#emma rider
illyanarasputinfan · 2 months
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Terry Dodson
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caitlynskitten · 2 months
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Then I’ll stretch
Maybe sketch
Take a climb?
Sew a dress!!!!!!!!
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thedragonqueens · 3 months
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Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen icons - second teaser trailer of House of The Dragon S2
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d-llahanspade · 8 months
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Timeless #1 (2023) - Dodson Variant
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manicr · 2 months
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Marvel Premiere Base Set by wardogs101
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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Click on images for labels
Vote under the cut if you read the rules
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heckcareoxytwit · 3 months
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A collection of origin stories of the New Warriors
1st, 2nd and 3rd pics = Origin of Night Thrasher (Dwayne Taylor)
4th, 5th and 6th pics = Origin of Marvel Boy (Vance Astrovik)
7th, 8th and 9th pics = Origin of Speedball (Robbie Baldwin) and Niels the bouncing cat
10th, 11th and 12th pics = Origin of Firestar (Angelica Jones) as told by Emma Frost
13th, 14th and 15th pics = Origin of Namorita (Namorita Prentiss)
16th, 17th and 18th pics = Origin of Nova (Richard Rider)
19th pic = Origin of the New Warriors team
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i just think they’re neat
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people saying that Jonathan and Charithra should be Disney Rapunzel x Flynn and seeing Johnny hair today I can see it my god can I see it and since CC x JB had such amazing chemistry and sexual tension in s2 like what’s stopping them need it now! It could so work bc Em X Dan did Beauty & Beast same age as them now!
Personally I want Luke T bc I’m bedwina shipper first and human second! Since I couldn’t bedwina I want to see them be in love somewhere else + Ben character is basically how Flynn character is so Luke don’t need to try a new acting style just do what he does now as FR!
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mayaheronthorn · 1 year
Magnus: DON'T do anything stupid!
Everybody in TDA: *went to fight freaking Riders of Mannan*
Magnus: ..... I should have stayed in hell
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cosette141 · 1 year
Untangled | OUAT/Tangled Crossover Fanfic - Chapter 1
author: cosette141
pairings: Captain Swan & Flynn/Rapunzel
words: 1.4k
summary: (Tangled/OUAT crossover) “Who the bloody hell are you?” Flynn jerked awake at the sinister voice, and the distinct feeling of sharp metal under his chin. The first thing he noticed was the pirate standing next to him, a hook replacing the man’s left hand, and a cold, angry flash in his eyes as he held the metal appendage to his throat. Flynn opened his mouth to explain, only to realize he couldn’t, because when the hell did he get tied to the helm of a ship? (Captain Swan & Flynn/Rapunzel)
Chapter One
a/n: For context: in terms of OUAT, this takes place probably sometime after s4/established relationship, and just imagine they're in Corona for a trip or fell through a portal to there or something, lol. As for Tangled, this takes place in Tangled canon, right after Flynn gets knocked out and tied to the helm of a ship. Unluckily for him, it just happens to be the Jolly Roger.
“Who the bloody hell are you?”
Flynn jerked awake at the sinister voice, and the distinct feeling of sharp metal under his chin. 
The first thing he noticed was the pirate standing next to him, a hook replacing the man’s left hand, and a cold, angry flash in his eyes as he held the metal appendage to his throat.
Flynn opened his mouth to explain, only to realize he couldn’t, because when the hell did he get tied to the helm of a ship?
The last thing he remembered was the lanterns, watching them floating into the sky, a sight even he had to admit was always beautiful and mesmerizing every year the event occurred. But for the first time, they weren’t what captivated him. 
Rapunzel did. 
Beautiful and sweet and kind and just as graceful as she was scrappy, he could imagine being captivated by her for the rest of his days. 
He had planned on telling her exactly that when his old partners showed themselves, and he went to give them the crown—
Flynn froze.
“Sorry, old pal,” they had said, the word 'pal' holding none of the word’s friendliness. “The old woman is offering us more than you ever could. We’ll tell Rapunzel you said goodbye. Not that she’ll ever be seen again.”
They’d attacked him, but not out of sheer irritation with him. 
They’d been following orders. 
The old woman—Rapunzel’s mother. 
“Not that she’ll ever be seen again.”
Rapunzel was in danger.
“Silence won’t save you, mate,” came the pirate’s voice, cutting through Flynn’s panicked daze. “Now,” said the man, “who the bloody hell are you, and what are you doing aboard my ship?” he repeated, words cutting as sharp as the tip of the hook.
“Look,” said Flynn breathlessly, “I didn’t ever intend to board your ship!” He gestured to how he was tied to the helm. “Does this look like how a man travels willingly?” 
The pirate lifted a brow slightly in consideration. 
“I was knocked out and I just woke up like this, okay?” huffed Flynn. 
“And you usually carry around crowned jewels?” asked the pirate, lifting the crown from his slack grip, tied tightly to the helm. 
Flynn’s brows kneaded in confusion. The crown. Why…?  
But it clicked—
“The old woman is offering us more than you ever could.”
They didn’t need the crown anymore.
They wanted him out of the picture, and giving him the crown and trapping him here, he will have eventually been found by the Royal Guard and arrested. Or worse.
Gods, he never knew he’d be relieved to instead be found at hook-point by a deadly pirate.
“I’m not stealing it! She’s trying to frame me!” breathed Flynn, when the hook pressed a little sharper. Then he paused. “Or, well—okay. I stole the crown, but then I was going to return the crown, because I found someone worth so much more than any crown, someone… beautiful and wonderful and…” His words slowed, lost in the feelings for her. Until he saw the pirate’s impatience, and spoke faster. “Look—she’s in trouble, and I need to save her.” When the pirate remained silent, he tried a smolder-ish smile. “Cut a man loose, would you?” Then, he paused. “To clarify, please cut me loose from the ropes, and not my limbs loose from me.”
At the pirate’s stone expression, Flynn flashed him a toothy smile. 
The pirate looked from the crown to Flynn. “And I’m supposed to buy this?”
“Well,” said Flynn, “since I stole it, you can consider it paid for.”
There was no amusement in the pirate’s eyes. 
“Look, man,” said Flynn, huffing a sigh, pulling out the seriousness he had only ever given to Rapunzel. “I… I used to be this bad guy,” he said. “This… this criminal, this thief who only cared about himself, but then… I met her,” said Flynn, and the pirate stilled. “She’s just…” He shut his eyes. “I love her.” He opened his eyes, deflating. “I’m talking to a pirate about love.” He slumped. “You’re just going to kill me, aren’t you?”
But instead of the cold detachment Flynn expected to see in his eyes, it was something much different. Somehow, Flynn’s words sparked something in him.
Something like… understanding.
Flynn felt himself relax a little.
Until the pirate unsheathed his sword in a flash quicker than lightning, and Flynn’s eyes screwed shut with a squeal that surely Maximus heard wherever the stallion was, with a last thought that truthfully, death-by-pirate really is the way he deserves to go after all he’s done—
—only for Flynn to realize, cracking his eyes open, his body devoid of the pain that he should be feeling after three feet of steel cuts through his body like meat on a kabob, that he actually hasn’t been impaled. 
Instead, he was startled to find the rope in shreds at his feet, and himself entirely unharmed.
Cautiously, Flynn looked up, finding the pirate sheathing the sword.
“I’m not dead,” said Flynn, testing out the words, almost as if wondering if the pirate was just delaying his death.
“Perceptive, aren’t you?” quipped the pirate, who suddenly looked far less coldblooded than he did a few moments ago.
“You didn’t kill me,” repeated Flynn, straightening, rubbing his wrists where they had begun to chafe. “Why?” he asked. “I didn’t take pir— people like you—or, uh, well, I didn’t think you were the… sparing lives type,” he said with a nervous chuckle, wondering if he’d pushed too far and he should jump into the ominous dark water before he’s pushed off the plank.
The pirate seemed to have sensed that Flynn had almost said pirate before changing his mind with his words, and that seemed to bother him. Not in an angry way, per se, but more… sad. “I wasn’t always a pirate,” he said in a quiet voice, again devoid of the intimidation he’d had before, as if Flynn was looking at a strange twin of the man, both sides of him were so different. And Flynn felt a familiarity in those words, for he only became who he was because he had to. “And I no longer am,” the pirate continued. He glanced at his attire and ship, and shrugged. “Not a… traditional pirate anymore, that is.”
“Well, thanks,” said Flynn. “I’m Flynn. Flynn Rider,” he said, though he didn’t say the name with the same gusto and bravado that he once did. 
Truly, he was missing Rapunzel’s use of his given name.
“Hook,” the pirate said.
Flynn’s eyes widened almost comically. “Hook ? Like—like Captain Hook?” Even all the way in Corona, they’ve heard stories about the infamous Captain Hook, who has been alive for centuries, the most fearsome pirate in all the lands.
“Aye,” said Hook, though just like Flynn’s use of his own name, the pirate didn’t seem to carry his name with pride, either.
“Woah,” said Flynn. “Your reputation definitely precedes you. And not in the good way.”
The only response he was given was a slight brow raise, followed by Hook lifting a crumpled paper from an inside pocket in his coat, displaying it with, “Neither does yours, mate. They did you quite a disservice.”
Flynn snatched the Wanted posted from his hand. “It’s a nose, it’s not that hard!” he exclaimed, until he remembered himself. Crumpling and tossing the paper, Flynn said seriously, “How fast can you get me to shore? I need to save Rapunzel,” he said breathlessly.
“This woman,” said Hook, “your love. She’s in danger?”
“A lot,” said Flynn, the shock of the moment wearing off, the fear setting back in. “Her mother is evil and—well, I have to find her and save her,” he explained breathlessly. 
“I’ll do you better than get you to shore,” said Hook, face setting in a steel determination as he took the helm, steering them toward shore. “I’ll help you save her.”
Flynn paused. “You will?”
“Aye,” said Hook. “I know nothing of this land, and as you said; my reputation is unsavory. Both Royals and townsfolk have not taken kindly to my arrival.” he muttered. “I need to find my love, as well. We’ve been separated, and I fear she’s in danger as well.” His eyes clouded with the same emotion Flynn had seen in them earlier. “Trouble seems to always find her.”
“Yeah, of course,” said Flynn. “Your love. What’s her name?”
Hook, his eyes on the horizon, as deep as the midnight sky, a spark in them as bright as the stars, smiled.
tag list: @kmomof4 @justanother-unluckysoul @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones @hookmecaptain @sotangledupinit @tiganasummertree @jadehowlettthewolf @jonesfandomfanatic @anmylica @pirateprincessofpizza @stahlop @snowbellewells @eddisfargo @motherkatereloyshipper 
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the-shadow-market · 2 years
Thanks for the reply @cassandraclare​ ! This cleared up a lot of the questions I had about who knew what about Kit!
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I don’t know if I’d mentioned this before, but Johnny Blaze 100% married his step sister and had two kids with her... 
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Ghost Rider #1 (2022) - X-Gwen Variant
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