followcb · 2 years
Kiss Me
kiss me with poetry
dance me through stanzas
win me with witty lines
own me with your happy hour eyes
sun glistening off your sunglasses
piercing blue skies shining true
you . . . my beloved
you . . . darling dearest
are a river of dreams . . .
. . . coming right on through
kiss me with your moonlit sighs
twirl me a path through the stars
write me a song that makes the heart sing
soar with me in the infinite sea of blue
a never wavering promise of love you are
you.....my twin flame
you.....my precious sweetheart
......are endless love in my heart
kiss me with summer heat
. . . intensity of love's propensity
kiss me with cool autumn evenings
. . . snuggled amidst love's warmest embers
kiss me with virgin, winter snow
. . . purity of love's call to hibernation
kiss me with brilliant spring blossoms
. . . beauty of love's annual renewal
kiss me in every circumstance
.......be it joy that reigns or sadness that blooms
kiss me in every amount of time
bestowed to us..... be a few  minutes,
blessed hours or eternal forevers
kiss me in every space where
your presence lingers......
take me with you as you go
kiss me into every corner of your soul
....... hold me so deeply, so profoudly,
that I am forever yours,
a part now of your beautiful immortality
Kiss me without end......
in the cocoon of love's foreverness . . .
sea of intertwined intimacy . . .
cradle of earth and sky,
comfort of dreams and answered prayers,
universe of time and timelessness
©️ @followcb @heartofmuse ☆ September 8, 2022
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unmondefou · 10 months
Valery, @heartofmuse
The sun that never sets and if it wills and sets, her warmth lingers on, for she is there in every detail.
Like the missing piece to solve the puzzle of your life's difficulties, like that deep well to hold your secrets, like the rain that hides your weakness when you cry, or like that sound recorder, where you will be heard without worrying about the remaining space because it simply has an infinite space.
And if I sit for a lifetime describing her, the sea will not suffice me, even if it is ink, for  she is everything that can be imagined.
This is how I'm used to call you with every good morning 😊. Happy birthday🎂🎉, I wish you good luck and success, lasting happiness and health, and all your dreams come true.
Love you eternally ❤
--- h.harouche
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esuemmanuel · 1 year
Todos los santos ya se murieron…
y quedan muy pocos hombres para querer revivirlos.
All the saints have already died...
and there are too few men left to want to revive them.
Una muy corta colaboración entre E.V.E (primera línea) & Esu Emmanuel (segunda linea).
A very short collaboration between E.V.E (first line) & Esu Emmanuel (second line)
Gracias por las bellas y muy fructíferas conversaciones.
Thank you for the beautiful and very fruitful discussions.
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Amo me mires...
Amo hablarte con mis ojos,
con mi sonrisa,
con ese brillo de mi alma
que es calor tibio en mi pecho
y que se vuelve tuyo también
cuando me abrazas.
Amo mirarte…
Amo sentir que entras por mis retinas
como una luz cálida y suave
que no ciega, pero ilumina
cada célula de mis ojos,
haciéndome capaz de ver,
no sólo la divinidad que Eres
y llevas en el pecho,
sino de verme a mí
como el perenne latido
que hace danzar a tu corazón.
Amo veas y sientas
lo que eres para mí,
que te veas reflejado en el puro espejo
de mis ojos y de mi corazón…
Amo tu ser enteramente
y enteramente lates en mí.
Amo ser la chispa eléctrica
que provoca el latido de tu corazón,
la sangre que bombea
a través de tus venas,
el aire que respiras
y limpia tus pulmones,
alimentándote de vida y salud…
Amo ser la intención de tu voz,
el calor de tu lengua,
el sabor de tus papilas,
la palabra sincera;
el efecto y la razón de tu querencia.
La paz sublime que me corona
al saberme bien amada,
la gratitud sin fin que embellece la vida al tenerte conmigo,
la alegría de saberme la más dichosa
y feliz de las mujeres
al tener la bendición de tu amor,
la plenitud sin fin que es sentirte en mí.
Es ese amor el padre de tu paz,
que es la mía…
Y así, como te corona la alegría
de saberte amada,
me satisface ser el caballero
que lleve en las manos la argolla
de este querer,
pues lo que llevas en tu seno,
lo llevo en mi corazón también.
Tan tuyo soy
que el alma se ha hecho de tu nombre
y mi espíritu ora a tus pies.
Con toda la pasión
que mi sangre puede sentir,
me he entregado a esta unión
que jamás podrá morir.
La verdad que hablas
resuena en mi ser y se guarda
donde lo eterno es en mí
tan mío como tuyo ya.
Te he entregado todo,
gozosa, con toda libertad,
me he rendido a este amor
tan bendito y sublime.
Tu oración se une con la mía
y al cielo vuelan como incienso
que los ángeles sonríen
al sentir sus alas perfumar.
¡Qué dulce entrega tan total!
Que no hay muerte,
sólo vida que late eternidad.
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— EVE & Esu Emmanuel©
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angelfatality · 1 year
So, I love you because the entire universe conspired me to help me find you.
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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edensradiance · 1 year
If you think I could ever look into any others eyes the way I do yours, my love, then you've got it wrong, bc your in your eyes I find my everything. My haven, my refuge, my Heaven. Nobody comes lose to comparison, my humble lover. Have I told you that I am so proud of you, and I really owe you my very best version of me, and I will do my very best to bring you immense joy, and comfort, loving you more than anyone has ever loved another ever before in the entire span of time... You're remarkable and Mark my words, no one can love you the way that I love you...
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heartofmuse · 5 days
Share away your stories!
You will catch a glimpse of them if you read my poetry or my writing!
Thanks for the ask! Keep reading! 🫶🏻🌹
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gvnther-vitriol · 1 year
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caminando hacia el horizonte... | walk into the horizon |
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lexiklecksi · 2 months
I just published my poetry zine!
I put together this poetry zine in 3 months for my typography class. This magazine is a 25 double-sided pdf with a unique typographical design, including 11 English collab poems, 3 English poems and 21 German poems with 23 matching black & white photos. You can buy it for the low price of one small coffee on KoFi (3€) and there is a "pay what you want" function if you want to support my creative work!
Dive into the diffuse waters of poetry and search for the hidden meaning behind the words. I write about the little moments that make life worth living; not important events, not grand gestures, but everyday things. By writing about them, I give them value. The writing process is characterized by the fear of the blank sheet of paper, which has to be overcome without giving in to the urge to fill up the page. Diffuse poetry therefore describes the concept of having the courage to leave gaps and to deal with them openly. Not naming things clearly, but capturing the underlying thoughts and feelings. In contrast to concrete poetry, which is based on a clear statement and always has a message to convey. Have the courage to read between the lines and think about what you read, because words only have the meaning that we have given them. Poems are just condensed language, and always leave a certain amount of room for personal interpretation. I hope you enjoy reading between the lines!
Tag list: Never miss a poem or a short story I write! Comment + if you want to be added or - to be removed from my tag list.
@matcha-chai @dg-fragments @silversynthesis @heartofmuse @scatteredthoughts2 @rhapsodyinblue80 @stoic-words @september-stardust @wordsforsadpeeps @writingitdown @intothevortex @aubriestar @warriorbookworm @raevenlywrites @alex-a-roman @artsymagee @giantrobocock @theheightofdepression @writing-is-a-martial-art @beautifulimposter25 @a-musingmichelle @kirkshiresloss @rhythmiccreatorofbeuty @eos109 @azriel-alexander-holmes @tini-rat @captain-kraken
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valyalyon · 1 month
Character Voice Tag
Line: "I can see you're hiding something."
Going to do this for all the main OC's, pink for DIE, blue for SEA. Dividers.
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Dolores: "Look, I don't want to start anything, but I know you're hiding something."
Rosalia: "Why can't you be honest? I know you're hiding something."
Raphael: "Just admit you're hiding something from me and I won't be too harsh."
Lazarus: "Tell me what the fuck you're hiding."
Julius: "Honestly, it sounds like you're not telling me something."
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Thank you for the tag @spinozawrites ! Hope this is any good :)
My quote for you is: "I made a mistake."
@cookie-crumblr @agirlandherquill @heartofmuse
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followcb · 2 years
Counting Clouds
Slow down - don't we both
need to slow way, way down
take some time simply to be
together - the two of us . . .
Quietly dreaming beside the sea
dozing . . . drifting . . . sailing
daydreaming an incredible fantasy
Busy lives - often forget to realize
happiness will be missed
if we don't give each minute
its grace and lust for living
We need to send every worry
away - and just breathe
the extent of every minute -
Seems we need to learn
how to do absolutely nothing
The art of being in the now -
together savoring
life's greatest offerings
Enjoying the passing of time
counting clouds as they float by
Eyes full of sight - heart's opened wide
sweet rest the soul craves
The embrace of magic,
the kiss of all the colors of hope,
A horizon to dream by,
love dripping from every
corner of our lives
©️ @followcb & @heartofmuse
June 22, 2022
Another impromptu collaboration - out of thin air. Thanks, Eva, for your keen sensibilities and gift with words. Chris
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unmondefou · 9 months
Thank you @alex-a-roman for the tag game. share 5 comfort movies:
- Le Roi des masques (Bian Lian)
- The Godfather
- Devdas
- The Light Between Oceans
- The Mask (1994 )
I'm tagging, @heartofmuse , @dg-fragments
@nikithathampy , @silent-winds-world , @instruth , @mikefrawley , @justafrogandherumbrella . No pressure of course 😊 .
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nobeerreviews · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @gneebee thank you so much Norman 😁
Last song: Airborne - Running wild (who said it's gonna be a new track)
Last show: Wellington Paranormal (ghosts, sarcasm, mockumentary)
Currently watching: Fauda (IDF, Hamas... ruins)
Currently reading: Peter Beagle - In Calabria (of course unicorns, it's that Peter Beagle)
Current obsession: finding time for a vacation (one without work calls)
Tagging in turn: @ksjanes , @marauderfan , @kckeiko, @catgirl-frostmoon , @alwaysdearie, @little-big , @krispynachoturtle , @heartofmuse and @stuft . And you and you and you too, thank you 🥰
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I love you to look at me...
I love to talk to you with my eyes,
with my smile,
with that glow of my soul
that is warmth in my chest
and that becomes yours too
when you embrace me.
I love to look at you...
I love to feel that you enter through my retinas
like a warm and soft light
that does not blind, but illuminates
every cell of my eyes,
making me able to see,
not only the divinity that you are
and carry in your breast,
but to see me
as the perennial beat
that makes your heart dance.
I love you to see and feel
what you are for me,
that you see yourself reflected in the pure mirror
of my eyes and of my heart...
I love your being entirely
and entirely you throb in me.
I love to be the electric spark
that causes your heart to beat,
the blood that pumps
through your veins,
the air you breathe
and cleanses your lungs,
nourishing you with life and health...
I love to be the intention of your voice,
the warmth of your tongue,
the taste of your taste buds,
the sincere word;
the effect and the reason of your love.
The sublime peace that crowns me
knowing that I am well loved,
the endless gratitude that beautifies life by having you with me,
the joy of knowing that I am the happiest
and satisfied of women
to have the blessing of your love,
the endless fullness that is to feel you in me.
It is that love that is the father of your peace,
which is mine...
And so, as I crown you with the joy
of knowing you are loved,
I am satisfied to be the knight
who carries in his hands the ring
of this love,
for what you carry in your bosom,
I carry in my heart as well.
I am so much yours
that my soul has become your name
and my spirit prays at your feet.
With all the passion
that my blood can feel
I have given myself to this union
that can never die.
The truth that you speak
resonates in my being and is kept
where the eternal is in me
as much mine as yours already.
I have given you everything,
joyfully, in all freedom,
I have surrendered myself to this love
so blessed and sublime.
Your prayer unites with mine
and to heaven they fly like incense
that the angels smile
as they feel their wings perfumed.
What a sweet surrender so total!
That there is no death,
only life that beats eternity.
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— E.V.E & Esu Emmanuel©
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angelfatality · 11 months
my love, my life. the man who brought me joy and the man who has planted the seed of life in me as i was slowly dying. you saved me and im dancing on the colossal towers. im not afraid of falling because i know you will catch me in your arms. the same ones that carried me away from the danger and that sway with me with the music we've created.
- Belle Golden, angelfatality
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Cinco De Mono
I was tagged by the man who puts the banana in bananahammock, @definegodliness, to answer 5 questions. Thanks!
1. A song I would like played at my funeral: Yngwie Malmsteen ~ Prelude to April. One, Malmsteen is my favorite guitar God. Two, Prelude to April is beautiful. Three, my birthday is in April.
2. A book I enjoy rereading: It should come as no surprise to those who know me here...Stephen King's IT!! Brilliance. The best-crafted book regardless of genre.
3. Last new movie that I watched for fun: Top Gun: Maverick...because ~ that's why. You can't judge me.
4. An old movie I enjoy rewatching: Tombstone! Nuff said!
5. A song I enjoy but doesn't fit my aesthetic: Tones And I ~ Dance Monkey
TAGGING: @noorshirazie; @vbkpoetry; @daisylongmile; @fantodsdhrit; @gracebriarwoodwrites; @heartofmuse; @justscribbledwords; @kristensnotebook; @lilysofthefield; @creatingnikki; @moderateclimates; @eternallycoilingserpent-blog
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