#i just love sketching the characters to visualize the designs
bluespirlt · 1 month
this au is just writing itself at this point
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tervaneula · 2 months
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WAHOO it's finally the 11th of March – my birthday! To celebrate, I'm hosting my very first draw this in your style challenge!!! Featuring the NQK Future Fam, of course. I love them so much. 😭
If you want to, you can change the framing, the poses, their clothes and expressions (but not the character designs, eg. turtle markings). All I ask is that the love is there.
//EDIT: The new end date is April 14th!// The competition will run for one month, March 11th – April 11th. You can join the DTIYS even after that (or without following me) but won't be eligible for the prizes.
Just remember to have fun, this isn't about the skill, it's about the heart. I love y'all so much and I'm so happy to have found such an amazing community of fans and writers and artists alike in the Rise fandom <3 Thank you for loving what I do as much as I do.
To participate in the competition, you must:
Be following me
@ me in the description of your piece
Tag your post with tervs33dtiys
More info and prizes under the cut:
If it's been days and I haven't reblogged your post I most likely didn't see it, so please message me the link! Sometimes tunglr likes to withhold notifications.
I will pick two winners myself and two will be left to fate – a randomised name wheel 😎 The prizes are all free digital character commissions and I'll draw any OC or canon character (with existing visual references) in my "better sketch" style.
Terv's pick 1st prize: A free full body commission of one character 2nd prize: A free waist up commission of one character
Lady Luck's pick 1st prize: A free full body commission of one character 2nd prize: A free waist up commission of one character
I was hoping to have prints and stickers as prizes but turns out that shipping outside the EU is pretty much a nightmare so sadly that won't be happening, but I hope the commissions are a good alternative!
There y'all have it!! Hope you have fun!!! <333
My commission sheet for reference:
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AND also the full dtiys pic without any text:
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The peepaws are boring and are wearing what they always wear when I draw them lmao. Casey is wearing a turtleneck with extra long sleeves (for maximum hands-tucked-in comfort) and a long skirt, complete with black boots! But as I said at the start, feel free to give them something else if you'd like to <3
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amerricanartwork · 2 months
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I got so freaking excited seeing the trailer for "The Wild Robot", so naturally some fanart was in order! I didn't expect the painting to look so oily and have so many softer edges, but I still think it came out really nice and was good practice! Colored pencil really has helped me figure out a personal painting process, as here I actually used a similar layering technique as when I work in colored pencil.
Aside from that though, I haven't read the books yet (though I plan to after I see the film) but this movie looks like it's gonna hit so many of my favorite tropes and features when it comes to fiction and animated stories, including: non-human protagonists (and both of my favorite kinds, animals and robots!), stylized visuals, robot learning to be more than just their programming yet still maintaining their original robot skills and behavior to a degree, robot with emotions and unique ways of showing it, character in the wilds adapting by studying the animals, post-industrial-level technology existing in harmony with nature and the wilds rather than being portrayed as inherently harmful to nature and therefore inherently wrong to make (this is a big one for me), the odd duo, the gentle giant, a character finding belonging in an unexpected environment, just general wonder for the beauty of the wilds, and probably other things that'll come to me as I understand this story more.
But even beyond that, I just had to draw Roz because she's so freaking cute! Like, even excluding the adorable way she mimics the animals or glows when happy or how her "eyelids" give her more facial variation, in design alone she's so round and sweet looking! And somehow her being big and bulky to juxtapose her kindness with an strong and imposing stature just makes it even better! I love characters who are large and intimidating at first glance but total softies on the inside. Brightbill's definitely in good hands!
If the film holds up and Roz also has a clear and entertaining personality beyond just being curious and caring, there's a 60% chance that come September she'll become my new robot blorbo (roblorbo?), up there with C-3PO, Wall-E, and Five Pebbles!
Also, another version of the sketches from when they were just the lines for comparison!
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nekropsii · 22 days
What a about Caliborn makes him so cool in your opinion?
Go keep track of his progression as an artist alongside his development as a character and think about how these are intrinsically linked. Ponder the fact that he is both at his most obnoxious and at his most amateur when trying to ignore his unique style explicitly brought on by his canonical learning disability and mimic others rather than truly be himself. Consider how his explorations of art are genuinely cool, not a bad thing, and how we get some really neat multimedia stuff out of it.
Caliborn may be a shitty little teenage wretch but the way he is portrayed as an artist and as a disabled person is both really good and very real. It comes from a place of love. His learning disability is handled with a degree of gentle care that you would not really expect from Hussie. The place Caliborn's art style ends up in is so fucking sick and I actually unironically love it. The technique he uses is really interesting. It's intentionally reminiscent of an Etch-a-Sketch, and I'm a little obsessed with it.
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This is so fucking good. I mean this seriously. He's right - that is some Pure Art Skill.
I just love the way art is employed as a necessary component of his character arc. It's so neat. You don't see visual cues that intricate too often. Usually it's just in character design, but watching his entire art style and even his medium of choice change several times over is fascinating. You can really tell Hussie had a lot of fun with him. He's also just really, really fucking funny. Just about every sentence that comes out of his mouth is Grade A Absolute Fucking Gold, and I'm honestly obsessed with his dynamic with Dirk. This may get me thrown to the wolves, but I personally think Dirk and Caliborn have way more chemistry than Dirk and Jake. Maybe that's because we actually see Dirk and Caliborn interact on screen... Lmao.
Necessary Topic: I don't know why people hate him so much. Like, I understand hating his misogyny and fatphobia, sure, but those are deliberate character points and not just Hussie-isms. I see people act like Caliborn is indicative of Hussie, as if Homestuck-era Hussie wasn't, like, famously really fucking good at writing female characters and absolutely not a misogynist. Caliborn's a parody of Homestuck Anti-Fans - which is a term we really ought to bring back, god, anti-fans are absolutely still a thing and good lord they're everywhere - who really were just shitty little bigoted haters. Calliope, the opposite side of his coin, was representative of, essentially, "the best kind of Homestuck fan" - an ultimately sweet young teen girl who willingly dedicates almost all of her time to this piece of fiction she loves so, so much, who draws a lot of fan art for the joy of it all, has OCs that don't fit any of the design conventions in Homestuck whom she pairs with the characters in it for innocent fun. Someone who has a lot of theories and analyses, writes a lot of fanfic, and is genuinely just having a lot of fun. Everyone loves Calliope. Even the characters in Homestuck love Calliope. They just think she's the cutest, sweetest little thing they ever did see. Caliborn was the worst kind. He sucks on purpose. No one likes him. He is a total nuisance to characters he is by all means trying to impress. I love them both.
It's also just funny that he's a canonical Intersex Transmasc who is probably Gay and this has, like, no relevance to anything about him, really. So no one really talks about it. Gender Hilarious, Gender Nefarious.
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bananadramaaa · 5 days
I don't even know nor like Hazbin Hotel but I love your art for it! I'm invested in your comics and the character designs are lovely <3
By the way, sorry if it may be an odd question but how did you learn to draw poses and anatomy? You're my favorite artist and I really hope to be as good as you someday so I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. You don't have to answer though, I'm just wondering
Take care! You're amazing!
Awww, happy to know that even though you don't know HH stuff you still enjoy my work with it. That means a lot💜
To your question, my only answer is practice😅 I mean, I'm a self-taught artist. I didn't attend any art schools to learn all the basics academically, so to speak. So learning from references was my way to improve. And loooots of drawing. Don't be afraid to use references btw. From them, you can understand how our body works, the same anatomy. Also, your visual library can help you to improve. What I mean by that is you can study other artists' artworks to try to understand how they draw and what techniques they use. I did that too, analyzing some of my favorite artists and trying to use their methods. Redrawing scenes from films can help as well (in learning composition for example).
Also I usually 'warm up' before I start drawing anything. It's just quick sketches of different poses or emotions.
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Sometimes I take, let's say, a random basic reference pose (e.g. crossed legs sitting pose like here) and then try to change it slightly depending on the character or their mood. Just a fun little exercise but it can help to get better at expressiveness too.
In conclusion, practice really makes perfect XD
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qwertyprophecy · 1 month
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Update on The Dark Queen of Mortholme!
Phase one is now essentially completed for art, code and dialogue. Onwards to phase two; because every good boss fight needs that part where the boss gets unhinged and gains a whole new set of attacks.
I too have chosen to be unhinged and made a design for the Queen's final form that gobbles up animation work hours like nothing I've done before with pixel art.
Concept sketches under the cut:
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Initially I didn't have any ideas beyond doing a more monstrous design that amps up the Queen's features and takes cues from the shapes and colours of her original spell animations. However after writing the dialogue leading up to the transformation I immediately landed on a specific concept.
The transformation is an outburst. It's a manifestation of the Queen's terror and defiance towards her approaching death. She's unraveling, and in doing so she's channeling more of her innate violent power that she doesn't usually let out. She's essentially been having a long argument with the Hero about who they believe they are. Thus far she's gotten by being all smug and detached, but now she's losing and forced to reveal more of her true self to continue.
So her final form's design should convey 1. an outburst, and 2. the unraveling of a false front. Her base design's spikes, hair and skirt all erupt out into the wilder shape language of her shadowy spell-tendrils. They can handily be used to draw the eye from all directions towards the center of her chest, where I wanted to have this cracking pattern, like something hidden inside her is coming out. It's bright as if blindingly powerful, yet the cracks make her seem more damaged and vulnerable than her base form.
Continuing with the theme of an inner self showing through, the skirt's interior is also more visible than before. The flared jellyfish-esque shape connects with the deep sea vibe of the tentacles and contributes to the drama of a nonhuman silhouette.
A big thing for the silhouette is of course the massive hands. What's the thematic explanation for those? Absolutely nothing, I just think they look cool and dangerous.
Finally, lot of asymmetry was also introduced, both to increase the visual interest of such a large sprite, and to make her look like she's really losing it.
A note on animating this monstrosity: I've been trying to come up with a whole lot of cheats to keep a complex sprite like this as animated as possible without spending the rest of my life making this game. Early on I decided she should float, just so her idle animation can also be a moving one.
Secondly, the sprite is cut up to pieces so that I can keep reusing the loop of the writhing tentacles while moving her hands, for example. This is not something I like doing because in believable animation, motion in one part of the body always affects the other parts of the body. Treating a character as one entire whole when animating will make them feel more tangible, but alas, it's a compromise to avoid spending a hundred years in pixel-pushing jail. Like, I would love to see those tendrils flutter around behind her as she swoops across the room for her attacks, but... it'll be a lot more reasonable to move her as little as possible and instead add oomph to her attacks with some effects animations.
Anyways thank you for reading about monstrosity, she might be a pain in the butt to move but she brings me joy
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ghosts-and-glory · 23 days
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I love your shapes.
Like- they're so pleasing to look at. the silhouette, the pose, the structure- I love the way you shape your guys.
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just wanna squish 'em
Raaa thank you, I’ve honestly been putting a lot of work into my shapes recently.
I’m gonna drop some actual art advice here and it’s that I steal from my favourite artists. My favourites to steal my shapes from recently have been Andy Suriano, (art director on ROTTMNT and character design on Samurai Jack)
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And Satoshi Matsuura (art station here)
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Less relevant to shapes, I also really love the character design of Warren Fu (character design for Star Wars episode III) and I can’t talk about my character design inspirations without mentioning him.
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I like to keep things very loose and focus on shapes and weight first. That’s why I almost never do lines and everything I do is a sketch lmao. Nobody tell 12 year old me who wanted a semi realistic style what I’ve done.
But I think you can really see my inspirations in my visual style, especially my character art. I think shows like ROTTMNT and Star Wars the Clone Wars (2003) will have a permanent impact on my brain chemistry.
(Some of my character art where you can really see it.)
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curse-you-slenderman · 11 months
FIRST DOODLE DUMP OF THE ACCOUNT!!! followed by my cheeky little comments on em!
Let me just say that not all of these will happen, these are just for fun and for me to get a hang on the dynamics i want to portray, since i'm a visual sort of person.
let's start with doodles that don't include reader
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Me? projecting? nono, why would you think that? anyways, these three, in the CYS universe are autistic. Will they tell reader? will i have the capability of writing their autistic traits correctly? who knows!
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Someone is mad, so whoever he is talking to, they better shut up. I'll leave it to yall if this is the host or the protector of their system ;))
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Snack time! Remember to always feed yoru canibal demon friends!
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Funfact! BEN is the only character who has two entirely different appearances that reader will be able to see. This is because the ARG BEN is too good to go to waste.
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I... I don't like Jane's hair in this one. it's decent, but not curly enough. Anyway, sibling coded characters bonding time!
Now for the moment yall been waiting for, THE INTERACTIONS WITH READER!!
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Helen and I, express our love for someone by drawing them or stuff for them. Love me that.
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Reader, let Liu forget his past plz. Since Liu, like Jane, are one of the less... psychotic of the bunch, it will be fun to see how he will interact with Reader and the similarities and differences from him and Sully
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This was supposed to be a quick doodle, until i put a video of an hour and a half and basically rendered the sketch. It's cute tho! Tim is pinning hard in this one!
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Rule: Don't touch the new person. LJ: haha, touching said person goes honk honk :o)
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It's an interesting dynamic, really. She wants to protect you. Maybe there is a reason why, maybe don't. If you choose her "route" you may find out.
YIPPE I'M DONE! I've been holding away and adding more doodles for a while, and i wanted to share them with yall!
don't mind almost half of the x reader ones not having one of reader's most characteristic thing (the collar)
their designs are being worked as the time of this post, and i soon will show yall their official designs for the fic, but for now, have these!
whenever i'm done with the designs, you all are welcome to draw fanart! the tag is #cys fanart!
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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Ah no worries about not understanding! I would prefer no fanart was drawn of my cookie ocs.. thank you for asking to double check though! :}}
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(Post this ask is referencing)
I explain it all in this post! :00
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I just didn't have the heart to keep Papyrus suffering 😭😭 as much as it really seems like I don't-- I do love Papyrus as a character. And I felt like he really deserved some kind of salvation after everything I put him through.. Also it'll make for some interesting dynamics in the group! Looking at Seam and Jevil.. 👀👀
Oh yeah, and poor Coconut. If I hadn't drawn angst of Octo already she wouldn't have been the subject this time! <XDD And thank you!! :DD I'm glad to hear that she's your favorite!! :}}
And yes! I always saw the other koopa kids- especially Ludwig- to be older than JR. Maybe its the bib-- and who knows! I tend to loop back around to old fandoms from time to time so I can see myself drawing the koopa kids again XDD
As for the Mario Movie,, shockingly enough I still haven't seen it. What can I say? I have some kind of problem upstairs I'm sure of it--
Though its interesting to hear that the movie blue shells are similar to mine! :0 And I'm honored to hear that you like my version more than the movies! :DD 💖💖
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XD Its been a while since I've seen those movies. So I cant really remember much of Jack Sparrow.. but I trust that you are right! XD
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XD If I do that Jangles will probably super bounce her into the sun-
And thank you! And hey, I'm sorry that you're not very confident in your artwork right now.. Just keep in mind, all it took for me was time. Your art will improve with time. Try your best to cut yourself some slack. Understand that you're still learning. We all are! Remember that your art will continue to improve if you just keep drawing!
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I don't play it or know anything about it either <XDD but I'm glad you like them!! :}} ✨💖✨
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(Post in question)
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Its actually the 3rd option. Usually when I'm in some kind of fandom I prefer my own AUs as opposed to others AUs or even canon. :00
That's probably becuase most of my AUs consist of removing things from canon I don't like and adding in random things that I do like-
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@abaroo (Post in question)
I guess I was thinking that Frisk fully trusted Papyrus instantly. And so did not hesitate to give her cape to him 🥺💖
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@skulls-and-cypresses (Post in question)
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Aww! How cute! That might work! :000 Why do I want one now- XDD
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Aw, I'm sorry! <XDD I don't mean to make you sad :(((
AND YOOO!!! Its Friday when I'm answering this but the Wednesday dude is welcome any day of the week! :DD
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Yeah, both canon Jevil and Spamton would be pretty dangerous to have around XDD But out of the two I think original Spamton would be interesting.. 👀
Not really for the personality, because my Spamton's personality is actually a bit similar.. but more for the visual aspect. I headcannon that canon Spamton's body shrunk when he fell into an acid pool. My Spamton fell into an acid pool as well, but it didn't shrink him. It destroyed the structure of his body and elongated him. Making him much taller and extremely deformed..
Imagine the two of them standing side by side. Original Spam would be up to my Spams knee! <XD
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Evil voice: ehhehghehe... noted... hehehghehee
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Me when someone compliments me on the characters design that I was least confident about:
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@nunyabusiness459 (Post in question)
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Whoopsies! <XDD (jk jk light hearted--)
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I wouldn't say near-death.. Spade King didn't want to kill Jevil. So any injuries he inflicted upon him were injuries he could recover from..
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Yeah :( their value to him was that of a grain of sand..
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As for what kind of monsters they'd face,, I'm actually unsure- I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore or characters.. so I'm not sure what kinds of dangers the real cookie run pirates face.. :( But what I DO know is that Blue Beauty is their main form of protection.
She's not exactly threatening to a lot of creatures I'd imagine.. She is just a Mer-whale. No teeth or stingers to make her more intimidating.. But what she is, is huge. And incredibly strong. She's a real power house and uses tools and weapons the crew taught her how to use to defend herself. And I imagine with her thick blubber, it takes a really deep wound to actually hurt her. So she doesn't fear getting a couple scratches here and there.
When it comes to the other cookies, most everyone stands up and fights. Only a select few retreat to the lower decks to protect their goods or hide. Those likely being Ellie, she's too old for this crap- and Coco and Red, though don't be fooled! Coco can fight! She's just retreating with Red in order to protect him. Everyone else though is up there duking it out with who ever dares cross their ship! ⚔⚔
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Ah! Sorry for the late reply, this ask got buried--
I'd like to think Funtime Freddy would have a really hard time deciding on a favorite song. California girls, call me maybe,, wannabe?? But after a loooot of careful thinking, he'd pick all star by smash mouth XD
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Hello hi yes this ask was sent weeks ago but then it got lost and buried but then revived in a way that I cant explain but my intended response was--
Awwww.. imagine her in tears after drawing a picture of a little girl she remembers. She holds the drawing up to the night sky, trembling.
"S-She dreamed of seeing the stars one day.." 💔
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randomperson0k · 2 months
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the evil thoughts got me fucked up and shit
OH forgot to mention: top 2 images are the final 'redesign', 2 images below are concept sketches i made for the 'redesigns'
tgs jekyll and hyde but they got evaporated by my evil headcanon beam and stitched back together by somebody who has no experience with using a needle and thread to the point where theyre more just like a seperate character
im sorry for my sins
PLEASE HEAR ME OUT BEFORE BITING A CHUNK OUT OF MY ARM. if anybody wants to read about my evil headcanon world all the stuff is below. wasnt really exaggerating when i said i ripped their character apart and stitched them back together though.
i do have a google doc full of everything i headcanon for tgs but some of that is embarrassing as hell so im just slapping the important stuff here
most of these 'headcanons' are here more because they make me happy than to actually make any sense. as a warning.
smokes fat blunt puffs it in your face anyways uh trans henry jekyll yeah (gets shot) ty person from the j&h community i was messaging that dragged me to the dark side and introduced me to the world of embracing my j&h trans headcanons. a true angel.
i really like more book inspired takes on j&h than the musical ones soo uhh.. yeah theyre the same person fully no j&h arguing thing. im soooorrrrryyy its just my preference for adaptations and i find it a lot more fun to play with story wise. also some other reasons but i wont get into those
polyamorous and bisexual (bi because... obvious reasons. poly because of that one couple they meet up with in the comic every now and then. my favourite ... ship (i think thats the right term?) in the comic. i love them.)
gas mask because it looks cool + chemical shenanigans ("oh but those didnt exist" shh. shhhhh.")
speaking of chemicals! they are much more into science. mostly does science-y stuff when theyre hyde though. they like to break into lodgers rooms and contribute to experiments.
facial hair. thats it. no further reasoning will be given
tried making jekyll in the concept redesign of him look older. failed SO bad im sorry i know its horrible.
hyde has pointy ears + pointer teeth (and green tongue because potion goop) + slit pupils because i am incapable of designing a human hyde. i have no idea why but i just cant.
earrings because 1: i have a bad habit of giving designs earrings and 2: i remember seeing a few headcanons of j&h with earrings and they were so tasty to look at so i had to do my own
bandage scarf thing from the beta tgs hyde design + newer tgs design that only shows up in the mind... world.... thing.
added the uhhh goggles from the old design too.
red and green hat because i couldnt decide if i wanted hyde to have the red hat from the old design of tgs hyde or the green hat from the current design. ripped it in half and chose both. great decision making i know
chunks of brown hair in hydes because why not. also red ring around one eye as like a weird variant of half heterchomia.
hyde has weird patches of green colored skin idk it just looked cool when i was fiddling with colors so i kept it
hyde has red scales in certain spots of the design. no further explanation
gave hyde black gloves to contrast jekylls white gloves + cmon. hyde probably touches the most gross revolting shit with the places they go to. they deserve some gloves.
changed their body type a litttttle bit just a smudge
i was going to give jekyll a cravat around the neck (a really bad designing habit of mine is to give characters cravats. not my fault they look so cool) both as a fancy thing + to hide lack of a adams apple buuttt the design felt way too clumped so im scrapping that. ignore the cravat in the drawing. grrr bARKBAKRABK
actually does sparkle visually/not just as a non-existent visual effect and people can actually see it. lanyon always swats them away because the sparkles get in his face.
hyde is more shorter than shown in the comic, more like book hydes height. like a foot or more shorter than jekyll. jekyll stays around the same height though. hydes probably the shortest one in the society.
permanent eyebags. does not sleep but cmon we all already knew that
hyde has a strong scottish accent instead of the other accent he fakes in the comic that i always forget the name of
has a cane like the og book. its a sword cane.... yeah i have a addiction, im sorry. (like half my own personal characters have sword canes)
i suck so bad at drawing shoes so hydes shoes look like ass but theyre supposed to be big boots since this guy probably walks through yucky mucky areas and stuff
i would totally write some oneshots or something like that of these guys going on adventures doing experiments and stuff yknow . (stuff like lodgers content and interactions, lanyon and hyde interactions because i enjoy secret identity and person said secret identity personal knows outside of their secret identity interactions, that one couple i talked about before interactions with jekyll/hyde and just in general random oneshots that make no sense) if i actually had any literacy skill
anyways im done my ramble. now you guys can shoot me
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agarthanguide · 1 year
Thank you for all your beautiful work on the character art, Hannah! And I know the character turnarounds are gonna help out artists so much!
I love these little details on the characters, especially the FCG stuff about their wheels! Do you happen to have any info you can share about your process on bringing Imogen to life? (She's my fave, and I LOVE her new design!)
Hmmmmm this is hard to answer. Laura is very good at working with artists, she's very good at getting what she's looking for.
Like- actually, this is like Of Note- I'm getting better at color, but it's my weak point. When we were first approaching Imogen (that wasn't even her name, yet) there was a bit when I was like throwing color concepts at Laura. I knew that none of them were working, but I didn't know how to like round it up properly.
And Laura, brilliant Laura. She took one of the uncolored sketches, swatched colors directly onto the sketch. Perfect choices. No notes. She was fully conceived (visually) from that moment. It was all just cleanup from there.
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mask-of-prime · 6 months
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V/T and Even More Tiifu
Was horribly artblocked from writing the plot for the remainder of VG's storyline and had been overcome with sudden Tiifu brainrot out of nowhere at the same time, so I did the only thing that was making me feel better: Ship Art.
You know how Kiara and Kovu are known for their strictly round Pridelander features vs strictly angular Outsider features respectively, or how Simba and Nala seem to contrast with square features and saturated, reddish color scheme vs neutral/greenish colors and smooth, slanted features? Vitani and Tiifu's physical gimmick seems to be contrasting body types lol. From the way I design their definitive adult models, Vitani is underweight with a broad upper body while Tiifu is overweight with narrow shoulders and a curvy lower body.
A revelation I've had the past few days is that I seem to have an easier time drawing round Pridelander characters with a tablet rather than a mouse. I normally just use a mouse at home and only just started getting properly used to drawing with a tablet provided at my school. I'd better start getting used to using a tablet, it's a required industry standard.
Another thing I seem to be experimenting with is this kinda xeroxed look that Silver Age Disney films once had, like that sketchy, barely-erased lineart.
Top left is referenced from this lovely cat picture sent to me, and the bottom right takes inspiration from those videos of people squishing animals' faces when getting really into petting them lol (like this for example)
Other illustrations include sketches of expressions Tiifu is least likely to show, a fullbody sketch showing her (lowkey medicine cat-like) hunting party healer attire, with a quadruped-accessible pouch crafted by none other than Makini.
Lastly, on the top right is a cold-ridden Vitani (this one is a visual I often get -- no matter what comfort character -- when I feel immensely stressed or upset. Thinking about it now and I'm wondering if a hurt/comfort visual like that might stem from the fact that I wish stress was visible like being sick was, and secretly wishing for that attention and babying if someone were to notice)
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grunkulous · 12 days
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some lazy gideon sketches. He’s so hard to draw btw, if you haven’t tried drawing him for yourself yet give it a go and come feel the pain with me.
WARNING: incoherent analysis rant below, proceed at your own risk!!!
I’ve been struggling with drawing him for a while now, especially his hair and face, and I’ve been thinking about how his design has probably changed the most out of everyone. His appearance has always been incredibly inconsistent, and while it used to irk me (mostly because it makes it hard to find reliable drawing references) I’ve come to have an appreciation for every variation, and I’m starting to realize why they exist at all.
I don’t think there will ever be a completed or finalized version of gideon’s design, and it has to do with his oddly contradictory and complex personality/character.
On one hand, he’s a manipulative, cunning, vengeful, smooth-talking maniac. He owns an incredibly successful media company, of all things, and is a total dick to almost everyone around him, showing little care for his allies. Yet he’s also a romantic obsessive who can’t handle a rejection and goes through the effort of forming an entire league to control ramona’s love life despite not really seeming to even know why he bothers at this point.
But at the same time… he’s also a huge nerd and a hopeless loser who watches anime and binges junk food in his spare time, who ends up yielding to the first woman more assertive than he is. He’s kind of ridiculous, to put it simply, and every iteration has its own interpretation of the character.
It’s very difficult to capture all sides of his character in one, singular design because truthfully, gideon is one of the more complex characters in the series, having such an odd array of characterics that somehow just work, yet are nearly impossible to display all at once.
I think the best design so far is still the comic book version, which has a good overall balance between nerdy, business and crazed lunatic, but I think every design so far has its own strengths to boast, none of them really feeling… complete? if that makes sense? There’s something to like in every version, yet none have contained his full character. There is no perfect look for him. My own version that i’ve drawn feels a little too… soft for my liking. I don’t know how to visually communicate everything at once. You can only get the full picture by looking at every iteration.
in conclusion, character design is fucking hard. I have a great respect for anyone who has to make characters for a living.
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bonefall · 6 months
If you flip the spade upside down and put it on Gorseclaw’s neck, it could kind of look like a tie
Hello anon with the most convenient ask in my inbox, you have been selected to receive a FLOOD OF SKETCHES
I had only drawn Gorseclaw and Ripplestar before, and I'm about to do a redesign of Larkstripe so that she has the "hearts" motif that her son gets. I did a bunch of sketches just to try and figure stuff out so, messy post
Gorseclaw and Spottedpelt
Birdflight, Marshscar
After I post this I'm gonna jump back into Clip to play with Cloudstar next
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[ID: A sketch of BB!Ripplestar. The text points out his major features and reads, "Heterochromia: Amber + Brown." Smooth scruff, with an arrow that points out the shape. Ginger on 1 side. Deer-eared. 3 layers with an arrow that points out the three stacks of fur on his chest. Wooly, kinda like a half-shorn sheep.]
I've actually drawn Ripplestar a lot in the margins of my notes and such, so this design's pretty solid.
I change the side the hearts are on, plus the number of hearts, literally every single time I've ever drawn him lmao. It dozen madder.
What DOES matter though is that there's a HEART over his BRIGHTER eye. I use it as a bit of a visual metaphor, if he's trying to size you up or negotiate with you, he keeps you in the bright eye. When he trusts you or becomes comfortable with you in some way, he turns the brown eye on you.
So in most scenes where he's not talking to family I imagine he's not fully looking at his conversational partner. Especially on the Highrock as leader of ShadowClan, because the layout makes the leaders sit side-by-side. Might as well play with that simple logistic fact, y'know?
He does this because I imagine this marking kind of intimidates people. It's like the ginger of his eye socket has set his iris ablaze with fire, while the other is as cold as rain-soaked peat.
The ear on the "colorful" side is also orange. All of his orange is on one side, except for his tail-tip.
He's actually distantly related to Nightcloud-- his Honor Sire (who was known but not involved) went on to have a mate. So he's the half-brother of one of her ancestors, and Nightcloud has inherited this thick, wooly fur texture.
Again, I draw him a lot so this was the easiest one. I didn't have to decide anything besides that I made his nose into a cute lil carebear heart.
The drawing I did for this synopsis of Ripplestar's Rot was actually the first time I drew him, for comparison! It's fun to see what's been streamlined.
FIRST sketches didn't feel right.
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[ID: BB!Gorseclaw and BB!Spottedpelt. They have long, curly tails, long claws, and bell-shaped heads. Gorseclaw has a sharp 'tie' on his chest, and Spottedpelt has a heart]
I feel like Gorseclaw's spades look too much like diamonds in this one, but I was really going for a tie.
I've been giving him those sideburns for months, so, they don't really fit the "shape theory" but I'm having a hard time removing them lmao.
And this is the first time I drew Spots which is a shame. I love a bad bitch.
If you look at my designs, you can notice that I have a few traits that cats from each Clan "tend" to have. They're all pretty genetically similar actually and there's a lot of crossings between the groups, secret or otherwise, but some traits just get selected for more than others, and StarClan is likely to toss them into kits. SkyClan has saggy skin (like a bear) and really bendy tails.
Don't think it's come through well here, though. In future drafts I'm going to try and make them saggier.
(Why? It actually helps them against insect stings and impact damage, like falling from trees and being hit by branches)
Then I went on to draft 2,
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[ID: Second draft of the characters above. Spottedpelt is fatter, with "dapples" on her back which are actually spades, and a distinctive spade-shaped mask. The ears of both siblings are now spade-shaped, and Gorseclaw's tie is different, along with Spottedpelt's heart with is now more of a medal.]
I like Spottedpelt a LOT more in this draft. That's probably going to be close to the final design I do, I'm really vibing with the dapple-spades.
I DON'T like Gorseclaw in this one though, the face shape reminds me waaay too much of Dustpelt's familial face-plate. Absolutely going to revise that, probably making it more mask-like akin to Spots'.
Also very proud of myself for the spade-shaped ears.
Hate Gorse's tie here though, that's not a tie that is a stinkhorn mushroom.
But Spots' medal is excellent. Absolutely keeping that. She is a distinguished little war crime kitty
Still not fat and saggy enough. Coming back to this. I need to learn how to draw a primordial pouch.
I'm trying to redesign her and I'm losing :/
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[ID: BB!Larkstripe. She's a very plain cat with a string of hearts from her eye down to her leg, with a heart-shaped nose, cutie marks, and a heart-shaped tail tip]
This was the FIRST first draft of the redesign and that heart chain is underwhelming.
It felt like too much of a downgrade from the diamond-pattern Larkstripe I did, and I'm worried that maybe it's because diamonds just look so much nicer in a "chain"
I feel like I see too many perfect hearts on chests in WC designs, so when I do them, I try to do something weird with them like what I did to Heartstar
So I turned hers into a little fur tuft splash. I like the idea tbh, I might repurpose it for another design.
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[ID: A version of the above sketch with bigger hearts on the chain and a single heart on the flank, followed by another sketch attempting to make the stripe more "blobbish"]
I'm beginning to think that maybe I don't like the sketches because Larkstripe is sad :( I like when I can draw her angry, before the strikebreaking broke her
And unfortunately she is the absolute most tragic character in BB. They took the fight out of her. I figure it would be symbolically fitting for the heart shape on her chest to "break" after Dalestar's decree.
For those asking questions, no, she never joins Skypelt. She is convinced she did the wrong thing and ended up unleashing an era of suffering on the Clans by having Ripplestar follow in her footsteps, though she had no control over him.
She's a character who would offer her life as an example during trials involving the Cleric's Vow, especially since I've gutted Moth Flight in BB. She argues about how important it is to avoid birthing cats who will claim their conquest is holy in the name of their parents.
She would also have something to say to Mudfur, admonishing him for breaking his Vow so openly, even saying that he's responsible for Leopardstar and all of her choices.
Basically, Larkstripe is beaten. She is a very tired, shameful spirit who repeats exactly what Silverpelt told her, during her own trial. She's so grateful to be here that she acts with devotion towards it.
Hurt people hurt people and all
But anyway, I still feel like it's a bit of a downgrade from the older design for Larkstripe, so I'm probably going to keep playing with it.
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[ID: BB!Birdflight. She's a tabby with the spades motif, long bases stretching up into hears on her shoulder, side, and flank.]
I want her to look old and tired. She's got that Leafpoolyness about her.
She's technically the very first member of the Tigerkin family, and has those characteristic long-claws.
I imagine in Clanmew her name is actually Yassgafba, "Raptor preparing to take flight." I have this really sad mental image of a majestic hawk that keeps spreading its wings, as if to take off and fly away, but never does.
Fitting, because she waited her whole life for Cloudstar to send word they'd found a new home, to come and fetch her and their children, but never did.
While I'm at the trivia, yes, Ripplestar and her were very close. Larkstripe argues in StarClan that Ripplestar started his war because of her, but it's not true. It was Birdflight who made him believe that Cloudstar would never abandon his family; if they hadn't heard from him, something was very wrong.
She died before he became leader, probably of a sickness outbreak. She likely didn't take the journey because she's immunocompromised in some way, plus the two newborns.
She was given a place in StarClan, but I'm not sure if she followed Ripplestar and Birdflight into the Dark Forest. She DID vote to accept them though.
I think she's practical about this. Leave for the Dark Forest, and you loose your voting power in StarClan.
She sees that there are very few SkyClan ancestors left here, hears Skystar scoff that the others are fools for leaving, that if more had remained then the rebels would not have been damned... and understands the value in his words.
If there's any reason for the Tigerkin Curse (which I hadn't really been working with until now, tbh, I just chalked it up to Bad Mojo on the night of Ripplestar's last stand), it's probably related to Birdflight in some way. Which is why no one knows what's causing it.
I don't know why, yet, though. Maybe it's an accident on her part. She could be crafting their litters, but every time she finishes a set, she can't help but cry about how much the fresh souls remind her of the newborns that stopped her from joining her mate, and her kits in the Dark Forest.
It's probably why the PROPER curse might stop abruptly after SkyClan's return. She joins Skypelt as soon as it's an option.
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[ID: BB!Marshscar. He's a scrawny, battle-scarred old tabby with a diamond motif.]
He doesn't have any markings in-canon so I tried to just make all of his scars diamond-shaped. I don't think it works, I'm going to give him some markings.
I like the ears though, that's staying. I might also borrow from the old Larkstripe design, give him those funky diamond-spikes on his chest.
I have barely talked about him, but he is actually very important to Ripplestar. They've been mates since they were young warriors.
I kinda want to make it so that Spottedpelt was Ripplestar's deputy before being killed that night, but it was always implicit that if something happened to them, Marshscar was next in charge.
This drawing is definitely when he's older and more worn-out, he lives a long life without Ripplestar, ruling ShadowClan reluctantly, half-heartedly doing the bare minimum.
It's a downer story, and I think it really fits the theme here that Clan Culture is about to get a whole lot worse before it gets better... but still I love the fact that Ripplestar's Rot just ends with the entire cast like
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[ID: Spongebob sits at a diner with his hands folded, frowning slightly, disquieted and deep in thought]
Like there really isn't a happy camper in this one lmao. Nobody wins. Alexa play 'That's Not How The Story Goes'
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requyem · 1 year
Spooky month characters as kiddos! Part 1
Imma ramble about em below the pics
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Lila was my first try at this, while brainstorming I just got the visual image of those funky little winter boots and I loved the idea so much I just rolled with it. Lila is a winter baby. At first I wanted to give her dress some frills then I realized, not only that I couldn't manage to make it look right but that it would clutter the design and not fit her so I removed em and replaced em with a belt, to also give a call back to her original design
Ignacio was the second one I did and... I had only two thoughts: ''pathetic/sad looking'' and ''oversized sweater'' that's it, that's all there is to his design and I love him. He probably got that sweater from his dad and just keeps it cause it's comfortable
Jaune was the first design where I started sketching without much idea other then a pose and shorts, I didn't want to just do ''jaune but small'' so I tried playing around with her shirt and body language and went with the idea of sportsy, she be rocking in soccer and baseball practice and ready to win and have fun
Bob started off the same as Jaune, not much idea for his clothes, I obviously wanted to keep his iconic turtleneck but I was struggling to figure out how to include it while also being able to convey this 'country' and '70's' feel that I wanted for kid Bob. So I ended up brainstorming looking at my tablet for a while before slamming my hands on the table and realizing, OVERALLS. HE NEEDS OVERALLS. And now I have an entire HC childhood for him about him growing up in a ranch on the countryside raising the pigs with his dad and taking care of stray kittens. I love baby Bob, he makes me very happy
Frank uhm... I'm sad. For context, I did these while on a ten hour long car ride back to Belgium, and Frank was the last one I did, it was completely dark out, the only light was my tablet screen, my body was sore af, I was tired and my creativity juice was going low. Frank is my absolute favorite character, although Jack and John are my comfort characters, Frank just makes me insanely happy and hyper, and I don't feel like I did him justice... Like I said with jaune, I don't want to just make ''that character but small'' but it's complicated for Frank because my guy probably has had the same T-shirt and sweater just in difference sizes all his life. So I was brainstorming for a while trying to maybe mix his T-shirt with sweater and I ended up settling on those collared T-shirts I hated as a kid. He probably doesn't care about style that much so I tried to express that by making one of his shoelace untie and having one of his sock not pulled up at all. Gave him a bunch of scraps and bruises because he probably spends 22h out of a day outside playing rough with the wildlife and other kids. When I posted this in a discord server we ended up throwing that idea around that he could literally get hit by a car and walk it off like it was nothing, he breaks his wrist and just snaps it back in place, slaps a random bandaid on it and calls it a day. I love Frank a lot lol
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gala-art · 9 months
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Commissions are open!
I am ready to open art commissions again! Please see details below:
Portrait ($35) - 1 character 
Scene ($45) - 1-2 characters + sketchy background
Sketch page ($65) - 1-2 characters w/ story elements 
All commissions include color
All commissions include optional textual elements
Level of detail is commensurate w/ samples above
All fandoms, characters, and OCs welcome (as long as they’re humanoid)
I am happy to sketch freely from a fic. Please email me for more details. 
I take stylistic requests. If you like a particular piece of mine, and you’d like me to emulate that style in your commission, please just let me know.
To request a commission, just send me an email at [email protected] or DM me to get the process going. I will send you a form to fill out asap to gather up your info and more specific requests. Note that I try to make every sketch into a story, so I will ask for more than just a visual reference. I also may require more guidance on fandoms I don’t know. 
All commissions include concept sketch and proof and may take anywhere from 1-4 weeks to complete, depending on request. Payment is via PayPal invoice, upon completion. 
Commissions will remain open on a rolling basis until further notice
If you would like assistance in creative character design or story boarding/development, or you’d like to commission a short comic, I love to do these things. Please email me and we can discuss pricing <3
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