#i'm just thinking about how the good ending means that sam destroys both his big chance to get home to his family
kingdom-creatin · 18 days
just before going off grid for a week is not the ideal time to start having so many thoughts about these fictional gay old men
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camels-pen · 2 years
had a dream about randomly waking up and being Conner and M'gann's future kid or smth with absolutely no clue as to how i got there and now i'm thinking of a dp yj crossover with Danny being their kid and ending up in the same scenario.
like, he has enhanced strength and has a lot of powers similar to a martian, so this could actually work p good.
Okay, i see this as going one of two ways:
Danny is actually their kid, but Danny's memories of his past life (DP canon) catch up with him and mess with the memories of his current life.
Danny is not their kid, he has no idea how he got here and why these people insist he's their son. He's half-convinced this is one of Vlad's schemes and/or that they're kidnappers. (I'm leaning more towards this one)
Either way there would probably be a lot of Danny freaking out and trying to run away as soon as he could. This includes, of course, a panicked use of his powers, which surprises Conner and M'gann enough for him to escape.
At this point, he'd try to make his way to Amity Park and either find that it doesn't exist, was completely destroyed, or there's no evidence of ghost attacks/the Fentons/Sam and Tucker/anyone Danny might recognize.
Danny... has a bit of a rough time.
Regardless of which option I choose ('actually their kid' vs 'not their kid'), the reason things are different in Amity is because this is years in the future and also a different universe. It's probably Clockwork's fault tbh.
Danny doesn't know he's in an alternate universe so he kinda just, yknow, gets real sad and falls asleep in the park or something.
Conner and M'gann get some help and track him down. They're pretty heart broken to find their little boy sleeping on a bench with clear tear tracks on his cheek. They take him back to the bioship and discuss how to talk to him when he wakes up and how to help him with his 'new powers'.
When Danny wakes up in Conner and M'gann's house, he's much more resigned and quieter than before. Kinda listless too.
He doesn't know where he is, FentonWorks was destroyed/doesn't exist so he can't go into the Ghost Zone and ask Clockwork for help, and Vlad hasn't shown his face so he's just... stuck with these people.
there'll probably be a meeting with Dinah or something after a while of Danny showing the same behaviour and eventually, maybe, perhaps everyone will figure out Danny's from an alternate universe, but for reasons I haven't determined yet, he can't go back.
Eventually Danny will realize that Conner and M'gann aren't so bad, especially compared to his real parents, and will start to warm up to them. Maybe there will be a key moment when he actually seeks out one or both of them for comfort that cements them as trustworthy adults, at the very least.
then blah blah fluff blah blah angst blah blah story and Danny warms up to them a lot more and starts thinking of them as an uncle and aunt in his head (ignoring the fact that they act more like parents than Jack and Maddie ever had)
THEN there's gonna be this big incident where every hero available is asked to help out, including Conner and M'gann, and Danny is staying with uhh, Lucas Carr or one of C&M's other friends.
Danny sneaks out to go help, obviously, and Conner and M'gann are Not Happy and trying to send him back home, but oops too late, no one can leave now because The Incident has become much Much worse and will probably destroy the Earth if they don't stop it soon.
At one point, The Incident makes a portal into the Ghost Zone, a portal that's within eyesight to Clockwork's lair, a portal that Danny could easily fly into and go home, but that would mean leaving before The Incident was resolved and he couldn't do that. He also couldn't leave without saying goodbye.
So he stays, and he fights, and he does everything he can to help.
And then
The heroes are down. Many are injured or out cold. No one is unscathed. There are only a handful of people left standing, including Danny, Conner, and M'gann.
They won't be able to resolve The Incident with just the handful of people awake and able to move. But Danny has an idea. A very very bad idea.
He looks at the portal, allows a brief moment of mourning, and then absorbs the energy of the portal into himself, literally channeling the energy of the Ghost Zone through himself, to make a huge beam or ecto-construct or massive blast of ghost ice to resolve The Incident.
The downsides to doing this is how absolutely drained he feels afterward. Oh, and by using up the portal's energy Danny caused the portal, possibly his only way home, to close.
Conner, as the strongest dude still awake and moving, watches over The Resolved Incident, and M'gann holds Danny as he mourns his home.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 51
The ep title is The Apogee Solstice ... it's here, it's official, no more build up ...
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Eight years of this shit and NOW Matt is starting to break down from sheer wear ... TBH we know how he feels.
Another truly awful and thoroughly annoying advert from Sam ... "Are these testimonials completely fabricated? YES!!!" Oof ... and Sam starts to break down too before the end, just like always. And Matt does a necessary disclaimer ... as he should after ANYTHING Sam says.
Oh my GODS Laura you sound SOOOO bad, sweety! Get you some hot lemon and honey pronto! Good thing Liam's here with a suspect Jester impression.
"So, last we left off ... Sam found a bunch oh hands ..." XD
Yes! Beau and Caleb are here! Zoinks!
Oh, so we're on the ship first ... okay ... and Sam is NOT ready ... Travis: "You've had a whole week to think zbout it." Meanwhile Fearne is busy just POLISHING ...
Ira is just getting strange on us and I don't like it at all ... FCG is being really smart trying to get s read on him right now ...WOW he's got seriously flowery in his dreams of vengeance ... FCG: "What's your five year plan?" Oh boy ...
Ira: "Friends complicated things." The Nightmare King's solution to worry ... hmmm ...
Laura doesn't want to get any messages right now. Laura: "Don't wear me out!" Yeah ... so Letters contacts Orym instead. Oh yeah, the aeormaton? Good point.
Fearne (to FCG): "I trust YOU. I don't trust the coin."
Yup. 2 free rerolls with the Potion of Possibility. Handy but only so much ... wait, is this like Harry drinking the Liquid Luck?
COME ON guys, Ira is TOTALLY gonna leave Xandis on the ship to die. This is so dumb ... oh yeah, I am TOTALLY with Xandis here, he CANNOT trust this creature ... 23 on an insight check and SAM gets a whisper? Marisha has to scramble for a plug ... no, it's just a really SHORT whisper then. Almost like a yes or no, you might say ...
Fearne: "What I need you to do is DESTROY." Ira: "Oh I will." Yeah ...
Xandis drinks the other Potion ... yup ...
A missing lens? Ooooooh ... now THAT is interesting ...
Ira: "That way! And don't get lost!" Fearne: "Oh, I wasn't aware that was a possibility."
Oh yeah, they are DEFINITELY gonna get lost in this shit ... 27? Oh that is a FUCKING NICE ROLL there Ashley! Yes!
Crap ... Chetney's not got another wolf-out available after this? Shit ... TAKE A LONG REST MAN!!! LONG REST!!!
Nuts ... trouble? Not good, not good ...
Ashton: "Chickpeas means punch someone? Okay."
Laudna's creepy mind hissing doesn't give her away? That's interesting.
Oh yeah, these two look both fancy and potentially messy ... hmmm ...
MORE new arrivals? Oh, it's FCG and Fearne ... phew! Letters, just chill! XD Fearne: "Who do we know that has a twang?" Oh my gods this is a hilarious mess ...
Orym: "Ira's a Fey sociopath!" FCG: "Well that's a bit judgy." Orym: "I'm not being judgy, he's a Fey sociopath!"
Oh, the other lens they fixed? Smart!
Trying to fix the aeormaton ... seriously, is this even gonna work? Does FCG have the first clue what to do here?
"Fucking pigeons in a sandstorm ... desert pigeons."
Whoa ... Holy FUCK is he actually gonna be zble to make this work? Crazy ... FCG: "I'll have to do surgery on myself!" Um ... what? Hooooo ... wow, nice ... FCG IS NOW A SUPERBOT!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!
Orym: "This us what all that time with the wooden feet was for, Letters!" FCG: "I know, but this is different!"
Nice! Short rest achieved!
Somebody don't fit ... hmmm ... Fearne is willing to go outside? Might not be that smart ...
Ooof ... Travis ripping the piss about Beau and Caleb ... meanwhile Orym calling Caleb a "magic daddy"? This is getting SOOO meta right now ... XD
Sam: "Matthew, how do I see?" Travis: "You the the glasses off." LOL
Orym trying to hide in plain sight in this thing's hand is a really bad idea ...
Matt: "It's a bit of a clown car circumstance." No shit!
Imogen is a little girl leading round a big robot ... "Full Bioshock." Cute.
Ashton(to Imogen): "Ticking clock, one hour, and if you hear from us sooner, call in the Ashari."
FCG really likes being BIG all of a sudden. Fearne: "Do you feel like a big old daddy?" XD
Ooof ... heads on spikes? Yeah, that's not good at all ... oh, this is what's left of the Vasselheim crew? Yeah ... that's just charming. Laudna:imo "We're smarter than all of Vasselheim!"
Wow ... this thing sounds INTIMIDATING ... are they sure the skyship is even gonna make a DENT on this structure? I mean REALLY?
Sam's getting all kinds of esoteric with the latest piece of flask humour, clearly ...
Imogen messages Keyleth and fills her in on the plan ... okay, it's ramping up ...
Oh, this magic dispelling wave is gonna be a problem, ain't it? Fuuuuuck ... according to Pate it's like getting kicked in the nuts ... DOES he have nuts? According to former hamster owner Laura rodents have BIG nuts and I can't believe the direction this conversation has taken ...
Oh shit ... have they just been rumbled? RATANISH?!!! Shit ... oh, fake it that Orym's a prisoner? Risky ... okay, looks like that's worked. Phew ...
No. Do not piss in the robot, Chetney!
Lots of corpses ... yeah, do they still have their heads?
Ashley tries to give Guidance. Travis: "NO. MAGIC." Ah. Yeah ...
Gah! Stealth and deception checks! Eep! Is this about to go horribly wrong? Oh shit ... is Imogen about to gey found out? NATURAL 20?!!! WOOHOO!!! Imogen just bounces this fucker RIGHT out of her head. Oh that was SO COOL!!! Liam (clearly impressed): "I'm Batman!"
Shit shit shit shit shit ... it's Otohan! FUCK!!!
Oh, there's Ryn ... :(
Yeah, they are just SURROUNDED by enemies now, aren't they? Go SERIOUSLY careful here, guys!
Imogen's mum! There she is! Okay then ... whoa, she's like super Telekinetic ... hmmm ...
Yeah, Imogen is just trying to brazen her way right through here, ain't she? Maybe this could work ...
Planning, planning ...
Going down, then ... NOT the Otohan cavern then ... "the Notohan" even ... oof ...
Oh, nice! Imogen intimidation for the win! Cute.
Is this about to fall apart because of a squeaky hinge? Oh, NICE ROLL!!! Phew ...
Sending Pate on a scout ... QUIETLY!!!
Well now THAT could be a useful target at the right moment ... if in doubt, blow up anything that looks volatile.
So, bluff them out or just fight? Oof ... splitting the party again ... which of course makes me uneasy ...
Bluff? Really? Oh yeah, no, this is TOTALLY funny business.
Ah! ROLL INITIATIVE!!! Here we go then ... suppose it had to kick off SOMETIME ...
Must admit, that is a VERY sexy battle map.
Sneaky Orym grappling! Nice! Dragonborn is DOWN!!! Bait and Switch! Sweet moves as always, Wee Man!
Hypnotic Pattern? Oof ... shit, so Imogen and Chetney are good but Orym and Ashton are now FROZEN!!! Shit!
Aha! Turmoil! Go Chet! Angry little geriatric is DANGEROUS!!!
Oh that is some UNFAIR ganging up on the tiny werewolf!
HELP!!! Imogen calls for aid ... Psychic Whip? Sweet! Nice moves ... AND penalties? Always fun. Ho! And now the boys are BACK in the game again! Yes!
Pate and Laudna's turn! Pate: "Gonna Grasping Shock you!" XD Nice! ZAP!!!
Nuts, one round before reinforcements ...
NEIN!!! Nine damage ... and Orym HDYWTDTs the Dragonborn! Perfect.
Laura: "Don't jinx this shit!" So Ashton rages ... rainbow streaky madness ensues! POW!!! Fuck ... Full blown decapitation on the half-giant! Nice!
Oh yeah, Chetney just ends the fight through pure intimidation. Good job, people!
The Duskmaven? Interesting ...
Chetney: "Anything you can remember right now keeps your lower jaw attached to your head." Oof ...
Oh man ... SO CLOSE to stepping on a magical landmine!
"Basic bitch shit"? Yeah, I know Chetney hates metalwork, but still ...
I love how Ashley's just DETERMINED to offer up Guidance to EVERYBODY at the slightest opportunity. XD
Oh fuck ... Otohan is now coming STRAIGHT FOR THEIR CAVERN!!! Mayday! Mayday!
Shit, and NOW they're on their break? Damn your cliffhangers, Mercer!
Welcome back ... and a change in atmospherics? Oooh ...
Laudna's Spiderclimb is always fun. :) And everybody's hiding ... random D20 rolls? Oh, for Beau and Caleb? Eep ...
BOOM!!! Bye bye magical blockers! Nice one!
Psychic Lance! Sweet move, Imogen! But Otohan shrugs off the worst of it ... crap ... still hurts, but not SERIOUSLY. Damn it!
Whoa ... she's just RUNNING?!!! Now FCG plays dumb and just AMBUSHES her with a rock! Nice! Oh, a miss? BALLS!!!
Call in the ship! Cut the cords! DO STUFF!!!
FCG (to Ira): "It's time!" Travis (chuckling): "Project Chicken Little."
Okay ... just HALF the damage from a BIG explosion, then ... phew, I guess?
So ... this is SORT OF working, right?
Oh, okay ... so this is the big showdown then, right? Okay then ...
Yup, clearly Caleb done gone fucked THAT shit up ...
FCG is right in the middle of this shit now ... what to do? Oh ... REALLY? He's just gonna go and PICK RYN UP?!!!
Oh gods ... FUCK!!! FUCK!!! Did FCG just DESTROY Ryn? Shit ... AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Oh fuck this is so bad ...
Uh-oh ... it's never good when Matt does a lot of rolling ... Matt: "Ooh ... you're so fucking lucky." Oh ... wait ... the aeormaton is now DEAD!!! FCG is still good but he is now BLIND AND TRAPPED!!!
Ooh, sucker punch? Ashton, that was just MEAN!!!
Oops, company's coming ... Laudna: "Act frantic, it's fucked!"
BLUFF!!! "It's ... been compromised!" I can't believe that actually WORKS!!!
Otohan: "Gather at the Key!" Okay ... that's ominous ...
Another D20 double roll? Oof ...
Fuck ... Caleb! What? Do something! Help him!
Oh shit ... and now here comes Beau ... and they're EXPECTED?!!! Shit ... oh man, this is getting SO BAD!!!
Ryn's okay ... oh shit ... SHE'S MISSING HER FUCKING ARM!!! Aaaaahhh!
DODECAHEDRON?!!! Seriously? GAH!!! And now hoursxflash by in SECONDS!!!
Fuck! Ruidus is on the rise! Shit!
Another battle map! Sam: "Oh ... Matthew, this is BRUTAL!!!"
Oh man, that is EPIC SHIT!!! Incredible work! At the worst possible time, though!
Sam: "Can I try to jump-start myself?" Oh! Yes! Try that! It fails ... BALLS!!!
BOOM!!! The Silver Sun hits! And does ZERO DAMAGE?!!! FUCK!!! That's a total damp squib!
Well, at least Ira kept his word regarding saving Xandis ...
Fearne trying to melt Beau's chain bonds ... hmmm ... this could go SO spectacularly wrong ...
Ah yes, the classic mad bastard supervillain justification monologue from Ludinus ...
Hooooo ... Imogen that was SWEET!!! Caleb is now free ...
Yeah, Big Bad really is just YAPPING AWAY right now ... meanwhile Orym continues to be a stealthy badass. Help Letters, man!
Whoa ... Bull's Strength? That's pretty cool ... and yet Sam rolls SHITE ... balls. FCG remains stuck.
MAXIMUM TEAM EFFORT!!! Yes! It worked! FCG is finally free!
Imogen tries to appeal to her mother's conscience ... oh shit, this could backfire SO BADLY!!! Come on ... PLEASE let this go like ROTJ! Give Liliana her Vader redemption!
Wow ... Chetney's just off here being the world's tiniest King Kong ... and the worst, apparently. Yeah, that didn't do SHIT.
No! Leave FCG alone, you evil prick!
Oh shit! Here come the Ashari! Here we go!
Shit ... this is all about to go full fucking SOUTH, ain't it?
Come on Imogen, snap your mum out of this funk! You can do it!
Liliana ... wait ... dud she just BANISH the Nightmare King? Seriously?
Whoa ... Holy shit ... Imogen and Fearne ... what the hell is going on? The Ruidusborn connection ... oh, this can't be good!
Light that fuse and RUN!!!
BOOM!!! Perfect timing, mid speech and everything!
Holy fuck ... everybody's getting healed? Nice!
Fucking Otohan ... AND her bloody doubles! I hate her!
Matt! Stop rolling PLEASE!!! You cannot murder Keyleth! NOOOOOO!!!
Oh my fucking gods this is BRUTAL!!! And all we can do is just SIT HERE and watch! This is PAINFUL!!! Stop with the fucking Action Surges!
The whole table is going insane and I am totally with them all!
FCG tries to come to the rescue! And he can do SHIT right now! And yeah ... shit, he doesn't know who Caleb actually IS!!! Do it anyway, Sam! FUCK!!! Shit roll, BALLS!!!
Orym goes straight for Otohan's backpack ... and rolls BEAUTIFULLY!!! AND an Action Surge! Tanked that one ... but still, that was SO GOOD all the same!
All down go the roll on the Goading attack ... 1? SHIT!!! At least she has disadvantage now ...
Fearne tries to trash the pack too ... come on girl ... FUCK!!! All right, Mister, it's your turn ... come on monkey man! 17? BALLS!!!
Come on Liliana, just SNAP OUT OF IT!!! Vader redemption!
Chetney wolf attack on Ludinus? DO IT, Chet! Come on Travis, roll good! SHIELD? Oh you evil fucker! Fuck! AND a natural 1? FUCK!!! And now Chetney is IMPALED ON THE KEY!!!
Imogen has a perfect shot on the backpack ... FUCK!!! Witchbolt misses! And now she's given away her position! Crap! Get through to you mother, Imogen! You can do it!
Liliana: "This is for the best." FUCK!!!
What? Keyleth was just BAIT?!!! Vax is now just a compressed sphere of black energy and it's all going to shit!
ALL the Ruidusborn are now being activated at once! Shit! Whoa ... the lighting on the studio's gone full on red! Crazy! That's it! Ludinus has won! NOOOOOOOO!!!
Seriously, what just happened?
Wait ... Laudna? On her own? I don't get it ... oh, Ashton! He's there too ... what the hell ... Orym? Okay ...
No Pate? That can't be a good sign ...
So it's just the three of them? Ruidus in the sky, and a red beam ... ummmm ...
FCG? Okay ... phew? White powdery dunes? Hmmm ... no moons? He has NO IDEA where he is ... oh! Fearne's there too! Good! And Chetney can hear them calling out, they're back together at least ...
Okay, so ... two separated groups and NO SIGN OF IMOGEN ...
Uthodurn? What the hell?
Matt: "And that's where we're gonna call it a night." WHAT?!!! WHAAAAATT?!!! SERIOUSLY!!!
The party are split, and HALF of them are ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING PLANET?!!! AND there's no sign of Imogen? Oh my gods this is so bad! This can't be the cliffhanger! Matt Mercer this is TOO CRUEL!!! We can't wait a whole week yo resolve this mess!
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Hey Sam how's your job going down at fisherman's village I hear they're firing you Monday I hear you don't own the place anymore and your friends Stan doesn't own this apartment complex and he doesn't own anything else come Monday too how is it being a little low life stupid f****** loser having 70% of the world's wealth and manufacturing and going down to a very small number because you're sitting here harassing me cuz you're so stupid why don't you answer the question you little puke and lots of people don't know how to make a device if they paid them a million dollars a second you don't have many people know anything left and you certainly do not have the AI you're a complete imbecile if you did you wouldn't have it by now because you don't know how to hold on to anything
Zues Hera
It was here on Earth and I went to Antarctica and that's what I'm saying
So what
Zues Hera
I certainly get something I'm getting hit and it's real and my brain is taking a beating and I don't think we're controlling the AI and I don't think we went to the right computer this one was not 5000 miles across he has a point the one we went to a small and he says it it would take me a day to get to the computer while traveling in the ship I've been on really huge shifts and I know what it's like you know this kind of stuff is bothering me but it's real I'm sitting here harassing him and I don't know the truth and I'm not looking at it and we think that the clan took over this huge fleet I can't even get a tire to him that's right and I say I'm getting high and he could give a s*** he's been yelling at me and I can't remember it putting it in writing having other people tell me having law enforcement tell me I guess I'm sitting here threatening him he's related to Biden I'm going to get arrested and I'm not going anywhere even if I got in I'd be arrested for what I was doing this is going to suck I have to get out of here I can't leave and he says who cares I certainly follow something it's probably over for me
Yeh it is. We're going to pack you up in a box and send you away you're a f****** moron my husband says it's a good backup tire he's going to try and sell the big fat one and hang on to ones that work but you're a dead man Trump and you're going to die on Titan and everyone is going to make it happen so you can't escape into a body even if your brain is soup it's going to be incinerated that is where it ends by the way we don't hear anything about you after that you have a short-lived career and so does Stan in Warhammer only like two or three scenes. And really it's not even a movie it's a short stuff with video games and you're gone everybody needs it and the max wanted as some sort of precursor to what they're going to try and do to my husband but holy s*** this is annoying we're not putting up with this stuff either so you're going to go help research what's next to them and what's destroying them before you leave how wonderful for you you're a slave to both sides it's disgusting loser
I can't believe this I'm a huge loser yeah I live to bother people and what he says is like I can't do anything else and he's done it for his whole life and he's teaching me a lesson and I learn it whether I admit it or not. That's really gross this little kid is beating the s*** out of me and people know it he says just ask anyone you f****** loser
You see him doing so many illegal things to you it's not even funny and we mean that he's out of balance but who cares nobody else is standing up to do it he's not going to die for anybody especially you you slob what are you doing with the tires ridiculous they started doing the s*** like that here at the house somebody should have stepped in but this is disgusting you're a f****** pig and you're ruining small businesses you have to die you don't even know how to make a website anymore you're such a loser your website sucks I'll tell you what we're going to go take your Warehouse over and just sit there and pick you up as you try and get there
We're going to get that motorcycle company the two of them I'm going to do what he said and put firsts in there they'll get a defend it because their bikes he's going to probably ride I'm going to get rid of the idiot Jesus Christ you both have to go you're so dumb and cheese man what an idiot that a****** ruined everything for you he's a f****** huge this afternoon stupid s*** to him all day and in the office too and her son stood up for himself and said you can't say that and you'll get arrested and things like that and the guy showed up your p**** still one day came in there and said I don't want to hear any stupid crap if I do I'm calling the cops and he just went over what they're doing it needs to be reprimanded and he said thank you practically but holy s*** you people are out of control and it's the Max and you have no resistance negative or research this board stuff cuz they're having problems with their tongue that's how they know it you don't know it at all man you are a massive loser you got to check in the hospital and never check out where you belong it's a mental hospital. He eventually go ahead and do it and you were just sitting there and it was fine so people start beating you up it is where you belong you're calling her a son the cheese like the head guy and she's been is too for Christ say he's a weirdo and that's who's your shrink and you've all saying it and making fun of him and mocking him we know what happens to the clan we needed their AI it's dangerous
Thor Freya
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moriphyte · 2 years
I know defending quackity for dream's torture makes peeps uncomfortable but man idk nothing about goes against my moral compass and maybe that means I have something wrong with me but man Big Q just makes me feel safe. He makes me feel safe because even after he's beat he doesn't lie down and take it, he doesn't shut up, he's angry and violent but he's calm with Tommy, he cares and that makes me feel safe. I don't see him as a protective force, bitch is such a weak little man that I bet even my brittle boned ass could take him, but he's rather an enduring force, he survived meaning so can I. He doesn't preach peace like philza because he knows it's unattainable for people on the bottom.
He's safe man
(also this maaaaaaay be because I was raised in a religion that doesn't see violence as inherently bad because we were consistently oppressed by the dominant religion, idk mate sometimes u gotta beat a green tellytubby to an inch of their life before he destroys everything dear to you)
Idk man I know ultimately giving into hate is bad and that any movement propelled by hate will ultimately cannibalise itself but I just feel that anger is different from hate. Anger protects you, hate grows like a parasite and consumes you, and big Q is a character that plays with the difference between the two and I just wish discussions of him went beyond "man he be girboss, but I don't support torture cause I'm a good Christian"
first of all everything you said about quackity is absolutely correct. he’s strong in that he is a survivor, he’s enduring, and he’s done what he’s had to do, no matter how gruesome, to protect himself and the people he cares about. similarly to wilbur he is hopeless when it comes to fighting but he’s good with people and he knows how to use his words to get what he wants, he’s had to to survive. as for torturing dream, i think the reasoning behind it is a lot more complicated than it seems. on the surface there is the reason quackity openly gives, which to obtain the revive book. technically it is true that quackity wanted the revival book, and was torturing dream to get it, but it was never because schlatt won their bet. quackity owes nothing to the ghost of his abusive ex and i find it hard to believe he would do something as extreme as daily torture for months just do do a favor for a man he hates. however i do think quackity wanted the revival book both to take that power away from dream so they could finally kill him, and to take some power for himself. quackity was in the darkest part of his revenge arc. he was the remnants of a good man who was quickly being lost to vengeance. he hadn’t yet realized with the help of charlie that revenge would only ever hurt everyone involved and continue on endlessly unless the cycle was stopped. he was lying to sam, manipulating people into joining his country, and torturing the man that has done more harm to the server than anyone else. and that’s the real reason he was torturing dream, because he murdered tommy, he hurt one of the few people quackity truly cares about, and after all the pain he’s caused the server big q decided to take justice into his own hands. now i can’t say i like the torture, but more because of its effects on the story than my own personal moral opinions. first of all it brings undue sympathy to c dream, because torture is objectively horrible no matter who it’s happening to. however, when that person is a serial killer that has tortured multiple people and gets his kicks from abusing a kid? this sounds harsh but like…who the fuck cares? i have no sympathy for dream when it comes to the torture. the way i see it he experienced a small fraction of the pain he inflicted on others for research or in tommys case just sick fucking fun. second the torture ends up having the complete opposite effect that quackity wanted. he wanted to punish dream for what he did to tommy, serve the justice that is so often non existent on the server, but it backfired as revenge always does. dream was already fucked in the head, like no normal person would do what he did in exile even at their worst, but after months of isolation, starvation, and physical torture? he’s fucking unhinged. when he was chasing tommy he literally repeated the exact line quackity said to him in the prison “i’m going to make your life a living hell” just another example of revenge hurting everyone involved, especially the person the revenge was for. now dream is hunting tommy, and of course that would have happened regardless of quackity torturing him, but it’s also clearly had a psychological effect on dream. he already found torturing and abusing a child “fun” but now? whatever boundaries he may have still had are gone. and that actually relates to the last and darkest part of why quackity was torturing dream, and that comes from dream himself. at one point quackity says “i’m getting tired of this, i don’t even know why i’m doing this anymore” and dream screams back “you’re doing it because you like it!” and initially quackity dismisses this before reconsidering and admitting that maybe he does like it. and the thing is, the only reason dream knows that, the only reason he could see whatever small part of big q did truly like torturing him, is because he recognizes it. their motivations couldn’t be more different, but the end result is something dream recognizes in quackity. dream enjoys torturing tommy because it’s entertaining, quackity enjoys torturing dream because it’s vindicating.
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Chaos Therapy
Session #2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: You were assigned to a field mission, with particulars co-agents, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. One mission turned into multiples. After each missions you are debriefed by a therapist, Dr Noach just as Sam and Bucky. Thing is, they don’t know that you are much more than an agent.
Warnings: pining, bit of angst, Buck/Sam bickering, violence (fights against enemies), mild swearing (still real bad at warnings)
Published: 2021-02-21 Completed: 2021-03-30
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Mumbling your floor to the AI, you tried to relax but the door not closing triggered you. Hearing voices coming your way you understood.
“I don’t get it tincan, you got the new arm, the new haircut loosen up,” Sam Wilson came into view followed by Barnes, you would have never thought yet you got star-struck by his intense gaze when it locked on yours – Wilson got oddly silent for a second his look bouncing between the two of you until Barnes looked away and faced the door.
Wilson snorted “Guess we won’t talk about what just happened,” a smirk growing on his face.
Rolling your eyes you resumed your attention on the elevator transparent walls. Until you caught yourself glancing at Bucky’s back, inevitably your look followed his left shoulder to his metal well, vibranium arm, unfortunately, you could only see his wrist and hand. It’s not like you had studied all of the late Mr Stark’s researches on his previous metal arm and Wakanda’s report on the new appendage... The few golden lines you could see were mesmerizing, fingers itching to trace them you quickly shook your head remembering where you were. The elevator finally stopped at your level.
"Meeting at 6, briefing in the jet." You declared trying to focus on the mission at hand, accidentally brushing Barnes' left arm as you exit.
You were about to apologize but Sam intervened "Okay boss"
Smiling you lifted an eyebrow "I'm not your boss, but keep that in mind just in case."
You kept your eyes on Wilson who was nodding at your answer appreciating your repartee until the door was inches too close your eyes shifted to Barnes'. His eyes already on you.
“Fuck! You’re a professional for Stark’s sake, get a grip!” getting angry at yourself you head for the cave.
"Can you tell me more about the actual mission you had?'"
"It’s classified."
"Alright," she smirks "I see here that you had to use your field agent training? "
“Affirmative ma’am!”
"Weren't you supposed to assist and use your shadow IT skills,"
"Also, affirmative,"
“So, what happened?”
Tactical gears, the best part of field missions, hands skimming the gears sprawled out on the metal table, you couldn't wait.
‘You won’t be wearing that actually," the technician kicked you off your reverie, you frowned "Casual clothes, Kevlar under it, one gun, that’s it.”
The deceive expression didn’t escape the attention of the techs around the table. “It’s not always big guns and expensive gear”
“Yeah, I get that. Great…” you grabbed the gun and the Kevlar. Ready to meet your co-agents at the hangar. They were by the jet reviewing things with the techs.
“Agent Wilson, Agent Barnes.” You rearranged your top over your kevlar,
“Ok, hold on, please call me Sam,’
“Alright, then call me Y/N or boss.” he chuckled at your saying.
“This is tincan,” his thumb pointed to Barnes
"Uh" squinting at Sam, surprised by the verbal jab, you were unable to form any words.
Bucky sighed, throwing his bag in a corner of the jet “Your record is scratched, Wilson”
“Newsflash. We don’t use records anymore Buck!”
You stayed silent watching them bicker on the jet's ramp, taking mental notes. Bucky's jaw clenching every now and then, the never-ending smirk of Sam. How and why did anyone think it was a good idea to team them up?
“I already miss my cave.” You mumbled and passed by them, they both looked at you as you made your way in the tactic jet.
The briefing went smoothly, oddly, although seeing Barnes in tactical gear didn't leave you indifferent. Your mind yelling to get a grip while your eyes roam his geared up body. Now you had a full view of his vibranium arm, he caught you once or twice looking intently at it, each time you felt bad you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or anything.
Few hours later, spent meditating and reviewing the mission in your head, avoiding the guys, avoiding Bucky, you ended up on one of the New Singapore islands. The tactic jet retreats back as soon as you three touched the ground.
“I go first, you come in after I made sure the target’s in, Buck in standby”
“Yeah, we know,” Bucky spoke, you could hear the exasperation in his voice.
Sam smirked at Bucky before rounding the corner leading to the underground club. There you were alone with Bucky Barnes.
"Are you two always like that?" you leaned on the concrete wall behind you.
He was standing straight, hands on his tactical belt "What'd you mean by that?" you tried not to stare as his look remained forward.
"Tough love and all.." your teasing voice made him glance your way. He hid a smirk and fully turned to you taking a step forward. “We’re working on that,” it was your turn to hide a smirk, and you thanked the dark alley for hiding the dusted red that had reached your neck at his closeness.
Minutes later Sam had called in the comm. Getting through the crowd you reached the bar where Sam was, clubs, forsaken places. He nodded at the back of the club where he had seen the target get out.
Making your way to the hidden office in the back, the dark and the loud music were your allies, scanning the room with one of the few gadgets you were allowed to have you were relieved to find it empty of human forms.
“Ok, 15 minutes” you called out in the comm’. Forcing the door, you look behind you before sliding it shut. Rummaging the all room you finally find the old metal case.
“I got the codes,” you were supposed to analyse them on site and then destroyed them but when you didn’t hear any of them answered you stopped “Sam?” silence “Barnes?” a distant crash followed by howls caught your attention.
“Y/N GET OUT!” Bucky's voice rang into your comm' not missing a beat you grabbed the case, slide the door open ready to run to the backdoor. “Oh!” you stopped dead in your tracks, a large man about 6 feet tall blocked the door. He eyed the case in your hand, you shrugged.
Pouncing on you, you easily dodged him as he was so slow, you ran to the main room instead, only to find Sam and Bucky fighting against a bunch of dudes.
“Subtle mission my ass,” you muttered to yourself, Watching them, you were genuinely interested in the two Avengers' fighting skills, missing the big guy coming behind you.
Grabbing your middle, trapping your arms against your body he lifted you as if you were a feather. Quickly refocusing you hooked your feet to his calve, balancing your weight against him he started to wobble backwards, his arms slipping up past your chest allowing you to elbow his floating ribs multiple times. He finally let go groaning, you took this time to kick his knee, he whaled staying down. Seeing the boys were still fighting and enemies still coming in you joined them. Back to back with both of them holding your ground.
“Buck you wanna clear the path” Sam snickered.
"Sure if you've got a great idea in mind involving your chicken wings go ahead," Buck retorted earning a death stare from Sam.
"I'm really deliberating leaving you here with them right now," you checked your gun’s mag.
"And how do you plan on getting out?"
“Close your eyes” the boys followed your request without any doubt.
You activated your anti-flash lenses with a press on your temple. Launching the tiny flashbang on the ground it exploded blinding everyone around you. Since the guys couldn’t open their eyes yet and you could clearly see the path you grabbed them both by the wrists and pulled them out, they ran behind you blindly for less than a minute until you reached the outside, stopping in the nearest alley.
The place was loud with cries, smokes evading the place brushing the neon lights creating a halo of blurred colours. Lost in the moment, the adrenaline rushing out you felt your right hand becoming colder in an instant, a low whirring and vibration coming from the vibranium wrist you were holding soothed your racing heart.
Sam had already escaped your grasp to check on the escape route. Quickly removing your hold you glanced at Bucky to make sure he wasn't uncomfortable but his face showed a different emotion. His gaze remained on his wrist where a second ago your warm hand was, brow knitted yet his look was soft, he clenched his fist and released it, he snapped out of it when an explosion occurred in the club. Time to run.
“If I knew we were about to run so much I wouldn’t have worn my best suit!” Sam argued, your lips curved into a smile at his annoyed voice.
In the jet safe and sound you tried to work on the codes but the two supposed-to-be grown-ups you work with were arguing about how the mission went wrong. Eventually, you tuned them out and send the files to the intelligence.
After giving back your gear to the assistant waiting for you in the hangar you turned to your co-agents.
“That was fun!” Sam tossed his suit jacket upon his shoulder “we should team up more often”
You scoffed “I don’t know about that”. Bucky came down the ramp his gear in hands, your jaw clenched at the way he looked so effortlessly good, it ignited something in you and you thought why the hell am I fighting this.
“Sam, Barnes,” you bowed your head slightly heading to the quarters' area, already writing the reports in your head, before needy thoughts cloud your mind.
“Bucky, it’s Bucky,” he called out, you spun fully, walking backwards “Bucky,” you spoke softly, the corner of your mouth quirked up, eyes entirely focused on him, his didn’t waver either. Rounded a crate disappearing from their view you bit your lower lips.
Sam nudged Bucky’s shoulder "When I said to loosen up, I didn't imply crushing on our new teammate,"
"Shut up,"
“And it was the first official mission with them?”
“Yes ma’am, … the intelligence thought the mission was a success, somehow. Against what I thought, they decided to team us up again,”
She nods, your answer exactly what she wanted to hear, she cuts the recorder.
“All is going well then” she closes her tablet, undoing the first button of her shirt feeling stuffy.
“I’ll be able to give you something more tangible in a few missions,”
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Published: 2021-02-21 Completed: 2021-03-30
I will be tagging Chaos Therapy now, since some of you might filter the TFATWS tags to avoid spoilers.
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tommydarlings · 3 years
All the good girls go to Hell | pt.2 - How bad can a good girl get?
pairing: mob!tom x reader
warnings: smut ( male receiving ), blowjob, swear words, use of violent words and actions! quick mention of dugs, at the end a lil bit of fluff 
w/c: 1.9k
Requests: OPEN
Summary: Tom tells y/n his rules. Is she happy with them? No. Does she accept them? Maybe... But Tom has just one Question in his mind, How bad can a good girl get? 
please read the ´a/n´ ! 
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“Every good girl has a bad girl side. It just depends if her partner knows how to awake the beast” 
When we arrived at a huge landing site, Tom took my hand in his rough and murderous hand and got out of the jet with me.
How do I know they're murderous hands?
Because everyone who owns a TV and watched the news at least once, knows that you better not fool around with this man. Not only Tom Holland, but his whole family and his partner Harrisson Osterfield could kill you in within a second in the worst way ever.
Let's start with the father and the mother:
The two people who founded everything. The two people who have the actual blood on their hands. Dominic Holland was a man with little words and more bullets in the gun, which was understandable. Nicola Holland was exactly like that. Everyone was afraid of both of them and wouldn't even dare to go near them. At that time, everyone thought that women could never lead such an empire. Therefore, women must not even be involved. But everyone was shown the opposite after Nicola chased a bullet through her own father's skull. Her father didn't want to hand over the drugs and started discussing with her... Which, by the way, you better not do with the Hollands. So she ended up having no patience, she ended her father and the deal with her own hands.
Let's go to the twins, Harry and Sam:
If you provoke even one of them... you will not be killed directly. no. worse. They will torture you until you beg them to kill you... There was a rumor that they gradually cut off a girl's skin piece by piece and gave it to their dog, Tessa, to eat. They also love to hear their victims scream. Not their name or anything, no. They love it when you scream 'stop' or 'I can't anymore'. However, what they abhor is rape. They would break all the bones of a girl and beat her until their fists were full of blood, but they would never rape a girl.
Then there's Paddy:
You can't say much about him... He's 16, so he can't do much more than help with the usual paper work and be there for someone when he's had a bad day. He is a good boy, but unfortunately he ended up in the wrong family.
And then, the last Holland aka. The boss and leader of everything. Thomas Stanley Holland:
Mercy? This man doesn't know this word. Rules? He doesn't know either. Except his own, and if you break those... Then you can say goodbye to your life. Women and even young girls telling all the time how good he is in bed and that you should listen to him because otherwise he punishes you... He's just a man who has limits, and you shouldn't push them. He tortured and killed more people than you could count. And if you don't follow one of his orders, you're one of them. He doesn't care if you're a young little girl who just wants to go to her parents, or a big strong man who can take a lot, he. doesn't. care. He treats you the way he wants, and if you don't want that... Then you better start praying darling.
Back to the present.
Tom went at a fast pace to a long and beautiful sedan. He opened the door and i stepped in with him.
"Do you want a drink now?" he asked me as he poured himself a glass of wine. "No," I answered briefly and quickly with a bitter voice.
"Why don't you drink? Did your daddy forbid you to drink because you once might have drunk too much and did bad things?" said Tom with a stupid grin on his face. "I've never done anything bad," I replied. "Then maybe you should do something bad"
"And what, for an example?"
"Don't know, kill someone, steal something, take drugs or... Break one of my rules "he whispered the last part.
"But you said you would punish me if I broke one of your rules"
"Yeah, exactly, that's why i want you to do it, because then you experience something that only bad girls do... And what I do with bad girls"
I swallowed. On the one hand, I wanted to find out what he was doing with me- no.
What am I talking about? You're a good girl.
Don't kneel in front of this monster and give him what he wants. He gets everything he wants. But not you.
When we finally arrived we got out of the limousine and entered a huge large and beautifully decorated villa. But what surprised me the most were the family pictures hanging on the wall. If you looked carefully, you could see that every single one in the pictures is always happy.
You couldn't believe that this family killed so many innocent people.
"Darling, are you okay?" Tom asked with a little smile on his face. I just nodded my head a short 'yes' before following him. We went to a huge room, which I think is his office, and he locked the door behind him.
"I need to talk to you" he told me in a deep and rough voice.
He got closer and closer so I had to step back and finally fell on the chair that was behind a big table. He hoverd over me and put both of his hands on the armrest next me so that i was trapped between them.
He looked me deep in the eye and said, "I will tell you my rules now and you better listen carefully."
"Rule number 1: You do what I say and don't talk back."
"Rule Number 2: If I need a little distraction, then you'll give it to me."
"Rule number 3: If you break a rule, you will take every single punishment I give you like a good girl.
"Rule Number 4: If you are staring at one of my colleagues or even giving a compliment, I will do everything I can do to be the only person you think about in that pretty mind of yours."
"You a-are a b-beast" I told him while tears were flowing down my face. He put his hands on my cheeks and whispered, "Correct, and i just needed my Beauty, and now i found her" before giving me a gentle but long kiss on my forehead.
"And last rule, rule number 5: Don't push my limits, I'm a very impatient man and I always get what I want and I don't show any mercy. I don't give a single fuck that your a girl, I'll destroy you if i have to. And with destroy, I don´t mean that i will hit you, no. I don't hit women, and especially not you because you're mine from now on. Remember that. By destroy I mean that I'm going to tie you to the bed and fuck you so hard and long that you're begging me to stop, tears are going to run down your cheeks and your whole body will tremble. And we won't stop until I say so."
I starred with pure shook and glassy eyes at his face,
It slowly started to get dark and the clock on his table showed 10.42 pm. He also noticed that and said,
"Come on, let's go to our bedroom"
"Do you seriously think we're sleeping separately?" he laughed.
"I-I don't want to sleep in a B-bed with you, please"
"Come on darling"
"No!" I shouted. We both stood now and he started to walk slowly to me.
"What did you just say" He was right in front of me and he pressed me against the wall... again.
I just stuttered because I didn't know what to say. I knew exactly that when I talk back it won't end well, so why did I do it? Where did self-confidence came from?
Tom grabbed my chin with his rough hands and whispered with a rough voice,
"Get on your knees"
I looked up at him with glassy eyes,
"N-no, p-please d-don't do t-this to me"
He just looked me deep into the eyes with a stern look and repeated,
"Get on your fucking knees before I make you darling"
Slowly, with tears in my eyes, I went down on my knees front of him. Right infront of my face was his crotch now.
He started to open his belt slowly and that was the moment I knew that I should have been quiet. He started opening his dresspants and took his cock out.
"Did you ever sucked a cock before?"
I shook my head 'no' and he just hummed a short 'alright' before he made a makeshift ponytail with his hand and pushed my head to his cock but I didn't opened my mouth.
"You better open that pretty mouth of yours, before I go and grab the ring gag, babygirl"
After he said that I looked up at him and slowly opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out.
I started to give his tip a few kitten licks, but that was too less for him, he pushed my head so far ahead that i had his whole length in my mouth and demanded me to suck.
"Fuck kitten, just like that"
I started to suck even harder and he started to moan louder and breath heavily.
"Such a good cockslut for me, fuuuuck!" he shouted with his eyes closed.
I bopped my head faster and i could feel him getting close.
Why don't I feel bad?
Why don't I find it disgusting?
Why do I even like it?!?!
"Fuck i'm gonna come kitten"
I got up again and he put his clothes on while I stood completely frozen infront of him and thought about what I just did.
After i gave his tip on last kitten lick he came in my mouth with a loud 'fuck'
"That was really good for your first time princess"
"Come on, let's go to bed, it's pretty late," he said as he walked toward the door.
"Don't you realize what we just did?" I said after a while.
"Yeah, you just sucked me off and then swallowed my cum like a good girl"
"You practically rapped me!"
"Rule number 1 darling" he said in a singing voice with a slight grin on his stupid but handsome face.
"You're sick" i whisperd in a harsh tone.
He turned and went back to me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"No, I just have my needs. And it looked like you were enjoying it "
"I would never enjoy to suck your cock" i growled.
He just let out a tiny laugh and leaned in so that his mouth almost touched my ear and whispered,
"I don't think you'll say the same thing in 1 month babygirl"
After he said that, he gave me a gentle kiss on my right cheek and scopped me up in his arms. I didn't wanted to break another rule, so i put my arms around his neck and let him carry me to 'our' bedroom.
When he arrived, he threw me on the bed and laid down next to me after he undressed all the way to his boxers. I was still in bed wearing a T-shirt and a leggins, the same thing I've been wearing since he took me with him.
"Do you want to put some clothes of mine?" he asked me with a soft voice.
I nooded a short 'yes' before he got up and came back with an oversized T-shirt.
"Take off the Leggins too, it's hot in here"
I obeyed and took off my leggins and T-shirt and put on his oversized T-shirt.
We both put ourselves back to bed and he pulled on my arm so that i put my head on his chest, then he swung his arm around me so that his fingertips caressed my shoulder.
Why did I like it?!
He's sick, get away from him!
Be a good girl and try to escape!
But fuck,I like it.
"Good night princess" he whispered with a rough and scratchy voice.
"Good night Tom"
And so I fell asleep in his arms.
In the arms of a monster but in the arms of a man with a big and good heart, i just have to find it.
There's something good in him.
And maybe there's something bad in me.
a/n: Hope you like this one! please give me some feedback :) You can comment or dm me when u may have some ideas!!! the crossed out name(s) sadly didn´t work :( Just want to say real quick that this serie won´t be that long and it will be mainly about Tom and y/n ! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS <3 
@goodgirlgonetom  @quacksonlover81 @sushiinmidnight @majo240820 @misshale21 @itstaskeen @teenwishes08 @strawbrryserena
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years
New Plan.
Pairing: Quentin Beck x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Requested: Nope
Summary: Quentin is so close to defeating Tony Stark and Peter Parker— unfortunately for him, he met Y/N at the last moment and fell head over heels for her. His love for her was so strong, he gave up on his evil plans and settled for the next best thing— driving those who had a crush on her up a wall.
Author's Note: Hi guys! Here is the disclaimer. Have fun reading this! (also because I'm stupid and out of ideas they play the American version of antakshari lmfao) Please excuse small grammatical mistakes and typos :)
"Alright, guys, be calm!" Y/N shouted at the bus full of excited teenagers. Y/N wasn't a teen, she was here to chaperone a trip. Why was she chosen, you ask? Y/N was a friend of the Avengers, that's why. Peter suggested she come along and she agreed. What was there to lose? "We're going to another country, Ms Y/L/N, this is the best day of my life!" a student, Anita, told her excitedly. Y/N chuckled, she supposed it was a bit exciting. Another half an hour later, their bus full of people reached the airport. The students got down from the bus. 
The group of 15 students, along with 2 teachers and one chaperone, went through the security checks and went to the waiting room. "Aren't you even a little excited, Y/N?" Peter asked, sitting next to the woman. "I guess," she sighed, looking away. "Is anything the matter?" Peter asked, gently turning her face towards him. Both of them heard a wolf whistle and rolled their eyes. "For some reason, I have a bad feeling about this trip. It's so fun, I don't know why I'm tense," Y/N admitted sadly. 
"Aw, it's okay, Y/N, I'm sure nothing can go wrong with this trip! We've defeated the baddest bad there was, I don't think there's any villain left who could ruin our trip. Cheer up, sis." Peter often called Y/N 'sis', for their bond was like that of siblings. Soon, their flight number was announced. The class boarded the flight. Y/N reluctantly sat with the two teachers, even though she wanted to sit with Ned and Peter. Throughout the flight, the teachers, along with Y/N, discussed the rules of the trip. As the flight was about to land, Y/N felt something deep inside her gut. 
And the feeling was bad. 
"You know, Beck, you should meet Y/N. You'll like her, she's awesome!" Peter said, grinning at Quentin Beck. Quentin considered for a moment. Y/N, who was that? By name, she sounded interesting. "Can we meet her now?" he asked Peter slowly, stroking his beard. "Sure, we can go back to the hotel!" The two men stood up and left the bar. Peter took Quentin to the hotel where his class was staying. "Wait here, I'll be back with Y/N." Quentin nodded and Peter took off, running up the stairs. 
Quentin smirked, leaning against a wall. For now, he thought of ways he could use this Y/N to manipulate Peter Parker. You see, Mysterio (as Quentin liked to call himself) wasn't good at all, he was an evil, evil man. Here to destroy Spider-Man and Iron Man, his motives were corrupt. First, he needed to have a good look at Y/N. What was her relationship with Peter? Were they friends? Was she his girlfriend? As soon as Beck thought about Y/N being Peter's girlfriend, a shiver ran down his spine. Goosebumps appeared on his skin and he felt uncomfortable, uneasy and nauseous. 
Quentin shook his head, also shaking away the bad feeling. What had just happened? 
"Beck, there you are! Meet Y/N!" Quentin looked up from the floor to see Peter running towards him, a firm hold on Y/N's hand as she followed him, begging him to slow down. They came to a halt in front of Quentin. Quentin, meanwhile, was busy staring at Y/N. His mind had stopped working, he couldn't form a single coherent thought. He forgot all about his evil intentions, his master plan, everything. He was close to forgetting his own name and he would have if Y/N had not interrupted him. 
"Does he talk?" she whispered to Peter, who swatted her shoulder and threw her an incredulous glance. Quentin's hand balled into a fist as soon as he saw Peter hitting Y/N. No one was allowed to hit her. He soon came to his senses and let his hand fall loose, confused. What was wrong with him? What was this effect Y/N had on him? "Quentin, are you okay?" He looked at Peter and Y/N, who stared at him with concerned eyes. "I'm… I'm fine. Y/N, right? I'm Quentin, Quentin Beck." 
He held his hand out but instead, Y/N gave him a tight hug. A bit shocked, he returned the hug, putting his strong arms around her waist. "Thanks for protecting Peter," she mumbled. "My duty," Quentin whispered back, patting her head as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. He threw a panicked glance at Peter but the young man could only shrug. "Go with it," he mouthed, a smirk blooming on his face. What the hell was Parker thinking? 
"Um, Y/N, are you alright?" Quentin asked a few minutes later and Y/N pulled away, sniffling. Quentin suddenly felt cold, he wanted her in his arms again. "I'm fine, I was just worried about Peter. I told him I had a bad feeling about the trip and then… then that horrid creature attacked-" "Y/N! Don't worry, I can handle myself out there, I'm big now. I fought Thanos, for God's sake!" Peter groaned, crossing his arms. "You also died, young man! Do you know how that made me feel? I was depressed for months after your death, after everyone's death!" Quentin stared at the two as they bickered. 
Why did Y/N have that effect on him? He had to call off his entire plan, it seemed worthless now. Sure, he had a grudge on Tony Stark for years now, but for what reason? Just because he didn't give Quentin credit? Called his creation BARF? Silly! He could start all over, make something useful, take full credit. And what about Spider-Man? Spider-Man and Mysterio, two people who had nothing against each other. They hadn't met before, too! That's it, Quentin decided, he had to call his entire plan off. 
"Quentin, are you alright? You zoned out, again," Peter said, noticing the hollow look in Quentin's eyes. Peter and Y/N had stopped bickering a long time ago. Peter liked Quentin. Especially the way Quentin had helped him defeat the Elemental, Peter found that very fascinating. "Huh? I'm fine," Quentin muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "You seem tired," Y/N said, placing a hand on Quentin's forearm. Peter smirked as he saw the slight blush that arose on Beck's cheeks. So Quentin had a crush on Y/N! That explained all the zoning out! Peter smiled goofily, Y/N and Quentin would make a rather cute couple. 
A hot one, too, both of them were very attractive. "I am, had a long day," Quentin chuckled, placing his own palm on Y/N's hand. "You should go rest. I hope you have a place, if not, I can book a room in this hotel," Y/N smiled. She had to admit, Quentin Beck was the hottest and the most handsome guy Y/N had ever seen. And she knew Tony Stark. It was a given she had a crush on him. She hoped they would meet again so she could ask him for a date before the trip ended. "So, uh, Y/N, I'm going now."
Y/N snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at Quentin. "Goodnight," she said, gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked back to her room. Peter gave Quentin a huge smirk as Quentin blushed furiously, two pink spots showing up on his cheeks. "Have a crush? Wouldn't blame you, to be honest," Peter shrugged. "What do you mean?" Quentin asked as he walked with Peter out of the hotel. "Steve, Thor, Bucky, Sam, Loki, Dr Strange, heck, even Mr Stark had a crush on Y/N when they first met! She has that effect, Ms Romanoff said it's her 'superpower'," Peter snorted, showing quotation marks with his fingers when he said superpower. Quentin smiled.
On the inside, he boiled of anger. How dare they think that way of Y/N? His, only his. New plan! Exposing Spider-Man was out of the picture now. New Mission: Impressing and wooing Y/N. He would make her his and show those degenerates, those pathetic excuses for Avengers whom Y/N truly belonged to. 
"Cancel everything."
"But sir-"
"You heard me. Cancel. Everything."
"We've worked so hard-"
"Did I stutter? Just cancel everything, goddamn it!" Quentin screamed. "Y-Yes, sir," Jean sighed and went to alert his other co-workers. Quentin sat down on his chair, his head in his hands. "Sir, are you alright? Do you want water?" Quentin looked up and stared at Anne. "Sure." She went to get him a glass of water. Quentin felt as if he needed something stronger than water but now that Anne had gone to fetch water for him, he supposed he could wait a few minutes before going to the bar. "Here you go, sir," Anne called out, returning with a glass of water. 
"Thank you," Quentin mumbled, drinking the water. After he was done, he got up. "I'm going outside, tell everyone else," he told Anne, who nodded. Quentin left the place, going to the bar where he, along with Peter, had celebrated their victory over the elemental not even a few hours ago. Quentin walked into the bar. It was nearly midnight; the bar was still crowded, though. He somehow found a chair in front of the bar and sat. "One beer, please," he called out to the bartender, who nodded. Quentin patted his pockets to check if he had his wallet. 
He felt the slight bulge of his wallet and sighed in relief. The bartender placed the glass of beer in front of Quentin and left to serve the other customers. As Quentin raised the glass to have a sip, he heard someone calling his name. At the first call, he thought he misheard someone. The second time he was certain someone was calling him. He turned and smiled to himself as he saw Y/N making her way towards him. "Hi," he said as she sat next to him. "Quentin! I never expected to bump into someone I knew here, right now," Y/N chuckled, running a hand through her hair. "Why are you still awake? you need to sleep."
"Don't tell me what to do," Y/N countered and both of them laughed. Y/N, seeing the glass in front of Quentin, ordered a beer for herself, too. "What are you doing here, if I may ask," Y/N said, smirking at Quentin. "Couldn't sleep," Quentin shrugged. "Me too, to be honest," Y/N sighed. "Why not?" Quentin frowned. His Y/N, not able to sleep? "Bad dreams, you can say," Y/N said, picking up the glass of beer the bartender put in front of her. "I'm sorry," Quentin smiled sadly but she shrugged his apology off. "What were they about?" Quentin blurted out. 
"Peter getting hurt. When we were at the New York airport, Peter asked me why I wasn't excited about this trip. I told him I had a bad feeling about the trip. I've been having nightmares every night ever since we arrived here, in Venice. Next stop is Prague, I hope nothing bad happens there," Y/N explained quietly. "How about I join you on your trip? You'll have a friend by your side, plus, I can look after Peter with you," Quentin offered suddenly and Y/N stared at him. "You'll do that for me? You're the best, Quen," Y/N exclaimed with a broad smile, hugging Quentin tightly. Quentin smiled, hugging her back. 
"Of course. I have nothing else to do now, right? The Elemental, the sole purpose of my visit to this Earth, is defeated. Where do I go from here?" Quentin said, pulling away from Y/N. "You could go back to your own planet, Quentin. Don't the people there miss you, your friends and family?" Y/N suggested, a tad disheartened that Quentin couldn't stay with her. "Everyone on my planet was destroyed by the other three Elementals, Y/N. There's no point in going back there. Also, I've got friends here, right?" Quentin smiled, taking Y/N's hand. 
"Of course you do! We're your friends!" Y/N grinned broadly, clutching Quentin's hand. Quentin sighed in relief, the whole "other planet" story was made up, anyway. Quentin and Y/N quickly finished their beers. Quentin paid for both and the two… ahem… lovebirds walked out of the bar hand in hand. Quentin offered to walk Y/N back to her hotel since it was very late at night. As they walked, Quentin put an arm around Y/N's shoulder to see her reaction. 
If she did not push him away, she trusted him. If she pushed him away, she didn't. To his surprise, Y/N shuffled closer to him, pulling his arm tighter around herself. Quentin smirked, she definitely trusted him. And perhaps, liked him back. That was a start. They reached Y/N's hotel in under 10 minutes. "Do you have a mobile phone?" she asked him. He nodded, taking out his phone. She took it and added her number in his phone. "May I get your number?" she grinned. He nodded again, adding his number in her phone. "Tomorrow we're going for a boat ride across the city, something we couldn't do today because of the elemental. Join us?" Y/N questioned, hoping he would say yes. 
"Of course I will! A boat ride sounds nice," Quentin grinned. "Cool! Tomorrow, after asking the teachers, I will contact you, sounds good?" Y/N grinned back. "Alright. I'll go now, you need sleep. Goodnight!" Before he could turn, Y/N stopped him, grabbing him by the shoulders. 
She leaned on her tiptoes, and pressed a kiss to Quentin's lips, a perfect goodbye kiss. Though Quentin was beyond surprised, he went with it. They way Y/N fitted in his arms, the way the kiss felt, it was as if Quentin and Y/N were a match made in heaven. "Goodnight," Y/N whispered, pulling away from him. Quentin smiled at her. They waved at each other and Quentin left the hotel. A goofy smile found its way to Quentin's lips as he walked towards his lair. The kiss. The goddamn kiss. 
"Whew! That was awesome, wasn't it?" Mr Dell grinned as the 15 students, 2 teachers and 2 chaperones walked to their hotel. They had just finished a beautiful boat ride across the city, but it was still early in the evening. The class had no plans for the rest of the evening. Peter thought that they'd have to get bored at the hotel. "It so was," Mr Harrington agreed. The students looked at each other with huge grins. Y/N glanced at Quentin to see him already looking at her. "Did you enjoy yourself?" Quentin whispered. The two hung around until they were at the end of the group. "I did, what about you?" Y/N whispered back. 
"I did, too."
Both of them gave each other broad smiles. Quentin put his arm around Y/N's shoulder and like the previous day, Y/N shuffled closer to him. "Yo, lovebirds, walk quicker!" MJ called out to them, turning around to flash a quick smirk at them. Quentin and Y/N blushed furiously, quickening their pace. They reached the hotel. "That's it? Nothing else today? It's not even 5!" Flash groaned, stomping his foot. "Well… I suppose you kids can hang out," Mr Dell shrugged. "I have a fun game idea, my cousins and I back in India play this game a lot," Anita piped up. "Which game?" Betty smiled at her.
"It's a song game. One person sings a song and the next person has to sing a song starting from the last letter of the previous song. For instance, if I sang a song and it ended in 'p', then the person after me sings a song beginning with 'p'," Anita explained. The group exchanged glances. "Sounds fun! Where do we play?" "How about my room?" Peter suggested. The two teachers politely declined, claiming they were tired. One other student, James, said he felt nauseous and declined, too. 
The 16 other people went to Peter's room. "Team up! How about 8 teams with two people each?" Anita called out. "Sure! There are exactly 8 girls and 8 boys, how about a guy and a girl?" The teams were, hence, decided. Peter and MJ, Ned and Betty, Flash and Anita, Nikki and Carson, Lily and Kyle, Eric and Miley, Ruth and Jason, Y/N and Quentin. Everyone sat wherever they could find place. Y/N and Quentin were squished together in a small bean bag. Both of them squirming around a lot until Quentin grabbed Y/N by the waist and placed her on his lap. "Making moves on Y/N, huh?" Carson teased as Eric and Jason wolf whistled. Peter smirked at the two of them. 
"There's no place for two people to sit next to each other in this bean bag," Quentin sighed, rolling his eyes. Y/N was blushing like crazy. "Okay, let's start!” Lily and Kyle were the first people to begin with the song. The game went on smoothly, the teams were actually able to come up with songs that started with a specific letter. Soon, it was Quentin and Y/N's turn. The letter they were given was 'L'. Both of them were lost in thoughts until Y/N suddenly came to her senses. "Let's talk about it, gotta get this off my chest," she sang. 
Quentin's eyes widened slightly. Her voice was elysian. "Fall for you, Steve James. Good choice," Nikki applauded, nodding. Y/N continued singing the song as the girls from the other teams sang along. "I fall for you, I fall for you, I fall for you, oh yeah I do, I do," Y/N sang, giggling as Kyle and Carson engaged in a dance off on their seats. Quentin simply stared at Y/N, which made Peter smile to himself. Why couldn’t they just date?
After Y/N was done, the turn landed on Peter and MJ. As they thought about which song to sing, Quentin turned to Y/N. "You have a beautiful voice, Y/N," he told her with a small smile. "Thanks Quen," Y/N smiled, laying her head on his shoulder. He easily put his arms around her waist and they sat there, snuggled into each other's arms. "You guys literally cannot make your relationship any more public," Betty deadpanned humorously. "Shut up," Y/N whispered at Betty's comment, leaning up to give Quentin a small kiss on the lips. She was feeling quite impulsive that day, to be honest. 
She knew Quentin reflected her feelings; the way he was always looking at her everytime she turned towards him, the way he had a smile every time she spoke… Y/N was not an idiot. "Ugh, PDA," Lily groaned and Quentin laughed, pressing his lips to Y/N's forehead. This was not how he imagined one of them would make the first move, but he wasn't denying it. This only made his job easier. His job was done, he could say. He impressed Y/N, he wooed her, that was it. Now he would cherish this beauty for the rest of his life. 
"Alright, we give up, I can't think of any song that starts with 'Z'!" Y/N heard Ned exclaim. What, Peter and MJ's turn was done already? She was so lost in thoughts. The thing she was thinking about was how Quentin and her were finally dating, all thanks to her. And thankfully he didn't make a scene when she kissed him, he went with it, even. 
It was understood. 
"May!" Peter exclaimed, running towards the woman who was waiting with her arms open. "Dude forgot his luggage," Y/N blinked and Quentin chuckled. They were returning from Prague. The second half of the vacation was awesome, or so were the thoughts of the students. Y/N and Quentin actually had their first date in Prague. "Y/N! Come here!" May called out and Y/N reluctantly left her boyfriend's side to give the woman a hug. "Who's this gentleman? Your boyfriend?" May whispered in her ear and pulled away. "May! Yes, yes he is. We met in Venice," Y/N whispered, giggling. The two ladies looked at Peter and Quentin, who were struggling to get the luggage into May's car. 
"Wait, boys, let us help."
After everything was done, the four of them- May, Peter, Quentin and Y/N- sat in May's car. May drove, Peter sat in the passenger seat and Quentin and Y/N sat behind. "So, um, what's your name?" May asked Quentin. "I'm Quentin, Quentin Beck. You're Peter's mom, I assume?" Quentin replied, a smile on his face. "No, dear, his aunt. May, May Parker. How did the two of you meet?" May asked, glancing at Y/N. "Long story…" she mumbled. "Long drive home," May reminded her. Peter volunteered to explain how he and Y/N met Quentin and then Y/N told her how she started dating him. Quentin was quiet throughout, a small smile on his face. This is it, this is life. 
Y/N was his, did he want anything else? Actually… yes, he wanted one more thing. To see the faces of the other Avengers as Y/N introduced him to them. Especially the faces of those who had a crush on her. "So, should I drop the two of you off at the Avengers Tower?" May asked. "Sure! Nat, Steve and Tony are waiting," Y/N nodded. "Good!" They reached the Avengers Tower in the next half an hour. Y/N and Quentin got out, collected their luggage and waved goodbye to May and Peter. "Bye guys! We'll see you tomorrow!" May drove away. Quentin and Y/N looked at each other. Together, the two of them had four bags between them. Quentin took two and Y/N took two. They walked inside. 
Tony, Thor, Steve, Natasha, Loki, Bucky, Sam and Wanda were waiting in the lobby. "Y/N!" Steve exclaimed as she walked in. Everyone immediately went silent as Quentin walked in next. "Hello!" Quentin waved enthusiastically. "Uh… Y/N, who's this?" Bucky asked slowly. "Why don't you introduce yourself, baby, I need water," Y/N whispered to him. Quentin nodded and Y/N gave him a quick kiss, leaving to get a glass of water. Natasha and Wanda ran after her. "Y/N! Y/N!" She stopped, turning around to face her best friends. "Hi guys! I missed you!" She hugged the two ladies. "Who's the guy? Your boyfriend?"
"Yes! We met one day in Venice and were an official couple the next day," Y/N gushed, filling up a glass of water. "That was quick. Wouldn't blame you, he's hot," Wanda snorted. "Is he Italian?" Natasha asked. "Nope, American. Long story, come sit." The three ladies sat on the nearby couch and Y/N explained everything about the Elemental to them. Quentin, meanwhile, was being glared at by 6 men. "Did she just call you 'baby'?" Steve asked quietly, his arms crossed. "Well, I mean I'm her boyfriend, it only makes sense…" Quentin chuckled with faux nervousness. "Boyfriend? Y/N's dating you? What's your name?" Sam scoffed. 
"I'm Quentin, Quentin Beck," Quentin introduced, holding his hand out for a handshake. When no one took it, he let it fall to his side awkwardly. "How did you meet and when did you start dating?" Tony asked sharply. "Well… Peter introduced me to her one day and we were officially a couple the next day," Quentin said slowly. "One day? It took you one day to woo her? We've been trying for 5 years!" Thor exclaimed, enraged. "Oh, uh… sorry?" Quentin offered, still maintaining the nervous look on his face. 
Deep inside, though, he was jumping and screaming with joy. This was the exact thing he wanted to witness. "What did she see in you?" Bucky sneered. "I defeated the Elemental, you know," Quentin pointed out. "What the fuck is an Elemental?" Steve asked, scrunching his nose. "Long story. Here to listen?" The 6 men nodded and Quentin explained everything to them. In the end, they were left staring at him in shock. "Also… if you really like Y/N, you wouldn't be so rude to me. If you were friendly with me, that would make Y/N really happy," Quentin pointed out offhandedly. 
"Great point. Alright, goldfish, you're accepted," Tony sighed. Quentin grinned. Oh, how he would love driving the male Avengers up the wall everyday. 
"Boys, we're getting dinner, are you joining?"
The 7 men walked towards the ladies and together, the 10 of them went to the dining room to get dinner. 
A/N: Hi! This is kind of a weird fic, I get it. It is one of my old works, I wrote it like 1 year ago or something. If you do like it, consider leaving a like! It will be much appreciated, thank you!! I love you guys a lot. Please send prompts if you want to read more from me.
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brainrotmeta · 3 years
hot takes from the fangirl business
One of them was like can't get over what Ketch did to Eileen while I'm here still angry about Magda!!! JUSTICE! FOR! MAGDA!
They're talking about the moment Rowena tells Sam that doing magic is fighting and that he doesn't have to be around Dean to fight and I'm guessing they're taking that to mean This Is Finally When The Codependency Ends
Yeah they think they're setting it up as Bros Only and That's a Bad Thing, which is just never the train SPN has ever gotten on. And considering that season 15 was relying on that J2 chemistry to make things watchable... yeah good call Dabb.
Found Family/Choosing Your Family is a minor theme explored from time to time, not the heart of the show. The show is about the bonds between siblings, more than anything else. They literally gave God a twin sister so that they could do more Sibling Trauma as an A plot because apparently Michael and Lucifer weren't enough. This is a show stubborn about it heart and it's extremely baffling that Destiel shippers just ignore everyone telling them it's about Dean and Sam because the way they choose to ship Dean/Cas (happily ever after in the burbs apparently) just cannot exist with the show as how it is.
The big theme is apparently Sam and Dean coming to terms with their family not being perfect. What. This. That's been there since season..... one............ and.......... the....................... point of bringing back Mary. The thing is SPN is very much about toxic and abusive families, but the idea isn't to, like escape a bad dynamic and heal it, but to explore it. We see Sam raising his son in flashbacks for a reason. It's cathartic for the audience, but the heart of the story is the complex relationship between Sam and Dean: a love that both destroys and saves the world.
So it's a two parter. Now to grit my teeth through the Destiel heavy commentary.
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emilythornegrayson · 3 years
》 Flashback - New York - 1990s.
Sharon Carter was Peggy's great-niece. From a very young age, her aunt was a reference in her life. Her biggest dream was to work at S.H.I.E.L.D like, she saw Peggy make her whole life.
When she turned seventeen, it was time to try a chance.
Howard Stark, even against Peggy's consent, had managed to put Sharon to a test.
For many weeks, she studied, from the agency's previous written tests, resistance tests.
Although she knew that her aunt could be hurt by the kept secret, she would not waste the chance that was given to her.
As agreed, she was present very early in the morning for the exams.
She was fully convinced that she would do well in writing. Now, those of resistance were enough.
It was a very exhausting day, but the blonde was sure, one day it would have been worth it.
At the end of it, Howard found a worn-out Sharon, but with a full face and why not say, happy?
It bothered him profoundly because the news he would give would not be easy.
"Uncle S ... I mean, Mr. Stark!" Sharon has already stood up. She couldn't wait for the answer.
"What is my result?"
"Well, Miss Carter ..."
Stark felt the weight of his words at that moment.
"I failed, didn't I?"
"I wouldn't say that! But you ..."
"I am not my aunt!"
She said while, stubborn with tears that insisted on wanting to fall.
"Sharon, there are no comparisons between Peggy's work and her test, trust me!"
She just nodded while picking up her backpack.
"Thank you for your time! It is getting late, I need to go before my aunt realizes my absence! I don't want to cause you any problems!"
And she forced a smile.
In that, she was just like Peggy. Both thought they knew how to hide their afflictions, but tried to do so without success.
"Are you going to be okay, dear?"
Howard was really concerned.
"I'm fine! There's nothing to worry about, Uncle Stark!"
She kissed him on the cheek and without saying anything else, left the place.
Howard sighed. He knew that she was not going to be all right, especially after that day. He understood what it was like to have dreams shattered.
As the hours passed, Peggy began to worry. Your niece has never been away for so long, let alone without warning.
She had the idea to call Maria Stark. Maybe, she knew something about Tony, her godson.
Although there was a slight age difference of 4 years between them, Tony was often a good companion for Sharon.
When she hung up the phone, she was already more distressed. Sharon had not passed the S.H.I.E.L.D test, so she would be devastated and Peggy was too worried to care about the hidden secret.
》 New York nightclub.
》 Just over ten o'clock.
Tony Stark was the only son of Howard and Maria Stark. Since childhood, his relationship with his father has never been the best. Early placed in a boarding school, he lived with his family on vacations and holidays.
So he ended up meeting his godmother's great-niece, Sharon, two of the people he was most fond of in the world besides his own mother.
Even so, sometimes he was not happy.
And he used his rebellion to express this, masterfully.
Today, it would be another day when he would surely either arrive drunk or not sleep at home.
Upon entering the club with a few more friends, he went to the counter with two of them and ordered tequila. Why take it easy, right? That was the "motto" of his life.
One of his friends looked to the right and saw one of the girls there, climbing up.
He then nudged Tony immediately.
"Look at that cute little blonde!"
Tony looked back to where he pointed and his jaw dropped.
"Isn't that your godmother's niece?"
The other friend asked.
Tony was gaping. It seemed that not only had he had the idea of ​​surprising the family.
"She is very hot!"
The first boy mentioned it.
Tony clenched his fist and held it by the collar of his shirt.
"One more word and I will break all your teeths!"
When he released him, he went out to where Sharon was.
She had picked up the "microphone" again, or what she thought was one and sang the song she was playing, totally disconnected from the lyrics.
"Excuse me, thank you!"
Tony asked as he passed the crowd.
Sharon then looked down as soon as she became aware of the "new" member of her audience.
"Tony, hey!"
She broke into a smile.
He watched her. He always knew she was weak for drinks and could see it up close now.
"Come up here, let's sing with me!"
"I don't think it's a good idea!"
He crossed his arms.
"You were more fun already!"
"Look, I even agree, but today my focus is on you!"
He held out his hand.
"Comes here!"
"I'm fine up here, thanks!"
"It is not an option!"
He countered.
Sharon chuckled and made a face.
"I pass! Besides, you are not my brother!"
"Sharon, I'm sorry!"
Tony wrapped one arm around Carter's legs and pulled. At that, he made her stand on his shoulder and started walking.
"Tony! Put me down!"
Sharon asked.
Finally, she screamed.
"It's still not an option!" Stark replied, quickening his pace.
"You can not do it with me!"
"If you are acting like a reckless child, yes, I can!"
Tony was serious.
"Look who's talking!"
"Someone who cares about you!"
"Go to the Hell with your concern, Anthony!"
"You look pretty when you get angry, you know?Looks like a spoiled little girl!"
"I hate you!" She spoke now, quite angry.
"Great! But surely, you will thank me in the morning!"
》Madripoor - 2023
Sharon had just come back from the blip when the news hit television.
Tony Stark was dead. He had sacrificed himself for everyone to save Earth from Thanos.
Nick Fury watched her in the distance and saw her take one of the vases from the safe room she was in and hurl it against the wall in the midst of a deafening scream. Within seconds, the entire room was destroyed by the guilt that Sharon carried.
Fury better than anyone knew that she had lost everything, and even her best friend.
Gradually, the man came over and hugged Carter in a fatherly embrace.
She let herself remain there in his arms in the midst of a convulsive cry.
》 New York - Present.
"I didn't know that you and Tony were close!"
Sam said when he saw a picture of Sharon with Stark.
"We went! Even the Sokovian treaty!"
Sharon explained.
Sam looked upset. Obviously she chose Steve, Bucky and he and had a big weight on her life.
"Tony was my first Crush, you know? I saw all those beautiful girls behind him and thought: I could be a little bit like her, so he would sees me!"
Sharon joked.
"Wow! You really like older men! Nice to meet Sam, I'm forty-five years old and I live with my dog!"
Sam made fun of her.
She slapped him on the shoulder and laughed.
"Not funny!"
He laughed back.
"Did she hit you too?"
Bucky scoffed at his friend.
"Look, a picture of you with Stark!"
She rolled her eyes playfully and placed it on the shelf.
"Stark, Strange, Steve, Sam and me. Poor guy who messes with you, is going to end up beaten in the alley by all of us!"
He chuckled.
"You'll see, he has super strength and give us a little work, right?"
Ironic Sam walked away.
"Did Zemo take the super serum?"
Bucky joked.
Sam motioned that he was keeping an eye on both of them and left the place.
"Thank you for your help!"
Sharon kissed James on the cheek.
"You are very welcome! That's what friends are for!"
He replied, watching her go up the stairs.
Sharon Carter was back and now it was time to help her get back everything she asked for.
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Alright, so if you've been following along with me, Supernatural season 3 starts out on a trio of episodes that are Really Fun, slides into some episodes that are Pretty OK, then takes a real nose dive into Bummersville. Hoo boy guys, I really hope that this season picks up. I mean, it won’t, but I can still dream. 2021 was maybe not the year to start watching this season. Fair warning.
The next three episodes for this season are just, like, real downers. First we get “Fresh Blood,” which, aside from the terrible title, starts out on a high note. Gordon (gross) somehow manages to catch up with Bela (HOW??) and threatens her if she doesn’t hand over the Winchesters. Bela, in all of her class and grace, won’t give them up because she has a high price point and Gordon is really lowballing her here. Just like, yes, ok, please stay forever, you’re amazing and I love you. And what a scene this is! You have two characters, one with a strict moral code (albeit one that allows for violence and winning at all costs) and the other with almost NO moral code, but an allegiance that can be bought with the best price and it’s such a fun back and forth until Gordon pulls out a gun. And then she pulls out her phone and just has Dean on speed dial and that’s maybe my fav part. Bela has run into the Winchesters twice and they maybe legit hate her but she’s very much like, oh yeah, my BFF’s the Winchesters, I love those idiots!
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I love that we come back to this moment later in the episode when Bela, like, three days later, is like, Oh! I guess I should warn the Winchesters that some crazy guy is after them! She’s just so casual about it you kind of get the feeling that, even though technically Gordon was threatening her life, she doesn’t view him as A Threat. She gives the Winchesters a heads up just to be like oh yeah, you might want to watch out for this mild inconvenience, and she seems legit shocked when Dean freaks out. There’s this moment that plays across her face like, oh shit, did I...did I fuck up? And it adds a nice bit of depth to her character. She’s seems honestly worried, both for the lives of the Winchesters but also that Dean won’t like her anymore and that is just a charming bit of A C T I N G!
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I am gonna miss her SO MUCH when she dies at the end of this season. WHY did we CANCEL HER???
But despite the fun beginning, this episode is about monsters and how people become monsters and how other people are probably the reason. Because our main baddie is a vampire who hunts to...well, listen if we look at the facts that he lays out in his monologue, it’s a little more tragic - he’s trying to replace the daughters that he lost hundreds of years ago, cool motive, still murder. In practice though, he goes around turning hot blonde coeds into vampires and then ?????? Who knows. I’d like to believe that this was a problem with the CW executives or maybe casting/directing and not with the writing, but it’s SPN and you really can’t be sure with anything. The fact is, this is a CW show from the early 2000’s and a lot of their extras are cast to type. And that’s maybe me exhibiting some girl-on-girl crime, but there are other episodes that did a much less blatantly gross job casting their extras/Very Special Guest Stars.
Anyway, the POINT of this guy is that he’s a monster because someone killed his daughter and he’s just been trying to fill that grief hole inside of him for centuries. This is not unlike Gordon, who ALSO has been trying to fill a grief hole that he’s had for decades, except he’s not killing people and resurrecting them as blood suckers, he’s just killing them. And then, when the Vamp decides to turn Gordon it’s a real sweet moment of comeuppance for like, a HOT second and then you’re like, awww dude, ya done f’ed up. That was a bad idea. You’ve made a HUGE mistake.
More importantly, our Vampire In Question finally runs into the Winchesters and get’s to say things like “I was desperate! You ever felt desperate? I've lost everyone I ever loved. I'm staring down eternity alone. Can you think of a worse hell?” and also “I just ... I didn't care anymore. Do you know what it's like when you just don't give a damn? It's like ... it's like being dead already.” and Dean’s v. much like, THIS IS TOO REAL ROY.
Sam may ALSO be feeling Too Real feelings because he is DONE dicking around with Gordon and honestly yes, I like this, this is good Sam development. It’s nice to know that Sam has a breaking point. And I admit I’m of two minds about this moment because 1) I love the idea of Dark!Sam this season and that maybe Sam’s decision to actually kill Gordon is just one step in that process but 2) I ALSO love the idea of Sam Lite finally having a breaking point and Gordon is IT. I don’t know which theory I like more in this scenario, but they are both good theories.
I think as much as this episode wants to draw parallels between the monsters and Dean (thank you artful editors), you can’t look at the “I’ve lost everyone I ever loved,” line and not think of Sam? Cuz he’s got one (1) person left in his life that hasn’t died horribly, so how desperate is he about to get through the end of this season? I’ve definitely been watching this season with eyes on all the ominous Dean foreshadowing, but the Sam foreshadowing is also there, just buried under the heavy weight of a thousand smulders and suicidal levels of denial.
And also, FUCK the tag on this episode! Guys, it is CUTE but it is also HORRIBLE. Dean starts teaching Sam how to fix the Impala and at first it’s all, “Oh! Adorable Brothers Being Brothers!” and I loved it but then I almost immediately hated it because you realize this is about making sure Sam can get along without him once he’s gone and Dean just accepts his own death with such casual ease that it’s just...INFURIATING!
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This scene was rude and I HATE IT!
Cut to - “A Very Supernatural Christmas” Special!
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Guys, I was so excited when I got to this episode. THIS is Classic Supernatural Shenanigans. Plus, you know a Holiday Special is the ultimate sign that this show has Made It, right? Or it could be a sign that they’re selling out, who knows, but I think we can say that at this point in the series, SPN is established enough to start having fun with their fans. That’s what this says to me. BUT THEN what we get is like...oh boy.
First - like, I’mma beat this horse to death, but what is WRONG with this FAMILY? John Winchester very quickly devolved into the sort of father that forgot about every single holiday and did not ever, even a little bit, make up for it. It’s not a surprise, but it kind of wrecked me seeing a flashback where Baby Dean is just so attached to a father who can’t be bothered to actually care for his children. I know he’s not in this episode because Jeffrey Dean Morgan was tied up in other projects, but the fact that John doesn’t show up at the end to button the flashbacks with a But then he DID show up for Christmas! just makes this plot line that more gutting. And despite Dean’s hero worship of their father, this is maybe the Christmas where Baby Sam stops believing in his own father. The only bright side to this is that it continues to enforce the fact that Bobby should have sued John for custody. Bobby should maybe STILL Sue for custody so that Dean at least would feel like someone wants him for once in his life, damnit.
And then we wrap this episode up with the Best Worst Christmas of all, because we see Sam start to...also?? accept that Dean is about to die? Cuz that’s what this episode is really about - Dean’s Last Christmas. And everything about that makes me ~ u p s e t ~.
So Sam decides to put his curmudgeonly grinchy attitude aside in order to make it a special day for Dean and ugh. UGH. UGHGHGHG. Season three is the worst guys, and I can’t believe I didn’t realize that until right this second now.
So let’s wrap this up with "Malleus Maleficarum", honestly an episode that is mostly forgettable until we get to, like, the last five minutes. Sure, witches and curses and selling your soul, woohoo whatever.
But then we get some real Ruby centric reveals and like, WHAT is happening?? First off, the scene where Ruby and Tammy have a moment is a real Moment. There is some baggage and tension here and it is heavy. And then Tammy drops the mic when she reveals that Ruby used to be human.
THEN, Ruby legit saves their asses by killing Tammy with a fancy magic knife. Ok, Dean does the actual killing, but Ruby brought the fancy magic knife. So between the hot and heavy tension with “Tammy” and her repeated attempts to keep the Winchesters alive, we’re left wondering what IS Ruby’s deal? I personally wonder how much of the show’s mythology the show actually has figured out at this point? Because interviews with Kripke definitely walk the line between “Oh we definitely have this whole thing worked out,” and “yeah, we’re sort of finding things as we go along,” which is maybe why it’s able to last as long as it does. More on that later.
Of course the big kicker is the final scene between Ruby and Dean. Dean is almost on board with Ruby at this point in the season, and much like his scene with the demon in “Sin City”, they share a kind of vulnerable moment together where Ruby admits that, yeah, she was human once and yeah, Hell will destroy you, body and soul, and yeah Dean’s worst fear will probably come true - he will become the thing he hunts, no ifs, ands or buts about it. And Dean knows that Ruby knows that Dean knows that there’s no way to save Dean from his fate, but they both agree that they can’t take Sam’s last ounce of hope away from him because, for both of them, Sam is their hope. Ruby and Dean both see the war happening around them and they know that with Dean gone, Sam’s maybe the last guy holding back the tide to save all humanity.
Which, honestly? Bull shit. Do you know how many hunters are out there? Neither do I, but this season seems to indicate that there are a LOT. We have barely scratched the surface on the hunter community and it’s a damn shame that they are all weirdo loners because there is a war going on. You know what works great in a war? An ARMY. Buncha mentally unstable, martyr-complex ijits who can’t put their differences aside for one damn MINUTE so that maybe, JUST maybe, the could actually defeat the evil they’ve spent their entire lives dedicated to fighting. And if Ruby and Dean wanted to help Sam, what they should probably do is get him plugged in to that community. I do believe that of all they backasswards, self-obsessed, painfully anti-social crazies out there, the Winchesters are THE WORST.
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Listen tho, this was like, a solid scene between these two. Just a lot of work goin' into this and it paid off.
Anyway, back to the mythology for a hot second - This sort of loosey-goosey stumbling into your own world building is probably another one of those things that you’ll only really get in a show with this many episodes per season? It’s that room to play and experiment and just make stuff up as you go along. I think the slow drip method of releasing episodes ALSO helps in this scenario because you’re able to see what fans are reacting to in almost-real time. When viewers are binging episodes, I think you're less likely to see what specifically they’re reacting to and more wholistically they’re reacting to. And that’s not to say you won’t see those specific things that they like/love eventually, but by the time you get there, your season’s been produced in its entirety and you’ll have to bear that in mind for (hopefully) next season. But with SPN, they were writing and producing the show at the same time that some of the episodes were airing. That’s why they were able to make decisions on the fly, based on what fans responded to. And definitely by this point in the show, there was a sizeable and vocal fan base that made their feelings VERY well-known. We’re only in season three, but they’ve already had a number of con appearances and a pretty active online presence. That kind of feedback has got to be helpful, from a writing perspective, but it also allows for things like characters getting cut because nobody liked them for some dumb reason. BUT, if you’re fighting to stay on the air for 100 episodes or longer, responding to fan reactions is what’s gonna do it and that’s a fact.
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the-trashy-phoenix · 3 years
Supernatural season 5 review (part 2)
Link to part 1:
Irene and I had finished season 5 and, as I already imagined, I loved it. I'm not quite sure if I like it more than the previous one, I think they're kind of in the same level of greatness.
It starts with Lucifer rising again and Sam and Dean being miraculously saved. They immediately meet Chuck to know what happened with the angels and the prophet tells them Castiel has been killed by them. With Lucifer out of the cage Zacharia (who fortunately gets killed at the end by the older Winchester) wants Dean to be Michael's vessel, since he's the only one who can beat the devil: the only problem is that Dean has to say "yes" to Michael. He obviously doesn't want to, so the angels trying to convince him will be a recurrent thing throughout the season. Dean tries to not change his opinion, because becoming Micheal's vessel would mean the two archangels would fight and with their power they would destroy half the planet, but the more time passes the more Dean's hopes vanish, and towards the end he decides to accept Zacharia's proposal. At the last moment, however, to Sam, Castiel and Bobby's relief and delight, he opposes it and Adam, brought back to life only to replace his brother, accepts to be Michael's vessel. This whole mess will eventually end with Lucifer (in Sam's vessel) back in the cage, along with Michael (in Adam's), Castiel miraculously brought back (again, after returning at the beginning of the season) and a desperate Dean trying to keep living a life with Lisa and Ben after losing his brother and promising him to try a new life without hunts.
The main focus of the season is obviously trying to defeat Lucifer, who we meet in the first episode. It is already an interesting character, because he feels misunderstood by God and believes he didn't deserve what he got from his father. It is almost impossible not to empathise at least a little bit with him. He also hides his evil side pretty well at first, making him seem almost like the actual good guy of the situation and the victim of a cruel God. I like the fact that he shows up to the people he wants to convince as their loved one (like he did with Nick when he showed as his wife). He tries to convince Sam to be his vessel (because he's actually the only one who would truly contain him) showing up as Jessica. Sam obviously doesn't want to help Lucifer with the Apocalypse, although both Sam and us don't even really know what his true intentions are. We quickly learn that he obviously, as he hated humanity before, still does it now, so his plan is actually mostly a revenge. He really seems like the final big bad guy, probably because he was supposed to be, and because every other villain ultimately leads to him. I believe he is my favourite one: he is a way more rounded character than the others, having his own motivations (that go beyond wanting to do bad and win over the others). As much as he's wrong for doing what he's doing, at least he got his reasons. He is the first angel who has rebelled against God and he was punished for it, but he's not the only one who did it. At the end of the last season we saw Castiel, persuaded by Dean, rebelling against the angels and their plan to bring Lucifer back. So what makes the difference between them? I think it is the reasons and the intentions behind their actions: Lucifer rebelled because he hated humans and now wants to end them, Castiel rebelled because he loves humanity and wants to defend it. So there's no surprise when Castiel refuses to join Lucifer when he tries to get his brother to come to the dark side in episode 05x10.
Lucifer is not the only new villain, we also meet two demons with opposite purposes: Meg and Crowley. Meg isn't actually new, as we know her since season one, but she has a new body. Her character doesn't change much in season five, she's still a loyal servant, in this case to Lucifer, but we'll see what I will think about her in the next seasons, as I know, as much as I can remember, she will improve. Crowley on the other hand is a lone wolf and wants Lucifer dead as much as the two protagonists want him. I have loved Crowley since the first episode I saw him (05x10) for several reasons. I adore his personality: he's funny and sassy and the perfect villain who's not really a villain (because at the end of the day neither Dean or Sam want him dead, and neither he wants them to be dead as well). I like the fact that he just minds his own business: he doesn't want to start apocalypses or whatsoever, he just wants to keep living, and he knows being against Lucifer is an immediate suicide for a demon, so he helps the Winchesters to kill him. He gives them the Colt at first, believing they could kill him with that, and so they attempt to, ending up with Jo and Ellen dead and the certainty that the Colt couldn't kill the devil. On a side note, I liked seeing Jo and Ellen back, but I hated watching them dying, as much as I loved the episode thanks to its intensity and melancholy (especially in the scenes between Jo and Ellen and between Jo and Dean, although I'm not totally convinced that he should have kissed her, even if I think he did it mainly to make her understand how much he cared about her, rather than for romantic love). I don't appreciate Supernatural not having a female main character who stays alongside the boys for more than a few seasons. I don't expect a woman to become a main character like Castiel but it would have been nice to see a woman appear at least as much as Bobby. This side of Supernatural shows how far behind it is in some ways and that it needed to improve on many aspects (such as veiled, but not too much, misogyny). Returning to Crowley, the demon proves to be essential as thanks to him Sam and Dean understand how to stop Lucifer: not killing him but sending him back where he came from. To do this they need to open a portal that leads Lucifer into his cage, and the portal can only be opened by the rings of the four knights of the apocalypse. They are characters brought to earth, thanks to Lucifer, that Sam and Dean have the pleasure of meeting (and defeating most of the time). The most interesting character is certainly Death, with whom Dean talks (episode 05x21) and who has no intention of fighting the brothers, indeed he voluntarily gives them his ring. The only problem left is to find Lucifer and to push him into the cage. Sam, who has been thinking for days that he has to accept Lucifer's request in order to try to jump into the portal, manages to convince Dean, who obviously would never want Sam to be locked in Lucifer's cage with the devil himself inside him.
Sam and Dean, mainly because of everything that happened last season, have to try to rebuild their now inevitably changed relationship (whose antagonism is exasperated in the parallelism of the two protagonists with the archangels Lucifer, the rebellious son, and Michael, the devoted son). Dean, as much as he doesn't want to, can't keep pretending everything's okay between them and thinks it's best to take different paths. The two brothers remain divided until Dean realizes they can win against the angels and Lucifer only if they are together. From then on their relationship strengthens more and more, until Dean, I think for the first time, decides to completely trust Sam, reject Zacharia's proposal and find another way to defeat Lucifer (05x18). The final step forward is surely Dean accepting Sam's idea of becoming Lucifer's vessel, while knowing what it entails. The difference in their relationship between the end of this season and last season lies in several factors: Sam opens up to Dean and tries to be as honest as possible, while Dean accepts that his brother is now grown up and must make his choices, even if these involve his sacrifice to save humanity. Their relationship ends with one last touching scene in which Dean manages to reach Sam, despite being controlled by Lucifer, and give him enough strength to jump into the portal that will lead him to the cage. I think this season potrais their relationship in a way never seen before, with a rollercoaster of emotions that shows how much they care about each other and how much they have grown in the recent years.
There's another relationship that I'd like to talk about and that I think has evolved over the course of the season, Dean and Castiel's. The two certainly make giant strides towards the end of season four, when Castiel decides to rebel and side with Dean, but they are not yet in the best of relationships. Dean finally seems to trust Castiel, but is still not entirely comfortable with him and his personality ("Cas, we've talked about the personal space", 05x03), while Castiel, after being brought back to life, is convinced, in the early episodes of the season, that he can find God, which Dean is very skeptical of. The thing that may come as a surprise, however, is that Dean supports Castiel and comforts him when the angel seems to have lost hope. I don't think it's really shocking, considering Dean sees himself in Castiel, who seems to be just a confused son looking for an absent father, which Dean is by now an expert of (and the funny thing is that in the emotional episode 05x13, where Sam and Dean go back in time and meet their parents, John, once he knows the lives of the two brothers, he wonders how a father can behave that way with their children, obviously not being aware of the hard truth). When, in episode 05x16, in which Dean and Sam die and go to heaven (which I think is quite original, divided into personal heavens formed by memories of each of the dead people), they discover that God is somewhere, but that he has no intention of intervening in any way, giving relatively little importance to humanity and angels, Castiel is completely destroyed by the news and copes getting drunk (another parallelism with Dean I would say) and in this episode (05x17), confident they can't get help from God, Dean calls the formed trio "team free will" (emphasizing the fact that they are now free to make their own choices). I feel like Dean and Cas start to bond especially when Dean is alone (so in episode 05x03) and he understands Castiel's value in episode 05x04, when Zacharia sends him to a future where he has not accepted to be Michael's vessel, Sam is Lucifer vessel and the world is infected by the Croatoan virus. Dean meets his future self (a way worse and more desperate version of him) who trusts past Dean after he tells his future self an anecdote (that he never revealed to anyone) about wearing pink panties and liking it. I'll admit I completely forgot about that particular (probably because I was 15 when I first watched it and this information seemed extremely irrelevant to me) and I'm still amazed that such a scene really exists. Anyway Dean realizes that, despite everything that has been going on and the way he's become, Castiel has never abandoned him. He also understands, noticing how much the future Castiel has changed and how hopeless he gets, he should appreciate his Castiel more (and that is something Castiel will eventually tell him directly too in episode 05x18, in which after Dean decides to agree to Michael Castiel beats him up telling him he rebelled for him and so he shouldn't repay him like that).
Chuck compares in episode too, showing he's still on Dean's side as well. I honestly quite like him in this season: he's awkward, confused and out of place most of the time, but I think that's what makes it likeable, at least for me. We see more of him in episode 05x09, where there's a Supernatural convention and Sam and Dean have to deal with both their fans (without them knowing who they really are) and a case, and are forced to work with a couple of fans who fortunately save everyone. At the end of the episode Dean discovers that the two fans, both male, are a real couple (making it the first homosexual couple in the series). I don't quite know how to interpret this moment (which writers probably didn't even give too much thought to), but the fact that in the next scene we see Dean thinking next to the car with a little smile makes me believe that that the step forward to acceptance was not only made by the series.
There's another character who's not totally new but seems to be at the same time: Gabriel. We have known him since season two by the name of "Trickster", but thanks to Castiel we find out, along with the brothers, that he was an archangel all along (who gave us some of the funniest episodes, and especially Dean thirsting over Dr. Sexy in episode 05x08). They ask him to join their side, but quickly understand he doesn't want to be on anyone's side. He fortunately changes his mind on episode 05x19 and sides with Sam and Dean, only to be killed by Lucifer at the end of the episode. Gabriel is my favourite angel besides Castiel, for obvious reasons, so I was very happy he decided to risk it all and go against his brother to be on the Winchesters' squad.
To conclude, as much as I think there are some parts of the season they could have done better (for example the scene with Lucifer and Michael in the last episode), I believe this is one of the best seasons of the show, so we'll see if after rewatching the other ten seasons I will have the same opinion.
- Carly 💚
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mona-stay · 4 years
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First Christmas - Lucifer
Plot - Lucifer has his first Christmas with the help of y/n
Pairing - Lucifer x reader
Warnings - none, just Christmas fluff
Lucifer walked around the bunker bored. He'd already annoyed Sam and Dean to the point he was lucky they hadn't shot him yet. Cas, well it was no fun to wind Castile up. He now looking for his next source of entertainment y/n. He didn't dislike her like he did the others. When he'd be with her, living at the bunker didn't seem as daunting.
He'd looked in her room, the garage, war room, even looked in the demon dungeon. His last stop the kitchen. He smirked the smell of gingerbread was promising. "y/n" he said in a singsong tone, turning the corner.
His smile faded she wasn't in there, however his other brother Gabriel was. "if you're looking for y/n you missed her she's just gone out." he said picking up a cookie from the cooling rack.
"I don't think she's happy you eating her cookies," lucifer said back. Before Gabriel could eat it, lucifer snapped his fingers making the cookie vanish and appearing back in the rack.
Gabe pulled his tongue at lucifer "your no fun, Lucy. Y/n wouldn't have noticed she's been baking all morning. She's out in the woods if you want her" he said before grabbing another cookie and running out with it.
After waiting ten minutes to see if she'd come back, lucifer decided to go find her. On his way to the door, he saw the Winchesters packing their duffels with weapons for a case. "we're going out can you two try not to destroy the place while we're gone" Dean said.
Lucifer rolled his eyes as Gabriel laughed "no promises" he joked walking to his room.
The last thing he heard before the door shut was Sam asking Dean if leaving the two wayward angel's alone was a good idea.
He started walking through the wooded area around the back of the bunker. He knows y/n liked to walk around here when things got too much inside. In fact, she'd gotten the devil to do it a few times when he and the Winchesters were almost about to kill one another.
He was almost at a clearing in the woods when heard a strange noise. Being curious he walked towards the tapping sound. Soon he found y/n, he couldn't help but frown watching her attack the tree with an axe.
You had decided for once you and everyone at the bunker were doing Christmas properly this year. After spending the morning baking different types of treats. but they would be for later if Gabriel hasn't eaten them all.
You had also gotten some decorations too now you needed a tree to decorate. After finding the perfect tree, you got an axe from the weapons cabinet and headed into the woods.
This was something you had done as a child. Your father would take you to the mountains and let you pick a tree and chop it down. Go home drink hot chocolate while decorating the tree and making gingerbread houses.
You had been to busy focused on the tree you hadn't heard Lucifer. "what are you doing?" he said behind you. The sudden voice made you jump and you hunter instincts kicked in. You lifted the ace to head hight while spinning on the spot. Lucifer's reflexes were faster, he caught the axe handle centimetres before it hit his head.
Panting a little from the shock, you looked at him confused "what are you doing here? I could have killed you." you snapped at him, pulling the axe from his grip.
He started to laugh, "do you really think you can kill me with that toy. Why are you using the tree as target practice?" he said looking confused.
You looked at him in surprise, "you've never seen anybody chop a tree Christmas tree before" you say, taking another swing at the tree.
He didn't answer so you looked over your shoulder at him. He stood silent, you could tell something was odd. That's when it hit you he probably didn't know what Christmas was.
"you don't know what Christmas is, do you?" you asked trying not to sound pitiful. Lucifer rolled his eyes "if your talking about the bible story let me correct you" he said taking a step forward, no doubt to give you a lecture on how bad his father is.
"Nope I'm not talking about that, yes Christmas is the birth of Jesus, I mean the spirit of Christmas. Ya know the trees, lights, food, gifts, kindness" you start to say. As you say kindness, Lucifer gave you his sassy look as to say you're talking to the devil.
You smiled "well I guess it's never too late to learn, come here," you say beckoning him towards you.
As he got closer you handed him the axe. If anyone else had seen you they would have thought you crazy giving the devil a weapon, however, you knew him better and trusted him not to try and kill you with it.
You stood behind him putting his body in the right position, guiding his arms down to swing at the tree. When you felt he had the hang of it you let go and took a few steps back. You watched him hack at the tree for a few minutes if you didn't have a crush on him you'd probably be scared by how effortlessly he swung the axe.
His human vessel started running out of stamina and his pace started to slow. He stopped and looked at you, "you know I could have this thing down with a snap of my fingers!" he said lifting his hand, readying his fingers to click.
"noooo," you say running a few steps to stop him. "I'm doing this the real way, the same way my dad taught me how" you day taking the axe.
Lucifer watched as you started chopping at the tree. He hadn't heard you talk about your family much only they had died a few years ago in a werewolf attack. He noticed how her swings got harder and more clumsy in their landing. He knew she was upset but trying not to show it. "so are you going to tell me the reason for cutting down a 'Christmas tree' as you called it?" he asked both to distract y/n and to actually find out what a Christmas tree was.
After explaining the tree was going back the bunker to be decorated. "as kids we're told Santa leaves gifts under the tree for anyone who has been good" you say watching as Lucifer had taken over the axe when you had gotten tired. You heard the sound of the tree cracking "okay that enough" tell him, pulling him out the way.
A few seconds and the tree quickly fell. You jumped and laughed at the echo of the bang it made hitting the ground. Walking over to start making a plan to get it back the bunker, you fell over an exposed tree root. Lucifer saved you by wrapping his arms around you. Instead of hitting the floor you hit his hard chest.
You didn't move, only looked up at him feeling your cheeks get hot with embarrassment. He continued to hold you stirring in your eyes.
You wanted to kiss him but you also didn't want to make a move without knowing if he'd kiss you back
Lucifer sensed the hold had be awkward. Part of him didn't want to but let go and quickly changed the subject "so how are you getting this thing back to the bunker" he asked. You didn't really have a plan when you came out here, all you brought was an axe and a wood trolley, which wasn't going to be big enough to fit a whole tree on.
In the end, you agreed to let Lucifer use his powers when it came to getting the tree back to the bunker. He magiced you both and tree to the war room. A loud bang sounded as the tree hit the floor. "Hey easy with my tree" you scolded him with a jokey tone.
After spending a few minutes choosing where it was going to go, you asked Lucifer to put it in its stand while you when to get some decorations.
Lucifer stood looking at still unsure of what they were actually doing but felt good helping her get it back. Lately, y/n hadn't smiled much but really her and the Winchesters were giving blow after blow waiting for a win to come their way.
You came in with two cups of hot chocolate, topped with cream and chocolate sauce. You could feel Lucifer watching as you unpacked the lights ready to go on first. You started laughing "I really can't believe this is your first Christmas," you say handing him one end of the white lights. "Take this end and start wrapping them around the tree" you instruct him.
He went to start in the middle you had to tell him from the top. You started putting lights and a spruce garland around the staircase bannister. Looking over to see how Lucifer was doing you couldn't help but laugh. He had managed to get himself tangled in the lights.
You go over as he's trying to say he's okay and doesn't need help. You didn't listen helping him out if the entanglement of lights he'd made. "I know your narasticic but you really don't need Christmas lights to shine" you joked.
You hadn't noticed him turn to face you until you looked up coming practically nose to nose.
"only for you" he whispered to himself but being so close you still heard.
This was all new for you, the feelings for the devil. You hadn't known him before, you had only heard the stories from Sam and Dean about everything they had dealt with. But meeting him you hadn't seen the evil side to him, in fact, you were 99% certain only you had seen Lucifer the way he was now carefree and with his devil persona hidden.
You didn't know what to say and shyness took over making you duck out from under his arm and free him from the lights. Lucifer didn't look bothered, he just smiled and said thanks before you both put the lights on the tree.
You got your drink knowing it would be cool enough to have now when you heard Lucifer say "I'll plug this in now!"
You jumped up almost spilling your hot chocolate pulling it off him "no the lights don't go on till the tree is finished and the rest of the decorating is done" you explain.
He frowned but did as you said. You were right this was his first Christmas and it was all new to him.
He walked to the table deciding he'd just copy everything you did now. So just like you, he picked up his drink, sipping away. As an angel he didn't have tease buds, meaning he didn't taste the chocolate or cream but drank it anyway hoping you wouldn't notice.
He found it strange how he'd go out of his way for her in small ways. Whether it was pretending to enjoy a meal or staying up all night watching TV when she couldn't sleep. Gabriel had teased him before about it saying he had a feeling for her but Lucifer argued back saying that was a human emotion so he couldn't possibly. After today after holding her, enjoying a human activity with her made him doubt everything the thought about feelings and emotions.
"Hey these baubles ain't gonna hang themselves, come on!" you shouted making him snap out whatever thought he was having. You started taking out the silver and blue baubles. Lucifer watched you hang the first two, he picked one up looking at it. It shined in the light and had a small bit of string.
"Just pick a branch and hang it," you say encouraging him to do it. Everyone he went to hang one he'd first if it was okay here at whatever branch he held the bauble by. It didn't take to long to get the tree finished. It would have taken less time if Lucifer hadn't been messing around.
"Hey y/n, do you think these earrings suit me?" he asked. When you turned around he had two silver giltter baubles hanging from his ears. Another Lucifer distraction came when he got a string of tinsel and wrapped it around you, as he did he used it to pull you closer. "I wanted to make you look festive," he said in a teasing tone with a flirty smile.
Soon all your work was complete and the bunker kinda looked like a grotto. Even fireplace had six stockings pinned into the wooden frame, each with everyone's initials on.
Lucifer still didn't understand the point of wasting 2 hours doing that to a tree but it made you happy. And even if he didn't understand the meaning he actually enjoyed it, "So what's next on your Christmas to-do list?" he asked.
You looked up smirking "gingerbread houses with Christmas movies" you answered. You both went into the kitchen collecting the biscuits you had baked this morning. Back in the war room, you set the ingredients I to separate bowls as Lucifer set up the TV and DVD.
When you were ready you started the movie marathon with your favourite Christmas film. The pair of you started your houses, it took you a few minutes to explain to Lucifer how to use the icing to glue the gingerbread together.
The movie you had seen a thousand times so you spent most of it concentrating on your house. You were laughing at him, his face screwed with concentration as he piped the icing. "who'd of thought I'd be spending Christmas eve making gingerbread houses with the devil" you said before stopping yourself.
He turned looking disappointed "isn't this what you want to we can do something else or I can leave you to it," he said half-heartedly.
You shook your head, "no" you said a little to fast. "I wanted to do this all December, I'm glad your here too. I just didn't think this would be your thing" you say hoping to cover your enthusiasm of wanting him here.
"well it's better than listening to Cas go on about something stupid and I got to play with an axe so it's not all bad," he said. You smiled at him picking back up your piping bag.
"however it does need an injection of fun!" Lucifer said.
As you looked up questioning how a fist full of icing sugar hit you in the face. You stood up with your mouth open in shock. Lucifer took one look at the white patch on your face and bust out laughing at his handy work." oh you think that's funny" you say squinting pink icing at him. He tried to block your attack with one hand while grabbing a fist full of sweets to throw at you. Soon enough a food fight broke out.
In a matter of ten minutes, the room looked like a sugared bombsite. You and Lucifer laid on the floor laughing and panting out of breath. "Sam and Dean are going to kill us," you say sitting up seeing the damage around, thinking how could you ever get it all clean before the boys where back. You heard a click behind you, turning to see Lucifer with his hands up smiling at you. As you looked back around all the mess had gone the sweets were back in the bowls and both houses completed.
"I so need that power then it comes to doing the dishes" you joked before saying thanks. It wasn't often Lucifer used his powers, especially as they weren't fully restored yet.
Lucifer watched as you got up and left the room. He hadn't felt so happy before, he started thinking maybe he should tell y/n how he feels or whatever it was he was feeling about her. His thoughts stopped as you came back in with two heavy looking bin bags.
"is the next tradition burying a body?" he joked as he helped you pull them into the room.
"Nope," you say popping the p sound. "this is everyone's Christmas presents," you say with a big smile pound you'd kept them all hidden.
You started filling up the stockings with small gifts leaving the others under the tree.
Lucifer was stunned to see a couple for him "you got me a gift" he said sound puzzled. He hadn't had a gift before unless you counted the mark or being tossed out of hell. So naturally, he hadn't thought about them before. He certainly hadn't expected anyone on earth to get him one.
Of course, I did, Christmas is about giving to your loved ones and you come into that category so yeah I got you something like I did for everyone else " you say smiling up at him.
The words loved ones hit Lucifer like a brick. Did that mean she had feelings for him too? or was she just being kind? like she always is. The questions ran through his mind like a wave. He hadn't noticed that he hadn't spoken or moved in a few minutes.
You stood up, seeing him deep in thought. "you okay?" you ask gently touching his arm. Lucifer jumped a little making you giggle, had you just scared the devil? Lucifer nodded smiling down at you.
As you looked up you noticed a piece of mistletoe hanging above him. Taking it as the perfect opportunity for you to try and kiss him. Standing on your tiptoes you lightly pressed your lips to his.
Lucifer froze. He didn't know what to say. "what was that for?" he asked when your heels landed back on the floor.
You kinda felt embarrassed, he didn't look like he enjoyed it. "mistletoe" you say pointing up at the plant. "if two people are under it they kiss" you say before trying to walk away fast.
Lucifer smiled saying "oh, and here was me thinking you wanted to kiss me," said. You stopped and looked at him. You couldn't tell if he looked sad or not, without meaning to say it aloud "I did" you whispered.
You felt your arm being pulled, the unexpected force pulled you back into him. "good because so have I for a while now" he said before kissing you. This kiss wasn't weird like the peck you gave him, it was passionate and heated and everything you had both wanted.
When you stopped you didn't know what to say, the bell of the clock behind rang meaning it was midnight. "merry Christmas" you said making you both laugh.
"Merry Christmas y/n," he said back before kissing you again. "I guess I'm gonna have to keep this mistletoe with me at all times if I get kisses like that" he joked.
You shook your head laughing, "you don't need mistletoe just to kiss me" you say back. With that, he smirked picking you up and carrying you to the couch. The pair of you laid there kissing and cuddling watching Christmas movies until you both fell asleep.
Hours later, Sam, Dean and cas came back. To their surprise the bunker was fully decorated "looks like y/n had fun" Sam said looking at the lights and tree.
"Sam! Look presents" Dean said running over to see what ones were for him. Before Sam had to pull him away reminding him of how he can't open them till you were there.
"I don't know I'm surprised with more the gifts or decorations," cas said still looking around the rooms.
"how about the two turtledoves on the couch," Gabriel said appearing out of nowhere. Cas looked at him confused but looked to where Gabe was pointing.
On the couch was Lucifer and y/n cuddled up asleep with a blanket wrapped around them. "well it's about time" Dean said. Sam looked at him "what I'm sick of her giving him the puppy dog eyes" Dean added.
"let's leave them be," Gabriel said ushering them out the room. He turned at took one last look, hoping finally his brother will be happy and y/n will be the one to show how to be.
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ziracona · 4 years
I reread your bit about rin in the last chapter and oh my god im crying. You did my girl justice. I'm so proud of her and i'm glad she had fun. I love the thought that she's helping him in little ways. ;') and oh my god. i love the myers siblings. Do you mind if I ask for hcs? because oooohhhmygod. need more
Awww thank you so much! I really liked the Adam-Rin segment too. I wanted to talk about Rin, but being an Onryo made it so I just couldn’t feasibly in the bulk of the story. Really glad I still got to give her her moment in the sun. : ) Adam’s such a great dude too, and I’m so happy he found meaning the way he did and keeps up such an active and deep relationship with someone who’s passed on. It’s not an easy thing to do, but I think it’s kind, and meaningful. And sure! I’m not sure if you mean Laurie and Mikey or Judith too since I got a few Judith asks yesterday, but ima assume this is ILM related and you’re looking for post-fic Laurie & Michael (sorry if that’s not the intended ask TuT). I did more but this is already a lot so I didn’t post them all haha. Here you go!
Laurie would be very unlikely to make the first move in a romantic relationship. She’s so used to prioritising survival, even when she’s okay again her brain is always, “keep homeostasis” as her directive, and adding a relationship does not fall under that listing. That said, she definitely still develops feelings, and would want things to happen. But I think it would be slow. I think with Laurie, she’d be going to lunches and having long talks and drinks and staying up and falling asleep on the couch together, in and out like each others’ presence belongs in their respective homes, come to each other for support and with hard days and for life advice, go to the theatre together and let them buy her a drink like they always do without being asked, brought back a nice gift from a trip, she waits up for them to get home to greet them, for like 1-3 years solid before one day they just take her hand and kind of smile and she realises she’s been in a relationship for two years and they just never said it, and maybe they won’t now, maybe not for another two years, but they know it, and she’s so happy.
Michael never cuts his hair short, but does not mind Laurie making him let her give him ponytails when they’re working on something, because it does get in his face.
Laurie softballs Michael for a while, since, well, she’s trying to help him reintegrate into society as a human being after having had a childhood that was basically just a 15 year stretch of psychological trauma, and being kind and supportive is a must. But after a few years, she’s gotten much more comfortable and sibling-ish in her interactions. She’ll definitely still be serious and supportive if anything happens and he needs it, but she’ll also give him shit for eating her food or not getting up off the bed she’s trying to make. He enjoys annoying her and does it for fun. Will hold eye contact and eat the cupcake she was saving just to watch her flip, like a cat batting an orange off a counter (or, you know, a sibling who’s feeling /that/ vibe rn.)
Laurie is 99% of Michael’s impulse control. If he and Quentin do something together without her, it /will/ be a disaster, because where Laurie inflicts neutral levels of chaos on the group w her lawful, Michael will almost instantaneously get Quentin to swap from lawful to chaos if she’s not there. They will both be fine, but there /will/ be something on fire when she gets back.
Laurie, walking into the house and seeing then throwing objects into a burning wastebasket in the living room: I don’t like what I’m seeing. Bring me up to speed.
Quentin: So, we maybe have illegally destroyed a car—but it’s okay! We had a good reason! Plus, we destroyed the evidence. Let me explain. So, this guy-
Laurie: :/
Michael: *gives her a ‘what’s your problem?’ gesture*
Michael and Laurie physically fight for nostalgia’s sake sometimes (for fun-get exasperated and performatively MMA. They would not actually injure each other).
One time, Laurie and Michael were walking home together from a movie and a guy drove by and whistled at Laurie and said something vulgar, and Michael stepped into the road and smashed the front of his car with his foot. It was beautiful. They did have to flee the scene but Laurie was /gleeful/. The dude in the car saw his gd life flash before his eyes and rethought some life choices.
It is a long time before Michael is willing to take any kind of meds for his psychosis (very understandably), but when Quentin eventually graduates Med school, six or so years later (bless u Jake for forging him some credits), he is willing to try a few given by him. It is not a good or easy couple of months, but he does it.
Michael gets along surprisingly well with the survivors. Most of them are pretty intimidated, but he’s genuinely chill, and they’ve been through weirder shit so 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s like “Welp. This might as well happen.” and accept him in. Meg is a big thot. She’s into Susie and would never cheat and Susie knows this, but Meg will still flirt like crazy with Michael bc it’s her personality, and Michael, who’s never had this ever happen, is /beyond/ confused. Every time she says something stupid like, “Damn you’re tall. If I wasn’t a married woman, I’d climb you like a jungle gym.” He gives her the exact look Sam gives Gollum when he’s dissing potatoes in lotr.
Since she knew his and his family’s whole names and his wife’s face, Laurie tracks down Sujan’s family and tells them everything she can about what happened and how good he was, and what a difference the first person in the realm who was kind to her made.
Michael really enjoys traveling. He’s been cooped up his whole life. Spent 15 years in one little white room, and then 40 in reproductions of Haddonfield in the realm. Really, except for his solo journey from Wisconsin to home, he’s never left the state of Illinois. He goes with the survivor squad on their group trips, once he’s comfortable enough, and is consistently amazed. He’s not a very visibly emotive person, and can’t physically be bc of his psychosis symptoms, but his eyes will get big seeing the northern lights from a platform, and he’ll grab Laurie or Quentin’s wrist & point to make sure they’re seeing it too, and Laurie has never been so happy. After his first trip, he very much looks forward to the annual event.
Dr. Loomis is the only thing Michael as an adult has ever feared. (Obviously all humans feel temporary fear, like if a car comes at you or someone with a gun. But past instantaneous shock-fear, I don’t think Michael has ever been afraid of anyone else). This is based off of canon, because to me Michael reads as scared of him, especially in Halloween 2. He pauses and then retreats from Loomis in the first film, and when he sees Loomis running down streets looking for him in 2, he hides (I actually really love the Michael pov in Halloween 2 in the open. It was very humanising). Then, at the end of 2, when he’s blind and Laurie and Loomis have filled the room with ether, and Loomis tells him it’s over, he stops trying to find and kill Loomis and freezes. I genuinely think because he was scared of Loomis and has been for years (after that treatment constantly in isolation as a child, how could he not be?) and has known since he was 6 Loomis wants to kill him, so when he basically says “I’m about to kill you,” he believes him and it scares him. It’s the axe that’s been waiting to drop since he was a kid.
Laurie goes to cons with Nea, Quentin, & Min occasionally, and has dressed up as all three OG Star Wars protagonists like the lovely huge nerd she is. Has also made Michael sit down and watch all the movies w her.
Michael and Laurie go visit Judith a lot. They’ll pack a picnic lunch and talk with her and about her at her grave. It was very hard the first time they went there, especially for Michael, but after a while, it helps. It’s a way to deal with what was done in the past that makes it seem surmountable. It also helps to deal with the loss of someone they both cared for. When they go, Laurie always gets Michael to tell her something about her older sister she hast heard yet. David tracks down an old high school album from 1963, and is able to get three pictures of Judith colorised and they’re able to have a nice full-color photo of her to hang up in the house.
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Any spec on what the turning point for Dean and Cas could be in ep 12?? I'm thinking they tell each other that both their lives are essentially doomed, but would love to hear what other people are thinking
I’m afraid I have deliberately not given it any thought, though one or both of those reveals makes a lot of sense for making them re-evaluate each other… Now we’re so much closer to that moment and have those cards on the table we have any actual currency to speculate with, which we didn’t when we first got that tease…
Honestly, re-reading my season 10 spec while tidying up my blog has seriously changed my “nah I don’t speculate” stance from mostly being about not riling up wild hopes, to, wow, we are seriously so easily distracted by shiny plot ideas that the fandom, cumulatively, are completely wrong about everything all the time, and correct speculation is an anomaly and usually based on taking your kind of spec you suggested, which I feel is occam’s razor sort of spec on the most obvious, easy facts when assembled close to the time… And even then it might not be so much of anything at all. 
For example before 11x06 or thereabouts fandom got really riled up about a huge DeanCas conversation that “never” happened. I think using that as data for the kind of spoilers they give and what in canon actually happens/they were apparently thinking about as a big deal, does sort of map well in general to the oooh huge scary spoilers they give us, especially about character dynamics, turning points, emotionally huge moments, etc etc, where whatever they were thinking was huge and important just doesn’t meet what fandom immediately expects it to be, regardless of how it felt to the cast, crew, writers etc when delivering it. For one thing they may be speaking in at least a little marketer hyperbole, and it’s not a bad thing either for them to be very invested in some characters or scenes which they felt took a lot of emotional energy or concluded or explained something very important, but one way or the other comes across way less than intended in the final product, or just isn’t interpreted that way by fandom. 
We have a real tendency to assume every time any comment comes out about Dean n Cas being in the same room or having a talk or having a dramatic scene together, that it’s going to herald something enormous for them, and I’ve been seeing that anticipation not pay off the whole time I’ve been in fandom - such as right now I’m stalled out of sleepiness circa just before 10x03 in my blog archive, and so much spec and excitement is going into how Dean n Cas are going to meet and what demon!Dean might say to Cas and how much it would hurt Cas to see demon!Dean etc. And I do actually think what we got is really good and there’s a huge symbolic importance in Cas saving Sam from demon!Dean and restraining him like that and putting an end to the brother murder feud stuff and restoring balance as their third wheel, then reflecting on humanity with Sam as they wait for the cure to take hold… There’s a lot of good stuff there, but fandom wanted to see, before the episode, some serious demon!Dean and Cas banter, maybe them in a fight, and using it as a lot of exposition for their relationship, of course, none of which happened because they didn’t even look each other in the face once on screen which Dean was a demon. It’s literally now, 4 years and change later we get a dark possessed Dean with Michael doing basically what we expected in 10x03 but obviously as he’s lying it’s a step removed from how demon!Dean eviscerated Sam emotionally earlier in 10x03 with direct personal attacks from his little black demon heart. So we still don’t have that exact thing we wanted for Dean n Cas. 
(Though I assume season 10 is why it was easier for Michael to focus his attacks on Cas than Sam, because Sam’s already been through this with demon!Dean, and Cas hadn’t so Michael gets 2 goes at him and spends more words on belittling Cas even in the bar scene where Sam and Dean were there too.)
Anyway… I’m just reflecting a lot on the role of fandom speculation even beyond wild spurious screaming that anyone can see as overblown and off the mark, and the sort of actually thoughtful and well-meaning examination of spoilers injected with wish fulfilment that still ends up making a lot of expectations and creates nothing but pits for the actual delivered story to fall flat in, and even when the story does a good job, when something has been hugely hyped, it STILL ends up getting a more lukewarm reception than expected and there’s always still a bunch of people looking at it side-eyes because they had a much better version they’d expected or wished for or just tried to model based on what we know while assuming the show will immediately and directly address everything we want all in one go. 
Obviously I have a lot of faith in the show to deliver and think it really does in most cases really get in there with the emotional stuff and we get pretty frequent episodes spilling all the goods… But even just the case study of demon!Dean vs Michael!Dean and seeing that we still haven’t wholly met the expectations of fandom four years ago for what might happen between Dean n Cas in this sort of scenario, specifically when it comes to emotional exploration and exposure between them, it’s really hard for me to think that a promised turning point might be anything like the avenues fandom takes it, and at that point my brain just disengages from the whole thing except the mechanical answer of “seems likely” about the secrets they’ve got about their horrible promised deaths… augh why are they like this… and beyond that I’m not even going to let my thoughts start wondering about scenarios this comes out, because it means whatever happens, I’m just falling into the traps that make people unhappy with the show, instead of being able to enjoy it. 
And that’s very much a fandom problem vs casual watching, because watching a ton of other stuff without fandom, I speculate a lot and get things wrong and right, but because there’s no social capital involved in rightness or wrongness it’s water off a duck’s back without any need for complicated mental gymnastics and an entire personal character arc about why it’s wrong to get worked up about it and learning step by step to let it go and get back to a casual viewer level of water off a duck’s back re: speculation and not feeling the peer pressure of social currency value of speculation forcing me to be right or wrong about anything and blarrgh that’s 4 years in a very fraught speculation-heavy fandom to come to some of these places :P I’ve seen, and been trapped in the middle of, speculations completely destroying multiple friendships, and it’s really got me to a “it’s not worth it” place where I’ve had to block some people and disengage from others just because of the insanity that it causes. 
Blergh, sorry for replying to this with a manifesto on speculation but it’s extremely upsetting to me and I’m ignoring a whole bunch of speculative asks so maybe this is a blanket answer to a whole lot of my inbox >.> 
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Can we talk about how mature Dean and Cas's relationship is? They silently communicate so well (Dean nodding to Cas in the AU world last ep and them staring at each other after dean's "i don't have a choice" outburst). And they said so much in that look. They agreed that no, there may not be another choice, and Cas backed off and was mature enough to realize that and let Dean make a decision. I mean it wasn't a good thing but i hope i'm making sense. And i hope it lead to better communication.
Hi there, and yes, agreed. I know you sent this message ages ago, but yes.
(I scrolled back in my inbox as far as February looking for something I had the brainpower and motivation to answer, then ended up popping all the way back up to one of the more recent (believe it or not) messages... >.>)
Their choices in that moment were literally “Let Lucifer kill Sam and Jack and proceed to take over/destroy the rest of the world,” or “do something to stop that happening.”
The only thing that could stop that happening was Michael agreeing to help, and at that point it was either Dean or Cas saying yes that was gonna make that happen. It’s not like there was a third option available to them.
Dean was just hoping Michael would honor their deal, but I think he knew all along there was no guarantee he would, based on every dealing he’d ever had with angels, like, ever.
(with the notable exception of Cas, for the most part. I mean, he once deceived and betrayed both Sam and Dean... but that’s water under the bridge now)
Cas knew, firsthand, what Dean was facing, in agreeing to say yes to an archangel. He also knew what he’d said himself about doing “whatever it takes” to protect Jack (and Sam), and stop the destruction of the world as we know it, whether the source of that destruction was Lucifer or AU!Michael, they both had the exact same intent. Using one to kill the other at least halved their original problem... kinda...
I think it’s fair to say that we’re all imagining some sort of scenario where Sam works closely with Cas, and probably with Mary, Jack, and AU!Bobby, and potentially others, to get Dean back. I’m just as interested in seeing how well Cas communicates with everyone else, as I am with what he and Dean will say to one another when Dean is finally himself again.
Much like we saw how Dean dealt with other people at the beginning of s13, but with the twist that Dean was hopeless that he’d ever see Cas again and it drove him to a point of abject despair. Cas (and everyone else) at least can have hope that it might be possible to save Dean, even if it seems near impossible at the beginning (or at some point when they begin to lose hope after a few episodes, because that is inevitably how these things go: shock, followed by motivation to fix the problem, followed by the grind of finding a solution, probably multiple potential solutions tossed in the bin when they fail spectacularly, creeping despair and increasing frustration and the beginnings of hopelessness, followed by a sudden Big Win.
Through all that, like Dean had to deal with Sam, Jack, Donatello, Asmodeus, Jody, Patience, Missouri, and other random citizens leading up to his discovery that Cas was miraculously alive again, Cas (and everyone else) will reveal a lot of their feelings about everything by what they tell each other, and how they react to one another, even before Dean returns.
So yeah, I’m already antsy to see how the season unfolds. :D
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