#i passed dental school
i-cant-sing · 22 days
Hey guys...
You can now officially call me Dr Snow :)
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doubletrucks · 1 year
hey guys does anyone know what we're supposed to do. like just for our lives
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loveofmylouis · 2 years
#so we have a groupchat of my whole class#because at my school when youre officially in a program you have the same classes with all the same people for the entirety of the program#so I'll be with these people until next summer#and the groupchat is great and everything its making it easier to know when stuff is due and we're sharing our flashcards and stuff#but now people are wanting to split up the workload between everyone#we got this very long work packet that was over 100 short answer questions and people wanted to split it up#and im sorry im just not doing that#because one you wont learn anything if you're not looking up the answers yourself#and i also already had the packet finished because i was working on it when we got a break while everyone else was goofing around#and maybe that will make the bitch of the class or whatever but i have to take this seriously#i promise i dont have a stick up my ass but im almost 25 and i genuinely dont know what I'd do if i dont pass this dental assisting program#like i dont mind sharing my flashcards and i made this color coordinated schedule and shared it with everyone and they were asking me if i#could make one every week if i could and i dont mind doing that at all#but im not splitting the workload or anything like that#and i know it is kind of overwhelming and i should maybe look at it through other peoples eyes because ive been through a program similar#to this one at my school but i could not see myself being an MLT so i quit the program#so i kind of knew to expect that it would be an astronomical amount of work and i already know how to study for a program like this#so i just dont reply to those gc messages so i dont have to say flat out no I'm not splitting this worksheet with you guys#id rather spend a couple more hours on it and actually benefit from it than split the workload and end up not passing the program because i#split all of my worksheets up like other people in my class#i mean you cant split up the questions on the certification board#and you only get one chance at passing your dental assissting certification boards#if you fail you have to do your whole program over#and i genuinely will not and cannot do that#sorry i had to rant about this for a hot second because its really getting on my nerves#i mean of course i want to make friends and create those relationships its kind of hard not to when you're with those same people every day#for a year#but im taking this more seriously than I've ever taken anything#also a girl that graduated the program last year came to talk to us and said their program started with 25 people and only 7 graduated#so that scared me and made me want to take it even more seriously lol
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sinofwriting · 2 months
So Many Reasons - Ollie Bearman
Words: 3,343 Summary: She honestly just wants to go to these two races to see her brother so he won’t complain about never seeing her anymore that is it. She has exams, an internship, and a job, she doesn’t have time for any of this. Note(s): Thank you V once again for commissioning the fic! I had a lot of fun writing it and may or may not have spent an hour researching different business degrees and universities and such. Reader is Andrea Kimi Antonelli’s older sister. Age gap of 3 years between her and Ollie. Not good family dynamics between her and Kimi and their father.
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“Andrea, no.” Her voice is firm, perhaps harsh but she doesn’t care. She was tired, hungry, and had to stay up for at least another six hours. Her last red bull in her bag sounded better every second. “C’mon, sorella. It is my first F2 race. You can miss a few classes.” Her jaw clenches and she forces herself to take a deep breath. Thank god this was just a phone call. “No, Andrea. I can’t. I have exams.” “Ask for an extension.” “Andrea,” she snaps. “Does padre know you are asking me this?” His voice is quiet, “no.” She sighs, pushing away her work. “How is your school work going?” “It’s fine.” “And the sim?” “Good.”
It’s quiet between the two siblings.
“It’s been months since we last saw each other. Do you not miss me?” “We saw each other at Christmas.” She reminds him but softens. “Of course I do. But I’m busy. I can’t take a few days away to go to a race, at least not one that’s not in Europe.” She looks at her planner, at the days blocked out with different colors. Purple for exams, blue for classes, yellow for work, green for work and classes, the dreaded orange for when she had both exams and work. It was filled for days, weeks, and months. “I could maybe make it for Imola.” She’d have to talk to her professors, put in her time now for work, but she didn’t have any exams the day after his feature race. “Maybe even Monaco if you can get me a spare pass.” She shouldn’t go to Monaco, not with her final exams to obtain her MBA starting just the day after the race, but she didn’t have any work those days and she could always bring her books with her. “Really?” She smiles at the excitement in his voice. “Really. Are you sure you want your big sister around?” “Yes. It will be nice to have family in the paddock. Someone other than dad.” She hums, eyes widening as they catch the time. “Let me know about the passes for the different races, okay? As soon as you get them I’ll talk to my professors.” “I will.” “Bye Andrea.” “Bye.”
“Mr. Garcia?” She knocks on the door frame. “You asked to see me?” He smiles, beckoning her in. “Yes. Please sit.” He gestures at the chairs in front of his desk before quickly typing something. She sits down, smoothing the fabric of her skirt. “I wanted to talk to you about your plans after you get your MBA.” “I’d like to get a travel position or be able to work remotely half of the time. Then I think after ten years of doing that, I’d like to take a bigger account or two.” He hums, looking at her consideringly. “Why the travel position?” “I like traveling, going to different places, and when I went once before with Maria, I liked what she had to do.” “You're also good with languages.” “Yes.” “And the hybrid?” She fidgets a little. “The same reasons really as the travel position and I like the extended hours.” His lips twitch into a smile, “Maria hated remote.” She nods.
“She said you’d be suited for it.” Her leg that had started to bounce stops. He leans forward, “I’d like to keep you on. I know that your internship with Maria ends the first week of May. And that you’re only supposed to continue to work with us until August. But I’d like to offer you the remote position, starting June 20th.” She looks at him with a slight open mouth. “What,” she clears her throat. “What exactly would that look like?” He pushes forward a folder. “All of the details are in there, but there are two important things. There will only be a few days every month that require you in the office. Those days are always made known at least two weeks in advance, some as much as six months.” She nods. “The second is you will have strict deadlines. Miss two within a three month period and you will be on probation, meaning that for a time you will be spending at least eighty hours in office for the month, until your probation is up. Look over all the details and get back to me next week.” “Of course.” Taking the folder, she stares at it before standing. “Thank you, Mr. Garcia.” “Of course, Ms. Antonelli.”
“Andrea!” She calls, seeing him looking around. His head turns to look at her, a large grin taking over his face. “Sorella!” He calls, jogging over to her. “You made it.” She rolls her eyes, pushing him away when he tries to give her a hug. “I told you two weeks ago I’d make it to Imola. It’s not my fault, you don’t listen.” She touches her ears before giving him a quick hug. “How are you feeling?” “Good.” She hums, following him as he leads her to what she assumes is Prema’s space for this race.
The good was false that was more than clear to see, if she wasn’t his sister, she’d know just by looking at the F2 races so far. Round four with no podiums? Or pole position. Her brother was surely smarting. She wondered if it had hit him yet that he wasn’t the most talented driver in this series yet.
Entering the Prema garage she smiles when Rene immediately greets her.
“How are you?” “I’m good. Very good. How are you? How is Angelina?” “I am good, I’m sure you saw the Indycar news.” She nods, watching as Andrea starts talking to either a mechanic or an engineer. “I did. It sounds amazing.” “Very amazing. And Angelina, well,” He pauses, turning his head and calling her over.
“Oh, Y/N.” “Angelina.” She greets back, melting into the hug the older woman gives. “How are you doing?” “I’m doing good. And you are well?” “Of course, it is the season.” She smiles at her, knowing all too well how much everyone loved the motorsport season.
“Kimi!” Angelina calls and she has to stop herself from flinching at the use of his nickname. “You did not tell me that your sister was coming.” He shrugs, “She’s coming next race as well.” “You are coming to Monaco?” She shrugs, adjusting her purse. “It’s my last free time before my exams and Andrea asked when I was going to come.” Rene and Angelina share a look but before either can say anything, someone interrupts.
“Angelina, Dino and Antonio are wondering about the next shoot.” The older woman sighs, “And neither of them could get me themselves.” He shoots her a grin, and it’s the sight of his grin that makes her realize that this is Andrea’s teammate. “I volunteered.” Angelina shakes her head, muttering under her breath but leaves the small group.
“Ah, Ollie, this Y/N. Y/N, this is Ollie.” Rene introduces. She shakes his hand. “Nice to meet you.” “You as well. Are you new to the team?” “No.” She laughs, pulling her hand from his. “Just a guest for this race and next.” “Oh.” He looks at Rene questioningly, but the older man is already in conversation with other people. “I could give you a tour, if you’d like.” “You don’t need to do that.” He smiles, giving a small shrug with his shoulders. “I don’t mind.” “Don’t you have race prep?” She can see just behind him, Andrea talking to another two people, their heads all gathered around a tablet. “I finished mine already.” Her lips purse. “At least let me get you a coffee from Ferrari’s hospitality.” Her nose nearly wrinkles at the word coffee, but Ferrari… She wasn’t into motorsports by choice, but she was Italian. She knew the allure of Ferrari and more so now Charles Leclerc than the team itself better than anyone. “So, coffee?” He grins. She sighs but nods. “Just one though.” She doesn’t think she could stomach another one.
“You don’t like coffee do you?” He asks nearly twenty minutes later as she sips at the coffee he got her and she chooses not to think too hard about the money she tried to hand him that he refused. “No.” She laughs. “But you like Ferrari.” “I’m Italian, Ollie. I think I get kicked out of the country, especially this part if I don’t bleed rosso corsa.” “Yet your brother is a Mercedes junior.” She pauses, “My brother?” His eyebrows furrow. “I’m sorry, it’s just Kimi, he has a picture of you. I asked about it once, because I already knew what his girlfriend looked like.” “I didn’t know that.” She wondered when the picture was from. Not from this Christmas, that was for sure. Ollie stares at her for a few seconds, something dancing in his eyes before turning the conversation back around. “It is a bit funny isn’t it? An Italian choosing Mercedes, while an Englishman chooses Ferrari.” “A second Charles Leclerc in the making.” She muses, remembering an article that said it. He flushes red. “I wouldn’t say that.” She shrugs, “Then other people will for you.”
Her phone buzzing makes her look away and she rolls her eyes at the text from Andrea. “I have to go back, Andrea is looking for me. Thank you for the coffee.” He nods, standing with her. “No problem.” He then opens his mouth again, quickly closing it. She raises an eyebrow and he flushes a bit more. “Could I get your number?” “Ah.” She glances down at her phone, another text on the screen. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “Why not?” She can think of a million reasons. “It’s just not a good idea.” She settles on. “What if I want it as a friend?” She sends him a look and he grins. “I could do friends.” She shakes her head, “I need to go. Thank you again.” “Anytime.”
“You're at a race.” “Padre.” She greets, watching the screens as the sprint race goes into its fifth lap. “Andrea asked me to come.” “You don’t like races.” Her lips thin. “No, I don’t. But he wanted to see me, I made time.” “Have you made time for the interview I want scheduled?” “No.” He starts to say her name and she shakes her head. “No, padre. I’m here for Andrea, to see him. Just like I will be for Monaco, that is it. I have no interest in working for you.” “For the family.” “Or that.” He sighs.
Crossing her arms over her chest, she winces at the way Andrea gets overtaken, can already imagine the way he’ll beat himself up over it if he doesn’t regain the position, especially with the way Ollie is in P2, no battle in sight, as he more than comfortably keeps the place.
An arm wraps around her shoulders and she easily goes into her fathers side. “I miss my little girl.” She bites back on the words that want to crawl from her throat. “Love you too.”
“So,” she startles at the sound of a voice and the owner of it grins. “You don’t like coffee.” “Hello, Ollie.” “Hi.” He greets back. “You don’t like coffee.” He repeats. “I don’t like coffee.” She can’t help but smile at the way he grins at her responding to him. “What about,” he pauses looking around, before leaning closer and lowering his voice. “Red bull?” “I’m listening.”
She has to stop herself from giggling as Ollie leads her through Ferrari’s garage. She really shouldn’t be here. And not just because she shouldn’t even be at the race.
Stopping in front of a door, she watches as Ollie knocks, sending her a grin as he does.
“Hello?” The voice is a little confused. “Ollie! Come in, come in.” And Ollie grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers as he pulls her into the room with him. “Hi Charles.” Her eyes widen at the name and she quickly schools her expression though neither are looking at her. “What are you doing here?” Ollie grins at the older man. “I wanted to introduce you to someone and raid your fridge.” Charles rolls his eyes. “At least you don’t ask permission anymore.”
The tease makes her stiffen, this was a lot more than she felt she should be seeing or hearing.
“No, I learned.” Ollie laughs and then he’s tugging her closer. “Charles, this is Y/N.” A bit of tension leaves her when he doesn’t say her last name. “Y/N, this is Charles.” “Bonjour.” She greets, keeping her free hand firmly by her side as she wiggles her fingers in Ollie’s hand, but he just brushes his thumb over her knuckles. Charles’ eyes brighten at the greeting. “Bonjour. Est-ce un accent italien que j'entends?” (“Hello. Is that an Italian accent I hear?”) “Oui. Je suis italienne et je vis actuellement en France.” (“Yes. I am Italian currently living in France.) His grin widens. “Oh, très bien. Votre français est bon.” (“Oh, very nice. Your French is good.”) She ducks her head. “Merci.” (“Thank you.”)
“I didn’t know you spoke French.” Ollie says. She gives him a look. It should make his smile falter a little, but it only grows. “An Italian living in France. A bit uncommon, no?” Charles asks, handing her then Ollie a Red Bull. Before grabbing one for himself. “I study there.” “What are you studying?” Ollie asks, “Ki,” he stops himself. “Andrea never said.” Her eyes narrow at the catch, wondering why exactly he did it. “Accounting. And I’m not surprised. If it’s not something racing related, my brother has no interest.” Charles laughs. “I think Lorenzo and you would get along well. Having siblings that live and breath racing while you don’t.” “Maybe.” “Are you close to getting your degree?” “I am actually. My final exams start Monday.” “And you came to the Monaco Grand Prix?” Charles’ eyes are wide. “Yes.” “My goodness.” He looks at Ollie, winking at him. “This one is a keeper.” “Oh,” she says, feeling blood rush to her cheeks and Ollie is turning pink. “We aren’t.” He shrugs, taking a drink of his red bull. “Maybe not yet.” His eyes then fall to their still intertwined fingers and she gives another tug to Ollie’s hand, expecting him now to let go, but he doesn’t. “No, not yet.”
“What race are you coming to next?” Her hand tingles at the sound of Ollie’s voice. “I’m not.” “What?” She turns to face him. “Andrea wanted me at the first race of the season, but I couldn’t make it, so I said I’d come to these two.” She doesn’t mention that the want of her coming was because he apparently missed her. She had her doubts about that, especially after this weekend. “You don’t think he’ll ask you to come again?” She looks around, seeing no one nearby, she sighs. “Even if he did, I wouldn’t come. I love my brother, but not on race weekends, not during the season. I’ve seen you more than him.” Ollie’s face that had looked shocked, turns to understanding. “I’m sorry. I had no idea.” She shrugs. “He’s busy.” Ollie looks like he wants to argue, but he doesn’t.
Instead he leans a bit closer, “so, could I get your number now?” She laughs, shaking her head. “No. Still not happening.” “Oh, c’mon. I won today. This is the one thing I want as the Monaco F2 feature race winner.” She shakes her head. “Maybe, if you actually wanted it as a friend. I’d say yes.” “And why can’t we be more than friends?” He’s closer now somehow and she has to swallow around the lump in her throat. “Ollie,” Her name spills from his lips in a gentle sigh as he leans ever closer. “We can’t.” She whispers, hand against his chest, holding him place. “Why? Give me one good reason why.”
He’s guiding her backwards, down the short hallway and into a room that’s thankfully empty, the door shutting behind him.
“One good reason.” “You’re Andrea’s teammate.” “For nine more weekends.” She lets out a shaky breath, watching as his tongue darts out to wet his lips. “I’m busy with school and work.” “You have final exams this week, which you’ll pass. And I’m busy with work as well.” “You're younger than me. I’m twenty-two, you just turned nineteen.” He shrugs, her eyes following the strong line of shoulders with the movement. “I’m an adult. And I like you.” “Ollie.” She breathes. He’s closer than ever before, their lips nearly brushing. “I’m still waiting.” Her eyes scan his face, his words full of confidence, his body too, but he’s flushed and his nervousness is easy to read. And she delivers the reason that has to make him see reason. Because she doesn’t know if he stays this close to her if she can stop herself from kissing him. “Your parents,” his throat bobs. “Would never approve.” He looks at her and she looks back, holding her breath, waiting for him to back away but he doesn’t, and god when does Ollie ever do things she expects. “They don’t need to.” He whispers and then he’s kissing her.
“What are you talking about?” “Andrea,” “No.” He stops her, shaking her head. “What do you mean, you are seeing Oliver?” He spits the name out. “Don’t, Andrea.” “NO!” His face is red and she’s reminded of the times when he wanted candy that she had and threw a fit over not getting it instead. “He is, he is,” he shakes his head. “I don’t even know what he is. He is my teammate, he works in motorsports, you hate motorsports.” She keeps quiet, watching as her brother processes the news. “He is younger than you, barely older than me. And you.” He shakes his head again. “Does padre know?” She scoffs, now shaking her head. “Does padre know? That’s all you care about isn’t it. If our father approves or not, if you knows what he thinks, because heaven forbid Kimi,” he flinches at the name. “You think for yourself.” “That is not.” “Don’t.” She cuts him off. “Yes, he knows. Don’t worry he disapproves as well. So, you don’t have to think for yourself again.”
She stares at her younger brother, knowing that this is her fault, but she can’t, she still doesn’t have it in her to deal with it, not today. “I will talk to you sometime, Andrea.”
“Your fans are lovely.” Ollie makes a humming sound, half asleep. She pauses her scrolling on twitter, unable to stop herself from liking the picture of Charles’ dog in his own personal little car. “Your fans. Very creative as well. They can’t call me a gold digger, but a fame seeker? Well, if the shoe fits.” “They what?” He sounds so much more awake, it makes her laugh. “It’s just hate, Ollie. I’m an old woman praying on the young. Apparently I’m like Piquet.” “Ew.” And she can picture his nose wrinkling. “You know you aren’t though right?” “An old woman?” She jokes. “A predator.” She softens, turning in his arms, so that they are chest to chest. “I know.” “I mean, really if anything I was.” “You were very insistent.” He flushes. “Only a little.” She nods, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “Only a little.”
“I know we talked about it before, but are you okay with everything?” “Yes. I mean, it hurts that Andrea is still not okay with it but my father’s opinion has not mattered to me in a long time. And no matter what the media and fans were never going to give us peace, so I made my peace with that as well. Besides, your parents are okay with it.” “They love you.” “Our friends are understanding.” “They are.” “And you aren’t about to dedicate any more podiums to me.” He grins at her and dread starts to form in her stomach. “Ollie…” “About that last one.” “Ollie!”
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6ngelface · 4 months
productivity log !! 🕯️ೀ
a sneak peak of my first week back into the last year of high school
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💌 study habits !!
✩˚ 9.5 hours logged of study, with 2 hours of english tuition + 1 hour of latin tuition + 2 hours of maths tuition -> total: 14.5 hours
✩˚ attempting to not submit anything overdue, or put anything to the last minute-- meaning that i complete any work the second i am assigned it!
🐇 health & wellbeing !!
✩˚ ran twice, hoping to go for a run once i head home! (just did, for 30 mins!!)
✩˚ daily 1 min planks, 30x jumping jacks, 30x squats, and stretch before bed
✩˚ restricting eating out, including drinks, to once every fortnight
✩˚ making a wonderful breakfast of oats with oat milk, bananas, and protein peanut butter every day ♡
✩˚ dental clean check up over the weekend
🩰 self growth !!
✩˚ volunteering at my local opshop on saturday (every fortnight) one of the other volunteers brought in a date slice that was to die for!
✩˚ went to a pride parade, walked 4.2 km
✩˚ screen time: 2h 12 min (phone) and 4h 55min (ipad) weekly avg :(
🌷 goals !!
✩˚ consume consciously! this includes changing how i approach eating and mindless social media
✩˚ reduce screen time to 2hrs or less each device
✩˚ run every second day
✩˚ submit english tuition hw for the first time 🥲
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signing off !! 🧸⋆˚꩜
ending this chapter of my life is daunting, but something to look to into the future. for now, i wish to do the best that i can and that means not losing focus of my goals and my ambitions. i’ve been really trying to connect to others more and make new friends, especially ones that i can study with and that i look up to. i have been worrying vaguely about love because of our formal coming up, but i’m sure that it’ll pass. i shouldn’t worry, regardless, because it will come to me when the time is right. i hope not to lose sight of myself and to be true, always. i’m always open and looking to making mutuals! i’d love to be your friend 🩷
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silent-browser · 10 months
Why is it that I often turn my sad into yanderes?
Anywho Yan! Manager x struggling!reader.
You haven't had a job in literal months. The rent is due and landlord isn't looking to excuse any more payments. Your fridge only has half a loaf of bread and a quarter filled bottle of watery ketchup. Stress infuses your very soul, you have not known a moment of true peace and security since you left home.
And you are exactly who they were looking for.
They had known you from high school. The two of you didn't talk much but from what they saw while they were stalking you you are a wonderful and sweet person. Deserving of praise beyond worship. And they admit that they had at some point became irredeemably obsessed.
They unfortunately lost contact with you when they transferred out to be moved into college early but now they had found you again. Duller than before sure but they are sure that with just a bit of love and care you can become that friendly and lovable person they knew you to be. But would you accept their love? Their worship and adulation?
No. You were always very independent. Insisted that you could do almost anything on your own. How admirable. No they had to help you in a subtle way. In a way that you wouldn't know they were offering you aid...
A phone notification.
You check your phone, readying yourself to tell whoever texted that you were fine and everything was fine and to not worry about you. Instead you see an email notification. A job offer. For an administrative position in a local but sizable company in your town.
You read the email over again. 'Now hiring at such-n-such company. Position open, office manager. Pays $$$/hr, full benefits, all insurance coverages, paid vacation, dental, paid time off. Requirements, good attitude and a pretty smile. Apply now!'
...This was so obviously a scam...
A very cruel one considering your current situation but a scam none the less so you delete it quickly and continue wallowing and scrolling through job sites.
"NOOOOOOO! WHY!? WHAT HAPPENED!?" Fists slam into a hardwood desk. "What was wrong with the application darling? W-were the benefits not enough? The money?" They cupped their phone gently as they continued to watch their poor darling get sadder and more gaunt as seconds passed.
"No matter dearest," they wispered before kissing their phone screen, "I can just change the job listing for you."
A new phone notification.
'Now hiring at same such-n-such company. Position open, personal secretary. Pays $$$$/hr, full benefits, all insurance cover-'
"Another scam" you mumble before deleting the email once more.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Frenzied typing filled the room. "I would never scam you darling! That's the same as betraying you and I would rather DIE than betray you dear. Never. Never.. never never never" they continued to mumble under their breath as they typed up a new email.
"god dang it"
'Now hiring at such-n-such company. Position open, emotional support human. Pays, $$$$$/hr everything you could ever want dear. Full benefits, all insurance coverages, the heart of the CEO-'
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brucewaynehater101 · 26 days
I know you're mostly an angst person, but in the Parentified!Tim au, I couldn't stop imagining Tim doing his utmost best to keep Bruce's faith in Santa Claus when he and his team watched Santa die.
Bruce: Hm. Santa must be busy this year.
Tim, who's failing at Santa-ing and being scolded by 10,000 unpaid elves who's also complaining about their poor dental insurance: Don't worry, chum. I'm sure he'll pass by tonight. Now, why don't we leave the cookies near the fireplace and tuck you in? I heard from the grapevine that he also prefers C4 energy drink rather than milk.
Bruce: *narrows his eyes*
Tim: *sweats in lactose intolerance* Or milk!
Bruce: *Hums in approval and leaves the milk and cookies*
Tim: Man. Alfred, this is bullshi--
Santa, who's very much alive: *happily munching on Alfred's award-winning cookies plus the ones from the kitchen* *gulps the milk down* *wipes mouth messily*
Santa: No one will fucking believe you
Santa: *fucking poofs out of existence*
Tim: Motherfucker.
Alfred: Master Tim! Where have all my cookies gone?!
Tim: *points at presents under the tree* Maybe Santa ate it!
Alfred: I am too old to fall for that trick. Please tell Master Allen and Master Kent to simply ask to be invited in next time instead of sneaking in.
Tim: But- They-
Alfred: No 'Buts' Master Tim! Although I am glad they did not leave footprints this time, I would be happier if they didn't eat all the food that is prepared for tomorrow.
Alfred: *fucking walks out, winks at Santa who is laughing by the stairs, and heads to bed*
The next day
Tim: *rants vaguely to Bruce about last night*
Bruce: *nods* I saw Alfred kissing Santa once.
Tim: I don't know how to respond to that.
I love this concept so much. Bruce believes in Santa because he most definitely gathered evidence after some kid at school told him otherwise.
Tim, who killed Santa, doesn't want to break the news to Bruce. He knows that a baby Bruce did an investigation, and it's a part of his childhood that Bruce still holds onto. So, Tim does everything he can to hold onto the fabrication that Santa is alive (even if that means managing thousands of elves, forcing all of YJ to do it with him, and finding a way to choke down thousands of cookies and cups of milk). Tim just wants some C4 (which I found hilarious cause I switched over to that brand a few months back) and a break from trying to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in a middle-aged man.
Then Santa's not actually dead. He probably kept the story being dead just to retire and not deal with the elves.
Alfred found out about Tim acting as Santa with his friends probably because he called up Santa Clause to complain about the footprints and mess left behind in his usually impeccable work.
I wonder if Mrs. Clause exists in the DC universe, or if Santa Clause spends a significant time on Christmas kissing people's parents (or maybe Alfred is just special).
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ros3ybabe · 10 months
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August 15th, 2023 🎀
My university resumes classes tomorrow! I am so excited to really begin and solidify my morning routine and get back into the school mindset and grind. I'm really planning on being successful this semester.
With the new semester starting, I figure it's time to set out some new goals and things I want to accomplish this semester.
Fall Semester Goals 🌸
🩷 Academic Goals -
Pass every class with an A, no exceptions. I took on an easy class load for a reason.
Join 1 or 2 clubs. There's a club related to my major that I'm looking into, as well as a kpop club and a Japanese club that I'm looking into joining if I have the ability to.
Put effort into my classes. Don't miss class without a solid, valid excuse. Actually study and review class material outside of lectures. Ask questions in class and don't be afraid to go to office hours or tutoring.
🩷 Personal Goals
Stick to a consistent morning routine! Workout, journal, read, make my bed, skincare, etc. Consistency builds confidence.
Pamper myself regularly. For me, this means the occasional retail therapy moment and getting my nails done every 4 to 6 weeks. I don't normally get my nails due to the nature of my job, but if I keep my nails short and not too flashy, it'll be great! My first appointment is at the end of this week, and I'm excited! The picture of nails I included is actually how I'm getting mine done!!
Routinely attend appointments. That includes lab work, therapy, psych, dental, and general physician appointments. My health is a priority, and I want to make sure I stay on top of it this semester.
🩷 Social Goals
Attend study group sessions when applicable
Again, join a club or two. It's the best way to make friends with similar interests.
Attend social networking events on my campus. They have career fairs and professional fairs all the time. As a junior in university, I think it's time I start building some connections for future internship and career opportunities.
I also have some physical goals, but I will not be including those here as to not accidentally trigger anyone. I don't have particular deadlines for any of the goals I mentioned, but I feel like it's important to have these goals so I know the direction I want my semester to go in.
I'm really excited for this semester. It's time I put my best foot forward and succeed. I know I can do this. My GPA will increase, I will recieve more scholarships, and I will pass everything with high marks. I believe in myself.
To everyone also beginning their semesters, good luck!! I wish you all the best success in every way and that you all thoroughly enjoy everything these next few months bring!
Til next time, lovelies !! 🩷
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
something like that.
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eddie munson x fem!henderson!reader
word count: 3,795
warnings: swearing, smoking (tobacco usage), mentions of anxiety and insecurities, reader doesn’t have a friend group :(( sexual innuendos, teeny bit of angst, mostly fluff
a/n: in case of any confusion, in my head, this is a world where Vecna will not be happening, so the kids start high school like normal, and Eddie joins the gang, etc. etc., chaos and teenagedom ensue. also, reader and will talk about boys!! eek!! anyways, i wanted to write more for eddie, and just went ham and this is what happened. and i love sleepovers!! and dusty bun!! i hope you like it! <333 also!!! i have a little over a hundred followers?? that's crazy to me!! i am thankful for every last one of you little squishies (even though i still need to check for bots). <333
Hellfire had ended about half an hour ago and from what it sounded like now, only Eddie was left, helping Dustin clean up out in the living room. It was getting late, after midnight.
The school was actually putting on a theater production for once, so they’d been temporarily kicked out of the drama room, Dustin’s house being the decided place of meeting until they could go back.
You grabbed for the towel sitting next to the sink on the counter whilst trying to blink the water off of your eyelashes. Patting your face dry, you straightened, hearing footsteps outside of the bathroom door.
They weren’t Dustin’s, who’s were always heavy—like a stomp—but were just a bit lighter, the strides further apart. Eddie. It wasn’t like you were hiding, seeing as you’d left the bathroom door open to begin with.
The steps stopped, the sound of knuckles on a doorframe. You peeked over the top of your now-wet towel. Eddie’s hands were behind his back, a kind sort of grin on his face. “How can I help you this evening, Mr. Munson?” You asked, drawing a snort from the boy.
You lowered the towel, drying off your arms where the water had run down.
“I have been instructed by the younger Henderson that I should ‘just stay the night’ due to the current time. Wanted to let you know. Do you know where my toothbrush is?”
His statement didn’t shock you, nor bother you. It wasn’t the first time Eddie had stayed after a long night of vigorous D&D playing. That was why Dustin had a trundle bed, after all. For sleepovers. Now the lower mattress just had a twenty year old amongst the Star Wars sheets as opposed to a fifteen year old Will or Lucas.
You tossed the towel back on the counter, crouching to dig around under the sink, looking for the red travel container belonging to Eddie’s Henderson-Household-toothbrush. Finding purchase, you stood, holding it out to him.
“For your dental hygiene, my liege.”
“Thank you.”
You returned to putting moisturizer on your face, passing Eddie the toothpaste from where you’d left it moments ago. You smirked at him in the mirror where he had foam all over his mouth, and he bumped your shoulder with his.
Spitting and rinsing his mouth clean, he turned to you. “May I use some of that, M’lady? My skin has been shit lately.”
“Sure thing.” You held the container of lotion aloft, allowing him to dip his finger into the contents a few times, dabbing the cream onto his face.
“Thank you,” he said, watching you screw the lid closed. You observed him as he rubbed it in, fingers swiping over the circles under his eyes, his tongue poking out in concentration. You tried to not stare, not to think about how it would feel to do it yourself.
“Much.” You patted him on the shoulder, heading off to bed.
Flopping down on your mattress, you took the chance to breathe.
You had feelings for Eddie. They’d been almost instantaneous after you got to know him through Dustin. After you saw the way he welcomed your younger brother, how excited he got to have new members in his club. The way he was always sweet to you, always thanked you for putting up with them when Hellfire met at your home.
And there were those times that he’d smile at you, his gaze lingering for just a little too long. The time you’d come home late after spending too long at the bookstore, and thought you had interrupted Dustin hanging out with his friends. Max had come over to see what you’d bought, like always, and Eddie had asked you to watch a movie with them.
And one day you’d smacked into him in the hall at school, and he’d taken one look at you and known. Known you were stressed. He could feel your hands shake as he steadied you, see the worry in your eyes. He’d asked you to sit with him at lunch, and no one had asked any questions. He’d told you he’d always be around if you wanted to talk.
Things like this made you wonder. Wonder whether he was just being nice to Dustin’s older sister, or if he maybe in some way cared about you a little more.
Because he was so sweet. Maybe he was like this with everyone, even if he could be a little intimidating sometimes.
You just didn’t know. But really, when you thought about it, and you did, you weren’t his type. You were quiet, lacking a friend group. He was the opposite of you. There was no way.
You pattered down the hall, pulling a sweatshirt over your head, in search of sustenance. Dustin had slept with the door cracked, and you peeked in, seeing both him and his older friend passed out. You pretended like the skin of Eddie’s back that you could see where his shirt had ridden up didn’t affect you.
You dug around in the freezer, in search of the Eggo’s you knew were hidden in the back. Scrambling for purchase, you latched on to the chilly box, and went to shut the door.
“Fuck!” You jumped at the figure that had materialized during your search.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Eddie chuckled, reaching to tie up his sleep matted hair.
“You’re fine. I just thought everyone else was still sleeping.” You opened the box, ripping at the plastic wrap separating you and waffles. “You hungry?”
“Yeah, actually.” Eddie leaned against the counter, watching you struggle with the packaging.
“We have waffles, clearly. There’s cereal, or I can make you something. Like toast, or…” you paused, thinking. “That’s it actually.” Eddie smiled at you and you swear your heart felt like it was going to fly out of your chest and onto the floor in front of you, gory as that may seem.
“Waffles are fine. You don’t have to make them, though. I do know how to use a toaster.”
“You’re the guest, Munson. And technically, I’m in charge, so I can’t have you setting the kitchen aflame this early in the morning.” He was smiling at you again, those big brown eyes seemingly putting you in a trance. “How many do you want?”
Eddie tapped his finger thoughtfully against his chin. “Four.”
You took four waffles out of the box and popped all of them in the toaster, thankful your mom had bought one with that many spots. “Do you want them burnt? How done do you like them?” You asked, fingers waiting above the dial before pressing the lever.
“However you do yours is just fine.” You rolled your eyes at him, moving to get the syrup out of the fridge.
Eddie watched you move around the kitchen. He liked watching you, seeing your mind work as you pulled out plates and forks and butter. He didn’t think anyone had the right to be this gorgeous this early in the day, eyes still puffy from sleep, sheet marks on your cheek.
You spun around aimlessly in the kitchen, waiting for his waffles to finish, trying not to think about how pretty he looked. How he had on these sweatpants he’d left over and his ass looked fucking exquisite. Stop. “Sleep okay?”you inquired, trying to quit your middle-school-crushing.
Eddie laughed. It was gravely and deep and comforting. “Yeah. I know that mattress is a twin, but it’s much better than my one at home. Dustin does snore though, you know that?”
“It’s horrendous. Always has been.”
The waffles popped up at that exact moment, making you jump and then turn around to retrieve them. You put them on a plate, then popped your three in while you opened the butter for Eddie and handed him a knife.
By the time he finished buttering and syruping, your waffles were done and he passed the accoutrements off to you. You picked up your finished plate and realized he was waiting on you. “I’m going to eat these in my room, unless you want to sit out here. But I got in trouble for getting syrup on the couch and the dining chairs hurt my ass.” He laughed again.
“Can I join you?”
“That was the point, Munson.”
You plopped down on your bed, spreading a napkin over your lap. Eddie sat leaning against the wall, long legs crisscrossed, his knee almost touching yours.
“Are your Eggo’s up to par?”
He nodded enthusiastically at you. “Yep.”
The both of you sat in comfortable silence for a while, munching away. But then you looked up at him, and Eddie reached out, wiping syrup off of your cheek where it had apparently taken refuge. That was all fine and dandy. But then he raised his thumb to his mouth, and sucked the substance off of his skin, keeping eye contact with you. Suddenly it was very hot. You felt like you needed to take your sweatshirt off.
“You like the syrup that much?” What else were you going to say? Shit, you had to be fucking beet red.
“Something like that.”
Ever since The Waffle Incident, as you’d creatively named it, you’d been trying to avoid Eddie, for the most part, or at least not bother him. It wasn’t so much avoiding as it was just not crossing his path as often.
There was no possible way he could have feelings for you. You were his best buddies older sister, for fucks sake. You were probably a nuisance.
Always taking Dustin places, hanging around the house when they played. Eddie probably thought you were fucking obnoxious.
You just didn’t want to bug him. He was trying to finish school, plan campaigns, spend time with his friends before things changed. You were just some girl who’d come along with her sibling.
Shit, Dustin was your only friend. Best to not think about your feelings anymore.
But you couldn’t stop replaying that moment in your head. “Something like that.”
Today though, your mom had asked you to pick up Dusty from Hellfire because she had book club. So here you were, parked a little outside the doors where they usually let out, the school play finally done and the drama room available to them once again.
Dustin practically leapt out to the car, dying to tell you that he'd won the campaign, beat the shit out of the ogre that was meant to have killed him. He related all of this once you berated him for not yet having his seatbelt latched, going on about dice numbers—stuff you still didn’t entirely comprehend. You’d played with him a couple times, but lately he’d abandoned teaching you.
"I invited everyone over for a sleepover on Friday. So if you could make yourself scarce, that'd be great. I'd tell you to go out with your friends or something, but..." He cocked his head, screwing his face up in pity.
"Damn." You tried not to feel hurt, considering he was right about your failures in the friend department. “Who’s everyone? Also, didn’t you just have a sleepover with Eddie?”
“Jealous, are we? Max and Lucas. Mike.” He held up his hands, counting off with his fingers. “Gareth and Eddie. Jeff has to babysit.”
“Thrilling,” you trailed off. “Wait, what about—”
“Will? Yes, your favorite shall also be in attendance.” You laughed in triumph.
Maybe you shouldn’t have favorites of your brother’s friends, but Will was too good for this world.
It was just after dinner when Will had made his way down the hall to your bedroom. He was now sat next to you while you talked to Joyce, who Will had promised to call like always--at least twice--with an update of his activities and assurance that everything was okay.
You told Joyce that he was doing really, really good. This was one of the first few "normal" experiences he was trying to get back in the hang of, considering starting high school had been so tough on him.
It was hard to tell when it really started, maybe when Dustin brought him to the park one day forever ago. Will and you were the quiet ones, but the ones that could get oh so excited about things you were probably to old to be getting excited about.
He was just a really, really sweet kid. And he'd been through more than enough trauma for a lifetime.
You handed the phone off to Will, who answered his mom's questions begrudgingly, albeit with a smile on his face. "I know mom, I promise I'm having fun and I swear I will call you if I need something. But--y--yeah, Y/N is here. I know. I love you, too mom." He leaned over to set the receiver back in its place.
"What movie are you guys watching tonight?"
"Weird Science. You know, the one with your boyfriend in it."
"Robert Downey Jr. or Anthony Michael Hall? You're gonna have to be more specific." Will looked at you in shock.
"Anthony? Really? I thought we were bonding over brown eyes, I didn't even know you liked him."
Will had told you about his feelings more than anyone else besides Jonathan. He was working on Joyce. Not everyone knew yet. Specifically that he liked boys and he was more than happy to gush over them with you.
A knock at the door. "Yeah? You can come in. He's super cute, Will."
Eddie appeared, curls bouncing, propped against the door frame. "Who's 'super cute'?"
“Me.” You said, feigning confidence.
“That is true.” What the fuck was wrong with him?
Eddie turned to look at Will, a smirk on his face, pretending he hadn’t just said that. “I was asked to see if you were ready to watch the movie.” Will told him he was and smiled at you before stealing your blanket and fleeing the room.
“You comin’?” Eddie asked you and you shook your head.
“I was told to remain scarce. Besides, I’ve seen it loads.” Eddie pushed off the wall, walking to your bed and perching where Will had been.
“So you’re just gonna sit in here all night?”
“No. I’m gonna read. This isn’t the first sleepover I’ve had to stay out of, Eddie.” You sounded kind of annoyed, without really meaning to.
He put a hand on your knee. “Did I piss you off? I feel like I haven’t really seen you lately.”
“No, of course you didn’t piss me off. We just run in different circles, Eddie.”
To him, you sounded tired.
Something clicked in Eddie’s mind at that comment. You didn’t think that he could possibly give a shit about you. Maybe you thought he shouldn’t give a shit about you.
But Eddie knew how he felt. He liked you. He liked you a whole-fucking-lot, and seeing you clearly upset over something, maybe him, really hurt him.
“Go watch the movie, Eddie. Hang out with your pubescent friends.” You smiled at him, but you were still rubbing your head, trying to prevent a stress headache from forming.
Eddie sighed, but left anyways, and you immediately wished he hadn’t.
There was another knock on your door. You glanced at the red numbers on your side table, it was after midnight. Again. Dustin was quite the snooze, and you didn’t know who would be up. “Yeah?”
Your door opened, slowly, slowly. Curls. Eddie. Eddie in plaid pajama pants and a Black Sabbath shirt. “You’re awake.”
“It’s only midnight.” He snorted at your statement moving into your room and shutting the door behind him.
“Come with me,” he said, making you close your book.
“Where are we going?”
“Outside. Everyone else is asleep. Every last one of those little shits.” He dug around in his pocket, pulling free a pack of Marlboros, and then holding out his hand, beckoning you. “Come on, man. Let’s go.”
You led the way down the hall and through the living room, tiptoeing around the mattresses Dustin had drug out from his room, the blanket piles, the pillows. Although you couldn’t help but notice how closely Will and Mike were sleeping next to each other. How Dustin was definitely drooling on Gareth. How Lucas held Max on the couch.
You unlocked the door, holding it open just so to prevent creaking, and Eddie slipped out before you.
The both of you plopped on the porch steps. “Is this okay?” Eddie held his lighter aloft. You told him it was fine.
Eddie was careful to blow the smoke away from you, but he kept a knee touching you the whole time.
“You gonna tell me what’s going on with you?”
Yeah, actually. You were. You didn’t have the energy to keep dragging it on any longer. What good was it going to do keeping it in?
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s that I have feelings for you.” Eddie’s head swung towards you from where it had been watching the ash fall for his cigarette.
“But maybe it’s that you’re friends with my brother. You’re his friend, not mine, and you don’t have to keep pretending to be. Because you being nice to me is a little too much lately. You don’t have to act like you care because I’m related to Dustin. You don’t have to pretend your friends with me too.”
“Because I know you don’t like me like that. I’m not your type, Eddie. And I’m not entirely sure that I should even be telling you this. I’m half sure you think I’m a nuisance.”
Eddie rose, stepped away from the stairs, moved to stand in front of you. His eyebrows were pinched together, and he looked frustrated.
“Listen to me, yeah?” Another drag, turn of the head to blow the smoke out into the night air. “I don’t really think you get to tell me who I like. And it’s killin’ me that you think I couldn’t like you because I’m friends with your brother. That you’re, what, just his sister and what you feel doesn’t matter?”
He dropped the cigarette, snubbed it out with his shoe, and then picked the butt up and tossed into the outside trash bin.
Eddie crouched in front of you, setting his hands on the brick on either side of you. “Is that what you think?”
“Don’t. Tell me.”
“Dustin got to high school and found you guys. He’s happy. He’s doing well, for the first time in a long time. I haven’t had any of that. I’m not going to take that away from him. You’re his friend, Eddie. And you’re so sweet to everyone, so maybe you’ve just been being sweet to me. I just—I’m not like you. I wouldn’t expect you to feel anything for me.”
Eddie felt like he’d been shoved to the ground. He could practically feel the cold of concrete beneath his fingertips as if he had. Feel the sting of shallow scrapes and dirt in the cuts.
“I do, though. I feel a lot for you.” He swept his thumb across your cheek. “I don’t know, maybe it’s your laugh. The way you went red when I got the syrup off your face.” Another swipe. “That you knew where my toothbrush was. The way you move around. How much you love Dustin and how I can see it. How you are with Will the Wise."
“I might have shepherded your little lost sheepie of a brother, but I’m not just putting up with you because I have to. I’m not just being nice to you. And you’re not a nuisance. Not in the slightest. What if I wanted you, huh?”
“‘Cause I do. And I don’t wanna hear shit about you ‘not being my type,’” he used air quotes for emphasis, and you took a moment to look at his bare hands, Sharpie marks along his fingers. When he put them down again, rather than land on the steps, they landed on your knees.
“I don’t know what you think my type is. But it’s you.”
Eddie looked at you with watery brown eyes. You reached out and tapped your index finger on his nose, and his face split in a grin, smile lines forming around his mouth.
“What was that for?”
“You’re just really sweet. I love your nose.”
“Yeah?” He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, making you laugh.
“Yeah. Come inside with me.” You reached for his hand, pulling him up with you.
You turned to the door, opening it carefully and sneaking back in. You peeked in, thinking everyone was still asleep.
What you didn’t know was that Will had woken up, and caught the two of you walking down the hall. But he knew about your thing for brown eyes, and found himself going right back to sleep. Since you were so good at keeping his secret, he was perfectly capable of minding his own business about this.
“Do you wanna sleep in here with me? I know my bed is a twin, but we could make it work. Unless you want to go back out in the living room.”
Eddie kicked his shoes off and then pulled off his socks.
“A sleepover? You want me to sleep in your bed? I love sleepovers.” You laughed at his enthusiasm, despite the sleep seeping into his features.
You climbed into bed, patting the space next to you and the wall, waiting for him to join you. Eddie bounded over, leaping across you and settling under the covers.
You reached up, separating your usual stack of two pillows and spreading them out a little so that Eddie would have some support. His arm lifted, but he stopped himself. “Is this okay?”
“Yep.” Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist, tugging you closer. He tucked his other hand under his cheek, and smiled as you did the same, your opposite hand rubbing his back.
"What about this?" He leaned in, nose almost brushing yours.
"Yeah, I think I'll let it slide." Eddie snorted again, that sweet little breath of a laugh.
He moved until his lips touched yours, and kissed you short and sweet. His lips were soft, and he was grinning for the entirety of its short life span. You kissed him back, and then he pulled away, smooching your forehead with an audible and overexaggerated sound that made you laugh.
“You’re gonna have to go back out there in the mornin,’ you know.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He pushed your hair away from your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “I’ll make my escape at some point. But I can’t promise you’ll want to give me up that easily.” He’d been smiling like an idiot before he even finished that one.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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anexperimentallife · 7 months
Help a disabled, neurodivergent, interracial family get back to the US for medical treatment
After three bouts of COVID and other medical issues over the past six years here in the Philippines, my health has deteriorated to the point at which I'm worried I won't get to watch my little girl grow up unless I can get back to where I can use my Medicare and VA benefits for various surgeries and treatments.
Unfortunately, even with all y'all's help, @thesurestthing and I are still in debt from the two-year ordeal of fixing our daughter's stateless status, so we can't do this on our own. My little sister started a fundraiser for us, and there are a couple of other ways to help, as well. If you can't help, please reblog. Thank you! (The PayPal link takes the lowest fees, but whatever works for you is best!)
If you want more details, they're under the cut:
Six years ago, while still grieving the deaths of my adult sons and a painful breakup, I moved from the US to the Philippines with just what I could carry, in large part because it's actually possible to survive here on the pittance US disability pays. I had kind of given up on life and figured I would sort of drift off eventually. I wasn't going to kick my own bucket, mind you; I just wasn't going to try very hard to keep living. And I figured I'd just pass away someplace beautiful.
Soon after I got here, though, @thesurestthing (also American) started messaging me from the states, told me she was going to come to the Philippines and be my girlfriend (even though I told her no at first), and eventually joined me here. We had a baby under lockdown, and got married.
So now I had something to live for. (And most of y'all know the drama with the error on El's birth certificate that left her stateless and took almost two years and a lot of money to get fixed.)
But I have had health scare after health scare over the past few years, including three bouts of COVID (some of you remember the month I spent hooked up to an oxygen machine), two bouts of pneumonia, a persistent two-year foot infection that took surgery to clear up (and is going to require another surgery to keep cleared up), damage to my heart and scarring in my lungs from long covid, a literal hole in my throat that is growing bigger, a spine injury, joint injuries, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, a traumatic brain injury that affects my memory and concentration, adhd, bipolar disorder, autism, and other issues.
(Not even getting into the dental stuff--Hope to be able to get that done before we go back, here where it's cheaper, because Medicare doesn't cover that.)
I'm terrified that I won't be alive to watch my little girl grow up unless I can get someplace where I can use my Medicare and VA health benefits.
An old friend of mine is a social worker and on the school board in a small Minnesota city with its own VA clinic, and has offered to help us get settled in there, but we still have to find a place to live (suitable for a couple that includes a physically disabled adult, and who have a toddler), some basic household goods, some cheap used transportation, and need to survive for a couple of months while Zoey looks for work.
Given our situation in general and the fact that right now my disability is our only income, we're probably looking at having to pay at least six months (or possibly an entire year) of rent up front in order to get anyplace to lease to us.
We can't stay with friends because every single stateside friend we have with a spare room also has a cat--and I have an anaphylactic allergic reaction to cats, meaning that I will literally die if I'm around a cat for too long. I've had to go to the ER because I slept in a room that had a blanket in the corner that a cat had momentarily lain on. The only way I can be around cats is if I'm on massive doses of immunosuppressive drugs, which, well... The whole issue here is that I keep getting deathly ill, so suppressing my immune system even more is a non-starter. Oh, and Fel D 1, the protein secreted in cat dander, saliva, and waste, can stay even on hard surface for up to two years, and even longer on porous surfaces.
Again, if we weren't still in so much debt from El's birth certificate debacle, we might be able to do this at least mostly on our own. But as things stand, we can't do it on our own. We need your help.
If you read all of this, thank you very much. And again, if you can't give, please reblog.
For more medical details, check my Rob Gets Medical tag. For more details about Eleanor's birth certificate saga, check my Baby El tag.
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FNaF movie hcs pt 1!
here’s some hcs I made :)
-Abby would be a gacha kid if it was around at the time
-Vanessa has anemia and she gets dizzy every time she stands up, and the first time she passed out in front of Mike he just thought she died
-William is obsessed with robotics and if you ask him about it he won’t stop talking about it for the next 4 hours (autistic William Afton real)
-Abby is terrified of something js crawling out of her closet while she sleeps and can’t sleep without a nightlight because of it (and the fear only got worse after Freddy’s)
-When Vanessa was a kid William sometimes just forgot to feed her so she would just eat literally anything she could find, editable or not. and she had to go to the hospital because of this multiple times 
-Mike hates olives and is so dramatic about it when he has to eat one, Ness will tell him that he should just eat it but Ness will eventually just eat it for him bcuz of Mikes dramatic ass
-When William came home after kidnapping Garret he was like “Vanessa I have a surprise for you” and he just showed her Garret in his car trunk and thought it was the funniest thing ever
-Abby chews on plastic 
-William told Vanessa when she was like really young all the gross details of his murders and she’d just sit there scribbling it all down like: “Then his brother ran after the car while yelling carrot, why would you name a kid carrot” 
-Mike and Abby once spent like 30 hours building a big Lego thing but Abby accidentally knocked it over and it shattered into a million pieces and then Mike cried 
-When they came home from the pizzeria aunt jane was just still dead in their living room and so Mike had to explain that she was in fact not sleeping
-The walls in Abby and Mikes house are really thin so Mike would just be crying himself to sleep and Abby would just be trying to sleep in the other room like: 😥
-Mike will tell Abby about some badshit older sibling lore and she just look at him like: 😰
-Mike uses 17 in 1 body wash, shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, shaving cream, olive oil, brake fluid, lotion, lube, mouthwash, deodorant, milk, dental wax, eye drops, baby oil, lighter fluid, banana pudding 
-Aunt Jane tried to use the fact Mike uses 17 in one body wash against him in court
-Max used to take Abby to do teenage hooligan shit with her friends and they’d all have so much fun
-Abby would tell her bully’s that Mike and Vanessa both use weapons at their jobs and they will beat them up and no one believed her until they picked her up from school in uniform.
-The main four animatronics still try to play in the pizzeria like when they were alive but they can only play in the ball pit, Bonnie got stuck in the slide once and it was a whole ordeal.
k that’s all for now I’ll post more later because I literally have a whole ass Google doc so okay byye 😘😘😘
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i-cant-sing · 19 days
Firstly i wanna say CONGRATS on passing dental school, that is so impressive to do as well as being able to still regularly post here for us is incredible
Secondly, i saw someone mention Heinrey from remarried empress for Baldwin (and i agree i was also reminded of Heinrey tbh when reading) so i just wanted to show the AMAZING art of him in the novel (the art in the webtoon is also very pretty too)
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I needed to show someone the art for this novel cause its actually insane-
(I think i have the courtesy to send this but if not im very sorry-)
Thank you <3333 Well he defintely does share a lot of similarities with Baldwin, but man why is Heinrey not happy? At all??? Those dark bags under his eyes look like he spent nights crying his eyes out after a disagreement with his family member.
For Baldwin, he be radiating golden retriever, sunshine beaming outta my ass energy
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animusicnerd · 2 years
Vice-Dorm Leaders and their Love Languages
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☾ Genre: Fluff
☾ Warnings: Slight Chapter 6 Spoilers
☾ Pairing(s): Vice-Dorm Leader + Ruggie x Gn! Reader (romantic + separate), Ortho Shroud x Gn! Reader (platonic)
☾ Notes: I'm going to keep on reiterating that Ortho's part is platonic but he kind of is a vice-dorm leader. I also wanted to do some type of headcanons for him but I can't write anything romantic for him so I'm doing it platonically. Oh, and vite means quickly. Thanking my former French teacher for that.
☾ Twisted Wonderland and it’s characters do not belong to me ☽
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Trey Clover - Gift-Giving & Acts of Service
✦ As an older brother and the vice-dorm leader of Heartslabyul, it wouldn’t be surprising for him to step into that caretaker role and constantly check in on you and/or help you out when you need it. And Trey is also the son of a baker, so most of his gifts would most likely end up being food.  
✦ He would either bake something or have a stash of your favorite snacks on him whenever you’re hungry. He always lends a hand if you need help with school or something else if he has time because he’s still a vice-dorm leader. He has a lot to do. But also in addition to the snacks, he would also be careful about your dental health and basically, he would switch out your toothbrush every six months and make sure you at least brush your teeth every morning and every night. He is the boyfriend that would hear you say you want something in passing and the next time it’s your birthday or something, he gives it to you as a gift. 
✦ Trey can be very busy due to his status as a third-year and vice-dorm leader and isn’t really good with words. While he’s fine with physical affection, giving gifts and/or doing something for you is the best way for him to communicate how much he loves you.
✦ “Let me get that for you. Say, do you want to head back to Heartslabyul for a sec? I made your favorite with a new recipe and I want you to try it.”
Ruggie Bucci - Quality Time & Physical Affection
✦ As we all know, Ruggie is a very busy student as he’s helping Leona a lot, has some odd jobs here and there, has classes and is part of NRC’s Magift team. With that being said, he doesn’t have too much time for you but will always try to make some.You guys end up having a lot of study dates and you help him out with Leona’s chores sometimes, so you guys end up being around each other a lot more than you think. He would always acknowledge your presence if he sees you by either waving or calling your name and giving you a cheeky grin.
✦ His favorite way to spend time with you is when he’s on a break, which is a rarity. However, whenever it does happen, he’s clinging on to you as much as he can. He tries to relax away from his dorm and is often in your room, with his face squished against your chest as you run your fingers through his soft hair. Most of the time, he ends up falling asleep when he does this but sometimes he complains about Leona or about which student tried to take his food away from him. 
✦ Basically, his quality time and physical affection are often mixed together because of how busy his life is and he just wants to be as close as possible with you to soak up the few moments of silence and relaxation in his life. He doesn’t have much, works too much, and isn’t too good with his words but he really does love you and wants you to know even though he doesn’t say it that much.
✦ “Ahh, finally a break. Let’s head to your room before Leona calls again.”
Jade Leech - Quality Time & Acts of Service
✦ Another busy bee (most of them are) who wants to spend as much time with you as possible. Jade is a very unsettling character because he’s not like Floyd, who always tells you what he’s thinking. He doesn’t let his guard down either and the only time you could say he does is when he spends time with you.
✦ He works at Mostro Lounge on top of helping Azul with his dealings and still has the energy to hike and study mushrooms after school. Speaking of his hikes, he would take you on those trips with him, and whenever you come across a plant he likes, he just starts talking about it and why it’s so amazing. His eyes light up and a soft smile appears on his face, less scary than when he’s about to talk about his… sadistic tendencies (that smile comes back when he comes across a poisonous one). Whenever you come into the lounge, he is the one serving you and making your drink and/or meal. He watches over you a lot and often takes care of people who bother you and helps you out with work. Or if you don’t want his help, he comes in to check up on you and provides you a snack and something to drink before kissing your head and leaving. 
✦ Jade is surprisingly more caring as a boyfriend and doesn’t mind taking care of you, but he still pokes fun at you here and there. He could be teasing you about missing him a lot but he's missing you just as much, if not more. He just hides it a little bit better. He will drag you out to spend time with him if he really needs to but he barely does that. 
✦ “Aww, did you miss me that much that you had to come visit me while I work? Fufufu~ so needy.”
Jamil Viper - Quality Time
✦ Jamil has a lot on his plate as well with school, taking care of Kalim, and basically running Scarabia. Naturally, he somehow manages to fit you into his busy schedule too. Like Ruggie, he would find himself more relaxed in your presence, knowing he won’t have to deal with as much if he was with Kalim and his most preferred way to spend time together is when he’s taking a break or when it’s late at night.
✦ That’s when most, if not all, of his chores, are done and if there are any left, he could multitask doing whatever he needs to do while paying attention to you. There are also fewer interruptions at night with most of Scarabia either fast asleep or getting ready for bed. Speaking of that, he likes it when you guys get ready for bed together as well. He lets you put the oils in his hair and melts as you work your way through like he taught you to. He would let you talk about anything you needed, add his input sometimes, talk about his own day, or the two of you would sit in silence. 
✦ While he does have your company during school or when he’s doing work, he prefers it at night when he can fully focus on you. If you’re unable to, he’ll settle for a phone call before bed so the two of you can catch up on what you did today. Also, he and Kalim are a package deal at this point, so if you really want some alone time, tell Kalim and he will do it (just don’t tell Jamil you did it for him to take a break because he will say he can’t take one).
✦ “Give me five more minutes and I’ll be done with the rest of the laundry. Oh, you don’t have to help, just head to my room and I’ll be there soon.”
Rook Hunt - All 5
✦ It was really hard to decide what his love language was because Rook comes off as a very passionate and affectionate lover, so I thought all five would be more appropriate. Most of his love languages do mix together and he is not afraid to show you just how much he loves you. Rook isn’t afraid to compliment or praise you for your efforts or just simply profess how much he loves you if he feels the need to. Sometimes he just says it outright or he’s given you a poem along with your favorite flowers or food. He always has a hand on you and gets even cozier whenever it’s just the two of you.
✦ It may feel overwhelming for some people but don’t be afraid to tell him and he’ll dial it back but still be affectionate as ever. He’ll always be there for you and it’s almost scary how quickly he appears when you need him but you get used to it because it’s Rook. Sometimes, when it’s just the two of you, he’s quiet and lets you talk however long you need to and always keeps a mental note of whatever you say in those conversations for a later date in case you say something about wanting or needing something. He could talk for hours too, and he does, but he prefers learning more about you and actually keeps you at arm’s length for a bit until he gets more settled into the relationship.
✦ He tends to take everything off himself and focus on the person in front of him, in this case, you. Over time, he’ll start revealing more of himself to you during these little moments of peace while still showering you with a lot of love. And yes, he is very dramatic while doing it but it’s honestly funny when some of his romantic acts fail because it’s usually in public and involves a lot of confused and tired students.
✦ “Mon amour! Come with me, I have something simply amazing to show you! Vite!”
Ortho Shroud - Words of Affirmation & Acts of Service
✦ I will make it clear that this entire thing is platonic and even though Ortho’s age is most likely 15-16, he still has a young kid personality going on that I just can’t write about him romantically. So for this one, basically just pretend that you’re either dating Idia or at least close with the Shroud brothers. 
✦ Ortho is always encouraging Idia to do new things and naturally, that applies to you. He always tells you to do your best and sometimes even does some of these things with you. He’s always there to comfort you on bad days as well with whatever you need him to supply. It’s a little weird at first when he tries to comfort you but as time goes on, he becomes better at understanding how to make you feel better through experience. 
✦ He’s that one little brother that always tries to help you and cheer you up. If you become very dear to him like Idia, he would not hesitate to blow up the school or someone for you either. He’s the protective little brother that can actually hurt someone (but don’t actually let him, unless needed). 
✦ “Is there anything else you need before I go back to Nii-san? Oh! You can come as well if you want. You’re always welcome to come by!”
Lilia Vanrouge - All 5
✦ Lilia is aware of how fleeting time is for other beings and understands the importance of showing someone you love them because of his old age. That being said, he shows his love for you in numerous ways that include; being the first and last person to see you, always checking up on you throughout the day, providing anything you wanted (even if it was in passing), teasing you, cooking for you, and/or voicing his affections for you.
✦ He definitely enjoys sneaking up on you from above or behind and scaring you by suddenly grabbing you and flying up. He keeps a tight grip so you won’t fall and isn’t afraid to tell you how adorable you looked panicking before realizing it was just him. He always acknowledges your presence by either waving at you or just popping beside you to say hi before leaving. Always has a hand on you as well and likes taking care of you. He sometimes gets random gifts for you as well and they could range from matching couple shirts to the rarest jewels he was able to find.
✦  During the day, he’s more of a teasing affectionate type of person but when it’s nighttime, he gets old and sentimental. He’s still teasing you of course but he becomes a little softer. He likes to whisk you away to the roof and sit up there while looking at the stars or have you near him whenever he’s gaming. Then suddenly he’ll lift your hand towards his face, place a feather-light kiss and murmur something so quiet that even you couldn’t hear it despite your close proximity. If you ask him what he said, he’ll just look at you with a cheeky grin and say it was nothing. 
✦ “I’m glad that I found someone like you to love in this lifetime and hopefully, I’ll be able to love you in the next.”
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Please read the following🇵🇸
Help Evacuate My Family from War-torn Gaza
Not from organizer:
My name is Saga Hamdan, a postgraduate dental student at the University of Dundee, Scotland. I have left Gaza in September 2023 to pursue my masters studies. Few weeks later, my life has changed forever. Since the onset of the war in Gaza in October 2023, I have been going through the darkest moments of my life, I have lost many friends and colleagues, and my family house was bombed and fully destroyed. This was the house I grew up within, the house of my childhood, the house of my adulthood, with a lot of memories and happy occasions, all killed. As a result, my family was forced to flee to the middle area of the Gaza Strip where they are sharing one apartment with 40 other people of my relatives, served by only one bathroom. I will leave to your imagination, how they have to queue everyday to just do the most basic need ever. I am needless to say that they have been facing the most difficult conditions ever. They do not have access to electricity, enough food, and clean water. Not to mention the daily horror they have been witnessing for the last six months. My family, have been waiting for this genocidal war to finish so that they could restart their lives from literally nothing. However, this war does not seem to come to an end. Therefore, I have decided to take a step that I hesitated for a long time but it is now my only beacon of hope to help save the lives of my family members.
I am now on a mission to help evacuate my family from Gaza to Egypt. This sadly comes at a cost that I cannot afford, I am just a student. Therefore, I am launching this fundraising campaign to save my family.
Let me introduce you to my family, everyone of them carries the weight of shattered dreams and lost innocence in the wake of the merciless Gaza war of 2023-2024: Majd (23), a recent Mechanical Engineering graduate, dreams of furthering his education, but now his aspirations lie buried beneath the rubble of our former life.
Logein (21), once a dedicated 4th year Computer Engineering student, her studies have become a distant memory, overshadowed by the constant threat of violence.
Dana (18), who was ranked 2nd across Palestine in high school diploma (aka Tawjehee) in 2023, then her dreams of studying medicine evaporated and diminished.
While Mohammed (15), a talented and dedicated football player, dreamer of being unique football star around the world.
Omar (13), a brilliant and exemplary student with beautiful dimples, and Mathematics legend despite his age.
In addition to my retired dad and mom with her job place destroyed and her pharmacy journey ended with only volunteering.
Our once-stable existence now lies in ruins, our dreams reduced to dust. With each passing day, the walls of our makeshift shelter close in around us, suffocating us with their reminders of everything we've lost.
But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope remains. Every donation, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to our goal of $33,000 – the amount needed to cross the Rafah border and embark on a journey towards a new beginning. Donate today and become a part of our story of survival, as we reclaim our dreams and rebuild our future from the ashes of war.
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theworldoffostering · 1 month
Raising kids is not for the weak.
The good:
DS took his road test and passed it! It felt so nice to do a normal kid/parent thing and see him be successful.
The anniversary of his adoption day was this month. It’s been 15 years.
Ms. 6 was accepted into a university.
Ms. 6 is going to graduate high school next month!
We are progressing in attachment therapy with Baby.
School is almost done for the year.
The mediocre:
DD broke up with her fiancé and is already seeing someone else. I did not care for her fiancé, but already seeing someone else is a red flag.
I talked with the students with disabilities center on Ms. 6’s campus this week to try to get her some services. In turn, I had to request her IEP. Her IEP from fall was a train wreck so I reconvened the team this week and told them to rewrite it appropriately. Apparently the guidance counselor quit in the fall and no one has taken his place. For real, without a parent, most kids are completely lost.
I signed Ms. 6 up for college registration and orientation. Students have to bring a parent. I offered but she wants her mom to go which is fine. However, we don’t know if her mom will go. She was too hungover to take Ms. 6 to the hospital when she had knee surgery scheduled a couple of months back. Last week she didn’t get out of bed to take Ms. 6 to a somewhat major dental appointment. I told her I would go, but her mom insisted that she was going so I could not attend. I stood down and then she didn’t show up. Same thing happened with the knee surgery.
The challenging:
So much drama with Ms. 6’s family of origin. Ms. 6 lives over three hours away from us but is enrolled in a high school near us and her graduation will be where we live. I offered to throw her a graduation party and invite her mom. Ms. 6 was thrilled. Her mom told her to cut DH and I off and that she could no longer talk to us or receive mail from us. Now her mom is threatening to take away Ms. 6 attending her own graduation altogether.
Ms. 6 insisted she completed her FASFA. She did, but it was for the 23-24 year, not the 24-25 year. I straightened it out two weeks ago and filled it out for her (she’s an independent so parent income doesn’t count). Financial aid packagers don’t go out until next month so I’m hoping she will still get enough to be able to go to school.
Ms. 6 told me this week that she never obtained a new birth certificate or social security card despite me directing her in how to do both things multiple times in the fall after she left here unexpectedly. I finally just ordered (and paid) for a new birth certificate for her this week.
I feel incredibly burned out. Like maybe I need meds? My endocrin called and told me I need to start doing B12 injections because after taking oral supplements for three months, my b12 levels actually went down. I don’t know if it’s that, or wading through all of the drama, or both. Some days, I don’t feel like I can even put one foot in front of the other. It’s too much. How do you ever get a break from everything?
Tomorrow we are meeting with DD to try to work out getting her a $4k car from a friend of mine. It’s a 2006 Odyssey with almost 200k miles on it. The insurance (collision only) would be $2k for the year. She’s bouncing from one hourly job to another and not saving anything. She desperately needs a vehicle to get to and from work. Currently she’s relying on her fiancé and her vehicle, but now that they’re no longer together, it seems more important that she have her own. She has zero money saved, but I have a college fund set aside for her with about $10k in it. Clearly she’s not going to college right now so I think we are going to pivot with that money and pay for the car and the insurance for a year.
I was planning to drive 6.5 hours this weekend to meet up with Ms. 6 and her BF who she met online. Ms. 6 has really been pushing for this. I asked for his address so I could locate a nearby hotel. She said he didn’t want me to have it. Then I asked for his name. He apparently did not want to disclose that to me either. I did tell her that was super sketch, and now I do think he’s like a really scary person who no one has vetted. Ms. 6 has already stayed with him several times so maybe not a serial killer, but anything else is possible in my brain. He’s definitely older because he has his own apartment.
It’s so much, you guys.
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abigail-pent · 2 months
the worst part is that she was supposed to have surgery this Friday and I changed the date so it could be at our usual vet location. and in retrospect that seems like such a stupid reason.
I know I did it because I got scared and couldn't deal with the possibility of her having complications during the surgery. which is so short sighted and I'm so angry with myself now.
and I know it's because this past year and a half it's been like The Year of Realizing Mortality. first Oatmeal's ear, and then learning this guy I knew in grad school died of brain cancer at 31, and then getting small floaters on my vision, and then my best friends fell into mold hell, and then October 7 and all of that aftermath, and then my dad got cancer, and then my friends' cat passed away in a very sudden manner, and now this. and I just get so scared because everything is so precious and everything feels like it's on a knife's edge all of the time. and so it's just a small thing, it's a cyst removal surgery and a dental cleaning, but I'm like WHAT IF and OH NO and I CAN'T LOSE HER, SHE'S MY BABY but also she's my baby, I can't have her in pain or discomfort or unwell, and I just feel so selfish and so awful for not being brave enough to keep the fucking appointment that was supposed to be this Friday. FUCK
I just have to hope that when the vet tech asks the surgeon about it tomorrow, that hopefully there's been some kind of cancellation and we can move it up.
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