#grabbed him asap and a wash cloth and took him to the sink
angelnumber27 · 1 month
*he spilled my cup of paint water all over everything idk why I said he spilled watercolors I just woke up girls
I literally walked away for two minutes tops to make coffee and came back to his ass sitting on this water color palette and my painting open after spilling my watercolor water all over it
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Look at that face. He knows he did something wrong hahahha
#I really wish I had a pic of him just sitting on the watercolors bc it was hilarious#like he looked so innocent and cute and I just knew his was was covered in various colors hashahwhwha#but i was more concerned with the toxicity so my immediate reaction was to try to clean his paws the best I could#and research#it won’t cause any skin or gastrointestinal issues so we’re good thankfully#he will be fine don’t worry lmao it’s water based watercolors#gonna watch him close just in case#grabbed him asap and a wash cloth and took him to the sink#but yes to reiterate it’s NOT TOXIC AND HE IS FINE I PROMISE#also thank goodness I grabbed him immediately before he started prancing around on the white carpet bc I would be yelled at for weeks#u have four bloody scratches on my face but there are not rainbow foot prints all over the house and he is safe so I am fine with that#i**#they’re ^#the way cats attack you and think they’re being punished when you’re literally potentially trying to just save their life#or help them#like unhooking their claw from somethin their stuck too#and like I give a fuck about clothes as much as my cat but there’s paint all over my favorite robe too now hahah#legit thiught the red streaks on my face were watercolor hahahaha so I was like oh shit that blood#I’m not mad#after I found out it wasn’t toxic and that he didn’t step all over the wet carpets and that he was okay i laughed for like 15 minutes#I’m still laughing like… y’all ☠️#please excuse my voice I’m a little sick and I sound like a southerner ew#like why do i sound like someone’s Christian Baptist mother offering someone cookies#Queso#my cats#lmao
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lazuli-bloom · 3 years
Boiling Delay
Otto Octavius x Reader
Word Count : 3209
Candles flickered, soft music played, and the table was set for two. Everything was place and ready for a lovely night in with your beloved. Everything, except the man himself. As the light grew later your heart sank further. Was one night so much to ask for?
Hot water poured out of the faucet, cascading over the dirty dishes. The basin filled with steaming water and you added a drizzle of soap into the mix. You stared at the rising water level, waiting for it to fill the sink enough.
The running tap and rippling water was the only sound in the small apartment. Your fingers flexed, pressing your nails into the metal of the sink. Bubbles foamed in the water, but it would still be a few more minutes until there would be enough.
You took in a deep breath and held it tight in your chest before you breathed out a shaky exhale. You let go of the side of the edge of the counter and pulled out your phone one more time. No new messages. Your stomach twisted into knots.
You reached over to set the phone face up on the well-used lament, only to keep your grip on the device. It couldn't hurt to check one more time. You opened up your messages and read over the night's texts once more.
7:12 - you going to be late again?
7:52 - yes sorry. Mr O needs a project done today
7:54 - I'll keep dinner warm
7:57 - TY dear. B home asap 😘
Your heart hurt. Tears pricked your eyes as your thumbs hovered over the buttons. You typed out a simple text and hit send.
9:58 - got an ETA yet?
You set the phone down in front of the coffee pot. The water filled most of the sink, but you let it run. You fiddled with your ring, twisting it on your finger before taking it off to set by the phone, its gem clacking against the counter.
You didn't want to stand and fuss over something out of your control, so you took a calming breath and plunged into the chore. There weren't many dishes to clean, a couple of plates, some cookware, and one set of silverware. You held the last dish under the still running water, washing away the last of the suds.
As you rinsed out the sink of lingering foodstuff your phone chimed. A spark of hope lit up a tentative smile. You wiped off your hands and read the text.
10:05 - I wont b home until 11 at the earliest. I'm so sorry
Your eyes stung. That little spark of hope, stomped out in an instant.
10:06 - Ok. I put your dinner in the fridge already. Be safe, love you
Your fingers pressed hard into the phone. You stood leaning against the sink, your thoughts spiraling, when another message came in.
10:07 - I will, love you too
You dropped your phone into your pocket and slipped on your ring. You grazed a finger over the piece of jewelry and struggled to smile at the beautiful piece. A surge of pain, sadness, and anger swirled in your head. Just one night. All you wanted to do was share one romantic night with the man you loved. But no. His boss only cared about progress and the bottom line. Time-off requests be damned.
More tears fell and you let out a low, strained scream—guttural and full of pain. For the last two weeks, you've barely been able to see him. And what little time you could share, he was always so drained and on the verge of a breakdown. It hurt so much to see him in such an awful state, and your attempt to ease his pain was dashed.
You rubbed your eyes as a few stray sobs got out. As you blinked away the last of your tears, you went around the small living area and blew out the candles. The potent scents of cinnamon, vanilla, and caramel hung in the air of the dim room.
Your hands grabbed at the hem of your clothes as you rolled the fabric between your fingers. You dressed up for that night, nothing too fancy, but still a nicer outfit for a casual date. Your heart sank. No point in keeping that on.
You got changed into sleep clothes and returned to the living room. After turning off the last of the lights, you grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch. You curled up on the worn sofa and turned on the small TV. It didn't matter what aired, you just wanted something to zone out to and numb the pain. You settled on a cheesy movie channel and sank into the couch.
You watched the film, your eyes growing heavier as time went on. The movie's dull plot failed to captivate you, making it harder to keep your eyes open.
Through a groggy haze, you pushed yourself to sit up. Over the quiet chatter from the TV, a few metallic clicks roused you from your accidental nap. The lock of the front door clicked, and it slowly pushed open. A familiar silhouette stepped in and quietly shut and locked the door.
He jumped at his name before he spun around to see your disheveled form on the couch. The TV provided the only light in the room, and with him beyond it, you couldn't clearly see his face.
"Oh goodness, love, are you still up?" His voice sounded scratchier than normal.
You adjusted yourself and fully sat up with the arm of the couch at your lower back. As you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, you watched Otto shuffle into the light.
His clothes wrinkled, a huge dark spot covered his chest, and his bow tie dangled on the verge of coming undone. Worry knitted his brows, but more concerning was the look of his eyes behind those glasses.
"Have you been crying?" your voice was soft and full of concern.
He glanced away and rubbed his face with the sleeve of his shirt. Your heart twisted in aches. Otto put on a weak smile, but the croak to his voice made it undeniable that he had been crying.
"I'll be fine, darling."
Fresh tears pricked your eyes, and you flung your arms open, wordlessly begging him for a hug. Otto's smile quivered before he collapsed to his knees and flung himself on you. His body shook as he slipped his arms under yours and clung to you for dear life. As he buried his face in the crook of your neck, you pulled him tight against you.
"I'm so, so sorry, darling. I—I tried to get home in time, but Mr. Osborn—"
"Sweetheart, it's okay. I'm not mad at you." Your words cut all the tension in him. He worried he upset you because his terrible boss pushed him to stay late. It broke your heart. "I love you, Otto."
"I love you too."
You leaned your head against his. "You can't keep coming home like this. It isn't healthy." Your voice came out as a whisper. Otto made a small noise in response and you turned to pepper the side of his head with light kisses. You kept one arm on his back to rub circles into while your other one ran through his short, dark chocolate hair.
"I... I know. I told Mr. Osborn about tonight a week ago. I even formally requested the time off. But he's... a difficult man to say no to."
"A self-absorbed asshole is more accurate."
"Perhaps, but with this job, it opens so many opportunities. We're able to save for the wedding now! And once my contract's up, I could transfer to practically any lab I wanted."
You frowned but hid it as you leaned back to make room on the couch. Otto pecked your cheek before he climbed onto the couch. He sat between your legs with his back against your chest. Your arms slipped under his and rested your hands on his chest.
"What's the point in saving if that man is working you into an early grave? I'd rather you not be miserable working under a tyrant."
You wiggled to shift lower and nuzzled the top of his head. Otto placed a hand over yours and caressed circles over the back of it with his thumb. A warm quiet settled in the room bathed in pale blue light from the TV. You knew there was more on his mind that he wanted to talk about. But He would open up when he was ready.
For the moment, you savored holding him. Warmth radiated off his soft body. It always flustered him to hear you liken him to a stuffed animal, but you couldn't think of a better comparison. The man was a giant teddy bear, complete with his own bow tie.
You kissed the top of his head and took in his scent. Mint mixed with a hint of disinfectant alcohol hung off of Otto. You missed him so much.
His hand clasped over your before giving it a light squeeze. "There was a break in at the lab tonight." You tensed and tightened your embrace around your love. Otto took your hand and brought it to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your knuckles, before stroking his thumb into your palm. "Some man dressed in a green and purple costume. He flew out with Mr. Osborn's tech-flight glider."
"Tech-flight glider? Wasn't Adrian working on something like that?"
Otto squirmed and squeezed your hand harder. "Y—yes. He was. After I set up for him and Mr. Osborn to have a meeting, Mr. Osborn..."
You kissed the top of Otto's head before growling in your throat. No wonder Adrian went after Osborn a few weeks back. You glanced over to the wall of pictures and made out the vague shapes of Adrian and Otto. Despite the dark, you could see the picture clearly in your mind. The pair were in the old lab. Otto had his arm over the shoulder of the taller man, while Adrian messed up Otto's hair. It was a shame to read that he had been arrested.
A soft lull in the conversation hung in the room. You took in a quiet breath and held it a second as you rested your cheek in Otto's hair. He kissed your knuckles again and let out a sigh. You hummed to ask what was on his mind.
"Do you know what he called me today?"
You hummed again to urge him on, though you knew you wouldn't like the answer.
"Doctor Octopus. I asked him to stop, but Mr. Osborn just... smirked and told me to get back to work. I even told him later that the name was demeaning, but I don't think he cared. It's just so... dehumanizing, especially coming from him."
"I swear if I ever meet that asshole, I'm carving his face off with a rusty nail."
"Darling!" Otto pushed himself up and turned to sit on his knees while facing you. "You can't say things like that. He'd have you thrown in jail if you tried. You know what happened to Adrian. I don't want to lose you like that, too. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my friend and my fiancé."
"You're smart. You could figure out a way to bust me out of jail. Maybe we could spring Adrian too."
You giggled and looped your arms around his neck to pull him closer. He struggled to smile and ended up frowning as he glanced away. Otto rested his forehead on yours and held your hips. You kept one hand on his neck as the other slipped under his collar to knead the tense muscles of his upper back. That harness inflamed the skin around his spine after he wore it all day again.
His muscles relaxed under your touch. Gentle presses of your fingers massaging his back earned a dulcet croon from Otto. You dragged your fingertips in feather touches over his skin—up his back, over his neck, and stopping at his cheek. His cheek rested in your palm and you rubbed your thumb over his face, flinching when you grazed over something wet.
You leaned back and looked him in the face. The lenses of his glasses fogged up as fresh tears spilled from his eyes. Ice gripped your heart, but you did your best to keep your panic subdued.
"Otto, sweetie, what's wrong?"
He shut his eyes tight with pain written all over his face and shook his head. "I shouldn't say. I don't want you to get wrapped up in this. If you ended up hurt—"
"Otto. You're scaring me. Please, what's wrong? I don't want you hurt either."
He drew in a trembling breath and bit his lip. You held his face in both your hands and pleaded for him to look at you. Blurry eyes opened behind fogged glasses and he squeezed your hips some. You gave a weak smile and gently lifted his glasses to rest on the top of his head. The bags under his eyes were worse than you remembered.
"I can't give you the details. If my fears are correct, then I don't want you to be harm's way because of what I told you. But I'm worried consequences from work are around the corner and could turn out disastrous."
"What? Otto, then quit! Please. I don't want you in the middle of some disaster. Just. Just quit. You can find another job, and we can get by with me working in the meantime."
"Mr. Osborn would blackball me from every lab job in the state, maybe the whole east coast."
Your jaw clenched as your lips curled into a sneer. "I am going to kill that man. He can't keep ruining people's lives like this." You shut your eyes tight and held back a sob. Your body shook as anger and fear seeped into your thoughts. “Isn't there anything you can do to leave? Otto, I don't want to lose you to that godawful job.” 
 A small choked sob managed to break out. Then another.
Otto's hands slid up your sides as he leaned in to press a tender kiss on your lips. Your shoulders relaxed, and you melted into the kiss. One of his hands drifted up to the back of your head and tangled his fingers in your hair. You tilted your head back as he moved to kiss the corner of your mouth, over your cheek, and down your jaw. His head rested on your shoulder as his arms looped under yours and pulled you flush with him.
"I'll speak with Mr. Osborn tomorrow. I'll see if there's any way I can get out of my contract early. After all, he told me himself that I'm replaceable."
An unexpected anger seeped into his tone as he said that last part. That certainly differed from the timid demeanor Otto normally showed. Your love for the soft-hearted scientist ran deeper than the ocean. But that brief glimmer of a darker tone. It brought a fire to your cheeks.
He pulled you tighter against him as his rhythmic breath ghosted over your neck and shoulder. You tilted your head against his.
"Well, you're not replaceable to me."
Otto hummed and drew several circles over your back. He grabbed a better hold of you and leaned back. You shifted your position and sat on his lap with your hands wrapped around his neck. A smile spread across your face and you pressed a kiss onto his lips.
You peppered the rest of his face with light kisses and got a chuckle out of him. A smile of your own broke across your face for a second, only for a yawn to force its way out.
"It's well after one in the morning, darling. We should go to bed."
"Oh no, not until you eat something. I know for a fact you don't eat much while you're working."
A smile—soft and full of love—graced his face, and reached those warm brown eyes of his. "You know me too well, my love." His hand reached up and traced down your left arm to take your hand. Otto held your fingers and kissed your ring followed by each of your knuckles. "Alright, I'll make something light before bed."
"G-good!" you said as your heart fluttered. You cleared your throat and glanced away from the smiling bastard. Fire blazed on your face and you didn't bother hiding your smile. Two can play that game.
You took his head in your hands once more and lidded your eyes. You placed a kiss on the top of his square nose. "I can't have my handsome scientist starving himself." With more kisses down his face, you trailed down his angled jaw to his chin, then down the front of his neck. After a light nip to his throat, you sat up and eyed Otto.
Even with only the TV serving as a light, you noticed the heavy blush on his face. You smirked at him and gently slid his glasses back onto his face. A crooked smile pulled his features as he chuckled and he pulled you in for one more hug. You both savored the moment before parting and standing up.
Otto fixed a quick meal in the small kitchenette, and you readied the apartment for you to retire for the night. You slid the chain lock into place and turned off the TV, leaving the stove light Otto turned on as the only light. Once all done, you went up and caressed Otto's shoulder and leaned in to peck his opposite cheek before you left for the bedroom.
You finished the last of your nightly routine and climbed into bed. Otto followed a few minutes after and stripped to his undershirt and boxer before crawling into bed next to you. The frames of his glasses clacked against the nightstand before he rolled to face you.
His warmth allured you more than ever as the creeping chill of an autumn night hung in the air. You snuggled closer and draped an arm over him. Even with only the faint light of a few electronics in the room, you could see Otto's handsome face. His eyes, hooded and tired, drank in your features. He reached up and brushed a lock of hair out of your face.
"Go to sleep, dear. We both have work tomorrow. Well, later today actually."
You kissed his forehead before resting yours against his. "You might, but I'm calling out sick."
"Darling, I don't—"
"Ah, ah, ah. I have plenty of sick days saved up, and I already planned on calling out if you were home late tonight. I can still spend the entire morning with you before you have to leave."
His hands trailed down to your waist and pulled you closer. "I'll treasure every moment as if it were my last."
You nuzzled your face into his short chocolate hair, then rubbed odd formless shapes on his back. "Don't worry yourself, sweetheart. No matter what happens, I'll be by your side, come Hell or high water." You kissed the top of his head and closed your eyes. "I love you, Otto."
He shifted closer and draped his arm over your middle. "I love you too. Now go to sleep, my darling."
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎
𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
(𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍) tieddown-withbattleshipchains said:
Hey Dear ❤️ May I ask for a Bucky Barnes imagine where he is your ex-boyfriend but you meet again sometime randomly in New York. So you end up spending the evening together and just talk about everything. Later he walks you home but you ask him to join you, which leads to a night full of love making. In the morning he makes breakfast in bed for you and asks you for a second chance? 😊 Maybe his POV too if you want to :)
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: smut 18+; it’s kinda vanilla but like pretty passionate? Slight hair pulling, cockwarming, but like that’s it, tiny bit of angst blink and you’ll miss it, major fluff (the holy trinity)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: thanks for the request bug!! I love this idea :) ps i had tons of requests so i’ll be posting daily for a bit to get them out asap! thanks for y’alls patience :) ______________________________________
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You turned your head to the voice. Your eyes met the familiar ocean blueone  you spent so many hours staring into. Your face held a surprised looked before smiling softly at the handsome man you once were so in love with long ago. 
“Buck, is that you?”
He looked so different. His hair was short; he had scruff speckled with gray hairs all over his jaw, his arm wasn’t that familiar silver vibranium you often thought about, but he doesn’t need to know that. Not now especially. 
“Yeah. How are you? You look great.”
“Thank you. You too. You’ve changed, a lot. That’s not a bad thing though-”
“I got it,” he laughed. 
“Sorry,” you laughed, shaking your head before looking back at him.
“Care for a drink?” you asked him.
You two spent hours laughing and telling stories from the time you two have been apart. It was almost like you two never even broke up. You had to remind yourself that whenever Bucky would lay a hand on your hand in a fit of laughter, or on your thigh. But you couldn’t help it, he was so contagious. 
“Well, it’s getting really late I should head home,” you said standing up. You left a big tip for your waiter and tender because it was almost one in the morning and the place was supposed to close at midnight. 
“Let me walk you. You far?” he said standing with you. 
“Oh you don’t have to.”
“Come on. For old times sake.”
His goddamn gorgeous smile. How could you say no to that?
“I guess that wouldn’t be so bad.”
You two walked side by sided in the darkness. You felt safe beside him. You felt comfortable, like you always by his side. Soft illumination from the colorful neon signs lit up the street you were walking down. 
Your apartment wasn’t far, so you two walked for about 10 minutes. Cars were still busy in the early hours of the New York night and people still walked hurriedly up and down the street. But being beside Buck again after all that time apart, it felt like it was just the two of you.
“Well, this is me,” you said walking up the stairs to your front door.
“Are you gonna be ok?” you asked him.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” he said. 
There was a pause between you and you didn’t want him to go just yet. 
“Hey, do you wanna come inside? You know, before we part ways again.”
“I’d love that.”
He stepped inside and took in your surroundings. Your apartment looked practically the same from when Bucky was last there. He regrets leaving you the way he did. 
“Do you want anything to drink? I have coffee, water, another beer?” you chuckled.
“Beer is fine,” he said sitting on the couch; that damn couch. Memories of you riding him came back and he sighed wishing he could go back to those times again. 
“Here you go,” you said holding another for yourself. 
“Place hasn’t changed,” he spoke up.
“Yeah, I- you I’m not good with interior design. And shit’s too hard to move around and replace,” you laughed. 
There was a long moment of silence between you but it wasn’t a comfortable one; it was awkward and unsettling.
“I uh- I’m sorry. For the way things ended.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I kinda figured out what was really going on. You know the whole blip thing. I’m not mad anymore.”
“I’m still really sorry.”
“I forgive you,” Bucky’s heart ached when you said that.
Bucky had shown up one day years ago and left. He told you didn’t love you anymore but you saw through his bullshit. He told that night he was in trouble which wasn't a lie. Thanos had come and Bucky was taking refuge and fighting in Wakanda with Steve, Nat, and Sam after the Accords. He said that you being with him was going to put you in danger. He didn’t say anything else he just kissed you and left. 
His clothes were still in your drawers. His toothbrush stayed untouched. His shampoo used to be in your bathroom but you used if all up when he left depersate to smell his scent since he wasn’t there anymore. 
You were livid to say the least. He had given up on you. He didn’t even talk to you; he didn’t try anything to keep you. So you moved on. But you’d be a liar if you said you didn’t think back on those times at least once a day. Bucky did too. Now after chaos decreased, you realize he did what he thought was best and you forgave him.
“I think about you everyday, Y/n.”
You looked at him with eyes but your head was still down; your eyes avoiding his directly though afraid you’d fall again. He had a new arm; black with beautiful specks of gold in every line and crease of the metal, you assume. 
“I miss you,” he ever so slightly scooted closer to you, as did you subconsciously. 
You couldn’t say anything. You felt frozen.
“I regret how I left. God, I hated myself so much for so long. I still do.”
“Don’t. It was stupid of me to hate you for saving the world.”
“Why are you so perfect?” Bucky leaned in slowly, moving a hair from your face. 
“Buck,” you whispered. 
“We shouldn’t.”
“You want me to stop?”
You paused.
“No,” you leaned forward and attached your lips to him. 
Bucky’s hand curled into your hair, pulling you flushed against him. Your hands tugged at his shirt doing the same. You two kissed for what felt like hours before you stood abruptly surprisingly Bucky. 
You grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom; where you two spent most of your time together memorizing each other’s bodies. Where you’ll get to do so again tonight; even if it’s the last time. 
Bucky pressed your back against the door when you both stumbled in. He kissed hungrily like it was last time he’d get to do so. You two were both a little tipsy, not fully sure if either of your actions were genuine or touch-starved.
It didn’t matter in the moment anymore when Bucky’s lips attacked your neck making you moan and pant, each breath pressed your chest to his. His hands went under your shirt cupping your breasts; the stark contrast between his hands bringing memories back.
You kissed again before pulling his shirt over his head and discarding yours just as quickly. You felt frenzied; clouded by lust and need for the man you still love in front of you. He crawled back on the bed after all his clothes had been shed. 
You crawled up his body smiling and biting your lip. You felt yourself getting wetter just at the sight of Bucky fisting his cock; he bit his bottom lip as well looking at you with hungry eyes.
You straddled his hips feeling his dick poking the inside of your thigh. You cupped his face, his scruff scratching the palm of your hand. His hands rubbed your hips and cheeks as he closed his eyes, basking in your attention he craved for so long. 
You lifted your hips to sink down onto Bucky; you both simultaneously moaned at the feeling you both ache for. It didn’t matter how many times you two had sex, Buck’s size always had some getting use to. 
“Sorry, I think I’m ok now,” you whimpered.
“It’s ok, doll. Take your time; I remember how needy you get with my cock, huh, baby?”
“Bucky,” you moaned. 
You grinded yourself on his dick, each thrust brushing your clit making you shudder in pleasure. Bucky grabbed your hair and pulled it hard exposing your neck and arching you back. His lips kissed and nibbled on the skin of your neck, you gasped when he kissed a particular part.
“I remember, baby,” he smiled.
“Of course you do,” you breathed out laughing. 
“I thought about this everyday since I left. I thought about those pretty sounds you’re making bouncing on my cock. I thought these gorgeous tits pressing up against me. I thought about how good this pussy feels wrapped around me. Baby, you were made for me and if you think I’m gonna let you go again you got it wrong.”
His words brought you to the edge and you climaxed with a loud high pitched moan. Your body practically shook against Bucky’s. Bucky chased his own release flipping you over and rutting his hips into you wildly. 
When he did his hips stuttered and his head buried in your neck. He moaned loudly in your ear and you almost came again just from that. His arms collapsed and his body flopped on you. 
Blissed out, you softly scratched his back. His breath slowly even out and you figured he’d fallen asleep. You scratched his head as well before closing your eyes and falling asleep as well.
You woke up alone. You were secretly hoping that you’d wake up beside Bucky but no. you wobbled out of bed into the bathroom seeing the mirror fogged up. He took a shower and left, great. So much for last night. 
You washed your face in an attempt to put some wake in you and put some clothes on. You walked out to the kitchen to make breakfast but was surprised to find Bucky playing some old tunes on the radio and making you breakfast?
“Awe, man. And I was just about to bring you breakfast in bed, doll,” he smiled, holding a plate of food.
“I thought you left,” you said softly.
“I took a shower and wanted to make you something before we… part ways… again,” he sounded sad towards the end of that sentence; like he didn’t actually want to leave. Honestly, you didn’t want him to either.
“You don’t have leave,” you whispered, Bucky long turned the radio off. 
“I don’t want to, truthfully,” Bucky said.
“Then stay.”
“You must love me if you want me to stay after what I did,” he said, walking up to you.
“What if I do?” you asked.
“Then I’d be the happiest man in the world.”
You kissed him softly, feeling him melt into your kiss. 
“Promise you won’t leave again? No matter what happens?” you asked.
“I promise.”
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sugakoni · 3 years
"it's all you."
(a/n): this was requested by @oyasumimosura! i had a blast writing this for the last couple of days, i am so sorry for the delayed response but life has been hectic. i hope this is good!!!
warnings: lots of swearing, some angst, mentions of death and karl being a full fledge simp.
pairing: karl heisenberg x fem!reader
word count: 9935
synopsis: you are the CEO of a very well known company in the United States. you decided to go on a week long vacation to some Eastern Mountain Range in Europe, and you went paragliding with your group. little did you know, this would be the start of something supernatural and unbeknownst to you. (THIS IS AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE BASED STORY. LOTS OF THIS STUFF KIND OF WONT MAKE SENSE TO CANONVERSE.)
story under the cut.
(note; this is unedited and i will probably not notice any errors in my writing for a bit. please do not make fun of me. i just wanted to get this out there ASAP.)
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Tree branches snapped underneath the group's feet as they walked up the mountain, soft breaths leaving everyone as they continued their ascent. The frigid temperatures weren’t a bother to them, since they have done this before in even colder weather.
You were in the back, as you always were. You planned a one off trip for yourself to get away from the hectic life you had back in the city, your CEO position getting to your mind too much. This was the vacation you needed, and the group of people you paired yourself with decided to go paragliding off of a mountain that they had been eyeing for what felt like weeks to them. You joined, and knew your daredevil heart would feel content.
Soon enough, you reached the top of the mountain, the hiking trip taking longer than you would’ve liked to admit. Everyone began to gear up themselves, and you followed suit as you listened to everyone speaking amongst each other. You looked off the cliff, seeing a castle in the distance. You raised an eyebrow, letting out a soft sigh as one of the group members patted your back.
“Let’s get this show on the road!”
The pain in your head was seering, cool ground felt below you. You could barely remember how you got yourself into this mess, but soon the memories came flooding back.
You were paragliding, alongside everyone else. The whole thing seemed surreal, everything looked dull and eerie, but a certain beautifulness lingered in the view. That was until you heard a scream and a screech of some animal, glancing back behind you to see two people from your group being attacked by… bat human hybrids? Your confusion struck, but soon fear bubbled into you when you looked in front of you and saw even more.
You couldn’t care less what was below you, but you knew you had to make a crash landing somewhere to get away from these beasts. Before you knew it, you were crashing hard into snow covered ground, adrenaline pumping through you at an alarming rate before you closed your eyes.
Confusion still lingered as you looked around the room you were in. Shelves filled with random crates and scrap, a wall riddled in pictures of people who were unrecognizable. You squinted, trying to read the words from the spot you were in before you heard something loud in a hole beside you. A scream caught in your throat as you moved away from it, standing up and feeling light headed. You grasped onto a wall, breathing heavily as you tried to think.
“Shit,” you whispered to yourself. You started to walk slowly, but the pain was just too much. You whined out, moving to rest your back on the wall before slowly sliding down.
A door opened and closed, and fear started pumping through you again. Would there be something horrible here? You knew you had a gut feeling, you shouldn’t have gone with a random group of people to a mountain range no one knew, you knew you should’ve believed the things you read on this-
“Hey, hey, hey! You’re finally awake,” the man who stood in front of you spoke. You furrowed your eyebrows, rubbing your head.
“W-who are you?”
“That’s somethin’ we can worry about later… Here,” the unknown man moved towards you and handed you a tray. A cup filled with water and a plate with bread and some fruit was now in your lap. You felt your stomach lightly rumble at the sight, not caring before you began to eat.
If he wanted to kill you, he already would’ve.
A soft hum left your lips as you ate everything on the plate, moving to drink the water. You knew you probably looked a mess, but the man just stood there with his hands on his hips.
You looked up, moving to place the tray down on the floor beside you. The cup of water being held between your hands, and you took small sips of it. Silence filled the room, which caused you to go a bit uneasy.
“How did you even get here?”
You took another sip of water before putting it down on the tray, biting against your lip.
“Me and a group of people were paragliding off of a mountain around here… thought it was a good idea until some… weird bat things attacked… I guess I landed somewhere around here,” you whispered, your headache slowly going away. The man let out a hum.
“Sure as hell did, you landed in probably the worst spot you could’ve, the lycans were going crazy,” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head before going to grab a chair to sit in.
What the fuck is a lycan?
Your eyebrows knitted in newfound confusion, the man in front of you playing with a pocket knife he had in his hand. You didn’t feel nervous, though you should’ve. But he radiated something in him that just made you know he was someone you could trust.
“Lycans… are uh… werewolves,” he spoke before clearing his throat.
“My name is Karl Heisenberg, sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier,” he added, and you were thankful you could put a name to his face.
“Well.. thank you for taking me in, Karl… I’m Y/n.” you hummed, headache now somewhat gone. You stood up, looking around before stretching your arms over your head. You didn’t know how you were going to get home, let alone in this state. It seemed like you would be stuck here for a while. You had no wallet, no keys, nothing. You let out a soft sigh in thought.
Karl stood up, moving over towards you. “I should’ve made you sleep in my room, Y/n… sorry about that,” he muttered.
Something seemed off about him that you couldn’t really put your finger on, but it seemed like he was… flustered. You shrugged, starting to follow him after he motioned you to. You looked around the area, seeing how it was completely different than anything you had seen before.
A factory?
You crossed your arms, feeling cold. Your jacket was wrapped around you tightly, and you still had your jeans and boots on, but you had no idea why the chill nipped at you harshly. Karl pushed open a door on his left side, and you saw a bed, a small desk, and a few pieces of scrap metal on the floor in disarray.
“You’ll sleep here.”
“What about you?” You asked, scrunching your nose. It smelled of man and cigarettes in here, which you shouldn’t have been surprised since it seemed this man lived alone in this… factory.
“Oh honey, I don’t sleep,” Karl hummed, moving to grab some papers off of his desk.
You shrugged your jacket off, moving to place it on the back of the chair in the room. You thought for a moment, seeing the dirt and grime that riddled your skin. A soft sigh left your lips.
“Do you have a shower?”
Karl looked back at you, dumbfounded that you would even ask that.
“Yeah I have a shower. What do you take me for, some wild animal?”
Damn, I pushed a button.
“Just jokin’. It’s in that room over there,” he replied, still looking at papers on his desk.
You looked over to where he pointed, seeing the door on the farther end of the room. You made your way towards the door, opening it and going inside. You shut the door behind you, not bothering to lock it as you quickly took your clothes off. You felt disgusting, utterly filthy as your cheeks were smeared with some dirt, hair slightly matted in your ponytail. You looked at yourself in the mirror after turning the shower on, feeling the steam fill the room.
The shower water felt nice on your exposed skin, the water at your feet growing a murky brown as you washed the dirt from your body and hair.
You groaned, starting to wash your body, before you heard the door open. You peaked your head from around the corner, wet hair stuck to your forehead as you were met with Karl holding a shirt.
You gave a small smile, which caused his own heart to flutter. He kept his composure as you moved to go back behind the curtain, the sound of a bottle opening soon afterwards.
“Thank you, Karl,” you sang as you started to wash your hair. A soft hum left your lips, which caused Karl’s mind to go haywire. He placed the shirt against the counter, sighing to himself.
“Not a problem,” he said and moved to get out of the room.
The tension lingered, and you could feel it. You bit at your lip in thought, rinsing the soap out of your hair before putting conditioner in it. Karl was pretty attractive in your eyes, but he looked like he had some issues he needed to fix himself. He was very kind to you, though he could’ve killed you at any chance he got, he was taking care of you and making sure you were okay.
This is odd.
You finished your shower, getting out and wrapping a towel around your body, finding another towel thrown into the cabinet beside the sink and wrapping it around your hair. You shivered as you put clothes on your body, the shirt being slightly too big but you didn’t mind. You walked out of the bathroom, and Karl was nowhere to be found.
Knowing that this place was somewhat of a labyrinth by the few halls you had seen, you knew it was best to just stay put in his bedroom. You felt a bit weird wanting to go into his bed, but the need for sleep was calling for you. Sitting down at the edge of the bed, you wrung your hair out of water against your towel before throwing it into a nearby clothes bin.
As soon as you did that, Karl walked in. He seemed furious about something, going to his desk and opening a bunch of drawers. You stood, playing with your fingers in front of you as you watched him. He was cursing to himself.
“Where is it, where is it, where is it,” he kept repeating, every drawer he opened that didn’t have it in it, he would groan.
You sighed a bit to yourself, and began to realize this man was somewhat like you. He seemed devoted to his work.
A workaholic.
“Karl… you shouldn’t stress yourself out like this,” you spoke out, which caused him to halt.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not.”
“I said I’m fine!” He barked.
You didn’t budge, standing still as his chest heaved a bit. He slammed all the drawers shut with one fluid motion of his hand, which caused you to raise an eyebrow. Karl kept his eyes on you before looking in front of him and slamming his hands on the desk, his head hung low.
“Go to bed,” he sighed out, taking his hat off and placing it down. You crossed your arms.
“Not until you go to bed with me.” You huffed, going to the bed and pulling the covers back. You motioned to it, and Karl shook his head.
“I’m not gonna sleep, it’s a lost cause,” He muttered.
“Well then, I am not going to sleep.”
Karl rolled his eyes at your reply, looking over at you and letting out a soft tch. He moved over to the bed, kicking his shoes off before laying down. You smiled in content, going over to the other side of the bed and getting in. He laid on his back, looking up at the ceiling as you shifted onto your side.
You felt content laid in bed again, but you missed the warmth of your jacket. It seemed as if this comforter was doing nothing for you, shivering violently. Karl noticed this, swallowing his pride as he shifted closer to you.
The slight warmth radiating off of his body was enough to make you crave more, so you scooted closer to him until your back was touching his arm. He tensed, trying not to move wrong. You laughed, which caused him to raise an eyebrow.
“You can get more comfortable, you know?” You let out in between giggles. The way Karl’s heart was thumping in his chest was mere agonizing to him; never having felt this way before towards someone. He sighed out, turning to his side and wrapping his arms around you. He pulled you close.
You could feel how timid he was in his grip, and you decided not to move more against him as you closed your eyes.
You are crazy.
How could you trust someone you just met?
These thoughts lingered on in the back of your head, but the ultimate answer to this feeling was
The sound of birds outside the small window Karl had in his room stirred you awake. You felt cold, looking to your side and seeing an empty spot on the bed where he had been the night prior. You let out a hum, sitting up and stretching before getting out of bed. Your exposed feet pressed against the cool floor, sending shivers up your spine as you walked into the bathroom.
A soft giggle left your lips at how your hair was in disarray, shaking your head. You usually don’t see yourself so messed up, since work calls for you to be dressed up and your presence in the media orders you to look at least somewhat decent. It was nice to finally be a real human for once.
Once you took care of your hair situation, a loud creak of a door was heard before it thudded shut. You walked out of the bathroom, being met with Karl who had a fabric tote in his hand. You raised an eyebrow, taking in the outfit he was wearing. Long trench coat, a button up shirt, sunglasses and a leather hat. Pants tucked into a pair of boots.
“Good mornin’, sleepy head,” Karl teased, which caused you to roll your eyes. He lifted the tote up, letting you take it from his hands as you looked in it. You pulled out some garments, seeing that they were completely different than what you wore normally.
“Stopped by the village when I woke up… had to get you some clothes,” he shrugged. You thanked him softly, going towards the bathroom to change.
The dress was black, with a matching black corset. You blinked a bit as you tightened it, kind of gasping out as you tried to tie it up.
“Fuck,” you muttered, realizing that this was a two person job. You put on the flats he had gotten for you, confused as to how they fit… perfectly. You pulled your hair up in a tight bun before going out of the room, being met with Karl who was sitting on the edge of the bed, reading something on a paper he got.
“Can you help me?” You asked, shyness ringing in your tone. He looked up, seeing that the corset you were wearing was barely tied. He stood up, not saying a word as he tightened it some more and tied it.
Karl took this moment to his advantage, glancing down at the curves that he knew you had. He held back a grunt, eyes immediately going back up as you turned around.
“Thank you,” you said with a soft smile, moving to pull out some baby hairs from your bun. They framed your face, and you felt content. Karl closed his eyes for a moment before grabbing a cigar that he had in his pocket, lighting in as it was placed in between his lips.
“Don’t mention it,” he mumbled through the cigar, taking an inhale as a small smirk was on his lips when you coughed.
You moved away from him, looking around the room. There was really nothing in here, and you hoped he would show you around, at least let you go out of the factory. He could tell you were getting antsy.
“Hey, let me give you a tour,” Karl spoke out, going towards the door and opening it. You smiled, going towards the door and walking out, him following suit. You tied a small apron thing around your waist, something that came with the garments he gave.
You two walked silently, following behind him as he showed you around. You bit at your lip, trying to take in everything that he said. You knew it would be easy to get lost here.
Karl, however, knew why he wanted to give you a tour. He made a way out for you in case something were to ever happen with Mother, since she seemed to be a royal bitch to anything he loved and cared about. He had the feeling that something might happen to him, especially with his sister. He groaned at the thought, beginning to feel stressed out.
“You okay?” You asked him, and he glanced back at you.
“I’m fine.”
You decided not to push his buttons, continuing to walk. It was soon halted when a half man half dog thing jumped out at you, causing you to scream. You grabbed onto Karl’s arm tightly as he looked at the lycan straight on.
“Shut the fuck up! Go mess with someone else, idiot!” Karl yelled out, which caused the beast to slowly sulk away. You blinked, looking at the man who was breathing heavily out of his nose.
He glanced back at you, immediately calming down.
“You okay?” he repeated your question from earlier, which caused you to blush slightly as he looked down at you.
“I’m fine,” you whispered, your hands still tightly gripping at his jacket. He smirked a bit before walking again, letting you keep your hands there. Soon enough, though, you let go and kept your hands in front of you and arms to your side. He missed the contact, but didn’t want to admit it.
“Here is an escape route,” he started, pointing out what to do on a small map he had. You were currently standing in the entrance of it. You listened to everything he had said, tilting your head to the side as you glanced from the map to his face periodically.
“-and here you will take a left turn and soon enough you are out of this hell of a place… any questions?”
“Why what?” Karl asked, confusion lingering in his voice. You chuckled a bit.
“Why do you have this?”
He swore his cheeks heated up at your question, shaking his head a bit. You smiled, still looking at him and waiting for an answer. A deep huff left his lips.
“In case Mother Miranda comes out to get me. I am a Lord here, a disciple to a Goddess who does jack shit for this village and my brother and sisters. If any of them, and I mean any of them became aware of you, I would be fucked and you would be killed.”
As he told you this, your eyebrows furrowed. You thought for a moment, shaking your head.
“But what if I want to stay-”
“You can’t, if they know. That’s why I got you these clothes, that’s why I am showing you this. I don’t want you here if that happens,” Karl slightly huffed out, and you were taken aback by this sudden emotion that he had. The tension grew between you, and it was heavy in the air. You don’t know why you felt this way, but it was different than being scared for your life in a place you didn’t know.
Karl soon enough told you to head back to the room, finished showing you around as he sauntered off. You were confused and slightly hurt by his immediate shove of emotions, but you understood where he was coming from. You walked towards the room, going inside and sitting down on the chair at the desk. Boredom hit you hard, so you decided to snoop…
If you didn’t touch anything too serious, maybe he won’t know.
In the first drawer, you found a journal. You blinked a bit, curiosity now filling you as you grabbed the leather back book and opened it. Pages upon pages of messy writing and drawings filled the vintage pages, and you started to read. Learning more about Karl and his work, and how he felt about life in general…
He is hurting.
He lost his dignity.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the word “monster” scribbled onto the page. You bit at your lip, slowly learning that Karl had these abilities that Miranda had cursed him with as a young child. It pulled at your heart, making you a bit teary eyed as you thought about how much this man had lost. You continued to look in the journal, seeing the date on the top of one of the pages was dated for the day prior.
A girl landed in the courtyard of the factory. She had some sort of parachute-like thing on her, and I got her before the lycans did, thank god.
She is stunning, to say the least. I have never seen someone who looks like her, and that says a lot about me. I don’t know why I have this overwhelming sense of… emotion, being in her presence. She is currently sleeping in my bed, and I got up as soon as I knew she wouldn’t wake up from me moving.
I don’t know why… but I want to hold her… I want to protect her from every bit of terror that riddles this village, I don’t want Miranda to find her. Fuck. Why am I feeling like this over someone who I barely know?
I don’t even know what she does for a living, her age, where she resides, hell what if she is already married? She looks to be a wealthy woman, and knows her place with men, especially men like me. Shit, Karl… What are you fucking doing?
Why are you talking about Y/n like this?
The door swinging open caused you to slam the journal shut, but you placed it in your lap. Karl was standing there, some sort of hammer in hand. He looked at you, then down at the journal, and then back at you.
“What the fuck?” He asked, and you stayed quiet. He placed his hammer down and walked over to you, snatching the journal out of your lap.
“This isn’t something you can just snoop in, lady,” Karl seethed, throwing the book back into the drawer that was still opened. You pressed your lips together, crossing your arms.
“You love me, Karl.”
Karl raised an eyebrow, trying to hold back every ounce of embarrassment he had at this moment. You did just read about him ranting about his emotions, a soft blush on your cheeks as you thought.
“Are you out of your damn mind?”
“No, but it seems like you are,” You teased, standing up in front of him. Karl shook his head, putting his hands up in defense for a moment as if you had caught him in an act. You chuckled a bit. You moved to wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him close as he just stood there.
Soon enough, he moved to wrap his arms around your waist and dug his head into the crook of your neck. You stood there like this for a moment, holding each other. It had been forever since you had felt any sort of physical intimacy like this, and it had been the first time he did. He felt the mutual feeling radiate off of you through the hug, which calmed his nerves.
You pulled away, looking up at him.
“Don’t ever be afraid of these feelings,” you started, moving to caress his cheek. “And remember that you are still human, regardless of how much you feel your dignity has been snatched from you… you are more than what she says,” you whispered. Karl leaned his head into your hand, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he thought. He didn’t want to cry to you, but the tears that stung in his eyes, hidden by his sunglasses, were threatening to spill at the words.
“I have something for you,” Karl muttered, moving to pull something out of his pocket. You moved your hands, watching him rummage before pulling out two rings. You looked confused, seeing the contrast in his hand.
One of the rings was bigger than the others, which caused you to realize that it was probably for him. You glanced at the smaller one, seeing it was embedded in small multicolored crystals. The metal bent around smoothly.
“I made these after I wrote that entry,” he broke the silence. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, before tilting your head up fully. Your heart was beating hard against your chest.
“I didn’t think you were the romantic type , Karl,” you chuckled, letting him put the ring onto your left ring finger. “But, you sure do know how to make a woman’s heart flutter.”
Karl let out a small laugh at that, putting the ring he made for himself onto his own finger. He felt content in his feelings, especially because you felt the same.
“I have my ways, Y/n,” he hummed. You grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his as you both stood in the middle of his room. Karl had a faint bit of pink brush against his cheeks, and so did you.
“Thank you,” you whispered softly.
“Don’t mention it.”
It had been a few days since you crashed at Karl’s factory, and it had been going well. You have developed a relationship with the lycans that had hung around it, and now you were able to go out a bit further closer to the village. At around the one week mark, you were sitting outside on a rock, watching the lycans converse as you wrote in your journal. The cold air didn’t seem to phase you, but you did have Karl’s jacket on, which helped.
Your head peaked up when you heard a rustle on the far end of the entrance, eyebrow raising. You shut your book slowly, hopping off of the rock as you began to look around. Knowing the area around here, it could’ve been an animal, but your curiosity was rubbed. You glanced around, before making eye contact with a man.
Your eyes widened, and you began to walk quickly towards Karl’s factory. The lycans were snarling towards the direction of the man, but you could care less as you opened the door, being met with a flabbergasted man.
“Someone saw me-”
“You gotta go, now,” Karl spoke, moving to take his jacket off of you, giving you the one you landed here with. You bit your lip, knowing that this was the only way you would be safe.
Karl was looking around, throwing some things into the tote that came with your clothing. You watched him, silently freaking out in your own mind. He handed you the paper that had the map of the escape route on it, as well as the bag.
You looked up at him, tears filling your eyes. Karl had a small frown on his lips, his hands on your shoulders as he slowly rubbed them up and down. You leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“I will see you again, buttercup… I promise,” Karl whispered after pulling away from the kiss. You gave a nod, thanking him again for what he did for you before fleeing the factory. Tears stained your cheeks as you ran and ran, making sure you took the right turns to get out of here. Soon enough, you were met with a large hole and sunlight, sighing heavily once you realized you were towards the end.
You walked out, beginning your trek towards whatever you could go to. It seemed Karl mapped out a certain route with yellow tape and paint, and you were grateful for that. You soon enough found a road, a soft hum leaving your lips.
Following the road, you finally made it into a small town. You glanced around at the older buildings, seeing that there was a pub that was somewhat busy. You moved to go in, immediately booking it to the bathroom and changing in one of the stalls.
Everything had happened so fast, that you needed time to think. Your hands were cold, cheeks flushed and your heart was breaking at every breath you took. You didn’t know if you would ever see Karl again, but the love you felt for him was bursting through you every moment you were away from him, even if it had been a couple of hours.
You walked out of the bathroom, in your clothes that you had initially landed in, and made your way towards the bar. You sat down, knowing you weren’t going to be able to order anything, but the bartender was very sweet and gave you a free plate of food and some whiskey. She gave you a smile, to which you gave back.
“Heartbreak, sweetie. It’s a bitch.”
Meanwhile, at the factory, Mother Miranda was looking around everywhere for a maiden that a devoted villager had told her about. She was silent the whole time, Karl following her around. He let out a huff here and there, feeling like a teen who was caught doing something crazy.
“Where is she?” Miranda asked, and Karl rolled his eyes.
“I told you, I don’t know who you are talking about, Mother,” Karl replied, taking an inhale of the cigar in between his lips. But, the thought of you still lingered in his mind, your lips on his own. He sighed out to himself as he followed his “mother” around, and she ultimately gave in to defeat.
“How dare they waste my time, I am sorry for the intrusion, Heisenberg,” Miranda said after a while, standing at the exit of his factory. Karl shrugged, trying to keep the shit eating grin he so wanted to give back.
“It’s fine, go give ‘em hell or whatever you do when they do this shit,” Karl replied. Mother nodded, leaving the factory in a huff. Karl chuckled to himself, shutting the door behind her and moving towards his room. He sat at the edge of his bed, trying not to think about how anxious he was about how Miranda probably could’ve snooped around enough to find the escape route.
As evening hit, Karl was summoned to a meeting in the church. He was making his way there, opening the door and immediately going to his pew. His sisters and brother were sitting there already, Mother Miranda not being anywhere to be seen. Alcina glared at the engineer, which caused him to smirk.
“What is it?”
“You are the reason for this… random meeting,” Alcina spoke, rolling her eyes afterwards.
Karl raised an eyebrow, leaning back on the pew and crossing his legs, letting his arms drape over the back. He glanced around, seeing Angie struggling in Donna’s lap, and Moreau cowering in the corner as per usual. He tched.
“Little ol’ me? How so?” Karl asked, sarcasm lacing his voice.
Alcina shook her head, turning it towards the door that now opened. There stood Mother Miranda with an unlucky man, who was one of the villagers known to be fully devoted to her. She had him by a death grip on his wrist, his begging and pleads boomed against the old church walls.
Mother threw him down onto the ground, moving towards her chair and sitting down. The man was shaking, crying and sitting on his knees.
“Mother Miranda! Dear Mother Miranda, please! All I have done my whole life is devote myself to you, please don’t kill me!”
“Silence!” She yelled, the tone of her voice ringing throughout everyone’s ears. Karl sat there, unphased as he looked at the man in front of them all. He bit at his tongue, guessing this was the man who saw you walk into his factory.
“How dare you embarrass me and accuse one of the Lords of hiding something from me? How dare you say you are fully devoted to me when you sent me on a wild goose chase?” Miranda seethed, which caused the man to whimper.
How pathetic.
The man cried, trying to compose himself.
“Please Mother, I promise I didn’t mean to. I am embarrassed by my actions, but I swear I will make it better-”
“How so?” Karl asked, raising an eyebrow. The man looked over at him, a small smirk on his face as he pointed a finger to him.
“You… your little lady is very popular in America! Found her immediately… I will kill her! And satisfy Mother Miranda!” He yelled out. Karl was slightly taken aback, letting out a chuckle.
“Good luck finding someone who doesn’t exist,” Karl said with a shrug, leaning back again into his pew. Mother Miranda looked at the two as they spoke, shaking her head. She thought for a moment, before opening her mouth to speak again.
“If you can find her, and bring her to me alive, I will forgive you for what you have caused me,” She replied. Karl’s eyes widened beneath his sunglasses, but he kept his composure the same.
The meeting was dismissed, and Karl was immediately the first one out, not without gripping the man by the shirt and dragging him out like Mother told him to. He pinned him against a wall, away from the view of anyone, and the man laughed.
“You of all people should know how much Mother hates lying!” The man laughed maniacally, which caused Karl to shove him harshly against the wall. The man winced, and Karl’s eyes were filled with fury, the yellow from his cadou fully eloping his irises.
“You are some sorry old man, fucker. If you lay a fucking hand on her, I swear you will never see the light of day, got it?” Karl asked before throwing him to the ground.
The man kept laughing, never giving him a reply. Karl huffed, grabbing his hammer and beginning to walk back home. He knew he had to protect you, especially from this maniac of a man, but he needed time to do his own research to figure out where the hell you even could be.
Days had passed since you made it back home, and you were now onto doing the things you oh so dearly missed. You stood at the giant window in your office, taking a sip of your coffee and looking down at the commuters below. A soft sigh left your lips as you moved to fiddle a bit with your ring, turning around and putting your coffee down on your desk.
You sat down, finally, and brushed off your skirt, unbuttoning the jacket you were wearing. You opened up your computer, starting to do your work that accumulated while you were on vacation. Though, your mind still lingered to the engineer who took care of you.
The door in front of you opened, and soon walked in your secretary. Her bubbly personality contrasted to your currently brooding state, but that wasn’t normal for you. She noticed this, cautiously putting papers onto your desk. You looked up at her, blinking.
“Miss… you have been pretty on edge the past few days, is something going on?” She asked, concern in her tone.
You gave a nod, moving to grab the papers that she had placed down. You looked through them, breathing in sharply through your nose before placing them down, elbows on your desk and hands clasped together. A small smile was on your lips.
“Alright, just wanted to make sure, miss. Your private car should be here in 30 minutes,” She hummed before walking out. You sighed.
Time really does go by fast here.
You looked down at your watch, seeing that it was indeed 30 minutes until your office closed. You stood up, starting to put everything you needed into your work bag, your diamond bracelet jingling a bit. The ring that Karl had made you contrasted heavily with the fine jewelry you wore, but you never wanted to take it off.
Soon enough it was now time to leave, and you made your way down to the private car. You hummed a soft tune to yourself, thinking about Karl as you did. Your driver started to drive you to your house, going through the gates of the community, then going through the gates of your house. You ended up dozing off at some point during the ride, jumping awake when the car halted.
“Sorry about that,” you mumbled to your driver. He laughed and shook it off, not caring that his boss had fallen asleep in the car.
“Have a good night, miss.”
“You too, Javi,” you yawned, pulling your bag out before shutting the door. You walked up to your front door, going inside your lavish house, looking around at everything that seemed foreign but familiar.
You missed the lively feeling of the factory, it felt like someone genuinely lived there. Here, your home has a polished, smooth, rich feeling. It caused you to shudder in thought. You were essentially living a life that you didn’t want, but you built yourself up to. You walked towards your kitchen, pulling a bottle of wine out of your wine rack before grabbing a glass.
You moved to open your phone, connecting it to the bluetooth stereo in your house and turning on some soft music. You poured your wine, taking the glass and slowly sipping at it. A soft breath left your nose as you thought, placing the glass down and biting at your lip.
You missed his touch and how it warmed you, you missed the laughs he let out when you would ask something stupid. You missed how protective he was over you, and it felt like the time you had together was cut prematurely by your own dumb curiousity. Tears filled your eyes as you grabbed your glass and slammed the wine down, going up to your room to change into a pair of sweats and a tank top. Putting on a light jacket and some slides, deciding to go towards the community park the gated neighborhood you lived in had.
Keys in hand, you began the small walk towards it. Your pepper spray dangled beside you, which was the only way you felt safe. You finally made it to the park, sitting on a bench and breathing in as the silence of the night, followed by the soft buzzes and noises of bugs around, was taken all around you. You moved to open your phone, looking through some apps.
Sighing heavily, phone now turned off, you slumped back into your seat. Your leg was bouncing up and down, arms crossed. It was such a pain in the ass, craving someone you knew you weren’t going to be able to see again. A shaky breath left you as you felt tears stain your cheeks, looking up and seeing a familiar silhouette in the darkness.
“Karl?” You called out quietly, before the light above finally shined against him. A small smile was on his face, and you immediately wiped your tears from your skin.
“Hey, buttercup,” he sighed out, exhaustion hitting him like a train. You ran over to him, immediately wrapping your arms around his neck. Karl held you close, taking in every bit of physical intimacy that he lacked for what felt like eternity since you had left him. Choked sobs left you as you broke down, and he tried to soothe you by rubbing your back.
You pulled away from him, sniffing and hiccuping a bit as you did. Karl stayed quiet, not wanting to startle you by why he was here, so he kept it to himself. He moved to look at your left hand, seeing the ring was still around your finger, a small hum leaving him.
“Missed me that much, huh?” he joked, chuckling afterwards. You nodded.
This moment was something you had been longing for since you escaped, and it felt surreal that he was in front of you again. You moved to intertwine your fingers together, starting to lead him to your house. Karl looked around, seeing how wealthy these homes looked, eyebrow raising a bit.
“I didn’t know you were this rich,” Karl spoke, and you looked back at him. You made it to the gate of your home, putting in the pin, letting it open.
“I made my way around. I built a name for myself pretty early, and now I am the CEO of a multimillion dollar company,” you replied. Karl’s eyes widened.
You giggled a bit, opening your front door and letting him inside. He was honestly shocked, looking around at the polished stone and marble that riddled the floors and pillars in your house.
“I know… I never really talk about it, but it is kinda hard to hide when your house is like… this,” you shrugged, motioning to the house. Karl gave a nod, mumbling a wow.
You showed him around your humble abode, the same way he gave you a tour of his factory when you finally woke up. It felt odd, showing a man like him a place like this, but you didn’t care. You knew he didn’t care either. Soon, you made it to your room and you showed it to him. He looked at everything.
The modesty and modern feel of your whole entire house was even shown in your room. Though, your desk was filled with water bottles and crumpled paper, laptop open to a random tab. Your bed sheets and comforter were still messy from the nights sleep you got before. You let yourself have your own chaotic space, and instead of it being your whole house, it was your room.
You glanced back at him, seeing him look at the books on the shelves that were beside your door. Taking this as a chance, you wrapped your hands around him from behind and rested your head against his back. Karl didn’t tense up at the feeling of your hands, but more so leaned into the warmth he desperately craved.
“Why are you here?” You asked quietly against his jacket. He bit at his lip.
“Just missed you, that’s all…”
“So you looked me up?” You asked teasingly, a giggle leaving your lips as he turned around. He rolled his eyes.
“Had to make sure you weren’t a serial killer or somethin’.”
“You are literally… nevermind,” you laughed. Karl chuckled, before caressing your check with one of his hands. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You immediately melted into the feeling, and it started to become feverish fast.
Karl began to kiss you deeply, which you accepted. Your hands knocked his hat off, gripping at his hair as his hands went from your hips to your ass, gripping at it harshly as you let out a soft moan against his lips. The moment was hot and heavy, and you enjoyed every bit of it as you pressed your hips against his. His tongue immediately went into your mouth, rubbing against your own before his hands gripped at your shirt.
The moment lingered on, the make out session becoming more heavy before he finally pulled away. Both of you had spit covered lips, slightly rosey cheeks and your clothes were a bit of a tugged on mess. A giggle left you as Karl smirked, moving to take off his clothes, leaving his boxers on. You took your sweat pants off, not being a fan of sleeping in them before you moved to lay down in bed, motioning for him to lay beside you.
Karl laid down, facing the ceiling as you turned on your side to face him. You laid your head down against his exposed chest, hand against his skin. He moved a hand down to play with your hair, thinking as you two laid there.
“Tell me more about your life, Y/n,” he whispered. You sighed, not really liking the topic.
“When I was in college, I had an internship at my father’s office. I worked, did school, and life was going great. I built myself up such a huge name at both my college and his work… he owned it, and I was just known as his daughter… I wanted to be something more…
“Then… he got put into the hospital for this rare genetic disease that ran in our family… the BSAA took him, and I am assuming he died… They made me the new CEO, since that was what he wrote in his will,” you explained to him. Karl listened, still playing with your hair as you spoke.
“That sounds like a lot…” Karl muttered. You already knew his story, so it was nothing compared to his. But, it still meant a lot that he sympathized with you. He seemed to lock himself up for a long time, but he was open with you.
After a while of talking about random memories and childhood, though it was mostly you talking, the two of you fell asleep. It seemed to be the best sleep you had gotten in the days you had been home, and you knew it was because Karl was here to keep you safe.
Your alarm went off, which caused you to groan, moving to turn it off on your phone. You felt Karl’s presence against your back, but he was also stirred awake by the sound of your alarm. You sat up, looking down at him, your hair sticking all over the place. He held back a laugh.
A small pout was prominent on your face at his laugh, moving over to the vanity in your room and looking at your hair. You sighed, going to brush it and grab an outfit from your closet. A nice white blouse and a floral skirt was your pick for today, along with some white heels. Karl watched your every movement as you got ready, sitting up against the headboard with a cigar in between his lips.
The smoke filled your room, which you didn’t mind. You finished applying your makeup, swiping lipstick against your lips before grabbing your work bag. You walked over towards the bed, sitting down on the edge beside Karl.
You took the cigar from his lips, placing a kiss against his before putting it back. Karl chuckled.
“Make yourself at home… if you need me,” you pulled out an extra phone you had from a bedside table, “call me.”
Karl raised an eyebrow.
“Alright… I’ll keep that in mind… please be careful,” Karl replied. You gave a nod.
“I always am, love. See you later,” You pressed a kiss to his forehead, moving to leave your house. Your private car was in your driveway, seeing Javi and giving a wave. You sat in the back as per usual.
Javi began his drive towards the office building, before taking a wrong turn. You raised an eyebrow, looking up from your phone. Confusion rose in you, causing you to feel a bit uneasy before you looked in the rear view mirror and saw a random man behind you. You let out a scream before he covered your mouth, Javi stopping the car and looking back at you with a wide grin.
You recognized the man who had his hand against your mouth as the villager from Karl’s village who saw you, but you didn’t know why Javi was acting so strange. Soon enough, it wasn’t Javi, but it was a random woman. Your eyes widened and your screams were muffled against the man's hand before he placed a rag against your mouth, you tried not to breathe in but your eyes slowly shut and you were out.
“-Why are you doing this to me?! To her?!” You heard a familiar voice yell out. Your eyes fluttered open, and you were on the floor of a worn down church. You sat up a bit, looking around and seeing Karl up in front of some woman in black. The villager who saw you was sitting beside her, a girl in a veil on the other side. A big woman with… a large hat was sitting in a big chair, and some… freak was sitting in the corner.
“She’s awake!” The lady in black called out. Your head seared in pain, and Karl moved over to you before he was pushed back by the big lady who got up out of her chair. You bit at your lip, uneasiness rising in you. Your arms were bound in front of you, and you so desperately wanted to get out of this situation.
“Who gets to keep the girl who was mistakenly put into Heisenberg’s possession, hm?” The woman said, looking back at who you now presumed was Mother Miranda. Karl looked back at her, then at his sister, and then at you. He looked hurt, lost, and he was seemingly giving up. You swallowed the lump in your throat.
I will get you out.
He mouthed. You gave a nod, trusting him fully. Mother Miranda moved forward, looking down at you before looking at her son. You shook in your spot, trying to think. She knelt down, unbinding you from your cuffs and you immediately moved back once they were off.
“Alcina… I was figuring she would be the best fit as a daughter for you… but I am thinking I want her to go with Donna, until I figure out when to inject her with the cadou.”
At the hearing of his Mother’s plans, Karl immediately put a hand out, hammer in hand. She turned around.
“Remember from whence you came, boy!” She yelled. Karl was done with this, metal beginning to float around him as he looked at his mother.
“I come from the Heisenberg family, bitch. We have been nothing but little vessels for you to take dignity from to bring back your dead daughter,” He seethed. You stood up, pressing your back against the wall as the lady you guessed was Alcina came over to you. She turned around, back to you but seemingly protecting you from… something.
“How dare you speak to your mother like that?!” Miranda replied, her six wings behind her as Karl felt anger continue to bubble in him. He lifted his hammer, hitting the ground in front of her, a decently sized hole was now in the ground. You jumped at the sound, and Alcina put a hand slightly behind her to keep you a bit covered.
There was a piece of paper in her hand, and you grabbed it slowly.
Go to my castle. There should be a man named The Duke that is sitting outside of a gate. He will help you find your way. My daughters will be there to keep you safe.
You looked up at her, seeing her motion her head to the side. You silently slipped out of the room, the sounds of yelling and thuds and other things heard on your way out. You made your way outside, going towards the gate that was slightly drawn out on the back of the paper. A soft huff left your lips, before a man rolled out of a carriage. You jumped at the sudden boom in his voice.
“Ah. The infamous Miss Y/n L/n. Alcina told me to expect you,” the man, who you presumed was The Duke, said. You gave a nod.
“Here is the entrance to the castle. Bela should be waiting for you by the front door,” he added, giving you a map which pointed out where you needed to go. You thanked him, and he told you there was no need, that he was just “doing his job”.
You made your way up into the castle, the door immediately opening for you. You walked in cautiously, before being met by a girl who you presumed to be Bela. She had dried blood coating her porcelain skin, which caused you to feel a bit squeamish.
“Mother told us that you would be here soon! Are you okay, little one?” She asked. You looked up at her, blinking for a moment before giving a nod. Your head still hurts, and Bela could tell.
“Usually, she isn’t very keen on what Heisenberg does… but she saw how much he adored you. I don’t think she has ever hurt for him before,” Bela added, starting to show you to a place you could go to just… relax for a while. You met the other two sisters, and they brought you up some water and snacks… They really did try their best.
You sat against the bed in the room they let you stay in, kind of upset that your life was now not normal. You held your knees against your body, looking outside of the window before being met with a scene you didn’t think you would have to see. Four giant monsters were now fighting outside, and the door opened to your room to reveal the woman in the black veil from earlier. She held her doll close as Alcina’s daughters floated behind her.
“What’s happening?” You asked her, furrowing your eyebrows. She sighed, lifting her veil from her face.
“They’re fighting… I think Karl has finally had enough with Mother’s antics…” She replied, moving to sit down beside you on the window sill. You blinked, giving a nod before looking out at the scene below.
“I think he is going to win. Then we will finally be free of this curse… I’m Donna,” she added.
“I know,” she said with a soft smile, placing the doll in between the two of you. “This is Angie.”
You waved to Angie, and when she waved back your eyes grew wide. Donna laughed, as well as the sisters. You blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed before the whole castle shook with a roar. You bit at your lip. You wished dearly that you weren’t the cause for this mess, but it seemed like this was something Karl wanted to do for a long time.
The fight seemed to go on forever, and a small chunk of the castle was blown into. You moved away from the window, not wanting to see it, but Donna stayed seated. She wanted to see what the outcome would be between her brothers and sister against their false mother, and she secretly hoped that Karl would finally finish her.
Moreau was cowering a bit, not wanting to hurt his mother, while Alcina and Karl were fighting against her. Karl was screaming curse words at her, calling her every single hurtful thing he could, before it all stopped. Everything was quiet after a loud scream from Mother Miranda was heard, and time seemed to stop.
Karl started to get out of his form, the skeleton of it disintegrating. He walked over to the crystalized body of his “Mother”, immediately kicking it while Moreau was calling out to him to stop. Alcina watched her little brother, breathing heavily in and out. Exhaustion was flowing through all three of the,.
“Shut the fuck up you moronic freak! Don’t you see what she did to us? To everyone in this village? To a girl she didn’t even know?! Are you that dense?!” Karl yelled towards Moreau. Alcina shook her head.
“He still loved her Karl, no matter how much damage she did… at least she is gone now, for good,” She sighed, looking up towards the castle she resided in.
“C’mon.. My daughters and your… lady friend are waiting, as well as Donna,” Alcina added, moving to walk behind her brothers who walked towards the castle. Karl was quick on his feet, and as soon as you heard Donna say he was making his way, you started running down towards the entrance. The door opened and you were immediately in Karl’s arms, being held tightly.
“Buttercup, I am so sorry… I am so sorry I put you through this,” Karl whispered into your hair. You cried in his arms, holding close to him. You didn’t want him to let go.
“It isn’t your fault, you saved me, how did we know it would come to this?” You asked him, and he gave a small shrug. You pulled back, looking up at him to see that his cheeks were stained with tears.
“I killed the bitch… so we could live a normal life, together…” he sniffled.
“I love you.”
Years had passed since the incident in an Eastern European Mountain Range, and life had been somewhat normal. The BSAA continued to come to check on Karl and you monthly, making sure Mother Miranda didn’t have anything else up her sleeve.
You were currently outside in your backyard, your husband sitting beside you with a beer in his hand. You had a mimosa, taking sips of it as your twin girls played in the pool, your youngest son sitting in your lap, grabbing at your necklaces.
“Do you ever still think about it?” You asked Karl, not looking over towards him. You took another sip of your drink, Karl letting out a sigh.
“Every damn day. That bitch is still running my mind it seems,” Karl muttered. You covered your son’s ears after placing your mimosa down.
“Karl! Language, he is starting to repeat stuff,” you whispered sternly, and Karl laughed. You rolled your eyes, rubbing your son’s head.
“He seems to not understand how babies work, Niko.” You hummed, pressing a kiss to his head. Niko giggled, grasping hard against your necklace, to which you had to untangle his hand from. Soft giggles left your lips as you watched your baby, bouncing your leg up and down, playing with him.
“Venus! Don’t be pushing your sister in like that, god damn!” Karl barked out at one of your twin daughters. She immediately began to pout.
“Sorry daddy!” She yelled over to him, and the other daughter swam up, giggling her head off. Kendra seemed to not care, swimming around while Venus jumped in and out of the pool. You sighed in content, loving how life became for you. Though that sense of normalcy had yet to hit you, the fact you now had a family with the man you loved negated that.
A soft breeze started to blow, storm clouds hovering overhead. Karl told your daughters to get out of the pool before the storm ultimately started, to which they whined and protested but eventually went inside with their towels wrapped around them. You walked into the house with Niko on your hip, going towards the kitchen. You opened the fridge, grabbing a puree of fruits that you made for him to eat for a snack.
Karl went and helped the girls get dressed, and soon came back with both of them in both of his arms. They were giggling and playing with his long hair, before he put them down to run a muck in the house. He walked over to you, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before placing his own on yours.
“I love you.”
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title: the next step is love
summary: Modern AU - It’s Sakura’s birthday, and after the party, she’s left to take care of the mess of dirty plates and glasses. Luckily, she’s not alone, but he can’t really stay forever, right?
a/n: Okay, this story was supposed to have come out way earlier, but I changed the plot so many times that I just couldn’t finish it for her birthday... The original idea was so different, and perhaps, I end up writing it another time when the inspiration strikes again (seriously, it was a nice one). Anyway, I hope you can still enjoy this one! As always, my fluff side took over me and I just had to make something simple and domestic for the Queen’s bday! Hope you enjoy it, and please, let me know what you think! (also, this is un-betta’d. I wanted to post this asap because I’m working on a different project, so... bear with me)
“Thank you for coming! ‘Careful on your way home!”
The sound of the door clicking shut reverberates across her entire apartment, and it only takes one second for that smiley expression to fade from her face. Her right hand is still placed over the door-knob, and for a brief moment, she closes her eyes, letting out a deep sigh in pure contentment. The last guests are finally on their merry way home now, and at last, she can stop worrying about things such as making sure no one’s feeling left out or re-filling toilet paper. Even if they’re all good friends, her perfectionist mind can’t simply allow her to enjoy the night without worrying about those details.
After turning the key, her hand moves to massage the back of her neck, and finally, she sets her toes free from her black heels. A mix of relief and calmness spreads all over her body, as a soft smile takes over her cherry-colored lips. This, perhaps, might be her favorite part of her birthday parties— or any party, for the matter— because, right now, she can finally savor all the things she's prepared for the night. The food, the decoration, the soothing music...
Oh, what a dream, she thinks, at first, before looking around with her lazy eyes and frowning at the scene. If only all of that mess could magically disappear by the time she wakes up tomorrow morning.
A sigh escapes her lungs as she makes her way back to the center of the hurricane that is her living room. Just like last year, she starts wondering why on earth she let Ino convince her to host her own birthday party instead of going out for a couple of drinks like most people do. Though the pinkette really enjoys having her friends over for a couple of hours, she can’t deny that the day after March 28th is probably the most tiring of the year. Sakura knows she's barely gonna get any sleep tonight, and by the time her alarm goes off around 5:30, she will certainly need at least 1 liter of coffee in order to go through her shift without falling asleep.
In theory, she could leave all that mess for tomorrow, sure, but thanks to her cleaning compulsion, that’s not really an option for her.
If only she could be a little more like Naruto...
Still, as she shakes her pink head, Sakura decides there’s no use in thinking about it tonight. That’s a problem for her future-self, and even if she’s probably going to regret that decision in the morning, right now, this is her moment. She can drink a full glass of champagne while eating another piece of her strawberry cake, and the best part is that she can do it all while enjoying the company of the only one whose presence will never be a bother to her.
Once she finally reaches her kitchen, the pinkette is fast to register the dirty dishes laying around the counter. There are way more glasses than the number of people she invited for the party, but for a brief moment, she forgets that she’s the owner of that mess. Her emerald eyes automatically drift towards the sink, and her heart skips a beat at the scene playing in front of her.
Not even in her wildest, teenage-ish dreams would she have ever pictured Uchiha Sasuke doing her dishes after her birthday party. Though she knows she’s the one who’s technically responsible for all of that, it’s inevitable for her to be entertained by how focused he seems to be while attempting to remove that lipstick stain from the cup.
How lovely, she ponders, bitting her lower lip in order to suppress a chuckle.
Too bad she can’t just keep watching him for the rest of the night.
“You know, even if I appreciate both your help and the view, you don’t have to do this, Sasuke-kun.” Sakura says, picking up some of the plates laying around and walking towards the sink. She’s standing by his side now, his tall body towering over hers, almost a head taller. The expression decorating his features remains unaltered, and she notices how he slowly moves to give her some space next to him. “You can go rest, if you want.”
“Do you want me to go leave?” He asks, unaltered, while scrubbing another knife.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” She answers, grabbing a piece of cloth to dry the cutlery he has already washed. “I just don’t want you to do something you don’t want just because it’s my birthday or anything like that. It’s fine, really. I can do it alone.”
“Hn, It’s faster if we do it together.” He stops, a sly smirk taking over the corner of his lips as he closes the tap. His eyes are on hers, now, and she can feel her chest warming up in response. “Unless you wanna do it all by yourself.”
“Nope.” She says, promptly, handing him another dirty spoon and he’s quick to resume what he was doing. Her eyes watch the way the water runs through his fingers, and oddly, she can’t help but find that amusing. “If you’re willing to help, who am I to say no, right?”
A giggle escapes her lips when she hears the ‘tch’ that escaped from his lips, and eventually, they fall in a comfortable silence that is only disturbed by the clanking of the dishes touching each other. Every now and then, their fingers brush when he hands her the plates, and though she can still feel the sparks, those simple touches are no longer enough to make her blush in embarrassment as they used to.
His touch is no longer a stranger to her skin. His presence and his warmth have long been registered by her subconscious, marking every cell of her body with his constant presence. It’s been over 5 springs since their childish love finally bloomed into a serious relationship, and by now, both Sasuke and Sakura have grown used to one another. It goes beyond carnal desires or any poor excuse for a casual company, for their hearts share a connection deeper than words could ever describe.
Blame it on the fact that they used to be good friends before or even fate itself, but it’s impossible to deny the fact that they’ve reached the apex of their young love-life, to the point where doing the dishes together feels wholesome in ways neither of them can explain. There’s a sense of domesticity and mutual understanding shared in between unspoken words, and perhaps, that’s why it works so well for them as a couple. Even if they’re very different people, with different routines and personalities, they make it work.
They have enough trust, love and companionship to last for a life-time.
And though that should be enough—hell, that should be more than enough— Sakura can’t help but feel that there’s still something missing.
Something she can’t quite pin-point, but something that makes perfect moments lose their magic, for she knows they just won’t last. Even now, as they’re doing the dishes and making small conversation about how the party went, deep inside, her heart is heavy because she knows that once those dishes are clean, it will all be over and she will be left alone in her apartment before midnight strikes.
No matter how hard she tries, their moments together have their life-spawn shortened by the common laws of the universe, for every time there’s that stupid parting moment in which they both have to go separate ways. It’s painful for her to watch him disappear in the distance, and even if he doesn’t really express it with words, she can see the light in his eyes fading whenever they have to say goodbye. It’s always a new ‘good night’ and never a constant ‘good morning’ for them, and after so long, she’s sick and tired of this.
Perhaps, it’s just her tired-self speaking too loud in her head or even the few drinks she had during the party, but tonight, she doesn’t want the world to stand between them. Tonight, Sakura will break the natural laws, not caring about the consequences of finally taking the next step.
It’s still her birthday, after all. That has to count for something.
Her heart is beating faster now that she has made up her mind, and she realizes that she’s shaking when she picks another fork from his hands. She’s swallowing dry, and if not for the make up in her face, she knows he would be able to see a crimson blush decorating her cheeks. It’s now or never, she thinks. And before she has the chance to talk herself out of it, Haruno Sakura decides to act.
“Uhm... Sasuke-kun.” She starts, her voice shaky as his name slips from her tongue. Clearly, she forgot to think about the proper way of actually saying what she wanted, choosing instead to improvise— something she’s never really been good at. “I was thinking... Why don’t you spend the night here? You don’t have to go home after this.”
“Don’t even think about going to sleep, Sakura. You’re not leaving all of this mess to me.”
“Oi, that’s not what I meant!” She scolded him, a pout taking over her expression. “Shannarou, I just don’t want you to go home all alone at such late hours. Besides, is it wrong for a girl to want to stay with her boyfriend for the night?”
“You pervert.” He smirks, earning an elbow to his ribs in response. For someone so small, it’s undeniable that his girlfriend has some sort of abnormal strength people like her shouldn’t possess.
“Shut up. That’s not what I meant either! I just... I just don’t want you to leave, that’s all.”
Her words come out a little too low, but high enough so that he can hear them. Her voice sounded an octave too-melancholic, and perhaps, that was what made him actually take her offer seriously. “Hn, I guess I could. I don’t have to work tomorrow, so I can go home once when you leave for the hospital.”
“Really?” Sakura starts, a smile now threatening to take over her features. Though she still had to convey her real plan, that was already a win. A small one, but a win, nonetheless. “Well, you don’t have to leave that early if you don’t want to. You can just...stay. Maybe even wait for me to get home from the hospital and then we could eat dinner together.”
“What?” His eyes widen at her idea, and right now, she can’t really tell if his surprised expression is good or bad. “Aren’t you going to stay there until late tomorrow?”
“Well, probably, but you can stay here... is that a problem?”
”It’s not really a problem, but... I just don’t want to abuse your hospitality. It’s still your apartment, Sakura.” He scratches the back of his neck, and she could see that he was truly concerned about his manners. His mother has taught him how to be a gentleman, and even if she loves that about him, right now, she wishes he could let loose and just take her offer.
She bites her lower lip at his words, a puff of annoyance inflating her cheeks at his answer. Her boyfriend’s has never been good at reading her signs, and now, when not even she’s understanding them, the pinkette is starting to freak out.
Things are not going as planned— not that she actually planned anything to begin with. Her head is spiraling as she watches the snow-ball being created by her messy words, and slowly, she can feel her chance slipping through her fingers. If she doesn’t say it now, Sakura’s going to miss her opportunity, and who knows what’s going to happen to them. Will they break up? Will he think she’s not interested in a long-term commitment? Will they never do the dishes again?
No, she’s overthinking again. They have a solid relationship that has been built over the years and she’s not going to ruin it all in one night because she’s acting like a coward. She’s a modern, independent woman. A doctor, damn it. She has done a lot of things that were harder than asking her boyfriend to move in with her.
She can do it. She will do it.
“Sasuke-kun!” Her voice is determined now, her eyes filled with a different fire in them. This is it. No backing out now. “I need to ask you something important. It’s about our future together.”
“Okay... I’m listening.” He states, a little taken aback by her sudden burst. He stops what he’s doing, his dark irises now looking into her emerald ones. They’re holding a certain hope in them, and if anything, she was not expecting him to be paying that much attention to her. She’s feeling pressured by them, intimidated even. Her knees are shaking, her lips are trembling and her mind is suddenly blank.
She can’t do it. Nope. Not with those eyes staring into her soul.
“I-I... I...” Her heart is beating faster, and she feels like it will burst out of her chest any minute now. She’s going to faint, she can tell it.
“What is it, Sakura?”
“I-I...” She swallows, then, sighing as courage escapes her body. The pinkette has chickened out, finally opting for her ever-reliable plan B. “Naruto is an idiot, right?”
“... Yes.” He starts, his brows furrowing in confusion. “But what does that have to do with our future?”
“E-Everything! I mean, did you see how drunk he was tonight? Thank god Sai offered himself to take him home tonight, but we can rely on that forever. As his best friends, we have to do something about it. He lives far from both of us and we need a plan whenever we have a drinking night together.”
A moment of palpable tension grows between them, and right now, she’s sure he can hear her heart beating like crazy inside her chest. I’m an idiot, she thinks, holding back the urge to lower her head and cry. Sakura has just ruined everything, and right now, she’s going to have to pretend to actually care about where Naruto crashes when he’s drunk just so her boyfriend doesn’t think she’s completely crazy.
Ugh, those damn eyes of his. Why do they have to be so *freaking beautiful?
Thankfully, they can also read her like an open book.
“Hn, you’re right.” He says, finally breaking the silence that surrounded them. His voice is calm and understanding, as always, and she can feel her heart settling down at that. If anything, at least, his reaction isn’t bad or anything. “I guess we will have to have a spare room for him when we move in together.”
“Yeah, sure. A spare room when we—“ Her mind stops. Her hands freeze while holding the cloth and her green eyes widen. Her lips part slightly, but no word dares coming out of them.
Did he... Did he just say what she thinks he said?
She doesn’t know what kind of face she’s making right now, but if anything, she’s completely dumbfounded by his words. Sure, it’s not like he’s making a move tonight or anything, but he did say the words, right? Move in together. The three words she was trying so hard to get out of her chest, simply rolled out of his tongue as if it is the most logical thing in the world— and perhaps, it is. He says them in a way as if that decision won’t change their lives forever. As if it won’t affect their routine and the amount of food they have to buy at the grocery store.
It’s a decision that goes beyond a drawer filled with socks or an extra tooth-brush. And even if he sounds as calm as ever, she knows he’s aware of all that, because, if anything, Uchiha Sasuke doesn’t do anything based on impulse. He’s the kind of man who thinks things through and studies every possibility before making a decision.
So that means...
“Sasuke-kun... Are you suggesting that we move in together?”
“Aa.” He nods, no hesitation in his voice. “Weren’t you trying to say the same?”
“I-I... I was?” She says, sounding more like a question, to which he simply quirks an eyebrow in inquiry. If anything, that was not the moment for doubts anymore. “I mean, yes! That was exactly what I was trying to say.”
“Good. Then it’s settled.”
“Is it? Really?” She asks, hope now running through her veins and lighting up her entire system.
“Yes. It’s only natural for people like us, right?”
“Yeah...” He cheeks grow warmer, and her chest suddenly feels lighter. At last, he took the words out of her. “It’s settled, then.”
At last, their days of saying goodbye are counted and now they can enjoy each other from dawn to dusk.
A smile slowly makes its way to her eyes, and she can’t help but switch her attention to him. Sasuke is now looking at her, a soft expression taking over his face. She’s bewildered right now as she looks at the man who will be living with her. Totally and completely marveled, and more in love with him than she has ever been before in her life.
He understands her unsaid words and they share similar ideas regarding their past, present and future.
They are in love, and now, they’re ready to share the same roof above their pretty, little heads.
“You’re still staying with me tonight, right?”
“Tch.You really are a pervert, Sakura.”
He splashes her face with some water from the sink and her giggles fill her kitchen with joy. They’re young and in love, and for now, that’s all they need to take the next step towards their future together.
the end
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Push and Pull (Part 9)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OC
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Warnings: cursing, mentions of injury etc.
What she thought would be a small nap turned into sleeping until the next morning. When Daphne woke up, she didn't move as her eyes fluttered open. Every inch of her hurt like a bitch and her shock had turned to anger. She could hear a whispering coming from behind her in the kitchen area and she stayed completely still as she listened.
"Jesus christ, Matt. When you told me what happened I didn't expect for her to look like she was mauled by a goddamn bear!" Foggy hissed frantically, trying to keep his voice low. 
"I told you she was attacked," Matt started, his voice quieter and calmer than his friends.
"I know you did, but have you seen her? What did that asshole do to her?" Foggy honestly sounded like he was about to have an aneurism. She heard a sigh that came from Matt.
"Look, Foggy-" he tried, only to be interrupted again.
"Don't 'look Foggy' me. This shit is insane! And you said Brett hasn't even found the dude yet!" Foggy hissed again. Her heart dropped at that news. He must have left before the cops got there.
"I know but there isn't much we can do-" he was once again cut off by a panicked Foggy.
"There's a knife-wielding dad killer out there, Matt! He's insane. This whole thing is just… she could have died!" If she was honest, it touched her a little by how upset Foggy was by all of this. He seemed to be taking this friend thing seriously. 
"I'm well aware," Matt stated plainly. He sounded like he was starting to get irritated.
"Oh, you're well aware. How great. Are you even concerned at all? I'm over here having a damn panic attack and you're just chill! Were you not even worried when she turned up here half dead?!" Foggy glowered accusingly. 
"Of course I was worried, Foggy! I didn't even know how bad it was or if I'd be able to help her! I didn't sleep at all last night just to make sure she was breathing!" She didn't know how to feel about him watching over her like that. She hadn't expected that kindness. She hadn't even done that for him when he got shot.
"Quit your goddamn lecture because now isn't the time to talk about this!" Matt hissed harshly. 
"Why the hell not?!" Foggy demanded.
"Because she's awake," Matt answered tensely. 
Busted. She didn't know what tipped him off. She wondered if it was how her breathing changed when she woke and throughout their whispered argument or her heartbeat. Either way was creepy. She opted not to say anything and she honestly didn't think she could sit up unassisted with the pain she was in. She heard footsteps coming to the living area and Foggy plonked down in the chair. She was expecting a fake smile on his face with a cheerful greeting but she was met by a worried glance and silence. She didn't like it. 
"Here. Coffee, toast and some pain meds," Matt murmured softly as he set the things on the coffee table. Then without her even having to ask, he helped her to sit. She groaned, gripping her wound on her lower abdomen as the stitches jolted.
"Motherfucker," she moaned with a frown. She didn't think she'd ever been this banged up before.
"Sorry. Try not to move too much. It'll be easier once you've had the pills," Matt said carefully. She nodded, grabbing the pills and washing them down with the coffee that was still kind of hot. She didn't know how Matt knew she liked cream and sugar but she couldn't care less right then.
"Brett didn't find him?" She bit out. It only caused her anger to swell. This asshole murdered his own father, a good man that didn't deserve this. She didn't even care about her attack in the grand scheme of things. She needed justice for Mr Lee. Matt sighed heavily, wiping a hand over his face. Foggy finally decided to speak.
"When they got to the scene, he was gone. But they're processing it which is good and they've got people looking for him. With your evidence and statement, once they catch him he's as good as locked up," Foggy stated sounding confident. More confident than the frantic whispering from the kitchen. She just nodded again. She really hoped they'd find the asshole.
"You need to eat. You lost a lot of blood and you need to heal," Matt uttered as he pushed the plate of toast towards her more. She felt sick and she really wasn't hungry. But she refused to lay about feeling sorry for herself. She wanted to heal ASAP so she reluctantly ate a few pieces of the toast. The silence as she ate was unbearable, like no one knew what to say as the heaviness weighed on them. Weirdly enough she found herself somewhat happy she wasn't on her own right then.
"I need to get to the station, drop my shit off and give my statement," she sighed once she was done, wiping the crumbs from her hands.
"Might wanna get changed first," Foggy teased weakly. She glanced down for the first time and blanched. Her shirt was ripped to shreds and was soaked in blood. She didn't know how she was even functioning with how much blood she must have lost. Her jeans were also blood stained although the brunt of it was taken by her shirt.
"You can have something of mine," Matt said softly as he stood. She watched him as he opened the door to his room. She'd be impressed by how easy he navigated his home but she'd seen him fight. The stick was just an act for everyone else's benefit. He might not see like everyone else but he saw things in his own way. 
He came back a moment later with some black sweat pants and a black t-shirt. They'd be big but she'd cope. She just wanted to see Brett. 
"Thanks," she shot him a weary smile that he returned as she took them. When she went to stand, she made a pained noise, squeezing her eyes shut. This would be hard. Foggy jumped up though, she wondered if he just felt like he needed to do something. To be helpful. 
"Come on, I'll walk you to the bathroom," he smiled. He helped her stand and she was unsteady to her feet. With his help she managed to make it to the bathroom. She closed the door once she got in and listened to Foggy retreat back to Matt in the living room. 
She gasped when she saw her reflection. She knew it would be bad but this wasn't what she expected. The left side of her face was a giant bruise, her cheekbone swollen. She had a split lip and hand prints around her throat. Her arms had numerous small slices and she knew her chest had a couple too as well as the deep gash on her stomach. She looked like she stepped right off the set of a horror movie. She wasn't surprised that Foggy freaked out when he saw her. At first she felt sad. Knowing she would scar, that Mr Lee's psycho spawn had marked her forever. A reminder of how she'd failed him because she was a self absorbed bitch. But then her anger flared. Matt’s words from the day before were on a loop in her brain like a mantra. Even if she had told Mr Lee, this would have happened. And she held the evidence to help put the prick away. Maybe the only reason she crossed paths with Mr Lee was so she could make sure he got justice. 
After gathering herself, she realised she had a problem. She could barely function, let alone undress and get changed. She loathed asking anyone for help but she wasn't stubborn enough to hurt herself more by trying. Heaving a sigh, she shuffled over and opened the door.
"Uh… I need some help," she murmured with a grimace. She felt so awkward. Foggy was a new friend that she was trying to adjust to and Matt was… well he was Matt. But she was grateful for everything he'd done for her. And now they were even and she could close that chapter and hoped neither of them would need the other’s help after this.
"What do you need?" Foggy asked as he came into view, Matt trailing behind him.
"I can't… I can't get undressed. Or dressed," she snorted ruefully, gesturing to the bundle of clothes in her arms. Foggy's eyes widened and he glanced from her to Matt.
"I-I can help… if you need me to-" he started looking uncomfortable but she shook her head to stop him.
"At the risk of sounding like a bitch, Matt’s blind so… I'd kinda feel better if he helped me," she said carefully. 
Matt swallowed thickly with a nod as Foggy looked relieved. 
"Great! I mean… okay. I'll just…" he scurried off back to the living area and she snorted softly at him. Matt stayed silent as he walked inside the bathroom, closing the door behind him for privacy. It still wasn't ideal. He couldn't see with his eyes but he wasn't a typical blind person. But it was better than nothing. 
"I'll try to be careful but this might hurt a little," he muttered apologetically. She nodded as he took the clothes from her and set them by the sink. 
He made good on his promise to be careful as he expertly manoeuvred her shirt over her head with minimal pain. She was starting to feel uncomfortable with the weird silence dangling over them as he worked on her jeans.
"What's the mirror for? I mean you can't see so…" it came out much worse than it sounded in her head and she mentally facepalmed. She didn't know why it was so hard to just be civil with him. It was much easier being a bitch. She was caught off guard when he let out a surprised laugh.
"That sounded better in my head. I promise I'm not actually trying to be a bitch," she huffed a laugh of her own. 
"It's fine. It's a valid question. Foggy made me get it, he's always trying to get me to put stuff in here for when he visits. He's been trying to get me to get a TV," he grinned up at her as he tugged her jeans down her legs.
"I think he just wants you to buy it so he doesn't have to," she mused playfully. 
"That's what I said," he chuckled. 
She was suddenly aware she was standing in her underwear and she was grateful he couldn't see her blush. When did she blush? She wasn't shy of the opposite sex. She rolled her eyes at herself as Matt helped her step into his sweatpants. She at least was capable of tightening the drawstrings so they didn't slip off. She winced a little as he manoeuvred the shirt over her head. It was a little big but it was way better than her now ruined one. Next he helped her with her boots.
"There you go," he gave her a hesitant smile and she swallowed thickly.
"Thanks… for this and… saving my life," she murmured sincerely. He nodded, pursing his lips a little.
"Like you said last night, now we're even," he smirked. 
"Yeah, except I didn't keep vigil when you slept," she pointed out. Maybe she was feeling more like herself today since she noticed he looked down, seemingly caught off guard. He probably hoped she hadn't heard that part.
"You were in pretty bad shape. I couldn't sleep and I figured I'd just make sure you were still breathing," he shrugged as he opened the door 
"Careful, Devilboy. It's starting to sound like you care. What do you think we are? Friends?" She asked with a sly smirk. He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her to help her walk into the living area.
"Something like that," he replied quietly.
"You look a lot better. More 'wearing my boyfriends clothes' than 'murder scene chic'," Foggy beamed at her. She snorted and rolled her eyes. She knew she still probably looked weird wearing Matt’s clothes and her boots but they were comfy honestly. Besides, nothing would stick out as much as her injuries. She watched as Foggy slung her backpack over his shoulder so she didn't have to carry it and she almost jumped when a hoodie was suddenly presented to her by Matt. He helped her into it but she left it unzipped. It was cozy and soft. 
She was anxious now to see Brett and she watched with little patience as the boys got ready to leave. She didn't remember when Matt changed from his own sweats to his lawyer suit. It was Sunday and this wasn't really work and she wondered if he always wore a suit when he wasn't at home or if we just worked all the time. Matt slipped his glasses on and grabbed his cane before walking over. He linked his arm with her and she wondered how funny it would look when they went outside. Both of them were patient as they went down the stairs with her and she was grateful as they took turns to help her. She hated feeling so dependent on anyone and she couldn't wait to hurry up and heal. 
"Thank Jesus," she breathed once they got outside. It felt like it took ten hours to get down the stairs. 
"I prefer to go by Foggy most days. But it's Sunday so I'll allow it," Foggy grinned teasingly. She let out an elegant snort.
"Blasphemous," Matt tutted with a wry smirk. She wasn't sure now what the plan was. She struggled to walk on her own completely but knew Matt usually held Foggy's arm. She just stood there waiting for a cue on what to do. She watched as Matt readied his cane and then he glanced at her, extending his arm for her to link her own. She smiled gratefully, linking her arm and using him as an anchor to steady herself. 
"Alright, off to the station we go. I should've brought snacks, this'll take a while," Foggy murmured thoughtfully. 
She wasn't sure how long it took them to walk to the station but it was longer than she'd like. But once again they were patient and Matt had been steady as he walked beside her, guiding her which she found ironic. Foggy held open the door for them as they got there. 
"Ladies first," he shot Matt a sly smirk and Matt scoffed as he shot his head. 
"I'm sorry, please tell us what your favourite show is again?" Matt retorted. Foggy squinted at him as they walked through the door.
"The real housewives of Beverly Hills is interesting and entertaining!" Foggy defended firmly. She had to purse her lips to stop herself from laughing. 
"Holy shit, D! What in the fresh hell?" the voice snapped her out of the surprisingly chill moment she was having with the wonder twins as Brett stormed over. He was looking at every inch of her with concern etched on his features and she gave him a careful smile.
"Asshole really did a number on me," she replied ruefully. She didn't want it made into a bigger deal than it was. The focus wasn't about her but Mr Lee instead.
"You're telling me," he muttered, raking his teeth over his lower lip.
"Any word?" Matt asked firmly. His no nonsense lawyer voice on. The heaving sigh that left Brett's lips told her no.
"No yet but we got eyes out looking for him. Don’t worry, we'll get him," he gave her a meaningful look and she nodded gratefully. 
"I've got all the pictures in my bag. You want me to give my statement now?" She asked softly. Foggy passed the backpack to Brett who called another cop over to take it. 
"Yeah. Get it done now and then you can rest while we find this asshole," he affirmed. She took a shaky step forward on her own and Matt hovered over her like he was ready to catch her. Brett moved over and linked his arm with hers.
"I got it from here. You boys can go on home, I'll drive her home when we're done," Brett said as he started walking with her.
"Thanks guys," she smiled over her shoulder. Foggy grinned at her and Matt just sent her a solemn nod. They'd actually had decent interactions for once. Maybe it was because she was injured. She wasn't on top form to be such a bitch and maybe he felt bad. She did appreciate him saving her ass even if it was to pay her back. 
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Hot and sweaty
Anyone else hate hot weather and get super sweaty?
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Warning nsft
Voyeurism, masterbation
You come home sweaty and beej has a thing for that smell
You hated summer, you hated the heat, unfortunately your home town was known for its gross summers, it was hot, heavy, and muggy. Running errands openly sucked on days like this, you didnt drive, and the grocery store was only 2km from your home, which was fine during any other time.
The Deetz have asked you to "babysit" beetlejuice while they were on a vacation, the maitlands also pleaded this so they could have some alone time, you didnt mind, you enjoyed the demon's presence, and he yours, ever since you sucker punched him after a jump scare gone wrong, he became very clingy to you.
You were walking back home after retrieving misc groceries and snacks for movie night with Beej, unfortunately today was one of those hot and muggy days, you could feel the sweat rolling down your back, you felt so gross, hopefully you can steal some time to yourself and shower when you got home. Beetlejuice was already there, you summoned him this morning, but realized shortly after you still had adult things to do, he pouted about it, like usual, but shit needs to get done, that's how it is for the living.
Heading up to your apartment you felt sorta relieved, you felt so slimy and gross form the heat, but you were home.
Unlocking the door and heading inside to you small apartment, before you could even take your shoes off the bags you were carrying were gone, and you were pulled into the tight, cold embrace, of your undead friend.
The sudden temperature drop made you sigh in contentment, you weren't exactly the touchy feely type, but this was nice.
"Happy to see me doll? You missed me that much in the hour you were gone? Glad to see we're on the same page sugar" he laughs
You pull away, obviously embarrassed
"Where did you put my bags?" You sigh, finally removing your sneakers
"Away, dont worry about it" the ghoul pauses before leaning in close and taking a deep breath through his nose. "You smell different, stronger"
Your deodorant must have crapped out on you, you sigh, you probably smelled really bad, you could feel your shirt clinging to you back with how sweaty you were.
"Sorry, it's just really hot out and-" your babbling was interrupted with Beej leaning in closer, mouth practically against your ear.
"You smell really good sweet heart" he purrs, you flinch and move away out of panic.
For once his flirting and your reaction wasnt followed by his awful cackle, looking back he had that awful smug smirk he always wore when he got a rise out of you, but also the electric pink hue mixed in with the green mess of his hair, was he actually serious?!
Regaining yourself, you take a deep breath "I'm gonna shower okay? Please-"
You were interrupted by the snap of him fingers "Please Mr Beetlejuice, would you like to join me and scrub my back~?" You cover your mouth at that.
Beetlejuice laughs "I would love to doll, but I ain't a fan of water, I wouldn't mind watching though" he hollers after you as you had to the washroom.
He was messing with you and he was disgusting, so he probably did like the way your sweaty body smelled, you huff through your nose, you wish he was a tad easier to read, the hair helped, but it only went so far, the man never took anything seriously so he could be almost impossible to read, all you knew was that he liked to mess with you, and despite how awful and gross he could be, you honestly really enjoyed him being around, slipping out of your clothes, you couldnt help but smell you shirt, yup, it was as bad as expected, not to mention a little damp, gross, at least a shower will make you feel better.
Alone in the living room, the ghoul sighs, shame you decided to shower, he thought you were fine the way you were, smelled real good too, he knew how sweaty you got and how good it smelled from digging in your dirty laundry basket, you were the type to work out, so it was no surprise, he just never got to smell it straight from the source, would have LOVED to get to lick your neck and get a good taste though.
Lost in his own thoughts he is brought back with the sound of running water, you were gonna take a shower, you NEVER did that when he was around, and here he was not taking the opportunity.
With a snap of his fingers he was invisible, as much as he hated being invisible, this was an exception. Walking into the bathroom, he sits himself on the sink, your shower didnt have a window door like the Deetz, I was a a normal curtain, but transparent enough where he could see your silhouette. he sighs, content in the little show you're providing, he catches something out of his peripheral vision, your clothes you were wearing when you came in, they were thrown in a little pile on the floor, on top of the pile laided a bright red pair of panties, freshly worn, this was perfect, but the real question was 'would you notice?'. There was a real good chance you wouldn't, there was no way youd put back on your dirty sweet smelling clothes after a shower right? Right, youd probably just toss them in the laundry, it felt like an eternity debating on if he could get away with adding this crown jewel to his collection of cum rags he stole from you, he bit the bullet and took them, praying on your oblivious nature to not notice.
Once the lacy fabric was in his hand he was gone, leaving you to enjoy his new treasure. With a small apartment there really wasnt much places he could hide when you were around so he could tend to his urges, the bathtub was the go to, but that wasnt an option right now. Instead he took the hall closet, the only things it held were a vaccum, a few coats, and a pair of rain boots.
The running water stopped, beetlejuice carefully listened for you, hearing you move from the bathroom to your bedroom to get dressed, at frist he debated should he watch you dress or enjoy his new treasure asap, he chose the panties, the ghoul could watch you dress anytime, but these, fresh off your sweaty body panties, were rare and the opportunity probably wont come again.
With that thought he was set, bringing the crotch of the garment to his nose and inhaling deeply, he let's out a low quiet groan. These were so much stronger then the others, he fumbles with the fly on his pants, eager to free his ever hardening cock. Curious he licks the crotch, pleasantly surprised by the lingering taste of you, he let's out a soft whine, god slash satan he wanted to taste you from the source, but damn this was pretty close. The demon began lazily stroking his cock, your red panties pressed to his face, giving him the ability to both lick and smell them, bucking into his hand, the ghoul couldnt help but imagine you sitting on his face, fresh from a long workout or a walk in the heat, whatever would make you nice and sweaty for him, you would be shouting out how much you loved his tongue while you reached around and jerked him off.
Jerking himself a little faster he mumbles "you like that sugar? Yeah you do, you smell just as good as you taste sweetness, no wonder I call ya sugar~".
The closest was completely illuminated but BJ electric pink hair, he was completely lost in his own pleasure, his heart, if it was still beating, would have stopped completely when he herd you call his name, he completely forgot you were in the other room.
The ghoul had to think fast, get you off his trail until he finished, yes he liked you in a romantic way, soft kisses, dumb jokes, and pound you into the mattress kinda way, and yes he knew you liked him, but he was still unsure of how much, so finding him in his current situation could really ruin what chance he had with you, youd probably be sick to your stomach and banish him for good.
With that in mind he had the perfect little distraction.
You were finally dry and freshly clothed, feeling much more comfortable, wandering around your home looking for the demon who was so eager minutes ago when you walked in. This was odd, Beetlejuice would normally wait infront of the bathroom door or bedroom door when you were doing something private, normally chatting with you, but not this time, it was always worrying when beetlejuice was quiet.
Wandering around you start calling out his nicknames, you stop in your tracks as a little note appearing from no where flutters down in front of you, grabbing it, it was obviously written by Beej, the hand writing alone screamed it.
'Gone scaring, be back soon, love the ghost with the most' you sigh, he must if got bored waiting for you, you shurg it off heading to the living room to play some Nintendo while you wait for him to return.
Assuming that you bought his little note, he returns his attention to your panties, moving them from his face after one last long sniff, he stifles a moan, bringing the cloth to his throbbing cock, wrapping it with your panties. As much as the ghoul wanted to fuck you proper this was a close as he was gonna get for the time being, having his aching cock envelope by your heat would be a dream cum true, but having your fresh scent wrapped around his meat was a close second.
With the image of you moving your sex from him mouth to his cock for a ride, he began stroking himself once again, the image of you bouncing up and down on his cock, shouting out praises and your chest bounces. biting his knuckles while little moans and groans slip out, the demon couldnt help mumbling "you're so good for me Y/N, you like that? You love it dont you?". Bucking hard into his hand, his precum being soaked up by your undies, he knew he wasnt gonna last any longer, the thought of you begging him to finish inside of your pussy was more then enough to send him over the edge, soaking your little red panties with his cum, removing the garment, he cleans up the rest of his mess with the lacy cloth before pocketing it, he'll toss it in the wash later, as much as hed loved to slip it into your underwear drawer in Hope's youd wear them, you weren't that oblivious.
He finishes adjusting himself, straightening out his jacket and sliding his now soft cock back into his pants, the ghoul hums to himself completely content in himself.
Chilling on the couch playing animal crossing you are interrupted but a loud gravely voice "HONEY I'M HOME" glancing up in the direction of his voice the ghoul was next to you in a flash, you flinched at the sudden movement, beetlejuice drapes an arm over you shoulder and pulls you close
"Ya miss me babes? You smell real nice, but I'd rather you be hot a sweaty for me again, I got a few ideas in mind to get ya-" you shove him off
"Haha very funny, keep it up and no home delivery pizza tonight" you tease
Bj frowns for a second before pulling you back into him arms "babes you live for what I do too much to deny yourself the pleasure of my performance" he cackles
As much as you hate to give him the satisfaction, you admit your defeat and agree.
This was gonna be a great week together
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too-gay-for-marvel · 4 years
a/n: look i know im crankin these suckers out, i swear i have a life. ive just got a lot of thots and need to get them out asap or ill forget and then cry. so here, have some married mob boss Natasha and Carol because i love them
Word Count: 2151
Warnings: implied sexual content
Pairing: CarolNat x Reader
(pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4)
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Your routine was a simple one when you were single. An early morning where you get up at 6, make your bed, and start the coffee before taking a cold shower.  You’re out by the time the machine beeps and it only takes minutes to put on your pre-picked outfit. One cup of coffee (lots of cream, no sugar) while you read the paper. Your phone tells you it’s time to leave and you head to work.
The day is always filled with work work work and it keeps you busy. You can force yourself to focus, working through lunch and staying at the warehouse until it’s dark. You buy an apple and two oranges from the bodega on your way home.
Back home you start another pot of coffee before eating your apple at the counter. You cook a small meal, usually a frozen dinner but sometimes you cook real food, and eat it with your coffee. Sometimes it’s a disgusting combination, sometimes it’s not too bad, but it’s never good. But it’s routine and that’s what matters.
You hand wash the few dishes you have before changing and heading down to the apartment gym for a run. Sometimes you’ll talk with the doorman, sometimes you won’t. Either way, you go back to your apartment and take a hot shower before putting on some pajamas. You lay on the couch and put the news on your laptop while something else plays on the TV. You’ll eat the oranges while you relax and save the peels to boil on the weekends. A lot of times you fall asleep on the couch, always around 2am. You rinse and repeat with little to no variation.
But when you got involved with Natasha and Carol, routine was nothing but a word.
You understood, you really did. They were married, you accidentally wormed your way in, you all had different days. They went and commanded a mob, you were a carpenter. There was no telling what all they dealt with on a daily basis, and you just went to work and back home every day.
They could have at least tried to fit your schedule.
Now it was almost impossible to enjoy the walk to and from work because you were acutely aware of the people Carol and Nat would have follow you. “To keep you safe,” they had said. You didn’t care, it was an interruption.
When they would stop by, you couldn’t just heat up your one meal and be done with it. You had to make enough for three people, with three plates and three cups and three sets of silverware. And then you couldn’t even wash them right away because they were only coming by for a fuck. Which was more than fine with you.
But it messed up your routine.
And now they had the nerve to sleep over? They never stayed the night! Sure, sometimes they would stay until extremely early in the morning, but they never slept over. You would fuck, they would leave, and you’d rush to get back into your routine.
You couldn’t even get out of Carol’s arms to take a shower.
Maybe you liked the feeling. It had been a while since you had woken up in someone’s arms, and it was nice. It felt safe. Nat’s arm was slung around Carol’s waist and resting on your hip, and it was comforting. Any other person would have loved to wake up the way you did.
But you had a routine.
It was almost impossible to slip out of Carol’s grasp; she was a lot stronger than you had thought. She could pick you up and carry you around, but she was asleep! She shouldn’t be able to do this while she was sleeping! You were already late for your morning shower and it took almost 15 minutes to worm your way out of Carol’s grasp.
You froze on your feet when you got out of bed because you heard Carol sigh. If you had woken her up then you knew you wouldn’t be getting to shower. Horn dog, you complained to yourself. But she just shifted and rolled over to pull Nat closer before staying still again.
If only they could see you now, you thought to yourself. The fiercest couple in the mob game. Cuddling in bed.
Maybe them sleeping over wasn’t so bad. How else would you get to see them like this? Vulnerable, peaceful, almost even innocent. They weren’t mob boss legends, they were just people. People that were in your bed.
Now you couldn’t make your bed before a shower. Damn them. Never mind, having them sleep over was hell.
Well, at least you could still start your coffee. You spared one more look at the women in your bed and smiled to yourself before grabbing a shirt from the floor. It wasn’t clean and it wasn’t yours, and you hated knowing you were wearing an unclean shirt. But you liked that it was one of theirs. Maybe that was enough.
It wasn’t, but maybe it could be.
You snuck into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. It was bigger than usual and you knew it would change your grocery plans. Yet another part of your routine that they were changing. Maybe that could be okay, too.
You were halfway across the living room when someone knocked on your door. Looking at the clock in your kitchen said it was 6:47 (far too late for your shower). Who would come by that early? What else was going to ruin your routine??
With a sigh you walked to the door. If your routine was ruined you might as well ruin it properly. Your hair was pulled into a lazy ponytail, you were only in a dirty shirt, you couldn’t make your bed, and you were already… 36 minutes behind schedule. Might as well have a little small talk, right? So you opened the door-
“-Mornin’ sunshine-”
-And immediately shut it again, holding the handle in case they tried to open the door.
Why were they here?
No no no they couldn’t see your apartment like this! The coffee wasn’t finished, you didn’t have pants on, you hadn’t washed your hair. There were still dishes in the sink, a few blueprints on the table, two women in your bed-
-two women in your bed. Two married women in your bed.
Oh no.
“You alright, kiddo?”
“Just fine!” You called out. You didn’t let go of the handle until you locked the door, and then you ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
It was a bit ridiculous to wash the dishes first when there were so many other problems to deal with, but it was the most obvious. You could probably make an excuse for not wearing pants and the blueprints. But the dishes? That was way too out of hand.
You didn’t even dry them before shoving them into your cabinet and making your way to the bedroom where Carol and Nat were sitting up and rubbing their eyes. The sheet was down to their bare waists and you stared for just a moment too long.
“You okay?” Carol asked when she cracked one eye open just enough to see you starting to pick up the clothes on the floor.
Three more knocks on your front door.
“One second!” You shouted before rushing through your room again. You didn’t see Carol and Nat flinch from the loud noise.
“What’s going on?” Nat asked, and they both held their hands up as you tossed some clothes at them.
“You need to leave,” you said as quickly as you could manage.
“Kicking us out already?” Carol teased.
“Yes,” you huffed out with a single nod.
“What’s wrong?” Nat asked. She stood and pulled on some jeans before walking over to put a hand on your shoulder, but you shrugged it off.
More knocks.
“I said one second!” You shouted again and turned back to Nat. “Please leave.”
“We can chill in here,” Carol said as she finished tugging a shirt on. It was yours and it was just a little too small on her. She didn’t seem to care.
“I’m not out yet,” you shot back before shoving a shirt into Nat’s arms.
“Just lock the-”
“-Unless you want to meet my parents, I suggest you leave.”
That shut them up. Quickly.
Five knocks.
“I’m coming!” You shouted before looking at the shell-shocked faces of Carol and Nat. “Fire escape goes all the way down,” you said before shutting your bedroom door and running to open the front door.
They didn’t look happy.
“May we come in now?” Your mom asked. She looked more pissed than your dad, who looked amused at your ragged state.
“Please,” you said with a sheepish smile as you stepped aside and let them in.
“Nice shirt,” your dad whispered as he passed you. Damn him.
“Coffee?” You asked. You didn’t wait for them to answer before making your way to the kitchen and getting down two more mugs.
“You’ve already got three on the counter,” your mom pointed out, and your eyes shot to where she was pointing.
She was right. You had three mugs on the counter right by the coffee pot. And they were dirty. Because you had made Carol and Nat coffee yesterday when they had come over. And you hadn’t cleaned because they had ruined your routine. Please don’t notice, please don’t notice, please don’t-
“-You use all these yesterday?” Your dad asked, and you could feel your heart jump into your throat. You missed the small smile on his face.
“Long day,” you said nonchalantly as you tried to physically wave off the ideas he probably had.
“That why you haven’t showered yet?” Your dad pointed out, again, and you finally glared at him. He needed to just keep his mouth shut or your mom would get suspicious.
“Long night,” you explained even though you knew he didn’t buy it.
“Must have been,” your mom mused as she poured herself a cup of coffee because you had taken too long. “It cut into your routine.”
Why did they have to know you so well? Why couldn’t they just be distant and not care?
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” You ask as you hand a mug to your dad.
“We can’t just come see our daughter?” Your dad asks from behind the mug.
“Not at 7am,” you tease, and he shoots you a wink.
“Your grandparents want the whole family to spend the summer together,” your mom says, her voice much softer than usual. You know what that means.
“And you’re bringing it up now?” You ask. It’s the middle of January; summer wasn’t even on your mind.
“So you can plan your routine,” your mom answers with a gentle smile. Maybe her respecting your schedule wasn’t quite as awful as you thought.
“We want you to have time to set things up in case-”
-your dad is cut off by a thud coming from your room, and all of your heads snap toward the sound.
“What was that?” Your dad asks as he immediately moves into his protective mode.
You don’t have time to answer before your dad makes his way to your bedroom. He doesn’t even ask for permission to enter because you usually never shut your door. You’ve never cared before, so he doesn’t ask now.
But what if Carol and Nat aren’t gone?
Blood is rushing deafeningly in your ears as your parents open the door to your room and look inside. You expect to hear gasps and immediate yelling, maybe some accusations. You’ve even got an escape plan ready and an alibi set up.
But the room is empty. There’s no clothes on the floor, your hamper is out of sight, and the bed is made. There’s no one in your room. The only thing that’s out of place is the open window.
“I thought I taught you to keep these closed,” your dad mused as he walked over and shut the window.
“Must have forgotten,” you mumbled.
“Long night,” your dad repeats your explanation, but he sounds completely unconvinced.
“Right,” you whisper before running your fingers through your hair and pulling your arms in tight.
“We should let you get ready,” your mom says after an extremely awkward amount of silence. You shoot her a relieved smile and nod.
“I’ll call you,” you say.
They each give you a kiss on the head as they walk by and say their goodbye’s before leaving your apartment. As soon as the door shuts you fall to the floor and just lay there staring at the ceiling. There were too many thoughts running through your head.
None of this would have happened if no one had ruined your routine.
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thewildomega · 3 years
Second Chance Ch.14
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A/N: Ya’ll can’t tell me this man isn’t a hunk! Props for the awesome fanart goes to @insect_candy on twitter. I found it on pintrest. As always if the artist sees this and wants me to remove it just send em a message and I’ll take it down asap. I do think it’s really good though. Especially the eyes. If anyone gets a chance go check out their page. Link is in the name. Hope everyone likes this update. How much longer should this story go on? Is it still interesting and enjoyable to read?
Sitting quietly in your chair beside Ed you listened as they all spoke, Ed telling his sons what had happened when he had arrived in your world. You couldn't help but blush when he talked so fondly of you, telling his sons how you had helped him, taken care of him. 
"Then it would seem we are in your debt Y/n. Thank you for helping our pops." Izo spoke to the woman who had remained quiet throughout dinner.
 Looking to the man you shook your head. "Oh no, it's okay really it was no problem I..."
"It's okay Y/n you don't have to lie to us, we know how much of a handful the old man can be." Marco said making his brothers laugh. 
"Agreed, I think we should congratulate her on not killing him in his sleep." Vista grinned. 
"I am not that bad." He grumbled when he saw them all laughing. Looking beside him he even saw his lass giggling lightly at his son's teasing of him. All in all though he couldn't be mad, it was nice having some of his family all together again, even more so now that Y/n was here with him. Chewing a bite of his food he watched and listened as they went about asking Y/n about her world. Already his son's were starting to warm up to her and the sight made him smile softly. 
After supper you and Zella had moved to clean up while the men all talked and caught up. It made your heart warm to see Ed happy with his sons. Once everything was all tidy Zella had told you she was calling it a night. She had been very sleepy the past few days and while you wanted to ask her if she was okay you also didn't want to seem nosey. Drying all the dishes and putting them away you looked over everything and sighed. Walking out of the kitchen and into the living room you saw no one here as well, you could hear their voices from outside though and guessed they were all out there. Not wanting to intrude on their family time you looked down to your hand which you had successfully kept hidden the whole night. Walking to the guest bathroom you closed the door and finally unwrapped the dishcloth from it. Looking down at the bloody cut you winced. It wasn't that long, only half of your palm length, going from the middle of your palm to the space between your thumb and forefinger. It was decently deep though, especially the skin between your fingers. Setting the bloody dishrag in the sink you turned on the hot water and filled the sink so you could let it soak. Turning on the shower you pulled off your clothes, trying your best not to get any blood on them as well. Stepping into the shower you rinsed your hand, grabbing the soap you started washing, biting your lip and whimpering when it felt like you had poured salt into your wound. Washing your hair was annoying as well but you made it work. Quickly shaving and then getting out you grabbed a towel and started drying off.
Opening the closet door you moved to grab your clothes from the basket but when you looked down to the floor where they had bene you saw nothing there. "What... where..." you said out loud. Knitting your brows you looked all in the closet but didn't find anything but the spare towels and washing machine. Where the hell were your clothes? You had just did laundry the other day so you knew they weren't dirty. So where the hell... Ed. Closing the door you wrapped the towel tightly around you, thankful they were made for his size. Running your fingers through your hair when you also noticed your hairbrush not in the drawer or any of your other items he had bought you you sighed. Opening the door you peeked out to see no one in the house. Licking your lips you walked towards his bedroom which was the only other place you could think your things would be. Glancing around the room you tried to locate your basket. Seeing it on the dresser you moved over to it but saw it empty. "Where in the hell..."
"Darlin' are you back..." 
Freezing when you heard his voice you looked up to the door to see him standing in the doorway, looking at you. Snapping your eyes down you felt your face, ears and neck catch fire. 
"...here." he finished. Seeing her standing by the dresser in nothing but a towel he closed his mouth when he realized it was still open. The white towel that she had wrapped around her ended at her knees. While it revealed nothing but her lower legs, shoulders and arms he felt his manhood twitch all the same. She was naked, the only thing on her being a towel. 
God you were so embarrassed. You both had only slept in the same bed for one night and now here you were just walking around his bedroom in nothing but a damn towel. What the hell would he think of you? "C..clothes?" you asked in a whisper. 
She wouldn't look up at him but he could see the tips of her ears sticking out of her wet hair and noticed the blush on them immediately. "Right." Walking over to the dresser he opened the drawers where he had put her clothes in with his. Grabbing the black lace panties that she had on when they came here he clenched his teeth when his imagination decided to take over. 'NO'. Shutting the drawer he moved down to the next and grabbed one of his shirts that she was keen on wearing for a nightgown. Black lace panties and his shirt. God his pants were already tightening at the thought. Taking a deep breath he went to hand them over to her. "Here ya go lass." he said, his voice deeper than usual. 
Keeping your eyes down some you went to take your clothes when he suddenly grabbed your wrist. 
"What's that?" 
Remembering your cut palm you looked up to him and shook your head some, "Nothing." 
Refusing to let go of her wrist he turned her hand up and knit his brows when he saw the deep cut on her palm. "Sure does look like something to me darling. What happened?"
"I just nicked it when I was washing dishes earlier." you told him. 
Humming he frowned. "This is more than a little nick lass. Why didn't you say something about, did Zella see it, she could have said something to Marco." 
"No she didn't see it, it happened before..."
"Before when?" he asked and then shook his head and looked to her eyes, "Before supper? You did this before supper and you didn't say anything?" he asked in a disapproving voice. Now that he thought back he did think it was strange she had been keeping her hand under the table in her lap. 
Sighing you took your clothes and moved towards his bathroom to dress. "It's fine Ed." 
Walking behind her he crossed his arms over his chest. "Until it gets infected." 
"It's not going to get infected, I cleaned it." you told him, pushing the door closed so you could dress. 
Standing just outside of the door he waited for her to dress which only took a moment. Once the door opened and she went to step out he moved forward, scooping her up and sitting her down on the bathroom counter. "That's what everyone says. Trust me I have seen my fare share of injuries, little cuts that no one thought nothing of until it turns septic and then has to be chopped off." 
Listening to his lecture you watched as he moved to grab something from under the vanity. Seeing him set a first aid kit on the counter next to you, you looked up to him. Placing your hand in his when he held it out for you. "How did you get those scars from your pictures, the ones on your chest?"
Beginning to clean the cut with alcohol he saw her fingers twitch but not snatch away. "Different battles. One from my old Captain, Rocks. Got one from fighting Roger and another from an old crewmate, Shikki." grabbing the roll of bandages and tape he applied a bit of cream to it to both help with pain and quick healing. "What about you, any scars on that pretty body?" 
Blushing again you saw him noticed this time and heard him chuckle lightly. "That gunshot one..." you started but heard him grunt. 
"Don't like the story of that one." he growled under his breath. 
"I do, that's the night I got to come here with you." 
Seeing her smiling softly at him he sighed. "While that may be true, it still should have never happened." taping down the bandage he lifted her up again to take her to their bed, cutting off the light to both the bathroom and bedroom on the way. Sitting on the bed he rested against the headboard with his feet stretched out and her straddling his lap. "Anymore?" he asked, knowing if he wanted her to relax he needed to keep her talking. There wasn't any light but that of the candle on the side table but he could still tell she was blushing. 
Humming you tried to focus on the question he asked and not the fact you were currently straddling the lap of the man you loved. "Um well there's the one where Smoke bit me."
Looking down to her leg where she was looking he tilted his head at the faint scar on her thigh. Licking his lips he moved his thumb under the hem of his shirt and pushed it higher up her left leg, feeling heat pool to his pelvis at the feel of her soft skin. Seeing the bite there he huffed. "He got you good didn't he?" It wasn't a nasty scar but he could tell by each individual mark that the wolf had sunk his teeth in deep. 
"Yea." you sighed. 
Stroking her thigh with his thumb he glanced over the rest of her skin, looking for any other scars. "That it?"
"n..No. I have a 'W' on my right hip from where Keith branded me." you told him, having to steady yourself, the feel of his warm hands on your thighs making that tingling come back. 
"He branded you?" he asked in a deep voice, a frown on his face as he lifted his eyes to hers. 
"He didn't do it intentionally. He was making that new sign at Mel's bar for his dad and kept messing around. The letters that you use to burn the wood, he kept poking the 'M' towards me asking if it was hot. He wasn't trying to actually touch me with it but Trish came in and bumped into me and well yea." Seeing his brows knit together you took a deep breath, "It was definitely hot. Burnt straight through my shirt and everything. Keith felt horrible for it, he bought me dinner for the next week." 
Looking down to her hip he thought for a moment before asking, "Can I see?"
Swallowing hard you felt your heart beat a little faster as you lifted the bottom of the shirt up enough to show him the 'W' over your left hip bone. 
Forcing his eyes to focus on her hip and not the part of her covered by black lace that he wanted so desperately to look at he indeed saw the 'W' scar on her skin. He didn't like the idea of her being hurt like that and furrowed his brows. Rubbing his hand up her thigh and hip he held her with his hand over her side, feeling the material of her panties under the bottom part of his palm. Genty tracing the mark with his thumb he swallowed hard when his eyes dropped to the apex of her thighs for a fraction of a second. Instantly he knew that was a bad idea when he felt his cock come to life. Fuck he could make out the silhouette of her womanhood through the weblike pattern. Raising his knees some and spreading his legs so it wouldn't become too obvious he was aroused he held her steady as she slipped forward. Catching sight of the scar on her chest when his shirt moved some he furrowed his brows. Keeping his one hand under th ebottom of the shirt on her hip he raised his other one to touch the circular scar. It wasn't too bad since Marco had healed her with ihs power but it would probably stay there for the remainder of her life. To him it would be a constant reminder of how she had saved him, while noble he couldn't get the image of her lifeless body out of his head. Even now it made his heart clench painfully. 
Seeing his brows and lips turn into a firm line as he looked to the scar on your chest you gently took hold of his hand that was stroking the area. Looking into his warm yellow eyes as when they lifted to yours you watched his face relax. 
"Why did you run after that man lass? You knew he had a gun, knew that he wouldn't care if you got hurt." he asked her and saw her eyes shoot down. 
"He took all the money that was in the safe, that was everything Mel had..." you shrugged.
"Money isn't that important darling." 
"Mel is sick, he's dying. I know money isn't the most important thing in life but when they were barely making it as it was that money could have meant life or death for him when it was paying for his medicine. After everything that family did for me I couldn't just sit there and let that asshole take everything from them like that."
Hearing this he sighed softly, stroking her hip with his thumb. He fell more and more in love with her everyday. "How the hell did this old pirate get lucky enough to have an angel like you as his soulmate?" he spoke in a low voice. 
Just realizing what he had said he blinked and felt his mouth go dry. "Ah... well yes..." Clearing his throat he tried to think of a way to explain their destined love to her. "You see lass here in this world soulmates are a thing... a ah... a natural connection. Not everyone has them but some get lucky enough. It's when two people are destined to be with each other and they have this... well this pull and..." Seeing her smile grow and her teeth bit down on her lip some he stopped, feeling a blush over his cheeks and neck. 
"It's okay Ed, Zella explained them to me last week." seeing him furrow his brows as he looked down to you, you grinned nervously. "I wasn't sure you felt the same way and I didn't want to lose you so I never said anything."
She had been afraid he wouldn't love her back. She felt their connection as well? The knowledge made him smile. Still he could tell she was a bit nervous. "So you knew what they were and still you let me suffer through that horrible explanation like an idiot." 
Seeing him cut his eyes at you playfully, a smile still present on his lips you tilted your head. "It was fun to watch you be the nervous wreak for a change." you admitted with a small shrug.
Growling he grinned as he quickly wrapped his arm around her and flipped her to the bed, holding himself up above her while her hands held onto his back and shoulder. Gazing down at her sparkling eyes he felt that swelling in his heart and sighed softly. "Never thought I'd experience that whole feeling that comes with having a soulmate. My entire life I've always felt like there was something missing. Ever since I was a kid the only thing I've ever wanted was a family. I gathered many sons and daughters over the years, children of the sea that I called my own but it wasn't enough. There was still some part of me that was missing and I could never find that lost piece. When I died in Marrieford I accepted that it would be a mystery that would never be solved. But to my surprise my story wasn't over. I was found by the very person I had spent my whole life trying to find. I knew from the first time I saw you that you were the one, that you were meant to be mine. I don't know which higher power was looking out for me but I thank them for finally allowing our paths to cross." His heart was hammering so hard against his ribcage he was sure it would soon burst from his chest. "Lass you make me feel complete, I will love you forever. Long after the seas dry up and the stars fade in the sky." He was so nervous he thought he might have another heart attack. Staring into her eyes he licked his dry lips. "I promise to care for you. You will be the only woman I ever love. I'll provide for ya and you'll never want for anything..."
"Darling I don't have a ring to give ya, not yet at least but I..." Taking a deep breath he swallowed hard. "I'll get you one, anyone you want. I can't wait till then, not a moment longer, I have to ask you now. Will ya marry me lass?"
Four months, three weeks and six days. That's how long it had been since you had found him on the shore of the lake. It wasn't that long really but you felt like you had known him your whole life. Even from the beginning he had always felt like this old friend who had just shown back up from out of nowhere. Somewhere along those few months you had fell head over heels for him but you had said nothing. So afraid that he would soon toss you aside like everyone else had you had distanced yourself as much as possible even when it made your heart ache terribly. He was patient with you, he listened. He made you laugh and cry and he was right about feeling whole because not once in your life had you ever been so happy than you were when you were with him. Almost five months, most would probably say that that wasn't long enough to know a person to marry them but to you, that was all the time you needed. 
Looking up into those warm yellow eyes you smiled, your eyes tearing up a bit. "Yes."
As soon as the word was out of her mouth he felt his face break into what had to be the biggest smile of his life. Without a moment's hesitation he lowered his body to hers, finally claiming her lips. Just as he suspected her lips were soft and smooth. A light sigh left his nose at being able to finally kiss her. Thankfully this time Marco wasn't here to interpret either. There was this strong pulling in his chest that turned into a comfortable warmth as he allowed his body to lower just above hers, still careful not to crush her. She had tensed the tiniest amount when their lips first met but quickly she had relaxed. 
He was kissing you. You were getting your first kiss and it was so incredible. God his lips were so warm and only a bit rougher than your own. You could feel the slight scruff on his upper lip but it didn't bother you. Then there was the heat of his huge body laying over yours and that strange tugging that had turned into a comforting warmth. You could die happy right here and now. The hand holding your hip was gently messaging you while the one wrapped under your head made you feel secure and safe. When the need for air became desperate and he pulled away some you looked up into his soft eyes, his hair falling around the both of your faces making the moment even more intimate. 
"...so what'd she say?"
"Yes of course!" 
"I told you she would." 
"Way to go Pops."
Hearing voices from outside of the window you peeked around his massive arm to look out of the window, you couldn't see anything because of the drawn curtains but when Ed let out a deep growl you knew someone was there. 
Letting go of her hip he grabbed one of the pillows and threw it towards the window his sons were standing by. "If you four don't get the hell out of here I'll toss you all to the sea!"
"He does realize we are on land right?"
"Is that a challenge?!"
Giggling through it all you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck when he went to move. 
Being pulled back down by his little woman he didn't get to say a word before her lips pushed their way back to his. "Overgrown children." he grumbled around her lips and heard her giggle lightly. Continuing to hold himself up with one arm he moved his free hand over to the table to pinch out the wick. Maybe if the room was dark his sons would get the hint to leave them alone. 
"So what is it for?" Izo asked.
Seeing the three men looking to your phone you tilted your head, "Um well in my world people use them to call one another, like the den den's here. You can also use it to read books on, there's a calculator, a flashlight, a camera..." Showing them each feature you saw their brows raise when you turned on the flashlight. Taking a picture of the three of them you turned it around to show them and saw Vista smile. "Really there is a whole bunch of stuff on it. I can't make calls on it anymore since I'm here but I can still read some books on it and listen to music."
"Music?" Jozu asked. 
Humming you nodded and brought up your music list. Tapping on a song you saw them all look to it in amazement when the song started playing. 
"You'll soon be hearing the chime Close to midnight If I could turn back the time I'd make all right
How could it end like this? There's a sting in the way you kiss me Something within your eyes Said it could be the last time Fore it's over!
Just wanna be Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight Just wanna be I wanna bewitch you all night..."
"I want one of those." Vista said. 
Giggling you held it out for him to take. "Here ya'll knock yourself out. I have to go pick up some stuff from town for supper anyway. Just don't hit anything that says delete okay." When they all nodded but kept their eyes on the phone you smiled again and stood. 
Walking from around the house he looked to see Izo, Vista and Jozu all sitting on the ground playing with his soon to be wife's phone. Wife, the thought of being able to call her that made his chest swell with pride. Hearing the music playing from her phone he chuckled at the smile on his sons faces. Looking down at them with his arms crossed over his chest he chuckled. "So I see y/n has shown you her phone." 
"This thing is amazing. Look at all the books she has.."
"There is over three hundred songs on it as well." Izo added. 
"Yea she loves reading and music." he grinned.
"Marco said she likes cooking too." Jozu spoke.
"I bet Thatch would have liked her." Vista grinned.
"Ace too." 
Sighing his grin turned bittersweet, he would have loved for her to meet the both of his fallen sons. He knew for a fact they both would have loved her. Looking to them all again he raised his brows, "Do any of you happen to know where it is my lass has run off to?"
"Yea, she said she had to go into town to get stuff for supper." 
"Let us borrow her phone while she was gone." 
Humming he nodded, "Don't break it." 
"Yea, yea." 
Huffing out he started towards town. Looking all over for her he didn't find her anywhere and when he finally asked around they said she had already left a little while ago. Knitting his brows he stood in though, if she had already left then he would have met her on the way back home but he hadn't. So where was she? Deciding to let his heart lead the way he started walking out of town and towards the entrance to the town. If she was going to get groceries then why would she need to come out here? Going up the hill and towards the ruins of the old town he had grew up in he looked across to the edge of the cliff where his and Ace's grave was. He had been to it a few times to talk to his son but he found it strange looking at his own headstone. A part of him wondered if there was anything buried there? Marco had told him that they had buried him, hell even that red head had helped but if he was here now was that body now gone or was this a whole new one? As tempted as he was to dig it up he figured he was better off not knowing. 
Getting closer to the top he saw her h/c hair blowing in the breeze and knit his brows, what was she doing up here? Going to call out to her he stopped when he saw someone standing by her, the two of them looking to be speaking. Realizing who it was he clenched his teeth and marched a little faster towards them. As soon as he was close enough he saw Garps eyes shoot to him, his brows raising. Moving y/n behind him he stared down at the man, "What the hell are you doing here Garp?"
"What am I doing here, what the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead damnit! And why are you young again?!" Garp yelled. "Wait a minute, am I dead? Did I die and for some godforsaken reason end up in the same place as you? If I did die how come I'm still old?"
"You're going to be dead if you don't get off my damn island!" 
"Go to hell Newgate, I'm here to see Ace..."
"NO! You don't get to pay your respects to my son..."
"He was my damn grandson before he was one of your sons!"
"Don't act like you care so much about him now, you let him die!"
"Ace made his choice, he became a pirate and then he joined up with you! I warned him but he wouldn't listen!" The marine yelled, his face turning red and his veins sticking out in his forehead. 
"What a load of crap! That boy had a target on his back before he was even born! For being Roger's son, something he couldn't even control. Yea he became a pirate and he was a damn good one. Much like that other grandson of yours, that strawhat brat. Are you gonna sit back and watch him die too?!"
"Don't you bring Luffy into this!" Garp growled, his voice dropping even more.
Clenching his fists he sensed his sons coming up behind him. "Take Y/n back home." he spoke in a deep voice, never ceasing his intense stare down with Garp. 
Having stayed behind him the whole time you felt your heart hammering as Ed and the man you had just met who you had heard Ed call Garp argued. You had never seen him so angry looking other than the time he had saved you from that man. There seemed to be this intense aroura coming off both men and it made you nervous. Hearing Marco and the others come up behind you and then Ed tell them to take you back home you furrowed your brows. Tightening your grip on his arm that had been holding you behind his bulk frame you swallowed hard and looked up to the back to his head. "Ed..."
Seeing Garp's eyes glance to the woman behind him he felt his lip lift into a snarl. Giving her hip a small squeeze he rose his chin, "Jozu." he called, knowing the man was bigger than her. 
Being pulled away from him by Jozu no doubt you tried holding onto his arm but he let your hands slip away. Watching as Izo moved to grab the bags left by his father's feet you looked between the two men. "N..."
"It's best to stay out of it Y/n." Marco told her, taking hold of her other hand while Jozu held her arm to pull her back towards the safety of their father's home. 
Getting past the waterfall you heard a loud slam and then a smack, the ground shaking a bit and making you gasp. "B...but will he be okay?" you asked trying to stop and look back towards the man you loved. Yes the other man was smaller but you still didn't want your Ed to get hurt. 
Laughing along with the rest of his brothers Vista pat her arm, "Oh don't you worry about pops Y/n. He didn't get the title of strongest man in the world for nothing."
"Yea and pops never backs down from a fight." Jozu huffed.
Blinking you looked to Vista with wide eyes. "Strongest man in the world?" surely he had to be exaggerating. Seeing them all nod proudly though you could only open and close your mouth, turning your head back to see a cloud of dust flying up here and there, the loud noises still echoing from where you had left. Just who and the hell were you going to marry? You knew Edward but maybe it was time to learn who Whitebeard was.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 58 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Katya found out she might be pregnant, the assistant network caught on to BDR’s latest paramour, and Violet was ordered to go home and rest.
This Chapter: Gigi’s new look gets the reaction she’d hoped for, the twins enjoy some one on one time with their respective partners, Courtney has a rain-soaked nightmare, Pearl looks (but doesn’t touch) and Katya stresses.
Courtney knocked softly on Ivy’s door, a smile on her face that had been there almost all day. Fame had thankfully left early, she and Patrick spending the evening at some fancy opera event at the Met, leaving Courtney to get ready for her date in peace.
Her first official date with Bianca. It was almost too exciting for her to comprehend.
“Hey Courtney, what’s up?” Ivy asked, looking up from her computer, beckoning Courtney inside.
“Well, I have a date tonight...and it’s really important and I need to look hot and...I thought maybe I could borrow something from the closet again?”
“Oh. Yeah, that’s fine. Um...let me just finish this email and then I’ll help you. Feel free to go have a look around, though.”
“Thanks.” Courtney bit her lip, sensing that Ivy was decidedly less enthusiastic about this than the last time she’d helped. She was probably in the middle of something important, maybe anxious about her own Friday night plans. Courtney felt bad, and would have told her to forget it if she had literally any other options. “I promise to be quick!”
“Yeah, no worries.”
Courtney kept her promise, pulling a short, royal blue dress with a high slit and a pair of strappy aqua shoes.
“Are you sure you wanna wear those shoes, Court? It’s kind of horrendous outside,” Ivy said, but Courtney shook her head.
“It’s fine, I’m just gonna be going into a cab and then inside. Thank you so much for your help!”
“No problem,” Ivy said, always gracious even when Courtney was obviously annoying her. “I hope you have a good time.”
“I’m sure I will!” Courtney exclaimed, taking the dress and shoes back to her own office to change, already feeling giddy with excitement, wondering what Bianca’s idea of ‘wining and dining’ would be like.
She took her time getting ready, freshening her hair with a curling iron she’d stashed in her desk and giving herself what she hoped was a sexy smoky eye. She kept an eye on the clock, knowing that Fame expected her to be in the office until 7:30. She chose a berry-colored lip gloss from the samples that Alaska had given her, and then stepped into the bathroom to get dressed, thrilled that the dress fit perfectly. She checked her phone and computer one more time before signing out, making sure that there were no last-minute requests from Miss Fame, and then made her way downstairs to grab a taxi.
She’s just settled into the backseat when a message came through that made her heart sink.
FAME: Dogwalker sick. Need you to walk Charles ASAP.
Courtney groaned, tapping on the glass partition to redirect the cab driver, and then texting Bianca.
COURTNEY: Still dealing with a work thing. I’m so so sorry, I might be a little late.
BIANCA: No rush. We can always push the reservation.
COURTNEY: I’ll tell you the second I’m on the way.
Courtney knew that dog walking was an occasional part of her job, although it hadn’t come up yet before. However, she’d carefully read the 7 pages of instructions Violet left about him, knowing that Charles was Fame’s treasured companion and she would be toast if anything ever happened to him, and prepared for the time when she’d have to step up. She wasn’t terribly worried--after all, she loved dogs, and her own family had German Shepherds, so a big dog shouldn’t be any trouble.
But Charles wasn’t just big. He was massive, outweighing her by a hefty amount, first fighting her as she tried to put on the raincoat that he apparently hated, and then dragging her down the street so fast that she slipped on some ice, falling to her knees on the corner, immediately cursing herself for not listening to Ivy about those stupid shoes.
“Charles, sit!” Courtney was terrified that he would run into the street without her and get hurt, rain and sleet pummeling her face as she sacrificed her umbrella to grip the leash with both hands. As she tried to stand, a bus drove by, sloshing icy gutter water all over her. “Fucking shit!”
Charles, of course, paid no attention to her predicament, still single-mindedly bound for the edge of the park where he was trained to do his business. Courtney got up, shivering, and took him across the street, finding herself soon faced with picking up a steaming, human-sized pile of shit in the pouring rain. By the time they got back to Fame’s mud room and Charles properly toweled off (with him stepping all over her chest with muddy paws in the process), she was soaked to the bone and shivering like crazy.
She glanced at herself in the mirror, wincing at her soggy, lifeless hair and smeared eye makeup, knowing that there was no way she could show up for a date looking like that. She got out her phone, dialing Bianca’s number with shaking fingers.
“Hey, sunshine,” Bianca answered, and Courtney closed her eyes, cringing at how wrong that nickname was at the moment.
“Hi. Um...I don’t think I can make it tonight,” she said, trying her best not to cry.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just...I had a situation with Fame’s dog and I’m soaking wet and I look an absolute mess and I can’t-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa...are you okay? It’s freezing outside!” Bianca exclaimed.
“Yeah...I just...I should go home, I can’t-”
“You’re not seriously thinking about getting on a train to the Bronx right now, are you? You’ll die of hypothermia. I can hear your teeth chattering, for fuck’s sake.”
“But I can’t go out, I look-”
“Okay, then we’ll stay in.”
“But you wanted to go out, and-”
“No, I wanted to spend time with you. I’m starting a hot bath right now. Get a cab, come over, I’ll see you in ten minutes,” Bianca instructed, and Courtney couldn’t help but feel a bit of relief that someone else was taking charge of the situation.
Gigi couldn’t stop staring at herself in the hallway mirror, her fingers gliding through her silky soft hair for the third time.
It was the most gorgeous deep auburn red, the color bringing out her freckles and playing up her grey eyes.
She looked like a completely different person, and she loved it.
“Looks like someones been to Juju’s.”
Gigi turned to see Symone leaning against the doorframe, a smile on her face, the adorable gap between her white front teeth stupidly charming.
“What gave it away?” Gigi giggled, throwing her hair over her shoulder.
“Just wait til you go shopping.” Symone grinned, her jeans slung low on her hips. “The underwear I have now is more expensive than any other clothes I have ever owned.”
“You got new underwear?” Gigi felt her eyes widened. “With like… With Sutan?” She bit her lip. Sutan had gone with her to the salon, him and Juju talking quietly while she was getting her hair washed by an assistant. They had obviously made the right choice, Gigi feeling like a superhero, but she couldn’t imagine any man coming with her to a lingerie store.
“Sure.” Symone shrugged. “It’s all ‘foundational undergarments’ and ‘French cut’ this, ‘t-shirt bra’ that. ‘You need a secure adhesive backless’. Where I’m from we just call those chicken cutlets.” Symone smiled. “For my first fitting, he asked me to wear high rise briefs and a seamless bra. I felt like my grandma.”
Gigi laughed, the tiny worry she had felt flare up already gone again.
“Do you want to cook dinner together?” Symone pushed out from the door, and Gigi nodded, this modeling thing already so much better than she had dared hoped for.
“Ah!” Violet moaned as Sutan pushed her forward, his body boxing her in and keeping her in place. They were in the kitchen, the counter digging into her hips.
“Hey gorgeous,” Sutan’s voice was low, his lips against her neck, his warmth breath tickling her skin. She felt him grab the edge of her skirt, hiking it up and over her knees, thighs and even ass as he pulled it higher and higher, pooling it on the counter, forcing Violet to hold it herself, his hand guiding her before he let go.
“Please-“ Violet groaned, his fingers digging into the fabric, every move she made exposing herself further.
“Please what?”
She could feel Sutan’s fingers glide up her outer thigh and Violet blushed, her core burning hot, her panties getting wetter by the second.
It felt absolutely filthy, and so fucking good, Sutan in complete control and Violet loved it.
They were both tipsy, their wine glasses and dinner plates in the sink, the dishes completely forgotten when Sutan had given Violet a quick kiss that had developed into so much more.
“Please what lovely eyes?” Sutan’s voice was silky smooth, nothing in his tone betraying the way his fingers danced over her ass cheek, nails scratching on skin, a fingertip sneaking under the lace.
“I-“ Violet swallowed. She felt like she was drowning, wanted to drown, wanted to disappear in everything Sutan was. “I-“
“Tell me,” Sutan whispered, his lips against her ear. “Or I might punish you darling.” He leaned forward, pushing her that little bit further, and that was when it happened.
“Ah!” Violet closed her eyes, a blinding pain shooting through her. “Wait! Wait wait wait!”
Her foot had gotten caught on an angle, and Sutan jumped backwards.
“Wait,” Violet took a deep breath through her nose, the pain already disappearing, frustrated tears welling up in her eyes. “Fuck-“
“Everything okay?”
Violet turned around to see that Sutan had taken literal steps back, his trousers still tented, his dick obviously hard underneath the zipper.
“Mmh,” Violet nodded, the delightful embarrassment from earlier replaced with something that felt a lot more like shame, her eyes focused on Sutan’s feet. “I-“
“Can I touch you again?”
Violet’s head snapped up, Sutan looking at her, a glimpse of insecurity in his eyes, almost like he was the one who had done something wrong.
“Please-“ Violet opened her arms, and seconds later she could bury her face in his neck, his arms around her, holding her tight, kisses pressed into her hair.
“I’m sorry,” Sutan murmed, his voice low. “I didn’t mean to-“
“I know-“ Violet smiled, the apology so unnecessary it was almost comical. “I know.”
“Good.” Sutan pulled back, a hand in her hair tilting Violet’s head upwards so he could look at her. “Good. I shouldn’t have-“
Violet leaned forward, shutting him up with a kiss, her arms going around his neck as she held him tight.
When her cab pulled up in front of Bianca’s building, the doorman immediately rushed forward to open her door. She was fumbling with her credit card, fingers still stiff and cold, but he gestured for her to put it away.
“Ms. Del Rio is taking care of that,” he said, handing over some cash to the driver, then covering her with an umbrella and walking her to the lobby, where she was sent up in a different elevator than last time, directly to Bianca’s second floor, right outside her bedroom.
Courtney clutched her soaking wet jacket, trying to get her bearings when Bianca appeared around the corner, looking at her with concern and dismay.
“Omigod, baby, come here…”
Courtney barely knew what was happening as Bianca rushed her into the bathroom, helping her strip off her wet things.
“What the fuck are you doing in these shoes in this weather? And this jacket--why aren’t you in a winter coat?” Bianca asked, dropping it to the floor and then unzipping her dress, her voice gentle despite the scolding words.
“Th-that is my winter coat.”
“That’s not a winter coat,” Bianca informed her, pulling the dress down.
Courtney didn’t have the energy to protest, and besides, she was much more concerned with the dress.
“The dress isn’t mine, I think I ruined it-” she began, voice breaking, and Bianca looked it over while she stepped out of her panties and placed her jewelry on the counter.
“It’ll be fine, it just needs to be cleaned,” Bianca promised, leading her, still shivering, over to the jacuzzi tub, where a huge pile of bubbles was waiting for her. “I didn’t make it too hot, because I didn’t want to shock your system. But you can change the temp if you want.”
Courtney sank into the bubbles, the water silky and warm as a hug. After a few seconds, she finally began to feel her fingers and toes again, flexing them under the water, a sigh leaving her. She looked up, where Bianca was setting a remote control at the edge of the tub--which apparently controlled the jets and the temperature and even the lights. Courtney had never seen anything like it. She’d also put out a whole basket of bath products and lit a couple of candles.
“I’ll give you some privacy now,” Bianca said. “I left some towels and a robe on the warmer, and uh...if you need anything else, just let me know, okay?”
“Can you stay?”
It was embarrassing to admit, but Courtney didn’t want to be alone right now. Bianca didn’t make her feel weird about it though, simply took a seat on the ledge beside her, chatting about her trip, the trouble her staff had created while she was away, her voice soothing as Courtney leaned back against the terry cloth pillow with her eyes shut.
After she’d warmed up a little, Bianca washed her hair, strong and sure fingertips massaging the lather into her scalp as the other hand cradled her neck. She then helped her dry off with heated towels, and finally wrapped her in a warm fluffy robe while she ran a blow dryer through her hair. Courtney couldn’t remember ever feeling this cared for in her life, not even as a child, and if it wasn’t such absolute heaven, she’d probably feel ashamed at how much she enjoyed it.
She managed to swallow down a few mouthfuls of soup from the Chinese delivery that Bianca had ordered for dinner before her eyelids began to droop. Bianca noticed immediately, pressing a kiss to her forehead and then leading her to bed. She curled into Bianca’s arms, limbs growing heavy as hands stroked her back soothingly.
“Do you feel better now, angel?” Bianca asked.
“I felt better the second I walked in the door,” Courtney murmured.
“I guess there’s not really a door. The second I stepped off your elevator,” Courtney said, making Bianca laugh, her sleepiness causing her to be more honest than was probably called for, adding a whispered, “You make everything better.”
Pearl sat at a stool towards the back of the club, nursing a drink while telling herself over and over again that she was doing nothing wrong.
For one thing, she and Adore were over. Actually, fully over. And for another, she had no idea if Dahlia was even dancing tonight. She’d just come by for a casual drink...for the third time in 3 days. Just to see. Just to look.
And there was nothing wrong with looking, right? Even if she had lied to Trixie and Katya about where she was.
Pearl had already brushed off a parade of girls, tipping all of them, but saying no to everything else they offered, since she didn’t want to miss her chance of seeing Dahlia.
She was just about to give up, when one of the last dancers of the night came on, and there, there she was.
Dahlia was just as beautiful as Pearl remembered her, even more beautiful actually, since her costume for the night was the naughtiest sheer black teddy and lace panties, tiny little pink bows attached to the spaghetti straps of her top.
Her brown hair was styled in a delicate mess of brown curls, her plump lips painted pink, her eyes heavy and sultry, Dahlia looking like a sex kitten getting ready to go on the prowl.
Pearl swallowed as ‘Kiss It Better’ by Rihanna started playing, taking a big gulp of her drink.
Pearl hadn’t known if she wanted Dahlia to notice that she was there, hadn’t really thought this through at all, but when Dahlia dipped down on the pole, her ass beyond perfection, their eyes met across the room.
Pearl watched as Dahlia’s lips parted for a second, her eyes widening, but then, she smirked, throwing her hair over her shoulder.
“Mmh,” Raven moaned, her fingers in Raja’s long dark hair, her fiancée's lips on her neck, one of her hands up her top. They had been watching a movie on the couch, staying in just the two of them such a rare treat that they had even made popcorn. “Please-”
“Please?” Raja grinned, her long body on top of Raven’s under their blanket, their movie completely forgotten. “Are you being polite princess?”
“Fuck off.” Raven showed Raja’s shoulder, which only made the older woman laugh. “I’m perfectly polite.”
“Sure,” Raja smiled, shifting her knee so it slid in between Raven’s thighs, her skirt riding up to make room for Raja’s pant covered leg. “That’s what I love about you. How polite you are.”
Raven pulled on Raja’s hair, a surprised gasp leaving her girlfriend. She thrusted her hips, forcing Raja off balance and down in a messy kiss, teeth clacking, their lipsticks smearing, Raven taking charge.
“Just a few more minutes.” Trixie smiled, his open palm resting on Katya’s knee, his thumb rubbing up and down, trying his best to be comforting.
They were in the bathroom, Katya sitting on the closed toilet while Trixie knelt on the floor next to her, the elephant in the room the pregnancy test that was lying on the edge of the sink, both of them doing their damndest not to look at it yet.
He could tell she was anxious, knew that from the second she told him that she’d bought the test after work, even before she admitted that she was afraid to take it.
Trixie had always assumed that one day he’d be a father, and he was certain that Katya would be the best mom ever, so in his mind, this news was either amazingly exciting or slightly disappointing.
But Katya was another story, her clear terror making him dampen his own enthusiasm so that she felt safe to express herself. The last thing he wanted was to make her feel guilty for being scared on top of everything else. He knew, also, that there was a chance that she wouldn’t want this potential baby, so he prepared himself mentally to support her in whatever she wanted to do.
“I love you,” he offered softly, adding, “And it’ll be okay, no matter what it says.”
“Mmhmm,” Katya murmured agreement, though her eyes said that she didn’t fully believe him.
“Yo yo yo, where my bitches at?!” called out a voice, the slur telling them that Pearl had been drinking quite a bit.
Trixie assumed that Katya wouldn’t want to be interrupted during this private moment, but apparently, he was wrong.
“We’re in here!” Katya called, and Pearl’s heavy footsteps approached the door, pushing it open.
“This is a weird place for a party, dudes,” Pearl said, jacket hanging off one of her shoulders. “What’s going on?”
“Umm…” Trixie considered how to handle the situation delicately.
“I might be knocked up,” Katya said quickly, and Pearl’s eyes grew large, her mouth falling open.
“Probably sex,” she answered, and all three of them laughed, breaking the tension just a little.
“So…” Pearl plopped down beside Trixie on the tile floor, and a rush of gratitude flooded his heart, relieved for the distraction, understanding why Katya called her in. That is, until she asked, “Have we thought about names? Cause I’d like to submit ‘Pearl Junior’ for consideration.”
“Pearl Junior?” Trixie scoffed. “Why, you’re not the father.”
“Come on! Little Pearlie J. P.J.?!”
“I don’t hate it,” Katya said, and Pearl cheered, giving her a fist bump. “But remember, I might not even be pregnant.”
“True, but you guys are getting married. It’ll be relevant eventually.”
“Not necessarily,” said Katya, gripping Trixie’s hand tighter. He squeezed her back in what he hoped was a reassuring manner.
“Yuh huh! That’s why we call you ‘breeders’!” Pearl insisted.
“But I just don’t-” Katya began, but was interrupted by the timer on Trixie’s phone.
“You ready?” he asked, taking both of her hands in his.
“Well...remember, sometimes these tests aren’t 100% accurate. So whatever it says, it might not mean...” He reached out, catching a tear that had slipped down her cheek. “Babe…”
“I know. But I...can’t look.” Katya curled into his arms, burying her face in his neck. “You do it.”
Unfortunately, the stick was just out of reach, unless he let go of her, which he wasn’t prepared to do.
“Pearl, can you-”
“Sure.” Pearl snatched the test off the sink, looking at it, brow furrowed. “What the fuck does 11 mean?”
Katya’s head snapped up, reaching for the test while Pearl picked up the box.
“Why would it say 11? That’s so dumb, how do you know if...ohhhh.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Trophy chapter three
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Finally decided where im going with this been mulling it over for a few days toying with a few ideas. Trying to define Henry's character has been a bit difficult for me as i wasnt sure what angle i wanted to highlight more but from here out i think iv settled on Yandere/Daddy Dom/Care Giver so the relationship has taken a more ddlg turn its not going to dive in to ageplay (im not confident enough yet maybe one day) but the reader is slightly childish. I cant stress enough that as this is a yandere themed story its not going to be for everyone all my chapters will have appropriate warnings. If you have read it and think i have missed one out please let me know so i can apologize and correct it. Not much else to say other than i hope you like it
Warning:Adult themes, Dubcon,Controlling Behaviour, Swearing
You find out who it was who handed you over to Henry
Chapter one ,Chapter two Chapter four Chapter five
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Trophy chapter three
Waking up the next morning was slow, absolutely exhausted you laid under the soft covers relaxing with your eyes closed ignorant to the world. Turning over trying to get comfy enough to fall asleep again.Frowning as your ears picked up an irritating tapping that moved back and forth. Groggily you identified it as a dog excitedly pacing on a wooden floor.Something that you hadn't heard since your childhood ,with out a thought -still not fully awake- you poked your hand out of the covers and over the side of the mattress to placate the animal,immediately being nudged into stroking a fluffy face and lathered with dog kisses.
"Amy ,stop, go lie down" Your eyes snapped open as the words left your mouth Amy -your German Shepherd from childhood- has been long gone and you haven't had a dog since. You snatched your hand back sitting up groaning as the pain in your ass forced you to flop face first back onto your side. There was a large snout in front of you, literally inches from your nose as the dog has rested its chin on the mattress in front of you letting out an impatient whine.You slowly inched back apprehensive of the large dog.
"H-hey there erm where did you come from boy? girl?" You spoke quietly the dog snorted in response then in one swoop jumped up onto the bed over you landing on the other side. Rolling on your back ignoring the ache in your ass more concerned with the very large canine beside you. Your not scared of dogs not in the slightest, but you didn't know this one.It laid down on the other side of the bed tail thumping away as it looked at you expectantly. Sitting up slowly you pulled yourself to the head board resting against it.Only now really recollecting yesterdays events and just where you were. The dog huffed again and slumping to lie on its side pawing at you.Pet me. The dog didn't seem aggressive actually the opposite, smiling lightly you began giving a belly rub.Male. You looked up as the bathroom door opened revealing a towel clad Henry fresh from the shower rubbing a smaller hand towel on his hair before letting the damp cloth drape around his neck. He smiled knowingly as your eyes trailed down from the towel at his neck drinking in his toned chest that had a complementarity dusting of dark curls across it.You sucked in a deep breath. It really wasn't fair, he knew very well how attractive he was, under different circemstances you might have flirted with him a little after drinking a few glasses of liquid courage. Not that you'd have thought you would have a chance. 
'To bad he's a nut job' you though wistfully. Just your luck that the only man to look your way was a fucking psychopath. You directed you attention to the fingers that were still absentmindedly scratching through the dogs thick fur. Henry approached the bed nodding his head at the dog.
"See you've met Kal" The dog twitched his ears at his name enjoying his belly rub to much to move.
"Kal. It suites him Akita right?" He grinned nodding as he sat on the edge of the bed patting the dogs barreled chest.
"Yep my boy, yours to now" You paused then pulled your hand off kal (to his disappointment) tucking them in your lap as it clicked who you were speaking to. Henry continued looking at you lovingly for a few seconds then his face fell sighing as he watched you pull back into yourself then looked towards the bathroom.
"Go get cleaned up, I have a visitor to take care of after breakfast shouldnt take long then we can spend the day together" He finished his sentence leaning in with a kiss on your cheek before lifting himself up to get ready for the day. You got up holding the bed momentarily to stabilize yourself before taking slow steps towards the bathroom wincing as you movements aggravated your sore backside.
"Theres some comfry cream on the sink bring that out when your finished" For some reason You could hear his grin swallowing Uneasy you nodded before shutting the Bathroom door behind you unsure why you heard him laugh through the heavy wood. Shuffling forward you relished in the warmth of the steam filled room. His bathroom was stylish and sleek, the type of room you'd expect in a five star hotel not that you'd ever stayed in one .Expensive looking black gold veined marble steps leading to a large sunken tub at the far end of the room, before that matching marble splash back on the 'his and hers' sink with a mirror hung above them. The large shower to your left was glass on one side it was big enough to fit four or five people comfortably and had a built in bench seat. The shelves either side of the mirror were fully stocked one side obviously had been pre-prepared for you with hair and make up products all in your preferred brands and colours.
'That cannot be a coincidence' you summarized as you pulled the foundation down inspecting the seal.Brand new as suspected.So he must have planned for your arrival. You shook the thoughts out of your head not wanting to think of how he knew so much about you. After using the loo and brushing your teeth with the new pink toothbrush that'd graciously been provided for you.The power shower was welcome easing your muscles your tension melted away under the powerful spray and also giving you time to think of where you went from here.
'Don't think he's gonna give me a chance to run anytime soon. Gotta find out why he's taken me .Its lot of trouble to go through for no reason, unless he's done it before. Maybe i could be nice to him, play along until his guard drops then scarper. Question was, what then?' If what they say is true it'd be useless going to the police you'd be back here in no time dread to think what he'd do to you then. If you left you'd have to leave town asap. Wouldn't be able to go home and pack a bag it'd be to obvious-or maybe soo obvious they wouldn't even look.' The door opened pulling you from your musings, it was only open enough for kal to slip in who dutifully sat by the shower door Henry didn't follow calling from behind it.
"Are you ok? you've been in here a while" You hadn't realized but he was right as you looked at your pruned fingers.
"Im fine" you heard a sigh of relief as you answered him 
"Good when you didn't answer my calls i was worried that you'd tried something very stupid" He paused contemplating his next words
"Time to get out now i think" You faltered at that stepping from under the spray towards the shower door. 
"But i haven't washed yet"
"Well who's fault is that little one? Besides the amount of time you've been in there the waters probably taken care of any dirt.Next time don't waste so much time." He scolded half hartedly
"Sorry i wasn't aware you were on a water meter" you snapped back at him in temper.
"Excuse me? would you like to try again?" His tone was so ominous you took a step back curseing silently.
"Sorry. I'll be right out"
"Sorry Who?" you didn't reply immediately
"...Sorry daddy" 
"Good don't let it happen again" Calling kal out of the room he shut the door.Defeated you hang your head deciding to try and pacify him at least until you could come up with a plan of action.Twisting off the water and exiting the shower wrapping a large bath sheet around your body uesing a smaller one to wring out your wet hair. Scurrying out of the bathroom finding him sitting up on the bed laptop in hand Kal was nowhere to be seen. Your captor was dressed in a caramel two piece suit with white shirt. He looked over the screen at you.
"Your clothes are here. Did you grab the cream?"
"I forgot, give me a sec." You quickly grabbed the small pot of cream handing it to him then preceded around the bed unfolding the clothes left out for you.
"Y/n come here" He said closing his laptop stopping sliding it off his lap peeking over at him you blinked holding up the sweater that was left out for you. 
"Cant i get dressed first?" A pleading look not trusting his expression or him in general really.
"Not until this has soaked in"
"What?" Nervously twiddling the soft knit fabric already dreading what ever he had in store for you now.Chuckling he waved the pot in the air.
"This is to ease your cute little bottom now come over here" Opening the pot and paced it within reach on the beside table. Fully expecting you to do as your told you covered your back side with one hand.
"M-my bottom is fine really i don't need it"
"Now you and i both know that if i turned you over my knee right now id find a sore red little bottom. Im going to take care of you now could you please come here."
"Please i can do it myself" Ignoring you he dipped his fingers into the thick balm smoothing it between his palms. You took a deep breath deciding that your best option was to grin and bear it. Dragging your feet until you stood in front of the amused man.
"Theres no need to sulk." Lifting you effortlessly to lie on the bed tugging the towel from around you he whistled low 
" Thats a well punished bottom if iv ever seen one" he anounced before running his lathered hands across it massaging in the pain reliefe thoughrly in smooth circles, you tensed under his hands, they felt cool in comparison to your heated flesh.
"Dosnt look like youll bruise which is good.Allmost done now"
You fhuffed letting him get on with it trying to imagine you were anywhere but here as his palms moved lower to graze over your thighs and back up again leaving behind a trail of tingles then he pulled away.
"Just lie there and let it work its magic ,you've been a very good girl." You hated feeling a twinge of pride at his praise quickly beating it down .He left you there for five mineuts or so then signaled to get dressed. Once down stairs you were greeted with an enthusiastic kal whilst being served a light breakfast of toast and juice. Not long after that you found yourself beside him watching the news on a sofa kal chilling out at your feet with an indestructible looking chew A large man clad in all black strolled in stating
"Got a visitor boss said he called last night?" Henry left instructing you to stay put. You strained your ears as you heard his foot steps stopping a few feet behind the door. Hearing a familiar voice from the other side. Getting up you tip toed across the room pressing your ear against it listening to the conversation.
"-Caught on cctv, thats evidence that could implicate me. What am i supposed to tell them? The others were already asking questions last night i told them it was a rota mistake not sure how long i can keep them quiet its out of character,  You said it would be subtle." It was henry who spoke next his voice was deep authoritative and menacing.
"Calm down I have it all taken care of, not my first rodeo.Trust me no one is going to go looking to deep, the paper trails already sorted out  application ,travel, accommodation the lot. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut and we're squared up.As agreed"
"I dont know how i feel about it now? I think i made a mistake" The other male frantically replied.
" Your mistake was not keeping up your end I told you to keep an eye on him. I told you what would happen if you cocked it up.Now I have to be the bad guy. You think I wanted to do it this way? Besides its already done you cant go back on your word now. If your having second thoughts thats tough fucking luck I dont do refunds. Now get the fuck out of my house and you best keep that mouth shut cos I can make you dissapear just as easy as her. Lads show Mr Fletcher out" You gasped stepping back quickly mind racing as you sat back down where you were originally. You sat in shock as you realized who it was Henry had been talking to and why theyd sounded familiar. Kyle fletcher owner of the small cafe you worked in your boss of four years.Putting two and two together ,that chat was about you. You felt sick it was kyle who'd asked you close later than usual to deep clean the coffee machine and recount the float , causing you to close up in the dark which was where youd been taken. For some reason he knew what was going to happen he'd been in on it a overcome by a wave of anger you decided come hell or high water you were going to find out exactly what your exboss had done.
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reevesdriver · 4 years
Mountain Man
Summary: John Wick is retired and has moved to live in a cabin in the middle of the woods away from civilisation. One day you stumble through the woods after following the wrong path on a hike and end up in his territory.
Word count: 2285
Character(s): John Wick
Reader: Female reader
Warning(s): None.
(AN: I’m a little rust but please do enjoy. I really loved writing this so much and I am so happy to be getting back into the rhythm of writing regularly.)
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“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” You muttered to yourself as you tried to find your way back to the hiking path. It was beginning to get dark and you’d made the awful decision to go hiking alone in an unfamiliar location and now you were lost in the middle of the woods with no phone signal or compass. You had a map but lets face it how would that help when you didn’t know where on the map you stood?
You sighed as you kicked some of the sticks around underneath your feet trying to decide on which direction to start walking in, you spun around and took a deep breath as you began to walk in a random direction that you felt looked familiar. The woods were quiet, far too quiet for your liking but it was better them being quiet than full of growls from wolves or bears that likely dominated the area.
It took about half an hour of walking between the trees that seemed to all look the same before you became aware of heavy footsteps behind you and a heart stopping feeling of uneasiness hit you. You tried your best to steady your breathing as you began to pick up the pace and walk faster not caring if the direction you chose didn’t look right as long as you put enough distance between you and whoever, or whatever, was behind you.
You spent more time trying to listen to the noises behind you and less time concentrating on where you was walking because before you knew it there was a dip in the forest and you ended up twisting your foot and falling flat on your stomach your hands doing nothing to prevent the impact as they sunk into the soggy mud below you. The footsteps behind you got louder as you tried to crawl and kick to get away but the pain from your foot shot up your leg immobilising you, you didn’t know whether it was from the exhaustion or the rush of emotions but your eyelids felt heavy and soon you blacked out.
When you woke up you expected to see the sky above you but instead you were greeted with high wooden beams that looked both old, damaged but well maintained at the same time. The sound of wood crackling brought your focus to the rest of the room and you turn your head slowly to see a fire burning underneath a large chimney. As you look down you’re thankful that you’re still wearing your shorts and t-shirt but frown when you see the numerous amounts of cuts and bruises that scatter your legs not to mention the bandage that has been wrapped around your ankle.
You decided that despite how nice this home clearly was you didn’t want to overstay your welcome so as you stood with the blanket wrapped around you and attempted to put as little pressure on your foot as possible you limped away from the sofa and out into the hallway. The sound of a knife hitting a cutting board could be heard down the opposite end of the hallway and you contemplated whether to grab your bag and leave through the front door to the right of you or whether to go and thank whoever had helped you.
Going against your better judgement you decided to leave your bag and follow the chopping sound trying your hardest not to fall due to your weak ankle that throbbed from the little weight you put on it. You make it to the doorway of what appears to be the kitchen and see a large man stood next to a sink with his back to you.
“H-Hi.” You stuttered trying your best not to startle the man as he continued to cut whatever was on the kitchen counter.
He placed the kitchen knife down on the counter and turned to face you and that’s when you finally got a good look at him. He was tall and from what you could see of his face beneath the long black hair and messy beard he appeared to be quite handsome.
“Thank you for helping me, I’m sorry for the inconvenience-” You begin to apologise but he holds his hand up motioning for you to stop.
He turns and grabs something from off the counter and you half expected it to be a knife but your gaze softened when you saw that it was a bowl of what appeared to be fruits chopped up. The man moved over to the table that stood between the both of you and pulled one of the chairs out placing the bowl in front of it.
“Eat.” He speaks with a raspy voice and you shamefully pull the blanket tighter around you as your skin prickles with goosebumps.
You move forwards attempting to put as little weight on your bandaged leg as possible as you take a seat on the chair that he pulled out. You pull the blanket over your shoulders and pick out a piece of apple from the bowl biting into it and sighing at how good it tastes. Although it’s just an apple it has been a few hours since you’ve had food so anything tastes delicious.
“What time is it?” You ask holding a slice of apple between your dirty fingers.
“Oh, I really need to be going.” You say moving the blanket off of your shoulders as you try and stand.”
“Stay.” The man says pushing against your shoulders with his large hands causing you to sit back down. “Too dark.”
“Well.. do you have a shower or bath I could use? Maybe a change of clothes as?”
The man nodded and walked out of the room and down the hallway before stopping and turning round when he realised that you were not following him, he looked down at your bandaged ankle and marched back to you scooping you up in his thick arms as he stopped back to the stairs and quickly made his way up them seemingly gliding as you try and comprehend what is going on.
When you reached the landing he guided you to the bathroom and surprisingly it was a lot tidier than you’d expected but you didn’t have time to observe the room before he placed you down onto the tiled floor and placed a hand on your lower back guiding you to the far side of the room where you saw a bath pressed against the window that overlooked part of the forest and a lake that you happily didn’t see or fall into last night.
The man stepped next to you, put the plug into the bath and turned on the taps running both the hot and cold water before hastily moving to get a towel for you. Once the water was at a decent level you quickly stripped and climbed in wincing as the warm water encased your wounds before reducing the feeling to a low throbbing sensation. You leaned backwards attempting to rest against the bath but shot up and yelped when you felt pain hit you. You couldn’t see how bad the wound was or what caused it but it must have been made by a branch from a tree when you were pushing through the woods.
The man mustn’t have been far from the room because he soon stormed into the room with a look of confusion across his face. “My back, I think I've done something to it, can you take a look?” You ask trying to cover your front up as much as you could whilst simultaneously turning in the bath to expose your back to the man.
He moves towards you and you jump slightly when you feel his fingers brush the hairs off your back exposing the painful site to him. “Your back cut, I help?” He says reaching for the cloth that you used to wash your face. You give it to him without further hesitation and he makes quick work of soaking  it in the bath water before rising it up to your back pressing it up against the wound with force causing you to growl in pain.
“Gentle!” You raise your voice to him hoping he reduces the pressure ASAP.
“No move.” He says as you try to wriggle away from him. “I say no move!” He repeats sterner than before as he presses a hand against your chest and pushes you back against him whilst he cleans the blood that began to pour from your back.
His fingers linger dangerously close to your throat and it’s a gesture that makes you obey his order as you sit up straight and try to remain still as he cleans your back. His movements are now gentle and you’re satisfied that he actually listened to your request. You take a moment to to admire his reflection in the window across from you and cant help but smirk when you see the concentration on his face as he cleans your wound.
He places a hand flat against your upper back and pushes you forwards to he can check for any injuries that might be on your lower back before he places a hand on your uninjured shoulder and attempts to turn you round in the bath to face him. “My front is fine.” You reassure him and he gives up trying to check if you’re hurt and hiding it.
You spot a jug on the side of the bath and reach for it deciding to wash any grime out of your hair. You fill the jug with water and try to raise your arms to wash your hair but the pain from your wrists and shoulders is too much so when the man reaches to take the jug from your hands you’re too weak to stop him. He raises the jug above your head and you tilt your head back so he can pour the water over you.
He sighs with content as he brushes his fingers through your hair and across your scalp sending a wave of heat to your face and thighs. He washes the dried mud from your hair being sure not to pull on your hair too much since he doesn’t want to upset you again by putting you in more pain than before.
You turn in the bath using one arm whilst your other arm covers your breasts so that you don’t expose yourself to the mystery man. You do your best to cover up as he stands holding the towel open for you keeping his eyes fixated on your body clearly having no inkling or consideration that he is doing anything wrong as you quickly take the towel from his hands and wrap it around you.
“Thank you.”
“John.” The man speaks and you pause your movements as you look over to him. “My name, John.”
“I’m Y/N.”
“Pretty name.” He speaks with a slight smile before resting the corners of his mouth to a straight line.
John turns and leaves the room and once again you try your best to keep up and follow him as he moves into what you assume is his room. His bed is large and neat and you can’t help but imagine exactly how much room this man must take up in such a big bed like that.
“You are cold?” He asks with concerned eyes.
“I’m fine.”
“For you.” He says holding out a t-shirt and some joggers before leaving the room.
You get dried and dressed as quickly as you can whilst standing with your back to John, you hand him the used towel which he takes and leaves the room before returning empty-handed.
“Come with me.” He speaks moving from the doorway.
You hear him walking down the hallway and quickly try to follow him as best as you can, clearly he forgets that you have an injured leg because he stops at the bottom of the stairs and breaths heavily through his nose with his arms folded as he stares up at you. You make your way down the stairs as quickly as you can and meet up with him again before he takes off into a different part of the house that you haven’t seen yet. As you finally enter the room after what felt like a few minutes you are startled to see the large fireplace that is positioned in the centre of the back wall between two large bookcases that are overflowing with leather back and paper back books.
“Sit.” He says motioning to the spot in front of the fireplace before he quickly leaves the room. You disobey him and instead move over to one of the bookcases and begin reading the spines for anything that peaked your interest, the books ranged from general history to ‘How to’ topics and gardening.
“Have you read all of these?” You ask when he enters the room again, his face clearly indicating he was annoyed that you moved out of your seat.
“You must really like reading then, there have to be about 100 books here.”
“More than that.” He grunts taking your hand and walking you back to the sofa where he sits you down and hands you a hot cup of tea.
“Thank you.” You say taking a sip from the cup and savouring the taste of the hot drink in your mouth. “This is lovely.”
“I know.”
You can’t help but sink back into the sofa as the heat radiating from the hot tea and the man next to you encases you sending you into a deep sleep before you get a chance to stop it.
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sunmoonandeddie · 5 years
pairing: steve rogers x reader
word count: 4,029
summary: If there’s one thing you hate more than anything, it’s disappointing your viewers.  But it’s looking like you might have to, since after your breakup with fellow YouTuber Thor Odinson, you have no one to film a highly requested Boyfriend Does My Makeup Challenge video.  That is, until your best friend, Natasha, steps in.
warnings: swearing
a/n: Let me know what you think!
“Nat, what the fuck am I going to do?”  You asked with a groan, flopping back onto your bed.  Your typically immaculate bedroom was in a state of disarray. Clothing was littered all over the floor, your bed hadn’t been made in days.  Hell, you couldn’t remember when you last showered, let alone cleaned your room.
“First things first, you’re going to shower,” the redhead said, her nose scrunching up as she sat behind you on the bed.  “Because—and I say this with so much in my heart—you reek.”
You huffed, glaring up at her.  “I’ve been having a rough time.”
“I know,” she said, though that didn’t stop her from pulling you off the bed and pushing you towards the bathroom.  She even went as far as starting the water for you and setting two towels on the toilet for you to grab.  “I thought that it was mutual,” she said, having to almost shout over the roar of the water as she pulled herself up to sit on the sink counter.
You frowned at the wall as you lathered the shampoo into your hair.  “It… was.  But I don’t know…,” you said, “We were together for almost two years.  I thought…  I thought he was the love of my life.  I guess it just hurts to be wrong.”
And that’s truly what the root of it was.  You and Thor had been together for a little over a year and a half and it had easily been the best relationship of your life.
But that was clearly over.
You leaned your forehead against the wall, letting the hot water just run over you.  “It probably says something that I’m mostly upset about not being able to give my viewers that Boyfriend Does My Makeup video, huh?”
Natasha barked out a laugh, a smile tugging at her lips.  She knew you’d be okay after she got you out of your filth. Cleaning your room could come later. First thing after your shower was to get you out of the house.  “At least it was mutual and he didn’t, like, cheat on you or anything.”
You scrubbed at your skin with a loofah, letting your conditioner sit in your hair.  “We both know that Thor would never cheat on anyone.  He can’t keep a secret to save his life, and he’d feel too bad.”
“You’ve got a point,” she said, picking up her phone as it dinged with a notification.  “Hey, is it okay if we stop by Sam’s before going grocery shopping?”
“I don’t care,” you said, finishing washing up.  You hadn’t been to her boyfriend’s house, but you’d known him since the two of them got together two years before.  Every time you’d seen him, it was usually at Natasha’s house.  “I thought he filmed on Wednesdays?”
“He does, but he left his favorite pair of tennis shoes at my place.”
Fitness gurus and their fucking tennis shoes.
You finally got out of the shower and brushed your teeth, pulling on fresh clothes for the first time in days.  And yeah, it was a hoodie and a pair of leggings, but it still counted.
“No makeup?” Nat asked quietly, and you bit your lip, frowning. The thought of stepping into your filming room was too much at the moment, and that’s where you kept all your makeup.
Part of being a beauty guru and all.
Her hand went to your cheek, pinching it softly before heading for the front door.  “Well, you know you look stunning no matter what.”
You let out a weak laugh.  “Even when I’m crying?”
“Even when you’re crying.”
Your phone went off when you were almost to Sam’s, and you had to restrain yourself from throwing it out the window.
“Do you still have notifications on for him?” Natasha asked, looking at you with huge green eyes from the driver’s side.
“Um…  No?” You hid your phone screen from her the best you could.
She reached over, grasping at it even though she was the one driving.  “Hand me your phone.”
“What?!  Nat, you’re driving!”
“Give me the phone!”
“No!”  You were seriously considering rolling down the window when she snatched it from your hands.
She held onto it until she pulled into Sam’s driveway, reading, “@thorodinson tweeted: ‘New Video Posted: Life Update.’”  She turned to you, saying, “Oh, come on.  That doesn’t mean it’s about—”
You rolled your eyes, hitting the video and opening it.  Your ex’s god-like face popped up on the screen, and he looked a little worse for wear.
“Hello, uh, everyone,” Thor said, rubbing his hands on his jeans.  “So, uh…  If you haven’t watched my last video, my girlfriend and I decided to end things.  I know this’ll come as a shock to everyone—”
Natasha shut off the video, grumbling as she grabbed Sam’s tennis shoes from the backseat, “Okay, okay.  But you two are the ones who decided to upload a breakup video together, à la Liza and David.”
“It’s not like we hate each other,” you said as the two of you finally got out of the car.  You stared up at the house, eyes widening as you shoved your hands in the pocket of your hoodie.  It was easily one of the biggest houses you’d ever seen.  “We were good friends before we started dating, and even if it takes us a while, we’ll get back to that eventually.  At least, I hope so.”
“That’s a tall order, Bambi.”
“Well, good thing he’s six foot four or whatever.”
She gave you the look that you called the Romanoff Stare, before slipping her key into the front door.  “Sam? Baby?  I’m here!” She called out, leading you inside.
“Sometimes I forget how much money Sam has,” you said as you looked around the front foyer.  It was absolutely stunning, with gorgeous marble flooring and dark mahogany furniture. There was a grand staircase leading from the center of the room up to the second floor.
“It’s not just him,” she reminded you, leading you further inside.  “His friends Steve and Bucky live with him, too.”
“Yeah, the…  the Fitness Bros, right?”  To be completely honest, you hadn’t ever seen any of the groups’ videos.  It wasn’t exactly your thing, though you had seen Sam’s vlogs when Natasha was in them.
She bit her lip as she went quiet, clearly listening for where the residents of the house were.  After a long moment, a grin spread over her lips.  “Technically, they’re ShieldFitness, but they have that rivalry going on with the Science Bros, so yeah.  The Fitness Bros.  Steve and Bucky are chill.  You’d like them.”  She waved you along, leading you downstairs.  As the door opened, you could hear music blasting and the sound of weights being lifted and dropped and lifted again.  “Boys! I’m here!”
When you got to the bottom of the stairs, you froze.
The entire basement had been converted into a state-of-the-art gym.
“Holy shit,” you said, taking it all in.  You hadn’t been to a gym in years, not since…  Well.
“Hey, baby!”
You looked up just in time to see an extremely sweaty Sam Wilson bound over to Natasha and pull her into a passionate kiss.  “Hey, Sam.  Nice to see you, too.”
The man in question smirked as he pulled away from the kiss.  “Hey, Bambi.”  His face fell as he saw the state you were in.  “How are you holding up?”
“I’m fine,” you said with a shrug, pulling out your phone.  You could at least pretend to be okay if you kept your nose on your screen.
Natasha shook her head at Sam, mouthing, “She’s not.”
The two other men in the gym hadn’t yet noticed that they had visitors. That, or they were just deciding to ignore the two of you.  You were okay with either option, if you were being honest.  You hated meeting new people when you didn’t have makeup on, as horrible and insecure as it sounded.  It was just… makeup was your thing.  You didn’t leave the house without it ninety percent of the time.
You felt your heart sink as you saw the texts your manager had sent you.
Maria Hill: You need to find a video to replace the Boyfriend Does My Makeup one ASAP.
Maria Hill: People are extremely upset about you and Odinson breaking up.
Maria Hill: And I know that you’re upset, and this is going to sound like it’s in poor taste, but your breakup won’t keep people entertained for long.  #thambibreakup already stopped trending a few days ago.
“Bambi?  You good?”
Rubbing your eyes, you passed the phone to Natasha without another word. Your head was pounding from the effort it took not to cry.
She hummed as she stared down at the phone, though she looked up in surprise as she heard more weights crashing to the ground.
Across the gym, a blond that you vaguely remembered from some of Sam’s vlogs—Steve?—was doing deadlifts.  He wiped his brow as he finished his last rep, smiling bashfully down at the ground as the brunet—Bucky, if your memory was right—rushed over.
“You’re steadily dead lifting three hundred pounds, man,” he said, fist bumping the other.
And it was like a light bulb went off in Natasha’s head.  “Steve!  Get over here!”
Sam eyed his girlfriend suspiciously.  “What are you up to?”
“I’m fixing Bambi’s problem, and getting Steve out of the house and the gym,” she said under her breath, before turning to where the man was jogging towards the three of you, the brunet following close behind.
“Hey, Nat, what’s up?” He asked, grabbing his water bottle and chugging down half of it.
You tucked your phone into your hoodie pocket, figuring it’d be rude to be on it when you were getting introduced to new people.
“Steve, this is my best friend, Bambi,” she said, pushing you towards him. “Bambi, this is Steve.”
“Hi.  Nice to meet you,” you said, smiling sheepishly as you held your hand out for him to shake. Despite the way you presented on your YouTube channel, you were actually rather shy.  Meeting new people was nerve wracking and exhausting, to say the least.
“The pleasure’s all mine,” he said, shaking your hand firmly.  It surprised you a little when he clasped his free hand over it, squeezing softly as his startling blue eyes met yours.
Your cheeks went red as he realized he’d been shaking your hand for a few moments longer than what was probably considered normal, and he dropped it quickly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“And I’m Bucky,” the brunet said, inserting himself into the conversation. He was grinning, knowing that he had interrupted what one might consider a moment.
“Hi, Bucky, I’m Bambi,” you said with a giggle, your cheeks going red as he shot you a playful wink.
Natasha rolled her eyes at his antics before turning back to the blond. “So, Steve, how would you feel about doing Bambi’s makeup?”
“What?!”  You whirled on Natasha, eyes widening.
His brows furrowed as his eyes darted back and forth between the two of you. “I mean…  I’m not opposed.  What for?”
“Bambi was going to film a Boyfriend Does My Makeup video with Thor Odinson before they broke up last week, and she’s worried about disappointing her viewers while her manager is on her ass about putting out more content.”
“Look, it’s ridiculous,” you said, shaking your head rapidly.  “You don’t have—”
“I’d love to.”
“—to do it just because—”  You broke off, blinking at him slowly.  “Wait… What?”
Steve shrugged, a small smile tugging at his lips.  “I’d love to be in your video.  I don’t know anything about makeup, but I’ll do my best.”
You couldn’t help but grin.  “It kind of makes it better if you don’t know anything.”  For just a second, you forgot about all the shit surrounding your breakup as you stared into his eyes.
“Name a time and a place, sugar.”
The next morning, you rushed around your house, desperately trying to make sure there was no sign of your post-breakup-sadness left.  You’d spent the night before cleaning your room and scrubbing down the kitchen.  There’d been dishes piled up from the past week, covered in whatever you’d managed to make in your stupor after getting through the first few days with zero appetite.
You had just finished setting up your filming room when you heard the knock on your front door.  “Coming!” You shouted, bounding down the stairs.  Your socked feet slid against the hardwood floor, and you took a deep breath before throwing open the door, revealing Steve.  “Hey!”
“Hey, yourself,” he said, before holding up a takeout bag.  “I got us lunch.  Natasha mentioned that you were dying to try that new sushi place on forty-second, so I figured…”
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said, shock written all over your face. He was already filming a video for your channel as a favor.  Not to mention, on such short notice.  Hell, you’d never done a collaboration without more than three days’ notice, let alone less than twenty-four hours.
He stepped inside as you led him through, up to the makeup room.
“We can eat while we do the video,” you said, flicking on the light for your filming room.  It was a little dimmer than most normal ceiling lights, but you kept it that way since you just used a ring light for your videos anyway.  “This is where the magic happens.”
“This is… amazing,” he said with a bit of a laugh as he took in your whole set up.  “This is way nicer than the stuff we use on our channels.”
You shrugged, your cheeks going a little red as you sat down on the bench in front of your vanity.  “Yeah, but I’m sure your equipment can handle a lot more roughhousing, since it’s used in a gym and everything.”
Steve hummed in response, the trance not breaking for another few seconds.
When he finally took his seat next to you, you let out a long huff of air.  “Do we just want to wing it?” You asked, biting your lip.
“Whatever you want, sugar,” he said, his warm smile reassuring you.
After a final nod for confirmation, you grabbed the little remote for your camera and hit the record button.  After a second, the little red light appeared and you grinned, immediately jumping into your YouTuber personality.  “Hello, gorgeous, and welcome to my channel!”  You knew that your subscribers would be able to tell that you were a little bit off, but then again, practically the entire YouTube community knew about the breakup by now.  “So, as you can probably tell by the title of this video, we’re going to be doing the Boyfriend Does My Makeup Challenge.  But…” You trailed off, motioning to Steve. “This isn’t the usual tall, blond, hunk of a man you’re used to seeing.  This is Steve Rogers, A.K.A. one-third of the channel ShieldFitness.”
“Hello!” He said, his blue eyes twinkling.  He was kind of mesmerized by just how many products were in front of him, and he could see several makeup towers against the wall, out of view, that definitely held much, much more.
“Steve has so graciously agreed to do this video after Natasha guilt tripped him, because I got dumped,” you said, grinning as Steve barked out a laugh. He clearly hadn’t been expecting how blunt you were going to be with the situation.  Your gaze softened a little as you took in the sight of him laughing, his hand clapping over his chest as his nose scrunched up.
He was… quite beautiful.
“So, what do you say we jump right in?”
Steve nodded, letting out one last, breathless chuckle as he tried to regain his composure.  “Alright, uh… I have no idea what I’m doing, so we’ll see how this goes.”  He stared at the products on your desk for what felt like forever.
“I haven’t put on any products at all.  This is my face fresh from the shower.”  You suddenly remembered that he had picked you up lunch, and you grabbed the bag.  “While you do that, I’m going to unpack some of this food.”  While he tried to decide where to start, you continued to talk to the camera, setting take out containers no the vanity, “Can we just talk about how amazing this man is?  He almost gets blackmailed into doing this video, and he still brings me food without me asking.”
“Uh…  We start with this stuff, right?” He asked, holding up a bottle of lotion.  “Natasha puts… something like this on her face before makeup, I think.”
You shrugged, trying not to make a face.  “This is all on you, buddy.”
God, you hoped he didn’t put actual lotion on your face.
Helplessly, you watched as he squirted a little bit out onto his fingers, before turning to you.  “May I?” He asked, waiting until you nodded to start gently rubbing it into your skin.
The fact that he’d put lotion on your face instead of moisturizer meant that you were going to have to wash your face immediately after, no matter how the makeup turned out.  If you left it on for too long, there was no way your face wasn’t going to break out.
“You’re grimacing,” he said with a groan, pursing his lower lip as he finished rubbing the lotion into your face.  “I already messed it up, didn’t I?”
“No, no,” you giggled, shaking your head.  “Keep going.”
After a moment’s hesitation, he turned back to the neatly organized products.  “Uh… Well, this says primer, so that means it has to go first, right?”  He frowned, realizing he wasn’t going to get an answer from you and he wasn’t allowed to use his phone.
It was kind of killing you that he was using his fingers for everything so far.
“Can you at least tell me the order you do things in?” He asked, looking a little overwhelmed.  “Because my ex did her makeup face, eyebrows, eyes, lips.  But Natasha does it eyebrows, eyes, face, lips when she does it at our house.”
“I do it how Natasha does it.”  You took the momentary break to snatch a takeout container marked ‘spider roll’ and a pair of chopsticks.
He nodded, scanning the vanity until he found what he must’ve been looking for.  “Okay, eyebrows.”  He held up a little Anastasia Dipbrow, and you could’ve wept with happiness at his choice.
There was hope for him, yet.
Steve took a moment to dig through your brushes, before picking out a Morphe M124 brush—a firm shadow brush definitely not meant for eyebrows. “So, how’d you get the name ‘Bambi?’” He asked as he leaned in close, carefully bringing the brush to your brows. His breath smelled of mint gum, and his hand was a pleasant warmth against your face.
“Because Nat says I’m the clumsiest person she’s ever met,” you said with a short laugh, trying your best not to mess him up.  “She said that I remaindered her of a newborn fawn.  We actually became friends because I tripped and spilled queso all over her when we were in college, and then sat with her in the laundry room for two hours.
You had no idea what happened with eyeshadow, since he made you close your eyes during the entirety of it.  And you were surprised with how well he managed to put on mascara.
“I use this thing, right?  And… what’s it called?...  I bounce it or something,” he said, brows furrowing as he stared at one of your many Beauty Blenders.  He picked out a foundation from the eighteen you had sitting on the vanity, and he carefully began to drag it across your skin.
Dry.  He was dragging your dry Beauty Blender across your face.
“I don’t like that you’re biting your lip,” he muttered, though there was an embarrassed smile on his lips.
“Why not?” You laughed.
“It makes me nervous because I know I’m doing something wrong,” he said, his blue eyes flickering up to meet yours for just a second before he quickly looked away again, his cheeks tinging pink.
“You’re doing… fantastic,” you reassured him, though the both of you knew it was only half-true at best.
He shot you a look, and your heart fluttered a little in your chest.
Steve went quiet for a few moments, before asking, “So what happened between you and Thor?”  After a second, he quickly added, “You don’t have to tell me.  And I don’t know if you like doing jump cuts in your editing or if you even want people to know what happened and—”
“Steve, it’s fine,” you said, effectively cutting him off.  You took in a deep breath.  “Uh…  Well… We just kind of grew apart, I guess. We both want different things from life and, hell, his move out to L.A. just kind of showed us how much it wasn’t working anymore.  We’ll always be friends, and I’ll always love him, but…  I don’t know.  It’s more of a family kind of love now, if that makes sense?”
“It makes total sense.”
“And it was no one’s fault.  Truly.” You closed your eyes as you spotted him grab your translucent powder.  Usually you used it to bake your face, but he just did an all over dusting.  “What we had was really, really good, and I’ve never had anything bad to say about him.”  You paused. “Except that sometimes he forgot to put the seat down and I’d fall into the toilet at three in the morning.”
He barked out a laugh, shaking his head in amusement.  You could feel him putting on what you hoped was blush and contour, but you had no way to tell without opening your eyes, and you were just enjoying having someone do your makeup for once and not the other way around.
“Okay,” he said after smearing what you prayed was lipstick.  “I think I’m done.”
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve done,” you said, pulling out a hand mirror. You’d put the mirror you usually kept in the center of the ring light beneath the vanity, in order to keep yourself from peeking.  Your eyes widened as you took in your face, your hand slapping over your mouth.
Your foundation was a little bit thin, with how he’d dragged it across your skin and foregone concealer.  Your eyebrows were a good shape, though they were extremely blocked out. Your eyes were alright.  He’d gone simple, only using a shimmery pink eye shadow on the lid.  But, once again, he hadn’t used concealer to set a base.  It didn’t look bad, just not as good as it could’ve gone.  There was even a little bit of gold in the corner of your eyes.  Your mascara was only covering about half of your lashes, and he hadn’t done your bottom ones, but that was probably out of fear, and you wouldn’t fault him that. Your contour was a little heavy, and your blush almost nonexistent.  Your lipstick was… acceptable.
“Ta da,” he said, trailing off as he waited for your reaction.
A laugh bubbled from your lips as you touched your face.  “This isn’t the best I’ve seen, but it definitely isn’t the worst,” you said.
“You know what,” he mused, a triumphant grin on his face.  “I’ll take it.”
Later that night, after you spent three hours editing everything and posted the video, your phone dinged.
Maria Hill: The Boyfriend Does My Makeup Challenge video was brilliant.  No one can shut up about how cute it is.
You hesitated for a moment before muttering, “Fuck it,” and shooting a text off to Steve.
Bambi: Everyone loves the video :)
It took less than two minutes to receive a response.
Steve Rogers: That’s great! Let me know if you ever want to do another video!  Goodnight, sugar :)
Bambi: Goodnight, Steve :)
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sunnyblackwidow · 5 years
Natasha Romanoff X Reader - Natasha's secret
Sypnosis: For a long time, Natasha has kept you hidden from the outside world. No one but Nick knew about your existence. It was going to change soon when the team was in danger and needed help.
Warnings: Angst(?), fluff, a little bit of smut.
So it's the first story I've written for tumblr and I hope you enjoy it. Please don't forget to let me know what you think, your feedback is what keeps me writing. I'm open to requests so hit me up.
The team had been compromised. They needed a place to hide. Your place was the nearest and the most well equipped. Natasha knew that. She brought them there replying all questions with "We'll be safe there."
Cap had the worst injury and needed to be treated asap, Clint had needed stitches, Tony only had a few bruises due to his suit, Thor was mostly unscathed and your girlfriend, Natasha had a bullet lodged in her thigh.
You were sitting down at your desk doing last minute night work when the front door opened. Your eyes lit up. It meant that Natasha was home. You stepped out to see the Avengers staggering into your living room. They looked visibly startled to see you but didn't say anything. Their eyes held fatigue and you grabbed your coat from behind your door hurriedly.
Your worried eyes scanned for Natasha. She had an arm around Thor and hobbled into the room.
"Baby I'm sorry. I didn't have time to-" she tried to explain but you cut her off.
"It's fine. Sit down guys." You quickly took out your first aid box. The name "First-aid box" gave it no justice as it contained everthing anyone could possibly need from band-aids to sutures and scapels. It even had a comfort toy.
You instructed Clint and Cap to lie down. You quickly strip the dining table of it's decorations and sterilize the surface. You lay down a cloth and tell Clint to sit there while you stitch up his arm. Being the expert that you were, he was good to go in 7 minutes.
As for Cap his wound was much more complicated. Thor carried him to the table. You assessed the injury, set up what you needed and got to work. There was a small shard of the alien like blade lodged into his abdomen. His stomach was punctured but the other organs were all fine. You removed the shard and quickly added gauze around the area. There were no other shards and you quickly and skillfully stitched up his stomach. The stiches were small and precise. The Avengers watched your movements in awe. In no time you had stitched up the tear in his stomach. "Thor" you called out to the man standing next to the machine, "Vitals please."
"Erm lots of numbers.... Which colour ones do you need?"
"Vitals are stable baby. You can stitch him up." Natasha piped in.
You gave a nod and started to suture up the wound. You tried your best to make the wound look pretty and to stitch it up so it wouldn't scar too much. The man had to look pretty. He was Captain America after all. Once you were done with the last stitch you cut the thread and heaved a sigh of relief.
"He'll be much better after some rest. Lay him down on the bed down the hall please. The blue door."
As Thor carried Captain to the spare room, you help Natasha onto the table and sat her down. The bullet was lodged in her upper thigh. Easy to remove and only a about two stitches were needed. It was a simple but painful procedure. As if she could read your thoughts, Natasha said "Just do it Y/N. I can take it."
You looked up to her with a worried expression. "You sure?"
"Go ahead," she said as she pushed her leg towards you.
You breathed deepy and went in with the tweezers. She laid her head on your neck and gripped the back of your shirt as you reached in , gritting her teeth, eyes squeezed shut. As you pulled the bullet out, Natasha screamed and gripped your shirt even tighter. The scream sent chills down your spine hating the fact that your loved one had to feel pain.
She let out the breath she didn't even know she had been holding when the metalic cling of you plopping the bullet into the tray sounded out. Even as you stitched up the wound, she never did let go of your shirt. Only until you were done with the stitches then did she let go. You wrapped up her leg and gave it a gentel pat.
"Good job little red." You said as you said before giving her a peck on lips.
You turned around to see the remaining of the team looking at the two of you, looking like they were going to burst from the number of questions they wanted to ask but refrained from asking.
You didn't even change your gaze as you applied medicinal remedy on all their bruises that would male sure the ugly blue and purple marks would fade within 12 hours. "I'll blow up some beds," you said before walking to the store room the get the inflatable beds that you and Natasha had gotten in case of this kind of emergency.
She had told you when you had started dating that it wasn't an easy path to take when you wanted to date the world's best spy. But you didn't care. Now, you're her everything and she was your world. You trained in the medical line to make sure that if she ever came home injured you could treat her. To make sure that in any situation, she would never leave you as long as she was in your hands.
You fit the beds in the visitors room next to the existing bed which held a sleeping Steve Rogers. You put the other two in the living room.
"You guys can wash up in the toilet. It's in the room Cap's in. Beds are ready but you can sleep anytime you want. I'll go cook something. You boys must be hungry.
You walk to the kitchen to begin cooking up some greens, meat and your secret recipe smoothies used to boost up Nat's strength for the team. Just as you were done searing the steak, Natasha walked in.
"Hey uhm Y/N. I'm really sorry about coming in like this. We just...we just were in a really tight spot and I know you don't-" Natasha tried to explain before you slienced her with a kiss. The kiss turned heated and you lifted her onto the island. She grabbed your face and wrapped her legs around your waist as you slipped your hands around her and pulled her closer. She tasted the same as always, sweet. But this time there was something else that could be felt. Desire.
You hadn't seen each other in months and you two were so deperate to hold each other again. To touch each other again that you completely forgot where you were. All you needed was her. Her touch. Her kiss. Her smell.
All tongues and lips left red. Teeth clashing, tongues brushing. You didn't care about anything as long as she was safe and in your arms.
The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped you and Nat out of the trance you had been in. It was Thor. "I'm sorry lovely lady who's been smooching the all so deadly and private, Natasha Romanoff. But can we take her for just a sec. I promise we'll return her to you."
You blushed furiously and coughed awkwardly unwrapping Natasha's legs which have been tightly holding you in place. "Of course you may, I'll just cook the rest of the food up and we'll eat how does that sound?"
Natasha smirked at your embarassment and gave you a kiss on the cheek before walking off.
Thor turned around and gave a wink before skipping over to the sofa where the concious Avengers were gathered.
You fanned yourself trying to cool down from what had just happened before you cut the steak and set them onto their respective warmed plates, adding the greens as well as some garnishes. You put those in the warmer as you got started on the, as you call it, strength smoothies.
Throwing frozen fruit, vegetables and açaí just to add flavour into the blender, you buzzed the thing up. In about 10 minutes, you had a jug full of the smoothie and put it into the fridge. The Avengers were still talking and so you decided to start washing up. You put all the pots and pans in the sink and slowly scrubbed each and everyone of them. You hummed your favourite song as you cleaned trying to make the process less boring. Once done you wiped it all with a dry, clean towel and put them back in their respective places.
Natasha always liked to call you a perfectionist. Making sure things were neat despite the number of things you had. Your shared bedroom was split into two. The left side hers, and the right side yours. Her side was simplistic. All the basic things like her tools, a gun, black widow bites and a picture frame with the two of you in a lip lock during one of your dates infront of a ferris wheel. Your side however, was a neat mess of photos hung on walls, strings linking them together. A peg board with momentos as well as your drawing of your girlfriend. You can even see the distinct line on the walls where the room was split because in order to save space, you lined the photos up in a straight, vertical line going down from as high as you could reach to the dresser which you two, also shared.
You smiled at the memory of Natasha teasing you about how you might as well decorate the bathroom in half as well with all your antics. Your reply to that was "I would. But then we can never get hot and steamy inside like we always do," which earned you a pinch to your cheek that although painfull, made her so cute that you just had to kiss her.
Snapping out of your flashback, you saw Natasha leaning against the entrance of the kitchen.
"Wake up dreamy. We're done you can cone out now." You can see that she was tired. But her eyes had a green sparkle. Her body was toned and curvy in all the right places making you want to just pounce on her. But you refrained from doing so. Not while everyone was here.
"Yes Ma'am," you said smiling as you put the last pan away and took out the food, balancing three on your right arm and two on your left.
You laid the food out as Natasha handed them the utensils. You went back in to get the drink before all you you sat down around the table and ate dinner.
"Oh my god Nat. You never told us your...." Tony said before pausing. "Roomate, was so good at cooking." He finished with a small smirk.
"That's funny Tony. You see. I don't even remember telling you I *had* said roomate." Natasha replied.
"Well now that you *did*, why not just let the cat out of the bag huh Nat. How long has it been?" Tony asked excitement flowing out of him.
At that moment, Tony looked like a child, giddy with excitement. Curious to know everything around him.
Natasha looked at you and you flashed her an 'it's okay' smile. "It's been two years and a half." She replied flatly.
"Didn't think you of all people would be able to have such a long relationship. Being away so much and all." Thor teased before letting out a groan as Natasha kicked him from under the table.
The others at the table just grinned at this knowing that you and her were serious about the relationship.
The rest of the meal consisted of the Avengers learning more about you, how you met Natasha and as, you quote Tony, "Deal with such a difficult woman".
The crew slowly started to learn about you, what you did for a living and why you were so good at fixing people. Their trust grew as well as certainty that you were, indeed the only one that can make Natasha soft and believed that you were the right one for her.
"Did I miss anything?" Cap's voice rang out as you guys sat around drinking after the dinner.
"Nope," Clint said. "How are you feeling Cap?"
"Better, and curious." Steve replied.
You had gone to the kitched to retrieve his part of the dinner and as you approached him he asked "Who are you and why are you so good at stitching people up?"
"Hi Steve. I'm Y/N. Natasha's girlfriend. I'm trained in all aspects of medical care to make sure that she," you pause and look at Natasha, "Is always safe." You end with a smile looking straight into Steve's eyes.
"Considering that you did such a good job on me, I'm sure Nat's not going to have any problems. Pleased to meet you. I'm Steve Rogers also known as Captain America," he stuck his hand out for a shake.
You grinned and shook his hand thankful that he trusts you with one of his best friends.
"Hey Natasha. I get why you like her so much now. Her smile is entracing isn't it." Steve said as he tucked in.
"Too bad guys. She's mine." Natasha said protectively before pulling you onto the couch, between her legs and hugging you and shooting the men a glare.
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deklaire-blog · 5 years
A Bad Decision {Whumptober Day 3- Prompt- Delirium}
{ When Peter doesn’t go to medical after an injury, the wound gets infected. Fearing the consequences if Tony finds out, Peter tries to take care of it himself. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go quite as well as hoped. Day 3 of Whumptober? Prompt 3- delirium. POTENTIAL T/W FOR INTENSE DESCRIPTION OF AN INFECTED WOUND, VOMITING, MINOR ANXIETY, AND MORPHINE TO TREAT PAIN. If any of these things may be triggering to you, please stay safe by doing what is best for you! @whumptober2019 }
Okay, sure, Peter had dodged medical. But they all dodged medical. He’d once witnessed Natasha claiming she could ‘stitch herself up’ whilst trying to hold her own intestines inside her body. It hadn’t been a big deal. It wasn’t a big deal. It was a scratch, really. His healing would take care of it, just like it always did. Or maybe not.
He prodded the flesh gently, his hand flinching away on contact. The cut was just above his lowest rib, festering and bubbling with pus. The skin around it was burning hot, sending a sharp pain through his body with Peter’s every move. He eyed the cabinet above his bathroom sink warily. If he went to medical like this, Tony was bound to find out. If Tony found out, he was bound to kill Peter and take his suit away, not necessarily in that order. His only choice was to take care of this himself, and the cut was going to need to be cleaned, ASAP. He took a shaky breath and opened the closet door.
Bottles of pills and first aid supplies lined the shelves. Tony wasn’t stupid, he knew his kid better than to think he’d have a doctor look at every cut and scrape. To make up for it, Peter had access to everything he’d need to take care of minor things. He glanced down at his bare chest again, wondering if this counted as minor.
First thing first, this was gonna hurt bad enough as it was, he could at least take some of his superhero-level prescribed painkillers. He grabbed the bottle, shaking a few into his hand. He slurped at the tap water from his sink, washing the pills down with some difficulty. He’d never been good with capsules.
Now was the hard part. Peter could do this, after all, he’d done it plenty of times before. A little peroxide, wrap up the wound tight, and he’d be all set. Hopefully. Before he could talk himself out of it, he grabbed the brown bottle, screwed off the cap, and poured it directly onto the wound.
Spots danced behind his eyes, his entire body shaking, trying to reject the process. He forced himself not to stop, biting down hard onto his tongue when he felt nausea building up. He couldn’t help but let out a strained cry. He had half a mind to just call his dad, let Tony take him to medical. Stroke his hair while the doctor fixed him up. Telling him to rest but promising a proper lecture in the morning. The last part is was made him push on. When he realized he’d stopped pouring the liquid fire, he put his shaking hand back, making himself pour again.
He bit his tongue again, straight through the delicate flesh. It was the taste of blood that did him in, sending him to retch over the sink. At first it was dry heaves, barely escaping as he swallowed convulsively. He wouldn’t throw up. He wouldn’t throw up. Despite his efforts, the medication came up first, strings of half digested, chalky pills dripping from his lips. Another contraction of his stomach muscles and a full fledged stream of liquid left his mouth, snot running down his nose to join. His shoulders racked with sobs as his body set out for another round, and another, and another. It was all bile now, burning his esophagus as tears streamed down his face. His body didn’t stop though, convulsing until black spots danced in front of his eyes, his body begging for oxygen.
Slowly, finally, the torture stopped. He took deep breaths, eying the wound again. Now that it wasn’t filled with pus, he could tell it was deeper than he’d originally thought. Seeping out a steady stream of blood. He’d have to stitch it up. His eyes darted back up to the shelf. Apparently his dad hadn’t thought that was necessary supplies outside of the medbay. He’d have to make do.
Pressing a wash cloth against the wound, he ventured back into his room, heading for his desk. He gruffly shoved a drawer open, rummaging through the mess. Peter’s room may be pristine on the outside, but inside the drawers junk was littered everywhere. It took him a few minutes to find the old sewing kit. The one he’d used to stitch up his makeshift suit before his dad had found out he was Spider-Man and given him an upgrade.
He reluctantly carried it back to the bathroom, opening the bag and spilling out its contents. He grabbed the biggest needle he saw, dousing it in alcohol before doing the same with a black spool of thread. He found it harder to thread the needle than originally planned. His hands were trembling, his vision doubling. It was only by dumb luck that he managed to pull the string through.
He swallowed heavily, staring at the wound. It’s just like sewing up your suit. He quietly promised himself. Nothing to worry about.
Before he could think about it any more, he pinched his skin together and stuck the needle straight through it. The needle was all the way through before the newest wave of pain caught up with him, and he had to grit his teethe hard to quiet the sobs racking his shoulders. His eyes watered, making his vision fuz all over again. He’d done it, though. He’d stuck the needle straight through. That had to be the worst part, right? Wrong. The friction of thread against skin, pulling pain stakingly slowly, finally sent him over the edge.
He let out a strangled cry, letting go of the needle so the string dangled loosely from his flesh. He tried to steady himself on the sink basin, but his hands were slick with blooding, slipping off of the smooth surface. He fell, his head smacking porcelain and tile. His vision burned bright white, and then went black.
Tony was in the zone. Music blasting loud enough to burst his eardrums, tools being handed to him before he even had to say it, his AIs and drones and robots all working in sync has laser focused on his newest projects. This could change lives, save lives, end world hunger and-. “Uh, FRIDAY? Why did you just turn off my AC/DC?”
“Sorry boss, but I believe Peter is in distress and may need assistance.” Tony was up and walking at that. Or, more so running.
“What kid of distress are we talking here, FRI? Panic attack? Stomach bug? I swear to Thor if he caught another asgardian stomach bug I-“
“Peter appears to be suffering from a seizure” Tony’s blood ran cold.
“Call Cho, get her up here now.”
“Already done, boss.”
The ride up the elevator to the next floor felt endless, like the trip was miles long. He was out of the door as soon as there was enough space for him to squeeze through. Tony was practically tripping over himself to get into Peter’s room.
The room was empty, contents from his desk drawer strewn across its surface, and the bathroom door ajar. He could just see Peter’s bare foot, shaking sporadically.
“Peter? Pete?” He dashed forward, and the closer he got the worse it was.
Blood was everywhere, red hand prints streaming down the sink, dark liquid pooling on the floor, already drying brown on his kid’s face. And then there was the wound. The blood was almost bubbling up from it, the skin puckered and sickening red streaks spread out from his skin. Yellow pus and cloudy liquid leaked out with the blood. Infection. Worst of all a string with a needle hung from it, a single sloppy stitch cutting through his skin. He’d actually tried to stitch himself up. Tony dropped to his knees and prodded the blood-covered forehead, cringing at just how hot it was. How had this happened?
There was protocol in place for this. Karen should have alerted him, or FRIDAY, or one of the hundred of AIs and drones and robots he had flying around this place. Medical had strict instructions to always check the kid over, even if he seemed fine. The kid was a seasoned liar with little to no self preservation.
“Kid, please wake up.” He clutched the sticky hand. “Please.”
His only response was more convulsive shaking from the kid’s body. He wanted to stay there forever. Just clutching onto his baby. But Cho was shoving him out of the way, strong arms were holding him back, someone was putting Peter on a stretched, carrying him away. He caught a hint of blue on his kid’s lips, lacking oxygen and color. He all but collapsed into Steve’s arms.
“Can’t you give him something for the pain?” Cho’s eyes studied him like Tony was a hurt puppy dog.
“The best we have is Steve’s morphine, and you know the consequences of that can be-“
“I don’t care!” Tears were prickling behind the man’s eyes and he desperately blinked them away.
“Tony,” Steve’s soft voice washed over him, always grounding. The younger man’s calloused hand rested on Tony’s shoulder. “Just take a deep breath, then decide.”
Reluctantly, he did as he was told. The first inhale was choppy, anxiety racking his system. But the next was a little easier, easing the tension built up in his shoulders.
“I just… Look at him.” Tony’s eyes flickered from Peter’s trembling form to Steve’s pinched expression. “He’s hurting.” Cho nodded in understanding.
“It’s your call, Tony. I have to hear you say it though, and you’ll need to sign off on some paperwork.”
“That’s fine, just… give him whatever it takes to stop hurting.”
Someone was stroking Peter’s hair. Long, calloused fingers allowing the curly strands to slips through their finger tips over and over again. Peter liked that.
He blinked his eyes open, trying to adjust to the light. Where was he? Everything was white, and blurry at the edges. Like the entire world had become soft. Someone hovered just to his right, but not looking at him. He slowly attached the arm to the fingers in the hair. Same person. Looking down at something small and glowing. A phone, maybe, but Peter was too tired to really tell. A halo formed around the light of it though, and Peter was pretty sure that was weird. In fact, halos were forming around all the lights. He blinked hard but it didn’t go away.
“Pete?” The voice was floaty, almost far away. “Peter, you feeling alright, bud?” Peter’s eyes drifted lazily towards the noise, apparently coming from the man next to him. He recognized the face, but couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He just knew that face made him feel really good. In fact everything felt really good right now. Even if he couldn’t get any of his thoughts into a straight line.
He smiled wordlessly at the man, and the face smirked back. “Go back to sleep, kiddo. You’re gonna be feeling pretty out of it for awhile.” The voice was still floaty and sing songy, like a lullaby. My tried to tell him to keep talking but only a jumbled mass of sounds came out of his mouth. He frowned a little but the man just chuckled. “It’s okay bambino, I’m not going anywhere.” The voice didn’t stop this time, and Peter let his eyes drift closing, knowing it would still be there when he woke up.
{ @whumptober2019 }
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omnyamaflowerz · 5 years
Next Door
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Warnings: Alpha/Omega dynamics, Pure smut, some overstimulation, cursing. The reader is black so...yeah
You got this droning sound in your ears. Staring down at the empty pill bottle, you made a shocking realization. Whines left your mouth as you tossed the container into the trashcan. Your heat was on and you were out of suppressants. You stood at your sink, already slick from a wet dream and your body temperature slightly elevated. “Fuck.” you said as you leaned over and pressed your lips together. It was 3 a.m. and you needed something to ease your tensions. You turned on your shower and pulled the lavender soap from your cabinet.
You tried washing yourself and letting the aroma calm you but, touching yourself only made it worse. Each rub across your breasts made you even more turned on. You had no idea why or how, but you began to draw circles on your clit. You moaned as the warm shower water cascading over you as did pleasure.
You braced yourself against the wall as you worked yourself. You wanted someone to rut inside you. You wanted to be filled to your brim. Overflow until you were blind. Your nails scratched against the walls of your shower as you came to your climax. You screamed and slid down the wall. You took deep breaths but it did nothing for you. You smacked your lips, moving the dial of your shower to the cold setting.
You were amazed in the morning that you were able to sleep. But you still had to another three days to make it through this. You were surfing your laptop waiting on your delivered breakfast, looking for a new doctor since you moved especially one that would prescribe more medicine ASAP.
You heard male voices outside your door. The grip on your pen tightened. Your jaw clenched as you held your legs closed. You were hit with more intense smells. All of them, harsh and musky. You pulled the blanket from behind you and pushed it to your nose trying to focus on the scent of it but, their scents still crept to your nose. The voices were deep and enticing on their own. Why won’t they just go away? Who was across the way anyway? That apartment was empty and had been months before you even moved in. You almost wanted to cry at the scents. You felt feverish all over again. You scrambled to turn your fan on and point it towards you. The cool air coming over you. You moved your laptop and slid down on the couch. Your nails scratching into the fabric as you bit your lip and moaned.
Some of the scents began to fade away. You could hear goodbyes and faded laughter. However, there was still...that scent. It was heavy and dark. It hit your nose and drove into you, like an 18-wheeler. You had half a mind to crawl to the door and let whoever it was piledrive you into your wood floor. There was a knock at the door. Had he smelled you too? You padded to the door nervously. You didn’t think to look through the peephole. You unlocked it and opened it.
“Hi! I have your breakfast! Thanks for ordering with us.” the sweet girl said. Clearly, she had to have been on suppressants with how chipper she was. It almost pissed you off, the genuine, cute smile on her face. You grabbed your large brown bag from her and started to hand her the tip. You could barely focus with the hard leather smell. You coughed to distract her and make it seem like you just had bad allergies. You struggled to will yourself to function. Your muscles began to ache and your brain was rattling. You clenched your thighs as you signed for the receipt. Until you were beckoned to look past her. Your nostrils burning as the scent was at it’s strongest at that moment.
You shuddered at the sheer sight of him. With him, right there in front of you, his scent was all you could think about. And him. God, he was beautiful. Tall, muscular, brawny shoulders. It was apparent he was staring at you. His gaze was dangerous. His nostrils flared, he had fully engulfed you. His fist clenched. His skin seemed to turn red, his green eyes darkened.
“Ma’am?” the woman in front of you asked. You tossed the clipboard at her and retreated back and shut the door as he began to step forward. You struggled to the island of your kitchen before you dropped your breakfast. You gripped the countertop, reeling. The room almost seemed to spin as the scent was still so stuck in your head. Your knees almost buckled at the thought of him, plowing into you. No doubt a puddle in your panties.
You covered your nose with your hands as if that would really stop the scent from driving you mad. You fought the idea of going back to the door and dropping your dress for the man that was now your neighbor. You turned on your diffuser, hoping whatever oil was in it would help.
Florian tried focusing on putting things away. He had boxes to get through. He wanted to take care of setting up part of his place at least but, that sweet smell. He rolled his head around, cracking his neck as he could still smell you even through the walls. He bit his lip. He had never smelled anyone like you before. He had been so clouded earlier, but once you presented yourself and all he could do was take you in. Florian gripped the glass plate. The thoughts that ran through his head would make anyone feel dirty. However, he was imagining how you tasted. If your voice would get high pitched when he’d slide into you. He saw how nice and kept your nails looked. No doubt you’d mark up his back and chest. He winced as he could almost feel you, melting around him. Your body submitting to him and he’d fill you with every once of him. Florian was ripped from his fantasy as his grip on the porcelain plate shattered it.
“Damn it.” he grunted. He rushed to pick up the shards, careful not to cut himself. He felt himself aching in his pants as he tried gathering the pieces. Florian thought about how beautiful your skin looked. The rich deep brown that probably shined in the sunlight. Your thick lips had to taste as sweet as you smelled. He remained kneeling on the floor gathering himself. Florian huffed, your scent driving him insane. He had never smelled anyone like you. No one had sent him into a rut this great. To be fair, he hadn’t actually been sent into a rut in a long time but, this was different. One whiff of you and he was coming undone.
You began to writhe in the bedroom of your apartment. Not like, pinning yourself to the wall would get you further from his scent. You drenched the cloth in something fragrant, something that was made to calm the nerves but, it wasn’t working. Your knees locked as you felt yourself gushing. You needed relief. Desperately yanking your own panties from under your dress, you dug into your drawer for vibrators and toys. You laid back on your chair, legs spread. You fumbled, struggling to turn your favorite toy on. You tossed the towel as you took the lengthy toy, pushing it against you, positioning it on your nub.
“Yes.” you harped. You moaned as you angled it again, letting one part of it plunge into you and the smaller head resting on your clit. You grabbed your own breast, moaning as you dragged yourself to an orgasm. You felt feverish, a sweat breaking out over you. You began to slump in your chair.
Florian growled. Your scent intensified, filling his nostrils. His muscles became tense and he felt hot. He paced back and forth in the empty living room. Each breath or sniff had you all in it. Each time he moved, the fabric of his clothes that glided across him felt like torture. The movement didn’t quell his ailment, it only made it worse. Florian needed a more personal touch.
Suddenly, something struck him. There was something else. His head lifted to the ceiling, his nose itching and his skin practically vibrating. He looked at the wall as if he could see you through it.
You grasped your own thick curls as the ball in your core seemed to tighten. There was a loud banging on your door. Your eyes snapped open as you pulled the vibrator out of you. He was closer. You shuddered as you got up from your seat, your arousal squishing as you took small steps. You pulled your dress down as you got closer to the door. The leather scent slapped you in the face and beckoned you to open the door. There was another loud knock, almost as if he was beating against the door. Needy, just like you were.
“Hello?” you said, your voice shaking.
“My name is Florian...I just moved in across the way.” he said. You clocked the thick German accent and it made you want him even more. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” you spoke.
“Y/N.” Florian repeated as if it was the verse of a song. He licked his lips, now having your name to bounce around in his head.
Florian bounced on his feet, eager and anxious. His jaw was locked and it was like he had been standing there for eternity. He kept his hands in his pockets to stop him from grabbing the knob and forcing it open himself.
Neither of you knew what to say. You stood there, drowning in each other’s scents. Both of you torturing yourself with your piece of wood between you. You yearned more, squeezing your legs together. Your heat was at it’s absolute worse right now. He was just beyond the door. This could be your chance. His scent was driving you crazy. Your skin felt like static. You balled your hands into fists, trying to show restraint but, you knew he’d feel good inside of you.
“Why don’t you open the door?” he said. His voice just as deep and as strong as his scent. Your skin itched and the room began to spin. Your muscles reacted on their own at the demand. You unlocked the door and before you could pull it open, you felt a force push against you.
Florian pushed his way in, causing you to stumble back. In a swift movement, he shut the door, locked it, and pulled you close. He took a long sniff of you. The sweet cinnamon-like smell. He let out a low growl as he dragged his nose across the crook of her neck and to your shoulder. He grabbed you by your neck, forcing you into a kiss. You knees practically buckled, but his arm around your waist kept you upright. His tongue battling with yours. You grabbed fistfuls of shirt, moaning. Your legs gave more, forcing him to hold you up. His right hand left your neck, grabbing the back of your thigh and your ass cheek. You moaned, struggling as he kept you against him and groped you. “No panties, huh? You’ve been really needing a fucking.” His arm and fingers extended, finding your dripping entrance. He dipped into you with two fingers making you moan. However, you knew it wouldn’t be enough, you still enjoyed it. You yelped as you began to bend back at his weight. You buried your face into his neck with your cheeks warm with embarrassment and shuddering.
You gasped as he forced you further into the room. You pulled away to push against him, but he grabbed your wrists. Not before licking his fingers clean of you. Your back met your couch, your legs falling open as he got on top of you. He licked along your collarbone as he gripped your wrists, holding you down. You mewled under him as you twisted. Florian grabbed the backs of your knees, spreading you for him. Your arousal was apparent as it had spread over your lips and part of your thighs.
Florian didn’t waste time, plunging his tongue into you. You cried out as you tried to turn. Florian held you in place, his nails digging into your thighs but, it was more pleasurable than painful. His tongue lapped at your folds, wildly. Like he was starved and seeking to be fed. “You taste just as good as you smell.”  he huffed. “I’m going to enjoy this.”
You arched your back as your clit was assaulted. Your toes pointed as you screamed, the crown of your head, pressing into the small pillow. Your core tightened and you were soon to erupt. You clenched whatever you could grab as you started to pull away from him. He yanked you back, a furious look in his eyes. “You don’t get to run away.” Florian’s fingers plunged into you, feeling around your walls as he lapped at your nub. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came. Your breath got caught in your throat, your voice not even projecting. Florian kept his tongue to you as you tried to pull away. Your hips bucked as you were overwhelmed. “Please! Okay! Okay!”
Florian pulled away from you, licking his lips and savoring every drop of you that may have been stuck to him. You looked up at him, needing him to make another move.  You met him halfway for a kiss. You savored the taste that remained of you. His tongue slipped into your mouth again, immediately battling for control. Control of which you had already given him. You were yanked up and put over his shoulder. He carted you like dead weight to your bedroom. You yelped as you were thrown on the bed. Florian toed his shoes off as he watched you. You throbbed more as you know you’d get what was going to cure you. Florian took off his shirt and undid his pants, letting them sit on his hips.
Florian collapsed back on top of you, kissing you and biting on your lip. His hands gripped your breasts. You moaned as they felt so sensitive. He huffed as he ripped the fabric of your dress, forcing the spaghetti straps down your arms and ripping your strapless bra. He licked along your nipples and kissed tenderly along your breasts. He fondled your other breast, pinching your nipples and teasing you.
“Fuck.” you moaned. Florian moved to the other breast. You were sure there would be bruises on your breasts and you were okay with that. Florian marveled at his work, leaving marks on you.
Florian kissed your lips again, taking a huge whiff of your scent. He pushed down his briefs and his jeans. You felt his member tap against you. Your dress had pooled at your waist as Florian stood up, placing a hand on your neck. You kept your legs open, staring at him. He was a nice length, extremely girthy and veiny. His tip a bright pink and dripping precum. He positioned one hand by your head and held his member with the other. You grabbed onto his shoulders, as his tip went in first. You moaned as you settled into your mattress. However, the peace lasted for a short moment as he forced the rest of his length inside you.
“Ah!” you screamed. He didn’t even start slow. Your pussy was being assaulted and you were enjoying it. Florian pressed against you, his arms underneath your shoulders as he gripped the sheets. His hips plowed into you and he grunted in your ear.
“Damn it.” he groaned.
“Yes! Yes, yes!” you cried. Your legs wrapped around him as you submitted to this. Finally, your body was about to get the relief it needed. Florian kept his chin to the crook of your neck. Your scent and the moisture around him was driving him more. He licked along your neck, priming you. His strokes became rougher, more erratic.
“Florian!” you moaned.
“I know, baby. It’s coming.” he groaned. You tightened around him. You tried to think to prolong your orgasm, to resist. However, you became weaker with each thrust. You almost felt ashamed of yourself as you were about to give in so easily. Your nails scratched along his shoulders but Florian only enjoyed the pain.
The pads of your toes, planting into his skin. Your muscles tightened with each time your hips met. You contracted around him, squeezing him tight. “Fuck.” he grunted. He began to twitch inside you and knew he didn’t have long. However, you started to arch and cry. He felt you release on him, engulfing him in your warm, wet mound. You lost all rhyme and reason and screamed through your orgasm and with Florian still pumping inside you, you were practically incoherent. Florian lifted off you as his head, lifted to the ceiling and he let out a loud growl through clenched teeth, releasing inside you. At the last thrust, he remained inside you, filling you with his seed.
You both were still, catching your breath and letting the sweat drip and roll off of you. You squeezed your breasts, your body being relieved slowly of the previous symptoms. You wanted to speak but, Florian started to turn you over. Your legs were weak but, somehow once he placed you on your knees, you stayed there. You still felt him inside you and weren’t sure you could take him again. However, your body was telling you otherwise.
Florian leaned down over you, his nose buried in your mess of curls. Past the jojoba fragance, he still got that cinnamon scent. You heard the jingle of his belt buckle and a light thud coming from your floor. Now stripped completely, his hands gripped your waist as he slowly started to move. You let out a cry as you gripped the sheets. You let out a high pitched whine as you lifted out of the arch in your back.
“Uh-uh.” Florian said. You sighed, arching yourself against to meet him. You felt like he was going further into you. Your body was on fire but, instead of pain, it was pleasure like you had never known. Every thrust and inch of him was lifting you to heaven and dragging you back to earth.
“Florian.” you moaned. His response was a series of hard thrusts that rocked your bed. Your cries made him slam into you more. Florian’s thumbs dug into the small of your back. You twisted your head to the side as you tried to look back at him. Florian looked rabid as he pushed his hips into you. Your legs began to shake as your toes curled, pushing into the mattress. You couldn’t help it anymore.
Florian’s movements became more messy, less coordinated. He began to falter as he twitched inside you again. He became more vocal. His voice filling the room and the only thing you could hear. Again, you released. Your screams getting muffled in the mattress. Florian filled you again as he collapsed on top you. Your position lost and both of you, exhausted. Florian’s hand gripped your hip as if touching you was the only thing that was keeping him anchored.
You spread yourself underneath him, letting your arms reach out and your knees to face the headboard. Florian laid at your side, holding you. Having pulled out and as comfortable he could get, his eyes were fixed on the crook of your neck. The beads of sweat that coated the side of your face and neck called him. He shuttered as his teeth ached. He huffed in your ear, almost sounding hungry. His sight became focused. Part of him was still contemplating but, the other part had already claimed you as his, especially since he has pumped his seed into you twice. As you laid there seemingly giving in to this short rest, he wasn’t ready to let this end. His nails scratched into you, making you jump. You twisted back to look at him until he sat up.
“Stay on your side.” he said.
You followed his command, remaining on your side. He gripped the wet fabric of your torn dress that you both had truly forgotten about. You heard it rip and pop more as he pulled down your waist and legs. Florian lifted your leg as he kneeled in front of you. His eyes fixated on the mixture of you and him, leaking out. He scanned your body. Now, he had to marvel at the masterpiece that laid in front of him. He wasn’t going to waste this time. He leaned back over, kissing you. You moaned, the fire inside you reawakening with his touch. Florian pulled away, holding your leg up and to his torso. You looked over and saw his member, half hard. Even still, it was intimidating.
Florian stroked it a bit and rubbed this tip against your wet slit. A mixture of you and him was spread around. You winced a little as he slid in. You gasped as your first instinct was to turn over. His large hand clamped down on your hip as he held you in place. You threw your head back as he rolled his hip into you at first, slow and tender. You gave out small sighs and moans as you gripped the sheets. The stretch in your hip added to the resistance as you wanted to last longer this time. However, your already tender pussy was at Florian’s mercy. One hand held her knee to his chest and the other rested on your lower stomach. His hips moved faster into you.
“Florian.” you harped. “This feels so good.”
“You like it?” he huffed.
“Yes. Keep going. Don’t stop.” you said. He looked at you, eyes clouded in lust and euphoria on your face. Florian leaned over and massaged your breast. He was hypnotized by the way it jiggled and bounced. He licked his lips, watching you. Your toes flexed as you through your head back. You bit your lip, muffling your moans and allowing your eyes to roll to the back of your head. Your body was singing with joy as his pelvis connected with yours every time. Florian twitched inside you, his nails pushing into your skin. You tightened around him, whining as the pressure was becoming too great. Your orgasm hit you like an eruption. You screamed as you placed a hand on Florian’s torso. “Fuck! Okay! Okay!” you cried as you pushed away from him.
Florian grabbed your hand, yanking you forward. Your body was now at an angle and you were trapped in front of him as he fucked into you, chasing his release. You cried into the sheets as your entrance throbbed, aching at the amount of sweet torture you were going through. “Florian” you cried, now clawing at his waist.
“Fuck!” he hissed as he shot into you. He remained still before dropping your leg and falling adjacent to you. You both laid there breathless. You squeezed your legs together, riding out your high, head hanging off the bed. Florian quickly collected himself, crawling on top of you. You moaned as he brought you into a kiss. It was passionate and loving.
Your legs wrapped around him again. His hand smoothed your curls from your face. He moved, kissing your chin and down your neck. You scooted down, placing yourself more on the mattress. Florian sniffed you again. He could smell himself on you now. A perfect mix. This alone was proving what he needed to know. Florian jumped when he felt your soft hand wrap around his member. You stroked, feeling it stiffen in his hands. Florian grunted above you. He dropped, dipping his nose back onto your collarbone.
You gasped as in one swift movement Florian had brought you up. You were in his lap, legs still around him. He trapped you in another deep kiss. His hands traveled down to your ass, lifting you up. You held his dick in position with your interest. Florian brought you down on him. You moaned in his mouth. Florian let you sit there, pulling on your lip. Your hands resting on his broad shoulders.
Florian moved you against him. You angled your hips for him, his wide member grazing your g-spot each time. You wrapped your arms around his thick neck, letting him rest in your breasts. He craned his head to suck on your breast as you bounced on him. You scratched along his shoulders, huffing as you couldn’t even control your own body. Florian was doing all the work, pushing you up and bringing you back down. With each slap of skin, you yelped and whined.
Florian buried himself in you as much as he could. He grunted as you engulfed him. Your walls squeezed and released him at a pace that was sure to make him finish soon. Your head flew back. You were so delirious that he was the only thing you felt. You had no idea what time it was and you couldn’t even really remember how you ended up like this. The only thing that matter was Florian was about to be the cause of whatever number climax that was coming. Now, instead off bouncing him. he was forcing you to work your hips, rolling into him and it felt even better.
Florian’s eye twitched. He shook as his orgasm neared. His grunts got loud again. You matched his volume. You each had the other’s name on your lips. Florian pushed you off to look at you. You were glistening and glowing at the same time. His brows furrowed as you jerked.
“I’m about to come.” you cried. Tears running down your cheeks. Florian pulled you back up, licking your face and kissing along your neck. It was that spot again. He flattened his tongue, brushing over your skin like he was preparing you. In reality, he was. He waited until you gritted your teeth and let out a cry. He opened his mouth and with a snarl, bit into you. You gasping, jumping forward with almost enough force to push both of you forward. It wasn’t just your orgasm that had rippled through your body. You got this new feeling and your pleasure only added to it. Florian lifted you up as he shot into you. You both fell still again. Coming down from your highs, your neck ached more so than the rest of your body. Florian fell over like a tree falling in the woods.
Neither of you spoke. Just the sounds of your breath and the occasional bed creak when one of you tried to move. You were still wrapped around Florian. His fingers trailed up and down your spine. Your eyes closed, you started to drift off from the exhaustion. You didn’t even become alert when Florian managed to break from you and drag the large throw blanket at the end of your bed and drape it over the both of you. The last thing you felt was Florian’s fingers graze over where he bit you and soon slumber consumed you.
You stirred, hours later. It was dark outside and rain on your windows. You sniffled, easing out of bed. Your body was sore causing you to waddle to your bathroom. You cut the light on the find your hair a mess, eyes puffy, bruises littering your neck and breasts and of course, the mark that now bound you to Florian. You nearly jumped when his arms snaked around your waist. You moaned as his lips kissed along your shoulder.
After the quick shower, you and Florian were intertwined on your couch. He made a quick run to his apartment and came back in a wife beater and joggers. Him holding you close to him felt right. You thought about how this all changed so quickly. You were expecting the next few days to be a struggle. Then, all it took was for the guy next door to come over and change that. You buried your nose in his chest, the harsh leather smell hitting your nose. Florian chuckled because he knew what you were doing. He leaned in, putting his nose in your still drying hair. He liked the smell of your leave-in conditioner with your cinnamon scent. He licked his lips at how delicious you smelled, almost ready to ravage you again.
Your shoulder itched. You winced going to reach for it. Florian shifted watching you.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah.” you said.
“You hungry, baby?” Florian asked. The tenderness of his voice was welcome. It made you smile. You chuckled.
“I know a pizza spot that should still be open. Is that okay?” you said, looking up at him.
Florian smiled as he sat up with you still on his chest. “I love pizza.”
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