#day 16 alt prompt
aria0fgold · 7 months
Whumptober day 16, alternative prompt used: Brass Knuckles and Whumptober day 22 prompt: Glass Shard
Characters: Mel, Marigold Ages: 15, 29
Mel hissed as Mari applied ointment on his injuries. A swollen cheek, cracked lips, several cuts and bruises all over, he even seemed to have sprained his ankle as well, though he wasn't certain of that, not when the only pain he can feel is from his other foot that had glass shards lodged into it earlier. It was quite an unfair fight, 5 people with some wielding weapons, a bat, brass knuckles, or whatever. Yet even with those advantages, they still lost, pathetically running with tails between their legs.
“Aight, ya got any excuse bout this?” Mari continued to tend to his wounds, one of her pals saw him and ran to get her. So here they are, in one of their hideouts closest to the area. There was a small frown on her face, he can't quite tell if she's mad at him or the people he fought.
He merely stayed silent, he didn't have to energy to explain anything to her nor does he have the energy to even talk at all. He just wanted to get to bed, to hell with his injuries, infection be damned, he didn't care about anything anymore, he just wanted to collapse somewhere and never wake up.
“Mm… Well, should've expected that silence.”
Mel groaned, rolling his eyes and looking away, anywhere to distract himself, the pain wasn't a problem to him, he had worse before, what was the problem however, was Mari herself. He can't understand her at all. A gang leader famously known to be scary and strong, caring and tending for a brat she found half-dead in an alleyway. He sometimes thinks it would've been better for him to have died then. What was the point?
Why would she even bother to look after a stranger's kid, completely unrelated to her? His parents didn't even bother to care for him the way she's doing. So what's the point?
“Hey.” Mari snapped her fingers in front of him.
Mel frowned, “What?”
Mari put a hand on her hip, looking him up and down, “Hmm… Anyone ever told ya yer easy to read?”
He huffed out a sigh, “Yeah, the people I just beat up.”
She whistled, her lips forming into a smirk, “Oooh, look at that. Ya plan on fightin' be next too, aye?”
Mel glared at her.
She merely chuckled at him, “Maybe wait when yer all healed up. Wouldn't mind a spar with a lil zombie.”
“Seriously, just say what you wanted to say. Stop with that shit.”
“Heeh… Already said all that I wanted.” She shrugged, “Ya know, that gloomy look don't suit ya. Want me to tell ya bout that time I found ya?”
Mel let out a loud groan, “Shut it then. I don't wanna hear it anymore.” He'd heard that story countless of times already, far too much to keep track of, he never understood why she liked talking about it so much.
Mari didn't seem to listen, “You were sitting all bloodied at that alley--”
“I told you to shut it.” Mel grabbed a shoe nearby, throwing it at Mari who caught it with ease and an annoyingly smug expression.
She laughed, annoying him even further. She can be so unbearable at times, yet Mel can't truly bring himself to hate it. If anything, he hated that it brought him a sense of comfort.
He clicked his tongue as he stood, though he stumbled forward, Mari was there to steady him by grabbing onto his arm.
“Here, here, I'll carry ya.” She turned, bending down to carry him on a piggyback.
“Aish! I aint taking no as an answer from ya! Ya can't even stand well! If ya don't want a piggyback then I'll carry ya like those princesses.”
Mel grumbled as he climbed on her back, tugging at her hair in irritation when she laughed, though it didn't quite stop her from laughing even more.
“Anyway, bout time ya tell me bout those brats ya fought.”
“So what? You can get revenge for me?”
“I aint giving ya that luxury! Ya get revenge on yer own, but those idiots did step into my territory so someone oughtta teach em a lesson not to.”
Mel chuckled, “My information comes with a payment. And payment first.”
Mari grumbled, “Aight, aight! Whatever! Tell me what ya want then!”
Mel laughed, a genuine laughter for the first time in so long, yet he didn't realize it as such. All that he knew then was, it wasn't so bad living like this.
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fortune-maiden · 9 months
Finally back to being only 1 prompt behind!
Thankfully that's manageable xD
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amalgamationink · 1 year
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(it is not the end. it just feels that way.)
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fletcherwilbury · 3 months
@whumpuary Day 16: Alt Prompt 2: "Let me see."
Warning for Injury, broken bones, pain, medication, overworking
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febuwhump · 5 months
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this year's prompts were chosen through a suggestion poll (in which we recevied 2,281 prompts) and a subsequent vote, where over 1,000 people voted for their favourites. the top 29 make up the core prompts, and a mixture of the next most popular - and this blog's personal favourites - have become the alternates
i’m so excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and hope they’re inspiring enough to trigger a whole month’s worth of creativity for you! if you have any questions, please check out the blog's faq before sending an ask, or check out the previously asked questions on the blog!
please note: this year, notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form that will be released closer to the end of febuwhump.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: helpless
DAY 2: solitary confinement
DAY 3: "bite down on this"
DAY 4: obedience
DAY 5: rope burns
DAY 6: "you lied to me"
DAY 7: suffering in silence
DAY 8: "why won't it stop?"
DAY 9: bees
DAY 10: killing in self defence
DAY 11: time loop
DAY 12: semi-conscious
DAY 13: "you weren't supposed to get hurt"
DAY 14: blood-stained tiles
DAY 15: "who did this to you?"
DAY 16: came back wrong
DAY 17: hostage situation
DAY 18: too weak to move
DAY 19: "please don't"
DAY 20: truth serum
DAY 21: unresponsive
DAY 22: "you weren't meant to be there"
DAY 23: presumed dead
DAY 24: "i'm doing this because i care about you"
DAY 25: waterboarding
DAY 26: "help them"
DAY 27: left for dead
DAY 28: "no... not like this"
DAY 29: not allowed to die
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: human shield
ALT 2: "i love you"
ALT 3: found footage
ALT 4: human weapon
ALT 5: cpr
ALT 6: immortality
ALT 7: last words
ALT 8: killing game
ALT 9: lightning strike
ALT 10: last man standing
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce whatever kind of media they want
you don’t have to complete all the prompts! you can create however much you want to
you can use the prompts after the event ends and can complete them in tandem with any other event
you can post on any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing those posted on tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame then you have until the 3rd of March to inform this blog that you completed all the days
if you have questions consult the faq before asking
HARD RULES: (specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (i’ll also be checking febuwhump2024)
the relevant day’s tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2…
nsfw (if relevant)
and any trigger warnings that may be important!
you can also tag the blog, @febuwhump
i cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog because I have no idea how many participants there will be. a random selection of works tagged in accordance to the rules above will be reblogged every day of february.
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whumpcember · 7 months
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Welcome back to Whumpcember!
Or if you're new, welcome!
This is the second ever Whumpcember event and I am happy to be running it again! I am so thankful for all the support for last year's Whumpcember and for everyone who filled out the prompt list form! I hope everyone has a wonderful writing Whumpcember, and now, onto the rules!
Prompts should be answered with whump as the main focus
Fanfic! Gif! Text post! Fanart! Fan video! Any piece of media that you can possibly make that has whump counts!
You can use the prompts any time! Don't feel the need to rush
Though, prompts answered during December will most likely be reblogged
Post anywhere! AO3, Wattapad, Tumblr, or even Fanfic.Net! So as long as you make a Tumblr post with a link to the answered prompt it may be reblogged.
When posting onto Tumblr you can either @ the blog or tag with #whumpcember2023 and the day's tag, such as #whumpcember2023 day1
Don't forget to add any warnings necessary, such as NSFW or sexual content
An AO3 Collection will go out on December 1 and close January 1, it's not mandatory, but if you want your works saved in a collection, make sure you get it in on time!
At the end of the month a masterpost will go out to all participants and a badge you can save stating that you are either a participant or completionist. In order to be on the masterpost though, you will have to fill out a google form at the end of month; don't worry it'll take two minutes!
If you have any more questions, send me an ask, but please read the FAQ first!
Written Prompt list below:
-Main Prompts-
Day 1: Fever
Day 2: Sickness
Day 3: Hypothermia
Day 4: Hidden Injury
Day 5: Impaled
Day 6: Nightmares
Day 7: Fainting
Day 8: Isolation
Day 9: Brainwashing
Day 10: Freezing
Day 11: Infection
Day 12: Touch Starved
Day 13: Restraints
Day 14: Cornered
Day 15: Hallucinating
Day 16: Head Injury
Day 17: Fire
Day 18: Chronic Pain
Day 19: Exhaustion
Day 20: Drugged
Day 21: Choking
Day 22: Seizures
Day 23: Nosebleed
Day 24: Bullet
Day 25: Coma
Day 26: Collapse
Day 27: Bleeding Out
Day 28: Abandoned
Day 29: Paralyzed
Day 30: Delirium
Day 31: Homeless
Alt 1. Stabbed
Alt 2. Forced to Watch
Alt 3. Drowning
Alt 4. Ice
Alt 5. Sacrifice
Alt 6. Concussion
Alt 7. Hunger
Alt 8. Tears
Alt 9. Begging
Alt 10. Abused
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augustofwhump · 1 month
A new whump event/challenge set in August, run by @painonthebrain!
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Write-up of prompts & rules under the cut!
Day 1: food / risk / overexertion
Day 2: iv / shock / cry for help
Day 3: poison / shady business / freezing
Day 4: filth / screams / open wounds
Day 5: stranded / power tools / ache
Day 6: confusion / spark / veins
Day 7: time loop / rot / promise
Day 8: rejected apology / trap / attack
Day 9: role reversal / caged / body modification
Day 10: secret / exhaustion / publicity
Day 11: freedom / scars / insecurity
Day 12: deal / monstrous / anger
Day 13: witness / resigned obedience / bootlicking
Day 14: dehumanization / darkness / alone
Day 15: salt in wounds / phobia / revenge
Day 16: hunt / disaster / dread
Day 17: experimental serum / cramps / stress position
Day 18: came back wrong / unavoidable / muzzle
Day 19: salvation / midnight / mistake
Day 20: contaminated / escape / test
Day 21: set up to fail / bitter / creep
Day 22: stitches / robbery / insects
Day 23: feral / possession / fate
Day 24: humiliation / gilded cage / jewelry
Day 25: barbed wire / insults / tear stains
Day 26: sensory deprivation / heartbeat / tape
Day 27: proof / memory / machine
Day 28: bloody nose / medic / abandoned
Day 29: control / touchstarved / broken glass
Day 30: blindfolded / obsession / gift
EDIT: I forgot day 31 so that’s “fuck it we ball” day. Make whatever you want. LMAO
Broken trust
Human shield
Locked outside
The only survivor
Prompts should ideally be responded to in the form of whump
Creators can make any type of media they want (Yes, this includes any kind of media, no matter how niche. As long as it’s creative, it’s allowed)
You can do as few or as many prompts as you like
You can complete these prompts in tandem with any other event or other prompts (such as in combination with Bad Things Happen Bingo, @randowhump’s Birthday Whump Event, AU-gust, etc.)
DO NOT use ai. I can’t be entirely sure what is or isn’t, but I trust you to at least put some type of effort in your creations. These events are no fun otherwise!
Tag & trigger warn your content accordingly
NSFW is allowed, however because I’m currently a minor, I will not look at or reblog it (Again, tag and label it!)
Tag your works as #augustofwhump and #augustofwhump2024. In addition to that, you can also tag this account — @augustofwhump. (Do not @ me in NSFW works.) I’ll try to reblog whatever I can!
EDIT: The August of Whump 2024 ao3 collection is here! It will be open for submissions on August 1.
I’m really excited (and nervous) to do this and I know it’s a bit early to post these prompts but whatever — it just means more time for people to work on prompts if they choose to do this event, right?
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chaos-company · 3 months
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Angstpril 2024
Hi everyone!
It’s that time of year again! We are excited to announce that we are hosting the event again this year!
All prompts, FAQs and rules can be found in the graphics and below the cut! 
1. homesick
2. frozen
3. broken-hearted
4. longing
5. rise from the ashes
6. this isn’t going to work
7. bad dreams
8. lost battle
9. trust issues
10. phantom pain
11. no way out
12. a little too late
13. learning the truth
14. surrender
15. confrontation
16. cry for help
17. last chance
18. left behind
19. trembling
20. broken
21. faking a smile
22. drained
23. swept away
24. the ghost of you
25. cold shoulder
26. grief
27. panicked
28. never see you again
29. betrayal
30. the last time
Alt Prompts:
1. troubled mind
2. not strong enough
3. you were never mine
4. the night we met
5. mental scars
6. miscommunication
7. jealousy
8.rock and a hard place
9. emotionally distant
10. paranoid
All posted content must be your original content. The use of AI for creation of any kind is prohibited.
All tags must be utilized in order to be reblogged. NOTE: the mods are human beings, so not all works will automatically be reblogged, even if all tagging is correct.
Any art form is acceptable, including original writing, gif sets and fan art.
“Do I have to create for all thirty days?”
- Not at all! Feel free to jump in whenever you’d like. This is a creation event, so create as much or as little as you want! However, if you want to be entered in the shout out post, you must participate in all 30 days.
“Can I post a creation after the day has already passed?”
- Yes! You’re welcome to post for a prompt day even after the date, just be sure to tag with which day and prompt you’ve created for! You will only be eligibile for the shoutout post if you complete all 30 days within the month of April.
“What if I don’t understand/like a prompt?”
- We have a list of 10 alt prompts for you to choose from if you don’t like the main 30. Feel free to use our alternate prompts for any day, and if there’s any confusion send us an ask!
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whumpuary · 6 months
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Welcome to Whumpuary 2024!
Whumpuary is a whump themed mixed-media creation event/challenge taking place in January.
This year the prompts came together through a community submission form and then a poll, where I picked the 53 most voted prompts! There are 15 numbers with 3 prompts each, plus 8 alt prompts. The dates are just meant to be a general guideline for those who want/need some structure in a challenge (e.g post every other day), but you don't actually have to create/post on those dates. You can combine prompts any way you want or just pick one of each number, do every single one or even all of them combined into one big creation (or just use one single prompt. That's already an achievement!) If you don't like any prompts of a number you can also replace or combine them with an alt prompt. The main or alt prompts don't have to be done in order.
Go here for more information, rules and the tagging system Go here for FAQs
The inbox is open for any questions!
Text version of all the prompts is under the cut
Whumpuary 2024 Main Prompts 1. (Jan 01-02) Captivity / Snow / Secret Revealed 2. (Jan 03-04) "Get away from me" / Collapse / Choking 3. (Jan 05-06) Used as bait / Stumbling / "This is gonna hurt" 4. (Jan 07-08) "Help me" / Lightheaded / Kneeling 5. (Jan 09-10) Can't move / "Stay. Please" / Kidnapped 6. (Jan 11-12) Exhaustion / Blindfolded / Old Injuries 7. (Jan 13-14) "I didn't know where else to go" / Bruises / Drugged 8. (Jan 15-16) Muffled Screams / Hostage / "You look awful" 9. (Jan 17-18) "Make it stop" / Restraints / Hair Grabbing 10. (Jan 19-20) Desperation / Gunpoint / Can't stay awake 11. (Jan 21-22) Blood / "Just get is over with" / Memories 12. (Jan 23-24) "You're awake" / Rescue / Unfair Fight 13. (Jan 25-26) Left to die / Barely Conscious / "I'm Fine" 14. (Jan 27-28) Flinching / Breakdown / Sleep Deprivation 15. (Jan 29-31) You're safe / Aftermath / Touch starved
Alt Prompts 1. Stabbed 2. "Let me see" 3. Recapture 4. Forced to watch 5. Headache 6. Gagged 7. "Do you trust me?" 8. Blood Loss
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whumpay · 4 months
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babe wake up new whumpay prompts dropped. like last year, im posting early for more time to prepare
Welcome to Whumpay 2024! Up above you will see the basic prompt list and down below the cut you will see it written out in a list, as well as three mini challenges (and by extension, the extreme edition)
Rules are the same as usual
You only have to use one (Or two, if you’re doing the extreme edition.) prompt a day! But you’re welcome to use multiple if you want to, and it still counts for both.
I know the description of the blog says it’s a writing event, but if you want to draw or make other kinds of content, that’s cool too.
Have fun, tag content warnings (such as noncon, graphic violence, etc) and try not to be crushed by the mortifying ordeal of posting your writing.
This is a pretty chill event so you can start posting whenever but I’ll be reblogging posts made to the #Whumpay2024 tag throughout May. For real this time.
These all also apply to these three special mini challenges, consisting of a 7 day, a 10 day, and a 14 day prompt list.
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EXTREME EDITION: This year's extreme edition doesn't have its own prompt list, but instead, youll be taking all three mini challenges in order along with the main prompt list. Some of these fit pretty well, others less so.
1 - Mad Science:
Day 1: Strapped To An Operating Table
Day 2: Paralytic Drug
Day 3: Made A Lab Rat
Day 4: Vivisection
Day 5: Truth Potion/Serum/Spell
Day 6: Russian Roulette
1 - Attacks, Mental & Physical:   
Day 7: Heart Attack
Day 8:  Asthma Attack
Day 9: Animal Attack
Day 10: Panic Attack
3 - Ineffective Medical Care:
Day 11: Medical Torture
Day 12: Withholding Medical Treatment
Day 13: Medication Tampering
Day 14: Injury Brushed Off
Day 15: No Anesthetic
4: Mindfuck
Day 16: Presumed Dead
Day 17: Memory Loss
Day 18: Stockholm Syndrome
Day 19: Phantom Pains
Day 20: Love Potion/Spell
Day 21: Role Reversal 
5. Nature's Revenge
Day 22: Slowly Running Out Of Air
Day 23: Natural Disaster 
Day 24: Struck By Lightning
Day 25: Snowed In
Day 26: Heatstroke
6. Traps & Trauma
Day 27: Caught In A Net
Day 28: Traumatic Touch Aversion
Day 29: Used As Bait
Day 30:  Flashbacks
Day 31: Choose Who Lives
Mini challenge #1: Torture
#1: Tortured For Information
#2: Whipping
#3: Branding
#4: Begging To Be Killed
#5: Recorded/Broadcast Torture
#6: False Execution
#7: Shock Collar
Mini Challenge #2: Dialogue
#8: “Why are you doing this?”
#9: “Don’t look.”
#10: “You look awful.”
#11: “Who did this to you?”
#12: “No one is coming for you.”
#13: “No one cares about me.”
#14: “Don’t lie to me.”
#15: “Stay with me, please.”
#16: ”You’re scaring me!”
#17: “You’re a monster.”
Mini Challenge #3: Aftermath
#18: Fighting Against Caretaker 
#19: Seeking Revenge
#20: Taking The Blame
#21: Barely Conscious
#22: Disassociation
#23: Carried To Safety
#24: Scars
#25: Unhealthy Codependency 
#26: Infected Wound
#27: Survivor’s Guilt
#28: Touch Starvation
#29: Abandonment Issues
#30: Cradled In Someone’s Arms
#31: Adrenaline Crash
Alt Prompts:
Death Game
Came Back Wrong
Attack The Injury
Healing Malfunction
Left For Dead 
Mistaken Identity
Trapped Under Rubble
Disowned By Family
Hostage Situation
Have fun everybody!
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roguegambitweek · 2 months
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Rogue/Gambit Week 2024
Hey y’all!
It’s time for what y’all have been waiting for—Rogue/Gambit Week 2024. We’re looking forward to a great week celebrating our favorite Southern couple. Here’s the information you’ll need to participate.
Rogue/Gambit Week 2024 will be held June 16-23, 2024. Yes, that’s right, we plan to have eight days of full of Romy goodness.
Day 1 - Sunday, June 16 - Alternate First Meeting | Robin Hood AU
Day 2 - Monday, June 17 - Roof Top | Steampunk AU
Day 3 - Tuesday, June 18 - MojoWorld | Merfolk AU
Day 4 - Wednesday, June 19 - Rogue and Gambit are physically separated | Fantasy AU
Day 5 - Thursday, June 20 - Legacy as a Concept or Character | Noir AU
Day 6 - Friday, June 21 - Space Adventure | Pirates AU
Day 7 - Saturday, June 22 - Reunion | Power/Role Swap or No Powers AU
Day 8 - Sunday, June 23 - Free day!
Alternate Prompts
Alt 1 - T-shirt Collection
Alt 2 - Hair—Braiding/brushing/cutting/etc.
Alt 3 - Vow Renewal
This is a celebration of all things Romy! Your fanworks may cover any point of their relationship—from their early flirtations to their life together as an old married couple, from friendship to lovers.
Rogue and Gambit do not need to be in a romantic relationship (friendship is great too!), but their relationship should be the primary focus.
Feel free to draw inspiration from any medium which they appeared (the comics (any corner of the Multiverse), the animated series (XtAS, WatX, Evo), the movies, etc.)
Please tag your posts #rogue/gambitweek2024 or #rogue/remyweek2024 within the first five(5) tags so they can be easily found and re-blogged on the Rogue/Gambit Week blog. You may also tag our posts @roguegambitweek . (This often makes finding posts easier).
Fanworks are not limited to fanfic, fanart, and fanedits. However you create, that is also a part of what makes a fanworks week successful. Yes, fic, art, and edits are the most common, but I’ve seen amazing fanworks accomplished in other ways. In our fist year a short video was shared concerning what Gambit keeps in his pockets. In another fandom, I’ve seen someone share why a particular musical score reminded them of the couple. I’ve seen people make text conversations between characters focused around that day’s prompt. Handcrafts, music, photography, cosplay, and countless other creative ventures can also be part of a fanworks week. Have fun creating. Please feel free to share your talents and Romy-love with us.
The fanworks you share should be created by you.
Any NSFW content must be placed under a ‘read more’ break, otherwise it will not be re-blogged.
You don’t need to post something for every day/every prompt. Feel free to participate in as many days as you you feel inspired. If you have created something, but are unable to post it on the assigned day, please post it when you can. It will still be re-blogged.
You may combine days (as in cover two or more prompts with the same entry).
‘Regular’ prompts may be set in an AU universe. ‘AU’ prompts could be set in a canon universe. Let your creativity run wild and have fun with the prompts.
Have fun. Try something new. Create something new for an old favorite. Remember, the goal here is to share the Romy love and create more Romy content for all of us to enjoy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an ask.
Have fun creating!
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storyweaverofgondor · 5 months
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The Whumps of March
This is a multi-fandom whump event with prompts inspired by literature. For this inaugural event, I decided to take inspiration from the Bard himself. If it goes well I'd love to do it again next year, the universe willing.
Rules and info:
You can make your entries in whatever format you desire (Fanfic, art, Gifs, etc)
You can do as much or as little as you desire.
All entries are to be uploaded during March 2024. Earlier is discouraged but late is fine.
Tag all works #thewhumpsofmarch2024
There will be a completionist and participant badges.
The Whumps of March AO3 Collection
Feel free to send me an asks is you have any questions about the event
The Whumps of March Prompts:
Day 1: These violent delights have violent ends (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)
Day 2: Forbidden Love
Day 3: Tomb
Day 4: Vengeance
Day 5: Love Potion
Day 6: Magic Gone Wrong
Day 7: Suicide
Day 8: Knock Knock! Who's There? (Shakespeare, Macbeth)
Day 9: Twins
Day 10: In Disguise
Day 11: Clangor
Days 12: Thunderstorm
Day 13: Soliloquy
Day 14: “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” (Shakespeare, the Tempest)
Day 15: Stabbed in the Back
Day 16: Madness
Day 17: Intrigue
Day 18: Family Feud
Day 19: Witches
Day 20: Hidden Agenda
Day 21: Curses
Day 22: Skull
Day 23: Not As It Seems
Day 24: "The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief." (Shakespeare, Othello)
Day 25: Shipwreck
Day 26: Betrayal
Day 27: All for Naught
Day 28: Fairies
Day 29: Tongue-tied
Day 30: Woe
Day 31: Bloodstained
Alternative Prompts:
Alt 1:Lonely
Alt 2:Castigate
Alt 3:Ghosts
Alt 4:Drowned
Alt 5:Prophecy
Alt 6:Kings
Alt 7:Dead as a Doornail
Alt 8:Handkerchief
Alt 9:Snakes
Alt 10:Fight Fire With Fire
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microficmay · 2 months
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Microfic May 2024
We are back, folks! Join us for our best and biggest year of microfics ever!! Microfic May is an open daily prompt challenge in which participants write a microfic a day in May. Here's the scoop for 2024!
We define microfics as works of fiction that are 50 words or less. However, this limit is merely a suggestion. We accept all lengths!
Open to all HP characters, ships, ratings, topics, and genres (as long as works are tagged and spoilered appropriately).
Participants must be age 18+ and follow DLDR, SALS, and YKINMKATO. (What does this mean?)
All prompts are optional, can be skipped, switched around, or combined. Just have fun and write!
For an extra challenge, try one of our optional ‘Weekly Challenges’ along with the day’s prompt.
To submit a work, add it to our collection on AO3 Microfic May 2024 or mention us on Tumblr @microficmay AND tag #microficmay2024.
Check the Info and FAQ pages for more info! (if the links aren’t working on mobile, try here)
🫶 Prompt list in plain text under the cut! 🫶
Prompts List 2024
Day 1: Create Day 2: Resplendent Day 3: Horizon Day 4: Decision Day 5: Dreams & Reality Day 6: Flare Day 7: Innocuous Day 8: Will Day 9: Agony Day 10: Rise & Fall Day 11: Curse Day 12: Vivid Day 13: Talisman Day 14: Humility Day 15: Nothing & Everything Day 16: Squabble Day 17: Worthy Day 18: Healing Day 19: Impatience Day 20: Push & Pull Day 21: Unhand Day 22: Precious Day 23: Mistake Day 24: Elation Day 25: Day & Night Day 26: Vex Day 27: Dandy Day 28: Fetching Day 29: Thrall Day 30: First & Last Day 31: Fulfilment
Alternate Prompts
Alt 1: Evolve Alt 2: Superfluous Alt 3: Idle Alt 4: Warmth Alt 5: Life & Death
Weekly Challenges (Optional)
Week 1: POV Challenge ↳ Create a microfic using 1st or 2nd person point of view.
Week 2: ‘A/An’ Challenge ↳ Don't use the articles 'a' or 'an' in your microfic.
Week 3: Format Challenge ↳ Create a microfic using a non-traditional format. Examples: epistolary, text fic, dialogue only, poetry, song lyrics, script, etc.
Week 4: Alphabet Challenge ↳ Include all the letters A-Z in your microfic.
BONUS CHALLENGE ↳ To be announced!
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kreftropod · 9 months
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It's been another year, time to bring the October lists out. As is more or less tradition by now, I'll be doing the Goretober challenge again. Like last year I've decided to make my own, shorter list to give myself and anyone else who'd like to follow it more days for each prompt. Feel free to share and use however you like!
I'll be tagging all my Goretober related stuff with "goretober". Block that tag if you don't want any of that on your dash. I'll try to tag everything properly with more specific tags as well. Stay safe! <3
ID in alt text, and here's a text-version of the list below the cut:
Goretober 2023
A shorter Goretober list for myself and anyone else who want to participate, but want fewer prompts and more time for each prompt. Feel free to shorten the list even more by only doing the prompts on the left or on the right! (or every other day, if following the text-version)
There are 8 Prompts in total, and below each prompt there are three extra words. The extra words are there as inspiration, but are Not necessary to include if you don’t want to.
Day 1-4
Prompt: Infection
insects, illness, rot
Day 5-8
Prompt: Burned
melting, charred, blistered
Day 9-12
Prompt: Open wounds
blood, cuts, torn
Day 13-16
Prompt: Insides
bones, brains, viscera
Day 17-20
Prompt: Face Trauma
eyes, mouth, teeth
Day 21-24
Prompt: Broken
bruises, dislocation, amputation
Day 25-28
Prompt: Hands (or paws)
nails (claws), deformed, tools
Day 29-31
Prompt: Plants
invasive, suffocating, poison
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fletcherwilbury · 8 months
@whumptober Day 16: Alt Prompt 10: Shaking
Warning for Physical combat, seizures, misgendering, verbal abuse
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febuwhump · 1 year
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the prompts this year were chosen through a suggestion poll and subsequent vote, where over 350 people voted for their favourites. the top 28 make up the core prompts, and a mixture of the next most popular and this blog’s personal favourites have become the alternatives!
i’m so excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and hope they’re inspiring enough to trigger a whole month’s worth of creativity for you! if you have any questions, make sure to check out the blog’s FAQ, or check out the previously asked questions on the blog before sending one of your own!
please note: this year, notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form that will be released closer to the end of febuwhump.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: touchstarved
DAY 2: flinching
DAY 3: muzzled
DAY 4: knife to the throat
DAY 5: "that's gonna scar"
DAY 6: secrets revealed
DAY 7: made to watch
DAY 8: panic
DAY 9: voice loss
DAY 10: difficulty breathing
DAY 11: fever
DAY 12: "can you hear me?"
DAY 13: forced to hurt a loved one
DAY 14: captivity
DAY 15: self-sacrifice
DAY 16: semi-conscious
DAY 17: silent tears
DAY 18: can't stay awake
DAY 19: "you deserve this"
DAY 20: knife wound
DAY 21: shackled
DAY 22: can't scream
DAY 23: "you'll have to go through me"
DAY 24: bloody clothes
DAY 25: assumed dead
DAY 26: forced to choose
DAY 27: survivor's guilt
DAY 28: "you're safe now"
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: rope burns
ALT 2: caged
ALT 3: soft words
ALT 4: experimentation
ALT 5: time loop
ALT 6: limp
ALT 7: immortality
ALT 8: found footage
ALT 9: natural disaster
ALT 10: inferno
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce whatever kind of media they want
you don’t have to complete all the prompts! you can create however much you want to
you can use the prompts after the event ends
you can post on any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing those posted on tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame then you have until the 3rd of March to inform this blog that you completed all the days
HARD RULES: (specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (i’ll also be checking febuwhump2023)
the relevant day’s tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2…
nsfw (if relevant)
and any trigger warnings that may be important!
you can also tag the blog, @febuwhump
i cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog because I have no idea how many participants there will be. a random selection of works tagged in accordance to the rules above will be reblogged every day of february.
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