#is it because he kicked your asses 40 times in a row.
seriema · 7 months
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what wonderful sons you've got there, mr. geppetto!
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kimnjss · 3 years
boyfriend material | kth
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⤑  series: kinda hot
⤑ pairing: campus flirt!taehyung x sweet girl!reader
⤑ genre: fluff !! // nd some smut!
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 6.7K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: cursing, dirty talk, biting, spitting, fingering (f. receiving), squirting, hair pulling if you like squint.
⤑ A/N: hiiii! this is wicked late nd i’m lowkey annoyed bc i did not plan for it to be - buuut i really hope you like it . as usual let me know what you think !! x
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FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021 | 17:40
“This is for you,” Tae's grinning on the other side of the door, an assortment of flowers in the shape of a teddy bear held out in front of him. You're cooing, eyes focused on the gift. “It's cute!” The pure gleeful tone of your voice has a chuckle passing his lips.
Taking the bear from his grasp, you lead him inside your house. Jimin is sat in front of a muted TV, doing a terrible job at pretending he wasn't listening to everything the two of you were saying. Luckily, Jungkook had stepped out to pick up their dinner – no telling how much more obvious he'd be.
Setting the bear down on the counter, you're finally taking in Taehyung entirely. Handsome. Not like that was much different from how he normally looked. But handsome with effort tonight. He even went so far as to put some product in his hair, defining the permed curls that usually laid messily.
“You put on a suit!” Hands curling around the lapels of his pale mint jacket as your fingers smooth over the fabric. Standing this close to him, you can clearly see the blush that darkens his cheeks. A bit surprised at the new effect you have on him, but you don't let it show.
Fingers steadily bouncing up his chest until your able to tap your index finger onto the tip of his nose. “You look adorable. Let me go get my bag,” With you no longer clouding his senses with your sweet lavender scent. Positive it's the body wash lotion set he bought you for your birthday last year.
Yet, he doesn't remember it smelling this intoxicating in the store.
He had been so flustered before that he neglected to tell you how beautiful he thought you looked. Nearly lost his balance when you were opening up the door, standing a few inches above your normal height. Makeup done nicely, he's spent enough time on FaceTime watching you practice to guess how hard you worked on this look. And it paid off.
“Are you nervous?” Jimin's carries from the living room, proper up on his knees to look over the back of the couch.
Taehyung lets out a tsk, hands sinking into the pockets of his dress pants. Leaning back slightly, feigning nonchalance. What did he have to be nervous about? The facade only lasts two seconds before his shoulders are slumping and his brows are furrowing. “Is it obvious?”
Jimin's barking out a laugh, head tilting back as the sound of his laughter fills the room. “Oh, unbelievably. You can relax, though. She's excited,” That was the truth. Despite the fact this date wouldn't be something you'd chose for yourself, you were still excited to be going out with Taehyung.
And the fact that he had put so much effort into at least trying to impress you was reason enough for you not to complain. He was trying! Exactly what you asked him to do. It was going to be a learning process for both of you, but it would be fine. Determined to have a good time with him, no matter what.
“Okay. I'm ready to go!” Stretching out the last syllable of your words, hopping from the second step to the landing. Taehyung is straightening at the sight of you, plucking up your jacket from the back of the couch and draping it over your shoulders.
You thank him with a smile, stepping in front of him. “Bye, Jimin! Tell Jungkook to stay out of my room!” Blow a dozen kisses over your shoulder at him while Taehyung leads you out the door with a gentle hand on your back.
He's parked in front of your house, moving quickly to pull the passenger's side door open for you. Just from a quick glance, you can tell that he's cleaned up his car a bit. The small pile of empty water bottles gone from the backseat, his scattered gym clothes tucked neatly in his duffle bag. He even went as far as to vacuum the seats!
Dark eyes trained on you as he leans against the side of the door, his lower lip tucked into his mouth, tongue running over it. “You look gorgeous, Tiny.” He says with a slight nod of his head, eyes traveling from your face to your shoes. “Breathtaking, actually. It's insane,”
The giggle you let out is real and one hundred percent involuntary. A weird warmth spreading throughout your body at his compliments and the way he's looking at you. He just might drive you mental before you're even your driveway. He takes your flushed expression as your thanks, pushing your door closed with a large grin.
“Play something you like,” He's handing his phone over to you just after securing his seatbelt around his waist. Quickly tapping his code onto the screen and watching while his apps fall into place. The playlist that he with all your favorite songs is still saved among the rest of the lists.
So of course you're hitting shuffle on that. 
He's whooping at the starting notes of the first song that plays, both of you passing lines of the song to each other as he turns on to the highway. He breaks into a fit of laughter as you breeze through the chorus, letting the whole highway know exactly what WAP stands for.
Laughter and screeched lyrics fill the car, you find his look of accomplishment each time he's finishing a verse oddly attractive. He's skidding to a stop fourteen minutes later and you're taking a moment to glance around outside. A look of confusion taking over your features. 
“This isn't the restaurant?” With squinted eyes you're taking a better look at the building, turning to look over at him. “This isn't even a restaurant,” An abandoned building from the looks of it, a few stories tall. He doesn't seem as confused as you are, no, he's actually getting out of the car, pulling your door open.
You take his hand as he offers it, allowing him to pull you from your seat. The largest of grins on his face as he sets his hand on the small of your back. “You know I can kick your ass, right?” A little reminder as he leads you into the dark building. He's laughing, hand gliding from your back to your hand, loosely holding on to your fingers.
“Relax. Just trust me,” And because you'd follow Taehyung... well, into a creepy abandoned building, you let him lead you all the way to the old-fashioned elevator. He's pushing a few buttons and pulling a lever before the thing is rattling to life.
Shaking as it goes up and you lean against the railing to keep from tumbling over. His hand is reaching out to steady you, secured around your waist as he pulls you into his side. “Where did you even find this place?” It's way too comfortable in his arms, you don't move even when the shaking stops.
“It used to be a hotel... or a brothel or something,” He says with a shrug.
The elevator carries you all the way up to the highest floor and he steps out in front of you. “Wait, we're eating at a brothel?” Despite the begging questions begging in your mind, there's a laugh mixed in your words as he takes hold of your hand again.
“Something like that,” And that's all he says as he leads you down a narrow hallway, to the door at the end of it. He's pulling it open to reveal a set of stairs, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him.
He's all smiley and giddy, rushing you to get to the top of the stairs. And when you are, you sure the grin he's looking at you with could split his face. His hand on the doorknob as he bounces on the soles of his feet. “Are you ready?” Not even sure for what, but you're nodding.
No idea it was possible, but his smile grows as he pushes the door open. He's cute. Full cheeks lifted, both rows of teeth showing, his lips forming that boxy smile on his that you liked so much. With a sideways step, he's revealing what has had him bouncing since you pulled up to this place.
The first thing you notice is the lights. Dozen little fairy lights strung along the ledge of the building. There are candles too, lit and scattered around the floor and the edge. Flower petals scattered around, adding pops of color to the warm glow. A neatly set table in the middle of it all, besides it a cart holding a bucket of ice. You don't even have to look to know he's got your favorite drink cooling in there.
“You did this?” Right in front of your eyes, but you still can't believe it.
He's pulling you further on to the rooftop, stunned that you almost forget to move. Never has someone ever done anything like this for you. It was so simple and so nice. Private in a way you thought a dinner date should be, you couldn't believe it. “Did you really think I'd take you to some stuffy restaurant?”
You're sinking into the seat he pulls out for you, peaking down at the menu that's placed on top of your empty plate. “Tae's Five Star Restaurant,” You read the bold print out loud, gawking at the fact that he even printed out his own menu. Albeit, there was only one item to choose from, but still, this was amazing.
“I promised you five-star dining and I don't lie to you,” He's flicking the page open to point at the one item listed: 'Yn's Specialty Sampler'. “Entrées are small here too, but that's only because it's all your favorite foods,” He looks so proud of himself.
And you're in complete utter shock. “You made all of my favorite foods!?” Honestly, any more of this and you might burst into tears. When did do all this? How and why? What made him want to do this... for you?
The large plate he sets in front of you is exactly as he described it, a small taste of all the foods that you've ever told him were your favorite. From noodles to nuggets. He has his own personalized dish ready for himself, it's almost identical to yours considering you share a lot of the same favorites.
“I know you hate surprises, so I told Jungkook. I'm surprised he didn't spoil it,” You're thinking back to how adamant he was to keep you from saying anything to Taehyung about this. How he hammered in the fact that Tae should figure it out on his own, all while knowing that Taehyung had already figured it out on his own.
Props to Jungkook for keeping this one to himself. “I'm glad he didn't spoil it. I like this surprise,” You say with a smile that has the corners of his lips lifting, eyes squinting into his grin. It doesn't falter when he's leaning down to take the first bites of his food. 
You're doing the same, surprised at how good it all actually is. Taehyung wasn't really the best of the best when it came to cooking, he had one really good dish and everything else was edible at best. So many times you've tight-lipped smiled through a meal he wanted you to try.
This was nothing like that. “This is wicked good!”
“Right? Jin helped me,” Something about him going to one of your friends for help putting this together warms your heart. A certain type of care that was tied into the simple action that has you swooning, eyes no doubt in the shape of hearts as you watch him from across the table.
He's focused on mixing his noodles around, brows furrowed and nose scrunched to make this real cute look of concentration. He's pushing a large bite into his mouth, lips poked out in a tiny pout as he chews. 
Tongue poking out to lick his lips before he's reaching for his glass to gulp down some water. And you're staring at him the entire time like he's hung the stars. You realize after a moment, shifting in your seat and turning the focus on your own plate again.
“What should we talk about?” Silent moments never really happened between the two of you, not even the comfortable time. Both of you always had something to say and there was always a rebuttal follow after. 
Maybe it was just you, but sitting across from him in this romantic setting, full knowledge that you were on a date... like a potential boyfriend date, had stolen all the conversation topics straight from your brain. It had been different when you were in the car, it was light and friendly, platonic. But sitting across from him, being forced to take him in as a man made it feel awkward(?) for some reason.
He's shrugging his shoulders, lifting a napkin to wipe at his lips while he leans back in his chair. “Why don't you tell me something new about you?”
“There's nothing new,” Soft laughter breaking through your words. “You know everything about me,”
Taehyung is sitting up in his chair, elbows resting on the table and chin finding his palms. “Tell me twice then,” He knew there were quite a few things missing in his mind when it came to knowing you. Of course, he knew the obvious things, your favorite foods, favorite movie, embarrassing middle stories, but he was quickly finding out there was a lot that he overlooked.
He wanted to know that.
It was oddly endearing to hear. Seeing how interested he looked, ready to hang on to every word of yours, even if he's heard it already. So you're quickly searching your brain for something to tell him, something that he may have been oblivious to.
Face lighting up when you're thinking of something. He had been with Ailee at the time, in the early stages of their relationships when she was able to convince him to 'back off' with spending time with you. That entire week was filled with so much recklessness one would not believe.
“Did I ever tell you about the time I got banned from a Cinnabon?”
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FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021 | 19:18
Okay. So there was a lot Taehyung didn't know about you. The tiny bit of exhibitionism laced in all of your stories was something he was quickly picking up on. Actions screaming 'look at me' in such an obvious, he couldn't believe that he didn't notice until now.
He shares a lot of things about himself too. The shit he and the guys get into when you're not around to be the voice of reason (the job usually falls on Joon, but he's nothing with a few drinks and Jin on his arm). Drag racing to the edge of a cliff would be where you'd draw the line.
The look of pure horror on your face as he recounted the events is funny to him. 
Dozens of stories follow all the way through your meal and moments after. It's comfortable. But the obvious drag of the toe over his shin keeps things from slipping too far into the friendly side. You play with the idea of going higher, wondering how his reaction would change the higher you go. But, you keep it in your head.
Barely halfway through the date, you couldn't just be jumping his bones because he impressed you with dinner.
“So what's the romantic walk in the park?” You ask when you're riding back down in the old elevator. Tae's got an arm slung over your shoulders again, using the rattle of the machine as an excuse to hold you close.
With the surprise turnaround of dinner, you're excited to see what else he's put together. Almost feeling bad that you had complained about tonight before it even happened. So sure that it was going to be something to roll your eyes at, but you were thoroughly enjoying yourself.
Which was inevitable whenever you were with Taehyung.
“You'll see,” He says in a sing-song tone, taking your hand and leading you out of the building. Fingers wrapping around yours the entire walk to his car where he's pulling the door open for you and guiding you inside.
He's moving to the backseat once you're door is shut, rummaging around on the floor before he's pushing the door closed. Sliding in beside you with a pair of your black platform sneakers in hand, extending them out to with a simple nod of his head. “Put these on,”
You're in shock because these are the same shoes you saw Jungkook take out of your room this morning. Ignoring you when you asked where he was going with them. And now you can't help but wonder just how many of your friends he recruited to make this date happen. It was sweet.
“Did Jungkook give these to you?” Speaking while undoing the tie on your boot, tugging it from your foot with ease.
Taehyung nods, hands moving to push the car into gear. “I asked to grab them after he said I should be sure walking around was comfy since you get grumpy so easily.” It's pretty obvious that Jungkook delivered your message about not wanting to walk around a park in heels in the most subtle way he knew how.
“I do not get grumpy easily,” You're saying with a roll of your eyes, bent forward to tie the laces on your sneakers that you miss the look on his face. But you hear the unconvinced scoff he lets out. “You threaten to beat one of us up at least three times a day,” He's pointing out with a chuckle.
You ignore his fact, extending your leg out in front of you to admire the shoes on your feet, twisting your ankle to give yourself the full view. “Well, you guys always deserve it.” Dropping your leg back down, you turn to face him. Arms crossed on the middle console, face leaned toward his. “So when you say romantic walk do you mean like a string quartet following our every step? Or have you arranged for dozens of shooting stars to appear at the end of our trail?”
Tae's letting out a laugh, hand lifting so he can use his finger to push your face away from his. “Yeah, cause I control the stars,” Forcing his attention to stay on the road to keep the urge of wanting to kiss you at bay. Something that he has been doing for the majority of this date. Date Yn was cute in a whole different light.
Alluring beyond imagination. He nearly lost it when he first felt the tap of your foot against his leg. Not wanting to make a huge deal out of it, so he sat there silently wishing you'd push it up higher. Putting way more focus than necessary on the words that were coming from your mouth.
And now you were leaning in close to him, intoxicating him with your sweet scent and soft voice. Trying to guess what awaits the two of you, each idea more outrageous than the last. You're moving closer with each one until your nose is pressed against his cheek. Car pulled to a stop at a red light, so your lips are puckering brushing against his skin.
“Tell me?” He's shaking his head, lips tucked into his mouth. The lips of your fingers bouncing from his wrist to his bicep, poking at it gently. “Please?” He thinks the pout on your lips is adorable and insistent way you press your lips to his cheek has his brain short-circuiting.
Not used to you like this. But not complaining in the slightest bit. He liked Date Yn. Although, he couldn't help but wonder if this was you on a date or you on a date with him. He doesn't think too hard on it, letting himself enjoy the feeling of your lip on his skin. Breath hitching when your mouth is reaching his neck.
You notice the sigh he lets out, just as your teeth are scraping against his skin. Tongue smoothing over it slowly and it has his fingers tightening on the steering wheel. You're pulling back with a laugh, head tilting up to look at him. Jaw set and eyes glued to the road in front of him.
“Please?” He's a bit ashamed of how his pants tighten at the sound of the begging in your tone. Ignores it as he ignores you, hiding the smile that pushes on his features as he's pulling into a parking spot. “You can relax, we're here.” He says it but doesn't mean it.
Seriously considering taking a few laps around the block if it meant having you kissing up on him like that. Your attention is shifting from him to where he's brought you. Which looks more like a normal park than anything. Before you can pester him for more answers, he's slipping out of the car, going around to open up the door for you.
Within the park is a bridge, couples scattered along it. Walking and holdings hands, sitting close and leaning over the trailing to look at the water. Street lamps creating a pretty glow underneath the night sky. The warmth of Taehyung's arm circling around your waist spreads throughout your body.
Easily being tucked into his side. “There's no crazy surprise, just thought you'd want to look at the water for a bit,” He's walking the both of you to the railing, arm dropping from your body to hold on. Peaking over the edge, you spot a few turtles paddling through the water.
“You know they scream when they fuck?” He's pointing ahead of you at the turtles in the water. “It's like...” He's imitating the loud screechy squeal they let out, loudly. Stealing the attention of some couples close enough to hear.
Hand punching against his chest as you shush him, the sound of your laughter pulling a soft giggle from your lips. “People are gonna think I'm out with a weirdo,” His smile is the prettiest thing you've ever seen. 
His arm drops onto your shoulder to tug you toward him. “You are out with a weirdo,” He didn't even say anything particularly suggestive, but the tone he uses and the look in his eye has a chill running down your spine. Tae takes his time looking you over now that you're much closer to him, eyes scanning over your features.
“Did I already tell you how good you looked?” Arm looped around his and head tilted up so you're getting a better look at his face. “You might've mentioned it,”
Soft lips curling into a smile, he's reaching up toward your face, pinching your nose gently. “Good, then I only need to tell you that you're my best friend,” You're interrupting with a large smile. “I already knew that too,” He's used to the smart-ass look on your face, never knew how attractive he found it until now.
“And... there's more,” His arm is moving from your shoulders, fingers lacing around yours. “You're my best friend and I like you a lot. You know that too, but I meant it when I said I'd make it easy for you to see that. You're special to me and I'm not going to mess this up,” He's got this look on his face that you've never seen before.
Riddled with seriousness, not an ounce of playfulness hidden in his features. He was being genuine. And you could feel it, in some unexplainable way you knew he was telling you the truth. Not sure if it was the pretty dinner he had set up for you or being under the night sky and stars, but you could feel your guard melting away.
You don't bother to talk yourself out of it as you're leaning up on your toes, nose nudging his as your arms wrap around his neck, easily pulling him down to press a kiss to his lips.
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FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021 | 20:59
You're walking back to his car hand-in-hand. Back pressed on the door while his hand rests above your head. Face inches from yours and it takes a lot of willpower not to lean up and kiss him. His hand glides up the side of your body until he's able to grasp your hip, pushing your hips back slightly.
“Should I take you home or do you want to spend more time with me?” The two of you had spent a gross amount of time walking along the bridge. Switching from holding hands, to linking arms, to being attached to each other's sides. Kissing breaks against the railing mixed in.
Now he's offering to drive you home, but you've had such a great time with him tonight that's the last thing you want to do. “I don't want to go home yet,” Mouth forming into a slight pout, your hands lifting to link wrists behind his neck.
His lips are sticky with your gloss, forming a slight smirk as he steps in closer to you. “So then that means....?” His brows lift expectantly, waiting for you to fill in the blank. “I want to spend more time with you,” 
Pretty dark eyes shine at your words, even though he knew they were coming. Hand dropping back to curl around the door handle, he's carefully pulling the door open, moving you to the side. “I was hoping you'd say that,” He's ushering you back into the car before moving to the duck in on his side.
It's another fifteen-minute ride back to the abandoned building from earlier. You're way less sketched out this time around, following him in without a bit of hesitance. Cuddling close to him as the elevator rattles up and leading him up the stairs to the roof.
The lights are still up, sparkling prettily against the cloudy sky. Candles blown out, but the flower petals are still scattered around. The table is gone and in its place is an assortment of blankets laid out on the floor in front of it a projector propped on a few boxes. “Tae. There's no way you came up here and did this without me knowing,”
He's grinning from ear to ear, obviously proud of himself as he pulls you further out. “I had Hobi come and do it. He helped set up for dinner too,” There's a laptop set up beside the projector which he's walking to, fingers typing against the keyboard before the title screen of Howl's Moving Castle is appearing.
Standing straight, he's calling you over with a wave of his hand. And you're letting out a sound that would be embarrassing in front of anyone else, excitement building throughout your body as you bounce over to him. Both of you getting comfortable on the sheets as the movie starts. 
You last a good twenty minutes.
His arm had been set behind you, your body cuddled into his side but you're deciding that's not enough. That you want to be closer. It starts with your arm wrapped around his torso, but a few minutes pass and you're not satisfied. So you're moving to sit between his legs, which is better.
Much better. Long legs caging you in and arms wrapped around your waist. You can feel the hammer of his heart against your back. He's trying hard to focus on the movie to not think about the way your ass is smushed against his dick and one wrong... or right move would have him standing at attention.
Just as he's finished his silent prayer that you don't move again, oblivious to your true intentions, you're shifting. Twisting in his arms until you're facing each other, legs spread and outstretched over his thighs. His eyes drop, catching a glimpse of your cotton panties, visible because of how careless you're being in your skirt.
“I've seen this movie a million times,” Hands slipping underneath his jacket to travel from his chest to his neck. He's kicking it into gear the moment he's seeing the look in your eyes, hands dropping to rest low on your hips. “Me too,” He's agreeing, visibly having a conversation in his head before he's letting his hands drop.
Watching your face as he squeezes, the flutter of your eyes, and the drop of your jaw does something to him. Effectively setting his body on fire and it only gets worse when you're leaning down to suck his lower lip into your mouth. “Wanna make out?” You're asking, but not really, tongue already toying with his lip.
“Yeah,” He breathes, just to hear the pretty moan you let out. Attaching your mouth to his, tilting his head back as you shift onto your knees. It's extremely hot how in control you are, never would've expected it coming from you – but he was learning to expect surprises when it comes to you.
You've got a fistful of his hair, swallowing every grunt he lets out into the sloppy kiss. Free hand reaching back to take hold of his, dragging it all the way up to your chest. Hand over his, you're closing his palm around your boob. His hand is much larger than yours, it's an obvious difference. 
He's boldly swiping his thumb where he suspects your nipple to be, grinning against your mouth when he's sure he's found it through your shirt. His other hand moves quickly from your ass, secured around your waist as he easily whips your body around. Loud laughs leaving your lips as Tae swiftly flips you onto your back, positioning himself between your legs.
Large hands gripping the edge of your shirt, hurriedly untucking it from your skirt. His mouth is quickly finding your ear, teeth nibbling at the skin. You're not sure if you should concentrate on that or his hands slipping underneath your shirt. Mind made up when he's wiggling his underneath your bra, tweaking the nipple he had just teased.
“You looked so pretty, tonight. Who'd you get all dressed up for?” The answer to his question so obvious that it could be rhetorical. But, you know better. The breathy deep tone of his voice pressed right against his ear, being one indicator.
Tae pulls a moan from you by sinking his teeth into the little juncture between your jaw and neck. Nipple pinched between his middle and index finger and your eyes are fluttering, legs spreading. “You, Tae.” Sighing, your head lulls back as his tongue swipes against your skin. Hand moving to continue his assault on the other side.
“Just me,” He's mumbling, so you wouldn't have heard him if he wasn't so close. His head lifts to get a better look at your face, watching the way you bite back your moans as his fingers toy with you. “My tiny,” Leaning down, his nose bumps against yours, just before he's pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I want to hear you,”
His hand glides down your stomach, fingers meeting the piece of jewelry attached to your navel. It's just a thought, a passing one that he laughs at the moment it's popping into his head. But he checks anyway, shocked to see he was right.
Years and years ago, when you had just turned sixteen – he had gone with you to get your belly pierced. Joked about you getting a 'T' piercing since he was the one that drove you and paid for it. He bought it, as a joke of course. Asked you why you never wore it, still as a joke. But here you were six years later, wearing it. And just from the instant way his body reacts, he knows it was never a joke.
“God, you're fucking perfect.” Head lifting so he can see your face when he says it. The blush that takes over your features, that wasn't there when he had his hand up your shirt. Only appearing when he complimented you.
That's cute. 
With a hand buried in his messy hair, you're pulling him down toward you, mouth capturing his again. Tongue pushing in his mouth just as he's slotting his hand between your legs, feeling out the wetness. “Shit, you're fucking soaked.” His words come out more desperate and needy than he intended, plagued by thoughts of how it would feel to be inside you. 
“Bet I'd slide right in,” The tip of his finger traces over your entrance as he speaks, poking at the fabric just enough to have you thinking he'd finger you that way. “Think you'd be able to take all of me?” He's pushing his hips forward, hard cock pressed against your thigh. 
Hips slowly rolling just so you can feel the entirety of him. “Fuck, please. Tae,” You gasp, lower back arching off of the blankets. “Shh, baby. I got you,” Easily nudging your panties to the side, the first thing he does is find your clit. Circling around it with the tips of your fingers as you squirm, screeched moans filling the air.
Neither of you hears the first crack of thunder. Barely notice the first few droplets that hit your bodies. He's more focused on slipping a long finger past your walls, to the knuckle. “Oh, fuck!” Body moving like a jolt as he curls his finger inside of you. Only pulling back to slip another one in along with the first.
He's picking up the pace, pumping his fingers in and out of you while quickly circling your clit with his thumb. The droplets of rain that have soaked his hair, rolling down his face is what has you realizing that it's raining. The thought knocked out of your head when he's pushing a third finger in, the slight pain of the stretch mixing with the pleasure beautifully.
No one's ever looked hotter, you're sure of it. Hooded eyes zeroed in on the movement of his fingers, teeth cutting into his lower lip. Hair damp and sticking to his forehead, the steady flex of the muscles in his chest is visible through his soaked shirt. A soft groan leaves his lips when he feels your walls squeezing around his fingers.
Dropping back down to pull your lips into another desperate kiss, teeth, and tongue clashing as the strokes of his fingers grow bolder. Shoving you toward the orgasm you're chasing. Your hips lift to grind into his hand, fingers curled around his ears to hold his head steady against yours. He's swallowing every gasp and whimper that leaves your mouth, grinning because he knows he's the cause of them.
“You wanna cum, baby? All over my fingers.. do you want me to make you cum?” It's almost like he's taunting you, tips of his fingers teasing that rough patch of skin deep inside of you and ripping a strained cry from your throat. “Please!” He's pressing down harder on your clit, thumb matching the pace of his fingers.
So close you can almost taste it, but it's quickly melting away with the slow of his fingers. Hands shooting to wrap around his wrist, keeping him from pulling all the way out. “Please, what?” He prompts with this maniacal look and you feel like your head is about to explode.
“Please, please make me cum, Tae. Please, I need it... wanna cum all over your fingers,” You hear him curse under his breath before he's pressing his mouth to yours again. It only takes a few strokes of his fingers, thumb pressed against your clit to make you fall apart.
Mind turning to mush, incoherent sentences flying from your lips as your hips grind into his hand. Riding out your orgasm and his fingers don't stop, in fact, he's pushing deeper inside of you, teasing your g-spot.
The dull pressure in your stomach intensifies, spreading throughout your limbs. It's not until his thumb is quickly moving around your clit do you realize what he's trying to do. Eyes going wide as the second wave rips through you, leaving your body in a stream that's forcing his fingers from inside of you.
He almost came at the sound of your scream, the breathless giggle that follows, a sound that he's not even sure you're aware you let out. His fingers are covered with your arousal, so of course, he's pushing them into his mouth to suck the taste off. You watch through hood eyes, the hollow of his cheeks as he sucks, pink tongue slipping out to leak between them.
You're reaching for him with weak arms, mouth open to silently ask for a taste. You half expect him to kiss you, but he's full of surprises tonight. His jaw moves and lips pucker, a glob of spit slipping out and landing on your tongue. Finger tapping at your jaw and you're quick to clamp your mouth shut, swallowing with your eyes on him.
Making a show of opening your mouth to flaunt its emptiness. He's laughing, even more, convinced of your perfection. Lips nearing to pull you in for another kiss, only to be interrupted by the quick shove against his chest, head bowing as you sneeze.
Once. Twice. Three times. He had noticed the rain before, but only now is he putting together how soaked you were... not in the good way. The tip of your nose red from the cold, hair that you spent an hour straightening falling in wet waves.
“Aw, baby.” He coos, reaching to pushing a few damp pieces of hair out of your face. “Let's get you out of the rain.”
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FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021 | 22:37
“You sure you don't want to come in? You can change and spend the night,” Taehyung denies with a shake of his head as his car skids to a stop in front of your house. He'd want to fuck you if he was coming up... spending the night. Safe to say you want the same with the way you haven't let go of his thigh since he's started driving.
Not a complaint. 
Fucking you was something that he wanted to do. Thought about it more times than he'd like to admit. But he had a small listen of things he wanted to do first. Tonight wasn't planned but could be excused because it was about you.
He had more things set in his mind to do to prove that he was boyfriend material. To you and to himself. He wanted to get this right. Needed to because it was you. You deserved the best, more than that. You deserved perfection. Because that's what you were.
“I'll call you tomorrow morning,” He promises.
Your face beams, not even bothering to mask your excitement. “Okay,” It's cute how giddy you are at the promise of a phone call.
Tae shoves the car in park so he can lean back to reach into the backseat. Rummaging through his gym bag, presenting a towel after a few minutes. Slightly used, but dry enough to shield you from the rain. He's handing it off to you, just before you're pulling the door open.
“Use that,” It smells like him. It surrounds you as you drape it over your shoulders, head tilting to look up at him. 
He's close, large hand at the top of your head and thumb stroking soothingly against your scalp. “Bye,” He mumbles, but doesn't give you any space to move. And you're just as bad because you repeat his words, but don't make any moves either.
Just sat there staring at each other with these lovesick doe eyes, not saying anything. And it's not weird, or awkward. It's comfortable. Comforting. You don't want to move.
“Wanna go on another date?” Taehyung is the one to break the silence, a question that has your stomach filling with butterflies. Despite the fact, you've just ended a date with him. Haven't even left the car. “Can we go tomorrow?” It's eager and needy, but you don't care.
Care even less when he's nodding. “Yeah, okay. Bye.” He still doesn't move and neither do you. Correction, you do move, but only to get closer to him. Your goodbye dying on his lips as you pull him in for another kiss. 
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— you’ve always been cute, soft, tiny in taehyung’s eyes. but that’s changing one night when you’re accidentally sending him a naughty picture. forcing him to realize, maybe his best friend is kinda… hot?
⥫ masterlist ⥭
taglist: @agustdef @smoljams @jaiuneamesolitaiire @hehehehahahohohuhu @houseofarmanto @preciouschimine @chocobetterknot @kookiesjoonies @ashleyjoyx @thia-aep @jinhitwhore @silentlyimpractical @acc3ssdenied @triviasjms @joonies-babyy @bangtansonyeondayyyum @bangtan-noona @mipetronella @lilacdreams-00 @665-321 @strawberryforever25 @tae165 @jikooksgirl19​ @dee-ehn @butterflylion @alterlovess @joontopia @my-odd-mix​ @yeontanie21​ @sw33tnight​ @softlyjeon​ @daydreambrliever​ @purplellie​ @hellotherehoneybee​ @bangtansbun​ @taefect94​ @tricethecharm​ @pjmcth​ @0xmysticx0​ @samros95​ @codeinebelle​ @vmin-soulmate​ @bluewhale52​ @thecityrain​ @rageyoudamnednerd​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @diminieshoe​ @kelitt​ @soulstaes​ @ayyyocee​ @betysotelo18​
taglist: @elephantdoors @amour-quinn @gemad08 @yoooonie @bloomtilweache @ambersaesthetics @peachy-tata @moonlitmyg @trinityxsope @jellyeater @miagracegrande @taeshuworld @tom-hollands-wife @loveyoongles @seokjinslittledumpling @kerikaaria @ggukkieland @gwsyoongi @salty-for-suga @beeeb05 @dionysusrage @jungkookspromise @princecalpal @agustneeds @neverthefirstchoice  @agustdakasuga @veronawrites @muniimyg @agirlintheparkjimin @wildly-lost-lantern @goldenkookietae @ephyraaaa @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @sungieshines @embrace-themagic @aqtkookie @yukiehyukie @kim-ji-hyeons-world  @mrksmrks @hyunjinhasmyheart @paddingtonrue @itsrapmonstanotdancemonsta @veryuniquenamegoeshere​ @niieceyy @lowlifeoeuvre @lee-karliah @angiexyoung @marifujioka​ @softlyjins​ @mochibabycakes​ @producerjk​ @hqtetsurou​
taglist: @heyitsbreeeeee @munkey888 @bbyjoonies @prdshobi @myworldisgone11 @kthvol6 @soloikeadates @illwritetomorrow @mysugarkoo @parkjammys @mypurplelamp @hansolsrightnut @vanillabrightlightning @huhuehuey @jiminshibaby @rjsmochii @certifiedcrazycatlady @jayyayyy17 @my-current-mood-is @btsbed @definitely-not-tina @jeonsbae01 @metaethically @kb-bangtanenthusiast @ardenlovesyou @simplymemyself @jin-from-the-block @janieooo @xxstrangegirlxxx @pastelbleuet @pxjiminsi @ruinsofangels @ladyarmanto @bloopkook @hopiebabie @bigimpression @xinyourdreamsx @hisunshiine @uxwi @yayo-kittty @taejinminsu @miss-jupiter @btsbangtanbois​ @yoobijin @pjminmin @yoongiofmine @kim-jias-den @imezz @itookallthejamsbruh​ @kimsouthjoon​
taglist: @ephyra1230​ @awhnamjoon​ @jkismyasmr​ @eyereen​ @gldnrecs​ @jiminddaeng​ @morndas​ @daebakrex​ @getmemyfries​ @v3nti​  @iridescentstories​ @cheesecakes-randomshitz​ @jakiki94​ @tatajoonie​ @weasleyswizarding-wheezes​ @shadowhale​ @kuggnuj​ @cynicalitys​ @saymynamewithluv​ @kooafraid​ @milkteade​ @revehosh​ @gguksfilter​ @jai-namu​ @vantekoos​ @xxsunny-side-upxx​ @jeonkookiebangtan​ @sweetforsuga​ @strwberry-jam​ @ssyubb​ @paolandotcom​ @marvelous-capsicle​ @letmebreathepls​ @rlynotme​ @bunny-meowmeow​ @bbybubbles​ @chxcolxtemilk​ @hobiheavenly​ @cyb3rbab3​ @hobiismyhopeu​ @namjoonrkive​ @avipshamitra​ @seolarsyj​ @bitterly-sweet​  @knjkitten​ @taescckookies​ @frompeaches​
taglist: @redluvletmain​ @onlythehobi​ @napalmskiez​ @catpersona​ @moonagii​ @bunny-on-crack​ @tinyworldsblog​ @xiaokoo​ @morseszn​ @itsyourimagines​ @beetle-koko​ @despressowhatelse​ @evabobeeva​ @erraaxh​ @foodwaterbangtansonyeondan​ @angelsuni​ @tonightletspretend​ @outroknj​ @lovelysmp​ @missmadwoman​ @futuremrspcy​ @tetsuswhore​ @bombardia​ @seokjinsearth​ @woopetals​ @jeonsshadow​ @jwlmnbt​ @hoefortaeshands​ @yoongiwithglasses​ @ardoren​ @giveortake​ @virtualkissy​ @kthstrawberryshortcake​ @alytavzla​ @mellygallagher​ @stcrwhiz​ @ot7lonelylover​ @fleurni​ @vantaescupid​ @coolcoolyz​ @soobreadforever​ @americanowithsuga​ @nightapple4jk​ @smol1​ @super-btstrash-posts​ @shiro-blank​ @kosmicbomb​ @luminousrecs​
taglist: @tanumiki @midotori @multihoneyfairy @hoseokstrashcan @miriamxsworld @laurynne5 @hantaev @taebae19 @lustremyg @tsorns @jaerisdiction​ 
taglist: @kimtaetae @themanip @kimsamsoon95 @localjisung @lovingyu-04 @taexmichi @gyukult @lowlifeoeuvre @ilillyshadow @lejindari @lochness-butmakeitsexy @xtrataerrestrial @taefilm @impossiblewritingrebel @tenmonthsjay @milky-way-bitch @taehyoungmoney @imluckybitches @powerfultaekook @winterbear-itselira @casspirit0705 @madjanmil @depressedirishgirl @yoontaethings @alexxcorona113 @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @hisbutton-nose @bellexwriter @oofimdumb @ladyartemesia @catboyggukie @topangascory @lidda @taesdior @vickysees @mei-core​ @ivyschim @thisetaernallove @kkodzvken @kawennote09 @imadeyouamixtape88​ @green-keys-3​ @calumsphile​ @svftbaby​ @richkookie​ @shameless-army​ @taejinverse​ @nanied93​ @infernal-alpaca​ @chai-tealattae​
taglist: @selfconcitedslut @li-moonchild-il @yerjin @uwu-babie-bangtan @acsycharm @yoontaethings @annawolfhard19 @anarmycalledaoife @taes-titaes @heavenspidey @museeeiicc01 @bonnyskies @zaedynnn @daddypkj @somewhereofftheglobe @miraclecircles @eatjeanjin @bts-bay-bee @anonymous-appreciation @perseephony @serendipitysev @samshoua @imluckybitches @dingzerenistall @okaysoplshelpme @notvantaes @endeavors-big-dick @j1h0p3 @youisamaze @revehosh  @needingyou2 @cinnamonlattae @vantxx95​ 
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. if u want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask! + if you’ve asked to be on my permanent taglist, you do not need to ask to be added to this one !!
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awesomefringey · 2 years
You know, when you've pissed off everyone, even H's het-fans, you need more attention from other people. Louis isn't as popular as Harry, but his tweets get 300K likes, He has fans and attention that Olivia doesn't. I wouldn't be surprised if she follows El on instagram tomorrow. Anything is possible with that woman. It's like trying to breathe one last time before drowning.
Can I be honest and take up a bit of your time? This is going to be a bit longer but I need to get this off my chest.
When they kicked off Holivia, there was this moment where I thought this will go in a direction where it will be a lot of tongue in cheek, a lot of Olivia being sus about dating Harry, being a bit meta, getting fans kind of included on this stunt in a “you know we know, we know you know, but let’s have fun while we’re fooling the world” kinda way.
Because she’s Olivia Wilde and not some random nameless model. Because she’s heading 40 with two kids and knows it would look ridiculous if she started wearing his stuff. Because she’s a self proclaimed feminist actress/director seeking to bring change to Hollywood. And above all, she’s also quite witty.
There would have been a lot of potential to give this entire thing a subtle criticism on what the industry still is. An Olivia Wilde - who even though she wants to be a serious director now - still has to date a co-star to sell her movie. A Harry Styles - even though a big enough (gay) star - still needs a woman at his side to sell a movie. Hollywood is just as antiquated as ever. What a statement!
And within this idea, I would have laughed my ass off if she had followed Eleanor of all people. Just imagine if she had let us know she understands the situation Louis and Harry are in, that she’s not against it, that she’s just as stuck in the same old machinery as everyone, where the women and the gays have to stick together to get somewhere in their careers.
Instead and absolutely astonishingly to me, Olivia decided to take on the same path as every past girlfriend of Harry’s. Willingly accepting that she’ll be just one in a row of “replaceable Paiges/Emilys/Kendalls/Camilles/Taylors” who, the moment they start dating Harry, would burn their own clothes to only wear his and reducing themselves to be nothing but Harry’s girlfriend for the pr season” repeating the protocol of every beard before.
And not only that, Olivia seems deadly serious about it. No irony, no tongue in cheek. I don’t know if she wasn’t briefed on Harry’s fanbase or on how Harry dated his past girlfriends, but nowadays she seems more and more frustrated by the rejection of Harry’s fans, who she’s started to mock very early on. (Yes, the octopus dance was probably already part of it.)
So as you can see, I’m one of those people who accepted the business is shit, beards and closeting exists, and if you want to get somewhere in this sexist and homophobic industry, most will rather stay closeted and fake date their co-stars. But if you have to do it, at least have fun with it? At least be cute about it to Harry’s fans. But Olivia seems personally offended that we don’t buy it, which is so irritating. And then goes even harder on the selling. It’s really a strange spectacle to witness and I will be very happy when this stunt is finally over.
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potter-imagines · 3 years
Getting Drunk With Fred Weasley
Prompt: getting drunk w/ your boyfriend Fred would include + mini blurbs
Warning: drinking, swearing, and some suggestive wording
Word Count: 2.2k
Notes: n/a
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Parties are not an uncommon event in the Gryffindor common room
Alcohol and drink mixtures of all sorts are being poured left and right every weekend
Most weekend you have a drink or two while catching up with your friends after a busy week of school
Other weekends you choose the path of getting plastered alongside your boyfriend off smuggled liquor and bottle of beer
On these night in particular, 
Fred does not let you out of his sight
At all
Unless of course Lee challenges him to a beer pong match then he’ll carefully usher you over the couch where he can keep an eye on you while he’s playing
Has to pause the match like 20 times to chase after you and lead you over to his side “Y/n! You know you can’t out drink Seamus- he’s Irish! C’mon, come watch me kick George and Lee’s ass. They’re so bad it takes two of them to even manage a winning shot yet somehow they still suck!”
Loves it when you cheer him on
Is constantly glancing over to reassure himself you haven’t run off again
Your distraction is heightened in this state
So he feels the need to be your second set of eyes
Which had come in handy many a times
Like when Ron dared you to touch the burning fire while he was wasted on dragon barrel brandy
“Don’t be a pussy, Y/n. Swipe your hand real fast and you won’t even feel a thing-” “Y/n, pull your hand away from that fire, love. Ron, what the fuck? Are you trying to set my girlfriend up in flames? Angel, Ron is an idiot, you know that, don’t do anything he says again.” “Hey!”
And the time when you all were playing strip poker and Fred quite literally threw himself on top of your body to cover your chest when George teased you to take your bra off and your hands reached back for the clasps
(( he bitched at George for five minutes straight for that suggestion ))
Fred knew you were not one to back down from a challenge, especially when drunk and not considering the consequences or regret that would follow
So he always made sure you never embarrassed yourself too much or did anything you’d be wanting to take back come morning
During any Gryffindor party, Fred is the life of it
When he’s not preoccupied fawning over you, he’s hopping around with George seeking out trouble
The man throws back liquor like its water
Claims he knows his limits, but he really doesn’t
He is a touchy drunk
Hands brushing through your hair as you chat on the couch
Arms wrapped around your shoulder as you laugh along with your friends
Fingers laced in yours whenever you’re near
He craves your touch even more so when the liquor taints his veins
Let’s be real, Fred is not exactly the type of boyfriend to try to get you to stop drinking
He still makes sure you’re safe and not over drinking but,
Most of the times,
He’s the one pouring the shots for you
And mixing the drinks
But he always knows when to stop, and when you’ve had enough to drink
He tries to mentally keep note of how many drinks you've had but loses track once he reaches about five on his own end
Sometimes he’ll silently swap out your glass of whiskey for a glass of pumpkin juice
It’s obvious to Fred that he made the right choice when he watched as you sipped gleefully on the juice, not making a single comment on the dramatic change in taste
In these moments he begins to prepare himself for a night of babysitting you
And he’s so sweet in helping you on the nights when you go an inch- or ten- overboard
Carries you up to your bed and helps you change out of your clothes and into new ones for bed
He gets you wipes to take of your makeup, if you’re wearing any, and he’ll sit you between his legs on your bed while he brushes through your hair
After you’re properly ready for bed, Fred makes sure to set a glass of water on your nightstand incase you get thirsty and a bag of crackers if you get hungry
Stays the night without question when you ask
Other times he stays regardless of if you do or don’t
Your roommates don’t mind seeing as he takes care of you meaning they don’t have to
He’ll lay on his back and usher you over to place you head on his chest
His fingertips will soothingly trail up and down you back, lulling you into a deep sleep with the rhythmic motion
Tries his best to make sure you fall asleep first
Drunk Fred really has no control over his sleep habits and has a tendency to pass out from sudden exhaustion at any moment
One second him and George are fucking around with partygoers, supply them with different products of theirs, and causing pure chaos
The next second Fred was snoozing away while he laid on the couch with his head in your lap
Then he was back up an going again
Like a toddler on a sugar high
He’s such a giggly drunk
Kisses to the tip of your nose
Always smiling over at you and complimenting you  
“Have I told you how breathtaking you look tonight?” “Only ten times, but I’m okay with elven.” “Let’s make it twelve, you looks absolutely stunning- so pretty, and all mine.”
The boy can’t help it, you make him feel weightless with happiness sober and the feeling only intensifies when he’s been drinking
There are nights when Fred can’t seem to taste the scorching burn of the liquor anymore after about six shots and it these nights where George and yourself are left dragging him up the stairs
George will beg you to stay the night because he can’t handle Fred’s drunken rambling about how much he misses you
And you agree because, how could you say no to Fred’s adorable puppy dog eyes and grabby hands longing for you to cuddle with him
If you two are both drunk, you’ll stay up talking- or rather whispering- under his comforter
He’ll stumble over his words and jumps from topic to topic in the blink of an eye
Uncontrollable giggles as he whispers- or rather stutters- out the most confusing jokes you’ve ever heard
“Angel, angel…” “Yes, Freddie?” “What happens when a toad’s car breaks down?” “I dunno…” “It gets froged!” “I’m sorry, come again? Isn’t it meant to be the frog’s car that breaks down and it gets ‘toad’...not ‘froged’?”
But he’s out like a light before you can get an explanation
He breathes like darth vader when he’s in his drunken slumber
Yet its somehow comforting in an odd way
Like it reminds you that he’s there holding you
And also that he’s still alive, which is surprising at times with the amount of drinks he consumes in one night
If you think Fred acts reckless sober, he thinks he’s invincible when he’s drunk which is even worse
He’ll agree to almost anything
If Ron were to tell him he bet Fred wouldn’t jump from the Astrology Tower all the way down to the courtyard? Fred would do it just in spite of him
The only time this attitude of his had gotten him into trouble was when Fred, George and Lee came up with the grand idea to go down the boy’s dormitory staircase on mattresses
Fred, being the brilliant man he is, decided to go first
You had been gossiping away in the common room to Hermione about a new Muggle actor the two of you had seen in a film when you heard the loud crashing, followed by the voice you loved so much groaning in agony
By the time you reached the opening to the stairwell, George and Lee were aiding Fred down the stone steps, carefully avoiding his ankle which had been twisted in an inhuman position
Madam Pomfrey surprisingly kept hum about Fred’s intoxication and instead scolded him for hours on end about his reckless, mindless choice to try to slide down, winding, steep, stone steps
Once news reached the professors the nest morning, McGoagall dismissed 40 points from Gryffindor for the incident
Using your mattress to surf down the twirling stairwell has since been prohibited
On a separate occasion Fred had accident lit the edge of the curtain on fire
You can always tell when he’s reached that level by the volume in his tone
It tends to get deeper the more intoxicated he becomes
And his words slowly slur together into a string of blabber
Mostly compliments, sweet words, and sometimes suggestive ones as well
Fred gets a bit more… forward when he’s got that liquid courage soaring through him
His hands will start to roam slowly from around your waist to your lower back, then resting on your bum
He gets turned on watching you play beer pong for some reason
Especially when you win
Maybe it’s the view he’s graced with when you bend to bounce the pin pong ball
Or the feistiness that arises when the match gets hot
It’s more than enticing for him
Fred can feel his frame get stiffer everytime you bend across the table to retrieve the cup and chug the beer from it
When the round has ceased and you’re declared champion yet again, Fred steps forward to pull you in for a hug
As he gives you a kiss on the cheek, he whispers, 
“Good girl! Now if you beat George again I’ll give you a special surprise later tonight, angel.”
Which makes your knees weak like jell-o as your frame pushes into his for support
It doesn’t help that you can feel just how excited he is through the denim of his jeans
Fred dips his head to plant a trail of wet, teasing kisses along the skin of your warm neck until George was groaning and pleading for you to start the match
You practically shook for the entirety of the game, still managing to sink almost every shot into a cup forcing George to drink for the majority of it
He ended up tapping out once you nailed the seventh cup in a row and kept your winning streak alive due to his need to find a trash can immediately
You stopped there to join Fred by his side as he smiled to you, clearly pleased that you won
“Looks like someone is getting rewarded tonight.”
His arm draped around your shoulder as you leaned into his side, your cheeks flaring from the mass of bodies but mostly from Fred’s suggestive promise
He only forced you to suffer through the party for another ten minutes or so before pouring one last shot for the both of you, then nearly pushing you up the winding stairs to his dorm
Lets just say he certainly fulfilled on his promise- more than once that night
Loves it when you sit in his lap when you’re on the couch together
Whispers dirty secrets into your ear
Drunk Fred leaves hickies under the clothes
He’s not the type to care who’s around, he’ll try to slide his hand up your skirt in front of nearly anyone when he’s inebriated
“Fred- you’re brother is sitting right there, stop it!” “Shhhh, angel. He’s not even watching, right George?” “Right, Fred.” “See?”
To which you glare dangerous at him as you place his hand back in his lap, but Fred continues to smirk in amusement
It’s like you’re a preschool teacher constantly having to tell a child to keep their hands to themselves, Fred just refuses to listen
Fred doesn’t necessarily get jealous of other guys
He trusts you and he’s confident enough in your relationship not to feel threatened by other guys
However he is possessive af over you when he’s been drinking
In a sweet way tho
Literally wants all your time and attention when he’s drunk
If you don’t feel like dancing, he’ll ask you to come watch him dance
When you say you need to use the bathroom, he’ll ask a million times if you want him to come with
If George places a bet against Fred in a game of cards, Fred will drag you over to sit next to him as Seamus shuffles the deck and prepares the table
He’ll show you his cards and tell you to pick one
Even though he knows you’re completely unaware of the rules to the game, he loves the smile of excitement that appears on your face when he lets you
And in the rare times that you do say no, he works his magic with those big doe eyes and pouty lip until you say yes
It brings him comfort when you’re by his side
Your nights end the same each day, wrapped in his arms listening to the relaxing thump of his heart as the two of you doze off, both silently dreading the awaiting hangover than would surely greet you first thing in the morning, but you wouldn’t want it any other way
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch6: That Makes Two Of Us
Summary: Things heat up between Katie and Steve as their relationship progresses, but when Tony caches them out, he’s on the war path.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad Language, Smut (dry humping, oral- male receiving) NSFW, 18+. and a VERY angry Big Brother...
A/N: One of my favourite chapters. Thank you to @angrybirdcr​ , its a pleasure to have your edits for the repostings!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 5
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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End of May 2013
“For the one hundredth time, no, Tony I am NOT coming.” Katie groaned as she pulled up outside Steve’s apartment building “I have work to do.” “But the damned meeting is in DC!” Tony protested “Surely you can manage to spare an hour! You’re part of the board!” “You know full well that’s only to make sure that Starks maintain a controlling stake!”
“So basically what you’re saying is that you don’t care about our business.” Her brother’s voice took on a petulant tone. He could be such a child at times. “Stop being a dick.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose “Look, I’m busy with work, I can’t just drop everything you know just because you-” “Have you got a man on the go?” Tony asked suddenly, cutting her off “Because I’ve not seen you for weeks. Do I need to prep a Shovel Talk?” “Goodbye, Tony.” Katie cancelled the call before she stepped out of the car and headed to the lobby door.
In his apartment Steve was reading a proposal and groaning to himself. They wanted him to record videos to talk to high school kids about puberty, keeping fit, being in detention, not doing drugs…and he had agreed, just to shut them up mainly, but he was already regretting his decision. With a final wrinkle of his nose, he threw down the document he was looking at and was about to make himself a coffee when the buzzer to his apartment went off.
“Hey, Handsome.” Katie’s voice rang over the intercom and he smiled just as he always did when she called him that, a habit she’d slipped easily into over the last three weeks of dating, which had consisted of early morning breakfast meets on their way into work, stolen lunchtimes away from the office where they could hold hands with a slice or a burrito as they walked around the Mal, three more intimate evening meals at quiet restaurants and one trip to the cinema. That had been Steve’s favourite date so far, not just because it had been his first time in a movie theatre since the 40s, but more so that he he’d enjoyed the feel of her as she leaned into him when he’d put his arm round the back of her chair, sharing popcorn, stolen quick kisses on the lips in the dark as they sat on the back row in between their bursts of hysterical laughter at the film. They had gone to see the third and final instalment of the Hangover trilogy, which Katie had been ridiculously excited about. She loved those films and Steve had to admit he agreed they were pretty good, as all three had made him laugh in places until tears rolled down his face. Movie and TV nights in their apartments had also turned into something special too as they snuggled down together, sharing snacks and personal space along with deep kisses that left him wanting a lot more… “Hey Sweetheart, come on up.”
He waited for her by the door and felt his breath catch as she emerged onto the landing from the stairs. She was wearing a blue and white LA Dodgers T-shirt, which was tight and finished just above her hips and clung to her chest flashing a strip of her toned stomach, tight grey jeans which fit snug to her ass and black baseball boots. Steve had seen her in all sorts of clothing items- jeans, tops, dresses…but never like this.
And fuck, she looked hot.
“Hi!” She greeted him with a huge smile and a gentle kiss, standing on her toes to meet his lips, before she stepped into the apartment and headed into the living room. Spotting the file on the coffee table she picked it up.
“What’s this?” She asked, opening it.
“A proposal from Fury. I’m going to be doing some videos, for high school kids..phys-ed classes that kinda thing.” “Videos?” “Yeah, apparently they get Celebrities to do them normally but they thought they’d use me this time.” Steve shrugged. “You’re not some kind of performing monkey they can trot out when they want.” She winkled her nose in distaste as she remembered those awful USO videos as she thumbed through the file. 
Steve smiled at her indignation on his behalf. “It’s only a couple of videos.” he assured her. 
“Hmm.” she dropped the file with disdain onto the table “Anyway, enough about that. You busy?” “When it comes to spending time with you? Never.”
“Oh that was smooth, Captain Badass!” She smirked and he gave her a quick shrug and a smile.
“What you got in mind?”
Grinning like a Cheshire cat she pulled out what looked like two tickets from her back pocket and suddenly it became apparent why she was dressed as she was.
“Are we…no, you’re kidding?” Steve couldn’t help the childish grin which flickered across his face “Baseball?” *****
“Oh what?” Katie cried out, jumping to her feet as the umpire made an atrocious decision for what felt like the 100th time, turning to Steve in disgust. “Is this guy blind or just really fucking dumb?”
Steve let out a snort, leaning back in his seat with his hand gesturing to the field. “Blind, he has to be. No one can be that stupid. I mean he’s been calling bad ones all game.”
Katie angrily dropped to her chair and Steve gestured to the vendor for two more beers. He passed one to Katie who hesitated as she took it.
“I bought the car.” She said, looking at him.
“Sweetheart,” he leaned over, kissing her cheek, “ridiculously fast metabolism, remember? I can’t get drunk. I’ll drive home…”
He handed over his money, waved away the little bit of change he would have received before he turned back to his girl who was pouting at him.
“The last time you drove Rainey you didn’t respect her. You drove her through a fuck tonne of puddles.”
“Doll, it’s a…”
“Er, she.” Katie looked at him. “She is not an it…”
Steve rolled his eyes. She was ridiculously attached to her Range Rover. He had to admit, as far as cars went it was pretty damned nice both to be driven in and to drive. White with black wheels and windows, and every gadget in it known to man. Mind you, he expected nothing else from the Starks.
“Ok, she is a damned four by four…” He raised an eyebrow for her. “They’re supposed to go off roading, so what’s a few puddles?”
“Off roading?” Katie spluttered, her eyes wide. “No! You’re so not driving her ever again.”
“Fine I’ll drink both of these then.” He shrugged, moving to take the beer he’d handed her back, and she moved it out of his reach, glaring at him. The desire to drink and have fun won out over protecting her car from a haphazard Captain who was on the sly a bit of a speed demon and probably never actually completed any kind of driving lesson in his life, let alone a test. She dug into her pocket and handed over her keys.
“One scratch and you’re a dead man.” She narrowed her eyes playfully.
“I’ll take good care of her.” He said solemnly, putting the keys into his pocket.
As the game progressed, despite his protestations that the LA Dodgers just weren’t his team, he found himself rooting for them and he was getting more and more frustrated at the current batters method. The guy was swinging it around with more force than Thor wielded his hammer and it wasn’t working. But just as Steve was about to let out another cry of frustration, the bat suddenly connected with the ball, and it was a good hit. Both Steve and Katie got to their feet shouting for the players to speed up and go for home. When they made it the pair both let out a loud cheer, and Steve hugged Katie, grinning wildly. At that moment, stood there, surrounded by strangers but with the girl who made him feel so grounded, he had never felt so normal since coming out of the ice, and he loved it. 
The rest of the innings passed far too fast, but at the end of the game, the Dodgers won, much to Katie’s delight. They joined the throng of people streaming out of the stadium hand in hand and Steve, still grinning like an idiot felt Katie tug on his hand.
“Shall we head for a drink?” She asked as he looked at her.
He nodded, tilting the peak of her cap back slightly and giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Sounds great.” And it was a great idea. Until they parked up, walked into the sports bar and spotted half of STRIKE in there round a table.
“Turn around.” Katie hissed with a groan and, just as they were about to do so, Rumlow yelled from the bar.
“Hey Cap, Nova…”
“Too late.” Steve muttered as Katie rolled her eyes and turned round.
“Fancy seeing you here!” Rumlow smiled and Katie shrugged.
“Yeah, small world, huh?”
“You want a beer, Cap?” Rumlow gestured to the bar and Steve nodded.
“Sure, thanks.”
“Stark, what do you…woah, what is this shit?” Rumlow pointed at her shirt and it didn’t escape Steve’s notice that the man’s gaze was lingering far too long on her boobs. He took a deep inhale, his fists clenching in his pockets as Katie let out a scoff.  
“This shit just kicked the Nationals asses!” she responded, jabbing Rumlow in his chest.
“Whatever man!” Rumlow shook his head. “Fucking Dodgers…” They didn’t have much option then but to join the rest of the team. Rumlow took the opportunity to eyeball Katie at every given opportunity and it was really starting to piss Steve off. At one time Katie looked up and caught Steve simply glaring at Rumlow, and in an attempt to keep him calm she gently squeezed his knee under the table. Steve was glad when it was his round, giving him an excuse to leave the table, Evans following to give him a hand.
“Enjoy your date?” Thee ginger haired man looked at Steve with a smirk.
“What?” Steve replied, a little too quickly. “I saw you and Stark kissing.” Evans popped a shoulder. “Outside the stadium. Don’t worry, no one else did.” Steve let out a sigh. It wasn’t like they were doing anything wrong, but he knew that Tony didn’t know yet and the pair of them were simply enjoying the early stages of a new relationship on their own before the inevitable tornado of interest hit once they did go public. Glancing at Katie who was talking to Rollins and Rumlow at their table, he turned back to Evans and dropped his voice slightly.
“We’re not deliberately keeping it from everyone, it’s just early days, don’t want everyone sticking their noses in, get what I’m sayin’?” “Secret’s safe with me.” Evans nodded. “Although I suspect it won’t be a secret for much longer if Rumlow keeps eye fucking your girl.”
Steve let out a snort as he took his change from the bar tender. “He’s a pain in the ass.” “Yeah well do me a favour, Cap.” Evans chuckled, picking up three of the glasses “When you do eventually snap and beat on him, make sure I’m there. Been waiting for someone to smack the shit outta him for years.”
Later that evening the coffee table at Katie’s apartment sported a number of empty plates, which had previously contained several frozen pizzas, and a good quantity of empty beer bottles. Katie was happily snuggled under Steve’s arm, curled against him and he was enjoying the closeness and comfortable silence that had fallen over them as they watched another ‘Game of Thrones’ episode. Katie had gotten him hooked on the fantasy programme and promised not to watch any of the latest season until he had caught up on the last two. As the episode finished he felt her stir and he didn’t want her to move, thankfully she didn’t too far, simply shifting her head slightly.
“So I never asked if you enjoyed yourself” She asked, looking up at him.
“Doll, it was amazing. Thank you.” “We should go more often” She mused “I haven’t seen a game live in years but I really enjoyed it.”
“You know what I didn’t enjoy?” He looked down at her, the soft light from the lamp illuminating her pretty face, highlighting the freckles spattered across her nose. “Sitting in that bar with Rumlow watching him looking at you.”
“Aww were you jealous?” She teased, sitting up.
“Not at all.” He shook his head, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as he recalled what Evans had said at the bar “Just don’t appreciate him eye fucking my girl.”
She let out a large snort before she looked at him, as her brain registered what he had just said.
“Your girl?” Her tone was teasing but the look in her eyes told him she was anything but, in fact she looked almost nervous. “Is that what I am?”
Steve hesitated, realising that he’d never actually asked her that question before. Was three weeks too soon? He had no idea. To him it wasn’t, he’d been waiting to be able to call her his for months now, but was he outside of modern day dating etiquette?
He looked at her and took a deep breath, before he swallowed and spoke quietly, the nerves making his stomach flip slightly. “Well I’m kinda hoping you wannabe. I mean, if it’s not too soon.”
“It’s not too soon, it’s not too soon at all.” She whispered as she looked back at him, her features soft, eyes alive in the dim light of the lamp. “Stevie, I already am.”
And that was it, his lips crashed onto hers and he was kissing her like he’d been wanting to kiss her all day, his arm curling tighter round her, pulling her close. Katie took the initiative, every inch of her body was on fire for him, and she wrapped her arms round his neck and pulled him down as she fell slowly backwards, sinking into the couch. The movement came as a not-entirely unwelcome surprise to Steve and he didn’t resist. Automatically his hands crept to her hips, settling just under the hem of her top as she placed both hands on his face, the pads of her finger tips cupping his jaw. She broke away this time to breathe, head laying back on the arm of the couch and he dropped his head, pausing his lips inches from her neck.
“Can I kiss you here?” He whispered softly. .
“God, yes.” Katie sighed and he obliged, pressing his mouth to her neck. He gripped her hips again and they gave a little jerk of their own accord, pushing up against him and they she let out a soft moan at the feeling of his crotch bumping against hers. At the noise Steve pulled back to stare at her again, almost as if he was needing her permission to carry on. Katie wordlessly answered by tilting her hips up again, causing him to give a little grunt as she did so, before he took a deep breath and swallowed.
“Doll, I don’t want to rush you or do anything-”
“It’s okay Steve,” Her voice was low and slightly breathy as she looked at him, her eyes, locking onto his. She wanted this, more than she’d wanted anything before. She pushed her head upwards, lips pressing back to his and her hands slid under his t- shirt. His muscles twitched at her touch as the sensation of her gently dragging her nails across his stomach sent a spike of desire, like a red hot poker through his entire body. At that point, something snapped inside him and he let out a growl and Katie paused, hands still on his stomach.
“Did you just growl at me?” Her eyes flashed, dark, a smirk on her face. She was enjoying the effect she had on him, and right now so was he.
“Yeah.” he nodded, simply.
Her smirk grew wider as she grasped the bottom of his T-shirt. He held his arms up so she pull it over his head, and once he was free, he glanced down to see Katie looking at his chest.
She’d never seen him topless before and she was momentarily stunned. She let her hands wander, tracing the lines of the flowing muscles and Steve let out another groan wanting to feel her skin against his. He interrupted her hands exploration by gripping her top and looked back at her, ever questioning. As means of an answer she moved her arms and sat up slightly to allow him to yank it up and off, her hair falling around her shoulders, his lips catching hers as he gently slipped one strap of her bra down at a time placing a soft kiss on each of her shoulders. Her breasts spilled over the tops of the lace lined cups and his groin twitched, the crotch of his jeans now painfully tight.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered gently, and then he kissed her again. Her fingers gently took his hands and she guided them onto her, sliding them up her rib cage to her chest and he obliged, boy did he oblige. Gently at first, softly squeezing and kneading the soft flesh and white lace, before his hand slid into the cups, teasing her taught nipples with his thumbs, acting completely on instinct, listening and watching her as she groaned gently, arching her back, her reaction telling him he was doing something right as all the time his groin bumped against hers.
Katie could feel the fabric of her underwear sliding in her jeans with every thrust of his hips against hers, that’s how wet she was. Steve was rocking hard against her and she buried her fingers in his hair, pulling sharply, forcing his head back, almost violently. As she tugged he let out another low growl and when she let go he stared down at her to see her smirking as she watched him, his pupils blown so wide there was hardly any blue left.
The rhythm of his hips was growing more frantic and their kisses were growing more desperate. “More,” she moaned into his mouth, and he gave her what she wanted, moving his hips even faster, rubbing against her in ways that had her clutching at his back like her life depended on it. Steve had never felt anything like this in his life. It was so good, so right, in a way nothing had ever felt so right before. This was a first for him, rutting up against someone fully clothed. Making out, Bucky had called it, but none of Steve’s bedroom experiences had ever entailed anything like this, and God, his head was a whirl of lust, desire, and he didn’t give a fuck about anything else at that moment other than her as she lay underneath him.
He started to lose his rhythm and he let out another groan as the tell-tale tightening across his lower stomach warned him he was fast approaching his release. This was too soon, he needed to get her there first. Clenching his teeth he desperately fought back the high as he pushed his hips down hard, making her gasp and claw at his back.
“Sweetheart, I’m close.” He breathed. “You almost there? Tell me your close baby, please?”
He needn’t have worried, at his words it was all she could do to moan brokenly and nod and his mouth fell to that spot on her neck which seemed to drive her wild. She tipped her head back as he gently nipped beneath her ear with his teeth and a few more thrusts of his hips against hers and she was done, fingers wrapped around his hair as the lights exploded in front her eyes and she felt the coil in her stomach unravelling as she came hard underneath him, hips bucking upwards, almost violently. Her voice was broken as she gasped out “Stevie…”and it was the single most beautiful sound he’d ever heard in his life. Her name for him, the name that no-one in this day and age called him other than her, tumbled from her lips and seeing and feeling her fall apart in his arms sent him over the edge right behind her in a pure surge of ecstasy. He fell forward, his arms shaking as he fought to keep his body up, not wanting to crush her under his weight. His head dropped forward, as he lowered himself ever so gently onto his elbows, his face pressing into the crook of her shoulder and she gently ran her fingers through his hair as they both breathed deeply as they waited to regain control of their bodies. Eventually both of them evened out and he raised his head to look at her, to find her smirking a little, her eyes twinkling with what looked like humour.
“What?” He managed to ask, his nose sliding against hers.
“I haven’t dry humped since I was about sixteen.” she said closing her eyes again with a smirk.
“Dry humped?” He snorted. “What-“
She laughed “Dry humping, making out, whatever. It’s been a while, Rogers.”
He felt himself chuckle again and she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, one of her hands running up and down his spine causing the muscles to gently twitch at her touch, neither of them in a hurry to move, but Steve’s arms were starting to hurt.
“You ok?” Katie looked at him, seeing the tension in his muscles and he nodded.
“Yeah, just, my arms.”
“Lay down.” Her hands moved to his biceps, gently trailing shapes on his skin.
“Doll, I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I’m not made of glass, handsome. I promise you, it’ll be fine.”
Steve licked his lips and with a deep breath he lowered himself down gently, shifting and moving lower, pressing as little of himself to her as he could, despite the fact he could have happily smothered her to feel her body pressed against this. He closed his eyes and lay his head gently on her chest as she carded one hand through his hair, the other softly trailing down his neck and across his shoulders. Her touch was soothing, relaxing, loving even, and h felt himself beginning to doze off.
Katie was also growing sleepy, so she gently kissed his head and whispered a single word to him.
It was a question to him, an invitation to stay with her that she was desperately hoping he’d take up.
He opened his eyes to blink lazily up at her. “Do you want me to?” he asked, his voice thick.
She nodded, “Let’s go to bed.”
He made to stand before he remembered his trouser predicament having just shot his load into them like a pubescent teenager and stilled, his cheeks flushing even more.
“I uh…I think I need to…”
“There’s some stuff of Tony’s in the spare room.” she said, looking at him cutting him off knowing exactly what the problem was because she was also in need of a clean-up “Should be a pair of sweats in there. Might be a bit short on you but…”
With another soft kiss, he pushed himself up off the couch before offering her his hand. She took it and he pulled her up, a little more forcefully than he had intended and she fell forwards, crashing into his chest.
“Steady on Soldier.” She grinned and he apologised, dropping a kiss to her forehead as his gaze once more dropped to her chest. With a certain glint in her eye she turned around, undid her bra and slipped it off before bending over in front of him, picking up his T-shirt from where she’d tossed it to the floor before heading over to the stairs.
Steve was hard again like it had never left.
After he had cleaned himself up and managed to calm himself down, he thrown on a pair of Tony’s sweatpants retrieved from the spare room and exited the main bathroom, heading to her room. She wasn’t asleep as he found out as he settled down in the bed next to her, and she moved to rest her head on his bare chest tangling her legs into his as his hand stroked her back, gently underneath his T’shirt, light fingers brushing her soft skin.
“This is mine…” He teased with a yawn as he tugged at the bottom of his shirt and she moved laying a soft kiss onto his lips.
“You can have it back tomorrow.” She said, laying her head back down on his chest. As her breathing grew even he felt himself start to drift off too, the warm feeling in his chest made him want to burst with happiness.
When Steve woke the next morning it was peacefully. Katie had shifted positions through the night and now her back was to him pressed as close as she could get, he still had his arms around her, his face buried in her hair. She smelt so familiar and comfortable. As his sleepy brain reminded him of the previous night he smiled and felt a familiar twitch. He was hard, again, which wasn’t uncommon when waking up, but suddenly he felt her stir, and then he realised with horror that she was going to feel him poking her in the back.
It took Katie a few seconds to recall the night before, but when she felt a solid, warm wall of muscle pressed against her, a small hum of contentment rumbled in her throat as she pushed back further into him. They both lay there for a moment, silently, basking in the warmth and softness of each other before Katie turned over and looked up at him. Her face was devoid of any make up, not that she wore a lot anyway, but her freckles were more pronounced, clear skin was bright, cheeks flushed and her hair was tousled in waves around her shoulders. He reached out to tuck a long strand that had fallen over her cheek behind her ears, when she looked up at him, her eyes glinting.
He was about to wish her good morning, but before he could she kissed him, hard and fast, tongue tangling with his. And then she was straddling him, his head against the pillow, as her lips began to trail down his chest. By the time his sleep and lust addled brain had caught up with what was going on, she had reached her destination and had flipped the waist band of the sweats he was wearing down, taking his erection firmly in one hand, making him hiss slightly.
His size had taken Katie slightly by surprise, although she knew with retrospect it shouldn’t have. She looked up and locked eyes with him before she gave him one final smirk and took him in her mouth. Steve panicked for a second, this had never happened to him before, his hands flying to the bed sheets either side of his waist, but it wasn’t for long, as all worry flew out of his mind as she began to work him.
From the noises he was making Katie knew he was enjoying himself. Which was her aim. After a short while, she pulled off of him to suck at the tip and worked her hands over the rest of his length. When she glanced up at him, he had his head thrown back against the pillow, face contorted in utter pleasure. She continued to lick, suck, and when she pulled away slightly to suck at the sensitive tip, working the rest of his length with her hands he let out a loud groan and he looked at her. Her eyes locked onto his and he felt that tell-tale warmth rising in his groin and stomach.
“Katie, sweetheart, shit.” His voice was raspy from desire and the fact it was morning and Katie was beyond aroused at the sound as he babbled the first words either of them had spoken since waking. “I’m gonna-” his words caught in his mouth as she took him in hers again, this time all the way to the back of her throat. At that, he was gone, his fingers gripped her hair tight the other clutched at the bedsheets, noises escaping him that he’d never heard before as he spilled himself down her throat and slumped back completely blissed out.
Katie rolled onto her side watching, as he finally opened his eyes and looked down at her.
“Morning, Handsome.”  She grinned and he felt himself chuckle.
“Morning, Gorgeous.” he said, still fighting to control his breathing.
“You want breakfast?” She asked, leaning over to peck him on the lips. He hummed a response and she smiled once more before climbing out of bed. Steve watched her head into the bathroom and found himself thinking that as far as mornings went, he’d had worse.
She emerged a few moments later, her hair slightly less wild, and she was still in his T-shirt, which fell to midway down her toned thighs, giving him a better look at that intriguing tattoo that adorned her right which he still hadn’t seen in full properly. She flashed him a smile, fully aware he was looking her up and down, and then she left without a word, clearly with no intentions of getting dressed fully yet. Which was fine by him.
Katie turned the radio on and set about making coffee, singing softly to herself as she replaced the filter paper. She tossed in a liberal amount of Columbian Roast and was just pouring two mugs when Steve, who was now out of bed, appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. She smiled at him and slid a mug of the coffee over the island where the creamer and sugar already lay waiting and he took it with a thanks.
“How hungry are you?” she asked and he arched an eyebrow over the top of the mug and she gave a laugh. “Sorry, dumbass question. Fancy pancakes and fruit?”
“Don’t got to any trouble, Doll.” He began to protest but she shook her head.
“It’s no bother, I can whip up a batter in five minutes.”
Turning away from him, she reached up into the cupboard for the flour and the T-shirt she was wearing rode up slightly giving Steve a perfect view of her ass which was clad in black lace panties. The fraying tendrils of self-control he had been holding onto snapped completely and stood up from the stool he’d been perched on, right hand still clutching his coffee. He rounded the island in three long strides and placed the mug down on the counter beside her, his hands falling to her hips and he gently spun her to face him. She giggled slightly before his lips met hers and he reached down and cupped her ass in both hands picking her up easily and setting her down on the counter.
“Something got you worked up Captain?” She teased, looking up at him. Last night had clearly unlocked something in the Soldier, and she was liking what she was seeing, and feeling.  
“Yeah, the sight of you wearing nothing but a pair of panties and my t-shirt…” He said raising an eyebrow as he reached for his mug again, taking another drink, trying to play it cool. But it wasn’t working clearly, as she simply laughed and slid both arms around his neck as she leaned in to kiss him again. His free hand slid to her thigh, tracing a path up until, just as he had reached the bottom of her panties, they were interrupted by the sound of the lift doors opening.
“Hey Kiddo, you in?” Steve and Katie exchanged a look, utter horror spreading from Steve’s head to his toes as Tony’s voice hit his ears.
“Kiddo?” he shouted again. “I can smell coffee, you in the kitchen?”
“Shit…” Katie said as she gently pushed Steve backwards, jumping down from the counter, adjusting the T-shirt. Steve was now a shade of crimson pretty much from his neck upwards as he desperately tried to rearrange his pants to hide his once more ebbing arousal. She debated telling Steve to hide in the bedroom but there was no way he’d get across the open plan living space to the stairs without Tony seeing him.
They were well and truly caught.
As she clocked the utter horror on Steve’s face she was suddenly overcome with giggles at how ridiculous the entire situation was. A super soldier and a SHIELD agent, both of them having faught aliens, deadly terrorists and weapons traders, were stood in her kitchen panicking about being busted fooling around by her brother.
“So, the damned board meeting was cancelled which would have been fine had I not already been on the jet over, so I thought seeing as I now in town with nothing to do we could hang for the day or if you’re too busy at least have breakfast…” Tony’s voice was getting louder as he walked through the apartment.
Steve looked at her in utter astonishment as she began to laugh now because frankly he couldn’t think of a single thing that was funny about this situation if he tried. Her laughter didn’t stop even as her brother walked into the kitchen, his brown eyes flashing from his sister to Steve and their various state of undress, a look of utter horror on his face as he processed the implications.
“Oh you have gottta be fucking kidding me…” Tony muttered, dropping the box he was carrying onto the kitchen counter. “Please tell me there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for this…” “Explanation yes, innocent…not so much.” Katie said through her laughter and Steve let out a groan. This was not how he wanted Tony to find out.  “Don’t you know how to buzz Dickwad, before just walking into my apartment?”
“I have a key…” “For emergencies…” she shot back. “Stop changing the subject.” Tony demanded his eyes flashing dangerously and Katie folded her arms and tilted her chin up defiantly.
“Look, this isn’t a big deal, Tony…”
“No, this…this is a very big deal…” he snapped back as he looked from her to Steve, every line on his face was contorted with anger and shock.
Steve took a deep breath and placed his mug down on the side. “Tony…” he began trying to placate the billionaire but he was cut off.
“What, you gonna tell me this aint what it looks like?” he shook his head. “That Captain America isn’t banging my little sister? I might be like nearly 60 years younger than you old man but I wasn’t born yesterday.”
Steve took a breath, his nostrils flaring at Tony’s snipe.
“Tony, I’m 29 next week, I can do what or who I like” Katie snapped at him “And besides you’ve no room to talk, the amount of times I’ve walked in on you and whichever bimbo you decided to bring home that night…”
“That is completely different!” Tony spluttered.
“No it isn’t” she shot back, hands going to her hips.
Tony’s eyes locked onto hers, before he looked back at Steve who held his gaze evenly, before the dark haired man shook his head and looked at the super soldier.
“Can you go and put some clothes on please, frankly the amount of flesh on show is disturbing me.” “Well I would but your sister is still wearing my shirt.” Steve shot back, his temper rising. Tony gave another growl and then he stopped, open mouthed.
“Are those my sweats?” He spluttered, his voice practically a squeak.
“Yes.” Katie replied simply, and at that point she grabbed Steve’s hand and pulled him out of the room and up the stairs. The initial humour she had found in the situation had ebbed away and now she was livid at her brother.
“He is…” she started, opening the various drawers to pull out a hooded top. Taking Steve’s T-shirt off, as she threw it over the bed to him. “The biggest hypocrite going…”
“To be fair I can kinda see it from his point of view…” Steve said shrugging on his T-shirt and making a point of averting his eyes as she strode over to her dresser, naked bar her panties.
She pulled on a hoody and narrowed her eyes at Steve. “Don’t defend him…”
He chuckled and crossed the room, walking round the bed. “I’m not.” he placed a peck on her lips “But I do think that I should go, let you talk to him alone…”
“Yeah, probably for the best…” she breathed out a sigh and followed him down the stairs where he retrieved his sneakers.
“Wait, do you wanna take my car or…” He gestured up and down his body, and she took in his trainers, slightly too short joggers and a T-shirt “Nah, Baby Girl, I’ll run.” She smiled at the term of endearment that he hadn’t used before then, as he dropped a kiss to her cheek.
“I’ll call you later.” He promised, before disappearing in the elevator.
Katie took a deep breath and walked back into the kitchen. Tony eyed her from where he was leaning against the counter, mug of coffee in his hand.
“Don’t start.” Katie warned him, to no avail
“Oh I’m gonna!” Tony spat, before he paused and looked around “Where is the Star Spangled Ass-hole?”
“Gone home.” Katie folded her arms.
Tony snorted “I bet he has…” “You know I don’t remember me reacting like this every time you brought a girl home, which from my recollection happened quite a lot.” Katie sniped back, as she walked to where he was stood by the coffee pot and reached round him to pour herself a fresh mug.
“That..that was different…” Tony stammered at her back as she walked to the counter for the creamer.
“How so?”
“Because, well, it’s him…” he whined “I mean, seriously? Of all the men in the world…”
“Yeah because the last one worked out so great…” Katie said sarcastically, replacing the carton down with a slightly harsh action, causing some to spill over the top.
The room fell silent bar the chink of the spoon on the edge of her pink unicorn mug as she stirred in sugar and milk. She took a sip of her drink and turned to face her brother who was hunched over the counter slightly, eyes on his mug. Eventually he straightened up and met his sister’s eyes before he spoke again, this time his voice was softer.
“How long?” he asked,
“Three weeks, give or take.”
“Three weeks, and I’m only just finding out?” “Yes, Tony.” she groaned, with the air of someone talking to a small child “And your reaction is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you.”
To be fair, Steve was right. It wasn’t an ideal way for him to find out, but she knew the reaction from Tony wasn’t about her being caught, it was about her being caught with Steve. The two men got on okay, which hadn’t always been the case, but after the battle of New York Steve had spent a lot of time with them both at the tower. Tony was still a little reserved with Steve, more so due to the fact that Captain America was someone their dad had idolised but, whilst the two men were immensely different, there was a mutual respect between them and Katie was hoping now that that was going to be enough for Tony to be reasonable about the situation.
“Please don’t kick off about this. I care about him, a lot.” She said gently, looking at her brother, appealing to his better nature and the fact that she knew he would want her to be happy.
And sure enough, that was exactly what Tony asked as he looked at her.
“Does he make you happy?”
“More than anything.” she replied honestly. “I really like him Tony, I want this to work.”
Tony studied her face for a moment before he let out a deep sigh, looking away. “Damned it.” He groaned “I can’t believe I’m going to have to have the Shovel Conversation with Captain America.”
In the silence that followed Katie debated pointing out that Steve wouldn’t be frightened in the slightest of Tony’s various threats anyway, but who was she to rob her brother of his opportunity to try and protect her?  Instead she placed her mug on the counter and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Tony who sighed again and reciprocated the gesture.
“Suppose he is an improvement on Agent Shitweasel” he said, resting his chin on her head.
“That’s not exactly a glowing endorsement.” she snorted.
Steve was reading a book in his lounge when Katie messaged him later that afternoon. Apparently Tony had calmed down enough to take her for lunch at some Italian place in the Business District following which they’d had a walk round the city together before Tony had left to go back to New York. Steve was pleased, he knew that despite the fact that he drove her insane at times, she loved the bones of her brother which was why his reaction before had pissed her off. He messaged back, telling her he was glad she’d had a good time and that he would call her later before he picked his book back up, but he’d only managed another chapter or so before there was a buzz on his intercom.
“Rogers, it’s me.”
Steve sighed “Come on up.”
He wasn’t surprised Tony was on his doorstep, he’d been half expecting it. And, judging from the lack of stupid nickname, no Spangles, no Capsicle, no Old Man, he wasn’t here to exchange pleasantries. A fact that was confirmed when Stark didn’t wait for Steve to invite him in, he simply pushed past the door into his flat and stalked inside, glancing around.
“You can tell Kiddo helped you decorate and furnish this gaff, far too modern to be your doing. There’s no Dig for Victory posters or wind up radios…” Tony said, causing Steve to roll his eyes “Holy shit, is that an original Dekka?”
“Katie said you’d like that” Steve watched the inventor cross the room and run his hands across the sleekness of the record player’s casing. “But I have a feeling you didn’t come here to admire my music equipment.”
“Perceptive” Tony turned to face him, his eyes flashing. Steve took a deep breath.
“Tony, I…” “No, you don’t get to talk, you get to listen. And you better listen good.” the billionaire cut him off “Katie was heartbroken when Agent Shitweasel did the dirty on her. She came home and I held her as she cried herself to sleep for 2 goddamned weeks before she shipped out to New Mexico… ”
“Tony…”Steve began, knowing already where this conversation was going. He wanted to assure Tony that he would never do what Ward had done, ever. But Tony ignored him.
“I hated him.” Tony said “he was an absolute dickhead with her at times and she changed because of it.  And then, after New York she seemed to go back to being her old self. She was laughing, socialising…and that was down to you” Tony looked at the Super Soldier, who cocked his head slightly to the right as he listened, a small smile tugging at his lips “ She had a friend, something she hasn’t had much time for since my little sioree in an Afghan cave, my bad, and for the first time in ages I can see she’s over it, you know…” he took a deep breath and Steve waited for him to finish “But Katie puts her heart into everything, and I gotta ask Cap, is this serious for you or you just after getting your dick wet?”
“What? No, of course it’s serious for me Tony…” Steve said, his temper flaring slightly at his crass tone. “I can’t believe you think that little of me that you had to even ask me that!”
“Oh get off your high horse, Rogers!” Tony shook his head, and Steve raised his eyebrows “This has nothing to do with what I think of you, this is about my sister…you know the girl I brought up from the age of 7.  The girl I couldn’t love any more if she was my own. I’d die for her you got that? Die for her!”
“Well that makes 2 of us!” Steve said loudly, silencing the other man. There was a moment where no sound was heard in the apartment bar the ticking of the clock on the wall and Tony raised his eyebrows slightly as Steve looked down at the floor taking a deep breath.
“Look, I know you’re not happy about this…” Steve sighed, looking at Tony again “But do I care about her Tony, more than you know, and nothing you do or say to me is gonna change that.”
Tony’s eyes softened, but his jaw remained set. Steve took a deep breath and wet his lips before he continued.  “And, for what it’s worth, I think you did a damned good job of raising her. She’s an incredible woman.”
“She’s a pain in the ass…” Tony sniffed, Steve was glad to hear his tone was less confrontational “And she’s stubborn, always thinks she knows best…”
“Wonder where she gets that from?” Steve said cheekily
“Absolutely no idea” Tony deadpanned back.
Steve’s face cracked into a smile as did Tony’s.
“Look.” Tony sighed, “I just want her to be happy and with someone that treats her right…”
“I don’t ever want to hurt her, Tony. You have my word…” Steve said, honestly.
“Good, because if you do, make no mistake I will fucking kill you, slowly and painfully and there will be no defrosting 70 years down the line.” Tony’s brown eyes flashed slightly as he stared at Steve, And Steve knew, absolutely 100% that he meant it. He was surprised to find himself slightly unnerved by the threat. Hoping that his face didn’t give him away her merely nodded and then Tony’s demeanour changed completely and he turned back into the Tony Stark that Steve knew, and had to admit quite liked after all.
“Good, this was a good talk…” Tony said, clapping Steve on the shoulder.
Steve smiled as the weight he hadn’t even realised he’d been carrying was lifted off his shoulder. Having Tony’s, albeit grudging, approval would mean the world to Katie, and if he was honest, it meant a lot to him as well. Not only was Tony his friend also, but he was the closest thing Katie had to a father, and he wanted him to be alright with the fact the two of them were together.
He offered the man a coffee which he politely declined, stating he needed to get back to New York. The two shook hands on the threshold of Steve’s door before Tony gave him one last look, raising his index finger and middle finger of his right hand to his eyes, before turning them to point at Steve in an “I’m watching you” gesture. Steve raised his eyebrows in understanding and felt his mouth tug upwards at the side as Tony turned on his heels and left.
He retreated back to his living room and pulled out his phone.
“Hey Badass” Katie greeted and Steve chuckled.
“I’ve just had a visitor.” Katie groaned into the phone as he sat back on his couch
“Let me guess… my darling brother turned up to give you the shovel talk?” her tone was exasperated. “No mention of a shovel, just threatened to kill me slowly and painfully if I hurt you, and you know what? I have absolutely no qualms about the fact he would.” Steve grinned as he spoke.
“Don’t tell me Captain America is scared of Iron Man?” she questioned playfully. “No, Steve Rogers is slightly disconcerted by Tony Stark.” He corrected as she let out a chuckle.
“Best make sure you don’t hurt me then aint ya?” “I’ve no intentions of doing doll.” He said, honestly before he let out a breath, smiling “I really enjoyed last night.”
“And this morning?”
“Yeah, another first.” He said, unable to stop the smirk on his face spreading into his voice “I’ve never, errr, had a woman use her mouth on me before…or vice versa for that matter.”
“I like being your first.” she said softly and his chest warmed at her words.
“You know what else was a first? Waking up next to my girl.”
There was a pause before she replied, and he could hear the smile in her voice.
“And you know what else I like? You calling me your girl.”
A shit eating grin crept back across the Captains face. “Well, you better get used to it, Doll.”
**** Chapter 7
**Original Posting**
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notmrskennedy · 3 years
Professor, pt 1
A/N - so i heard from like four of you which is enough to warrant me posting drafts that weren’t supposed to see the light of day - ANYWAY this was originally written in third person and let me tell you it takes a ridiculous amount of effort to change tenses like holy hell. 
(Technically the prequel Friendliness but can stand alone if you really want it to. There’s a part two to this so watch out for that tomorrow.)
Summary - Spencer meets a professor and falls in love for a few hours
W/C - 2k
Warnings - none-ish? there’s a small smattering of violence and horrible changing of the tenses 
Spencer can’t help the irony that he’s in a freshman college class for the first time ever while protecting one of the students. Who knew that a tiny club of DnD players could incite so much rage out of an un-sub? So here he was, trying to blend in—even though he’s 25, he still looks 14 and there’s really no real reason why he should be worried about being caught—in order to protect a freshman who was more pimple than male specimen. 
Joesph—the poor kid in question—takes a seat in the front row and Spencer’s obligated to sit within tackling distance, though he hopes it won’t come to that. Hopefully, Morgan will have the kid the un-sub goes for and Spencer can just enjoy being in college again. The painfully familiar auditorium seats, the stale air, and bad fluorescents feel more like home than he cares to admit. 
College hadn’t been all too unpleasant. High school he’d gotten picked on mercilessly. College, however, had meant getting doted on by hot sorority girls and earning the protection of frat boys—they’d picked up rather quickly that he knew football strategy better than they did after Spencer had hustled a TV and 400 dollars from them. Sure, he didn’t drink, but every single drunk teenager had welcomed him with open arms and lots of ginger ale. 
There’s chatter and for the ten minutes before class starts, Spencer is torn between trying to figure out which song is quietly playing around the room and watching for a particularly rage-filled college student serial killer. Instead, he just finds too many bored faces. Most of the kids are drinking coffee like the best of them and he’s itching for his next fix just looking at it. 
The first two rows: a terrible vantage point to be profiling, but a beautifully defensible post. He watches absently as one of the TAs, who looks a little younger than him, organizes three stacks of papers on the front desk and flips through several different pages on the podium. His attention is focused solely on you for nearly a minute too long—he can hear the voice in his head chastising him for how often he gets distracted by pretty people. 
You look of the fragile sort, the in-the-lab kind of future scientist. There’s something about you that’s captivating. It might be the way you keep reorganizing the papers to perfection or maybe it’s the way you study the room so closely. And while he thinks that you might not be able to physically stop someone, you sure look like the kind of person that could crush him in chess. 
He’s 25 and is considering chess as a marriage proposal.  
Joesph shuffles his books around in the seat in front of Spencer and you, the beautiful TA in question, hold a watch up as you move to the centre of the room. Class is starting. Class is starting and he’s hopeful the professor never actually shows up. 
He notices your watch is on your right wrist—are you left handed?—as you smile widely and clap her hands together. First day jitters seem to keep everyone silent, waiting on baited breath for you to start. Spencer would stay on baited breath for the rest of his life for you. You were utterly captivating after all—he could see the drool from several students’ mouths a few seats over. 
“This is Anthropology 101,” you announce. “If this isn’t your class, you’re free to leave. Or stay if you want. Did you guys know that anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million US adults? Or 1 in 5, I guess, if you want the easier pill to swallow.”
Spencer’s heart jumps into his throat and he wants to raise his hand just to ask you to marry him. 
“Anyway,” you sigh, leaning back agains the front desk, “I spit out a lot of facts. Usually something that begins with ‘did you know’ won’t be on the tests. I try to be fair. Which brings us to ice breakers.”
The class collectively groans. You scoff. 
“Oh hush, I’m the only one doing the ice breakers so chill out. Jeez.” Spencer waits patiently for your soft breath and then your further announcement of, “I’m officially Dr. Y/N Y/L/N, but that’s like only if my boss comes in or for any emails you send. You can call me Y/N because that’s like normal. I got my doctorate in forensic anthropology a year ago and I’ve been teaching since I started grad school three years ago. You’re in safe hands, I promise.”
He almost kicks himself. You’re the professor. How many times had he been nearly kicked out of a classroom when he was in grad school for saying he was the professor? How many times had he been 18 and trying to get an ounce of respect for himself? 
You continue, waving your hands about like you could pull your ideas back down to earth. “Um—a fun fact about me is that I am not welcome in certain parts of the world for ‘violating’ what are called exhumation laws, which is silly in my opinion. I had the legal right to carry that head on the plane and—and I hope you did the reading because there’s a first day pop quiz.”
The entire class lets out one simultaneous frustrated whine that alights something almost wicked in your eyes. You wave over two students from the other end of the front row and they begin passing out test papers as you explain. 
“You’ll have a total of fifteen minutes to answer ten questions. We’ll start on my mark. If you have any trouble, give me a shout and I’ll help you out. After this, we’ll go over the syllabus and if you’re lucky, leave early.”
Spencer’s passed a test and immediately notices there’s no place for a name. Just a bolded “Student #21” at the top. Another girl raises the question and you snicker. “I like puzzles,” is the only answer you give before the time starts. 
Question four: what are the top three songs you’ve been listening to? Please list.
Question six: why are you taking this class?
A: This is a requirement
B: I heard it was easy
C: I heard the professor was hot
D: I really enjoy anthropology! (liar)
Question nine: Creationism or Evolution?
Question ten: Quickly. If you were going to have dinner, would it be with Bill or Hillary Clinton?
Spencer can’t hide the grin he’s got the entire test. It’s all ridiculous get-to-know-you questions. He can tell what merit you’re getting out of them. There’s one judging study habits, one judging religion, feminism, politics—you’ve created her own little innocuous questionnaire. Spencer was sure the students would just think you were strange, but he saw the cleverness. 
Spencer also notices that once you notice him, you don’t stop noticing him. He wonders what you see. You’re so obviously profiling him that it hurts. Do you see the FBI agent? The scholar? The doctor? The drug addict? The man in a boy’s skin?
Your timer beeps and you shout for pencils down. Your makeshift TAs are dispatched to collect the papers and you make the stacks perfect when they make it to the desk. You move to the whiteboard, a set of papers clutched in your hand, and lean against it to address the class. 
“Test go alright?” your grin is contagious and Spencer can’t help but mirror it. You glance at Spencer, turns back to the class, and tuck your hair behind your ear. You let the class chatter on for a moment, setting the papers down on the table, and readjust the undone cuffs of your white button down. He never thought that a sweater vest and jeans could look so hot. 
You smirk and check your watch one more time. “Let’s talk about tests because I know you all have questions. Everything on the test is either written on the board, on the notes, or in the study guide—if you fail after that, come to office hours. I’ve got Advil for the hangovers.”
Thankfully, Joesph is one of those students who has to speak to every single one of his professors. Spencer waits patiently behind the kid, trying to keep the smell from the lack of deodorant just out of range. 
He keeps a hard gaze on all of the students moving in and out of the auditorium. There’s nothing to see, just a lot of students with a lot of normal college apathy. No anger, no serial killer, no one to tackle. 
“Sometimes the BO is worse than a corpse’s expulsion of gas,” you joke from your place atop the desk. Spencer looks up, and furrows his eyebrows as his brain processes. Your face falls for a split second, but your curiosity replaces it just as quickly. Joesph’s jaw hits the floor, stumbling for some way to explain himself or maybe some half decent way to insult the pretty professor. 
Spencer laughs, probably a little more than he should have, considering he wasn’t supposed to out himself as an FBI agent. You tuck your hair behind your ear again and, for someone younger than 25, you are surprisingly wide eyed with perception and curiosity. 
“Do you like puzzles, Doctor—“
“Reid,” he supplies, trying to swallow around the lump in his throat. “Spencer.”
You raise an eyebrow, chewing on your bottom lip in contemplation. You turn your focus back to Joesph—a boy worse at talking to those scoring higher than an 8 than Spencer was at the same age. “So, Joesph, why does the good doctor need to be within tackling distance of you?”
Joesph flounders, turns to hide his blush, and yelps like God himself has come down to kick him in the ass. Spencer takes one good look at the 18 year old girl charging towards a pimple of a boy and he launches before he can give much consideration to how much its going to hurt. 
But between the noticing and the launching, he makes a list: she’s got so much black eyeliner that Emily’s high school yearbook photos would be jealous; she’s about to inflict about a 9 on the pain scale if she’s left to her plan; there’s obviously no plan other to scratch Joesph’s eyes out; her nails are the size of tiger claws and Spencer desperately wishes he had a better pain tolerance; there’s no weapon. 
The tackle takes seconds. It’s a practised movement. Roll. Knee. Handcuffs. The girl is screaming and crying and kicking and biting. His arm’s on fire and she’s struggling enough that it’s taking more than ten seconds to get the handcuffs on. 
It’s calculated as he presses his knee harder into her back. She yelps and stills long enough that Spencer closes the handcuffs on her tiny, sliced up wrists. The cutting explains some things…
“Hence the tackling distance,” You sum up, bending down just slightly to look the killer in the face. Your nose wrinkles. “You had very distinct ideas on the cultural value of suicide.”
Spencer shakes his head, hauls the girl to her feet, and beckons for Joesph to follow. The entire world falls out of view as he manhandles the girl into an easy walk. The students step to the side to gawk, and he’s thankful for the wide berth. If someone got hurt, the paperwork alone—
“It was nice meeting you, Dr. Reid!” you call and he glances back over his shoulder. You’re waving around the stack of papers in your arms, utterly ridiculous, terribly adorable. He hopes his smile is more suave than love sick, but the fleeting flirtation is especially over when Miss Unchecked Rage kicks out as Joesph comes into her line of sight. 
Spencer throws his whole weight into keeping her down. There’s no room to fall in love after a day. Especially with someone on a college campus halfway across the country from him. There’s even less room to manoeuvre Miss Eyeliner even without Joesph waddling into her eye line every few seconds. Seriously, he thinks, how hard is it to keep behind me?
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borisbubbles · 2 years
Eurovision (#34)
34. BELGIUM Jérémie Makiese - “Miss you” 19th place
Decade rank: 69/79 [Above Efendi, below Undisclosed]
Lol remember that scene from Borat where Sasha Baron Cohen attempts to kidnap Pamela Anderson and yells “PAMELA I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! NAWT!!!!! 😭” while being carried away by her bodyguards? That has always been the first thing I think about whenever I hear "Miss you”. 
Given how anonymous “Miss you” is, it’s almost impressive that it foremost manages to be really fucking annoying to me. Moreover, its brand of “annoying” has *layers*, like a trifle of tepid tedium.
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At the core of this Ennui Onion we have the insipid attempt to tell an “I’M FINE I’M FINE I’M FIIIIIIIIIIINE” post-break up storyline through inane “well sometimes i feel sad, but other times I feel just fine I guess 🤷‍♀️” verses. Is Jérémie over this break-up and just pretending to be sad because that’s what’s expected of him, or is he deeply disturbed and Playing It Cool For Appearances? The answer to that is “five televote points, find someone who cares”.
Belgium then further doubled down on their irritatingly pointless story of "Jérémie is fine except for when he isn’t” by making his song pointlessly irritating. Oh WHOA, a Bond Theme opening from Belgium? No way?! A clumsy and forced RnB transition to simulate emotional growth where there is none? So novel! How do we improve that? Why, by sprinkling in some next-level screaming, of course!
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The FUCKING screaming oh Qod that’s the worst bit of it all. You have singing, then the vocal show-offery that Anja Nissen and Sheldon Riley are infamous for (but again, belting is FINE, just don’t make it... your main stratagem); and right at the bottom there’s Jérémie squealing fucking NOT-jokes, complete with Unfortunate Singing Face, yes, let’s not ignore the main televote killer in this equation. Jérémie’s emotional range is as hot or cold according to what the shitty narrative requires it to be, which is not how real people emote!  Whoever came up with this song as much understanding of natural progression as Michael Ben David has of consent.
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So, it’s almost funny that the entire narrative I just described got fucking nixed in the live staging which chose to solely (SOLELY!) focus on the rhythm instead? I mean, I approve, cuz Melody > Message AND the dancers were pretty talented, but that makes the whole song feel even more pointless and irritating. Why even have this at all! Why not just make a fun RnB song instead that actually COULD have gotten a few more televotes? Gaaaaaaghfgiigfrger!g!
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Also, the ballad portion of the song was staged well, and then dancers come on and so do the copious wideshots. Is this yet another example of Belgian staging falling apart due to shitty music or another example of RAI’s fucking incompetence, take your pick. Still, Why doesn’t Jérémie dance along more vibrantly? Why doesn’t he dance along, PERIOD? What’s the point of adding some kick-ass krumping if you’re not going ot use it efficiently? Did Eliot and Sennek really die so Belgium could NOT learn from their past mistakes?!?
All of this amounts to ::checks wiki:: 19th place, a second bottom five televote result with the audience in a row, and a generic Voice Winner’s First Radio Hit, that will also be his only hit ever. I hope you’ve enjoyed by this irritatingly long write-up about this pointless fucking song!
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34. BELGIUM - Jérémie Makiese - “Miss you” 35. NORWAY - Subwoolfer - “Give that wolf a banana” 36. AUSTRALIA - Sheldon Riley - “Not the same” 37. SWITZERLAND - Marius Bear - “Boys do cry” 38. AZERBAIJAN - Nadir Rustamli - “Fade to black” 39. ITALY - Mahmood & Blanco - “Brividi” 40. ISRAEL - Michael Ben David - “I.M”
Lol we advance into the yellow tier with a live that was somehow worse than Omaga’s <3   What a great year. 
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
If there’s still a slot: General headcanons for Ella Lopez of Lucifer?
Yii, you caught the tail end :3
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Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?: You did, and it was a struggle for the both of you. For you, it was because Ella was everything you weren’t: Extroverted, bubbly, and just all-around so heart-throbbingly lovely that her mere presence overwhelmed you, yet also brought you a sense of peace. But your shy and introverted nature made even looking directly at her a huge hassle. For Ella, it was because the last time she’d been asked out, she nearly got killed. She didn’t want to consider what happened to her a source of trauma, but the series of events definitely left their mark on her, leaving her extremely hesitant when it came to anyone looking for a date. At least with bad boys, she had a vague idea of what she was getting into. But with seemingly pleasant people? There was simply no shortage to how many awful possibilities there were. She really was tempted to turn you down, as much as a part of her died a little at the thought. She wanted to believe that you weren’t bad -- after all, what were the odds that she would wind up dating a serial killer twice in a row, let alone in a lifetime? Thankfully, she had a fallen angel by her side: Never one to miss out on potential interference, Lucifer happily stepped in and “studied you himself” (read: asked you what your desire was) and was nauseated yet relieved to report that your answer was “to kiss Ella Lopez and hold her hand and bring her flowers on Wednesdays just because, and to -- ”. He was more than happy to vouch for you, so long as you put a lid on it. Keeping all this in mind, it should go without saying that it was an awkward start for the two of you. But then again, as you both got into the groove of things, not a regret was to be found even six months later.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?: As happy as you were when Ella accepted your proposal for a date, it also set you on an inward panic: You honestly didn’t think you’d get this far. Now you actually had to think up a date. Someone as outgoing and wonderful as Ella deserved a whole slew of activities just as impressive as her, but the problem was that you couldn’t think of any as they practically bottlenecked in your brain. Plus, the idea of going to some of these large gatherings just made your anxiety spike at the mere thought of it. You tried outsourcing, asking friends and colleagues for input, but that turned out to be a mistake. The biggest offender was, of course, Lucifer, who told you take her for a night out on the strip (and maybe do a little stripping of your own for good measure). You wanted to kick your ass for being such a coward, but it was Chloe’s advice you settled on: Just a simple coffee date to get to know one another. You wanted nothing more than to drown yourself in the mug you clutched with dread as you sat in the hipstery coffee shop you’d invited Ella to. Way to go, (Y/N), you berated. You finally ask her out and the best you can do is a basic coffee date? What hetero nonsense is this!? Now she’s going to know what a loser you are -- “Hey, are you okay?” Ella questioned, brows knitted with concern. You could feel non-coffee-induced heat rising to your cheeks. “Y-yeah,” you lied. Your grip tightened on the cup. “I just, um . . .” You sighed; lying wasn’t ever really your strongest suit. “I’m sorry. I kinda flopped on the whole date thing. I knew I should’ve gone with something a bit more impressive but I chickened out -- ” “Oh no no no! I actually really appreciate it! Seriously, it’s um . . . It’s nice to try and keep things simple sometimes, y’know?” And she meant it: Given how things went with the he-who-shan’t-be-named, Ella could see the value in just getting to be in a calm environment instead of being ushered into a noisy one. Besides, what better way to get to know you? Or to contrast with her previous dating situations? Chloe might’ve been on to something when she suggested you keep it small and simple: Cliche as it was, it worked, and it was that sort of moment that made you realize all the more that there were no real regrets to be had by asking out Ella Lopez.
What was their first kiss like?: Startling, though not in a bad way. You just didn’t think she’d want to kiss you. After all, this was still early on when you were nervous about her even sticking around: You were shy, not what she was known for dating, and she was still pretty hesitant about dating at all due to the last guy to come around. Or so you thought. While it was true that the scars had left their marks, this didn’t mean that Ella was uncertain about where she wanted this to go: On the contrary, after a month of going out (thanks to your patience), she already reached her conclusion. And she reached it the moment you spiraled into a nervous, babbling mess. She thought it was actually very cute how you got kickstarted into a practical infodump on how Seduction of the Innocent essentially paved the way for how the west at large interprets comic books. You, however, found it embarrassing and felt compelled to frantically apologize for it. But in spite of Ella’s insistence that it was okay, you kept insisting right back that it was weird. As the young lady saw it, the only way to shut you up was to provide a very sudden but very thorough lip lock. You stammered to a slow halt when she cupped your cheeks, but the kiss was ultimately a good measure. And it certainly did shut you up on the matter. For the rest of the night, all you could think about was that kiss, and what subjects you could possibly ramble about to get you more.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?: You’re Ella’s first actually decent partner. And considering what that means, it’s not something to take lightly. There’s an actual adjustment period for her, realizing that the most malicious thing you plan to do to her is to maybe at most eat some of her fries whenever you pick up McDonald’s for her when she’s working late.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?: At 5′4″, Ella is a tiny bit itty bitty when compared to some of her peers. But, hey, do with that knowledge what you will. (And I honestly have no idea how old Ella is supposed to be because her actress is in her 40s but the way she plays Ella indicates that she’s probably in her early 30s at most.)
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?: Considering that Ella has a complex relationship with her own family, it wouldn’t be shocking to say that your own attempts to learn more about them have been . . . less than ideal. You haven’t actually met any of them in person due to the distance, but it’s also because Ella just isn’t ready for you to properly meet them just yet. It’s nothing to say about your relationship, but Ella knows that her family and some of their more troubling behaviors might not be the best thing to get you into right now. The most you might get is the occasional quick chat Ella puts on speakerphone, so it’s hard for you to get any real grasp on how they see you. But you’re not one to really push things, and you certainly won’t start now. If and/or when Ella is ready to cross that bridge, you’ll be ready, too. Ella hasn’t directly met your family, either, but at least she’s talked to them on the video calls you usually have with them. Your family is stunned when they learn you’re dating Ella: You never struck them as the type to date somebody so outgoing, much less be the one to ask the outgoing person out! But they’re definitely happy for you: You clearly don’t see an issue with Ella’s sunshiney personality, you’re living your best life, and they’d like to think that maybe some of her social butterfly tendencies will rub off on you.
Who takes the lead in social situations?: Ella. You know it’s got to be Ella. She’s a natural social butterfly, and you couldn’t help but be drawn to her like a moth to a flame for it. She may not be the smoothest talker, and often can say some oddball things, but she almost never appears to be fettered by it. It’s a high contrast to you, who will kick her own ass behind a dumpster in an alley if she stumbles a word in a sentence or shows hesitation. Being the practical saint that she is, Ella’s taken notice and has tried in her own little ways to help encourage you. For example, if she notices you’re struggling to express a thought to someone whom you find intimidating and she’s just close enough, you’ll feel her fingers quietly entwine with yours before giving a gentle squeeze of assurance. Ella may take the lead, but she makes sure you never feel alone or left behind.
Who gets jealous easier?: Neither one of you is a especially jealous person, but you do both have some worries that may constitute as forms of jealousy. Ella may get nervous about the relationship from time to time, but it has nothing to do with the possibility that you might become fond of somebody else and leave with them. It’s got more to do with the fact that you’re her first actually good relationship. Really, the closest she gets to jealousy is when she sees you getting along very well with someone. Someone who probably isn’t exactly as hesitant about the idea of dating you as she is. She just feels nervous and worried because she really does like you and really does mean to trust what the two of you have going on. And thankfully, you understand this. But that doesn’t stop you from worrying that she’ll still up and leave you for someone much cooler. You know how lovable Ella can be, so surely it’s only a matter of time before some much cooler nerd comes along in a sexy cosplay or something and sweeps her off her feet. But the reality of the matter is that you’re two nerdy goons trying to make it work, and you’d never back out on the other. Still . . . It doesn’t hurt to hold hands when you guys go places. Or plan couples’ cosplays. Or give her one of your Star Wars pins while she gives you one of her Star Trek keychains to essentially mark the other as taken in a silent way. Just little indicators that you’re definitely together, y’know?
Thank you for your patience!
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 44
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: okayyy so here it is. time passes quicker, and youll see itll be like that in the last few chapters too. i hope you like this one, i hope youll like the last few chapters. im a bit nervous so i hope it’s not too bad! oh yea and i used a manip someone made on instagram, just thought it was cool haha!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : some requests i used here but ill only post them in the next chapter because i don’t want to spoil anything!
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Chapter 44 : Her chapter
August 9th, 2018
That was it. We were done with an other season and I couldn't believe what we accomplished. What I accomplished. We had filmed the last scene two days ago, right on time for me to go see Niall perform in LA two nights in a row and the party organised to celebrate the end of this season was scheduled on the first night of his week off.  Everything seemed to fit perfectly together and I was happy. I was genuinely and truly happy.
"Did I tell you how much I missed you?" I heard my boyfriend whisper near my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, making a shiver cross my whole body.
"Mm yes, about a million times in the past 3 days." I replied with a chuckle, tilting my head as he pressed his lips gently on my neck.
I had missed him so much too. We had spent over a month apart and just like I expected, we were even stronger than we were before and that said a lot. We had talked every single day on facetime but it was never the same than to be able to smell him, feel him, taste him... just seeing him face to face was different than on a screen and I had no idea how i'd be able to spend an other 5 weeks separated from him.
"Okay then, did I tell you how good you look tonight?"
I laughed again and turned around in his arms, tilting my chin up to look in his eyes. We were a bit farther from the others, slightly hiding by a part of the wall, and i licked my lips, hoping no one was paying attention to us.
"I'm literally wearing an old pair of jeans that shows how big my ass is and a plain t-shirt." I pointed out. "But thank you."
As if it was a suitable answer, his hands slid from my back to my butt and he squeezed it, making me laugh again.
"I love your ass."
"And in public too?" I asked with an amused smile, my eyebrows raised. "Are you drunk?"
He chuckled and bent down to kiss my lips and i let him, feeling his warm mouth move gently and slowly against mine. No matter how many times we kissed, it always felt amazing, and no one else tasted that good.
"We should go back to the others." I pointed out in a low voice. "They're gonna start wondering where we are."
"Mm, I don't care." he whispered against my lips, making me chuckle low.
"Come on." I just replied, finally taking a step back and tilting my head on the side. "We can cuddle tonight."
We walked back in the room hand in hand and I noticed Dylan looking at us. He sent me a small smile that I answered as I tried to ignore Heidi, sitting next to him. They had been dating for longer than I thought they would and I was wondering if he still thought everything he had told me about her the last time we discussed it. I really thought it was a good thing for him to be with someone else, I just thought it sucked that she was the one he had picked. Still, it was none of my business and I couldn't stop him from inviting her to this party. After all, it was his tv show too, and I owed him a lot. I was well aware that it was more popular because he was the male lead and I knew how lucky I was to act with him.
As soon as we sat down, Heidi and Dylan got up but she left to the other side of the room and he walked to us, sitting in front of my boyfriend. I didn't know if this was about to be awkward but before we could say anything, I heard my phone and frowned. I grabbed it quickly and excused myself, knowing it was even more awkward that I left my boyfriend and my ex boyfriend together.
"Hey Louis, you're calling at a very weird moment." I just said with a smile.
"That's me specialty, love." he let out as a joke, making me chuckle. "You mom tried to call you apparently, but she couldn't reach you so she called my phone. Sweet sweet lady with an incredibly strong accent. It always surprises me."
I rolled my eyes but a smile still drew itself on my lips. "What did she want?"
"She said it was not urgent but she wanted to talk to you, make sure you're not dead or something."
I raised my nose up. "Don't joke with that."
"Sorry love, I didn't mean to bring back... that memory." he apologized after a few seconds of silence. "She doesn't know though, does she?"
"No, only you, me, Niall, and I'm guessing El?"
"Olivia, I didn't tell that to anyone, not even El." Louis admitted, making me smile fondly. "This is no one's business but yours. I promise to keep that secret forever."
"Thank you, Lou." I whispered before swallowing.
I hated to remember that moment of weakness I had, even if I knew it was part of why I was who and where I was today. I really had to hit rock bottom to kick myself up and finally breathe again. If my relationship with Niall was so strong now, it was partly because I had worked on myself and although I knew I still had work to do, I was stronger than I used to be when I first dated Niall. Of course, swallowing all the pills I could find was not my smartest or strongest moment but I was trying to forgive myself.
"Oh you want to hug me right now don't you?" Louis joked, making me laugh through my tears. "I know you!"
I laughed and wipe my eyes quickly before licking my lips. "Yea, I drank a bit too so it doesn't help. I'll text you soon, Lou."
"You better. Love you, queen."
I smiled fondly at the nickname and closed my eyes. "Love you too."
I hung up and texted my mom quickly before going back to the table. Dylan was now sitting next to Niall and it made me frown. I knew they were both a bit tipsy and I didn't want anything bad to happen between them. Gladly, I knew Niall was not into confrontation and Dylan was quite laid-back too. Plus, he was probably over me by then and if they could just accept each other's company, it would be enough for me. I didn't expect them to become close friends, of course, but It would be nice if it wasn't awkward between them anymore.
"Oh and that small.. whimper or whisper she makes when you slip your hand in her panties." I heard Niall comment before Dylan chuckled.
"Right." he agreed, shaking his head gently. "And she's always so ready too."
A tiny part of me wanted to stay and listen to what they were going to say but the part of me that was angry was definitely bigger. I took a step closer but held my breath when Dylan started talking again.
"Let's say it's different than Heidi."
"No man, I ain't going there." Niall laughed while shaking his head before taking a sip of his beer.
"No, I mean, Heidi is very sexy but it's that... that connection, you know?" I frowned and my lips parted when Niall laughed again.
"I don't want to hear about the 'connection' you had with my girlfriend, O'Brien." he pointed out, turning his almost empty beer with his fingers.
"No yea, I know. I just mean that... it's different when you love someone."
"Are you two really comparing how Heidi and I are in bed?"
Both of them jumped so high I thought they were about to fall off their chairs. I wanted to look at their reaction but I decided to focus on my boyfriend and when he turned around, his face changed and I could read fear in his eyes. I crossed my arms on my chest and shook my head, licking my lips.
"That's fucking disgusting. I don't deserve that, and Heidi doesn't either."
This time, I read surprise in Niall's eyes and glanced at Dylan who seemed as shocked as my boyfriend. Oh I still didn't like Heidi, but that didn't mean it was okay for them to discuss about how she was in bed.
"Just because both of you had the chance to fuck us both doesn't give you the right to share gossips about us." I pressed my lips together, trying to keep my anger inside and breathed in deeply. "That's fucking wrong."
I turned on my heels and left before I stopped and turned around again to look at them. "I'm mad at you both, by the way, if that wasn't clear enough."
I walked quickly to my dressing room and closed the door before holding myself against the counter, closing my eyes. I was torn between being mad that they could easily talk about me like that and being relieved that they could actually talk to each other without it being awkward. After a few minutes, I heard a knock at the door and thinking it was probably one of them, I swung the door open but my face changed when I noticed my assistant. My lips curled and I raised my eyebrows a bit surprised.
"You left quickly, are you okay?" she asked, concern written all over her face.
I made a quick head movement to incite her to walk in and closed the door behind her before we both sat down, her on the couch and me on a chair. Tinka was fairly new since my old assistant had to leave due to a pregnancy and we immediately bounded. She was gorgeous and I had to admit I was a bit jealous of her, not only for her looks but also for the way she attracted people easily and all that charisma she had probably inherited at birth, but at the same time, I felt connected to her too and I could never hate her.
"Okay so, I wanted to show you something. I mean at first I was not sure if I should, because I shouldn't have filmed it in first place, but..." she blabbed nervously before shaking her head. "I'll just show you."
She took her phone and clicked on a few things before handing it to me. I frowned, taking it cautiously before noticing she was showing me a video. I clicked on play and my eyes got bigger when I noticed Niall, sitting at the cafeteria as Heidi sat down in front of him. The first part of the conversation was hard to hear but Niall seemed confused and when she handed him a sheet of paper, I frowned again. He stared at what was written on it and finally, she put her hand on top of his and I felt my heart jump high in my throat. The second part of the conversation though, I heard it very clearly.
“You’re right. We should get back together, Niall.” Heidi said with a soft voice. “I mean, I know you’re trying to make me jealous with her but let’s be real. Who could really be jealous of her?"
This time, my heart sank in my chest and I swallowed hard. I was worth more than Heidi gave me credits for, I knew it now, but I also knew she would never see it. Perhaps, she was too busy trying to win Niall back.
“Do you even listen to yourself? You know damn well I’m with Liv and.. aren’t you with Dylan? I love her, okay! I’m not trying to make anyone jealous, I’m just trying to love her the way she deserves to be loved… the way I failed to love her the first time. And you have nothing to do with any of this. What even makes you think I want to be with you?"
I bit my bottom lip, breathing in deeply again and trying to suppress a small smile of relief when I heard my boyfriend's words. The fact that he admitted that he failed to love me right the first time made something stir in my stomach. I knew that failed relationship was not just on him, but it was nice to hear him admit that, especially to someone else.
“Because of that song! You wrote it for me and put it in one of my boxes for me to find!” she argued with him.
I saw Niall roll his eyes and his next words were as harsh as the tone he had used.
“I wrote this about Olivia! I wrote that in the first week I saw her again at the bakery after not seeing her for over a year. It isn’t about you, Heidi. It got in one of your boxes by mistake!” he let out rudely. “I love Olivia, not you. You need to let it go, okay? And those instagram posts you make.. For fuck’s sake, Heidi! What’s the point? Make me feel bad? Alright, I’m sorry I cheated on you, I should have broken up with you before and that was a mistake, okay? Now please, leave me the fuck alone.”
The video stopped but I still stared at the screen, lost in my thoughts, until Tinka talked again.
"I don't know why i recorded this, and I know I shouldn't have, I'm sorry." she apologized again. "But it was recorded anyway so I mean, why not show it to you?"
I just stared at the thumbnail of the video again before clicking on the 'delete' button and when it asked me if I was sure, I clicked on 'yes' without hesitation.
"Thanks, Tinka. I deleted it." I finally said, looking up at her before she nodded. "But thank you for showing me. Just... don't do that again, please. Niall and I we're both very... private."
I handed her her phone back just as an other knock was heard at the door. We both got up and I opened the door as she walked past Niall. He nodded at her and finally turned back to me, his hands in his pockets. I couldn't help but tilt my head, glancing down at him, telling myself once again how good he looked. I also couldn't stop thinking about the way he had told Heidi he loved me and it made me want to hug him.
"Olivia, I'm.. so sorry."
I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my eyebrows, expecting more than just a simple apology.
"You're right. It was so wrong, and we shouldn't have." he added, making me lick my lips. "We were literally trying to find something to talk about, and it was so awkward... the only thing we really have in common is you. But we shouldn't have."
I let my shoulders fall and sighed, raising my nose up in a grimace. "So I really make some sort of whimper when you slip your hand in my panties?"
He chuckled and took one of his hands out of his pocket to pass it in his hair. "Yea, you do. But I'm slightly jealous knowing you also whimper like that when he did it. I thought I was special."
"Oh, poor little boy thought he was special." I joked, making him grimace too. "Come here."
I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him inside before closing the door behind him. He was close to me, so close I could feel the warmth of his body close to mine, and when my ass met the counter, I smiled more. He chuckled as he stared down in my eyes and shook his head slightly.
"Do you forgive me?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Mm, maybe."
I felt his hand slip in my jeans and panties and my eyes fluttered slightly as my lips parted as I let lout a whimper despite myself.
"And now?" he asked, clearly amused by the effect he had on me.
"I'll tell you in a few minutes." I whispered, tilting my chin up to look at him better.
I felt two of his fingers brush gently on my clit before he slipped them inside me. I moved one of my legs up on the counter and he moved closer to me, bending down slightly until his lips were only a few inches away from mine.
"You're all mine, yea?" he whispered, making me bite my bottom lip. "Say it."
"Mm, I'm all yours Niall." I breathed out, blinking a few times. "I belong to you."
"Fuck yes you do."
He started fingering me quickly, making sure his palm was rubbing against my clit and when I felt an orgasm spread all over my body, I let my head fall back and shook slightly as he pressed his mouth against mine. I could feel his lips curl as I came and I finally got down from my high, whimpering low and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Okay, I forgive you." I whispered, kissing him deeply for a few seconds before moving my head slightly back. "Do you think that's how Dylan will want to be forgiven too?"
I laughed lightly at the face he made and I heard him groan low. "I'll kill him."
I shook my head a bit and my amused smile turned into a fond one. "You know, I never ever moaned his name." I admitted, licking my lips. "I only do that with you."
He looked happy with my confession but he still raised his eyebrows. "Why?"
"Because... I was always scared I'd moan your name instead."
His face changed and somehow, I could read love in his eyes and it made me swallow hard. He remained silent and my lips parted again.
"I've never stopped loving you, Niall." I murmured. "I told you."
"Guess what, Olivia?" he let out in a soft tone, his eyes roaming quickly on my face. "I never stopped loving you either."
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August 15th, 2018
Dylan had stopped me before I left and had apologized to me profusely. He even texted me the next day to apologize again and I forgave him immediately. Maybe it was because I felt a bit guilty for not telling him about the video Tinka had showed me where his girlfriend was blatantly trying to get back with my boyfriend, but It was easy to forgive him and I knew he felt horrible about it. I was still unsure if I should tell him and at the same time, I didn't want to be the reason of their break-up, or even of a fight so I deciced to ignore it for now but that didn't stop me from feeling bad.
It was almost time for Niall to go back on tour and I felt extremely nervous about it. It had taken me about a week to decide on what I would do. I wanted to go with him but at the same time, I didn't want to be the clingy girlfriend who followed him everywhere. With time, I realized that I could follow him without going back to my old habits but I still had no idea how to tell him. He hadn't mentioned it again, probably because he didn't want to sound pushy or make me feel like I had to follow him, but my insecurity sometimes tried to make me believe it was because he didn't really want to spend so long with me.
"Why did you want me to come with you, Louis?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and turning to him as he was parking. "You know it's one of my last few days with Niall."
Louis laughed and shook his head, turning to me to look in my eyes.
"We both know you're gonna follow him on tour, Liv. Who are you trying to fool?" he said, his accent thick. "You can spend a few hours with your best friend, can't ya?"
I felt my heart skip a beat at how well Louis knew me, sometimes even better than I knew myself, and I realized that I had opened up to him like I had never opened up with anyone else besides Niall. And I didn't regret it at all.
"Yes. You're right."
"Look," he started again, turning on his seat to look at me. "I have something for you."
He searched through his pockets and handed me a well-folded piece of paper, which was surprising. Normally, anything that ended up in Louis' pocket was crumpled or crushed. I frowned a bit and took it before unfolding it gently and carefully.
"I drew it meself. Took me hours."
My lips parted as I looked at the drawing of a crown. It was pretty and he clearly had put a lot of effort into it. It was not perfect, but I thought that's what made it look even more special.
"Wow, Louis... this is..."
"I made it for you." he cut me gently. "If you wanted to get a tattoo, that is. It represents you well, don't ya think?"
I looked up in his eyes and weirdly, I could read stress, like he was not sure how i'd react. The fact that Louis always called me his queen, and that he had even written a song about me with that word made this drawing even more important for me and as soon as his eyes met mine, I knew it would be impossible for me not to get this tattoo.
"I think it represents you, actually." I explained, tilting my head and looking at him. "This tattoo will always remind me of you, and I want you to know that you're important to me, Louis. I would be dead without you. Literally."
His lips curled slightly on the right and stress disappeared from his traits.
"Now you need to draw something for me to get, too." he pointed out.
"Wait, so we're here to get you a tattoo that I would draw?" I asked as  his smile turned into a smirk.
"Can it be simple? I can't draw for shit." I admitted with a grimace.
"Just draw it, give it to the artist, and I'll look at it when it's done."
I stared at him for a few seconds, feeling my heartbeats accelerate and after a while, I breathed in and out. After all, if he didn't like it, he could always get something over it, right?
It took half an hour to get the crown tattooed on my ankle but only about 10 minutes to get the smiley I had drawn for Louis. It was pretty simple with x's instead of eyes and since it was on his wrist, he kept his eyes closed the whole time to make sure it wouldn't ruin the surprise. We walked back to his car in silence about an hour later and sat down, both of us leaning against our seats.
"Is it too simple?" I asked before he turning his head my way with a smile.
"No, it's perfect."
I smiled back at him and held my hand up between us. It took him a few seconds but he finally grabbed it, intertwining his fingers with mine and squeezing my hand.
"Thank you for saving my life." I let out in a soft voice. "Literally, but also metaphorically."
"You saved mine, too."
When I walked back in Niall's house... I mean, in our house... I heard him talk and frowned, trying to be quiet in case he was on the phone. I saw him in front of his laptop, just talking to the screen and it took me a few minutes to realize he was probably on a live chat on instagram. I made sure to remain silent and walked to the kitchen to gt myself a glass of wine and leaned against the counter. I listened to what he was saying from the living room, smiling and chuckling from time to time until I heard him say his goodbyes. I wanted an other minute or two, knowing Niall was the kind of person who said bye by stayed an other half an hour with his hand on the doorknob before actually leaving and when I joined him in the living room, he was getting up.
"Are you done?"
"Yes, sorry, I thought it would take you longer." he apologized, making me smile.
"No, it's all good, it's cool that you do lives for your fans." I just shrugged, joining him near the couch. "Your such a good person."
He smiled more and took the glass from my hands before placing it on the coffee table. I chuckled and he wrapped his arms around my waist, raising his eyebrows.
"And does that turn you on?"
I laughed some more. "Maybe."
He didn't answer anything. Instead, he pressed his lips against mine as his arms pulled me even closer. My eyes fluttered close as he deepened the kiss and I sighed low, feeling my body relax in his arms.
"I'm gonna miss you so much." he whispered before kissing me some more,
"I'll miss you more."
He stepped forward, forcing me to take a step back, and guided us around the couch and until the hall. I ended up hitting my back on the wall and I laughed against his lips.
"Clumsy ass." he said in the same amused tone he always said it. "I love you."
We finally ended up in our room and he closed the door with one of his feet, bringing me to the bed and quickly putting himself on top of me. I loved the feeling of his body over mine, warming me, and it always surprised me that every time, it would make a shiver cross my back. I shivered in his arms and he pulled away slightly to look in my eyes.
"How about we stay locked here until I have to take that fucking stupid plane?"
I raised my eyebrows and my lips parted before I tilted my chin up. "Don't you have somewhere to be tomorrow?"
"I canceled." he admitted, his eyes dropping to my lips before he ground his hips against mine, probably without thinking.
"For me?" I asked with a small smile.
"For us."
I brought my hands to his cheeks and let one of my thumbs brush on his bottom lip. "How many times are you gonna make love to me until you leave?"
His lips curled again and he chuckled low. "As many times as I can."
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alphapockets · 3 years
Discord: New Message Infodump
Yes this is not getting put in the widofjord tag because I don’t like filling up others’ searches with something that is not “directly” linked. *jazz hands* anxiety. BUT here is all I could think of and a sprinkling of things I have seen asked about or mentioned in the comments! May this and the last chapter hold you over <3
Q: Why a text fic?
A: Honestly? I have only ever seen one from VM (there may be others, but I don’t read many fics out of my niche sections?) that was between Grog/Vax (I don’t ship it but when it’s a bar shift #3 in a row that’s 14 hours long, you need entertainment). I had read also Call Me, Beep Me from the VLD fandom as well as Misuse of Stark Technology and thought that it was a strong platform for conversation and storytelling that shows multiple perspectives at once without the constant POV whiplash that can happen otherwise. And with the strong and chaotic personalities of TM9 and the diverse ways the NPCs interacted fit in, I hoped it wouldn’t be that hard to pull off.
I’ll be honest, I was not sure if it would work out or catch on as it is not the most popular form of storytelling. As many people said in the comments of chapters 1-5, people generally don’t enjoy texting fics and skip past them. I am glad I took the risk and that everyone has with me.
 Q: Is it true you have not watched past Ep. 40?
A: Yes. Campaign 2 came out just before I started school, and I decided school deserved my full attention. I was also not as attached at large with the cast as an ensemble as I was with VM. This combined with having anxiety and needing something to be finished before I can enjoy made it difficult to get back into C2. I was lucky that I started Campaign 1 a few weeks before that ended. I will probably watch it when everything is over, but I mostly follow through spoilers and Arsequeef’s gifs.
 Q: What are some of your influences for this?
A: I have seen a lot of people loving the realism of the conversations. I don’t watch TV or movies, but I watch streamers mostly, especially group streamers. Because of this, I tend to hear nothing but natural conversations. I also have been in group chats since the old AIM days and was a bartender for 6 years, so I have pulled from interactions that I have experienced around me. Often when something perfect happens in a chat with my friends I screen shot it for use later (the look spam and how do you uwu are both examples).
 Q: Why that area?
A: I like to use locations I know well if there is a lot of real-world interactions. I am from Massachusetts and I had used Savannah, Ga., for Here’s To Us, where I lived for 4 years.
 Q: Will the chat be renamed to The Mighty Nein or something similar?
A: No. The chat existed before Caleb as that and was set up originally by Fjord and Beau with Molly, Bryce, Darrow, and Yasha. It’s been the Game Hoes for too long in their life to change. There will be some side chats that appear and disappear.
  Q: Didn’t Veth work with Caleb?
A: Originally that was the plan, but halfway through the first chapter, I decided to space everyone out better and missed her name in one paragraph at the beginning of the chapter. I wanted them to know each other but avoid the trope of “direct connection” with strangers to lovers and text fics.
  Q: How tall is Fjord (and the rest of them by proxy)
A: I changed the heights because Caleb is canon “Average height” which in DnD is different than the US. So, he was given a few extra inches to put him at 5’10”. Fjord was scaled up because we love height differences to 6’3” because of that. By order of height:
Veth- 4’11, Kiri- 5’, Keg and Yeza- 5’3, Jester and Rissa- 5’4, Astrid- 5’5, Bryce, Beau, and Wulf- 5’9, Beau, Caleb, Molly, and Ava- 5’10, Yasha- 5’11, Darrow and Essek- 6’, Fjord and Gunther- 6’3, Cad and Enzo- 6’5.
I’m probably forgetting some people.
  Q: Why did Enzo’s arc allegedly end that way?
A: I’m not sure I’m done with him just yet, but the reason it had to be let go like that is simple: legality. Real world consequences to acts would have kind of thrown a wrench in how this all unfolds. And Molly was the character who I felt could bounce back the best from getting a solid ass kicking.
  Q: Why was Astrid faster at accepting than Wulf, and why is he so possessive?
A: Wulf was Caleb’s first real friend and that meant he was the redhead’s world. Astrid came second and she realized how quickly jealousy can sour something. Wulf’s jealousy fed into the break-up. So, despite the awkwardness, she wanted to show Caleb that she meant it when she said they could still be friends.
Wulf was Caleb’s first friend, and he has that sense of seniority in his mind and has a hard time accepting he is not being replaced when new people come around. And as a more dominant person, it was hard for him to have the normally docile friend speak out against him. He is still immature and needed to grow, but has a hard time seeing that is okay right now.
  Q: Where does everyone attend?
A: Amherst College- Astrid, Caleb, Essek, Wulf. Boston College- Cad. Emerson- Beau, Gunther, Enzo, Fjord, Keg, Molly, Rissa, and Yasha. Princeton- Bryce. Hofstra- Jester and Kiri. UConn- Yeza (Graduated). UMass/Boston University/Tufts- NPCs not brought in yet.
**Caleb has stated Jester lives in the City early on because Jester has all her locations on social set to NYC
 Q: Any reason why you picked those schools?
A: I’m a BC fan (and Providence College), my childhood friend went to Emerson, and I was accepted to Hoftstra before I joined the military instead. Amherst was a perfect “nearby” city that was another college town/I am maybe looking at Amherst for a PhD. Program.
 Q: Where is Darrow stationed when not crashing Bryce’s life or deployed? What does he do?
A: Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He was attached to the 26th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) that goes through the Mediterranean. He currently is on hospital duty as a temporary “relaxation period” for people who are deployed often. As he is a paladin, I thought it’d be a nice touch to have him as an FMF Corpsman.
  Q: Where is everyone from? The holidays showed people all over and it’s mentioned some people were not born in the US or where they were located.
A: This is where that spreadsheet I made comes in handy. Most of the people either grew up in or intend to stay in Massachusetts for a long while. As there are some of the major schools in that area, obviously people would be out of state.
Boston TM9 Party
The Clay Family is in Jamaica Plains, which is just outside of Boston proper. They are from there, minus Toya who is adopted as well and from Maine.
Molly was the godson of Cad’s mother, who is from England and his father had been stationed in England for some time, so when he was essentially orphaned and given up by the indirect family, she put through the paperwork to take him in. Fjord and Yasha stayed with them.
Fjord is originally from Texas, outside of El Paso. After he joined the Navy, he never intended to move home as he hated it there. He fell in love with New England when he was sent TAD (Temporary Assignment of Duty) to the naval base in Newport. He stayed and continued his education at Emerson.
Yasha is from Jamaica Plains as well and went to school with Molly and Ornna, who is the same age as them. Her dad is from South Carolina and her mother is from Okinawa. They moved up north for her dad’s work.
Beau is from Kentucky and her family is unreasonably wealthy. She decided to go to school someplace as un-Kentucky as she could fathom and was stuck between Berkley and Emerson but chose the former because the weather meant her mother would never visit.
The Amherst Crew (Astrid and Wulf) are all from the area except for:
Caleb, was born in Poland to a Polish/German family. They moved and when his family died in a fire (he was at a sleepover at the time) his grandparents took him in. Wulf was still there with his large family and
Essek had returned home to California for the break.
Astrid and her family spent 10 days in Key West for the holidays, which is why she missed the New York trip. Wulf stayed locally for winter break.
The Conn/NY/NJ Groups are pretty straightforward.
The Brenattos stayed in New Haven, where they moved when Luc was born from Amherst. They had moved so Veth could start fresh.
Jester was surprised by a visit from her mother on Christmas Day and spent it with her. It was the first time her mom came from the Ukraine, as Jester’s dad is the one who she moved with. She lives on Long Island not far from her school.
Kiri is from upstate New York and was home for the Holidays.
Bryce drove down to Louisiana. They and Darrow are from Marietta, but they were at their grandmother’s place in Lafourche Parish. Darrow returned to Jacksonville NC.
Others Keg and Gunther were in Rhode Island but separately, where they are both from, Rissa is from Maine and went home, and Enzo was in jail (he is from Lynn, Ma).
  Q: How old is everyone?
A: 5- Luc. 19- Kiri, 20- Jester, Rissa, Keg, and Enzo, 21- Beau, Molly, Yasha, Essek, and Astrid, 22- Caleb, Cali, Reani, and Wulf. 24- Cad, 25- Fjord and Bryce. 27- Veth and Darrow. 28- Yeza.
  Q: If Fjord has the GI Bill why does he live on campus or have a job?
A: For those who don’t know how the GI Bill works, the government pays for education and sends some money based on housing in the zip code of the school. Boston is insanely expensive and student living is easier. Essentially, he wanted the “college experience” and it was cheaper. He needs the job more because he knows better than to let himself get idle. If he does, he won’t focus on school. Like Travis, my Fjord has ADHD.
  Q: How did Veth and Caleb meet?
A: In a Juvenile’s in-patient program for at-risk teenagers and those suffering from mental health issues. Caleb’s depression and anxiety following the death of his parents and the constant bullying for numerous things and previous attempts or ideations had him labeled “at risk” for self-harm. He was in for 3 weeks. Veth was in for her kleptomania and possible signs of disruptive BPD or other developing personality disorders but aged out of the youth section when she turned 18. As most diagnoses cannot be done for those until adulthood, she was being watched for early onset signs.
  Q: How did Jester/Veth get into the group?
A: Jester met Beau, Yasha and Molly at NYCC two years’ prior in line for a panel. They met again at Anime Boston after exchanging Twitter handles a few months later. Jester had worked NYCC a year ago and helped Veth to a quiet room for Luc, who was fussing, then stayed with her as she was on break soon. She invited Veth to play a few games of Don’t Starve Together with her and Yasha before she was brought into the main group.
  Q: This is a really diverse cast. What is everyone and why?
A: Some were obvious choices such as Caleb being from Germany, Jester being from Eastern Europe (Ukrainian), and Molly as Irish (and English).
Others I did to flush out to make a group in a major city make more sense. Wulf and Astrid both have French/ Germanic backgrounds because in canon, they were raised in a similar way. Astrid is Jewish along with Caleb to hint at why it may have been easier for them to date if her family was stricter than his.
Fjord and Yasha faced some racial issues early on in the show (Yasha from where she was from and Fjord for being a half orc), so I wanted them to be people of color. Yasha is half Japanese because of her name and because US troops often marry someone from Japan when they are single and stationed there. Her father is Jamaican in decent. Fjord’s dad he figures is Black but they’ve never met, as his mother’s side are Mexican. I chose that because I wanted to keep the Texan because a lot of people in the service are from Texas. Also, as previously stated, I had too many naturalized or foreign students already and needed to not stress over how they would be around for the breaks.
Cad is English, Norwegian, and Swedish because Cad is a god, who why not make him a Norse god? Veth is half Cambodian partially because there is a decent population size in Massachusetts. Beau is the not white-passing cousin of her family which will come in later because rich families have secrets, yo. Her family has some Cajun/Creole in her like Darrow but it shouldn’t be there according to her family lineage. 
Essek is Persian, Rissa is Puerto Rican, Bryce and Keg are “Confused American Mixes” of everything. Cali I have not decided yet, but will probably have some English in her, Reani I have decided on Moroccan. Kiri is Korean. 
Enzo is an asshole (he’s also mix of random European heritage.) I feel like I missed someone.
  Q: Is Widofjord the only pairing we will see?
A: There are some others forming, including BeauYasha, which was one of the possibilities when I started. Molly/Essek/Astrid were a shock and some others I won’t spoil just yet are starting to bud as hopefuls.
  Q: Do you have an end game in sight?
A: Honestly, as this whole fic has taken on a life of its own, not entirely. It was originally mapped out to be 12 chapters long and have much of this condensed down with all the side characters removed, no Enzo or hockey games, and the extra fluff cut out. As I wrote it, I found I enjoyed that almost more than the Widofjord specifics. So, this has really evolved away from a Widofjord ONLY fic, I am aware. Endgame wise, when I feel the story is told, I will wind it down, but there are more elements evolving with every chapter and I want these characters to get the moments they’re aiming toward. I also don’t want it to drag on too long, so I know that this will eventually come to an end.
 Q: Did anything change relationship wise while writing?
A: 100%. Beau and Jester were originally who I expected to pan out, but my Jes couldn’t seem to devote to that because she had developed more attraction to Molly and Fjord than I expected. Beau and Yasha just clicked better. Molly was the next option for Jester, but then I decided to make Essek and Astrid actual friends with the TM9 and we see how that went.
 Q: Is Jester going to find something happier? It kind of sucked seeing her so down and withdrawn these last few chapters. And where is Nott’s role now?
A: I am trying with Jessy. I am. Here’s to hoping she behaves? As for Nott, she is shining as the mom friend, but her coming into the fray more means bad things are happening. And yes, that is on the way.
 Q: You keep hinting at something in both Caleb and Fjord’s pasts. Are we ever going to see that?
A: Yes. I am trying to space out the angst as much as possible. This was never meant to be a hurt/comfort type story, but people have mental health issues and those because pivotal to the story more than I intended. Maybe the curse of having complete access to everyone’s conversations? But they will be coming out.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Lemon's Misadventures in Dating, Chapter 6  (Lemon x Everyone) - Mermelada
A/N: Hi everyone! Here’s chapter 6, as seen on Ao3! I found out that Lemon’s irl mum is Scottish, so naturally, I had to include her as a character and base her on my own! More is coming soon, so watch this space! :D I love you all!!
[07:24] HEY GIRL!
[07:24] I’m so sorry but I ate your sister for breakfast
[07:24] She was a grapefruit lololololol
[07:24] I’m sorry please don’t hate me
[07:24] But she was delicious
[07:25] So what’s the tea on Little Miss Lemon? I want to know everything! What’s your favourite type of pasta?
Lemon read the messages again as she sat at the kitchen island, sipping her coffee. She couldn’t help but smile. That was not what she was expecting at all from Priyanka, she looked so poised and regal in all her photos, yet in reality she was coming across as a complete goofball. Although it had been three hours now, and she was still awaiting a reply.
[09:58] Umm how fucking dare you?
[09:58] Don’t even expect me to respond to that until I get a full apology, you murderer.
Was the joke not obvious? Fuck, what if she thinks I’m serious? But then she started it…
“What’s got you smiling, princess?”
She jumped with shock as her mum walked through the door, placing her handbag on the counter and opening the fridge door. She knew her mum only worked a half-day on Thursdays, but her sudden appearance was a surprise nonetheless. Lemon felt like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t be.
“Oh, nothing,” she sang, quickly locking her phone and putting it back in her pocket, away from prying eyes, “how was work?”
“Well you’re not acting like it was nothing,” teased her mum, moving around the kitchen in a blur as she prepared her lunch. “Is it a girl?”
Lemon failed to hide the blush rising on her face, she knew her mum meant no harm, but she was not prepared to get into a conversation about dating and hookups with her so early in the day, and with so little alcohol to hand. “Muuuuuuuuum” she groaned, hoping that the coolness of her hands would remove the redness as she placed her chin in her palms.
“I’m just glad you’re happy, darling, you deserve it after the summer you’ve had!” Lemon couldn’t deny that her mum had been an absolute angel these last few months. She listened to Lemon way back when she had first admitted that things weren’t working like they should be, and never once offered any judgement or tried to convince her to stay. She had even helped Lemon move her things out of her old apartment as quickly as was humanly possible for the pair of them, while she was at work. “Are you up to date with your tetanus shots though, because you’ll need one if she’s doing that to you!”
Just when Lemon felt she couldn’t get any redder, her mum’s finger was poking the mottled bruise peeking out from under the loose collar of her t-shirt, her whole body burning as her mind flashed back to the moment it had been placed there… the body above her trembling, grabbing a handful of platinum hair as they grinded against each other’s thighs, the muffled cries in French… “Oh my god, mum, please stop!”
“What?! You can’t just disappear for two nights in a row and not expect me to be curious! What’s her name?”
She audibly groaned at her mother’s prying tone, laying her head on the cold marble countertop. “Mum, I love you, but I am not having this conversation with you right now!”
Fucking Rita, I’m sure she’ll find this funny at least, Lemon made a mental note to text the other woman later, wondering if she’s had any similar happenings with her work colleagues, or if she had enough experience - and common sense - to hide the evidence of her Tinder trysts better. At least she had put on leggings after waking up today, as shorts would have only showcased an even more incriminating patchwork of colourful marks across her inner thighs.
Her mum simply smiled and wrapped an arm around her from behind the high kitchen chair, planting an affectionate kiss on her daughter’s temple. “Well, you know what I always say, pumpkin, as long as you’re happy and safe, go out there and have fun! Are dental dams still a thing? Do you need some?”
Lemon could only muster a grunt in response, her head making an audible bang as she threw it onto the counter, deeply wishing that the conversation was over. Right on cue, she felt the phone in her pocket buzz with a new notification. She practically leapt off her seat, ready to run to the safety of her bedroom. “Well, on that note, I’m going to remove myself from this deeply uncomfortable situation. Thank you, mother!” 
“Ooh is that her texting you? When are you seeing her next?” The enthusiastic questions fell - as her mum expected - on deaf ears, Lemon gulping down the remainder of her cold coffee and placing the empty mug in the sink.
When she finally reached her safe haven, she pushed the door closed and jumped back on the bed. Despite knowing her parents wouldn’t mind at all, she still wasn’t ready to admit she was trying to move on, let alone with an assortment of random ladies from the Greater Toronto Area. She grabbed at her phone excitedly, her eyes lighting up when she saw that Priyanka had finally answered.
[13:35] My dearest Lemon, I must beg for your forgiveness, for I have sinned gravely. Upon awakening from my slumber and entering my cooking chamber, my stomach began to sing a dreadful tune. In the search for something to quell its anger, I encountered a grapefruit, as cute as your face and as juicy as your ass probably is. With no other option, I slaughtered it, dressed it with some sugar, and devoured its flesh. Would you please accept my most sincere apology in the form of a drink sometime?
This crazy bitch. No other interaction on the app had left Lemon feeling so giddy, her heart had sped up and her stomach was doing somersaults. Yes yes yes yes oh my god of course! Luckily her common sense kicked in, and she realised she should probably act a bit less… desperate.
[13:40] Let me think about it
[13:41] Loljk of course!
[13:41] Any day/time work best for you? I’m afraid I’m fully booked this weekend
[13:41] Mourning my sister and all
[13:41] (I mean the grapefruit btw sorry that could have been weird)
Luckily, she didn’t have to wait long for a response. 
[13:42] LOL I’m glad it didn’t turn dark
[13:42] Any night that’s not a school day is best for me!
[13:43] Speaking of which I better get back and entertain some little people, ttyl xo
[13:43] KIDS, btw, just in case xx
Lemon shook her head as she smiled, Priyanka was certainly something else. Cute, funny, sexy… hopefully she didn’t ruin it by having bad breath or murderous tendencies. She couldn’t explain it, she already felt something special about the girl, something she hadn’t felt since- no. Let’s not ruin a good thing by thinking about her. But the more she looked at Priyanka’s profile, the more memories of Juice kept flooding her mind. Taking a moment, she sat on the floor, stretching her legs out in front of her and breathing deeply and rhythmically, a makeshift meditation to nip any panic in the bud.
Is it still too soon? Maybe I’m not ready to be moving on if I still think about her so much, and if I still get so emotional doing so. Images of the former couple danced around her head; walking hand in hand, snuggling on the couch under blankets, even just helping each other cook, or drinking coffee in bed on a rainy morning. I thought it was what I wanted, but maybe I was wrong. She sat silently for a few minutes, trying her best to think of nothing but a dark sky filled with distant, twinkling stars, but even that took her mind back to the nights they’d spend wandering around their neighbourhood, talking about their hopes and dreams, where they’d live once they got married, how many cats and dogs it was acceptable to have. It seemed like the natural course for them, but not everything can work out the way people want it to. 
She didn’t know whether it was the buzz of her phone on the bed behind her, or Gus’s gentle panting as he pushed through the door which awoke her from her semi-trance, but she took the opportunity to stand up and shake the stiffness out of her body. It was a natural impulse to bring her hands to her eyes to wipe away her tears, but she was pleasantly surprised to not find any there today. Maybe things were getting better after all. 
She and Gus both slid onto her bed, the dog circling three times before plopping himself down in the crook of Lemon’s elbow, which she rewarded with a firm scratch under his chin. Picking up her phone, it buzzed again in her hand with messages from Rita.
Dr Rita <3 [14:02] shared a link
Dr Rita <3 [14:05] Bonjour! How are you today, mon citron? I had a nap after work and I am now ready for the gym :-O Last night a colleague told me about this dance school where his daughters go, a teacher is pregnant and will need someone to cover the classes when she is off. I thought of you :-) I hope you slept better than a baby! X
Dr Rita <3 [14:06] Also I found a bruise on my ass yesterday, I was in pain every time I was sitting down, thank you very much…
Lemon had always believed in fate to some degree, and upon seeing the link Rita had sent, she had no doubt that destiny had been on her side during the events of the last few days. She stared at the familiar tan bricks of her old dance school, the smiling face of her old principal teacher finally giving her the push she needed to get back in the saddle. She threw on a pair of jeans and a woolen cardigan, replying to Rita with one hand as she pulled on her ankle boots with the other.
[14:10] Merci merci, I’ll check it out!! Have fun at the gym, you crazy pomme! How was sexy kidney lady? 
[14:11] And de rien 😘 my mum saw the one on my neck today, she thinks I’m being bullied 😞
Jumping down the stairs two at a time and shouting a quick goodbye to her mum - closing the door before she could hear the inevitable embarrassing reply - she walked as quickly as her legs could possibly take her to the dance school, a path she had already walked hundreds of times throughout her childhood. Even if they said no, she would sign up to classes or find some auditions, how could this not be a sign from the universe to start dancing again? As she reached the heavy iron door, she checked her phone one last time.
Dr Rita <3 [14:14] Courage, ma belle! They would be idiots to not want you! Well, she made me my favourite tea and told me she liked my lipstick, so I think we are married now?
Dr Rita <3 [14:16] And I am so sorry! :-( Do you have arnica cream? I hope your mother knows it was at your request? ;-)
She had really lucked out with Rita, she needed a good friend like her in her corner right now. And as she stepped inside, navigating the bright corridors to the principal’s office, she was really glad she’d downloaded Tinder.
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in-class-daydreams · 4 years
Parlay (Kuroo x Reader) | Ch. 3
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader (ft. Roommate Kenma)
Word Count: ~2400
Genres: Fluff, angst if you squint, general buffoonery
CW: Some swearing, but otherwise none!
Summary: (Y/N), a first-year student attending Tokyo U, is living with her best friend, Kozume Kenma. Little did she know, her life would be turned upside down after being exposed to Kenma’s volleyball teammate and close friend, Kuroo Tetsurou. One wrong move, and the parlay’s stakes only get higher each time.
Chapters: First | Previous | Next 
Honestly, Kuroo dreaded 2:00 pm every Tuesday and Thursday. His lecture was two and a half hours long, and it was in one of the school’s bigger lecture halls, meaning he spent two days a week sitting at an itty bitty desk in an overcrowded lecture hall. It was always hot and muggy, and there’s always that one guy that you can smell three rows back. It honestly can’t be that hard to take a shower once a while, right? Personal hygiene. What a concept!
‘Before making assumptions about a person who smells - like thinking they don’t shower - consider their living situation and the fact that not everyone has access to--’ A memory from a conversation with Bokuto flashed through his mind. He begged the Bokuto that lived inside his head to please shut his piehole.
In retrospect, he really should have taken an easier class, but no. His academic advisor had strongly advised against taking an easier class to fulfill this requirement because it wouldn’t ‘enrich his academic talents.’ He could just hear his teammate’s irritating tone.
“Don’t worry, Tetsu-Chan! It’ll be a good challenge for you!”
‘Good challenge’ his ass. He really had to stop trusting other people’s judgement.
Despite his admitted hatred for his 2:00 lecture, at least he and Bokuto got to chat beforehand. The frat boy had a class at the same time: Women and Politics in Continental America. According to him, so long as you did your work and ‘are at least a somewhat decent person,’ the class was relatively easy to get a quality grade in. So while Kuroo was dreading the next two and a half hours of his life he’ll never get back, Bokuto could talk Kuroo’s ear off about his “Owlets” without a care in the world, that bastard.
“Bruh, they’re so cute! We played freeze tag for warm ups today ‘cuz they’ve been good all week and, man, little kids are hella fast!” Kuroo cracked a smile at that. Bokuto loved both volleyball and kids, so when he started working as a youth instructor at the sports center, the guy was living his best life. About halfway through hearing a story about the Owlets dogpiling on Bokuto, Kuroo heard a group of girls giggling a little further down the hallway.
There he saw Kenma’s cute girlfriend making an exaggerated sad face. Her surrounding girlfriends were half laughing and half consoling her. They patted her back and he could vaguely hear ‘next time, next time!’ and ‘--boba right after?’
As they got closer, he heard one of the girls chime in, “Hold on, we can’t go right after. That guest speaker for Native American Lit. is speaking in Ballroom One at six.”
“Oh yeah... After that, then?” another girl offered.
(Y/N) shook her head, “I promised I’d pick up a shift at Chisai at 5:30,” she told them apologetically. Her friends collectively booed as Kuroo pushed off the wall he was leaning against.
“I’ll see you at practice, man.” Bokuto paused his story. They gave each other a bro-nod in farewell.
“Okay, ttyl.”
Kuroo halted in his tracks, “...did you just say ttyl out loud?”
“It’s easier that way. My kids like it!”
“They’re nine, Kou, they like everything you do.”
“Nine is a very enriched age and it’s important that we don’t undermine the abilities of--”
“Whoops, gotta go!” Kuroo speed walked in the direction of the group of girls. Bokuto went out of his way to stay “woke” - his words, not Kuroo’s - and it made him a great guy, but Kuroo could only handle so much social consciousness. (Y/N) noticed him before he reached them.
“Oh, Kuroo-san! You have a class in this building?” For someone he’d met only once before, she looked happier to see him than a lot of people normally would. Did she look at everyone like that?
He gave each of the girls a charming smile. Several of them looked from (Y/N) to him, wide-eyed. In all objective terms, Kuroo knew the effect he had on people. He was used to people of all genders’ gazes lingering on him. After all, he was the whole package: tall, handsome, charming, and it was obvious he drank Respect Women Juice every day.
“Unfortunately, yes,” he nodded his head towards his lecture room, “Not my favorite class this semester.”
“Well, I’m in this class, too. If we sat together, would it be less agonizing?” she asked. Before he could answer, she turned to her friends, “I’ll see you probably tomorrow.” They said their goodbyes, and a few of them flirtily waved Kuroo goodbye. In return, he gave them a sly wink, “Ladies.”
“If you have other friends in this class, though, I won’t be offended at all if you sit with them,” his attention snapped to her. He held the classroom door open and gestured her in. She unthinkingly led them to the same side of the room as the one Kuroo usually sat, a few rows ahead of his normal seat.
“Actually,” he said, “All my friends were smart enough to take other classes,” he laughed. “Besides, who wouldn’t want to sit next to a such a cute girl?” he gave her a cute wink.
‘What a flirt,’ she thought.
“Is that your signature move?” she teased.
Kuroo put a hand to his chest in mock offense, “Move? A gentleman doesn’t use ‘moves.’”
“Are you a gentleman, then, Kuroo-san?”
“If you wanted me to be.”
“Don’t worry. I get worse over time.”
(Y/N) mentally cheered. If Kuroo was flirting with her this blatantly, surely he must have a feeling that she and Kenma weren’t serious. Then, Kenma would have to admit that she wasn’t oblivious and she’d win the bet!
Kuroo’s voice broke her out of her thoughts. “But don’t think I’m trying to steal you from Kenma. Bro-code is sacred text, you know.”
Oh. Well. That’s okay! He might not figure it out right away, but surely when he sees that Kenma doesn’t care one bit that he was flirting with his ‘girlfriend,’ he’d figure it out eventually! ...right?
“Don’t worry.” She replied, “He couldn’t care less.”
The professor walked in about 2 minutes before the class officially began. The man in about his mid-40’s cracked his RhedBhull energy drink and chugged the whole thing in one go. Crushing the can in his fist, he tossed it into a nearby trashcan and started plugging the projector cable into his laptop. In a way, Kuroo was glad even the professor was having as much of a hard time with this class as much as he was.
While he’d been watching the professor prepare himself, he hadn’t noticed the girl next to him pull out a notebook, two mechanical pencils, a big eraser, a set of highlighters, some gel pens, and some sticky tabs. At first he thought she was the type to make pretty notes and not actually learn anything, but as the class dragged on, whenever he glanced at her notes, he noticed that her diagrams were frighteningly detailed and every bit of information had its place. He didn’t want to be that guy by constantly looking at her notes, but even the comments in the little text bubble she drew made more sense than anything on the lecture slides.
Leaning in towards her, the taller male whispered, “I’m sure you don’t need the help, but do you want to study together sometime?” No answer.
“Kenma can come too, if you’re worried about him getting the wrong idea.” Nothing. Was she ignoring him? Had he somehow managed to offend her? He was nearly offended until he realized that nothing was affecting her at all. Not when someone sneezed or when the glass side door slammed loudly and nearly everyone jumped out of her skin. Save for her hand working like a machine, she hardly moved. Just her hand and her eyes flitting up, down, up, down, up, down from the projector to her notes. A tornado could rip through campus and Kuroo wasn’t entirely confident that she’d move.
‘Cute.’ Kuroo shook his head at his own thoughts. Sure, she was cute, but she was as off-limits as possible.
‘Though,’ he reasoned, ‘Being friends isn’t a crime.’
Lost in thought, the end of the lecture came sooner than anticipated. Twisting in his seat, his spine made a loud crack. Ah, the ripe old age of 21. In his defense, the chairs in the lecture hall weren’t exactly ergonomic.
“I doubt that’s a healthy noise for your spine to make.” She peered at him over her bag as she gently organized all her pens into a baby pink pencil case with little green aliens on it.
‘Cute,’ he thought.
“Thanks! It was a gift,” she chirped. He blinked.
“The pencil case? I got it as a gift.”
It took Kuroo a moment to register what in the world she was talking about. When the realization dawned on him he mentally kicked himself.
‘I said that out loud???’
They headed outside where the sun had nearly set. She asked him what his plans were later on, and he mentioned his volleyball scholarship.
“Wow! It’s super competitive just to get on the team here. Congratulations!” He chuckled at her enthusiasm and thanked her for being so encouraging.
“So…” she trailed off for a moment, “You’re Tooru’s teammate, then?”
Kuroo gave an ugly, barking laugh.
“Yeah. Not sure if that’s good or bad. He’s the best setter I’ve ever met, but he’s also super cheery and will smile while he roasts you within an inch of your life.”
They both chuckled. (Y/N) looked at the ground shyly and said in a small voice, “Yeah, that sounds like him.”
“You know each other?” it suddenly occurred to that she and Oikawa were on a first-name basis. “You a fangirl of his?” he teased.
She squeaked. Waving her hands in front of her frantically, she said, “No, no, no! I just-- We just-- We both went to Seijoh, that’s all.” Kuroo was mildly offended that she thought he’d believe such a poorly delivered lie, but he decided to let it go. For now. Changing the subject, he said,
“So, where are you headed? Practice to watch your boyfriend?” She tensed, then quickly relaxed.
“I’ve never been to a practice since I always seem to have a shift at the same time. I have work at 5:30 today, actually.”
“You’re walking around when it’s this dark?”
“It’s only about a 20 minute walk from here. Don’t worry, I have pepper spray.”
“Mildly comforting, but not much. If you don’t mind, I could walk you there?”
His gesture was rewarded by an adorable eye smile, “Oh, that’s so kind of you. Okay, if it’s not too much trouble.”
On the walk there, she told him all about Chisai Tea House and about Grandmother, the sweet old woman who owned it.
“I worry, though. Gran is getting old. She’s not in a condition to work all day like she does.”
Kuroo looked up at the darkening sky, “When people love something, it’s hard to pull them away.”
“Mm, don’t I know it?”
Kuroo asked what kinds of things Chisai served. Besides dim sum, of course.
“What people order just depends on what they want at the time. There’s no ‘good’ thing to get because everything’s amazing! We make traditional green teas, Korean songpyeon, khao neeo mamuang, and don’t even get me started on the har gao and sumai, and all the dim sum stuff. All of our recipes have been passed down through families for generations.”
Around 5:20, she stopped at a door along the line of shops. The place was bustling with customers, and the air around it smelled of sweet treats and green teas. The whole place had a traditional Chinese feel. Through the windows, the busy place looked busy, but peaceful. On the tables nearest the window, he saw moon cakes and songpyeon that made his mouth water.
“Thank you for walking me to work! If you have some free time, would you like to come in for something to eat? My treat?” she offered.
“I wish I could, (Y/N)-san, but I have practice--!” Kuroo choked on the word. Practice! How could he forget? He’d been going to volleyball practice on weekdays since he started high school!
“Is there something wrong?” the shorter girl asked, concerned. He shook his head.
“Not at all. Thanks for keeping me company,” he winked. He didn’t want her to feel like him being late was her fault, so he waited until she was fully inside the tea shop before he turned tail and hauled ass. The gym was about a 10 minute walk, so there was a chance he could make it.
After some hardcore sprinting, the boy almost cried tears of relief when the building finally came into view. He flung himself through the locker room door. Inside, he saw all his teammates finishing up getting dressed, putting on knee pads, tying shoelaces, the like. Every head turned his way.
“Bro! What’s-- Hey! Why are you all sweaty?” Bokuto shouted from the far end of the locker room. Kuroo meant to respond, but he found himself completely out of breath. Volleyball players might not be cut out for long distance sprinting. At least, he definitely wasn’t.
“Overslept?” Iwaizumi clapped his teammate on the back as he brushed past him through the doorway.
“You know coach doesn’t like it when people are late to practice. Better hurry up, Tetsu-chan!” Oikawa said in a tone all too gleeful to be genuine. Forcing his legs to move, Kuroo stumbled as he yanked his shirt off and ran to his locker while simultaneously trying to shimmy his pants off. Bokuto came up beside him during his frantic clambering to get ready.
“What happened, man? You don’t usually get here this late?”
Kuroo glanced over his shoulder at his friend’s worried expression.
“I’m good, bro, I just...” he panted, “I just lost track of time.”
“M’kay, if you’re sure everything’s Gucci?”
“Yeah, man, I’m good.” The wing spiker nodded and headed out the door. Alone at last, Kuroo stuffed his feet into his shoes and rested his head against his locker for a moment. Next time, he’d stop creeping on Kenma’s girlfriend and focus on making it to practice on time. This wouldn’t happen again.
(A/N): At last! We have tapped into the interactions between Kuroo and (Y/N)! And yes, the Bro-Code is very important! (Well, I'm female, but I’m fully aware of how it works lol). Please continue to give/leave your feedback and thoughts on the story! Be sure to check out the Tumblr/Wattpad for more updates! Thanks and see y’all soon!
- Admin Kiwi-Chan
(A/N): Yeeeaaaaaa boiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
- Admin Mango-Chan
Taglist: @joyful-jimin
102 notes · View notes
greensaplinggrace · 4 years
Cloud Wing!Fic
VERS. 1 | VERS. 2 of the Prompt: Hi, I just wanted to ask if you would be willing to dabble in a prompt about Cloud having a wing? Like maybe something where it first manifests in a really bad situation of some kind and he's just horrified and scared about it, and runs away from everyone because he's terrified of what they they think. They then him and end up reassuring and comforting him? Just- angst to family feels? There is a distinct lack of Cloud wingfics haha 😅 so I was just hoping you'd be interested. ~ @hiroasu-akika
This was inspired by the original prompt fill I made for this post! A different interpretation that doesn’t quite as neatly fit the prompt, but I figured you might like it XD. It takes place during the Shinra infiltration mission with Barret and Tifa. I hope you enjoy! <3
Barret doesn’t know whose sick idea it was to build a 59 story building, but if he ever meets them, he’s gonna shove his gun so far up their ass they’ll be spitting bullets for years.
The stairs seem endless as Barret climbs them, exhausted and shaking from the strain. Tifa and Cloud are having the time of their lives, dancing up the steps as if it’s a game and not a damn workout. Tifa’s already at the top, with Cloud only a few stories behind her, and Barret’s just struggling not to collapse with every step he takes. Just ten more stories, he tells himself, only ten more to go. 
Then there’s a clang, an echo of a gunshot ringing in a sickening chorus down the rows of metal, and Tifa screams. Barret increases his speed, pounding up the steps and readying his gun arm, but it’s already too late. A blur shoots past him, a sickening twist of blonde and black that he knows all too well, and he desperately breaks away to dive for it. His fingers brush only briefly on rough cotton, stomach dropping to his feet as Cloud plummets past without so much as a pause.
“Cloud!” Tifa screams again, high and anguished, and Barret doesn’t need to look up to know she’s hanging over the railing just as he is, eyes wide and tears streaming.
For a moment they're both frozen, watching with horror as he falls, and then there’s a thunder of steps as Tifa begins to rush down. Barret doesn’t move, though. Overwhelmed and ashamed and wishing to Gaia that something will happen - anything - to stop Cloud from landing.
No amount of prayers could prepare him for what happens next.
A crack splits the air, Cloud’s form twitching and writhing before a streak of black cuts snaps from his body in a spray of feathers. Tifa gasps, coming to another clanging halt, and Barret stares wide eyed at the wing Cloud’s just sprouted, long and dark and gruesome in the dim lighting. For the first time since he fell, Cloud yells, legs kicking and arms cartwheeling in a startled panic. His wing catches on the crisscross of wires with a sickening crack, harsh movements quickly landing him on another, and the burst of air from his lungs can be heard from 40 stories up as his stomach meets the unforgiving metal, descent brutally halted.
The silence that descends is shocked, both Tifa and Barret once more frozen in place. Then Barret shakes his head, blinking in the hopes of clearing the fucking hallucination of a wing from his mind.
“What the everlovin’ shit just happened?”
“Oh Gaia! Barret, we need to get down to him!” Tifa’s footsteps resume, but all Barret can do is shake his head again. He looks away and looks back but- nope. The wing is still there.
“Do you see that?!”
“Yes! I see it, Barret. Now really isn’t the time. He could be dead. He could be-” Tifa bounds past him as if she hadn’t been eight stories above him not thirty seconds ago, and the grip she forms around Barret’s wrist is enough to make him wince. She doesn’t even hesitate as she reaches for him, and Barret finds himself yanked along with her in order to keep from tearing her arm from it’s socket.
“Fuck, that was forty levels. There’s no way.”
“He has to be. He’s- he’s a SOLDIER. They’re stronger, right? They- oh, Gaia. How did this happen?”
The guilt almost swallows Barret whole. He’d had Cloud. Had grasped him and felt him in his fingers, but he hadn’t been good enough. One of his team could be dead. Cloud isn’t his team, though. Cloud is-
“The hell did he do? Get shot?”
“He didn’t do anything, Barret! This isn’t his fault.”
No, it’s Barret’s. He pushes back the guilt and focuses on keeping calm. Tifa isn’t doing so well right now, and Barret can’t afford to let his feelings get the better of him when the only two other members of his team are down for the count.
“Was there a guard at the top?” he asks, breathless and stumbling for a second as the numbness in his legs catches up to him. Tifa nods sharply, still rocketing down the stairs as if a fire’s at their heels. She glances over the railing to check on Cloud, and Barret reluctantly allows his gaze to follow hers.
His stomach lurches at what he sees. The dark wing is bent at an odd angle, caught on one of the higher wires, while Cloud himself lays folded face down over another. He isn’t moving, which is already a bad sign, but he’s also bleeding. It’s a dark patch on the shoulder that Barret hadn’t been able to notice from higher up, and what makes it apparent now is the spread of blood slowly dripping down his neck. It gathers stark and bright red in his blonde hair, and Barret can hear Tifa’s breaths grow shaky as she catches sight of the same thing.
She picks up the pace, and Barret follows readily. “Was it just one bullet?”
“Y-yeah,” she pants, finally appearing a bit winded from all of the running, “it was just the one guard. At the top of the stairs, I mean. He got a shot in before I could take him out…” She trails off at the memory, brow furrowing with guilt, and Barret lays a steady hand on her shoulder.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“I was ahead of him, though. I should have seen, but it caught me by surprise.”
“You made a mistake. It happens. Next time, you’ll know to be more careful.”
Her lips twitch, jaw clenching, and she trips over the next step. She regains her momentum before he can catch her and doesn’t say a word, but her thoughts are clear as day. What if there won’t be a next time?
“Don’t write him off yet. The bastard’s strong.” Usually, he’d have to force a compliment about Cloud through grit teeth. This time around, Barret’s just hoping that it’s true.
They stumble down another few stories in silence, breaths turning to sharp wheezes as they take back every inch of progress they’d made. Barret doesn’t voice his concerns about making it back up to the top, but they’re a lingering fog of worry at the back of his mind. Another to add to his steadily growing collection.
At least they won’t have to run too far down once they’ve got the merc. Barret tries not to think too hard about why that is - that Cloud had fallen almost the entire length of 59 stories before landing stomach first on a thin line of metal. If his wing hadn’t broken his fall, Barret isn’t too sure he wouldn’t be dying of internal bleeding. As it is, there’s still a possibility, but at least it’s decidedly less so.
Barret can’t believe he’s even thinking about people having wings so casually, but it isn’t as if he can deny what’s right in front of his eyes. The further down they get, the more real the thing appears. Barret couldn’t possibly mistake it for anything other than a wing at this point.
Why hadn’t Cloud said anything? Why hadn’t TIfa?
Had they even known?
Barret scowls, huffing as they stagger down the last few steps, and they both come to a weak, heaving stop at the railing beside Cloud’s still form. He’s clearly unconscious, though the loose strands of his hair hang limply to cover their view of his face. Barret can make out a faint frown, but that’s the only sign of life he can glean from the merc.
A wave of fresh guilt hits him at seeing the kid so limp and lifeless. He looks like a ragdoll that’s been cast aside - bent and broken. Barret feels nauseous even looking at Cloud, let alone his wing. The broken bone is painfully obvious now that they’re so close. A jagged edge of white peeking out from a split in the skin, surrounded by smashed and blood matted feathers.
“Cloud,” Tifa breathes, voice cracking on the edge of tears, and Barret can’t help having to push down his own, “We have to get him down. We- Barret.” 
“We will. We gotta be careful, though, aight?”
“He looks....” She takes in a shuddering breath, shoulders rising as she clenches her fists. Barret lays a gentle hand on her shoulder, waiting until she looks up at him with wet, furious eyes until he speaks.
“I know.”
She exhales loudly, closing her eyes to regain her composure, and Barret distances himself a bit as she does. He takes the time to study Cloud while she works through it, grateful that the merc is somewhat close to them instead of further across the wire. Getting him down should be easy, but it’s the moving him downstairs part that Barret’s hesitant about. His wing will be an added weight that they really don’t need right now, and Barret doesn’t have the faintest clue if it’s safe to jostle any of his injuries. 
“Can you get him down from there?” Tifa eventually asks, strong and steady despite the shake in her shoulders. “I can carry him if you...take his wing.”
Barret nods and steps onto the bottom rung of the railing. He isn’t tall enough to wrap his arm fully around Cloud’s torso, but he’s able to get a decent grip on the back of his shirt. He grabs a fistful, bracing himself against the top rung with his gun arm. A light tug has Cloud’s shirt peeling back from his wound, the thick matting of blood already working to seal his shirt to the skin, and he hisses.
“What- what is it? Is he alive?” Tifa’s anxious and worried beside him, vibrating in place, and all Barret can do is shake his head.
“I don’t know yet. But, uh...this ain’t gon’ be pretty.”
Barret pulls. Cloud gasps and jolts as the shirt is ripped away from him, wing shifting as he rises, and something like a choked wail escapes his lips. He thrashes in a panic, and Barret curses violently.
“He’s alive!”
“No shit! He needs to calm down or he’s gonna-” Barret’s cut off as Cloud gasps, twisting out of his grip and falling back onto the wire. He scrambles at it, feet kicking and wing flapping, and another strangled groan is pulled from him as the broken bone shifts. The pain doesn’t stop him from lashing out, though, and the next thing Barret knows, a boot with the full force of a SOLDIER’s strength is ramming into his good arm. 
“Motherfucker!” Barret rears back and steadies himself, ignoring the string of pain to lean back down and grab Cloud’s shirt again. The merc writhes in his grip, and Barret’s endlessly grateful for Tifa’s stabilizing hold as he’s nearly pulled over the edge with him. He heaves and ignores Cloud’s pained yell as his wing slides along the wire. The rush of guilt is nearly overwhelming, but Barret refuses to let go now that he’s almost got the kid on their side.
Thankfully, Cloud goes limp again somewhere around the third rung. He’s heavier now, but at least he isn’t fighting Barret every step of the way, aggravating his wounds in new and spectacular fashions like the competitive bastard Barret knows he is. Barret manages to heave him over the rest of the railing without trouble, passing him off to Tifa and reaching out to steady the wing before she pulls it from its perch. The last thing they need is Cloud’s wing falling and hitting the walls.
“Shit, hang on.” Tifa holds Cloud in place, hardly straining beneath his weight, and Barret leans out further than he probably should to get a better grip on Cloud’s wing. It’s lighter than he’d expected, and the feathers are so startlingly soft beneath his fingers that he almost freezes in shock. He inhales sharply and forcibly regathers his wits, turning to nod at Tifa. “Okay, but lower him slowly.”
She gives a nod of assent, and what follows is an excruciatingly slow, careful drag of feathers through Barret’s fingers. Tifa draws Cloud back from the railing with deliberate care, cradling him in her arms as if he’s the most precious thing she’s ever held, and Barret ignores whatever the fuck is going on there in favor of keeping Cloud’s wing steady throughout. After a time, the broken bone slides toward him, and he spreads his fingers to form a strong grip on either side of it, maneuvering the remaining part of the wing until he’s able to step down from the railing and hold it spread sideways from Cloud’s back.
“We’ll need to splint that,” Tifa observes, biting her lip and eyeing the wing nervously.
Barret sighs. He doesn’t know a single damn thing about fixing bird wings, least of all ones that happen to be on humans. “If he made it appear, maybe he can make it disappear.”
The look Tifa gives him says that’s not likely to happen, and Barret resigns himself to recalling every little bit of animal anatomy he’s learned over the years. His knowledge is sparse, and by the way Tifa’s frowning, he’d guess hers is as well.
They move down the stairs as slowly as they’d dragged Cloud from the wires, Tifa whispering small reassurances into his ear as they walk. Barret tries to spend the journey focused on other things, but no matter how much he wants to avoid looking at Cloud, he can’t help but notice how pale the merc is. Lips almost blue and stomach bruised from where his shirt rides up, a pool of blood coating his hair and shoulders, dripping down his neck even as they carry him in an upright position. He looks like death warmed over, and the fact that he has a wing isn’t helping. 
Barret’s trying not to think about it.
But not thinking about the wing means thinking about how he failed Cloud. How he allowed his weakness to slow him down. How he wasn’t there to defend him and Tifa at the top of the stairs.
How he’d failed to catch him.
He looks so young like this, for once devoid of snarky remarks and the crease of a frown. Hair falling to gently frame his face, lips relaxed. He looks like a kid.
A kid who might be dead.
Gaia, Barret thinks he’s going to be sick.
“We need to take care of his bullet first,” Tifa breaks the silence as they descend the last few steps, “it looks like a through and through, so we won’t have to take it out, but he’s still lost a lot of blood.”
“You can take care of the bullet on your own,” Barret grunts, turning as she does until they're in the center of the room. The area at the base of the stairs is spacious, but they avoid the large shuttered doors at the far end, instead picking a spot nearer to the round metal pipes and smattering of orange caution signs. The place looks relatively unused, which is a relief, but he knows that any number of emergencies could drive employees to the stairs. They can’t linger long here, but he has no idea where else they could possibly go. “I’ll try to fix up his...wing.”
It shouldn’t still feel unnatural to say the word - to think it - but the thing is...it’s unnatural. Sprouted fully formed out of someone’s back after a fifty story drop. Who does that?
Cloud, apparently. Perhaps it’s a SOLDIER thing. Just another reason for Barret to hate their guts; another reason for him to hate Cloud.
He determinedly pushes back the voice in his head that says he doesn’t anymore. That he’s actually grown quite fond of the kid.
“You lower him first and I’ll follow,” Barret guides Tifa, falling to his knees and settling the wing in his lap as she lays Cloud across the floor. It won’t be comfortable, but it’s the best place they’ve got at the moment, and at least they have a flat surface of some kind to operate on.
Tifa’s quick to unpack her supplies, silent in a fervent worry as she works, and Barret focuses on Cloud’s wing. He has a feeling this isn’t going to end so well for them, especially once he starts pushing things back into place, so he begins with cleaning the injury and clipping off the feathers around it. Cloud whines in his sleep as they prod at his wounds, peaceful expression quickly marred by a pained frown. His lips twitch, sweat forming on his brow, and Barret runs a soothing hand over his forehead before he can even think about it. It’s an automatic response to the pain, and he can hear Tifa whispering calming words right alongside him, but something tightens in Barret’s chest as he cards a hand through Cloud’s hair. Something heated and protective that has him wishing desperately that he could pull the other man into a hug.
Barret doesn’t take the time to examine the feelings too closely, distracted by the glint of white as he moves to do the hardest part. Beside him, Tifa holds down Cloud’s shoulders, and Barret doesn’t even count to three before he realigns Cloud’s wing. A scream echoes off the walls of the stairwell, and Tifa has to press the entire length of her body to him as he struggles, mako eyes flaring open in sheer agony. He looks dazed and confused for a second, breaths short with panic, and something in Barret’s chest tightens at seeing the kid so distraught.
“Cloud! Cloud it’s just us. We promise you’re safe. It’s okay. It’s okay,” Tifa attempts to soothe him, hands flying across his body to contain any movement too strenuous. It’s a job for more than one person, Barret knows. Handcuffs or ties, at the very least. He’s impressed with how well she’s doing, but it won’t be enough if Cloud utilizes his full strength and actually tries to throw her off.
“It’s Barret and Tifa,” Barret clarifies, clear and concise in a way that he hopes gets through the fog of panic, “we’re helpin’ you, do you hear? You fell.”
Cloud subsides at that, blinking rapidly, and Tifa’s quick to take advantage. “We’re in the Shinra headquarters. Barret, you, and me were climbing the stairs when you got shot. Do you remember?”
He goes deathly still for a moment, lashes fluttering. Then he swallows and clears his throat, gaze flickering between Tifa and Barret a few too many times to be reassuring. “...Tifa?” he finally tries, and the slur in his voice has Barret’s heart sinking.
“Yeah!” Tifa only sounds relieved. “Yes, it’s me. Oh, thank Gaia you’re okay. We were- we were so worried.”
Cloud blinks again. “Barret?”
“Well, he wouldn’t ever admit it.”
Barret snorts. “You were pretty out of it, merc. What do you remember?”
“That- I remember...” he trails off, seemingly caught up in his thoughts, and Barret can pinpoint the exact moment he recalls the wing. His expression morphs into one of pure horror, body going taut and breaths coming out short and strained with terror. Barret’s stomach drops at the sight, and within seconds he’s struggling to keep Cloud’s wing steady as the merc all but tries to tear himself violently apart from the limb, eyes wide and glued to the thing as if it’s the devil incarnate.
“Cloud, it’s okay,” Tifa tries again, but he just shakes his head, once more tugging at Barret’s hold. As if breaking free of Barret will free him of the limb; as if this is all some sick dream that he can pull himself out of. 
Barret wishes it was.
“It’s not. It’s not okay. It’s- get it off.”
Barret scowls. “If you know how to make it disappear, then please go ahead, but it ain’t exactly a detachable piece.”
Cloud lets out a noise of protest, wild eyed and trembling, and the utter break in his usual composure is painful to see. Barret glances at Tifa, hoping to glean some sort of advice from the woman who knows him best, but she’s just as distressed as Barret is right now, fretting over Cloud with shaking hands.
“Then cut it off!” Barret’s blood runs cold, mouth going dry with shock. “Cut it off! Just-”
“Absolutely not.” Barret doesn’t yell, but he might as well have for the way Cloud reels back. “Nobody’s cuttin’ off anybody's limbs. The hell are you on?! We ain’t fuckin’ torturin’ you cause you’ve grown a wing all of a sudden.” Though it sure is a hell of a strange circumstance, and Barret wouldn't mind a few damn answers at some point.
Cloud falls silent. His throat works soundlessly, limbs frozen, and Tifa takes the opportunity to press his shoulders back onto the hard floor. Barret loosens his grip on Cloud’s wing a bit in apology, petting over the ruffled feathers in the hopes of smoothing away some pain. 
There’s a quiet sort of panic in Cloud’s eyes, now. The kind that has only the slightest of tells, Cloud’s lips thinning and his fingers twitching. His breath barely even catches as Tifa wraps his bare shoulder in bandages, eyes tracking her every movement with a fevered hypervigilance. When Barret so much as thinks of shifting, Cloud’s eyes snap to him quick as lightning, but they still don’t fall on his wing.
“So, I take it this is a new development.”
Tifa huffs, casting a reproachful look at Barret for his bluntness, but Cloud doesn’t react except to lick his lips. His fingers twitch again, knees jumping, and his gaze skirts the edges of his wing before he locks eyes with Barret.
“Yeah…” he finally croaks, swallowing a few times afterward to clear his voice, “I- I don’t want it.”
Barret’s lips twitch into a bitter smile. “Join the club. I know a thing or two about limbs you don’t agree with. Thought I was a monster for a long time, cause of my arm.”
“But it’s...it’s not the same. I am a monster. You...you’ve just…”
“Just got one arm?” Barret fills in, snorting when Cloud blushes. The merc turns away, flinching at a particularly harsh pull to his bandages, and Tifa’s whispered apology is the only sound to fill the silence for a time. Then Cloud ventures a tentative glance over at Barret again, and he takes that as his queue to continue. “I lost it in a bad way," he explains gently, "and what I replaced it with...well. It ain’t exactly all sunshine and daisies, is it? I say I use it for good, but I still hurt people.”
Cloud chances a glance at his gun arm. A complicated expression passes across his face, mako eyes running along the hunk of metal with the intensity of a man attempting to decipher the wills of the universe. Then he peers over at his own wing, expression instantly twisting to one of pure disgust. The limbs flutters lightly in Barret’s hand - a weak attempt at pulling it away again - but Barret stubbornly remains where he is. He doesn't stop running his fingers through the feathers, even as Cloud burns a hole in them with a poisonous glare. It’s a strange feeling, for once not being tempted to rise to the merc’s bait. Barret can’t say he hates it, though he has a hunch it isn’t going to last long.
“I know it ain’t the same,” Barret says before Cloud can rile himself up again, “but I also know that my arm doesn’t make me a monster, just as this doesn’t make you one.”
Cloud turns away, hell bent on not listening to a word Barret says like the little shit he is. Barret sighs and remains quiet, but there might be the hint of a scowl when Tifa speaks next, instantly garnering the full weight of Cloud's attention.
“I had a hard time, after everything that happened to us," she begins, pausing to gauge their interest with a shy glance. She bites her lip and focuses her attention on Cloud's shoulder, turning her head away from his ardent stare. His interest is practically palpable, and Barret can see her blush clear as day on the pale rise of her cheekbones. "I...changed," she murmurs, "I got angrier and more violent and I learned how to fight, and there was this fire in me that never stopped burning, no matter how much I hit or kicked or punched. I know- I know it’s different. But I understand where you’re coming from...when it comes to growing things you don't want - that you can't control. You’re not a monster, Cloud.”
“But the wing, it’s-”
“I know.” There’s something there that neither of them is telling him, but Barret’s just relieved Cloud seems to be listening to someone. If they had more time, perhaps they could actually get somewhere significant with the kid, but it would be rash to linger here much longer. More dangerous than Barret could possibly risk.
It’s a tentative peace they’ve found in the midst of their high stakes mission, and nobody can deny that quite a few shocks have hit all of their systems in the past hour, but he knows they need to get moving soon if they want to reach Aerith in time. Knows that Cloud is going to have to live with the wing for a bit longer until they can find a solution or an answer or something. They can’t help him right now, beyond offering rushed platitudes and stale comfort. The inability to do anything stings. Another inadequacy to add to his pile of failures. Letting Cloud get hurt and allowing him to fall. His fumbled, pointless attempt at comfort and care. Everything.
"Thank you, Barret." 
Barret blinks. "What?"
Cloud flushes down to his bright blonde roots, tomato red and furious. "I ain't sayin' it again!" he hisses, and Barret barks out a laugh.
"Shit, kid. You really are a pain in my damn ass."
"Aren't we all?" Tifa laughs.
"Nah, everybody else on the team is a damn angel compared to him." 
There's a beat of silence, Tifa's smile dimming as her eyes widen, and Barret finds Cloud's sudden reticence strange until he realizes what he'd just said.
Team. He'd said team.
But Cloud is on the team, isn't he? Barret doesn’t know when exactly he started to consider Cloud a part of it, but it’s an impossible idea to shake now that it’s taken root. He wants the arrogant little shit around, Gaia forbid. He wants him in the family. Despite every misgiving Barret's had about the merc's past and his attitude and his occupation - despite everything that's told him Cloud can't be trusted - he still wants to make him a part of the team. But the Cloud Barret's gotten to know is different from the front he puts up. Vulnerable and kind and loving. Willing to risk everything for Tifa and Aerith alike. Hell, he'd been willing to risk his life for Jessie and Biggs and Wedge, too. For Barret.
He'd almost died today.
Barret's heart clenches, and he almost blurts out his thoughts right then and there to his quiet team members - almost lets the whole world know exactly what he's thinking. But it isn't that simple, he knows. Things like this can't just be said in the middle of a mission, high on stress and painful revelations. It needs to be done with the whole team around. When they're all comfortable and relaxed; when they're all a family.
After the mission, Barret decides, I’ll offer him a serious place here with us.
Even if Cloud doesn’t want to be in Avalanche, that doesn’t mean he can’t still be a part of the team. Hell, Tifa’s practically an outside member already. It wouldn’t be so unusual, and Cloud would probably appreciate the steady income.
After the mission, we’ll give him a home.
But for now, Barret takes what he can get. He sets Cloud’s wing in a splint and talks about his arm. Shares stories with Tifa as Cloud drifts in and out of consciousness and runs a soothing hand through Cloud’s hair when the heat gets to be too much, temperature burning him up from the inside. 
Even the smallest of kindnesses seems to make Cloud melt, once his barriers are finally torn down. And every touch has him humming, every word listened to with a keen interest that he tries so desperately to mask.
Cloud needs a family, Barret realizes. He wants one more than anything. And Barret aches to tell him that he has one. That Avalanche would live and kill and die for him - every single member. That Tifa loves him and Barret...Barret’s fond of him. 
But Barret waits. He has to. Because if he says anything now, the entire mission could be ruined, and a 59 story drop with the surprise emergence of a wing is enough for any group to handle on the best of days.
After the mission, he reminds himself one last time, tomorrow.
Unfortunately for all of them, tomorrow is a long time coming.
And the mission has only just begun.
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
20, 27, 35, 40, 50, 59, 67, 88 for All Eight Characters (one each but if you wanna go Hog Fucking Wild feel free)
Alright so. I’m not going hog wild but! I decided to do two guys per question, one who was my first gut instinct for that question, and then one random character to spice things up! Do some character building in a direction I might not have thought to go, you know? 
Also bro this got so long so just. Putting it. Under a read more because I do respect your time and dashboard.
20. How would your character define love? Caspian: Love is when people stop to listen to you. When they smile when they see you, and sneak you an extra dessert when no one is looking. Love is being willing to bend the rules to make you happy, teaching you to hold your head up high even when you’re getting in trouble, and telling you to always look the world right in the eye when it wants you to back down. Love is giving up whatever you have to without a second thought for the other person’s sake, and knowing they would do the same for you. Love is taking the lessons they taught you, carrying them in your heart, swallowing your fear and setting out to bring them home. Ryker: Love is fleeting, and fickle, and fragile. Love is at best a luxury and more realistically a bargaining chip. It’s real, sure, but its primary use is to blind people to what’s hidden behind it. Some people may get lucky, but only a fool would bet on those odds. ...if you are lucky enough to find it, though, hold on tight. Real love, genuine, honest, reciprocated love, is worth doing anything for. The people you care about should know how you feel by what you do, not by what you say. Show love with discretion, but show it fiercely. 
27. How much have they given up to get to where they are in life, willingly or unwillingly? How much do they think they would give up to get to where they want to be, in the future? Raini: Raini I think is super interesting because I think she’s given up a fair bit, and she’s completely fine with the sacrifices she did make because she decided the benefits outweighed whatever she had to give up to get it. But on the other hand, giving something up unwillingly? Having something taken from her? Absolutely a cause for retribution at any cost. idk if I’m explaining the difference in a way that makes sense, but that distinction means the world to Raini because, even if the sacrifice is hard to swallow, at least she was in control of it. And like, the whole premise of the campaign is giving up shit! Giving up everything! And was it willing at the time? Yes! But coming out on the other side of it and not remembering making the decision and, quite frankly, not agreeing with the decision you made is rough! You’re yourself, you know because you’re you, but you’re also not yourself because that’s the whole point of what you did, so did you really do this? Was it someone else in a body you now inhabit? What happens to this new you when you regain your old memories, because there’s no way in hell you don’t at least try to get them back? It’s a lot to think about!! And that, and the core of this question, is why Raini doesn’t let this end without a Wish to restore the memory of whoever wants it. I don’t think she sees erasing them the first time as a decision “she” necessarily made -although whether that’s a philosophical issue or one of diverting guilt is open for debate- so she wants to reclaim what she sees as having been taken from her unwillingly. Pip: Tbh, the plot and premise of Strahd aside, Pip has lived a pretty charmed life. He fucked up plenty, but he always seemed to manage to stumble his way into where he needed to be when he needed to be there. Honestly, even within the module things didn’t go too badly for him! He lost a good friend at one point, and nearly died in that same fight, but other than that he fared pretty well. The biggest thing he’s given up in his life was his place in his home village, but honestly it’s like 50/50 on whether that was willingly or unwillingly. Like, he feels bad about the accidental arson? But also. It kinda kicks ass that he did then just like. Leave and it was fine. With his campaign over, I don’t really have much in the way of future goals for him! He’s just. He’s just fucking vibing. You know? So! Seems like he’s getting out of giving up anything in the future.
35. What is their most prized possession? If they have one that is. Ryker: For sure have talked about this before: it’s his hammers. He has two enormous hammers that he fights with, named Last Chance and Misery’s End. They’re sturdy orc made weapons with their names hammered into the side of each head in orc, that have been passed down from clan leader to clan leader for generations. They hit well, they don’t do much else, but when you’re regularly shattering knees, ribs, and skulls, what else do you need them to do? They’re sturdy, practical weapons. Reliable, and they remind him of home. He’s more comfortable putting his life in their hands than anything -or anyone- else’s. Brilliance: Her armor! For several reasons: 1. She paid extra to have it enchanted so that it repels dirt and blood and grime. After crawling through cult sewers to clear out some nasty boys, Brilliance decided that never again was she going to spend her short rest having to wipe blood or shit off her nice armor. When she upgraded to splint mail, she absolutely forked out that Armor of Gleaming enchantment. 2. Her shield specifically was decorated by her fiancee! Sienna likes to paint, and when Brilliance first got her shield for guard duty at the church Sienna took it upon herself to get out her paints and paint on a wreaths of vines and roses and birds and other lovely things, so that her love could always have a piece of her with her 💖
40. Do people expect a lot from your character or look up to them for something? Why or why not? Ayen: Unfortunately, Ayen is baybe. And even though she hasn’t outright told anyone how old she is, it’s becoming rapidly apparent that. Hey? They might have figured it out. It’s literally inconceivable how they could have pieced it together though?? I mean, how does anything about her not read as completely mature and put together elf woman thank you I’m an elf??  So, no. I don’t think anyone looks up to her. And that’s okay!! Yes she is a young adult with her own set of skills and her own value to add to the world and the people around her, but she would not thrive in a position of leadership like she thinks she would. She needs time to mellow out and settle down, and to learn how to make decisions quickly and responsibly. I think, one day, she’ll be able to show a lot of people how to do a lot of good. For now, though, she’s happy trotting along after Dad and rowing her and her new friend around in circles in a row boat, just because it’s fun to mess around sometimes. Auriga: Interesting question! Interesting question. I think in the collective sense, as part of the Court of Stars, definitely yes. They’re the rulers! They guide their people through the knowledge and wisdom accumulated over the course of millennia! I think Auriga specifically even is seen as having a closer connection to this wealth of knowledge, being a cleric and all. But I am toying with the thought that outside of the context of the council and the court, the people that make it up don’t have as much weight? There’s still respect of course! But while one star shining on its own is all well and good, without the context of those around it how are you meant to learn from what it has to say to you? Auriga understands this, it’s just part of their culture, and he’s in no way troubled by it. It’s the way things are meant to be, and so they will continue to be until it is clear that something needs to change! 
50. What’s their earliest memory? Auriga: Now full warning this is going to be a lot less detailed than Cog’s is just because I know him less, but I think Auriga earliest memory is something sweet and warm like. Sitting in one of his older sibling’s laps (while he’s the Baby of the family!) and just. Dozing against their chest while the rest of them sit in front of a roaring fire and just talk. He doesn’t remember a word of what was said, he just remembers being little and held and loved. Their family mostly interacts in the council room, I think, because when things get busy with ruling it’s so easy to just fall into work and let family time fall by the wayside. But when things get stressful, when he realizes he hasn’t interacted with his brothers or sisters outside their meetings in a while, I think this is one of the memories that comes to mind and encourages him to set aside whatever he’s reading and go off to be intentional about spending time with his brothers and sisters :) Cog: One of her earliest memories was when her magic first manifested! She was maybe six or seven, and Mama was busy at church and Daddy had gone out to check on some of the folks that lived a bit further out from town, and baby Cog was bored to tears. She knew she wasn’t supposed to leave home alone!! But there were some Cool Older Kids she wanted to impress, and they were going to sneak out and explore the swamp. They were big kids! They were like thirteen! Surely, nothing bad could happen if there were big kids with her! So she followed them out of town, and by the time they noticed their tag-along it would have been Way too much work to take her back home. Whatever. It’s fine. They start poking around the edge of the swamp, looking at weird fish and bugs and poking at mushrooms or whatever kind of shit grows in swamps. Probably getting eaten alive by mosquitos.  Well! Cog is having a grand old time playing with frogs and cattails, and she’d wandered off from the teenagers she was supposed to be staying with. She was up to her calves in the brackish water trying to recapture a frog that escaped her when she looked up to see a long, thin shape darting through the water straight for her. It was a cottonmouth, mutated by the Wasteland and nearly as big as she is. It hissed as it closed the distance between them, mouth open wide as it readied itself to lunge and sink its fangs into her. Cog screamed and threw her arms up to protect herself-  And then there was a burn of something wild and unfamiliar in her chest, a warm hand on her shoulder, and a flash of light so blinding that people swore later they could see it from town. Cog stood there for a moment, frozen and trembling, but when she gathered the courage to open her eyes everything within five feet of her was scorched clean, and the corpse of the snake that had charged her was bobbing, almost completely unrecognizable, in the water in front of her. Mama was furious with her when they made it back home, of course, but after hearing what happened? After hearing that Cog had finally managed to channel a spell, some rudimentary form of Word of Radiance? Well, there were much, much more pressing things to worry about, all of a sudden.
59. Have they ever had an encounter with someone that changed their whole life? Cog: HA Morgan opened up a can of “Talk About Ace” SOUP and folks it’s fucking lunchtime. Drink up assholes!!! I know I’ve talked about this a hundred times but I’ll never be sick of it: they’re JUST such good friends and they’ve been so so good for each other. Before they met, Cog was in a place in her life where she felt trapped and perpetually anxious, and Ace was restless and angry at the world. Neither of them felt like they could measure up to the expectations other people had for them, and Cog had turned that worry self-destructively inward while Ace had turned it outward. Ace’s straining at his leash brought him to Lafaroh, and Cog’s -at the time, Charlotte’s- soft heart had her defying direct orders to slip up to this stranger and warn him that he needed to leave before he got hurt. And Ace looked at Charlotte, at the genuine worry on her face for someone she’d only just met. And he looked at the town around them, at the way the people who passed by looked at him and how that look shifted from suspicion to shock and outrage when they saw Charlotte with him. And he did some math, and he realized whatever the hell was going on in this podunk town was a thousand times more interesting than anything that would ever happen back in New Alexandria proper. So of course, he settles in to pry. Charlotte, bless her, has many, many strengths; reading into people’s intent is not one of them. So when Ace starts asking questions, she’s happy to answer to impress upon him how important it is that he goes home! And the more she talks, the easier it is to just... keep talking? This man, this stranger from the Academy, is talking to her, listening to her like nobody ever has. And more than that, he actually seems to care! He has no reason to care that she’s worried she won’t be able to step up the way she knows her mom wants her to, but he’s clearly concerned and invested in her story. And even though she’s trying to keep things vague, she’s never been very good at deceiving people. Pieces start to fall in place, Charlotte lets more slip than she means to, and by the time they’ve been talking for an hour or so Ace has a pretty good picture of what’s going on here. It’s not safe here, not for him and certainly not for her, so he doesn’t even stop to consider whether it’s an offer he can make when he holds out his hand, both literally and figuratively, and tells her he can take her back to the Academy with him. And to Charlotte, who less than an hour ago had been weighing her odds of surviving the Wasteland alone if she ran away on her own, the door this man just opened to her? The way he’s reaching back through it to offer her a hand, to pull her through to a better, safer life? How can she say no?  They fought their way out of Lafaroh that day. Charlotte almost certainly wanted to try to slip out unnoticed, but they’d already attracted too much attention by letting townspeople see them talking. Charlotte goes home to quickly pack, and she doesn’t come back out of the house. Ace waits, and the sun starts to set, and she still hasn’t come back out. Something isn’t right. He knocks on the door: there’s no answer. He knocks again, louder. Then again. Finally, an angry looking man opens the door and starts to tell Ace to get lost, but there’s clear sounds of arguing inside coming from just out of view of the doorway. The man is big, but Ace is fast enough to duck inside and around the corner in time to see Charlotte struggling to get around a woman who looks strikingly like her in order to make a break down the stairs and toward the door. The next several seconds are messy and disjointed; no one expects someone in high level caster robes to take the staff off their back and start attacking with it, but the next thing Charlotte knows Ace has her hastily packed bag slung over one shoulder, has planted her firmly behind himself, and is holding her hand with one of his own while he levels his staff at her parents with the other. His voice is calm but hard as he explains that they’re leaving, because Charlotte made it clear that she isn’t safe or happy here. If they try to stop them, Ace can and will bring the full force of New Alexandria’s wrath down on their tiny, shitty town. He’s going to take Charlotte away, find her a place in the Academy, and they’re not going to say a word. And so they leave! With all of Lafaroh absolutely seething behind them, with Charlotte gripping Ace’s hand as tight as she can and willing her own not to shake, they set out together into the Wasteland and, ultimately, to New Alexandria.  I have Such a vivid mental image of the two of them camping out in the Wasteland the night before they made it back to New Alexandria, with the lights of the city just peeking over the horizon in front of them. They’re eating dinner over a fire Ace made Such a show of lighting with magic instead of the tinderbox one of them definitely had, and they’re talking about names Charlotte could use in New Alexandria because she’d quietly admitted earlier that day that the name “Charlotte” has so much baggage that she doesn’t want to carry anymore. And Ace, while he is trying to help, is also a dork. He’s throwing out every name that pops into his head, good or not, trying to see if he can get her to laugh at one of them. They spend a few minutes talking, Ace muses aloud over “Charlotte Olivia Grace” a few times, looking for some cute nickname he can pull out of a name like that. And then he pauses, and sits up, and looks at Charlotte, and nods. The suggestion that she go by “Cog” makes her laugh, but that’s a good thing. Ace is grinning too because some dumb shit he said finally got a smile of out Charlotte for the first time since they left her shithole town. She’s sort of laughing in spite of herself, and it eases some of the heaviness that’s been hanging over them the last few days, but after considering it for a moment? She loves it. Taking the name she was given, and making it her own in a way she knows her parents would hate? It feels good! She’s grinning ear to ear when she turns to Ace and nods in agreement. “Cog” it is. “Charlotte” dies in the Wasteland that night; Cog enrolls in the Academy the next day. In Cog’s eyes, Ace’s intervention literally saved her life. She went from being a scared little girl in the middle of nowhere with no future beyond the ramshackle walls of her small town, to an incredibly promising up and coming student of the Academy. She went from being told that the only use her magic had was what it could do for the Church, to blowing away professors who expected her to barely be able to manage a cantrip and being praised for her intuitive understanding of magic. And for Ace! Cog was the first person his actions truly, directly helped. He saw a problem, he stepped in, he fixed in. In a slow moving, insular city like New Alexandria, that wasn’t something he’d been able to do before. He saw how the good he’d done in helping Cog reflected and redoubled in the way she treated the people around her, and saw her making the choice to be kind not in spite of but because of everything she’d been through growing up. Bro like Ace’s character bio says “self-appointed big bro to Cog” and “he sent a letter to Cog thanking her for being a positive influence in his life”. This question got SO out of control as I wrote my Cog and Ace fanfic but! They deserve it! AND the party is going back to New Alexandria next session, so!! More Ace content soon folks stay tuned! Raini: Did you think I ran out of soup?? Did you think lunchtime was over? FUCK you! This is MY blog and I’ll wax poetic about my dnd characters and their friendships for as LONG as I want to! And there’s nothing you can do to stop me!!!!! Now this one in fairness probably won’t be as long as Cog’s was, just because I know that all the people who follow me are like. Actively in the campaign and various group chats where we discuss how important our characters are to each other. But do NOT make the mistake of assuming it’s because I love you any less. I love you so much. Yes homo. Where do we start? At the beginning, with our lizard. Y’all ever uh. Y’all ever met a dipshit lizard who you’re pretty sure you can trick into taking you adventuring but plan to ditch the second they become deadweight (i.e. whenever they go down for the first time, probably), except then you became like best friends and siblings by all but blood and you realize you’d rip the world in half for them without them even asking and you can’t even begin to imagine how you’d reconcile the hole they’d leave in your life if they left it? Have you ever slowly realized that you’re adding “except for him” at the end of every generally grumpy statement you make about the world? And then realized even more slowly after years of friendship that somehow the bastard managed to extend “except for him” to “except for them”, and you’re so much less disengaged from and disinterested in the world around you? Y’all ever had that happen to you?? Shit’s wild. And then. Y’all ever met a fucking cop who clearly has, like. An actual metric ton of baggage she’s refusing to even glance in the direction of? And at first, it’s a pain to have to circumvent her “morals” in order to get shit done. Honestly, it’s kind of always a pain. But even your crotchety ass has to admit there’s something about sticking so firmly to your guns regardless of the situation you’re put in that’s admirable, that the world would be a much better place if more people had that same iron will and a refusal to be moved. Even if they’re standing up for stupid shit, at least they’re standing up for something. And maybe you take some of that resolve and tuck it away in your chest, to give you something to grip onto when you need to dig in your heels and refuse to let the world knock you around. And then. Y’all ever met a druid who burns with an anger you, honestly, kind of understand? Who wants to be more than the world wants her to be so badly, in a way that you definitely understand? Have you ever gotten to watch over the course of weeks and months as she time and again made the choice to take that anger and that drive and point it at things that would hurt the people she cares about? By god, she’s leaving her mark on the world, and she’s doing that by burning the shit out of it. But, without fail, there’s always a circle of uncharred, untouched ground around each and every party member. And when you notice this pattern, you can’t stop yourself from noticing it again, and again. And you learn: sometimes, you’re angry at the world. Sometimes! You’re angry at your party members! But that anger points outward. Always, and unequivocally. You have your friends’ backs, even if you’re furious with them. And then you meet a fish and you learn that sometimes things just need to be hit a lot of time in a row, really hard, with a big fucking hammer.  Okay but you meet this fish who, somehow, despite being monotone and weird and a fish and clearly an outsider to like. Land culture? Which you guess is a thing, apparently. Despite all of that, they have an emotional intelligence that’s off the fucking charts. And quite frankly! For a long time, it makes you really, really uncomfortable! If you don’t tell somebody how you’re feeling, and you don’t, then they shouldn’t be able to figure it out. But, slowly, you start to see the value of it. Your lizard is upset about something, and they won’t tell you what, but you’re able to squint at them and slowly figure it out so you can fix it. A few days later a joke a party member makes rubs you the wrong way, and you swallow your pride enough to admit it and they just. Apologize? Just like that? They promise not to say it again? And fish expressions are so hard to read, but you can just Tell that they’re over there looking smug, the bastard. But while you’re definitely not ready to commit to this being a daily thing you can, begrudgingly, admit that you can see the benefits of “communicating” with the people around you. 
67. What was the most acidic remark your character’s ever given to someone? And their reaction? Brilliance: In like our third session, our warlock had disguised himself as a “beautiful woman” in order to flirt with the guy we were there to talk to to get information out of him (Note: They did not ask Brilliance, at any point, if she was willing to flirt with him instead. She would not have been, but they could have at least asked). So Brilliance was hanging out at the bar near this dude’s private booth while the warlock chatted him up, and when the warlock got up to leave the dude reached out to try and grab her arm. He missed, but Brilliance was on his ass in a second with her sword out like “If you had grabbed her hand, you would have lost your own. She’s not interested in you; let her leave.” He thought it was funny and kept calling Brilliance “sweetheart”, but I did get to put my sword through his gut before the end of the night SO. Who’s the real winner? Ayen: I rolled Ayen for this one and I want to respect that and not cop out, but I don’t think it’s super in her nature to snark at people. She’s just gonna tell you like straight up that you’re a dickhead, and that’s that. I think the only time we might get to snarking is if someone (Dad, a party member, etc.) said “leave it alone” and Ayen is Not Done. She might send some parting shots over her shoulder then, like a “You’re lucky I like this guy so much, or we wouldn’t be done here” or “Show your face again when my dad’s not around, if you’ve got the balls.”
88. Assuming they aren’t one already would your character prefer to be a Vampire, a Werewolf, or a Demon? Pip: Potentially a cop out! However. A little..... vampire frog? Hello Mr. Strahd. Are we friends now? Could be a vampire! We have seen that vampires are cool and hot and powerful if perhaps a little amoral but that’s okay, because they’re cool and powerful.  Caspian: I literally spent fucking forever looking at this because. She literally worships and derives her Sun Soul monk shit from Pelor, the god of the sun. So like! How the fuck you gonna be a vampire or a werewolf with that going on. Dude hates the undead too, so vampire struck out twice. Demon’s iffy too, because it very much goes against the whole “good aligned” thing she has going on. So I guess?? Werewolf is the least offensive?? She’ll just pray and hope Pelor is like. Cool. With it. Haha? Also objectively, a werewolf that worships the god of the sun is VERY funny so there is that.
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch 6: That Makes 2 Of Us
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Summary: Things are heating up between Steve and Katie as their relationship progresses, but when Tony catches them out, he’s on the war path.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x O/C Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language,  Smut (dry humping, Oral sex) NSFW, No under 18! Plenty of fluff and a VERY angry Big Brother!
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End of May 2013
“For the one hundredth time, no Tony I am NOT coming.” Katie groaned as she pulled up outside Steve’s apartment building “I have work to do.” “But the damned meeting is in DC!” Tony protested “Surely you can manage to spare an hour! You’re part of the board!” “You know full well that’s only to make sure that Starks maintain a controlling stake…”
“So basically what you’re saying is that you don’t care about our business…” her brother’s voice took on a petulant tone. He could be such a child at times. “Stop being a dick.” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose “Look, I’m busy with work, I can’t just….” “Have you got a man on the go?” he asked suddenly, cutting her off “Because I’ve not seen you for weeks. Do I need to prep a Shovel Talk?” “Goodbye Tony…” Katie sighed, cancelling the call before she stepped out of the car and headed to the lobby door.
In his apartment Steve was reading a proposal and groaning to himself. They wanted him to record videos to talk to high school kids about puberty, keeping fit, being in detention, not doing drugs…and he had agreed, just to shut them up mainly, but he was already regretting his decision. With a final wrinkle of his nose, he threw down the document he was looking at and was about to make himself a coffee when the buzzer to his apartment went off.
“Hey handsome.” Katie’s voice rang over the intercom and he smiled just as he always did when she called him that, a habit she’d slipped easily into over the last 3 weeks of dating, which had consisted of early morning breakfast meets on their way into work, stolen lunchtimes away from the office where they could hold hands with a slice or a burrito as they walked around the Mal, 3 more intimate evening meals at quiet restaurants and one trip to the cinema. That had been Steve’s favourite date so far, not just because it had been his first time in a movie theatre since the 40s, but more so that he he’d enjoyed the feel of her as she leaned into him when he’d put his arm round the back of her chair, sharing popcorn, stolen quick kisses on the lips in the dark as they sat on the back row in between their bursts of hysterical laughter at the film. They had gone to see the third and final instalment of the Hangover trilogy, which Katie had been ridiculously excited about. She loved those films and Steve had to admit he agreed they were pretty good, as all 3 had made him laugh in places until tears rolled down his face. Movie and TV nights in their apartments had also turned into something special too as they snuggled down together, sharing snacks and personal space along with deep kisses that left him wanting a lot more… “Hey sweetheart, come on up.”
He waited for her by the door and felt his breath catch as she emerged onto the landing from the stairs. She was wearing a blue and white LA Dodgers T-shirt, which was tight and finished just above her hips and clung to her chest flashing a strip of her toned stomach, tight grey jeans which fit snug to her ass and black baseball boots. Steve had seen her in jeans, tops, dresses…but never like this. And fuck, she looked hot.
“Hi…” She greeted him with a soft kiss, standing on her toes to meet his lips before she stepped into the apartment and headed into the living room. Spotting the file on the coffee table she picked it up.
“What’s this?” She asked, opening it.
“A proposal from Fury. I’m going to be doing some videos, for high school kids..phys ed classes that kinda thing.” “Videos?” she wrinkled her nose “Yeah, apparently they get Celebrities to do them normally but they thought they’d use me this time.” “You’re not some kind of performing monkey they can trot out when they want.” she scoffed, remembering those awful USO videos as she thumbed through the file. 
Steve smiled at her indignation on his behalf. “It’s only a couple of videos.” he assured her. 
“Hmm.” she said, dropping the file with disdain onto the table “Anyway, enough about that. You busy?” “When it comes to spending time with you? Never.”
“Oh that was smooth, Captain Badass!” she smirked and he gave her a quick shrug and a smile.
“What you got in mind?” he asked.
Grinning like a Cheshire cat she pulled out what looked like 2 tickets from her back pocket and the penny finally dropped. Her outfit, tickets…
“Are we…no, you’re kidding?” and he couldn’t help the childish grin which flickered across his face “Baseball?” *****
“Oh what?” Katie cried out, jumping to her feet as the umpire made an atrocious decision for what felt like the 100th time, turning to Steve in disgust. “Is this guy blind or just really fucking dumb?”
Steve let out a snort, leaning back in his seat with his hand gesturing to the field. “Blind, he has to be. No one can be that stupid. I mean he’s been calling bad ones all game.”
Katie angrily dropped to her chair and Steve gestured to the vendor for 2 more beers. He passed one to Katie who hesitated.
“I bought the car.” she said, looking at him.
“Sweetheart…”   he leaned over, kissing her cheek. “Ridiculously fast metabolism, remember? I’ll drive home…”
“The last time you drove Rainey you didn’t respect her.” she pouted. “You drove her through a fuck tonne of puddles.”
“Doll, it’s a…”
“Er, she.” Katie looked at him. “She is not an it…”
Steve rolled his eyes. She was ridiculously attached to her Range Rover. He had to admit, as far as cars went it was pretty damned nice both to be driven in and to drive. White with black wheels and windows, and every gadget in it known to man. Mind you, he expected nothing else from the Starks.
“Ok, she is a damned four by four…” he raised an eyebrow for her. “They’re supposed to go off roading so what’s a few puddles?”
“Off roading?” Katie spluttered, her eyes wide “oh no, you’re so not driving her ever again…”
“Fine I’ll drink both of these then.” he shrugged, holding both beers up before she glared at him. The desire to drink and have fun won out over protecting her car from a haphazard Captain who was on the sly a bit of a speed demon and probably never actually completed any kind of driving lesson in his life, let alone a test. She dug into her pocket and swiped a beer from his hand, exchanging it for her keys.
“One scratch and you’re a dead man.” she narrowed her eyes playfully.
“I’ll take good care of her.” he said solemnly, putting the keys into his pocket.
As the game progressed, despite his protestations that the LA Dodgers just weren’t his team, he found himself rooting for them and he was getting more and more frustrated at the current batters method. The guy was swinging it around with more force than Thor wielded his hammer and it wasn’t working. But just as Steve was about to let out another cry of frustration, the bat suddenly connected with the ball, and it was a good hit. Both Steve and Katie got to their feet shouting for the players to speed up and go for home. When they made it the pair both let out a loud cheer, and Steve hugged Katie, grinning wildly. At that moment, stood there, surrounded by strangers but with the girl who made him feel so grounded, he had never felt so normal since coming out of the ice, and he loved it. 
The rest of the innings passed far too fast, but at the end of the game, the Dodgers won 8-6, much to Katie’s delight. They joined the throng of people streaming out of the stadium hand in hand and Steve, still grinning like an idiot felt Katie tug on his hand.
“Beer?” she asked as he looked at her.
He nodded, tilting the peak of her cap back slightly and giving her a quick peck on the lips “Sounds great.” And it was a great idea. Until they parked up, walked into the sports bar and spotted half of STRIKE in there round a table.
“Turn around…” Katie hissed with a groan and just as they were about to do so Rumlow yelled from the bar.
“Hey Cap, Nova…”
“Too late…” Steve muttered as Katie rolled her eyes and turned round.
“Beer?” Rumlow asked as they walked towards him.
Steve nodded. “Thanks” “Stark, what do you want to…woah, what is this shit?” Rumlow swerved, pointing at Katie’s shirt. Katie felt a flash of annoyance at the insult to her team.
“This shit just kicked the Nationals asses!” she responded, gesturing to her top.
“Whatever man!” Rumlow shook his head “Fucking Dodgers…” They didn’t have much option then but to join the team. Rumlow took the opportunity to eyeball Katie at every given opportunity and it was really starting to piss Steve off. A few times Katie looked up and caught Steve looking at her, and she would flash him a small but knowing smile. He was glad when it was his round, giving him an excuse to leave the table, Evans following to give him a hand.
“Enjoy your date?” the ginger haired man looked at him.
“What?” Steve said, a little too quickly. “I saw you and Stark kissing.” Evans said, cutting him off. “Outside the stadium. Don’t worry, no one else did.” Steve let out a sigh. It wasn’t like they were doing anything wrong, but he knew that Tony didn’t know yet and the pair of them were simply enjoying the early stages of a new relationship on their own before the inevitable tornado of interest hit once they did go public. Glancing at Katie who was talking to Rollins and Rumlow at their table, he turned back to Evans and dropped his voice slightly.
“We’re not deliberately keeping it from everyone, it’s just early days, don’t want everyone sticking their noses in, get what I’m sayin’?” “Secret’s safe with me.” Evans nodded. “Although I suspect it won’t be a secret for much longer if Rumlow keeps eye fucking your girl.”
Steve let out a snort as he took his change from the bar tender. “He’s a pain in the ass.” “Yeah well do me a favour.” Evans said, picking up 3 of the glasses “When you do eventually snap and beat on him, make sure I’m there.”
Later that evening the coffee table at Katie’s apartment sported a number of empty plates which had contained several frozen pizzas, and a quantity of empty beer bottles. Katie was happily snuggled under Steve’s arm, curled against him and he was enjoying the closeness and comfortable silence that had fallen over them as they watched another Game of Thrones episode. Katie had gotten him hooked on the fantasy programme and promised not to watch any of the latest season until he had caught up on the last two. As the episode finished he felt her stir and he didn’t want her to move, thankfully she didn’t too far, simply shifting her head slightly.
“So I never asked if you enjoyed yourself” she said, looking up at him.
“Doll, it was amazing… thank you.” He grinned. “We should go more often” she mused “I haven’t seen a game live in years but I really enjoyed it.”
“You know what I didn’t enjoy?” he looked down at her, the soft light from the lamp illuminating her pretty face, highlighting the freckles spattered across her nose “Sitting in that bar with Rumlow watching him looking at you…”
“Aww were you jealous?” she teased, sitting up.
“Not at all.” He shook his head, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as he recalled what Evans had said a the bar “Just don’t appreciate him eye fucking my girl.”
She let out a large snort before she looked at him, but then what she registered what he had said she looked at him, her face curious.
“Your girl?” her tone was teasing but the look in her eyes told him she was anything but, in fact she looked almost nervous. “Is that what I am?”
Steve hesitated, realising that he’d never actually asked her that question before. Was 3 weeks too soon? He had no idea but to him it wasn’t, he’d been waiting to be able to call her his for months now.
He looked at her and took a deep breath, before he swallowed and spoke quietly, the nerves making his stomach flip slightly. “Well I’m kinda hoping you wannabe”
She bit her bottom lip and looked down at her hands for a moment before she looked back at him, her features soft, her eyes alive in the dim light of the lamp. And then she went and said 3 words that sent a tingle up and down his spine.
“I already am.” she whispered,
And that was it, his lips crashed onto hers and he was kissing her like he’d been wanting to kiss her all day, arm curling tighter round her, pulling her close. Katie took the initiative, every inch of her body was on fire for him, and she wrapped her arms round his neck and pulled him down as she fell slowly backwards, sinking into the couch. The movement came as a not-entirely unwelcome surprise to Steve and he didn’t resist. Automatically his hands crept to her hips, settling just under the hem of her top as she placed both hands on his face, the pads of her finger tips cupping his jaw. She broke away this time to breathe, head resting on the arm of the couch and he dropped his head, pausing his lips inches from her neck.
“Can I kiss you here?” he whispered softly. .
“God, yes…” Katie sighed and he obliged, pressing his mouth to her neck. He gripped her hips again and they gave a little jerk of their own accord, pushing up against him and they both groaned slightly at the contact. At the noise Steve pulled back to stare at her again, almost as if he was needing her permission to carry on. Katie wordlessly answered by tilting her hips up again, causing him to moan once more.
“Doll, I don’t want to rush you or do anything-”
“It’s okay Steve,” she said, her voice low and slightly breathy as she looked at him, her eyes, locking onto his. She wanted this, more than she’d wanted anything before. She pushed her head upwards, lips crashing onto his and her hands slid under his t- shirt. His muscles twitched under her touch as the sensation of her gently dragging her nails across his stomach sent a spike of desire, like a red hot poker through his entire body. At that point, something snapped inside him and he let out a growl and Katie paused, hands still on his stomach.
“Did you just growl at me?” her eyes flashed, dark, a smirk on her face. She was enjoying the effect she had on him, and right now so was he.
“Yeah.” he nodded, simply. Her smirk grew wider.
“Do it again.” she said, her voice sultry, laced with desire and this time it was his turn to smirk.
“Make me.” he said, using the 2 words she often uttered to him at the height of one of her stubborn outbursts.
“Challenge accepted…” she muttered as she grasped the bottom of his T-shirt. He held his arms up so she could remove it, and she pulled it over his head and once he was free he glanced down to see Katie looking at his chest. She swallowed, she’d never seen him topless before and she was momentarily stunned. She let her hands wander, tracing the lines of the flowing muscles and he let out another groan wanting to feel her skin against his. He interrupted her hands exploration by gripping her top looked back at her, ever questioning. As means of an answer she moved her arms and sat up slightly to allow him to pull it up over her head, her hair falling around her shoulders, his lips catching hers as he gently slipped one strap of her bra down at a time placing a soft kiss on each of her shoulders. Her breasts spilled over the tops of the lace lined cups and his groin twitched, the crotch of his jeans now painfully tight.
“You’re beautiful…” he whispered gently, and then he kissed her again. Her fingers gently took his hands and she guided them onto her, sliding them up her rib cage to her chest and he obliged, boy did he oblige. Gently at first, softly squeezing and kneading the soft flesh and white lace, before his hand slid into the cups, teasing her taught nipples with his thumbs, acting completely on instinct, listening and watching her as she groaned gently, arching her back, her reaction telling him he was doing something right as all the time his groin bumped against hers.
Katie could feel the fabric of her underwear sliding in her jeans with every thrust of his hips against hers, that’s how wet she was. Steve was rocking hard against her and she buried her fingers in his hair, pulling, hard, forcing his head back sharply. As she tugged he let out another low growl and when she let go he stared down at her to see her smirking as she watched him, his pupils blown so wide there was hardly any blue left.
The rhythm of his hips was growing more frantic and their kisses were growing more desperate. “More,” she moaned into his mouth, and he gave her what she wanted, moving his hips even faster, rubbing against her in ways that had her clutching at his back like her life depended on it. Steve had never felt anything like this in his life. It was so good, so right, in a way nothing had ever felt so right before. This was a first for him, rutting up against someone fully clothed. Making out, Bucky had called it, but none of Steve’s bedroom experiences had ever entailed anything like this, and God, his head was a whirl of lust, desire, and he didn’t give a fuck about anything else at that moment other than her as she lay underneath him.
He started to lose his rhythm and he let out another groan. “Sweetheart, I’m close.” He breathed, the tell-tale tightening across his lower stomach warned him he was fast approaching his release “You almost there? Tell me your close baby, please?” He wanted to get her there first. Again, he’d never really given a shit about that before but he wanted her to feel good like she made him feel.
He needn’t have worried, at his words it was all she could do to moan brokenly and nod and his mouth fell to that spot on her neck which seemed to drive her wild. She tipped her head back as he gently nipped beneath her ear with his teeth and a few more thrusts of his hips against hers and she was done, fingers wrapped around his hair as the lights exploded in front her eyes and she felt the coil in her stomach unravelling as she came hard underneath him, hips bucking upwards, almost violently. Her voice was broken as she gasped out “Stevie…”and it was the single most beautiful sound he’d ever heard in his life. Her name for him, the name that no-one in this day and age called him other than her, tumbled from her lips and seeing and feeling her fall apart in his arms sent him over the edge right behind her in a pure surge of ecstasy. His head dropped to the crook of her shoulder and she gently ran her fingers through his hair as they both breathed deeply as they waited to regain control of their bodies. Eventually both of them evened out and he raised his head to look at her, to find her smirking a little, her eyes twinkling with what looked like humour.
“What?” he managed to ask, his nose sliding against hers.
“I haven’t dry humped since I was about 16.” she said closing her eyes again with a smirk.
He felt himself chuckle and she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, one of her hands running up and down his spine causing the muscles to gently twitch at her touch, neither of them in a hurry to move. Steve closed his eyes and lay his head gently on her chest as she continued to card her other hand through his hair. He felt himself beginning to doze off, and Katie was also growing sleepy so she gently kissed his head and whispered a single word to him.
It was a question to him, an invitation to stay with her that she was desperately hoping he’d take up.
He opened his eyes to blink lazily up at her. “Do you want me to?” he said, his voice thick.
She nodded, “Let’s go to bed.”
He made to stand before he remembered his trouser predicament having just shot his load into them like a pubescent teenager and stilled, his cheeks flushing even more.
“I uh…I think I need to…”
“There’s some stuff of Tony’s in the spare room.” she said, looking at him cutting him off knowing exactly what the problem was because she was also in need of a clean-up “Should be a pair of sweats in there. Might be a bit short on you but…”
With another soft kiss, he pushed himself up off the couch before offering her his hand. She took it and he pulled her up, a little more forcefully than he had intended and she fell forwards, crashing into his chest.
“Steady on Soldier.” she grinned and he apologised, dropping a kiss to her forehead as his gaze once more dropped to her chest. With a certain glint in her eye she turned around, undid her bra and slipped it off before bending over in front of him, picking up his T-shirt from where she’d tossed it to the floor before heading over to the stairs.
Steve was hard again like it had never left.
After he had cleaned himself and thrown on a pair of Tony’s sweatpants he retrieved from the spare room he exited the main bathroom and headed into her. She wasn’t asleep as he found out as he settled down in the bed next to her, and she rest her head on his bare chest tangling her legs into his as his hand stroked her back, gently underneath his T’shirt, light fingers brushing her soft skin. He loved touching her, in any way he could.
“This is mine…” he teased with a yawn as he tugged at the bottom of his shirt and she moved laying a soft kiss onto his lips.
“You can have it back tomorrow.” she said, laying her head back down on his chest. As her breathing grew even he felt himself start to drift off too, the warm feeling in his chest made him want to burst with happiness.
When Steve woke the next morning it was peacefully. Katie had shifted positions through the night and now her back was to him pressed as close as she could get, he still had his arms around her, his face buried in her hair. She smelt so familiar and comfortable. As his sleepy brain reminded him of the previous night he smiled and felt a familiar twitch. He was hard, again, which wasn’t uncommon when waking up, but suddenly he felt her stir, and then he realised with horror that she was going to feel him poking her in the back.
It took Katie a few seconds to recall the night before, but when she felt a solid, warm wall of muscle pressed against her, a small hum of contentment rumbled in her throat as she pushed back further into him. They both lay there for a moment, silently, basking in the warmth and softness of each other before Katie turned over and looked up at him. Her face was devoid of any make up, not that she wore a lot anyway, but her freckles were more pronounced, clear skin was bright, cheeks flushed and her hair was tousled in waves around her shoulders. He reached out to tuck a long strand that had fallen over her cheek behind her ears, when she looked up at him, her eyes glinting.
He was about to wish her good morning, but before he could she kissed him, hard and fast, tongue tangling with his. And then she was straddling him, his head against the pillow, as her lips began to trail down his chest. By the time his brain had caught up with what was going on, she had reached her destination and had flipped the waist band of the sweats he was wearing down, taking his erection firmly in one hand, making him hiss slightly.
His size had taken Katie slightly by surprise, although she knew with retrospect it shouldn’t have. She looked up and locked eyes with him before she gave him one final smirk and took him in her mouth. Steve panicked for a second, this had never happened to him before, but it wasn’t for long as all worry flew out of his mind as she began to work him.
From the noises he was making Katie knew he was enjoying himself. Which was her aim. After a short while, she pulled off of him to suck at the tip and worked her hands over the rest of his length. When she glanced up at him, he had his head thrown back against the pillow, face contorted in utter pleasure. She continued to lick, suck, and when she pulled away slightly to suck at the sensitive tip, working the rest of his length with her hands he let out a loud groan and he looked at her. Her eyes locked onto his and he felt that tell-tale warmth rising in his groin and stomach.
"Katie, sweetheart, shit.” His voice was raspy from desire and the fact it was morning and Katie was beyond aroused at the sound as he babbled the first words either of them had spoken since waking. “I’m gonna-” his words caught in his mouth as she took him in hers again, this time all the way to the back of her throat. At that, he was gone, his fingers gripped her hair tight the other clutched at the bedsheets, noises escaping him that he’d never heard before as he spilled himself down her throat and slumped back completely blissed out.
Katie rolled onto her side watching, as he finally opened his eyes and looked down at her.
“Morning handsome.”  she grinned and he felt himself chuckle.
“Morning baby.” he said, still fighting to control his breathing.
“You want breakfast?” she asked, leaning over to peck him on the lips. He hummed a response and she smiled once more before climbing out of bed. Steve watched her head into the bathroom and found himself thinking that as far as mornings went, he’d had worse.
She emerged a few moments later, her hair was now pulled up into a pony tail and she was still in his T-shirt, which fell to midway down her toned thighs, giving him a better look at that intriguing tattoo that adorned her right which he still hadn’t seen in full properly. She flashed him a smile, fully aware he was looking her up and down, and then she left without a word, clearly with no intentions of getting dressed fully yet. Which was fine by him.
Katie turned the radio on and set about making coffee, singing softly to herself as she replaced the filter paper. Reaching up into the cupboard for the Columbian Roast, the T-shirt she was wearing rode up slightly giving Steve, who was now out of bed and leaning in the doorway watching her sing, a perfect view of her ass which was clad in black lace panties. The tendrils of self-control he had been holding onto snapped completely and he crossed the room in 4 long strides and gently placed his hands on her hips, causing her to jump slightly as she hadn’t heard him approach. As he spun her to face him, she giggled slightly before his lips met hers and he reached down and cupped her ass in both hands picking her up easily and setting her down on the counter.
“Something got you worked up Captain?” she teased, looking up at him. Last night had clearly unlocked something in the Soldier, and she was liking what she was seeing, and feeling.  
“Yeah, the sight of you wearing nothing but a pair of panties and my t-shirt…” he said raising an eyebrow. She laughed, her arms snaking around his neck as she leaned in to kiss him again. His hands slid to her thighs and they both glanced down as he pushed his T-shirt up to her hips, taking in the design on her thigh. Various entwined flowers, four butterflies and four stars, one for each member of her family she had explained when she’d told him about it, all bound together with a delicate line of green leaves which ran from just above her knee right up to her hip. She smiled at him as his fingers started to trace the design, all the way up until just as he had reached the bottom of her panties, which he fully intended on slipping his fingers into, they were interrupted by the sound of the lift doors opening.
“Hey Kiddo, you in?” Steve and Katie exchanged a look, utter horror spreading from Steve’s head to his toes as Tony’s voice hit his ears.
“Kiddo?” he shouted again. “I can smell coffee, you in the kitchen?”
“Shit…” Katie said as she gently pushed Steve backwards, jumping down from the counter, adjusting the T-shirt. Steve was now a shade of crimson pretty much from his neck upwards as he desperately tried to rearrange his pants to hide his once more ebbing arousal. She debated telling Steve to hide in the bedroom but there was no way he’d get across the open plan living space to the stairs without Tony seeing him.
They were well and truly caught.
As she clocked the utter horror on Steve’s face she was suddenly overcome with giggles at how ridiculous the entire situation was. A super soldier and a SHIELD agent, both of them having faught aliens, deadly terrorists and weapons traders, were stood in her kitchen panicking about being busted fooling around by her brother.
“So, the damned board meeting was cancelled which would have been fine had I not already been on the jet over, so I thought seeing as I now in town with nothing to do we could hang for the day or if you’re too busy at least have breakfast…” Tony’s voice was getting louder as he walked through the apartment.
Steve looked at her in utter astonishment as she began to laugh now because frankly he couldn’t think of a single thing that was funny about this situation if he tried. Her laughter didn’t stop even as her brother walked into the kitchen, his brown eyes flashing from his sister to Steve and their various state of undress, a look of utter horror on his face as he processed the implications.
“Oh you have gottta be fucking kidding me…” Tony muttered, dropping the box he was carrying onto the kitchen counter. “Please tell me there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for this…” “Explanation yes, innocent…not so much.” Katie said through her laughter and Steve let out a groan. This was not how he wanted Tony to find out.  “Don’t you know how to buzz Dickwad, before just walking into my apartment?”
“I have a key…” “For emergencies…” she shot back. “Stop changing the subject.” Tony demanded his eyes flashing dangerously and Katie folded her arms and tilted her chin up defiantly.
“Look, this isn’t a big deal, Tony…”
“No, this…this is a very big deal…” he snapped back as he looked from her to Steve, every line on his face was contorted with anger and shock.
Steve took a deep breath “Tony…” he began trying to placate the billionaire but he was cut off.
“What, you gonna tell me this aint what it looks like?” he shook his head. “That Captain America isn’t banging my little sister? I might be like nearly 60 years younger than you old man but I wasn’t born yesterday.”
Steve took a breath, his nostrils flaring at Tony’s snipe.
“Tony, I’m 29 next week, I can do what or who I like” Katie snapped at him “And besides you’ve no room to talk, the amount of times I’ve walked in on you and whichever bimbo you decided to bring home that night…”
“That is completely different!” Tony spluttered.
“No it isn’t” she shot back, hands going to her hips.
Tony’s eyes locked onto hers, before he looked back at Steve who held his gaze evenly, before the dark haired man shook his head and looked at the super soldier.
“Can you go and put some clothes on please, frankly the amount of flesh on show is disturbing me.” “Well I would but your sister is still wearing my shirt.” Steve shot back, his temper rising. Tony gave another growl and then he stopped, open mouthed.
“Are those my sweats?” he said, his voice practically a squeak.
“Yes.” Katie said simply, and at that point she grabbed Steve’s hand and pulled him out of the room and up the stairs. The initial humour she had found in the situation had ebbed away and now she was livid at her brother.
“He is…” she started, opening the various drawers to pull out a hooded top. Taking Steve’s T-shirt off, as she threw it over the bed to him. “The biggest hypocrite going…”
“To be fair I can kinda see it from his point of view…” Steve said shrugging on his T-shirt and making a point of averting his eyes as she strode over to her dresser, naked bar her panties. Ok, maybe he didn’t avert them completely, he was still a normal man after all.
She pulled on a hoody and narrowed her eyes at Steve. “Don’t defend him…”
He chuckled and crossed the room, walking round the bed. “I’m not.” he placed a peck on her lips “But I do think that I should go, let you talk to him alone…”
“Yeah, probably for the best…” she breathed out a sigh and followed him down the stairs where he retrieved his sneakers.
“Wait, do you wanna take my car or…” He gestured up and down his body, and she took in his trainers, slightly too short joggers and a T-shirt “Nah baby girl, I’ll run.” She smiled at the term of endearment as he dropped a kiss to her cheek.
“I’ll call you later.” He said, before disappearing in the elevator.
Katie took a deep breath and walked back into the kitchen. Tony eyed her from where he was leaning against the counter, mug of coffee in his hand.
“Don’t start…” Katie warned him, to no avail
“Oh I’m gonna start!” he said, pausing “Where is he?”
“Gone home.”
Tony snorted “I bet he has…” “You know I don’t remember me reacting like this every time you brought a girl home, which from my recollection happened quite a lot.” Katie sniped back, as she walked to where he was stood by the coffee pot and reached round him to pour herself a mug.
“That..that was different…” he stammered at her back as she walked to the fridge, for the milk
“How so?” she asked, wrenching it open.
“Because, well, it’s him…” he whined “I mean, seriously? Of all the men in the world…”
“Yeah because the last one worked out so great…” Katie said sarcastically bumping the fridge closed with her hip.
The room fell silent bar the chink of the spoon on the edge of her pink unicorn mug as she stirred in sugar and milk. She took a sip of her drink and turned to face her brother who was hunched over the counter slightly, eyes on his mug. Eventually he straightened up and met his sister’s eyes before he spoke again, this time his voice was softer.
“How long?” he asked,
“3 weeks” she said. “Give or take, not long.”
“3 weeks, and I’m only just finding out?” “Yes, Tony.” she said with the air of someone talking to a small child “And your reaction is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you.”
To be fair, Steve was right. It wasn’t an ideal way for him to find out, but she knew the reaction from Tony wasn’t about her being caught, it was about her being caught with Steve Rogers. Tony and Steve got on ok. That hadn’t always been the case, there had been a lot of tension between the men when they first met but after the battle of New York Steve had spent a lot of time with them both at the tower. Tony was still a little reserved with Steve, more so due to the fact that Captain America was someone their dad had idolised but, whilst the two men were immensely different, there was a mutual respect between them and Katie was hoping now that that was going to be enough for Tony to be reasonable about the situation.
“Please don’t kick off about this. I care about him, a lot.” she said gently, looking at her brother, appealing to his better nature and the fact that she knew he would want her to be happy.
And sure enough, that was exactly what Tony asked as he looked at her.
“Does he make you happy?”
“More than anything.” she replied honestly. “I really like him Tony.”
Tony studied her face for a moment before he let out a deep sigh, looking away. “Damned it…” he groaned “I can’t believe I’m going to have to have the Shovel Conversation with Captain America.”
In the silence that followed Katie debated pointing out that Steve wouldn’t be frightened in the slightest of Tony’s various threats anyway, but who was she to rob her brother of his opportunity to try and protect her?  Instead she placed her mug on the counter and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Tony who sighed again and reciprocated the gesture.
“Suppose he is an improvement on Agent Shitweasel” he said, resting his chin on her head.
“That’s not exactly a glowing endorsement.” she snorted.
Steve was reading a book in his lounge when Katie messaged him later that afternoon. Apparently Tony had calmed down enough to take her for lunch at some Italian place in the Business District following which they’d had a walk round the city together before Tony had left to go back to New York. Steve was pleased, he knew that despite the fact that he drove her insane at times, she loved the bones of her brother which was why his reaction before had pissed her off. He messaged back, telling her he was glad she’d had a good time and that he would call her later before he picked his book back up, but he’d only managed another chapter or so before there was a buzz on his intercom.
“Rogers, it’s me.”
Steve sighed “Come on up.”
He wasn’t surprised Tony was on his doorstep, he’d been half expecting it. And, judging from the lack of stupid nickname, no Spangles, no Capsicle, no Old Man, he wasn’t here to exchange pleasantries. A fact that was confirmed when Stark didn’t wait for Steve to invite him in, he simply pushed past the door into his flat and stalked inside, glancing around.
“You can tell Kiddo helped you decorate and furnish this gaff, far too modern to be your doing. There’s no Dig for Victory posters or wind up radios…” Tony said, causing Steve to roll his eyes “Holy shit, is that an original Dekka?”
“Katie said you’d like that” Steve watched the inventor cross the room and run his hands across the sleekness of the record player’s casing. “But I have a feeling you didn’t come here to admire my music equipment.”
“Perceptive” Tony turned to face him, his eyes flashing. Steve took a deep breath.
“Tony, I…” “No, you don’t get to talk, you get to listen. And you better listen good.” the billionaire cut him off “Katie was heartbroken when Agent Shitweasel did the dirty on her. She came home and I held her as she cried herself to sleep for 2 goddamned weeks before she shipped out to New Mexico… ”
“Tony…”Steve began, knowing already where this conversation was going. He wanted to assure Tony that he would never do what Ward had done, ever. But Tony ignored him.
“I hated him.” Tony said “he was an absolute dickhead with her at times and she changed because of it.  And then, after New York she seemed to go back to being her old self. She was laughing, socialising…and that was down to you” Tony looked at the Super Soldier, who cocked his head slightly to the right as he listened, a small smile tugging at his lips “ She had a friend, something she hasn’t had much time for since my little sioree in an Afghan cave, my bad, and for the first time in ages I can see she’s over it, you know…” he took a deep breath and Steve waited for him to finish “But Katie puts her heart into everything, and I gotta ask Cap, is this serious for you or you just after getting your dick wet?”
“What? No, of course it’s serious for me Tony…” Steve said, his temper flaring slightly at his crass tone. “I can’t believe you think that little of me that you had to even ask me that!”
“Oh get off your high horse, Rogers!” Tony shook his head, and Steve raised his eyebrows “This has nothing to do with what I think of you, this is about my sister…you know the girl I brought up from the age of 7.  The girl I couldn’t love any more if she was my own. I’d die for her you got that? Die for her!”
“Well that makes 2 of us!” Steve said loudly, silencing the other man. There was a moment where no sound was heard in the apartment bar the ticking of the clock on the wall and Tony raised his eyebrows slightly as Steve looked down at the floor taking a deep breath.
“Look, I know you’re not happy about this…” Steve sighed, looking at Tony again “But do I care about her Tony, more than you know, and nothing you do or say to me is gonna change that.”
Tony’s eyes softened, but his jaw remained set. Steve took a deep breath and wet his lips before he continued.  “And, for what it’s worth, I think you did a damned good job of raising her. She’s an incredible woman.”
“She’s a pain in the ass…” Tony sniffed, Steve was glad to hear his tone was less confrontational “And she’s stubborn, always thinks she knows best…”
“Wonder where she gets that from?” Steve said cheekily
“Absolutely no idea” Tony deadpanned back.
Steve’s face cracked into a smile as did Tony’s.
“Look.” Tony sighed, “I just want her to be happy and with someone that treats her right…”
“I don’t ever want to hurt her, Tony. You have my word…” Steve said, honestly.
“Good, because if you do, make no mistake I will fucking kill you, slowly and painfully and there will be no defrosting 70 years down the line.” Tony’s brown eyes flashed slightly as he stared at Steve, And Steve knew, absolutely 100% that he meant it. He was surprised to find himself slightly unnerved by the threat. Hoping that his face didn’t give him away her merely nodded and then Tony’s demeanour changed completely and he turned back into the Tony Stark that Steve knew, and had to admit quite liked after all.
“Good, this was a good talk…” Tony said, clapping Steve on the shoulder.
Steve smiled as the weight he hadn’t even realised he’d been carrying was lifted off his shoulder. Having Tony’s, albeit grudging, approval would mean the world to Katie, and if he was honest, it meant a lot to him as well. Not only was Tony his friend also, but he was the closest thing Katie had to a father, and he wanted him to be alright with the fact the two of them were together.
He offered the man a coffee which he politely declined, stating he needed to get back to New York. The two shook hands on the threshold of Steve’s door before Tony gave him one last look, raising his index finger and middle finger of his right hand to his eyes, before turning them to point at Steve in an “I’m watching you” gesture. Steve raised his eyebrows in understanding and felt his mouth tug upwards at the side as Tony turned on his heels and left.
He retreated back to his living room and pulled out his phone.
“Hey Badass” Katie greeted and Steve chuckled.
“I’ve just had a visitor.” Katie groaned into the phone as he sat back on his couch
“Let me guess… my darling brother turned up to give you the shovel talk?” her tone was exasperated. “No mention of a shovel, just threatened to kill me slowly and painfully if I hurt you, and you know what? I have absolutely no qualms about the fact he would.” Steve grinned as he spoke.
“Don’t tell me Captain America is scared of Iron Man?” she questioned playfully. “No, Steve Rogers is slightly disconcerted by Tony Stark.” He corrected as she let out a chuckle.
“Best make sure you don’t hurt me then aint ya?” “I’ve no intentions of doing doll.” He said, honestly before he let out a breath, smiling “I really enjoyed last night.”
“And this morning?”
“Yeah, another first.” He said, unable to stop the smirk on his face spreading into his voice “I’ve never, errr, had a woman use her mouth on me before…or vice versa for that matter.”
“I like being your first.” she said softly and his chest warmed at her words.
“You know what else was a first? Waking up next to my best girl.”
“Best girl? I hope I’m your only girl Rogers.”
A shit eating grin crept back across his face. “Always baby. Always.”
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naraism · 5 years
Two concerts. First rows. An afterparty and a meet and greet.
Aka the two best days of my entire life. My hands are still shaking, so pls ignore typos.
Okay, so, Bára/ @followthecreeper , Lucy/ @beauty-at-matrix, our friend Terka and Anna/ @062467 (who joined us to the first rows) and I attended the two concerts in Prague. I’m gonna write down everything I can and the girls are encouraged to add just as much they can. ♡♡♡
The First Concert
The first day we got to the arena at 8am and our waiting began. We managed to be right behind a couple so we were among the first people there – the waiting was annoying but so much worth it. When the gates finally opened we sprinted down into the venue and managed to get a spot in the first row right in front of Paul. (We risked by going to a different entrance than we had on the tickets, thankfully, all went well.) Then came a couple of more hours of waiting and the duo Jatekok started to play. Not your usual choice of a support but I rather liked it. Also during the waiting one of the security guys came to us, asked us how are we doing and then he opened his hand and had a number of Richard’s pick in it. They were gone in a matter of seconds lol – Lucy managed to get one, I had one gripped but a dude was stronger than me. The last ten minutes were the longest minutes in my entire life – though what came after them was the most beautiful thing ever.
Rammstein started playing at 19:40 – Schneider’s intro really knocked the air out of you and as each member started to walk out onto the stage, the madness began. I wanted to cry when I finally saw them all right in front of me and when Paul walked to our side and IMMEDIATELY started looking into the audience, we lost our shit. @babypaulchen was right, the man keeps staring at you, keeps smiling at you and plays with you the entire time! We could see he really loved when we started to headbang and our hair went flying everywhere – I can remember how he was looking at me, smiling, and then he started to headbang too, encouraging us to be crazy.
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I think that somewhere in the beginning of the concert Till came to our side and sung right in front of us. Then the motherfucker looked at me and mimicked at me that I should take my shirt off and show him my tits. I just raised the crop top so my bra was visible but that was not enough for him and he kept raising his hands up, so I would take the bra off too. With so many people around I was too shy to do that so I just laughed and shook my head, screaming NO! at him. He pretended to be offended, waved his hand in dismiss and returned to the center. Later in the song he came back and did the leg thingy where he threw his leg onto the railing and kept singing.
Paul kept running from one place to another, being the sweetheart that he is, he even climbed behind Schneider to play with him and then kissed his forehead. My heart melted. And every time he was on his side he kept looking down, seeing us party down there and laughing so much. I never really could hold his gaze longer than for a couple of seconds, It just felt like you’re suddenly the only person it there. He also went down to the fence and signed a couple of things, then he touched our hands as he walked by. The same thing went with Till when he was kicked down during Mein Teil and he walked by us in all his butcher glory.
During Links one of the main security guys was walking down the row, stopped right in front of me and just offered me the Afterparty bracelet. I couldn’t believe my eyes as he strapped the band around my hand and told me where to go after the concert. Fucking speechless. He then continued into the middle, picking up some other random people as well. I also saw Joe so I waved at him, hen noticed me and winked back lol.
During the concert you could really see how much fun the guys were having, laughing all the time, goofing around, running around and enjoying the energy coming from the audience. The entire stadium flawlessly sung Du hast and Sonne, it really chilled us to the bones, hearing so many people sing in unison. And the same thing can be said about Engel – while the guys were moving to the B stage, the camera was pointed at the audience and guess who had her face shown to the entire arena – I diiiiiiid. They took shots of all different people and before you knew it, the sign to use your phone’s light appeared and everyone was singing their heart out. Really magical. The guys then returned on their boats and our partying with Paul continued. We were doing the fucking Macarena in front of Paul, making him laugh.
Also holy shit I think it was during Du hast Paul stood in front of us, hand nothing to do so he started FLOSSING. You know, that weird-ass dance. Or rather attempted it and then frowned, waved his hand in dismiss and then continued to dance his own little dances.
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Rammstein and Ich Will took our breaths away, especially when Till spoke in Czech – ruce nahoru! – and the arena went nuts. A beautiful ending, Till once again used his Czech, charmed us with his thank yous and the guys disappeared into the tower. Also, I almost caught Schneider’s stick, he noticed my screaming and jumping and threw it my way, but a dude next to me had longer hands. Oh well. That was not the end of the day for me. I once again asked one of the security guys where to go, said goodbyes to the girls and went my own way to the Afterparty.
The Afterparty
There was quite a number of us people and even before the stadium emptied, we were ushered into a room with red lights, a bar, a DJ set and couches and chairs by the walls. I was feeling kinda weird as I didn’t know anybody in there so I just shuffled to the first group that was speaking Czech. Luckily, I befriended a girl, Camie, who was also in the Afterparty for the first time and as I found out, loves Paul just as much I do. We got some mojitos, the barman was happy to hear Czech lol, and we kinda stood there together talking about the concert – in like half an hour Paul was the first one to come out of doors that were curtained and lead to their dressing rooms. It was discouraged to follow them around, you were supposed to enjoy the free booze, the music and if you were lucky enough, one of the guys would start to chat with you. So Paul moved from one place to another, greeting people and talking to them. Then came Schneider and spend some time talking by the dressing room doors, talking to one of the girls I chatted with too.
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While that happened we saw Flake emerge together with Ollie and holy shit, even when they’re both really tall, it’s so easy to overlook them. I think that Ollie immediately went back to the hotel while Flake hanged around for a bit and then also kinda disappeared. We were both freaking out, because holy shit, they’re suddenly so freaking close asjdhhkjasbdkjsad. Till then walked out as well and together with his body guard made a beeline to the exit. He looked like a fucking mob boss, in a dress shirt, suit and a cap. I think he had kinda different plans, as I saw somewhere a pic with him and couple of girls, that were supposedly pole dancers. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And then the diva walked out. Richard was basically wearing the same clothes he was wearing during the Berlin aftershow, where he was dancing with Khira. He got immediately swarmed by girls, either asking for a signature or for a hug (pics weren’t allowed). We used the situation as well and joined the group, waiting for our turn. Richard was so kind, he was smiling the entire time, laughing, and generally being really friendly. When I asked him for a hug he was like “Sure! :D” and laughed and his hug was so warm and my heart melted. He was also so much smaller than I expected. It might have been also because I was still wearing my steel boots while he had his worn out pair of converse shoes lol. Nonetheless, he was really charming and welcoming.
We then moved in front of the DJ set, with new drinks and danced for a bit – Joe was mixing the songs and it was all really good, he played anything from Depeche Mode and Joan Jett to Billie Eilish and Britney Spears. (I wanted to make a short vid of us dancing later but Joe immediately told me not to do that and wanted me to delete the vid lmao, which I did. I just found it hilarious that we were dancing to Dschinghis Khan’s Moskau jsahajsfka).
We then took a break for a while and discovered that Paul was just next to us, talking to some people. We joined the circle and me and Camie took a vid of us hugging Paul. I talked to him for a bit, thanked him for the show, telling him how much I enjoyed it and that it couldn’t have been better. He smiled that adorable smile of his and offered me his hand so I took it and before I knew what’s going on he raised it and kissed it. Then he hugged me and thanked me as well. He is also so so tiny ksjaflshfkskfa. And because Paul’s attention span is non-existent, he was already turning to other people to talk to them. We were both freaking out, Camie shook me by my shoulders in joy, not realizing she was pushing me accidentally into Schneider’s back. We then went for more drinks, the poor barman was almost out of alcohol, so he tried to mix up anything drinkable lol.
(we weren’t allowed to take any pics but Camie managed to make a sneaky video, bless her - PLS DO NOT STEAL THE GIF, DO NOT REPOST IT)
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We talked for a bit, saw Richard hanging by the doors into the arena – if someone wanted to smoke they had to go out, it made sense he’s going to be there. I told Camie that I’d like to talk to him but before I could come with anything sensible she was already pushing me towards him. We stopped by him and I just started to babble about how I like his work, that especially the last Emigrate album was great. He put his hand onto his heart and kept thanking me, doing these tiny bows and looking absolutely adorable/hot. I also mentioned that Brig was at the 1,2,3,4 video shoot and that it was really great and he just kept smiling, thanking and being happy in general. Then other people came to talk to him so we left them alone, going to relax a bit.
We could see that only Paul and Richard remained, although more and more people were dancing. We joined them and danced our hearts out, loving every song that Joe played. Not soon after Paul got up from the couches and joined the dancing group, dancing there with us. It was so surreal – he was dancing right next to me, being his little energetic self and also trying not to spill his wine. We kept dancing there for some time and Paul then slowly moved through the groups, dancing around till we lost sight of him.
I had to check if there were any trams going back to my flat as it was already after midnight. We danced for a bit longer but some drunk guy was trying to get our numbers and kept inviting us to him so we tried to distance ourselves. We also discovered that Paul had already left as there were not so many people – there could have been like 70(?) of us, now probably not even half. Richard was still there, though he was again talking to some girls. I was already getting tired and didn’t want to wait for another hour for the trams so in a hurry I said goodbye to Camie, looked around for the last time and left the afterparty. And because I was an idiot (and drunk) I fucked up my night trams and in the middle of nowhere, with dead phone I had to go to the nearest opened pub and asked for a taxi. I returned home around 2am and barely had any strength left.
The Second Concert and the Meet and Greet
Since I had the meet and greet event I did not have to wake up early – Bára left in the morning to wait with the rest of the girls again for the first row and I had a chance to sleep in till 4pm and get rid of the hangover. I asked the girls to write down everything that happened in the first row again, because apparently, it was wilder than the first time – just seeing Bára “pick her nose” in the gigantic screen while Lucy was facepalming made me laugh so hard. They returned with with drumsticks and a pink hat signed by Paul. And supposedly simulated sex with glow sticks during Pussy, making Paul lose his shit.
The Meet And Greet
(I will upload my pics on a separate post :) )
For a month or so I was in a group chat with the other people that were also attending the M&G and we agreed to meet a bit earlier to finally meet each other. I wanted to stop at the merch-truck but the queue was so fucking long I left it be (I just hope they’ll put the shirts into the rammshop like they did last time). We all met, chatted for a bit – there were people from all over Europe – from Germany, Poland, Sweden, Holland, Italy, Russia – I was actually the only Czech there lol.
We were picked up around 18:50 by the guy who was responsible for us, he checked our IDs and then took us through the VIP zone down the stairs to the same room where the afterparty was the day before. We had to wait for a bit as there were some other guest meeting the guys who were then escorted up the stairs. Thee guys apparently received Gold for the 7th album. Also one of the guys that was taking care of us told us that one of the grannies living nearby the arena called the fire department, thinking it was on fire lmao.
Anyway, after like ten minutes, we were let in and stood in a row against the wall where a couple of hours before I was dancing my head off. There was a woman that was telling us how it’s all going to happen, that the members will have pens, will sign one item and can take a pic. She couldn’t even finish her sentence and Richard already walked in, in his full stage outfit, took some pens from her and moved to one side of the line. She said something like “Ah, here is the first one.” And Richard, nonchalantly replied “I’m always the first one.” while beginning to sign stuff. What an experience. It got a bit chaotic then because the rest of the guys suddenly appeared too and stared signing stuff from the other side.
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Before Richard could get to me, Oliver singed all of our stuff and apologized that he’s not taking any pics today as he is in hurry. I did not understand at first but then I realized he was the only one who was not in a stage outfit and they were supposed to play in like a half an hour. Then came Richard, now much taller with his boots and signed my album. Joe was again with him and because I did not really want to have selfies with the guys I asked him to take the pic. He did, just as he did it to other people as well.
Then came Flake in his glorious golden outfit, smiling and being friendly. A girl on my left complimented his outfit, pointing to her silver top, telling he inspired her. It was so cute seeing him thanking her and complimenting her outfit just as well. I greeted him, thanked him for the show, took a picture with and wanted to also thank him for all the books he wrote, though there was already a queue forming – Schneider was right behind him, so he had to move forward.
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Let me tell you, Schneider is such a sweetheart. While he was getting ready to sing my stuff I told him how I started drumming because of him and how it helped me to deal with stuff and he immediately started grinning and going “Aawww, thank you so much, that is wonderful!” and was smiling like an idiot, just as me. There was nobody free to take a picture so with him I took a selfie – even when I tried to stay cool my hands were shaking a bit and he was patient enough to take a proper pic. Than he thanked me once again and moved forward.
PAUL. Paul, baby, I love you so much. Again a very cheery Hi! And that wonderful smile of his. When he was about to sign the album I asked him if he could draw that smiley face he does and he laughed and said “Sure!” and drew the prettiest self-portrait ever. It was so surreal to watch him draw it, focusing hard on it to make it perfect. He did a couple of re-touches until he was satisfied with it and then proudly smiled as he observed his creation. I asked the girl next to me for a pic. Her hands were shaking quite a bit so when she took the pictures, Paul was concerned with the results. “Are the pictures okay?” He asked as he looked down into my phone. “Are they blurry?” So we checked them together and they were fine; again, he was so happy with the result. Meanwhile Till was going from the other side of the line so Paul was stuck next to me so he turned to me and smiled – he pointed to my red crop top and told me: “Oh, we match!” he had the red beanie and red boots on and in that second I died inside. “We both have red!” he said happily and then slowly moved to the girl next to me. The last thing he did was that he looked at me and asked “Alles okay?” I just managed to laugh and told him that “Ja, just perfect.”
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He then spent some time with the girl next to me, looking at the pictures she had brought for signing – he was amazed by the quality and took his time looking over them, looking at each individually. He even called Till over to look at them. That’s where I internally cried as my almost non-existent German did not help me. What I could understand was that Till looked at it, telling him that those were pictures from Instagram. Paul asked him where from and they both started discussing the pics and Instagram. It was adorable – Paul was in awe while Till just shrugged and continued signing, taking pictures. Paul signed the main picture she had and then she quickly showed Paul a picture of him, where he was striking a pose with his guitar leaning back. He was overjoyed and immediately copied the pose, leaning back, doing the same pose. He then laughed and signed some pictures and moved on.
Till was the last one to come, he quickly signed my stuff and I let the guy next to me take the picture. I can’t describe the feeling when he put his gigantic paw around me – he really is a bear turned into a human. I also loved how nonchalant he was about the whole M&G. He then moved to the guy next to me and signed his stuff and I was supposed to take the pic. Except I put my phone down onto the ground next to my things and expected him to hand me his phone. “No, take it with yours, it’s better!” so I bent down for it and heard Till laugh and say “Too late!” and moved to the next person. He was of course just joking and when I was ready with the phone he returned and I took the picture.
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In another minute or two it was all over, Schneider and Paul told us to enjoy the show, smiled and then again disappeared into the dressing rooms. Us people with the standing tickets were escorted out into the arena and I had a pleasant surprise – on the other side of the doors stood Ulrike, in her beautiful black dress. Holy shit she’s really tall. I wanted to compliment her dress though she was busy herding their sons, it was hilarious. We passed, let her inside and went to find a good spot.
The Second Concert
I stayed with the guy who was next to me during the M&G, nicknamed Probo, who was from Italy. He told me he managed to not spoil himself the concert so it was really precious watching his reactions. We stayed near the B stage, meaning we had a beautiful view of the entire stage and the fire show. It was also nice to see the guys singing Engel and encouraging the crowd to sing as well. Especially Paul did jsahjsfkuftjhchd. Then we had a wonderful view of the guys on the boats – Schneider and Paul tried to stand up but fell down to their knees in a moment while laughing like maniacs. We enjoyed the rest of the show, danced and sung with the crowd. Last nice surprise was that People sang Sonne while the piano version was in the background as the guys kneeled.
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Oh and when there was the camera from the backstage, filming the guys as they’re getting into the elevator, there was nobody to give Richard a cigarette, so he just stood in front of the camera, opened his mouth and kept pointing his finger into it till somebody finally came to him and put the cigarette right into his mouth. That was really… something.
Anyways, this is all from me and I hope @followthecreeper, @beauty-at-matrix, and @062467 will add their stories from the first row.
Best two days of my entire life. ♡♡♡
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