#it’s the largest
nyxs-sins · 5 months
Final Fantasy XVI has me in a chokehold.
So I’m a huge Final Fantasy fan, it’s my life goal to collect and play every single game ever made in the franchise. So that’s what I’m doing. And right now, XVI- just- *feral gremlin noises*.
AnYwAyS, I’m adding Final Fantasy to my new Masterlist and will open requests once I’ve finished making it.
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wrightandco · 7 months
the confetti for a not guilty verdict is actually the funniest fucking thing about ace attorney
it’s like they inherently know their system is fucked to the to the extent that they’ve got the celebration confetti at the ready when they don’t wrongfully incarcerate someone
edgeworth never lost a trial until he faced phoenix wright so the confetti goes off and he’s probably like what the fuck ppfthh pffth phhh that last bit is him spitting the confetti out of his mouth
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palipunk · 1 month
Maybe this is just me but I am really surprised that 2023 was the first time a lot of people heard about Palestine because 2021 was when settlers tried expelling Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah - this then escalated to the IOF attacking Palestinians in Al Aqsa and throughout the country (almost 300 Palestinians in Gaza were killed and thousands were injured) - there were massive protests all over the world in response. 2021 really laid the foundations for everything that is happening now but it surprises me how little people actually mention the uprising then or were even aware it was happening.
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yuriinadress · 1 month
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of course i don’t want to get ahead of ourselves here but super duper rare british… w?
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time-woods · 7 months
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yes. yes he did hit him with a pipe
(medieval fantasy drama au??)
The Carmine Cavalier (Carma (like karma)) and Sīdus the Fallen star
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heritageposts · 7 months
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seriously, what the fuck is this about?
they've just outright banned the tag for an indian state that's home to over 34 million people
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honourablejester · 1 year
A lot of the time when I reblog jewellery on here, it’s art nouveau jewellery, because I really like art nouveau. In general, and in jewellery in particular. And most of that is the aesthetic. I like the natural forms, I like the twisty curly bits, I like the use of materials, I like how a lot of art nouveau jewellery is using metals and stones and other materials to create a specific form, an insect or a plant or a goddess or even sometimes nature scenes. I like …
I feel like a lot of the time with jewellery, it feels like ‘I’m going to use this object to show off the size and value of my pretty rock’. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Some of those rocks are indeed gorgeous. But art nouveau feels more ‘I’m going to use these pretty rocks, and several other things, to create the impact of this object’? I just love the use of materials, glass and enamel and colour, as well as precious stones and metals, to create a form or a scene.
Like, you get a diamond ring, it’s a diamond ring. But you get something like a dragonfly brooch (Louis Acoc):
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Or a lilypad hair comb (Rene Lalique):
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Or a wisteria branch (Georges Fouquet):
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And it’s a whole creation. A little wearable piece of art.
And I don’t want to sound too dismissive. I know the craftmanship and skill and artistry that goes into any kind of jewellery making. That diamond ring took skill I will never have. I just.
I like the emphasis on form more than material that you get with art nouveau. Like normally you hear ‘glass jewellery’, ‘enamel jewellery’, and it’s cheap, it’s frowned upon, but in art nouveau it’s what that glass or enamel was used to make that’s the important part:
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(Rene Lalique)
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(Eugene Feuillatre)
Anyway. In summary, I really, really, really like art nouveau jewellery?
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asterwild · 3 months
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behold: bears
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Listen up you ignorant sheep.
He lies about everything is the point of me posting this.
He didn't have the power himself to ban fracking cause the state and federal government have control of the land involved and the laws and the regulations they passed due to democrat climate change agenda which Joe Biden is a democrat and said he agrees with climate change many numerous times himself. Look that up. Strange how only democrat areas banned fracking, eh?
He didn't stop them, he didn't try to find any way to reach any compromises, he left them go ahead and push their agenda forward. Why? That's what democrats do.
Look online, I posted a few things to prove you jerks wrong and nobody said a word cause there's the proof. There's tons of stuff online about it across the country, but I'm from Pennsylvania so I found a few examples close to home. Believe me there's a shitload online. I only picked a few cause I shouldn't have to waste time looking shit up cause nobody else is willing to cause they're too busy posting TikTok videos of silly animals and crying on Facebook they had a bad hair day.
We were energy dependent till Joe Biden came in passing executive orders that reversed every single fucking thing Trump put into effect to better our country. And that's why Trump jokingly said he'd be a dictator on day one cause sleepy Joe did that exact same fucking thing to him & our entire fucking country.
You assholes must like paying more for gas and helping terrorist countries earn money to buy weapons to murder people. Where are we getting our oil from you idiots? Joe depleted our oil reserves and prevented the pipelines on American soil from being completed while letting Russia finish theirs. Then rejoined that Paris Agreement that Trump took us out of to be more energy independent and free from environmental climate regulation nonsense.
You like funding China so they gain power? They can frack & mine for minerals to build your fucking electric car batteries and cell phone batteries which we could be doing ourselves if not for the democrats.
You might wanna look online to learn gas and fossil fuels are used in a lot of everyday products not just to make your cars drivable and heat your homes.
Perhaps if you'd look things up and do some fucking research instead of playing candy crush and gambling online you'd realize how wrong the democrats really are.
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archiveofaffinities · 23 days
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World's Largest Ear of Corn, Olivia, Minnesota, 1973
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howtokillavampire · 7 months
commenting on fanfics you like is so meaningful to the authors, I literally got an email notification of a comment on a fic I hadn't touched in five years and the comment made me want to revisit it so I went back and revised the existing material and wrote three new chapters and updated for the first time in forever all because someone took a few seconds to comment on the fic
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jeonwonwoo · 2 years
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BEJEWELED Taylor Swift (2022)
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
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madnoelf · 2 months
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I didn't sleep all last night because I was having disturbing thoughts.
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detectivehole · 3 months
i am the target demographic of tourist traps
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