is upside down’ could only result in disbelief. “I just don’t like it here. That’s all. Old houses smell.”
“Fair enough.”
The figure gradually lifted one leg, the motion just as stuttered as the movement of its head had been. Its leg rose further and further until its knee had almost reached its neck, before it took one exaggerated, creeping step towards you both, as if sneaking.
Matt grabbed your arm, and you let out a startled grunt as he yanked you back with him, slamming the ancient door shut behind you both.
“What the fuck, Matt?! You could just ask me to leave.” 
 “Spider,” he said. “It was a really… really big spider.”
Something with long fingernails scratched quietly at the bottom of the door from the other side. Then there was a a faint ‘meow’—not the sound, but the actual word, delivered in the low voice of a large man, the words muffled as if he’d pressed his mouth to the small crack between the top of the door and the frame, all while the nails continued to scratch at the bottom. Which was… fairly unsettling, in about a million different ways, 99% of which Matt didn't feel like considering because even he had sense sometimes. Fortunately, the sounds were also too soft for you to hear.
You raised your brows and glanced at the door, which was still being scratched at.
 “It was a spider with hair,” he added quickly. “It hissed. I wouldn’t go back in there.”
“If it was hissing, it was probably a wolf spider. God, those bites hurt.” You shuddered, before turning around. “Alright, maybe I’m glad you yanked me out of there. Let’s keep looking then. Sooner we find the kid’s phone, the sooner we can get out.”
“Sounds good to me.”
It was on the ceiling this time.
“I hate places like this,” you mumbled, digging around in the couch cushions of an old sofa that groaned ominously every time you pushed too hard. Matt wasn’t sure whether the noise was actually the furniture or if the couch was instead possessed, but either way, he didn’t tell you about the bloodstain beneath it, or the twisted shape in the basement that sounded like it was licking at the underside of the floor right beneath your feet. “I know I complain about sewer grates, and those are gross, too, but old houses like this? Blergh.”
Matt tilted his head at the shape up on the crumbling ceiling, and it tilted its head back, mirroring him.
“Did you find it?” he asked you, trying to keep the urgency out of his voice.
“Not unless you count some questionably stained quarters, no, but I think maybe—”
The shadow skittered suddenly across the ceiling until it was above you, before slowly extending its head down. It shouldn’t have been able to get all that far, but instead of lurching to a stop, its neck began to elongate like warm taffy, its mouth gaping open like a serpent preparing to swallow its prey.
He only just grabbed your shirt and hauled you back with a grunt as the head swung down where you’d just been standing, thick splatters of ethereal drool dropping to the floorboards with quiet pat-pat noises like rain. 
“Matt, Jesus—“ 
 “Another spider,” he said breathlessly, because he loved you and watching a ghost try to swallow you like it was a python and you were an antelope was, to put it mildly, somewhat distressing and adrenaline-inducing. And also disgusting, considering that it had been drooling. “It… fell. Where you were. It was also hissing.”
The eyes on the shadow’s head grew larger, bulging out of its head like overripe grapes, its mouth lolling open until the chin and what he presumed to be a tongue hit the floor with a barely-there splat.
Was it… scowling at him?
“Look, I get that you’re protecting me from spiders, and I’m grateful.” You shot him a look. “But you could just… tell me.”
“The spider had babies on its back. Thousands of them.”
“Right, yup, you’re right, we can hit another room.” This time it was you who dragged him with you, though he was quickly distracted by the stairs in the attic. It sounded like someone was running back and forth, sprinting up and down the steps, though there was no one there that he could sense. 
“We should avoid the attic,” he said after a moment. “There’s more wolf spiders on the stairs. They all... they all have babies. I think it might be breeding season.”
“Do I want to know how many spiders there are in this house?”
“Probably not.”
 “It has to be in here somewhere,” you grumbled, picking your way through the kitchen. It didn’t help that dozens of pots and pans had all been arranged in a series of delicately balanced towers, each monument stationed at what seemed like random points around the room. Even the rickety wooden chairs had been gathered and shaped into a pyramid along one side of the room, behind which was a wall oozing a foul smelling substance he didn’t really want to direct his senses towards. “Only room besides the attic we haven’t checked. Can you sense anything? I’m dying here, D. Lend me a hand, as much as I appreciate you listening for spiders.”
The figure that stepped through the far doorway was different than all the others still.
The basic shape of it was human, but that was where the resemblance ended. Its proportions were… wrong, wrong, the hair on the back of Matt’s neck standing on end. It was so tall the top of its broad, wide-brimmed hat scraped against the ceiling, so tall it seemed to have to fold in on itself just to enter the room. Its bony arms hung halfway to its knees, spindly fingers with too many joints curling beneath hands the size of dinner plates. With each step, its legs silently snapped and folded, bent like the limbs of a massive spider, before they shot out again to take another step.
Only once it was fully in the room, a mere ten feet away, did it stop… and watch.
“Matt? You ok?”
‘MaTT? YOu ok? Ok YOU? MaTT?’ It was as if it were trying to mimic you, its voice pitched in an attempt at yours. And yet the shaped syllables were all wrong, the emphasis in the wrong place, discordant as it looped and repeated, all while rotating its head one way and then the other. “You-you-yOU OK? MaTT? SomeWHERE? HeRE someWHERE? Has to bE. Room EMPty, emPTY? roOOm! No-no-nO, M-m-MaTT.’
He let out a low growl, slowly grabbing the back of your shirt and tugging you back with him as the figure snapped its leg up and then stepped closer, swallowing up far too large a gap. “We’re leaving. Now.”
You glanced at him, your eyes darting over the shape of his mouth, reading what little of him you could see with his mask on. He could almost hear the gears in your mind turning, spinning as you glanced around… and then you sighed. “It’s not a spider, is it?”
‘Is iT? Is IT? IS it? SweetHEART MaTT—’
“...No,” he said grimly, his hand still fisted in your shirt.
There was a faint whisper along his skin, one that signaled you’d opened your third eye. Just like that, the figure froze.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you muttered, before reaching for a large pan on the kitchen counter. 
 “I don’t think hitting it with a skillet will work.” He grit his teeth, spreading his legs wider in preparation, though for what, he wasn’t sure. He’d never actually fought a ghost before, but for you, he’d try. He always would, whether it was robbers in alleys or ghosts or geese.
“It scares more of them than you think.” You grunted and then hurled the pan, the rusted iron flying through the ghost’s torso, momentarily shredding its form. The pan struck the far wall, crashing through the rotted drywall as the ghost let out a haunting wail. You jabbed a finger at it, your tone taking on the note you often used on aggressive raccoons who bothered you in alleys. “Shoo! Beat it!”
The wailing only grew louder. Its jaw unhinged and dropped down against its chest, even its teeth howling.
“Oh, spare me the tears. You’re not a banshee. Fuck off!” Another pot flew through the air, this time sailing through its head. The wailing abruptly ceased, the shape jerking as if you’d startled it. “Go on! Get out of here!”
“Wait, sweetheart—”
There was a low hiss, and then it sprinted, the figure racing towards you. He tried to pull you back but you shook him off, tilting your head up just in time for the figure to lurch to a stop, its face a mere inch from yours.
You didn’t blink, narrowing your eyes.
It leaned closer, your hair stirring as it whispered gibberish at you, its mouth moving too quickly for any mortal, loud jabbering like the buzz of insects in Matt’s ears.
“What’s it saying?” you said mildly. “I can see it but I can’t really hear it. Nothing but whispers.”
“I don’t… think it’s saying anything,” he said warily, resisting the urge to step between you and the ghost as it inched closer, a mere half inch now.
Its head snapped in a ninety-degree angle to the right, gaping mouth yawning wide before it jabbered more noise, this time vaguely understandable, to Matt’s ears at least.
It drew in a breath, the room dropping in temperature in a sudden rush, so sudden frost appeared on the windows, before it shrieked in your face.
“Right, I heard that.” You snorted, before jutting your chin up. “You listen. You all have been bothering us all night, and it’s about to stop. You wanna know why?”
‘No, no, nO, why? WhY?’
“It wants to know why.” Matt’s arm wound around you as the cold shadows in the room deepened, shapes and sounds pressing inwards, listening, whispering, hissing. The walls began to shift minutely, oozing behind the crumbling drywall in a way that almost sounded like the wet rasp of diseased lungs, thick with blood and worse.
“Because my husband,” you bared your teeth in a grin, one gleeful and menacing, “is Catholic.”
The house abruptly went still, the figure in front of you letting out a stuttering gust of air that tasted like mold and decay, like peeling wallpaper and rotted clothes. 
 “And you know what that means,” you continued confidently. “He fucking rolls with his man, the great lamb Jesus. They are quite close, considering how often he goes to confession. As you can imagine, that also makes him close with his priest. Like brothers, or... or a father I guess.” 
 “This feels blasphemous,” Matt said, amused despite himself. 
 “Just trust me and roll with it.”
He thought about it, tipping his head one way and then the other before the corner of his mouth curled up in a smirk. “Have I mentioned my mother’s a nun?”
The house shuddered, windows slamming across the house as if in existential horror, as if it had once gone to Catholic school and dealt with nuns itself, and Matt could relate.
 “Basically, we can have Father Lantom and my nun-in-law here in thirty seconds to exorcise all your asses.” You threw your arms up and Matt helpfully dodged your hand where you’d almost smacked him in the face. “You want that?”
The glass chandelier above you—which seemed like a poor choice for a kitchen, Matt was fairly certain, though he’d admittedly gone to law school and not the School for Decorating Future Haunted Houses—began to sway and creak, the whole house groaning. Doors slammed, footsteps rang out up and down the stairs, an old radio two floors up beginning to blare a pulse of static. The ghost in front of you reared back, its form striking against the ceiling like a wave of cool shadow about to come down on you both.
“Should you really be antagonizing them?” Matt asked you curiously. 
 “Just hang on, it’s a process” you told him, before drawing in a deep breath and letting your voice ring out. “Show me the fucking phone and we’ll leave. No priest needed. Or you can fuck with us, and you all don’t get to scare the shit out of drunken teenagers anymore, which I’m sure you like doing. Take your pick.”
Whispering filled the house, swelling in rapid waves, as if the floors began to discuss with the ceiling, who questioned the attic and the cracked windows that were thoughtfully leaking what Matt suspected was more blood, which dripped down to the arguing shadows in one of the upstairs bedrooms who were debating nuns versus being able to scare teenagers for the next fifty years until the house came down and they had to hitchhike to a new one, which was really a lot of effort, but until Uber hit the Great Beyond, it was the best they could do.
It didn’t take long.
Just like that, every hint of activity… abruptly vanished, including the ghost in front of you.
“Thank you,” you said firmly. “Now show me the phone. I know you assholes took it.”
A sullen silence grew in the house. 
 “Matt, call up Father Lantom and Sister Maggie.”
A pot in the corner fell with a sheepish clang, revealing the phone that had been hidden beneath it.
“Right,” you said quickly, snatching up the phone and taking Matt’s arm. “We should go.”
“I love you,” he said in amusement, as he let you lead him out. “Have I told you that?”
“Yes, and honestly, I’m just glad you’re Catholic. I know I joke about the guilt but that really came in handy.” 
 “I’m glad my Catholic guilt complex could save the day instead of ruin it for once.”
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 30 - Murderdock
Matt Murderdock x reader 
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           "No, not that one."
Y/N couldn't quite remember how she and Murdock became friends.
If they were friends.
It was hard to know with him. He was very mysterious, very private, talking a lot, but never revealing anything personal about himself. They had met in court, then their paths had crossed on the street, in a bar, and now he was there almost all the time.
Like some sort of parasite, Matt Murdock had insinuated himself into her life, and often into her apartment. In the morning, Y/N would find him on her sofa, drinking tea, giving no explanation of how he got in, just reminding her that she was going to be late, and that she had to buy better tea.
There was a lot of rumours about Murdock. It was true that some of his clients weren't the most recommendable people. Almost all from the mob, dangerous criminals, killers.
Some were calling him 'Murderdock'. Y/N had never dared to ask why, nor sought to know if these allegations were founded.
Even though he was weird and intrusive, Matt wasn't that terrible.
The worst thing he did when they were together was to criticize her apartment. Nothing was right for him.
           "Your neighbours are very noisy." he growled as they in front of the television.
           "I can't hear anything at all."
           "You really have very limited hearing, my poor dear."
           "Hmm. Well, that makes it easy for me to enjoy the movie, in my apartment. If it's too loud for you, you can go back to your apartment."
"          That would be rude, you don't leave a date because of a little noise."
           "... It's not a date, I didn't invite you, I found you in the kitchen, making an omelette."
He said nothing, going back to listening to the movie, grimacing because he also had to hear everything that was happening in the neighbourhood.
It was not wrong that the building was poorly insulated. Murdock also often complained of the cold. Then the heat.
According to him, there were rodents in the walls. The pipes were not well maintained. The janitor preferred to drink rather than do his job well.
This lasted for months, during which Y/N ​​didn't really pay attention to all these criticisms, until there was a gas leak at one of her neighbours, and the building exploded when she was at work.
It was a tragedy. Fortunately there were no deaths, but she had lost almost everything.
Murdock behaved like a friend. A friend who was an excellent lawyer. He sued the owner of the building so that she could get enough money to relocate, and he threatened all the insurance she had so that she could recover the papers that had burned, and something to redeem furniture and clothes.
Now she was looking for a new apartment. And Matt was still helping her.
In any case, he said he was there to help her. But as before, no building suited him.
           "Not big enough."
           "I don't see what you mean." she sighed. "Wait, you don't see what you mean either. The living room is perfect. There's room for my bed, a closet, and even a small desk in the bedroom. The bathroom..."
           "The ceiling is low. The windows are poorly insulated. The neighbour is watching. There is a dead rat under one of the kitchen cabinets."
           "How... Fine ! Not that one either. But Matt, it's the twentieth apartment that's not suitable. Even if you often invite you over, I remind you that I'm the one who's going to be living in it. I can't stay at the hotel forever."
           "You could come to my place."
           "It's nice, but I don't want to impose. We'll find something not too bad."
           "I told you, you could come live with me. Permanently."
Y/N looked at him for a long time. He didn't move, pouting and keeping his face to hers, his glasses reflecting her tired expression.
No, he couldn't be serious.
She refused to believe he was serious. Just in case, not to offend him, she didn't laugh. In fact, she said nothing, just nodding before looking at her list to find the address for the next visit.
Matt didn't say anything either, following her closely.
Of course, he criticized the next house. And all the other accommodations. He started to broach a new subject while they were in the fortieth apartment.
           "My apartment has more bedrooms."
           "Good for you."
           "There is more storage. Three bathrooms, with shower and bathtub. There is also a personal cook, and people to clean."
           "I can't afford to live in this kind of apartment."
           "Not a problem, I have enough money for two."
This time, Y/N sighed. It might have been cute, if it hadn't been weird. Even though she was used to it, that she liked to think of them as friends, maybe something else that was hard to describe, it didn't seem like a good idea to agree to live with Murdock.
She found a way not to anger him, promising him that if she hadn't found accommodation before the end of the month, she would think about his proposal.
This seemed to suit him, even when she added that she would take an apartment even if he didn't like it.
Several of the following were not bad. Matt criticized them all, but he said nothing when she gave her file to the owners.
Unfortunately, by the end of the month, most hadn't called her back. Those who had contacted her had told her that her profile was not what they were looking for, and that they had rented the place to someone else.
Except that when she passed one of the buildings, Y/N saw that the "for rent" sign was still displayed.
           "... Murdock. An explanation?"
           "You didn't say anything about threatening people for them to refuse to sell you their place."
           "... You really want me to move in with you ? You really think that's a good idea ?"
           "Darling." he purred, smiling. "I lived almost entirely in your flat before the fire. It was horrible, a real dump, living hell, but you were there, so I made an effort. Now we can go to my beautiful apartment, without neighbours, rodents, pipe problem, and everything will be like before, only better."
           "I... Oh, fuck it."
Delighted, Matt pulled out a paper and a pen. He had prepared a roommate contract. Nothing complicated, no rent, a few hygiene rules, a privacy policy, she wouldn't be allowed to talk about what she would see or hear in the building, and a part about the rooms.
           "So, 'I have the right to have a bedroom that belongs to me, and you won't have access to it without my permission. This goes for your bedroom, where I could only go if you invite me.' Matt, you used to go to my bedroom all the time."
           "There was nothing secret in your bedroom."
           "Uh, my underwear ?"
           "Irrelevant. I can't see them. And if I was looking for something secret, it wouldn't be that kind of stuff."
           "Well. 'If we were to share a bedroom'... Matt ?"
           "I prefer to be prepared for all eventualities."
           "Matt?" she insisted.
           "It's not an invitation to come into my room when I'm not there. But if I am, know that you are always welcome."
Y/N wondered for a moment if it was not Murdock who had voluntarily set fire to her building so that she could come and settle in his place without him having to ask, obviously not being talented to talk about feelings.
But even though it was definitely a bad idea, she signed the contract.
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sgt-morgan · 1 year
Y/N: oh, describe my superhero friends in order of who is most scary? *pointing in order; Spider man, Deadpool, Daredevil, Moonknight.* Yap, Woof, Bark, Growl.
Villain: What does that mean?
Y/N: They’re like puppies 😇
*Later, as they’re being beaten to a pulp*
Robin: Yeah, they’re Hellhounds! My cute little grumpy hellhounds.
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lynnlovesspidahman · 10 months
requests are open! 😊
are you bored yet?
this is me trying. part 1. part 2.
happy birthday.
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Spiders | Matt Murdock
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader
Summary: Matt finds a huge spider in the house and he refuses to kill it.
Warnings: arachnophobia, description of a spider’s sounds and body (the way I see them with my arachnophobia), fluff, not proofread, no beta, probably a lot of grammar mistakes my bad
a/n: my body is tingling. I hate this, but it’s also cute. Matt Murdock hates spiders and I stand by that. [the gif seemed fitting, but for both sides]
find my masterlist here!
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If there is one thing Matt Murdock hated with his whole heart it had to be spiders. He would never admit it though. His previous girlfriends had been deadly afraid of the small insects and so he had to step up and remove them whenever one came crawling in. He couldn’t kill a spider even though he wanted to because even that went against his moral code somehow.
He could hear their heartbeats and the almost inaudible sounds they made when throwing their webs around the corners of his apartment ceiling. He could hear their tiny steps as they walked around his furniture or over the walls. It was unsettling because even though he could hear them, he couldn’t find them. He couldn’t locate them. They were fast little bastards and mostly tiny at that.
He hated spiders with a passion that was unmatched to anything else he hated. They gave him the ick.
She didn’t have many fears either, but spiders were a big no-go. He could hear her heart jump whenever one appeared on the tv or her phone screen suddenly and she would cringe away, scratching at her skin until the disgusting tingling would disappear. Though whenever one happened to be in the apartment, she pulled out the vacuum and got rid of the animals easily without batting an eyelash. She was disgusted, yes, and her hands shook with the panic that spread through her at the mere thought of the spider attacking her and eating her alive (which was a pathetic thought, according to her, but he understood where she came from). Though whenever one happened to crawl by, she removed it because she knew he hated them.
No one had ever been this considerate, and they had only had one conversation about their dislikes in the past when the topic arose in a rather humorous manner and he dropped his irrational fear of spiders, explaining how he could hear them but never find them and that freaked him out. She had just laughed, keeping her own arachnophobia a light subject, playing it down for him so he wouldn’t get suspicious. Ever since then, she would remove every spider without him asking for it. She found them, always, even if it was a little late sometimes and he had already heard them crawling on the walls. But Matt being Matt, he was too much of a coward to ask her to remove them.
Until the size changed completely and it was no longer a daddy long legs or a tiny spider sitting on the wall but a huge, black one with legs that were seemingly bigger than his and Matt decided he had enough. He couldn’t stand in the kitchen with that thing staring at him, plotting his murder. He didn’t have to see it to know how monstrous it was.
Her reaction was proof of his suspicion. She jumped and screeched audibly when she saw it. Matt had his hands on his hips, sightless eyes directed at the kitchen as he listened to the spider do its thing. It was gross and he kept his distance specifically so it couldn’t jump on him even if it had the ability to do so.
“What the fuck is that?” she choked out. Her heart was beating up to her chest. “Why is it so big? What did it eat? Oh, my God, maybe she ate the neighbor.”
“She?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Spiders are all female to me. Doesn’t matter! That thing is huge.” It started moving at the same time she said that. “Ew, ew, ew, ew! Get it off. Get it away from me. Matt, kill it! I can’t look at it. God! Ew!”
Matt swallowed. He would do it. He would ask her to kill the spider instead because there was no way he was going to catch a thing that big and set it outside, and he didn’t want to listen to the heartbeat die out either. Not at his hands, at least, so he would do it. He would ask her, even though he hated that he had to. "Baby, I love you. You know that I'd do anything for you, but, uh... seven fucks to the no,” he said. “You're gonna have to kill that creepy thing yourself."
She gawked at him, then eventually huffed in absolute defeat. "So brave.”
He believed he could still talk himself out of her being mad at him. She knew about his distaste after all and would do it for him, right? She would conquer her fear for his sake, she had to or else both of them had to burn the house down and move far, far away, to New Zealand maybe.
“Have I told you that I love you? So, so much. You're beautiful, a goddess, I worship the ground you walk on. But sweetheart, love of my life, please go kill that fucking thing before I break out into hives. Please?"
The soft please let her defenses fall. She sighed, already searching for the vacuum. “If she is gone by the time I turn around,” she said, “I am moving out.”
“Right there with you,” he said.
“New Zealand maybe?”
“That’s what I was thinking.”
They were so in sync, he felt proud.
“Honey bees are considered the most dangerous there, you know. We wouldn’t have to worry about monstrous, venomous spiders trying to eat us.”
“I doubt it’s venomous, we’re in New York,” he argued. “But yeah, I get what you’re saying.”
The spider moved again, faster this time as if it could sense that she had gotten the vacuum from the closet, even adding the extension so she could stand as far away as possible.
Would it die in there? What if it crawled back out? Matt’s back itched. He didn’t want to think about that, but the longer he stood there, the bigger his concerns grew. Maybe burning the house down wasn’t such a bad idea after all. They could find a place to stay anywhere and just clean it all out before moving.
“Sweetheart,” he whispered in her general direction, “don’t want to alarm you but it sounds like the thing is fleeing the country.”
“No!” She snapped around with the vacuum in hand. “I will not let that fugitive get away with it.” She turned it on. “Be gone, Satan!”
He listened in awe as she squealed while sucking in the huge spider. She could have sworn she saw hairs on the body and she almost dropped the device. Sighing in relief once the spider was gone, disappeared into the depths of the vacuum, she went to turn it off.
Matt stopped her. “Maybe we should break a glass and then suck in the shards just in case it didn’t die,” he said.
“Matt, her legs were torn apart in there. She’s not gonna crawl back out.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Can you hear a heartbeat?”
“No, but insect heartbeats are faint. Please, let’s just completely demolish it before we put the vacuum back in the closet.”
“Oh, my God. I’m not gonna smash a glass,” she said.
“Then just vacuum the apartment,” he retorted.
She groaned, handing it over to him. “Do it yourself, big boy.”
“What if it comes out though?” He gave her a panicked expression. “What if it comes back out and eats me?”
“She won’t.”
“It might.”
“No, I won’t do it. I’d rather ask one of the neighbors to get rid of the entire vacuum than risk it coming back out again.”
She wanted to hit him over the head. He looked adorable like this, but sometimes he could be quite annoying, even after a scare like that. Perhaps he was onto something though. It might have still been alive and even she couldn’t take that chance.
She gave in and took the vacuum back, turning it on and sweeping the apartment, making sure to suck in as much dirt and dust as possible. She even vacuumed the couch and the bedroom. Pressing the head down on the carpet, she waited until she was sure any living thing would have suffocated, and then she finally turned it off.
Matt gave her the go-ahead, allowing her to stash it away. She did.
The pair continued staring at the door for another five minutes, eyebrows furrowed and senses spread out to make sure they weren’t going to be attacked by the monster.
She eventually turned to her boyfriend. “Do we think she’s dead?” she asked.
Matt tilted his head. “Jury’s still out on that one,” he said.
“I want to take a shower.”
“Then go.”
“Not when she can come out of the closet and eat you anytime.”
“I’m pretty sure a lesbian spider would be a new one.”
She needed a moment to register what he just said. Then, she toppled over with the brightest laugh he had heard her utter in a while.
“A LESBIAN SPIDER?!” she wheezed. “What is wrong with you, Matthew? Oh, my God.” Her chest rumbled with laughter once again until her sides started to hurt and she ran out of air.
Matt joined in, more surprised about how he got to that conclusion than anything else. He hadn’t even meant to say it, the words just slipped, but the joke was a good one and he had to note that he made her laugh like that. His mission was to do it more often, even if it were just with jokes about gay spiders, which, as he thought about it, was truly quite ridiculous.
“Yeah, I mean if she’s gonna come out of the closet…” he trailed off.
“Don’t explain the joke,” she said. “You’re gonna ruin it.”
“A lesbian spider.” She giggled. “Alright, I’m going to take a shower now.”
His arm shot out. “Wait!”
“Relax, Matthew. If you’re right about lesbianism, she’s not gonna eat you.”
Her footsteps disappeared into the bathroom where a lesbian spider could definitely find her in the shower and eat her, he figured, so he instantly trailed after his girlfriend.
“That doesn’t make me feel better!” he squeaked.
Her laugh rang out. “I know.”
Needless to say that they staked out to watch for any signs of the mysterious spider in the vacuum the entire night, even beyond their shared shower time.
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skyfallslayer · 6 months
The Darkness In Me || Story 3: Kingpin & Daredevil
-Kingpin!Matt Murdock x Vigilante!Reader-
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Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🖤 Series Summary: You were shocked to find out your childhood friend turned out to be the Kingpin of the underworld, but you had to put those thoughts aside to bring him down. You were Hell’s Kitchen vigilante, its protector. There's no valid reason not to stop him. However, when your hidden feelings for him start to surface once more, how will you be able to even think about bringing him down?
🖤 Story Summary: Your night trying to save a kid takes a dangerous turn. Now fighting to stay alive after a possible life threatening injury, you soon find yourself face-to-face with the man that runs this city’s underworld: The Kingpin. Aka… your childhood friend.
🖤 Date: 12/06/23
🖤 Rating: Mature
🖤 Word Count: 12, 842 (Damn o-0)
🖤 Warning: Blood; Gore; Talks of Child Abuse; Child Death(s); Child Manipulation; Mental Break; Murdering and Allusion to Murder; Non Consensual Touching(?) Looks like it but its not); Seductive Talk; Implied Seductive Manipulation; Slight Karedevil; Implied Frank/Karen: Past Killing of a Love One; Talks of Betrayal; Death of a Love One; Dark!Matt; Yeah, Matt gets a fucking warning in this one (I mean, he ain't the Kingpin for nothing); Russian & Japanese Via Google Translate (not super accurate, I apologize). READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
-Let me know if I missed anything-
🖤 A/N: Oh boy, this was tough but fun to write! Hopefully nothing is too overwhelming for y'all. Alrighty then… we're finally getting to Matt's POV of things, which I honestly think I enjoyed writing more than reader's (*le gasp*). But yeah, here's a bit of the flirty and charming Matt Murdock we all know and love with a dash of darkness. Enjoy!
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There’s no fucking way this was real. Was the first thing you thought. Maybe it was the next one. Or the next one, or– Oh, geez. You really didn’t know what to think. 
Here you are thinking the whole time that he’s the same as you; That despite your rough childhoods, you both managed to put the nightmares aside and build the life you guys wanted. You both had your hopes and dreams, you both got the jobs you desired, you both made a friend that had your back. But now…
You don’t know when or where or how this even happened. You don’t know why he’s on this route. You don’t know why you just watched him kill a man for screwing up his ‘responsibility’. You don’t even know what to think of this situation, what to think of…
Matthew Murdock, Your childhood friend; The person you were starting to feel more for. The person that was none other than–
The King of Darkness himself.
|| Four Days Ago || 
The doors slammed simultaneously, the both of you sighing as you laid back in the chair as your partner, Frank, rests his forehead against the steering wheel before lightly tapping it a few times. Your mornings had started off with a call of distress from an elderly man claiming that he had been robbed. Turns out, the poor man just had dementia. So after a talk with his son who stepped out to run an errand, they ended up back her with slight annoyance. 
Frank sighs again, finally bringing his head up. “I know he has health problems, but still… you think your stuff’s gone and you call 911?” 
“Yeah…” You rub your eyes, dark circles dusting them. “This is going to be a long day.”
“Of course it will be.” He starts the car, sitting up straighter. “Breakfast?”
“Please.” Like you could turn that down after not eating anything for a few hours straight.
He pulls away from the curb, driving in the direction of a local diner that he’s mentioned a few times. “So, Y/N… how are you adjusting to the move?” He said at his attempt at small talk (he didn’t speak much if he didn’t need to, you noticed, so I guess you could say this was a good sign).
“Me? I’m actually doing pretty good. I know how Hell’s Kitchen ticks so–” You shrugged. “Except for when some of the places I’ve been to have disappeared, I didn’t really need to adjust to anything.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You’ve been to Hell’s Kitchen before?”
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Oh, shit. I guess I didn’t tell you. I was born here.”
“Yeah. I lived here till I was eight.”
“Damn. So it’s been awhile.”
“What made you move away in the first place?” Frank asked, making you pale. But he didn’t seem to notice since his eyes were on the road. “Y/N?”
“Uh, well…” You frown thinking about that day. You sigh, trying not to play with your hands like you were a kid. “My parents passed. Car accident, uh– Truck ran a red light and hit up straight on.”
“Oh, my god.” He begins, and you hold your hand up.
“Before you apologize for asking, don’t. You didn’t know.” 
“Yeah, but still.” He frowns worriedly. “You were… eight? That’s rough.”
“It was, but I had to accept it pretty quickly when I moved to California with my Aunt and Uncle.” You explain, feeling your heart clench at one of the names.
“My Aunt wasn’t the nicest woman.”
Frank scoffed, but not at you, but at everything else. “I got to hand it to you, Y/N, you turned out pretty well. To me, your story sounds like the makings of a villain’s origin.”
You chuckled. “So I’m not the only one to have that thought.” You reply, half joking as the car pulled into an open spot.
“I mean it though.” Frank says, turning the engine off. “You’re strong. Stronger than you think. I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost my family like that.” He opens his door. “Alright. Enough depressing shit. Let’s eat. I’m starving.”
You snort. “What? Did you not eat before your shift last night?” 
“You think I know how to cook?” He smirks. “I leave the cooking to someone else.”
“I could see that.” You teased, following him inside.
“Well it’ll be dinner when our shifts are over. We should get burgers.”
“I wish I could. Unfortunately I got dinner plans with friends.”
“Oh, Y/N!” Foggy shouts as soon as he spots you, standing up and waving you over. “So glad you could make it.”
“Well thanks for the invite.” You said, with a smile, hoping the makeup you put on hid how tired you were (Seriously, why did you talk yourself into being a vigilante and a cop at the same time?).
“Y/N, this is Marci.” He said, gesturing to his lovely wife, who shakes your hand.
“Hello, Marci. It’s finally nice to meet you.” 
“Likewise.” Marci said as you guys took a seat. “I swear, he talks about you more than Matthew does.”
“Hey, she gives me all the juicy details my dear friend leaves out. That’s all.” Foggy defends, making her roll her eyes playfully.
You chuckle. “So, speaking of the devil. Where is he?”
He frowns, almost feeling like it was somehow his fault. “Unfortunately, poor Matty can’t make it tonight.”
“No?” You copy his expression. “How come?”
“Says he’s got something important to do.” He sighs dramatically. “I swear he’s got some weird night time hobby. He’s always disappearing.”
“Sounds like something he would do.” You smirk as the joke rolls off your tongue. “You think he’s a secret mob boss or something?”
“Honestly, I was thinking more like Batman, but wouldn’t be surprised with that either.” Foggy said with a shrug, before picking up his menu. “Now, let’s eat. I’m starving.”
“Never heard that one before.” Marci said, hiding her laugh.
This was nice. You finally made some acquaintances that you could now call your friends. Although this dinner would be a bit bittersweet without Matt, you couldn’t complain, you were just glad you were here, living the moment.
Deep down…
You still wonder what he’s doing.
Punch. Punch.
“Is something going on with you? You know you can always talk to me.” Foggy said, clasping his friendly hand onto his shoulder with a warm smile.
Punch. Punch.
“I thought you were supposed to help me.” Wilson Fisk said as he stared in disbelief from across the table; his hands were aching to strangle his lawyer as they stayed handcuffed to the metal flat top.
“But I am helping you.” Matt replies, his calm complexion suddenly morphed into something wicked that even made the ex-mob boss shiver in his seat. “The Defense is just doing a better job than me.”
Punch. Crack. Punch.
“You’ve done a wonderful job, Matthew.” The older woman, who happened to be the leader of assaination group that took him in, Alexandra Reid, smile so proudly at him as she grasps his shoulders. “You… are the most perfect soldier I’ve seen in a long time.” She chuckles. “Go spread chaos, my love.”
Punch. Crack. Pain. Whine. Punch.
“You fight well, kid.” His old and blind mentor said, making his heart skip with pride until… “But not well enough. You disappointment.”
Punch. Pain. Pain. Whine. Pain. Punch.
“Is Mama really gone?” Matt croaked as held his father’s hand, laying in bed as his head started to go numb from the medicine. But he didn’t need sight to know what expression his dad was making.
“Yeah, Matty. She is.”
Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Crack. Punch. Punch.
“You really are leaving?” He asked, watching his best friend’s face morph into hurt and sadness.
“Yeah. I am.” You could feel yourself starting to cry. “But I don’t want to.”
He grabs your hand, holding it tight. “Then don’t. I don’t want to lose you. Don’t go.”
“Matty, I don’t have a choice. I have to go.”
Matt lets out a low growl as keeps pounding his fists over and over into his ‘sparring’ partner. In the boxing ring he had the man backed into one of the corners, flat on his bottom as blood sprayed everywhere; small bone fragments starting to stick out of his bruised flesh too, But he didn’t care. This was just someone he could easily replace, so he picked up the speed, turning the dial full. Striking over, and over, and over, and over again. And again. And again. And again. And–
“If you don’t stop you’ll cripple him. Or worse.” The blond Karen Page, his advisor, said as she entered the room, making him pause for a second.
“Should I care?” Matt snipped, voice sounding like acid that could melt anything it touches.
Karen’s jaw clenched, but she kept her composure. “You should care, seeing that our number of men is declining. Fast.”
Matt groans and punches the man again, surely KO-ing him this time. “I turn my head away for one second, and my men just disappear in a blink of an fucking eye. They’re all ending up on police departments’ doors so fast, It’s not even safe enough to let them go without some suspicion. Fuck!” He kicks him in the shin, getting a crack. “It’s all because of that fucking asshole in a mask! Do you have any idea where he came from?”
“No, sir. I asked around. Nobody knows. And the reports I… ‘borrowed’ shows that there’s no reports of a mutant, or superpowered individual other than Ghost-Spider in the last ten years or so.”
Matt pauses, thinking. “You think they come from out of state?” 
“It’s a possibility.” Karen quickly notices his silence. “Someone comes to mind, sir?”
“No. I was over stepping.” He sighs, holding out his hand as he’s thrown a towel. “Did the delivery arrive smoothly like I asked?”
“It’s on its way. Should be there soon.”
“Good.” He throws the towel around his neck. “I need a shower, and send someone to bandage him.”
“Shall I tell the driver the penthouse or regular?”
Matt pauses again for another second. “Regular. I need to go to work tomorrow.”
“Very well then. I’ll call him now.” Karen bows his head. “Goodnight, Sir.”
“Likewise.” He says, while exiting the ring and into the locker room, still burning with rage that keeps on growing. 
Stretching out in your new pajamas, you casually let yourself float around your apartment, excitement (or I guess pride) ran through your veins as you read the next article about your alter ego ‘Daredevil’. The local news lately has been flooded with nothing but articles about you. The next one made you grin, some twenty year old blogger was geeking out how fast you were in some reports and sightings.
You chuckle, lips curling in a smirk. “Damn right, I’m fast.” You didn’t have enhanced speed for nothing. Besides that, you were also cursed gifted with levitation, superhuman reflexes and stamina, and lastly, psionics; Something that you can manipulate in many different ways. It wasn’t as glorious as when your mother would do it, but you were trying.
I wonder how Uncle Pietro would have felt if he knew I had his speed. You frown, shaking your head when a gruesome memory crosses your mind.
Gosh. Why am I living so much in the past all of sudden? Why is everything flooding in quickly? You’ve been pretty good about not reliving your past over the years, but now… you can’t seem to get away from it.
I wonder why? You perk up when a knock comes from your door. You rotated slowly and gently landed on your bare feet, trekking across the room.
“Coming!” You call out, fixing your top before opening the door. You were met with a familiar sight, just like when you had moved in you saw the white vase at your feet filled with the same color and number of Roses. Looking around with caution again, you saw no one before picking it up, plucking the note off one of the stems. This time it just had a single word which was–
You furrow your brows. “What the fuck?” Did whoever sent them know that you were down to your last rose? Did this person know that getting these was intriguing to you? Did they know that this was secretly creeping you out as well?
You scoffed out loud.
Why the fuck were you hanging onto the roses if they were driving you crazy anyway?
Matt does his best the next day to hide the cuts on his hands, and bruises lingering on his body. Although he’s grown used to the smell of blood staining his flesh, he knows everyone else around him is not (And being a blind man certainly didn’t help his cause). He got dressed like usual, skipping the red suit for his normal, freshly pressed, black one. He slips on his shades, grabbing his cane and briefcase by the door before stepping outside; One of his men standing there just like always. Dressed in what looked like a ‘caretaker’ outfit, he puts on the bubbly personality he was instructed to do.
“Morning, Mr. Murdock.” 
“Morning, Anthony.” 
“Taxi’s here like you requested.” 
“Perfect.” Matt starts walking with his men a quarter step behind. Now since they’re out in public, it’s time to start speaking in code. “Still having dinner with the family later?”
“That’s the plan, but you know Brently and his boys are. They’re probably out adventuring around here, waiting to give me a scare.” His response made Matt mentally smile. 
His bodyguards were in their posts like they should be. “Well, we wouldn’t want that for you.” He plays along, feeling for the door handle before pushing it open to the outside world.
“Oh, and don’t forget, you have a doctor’s appointment tonight. A follow up.”
A meeting. He almost forgot about the meeting he set up weeks prior. “Ah, almost slipped my mind.” Matt admits, opening the taxi door to get in but—
The smell is what threw him off. This scent was completely different than what he was used to.
“Where ya heading to, sir?” The driver spoke, which was another unfamiliar thing. 
He frowns, hiding his worriedness. “Mr. Richards?”
“Mr. Richards’ sick. I’m taking his place today.”
And that makes Matt grow quiet, letting his other senses kick in. Other than the scent, he could hear the steady heartbeat slowly start to spike, the knuckles tightening their hold on the steering wheel, and the smell of ink lingering on the man’s neck. Now he’s realized what’s going on.
Sliding back outside, sensing his bodyguard looking at him with concern. “It’s a shame, Mr. Richards is sick.” Matt said, acting like he was scratching his neck but in reality was a signal. His bodyguard trails his eyes subtly inside, confirming what Matt thought the tattoo was. 
A logo for a rebel gang in the area. A real pain in his side, always gutting for him. I guess he should have seen this coming sooner.
“It is. I hope he feels better.” His bodyguard said, still with a smile. “Will you be taking a stroll instead?”
“I will.” Matt pushes away from the vehicle, heading in the direction he needed to go. “Just make sure you take out the trash for me.”
“Of course. I’ll see you later Mr. Murdock.”
Matt listened as his bodyguard shut the back door before getting in the passenger, and took out his side arm, politely telling him to drive. He wishes he could go back and laugh in his ‘kidnapper’s’ face. He’s been in this business long enough to know who he trusts and who he can gut. Even though it can be tiring…
The monster inside him sometimes enjoys the thrill of it all.
He sighs when the knob doesn’t turn, and starts fishing around for his keys; His pocket was like a void sometimes. He brushes off your scent and footsteps as being part of his tired mind, so it still surprised him when you suddenly appeared next to him.
“Wow, look who’s late.” You say, with a cheeky look.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” He asked, pausing his actions (guess he should stop brushing the thought of you off).
“Thought I stopped by on my patrol of the neighbourhood. I brought bagels.” You hold the piping hot food up. “And if you’re wondering why the door’s still locked, Foggy had… lots to drink last night.”
He raises an eyebrow. “How hungover is he?”
“Well, not sure on that, but he did call me three times in the middle of the night to talk about the Yankees and how Darth Vader would be great at the sport.”
He chuckles. “Oh. So he’s that drunk.” He finally unlocks and opens the door. “I’ll make coffee.”
You smiled. “Sounds good to me.” 
He started the machine and you walked around again, being nosy as usual. The office still had its characteristics about it, enough to know what side was Matt’s and what side was Foggy.
God, I’ve spent too much time around them. You spotted a stack of papers nearby, printed on it is what looks like an ad and you let your curiosity get the best of you on this one.
“You going to start standing on street corners and pass these out?” You asked, before realizing you didn’t phrase it right. “Sorry. The fliers, I mean?”
He smiles. “I thought that’s what you meant. No, Foggy thought it’d be a good idea to get the word out more.”
“Is business not good or something?” You asked, worriedly. For being in a building like this you thought they had to be doing good. 
“Don’t worry, we are. But we want to branch out more. Marci’s job allows her to travel around New York City, so we’re going to have her put some up whenever she gets the chance.”
“Well that’s good.” You look back at it, admiring the work until something catches your eye. You noticed that each of the men had signed their names on the bottom right above the printed version of it, a nice warm idea to show how ‘cozy’ this place was. But that’s not what was stopping you; There was something… oddly familiar about Matt’s penmanship. 
Where have I–
“Coffee’s ready.” Matt announces, coming out from the kitchenette with two cups.
You smile, subconsciously folding the paper and tucking it away. “Thanks.” You take a sip, the cheap coffee actually tasting pretty good this time around. Then, you noticed something else about him, something more troubling as you jump into action. “You’re bleeding.” 
That catches him off guard. “What?”
“You’re bleeding.” You set your cup down before he could speak and roll up his sleeve. You noticed the deep gash on his forearm, not too big, just deep. You furrow your brows concernedly. “How’d you get this cut?”
Matt keeps his cool, the lie he tells rolls off his tongue with ease. “Curse of a blind man. Can’t see where I’m going.”
“Let me fix you up. Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Y/N, you don’t have to.”
“I want to. Where is it?”
“Don’t be a brat, Matty.” You slap him in the shoulder, holding back a laugh. “Where is it?”
Now he seems like he was trying to do the same thing. “Really? You’re bringing that name back?” He asked as you hum and nod. “Well… peaches, it’s under the sink.”
“Pfft.” You slap him again as you pass and mumble, “Can’t believe that name is still haunting me.” You grab the kit and examine his arm again, taking a better look. “Looks deep. I could stitch it up?”
“Nah, don’t bother. It’ll heal.” Matt says, trying to calm the nerves he could hear in your voice.
“But it’s deep. I really should.”
“Y/N, it’ll heal. Trust me. Just bandage it.” 
You comply against your better judgment, and start cleaning it up first. “You got some superpower I don’t know about?” You asked, ironically.
“Hmm, maybe, I don’t know.” He grins. “Wouldn’t little peaches like to know that.”
“Oh, my god. Stop.” You blush a bit. “You’re never going to let that go.”
“What? Like I said the last time, I think it’s adorable.”
“No, it’s not.” You shake your head, all embarrassed as you start applying the bandages. “What would you think if I started calling you ‘Bratty-Matty’ again?”
He chuckles, making your heart flutter. “You already did a few times.”
“In public.”
“Oh, well—”
“See? You’ll hate it.”
“No, not necessarily.”
You pause. “Huh?”
“Well, you know, in today’s environment it’s kind of–” His free hand tugs on your badge around your neck, getting closer. “Kinky.”
“Kinky?” You said, with a flush face and slightly intrigued (completely unaware that he could hear your heart racing with excitement). “I didn’t think little… Catholic Matthew Murdock would be into those things.”
His pulse skipped a beat, feeling your hand gently brush the injured one. “Well, we were just children so… we wouldn’t talk about adult stuff now, would we?”
“Oh, certainly not.” You feel his chest press against yours as he closes the gap. “You… like to talk about that stuff?”
“Only with the people I really admire.”
“Oh, yeah?” 
“Yeah.” His hand creeps up to the back of your neck, gently bracing you. 
You couldn’t help but moan a little from it, drawing a seductive smile from him. “Matty…”
“I kind of want to share that with you.” He whispers, trying to lock his lips to yours and–
Your walkie suddenly crackles, an order coming through.
You blush. “Sorry.” You reply, trying to unclip from your belt as he steps away to give you space.
“It’s okay.” He says, listening to you ask the operator to repeat and you to take it.
You sigh. “Geez, I’m sorry, Matt. I’ve got to go.”
“No, no. It’s okay. You’re still on duty.” 
“Okay. Thanks.” You start to leave, until you feel him get close to you again (and looking flustered once more).
Matt rubs the back of his neck like a nervous tick. “Hey, uh… would you like to… catch up some more? Just the two of us? Like… over dinner?”
Now it was your turn to be caught off guard. “Dinner?” You asked, making sure you heard that correctly. “Like uh… like a date?”
“I was thinking more of a play-date, maybe?” He replies with a half shrug.
“A play-date, huh?” You raise your eyebrow, grinning. “And where would this play-date partake?”
“Oh, I was thinking maybe that Sicilian place in that hotel off 5th?”
“That’s quite the restaurant. You sure?”
“My treat.”
“Alrighty then, hot shot. I’ll see you seven. I’ll wear something nice.”
“You could wear pajamas and I wouldn’t care.” He listens to you laugh a wave goodbye, standing in the doorframe of his office until he hears you no more. His expression fades away into something more serious now. “Brently.”
The office across the way, which was ‘up for lease’, opened up to one of his bodyguards who was awaiting a task. “You called, Boss?”
“Call Karen and tell her to move the meeting I have tonight to tomorrow.”
Brently’s face stays the same, but his tone shifts to concern. “Sir, would that be wise? I mean, they’ve been waiting weeks to have a word from you. You sure they won’t lash out?”
“They should know enough to not even try that. If not, handle it. Understood?”
“Did Castle disappear again?” You asked an officer as you entered the office, noticing that he was not lounging around where his desk was. 
“Probably. I haven’t seen him all morning.”
Seriously, where does he run off too? You should probably ask him, I mean he trusts you enough to tell you, right? You head into the women’s locker room, heading to the row in the back. You quickly examine to see if your lock has been tampered with before putting your bag inside. It’s kind of sad you had to watch you back here, a place you should feel the safest but you don’t. You lock it back up as you hear the door being opened, sounding like two officers coming inside, chatting.
“-surprised she’s not dead yet.”
“I know, right? I’m still amazed.”
You roll your eyes at the gossip and how they sounded like they were teenagers in high school. “Oh, boy…” You whisper, and start to leave, but–
“I wonder what Lieutenant Y/N did to the Boss for him to spare her so far.”
You froze, breath caught in your throat.
Wait, what? 
“I mean, how long has she been here with us? A month? Two?”
“That sounds about right.”
“I mean, she’s survived a lot longer than we expected. Remember Captain Trevor? He refused to follow the program and guess what? A day and a half later he was dead. Bullet embedded in his skull and they ruled it a suicide, but we all know what it is.”
“Yeah.” A sigh, and the next words were like a knife to your heart. “I feel bad for Castle. A hardened soldier like him still felt guilty about doing it. You could see it in his eyes.”
“Yeah. Poor Trevor too. He was young. Castle probably saw his own son in him.”
“Man, this sucks. How has the Lieutenant been living this long?”
“That’s what I’m saying. There’s got to be something to it.”
“I believe it.”
You continue to listen as they talk about something else before grabbing something out of their lockers and leaving. The whole time you had your hand cupped over your mouth, your face went pale. Frank had told you briefly about his ‘program’ kill but…
You didn’t think it would hit so deep. Now all you could think about now was–
Why were you still alive?
You wore a cap sleeve red dress for your date, accompanied with black heels and a purse. You kept your makeup kind of light, and decided to style your hair long today with an exception of a clip for looks. Just as you finished putting some perfume on, you were surprised when you found Matt already at your door.
“Matty?” You said, taken back.
“The one and only.” Was his response, hold out his arm for you to take. “Ready to go?”
You knock yourself out of your trance (that of shock and how good he looked tonight) and lock the door. “Yeah, of course.” You take his arm and you both guide each other around down the apartment stairs.
“You smell good, by the way.” 
You blush. “Thanks.” Then you mentally slap yourself. “I just realize you can’t see what I’m wearing.”
“I can feel.” He fingers brush the fabric. “Silk?”
“I got it years ago when my precinct was doing this charity-gala event, and haven’t worn it since. It’s red by the way.”
“Ah. I always liked that color on you. Cherry?”
“Apple.” You answered as you get to the last step when the thought from earlier comes back. “Hey, how did you know where I lived?”
“You told me one time.” Matt replies, masking his panic pretty well (God, how did he forget that?).
“I did?” 
“Huh.” Maybe it was all those third shifts you’ve been doing lately. “You must have a better memory than I do, ‘cause I don’t.”
The restaurant was… way more fancy than you thought it was going to be. I know Matt said he’d treat you but Jesus H. Christ this place was way above your pay grade. The materials they used and decorations you could see knew they were attached to triple digits, and when a menu doesn’t bother showing you the price for something, you knew you were out of your league.
Now I feel kind of guilty mooching off of him. You thought, knowing he was a lawyer but still. Could he really afford this?
“Here’s some glasses for the wine.” Your server said, gently placing them on the table. You quickly now noticed the the brace on his forearm and out curiosity, you asked,
“Your hand okay?” 
“Oh, this? Yeah I’m fine. Lucky actually. I was getting mugged the other day.” He says, and you suddenly realize why he looked so familiar. 
“That’s awful. Sorry to hear that.” Matt replies, as the waiter shrugs.
“Like I said, I was lucky. Thank god that vigilante was nearby. Saved my ass. Just wished I could have thanked him.” You couldn’t help but smile a little while Matt mumbled something incoherent as he continued tracing his fingers over the braille menu.
What’s up with him? You wondered, before tuning back into what your waiter was saying.
“-So, have we decided what we’re eating tonight?” He asked, and the two of you placed your orders before handing the menus back. “I’ll have that out for you shortly.”
“Still not sold on Daredevil?” You asked, pouring a glass of wine for the both of you. 
He thanks you before answering, “Like I said, I just want the right guy to pay.”
“And you think he’s not doing a good job?”
“Well the media thinks he is. I’m not so sure myself sometimes. But I’ll admit, I admire how persistent he is.”
You pause before tilting your head, confused. “Persistent? What do you mean by that?” You took note how he looked like a deer in a headlight just as your waiter came out with the appetizers. By then the subject was changed, something less ‘intense’ and more lighthearted. And by the time your main courses came the two of you were laughing and enjoying yourself, feeling like you two were kids again. 
“Oh, man. I can’t believe you guys actually did that.” You said, mixing around your carbonara with your fork. “How did you and Foggy not get expelled?”
“Good…” He chuckles. “Good question. We really should have, to be honest.”
You hum, staring at him for a minute before feeling a twinge of guilt. You wanted to ask him something that’s been bugging you for a while, and you were not sure if it was the appropriate time or not. You set your utensil down, nervously. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“It’s… kind of a debbie-downer.”
“You know I’ll answer it, Y/N.” He says, reassuring. “Shoot.”
Backing out crosses your mind, but you managed to encourage yourself to finally ask, “Why did you stop writing letters to me?” And then you saw his expression again, one that you didn’t know how to place. Why was he so surprised you were asking him certain things tonight? 
You watch him set his own fork down, eternally debating with himself as he takes a deep breath.
“Listen… Y/N, I–”
The sound of something shattering caught both of your attentions, followed by hush voices before it got really loud.
“I know he’s in here! I recognized his cars outside! His people!” A man shouted, his thick accent lingering. A worker shouted at him to get back as he entered the dining hall, catching everyone’s eye now.
“What’s going on?” You said, missing the way the brunette clenches his fists (‘Cause unlike you, he knew exactly who this was).
“I know you’re in here! Тащи сюда свою задницу, ублюдок!” (*Get your ass over here, Bastard!)
“What the hell is babbling about?” You asked, recognizing it was Russian, but didn’t understand it. You watched him get pulled away by a few people, still shouting and kicking like a child throwing a fit. “What do you think that was all about?”
Matt’s hands twitched and ached in his lap, unbeknownst to you. “Um… I don’t–” But then his phone rings, this time you could see the bit of annoyance on his features as he pulls it out.
[‘Brently. Brently. Brently.’]
The automatic voice chimed over and over until he picked it up.
“Sorry. Let me take this.” He says, before you have any say. “Hello?” You watch him talk, the annoyance on his face seemed to progress that was starting to rub off on you. “Alright, then.” He hangs up with a sigh.
“Who’s Brently?” You asked, slightly irritated (and you would be more if he knew he was going to lie next).
“Uh, client. Um, he’s in some legal trouble, I, uh… gotta go bail him out.” Matt replies, scooting his chair back.
You blink in surprise. “What?” 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I gotta take responsibility for this.”
“To bail your client out?” He shakes his head, causing you more confusion. “Doesn’t he have a family? Why did you call you to bail him out?”
“Well, I’m… his lawyer, and he calls me so it falls on me.”
Now that just sounded like a load of bull to you. You frown. “So? Make him wait, or call Foggy then. We’re–”
“Foggy’s out with Marci. Don’t want to bother him.” Matt says, cutting you off.
“And we’re not… out? Together? Like him and his wife?”
“Y/N, I’m really sorry, I’ll make it up to you, but this is important.”
Now that got your blood boiling. “And this is not?” You asked, standing up yourself and walking away with him calling out your name like a broken record.
Matt was really surprised that you let him even open the taxi door for you, but he knew you weren’t looking his way with your arms cross and head down with rage (he honestly couldn’t fucking blame you for acting like this). He then walked around and told the driver your address, and told him to drive safe which he complied.
“You Mr. Richards son?” He asked in a low tone that you couldn’t hear.
“Yes, I am.”
“Is he doing better?”
“A little banged up, but he’s alright. Should be back in a few days, Sir.”
“Good.” Then he made a face that makes anyone’s skin crawl. “You make sure nothing happens to her, or I’ll gut inside out and mail it to your dad as a ‘get well’ gift. Understood?”
The driver pales and nods before driving away. Matt then gets in a black tinted SUV, fuming in his seat as his bodyguard rolls the privacy screen down to talk.
“Page has Mr. Anatoly, Boss.” 
“Where are they heading?” He asked, hands aching again as he bounces his leg to confine his anger inside. 
“Usual spot. Shall I drive you over there?”
“Yes.” A grin. “Please.”
“Here’s a twenty.” You said, as the taxi pulled up to your apartment. “Just keep the change.”
“Uh, no need, uh… Your date paid for it.” The driver explained, waving it off.
You roll your eyes. “Of course he did.” You mumbled, getting out of the vehicle quickly as he bid you goodnight. Well…
That had to be one of the worst dates you’ve ever been on (and you’ve been on a lot). You threw your purse on the kitchen counter, kicking off your heels somewhere in the dark hall before sliding down to a sitting position against the wall. You get that he had an important client, but did he really have to take priority over him rather than spending a nice evening with you? Or better question… Why did he look like you caught off guard so many times tonight? 
What are you hiding, Matt? And that was a question that was burning like candle light.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Karen was sitting in the back of another SUV listening to how Anatoly, the Russian mob member, went on and on about something (to be frank, she was only half listening).
“You were right to reach out to us, although, since we’re being truthful, a call would have been more appropriate.” Karen explains, feeling slightly sorry about what was going to happen to this man.
“Look, I… I wanted to speak with him in person. Try to put the past behind us.” The Russian said, getting a hum which was right on cue for the vehicle to stop. “Why are we stopping?”
“They say the past is etched in stone, but it isn’t. It’s… smoke trapped in a closed room, swirling, changing. Buffeted by the passing of years and wishful thinking.” Karen starts poetically saying. “But even though our perception of it changes, one thing remains constant. The past can… never be completely erased. It lingers. Like the scent of burning wood. And it’s my job as his advisor to make sure everything just… lingers.”
Anatoly gives her a strange look, which Karen ignored to answer a call.
“Sir?” She said, listening closely. “Yes, passenger side.”
“Was that him?” The Russian asked, hopeful.
“Yes. He’d like to have a word with you.”
Anatoly nods and mumbles something in his native tongue seconds before the door flies wide open. To his shock, an angry Matt Murdock reaches inside and yanks him out, throwing him viciously on the ground. 
“You embarrassed me.” Matt snarls, even with his shades on you knew there was bloodlust in those blind pupils. “You fucking embarassed me infront of her!” And throws a punch.
They both exchange some hits, equally spilling some blood, however, at one point, Anatoly pulls out a knife, swinging it defensively. What thought could do some damage, he ends up seeing the Kingpin’s suit was barely touched by the blade.
Surprising him again, Matt had him pinned against the vehicle, breaking his wrist the weapon was in. “Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты просто позвонил. Я бы дал тебе пропуск. Но нет…” He hisses, cradling the sides of the Russian’s head (*I wish you had just fucking called. I would have given you a pass. But no…). “Ты только что выкопал себе чертову могилу.” (*You just had dug your own fucking grave.)
He then starts banging his head on the side of the car a few times before tossing him back at the ground. Anatoly desperately tries to crawl to the car, begging Karen to help in Russian, but Matt’s advisor made no movements that she would at all. Instead, Matt drags Anatoly by his hair, laying him between the floor and the door…
Then slams it hard.
And over.
And over.
And over.
And over.
And over again.
As blood bathed the concrete with its glorious red color, Matt never stopped until his enemy’s head was completely taken off. 
Inhaling heavily, body still tense as Karen walks over carefully, offering her Boss her handkerchief.
“Tell Mr. Potter, I’ll need a new suit.” Matt said after a moment, and wiped his face clean.
Karen nods with a hum. “What about this?” She asked, gesturing to the body behind them.
“Keep it. Freeze it. Let his brother worry for a few days, and will pull the cards if we have to.”
“Which cards, if I may ask?” 
“Send it to Vladimir to show who really runs this city, or…”
“We blame it on Daredevil.”
“Alright, listen up. Last night, a father was driving home with his son until they were surrounded by unidentified men.” Your police chief said as you all were gathered around the office. You knew by how tense he was this was going to be some tough news to swallow. “Those men beat the poor dad and kidnapped the kid. Griffin Banks. Eight years old, he has curly brown hair and brown eyes; about 5 feet tall, 86 pounds, and was last seen wearing his little league uniform. Your jobs are to find him quickly and bring him home safe. Understood? – Great. Off you all go!”
And then all of you scattered like ants, hopefully to get some kind of lead, some kind of evidence of where he was but… 
“This shit’s going nowhere.” Frank complained, after a few hours of tiredly searching. You couldn’t blame him for complaining about this, because you too were feeling the same way.
If only I had heard about this last night when I was on the street. I could have been looking already. You went out as Daredevil last night to clear your head after that disastrous date and didn’t come across any crime or hear anything to spark your interest. You thought that was a good thing, you thought maybe the criminals finally understood that you weren’t leaving, but now you realize that the reason was entirely different. 
Did everyone in the underworld know about this kid? Was this an act of war or treason? You still weren’t a hundred percent sure how everything ran, but you did know that not everyone in the shadows worked or agreed with the Kingpin, so maybe this was a way to get back at him.
But why an innocent kid of all things? 
“Let’s try around the park again.” You said, heading back for the car.
“Again? Y/N we just came from there.” Frank said, as you shake your head.
“Maybe we missed something. I want to check.”
“Y/N. Hey, wait. Y/N–” He grabs you by the shoulder to stop you from entering his car. “Wait. Look, I know you want to catch this guy, I get it, but we can’t keep going back to the same place over and over again, it’s not doing us any good.”
“Yeah, but what if we’re missing something?” You asked, forming a look of desperation in your eyes that means so much more. So much more that he actually understands it.
His face softens. “Y/N, I know that look, you’ve been through this before haven’t you?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, breaking eye contact. “I just want him to be alright. I couldn’t save the last one.” You explain, voice quivering at the end.
“Hey, I get it. We all have a similar case every once and while, and it gets to us. I understand how you feel. However, if you keep running in circles, and getting inside your head, you’re not going to be able to do much. You’re going to make the same mistakes.”
“I know, but–”
“Go take a break. Go clear your head, then come back to the precinct.”
“There are a hundred or so other officers looking for this kid. You can take a rest.”
And how could you say ‘no’ when Frank reminded you of your old partner Max here? He was making the same thoughtful, worried expression that made you want to break and asked for a hug. 
You wanted to say ‘no’, to show them both that you could handle it, to show that you’ve grown but… You can’t.
You haven’t grown one bit since then.
“Fancy seeing you here.” 
You take your face out of your hands, looking up from your spot in the waiting area. You decided on getting a quick bite before you head back. “Foggy?”
“Thought I get some grub myself.” He said, sitting down next to you, waiting as well. “Rough morning?”
I guess he could tell how messed up you felt. “You could say that.”
“Is it because of that missing kid?”
“Yeah.” You said, as you laid your head against the wall. “Guess word got around quickly.”
“You guys will find him.” He gives you a reassuring look. “I have faith.”
You scoffed. “You have more faith than I do.”
He looks proud of himself while replying, “Hey, It’s what I do best.” 
“What about you?” You cast him a glance. “Did you and Matt sort out that client issue?”
Foggy tilts his head, eyebrows scrunched together. “Issue? What issue?”
“The client issue.” You realize he didn’t know what you were talking about and continue trying to specify. “Matt and I went out last night but he cut it short; Told me he had to leave because of work. An issue with a client.”
“Issue with a client? I don’t recall a current issue with anybody.” Foggy says, honestly, as he scratches his head to think. “Are you sure that’s what he told you?”
“I’m dead serious.” You sit up straighter. “You seriously have no idea what I’m talking about?”
“No, I’m sorry, Y/N. I would know if we had an issue, I mean, we’re partners; Fifty-Fifty, you know? But if he comes into the office later I’ll ask him about it.”
You let his words sink as he excused himself to grab his food. You were… baffled. Completely fucking baffled. Did Matt really lie to you last night? And for what? He didn’t want to be there with you anymore? Did he think you were being nosy? Did he not like you in the way you thought he did? Whatever the reason was, it didn’t matter…
You were going to be pissed off anyway.
“Take the bag off.” Matt snarls as he enters the freezer. His bodyguard complied, showing their enemy off for him to ‘see’. “If you’re smart you’ll make this quick. Where’s the kid you took?”
The Russian grinned, his teeth stained red with lips full of blisters. “Like hell I’ll tell you. Not until you agree to meet with Vladimir like you promised!”
“Where’s the kid?” He tried again, patience thinning out already.
“Fuck. Off. 3асранец.” (*Asshole)
Matt hums. “So not smart? Not a shocker.”
“Hey, I’m not the one who backed out at the last minute. I don’t know what was so important last night that you just had to miss it.”
“Well, all of us have lives, you know.”
He laughs. “A leech like you? Have a life? I find that hard to believe.” Another chuckle. “We know you so well that Vladimir had us on standby to take a kid.” And another. “We know you have a little soft spot for them.”
But Matt stays calm, eerily calm that could make anyone’s skin crawl. “Just Vladimir? So did his brother not have any say in that?”
“You know, Anatoly paid me a visit last night. He actually interrupted my important event. If your bosses had such a… grand plan, how come one of them came looking for me?”
He scoffed under his breath, mumbling, “Цифры. Анатолий всегда был нетерпеливым.” (*Figures. Anatoly was always the impatient one.)
This makes Matt grinned. “Ah, so you guys have no idea? Do you?”
“Know what?”
“Что я тоже нетерпелив.” Matt says while snapping his fingers (*That I am also impatient). The meat hooks were shifted around until it was a headless body that appeared, but that didn’t shake the Russian too much until someone pulled out the body’s severed head from a box of ice. 
The man paled. “O Боже…” (*Oh God…)
“Понимаете?” Matt asked, the same expression staying (*You see?). “Мне плевать, какой у тебя статус. Ты меня злишь, я убью тебя.” (*I don’t care what status you are. You make me angry, I’ll kill you)
“You really are a monster.” He says, trying to keep it together.
“Yeah, I know. And with no regrets too. Now…” Matt’s face falls. “Where’s the kid?”
“Like I’d ever tell you after what you just did! 3асранец!” He snaps before spatting in his face. (*Asshole!)
Matt stays quiet, and calmly wipes the red spite from his face. “Otomo.” He calls out to the deepest part of the freezer, a person dressed in an all black ninja outfit. “Kare o korose.” (*Kill him). The assassin nods, unsheathing his blade which was enough to get the Russian to wiggle in his restraints and start begging.
“W-Wait! Wait! Wait! What about– No. No–”
“Dispose the body anyway you can.” Matt orders as he turns to leave the cold, until…
“Ты хочешь остановить Сорвиголову, верно?!” (*You want to stop Daredevil right?!)
As soon as those words were spoken, the Kingpin stopped in his tracks. It was only until he turned back around, the Russian started laughing with hysteria and joy.
“I know you do. We all do.” He pants and swallows. “Этот парень... он поможет любому. И я гарантирую, что он захочет спасти ребенка. Пусть все это ускользнет…” (*This guy... he’ll help anyone. And I guarantee he’ll want to save the child. Let this all slide…) He chuckles with a painful smile. “Я-я упущу это, и вместе мы сможем поймать Сорвиголову. Разве это не было бы красиво?” (*I-I let this slide, and together, we could trap Daredevil. Wouldn’t that be beautiful?)
The man prayed that this would work, and his spirits seemed to be lifted when the King of Darkness smiled.
“No one else saw you take him?” Matt asked one of the guards who shook his head. “Huh. You know…” He shifted the weight on his cane. “I like that idea. It is beautiful. Slightly risky, but beautiful.” Then he flickered his blind gaze back to his assassin. “Kare o korose.” (*Kill him)
Then he spun on his heels again and left, the door shutting behind the screams that his sensitive ears could still hear. He maneuvered around the place, listening to his adivisor’s heels click around behind him at the pace he told her to as he finds a sink to clean his soured face.
“So you’re going forward with his suggestion?” Karen asked, hands behind her back, waiting.
“It’s a little far-fetched, but if Daredevil catches wind of the kid, we actually can kill two birds with one stone.” He said, running the very idea over and over in his head. “Any updates?”
“Your phone’s been blowing up. The personal one.”
“Texts mostly.”
“Who’s it from?” He asked her, as she pulled it out of her pocket and reread it over.
“Foggy.” She replies, watching him stop drying his face.
“Is it important?”
“Might be.”
“Might be?”
“He wants to know what client issue you had last night, and says you should contact Y/N.” She frowns. “Apparently she’s pissed at you for leaving last night.” He mutters something under his breath that she didn’t hear before she decided to take a step forward. “Forgive me if I’m stepping over a line, and I know she’s a long time friend, but she’s also a cop; A cop that hasn’t been linked with your program yet, and has been begging for you to tell her yourself, which I know you won’t.”
“Your point is, Karen? Matt asked, throwing the towel aside.
“What if this works out like you hope, and you reveal to her that you’re the Kingpin, then what? You expect her to be okay with it? Expect her to accept it without a little blackmail on the line?”
A brief pause. “No.”
“Exactly. She’ll try to take your ass to court, better yet she’ll try to shoot you dead. I just don’t want a repeat of last time.”
And the haunting memory flashed before him. He didn’t think it could still hurt so much. “I appreciate your concern, but I’ll figure that out later. But what about you? How’s your task going?”
“Still growing strong like you asked.” Karen said as he cups her jaw with a smile. “He trusts me a lot.”
“Good. Good. I’m glad to hear that.” He says, while slowly tracing her red lips with his thumb. “Even if, and that’s a big if, Castle ever thinks that he’s out of my control, he’s not, not if you’re on him like a thorn in his side. Right?”
He hums, and lightly ghosts her arm with his fingertips drawing a small sound from her. “Bet you’re imagining me as him. Hmm?” He pulls her head down closer, his lips right next to her ear. “Keep seducing Castle for me, okay? I don’t care if you catch any feelings either, as long as you know he’ll still be between my fingertips, then I’ll let that slide. Understood?”
She makes a sound again, eyes half lid. “Understood.”
“Good.” Then he gently bites the side of her lower lip, kitty licking the bruise before pulling away. “Tell the driver to bring the car around while I make a call.”
With a shaky breath she says, “Yes, sir.”
The voicemail still buzzed in the back of your head as you came bursting through your window, barely having the mental strength to lock as you started shedding your DD suit as you walked towards your bathroom.
[ ‘Hey, Y/N. Look, I know you’re upset, and you have every right to be, but please just… Can you just call me back and just listen to what I have to say? Please? I just… I know I messed up. I’m sorry. Please call me back when you get the chance.’ ]
You kicked off the last pair of clothing as you crawled into the shower turning the hot water on, letting it run on your hunched over back with your forehead against the tiles.
These few days have sucked. First your date leaves you high and dry, then you find out he lied, and now you can’t even find a missing kid whether your Daredevil or Detective L/N. It…
It really hurts.
This task… hits… close to home.
You hold back the tears you felt, and hold back the urge to sob as you let your fingers trace the scar on the base of your neck, remembering how it got there. 
It was stupid mistake. 
You should have waited for your partner instead of running off on your own. 
You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You should have waited. You should have waited. You–
You honestly thought the universe would grant you this. To grant you a chance to catch the man you’ve been hunting for weeks; To catch the man that’s been stealing those kids and doing heinous things with them. You needed to catch him, you begged to catch him but…
No you can’t.
As soon as you spotted him you ran like hell after him, ignoring as your partner Max yelled your name. You had blinders on, you’ll admit, but you don’t want that man to take another kid, to steal yet another kid’s future. No.
Not on your fucking watch. However–
He catches you by surprise, and suddenly your whole world is on its side as you free fall, hitting something sharp and painful on the way down. Now you’re laying on the ground, your spine feeling funny as you feel the pool of blood grow around your head, your ears ringing like they’re dying out.
Damn it. You thought. You really thought you had this one in the bag as you started to fade to black just as your partner’s voice broke out into a scream. A scream that you know was–
“Fuck!” You yelled, and swiped off all the bottles off the shelf and let it rattled to the tub floor (you know you probably just woke up your downstairs neighbour but you couldn’t care less). You sigh heavily, holding the sides of your head.
Tonight was going to be a long night for you.
Frank’s fingers glided over his phone for the millionth time this morning. You haven’t arrived at all this morning which was so not like you (Especially since you were so desperate to solve this case). He waited a few minutes before texting again:
[ Forget what precinct you work at or something? Where are you? ]
He just wants something from you, even if you respond with an emoji that he’ll have to decipher.
Come on, Y/N. At least tell me you’re staying home. One of his fears right now was you doing something drastic. After his conversation with you yesterday he decided to look up what was scaring you, and that was the case you took just a few years out of the academy, the same year you became a detective. A criminal that had been taunting you and your partner for months, and when you finally had him, the night ended with you getting a near death injury… and another kid getting killed.
Poor girl. I just wish you didn’t have to get demoted here. You’re too good for this place. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone finally dinged with a message from you.
[ Detective Stubborn: Ate something bad last night. Stomach’s killing me. ]
He sighs with relief, whether that was true or not, he’s just glad to know you’re away from here.
[ Feel better. ]
He just really, really hopes you stay home and clear your mind.
But of course… why would you?
After planning all day and looking over very little evidence you had you decided to go out as soon as the sun started to set. You had to rough up a couple of street thugs to get some more solid evidence, but eventually it was enough for you to figure out where they took the boy.
The warehouse district.
You floated through one of the skyline landing without a sound, and the rest  of your mission honestly became a bit of a blur. Why? Well… as you rushed around through each warehouse undetected until you actually found the kid, your enemies, when they finally noticed you, didn’t seem very fond of you poking your nose in their business. Now you’re running like hell, a kid in your arms as you tried shielding him from every bullet that came your way. You tried levitating a few times when you found yourself up high and trying to cross a beam or a walkway, but you’ve never actually flown with someone in your arms so you’re out of practice.
Come on, Y/N. Remember bootcamp, Remember your first rescue mission, you know how to carry someone to safety. Which was true, but all those other times weren’t with you being pelted with bullets from an angry mob.
You felt the kid grip your outfit tighter making you say, “It’s okay. It’s okay. Everything will be okay.” You just kept repeating that comfortingly as you made three small crates float and fly to knock the men out of your path. You kicked one of the guys in the head when he tried to get up, sprinting again. If you can just get to the edge of the building, you’ll be home free.
Trekking across a catwalk, you used your abilities to conjure up a quick shield to block before surging the power outwards, knocking the gunmen off his feet and over the railing, plummeting into the overly packed room of wooden crates from overseas (you’re not sure if you really wanted to know what the Russian mafia was importing). You fought a few more guys that dared to intervene, dared you to stop and surrender and be killed.
You could see the finish line, you could feel the boy relaxing your arms as he sees it too; You were finally going to complete the mission that’s been haunting you for so–
You heard something rattle and roll behind you.
You just had enough time to look at what it was before putting a shield up, the tiny thing exploding your whole world.
When you came back around, an excruciating pain ran through your body, a pain that was so unbearable that you didn’t want to move. The explosive you managed to shield took out the catwalk you were on and everything close by. You fell all the way down with debris dusting your face, still holding onto the kid before blacking out. Now… you laid on the floor, your head shaking as you urged yourself to look down, finding what was causing the pain.
 A metal bar was sticking out from your abdomen.
You somehow didn’t scream, maybe because you felt like you were going into shock, or maybe you were shouting and haven’t noticed yet.
Oh, god, I’ve– wait… the boy… Trying not to black out when you turn your head to look, and about a foot away was the boy who had bounced off your body during the fall. Your heart would have caught in your throat if he didn’t see his chest moving, but it was.
He’s alive. You sighed with relief, but here comes the tricky part. How are you going to move and save him with this pole in your stomach? You groaned loudly as you tried to move, arm reaching out in the attempt to at least shake him awake, trying to tell him to run if you’re truly stuck.
“Uh, Gr-Griffin… g-get up. W-Wake… up. Please…” You croaked, yet it doesn’t seem like the sleeping boy can hear you… but someone else could.
But as you shifted again, pain shooting out as the metal shifted with you, that’s when you noticed someone coming over in the corner of your eye. One of the Russians had come over, checking if you were still alive which was plain as day now. You watch his eyes go between you and the child for a few seconds before grinning like a maniac. 
Your eyes widened when you saw the gun in his hands. “No.” You whimpered with your fingertips glowing red, right as he shot a bullet into the kid’s head. “No!!!” You couldn’t believe what you had just witnessed. Would this have happened if it didn’t–
Then he pointed the weapon at you, out instinct or adrenaline your abilities shifted the gun towards him, firing his own bullet into his own skull.
His body dropped like it was made of bricks, the gun sliding inches away from him, causing you to nearly throw up in your mouth. I mean, you were a cop after all, so of course you’ve had to shoot a person or two but this was…
Messing with your fucking head.
You could hear shouting in the distance, which was enough for you to kick it high gear again and try to move. First things first was trying to get this damn bar out of your stomach. 
How the fuck– wait– let’s see– You concertrated the best you could as you redirected all the energy you had into yanking it out (doing it quickly probably was the best idea but you didn’t have much time). The bar rattled next to you, a pool of red oozing out as you rolled to your side feeling the blood rise to your throat. You quickly moved to all four, pulling your mask down to cough up the rest of the red. Sweating and heaving, you felt like you had no energy left to move, but you needed to. You could hear them coming.
As you got up to your feet, your knees nearly buckled but yourself forward where you noticed some stairs going up. Ripping and pushing your hood against your wound as you started to climb, hoping you weren’t leaving too much of a blood trail. 
Just as you got to the top you heard the voice grow near, and you managed to slide yourself into a place that no one could see from below. You just needed to stay hidden long enough for them to leave to make your escape (whenever that was). However, you never thought after searching for a few months that you would actually get to see the man they call ‘Kingpin’.
You peaked out watching two very different groups of people arrive. The Russians looked slightly surprised when the Underworld’s Ruler showed up, dressed in the red suit that you’ve heard about on the street. He walked like he owned the place, his black cane with gold trim was like the piece that tied his whole look together. He stopped with his back towards you, with many of his men standing around as, what you tell was, the Russian mob’s leader came face-to-face with Kingpin.
“3асранец. Now you show your face.” The leader, Vladimir snaps (*Asshole). 
“Well, seeing how this is my turf now, I have to show my face.” Kingpin said, making you perk up with confusion.
Why does his voice sound–? But your thought trails off as you watch Vladimir scoffing in disbelief.
“Your turf? You think we just… ‘mess up’ and you take over?”
“Well, I certainly don’t need to see that–” Matt points to the mess the explosion made. “You pretty much destroyed most of your cargo.”
Vladimir frowns, shifting his weight. “I’ll admit, I wish my men didn’t blow up half the warehouse. But I will give him a pass because he was trying to stop our rat.”
He raises an eyebrow. “A rat?”
“Yeah, a rat.” Vladimir smiles a little. “I had a feeling Daredevil would come for the kid. Why wouldn’t you if it makes you feel good?”
Matt clenches the top of his cane, keeping his composure from the neck up. “Daredevil was here?”
“Still here, I think.” The Russian points to the bloody puddle on the floor. “There’s a pipe laying next to a large amount of blood. In my experience, getting impaled you don’t get very far.”
His frown deepens, grip tightening. “And the kid? I smell two bodies with no heartbeats.” Then his whole aura changed into something darker, suffocating. “Tell me, are those your men?”
Vladimir paled, and tried to keep the discomfort off his face. He didn’t want to answer, even he knew staying silent wouldn’t be a good idea. “One of them.”
“One of them?” 
“Why do you care? It could have been Daredevil! She could have pulled the trigger!”
Matt didn’t say anything as he cast his blind gaze at the corpses before saying, “No. His scent is the only one on the gun and its bullets. So the kid’s death is in your hands.” But then he pauses, realizing something. “Wait. She?”
“Yes. My men said they saw Daredevil upclose, says the stature’s too small and not burly enough to be a man.” Vladimir replies, making Matt hum in response. “I guess something good did come out of this after all. We finally have more evidence of what we’re up against.”
And those words were his signature for his own death. 
The room got really cold, and energy felt suffocating. Everyone present began praying that they’ll be spared.
Matt grits his teeth, shaded eyes growing hungrier. “First you embarrassed me, now you insult me? I’m not even sure what to say anymore.” He says, snapping his fingers as his bodyguards shoved Vladimir to his knees, the end of a barrel being pressed in his face. The other Russians tried to make an advance, but they were outnumbered, making them slowly raise their hands over their heads.
“Давай, мужик.” Vladimir said, as Matt made a tsking news (*Come on, Man).
“Don’t ‘come on, man’ me. You brought this upon yourself. I mean–” Matt chuckled dryly, lowly, scary. “All you and your brother had to do was just wait the next day for our meeting. But no, you had to go out and throw a tantrum, you had to go out and kidnap a kid that has no meaning to any of us.”
Vladimir scoffs. “No meaning? It always has some meaning to you. Don’t act like you haven’t kidnapped someone’s kid before.”
“And I’m not. I know what I’ve done. But unlike you, when I kidnap someone there’s meaning to it, a purpose. Like when I… ‘picked up’ our DA’s lovely daughter after soccer practice, and said we were good friends. And like any child, she believed it.” Matt smiled just a little before it faded in an instant. “However… she never ended up like that.” He gestures to the body on the floor. “You get what I mean?”
The Russian growls. “3асранец.” (*Asshole)
“You can keep calling me an asshole all you want, but you know I’m right.” Matt sighs. “I just wish your brother was like you.”
Vladimir’s breath caught in his throat. “What did you do?”
“Nothing that your brother didn’t deserve. He did interrupt a very important date I really care about. I’m honestly surprised he found the restaurant I was in.”
Brother? Interrupted? Restaurant? You thought, wondering why this sounds so familiar. 
“What. Did. You. Do?!” Vladimir shouted, baring his teeth as the King of Darkness lips curled into a mischievous grin.
“Like I said, nothing he didn’t deserve.” Matt snaps his fingers again, this time summoning someone over who was holding up a duffle bag. He reaches inside and pulls the brother’s head out by his hair (You had to hold back from gasping loudly at the sight).
Vladimir nearly broke down on the spot. “Anatoly…”
“I really wished he had just called, I wouldn’t have resorted to such manners.” Another sigh. “I even had to lie to my date that I had to go bail him out.”
And that’s when your whole world collapsed.
No. You thought, shaking your head as everything started to click in place.
No. No. This has to be fake. I have to be sleeping. This can’t– But you can’t deny what was plain as day. You didn’t have to see his face to know it was him. I mean, he had a cane you thought was just for fashion, he had shades on that you thought was just part of his look, but you can’t deny that his voice is the same, you can’t deny that the missing pieces had formed a whole. 
But then his name rolled off your lips as you stared with disbelief.
“Matt…” You whispered, and as soon as you did, his head snapped your way. 
Tensing up and pushing yourself further into the shadows, you slapped your hand over your mouth as your heart pounded in your ears.
There’s no way he heard me… right? However, that couldn’t be a coincidence. There’s no way you just mutter his name and then look your way. It’s too much of a coincidence for it not to be true. But does that mean–
Can Matt… hear anything? Does he have abilities like me? You didn’t know what to think as he went back to his conversation with the Russian mob leader.
His perplexed expression changed back to the grin as he continued to taunt the man before him. “Now do you understand why people don’t cross me?”
“You’re a monster.” Vladimir replies, voice filled with venom. “You’re a fucking monster.” 
“I know.”
“You won’t get away with this. When people hear about what you’ve done, there’s no way the others are going to let this go.” The Russian clenched his fists. “My people, even if I’m gone, they’re not going to put up with this. Same with the Doctors, S.I.L.K., the Chinese, the Japanese–”
“The Japanese?” Matt said with a laugh. “Oh, they work for me.” And he almost laughed again when he saw his prey’s face pale again in shock. “Yeah. You see, they raised me. The Hand taught me everything I know, and helped me rise to this position.”
What does he mean he was raised by the Japanese? You managed to think after slowly coming over your shock. You knew his mother died in the accident that blinded him, and he mentioned his dad pasted as well, and–
Matt never told me when his father died. Does that mean he was young enough to be taken in by someone? Someone like… You couldn’t even finish the sentence. You’ve heard bits and pieces about The Hand on the street. You knew they were hardcore, highly skilled and basically an assassination group; People you didn’t want to mess with.
So does that make Matt… an assassin? 
“You really have power in everything.” Vladimir said, head hanging low.
“Pretty much.” Matt said, proudly.
“Then I guess… I’ve got nothing else to do than follow you.” 
“Follow me?” The blind man scoffed. “Oh, Vladimir, you lost your chance at that. You’ve already proven to me that you have no loyalty, that you only think about yourself.”
“Mr. Murdock–”
Matt cut him off by holding his hand up, and staying quiet for just a moment. “I really wanted to like you Vladimir, that hard head of yours I could have used for so many things but…” He sighs and stays silent again. 
And then you watch him plunge his sword into the side of Vladimir’s head.
Your pupils shrunk and you felt all the air get sucked out of you. You–
Matt slowly pulls his weapon out, letting his bodyguards drop the body to the floor. He just stares again, almost like he was basking in what he just did.
Oh, my god… he just… Then you watched him sheath the blade back into his cane and says,
“Kill the rest.” 
And that’s when you knew you had to move. Using all the strength you had left to bolt away as Matt’s men started firing at whoever was left of the Russian mob.
You’re not sure how you’re even going to get home, but fuck…
There’s no way in hell you’re going to stick around here.
You practically crawled to the bathroom when you got back to the apartment, black spots started dancing as you ripped open the first aid kit. You shake off your top, turning the shower on for a few seconds to remove the excess blood.
“Matty… would you still be friends with me if I was a freak?” You asked him as the two of you sat on the fire escape of his apartment. The question has been gnawing at you for quite some time, and you weren’t sure how to express it so.
“A freak?” Matt said, confused. “Why would you ask me that?”
The pole didn’t go all the way through, which was good, but damn… that was going to leave a nasty scar when it did heal. You had to bite on a rolled up magazine as you started sewing up the wound, the pain keeping you awake.
“Well…” You nervously shifted your weight, looking in his direction. “What if I told you… that my parents are special?”
“Special? In what way?
You placed the gauze over the wound, then bandaging it up. You then cursed as you pushed yourself to a stand, running your blood soaked hands under the water, watching it swirl down the drain.
“Like… what if they had abilities? Like superheroes?” 
“Like superheroes?” Matt perked up a little. “Do they?”
“It’s just a question.” You shrug and look away. “Would you be okay if I was a freak too?” 
Your eyes shifted from the bathroom to your kitchen, remembering something. You flicked off the faucet, wobbly walking towards the very thing that’s been peaking your curiosity for the longest time.
The vase of roses.
With a shaky hand you grabbed the note, opening up to reread the one sentence on the paper.
“I wouldn’t mind.” Matt said, with a smile. “I’d think it’d be cool.” 
You blink in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah. You would be like an actual superhero. Like the ones you see in the comic books. I’ll admit though, I’d be kind of jealous if you did.”
“How come?”
Now you were back in your room, rummaging around for the outfit you wore to work the other day. You know you still have it, you have to. You needed the chance to compare the two.
“Because–” Now it was his turn to shift in his seat. “My best friend has powers and I don’t. Everyone would be in awe with you but with me? Nothing.”
You frown at his words. “Don’t say that. I think it would be nice to have someone different than me.” Then smiles. “Keeps me from not going completely crazy.”
He chuckles. “Well it would be my job to keep you from going nuts. I wouldn’t want you to be the villain of the story.”
You smirk a little at that, scooting closer. “Is that a promise?”
Your (Y/E/C) eyes widened with disbelief for the millionth time tonight. In one hand you had the note from the vase, the other? It was the ad from Nelson and Murdock, the ones they were going to pass out, spread the word. 
The one that had their penmanship on the very bottom.
A perfect–
You held out your pinky. “Promise me. Promise me that as long as we’re together, we won’t become villains in this world. Will always be each other’s light.”
He stays quiet for a second, like he’s thinking. Then he raises an eyebrow, saying, “Superpowered or not?”
“Superpowered or not.”
“Okay. Deal.” He interlocks his pinky with yours. “I promise I won’t do anything crazy while you’re here.”
“Thank you, Matty. I’ll hold you to it.”
You snagged everything that was off the counter, marching over to the window, ripping it open. Without even looking you just tossed it out, letting it drop and shattered on the dumpster lid below.
You just couldn’t believe it as you sank to your knees.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just couldn’t believe it.
You just…
Couldn’t believe your whole life was in a lie.
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