#killian jones x daughter!reader
A Pirates Life For Me
Pairings: father Killian Jones x child/teen!reader
Imagine: what it would be like to be Killian Jones child
Warnings: none really, mostly fluff, and Killian Jones being the best father ever, I guess there’s some spoilers for those who haven’t watched all seasons I guess, mention of when he died, NOT proofread yet
A/N back to writing ya’ll (hopefully), thought I’d start it of easy with some headcanons, so a few other will come out too but this is the first because recently I’ve been obsessing over Killian again along with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Hunter (from tbb)
Side note half of this got deleted and couldn’t really remember what I wrote so it’s definitely not as good as the first draft
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First things first you were raised on the Jolly Roger, you would most probably grow up as a pirate, and when old enough you’d help him fighting against the other pirates that would attack you at times
I’m sorry but you’re gonna have to deal with wearing dark colored clothes, he doesn’t do light color therefore neither do you at least until you’re old enough to decide for yourself what clothes you want
You’d beg Killian to buy you the biggest hat ever as you read somewhere that pirates has hats, he never bought you that hat… he did steal a tiny hat that fit you perfectly though…
He was scared to death that he would be like his own father, but don’t worry he’s both like that he’s the best and he’d never leave you like that
Your initials are written beside the wheel (you know where he wrote with his hook for Bae/Neal)
Things you carved into the ship as a kid can still be seen in the most random places
He childproofed the ship, put child locks on nearly every cabinet not knowing if it was child appropriate things in them as the crew would put their things in random places, he did not find the thought of you finding a knife, sword, or gun and accidentally hurt yourself very comforting
Adopted child, biological child, doesn’t matter he loves you the same.
Depending on when you were born you might of watched The Dark One rip the heart out of your father’s lover
One of many traumatic events
Killian values you more than anything else, if he had to choose between revenge or you, he’d always choose you, he’d do anything for you even if it meant him dying
He still knows how to say no to things though
He made a mental list in his head on things he would teach you
1. How to sail
2. How to navigate with stars
3. Sword fighting
4. How to survive on Neverland (just in case Pan decided to kidnap you or something to mess with him)
5. How to escape from Neverland
6. What plants are poisonous or not
7. Do not make deals with the dark one
And then the list goes on and on, he would want to teach you everything he knows about everything really, he just doesn’t want you to make the same mistakes he did, or to end up being a villain as he wants you to get your happy ending
Somewhere along the road you got dragged into wanting to help your father get revenge, nearly succeeded in multiple occasions, but as it turns out villains don’t really get their revenge
You once made the crew find a hook and clothes similar to Killian’s and later on that day you’d run up to Killian, hand clutching a hook and act as if you were the captain of the ship, imitating your father (with a really bad “adult” voice). He would let out a wide smile, eyes twinkling and a soft gaze as he looked down at you trying to reach the wheel. He’d eventually pick you up and let you steer the destination as he helped you turn the wheel the other way than he had set the course too. This was also the first time he taught you how to sail. Or somewhat, it wasn’t like you took much of the information in as you soon got bored and went to watch over the railing at the crashing waves.
Btw I’m tired of fics where Captain Hooks child likes Peter Pan, why because a parents ideals usually sets with the child, meaning you’d probably hate Peter Pan and Rumplestiltskin as much as your father does
He would tell you stories of his older brother and how he was a hero and he wished you’d met him, you would eventually in hell though later as you went to rescue your father so that’s fine, turns out he wasn’t the hero your father made him out to be, but that’s fine you only need one hero and that’s your dad
He would also tell you stories of his adventures, it made for quite the long entertaining tales as he tucked you into bed, kissing your forehead before continuing his story which he altered to be a bit more child friendly and a bit more dramatic
He lets you have some of his clothes when he’s going away for a long time because he knows you’ll miss him
He lets you wear his jackets/coats, you freezing he’s already put his jacket/coat over you, even if they’re too big for you , he loves how adorable you look in it as he’s reminded that you’re still just a child and he doesn’t want you to grow up
He’d try to teach you how to paint, might succeed might not still he loves the bonding time he’s good at painting in any universe you can’t tell me otherwise
He hates seeing you hurt
If you get hurt on a raid he’d made sure whoever hurt you would suffer, you want him kiss the injury better, he’d do so in a heartbeat even if it meant his reputation would falter slightly
He starts dating someone else (Emma) he’d make sure that person treated you right, if not he’d dump said person
If he founds out you like someone he wouldn’t be overprotective, he’d still be protective but he’d mostly be supportive. He’d tease you about it until it became annoying, he’d encourage you and give you advice (even if most of his advice failed)and if it failed he’d be there to comfort you through it all
You’d blame Emma for turning Killian into a dark one and you’d blame Emma for Killian’s death
When you rescued Killian from hell he promised you he’d never die again if not of old age and that he’d never take of his good luck ring ever again as you thought he jinxed it by giving it to Emma
You were glad for his sake when he married Emma just because you saw your father happy with someone else again and not just grieving and seeking revenge for his ex lover
He hugs surprisingly great, he’s like your human sized pirate teddy bear
He misses the times when you would come into his room late at night after a nightmare and crawl under the covers and cuddle close to him, not because you had a nightmare but because he liked that you knew you would always be safe with him
He would hate that you’d have nightmares after his death and you no matter what age you are in would sometimes go into his room to make sure he was still alive and maybe even sleep beside him, he’d wake up to you sprawled out over the whole bed clutching his side tightly as if you were afraid he’d disappear
Will make sure you get your happy ending
He’s just father material it’s as simple as that (just look at Nook, love Nook though but original Hook is the best)
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theodoresgirl · 9 months
hey I have a request for a Killian jones x female reader where the female reader is Emma’s twin sister (looks more like snow) and has a 3 year old daughter from a past toxic relationship, if you can’t do it that’s fine either way thank you :)
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Killian jones x Emma’s twin sister
Killian jones x Fem!Reader
A/n: I did not forget about this request, Sorry it took me a few days to do! Hope you enjoy<3
Y/n was the daughter of David Nolan and Mary Margaret. She also is the twin sister of the savior Emma Swan. She grew up being bounced between foster homes in New Orleans. When she was 23 she had gotten into a really toxic relationship, at 25 she got pregnant and had a daughter.
She had been stuck in the toxic relationship until she was 28, She had packed up her and some of her daughters things and left in the middle of the night.
She had silky long black hair that was curly, brown eyes and a round face with dimples. She almost looked like a clone of Mary Margaret. Her daughter Edith had long dark brunette hair with emerald eyes.
Killian had met y/n and her daughter Edith one day when she had went to visit her sister and parents for one of the first times.
Thursday June 25th, 12:51pm.
Y/n was sitting on the top deck of the jolly roger with Edith, They were eating some sandwiches from granny’s. They were waiting on Killian to finish cleaning his ship.
Edith was sitting on the edge of the ship walls looking out on the water, Y/n kept her view on her daughter and occasionally if he was in view, glancing at killian. Y/n finishes her sandwich and crumbles up the wrapper putting it into a bag.
Y/n looks around trying to see killian but doesn’t, “can i have your trash princess?” She holds the bag out so Edith can put her trash in it, “and I need you to be on the deck instead of railing so I can go run this up to the dumpster” Edith shakes her head as she puts her trash into the bag.
“I can’t leave you on the railing of the boat- ship? You could fall in the water” “Mermaid” edith looks over the edge. “It doesn’t work that way” She holds Edith back so she doesn’t fall. “I’ll watch her, Don’t worry about it love” Killian came up behind her, startling her. “Oh!- it’s fine- you- You don’t gotta worry about it, Weren’t you cleaning?” she nervously smiled, still not used to someone offering to help her.
“I’m done cleaning, Honestly love we could just head back to your loft if you wanted-“ “i wanna stay” the little one interrupted. Y/n sighed before nodding “i’ll be right back then” she said as she walked down and off the jolly roger.
“Alright then love” Killian smirks and she walks away. He turns towards Edith and leans against the railing of the ship and holds himself up with his elbows. “So what do you like kiddo?” He asked curiously. Edith answered back “Princess, Cartoons, Barbie-“ “I'm gonna have to cut you off there my lady, I have no idea what this ‘barbie’ is, Cartoons too?” Killian admitted. Edith looks at Killian with a confused look, “you don’t know barbie?”. Killian shook his head “what is it?”
“Barbie is movies, some of my favorites” She smiles. “You’ll have to show me one next time I’m over then” Killian pats her head with his hand.
Edith nods and giggles “we can watch a mermaid one” “oh? There’s mermaids?” Killian raises an eyebrow. “yes!! Yes!!” she nods and smiles.
Saturday June 27th, 8:00pm
Y/n was laying in the living room with Killian and Edith. Edith was sitting in front of her mother and the pirate watching Barbie: In a Mermaid Tale 2. Killian was laying on the couch with y/n laying on his chest.
Killian had his focus on the tv, only sometimes asking questions about ‘Barbie’, and either getting an answer from the little brunette in front of him or the pale skinned woman in his arms.
After the movie was over both Y/n and Edith were asleep, Killian carefully slips himself out from under Y/n and picks her up. He carries her to her bedroom and lays her down before going out to the living room again and turning everything off. He picks up little Edith and carries her to her room and lays her down, tucking her in, “Goodnight Kiddo.” He muttered as he walked out of the room going into Y/n.
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deadlymistletoe · 7 months
Birthday Wishes
Pairing: Pirate!Killian Jones/Captain Hook x f!reader
Genre: Romance, fluff
Description: As your birthday comes to an end, you begin to doubt that Killian will show up, however when you go to your room there’s a surprise for you.
Warnings: None - fluff, insinuations/mentions of smut.
Word count: 1333
You let out a silent sigh as you caught your gaze going to the door yet again, tearing your attention back to your friends.
You knew better than to think he would walk through the door, you truly did, but a girl could hope.
So when you blew out the candles on the frosted cake, your mother reminding you to ‘make a wish’, your mind immediately conjured an image of a dark haired, red vested, leather wearing man.
If only. The cake had been cut and shared out, guests mingling and laughter filling the room as they ate, and he still hadn’t come.
A nudge to your side drew your attention from the half eaten piece of cake you were picking at to your best friend sitting beside you. Your table was otherwise empty as you looked up, meeting her knowing, sympathetic gaze.
Your affair with Killian Jones was unknown to all except the pirates first mate, and your best friend. She had once jokingly commented that if you ever eloped that she would have to be the maid of honour and Smee the best man.
You hadn’t had the heart to tell her that such a thing would likely never happen. That a pirate like him would never marry a nobleman’s daughter like yourself.
“He might still come. There’s time.” She tried to encourage you even as plates were cleared and collected, the party drawing ever closer to an end.
You sighed, shaking your head as you placed your fork down on your plate, letting the server take it away. “He’s not coming. I might as well accept it. He wouldn’t risk getting caught just for this; he shouldn’t.”
Your friend’s gaze turned disapproving. “Don’t downplay your feelings, Y/N. Pirate or not, if the man loves you as much as he seems to, he’ll be here.” Her lips twitched, although you could tell that she was completely serious as she spoke her next sentence. “And if he doesn’t turn up, then he’s a bastard who doesn’t deserve your love, and I’ll make sure he knows it too, fearsome captain or not.”
You rolled your eyes as the two of you moved towards the door to see the guests beginning to leave out.
She lowered her voice, giving you a reassuring squeeze on the hand. “Seriously though, he probably just got delayed. I’m sure if he knew how you were feeling now he’d be here in an instant.” She winked, “Maybe he’ll make up for it later with some hot pirate sex.”
You choked on the very air you were breathing, brushing off the concerned looks of your passing godparents as heat rushed to your cheeks. You shot your friend a glare before you both burst into what could only be described as a fit of giggles, earning yourselves confused looks from those left in the room.
Shortly after your friend left with a promise to talk tomorrow, you made your way down the halls to your room. A forlorn feeling had taken hold of you once you were on your own, and you desperately hoped that at the very least a letter would be waiting to wish you happy birthday even if the pirate himself couldn’t be there.
As you turned to face into your room after shutting the door, a breeze washed over you and your eyes were immediately drawn to the curtains fluttering, the window wide open - definitely not how you left it.
You hurried over, cautiously peering down into the garden below. No one. You frowned reaching out and pulling the shutters closed.
You were about to turn around when a hand brushed against your waist and you jumped sucking in a sharp breath, ready to scream, when the hand moved to place a finger against your lips and a familiar voice sounded in your ear.
“Shh, love. You don’t want to get me kicked out, do you?”
You let out a silent breath of relief, relaxing back against the figure behind you. A wave of happiness crashed over you, the forlorn feeling gone with that one sentence.
“Killian.” You murmured as his hand went back down to curl around your waist, holding you against him. You could feel the cool metal of his rings through your dress. “I thought you weren’t coming.”
His voice was low in your ear as he answered, thumb rubbing over your hip. “I’m sorry I’m late. I wasn’t sure your parents would appreciate a pirate crashing the party. Besides, I had an errand to run and it took longer than expected.”
You turned around in his arms, hands going to his leather covered shoulders as you eagerly drank in his features. Ocean blue eyes outlined in black. Lips slightly parted. Dark hair falling across his forehead. You couldn’t hold back your smile now that he was finally within arms reach. “I guess I can forgive you. How did you even get in here? We’re on the second floor.”
He flashed you one of those crooked smiles that made you melt. “Pirate, love. Or did you forget?”
You giggled, shaking your head. His smile widened at hearing your laughter, blue eyes sparkling with his own amusement.
You sighed, resting your head against his chest as he drew you closer. “I’m glad you’re here. I thought you might have forgotten.”
His arm tightened around your waist, lips brushing the top of your head in a light kiss. “I could never forget your birthday, love. I could never forget you.”
“I love you.” You whispered, “Leather and all.”
You pulled back slightly, tilting your head up to look at his face. “Now, are you going to tell me what errand was so important, by any chance?”
He stepped back even further, a strange look in his eyes as he gazed at you, and your brain seemed to short-circuit as he took a small leather pouch from inside his coat.
“I know you won't be able to wear it in front of your family, and I understand if you don’t want to go forward without their blessing, but I had this made from jewels I came across on my travels - they reminded me of you. I picked it up on the way here.”
Killian swallowed, and you vaguely registered the wetness in your own eyes as he dropped down to one knee in front of you, flicking the pouch open and letting a silver ring fall onto his palm.
Tendrils of silver wove around around two gems - one the colour of his eyes, the other of the dress you were currently wearing, and you could remember once commenting to Killian that it was your favourite colour.
Your eyes went back up to the man in front of you as he spoke, “I know our relationship has been uncertain at times, and there will always be challenges in a relationship like ours, but I am certain about you, and that will never change, so what do you say? Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” You whispered, feeling him slide the ring onto your finger as you held out your hand. You sniffed, using your other hand to wipe away the tears that had escaped as he stood up and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m really hoping those are happy tears, love.” He murmured into your ear, and you laughed.
“Yes, yes of course they are. This is the best birthday ever.” You pressed your lips to his before he pulled back just enough to speak with a smile.
“I’m glad. Now, I believe I heard something about ‘hot pirate sex’ as I passed a window downstairs?” He raised an eyebrow at you, amusement shining in his eyes as a light blush covered your cheeks. “How about we make that happen, eh love?”
The last coherent thought you had that night was that tomorrow you would have to tell your best friend that her elopement fantasies would be coming true.
Your birthday wish must have worked after all.
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dem-obscure-imagines · 6 months
Christmas/Holidays/New Year's Eve Masterlist
In the mood for some winter fluff? Look no further than these curated picks from my collection.
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General Winter Imagines
Arthur Curry x Reader
Sweater Weather - Fluff
When it gets colder outside, the king of the sea loans you his sweater.
Jack Frost x Reader
Snowflake - Fluff, Soulmate AU
Your soulmark is a snowflake, and thus, winter easily became your favorite season. However, you have a good feeling about winter this year, a tingly feeling that makes your mark glow...
Tired of Gray - Fluff, Soulmate AU
It’s Christmas time and you’re just about sick of your gray, gray world. Luckily, your soulmate is known to visit in the winter.
Christmas/Holiday Imagines
Bernard the Elf x Reader
The Way it Was Before - Alternate Universe, Bernard exists during Escape Clause Plot, Magic!Reader, a light angst, a lot of fluff.
Something is VERY wrong this Christmas, and it seems you’re the only person in the world who remembers the way things were before. Well, almost the only person. It’s up to you and the Head Elf to save the day before Jack’s wish becomes irreversible.
Home for the Holidays - Fluff, Christmas, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
When you come home for Christmas, Bernard realizes that you’re the reincarnation of someone very dear to him.
All I Want For Christmas - Fluff, Christmas, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
Being Santa Claus’ daughter, it was only inevitable that you’d catch feelings for his head elf…
Dear Santa… - Fluff, Writer Elf!Reader
The writing department has been especially short on elves this year, and this means you find yourself responsible for writing a whole bunch of letters. Luckily, the head elf has his eye on you.
Druig x Reader
Merry Little Christmas - Fluff, Christmas, GN! Reader
Christmas with the Eternals is a little extra special this year because of a certain mind-controlling telepath…
Prince Eric (Barbie in the Nutcracker)
Real - Fluff, Christmas
After arriving back in your living room, you’re startled to find out that the previous night was real, Mouse King, Nutcracker, and all.
Home - Fluff, Christmas
The locket is supposed to take you home, but in your heart, you know you’re already there.
Steve Harrington x Reader
About Time - Fluff, Soulmate AU, Time Travel
You discover a time-traveling wormhole in your closet and a hot guy from the 80′s on the other side of it.
Steve Rogers x Reader
The Nutcracker - Fluff, Ballerina!Reader
When your winter recital finally comes around, Steve is more than happy to support you.
Warren Worthington III x Reader
Merry Christmas, Darling - Fluff, Christmas, Mutant!Reader, Gender Neutral!Reader
The Holidays are in full swing at the X Mansion, and as always, you are tasked with helping run the place. But things are a lot less dull with a certain winged mutant around.
Santa Baby - Fluff, Christmas
You use the power of invisibility to put a Santa hat on each of the X-Men. 
New Year's Eve Kisses
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2017 - Steve Harrington, Marty McFly, Edmund Pevensie, Thackery Binx, Wanda Maximoff
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2020 - Alex Vreeke (Jumanji), Jack Frost, Ben Tennyson, Diaval, Peeta Mellark
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2021 - Bernard the Elf, Bucky Barnes, Diana Prince, Killian Jones, Pietro Maximoff
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2022 - Eddie Munson, Druig, Kili, Neville Longbottom, Peter Pan
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mizusswordtip · 4 days
Down The Rabbit Hole ⚝ Killian Jones x Reader (1)
find the story on wattpad
summary: Alice's plan to overthrow the Queen of Hearts is thwarted by a dashing pirate with a hook. Years later, after the curse is broken, they reunite once again.
wc: 1,054
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The carriage bumps once again, causing my mother to close her eyes and let out an annoyed sigh. I raise an eyebrow at how tense she is. It’s only a soiree, after all, which we’ve been to enough times that not even I get nervous anymore. Just filled with dread. When she opens her eyes, I smile—a reassuring smile which she returns, her expression softening.
“You’re not wearing your corset.” My mother’s calm expression breaks into one of annoyance once again as she chastises me. I furrow my eyebrow, trying not to look as though I’m pouting.
“Why should I have to wear a corset?” I ask, knowing I’m acting slightly like a petulant child. I can’t help it, though; the last time I’d worn a corset, my ribs felt bruised for days.
“Because corsets are proper,” my mother explains, despite already knowing that I knew that. I shoot her a look.
“Who’s to say what is proper? If proper was to wear a pigeon in your hair, would you do it?” I ask rhetorically. My mother shoots me an exasperated look, and I sigh, feeling slightly bad. “I’m sorry,” I say, my tone no longer argumentative. “I’m just tired,” I add without further explanation.
Tired is a bit of an understatement. Delirious is more like it. I’ve never been someone who gets a lot of sleep, not even as a child, plagued by dreams of a place that I can never seem to remember in detail when I awake. Recently they’ve been even more frequent, causing me to pace back and forth in my room for most of the night. The maid, Josephine, even made a joke about me burning a hole in the carpet, which led me to having a conversation holding her hostage about how fast someone would have to move to do such a thing. I should talk to my mother about paying her more.
“Are you having those dreams again?” She asks, her concern evident. I simply nod, not wanting to go into detail, so as not to worry her further. Just as she’s about to open her mouth to say something else, the carriage comes to a stop, meaning we’ve arrived. It’s my turn to sigh heavily as I imagine all the dancing I’ll have to do.
My mother reaches over and grabs both my hands in hers. “You are so beautiful, Alice. And unapologetically yourself. I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter,” she finishes, her eyes becoming somewhat teary. My eyes widen slightly, but I feel my heart warm considerably at her words. I smile softly at her in thanks.
The carriage swings open, and I see Andy’s parents there to greet us. I step out of the carriage, careful not to step on my baby blue dress. Andy’s father, Haymish, lends me a hand, and I bow my head slightly in appreciation. I’ve known Haymish’s family since I was a little girl. He’s a sailor, like my father was, and would often see me running around my family’s manor and would tease me about my striped socks that I loved so dearly.
Before Haymish can say a word, his wife speaks up. “Andy is waiting to dance with you in the gardens,” she says, leaving no room for argument.
Andy and I dance silently for a while when I accidentally bump into another couple dancing next to us. Andy shouts an apology at them, giving some excuse for why. I look up at him with an apologetic look, understanding that he has to protect his family’s reputation.
“You’re more spaced out than usual today, Alice,” Andy says with a fond chuckle. I smile back at him. Andy is a good man. He always has been since we were children. He’s been especially understanding towards me and my strange quirks, which is surprising for a man who was primarily raised by the witch that is his mother.
“I was imagining what it would be like if everyone were wearing birds on their heads,” I say, stifling a giggle at the mental imagery.
“What kinds of birds?” He can’t help but ask with a small smile.
“Pigeons,” I reply, looking up at him with an amused smile.
“Alice,” Andy says, his face becoming somewhat serious for a moment as he stops dancing and turns to face me. I look up at him in confusion and slight concern. I go to ask if he’s alright, but he interrupts me. “Meet me at the gazebo in five minutes. I have something I wish to ask you,” and without waiting for my reply, he walks off quickly. I stare after him for a moment, but I notice something out of the corner of my eye.
A white rabbit, and it looked as though it were wearing… clothes? It quickly runs off into the maze of hedges on the property. I rub my eyes, confused and slightly concerned that I’m becoming touched in the head.
I walk towards the direction the rabbit went and enter the maze. I turn the corner when I come face to face with Mildred, Andy’s mother, who begins talking to me about something regarding Andy’s digestive system, but I’m hardly paying attention as we walk and she talks.
I reply to her half-heartedly but gasp when I see the rabbit once again, this time I can clearly see it wearing a blue waistcoat as it runs off. Mildred turns to look at what I’m looking at, but the rabbit is already gone by the time she turns. When she doesn’t see anything, she turns back to me with an expression I’m all too familiar with by now.
“What’s wrong, dear?” She asks with fake concern oozing from her tone, but I can see the contempt in her eyes. I open my mouth to answer, but as I look behind her, I see the rabbit once more, this time he’s holding up a pocket watch and pointing at it before running off once more.
“I’m so sorry, Mildred. You know how much I enjoy our chats,” I say with a plastic smile, when in reality, I wish I could tell her how little I care about Andy’s poor digestive system. “But you’ll have to excuse me,” I say, and without waiting for her reply-
I run.
I would really appreaciate any comments :)
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spideyanakin · 2 years
Was tagged by the amazing @danihow thank you angel for tagging me ✨🧚🏻‍♀️
dynamic: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Wild World
Legolas x reader soulmate au -> Soulmates can see the world in color once they've touche the other's skin, You and Legolas discover your soulmates the moment you get kidnapped by orcs
2. Untitled by one of my favorite things I have ever written in my life and idk why i haven't finished
Peter Parker x Powered! reader -> Requested: Reader never talk to Peter until reader read Peter’s mind accidentally & found out what happened in NWH. Reader helps Peter by becoming his friend or maybe more
3. Where the tide takes you
Peter Parker x Halfblood(Poseidon kid)! reader / Percy Jackson x Avenger au -> You're a half-blood recruited by the Avengers. Hald blood business get mixed into avengers business.
4. Post Bahrain
Charles Leclerc x reader -> Part 2 of Bahrain
5. Lucky Him
Peter Parker x Black Widow!reader -> requested:Peter (Andrew) flirts with reader who’s dating Peter (Tom) & reader flirts back & Peter (bf) is like what are you doing & is like how would you feel if I flirted with another you. Reader is like I would threaten the other version of her (maybe reader could be a black widow)
6. J’ai demandé à la lune
Pierre Gasly x Reader -> Summer loves aren't suppose to last, right?
7. Unittled future series
Battinson!Bruce Wayne x Constantine! Reader -> Reader is Constantine's cousin, while his powers run around the Occult her's is on mythology. She's an archeologist and part-time superhero with her cousin. She meets batman on a mission.
8. You Belong with me
Charles Leclerc x reader -> Bording school AU based on Taylor Swift's You Belong with me song
9. Heather
Cedric Diggory x reader -> based on Heather by Conan Grey
10. Untitled idea more than wip
Peter Parker x Daughter of Apollo! Reader -> not based on percy Jackson but more of the gods that we saw in Thor love and thunder. I'd like to write something but only problem is that I don't really know how to connect the dots between her being a goddess with zeus and the rest to meeting Peter.
11. Stairway to Heaven
Killian jones x reader -> fully changed the plot of once upon a time, the reader becomes the dark one but is prophesied to change his power into becoming 'the light one'. Her parents push her towards that destiny but she runs away with Killian
I tag @illicitlimerence-writes @seasidepierre @sainz-leclerc @indouloureux @inknopewetrust @seidenbros @streets-in-paradise @writing-fanics @vigilvntes @ohmyeyesmyeyes @heliads
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ghostwoe · 8 months
Killian jones x teen mother of twins (doesn’t matter the gender of the children) reader who is the daughter of rumple 🙏🏻
it’s been added to my drafts 🤍
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chloe-skywalker · 3 years
Not Again - Emma Swan’s Daughter
Emma x daughter reader
Regina x Adopted daughter reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,290
Requested: Hi, Could you write an imagine where the reader is the daughter of Emma (henrys older sister) and she comes home after a date with Ryan (her boyfriend) and her grandparents, Moms, Killian and Robin tease her ~ Anon
Authors Note: Thank You for requesting also I completely agree when they talk about the “Word of endearment”.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
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“I had so much fun tonight.” Y/n spoke with a big smile on her face as she turned to face her boyfriend.
“Me too, Love.” he smiled back as they came to a stop in front of the Swan Family loft.
“I love that.” she smirked up at him, biting her lip.
“Love what?” Ryan asked reaching out his hands to hold her waist.
Y/n smiled up at him as she walked into his reach. When you use the petnames: Love, Darling or Darlin.”
“That’s what you’re supposed to use where I come from. For endearment.” he winked playfully, even though every word he spoke was completely true.
Y/n nodded, acknowledging that she does know and understands. But to her, it’s still nice to hear the terms of endearment. “I know, but people don’t anymore.”
“Which is just not right.” Ryan shook his head with a scoff. It’s not right how most men treat women in this world.
“I agree” she grinned, agreeing full-heartedly. Men think women should do all the work now or once they get the girl they can just stop being sweet. Cause they figure the hard works done and it’s not, cause now they should try harder to keep her.
Ryan let out a sigh, it was time for them to part ways for the night. “Well, this is your stop.”
“Ah, yes. Where the embarrassment will in sue.” Y/n scoffed looking to her building that holds home.
“They still give you a hard time?” he asked smiling in amusement.
“Yes! It never stops! We’ve been dating for almost 2 years now.” Y/n exclaimed, clearly annoyed with the long treatment of teasing from her loved ones.
“They just want to tease you, Love.” Ryan tryed to reassure her and calm her annoyance.
She let out a sigh of frustration. “It’s annoying and frustrating.”
“Once Harry starts dating they’ll tease him and not you.”
Y/n let out a laugh. “Hopefully… Well, it seems everyone’s here tonight.”
Y/n hoped he was right. That soon Henery would find a nice girl to date and he would be the one getting teased.
“I love you, Darling.” Ryan spoke softly as he brushed her hair back.
“I love you too. See you tomorrow.” Y/n smiled at him as she gave him a goodbye kiss.
“See you tomorrow. Be brave, Love.” he winked at her, pulling away from the kiss before they took even more time. Ryan didn’t want her to be late and miss curfew. Again.
With that Y/n headed on up the stairs towards the loft. Once she got to the door, getting her key out she could hear that everyone was in there. Letting out a sigh and taking a deep breath before entering. “Well, look who’s back Lass.” Killian greeted with an amused smug look. BUt between the two of them, Y/n knows it’s all in a joking manner, the teasing she gets from him. So when Y/n rolled her eyes looking directly at him as she did, Killian let out a laugh at the girl’s actions. It’s all fun and games between the pirate and his surgery daughter.
“Soooooo, how was it?” Snow asked once Y/n had closed the door.
Regina rolled her eyes at how fast the question left Snow’s mouth. “Why not let her get through the door first. Before you start with all the questions.”
Emma sighed at the argument that could break out. “Regina.”
“What? I’m right.” Regina shrugged her shoulders. She wanted to know as well, considering she was Y/n’s mother for so much of her life. Before Henery found Emma, his and Y/n’s bio mom.
“Yeah, but-” Emma started, leaning back against the counter with her arms crossed loosely.
“She just means you could have said it in a nicer tone.” Robin cut in. Trying his best to defuse the situation at hand.
Regina snapped her towards the archer in the room.”Who’s side are you on?”
Robin tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. “Well-”
“Not again….OK, GUYS! Really?” she exclaimed loudly. All Y/n could think was ‘when will this stop.” but with who her family is made up of that’s a question not worth asking. “Mom?”
“Sorry.” Regina apologized with a tight voice to her daughter, well adopted but you know.
“So Lass, how was the date?” Killian asked trying to ease the conversation back to the topic at hand. Or well hook.
“Yes, details.” Snow snapped her head towards her granddaughter again.
“Oh boy” David sighed leaning back in the dinner tables chair, with his arm around Snow’s shoulders.
Y/n let out a sigh and gave them a nod with a little smile. “It was good.”
Snow scoffed in shook her head that - that seemed to be all she was willing to give them “Come on Sweetheart.”
Y/n shook her head ‘no’. “No. When I give you all more you get crazy about it. You all tease. Well besides Killian and Robin. Thank you by the way. So it was a good date and I enjoyed myself is all you people get.”
“Aw come on Y/n/n.” Snow whined wanting to be able to gossip about this kind of thing with her granddaughter. Since she never got to do it with her own daughter.
“No” she continued to shake her head walking over to where her younger brother sat at the breakfast bar.
“Did you guys kiss? I bet they kissed.” David teased looking between everyone teasingly.
“Oh, many times.” Henry nodded in agreement, trying not to laugh. He always took the chance to tease his sister.
“Hey!” Y/n smacked Henery upside the head.
“Was he sweet? I bet he was sweet.” Snow asked in a dreamy tone. She really likes Ryan and the way he treats Y/n.
“Is he still treating you right?” Emma asked adding into the conversation.
“You mean is he not trying to force her into anything.” Regina pinched the bridge of her nose at Emma’s question. Even though she did wonder the same.
“If he does I’ll hunt him down.” Robin stated in a protective manner.
“I’ll join.” David nodded agreeing with the archer.
“Aye, me too. Though I vote to kill the young lad if he tries anything.” Killian joined in as well, raising his hook in the air.
“I’d be able to get behind that.” Everyone looked to the 3 men in shock. Well besides Y/n. She’s always noticed how protective the 3 of them are towards her.
“I’d be in as well for that plan.” Robin added
“Guys!” Y/n yelled, getting everyone’s attention. She took a deep breath before continuing. “Look, he was a perfect gentleman. Like always. Yes, we kissed, we are in a relationship. Have been for close to 2 years now. There’s never ever- been any pressure going on. He’s not like that, you all should know that by now.” Y/n smiled, looking at all of her family. “Thank you all for worrying and caring so much about me. Thank you for asking and wondering how it went and if things are ok between me and Ryan. Thank you Grandpa, Killian, and Robin for being protective and occasionally overprotective. But now if you excuse me I want to go shower and go to bed.” With that, she gave them all a nod and started to head up the stairs to bed.
“Night, Lass.” Killian moved a hand with a smile.
“Yeah, night.” Emma spoke with a smile as well.
“Night sweetheart.” Regina added also. Everyone gave a slight nod and a ‘night’, as Y/n made it all the way up the stairs.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Home Isn’t A Place It’s You
Killian Jones x Reader
Summary: The reader realises that sometimes you need to follow the heart and stand up for herself.
Requested By: @buckyshattergirl // Ooohhh for the once prompts, maybe 2 with Killian. Reader could be the next in line to the wonderlandian throne, so they live with Cora, and run away with Killian... Yes yes!
Prompt: “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
Join The TagList Here 💜 // Killian Jones Masterlist
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There was a point in your life where you were thrilled to be next in line to be queen in wonderland. But somewhere along the line that fire burnt out, it was right around the time you and Regina had put your years of fighting behind you and rebuilt your relationship. Which meant frequent trips to Storybrooke where you fell in love with a certain pirate.
Every two weeks Regina would open a portal for you, you were still trying to grasp your magic and both decided it was too risky for you to try at the moment. As you were laid on your bed you felt the familiar vibration of the portal opening and you couldn’t help but grin as you rolled off your bed grabbing your backpack before taking the step into the portal.
Landing on the floor, you looked up at your sister grinning before she engulfed you in a hug.
“Not being rude but what is Cora making you wear?” she laughed, making you look down at your ridiculously puffy dress.
“Oh shit” you laughed waving your hand using your magic to change into a different outfit.
“Well you have definitely been around Hook too long” she smirked looking at your outfit choice.
“I guess” you winked looking at your outfit in the mirror. This was your go to, ripped skinny jeans, white vest top and battered black leather jacket, pair with your heeled boots.
“Speaking of, does he know that you are relinquishing your ties to the throne?” Regina asked.
“Nope” you laughed “was going to surprise him today”
“And I’m guessing Cora doesn’t know either?” She smirked as she started making coffee.
“Why should I Re, the way she treats me makes me so angry” you sighed “I get I’m the daughter she didn’t want but still”
“Prepare for war when she finds out” she laughed.
“Oh I am don’t worry” you winked as you heard the front door slam closed followed by the voice of your nephew Henry.
“Mom I’m home, Hooks here as well” Henry shouted.
As you leaned against the counter your heart started racing, you hadn’t seen Killian in two weeks and your heart longed for him. He didn’t know you would be coming so you couldn’t wait.
The moment Henry saw you he ran straight towards you, nearly tackling you to the ground.
“Aunt Y/N” he grinned hugging you tight. “I missed you”
“I missed you too kiddo” you smiled hugging him back.
“That’s it just forget about me” Killian smirked leaning against the door frame making you look up at him.
“Is my pirate getting jealous and babe I don’t think anyone can forget you” you giggled untangling yourself from Henry, making your way over to your pirate.
“How is it every time I see you, you look even more beautiful than the last” he smirked placing his hand on your hip pulling you closer.
“Such a charmer” you giggled fluttering your eyelashes.
“Come on Henry let’s leave the two love birds alone” Regina smiled ushering her son out of the kitchen.
Just as your lips were about to touch another portal opened, within a couple of moments Cora walked out, frowning at the sight she was seeing.
“Young lady” she scolded “ what on earth are you wearing”
“It’s called clothes” you sassed leaning your back against Killian’s chest.
“So this is what you get up to when you leave on your two week excursion” she scoffed “fooling around with this pirate”
“Watch your tone toward the people I love and maybe if you treated me better I wouldn’t want to escape wonderland” you hissed “at least here I’m loved”
“You seem to be forgetting that as future queen you will be loved” Cora laughed.
“Have you ever thought I don’t want to be fucking queen” you snapped “I have never wanted it, you are just forcing it on me”
“At least she has found love” Regina snapped walking into the room “unlike what you did to me”
“I don’t care. you coming home with me” Cora glared.
“I think the fuck not. I am not going back to that place so deal with it” you spat as Killian tighten his grip on you. “Come on Killian let’s get out of here”
Before any more words were spoken the two of you left the house and headed to Granny’s, you couldn’t help but smile as Killian rested his arm around your shoulder holding you close.
“I’m proud of you love” he said kissing the top of your head.
“It felt good to stand up to her” you smiled looking up at him.
“So you aren’t going back home then?” Killian asked with a boyish grin on his face.
“Killi” you whispered, stopping in front of him, placing your hands on his chest. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
“You really mean that love?” He asked, brushing his fingers down your cheek. “I am just a pirate at the end of the day”
“With all my heart” you grinned. “Yes you are a pirate but you are my pirate”
You swore the twinkle in his eyes shone brighter as he pressed his lips against yours, you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck as you tangled your fingers in his hair as you deepened the kiss.
“Home isn’t a place it’s you and it’s always going to be wherever you are” you whispered against his lips. “I can’t be apart from you any longer”
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theodoresgirl · 10 months
Tavern Waitress Killian Jones x Fem!Tavern worker!Reader
A/N: I was daydreaming about this all day, and I've recently had a huge obsession with this man. Idk who let him be this fine tbh. 
Once upon a Time, Long before Storybrooke. There was a small village in the Enchantix Forest where a tavern was being run by a family. F/N was the tavern’s owner, But his wife, and their sons helped out everyday or when they could. He also had a daughter from an affair, Though the Affair isn’t known about. She also spends most of her time in the tavern. 
Y/n learned to help around the tavern at a young age, She started out cleaning up until she was old enough to handle drinks. Which started when she was around 16, maybe 18. She was also very pretty, And with where she worked she was new to the comments and the glances she would get. 
Y/n was whipping down one of the big tables in the back corner of the tavern. She was humming a tune to one of the shanties she’s heard over the years. She looked over at the door after hearing a big group of rough looking men walk into the tavern. They were loud and sounded harsh. One of them looked around and his eyes landed on her and the empty table was just big enough for his crew. 
Her eyes were back at the table, She finished wiping the table down and putting the rag in the apron when a shiny silver hook lays on the table. ``This table taken love?`` A male voice asks her, in a musky tone, Something out of a fairy-tale. Y/n blushes at the sound of his voice and looks up to meet his piercing blue eyes, All she could see were the ocean waves in them. 
``I-its open.. W-what can I get you guys?`` She shudders a bit before collecting herself as they sit down. ``Rum for all my men love.`` The male with the hook smiled. ``Coming right up ?`` She turns her head slightly asking for his name or something to call this fine pirate. ``Captain Killian Jones, or Captain Hook`` When he says the last part he lifts up his hook. Y/n nods and laughs a bit at the name choice ``No idea if that was a pun, but darling you're funny. I’ll go get that rum.`` She smiles before counting all the men and going back behind the bar to start pouring the drinks. ``y/n`` one of her brothers called out from over the bar, She looked up pouring the last of the rum. `` Those are pirates Be careful.`` He whispers helping her put the beer steins on two separate trays. `` Yeah, I know. And you should know my response is.`` She stares at him just giving him a look. ``Adventure blah blah blah.`` He shook his head, ``Everything around them gets poisoned. It's your funeral or sleeping spell.`` 
She rolled her eyes at his comment, Wasn’t the first time her brother tried to warn her. Even in an asshole way. She lifts one of the trays and walks it over to the table and hands the drinks on that tray out before going to get the second tray to do the same thing again. ``There we have it, Rum for everyone. Enjoy lads`` She smiles humming softly. The man smirks at her enthusiasm ``Thank you love. Keep em coming too.`` Killian bows his head to her before taking a sip of the rum. ``Will do captain`` she turns around and walks back to the bar to re wipe it down.
A few hours later, and a few rounds of drinks later Killian’s crew had headed back to the old Jolly Roger and he stayed behind for some more drinks and the pretty faces.  
Killian finds himself at the bar in the tavern watching y/n go around serving everyone else. He waves his hook and calls for her even after one of her brothers goes over to Killian and asks if he needs a refill. She makes her way over to the bar grabbing the bottle of rum with a smile on her face. She pours more rum into his beer stein, Killian had a shameless smirk on his face watching her. 
`` It could be the few shots i’ve done or are you fond of me?`` She asked, learning on the bar looking into his eyes, Piercing blue eyes, how he was blessed with them would be a question for the gods surely. ``Is it that obvious?`` `` Well I’m sure everyone has noticed your eyes not leaving me, or you not letting anyone refill your drink but-`` Killian cuts her off `` you? You’re smart love`` 
She chuckles softly and shakes her head. ``Yeah? Is that you or the rum talking daring?`` He takes a sip of the rum ``Could be both, But you could also find out`` He smirks. She blinks not really surprised about what he said but if he meant it. ``Oh?-``
``What time do you get off love?`` He finishes the rum he had in his beer stein. ``I am off whenever I wanna be off`` She smiles and raises an eyebrow curiously. ``Are you good with ships?`` He asked. ``Would you believe it if i said i’ve hardly ever left these four walls?`` She leaned in and whispered, smiling softly. ``I wouldn’t believe it but, I could show you what's outside these 4 walls`` He takes one of her hands in his good hand and kisses it. 
``Could you really?`` She blushes at the contact, and is tempted. Y/n’s father wouldn't stop her if she wanted to leave. He may be upset but he’ll get over it sometime. Killian nods, grabbing her other hand and places a kiss on it as well. ``I could show you the sea.``
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Small Talk and Mediocre Coffee | Bad Luck
Chapter Four | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee
Summary: You recently moved to Storybrooke and began working the morning shift at Granny’s diner. Meanwhile, Killian Jones has been working the night shift on the docks of Storybrooke for years. When his routine gets turned upside down, he begins to understand the simple joy brought by an early cup of coffee, as long as you’re the one pouring it.
Pairing: Killian Jones x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.3K
Extras: Playlist – A playlist for two idiots in love: a gruff outcast who hates coffee but now drinks it every morning because the waitress at the diner keeps smiling at him as they pour it.
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"I still don't know why you're going tonight"
Killian groans as the words leave David’s mouth. In reality, he knows that David is just trying to look out for him. That’s all he’s ever done since Killian arrived in Storybrooke. He remembers running into the young sheriff on one of his first days in town. David had introduced himself and engaged in some small talk with Killian -- not that, that’s surprising as David may be the most outgoing person he’s ever met. Killian happened to mention his job search to the man when the two were talking and the next day Killian received a call from the man who has now been his boss for years, offering him a position on the night shift. That’s who David is and Killian has always admired that. He takes the job as the town’s protector seriously and often does more than anyone else in his position would do. 
“Just saying.”
Killian drops his burger and glares at David from across the desk. David shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, taking another bite of his sandwich. It’s become a routine for them after Killian started working the morning shift, eating a late lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Killian would stop by the station after his shift and David will already have food from Granny’s picked up for the two of them. 
Usually, these lunches were used as a chance for Killian to hear about the newest chaos happening in David’s home -- as having both his grown daughter and newborn son living under the same roof as him and his wife leads to some very interesting stories. Killian has been around to witness some of these moments, as, during his several years in Storybrooke, he’s become a pretty consistent presence at David’s apartment. 
But for the past few weeks, Killian’s budding friendship with you has become a prominent topic for David to bring up during lunch. Most of the time, Killian would simply roll his eyes and shrug off the topic -- stating that you just happened to work at the diner he got coffee at almost every morning now. Usually, David would respect his privacy and move on to another topic, but today he seemed pretty adamant on the subject.
“It’s just a date. It’s not like I’m getting married, David.”
Killian moves a hand to scratch the back of his neck, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in his dress clothes. After his shift, he stopped by his apartment to change into a black button-up and his nicest pair of jeans. Even with his leather jacket thrown on top, the outfit looks incredibly overdressed on him. David didn’t make him feel any better as he wore his usual flannel with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark jeans. Usually, he’d be sitting across from David bundled in layers of tattered clothing, especially on days he’s working. 
“Emma’s set me up on plenty of dates.”
He’s not lying. Emma has been Killian’s self-proclaimed wing woman for years. She tells everyone that it’s because Killian will never actually do it himself; always berating him about how when he’s not at the docks he’s either with David or at the bar. Killian thinks that’s why David and Emma have made such a big deal out of his friendship with you since the two of you met at the diner.
“But this is different.”
Killian looks up from his meal and furrows his brow at David.
“What are you talking about?”
The words come out harsher than Killian wanted them to. David doesn’t seem to care as he continues, seemingly used to Killian’s ill-temper at this point in their friendship.
“I think you know what I’m talking about.”
David looks at him with his brow arched. Killian rolls his eyes at the man sitting across from him.
“C’mon, mate. It isn’t like that. We’ve talked about this.”
“No. You’ve talked about this. I haven’t said anything because I was letting you figure this out yourself.”
Killian leans back in his chair and watches David intently. He’s never pushed this hard on the topic before. David would usually make a joke here and there about how much time Killian had been spending at the diner or how much money he’s been spending on coffee that he doesn’t even like. And when Emma told David about you going to see him at the docks, Killian swore he'd never be able to live that down, but eventually David let it go. 
“So why are you jumping in now?”
“Because I think you must be blind.”
Killian lets out a dry laugh as the corners of David’s lips quirk up into a small smile. 
“You’re crazy.”
“Am I?”
Killian’s brow furrows at the comment. 
“You like her right?”
Killian crosses his arms over his chest and lets out a soft sigh. He doesn’t know why David is so hung up over Killian’s friendship with you. Why would it matter if he maybe, possibly, had feelings for you?  It’s not like you’ve expressed an interest in him. You’re just a waitress at the diner he goes to every morning who strikes up conversation with him. He’d maybe go as far as saying that you appreciate him being a friendly face in town as you’re still relatively new. But that’s it. If you want him to be your friend then that’s exactly what he’ll be. He’s become resigned to the fact that his infatuation with you is unrequited.
“I’m pretty sure she likes you too, man.”
Killian shakes his head, letting out an airy laugh at David’s words. The man is ludicrous. The lack of sleep from baby Neal must be getting to his head.
“Nah, a guy like me and a girl like her? That’s a fairytale, mate.”
David opens his mouth to speak, but the sound of Killian’s phone vibrating on the desk cuts him off. Killian flips the phone over and has to read the caller ID again. It’s you. David gives Killian a knowing look before getting up to give him some privacy.
“Shut up.”
He mumbles the words at David before answering the phone.
“Killian! Thank God you picked up. I didn’t know who else to call. I mean, you were the first person I thought could help me. God, I’ve got such bad luck.”
“Hey, slow down. Alright? What’s going on, love?”
Killian listens as you take a few deep breaths before answering. He tries to be patient, but his heart is hammering against his chest. You rarely call him. He’ll get the occasional text from you throughout the day, but a call is out of the ordinary. 
“I borrowed Emma’s car for the day to go to the city, you know?”
Killian remembers you telling him about your plans to spend the day in the city. You’d been pretty excited about the idea the last time Killian saw you. Apparently, according to you, it’d been ages since you’d seen a skyscraper.
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Well, I was heading home and the engine started making a funny noise. So I pull over to check out what’s going on, but now the car won’t start and I’m still about two hours from home. When I called the tow they said that they’d come whenever they’re available, but I don’t know when that will be. I don’t know what to do. It’s already getting dark.”
“It’s okay. Is there anything close to you? A restaurant? A gas station?”
“Yeah, there was a gas station just down the road.”
“Go wait there, okay? Text me the address and I’ll get there as fast as I can.”
“Killian, you don’t --”
“I’m on my way, love. Don't worry.”
Killian hangs up and looks over at David. David is already smiling at him, obviously eavesdropping on the call. The sight causes Killian to sigh once again. 
“Nothing. Just seems like a fairytale, you know? Knight in shining armor to the rescue and all.”
Killian wishes his heart didn’t swell at the idea of him being your knight in shining armor. Especially since he’s no knight and he certainly doesn’t own any fancy armor. He wonders if maybe a chivalrous man in a leather jacket could be enough.
Tag list: @ladylizzieofdarbyshire​ @alexa-fangirl-forever​
(Message me to be added to or removed from the tag list)
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
fangirlovestuff's masterlist!
*  - indicates smut
all readers are written as female unless specified otherwise
requests are closed!!
Holding Out For a Hero - Steve Rogers x avenger!reader: completed 
ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 ch.6 ch.7 ch.8 ch.9* ch.10 epilogue
Summary: You get recruited to work for the Avengers, which is really anyone’s dream job. So you’re not going to let your little crush on Captain America get in your way. How hard can that be?
The Heart Wants What it Wants - Chris Evans x actress!reader:  completed
pt.1* pt. 2 pt.3
Summary: You and Chris meet at an after-party and hit it off, but you know the age gap isn’t going to go over well with the media. What can you do when loving someone can potentially destroy your careers?
Random Objects Headcanons - Chris Evans x reader:  completed
Shower*  Sink  Table  Shelves  Bed*  Bonus!
Summary:  Domestic headcanons inspired by random household objects. (less stupid than it sounds, promise, give it a chance!)
Cycle - Steve Rogers x reader:  completed
ch.1 ch.2 ch.3  ch.4* ch.5 
Summary: You want a relationship but keep getting tangled up in one night stands, while Steve just keeps getting himself friendzoned. When pollar opposites with the same desires meet, will you change each other’s lives?
Rumor Has It - Chris Evans x actress!reader:  completed
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
Summary: It’s just lunch with your coworker, until chris thinks it’s not. Angst/breakup fic. check out the playlist:)
A Very Colin Christmas - Colin Shea x reader:  completed  
ch.1  ch.2  ch.3  ch.4  ch.5
Summary: You were planning of spending a low-key Christmas at home, when your neighbor / maybe crush asks you for an interesting favor... for you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his judgy family off of his back. The results? misundersandings, epiphanies, and some holiday spirit.
Silver Lining - Wanda Maximoff x reader: completed
Silver Lining  Water Under The Bridge  All’s Well That Ends Well
Summary: You’re in a relationship with carol and nat but you were gone for a while on mission. When you get back, the two exclude you from everything, so now, someone new has a chance to enter your life.
friends to lovers - Chris Evans x reader
Hot Pool Stranger - Colin Shea x reader 
Fireworks - Steve Rogers x reader
Romantics- Chris Evans x reader
Undercover - Chris Evans x reader
Night Out - Kyle x reader (The Perfect Score)
Playful - Chris Evans x reader
Shopping With Chris - Chris Evans x reader
Pool Day - Chris Evans x reader
(Extra)ordinary - Chris Evans x reader
Comfort - Chris Evans x reader
Cloud Nine - Chris Evans x reader
To Infinity And Beyond - Chris Evans x reader
Going Public - Chris Evans x reader
Be Mine - Chris Evans x reader
Heal - Natasha Romanoff x reader
‘stache Stories - Chris Evans x reader
Chris dating a writer would include... - Chris Evans x reader
cevans dating a young foreigner - Chris Evans x reader
taking each Avenger to a pride parade would be like... - various characters, relationship unspecified 
Cuddling with Valkyrie - Valkyrie x reader
A Birthday Before - pre serum! Steve Rogers x reader
Take Care - Chris Evans x reader
andy barber whisking you away on vacation would be like... - Andy Barber x reader
Calm Before the Storm - Chris Evans x reader
taking care of sick Loki would look like... - Loki Odinson x reader
Halloween Headcanons - various cevans characters
oneshots / drabbles:
Chris Cross Applesauce- Chris Evans x reader
Take on Me- Chris Evans x reader
His Haven - Chris Evans x reader
Here - “Me” x reader (Playing it Cool)
You Make Me Feel Right - Steve rogers x reader
Queer Eye - Chris Evans x bi!reader, platonic Scott evans x reader
Knocked it Out of the Park - Colin Shea x reader 
Child’s Play - Chris Evans x director!reader
Worth It* - Andy Barber x reader
Family* - Frank Adler x reader
In Your Corner - Chris Evans x reader
A Thin Line || Table For Two - Natasha Romanoff x avenger!reader
Sleepless - Ransom Drysdale x reader
Butterfly Effect || You Give Me Butterflies - Steve Rogers x reader
Loving Him Was Red - Chris Evans x ginger!reader
Don’t Go - Loki Odinson x reader
Home To You - Chris Evans x actress!reader
April Showers Bring May Flowers - Chris Evans x reader
Questioning - Natasha Romanoff x reader
Vacation - Steve Rogers x reader
Spooky Scary Steve - Steve Rogers x reader
Cuddly Chris - Chris Evans x male!reader
An Apple a Day - Ransom Drysdale x doctor!reader
Crazy Ex Boyfriend - dark! Ransom Drysdale x reader
Happy Place - Chris Evans x reader
Magical - Chris Evans x reader
A Tale Of Nephews And Princesses - Chris Evans x reader
Forever - Ari Levinson x male!reader
The Perfect Tree - Jake Jensen x reader
Holding On - Andy Barber x reader
littera scripta manet - Steve Rogers x reader
Everytime - Chris Evans x reader
Wanda Saves Valentine’s - Wanda Maximoff x reader
Smile - Thor Odinson x reader
Chaperone - Chris Evans x reader
Reality TV -  Wanda Maximoff x reader
Seasons of Love - Chris Evans x reader
To Many More - Sam Wilson x reader
One Last Kiss - Steve Rogers x reader
More Than Meets The Eye - Steve Rogers x reader
Together - Chris Evans x reader
Daddy Daughter Day - Andy Barber x daughter!reader
Fears and Furniture - Andy Barber x reader
Never Too Late - Chris Evans x reader
Bad Dream - Agatha Harkness x reader
With Love - Carol Danvers x reader
Bad Day - Bucky Barnes x reader
Scary - Sam Wilson x reader
Mine - Natasha Romanoff x reader x Wanda Maximoff
By Next Winter - Carol Danvers x reader
Too Good at Goodbyes - Frank Adler x reader
Romantic Stylez - Jake Jensen x reader
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince - Bucky Barnes x reader
Tiny Dancer - Killian Jones x Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
I Will Always Find You - Loki Odinson x reader
Invisible Touch - Agatha Harkness x reader
You Have Me, Heart and Soul || And I’m Yours, Forever - Ransom Drysdale x reader
Shadows - Loki Odinson (not reader insert!)
Tolerate It || Happiness || Sad Beautiful Tragic - Ransom Drysdale x reader
I Want More - Natasha Romanoff x reader
Does Your Mother Know - Steve Rogers x reader
Clean Up In Aisle ‘Shut The Fuck Up’ -  Wanda Maximoff x reader
The Good Type Of Pain - Bucky Barnes x reader
Sunsets Don’t Seem As Pretty - Steve Rogers x reader
Harmony - Chris Evans x reader
Cheesy - Agatha Harkness x reader
Sweater Weather - Agatha Harkness x reader
Getaway Car - Wanda Maximoff x reader
Change - Chris Evans x reader
more stuff coming soon!
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fanficwritersworld · 3 years
Who I Write For
My Hero Academia*Up To Season 5*
Supergirl *Up To Season 2*
The Flash *Up To Season 7*
Superman and Lois
Teen Wolf*Up To Season 6A*
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Miraculous Ladybug
Titans *Up To Season 2 Finale*
The Originals *On Season 4 of Vampire Diaries*
Once Upon A Time
Umbrella Academy
x Reader (any kind, chubby, LGBTQ+ ect)
x Sibling!reader
x daughter!reader
x adopted!reader
x platonic!reader
Characters Am I Writing for Now:
Jordan Kent
Jonathan Kent
Natalie Irons
Sarah Cushing
Lois Lane
Clark Kent *Platonic Only*
Barry Allen
Iris West-Allen
Cecile Horton *Platonic Only*
Joe West *Platonic Only*
Cisco Ramon
Caitlin Snow
Killer Frost
Any Wells
Allegra Garcia
Chester P. Runk
Kara Danvers
Lena Luthor
Alex Danvers
J'onn J'onzz *Platonic Only*
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate
Allison Argent
Kira Yukimura
Lydia Martin
Tony Stark *Platonic Only*
Bruce Banner
Steve Rogers *Platonic Only*
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Sarah Wilson
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker (Tom and Andrew)
MJ Jones
Dr. Stephen Strange *Platonic Only*
Katy Chen
All the princess and Bow!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson *Platonic Only*
Freya Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson *Platonic Only*
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Dick Grayson
Kor'i A'nders
Rachel Roth
Donna Troy
Emma Swan
Killian Jones
Henry Mills
Ben Hargreaves
Viktor Hargreaves
Allison Hargreaves
Klaus Hargreaves *Platonic Only*
Diego Hargreaves
Eugene Fitzherbert
Arianna *Platonic Only*
Lance Strongbow
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mizusswordtip · 10 hours
Down The Rabbit Hole ⚝ Killian Jones x Reader (6)
find the story on wattpad
summary: Alice's plan to overthrow the Queen of Hearts is thwarted by a dashing pirate with a hook. Years later, after the curse is broken, they reunite once again.
wc: 1,096
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I stand alone on the balcony of the tree house after a joyous reunion with Jefferson, McTwisp, and The March Hare. I hear footsteps approaching from behind, assumably Jefferson's. He comes to stand next to me, looking out over the night sky with me in silence for a comfortable minute.
"Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?" He asks with a mischievous smile. I grin up at him fondly. 
"I'll have to think more about it." I say simply.
"You know what you have to do, right?" He asks, his mood switching to one more serious. I furrow my brows, looking away to stare at the night sky once more.
"Overthrow the Queen? How could I forget?" I ask, trying to sound lighthearted by failing. I pause. "Jefferson, why is it so important to you that I do this?" I ask inquisitively. He looks at me, confusion written across his face.
"Because the Queen needs to be-"
"Besides that." I interrupt. "There has to be more to this." I prod with an empathetic voice. He sighs before hanging his head.
"I failed her." He starts and I feel my heart hurt, realizing he's talking about his daughter, Grace. "I couldn't protect her and then you show up in Wonderland," He pauses to tearfully let out a soft chuckle. "A tiny girl whos imagination was always running wild. You lived here an entire year and I protected you from the Queen." He pauses, thoughtful. "Before the Queen- Cora, came to Wonderland, The White Queen ruled Wonderland. I wasn't there back then but I heard she was the complete opposite of Cora." He explains solemly.
I look at him with confusion, taking in all this new information at once. I nod for him to continue. "But when Cora came to Wonderland, things changed and The White Queen knew it was only a matter of time before Cora killed her." He pauses and looks at me with a gentle smile. "She had a vision, before she died, of a girl named Alice who looked identical to you, defeating Cora and taking the throne." He sighs, looking away. "It's important to me because I won't fail you again. I failed to protect you the last time you were here but I won't let that happen again. I may not have a second chance with my Grace, but I do you." He speaks passionately, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
I wipe the tear away, staring up at him at a loss for words. Whether or not this is a dream, this is all real to him and his words affect me more than I can ever express. I smile up at him with a half  smile. "That does sound like something I'd dream up." I say, shaking my head at myself. "I always wanted to be special, to be someone, to do something." I pause before returning my gaze back to his. "I'm going to miss you when I wake up." I say sadly, a tear now falling from my own eye.
Suddenly he swings his head around to face me with an excited look before grabbing my arm and pulling me into the house. I yell out in surprise at the sudden movement but it quickly turns into a delighted laugh at his usual behavior.
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Jefferson dragged me all the way out of the tree house down a winding path to the ruins of a castle. I imagine the castle was once a beautiful, all white, and opulent palace that must have cost a fortune.  In front of the ruins there's a gazebo that's miraculously still standing. Sitting in the middle of the gazebo I can see a beautiful set of silver armor and in it's hands, the Vorpal sword.
I slow my walking speed, realization dawning on me as Jefferson turns to face me with an expectant expression. "The White Queen's armor and sword. It was made to make the wearer invincible to Cora's magic." He says simply, no explanation needed. I feel real fear course through me as all of this starts to feel too real. I must look frightened as well because his face turns to one of concern. He steps close to me, to comfort me but I take a quick step back.
"Go away." I whisper and he shakes his head going to say something but I cut him off. "I said go away! Leave me alone!" I shout, panicked as my hands become clammy. I can see the heartbreak on his face but I ignore him as he walks away, defeated.
I walk over to the steps of the gazebo and sit, head in hands, trying to take deep breaths. Tears fall from my face as I try to think of home.
"Nothing's ever accomplished with tears." A monotone voice drones from next to me, causing me to startle. When I look over in the direction of the voice drones from next to me, just like the one that was on Andy's shoulder but this one's... smoking a hookah.
"Who are you?" I ask, my panic replaced with curiosity. The caterpillar blows a ring of smoke in my face, causing me to cough.
"Absolem." He drones out.
"Can you help me wake up?" I ask, wiping my tears.
"I can't help if you don't even know who you are, stupid girl." He answers back condescendingly.
"I'm not stupid!" I snap indignantly. "My name is Alice, I live in the Enchanted Forest, I have a mother named Helen and I had a father who was a famous sailor with a vision that stretched across multiple worlds. I'm his daughter." I rant before finishing with a defiant look.
"Alice, at last." He speaks back before he blows a big puff of smoke in my face. Just as I'm about to give him a piece of my mind, the world around me shifts. I see visions-no, memory's of myself as a little girl, here, in Wonderland. I can see myself having tea with Jefferson and then in the next moment he's holding me in his arms, running away from what appears to be a dragon. In the next memory I'm telling him a joke about a raven with a writing desk to cheer him up. The last memory is one of me promising him that I'd find a way to help him reunite with his daughter.
I gasp as I come out of the wash of memories that overwhelmed my senses. Jefferson was right all along... this is all real.
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a-fandom-reimagined · 2 years
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I posted 41 times in 2021
41 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 46 tags in 2021
#imagines - 9 posts
#imagine - 9 posts
#fanfic - 5 posts
#fanfiction - 5 posts
#imagine yennefer - 3 posts
#castlevania fanfiction - 3 posts
#dc imagine - 3 posts
#the witcher x reader - 3 posts
#the witcher imagine - 3 posts
#imagine the witcher - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 36 characters
#dick grayson x you nightwing imagine
My Top Posts in 2021
Rumbelle’s Daughter Taking Care of You When You’re Hurt
Bad Break Up Finding Emma’s Daughter A Magical Immortal Falls For Emma
Emma’s Foster Sister Emma’s Mixed Race Child
Rumbelle’s Daughter Before He Became the Dark One
The Dark One’s Daughter
Bad Break Up Trick Or Treat Daughter of Regina and Daniel
Trick Or Treat
Ruby Taking Care of You Ruby Is The Only One Who Can Make You Smile
Finding Emma’s Daughter
Jealous of Your Relationship With Emma
Jealous of Your Relationship With Emma
Daughter of Regina and Daniel
104 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 23:05:06 GMT
Going to Jo For Help Living in Your Car
Enemy At the Hospital Treated For Minor Injuries Waking Up After Having Been Beaten Up Knocking Someone Out
Enemy At the Hospital Treated For Minor Injuries Waking Up After Having Been Beaten Up Secretly Dating Lexie
Taking Care of You When You’re Sick Waking Up After Having Been Beaten Up
Taking Care of You When You’re Sick Finding Out That You’re Homeless Knocking Someone Out
Taking Care of You When You’re Sick Pushed Down the Stairs
Treated For Minor Injuries
Treated For Minor Injuries
Waking Up After Having Been Beaten Up
Waking Up After Having Been Beaten Up
Knocking Someone Out
Pushed Down the Stairs
Secretly Dating Lexie
Jackson Pregnancy Reaction
160 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 22:39:45 GMT
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Loki should have just apologized but he just couldn't seem to make himself say the words. And you? You weren't saying any words at all. At least not to your husband. So Loki did what Loki did best.
He tightened the lids on all the jars and put everything on the highest shelves where you couldn't reach so you'd have to ask for help. What he forgot to do was hide the pliers and the step stool. Days passed and Loki resorted to other things. Leaving the television on all night at top volume. Leaving his underwear on the bathroom floor in front of the hamper. Leaving the toilet seat up. You kicked him out of the bedroom long ago but one night he came in anyway, laying down on his usual side. You got up, gathered your things and went to sleep in one of the many guest rooms with the door locked tight. He'd even started standing in your way in hopes of hearing a soft, 'excuse me' but you just brushed past him without a word. He told jokes, sang old Asgardian drinking songs, recited dirty limericks but you never broke. Loki did though.
He came into your room one night. You were in bed. Reading. "Y/N?"
No response.
The god of mischief fell to his knees in silent defeat. "I have endured much in my long life, my wife. But I don't think my heart could take another day of your silent anger." Loki took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, my darling. So sorry. Truly sorry. Now please…please speak to me."
You closed your book and looked at him. truly looked at him. For the first time in days. A tear escaped your husband's eye. "What would you have me say, my love?"
Loki gasped in relief, resting his forehead upon your thigh and laughed.
191 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 21:51:53 GMT
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TW//blood, guns, kidnapping, and violence.
Reggie sat in the chair, hands tightly bound behind his back. The Ghoulies snatched him up when he was walking home from school. He didn't have to guess hard why. You, Reggie's girlfriend, had been a thorn in the Ghoulies' side since you joined the ranks of the Serpents.
For years they'd tried to get to you. Break you the way you'd broken them. They failed every time. You were too quick. Too smooth. Too dangerous. You had no weakness. And then one of the Ghoulies spotted you with Reggie at the drive in and again at Pop's.
So they took Reggie. Tied him up within one of their warehouses on the Southside and waited.
"Listen guys, I've been dating Y/N for a few months now and I've come to learn a few things about her."
"Shut up" sighed the kidnapper.
"She likes Disney movies, milkshakes, cuddles, small fluffy animals and stealing my hoodies."
"We don't care!"
" I also learned that quickest way to her heart is through her stomach."
"Dude, shut up."
"I've also learned that you don't touch what's hers. And I am hers. So you should probably do yourself a favor and let me go before she gets here."
One of the kidnappers rose from his seat near the door. "What you are is whipped. Now shut up or I'm going to shove that ugly fucking letterman jacket down your stupid throat."
There was a sound of gunshots. Blood splattered. The ghoulie fell to the ground, clutching his bloodied knee. Reggie didn't even flinch. One by one the ghoulies screamed, hitting the floor. Their blood painting the floor of their beloved warehouse crimson.
Reggie sighed as you sauntered into view. A gun in each hand. He shrugged his shoulders. "I tried to tell you."
You crouched down in front of him, tucking the firearms into the holsters beneath your Serpent jacket. "Are you okay?" you whispered, searching him for bruises or cuts. But he seemed to be fine. He didn't have a scratch on him.
"Fine. Hungry."
You laughed making quick work of untying him. "You're not mad? This is kind of my fault."
Reggie chuckled as he stood. "Nah. The only way I'd be mad is if you hadn't come and got me."
201 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 02:33:12 GMT
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You packed up the last of your things and started for the elevator. You were so tired you could barely stand. Everything hurt. A small price to pay for training with the Titans.
"Hey, you headed out?"
You turned. It was Dick.
"Yeah," you smiled.
"It's kinda late don't you think?"
You checked your phone. 9:30 p.m. "Not really," you frowned.
Dick shoved his hands in his pockets. "You know they say crime never sleeps, right?"
"Maybe not in Gotham," you teased.
"Not anywhere," he replied. All business.
"What are you trying to say?"
He shrugged his shoulders, cheeks going slightly pink. "Nothing. Nothing at all it's just… I don't think I'd be able to take it if something happened to you, Y/N."
"You wanna walk me home?" you guessed.
"I want you to move in with us."
Your jaw dropped. "Because the city isn't safe?"
"Because you're here all the time anyway and you're practically a Titan already." He paused. Taking a deep breath. "Because I like you and I want you here. With me."
234 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 22:36:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Writing Graveyard
Created: 09/03/20
Last Updated: 11/09/20
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These are a collection of Imagines, I’ve written that didn’t get much attention. Rather than deleting them and abandoning them, I’ve created this gravyard.
Clint Barton 
Match Makers -  The reader’s friends want to set her up with a renown sharpshooter.
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Bucky Barnes
The Winter Soldier Part One -  Tony Stark consider’s the reader to be his daughter. When Steve goes on the run to save his friend, will the reader help her best friend or help her father figure?
Howling Commandos Part One - The reader is enlisted in the army along side her best friend, Peggy Carter. Her life changes when she meets seven men.
The Flight Part One - Flying back home, the reader isn’t fond of flying, what happens when the stranger next to her steps in?
Bumblebee Part One // Bumblebee Part Two
Benny ‘The Jet’ Rodriguez 
The Sandlot -  The reader lives next door to Smalls. One night when her friends are over, the sandlot boys are the topic of discussion.
The Drive in - The reader goes on a date with Benny, but it doesn’t go as planned.
Arthur Curry
Tomorrow At Seven - The reader attends a party that Bruce throws, she meets a man named Arthur.
Clark Kent
Reunion - When Tom falls ill, his estranged son comes back into the reader's life bringing more than she bargained for.
Killian Jones
Curse - The reader is friends with Snow before the curse. Will things change after the curse has been lifted?
Storybrooke -The reader ends up traveling into Story Brooke without meaning to. Her car breaks down in the process.
Han Solo
Pollen -  Han Solo saves the reader from a mysterious planet. The reader has a mishap with some sex pollen, Han is all too welcoming to help with her problem.
Poe Dameron
Silent Treatment - The reader can’t shake the Empire from following her in her X-Wing. Poe takes in upon himself to protect her.
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