#i just realized i forgot to put the stripes on her socks
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waggin her tail
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cherrythepuppet · 10 months
My Corpse Puppet fanfic
I wanted it to End with (Y/n) and Wally together and being childhood friends that forgot each other BTW Corpse Puppet belongs to @sketchquill
"He- hey! Wait up!" A child yelled as she ran after her friend who was running into the woods "Wals can we not go into the forest?" They askedHer long/short/medium (H/c) hair was blowing in the wind as they spoke "(Y/n) it's just the woods nothing bad will happen" her friend wally reassured them
(Y/n) never liked the forest, the way the trees looked and how it was so close to the graveyard made them uncomfortableWally grabbed their hand and then smiled at them before running into the forest with (Y/n) following closely behind
The two stopped when they got to a big old oak tree where another kid was waiting "Wally! (Y/n)!" They exclaimed This kid had short dark red hair, light pink skin and an upside down heart nose, they wore They had a red shirt with striped sleeves and overalls over their clothes and unicorn socks on "You two are late!" They groaned
"Sorry cherry" (Y/n) mumbled "(Y/n) got scared of the woods again" Wally said "It's fine but come on!" Cherry exclaimed as she grabbed wallys free hand
The three ten year olds were all running throughout the woods laughing, talking or smiling
"Darling you really do need to stop being so scared of everything" Wally mumbled "I know and I'm trying!" (Y/n) told him
"I know dear I know" Wally smiled "Let's go before we miss the funeral" he added as he grabbed (Y/n)'s small hand As the two were walking to the graveyard they had bumped into a young women
She had salmon skin and She has downturned, oval-shaped eyes with black pupils and two eyelashes on each eye. Her eyebrows are small and black. Her nose is round and orange
She has a nice-looking smile, with pinkish blush coloring her cheeks. Her honey-blonde hair is teased into a beehive hairstyle, which is held by a white headband. She has two face-framing pieces of hair hanging loose. She also has two orange and yellow striped horns, She was also wearing a dull red striped dress with ruffles on the wrists, collar and skirt, Wally stared at her with wide eyes
"I'm terribly sorry miss!" (Y/n) said "Come on wally" they added as they helped wally off the ground "It is alright you two just must have been in a hurry!" The women said with a chuckle"Y-yes! We're going to our friend's funeral" Wally said snapping out of his trance
"Oh? I am very sorry for your loss" the women said "Uhm- I'm Wally, Wally Darling" Wally said as he held out his hand "Julie joyful" the women said as she shook his hand, (Y/n) watched the whole interaction with concern and a bit of jealousy "Wally we need to go" they said as she grabbed his arm and walked off
"Wally you can't love her you just met!" (Y/n) told him "You sound like my mother" Wally mumbled "Maybe I do but that's because I'm just looking out for you" (Y/n) said in a calm voice as they put a hand on his shoulder
Wally took their hand off "If you were really my friend then you would be supportive wouldn't you?" He asked "Wally you just met! She could be a murderer for all we know!" (Y/n) yelled
Their patience was getting thinner and thinner "And?! Nobody that perfect can be a killer!" Wally yelled back "You know what?! I think your just jealous because someone loves me and not you-" he paused
He realized what he said and his eyes widened when he saw small tears in (Y/n)'s eyes "Fine...Fine! Go marry her! Because if you die I'm not coming to your funeral! And all I'll tell you is I told you so!" (Y/n) yelled before stomping off
"Wally Darling found dead by old oak tree!" The town crier yelled as they walked around town
(Y/n) was in her room looking out the window "I told you..." they mumbled as she stared at the moon and stars shining from the dark blue sky
(Y/n) sat at her desk holding a quill in hand as they sketched out a bright blue butterfly and occasionally looking at the one they had in a glass casing as their reference 
Once they had finished their drawing they let the butterfly go, it flew around her room for a moment before leaving through the opened window "(Y/n)! Hurry up!" (Y/n)'s mother yelled from outside(Y/n) sighed as they left her room and entered the outside
"Morning Mr and Mrs (L/n)! And Morning (Y/n)!" Eddie said as he walked past their house "Good morning Eddie" (Y/n) said"(Y/n)! We are late now come on!" (Y/n)'s mother yelled as she and her father sat in the stagecoach waiting for their daughter
(Y/n) climbed into the Stage coach as the driver whipped the reins and the horses began moving, The ride was silent until the parents began talking "You've certainly hooked winner this time, (Y/n)." Her father said
"Now, all you have to do is reel him in" Her Mother told her"l'm Already reeling, Mother." (Y/n) mumbled as she stared out the window "Shouldn't Howdy be marrying a Lady or something?" She asked
"Oh, nonsense! We're every bit as good as the Pillers! l always knew l deserved better than a fish merchant's life." Her mother said"But l've never even spoken to him" (Y/n) told them
"Well, at least we have that in our favor" Her father mumbled as the driver began coughing"Leo! Silence that Blasted coughing!" Her mother yelled as hit the roof of the stage coach soon it parked outside a huge mansion and the (L/n)'s got out....
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 18
Previous | Next | Master List
Hey! Welcome back to another chapter of MOaO! I won’t be able to update this as much as I want to (I’m not really updating it as fast as I won’t to right now but I’m trying) as exams are coming up as well as other various things. (I just realized that I haven’t said this earlier I’m so sorry, Ramadan Kareem to those who celebrate it!) Also, thank you so much for 128 followers!
"...I believe I found a way to subdue Hawkmoth"
Her eyes repeatedly scanned the page, making sure she was reading it correctly.
"It won't defeat Hawkmoth" Damian carefully pointed out, not wanting to diminish her excitement. "But it'll be able to stop him for some time, a month or two at most"
"Do you know what this means?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. "We'll be able to have some peace of mind! We'll be able to prepare ourselves! The whole of Paris! Who know, maybe we'll be able to get some clues on his identity as well as Mayura's as well!"
By the end, Marinette was spinning around the room, her slight giggles of happiness appeared here and there. Damian chuckled at her delight, seeing her happy was probably one of his most favourite sites in the world, that and seeing her flustered.
"I understand that you're excited but what do these cryptic messages mean, 'a tear of joy'? Did I translate that correctly"
She giggled at his confusion. "No that's one of the ingredients for the power up. Speaking of ingredients, I need to get some" Her bluebell eyes quickly scanned over the tablet again before she speed walked out of the hotel with Damian on her arm. "We're going to Master Fu's old place, he still has some ingredients we could use"
The two walked in silence, there was a topic that they needed to discuss, the end of the week was approaching fast.
"Maybe in the small time of peace, I can get Father and my brothers to help"
The bluenette chuckled slightly but not out of amusement. "I almost forgot, you'll be leaving in a few days" her gaze fell to the ground before she looked up at her boyfriend, solemnly. "It's gonna be a lot different, huh?"
He squeezed her hand gently with a comforting smile on his face. "It will be but I'm sure we'll handle it"
The couple grabbed the necessary ingredients and made their way back to the hotel. They dropped them off at the hotel room before making their way upper to the restaurant to get some food. Their dinner was quickly interrupted by a rockstar coming to congratulate his niece.
"Nettie! You're rock'n'roll! Your song is a huge hit!" Jagged exclaimed once he reached the table, he only seemed to register there was another person there once he sat down. His moderate cyan eyes widened in recognition when his gaze landed on the green-eyed boy. "You must be Damian, you look just like you're old man Brucie"
Damian shook his hand when the rockstar had offered it. "I am, Mr Stone"
"Uncle Jagged-"
"You break my niece's heart, I'll send Fang to eat you"
"Uncle Jagged!-"
"And I will gladly let you"
"I approve of your relationship, I just wanted to give the shovel talk since it sounded fun"
Marinette gaped at the two males on her table. "Dami, don't encourage him! I've already got Gami waiting to spar with you"
"Ah yes, my son's girlfriend is just as scary as Penny" Jagged visibly shuddered in good nature.
"Wait, Luka and Gami got together? Without telling me?!" The bluenette huffed, offended. "And to think I'm his honorary cousin"
Jagged chortled at her reaction while Damian had a faint smile playing on his lips. The rockstar decided to take his leave shortly after that, not wanting to draw some unwanted attention. He did manage to leave a pair of blushing teens as he told them to "Use protection!" before departing. Marinette was utterly embarrassed while Damian was flustered. Once dinner was finished, the couple went back to Damian's hotel room to discuss what they were going to do next.
Doing his best to help, Damian passed the ingredients to his girlfriend who then mixed up said ingredients in a pot.
"Can you get the Tear of Joy, Dami?"
The green-eyed boy looked through the ingredients until he found the slim bottle with a minuscule amount of clear liquid. He eyed the water as it squished in the bottle, it seemed so ordinary despite the great magic it could create. Damian could almost see the water taunting him with its mystic properties, he could just about feel it as he brought the bottle closer to the cauldron.
"This is it, correct?" The ravenette showed the blue-eyed girl the bottle in his hand
Her eyes lit up when presented with the vial. "Yes, that's it" As she removed the cork that was sealing the bottle shut, Damian asked a question that was lingering in the back of his mind.
"What exactly is the tear of joy?"
Marinette turned to smile at him. "It's a tear of joy"
"So a tear caused by laughter?"
"Precisely" She looked up at the ceiling wistfully. "I remember, when Syren attacked, Master Fu was trying to decode what a 'tear of joy' was. It took some time but we managed to figure it out in the end" She sighed. "It's great that we managed to find out about 'power-ups' but if we found out about them sooner, maybe more people would've been saved."
He put his hands comfortably on her shoulders. "What did Syren do exactly?"
She stopped dead in her tracks. That wasn't the reaction that Damian was expecting, whatever had happened with this Akuma must have been bad to induce this response.
The bluenette sighed and looked at the green-eyed boy straight into his emerald eyes. "Syren was one of the most dangerous Akumas we've ever had to deal with. She flooded all of Paris with her tears, only a few hundred people managed to reach the rooftops in time"
A breath quickly sucked in through his lips, the scene itself sounded horrible, imagining it even more so, having to actually see it must have been... traumatic.
"But Ondine is doing much better with Kim. And it's all in the past, we've learnt how to deal with the memories!" Her smile hurt to look at. His girlfriend had to deal with so much and she couldn't even express her negativity without fear of becoming an akuma. Damian placed a kiss on her head as she finally got the lid off of the bottle.
Both teens watched in anticipation as the droplet rolled down to the bottle's lip, teetering over the edge. It fell in. The concoction then shimmered a silvery blue. Grabbing a bottle, Marinette poured some of the liquid inside it, looked at the bottle and hummed in satisfaction. She quickly put all the equipment used back in a box and cleaned up any mess made. Once she was finished, she turned to the boy standing over her.
"I'll bring these back to Master Fu's old apartment then I'll drop this bottle off at my house, you can tell Tikki and Plagg that they can come out now"
The contents of the box shifted to one side, Damian helped steady both the bluenette and the box before going to the kwamis. Once the kwamis where comfortably with their owners, Tikki in Marinette's purse and Plagg in Damian's hoodie pocket, they made their way to the apartment. It still technically belonged to Master Fu, he rest hadn't rented it out so they were free to roam around. After putting the equipment away, the couple strolled to Marinette's house hand in hand. The bluenette went up to her balcony, with Damian close behind, and hid the bottle under her pink-striped deck chair, away from the sunlight.
"It needs to 'mature' in the moonlight, I guess. So when the moon is out, I'll take the bottle out" Marinette gestured for Damian to follow her as she went back down to the bakery portion of her house. "I'll give you some Camembert with the power ups infused. But I'll have to make it first!"
She hummed as she went upside to retrieve other substances that Master Fu had taught her to create. In the moment she was gone, Plagg appeared.
"I hate transforming!" The black kwami whined, settling in the boy's hair.
"What's so bad about it?" Damian raised an eyebrow at Plagg's outburst.
"It ruins the beautiful taste of Camembert, and it tastes weird"
"Quit your whining Plagg" Tikki's squeaky, but still relatively scary, voice rang out as both she and her owner returned.
"But Sugarcube-"
"No 'but's Stinky Sock!"
Damian watched with quiet amusement while Marinette giggled, handing him a wheel of Camembert.
"The cheese is cut up in different slices, each representing a different power up. I'll explain which is which on the way back to the hotel"
Damian put the wheel in his pocket before taking the bluenette's hand. "I look forward to it"
Each power up was simple enough, they all had a different colour corresponding with it's ability, making it easier to memorize. The couple walked by a dark alley as Damian check the time. Passing his phone to the bluenette next to him, Marinette took one glance at the time before dragging the two of them into said dark alley. It was time for patrol. Once both were done transforming, Noir and Ladybug made their to the assigned rooftop. When landing, Noir took his staff and looked through the help guide to get a better idea of what weapon he was working with. Spinning the staff with his hands, he separated the staff into two separate batons. He hummed in contentment.
"Grayson never gave me his escrima sticks for missions. I suppose this is good training if I ever want to use them"
The two rods snapped back together with a satisfying snap. Continuing to look through the articles on his now full staff, Noir didn't even notice when Ladybug moved to stand behind him. In one swift motion, the spotted heroine pulled down the black hood that was shielding the black cat-themed hero's face.
Her covered fingers stroked his black cat ears, she giggled as his cheeks flushed. The feeling itself was unusual to the green-eyed hero, he had never felt anything remotely similar before but he wouldn't say he didn't enjoy it. It was just... unexpected. The spotted heroine, however, quite liked making the stoic Noir flustered. His ears felt so much like a real cat's that Ladybug was nearly taken aback, she got used to it after her shock, though. Noir found himself leaning into her touch but looking at everything but her in embarrassment.
Had his ears not been occupied he probably would've heard the two other heroes arriving, he only knew they were here as he saw them in his peripheral vision, rolling his eyes as he noticed them snickering.
'Angel, Rena and Chien are here'
Ladybug's head snapped in the direction of the two other heroes, one of her hands left his head as she she greeted the fox and the dog.
"Hello Rena Rouge, Chien" Ladybug greeted them casually, something Noir knew he couldn't do at that moment.
"Hello to you too LB! Hey Noir, did the bug find a way to tame you?
He mumbled a reply.
Ladybug giggled before turning to properly address the other heroes. "I've been thinking of adding three more members. I know it's a lot since you, Rena, have only just been announced as a permanent user and you, Chien, have basically just joined. But Noir and I found something that will require their help. I have a hunch that Hawkmoth might try something like Guerrier but with the same level as Syren"
The fox-themed hero nodded. "You need all the help you can get. So who do you have in mind?"
"A Snake, a Bee and a Dragon" The spotted heroine answered with no hesitation. "We'll need a snake as it is... intuitive"
Upon registering the description, Chien chuckled. "Isn't that the point?"
"Perhaps" Ladybug hummed with a smile on her face. "A dragon can control elements, a strong power would be useful. The bee miraculous's power is immobilization-"
"Paralysis can be very beneficial when trying to stop an akuma" Noir provided his input.
"Yes. So what do you think?" The spotted heroine looked between the three heroes standing on the rooftop with her. Noir hummed approval while Chien gave her a thumbs up.
"You always have the best ideas, Bug!" Rena voiced out her agreement, Ladybug let out a sigh of relief she didn't know she was holding.
"Then I'll go get them now shall I? We gotta teach them as fast as we can" The blue-eyed heroine took the yo-yo from her hip, spinning it with a flick of her wrist. "I'll send them here and then you show them the ropes"
"Aye aye Captain!" Chien saluted and Rena followed suit, only after a quick laugh. Noir rolled his eyes in good nature while pulling his hood back up, flicking his cat ears before doing so.
Hurling her yo-yo at a nearby building, Ladybug hissed through the air, her yo-yo latching onto another building as she neared the previous. Soon enough, she landed gracefully in a quiet area where two familiar figures were strolling hand in hand.
"Ladybug?" A boy with dyed hair questioned, a bluenette with short hair and almond eyes next to him.
She nodded before pulling out two miraculous from her yo-yo with, presumably, unlimited storage. "Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, these are the miraculous of the Snake and the miraculous of the Dragon. They grant you the powers of Intuition and Perfection. You will use these miraculouses for the greater good, can I trust you?"
Luka and Kagami shared a knowing look then turned to the heroine in front of them.
"You can count on use Ladybug"
"We're honored to be chosen to fight by your side, my Ladybug"
She gave them the miraculous and watched as they both transformed into Viperion and Ryuko. "The others are waiting at this location." She showed them a map on her yo-yo. "I'll meet you there once I finish with a task a have to do." She hissed through the air once more, thanks to her yo-yo, and landed on a rooftop that was very familiar now. There stood a blonde, leaning on the banister.
"Ladybug?" Chloe's confused voice rang out.
"Hello Chloe Bourgeois" Ladybug took something from her yo-yo. "This is the Bee miraculous, it grants the power to immobilise your opponents. Should you choose to help us-"
"I can't"
"I said I can't" The blonde looked solemnly at the heroine. "I've been an utterly horrible person, I don't deserve to be a hero. Especially after... Queen Bee"
"People can change Chloe" Ladybug put a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "As long as they are given the chance to. Do you want to take this chancep?"
Chloe stared at the miraculous before looking at the heroine with a determined expression.
"I won't let you down, Ladybug"
Ladybug soon returned with a bee-themed heroine, named Honey Bee, by her side. After a brief reintroduction, the patrol began. Rena Rouge took the west side with Honey Bee and Viperion, Chien and Ladybug took the East while Ryuko and Noir took the North, they had already checked the South. Most of the patrol was done in silence, other than the odd 'nothing wrong here'. Ryuko had been the one to start a conversation
"You're the new wielder of black cat miraculous, correct?" The dragon user questioned Noir. He recognised it as the beginning of an interrogation.
"It certainly seems that way" Ryuko hummed.
"You fancy Ladybug, don't you" The question obviously took him aback. "Do you consider yourself... worthy?
The cat-themed hero didn't hesitate. "No"
He saw her raise her eyebrows.
"Ladybug is too virtuous for this world, there's not a soul in this entire universe worthy of her affection"
The dragon hummed in satisfaction. "You remind me of the boyfriend of one of my friends. Though I have yet to be convinced that he should date said friend, you have proved yourself worthy of Ladybug. I approve of your relationship even though it isn't my place to make such a decision"
"I am pleased" Despite the fact that he is a leader in this team, he's content with the fact he has the great dragon user's approval as she is the most intimidating of the team, other than Ladybug herself.
"Also don't mess this up, Ladybug is a Queen " Ryuko casually pointed out.
"Glad I am not the only one that thinks so"
"How can you not? Have you seen her?!"
"She's a goddess"
"You have my approval again"
Noir and Ryuko were first to arrive as they had finished their patrol early, the rest of the team weren't too far behind, however.
"Alright" Ladybug began once everyone returned. "Honey Bee, Viperion, Ryuko, it'll be best if you memorize all of Paris. That way, when there's trouble, you'll know your way around."
"I found that an aerial view is the fastest way to know the city like the back of your hand!" Rena Rouge pointed out.
"That's also the way I did it!" Chien chimed in,
"Yep! If you don't mind, there's something I'd like to discuss with both Rena Rouge and Chien. Noir, will you join us?" The spotted heroine turned to the heroes named.
"I ought to" He replied flatly.
"Alright then, follow me!" Ladybug hissed through the air followed by Noir with his staff and Rena and Chien with their enhanced abilities. Soon they landed in an alley. "I know you already know this, Rena, but I think it's fair if Chien knows too"
"Fair that I know what?" His gaze moved between the two heroines before landing on the black cat hero, silently begging for answers, to which Noir returned with an unconvincing shrug.
"That you know this. Tikki, spots off!" A blinding red light filled the narrow corner they were in, Rena shut one of her eyes while Chien shut both, Noir was shielded from the light thanks to his hoodie. Then, a certain Marinette Dupain-Cheng stood where the spotted heroine once was.
"Wh- Bu- How-" Chien spluttered as his brain combusted with all the information that was flowing through it at once. Marinette giggled at his confusion, Rena full on laughed, clutching her stomach while Noir merely smirked. "But, but I saw you standing next to Ladybug! Wait no, yourself? My brain is melting! Wait, you two knew?!" The dog-themed hero screeched.
"She's my best friend" Rena shrugged with an innocent expression, her transformation dropped. Chien stared in shock.
"She's my girlfriend" Noir mimicked Rena Rounge's shrug while letting his transformation fall too, leaving Chien the only one transformed.
"Okay THAT makes sense, you're both deathly attr- Wait, did you say best fRIEND?!" Chien shrieked and detransformed.
"ADRIEN?!" Alya exclaimed, Marinette and Damian watched in amusement.
"As entertaining as this is-" The green-eyed boy cut in before the pair would attract unwanted attention. "-Marinette needs to explain the reason why she revealed her identity to you"
The bluenette nodded. "You see early today, at school, I had this 'miraculous burn' I guess you could say from Guerrier's attack. Thanks to Alya I'm feeling better but that resulted in getting my identity revealed. So to avoid anymore incidents like that, I also told you Adrien. I can't tell the rest of the team yet as I don't want them to go all protective over me, you'll three will have enough overprotectiveness"
"Not wrong there, girl" Alya said without shame.
"I know I have to tell them my true identity at some point but right now it's better just to have you three know."
"We understand" Alya and Adrien said in unison.
"Great, now let's go back to the others so we can tell them patrol is over"
It was sunset, the orange cotton clouds contrasted beautifully with the darkening blue sky. A cool wind blew through the air, cold enough to make one shiver but not enough to catch a cold. Walking hand in hand, a couple made their way to Le Grand Paris. The bluenette looked up to the noirette next to her, leaning onto his arm covered by the Robin-themed hoodie and smiling while doing so, she closed her eyes to savor the moment.
"Angel?" Damian brushed the stray hairs on her face as she pulled away to look at him properly.
"You know, I'm really going to miss this" Marinette raised their conjoined hands as they approached the hotel doors.
He hummed and in response, put his arm around her waist to pull her closer while going through the elevator doors. "I am too"
They soon reached the hotel room, the kwamis roaming around for food once they got inside. Food in hand, Tikki and Plagg sat of the coffee table, leaning on one another as Damian turned on the screen to watch a movie. Once he was comfortably seated, Marinette joined him, snuggling into his side. He brushed his fingers through her silky midnight hair. He was going to miss this, deeply. What would life be like going back, without the beautiful bluenette physically next to him?
'I do not want to find out'
Provisional Cessation, It was created for the purpose of temporarily stopping a miraculous from being used if any harm were to come to the user. It would also deem it unusable for a certain period of time if the miraculous were ever come into the wrong hands. The reason Master Fu didn't tell Marinette this information was because the last time a user tried this power up, they were put into a magical induced coma, it was too risky.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,540 Words
Summary: Bakusquad’s day out.
Warnings: Food Mention, Child Abuse Mention, Forced Eating Disorder Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Notes: Touya’s clothes include links to what they look like.
Hair Dye Buddies: Chapter 4
Once in the mall, Mina dragged him along to a store with bright colors and neon and he was so overjoyed to be able to pick a few pastel things, mainly purple, including a long sweater with purple and black stripes and rips strategically placed on it.
Mina's venture in the neon store took a while but everyone let her go about her business, leaving Kaminari with her as he picked up a few yellow shirts and Touya smiled as Bakugou totally didn't sneak a black shirt with orange flames on it into his pile of very purple clothing.
Once they paid at the neon store, Bakugou dragged him more forcefully toward a store with more baggy clothing and stuff he knew he'd see Bakugou wearing. Stuff he was, in fact, wearing as well. He picked out more pants here than anything but black and dark purple and even a couple of pink shirts ended up in his pile.
Mina and Kirishima ended up throwing a few other things in his pile like the black pair of boots they found that were similar to the ones he wore but with chains on them, the many masks Sero and Kaminari picked out for him, and the socks Bakugou smacked him lightly with when he told him he forgot to ask for socks.
The next store was much more his style, black everywhere, some white and colors mixed in but he felt like this place was definitely his favorite. It seemed Kaminari came here a lot because he was already around the store twice while Touya was still looking at the shirts in the front.
"Found some shoes you'll like. They're made for water based quirk combat, ice and snow slip resistant and all." He hummed at them. They actually looked good and even his style with the chains on them and the thick chunky heel with the the slip resistant grip on the bottom.
"Try 'em on, Touya." Mina insisted, forcefully seating him on the benches. He obliged and tried them on for her.
"They're comfortable." Touya realized as he tapped his foot against the ground.
"Yeah, man, this place makes a lot of its stuff usable for quirk combat. A lot of heroes frequent this place for additions to their hero outfits and stuff they can use on the daily if they don't have access to their costume." Kirishima told him.
"My boots are from here. Mine are a lot like yours but shorter and orange soles." Bakugou told him.
"You just like the color orange." Touya told him.
"I won't deny that." Bakugou smirked at him. "Stand up in 'em, Cotton Candy." He obliged and had to hold onto Kirishima for a minute to balance himself in just the one boot.
"Oh wow, I'm tall now. I'm tall, everyone. I'm now a giraffe." He laughed.
"Never been tall, I guess?" Sero asked.
"No, I'm short. I'll bet I won't even get taller during my growth spurt." Touya joked, sitting back down.
"Like em, though?" Mina asked.
"I love them." Touya beamed. The rest of the clothes shopping went well. Then they moved onto grocery shopping in a store within the mall. Mina leading by example and picking out plenty of fruit and some snacks.
"Hey, Space Invaders, we still need to grab dinner, slow down." Bakugou reminded her.
"What do you like eating, Touya?" Kaminari asked.
"I don't know?" He told them unsurely.
"You don't know? You never had a favorite food growing up, man?" Sero asked.
"My father always had a lock on the fridge to keep us all eating properly but then he'd only make what he liked." He admitted quietly.
"Shoto better let others join that Enji Hate Squad." Bakugou mumbled.
"Well, pick out some things you think you'll like. Bakugou here's practically a chef. He'll make it taste good anyway." Kaminari joked.
"Shut your mouth, Dunce Face!" Bakugou threatened and Touya smiled behind his mask.
"So I'm allowed to pick whatever I want." Touya more so was assuring himself he didn't have to pick up food his father would force down his throat.
"Yeah, man, just pick out whatever you think you'll want. We have Sero here, that guy's like a human trash bin. He'll eat anything you hand him." Kirishima assured him.
He went about picking up a few things he thought he'd like, some lotus root, enoki, eggplant, cheese, eggs, and tofu. He also grabbed a few things he had to look at the names of like yuzu, a few noodle bowls, spam, sausages, and he hesitantly picked up chocolate, melon ice cream, and coffee jelly.
Bakugou had disappeared at one point and came back with his own basket full of, assumedly, dinner makings. He sort of understood what he was making, maybe curry but with noodles? Touya couldn't tell since he'd never been allowed to make his own food.
"Alright, if you're happy with what you got, we'll check out and head home." Bakugou told him.
"Yeah, I mean, I don't even know if I'll like some of this stuff." Touya mumbled.
"Human vaccuum, right here." Sero gestured to himself.
When they got home, it was about 6 at night and Bakugou began cooking for dinner. Something that Mina called Jjajjangmyeon. His foods went into one of the communal fridges with his name stuck to them with sticky notes.
"You want anything made special, Cotton Candy?" Bakugou asked as he opened the freezer back up to get the melon ice cream.
"Um, I was just gonna try the ice cream." He felt like he was being caught doing something bad. Maybe, in his head, he thought he was in trouble but he still got his melon ice cream and a spoon out and hesitantly tried it. It was actually amazing.
"Like it, man?" Sero asked.
"This is really good." He admitted.
"Our boy likes melon ice cream!" Mina exclaimed happily from the living room.
"Have you even had ice cream before, Touya?" Kirishima asked.
"Not really. I mean, Dad let us have frozen berries and called that ice cream." He muttered softly, eating more of his ice cream.
"I hate that man." Bakugou muttered, continuing to cook.
"Yeah, all of us siblings do too. Or at least we all did five years ago." He frowned a bit. Dinner was amazing. Touya even had seconds with everyone else. The usual banter around the table was so fun.
"I'm probably gonna bother Mr. Aizawa to train my quirk a little more. I don't wanna fall behind you all, especially when Mr. Aizawa is going to put me in with the provisional licensing exam." Touya told them, sighing as he got himself up to his room, counting as he went to make sure he was going to the right room.
He put on his new quirk-resistant boots in his room and clothing that wasn't Bakugou's. He ultimately decided on a black short sleeve shirt with fishnet sleeves to his wrists attached and black jeans with a lot of metal attached Mina had picked out for him.
Touya was happy looking himself over, his father would never approve but he felt happy in his skin now, which was no longer getting scarred by the quirk too ill-made for him. He realized he had no clue where Aizawa was by the time he left his room, to which Shoto was about to knock.
"Oh, hi." Shoto greeted his rather sudden appearance. "Where are you going?" Shoto asked.
"I was about to go find Mr. Aizawa and ask him if I could train my quirk but I just figured out I don't know where he is." Touya laughed to himself a little.
"Mr. Aizawa's sleeping in the living room downstairs. But Mr. Yamada is around. I can bring you to him and he can watch over your training." Shoto offered.
"Thank you, that would be awesome." Touya smiled. "What did you come here for?" Touya asked on their way down.
"I wanted to make sure you didn't lose the card." He handed it back immediately. "I wanted to make sure you ate."
"Bakugou made jjajjangmyeon so I ate with him and his friends. He and his friends also took me out to buy some food and clothes for myself as well." He told his brother.
"That's good." Shoto was quiet.
"What did you eat?" Touya asked.
"Iida ordered pizza for our friend group. I had mainly Hokkaido cheese pizza but Midoriya made me try some of his Genovese pizza and it wasn't that bad." Touya smiled. "Oh, and how has your day been?" Shoto asked.
"It's okay. I mean, everyone's so nice. besides that little grape gremlin earlier." Shoto stifled a laugh and smiled.
"Yeah, Mineta's like that a lot. I'm sure everyone's just hoping he'll drop out if he doesn't get his provisional license."
"Well, I'm already here taking his spot."
"And you're doing an amazing job with the title so far, Touya. Bring honor to the 19th seat in class. That grape sure doesn't." Touya smiled at his brother and they were out the door after waving to the two friend groups in the kitchen, Sero sneaking pieces of pizza leftover and Kaminari and Midoriya talking about their quirks.
Taglist: @lgbtforeverything @rin-tanaka @everythingisstardust 
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trvelyans-archive · 3 years
look out
a comm for @dauntless-necromancer of the detective’s daughter miss maxine spending a weekend at the warehouse with unit bravo <3 it was such a pleasure to write for you again !!! i hope you enjoy <3
When Max finishes up science club on Friday, there are three vampires waiting outside school for her.
… That sounds like the beginning of a bad YA novel.
Not that she reads those. Well… she does, just not that often. She’s too busy with homework most of the time – also, lots of them are bad. Besides, she’s glad that she hasn’t had time to read lately, because she wouldn’t want Unit Bravo to catch her flipping through some trashy teen book when they get home from… y’know, killing werewolves or demons or whatever. (Or not killing them? She doesn’t really understand what it is they do.) She hitches her backpack higher over her shoulders, pushes her glasses up her nose and clears her throat as she heads down the sidewalk towards the sleek black van they’re standing in front of.
Nice, Max thinks. Better than Dad’s car.
It nearly broke down on the way to school this morning. Max doesn’t know how she felt about him making the 45-minute drive into the city with it, but he kept changing the subject whenever she brought it up. Actually, he didn’t really say or do anything but go over a checklist of what she needed for the weekend until she was about to get out of the car and he said, “Sorry, kiddo. I’ve just been… on edge lately.”
As if he had to tell her that. She sees him every week – she knows how stressed he’s been. That’s part of the reason she went along with this plan so willingly: she wants to get to the bottom of whatever’s going on with him.
“Max!” The shortest one – Farah – practically pounces on her as she approaches their van outside the school, grinning widely. (No vampire fangs, Max notes. Maybe they only come out sometimes? She has an urge to write that down somewhere. She should definitely start taking notes.) “How are you? How was school?”
“Good,” Max says. “And I’m good. How are you?”
“I’m good,” Farah replies, grinning. “I’m excited!”
“She has quite the schedule planned for you,” Nat says, smiling softly. Max likes Nat the most out of all of them – she’s smart and nice, if a little… boring. But boring can be good, sometimes! “We’ve all been looking forward to your visit, though.”
Max looks over at Morgan, who tosses her cigarette onto the ground and stomps it under her boot, staring at the school with a frown and a furrowed brow.
Maybe not all of them, Max thinks.
“Whose car is this?” she asks, pointing at the van.
“The Agency’s!” Farah hurries to pull the door of the van open and gestures inside. “Nothing but the best for Eddie’s daughter!”
“All the vans look like this,” Morgan grumbles. Farah elbows her.
“Nothing but the best,” she repeats.
Max pokes her head inside – it’s practically spotless and smells like new-car smell (except she knows it probably isn’t). They’re probably just really particular about, like, cleaning them after they use the vans to haul back dead werewolves or whatever. (God, she hopes they don’t do that, and she especially hopes they haven’t done that with this van. She makes a mental note to ask Nat about it later.)
As if on cue, Farah grabs Max’s overnight bag from her hand and tosses it inside the car.
“What are you waiting for?” Farah asks. “Let’s go!”
At first, Max as hesitant to spend her weekend with Unit Bravo. Before her dad finished finalizing plans with them, she begged Mom to take the weekend off work until her mom was sick of her asking. As much as she’s grown to like… most of the Unit, she didn’t know how much she’d like spending three days with them. After all, she still hasn’t forgotten what happened with that freak Murphy earlier this year. She still hasn’t forgot that, whether they wanted to or not, they left her dad out to dry and he got his ass – butt – kicked because of it.
And yet, by ten o’clock Friday night – the time she would usually be getting ready for bed – she’s pretty sure she’s gonna like spending the weekend here much more than she thought she would.
They’ve set up camp in the games room. After Max scarfed down the slightly burnt dinner that Nat made her, they spent the evening playing darts – Morgan won the first three games, to Farah’s annoyance, and then Max won the fourth game, to even more of Farah’s annoyance – and now they’re about half an hour deep into what feels like will be an incredibly prolonged game of pool.
Max’s on Farah’s team, apparently. She thinks it’s because Farah doesn’t want to lose again, but she’s going to be disappointed – Max’s only played pool a couple times before, and Dad is never an easy opponent.
(In pool, at least – she kicks his ass – butt – at chess.)
“Y’know,” Farah says, leaning on the pool table and turning to face Max with a bright smile, “I don’t know a lot about you, Max. Your dad doesn’t talk about you a lot – well, I mean, he does sometimes! But just about how proud he is of you and stuff.”
Max smiles. It never hurts to hear that the hours she spends doing homework every night always pay off. “He doesn’t tell us much of anything else, though, like…” Farah purses her lips, scanning the ceiling while she searches for a question. “What do you like to do for fun?” Her eyes widen with excitement. “We can add whatever it is to the schedule for this weekend!”
Morgan snorts and hits a striped, orange ball, sending it straight into the pocket at the corner of the table. “Not even I have enough energy to put up with all the shit you have planned for this weekend, Farah,” she says. “You think the kid does?”
“I’m not a–“ Max stops herself before she finishes the sentence. “Well, I would love to do anything you have planned, Farah,” she continues politely. Mostly because the more time they spend together, the more dirt she can try to dig up. “I can’t wait to see what else we’re going to do tonight.”
“Tonight? Oh, the rest of tonight is all about pool, baby!” Farah grabs her cue stick and turns back to the table. “We gotta get through the next three games of our tournament before we even think about doing anything else.”
Max waits until Farah’s back is turned to wince. It looks like she won’t be able to sit any of them down and have a serious discussion anytime soon, then. It’s not that she doesn’t want to play pool at all – she’d like to play pool and see if she can find any board games – but she just has more important things to tend to, as well.
She’s not exactly going to say that, though, so when she catches Morgan smirking at the look on her face, she forces herself to smile.
Saturday morning, Max creeps out of her dad’s bedroom wearing one of his old t-shirts and a pair of basketball shorts she found in his closet. She thought about having a shower but decided against it – firstly because she’s too lazy to figure out how the shower in his bathroom works, and secondly because she really wants a bowl of the cereal that she spotted on top of the fridge last night. She pads slowly through the wide, empty hallways, her socked feet thumping softly against the floor, and the kitchen door creaks open as she walks inside, yawning.
Unfortunately for her, she didn’t get a lot of sleep. It’s kind of hard to do so when you’re in some supernatural underground warehouse surrounded by vampires and one of them plays music very loud and very late at night.
“Good morning,” Nat says. She’s sitting at the table with a cup of tea and a book open in front of her – the book looks old. Looks ancient. If she has access to books that look so ancient, then how old is Nat? Max can’t ask that, right? Dad’s told her that it’s rude to ask women how old they are - does that count for vampires, too?
She clears her throat when she realizes that she hasn’t answered yet.
“Good morning,” she replies, tiptoeing over to the table and tucking her hair behind her ear before pushing her glasses higher up her nose. “Can I – uh, have some cereal?”
Nat laughs gently. “Of course,” she answers. “I bought it just for you – the others don’t eat human food very often.”
‘Human’. It feels weird to hear them refer to her as a human. She knows they aren’t humans, of course, at least not anymore, but – they look like humans and sound like humans. She hasn’t even seen a fang yet! (Though she’s not sure whether or not she wants to.) “Oh.” She nods, blushing. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Max can feel Nat watching her as she heads for the fridge, standing on her tiptoes to grab the cereal box. “Does Farah have any plans for you today?”
“She does. Well, I think she does – she said so last night, anyway, when I finally went to bed, but I think I might try and catch up some homework this morning first.” Max opens the door of the fridge and reaches for a jug of milk that looks entirely unopened – Nat really did buy everything just for her, apparently. “I have a journal to write for English, a project to work on for science, some equations to work on for math…”
“Sounds like quite a lot of work.”
As if any of her work compares to the work of top-secret agents who also happen to be vampires. Still, Max sighs and nods. “Yeah, it is a lot sometimes,” she agrees. “I don’t mind it most of the time, though. I like school. But I’d rather just… I don’t know, hang out with you guys this weekend…”
Well… she’s a bit worn out from playing pool and darts as of right now, and she doesn’t want to spend any more time with Morgan because Morgan doesn’t seem to like her very much, but she all she needs is to have some coffee and she’ll feel a lot better. (Hopefully.) (Do they even have any coffee here?)
“Who says you can’t do both?” Nat asks. “I’ll be moving to the library soon, if you want to join me.”
Max smiles. “Really?”
“Absolutely,” Nat answers. “There’s plenty of room for you to do your work, and I wouldn’t mind some company.”
“Okay.” Max nods, looking down at her bowl as she pushes the dry cereal around in her milk. “Thanks, Nat. For, uh, you know…” She shrugs, feeling suddenly self-conscious. “Buying me food and stuff.”
“Of course. My pleasure.”
She goes back to her reading, leaving Max alone with her thoughts and her cereal.
Miraculously, in the peace and quiet of the library, Max manages to get almost all of her work finished.
Well, she saves the last part of her science project for tomorrow, but mostly because she starts falling asleep in her chair at about three in the afternoon and heads back to her dad’s room to take a nap that ends up lasting a lot longer than she intended. Nat’s not in the library when she returns at about half past ten, which is a letdown, both because Max genuinely likes her company but mostly because she didn’t get any information about what’s going on in Wayhaven out of her earlier.
She’s hoping she can get some tomorrow. Unless they have to go into the field and kill (or not kill) some more werewolves, in which case she’ll probably be out of luck.
After scarfing down the leftovers of last night’s dinner, she decides to continue her search for Nat anyway, and while she’s leaving the kitchen she comes across Farah in the hallway. She tails Max around the Warehouse for a little while and asks her what feels like a thousand questions – what class her favourite is, what her mom’s like, what she wants to be when she grows up – and while Max wouldn’t have liked answering them a month ago, she does now without even thinking about it. Playing darts and pool with someone for six hours can really help them grow on you, apparently.
They’re on their fifth lap when Farah stops abruptly. “Alright, Max,” she says. “Think I’m gonna head to Morgan’s room and ask her if she wants to play darts!”
Max cringes – she hadn’t realized how bored Farah might be wandering around what’s basically her own house. She doesn’t seem too bothered by it, though. (Is she ever bothered by anything?) “But you can come find me later in the games room if you’re bored, alright?” she continues, smiling widely.
“Okay.” Max smiles. “Thanks, Farah.”
“No problem!” Farah pats her shoulder before she bounces away whistling, and Max considers going with her for a few seconds before she remembers the importance her mission and prepares herself for another several hours of searching for Nat.
She knows that whatever she finds out is probably going to scare the hell – heck – out of her, but she still wants to know – her dad is scared, too, and she doesn’t want him to feel like he’s alone or like he can’t talk to her about it! Which she knows is a silly thing to think, but she can’t help it. She loves her dad – besides, she’ll be much better off if he can prepare her for anything scary that might happen to her, right?
The way his mom didn’t?
She wanders around for a couple minutes before she can hear the sounds of someone grunting and yelling in the distance, and she starts running towards the sound before she can question it. She doesn’t find any rabid werewolves or anything, though, which she definitely thought she would – just an open set of double doors to her left and someone with a blonde ponytail punching mannequins inside.
Max frowns immediately. She didn’t want to see Ava this weekend – out of all the Unit, she’s Max’s least favourite. She dislikes Ava more than Morgan, and considering that Morgan personally doesn’t like Max, either, that’s saying something. She steels herself to run back the way she came when Ava glances over at her.
“Oh.” Her eyebrows furrow slightly. “Maxine.”
Staring at her, Max nods politely. “Ava.”
And then, without thinking about it, she steps through the open doorway into the room, glancing around curiously.
It looks sort of like a school gymnasium, only with lower-hanging ceilings and an army of dummies and mannequins that they definitely, definitely don’t have at her school. The lights are brighter in here than they are in the hallway, and after nearly an hour of wandering through the Warehouse, she half-heartedly raises a hand to shield her eyes, lips pursed.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
“Training,” Ava answers.
Maybe she’s training so that next time some bloodthirsty freak tracks Max’s dad down, Ava won’t let him get taken again. She’s the one who was with him when Murphy snatched him, after all. Max hasn’t forgotten that.
(Dad says that Ava couldn’t have saved him, that something had happened to her before they escaped his apartment, but Max doesn’t care. Her dad matters more than anything.)
“Have you been avoiding me?” Max asks.
Ava’s eyes widen in surprise before she clears her throat and shakes her head. “I haven’t,” she answers. “I had Agency work to tend to today.”
Max toes a crack in the floor with the tip of her shoe. “You didn’t come with the others to pick me up yesterday.”
“I had work to do then, as well.”
Ava turns back to the dummy, shaking her bandaged hands out before curling them into fists again. “I won’t be able to entertain you, if that’s what you’re looking for,” she says, reaching out to hit the mannequin so hard that it nearly topples over. “I’m sure you could find something to do with one of the other agents.”
“Do you train a lot?”
Max doesn’t know if she’s asking to pester Ava or if she’s genuinely curious. Probably a little bit of both.
“Yes,” Ava answers. It doesn’t sound like she’s going to say any more than that, but Dad has always said that she’s not very talkative. (He says it with a smile, though, which Max doesn’t understand at all.)
“So, you’re gonna keep my dad safe from whatever it is that’s been going on lately?”
Across the room, Ava tenses. It’s visible enough for Max to notice.
“What has he told you?”
Of course, Max’s first instinct is to be honest with her and say “nothing”, but when the realization that she stopped her herself from getting any sort of information hits her, she nearly kicks herself for it.
“Good,” Ava says. “You don’t need to concern yourself with Agency business.”
Max frowns. “I do if I want to keep my dad safe.” Because you might not, she thinks, but she doesn’t say it.
“That’s not your job, Maxine.” Ava says her name like she knows her, and Max doesn’t like it one bit. “I think Ed- I think your father would agree with me on that.”
“But it’s not fair!” she says. “If I’m in danger, too, don’t I deserve to know?”
“That is not my choice.”
Max curls her hands into fists at her sides. If she were in cartoon, she knows for a fact that she’d have steam coming out of her ears. Her dad would say she’s being unreasonable for pinning what happened with Murphy on Ava, but – she got her stubbornness from him, so he’s really the one to blame. Him and Ava and whoever else in the world lets her dad get hurt.
“Fine,” Max says. “But you better keep me safe, then, too, or my dad will never forgive you.”
She swears she can hear Ava open her mouth to say something behind her, but she’s turning on her heel and stomping down the hallway before the vampire can get a word out. When she reaches her dad’s room, she nearly slams the door but stops herself at the last second and closes it slowly, taking deep breaths in and out through her nose so she doesn’t get too wound up.
All she can hope is that Ava doesn’t tell Dad about their conversation. As much as she loves him, she doesn’t love being scolded.
To Max’s relief, Ava doesn’t tell Dad. (At least she hasn’t told him yet.)
She tells Rebecca, instead.
Max is packing her stuff up at the end of the day on Sunday when she hears a knock at the door. At first she thinks it’s her dad – by now, he should be on his way to the Warehouse to pick her up – but when she hurries over to open the door, she sees her grandmother standing there on the other side, instead.
Rebecca smiles kindly. “Maxine,” she says. “May I come in?”
They’ve only seen each other once or twice since their first meeting. She’s another one of the people that Max has a grudge against for how they’ve treated her dad, except this time he seems to hold the same grudge, too.
Still, Rebecca let Max stay the whole weekend and didn’t come to see her until now. She can’t exactly say no.
Max moves to the side and opens the door even further while Rebecca steps into the room, scanning the space with sad eyes. Max guesses from the way she’s acting that she probably hasn’t been in this room much before, at least not long enough to get a good look at everything. Max feels defensive about it for her dad’s sake – this is his space, after all, and he’s not here to decide whether or not he wanted Rebecca to come inside – so she relaxes when Rebecca turns to her again.
“I’ve been meaning to come see you,” she says, her voice soft and tentative. “I’m afraid I’ve just been rather busy this weekend.”
Busy. Max nearly snorts at that, but she doesn’t.
“Agent du Mortain talked to me earlier,” Rebecca continues. “About your conversation with her yesterday.”
Max’s eyes widen in surprise. “I didn’t say anything bad to her, I promise!”
Her grandmother smiles. “I know you didn’t,” she says. “She didn’t say that you did. Only that you expressed a concern for Ed- for your father’s safety. And I wanted to assure you that the Agency is doing everything we can to keep him safe.”
“So he won’t get kidnapped again? Or get strapped to a bed by some bloodthirsty weirdo?”
“He told you that, did he?”
“Yeah. He tells me everything.” Max crosses her arms over her chest. “He doesn’t treat me like a kid the way everyone else does.”
“Well… I suppose that’s fair.” Rebecca presses her lips together. “As long as you haven’t told anyone…?”
“Of course not!” Who would she tell? The girls in her class would never believe her. Even if she came to school with a vampire bite on her neck or carrying a werewolf tooth, they would probably just say that she was faking it to impress the boys in their class.
“Good.” Rebecca nods. “In any case, Maxine, I just came by to promise you that I, personally, will do everything I can to keep your father safe, as will the Unit. Your father – as well as you and your mother – are all under our very close protection. What happened with Murphy…” She clenches her jaw the way Dad does when he’s upset. Max’s heart hurts at the sight. “It will not happen again. I promise.”
“You can’t abandon him.”
Rebecca seems surprised by how firmly Max says it, but she responds with nothing more than a tight nod. “I won’t. I would die before I let that happen.”
Despite that, Max’s first instinct is not to believe her. After everything her dad said about Rebecca, how much can they trust her, really? Even if she’s trying now, it doesn’t make up for everything she missed when Dad was a kid, nor does it make up for the fact that no one will tell Max what’s going on even though she might be in danger, too. But the determination in Rebecca’s words, in her eyes… Max’s seen the same look in her dad’s eyes a million times. Her dad, who she loves to the ends of Earth and trusts more than anyone.
So, in the end, Max can’t help but trust Rebecca, too. Her and the team, even Ava. She just hopes that none of them do anything to break that trust, because after spending eight hours playing darts this weekend, she has pretty good aim.
It’s ten o’clock when Dad and Max get back to his apartment that night.
His car stalled on his way back to Wayhaven – she knew something bad was going to happen! – but thankfully he was close enough to town that he could call someone to tow him back in. They’ve borrowed an Agency van for a couple days that he’ll drive her to school with tomorrow, and as she sits on the counter beside him and watches him put dinner together, she tells him that he should just buy it from the Agency.
“Maybe you’ll get a discount,” she muses, leaning back against the cabinet. “Or maybe if one of the werewolf corpses left a stain –“
“They don’t –“ He sighs in exasperation. “That’s not what the vans are for.”
“Sure it’s not.”
Dad laughs. Max can always trust him to laugh at her jokes. She can trust him with anything. She turns to look at him and watches him pour pancake batter into the pan, gnawing on the inside of her cheek.
“Don’t get kidnapped by someone like Murphy again, okay?”
He glances up at her, face softening. “I won’t,” he says. “I promise.”
She believes him. Even if she doesn’t believe anyone else, she believes him, no matter what.
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darlinvandijk · 4 years
Concept: Ever heard that bazzi song? Well that’s what this is about, literally all because of this song. It’s been stuck in my head, so I put it on repeat, and this came from it. WARNING: SEXUAL CONTENT (no smut, I don’t write smut. But this piece has sexual content and implied things) So this should be fun huh? Hope you enjoy ;)
I let out out a quiet gasp, my eyes trained on the tv in front of me, showing the places I could only dream of going to, the places where fantasies come true. My eyes stay trained on the screen, the various destinations floating across, my mind drifting to what the future could be like, not even noticing the beautiful boy take a seat next to me on the couch. I’m startled from my day dream as a hand lands on my thigh, my head turning to look at the green eyed boy, watching the thoughtful expression that crosses his face as he observes me.
“What’re you thinking about baby?” He questions, eyes flitting to the tv, watching as the man on screen talks about travel destinations and the experiences they offer. His eyes meet mine again, a small smirk tugging at his lips, his brain already forming a plan. “Wanna go to one of those places?” He chuckles out, his eyes taking in the glazed look in mine, watching the way my eyes trail over every inch of the screen, absolutely entranced.
“Of course I do, I mean who doesn’t want to go travel these places” I mumble, a frown taking over my lips. Ruel grabs on to my legs, pulling them up on to his lap, using one of his hands to start trailing his fingers up and down the inside of my thigh. I watch his hands in a daze, the feeling of his fingertips brushing against my legs instantly flustering me, my heart picking up in speed as he continues his movements. “Those are places I’ll only ever dream of going to though“ I barely choke out, trying to ignore the building tension between us, knowing Kate was just in the next room over from us. He lets out a laugh as I finish my sentence, giving me a boyish grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“You should know by now that you can go where you wanna go” he muses, hinting at the money he’s made with his career, watching the hesitant look that appears in my eyes at his insinuation. I open my mouth to protest his offer, not wanting him to spend that kind of money on me, only for my mouth to be shut as he leans forward and gives me a light kiss. “I can take you there.” He confidently states, leaving no room for argument, his plan already with a confirmed destination as my eyes snap and light up at the screen at the mention of Greece.
“Ruel no, don’t even think about it. I don’t want you spending your money on me like that” I groan out, watching as my words go in one ear, and completely out the other. He gives my thigh a small pat, already invested in whatever plan he’s making on his phone, before his eyes dart up to mine with excitement practically dripping out of them. “Baby what did you just do?” I mutter, dragging my hand across my face, knowing that look in his eyes can only mean one thing. The one thing I literally just told him not to do.
“Start packing gorgeous, flight takes off tomorrow night.” He smirks out, standing up to go to his room, ready to pull out his suitcase for the trip he just impulsively paid for. I throw my body back on to the couch, letting out a groan as I bury my face into a pillow, not believing how this boy ignores everything I say. Before I can move and get up to try and stop him, Kate walks into the living room, giving my sprawled out body a curious look, already knowing who made me react this way, before her eyes look at her phone screen that just lit up with a text.
“Considering the group text I just got, looks like we’re going on a trip” Kate laughs, also turning away from me to head to her room to start packing, giving me a small pat on the head before making her departure. I huff out a breath of air, standing up to make my way to Ruel, already knowing he’s got my suitcase pulled out, deciding that I have no choice in this matter.
I walk into the room, watching him sort through his clothes, before he glances at me with a smile, absolutely feeding off of my attitude towards him. Before I can start my rant on how he can use his money for better things, like himself, he pulls me into his arms. I look up at him through my eyelashes, a small frown on my face, watching his eyes run over my lips before meeting mine with a darker look. He leans down and presses his lips against mine, one hand going to the back of my neck, the other resting a little low on my back as he plays with the hem of my shirt. He licks a stripe across my bottom lip, causing me to press my lips together to stop him, only for him to smack my ass a second later. I let out a gasp at the unexpected move, his tongue instantly entering my mouth, both of his hands moving to the backs of my thighs, getting lifted up so that my legs wrap around his waist.
“What’re you doing?” I gasp out, eyes rolling back as his lips find my neck, my hands tangling in his hair at the feeling. I tug on a few strands, feeling his groan radiate across my chest, where his lips are now wandering, leaving light marks along the way. I feel my back get pressed against his wall, his lips detaching from my skin, his now dark eyes meeting mine with a devilish glint in them. I silently stare back at him, my shaky breathing still filling the air, both of us in a lust filled haze.
“Baby this is just the start.. wildest dreams are about to be a reality” he lowly mutters, his words lined with a second meaning, leaving me confused at what he could be hinting at. He leans forward and gives me one last kiss, before setting me down, heading back over to his clothes pile to get it situated, leaving me standing against the wall with shaky legs. I stumble into the closet, looking at all my clothes, before realizing I have no clue what to even pack for, since he never told me where we’re going. “Pack for warmer weather, leave out that pretty little white skirt of yours that you like, you can wear that on the way over” he hums out, not even turning to me as he answers my unasked question.
“Why would I wear a skirt on a plane? That’s like really unpractical” I question, my hands pulling clothes off of hangers, grabbing a few swimsuits along the way, and making my way next to him where my suitcase lays flat on his bed. He gives me a sideways glance, a smirk tugging at his lips when I toss my white skirt on the bed, before he grabs one of my floral wrap shirts and tossing it next to my skirt. “This seems like the literal worst outfit to wear on a plane bub” I mumble, eyeing my sweatpants and hoodie that I folded to bring along with me, knowing they’d be much more comfortable for the flight.
“Trust me. Just wear that and you’ll be fine” he mumbles, concentrating on the hoodie he couldn’t fold right. I roll my eyes and grab the hoodie from him, deciding I might as well just fold it for him since he’d be here all day trying to if I didn’t help him. I pass it back to him, watching as he checks over his suitcase one last time, before zipping it up and setting it against the wall. He walks back over to me and starts going through my clothes pile, looking to see what I’ve decided to bring for the trip, watching the boyish grin on his face as he finds my underwear pile. “Woah lace, who’re you trying to impress sweetheart?” He chuckles, eyes drifting over my body, before smiling at me when I glare at him and grab my underwear out of his hands.
“Foreign boys, definitely not you” I sass back, putting my now folded clothes into my suitcase, ignoring the way he throws himself on to the bed, whining about how I don’t love him. I look over my packed clothes, making sure I have everything I’ll need for the week long stay, before noticing that I completely forgot to pack socks with my undergarments. I walk back into the closet, grabbing a handful of socks before making my way back, only to notice my luggage looks different. “What did you do?” I mutter, trying to figure out what he took from neatly folded things, watching the way innocently looks at me, his hands folded on his lap. The position only someone that’s guilty would do.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he defends himself, giving me a shocked look that I’d even suggest he did anything. I notice that my outfit for the flight tomorrow has something layed out under it, only to lift it up and find exactly what I should have expected. “Before you say anything, can you blame me?” He rushes out, watching as my eyes widen at the white lace set he had folded under my clothes, giving me a sheepish smile as a blush coats his face.
I roll my eyes and give him a small push, leaving the clothes there, and zipping up my suitcase to place it near his. I mean, it’s just a cute outfit, there couldn’t be more to it than that. Right?
Our flight leaves in a few hours, so we clean up the house and anything we had laying out, and Sylvie goes to drop Wilbur off at their friends house for the next week. I’m sweeping the kitchen floor when I hear soft footsteps make their way behind me, before arms wrap around my waist. Ruel rests his head on my shoulder, pressing a light kiss to my neck, swaying us side to side before finally speaking up.
“I can finish this up for you sweetheart, go get dressed since we leave in a few” he tells me, lightly pushing me out of the room, laughing when I skip out of the room more than happy to not sweep anymore. I get into our room, grabbing my outfit off the bed and walking into the bathroom, jittery for the surprise destination we’d be going to soon.
I slip off my clothes, before grabbing the white undergarments he chose, slipping them on before pulling my skirt on, and tying my shirt into place. I give myself a once over, before deciding to tie my hair up into a simple messy bun, knowing that majority of this flight was going to be spent sleeping or passenger watching with Ruel. I look at my makeup bag before settling with a layer of lip gloss and some light blush, just in case I do sleep on the flight and don’t want my makeup getting all over the place.
I walk out of the bathroom and to my suitcase, putting my makeup bag in there, and double checking to make sure I have everything I need for the flight. I go over to Ruels, checking since he always forgets things, before grabbing both and dragging them out to the front door where he’s waiting with both of our carry on bags next to him. He checks his phone, before passing me my backpack, and grabbing both suitcases to take out to the car.
“I put your passport with mine, they’re in the front pocket of my backpack, and your wallet with your ID is in the front of your bag” he tells me, both of us pilling the bags into the back of the car, having almost no room with the other bags stuffed back there. We climb into the back, Ralph and Kate in the front, and Sylvie and Coco in the middle seats. Ruel passes me one of his AirPods as we start the drive to the airport, pulling me to rest against him as the music plays, his fingers aimlessly playing with the hem of my skirt.
I stare out the window as the music plays, my mind wandering to the thoughts of where he could possibly be taking us, and what it will have in store for us, not noticing the way he shifts so that he’s resting against the window, pulling me to rest my back against his chest. His hand is spread out across my thigh, his fingers and palm so big they almost cover the whole top portion of my leg, my mind drifting to the thought of how well he can use them, before I stiffen and blush that I was even thinking of those things while his family is around. He leans down and puts his lips near my ear as he feels my mood change, letting his breath fam over the side of my face before pressing a kiss behind my ear, feeling the smile on his lips against my skin.
“What’s wrong sweetheart? Seems like you’re dripping.. with anxiety, nervous?” He questions, his voice lowering as if he can almost read my mind, knowing whatever I was thinking of had me completely dazed for a second. I let out an annoyed huff and grab his hands, holding them in mine as I rest against him, staring out the window again as I try to ignore the feeling of him pressed against me. I mean this is a family trip, nothing like that should even be on my mind, because this is just a wholesome time away from home to bond and spend time together. He wouldn’t try to do something with his family next to us, he’s smarter than that.
We get through security after ages of waiting, then start to make our way to the terminal, my hand gripping Ruels with excitement about what destination he chose. We make it and he sits down on one of the chairs, dropping both of our carryons in the seat next to him, pulling me on to him so that my back was against his chest. As I rest against him, I stare at the terminal sign, waiting for it to switch to the next flights destination, since Ruel still won’t tell me where it is. As I wait for the destination to pop up, I hear Sylvie let out a yawn, already waiting to just go back to sleep since the flight is a late night one, even Coco is dressed in a soft dress, claiming it’s fashionable and sleep worthy. I can tell they all know where we’re going, since none of them are waiting to see, and all of them keep glancing at me with smiles while they wait for my reaction.
“Ruel you didn’t!” I almost screech out, standing up to turn around and face him, my hands covering my mouth in shock. Kate laughs as Ruel stands up and I instantly pull him into a hug, my eyes watering at the fact that he loves me so much to do this for me, having never had someone care about me this much before. “I love you, thank you. I can’t believe you’re taking me to Greece” I mumble out, looking up at him with teary eyes, watching him laugh before he reaches up and wipes my eyes, leaning down to give me a small kiss.
“You’re a star baby, I know what you’re worth, don’t forget that” he whispers in my ear, holding me against him with a smile, relieved that he chose the right place based off my interest in the show yesterday. “You can pay me back later” he lowly mutters, smirking as I pull away with a confused look, since there was no way I could afford to pay back everything this vacation was going to cost.
“Ruel I can’t afford that, otherwise I would have just taken us here in the first place” I tell him, growing more confused as he laughs at me, his hand reaching up to cup my face, the feeling of the two rings he’s wearing against my face causing me to shiver. He ignores me and grabs our bags, hearing our flight get called to board, my eyes widening in complete disbelief as he drags us in line for first class, having never experienced it on an overnight international flight like this. We make it on to the plane, my eyes taking in the first class pods, widening at the bed like seats. Ruel puts our two bags away, gesturing for me to get in the seat and sit down, Kate and Ralph behind us, while Coco and Sylvie are across the aisle from them.
“Put you on to things you thought were impossible huh” Ruel laughs out, watching as I run my hands over the soft chair, amazed with the luxurious treatment he was giving me. I wrap my arms around his neck, squeezing him as tight as I can, hoping he can understand how grateful I am for him and everything he does for me. He holds me against him, running his hand along my back, completely infatuated with me and the hold I have over him without even knowing it. “Feeling tired yet?” He questions, pulling away to look at me, pushing a few strands of hair that fell out of my bun behind my ear. I shake my head no, before my attention gets pulled to the flight attendant, who goes through the typical airplane safety rules.
The plane finally takes off, the flight attendant letting us know that we’ve reached 10,000 ft, so we’re able to recline our seats and take our phones out again. I pull out my phone, taking a quick selfie of Ruel and I, before doing a cute video of him laying back in his seat, giving me his smile that makes my heart stop for a second. I save the video, before putting my phone away, wanting to spend every second of this travel journey with him, and not online. He reaches over and reclines my seat, leaving the both of us laying down next to each other, giving me a mischievous look as the lights go down to a dark blue. He reaches under the seats, grabbing the one of the new blankets they have there for us, passing it to me so that I can get it situated.
I drag the blanket over his body, moving over so that I’m laying next to him, my body completely and utterly relaxed in the silence that’s surrounding us. I feel him adjust his arm next to me, his hand resting on my lower thigh, something he usually does when we’re just hanging out, so it raises no suspicions to me. I let out a gasp, my eyes widening as his hand starts to slip up the front of my skirt, watching him with wide eyes as he fully closes the divider to our airplane pod on the side. “Ruel stop, you can’t do this here” I whisper shout at him, watching the smirk rise on his face through the dark lighting of the plane, most of the other passengers already long asleep by now, the flight attendants situated for the easy night ahead of them.
He ignores my worried state, nudging the hand I used to try and push his away, to continue its way up my leg, finally reaching the waistband of my underwear, smirking at the way my body reacts when he slightly dips his finger under it and drags it across my hip. He leans over me and gives me a light kiss, before trailing kisses along my cheek, down to my jawline. I reach up and grip his shirt, trying to not make any noise as he goes down to my neck, lightly sucking and biting on my sweet spot, before he pulls away with swollen lips. I reach one of my hands up, lightly tracing his bottom lip with my thumb, eyes rolling back as he brings it into his mouth with a smirk, pulling away with a light popping noise.
“Put some faith in me” he mutters, lips attaching to mine in seconds, the worry of being caught disregarded almost instantly. He shifts his body so he’s fully laying back, pulling me on to his lap so I’m flush against him, but still completely out of view for any of the other passengers that might not be asleep yet. “Your fantasy” he quietly groans against my mouth, hinting at the naughty secret I had told him one night, a little more than buzzed that day when I spilled one of my most honest desires and secrets. He looks up at me through hooded eyes, a lazy smirk spread across his lips as he pulls away, nothing but pure desire filling his eyes.
I’m resting above him, forearms flat against his chest to hold me up enough to make eye contact, watching as his eyes start drinking in every part of my body visible. He eyes wander over my bun that’s now falling apart, my glazed over eyes, my shirt thats seconds away from being opened by him, and my barely covered legs that rest on either side of his waist. He runs his hands over my thighs, feeling the way the skirt barely covers me in this postion, knowing this was his plan all along for making me wear this outfit. He wraps his hand around the side of my throat, the cool metal of his rings causing my breath to hitch, before he pulls my face back to his, letting our lips barely brush against each other’s.
He shifts me against his lap, situating me on to one of his legs, causing his thigh to be fully pressed against me. He leans back completely against the lowered seat, resting both hands on my lower hips, and jolting his thigh up to encourage me to move. “Use me baby” he lowly mutters, his voice so deep it sends a shock to the deepest parts of me, my hips stuttering against his leg at the sound of it. He palms the sides of my hips before firmly grasping them, slowly but roughly dragging them down and back up along his leg, completely in a trance as he watches my eyes roll back in pleasure. I slide my hands up his chest and grip his shoulders, using the leverage to grind myself against him, my body jerking whenever the seam of his pants rubs against me. I bite down on his shoulder when he slips one of his hands down between us, my back arching towards him, and my hips slamming down against him. “Does that feel good baby?” He taunts me, grinning as I’m rendered speechless, my breathy gasps against his neck my only reply, unable to form words as I claw at his shoulders.
“Ruel your family is literally right behind us, we need to stop before you get us in trouble” I finally moan out and warn him, my mouth saying one thing, but my body telling me something different as he rolls his hips against mine in a swift motion, his thigh causing another jolt of blissful pleasure. He presses his lips against mine, muffling the sound of my choked groan, feeling his own rise up as I grind back down against him. “This is a bad idea, we’re going to get caught” I whisper against his mouth, moving back to press my face against his neck, feeling him ignore my warning as he grabs my hips and pulls me against him even harder.
“Don’t you think the thrill of getting caught is kinda hot? I know you do.. I can feel it” he grins, lifting my face from against him, watching the way my face instantly heats up at his insinuation. I push myself against him, craving any sort of friction that I can get, grinning as he throws his head back, mouth open in a silent moan. I slowly start to shuffle myself backwards, my hands instantly latching on to his waistband ready to unbutton and unzip them, only for him to grab my wrists and pin them against his lower abdomen. “What’re you doing?” He softly questions, pulling my back up to be level with his face, brushing the fallen strands back.
“I want to make you feel good, you’re doing so much for me, so I want to do something for you” I whine out into his ear, causing him to shake his head and let out a quiet hum of disagreement. He softly pushes me off of him, leaving me spread out on my back, chest heaving with anticipation at his next move. He moves on top of me, one of his hands moving from next to my head, down to the tie of my shirt. I watch him with wide eyes, his fingers slowly teasing me as he tugs at the bow, before pulling it and letting it come undone. He tugs the shirt apart, leaving my chest completely in view, my lace bra being the only thing covering me.
“Baby you could be out a magazine” he practically groans out, lips pressing along my collarbones, before he makes his way down to the top of my chest. I tangle my hands in his hair, feeling him suck at bite at my skin, not caring about the marks that will be visible after this flight. I whimper as his hand comes up, cupping my chest over my bra, lightly squeezing before trailing his hand down my stomach, tugging at the waistband of my skirt before letting it snap back against my skin. “This is about you and only you. Making you feel good, makes me feel good” he mumbles against my chest, pulling one of my legs to wrap around his waist, my skirt completely bunching up around my hips, the only thing keeping me covered being his body resting between my legs.
“Ruel please” I whine out, my voice so quiet only he can hear me, his hips expertly rolling against mine to the point where I’m not sure how much more I can take. My heart races when he slides a hand up to my neck, wrapping his fingers around my throat as he squeezes down, just enough to leave me light headed and absolutely craving more from him. He keeps his grip as he connects our lips, pressing into me as he keeps up his steady pace rolling against me, his tongue sliding against mine as I open my mouth for him. He pulls away, his lips swollen and shiny, and a blush covering his face from the heat surrounding us, his body absolutely warm to the touch as he lays his hand against my leg.
He drags a finger from my inner knee, to my inner thigh, lightly swirling it around as I buck my hips up at the sensitive feeling, a small laugh coming out of him at my eagerness. He moves his hands to the front of my underwear, tracing the pattern of the lace, but making sure to not touch me where I needed him most. My mouth falls open in a silent moan as he slowly grinds himself forward, tilting his hips at an angle where I feel all of him, both of us grasping each other at the feeling being heightened from the high risk situation we’re in. He uses two fingers to wrap around my waistband, lightly tugging on them, until they slowly start to make their way down my thighs, his eyes trained on mine, the intimacy of his touch making me unable to look away. He gets them off of me, settling back between my legs, giving me a teasing grin as he shoves them into his back pocket, my heart racing as I realize I’m exposed in ways I’ve never been in public before.
“Please. I need you.” I gasp out, eyes rolling at the feeling of his pants against me, the rough texture causing my back to arch against him in a desperate plea for more. His eyes light up, finally hearing the words he’s desperately been waiting for, the encouragement to take it to the next level. He softly shuffles me up the seat, before fully settling between my legs, watching as my eyes widen at the position, my legs closing at the proximity of his face to my most intimate region.
He slips his hands between them and spreads them apart, his face now hovering over my lower abdomen, his eyes drifting down and gazing over my exposed body. He lowers his face and I can feel his deep breathing hit my exposed skin, his hands pressing down as he feels me jerk my hips up, unable to hide my lust and need for him. “Only you can make me feel good, please” I whimper out, my flushed face looking down at him, feeling a rush of adrenaline flow through me as he smirks and lowers his face. He reaches up and intertwines one my hand with his, his other hand gripping my leg open so hard, I’m sure a hand print will be visible by the time we’re off of this flight.
He gives me a grin, so sinful that even the devil would blush, before letting go of my leg and raising his hand towards my face. My eyes droop closed as I wrap my lips around his two fingers, swirling my tongue around the digits and lightly sucking, letting him pull them away as a trail of saliva is still connecting them to my lips. He moves his now wet fingers down to where I so desperately need and crave them, before giving me one last look, and uttering words that are followed by a state of nothing but pure and unfiltered bliss.
“Take my hand, to your fantasy” is all I hear before my eyes roll back and his mouth finally connects.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
So Henry, you want to start a YouTube channel? - Chapter 2
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Summary: Twenty five year old YouTuber Sandy Choi has no idea that one of her five million subscribers is the one and only Henry Cavill. When he asks her to help him out with starting his own YouTube channel, she falls more and more in love with her. But she should’ve known that dating one of the most desirable bachelors, does come with a prize.
Henry Cavill x Sandy Choi (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 2.1k
A/N: If you want to be on the taglist, please let me know xx
Masterlist // Channel introduction // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Henry can’t believe that he had the guts to ask the Sandy Choi to join him on his walk. He is too afraid to slide into her DM’s, let alone to follow her on Instagram, but this he can do?
He just knows that Jackson is going to haunt him with this for a very long time.
He sits on a park bench, nervously moving his leg up and down. It’s cooling down nicely and the spot he has chosen, has a little beach, with a nice lake for Kal to swim in.
Henry rethought his outfit about five times. He wanted something casual, but nothing too sloppy. Sandy always looks so put together in her vlogs and since she had to get ready, he simply knows that she’ll look absolutely stunning.
He looks at his black running shorts, that he paired with a white shirt and some black sneakers. It’s nothing too much, but he doesn’t want her to think that he is a try hard. Besides, this is probably the only outfit that doesn’t suffocate him to death, especially with the aftermaths of today’s temperatures.
He keeps out looking for her. Was it impersonal of him to just sent her his location? Should’ve he picked her up from her house? But what if she’s not comfortable with that?
God, his mind is running all over the place. Kal whines a bit, a nice distraction for a few seconds. ‘I know, but we have to wait a bit for Sandy.’
The fact that he met her friend Lacey last night during one of Jackson’s party. Normally he isn’t too keen on those parties, but this one, he felt like he should go and thank God he did. He has Sandy Choi’s number and texting her has been such a thrill. He has neglected the things he needed to do, solely so he could focus on texting her. She was funny, witty and Henry couldn’t get the idiotic grin off his face.
He stares to his left, before he finally turns his attention to his right. His breath gets caught in his throat. He admired her on her Instagram account (that he would search for every single day, because he couldn’t seem to follow her, too afraid to do so) and on her vlogs, but nothing prepared him for seeing her in real life.
She is wearing a blue and white tartan dress, with tiny sleeves. It comes halfway her thighs and she paired some old white sneakers and some socks with a lace border with it. He knows this dress, he has seen it in quite a few of her vlogs. He can sometimes barely remember the names of the interviewers who just introduced themselves, but this he remembers.
Sandy runs her fingers through her long locks and looks up from her phone, scanning the area. Her eyes finally land on him and a timid smile appears on her face, before she walks up to him.
Henry notices a small change in her body language. The way her shoulders are tense, he can tell she’s nervous. To be fair, he is too, but he knows he can hide it a lot better.
‘Hi,’ he says, holding up his hand, immediately regretting it. God, he looks like a moron.
She stops about four meters apart from him, fidgeting her hands. ‘Hi.’ Her voice matches her appearance: tiny and sweet.
‘How are you?’ he asks, shoving his hand in his pocket, not quite knowing what to do with it.
‘I’m good, thank you.’
Kal gets up from his spot and Henry realizes that he for a second forgot that he brought a dog with him. His own dog for that matter. Sandy holds out her hand when he is nearing her and she smiles. ‘Hi there,’ she says, her voice a little higher as one does when talking to an animal. ‘I never expected you to be this big.’ She scratches him behind his ears and Kal wags his tail.
‘Shall we go?’ Henry asks.
The only things he earns from her is a nod and a soft: ‘Mhm’.
Is he doing something wrong? Was he too forward by asking her to join him? He usually is never this nervous around people, around women for that matter, but Sandy Choi is doing something to him.
They watch as Kal walks in front of them, sniffing trees, marking his territory. She hasn’t said anything so far, something he doesn’t understand. They were texting for hours on end and he enjoyed himself. He loved every second of it. There was never an awkward silence and she was pretty talkative, really funny and witty.
What has changed?
‘What have you been doing today?’ he asks, desperately needing to get a conversation going. ‘Besides texting me.’
She finally looks up, her brown eyes meeting his. It doesn’t last long though, because she averts her eyes and stares at Kal again. She has a soft smile toying on her lips though and she says: ‘I’ve been slowly destructing my own house, because you keep on distracting me.’
He nearly buffs out his chest. ‘Oh, I have I now?’
Kal rushes towards them. He seems to like Sandy, because he keeps on checking in on her, sniffing her hand and licking it in the process. He can’t really seem to pull himself away from Sandy and Henry totally understands. Though she has been pretty timid, it’s something about her presence that is oddly calming.
‘He likes you,’ Henry notes.
‘Good thing I like him too, then.’
‘You don’t have pets, have you?’
‘You tell me.’ She still doesn’t look at him, but he likes those tiny remarks she makes. He figures she is getting more comfortable around him. ‘I’ve heard you have been watching my vlogs intently.’
Henry can’t stop the chuckle, though his cheeks flame of embarrassment. ‘Well, you don’t have one, that I know. Is it because you don’t want one?’
‘I want a pet, preferably a dog, but my landlord doesn’t allow it. If my life wasn’t plastered on the internet, I would’ve hidden one there, but I know he watches my channel too, so that’s out of the window really.’ Her gaze falls on Kal, who sprints towards the water.
The two of them stand in the sand, staring at Kal, who is getting it in his head. The entire day he was down on the tiles in the bathroom, since that’s the coldest spot in his home. Right now, feeling the refreshment of the water, it causes him to go crazy. Henry has seen it before this week, whenever he would walk him here at the end of the day, so Kal could cool off.
He watches his dog jumping in and out of the water, running circles on the grass around them. ‘He is mad,’ he mentions.
She snickers softly. ‘He seems like a sweetheart.’
Henry looks to the side. She chewing on the inside of her cheek, but finally Sandy actually looks up at him. She doesn’t look away instantly. ‘What?’ she asks him. ‘Is there something on my face?’
‘No, no,’ he says. ‘Just that—’
Before he can finish his sentence, Kal rushes through the gap between them, only he bumps with his wet side against her legs. She wasn’t totally prepared for the force that comes with Kal. He knows from watching her vlogs that she can be a klutz from time to time and standing here in the sand, can’t be good. He sees that she is losing her balance, so he quickly steps forward and wraps his arm around her waist, preventing her from falling backwards in the sand.
It was a reflex, but now he is actually holding her, his hand on her side, hers resting on his bicep. His heart nearly beats out of his chest, to a point where every heartbeat hurts a bit. He never would’ve thought that he’d be this close to her. The smell of her perfume, a sweet flowery scent.
She quickly blinks her eyes and swallows hard, not breaking eye contact with him. He notices her pupil enlarges a bit in her dark eyes, though the sun is shining on them. ‘Thanks,’ she whispers.
‘I’m sorry, he can be a bit—’
‘It’s okay,’ Sandy interrupts him, a blush apparent on her cheeks.
Then Henry realizes he is still holding her and he retreats his arm, her soft hand grazing over his lower arm and his wrist. ‘Are you okay?’
That mhm again. Is that a good mhm, a bad mhm? ‘Oh, no, your shoes and legs,’ Henry notices, cringing at the sight of how she looks. God, he shouldn’t have gone here. Her shoes are marked with a print of Kal’s muddy paw and her legs have stripes of mud on it.
‘Don’t worry about it,’ she says. ‘It’s okay. Comes with a dog, right?’
‘I’m truly sorry,’ Henry continues to apologize, but yet again she simply shakes her head.
‘Really, don’t worry about it, Henry. It’s totally fine. I have a washing machine back home.’
The way his name sounds when she says it… He all of the sudden likes his name a lot more. Kal rushes towards them and with a stern voice, Henry tells Kal to stop. He obeys, but Henry knows the look on the face of his furry companion. He can see it in the way the big American Akita stands. The dog wants to shake the water and mud off of himself. Henry pulls Sandy by her arm and hides her behind his broad body, while the droplets of water mixed with mud cover his face and his white shirt.
To make things even worse, Kal places his front legs on Henry’s chest, wanting to lick his face. ‘Down, Kal, down.’
Kal stands with all of his four paws on the sand again and he hears a soft giggle from behind him. He turns around, only to see Sandy with her hands covering her mouth. ‘How do I look?’ he asks her, an amused smile on his face. He looks at the prints on his chest and he can only imagine how his face looks like, judging from his arms.
‘Like you need a bath.’ She smiles at him and it’s the brightest smile he has seen of her so far. He just knows that he’ll dream about that exact smile, the way her eyes brighten up as well. ‘Thank you,’ she says, ‘you are truly a gentleman, Henry.’
The silence between them isn’t awkward anymore, but it’s actually kind of soothing as they continue their walk. Slowly they are talking a bit more, about the sky, the hot air balloons they see and she constantly tells him where she sees a cat, so he can brace himself before Kal pulls the leash, wanting to chase the animals.
Henry decides to live up to the title she has given him, and actually walk her home now, like a real gentleman. ‘What was it like setting up a YouTube channel?’ Henry decides to ask her.
‘It was terrifying,’ she honestly admits. ‘But was the best decision I’ve ever made. Before I uploaded my first video, I made like seven videos prior, but they weren’t good enough in my eyes.’
‘You’re a perfectionist?’
‘Pretty much. Why?’
‘I was wondering,’ Henry says, as they stop walking, indicating they are at her apartment building. ‘I’ve been thinking about setting up a channel of my own.’
‘Really?’ she asks him. ‘That’s exciting. What kind of channel?’
‘Something with maybe building some pc’s or work out videos, tips, gaming, maybe even some vlogs, if I’m interesting enough. I don’t know, but… Why are you smiling, Sandy?’ He crosses his arms in front of his chest, looking at the petite woman who is standing in front of him.
‘You thought that uploading those videos on IGTV wasn’t enough already? Give your fans a break, Henry.’ She runs her fingers through her hair and adds: ‘But I think that it’s really great that you want to do that.’
‘Could you help me out?’ he blurts out.
Sandy’s eyes widen. ‘You want me to help you out? Why?’
‘Because you are talented. I feel like you are the person that could help me out. If you have time of course. I mean, I get that you have more to do than help an idiot create a YouTube channel. You know what, forget I mentioned it. I hope you have a pleasant evening and we’ll probably meet again or not, because I totally ruined it by suggesting this.’ After his ramble, Henry turns around to walk away with Kal.
Fuck, he is so stupid. God, why did he even tell her this? She is probably scared away now and he totally understands. It almost sounds like that is the reason why he wanted to talk to her.
‘Wait,’ Sandy says, causing not only Henry, but also Kal to listen. ‘I want to help you out. It would be my pleasure to help you setting up your channel.’
‘Really?’ He looks at her after he turned around. ‘You’d do that?’
‘Mhm, only you have to know that I take this kind of thing very seriously.’ She is holding her keys in her hand. ‘Does tomorrow work for you?’
She wants to meet with him again! He didn’t scare her away, he actually made her come back. He holds back his excitement. ‘Tomorrow works for me. I’ll text you the address tonight, okay?’
‘Okay.’ She fumbles with the keys, staring at them, before she makes eye contact with him again. She bites her lower lip and finally says: ‘I’ll see you tomorrow then, Henry.’
‘See you tomorrow, Sandy.’
Sandy pushes in the key in the lock and holds up her hand to wave at him. He quickly waves back and he watches her step inside. ‘Did you hear that, Kal?’ he asks the dirty dog, who he definitely needs to bathe when they get home. ‘She’s coming over tomorrow. I should buy something sweet for her. She likes chocolate, so I should get that for her. Oh fuck, I need to clean up. I don’t want her to think that I live in a bachelor pad.’
Grateful that he wore his running shoes, he takes a sprint with Kal, a smile on his face and it doesn’t fall off, even when he is already home.
Sandy Choi is coming over tomorrow.
Taglist: @flhorah​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @toomanystoriessolittletime​ // @tumblnewby // @newts-fan-case​
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marvelmadam08 · 4 years
Baby Blues 7/?
Summary: Alex gets good news, bad news, distressing news and come to harsh realization.
Warnings: none
A/N: Once again, I’m sorry for the delay everyone. This pass Sunday was beyond emotional and high tense. And today I bought Midnight Sun (don’t judge me)
4 Weeks (and 5 Days)
Alex was able to get more than just four hours of sleep. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Alex woke up to Dodger standing over her, his leash in his mouth.
"Good morning to you too." She nudged him back so she could sit up "Wanna go for a walk bubba?"
His tail wagged, dropping the leash in her lap.
"Alright, I'm coming, let me put on some pants." She stretched. Dodger leaped off the bed, barking happily. "Shh, you're gonna wake-"
Ace is startled awake, crying and whining. Alex let out a whine herself before going to calm her son.
"It's okay, Dodger didn't mean to scare you." She held him close, his cries already dying down "Let's get some fresh air."
Dodger followed Alex around, waiting for her to get Ace ready. First she changed him, then she fed and dressed him before going to get dressed herself.
"Almost ready Dodge." She pets the top of his head in passing to put together a baby bag for Ace
She didn’t plan to over stuff the bag, however after putting in several diapers, three burp cloths, four fresh onesies, some socks and a hat in case he got cold, and then a blanket to cover the stroller; she realized she forgot the wipes and started over.
Dodger whined, sitting by the door getting a little antsy.
“We’re going.” Alex picked Ace up from his bassinet, giving him a soft pat on his back. Spit up spewed out of his mouth, running down the side of Alex’s neck and the front of her shirt and dribbled down his chin. 
Alex gagged from the smell, rushing into the bathroom to clean up. Ace didn’t like being set down in the baby bath tub, squirming around and whining.
“Shh, it’s okay baby.” Alex carefully took off the shirt, using it to clean herself off before tossing it in the direction of the hamper
“Uh Alex!” Her mother called out 
Alex started to remove Ace’s clothes “Yeah?” 
“Dodger just had a little accident in the hall.”
“Oh no, I’ll clean it up in a sec. Alexander threw up all over me!”
Ace was wailing at this point, now cold and striped back down to his diaper. Renee poked her head in the bathroom.
"Is he okay?"
"He doesn't like being in the baby tub. Can you dress him while I go clean up after Dodger?"
“Sure sweetie.”
“Dodger?” Alex called out for him, she found Dodger hiding under the kitchen table when she went to grab the mop. “I’m not mad bubba, it’s not your fault. And we’re gonna go for a walk soon.”
He remained in his spot, ears low.
After the mess was cleaned, Alex took Dodger out for his walk, Renee volunteering to watch Ace until she got back. Alex didn’t like having to leave him behind, but after the small run in with a few nosy cameras, she felt less guilty about it. She could see the captions now “Alex spotted without newborn son!”
Chris was right about people feeling entitled after the first view of Ace, didn’t change the fact that she was still upset with him. 
“Back home.” Alex unhooked the leash once she opened the front door, Dodger rushed inside. “Good boy bubba. Ma, I’m back.”
 Alex stopped mid-stride looking around the living room almost filled to the ceiling with sunflowers, her favorites, and one large teddy bear with a note attached to it. She instantly recognized Chris’s handwriting.
“‘I’m sorry for what I said in anger, I was wrong. I love you, Chris’.” Alex smiled and pulled a flower from one of the bouquets “I will say this, he knows how to apologize.” 
“Alex, can you come here.” Renee called out from the kitchen “And don’t panic.”
“Panic about what?” Alex ran into kitchen. Her mother was sitting with Ace in her arms, and a humidifier in front of them. “What happened?”
“He sounded a little congested, I figured having him by the humidifier would help.”
“How congested? Like he needs to see a doctor?” Alex didn’t give her mother a chance to speak “I’m gonna call a doctor just in case. When did it start again? Does he have a fever? Rash? I need to know so I can tell his doctor.”
“Alex, breathe. It’s common for babies to be a little congested.”
“I know Mom, but congestion leads to colds, which leads to the flu.” Alex started looking through her phone for the pediatrician's number 
“I said the same thing when you and your brother got sick. And I put you in front of a pot of boiling water and eucalyptus oil.”
“Ooh a big, hot, metal pot of boiling water and oil? Ma, you know how dangerous that could be.”
“The humidifier was in the shop, and it cleared up your sinuses just fine.” Renee kissed the top on Ace’s head “I honestly think some fresh air would do him some good. He’s been cooped up inside since you brought him home.”
“And you think that taking him outside with the pollution, germs and pollen- the flowers. I gotta get rid of the flowers.” Alex marched back to the living room and started to pick up as many bouquets as she could, Renee followed behind her.
“Alexandria if you don’t put those down I’m putting you on the first flight to Port St. Lucie, so you could swaddle your father instead of me.”
“What’s wrong with Dad?” 
“He threw his back out trying to move a bookshelf, your cousin found him army crawling towards the phone.”
“Oh my god, is he okay?” Alex set the flowers down again
“Yeah, but you know how he gets when he’s sick. Men are such babies.” she looked to Ace, sucking on his fingers “No offense. But I have to go back and make sure he’s okay.”
Alex looked to her son “So it’s just gonna be me and Ace then?”
“Hey,” Renee spoke gently “if you need me to stay and help out a little more-”
“No, no you go make sure Dad is okay.” she took Ace into her arms “Besides Chris’s whole family is here, if I need any help I can call them.”
Renee smiled proudly “That’s my girl. You and Alexander are gonna be just fine.”
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screpdoodle · 3 years
Duality - Chapter One (The Diabolical Ways of the Deciduous Demon Outside my Window)
"KAOS!! Get down here! We're going to be late!!"
Early morning sunlight dappled through the smudged windowpane, the chirping of birds mingling with the songs of the warm autumn wind working its way through the cracks. All things given, it seemed like a perfect morning. That assumption, though, was a misplaced one. At least to the young boy in the bed. He opened one eye, took one look at his window, and pulled the blankets over his head with a groan. The light stung his eyes, making him crave for the sweet embrace of dreams once more. Maybe if he just closed his eyes, it would all just fade away-
Tap tap tap
He flinched, then peered out from beneath his covers, pulling them down just to the bridge of his nose. Tap tap tap. It was back. The warm autumn breeze brought with it that no good tree branch, the warm toned leaves swaying with every tap against the glass. The boy squinted, then laid back down, pulling the blankets tighter around his head. If he just ignored it, the tree wouldn't notice he was there. It would go away, realizing it was a futile attempt to gain his attention. Whatever the tree wanted, he wasn't curious enough to risk finding out.
Tap tap tap. Tick tick tick.
He covered his ears, he wasn't listening. He didn't have time to deal with the tree and the ticking. There wasn't enough time in the world to deal with both. And yet, here they both were. That itching at the back of his mind, and that incessant tapping against the glass.
Tap tick tick. Tap tick tick.
Every moment of silence he could have been relishing was filled with those Ancients awful noises. How long has passed? A minute? A moment? He couldn't tell. All he could focus on was that stupid tree.
Tick tap tick tap tick tap.
In one movement, the boy sat up, throwing his blankets to the ground as forcefully as he could muster, facing the source of his problems.
"For the Ancients' sake, would you shut the f-"
"Kaos!!" The boy screamed as the door was flung open, nearly causing him to fall from his loft, grabbing the pillow in self defense. "Ancients, what is taking you so long?! Mother took Mey to school already, and at this rate you're going to miss the bus! Get dressed and get downstairs!!"
The door was slammed shut just as quickly as it opened, leaving the boy alone in his room. A small room, with walls lined with papers, a soot stained carpet and a desk set beneath the window. The sun bathed everything in a warm light, leaving the still burning candle on its surface obsolete for the time being. Still in shock, clutching his pillow like a weapon, Kaos slowly gathered himself, then climbed down the ladder, still clutching the pillow in his off hand in case he needed to use it. Which he most likely wouldn't. But it never hurt to be prepared. With a huff, he eyed the tree branch one last time, its pesky attempts to grab his attention finally coming to an end. It sat there, perfectly still - aside from the dancing leaves that yearned to be carried away with the fall winds. Oh, how he wished he could join them. For good measure, Kaos threw his pillow at the window, making sure the tree knew who was boss, before venturing over to his closet. His closet was a box. Of course, he had a real closet, set into the wall across from his loft, but he had never bothered to store his clothes in there. No, that was for storing other things. The box did quite nicely for the minimal amount of outfits he owned. Most of which were piled under his loft, waiting to be washed. Kaos half the time forgot they were there, along with some of Mey's clothes that he had borrowed; and some of his brother's that he had… Liberated from languishing beneath his bed with old socks and unfinished homework from grades passed. It was a mystery how Dyskord had ever managed to graduate, Kaos thought as he fished through the unfolded clothes stored within his closet box. Finally, he settled on the same things he always wore, which were sitting to the side of the box. He stumbled back as he pulled on his black sweats, wriggled into his tunic, slipped on his canvas shoes and grabbed a miscellaneous hairbrush he was pretty sure didn't actually belong to him. Kaos pulled the comb through his hair as he scrambled down the stairs, mumbling to himself as he chucked it to the side (Mother or Dyskord would pick it up eventually), grabbed his long coat off its hook, then careened into the kitchen as he put it on. The coat was far too big for him, swallowing his wiry frame whole like some beast made of shadows. Kaos hoped he would someday grow into it, but he had owned it for years now and no such luck had befallen him. Kaos climbed up onto the kitchen counter, eyeing his prize. The cookie tin, his ceremonial breakfast whenever Mother was out of the house. He pulled the lid off, then peered inside - only a few left. Just as Kaos reached his little hand down into the metal tin, Dyskord walked through the back door, tracking mud onto the scuffed tile flooring.
"What do you think you're doing," he spoke, kicking his boots off, never once taking his eyes off Kaos.
"Oh, please. Like you'd tell Mother," Kaos rolled his eyes, sliding the cookie jar back into place, his bounty in hand.
"Maybe I will."
"Then maybe I'll have to tell her who really passed your final exams for you, brother."
The two locked death glares, the only noise being that of the leaky faucet and the occasion chirp of the birds outside. Kaos cracked a smile, Dyskord following.
"Just grab me one too, short stack. Then we've gotta go."
Kaos shoved the cookie into his mouth, then grabbed the tin once more. His face reflected back at him on the polished sides. Big eyes the color of copper, a piggish upturned nose, his cheeks puffed out like an chipsquirrel's, gathering food for the winter. Cookie crumbs mingled with the imperfections that littered his skin, freckles, blemishes, and his birthmarks - mirrored patches of darker skin that clustered around his eyes. They had gotten lighter with age, but they still bugged him sometimes. One little snaggletooth stuck out from the corner of his mouth - an issue that could have been fixed with braces. If he hasn't broken them nearly the day after he got them. He may not have been the 'peak of perfection', but Kaos didn't mind. It made him unique. It made him… special. Though, that paired with his lackluster height usually ended up with him being at the receiving end of a bullying entourage.
"You got everything you need, baby brother?"
Kaos nodded, then hopped down from the counter. "Yes, mother. I have everything."
Dyskord rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Backpack?"
"At the front door."
"Won't be there long enough to need one."
"Harvested it last night."
"Well, aren't you prepared," Dyskord chuckled. "Specimen?"
"That’s your job, remember?" Kaos smirked. "I have it all thought out, Dyskord. Don't worry."
"Well then, what's your plan for when Mother finds out?"
"Who said she'll find out? The only way she would is if someone rats me out." Kaos took a bite from his second cookie, handing the extra to Dyskord as he pushed past into the main hall. The high ceilings and towering walls making him seem even smaller; like an ant in a dollhouse.
"If I'm this deep in, why would I rat you out and risk getting in trouble myself?"
Kaos shrugged, walking backwards so that he could watch Dyskord's movements. "I don't know, brother, but the only variable that could possibly go wrong is you. So as long as you play along, everything should be absolutely peachy~" He grinned, then shoved the rest of the cookie into his mouth. It tasted a little old, probably a month or two, but a stale cookie was better than no cookie. And at least Kaos knew that batch hadn't been poisoned.
Dyskord chuckled dryly, placing the cookie in the little leather satchel that hung at his hip. Kaos knew he'd probably eat it later. Dyskord could never resist a cookie. "Alright, alright, tiny genius. I'll trust you on this. But don't blame me when this plan fails too."
"It won't. Trust me."
Kaos grabbed his backpack off its hook, unzipping it just to triple check its contents. It never hurt to be certain.
"You got your diary~?"
Kaos whipped around, glaring. "It's not a diary! It's my journal of doom!!"
Dyskord patted Kaos on the head, ruffling his umber hair, a condescending smile on his lips. "Sure it is, baby brother."
Kaos grumbled under his breath, turning back to his backpack. He shrugged Dyskord off, trying to focus. Sure enough it was all there. Homework, lunchbox, communicator, his 'journal' - everything important was there and accounted for. As Kaos struggled to zip up his backpack once more, his gaze drifted to the portrait that hung above the door. His family, painted in exquisite detail, framed by an intricate wooden frame. Dyskord, with his old ashy blonde hair (Kaos had suggested he dye it neon green since it was a similar level of horrible against his skin tone, but Dyskord had insisted on vibrant silver.) Mey sat on Mother's lap, creasing the dress she had spent all of the previous day ironing to get it absolutely pristine, because she wouldn't sit still. Mother bore her usual scoul, contrasted by Mey's wide grin. If their expressions weren't so different, Mey might have been mistaken for a younger Mother. Father stood to the side of her, behind Dyskord, wearing a similar expression to his wife. Kaos had been surprised he hadn't been absent for that too. Looking down to where he was immortalized in paint, Kaos stood the front - where the painter had instructed him to stand; wearing a matching suit and tie like the rest of his siblings - though he at least still had his scarf. Black and grey striped knit that was as long as he was tall, coiled around his neck and draped over his shoulder. Kaos never went anywhere without his scarf, and even though he heard Hel from Father afterwards, it was worth it. As Kaos slung his backpack over his shoulder, he trailed his hand to his neck, reaching to feel the soft warmth of his scarf. Instead, his hand only met skin.
"C'mon Kaos, we gotta get going. We don't want you being late for-"
"My scarf!!" Kaos shouted. "Where's my scarf!?"
"Kaos, it's not even that cold out. You don't need your- oooor you can go get it. That's fine too, I guess." Dyskord watched as Kaos chucked his overstuffed backpack to the side, the contents spilling across the floorboards as he raced upstairs to his room. He swore, Kaos would be the death of him one of these days, but at least his life was interesting with him around. Dyskord just wished he wasn't so, well, chaotic. But he supposed that came with the name.
Kaos threw the door to his room open, his breath catching in his throat. He had been wearing it when he fell asleep, where could it have gotten off to!? Had he taken it off when he got dressed? No, it wasn't by his closet box. Was it in his loft? No, no. Maybe it was in the blanket pile he had created that morning. Or maybe it was- Kaos froze, slowly turning towards the window, the familiar tap tap tapping of the tree branch against the grimy glass greeting him.
"You," he glowered at the tree branch, carefully approaching the window. "What did you do with it!?"
The tree branch just continued its endless rapping against the window pane, mocking him, oblivious to the enemy it had made. Kaos stormed forward, climbing up onto his desk, kicking the papers that covered it onto the ground.
"Give it back now!!" He pressed his face against the glass. "Or so help me, you will meet your untimely demise!!"
He was given no response. Not that Kaos expected one. The trees were always conniving, this one especially. They seemed innocent, but beneath that bark was a dastardly deciduous demon, lulling him into a false sense of security, laying in wait. But Kaos knew. Kaos knew the truth about these creatures. And he wouldn't let them get the upper hand. Never once taking his eyes from the branch, Kaos slid open his window slowly, then peered out. There it was, as he had assumed, his scarf. In the patchy grass, between the gnarled roots of the beast. He shot the tree one last glare, muttering to himself, then stepped out onto the small ledge right outside his window. At least that was a perk of being small, he could fit into spaces others couldn't. Kaos stood up, balancing himself against the wall, holding onto one of the few bricks that jutted out from the flush surface. He had done this many a time, but every time he felt butterflies congregating within his stomach, a few fluttering into his throat. The wind in his hair, the view of the forest beyond- painted in autumnal colors of deep purples and dry oranges, the grounds below in desperate need of tending. All of it flooding his senses, paired with the impending damage he would receive at one wrong move. It was all… magnificent. But admiring the view wasn't what he was here to do, no. Kaos shook his head, reaching out to grab the closest branch, hoisting himself into it. The tree may have been a conniving, callous creature, but at least it served a purpose. That being a way for Kaos to get to the ground without completely shattering all of his fragile little bones.
"Kaos, come on!!" He heard Dyskord call from inside. "I have other stuff I need to do today, if you don't hurry up you'll have to take the school ship!!"
Kaos rolled his eyes, carefully stepping down onto the next branch. Dyskord was so impatient. He'd get down, grab his scarf, and they'd be on their way before his older brother could utter another idiotic sentence. Kaos slid onto another branch, this one bending slightly under his weight. He shot the tree a glare, as if daring it to try something, before stepping onto the next one. This one, unluckily, wasn't so forgiving. Before Kaos knew what was happening, the branch had buckled beneath him, sending him crashing to the ground - the branches he fell past slicing at his skin. At least the damp earth was there to soften his fall. Kaos propped himself up on his arms, spitting out a chunk of dirt as he silently cursed himself out for letting down his guard. At least he has his scarf. Kaos stood up, brushing the dirt from his clothes best he could before assessing the damage. A few cuts here and there, his coat would definitely need some stitches, but at least nothing was broken. Kaos scooped his scarf up, wrapped it loosely around his neck, then froze. He heard the sound of an engine revving up, the realization hitting him all too late.
"WAIT!!" Kaos shouted, making a mad dash for the front door. "Dyskord, I'M COMING!!"
As Kaos rounded the corner, three things crossed his mind. His backpack laying on the path that lead up to the door, the idiocracy of his older brother; and the boat that belonged to the very same, the one that was usually docked at the edge of the island, now whirring off into the horizon without him.
"YOU IDIOT!!" Kaos shouted, skidding to a stop. He swore he heard his brother laughing over the sound of the motor, which was quickly fading away. "I'M TELLING MOTHER!!"
Of course he wouldn't. Telling Mother had become an empty threat within the family, no longer holding any weight after countless empty promises of "Mother'll hear about this" and "I'm telling mom" (the latter usually used by Mey) had been thrown around for years. But it was the only comeback he could dream up in the moment. He had other problems than coming up with a witty response that Dyskord couldn't even hear. He'd get him back later. After he was done with his current plan. Then he'd have all the time in the world to get back at Dyskord for being a complete ignoramus and putting a petty act of defiance over the welfare of the plan. That's what Kaos got for letting him in on it, he supposed, kicking a loose pathing tile out of frustration. His kick barely dislodged it, but it was at least something. Kaos grabbed his bag up off of the ground, finally noticing the note taped to it. Have fun taking the school ship. Of course. Kaos crumpled the note up as he swung the backpack over his shoulder, muttering to himself all the while. He looked around, starting to head in the direction the school ship usually docked. It was quite a ways away, so the sooner he left, the better chances he had of catching it. Why it didn't dock closer to his home was beyond him, and despite the complaints he had lodged with the school board and his mother, no changes had been made. Rolling fields of splotchy, yellowing grass were laid out before Kaos, broken up by the occasional stone pathway. Cracking with age and broken up like a checkerboard. The wound through the dirt haphazardly, interrupted by the occasional tree (which Kaos did his best to keep his distance from) or the start of a rickety bridge that connected the nearby islands. On his usual walks, Kaos would have stopped on the bridges, kneeling down and seeing how far down he could reach into the abyss below, waiting for something to float by that he could possibly add to his collections. Today, he had no time for that. Today, he actually had somewhere to be. Kaos counted his steps, glancing over his shoulder occasionally to watch as his home got smaller and smaller. From here, it looked normal. Simple even. But the imposing aura it cast still lingered in the air. The tall spires piercing the wispy clouds themselves, high stone walls and arched windows covered in moss and ivy. An overbearing, ancient labyrinth of a castle Kaos called home. Sometimes Kaos was convinced the place was still standing because of the grime it was caked in, which was the excuse he gave himself whenever it came to cleaning. If he did a good job, he might not have a home to go back to. It was an excuse Mother was never fond of. Kaos remembered one year he had been put on ivy duty during their yearly cleaning. He had encountered a particularly dastardly tangle of vines on the west side, one that had kept him trapped for the majority of the day. Mother had found him deep asleep in their verdant web after the sun had set, and Kaos hadn't been allowed near that part of the castle for a good while afterwards. Kaos sighed, a smile creeping its way onto his face at the memory, his home now simply a silhouette against the backdrop of the endless sky. He looked ahead, finally making out his target. The old barge that served as the school ship. Badly, at that. It was only a few islands away, where the grass was more lush and the terrain less harsh. Kaos picked up his speed, going from a light jog to a sprint, barely feeling his feet touch the ground. He was gonna make it. He could still see students boarding, he still had time, he could still make it.
"WAIT! WAIT!!" He shouted, causing a few heads to turn, but only for a brief moment.
Kaos forced himself through the crowd, nearly doubling over as he struggled to catch his breath, one hand on the strap of his backpack and the other on his scarf, just making sure it was still there. He ignored the dirty looks he was getting as the line began moving again, following the students ahead of him up the ramp. Even from his low vantage point he could tell the state of the ship. Noisy and overcrowded, with just a sprinkle of staff trying desperately to keep order. The chatter of students loud enough to make the patchwork steel hull of the ship vibrate. Kaos found his mind wandering as he and the rest of the students were herded onto the ship like animals, personal space a thing of the past. Everyone around him was at least double Kaos' height, leaving him lost in a forest of legs and torsos shuffling him forward. It would have been humiliating if he wasn't used to it. Ever since he was little, (well, littler) he had been the runt of the litter. Mother had wanted to hold him back because of it, even though she admitted he was smart enough to be a grade ahead. But here he was, stuck in a sea of people all taller than him, even at a grade lower than he should have been. At least that meant he excelled compared to everyone else - when he actually applied himself, that is. It was so hard to apply himself when everything was so easy. Kaos wanted a challenge, he needed one, he-
Kaos stumbled back, bumping into the person behind him. He clutched his hands over his ears, the world vibrating around him. He faintly heard the person behind him mutter something as they pushed past, pulling him back to reality. What in the Ancients' names was that?! Kaos looked around, stepping off of the ramp and onto the deck of the ship, feeling the engine start to whir to life. He frowned. It must've just been a misfire of the engine. The ship was old and broken, misfires were bound to happen. But even then, Kaos couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Kaos peered over the edge of the ship, watching as the island below them slowly began drifting away. The smell of engine fuel and strong perfume filling the air. Kaos gripped the rusting side rail, then looked back to the deck of the ship. The talking had only grown louder, everyone trying to be heard over the roar of the engine and of course one another. It was an idiotic sight, people huddled into groups. Elves and Ents playing a quick game of Skystones, a group of Mabu discussing the best way to prepare beetroots for their cooking class - even the Gillmen were chatting it away, all in their own little worlds. Everyone seemed to have a group. Everyone, but Kaos. It wasn't a bother to him, though, not at all. Why would it have been? He had himself, and that was all Kaos needed. Kaos began making his way through the crowds of kids, hands in his pockets and eyes trained on the floor. He slid his backpack off once he got to his usual corner, plopping himself down. He looked up at the sky, watching the clouds drift by, the chatter around him becoming nothing but white noise. He closed his eyes, letting himself drift off, running the plan through his head once more. It would be perfect. He just needed to make it through the day.
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
Risking it Pt. 2//Mark Tuan (Got7)
Part 1|Masterlist|Rules
Requested: Yes
Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader
Genre: Smut, barely fluff at the end
Warnings: uhhhh.... Idek. Hair pulling, gagging, spanking, overstimulation in a way. Seriously, nothing too crazy.
Words: 4.4k
(A/N: After being worked like a dog for 9 days straight, my job finally allowed me not three, not two, but one (1) day off to finally finish this request. I want to mention that I had to stop each day to sleep or get to work so this may seem a bit choppy and weird and I apologize for that, also editing makes me cry so there’s very little of that lol. But I’m gonna try to do better now that I have the day off)
The day went by so fast, maybe because you spent most of it panicking over the fact mark would be over at any moment to punish you for showing up to Professor Ahn’s class to retake your test, but it gave you time to think. After begging your roommate not to leave to do an all-night crash course for her own upcoming exams and taking an hour long stress nap, you realized you weren’t at fault. Mark knew you were going to go, he knew you weren’t satisfied with your grade and couldn’t handle it, and yet you’re in trouble for it? You weren’t going to stand for that crap.
So after taking another nap, showering and fixing yourself up, and building up a bit of confidence, you were ready to put him in his place.
Unsurprisingly, Mark stuck to his words, coming over that evening and entering your apartment as if he lived there forever, calling out to you as he slipped off his shoes. The muffled sounds of your footsteps grew closer as you entered your living room, staring him down with a faux-toughness that you both knew he could see right through. He couldn’t hide his smirk though, finding your behavior cuter than his long sleeved red and black striped shirt and the frog themed socks you wore.
“You look angry.” He commented, stepping closer as you stood your ground, telling yourself not to give in to him.
“I am. You know my personality like it’s your own so you knew I’d go there. And I think it’s unfair for you to make me miss the opportunity for a better grade when we both know I deserve it.”
Mark listened to you carefully, still moving closer as you narrowed your eyes at him, unsure of what he was planning to do. But all he did was sigh, tilting his head to stare you down before calmly suggesting that you both head to your room. But you refused, knowing that once that door was closed, he’d get his way. But what you forgot was, bedroom or not, Mark never faltered when he had a plan.
You yelped as he grabbed onto your waist, pulling you closer so that your bodies were touching, his eyes never leaving yours but his gaze wasn’t amused like before, it was intimidating, causing your persona to die easily as your usual timid and submissive self returned.
“That isn’t the problem. I told you not to risk getting a lower grade by retaking the entire test. I also told you to take some days off to relax and not focus on work, and what did you do?” You stayed silent, wanting to avert your eyes but you knew that’d make things worse. All you could bring yourself to do was give a meek ‘I went’.
“And I even made a promise with you, correct?”
“And, not long after that, you made a promise to me, right?” Your face was hot at the memory; Mark on top of you, pounding into you as he made you repeat ‘I promise to stay home for you’ until the pleasure consumed you.
“I did…” You admitted, swallowing hard and finally allowing yourself to look away, Mark no longer hiding his amusement. You were just too cute.
You groaned once you felt his hands touch your face, pinching your cheeks gently and bring your eyes to his. You hated how your plan backfired but you would be lying if you said you weren’t excited for what he had in mind, your thighs unconsciously closing together as the air around you thickened. Your eyes suddenly reflect his, clouded with lust and sparkling with a playful glint, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip to hide your smirk.
“But you wouldn’t go too hard on me, right? I am still pretty sore from yesterday.”
The positions were suddenly switched, Mark red faced at your suddenly bold behavior, your arms wrapping around his torso to pull him closer until your lips were just a centimeter apart and his semi-hard member pressed to your thigh. It was taking everything in him to not ditch his plan, to just fuck you there and now and call it a night, but he knew better than to give you what you wanted. It’d only make you power hungry and he knew you both fighting for dominance all night would get you nowhere.
“Fine, I’ll go easy on you. You have five seconds to get on the couch, on your back, legs open and underwear off.” He instructed, your smirk widening as your knee moved between his legs, trailing up to gently play with the faint bulge.
“But I’m not wearing underwear.”
“Five… Four…”
You wasted no time unwrapping yourself from his body, following his instructions and finding your spot on the sofa, head resting on the arm of it while your legs spread apart to reveal you already wet core, your eyes glancing to him impatiently as you waited for him to do something, anything.
“Touch yourself.”
You knew exactly how he wanted you to do it, the times you had phone sex being a great map of what he liked and didn’t like, and you knew he liked to touch every sensitive point of your body. Without second guessing, you lifted the shirt to reveal your braless chest, one hand cupping your right breast as the other trailed down your stomach to your heat, your bottom lip being sucked into your mouth at how cool your fingers were. Mark was enjoying every second of watching you work your fingers onto yourself, catching a bit of your juices on your fingertips only to lubricate your clit, rubbing in slow circular motions that made you moan out softly. If he could, he’d stay there and just watch, but the straining against his pants was driving him crazy and, even though he said he’d go easy on you, he wanted to see just how much you could endure before he really began his pleasure-filled torture.
You didn’t stop thrusting your fingers into yourself as Mark moved closer to you, your head turning to see his lower half just by your face. If you weren’t already turned on by the fact he was watching you so intensely, you were definitely turned on now by the way he easily undid his pants, pushing them and his boxers down to his thighs and releasing his cock right by your mouth, watching you hungrily take him in. Double penetration was something you always wanted to try, and although this wasn’t exactly how you pictured it, it was still enjoyable. You were content with the pace you were setting for yourself, moaning constantly against his shaft as he gently brushed your hair back more, still restraining himself from going any further just yet.
“Open your mouth wider for me. And I want you to only focus on your clit.” Mark said in his usual low and demanding tone, a small reminder that he was in charge the situation.
You followed his instructions, your cheeks no longer hollow as you opened your mouth as wide as possible and your fingers slipping out of you to rub harshly against your clit, a shiver shaking your entire body as you did so. Mark knew you didn’t need much to cum, just touching your clit for a few minutes and you’d done for, and he wanted to use that to his advantage.
You moaned out as Mark held onto your head tightly and began thrusting hard and fast into your mouth, his cock ramming at the back of your throat as your fingers continued to assault the bundle of nerves resting above your contracting entrance, his eyes hooded as you stared up to see him looking at your face, your chest heaving as you toyed with your nipples, legs crossing as you tried to press your thighs together for more pressure, the melodic moans seeping from you making him twitch within your mouth. If he weren’t so in control, he’d cum without a second thought, but you both knew he was toying with you, you were just unsure of how far his little game would go.
“Are you close?” He asked, despite your mouth being filled with your saliva and his precum that was now coating the base and length of his cock. You managed to nod before an almost wicked grin crossed his face.
“Good. I want you to hold it, but don’t stop touching yourself.”
Your eyes widened as you hesitated on continuing, your toes curling as you felt the pleasure already building up inside of you but you had never done this before, you weren’t even sure how to keep yourself from cumming. But you didn’t like the way he was smirking at you, positive that you couldn’t do it and just waiting for the familiar squeaks you let out whenever you reached your high. You wanted to prove him wrong. But the more your fingers rubbed the swollen button, the faster he fucked your throat, and the heavier your breathing got, your body screaming for your release as the same sensation you felt just the day before returned, your eyes watering at the thought of ruining your couch by squirting again. Right now, you need a miracle to stop this, to keep him from getting what he wanted.
You and Mark froze at the sound of the front door opening, your roommate, Hyeri, entering while shaming herself for forgetting her textbook on early childhood development, her face dropping into a stoic, but somehow still disappointed , look as she took in the scene before her. The silence was deafening and the air thick, especially when she noticed you and Mark had no intentions of parting from the awkward position. Without another word, she turned and left, knowing she should’ve just stayed out after you told her Mark would be over. But you let out a relieved breath through your nose, glad that you were slowly coming down from your high, much to Mark’s dismay.
“Did I tell you to stop touching yourself?” He asked sternly, finally stepping back and watching his member slip from your mouth, a thin line of saliva trailing from the head to your tongue, your eyes glaring up at him.
“I-I couldn’t keep going while she was here, that’d be so embarrassing!” You said, your neck hurting as your head followed him once more.
Mark made his way to your side and kneeled, not making eye contact as he grabbed your parted legs and turned you towards him, his head now between them. The orgasm that disappeared just a few seconds ago was now back and just as strong from the way his breath fanned against your exposed opening, a weak gasp sneaking past your lips as he sucked harshly against your inner thigh, nipping at your flesh before moving on to the next spot, a collection of purple and red bruises forming.
“I wanted to see if you could get yourself off first,” He spoke, his voice muffled as he continued sucking and easing his way closer to where you really needed him.
“But I guess it really has to be like yesterday.”
You couldn’t even question him before you cried out, his fingers plunging into your soaked core, body squirming as he fingered you at a fast and harsh pace, the feeling of his knuckles colliding with your skin making you clench around his fingers. Your eyes were teary, bottom lip ready to burst from the way your teeth sank into it as he finally placed his tongue on your clit, lapping at your pussy to draw your release closer, unaware that you were already on the edge until your hands clawed at his hair, the way you pant his name and grind yourself onto his digits to cause your fluids to make embarrassingly loud squelching sounds as you ride through your high.
Mark pulled away slowly but kept his fingers moving at the same rhythm, your eyes squeezing shut at how painful it was becoming. It was pleasurable, sure, but you felt like you were overheating, like you were about to piss yourself honestly. You couldn’t help but shut your legs together in an attempt to stop his hand, your voice too weak to warn him it was too much, but you didn’t want him to stop. Through the overstimulation, you felt the vague warmth bubbling inside of you, most of your senses being drowned in a metaphorical white noise as all your energy seeped into your core, allowing you to feel every harsh thrust he gave and even the pulsating of your walls as he finally found your g-spot.
Your eyes rolled back before you let them flutter shut, only to yelp at the sudden slap Mark gave to you thigh, your eyes shooting open to glare at him but your fucked out expression made it impossible.
“You’re enjoying this so much, aren’t you?” He asked, your lips curling upwards teasingly as you went to close your eyes once more, you both knowing you couldn’t answer and that it would only piss him off.
As if everything happened in one swift motion, you were staring into Mark’s eyes as his hand gripped your face, squeezing gently to force your mouth open as he snatched his fingers away from your needy heat before placing them into your mouth, a shocked gasp exiting you as he shoved them as far as they could go, pumping it in and out to leave the taste of yourself on your tongue, your body squirming and legs squeezing together as you retched a few times, Mark finally pulling away to allow you to catch your breath. Despite the fact you were suppressing the urge to vomit all over your lap and Mark’s still out and still very hard cock, you were even more turned on than you were before.
“You good?” He asked, your bottom lip covered in a bit of your saliva as you swallowed hard, nodding at him as he reached out for you once more.
Everything was moving so fast at this point but all you wanted to do was cum again, letting Mark have his way with you just like he did hours prior. You helped him remove his shirt from your body, his eyes taking in your nude form once more before grabbing your waist and rubbing gentle circles on your skin, your heart racing in anticipation even with the soothing gesture. And like a switch, his dominant side was back. He spun you around and placed a hand on you shoulder to help you lean forward, your hands gripping the back of your couch to stabilize as his other one adjusted your hips properly, your head threatening to turn to him as you felt the tip of his cock graze your entrance.
“Can you remind me of what you promised me last night?” Mark asked softly, teasingly letting his hands roam from your hips up to your breast, cupping them gently as he continued to tease your slit with his member, a shaky moan leaving your lips.
“I-I promised to stay home and not think about my test.”
“And did you keep that promise?” His voice was eerily closer to your ear as he pressed harder against you, soft kisses trailing over your shoulder and back as he waited on your response.
“No…” You cried out as his hand struck your left ass cheek in almost lightning speed, the other gripping your hair to keep you from resting your head against the tweed furniture. So much for going easy on you.
“And tell me why you didn’t keep that promise.”
He gave another harsh slap before you could respond, a pained whimper leaving you although it contrasted the way your hips pushed into his dick, hoping to ease him inside of you without having to use your hands. But your actions didn’t go unnoticed, earning you another spanking and a harsh tug on your hair until your back was arched intensely, neck craning as your head met his shoulder, his dark eyes glaring into yours.
“I said tell me.”
“I-It’s because I’m stupid and selfish and don’t listen!” You called out, hoping to appease him and give you some leeway to relax through his rough actions. But it didn’t.
As you cried out in a painfully relieved scream, Mark bit the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning, ramming his entire length into you in a swift motion, the warm skin of his hips meeting your ass as held you there, your hands clawing at your sofa as a tear finally escaped your eye, chest heaving as you’re filled with a clusterfuck of emotions. Were you hurting or happy he was finally in you? All you knew was the way he released your hair and let you fall forward alleviated you of the first sensation, the latter remaining.
“No, you didn’t keep it because you wanted me to fuck you like this.”
He wasn’t wrong. Even if you feared that he’d be rougher than usual, breaking past the limitations you both set in order to give his all, you weren’t against teasing him and getting him worked up just to be in this position, even if it meant pissing him off which was always a scary feat. You knew this wasn’t enough to make him extremely mad but, knowing a major pet peeve of his was being purposely ignored, you thought this would be a good preview of what you’d been missing.
So lost in your daydreams, you missed the words he said, nodding unconsciously after he asked if you understood, both of you still as silence overtook the room, Mark clicking his tongue in disapproval before grabbing your hair again, bringing you back to the same position as before, your tender scalp aching at the way he tugged on it, making sure your head was far back enough so you could see his face, your body shivering at the cold expression he gave.
“You really love pissing me off, don’t you? What did I tell you to do?”
“I-I… I d-don’t know…” You were honestly scared, not sure of what he planned to do, especially with his face showing no signs of if he’d be gentle with you. But the harsh thrust he gave you made your knees buckle, loud cries pouring from you as he kept going. Each thrust was sharp and hard, hitting a spot in you that hurt so bad yet felt so good, it almost felt as if he was barely pulling out of you before pushing back in completely, his eyes still boring into yours and face not faltering despite loving the way you wrapped around him, your eyes watering as he gave you no time to adjust to his momentum.
“Listen to me,” He started, his hips freezing in place the way they were before, pressing deep into your flesh until you felt every single inch of him.
“I told you to you were going to apologize for ignoring me until I let you cum, but that’s obviously asking for too much. So you’re going to make sure everyone on this floor knows you’re sorry and what you’re sorry for.” You gulped.
“W-what should I say?”
“You’re a smart girl, and you know what I like to hear, so I’m sure you’ll find the right words.” He leaned down to press a quick kiss to your lips before releasing your hair again, letting your body fall back into place.
The sweet gesture didn’t leave a lasting impression as he began to thrust into you once more, your body struggling to stay standing as you tried to ignore the brutal satisfaction you felt, your throat struggling to open up as you held back your moans, trying to form coherent words.
“I-I’m sorry f-for not listening to my boyfriend.” You finally spoke, Mark smirking at the sound of your weak voice, even allowing himself to groan for the first time that night, letting you hear just how good you made him feel even if your mind was clouded with the overwhelming sensation of your orgasm.
“Good girl, but I need you to be louder.” Your eyes screwed shut as you rested your head against the couch. All the adrenaline from before wore off, the realization you were about to reach your second orgasm of the day hitting you fast and hard, your mind going back to the fact that if you didn’t speak, you couldn’t cum, and you don’t think you could handle going to bed horny or being fucked into oblivion tonight.
“I’m sorry for not listening to my boyfriend!” You cried out, eyes burning as more tears seeped out. You were so close and it was excruciating.
Even with your core being so wet, allowing Mark to ram himself deeper and faster into you, the way your walls contracted around him made it feel as if he went in dry, a soreness forming within you that caused his arm to wrap around your waist to keep you standing. Mark could feel you getting closer and it was driving him crazy. Last night was great, you managing to handle five orgasm before calling it a night, but he loved the way you pulsated around him now after only two, as if your insides were massaging his member and urging him to release everything into you, and he was ready to, but he need you to get there first.
You sobbed as you felt his fingers toying with your clit, a loud hiccup bubbling from your throat as you whimpered his name, not sure if you can comply with his demands, ready to let the bubble inside your abdomen burst so you can collapse in blissful exhaustion.
“You’re doing so good, baby. Cum for me.” He spoke softly. No harsh demands, no slyness to his words, no conditions or exceptions. Just ragged breaths and loose moans as he buried his face in your shoulder, somehow thrusting faster into you to chase his own high, feeling your walls tighten around him but not relaxing as you mewled, throat hoarse from the cries you let out.
You felt every hair on your body stand as Mark helped you ride out your high, loud breaths leaving you as you relaxed onto the sofa. Mark held onto your waist tightly, pressing you further into his as his teeth sank into your skin, hiding the almost growl-like moan he let out, his hips stilling as he released into you, his cock jerking with each spurt of cum he emitted, both your bodies relaxing as he carefully removed himself from your core, staring down at the mess you both made. His dick was covered in the frothy, almost translucent, cum you both released, his own seeping down your thighs at a snail’s pace.
You didn’t bother opening your eyes as you felt yourself being lowered onto the couch, the sound of Mark fixing his pants echoing in your ears as your senses were slowly going back to normal. You could hear his faint words of praise though, his hands stroking through your hair and his lips pressing to your own, a soft chuckle leaving his mouth as you tried to reciprocate. He honestly felt bad for tiring you out so quickly, especially when he knew he was still holding back. But he didn’t dwell on it too much, listening to your breathing even out before heading down your halls to grab a washcloth and towel to clean you up.
The next day was the laziest you’ve ever been and you loved it. You wearing a faded hoodie and leggings, Mark in his boxers and another t-shirt of his you stole, curled up on the spacious sofa and watching a comedy movie neither of you heard of but liked the cover for.
Your laughter blended together loudly, drowning out the sound of the front door opening and closing. Hyeri almost went unnoticed until she kicked her shoes off, hanging up her jacket and bag without giving either of you so much as a glance. Your smile faded as you remembered what she walked into yesterday, not really sure where to start with that conversation. She was beginning to walk down the hallway when you called out to her, slowly standing as to not agitate the soreness between your legs, practically waddling towards her as she stopped, still not facing either of you.
“I’m sorry about what you saw yesterday. I didn’t mean for it to-“
“Look, I just need one week to erase it from my mind, and we’ll be good.” She said bluntly, continuing to her bedroom before disappearing completely, a pitiful moan leaving your lips before heading back to Mark who had paused the movie for you.
“I think she’s mad at me.” You admitted, curling back into his side before he enveloped you in his arms.
“Don’t worry, she never stays mad at you for long. Plus, she got a free show, so is it really that bad?”
“Mark.” You warned, his lips still in a smirk as you gave him a glare.
He pressed play and you both sat in silence as the film continued on, Mark laughing as usual while you were deep in thought, too upset over the fact Hyeri couldn’t even look at you and, even worse, she saw the inside of you. How was she ever going to recover from that? It was something small and predictable for college roommates to stumble onto but it still wasn’t fun to see.
Mark noticed your zoned out expression, sighing before leaning down to your ear, preparing to give you a reality check that you had repressed for the past year and a half.
“Just think of this as you getting equal for the time she hooked up with that guy in your bed after a party and he ended up puking everywhere.”
As he pulled away, he watched your once sad face turn into a disgusted frown, no longer feeling guilty for the acts she saw as you replayed that night in your head, throwing out so many books and clothes because some random drunk guy couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time. You sure as hell weren’t happy, but you were no longer stressing over the situation, which is exactly what Mark planned to make this entire day was about.
Just you, your boyfriend, your sore vagina, and no stress.
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ninliane · 5 years
then say my name | osamu miya x reader
huhu i know i still have requests to do but i was working on this for a week in class and wanted to share it with you guys :>>
anyway i know i said i was falling for atsumu, but osamu attracted me more haha, he seems a bit ooc here but i’ll try to fix it in the future. for now my priority in writing will be requests!
this story has now been given artwork by vn_vannies on twitter! it’s after the story down below i commissioned her to draw one scene from this story :)) 
“What must we do to get you to play a match with us?” the captain of Inarizaki asked. 
“Sorry, we’re just too busy with other practice matches,” Kuroo responded. Taketora went up to Kuroo and whispered, “Hey Kuroo, aren’t they the powerhouse school of the Hyogo prefecture? We saw them at Nationals.” Kuroo sighed and faced him. “I really wish we could but after Nationals, a bunch of other powerhouse schools wanted matches.” 
The captain gave in. “Alright, it was worth a try,” he looked up to Kuroo. “It’s been a pleasure seeing you play, we hope to play against you someda-” 
“Hold on,” a certain blond holds up his hand. “Now now Kita-san, don’t say such things! I’m sure there are other ways on convincing the-aCHJ” 
“Don’t do anything stupid you dumbass.” a silver-haired male said as he wacked his brother's head. 
“I’m gonna kill yo-” 
“Our bus is here,” Kita coughed. “Goodbye to you, and best of luck.” Aran bowed as did the opposing team
All of them were boarding the bus and putting their stuff in until Atsumu was the last one outside. He stood up and looked back. “Get yer ass up here, Sumu” his brother called out from the window. 
“Oh, but I forgot something,” that only gained an irritated look from his twin. Thinking he was going back in the building the team moved aside. Smiling as he was walking he made eye contact with a certain manager, swiftly grabbed both of her arms, dipped her, and pressed his lips onto hers.
The kiss lasted for quite a while, but everyone was too astonished to move. He swiftly pulled back, smiled, and winked at her. Kuroo’s face scrunched and by the time he yelled in surprise, Atsumu was back in the bus already waving at them. “See you on the court!”
The entire team screamed in shock. “WHATTT?!?!” Taketora screamed, “HOW DARE THEY ADVANCE ON OUR MANAGER!!” “(Y/N)-chan! (Y/N)-chwauwnnnn!!!” Lev ran up to her holding her should and having tears on his eyes, “are-are you okay?” “Oi! Kuroo-san and Yaku-san are going somewhere!” Shibayama yelled. “Someone stop them!” 
“Well, you’re welcome!” Atsumu said as he stood up in the bus, his hands up and eyes closed, “looks like we’re getting a practice ma-gehck!” 
“You actual stupid dumbass,” Osamu said after hitting him on the head. But oh he was not done as he kicked his stomach. “You didn’t have to do that to her.”
 Meanwhile, the team wasn’t doing anything about it because they did indeed think that Atsumu has gone too far. They felt lucky to have Osamu reprimand him for his actions.
 Coughing as he got up and weakly smiled and chuckled, “W-what’s it to you ‘Samu?..ya like her or someth-geCK” and the grey-haired spiker finished him off by kicking his face. 
“I’ll carry him home don’t worry about him,” Osamu said picking up the unconscious setter and placing him on his seat next to his. “Not like we were in the first place..” one of them spoke.
“Samuu…” the blond groaned. “Gimme the ice,”
 “You can get the ice yourself.” 
Osamu thought about what his twin had said though. Did he like Nekoma’s manager? Well yes, you could say that she was charming in her own way. So that’s why during the practice match between Nekoma and Inarizaki, he approached her with a calm and demure smile.
 “Oh, Miya-san,” their manager turned around. The spiker shook his head, “Please, call me Osamu, my idiot brother might get confused again.” he gestured to the setter. (Y/N) giggled, “Sure,” she flipped back the pages of her clipboard and tucked it under her arm. “So how long are you here in Tokyo?” 
“Around one more week, since we lost to Karasuno we’re here for a few more days,” “You gonna play at that time?” Osamu shrugged, “I dunno, maybe just a bit.” (Y/N)’s smile grew, “They why don’t I show you around!” Osamu looked taken aback, “Really?” She furiously nodded her head and grinned. ‘Cute..’ he thought. 
Returning with a soft smile he responded, “Yeah sure, that would be great.”
“Hahh, we’re finally done.” Taketora said stretching and turning around, “It’s only 1:30, you guys wanna go out?” “Sure!” Inoka said, “Yeah, why not, it would be a nice bonding activity.” Kai smiled. 
“Kenma, you’re coming,” Kuroo said looking at the setter who was trying to escape, looking defeated and all. Kuroo turned to their manager “(Y/N)-chan, you in?”. She showed a remorseful smile, “Awe, sorry guys I really wish I could but I made plans after practice.” “Oh? Going shopping?” Yaku asked. “Mm yes and no.” she shrugged. 
“Oh~? Is a date?” Kuroo teasingly asked. (Y/N) paused for a while as if in thought, giving a small smile as she spoke, “Yeah, if you think about it, kinda.”
 “Wait what.” Kuroo immediately went pale as did the rest of the team.
“EH?! (Y/N)-chan you’re going on a date?!” Lev asked, “With who??” Yaku followed up. (Y/N) frowned and reluctantly faced the door. “Mm, no! You guys are gonna get all weird if I tell you who the guy is. Besides it’s not like it’s a romantic date, I’m just showing him around..” Kuroo stumbled forward and grabbed (Y/N)’s shoulders. “Do we know him?!”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Ah, I mean yeah I guess you do but..” (Y/N) shook him off and opened the door, “If you guys are that worried we’re just gonna be in the plaza near the market. See you tomorrow.” the door closed.
Immediately after that action was done Kuroo turned around, “We’re going after her.” “Eh, why?” Kenma asked, “It’s her date we shouldn’t get involved.” “But what if something bad happens to her?” Kuroo shot back.
 “I think she’s smart enough to know when to flee a scene.” “I don’t like this either” Yaku frowned. “Me too!” Lev added in. “Argh, my sister just texted she needs help in doing the chores.” Taketora looked at his phone. “Okay! Lev, Yaku, Kenma and I will go!” Kuroo said standing up while grabbing Kenma’s hoodie. “What? But I said-” “Send in reports Kuroo-san!” Yamamoto yelled
“Oi, Samu, where are ya going?”
The silver-haired twin shrugged his brother off, “None of your business.” Kita walked into the living room and asked, “Osamu-kun, where are you going?” “Just out to the nearby plaza.” 
“Oh, so you respond to him you jerk.” Atsumu thought out loud. “Plaza? Why?” “Just meetin’ someone there, I won’t have dinner here, I’ll be back before 10:30.” and he left before the two could ask any more questions. 
“Going to meet someone? Who do you think it is?” Kita asked Atsumu, “Dunno, can’t be any relatives, we don’t have any here in Tok..oh my gosh.” Atsumu sat up in sudden realization and faced Kita and Aran who just walked in.
 “He’s going to meet the girl from Nekoma.” “The girl?” Aran asked. “Oh, you mean their manager, the one that you kissed and didn’t even apologize for which got us an earful from coach,” Kita spoke glaring at him. 
“Ya, ya , her.” Atsumu spoke unfazed. “I saw them talkin’ together a whole lot yesterday..she’s probably the one he’s meeting.” Aran smiled, “And why are you so worked up about it, Atsumu-kun?” Atsumu pouted, frowned and walked away to the shared room of the team, “I’m going out too.” “Don’t get caught,” Kita told him, not tearing his eyes away from the newspaper.
“I hope I’m not here too early..” he thought. He got off the train and made his way up the stairs that were outside the station. As he walked up the stairs he remembered, “Ah..I don’t think I got her number...what if I don’t find he-” 
“Osamu-kun!” a sweet voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked up to a girl smiling and waving at him. She was wearing a green beret on her head and her hair was parted to her left; a blue and white striped T-shirt that was covered by an unzipped white jacket, she wore a checkered skirt with brown shoes and white socks. 
It stunned Osamu for a brief moment. “Hey,” she said catching her breath, “Sorry, I’m really early to these things haha.” Osamu smiled and shook his head. “No worries, you look pretty.” 
‘What the hell did you just say,’
“Oh! Awe, really? Thanks! I just got this two days ago haha” she said smiling
‘Oh, she liked it’
“Well,” he started, trying his words, “where are we going, Ms. Tokyo?” (Y/N) giggled at the nickname, “Let’s go to the food stalls first! There’s this karaage chicken vendor that’s so so good!” The spiker nodded and followed her. While walking the two engaged in conversation, unaware that five other volleyball players were following them. 
“So, you don’t seem Japanese yet so speak it well, where are you from?” he asked. “Oh you noticed. I’m from  (country), I’m (nationality).” After they had gotten their food, (Y/N) hummed and took a small bite, and blew on it. “Cat’s tongue?” he observed while smirking.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes with her and jokingly elbowed him, only to earn laughter from the spiker. While munching on her chicken, (Y/N) asked. “Hey! There’s an amusement park here! You wanna go?” “Yeah sure, why not.” The pair threw their cups in a nearby trash bin, still unaware that they were being followed...well, the spiker had a hunch. 
This irked his mind and looked around, only to be pulled back to reality by (Y/N)’s voice. “We’re here,” (Y/N) spoke. Like a gentleman, Osamu paid for the tickets, even though the girl insisted. Once they were inside he turned to her. “So which one do you want to go to fir-” “Manager-chan!” 
‘I’m going to murder him.’ 
“Oh, M-miya-san!” (Y/N) said surprised, “What are you doing here?” “Yeah, what are you doing here, Sumu?” the younger twin emphasized. Not wanting to lose his cool in front of (Y/N), it took him every last nerve in his body to restrain him from beating the crap out of Atsumu. “Oh, I was just in the area and heard a pretty voice and decided to follow it.” winking at her. 
‘Don’t, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t-’
“Ah! (Y/N) you were meeting with them?!” 
‘You have literally got to be kidding me.’
“Kuroo?!” (Y/N) said now frowning, “What are you-” “(Y/N)-chan you’re okay!” “Lev?!” (Y/N) shook her head, “Okay is anyone else within the vicinity a volleyball player?!” Yaku and Kenma stepped out. (Y/N) put her hands on her cheeks, “You’ve gotta be kidding.” 
“Hmm, Nekoma’s captain..I thought you guys had a practice match.” Atsumu said, “And I thought you guys were too busy losing to still be here?” Kuroo challenged. The latter was engaged and the other three Nekoma boys had gotten distracted by a ride.
 Without saying a word, Osamu grabbed (Y/N) and swiftly pulled her through the crowd behind an empty booth. “Wha- Osamu-mmf” 
“Shh..” he whispered, covering her mouth with his hands.
 It was a very thin gap so the pair were much too close for “friends”. (Y/N) blushed in the process as he slowly removed his hand from her mouth. As if suddenly realizing what he’s done, he widened his eyes and stuttered. “O-oh my gosh, (Y-” he held back from saying her name, “I’m so so sorry.” 
(Y/N) laughed a bit and caught one of his wrists. Confused he just stared at her, an unkown certain heat slowly rising to his face. She didn’t say anything and only smiled and she ran out of the gap. 
They made their way through the crowds. Luckily the Ferris Wheel where she was headed to had a short line and she managed to get in a capsule as the door closed.
Once the two were in the capsule, they rested on opposite sides of the seat. “S-sorry, I saw them looking for us and this was the only solution,” she said laughing a bit. Osamu looked at her and kept silent; he rested his elbows on his thighs and bent his head down. 
“Osamu-kun?” When she had said that he brought a finger to her lips. “Osamu..just Osamu..” he breathed out. (Y/N) paused for a bit before returning the action of her finger on his lips. Taken aback the spiker looked and her as she smiled. 
“Then say my name.” 
“..what?” not moving from her original position she stated, “You haven’t said my name at all during this date.” The grey-haired teenager felt his heart race. 
‘She considered this a date?’
“Go on,” she encouraged. Unknowest to the both of them a string of sparks flew upwards and exploded right outside their capsule. Fireworks. 
This took (Y/N) by surprised as she yelped and instinctively threw herself and the nearest object to hold on to...which at that moment happened to be the spiker. She held herself to his chest, her eyes shut and Osamu leaned against the wall of the capsule in surprise, it took him a few second to figure out where to put his hands and after enough quick deliberation, decided on wrapping his arms around the girl who was sitting on his lap.
They were in that position for a good forty second before (Y/N) realized what position she was and pushed herself away but putting her hand on his chest, though still on his lap. “O-oh gosh, Osamu I’m so sorr-” 
He pulled her back to his chest, this time hugging her even tighter.
 He didn’t know how this would affect him after but right now he didn’t care, he was happy with this. “I like it..when you say my name..” his mouth that was now close to her ears muttered. She shuddered from the hot breath but relaxed soon after. “...(Y/N).” His doubts were eliminated as soon as he said that, as she hugged him even tighter and smiled to herself. 
They stayed like that in complete silence but both were happy. When the capsule finally arrived towards the lower levels, (Y/N) shifted herself away from the spiker and moved to sit beside him. “(Y/N)..” Osamu spoke. 
The manager would still get shudders every time he spoke her name. “I’m really glad I came to Tokyo, not just this but also for Nationals. I got to play so many more teams and it was honestly a once in a lifetime thing.” (Y/N) nodded, “Then I better see you next year as well,” Osamu gave a small smile and nodded back.
The pair had stepped out of the capsule only to find Atsumu waiting outside for them. “What the hell samu?! Why did you just leave-” “
That’s none of your concern, Tsum-Tsum.” he said putting a hand on his twins’ shoulder. He then looked behind and flashed a small smile at the girl, “Let’s go, (Y/N).”
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heads up, every osamu story i write is in the same universe, they’re kinda like continuations of each other hehe. its not necessary to read the others and these can be read individually, but i promise you its worth it at the end :D
this is story 1
story 2
story 3
story 4
story 5
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mrsbhandari · 4 years
Shutter - pt 4
a/n: bonjour!! im here officially with pt 4 to this fic so i hope you like it!! <3
warnings: some language and its kinda suggestive in parts but nothing explicit teehee
words: 3.8k (damn)
tags: @lxdy-starfury, @huntress1024, @anotherbeingsworld, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @chaotic-ramsay-queen, @brycemaloliver
Tyril stood alone in his large apartment, eyeing each piece of clothing in his perfectly organized closet with varying levels of hatred. He didn’t want to go too formal and wear a suit, because this was most likely not a fancy date at a fancy restaurant. 
Is this really a date?
She hadn’t responded to his final text, making him sweat more than he ever had in his life. He stepped over to the other side of his closet and landed a slender finger on a gray turtleneck sweater. 
“...Acceptable,” he murmured, breaking the silence of the air in his apartment. Quietly opening a drawer, he picked a pair of simple black slacks, crisp and pristine. 
In her own apartment, Naexi called the local pizza joint and placed her order before grabbing a baggy college sweatshirt that slipped off her shoulder and some jeans, keeping her shoes off but her cozy socks on. She definitely considered this a date, but she didn’t want him to know that. After putting on music, she danced a little in her kitchen while checking her phone, eager for any updates from Tyril.
Radio silence. 
A knock sounded, barely audible over the music, so she turned it down and walked to open the door. 
Tyril could barely handle it. She was standing there, collarbone slightly exposed under her sweatshirt, dark hair in a messy braid that draped over her shoulder, and slivers of her thighs were revealed from the rips in her skinny jeans. She was as alluring as she was in the first moment he saw her. 
“C’mon in. I have a coat rack on your left.” There was something interesting about the information, but he couldn’t place his finger on it until he securely hooked his jacket and scarf on the small hooks protruding from the wooden structure. For years, he had been waited on hand and foot in other people’s homes because of his wealth and status, but the simple act of being allowed to take his own shoes off and hang his own coat up was...refreshing. “Do you...like my rack?” 
“I beg your pardon?” He whirled on her with wide eyes, well aware of the double entendre.
“You’re like...smiling at it. It was my brother’s, but he broke it and gave it to me.” 
“Why would he not throw it out?” Tyril’s elegant features twisted into confusion, and he frowned when she seemed to laugh at the memory, believing the sound to be directed at him. 
“He’s awful at fixing things, so he knew that if he gave it to me, I would find a way to fix it.” Still smiling, she ran her eyes down his outfit before stopping on his feet. “Of course you have those fancy socks.” 
His eyes found her mismatched socks, her left foot covered with stripes and the right with polka dots. Face returning to its neutral, he raised a single eyebrow and allowed the left corner of his mouth to turn up into a half smile. “I think yours are much better than mine.” 
She stuck her tongue out and waved her hand, beckoning him to fully enter her cozy apartment. It was vibrant, with dozens of pictures hung on the wall with no real pattern. The walls were an odd crimson, but a combination of the decor and the numerous candles spread throughout the living room and kitchen made the space feel like home. Small piles of books and knick knacks were scattered on every surface he could find, a distinct contrast to his own museum-like home where everything had a place and stayed in it. Smiling to himself, he noticed the three vases of flowers he sent to her positioned on varying tables and bookshelves spread throughout her home. Upon closer inspection of the pictures, he spotted a few of her and Nia; during a party, in front of a castle in what looked like Germany, in graduation caps and gowns as they held up their degrees for the camera. 
She silently watched him from her spot on one of the barstools around the kitchen island, slightly amused at how out of place he looked in the light of her apartment. Everything around her was warm and inviting, but he stood tall and aloof, clothes dreary against the bright backdrop of her prized possessions. He was poised like a man who had never been denied a thing in his life; for some reason, she found herself both wanting to give in to that and to challenge him as much as possible. 
“Are all these pictures ones you’ve taken?” 
“Yup! There’s a few that aren’t mine, but most I’ve chosen from my own portfolio.” 
“They’re beautiful.” Once she didn’t respond for a few moments, he looked up to find her gazing at him, a slight blush on her cheeks and her head cocked. She wore a look similar to the one she had on when they first met, studying and searching for something he had yet to offer. Or maybe he had been offering it the entire time he was here without knowing she had found it. It was both unsettling and pleasant, to be the main focus of her intense and calculating stare. She finally seemed to realize that she hadn’t answered, so she broke her eyes from him and nodded. 
“I like your apartment, as well.”
“I’m sure it’s not what you’re used to.”
“What does that have to do with it?”
There. Something flashed in her eyes as they met his, ten feet away with something connecting them. He had given her a challenge, but unlike in the bookshop, this wasn’t one born from anger; it was something entirely new. Time seemed to slow around them, making the candles flicker almost supernaturally and their heartbeats decelerate. His mouth was dry and although he held her eye contact, he couldn’t help but notice the rest of her body in front of him, enticingly revealed with taunting slits and stretches of the fabric. 
He didn’t know it, but her observant photographer’s eye was watching him as well, taking in the impossibly long stretch of his neck under his turtleneck and how, even in socks, he still carried with him an aura of being the most important person in the room. Here, standing in her apartment, admiring her photos, and staring at her like he wanted to pin her against a wall, Naexi finally realized just how pretty he was. The more she took in the dark hair framing a pale unblemished complexion, complemented by the high arch of his eyebrows and his perfectly positioned nose, the more it hit her that from the moment they met, she had been suppressing the urge to kiss him until she forgot her own name.  Full lips parted as if to speak, but he was cut off by a swift knocking on the door. As if broken from a trance, they both seemed to tense and look towards the sound at the same time, but Tyril beat her to answering. 
“Wait--!” she called, but the door was already open and Tyril was once again proving just how much space he took up as he bent to avoid hitting his head on the frame. 
“Who are you?!” The delivery guy, a short and stout man with a tendency to eat everything in sight as well as be painfully loud about any and everything having to do with everybody else’s business but his own, was staring up at the billionaire with a mix of curiosity and hostility. Tyril seemed taken aback by the shouted question and took a step back, allowing Naexi to push his large form out of the way and offer the man the cash as well as an explanation.
“He’s my date, Threep.” Tyril looked down at her with a smug smile. So this is a date. “Meet Tyril.”
Threep offered the pizza to her before giving him a small wave and a tip of his hat. “Sorry about that. She rarely has dates over, so I wanted to make--”
“Keep the change, bye!” She slammed the door and deadbolted it. “That’s enough of that.” 
“So this is a date, then?” An already high eyebrow raised as he crossed his arms, tight sweater showing off the sculpt of his arms as they flexed. If Naexi tried hard enough, she could pretend that she was only drooling over the pizza that was beginning to burn the skin of her palms. She also pretended that the reason she was gripping the pizza box hard enough to whiten her knuckles and bend the cardboard was because she didn’t want to drop it. It had nothing to do with the fact that she had accidentally shoved him to the area next to the door closest to the wall with very little space in an effort to pay, which was the reason she was standing with her shoulder pressed to his chest as his back rested against the wall, slightly jostling one of her pictures. She also had to pretend that the smell of his cologne wasn't so overpowering in the best way that she felt like passing out was the best way to succumb to it. 
She was doing a whole lot of pretending, but one glance towards the icy blue eyes boring into her soul told her that she wasn’t very convincing. Straightening up and ignoring the wave of heat that washed over her, she scoffed.
“Don’t give me that look, pretty boy. You knew.” It was his turn to blush as he took in the nickname, but his recovery was much quicker. 
“You think I’m pretty?” 
“Do you prefer Boy Billionaire?”
“That wasn’t my question.” He offered an infuriating smile, showing perfectly white teeth. His left incisor was sharper than his right, giving him the boyish look of a mischievous fairy tale creature, ready to swindle a boy with some fake beans for a cow. Judging by the sliver of vulnerability seeping through the flecks of dark blue in his eyes, he rarely showed this side of himself in public. She coughed, breaking the spell he had over her and finally noticing the rapidly cooling pizza box in her hands. 
“I hope you don’t mind pizza. I considered cooking but my landlord likes his buildings not burned to the ground.” She gave a small self-conscious laugh.
“I don’t mind.” His voice was soft and he seemed to be leaning down, face getting closer and closer to hers, lips barely parted and fresh breath brushing against her cheek. His eyes stayed on hers, drawing her in like a shimmering pool with secrets beneath the surface. A million thoughts ran through her head at once, fighting to be heard.
Oh my god, are we gonna kiss right now? Is that what I’m feeling? He’s leaning down, should I try and meet him in the middle? Which way should my head turn? What if it’s not good?! He’s probably kissed hundreds of girls, why the fuck should I be special? He’s so warm. Or is that me? Am I warm? He’s so close, and he’s so beautiful, I can just--
He stopped, his eyes half-lidded and meandering lazily between her lips and her own gaze, wide and worried. The thought of the famous Tyril Starfury doing anything lazily was foreign and suspicious, but she could smell the strawberry of his chapstick on his lips mixing with the smell of his cologne mixing with the smell of his deodorant and it was so mesmerizing that all she could think was kiss me. Then, she realized that he was straightening back up, stealing his head away from her personal space and taking the pizza box in his hands. It was a ruse. A taunt. A tease. 
“Excuse me!” Naexi said, hand on her hip as she followed him into the kitchen, fuming at the innocent look he sent over his shoulder before he opened the pizza box. 
“Yes?” Grabbing a plate from the counter, he paid her no attention while he helped himself to the drawers and cabinets. Despite his faux obliviousness, it was clear that there was a heavy, palpable tension in the air that could be cut with the knife Tyril seemed to be looking for. 
“What are you--” 
“Hm, found it.” He held up a blade and pulled out a fork, marveling at her mismatched cutlery. 
“Have you never had pizza before?” She grabbed her own two slices with her hands before placing two more on another plate for him. He scoffed, a haughty sound that surprisingly sent a shiver down her spine. 
“Of course I have. I just prefer not to make a mess.” He punctuated his statement by tapping the utensils together once before setting to work, cutting up his pizza and placing the cheesy pieces in his mouth. She watched him while she ate her own pizza, grease dripping onto her hands and onto the plate. After finishing her first piece, she looked down at his plate to see that he was only half done with his own. 
“I figured that you would have two people on either side of you while you ate, each with napkins to wipe your face if you ever got dirty.” She assumed a butler’s stance and held up her own napkin, delightfully out of season with “Fun in the Sun!” printed on it. She dropped her voice an octave and swiped her napkin over the empty space next to her as she spoke. “Yes, sir, Mr. Starfury. We can’t have you getting applesauce on your Versace!” Despite himself, Tyril let out a loud laugh, one that was nothing like how he sounded in the interview. This one felt whole and full of genuine emotion. It was an infectious sound, and Naexi found herself smiling like a buffoon at drawing it out of him with her stupid joke. 
“Why applesauce?” he asked, hand covering his mouth as he continued to chuckle. She reached across the island and pulled his wrist down, laying his hand palm up on the cold granite. Her nails slightly bit into his skin, making him flush.
“It's the first baby food I thought of.”
“Well that’s just rude,” he jabbed, a small smile still dancing on his lips to show no real malice toward her. They continued eating, Naexi replaying his laugh in her head as many times as she could. They polished off most of the pizza, leaving just a few slices that she began to wrap in aluminum foil. He rolled up his sleeves and started the water in the sink. A small black hair tie was pulled off his wrist as he positioned his hair into a messy bun with a few pieces falling out to frame his sharp bone structure. Naexi’s brain nearly short-circuited.
“You don’t--”
“I want to.” He nudged her with his elbow, now revealed along with a long forearm. She nearly had to wipe her mouth at the sight. “Contrary to your obvious belief, I do know how to do work.” 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” With a firm nod, he focused on the steaming water flowing and scrubbed the plates with a strength showcased in the flexing of his arms. He moved with a natural grace that seemed to seep into every move he made, whether he was simply walking down the street or working hard to clean her plates. She went back to her seat at the island and watched his back while he cleaned. The sound of the music was barely audible over the roar of the water, and the combination of sounds lulled her as her eyes roved from the top of his shoulders down to the perfect curve of his ass, delectably sculpted in his slacks. The gravity of just who he was seemed to finally be hitting her. 
She had one of the richest men in America in her kitchen cleaning her dishes. And damn, if he didn’t look good doing it. 
Tyril was acutely aware of her eyes on him, and he was extremely happy that the water was hiding the shaking of his hands from his nerves. He tensed up when he felt her walk behind him, her arm brushing over her backside in a barely innocent gesture as she walked to the fridge, grabbing a soda from the door. 
“You want anything?” Not trusting his voice, he shut the water off and shook his head, giving her a small smile. She took out a bottle of water for him anyway. Eager to continue any sort of conversation with her and extend the date, Tyril racked his brain for something to say. 
“Your brother,” he began, freezing up when her eyes fell on him. “What does he do?” 
“He’s a musician. Last I heard...I think he was on tour in France.” 
“Wow.” She smiled and grabbed a frame off a nearby table, the picture inside featuring a man with brown hair that fell over his forehead as his fingers strummed a black guitar on a stage backed with green lights. 
“His name’s Kade.” Their fingers brushed as she passed him the frame. 
“Is your entire family full of artists? Photographer, musician…”
“Oh, I was adopted.” Looking closer at the picture, Tyril admitted to himself that there were no similarities in how the siblings appeared. “Kade’s always been the wilder one, though.” His eyebrows raised.
“I find that hard to believe.”
“You’d be surprised at some of the antics Kade has gotten up to throughout the years. You got any siblings?” She took a sip of her soda and Tyril was briefly distracted by the way her lips wrapped around the lip of the can. 
“Yes, just one. Adrina.”
“Fancy name.”
“Speak for yourself, Naexi.”
“Touche.” She took another sip and Tyril decided to look away lest the night end far differently than he originally thought it would. Her own heart fluttered at the way his tongue molded her name. “You can sit, if you’d like. Or do you feel the need to tower over everyone else in the room?” Gesturing to the open stool next to her, she laughed at his frown. 
“I don’t tower,” he said, but he sat next to her anyway. His long legs bumped against hers, sending shocks to his spine at every contact. Is this how it’s supposed to feel? He studied the way her eyelashes fluttered, the way her lips naturally curved into a smirk, the way her eyes easily communicated an entire array of emotions that she seemed to pick and choose to display from like a catalogue. A strand of black hair fell against her cheekbone and he moved it behind her ear without thinking. They were close, getting closer, both gazes dropping to the lips nearly physically connected, already linked by the soft breaths shared. Time was moving slow, too slow, and Tyril ached for the clock to keep ticking, to keep bringing him closer and closer to feeling Naexi’s lips on his, to feeling the perpetual heat surrounding her to engulf him with it. After what seemed like an eternity, their lips were just a centimeter away from each other. His breath tickled her cheek as he whispered.
“May I kiss you?”
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monsterlovinghours · 5 years
There’s no explanation for this. It’s just fluff. I had the idea at work and I spent my entire 7.5 hour shift thinking about it and I came home and I banged it out. Just let me be soft and self-indulgent, ok? Also they mention that time passes differently when you’re dead so to BJ it only feels like he’s been gone a month or two.
It wasn't like him to be nervous. At least, not topside. Here, he was the threat, the ominous force, the looming presence. He caused the gnawing pit in the stomach, not suffered it himself. Yet, here he was, in the same living room where it all began, chewing at his thumbnail and bouncing his knee, anxiously looking at the door. The house was different than Beetlejuice remembered, more lived in, the art actually tasteful and the walls covered in photos. It was evident that quite some time had passed since he'd left, but how much? Would Lydia still remember him? Was she even still alive? Had the Maitlands finally crossed over? What if the closest thing he'd ever had to a family was already gone?
Suddenly, the front door swung open, and a woman with dark hair pulled back into professional twist at the back of her head muttered something under her breath as she wiggled the key out of the old, sticky lock. She lifted her head and froze when she saw who was currently seated on her living room couch; or rather, floating in a seated position six inches above the cushion.
His eyes widened as he got a better look at her face. 
"Holy shit!" She dropped her bag and her keys, bolting across the room and throwing her arms around him; she was taller now, he noticed absently. Taller than him. "I can't believe you're here! I thought you'd left for good."
"Whoa, hold up, hold up," he muttered, holding her at arm's length and taking a closer look at her. "Fuck, kid...you look awful. Did you get old?"
She laughed. "Of course I got old, Beej. You've been gone twenty years." Her fingertips, nails painted a stylish matte black, touched her face, where maturity had softened her childish angles. He could still see the teenager he knew in her eyes, which had lost none of their sharpness or cunning, and he grinned, finally letting go of her hands. He had been relieved to feel that she was as solid as ever, as human as ever. 
"So, twenty years…is that, like, a long time or something?"
Lydia laughed softly, settling down onto the couch and kicking off her shoes, revealing socks in stripes of green and black. "Long enough for me to get a PhD. in child psychology."
"Holy shit," he breathed, impressed and secretly about to burst with pride at her accomplishments. "Guess that means I gotta call you Doctor Deetz now?"
"Please don't."
Beetlejuice perched on the arm of the couch, elbows on his knees, still staring at her as if he still wasn't quite sure that she was his Lydia. "So, where's Chuckles and Diva at?"
"You mean Charles and Delia?"
"That's what I said."
"They're in Paris at the moment." She smiled and pointed to a snapshot on the wall of her father and stepmother on their wedding day. "He surprised her with a second honeymoon for their twentieth anniversary. Oh!" She stood suddenly, crossing to the foot of the stairs. "Almost forgot." Cupping a hand around her mouth, she yelled up the stairs. "Adam, Barbara! We have a guest!"
A split second later, the Maitlands appeared in the living room, phasing easily into view. Even after all this time, Beetlejuice still expected them to come running down the stairs, still clinging to the comforting limitations of being alive. He grinned, every tooth on display, as he extended his arms, as if to say here I am!
"Babs, Adam, babycakes! Didja miss me?"
He expected them to recoil, to remember the first time he had appeared to them in their living room and shrink back, but Barbara gasped and threw her arms around his neck, squeezing him so tightly he nearly choked on the breath he didn't need.
"Oh my god! You're back!" 
Slowly, he hugged her back, hiding a small but genuine smile in her blonde hair. "So that'd be a yes?"
She drew back, smiling gently. "Of course we missed you. The house always seemed a little less alive with you gone."
"How's that for irony?" He snickered, then stepped back, looking between the two of them, his hands shoved in his pockets as he rocked on the balls of his feet. "Jesus, you two look exactly the same. Still a couple of boring yuppies?"
"Well, we've had to make some compromises here and there, but more or less." Adam absently fiddled with his watch, still set to the exact date and time that he had met his demise. Beetlejuice grinned and stuck out a hand, sure that while Barbara had warmed up to him, Adam was still wary. To his shock and delight, Adam took his hand, tugged on it, and pulled him into another crushing hug. He backed up once he was released, the corners of his mouth nearly touching his ears, a green tinge on his cheeks that was the closest thing to a blush he could muster.
"You, uh...you guys really embraced the whole 'forgive and forget' thing, huh?"
"Well, you did ride a sandworm into the living room to save Lydia." Barbara beamed as Lydia, hair now hanging loose around her shoulders, nodded in agreement. "And we've had a lot of time to think about everything that happened...you wanted what anyone would want, and we can't fault you for that."
"Now I feel almost bad for telling Charles to go fuck himself."
Lydia laughed, but Adam made a hushing gesture. "Mind your language around the kid, please."
"What kid? Jeez, she's gotta be nearly forty by now."
"I'm thirty-four, asshole."
Barbara shook her head. "Not her." She pointed toward the stairs, that gentle smile returning to her face. "That kid."
Beetlejuice turned, his eyes widening as he saw a girl of no more than six with wide blue eyes and dark hair peering at the group of adults from between the newel posts of the banister. Lydia’s face lit up when she saw the girl, and she knelt and held out her arms.
“Hey, bug!”
The girl grinned and ran to her, wrapping her small arms around Lydia’s neck as she straightened and spun, swinging her in a wide circle. Once she was on her feet, the girl looked up at Beetlejuice, regarding him curiously. Lydia, positively glowing with pride, placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder. 
“This is Chloe. My daughter.”
His jaw nearly hung to the floor. For the first time in perhaps his entire existence, he was speechless, albeit momentarily. He looked to Lydia, to Adam, to Barbara, then back down to the girl, who was staring just as intently back at him. “I’m an uncle?! Why didn’t anyone tell me?!”
“You were gone,” Barbara said softly. “And we wanted her to be...well, used to ghosts before we introduced you two.”
Lydia sighed, picking Chloe up even though she seemed almost too big to be held. “She’s adopted, Beej. My fiancee and I got the papers finalized a couple of years ago, and she’s been getting used to life here. Adam and Barbara have been amazing help; you have no idea how happy I was when I brought her home and she immediately asked who the blonde lady was.” Turning her head, she pressed a quick kiss to her daughter’s cheek. “Clo, do you remember when you first came home? I told you stories about my friend BJ?” She nodded. “That’s him.”
Chloe fearlessly reached for his tie, lifting it to study the pattern. “Are you a ghost too, like Aunt Barbie and Uncle Adam? Can I call you Uncle BJ?”
Beetlejuice grinned, unable to help himself. “I’m the ghost with the most, squirt. And yeah, that’s fine and definitely not the weirdest thing I’ve been called,” he answered. Dropping the tie, Chloe echoed his smile and held out her arms. “Uh…” His hands twitched at his sides, as if he wanted to take her but didn’t quite trust himself. 
“It’s alright, you can hold her.” Lydia smiled. “She’s mostly out of her biting phase by now.”
Snickering, he let the girl clamber onto him, helping her onto his back where she immediately wrapped her limbs around him. “So. You’re a doctor, you got a kid, and you’re getting hitched? Christ, kid, you’ve been busy.” He playfully knocked her arm with his elbow. “So, who’s the lucky guy?”
Adam and Barbara exchanged a knowing look in the beat before Lydia answered. “Her name is Lexie.” His brows shot up and his grin widened, but he said nothing else. “She’ll be home soon, I’m sure she’d love to meet you.”
“Really?” His smile fell a bit. “Does, uh...does she know the whole story?”
“She knows the important parts.” Lydia leaned against the banister, watching her daughter attempting to untangle a knot from Beetlejuice’s hair. “She knows that you saved my life twice, and that you saw me and understood me when no one else did. She knows you were my friend.”
“She also knows that you kissed me,” Adam added, and all of them stifled a laugh. 
“So,” Beetlejuice started, unsure if what he was feeling now was hope or fear, “you guys...you’re okay with me sticking around?”
Lydia glanced over at the Maitlands, who shrugged and nodded. “For as long as you want,” she answered. The smile that before he had tried to hide now resurfaced, unable to be suppressed as he realized that yes, that sickening turning in his gut had to be hope. Despite everything he’d put them through, even after all this time, the Maitlands could look past the lies and Lydia could look past the betrayal. After all he’d done, they forgave him and made a place for him.
“Uh, Beej?”
“Yeah?” He looked down to see that he was floating approximately three feet off the ground, Chloe still tugging at his hair, seemingly oblivious to her sudden change of altitude.
“Can you bring my kid back down?”
“BJ, I’m serious.”
“Nope. She’s my kid now.”
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writeroutoftime · 5 years
the scoops troop
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pairing: tony stark x reader
summary: it’s Halloween and you want to do a group costume, but Tony isn’t onboard with the idea (”let’s do a couples costume)
warnings: none 
words: 1558
a/n: this is for @sourpatchkidsandacokecan‘s challenge and I’m so excited for this story! this might be really cheesy or dumb, but i think it turned out well. also as I started to write this, I just got so into it and kinda forgot the prompt line and had to go back and add it later lol. anyway, please enjoy and have fabulous day! 
“No, I am not wearing that out in public.” Tony said, barely looking up from his workbench as he fiddled with the helmet of his Iron Man suit. 
Sighs left both yours and Peter’s lips at Tony’s response. Why was Tony so against a Halloween costume when he paraded around in a metal suit almost everyday. Not to mention, you and Peter had the perfect idea for a group costume this year ever since you had binged watched the third season of Stranger Things together.
“But, Mr. Stark, the group won’t be complete without you dressing up!” Peter argued, his eyes pleading for Tony to reconsider. 
“Peter’s right, Tony.” you responded. “Come on, let’s do this couples costume! Who would Robin and Dustin be without Steve Harrington? He’s like the hero of their group.” you explained, hoping your description would appeal to Tony’s ego and he would agree. 
Now Tony was the one to sigh as he set down the helmet. “Babe, I’m just not a costume person, and you know this.” he stated. 
This was something you knew, but you had hoped this year would be different. Although Tony didn’t often admit it, you knew he had a soft spot for Peter, and he normally would do anything to make you, his wife, happy. Apparently, the line was drawn at costumes. 
“For God’s sake, Tony. You are the one hosting a costume party, yet you refuse to take part in it. Please tell me, genius, where the logic in that statement lies.” you said, your anger slowly rising. 
Instead of answering, Tony merely shrugged and picked up another part of his Iron Man suit that needed repaired. “You know what, that’s fine. I hope you enjoy your Halloween, alone!” you shouted in frustration and stormed out of his lab. 
There was an awkward silence that settled between Tony and Peter after you left as Peter looked between his mentor and the door where you had left in a hurt and angered state. “Maybe you should reconsider. I mean it’s going to be a lot of fun, plus it would make Mrs. Stark really happy.” he spoke up, hesitantly. 
“And maybe I should reconsider the new upgrades I’m adding to your suit.” Tony spat back in misdirected frustration. 
Peter’s eyes widen in fear and he started to stutter. “I-uh-I’m just gonna do, uh, homework!” he spoke rather quickly and ran straight out of the lab, not wishing to test how serious Tony was. 
Once he was completely alone, Tony tried to keep working on his suit, but after the third time he nearly stabbed his hand with the screwdriver, he threw the suit away from him with a loud, dramatic sigh. “(y/n) will get over it.” he tried to convince himself. “Though, maybe - no I’m not dressing up!” he said to himself with conviction, and turned to another project that would keep him in the lab all night. 
A few days passed and things weren’t necessarily tense between you and Tony, but there was a still cloud that loomed over the both of you. It was now the day of the Halloween party, and both you and Tony had been busy rushing around all day, preparing for the scores of people who would be entering your home in a few short hours. While Tony dealt with the entertainment and drinks, you made sure there would be enough food to go around, that all decorations were in place, and talked to security about the evening. 
After everything on your end was settled, you headed back to your room to start getting into costume. Even though Tony didn't want to be apart of your group costume, you and Peter had decided to still go ahead with the costumes because it was something that was special to the both of you and you knew it would be a lot of fun. 
Once your hair and makeup were complete, you went to your closet to grab your costume, but your heart sank for a moment as you looked at the matching ‘Steve Harrington’ costume that hung next to your own. However, you pushed that feeling aside because you would still have a good night. With a quick glance at the clock, you rushed to get into costume because the party was scheduled to start in fifteen minutes, and you wanted to be downstairs before any guests showed up. 
The baggy, navy blue shorts and navy and white striped shirt with the matching navy vest looked cheesy as hell, but you smiled as you pulled on the white, knee high socks, and added your ‘Robin’ nametag and ice cream scooper to tie the whole costume together. 
Costume complete, you made your way to the main room where the party was about to be held, and said your hellos to the Avengers who you had invited to come before everyone else. A smile crossed your face as you took in all their costumes, but cocked your head to the side when you realized Tony wasn’t in the room. Normally, he would already be in the room, a drink or snack in hand. 
“Have you seen Tony?” you whispered to Wanda, who only shook her head in response with a small, sad smile on her face. 
Before you could respond, you heard a shout from behind you. “What’s up, Robin? Ready to kick some Demogorgon ass?” Peter asked with a bright smile. 
There wasn’t anything you could do but laugh in response as you took in his costume, and noted how accurate it was. An orange, graphic t-shirt, with cargo shorts, and a ‘Camp Knowhere” hat on top of his hair that he even tried to make curlier than normal. Your heart swelled with pride and love at how excited Peter was, and you pulled him into a hug and asked Natasha if she could take your picture. 
Not long after that, the party officially started and people began to pour through the doors. From there, you put on your best hostess face and started to make your rounds, saying hello and making small talk with everyone you recognized. Throughout most of the night, Peter stuck to your side and nearly everyone you spoke to complemented your costume. Some even went as far to say that the only thing you were missing was a Steve. 
Each time someone made that comment, you couldn’t help but scan the room to see if Tony had shown up yet. The party had been in full swing for over an hour, and no one had caught sight of the host for the evening. It wasn’t until the music stopped and you heard the microphone switch on, that you heard Tony’s voice for the first time that night. 
“How’s everybody doing tonight? Enjoying yourself?” he asked the crowd from offstage, to which there was a loud cheer. “Good, good.” he replied. “Now, I know I’ve been absent from this party so far, but, you know me, I had to spend hours getting ready.” he joked. “But I’m here and ready to show all of you people my costume for the evening.” 
At his words, you furrowed your brows together in confusion, and turned to Peter to see that he had a similar expression. It was then that Tony stepped out on stage and the crowed went wild while your jaw dropped in surprise. 
There stood Tony Stark with baggy, navy blue shorts, a navy blue top with a red ascot tied around the collar. He was even wearing white, knee high socks, similar to your own, and to top it all off, he had a ‘Steve’ name tag on his chest, and a white, sailor’s hat that read ‘Scoops Ahoy’ across it. 
Quickly, you pushed your way through the crowd as Tony made eye contact with you, his ever present smirk on his face. Tony returned the mic to the DJ, who turned the music back on, and made his way down the steps of the platform and went to meet you halfway. Once in armlength of him, you threw your arms around Tony and hugged him with a tight grip, and despite your best efforts, your eyes glossed up. 
“You wore the costume.” you whispered, not trusting your voice. 
He pulled away and placed a chaste kiss against your lips. “I would do anything to make you and the kid happy.” Tony admitted. “I’m sorry I was a dingus.” 
His choice of words made you laugh and you leaned in for another kiss, which only lasted a few seconds before you were interrupted by another voice. 
“Gross!” you and Tony heard before you turned to see Peter standing there with a grin on his face. “This seems pretty out of character for Robin.” he joked as he referred to the kiss you and Tony had shared. “Mr. Stark, you look great!” he said with such happiness that you knew Tony couldn’t resist. 
“Thanks, kid. You don’t look shabby yourself.” he said as Peter started to geek out about the show and all the science behind it. 
As the two of them spoke, you watched on with a content smile, and knew that this was going to go down in the books as the best Halloween yet. In fact, you made sure to have Steve take yours, Tony’s, and Peter’s picture in character, which you would later frame with ‘Scoops Troop’ written above. 
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bakudekugf · 5 years
Chapter 1:That halloween night part 1
Katsuki adjusted the fake werewolf ears at the top of his head as he looked over himself with his bedroom mirror.He should be getting to Yaomomo's party soon.
"Katsuki!Izuku is here!"His Mom called from somewhere downstairs.
"Be there in a second!"
He adjusted his pride pins(bi and trans)and hearing aids one last time and ran down the stairs."Hey Deku."He greeted his best friend.She(she had on a 'she/her' pronouns pin today)was wearing a white hooded ghost costume with black eyes,a stiched mouth,freckles,a purple witch hat with an orange sash,a green and white ribbon with a pumpkin clip and colorful patches.Underneath that,she wore brown pants,green and black striped socks and her favorite red shoes.In addition,she'd put on a genderfluid flag pin and the skull earrings he'd gotten her for her fifteenth birthday.He could have sworn he still felt the ghost of the cheek kiss she'd given him in thanks.
"Hi,Kacchan!"She beamed like a sunflower.They walked out into the night together."Ready for Yaomomo's party?"
He shrugged,"I guess."He wasn't really a party person.
"No fun for Kacchan.It might cut into your brooding time."She joked.
"I don't brood!"
She smiled,looking forward."Of course you don't."
"Hey,kids,where you going?"Ms.Usagiyama called out from her bedroom window.Her wife,Ms.Tatsuma,had her arms wrapped around her torso and her chin resting on her shoulder.She waved at them and Deku cheerily waved back.
"Hi,Ms.Usagiyama and Ms.Tatsuma!We're going to a party at our friend's house!"
"Don't drink and drive!"Ms.Usagiyama ordered.
"Don't drink at all!"Corrected Ms.Tatsuma.
"We won't,trust me!"Katsuki responded.After that,they continued on their way.Soon enough,they were at the bus stop.
"Two twickets,please!"Deku asked politely before suddenly whipping around,scanning the area.
"Deku?"Asked Katsuki,now confused.
"Nothing.Let's go."
"What was that?" Katsuki asked the pressing question on their ride to Yaomomo's.
"I don't know!"A frustrated Deku exclaimed,"All i know is that my brain was screaming at me to get out of there,now!"
"Why?"He genuinely asked.
"That's the thing,i have no idea."
"So you sensed danger and we have no idea what it is.That's not fucking terrifying at all."
"Let's just forget it happened.It's long gone by now."
Katsuki could hear some pop song blasting as the bus stopped by Yaomomo's.Deku perked up at seeing they'd arrived."C'mon,let's go!"She grabbed his hand and he forgot all about the danger.
"Bakugou-kun!Deku-san!"Yaomomo,who was dressed up as a vampire,complete with fake fangs,exclaimed happily upon seeing them."Welcome!"
Deku bowed,"Thanks for having us,Yaomomo!"Katsuki did the same.
"It's no problem!I'm happy that you're here!Would you like some refreshments?"She indicated to the snack table.
"No thanks,we're full from dinner-"
"Speak for yourself."He walked up to it,"Thanks,Yaomomo."
Yaomomo smiled welcomingly at him.
While Katsuki was stuffing his face,Deku wandered over to Uraraka and Iida,who were dressed as a witch and Frankenstein's monster respectively.
"Yo,Bakugou!"Kaminari,who was dressed up as a devil,slung an arm around his shoulder."Surprised you actually came."
"He agreed to come after i told him Deku would be here."Kirishima,who was dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood,said,walking up behind them.
Katsuki blushed."Hey,don't just go around telling people stuff like that!"
Jirou snorted as they walked over to them in their vampire costume,matching with Yaomomo,"Oh please,like it's some big secret!"
"Yeah,man,everyone knows you're in love with Deku."Kaminari agreed with them.
"I am not-What do mean 'everyone'?!"
"Yeah,everyone."Kaminari pulled his arm back to count with his fingers,"Us,Ashido,Sero,Aoyama,Uraraka,Iida,the rest of the class,Mr.Aizawa,Mr.Yamada,Mr.Yagi,Mrs.Yagi-Oh Jirou,look out,here comes Hagakure!"
Jirou straighend up(lesbiandup?)as Hagakure walked up to the snack table in her ghost costume(unlike Deku's,her's was pink and frilly and stylied to resemble a hijab),"H-hey,Tooru."
"Hey,Kyouka-chan!Wanna dance with me?"
"Yes-of course!"
"Yay!"She grabbed the blushing Jirou's hand and headed off.Kirishima rubbed his eyes.
"Love is so manly."
Kaminari looked at him with fodness.Katsuki held back a snort.Bold of Kaminari and Jirou to tease him about Deku when they were busy making goo goo eyes at Kirishima and Hagakure.
'Oh no' "What the fuck do you want,Grape Shit?"He turned to see Mineta smiling mischiveously,wearing a police costume.He saw Kaminari and Kirishima giving him similar disdainful looks out of the corner of his eye.
"Look what i bought."He showed them a bag of beers.
"Mineta,are you insane?" Kirishima whisper-shouted,"You could get Yaomomo in trouble!"
"Kirishima,don't be a scrub."He took one out,"C'mon,take it!"
Sero,who was dressed up as a mummy,snatched it and the rest from Mineta."I'll be taking these!"
Sero slam-dunked the beers out the window.Mineta gaped at him as Kaminari stifled his laughter,Kirishima let out a belly laugh and Katsuki smirked.
"Thanks for nothing!"Mineta snapped,stomping away.
"Mineta-kun!I specifically told you not to come!"Yaomomo stepped in his way.
"You're all a bunch of ingrates!This party would be no fun without me!"He slammed the door behind him as he exited the house.Yaomomo sighed.
"I'm sorry for Mineta-kun,everyone.Please get back to your fun."She announced.They listened to her.
"Woah,is that Jirou and Hagakure?Get it,Jirou!"Sero said then yelled.They glared at him,although it wasn't very intimidating due to their blush,and Hagakure giggled before resting her head on Jirou's heart.They blushed up to their ears.Katsuki wolf-whistled and was surprised when they didn't react,just staring down at Hagakure.If this was a cartoon,their pupils would have turned into hearts.She lifted their head and they looked at eachother as if they were the only people in the room.Hagakure leaned forward,capturing Jirou's lips in a kiss.Jirou's eyes widened and they slowly closed them,kissing back.Theeir classmate's cheered.
"It's about time!"Said Kirishima,"Those two have been at it for months."
"When's the wedding?"Kaminari teasignly called out.They continued kissing."Well,it's no fun if you ignore me!".They pulled away,smiling at eachother.
"Woah..."Breathed Hagakure.
"I-"Began Jirou.
"Shut the front door!"Ashido,who was wearing a werewolf costume,exclaimed.Jirou seemed to snap out of a love trance,looking around and realizing everyone was watching them,smiling.They blushed again.
"Let's go somewhere private."Hagakure offered causing Kaminari and Satou to 'ooooooooh'.
"Shut up!"Jirou snapped as Hagakure dragged them away,giving them a thumbs down.Kaminari a hand over his heart in mock offense and Satou laughed.
"Can you believe they finally got together?"Ashido bounced over to them,"This is like a fairy tale!"She and Kirishima held hands and silently screamed.
Katsuki popped a candy eyeball into his mouth,"I'm just glad they finally gonna got it over with."
"Sooooo..."Ashido said slyly,"When are you and Deku gonna finally get together?"
"As soon as you and Yaomomo do."He shot back.
Ashido blushed,"Touchè."She grabbed some candy eyeballs as well."Did your parent's finally buy you Breath of the Wild?"
Katsuki scowled,"I'm hoping they'll buy it for me for christmas.*
And so the conversation turned to Legend of Zelda.After a few minutes,Ashido locked arms with Kirishima and Katsuki."Let's go the pool!"Katsuki managed to swipe a cup full of punch as she took them away.Kaminari and Sero followed them.
Once they arrived,Ashido took off her fake paws and ears and stripped down to her underwear.The rest of them had no reaction,seeing her as a sister."Come on,guys!"She called out to them as she entered the pool.Kaminari took off his costume next and joined her.Sero did the same.Katsuki drank his punch and threw the cup in a nearby trash can.He was about to follow his friends example when Kirishima knocked him into the pool.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!"He glared daggers at his laughing friend when he emerged.He suddenly smirked and splashed him,wetting his costume.
"Hey!Okay,that's fair."
Katsuki laughed as Kirishima swam up next to him.He felt light-headed but that was probably from being dunked in water.
They played until Katsuki's vision got blurry.Next thing he knew,he was climbing the security bars.He heard his friends screaming at him to get down but his body didn't listen.When his conciousness came back,he was in the middle of the woods.He was about to fall when someone caught him.He strained his neck to look at them.They were wearing a werewolf costume and appeared to be in their early twenties with spiky black hair,turquoise eyes,fair skin and several piercings.
"Who the fuck are you?"
They chuckled and Katsuki froze at seeing a mouth full of realistic fangs.Too realistic.
"I'm Dabi." Katsuki thrashed around,trying to free himself,only to whimper as Dabi's claws dug into his arm.
"And you're my newest snack."With that,he dug his way-too-eal fangs into Katsuki's neck,who let out a scream before his world went black.
Katsuki jolted up when awoke,breathing heavily.
"KACCHAN!"Deku was suddenly there,hugging him.He hugged back on instinct."You're okay!"She pulled back,wiping her tears and smiling widely in relief.Judging by her red eyes,she'd been crying before.
"Are you?"Asked Kirishima from his right,a worried look on his face.
"I think so..."He looked around.Kaminari,Sero and Ashido were there too,looking just as concerned."Where am i?"Yaomomo came in just then,holding a tray of drinks.
"My bedroom.Here."She handed him a cup of orange juice.
"Thanks."He gulped it down in one go,surprising himself and everyone else except Yaomomo,who looked solemn instead.
"What happened to you?"Deku asked.
"Some guy in a werewolf costume bit me."
"That was no costume."Yaomomo said firmly,"Bakugou-kun,you were bitten by a real life werewolf."
Silence befell Yaomomo's bedroom.So when Kaminari laughed nervously,everyone's attention went to him.
"You're kidding... please tell me you're kidding."
"I'm not kidding.I know a werewolf when i see one."
"How?"Asked Ashido suspiciously,"Are you a werewolf too?"
"No,i'm a vampire."
"Oooof course she is."Sero muttered.
"Prove it."Ashido asked of her.
Yaomomo picked up a red cup from the tray and drank the color off with her fangs.
"This cannot get any weirder."Katsuki said.
"It can get weirder."Yaomomo reassured him as Deku,"That was no ordinary werewolf that bit you-"
"That's a contradiction and half."Commented Kaminari.
"-that was Touya,son of Enji 'The Endeavorous' Todoroki-."
"Todoroki?!"Exclaimed Deku,standing up straight,"As in our classmate Todoroki?!"
"Yes,that's correct."
"How many of our other classmates are monsters?!"Kaminari said in disbelief,"Is Jirou is a vampire too?!"
"No,she is human.And i'd like to keep things that way.Todoroki is human as well-his father is not a werewolf,he's a werewolf hunter."
Deku gripped Katsuki's shoulder protectively.
"Touya got bitten by a werewolf and ran away from home.He goes by Dabi now."She awnsered Katsuki's unasked question,"He's joined a pack.A pack that kills and feats on innocent humans and vampires."
They all sucked in a breath.
"Touya is not to be played with.He is very dangerous-an alpha."
"That means he's the leader,right?"Kaminari inquired.
"One of the leaders,yes.The other is Shigaraki Tomura.All of you need to stay as far away from them as possible-and so do i."
Another silence passed.
"Yaomomo,"Ashido said quietly,"Why didn't you tell us about this?"
Yaomomo gave her a sad look,"I'm sorry.I wanted to protect you.All of you.But now it seems i've miscalculated.Touya is going to come after-"She looked at Katsuki,"-you now."
Katsuki gulped,hating himself for being afraid.He could hear his Mom yelling at him,calling him a weakling and a disgrace.
Deku's expression slowly morphed into one of determination,"I'll protect you."
"Deku-san,you're just a human.Please-"
"I'll protect you too!"Said Ashido and Kirishima at the same time.
"Me three!"Said a fired up Sero.
"What the hell?Me four!"Kaminari said,smiling now."This is fuckin' crazy but i'd follow you guys to the ends of the Earth."
Yaomomo looked across them and sighed,smiling fondly,"Me five.Let's suit you up."
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The Parent Escape: Ch. 14
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Read it on AO3
CHAPTER 14: Truth Serum
Billy’s shocked he still has a bed that night.  That Judy didn’t kick him out the second he’d told her he’d kissed Steve.  He wouldn’t have blamed her, really.  Not only was he a <i>fag</i>, but he was a fag who’d made her son’s life <i>infinitely</i> more complicated.  Breaking up with his girlfriend, nearly screwing his best friend… how do you come back from that? 
But Judy sits with him, lets him get it all out, even keeps a hand on his arm for the most of it, a solid weight anchoring him to the moment.  Judy <i>knows,</i> and she’s not screaming at him, or running from him, or disgusted by him.  No, he knows disgust on a person’s face, seen it enough to be able to pick it out from a line-up of emotions.  Judy’s face is concerned, maybe even a bit overwhelmed, but not disgusted.  
“So, is Steve…?”  Billy shrugs.
“I don’t know.  Pretty sure he likes both?”
“But you don’t.”  Not a question.  Billy shakes his head, covering his face with his hands, wishing, and not for the first time, that he could hide away from the rest of the world.  Just sink into nothingness.  He feels fingers wrap around his right wrist, gently pulling his hand down. 
“Billy, <i>nothing</i> is wrong with you.”  He blinks at her, free hand wiping at the tears still clinging to his lashes.  “Life is… things are <i>complicated</i>, but we’ll get through it.” She pauses, still holding onto his wrist.  “And it might not be my place to say, but I think you should tell Steve.”
“That I’m gay?”
“That you’re <i>Billy</i>.”  Billy stops moving entirely.  Stops breathing.  The idea of confessing, telling Steve it wasn’t his best friend he’d been playing kissy-face with, but some <i>stranger</i>, a stranger who’s been <i>lying</i> to him… no.  He can’t.  He can’t have the last look Steve gives him be one of contempt.  
Right now Steve looks at him like he cares, like <i>likes</i> him. He can’t lose that.  
“No.  No I- I can’t.” He pulls his arm out of her grip, “Jason can get it all sorted out.  I know he can.  And I’ll just- I’ll go to California and handle Neil.  Fair trade.”  Judy looks for all the world like she wants to argue, but her mouth remains firmly shut.  
God he’s going to miss her. 
Billy takes himself upstairs after that, drained of absolutely all energy. Between Kim, Steve, and Judy, he’s spent. 
Even so, as he lays his head on the pillow, he’s still thinking about Steve.  There’s a part of him, a very small part, that sees Judy’s point.  Him being the one to tell Steve would allow him to control the narrative, explain things in such a way that maybe Steve wouldn’t hate him after learning the truth.  But what <i>could</i> he say?  <i>”Sorry, the guy you thought you were kissing is in California meeting his abusive dad for the first.  I’m the twin brother keeping his life here warm.  Want to make out again?”</i>   He flips around and shoves his face into the pillow, screaming into the fibers. Doesn’t care if Judy can hear him, if he wakes Lyle up. Just screams. 
And then he passes out. 
He wakes to an extremely dry mouth and a headache, doesn’t know if it’s from the beer or the emotional overload. All he knows is that he’s not looking forward to today.  His stomach tightens as he recounts everything he’d told Judy, everything she likely told Lyle.  The fact that no one stormed in and threw him out is at least a good sign.  He relaxes into the mattress for another minute before hoisting himself out of bed.  
There’s a note sitting on the counter again, and Billy’s mind immediately goes into overdrive guessing what it says.  Maybe it’s another grocery/chore list.  Maybe it’s a retraction of Judy’s kind words last night.  Maybe it’s Lyle telling him to get out. Find his own way back to California. 
His fingers tremble as he reaches for it, pencil lines so light on the yellow legal pad he needs to raise it up closer to his face to read it. 
Wanted to make sure you felt like your own self.  Feel free to get some new clothes. No limit but try not to go <u>too</u> crazy.
-Uncle Lyle</i>
His hands are still lightly shaking as he looks down, expecting to find a few bills left behind for him, but his eyes catch instead on a small plastic card with two circles on it, <i>Lyle Scott</i> embossed on the bottom. 
Holy shit, he’d left him his credit card. 
How fucking trusting <i>are</i> these people?
His mind races with the possibilities, thinks on the fantasies he would entertain back home about what he would do if he suddenly had access to money.  Gas up the Camaro, load up on his favorite foods, buy a new jacket and some boots, an earring, maybe a few tapes, drive as fast as he could out of Emeryville.  But, as he looks at the card still sitting on the counter, he realizes... he has all of that here.  And he’s <i>choosing</i> to go back to live with Neil, finish his senior year, and leave on his own terms. 
But, there’s no reason he can’t do it in some new clothes.  
Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, Hawkins has a severe lack of style.  Billy drives around for an hour trying to find someplace that’s not a department store which might sell something other than Lacoste polos.  It’s like some cruel joke of the universe, the irony that he gets his hands on a credit card and there’s <i>nothing</i> worth buying. 
Well, maybe not <i>nothing</i>, he’s got a couple pairs of jeans hanging over his arm, a button up shirt he thinks he could make work with some adjustments, and a pack of socks.  He’s poking through some T-shirts when he hears a familiar voice behind him, and nearly dives into the center of the rack to avoid detection.
“Hey! Jason!”  Too late. 
“Hey,” Billy fixes on a fake smile and turns to greet Steve and… a child?  The smile immediately drops into a frown as he tries to remember <i>anything</i> Jason might have mentioned about Steve having a younger brother.  Not that the kid looks a thing like him, but why else would he be hanging around some middle schooler? Shit, is he supposed to know who this is?  Is he <i>seriously</i> going to get outed on his <i>last day</i> because of this weird half-human?  
“See I <i>told you</i> he wouldn’t remember me!” The kid lisps out, and Billy has to fight the instinct to take a step back.  What’s wrong with this kid’s <i>teeth?</i> 
“It’s just cause you grew up so much at camp,” Steve palms the kid’s ballcap, giving him some friendlier version of a noogie and pushing the bill over his eyes while glaring at Billy and mouthing what was probably the kid’s name but looked like fuck-all to Billy, who shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head in response, making Steve throw his head back and roll his eyes.  Drama queen. 
“<I>Dustin</i>,” oh <i>now</i> Billy understands the exaggerated mouth motions, “wanted some advice on clothes for the new school year.” Billy pops up an eyebrow, gives Steve a slow once-over: short sleeved striped polo tucked into stone-washed pegged jeans and high top Nikes.
“And he went to <i>you</i>?” 
“Uh, <i>yeah</i>,” Steve props his hands on his hips, “last I checked only <i>one</i> of us in here was voted Hawkins High Best Dressed Guy 1984.”  And Billy tries, okay?  He tries not to laugh, but the snort is coming and there’s no stopping it.  He turns his head at least, laughing more into his shoulder than right at Steve’s face, but the damage is done. 
Steve narrows his eyes and crosses his arms in front of his chest, “Oh yeah, yeah?  Well, what have you got there, then?” He motions with his elbow, indicating the small pile of clothes Billy has slung over his arm.
“Clothes, Harrington.  You that far out of style?”  And god, Billy is going to miss this, needling this boy until he makes the cutest, poutiest faces.  Steve’s lips are pursed, eyes bright, brows drawn.
“Gonna show us, then?” Billy grins, breath huffing out of his nose as he tilts his head down toward the floor, then back up, eyelids heavy as he looks at Steve. 
“What you want a little fashion show?”  Steve raises his eyebrows and clucks his tongue as he pops up his left shoulder, a poor imitation of nonchalance that Billy is eating up.  He’ll put on a fuckin’ show, alright-
“What the hell is going on?” And shit, Billy totally forgot there was anyone else here. He shoots a look at the kid; baggy shorts and vest over a dingy orange t-shirt, hair a mess under a ballcap.  How in the hell did Harrington get saddled with someone like this? 
“Watch and learn, short stack,” Billy says, making his way back to the changing rooms.  He hears light arguing behind him, doesn’t turn to check and see if they’re following. Doesn’t really care either way, but still grins when he turns to go into the tiny walled off space and sees Steve in his peripheral, taking a seat in the makeshift waiting area.  
Once the door is latched he shimmies out of Jason’s pants, half-tempted to fling them over the partition, before grabbing the new pair.  They’re a size smaller than Jason wears, cut to fit more comfortably over the boots that are waiting for him back in California.  He has to hop a little to get them on, tight as they are, but grins when he turns and sees himself in the mirror.  Now <i>that’s</i> an ass.  Gives it a little wiggle and a slap before shucking off his t-shirt and slipping the button-up over his shoulders.  He fastens only the bottom two, leaving a long V leading to his navel, rolls the sleeves and tucks the tails into his jeans before zipping up.  Takes a long moment to appreciate himself in the mirror, breathing in, and exhaling slowly.  <i>This</i> is Billy Hargrove.  He runs a hand through his hair, disrupting the pomade he’d used to smooth it down this morning, letting the curls that have been growing back in run free.  God<i>damn</i> but he looks good.  
“Hey!”  He hears Steve’s shout, “you gonna stay in there all day?  We still got things to do!”  Billy grins, biting his lip, loving that Steve is still out there, knows he’d probably wait around at least another five minutes if Billy decided to primp some more.  He throws his shoulders back, making them look even broader, gets a practiced, lazy grin on his face, and strides out the door. 
“Geezus Harrington, don’t get your panties in a twist,” he drawls, making his way to where Steve and the hobbit are waiting.  He flexes a little, brings his hand back up through his hair, purposely avoids looking at Steve’s face until he’s right in front of him, and when he finally looks down it does <i>not</i> disappoint.  Steve’s eyes are wide, lips pink and shiny, just barely parted as he stares up at Billy, who smirks and cocks an eyebrow. 
“Whaddya think?”
“Are pants <i>supposed</i> to be that tight?”  The kid lisps out, and before Billy can snark back at him Steve is shoving some money into his little gremlin hands.
“Hey, I gotta- I’ll meet you at the arcade in a while, kay?”
“But you promised we’d go clothes shopping!”
“And we will!  Just, I forgot I was supposed to do something with Jason first.”  Hearing that name is like a stab to the chest.  For the first time in nearly two weeks Billy’s really been able to feel like himself, <i>look</i> like himself, and Steve <i>still</i> only sees Jason.  The rational part of Billy’s brain knows that it’s not Steve’s fault, per se, but still, it <i>stings</i>. Makes him want to lash out or run away.  And with a deep breath, he chooses the latter. 
“Nah, man, you promised the kid, go with the kid.”  He turns to go back into the changing room, but is stopped as Steve jumps up and grabs his elbow.  
“Hey, uh,” he drops his voice low, “if you need help taking those off, they’re like, <i>really</i> tight-” Billy shakes off his grip.
“Get back to babysitting,” he tosses out, but at the crestfallen look on Steve’s face, adds, “maybe I’ll need help later.”  God, this guy is like a drug Billy can’t quit.  Seconds ago he was ready to turn tail and never see him again, now he’s practically given him a hand-written invitation into his pants.  Steve smiles, gives him a dorky salute and walks backward for a few steps, unabashedly checking out Billy’s ass before turning back toward the kid.   
But it’s not like Billy can complain, it <i>is</i> a great ass.
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