#home swee....yeah
hoshigray · 10 months
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MAPPA gave Nanami such beautiful hands that they never fail to make you feel things.
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a/n: Bye, the trailer JUST came out, and I can't get over how good they made Nanami, so I'm writing out this to put myself together. @satoruhour pushed me on to write this so ty swee-T-pie, love u sm 💓 this is just like when they released that hidden inventory trailer and i drooled over Toji's hands help 💀 so yeah this is just me writing a short smthn for kento's hands, sorry not sorry. also tysm for 1.9k!!!
cw: Nanami x fem/afab! reader - first soft then smutty, so minors DNI - h@nd h0lding - soft dom! Nanami bc yes - fingering (f! receiving) - hand kink (ig?) - fingers in reader's mouth - pet names (angel, love, sweet girl) - praise - clitoral play - you and Nanami in a cute domestic relationship ♡
wc: 950
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You love Kento Nanami's hands. It's no secret to yourself because it's the truth. But you can't blame yourself; you can't help it! There are so many moments with him where you can't help but admire the man's big hands, and honestly, it's embarrassing at this point. It's a guilty pleasure that makes you feel such pleasant emotions, makes you want him more and more.
Even before the two of you expressed courtship, there were days when you'd encounter and have idle chitchat with the stoic man, and those were days that were hard to go through when you had such a tremendous crush on the guy. So much so that you'd drift your gaze away from his feline mocha eyes masked by his eyepiece. Instead, you'd look at his hands, admiring how beautiful and big they are. Aside from his face, they were the only thing visible from his dapper suit. Not that you complained, though. The more you saw and talked with Nanami, the more you marveled at his hands in your thoughts.
And when you two finally started dating, things were going slow and steady. Just as the two of you wanted — no rush at all. But a memory you hold dear to your heart was when the two of you walked home in the cold winter. The chilly breeze sent shivers down your spine, and your nose found breathing tricky in the extreme temperature change. Not to mention you forgot your mittens at home. Just my luck...
However, it wasn't all that bad. After all, your boyfriend (it felt a little weird calling him that) offered to walk you to your place, sticking close to your side, which was a rarity back then. Heat finally found its way up to your cold cheeks when Nanami took the initiative to grab ahold of your hand with his, the size difference making it easy to exchange warmth. "Here," he said so nonchalantly it almost felt like a dream. "Don't want the wind to blow you off the sidewalk." It was such an airy gag from the usually silent man, yet you chuckled and held his hand tighter, the cold overlooked throughout the rest of the walk.
Even watching him doing the most ordinary things is a sight. Whether he's washing dishes, making the bed, or cutting vegetables for the next meal he was cooking for you two, your eyes would always find their way to his deft hands. Rugged palms moving swiftly and gracefully, veins that stem from the back trail upwards to his forearm, and thick fingers with scars so faded with time that you'd have to be very close to see them. You're so in love with him — with his hands. They make you feel safe and secure, warm and loved. Specifically in times when you two are close to each other. Whether it's you resting on his chest as he reads a book while rubbing circles on your back or holding hands with you two walking around the vicinity, it couldn't get any better.
...Well, perhaps now as you're lying on the bed with your back to his chest, succumbing to his touch as one hand cups your cheeks while the other burrows inside your panties — his fingers intruding between your folds and playing with your leaky entrance staining the underwear with your come.
"Ooooh, Kentooo..." You moan to his thick digits in your vulva, scraping your spongey walls that result in high wails. He rubs your cheeks and maneuvers your face to the side so he can lay kisses on your neck, and you melt under his lips with a blissful hum.
"Open your legs a bit more for me, angel." His command is hushed to your ears. You follow his instructions and spread your legs further apart, and he rewards you with another finger added to your chasm. Now both the fore and middle digits slide deep into you, and the brush of his thumb on your clit results in sudden wails. "Good, that's my sweet girl."
His fingers graze your insides expertly, having you writhe on him with how good he's making you feel with just his fingers alone. The speed of his digits increases by the second, and you can feel the wave start rising in your body. Your body jolts with every scrape of his fingertips, pornographic whines fly out your mouth, and your face gets hotter and hotter.
"Haaaah!! Mmnnn...Kento, I'm so close. 'S so close, I'm—Mmmph!?" You don't get to finish that sentence when Nanami stuffs his free fingers into your mouth, your tongue immediately coating the two digits with your saliva.
"Go on, come on me, love." His sweet words were what it took for everything to come crashing down, the fingers in your cunt quicken in pace, and his thumb flicking on your clitoris — causing you to grab onto his forearm. Scratching the clothed limb and heavy pants drawing inward, your cunt clamps around on his fingers as your orgasm comes to pull you in for a euphoric release.
And Nanami lets your body experience the shocks on top of him, laying precious kisses on your temple and cheeks. He slowly removes his digits from your satisfied cunt with a whimper from your puffy lips. "Did so well like always, angel." In your daze, you still share a smile and welcome his lips on yours.
Like you said before — Nanami's hands are your guilty pleasure in more ways than one. And it feels so good to know he reciprocates those desires with mutual love. If such a gorgeous and attentive man can have you under him with just his sheer touch, then so be it.
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
Hi love your work!
Could you do one where reader is WandaNats daughter (thanks to Wanda’s magic) and is dating MJ? She hasn’t come out yet and they walk in on her and MJ doing the ✨spicy✨ if not I understand thanks!
All Grown Up
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Pairings: MJ x reader, WandaNat x reader (parent/child)
Word count: 1,398
Warnings: kissing, making out, getting caught, overprotective!Nat, slight humor, think that’s all!
I don’t really know MJ’s age so I didn’t feel comfortable writing smut for her, but I hope this is good enough!
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Y/N? Y/N, honey, we’re home!” The two women were confused when receiving no answer from their child. They frowned, looking at each other before shrugging, assuming you were napping or just didn’t hear them. They went to the kitchen, placing down the few bags of groceries and unpacking the food.
Meanwhile, you were in your room, not napping, but instead cuddled up close to your girlfriend with some small music playing in the background. Her fingers ran through your hair and you smiled with pure joy, staring up at her beautiful face.
“What’s on your mind?” You asked out of the blue, breaking the small silence falling over you two. She suddenly broke out of her small trance, giving you a reassuring look before bringing her eyes back to the ceiling.
“Nothing. Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you.”
“Such a flirt.” You rolled your eyes playfully, earning a small chuckle from her.
“I’m serious, baby, I can’t believe I pulled you.” You gave her a look of faux offense.
“Excuse me, you did not ‘pull’ me, you asked me out and I thought I’d say yes.”
“Same thing.” The same comfortable silence fell between you two until she turned to stare at you, only to find your eyes still on hers. She gently grasped your chin, licking her lips and staring at yours before leaning in and pressing her mouth against yours. You sighed into the kiss, your body coming to a full relaxation as your originally tense muscles rested.
She maneuvered her body to lie on her side, now being able to wrap her arm around your waist. She rubbed up and down your back, landing on your ass and giving a small squeeze. You pulled away as a yelp left you, only to feel her pulling you back onto her.
“God, you’re so perfect.” She mumbled against your lips. Your legs tangled up together as she laid on top of your fragile body.
“You continue cooking, I’ll go get her.” Wanda nodded and kissed her wife’s cheek before she went up the stairs, her eyes traveling to her tight jeans that showed off more than needed.
When Nat finally reached the top of the steps and stood in front of your door, she heard soft sounds of music playing and assumed you were relaxing or sleeping. So, she didn’t bother to spend more than a quick second knocking. After all, you were her child, she’s seen everything with you. Except this.
“Swee- Oh my God!” She quickly shut the door, her eyes kept shut as she was too afraid to open them and risk seeing the same sight again, even if she was on the other side of the room. She quickly found her way back to the steps and into the kitchen where her wife stared at her oddly.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah, everything’s fine.” She sat at the table, hands in her lap as her leg bounced nervously.
“Did you walk in on them changing again? I told you to start knock-”
“Our child’s gay.” Wanda whipped her head around, gazing at the woman who looked like she had just seen a porno for the first time. It’s not like she had walked in on you two having sex, but she didn’t exactly like the thought of her child making out with someone in their bed.
“There was another girl in their bed, and they were kissing..passionately.” Nat’s awkwardness made Wanda want to laugh, and she did. Nat looked at her like she had just killed her puppy, and while Wanda wasn’t facing her, she could already see the exact face she was making.
“Relax, it’s not like you walked in on them having an orgy or anything. And besides, who cares if they’re gay? They have two moms after all.”
“I don’t care if they’re gay, I care about the girl who was on top of my own child!” She stated, starting to bite her nails as she thought of the worst possible scenarios. “What if I hadn’t stopped it when I did? What if my baby lost her-”
“Sweetheart, you’re overthinking again.” Nat let out a deep sigh before Wanda continued calmly, “If Y/N wanted to come to us, they would’ve. Maybe they just weren’t ready yet.”
“Why wouldn’t they be ready? I mean, we’re supportive, right? Oh, God, what if they think they can’t come to us with this stuff? What if we scared them away with all of our dating talks?” Wanda placed the spaghetti in four bowls. Usually, it would just be three, but seeming as you had a guest, she made extra.
“I mean, you did tell them they’re not allowed to date until you’re at least fifty.” The reminder made Nat roll her eyes and quickly chomp down on the food her wife made in nervousness.
“Just act normal, when they’re ready to talk to us, they will. I promise. You’re not a bad mom, there are just some things you don’t exactly want to tell your parents.” She placed her hand on top of Nat’s and she nodded, trying to relax herself when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
“H-hey, mom. Hey, momma.” You exclaimed, expecting your momma to be giving you the death glare right about now. But she was looking right past you, trying to get a better look at the girl standing fearfully behind you. You moved aside, letting her be seen as she stuttered out a greeting just like you. You and she both had made plans on how you’d tell your parents, but one of them catching you two kissing wasn’t one of them.
“Ah, hello, sweetheart! It is lovely to meet you.” Wanda shook the younger girl's hand as she felt the sweat on it. MJ was clearly nervous, but your mom quickly helped ease those fears.
“Uh, hi, Mrs. Romanoff. It’s lovely to meet you as well.” She grabbed the two bowls on the counter and handed them to you both.
“One rule, kiddo, no eating in your room. You’ll have to eat with us.” She was stern yet soft with your girlfriend, but your momma still hadn’t made herself known.
“Excuse my wife, she’s a bit shy with people.” MJ chuckled, trying to make amends with the other Mrs. Romanoff.
“Hey, Miss. It’s nice to meet you.” She offered her hands to shake, and Nat raised a brow at the gesture. Wanda cleared her throat in warning, giving the redhead a warning glare that had Nat easing up.
“Sup, kid.” Your girlfriend was forced to sit next to you and her while she didn’t keep her darkened eyes off of her the entire time.
“So, what are your intentions with my kid?” She crossed her arms, trying to get the muscles under her black shirt to show off to make the college student fear her even more.
“What? I’m just wondering if this girl’s right for you.” You shook your head and rested it in your hands.
“Forget her question, I want to know how you two met.”
“No, answer my question. What are your intentions with Y/N?”
“Ignore her. Answer my question first, sweetie.”
“Okay! We’ll be heading upstairs now. Thank you for the food, Mom, love you guys.” You quickly dragged your girlfriend out of the room and back up to yours, rushing to close the door until you heard a soft shout from downstairs,
“Door open at least six inches! I will measure!”
“Don’t listen to her!” You both chuckled at your parent's actions, leaving the door cracked open just a bit and returning to the comfort of your bed. You reached for the remote and turned on the show you two had been binging for a week now.
While you had thought she was joking, Nat did in fact bring a measuring tape to the door and scolded you both when it only met half of her request. Wanda had pulled her out of the room and shut the door for you to have some privacy. MJ was laughing quietly as she listened to the bickering between your parents, turning to you as she did earlier and muttering,
“As much as I love you, your moms are so much cooler.”
“I will get my mom to beat your ass if you don’t shut up.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
I love your work, and was just wondering if you could do headcannons for Dallas Winston dating the really happy-go-lucky Curtis sister. Her and soda are twins so she’s pretty much soda but a girl. She’s very affectionate and always needs hugs and cuddles! She is really happy and excited, but also sometimes feels like she can’t be sad or angry around people she loves.
Xx Rose
being soda's twin and dating dally HC's
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-> navi. | -> outsiders masterlist
-> warnings: foul language, lil angst, FLUFF, smoking, making out, getting arrested, protective brothers, sexual scenarios (no smut)
-> reader's pronouns: she/her
-> pairings: romantic!dallas winston x reader, platonic!sodapop curtis x sister!reader
-> a/n: wait i loved this request sm!! i hope i did it justice <3
the curtis's were very very very VERY hesitant for you to start dating dally
what if you broke up? would the gang have to pick sides? dally or the curtis's sister?
9no its too risky
it was only when the guys could list all the times they caught dally staring at you with a fond smile and dazed eyes did they realize his feelings for you were legit
as the oldest, darry of course had to give the 'you break her heart i'll f you up, no hesitation pal'
dally sat through it all while soda watched him intently
when you were official and shit, dear god the shit you'd do
it was like
humorously atrocious
to put it into words, two-bit's shenanigans times 5
a.) soda takes it upon himself to stay up and get all the details when you come home late from a date
b.) soda gags everytime you and dally are in an embrace for a little too long
as the 'Curtis Cuddlebug', you like to hug and be touchy because you didn't have that for some time or whatever BUT soda 13929292093929381% feels weird watching you hug dally instead of him
you and soda (as twins) had the closest bond of anyone in the gang
so anytime shit hit the fan, you'd find yourself going to soda and him to you
youd gossip and shit talk and fight and do all the fun sibling tingz
but then
his heart kinda sinks when he realized he hasn't cuddled w you for a couple days
but its not like he can really say anything if youre happy
shotgunning. with dallas.
thats when you really hash out some feelz
you'll pass the blunt back and forth, staring up at the stars (youre in dall's car bc he knows ur a sucker for watching the stars and cuddling and blah blah blah)
if you had like brought a blanket or two, dallas would a hundred percent pull you into him so he could get some lovin'
dally only likes affection coming from you and you alone argue with the fucking WALL.
some days you'll just sigh and bury your head into his chest. dally'll rub your back and smiling when you squirm to get closer to him cuz bros a little touch starved
you sigh again. "i feel like shit sometimes. a lot actually"
this makes dally a lil worried "what?"
"soda 'n i are... happy-go-lucky, y'know? we gotta be smiling all the time, always... strong; confident," you tell him
dally's absorbing your words, wondering where tf ur going with this
"but then i realize i dont wanna be strong all the time. i know soda feels the same way i just," you sniffle lightly
dally's eyebrows? through the roof. is he uncomfortable? undoubtedly.
he isnt too comfortable with the way anyone expresses emotions tbh
but will always attempt to comfort you in any way he can
"whatchu mean, doll?"
his heart flips around when he hears you choke back a sob
"means i don' wanna always be smilin' and jokin' and not be taken seriously. i fuckin'- i need a break dall. a break from everything"
dally snuffs out his joint in an ashtray he set on the car and wraps both arms around you as you cry in his arms
he didnt know any of you felt like that
wow okay
if you stayed at his place at 'his' room he's literally heart eyes at you weari g his boxers and his a t shirt
he'd just "c'mere sweetheart lemme show you how loved you are" and pull you onto him
thats about as far as you get with him and the "L'' word
it's so adorable i think it was one of Dillo's works but he'd be a mumbly and clingy and HOLY FU
where can i get one?
back to sussy soda
he's happy for you. he really is
but dallas is snatching up his best friend, sibling, and cuddle bug from right under his nose
soda's pretty protective idgaf
you'd still have ur gossip sessions, but soda still feels bizarre when you're with him
something changed when you and dally started dating
if (IF) dally proposed
it'd be casual
like im talking
dq date, in the middle of drinking a shake he'd pull up with
"marry me doll?"
dally is highkey afraid of rejection, now that he's so involved with you
but you smother him in kisses to prove otherwise
i cant
sorry but i cant get the visual of tired!dally out of my head
specially tired!hammered!clingy!dally
he'd attatch himself to your waist when he's 🤏🏼 that close to passing out because even absolutely hammered, he knows youll take care of him
absolutely refuses to let yoy pay bail for him when he gets arrested
but dont expect him to pay bail for you either bc bro kinda poor
he'd prolly just do smth to be in the slammer with you
but you will 110 percent be getting the Disappointed Look™️ from darry
soda would point and laugh
pony would just shake his head with a knowing smile
once again:
where can i get one???
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Stay With Me | Communication
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exhusband!jungkook, singleparent!jungkook, E2L, fluff, angst, smut
Word Count - 3.2k
It's time to tell Seol that his parents are back together. Warnings: swearing, heavy(ish) angst, serious dad jk, also unserious dad jk
At ten weeks pregnant with twins it’s getting harder and harder to find clothes that fit. Your dresses are tight, jeans are you worst enemy and you’ve been living in sweatpants for weeks. Working from home as much as you can to battle the endless nausea and vomiting.
Today is a work day like no other, as an art dealer you’ve been corresponding to emails from clients and artists between trips to the bathroom. To say you feel like shit would be an understatement – you have zero energy, multiple pregnancies are no joke.
The Jeon twins are the size of strawberries this week.
Seol is at school thankfully, though he’s recently grown suspicious of your behaviour and sickness and sudden desire to wear only comfy clothes. Jungkook has been coming over for dinner a lot too which has sparked occasional curious questions from your son. But all of that ends tonight.
Because tonight is the night you and Jungkook are going to tell Seol everything.
It took your ex-husband a lot of convincing on his part, but you’ve come to the agreement that things would be better for you both if he moved back into your home. Having HG is only one factor in the situation but even you can’t deny the diagnosis is taking a toll on you. Some days your head hurts so much that even just opening your eyes is a challenge, you could do with the extra help around the house.
Fear and dread only amplifies your nausea, you have no idea how Seol is going to react to the news since it’s a lot for a twelve year old to take in. Which may be the reason it was decided to tell him today. Your birthday. Another birthday you can’t drink alcohol for, another birthday pregnant. Thirteen years ago today you were in this exact situation when Seol refused to make an appearance before his due date. To be frank, being pregnant on your birthday sucks.
“Mom? Mom wake up…” Seol’s voice disturbs your slumber on the sofa, you must’ve dozed off here a couple of hours ago. You’re still wearing grey sweatpants and a lilac hoodie, despite the fact you wanted to change before he came home from school and Jungkook came over.
“Y/N are you okay?” Jungkook stands in the doorway suited up in his work attire, wearing concerned features that mirror your sons. Sometimes you forget how alike they look, until they’re both standing before you doe-eyed and borderline identical.
“Hey…” You sit up with a coy smile, slightly embarrassed. “Sorry I must’ve fallen asleep…”
Seol is still dressed in his school uniform so you know he’s only just made it through the door, Jungkook probably picked him up and came straight here from work. It’s when you’re rubbing the sleep from your eyes that you remember it’s your birthday, Seol’s holding a huge bouquet of roses and a frown. “You’re always tired recently…”
You sigh, grinning when you stand and take the flowers from your son, “I know… Are these for me?”
“Yeah! Dad said you like roses but I wasn’t sure.”
“I do like roses, thank you.” Your sleepy gaze lands on Jungkook, who’s taking his suit jacket off by the door with a knowing smile tugging the corners of his lips.
“Any time. Happy birthday Y/N.”
All three of you make your way into the dining room, you’re planning to put the roses in a vase but the only one big enough is at the very top of the shelf and you can’t possibly reach all the way up there. Thankfully Kook notices you struggling and easily grabs the vase, taking the flowers from you before planting them into the decorative glassware. You’re smiling, he’s smiling, and Seol catches you in the act.
Your son awkwardly clears his throat, ruffling the back of his dark hair, “Umm… Mom… Can I ask you something?”
Both you and his father snap your attention to him, wide-eyed and panicked.
“What’s wrong sweetie?” Your voice comes out smooth and honeyed all while you prepare yourself for emotional destruction. He knows. You know he knows because he can’t look you or Jungkook in the eye, instead his own stare is trained to the flowers now sitting proudly in the centre of the wooden dining table.
“Why did you invite dad over for dinner on your birthday? I thought your birthday dinner was just for us... It’s been like that since you broke up.” His words hit you like an knife to the heart, as does the way Jungkook’s big body deflates with something akin to disappointment when he nervously bites at the cuticle around his thumb.
“Seol…” You attempt to gather your thoughts, heart racing when you gesture for everybody to sit down. While Kook takes his usual spot at the top of the dining table Seol doesn’t move, he stays standing in the doorway anxiously gnawing his lower lip which only breaks your heart more.
“Your father and I… Well…” On queue Jungkook holds his hand out for you to take, and you do, but you feel less than comforted by the gesture when Seol inhales sharply as soon as he catches sight of it. Did he just gasp?
“We’ve been dating for a few months now, I’m sorry we didn’t tell—”
Your son cuts you off with a bright grin, “You’re what?!”
“We're back together son... And if you’re okay with it…” Jungkook tugs you onto his lap until you’re sitting on his thigh, but surprisingly Seol doesn’t grimace or look uncomfortable in any way shape or form. In fact his smile widens when he buries his hands into his trouser pockets. “I’m going to move back in with you guys. Only if you’re okay with it though.”
“Yes! Yes that’s okay! Oh my god mom I was so nervous I had my suspicions but I didn’t want to get my hopes up, is this for real?! Are you gonna get married again?! Can I come to the wedding this time?!?!” Your chest swells and tightens all at once with something only to be described as love and delight. It’s not long before Seol is standing in front of you both with an arm round each of you, head nestled between his parents with a sentimental beaming grin.
You’re overly emotional, hormonal, happy, one year older, and everything hits you at once. You’re trying to blink through the tears but it’s no use, your cheeks are stained with worn mascara yet ache from smiling.
“If we get married again of course you can come.” Kook chuckles, planting a happy kiss to his son’s head. “It’s not like we didn’t invite you last time kid you just didn’t exist yet.” He laughs.
You sniffle, mirroring Jungkook’s kiss to the other side of Seol’s head, “Seol... Sweetie I need you to sit down for a sec, okay?”
“Why are you crying? Aren’t you happy?” He asks innocently.
You nod, messily wiping away your tears with the hoodie sleeve, “Of course I’m happy, but your father and I have something to tell you.”
He sits on the chair next to you with a big dumb grin and sparkly eyes, “You’re not pregnant are you?”
Your heart sinks and Jungkook squeezes your middle extra tight. There’s a tense and noticeable shift in atmosphere that Seol picks up on immediately. His doe-eyes are animatedly round and wide, smile fading, head shaking from left to right slowly.
“No… Mom.” He says quietly, nervously flicking his gaze between you and his father. “You’re not… Are you pregnant?”
From behind you Jungkook clears his throat somewhat uncomfortably, his voice is low and cautious when the words slip from his mouth. “Yeah. We’re pregnant Seol, almost three months pregnant. So you’re going to be a big brother soon.”
You can’t peel your stare away from your son, your heart shattering into tens of millions of tiny pieces when you see him swallow as he digests the information. He looks disappointed, he looks hurt, maybe even a little offended or jealous. It’s silent, save for the sound of your heartbeat prominent in your ears. You can’t take it any longer, especially when a shaky sigh escapes him.
“Sorry mom.” He coughs, a feeble attempt to mask his discomfort, “I’m… I-, I need to get changed before dinner."
"Sweetie wait!" You try to stop him by gently gripping his wrist but it’s too late, he’s already gone.
You try to stand up but Jungkook stops you, burying his face in your hair with a gentle kiss. You sigh, feeling useless and uncertain of what to do moving forward. The way Seol’s face dropped… It will always be burned into the corners of your mind. You’re emotional again, and Jungkook reassuringly rubs your tummy as if on instinct.
“He’ll come around Y/N… He just needs time to process it. He’s been an only child for so long.” His voice is soft and caring, but does little to cheer you up. “I’ll go and speak to him, here…” He peels his wallet from his trousers, carefully transferring you to another chair as though you’re as fragile as Bone China. “Use my card, order whatever you fancy for dinner. Order extra because Dr Kim said you need to start gaining weight soon. I’ll be back in a minute.”
“I’ve got this, okay?” He smiles, a genuine soft and small smile that warms your heart before he grips your hand and kisses it. “You don’t have to be the tough parent all the time anymore.”
He leaves you at the table scrolling through a food delivery app, even though eating is the last thing on your mind right now you know he’s right. You have to eat something for the growing babies inside you at the very least. When Jungkook looks back over his shoulder he sees you visibly upset trying to mask your sobs, he fights back a pained sigh, heading upstairs to Seol’s bedroom.
“Seol? Can I come in?” Jungkook asks after knocking twice, lips pursed into an uncomfortable flat line.
“No.” His son’s voice is muffled by the door.
Rather than barging in like he wants to, he manages to find the restraint and stop himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Please…?”
When Seol doesn’t respond straight away he grows impatient, he’s about to open the door when it opens from the other side. Revealing his son now wearing a sage green loungewear set and slightly puffy cheeks from crying. His heart breaks all over again. “Can I sit with you for a little bit?”
“Why?” Seol sniffles.
“Because I need to talk to you, is that okay?”
“…I guess.” The younger male hesitantly steps to one side to allow his father into the bedroom. It’s been a while since Jungkook set foot in here, it’s much cleaner that he remembers it to be and he can’t help but wonder if you’ve overworked yourself keeping it tidy or if Seol is actually an organised young man these days.
“So…” Kook sits on the bed, glancing round at the numerous game posters that adorn the mint green painted walls, “That could’ve gone better, your mom’s a little upset that you didn’t stay downstairs with us.”
Seol visibly deflates and sits next to his father, welcoming the heavy tattooed arm that pulls him in for a hug. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles into Kook’s shoulder, “I’ll apologise to mom too.”
Jungkook’s voice is deep and throaty, yet sweet when he speaks. “I know this is a big change for us, but it’s an exciting one right? I thought you always wanted a little brother or sister? You used to ask for one all the time when you were younger.”
“Then you moved out and I stopped thinking about it.” Seol admits with another sniffle, his words winning his father’s hold to tighten around him. “But I guess a little brother or sister wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world… Is that why mom’s been so ill lately?”
“Mmm.” Kook nods knowingly, “She has something called HG, it’s more common in multiple pregnancies.” His eyes widen for a split second when he realises nobody stated that you’re having twins yet. He clears his throat, tonguing his cheek before he speaks again, “We’re having twins… So you might have two baby brothers or two baby sisters on the way.”
Seol pulls back with a tiny smile and shiny doe-eyes, peering up at his father with a hopeful expression. “Really? Do you have any photos of them I can see?”
“Not yet. You can come to the appointment with us if you want to see them though, I’m sure Dr Kim will be fine with that. You can help us think of some names too, I bet you’ll think of really good ones.” He grins at the thought, rubbing the younger’s arm.
“Dad?” Seol’s nervously chewing the inside of his cheek, a bad habit he inherited from his father.
“…You’re not going to move out again if you move back in are you? I-, I know mom doesn’t like talking about it but she was really sad when you left… I could hear her crying through the wall at night and I don’t want to see her like that again. I hated it.”
Jungkook stiffens, racing heart dropping into the deepest part of his stomach when he hears that, “I’m not going anywhere son. I love mom, okay? I always have and I always will—”
“Then why did you leave us in the first place?” While his question is innocent enough, and genuine, it still finds a way to chip at Jungkook’s heart.
“It’s complicated Seol, but you’re becoming a man now so I’ll try to explain it as best as I can.” His large palm pats his son’s shoulder reassuringly when he exhales, “I wasn’t a good husband, I was selfish and I put other things before your mom when I shouldn’t have. But that’s not going to happen anymore, I missed her too much to fuck this up again.”
“You just swore in front of me.” Seol giggles, pulling away from his father.
Jungkook nods slowly, grinning, “Well you are almost thirteen, as you keep reminding me. Just don’t tell mom.”
“Does that mean I can swear now too?”
Kook snorts, playfully pushing Seol over on the bed until he falls back onto the cushions. “Don’t push your luck kid. Is that why you’re upset? Because you think I’ll move out again?”
Seol shrugs when he sits back up, smile quickly fading. “Maybe. I don’t know…”
“Come on, you can tell me anything. How are you really feeling about this?” Jungkook’s never usually one to get serious with his son, selfishly he used to leave these kinds of conversations for you to deal with. But he’s staying true to his word, he has changed, he's matured and he’s going to spend the rest of his life making up for his previous behaviour.
Shrugging again Seol’s voice is barely audible, coming out as more of a mumble. “Excited that you're coming home but... Scared—”
“Why are you scared?” His father frowns. He can tell Seol doesn’t want to look at him so he busies himself unbuttoning his shirt sleeves and rolling them up to his elbows.
“It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid, come on tell me.” Kook’s palm finds Seol’s leg, he pats it twice as if to emphasise his question.
“I… I don’t want to share you and mom with babies. I like spending time with you both separately. I like going to the movies with you on a weekend and I like staying up late talking to mom watching TV. Even when she makes me do a face mask sometimes. But now I’m gonna have siblings and that’s all gonna change…”
“Hey you listen to me right now.” Jungkook’s voice lowers an octave when he looks straight into his mini me’s doe-eyes, profile serious, “Yeah, we’re going to spend a lot more time together as a family but we can still have our father and son days out. I don’t want to give those up. And mom loves spending time with you too, I’m not gonna come between whatever routines you have together when I move back in. If you need some time with just me or just mom that’s okay son. Even after the babies arrive it’ll still be okay. We’re a team.”
“…Thanks dad.” Seol’s smile is genuine and Kook can tell he feels relieved, these conversations aren’t as hard as he thought after all. Communication. That’s all it takes.
“Come on, let’s have a nice meal together for your mother’s birthday. Do not tell her I dropped the f bomb in front of you or she’ll kill me.”
Seol rolls his eyes, grimacing when he stands, voice oozing disgust, “Nobody calls it the f bomb anymore… You’re so old.”
When Jungkook reaches the bedroom door he opens it, glancing back at his mini-me with fond eyes but raised brows. "Apologise to your mother for running off, and to me because I am not old."
"Aren't you 40 soon?" His son chuckles, wearing the same mischievous smirk Jungkook was famous for as a child. He really is the double of his father in every sense of the word. "I didn't think old people could even have babies."
"Oh trust me... We can." Jungkook winks animatedly, and Seol gags on thin air, shoving his fingers deep into his ears when he runs past him.
"La la la la la la! Ahh that's disgusting, that's so disgusting!" He jogs down the stairs, jumping the last four steps as opposed to walking down them like a normal person.
Kook snorts, chasing after him with heavy footsteps in fits of laughter. It's like he never left at all.
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writeandsurvive · 7 months
Well, @mandy426, you asked for it, so here you go. Hope you'll enjoy it! 🫣 Inspired by the picture below (because how could we not?)
Summary: Alden comes home one night in his undercover outfit
Warnings: nsfw, established relationship, wall sex, piv, unprotected sex, undercover!Alden, biker!Alden, kinky reader ig?,
Undercover ~ Alden Parker
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Alden was very clear from the beginning; his job takes a lot but doesn't give much. You were okay with that as you'd have dealt with whatever, just to be with this man. You did underestimate how bad it could be though. The long hours, the physical and emotional exhaustion he deals with, the missions away from home, and more. There were definitely hard times, where you wish Alden had a boring 9 to 5 job, but you immediately felt guilty thinking this. He obviously loves being a federal agent, and you do admire him for it.
The worst was kissing him goodbye in the morning and not knowing if you'd see him again. But there's nothing you wouldn't do for this man, so you learned to deal with this fear and anxiety and make the best of the time you have with him.
Eventually, something new came up; Alden was going undercover. He didn't say much about it, just that he probably won't be home much, and if somehow you run into each other in town, pretend that you don't know him, unless he comes over to you. Honestly, you hoped this wouldn't happen.
He's been undercover for two weeks and you had barely seen or heard of him. It was hard, but luckily, his best friends Tobias and Jeremy have been giving you updates on Alden, they kept checking on you, spending evenings with you. Plus, you have a supportive family who's always there for you.
When you heard the sound of keys opening the door, you actually got scared for a second, forgetting that your partner had the keys and could come home whenever he could. You stood up from the couch to meet him at the door, but you stopped as soon as your eyes laid on him. It didn't look like your Alden at all.
"Honey, hey!" He rushed over to you and hugged you tight. "I can't stay long, but I'm missing you so bad."
You hugged him back, still quite puzzled. Your nose was buried in a leather jacket you've never seen before. Alden let go just enough to kiss you. "Are you alright?" He asked, stroking your cheeks and looking at you from head to toes. "Baby?"
"Are you undercover as a biker or a hipster?" You looked more at the leather jacket, the black hoodie under, the beanie on his head, the full beard - he only had the mustache since you met - the boots. You've never seen Alden dressed like this before, and you never imagined he would. But damn, did he look even hotter.
"Oh, yeah, um. Biker, actually. I know it doesn't look like me."
"Are you riding a bike?"
"Isn't what bikers do?" He chuckled. "Plus, I had my biker phase in my early twenties, so I'm not entirely new to this."
"Y-you did? How come you never told me? Or shown me pictures?" You exclaimed, sounding like you were upset.
He laughed a bit more, "I don't know, it never came up. My fam hated it."
"I don't care about your family! I wanted to know!"
Alden got closer to you again, putting a strand of hair behind your hair and softly brushing your skin that was turning pink. "Is this look turning you on, baby?" He whispered in a husky voice. He was smirking, clearly aware of the effect this was having on you. You were blushing even more and you swallowed thickly.
"Maybe." You whispered back.
Then he grinned as his hands traveled south, roaming over your breasts. He leaned over, pressing his forehead against yours. "Not necessarily what I had in mind, as I just needed to see you, but I'd be damned to deny you."
You were the one who reached for the heated kiss. His beard was probably hurting your skin but you couldn't care less. You stroked it before enjoying feeling the leather under your fingers. Alden made you walk backwards until you were pinned against the wall. His lips and tongue found that sweet spot in your neck, earning a loud moan from you. You wrapped a leg around him, his hands traveling under your - his - shirt to find you braless. He growled and played with your tits, still ravaging your neck, jaw and lips.
"Alden, I need you." You whimpered, rubbing yourself against the bulge in his jeans.
"I suppose I should keep the clothes on?" He chuckled, freeing his cock and giving it a few pumps.
"You better."
Alden got rid of your night shorts, and took advantage of dropping on his knees to kiss your intimate parts and gave a few licks on your clit. His beanie flew to the ground as you held onto his hair. The beard was giving more sensation than just the mustache.
"You taste so delicious." He got back to his feet, and held one of your legs up. "Ready for me, babygirl?"
"Yes, always! Fuck me, please!"
He didn't need to be asked twice and found the perfect angle to slip his length inside you. Both crying out, like you hadn't had sex in months. Alden gave you time to adjust before pumping in and out of you. "Fuck baby, you're taking me so good."
It wasn't romantic nor sweet, but rather rough and animalistic. You were trapped between his strong body and the wall, and loved every second of it. It wasn't long until you were cumming, shouting his name over and over again, holding onto his hair and the leather jacket. It was all he needed to cum deep inside you.
Feeling that his legs were pretty weak, Alden gently put you down and you felt his cum going down your inner thighs. "I need to sit," he said, taking the jacket off. You needed to sit too and luckily the couch wasn't far away. You grabbed your shorts and put them back on, not caring about the mess on you. "I'm an old man, you can't do this to me." He laughed, still trying to catch his breath.
"You can't do this to me!" You exclaimed, straddling his lap. "I hope there are no women around you."
"Don't worry about that." He reached for a meaningful kiss. "You're the only woman for me."
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Thicker than a Snickers
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Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: You are dating Sebastian Stan, both of you have busy schedules and you haven't seen him since he had gotten back into his beefy stage.
Warnings: Smut, Oral Sex (male recieving, female recieving) Pet names, fluff, established relationships, self doubt, beefy Seb (he's a warning ok) swearing, sexy times. Minors do not interact 18+
This was not beta read, all mistakes are my own. Divider made by @saradika
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You had been dating Sebastian Stan for a few months now, initially you both kept things quiet. He didn’t want to be bombarded with paparazzi or rabid fans and you were much the same, just more reserved. You were happy to keep things quiet, but Seb wanted the world to know about you, so a few months ago he brought you to a press outing for Ghosted. Media coverage was intense at first, photos taken anywhere and everywhere you went, people were finding out information from the internet, fans scrutinized you over everything.
You tried to not let the negativity get to you and Sebastian did everything he could to make you feel cherished because you had done so much for him. You were always there for him when people (who might have tried to mean well) ended up making him feel uncomfortable in his own skin, you were there telling him that he was perfect and how you loved everything about him. So when he found out that people had been unkind to you he jumped into action, if he wasn’t buying you gifts he was showering you with attention.
After Ghosted you had assumed Sebastian would have some sort of a break but when he told you he was going to be training your heart sank a little bit, you smiled and supported him and told him you would be his hype woman. He laughed and cupped your face “Thank you for being you sweetheart, I couldn’t do this without you” Smiling you kiss the tip of his nose “You know you would be ok without me, I just make your day more interesting” Pulling you close he laughs “Yeah well you definitely do make things more interesting, now I’ll be back in a few hours and we can get some dinner, sound good?”
Nodding you smile “Always sounds good handsome, now go have fun and I’ll slave around the house maybe lounge around the pool?” Sebastian quirks his eyebrows at you “Oh some pool time? I won’t say no to some swimsuit selfies” Laughing you shake your head “Maybe if I’m feeling generous, have a good time handsome, knock 'em dead!” Kissing you once more Sebastian leaves you to your lazy day, which quickly turns un lazy.
Your phone rings, groaning, you walk over and pick it up noticing it's your agent “Hey we need you to come in for a while, I know you were going to work from home but we really need you to come in please?” Sighing you let her know you can fly in, hanging up you pack some essentials and send Sebastian a message letting him know that you would be gone for a while, then you head to the airport. Boarding the plan you see Sebastian’s reply “I know you would rather work from home but I’ll try and visit you when I can” Smiling you reply “I love you and please visit if you can otherwise I will go insane”
The next few weeks dragged by, you and Sebastian made sure to keep in touch with face time and messages, still you missed him. The smell of his hair, the warmth of his body, his laugh you missed all of it. Soon months passed and while you still kept in contact it started getting lesser and lesser, almost making you think that maybe things were falling apart. Coming back to the hotel it had been a long day and you wanted nothing else than to live in the bathtub, walking through the door you shut it with a well placed gentle kick.
Pulling off clothing you walk into the bedroom, taking out your ponytail you rub your scalp gently wincing, feeling pain from having your hair up for so long. Sighing, you pad to the bathroom, eyes closed,rolling your neck hearing a crack. Hearing a soft laugh you freeze and your eyes pop open “Don’t stop on my account sweetheart,if this is the welcome I get I’ll be sure to be training a lot longer” You turn and see Sebastian sitting on the bed with a lazy hungry smirk, you feel heat all over your body, looking him over your mouth waters, he looks so damn big. Laughing he stands walking over to you “Speechless huh?, I know I have that effect on women”
You blush and suddenly feel the need to cover yourself, shaking his head Sebastian looks you up and down “Now why would I want you to cover up sweetheart? Come here let me hold you, I’ve missed you” Nodding you move close and press into him resting your head along his neck inhaling softly “I’ve missed you more, when did you get so beefy?” Laughing you feel him shrug, running his hot hands up and down your back “So do you like it?” Blushing, you smile “Damn boy you thick! Thicker than a Snicker!” Laughing you hide your face along his now more broad chest.
“God I love you, want to see the full effect of being thicker than a Snicker?” You look at him almost stunned your brain unable to even imagine what he looks like naked, licking your lips you stare at him before nodding “Yes please” Sebastain smirks and places you on the bed and begins to take off his shirt, your eyes widen and you know your mouth is hanging open “Holy shit” Smiling he slowly and torturously takes off his pants leaving him in only his boxers and socks, leaning forward he kisses you passionately his tongue sliding along yours. You let out a soft moan closing your eyes,pulling away Sebastian strokes your cheek “How are you doing sweetheart?”
Opening your eyes you nod “I’m doing great now handsome” Running your hands along his larger chest you smirk before placing your face between his pecs you motorboat them placing soft wet kisses along the hot skin. Chuckling softly he groans feeling your plush lips on his skin “Really liking this aren’t you?” Humming you suck and nibble gently gripping his hips “God your so big” Sliding your hands down his chest to his stomach you tease along the waistband of his boxers, groaning softly he sinks into you “Shit sweetheart trying to kill me?”
Smiling you slide your hand into his boxers cupping him gently before you start stroking him, you hear him gasp and groan loudly, grinning you feel him harden “Looks like something else got big too” You kiss him hard before dropping to your knees, pulling down his boxers his erection springs up and bounces in front of you. A drop of pre-cum catches your eye and you lap at it gently, you hear a loud groan and smirk. Feeling large hands in your hair you smile and slide your mouth down his thick cock “Fuck sweetheart missed you so much”
Humming happily you start bobbing up and down on his thick shaft, using your tongue to swirl and lap at his tip, and making sure to get any pre-cum that forms. Holding your hair gently Sebastian begins to slowly thrust into your eager and warm mouth, watching as your eyes close and you moan softly “Such a good girl, taking me so well with your mouth, I know you can take more” You nod quickly hollowing out your cheeks you slide him further into your mouth, face pressed into his hip the hair along his happy trail tickling your nose as you press closer. Grunting Sebastian grips your hair a bit tighter and starts thrusting a bit faster into your mouth, sucking hard making sure to pay attention to the tip your eyes drift closed. Sebastian loved seeing you like this, watching you suck him off was always something he loved, you were amazing with your mouth and genuinely seemed to love doing it.
You bob up and down on his cock while massaging his balls, watching his head tilt backwards, his eyes closing. Moaning softly you feel his cock twitch and jerk in your mouth, looking up at Sebastian you feel him explode into your mouth, thick ropes of cum hitting the back of your throat. Swallowing all that you can, you wait to feel him soften slightly, gently licking along his shaft cleaning him up,sliding him out of your mouth with a soft pop. Wiping the corner of your mouth you place a soft kiss onto his tip watching it twitch slightly “Such a pretty cock for such a handsome man” Sebastian blushes and smirks “Really?” You nod “You bet and it’s all mine” Looking at you with dark eyes he nods “It sure is sweetheart just like you’re all mine”
Laughing you nod and smirk “Go handsome sit on the bed for me want to ride you” Smirking he nods “You gonna sit on my face sweetheart?” Looking at him you nod, biting your lower lip “Yes” Smirking he sits on the bed moving back to the headboard beckoning you towards his face, blushing you move towards him and the bed, crawling over to him you lean down and kiss him. You feel his tongue sliding along yours as he returns the kiss, smirking “Are you stalling sweetheart?” Blushing you suddenly feel nervous you feel his arms pulling you down onto his mouth.
Letting out a loud squeak which soon turns into a moan as you feel his tongue lapping at your clit, his nose presses into you adding to the feeling as he eats you out. Your grind into his mouth hearing him groan, taking your clit into his mouth and sucking on it. The scrape of his facial hair and the tight grip on your hips has you seeing stars “Yes Seb!” Throwing your head back you ride his face, a loud whimper and moans fill the room, suddenly he hits the spot that makes your knees buckle and body shake.
Smirking he continues his assault, tangling you hands into his hair and tug gently “Fuck I’m so close baby! You can feel him smirking as he hums, his tongue moving somehow faster than before. Closing your eyes you let out a loud moan as you explode feeling him lap up all your juices, body trembling and large tears roll down your face. Coming down from your high, you feel him still licking and sucking, letting out a whimper “Seb, too sensitive!” You wiggle slightly and roll laying next to him breathing hard.
“You good sweetheart?” You feel him pull you close stroking your face, giggling softly you turn and kiss him, tasting yourself moaning you smirk “Get back to me in 3 to 5 business days” He laughs and holds you close “So I take it you like the, what did you call it? Beefy Boi look?” Smiling and chuckling softly “Oh absolutely because you're thicker than a Snicker, and I love Snickers” Laughing again he hides his face along your neck “You’re terrible sweetheart but I love you” Stroking his hair you smile “Yeah I love you too, and I really needed this thank you” Sebastian looks at you and smiles “Always sweetheart.”
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faioula16 · 2 years
Hi , would like to ask how sebastian will treat his s/o after a long day .. 🙈♥️ fluffy sebastian, thank you in advance
**Made this request for my dear friend cause you deserve to be loved appreciated and well taken care of. Hope this one-shot is to your liking. **
                                   HIS OWN LITTLE DEVIL
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"Off" You protested before you let out a deep sight. Your hand supported the back of your waist.
Soon you felt a comforting hand resting upon your shoulder. You looked to your left side to see your friend Finny smiling warmly at you. "Are you okay Y\N-chan? Today we worked really hard but thanks to you, I got praised by Sebastian...for the first time! You sure are my hero!" The gardener congratulated you in a joyful tone.
You smiled back and placed your hand upon his. "Yeah, I am okay Finny thanks. But to tell you the truth I can't wait to go back home and get some rest. My back and legs are killing me"
"Oh, right! Sorry didn't mean to hold you any longer....just-just make sure you eat something before you go to bed, okay? I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Y\N-chan!" You watched as your friend walked away. Didn't notice the pink color on his cheeks thought, not Sebastian either who watched the whole scene inside from one of the mansion's many windows.
Just the way the gardener touched your shoulder made Sebastian feel a bit annoyed. Demons can be very possessive when it comes to their mates, especially the marked ones.
But Sebastian knew better than to not show any sights of jealousy in front of you or to others. That would hurt his pride and he certainly didn't want that. All he has to do is to focus on his main goal and priority, and this is to make you feel happy and completely satisfied at all times, to let you know that no one in this world can do this in absolute perfection but him.
With your bag on your arm, you turned on your heel and glanced over the big front gate some meters away from where you stood. You had to wait for Sebastian to join you and walk you back home like every night you'd be off your duties as the newest employee Ciel hired for the gardens' care. But that's another story to tell in the future.
Your foot tapped against the rocked ground, it was kind of unusual for your demon to make you wait for that much. After some more minutes passed you decided you could take the chance and get off by yourself after all it was a lovely and hopefully peaceful night.
But as you were about to make one step ahead, a slender yet strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist. "Why...where you think you're going my kitten?" He whispered smoothly to your ear, Before you even had the chance to give an answer Sebastian simply scooped you off the ground, holding you in bridal style and your bag somewhat was now hanging on his back.
"Uhh...can you please put me down Sebastian, you know well I can walk by myself"
"My love, you must be exhaustive. And as your lover and therefore I must make sure you get the necessary amount of rest and relaxation after such a long day" The devil spoke softly while making his way back into the mansion.
Your head rested against his chest, you wanted to protest and tell him you weren't that tired...but that would be a lie.
"First of all, I'll give you a bath. We must clean you up and put you in fresh night clothes" He gave your forehead a sweet kiss before he entered a bathroom.
Before you knew it, your clothes had been removed, and let out a sigh full of relief once the warmth of steaming water with soap bubbles embraced your naked body.  You felt his hands guiding your head back in a gentle manner until it was resting comfortably against a small shink to wash your hair more easily. 
"Relax now, I will take care of you...like always" Sebastian whispered softly, his long slender fingers rubbing every inch of your head in small cycles was more than enough to make you feel kind of sleepy. 
Halft-lidden eyes were staring down at you in a loving manner. His body lowed to leave a sweet kiss upon your cheek.
"Please don't do this now, you know it makes me feel sleepy" You murmured under your breath causing the demon to let out an amused chuckle. 
"You're right my dearest, we should leave these activities for your bedtime. Ahh, but sometimes I simply can't resist. You look too much adorable after all. So cute and defenseless to my touch, just like the little kitten you are~" He spoke with a hint of mocking in the tone of his voice.
 You tensed a bit when his hands made contact with your shoulders, arms and some more private areas but relaxed afterward since you got used to it for so long.
"My my, you're awfully tense today" Sebastian let out a sigh. "I am not surprised though, you worked very hard. Honestly, I couldn't be any more proud of you, with those idiots causing me so much trouble every single day....you're a miracle, a blessing that came in my very long existence and I will never ever let you go" Another kiss was placed to your forehead before you were scooped up once again in Sebastian's arms. 
With your body and hair already wrapped in fresh white fluffy towels.
 He dried and treated your hair, then he helped you dress up for the night in a pair of pretty cute night clothes with cat sketches, and then, In a matter of seconds, Sebastian made his way into his chamber and kicked the door closed with his foot, You watched in awe while looking around the room.
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 He redecorated his new room just in case you'd have to spend the night with him. “So that's why it took you so long to join me in the garden lately"
"Yes, I had to do some changes in order to make you feel more comfortable. It's the first night you stay to my place, it was the least I could do otherwise...."
"What kind of lover would I be?" Your voices said together only that you were teasing him and let out a giggle. Sebastian's smirk grew to your playful mimicking and walked over to his bed where he tucked you under the warm soft matters. 
"Now stay here, my little devil, I'll be back in a moment" He gave your lips a peck and made his way towards the door.
"Little devil?" You questioned in slight confusion. He never has called you like this before.
He glanced over his shoulder to your laying figure. "I believe this new nickname will suit you quite well compare to your personality" Sebastian explained and chuckled softly before he left the room and closed the door. Sudden silence filled the room and just then you realized that it was raining outside.
 So that's why Sebastian wanted you to stay with him today....or you thought so.
Just then the door cracked open and your Sebastian came in while pushing a wheeled table with a bunch of covered plates on it. "Tonight's menu we have Italian soup accompanied with stuff vegetables and greek salad. And for desert a mix of vanilla and chocolate sponge cake" Your gaze stared at the food as Sebastian took the bowl of soup into his hand and brought a spoon close to your lips. "Come on kitten, say ahh..." 
You hesitated but once you stared to his eyes you just couldn't say no to him. "Is it good?" He saw you just nodding, too busy to actually talk to him when your mouth was so busy eating the one delisious spoon after the other. A genuine smile crossed the demon's lips continued feeding you from each plate and leaving the desert for the last part. 
Once your stomach was finally full Sebastian pulled you in an embrace and patted your back gently, causing you to let out a cute little burp and him an amused laugh. He left the wheeled table with leftovers aside. With one knee, on the bed, he pulled off his tail coat, vest, tie, gloves, and shoes. "Time for some affection and then it's bedtime, alright darling?" Your demon climbed on the bed with his body hovering upon yours. 
His arms snaked under the back of your head like an extra pillow....your favorite pillow to be exact that he was so willing and happy to provide you with. The light of the candles around the room made your and his eyes shine brighter or maybe it was the strong bond and love you share together. You closed your eyes and smiled in bliss while his hand was caressing your face. 
You smiled, even more, when he started leaving his popular smooches all over your face and neck. You both chuckled and embraced each other impossibly close, even closer than before (if that was possible).
The side of his face resting against yours with his breath sending soft warm waves to your ear. Then he began to sing his lullaby:  https: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghk1RFr51xo
By the morning your eyes cracked open and saw Sebastian smiling down at you as his fingers traced over your cheek. "Good morning, my little devil"
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
Hi Kay! Again, congrats on reaching 200 followers! How about a request #5?
So, this is kinda based on something that happened to me last week, feel free to adapt it. Some details: reader went out for a walk with her dog and she always stops by Family Video to talk with Steve and Robin. That morning, even though Steve knew she was coming, she didn't show up. Steve is about to call her when the phone rings and it’s this lady saying reader is there and is not ok because she ran away from a stray dog that almost attacked her. So Steve goes there to rescue her and he’s like “Ok, you’re not walking alone ever again, tomorrow I’m picking you up because no one's gonna hurt you or your dog” and she is still very scared. You can decide if Steve brings her to stay with him while he works or if he takes her home… Idk if this is a good request, I’m kinda bad at this, and after what happened to me (I got someone to call my parents, no Stevie for me hahaha), I just wanted some comfort you know
my dear, effie...i'm so sorry that this happened to you and noah, but i hope this could be a little pick me up!!! thank you again for the overwhelming support, it means the world to me 🌎💘💫
Steve tapped the counter impatiently, watching the hands of the clock on his wrist go by minute by minute, waiting for the bell to chime as you wandered through the doors with your dog leading the way. He always looked forward to your mid-morning visits, keeping dog treats under the counter to give to your pup while you and him talked about what was to come of the day before being joined by Robin who couldn’t help but to give the pupper a bunch of pets and kisses. 
But it was already 9:47 a.m. and you and your shih-tzu Noah had yet to arrive at Family Video. You two were never a minute late or even a minute early. He knew that you had the same walk every day and took the same route, which regularly led you to be here by 9:45. 
Something was wrong and he could feel it in his bones. 
“Jesus, why are you staring at the door like that?” Robin sought, knitting her brows as she passed by him with a stack of tapes in her arms. 
Steve sighed, wrenching his eyes away from the door and watching his friend begin restocking the shelves. “She’s not here, yet. She’s always here on time.” 
Robin just laughed lightly, glancing over at him swiftly, then getting back to work, “I’m sure she’s just running behind…maybe she woke up late or something?” 
He shook his head, walking away from the counter and standing beside Robin, trying to formulate the best possible explanation for your absence. 
“No, she rarely wakes up late. Remember, she told us she got that new alarm clock that’s super duper loud and it always wakes her up on time.” 
“I vaguely remember that conversation,” She responded, shaking her head to herself before turning her head to him with an apparent look of bewilderment, “Wait, she told us that like a month ago…how can you remember that but not by sandwich order from last week?”
Steve squinted, crossing his arms across his chest.
“W-what does that have anything to do with—never mind, I’m just going to call her to make sure.” 
She snorted, pushing his shoulder as he walked away, heading for the telephone. “Her number is on file, by the way.” 
“I don’t need her file, I already have it memorized—“ 
The phone rung just as Steve was about to pick it up and dial the combination of numbers he somehow was able to remember. He and Robin promptly shared a look. Rarely did they ever get calls this early in the day, but Steve just shrugged, picking it up so he could make his very improtant phone call to you. 
“Family Video. How can I help you?” He answered with his customer service voice, making his friend crack a scoff and to that Steve flipped her the bird, awaiting the response from the other side.
He could hear faint voices in the background but thought nothing of it at first, “Is this Steve?” 
“Y-yeah? Who’s this?” 
There was a relived sigh before they spoke again, “Okay, sweetheart, I’ve got him on the phone. Just hold on…” The voice on the other line said to what he was guessing another person before Steve asked again. 
“Who is this?” 
“Listen, your lady friend and her dog were chased by a stray…she came running and screaming into the apartment complex about a few minutes from your store.” 
His heart raced, finally comprehending the cries in the background to be yours. All the horrible thoughts of what could have gone wrong, racing in his mind a million miles over the speed limit.
“Is she ok? Is Noah ok?” He ordered, ushering Robin with a quick slap on the counter that got her rounding the corner pressing her ear on the other side of the phone so she could hear. 
“They’re both a bit shaken up. I was about to leave when she came running with the dog in her hands. Calling from a payphone right now, she asked me to call you.” 
Robin smirked, pinching Steve’s side as he flinched away, mouthing for her to “fuck off.” Everyone knew that you and Steve were close…very close, yet neither of you had made a move. But it was clear that you were each others’ person.
“I’ll be there in five minutes.” 
“Sounds good.” 
Steve slammed the phone back onto the base, reaching into his pockets to grab his keys as he was already halfway to the door by the time he spoke, “I’ll be back in 10!” 
“Give them a hug for me, lover-boy!” Robin hollered back uselessly, as Steve had already made it to his car, getting in and hightailing it out of the parking lot and down the road. 
What should’ve been a five-minute drive to the apartment complex it was only two minutes for him. Speeding through the streets and running yellow lights, something be wouldn’t usually do since his title was now a responsible teenage babysitter.
Yet he did it for you.
When he saw you and Noah cradled in your arms, he quickly put the car in park, hopping out. 
“Steve…” Your voice cracked with tears streaming down your cheeks, meeting him halfway and digging your face in his chest. 
He placed one of his hands on your back pulling you closer, “Hey…it’s ok,” the other hand reaching down to stroke behind your puppy’s ear, calming him down. 
“S’ok, bud…kept mom safe huh?” Steve spoke gently as Noah’s shaking faltered and the dog lapped at Steve’s wrist, making him smile. 
“I scared the stray away. Will they be alright?” 
Steve didn’t even notice the stranger standing off to the side, who gave him a small smile after seeing how quickly you and the pup warmed up. He gave the kind individual a curt nod and thanks, watching as they walked over to their car and drove off. 
Feeling your nerves settle down, you drew away slightly from Steve’s chest, peering up at him through your wet lashes, “I’m sorry for making you come here—“ 
Steve shook his head rapidly, “No, you didn’t make me do anything…matter a fact, I’m glad you called me. I was worried sick when you didn’t come in on time.” 
You sniffled, swallowing thickly as you recounted what had happened only moments ago. 
“I was terrified. One second, me and Noah are on our jolly way.” You ceased, tears brimming your eyes again and so you lifted Noah closer to your face to press a kiss to his head before continuing. 
“Then this stray just comes out of nowhere and starts chasing us…I’ve never run so fast in my life, Steve. The whole time I was just screaming, crying, trying to get someone to help.” 
By now you had buried your face into Noah’s fur, perhaps puzzling your little fluff ball, but he was smart, letting you crying into him as Steve had let you. People always said that pets were the closest thing to a child, and it was most definitely true, at least for you. Noah was your little baby, and you’d rather that stray hurt you than any hair on his body. But yet, the situation had made you feel so hopeless even after the stranger had helped you. 
“I know, I know, but you’re safe now.” Steve murmured, kissing the top of your head and pulling you back into his arms.
The three of you stood there for a while in the middle of this empty apartment complex. Soft and encouraging words spoken to you and Noah…but mainly for you, as your little doggie was, for the most part, cool, enjoying the presence of his mom and his favorite friend of hers, Steve. 
“From now on, you’re not walking alone.” Steve informed you, rocking his head as he looked around. Reminding himself that the loose dog could still be out here somewhere waiting for you two again. 
He couldn’t let anything happen to you guys. 
“S-steve, really, it’s going to be fine—“ 
He folded his lips into a tight line, shaking his head once again, and taking Noah from your arms to cradle him in his chest. The small action making your frown turn upside down in an instant seeing how your dog quickly accustomed in his grasp and appeared so at peace, like he did with you. 
“Robin can handle the store by herself for a few minutes…your place isn’t too far, anyway, so I can just pick you two up and we can walk around the area together.” 
You took a deep breath, biting your lip as you reached out to pet Noah’s head, watching his eyes slowly begin to close with every second that ticked by. 
“Are you sure?” You proposed, as Steve jokingly rolled his eyes and tilted his head. 
“Positive…now do you still want to swing by the store?” He paused, but just for a second, before you could even nod your head yes, that there was nowhere else you wanted to be right now besides with him. 
Steve spoke, a blush covering his cheeks out of nowhere, letting the words rip from his mouth before he could even stop.
“I’ve got Noah’s favorite treats and I’m sure we’ve got something we could use as a bowl for water. Annnnnd I take my lunch break in thirty minutes, so I was thinking we could all get something to eat. A little lunch date, if you will?” 
Obviously there was a reason why Noah liked Steve so much, and it wasn’t just because of the daily treats, but because his owner, you, liked Steve too. 
“Sounds like a plan.” You grinned, stepping close to plant a kiss on Steve’s cheek as the blush turned even brighter.
Steve somehow had this ability to make everything better. There was an ease to him that you adored, especially in times like these where the tears stopped pouring and his safety net caught you and your pup.
It felt natural as he slung his arm across your shoulder, leading you and Noah to his car like his favorite part of his day. That was the first and definitely not the last lunch date the three of you want on.
Turns out that you and Steve make the perfect parents for little ole’ Noah.
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thewritingginger · 1 year
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From Day 6 of 7 Days of Christmas
Posting Date: December 24, 2022
Fandom: Attack on Titan Pairing: Erwin Smith x M! Reader Warnings: 18+, Modern au, Businessman! Erwin, Established relationship, Sir kink, Semi-public sex, Car sex, Slight exhibitionism, Hand job, Oral sex (M! receiving), Praise kink, Pet names, Dirty talk, Slight degrading, Spanking, Sex toys (butt plug), Anal fingering, Anal penetration (Subject to change/ added to when finished) 
Enjoy ~
~ Prompt & Pairings ~ ~ Blog Masterlist ~
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Throughout the car ride you tried to be good and wait till you get home but your patience is only getting thinner. You don’t know if it’s due to the first-time-meeting-his-coworkers jitters or not but what you do know is the more you look at the way Erwin is gripping the steering wheel and the way his large body is sitting relaxed in the driver’s seat —the tighter your pants are becoming.
Pulling into the underground garage of Erwin’s office building you adjust your pants in a willful attempt to push down your semi from bulging out too much.
“You okay, Sweetheart?” Erwin asks as he turns off the car.
“Uh yeah, just a bit nervous.” Your voice stutters slightly –you were never good at lying to him.
“Really?” Unbuckling his seat belt Erwin leans over the center console, looking into your eyes. “Are you sure it’s not due to the erection in your pants?” Your throat dries.
When did he notice it?
You begin to stammer and try to make up an excuse but the hungry look in his eyes and the drop in his voice makes all possible lies leave your brain and before you could say anything he continues.
“I thought I told you we had to wait till we got home, did I not?” He tilts his head, waiting for a response.
“Yes but I didn’t-.” You’re cut off by Erwin’s shushing.
“But nothing. I thought I made myself very clear but since you’ve decided to be naughty I guess I’ll have to help fix your little issue, huh?” You respond with a whimpered ‘uhuh’ and gasp when you feel Erwin’s large hand cup your growing bulge.
His palm kneads you over your pants, making your cock harden completely.
“Look at you, Baby, whimpering in my front seat already and I’ve only just started touching you. Do you like the way my hand grips you through your pants?”
“Yes.” You sigh, your eyes still locked with his heavy blue ones.
“Yeah. You're such a needy boy, huh?” You nod again, making him smile. “Take off your pants.”
“What?” You were stunned by his request –more like command. You thought he’d just palm you till you came in your pants but he’s telling you to strip your bottom half bare in the parking garage of his workplace.
“You heard me, Baby. Be a good boy and do as I say, you wanted me to play with you did you not? Because we can stop and go in now or-.”
“No. I- I’ll take them off.” You’d be a mess if you stopped now. Showing up to a party with a raging hard-on is hardly a good first impression.
Unbuckling your seatbelt you kick off your shoes and shimmy out of your suit pants as instructed.
“Your underwear too.” Erwin adds, you do as he says. Looking out the window as you pull your boxers from around your ankles. A hand jerks your eyes back to the man next to you by your chin.
“Look at me, Baby. No one is here.” He reassures but you know that at any moment someone could pull into the empty spot next to you and see you half naked though you’d be lying if you said that didn’t kinda excite you.
Good impressions be damned.
Your boyfriend’s big hands touching you is skirting away all rational thoughts in your mind.
Wrapping his hand around the back of your neck Erwin pulls you in for a heated kiss. Your tongues dance together and you moan into his mouth as his free hand begins to slowly tug on your erection. He pulls you away by the hair on the nape of your neck, looking at the way your face scrunches up when he squeezes your shaft and teases your tip with his thumb.
“You're so cute like this. Your lips are pouting and you're already oozing so much in my hand. I’ve only just started playing you, is my sweetboy so starved for my touch that he’ll cum just from me kissing him and stroking him pretty dick?”
“Yes -ah.” You breathe out a soft moan.
But your sighs of pleasure turn to whines of loss when the hand wrapped around your member disappears. Opening your eyes you see Erwin reclining his seat, untucking his shirt and undoing his belt. You lick your dry lips as you watch him unzipping his slacks, a large bulge trapped underneath. Your length twitches at the sight of Erwin pulling himself out.
His shaft is thick and veiny in his palm, a pink bulbous tip already glistening with precum.
“You want my cock, Babyboy?” He asks, teasingly slapping it against his exposed abdomen. You nod your head. “Good boys use their words, Sweetheart.”
“Yes, Sir. I want your cock.” Smiling, Erwin sinks lower in his seat.
“Goodboy.” The single-worded praise is all he says before pulling you over the center console by the back of your head holding your face centimeters away from his throbbing erection.
Not wasting any time, you eagerly wrap your lips around his tip and give it a hard suck, earning you a pleased growl from your boyfriend.
Your knees are bent on the passenger seat cushions, your ass propped up –on display for anyone who may walk by– as your hands rest on Erwin’s thick muscled thighs for support. You bob your head up and down his thick shaft, only able to comfortably fit half of his girth in your mouth. His hands rests on the back of your head, guiding your movements.
“Just like that, Baby.” He praises in a low growl. “You’re such a good little cock-sucker. Come on, take a bit more. I know you can. Ah, yeaah.” He moans, pushing your mouth further down his length till you feel his thick tip probe at your throat making you gag.
With his fingers tangled in your hair, Erwin’s other hand slides down your clothed spine to cup your ass. You moan around his girth when he gives your cheek a firm squeeze in his palm. He continues to massage and grope your ass lazily, making your body throb with more need. Pushing your ass back against his wandering hand earns you soft smack in warning.
“Ah ah.” He falsely scolds. “None of that, Baby. Grinding your needy ass agasint my hand as you have my cock stuffed in your mouth. Such a naughty boy. Someone really ought to teach you some patience.” He says, punctuated with a firm spank making you choke on his length once more.
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I hope you liked that
If you did and would like to be tagged when this or any other of my prompts are posted plz DM me or comment on this post :)
💛 ~
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starlitangels · 2 years
Not Again
@romirola whispered “Milo hurt/comfort fic?” in my ear like a biblical temptation and I was simply incapable of resisting. 1.4k words
“Hey baby! I’m...” I trailed off as my instincts twinged. “... home...”
Milo was slumped, half-conscious, on the couch. Several open wounds were seeping into the upholstery.
“Oh my God—Milo!” I exclaimed, rushing over, dropping my work backpack, and grabbing at him. “Oh God. Not again. Milo? Milo, baby, c’mon, look at me!” I tried to straighten his lolling head but it was too heavy for his neck. His eyes were cloudy and half-lidded and looked through me, rather than at me.
“Swee... ha...?”
“Yeah. Yeah, baby. It’s me.” I pushed his hair out of his face—trying to ignore where it was matted with blood. “It’s me. I’m here.”
“Mmm... here,” he mumbled.
I inspected him, tugging at his shirt hem and moving the tears out of the way. “The hell did you pick a fight with? An Old Blood?” I muttered.
He tried to shake his head, but his chin just rolled over his chest slightly to one side before flopping back down, following the pull of gravity. “Mm-mm,” he disagreed.
“Okay... this one looks like the worst where most of the blood loss is happening. I’m sorry, baby.”
“So’y f’ wh—YOWCH!” he yelped as I healed the wound, eyes flying open and clarity returning to them as he straightened up. If for only just a moment. “Do you ever heal gentler than takin’ a sledgehammer to the wounds?!”
I didn’t rise to that bait. He was too injured for an argument about my healing magic. “Your mother’s lessons proved unsuccessful,” I grumbled as I found another hefty gash—this one in the soft tissue on his leg, but thankfully missing the important arteries. “On three, okay?” I put my hand over the wound. “One—” And healed it while Milo cried out.
“What happened to three?” he growled even as his head tilted dangerously far forward. His clarity was fading again.
“Hurts less when it’s a surprise, right?”
“No,” he retorted half-heartedly.
“What did you fight with?”
“W’ you b’lee m’ ‘f I said... Ash?”
I snorted. “No.” I moved to kneel on the couch and brought him forward to check his back, resting his forehead against my shoulder. He hummed and flopped a heavy arm across my back, nuzzling into me. “Ash doesn’t leave cuts this bad. Bruises maybe, but not blood. He can beat you in a fight but he does it would leaving you like this.”
“Why don’t you want to tell me?”
He tried to stick out his lower lip in a pout, but it didn’t go out as far as it usually did. “Y’ll yell... a’ m’...”
“I’m not going to yell at you.”
Milo took a belabored deep breath and sighed. “It was... a grizzly bear.”
I snorted and healed another gash, watching the clouds in his eyes fade. “No it wasn’t,” I said.
“No, baby. It was not a grizzly. The only bears in California are black bears.”
“You don’t know that,” Milo muttered.
I smiled and kissed him, healing the split in his lip from where mine touched his. “Yes, I do. I’m an Investigator. Sometimes our cases take us out into the woods around the city, remember? We’ve got wildlife training. More formal than yours, I’m sure, but yours comes from pack experience and—hold up. How did you cross paths with a bear? What were you doing?”
Milo’s mouth gaped open and shut like a fish several times while he seemed to be coming up with the right words to say. “I...”
“Milo Greer, don’t you dare lie to me,” I threatened.
“You said you wouldn’t yell.”
“I’m not.” Indeed, I hadn’t raised my voice. Just made sure it was firm.
He glowered at the technicality. “I was out runnin’ with Ash and Tanker—”
“Enough said,” I interrupted. “How’d those two fare?”
“Well... let’s jus’ say Sam’s pro’lly readin’ the riot act right about now. Asher’s mate’ll jus’ be happy all Ash got was a cut on the arm.” Milo grunted and shuffled on the couch, stretching out the crick in his neck. I put a hand over his ribs. He caught my wrist and moved it away from them before I could heal it.
“Baby—what—” I started to protest.
He shook his head. “‘M not lettin’ you burn yourself out over me.”
I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t use any magic at work today. I have plenty,” I replied. He shook his head a little harder, not meeting my eyes. “Milo.” My warning tone made him avoid my gaze even more fervently. Pulling a face, I phased through his grip and planted my hand back on his ribs, healing the gash before he could snatch me away again.
“Hey. You always say I’m your mate to justify you taking better care of me than I want. Well guess what, Greer? That goes both ways. You’re not just my boyfriend. You’re my mate too. So shut up and let me heal you.” I blinked. “Except don’t shut up because I like hearing your voice.”
He finally met my eyes. There was a softness in his grey irises that I only ever saw when he looked at me. Milo was a tough guy who’d never been afraid of his emotions—but he had a short fuse on his temper and it ignited pretty easily. The only times I saw him genuinely soft and gentle were when it was just him and me. He tended to be gentle to the youngest members of the pack, but he had nothing against chucking a teenager into David’s pool or onto a sofa if they were getting too rowdy.
For Milo to have that look on his face that he was giving me, he and I had to be alone.
“You’re too damn sweet to me,” he said quietly.
“Just as much as you are to me,” I replied, shuffling on the sofa so we were sitting beside each other rather than me kneeling, facing him. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to me. He rested his head on the space between my shoulder and chest and heaved a sigh as I reached for the last big wound.
Once he was healed—with a melodramatic whine—his muscles loosened up under my roving fingers. “Your healin’ magic still bites,” he grumbled.
“I know. I’m trying. Problem was, my professor for full certification always emphasized effectiveness and efficiency over finesse. He told us it was more important to get the job done than to make it feel painless. And I never got taught how to... heal gently.”
Milo “Hmph”ed, but nuzzled against my chest. “Maybe if my ma’s tips didn’t work, you could ask Sam? I mean, he’s the one with all the fancy-ass education and shiny certification.”
“If the situation ever comes up, I’ll ask,” I promised, tightening my hold around his shoulders to get him to snuggle closer to me. It worked.
“Don’t you have that group chat with all-a you non-shifter mates?”
“Yeah... Sam asked to be removed from the main one three days in. We have a separate one with him where the other three of us... chill out a little.”
That made him laugh. “I wish that surprised me. But honest-to-God, the three-a you are menaces together.”
I shrugged. “We’re friends. I’d think you, Ash, and David would be happy that we get along.”
“We are. But, damn Sweetheart, I can’t blame Sam for not wantin’ to be part-a the main group chat.”
I snickered. “Me neither. I could hear his blood pressure rising from the other side of the city after David’s mate made a... particularly dirty innuendo.”
“That doesn’t surprise me.”
I rubbed his arm.
We sat on the couch for a while. Milo was half-conscious from all the healing magic and didn’t notice—or, at least, protest—when I used scouring magic to clean his blood off the upholstery.
“Want me to make some dinner?” I asked softly.
“Meh.” He shrugged half-heartedly.
“Wanna just stay right here?”
“Heh.” He snuggled closer to my side.
“Okay. But just for a little bit. I’m starving.”
“Okay.” He nodded against my chest.
“I love you baby.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
“Did you know you’re my favorite person in the whole world?”
“Awww. I must be so lucky. Luckiest wolf.” He leaned up and kissed me. We both ignored the blood still on his lips.
“Then I’m the luckiest Stealth.”
He chuckled breathily and put his head back on my chest.
Within seconds he was asleep again, cooing softly.
Tag list: @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose
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astrowaffles · 1 year
The Megumi-Is-Gojo’s-Son Incident
General Audiences | Fluff, chaos, Megumi & Gojo being father & son
"Yeah, yeah," Gojo waved, "Megumi's way more fun to mess with though."
"You do seem to do that a lot," Nobara mused. "It's like you enjoy making him so mad he punches you."
"That was once," Fushiguro pointed out.
"Yeah, and?"
"Alright, settle down," Gojo interrupted. "Megumi has been easy to annoy for as long as I've known him, it's too good to pass up."
"It's not like you've known him for a long time, though," Yuji mused, "He's only 15." Even if Fushiguro had been at school before Yuji, it couldn't have been longer than a few weeks.
"It feels like forever," Fushiguro groaned. He put his head down on the table; Gojo reached across to stroke his hair. Fushiguro slapped his hand.
Maybe Yuji had been too fast to call favouritism. If he was Gojo, he would spend his time annoying Fushiguro too.
Gojo's shit-eating grin had faded into a soft smile as Fushiguro scowled at him from across the table. "I bought you mochi," he offered. He held up a bag, separate from the mix-and-match bundle he'd brought for the rest of the school to share.
 Then again, maybe Yuji had been spot on.
OR: Gojo is Megumi's dad and Jujutsu Tech doesn't know....yet.
Gojo's missions were something Yuji was used to; he was in and out of Jujutsu Tech at a mile a minute, apparently unable to sit still or stay at home for longer than at a week at a time. Nanami seemed to be in a similar position, though he was much stricter about what he allowed himself to do (if his work took him past five pm, he just walked out - providing no-one was at immediate risk). Gojo would leave at midnight, stopping by the dorms to leave notes and training ideas for his students, and come back at 5am the next day. Yuji knew he was back because the doughnuts had been taken out of the cupboard. In this case, Gojo had left at a normal time (11am) but he hadn't been back in two weeks, or maybe more.
When Gojo was away, training was left to the students. Yuji had technically been assigned to make sure Fushiguro didn't retreat into his room - never to return to the outside world - but it was so difficult to drag him out when Gojo wasn't there to annoy his student through the door. 
"Come on, Fushiguro," Yuji wheedled, "I know you don't wanna be in there all the time!"
"I do," Fushiguro argued. Yuji heard him shift on his bed, probably to face the door since his voice became clearer. "I do quite a lot, actually."
"You have to train!"
"I have done. I have trained almost constantly for the past week."
Okay, so that wasn't wrong, he really had been training plenty. Still, he'd been training alone, and Yuji had a purpose.
"Gojo said you have to be nice to me," he tried; Fushiguro didn't really like authority but it was probably worth a try.
"Gojo isn't the boss of me."
"....Yes he is?"
"That's not semantics!" A pause. "What are semantics?"
A loud sigh, then the door swung open to reveal Megumi (dressed, but not dressed for training).
"Dude, why aren't you dressed for training?" Yuji asked.
"Because I'm not going to train? Rest is important."
"I don't think I've ever heard you say you're not going to train. You're always training."
"If I'm always training, why are you here?"
Ah. Oops. Hadn't thought of that.
"To train with you! You've really left me alone this week, Fushigurooooooo-"
"Shut up."
"Bro! Don't you want to hang out with me?"
"Not really. I like my space."
"You're talking to me right now though."
Fushiguro shut the door. In Yuji's face.
"Not rude!" Fushiguro called through the door. "Self-preservation!"
"Rude!" Yuji called back. He didn't get a reply.
"Woah, what's going on here?" a voice asked from behind him.
"Fushiguro won't - wait, Gojo?!"
"Hey there," Gojo grinned. He looked pretty tired, but he held out one of his shopping bags to Itadori with a smile. "Look in there, I brought souvenirs!"
"Ooh!!" Yuji shoved a hand into the bag, rustling countless packets of sweets and plastic-covered statues. "Where even did you go?"
"Oh, all over," Gojo waved an airy hand. "You can pick anything you like."
Yuji nodded to show he'd heard, still submerged in various souvenirs. Gojo looked towards Fushiguro's door.
"Megumi in his room?"
"Yeah. Said rest was important."
"He never says that."
"I know!"
Gojo hummed but didn't say anything else. Yuji looked up. "Why? You think something's up?"
"Maybe." He reached out to tap lightly on the door. "Gumi? You in there?"
Yuji couldn't help noticing that Fushiguro opened the door at lot faster for Gojo than for him. 
"What." Fushiguro snapped, though his expression softened a bit when he saw Gojo properly.
"Heard you were resting," Gojo commented.
"Been training this week?"
"Yeah. Just .. resting now. Might have overtrained, or something."
"But you've been super careful," Yuji pointed out. "And you've been looking after yourself really well."
Gojo inclined his head. "Yeah, he's good like that." He took a step forward. "Colour?"
"Blue." Fushiguro stepped aside so there was space for Gojo to get past him into the room. Gojo did just that; the door closed. Low murmuring could be heard, and a thunk which was probably Fushiguro hitting his head on a wall in frustration (as he was wont to do).
Yuji scowled.
  "And then," Yuji complained, "They shut the door on me!"
"Well, they left you with the souvenirs," Nobara commented, reaching into the bag of sweets Itadori had brought her. 
"That's not the point! It's basically favouritism!" 
"It's not like it hurts you if Gojo wants to make sure Fushiguro's okay."
"But he was fine! I know he was fine! He was just being - antisocial, or something!"
"Sometimes people need to recharge."
"Why are you on Fushiguro's side?!"
"I'm on the side of justice," she replied primly, crunching on her snack. "Seriously, though, he gets like this at least once a month. He'll be fine but maybe Gojo just wanted to make sure it didn't hurt his cursed energy."
Yuji considered this, though he highly doubted it was true. "Maybe. Whatever, it's still favouritism. Where was Gojo when I had that cold last month?"
"He got you medicine and tea. And ramen. That's where he was."
"Shut up."
"I'm right."
"...No you're not."
"I am."
"Just admit it!"
"Admit it's suspicious!"
"Suspicious how?!"
"Suspicious that he's checking on Fushiguro!"
"How is that suspicious??"
"I don't know! What was that whole 'colour blue' thing about?"
"They've been doing that all the time, Itadori, keep up."
"See, they've always been suspicious! So suspicious!"
"You mean they've always cared about each other."
"Same difference."
"Not really."
"I'm never talking to you again."
  Gojo had chosen to eat with them since he'd been on a mission so long, which meant Fushiguro did a lot more eyerolling and sighing than normal, but other than that he seemed okay. Yuji decided it was probably better not to bring up the odd behaviour in case it triggered it all over again.
"Look, Megumi!" Gojo was saying. He was waving around some kind of sprinkles packet. "It's you!"
"Hilarious," Fushiguro deadpanned. 
"It's me too!" Nobara argued.
"How is it either of you?" Yuji demanded, reaching out a hand for the packet. Gojo gave it to him with a smirk.
"It's rainbow," Fushiguro sighed. 
"And I am what is commonly known as a homosexual," Nobara proclaimed proudly, like it was a trophy she'd won.
"So...Fushiguro and you are gay?"
"I'm pan, I wish Gojo would stop this stuff," Fushiguro complained. Gojo shrugged.
"It's good for you to be clowned a bit, Megumi, God knows Tsumiki would never let me before."
Fushiguro rolled his eyes (he was currently running three for three on exasperated reactions). "Is this the pain of getting older? Being bullied by you?"
"Too right it is!" Gojo nodded. "Stay vigilant. You never know when I might attack next~"
"Shut up," was Fushiguro's only comment, before he turned back to his food. Nobara huffed.
"We were talking about me being gay, not whatever Fushiguro's got going on."
"Yeah, yeah," Gojo waved, "Megumi's way more fun to mess with though."
"You do seem to do that a lot," Nobara mused. "It's like you enjoy making him so mad he punches you."
"That was once," Fushiguro pointed out. 
"Yeah, but you're never living it down."
"That's your fault, though!"
"Yeah, and?"
"Alright, settle down," Gojo interrupted. "Megumi has been easy to annoy for as long as I've known him, it's too good to pass up."
"It's not like you've known him for a long time, though," Yuji mused, "He's only 15." They'd only joined Jujutsu Tech that year, so even if Fushiguro had been there before Yuji, it couldn't have been longer than a few weeks.
"It feels like forever," Fushiguro groaned. He put his head down on the table; Gojo reached across to stroke his hair. Fushiguro slapped his hand.
Maybe Yuji had been too fast to call favouritism. If he was Gojo, he would spend his time annoying Fushiguro too.
Gojo's shit-eating grin had faded into a soft smile as Fushiguro scowled at him from across the table. "I bought you mochi," he offered. "As a souvenir." He held up a bag, separate from the mix-and-match bundle he'd brought for the rest of the school to share.
Then again, maybe Yuji had been spot on.
"Where's my bag of mochi?" Nobara demanded, like a mind reader.
"It's probably in there somewhere," Gojo said defensively, gesturing to the huge bag he'd given Yuji. He passed the bag to Fushiguro, who passed it to Nobara. Gojo made a noise of offense.
"Hey, that's for you!"
"I don't really like sweets," Fushiguro reminded him, with an air of someone who has this conversation once a week.
"Everybody likes sweets!"
"Well, clearly not, because I don't."
"I'm not complaining," Nobara observed, her mouth already full. "Good for you, Fushiguro." She smacked Yuji's hand as it attempted to reach into the box. "Get your own."
"That's not even yours!"
"Finders keepers."
"Oh my god," Fushiguro sighed heavily, "Share and stop whining." He took the box from Nobara and gave it to Yuji, then fished in the bag for another box which he gave to Nobara. "Happy?"
"Ooh, strawberry," Nobara beamed. "Extremely happy."
Gojo pouted. "Why don't you want what I brought you?"
Fushiguro put his hand, palm up, on the table. Gojo put his hand on it. "Sorry, Gojo, but you know I don't like them."
"Why are you two acting like star crossed lovers or something?" Yuji commented. Fushiguro immediately retracted his hand with a look of disgust.
"Ew, don't ever say that again," he snapped. "That's actually disgusting."
"And illegal," Gojo interjected, though he seemed to be enjoying Fushiguro's reaction. 
"Stop smirking at me!" Fushiguro told him sharply. "You know it's horrific."
"I mean, if you were legal age it wouldn't be that bad..." Nobara mused, then she shook her head. "No. Still weird. Yuji needs to go sit in the corner and think about what he's done."
"Sorry! You just seem really close."
"Well, I have known Megumi for a long time." Gojo took on an almost nostalgic impression. "Oh, I miss those days. Days when I could turn up to parent-teacher conferences and horrify everyone by asking him if he'd remembered not to tuck his thumb in when he punched. Days when he could look at me with absolute disgust because I tried to feed him ice cream. Days when he said he hated me for messing with his toy animal collection but then apologized to me by letting me hug him. Days when his little eight-year-old eyes-"
"EIGHT?!" Yuji yelped. "How have you known him that long?!"
"I've known Gojo since I was six." Fushiguro's expression was somewhat tortured. "What a horrific nearly-ten-year experience it has been."
"What, so you've been taught by Gojo since you were six?" Nobara asked. "That's a bit unfair, no? No wonder I'm behind!"
"Taught, raised, parented, all that jazz," Gojo said, his dramatic dream-like tone causing Fushiguro's scowl to deepen.
"Gojo is my legal guardian," Fushiguro monotoned. "He has played the role of a slightly absent, extremely irritating father for almost all of my memory."
"Aw, Gumi!" Gojo cooed. "That's so sweet of you!"
"So when you actually called Gojo Dad that one time..." Yuji's eyes widened.
"Yeah, it really wasn't as abstract as you thought," Fushiguro nodded. "Still embarrassing."
"He used to call me Satoru," Gojo divulged, leaning forward as if finally interested in the topic. "'Toru if he was feeling affectionate."
"Awwwwwwww," Nobara smiled. "That's disgustingly sweet. Who knew Fushiguro had it in him."
"So.." Yuji was on a roll now. "That whole 'colour blue' thing..."
"Megumi was a bit down," Gojo agreed. "He's a bit emotionally constipated, poor thing-"
"-But that's how we make sure he doesn't break anything-"
"If I'm emotionally constipated, it's your fault!"
"I never said I wasn't emotionally constipated too!"
"You certainly implied it!"
"I would never do something so rude! You know me, Gumi-Gumi, always out to do my bit for the world~"
"You have threatened to commit genocide multiple times."
"Now, now, that's classified information-"
"God, they really are father and son," Nobara said, muffled a little by the last of her mochi. She wrinkled her nose as Gojo and Megumi pulled the exact same expression.
"The apple never falls far from the tree," Yuji agreed, watching them start to arm wrestle. "It's nice, though."
"Hear that?" Gojo crowed, pausing his competition. "They think we're related!"
"Oh my god," Fushiguro groaned. "Kill me now."
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1027: And the Whole Family Found Out (SSBU X Sonic)
6:34 p.m. at the Smash Mansion........
Mario, wearing a Mile Morales' Spiderman costume, looks at himself in the mirror and then down at his stomach before letting out a sigh.
Peach: (Places her Hands Onto Mario's Shoulders While Wearing Her Spider Gwen Costume) Still worried about your weight, sweetie?
Mario: Yeah. It's been months since I've started my diet routine, and I feel like not a lot have changed at all. (Crosses his Arms) Maybe I'm not trying hard enough?
Peach: Oh, I wouldn't say not a lot has changed. You seemed to be able to fit into a lot more clothes than last year.
Mario: Hm. That is true.....(Looks Back Dpwn on his Costume Before Twisting Himself Back and Forth a Bit) And I hardly had any problems getting into this bad boy.
Peach: Exactly! (Starts Smirking Seductively as She Uses her Fingers to Playfully Rub Under Mario's Chin) And I must say that you are looking mighty stunning this spooky evening~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly By the Flirting) Thanks. But I wouldn't say this is anything to write home about. (Lays his Back of his Head Onto Peach's Chest) At least, not compared to yours~
Peach: (Giggles Softly) Really now?~ (Hugs Mario Lovingly) Would a bit of affection from your loving princess convince you otherwise?~
Mario: (Smirks Back at Peach) Well, I don't opposed to the idea. (Kiss the Top of Peach's Hand) If that's what you're thinking?~
Peach: Good~
Peach and Mario begins to make out with one another affectionately as Shadow, dress as Doc Ock, walks into the room and turns to the kissing couple before clearing his throat.
Mario/Peach: (Eyes Immediately Begins Widened as They Stop What They Were Doing and Turn Their Heads Towards.....) S-SHADOW!
Mario: (Chuckles Awkwardly) Uhh....Don't mind us! We were just.....finishing up is all.
Peach: (Rapidly Nodded With an Awkward yet Somewhat Sincere Smile on her Face) Mmhmm. We love your costume by the way~ Did your sister finish putting on hers as well?
Shadow: Riiight....And thank you. They only have two mechanical tentacles at the costume store, so I wouldn't say this costume is complete in any capacity. As for Hat Kid, I say sees wearing the most terrifying costume of all them all.
Hat Kid jumps out into the room with her hands on her hips, as.....
Mario/Peach: Ooooooh~
Peach: Very spooky~
Mario: And unique too.
Hat Kid: (Happily Bows at her Two Parents) Thank you.
Shadow: (Holds Up his Phone) I've also received a text from Sonic saying he's on his way coming here.
Peach: ('Sighs in Relief') Oh that's good to hear....(Frowns Worryingly) I haven't heard from him all morning or the night he left the mansion. (Eyes Widened in Fear and More Concern) He's not hurt, is he? Did your brother mentioned ANYTHING about getting himself into trouble, Shadow!?-
Mario: (Places his Hands on Peach's Shoulders and Gently Massages Them) Now, Peach, honey, just try and take some deep breaths, okay? You don't want to get yourself a heart attack before we start trick-or-treating tonight, do you?
Peach: ('Sighs in Defeat') No, I don't.......
As Peach begins to breath in and out, the doorbell begins to ring and echoed through the room.
Mario: And you have nothing to worry about here. (Opens the Door) I'm sure is Sonic is safe and sound where he- (Turns to See Who is at the Door Before his Eyes Begins to Widened in Fear and Starts Backing Away) I-I-I-I-I-Is????
Peach: Mario? (Makes her Way to the Door Along With Shadow and Hat Kid) Who's at the door, swee- (Eyes Begins to Widened Again in Complete Fear) Tiiiiiiiiie......!
Hat Kid: (Eyes Widened in Awe at What is in Front if Her) Wooooooooah..........
Shadow: What...exactly are we looking at right now?
A large, ten foot, muscular werehog, wearing a blue long sleeved dress coat, yellow shirt, and black pants, stares down at the (mostly) frightened family as he rubs the back of his quills back and forth while letting out an awkard chuckle.
?????: ('Heh 'Heh') Uh......Surprise?
Mario and Peach begins to scream their lungs out as the latter picks Hat Kid up and hugs her to dear life, all while Shadow quickly moves in front of them, pointing a gun at the werehog's chest, glaring at him in his sights.
?????: Waiwaiwait! Guys, it's me, Soni- (Looks Down at the Gun in Front of Him Before Looking Back at Shadow With a Deadpinned Look on his Face) An Ultimate Lifeform using a gun? Seriously?
Shadow: It's only for self-defense and- Wait a minute. That voice......(Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise at the Werehog in Front of Him) Is that really you, Sonic?
Mario/Hat Kid: Sonic!?
Peach: MY BABY!?
Sonic: The one and only.
Amy: (Pops her Head into the Door and Waves at the Gang While Wearing a Yellow, Puffy Dress) I'm here too by the way!~
Mario: Son.....(Slowly Makes his Way Towards Sonic) What happened to you?
Peach: How did you turned yourself into a....giant werewolf!?
Sonic: (Points his Finger Up a Little) Werehog actually. And do you guys remember that time I told you how I was able to save world in my universe from being completely separated? And how egghead trapped into one of his robot thing-a-majigs to turn him into this thing?
Shadow: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Yeah.....I think I remembered you telling us something like this a long time ago....Is this the doctor's doing?
Peach: Where is he?
Hat Kid: (Pummeled her Fist into the Palm of her Hand With an Angry Look on her Face)
Sonic: (Places his Hands Up in Defense) H-Hang on now! This isn't Eggman's doing! I mean, he was the reason why i transformed into this the first time around....But I swear this all came out of nowhere last night!
Amy: It's true, ma'am and sir. Your son came over to my house and told me he got turned into the werehog the minute he stepped out of the mansion. So I let him stay with me for the night.
Peach: ('Sighs in Relief') Oh thank goodness that explains everything....But...wait. If that's the case, then why haven't you've answered my calls this morning?
Sonic/Amy: (Starts Looking Away From Peach a Tad Bit Nervously) Uhhhhhh......
Flashback Back in Amy's House.......
Sonic Phone: Follow me! Set me free! Trust me and we will....(Continues to Go Off)
Sonic: : (Half Awake) Uggggh....Ames....I think someone's calling my phone......
Amy: (Hugging and Half Sleeping On Top of Sonic's Werehog Belly While) Let it ring itself to oblivion.....('YAWN') I want more sleep!......
Sonic: ('Yawn') 'Kay.
End of Flashback
Sonic: My......Phone was dead at the time? (Smiles Awkwardly Along with Amy)
Peach: (Raises an Eyebrow at the Young Couple) Uh...huh....(Sighs Once More) Well, as long as your back home safe and sound, I shouldn't have anything else to worry about this evening (Walks Up and Gives Sonic a Loving Hug) Just call me back next time, okay? My big, sweet baby boy~
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) Well do, ma. Sorry I made guys worried all day.
Mario: (Softly Smile) Oh there's no need to apologize. I'm just glad that nothing too serious has happened to you last night. You know we'll always love you no matter how different you look, right?
Hat Kid happily nodded as she joins in on the werehog hugfest along with Amy.
Sonic: I know now. I love you guys too-
The gang turn their attention onto Wolf 'O Donell making his way towards the werehog in question with Leon following behind.
Wolf: Step away from the beast.
Leon: ('Sigh') Is this really necessary, Wolf?
Wolf: The hell it is! I am sick and tired of seeing these second rate hacks on our big screen!
Peach: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Boys, what is going on here?
Leon: Apologies for the sudden intrusion, your highness. It seems my leader has took noticed of your werewolf companion from afar.
Sonic: Werehog, dude. There's a different. (Places his Finger Onto his Chin) At least, I think it is.
Wolf: (Picks Up One of Sonic's Large Arms) Hmm....Big arms....Legit fur.....Razor sharp teeth.....(Smirks Triumphantly) Grab your phone, Leon. I think we found ourselves the real deal on our-
A bright light suddenly surrounds for a brief second before he magically turns back to his normal, hedgehog self, as he quickly catches his pants from falling over, blushing in the progress. This also causes Shadow to cover Hat Kid's eyes.
Wolf: Oh. Nevermind. It's just a hedgehog. (Starts Walking Away) What a letdown.
Leon: (Follows Wolf Woth a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Why must you waste my time like this, boy?
Amy: (Starts Blushing at the Sight of Sonic (Barely Covered) Rear End) W-Well...so much for the perfect Beauty & the Beast recreation this year....gosh...~
Peach: I'll find you a pants that fit your sizes, sweetie.
Sonic: ('Sigh') Thanks, mom. And Amy, stop staring.
Amy: (Immediately Looks Away, Covering her Eyes as her Bluses Gets More Redder) I WASN'T LOOKING I SWEAR!!!!
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pixie88 · 2 years
The Chapter Factor
I saw someone else do this and thought it looks fun. You share the name or the chapters you have in you drafts and readers have to guess what happens in them.
Enough has 15 chapters (originally 30 I merged them together) some I still need to rename, so will only share names of those i have:
Eight months after
Girls night
Sports day
A family wedding
The awkward morning
The Neighbour has 6 chapters:
January 24th
Dinner at the Winchesters
Home swee.....yeah, maybe not!
If I was to ask you...
Good impression
Happy guessing 😜😘
No pressure: @secretaryunpaid @aussieez @munstysmind @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @palmaviolet @reallyloudstudent @peonierose @pixie88 @pixie-b
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treefory · 7 months
The cat works. Btw this one has a lot of cursing lol
Working through the past
Chapter 5
Chapter 1
A black void enveloped Cash as he floated in the abyss. The air was thick and humid yet he could still see puffs of his breath come from his nose. No matter where he looked he saw nothing, all he could see was his own body.
From out of the abyss huge stone paws reached out to him, pulling him in. Cash flailed as he tried to get away from it to no avail. He trembled as he shut his eyes awaiting its deadly touch.
It’s paws gently rested under his arms and pulled him in close. Cash dug his claws into them, they scratched uselessly against its skin. It rested cash in his arms like how you would with a baby.
Cash laid there, confused. It was soft and warm, like a mothers touch. Something he craved. Cash slowly leaned into its warmth
Cash’s eyes shot open. The sound of his alarm filled his ears. He let go of the tight grip on his pillow and grumbled as he turned off the alarm. He sat on his bed, hunched over. He felt the back of his neck, mimicking the touch in his dream. His tail thrashed angrily.
It’s not the same.
Hot shower water rained on cash’s head. He let the water run off of him. He closed his eyes, appreciating its warmth. But soon he stepped out of the shower and dried himself with a towel, head to tail.
He brushed his teeth and washed his face. Just like any other day, he put on his diner uniform. He made himself a bowl of cereal then put on his jacket and made his way out the door.
He sat at the bar, on his phone. The sound of the chef's knife hitting the cutting board as they prepared onions and peppers filled the diner. A gentle buzzing came from the old yellow lights. Out of his two jobs, this one was his favorite
He cheacked the time.
12:02 pm
No one even came today. No tip money, but I’m still getting paid.
Cash looked behind him. A family of foxes had walked in. two parents and two kids. The kids ran in and sat at a booth, the parents trailing behind. as usual cash greeted them as they sat at a booth. “Good morning, and welcome to Harry’s diner. My name is Cash and I will be your waiter today. Can I start you off with some drinks?”
He met the parents' gaze. Their eyes had bags under them and their eyelids lazily hung over them. They sat hunched over in their seats, seemingly like they were seconds away from falling asleep.
“Yeah! Can I have a milkshake?” said the boy
“Oh oh! Give me chocolate milk!” said the girl
This early in the morning?
Cash looked at the parents, in a way that said ‘is that okay?’
“Just give them what they want…” the mother sighed
Cash wrote in his notepad. “And for you two?”
The parents looked at each other “coffee.” they said in unison
“One milkshake, one chocolate milk, and two coffees. Is that right?” cash said.
“Uh huh! Yeah that's right!” yelled the boy
“I'll get that to you as soon as possible.” cash said as he handed all of them menus, then turned away.
He leaned into the window that led into the kitchen. “One milkshake, one chocolate milk, and two coffees.”
The chef stopped their cutting and washed their paws.
Two elderly sheep walked in and took a seat. “Good morning, and welcome to Harry’s diner. My name is Cash-”
“What? I can't hear you.” the sheep in an old floral hat said
“Uh, my name is Cash and I'll be your waiter today.” he said a little louder. “What would you like to drink?”
“Sonny, I can't hear you. You must speak up.” the sheep in an old dress said.
“He wants to know what drinks we want!” the floral hat yelled. “God, did you leave your hearing aid at home?” she whispered to herself
“Oh! May I have some tea?”
“Oh course.” cash wrote in his notepad. “how would you like it? Iced, unsweetened, swee-”
“What?’ old dress interrupted
Cash sighed. “How would you like your tea?” he said louder
“All I need is a couple of sugar cubes.”
“Mh hm, and you miss?”
“I'd appreciate a cup of tea too.”
“Thank you, I'll be back with you soon.” cash handed each of them a menu then walked behind the bar. On the window seal sat the foxes order. Cash rang the bell that sat at the window and left the sheep's order. He steadied the tray in his paws and carried it over to the table.
Cash laid the drinks out in order. The kids snatched their drinks up while the parents slowly took theirs into their paws.
A lone horse walked in. She wore a navy business suit with hooves clutching a briefcase. She sat at a booth, her back up against the seat with a stern look on her face.
Cash took out his notepad. “Now that you have your drinks, are you ready to order?” He said to the foxes
“I want a bajillion pancakes!” the boy yelled. “And my sister wants eggs!”
“Nuh uh! I want waffles!”
“No you don't, waffles are gross!”
“You're gross!”
“MOOOOOM!!!!” the boy cried
Cash looked at the parents. “Be nice to your brother…” the dad muttered
“We both just want omelets and some toast. ” the mom whispered.
Cash finished writing in his notepad and took back the menus. He started making his way over to the bar.
“WAITER! Excuse me, over here!” the horse yelled
“I'll be with you in a minute.” cash said dismissively.
He tossed the menus onto the bar then went to the window. “We have an order!” cash said while ripping out a page from his notepad. He lifted the sheeps order his paws.
“Here's your order, mam.” cash said loudly as he laid out their drinks.
The sheep in the floral hat squinted her eyes. “Sir, I think we asked for some sugar cubes.”
“Uh, we don't have any sugar cubes. but- ”
“WAITER!!!” the horse yelled again
“But we do have sugar packets on the table for you to use.” he said while gesturing towards the sugar packet holder, also trying to ignore the horse.
“Oh thank you. Eh, we still need some time to find out what we want.”
“That's okay, take all the time you need.” Cash smiled.
He forced himself to keep a smile on his face as he approached the horse. “Good morning, and welcome-”
“What took you so long to get here? don't you know how busy I am?” She demanded
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner, but as you can see you're not the only customer here.”
“Don’t you know who I am? I make more than everyone here combined! Especially you.”
“Uh huh. Yeah, what do you want to drink?”
“Cappuccino with a Caramel drizzle.”
“Anything else?”
“ I need a MENU before I can order anything else.”
With a blank stare and still with a smile on his face, cash walked over to the bar then handed her a menu. She snatched it from his paws.
“Leave me alone.” She grumbled
Cash's tail flicked back and forth as he sat down at the bar.
“Mom! She took my fork!”
“Dad! He bit my straw!”
Cash put his head in his paws.
Ugh. This is giving me a headache…
Cash’s head shot up. The foxes order sat at the window seal. With a groan, he got up and took the tray over to the foxes. And like it was nothing, he put on a smile and laid out their plates.
“YAY!!!” The kids yelled. Their high pitched voices hurt Cash's ears.
He sat back down at the bar.
Wait, no. I have to check on the sheep’s
He stood back up and made his way over to their table. “I’m back. Are you ready to order?”
“What?” The floral hat asked.
Cash superseded a groan. “Are you ready to order?” He said again.
“Nooo… here, what does this say sir?” The old dress said, pointing at something on the menu.
Cash leaned in close. “Swe…dish…capes. Swedish capes, mam.”
“And this one?” She pointed at another item
“Hic…Katy… no wait, uh… hickory… smoked… bacon… strips…. Hickory smoked bacon strips, mam.”
“You aren’t very good at reading, huh?” The floral hat said
Cash stood up tall, red in the face. “Are you ready to order, mam?” He said, trying to ignore her comment
“No, I need more time.”
“Mh hm.” Cash walked over to the horse.
“Mam, are you ready to order?”
Cash stood there awkwardly, with his notepad in his paws
“W-what would you like-“
“I want three pancakes, drizzled In strawberry syrup. With cut up fruit, consisting of grapes, apples, kiwi, and NO strawberries.”
“Is that all?”
“Did I say anything else?”
“… your food will be ready soon.” Cash said as he walked off. “Fuckn’ bitch” he muttered under his breath.
He handed the note to the chef through the window then sat at the bar. Once again, he rested his head in his paws.
Kids talking loud
The obnoxious sipping of tea
Clack clack clack
God, Now the horse was on her laptop.
Cash felt his head throb. His tail swished back and forth.
“Mom! Look at the cat's tail!”
“Look at it! I wanna touch it!”
Cash hadn’t even noticed his tail was moving. He curled it around his leg. He ran his fingers through the fur on his head, trying to sooth his mind.
I should start carrying pills around. Why is everything so loud?
After resting for a second, he went back to work.
“Are you ready to order now?” Cash said loudly with a small smile
“Oh I was wondering when you’d be back. Yes, I am ready to order.” Said the sheep in the floral hat.
“So am I.” Said the sheep in the old dress.
“ what would you like?”
“I want the biscuits and gravy.”
“Wait, that’s what I’m getting. You can’t get what I’m getting.”
“No, You can’t get what I’m getting.”
The two stared at each other waiting for the other to cave.
Cash broke the silence. “Do you need more time to decide?”
“I suppose we do.” The old dress said, not looking away from the other.
With a gentle sigh, cash walked to the foxes table. Food was everywhere like there was a food fight. Syrup coated… everything, literally everything. Cash stared in awe as the kids took bites out of their soggy food.
“Is everything going okay?” Cash said looking the mess
The dad looked up at cash with eyes that looked like they haven’t slept in weeks. “More coffee…”
“Of course.”
“WAITER, WERE IS MY FOOD?!?!” The horse yelled as she hit her hoof on the table.
Cash’s eye twitched as he walked over to her. “Mam, your food isn’t ready yet.”
She looked him up and down. “God, you could at least smile. I’ll do you some good.”
Cash shot her a huge toothy grin, showing off his fangs. but it looked more like a snarl.
“Ugh, don’t ever do that again.”
Cash turned to walk away
“Did I SAY I was DONE talking to you???” She yelled
The notepad in cash’s paw crunched and wrinkled as he tightened his grip on it. “I’m sorry, what do you need?” He said with a sickening smile through gritted teeth
“Don’t you see that my cup is empty? I want a refill.”
He gently took the cup in his paws. “I’ll be with you shortly.” He smiled as he walked over to the bar. “I need a refill of that coffee Carmel shit that horse ordered.” Cash sighed “and two cups of coffee.” The chef laughed to themself as they prepared the brew
Cas checked his phone
12:50 pm
Cash let out a sigh of relief. Only ten more minutes…
Cash went over to the sheep “I’m sorry for interrupting your decision making, but I will be leaving soon and no one else will be able to serve you. So if you could, please order something and take it to go?” Cash said in a soft voice but loud enough for them to hear.
“Oh but we still need some time to find out what we want.” The old dress said.
“I understand that, but i'm about to leave. So what would you like-“
“Can’t you just stay later?” The floral hat asked
“No, I have things I’d like to do after my shift.”
“Like what? Play on that phone of yours? This generation has no class!”
“Do you want anything or not?” Cash said, patience wearing thin.
“Well, I don’t think we’d like to spend our time eating here. Check please.” The old dress said.
“Thank you for dining with us.” Cash said as he went to the cash register. Fifty minutes, and didn’t even order anything.
A plate of pancakes sat at the window. Thin red syrup coated the assortment of fruits. It looked so good. He picked up the tray in his paws and carried it over to the horse. “Your order, mam.”
“What the FUCK IS THIS?!?!” She yelled as she gestured towards the pancakes. Everyone looked over, even the chef poked their head through the window.
“STRAWBERRIES!!!! I hate STRAWBERRIES!!!” She screamed. “Your manager, I NEED YOUR MANAGER NOW!!!!”
The horse stood in front of Cash. She was only taller than him by a couple inches, but it felt like she was towering over him.
Cash stepped back. Shit, did I forget to say no strawberries?
A door in the back of the diner flew open. A small otter stomped out “who’s yelling about a manager?” She yelled. They wore the Same uniform as cash with a name tag that read manager- Buttons
“I did! Your scummy waiter put strawberries on my pancakes!” The horse yelled as she moved to stand in front of the otter.
Cash took another step back, he could feel himself shaking.
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“Don’t you talk about my worker like that! And he don’t even make the food, Yah dumbass!”
“How DARE you talk to me like that! I want to know who put strawberries on my pancakes! Then I want you to fire them!”
“What the fuck are you talking about? I haven’t bought strawberries in weeks!”
Manager Buttons climbed up on the table to get a better look at the pancakes. “You dumb bitch, THESE ARE RASPBERRIES!!!”
Cash’s fearful eyes laid in the pancakes. They were raspberries.
“What? No- I thought-'' the horse stammered.
“I don’t give two SHITS about what you thought! I want you out of my diner, NOW!” Manager Buttons yelled as she got into the horses face
The horse hastily pulled out a wallet and handed some cash to the otter and quickly left. The diner was silent for once. Cash stood there shaking uncontrollably.
“What a bitch…” Buttons looked over at cash. “Damn, you do’n okay?” She asked.
Cash’s breath hitched “uh, yeah. I-I’m okay.” he said, trying to stop shaking.
“Yeah sure, you look… bad. Look, I want you to cash this into the cash register." She handed Cash the money. “After that I want you to take care of the pancakes. I don't care how, just do it. I’ll finish serving the customers.”
She pulled out her phone. “Your shift is almost over, so you chill out.”
Cash took the money from her paws and put it into the cash register. He sat down at the table, pancakes in front of him. Buttons got the sheeps order and then yelled at the foxes for letting their kids make a mess. She was probably the reason this place didn’t get many customers
Cash went to pick up the fork when he noticed his paw was shaking. He grabbed it with his other paw then wrapped his arms around himself.
Deep breaths Cash, deep breaths… that horse… my mom… deep breaths…
It took him a second to stop shaking, And when he did he took a bite out of the pancakes.
“God, that chef can cook…” he mumbled with his mouth full.
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Camilo X Reader:
Tears V
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{ I , II , III , IV .}
Summary: Camilo, who is still as Bruno, takes you to his tía Julieta.
After checking over your injuries, Camilo begins to stand up.
"Ok, lets go tell your mom what-", before he could turn around, he feels you pull on his pant leg, tugging at it hurriedly.
Looking down, he sees you shaking your head quickly, tear stains on your face. He kneels down again and grabs your hand.
"No? Wha-", he looks for something he could do to help, looking at your eyes when he gets something. "I could take you to Julieta. Are you ok with that?"
You nod and put your arms around his neck as he lifts you up, hiding your face. "Thank you Bruno.", you whisper into the man's neck.
Camilo stands there for a minute, remembering that he was still as his tío.
"Yeah.. No problem.", he says and begins making his way to Casita.
He gets a few stares from the towns people, but he ignores it and goes straight into the house.
"Tí- Julieta! I need help!", he says, almost forgetting that he was supposed to be Bruno.
"Bruno? Weren't you-", his tía comes out from the kitchen and gasps once she sees your beat up form. "Dios mio!"
"Please get them something.", he pleads, shifting his face quickly to show her that it was him and not her brother.
The woman in the blue dress nods and goes back into the kitchen quickly to get something. Camilo brings you to sit on the bench that was in the court yard near the kitchen area, sitting next to you after you kept clinging onto him.
"Ok, I've got some arepas.", she comes back with a plate of food, picking up the pan. "Here, eat up.", she tells you softly.
Slowly, you peak over your shoulder and look at the food being presented to you. Looking up at Bruno, he gives you a nod to go ahead and eat. Taking the bread, you mumble a thank you and take a bite. After chewing and swallowing, you start to feel a whole lot better. Lifting your hand up, you can see the scratches heal.
"Bruno. A word.", Julieta says and puts the plate on the bench, telling you that you can eat as much as you like before heading back into the kitchen.
The man in green moves your arms and kneels down in front of you. "I'll be right back, ok? Just stay here.", he tells you and goes into the kitchen.
Camilo enters the kitchen and sees his tío eating some fruit. Bruno pauses when seeing another him.
"I have a twin?", the man jokes.
The boy shifts back into himself and looks down at his twiddling hands.
"Explain now.", his tía says low enough so you won't hear.
"I was going to go apologize to them. Properly like mi mamí wanted..", he says quietly and takes a breath. "..but when I was going to their house, I heard crying and I found them getting beat up. I turned into tío to scare the kids off. Then I brought them here."
The two adults soften their eyes at their nephew.
Bruno gets up and comes over to give him a pat on the shoulder. "You did good Camilo."
The three walk out of the kitchen and find you with Mirabel, who's talking about being excited for their birthday that's coming up soon.
"And then I'll get my gift!", the curly haired girl with glasses says with a smile.
You nod with a small smile before noticing the others once the girl stops talking. Turning to face them, your eyes widen when you see the shape shifter and you scoot closer to Mirabel, slightly hiding at her side.
Julieta nudges Camilo towards you.
"I- um..", he looks at his hands and then up at you. "I'm really sorry for ripping your drawing. That was mean."
His tío nudges him this time.
"And I hope we can be friends.", he finishes.
All you do is nod, staying quieter than you were before. One of them calls your mom over and explains what happened. She frets over you and thanks the Madrigals before taking you home.
"Now the hard part.", Julieta says and looks at Camilo. "We have to tell your mother what happened."
Its official! This is now becoming its own story!
~Seline, the person.
@mayuhiideyo135 @elegantkidfansoul @sunnth @xdyledz @sweettooth-simps @miwtycloud @yoshiiizy @lolalee24
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diamond-coral · 3 years
The Heist- Part Two
Steve x Reader Chapter Summary: Steve sees you working at a club. Now Steve wants you...and he’ll have you.
Series Warnings: dark, rape/non-con, kidnapping, stripper themes, swearing, crime
Chapter Warnings: male masturbation, swearing, stripper themes, kidnapping, crime, mild violence, threats of rape/non-con, creepy crazy stevo
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Steve had begrudgingly went to the strip club with Bucky and Sam because, as Sam said, ‘Modern women are somethin’ else compared to the 1940’s.’. Bucky was much more enthusiastic to see how much things had changed as a once been ladies’ man from the 40’s even if it meant having to go with Sam who bickered with him every five minutes. And while Bucky’s enthusiasm remained as they entered the club, the blaring music, flashing lights, and women in skimpy outfits had Steve remaining unimpressed.
Until he saw you.
You weren’t on the stage but rather talking to a coworker in the back of the room, a tray of drinks in one hand and a smile on your face that could light up a room. An honest, genuine smile that stood out in a room filled with nothing but empty sultry smiles given by dancers. Your coworker said something, and you threw your head back and let out a laugh that Steve could’ve sworn he had heard ringing all the way across the club over the blaring music.
You were perfect.
While you were still scantily clad in nothing but a light pink shimmery sheer top that showed your bra perfectly cupping your breasts, a pair of barely their black shorts, and black heels that had his eyes dragging up and down your legs, your demeanor and posture was more relaxed, and that’s what he loved. You weren’t sticking your tits out in front of you or pushing your ass back, but were rather slouched a little, eyes shimmering with excitement as you talked. What Steve saw of you was raw and authentic, and he loved it.
Sam’s voice interrupted Steve from his daydreaming, and Steve shot him a look of irritation causing Sam to raise his hands in defense.
“Woah there loverboy,” Sam chuckled. “I was just gonna suggest, you should ask for a dance from that girl you’re ogling over.”
“And before you go over and court her with your righteousness and whisk her away to waltz like prince charming, he means a lapdance, punk,” Bucky says while taking a sip of his drink.
“I- I was’t ogling,” Steve sputtered, but let out a sigh of defeat at Sam’s raised eyebrow. “I’m not gonna ask for a lapdance. Besides, she seems to be just waiting tables. I wouldn’t wanna interrupt-”
“You’re hopeless,” Sam teased as he brought his fingers to his mouth to let out a shrill cab whistle. You turned, and Sam caught your attention, beckoning you over with two fingers.
“Hiya fellas,” you said, and Steve frowned a little at the sultry voice you put on. “What can I help you with?”
“Just another round of drinks, sugar. Oh- and-” Sam leaned to whisper something in your ear and Steve noticed your eyes widening a little before your gaze snapped to him, a small smile on your painted lips.
“Of course,” you responded to Sam. “I’ll be back with your drinks shortly.”
As you turned to leave, Steve frowned at Sam. “What did you tell her,” he asked.
“Oh nothing much. Just mentioned that THE Captain America was looking for a little bit of fun tonight.”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a groan. “Sam you dumbass.”
“Hey, he’s doing more about it than you,” Bucky interjected. “Sometimes it’s just sad watching you when you just sit and do - oh shit here she’s comes.”
“Alright, and I’ve got another round of drinks,” you said cheerfully while distributing the glasses. “And you, Mr. Rogers…” You sat on one of Steve’s thick thighs while placing your hands on the collar of his button up shirt and smoothing it down. “You’re friend told me you’re lookin’ for something… special tonight?”
Steve’s throat was dry and he was sure you could feel his heart practically beating out of his chest. “Oh well...I um-I.”
“What Mr. Womanizer would like to say is that he accepts your offer,” Sam offered, and Steve shot him what was probably the one-hundredth dirty look of the night.
“Well then.” You got off his lap and tugged on his arm. “I’d be happy to oblige.”
Half an hour later, Steve returned a mess. The first few buttons of button up were undone, his hair was tousled, his cheeks flushed, and his heart hadn’t stopped racing.
“Good time?” Bucky inquired with a smirk.
Steve could barely form any words other than ‘where’s Sam’ to which Bucky pointed to the crowd of sweaty dancing bodies where Sam was shamelessly grinding on some woman.
“Oh God, I need a drink.” Steve fixed his hair with one hand while the other dipped into his pocket to retrieve a flask of Asgardian liquor Thor had given him.
“Was she that good?” 
“Well yes, but it wasn’t just the dance. It was her,”  Steve answered while burying his face in his hands. He felt like the scrawny kid from Brooklyn again. Completely flustered as he chased after a girl totally out of his league. “I don’t know Buck, she’s just-she’s just perfect.”
“Stevie, look around you. Every woman here is practically perfect. And they’re goddesses. That girl is just a girl.”
“No it’s just- you don’t understand. She’s just…” Steve let out an exasperated sigh and Bucky’s eyes softened.
“Wow you really like her don’t ya?” Steve just nodded in reply. “Well what if we came back again when she’s working?”
“No that wouldn’t work,” Steve said. “But...I think I have an idea.”
“And am I involved in this idea at all?”
“Maybe.” Steve laughed at his friend who groaned.
Steve then continued to explain his plan. He pointed out the coworker you had been friendly with when he first saw you, and asked Bucky to get some information out of her since he was the less recognizable out of the two. Steve needed to see you again. Not just that...he needed you. You were just so perfect for him, and Steve knew that the moment he laid eyes on you. The genuineness of your smile and laugh, just the way you were so authentic amidst your surroundings just showed you didn’t really belong in this environment or even this time period of imitation and phonies. But you belonged with him. And he’d preserve that authenticity. 
Bucky just simply nodded, and at first Steve was nervous that his best friend was going to call him crazy, but after a bit, Bucky got up and snatched Steve’s flask while flashing him a grin.
“Bout time we got you a girl, huh pal?”
Steve sighed in relief, and as Bucky trotted off, he went to find Sam.
Steve explained to Sam that he was gonna go home while Bucky worked some “wingman magic” and Sam started letting out fits of laughter at how THE Captain America was ‘down bad’. 
Finally, after Sam had finally calmed down, he wished him goodbye and headed home.
He had some things to take care of.
As Steve guided his hand up and down his shaft, all he could think about was you.
Your tits, your ass that had ground on his crotch at the club, your red lips around he imagined on his cock. You’d probably use your skilled hands as well, not being able to fit his entire member into your mouth. 
Steve’s thoughts didn’t stop there.
He thought about how your hips moved while in the private dance room. He thought about how although you were undeniably sexy, you were also so kind to him, once in a while asking if everything was okay and if he wanted anything else from you. He thought about how you simply smiled and let out your angelic laugh as Steve fumbled and stuttered, simply putting your hands over his and telling him everything was okay and he could sit back and relax, not having to take charge after a long day of commanding people. The light pink color of your lingerie was so beautifully innocent as your body moved lewdly in contrast. And he loved it.
Steve came with a shout to the image ingrained in his mind.
A few minutes after Steve had cleaned up and taken a much needed cold shower, he received a call from Bucky.
“You’re right,” Bucky’s voice spoke through the phone. “Two drops of that Asgardian shit and she was completely mentally clocked out. Told me everything about your girl.” 
As Bucky told Steve your name, Steve tried it out on his tongue for himself.
“Also told me a little bit of a little side job they got goin on. Your girl’s a bit of a criminal, Stevie. Sure you still want her?”
“I’m sure she has her reasons.”
“Well you’re right in that actually. According to...Bella-yeah I think that’s her name-,” Bucky recounted. “They steal from people to pay for rent and art school. And I just so happened to tell her about some skeevy old timer government worker who happened to be loaded from scamming low income taxpayers. Who also happens to live at your address.”
“Wait, you want her to rob me?!” Steve exclaimed.
“Will you just let me finish?” Bucky took Steve’s silence as an opportunity to continue. “I told Bella no one would be home while your girl does the job, but obviously you’ll be home so she can’t get away. She’s literally coming to you on a silver platter pal. Could it get any better than that?”
Steve took a moment to consider the situation before replying. “You’re right. Thanks pal. I really owe you one.”
Bucky chuckled. “Well I got one hell of a blow job so I’ll say we’re almost even. Anyway, she’ll be comin in a week, so that’ll give you plenty of time to prepare.”
You awoke slowly to sunlight streaming through your apartment window, your bed feeling more comfortable than usual, and a warm arm wrapped around your-
What the hell?
Your body thrashed as you jolted awake and flung yourself away from the body next to you in the bed that very much wasn’t yours in the apartment that was always not yours. Steve Rogers just sat up on his elbows and gave a groggy smile at your frazzled state.
“Mornin’ sweetheart.”
You recalled your memory, trying to see if this was some sort of drunken hookup, and it all came back to you. The heist, him coming home early.
“Didn’t mother ever tell you stealing is wrong?” were the words he had said before he had grabbed your hair in an iron grip and smashed your head on the near coffee table. Everything was black after that.
“Oh my God...you,” you began to back away from him.
“I what, sweetheart?” he mused. “Last time I checked, this is my apartment, and you were the one breaking and entering.”
You scrambled backwards off the bed, but just as you were about to reach the bedroom door, something cold and hard pulled against your ankle causing you to topple face first onto his carpet. Turning your head, you observed a metal cuff secured around your ankle with a chain leading back to the foot of the bed. 
Steve used the time you took panicking and hyperventilating to get out of bed and leisurely stretch his arms as if this was a normal occurrence. He approached you cautiously as if you were a wild animal and bent down to softly cup your face with a large hand.
“It’s okay, doll, I didn’t hurt you. Just let you sleep a bit before I caught you up to speed today.”
“Did- did you…,” you sniffled at the thought of what that man could’ve done to you while you slept.
“No. God no!” You nerves calmed a little bit as you were reassured that America’s hero was still the gentlemanly golden boy you met at the club. That was before he tilted your chin to meet his sinister gaze. “I wanted our first time to be while you were awake.”
Your heart dropped. This man was crazy.
You began to frantically yank at the chain on your ankle and your breathing became shorter.
“Hey. Hey! Stop it!” he urged before grabbing both of your hands and holding them in a steel grip. “Listen. I know this is all..new...but you need me. And I need you. When I saw you at the club, you were just so perfect. You’re not like those other women. You don’t belong there. You don’t belong in this life. I can take care of you. I will take care of you.” A tear slipped from your eye at his words but he just brushed it away with his thumb and continued. “You just don’t understand yet. When I saw you, I just knew you were meant for me. You’re perfect, doll.”
All you did was stare at him in disbelief and mutter, “You’re crazy.”
He went to soothe you again and brush a lock of hair away from your face, but you thrashed and said it louder.
“You’re crazy, you’re fucking crazy!”
“Doll, you don’t understand. I love you. And you’ll love me. I promise just give it some time and-”
“No you’re deranged. You’re FUCKING DELIRIOUS!!” you screech as your hand shot out and slapped him across the cheek.
The room went dead silent. You froze, and so did he. You had just slapped Steve Rogers across the face. You slapped the pure muscle mass six foot super soldier and called him delirious, and he looked hurt. His face was painted with a heartbroken look of regret, disbelief, and sorrow. But not from the slap. It’s like your words had hit him like a ten-ton truck, and for a second you saw doubt flicker across his eyes as if realizing that everything he imagined was in his head. And in that doubt was your hope. Your hope that this man would come to his senses and let you go.
“Steve...please, you have to realize this is wrong,” you said softly as he gave you a broken look. In that look you saw the scrawny kid from Brooklyn in the 1940s who only knew rejection, and your heart broke just a little bit. “What you’re feeling...it isn’t love.”
All of a sudden his demeanor changed. Any doubt in his eyes was wiped away in a nanosecond and replaced by a fierce look of determination. His face contorted into a snarl as he yanked you up with him by your hair and spun you around to press your front against the well.
“You dumb bitch,” he growled into your ear. “You think you don't need me when you’re a pathetic thief who whores herself out every night.”
You writhed in his hold but he just gripped your hair harder and let out a breathy laugh.
“You know...for someone like you to stoop so low as to work at that club...it makes me think. You wanna be treated like a whore?” he seethed. “Fine. I’ll treat you like a whore.”
a/n: don’t worry I don’t think working at a strip club is “low” at all. just some classic sexist bs from our good old 1940′s fav
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