#frustrated poem
artchixs · 4 months
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in another life
love affair that is the walk home
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boilingheart · 6 months
Been watching Breaking Bad little by little lately. Why do Walter White and Gale Boetticher read as the most dramatic slowburn ever with the little screen time they have together. wtf. was that just me seeing that? this is my destiel.
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mangledmouth · 3 months
HELLO ALL! I've been working on this project for a while; copying a lot of poems from my blog that had broken formatting from the old days, collecting the ones that I was the proudest of, adding in a number of poems from the archives that never saw the light before; and the result is this, DETRANSFORMATION, an extremely transgender anthology of forty-nine poems, which is 7x7, which I literally only realized now. What can I say, I went for quality over quantity over the years.
Do you like horror movies? Fairy tales? Complicated feelings about Lovecraft? Do you have familial trauma? Depression? Long slow years of regaining life? Do you like it when poems are about a specific ass situation? Do I ever have the loosely grouped into five sections that create an arc that's about 7x as clear in real life poetry ebook for you!
Gumroad was the easiest platform to upload to, and set a 'pay what you want' price of $1 and up; I wanted to prioritize people being able to read it if they want, with room to be more generous if you feel like it and can afford it. If you don't/don't want to use Gumroad, or want me to get the money without Gumroad fees, I've done my best to make the thank-you email for my Ko-fi a link to download the epub; the base price of a 'coffee' is 1$, so you can set your own price from there on up. This is my first attempt at both making and distributing an epub, so if anything is broken or inaccessible you can get in touch with me on here. If all else fails I will literally email it to you. I will convert it as needed. We will make this work.
that's it! I wrote a lot of poems and put them together (and made the cover! look at it it turned out so good!) and I hope you check them out. 🪦💚
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sanddollarpoems · 7 months
For as many times as words have jumped into my head,
a jumbled mess of thoughts aching for the page;
As many times as I have opened a blank sheet,
awaiting a moment to scribble it all down,
only to be pulled away by the "urgently needs to be done";
As many times as I have tried to capture them,
they have been disrupted.
All those thoughts and words like leaves, scuddering away with a robust gust of wind into the abyss of my forgetfulness.
They don't wait for breaks in my day.
They simply appear and then evaporate.
For as many times as I've tried to catch them, they've managed to get away.
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leavethishuskbehind · 2 months
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He told me he loved me
Then touched my hair
Said “thanks for comin’ friend”
And just left me to stare
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malencholic-nyx · 1 year
What should I call this feeling in my heart,
Is it a war, a nightmare or a deadly art?
It suffocates me, I can't even breathe,
This pain inside is killing me beneath.
I want to cry, to let out my tears,
But something inside me just interferes.
I want to scream, to release my pain,
But my voice is silent, trapped in vain.
What should I call this feeling that I face,
This war within, that I cannot erase?
I wish I had answers, but I'm lost in the dark,
All I know is, this feeling tears me apart.
It's like a suffocating cloud that surrounds,
My mind, My heart,
My soul confounds.
I can't comprehend,
What it is or why,
This pain, This suffering,
Makes me want to die..
–Nyx (A silent voice)
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tranquilidad-vacia · 8 months
Los malos amores te enseñan a amar.
Los buenos amores te enseñan a amarte a ti mismo.
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gwyns-writing · 3 months
sigh of a dyke
356 queer people*
320 beautiful trans people**
365 days***
*who suffered a hate crime in 2023.
**murdered in 2023.
***in 2023.
1 queer child*
468 bills**
52 days***
*murdered in 2024.
**that killed them, just from 2024.
***in 2024, only.
sigh. it's heavy. but what can I do?*
*cry, pray, search, hope, abandon religion, try again, fail, fight, scream, grieve your compassion, damn the murderers, damn your father and damn your parents, damn your peers, damn the boys you met in high school, damn your middle school religion teachers, damn the people that killed them, all of the people that killed them, all of the politicians who started this, and who continue it, and all of the people who believe in an evil god's word and hold hate in their hearts and laugh at a person's queerness and say that the fight is won. they are all responsible. they killed this child. they all did. pray that hell is hot for them, and pray that there is a heaven just for queer people, and pray that there is a heaven for you, too, you despicable, evil, sick, disgusting fucking dyke.
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env0writes · 3 months
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Idle Steps 3.10.24 “Mid-Step Patience"
Plath and plan and platitudes I will not rest during this March My stride cannot trip or fall or falter Stubbed toes, sunburnt nose, who knows What tomorrow will offer Plans have been made The machine grinds on And I cannot cease, Lest be caught twixt its ruthless machinations I will become machine, I will become nature I will become god But I will not become rested There is no catching tomorrow One might sooner pluck the moon From the starry night sky And use it to buy a vending machine cola Than to reach beyond today On the tenth of march ‘Er the Ides approach I feel the gnawing knives of time Sink and rip and gnaw Time and money ripped from wallet From hand In tandem with unblinking eyes I cannot rest until it is done Whatever, whomenver, however it It must occur And I I am adjacent to that goal Locked within that gaol By any other spelling I am swelling Bursting, rusting – in the machinations another year and a new cog Will be whittled and logged And they too will not rest During this ceaseless trudging March So too the lions So too the lambs
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist!   Photo by @env0
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chaiichait · 3 months
-Moths Of Disease
I hate being sick
Because being sick means your head spins around while you stay still
Your mind is flying too fast
Like little moths searching to eat its fill
They scurry around the caves inside your nose
And sneak into your lungs
They lay there to multiply and run rampant, flicking their tongues
The moths spit up poison in return
Scorching your throat and burning your skin
While you cough and cough and cough
Pesky little insects, never quite knowing when to quit
Wasted fluids, liquids and spat spit
The little moths are greedy,
They never drink their fill
But the moths will never win
I must admit I can see a great battle
In my yellowed spit and flaring heat
Little white soldiers fight
Grabbing weapons and spite
I know they will become victorious
It only takes a little time
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melynnwater · 1 year
here's a short story I wrote that is, shockingly, made to process trauma of growing up with undiagnosed ADHD.
Remember that self love is a radical act. Hope you enjoy.
Yes yes, how tragically hilarious!
Moving on to the next exhibit, this is one of god's interactive art pieces, still ongoing!
This girl was made to exist in slow motion, always moving slower than the world around her.
Hm, yes?
Excellent question! Of course she doesn't know!! That's part of the brilliance of the art! She doesn't even know she's cursed, she just thinks she's not trying hard enough!
Observe how her emotions are on a delay. Her reactions are slow. She needs so much more rest than her peers. Her sleep schedule is chaotic and fluctuating. She can't be consistent with anything this world expects from her. It's not even her fault!! Ahahaha!
This exhibit tiptoes the line between art and experiment, to see how long a human can blame itself for something it can't know isn't its fault.
Silly girl!!
Oh look, look! Here she is running late for another appointment! She thinks she's just bad at time management!! How hilarious!
She carries the frustration of simply not being able to take a shower shorter than 15 minutes, you should've seen how many people thought she was just being lazy.
She's almost stopped taking showers entirely as a result. What a freak! A dirty, smelly freak of a woman.
Ha! Look at her now! She's still processing high school now, in her 20s? Could you imagine!
Oh, yes, she has found some level of acceptance and support. Her girlfriend is very patient with her. She can't help but feel that patience is only temporary, though. She might not even realize her beloved's patience ran out until a year later!
We're all waiting with bated breath to see if she can find the others from this same exhibit.
So sad you can't help but laugh.
Now take a look at this fine specimen over here...!
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anastacialy · 3 months
please dont put violent racists like timidsketch or anyone who equates someone not looking like them to the horrors of genocide (???????? wtf is wrong with that person) on my dashboard
alright, i'm gonna walk you through this real quick, much like i had to clarify for timidsketch. i'd love to just ignore this ask, since this feels a bit like sealioning (trying to start an argument knowing it'll make others look bad) but instead, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. firstly, timidsketch is not racist, nor are they 'violent,' they simply misunderstood part of a poem. much like you misunderstood her reaction to said poem. not everyone is great at literary analysis. or reading comprehension. this is the piss on the poor website.
timidsketch, in her reaction to said poem, expressed that the genocide in gaza is horrific. and that gaining weight should not be seen as AN EQUIVALENT HORROR to genocide. because it isn't. this, the both of you clearly agree on. however, that was simply the part of the poem that was misunderstood. the poem wasn't saying that it was equivalent. the poem was highlighting that as a contrast, that there is so much more going on in the world than something so simple as the author's weight gain.
genocide (big, awful, horrible) VS. laundry to do (small, easy, a slight inconvenience at worst). simple as that.
you, anon, in your accusations, have also simply misread the post.
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rhube · 2 months
Not So Little
How little d'you think I've lived my life?
Do you believe I'm only here in those times where you can see me?
I'm here, I breathe, I think, I'm free. I'm not bound by the little that you think of me.
Wrote another angry poem ^
I've given up trying to get my poetry published - I would rather it be read. But if you like my writing, please consider buying me a ko-fi.
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streetlight-haver · 9 months
a poem, by me
I hate Aristotlé
He can suck my dick
In a Chipottle
And choké
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can anyone help me understand this
so this post is going around mocking this poem which is fine if you think its not good or whatever but i dont understand making it about catholic usamericans? im genuinely asking i dont understand how the notes are taking all that from this one poem.
screenshots below the cut
the poem:
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the original criticism:
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spookykestrel · 4 months
I get the whole not responding to messages things I get I understand it’s hard it’s not personal but also … you have to respond to messages to keep your friendships alive?? If you are long distance from a friend if you don’t see your friend often and you don’t initiate in any other way if you don’t call if you don’t send any sort of message then the least you can do is send a text or just respond to one of the ones you left on read ?? If you never put effort in then you lose the people you love and it’s hard and it’s scary and distractions and mental health all are factors but sometimes you have to sit down and say check in on your friends !
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