#kryoz x reader
cybrpwup · 1 year
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Warnings [DO NOT IGNORE!!]: heavy topics: self harm [cutting, burning, hitting, disordered eating] Summary: how the boys would react to your self harm Requested?; no !
## Isaacwhy <3
Isaac felt stupid for not noticing Y/n’s self harm tendencies before
He noticed it way before even realizing it was self harm
He’d catch her punching, hitting, or pulling her own hair out when stressed
He was concerned for her.
Even before he knew about the things she did behind closed doors.
But he never said anything to her
Blood dripped onto the floor, and her quiet sobs muffled the pillow she was holding against her face.
“Yo, Y/n, Nick wants to know if-“
His voice got closer, and Y/n’s breath sped up as he opened the door.
He’d seen her
He saw.
“What are you doing?”
He knew.
She was frozen expect for the tears that were rolling down her cheeks
He kneeled down next to the girl
“Y/n. There was no reason for this. Why?” He said, confused and angry that she’d done this to herself
“I’m sorry.” She managed to get out
Isaac then got back up, going into the bathroom cabinet for some bandages and a cloth.
He’d put the cloth under warm water, and then kneeled again, dabbing the wound with the cloth, gently.
“Don’t be sorry. don’t cry.”
He grabbed ahold of her chin and tilted her head to look at him
“I get you’re scared and upset, but there’s no need for this. I can help you. I want to help you.”
He was gentle as he bandaged her arm.
He didn’t quite understand why she would do this, but he tried to understand.
His first priority was her — his girlfriend
“I - I know I’m just- I’m tired, Isaac.” She sobbed.
He pulled her into his arms, his touch was warm and reassuring
He managed to get her up and onto the bed.
“I’m so fucking tired.”
He let her sob into his chest, her cries being muffled out
He did his best to calm her down
She’d been crying so hard her throat began to hurt, and she could barely breathe.
Isaac laid down next to her and rubbed her back.
“Hey, you’re okay.” He cooed
“You’ll be okay.”
He wrapped his arms around her without saying a word, letting her talk when she felt like it.
## softwilly/Nick <3
While it was fun for Nick to angrily defend himself when someone commented about his weight, it was not in truth something he cared about. As long as he had skin to keep his organs in and bones to hold the skin up, that was all that mattered to him.
It was Isaac who first pointed out that his girlfriend might not see it the same. Nick was not observant, but following that conversation, he tried a little harder, and he noticed some things.  
Y/N refused to get changed in the same room as him or wear clothes that fit her properly. She also twice blew up at him for changing dinner plans as if it were his fault the restaurant was closed or too busy to seat them.
When Nick's hands fit easily around every body part, he caught on.
He'd catch her checking her stomach in every reflective surface and he could visibly see her ribcage.
When his hands fit so perfectly around her waist that’s when he really got concerned.
“You’re not eating as much as you should.” And there it was out in the open. Nick did not have time to even think how best to approach the topic before his concern overrode his rationale and took control of his mouth – spilling the words out messily.
She’d just shrugged, denying all claims of her eating habits.
“Baby, your waist is so small…”
She’d pulled her shirt down and pushed Nick's hand away.
She tried to tell him she was just working out, however he knew this was a lie.
She’d have at least some sort of muscle definition at this point
“Look at you, Nick. Look at your friends! Attractive, successful social media influencers. I’m not dumb. Ok? I know the type of women who get with guys like you – they’re graceful, camera-ready goddesses. They’re not fat.”
The last word broke off in her mouth and shattered against the floor. Tears sprung to her eyes, and she was quick to turn from Nick and wipe them with the back of her hand. All the while, her set jaw, and tense muscles worked to maintain her previous unfalteringly stern expression.
All Nick could muster amidst his bewilderment was a meek, “You’re not fat.”
“I know. Why do you think that is?”
“You don’t understand. You’re noticeably thinner. It’s enough that people are asking me if you’re alright. A quarter of the comments on the last video you were in are accusing me of like forcing diet pills down your throat or other bullshit. Even Tanner and Isaac and them have brought it up.”
It took another few moments for either to speak as it seemed the subject was dropped altogether.
The solemn silence between them broke
“I’m breaking up with you,” Nick said.
His hard-hitting gaze coaxed a temporary softness from Y/N. Her shoulders relaxed, even turning inward, a hesitant smile on her lips as she searched his face for the joke.
“That’s not funny.”
“I’m serious. If you refuse to get better, to even try, then I’m not going to be there while you make yourself worse.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Sure, I do. Bye, Y/N.”
Nick left the house angry
Y/N: alright, I get it, v dramatic. You made your point
Y/N: this is so stupid!
Y/N: don’t be a dick. text me back.
Y/N: you’re serious? All this over what 3kgs???
Y/N: Fuck you!! I don’t care I’ll go out by myself!
Y/N: answer the phone. Coward.
Y/N: must be hard to ghost me on every platform
Y/N: ok I get it
Y/N: isn’t 72hours a fair punishment? come by so we can make up.
Y/N: answer the phone.
Y/N: Nick, I get it. I’m not alright
Y/N: I’m sorry, Answer the phone, and we can talk, please!
Y/N: I need help
Y/N: I’ve made an appointment with a psychiatrist.
Y/N: she specializes in eating disorders.
Nick: When’s the appointment?
Y/N: Thursday @ 11
Nick: I’ll be at yours with the uber at 10. I’m sorry too.
## Tanner/Big T <3
It was Saturday.
Tanner was having trouble focusing on the beautiful woman snuggled up in his arms with her legs tangled with his. Nor could he concentrate on the film his laptop set up near them was playing. No. His mind was elsewhere – not that that was terribly unusual – thinking about one thing in particular: a thirteen-word (give or take) comment left under his most recent video.
“why does Y/N seem so nervous?? she pulls at her sleeves at 1:15 3:22 5:01 8:13 9:43 AND 9:59”
Tanner had not noticed Y/N being nervous in the video.
She sounded the same to him as she always had. Maybe it was odd she was wearing a hoodie when it was in the mid-to-high twenties all week but it was not that unusual – right?
Looking down at her, Tanner did not think she looked different or acted differently.
She was Y/N. In a hoodie. Pushing the sleeves down every time she shifted positions.
Or else he could see red marks on her arms.
He watched her another moment. Sure enough, several open-ended oval marks were peeking out under her cuffs.
Tanner’s eyes fluttered to Y/N’s face and her hair.
She had two barrettes pulling her hair back, but beyond keeping it out of her face, their designs were chosen to match her outfit.
“What are you looking at?” she giggled, smiling at him.
Without a word, he reached for her hair and snatched a barrette, then in almost a single swooping motion pinned the accessory to the exposed skin of her wrist.
Perfectly matching the shapes – matching the burn marks.
“These are—”
With a strong but not unkind or rough grip, he took both of her wrists in his hands and pulled them forward so both of her arms were exposed.
She’d pulled at her bottom lip with her teeth as a wave of fresh hot humiliation washed over her
Each of her scars were laid out for him to see
She ducked her head down and braced for the oncoming string of harsh remarks
But they never came.
She clenched her jaw and tried to keep the tears from rolling down her face, but they did, and she almost felt betrayed by your body.
“I'm.. sorry," she managed to get out.
"No, you have nothing to apologise for," Tanner assured
"I hate this," She said as her sobs slowly started to trail off.
"I know, baby, I know. Me too," he replied.
Tanners actions were so gentle and full of love.
He gently kissed each scar and pulled her sleeves back down.
"It's ok, baby," he told her, pulling her into his arms again. "We will fight this, I promise."
"It's hard," she muttered into his chest.
"I know, I'm not saying it isn't.”
One day Tanner approached Y/n
"You know, when it all gets too much and you get that urge, you can hold an ice cube until it melts or wear a hair-tie or elastic band around your wrist and snap it against yourself."
"Tanner, have you been looking that up?" She asked him, wondering where this knowledge had come from.
"Maybe," he replied, sheepishly. "You're my main baby girl, I've gotta do what I can to protect you, even if its from yourself."
She couldn't help but giggle at his words. "Thank you. That means so much,"
Squeezing her tightly, he placed a kiss on the top of her head, knowing that for now there were no more words needed.
## Yumi <3
Yumi had walked in on Y/n after a session one time
hellooo, Y/n?” Yumi called, knocking on her door. “you there?”
She forgot about Yumi.
“Y/n?” he said, his voice slightly muffled through the door.
She stood upright, panic flowing through her veins.
“Blake? i’m sorry, i slept in!” She blurted
She sprinted into the bathroom, almost knocking the door down as she shakily removed any evidence of her prior activities.
“love? are you okay?” he said, his voice laced with concern.
“yes, i’m fine!”
the stains wouldn’t budge, where was the hydrogen peroxide?
“i’m coming in, okay?” Yumi said, making her rub the stains even more aggressively than before.
She pushed the bottle of blades to the back of the medicine cabinet, wiping the blood stains from the sink.
She needed to clean it— if Yumi saw…
“love?” Yumi said. he stood in the doorframe of the bathroom, eyeing the girls figure closely.
She looked up slightly and stared at him back through the mirror.
Yumi walked closer to her, wrapping his arms around her stomach and peeling her away from the sink. his breath was caught in his throat when he saw the blood.
“i had a bloody nose.”
The smile she wore to convince him did not reassure him
Yumi hummed, spinning her around to get a better look at her face.
He held her arms gently, as if the slightest bit of pressure would make her body break.
Still, the feeling of her sleeves pressing farther into the cuts made her wince.
Yumi was alarmed by this, looking into her eyes before looking down to her arms.
She avoided his concerned gaze, moving to stare at the door instead.
His eyes widened when he saw the crimson red stains that littered her arms, where the blood soaked through the thin clothing.
Yumi let go of her arms hastily, covering his mouth with his hands.
She’d wrapped her arms around her stomach, backing away from him.
“i won’t force you to show me what’s under your sleeves… but i can’t help you if i can’t see them.” Yumi said carefully.
She nodded.
He wasn’t angry
Her heart pounded so loudly in her chest
“please don’t be mad..”
She winced when the fabric pulled at her wounds, the clotting blood having fused with the clothing.
bloody, wide, gory cuts littered her arms.
A broken gasp left Yumi’s lips once her arms were finally bared in front of him.
“I’m sorry,” she choked on the words.
Clinging to his shoulders, she let out a sob as she felt his body trembling. “Oh god, Blake, I’m sorry!”
He didn’t speak.
He couldn’t speak
He sat her down and rummaged through her medicine cabinet until he found what he needed.
Wordlessly, he tended to her wounds.
Although his touch was as gentle as possible, it still hurt when he cleaned them.
Her soft hisses of pain sent him over the edge and his tears finally began to fall.
He ignored them however, choosing instead to focus on the female and doing everything that he could to minimize her discomfort.
He wasn’t the type to cry so Y/n couldn’t help the guilt that flooded her.
Yumi had noticed the blank look in her eyes and knelt in front of her.
He held her tight as if she would slip away if he didn’t.
The warmth of his touch pierced through the haze that surrounded her.
“I’ve got you,” he murmurs reassuringly. “Just hold onto me.”
He deposited her gently onto the soft sheets of her bed before climbing in beside her.
His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close against his body
Brushing the hair away from the back of her neck, he pressed feather-soft kisses over the skin there.
“We’ll call a therapist in the morning,” the man says. “For now, you should get some rest.”
As much as she wanted to simply fall asleep, she hesitated. There was a worry still lingering in the back of her mind
“Blake? You… you aren’t going to leave me, right?”
The arms around her tightened as he let out a soft growl at the suggestion.
“Never,” he promised
“I’ll always be here for you, Y/n. I love you more than anything else.”
His words echoed in her mind over and over again as she finally fell asleep.
## Larry Croft <3
When Larry found out he rushed out of the room in a hurry
Y/n had thought it was too much for him so he’d left
She didn’t blame him
She found herself pathetic, too
But when he returned with a box of assorted bandaids,
Star Wars, SpongeBob, hello kitty themes etc.
She couldn’t help but laugh
Every time he’d put a bandaid on her arm he’d kiss it and reassure her
When they laid down together, he’d run her fingers up and down her arm, over the cuts that scarred.
or he’d give light pecks to the scars, which always made her heart flutter
“Y/n, please don’t hurt yourself.”
And she didn’t just for him
## Grunk <3
Y/n’s hands shook, running over several white and pink lines that marked the skin right above her knee.
She pressed her fist to her forehead, exhaling shakily as an unwelcome tear slipped its way down her cheek.
The marks were old, but they hadn't gone away, and each accidental glance at them brought back a wave of unwelcome memories.
She curled her legs into her chest and buried her face in her knees, waiting for Grunk to come back and distract her from her thoughts.
"Hey, I'm back!" Grunk jogged into the room, stopping suddenly when he saw the girls curled up position.
“Y/n?" His grin slipped into a look of concern as he ran over to her.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
She looked up at him, face slick with tears.
"I- I’m" she couldn't find her voice.
She shoved out her leg, shakily pointing at the scars.
"Oh," he said softly, gently running his fingers over the indentations.
He didn’t quite know how he should react
He was just a kid after all and she couldn’t help but feel guilty for getting him involved
"When are these from?"
“Long time ago," she whispered. "I know they're old but when I look at them I just - " she swallowed, shaking her head.
"I know."
Grunk pulled her into his chest, stroking her hair.
"I know, baby, I know." He’d kissed her head.
He pulled away, tilting her head up.
"I know how hard it is to look at them. But you know what? They're a sign. They're a sign of how far you've come, and how strong you've gotten, because even though you were once in such a low place you felt you had to do that, you're still here, and you're still thriving. I'm proud of you, Y/n, I'm so, so proud of you."
She let out a sob and buried her face in his neck. "I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too. I love you so much."
## John/Kryoz <3
John had asked to see her cuts.
He didn’t stop to think about what reaction that could elicit
He regret saying it after he did
But she showed him her wounds/scars
He insisted on cleaning them up and bandaging them
He was very confused and concerned.
He'd heard about stuff like this but hadn’t really experienced it first-hand
He tried to take her feelings and mental state into consideration, but his brain was sometimes a little foggy with slight panic and confusion.
"Have you told anyone about this? i think you should get some help."
Again, it was a little difficult for him to find soothing words, and he spoke bluntly
He encouraged her to find help
He always makes sure to tell her he cares, albeit awkwardly.
He does care, but he isn't great with feelings. he just really doesn't like the idea of his Y/n doing something like that
Afterwards, he’d try to be more conscious of her and her state.
He could get a little frustrated sometimes, especially if she found herself in an episode or relapsing.
He wasn’t angry at her.
He was just confused on why and lets it turn into anger
He felt angry that she was hurting like that,
and John being the problem solver he is, sometimes he let his logical and moral side take over.
So he’d ask for help or look up ways he could help her
he's trying!!!
Self harm/suicide services
Call, Text, or Chat with Canada's Crisis Services Canada
Call, Email, or Visit the UK's Samaritans
Text CHAT to America’s Crisis Text Line at 741741.
Eating Disorder Helplines
UK: 0808 801 0677
USA: 800.931.2237
Canada: 1-866-NEDIC-20
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g0ry0re0 · 18 days
Does anyone remember that one author here on tumblr who wrote really good Kryoz and Smii7y fics but they like deleted everything and I haven't been able to find any of it since 😭😭
This was like a few years ago and I'm still devastated
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quack42069 · 2 years
Everything I've written & is up to date :) If you're easily triggered do not read! I do not put specific trigger warnings. My work is all x reader. I write about people & their characters. All for fun, this is not how the people I write for actually are! Request open always:)
Misfits & friends Imagines
GoodGuyFitz/Cameron Mckay
Still Into You
SFW Alphabet
Friends to Lovers hc's
Somewhere with you
Miss You
It's not my birthday
More than me
Swaggs dating a latin reader hc's
Come back
Swaggs speaking Italian w/ s/o hc's
One more time
I'll be right there
Marriage w/ Swaggs hc's
Zuckles/Mason Bradford
Zuckies w/ s/o that stutters hc's
Coffee Shop Meetings
Birthday Questions
Be Better
Other hc's including misfits
Swaggs & Fitz having a crush on reader
Being Tobi's sibling while dating Fitz
Poly relationship w/ Swaggs & Fitz
Kryoz dating latin reader hc's
Arguments w/ him hc's
Cuddling w/ him hc's
His love language hc's
Cartoons & kisses
Dating him hc's
EpicSMP/Lunch Club/Chuckle Sandwich & Friends Imagines
Ghost of you
Please don't go
I'm sorry
This city
I missed you
Coop w/ s/o that stutters hc's
Cheeky smiles
Dating him hc's
A night in
Dating Charlie hc's
Touch Starved
Charlie w/ s/o that stutters
It's okay
we're Glad
Moonlit Kisses
Roller-Skating w/ him hc's
Ice-Skating w/ him hc's
Charlie w/ s/o that picks at their skin hc's
Wedding w/ him hc's
Owning a large pet w/ him hc's
Ted Nivison
Roller-Skating w/ him hc's
Ice-Skating w/ him hc's
Owning a large pet w/ him hc's
Maybe one day
Dating Traves Hc's
DreamSMP & Friends Imagines
Dating him hc's
Karl Jacobs
I'm sorry
Dating him hc's
Safe Inside
Cuddling w/ him hc's
Sidemen & Friends Imagines Wroetoshaw/Harry Lewis
One More Night
How they get your attention
Misfits EpicSMP DreamSMP
Shower's w/ them
Misfits EpicSMP DreamSMP
Song they post you to
Misfits EpicSMP DreamSMP
Their reaction to your cute aggression
Misfits EpicSMP DreamSMP
How they respond to hate towards you
Misfits EpicSMP DreamSMP
How they are when their jealous
Misfits DreamSMP EpicSMP
You flinch at their touch
They have a nightmare about you
Misfits DreamSMP
British s/o
Dances and Kisses
Nickname they give you
Misfits DreamSMP EpicSMP Mr. Beast Crew
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Hi! Im Ly! I tend to switch between fandoms quite a bit. I am a minor.
Other names include Wolfy and some variation of Lou or Qeu (pronounced Q). My user for a lot of stuff is LouieQeu.
Fandom im most interested in currently: Debut or die
Fandoms: villanous, the novel's extra, gen loss, rottmnt, villain to kill, mcyt(hermitcraft), marvel, danny phantom, dc(batfam n very very rarely john constantine), parts of genshin impact, the stanley parable, bungou stray dogs, boku no hero academia, omniscient reader viewpoint, undertale, tmnt in general, welcome home arg, rise of the guardians (specfically jack frost), fnaf and some comics with little fan content(are they even considered fandoms??)
Ships u might see on my blog: yoo joonghyuk x kim dokja (both orv), stanley x narrator (both tsp), soukoku aka chuuya x dazai (both bsd), hiccup(httyd) x jack frost(rotg) and batfam member(dc) x danny/jazz phantom(dp) + anything i see pop up that i might like
Crossovers im more interested in than others: dc x dp, rotg x httyd and orv x tcf
Occasionally watches: kryoz, smii7y, rtgame, blitz, lets game it out, worstpremadeever and kaif
My main rp blog: @imahallucinationbabyyyyy
WARNING: My blog has posts that may be triggering but arent tagged. Please be careful and if you realise a post might be triggering to you pls avoid reading it!!
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starkissedbxby · 5 years
drunken lips | kryoz x reader
prompt: it’s your 21′s birthday and John has the idea of taking you to a bar to celebrate. You run into a bit of trouble with some guys you had met before. John has his own ideas of saving you from your trouble
a/n: this is from my fanfic on wattpad called evicted, so if you wanna check it out, click here!
    I looked at John disapprovingly. "John, it's a bar" I stated at him. He nodded.
    "I know! But you're turning 21 and I think you need to experience it at least once. Besides, it's Jaren's last night here and he wanted to go. Please?" He pleaded. He put his hands together and tried to give me the best puppy-eyed look he could.
    It fucking worked. I sighed and nodded. "Fine. But just this once. Okay?" John nearly squealed but stopped himself before he could. I giggled softly and he smiled.
    Eventually a couple days passed and my birthday came along. John was happy at the fact I was turning 21. I always thought of birthdays as "leveling up" and John and Jaren found it quite amusing.
    Around 6pm, I decided to go get ready. I braided a strand of hair and let the rest of it down, and put on some black leggings and a shirt with a jacket on top. I met the two boys at the door and we headed out to the bar that was a few miles downtown. As we entered, the smell of alcohol poured into my lungs. A scent I was all-to familiar with. I played it off as the three of us headed over to the bartender.
   The bartender was a young guy, he walked over to us and looked at me. "Can I see some ID?" I nodded and held mine out to him. He looked at it and smiled a bit. "Looks like someone's a birthday girl, eh? Turning 21 today?" I nodded and smiled at him. "In that case I guess I'll line up some shots for you guys, if thats okay with you." I shrugged a bit.
   "I can try, I guess." I muttered. John held my hand reassuringly and I blushed a bit. The bartender handed us our shots and I looked at them.
    "Wanna go first?" Jaren asked. I nodded shyly.
   "Fine. Just this once." I held up the small glass and took it into my mouth. The alcohol burned down my throat and I shook my head. "Fuck-"
   John chuckled a bit. "That's normal." He took his shot and Jaren soon followed. After the third one I got used to it and things slowly went downhill from there. The world started feeling less like a reality and I started drowning out sounds. John looked at me. "Alright, I think you've had enough for today."
    I nodded and struggled to get off the chair. "I'm gonna head outside. I need to clear my head for a bit. And maybe vape for a bit."
   John smiled. "Alright. But be careful okay?"
   I smiled before finding my way to the door and heading outside for a bit. I grabbed my vape and inhaled, blowing out a white cloud that quickly disappeared. I repeated this for a while, trying to clear my head. The mix of alcohol and nicotine probably wasn't great and it probably was gonna make one hell of a hangover tomorrow morning. I sat outside for another ten minutes until a group of drunk guys probably in their mid twenties came out of the bar. Soon after leaving they caught eye of me and headed over, attempting to flirt their way into getting laid for the night. I hissed softly.
   There was something about them though that seemed oddly familiar. Not in a good way. The dark light didn't help much either, but hearing their voices was good enough. I had to get one of them to say something again.
   "Damn it, can't a girl vape in fucking peace?" I spat at them. One of the guys laughed.
   "ooh, someone's a firecracker."
   That fucking did it. That voice stood out clear as day. It was that asshole at the airport who tried to flirt with me.
   I scoffed. "And someone needs fucking plastic surgery. Now do me a favor and go fuck yourselves." I hissed and headed back inside the bar. I caught two of the guys looking for me from behind, and I made myself lost in the crowd. I won't lie, keeping my composure was fucking hard. I was about three seconds away from crying from stress and anxiety.
   Eventually I bumped into John and I let out a sigh of relief. "John! Jesus christ thank god it's you."
    He looked at me "Well, yeah. I've been looking for you all over, you were gone for a while."
    "Yeah, about that- You remember those two guys at the airport?" I asked.
    He looked at me concerned. "Yes. Why?" His tone shifted to a more serious one.
    "Well I may or may not have run into them outside and now they're in here looking for me?"
    He growled softly. "I swear to fucking god-"
   "Nononono. We don't need anymore attention. They're gonna remember you. As of now they don't remember who I am, probably all the alcohol. But they're gonna find me, John."
   "Alright, I'll get Jaren. Stay here, and don't move. Got it?" he commanded. I nodded but soon saw one of the guys standing by the doorway. Another headed towards our direction.
   "We can't leave. They're right there and they're heading over."
   John hesitated for a moment before looking at me. "Alright, I have an idea. But you're gonna have to promise me you're gonna play along no matter what, okay?"
   "Yeah sure, but-"
   "Do you promise?" He asked seriously. I looked back and then to John again. I nodded. "Good. Put your back against the wall."
    I didn't bother questioning his reasoning, I promised to play along, and I did. I was going to ask him what was next but I didn't have the time before his lips crashed onto my own.
   A part of me wanted to ask him why he thought it was a good idea, the other didn't want him to stop. His lips burned with the taste of alcohol, and the scent of coconut oil lingered in his bleached hair.
  The kiss deepened, the both of us drunken out of our minds to even question our morals for doing this. After a few minutes of a brief unintentional make out session, we pulled away and I looked into John's eyes. I looked around the bar and saw no sign of the guys. John was a blushing mess and I chuckled softly.
    "(Y/N) I-" he started. I placed a finger on his lips.
   "We both enjoyed that, now let's just leave it at that, alright Johnny?" I smiled a little. He nodded before we headed off to find Jaren.
   He was still seated at the bar table, browsing his phone. He looked up at us and chuckled softly. "Where the hell were you two?"
    We hesitated to answer before he shrugged it off, all of us too drunk to even remember what happened a majority of the night. The only thing that was pierced in John and I's minds was that intoxicating feeling that got me more drunken on love than the alcohol itself.
   The drive home in the Uber was quiet. Jaren had dozed off and it left me and John to ourselves. John hesitated before breaking the silence.
   "Look, (Y/N) I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. You told me it was a bad idea to come here and you were right." he said quietly.
   I shook my head. "No, John. This was the best night I've ever had in my life. Especially what happened with you. That...I wouldn't mind doing that again. Then again we probably even won't remember this in the morning."
   "But you never know." He muttered.
   I nodded in response. The remainder of the drive home being quiet. I leaned onto John's shoulder and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.
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x4n7h05 · 5 years
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This is Nano! He just wants you to remember that no matter what you are loved and supported in every way! Procrastinating on writing or drawing? Don’t worry being creative can be hard just take a break for a little! Looking in the mirror and not liking what you see? Don’t worry you’re just not your type! Can’t sleep? Just watch some netflix! It’s all okay! Sometimes you just need to step back and recollect your thoughts. We all have stressful times but that doesn’t make what you’re going through any less important! So take care of yourself and remember that though it may not seem like it at times, you are loved by many.
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poly-bus · 5 years
Hey I've noticed a severe shortage of Kryoz x reader fics out there do you think you could do one lol or maybe Krii7y x reader idk whichever you like thx :3
I don’t usually do reader fics because I don’t usually read them and enjoy them, buuuut, I could try and make an exception for you.
It’s just going to be a while before I actually get to work on it, school exists n all that, sorry.
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
Would you do #57 or #92 from the prompts and maybe make it a kryoz x reader? (I’m not sure if you do that and I’m so sorry if not!) I love your page by the way! 💙
Ahh I actually don’t do reader stories, because I’m semi-picky with my pairings and stuff. And I also closed my requests at the moment cause I’m a little overwhelmed. >.
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cybrpwup · 1 year
ᴀᴡᴋᴡᴀʀᴅ || ᴋʀʏᴏᴢɢᴀᴍɪɴɢ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
John x f!reader
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content warnings; smut, language summary; John and Y/n’s first time Requested?; Yes ! ↳ can u write a kryoz smut where its him and the readers (fem) first time and theyre all nervous and awkward !
For weeks Y/n and John had been navigating awkward flirting and nervous dates. John had a crush on her from the moment they first met but was too shy to do anything about it. When he first asked her out, it took her a good thirty seconds to answer because of the shock. Of course, he mistook her silence for denial and almost started nervously backtracking until she blurted out, “YES!” a bit louder than she intended.
It made him laugh.
After the first date, the two spent as much time together as possible outside of just videos. Most of the time, they hung out at his place since she lived with her mother, so privacy wasn’t in abundance. Not that the two really needed much. Both of them wanted to go slow.
But the more time spent with together, the more attracted to each other they became, and eventually, watching TV turned into slow make-out sessions and curious hands. Which is exactly how tonight started.
The air felt different that night - the energy was more charged than usual and Y/n found herself wanting more than just his mouth on hers and his hand on her hip. Though, both were wonderful on their own.
“John,” she panted as he drew back to catch his breath. “Can we…?” Her hand grabbed his, fiddling with his rings.
“Can we what?” he asked, reaching up to stroke her cheek.
“Can we…you know…” She felt her face grow hot and mentally cursed herself for being so nervous, “Maybe go further than kissing?”
He stared for a moment until his brain caught on and his eyes widened. “Oh! Um, yeah. Sure. I mean, I’d like that a lot but I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.”
She giggled. “I don’t feel pressured at all. I just…I really want to go further.”
“How much further?”
She slid her hand into his hair and pulled him into a slow kiss, attempting her best at pouring her heart and soul into it. His body melted as his arm slid around her waist to pull her in close. When they parted, they both were panting.
“As far as we can go,” she breathes, “I-If you’re okay with that, that is.”
He nodded and she watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed thickly. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good with that.”
She kissed him again before losing all her nerves as excitement drowned out any unwanted feelings. He’d been nothing but gentle with her from the beginning and she knew her feelings for him were already bordering on love. Her excitement seemed to fuel his because suddenly, neither one of them could keep their hands to themselves.
Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, until she got frustrated and pulled away from his kiss with a swear. “Goddamn buttons!”
John tried to help, “Here, let me…”
After several seconds of awkward fumbling, and with the help of both of them, they finally managed to get the damn shirt open and off. His white undershirt came next, running her hands up his tone chest before pulling him into another kiss. The rest of the clothes pretty much came off the same way, with someone or something getting stuck and the two having to fix it in between self conscious giggles and kisses. It’s especially difficult to do on the couch, yet neither thought to move to the bedroom.
Once clothes are discarded, all laughing stopped as the gravity of the moment took hold and they allowed themselves to fall into each other’s embrace. She could feel John’s body trembling and she pulled away, holding his gaze
“Do you want to stop?” She asked, nervous she’d already did something wrong, “We don’t have to—”
“I want to,” he blurted out. “I just…I don’t want to mess this up.”
“Me neither.”
John cupped her cheek, bringing her forward so their foreheads rested against each other’s, “I really care about you.”
“I care about you too, John. Please make love to me?”
She heard the breath rush from his lungs, making her eyes open and stare into his. He looked at her with such adoration and rapture, she felt her face grow hot again. He drew back to feel around for his pants, eventually drawing out his wallet and a condom. Her body shuddered at the sight of him rolling it on, this time with excitement.
"You're soaked." John praised, his forehead gently resting against hers as he slid a finger through her wet folds. She let out a pathetic whine, trying to grind her hips against his hand. John chuckled softly.
"I know, I know." He whispered, pressing his lips against hers as he gently circled her clit. He was being so soft, so careful, and yet so curious. He kept his face close to hers so he could feel every pant she made, hear every whine and moan that left her angelic lips. His fingers rubbed gentle circles, causing more wetness to gush out of her. She gasped against his lips as he flicked her clit, and she lifted her hips to try and entice him for more.
He kissed her again, settling back between her legs. When he slowly pushed into her, his eyes never leaving hers. Her felt her eyelids droop, but she forced them to stay open, not wanting to look away. Sweat started to bead on her skin as a rush of heat flowed through her. John’s cock was wonderfully thick, stretching her in a way that made her gasp.
He paused, “A-Are you okay?”
She nodded frantically, wrapping her arms around him in encouragement, “Keep going.”
John bottomed out and moaned, the sound thrilled her more than she ever realized it would. He started to move, moving slowly, peppering her cheek and throat with soft kisses - his skin hot to the touch and she couldn’t stop running her hands over every bit of it she could reach. She’d never felt so alive in her life. Every single nerve was firing off random signals, overwhelming her senses. But John’s solid form kept her grounded, his soft kisses and sweet words making tears form on the corner of her eyes.
“You’re so beautiful,” he panted in her ear. “I’m so lucky. So fucking lucky…”
“John,” she moaned out, “John, I think…”
Her words were cut off when he picked up the pace, his mouth sealing over hers to muffle her confession of love. It’s okay. She’ll tell him later.
Time melted away and everything was lost except for the sweet boy making love to her. Her orgasm was a slow build but rocked her body, curling her toes and stealing little breaths John hadn’t taken with his kisses already. His hips sped up, solid body rocking against hers until his hips stilled and he threw his head back, which was the most beautifully erotic sight she’s ever seen.
When both came down from their high, whispered promises and sweet kisses following quickly after. And Y/n knew, at that moment, that not only did she love John, but he loved her too.
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g0ry0re0 · 1 month
And if I reverted back a little bit to my bbs fandom phase, then what
If I wrote fanfiction for Kryoz, THEN WHAT
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quack42069 · 3 years
Arguments With Kryoz/John
Kryoz x GN!Reader
Editors <3 : @lemomnade @jschllatt
Taglist : @gognotfound @yadywho @btsiguess-kpop @kiit-ty @ultimate-sdmn-trash
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Arguments with him often come from you both getting annoyed with each other and lashing out
He'll only yell when you do
You yell because you think he's not listening
Lots of built up anger from things you didn't even know he was still mad about
He gets surprised when you call him out on things he said he'd change
Honestly, at the end of the day you two aren't mad at each other, you're mad because all you two wanna do is lay down, cuddle and sleep but you both know that you need to talk it out, and talking turns to voices getting louder and ect
You both aren't quiet, you two will get into each others faces
No matter what though, you two wouldn't hurt each other
You two also never call each other bad names, sometimes you call him a dick or asshole but he never calls you anything back
Arguments with him usually stop once one of you finally realize that one of you are wrong and own up
If you two both don't see that you are in the wrong, it'll stop once he punches a wall
He just gets really angry, but that anger isn't at you it's at the situation
Once he sees the look on your face from him punching the wall, his heart shatters and in that moment who's right, who's wrong doesn't matter to him, all he wants to do is apologize and hug it out
If the argument still isn't over by the time it hits 10:30 you two agree to go to bed, cuddle and in the morning you two are much more calmer and talk it out in bed
Lots of morning cuddles and kisses and a lot of the time things do change
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smii7yschleep-blog · 7 years
Some ideas for future writings-
- Fluff! Smi77yLadd - Smut! Smii7yLadd, —SMII7Y is a submissive milbag, fight me. - Male Reader x Mini Ladd, Confession - Female Reader x Mini Ladd, Drunk Conversations - Collab of Kryozgaming / SMII7Y HeadCannons w/ @kryozdickpic - Krii7y Smut, TwitchCon - Basicallyido407, Fluff, OVERWATCH Loss - Kinky readings in Cards, Kryoz does sexy talk, potential boner from his future boyfriend?¿
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starkissedbxby · 5 years
bleach dyes and heart felt eyes | kryoz x reader
warnings: minor smut (but if u want a full one i’ll be happy to make one ;) )
You let out a sharp inhale as a pair of soft lips nipped against your neck. A soft moan escaped your lips and your boyfriend let out a playful smirk. John nipped more at your collarbone and you let out a moan. John continued to kiss, bite, and lick at the area, leaving a dark hickey that marked your skin.
“There we go. Now we know that you’re mine again.” He lulled. You blushed and he chuckled. “Hmm, what else would you like done to you, babygirl?”
Your blush turned darker as John hovered over you. He tilted his head and you looked at him innocently. Several thoughts ran through your mind of the things you wanted him to do to you. But you never responded.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” He asked huskily. You nodded shyly and he smirked. “Guess we’ll just have to go by trial and error then.”
He placed a loving kiss onto your lips and the two of your minds and bodies synced together. He pulled away after a while and looked into your eyes. His own filled with lust that mixed with the deep colour of love. 
The sun flashed against your eyes and you groaned. You turned to see your boyfriend next to you. He wasn’t there. You got up out of bed and searched around the house. He wasn’t there. You looked at the time. 1 PM. You overslept big time. Going to bed at 3am after editing probably wasn’t the best idea. 
You sat on the couch and soon you heard the door open and close. You looked over the couch and saw John enter the house.
“There you are.” You smiled. John looked at you and smiled back.
“Ah, I see you’re up finally.” He walked over and sat next to you. You placed a kiss onto his cheek and gazed at him.
“You bleached your hair again.” You giggled, running your hand through it. John chuckled.
“Yeah. It started fading so I got it touched up.” John smiled, putting it into a bun. You frowned and groaned. “What?”
“I like it when your hair is down.” you laid on his lap. He chuckled and ruffled your hair. 
“Alright.” He let it down and you smiled in response. There was a moment of silence before John broke it. “So, what was all that noise you were making this morning in bed?”
You froze. “What do you mean?” You sat up. John smirked.
“I think you know what I mean, (Y/N). So, care to explain what it was you were dreaming about? Oh, and don’t leave out any details.” he smirked, leaning over you. He pinned you down onto the couch and you blushed. 
“No? Well then, if you don’t feel like telling, how about a demonstration?” He chuckled. His hands crept up your shirt and you blushed deeper. He leaned down and kissed down your jawline and down your neck. You let out a quiet moan and a shaky breath.
“Why don’t we continue this in our room, hmm?” John asked innocently. You nodded shyly and you headed into the bedroom. If your neighbors got tired of you and John screaming while playing games, you were sure they hated you after you were screaming his name over and over again.
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quack42069 · 3 years
Please - Kryoz/John
Kryoz/John X Gender Neutral! Reader
"I'm sorry." John said quietly, breaking the silence. You scoffed. He's sorry. For what exactly? For getting caught? For hurting you? The relationship?
Three fucking years. Three years down the drain like nothing. Three years that were full of love and laughter. Yeah, you had your arguments but what couple didn't. You looked down, playing with the promise ring he gave you about a year into your relationship. So much for turning it into a wedding ring, right John?
"It didn't mean anything Y/n. I promise. I was drunk and they just - I'm so fucking sorry - baby please." His voice cracked slightly. He moved towards you, you were sat on the edge of the bed, refusing to look at him. You knew if you did all you would want to do is run into his arms. Tell him it was okay, that you'll get through it. But that wasn't't happening. It wasn't okay and it would never be the same. The second he looked at them and forgot about you was the second the relationship ended.
He placed his hands in yours, you didn't do anything but move your gaze from your hands to the floor. You felt his thumb rub your knuckles, he brought your hands to his lips, placing a kiss on them.
"Please, I'm so sorry, I love you. Y/n, I love you. I can't imagine my life without you please." You looked up at the ceiling trying to hold back a sob. "Please look at me."
"You need to go." You sobbed, pulling your hands away from him and standing up. You walked towards the bedroom door, standing near it as you finally took a good look at him. His red and puffy eyes stared back at you. His hair was a mess and he looked so tired. He stood up walking towards you.
"Please don't do this." You looked at him with cold eyes. Your brain was telling you to tell him to leave but your heart wanted to grab his face, kiss him and hold him until he felt better. You listened to your brain. Opening the door you stared at him as he walked out. Once you heard his keys and the front door of your shared apartment close you broke down. You made the right choice.
Taglist: @gognotfound @noahsfag @btsiguess-kpop @ultimate-sdmn-trash @kiit-ty
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quack42069 · 3 years
Kryoz dating a Latina/Latino reader HC's
Kryoz/John X Gender Neutral! Reader
Immediately asked if you could teach him spanish
Learned how to hold a convo so he could talk to your family
"Mira es Y/n's esposo"
he was nervous when he first met your family, what if the language barrier was too difficult?!?! he wanted a good relationship with them
They saw how much he loves you and how hard he's trying and they love that for you
his nickname is "Gringo"
At first he looks at you like ???
you explain it and he's kinda like 0_o "okay then"
embraces the name eventually
The women in your family LOVE him
He drinks with the family - his favorite is Dos Equis
or modelo with taíjn
He's great with your cousins
They say he's apart of the family
Overall loves your family and they love him
loves randomly speaking to you in Spanish
mans is spanglish now
Taglist : @gognotfound @noahsfag @btsiguess-kpop @ultimate-sdmn-trash
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