#i will stare at this for hours and just take in the amazingness and hard work that went into this
just-bendy · 1 year
Here is my surprise that I had planned 1 month ago, The Ink Amalgamation!
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This was a big challenge it wasn't easy at all to make the model, it took me 1 month and a half to finish it. I hope you like my little gift.
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Here's some behind the scenes and sorry for the long "ask".
(( WHAT!!??? WOW!! OMG
thank you so much!!! this is so cool and i'm so honored that you spent time on making this for me 😭💕💜very appreciate it! this came out amazing!! i love it so much! thank you again for putting so much effort and dedication into making him!! i will save this forever! 🤩✨ and the behind the scenes is so cool! i don't know anything about making 3D models but it's so interesting to look at! ))
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courtlyharlequin · 3 years
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Summary: [ Modern AU ] Cater, Vil, Epel, and Silver, Sebek take you on a date to Disneyland! It’s the happiest place in the world, right?
A/N: Happy birthday @poisonepel​ !!! Marzi, I love you so much. Thank you for all that you do for me and the twst fandom in general. You’re such a hard worker and I don’t think people say that enough. You’re one of my closest friends. I’m glad I’ve found someone who loves twst as much as I do. I’m so grateful to know you, to be able to rot with you, to be able to over share with you. You’re sweet and very down to earth. You’re so funny too! Your react pics always send me over the moon. I always have a blast when I talk to you and Taku. I hope you have an amazing day— one that’s on par with your own amazingness ehe~ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
Cater Diamond:
He thought it would be a cute and Magicam-able date idea
There wouldn’t be a single moment where he isn’t snapping a picture of you two
Or perhaps he might vlog the entire experience
Cater would wait for a good hour to get a picture with Mickey Mouse
He would also buy those Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream bars, take a bite for the Magicam post and then hand it off to you because, well, it’s a bit too sweet for him
Matching ears and outfits are a must for this date
Cater opts for the classical ears. You know, the black ones that are clean and simple
Once he’s done with the pictures, he’ll let his online persona drop
He’s still peppy and flirty, but he’s not faking a smile
He’s genuinely enjoying himself after all the staging. Quite frankly, the slower rides bore him but they’re much more viable for pictures
He prefers the faster paced rides. He likes the thrill, the rush of adrenaline albeit he can’t always snap a picture because of the fast pace
His favorite rides are the ones with long lines like Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, or Indiana Jones.
Not to worry though, Cater will hold your hand while you wait. He’s surprisingly very good at small talk~
Vil Schoenheit:
He is fond of the idea of going on a date to Disneyland. Read: the idea of
To be honest, amusement parks are not his ideal date. It leaves room for paparazzi and unwanted attention. Moreover, he’s never been to an amusement park before
Constantly being in the sun irks him, but he does eventually loosen up
Complaining all day would ruin the mood and that’s simply uncouth of him so it’s best to make the most out of the situation
Vil’s makeup is light for the day. He’s going for a more natural look today.  He doesn’t want to constantly touch it up every few hours. He sports shoes similar to the ones in his PE card. They’re light, easy for walking yet still stylish
His whole ensemble is a functional yet fashionable piece. He puts his hair up into a ponytail too~
He’ll make sure your ensemble is just as comfortable as his too. He’ll even do your makeup if you wake up early enough
He carries a mini backpack with all of his essentials too. Maybe yours too if you don’t like carrying bags with you. He’s not going to carry everything as he’s not your servant, but an extra makeup pouch wouldn’t hurt
Vil is a total mom at Disneyland. He brings his own food as he won’t tolerate putting junk into his body. He’ll also do hydration checks while you wait in line
He unironically likes Fantasyland. It reminds him of the stories he read as a child. There’s a certain wonder and awe in his eyes when he rides the carousel or the Peter Pan ride. We can’t forget the Snow White ride either. They’re very “chill rides”. They won’t cause neck strain or get anyone wet. He honestly needs them after all the stress from work
You can bet that he finds himself in the gift shop for a good hour, browsing for the perfect ears for you both
Going on a date to Disneyland with Vil, seems like a handful, and it really is, but seeing him loosen up on a day off brings you both much joy. Albeit, his pride is a little wounded because he actually enjoyed himself after telling you he wouldn’t
Epel Felmier:
He’s also never been to an amusement park before, but not because he didn’t want to. No, the idea just never crossed his mind
His eyes light up. They sparkle. This place is huge and there’s horses too?
He’s honestly underpacked, but that’s fine with him! You don’t need a whole lot to have fun
Epel is a fast walker. If you aren’t then, he’ll make sure to hold your hand so as to not lose you in a crowd
He rushes to the first ride he sees
The attraction that caught his attention the most would be Autopia. Racing? Bring it on!
He also volunteers for the Jedi Training Academy, wielding his lightsaber with such prowess. Sure, he might be the oldest of the bunch, but he didn’t mind– especially with you cheering him on in the crowd
While those two attractions are in Tomorrowland, his favorite place is New Orleans Square and Critter Country
Epel is really fond of Splash Mountain and Pirates of the Caribbean. He’s not afraid to get wet. Hell, he wants to
Although, he prefers the attractions where you explore more than sit down for a ride. He climbs up Tarzan’s Treehouse without a sweat and walks across those unstable  wooden bridges like it’s nothing
If you’re scared, he’ll grab your wrist and run straight across ♡
He likes the Winnie the Pooh ride, but don’t mention it to him. Seeing him buy matching Winne the Pooh and Piglet Mickey ears for you in the gift shop next to the ride was enough to know
And yes, he likes Dole Whip
This sleeping beauty is a little dazed, having to wake up early and all, but he’ll make do. He gathered all of his things the night before, laying out his clothes the night before on the hotel’s couch and setting his bags by the door
He’s dressed very comfortably. He’s most likely in sweats
He also prefers a cap instead of the standard Mickey Mouse ears. The headband makes the back of his own ears hurt if he wears them for so long so he’d rather not wear them altogether
Silver falls asleep on your shoulder during the bus ride to the park itself. His snores are barely audible. You can’t help but admire his long lashes
He’ll give you this perplexed look as he catches you staring. Your eyes meet his brilliant aurora orbs and he smiles at you
As for the date itself, you two find yourselves wandering around the park. Silver has no preference so he’s willing to go on any rides if it as you wish
But from how he dozes off in Small World’s, you could assume that’s his favorite ride
Honestly, Silver likes to hang around the pond near Sleep Beauty’s castle and feed the ducks. He has an affinity for the park’s animals and they adore him as well
While you two do linger around the castle and Fantasyland for most of your day, one of Silver’s favorite places is Main Street because there’s horse drawn carriages
He likes to nuzzle his head on your shoulder and watch others hustle about. There’s a certain tranquility that comes with watching others enjoy themselves. He may or may not doze off here
The day ends with you two settling down by the lake in New Orleans Square the fireworks from afar. There was already a crowd at the area but Silver made do. If you’re short, might offer to carry you on his back
He blushes when you mentioned that some of the fireworks remind you of his multicolored eyes
Sebek Zigvolt:
He did a lot of research when you suggested that you two should go on a date here. So when you reached the front gate, he rambled on about the history of the park
This continues for almost very ride which leads you to question how much he looked into Disneyland. When you compliment him, he beams with pride. Of course, he knows about the architecture of Sleeping Beauty’s castle!
That being said, Sebek is actually a good partner to take to an amusement park. He’s so prepared. He knows the best routes and got fast passes
He personally has no preferences for rides, but from how his eyes light up when he races you in Autopia and how much he laughs in Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, those are probably his favorites. Sebek likes the rides that are more hands-on and require some skill. Sure, rides where you just sit still and enjoy the scenery is nice, but he’d rather show off his talents to you
He’s a tad ashamed that he asked to go on another round of Autopia since that threw off his schedule, but he couldn’t help it. It’s so fun!
He has a certain plan for the day as he asked you what you liked a few weeks before so he also gets a little annoyed when you take detours to buy churros and ice cream. He didn’t really take snacks into account, just main meals. He sincerely apologizes for being underprepared, but is taken back when you giggle and wave it off as nothing
If he had puppy ears, then you could imagine them perking right up after you affirm that you aren’t disappointed in him, taking his hand and all
It all works out for the better because it turns out that Sebek likes the turkey legs! He would probably get into a fight for the last one. It wasn’t intentional; he just came off as vociferous to the other person which in turn led to some bickering. Needless to say, he got the last turkey leg
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Endless Summer
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,693
Summary: Tony rents a beach house for an end of summer getaway. Will you and Bucky finally act on the feelings you have for each other. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ continuation of drunk drabbles and the two amazing prompts below from @buckstaybucky​ (thank you againf or allowing me to combine!) and for the 24 hour surprise drabble challenge and the end of summer theme. I used a few here: s’mores, beach bonfire, stargazing, sunset and just the amazingness of the beach :) Hope you enjoy this and thank you all for reading! Much love always ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Fluffy and soft fun, flirting, teasing, mutual pinning, slow burn, KISSES! :) 
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Poking your head around the door of your room you call softly for Nat, waiting but getting no response. You see that the door down the hall is open and you can’t remember if it’s Bucky’s or Wanda’s room. “Hey Wan? You in there?” Nothing. Just as you’re about to go back inside Bucky’s head pops out the open door. “Hey doll, did I hear you say something or…?”
“I was looking for Nat and Wanda actually, sorry.” He smiles and walks out into the hallway, “they both left about 5 minutes ago for the beach.” You didn’t realize he was only in his bathing suit until he comes out of the room and now, you’re trying hard to find words as your eyes wander over his chest and abs. “I uh, yea, ok. Thanks.”
Smirking he comes closer, “did you need something?” Hiding behind the door frame you swallow hard, begging your body to stop reacting to his presence. “Can I ask you a question?” He raises a brow, “You just did.” Glaring at him you try to hold back a smile, “fine, can I ask you another question?” Another step closer, “that was another question.” You huff out in frustration and stomp back into your room, yelling, “oh my god, you’re so annoying!”
You can hear his light chuckle from just outside the door, “can I come in? I promise I’ll be good,” he coos. Thankful for the wall between you, you squeeze your thighs together at the sound of those last words. With a calming breath you push the door open wider with your foot, “come on.” He steps inside, his eyes zeroing in on you standing in front of the mirror as you smooth your hands down the sundress. “Wow.” You turn and look his way, unsure if you heard him say something. “What was that Buck?” He rubs the back of his neck, “uh nothing, what did you wanna ask me?”
You spin to face him and grab your giant sun hat, placing it atop your head. “I was hoping to get one of the girl’s opinions but since they left me here, you’ll do. What do you think? Too much or ok?” He gives you his best pained expression, clutching his chest over his heart, “ouch.” You both laugh and he comes over, grasping the brim and pulling it down over your forehead. “I really like it, looks great on you.”
You push it back up and flick him in the arm as you walk by, “ok good, thank you. Now, let’s go, we have a fun day ahead of us.” He follows you out and grabs his stuff from his room before you make your way out of the beach house and down the stairs. Tony rented a giant place for the last week of summer that sits right on the water and has enough bedrooms and bathrooms for everyone to be comfortable.
While you packed, Nat and Wanda had teased you about getting some alone time with Bucky during the stay. They endlessly prodded you to tell him how you feel and argued this would be the perfect time. However, considering you could barely manage to function when he was walking around with no shirt on you weren’t sure how that was going to happen on a beach getaway, where he would be shirtless most of the time.
Your thoughts were wandering to places they shouldn’t as you walk down to the sand. You turn and wave at Bucky before running off toward the girls, “I’m gonna go say hi.” He throws his towel over his shoulder and watches as you go. “You just gonna stare at her the whole week like a creep or make a move?” Steve’s taunt earns him a hard punch to the arm, “she definitely likes it when I don’t have a shirt on, I have to use that to my advantage.” Steve is still rubbing his shoulder when Bucky finally pulls his gaze from you, “I just have to figure out how.” With that he slaps Steve right in the sore spot and walks away.
The afternoon flies by in a flurry of lingering stares, soft touches and lots of flirting between you and Bucky. It’s almost time to have some dinner and you’re crouching just above the reach of the waves working on a sandcastle. A large foot comes into your peripheral vision and you look up and squint at bright blue eyes. “Hey. Is it time to eat?” He kneels beside you and smooths out some sand for the castle you’re about to put down. “Nope, not just yet. I was wondering where you went off to. Want some help?”
The two of you spend the next half hour perfecting the sandcastle and laughing about the day’s events. Clint yells for you to come grab some food but when you stand and look out over the water you can see the sun is close to setting. “You know what Buck, I’m gonna wait and watch the sunset first.” You search around for your towel realizing you left it by the beach chairs. Bucky grabs your hand, “tell you what, I’ll grab us a blanket and some food if you let me join you.”
Hoping your sun kissed cheeks hide your blush you happily agree, thanking him before he jogs off. Nat scares the shit out of you when she grabs you from behind and whisper yells, “what’s that all about? Do you two have a date?” Throwing her a dirty look you roll your eyes, “no. He’s grabbing some food and he wants to sit and watch the sunset with me.” Now she rolls her eyes, “ok, so it’s not a date but just a super romantic hangout.”
You look up and see Bucky making his way back, “go away, here he comes.” She blows you a kiss before taking off, waving at Bucky on the way. “Thank you for getting this, I didn’t realize how hungry I was!” He sets out the blanket and waits for you to sit, placing the plates down and handing you a fork. You eat in comfortable silence, your toes just close enough to the waves that they get wet on the big ones.
An involuntary shiver runs through you from the cool breeze and Bucky puts his arm around you. “I’d offer you my shirt, but I don’t have one at the moment.” You giggle and scoot closer to his side. “That’s ok, you’re really warm.” He dips his head, breathing against your lips, “thanks for letting me sit with you.” You’re distracted by his mouth, tilting your head ever so slightly, “I’m happy you’re here, sunsets over the ocean are beautiful.”
Another soft breeze blows some hair into your face and Bucky carefully tucks in behind your ear, “so beautiful.” Your lips turn up into a small smile as you ghost your fingers over his bare chest, leaning in even closer. “Hey you two, let’s go! We’re making S’mores!” Bucky squeezes his eyes shut and rests his forehead to yours, groaning loud enough for you to hear.
A splash of sand brings your attention to a pair of feet that belong to Sam, his wide grin focused on you while he waits. “Well, come on!” Bucky stands and helps you up, mumbling under his breath, “way to cock block Wilson.” Sam just chuckles and gets between you, throwing an arm around you both and heading toward the bonfire.
You shove the gooey goodness into your mouth and lick your fingers clean of chocolate, unaware that Bucky is staring. His large thumb reaches up and wipes away some marshmallow, drawing your attention right away. “Thanks,” you say, your voice shaky as his hand lingers at your jaw. “You have some chocolate right there.” Your pinky touches the corner of his mouth and his tongue darts out to lick it off, catching your you finger in the process.
Inhaling sharply, you slowly pull it away, Bucky’s husky voice dragging you from your haze, “wanna go sit by the water?” Pushing yourself off the log you stand and follow him onto the sand, his hand reaching out for yours once you’re closer to the water. You spot the blanket you left out from earlier and pull him down onto it, laying back and looking up at the stars. The quiet fizz of the waves at your feet makes you yawn, pulling your arms closer around yourself. “Cold again?”
Bucky’s face hovers above you as lays on his side, leaning on his elbow. “A little.” You can easily see his smirk under the light of the moon, “good thing I have a shirt this time.” Sitting up he undoes the few buttons that were closed and shrugs it off. You wrap it around your shoulders and lay back down, this time facing him, “thank you.” His hand rests on your thigh, lightly squeezing the soft flesh as he works his way higher, “you’re welcome. Let me know if you’re still cold.” You nod and stifle a second yawn, smiling brightly when you hear his laugh. “What? It’s been a long day, I’m so tired.”
His hand slides under your dress and closes around your hip, dragging you into his chest and you can’t hide the whimper that leaves your parted lips. “Were you expecting to sleep tonight, baby?” His words send the blood rushing to your ears, your head dizzy with the feel of his body pressed alongside you. Closing the gap, he hooks his leg over your waist and brings his hand up to cradle your neck, gently nipping at your lips before kissing them softly.
Carefully rolling on top of you he wedges his thigh between your legs, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth then tracing over the swollen flesh with his tongue. His name leaves your lips like a prayer and you purr, raking your nails down his back while he trails hot kisses along your neck. The waves break at the shore and fan out over the sand, lightly kissing your toes as Bucky takes your breath away.
@aesthetical-bucky​ @auro-ora​ @bugsbucky​ @book-dragon-13​ @buckstaybucky​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @buckys-minty-breath​ @bucky-on-my-mind​ @buckys-henley​ @breezy1415​ @buckosawrus​ @chuuulip​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @ikaris-whore​ @imgaril-lindru​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @lorilane33​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @lokilvrr​ @addikted-2-dopamine​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @tuiccim​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @the-wayward-robot​ @yansi1923​
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amaya-chwan · 3 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game: Restart Chapter 11
Oh gosh, hello everyone! Thank you for being so patient with this chapter’s takeaways! I was really busy at work since I took on a new position, and then I was so engrossed in reading a super long novel (read: TGCF and that amazingness that is HuaLian) that it just took up a lot of my time the past couple of weeks! 😭❤️💛
I hope you are all well! This chapter was actually a nice little break from the drama themes we’d been used to reading, so let’s get to it!
Our takeaways for this chapter include:
Late night date at the communal bathhouse!! ✅😏😍
Honestly, Shizuma and Minato’s communication with each other is really goals! Such a healthy relationship! 🥰
Minato has really grown more and more over the course of TGR so far, I am living for it! Proud of you, bb! 😭❤️💛 
Almost NFSW scene 🔞 at the bathhouse has got me CACKLING! 🤣 Ngl, I love the tender moments they have before the NSFW begins, and this, my dear readers, is a lot of tender, wholesome, loving moments!
Ngl, Shizuma with slicked back hair is divine! 😍
The ending of this chapter just 👀
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! For a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter--and if you want to know what the ^*^ is--please continue after the cut! As always, I promise there are a few surprises in this summary!  😉✨
The cover page for this chapter has Minato crouching down with an umbrella in hand, with the caption: You came to see me. Just that act alone, warms me up from the heart (outwards).
The opening panel brings us to a public bathhouse, where some elderly gentlemen are blushingly staring at Minato who is currently rinsing himself off before he heads to the communal bath and says “This feels great...”
The gentlemen make commentary in the background, saying “It’s rare to see the youth here~”, “Does that youth have white* hair? (*in this case, probably platinum blond)”, “It’s bleached, BLEACHED!”, “My grandchild bleaches their hair too!”
Shizuma can obviously hear them, and he awkwardly thinks to himself that he and MInato are being stared at. Shizuma then thinks that Minato doesn’t really have an impression of what being at a public bathhouse is like since he is really carefree while rinsing. Minato takes a peek at Shizuma, and Shizuma smirks back. Minato grabs the back of this neck in an almost “I’m feeling a little awkward/shy” fashion.
Flashback: We return on the scene from last chapter (so probably timeline-wise, less than an hour or two beforehand), where Minato and Shizuma are together under the umbrella in the rain. Minato sneezes and is starting to feel the coldness in the air. Shizuma worriedly asks if he is okay and suggests taking Minato home first. Looking slightly dejected, Minato asks if they’re really going home now, to which Shizuma responds by saying “Of course we are. Your clothes are drenched. If you stay like this any longer, you really will catch a cold.”
Minato has a lightbulb moment and suggests going to the public bathhouse. The condition of entry for the bath house is that those who have a tattoo might be asked to present some form of ID and that the bathhouse owners have the right to refuse entry. Minato asks the elderly reception lady if she needs to see his ID, showing her his snake tattoo on his ankle. She laughs, saying that there’s nothing to worry about if his tattoo is just that “earthworm” (she doesn’t see it as a snake). She’s more concerned that he is drenched and tells him to take his wet clothes off and use the dryer, and to warm himself up in the bath by submerging his whole body up to his shoulders! Shizuma looks on lovingly on the side.
Back to the present time. Minato sits down next to Shizuma in the bath, getting used to the temperature of the water and starts to relax. Shizuma looks over and seems to think Minato won’t catch that cold anymore. He recalls what Minato said to him and how he wasn’t able to hear it due to the rain, and wonders what Minato could be hiding from him. Minato picks up on Shizuma’s staring and proceeds to tell him that he’d also feel uncomfortable with being constantly stared at by Shizuma. Shizuma then apologises to him, thinking that they haven’t been able to look at each other face-on since arriving at the bathhouse. He deduces that it’s because he failed to make it for their house tour appointment, so of course Minato should be angry.
Minato, without knowing what’s going on in Shizuma’s mind, blurts aloud that his body has grown stiff from sitting around all day and didn’t know whether to go home or not due to Shizuma’s lack of messages. Looking upset, Shizuma tells Minato that there was an emergency situation that occured right before he was leaving, and while he was able to help with the situation, he could not make the time to message Minato. He apologises again since Minato was looking forward to it.
Minato says it’s fine already, that Shizuma has been doing nothing but apologise lately. Shizuma agrees, saying that that’s all he’s being doing lately and he’s no good as a boyfriend. Minato, crouching over the side of the bath railing, says to Shizuma that that’s not what he wanted him to say, and that Shizuma hasn’t done anything wrong at all.
Flashback again: Minato is hastily walking towards Shizuma’s car, angry that Shizuma hasn’t messaged him at all and that since that dream he had at the cafe, he hasn’t been able to stop worrying about him. When he sees Shizuma’s car, he realises he must still be at the hospital and thinks he might be doing random odd-jobs again, or worse, he might be getting all friendly with the nurses. And if so, Minato won’t speak to him for a couple of days.
Minato then notices the two women walking out of the clinic in tears so he hides behind the car. While they talk about Hana-chan and how professional and personable Shizuma is as a resident vet, Minato eavesdrops and blames them for Shizuma staying back late. But the more he listens to the women being thankful everything went okay and Shizuma assuaged their fears, he is reminded how great of a vet Shizuma is.
Back to the present. Minato tells Shizuma he saw the two women and understands why he missed the appointment. He once told Shizuma to be a great vet (re: see side story in TG) while he himself realised he wasn’t ready for what that meant for Shizuma’s personal life. Minato then tells Shizuma that he’s helping all these people without him (Minato) knowing about it, that he’s falling in love with Shizuma all over again even though he’s been stood up on a date, and that he is (jokingly, I assume) annoyed by this feeling. Blushing, Minato looks over at a stunned Shizuma.
Having said all that, Minato pats Shizuma on the head, telling him he’s done well! Shizuma is still silent and stunned, and Minato gets a little flustered with the lack of response, almost as if Shizuma was coaxing those words from Minato. Shizuma says that while he’s happy that the puppies are okay and he was able to reassure the owners, Minato’s words just then made him feel the happiest all day, and flashes a really darling smile! Shizuma thanks him.
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The elderly gentlemen begin to walk out, noticing Shizuma is grinning from ear to ear. They make small talk, and the gentlemen tell Shizuma to warm up!
Minato is also taken aback with the happiness overflowing from Shizuma’s expression. Shizuma notices Minato in a little bit of a daze and comes up close to him. When asked if he is having a hot flash, Minato pushes Shizuma away, saying he’s too close. Seeing the lack of people, Shizuma says they’re the only ones in the baths right now. Blushing again, Minato asks Shizuma if he’d like to be rewarded for working hard, to which Shizuma happily responds with “I wanna do it!” Minato agrees, reminding Shizuma to mind his manners since it’s a communal bath.
Things get a bit steamy between Shizuma and Minato, with Minato thinking he’s seen more of the adorable side of Shizuma today. They exchange words of arousal while Shizuma kisses and touches Minato all over.
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Minato then teases Shizuma by calling him a “bad” vet. Just as they get more and more into it, one more guy comes out of the bath next to them, rinses his body and leaves, just like that. Both stunned at the thought that someone was there, they laugh! (^*^ moment)
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Shizuma and Minato are now walking along the street, looking at the star-filled night sky. Shizuma says he was really looking forward to the house tour, but Minato says it’s okay since their house tour date became a bathhouse date. Being all pouty and cute, Minato asks Shizuma: “Well, either one of these dates would’ve been fine as long as we’re together, right?”
Shizuma grabs his heart, asking what’s up with Minato for him to be so adorable today. Minato says he’s assumed the role of an adorable person so that they can have a heated and passionate round of lovemaking when they get home, which Shizuma finds quite sly.
Shizuma once again asks Minato about what he said in the car park, reminding him that he doesn’t have to talk about it if he doesn’t want to. Minato says it’s nothing for Shizuma to worry about, that he’s not enduring it out of pride or anything. Remembering Shizuma’s joyful face when he told him those words of encouragement, Minato says: “(Inner monologue) Putting my feelings into words, those nightmares that I’ve grown tired of, and my anxieties, (aloud) with just your stupidly adorable smiling face, you blow away all the unpleasantness and dislikes I have. So Shizuma-kun, smile.” Shizuma shoots him a smile and understands what he’s saying, and Minato responds with “Hn, good boy.”
Still walking to Shizuma’s car, Minato reminds Shizuma not to show his adorable smiling face to anyone else. Shizuma awkwardly smiles and says he doesn’t, wondering where Minato got this idea from. They continue to talk about the bathhouse and how nice it was that the receptionist let Minato use the dryer. Shizuma then remembers he left his boxers to dry in the staff room at the hospital!
He stops by the hospital with Minato, who has no idea why he’s had to go back to the hospital right now. He assures Minato that it isn’t anything big, but is actually freaking out on the inside, afraid another staff member might see it (and yes, Onodera did see it in a previous panel). He leaves Minato in the car and runs over to collect his boxers. Minato smirks while seeing Shizuma knocking on the door to gain entry, but is slightly taken aback when he sees that the person who opens the door is Shizuma’s director, a woman.
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And that’s it for this chapter! Everything was going so smoothly in this chapter, with all the tender moments, then BAM! Hinohara-sensei just had to end the chapter like that! Stay strong, Minato! It isn’t what you might think it is! 😭
Also, I shall check for typos and grammar tomorrow since Tumblr has failed me more than half a dozen times and I lost my post each time. RIP to me and my sleeping pattern haha! 😭
Again, THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 📢  As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books and CDs! 📢
The next chapter will be in the next issue of Dear+ that will be coming out on the 13th of February (later this week)! Hopefully I’ll be back to regular scheduling and post at a reasonable time (and fix my editing skills LMFAO)! Thank you again for being so patient! Ngl, I am still drowning in all my TGCF feels, so I highly recommend this novel. It’s a long read, but well worth it! ❤️ HuaLian 4 life, period.
So yeah, I’ll see you guys again for our next set of takeaways! 😍
As always, stay safe during these turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜    
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
To Give Him The World, Chpt.2
Main Characters: Thor x Ellie (original female character)
Summary: Ellie goes shopping for Thor and he invites her to stay for dinner when she gets back. After a nice evening together Ellie agrees to spend the night and they both finally gather the nerve to face the growing attraction between them. Master List is HERE if you need to catch up.
Warnings/ Content: A little more self consciousness (he’s a work in progress ya’ll) and angst if you squint. Mostly sweet shy fluffiness though. 
Word Count: 3.6k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! I didn’t mean for this chapter to be quite so long but my hand slipped and now it’s a beast. OH WELL. I’m a sucker for a nice long build up and these two just give me all the feels. Fun fact - the movie Ellie mentions in this chapter (Safety Not Guaranteed) is a real movie and it’s my favorite movie IRL. It’s just the most perfect thing I’ve ever watched and something about the end scene just makes me feel like the world is a better place. If anyone has seen it and wants to scream about it’s amazingness with me feel free to shoot me a message. Okayyyy enough rambling for now. Hope ya’ll have a nice weekend and enjoy this chapter. XOXO - Ash
To Give Him The World, Chapter Two Ellie returned an hour later, arms loaded with brown paper bags. She had been so engrossed in picking things out for Thor that she had completely forgotten her own shopping. Not that she could have carried anything else even if she had remembered. It wasn’t difficult shopping for the god, she had cleaned up enough wrappers to know what foods he favored. Ellie was sure to throw in a few healthier options too, though she wondered if he’d even try them. 
Thor jumped up from his seat to help when Ellie crossed the living room but she waved him off with her free hand, setting the bags down in the kitchen with a thump. She took a deep sigh of relief and started unpacking her haul. 
Thor watched her from the doorway, “I’d like to help. What can I do?” He asked hopefully. 
Ellie looked at him with surprise, “You can put the cold things away in the fridge. It’s all in this bag here.” 
Thor picked up the bag she had pointed to and started unloading things haphazardly. Ellie grimaced when she saw what he was doing but didn’t criticize him. She unpacked the last of the dry goods and yawned loudly before she could hold it back. 
“You’ve worked too hard today because of me. You shouldn’t have had to do all this.” Shame filled Thor’s chest. Here was this beautiful, kind woman who had spent the whole day working herself ragged to clean up the mess he shouldn’t have let happen in the first place. Thor let the familiar pain of failure wash over him as it had almost daily for the past decade.
Ellie noticed the change in Thor’s expression, the faint lines of stress forming by his mismatched eyes. “It’s okay.” She assured him. “I volunteered to come to do this. Besides, we haven’t seen each other in centuries. I wanted to see you.”
Thor looked over at her, wishing he the circumstances of their reunion were different. “Let me at least buy you dinner for your troubles. You shouldn’t have to cook after all this.”
Ellie thought of the empty apartment that awaited her and decided an evening with a childhood friend was much more appealing. “Alright, that sounds good.” 
Thor’s smile returned, “I’ll go call in a pizza. Do you eat pizza? What about jalapeño poppers? Or wings?” 
Ellie laughed at Thor’s eagerness, “Yes, any of that is fine. I’ll eat anything.” 
“Good, good.” Thor muttered to himself as he went to call in the order. 
Ellie remembered the laundry and went to collect it before the clothes wrinkled any more than they already had. Thor found her in his bedroom folding a bulky grey sweater. “I can do that.” He said from the doorway. 
Ellie turned to face him, setting the sweater down on the bed. “I started it, I’ll finish it. Why don’t you go pick out a movie for us to watch while we wait for dinner?” 
Thor nodded and after a moment he walked off. Ellie grabbed a pair of socks and wished her hands would stop shaking every time he looked at her for more than a few seconds. She felt a little pathetic, pinning after Thor again after all these years. She had been infatuated with him when they were younger and being around him again brought everything crashing back in. Shaking her head at herself Ellie refocused on her task and prayed she would make it through the evening without making a fool of herself. 
Thor flicked through movie options on the television, not liking anything he was finding. He wasn’t sure what she would like, probably something funny, but what kind of things did she find amusing? He remembered as children she loved the comedy plays best but that was a millennium ago. Thor found himself displeased he didn’t know and wondered if her laugh was still the same as when they were children. He wanted to know everything about her. He longed for the connection they had when they were young, and more he admitted to himself. Thor wished he had taken better care of himself, body and mind. He wanted things that were beyond his reach now. He couldn’t ask her to accept him like this, not after having seen him in his prime. Lost in thought he jumped, startled, when she joined him on the sofa. 
“What did you find?” Ellie asked him. 
“Nothing yet. I wasn’t sure what you would like.” 
“Just pick something. I’ll be fine.”
“What is your favorite film?”
“Safety Not Guaranteed. You’ll never find it on Netflix, trust me. Just scroll through what’s new and we’ll see what they have.” Thor clicked down to the recently added list and started scrolling through the list. “Have you seen Superbad?” Ellie asked him as it came across the screen.
“No, I do not believe I have. Would you like to watch it?”
“Sure, it’s a classic. I think you might enjoy it, it’s really funny.”
Thor started the movie and couldn’t help but notice how Ellie had settled in against his side so comfortably. He wasn’t sure if she was conscious of how she had pressed up against him but he wasn’t going to point it out and risk her retreating. Dinner arrived shortly after the movie started and Thor jumped up to get the door. Ellie’s eyes grew wide at the armful of food Thor returned with. He sat everything out on the living room table and went to get plates from the kitchen. Ellie looked around realizing he had ordered two large pizzas, a box of wings, jalapeño poppers, and fries. “Do you want a beer?” Thor called from the kitchen. 
“Sure.” She called back, thinking it might help her nerves. “You got quite a feast.” She commented as he returned with plates and their drinks.
“Yeah, ah, I guess I overdid it a bit.” He flustered, a little embarrassed. He wouldn’t have thought twice about the order had he been alone but under her gaze he wished he had not appeared so gluttonous. 
Ellie wished she could take back her words. She knew firsthand how it felt to eat around other people knowing every bite was being judged. It wasn’t fair but it was something she had faced her whole life since she never fit into the petite, thin mold expected of her as a woman. “I appreciate it.” She tried to make him more comfortable. “It’s nice to have options.”
Thor nodded, attempting to relax a little. He piled his plate with a little of everything and Ellie did the same trying to put him at ease. It was too much but she intended to at least make a dent in it before giving up. Thor started up the movie again as they ate and slowly Ellie found herself unwinding. Eventually she gave up and pushed her half full plate away as Thor filled his up again. This time she got up to get them more beer and returned to find him laughing at McLovin trying to use his fake ID. She smiled down at him as she resumed her seat by his side. He seemed so much more relaxed now and she was glad to have brought him a little happiness if only for a few hours. 
Thor took the cold bottle from Ellie and drank almost half with one long pull. Ellie sipped at hers, feeling the warm buzz starting in the back of her brain. She never could handle her alcohol well. Thor looked so inviting next to her, she missed the days when she would curl up with him so freely. Before she could second guess herself, Ellie laid her head against Thor’s shoulder and got comfortable. Thor tensed at the contact for a moment but once he looked down at Ellie’s content face he relaxed. He wondered if it was possible for her to enjoy being close to him as much as he did. Nervousness raced through him and he distracted himself with his food and the movie, unwilling to face his emotions. 
The movie ended and Ellie let out a long sigh. She sat forward to stretch in her seat, her hair flowing freely down her back and brushing against the sofa seat as she arched her back. Thor longed to run his fingers through it and found himself acting on the impulse, his common sense apparently having left him after the fifth beer. Ellie froze in place at the feel of Thor playing in her hair. She had stopped halfway through her third beer but her mind was still a little slow as she tried to sort out what was going on. She turned to face him, a questioning look in her pale green eyes. Thor seemed to snap out of it when he saw her expression and he started apologizing, “I’m so sorry, Ellie. I just… I don’t… I would never…” he fumbled. 
Ellie reached out to take the hand he had pulled back into her own, “It’s alright. I don’t mind.” They sat staring at each other quietly for a moment, both unsure how to navigate the waters they were rapidly approaching. Ellie shifted closer to him, her thigh pressed up against his, still holding his hand in her lap. Thor reveled in the peace and calm her presence brought him. It was something he had rarely found over the past decade and he was reluctant to let it go. He stamped down the desire that grew inside him as his mind wandered to what she might look like underneath him. 
Ellie seemed to regain her wits quicker and she let his hand go to stand up. “I should head home.” She said with a tinge of sadness in her voice. Thor noticed she was still a little uneasy on her feet whether from the beer or exhaustion or both, he wasn’t comfortable with her trying to get home in her current state. Thor reached out and took her hand again, “Are you sure? You’re not steady on your feet yet and I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you.” 
Ellie knew he was right and she was a good fifteen minute walk away even if she hustled. She was worried about her slowly weakening resolve to not throw herself at him though. 
“Please,” Thor said breaking through her thoughts, “Don’t leave tonight.”
Ellie’s mind spun at the implications. “What?”
“Don’t leave tonight. Remember the nights we used to stay out looking at the stars together curled up in a blanket fort? It could be like that again.” 
Idiot, she chided herself for thinking she saw more in his eyes than friendship. “Okay.” She agreed. “I’ll help you cleanup and then I’ll crash here for the night.” 
“Thank you.” Thor was relieved she had agreed to stay. He gathered the leftovers up while Ellie grabbed the beer bottles and they made quick work of cleaning up the living room. “Ready for bed?” He asked as he put the last of the pizza in the fridge. 
Ellie yawned again and nodded. “Yes, please.” She said afterwards. 
“Follow me.” Thor motioned in the direction of the bedroom and Ellie followed him. Standing in the room with him it felt smaller than it had earlier. Thor rustled through his drawers and pulled out a long T-shirt which he held out to her. “You can wear this if you’d like to get changed.” He offered.
Ellie took the shirt and thanked him. She headed to the bathroom to get changed and calm herself a little. It was just Thor, she tried to tell herself. It was no different than when they were children innocently sleeping beside one another. She tugged the shirt on and was glad it flowed midway down her thighs like a dress. She unclasped her bra, unwilling to sleep with it on regardless of how immodest it felt to be bare beneath his shirt. Folding her clothes in a neat pile she tucked them into the linen closet and made her way back to the bedroom. Thor was looking down at the bed like it was full of spiders, lost in concerned thoughts. He hadn’t changed and Ellie wondered if it was because of her. “Thanks for the shirt.” She said breaking the silence. 
Thor looked over at her and his mouth went dry. So much for ignoring his attraction to her, he lamented to himself. She was perfection wearing only his thin white shirt, it did little to hide the feminine curves underneath and he couldn’t help but notice the little peaks of her nipples pressing up against the fabric. “You’re welcome.” He forced himself to say as normally as he could manage. 
“Aren’t you going to overheat?” Ellie asked with a frown at his clothes. 
Thor pulled at the hem of his shirt, “I did not want to cause you discomfort.”
“Thor, I’m wearing your shirt as a nightgown. I think it’s fair you get comfortable as well. How would you normally sleep if I wasn’t here?”
Thor’s cheeks flushed and he avoided her eyes, “Perhaps I’ll just take off my shirt. Let me get the lights first.” As much as baring his soft chest and belly to her distressed him, he needed the additional barrier of his sweatpants between them if he was going to get any sleep at all. 
Ellie guessed he would have slept naked based on his blush and she hoped he hadn’t embarrassed him too much. Thor flicked off the lights and Ellie heard him shuffling in the dark to take off his shirt. The bed sagged under his weight when he joined her under the covers. She rolled onto her side to face him, trying to make out his features in the dimly lit room. Thor’s breathing was shallow, his anxiety getting the best of him. He struggled to stay put and not bolt out of the bed. He wanted her there in his bed but the idea of her seeing him like this or knowing how he desired her made him worry she would run off. 
“You’re thinking awfully loud over there.” Ellie said into the dark. She could hear his rapid breathing and wondered what had upset him. 
“I’m sorry, I’m not used to sharing my bed. Most nights I have trouble sleeping.”
“No worries. I was just concerned I’d done something.”
“No, of course not. If anything I’ll sleep better with you here.”
“Well that’s good.” Ellie decided to risk it and moved closer to him under the blankets. “I would like to bring you comfort if I can.” 
Thor held his breath as he felt her body press up against his. She placed a small hand against his shoulder and ran it up and down his arm soothingly. He waited for her to recoil, to run, but she stayed put. He took a shuddering breath and she moved her hand up to his cheek, caressing it gently. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked, worried. Thor nodded against her palm, unable to find words. It had been so long since anyone had touched with him affection that he barely knew how to respond. Ellie was starting to piece together his reactions. She was sobering and knew she could run home if need be, but she wanted to test the waters to see if she was right. She needed to know one way or another if the longing she thought she had seen in his eyes was real. 
Ellie let her fingers stroke his beard, feeling the softness of his jawline under the wiry hair. Unconsciously Thor pressed his cheek against her palm again, enjoying the contact. He was slowly losing the battle for self control and a spark of hope that she might return his affections flickered in him. Ellie wanted to run her hands down his soft chest and across the slope of his belly but she couldn’t risk being so bold. If he didn’t feel the same she didn’t want to send him running for the hills. Instead she tested the waters with her words. “This is nothing like when we were children, is it?” She asked quietly. 
Thor shook his head, “No, it’s not.”
“Better though.” She tried. 
The spark of hope in Thor’s chest bloomed into a fire at her words. “Much better.” He agreed. 
Feeling brave and praying to the Norns, Ellie leaned up leaving one hand cupping Thor’s cheek and she hovered her face over his. She waited, giving him a moment to understand her intentions. She stroked his cheek with her thumb, waiting for any sign that he was willing. Thor’s eyes trailed from hers to her lips and back again, his own parting slightly as he inhaled. She took the chance and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was tentative and brief but left Thor shaking. Ellie leaned back a little, giving him space. She moved her hand back down to rubbing his shoulder letting him process what she had done. In her mind she was screaming at herself for being so brazen, waiting for him to politely decline her advances. 
Thor’s voice was hoarse when he finally spoke. “I cannot ask this of you.” 
“Why not?” She asked, confused. 
“You’ve already done so much for me. I know you’re just trying to help, do not feel obligated to comfort me in this way too.”
“Obligated? Do you think so little of me?” Ellie’s heart ached that he thought so lowly of himself that she was showing him affection only out of pity. 
“No, never. I think the world of you. I just… Ellie, look at me. I cannot expect that you would care for me so. Not like this.” 
Ellie’s temper flared briefly and she pressed her palm against his soft chest. “I am looking at you. If you do not desire me just say so. I’m not a little girl anymore, you won’t hurt my feelings, Thor.” 
Thor could barely form a response. “Ellie, I do. I just never thought…You remember how I was in my prime. And now...” 
“Okay. It’s okay. I’m no stranger to feeling insecure.”
“But you are lovely. What would ever make you feel that way?” 
Ellie sighed and took Thor’s hand in hers. She pressed his palm against her soft middle and then pressed her palm against his. “There’s no difference here.” She explained simply, hoping he would understand. 
Thor rubbed gently, enjoying the feel of her. “You have always been this way though, it’s just how you were made. So beautiful with your rounded curves and softness. I am a… a fattened shell of a god who failed. Therein lies the difference.”
“Oh Thor.” Ellie’s eyes teared at his words. “Darling, no.” Thor’s heart leapt at the endearment as she continued. “You’re not any of those things. You are a hero who’s had to endure more loss than anyone could be expected to bear, god or not.” 
Thor couldn’t speak past the lump that had formed in his throat. He pulled Ellie closer to him until their bodies lay flush against one another. He leaned his forehead down, resting it against hers. Ellie leaned in to him, running her hand down his broad back. She tilted her head back slightly to move her lips against his once again. The kiss was less hesitant than their first and Thor eagerly met her motions with his own. She pulled back in desperate need of air and she could see the smile on his face as she steadied herself. 
“So perfect.” Thor mumbled while pressing a kiss to her shoulder where the shirt’s neckline had dropped exposing a bit of her pale skin. He went to say more but was cut off by a long yawn. 
“We can just sleep. I’m exhausted too.” Ellie offered. 
Thor frowned, “Will you be able to stay a little while tomorrow?” 
“Absolutely. I can call out of work and spend the whole day if you’d like. Maybe I’ll teach you how to make pancakes for breakfast.” 
Thor made a happy noise in the back of his throat. “Yes, I would very much like that.” He pulled Ellie even closer still, until she was half lying on him. She snuggled in making herself comfortable. Ellie loved the way they fit together like this, the way his plush body yielded against hers like a pillow. A small sigh escaped her lips and he kissed the top of her head in approval. “How did I get so lucky?” He mused. 
Ellie laughed lightly, “Well, about a thousand years ago you were unbelievably kind to a poor little girl who spent her days watching two brothers play but was too shy to ask to join.” 
“Mmm, very wise of me.”
“Indeed.” Ellie yawned again, barely hanging on. “We need to sleep, Thor. I promise we can talk more in the morning. We can spend tomorrow doing whatever you want. But for now we both need sleep.”
She felt Thor nod and then tense up for a moment, “Ellie, ah… if I should wake you in the night… if you should hear any yelling, please forgive me. I do not typically sleep very well.” 
Ellie wasn’t surprised Thor had nightmares after all he had been through and was touched he thought to warn her. “It’ll be okay. If you do wake me then I’ll just have to help you fall back asleep.” 
Thor squeezed her tighter and then finally relaxed, trying to sleep. Ellie laid awake for some time after, recognizing the moment he fell asleep by the change in his breathing. She struggled to calm her mind, the days events running on an endless loop. Never in her wildest dreams would she have believed she would be spending the night in Thor’s bed chastely sleeping together. Finally though, exhaustion won out and she drifted off to sleep in his arms.
Tag list lovelies: @thorfanficwriter @lancsnerd
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mari-strider · 5 years
I keep fuggin forgetting to send this but for the ask meme show us some Tarn, Frenzy and Waspinator :')
Get randomly assigned as your lab partner for a whole semester
Waspinator. I would literally kill for this situation. I'd take him on cute study dates and bring him flowers as a thank you for helping me pass. I buy him stuff he likes as well. Totally not romantic hahahaha (its my belief that Waspinator is actually really smart just unlucky)
Get trapped with on a broken elevator for ten hours
Tarn. He talks about the amazingness of Megatron bath water for 10 hours.
Get as my employee trainer for my new job at McDonalds
Rumble. Gosh I'd be crushing on this bot so hard like it's not funny. Probably get fired because I'm just staring at this cute cashier/cook rather than serving customers. 😫
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min-minn · 5 years
Symphony - Chapter Six
Summary: Viktor Nikiforov, tenor prodigy and top student at the Salchow Institute of Music, is looking for an accompanist.
And word around campus is that Yakov Feltsman, Head of Music and conductor of the prestigious Institute Band, is looking for new members.
Yuuri Katsuki is just looking to survive his next Piano recital
The Yuri on CONCERT Music School AU that we all deserve
Pairings: Viktor Nikiforov/ Yuuri Katsuki
Rating: Teen And Up
Content Warning: Anxiety
A/N: First, can I just say, I'm so sorry this took so long. Life has finally settled down, and you can all thank soft Korean dramas for getting me back in the mood to update. I need my boys like I need air. I need their soft little moments.
A huge thank you to everyone for your patience, your support, your general amazingness. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this fandom is magical. Thank you.
WON'T MAKE ANY PROMISES AGAIN BUT, my dream is to update fortnightly. Fingers crossed I can do it. Stay tuned for more disaster-bi-Min. The only promise I will make is that this fic will be completed before I die. Its become my solemn duty.
Lots of soft-Korean-drama-love,
- Min
ミール - (miiru) - literally "Meal"
Yuuri found his voice as they were walking to the bus, managing to disentangle himself from the group and pull Phichit back with him.
“Phichit, please,” he gasped, reaching to grab his friend’s hand and squeeze it desperately. “We need to talk.”
Phichit was still starry eyed, gazing after the group in front of them like he’d just won some kind of lottery. But when he saw Yuuri’s face, flushed and fearful, his eyes grew sombre.
“Yuuri, I’m so sorry,” and his voice was soft. He reached down to hold Yuuri’s other hand, clasping at them, bringing Yuuri close and slowing them down so they could lag behind the rest of the group.
“I know it was wrong of me,” he said, watching the ground as they walked. “I betrayed your trust and it was really stupid but, come on!” and he waved a hand at the group of students, all laughing and singing and jostling each other as they walked. Christophe and Jean-Jaques and Seung-gil and Mila. Names he’d known for years. Names that belonged in Broadway lights and glossy magazine titles.
And somehow, they were one of them.
The main thought going through his mind, despite it all, was how important this was for Phichit. How hard Phichit had worked to get himself into the Institute Band. The countless hours of practice and preparation. This was his dream. It meant everything to him, and Yuuri wanted to fight for it. Wanted to make it a reality and watch his best friend soar.
But for him…
What did he want?
He’d gone along with the original idea because of Phichit. Because Phichit had convinced him that Viktor had wanted him to audition…
As they meandered through the quad, Yuuri caught glimpses of Viktor’s silver hair amongst the crowd. Flashes of his profile, face beaming, smile like the sun…
Try as he might, over the past few weeks, Yuuri just couldn’t get that first practice out of his mind. The way Viktor’s voice had filled every cell in his body and set it alight. The way his own hands had responded, coaxing music from the piano keys like he were penning a new language. A language just for them…
He wanted to speak it again.
“You’re … an asshole,” Yuuri mumbled into his scarf, still watching the crowd and slowly coming to terms with what was really happening. “And this is insane.”
Yet, despite his anger and fear, it was starting to dawn on him. He was in the band. He’d been accepted.
He’d get to perform with Viktor again…
And somehow, even if Viktor was just being kind. Even if he were just taking pity on Yuuri, that was okay. It was okay because it felt good.
“But it’s real, Yuuri!” Phichit squealed in response, shifting to grab a hold of Yuuri’s arm by his side as they walked, skipping slightly to catch up as the group came close to the bus stop. “This is really happening!”
“Yeah,” and Yuuri found himself giggling despite himself. It was insane. It wouldn’t last. But maybe, just for now, he could let himself enjoy it.
“I’m still going to kill you, though,” Yuuri said with a laugh, falling into Phichit’s shoulder to knock him off balance.
The two were laughing heartily by the time they reached the bus stop, Phichit still hanging off Yuuri’s arm. As their bus pulled to a stop, Yuuri felt the back of his neck tingle uncomfortably. He turned and saw their group preparing to board, Viktor standing near the back…
Watching him.
The blush was instant and fierce. Viktor’s eyes were disarming – achingly beautiful pools of blue set in a silver frame – and Yuuri couldn’t help the way his body seemed to respond on its own, heart stuttering, knees growing weak. He swallowed, realising he’d probably been laughing a little too loudly, instinctively rubbing the back of his neck.
And he tried not to notice Viktor making his way towards them.
Phichit made a noise at the back of his throat, smirking back at Yuuri as he noticed. “Can’t say no to that, either.”
“Sit next to me, Yuuri!” Viktor suddenly said in a sing-song voice, face breaking into a smile as he took a few steps closer. Yuuri almost stepped back, his throat closing in on itself. Viktor’s voice should be a normal sound, by now. Shouldn’t send thrills through Yuuri’s nerves like he’d just been struck by lightning. Shouldn’t turn his legs to water and close off his throat.
But Viktor was close now and Yuuri couldn’t breathe.
“He’d love to!” Phichit said instead, still tangled on his arm and almost bouncing on the spot with excitement. Yuuri threw him a desperate look, but Phichit only winked.
“I’m going to find that tall, dark, and handsome double bass,” Phichit said, glancing over to where Yuuri could see Christophe boarding the bus. He glanced back and offered a friendly wave to Phichit who all but bounded after him like a puppy. Yuuri could only stare after them as his friend disappeared onto the bus, leaving him alone with Viktor.
Viktor, who was still waiting for some kind of reply.
“O—Okay,” Yuuri said lamely, not daring to look Viktor in the eye.
“I have so much I want to ask you,” Viktor said, the smile all too obvious in his voice. “I’m so happy you decided to audition, in the end.”
“Y—Yeah, well,” Yuuri rubbed the back of his neck again, shuffling along next to Viktor as they boarded the bus. “It was all Phichit.”
They paid their fares, flashing their student IDs and making their way onto the bus. The only seats available were at the back, tucked in the corner behind the rest of the group. Yuuri offered a shy wave to a few of the members – Seung-gil, who he was acquainted with from the SIM Orchestra, nodding stoically in response. He could see two younger students – Guang Hong he knew as well, a saxophone major like Phichit, and next to him, another boy who he assumed must be the remaining saxophonist from the case on his lap. They were chattering away as they shared a phone screen, Guang Hong glancing up and smiling as Yuuri passed. He could feel his nerves settle somewhat as he realised that there were at least a few members younger than him – as he realised they weren’t going to try and eat him alive the first chance they got. Maybe he could even make some friends…
“Window or aisle?” Viktor offered as they reached the back of the bus, gesturing to the empty pair of seats. Yuuri swallowed.
“I—I don’t mind,” he whispered, attempting a small smile. Viktor blinked and seemed to be momentarily distracted. Oh. Was that too indecisive? Yuuri chewed on his lower lip as Viktor watched after him intently. Was he having second thoughts? Did he want to sit with Chris instead—?
“Y—You first, then,” Viktor said with a nervous laugh. Nervous? No, it couldn’t be. Yuuri was suddenly reminded of their first practice together – how Viktor had shuffled his feet and stammered his words. He could only put it down to awkwardness. Yes, that had to be it. Yuuri’s complete lack of social skills probably put him off guard. He must be used to people with far more confidence. People who actually knew how to hold conversations and weren’t reduced to a blabbering puddle around his good looks.
Yuuri ducked his head and settled himself in by the window, clutching his satchel in his lap, trying to cover up the obvious holes and tattered material. Viktor sat beside him as the bus began to move and, thankfully, didn’t seem to notice.
As the bus rumbled into gear, Yuuri couldn’t help but glance past Viktor to where Phichit was sitting down next to Christophe, already engaged in animated conversations and laughing loudly. Yuuri smiled as he watched – Phichit was obviously smitten. It warmed his heart to see his friend so happy, and Christophe seemed to enjoy the conversation too. Though Yuuri couldn’t help but wonder what his relationship was with Viktor. Surely they were together, after what Yuuri had seen earlier. The chemistry was palpable, even now, Chris glancing Viktor’s way every now and then…
“—together?” a voice cut across his thoughts, coming at him from a distance. He snapped back in his seat, turning to see Viktor looking at him with his brow creased, eyes bright and searching.
“S—Sorry?” Yuuri asked softly, chiding himself.
“Are you and Phichit together?” Viktor asked again, his mouth a thin line.
Yuuri blinked. “What?” And before he could stop himself, another blush bloomed across his cheeks. “Phichit?” and his voice was all but a squeak.
“Yeah,” Viktor glanced away, a smile across his features that seemed strange somehow. Out of place. “You guys seem close,” and the way Viktor’s voice grew soft did strange things to Yuuri’s heartrate.
“Oh, no!” Yuuri threw his hands up, waving them in front of him to try and get his message across. “No! We’re just friends.”
“Oh!” and Yuuri watched on as that strange smile suddenly broke into an honest grin. He couldn’t quite place the difference – they seemed just as bright and warm and Viktor – and yet…
“That’s good,” Viktor said with a huff, seeming to relax. Yuuri’s mind melted into static as he tried to make sense of it all. Good? Why was it good?
“I mean, not good!” Viktor suddenly cried, sitting up in his seat and leaning forward.
“Relationships are good, I mean. Good to have. And Phichit seems like a great guy!” and now it was Viktor’s turn to gesture wildly, hands moving like he’d said something wrong.
Yuuri was sure Viktor was speaking another language.
“H—He is,” Yuuri said quietly, brow furrowing as he tried to make sense of what, exactly, Viktor was trying to say. His thoughts quickly turned to Christophe, and it all clicked into place. Of course. Viktor was worried about Phichit. Worried about Phichit and Christophe, seated together, laughing together…
“Christophe seems like a great boyfriend,” Yuuri managed to say, glancing towards the pair and offering a small smile. Saying it out loud seemed to help the strange ache he felt in his chest because of course they were together. How could someone like Viktor Nikiforov be single?
“Oh, Chris is very single,” Viktor said with a laugh, leaning over and waving at Chris. “Aren’t you mon cher?”
Chris glanced up, tilting his head ever so slightly. “I am?”
“Very single,” Viktor said with a wink.
“Oh! Yes,” and Chris smiled, glancing pointedly at Phichit who seemed to melt on queue. Yuuri’s heart leapt into his throat.
Chris was single.
“And… you’re single?” Yuuri blurted out, voice quiet, blushing furiously as he heard the words leave his mouth, glancing up at Viktor through strands of hair that had an annoying habit of falling across his eyes.
Viktor made a strange noise – something between a groan and a whimper. A laugh? What was it? But Yuuri could hardly follow the thought through, because Viktor was looking back at him with such a strange expression on his face that had him holding his breath…
Almost like … excitement.
“Yes!” he said, a little too enthusiastically, flashing a bright smile that made Yuuri feel like he were in the middle of summer rather than bundled up for winter as he was now.
Viktor was single.
“Very single!” Chris chimed in from across the aisle, giggling a little like it were some kind of inside joke. “Getting him to the clubs is like pulling teeth.”
“Chris!” Viktor cried, scrambling in his seat. The other man just laughed, Phichit giggling along with him. Even Yuuri had to stifle a laugh that suddenly threatened to bubble out of his throat.
“Ignore him,” Viktor said with a sigh, offering Yuuri a weak smile as he relaxed back into his seat. Yuuri could see the beginnings of a pink flush across Viktor’s cheeks and oh. Oh.
Viktor was embarrassed?
Yuuri felt like his world was falling off its axel.
He decided to very pointedly keep his gaze straight ahead, far too enraptured by the way the soft colour of Viktor’s cheeks had set his heart racing. The awkwardness of the whole conversation was catching up with him. Why had he even asked that—?
“I’m not actually sure where we’re going,” Viktor said after a beat, one finger on his lips as he suddenly grew pensive. “I’m meant to be deciding, but I hardly go out for dinner…”
Yuuri furrowed his brow. “You don’t?”
Viktor smiled softly at him, “No, I rarely get the chance. Between the NYCO and SIM, my nights are usually booked.” He was staring ahead in a distant way, and Yuuri found himself imagining Viktor, at rehearsals or practicing, coming home late and getting straight into bed. It was an image he couldn’t seem to make peace with – so contrary to what he’d imagined previously. From Viktor’s outgoing nature, Yuuri had always assumed he’d be quite social outside of school.
Perhaps he’d had it wrong all along?
“What about you, Yuuri?” Viktor asked suddenly, eyes growing bright. “Do you know somewhere we could go?”
“M—Me?” Yuuri squeaked, blanching at the suddenness of the question. Viktor was asking him?
“I’m not…” he desperately tried to sift through his scrambled mind, trying to remember the last time he’d eaten out.
“T—There is a nice place … near here,” Yuuri managed, fidgeting with the satchel in his lap as he glanced out the window at the city passing by. “ミール it’s called.”
Viktor blinked at him, cocking his head ever so slightly. “Mi…du?”
Yuuri ducked his head to hide the instinctive smile, “Oh, it’s Japanese,” he said softly. “It means ‘Meal,’ but it’s the Japanese way of saying it.”
Viktor was still staring at him, eyes wide. “Midu,” he tried again, and Yuuri felt his heart race dangerously close to some sort of cardiac arrest. The way the syllables rolled off Viktor’s tongue, adorably awkward around his accent… it was enough to make Yuuri weak.
“C--Close enough,” he said with a small chuckle, feeling that same smile tug his lips. Viktor was still staring at him, the blush from earlier still apparent across his cheeks.
“You’re Japanese,” Viktor stated simply.
“Yes,” Yuuri said slowly, attempting to tuck some of his unruly hair behind his ear. “I moved here just under four years ago.”
“Let’s go to Midu then!” Viktor said suddenly, and before Yuuri could stop him, he was jumping up in his seat and calling out across the bus. “JJ! We’re going to Midu!”
Jean-Jaques – who Yuuri realised must be called JJ amongst friends – turned towards them, seated a few rows in front with a phone pressed to his ear. He glanced back toward Viktor with a confused expression, giving him a slow thumbs up before turning back to his call.
“What a relief,” Viktor said with a sigh, sitting back down heavily. “I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find us a decent place.”
Yuuri felt a familiar spike of fear in his chest. “A—Are you sure?” Yuuri asked, voice breaking in his panic. “It’s just a local yakitori bar. Nothing special.”
“If it’s a place you go to, Yuuri, I’m sure its great,” and Viktor’s smile was soft. Achingly soft. Yuuri was glad he was sitting down.
“Let’s look at the menu!” Viktor suddenly said with all the excitement of a child, whipping out his phone and opening up the browser in one swift movement. Yuuri leaned in instinctively, catching a whiff of Viktor’s cologne as he drew unknowingly closer to his neck. It was intoxicating, and Yuuri wondered absently that it must be expensive.
“That’s the one,” he said, pointing at the screen as Viktor scrolled through his search. Viktor opened it quickly, fingers pausing over the screen as he took in the restaurant’s website.
“Ah, which one’s the menu button?” Viktor asked as the wall of Japanese loaded under his fingers. Yuuri scanned it and pointed to one of the buttons, but rather than follow his instruction, Viktor just handed his phone over instead, their shoulders brushing together as he leant closer.
Yuuri wasn’t expecting the touch to affect him so thoroughly, but he suddenly found it quite hard to breathe as a strange current of soft electricity shot through his veins.
Around the furious beating of his pulse in his ears, Yuuri managed to grip the phone with two shaky hands, focussing on scrolling through to the menu to keep his mind from unravelling entirely. The smell of Viktor’s cologne was heavy now, and Yuuri could feel the warmth of Viktor’s arm through his sleeve like a furnace. And Yuuri realised, with a strange blooming warmth in his chest, that Viktor didn’t pull away, either. If anything, it felt like he was pressing even closer, though Yuuri couldn’t tell if it was Viktor’s own movements or just the sway of the bus beneath them.
All the same, it sent shivers straight through his chest and directly into his abdomen, and he was sure his blush would be embarrassingly apparent by now from the way his ears were burning,
Luckily, Viktor didn’t seem to notice, more focussed on the screen as Yuuri slowly scrolled through some of the images. He saw a familiar photo of a bowl of katsudon and paused.
“This one’s my favourite,” he said softly, voice weak.
“Will you order it?” Viktor asked, his pitch rising as his eyes sparkled. Without missing a beat, he leant in slightly closer and added, “Could I try some if you do?”
Yuuri’s eyes widened, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose ever so slightly as he jerked his head in surprise. Viktor wanted to … try some? From his plate? He tried to stay present but felt his mind reel with possibilities. Viktor eating from his plate. Reaching over to take a bite off of Yuuri’s chopsticks…
Viktor’s own eyes grew wide and he suddenly pulled away ever so slightly, the shift snapping Yuuri back to reality.
“Or,” Viktor said slowly, clearing his throat and glancing back down at the screen, the excitement slightly dampened. “Actually, I’ll just get one of my own.”
Yuuri felt all the air leave his lungs.
Where he was teetering on the edge of hopeful before, now he was mired in despair. Because of course. Of course Viktor wouldn’t want to share with him. That would be strange. He probably hated the idea. Had probably said it because he’d forgotten who he was actually talking to…
“Is there anything else you like?” Viktor’s voice, soft and careful, cut across Yuuri’s thoughts. Yuuri realised he was still holding Viktor’s phone, leaning away as he unconsciously tucked his head into his scarf. Without meeting Viktor’s gaze, Yuuri moved to hand the phone back to Viktor, desperately trying to think of how to salvage the awkward social situation.
But instead of take the phone back, Viktor just leant in again, pressing against Yuuri’s shoulder once more as he watched the screen.
“This one?” Viktor asked, gesturing to the next item on the menu; okonomiyaki.
“That one’s quite nice, too,” Yuuri found himself answering shyly despite himself. Viktor didn’t seem to notice the awkwardness in Yuuri’s tone, however. Instead, his eyes lit up as he took in the image, casually zooming in, fingers spreading across the screen and Yuuri found he couldn’t help how his eyes followed the movement.
As a pianist, Yuuri was naturally drawn to fingers. Found himself calculating if people could reach a full octave or not. Wondering how they’d hold up performing glissandos…
Now, all Yuuri could think of was what Viktor’s fingers would feel like.
Because even in simple gestures, Viktor’s fingers were mesmerising. Like every touch were important – deserving of some sort of special care. Yuuri had had enough experience with performers to understand they were slightly different to most. Understand how much their profession permeated every aspect of their lives. Yet he realised, with a strange surge of awe and soft surprise, that Viktor lived his performance. Every gesture, the tone of his voice, the set of his lips, it commanded attention. Spoke of a deep sense of knowing. Knowing others were watching him. Self-aware…
As entranced as Yuuri was, the new knowledge suddenly made him feel incredibly distant, somehow. As if the chasm he’d imagined between who Viktor was and who he was had suddenly widened tenfold.
“What is it, exactly?” Viktor asked, brow furrowing, and even that simple expression had Yuuri reeling. It took Yuuri a moment to realise Viktor was referring to the menu.
“I—It’s … a sort of pancake,” he fumbled for his words, earlier thoughts scattering to the back of his mind. “Savoury.”
“Interesting,” Viktor said with a soft smile. “We’ll have to get one of those, too.”
They continued like that for a while, scrolling through the menu, Yuuri explaining the different food and drink softly as Viktor kept track of what he wanted to order. And Yuuri wasn’t too sure how he felt about it. It was almost too easy, the way the conversation flowed and ebbed. Far easier than any conversation he’d had before, despite how hard his heart was trying to tear itself out of his chest. And as they talked, it didn’t take long for Viktor to laugh, though Yuuri couldn’t remember what he’d said to illicit such a response. Such a melodious, beautiful response.
He decided making Viktor laugh was easily the best thing in the world.
And Yuuri found, with a small jolt of surprise, that he was soon laughing too. Really laughing. Gasping for air and snorting because Viktor was still trying to pronounce Japanese words and it was too much.
As he wiped tears from the corner of his eyes, Viktor smiling at him in such an attentive way that Yuuri couldn’t help but stare back, Phichit suddenly called out from across the aisle.
“I haven’t heard him laugh like that in ages,” and Yuuri tore his eyes from Viktor’s to give Phichit a decidedly threatening glare.
“Oh?” Viktor asked next to him, eyes still trained on Yuuri’s face. “Is that so?”
“D—Don’t mind him,” Yuuri shuffled back into his seat, tucking his face into his scarf. He decided the blush across his features was more or less permanent, now, though the instinct to hide it was still very strong.
How he’d survive the rest of the night, he had no clue.
And all too soon, they were rounding a familiar corner, coming to the block where the yakitori bar was. Yuuri reached to press the button that would signal the driver to stop, careful not to touch Viktor as he did so. Viktor was glancing out the window, eyes searching.
“We’re close?” he asked, furrowing his brow at the shops and apartments around them.
“It’s not all that well known,” Yuuri said sheepishly, wondering for the millionth time if he’d made the right choice. “We can still go somewhere else if you’d—”
“No!” Viktor cried suddenly, the fringe of his hair drifting across his eyes as he jerked himself back into his seat, eyes wide. “I didn’t mean—”
And Yuuri felt the laugh simmer in his throat, escaping as a giggle he couldn’t control. He wondered if he’d ever get used to how excitable Viktor was. How charming...
“It’s okay,” Yuuri smiled softly at him, and as all the panic and doubt and sense of inferiority threatened to cloud his thoughts, Yuuri realised it really had been a long time since he’d laughed like this. Smiled like this. Since he’d felt so at ease.
And as the bus came to a stop and the group began disembarking, Yuuri found the prospect of a night with Viktor to be all too inviting, after all.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
ღ: Cindylu? OwO
What a LOVELY ship, aaah!!! So unexpected, but I’m sure going to have a lot of fun with this!! Thank you!
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning:
It depends, but it’s mostly Cindy. You wouldn’t believe how much Lunafreya can spend in bed during mornings. Cindy is used to work since early, so even when she doesn’t have work, her internal clock still wakes her up relatively early. Luna, though? Nope. Bed. One hour more, please.
Who’s the one to make breakfast:
Cindy. Luna knows how to cook but she can get a bit messy or awkward and for some reason, even though Cindy helps, the pancakes always burn when she tries. Luna thinks the pans are mad at her and that’s why her cooking turns out messier than Cindy’s even when they do the same things.
Luna feels a bit embarrassed that she’s not very good at cooking, but Cindy doesn’t mind. Indeed, she finds cute that she gets to teach Luna.
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed:
Luna. That Luna gets a bit messy or awkward in the kitchen doesn’t mean she can’t cook. Mostly after Cindy’s taught her to get better, Luna likes bringing breakfast to her to bed; she admires how hard and how much Cindy works, values even more than Cindy treats her so nicely and respectfully, Luna wants to make her happy, so she thinks of the “little” things like serving her breakfast in bed.
Luna wants to spoil her a lot and is often doing things for her like this. She’s a selfless loving creature that just wants Cindy to smile.
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work:
50/50. You’d think Lunafreya is a pure innocent angel that goes to church, hah. Yes, she is. But she’s also pretty horny and curious and she happens to be easily turned on by her radiant girlfriend, so it’s not rare that Luna suddenly gets the idea of a quickie out of nowhere. The best/funniest part of it is that she’s not suggesting it sensually or whispering in her ear or pinning her to a wall, she’s suggesting it like she’s saying “let’s go to the park! :D”
Cindy can’t say no to this adorable creature.
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day:
Luna. She may not seem like it because she’s great at hiding stress, but truth is Cindy overworks very often. 
Luna wants her to rest. As the selfless loving thing she is, Luna will often try to get Cindy to ditch work and just spend a good day together, thinking more about Cindy resting and having fun than just stealing her for herself. 
Who chooses the movies:
Lunafreya. Cindy helps and suggests most of the times, but if it’s about choosing straight away sometimes, that’s Luna. She has a lot that she hasn’t watched but heard about on the internet and they said it was super sweet and romantic and please watch it with me baby
Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together:
Luna too. Mostly if she’s not very interested in the movie (even though chances are she chose it). She really likes kissing Cindy on the jaw because it always earns a chuckle from her, so Luna can do it over and over and over because she loves the sound of a happy Cindy.
You can easily tell this leads Cindy to grab her by the chin and kiss back, and then suddenly none can stop it and oops, who needs movies anyway.
Who orders lunch:
Lunafreya. Sometimes, mostly when she’s still not very confident about her cooking skills, she would order lunch because she wants food to be served by the time Cindy comes to the dining room, but she also wants her to eat something pleasant, so the answer is ordering. It becomes sort of a tradition during Cindy’s busy days at the garage.
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking:
Lunafreya. She’s curious since she’s little and, for some reason, since she’s a toddler she’s always grabbed food from other people’s plates, mostly without asking. You should hear her mental struggle at important political dinners, trying to control herself and not snatch that slice of cheese off the Emperor’s plate because oh my god Lunafreya you can’t just do that resist control yourself you have your own cheese GODDAMMIT STOP YOU CAN DO IT YOU’RE STRONGER THAN YOUR IMPULSES.
So yes. Because she trusts Cindy and it’s casual eating, she’ll always grab something off her dish without asking. Cindy is so used to her strange girlfriend and he strange things, she never questions her.
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy:
Cindy. She’s so satisfied with eating after a tiring or good day and she loves to get a chance to rest, she’ll lay somewhere happily and satisfied. Luna herself is who goes to curl up next to her; Cindy hugs her, snuggles a bit, and then naps, whether she chooses to or it just got to her. Luna sometimes can sleep too, sometimes not, but she always stays there hugged to her.
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home:
Lunafreya. Sometimes, Cindy will have some gadget or some blueprints and she’ll get very curious, but Luna knows that once Cindy’s started some machinery thing, she won’t get off it for the rest of the week. Luna doesn’t want her to overwork home; if she can’t help overworking at work, fine, but if it’ssomething unnecessary, then Lunafreya will do everything in her power to stop Cindy from working on it!
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old:
Lunafreya. This is an adult child that gets overly excited at the little things, ice-cream included (I mean, can we blame her?). She’s too cute and so excited, Cindy can never say no.
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream:
Lunafreya. She discovered Kupogram not long ago and she’s obsessed with showing everyone the things that make her happy (half her Kupogram is Cindy, or Cindy and her).
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face:
Lunafreya, surprisingly. The best/funniest part of it, like when she suggests quickies, is that she’s not making a sex joke for the sake of the sex joke itself, she’s just innocently letting the joke out like it’s about the weather.
First time she did it, Cindy accidentally dropped her ball of ice-cream off its cone. It took her off-guard, mostly by how naturally and easily and casually Luna commented about her sitting on Cindy’s face. In like…a public space.
Who cooks dinner:
50/50. It’s still Cindy most times, though. Sometimes Luna does it so Cindy can rest better from work.
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards:
Lunafreya. She claims that Cindy did the cooking, it’s fair that Luna does the cleaning. Sometimes they do it together, but sometimes Luna wants to do it all by herself.
Who stays up until 2 reading:
It’s not frequent or a thing, but if it’s ever happened, that’s Luna. Sometimes she’s a bit too much like a child, so sometimes she’s got a bit too much energy and can’t sleep, and will look for things to do that can help her shut those pretty eyes. Reading does the trick; she likes reading, don’t get me wrong, but it always puts her to sleep.
Who stares at their partner while they’re sleeping:
50/50. It’s mostly a Cindy thing, though. She values and appreciates Lunafreya a lot, loves her very dearly, and watching her sleep, whether it’s next to her, or on her own but in their bed or sofa, it mean a lot to Cindy. She values that Luna gifted her her love and presence, and likes to see that she’s there.
Who kisses their partner while they sleep:
Lunafreya. As said earlier, she loves Cindy a lot, lot, lot. She’s a little ball of love, like a puppy, so she has almost no control on her love on Cindy; if she sees her, she’ll kiss her because she just…loves her a lot and is happy to see her, you know? So if she ever catches her napping, Luna will naturally go over to her and kiss her face or head, and caress her hair or cheek a little, but never dares wake her up.
This was so horribly sweet and pleasant to write!! I don’t think I’ve ever written for Cindylu before, but it’s sure a ship that I adore, and one that I had lots of fun with. Thank you so much! ( ´ ▽ ` )
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
When They Can’t See (Part 3)
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Summary: When the reader is injured on a hunt and has trouble sleeping at night, she discovers that Dean has a lot more hidden pain than he let’s on…
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,200ish
Warnings: language
A/N: Hope you enjoyed!...
It was past midnight that night, coming up with nothing as to how to get Dean to open up. The day hadn’t been spent with Dean’s usual cold shoulders and polite exchanges. It turned very quickly into Dean leaving the room every time you entered, ignoring you when you asked him to hand you a glass, giving you hard stares whenever you caught his eye. Maybe you’d pushed him too far this time.
You lay down, drifting off to sleep, waking a few hours later when you heard your door close. He was still checking, still cared even if he was trying to make you think otherwise. That gave you an idea.
You rolled out of bed and went in his room, hearing his grumble as you came in and lay down beside him. You got under the covers and turned your back to him, going back to sleep. Or at least trying to.
“What are you-”
“G’night,” you mumbled. You wouldn’t make him talk. But you weren’t leaving him alone if he’d at least allow that.
To your amazement, you weren’t pushed off onto the floor. You heard him grunt and groan for a moment before laying back down, his body away from yours but nice and warm. When you woke in the morning you were alone, the other half of the bed cold. It was a start though and you’d take that. For three more nights you climbed into his bed around midnight, not saying anything, Dean staying silent while his protests diminished, stopping altogether.
Until the fourth when he was sitting up in the middle of his bed, staring at the door when you entered. You only hesitated a moment before you went in and over to your spot. Dean had been softer towards you, more like the way he was with Sam ever since you started staying with him. It’d been nice but you knew he was going to put a stop to it at some point.
He waited until you were on your side, glancing down like he wanted you to lay down. This was different but maybe different was a good thing. You got under the covers and let your head hit the pillow, turning your body away like you always did.
“Don’t do that,” he said, his body weight shifting as you rolled back, Dean laying down just inches from you. “Why are you sleeping in my bed?”
“I don’t want you to be alone,” you said, expecting some scowl or pout to cross his face. It didn’t come and you got braver. “You don’t have to check on me if I’m with you.”
“Does it bother you? The checking thing,” he asked, everything about him so much softer this close up. It brought up those feelings you’d pushed deep down for your own well-being. Dean was barely your friend. A friend you’d do anything for but he was just so...confusing.
“No. I kind of like it,” you said, Dean opening his mouth to speak but stopping himself. “It’s nice.”
“Okay,” he said quietly, eyes still on yours. You had to let him do it in his own time, no matter how much you wanted to ask him how he was. “Goodnight.”
“Night Dean,” you said, shutting your eyes. You felt him move though and you flashed yours open, Dean gulping nervously.
“Your foot,” he said. “You have to sleep on your other side.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you said, knowing even that little bit of conversation had been too much for him. You went to roll over but his hand grabbed your waist, keeping you in place. “Dean?”
“I-I’m not pushing. I want you to get better is all,” said Dean. You nodded and gave his hand on you a light squeeze.
“I’ll keep coming back as long as you want,” you said, his hand sliding away. You turned over, feeling the pressure off your ankle. Dean didn’t turn over but instead kept a hand on your back, afraid you might run off. “Night.”
“Night sweetheart.”
It was a week later and you were getting your cast off the next day. You were so excited for it you accidentally forgot that you weren’t supposed to go to Dean’s room for bed until it was much later. The surprise on his face told you your mistake and you groaned, embarrassed in the light of his room that you hadn’t waited until the dead of night when you were allowed to see a sliver of Dean’s soft side.
“I’m sorry, I’ll come back later,” you said, trying to back out of the room when he shook his head.
“I stay up for you anyways. Come on,” he said, patting your side. You rubbed your arm, unsure of going too fast for him. He rolled his eyes and walked over to you, pulling you to the mattress. “Just get in the bed.”
You crawled under the covers, Dean doing the same before turning off the light. You were tired but it wasn’t like how one of you was always half-awake when this normally happened. You noticed for the first time how relaxed he was.
“Why don’t you just come in here when you’re ready for bed. No one has to wait up for the other anymore,” said Dean. You turned your body to face him, spotting a sleepy smile on his face.
“Sure,” you said, glad to get back the two hours of sleep a night. You expected that to make him happy, not cause a frown to appear. “What’s wrong?”
“I know it’s my own fault for making you act like it but...can you stop dancing around me? I...I want you to not say yes to everything I say or suggest because you think you’ll upset me or scare me or anything like that. Can we...be like that with each other?” he asked. You smiled, a genuine one and he immediately saw the difference from the other ones you constantly gave. “Thanks.”
“What are friends for,” you said, shutting your eyes, keeping your body turned towards his, hoping he’d take the bait.
“I’ve been a pretty shitty one,” he said. You opened your eyes, seeing the worry in his. “I’m such an ass to you and all you are is nice back.”
“You’re not one to let people in. I never expected to be treated the same as Sam,” you said. He closed his eyes for a long time before finding it in himself to open them.
“You’re wrong. I let you in, a long, long time ago,” said Dean. “I didn’t want to but you just had to be so...you stay in here with me, for me, when I don’t deserve it. I don’t...”
“You’re okay,” you said softly, cautiously placing your hand against his chest.
“I’m really not,” he said, ducking his head down but putting his own hand over yours regardless. “This should feel good and it does but...I don’t want you to do it. I’m not...I’m a killer. I don’t know how to love people the way you’re supposed to. I’ve done so much stupid crap to save Sam, protect him. That’s not healthy...it’s not what you should want.”
“You’re funny,” you said, moving your thumb over his chest. “You want me to do what you want and you don’t want me to do what you want. You can see why I’m getting some mixed signals.”
“I don’t know what I want,” he said. Yes, he did but he wasn’t ready for that. You weren’t sure you were either but you could wait.
“I’ll be here when you figure it out one way or the other,” you said, moving your hand up to cup his cheek for just a second. “Night Dean.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
One Month Later
You jumped when you heard the door open. No more. You couldn’t take anymore today. You just needed a break. Why’d you go out on that hunt? You hadn’t run on that stupid ankle in weeks and no wonder you weren’t as fast as you used to be. Getting caught you could handle.
Getting caught by a group of demons, the same ones from years ago, the ones who knew you as a kid and had their faces light up when they realized it was you...years of badass hunting vanished like that. You were a scared little girl again, praying to God someone would find you. Or put an end to it.
“Over here,” you heard a familiar voice. You lifted your tired head to find Dean in front of you, looking absolutely mortified. “We gotcha now sweetheart. We’re going to bring you home.”
All the way home they kept exchanging glances, looking over shoulders at you in the backseat. They’d gotten you cleaned up and bandaged but they were more than concerned with how you weren’t shaking this one off like normal. At the bunker it was worse, the boys footsteps in the hall often when you went straight to your room and shut the door, not letting anybody inside. Eventually they stopped, deciding to let you be. But you couldn’t sleep, even if you were exhausted. Dean wasn’t the only one who’d gotten used to sleeping next to someone else.
You figured you were allowed to go back to that, especially with what had happened Dean was sure to be more understanding even if he was against it now. He didn’t say anything when you went to his room and got in bed, like he knew you’d come on your own. What you hadn’t expected was to start crying or for Dean to wrap his arms around you and bury you in his chest.
“You’re okay. I won’t let anything get you,” said Dean quietly, kissing the top of your head, running his hands up and down your back and arms. “You’re safe sweetheart.”
You knew spending the night had started out because he needed it but you needed more than a body to lay next to on this one. Somehow he knew that, somehow he was the one that knew you needed something big and strong around you as you got it out of your system. Dean always fell asleep before you did except for tonight. His gentle hand on your back was the last thing you remembered before crying yourself to sleep.
Dean, in all his amazingness, didn’t bring it up at breakfast about what had happened. He kept a close eye on you, making sure you always knew he was close by, that you were okay. He more than deserved you but at the minimum, he’d started to see that he didn’t have to hide so much and you really needed it that day more than he realized.
“Hey,” said Dean, knocking on your door that night. “You coming to bed?”
“S’okay,” you said. “I know I kept you up last night. You can-”
“You promised me you’d stay. I know how you feel right now. Take some advice from a really smart girl I know and come to bed so I can show you how not alone you are,” he said. 
“I had to sleep without you for three weeks. I need you back, Y/N. You helped me. Let me help you,” he said, holding out his hands for you. Like it was second nature you found yourself in his bed, curled up in his chest again only there were no tears tonight.
“Dean I like you,” you said. 
“I like you,” he said easily, your head whipping up. “Three weeks was long enough for me to get my head out of my ass and figure out what I want. That’s you. I’m lucky enough that you’re what I need too. Give me a chance sweetheart?”
“Yeah. Yeah you can definitely have one of those.”
“You mind if I ask you guys a question?” asked Sam one morning a few weeks later. “Not that I’m not thrilled with you two being a thing but I thought maybe you didn’t like each other.”
“Oh, I think we liked each other right away and that was the problem,” you said, sipping on your coffee.
“Because he’s him and you’re you. Makes sense,” said Sam. You scrunched up your face and Dean had to stifle a laugh. “You do realize you’re just like him, don’t you?”
“No I’m not,” you said. 
“You kind of are sweetheart,” said Dean, kissing your temple as he stood. “S’okay. Sammy’s just jealous he isn’t as awesome as us.”
“Yeah, that’s it,” said Sam, rolling his eyes. “I got to finish packing, head out in ten?”
“Sure thing,” you said. When he was gone Dean stepped over and gave you a hug, still warming up to the idea of showing affection more openly. “You okay?”
“It’s a demon hunt. I want you to stay close today,” said Dean. “I know you’re capable and could handle it on your own but for my own peace of mind. It’s your first one since...”
“I need you with me, Dean. I need to get my confidence back,” you said.
“It’ll happen. Until then I’ll make sure nothing happens to you. Promise.”
@empowermentandmemes @deansgirl215 @fallencasifer @amorluzymelodia@scamanders26newtcase @frostingsfics @babyblues915@antiyouantimirrowantime @writing-of-an-angel@iamabeautifulperson18 @moon-gxrl @plaidstiel-wormstache @strawberryjuiceboxxx@sandlee44 @tas898 @prettyboy-spn @marianita195 @anokhi07@xxwinchester-22xx @charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream@drugpug@darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis@tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia@demonic-meatball @feelmyroarrrr @cojootromuelle@gallifreyansass@fangirl1802 @itstheprincess@casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass 
@mogaruke@secretlyfurrydragon@perpetualabsurdity @ria132love @heycassbutt-67@aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen  @missmotherhen@smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester  @tumblinwith-me @xfanqirlinq @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou@hey-um-misha@bennyyh @acreativelydifferentlove@imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @under-general-asthetics @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @missdestiel67 @evyiione@jensenackesl @xxxdevine-demonsxxx  @ayeeitsemry @mac5323 @bellastellaluna @atc74 @captainemwinchester @lemonadegazeelle@nanie5  @idalinette @maximoffangel-girl @quiddy-writes@sassyspn67 @arryn-nyxx @pureawesomeness001  @poukothenerd@af112992 @mickey-m399 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester@mrswhozeewhatsis @upon-a-girl @amazinntay
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golddaggers · 7 years
Reader x Kol Mikaelson
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Imagine: You had just been transformed into a vampire and commited your first kill, which induced you to turn off your emotions in order to help you cope. Yet, being so close to the Mikaelson family, they would not allow you to stay that way for long. However, despite how hard they try, the only one who manages to break down your walls is Kol Mikaelson.
Warnings: lights descriptions of torture, mostly fluff and swearing. no biggie. 
Word Count: 2503
I fell onto the cold, hard ground, finally realising what I had done. Blood was spilt across my face and my body, proving it was not just some twisted dream fabricated by my mind to punish me for becoming a vampire; no, I had actually killed all those people. Their limp forms were scattered throughout the dark room, their necks broken due to my brutally. A growing pain took over me, leading to a strangled, loud gasp to crawl out of my lips. The guilt was too much for me to overcome it so easily.
“Y/N?” A deep, somehow soft too, male voice cut through the devastating silence. “What happened here?”
“I murdered them.” I managed to blurt out, tears already streaming down my warm, red cheeks. “I was angry, scared, hungry. I-I couldn’t control myself, Kol. I just couldn’t.”
“Oh baby.” He whispered in a soothing tone, one I did not deserve. “I hate to see you like that! It was a mistake. You’re new, it happens.”
“No, no, no. I ripped these people from their lives. I shouldn't… I can’t!”
“Y/N, listen to me!” My eyes were screwed shut, yet, the salty teardrops kept descending, reaching my bottom lip. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“Turn it off.” Someone else said, coming from behind Kol. “You don’t have to suffer because of this. Just turn it off.”
“Are you insane, mate?” The tall, brown haired man yelled, obviously mad at the proposition. “She’s not going to do this!”
Damon smirked, tilting his head slightly, whilst graciously leaning against a covered with scarlet blood wall. Although it was a entirely crazy idea, my Salvatore friend had a point. Turning my emotions off could be really helpful, for it would rule out of the game all distractions. It would help me develop as a vampire. Plus, if I experience even one more ounce of this crushing pain I have inside now, I would surely break.  
For one second I felt everything rushing through me, every bit of feeling, like pure energy was flowing inside my veins, and then it was over. I did not feel a thing. Not guilt, not sadness. Absolutely nothing. Solely void was left behind.
“Y/N, please tell me you didn't…”
A bright, wide smile curled my lips, revealing there was nothing that the mighty Mikaelson could do, except enjoy this new side of me.
“I did, honey bunch.” I winked at him, getting back on my own feet. “Now, if you excuse me, I have a few business to solve.”
“You’re not going anywhere.” Kol stated, grasping my wrist and forcing me to stay where I was. “And Damon, you better disappear before I have the chance to rip your heart out.”
Those words said, it took less than a split  second for the plain white room to get suddenly crowded. Stefan and Elena went to Damon’s side, gently clutching his arms, assuring he would stay in place; yet, they did not come alone, for Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah rapidly approached their reckless sibling as well. I sighed, starting to get utterly bored from this whole situation.
Klaus cleared his throat, moving one step ahead and shooting a fierce look towards the Salvatores. He was obviously not happy to be seeing this horrific scene.
“Alright, who is going to explain what has happened here​?”
“Why was Kol threatening Damon?” The brown haired doppelgänger quizzed, quirking an eyebrow. “I thought we had decided to call a truce. For Y/N’s sake.”
“He pushed Y/N into turning off her emotions.” The younger Mikaelson brother said, narrowing his eyes and still keeping me under his tight grip. However, even though this dialogue was annoying as hell, I could not care less about what was on the verge of happening. “Is it enough or you fellas need me to find another reason to be mad at the glorious Damon Salvatore?”
“You mean she…” Rebekah’s voice died out before she finished her sentence and her sibling replied with a weak nod. Man, those people were simply pathetic! “Let’s go home, then. We need to get Y/N back as soon as possible.”
Ultimately, I pushed Kol’s hand away from my upper arm and went to the centre of the room, staring each person standing in there. They had quickly formed a circle around me, perhaps thinking they could avoid my escape. Fools.
I chuckled, sustaining their strong glances at me and crossing my arms on my chest.
“Uh, if I may have a say on my own life, I don’t want to turn back on. I’m actually feeling pretty good the way I am.”
“I’m sorry, love, but you have no idea what you want right now.”
“Out of everyone, Klaus, I really thought you would appreciate this new version of me.” Licking my lips, I walked smoothly to where the Hybrid was whilst hearing everyone’s breathing hitch on their respective throats. “I was obviously wrong.”
“No, darling, you were wrong to get closer enough for me to this.”
Then Klaus, piecing his blue eyes on my own, got hold of my neck, his hands soft on the skin he grasped; sharing one last look, he swiftly twisted it, killing me where I stood. Yet, even though darkness engulfed me pretty quickly, I still formed one last thought: the blond Hybrid was totally right.
The room I woke up to was bright. And amazingly beautiful. Like it belong to a king. Or a queen. Its walls had a miscellaneous set of colours while the expensive furniture was perfectly positioned, like it had been made to that exact spot. The whole thing was simply perfect. However, whatever amazingness I should have been caught into, it was broken the second I realised I was chained up. Urgh, why couldn’t they just let me go? This is so boring!
“She’s awake.” Rebekah muttered, swinging the tall white doors open. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Oh, hello, munchkin.” An ironic smirk lied carelessly on my lips. “Such a nice day, isn’t it?”
“I definitely hate turned off Y/N.” She rolled her eyes, annoyed, yet, I could still see sadness playing on her gorgeous traits. “Come on. I want to try it first.”
“Poor Rebekah, always trying to save the ones she loves.” I said, staring at her emotionlessly. It was odd, though, for the memories of our friendship were still fresh in my mind.  I was not able to care, though. “Don’t you get tired?”
The blonde soaked a small blade in a transparent, thin liquid, right before she dug it into me. I could sense the stinging pain, yet, it was not enough. I smiled faintly at her failed attempt to flip the switch back on.
“Try harder, Bekah!” It was teasing. Oldest trick in the world to get people mad. The ones who cared, anyway. “Come on! Fight for me.”
“God, you are such a spoilt brat!” The original snarled, burying the knife deep within my flesh. “Why don’t you obey, for once, the elders?”
“Enough, sister.” Klaus put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her to go any further. “Let me handle it. I might have a better chance.”
“Uh, I feel so especial! The mighty Hybrid caring for me.” A maniac smile changed my traits, giving it a crazy gleam, as he took his sister’s place, removing the blade afterwards. “Well, I should, shouldn’t I? I don’t. I feel nothing. Or does boredom count?”
“Look at me, Y/N.” I raised my chin, defying him by fixating my eyesight on his. “Now pay attention: you are loved. By everyone in this family. We would risk everything for you. Do anything. You’re a Mikaelson just as much as I am. Why don’t you try for us? Me, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol…”
“Really, Niklaus? That’s the trick you are using? Trying to make me feel like I belong?”
“You do belong, Y/N.” He stroke my cheek, his slim fingers tracing my cheekbones. “You are family. Come back to your family.”
“Nah, I don’t think that’ll break me.”
Klaus allowed a tired exhale to slip, shaking his head. I could bet he thought this was going to be easy: just appeal to her loyalty towards her family and she’ll be right back on track. Not exactly, Nik. I bit my bottom lip to avoid a sneer laugh. .
“Don’t make it so difficult, sweetheart.”
“I wouldn’t if you just let me go.”
“You see, darling, that’s not happening. You either flip back on or flip back on. There’s no other possibility.”
“Now what is it? Rage? Or is it pity? Doesn’t matter. It won’t do the trick, Niklaus.”
My last remark had done it for the Hybrid, because the anger within his irises announced what he was going to do next: snap my neck. For the second time. It must be my lucky day.
Simply marvellous!
“Are you awake now, love?” Someone questioned, tenderly massaging my arms, bringing me to a rather spinning reality. I blinked quickly, adjusting to the new found darkness. “Are you okay?”
“I am fine. Perfectly fine.” My voice sounded hoarse, probably due to the hours I spent “asleep”.”I imagined you would be their last resource. The reckless Mikaelson. My boyfriend, or is it ex? I don’t quite know.”
“Oh dear, it’s going to take a lot more than a humanity switch off for you to get rid of me.” He chuckled, bitterly. “I didn’t come here to convince you that this is wrong. I’m afraid you already are aware of it.”
“Then what?” I whispered, fighting against the tiredness. It was getting harder and harder to not feel anything. The emotions were scraping the walls of my head, crawling back to where they belonged. Nevertheless, I would not allow them to surface it. No. Never. “What do you want, mighty Mikaelson? Torture me some more? See if you, out of everyone, can make me flip back on?”  
“Nah, I just want to talk to you.”
“Care to be more specific, sweetheart?”
“I want to tell you a story.” He clarified in a smooth tone, his lips dangerously close to mine. His mint scented breath fanning all over my face, making me want to kiss him, to taste that mouth. Urgh. “About a relationship I had in the past.”
“Oh, I see. You do want to bore to death.”
“Quit being a brat and listen!”
“Fine.” A soft sigh escaped as I nodded, agreeing. “Go on.”
“Before I met you, I was madly in love with this girl called Davina Claire. Damn,  she was perfect! In every way.” Kol paused, swallowing thickly; perhaps he was struggling with the memories of his old ex girlfriend. “However, when she brought me back to life, it came with a price. I was cursed with an unbearable thirst. I tried to resist! It was worthless, for in the end, she died by my hand. And, God, it hurt like hell! I mean, I had lost the only thing that had ever made me feel something. I killed the only person that had ever touched my soul.”
“Is this supposed to be touching?”
“Oh come on, I’m not finished.”
“Proceed, then. At least it keeps me distracted from this knife buried in my skin.”
“I beg your pardon.” The brown haired Mikaelson smiled, gently, and pulled the blade off, winning a relieved gasp from me. Klaus must have put in back on to keep my blood flowing. “Now, as I was saying, I had lost everything. My magic. My Davina. Then I was bitten by Marcel and put into a slumber.”
“Didn’t you ever live? All your stories end with you in boxes.” The statement slipped and I widened my eyes, surprised. I did not care, why should I be asking stuff?
“I blame Nik for that, but you are right. My life kind of sucked and with Davina gone, it all became pointless again. That was when you, my tiny witty human, showed up.”
“I’m not tiny. Nor witty. Not even human.”
He laughed, clearly amused.  
“Yes, you’re still tiny and witty. For me anyway. And I love you. So much.”
“Can’t do anything about it.” I shrugged clumsily, still restrained by the chains soaked in vervain. “This is ridiculous, don’t you see? All of you? I won’t get my feelings back.”
Kol, suddenly, cupped my cheeks, his eyes filled with everything mine lacked. It was hard to sustain the intimate exchange of looks, for tears began to well up on that chocolate sea. If I kept staring, I knew I was not going to be able to resist any longer.
“I don’t want to lose you too, Y/N. You’re the only good thing in my life right now and I can’t afford it. I won’t let you destroy yourself because of a reckless mistake. Because I wasn’t around to teach you.”
I chewed my bottom lip, finally caving in and feeling the energy of my emotions flooding back in. All of it. Pain, guilt, rage, love. Love! I had hurt so many people I loved! How dared I say so many hurtful things to them?
Salty teardrops fell down my cheeks with the realisation of the evil I had performed in the time I spent off. No one should forgive me for what I did or said. I was not worthy of it. A cry rumbled in my chest as I absorbed, bit by bit, the enormous acheness from my previous actions.
“I’m so s-sorry, my love.” Those words came out mingled, stuttered, strangled. I closed my eyes, avoiding the silky, reassuring look I got from my boyfriend when I voiced a coward apology. What good have I done to have someone so sweet to look after me like him? “The pain… It took over me. Made me do things. I thought I was going to break!”
“Hush, sweetheart.” His warm digits silenced me, resting against my mouth delicately. “First let me get you out of these chains.”
“How can you trust me, Kol?”
“We’ve been together for a while now and I got to know your eyes, those sweet Y/E/C eyes, very well. I know when you’re lying.” He broke the iron that held me up, which lead to a clumsily stumble, for I was unable to stand on my feet properly. The brown eyed Mikaelson picked me up, carefully placing me on his toned arms as if I weighed nothing. “Thank you for coming back to me. I don’t what I’d do without you.”
“Oh, Kol.” A goofy sigh slipped. “I will always come back to you.”
Afterwards, a smirk still enlightening his traits, he stole a kiss from my lips. It was just a peck, yet, it made me feel warmer. Of course my guilt, self loathing, hate, the whole package, remained, nonetheless Kol managed to shake it all off, forcing me to concentrate on the present and, for now, that was all I needed.
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comicsatlasrp-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to Comics Atlas, Em  !!  Your application for Jane Foster / Thor with the faceclaim of Emmy Rossum has been accepted !!  Honestly I’d have a lot of nice things to say about the amazingness of your interpretation... but I’m still screaming about it !!  Please send in your account within 48 hours. Don’t forget to:
Make sure your ask and submit are open. Follow everyone on the follow list. Track the necessary tags. Make sure your character’s bio is easily accessible on their page. Read this information on secret identities. And don’t forget that we ask that your pages are readable, with a minimum of 11px font.
Name / Timezone / Pronouns: Em / EST / She/her.
You’re free to begin RP-ing as soon as the other apps are accepted and the follows posted !! 
Note from the player: Yeah. Jane is bald. You know. Because the cancer. But finding a bald face claim for Jane while still respecting that MCU cast a Ashkenazi Jewish actress (Jane has no reference to ancestry in comics that I could find) kinda hard. So while I’m using Rossum we’re all going to ignore the fact that she has hair. Cool? Cool. Nothing against Natalie Portman. I tried to incorporate enough MCU elements that it could be sort of complaint but I decided that a different face claim might make it more evident to others that Jane was mostly comic based. Think Thor God of Thunder (2014) onwards.
trigger warnings for: explicit talk of cancer.
Notes continued: I stopped short the last few issues of The Mighty Thor, about #18~19 on (Which someone who reads might of noticed as Jane hasn’t picked Roz as her replacement in the Senate yet. FU Cul. I have my reasons, I swear. Mainly, I wanted Jane to still know a reason to return to being Jane Foster.) because that arc isn’t over and (spoiler alert) Jane is about five minutes away from dying, sorta. Comics. There are some other unresolved issues as well. IF ANYONE WANTS TO TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT I AM GAME. SO GAME. OMG ALL THE THINGS THAT HAVE HAPPENED IN THE PAST FEW ISSUES.TL;DR: Jane is mostly comic based. Jane is also is bald due to her cancer treatment. She wears scarfs. The gifs are lies, LIES.  Comics based being said, I’m open to talking with others to help make her more MCU compliant if needed. I kinda… failed on that in the bio, just a bit. Warning: Angst is my bread and butter.
Sample begins:
It was day three.
Day three since she had received her last chemo infusion. The ice had run its course, freezing her like she had been struck down by an ice giant of Jotunheim. The fire had raged through her, it had evacuated from her mouth, burned itself out in her piss. Jane hugged the basin closer to her chest, curling around the plastic tub as if it was a child she had to protect.
But no, that had been last week. When she, or rather Thor had been helping the light elf refugees escape from another wave of Malekith’s goons.
A soft groan escaped from dry lips as Jane’s stomach heaved again, dry, this time. Small mercies. It had been a long time since Jane had made it this far. A long time since the poison eating through her veins was allowed to have a chance at its assassination. It raged through her, trying to kill part of her own body before those damned rebellious cells had the chance to kill her completely. She felt bloated, misshapen. Her hands didn’t grip the basin only because she could barely feel them.    
She wished for sleep. There, curled up in her bed in her dark midtown Manhattan apartment. Part of her wished for the pompous revelry of  Asgardians, the sound that always leaked into her rooms when she was staying in Asgardia. But no, Volstagg assured her that if the Congress went into session he would get her. He didn’t seem to think it was wise to have her travel by the rainbow bridge while puking. He wasn’t wrong, but Jane still missed the drunken cheers, it reminded her of before.
Nights, mornings, spent in Thor’s chambers. Waking up to the sounds of the Warriors Three still partying for something that they had accomplished a fortnight before. Waking up to Thor staring at Mjolnir like he was afraid he’d not be able to lift it from its slab. They’d had many conversations about it. She’d… something.
What had she been thinking about?
Her tongue ran over chapped lips, like sandpaper over uneven caulk. The muscle felt unruly in her mouth. Water. Yes, that had to have been it. She had been going to get water. If only her father could have been here to bring it to her like she had done for her mother. He was…
No. He was dead. Jane shook her head lightly, ignoring the dizziness it brought. Jane knew that. She fought through the haze. It had been a long time since she had managed to get to the point where her mind started to wander. A dry rasp of a laugh shook her frail frame, sounding more like a cough than any expression of mirth. Of all things for her to be grateful for.
How far had the poison, her medicine, the chemicals she was using to save her life; how far had they managed to work. Could she remember? Names. Did she remember? Well, there was Volstagg. That was one against the chemo brain. Sif, Sif, her fellow conspirator. Who… who. She had called Thor, no Odinson, a vegetable.
They still hadn’t heard from him. Odinson. It was horrible to call him that, it sounded like a curse, like a–
Jane’s stomach heaved again and this time bile burned as it scored up the sides of her esophagus. It bit as it irritated the sores in her mouth. She gagged into the basin. Well, she mused as the last of the acid dribbled from her lips, that did about sum up her opinion on him only calling himself the ‘son of Odin.’  
She wanted to look for him. There were rumors still spinning around Asgardia. He was dead. She wouldn’t believe it. Couldn’t.
There was a familiar thrum in the back of her head and Jane looked up from her basin through moist, sunken eyes. Mjolnir was there, floating in her bedroom as if it had been called. Had she…?  
Her elbow was already on the bed, Jane just had to… She unwrapped one of her arms from around the basin. She focused, eyes narrowing as she made sure her numb hand was securely planted on the sheet. If there was trouble she had no time for this bedridden internal civil war. Slowly, ever so slowly – too slowly, Jane pushed her upper body up on shaky limbs. “Is there…?” Jane’s question petered out as she received the negative. She lowered herself back down to the bed, ignoring the disappointment. The reckless, stupid, disappointment. She could really do with punching something right now. Getting stabbed as Thor was easier than fighting cancer.
Jane gingerly pushed the basin over the far side of the bed as she rolled onto her back. She’d get up in a few minutes and empty out again. She focused on her breathing for a few moments, the subtle hum of Mjolnir in her ears. She tilted her head toward it as it came to rest gingerly on her night stand. For once it wasn’t chiding her for taking too long or warning her of trouble in the realms. No, it felt…worried.
“Is it me you are worried about or is it your old bearer?” She asked it. Jane resisted the urge to brush her hand against the smooth uru. She was fighting a fight only Jane Foster could undertake now. She couldn’t escape into the empowered durability of Thor. She couldn’t run away from this fight, not when Thor wasn’t needed at that second. Not when there was no troll to punch. Not when Loki was still hidden away with his father. Not when she had no friend to take to see the whales one last time. Not when she had to stop it from raining at that friend’s funeral. No excuse. Jane Foster had her own duties too. She had to give her chemo a chance. Jane’s hand twitched as it curled into a fist
“I’m worried about him too.”
She wondered what her doctors would say if she told them most of her conversations these days where with a mythical hammer that held within it the ancient mother storm. They’d probably just blame her chemo brain. Some days Jane wondered if she would walk up to find out everything was a chemically induced fever dream.
She felt a chiding sort of irritation call out to her through the bond.
“I don’t know, Mjolnir. You did appear to me, as me. I think even the most open minded Asgardians would question the grip I have on reality.”
The answering humm bubbled in the back of Jane’s mind. It was different than the shock of the Mother Storm talking to her in her own voice but no harder to understand. Mjolnir’s words resounded in her entire being.
“–Yes I know they already do that, you silly hammer. That wasn’t my point.” Her bloated form was starting to sink into the mattress. Fatigue pulled at her limbs like two-ton weights and her vision blurred. But her mind was quiet for once. The haze was still an enveloping cloud pressing in on her thoughts but the thunder was being held at bay. Eye of the storm.
“Maybe we’ll find out something about him tomorrow,” she mumbled, heavy eyelids falling shut. Or maybe she’d finally get the chance to re-introduce Mjolnir to Malekith’s jaw in repayment for what he had done to Queen Aelsa.
A note of glee echoed distantly through the cloud.
Jane Foster finally feel asleep, an answering grin faint on her lips.  
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 12-Bookaholics
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Bookshop/Bartender AU)
Word Count: 1,515
Summary: You and Bucky try to get the ball rolling and explain your idea to Sam and Nat all while having a little fun :)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! Happy Monday! Thank you for all your continued amazingness! Love you all! If anyone hasn’t been to the High Line you can check out the website here It’s one of my favorite places in the city and really is that beautiful! I like taking you on a little tour of NYC through this story, it helps with how badly I miss my city (we are doing well though so one thing at a time right!) All the pictures I use in my moodboards are real photos of these places. Here is the link for attaboy  again in case you want to see that too. Thank you all for reading! Much love to you always ❤❤❤
Warnings: Fluff, some super light smut (mostly implied), flirting, romantic fluff :)
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Previous Chapters
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers *
Chapter 7: Love Lines & Soul Finds
Chapter 8: Drunk in Love *
Chapter 9: Pour it onto the Page
Chapter 10: Recipe for Love *
Chapter 11: The Pages in Between 
When you awake the next morning it’s to the sound of more rain hitting the sky light, Bucky’s even breathing warm against your neck. You slowly shift and stretch to grab your phone. Seeing that it’s not even 6am you unlock the device and lazily search through your Pinterest, saving recipes that look worth trying.
“Looking up some new stuff to bake, sweetheart?” His voice is low and raspy from sleep and you love the sound, turning and smiling as he rubs his eyes. “I hope I didn’t wake you?” He curls his arms around your middle and pulls you against his chest, “nope.” You rest your head under his chin, closing your eyes and listening to the rain.
“How about we just stay up here forever. Forget work, read books, eat pizza…” You continue, your breath hitching as Bucky’s hand creeps under your shirt. “Listen to the rain…Bucky.” He rolls on top of you, gently pulling your shirt above your head. “What else?” he asks between kisses. “This. Lots and lots of this,” you whisper, shimming out of your shorts.
“How long do we have before you have to leave for work?” His fingers inch below the waistband of your underwear, easily slipping inside you. “Enough time,” is the last thing you say before his lips capture yours, swallowing your moans.
You find if hard to concentrate at work, every free minute your mind wanders to thoughts of the bookshop and your idea and to Bucky. It’s hard to shake the feeling of wanting to dive in headfirst and just do it, go all in. But you know you can’t. You must do this right. You shoot Bucky a quick text, ‘hey babe, want to talk to Sam this weekend? Maybe we can hang at the bar after closing and go over our idea?❤❤’
His reply seems enthusiastic and you smile. ‘Definitely!❤ I can’t stop thinking about it, especially being in the bookshop now. I keep imagining where we could put things and how to move things around and all that.😁😍’ Letting out a breath you let him know you’re excited and try to get back to work. The rest of the day is boring, and the work week drags, however, your nights with Bucky are anything but.
Saturday night rolls around and you and Nat stroll into the bar late. You wade through the crowd of already drunk people, searching for Bucky behind the bar. You spot him leaning against the back counter, his button down open at the front and his sleeves rolled up, the buttons looking like they may pop off any moment. His jeans do little to hide his thick thighs and perfect ass. Sam slides up next to him and you follow their line of sight over the bar to find two girls giggling at something they said.
“Hey Nat, I think our boys caught some attention,” you snicker, pointing their way. Nat raises her brow, whispering in your ear before heading to the other end of the bar. She makes her way to the bar, getting the attention of Peter. “Hey Pete, could you get y/n and I some shots please,” she asks, batting her eyelashes.
He nearly falls over, grinning wide at you both before looking nervously over at Bucky and Sam. “Uh, yea, sure of course ladies. What’ll it be?” You pretend to think it over for a second, “you know what, why don’t you pick for us? Whatever you think we’ll like. And make one for yourself so you can join us!” He simply nods, rushing off to make your shots. “Could he be any more adorable,” Nat whispers, giggling. “No. But could he be any more afraid of the boys?”
You both let out a laugh, having way too much fun and looking over at them. They’re staring, Sam with his arms crossed over his chest and Bucky with his hand on his hip, all four eyebrows raised in your direction. You smirk at Bucky just as Peter appears with the shots. “Thanks Pete, can’t wait to try these.” He lifts his shot up, clinking the small glasses with yours and Nat’s. You keep your eyes on Bucky while you down the cold liquid, slamming the glass down on the bar and licking your lips. “That was great, good choice, thanks.” Nat heartily agrees, sliding the glasses back and smiling at Sam.
“You’re welcome, can I get you anything else?” A large hand lands on Peter’s shoulder, Sam’s deep voice answering his question. “No, thanks Pete, we’ll take care of the girls from here on out.” You watch him visibly stiffen, shaking his head vigorously before practically running off in the other direction.
“No need to scare the pants off the kid, baby,” Nat coos, her smirk reappearing. “And it looks like you were handling those girls on the other side of the bar just fine from here.” Bucky and Sam look at each other and scoff before they start laughing. “So, that’s what this is about!? They’re Steve’s cousins that are visiting from out of town,” Sam says, eyeing Bucky before laughing again. “You were jealous!” Bucky adds, his eyes bright. “I love it.”
His smile is so wide you want to punch him and for a moment you and Nat are silent. “Well, how were we supposed to know! And we were only having a bit of fun! AND might I add, I was not jealous!” Nat chimes in, “but clearly you two were! Coming over here and scaring Peter half to death!” They start laughing again and Bucky leans over the bar to whisper in your ear, “I love you.” Sam throws Nat a wink and waves over the two girls who quickly head toward you. After introductions are made and everyone laughs over your misunderstanding you spend the rest of the night enjoying your new friends and having some drinks.
By the time 2am arrives and the bar closes you’re all tired but still willing to talk things over.  Sam cleans off a back table and grabs some waters. “Ok. Let’s hear this plan of yours,” he says, smiling brightly despite the time and fact that he’s been at work for almost 12 hours. Your heart swells. You love them all so much.
Before you start you reach into your bag, pulling out a small Tupperware. “Ok, but first, some cookies!” Sam whoops along with Bucky, two large hands grabbing for the container. Bucky looks to you, his mouth full of cookie, “go for it baby.” You hold his hand the whole time, laying out what you’ve come up with so far.
Nat’s smile never falters, and Sam’s excitement is clear as they listen to all you have to say. When you’re finally done, they naturally have questions which you and Bucky do your best to answer. “Listen, I think it could really work if you do it right. People love books. They love food. They love coffee. You just need to bring it all together,” Sam says, suggesting you set up a meeting with his friend Tony who owns several businesses and has a really good head for this stuff.
“He sounds like he could be a huge help,” you say excitedly. Sam nods, chewing his last cookie. “Oh definitely. He’s brilliant and honest and if anyone can help you navigate through this it’s him. And of course, us!” he adds, putting his arm around Nat. “Of course, guys! Did you tell Steve yet?” she asks. Bucky shakes his head no. “He and Peggy couldn’t make it tonight so they are going to stop by tomorrow, actually later today, so we can fill them in.”
When you finally leave the bar, it looks as if the sun is about to come up. “Summer is really here! I love how early the sun comes up these days. And how long it stays out,” you say, leaning into Bucky. He has his arm around your waist as the two of you walk slowly down the quiet street. Suddenly, he stops. “Hey, I have an idea. You wanna go on a little adventure before we head home?”
With a little squeeze to his middle you happily exclaim, “yes,” not needing to ask any questions as you follow him into the subway. About twenty minutes later you emerge back to the surface and see you’re at the High Line. “Oh, Bucky! I love it here!” He smiles down at you, walking up the steps. “I hope we can see what I want to see,” he whispers, holding your hand as you head down the path.
You reach a spot where you have a clear view of the water and Bucky sits on a bench, pulling you into his lap. It’s close to 6am and the sun is starting to peek over the horizon, the bright orange and pink hues dancing across the calm water. “Good morning,” he says against your ear, his eyes fixed on you instead of the rising sun. Turning your head, you kiss him softly. “It’s the most perfect morning.”
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bucky-on-my-mind @bugsbucky @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah @hawksmagnolia @ikaris-whore @imgaril-lindru @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @loricameback @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @mushyjellybeans @marvelandotherfandomimagines @marvelgirl7 @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @scarletsoldierrr @softpeachbarnes​ @the-wayward-robot​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @flyawaybay​ @amandatar-06​ @nd1998sc​ @yansi1923​ @captainchrisstan​ @vherriepie​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​ @fire-flv​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @irishflutiegirl​ @rinthehufflepuff​ @moonybarnes​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @inflxmes @lauratang​ @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines​ @buchanansebba​ @emilylyoness​ @curlyred2020 @kaosera​ @breezy1415​ @metal-armed-cuddly-dork​ @devynsdiary​
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