#jackson rathbone x reader
shelbgrey · 1 year
Okay, hello! I love your work so much and wanted to make a request (if they're open let me know if I've been too rude to you dear) for "being Isabella Swan's big/little sister and being Jasper Cullen's mate." BECAUSE, at first he tried to repress that feeling by acting weird around her, and she hated the way he wrinkled his nose every time he saw her. Another thing, she grew up in Forka with Charlie... That's it, I'm sorry if I threw this too hard in your lap 😔. Kisses 💗
Being Bella's big sister and dating Jasper Hale headcanons
Paring: Jasper Hale X Swan!Reader
A/n: thank you for the request and don't feel bad for requesting, I always love writing for Twilight.
Main master list Emmett cullen story
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So first off, I think thst you being Bella's older sister and living with Charlie kinda changes the story a bit. First off there's something special about you, but you living with humans all your life none notices.
You were about two when your parents devorced so when it came to living situations you stayed with your father.
You met the Cullens before Bella even showed up. Like everyone else at Forks High to took notice to the family. You weren't upsets with figuring out their background like everyone else though.
Your first day meeting Jasper was his first day in your history class. The only empty seat left was next to you.
He hesitated as he sat down next you. When he did he tensed up and turned his nose away. You glared at him wanting to know what his problem was. When the bell rang he was out in a flash.
The next few days he didn't show up. When he did he remained silent but didn't turn his nose like you stunk.
Instead of turning his nose away he would silently look at you then turn away before he would get cought. This went on through out the class. You would look at him then look away before he noticed.
The first words you actually exchange words till you had to work on a history project together.
“your name is y/n Swan right?” he asked. You nodded immediately falling for his southern accent. “yeah, and your Jasper”
He smiled slightly. “sorry for being so rued last week” you shrugged. “not a big deal, we all have bad days”
You guys continued to talk and he quickly got comfortable talking to you. He started to fall for everything about you. He knew you were his mate but he started finding small and big details about you that made him enternally thankful it was you.
Jasper took another aproch than his dear brother when it came to relationships. He 'corted' you by becoming friends with you first, you actually became best friends. As your relationship grew you became close to his siblings too, especially rose.
Your first date was the movies and suprisenly you guys just sat there for two hours laughing at the gore in the horror movie you picked.
After your first date he confessed to being a vampire and to his reilef you didn't freak out. He was so scared that you would leave him but he didn't want to lie to you.
“I understand if your scared... But I didn't want to start our relationship with a lie”
I immediately wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tight. “I don't care, I still want to be with you”
You started officially dating about a month before Bella showed up.
You don't get along with Bella or your mother, so let's just say you weren't thrilled when you found out she was moving to forks.
During the time she started to settle in at home with you and Charlie you spent more time with Jasper and his family. You told Jasper that you two never got along and the hate and neglect your mother caused you.
The first time Bella saw Jasper is when he was picking you up for school. She kept pushing on who he was but you bairly awnsered. “he's my boyfriend, bella”
Dispite Bella and Edward dealing with their problems you and Jasper have a very strong relationship.
You two may not have much in common but that doesn't mean you two don't show interest in each other's Passions.
Your a movie nerd so he'll happily watch any movie with you. He's a history buff and he's was around for most of it so if he wants to talk about something you'll always there to listen.
Speaking of history, it didn't take long for him to open up about him training new borns and Maria using him.
He's very gentle with you at first, he would hate himself if he ever hurt you, but later on in the relationship he's more confident and isn't afraid to touch you as much.
Speaking of which, his kisses are always full of passion and love. His favorite place to kiss you is on your forehead beacuse of how much taller he is than you.
He's always holding your hand. He always needs to be touching you and needs to be close to you. Emmett teases him for being Clingy but it's mostly just an anxiety thing, especially if he's around Humans he needs to ground himself by holding your hand or his arms around you.
If your wondering, Charlie loves him. At first he thought Jasper was weird(much like Edward) but he appreciated how kind and and well mannered he was. He knew he could trust Jasper with you.
Through your relationship with Jasper you had also gained a best friend through Rosalie and Emmett.
Rosalie loved you immediately and took you under her wing. Alice is a loyal friend but your not thst close.
Carlisle and Esme are like your second parents and they love you like your part of the family.
During the events of New Moon Jasper refused to break your heart. He knew that was Edward's plan with Bella, but he's not Edward. Yes they did move but you two stayed in contact. He would call you every day and you'll see each other on weekends.
He came to your graduation during the time the whole family moved then proposed to you a few months later.
Your wedding was unfortunately put on hold due to the who new-born army. It didn't bother you, you understood under the circumstances but Jasper was furious with not only Bella but Edward too. It wasn't their fault, he knew that, but then again Bella made it all about her and ignored the fact the vampires were after you too.
During the battle you were hurt causing Jasper to turn you. He didn't want to and he blamed himself for fighting instead of protecting you.
You loved being a vampire and never once blamed him. And it's a good thing he had experience with New-borns beacuse he was with you every step of the way during your transition.
You had your wedding about four months before Edward and Bella's. You went to Memphis for your honeymoon and stayed out till it was time to go home for the other wedding.
Oh I forgot to mention, Bree survived and since you were now an adult you and Jasper adopted her as your own. Your amazing parents and you three make an adorable family.
Later on in life and when everything was peaceful, no one dying or fighting, you two adpot two twins. They were both infants and needed loving parents.
Jasper is very loving husband and even if being a vampire is hard sometimes you wouldn't change your life for anything.
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soulofapatrick · 8 months
Unbreakable Bond - Jasper Hale x female reader 
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Summary: Someone reveals your relationship with Jasper to the Cullens
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: a little angsty I guess but mostly fluff
Y/N’s POV 
The Cullen household is bathed in a soft, warm light, casting a cozy ambiance over the living room. We’re all gathered here, the entire Cullen family, and our guests from the Denali Coven. I’m curled up on the couch, next to Seth Clearwater, our own unique mix of vampires and wolves living together in peace. Though I’m a vampire now, I’ll forever be grateful to the Cullens for making me part of their family. 
The Denali visitors also have a new member, Isla, who possesses a remarkable and unique ability - the power of relationship identification. If I were human my heart would be pounding and I’d be sweating buckets from anxiety as no-one knows about me and Jasper. I’ve been trying to mask my scent with Seth’s all evening and I know it’s been pissing Jasper off but he understands, knowing it might still be too soon to tell anyone our relationship. Alice left just over three months ago, wishing our relationship well and hugging us tightly before she slipped away. 
We’ve all been sitting together, enjoying the light conversations, when Isla suddenly goes silent, her brows furrowing as she looks around the room. Her eyes dart around the room, evaluating the various relationships within the house. I feel her gaze on me, and it sends a shiver down my spine. I hope she doesn’t discover our secret. 
As the night wears on, the tension within me mounts. Isla’s sharp gaze flits between me and the members of both our covens, and her curiosity seems to be growing. I can’t help but fidget on the couch next to Seth. He gives me a knowing look, his eyes filled with sympathy and understanding. We’ve been through a lot together, and he’s one of the few I’ve trusted with mine and Jasper’s secret. Seth’s hand settles on my knee, thumb rubbing soothingly and I can feel Jasper bristle from across the room where he’s sulking, leaning against the wall. 
Finally, a calming silence falls over the room, conversations slowing to a quietness that is only broken by the record playing in the background. Esme, Rosalie and Tanya are looking at Isla with curiosity and I’m shifting in my seat again, my legs still over Seth’s lap and his fingers drumming a comforting rhythm on my calves. 
Isla's penetrating gaze is unwavering, and I can sense her curiosity burning like a flame in her dark, enigmatic eyes. Her words break the silence, each syllable imbued with a contemplative and almost otherworldly quality. "There's a bond here," she speaks softly, her voice tinged with reverence, "A romantic bond that's stronger than anything I've ever sensed before." Her statement lingers in the air, and I can almost hear the collective intake of breath as everyone's eyes dart around the room, desperately searching for clues.
My heart should be pounding in my chest as her gaze momentary flits to Jasper, who shifts his position from where he leans against the wall. I can feel the weight of the room’s expectations, the unspoken questions about who this powerful romantic bond might involve. My eyes dart from Jasper to Seth again, the latter trying to provide me with comfort without drawing unnecessary attention. 
Then, an electrifying moment unfolds. Isla’s voice, trembling with excitement, pierces the stillness as she cries out, “It’s you!” The words seem to hand in the air, leaving everyone shocked and bewildered. After all, everyone knows Jasper’s mate - Alice - left him months ago, a revelation that had sent ripples of sadness through the family and making me feel even guiltier than ever before. 
But Isla seems to pay no heed to the apparent facts, as her eyes dart frantically around the room, unwilling to let go of her conviction. Then, with sudden clarity, her intense scrutiny lands on me and Seth, the two of us glancing at each other and I’m swallowing hard, somewhat panicked as Isla whispers somewhat uncertainly, “You?”
Her words feel like an electric shock, coursing through the room. I feel like the ground beneath me has crumbled, and the eyes of the Cullen family, the Denali visitors, and Seth all turn towards me, their expressions ranging from shock to confusion. I can't bear the weight of their scrutiny, the disbelief in their eyes. 
In that overwhelming moment, I’m gripped by an uncontrollable surge of emotions. I jump up from the couch and, without a second thought, flee from the room. My footsteps are swift and soundless as I rush outside to the porch, needing the cool night air to soothe myself. 
Out on the porch, I grip the railing tightly, my body trembling with emotions. My chest aches, but no tears come; vampires can’t cry. It’s a though my body is trying to release something that’s forever been denied to me. The weight of the revelation, the fear of judgement and the sudden exposure of my hidden relationship with Jasper has left me in a state of turmoil. I close my eyes, trying to steady my racing thoughts and find solace in the tranquility of the night. 
With my eyes closed, I focus on the cool, night breeze, hoping its gentle touch will provide some relief. But its not the wind that soothes me. It’s the warmth and presences of someone wrapping their arms around my waist from behind. A familiar scent fills my senses, and I shudder as soft, cool lips press against my shoulder. 
Jasper. He’s here, holding me, his presence a comforting balm for my turmoil. His empathetic powers come into play, and a calm washes over me, as if he’s channeling his own serenity into my very being. In that moment, the world around me fades into obscurity, and it’s just the two of us, finding solace and strength in each other’s embraces. 
Slowly, he untangles himself from me, but his hands remain gentle as he turns me to face him. He cups my face in his cool, comforting hands, his golden eyes filled with love and understanding. He begins to speak softly, “You know how much I love you, right? And I want you to know that Alice left letters for everyone when she saw this day coming.” 
His words are a balm to my anxious heart, reaffirming the depth of his love and commitment to our relationship. I can’t help but smile though my lingering uncertainty, touched by his unwavering affection. But before I can fully process the weight of his words, he moves closer to me, my hips pressing against the porch railings, and his strong, sturdy body now surrounds me. The space between us vanishes, and the electrifying tension in the air seems to grow hotter. 
Jasper’s lips find mine with an urgency I haven’t felt since the first time we kissed when he opened his emotions to me. Neither of us realising the first time that his emotional manipulation powers can go both ways like Bella’s where he can let me feel how he’s feeling. It’s almost euphoric, being able to know exactly how he feels with no barriers. 
The kiss is a heady fusion of sensations. His lips are velvety and cool against mine, an exquisite contrast to the heat that radiates between us. I can taste a hint of his unique, familiar flavour, an  alluring combination of the forest after a summer rain, the subtle sweetness of his breath, and the enticing essence of Jasper himself. 
His emotions are a revelation, an unfiltered connection to the depth of his desire and longing. I feel the surge of his love, a powerful current that engulfs me, overwhelming but incredibly tender. There’s a are, unbridled passion in his kiss, a manifestation of the profound emotions he feels for me. It’s almost euphoric, this unadulterated exchange of feelings, being able to know exactly how he feels with no barriers, just the pure, unfiltered connection of our love. 
The kiss itself is a passionate dance, an exploration of each other’s souls through the meeting of our lips. It’s an affirmation of the love that binds us, acknowledging the intensity of our connection and a promise of the forever we’ll share together. 
“Come back inside with me," Jasper murmurs against my lips, breaking the kiss but not the closeness between us. His words are filled with warmth and reassurance, and I can feel the sincerity in his embrace.
"They hate me," I confess, my voice a soft whisper as I rest my forehead on his shoulder.
Jasper gently lifts my chin, his golden eyes meeting mine with unwavering love. "No one hates you," he says, his voice tender and filled with conviction. "They may have been surprised, but we'll face this together. You'll see, they'll understand.”
He places a sweet, lingering kiss on my forehead before entwining his fingers with mine and gently coaxing me back inside. His presence is a source of strength, and with him by my side, I find the courage to face whatever challenges lie ahead
                           ┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
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Twilight Masterlist
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mrsarnasdelicious · 1 year
First Kiss - Jasper Whitlock Hale
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"I enjoy spending time with you, Y/N." The vampire purrs. You flush lightly. Jasper chuckles and cups your cheek. He makes you look at him. "I would like to spend more time with you." He murmurs in that amazing Texan drawl. It makes your heart race. "I would like that, too." You whisper.
Jasper smiles, baring his fangs.
"Well then, how about we ... settle on a time for the next ... date." He purrs. "A date?" You cooe. "We'll call it a date." Jasper confirms. "I am looking forward to it." You cooe. "I am too." Jasper purrs.
He places his hand on your hip and carefully draws you closer. Your breath hitches in your throat. Jasper is so mesmerizing and for you to be pressed against him like this is almost more than you had dared to dream. "You smell heavenly." He murmurs. You shiver at his tone of voice. It is far too sexy to be true. "Th-thanks." You whisper.
He leans in and rubs his nose carefully against yours. You flush darkly. "Ja-jasper.." You stammer. "Hush, close your eyes." The Texan murmurs. You oblige, not an ounce of hesitation in your mind. His voice is just so hypnotic. "Good girl." Jasper murmurs. He leans in, you feel his presence pressing closer. You shudder a little, in anticipation.
His lips are cold as they brush yours. You let out a little whimper and then try to gently kiss him back. But Jasper pulls back and makes a soft tsking sound. "So noisy." He whispers, before closing the distance to kiss you again. This time he let's kiss him back, though.
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lilmissfanfic · 3 months
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One Sided Love pt2
Please don't take my work
Warning, some violence
Spencer POV
Amanda was holding the knife to her neck threating to kill herself along with Adam. I was attempting to convience her not to but no anvil until someone came to mind.
"Gracie? What about Gracie?" I asked pleading
"Adam's girl." she said quietly
"She makes him happy, right?"
"More anything in the world.."
"When she was almost assaulted,  or when you and Adam kept secrets from her, you were helping Adam to protect her. You have grown to protect her as well. You and Adam would have done anything to keep her safe and happy"
"Of course.. she is too innocent for this world and I don't want to ruin that for her. I've always seen her as like my little sister. I just wish she could have met me before now."
"How do you think she will feel about this? how she'll feel if you kill yourself and Adam? Think about her. Think about Gracie." Amanda grew quiet as she looked down sadly "Adam's precious girl.." I said and she looked at me shocked
"Adam..?" Gracie said standing at the door way. As soon as Amanda saw her she teared up. She let go of the guy. A few stepped in to help him. Meanwhile Gracie took a couple steps towards the bed.
"Sweetheart, don't it's too dangerous" Morgan said and she stopped
"Please don't do this to yourself" Gracie shook her head and Amanda looked at me before she dropped the knife. She dropped to her knees and was immediately was hand cuffed
"Adam..?" She cried but Amanda continued looking at the mirror
"Amanda this is your moment" I said and she looked at me then looked down "Give of us five mintues." I told everyone. They looked around hesitantly before leaving the room.
"Adam, what's going on?" I asked 
"I'm not Adam" Amanda said and Gracie looked at her confused "My names Amanda, I am Adam's alternate personaility"
Gracie looked at her. "I-I.. I don't understand, is this a joke?" She said
"No, honey, It's the truth. I'm so sorry you half to find out this way."
"I-It's okay. I believe you but.. A-" "Adam is okay. He's safe away for now. Please don't worry about us. We'll be okay, sweetheart angel" She said and Gracie leaned and hugged her. Amanda tears ran down her face
Amanda was pulled back and I held Gracie. They escort Amanda out of the room and I walked with Gracie outside,
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked. She was quiet before she nodded then moved her hair from her face
"y-yeah it's just.. a lot to process" She said
"I know what you mean. It's okay." She said. It was quite between us for awhile before I spoke up.
"Do.. you have a.. um.. a place to.. stay?"
"Uh k-kinda" She said
"What do you mean kinda?"
"Well I-I just moved here so me and Adam can be close.. I have been staying in a hotel while also looking at houses. I found one that is perfect but.."
"You don't won't to live alone." I finished and she nodded
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
Jasper Hale req:
His niece is getting married to Caius from the Volturi.
-Literally one of the if not the only time the "whole" vampire world has come together
She's alike Carlisle in she has many friends(allies).
But: she's cruel, which is why Caius asked to marry her.
Gift- She can influence people to be loyal to her.
He realizes that she's being influenced by Chelsea to marry Caius. So he has to stop it before she married Caius and officially becomes a part of the coven... IDK I tried to be diffrent(creative)
I like the idea of him not having a gift as developed as Chelsea as he is quite many years younger...😮
Chelsea | Twilight Saga Wiki | Fandom
Jasper Hale | Twilight Saga Wiki | Fandom
Idk if that was specific enough...But that's all I have...I literally brain melted then this spawned as a thought.
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Here's menacing Jackson Rathbone as a treat? Idk thx <3
You tired and you delivered, it was indeed very creative
❝an unconventional union❞
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✭ pairing : caius volturi x reader x jasper hale
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : jasper learns that his niece is getting married off to Caius volturi at first he pays it no mind but upon learning she’s being manipulated by Chelsea he goes to stop the wedding only for things to come to light in the process
✭ authors note : this will angst with some fluff even a little joke here and there
✭ twilight masterlist
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Jasper Hale, a member of the Cullen coven, stood in the grand hall of the Volturi castle, observing the preparations for his niece (Y/n)'s wedding to Caius, one of the Volturi leaders. As he watched, he couldn't help but feel a mix of conflicting emotions.
(Y/n) possessed a cruel and manipulative nature, much like her soon-to-be husband, Caius. They shared a bond built upon their shared darkness, a match made in the depths of their unrelenting personalities. Jasper understood that, in their world, such alliances were not uncommon.
Despite his reservations about their personalities, Jasper loved his niece unconditionally. He had seen her grow up, witnessed the choices she made, and understood that her nature was a product of her environment and upbringing. He did not condone her cruelties, but he also did not judge her for them.
Jasper's golden eyes scanned the room as (Y/n) descended the grand staircase, her dark eyes gleaming with a sense of power and confidence. She wore a regal black and red gown that accentuated her commanding presence, a true reflection of her strong personality.
As she approached the altar where Caius stood, a smile played on Jasper's lips. He could see the undeniable connection between them, the understanding and acceptance of each other's darkness. It was a bond that few could comprehend, but one that resonated with (Y/n) and Caius.
Jasper knew that this union would not be conventional or easy. It would be a partnership forged in the fires of their shared cruelties, a relationship that would test the boundaries of their own natures. But he also knew that it was not his place to interfere or judge.
As the ceremony began, the room filled with an atmosphere of intrigue and power. (Y/n) and Caius exchanged vows that reflected their shared desires for control and dominance. It was a ceremony unlike any other, one that celebrated their unconventional love.
That’s when he heard it, the whispers of some lowly guards in the back “Seems Chelsea did a good job on altering the brides feelings.”
“Heh, you’re telling me. It’s like she never even disagreed to the marriage to begin with.”
The priest stood at the altar, his voice resonating through the hall as he asked the fateful question, "Does anyone object to this union?" In that moment, Jasper's heart skipped a beat. His instincts, honed by years of battle and a deep understanding of emotions, screamed at him to speak up.
He couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was amiss, that (Y/N) was being manipulated into this marriage. His mind raced, searching for a way to intervene and protect his niece from potential harm.
With a surge of determination, Jasper stepped forward, his voice echoing through the hall. "I object!" he exclaimed, his eyes filled with concern. The room fell silent, all eyes turning to him, awaiting an explanation.
Jasper took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on (Y/N). "I overheard some guards talking about Chelsea altering your feelings for Caius," he explained, his voice filled with urgency.
“I couldn't stand by and let you be manipulated into a marriage that may not be of your own free will." A flicker of surprise crossed (Y/N)'s face, but it quickly transformed into a gentle smile. She walked towards Jasper, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding.
“Uncle, thank you for your concern," she said, her voice laced with affection. "But there's no need to worry. I asked Chelsea to alter my feelings because I couldn't bear the thought of a red and black wedding. However, since it's the Volturi's theme colors and I am being welcomed into their clan, I felt it was important to follow through with it."
Jasper's eyes widened in realization, a tinge of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. He had misunderstood the situation, jumping to conclusions without fully understanding (Y/N)'s intentions.
But (Y/N)'s laughter filled the air, washing away any sense of discomfort. "You were just looking out for me, Uncle Jasper," (Y/N) said, her voice filled with gratitude. "And for that, I am grateful. But rest assured, this is my choice, and I am willingly entering into this marriage."
Jasper's shoulders relaxed, a sense of relief washing over him. He had acted out of love and concern, and while his intentions were noble, he had misjudged the situation. But (Y/N)'s forgiveness and understanding reminded him of the strength of their bond.
With a nod of gratitude, Jasper stepped back, allowing (Y/N) to return to the altar. The priest, resuming his duties, continued with the wedding ceremony, the words of commitment and love filling the hall once more.
Jasper watched as (Y/n) and Caius sealed their union with a passionate kiss, their eyes filled with an understanding that surpassed conventional love. It was a moment that confirmed their commitment to each other, and Jasper couldn't help but feel a sense of acceptance.
As the festivities continued, Jasper approached (Y/n) and Caius, his expression filled with a mixture of caution and support. "Congratulations to both of you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "May your union bring you the strength and power you seek."
(Y/n) smirked, her eyes glittering with a mix of mischief and gratitude. "Thank you, Uncle Jasper. Your acceptance means a lot to us."
Jasper nodded, his eyes meeting Caius', silently conveying his trust and vigilance. He may not fully understand or condone their darkness, but he would always be there for his niece, supporting her choices and protecting her when needed.
In that moment, Jasper realized that love came in many forms, and family bonds could transcend conventional norms. He would continue to love (Y/n) fiercely, even if he didn't always agree with her choices. After all, she was his niece, and he would always be there for her, no matter the darkness that surrounded their world.
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luv-tiffanyblue · 2 years
Personnages Principaux
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Synopsis: She was a lady born into French royalty and the royal court where she was highly beloved, only to meet her end at a young age and became a forgotten figure to history. The end she met became her stroke of fate as she was given a second chance to live again, forever. This is the story about (Y/n) De Auclair’s life where her new life gave her an adventure with a family and love that she never thought she would gain.
↳Jasper Hale x OC! Reader
Translation: Main Characters
Taglist: currently open; 2/10 positions
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Masterlist ⚜️ Moulage pt. 1
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This coven was founded in September 1718 by Carlisle Cullen & (y/n) Auclair when the pair decided to stay together and extended their family. They are second largest & powerful vampire coven who is dedicated towards "vegetarianism.” The clan is 287 years old and consists of nine members.
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(Y/n) De Auclair
Full name: (Y/n) De Auclair Whitlock-Hale
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Date of birth: 1663-1683
Turned: 1683 by the age of 20
Joined/founded Olympic Coven: 1718
Age: 322 years old as of 2005
Position: co-founder/second in charge, the kind sister, & hopping everywhere busy ballerina
Abilities: potentikinesis (being able to manipulate the abilities and powers of a vampire/group)
Mate: Jasper Hale
Fun fact: (Y/n) actually has a bag of her old pointe shoes of when she started ballet which the family tried to get rid of before that caused her to become furious. That's when they learned not to mess with her and instead displayed the shoes inside the house as achievements from her "ancestors.”
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Jasper Whitlock Hale
Played by Jackson rathbone
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Date of birth: 1844-1863
Turned: 1863 by the age of 19
Joined: 1948
Age: 142 years old as of 2005
Position: the quite brother & major in love who does nothing else besides that
Abilities: pathokknesis (control the emotions of those around the user)
Mate: (y/n) De Auclair
Fun fact: Jasper likes to find any (Y/n) memorabilia from her past as there are always stories behind them. Especially, of when she lived in France and in the palace. The family will collect any pieces of her for their collection as she had left them behind when she was a newborn.
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Masterlist ⚜️ Moulage pt. 1
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🏷 : @superkittywonderland @darlincvllen
Disclaimer: ©luv-tiffanyblue 2022 rights reserved-please do not repost/translate/modify/copy my work on other platforms unless changed in rules! Please look at my info about my other writing platforms!
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buckyseddie · 2 years
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pairings — jasper hale x fem!reader
summary — in which, she has a thing for jasper’s hair and he finds out about it and teases her for it.
word count — 1.6k.
warnings — teasing!jasper, embarrassed/sensitive!reader, fluff, use of pet-names [darlin’, babe, sweetheart, ma’am].
notes — this was requested and i’ve been wanting to write an fic about jasper for awhile now, so i’m really excited about this imagine, hehe! gif and divider creds to owner!
p.s., feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated <3.
main masterlist
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IT HAD STARTED OFF AS an innocent question.
jasper and [y/n] were laying in her bed, on a late saturday afternoon.
it was one of those rare weekends where nothing was going on that demanded the blonde vampire’s immediate attention or where [y/n] didn’t have a pile of homework to work on through the whole weekend.
throughout the past few weeks, there hadn’t been any free time for them to hang out or to go on any dates.
jasper had been dealing with the few supernatural issues — the ones that had ensued pretty quickly — with his family.
and usually, when the two would hang out, [y/n] would still have homework to do.
but, jasper usually would have time for her, so when she’d have homework, he’d help her with it.
he’d also make her food, since she’d always have the habit of forgetting about staying hydrated and eating snacks.
but, this saturday, in some miracle, jasper didn’t have to worry about dealing with anything with his family and [y/n] shockingly didn’t have any new homework assigned for the weekend.
jasper had come over late the night before, just really missing his girlfriend and decided to spend the night with her.
so, the next morning, they’d decided that they’d just have a lazy day.
that’s what they’re doing as of now.
they were cuddling; jasper, holding her in his arms and [y/n], wearing a soft look in her eyes as she plays with his naturally curly hair.
and then, a random thought begins to draw jasper’s attention. the question racks at his mind, not being able to shake it off.
his curiosity starts to become so distracting that even [y/n] pauses her actions and pulls away from his embrace.
she leans her head on one of the pillows, looking up at him with curious eyes as he looks down at her, brows furrowing.
“jas? what’s up?” the girl asks, starting to sit up, directing all of her attention to her boyfriend.
he looks up at her, cocking his to the side, confusion taking over his features as he starts to sense her worry and confusion.
she notices his expression of confusion and sighs.
“i mean, you look like you’ve got something on your mind.” she states, raising her brows in question.
his mouth shapes into an ‘o’ shape, before he nods in acknowledgement.
without another thought, he decides to just blurt out his question, rather than beat around the bush about it, “what was the one thing that attracted you to me, when we first met?” he asks curiously, his southern accent evident in his tone.
[y/n]’s [y/e/c] eyes go wide in shock, before a red tint colors her cheeks in embarrassment.
out of all the questions he could’ve asked, he asks this one.
“um…” she sputters, trailing off as she looks away from her boyfriend, who looks at her curiously.
her cheeks flush redder, if that’s even possible.
“darlin’,” he says, chuckling as she refuses to look up at him. “what’s got you so embarrassed?” the blonde vampire asks, turning her towards him by turning her cheek with his pointer finger.
“babeeee… it’s embarrassing. can’t we talk about anything else?” she mumbles, moving to bury her face in his chest, too embarrassed to face him.
“c’mon. it can’t be that bad. just tell me.” he murmurs, rubbing little soothing circles on her back.
sighing, she realizes that he’s going to be persistent with the question until she answers him.
“you promise that you won’t laugh?” she asks in a child-like voice as she pulls away from his chest, playing with the collar of his shirt, instead of looking up at her boyfriend.
jasper chuckles again, grabbing a strand of her [y/h/c] hair and playing with it.
“sweetheart, i promise, i’ll try not to laugh.” he murmurs seriously, before looking back at her as he lets the strand of hair fall back onto her shoulder.
“it was your hair.” she says in barely a whisper, still thinking that her vampire boyfriend is going to laugh at her.
“what?” he asks, wondering if he misheard her.
“it was your hair.” she grumbles, still looking down as she pulls her fingers away from his shirt.
a small sound, like a wheezy laugh, leaves his lips.
at this, [y/n] snaps her head up in his direction, glaring daggers at him.
this causes him to snap his mouth shut, a glint of amusement in his eyes.
“you said you weren’t going to laugh.” she grumbles, cheeks red as a tomato as she shoves him lightly.
“i—i’m sorry, darlin’. i just—w—why my hair?” he stutters in between laughs.
she sighs, refusing to look up at her boyfriend, completely humiliated that this conversation has gone from normal to humiliating.
she groans as he lifts her chin up, forcing her to look him in the eye.
“sweetheart, i promise, i won’t laugh anymore. just tell me, please.” he states seriously, gaining a little bit of her trust.
“it’s stupid. but, the first day i saw you at school, i saw your eyes, which drew me in. but… then, i saw your hair; it was hanging just above your shoulders, and i don’t know what came over me, but i caught myself wondering what it’d be like to run my fingers through your it. and i’d found myself thinking like that, on countless, different occasions.” the now flustered and nervous girl admits, taking the blonde vampire’s hand from her chin and placing it in her lap.
she begins to fidget with them, before looking up, upon not hearing a response.
as she does so, jasper struggles with not trying to laugh.
but, eventually his mouth uncontrollably opens as the laughs escape, chest rumbling, only finding amusement in the situation.
he continues to laugh, failing to notice the very sensitive teenage girl’s eyes clouding up with tears.
of course, the two usually had inside jokes and teased one another, but this was different.
she felt as if he were making fun of her, over something that she was taking the time out of her day to tell him about — just to answer his question that she didn’t even want to answer in the first place.
a trembling breath leaves her lips, catching her boyfriend’s attention, as she starts to get up.
once she’s standing at the edge of the bed and is turned away from him, she rushes to the bathroom.
“y—you’re mean…” she chokes out in a sob, walking inside.
“sweetheart—” he starts, getting up very quickly, after hearing her tone of voice.
but, he’s interrupted when she slams the door shut.
she slides down the door, locked away in the darkness as the hot tears start to stream down her cheeks.
she tries to tell herself that she’s overreacting, that jasper has nothing to be at fault for.
but, that just makes more tears escape.
she’s interrupted from her thoughts as jasper calls out from behind the other side of the door, “darlin’, i’m sorry. why don’t you come out for a second, so we can talk about this?” his voice is filled with regret and guilt.
after hearing the anguish in his voice, she instantly becomes guilty.
and after a few seconds, jasper sighs, starting to think that she’s not going to come out, as he internally yells at himself for making her cry.
i mean, he may have laughed about it, but he was going to try and lighten the mood and convince her that she had nothing to be embarrassed about.
but, just as the blonde vampire stands up, preparing to walk back to the bed, he hears the door knob of the bathroom twist, before [y/n] slowly pulls open the door.
he snaps his head up, worry and guilt evident on his features as she slowly emerges from the darkness of the room, dried up tears on her cheeks and her cheeks redder than ever.
he stays frozen, not sure of what he could say to make up for making her feel so bad.
he opens his mouth, as if he’d found the right words, but before he can even speak, she rushes to him and presses her head into his chest, arms wrapping around his torso.
“i’m sorry, jas. i o—overreacted and i didn’t mean to make you feel so guilty.” she mumbles, the tears welling up in her eyes again.
this is the moment where he starts to notice the guilt and regret radiating off of her.
“you’ve got nothin’ to apologize for. i was goin’ to try to lighten the mood with a few jokes, but i’m now realizin’ that i didn’t work fast enough.” he murmurs, his accent becoming evident in his small tone.
she pulls away, sighing, as she lifts up her hands to her cheeks to wipe away the remaining tears on her cheeks.
“babe, you don’t need to apologize. i know you’d never make fun of me on purpose. but, sometimes i just get too sensitive about certain things. i’m sorry.” she mumbles, feeling embarrassed for acting the way that she did.
he shakes his head as he grabs her hands and presses them to his lips.
“sweetheart, it’s quite alright. you are allowed to get upset over things. i love you so much and i hope you know that i’d never make fun of you like that.” he murmurs against her knuckles, which brings her to let out a few giggles — giggles that absolutely warms his heart.
“i know, jas. and i love you too. how about we just forget this misunderstanding happened and we go back to cuddling?” she murmurs, after she stops giggling.
he nods, a smile tugging at his lips.
“yes, ma’am.” he says in his accent, causing the girl to bite her lip, in order to hide her smile as butterflies flutter in her stomach.
after that day, he’d tease her about his hair — it didn’t bother her, because she’d realized that he wasn’t holding it against her.
it had quickly become one of their inside jokes and he loved that his hair had become her biggest weakness — especially when it came in handy sometimes.
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bloodlust ~ jasper hale;twilight
word count: 1754
request?: yes!
“I’m not sure if you do Twilight, but if so can you please write a Jasper Hale x reader where it’s just him coming to terms with his feelings and trying not to push the reader away just cause they’re human. Thank you no matter what love :))”
description: when she thinks he’s avoiding her because he hates her, he has to tell her his biggest secret
pairing: jasper hale x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of death
masterlist (one, two)
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I didn’t understand Bella’s extreme obsession with Edward Cullen after they started dating until Jasper Hale started showing me the same attention.
I had known Jasper since the Cullens moved to Forks. Or rather I knew of Jasper. Much like his adopted siblings, Jasper kept to himself or to the Cullens. It wasn’t until our English teacher paired us together for a project that I finally got to know him.
Despite the whole school knowing that Jasper and Alice were together, I started to notice that the way he looked at me, or the way he treated me, mirrored Edward and Bella’s own romance. And before I knew it, my feelings also mirrored Bella’s.
I felt on top of the world to have the attention of such a beautiful man. I felt unworthy, but at the same time I felt a sense of pride. And overall, I felt strong, romantic feelings for Jasper; feelings I was sure he had for me as well.
Until he started ignoring me suddenly. He wouldn’t talk to me, he changed seats in English class to be further away from me. He wouldn’t even look at me when we were in the same room.
“He hates me,” I said to Jessica as Jasper drifted past me in the lunchroom without acknowledgement once again. “I don’t now why, but that’s the only reason I can think of that he’d be ignoring me.”
“Or Alice has him back on her chain,” Jessica suggested with a shrug.
“He and Alice broke up a while ago, Jess,” Angela pointed out. “Didn’t you know that?”
I laughed as Jessica shook her head. “The great gossip of Forks didn’t know something? Mark the calendar, Angela, this is a historic day.”
Jessica threw her nearly rock hard dinner roll at me.
That evening while I was home alone, a knock came at my front door. Confused, I went to answer. I was shocked to see Jasper stood there, his hands shoved into his pockets.
“Jas?” I said. “What are you doing here?”
“I owe you an explanation,” he told me. “Care for a drive?”
I followed him to the flashy sports car he drove, one of very few in all of Forks - the others belonging to his siblings. He held the door open for me as I got in. He was in the driver’s seat and had the car started before I even had my seatbelt on.
Jasper’s driving was way too fast, and he was weaving in and out of the cars too carelessly. I was starting to regret my decision to get in his car. One hand was gripping the passenger door so tightly my knuckles were white. Jasper noticed and chuckled.
“Relax, I drive like this all the time,” he assured me.
“Somehow that doesn’t make me feel any better,” I muttered. Jasper chuckled again, which made me slightly annoyed.
After some time, Jasper pulled up to a hiking trail a short ways out of town. I watched him unbuckle his seatbelt and get out of the car. He paused, waiting for me to follow. I was starting to feel panicked and wondered why I had decided to go with him. Why had he brought me out here alone? Why hadn’t I told anyone where I was going before I left home?
We walked in silence for a while. I started falling behind, stumbling over the twigs and rocks. At one point I almost fell, but Jasper was quick to steady me.
“I forgot you can’t walk as quickly as I can,” he said. “We’re almost there.”
“Almost where?” I asked, but he had already started walking again.
We came to a clearing where the sun was just peaking through the trees. Jasper paused, looking back at me for a moment. “This is going to look silly for a moment, but know there is something serious underneath it.”
Before I could ask, Jasper stepped into one of the sunny patches. I gasped as his skin lit up like a diamond under light. He looked anywhere but at me, as if afraid to see what my reaction to this was.
I approached him slowly, extending a hand towards him. I poked some exposed skin, wondering if I was about to find out I was dreaming or that Jasper had never been real to begin with. His skin was cold and hard as stone, and I realized in that moment that I had never touched Jasper’s bare skin before.
“What is this?” I asked. “What are you showing me?”
“I heard you talking to Jessica and Angela at lunch today,” he explained, “about whether or not I hated you and if that was why I was avoiding you. But the truth is I was avoiding you for the opposite reason. I don’t hate you, (Y/N). I never could, but I’m dangerous. To you, anyways.”
I stepped back, feeling very uneasy. “What do you mean, Jas?”
“I’m not...human,” he explained. “And I haven’t been for decades. There are many names for what I am, but the most commonly used is vampire.”
I felt like the air had been knocked out of me. I was convinced this was some sort of practical joke on me, but I didn’t think any of the Cullens were capable of doing that.
“Are...are all of you...” I started, trying to find my words.
“We are,” he confirmed. “Carlisle found all of us and changed most of us. There’s a very long history about our family. I won’t go into it now, I know it’s a lot to take in.”
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked him.
Jasper stepped out of the light, his skin almost immediately returning to normal. Every logical part of me was telling me not to let Jasper get closer to me, but at the same time I trusted him. I didn’t think he was going to hurt me, I trusted him not to hurt me.
He reached out for me, but hesitated. Against my better judgement, I stepped forward to let him touch me. His hands were cold against the skin on my exposed arms. His golden eyes looked down into mine and I felt myself subconsciously leaning into his body.
“Because I feel something for you that I’ve never felt for anyone besides Alice before,” he told me. “And I know you feel the same way for me. I tried to distance myself for your safety. I’m still new to living with humans as I was the last to join the Cullen’s lifestyle of just feeding from animals, but I realized that was only hurting you more. I needed to tell you so that you could make your own decision about how you felt for me.”
He was right, it was a lot to take in. I had so many questions, but at the mention of Alice I realized there was one outstanding question I needed answered before we went any further.
“What about you and Alice?” I asked. “You two have been together...I guess basically forever. What made you two decide to break up?”
“Alice, Edward and I all have special powers that we developed after we were changed. Edward can read minds, I can feel and manipulate emotions - which is how I know for sure that you feel the same way for me - and Alice can see the future. She saw many visions that included you - most of which included the two of us in a romantic setting. I told her it would never happen because I loved her so much, but she was so sure I’d love you too. She told me to wait until we were paired up for that project and I’d actually get to know you, then I could make that decision.”
I winced. Knowing that Alice saw visions of her boyfriend falling in love with another woman - a human at that - before Jasper even knew I existed made me feel guilty.
“Was she angry?” I asked, my voice a whisper.
Jasper laughed, a beautiful sound that echoed through the otherwise empty woods. “Not at all. If anything, she was excited. She claims that you two are going to be best friends the way she is with Bella, and she’s very excited to have another female in the family. That is...if you’re still willing to be with me with...what you know now.”
I had to admit, the thought of the person I was in love with being a vampire was terrifying. Not because of the needing to drink blood to live - like I said, I trusted Jasper. If his or any of the Cullens’ desire for blood was a risk, they wouldn’t be living amongst humans. But the thought of growing old while Jasper remained the same age forever, of him eventually not wanting to be with me because of that age difference was terrifying. And the alternative...I didn’t want to consider that right now.
I moved closer to Jasper. He moved his hands to my waist, pulling me so that my body was touching his. Our lips were inches away, and I finally leaned in to close the gap between us.
His lips, much like the rest of his body, were cold, but I felt a sensation when kissing him that I had never felt before. I placed a hand against his face, gently stroking his hard skin as our lips moved perfectly together. His grip around my waist tightened a little, but not enough to hurt me. It felt more like he was making sure I wouldn’t disappear on him.
I pulled away first, resting my forehead against his. “I hope that gives you your answer.”
He smiled and I felt a happy sensation wash over me. I remembered he said he could manipulate the emotions of others and I wondered if his happiness was so strong that it was effecting me as well, or if he wanted me to know how happy he felt.
“We should get you home,” he said. “Your parents will probably be worried sick if they come home and you’re missing.”
“You’re right,” I said. I reluctantly pulled him his grasp, but took his hand in mine as we walked back to the car. “But can you not drive like a maniac on the way home? I’d rather not die of a heart attack in your car.”
Jasper chuckled. “No promises. One thing you have to learn about vampires, we love to go fast.”
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volturicangetit · 4 years
J.C- Little witch
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Summary: You accidentally cursed Caius and are now on the run from the Volturi. Luckily, you meet Jasper in the woods and he offers you a place to stay.
Request: YES/no Anon: I would like to request with Jasper Hale. Something about Jasper and Y/N meeting, y/n being half-vampire half-witch. Btw I loveee your work😍💞💞 (sorry about my English 😅) 
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 1148
You had fucked up. Royally fucked up. You had accidentally cast a curse over Caius, the most vicious member of the Volturi. Someone had asked you to cast a curse on him and you hadn't realized who it was until the curse was already cast. So now, you are on the run. Running away from the Volturi isn't easy but being a witch did help with it. Currently, you're hiding riding through the forests of Washington. The bad weather mixed with the small towns gave you a good idea that the Volturi wouldn't come here. 
You actually enjoy your little escape so far. Nature was doing you good. The green forest is bringing you some peace and taking away some of your anxiety. You're so zoned out that you don't notice a man standing on the middle of the road until you almost hit him. You manage to press the breaks in time and swerve out of the way so you don't hit him. Once your car has come to a halt, you quickly get out of the car to make sure the man is okay. "O God, I'm so sorry," you say as you stumble out of your car.
The man slowly turns around to face you. Long, blond waves of hair fall over his face. His golden eyes stare at you with an unnatural. A shiver runs down your spine and you quickly realize what he is. Vampire. "A-Are you alright?" you ask as you take a careful step towards him. He nods, hair bouncing up and down as he moves. You let out a sigh as you run a hand through your hair. You nod at him.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention," you say. The man cuts you off. "Do I know you?" he says with a southern accent. You shake your head. He lets out a hum. "Are you Y/n Y/l/n?". Your blood runs cold. You quickly shake your head as you take some steps away from him and towards your care.
"Nope, I'm definitely not whoever that is. I'm gonna-I'm gonna go. Yeah, I'm leaving," you say as you open your car door. The man lets out a chuckle. He uses his speed to rush over to you, closing the car door and stopping you from entering the vehicle. You gulp down your fear. "You cursed one of the kings," the man says with a smile. You shake your head. You don't trust your voice enough to speak. He nods his head. "Yeah you did," he says to which you shake your head again. You push his hand away from your car and he allows you to do so. You open the door and step into your car.
"Maybe I'm Y/n. Just..." you say as you look at him with pleading eyes. "Just let me live. I'll leave.". His smile drops as his features soften. He bends down a little. "I won't hurt you," he says. You let out a sigh as you start your car. You try to close the door but the man keeps holding it open. "You look tired. I can offer you a place to sleep?" he asks. You quickly nod at him. "Pease," you beg. He nods and mentions for you to get into the passenger's seat. You crawl over the console and plop down on the seat as he gets into the driver's seat. It's probably a bad idea to let a stranger ride your car towards their home but oh well.
"Jasper," he says as he holds his hand out to you. You take his hand and shake it. A cold shiver runs through your spine as his cold skin touches yours. "You already know my name," you say. He nods. Jasper closes the car door and starts to drive away. You two remain silent for a couple of minutes until Jasper starts to speak.
"So you're a...witch?" he asks. You nod your head as you shrug. "Half witch, technically, but yeah," you say. He nods. You can see a house coming closer and closer. You point at it. "Is that yours?" you ask. He nods. The house is big, way too big for one person. A tall, muscular man and a blond woman are sitting on two chairs in front of the house, looking up at the cloudy sky.
Your body tenses up at the sight of them. Are they part of the Volturi? Jasper senses your fear and uses his gift to replace it with happiness. "Calm down, little witch, you're safe here,". You can feel your cheeks heat up at the pet name. You nod as you let the tension in your shoulders go. He parks the car and you quickly get out of it the moment the vehicle as come to a halt. The muscular man looks up as he sees you. He nudges the woman next to him who looks up to you as well. "That's Emmett and Rosalie," Jasper says as he locks your car and hands you your keys. You thank him and walk with him to the entrance of the house.
"Who'd you bring?" Emmett asks. Jasper shrugs as he opens the front door with you. He doesn't answer his brother's question. The inside of the house is surprisingly warm. Vampires normally didn't bother to buy or use a heater, but clearly, they did. As you two reach the living room, you see a blond man. He's older than the rest. A couple of wrinkles litter his face but his golden eyes give away his immortality. "Carlisle, this is Y/n. They're going to stay here for a bit if that's okay," Jasper says.
Carlisle nods and walks over to you. He shakes your hand. Anther cold shiver runs through your body. "Y/n? As in...". He doesn't finish his sentence but Jasper nods, understanding what he means. Clearly, word has gotten around about you. Carlisle looks you up and down. "I've heard that you're quite powerful.". Your cheeks heat up at the compliment. You shrug. "You look tired, you should rest.". Carlisle looks up at Jasper.
"You're safe here," a brown-haired woman says as she wraps her arm around Carlisle's waist. You nod. "Jasper, why don't you bring Y/n to the guest room?". Jasper nods and points to the stairs and you follow him up to them. You wave your goodbyes to Carlilse and the woman as you disappear upstairs. Jasper opens the door to the guest bedroom for you. You walk over to the bed and let yourself fall onto it. Jasper lets out a chuckle.
"Go to sleep. We'll keep you safe," he says. You hum at him in agreement as you can already feel yourself drifting off to sleep. Jasper laughs at you again. Maybe going for a walk this morning in the forest was a good idea, he thinks. A really good idea.
TWILIGHT TAGLIST (OPEN): @scuzmunkie​ @thanossexual​ @prettyinblack231​ @puer-de-infinitate @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @cullens-stuff​ @rexburn12​ @jelly-fishy-babie
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tearsfortheyouth · 2 years
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shelbgrey · 11 months
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Jasper Whitlock Hale Aesthetic
270 notes · View notes
soulofapatrick · 1 year
Bleeding Hearts - Jasper Hale x Reader
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Summary: Jasper finds you on the floor crying and bleeding and patches you up which leads to feelings being admitted
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: blood; cut otherwise fluff and a little angst
Notes: DW I’m still gonna be writing TLOU stories too
I didn’t wanna go back to mine, the place feeling to cramped and closed off which I know would add to all the pent up frustration I’m currently feeling. It’s why I’ve ended up at the Cullen’s house, needing to be somewhere no one will judge me and hey maybe Jasper can use if freaky emotional control on me so I can stop feeling like I want to slam someones head into a table or scream. This week has been non-stop and I just need a fucking break, shoulders tense and heart racing as I let myself in, knowing they’ve got the fridge stocked for me to help myself to anything I want. 
I drop my rucksack with a hard thump, kicking my shoes off and throwing my jacket in the general direction of my bag before heading towards the fridge. I’m moving around the kitchen island too quickly as I feel my elbow connect with the  beautiful glass jar there and just watch it go crashing to the ground, realising a few expletives, “Ahhh! Fucking shitting fuck!” 
The sound of shattering glass grates against my ears as my frustration is turning into overstimulation, the frustration reaching a breaking point that I can’t deal with it anymore. The tears are welling up in my eyes as I sink to my knees to clean up the mess before any of the Cullens get home and see me in this state. It’s like I’m fighting a losing battle and everything is just falling apart around me, the frustration is just so overwhelming and I’m struggling to stop the tears as they stream down my cheeks rather embarrassingly. The Cullens don’t like to leave me home alone after what happened to Bella and Laurent when Bella was human. 
“Y/N?” My head flies up at the sound of a familiar southern drawl to see Jasper standing in the doorway. His usually golden eyes are a bright, almost glowing shade of red and his gaze is intense as they focus on my hands while his jaw pops audibly as if he’s trying to restrain himself. My hands are bleeding, the pain only registering with me as I see the fresh blood dripping down my palms and onto the floors, adding to the mess I’ve made with the jar. The frustration turns into hopelessness as I can’t even clean up without causing more problems, the world conspiring against me and hey, maybe Jasper could lose control and kill me. It’d be the least of my problems at the moment, “Leave the glass, I’ll clear it up. Let’s get you bandaged up.”
The honey blond vampire is swallowing thickly, as if swallowing his urge to give into the bloodlust, before he’s approaching me. He crosses the room in a few quick, human paced, steps to lean down and help me to my feet with his icy hand on my forearm. He’s leading me upstairs and down the very familiar hallway, past my room to the room at the end which is his. I don’t think I’ve actually been in his room in the year I’ve been friends with the Cullens. 
The walls are a soft grey colour, making me think back to him and Emmett running upstairs one day with cans of grey paint a few months into me knowing them all, and there’s a few painting on the walls. There’s photos around the room from different centuries he’s lived through. If I was in a better mood I think I would have laughed at it and teased him as it’s such an odd sense of humour and I like it. He also has a bed which surprises me as they’ve vampires, they don’t sleep. It’s large and comfortable with high quality linens and pillows, a cozy blanket draped at the foot of the bed and a few fuzzy pillows. He’s pushing me onto the bed, making me sit on the edge while he disappears to do whatever, I don’t mind as it gives me time to really take in every detail of his room. 
There’s a vintage dresser, looking like it has been carefully maintained and it just makes me think about how weird it must be to watch the world you were born into develop and change while you… you stay the same. It must be so scary and lonely, watching everything you knew change with only you knowing what it once was. 
Jasper’s returning, med kit in hand and I can feel my heart rate embarrassingly begin to race at the sight of him and I know he hears it as he’s got a small smile on his lips. He doesn’t say a word though, sitting next to me and raising an eyebrow as if to tell me to hold my hands out. I do just that, marvelling at how gentle and careful his touch is. His hands are cold and smooth against mine, the contract between us noticeable and somewhat soothing. 
Despite the stinging pain of the cuts the sensations of his touch is almost comforting and if find myself relaxing under his care. I can feel his fingers brushing against mine and there’s an undertone to intimacy in the way he tends to me. His touch almost hypnotic that I get lost in it, the tension almost palpable and I know he definitely feels it as he’s able to read emotions. I should be embarrassed about Jasper always being able to know exactly how I feel but right now I couldn’t care less because even without vampire abilities I can tell it’s reciprocated and the moment is a gentle one, just between us. 
He’s breaking the tension, southern drawl filled with heat and concern, “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s got you all worked up?” His eyes are fixed on mine, the red having disappeared so they’re that breathtaking golden colour again, like the colour of a sunset on a hot day. The concern in his tone is genuine and I think my heart jumps into my throat when he leans closer to me. 
“I-I really don’t know.” I reply softly, feeling stupid that I got so worked up over something that I don’t even know what it was. He’s leaning even closer, icy hands sliding up my shoulders around my shoulders as he pulls me into a hug that draws a sound of surprise from me. His embrace is warm and full of comfort despite how naturally icy cold his body is as it’s pressed to mine. The scent of the vanilla shampoo he uses on his wavy blond hair and the rich and musky scent that is just Jasper, makes me almost dizzy. 
Being so close to a vampire like this I feel completely safe and secure. His nose is buried in the crook of my neck and his cool breath against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Vampires have no need to breath but it just seems a force of habit for the Cullens as they’ve integrated themselves into mortal society. I know how hard this must be for him, controlling his bloodlust being so close to my jugular but I don’t feel scared in any way. The moment feels intimate and special, feeling an embarrassing surge of romantic attraction towards him as I want to stay in his arms forever. 
The small smile I feel against my neck lets me know he can sense my emotions and a gasp is ripped from my throat when those cold lips press to my neck before he’s pulling back. Those golden eyes have darkened a little, full of unmistakable desire and passion. My heart is trying to break through my ribcage when he moves his hands to my cheeks, pulling me forwards until those same lips are soft against mine. I’m caught off guard as I never though Jasper would actually make a move, given his reputation for not being able to control his lust of human blood yet, making the kiss somewhat overwhelming. 
The kiss is oh so gentle and calculated as if he’s holding back so he doesn’t hurt me, thumbs stroking my cheeks softly as my own fly to his chest, feeling the coolness of his skin and the hard muscles beneath his shirt. My whole body feels electrified, tingling with anticipation and a satisfaction that I’ve not felt kissing other boys. His lips are surprisingly soft and cool against mine, mouth opening slightly so he can slide his tongue over my bottom lip. I’m parting them for him, our tongues meeting and the passion intensifying in a flood of warmth and I’m sure if Jasper knows he’s using his powers or not as we lose ourselves in the moment. 
Hands move from my cheeks, one to grip my waist almost painfully and the other tangling in my hair as he tilts my head back to deepen the kiss even more. I’m pressing against his chest lightly and he loosens his grip on my hair so I pull back enough to gasp for air and he’s chuckles low and rich, southern drawl strong and going straight between my legs, “Sorry doll, I forgot you need to breathe.” 
“Jasper.” His name slips from my lips in a whine and his eyes darken even more, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He’s yanking me forwards again, lips crushing against mine and I’m melting into his embrace as I can feel how careful he’s being with me despite how much sexual tension and want there is between us. He’s shifting his body over me, the hands in my hair and on my back are laying me down. 
My body feels so alive with the comfortable weight of him above me as he moves his lips down my neck and sucking gentle hickeys into the skin. His lips trailing down my neck is a new sensation that has my hips raising and searching for some form of friction, drawing a low sound from him. It’s amazing, being able to finally express all these feelings I’ve had kept hidden for so long, letting his feel the love and want for him. My fingers running through his surprisingly soft hair, pulling him closer to me, wanting Jasper to be the only thing on my mind. 
Suddenly, a low sound escapes my lips and Jasper’s replying with a small laugh as his hand in my hair moves to cover my mouth as he whispers, “They’re back darlin’.” 
“Jazz,” I can’t stop the whine as he breaks away from me, letting me catch my breath and regain my composure before we go down and greet the rest of the Cullens. I feel so empty and longing and I don’t care if everyone hears with their vampire hearing when I grip the front of Jasper’s shirt and yank. It catches him off guard, a surprised sound rumbling in his throat as he tumbles on top of me again, arms catching himself before he hurts me, “Jazz.” 
“I know sweet girl, I know,” He coos softly, fingers brushing the stray strands away from my face, his gaze so loving it steals the air from my lungs and I’m flushing hot, “Come on, we gotta go talk to them.” 
“They can hear us.” I protest quietly and he’s chuckling fondly again, head falling to my shoulder. 
“There is glass and blood on the floor.” Jasper reminds me and I groan in protest but let him move away, watching him as he’s now standing beside the bed. His tall and lean figure towering over me and I should be scared but all I feel content. He runs a hand through his tousled blond hair, causing it to fall into a charmingly disheveled way across his forehead. His golden eyes are filled with tenderness and concern as he gazes down at me, taking in my flushed and flustered appearance, chiseled jaw set in a determined expression, as if he's ready to protect me from anything that might cause me harm. Despite his vampire nature, there is an undeniable warmth and humanity in his features that make you feel safe and loved.
He reaches down and helps me to my feet, placing a soft kiss to my forehead before holding my face in his hands and looking me in the eyes promising me he will always look out for me no matter what. A sense of comfort washes over me as he wraps me in a strong embrace that has me knows he means every single word and no matter what any of his family says he will always stay by my side. 
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slytherbun · 3 years
care and comfort - i. care
pairing: jasper x reader
summary: after things go wrong at the cullen's house during bella's birthday—you step in to defend jasper when he's feeling down.
word count: 2.6k
requested by @princesssterek
tags: @specialagentsoftie @in-my-body-bag @evansandblack @runic-belova @whatafreakingloser
note: i was reading through my requests and thought it would be fun to make these two go together so this is part i to a duet. here is part ii called comfort.
another note: just to remind everyone, i made an oc named hayes to be alice's mate in this. :) also, this is translated by @vanteguccir.
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you weren’t sure of the exact moment that it happened. or even how it happened so quickly. the way things escalated and spiraled out of control with an incident like this one was unfortunate. and you wouldn’t have been able to stop it—though you wanted to.
everything just got out of hand.
jasper hasn’t had a bad day like this one since the issues he had when he was changed by that awful maria woman. if she wasn’t dead already you would have ripped her head off from the neck without any remorse present.
you were his lifeline for the long and treacherous healing journey.
he’s been doing well with the animal diet and not drinking any human blood. you constantly held onto jasper’s arms or hands whenever you were in public.
it was just something engraved into your mind and his as well. you only held his arm though as an extra precaution when there was a room full of humans.
a big amount of living and beating hearts in one small area was hard for him to be around but you were always there to help him. never once did you fault him either because the disgusting vampire that turned him had given him such a hard time even till this day.
everything was perfect and going well today—until it wasn’t.
earlier that day, you went with alice to pick out a gift for bella. she was picking up something for her and hayes as well to give to bella. you were doing the same but with jasper and knew the swan girl wasn’t the type to like girly things nor was she picky. knowing this, it was kind of easy to find presents for her.
after a finishing touch of shopping at a few stores, you bought a multi-restaurant gift card so bella could pick from a variety of places to eat. and since you couldn’t wrap the small gift card in with the flannel shirts, you bought a birthday card as well that was signed by you and jasper.
you had jasper sign his name when he insisted on watching you carefully wrap everything up. his infatuation with you still existed after all of these years and you were rarely seen without him attached to your hip.
years after jasper turned, he was still fighting his hunger and just about lost control when he noticed you standing alone on the sidewalk. you were about eighteen and a half now—struggling to find a job.
after you reached the age limit for foster care they just about threw you out of the house. when you had no home to go to and no references it was hard to find a reliable job. so as any struggling semi-homeless teenager, you were bouncing around shifts with the lack of selectional jobs around.
what you really wanted to do was just go out and buy a coat, then lay in a comfortable bed for once in your sad life. the effect from the cold weather was starting to show with the way you were constantly shivering.
“ma’am are you okay?” jasper asked and brushed a strand of hair from his face to get more of a clear view. he knew you weren’t okay though and felt stupid for asking.
your hair was in knots but you kept them laying around the vicinity your neck. a pathetic attempt to help keep warm.
you turned and glanced over at the person who matched the sudden voice. with a shrug of your shoulders and a frown he walked closer towards you. you backed up from feeling afraid and not knowing what to do in this situation since you didn’t know the stranger.
his eyes widened at the realization and he held up his hands, “i’m sorry. i mean no harm but i just want to give you my jacket. is that alright?” after pulling the jacket off from his body, he held it up and in the direction of where you were standing.
“won’t you be cold though?” you asked and coughed from speaking. your voice was hoarse since you weren’t used to talking to anybody besides co-workers here and there. even then, they weren’t very talkative either. only there to do the job, get money and then quickly leave.
jasper frowned and shook his head.
he was always cold.
“no i’m fine. here you go darlin’” he replied and walked to you slowly. the vampire treated the attempt to approach you as if you were a rabbit about to escape the area at any second.
warily, you grabbed it from him and pulled it up and around your arms. “thank you…” you trailed off as if to hint for his name.
“jasper,” when he announced his name you realized how southern the name was and that his accent was attractive.
“it’s nice to meet you, jasper. i’m y/n. you from around here?” you questioned nonchalantly, moving your arms around to gesture at the open area.
“texas?” he chuckled and nodded, “yeah i’m from here. maybe an hour away then where we’re currently at though.” you took in his answer slowly to process and while you were doing that, he looked around for a cafe or restaurant.
when he spotted a promising one he pointed in that direction. “hey, y/n do you want to get something to eat?” you surveyed the place and noticed how expensive it looked. you tried to think of an excuse, already knowing you couldn’t possibly afford it.
he noticed the wheels turning in your head with the pause you gave him though and shook his head, “no. no, i asked. food is on me darlin’”
it seemed a little suspicious and you raised a brow, questioning. “are you sure?”
he nodded with a grin on his lips. “of course, shall we? i’m pretty hungry.” he held out his arm and you chuckled before taking his hand and lacing his fingers through yours. “we shall, handsome.”
part of the reason you believe he kept his hair to his chin till this day was because his love language was touch. jasper wouldn’t admit it but—he liked when your hands were in his hair.
most days jasper found himself enjoying just laying in bed all day with you. while you had your kindle on your lap, somehow he’d maneuver his head over your lap right below where your kindle sat. and your hand would stay in his hair while you flipped the pages on the screen with your other.
in the evening later that day, the presents were sitting on the table a few feet away when bella arrived and you were standing next to your mate with your fingers playing in his blonde curls.
she walked down the stairs with edward and alice, while you and the other cullens walked over.
“sorry about all of this. we tried to rein alice in.” carlisle said and while esme pulled bella in for a hug, she retorted. “as if that were even possible. happy birthday, bella.”
you stood next to jasper when bella told her thanks and alice flashed a camera in front of the swan girl. hayes used that moment to walk over towards alice and stand next to her to try. knowing it was probably not going to happen, he tried to calm her down anyway.
“i...found it in your bag. mind?” alice asked when she noticed bella feeling awkward. while asking her that, she tilted to meet hayes’ kiss that he gave on the cheek.
you turned to jasper with a look and he smirked while letting you go.
trying to save the awkwardness, you pulled bella in for a hug. “i want a picture with her too.” a sincere laugh fell past bella’s lips and she put an arm around the middle of your back.
“thanks y/n/n.” you nodded as if it were no big deal and the camera flashed once more before you pulled away to the side.
emmett couldn’t help himself of course and tried to compliment edward with a fail. “dating an older woman, hot.” jasper chuckled and emmett questioned, “what?” when he noticed edward sigh.
alice interrupted the conversation and nudged the blonde, “you first, rosalie.” she did as told and held out her present to bella with a confession. “it’s a necklace. alice picked it out.”
you frowned at how uninterested she was and jasper pulled you into his chest when he felt you getting upset.
you leaned into his back, watching how bella didn’t take it to heart, which you were thankful for and she said thanks to emmett’s mate with the same monotone used.
“show me the love.” alice smiled and held up the camera towards edward and bella before snapping another picture.
she then walked over to grab another present. “this one’s from emmett.” it must have been empty though because emmett spoke proudly, “already installed it in your truck. finally a decent sound system for that piece of—”
bella was quick to defend her truck which had you grinning. “hey, don’t...don’t hate the truck.” alice laughed and held up another present. “open esme and carlisle’s.”
while she was unwrapping it, carlisle commented. “just a little something to brighten your day.” esme put an arm around carlisle and added onto his statement with a chuckle, “yes, you’ve been looking kind of pale lately.”
bella made a grim face and winced while holding up her finger. “ow, paper cut.” your eyes widened immediately at the sight of blood and tried using your strength to hold jasper back. but it was too late.
edward pushed bella and she landed on one of the dressers. she landed on a bunch of glass that fell on the ground. while that was happening—jasper pulled from your grasp to charge in the direction of the blood. the smell of metallic was everywhere and you screamed.
“jasper!” it was like he didn’t hear you but luckily edward pushed him away. you cringed when jasper landed on the piano but he didn’t seem to care. one second he was behind you again, but then the next, he was already running again.
you could cry watching him try to get to bella. she was just starting to become a good friend too and you knew after all this was done that you’d have to pick up and start your life over again with the other cullen’s.
ultimately after looking back and forth at the two, you walked over to jasper who was being restrained by emmett and hayes as best as they could. you put your hands around his face, pulling him down to look into your eyes.
but it was like he wasn’t there.
once you stroked you mate’s hair back it seemed to register within his mind and he tried looking at you despite the need to satisfy his blood lust. “jas, jas. shh, it’s okay. it’s just a little—”
you paused when the smell was getting worse and tilted your head in the air and paused when you sensed the smell getting worse. and before you could prevent yourself some saying it, you accidentally broadcasted your thoughts to everyone in the room. “—blood.”
carlisle put a hand on your shoulder to steady you and said to the three of you, “get jasper out of here.” that was all you needed to nod to emmett and hayes that you would follow and they left.
you looked towards alice to see if she needed assistance and she seemed to struggle as well. it was confirmed when she said, “i’m sorry, i can’t.” with that, you grabbed her arm and used your speed to get to jasper with her following you as well.
when you reached the others, the two cullen’s had jasper sitting on a kitchen chair and you sighed at the state of him. his head was tilted down and he fisted his hair in frustration.
you felt rosalie, esme, and edward’s presence as well but none of that mattered when you walked up to jasper and crouched down.
with both of your hands splayed on his knees to steady yourself and you rasped, “are you okay, handsome?” jasper shook his head and you stood up to sit in his lap. after adjusting yourself, you put an arm around his shoulders with the other on his cheek.
tilting his head to look at you, his shoulders dropped in exhaustion. “i’m sorry i ruined the party, darlin’” jasper mumbled and after placing both of his hands on your hips, he pulled you closer to him.
“and i’m sorry that bella is even more hurt then she already was.” edward mumbled angrily. you whipped your head quickly in his direction while still sitting on jasper.
running a hand through his hair to keep jasper calm, you spoke with a glare on your face. “what does that mean?”
“bella is with carlisle right now and getting some stitches on her arm because of this mess.” edward gestured with his hand raised towards you and jasper. esme placed a hand on edward’s arm to push it down again with a disappointed face only a mother could use.
“well excuse me edward. you seem to have forgotten you’re the one that pushed bella into the dresser. you could have just stood in front of her and shielded her.” you retorted and jasper placed his hand on your thigh to try and calm you.
your anger was heightening his and the nervousness for the outcome of the situation was spiking again.
“i wouldn’t have to have done anything if you just kept him under control.”
“kept him under control?” you muttered in disbelief before continuing. “jasper has been through so much! so freaking much—between serving for the country and getting manipulated by a devious vampire.”
“do you think he wanted to have an outburst like that? you know and i know, hell, even rose knows that jasper has improved a lot since we moved here. sit down from your high horse before i get up and make you.”
esme pulled edward away before he could respond to your honest take on the situation. she knew that he’d regret it later if he were able to. and everybody followed them knowing that you needed a moment alone with jasper.
they felt bad as the situation was because jasper had been doing better. before he could say anything after they walked away—you pressed a finger to his lips.
you were the type to just let things go. definitely not confronting in any type of situation if you didn’t need to. defending his honor told him so much about you as a person and jasper knew he loved you even more than he already did if it were possible.
“i know it’s hard sometimes but don’t push me away, okay? i’ll always be there for you when things get messy. whatever it is. i don’t care because it’s you and me okay? always.” after you said that in the most serious tone you’ve ever used before, you pulled your finger away from him.
jasper leaned in and brushed his lips against yours in a sweet kiss before leaning back into the chair again.
“i know darlin’. i’m so lucky to have you in my life despite all of my mistakes. i wouldn’t have it any other way then with you in my arms. i’m going to love you forever.” he grinned and you leaned into his chest finally happy and content.
in that very moment you knew you would love him for forever.
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lilmissfanfic · 3 months
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One sided love
Adam x Reader Spencer x reader
Warning, old story please take my work.
I ran toward the police station. I had gotten a call from Adam, that he and Juila were being held for questioning about the murder he saw. They believed he might have been more involved but I know that's true.
Adam is my boyfriend for 3 years. I know he would never hurt anybody on purpose. He is so sweet an caring. He can be a very protective over the people he's close to but that's just because of his past. But this situation however traumatizing him. He can't sleep at night after what he saw.
He doesn't like talking about it so I don't push it. But I can't help but worry when he toss and turns throughout the night. Then around 5 am he gets up and sits outside.
I walked in and notice Adam signing some papers before he turned around and sighed in relief to see me. "Baby doll" He said rushing towards me into a lifting me in his arms and held me tightly and close. I sighed with my arms around his neck and my head burried in his sholder"I am so sorry, baby" He said, kissing my head
"It's okay, as long as your okay" I said. His eyes looked at me with adoration in his eyes. He pulls me for a hug once more
"It's okay, baby girl. I'm right here, baby. I'm not leaving you." He let me go and took my hand, walking towards the desk while he finished the paperwork.
"Hi" I said to Julia. Standing on the other side of me. She looked at me then smiled
"Hey, you" Julia said and I gave her a friendly smile. She finished the last thing before turning to me and leaned down to my level.
She pushed the hair out of my face even though I don't like being touched. "everything's going to be just fine, okay? don't worry your sweet little head. Bubbs and I have made sure everything is under control" she said and I nodded.
I looked down at my shoes. I knew they weren't going to tell me much. They didn't want me to worry or get involved. But sometimes it makes me feel like I'm not good enough. They have a very strong relationship and I know they have secrets between each other but they won't ever tell me.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Adam put his arm around my shoulder.
"My precious girl" Adam says before kissing my head and I relax but also blush at my nickname.
"excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt" a man said. We turned and looked at him. He was tall, with brown hair and eyes. He was dressed well sophiscated but wore a concern look on his face. He then leaned to my level.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. What's your name?" He said calmly. I look towards Adam as he looked cautiously towards him but then looked down at me. He nodded
"My names Gracie" I said
"Well it's nice to meet you, Gracie. I was wondering if I could talk to you privately about this situation. If that's okay with you two?" He asked. I nodded. I then looked at Adam again. He had a slight glare towards the Dr. and held me a bit tighter. 
"bubbs?" I asked and he looked at me calmly before nodding once more before letting go. Spencer held out his hand which I took hesistantly before we walked away. I looked back as Adam had a concern look on his face but Julia pulled him away. 
I was guided into a interrogation room. Their was a table with a chair on each side. I looked at the Dr. and he shut the door before motioning for me to sit in the chair. It was metal so it was cold and hard. I was honestly nervous. My hands were shaking and I was figety. What if I say something wrong? am I in trouble?
"your okay. Just relax. it'll be just a few question, okay?" He said sitting down in front of me. I sighed before nodding
"How long have you known Adam and Julia?"
"W-Well I met Adam about Five years ago.."
"How did you met?"
"Well.. I was in collage and some classmates dragged me along to a party at the hotel."
"Were the classmates not your friends?" I shook my head
"No, they were only friends with me out of pity. Also since I was one of the only undergrads it was no surprise when people tried to be my friend so they can later ask me to help them with their homework or last minute projects. It wasn't until one of their on and off again boyfriends tried to attempt to force  with me, they all stopped talking to me"
"Attempted?" I sighed but remain quiet "What happen, Gracie?"
Tears began in my eyes but I took a deep breath "He attempted to suduce me but I said no. h-he.. Drugged my drink.. then tried to take me to the bathroom. Luckily, Adam interfered. While my so-called friends were drunk of there ass so Adam took me home and made sure I was okay."
"What about Julia?"
"I met her the first time I visited Adam at work."
"Was she nice to you?"
"At first.. sort of.. but eventually when she got to know the real me she became really nice to me."
"What do you mean by sort of?" He asked but I stayed quiet 
"Gracie, can you tell me more about Adam."
"W-well he's my boyfriend for about three years now."
"Has he ever harmed you?"
"What? N-no never."
"What about for someone else?" He asked and I looked up at him
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fandomtrashjuice · 4 years
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Save a horse ✨ride a cowboy✨
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little-diable · 4 years
Again and again - Jasper Hale (smut)
Request by anon: so I've never requested smut before, but i was wonder if you could do something with Jasper (or benjamin from twilight) where they make the reader cum so many times till they're just overstimulated and blissed out
Glad to be the one to write your first smut request, hope I didn’t disappoint you lovie. I did write something similar before, but there's never enough Jasper smut, so enjoy my loves. xxx
Warning: dom Jas (major), overstimulation, spanking and choking. 
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“Jas, we’ll be-,” (y/n) exhaled, her nails were digging into the leather seats of his car, her eyelids fluttered close, Jaspers thumb began to draw small circles on her clit. “Home in about seven minutes,” a chuckle fell from his lips. “Well, seems like I’ll have to make you cum in five,” Jasper liked a small challenge, even though making (y/n) cum in a matter of a few minutes was something he’d do almost every day. 
Her skirt was hitched around her waist, her legs were trembling, Jasper kept on putting pressure onto the sensitive nub, her release was fast approaching. (Y/n) felt sweat drip down her back, her body kept following his movements, giving into the immense pleasure he provided her with. She called his name, (y/n) had her eyes squeezed shut, her head fell back against the seat, his eyes were focused on the road, the sounds, that left her lips, kept on sending shivers down his body, right to his growing length. 
A deep moan fell from her lips as she came on his seat, precisely two minutes before they’d arrive at his house. His golden eyes were twinkling, Jasper smirked at her.  “Told you so,” he teased her, helping her out of the car. The rest of the Cullens were up in the mountains, hunting for the weekend, giving (y/n) and Jasper some well deserved one-on-one time. “Darlin’, are you hun-” she pressed her lips against his, hands tangled in his locks, (y/n) needed more, couldn’t wait any longer. 
Jasper picked her up, she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist, he carried her up to his bedroom, locking the door behind him, an old habit of his. With a small bounce she fell against his mattress, squealing as he hardly grasped her ankles and pulled her down to the edge of his bed. Jasper was staring down on her, his eyes seemed to be pitch black by now, the predator in him managed to scrape on the surface, finally coming to light. 
“Whats the safe word?” His husky voice made her shudder in anticipation. “Texas,” (y/n) whimpered, watching his every move with curious eyes. “Good girl,” Jaspers hands moved up her leg, he slightly massaged her skin, making her gasp every now and then. His hands creeped closer to her aching heat, her body was still trying to come down from the orgasm she did have a few minutes ago, but (y/n) could already feel the wetness pool between her thighs, once again. 
His eyes found hers as he ripped her skirt down her legs, her panties were completely soaked through, a sight that made him chuckle, the deep noise rumbled through him. She could watch him change into something different, Major Jasper Whitlock began to take the upper hand, he’d be ruthless, would take her to the very end. “What’s my name, darlin’?” His southern accent seemed thicker, his silky voice engulfed her, pulled her down the deep hole she was just about to tumble into. “Major,” (y/n) moaned as he ripped her panties apart and ran his fingers through her wet folds. 
“Delicious,” he sucked on his fingers, Jasper sunk to his knees, placed her legs over his shoulders and ran his tongue across her wetness, moaning against the sensitive flesh. “Don’t close your eyes,” he ordered, (y/n) would abide his rules, his commands, knowing not to mess with the major. “Oh major,” (y/n) had a hard time keeping her eyes open, he sucked on her throbbing clit, his fingers began to scissor her open, preparing her for his length. 
It didn’t take him long to push her to the edge, her walls were clenching around his fingers, she kept on moaning for him and him only, eyes still attached to his kneeling frame. “Major please,” she breathed out, she wouldn’t cum without his permission, wouldn’t give into her body’s deepest cravings. “Cum for me,” her eyes fluttered close, (y/n) arched her back, the knot in her belly exploded once again, deepening the flush on her cheeks. 
Jasper rose to his feet, making her crawl back up the bed, placing her head against the pillow, her eyes seemed to project the lust, that kept on taking over her body, she didn’t care about the fatigue feeling, about the exhaustion. He slowly undressed himself, Jasper loved to feel her eyes on him, the scent of her arousal clouded his senses, urged his primal instincts on, he was set on making her cum again and again. 
Her clit was painfully throbbing, already overstimulated by the two times he made her cum, a hiss fell from her lips as Jasper pressed his thumb against the pulsing nub. His hard length was leaking for her, she tried to reach for him, but he slapped her hand away. “So desperate,” he murmured, one hand moved up to her neck, he enclosed his fingers around her neck. Jasper ran his length through her folds, coating himself with her slick, she whined, desperate to finally feel him buried inside of her. “Don’t be a brat,” the grip he had on her throat got tighter. 
A silent moan left (y/n) the moment he sunk into her heat, stretching her walls around his aching member. Her breasts began to bounce with every thrust of his, he was set on a ferocious pace, not giving her any time to warm up to his length, Jasper watched light bruises appear on her neck, a sight that made him smirk, he loved to mark her as his, the territorial side in him began to win the upper hand once again. She bit down on her lip, (y/n) felt tears well up in her eyes, it got hard to breathe with the tight grip he had on her, her body was aching, tired, but she wouldn’t tell him to stop, not when it felt that good. 
Her walls began to flutter around his length, his dark eyes were taunting her, Major Jasper White was set on wrecking her, to coax one orgasm after the other out of her, to remind her once again, who she belonged to. She tapped his wrist, indicating him to let go of her neck, (y/n) inhaled, air began to fill her lungs, another moan wrecked through her, the third orgasm of the night slowly overcame her. “Not yet,” he groaned, wanted to watch her struggle a bit further, the noise of their skin slapping against each other echoed through his room, Jasper touched her burning clit, he loved to feel her skin pulse against his touch. 
Tears were running down the sides of her face, she was sobbing, begging to give into her release. “Please major,” she croaked out, making him growl. “Cum,” Jasper demanded, watching her fall apart underneath his body once again, she felt too tired to open her eyes, too exhausted to beg for more, but Jasper wasn’t letting go just yet. He pulled out of her, making her open her eyes, she furrowed her eyebrows together, squealing as he flipped her onto her front, entering her once again. Without any warning he delivered a harsh slap to her behind, making her whimper against the fabric of his pillow. 
He kept on spanking her, her clit moved against his bedsheets, the painful ache overtook her senses once again, making her moan out. Her mind was all over the place, she felt exhausted, but the way he was still buried deep inside of her, made her beg for more. “Will you give me another one, darlin’?” He rasped out, Jasper felt his own release nearing, but he wouldn’t give into the pleasure just yet, only if she’d cum one last time. (Y/n) couldn't form any functioning sentences, she weakly nodded her head yes and bit into the pillow as she felt another orgasm wreck through her. 
Jasper came with a deep growl, he filled her up with his release, hands holding onto her deep red behind, his handprint was burned into her skin. "Are you alright, darlin’?” He whispered, Jasper pulled out of her, placing himself next to her on the bed. She didn’t answer his question, only moved her head to the side and weakly smiled at him, interlacing her fingers with his. (Y/n) felt tired, though happy, she needed a few hours of rest, before she’d let the major come out to play once again, knowing that he wasn’t done with her just yet. 
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