#hope this makes sense I only had roughly 4-5 hours of sleep last night
kleefkruid · 7 months
Hello, this is autistic anon from this summer who asked about the summer camp for depressed people . I have now started that, but after spending just one day there I then needed two days to recuperate (like spent one day sleeping and the other one so tired and hurting that I didn't feel up to anything). So I'm wondering did you experience smth similar at first? Did it get better? Because things feel a bit hopeless right now. If you don't mind talking a bit more about this at least?
Hi! You might have send that to someone else bc I don't have any experience summercamps like these? I did do a non-residential stay at a psychiatric hospital for 3 months (before my actual residential stay) so maybe that's what you're referring to? In any case it's close enough that I can give an answer on the subject of being incredibly exhausted by treatment.
Doing an active treatment when you're in a deep mental health crisis is always exhausting, if you'd compare it with walking uphill, the first days/weeks/months are always the steepest and it gets better gradually, but it does take a long time.
The only thing I can really say is don't give up on it, because the thing that's so exhausting is also the only way to overcome being this exhausted. Try to not have anything else going on in your life, so whatever energy you do have can go 100% to this. How far 'dropping everything' is realistic depends on the individual situation of course, but in an ideal situation you drop any other commitments, take time off work/school, live with family/friends/a partner who preps meals etc, hold off on dating, really putting your life on hold every wich way possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help, this is the same as when you for instance get your foot operated on and you need to avoid walking for a few weeks and someone else has to do your groceries. It's a medical event and you deserve rest, you need to take rest.
But keep doing what your doing treatment wise. It's really is a 'it get worse before it gets better' thing. Because depression is so tiring and then you're gonna jiggle things around in your head? Of course you're going to reach levels of exhaustion you've never seen before and it's totally fine to feel this way.
It's training, it's uphill, it's exhausting, it's takes a long time but all of it is soo worth it when you one day notice "hey, I"m not as tired anymore, I still can't do much but I can do something" and that's when you look back and see all the distance traveled.
I currently don't need to take off days after even big events anymore, and I used to have to recuperate multiple days after doing anything. It was absolutely a long process but I'd never tought I'd be able to get to this point, so who knows where you'll end up if you keep trying, there's literally no way to guess at this point, but wherever it is, it'll be worth all the effort and pain and occasional steps backward.
Also, sidenote, even mentally healthy able bodied people need to take days off sometimes when things get intense, so make sure to not beat yourself up about it ;)
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Project t0m au vore?
Tommy knows it’s safe but when Wilbur falls into the stomach he freaks out, can include Phil freaking out like when Tommy put wil in his mouth but like 10x worse.
Thx mate :D
You're welcome mate, enjoy :3
Warnings: Soft vore and being overworked
Words: 1.6K
Ever since that nightmare he had, he feels different knowing he was once a human, he feels a bit more aware if that makes sense but overall, still confused, he needed more information on this Tubbo, he seemed so important to him.
He wanted to remember who he was but the only memory he had was of that accident and how he came here, not only that but he needed to try and talk to Phil.
For Wilbur’s sake, he had been seeming more stressed lately, he was doing a lot more experiments on Tommy than usual, not that he minded Wilbur doing it, but he’s been doing it more since he almost spoke that one time.
What Wilbur was actually doing trying to do more research on Tommy, ever since that nightmare Tommy had that nightmare. He had been acting a bit differently, he wanted to see if he could help Tommy understand himself, maybe even talk again!
Not only that but a lot more requests of the research of Tommy’s abilities had been requested with short due dates. Leaving Wilbur, no time to sleep.
For the past 5 days he’s been trying to do more research on Tommy, but with minimal results. He couldn’t understand why nothing was working. He was stressing beyond relief, and Tommy had tried to help him, but he ended up accidentally lashing out at Tommy a couple of times, he didn’t mean to.
It broke his heart to see Tommy so upset. He tried to apologise and make time for him, but everything kept piling up and he simply couldn't handle it.
Phil had noticed this behaviour change and offered to help Wilbur, he flat out refused, but now he was really contemplating actually taking up that offer because honestly, he could use as much help as possible right now.
He sighed looking at the recent document, not many words had been written in this latest state of research and he wasn’t sure there was much to be said. Shortly after, Tommy approached him, slumping on his shoulder and made a low whine.
“Toms, not now, please”. Tommy wrapped his arms around Wilbur in hopes of comforting him, Wilbur sighed and rubbed his hands. “I appreciate you trying to help but it’s not as easy as you think bud”.
Tommy found it unacceptable that Wilbur was overworking himself like this but there was nothing he could- actually… He started to make incoherent noises, which confused the fuck out of Wilbur, he looked over his shoulder to look at Tommy and could almost make out Tommy saying his name with one of the saddest looks he’d seen.
Shit, Tommy was really worried about him, and he was being a complete ass, but work was work. It frustrated him so much. He stood up, his feet barely supporting his weight, dizziness clouding his vision, he held onto Tommy, embracing him in a hug.
Tommy whined worriedly as Wilbur practically placed all his weight onto Tommy, not that Tommy minded, he was strong and loved when Wilbur did this, he loved to protect Wilbur, but this was different. They were both stressed and confused.
Soon after Phil entered the room to check up on the two, to see his son practically sleeping on a confused Tommy. “Hey mate? You alright?”. Tommy’s eyes lit up as he saw Phil, in order to handle this more easily, he changed his size to carry a barely awake Wilbur, and walked over to Phil, whining whilst showing him Wilbur.
Phil’s worried look increased as he quickly approached Wilbur, checking for fever only to find that the man was suffering from complete exhaustion, he sighed. “He’s been overworked, he used to do so back in his university days. He’ll be fine if he gets rest, he’ll be fine, I can trust you to take of Wilbur for the time being right? It’ll be a while though until I’m done”.
Tommy nodded, “Good, it’ll probably be overnight so making sure Wilbur stays warm, okay? The facility can get cold at night”. Phil quickly made his way to Wilbur’s computer, gathering the documents needed onto a nearby USB, trying to rush, wanting to get everything done as soon as possible, he wanted to help his son as much as possible and quickly as he came, left.
He held Wilbur tightly, gently. Wilbur had protected him so many times, so he had to protect Wilbur this time. He carefully made his way to his cell, which had recently been upgraded to a basic bedroom and he got proper bedding! So now he had that to look forward to!
A couple of hours passed as Wilbur laid in his arms, moving around occasionally, seeming to shiver, right! Phil said he had to keep Wilbur warm! But how was he going to do that? The only thing around here that was warm was him really. But Wilbur wouldn’t be warm if he was in his arms like this?
What if he put Wilbur in his mouth again? But neither he nor Phil liked that last time. But what other choice did he have? How else was he supposed to keep Wilbur warm?
Except there was he remembered Wilbur reading out some research results, “Tommy doesn’t need to eat but it does help him with storing energy. With this he able to control his digestive system to as he pleases”.
Wait, if he could control his digestive system doesn’t that technically mean he could keep things in there? Like Wilbur? He already knew how to control this ability of his so Wilbur would be completely safe! But what if Wil-
His train of thought was cut off when he felt Wilbur shiver in his arms again, okay he had to do this, he didn’t want Wilbur to be cold.
He lifted Wilbur, for a moment he paused, wondering if it was right to do this. But if it meant Wilbur’s safety, he’d do it. So, he morphed a mouth.
He sighed, pondering. But Wilbur felt the warmth and instinctively went closer, he didn’t go into his mouth luckily, but he took it as Wilbur subconsciously saying yes. Which gave him the confidence to do it.
He carefully placed Wilbur in his mouth, the feeling of Wilbur being in his mouth returned, he forgot how much he enjoyed it last time, especially his cinnamon taste, it made him melt.
Purring happily. He realised his current size would probably be small and quickly changed to be bigger. Now, Wilbur felt considerably smaller, the size he was now was just about 6 meters. The same as last time.
He gently sucked on Wilbur, in his opinion, Wilbur felt like a little treat in his mouth, and he loved it.
He wished he and Wilbur would do this more often, but it seems that it wouldn’t be the case because who’d normally want to get eaten? Definitely not Wilbur, he freaked out last time he put him in his mouth.
As soon as he thought Wilbur was ready for the trip down, he tilted his head but. He thought about for a moment stopping but the thought of Wilbur being constantly with him, safe, like one big hug kept him going so, he swallowed.
It wasn’t long after he put his fingers to his throat as he felt the unconscious Wilbur travel down his throat. He couldn’t help but purr, and shortly Wilbur made it to his stomach, he’d already made sure it was safe for him to be there.
His purring increased as he felt Wilbur safely tucked in, he could feel Wilbur shift into a more comfortable position. His hand instinctively to where Wilbur was. He was content that Wilbur was safe and finally getting rest.
He soon fell asleep after, wanting some sleep himself.
It was roughly about 4 am when Phil had finished all the work, jeez Wilbur had piled up a lot, but the man was he proud of his boy, throughout his sleep deprivation he didn’t notice the amount of helpful research he had done. He should probably check on the two of them.
He quickly made his way there, excited to tell Tommy about the news. When he entered the room though, he saw no Wilbur or Tommy in the main office, so he went over to Tommy’s cell and saw a giant Tommy with a hand over his middle.
He saw no Wilbur and that made him panic, he did his best to remain calm though. And carefully shook Tommy’s other hand that had been laying on the floor, Tommy seemed to wake up slightly as his fingers curled around Phil and picked him up, bringing him towards his face.
“H-hey Toms! Where’s Wilbur?”. Tommy groaned slightly, realising what was happening. He pointed towards his stomach and kept an eye on Phil, not wanting him to freak out when the reality hit him. “Why are you pointing towards your… Oh… Oh my-“. Phil covered his own mouth, muffling himself and took a deep breath. Then sighed.
“Right, I saw that document with what it said about your digestive system… Is he safe?”. Tommy nodded. “Good” He smiled, “You’re not the only one who can do that too, so I’m not too worried.”. Tommy tilted his head in confusion, “Techno can do it too”.
So, it wasn’t so strange, thank God. Phil then took his leave. He then fell asleep again.
He then heard yelling a couple of hours later, right he was going to have to try and explain this to Wilbur this was going to be hell.
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
Literally every piece I write with Eli and Ev always ends up being 2000 words damn
Here’s smth I started a little while back but only just now finished
CW: Absent/Neglectful parent, self loathing and self deprecating thoughts, brief mention of death and self harm, minor character (17 years old)
It was 7:38 p.m. Everett sat there staring at the time on his phone, his leg bouncing anxiously. He knew that Eli got out of school at 4:00. He knew he was usually home by 4:45, closer to 5:00 p.m. if he stopped at the store down the street. He was never home later than 5:30, not without calling or texting anyway, but it was now 7:40 p.m. and he wasn’t home and Everett hadn’t heard from him and he didn’t know why.
He tried calling him again, for the fifth time now, and he listened to the dial tone, his heart sinking when it went to his voicemail again. He instantly sent him another text, all of them unread and unresponded to as of right now. So far he’d gone over every possible terrible situation at least twice, worried he’d been hurt, kidnapped, worried he’d run away or worried that he’d hurt himself. It didn’t matter how far fetched the conclusion was, it all sounded horribly probable to him right now.
“You know, you used to do the same thing when you were his age.” Their mom said casually, grabbing her jacket from the hook near the front door. “He’ll probably be back in the morning, just give him some time.”
“But he’s never done this.” He said, trying to keep the agitation out of his voice. He knew she wasn’t leaving to go look for him, the fact she wasn’t anywhere near worried like he was got on his nerves. “He- He should’ve at least called or just, something if he was okay!”
“I’m sure he’s fine.” She tried to assure him, but it didn’t really mean much coming from her. “I’ll be back later, okay?” She told him, and though he knew it was rude he chose to ignore her, worried he’d snap if he tried to respond right now. The last thing he needed while his brother was missing was to have their mom upset too, that sounded like a complete nightmare. He listened to the door shut as she finally left, sitting there as silence settled over the apartment. He considered going out to look for him himself but he wanted to be there if he got back, he needed to make sure he was okay.
With nothing left to do but wait, he took a deep breath, and he tried to call his brother again.
In the back of his mind, he knew he was being overdramatic. He kept telling himself that anyway as he sat on the park bench, his knees pulled up to his chest. He could hear his phone vibrating in his backpack beside him but he didn’t bother to try and answer it. He knew it was Everett, and though ignoring him just made him feel even more guilty, he couldn’t bring himself to even try to respond to him. He worried that if he tried, he’d just break down crying.
I could just… not go home at all, He thought, only to immediately argue with himself, It’s not that fucking bad, get over it and just go home.
He’d been having that argument with himself all day, every small thing piling up. It had been a hard week, he’d felt worse than usual, everything had been harder than usual, each day he was receiving more and more assignments with failing or barely passing grades. It wasn’t like him, he knew that, and each one felt like a knife in his heart, each failure weighing on him heavily.
Stupid stupid stupid- can’t do one fucking thing right
He buried his head in his arms, fighting back tears. A small part of him knew he was being unreasonable, just an overemotional stupid brat, but a bigger part of him was hanging onto the idea that his supposed intelligence was all he had- any mistake would be too big, any mistake would ruin his already miserable life, and one mistake after another was a death sentence.
He knew he should go home. He knew that when he got home, Everett would comfort him, he’d assure him that everything was okay, he’d assure him that this wasn’t the end of the world and that in the long run, it really didn’t matter. He didn’t want to go home. He knew he was overreacting and he was so scared that Everett would be angry if he knew what stupid thing Elias was so upset over- even more scared that their mom would be angry at him for disappearing. The more he thought about it the worse he felt, the more he didn’t want to leave from that spot, so he didn’t.
He sat there in the dark, in the cold, hugging his knees close to his chest and listening to his phone buzz.
He should’ve gone home.
Eli hadn’t realized how much time had passed. He’d never been great at keeping track of time, he knew it was late but he didn’t realize how late. He refused to check his phone as he finally wandered home, he didn’t want to see just how many missed calls and messages there were. He already felt sick when he got to the apartment complex, even worse as he climbed the stairs to the second floor. He found himself desperately hoping that Everett and their mom were asleep already, that they’d gotten sick of waiting for him and just stopped caring. He’d never wanted so badly to be forgotten.
He knew he was fucked when he found the door already unlocked, they always made sure the door was locked when they went to bed. He pushed the door open slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible but it creaked as always, the lights were on so he already knew he was caught. He hadn’t even gotten the door shut before Everett was rushing out of the living room, and Eli realized that in seventeen years, he’d never seen his brother mad at him.
“Where the fuck have you been?!” He snapped, and instinctively Elias pressed his back against the door, knowing he couldn’t get back to their room without getting past him.
“Just… out…” He murmured, his eyes glued to the floor, even as Everett approached him. He wondered if he’d be able to get the door open enough to get out and run- he’d never wanted to run from his brother before. He swore his heart stopped when Everett suddenly grabbed him by the shoulders, not roughly but enough to startle him, finally forcing him to meet his eye.
“I’ve been calling you all fucking night! Do you even know how long you’ve been gone?! It’s fucking midnight Elias, where the fuck were you?!” He all but shouted at him. Elias tried to speak, he opened his mouth but no words came out, only a soft whimper. “I thought you were hurt or missing or fucking dead, I was so fucking worried about you, you can’t just disappear like that!” He said seriously, and Eli finally broke down in tears.
“I-I’m sorry- I’m sorry…” He whimpered, he was shaking as tears streamed down his face. This seemed to finally break Everett, he pulled him into a rib crushing hug, holding him as if his life depended on it.
“Please, don’t scare me like that again…” He said, finally calming down himself. He pulled back enough that he could look at him, and Eli could see now he wasn’t really angry, he was scared, and that just made him feel worse.
“I-I’m sorry… I didn’t-I didn’t mean to I j-just…” He let Everett lead him into the living room, sliding his backpack off his shoulder before they collapsed onto the couch, Everett holding him close. “I didn’t… didn’t want to come back… thought about not coming back at all…” He murmured.
“What?” Everett pulled back just a bit, staring at him with wide eyes.
“I thought-thought about leaving… I don’t know where to, I wasn’t thinking clearly I j-just… wanted to leave…”
“Eli, why…?” He asked softly.
“I-I don’t- I don’t know, I-I felt like I sh-shouldn’t, like I-I… didn’t deserve to…” It didn’t make sense to him until he said it out loud, but he realized that’s what it was. He failed the only thing he was good at, he was going to lose the one redeeming quality he felt he had, and somehow to him, that meant he didn’t deserve to go home, it was the only thing he had that he could deprive himself of. Coming to terms with it just made him more upset, he let out a sob as he clung to Everett.
“I don’t know what happened, or why you felt that way, but you can always come home…” He told him, rubbing his back as he cried. “I’ll always be here for you kid, you know that…”
“I’m sorry…” He whimpered. “I-I was being stupid, a stupid stupid brat…”
“Don’t say that, you’re not stupid and you’re not a brat.” He told him. “I don’t want you scaring me like that again though, please, at least tell me you’re okay if you’re going to stay out that long…” He said, and Elias nodded, still crying as he held on to him. He was starting to feel better though, safe and comforted with his brother now, even if he had scared him when he first got home. He was so comfortable with him he didn’t even ask about their mom, if she was worried, if she even knew. A part of him would feel bad for worrying her, but a bigger part hoped she was worried, hope that she felt something over himself being missing. He didn’t ask though, he was content with Everett, who held him close until he finally exhausted himself, crying himself to sleep.
Everett ended up falling asleep on the couch with Eli, not ready to let him go right away. He’d been terrified while he was gone, even more scared after what he’d told him. He knew despite his best efforts, Elias wasn’t happy, and he couldn’t blame him for that. Still, the thought of losing him, the thought of him running away was too much for him, and the fact he felt he didn’t deserve to come home was horrifying. He held him close as though he’d run away when he let go, and he eventually fell asleep with him.
He was woken up only a couple hours later when the front door opened, though Eli seemed to sleep through it. He could hear their mom coming into the apartment, closing the door and locking it before passing through the living room, stopping to see them as Everett looked up at her.
“You baby him too much, you know that?” She sighed, looking almost disappointed. She’d been saying that since Eli was born though, he didn’t think too much of it.
“No I don’t… he had a rough night, he needed this…” He said, gently rubbing his back as he spoke, and she just rolled her eyes.
“I told you he’d come back though, I’m sure he’s fine.” She said dismissively, reaching up and affectionately ruffling his hair. “I’ll see you two in the morning, okay?” She said, and he nodded as she walked off down the hall, back to her room. He waited until he heard the door close to move, getting up and picking up Elias, carrying him back to their room, the same way he would when he was a little kid who’d fallen asleep watching tv. Sometimes he still felt like he was a little kid despite the fact he was quickly getting closer and closer to being an adult. He knew he was intelligent and capable of taking care of himself, but he still wanted to take care of him, he just wanted to keep him safe.
He laid him down on his bed, taking the time to take his shoes off for him before pulling the blankets up over him. Almost immediately he shifted in his sleep, easily finding and grabbing ahold of his stuffed shark. Now that he was in bed Everett felt like he could finally relax, going and collapsing into his own bed, burying his face in his pillow.
He hated to know that Eli was suffering, hated even more that he didn’t know how to help. There were some things he couldn’t fix, he knew that, and this was certainly more than he knew what to do with. He knew that he could be there for him though, he could comfort him, and he’d do anything and everything he could to keep him safe, because even the thought of losing him brought back all the fear and nausea he’d been feeling all night.
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100 questions and answers
Who is your hero? Probably future me, i want to be able to grow up and be the better person that i hope they are, and the only way of knowing that is by making it happen.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? New Zealand, Canada or USA. I lived in TX for 3 months and loved it there and I have family in NZ and Canada.
What is your biggest fear? Wasps, 100%. Not being stung but the way they look scares me.
What is your favorite family vacation? When we went to Krakow in Poland.
What would you change about yourself if you could? My skin color. I hate it so much.
What really makes you angry? People hating others or stopping others from being themselves.
What motivates you to work hard? To make future me happier than I am now.
What is your favorite thing about your career? I want to be in cabin crew, so probably the traveling.
What is your biggest complaint about your job? Being away from family.
What is your proudest accomplishment? Getting through the shit 2020 brought me without killing myself.
What is your child's proudest accomplishment? No kids rn.
What is your favorite book to read? Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
What makes you laugh the most? My boyfriend.
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? Freaks. I was a bad movie, a little like the scary movies franchise. My friend was scared at parts which was super funny to watch
What did you want to be when you were small? An actor. Typical Leo ;)
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? They can be anything they want to be.
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Visit Edinburgh alone.
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? To watch, American Football. To play, archery.
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Drive a car, it's peaceful and warm. I would blast music.
What would you sing at Karaoke night? no idea.
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most? Heart and Capital
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house? Dishes or vacuum.
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? Yard work!!!
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Tandoori Prawn curry.
Who is your favorite author? Jacqueline Wilson or JK Rowling (only her books, not her)
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Just Em. But id like to be called Millie.
Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? Depends on the surprise tbh, I like to plan a lot.
In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? Watch a movie.
Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Hawaii. I was meant to go this year but covid and leaving the US fucked it up.
Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Work the perfect job, id get bored sitting around all day.
Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? my boyfriend.
If money was no object, what would you do all day? Travel and see the world.
If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 2012. To see my Nana again.
How would your friends describe you? Stupid.
What are your hobbies? Traveling, photography, music and shopping.
What is the best gift you have been given? Forgiveness from myself.
What is the worst gift you have received? Sixe XXL jacket when im an XS
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? My macbook.
List two pet peeves. - Breaking trust - Bad table manners
Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully working my dream job, maybe moved to a different country and traveling the world.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many, roughly 16
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? Invisibility or teleportation.
What would you do if you won the lottery? build my own house
What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) Train, its so relaxing. Then planes.
What's your favorite zoo animal? Lions or tigers.
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? My time in America.
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? - My nana - my bf - Princess Diana - Obama
How many pillows do you sleep with? 4, two on each side.
What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? 26 hours, traveling to Texarkana from Edinburgh.
What's the tallest building you've been to the top in? Idk tbh
Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? looks for intelligence because then you can earn enough for plastic surgery.
How often do you buy clothes? 1/2 a month
Have you ever had a secret admirer? Idk I guess so.
What's your favorite holiday? Summer vacation Christmas for an actual holiday
What's the most daring thing you've ever done? Moved half way across the world and lived with strangers.
What was the last thing you recorded on TV? Nothing
What was the last book you read? 1984
What's your favorite type of foreign food? Indian
Are you a clean or messy person? Both, but relatively clean
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Millie Bobbie Brown probably
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 1 hour
What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Kettle
What's your favorite fast food chain? Chick fil A (i know, i cant buy it now tho)
What's your favorite family recipe? Nana's bacon and egg pie
Do you love or hate rollercoasters? LOVE
What's your favorite family tradition? Opening gifts on Christmas Eve
What is your favorite childhood memory? I dunno really, Ive forgotten a lot of my childhood.
What's your favorite movie? Ferris Bueller's Day Off or Beautiful Boy
How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out? Probably 7/8 but I dont remember.
Is your glass half full or half empty? Half empty.
What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? Said i'd come back one day.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? A boat and food. Yes i am that person.
What was your favorite subject in school? Scottish school, geography. US school, government.
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Haggis
Do you collect anything? Foreign coins
Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? Skinny jeans, my ass looks gooood in them
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert that likes being sociable
Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? hearing
Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) nope
Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? my dad is well know in the whisky business. Has his own prime tv show
What do you do to keep fit? Walk a lot and swim.
Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken? nope
If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce? everyone is equal.
Who was your favorite teacher in school and why? Scottish School, my geo teacher. US school, my english teacher.
What three things do you think of the most each day? My bf, my mum and America
If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Sad, angry and anxious
What song would you say best sums you up? 17 again
What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? Timothee Chalamet or Tom Holland
Who was your first crush? a boy called Finlay who i rode the bus with
What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window? sheep or cows very often
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? 5
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? kids, married, settled down and happy. moved countries 100%
What was your first job? never had one
If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? 5sos
How many languages do you speak? 1 - english
What is your favorite family holiday tradition? opening gifts on Christmas Eve
Who is the most intelligent person you know? my mum
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? a cat probably or a tiger
What is one thing you will never do again? trust people fully
Who knows you the best? my bf.
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bangtansbun · 4 years
Fireball || Made For Me
Pairing: yoongi x f.reader
Genre: smut, fluff
Word count: 1,665
Warnings: morning sex, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f.receiving), praise kink, the beginnings of a daddy kink, cursing, mentions of yoongi’s thicc cock, dirty talk, slight possessiveness, cute aftercare because yoongi is a sweetheart
a/n: this can be read as part 4 of the Fireball Yoongi series or as a stand-alone one-shot. hope you guys like the cute morning sex
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You wake up in the morning to the feeling of soft sunlight coming through your bedroom window and the warmth of a body snuggled up behind you. You almost feel as if you’re still basking in post-coital glow from last night’s escapade, even though it’s been roughly six hours since you two finally went to sleep.
You hear Yoongi’s soft breathing next to you and you gently turn around so you can look at him. His cheeks are round and scrunched up against his pillow, his lips in a cute, sleepy pout, and his soft black hair poking out in all directions. He looks so sweet and peaceful like this. You reach out to push some of his hair out of his face so you can see him more. He lets out a light grunt and puts his arm around you and pulls you up against him. His eyes still closed, he gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek. “Good morning, yoongs,” you say to him with a content smile on your face. “Good morning to you too, baby,” pulling you even tighter up against him. “No ‘good morning, daddy’ today?” he says with a sly smirk on his face. You playful hit his shoulder at his remark, “there won’t be a ‘daddy’ ever again if you keep making fun of me about it.” He opens his eyes now to look at you and tries to wipe the sleep away. “Well, I can’t have that, I like you calling me that too much to ruin it,” he says with a slight chuckle. You’re beaming at him now, “you ready for breakfast?” He grunts again and scrunches his eyes shut, “just 5 more minutes.. or an hour, please.” Giggling, you give him an okay and move to spoon with him. It’s then that you feel that he’s rock hard behind you. Maybe he wasn’t joking around and all the “daddy” talk really got to him.
Suddenly, your once relaxed and sleepy body is now tingling. You feel his breath on your neck and then he begins to plant open mouth kisses there. His hands slide to your hips and he grips tightly, holding you in place against him. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” he asks you as he works kisses down to your shoulder. You hum in response to him and let your body respond to the physical affection he’s showing you. “You were right, no pajamas was a good idea,” he says with a smirk as he lifts the blanket and makes his way to you, under the sheets.
Still in a state of bliss from the night before and the sweet exchanges made this morning, every kiss he leaves on you has you feeling like a new butterfly is coming out of it’s cocoon in your stomach. A whole swarm of them there by the time he’s making his way to your core. He’s holding your legs open wide and pressing kisses on your inner thighs, gentle nips here and there. Finally, you feel his breath hovering above your wet slit.
You inhale sharply just before he gently swipes his tongue along your slit. He’s taking his time with you, placing open-mouthed kisses to your core every now and then. He’s savoring the moment and the taste of you, sweet, like honey to him. His hands holding a firm grip on your thighs to keep them open, he adds little flicks to your clit, causing your hips to jolt forward, pushing into his face. “Ah, fuck, yoongs,” you huff out, tugging on his soft hair. He moans into your pussy, sending vibrations through you that have you keening for more. This seems to jump start him, picking up his pace now, a goal in sight.
He’s now lapping you up like you’re the last meal he’s ever going to have. His tongue flat against your slit. Between your own juices and him, you’re absolutely soaking wet and you urgently need to come. The coil tightening in your stomach is becoming too overwhelming. Sensing this, he moves his attention to flicking his tongue over your clit while he pushes two fingers into you ever so slowly. Once you’re comfortable he begins to pump them in and out of you, never letting up on your now throbbing bundle of nerves. “Yoongi- please, I need- need to come,” you plead as you’re now moving your hips in rhythm with his fingers to create as much friction as possible. He adjusts his fingers to hit that sensitive spot inside of you, all while sucking on your clit. That was end game for you. The coil snaps instantly and you’re a cursing, moaning mess as he fingers you through your high – lapping up all of your juices that he can. “Holy fuckkkk~” you whine out to him as the waves start to slowly subside.
He finally comes up from under the blanket, your wetness evident on his face. He’s got a smirk playing on his lips as he says, “open up” to you and presses his two fingers into your mouth. You close your eyes and gently suck on his fingers, using your tongue to take in your own juices. You moan, loving the possessiveness of his fingers in your mouth. “See how good you taste, baby? So delicious and ready for me always,” he coos at you. He pulls his fingers out with a loud *pop* and moves to hover above you.
He rubs his length against your wet and heated core. “Is this what you want, baby?” his pupils dialated with lust. You nod quickly at him, your bottom lip sucked into your mouth. He gives you a sweet kiss as he pushes himself into you. He moves in slowly, relishing in the way your walls feel around him with each inch. When he finally bottoms out, you feel your breath hitch, loving how full you feel with his thick cock buried deep inside of you. He holds still for a minute, dipping his head down to pepper your chest with kisses, taking one of your nipples into your mouth. You hiss at the feeling of him sucking at the pert nub. He starts to thrust in and out, setting a slow pace. Again, you can tell he wants to take his time with you this morning, take in every movement and sound echoing in the room.
“You look so good like this, perfect, and all mine,” he says to you as he starts to up his pace a bit. “Hnnng, fuck, Yoongi,” you move to wrap your legs around his waist, to keep him as close as possible. He runs one of his hands from the breast he was grabbing, down to your ass, giving it a squeeze. “You’re so tight, babygirl, but you’re taking me so well. Such a good girl, it’s like you were made for me,” he says this in a low voice, sultry as he continues moving in and out of you, but leans over so he can kiss you. He swallows a moan of yours, feeling the vibrations in his throat. He skates his tongue over your bottom lip, begging for entrance which you happily grant him. Your tongues fight to taste of each other. You feel him start to snap his hips harder and faster now, a grunt coming out of him and ghosting on your lips.
That’s when you feel it again, the intense ecstasy radiating in your core, threatening to come to a head any moment now. The whole morning being slow and sensual, the anticipation building up to produce something more fiery. Yoongi can tell by the way your walls are tightening around him that you’re getting close again, that and the angelic moans coming from you writhing beneath him. “Yesss, baby, you can do it. Come for daddy again,” the use of the name causing you to curse and roll your eyes back. He puts his fingers in your mouth again, asking you to suck on them for a moment before he brings them down to your clit. You hiss at the sensation, “ah, fuckkk, yes, please, right there,” you beg him. He keeps bringing his length out of you and slamming it all the way back in, all while continuing is assault on your clit. “Come baby, come all over my dick,” and just like that the ecstasy came rushing out of you. Your walls sporadically clenching around his thick cock, “yesss, daddy~” tears welling up in your eyes at the voracity of the orgasm. Hearing you like that is music to his ears, a melody sultry enough to cause his hips to stutter and blow his load inside of you. A low moan escaping him as ropes and ropes of his cum begin to cover your insides, some of it spilling out around his dick as he grinded into you to ride out the rest of his climax. He eventually pulls out and lays down beside you, planting kisses on your face and shoulder.
After you both have had enough time to catch your breath, he gets up and turns the shower on before scooping you up out of the bed and bringing you in with him. Even though you only woke up maybe an hour ago, you feel so tired from this morning’s events (and last night’s). Yoongi can sense this, so with a sweet gummy smile he grabs your shampoo and works it into your head for you. He makes sure to massage your head while he does this and then gently rinses your hair out, keeping the water and soap out of your eyes. He repeats this with your conditioner, and after you’ve both washed up you step out and throw on some comfy clothes. As the morning goes on, Yoongi makes you pancakes for breakfast, adorned with chocolate chips and strawberries, and you spend the rest of the day happily cuddled up and watching trashy reality tv.
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lovinglokilaufeyson · 4 years
Soulmate - T.H
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Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: Fluffy!Tom, AU, Protective!Tom, Fluff for days, Smut (at the end), Cheeky!Tom
Wordcount: 6,825
Summary: Tom Hiddleston is widely known as Hollywood’s “bad boy.” You weren’t known in Hollywood. Tom, for most of his life, was a gentleman. But for some reason, within the last 2 years, he’d changed. He slept with all of his costars, who hoped to be the one to get him to settle down. You’d been waiting for your soulmate for so many years, in your mind, he was nice, funny, charismatic, nothing like the man you met the day your timer hit zero.
A/N: I wasn’t sure really when to end this, so I kinda just ended it. But I’m sure if people like it enough, there’ll be another part or two :) Let me know what you think! It seemed a bit long, but I hope you enjoyed. It was a bit of a slow burn imagine. 
24d / 6h / 51m / 10s
A little under a month before you were set to meet your soulmate, and your heart was skipping beats left and right. You did your best to keep your mind off of it, but it was so difficult, with your timer right in front of your face. You had gotten home from the grocery store, excited to make your breakfast. You turned on the TV as background noise, and heard some rambling about a new movie coming out. You rolled your eyes. Yes, you really enjoyed most movies, but unfortunately, some of the actors really got on your nerves. The snarky comments, massive egos, everything about them turned you off. It really did make sense why they always ended up together.
Yes, you knew that not all actors and actresses were that type, but the man they were gossiping about on TV? Definitely. Tom Hiddleston had started getting a reputation in showbizz about 2 years back, you remember. He started out as the nice guy, but for whatever reason, he turned into the jerk that slept with his female costars all the time. Sometimes you wondered if he even had a soulmate.
He was incredibly attractive, he had tattoos littered across his body, all of them being ones that he had gotten fairly recently. He wore leather a lot, with mostly blacks and neutrals in his closet. He just wasn’t at all your type on the inside. You, on the other hand, liked to keep things classy, with soft colors. You didn’t wear much leather, only once and a while. Some people felt that you were stuck up, but underneath that outside shell was a lot of hidden secrets. Your social media meme accounts, your goofy side, your somewhat strange sense of humor. Not many people knew that side of you, and you hoped that when you met your soulmate, he’d accept it. Hell, everyone had a weird side. Right?
22d / 3h / 45m / 8s
You had met up with your best friend and her boyfriend, Malik, for coffee. Malik was really good to Y/F/N. He was overall charming, handsome, hardworking, and intelligent. He was basically all you could ever want for Y/F/N. Although when you met him, you had to second guess yourself and your timer, because it felt so natural to be around him. But you’d never tell Y/F/N that. “So, how’re you doing, Y/N?” Y/F/N asked, taking a sip of her latte.
“I’m okay, I suppose. I’m really really nervous about this whole soulmate thing. You guys met nearly 5 years ago. What if he’s not right for me?” You sputtered out, rambling on a bit. You were really scared of the thought of meeting someone who really wasn’t right for you at all. You wanted something like Malik and Y/F/N, something genuine and compassionate. You looked at them hold hands and steal glances at each other. It was so natural for them. Their eyes lit up when they saw each other, and you’d hoped it’d be similar for you and your soulmate.
9d / 1h / 28m / 47s
You met up with your family roughly a week before your timer was set. Your mom wouldn’t stop talking about it. You almost thought that she was more interested than you were. But, you supposed that the thrill of her daughter finally being able to find her soulmate was exciting to her. Both of your brothers and your sister had each found their soulmates several years back. You were the only one without one. Even your cousins had found theirs without a problem.
Your dad wasn’t overly protective, thank goodness, he realized that everyone had a soulmate, and there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it. Yes, it took him a little while to come to terms with his little girls finding their soulmates. But he got over it and realized that it was just a part of life. “Guys, Josh and I have an announcement.” She declared, standing up from the couch she sat on, Josh holding her hand next to her. “What is it, Kayla?” Your mother asked in excitement. “We’re pregnant.”
Smiles and joyous excitement circulated through the room. This was bound to make your mother the happiest woman in the world. The thought of becoming a grandmother was something she had dreamed of, she loved children. And since she was too old to have her own, Kayla being pregnant was an absolute dream. Her and Josh had gotten married about a year before, and met 4 years before that. They were slow and steady. Sometimes your mother thought that you’d be pregnant before Kayla. Yet here you were, sitting on the couch, yet to meet your soulmate.
2d / 4h / 56m / 9s
You had landed in Seattle mere hours before, excited for your weekend away with the girls. Cassidy had insisted upon it, even going as far to book the flights before asking anyone. You, Veronica, Cassidy, and Y/F/N were going to have so much fun on the coast. Crazily enough, with how everything was scheduled out, you were set to meet your soulmate either in the Seattle Airport or on the plane. Depending on how it all played out. The universe had a crazy way of flipping things around.
Cassidy had met her soulmate recently. You hadn’t met him yet, but apparently he wasn’t too excited to go a weekend without his girl. He’s a little clingy, she told you. Honestly, Cassidy’s comment about Rowan wouldn’t have bothered you if you had actually met your soulmate. But you had no idea what he’d be like. What if you didn’t like him? What if there was something about him, or multiple things, that you hated? You were scared of the thought. You enjoyed a weekend of shopping, going to the beach, and just having a good time with your girls. You had gone clubbing the night before your flight, which you had all known was a bad idea. But you went through with it anyways.
14h / 6m / 23s
You had to admit, the night was probably not a great idea for you all. But you needed some time to just unwind and forget. Forget that Kayla’s pregnant, that you still haven’t met “the one.” Forget about the stresses of not liking the one you’re supposed to be with for the rest of your life. You had enough to be buzzed, maybe a tad tipsy, but not enough to get you totally wasted. You didn’t want to be a complete mess when you met your soulmate. Maybe a slight one.
Veronica, Cassidy, and Y/F/N, however, were almost too drunk to function. You knew they were fun drunks, but you also knew that waking them up tomorrow morning would be a painstakingly slow process. You set an alarm for 8:30, hoping to catch a few more things before leaving Seattle.
5h / 34m / 2s
You were right. Waking the girls up was definitely more difficult than usual, but you knew that you should go and see a few more things, even check out a museum nearby. Veronica pulled her phone out after getting ready, scrolling whilst laying on the bed, when you suddenly heard her gasp. “Tom Hiddleston’s in Seattle. Right now.”
You giggled at her. She was so immature sometimes. You loved her, so so much, but sometimes you wished she was a bit more mature. “We should totally go meet him.” You rolled your eyes as she spoke. “I’d prefer to meet my soulmate.” You raised your eyebrows at her, a bit mad she had forgotten about such an event. She knew it was really important to you. “Shit, sorry Y/N.” She apologized. “Tom could be your soulmate. Seems like destiny.” She smiled, and you rolled your eyes at her for what seemed like the 12th time that day.
“I’d rather die.” You thought he was nice and charming. But that was before he started sleeping with all of his costars, treating them like shit. He had-what you thought were-completely meaningless tattoos, and he had such a bad boy look to him. You much preferred his preppy, British look his sported before this crisis of his. “Oof. Do you hate him or something?”
“No, I’m just not in love with the fact that he sleeps with anything that walks.” You frowned, looking back at Cassidy and Y/F/N, who were still lying in bed, silently listening to you and Veronica’s conversation. Though, they didn’t make it obvious. “We should go check out a museum or something.” You spoke, and all the other girls looked at you in confusion. Apparently they weren’t as into history as you are. Your heart ached, you knew you’d be meeting the possible love of your life. Most likely, anyway. For some, their “soulmate” didn’t work out. They’d try to be together, but it failed miserably, and they went their separate ways, in search for a new love. This happened very sparingly, and was pretty rare amongst humans. Usually, the gods were right. Most of the time. There was always headlines whenever it happened, but you had only seen 2 in your entire life. You hoped you weren’t the next.
4h / 21m /9s
You finally convinced Cassidy that meeting Tom Hiddleston wasn’t something you felt needed to happen today. That you were already too nervous from everything else, and you just wanted a little time to do something relaxing. “Fine, fine.” She spoke, raising her hands in defeat. “If I never get to meet him, it’s your fault, you know.” “I’m sure you’ll meet him.” In the end, you decided on going to a museum for a little, then to the mall to do a bit of light shopping.
2h / 10m / 54s
Now was time for your least favorite part. Leaving a place you had grown to love so much. You and the girls had bonded immensely over this trip, and you were sad to say goodbye to Seattle. You and the girls got through security fairly quickly, making sure you had time to relax and unwind, as well as charge up your devices before the flight. You stared down at your timer. 2 hours, 10 minutes, 26 seconds. It was nerve racking. Y/F/N noticed your slight panicked expression and rubbed your back. “It’ll be okay, Y/N.”
“I know, I know.” But in the back of your mind, you knew that you had no idea of who he was or how he’d treat you. What would happen if you hid in the bathroom? You knew something would make you come out. The universe had a weird way of doing things.
16m / 33s
“Hey guys. I’m gonna go freshen up.” You spoke, standing up from your spot. You grabbed your smaller bag, but left your suitcase by the others. They knew you well enough to know that you wanted to be alone at this time, and so they simply let you go alone.
“Alright hon, don’t take too long.” Y/F/N smiled, as you waved back at them, heading to the bathroom across the hall of the airport. You immediately went to the mirror, checking your outfit and adjusting where you saw fit. You saw a young girl smile at you when you complimented her Marvel t-shirt. It really was an excellently done set of films. You liked all of the actors and actresses- besides one. Smiling to yourself as you got closer to the mirror, reapplying a bit of mascara, as well as your liquid lipstick, which had worn off slightly since the morning. 
You tried to fix every flaw you believed you had in that airport mirror. You were very insecure when you were young, and although you had grown, your self esteem still wasn’t perfect. You still believed the words your middle school bullies told you, at least every once and a while. But you shook off the feeling, knowing that right now was not the time for your emotions to completely take control. That was the last thing you needed. 
You looked down at your timer. 5m, 2s. A light squeal came from your lips, which earned you a giggle from the woman beside you. “Timer close?” She asked, and you nodded. “Only 4 minutes left.” You grinned, and her smile got bigger. 
“My son’s timer is going to hit zero soon as well.” You realized she spoke in a British accent, and you smiled. You loved accents. Hers was so adorable, you couldn’t help but admire it. “Wow, small world.” You watched as she washed her hands, and you looked down at your timer once more.
“Good luck, love. I’m sure yours will be lovely. Tragic it’s not my Tom, though. You’re very pretty.” You smiled and thanked her, hoping the best for her son and his soon to be soulmate. “Thank you.” You watched as she exited the bathroom, and you waited for a moment before doing the same. 
What you failed to notice, however, was the ‘Caution: Wet Floor’ sign that had recently been placed outside the bathroom. You didn’t expect it in the slightest, and tripped-almost gracefully-over it, managing to knock the sign over and fall. Straight into Thomas William Hiddleston’s arms. Your soulmate. Looking up at him, you gasped for a moment, before blinking several times, not believing your eyes. “S-sorry.” You apologized, pulling yourself up from his arms, as he looked at you in awe. Tom had been waiting to meet his soulmate since he was young, and he was a romantic at heart. He wrote poems and songs of longing, longing for his forever person, his soulmate. You. 
You adjusted your clothes once again, knowing they must be disheveled from the fall. You put the sign back up, trying to make it more noticeable for others this time. Shaking your head once more, you made your way up the small ramp, leading you to your friends. “Wait up!” Tom called, rushing after you. You walked as fast as you could, knowing that nothing would ever be the same. You wanted things to go back to how they were before. 
Unfortunately for you, Tom was 6′2″ and had long legs, making it easy for him to catch up to you within a few minutes. “I’m sorry Tom-I just can’t be with you. I know about you. I know what you’ve done with your co-stars. I don’t want to be apart of that messed up world.” Tears welled up in your eyes, knowing that you’d have to find someone else. Which would not be an easy task. “Please. Let me explain. I’m not that guy.” You looked up in his big blue eyes, sighing. It’s just a talk. Just a talk. Nothing more. “Fine.” You sighed, walking with him to the nearest Starbucks to sit down and have a talk. 
After ordering your coffees, (Tom was a true gentleman and refused to let you pay for yours) you sat down at a small table, so you could look across from him. You noticed the timer on your wrist was darkened, almost black. You had heard of this phenomenon. The closer to your soulmate, the darker the color of your timer. It’d turn black when you touched them. “I don’t think you properly introduced yourself, love.” Tom spoke, holding his hand out for you. You grasped it for the first time ever, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the sparks. 
“I’m Y/N. Y/N L/N.” You smiled. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He raised your hand up to his mouth, pressing a kiss on your knuckles. Oh, he was good. “Thank you.” You smiled as he set your hand down, allowing you to take a sip of your coffee. 
“I know that the media portrays me as a- um-” He couldn’t seem to find the words. “Womanizer? Player? Fuckboy?” You spoke for him, and what little smile was on his face before fell a bit. “Yeah, that. I promise it’s all for publicity. They told me that I’d be more successful that way, but I regret it all. I wish I could just be myself again.” He spoke, sighing. 
“So, it’s all a stunt? You haven’t actually slept with the majority of your female co-stars?” You asked, your hand coming closer to his. “Never. I promise, I saved myself for my soulmate. I’ve been waiting for this day, my entire life.” He shrugged, showing a small, closed-mouth smile. “The tattoos?”
“There’s a select few that are real. The rest are temporary that they put on me, but I can choose to let them show.” He responded, and you nodded. “I do like leather though.” You giggled at his statement, remembering all the times that Cassidy was scrolling on Google, looking at pictures of him in his jacket. 
Suddenly, having a soulmate didn’t seem so bad. He was sweet, and a gentleman. Good looking, smart, and funny. Although you didn’t like how the media portrayed him, it wasn’t completely his fault. He was trying his best, and Y/F/N was a screen writer. She had told you a few times of how stars were manipulated to be shown a certain way. You just chose to believe that Tom was a complete ass, but you were glad that you were able to talk and get to know the real him. “So, what brings you to Seattle, Tom?”
“My mom. She’s always wanted to come here. It’s our last day. I wanted to spend mother’s day with her here.” You nodded, smiling. Then, in a quick moment, you remembered the woman you met in the bathroom. “What does she look like?” You asked, and he described the woman you had met to a tee. You smiled. “What, my love?” You melted at his pet name for you. 
“I think I met her in the restroom earlier. She told me that your timer was hitting zero soon.” He smiled. It would honestly be so relieving if you and his mom got along well. He knew that it was something he yearned for, he loved his mother very much and had hoped his soulmate would adore her too. “She’s very sweet.” Slowly getting off the topic of him, he asked what brought you to Seattle. “Weekend away with my friends. My friend Cassidy is actually a pretty big fan of yours, I’ll have to have you meet her soon.” He smiled. “But I take it you weren’t a big fan of me? With the stories and all?” 
“I was before you went into your ‘womanizer’ phase. I really enjoyed watching movies of yours but then I heard about you and your co-stars and I kinda lost the feeling, you know? I did really love your classy style back then.” You smiled, and he nodded, smiling a little bit at certain moments in your answer. “I understand. The media portrays me horribly now.” You nodded, taking his hand in your and giving it a peck like he had done moments before. 
“It’s okay. It’s your life Tom, you can take control if you so desire. I believe you are good, as well as so many other people.” 
“Thank you, love.” He smiled, blushing a little bit at your comment. As well as your lips hitting his knuckles. “Where’re you going?” Tom asked, almost in fear. “My hometown. It’s called Y/H/T.” 
“Can I come with you?” He asked, suddenly, but spontaneously. “Yeah. I’d love for you to meet my family.” You smiled, a small blush falling upon your cheeks. 
“We’re going to go and talk to my mom, if that’s alright. Maybe you and your friends could fly with us in the private jet?” He asked, and your eyes widened, clearly not as used to this superstar ‘treatment’ as he was. You nodded, trying to stay as calm as possible. “I know it’s a tad overwhelming, love.” He grabbed onto your hand, intertwining it in his. You couldn’t help but notice how utterly perfect it felt. His hand was much larger than yours. Your timer faded black, and you smiled at it. 
Although Cassidy fell asleep and you, Y/F/N, and Veronica had to drag her onto the private jet, you knew that she’d flip once she realized. Veronica and Y/F/N were relatively calm around Tom, although you kept getting butterflies in your stomach whenever he called you a pet name, or said something sweet to you. You and Tom’s mother got along marvelously, more than he could ever wish for. 
Cassidy was restless on the other side of the plane, laying down on the comfortable couch. She moved around a lot when she slept, and you wondered how long it’d been since she talked to Rowan. Apparently he had made a big deal about her going out and drinking, although you were positive nothing had happened last night. You were sober enough last night to know. She ended up in the hotel room, in the queen sized bed next to Veronica. You and Tom were talking about so many things, to the point where Veronica and Y/F/N were almost sick from it. But they knew you were both just so excited and livid from meeting each other. 
When Cassidy woke up, you could tell she was pretty much out of it. “Where am I?” Veronica immediately rushed to her side, and you were happy that Tom’s face wasn’t visible from where she was laying. “On the plane, Cas. We’re heading home at the moment.” 
“Doesn’t look like a regular o’l plane.” She murmured, sitting up. She gasped, looking over at you and at the back of Tom’s head. “Did I miss it?” She pouted, walking up to you two. She was finally able to see Tom’s face and she gasped once again. “Tom Hiddleston!” She squealed, immediately enveloping him in a hug. “Hello there love, nice to meet you.” He smiled, giving her a quick hug back. She released him in a moment, looking back and forth between the two of you. “Are you?” 
“Yep.” Tom smiled, grabbing your hand and pecking it. She swooned, blushing a tad. “Y/N, I’m sooooo happy for you!” She smiled, hugging you this time. “I told you he’s great!” She smiled, and Tom’s smile faltered for a moment, before returning. Remembering that he almost let his reputation come between him and his soulmate. He was so glad that you gave him a chance and let him talk to you. You were honestly all he hoped for and more. Shorter than him, which he found absolutely adorable. You piqued his interest and you were so glad that he had the opportunity to be soulmates with someone like you. Even when you were asleep on the plane, your aura calmed him as he watched you sleep. He was so enveloped in your and every part of your life. He was excited, yet nervous to meet the family of the one he loved. Even though maybe he wouldn’t tell you he loved you just yet; you had only known each other for a few hours. Not even a day. Yet he was enraptured all the same. “She’s beautiful, Tom.” His mom spoke from beside him, rubbing his back thoughtfully. “She is.” He replied, turning to her and giving her a charming smile.
“I met her in the airport bathroom earlier, you know. When she told me her timer was going off soon, I told her it was a shame she wasn’t going to be with my Tom. But things just had a beautiful way of working out. You’re both so lucky to have found each other.” Tom couldn’t help but think of how utterly nervous he was before meeting you. He could tell you were in a similar state, from how you reacted when you met him initially. His mom pecked his cheek, before the plane began descending into Y/H/T.
Waking up, you were flooded with messages from your mother. She knew that you had met someone who was going to be in your life forever. “Y/N, how are you?” “Who’s your soulmate?” “Is he nice?” “Is he handsome?”
“I’m bringing him home, mom. You, dad, and everyone can meet him a bit later. 6 pm?” You responded, and not a minute later she texted back with excitement. “Everyone’s coming over! I’ll make my famous lasagna.” She was clearly very excited. She only made her lasagna on special occasions, such as this. You smiled, not noticing that Tom was sitting on the other side of the plane, looking at you lovingly. “Good morning, sleepyhead.” He spoke, walking over to sit next to you. “Hi.” You spoke, setting your phone down. 
“What’s making my girl smile? Not that I’m complaining that you are.” He smiled sweetly, making you giggle. “Well, first of all, I’ve got the soulmate of my dreams,” you replied, smiling at him as he stared into your e/c eyes. “Second of all, my mom somehow got all of my siblings to come in for a lunch tomorrow. To meet said soulmate of my dreams.” You blushed, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. 
The next afternoon came faster than you could’ve imagined. You slept at your parents’ house, not wanting Tom to arrive sooner than you to the family lunch. His hotel was a lot closer than your apartment. You got dressed in a simple sundress, a pair of brown boots, and a sweater-cardigan that covered up your arms, as they got cold pretty easily. You made sure to shave your legs and everything, you wanted to look nice on such an important day. You tapped your foot nervously, excited yet nervous for your soulmate’s first appearance in your family. Your mom was anxiously watching her lasagna, which she had gotten up at nearly 7 am to start. “I wish to know more about Tom.” She spoke, and you giggled in amusement. 
“I know, mom. Soon. He’ll be here soon.” You muttered, and but a second later, you received a message from one Tom Hiddleston. “Hey babe, be there soon. Missed you so much last night.” God he was the sweetest. You hadn’t the heart to leave him on read, so you typed a message back to him. “See you soon Tom!” You’d be lying if you said that you were scared of relationships, or at least partially. Yes, your family was happy and for the most part, their relationship problems always worked themselves out, no matter how difficult. But you always had a “what if” placed in your mind. What if you and your soulmate didn’t work out? What if he hated you, or the way you looked? 
The ringing of the doorbell shook you from your dreamlike state, thinking of possibilities for the future. The future always scared you. Even more so now. You hopped from your seat on the stool, hoping for the best. You answered the door before your mother got the chance to, and for that, you were grateful for. The last thing you needed was your clingy mother scaring away your soulmate before the get together even began. You opened the door, your eyes met with possibly the most handsome man your eyes had ever seen. 
“Hi, Tom.” You managed to sputter out, and he noticed your nervous energy for a moment, before shaking it off. “Hello, sweetheart.” Instead of simply following you to the kitchen, his towering figure gave you a hug. Your frame was small in comparison to his, and you felt a nibble on your ear. “Care to show me around, lovely?” 
You showed Tom the upstairs first, not wanting to interrupt any conversations happening throughout the kitchen, dining room, or living room. You lead him into your childhood bedroom, which appeared relatively the same as it was when you left it. The posters of Harry Potter, and some Marvel films littered the walls. You were a fan of Marvel, you liked the stories, you just weren’t fond of the actors in recent years. When you were younger you definitely loved every part of the franchise. 
“So, my pet, you were a fan of Marvel.” He spoke, a dominant tone coming out. “At one time, yes.” You replied, and he nodded. He hoped that Loki was your favorite, at least at one time. “I loved all of them,” you continued, as if reading his mind. “But I fell out of love with the characters, as well as the series, when the media started portraying all of the actors so horribly.” He nodded, agreeing with you. “They did portray us as complete assholes.” He spoke, as you nuzzled your face into his chest. “You’re so adorable. I’m incredibly lucky.” He spoke, and you giggled into his chest. “Don’t you mean you’re incredibly loki?” You joked as a smile appeared on his face. “You stop that. Right now.” You giggled again. 
“Y/N, honey, lunchtime!” You heard your mom from the bottom of the stairs. You began heading downstairs, Tom right on your tail. You suddenly felt his presence, but closer this time. His lips were so very close to your ear, and his front side placed oh-so-close to your back. “You have a fabulous ass, by the way.” He grabbed at it, and you squealed, nearly falling into the wall nearby. “And that, was adorable.” He pulled you into him, using a grip on your waist. You were unfamiliar with this level of intimacy. It was strange.
Walking downstairs with Tom following shortly behind, you entered the living room, seeing your siblings, their significant others, and your parents. Kayla was showing, just a little bit more than the last time you saw her. Her belly just barely bulged, but you could tell. Everyone turned to face you and Tom, the newest couple to the family. “Everyone, this is Tom, my soulmate.” You spoke easily, slightly scared of what they would think. You really liked Tom, and you hoped your family would to. 
“Oh my gosh, that’s Tom Hiddleston!” Your mom gasped. “So lovely to meet you, Tom.” She found her way over to you two, bringing her hand out to shake his. “Lovely to meet you as well, Mrs. Y/L/N.” “Oh please, call me Karen.” Tom smiled lightly. “My famous lasagna is for dinner, honey.” Your mom spoke. “Sounds lovely.” Tom smiled once more. You introduced Tom to your siblings and their significant others, as well. Your father helped your mother in the kitchen as they prepared a wonderful dinner. You and your siblings played a board game before dinner began. You and Tom made a pretty good team in Scattergories. “Alright kiddos, dinner’s ready!” 
Everyone headed towards the dining room, gathering at the dinner table. Tom sat next to you, and all of your siblings oohed and awed at the wonderful meal your parents had prepared. Your father helped with appetizers and dessert, and your mother prepared the main course. Everything looked wonderful. “Looks great,” Tom noted, praising your mother. 
After a wonderful meal, you felt Tom’s hand on your thigh as you continued in great conversations with your family. Everyone seemed to be getting along well, which you were glad for. However, the gentle yet sensual feeling of Tom’s ginormous hand upon your thigh was a large distraction in this situation. It was odd, you had never felt this way before. 
As Tom’s hand became closer and closer to your core, you became more and more heated. You glanced over at him, seeing the smirk upon his face. “Stop” you mouthed. His smirk became even more prominent, and his hand, at this point, had come to play with the band of your panties, his fingers twisting the skinny band of your pink lace thong. “Well, it’s getting late, I think Tom and I are gonna get going.” You spoke, standing up almost immediately afterwards. Because of this action, Tom was forced to let go of your panties. A glimmer of hope left his eyes, and you both waved goodbye to your family. 
The car ride home was interesting to say the least, however, it was comfortable. Your apartment was more towards the downtown region of your town, and it was really cozy. You liked it a fair amount, at least. Tom dropped you off, and you hopped out of the car, saying a "goodnight Tom" as you did. Heading towards the entrance of your apartment, you heard Tom's car engine stop. You squinted your eyes, slightly confused, but continued on. You heard a "Y/N!" from behind you, and you turned around. "Yes?" You asked Tom. "Don't you think we have a bit of unfinished business, darling?" You furrowed your brows, looking at him confused as he jogged to catch up with you.
“What’s going on?” You questioned, puzzled. "Can I come in with you?" He asked, and you nodded slightly. You should be able to spend time with your soulmate, right? Though, you were slightly uncomfortable with Tom inside your less than luxurious home, you knew you would have to get used to it eventually. You were just scared, you supposed.Tom followed you into your foyer, which consisted of a small hallway, scattered with a couple of your shoes, and a staircase leading upstairs. After you took your jacket and shoes off, you lead him up to your living room. You felt Tom's strong hands on your waist as you looked around your living space, deciding whether or not to be embarrassed. However, Tom seemed far more interested in your neck than anything else at the moment. You felt Tom’s lips sucking intently on your sweet spot. “Tom...” you moaned out, and you felt Tom’s mouth turn into a smirk. “God you’re so beautiful.” He spoke, “take me to your room, please.” He never let go of your waist as you led him towards your bedroom. 
You had never felt as intimate as you did right now. Though you were scared, Tom made you feel comfortable. Tom brought you upon your made bed, laying on top of you. Though you were smaller than him, he didn’t allow all of his weight to lay on you. “Tom” you spoke as he detached his lips from yours and nibbled on your ear. “Yes my love?” “I’m scared” you told him. He immediately got off of you, plopping beside you on the bed. “If you’re not ready for this, it’s okay. I just want to be with you as much as I can. Now that I have you I never want to let you go.” You smiled at his sweetness. “You are the absolute sweetest, Tom.” You kissed his cheek. You intertwined your hand with his as you felt your core heat up slightly. You were ready, you decided. He was your soulmate. There shouldn’t be a doubt in your mind. This time, you initiated, climbing on top of him and straddling his waist. 
His hands came to rest upon your thighs, slightly underneath your sundress. You felt his hardened length rest against your thigh, as you felt Tom’s hands pull the bottom of your sundress upwards, and you lifted your arms up, completely revealing yourself to him. Your matching pink bra and pantie set was certainly a sight for sore eyes. Tom’s eyes widened, which confirmed that fact. He then allowed you to help him pull his shirt off of his torso. This time it was your turn to awe at his wickedly muscular chest and abs, which you were very impressed with. “Like what you see?” You heard him ask, and you nodded. “I love it.” 
He flipped you back on to the bed, then continued undressing. This time it was his jeans, which were fitted amazingly upon his strong figure. “God Tom” you moaned out, and he let out a slight chuckle on your collarbone. You could see how prominent his bulge was now, and did not disappoint your inter fan girl. He detached your bra from your body with ease, and now the only thing left on either one of you was your underwear. Yours did much less to hide you, however, as the light pink lace thong left very little to the imagination. No wonder Tom had been completely all over them earlier that night. 
Tom brought his hands down to his own underwear, where his prominent bulge was located. He released his member, and you eyed it curiously. Obviously, from sex ed classes, you knew what one would look like, but you had never truly seen one. It was fairly large, probably 7 1/2 to 8 inches long. You had no idea how that thing would fit inside of you. Tom slowly slid off your panties, which were the last piece of clothing remaining on you. “Are you ready, my love?” You heard him whisper. Though you were pretty turned on, there was still uncertainty. Would it hurt? “I don’t know.” You murmured. “I’ll get you ready.” Lowering himself towards your labia, he held your knees right over his shoulders as his face came into contact with you. 
Jesus. It didn’t take much for Tom’s tongue to excite something within you. All of the sudden, you were incredibly heated, much more than before. You were immensely wet, your juices seeping on to Tom’s tongue. You didn’t think it was possible that you could be any more soaked. You were ready, you supposed. You were on the edge. Tom kissed you, giving you a taste of yourself on your tongue. “Taste good?” You nodded in response. “Okay, I’m gonna go slow, love.” You felt his tip on the brim of your hole, and he began slowly pressing inward. It hurt, but part of the pleasure hit you, just a little. “Ahh” you moaned out as Tom pressed about 2/3 of his length into you. It hurt, but as he began pulsing in and out, you felt the pleasure hit you more and more. It felt good, now. “You feel so good Y/N” you heard Tom whisper into your ear. You both reached your climaxes soon after that, it felt amazing. He peeled his sweaty body off of yours, laying beside you. “You’re so perfect.” Tom whispered into your ear, giving you a kiss on your cheek. You smiled in response. “I’m gonna pop into the shower real quick, Tom. I’m feeling a little sweaty due to, you know.” You spoke. You got out of bed, scampering over to your bathroom. “Love your ass!” Tom yelled from your bed. 
You got into the steaming shower, allowing yourself to lather your body with soap. However, soon you were joined by Tom, who wished to wash off as well. You hugged his soft skin as he joined you, lathering his body in soap. Tom began feeling you up with soap, and you silently protested and shook your head. “Tom. Stop it!” You gasped as he gave a squeeze to your breasts. “No funny business.” You told him, rejecting his advances. “You’re right, we have plenty of time.” He noted, and after that, you two were quick to get out of the shower. 
The rest of the night was relatively tame, with cuddles from Tom abundant as you laid in bed together. You felt completely protected by him as he spooned you and intertwined his legs with yours. Everything felt completely and utterly perfect. 
Waking up the next day, you wondered if it was all a dream. Tom’s warm figure was no longer next to you, however. You were slightly scared, but wandering down your stairs in your silk robe, you found Tom in your kitchen. He was cooking up a wonderful meal, eggs, bacon, toast. You were so happy to see him. “Good morning, Tom!” You spoke gleefully, running up to him. “Good morning sweetheart.” He told you as he flipped the eggs. He turned around afterwards, giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You need any help with anything?” You asked, and Tom shook his head. “You just relax my dear. You can get yourself something to drink, how about that?” You immediately headed towards your coffee maker, turning it on so it would begin to brew. “Would you like any coffee, babe?” You asked, and he nodded gratefully. “That would be wonderful.” 
You poured you each a cup, then grabbed some cream and sugar. You put some in yours, but waited for Tom to serve himself. You liked the sweet taste, rather than plain bitter coffee. Tom settled for a little cream and sugar in his as well. You felt his arms settle around you in a hug, sipping on his coffee. Breakfast was wonderful. You could feel everything settling into place. You had a wonderful soulmate and a wonderful future together. You felt Tom give you a kiss on the top of your head, and butterflies fluttered in your stomach. Everything was perfect.
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bellesque · 4 years
Sweet Dreams (Loki x Reader) Chapter 5: Smell
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Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 // Read on AO3.
Spotify playlist here.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.4K woooo
Warning/Tags: Incubus Loki, Sex Pollen (sort of—surprise!!!), Dom/Sub Dynamics, Fingering, Hand Jobs, Bondage/Rope Bunny, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Edging/Orgasm Delay, slight Exhibitionist Kink, lil sprinklings of Cock Worship and Cum Facials, it’s filthy don’t tell me we’re surprised
A/N: This took a completely different direction than what I was planning during the early stages. Like it’s not even that centered around smell anymore but we’re gonna roll with it okay
Tag List: @shiningloki @imnotrevealingmyname @wolfsmom1 @hanyasnape @lukeyirwy @toozmanykids (Tag List is currently open! If you’d like to be a part of it, let me know!)
THE SILK TIES aren’t by your pillow or above your head where you expect them to be. Just like the previous night, they’re folded on your nightstand when you wake up.
It’s still too early for your brain to process how exactly they ended up there, so instead of falling into the rabbit hole of hypothesizing just what kind of magic Loki has, you swing your body over the side of the bed and make for the bathroom. Not even two steps forward, your muscles ache with the evidence that you finally got what you hoped for—or at least, something close to it. You haven’t exactly been fucked yet.
But ah, the sweet soreness. The greatest tangible reminder of a mind-blowing night. Last night. Touch.
Loki’s touch.
As you get into the shower, you replay the events of last night. Each drop of water that slides down your body is a reminder of the cold, melted ice cube that swirled around your breasts. Even the sigh that echoes in the bathroom is a reminder of your breathy pleas.
Your folds begin to slicken, and it’s not from the water.
You’re tempted to stay in this morning. Take a warm shower only to burrow back under the covers. It’s not that you’re tired—work on Fridays is always a little more relaxed, and everyone’s allowed to come in anytime as long as it’s before noon. You’ve sometimes taken advantage of that but you much prefer it if they let you out early.
Still, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to go back to bed.
What are the odds Loki would make an appearance?
You’ll lose momentum, the rational part of you counters. There’s a manuscript that’s sitting on your desk, desperate to be chucked into the “Done” pile. You just have two more chapters to go.
It’s just two chapters, the more physical part of you rebuts in turn. You can finish it in the afternoon, no sweat. Today, this morning, right now, the more important thing is Loki.
The smarter part of you flares up again, with a very good question armed and ready: but what if he doesn’t come?
You remember the time you slept like a baby through the night, wearing fucking lingerie for Loki, only for him to revisit you a week later. You’ve gotten stood up before, but even in your dreams? It’s embarrassing if it happens to you a second time.
You’re on autopilot, however, when you clamber back into bed and pull the duvet up to your chin. Thoughts of Loki and all his wicked words and ways fill every crevice of your mind. Emotions coupled with arousal crash over you, and with a shaky exhale your hand travels down between your legs.
The steady rhythm of your fingers, however, do not send you into orgasm—you drift back into sleep.
Your eyes snap open. In the hazy morning light that peeks through your curtains, you find Loki sitting cross-legged on the ottoman by the door.
Loki… here? Are you dreaming, or—wait, that wouldn’t—
Your brain hurts.
It’s so strange, seeing him here like this. Not cloaked in darkness, not illuminated by the moonlight—he’s an unfamiliar presence, almost otherworldly. A jarring image that sticks out from the normalcy and utter mundaneness of your room.
He cocks his head, lip curling in amusement as he regards you with wandering eyes. Uncrossing his long legs and leaving them spread open, he leans against the wall lazily.
“My, my, sweet. This is a pleasant surprise. A summons, at this hour.”
With a wave of his hand, the duvet falls away from you. Your heart leaps into your throat when you realize your hand is still buried between your legs. Loki’s eyebrows raise, the shock on his face equally as clear as his delight.
“A very pleasant surprise indeed.”
You’ve already pulled your hand away, but the mortification lingers in your system. Not for long though. The weight of the reality of Loki’s presence sinks in and your heart rate slows to normal.
“Summons?” You yawn, sitting upright to see him better. His pronounced features are more defined, crisper and clearer. He’s even more stunning like this. Breathtaking.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
The simplicity of his statement jolts you awake. Or at least, as fully awake as you can be in this state.
He is here. At a time that isn’t in the wee, ungodly hours of the night. There’s fucking light outside, and even though he never said there were rules as to when he’d appear, you half expect him to spontaneously combust.
“I’d ask if I’m dreaming, but I don’t think the answer would be very helpful,” you mumble.
Loki lets out an amused huff, his green eyes twinkling at you. There’s something that looks eerily close to fondness in those eyes. A quiet undercurrent that you’re in no mood to analyze right now.
Yeah, the more time that passes with him in the room—dominant, unimposing, sexy—just makes you horny.
You’re not sure what takes over you when you slide off the bed, placing one foot in front of the other until you’re standing in front of Loki in your rather sheer nighttime ensemble. If you have him here, now, in the light of day, you want to burn this image before you into your brain. Commit every slope of his face, every fleck in his eyes, each line in his lips to memory.
“You’re a smart woman,” Loki tells you, one hand extending out to stroke your forearm. “You’ll figure it out.”
“Hmm.” You plant your knees on either side of him and sink your ass onto his lap. “Maybe later.”
The hand that was around your forearm slithers to cup your ass, closing the distance between you. His cock strains against his black pants and impulsively your eyes flick downwards to where your crotches meet.
You realize you haven’t seen it. Not yet, at least. You’ve felt how big he is, how strong and unyielding of a force of its own it is. How must it look? Feel against your naked skin, in your hand that’s tiny in comparison? How must it taste?
Oh. Oh, shit, just the idea of it makes your mouth water. Your lips wrapped around the head of his cock, swirling and sucking and hollowing your cheeks until he cums.
Fuck, his fucking cum.
While your gaze has been lingering on his erection for definitely more than a few good seconds, Loki’s hands are rubbing the sides of your ass in hypnotic circles. “What’s going on in that dirty little mind of yours, sweet?”
Cock cock cock cock cock. That’s what’s going on in your mind.
“I want to see you,” you say instead, pressing your cunt against his erection. “Please, Loki, l—”
“Now where did this confidence come from?” Loki’s tone shifts, his expression hardening along with something else. As if it were even possible. “You are a cock slut. My little cock slut. Do you want me to take you right now? Right here?” His strong forearm hooks behind your waist, knocking the air out of you and sending a shudder down your spine. “I am a patient man, and I had hoped you would be patient as well.”
Arousal, thick and hot, simmers in your belly. There’s something about now that makes you think this is more a game than anything else. One that you’re definitely willing to play.
“Please, it’s been so long.” Your voice comes out like a plea. An impertinent whine. “Please—just fuck me already.”
Loki exhales hard, tightening his grip around you, his pants practically about to burst at the seams. He stares into your eyes, tongue tracing the tips of his teeth before he brings your face close to his and hisses one harsh yet titillating word: “No.”
He holds you. Just like that, your bodies meshed together, separated by clothes, your breaths mingling as you hover millimeters away from him. You could kiss him. Rake your hands in his hair. He could slide his hands over your ass over and over. But Loki doesn’t do anything, which somehow—some-fucking-how—makes you want to be petulant.
With your eyes locked in a challenging gaze, you begin to rotate your hips on his twitching cock.
You watch his eyes widen minutely, pupils dilating, and the muscle in his jaw jumps. A small sense of victory sparks in you at his reaction, but you can’t relish the satisfaction because Loki’s lifting you off his lap, turning you around lightning fast as if you weigh nothing, so you’re straddling him with your butt to his crotch.
Maybe, you think as your breathing hitches when you realize you’re fucking naked, maybe this is your victory. This is what you wanted all along.
Loki snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you to his strong chest with an audible thump. His breathing comes heavy and labored by your ear while his hand claws at your breast. “When I say no,” he growls, pinching and rolling your nipple over and over, your juices beginning to leak onto his pants, “it means no. You cannot out-seduce me. Not yet.”
His hand glides down your abdomen until one finger swipes against your slit. Fuck, it makes you dizzy. You spread your knees wider, your neck falling back against his shoulder, as you flatten yourself so his fingers can reach inside you.
“Look at you. At this. You’re so fucking wet.” He shoves the pad of his finger against your clit roughly, and you nearly arch away from him at the sudden stimulation. But Loki has you in a hold of steel, unable to move even an inch away from him.
It vaguely registers that this is the first time you’ve heard him curse. Fuck, you think with a fresh rush of arousal, you want him to curse again.
“To the floor,” Loki commands, emphasizing his words with a firm push forward.
“I’m sure you heard me the first time, sweet. To the floor.”
Loki holds your thighs as you bend forward, until your arms are braced against the soft gray rug. The upper half of your body hangs off Loki’s legs and slopes towards the floor, where your spine curves gently as your face and chest press into the rug. The thread tickles your breasts and goosebumps prick up on the skin surrounding it, spidering out and making you shiver. This is so new, so erotic in its novelty, that you don’t think it can get better.
But it does. Loki shifts your bottom higher, and your clit pulses painfully against his hard length. He brings your knees further apart, spreading you, until there’s a whisper of cool air against your blistering heat.
“Do you think you can tell me what to do?” He roughly grabs the meat of your ass, molding it against his hand and letting it bounce when he takes his hand way. “Tell me when to fuck you?”
You know it’s coming before it even happens. It’s like you’re in sync, in a spontaneous dance you both know the next steps to.
A loud and sharp smack fills the room, the familiar vibrations in this new angle causing you to contort your face as you hold back your moan. Loki can see your ass and your sopping cunt from where he sits, all on perfect display for his enjoyment. He deals another blow to your other ass cheek and then rubs his hand over the mounds of flesh with barely restrained strength.
“I decide.” He traces the swollen lips of your cunt, and you begin to writhe and whimper as he teases you ever so agonizingly with the tip of his finger. “Do you understand?”
“Y-yes,” you stutter, only to sharply mewl when Loki punctuates your response with another slap.
“Good. So you can scream, whine, beg me all you want, but you will take what I give you, when I give it to you. Let me make that crystal clear, sweet.”
Oh, it is. You really want to grind down on him—up, whatever direction—the logistics don’t matter as long as your cunt connects to his cock. He spreads your cheeks away and then towards your back, digging his fingernails into your soft flesh before he releases and smacks your bottom again, your toes curling.
“You will follow my orders when I give them, and you will not disobey me.”
There’s a polarizing debate that’s happening between your mind and your cunt right now: you’ve been pretty submissive up to now, and an obedient one at that. Maybe it’s because Loki’s here at a time that isn’t usual that makes you think that the rules don’t apply—or at least, there’s some leeway—but you want to deviate. Just a little. Just to see how far he’ll go.
Fuck, how horny are you?
Your dilemma of whether to grind or not is taken away from you, which, in the foggy depths of your mind you’re not sure if that’s a relief or a disappointment.
But Loki plunges two fingers knuckle-deep inside you without warning, leaving you with no coherent thoughts and a simple, broken, “Fuck!”
He curls his fingers around your warmth, hooking around to hit your G-spot as he pumps in a sinful rhythm that’s got you moaning his name into the rug. The friction on your breasts makes you wetter and you present your ass to him like a humble offering.
“This glorious pussy,” Loki mutters, hips flexing to grind into your clit for a torturous split second. He pumps faster and deeper, the sounds of your sex obscenely filling the room. Your fingers claw at the rug as your hips stutter skyward, trying to meet the rhythm of his fingers thrust for thrust.
“And my little cock slut.”
“Fuck, Loki, please—”
He slaps your ass crudely, fingers still wrecking you from the inside out, and you cry out in a muffled whine. Sweet mercy, that felt fucking good.
He somehow manages to go even deeper at this angle, hitting spots you didn’t even know were there let alone would make you cry and beg hoarsely, all the while brushing against your clit with the base of his fingers. It’s like pure magic and sex and lust and before you know it, you’re climbing into orgasm.
Loki pulls his fingers out of you with a growl, grabbing your hips and pulling your torso back up and against him. The abrupt shift has you stuttering forward, nearly losing balance, but Loki holds you securely.
With a searing kiss to the side of your neck, he spreads his knees so you spread even further, your ankles automatically anchoring around his hips. He pushes your pelvis out, shoves his hand back between your legs from behind you, and gives you a single order in your ear that melts you.
Sinking onto his fingers, you do as you’re told, a sigh expelled from your lungs. You gyrate your hips, clenching your floor muscles, all the while trying not to moan and beg and curse all at the same time. Loki lets you do most, if not all of the work. A steady rhythm builds inside you, and then he takes you by surprise and brings a hand to the front of your mound, slipping inside the soft flesh and making contact with the nerves under the hood of your clit.
“Loki!” you rasp when his hands work in tandem. The hand in front of you works on your clit in steady, controlled circles and the one behind you strokes right into your G-spot. It’s a simmering pot of heat and pleasure, your body warming up as it prepares for orgasm.
“Faster,” he commands, curling both his fingers around your weeping cunt. Your eyes roll back and you reach behind to grip his hair.
Your mouth falls open as you increase your tempo, your legs beginning to falter and shake. Loki’s practically holding you up, the forearm behind you now slick with your juices from your rigorous riding. He plants an open-mouthed kiss to the hollow of your shoulder, a sharp little nip to the skin, and he’s upping his pace while you bounce on top of him.
“L—Loki,” you pant, eyes lidded and vision hazy while the sensations burn white hot and seem to expand inside you, “Loki, I—”
“Cum,” he coaxes, sucking on your skin. “Do it for me.”
Your thighs shake with the tide of orgasm, and soon you’re quivering and babbling as your walls clench around Loki’s fingers, your cum seeping down and onto the crotch of his pants. Loki pulls you through your pleasure with dirty nothings and a slowed pace. You ride out your high lazily, sated and sweaty and out of breath. Your knees hurt from being bent for so long; you’re so tired you don’t think you can move. He places your feet flat on the ground and you remove your vicelike grip from his hair, limbs shaking like a leaf.
You didn’t expect a quickie like this, if you could even call it that. You fall limp on his lap, shifting so you’re more comfortable, and Loki tips your chin towards him and kisses you hungrily while your walls flutter post-release. His tongue swipes against the seam of your lips, his hands skimming over the sides of your hips.
You can feel your cum still on his fingers, which he paints your skin with, and arousal surges through like a bullet.
“You are amazing.”
The compliment catches you entirely off-guard. It’s as if he wasn’t just playing your body like an instrument in a filthy concert hall. Still, warmth floods your chest and you sleepily look up at him.
“I don’t know where this is coming from, but I’m sure you know you’re fucking phenomenal.”
Loki’s chest shakes with laughter, and then without another word he’s hooking an arm under your knee, the other around your back, and he carries you back to bed.
“Glorious woman.” He pauses when he pulls the duvet over your still naked body. “Might have to do something about that, however.”
“Nothing, kitten. Just go to sleep.”
You notice the succinct kiss he presses to your hairline before your consciousness slips completely from you.
You’re an idiot.
It’s not that you mind that you were late for work. Other than a clipped, “Make sure it doesn’t happen again,” from your boss, work was fine. You finished everything you were supposed to, which was a feat considering you came and left for work horny and thinking of Loki.
But still, you’re an idiot.
Not because your mind was elsewhere than at the office. Having Loki in your room during the day was an opportunity to really look at him. Memorize him. Something tells you that you’re not going to have an opportunity like that again, and you wasted it.
Well, not really. But this morning went in a completely different direction than what you initially planned.
You should have just sat in bed staring at him. Admired his beauty from afar. But somehow, you just gravitated towards him like it was instinct pulling you to.
Damn it, you just wanted to see him up close.
Still, this morning was incredibly hot—so you’re not beating yourself up over it too much.
You’ll see him again tonight. And if you don’t, well, he did say you summoned him. Even without you knowing. Maybe you could do it again.
Your mind churns with questions and thoughts as your hands fiddle with the silk ties he left. When you agreed to this, you didn’t think you would be obsessing over it the way you are now. You thought it’d be mindless sex, not something you’d be thinking about every waking moment now. How does it work? Summons? Who is he? Will you ever see him in the light of day?
You don’t mean to fall asleep on the couch with the TV in the background, but you do.
Something tickles your ankles.
You jerk your foot in an attempt to swat it away. Maybe it’s a fly.
Or not. The sensation returns, and while you try to ignore it your mind is already beginning to wake up.
You don’t expect to see Loki on the far side of your couch, your legs sprawled over his lap, his hands tracing delicate, arbitrary patterns over the bone of your ankle and eyes glued to the TV that’s still on.
“Late night television is awful. I pity the humans who are awake at this hour and have no good viewing selections.” He swivels his head to face you, an amused expression donning his features. “Why are you sleeping here, pet?”
You sit up and attempt to pull your legs closer to you, only Loki’s grip tells you that you shouldn’t. His lips curve in a gentle smile and you recall why you fell asleep here in the first place. Even illuminated by the unflattering light of your TV, Loki is beautiful. Without a doubt, he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen.
“Just fell asleep without meaning to.” You stretch your arms above your head, top riding up and exposing your skin. You note the way Loki’s eyes travel from yours down to your navel, and heat bubbles in your core.
“It’s not very comfortable here,” he murmurs, setting your feet on the floor so he can climb on top of you with ease. “Or are you developing a taste for uncomfortable positions?”
His lips latch onto your neck while the memory of you this morning, ass up and face down, flashes behind your eyelids. The heat that started in your core rockets down into your cunt.
Loki sucks a bruising kiss into your skin, and he pulls away to admire the way your skin flushes red. “Come, sweet. Your bed is far more comfortable than this lumpy thing.”
You follow him into the bedroom, him strutting in front of you as if it’s just as much his place as it is yours. He stops in the middle, whirling round to face you with an expectant eyebrow quirked.
“I took the liberty,” he says, a note of pride in his tone.
Your face scrunches up in confusion. “Of?”
“Replacing that terrible excuse for a bouquet with something more tasteful.”
Your eyes dart to the corner where you had put the flowers Jacob gave you and sure enough, the vase and its contents are gone. Granted, they were singed and charred and really mostly dying, but part of you feels bad and maybe even a little guilty. It ebbs away somewhat, however, when you can see that Loki’s put something so downright beautiful in its place.
There’s a single flower in a glass that looks like it came straight out of Beauty and the Beast. It glimmers in the pale moonlight, and maybe you’re tired, but you swear it looks like it’s pulsing.
You’ve never seen a flower with so many hues and shades, or one that looks like it’s glittering, like this one.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathe, bending forward to marvel over it up close. Your hand makes to lift the cover, but Loki stops you.
“I’m glad you like it, sweet, but I don’t think you should open that. Not yet, at least.”
“Why?” you immediately ask, head snapping up to meet his eyes.
He gives you a secretive, sly smirk. “I don’t think you’re ready for it yet. Now. Get on the bed, sweet.”
Shooting one last lingering look to the flower, you do as you’re told. Once you lie down, legs splayed open wide, Loki’s gaze settles thoughtfully on your nightstand. “I’m quite sure I left something right here, pet.”
“I think it’s on the couch,” you recall. “Can’t you—”
“No magic tonight, I’m afraid I drained my energy procuring my gift for you, which is why I need you to cum tonight so I can replenish myself.”
Well. If you weren’t wet before, you sure are now.
Loki leaves the room to fetch the silk ties, presumably to restrain you once again, and your blood pumps in excitement. He’s left you alone.
And you know you should listen to Loki, but after today’s events, there’s a huge part of you that just wants to be rebellious.
What did he mean, you’re not ready? It can’t possibly be anything you can’t handle. Your eyes flit back to the glass on the corner table.
It’s just a flower.
As quickly and quietly as you can, you slink off the bed and towards it, eyes trained on your bedroom door just in case he comes back and you get caught.
Do you want to get caught?
Gingerly, you lift the glass, peeking under it just to see what the glittering particles are. A strong, sweet smell instantly invades your nostrils, and you set the glass back down soundlessly.
His footsteps draw closer and you fling yourself onto the bed, spreading your legs like you were earlier and raising your hands above your head like an obedient child.
“Very good,” Loki purrs, sitting on the edge of the mattress as he ties one wrist to the headboard. “Such a good kitten.” His mouth closes over yours, tongues mingling, and you feel the air shift and your head throbs twice.
Wow, what a kiss it must be for it to extract such a reaction from your body.
With your eyes still closed, he wraps the ever-so-familiar silk around your eyes. It’s… did he put some kind of perfume on it?
“Did you put something on the blindfold?” you ask as he double checks the tightness around your other wrist.
“Yes, sweet. What does it smell like?”
You lick your lips, mouth going dry. It’s getting hotter, and your heartbeat’s speeding up. “Something sweet,” you answer. “Like vanilla. And a little bit of cinnamon?”
“Very good,” Loki praises, his hand traveling down your naked body. Your clit throbs and your walls clench. And you… you just want to be filled to the brim with his cum.
“How do I reward you for every correct answer, sweet?”
“Your cock.”
Okay, that—that was not what you were intending to say. Sure, you’re thinking it, but you weren’t planning to blurt it out loud so shamelessly. It’s like your mind and body are out of sync, your urges taking precedence and leading your mind that follows a beat too late.
Loki lets out an entertained, short laugh. “Eager little one today. You will get it. In time.”
He spreads your legs further apart and settles between them. You can feel your slick seeping out of your slit and onto the bed, wetter than ever. Fuck, what’s happening? It’s like you weren’t horny before, but you were—but it pales in comparison to the state you’re in now.
His nose bumps against your soft flesh, and you lift your hips off the bed and promptly rub against his snout.
It’s like you can’t help yourself. Loki has to fight a little to push your hips back onto the mattress, and your lower half falls with a soft thump. You’re breathing heavily and your body—fuck, it feels like it’s on fire. Wherever Loki touches, he leaves fire in its wake. And there’s something in the air—something musky, masculine, smelling like pure sex—
You just know it’s Loki’s arousal.
And hell, does it turn you on. Breaks the scale, if there ever was one. It’s a thick, potent smell that fills your lungs and makes you lightheaded.
He’s tired. Drained of his magic, and he needs you to fill him back up again. And you… you have all this sudden, pent up energy you didn’t know you had…
“Untie me,” you demand. Your voice is husky and your throat is dry, but it doesn’t sink in because you feel like your entire being is just Loki’s arousal and nothing else.
His hand stiffens over your thigh. “Sweet, didn’t we agree—”
“Untie me,” you repeat. You leave no room for discussion. “Even just one hand. You don’t have to do anything.”
There’s a pause where you spread your legs even wider. You lick your lips, heat flooding your cheeks and your cunt.
“Y-you can just watch me.”
You can feel Loki’s exhale fan your wetness, and it makes you shudder in anticipation.
Before he can protest, you continue, “I know you need me to cum so you get your energy. You—you can just take over when I’m about to…”
You don’t finish your sentence. Loki’s untying you with one hand, and then with the gentlest hold around your wrist he guides it downwards. “It appears you’ve disobeyed me. Well, consider it your lucky day that I am in no mood to scold you.” He rests it against your stomach, stroking a finger over the center of it.
“Go ahead,” he murmurs after a while. “While I have the perfect view.”
At his words, you clench. Slowly you bring your fingers to your cunt and trace over your swollen flesh. An echo of Loki’s own ministrations this morning. Only you don’t have as much patience as he does, and so you plunge your finger inside your warmth without any resistance.
Masturbation is not something foreign to you. But the knowledge that Loki’s head is still between your legs, with an unfiltered and clear view to your movements, has your body swimming to orgasm faster than ever. Your fingers fall into a familiar rhythm, dipping into the dependable spots and nerves that have consistently gotten you to orgasm before. Perhaps the eroticism of this exhibition—in front of Loki, no less—ignites an intensity within you that makes it seem like these spots aren’t familiar at all.
His fingers. His lips. His cock. You imagine them all inside you, on your clit, everywhere—it spurs you on, your fingers flying faster, your walls tightening as you race towards orgasm—
Loki gently pulls your hand away, and while you expect to be filled by his instead… there’s nothing. A frustrated huff is expelled from your lungs and Loki only brushes his fingertips against your sides.
“Release? So quickly?” He tuts playfully. “The gift I brought must be more potent than I’d imagined.”
“Please.” It’s a word you’ve been repeating so many times today. At this point, it feels natural spilling from your lips. “Please, I need to cum—you need me to—”
“You will cum when I say so,” he cuts in with a dominant finality that sends tiny sparks along the insides of your legs. “And I say… not yet.”
You let out a quiet whimper. You’ve never wanted to cum and hold it off at the same time as much as you do right now. And fuck—Loki’s tying the silk around your ankle and an urgency surges through you. You know what he’s doing. The smell gets even stronger now too, that musky, addictive aroma—you want to bask in it from the source—
You’re vaguely aware of the silk tie slipping away from your wrist and making its way to your other ankle. Loki’s strong hands run a delicate trail along your body and all you want is his cock ramming into you with his hand wrapped around your neck.
“Touch yourself,” he commands as soon as your ankles are tied to each corner of the bedframe. Your hole is gaping wide—it feels that way, since you’re aware of every breath Loki takes and exhales because of his proximity to you. “And do not cum unless I say so.”
Fuck—that’s what scares you. You’re so fucking turned on that you fear even just one stroke, you’d be a goner. But would punishment from Loki because you came really be all that bad? You’re not sure if you want to test him just yet.
And there’s a new smell in the air, mingling with the heady masculinity of Loki’s arousal. It’s a bit fruity, perhaps even reminiscent of the tanginess of an orange.
It’s yours.
“Touch yourself, sweet, or I’m going to have to leave you like this all night.”
Without further encouragement, your fingers dive back into your folds and your body relaxes with a sigh. Your hips gyrate over your hands as you root yourself in the fact that Loki’s watching you. He needs to see just how turned on you are, how he’s the one who does this to you.
“Use both your hands,” he instructs. “Go deeper. And massage your clit slower. Slower.”
You do as he tells you, alternating your long strokes with circular motions, and fuck, is it agony. It takes a whole lot of self-control not to buck your hips like a madwoman, so you bite down on your bottom lip. Heat prickles over your entire body and briefly you wonder how long you’re going to go like this and if you’re going to cum from this at all.
“Now focus on your clit,” he says after a while. “Shorter. Faster. Harder. How you want it, kitten, as fast as you can go…”
Finally, you think, fingers speeding up and your orgasm gaining momentum. It doesn’t take long for it to build, begin to crest—
“Hands off.”
No—not the words you wanted to hear. Begrudgingly you force away your hands from your swollen sex, slick with your own juice, and wait. You wait for his next instruction, as patient as you can be as a woman chasing orgasm, and then Loki finally says the magic words.
“Go on.”
It continues like this for a while. For how long exactly, you don’t know. Time has blurred and it’s only differentiated by moments of languid strokes and furious pumping, moments of pause that feel like forever, and then back again. He draws you close to orgasm, then away like it’s forbidden fruit, until you’re certain the minute Loki puts even just one finger on you, you’ll come undone.
Your fingers work hard at your cunt, coated in your warm slick, until Loki finally, finally lets you grow taut with the tension of building release. It’s strong, you can feel it. You’re already so sensitive and even if your muscles are growing strained, your need for release is overpowering enough that you don’t mind it in the least.
Loki rips your hand away, shoves his fingers inside you in perfect sync, and you cry out in ecstasy. Your fingers can only do so much, but Loki—he’s pure magic, pure sex that nothing could ever compare or replace him.
His thumb flicks over your clit harshly and your walls clench against his fingers. And the air—oh fuck, it’s the intoxicating smell of his arousal—you just want to rip off his clothes, suck him dry—
In some inexplicable way, Loki manages to leave you teetering on the edge of orgasm. Just between that space of cumming and winding down. So close, yet so far. Your breath comes in shallow pants while your hips rotate to meet him. He has to let you cum, you remind yourself. He has to.
Before you can gasp it out, Loki says, “No.”
Fuck, how many times are you going to hear that today? Your clit is pulsing, your walls fluttering in a sporadic rhythm as you hang in the ripping limbo of trying to hold in your release and let it go at the same time. It drives you mad, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes from the guttural need that needs satiating.
A wave of Loki’s arousal wafts fresh and heated towards you. Your mouth hangs open while his thick arousal hangs in the atmosphere, dizzying and fueling your need to have your fill from the source.
And then without warning, Loki plunges his fingers into you knuckle-deep, moving fast against your clit at the same time while knocking your G-spot over and over until your mouth hangs open, no sound coming out—your back arches off the bed with the overpowering, all-consuming need for release—
The single syllable he utters has you unwound, undone—little white dots explode before your eyelids while your body convulses with the soul-stealing release he’s bestowed upon you. Toes curling, body tense, you’ve never experienced anything as blissfully shattering as this. Every nerve ending in your system has sizzled out, sensitive to the lightest gust of air.
Loki lets you ride out your orgasm on his fingers that continue to coax out your release. With the blood pumping in your ears, you can vaguely register the sounds Loki’s making. He’s muttering to himself, whispering—and once the pounding recedes from your ears you can make out a few lines.
“Yes, sweet, cum… cum all over my fingers, that’s it, you sweet girl… this perfect cunt, so warm—the way my cock—inside, yes, more…”
You clench tightly, and make a risky decision. One you clearly have no foresight to.
You sit up, and while the quick change in position has your cunt convulsing in stimulation, you ignore it. You’re still horny, yes. It’s as if that buildup to your seismic orgasm wasn’t enough, and while you would love another (or three more), there’s something else you want.
His cock.
Sitting up like this, you can smell his arousal coming from somewhere near the floor. Which, your lustful brain calculates, makes sense because his lower half should be sprawled across the floor.
Some kind of strangled noise comes from the back of your throat, and your hands reach out to fist, well—whatever you can reach. You can’t exactly see.
Your hands actually land in his hair, and your nails dig into his scalp. Loki makes a deep, throaty noise, satisfying you.
“Kiss me.”
Loki doesn’t chastise you or tell you no—instead the mattress creaks with his weight. He pins you down, his tongue delving into your mouth which you welcome instantly. The aroma of his arousal fires you up into a frenzy, especially when you feel his hard length pushes against your swollen clit.
Your hand boldly moves to squeeze his ass, bring him closer to you. Yes, having your arms in a full range of motion is better. Sure, you can’t see or close your legs, but you can touch him. Smell him. Loki bites down on your lip, groaning softly when you tug on his hair and pull him against you by the ass again.
Touch him.
Your brain is on autopilot. Like it’s got a mission it needs to see through to the end, regardless of whatever obstacles are to come its way. While Loki’s taking this opportunity to moan against your neck, telling you how he would just love to fuck you right here, right now, your hand moves from his ass, down the side of his hip, and to the front of his pants.
Loki freezes.
Whether it’s good or bad, you don’t care. You take this opportunity to palm the bulge you’ve felt, a soundless sigh escaping your lips. Your fingers grip around the outline, from what you think is base to tip, and a trickle of your juices flows out of you when you feel him shudder.
It’s all the encouragement you need. You slide your hand over the hard bulge once before your fingers dip underneath the waistband of his pants. Your breathing shallows when the tip of your finger comes in contact with a bead of wetness.
The strong, potent smell of Loki envelops you, and while it feels like you’re already bathing in him and his essence it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. You want more.
Loki hovers above you while you slip his pants down, his breath warming your neck. Licking your lips in anticipation, you finally lay your hands on the prize you’ve been dreaming and drooling about.
Your fingers wrap around his shaft, and as crazy as you sound, you might actually cum from just holding it.
Blood beats searing hot in your veins, your arousals mingling and fueling the other’s. You pump his shaft, once, twice—and you’re distantly aware that you’re speaking now.
“Need to,” you breathe, “t-to smell it. Up close, just—oh Loki, please, I need your cock on my face, just let me—”
Somehow this state you’re in has Loki speechless. You’re begging, though assertive at the same time. Loki lets you lead him until you’re lying down on your back, and he straddles your face, his thick cock hovering just inches from you.
Oh, fucking hell.
Your fingers skim the column of his shaft, savoring the feel of his hard length. You can’t see it yet, but you’d like to imagine how it looks before you do. Your fingers bump against the ridge around the head; veins that traverse his cock bounce against your touch; you trace a finger down the slit of him, collecting precum and trailing it over his frenulum.
Loki bucks his hips against your hands, hissing.
“What are you doing, pet?”
Tentatively, you bring your nose to the base of him and inhale deeply. Your cunt flutters in response and your mind deigns to feed you an image of his cock inside you, stretching you—maybe even wrecking your throat.
A wanton thrill shoots through you, and you drag your closed lips along his cock and then part your lips, salivating as you draw closer to him—
“No.” Loki pulls your hair gently, stopping you. Only it’s almost… reluctant. Like it’s more for himself than for you. Breathing hard, he continues, “Not tonight. Touching, just touching is… is enough.”
You settle for dragging your nose along the underside of his cock, inhaling the sweet, sweet scent of victory. “Alright.”
And then somehow you’re talking again. “I just love your cock,” you whisper mindlessly. “So thick… hard… I just want you, Loki. You can put your cock in my mouth… my pussy needs you a little more though…”
His cock twitches at your statement, and you hum against his groin, smile blooming on your lips. You pull your head away and your hand closes around him. You begin stroking, fisting his cock and twisting your wrist as you get closer to the head and loosening your grip when you get to the base. Soon he’s rutting his hips into your hand, and you relish the way you can feel him tense. All because of your touch. There’s a surge of pride at this new dynamic unlocked.
And his cock—it’s even better than you imagined. You tell him how you love his cock, you’d have it anywhere, anytime, whenever he wants—and Loki’s hips grow more frantic in his movements. You cup his balls, fondling him, and Loki fists your hair roughly, rasping out, “Hold still. But keep going on my cock. Faster. Harder.”
You and Loki work together to reach his orgasm, and soon you can feel his balls slapping against your hands and his movements go stunted, his cock tightening—the incoming smell makes you even dizzier, and you angle your head upward—
White hot ropes of cum splatter onto your face. Your forehead, your cheeks, your chin. Some of it dribbles down onto your chest and you have to fight yourself not to scoop some up and shove it into your cunt.
Loki groans all while he cums, until he’s running his fingers through your hair and tells you absently, “Sweet, glorious woman. An absolute sex kitten.”
His fingers swipe at his cum on your face, and then you realize it isn’t arbitrary—he’s pooling it together for you to eat it. Eagerly you open your mouth, sucking on his finger coated with his cum. Once your face is mostly clean, your tongue darts out the corner of your mouth to collect a drop you missed. No cum should go to waste.
Your heart practically leaps into your throat when you feel his tongue flatten against your sternum, collecting cum that’s dripped down your chest in a straight line going up to your face, and then he kisses you
His taste mingles with his seed, and you relish how delicious he is. You sigh into his mouth and are about to wrap your legs around his waist, only you’re brutally reminded that your legs are tied up.
You hope you wake up like this.
Your hands go to his still-hard cock, and Loki’s surprised, “Already?” has you giggling as you start pumping him again.
When is the next time you’re going to have all this energy after all?
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salted-cushions · 4 years
So I have a box of ritalin and six vials of testosterone coming in the mail in the next couple weeks. My friend kept telling me ‘bro you’ve got adhd’ for months, and eventually she offered me a sheet of ritalin from her prescription, and oh boy was it something. I got up around seven, took a ritalin, did every single piece of housework I’d been putting off for weeks, did a huge grocery shop, got a big chunk of assignment work done, and even ate three square meals that day. I ended the day with energy to spare, and it was a truly bizarre experience for me - I literally said to myself ‘it is time to do this Task’ and then did it, and then the same for the next one without any time spent refreshing social media or lying motionless on the couch. Lifechanging. I suddenly had hope that perhaps I could actually show some consistency in my life and be able to work towards my goals, maybe I’ll be able to stick to an exercise routine longer than a couple months, or have a semester where I don’t abruptly stop studying around week 4. That’s the dream right?
The more I think about myself through the lens of ADHD the more it makes sense. Coffee and nicotine? Stimulants aren’t they? And that explains why I don’t have a problem with alcohol or weed despite having what I thought was an addictive personality - they’re fun, sure, but they don’t feed the hunger. I guess I’d better make sure to never touch coke or meth. Why I always become unhappy in relationships after a year or two? I guess I’m getting bored of the person, as bad as that sounds. I’ve always kinda thought that being single and having low-commitment flings sounded better than having long-term relationships; now I’m wondering if I should lean into that, or if I learn to manage myself better (and medicate) I’ll be able to overcome it and maybe have a family one day. Videogames? Wikipedia deep dives? Changing jobs with the seasons? The drive to learn literally everything about whatever it is I’m doing at the moment? Yeah.
And then testosterone. I took test for the first time earlier this year after thinking about it for quite a while, and I saw results - I was on for about four months and gained about 10 kilos, with my body fat percentage roughly the same (according to the tape measure test anyway). Of course a bunch of that was water weight, but once I cycled off and lost that I was still about 5 kilos heavier and looking noticeably bigger in the mirror. More than that, I just felt amazing all the time. Well, not for the first few weeks while I was figuring out my dosage and letting my body adjust; I got some typical sides like insomnia, mood swings, elevated heart rate, all that stuff. I crashed my estrogen taking too much arimidex and had a couple days where I basically did nothing but obsess over my ex and try not to cry. After everything stabilised, though, I felt great. My mood was always good, libido went through the roof, confidence was up, energy was up, and emotionally I felt really stable. And yeah, I grew a bit of extra body hair and my sweat started to smell a bit stronger, but that was kinda good too. I really felt like a Man™️, which is something I’ve always been searching for, I think.
So now, in a couple of weeks, I get to combine the two of them, and I kinda think it’s gonna give me superpowers. Or at least, I’m really hoping that it does. I didn’t make the most of my test cycle last time, since I started to lose interest towards the end and also I’m terrible with eating consistently (why bother with making a meal when you could just have a coffee and a cigarette?), so I think I might be able to make even better gains this time, especially since I’ve got a better idea of how my body responds now. But not just for my body, I really think that with testosterone making me feel motivated and ritalin helping with boredom and unblocking my ability to do things I’ll have a damn good shot at actually setting a routine like I’ve been trying to do for years, one where I can reach my goals with exercise, with money, with study.
I have a lot I want to do next year. I want to run three times a week, and lift four times a week. I want to eat three meals every day, drink plenty of water and get eight hours of sleep every night. I want to pass all my classes, and get good grades instead of just scrabbling for Ps and Cs. I want to make more friends and have an active, stable social life. I want to go back to dancing, I think, although it’s a big commitment of time and money and I need to make sure I can afford that. I want to quit smoking. I want to stop masturbating so damn much. I want to get an internship. I want to spend more time with my mum, and reconnect with my dad and my half-sisters. I want to end the year with more money than I started it with. I want to be consistent and reliable, likeable and charismatic, and with a body as hot as Chris Evans. I want to be satisfied with myself and where I am. I want to be happy.
But... for now I’m just waiting. I hate this part. Tomorrow I have my first day at a shitty christmas casual job, and then the next two days are my first two exams. Then the new world of warcraft expansion next week, then my last two exams the week after that. And when those are done, I can sit down and plan out a week’s worth of diet and exercise - and then the next day I’ll get up, pop a ritalin, pin some test, and start executing my plan. And I honestly feel like this time it’s gonna work. Then just before christmas I have an appointment with a psychiatrist to talk about a potential adhd diagnosis, which will be great because not only are prescribed meds cheaper and safer than what I’ll have until then, but also because I’m gonna get him to help me figure out exactly how I need to manage myself outside of medication. That’s the theory anyway. God, I hope this works.
Anyway, this is normally where I’d write ‘thanks for reading my blog,’ but since this actually a blog it wouldn’t be ironic, so... yeah. Peace.
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saundraswriting · 3 years
S.C. Books Chapter 2
Summary: Eren and Levi spend more time together. Levi begins to see what Hange meant the other day about the shitty hand Eren had been dealt. Eren gets overwhelmed and heads to his comfort place.
Warnings: A graphic depiction of a nightmare and panic attacks
Notes: Hey guys! I hope you still are enjoying this fic. I am trying my best, and I hope that is enough. I have a very rough outline that I am not staying with so this is kinda rough and on the fly! This story references my high school career which ended in 2013 and my college career which ended in 2014.
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Anime Masterlist // My Ao3 //
Eren took detailed notes as the professor lectured on large muscle groups. The class only had 5 hours a week for roughly 12 weeks to go over all the semester's information. The human anatomy and physiology 1 class was often broken into a lecture and lab portion, roughly two hours long. The discussion today was muscle groups and tendons and ligaments. The class moved quickly, causing Eren to over do his notes and readings to prevent confusion. It helped a bit that he had some art background, he knew groupings, and that he dad (was)is a doctor. Eren knew that even though he was taking good notes and paying attention he wasn't retaining a sliver of information. It was too much too fast but that is why for this class he blocked off extras study hours.
"Okay. That is enough for now. Let's take a quick 15. We still have a lab I want to get through. and it can be a doozy." Professor Nanaba clapped to get everyone's attention and the relief was palpable. Eren and a few others decided a short walk wouldn't be amiss. The science hall was quiet this late at night. There were a couple offices with lights on but not much else. Eren was walking on the second floor while reading and noting his two short stories for the next essay for his English class. The 15 minutes of literature and scrawled first impressions helped shake his mind of the fog that had been creeping in since the beginning of his A&P class.
The lab portion was helpful in reaffirming his knowledge of the muscular and skeletal systems of a human. His art background helped a bit too, he was able to make detailed drawings in his notes. When the lab was finished a short test was given, Eren loved and hated only have one class a week for this subject. It was the advanced class for a reason, meaning the pretty much did a speed-run of a week's worth of learning in a handful of short hours. The pace forced him to pay attention but anxiety sometimes caused him to fixate on the subject leading him to crunch other classes.
Once released Eren headed to the home he shared with Armin and Mikasa. The three of them had pitched together money from each of their inheritances from passed relatives-Armin from a wealthy grandfather and Mikasa and Eren from their parents-to buy a small cheap house not to far from the university. It wasn't anything special, came mostly furnished and they were able to thrift for the rest. It was home and that was enough. All three of them had more than enough to live on, especially with school being completely covered by scholarships, but they had decided in their junior year that life would be better together and better in the future. So they made do now to prepare for a better tomorrow. Eren walked the familiar route home, trying to remember if he had anything to do before getting to bed. He had gotten a lot done at the shop that day, Levi's small unprecedented visit helping a lot with his productivity.
Eren got home and quietly came through the door, trying to minimize any noise he made. 'Why did he pick today of all days to sit with me? What made today special?'Eren thought. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, trying to relax the scrunch he knew he was making. 'Maybe he wanted to be nice? Maybe it was a trick? No, he seemed to genuine to be messing with me. He doesn't often work the counter, maybe he was just checking on me?'Eren thought. A tidbit of the conversation he had with Hange crept into his thoughts. '"I will say, I haven't seen him sit down and enjoy a conversation like today in a very long time. So treasure the fact that you are important to Levi Ackerman, for that is no small feat."' Eren blinked at his reflection in the mirror, shaking his head. There was no way, Levi Ackerman was interested in him. Levi was so smart and witty and intriguing. Eren was a bratty child who lost both his parents in a fit of mental anguish and is only getting by. Eren finished getting ready for bed, feeling uneasy about the direction of his thoughts. He knew he needed to sleep, he hadn't slept well the last few days. He couldn't do it again. Tomorrow was at least a shorter day. He had class solid from 11 to 4 then he was done. Maybe he could sleep in a bit and try to forget that Levi even look twice at him.
Eren didn't remember his dreams, on the days he dreamed that is. Other days he would wake with a burning throat and the sensation of viscous liquid creeping over him, the brownish red color of dried blood all he could see, screams ringing in his ears. Those days he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, the fear and anxiety and guilt forcing him to stay awake and try to not break down. He would sit counting his fingers and breaths for what seemed hours, hands gripping his hair, trying to resist pulling, sometimes he spent the early dawn hours in his and Armin's shared bathroom the shower too hot or too cold or hugging the toilet in-between vomiting episodes. He would sit silently, pushing it deeper and deeper down, until the acid in his stomach could dissolve it into nothingness. The was no trigger that he could find that set of the nightmares, he refused to tell anyone about them or the following panic attacks. He just waved off the rough nights as insomnia and stress from school. Eren knew he wasn't fooling many of his friends, if any, but he knew it was more trouble explaining it then it was worth. Today he was Lucky, he woke up in his bed to his alarm, violently. He was covered in sweat and was shaking, tears on his cheeks and throat sore. It wasn't a good night but Eren had worse ones.
The house empty, typical for a Thursday. Eren went down the stairs to see a message on the board about taking out the garbage, his class last night and breakfast being in the microwave. Eren puttered around the house, doing chores and eating his breakfast and getting ready for class. When it was time to leave Eren made sure he had all of his stuff and headed off to his classes.
He spent the hours he had in class diligently taking notes and meticulously planning his due dates. He didn't have the luxury of slacking for a second, if he missed one thing, he would be scrambling to catch up. He was in his last class of the day, his mind drifting to thoughts of S.C. Books and the hot owner. He was trying to just get through until he could get off campus, the panic attack he had in the morning was lingering in his trembling fingers and jumpiness. He just had to get through his last class. Eren's reputation in his friend group was the hot head that liked to pile on the pressure. He was smart and hard working but didn't know when to quit. He had a tendency to snap on a hair trigger and not much brought him back down. Most of his friends from high school went to Trost on scholarships, a few making the 50% cut instead of the 100%.
Class had just let out, he was the first to the door, blowing off everyone's calls to slow down or watch it, he didn't even snark back at Jean's remark for running into him. He was on a mission, it looked like a million ghosts were on his tail. Jean was known for priming Eren's trigger out of a sick sense of friendship, he seemed to be able to tell when Eren needed to blow off some steam, but he had never seen him look like that. 'Something is up with the dumbass, and I want to know.' Jean sent a text to his boyfriend Marco and made to follow Eren. He only got as far as the quad before he lost him in the crowd so he made his way to his next class.
Eren had blanked as soon as class was dismissed. He needed a quiet place. He couldn't go home Armin and Mikasa would only hover and make him feel worse. Campus was too noisy, he didn't want to risk anyone finding him. There was only one place to go, He could practically smell the tea and coffee and see Levi standing in front of him, small and compact and worried.
"Hey, brat. You okay? You look terrible." Levi's voice cut through the beginnings of him panic. Eren blinked. He was at S.C. Books, he had ran all the way there.
"Levi? How-When. I. What?" Eren could only gasp and stutter. He could feel his focus and awareness fading and brightening as he stood there. He looked around and saw people staring at him, causing him to shake more.
"You two good? I'll handle the brat." Levi didn't look away from Eren who was obviously not fully there. He came around the corner, slow and careful, it set Eren's teeth on edge.
"I am not made of glass. I am fine. Just give me a minute." He snapped. He took a couple deep breaths but could still felt like he was forgetting something.
"Okay. You're fine. That is why you came racing in here like the hounds of Baskerville were on your tail and also why you look like you are a million miles away, cause you're fine." Levi said. He took a few more steps closer. "I don't know what is wrong, but I want to help. You come in here looking like this or like the weight of the world is on your shoulders too much. I want to help you. What do you need?" Levi asked him quietly. The shop was slowly losing interest in their going-ons. Eren relaxed more they stopped paying attention.
"I'm fine. I had a bad dream this morning and it lingered. I got through class and just needed to come here. Sorry for making you worry." Eren rubbed the back of his head embarrassed.
Levi looked at Eren, lightly shaking, eyes glassy and unable to focus, breathing a little too fast, complexion just a shade too pale. 'This kid. He needs someone to take care of him.' Levi sighed, eyeing the way he slouched and curled in on himself trying to be smaller. ' I want to be the one to do it.' He blinked and shook that idea out of his head. "You table is open. If you want to sit down. I can join you if you like. If not, we can sit in my office for a bit. You look like you could use the space." Levi felt his eyebrows furrow. 'The fuck? I never let anyone in my office. What am I thinking' Levi looked at Eren for an answer.
"I would like to say your office, but your face is begging me to refuse that option. I very much appreciate the offer though. I do. I think I'll sit down for a bit and study. Maybe that will help soothe my nerves." Eren shuffled his bag a bit, seeming to hesitate. "Think you could join me? I could use the quiet company." Eren looked shy, like he expected to get rejected.
"Yeah. We can do that. Give me a minute. I'll get us some tea. and a few pastries, you could use with a little more weight on your bones." Levi nodded his head to Eren's usual table. Eren nodded a few times too many, still not completely aware. He flashed a shaky smile at the employees working, Petra and Molbit. Eren sunk down ungracefully into his chair, trying to ignore the gazes of the other patrons, he could feel them on his skin causing his breath to hitch. He began running his hand over the scar on his arm, up and down trying to use the motion to soothe himself.
"Eren, you with me, brat?" Levi asked from several steps away. He knew the kid was not having a good day and did not want to be what made it worse.
Eren looked up, eyes wide and shining, he looked a mix of grateful and pleased that Levi came back. He didn't even look at the two plates and mugs Levi was carrying until he placed them on the table and Levi wasn't sure what to make of that expression that was for him and only him. "Levi, thank you. I am sorry I caused such trouble. I have been coming here for a while, it was the only placed I could think of. I have been dealing with this just fine until now, so I don't know why all of a sudden, it was too much." Eren said, Levi could hear the confusion and frustration in his voice.
"Eren, I am honored that you think of my shop as a safe space. That means a lot. Now, why don't you eat and drink your tea. You need to take a breather and then we can crack open your books or we can talk for a while. How does that sound?" Levi nudged the plates and the tea he had the other day closer. Levi pulled out an iPad and continued working on some orders that he needed to finalize before the end of day. Levi looked over the top of his iPad to see Eren fire off one quick text and then turn his phone off.
Eren cradled the mug like it was the only source of warmth he ever had, it did help ease the trembling in his hands. Eren did as asked, sat silent and still, letting the tension drip off of him like water. After he cleaned his hands-with a small smirk to Levi who pretended to be distracted-Eren broke a few pastries in half, nibbling on some here or there. 'Can't this kid just accept the handouts, like why does he have to share?' Levi wondered.
A few more minutes and Eren looked less like he was going to pass out or be sick, so Levi decided it was time to move on. "Brat, you done?"" After Eren nodded he took away the dishes, paying no attention to his employees. "Do you want to talk or work?" Levi asked. He was fine with either one but couldn't deny he wanted to hear what spooked Eren.
"I have a tendency to panic or freak out when I am struggling, I can even be completely apathetic. Sometimes, I can't sleep. Some days it takes everything I have in me to breathe and some days I am fine. I have gotten better with learning coping skills and keeping busy is a big help but so has finding a place that hasn't been touched by the things that make my bad days even worse. Some times, school or home or my friends or my sister is enough to make a day turn sour. That isn't helped by my nightmares that lead into panic attacks at any given time of the night. Last night was more of the same, and when I got to school it was a little more then I could bear and soon I found myself sprinting to the only place I knew could make me feel better." Eren said. He spoke matter-of-factly, not wanting to Levi to think he was whining over his situation. Eren had come to accept that his life was better than some but not as good as others, but he was surviving. Levi's lack of response made it easier to talk.
"I think one of my friends tried to follow me here, they all worry over my mood swings and weight fluctuations. I don't have it in me to explain everything. I can barely gather the nerve to tell you this much. You've been so good to me for so long, letting me stay late or come in early. You treat me so kindly and don't badger me even though I know you and the others here are concerned. I really can't thank you enough. I don't know if I would be here without you Levi. So many days I have come in here, ready to end it all and then you call me a brat or make your not-jokes with the others and I am reminded all over again that I have everything to lose if I give up now." Eren reached over pinching Levi's sleeve between two fingers. He waited until Levi looked up, eyes shining wetly. "Levi, thank you so much. You are very important to me."
Levi let out the breath he had been holding the entire time Eren was speaking, his whole body softening. Levi hadn't softened for anyone in years, people pissed him off with their selfishness, and germs, and rudeness, and lack of gratitude. But here was this brat of a kid, trying to thank Levi for things he did all the time unconsciously. He could feel the warmth of Eren's gaze and appreciation fill him like the sun. "You're pretty important to me too, brat. Not many people just go along with my shitty humor or terrible honesty or overwhelming idiosyncrasies. I could thank you too. You don't remind me what to live for per se but that it is okay to live." Levi said. Eren blinked at him in surprise, mouth gaping. "Anyway, let's move on. You had class today, and you were pretty checked out earlier, why not get to work. Pick something light and go from there. I'll stick around for a bit. The quiet will do you some good." Levi suggested.
"Yeah. You're right. Today was practically useless, I can't afford to get behind." Eren pulled out his planner, muttering under his breath as he looked through it. Levi settled down in his seat, to wait out the kid who had been dealt a shitty hand. And if sometimes while he was working Levi took exaggerated breaths to help Eren pace his or Eren lightly pressed his fingers to Levi's wrist to measure his pulse, no one was around to comment on it.
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Uneasy Lies the Head - Dark Lord/OC - Chapter 8
Chapters - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
Chapter 8 - Mandrake’s Shriek
Samara liked to consider herself strong. She had survived her mother’s abuse. She had lived through Blackwood’s unwanted advances. But she was able to admit that she had one teensy little flaw. She liked to run. When the world got too much, Samara would flee to a safe place. Some people could face their problems head on, but more often than not, Samara couldn’t. Perhaps that’s why she had her Shadows. They could fight for her when she herself just couldn’t. 
So after her family had caught her up on everything she’d missed during her little snooze; like Sabrina restoring Roz’ vision, Sabrina doing magick without spells or runes, and all that they had done during the angels’ visit. Samara had waited for everyone to leave either to their homes or their rooms and then she’d gathered Phlox and teleported to her little cottage.
The minute her feet landed in her sitting room, she’d collapsed to her knees. Falling back onto her bottom, she’d wrapped her arms around her knees and buried her face into them. Phlox had leaned his weight against her side and snuffled his snout under her arm and licked her cheek. Samara’s world zoned out and her only point of contact was Phlox. What could have lasted longer only lasted a few moments with Phlox’ incessant nudging and licking. Samara slowly raised her head and her hand played with the fur of his one ear. She tilted her head and rested her cheek on her knee. 
She felt as the same something as before began to fill her. Not the power, but the presence. The icy cold, overheatedness of her body drained and the achy tightness of her chest eased. Gentle warmth began to fill the emptiness inside her. She heaved a deep sigh, her eyes slipping closed. What felt like a finger trailed down the back of her neck to across her shoulder down to gently grip her upper arm. Content assurance tickled the back of her mind. Her eyes fluttered open, to see what she knew wouldn’t be there. 
Some disappointment filled her when she confirmed that she was alone other than her familiar. She could see her Shadows dancing along the walls, stirred up from her actions. She remained on the floor and simply watched as they flowed to a melody only they could sense. A brave Shadow skimmed along the floor until it could wrap around her ankle. Samara smiled softly and stroked along the skin it held, feeling the room shudder around her. 
As the moon continued to move through the sky, going down for it’s nap and the sun began to wake up, Samara reflected. During the discussions her family and friends had held during the night she knew that Sabrina was deeply unsettled by what had happened. And Samara did hold pity for her cousin. No 16-17 year old girl should have to worry about the things she had to. She deserved to fully enjoy her childhood, by having friends and learning as much as she could either at Baxter High or at the Academy. She should be worrying about lovers and parties and other frivolous stuff. But what she deserved and what she was dealt were two entirely different things. 
Samara knew her cousin, or at least she knew the version of her before Samara had left. She knew that Sabrina wouldn’t simply go along with the prophecy. She was too bound to the mortal world and her friends to let the Apocalypse happen. She knew that Sabrina would do whatever it took to make sure the Apocalypse was stopped. Something stupid and dangerous probably; but always with good intentions. And that’s what it was at its base. Good. Sabrina was wholly and intrinsically good. Whatever higher being that meddled in the Dark Lord’s plans had been smart. Hard to bring about the Apocalypse when one of its catalysts refused to do it. 
Did Samara want to bring about the Apocalypse? Now that she thought about it, not really. She wasn’t overly fond of mortals but she didn’t hate them. Plus, she liked Earth how it was right now. But what really threw her through a whirl was the little royalty part. Her? Queen? The only thing she had dominion over was her garden and that was laughable at best. How did anyone expect her to rule over anything? Let alone people? Perhaps whoever had translated the prophecy had gotten it wrong. Her wrong at least. That had to be it. Why in the Heaven would Lucifer Morningstar want her as Queen? The only thing she was exceptional at was potion-making and baking! 
Samara shook her head, realizing she was spiraling. The last thing she needed was to sit there and despair. No, the world had enough people that could wallow in their self-pity and confusion. She was a Spellman for Satan’s sake! Maybe not in blood but in everything that counts. She was going to plan and plot, just like she knew the rest of her family was doing. She was sure her cousin was figuring out a way to stop the Apocalypse. So that’s what she’d do. In case Sabrina failed, she’d have a back up plan. 
So Samara picked herself up off the ground, dusted off her bottom and went to her workshop. Digging through her extra wares, she found the vial she was looking for and flicked it open. Taking 3 small sips of the minty concoction, she felt as her mind cleared and began to focus. It was time to put her brain to work.
After what felt like days but were really only hours, Samara resurfaced to reality. She had a tentative plan. While it wasn’t something that her cousin would concoct full of bravery and blatant flourishes, it could work. She hoped it would at least. She also sort of hoped that it wouldn’t come down to her plan.
Phlox had spent his time waiting for her curled up across the room on the armchair he had claimed years ago. His dark eyes had watched her unblinkingly but Samara was used to his overly-intelligent stare. She stood up and approached him, stroked a hand through his plush fur.
“Thank you, my friend. For putting up with my antics and always standing by my side.” She had whispered before sighing. “I suppose we should head back before everyone starts to worry. My mirror has been pinging for a few hours now. I think they’ve noticed our escape.” 
She shouldn’t have been surprised by that honestly. The sun was just starting to descend over the horizon and exhaustion weighed heavily on her, depicting the time that had passed. Even though she had just woken up from such a long sleep the day before, she was still wiped. She made sure to pocket the rest of the invigorating potion she had sipped earlier. She had a feeling she’d need it today. Hopefully she could slip in the house unnoticed and take a nap before she announced her presence to the group.
She stood in the center of her sitting room and Phlox was quick to join her. She smiled down at him and then chanted her words to teleport. Landing roughly in her room at the Spellman’s house, Samara looked towards her bed wistfully. Just as she was about to step in its direction she felt her Shadows jolt in discord. Something was wrong. She looked around her and saw them crowding towards her door. The problem was downstairs then. She cast a longing look towards her bed before sipping her potion once again and slowly stalked out of the room. She could hear humming downstairs.
She rounded the stairs and followed the sounds into the botanical room, where Sabrina stood looking amongst the flora. She was wearing a plaid dress that Samara had never seen her in before. She continued to glance around and didn’t see what would’ve caused her Shadows to react so violently. She shrugged and approached her cousin.
“‘Brina?” The girl in question whipped around, sending a blinding smile her way.
“‘Mara! Where have you been?! I’ve missed you!” Sabrina exclaimed and wrapped Samara in a tight hug. Some guilt echoed throughout Samara at her cousin’s words, and she returned the embrace.
“Sorry, Cousin. I’ve just had a lot going on in my mind and I wanted to sort it all out. I’m back now though.” Samara reassured, stroking a hand across her cousin’s back. She felt the girl stiffen and pulled back in concern. To her shock Sabrina was glaring up at her.
“Are you though? You always leave! I needed you here and you left me! I was so scared and alone and I just wanted my Samara here to help me. But like always you were gone! Don’t worry, I have a way where you’ll never leave me ever again.” Sabrina spat out and her eyes began glowing white. Before Samara’s own powers or Shadows could even react she was engulfed in bright light and knew no more.
“Samara! Wake up. Come on come on come on. Please! Wake up!” There were voices shouting at her before she took a gasping breath and the fresh air flooded her lungs. She was freezing! Blinking her eyes open she saw drooping red columbine flowers beside her. Then her eyes refocused on the blurry figures behind them and saw the worried faces of her cousins.
“‘Mara! You’re okay but we have a problem. Come on, let’s get inside and warm you up.” Sabrina helped her twist out of the vines that surrounded her and get up. She looked around the garden in confusion. She didn’t remember taking a nap out there.
Her cousins were quick to wrap a blanket around her shivering frame and a cup of tea soon entered her hands, warming her. She took a sip as she assessed herself. She felt relatively fine other than being cold, and dirty apparently. She looked up into the anxious faces of her cousins.
“What happened?” Her voice was gravely and croaky. Samara coughed into her arm and looked at them. They both shifted uneasily.
“Well, in an effort to stop the impending Apocalypse, I convinced Ambrose to help me with the Mandrake conversion. And we were successful.” Samara’s stomach dropped, her cousin was now a mortal. Her Aunties were going to be furious. Heaven, she was furious!
“Sabrina-” Before she could finish, Sabrina rushed out words that took a moment to decipher.
“It worked too well and now the Mandrake has gone around trying to recreate everyone in my life into Mandrakes themselves. And she was successful with your Mandrake.” Sabrina hurried out and worried her lip between her teeth. 
Samara felt her breath leave her. The Mandrake was successful? She closed her eyes and tried to pulse out her magick to find Phlox. Her eyebrows furrowed when she couldn’t. Her eyes snapped open wide and she looked at the edges of the room. Sorrow ripped through her chest as she took in the shadows that remained still and static. Where were her Shadows?! The companions she’d had since the beginning of time! What had saved her countless times!
“I’m mortal.” The words were whispered but seemed like a scream in the silent room. Sabrina collapsed to her knees beside her and gripped her arm.
“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I’ll fix this.” 
“How can you? You’re mortal now too.” Samara mumbled, shooting a sharp look at her cousin. Sabrina bowed her head.
“We do have a plan to deal with the Mandrakes for now at least. We’re going to have an old-fashioned duel. Pistols and everything.” Ambrose tried to soothe. Samara stared down at her tea, her thumb rubbing up and down the handle. Her brain whirring as her heart continued to shatter in her chest. Unlike before, her soothing presence didn’t come to her. Instead she remained alone and desolate.
“With powers like we have….had, they need to be killed. So we’re cheating at the duel. Pulling early. I’m sorry to ask this of you but I can’t face them alone.” Sabrina explained, tears pooling in her eyes. Samara glanced at her out of the corner of her eye and gave a small nod. Ambrose and Sabrina sighed in relief. They began to explain more of the plan to her but she listened with half an ear, her eyes instead intent on the corners of the room that remained still but should’ve been swirling with her companions. Nothing would ever be the same.
The grove where Sabrina was born held an eerie feeling as the three cousins entered it. Or maybe it was just as normal as it had always been, just now Samara didn’t have the powers to protect from the bumps in the night.
Two figures stood at the stone in the middle of the clearing. They became clearer as the group of 3 approached. As they stopped at the stone, Samara found herself looking into a mirror. Rather, a mirror image. Piercing silver eyes and flowing black hair. Had she always been that tiny? She just reached Mandrake Sabrina’s nose. Samara watched as her Mandrake’s eyes shot through with lightning in a display of power. Envy and sorrow shot through her again. Those were hers!
“Sabrina, Samara. You came. Did you bring the weapons?” Mandrake Sabrina asked.
“Yes.” Samara answered, her eyes glowering at her own Mandrake.
“And there’s no other way this can play out?” Her Mandrake sighed, shaking her head.
“I wish there were. For all of our sakes.” The real Sabrina answered as everyone took a pistol from Ambrose.
“The rules are this. You’ll turn your backs to one another, count ten paces. On ten, turn, shoot. May the best trigger fingers win.” The girls all turned their backs on one another, pistols gripped in their hands. Samara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then Ambrose began to count.
“One.” Step.
“Two.” Step.
“Three.” Step.
“Four.” Step.
“Five.” Step.
“Six.” Step.
“Seven.” Step.
“Eight.” Step.
“Nine.” BANG! BANG! The sound was deafening but Samara could still hear the gasp of pain and betrayal in her Mandrake’s voice. The shot Mandrakes both turned and looked towards the mortal girls.
“You shot early. That’s not fair.” The Mandrakes spoke as one before falling to the ground. Sabrina shook her head, tears in her eyes.
“No. No, it’s not.” She said and began running towards her Mandrake. Samara set down her pistol and kept her eyes on her gasping Mandrake. As she approached her Mandrake she could hear Sabrina soothing her own. Samara knelt down beside hers and looked into her eyes. She set both of her hands on the chest of the oozing Mandrake and leaned close to her face.
“You have something that doesn’t belong to you. Something that’s mine. And you’re gonna give it back to me.” Samara whispered, her words laced with cruelty before she bared her teeth. It felt strange, to be pushing and pulling for magick that was no longer contained in her. But she could feel it swarming within this Mandrake. It reacted to her touch, trying to get to what was familiar. She looked into the panic wide eyes of the Mandrake as she realized what she was doing. Samara’s lips curled with a wicked grin before she plunged her hands into the collapsing chest of the Mandrake, another choked gasp leaving its lips. She grasped the heart before it stopped beating, its warmth and goo filling her hand. She kept eye contact as her grip firmed and she slowly pulled the heart from her chest. She raised the still beating, orange, organ into the air, and set it before her lips. Her cruel smile parted to reveal sharp, pearly teeth that eagerly bit into the pulpy mess. The Mandrake gave a screaming groan as Samara ripped off the piece in her mouth, chewed and swallowed. As the piece moved down her throat to settle in her stomach, the Mandrake stilled, breath leaving her lips.
Samara dropped the pulp in her hand onto the body below her as she stood. As she reached her full height she sighed in content. She could see them! Her Shadows! She could feel as her magick flooded her veins, stretching out along her body like a weighted blanket. She flexed her hands and laughed in delight as her Shadows swirled up her body, encompassing her in darkness.
“Sabrina! Samara!” Nick shouted as he ran into the clearing, a woman following close behind. Samara turned to look at the others. Her cousin still sat on the ground, her Mandrake in her lap. Ambrose stood before them, formerly soothing her other cousin. Nick and the woman looked out of breath and disheveled. Although Samara knew she looked a sight. Her Mandrake lay at her feet, it’s heart ripped out of its chest and bitten, she was sure her eyes were glowing and her Shadows blurred parts of her.
“Nick. Ms. Wardwell. It’s over.” Sabrina answered in a tear-choked voice. The two looked at them in horror. 
“Sabrina, that was the last step...to complete the prophecy.” Nick breathed out. Samara stared towards him as Sabrina turned.
“Killing yourself. It was the final perversion.” Ms. Wardwell chimed in as Sabrina’s face fell. Samara’s head tiled in interest, her new companions sending worried glances her way.
“What are you saying?” Tears still fell from Sabrina’s eyes but for a different reason than sorrow for her Mandrake.
The group besides Samara startled as lightning struck around them including the stone just behind them. 
“The prophecy is being fulfilled. The End of Days is upon us. The Dark Lord will walk the Earth in His true form. The Gates of Hell will open. And Samara will sit by his side and rule as His Queen while Sabrina, their Sword, will enact their will.” Ms. Wardwell answered in a grave voice. Thunder and lightning continued to strike around them. One final strike highlighted the faces of the girls and the roles they’d play. Eyes glowing. Menace on Sabrina’s face. A crown towering on Samara’s head. Anticipation soaked the air.
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horansqueen · 4 years
AM Conversations : chapter 48
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.2k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- note for this chapter: i know my last chapter didnt get many notes but the chapter is ready so why not post it you know? sex is vanilla again. thought it was cute. sue me lol. theyll have kinker sex dont worry hahaha! i would LOVE to know what you think of the characters and their reactions and stuff. so please, message me!
here are the requests for this chapter! for the instagram one, i changed it a bit because i dont think her character would want to be in the spotlight like that i hope its ok! also i had already talked about their first time and such so I added the others :)
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Chapter 48 : His chapter
"Oh my god! Look at you flirting with that woman like she's not 30 years older than you!"
I started laughing and let my head fall back slightly. My arm was on the couch's back right behind her head and I brought it closer, pulling her to me by her neck.
"Is that the tone you use when you're jealous?"
I noticed her nose raise up in a grimace but she kept staring at the tv, making me laugh even more. For some reason, Olivia wanted us to watch old One Direction interviews, pretending it would help me for the ones I had planned in the next few weeks. It didn't really help, all it did was make us laugh and I had to admit it was quite entertaining and I was pretty sure I had never watched most of them.
"It was tough watching interviews back then." she admitted, raising a shoulder. "Especially the older ones. You were such a horny kid."
I frowned slightly at her comment. I could hear a lot of pain but also a bit of blame and it bothered me. I was young, I was newly famous and not shy at all. Of course, I was a bit stupid and I tried to be funny but out of all the people in the world, I thought she'd be the last one to comment on it.
"I just enjoyed flirting." I let out, shrugging too. "I don't do that anymore."
It took her a few seconds but she turned my way, staring at my profile.
"How many times did it work?"
I frowned, still looking the old 60 minutes interview we did a few years ago playing on screen. Did I really want to have this discussion?
"What are you asking?"
I held my breath and turned to her, noticing how painful it was for her to ask me something like that. I felt my annoyance falter a bit but not leave completely.
"How many girls did you have sex with?"
We had never talked about that before. I thought about asking, especially when we started dating, but I was scared it would start shit between us. When I was younger, I didn't mention my stories mostly because I didn't want to hear hers. Now that I think about it, it was probably out of jealousy, too.
"Liv, please-"
"More than 10?"
I stared at her a few seconds and nodded a bit. I watched her lick her lips and breathe in and nervously, I felt my fingers play with the fabric of the couch. I hated this, it could only turn wrong.
"More than 20?"
I could feel myself getting angry and I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. I didn't know why I was so touchy, it was not in my nature, but perhaps the way she asked me didn't help. It was not just a casual conversation, there was clearly a reason why she asked and I suddenly regretted that we never talked about these things before.
"20 sounds about right." I just said, impatient to talk about something else.
"That's more than twice my number."
We remained silent for a few seconds and I raised my eyebrows at her.
"Am I supposed to answer something to that?" I just wondered a bit rudly. "I don't know what you expected Olivia, but clearly you're delusional. I've had a lot of opportunities it's true, and no of course I didn't jump on all of them, but you don't ask an 18 year old boy to be reasonable after being thrown into fame. I don't think you can really understand what it's like."
I shook my head and sighed louder than needed before getting up a bit roughly. I felt her fingers wrap about my wrist and stopped immediately.
"I'm sorry."
I stayed motionless, standing up with my eyes closed as her fingers pressed around my wrist more.
"I'm just scared. And insecure." she added low as i felt her fingers slip and free my hand. "I don't understand why you're dating me, Niall. You could date so many girls or just fool around with anyone you want. But you're here with me and it just makes no fucking sense to me. So when I see how things used to be for you, it scares me for the future and at the same time, it reminds me how much I cried during those years."
I sighed and slowly sat back down next to her, still not being able to look at her.
"Why did you propose we watch that then?"
From the corner of my eyes, I noticed her looking down and swallowing. I couldn't pretend I knew how she felt, not now and not back then, but I was dating her now, I had been dating her for over 9 months. The fact that she was still doubting me... doubting us, was tough to accept.
"I thought i'd be okay, I thought since you were next to me, holding my hand, that it wouldn't bother me." she explained in a low and ashamed tone. "I was wrong."
I sighed again and rubbed my eyes before getting up again. Her head shot up quickly but I just held my hand out to her. It took her a few seconds but slowly, she slid her palm against mine and I pulled on her hand, helping her get up.
"Let's go outside, okay?"
She didn't say anything, she just let me bring her outside, in the backyard. I took my socks off after letting go of her hands and sat on the side of the pool, putting my feet in the water and waited for her. It took her a few minutes but I still didn't turn to her. The night was calm and warm enough, especially for late september, and I looked down at her feet moving slowly in the water.
"At the lodge, I saw you and Harry making out naked on the side of the pool. It made me very jealous, even if I didn't really realize it back then. Not really because you two were having sex, but mostly because he had your full attention, and I was so used to have it all for myself that losing it was like a slap in the face." I admitted, licking my lips. "I'm not saying I know how you feel, Liv, or how you used to feel. I just think that holding on to that is changing you and stressing you for no reason."
She didn't comment on the part about Harry and I closed my eyes.
"The first date I ever went on was with a girl from school." I added low.
"Grace, I remember."
"The whole time, all I could think about was kissing her. I didn't care about anything else. I was young, I can't even remember if I liked her, but I wanted my real first kiss and it's all that mattered." I made a pause and sighed. "Then I had girlfriends when I was a bit older, and then I joined One Direction and met other girls. And whenever I hung out with them, I was never jealous, I thought 'hey if it doesn't work then it wasn't meant to be' and that's it. I didn't expect it to last because I didn't want it to last. I had nothing to lose. I thought about sex and having fun."
I turned to her and sighed louder when I noticed tears falling down her cheeks. I moved my body her way slightly and shook my head.
"Olivia, why are you crying? I'm trying to tell you that it's different with you. I care about you. And the first thing I thought of when it came to you was not sex, it was not kissing you. It was making you happy, it was how good I felt around you. Why would you cry for that?"
"Because you seem to forget that I was there, Niall. I saw you with these girls. I cried myself to sleep because I desperately wanted to be in their shoes. My first kiss was with a guy at school who was harassing me to go out with him and when he kissed me, all I thought about was you. The first time I had sex with Rian I wished it was you. Every single decision in my love life seems to have been related to you. I'm not blaming you, it's all on me, but its still not easy for me."
My eyes roamed on her face and I watched her wipe her tears and sniff a few times before clearing her throat.
"We both need to make efforts. You can't spend all your time asking questions about my past that's gonna hurt you, you know."
"I'll work on that." she whispered. "But you're gonna have to be patient with me."
We remained quiet again for a while, just looking at the lights of the pool shining on the water. I knew I should reach for her hand but I wasn't sure I wanted to.
"Remember the first time we got drunk together?" she asked with a chuckle, moving her feet a bit more vigorously and making the water move around her. "You were so cute, and so damn tactile. At some point I was so close to tell you that I loved you that I got scared and hid in the bathroom for half an hour."
I smiled at the memory and chuckled.
"You were so dramatic and I didn't even know!" I let out, making her laugh too. "I don't know how you kept it inside for so long."
"Fear of losing you." she shrugged. "I just looked at you, both of us totally pissed, and I thought 'everyone wants a piece of him but he's with you right now, don't ruin this Olivia'."
"You were cute, you had that really high ponytail. I remember because whenever you'd turn around, your hair would brush against my arm and I was so drunk it made me shiver every time."
My eyes found hers and she was not smiling anymore. Her lips were parted and her eyes were glued to me. I raised my eyebrows and moved my face closer to hers.
"Yes, I remember things. Not the same things you remember, and maybe not for the same reasons, but I do remember things."
Slowly, she pressed her lips together and they curled as she kept looking at me.
"I love you, Niall."
I moved my upper body over hers, forcing her to move down on the hard cement but she didn't complain. I placed both my hands on each side of her chest to hold myself over her and bent down to kiss her.
"I love you too." i answered, moving up to a bit to look at her.
Her eyes traveled on my face until my lips and she licked hers.
"You said you'd make love to me whenever I'd want." she whispered so low i barely heard. "I really want it now."
"It's not really comfortable." I pointed out, the right corner of my lips moving up.
"Then you're gonna have to be extra gentle with me."
I nodded and sat up, immediately reaching for the hem of her sweatpants and she moved her butt up to help me. She brought her feet off the water and placed them on the ground, her knees up, and my eyes roamed between her legs as I let out a low groan. I took my shirt off and didn't even react when it fell in the pool. It made Olivia chuckle and I just moved gently over her, placing myself between her legs.
One of her hands ran on my chest as I pressed myself against her. I felt her grind up slowly against me and bent down to kiss her. I could feel myself get harder with every move of her hips, even if she was barely moving and I let my lips brush on her jaw and down her neck.
"You should keep your shirt on, I don't want your back all scratched."
I brought my mouth back on hers and I noticed her lips curling in a fond but amused smile.
"You don't want to see me completely naked?"
"Don't be silly." I chuckled again, glancing down and noticing her hard nipples through the fabric of her shirt. "I really fucking do. But you don't need to be naked to turn me on."
She smiled more and I moved down on my elbows, moving her head up gently and placing my hands under it to make sure her head wouldn't rub against the cement.
"Are you sure you want to try it here?"
She didn't say anything, she just kept looking at me as her hands moved between us. One of her palms pressed on my cock and I groaned low. She started nibbling on her bottom lip, slowly pulling my pants down and I pushed myself into her. I was surprised at how wet she already was and how easy it was for us to do this, like our bodies just seemed to fit perfectly together.
"I love you."
I bent down again, kissing her as I started thrusting in and out of her so slowly that I could feel everything incredibly well. So well that it brought sensations in me that I hadn't felt before. I felt impatient and my whole body throbbed even more than usual. It was definitely different than what I was used to but I loved it. I could really see all of her facial expressions and ended up letting out a very low curse word when her lips parted and her eyes fluttered close. I watched her as she moved her chin up and I could feel the back of her head rubbing slowly against the palm of my hands, making a mess of her hair. She looked amazing, all fucked beneath me, and it made me realize how much I loved her.
"I love you too." I whispered back. "So much."
"Just me?"
My movements faltered and her eyes opened slowly. I stared at my best friend, laying under me, and I thought of all the things we went through together and all the things we'll go through together too. I thought about our friendship that turned into love, I thought about us when we were young, I thought about everything I missed with her and everything I lived with her, and I could swear I felt my heart skip a beat.
"Yes, only you."
Her hands traveled on my back until my ass and she let out a short whimper as her thighs pressed on my side to keep me close. I could feel my elbows and the back of my hands hurt from rubbing slightly on the cement but it was really the sharp pain in one of my knees that made it worse. I tried to push it out of my thoughts to focus on her and when she arched her back and started shaking, I knew she was cumming.
"Oh god Niall... I.. I'm..."
I tried to keep my movements slow and steady but it was pure torture until I felt an orgasm reach me. I felt it coming and held my breath as my eyes closed and I groaned again as it spread inside me slower than normally. I could feel it until the tip of my fingers and in my toes and when I came down from my high, I blinked a few times.
"I'm literally seeing spots." I let out with a short laugh.
"Me too." she chuckled just as my sight was getting clear again.
I looked at her laying under me and sighed. Now that it was over, I was more aware of the pain and I grimaced. I let myself roll on my back next to her and she moved her upper body over me with a frown.
"You okay? You're not bleeding are you?"
I brought my hands up to look at them and shook my head.
"I'm sorry." she added, raising her nose up. "We should have tried on the grass. Do you need ice or something?"
"And pizza." I pointed out with an exaggerated pain expression, making her laugh.
"Alright i'll bring all that in the living room."
She was about to get up but I put my hand on her thigh to stop her, my fingers brushing gently on her skin.
"Wait." She stopped and turned to me. "These girls, they mean nothing. You need to trust me."
She sent me a sad smile and shrugged a shoulder very slowly. I was tired to fight and I was scared it would ruin things between us.
"I'll try."
I was driving the first time I heard 'This Town' on the radio and she was sitting next to me. I didn't know why but I felt incredibly lucky that I was not alone, and even luckier that she was the one with me. Her face illuminated and she let out a short scream, making me smile even more. I parked on the side of the road and she threw herself in my arms awkwardly since we both still had our seat belts on and we looked at each other the whole time it played until the very end.
"This is so fucking good Niall i'm so proud of you!"
I cupped her face and brought her closer a bit roughly, crashing my mouth against her and making her laugh. She grabbed the front of my shirt and deepened the kiss slightly, making me smile through it.
"Fucking hell."
She laughed as we pulled away slightly and smiled more.
"It's a big deal. Your first solo song." she whispered. "And you worked hard for that."
We remained in the car for a while, just flabbergasted by what had happened and a bit ecstatic. I looked at her reacting almost as intensely as me and it made me realize so many things that I just leaned against my seat and sighed. Despite all the fights we had, despite my almost total absence in the past few weeks, despite the fact that we had it hard recently, she was there, she supported me, and she was happy for me.
"A few drinks tonight to celebrate, how's that?" she proposed as I started the car again. "We could invite a few friends?"
"Yea, yea good call!" I let out, glancing at her. "Hey take my phone and go on instagram!"
She frowned a bit but she was still smiling and she did what I was told before looking at me again.
"You want to add something to your story?"she asked as I nodded. "Okay, go ahead!"
"Hello lovers, so we just heard 'This Town' for the first time on the radio a few minutes ago and we went completely crazy!" I just said with a laugh, trying to focus on the road as I passed one of my hands in my hair and shook my head. "Let me just get back home and I'll do a live and answer a few questions!"
She stopped filming and played with my phone for a few seconds before looking at me again.
"That's a very good idea."
With a smile plastered on my face, I parked the car and unlocked the front door before quickly getting my laptop. She put her purse on the couch and I sat next to it right before she disappeared in the kitchen. It took me a few minutes to go live but when I finally was, my smile hadn't faltered not even for a second. I started answering questions, glancing from time to time at Olivia that remained away from the camera. I knew she didn't like to be in the spotlight and that a lot of times, I brought attention to her without meaning to, but the fact that she was still there, in the shadows, to support me, meant the world.
"I was with Liv, it's her you heard on the video." I explained, answering an other question.
I saw my girlfriend grimace when she realized everyone had heard her voice and her probably her laughter when we recorded the small video in the car and my eyes found her again, her expression making me chuckle.
"From the face she's making now, it was clearly not intentional." I pointed out, laughing again.
My eyes caught a comment that made me frown but I tried to ignore it until I saw an other one and I finally closed my eyes, breathing in.
"Okay, i'm normally not the type to give attention to bad mouthing but we're trying to have a nice time and reading shit about my girlfriend is no fun."
I could feel Olivia tense near me as my eyes roamed on the comments.
'No Niall pls stay!!!'
'Ignore them we love her! OTP!'
'Fuck whoever talks shit about her'
'They don't deserve your attention!'
I didn't add anything else but kept on answering questions about an upcoming album, more songs, the process of writing and tour. After over half an hour, I said goodbye and turned my computer off. Olivia had left and I joined her in the kitchen, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. My lips reached her neck and I squeezed her tighter against me.
"Hey, darling." I whispered. I heard her sniff and my heart twitched. "It wasn't that mean. I promise."
I watched her fingers grip the side of the sink more and suddenly felt extremely bad. I shouldn't have commented, that way, she wouldn't know about the mean comments, but when I saw them, I didn't think, I just reacted. It was not like me but reading shit about her made me a bit impulsive and now I regretted it.
"That's what I mean when I say I don't understand why you're dating me." she murmured after swallowing hard. "No one understands why you're dating me."
"People who know nothing about you or our story don't get it, so what?" I just replied, nuzzling her nape. "Fuck them. I know why i'm dating you and i've got a shitton of good reasons."
"Don't tell me you don't doubt us, sometimes, Niall." she shook her head. "Don't tell me it never crosses you mind that you should be dating someone who's in your league. A tall, skinny, gorgeous actress, model, singer... I don't know."
She moved away from me and turned around, her back still facing me. I let my arms fall on each side of my body and sighed a bit loud before rubbing my eyes. I was trying to comfort her but it seemed like nothing i'd do would change anything.
"I'm telling you it's you, okay? I love you!" I argued, getting annoyed again. "I don't get how it's so hard to understand!"
She finally turned to me slowly and I felt a pain at heart when I saw the tears on her red cheeks. I didn't know why it was affecting her that much and I felt like i'd never understand.
"Love is not everything. Contrary to popular belief, love is not all you need." she pointed out, her arms crossed on her chest. She shook her head again and licked her lips as I stayed still, holding my breath. "I don't get why you don't understand how I feel, and I can't seem to explain it. It's useless, Niall. I'm useless."
Without waiting for an answer, she turned around and walked in the hall. I closed my eyes, trying to calm the beating of my heart. I should have ran to her and took her in my arms. I should have tried again to tell her how much she meant to me. I should have begged her to believe me and trust me. Instead, I sat on a chair and sighed loud. I felt defeated and exhausted at the same time. I just wanted us to be happy like we used to be but I didn't know how.
After a good twenty minutes of thinking, I got up and walked to our room, opening the door slowly. She was laying in bed, on her side with her knees up. I took a few steps closer only to realize she was asleep. I put my hands deep in my pockets and stared at her for a few seconds. Her lips were slightly parted and I could hear her breathe a bit louder than usual. I sighed again and found a blanket before putting it over her and bending down.
"You're so much more than you seem to believe." I murmured close to her ear. "I wish I knew how to show you. Maybe i'm the useless one."
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How could you?  Part 2: the encounter
Namjoon abandonned you 5 years ago, not knowing you were pregnant. What happens when he meets you one night, with a little girl calling you oemma?
Note: This is a request from my princess @aspaceformyself. I transformed it in a mini serie. Hope you enjoy.
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Present time
«Oemmaaaaa» your 4 years old daughter was sobbing. «Oemma, why won’t you let me eat an ice cream. I hate youuuuu»
«June… I don’t think you hate me for real. Shall I remind you little missy that you had 2 pieces of cake already? You ate my part and yours. That’s enough for tonight»
«But it’s ice cream that I wanted! Booooooouuuuuuh”
“June, baby, let’s go. Get on your bike, we have to go home».
Even though she is still unhappy, she obeyed but not without a inner struggle. 
«You are tired my love? I never saw you being like that» you asked, gently caressing her little cheek.
«Yes oemma, I want to sleep, please» she cried.
You looked around to see if there was a secure place to let your bikes and decided that you can let them on the rack nearby the restaurant. You will come get it tomorrow after you pick her up from the daycare.  That way, it may take a little longer to go home but she will be able to sleep in your arms. 
You locked the bikes on the rack and lift her up. She might be almost 5 years old now, she is still tiny and can be carried easily, at least on short distance. You will have to walk at least 20 minutes like that but you don’t really mind. You are happy that she is still a hugger and loves to be held so you take it as an opportunity to hold her close. Soon enough, she won’t accept any kind of public affection, according to your relatives who have kids. So, you take that moment, carrying her home, and you just savour that little body against yours, warm and snuggly and… yes a little stinky for playing in the mud with her friends at daycare.
Walking along the Han River with your precious little princess asleep, you realised too late that the man sit on the bench in front of you is Namjoon. Talking and laughing with Jimin, you know he became Nam’s bandmate but you barely met Jimin back in the days. You maybe talked to him once or twice. There was also another man that you can’t recognize because he’s not facing you and a woman. They seems to have a lot of fun, laughing about god knows what.
Time seemed to stop when Namjoon locked eyes with you. You wished you could have avoid this but you can’t, he noticed you. In fact, he’s standing up and walking towards you at that very moment. You were not sure how to react, you were never able to forget that man that you loved with all your heart. That was before. You loved him before he ignored you, pregnant with his child. Now, your feelings are bittersweet. 
«Y/n? Is that you?»
«Namjoon, I didn’t change that much. Please, don’t pretend you are not sure of who I am, it’s kind of insulting». You snapped.
«I was not sure for real. Sorry, from where I was the light was not optimal.  Now that I see you under the spotlight, I recognize you. You still look great. I am glad to see you after all this time. How long has it been?».
Jimin and the man you now recognize as Yoongi, walked in your direction and stopped in front of you. 
«It’s really you y/n, I am glad to see you again. It’s been a long time» Jimin said, a genuine smile on his adorable face «she is Namjoonie’s first love, they were together 5 years ago before we debuted» he explained to the girl and Yoongi now encircling you.
Namjoon noticed the little girl in your arms. She was moving, trying to change position in her sleep, snuggling her little nose in your neck. By reflex, he tried to caress her little cheek, he always loved kids, but you didn’t let him touch her taking a step behind. 
«Hey I won’t bite, you know I love kids» and with his brow furrowing he asked «Who’s that little girl?» He wondered why you are protecting this child from him. Why you seemed defensive and almost mad at him.
«Really Namjoon? Are you really gonna play that game?» you snapped again.
«What game?» he seemed confused. At this moment your little princess opened her big brown eyes without you noticing it and she automatically tried to get on feet as soon as she noticed who was in front of her.
«Oemma, Oemma! It’s our favorite band. Oemma! Look» She was all excited, happy dancing in your arms, cupping her face in disbelief. A real 4 years old fan girl. 
She was moving too much so you put her down.
«Oemma» Namjoon repeated, scratching his temple «why does she calls you mom?» You looked at him askance, upset that he keeps pretending he doesn’t know who June is.
«Oemma, look my bias is here. I can’t believe it» she said, looking at Jimin «And your bias is here too» she added looking at Namjoon.
«Me? I am your bias little girl?» Jimin asked, blushing. Squatting in front of her, he took her little hand in his, happy to meet such a cute little fan «you have good taste. Tell me, what is your favorite song».
«I love them all. I know all the words of all your songs» she seems thrilled to talk to her favorite singer. She is so emotive that she kept her free hand in front of her mouth.
Yoongi joined Jimin, kneeling in front of her. It was when she took her hands off her face and smiled, 2 big dimples digging her cheeks, that Jimin and Yoongi understood. She couldn’t be anyone else but Joon’s daughter. Their likeness was discreet but once you notice it, you know for sure, there are no doubt possible. Something in her eyes too, the sharpness of her upper lid, the same exact nose. A female and younger version of Namjoon.
Yoongi looked at you. Then he looked at his leader’s expression, then you again with his mouth wide open. 
«You know you are pretty little girl, right? Really lovely and you have an adorable smile» Jimin said, falling in love with that precious angel in front of him.
«I know, mom keeps telling me every hour of every day» she rolled her eyes like the little actress she is «but thank you for noticing it Jimin oppa» she bowed with her hands crossed on her heart.
He smiled in front of that child, his heart beating really fast. He knows she’s Joon baby. He’s excited to meet her but also, his mind is racing with questions. Did Namjoon noticed? Is he aware?
«What is your name?» he asked her, looking at Namjoon.
«My name is June, nice to meet you Jimin oppa, nice to meet you Yoongi oppa» and turning around to face Namjoon, taking a bow for him too «nice to meet you Namjoon oppa». She did the same with the lady standing close to Namjoon.
That is when it hits him too. That little girl is his. He sees it now in the way she moves, her mimic, her features.  Her dimples and her face.  She is so like him. You could see the declic in his eyes.  He seemed very surprised. If you didn’t know any better, you would have believe him, believed that he really didn’t know before.
«What’s going on?» is the only thing he could say, looking at you and June alternatively.
«Namjoon. Don’t pretend that you don’t know please. Not in front of her. If you want to play that game, we can. But not in front of her please» you murmured. You don’t want June to catch a single word of that conversation.
Yoongi, sensing the tension in the air said out loud «Hey, I will just ask this little princess to show me a few dance moves over there, ok?» He wanted to give you and Namjoon some privacy. You nod in silence, smiling to your daughter, gesturing that she can follow her favorite idols. When they were walking away you could hear her tell Yoongi, as she puts her little hand in his «You know, I like Jimin oppa more because he’s my ultimate bias but it doesn’t mean that I don’t love you. It’s just that I love his voice the most. He sings like an angel I found» That is your daughter, the little girl that you raised alone. Caring for Yoongi’s feelings, making sure that he wouldn’t be sad because she said in front of him that she prefers his bandmate. «You are a very… » those were the last words you could hear. Yoongi was grinning, sparkles in his eyes.
Namjoon was observing at the scene, in shock.
«Is she mine» he asked you as soon as she was out of reach.
«You pretend that you don’t know? You really wanna play that game Kim Namjoon?»
«Dammit Y/n, what game?  Answer me clearly».
«I can’t believe you. Why are you like this?»
He grabbed your arm firmly as if his life depends on it. You didn't feel attack or any form of violence. Just shock, despair. Powerful emotions mixed together.
«IS SHE MINE?» he asked louder.
For the first time, you doubt he may be sincere. It looks like he really didn’t know about June.
You stutter «yes… yes she is yours, of course she is the one I send you pictures from. Can’t you recognise her?» You look straight in his eyes, gauging his reaction.
You know Namjoon by heart, he may have become an idol and improved his acting skills, he cannot be acting on such an important subject. He was never a manipulator or a mean person.
«How could you? How could you keep her away from me?» he desperately asked you.  
«Namjoon, I told you at least 20 times, you answered some of my texts… what are you talking about?  And the money you are giving me each month? Are you gonna pretend that you don’t know about it either?»
«Money? I give you money? What money? Have you lost your mind?»
«The money Nam. That you place in my mailbox each month».
«I don’t know what you are talking about. I didn’t know you had a baby. I didn’t know I was a father. I am so mad at you right now». He grabbed his head between his hands, closed his eyes and started to rub his temple roughly.
«But Namjoon, I told you 20 times… minimum. You even answered me sometimes.  I told you a week after our break-up. I told you we were having a girl after my second ultrasound.»
«No no no no no» He shook his head, still not able to process those informations.
«When I had contractions I told you before I left for the hospital, hoping you’d come and join me there.  Of course, you never came. I was expecting too much.  I... » you continued «I told you when she was born. I told you her name and I send you a picture when she was one week old. I send you a picture of her at least 15 times since then… You even answer me sometimes».
«Y/n… I never answered you. I didn’t know… I swear to god I didn’t know» He kneeled down in front of you and took your hands in his. «Do you really think I’d be able to ignore my own kid? To let her grow old without being by her side? Without being the one who put her to bed at night?» 
«In the text you send me, from your very own phone, you were crystal clear Namjoon. You didn’t want to be part of her life».
«What did I supposebly answered?»
«You just wished me luck, saying you were gonna take full responsibility financially… but you prefer to stay away from us because of your career».
«AND YOU FUCKING BELIEVED THAT?» He yelled. As soon as he noticed you were stepping back, he shown you his palms in a peace manner and stood up.
«I am sorry but shit! You know me better than that Y/n. You know I would have take my responsibility if I knew». 
«You did it, you paid for everything she needed, the money I received was enough to cover for all her personal belongings, food, clothes, furniture and even more. Just so you know, I transferred all the extra money to an account I set up for her. She will be the only one who will use it. Not me. Don’t worry».
«If you only knew how much I don’t care about money right now. I just don’t understand what’s happening. I can’t believe I am a father. She is so pretty, she seems to be so polite and cute and joyful».
«She is Namjoon. She really is all that. She is also brilliant and goofy like her father. She has nothing from me...»
«Well, yes, she is cute» he said, overwhelmed. «She is mesmerizingly beautiful. Just like you. I just… I don’t… I...»
Suddenly, your daughter’s scream is heard. A little sound, as if she was too shy to cry in front of her favorite idols.
«Oemma, oemmaaaaaa»
«I am here little pickle, what’s going on?» you said as you were running to see what was going on.  Jimin explained the situation «She was twirling and I bet she felt a bit dizzy, she fell on her butts», he smiled, finding her so cute.
Yoongi lifted June and sat her on his left hip. With his right hand, he removed the bang from her eyes and said softly:
«It’s not that bad, see, it’s not hurting anymore. Am I right?»
«No Yoongi oppa, you are wrong it still hurts my pride». Everybody started to laugh at that comment coming from such a little child. Everybody but Namjoon, still shocked. She reach out her arms for you to take her, snuggling her nose in the crook of your neck again as soon as she was in the comfort of your arms.  She may have been in the presence of her oppas, when she’s hurt, it’s still her mom that she calls for help.
Looking behind you, you see Namjoon is observing the scene in silence. His reaction tonight is really confusing. You have told him, you did. He even responded to you and send you money every month since the day she was born. What’s going on? Is he playing a game in front of his bandmates? He could be… but they were not there when he talked to you and also, he’s not a petty-minded person. You know he’s a good man and that he couldn’t do that. Could he? 
For you too it was a tough situation. You decided that it was time to go home and rest. After all, nothing will be settled tonight.
«It was nice to meet you boys but if you don’t mind, June and I are really tired. We’ll continue our way home now».
«No no no, not yet please» Namjoon said, but when he noticed the determination in your eyes, he surrender and asked «Where do you live?»
«Joon...» you sight «… same place. I live in the same apartment as...» you don’t want to say it out loud, you don’t want your daughter to understand that you use to live there with Kim Namjoon himself.
«Can we meet? We need to talk. I need to talk to you. Can I go tonight?»
«Not tonight please Joonie­. Let’s take some time to calm down, okay?».
«But I don’t want to lose more time. Does she… does she… »
You know what he means. He’s asking you if June knows who her father is.
«No Namjoon» you say out loud before pronouncing from the tip of the lips, without any sound «she doesn’t know. Please, don’t make a scene in front of her»
He nods in silence.
«On that boys, I wish you good night». You said.
Namjoon wanted to add something but he was cut by your daughter.
«Namjoon oppa... » surprised, he looked at her with a sad, slight smile in the corner of the lips «I haven’t tell you that I love you too. Thanks for composing so many meaningful songs and for being a good leader for your members.» He was so touched by those words, big tears start to roll on his cheeks. He was overwhelmed by the whole situation. You could hear Jimin giggles, not sure what he was laughing about.
«How old is that little genius?» the woman now holding Yoongi’s hand asked.
«She really is a genius, I wonder who she got that from» Jimin added, grinning. Namjoon tried to compose himself and looking straight into June’s eyes he answered:
«You are welcome Junie girl. We share the same name, isn’t amazing?»
«I know we do, my mom named me June in honor of the great Kim Namjoon himself» She started wiggling in your arms when you pull on her dress to shut her up «Oemma, stop it. You said so yourself».
Namjoon said, under her charm «Well, I have the feeling we will meet again little Junie girl. ok?»
«NAM» you stop him before he says too much. He understood the warning and stopped his sentence right there.
«Y/n, give me your cell phone. I will give you my new number». He took your phone, pressed a few buttons with his thumbs, concentrate, and handed it back to you.
«Here, I texted myself. Now, we have each other’s phone number. Let’s talk later».
«Night Namjoon. Night everybody» you murmured.
Your little girl was not done.
«Namjoon oppa… You are the only one I didn’t got a hug from. May I hug you?»
She came down from your arms, walked towards him, reached out to him. As soon as he bended, she encircled his neck with her small arms and hugged him. He held her gently in his arms. Amazed to be the father of such a wonderful child.
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hypmicscenarios · 5 years
Rainy Days w/ Jyuto
a/n: its raining and youre just waiting for your boyfriend to come home,using they/them pronouns again, very fluffy, 2K words
12:00 pm.
You looked at your phone,checking your notifications, then setting it back down. Ugh, you could hear the rain outside your window. Even worse, you could feel how cold it was. It made you want to do absolutely nothing. You pulled the blanket over your head and groaned into the pillow. Why wasnt Jyuto here? No. You knew why. It was because he was at work and took up the morning shift. Of course, there was less room for complaint. He would be home in the evening, but what were you supposed to do with yourself. You missed him.
Still staying underneath the warm cocoon of the blanket, you peeked your hand out, patting down for your phone, taking a couple times before you felt it, pulling it in. You opened it up to your home screen, smiling at the selfie you took of the two of you on your date. Jyuto had a soft smile on his face, you an even bigger one, complemented with a peace sign. God. You loved him so much.
Sighing happily, you remember him waking you up for a bit in the morning. You had scolded him on that. Even if you were in the deepest of slumbers and looked as comfortable as a kitten, you always wanted to kiss him goodbye, tell him to be safe at work, and that you loved him. Especially with his line of work, you had to say it at least once everyday.
Suddenly, your phone vibrated and you looked at a message from “Jyuto <3”
Jyuto: Honey, I know the rain makes you lazy but dont forget to eat lunch. I made a bento for you before I left. It should be in the fridge, I love you.
You read and bit your lips, almost tearing, than planted your face in the pillow as you silently screamed. How did you get such a good man?? You wondered that still to this day, you always would. Jyuto always reminded you why though. Your love for this man would never cease and you hoped his love for you wouldnt either.
y/n: thank you so much babe!!! I love you, what would I do without you?? :,)
Jyuto: I dont know but I would hate to imagine a life without you by my side
y/n:  I wouldn't be able to live. Do you get off at 5 pm?
Jyuto: I do. As soon as I do I’ll make my way back. Since its raining, the usual?
y/n: !!!! take out and movie and cuddles on the couch?
Jyuto: of course my love. Im off break, now go eat.
y/n: I will! Good luck stay safe!
Well. That was enough to kick you into gear. You scrambled out of the covers and got up, going to wash your face, brush your teeth, checking your social media, replying to anyone you didn’t to the night before. Your mind moved towards the bento, wondering what foods he put in there, probably your favorites. He always did. Jyuto remembered every little single detail about you. You wouldn’t fault him for forgetting some things because even your memory was horrible and fuzzy at times. With  Jyuto, however, that never seemed to be the case.
Once you were all good to go, you changed into warmer clothes….aka some grey sweats and one of Jyuto’s black sweatshirts that was way too big on you, but it made it all the more comfier. Plus, it smelled like him. When you opened the fridge, your guess was correct as you took out the bento, placing it on the kitchen island, then thinking.
“Hot chocolate!”, you finally said, looking into one of the cabinets, pulling out a packet. You grabbed a mug, then the milk from the refrigerator.
As you prepared the hot chocolate, you were on your phone, scrolling through your different social media again. When it was all done, the hot chocolate looked steamy and delicious, adding whip cream on the top, then setting it down near your food.
Jyuto’s food was always the best. He could definitely cook better than you, but he taught you things and you two switched with making dinner. It was now 1 pm. 4 more hours! You could get through this, 4 hours could go by in no time.
That countdown went down to 3 as you got caught up in watching videos as you ate.
Most of the bento was soon gone, filling you up. The hot chocolate adding onto that.
After you finished, you put your stuff away, yawning and stretching. You….definitely felt like you could nap. Rainy weather just did that to you. Also, the fact that work was crazy yesterday, so you were still a bit exhausted. You made your way to the couch, turning the tv on, mainly going to use it as background noise, so you let it stay on some daytime reality show.
You sat on the couch, grabbing the dark blue, velvet plush blanket, wrapping it snug around your body as you curled up on the couch, eyes looking at the tv, watching whatever was on.
The show was a bit interesting but before you knew it, your eyes became heavy, like a brick was weighing down on them, 
and then you fell back asleep.
“Y/n, im home” Jyuto called out, taking his shoes off, loosening his tie, and immediately spotting you asleep on the couch. A soft smile came on his face as he set the bag of takeout on the living room table, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek,”Im home y/n,”he said in a quieter and much softer voice. He ended up sitting criss-crossed, his cheek on his arms as he gazed at you lovingly, watching you sleep, the slow rise and fall of your chest, your slightly parted mouth, every little thing, he loved, absolutely adored.
He did nothing, but you must have sensed his presence because you started to stir, your eyes shakey before your lids opened, eyes focusing in on the man in front of you.
“Well, hello there sleepyhead,”he said.
A sleepy smile came on your face,”welcome home Jyuto,”you said. Jyuto smiled, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead,”im home.” Your arms wrapped around his neck as you turned on your back, looking up at him,”I missed you.” Jyuto raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his face,”how much?” Your hand went to the back of his neck, pulling him down and connecting your lips together.
You were still a bit tired, but you kissed him with passion, molding your lips together, slow and sweet, one hand slowly going on his chest. When you pulled away, Jyuto placed another last peck on your lips,”well, im yours for the rest of the day. Let me go change and we can resume our usual rainy day activities.” You nodded, smiling to yourself, happy that he came back, then looking at the bag on the table.
It was chinese takeout….your stomach grumbled. You sat up, surprised when you heard Jyuto’s voice. He changes quick. But he looks soft and comfortable. A white sweater, black sweats.
“I went with white today because a little someone sneaked into my closet.”he said, walking over with a smile. You blinked innocently,”maybe that little someone just missed you alot.” You knew he didn’t mind. Hell, if it was hotter, no pants would even be on you right now, just your bottom and one of his tops.
Jyuto sat down on the couch, grabbing your wrist, pulling you closer and closer till his hands landed on your waist and pulled you into his lap. You were a bit embarrassed but you spoke, placing your hands on his shoulders,”w-what is it…”,you asked. He didn’t respond just yet.
Instead, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tight,”nothing, just need my daily dosage of y/n.” You smiled, hugging his neck and lightly petting his hair,”what a coincidence, I haven't had my daily dose of Jyuto either.
The two of you stayed like that for a couple minutes. A comfortable silence. Until he pulled away, looking at you, placing his hand on your cheek,”I love you.” You moved in closer, your hands on both of his cheeks, placing a soft kiss to his forehead, then down to his eyes, the tip of his nose, then kissing his lips with a smile,”I love you too.”
The two of you managed to choose a romantic comedy, eating for the first thirty minutes, your bodies close. You had moved from the couch to your own bedroom, since cuddling would be far more easier to do. As you ate your last piece of food and put it off to the side on your night stand, you commented on the movie,”so he’s traveling around the world to find his first love and all he has is a name,face, and the one conversation they had together” Okay, it was unrealistic, but you were a fucking sap. You thought it was cute.
Jyuto smiled and spoke,”if it were you I’d travel across the world” You were touched but you tried to deflect,”you dont have to for me.” Jyuto placed his food to the side, then moving, pushing your back down into the pillow. He was now hovering above, a gentle smile on his face as his hand came up to touch your face,”Ive told you plenty of times y/n, although it may not have been love when we first met, I was captivated by you. When I meet people I usually never hope to see them again but one conversation and I hoped that I could see your beautiful face again. I had a rough day that day at work, but your smile cured everything. You’re my angel.”
Oh no. He was….being soft again. Well, you asked for it. And, maybe, some part of you said that because this was exactly what you wanted, despite the rapid beating of your heart, thumping out of your chest. You looked past his glasses, into his eyes. “Well….I hoped to see you again too. Im only an angel for you. I’ll be your guardian angel then,”you said.
He chuckled,hand grabbing your wrist, pulling your arm towards him, holding your hand and placing a soft kiss on it as he looked at you, then spoke,”lucky me then. I have you all to myself.” Your face grew even hotter at such a simple action but you spoke,”you always have Jyuto.”
Honestly? How could Jyuto resist not kissing you after an adorable look like that. He leaned in, pressing your lips together again, a gentle and soft hand still on your cheek. You snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. Soft kisses were nice, but you desired more. Jyuto picked up on it and deepened the kiss, moving more roughly against your mouth, you couldn’t help but moan really.
The two of you kept at this makeout of yours for a couple more minutes till he pulled away. Well, it was needed, you were both out of breath. You laughed as you looked at him,”you okay there, officer?” Jyuto smiled, moving a hand to put his glasses back up to his nose,”if Im with you im more than okay.”
“I love you, Jyuto,”you said, moving your hand to his cheek. He smiled, leaning down again and pressing a soft kiss against your lips, pulling away and saying,”I love you too, Y/n.”
He kissed the top of your head, looking at you. There was something about the look in his eyes, a glint, it shined bright, just for you. It made you feel special each time he looked at you like that.
You loved it.
He moved away, pulling you into his chest. Jyuto was just about done with his food anyway. He just felt like cuddling you. Of course, you wanted the same thing as well, adjusting yourself, moving a bit closer, then laying your head on his chest, looking back at the television. The two of you stayed like that, finishing the movie, turning the lights off, and heading to bed.
Of course, you appreciated his warmth and gentle embrace. Because of this, you were able to fall asleep quicker, mumbling a “goodnight” and “love you” before the two of you drifted off to sleep, snug and warm.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Beyond the Palace Walls - Part Five
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Genre: royal au / fluff / adventure / self-growth
Characters: Jung Jaehyun x reader (feat. Ten, Lucas and Taeyong)
A/N: This story was started as a request but it didn’t suit the idol I was writing it for and it was too good to scrap. Originally, it was going to be a Lucas fiction but then I realised I was writing Jaehyun without realising it and so my bias one of them won it out.
Index:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
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The euphoria of kissing Jaehyun was still there when you opened your eyes the next morning, smiling lazily at the blue sky above as you adjusted to leaving your dreams behind.
Now that you were awake, you didn’t have to dream of Jaehyun anymore.
Picking yourself up from the spot you had slept upon, you dusted off the skirt of your dress before shifting to where you heard the morning routine beginning. This was your favourite part of the day, the communal effort of helping one another get ready for another day of travel always brightened you up. You liked seeing Lucas still half asleep as he blindly grabbed onto the food Taeyong held out to him. You smiled when you found Jane and Ten nudging each other playfully as they washed their faces. And you stopped moving altogether when Jaehyun’s gaze caught yours.
You wanted to wake up like this for the rest of your life.
“So today we should get to the ocean,” Taeyong mentioned elatedly, smiling over at you in particular as you quietly ate the bread you were given for breakfast. “We just need to travel through the next township and then turn onto the track to the beach. We will make it there by late afternoon if we don’t loiter in the village for long. We only need to gather new supplies, so maybe half an hour spent there?”
Ten nodded. “It won’t be long until we’re crossing the border into our kingdom, either.”
“Really?!” He nodded again at Jane’s exclamation and she squealed with happiness. “I’m rather excited to see where you all come from!”
“It’s not that exciting, lots of villages much like this one,” Lucas said with a shrug and Jane shot him a look. He chuckled at her. “But if you want to think of it as a magical venture into another land, who am I to take that from you?”
You had to admit you felt as excited as Jane. You would see the vast mass of water you had envisioned and then move onto another chapter in your journey entirely. You knew you’d eventually need to discuss with Jaehyun about heading home too, but for now, it was far from your conscious thoughts. You just wanted to live in the now, to enjoy the company of your group of friends and experience more of the land you were travelling. You felt light as if nothing could drag you down in mood or thought.
And when you set out for the next township, you fell into step next to Jaehyun, his smile small enough to not draw anyone’s attention to it, but his eyes were bright and shining at you. It made you feel giddy and you quietly shifted closer to his side.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked and you nodded lightly. “I’m glad.”
“And you?”
Jaehyun blushed a little; now shy due to not being alone with you. It made you feel encouraged to brush your fingertips against his hand next to yours and he glanced down at your gesture before snapping his head up and facing the path you were walking along. He then cleared his throat. “Must you tempt me so early in the morning, Y/N?”
“Should I act as though you weren’t all over me last night?” you asked, staring ahead yourself. For some reason, you liked how affected he was by your attention on him right now. It made you feel empowered that there was someone out there who had fallen for your charms that you hadn’t known to exist until last night. Perhaps, they grew when you were asleep and you were now a renewed version of yourself, unable to deny the fluttering within your stomach any longer. You had become addicted to Jaehyun the first time his lips touched yours and you didn’t know how else to address it than directly. You hadn’t expected him to become the shy one, especially with how forward he had been last night under that tree, and all the way back to camp.
You felt selfish, but you yearned to get him alone just so you could taste him again.
“You’re flying too freely right now, little bird,” he mentioned as he recomposed himself, though his cheeks remained flushed. You giggled and he groaned, shaking his head. “Now I’m the one entrapped.”
“By me?”
He glanced at you and nodded. “By you.”
To say you felt overwhelmed was an understatement. And because you were so wrapped up in how magical it felt to have him admit that, you weren’t watching where your feet were being placed down and tripped over a small rock, hitting the ground with a thud before he could save you. It was a wake-up call that you would have preferred to reach you in another way.
Especially since your waist was still healing.
“Are you alright?” Jaehyun asked as he helped you up and you nodded before you could truly assess any damage. Apart from the bruise to your ego from the embarrassment of falling literally head over heels for him, you couldn’t decipher if there was any further pain. He looked you over as Taeyong jogged back, concerned that you had both fallen behind.
“Did you fall?” he asked as he examined the situation and you nodded softly, your eyes widening when Jaehyun started wiping the dirt off of you. It was intimate and yet an instinctive way to help someone in an accident, but it wasn’t helping you any. You grabbed at the skirt and yanked, wiping it down roughly yourself.
“I’ll be perfectly fine. Shall we continue on?” you asked firmly, giving both men a look before you moved off swiftly, cursing inwardly at the pain now coursing through you and the embarrassment that still overwhelmed you.
That would teach you for feeling too giddy over capturing Jaehyun’s heart. Falling at his feet was a distinct reminder that this trip was short-lived and you would eventually have to return home – without him at your side. Your mood darkened for most of the morning, and by the time you reached the next village you were far too exhausted. Dragging Jane off to the closest bathroom, you pulled her inside and let out an excessive whine.
“Why are you like this?” she asked, watching you intently for a moment and then she gasped. You guessed you didn’t need to tell her anything, she knew you far too well for secrets to exist long between you. “Did you, did you do something last night?”
“Jaehyun kissed me.”
“Y/N!” she shrieked, slapping your lower arm frantically. You cried out and pushed her off.
“That hurts! I fell over before, remember?!”
“I’m sorry but you know you’re not meant to let anyone but nobility touch your lips!”
You glowered at your best friend. “So I’m not allowed to be elated at all? I thought you would be pleased for me, considering how happy I was for you and Ten.”
“Yes, well there is a difference between us, Y/N. You’re not exactly free to kiss anyone in this world, regardless of how much I feel Jaehyun matches you. I know you might have forgotten that you’re a princess but I haven’t, and if your Father finds-”
“Enough Jane!” you cried, tears brimming in your eyes. “I had hoped for your support!”
“Y/N!” she called as you flung open the stall door, stomping away from your best friend and away from everything in haste. Today had started out so well and now you were an emotional wreck. You had read that when in love you act irrational, but were you really? As a friend, you had hoped that Jane would be excited for you, much like you had been for her. Had she always regarded you so differently? You had never put a distinction between your friendship, she was the best person in your world. Did she not feel the same? You hated that you now doubted her and as you ran around the village blindly, you hoped you would stop thinking so negatively. You didn’t realise how messy it could get to admit you liked Jaehyun. Would the others dislike you feeling something for Jaehyun as well?
Today was not a good day.
“Oh sorry, Miss!” someone said as you bumped into them and you turned to apologise, your eyes widening when over his shoulder you spotted a royal guard. You moved just before he turned to look at you and raced back along the path you had taken, only to find another guard coming towards you. Why hadn’t they moved on? They had been through the forest hours ago, and by horseback they should have easily been able to explore this village and be on the move before now.
It made you panic and you hoped for someone you knew to appear right then. A hand shot out for you and pulled you out of sight, muffling your sentence as you asked if it was Jaehyun. You noticed by the grip that it wasn’t and your eyes adjusted to the darkness, relaxing when you saw that it was Taeyong.
Until he let you go. “Just how long until you told us, Your Highness?”
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Taeyong had gathered everyone quickly and you had all left the village, the eldest keeping you close to him in case you did anything rash. Which, given the dark gaze he was continuously shooting you, it was rather pointless but you didn’t want to argue anymore.
You were tired.
And when you were finally surrounded by the trees again, Taeyong stopped walking altogether, turning to face everyone else. He regarded them each for a moment, sighing when his eyes fell upon Jaehyun’s.
“You knew?” It only took Jaehyun a second to realise what he meant. He went to speak but the leader shook his head. “Why are we doing this, Jaehyun?”
“Why have you done everything you have for me?” he shot back and Lucas rubbed at the back of his head in confusion.
“What’s going on?”
“That’s different, to me you’re someone I’ve known my whole life. Doing this for you makes sense. And whilst I wondered if you were similar, I didn’t expect it to be this close!”
“Don’t!” Jaehyun yelled and the two stared at one another, panting heavily. You watched them both, and it only dawned on you then that there was more to this group than they let on. You wondered why it only struck you then. Stepping forward to them both, you went to speak but Taeyong pointed at you harshly.
“The missing princess, I should have known that’s why you were helping her!”
“Wait, what?” Ten glanced at his hyung and then at you and Jane. “The missing princess? No way.”
Jane diverted her gaze and kept silent as Ten cursed loudly.
“You helped me escape my own fate, why can’t we help her?!”
“Did you know from the beginning?” Taeyong bit back and Jaehyun shook his head firmly. “When did you find out?”
“The night before last.”
“When we first heard the rumour of her missing?!” Taeyong reiterated and let out an incredulous scoff. “We could get in trouble for this!”
“To be honest, it’s not that bad,” Lucas added to the conversation but no one paid him any mind.
You groaned and shook your head, turning on your heel and marched off down the path you were travelling on. You didn’t want to hear them argue anymore. There was another who joined you and you glanced to see Jane at your side, smiling gently at her as you took her hand.
“I’m sorry, you know.”
“I’m sorry too, for all of this.”
Jane sighed. “Do you think they’ll hate us for long?”
Before you could answer, you heard feet behind you. You both turned to see Ten approaching you and he slung an arm around Jane’s shoulders. He then smirked. “Not every day I get to escort a princess around the lands.”
“You’re not mad at me?” Jane asked and Ten shook his head.
“If you didn’t leave the castle, I wouldn’t have seen you again, right?”
“So then it’s a good thing that I convinced Jane to let me escape?”
“It’s not logical that’s for sure, but I think you’re pretty reckless for a princess, Y/N,” Lucas’ voice stated and you grinned at him as he fell into step beside you. “I don’t have to call you, Your Highness, right? I haven’t had to say that in so long now, and I don’t really want to go back to it again.”
“Lucas,” Ten warned and the youngest chuckled. You watched Lucas for a moment and mulled over his words.
Who had he served before joining this group?
“What about the other two?” Jane asked softly, noting they weren’t following just yet. Ten shot her a smile.
“They’ll come, don’t you worry.”
You were curious even if you were frustrated, and the guilt was eating at you from the outburst just now. It was difficult to be concerned with so many different emotions at once, and you didn’t know which one to address first. Should you apologise to everyone for putting them in this position? Ten and Lucas didn’t seem to mind as they joked around with you and Jane right now. But you still felt guilty for not being the one to tell them as you had hoped to. You were going to announce it at the ocean, to scream it out against the winds that you were the princess on the run from her life. That they had assisted you this far and you would let them continue on without you. That you would let Jane go in your stead to visit their homeland and return back to the village alone and get someone to help you back to your caged home.
Yet you had so many questions that the boys themselves weren’t exactly alluding to. What kind of group were they? You had half penned them down as some good vigilantes, helping others as they travelled from village to village. Like the tales of Robin Hood, you had some fantastical belief that the four of them were out against the world, assisting those who needed their aide.
Now though, you questioned it. The mentioning of royalty by Lucas had you wondering if they were messengers instead, or worse, spies for the neighbouring kingdom. You felt deep within your heart that you could trust them, but it didn’t stop your mind from conjuring such thoughts either. Did they work for the King or one of the princes of their kingdom? You wanted to ask, yet it scared you to as well.
And you were frustrated that you couldn’t stop Taeyong and Jaehyun from fighting and had walked off from them instead of approaching the situation as you had always been taught to do – with tact. You stopped walking, glancing over your shoulder at the lack of the pair behind you. It made you worried, hoping that they were safe. A grave sense of dread washed over you then and you spun around, heading back in the way you had travelled.
“Y/N!” Jane called and jogged to your side. “Where are you going, the ocean is this way.”
“I can’t leave them behind. What if they’re in trouble?”
“They know how to look after themselves, don’t worry.”
You glanced at Ten and he nodded to ensure his words were true. You sighed and glanced at the track in front of you once more and then slowly turned around again, your steps feeling heavy within your ears. It was then that you realised those weren’t the sound your steps at all and spun to see a large bay horse galloping down the track, coming to an unsteady halt in front of you all.
“Where did you get the horse from?” Lucas asked with a chuckle as Taeyong dismounted with haste and then came to your side, his eyes wide with fear.
“You need to get up here, now.”
“What, why?” Jane asked as you reached up for the hand Jaehyun offered, Taeyong guiding you so you were safely up within Jaehyun’s arms on the horse. You noticed the rein’s design and gasped.
“Where will you go?” Jaehyun asked with urgency to Taeyong, who glanced around himself.
“We’ll spread out into the forest to cause a distraction. Take her to the ocean, we’ll meet you there. Go now!”
Without so much of a farewell, Jaehyun kicked the horse to move off again, your eyes stuck on Jane’s until you could no longer see her.
Stick to the back roads. Don’t be seen and always travel as a group.
Your departure from the others worried you and you clung to Jaehyun as the horse galloped along the track, taking you further away from those who meant just as much to you as Jaehyun now did. You didn’t know what would happen next, even if you reached the ocean.
And that scared you.
Part 6
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queencocoakimmie · 5 years
Wink Part 6
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A/N: This is it! The end of the Wink Series. I hope you liked it as much as I like writing it!
Warning: Blasphemy, smut, death, violence, fluff.
Word Count: 2,660
Summary: The Fall of Miss Robichaux’s, the Rise of Michael and Lilith.
Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"
-Revelation 6:15-17
Laying there beside him, my mind is flooded with memories of our past lives. There we are at the opening of the Louvre in 1793. Again, at the start of the Renaissance Era in Italy, 1300. Standing in a crowd, as Mary Magdalene and John, watching the crucifixion of God’s only son. I remember everything. 
He watches me, as the memories flood back, with pride. But a sad small smile plays on his lips and I ask him what’s wrong. “I’ve been waiting for you to remember for so long. Every lifetime that we are reborn, I wait for you find me, or I find you. Then we go through the blood ritual to release our memories, over and over and over again. Sometimes you remember and sometimes you don't.” He pauses, his voice catching. “There have been many times, where we never even find each other. We go through the span of an entire lifetime, empty and alone, ultimately dying without ever having seen the others’ face. Then the cycle starts all over again. I’m just so tired of doing it. And now, I feel like we’re almost done with our mission and we’re in danger of being torn apart again.”
He continues, “The world has gone through its ebbs and flows, but the time has never been ripe for the End of Days. Now things have changed. You’ve come back more powerful than my Father and I could ever imagine. I know in my heart that with you by my side, the time for the world to be remade is now. But, those goddamn Witches are in our way.” His words are sad and exhausted. I know that he is ready for all of this to be over.
I bury my face into his chest, “I’ll never let us be apart again, Michael.” His face is filled with sorrow, he nods his head half-heartedly. He knows something that I don’t.
I tell him about the conversation, I overheard Zoe having earlier. He takes a deep breath, “I know. I know it’s coming. I don’t know what they have planned for me. But, I’ve been preparing for it as best I can. I just don't know if I'm ready yet. I don’t know if I’m ready for the aftermath. The boys have been preparing as well, so they’ll be ready and will know exactly what to do.”
With confusion painted on my face, I ask “What do you mean?" He turns his face away from me, “In the Bible, The 4 Horsemen will bring fire and ash to the world. We’re supposed to remake it in my Father's image. Rex, Jin, you and I are meant to tear this corrupt place apart and make it ours. Make it His.”
I become suddenly afraid of this prophecy. Cordelia didn’t teach me this. I was taught that the Antichrist was evil, and the Apocalypse had to be stopped. Now, here I am at the cusp of it? And I’m intended to be apart of it? The fear rises in my chest. I begin to shake. I don’t know if I can do this? Will I fail him? I’m just a kid.
But, I look up at him, his face half hidden in the shadows. I can feel that he is being tormented. He is conflicted more than I am. Wrestling with his own mortality. The fate of the world is literally on his shoulders and he hasn’t been given instructions on how to carry out its end. He just knows he’s expected to do it. There is no set plan for this. I’m afraid we’re on our own. 
He receives a text from Ariel and his demeanor completely changes. He tells me coldly that we should get dressed and head back to the school before anyone notices we’ve been gone too long. He’s not coming with me inside, though. There is something else he has to do. I begrudgingly get up and start gathering my clothes. I don’t ever want to leave this clearing. It’s so peaceful here. I know in my heart, it’ll be a long time before we can feel this type of calm again.
We dress in silence, lost in the noise crowding our minds, when he turns suddenly towards me and grabs my shoulders roughly, ”You mustn’t tell anyone what we’ve done tonight. If they find out that we are blood bound, they’ll know exactly who you are, if they don't already. I suspect that once I pass the Seven Wonders, they’ll come for me and everyone else, including you. I can’t have that. I can’t lose you again.” 
Tears begin to well in his eyes, “Listen carefully, Lilith, I need you to get stronger in your magic. Learn to cloak your thoughts, because if I can read your mind this easily, so will they.” Heat blooms in my cheeks as embarrassment takes hold. I know that he’s seen my thoughts, my doubts, my uncertainty in what we’re about to take on.
He stares at me intently, “They’ll be watching and monitoring you. You've got to strengthen your powers on your own. You are more powerful than any witch in that Coven. Never forget who you are, Lilith. You are the First woman ever created. The most important piece of the puzzle. As long as Jin and Rex are there with you, they will help you. They’ll teach you and protect you. But, know this, the day will come when you’ll have to make a choice between the people who saved you from a life on the streets or me.” I can see in his eyes, that he’s not completely sure that I will choose him and it hurts.
Since we’re connected through blood now, I know that I’ll grow stronger and eventually I’ll be able to feel his thoughts and emotions too. But, communicating telepathically now, though, wouldn’t be safe for either one of us. Once I’ve developed more, we might try to link minds, but for now, it’s just too dangerous. 
He explains to me that if something should happen to him, don’t reach out to him, don’t go look for him. He’ll come for me when the time is right. I’m extremely saddened by this because I can sense our time is ending soon and I can’t do anything to stop it.
When he leaves me at the doorstep of the academy, I know that this will be the last time I see him for a long time. He kisses me long and hard and walks away into the cold. A moment later, a long, black limo pulls up to the curb. The door opens and it’s Ariel, Baldwin and Ms. Mead, waiting for him. He turns back to me, says goodbye and winks.
I never had the chance to tell him that there is no choice to be made. I’m with him until the end.
Weeks pass and the rumors have spread that Michael has passed the Seven Wonders. He is the new Supreme. I felt his joy and his confidence in himself grow as he passed each one. We might be able to pull this off after all. 
But, the witches weren’t taking this lying down. They’ve been having more and more closed-door meetings. Chittering away and conspiring against my dear Michael. I know that they've been watching and plotting against us and it makes me hate them even more. I never thought I would ever feel this way about them. 
In the middle of all this chaos, Madison turns up missing and no one will tell us what’s going on, or where she is. Zoe has been keeping a watchful eye on me, even having my friends report back to her about me. They watch and listen to my every movement. Confused as to why they can’t fully read my mind. I know that Zoe has spoken to Myrtle about her suspicions. They’ve been devising a plan to use me and then have me murdered after Michael is dead. I have to lay now, conceal my parts of my magic, pretend that I’m one of them.
Cordelia decreed that The Hawthorne Boys were no longer welcome here, and by morning, they were all gone. There was no explanation about it. I panicked, knowing that now I would be alone, in this place. No Michael, no Rex, no Jin, to help me. I was afraid. Trapped in this den of vipers, all by myself, I start to lose control and feel the veil on my mind slipping. It’s too much stress, too many voices, my visions are too erratic. Until one night, crouched on the ground next to my bed, sobbing into my chest, I feel Michael on the outer reaches of my brain. We’re not supposed to communicate like this, but he’s feeling my suffering. I sense him reach into my mind and blanket me with reassurance and calm. I silently thank him and for the first time since he’s been gone, I sleep well that night. 
Our bond has been growing stronger by the day. I experience everything that he feels. His anger upon finding out that Behold was missing from their school at the same time Madison was. This was no coincidence, something was going on. I sense him becoming increasingly more paranoid. His mind beginning to lose focus. His thoughts becoming are unstable. His feelings all over the place. I wish I could reach out to him like he did to me but I’m not as strong as he is. If I do it incorrectly, they will know and then our plan will be over before it even begins. 
A few days later, Jessica texted me that Madison was back and with Behold in tow. After being locked up in Cordelia’s office for over an hour, they all emerged. Grim looks on their faces. I could feel an undercurrent of anger pulsing through my veins and I knew he could feel it. The time is almost at hand. 
I know that I’m not strong enough to access Cordelia’s mind, so I settle on Madison’s thoughts instead. Her mind is an open book, so easy to read. Fragments of her memories show me that they met with Michael’s family. His mother and father and his wretched Grandmother. I saw the moment when Madison and Behold found out who he truly was. It terrified them to no end. I saw her fear and anguish at what they were up against. But, from her memories, I also saw that she had compassion for young Michael. A sad, scared little boy with innumerable powers. Maybe if given a chance, or proper guidance, he could have become something different. Maybe he’d be happy. But, now we’ll never know because his family was horrid and treated him as such. 
Not long after, I felt a terrible ache in my chest. I doubled over in class from its intensity. My instructor sent me to my room to rest, but as soon as I got there, I was struck with a vision so clear, that I felt I was really there. I could see Michael standing in front of 3 burning stakes, with bodies tied to them. One was Ariel, one was Baldwin and the last one was Ms. Mead. He loved her like a mother, and to see her gone, it caused his heart and mind to break. I felt every bit of his misery and grief. I turn away from him to see Cordelia offering him a chance to join them and be good. I try to hold onto the vision long enough to see him threaten to kill her and everyone else. The pain in my chest gets deeper as his anger rises. I can sense him losing his grip on the world. He’s in such turmoil and doubt. But, I can’t be with him, and it’s agonizing to see him go through this alone.
I’m struck again with another vision. This time I see him go into the woods, see him go to the place where we made love. I watch, helplessly as he sits inside a pentagram made of stones, just like the one he made for us that night. Begging and pleading with his father for help and HIM not listening. My vision is fading, my eyes are becoming painful and blurry, my head is splitting in agony. I can’t take much more, but I whisper out to him, “I love you”. Before I pass out.
A text from an unknown number at 3 a.m wakes me:
“He’s in pain, Lil. But, he’ll remember his purpose. We have to have believe. We just can’t help him right now. Be patient.”
I know that it’s Rex, and it gives me some modicum of calm. I delete the text. I can’t let them know that I’ve been talking to the boys.
Much time passes, and life goes on. I never forget about him. He’s always at the back of my mind. His ups and his downs, I’m cognizant of all of them. I sensed his pain and apprehension and then finally peace when the Satanists took him in and helped redirected his path.
I felt his resignation at meeting Mutt and Jeff at the robotics company. But they are useful and smart and assist him in making a plan to end this crude world.
My life here, however, was under a microscope. Every move I made, every spell I cast, was watched and reported on. They’ve taken to shadowing me wherever I go. Never leaving me alone, except for sleeping and peeing. Now my telepathy has become so strong that I could read every mind here at once. I could hear and see all of their mundane thoughts to the more malevolent ones regarding me and Michael. His name on their lips, speaking about him in such contempt, disgusted me. I know that they are planning for my death. Smiling in my face, plotting to kill me. They’ll use me in some epic battle against Michael, and then when he is dead, they will burn me at the stake. My own friends were in on this plan. I had been betrayed. 
1 Year Later
I’m awoken by screaming down the hallway. There are loud bangs and cries for help. I open the door and the girls are running everywhere. I look over the railing of the stairwell and see blood splattered all over the walls. Bodies were strewn on the ground. I make my way down, passed several dead witches and I see my friends, Jessica, Alice, and Margaret. They’re hiding in a nearby room. They beckon for me to come to them. “What’s going on?” I whisper. “That Langdon boy is back. He’s here with that woman. I thought she was dead.” 
Realization washes over me. He’s come for me. This is it. I begin to walk out of the room when I hear their thoughts. Jessica calls me a ‘traitorous bitch’ and that as soon as she gets a chance, she’ll kill me. I turn around and snap her neck in an instant. The other girls beg for mercy, but they’ve been a part of the scheme against me this entire time. They were never my friends. They all deserve to die together. I allow them this.
I hear Ms. Mead step behind me, “So you’re the one he talks about all of the time. You’re just a ruthless as you are beautiful. Come with me.”
I follow her down the corridor and watch in awe as he walks into the dining hall and systematically massacres the other witches including Zoe, Bubbles, and Queenie. I step over Zoe’s dying body, knowing that she is the one that devised the betrayal. She brought me here knowing who I was, what my true nature was. She knew that they would eventually destroy me. I spit in her face and say “Fuck you” with venom. I look around for more witches but there is no one left. Even, Cordelia and her new protégé, Mallory have fled now.
Michael is a vision. Just as beautiful as the day I first saw him. He rushes to me and amongst the dead bodies and blood-spattered walls, he kisses me, hungrily, impatiently. He doesn’t say a word but picks me up and takes me to his limo.
We made love in the backseat. It was hard and rough. He couldn’t get enough of me. My hands pressed up against the glass, as he fucked into me from behind. Pulling my hair, my eyes streamed down my face with tears. Joy mixed with pain. The first time we had sex was romantic and beautiful, this was so animalistic and visceral. We came screaming each other’s names so loudly, that I could hear the radio volume turn up in the front of the limo. I’m guessing they no longer want to hear us.
Sitting in the afterglow of our sex, he smiles at me. “I’ve missed you so much. I’ve dreamt of you every night.” I look down sheepishly, “I know,” I say. Those lonely nights, I’d see him touching himself to an image of me. I would do the same so he could see me too. Our minds were connected in this most intimate way, it was like he was there with me in my room. Those were also the nights that my phone would light up with text messages from Rex or Jin, telling us to knock it off, that we were making them uncomfortable. I understood how they felt, but if I could only be with him in this way, I was going to do it regardless.  
“What about the boys?” I blurt out as he fixed his shirt, and smoothed down his wild curls. “Oh, everyone at Hawthorne is dead. I did that before I came to get you.” He says matter-of-factly. My eyes widen in shock, he looks at me and laughs, “Everyone except Jin and Rex are dead. We’ll see them at my meeting with The Cooperative.”
The who?
18 months later
Here we are, at the end of the world. I look out of the window, in this black horse-drawn carriage, and I see the decay and destruction of everything around us that we caused. The day the nuclear bombs went off, was glorious. It went according to plan and turned out better than we could have ever hoped to imagine. Michael was in full command of his powers and he...was...magnificent. Jin caused wars between allied countries, trying to escape the blast fallout. Rex brought about famine and disease throughout all of the lands. And I brought death to all of those who were unworthy. 
But, now I think of my “sisters” at Miss Robichaux’s. I feel anger towards them, but also guilt. They saved me from being homeless on the streets, they brought in and took care of me. I remind myself, though, that I was brought there so they could use me and then ultimately betray me. It makes me sad, in a way, about what happened to them. But I was never like them at all. I know in my heart, that they are still out there, somewhere. Sniveling in the shadows. When they come out of hiding, we’ll be ready for them, and we’ll crush them.
Michael made me see who I really am. Unlocked my memories and helped me embrace my destiny. He and I are bound together, in a story that was written long before man. He and I were meant for more.
I turn to him and gaze at his perfect profile. His hair longer than when we first met. Gone were the baby curls that encircled his head like a Halo. No, that Michael was gone. In his place was something different, something better. 
I reach out and turn his face towards mine. He moans at my touch. “My love, if we didn’t have to get to this Outpost before nightfall, I’d take you right here,” he says. I blush and laugh softly. His blues eyes, burning brightly against the background of his red eyeshadow. He is perfection. Words will never be able to express how much I love him. I am His partner, His new Right Hand, His blood mate.
And it all started with a wink.
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Odious Love Part 4 (M)
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Author: I’m still very new to writing so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too. I’m hoping for comments on my writing.  
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader  
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, CEO! AU  
Suho and you were sleeping together for the last 3 year. You were in love with him but he was not. He just wanted to depend upon someone emotionally. You were okay with it, you wanted to be with him in whichever way you can. You were not his girlfriend but he never treats you less. One day he got married to other women because of business. You thought everything was over between you two but he came back to you. He spends his wedding night with you leaving his wife all alone.
Part 4
“I want her out” she entered the Kim mansion shouting. Suho parents looked at her in confusion. Suho mother ask “Who are you talking about? Dear” She bows a little in respect and said “His secretary. Do you know how rude she is? She behaves like she owns Suho. Has something gone on between them?” Suho father goes to a mini bar, fill the glass with expensive rum as he said “Sorry dear. I cannot appoint or remove anyone from CEO floor, it is one of the conditions in my and Suho’s contract. And Y/N don’t worry about her, she works according to Suho’s order and you know how many women’s is after my son, it is part of her job to keep them anyway from him” he took a sip of rum and said “There is nothing between them. She will apologize to you, once she comes to know who you are” Suho mother said “Darling please wait for a little while. We know our son, his taste is high is everything, Y/N is merely a secretary nothing more. I’m sure he is going to love you when we officially introduce you two then just, we have to wait until Suho come home” She smirk thinking about Suho being on his knees for her and how hard she will make for Y/N when she asked for forgiveness.
We just entered the elevator, he pinned you on its wall, his hands tightly grabbing your hands, above your head as he roughly kissing you. He became impatient, your both lips were moving passionately until the elevator got the door open into his penthouse. He drags you in the middle of living room and once again his lips attack yours, your hand locked on his hair pulling him closer while hands started to undo your shirt buttons, moans were already leaving from your lips. He tosses your shirt and undoing your skirt without breaking the kiss, your skirt was also tossed somewhere, finally, we break our kiss to catch a breath.
He hauls you toward his bedroom and throws you on his bed. “Princess gets naked fast” you did what he said while he loses his t-shirt and pants but keeps his boxer on. You about to ask him about his boxer but he pulls your naked, half body toward the edge of a bed, placed your legs over his shoulder as his mouth rush into your pussy. He was sucking you ravenously while his hands were tightly holding thighs, his hand was going to leave marks but you didn’t care because you were busy in your ecstasy and moaning his name, your head falls back, your hands went on his hair. He spanks you on your butt cheek making you moan longer. His tongue played with the clit hyping you up, the climax was built you were going to cum soon. He spanks your ass one more time and you cum all over his face.
He did make you cum harder, he comes over you and kisses you making you taste yourself. He asks “Okay Princess” in your current state you can only nod once. You close your eyes to relax but suddenly he slips two fingers inside, your eyes got wide open, you half cried and half moan “Suho” he laughs, started to move his fingers in and out of you while said “Aren’t you being selfish? I didn’t get anything” you eat up your moan and said “What was in the car then?” he removes his finger form you and lick it clean, wink “It was for your own pleasure” You rolled your eyes and said “I’m not only one who was getting pleasured that time” without any warning he slides his member into you making you whimper. You don’t see when he removes his pant. He laughs and said “I’m not only one who is going to get pleasure right now” you cannot think anymore as start moving, your sensation was heightened because of your previous orgasm, he was thrusting fast and vicious, your hands clench on sheet, your head fall back and eyes roll back in pleasure pain. You started to cry out his name as thrust got faster and perfectly filling you up, touching at the right stop every time. Your back ace as you come closer toward your second orgasm. You tightly grab is arms telling him you are to close. He said ‘all right’ and let you cum over him, he continues his thrust to reach his climax, soon he also cum and fall over.  
After a few moments, he got up, bring a washcloth and cleans you up. You close your eye to sleep but he shakes you up and said “Princess I know you are tired and you just want to sleep but first have food, you cannot sleep with eating” you whine but sit up as you were hungry too.
You cover yourself with duvet while he went to bring your food. He comes back with all your favorite and set on the bed beside you, you raised your eyebrow and ask “While fighting with me you had my favorite food” with an innocent look he said “What are you talking about? I also didn’t eat anything, because of you” You laugh shortly and said “Lair, I know you better than that” he gives a fake angry look and said “Just started eating already”
You complete your food it was already 5 a.m. You wanted to sleep but got worried as your so-called extra work was still pending, it took your sleep away from you at least for now. Suho shut you down with a kiss and said “If you any energy to work then work with him” it means your current position.  
He was above you, still without any clothes only duvet covering till hips. You’re both the hand in his hair and legs around his waist.  His one hand was near your head, baring his weight and another hand wandering around your waist. It was nothing new, it was just an innocent kiss session and this was how you do your talking most of the times. You suddenly start laughing “You have an intense amount of sex drive. How can you be still hard?” he kisses you again and said “Only because of you. It is all your fault, you don’t how many times I think about giving you punishment for giving me boner but I let it go as you take me so well every time” he placed sloppy kisses around your neck. You blush a little and said, “No, I guess it is your fault, you trained me so well” before saying he comes back to your lips “Or maybe because you love me. I swear I would never let you go away from me”, “Maybe and I’ll also never let you go. Dare you say I’m lair” he laughs and again kiss a slow-motion kiss just feeling each other.  
It was showing love between you two, he didn’t love you but he cares for you like he love you and it was enough to spend your life with him he let you. While enjoying this session, you remember your workmate comments, you break the kiss and start to laugh again. He irritatingly asks “Now what?”, “You know what Jimin and other was saying” he pinches on your waist in warning, telling you dare even smile for other men. You flinch a little in pain, his eye was getting dark before it turns serious, you quickly said “About us, they were asking me to seduce you” he got surprised and said “What?”, “Yes, when that women come, they all started to coo about it and ask me to become your girlfriend or something” he rubs your nose with his and said “Soon their wish will come true” You provocative ask “How? It is not like you will make me your girlfriend or marry me” he suddenly pushes his cock inside you, you grasp ��I just remember you have to take your birth control shot in two weak. How about now taking them? And I will give them real reason to celebrate, you will be more then my girlfriend or wife” You slightly blush and hit few times on his shoulder, in resentful voice you said “Suho dare you, think any non-sense” he laughs and started to move in and out of you, slow thrust giving a blissful experience and soon you had your third orgasm ……
Around 20 days went, since that women come into the office, everyone has almost forgotten her thinking ‘she is just another woman’. You walked into the office in casual wear because today you were going home after two whole months, giving your parents surprised. You hand over the projects file to Mark, due to your sudden holidays Mark has to work on the weekend with Suho, you felt little bad for him but you want to see you, parents it has been so long and you were missing them. Mark said “Y/n, you have to repay. I’m scarifying my weekend for you”, “Of Couse, I owe you this. I’ll go and meet our boss”
You knocked at his office door and went inside. He was on the sofa waiting for you, he come and tightly hug you and said “Don’t go, call your parent’s here” You still cannot believe it sometimes, a person who actually behaves like owner of you can also behave like a small child, hugging him back you said “Even If call them here, I won’t be getting time to spend with you” He unlock you for hug but tightly grab your waist, tugging you closer to him, you feel his member getting hard as he slightly rub it in your core. With a smirk and alluring voice he said “I’m giving you order as your Boss, Master, Daddy and Owner” You loses from his grip, in the same manner you also reply “You are all of them because I have allowed you to be not because you can” and bit your lips, he slowly leans to kiss you and you also slowly lean forward, when he closes his eyes, to tease him you softly started to run away from him and reach to the door. When nothing happens, he opens his eyes, in warning voice said called “Princess” but you stick out the tongue from the door and run out from his office. You said ‘Bye’ to your other workmate and took a cab till bus stop. It was almost 5 hours journey to your small home town.
Suho called you when you got on the bus and said “Y/N how dare you to tease me like that. Just come back here and kiss me or I swear when you come back, I’ll make you regret it fucking so hard” You teases him again “You took so long to call, now I cannot come back” he took a deep breath and said again “We didn’t have sex for four days as ‘that time of month’ was going on and like always you just want to rest, not allowing me you touch you, I gave you rest too without any complaints but then you wanted to meet your parents, so I give you whole two days off but you didn’t even give me a ‘Goodbye kiss, in fact, you were teasing me, now tell me what  I’m supposed to do without you? I cannot even touch myself, I won't get satisfied with my hand, I need to be inside you” In a low voice you tease him “I’m sorry about it. Just more two days, I’ll be back” he growls “Princess you proposedly making your daddy angry, just wait until you come back and don’t even dare to look at any other men's” you laugh and said “Suho none of the men from my hometown can bet you and I promise I’ll make up for it my absence” he huffs in call “You was looking at them come back you will see the owner of you” it been long Suho haven’t gone rough so you tease him more “Okay, whatever you say, see you in two days bye”  you kept the phone with waiting for answer. As much you know him after you keep the phone, he would grad his hair in irritation then smirk thinking what will he do with you.
You reach home your mom and dad become so happy to see you. Your mom started to cry and scowl because you don’t come home, your dad asks about your work then three of you keep talking till evening. Your parent got ready for some kind of party and ask you to get ready too, you ask “Mom what is the occasion for the party?” your mom excitedly said “You must have merely remembered Kim Namjoon, your childhood friend then he went to the army when he was just 18 years old” you nodded “He got the promotion now he is Capitan. God, he has turned out to be a handsome person” you just smile. Your dad said “Sweetie you get ready and come to the bar, your mom and me going ahead” nodded and got ready.
You reached the bar. Your mom comes beside you and one by one make you meet all of your neighbors they all were happy to see you and just like your mom you got scowled for not coming to offend. Everything was the same as you know, due to party the bar was overcrowded but still everyone enjoying themselves while younger do all thing and adult get to rest from everyday routine with soft music in the background. It was like a ritual in your town, whoever has to keep party they keep in the same small bar. Indeed, it was a bar but we could book it for a day and that day all age group is allowed.  
You started helping with servicing food and drinks. You see people gossiping with your mom and your name come up in between of their talking and soon it led to your marriage when your mom looked at you, you give her a warning look saying ‘No Marriage talk or I leave just go back’ then you ignored everything and keep working happily. A group of small children was running after you for drinks in your hand, you were enjoying while giving them drink one by one but only after they give to you flying kiss.  
In between you keep looking toward Namjoon, you still don’t get a chance to congratulate him it has been the whole 1hour here and it was rude to stay in someone party with greeting them, by the time you complete giving drink to children, he finally got alone at a bar, enjoying his drink. You place an empty tray on bars island beside him and said “Hello Namjoon, congratulation” he takes a look at you and in confusion, he said “Thank you. If I’m not wrong, you must be Y/N” you nodded. He gives you a smile and said “I’m sorry I don’t recognize you it has been so long and you changed you look beautiful” you smile and said “It is okay I was same as you, my mom helped me and she was right when she told me you have become handsome” he smile too
We were talking about here and there for while then about work, he asked “You did the economic and company secretary then why are to doing personal secretary job” you laugh and “When I joint the company, our CEO was needing personal secretary immediately, I got agreed as they offer me double payroll and it was only for time being. But then I kind of enjoyed my work so I keeping working as P.S but not to waste my study in still do part of company secretary work” he looked confused said “They allow you to do that and that also with double payroll. I suppose you work in a great company” I said again “It is not my company but CEO. He wanted special talented people around him, who can work closely with him. He chooses 9 people all from the different department while I got transferred. We all work accordingly but we also work as his secretary from time to time. In my case I’m more of the personal secretary then other” he nodded. You also ask about his job in the army, we keep talking for a while.
You forgot your phone in the bar island as you start talking with other people, Namjoon comes and give your phone back and “I’m sorry. It was ringing for a while so I pick it up” you said ‘Okay’. When you saw it was Suho’s call it made you cursed yourself, go out of the bar to talk him. You voice come as a guilty person “Hey Suho” he sounded angry “I called you at least 8th times, you didn’t pick up it was okay but then 9th times someone else pick it up and he didn’t sound like your dad, I know his voice. Princess who was he?” You cleared your voice and said “Suho, he was Kim Namjoon, wait before saying anything hear me first. I’m at his party he got promotion and you know how ‘Party’ is in my town, my parent told me to go with them and I forgot my phone near him, sorry for that” You can hear him taking a deep breath “As usual you were ‘helping’ in serving foods and drinks. Y/N I already told you I don’t like when you do this kind of work, you are a Princess who should give order and get all the beautiful thing on her feet’s. And who gave that idiot right to pick up your phone” You said in a low voice “This whole town is like my home, like a big family who gets small working at home and Namjoon, I don’t why he pick up maybe he did it because it was ringing for long” He took a pause then said “So he just picks it up. Y/N are you sure, you in the party due to his promotion or your parent are planning something that is why he was brave enough to pick up your call. Fuck is he trying to steel you away from me, Y/N come back right now… no… wait it is night, I’m coming to get you……” he suddenly got panic. It was not the first time he got worried like this for useless thing, you try to calm him little down “Suho, I love you, wait and listen to me” Your ‘I love you’ work most of the time in situations, he didn’t reply so you said “No, my parent is not planning anything and I don’t have any string with Namjoon. Even if my parent would have made any plan, I would have run back to you anyhow, trust me and calm down” he got little relax and said “I don’t know, when he picked up my call, it gives me unknown fear”, “I know how are feeling this how I felt when that women come to office and Mr. Suho I don’t remember when was the last time you didn’t panic like this” He said in grating voice “Are you kidding me, you still remember her and I have a reason to get panic, who knows someone make move when you are away from me or your parents ask you to get married” You rolled your eyes and said “I can say the same thing. Ahhhh listen Sohu just let it go, we both know where will this conversation go. Tell me did you visited your mom?” he said and tiring voice “No, I will go tomorrow promise now can we talk about us” you giggle and said “Not now, once I reach home, I’ll call you, Bye daddy” he laughs and said “Okay, bye for now. Princess” you went back inside the bar. You got home after getting fresh, you talk with Suho then went to sleep beside your mom.  
Next went fast as fast it has come, your parent pampering you a whole day. In the middle of it, Suho mom called you, again and again, asking ‘whether Suho will come or not’ You threaten Suho to go and meet her otherwise you won’t come back. After that he agreed to meet her, you told his mom ‘He is coming’ At night you cried a little as you have to leave in the morning but you were happy to go back to Suho.
He reaches his mansion and sighs, he doesn’t wish to be meet his parent but Y/N given an ultimatum. It was really hard for him to stay away from her not only physically but mentally too, he could barely able to stay still till the next morning and not willing to extend her holiday more.  
He had the keys but still ring the doorbell as a guest, housekeeper open the door and bow, he doesn’t like want people to bow in front of him but as high position person, halfheartedly ignores her and went inside.  
In the drawing-room he saw his parents, his mom excitingly said “Suho. Thank god you came, we have very important news” he gives her the annoying look asks “What is it? That makes you harass my secretary on her vacation” His mom said in the rough voice “You was not returning my calls she was my only option. Anyways what do you want me to do, to say sorry to her but why would I say sorry to low life…….” He clenched his fist, not wanting to fight nor hearing Princess insult, he angrily said “What the hell is it? Why the hell I’m here? Just finished this off already, I don’t have time for your nonsense” his dad was silently drinking his whiskey till now, he called “Youra dear, come here please” while Suho got confused who was she?
When she entered the drawing room Suho got stock, she was same women and because her Y/N had a fight with him, she was the first women who were able to make Y/N uncomfortable. Seeing her, he just wanted to run away from here, he cannot have another fight with his Princess because of it a witch. His mom said “It is an official meeting, Suho meet Youra. We have chosen her to become your wife and we will keep a party to announce your engagement with her” Suho cannot understand anything, what was going on here? His parent has asked him to get married many times before but this time they bring a woman not only that they announcing his engagement to her. He saw his dad, he gave Suho a blank look.
Suho mom said again “I’ll talk with his secretary to get the perfect date for announcement…….” Suho lost track what his mother was saying, he started to think about how will Y/N react after hearing this and if she leaves him. It made him wrathful, he shouted “What the fuck are you talking about? What marriage? What engagement? My so-called loving parents think I’ll just marry anyone because to ask me too?” He started to laugh and said to Youra “So this was a reason you had the courage to come in my office and behave like a bitch. Let me clear this up once and for all, I have nothing to do you” His father shout “Suho, apologize to the lady right now” Youra said with a smile “It is okay, Dad. He can say whatever he wants, Afterall I’m going to be his life partner, if not me who else would he let out his anger on” Suho huff the air from the nose and takes fast step out of the house.
He just got inside the car Y/N call come, he keeps staring his ringing phone on his hand, thinking what he is going to tell her and how will she react if he tells her truth. He also starts to get the wired feeling regarding this situation. The way his dad looked he knows it means something big happens that made his dad jump on the decision. Whatever it was he would have solved it, for him for Y/N, just two night ago for the first he asks her for baby, he did make it seem like a joke but he desires to have a future with her Princess, no else just her and he knows no one is going to love him the way Y/N did. He loudly shout in frustration ‘NO, I will not let anyone take his future with Y/N away’ He will fight, he will solve whatever problem is, by this time the phone stops ringing, he immediately calls her back with assurance himself to fight and not to make her worry……..
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