#latino viktor
g3nd3rg4y · 1 year
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i was gonna fill a huge canvas with nico sketches but i kinda. didn't. so here ya go. and take an extra viktor in my venezuelan college AU that i also never finished
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hedonismprinc · 1 year
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himbohargreeves · 2 years
Christopher will be the official founder of the diego hate club and its just him, reginald and that psychiatrist from the asylum in 2x01
HONESTLY like what is that cube’s problem
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vergilsama922 · 2 years
Viktor Orban and Conservatives are against Race Mixing/LGBTQ
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This man is Viktor Orban the prime minister of Hungary. And he said he's against race mixing and immigration/LGBTQ people. Why am I bringing this up?
Because American conservatives made him their guest of honor at CPAC a week or so back.
Oh and here is Viktor Orban's quote
“There is a world in which European peoples are mixed together with those arriving from outside Europe,” he said in the speech in Baile Tusnad, a majority ethnic Hungarian city in Romania. “Now, that is a mixed-race world.” In what he described as “our world,” Orban said “people from within Europe mix with one another." “We are willing to mix with one another, but we do not want to become peoples of mixed-race,” he said, adding: “Migration has split Europe in two — or I could say that it has split the West in two." "One half is a world where European and non-European peoples live together. These countries are no longer nations: they are nothing more than a conglomeration of peoples.”
But here's the crazy part. People CLAPPED at CPAC. Yes. American conservatives were clapping!
“I’m here to tell you that we should unite our forces,” said Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister who has found himself increasingly alienated from democratic countries in Europe, as he has opposed immigration and liberal views on family and gender — and increasingly close with the MAGA-aligned American right.
To the extent that CPAC gatherings are an opportunity to reinforce emerging themes in conservative politics with the Republican faithful, signs point to a growing number of politicians on the right embracing that type of nationalistic populism, which ramps up government spending to ease burdens on citizens with children — while also delivering condemnations of same-sex families, transgender rights and open borders.
They praised Hungary’s extensive government support for young married couples — a strategy Orbán’s administration has employed to increase the nation’s birth rate — and suggested conservatives in America should embrace similar policies. Some Republican politicians are beginning to champion larger tax credits for families with children, including Ohio Senate hopeful J.D. Vance, who is among the speakers at CPAC Texas, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who says he is working to pass legislation to provide more government resources to new mothers.
But stick with me a *little* bit more. Because uhh....Things aren't so hot for hungary right now.
The Hungarian leader is not opening this culture war front in a vacuum. Back home, the prime minister is grappling with a growing number of problems.
Hungary’s government is in dire need of pandemic recovery funds the EU is withholding over corruption concerns. The country’s currency has hit record lows. Households are struggling with rising prices. And a tax change has sparked protests.
“I ask you not to be misled, not to be deceived,” he implored the crowd in Romania, where he was speaking. “There is a war, an energy crisis, an economic crisis and wartime inflation, and all of this is drawing a screen in front of our eyes, a screen between us and the issue of gender and migration.”
He then punched the point: “It is on these issues that the future will be decided.”
So here's the summary.
Viktor Orban is a fascist who took over Hungary and believes in an ethnically pure Hungary. He's incredibly anti-semetic, immigration, LGBTQIA+ and very racist
His Economy is in shambles right now with inflation and his currency being worthless yet hyper focuses on the culture war. He even said REAL issues are a distraction
He was invited BY conservatives to CPAC as their big speaker. And the people in the crowds LOVED him. He even got claps when he was talking about being against race mixing
He focuses on "Supporting families" by banning abortion and depriving women of rights. And of course same-sex people rights to have or adopt children.
I'll say this. American Conservatives ARE fascist. There's no room for discussion or interpretation. They want anyone who isn't a straight white Christian guy to die or be deported from America. And even if you ARE a straight white Christian guy, your life will be incredibly hellish.
Also If you ARE a conservative or right-wing, don't follow me or talk to me anymore. I do not want bigots of any kind supporting ANYTHING I do.
This guy is the literal second coming of Hitler and we see the American right think he's based or cool. Arm yourselves and look out for one another.
And don't concede the rights of ANY group to these fascists.
We're all in this together. My Trans/CIS brothers/sisters. My Non-Binary pals. My L/G/B/P/A comrades. Whether you're Black, Mixed, Arabic, Asian, Hispanic, Native, or White. An attack on ONE of us is an attack on ALL of us.
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piononostalgia · 2 years
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José Campeche
« Doña María de los Dolores Gutiérrez del Mazo y Pérez »
Oil on canvas, ca. 1796
Victoria’s Secret
Adriana Lima in 2005
Viktor and Rolf
Karolína Kurková in the Spring-Summer 2005 Flowerbomb collection
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machineheraldandy · 2 years
I’m here to rant honestly// arcane fandoms issues with stereotypes/mischaracterising/harming minorities
The arcane fandom has a huge issue with mischaracterising and just other issues, issues that affect many minorities
I recently got in drama with a very popular arcane artist that will remain unnamed due to this very reason.
I think the arcane fandom needs to remember that they are fandom with real people in it and that they can affect, absolutely harm real people with their words, actions, artwork, headcanons, fanfics, etc.
So I’m going to go into the Jayce/viktor side of things, this is not going into other characters otherwise I’ll be here all week
Jayce: Jayce is very well known in arcane to be possibly Hispanic, and the fandom took this as a chance to make him a Hispanic stereotype, specifically a sterotype of Latinos (Hispanic men). To the point they have completely mischaracterised Jayce to be something he isn’t. They make him highly se/ual (not sure if I can say that word here lol) aggressive, dumb, etc, all parts of the Latino stereotype. And it’s so weird? Jayce is aggressive once. Once. And that’s in the shimmer factory scene, and even then he regrets it straight away. He absolutely hates what he has done. Dumb doesn’t even make sense as he’s a top inventor/scientist, yes he can be seen dumb social wise due to the fact he doesn’t really like people, and is easily manipulated, but calling him dumb cause he’s a manipulation victim doesn’t sit right with me. Specially as a victim of ab/se, that was manipulated, am I meant to be consider dumb? For being a victim? And yes you can take Jayce as being se/ual cause of the scene of him and Mel but even then he isn’t shown to be that se/ual! Mels the one that starts it. How is this so harmful? Because it puts down a harmful stereotype, that affects real people!
Viktor: viktor is taken as a trans stereotype (even though he isn’t a canon transgender person, it’s a very popular headcanon) he is pushed onto the s/x work ideals, the hyper-sexuality, the constant making him a bottom, the constant making him extremely feminine, and a Twink. Don’t get me wrong you can see him as a bottom, but if you see him as trans, when you are cis, and do these things…big issue. These things come from fetishing trans masc people, it’s very wrong.
Viktor again: for his disability he gets stereotyped as always needing people, always needing people, dying to a point he isn’t. Look as a disabled person you need to understand…how this hurts me and so many other disabled people!! It babies us, makes us seem weak and pathetic, when we aren’t! Please stop
Harmful headcanons
Jayce: Jayce gets seen as viktors caretaker way too much, if you are disable and doing it that’s fine, I love the idea of my best friends/lover being able to care for me, but when you aren’t disabled and do it, it’s seem as babying viktor, making it so he HAS to have help when he doesn’t need it. Another harmful headcanon is that Jayce is ableist for not wanting to care for viktor 24/7, that is so harmful to us disabled people as it once again forced the idea we need to be babied. Viktor is a full grown man who becomes a cyborg accidental cult leaders he doesn’t need jayces help. He’s shown not needing help from Jayce. The only time he’s shown getting help for his disabilities is when he walks with his cane, ends up in hospital, and then gets shimmer from singed. He doesn’t need a caretaker. Also the idea that Jayce is a r/pist which I’m not even going to go into, you know why that’s bad.
Viktor: I’ve basically talked about the harmful caretaker headcanon already so let me talk about the headcanon he’s a r/pe victim, it’s gross, if you aren’t a victim of SA, stop, it’s a weird way to fetishise him in this community and it needs to stop. To less harmful ones, the idea he’s so much smarter than Jayce, that can be fine but this 98% of the time stems from the Latino stereotype issue, and if it is stemming from that please don’t.
Lgbtqia+ headcanon issues
Viktor: stop saying you can’t ship people with viktor cause you think he’s ace/aro, that is so harmful and harms us ace/aro folk so much, as it’s spreading misinformation! ace/aro people can date and have s/x, we can. It’s a large spectrum. Yes some ace/aro people don’t date at all! But saying someone can’t date just cause they are ace/aro spreads harmful information that caused so many ace/aro folk to get attacked.
Already gone over the trans headcanons, so no more need to talk
Jayce: the whole idea Jayce can’t be transgender because he’s masculine is rooted in transphobia, and needs to be stopped, people can headcanon him as trans (I do!) and it’s fine, trans men can be masculine, they can have deeper voices, they can grown facial hair, they literally can so stop being transphobic!
Also the idea he can’t be a gay man because he dates Mel in arcane is terrible, as one the relationship started through manipulation, two Jayce may not realise he’s gay by then, yes you can headcanon him as bisexual, pansexual etc, but telling people they can’t see him as gay is terrible, them seeing him as gay isn’t rooted in biphobia most of the time, if it is! Call them out all you want! But don’t get mad at people for seeing one of their favs as gay.
Adding onto that don’t get mad at people for headcanoning him as ace/aro, once again ace/aro people can have s/x! They can be in relationships! Saying he can’t be ace/aro is once again spreading false informations
Just all up don’t harass people for their headcanons! Until things get confirmed! If Jayce gets confirmed as bisexual in arcane, get mad at people for removing the rep, if viktor turns out as gay/ace/aro/trans get mad at people for removing that rep! Just don’t get mad unless it’s canon.
Viktors disability:
Saying you didn’t think you’d find a disabled man so attractive is ableist, making fun of the way he runs is rooted in ableism, saying he’ll die from the smallest thing, rooted in ableism, making fun of him for being disabled in any way is ableist. Please stop with this. It actively hurts and makes us disabled people feel unsafe
Jayce: people seem to have an issue with him being headcanoned as such and it’s just weird? It’s rooted in ableism and it’s just…gross. Jayce can be taken as autistic because he doesn’t really like people, parties, etc, he’s obsessed with hextech, he has attachment issues with viktor it seems, he doesn’t catch onto some social things, etc. so let us autistic people headcanon him as such
Viktor:just the same. Just reread jayces if you want.
Just all up the arcane fandom has a huge issue, they have affected POC, disabled people, lgbtqia+ people, and probably more minorities groups. This is why a lot of minorities moved away from the arcane fandom, specially jayvik fans who are minorities, due to how disrespectful the arcane fandom is.
I am a part of many of these minorities and it’s caused me to leave arcane more and more over the year it’s been released. Surprisingly sometimes the league of Keegan d community is way better. Of course it’s still bad but the fact it’s way better than arcane? A little weird.
If you’ve accidentally done any of these harmful things without realising and now have learned why they are harmful I’m glad I’ve educated you? I just needed to rant about arcane issues though so I expect people to ignore this or fight with me over this >_<
Im just sick of seeing art, fanfics, headcanons, etc, that are just so harmful that everyone seems to not realise is harmful.
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The cousin and cash handler for one of Russia’s most notorious oligarchs poured tens of thousands of dollars into electing a newly minted congressman-elect who called Ukraine’s government “a totalitarian regime.”
Republican George Devolder-Santos vanquished Democrat Robert Zimmerman this month in the race for a House seat covering parts of Long Island and the New York City borough of Queens—riding a red wave that swept the Empire State this cycle, and washing away two decades of Democratic dominance in the district.
Devolder-Santos had long courted conservative media attention by presenting himself as a “walking, living, breathing contradiction”—a gay Latino millennial born in New York City, who is also a fervent devotee of ex-President Donald Trump.
For much of his professional career, which included a stint as regional director at an alleged Ponzi scheme, the Republican used the name George Devolder. However, as he ventured further into the world of politics, he began to increasingly use the name George Devolder-Santos or simply George Santos.
He stood out to the Washington Post earlier this year for his remarks in the aftermath of Russia’s bloody, unprovoked assault on Ukraine.
“It’s not like Ukraine is a great democracy. It’s a totalitarian regime. They’re not a great bastion of freedom,” the congressman-to-be told the paper.
He has insisted that Ukraine “welcomed the Russians into their provinces”—an apparent reference to President Vladimir Putin’s 2014 invasion to prop up rogue separatist parties—and that Ukrainians in the east “feel more Russian than Ukrainian,” even though every single Ukrainian province overwhelmingly voted for independence in 1991.
It was not the first time Devolder-Santos had parroted Kremlin talking points. In the weeks before Putin’s brutal, blundering attack upon his western neighbor, the candidate repeatedly took to Twitter to accuse President Joe Biden of plotting to “start a war” with Russia and deploy American troops to Ukraine.
But unreported until now is that by the time Devolder-Santos made these statements, his congressional ambitions had already received a $32,800 boost from a controversial figure linked to the uppermost echelons of the Russian regime—and that support would more than double in size during the months ahead.
The cash came from Andrew Intrater and his wife, who variously listed her occupation as “homemaker” and “analyst” for Falcon AI, one of her husband’s subsidiary firms.
Intrater’s main venture is today called Sparrow Capital, but it previously used the name Columbus Nova—and its primary function has long been to manage the investments of Intrater’s cousin, Viktor Vekselberg, one of Putin’s wealthiest and most influential courtiers.
So tightly intertwined is Intrater’s business with that of his relative, who snatched up swaths of Russia’s aluminum and fuel industries during the post-Soviet period, that Columbus Nova described itself in 2007 Securities and Exchange Commission filings as “the U.S.-based affiliate” of Vekselberg’s Renova Group. In fact, SEC records show that “Columbus Nova” was merely a trade name, and the company was in fact incorporated as Renova U.S. Management LLC until it rechristened itself Sparrow Capital in 2018.
The rebrand came just months after the Department of the Treasury froze almost all of the company’s assets for its tight ties to the heavily sanctioned Vekselberg. The following year, Intrater became a national figure when it surfaced that his firm had paid half a million dollars to longtime Trump fixer Michael Cohen, and the pair had exchanged hundreds of phone calls and text messages during the 2016 campaign.
Intrater sued the federal government in hopes of regaining access to his fortune, but a judge slapped the effort down in 2020. However, the businessman persisted and ultimately reached what court records refer to as an “administrative agreement” regarding at least part of the corporate accounts in late 2021. However, the case file does not include this document, and Intrater’s team did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
Intrater’s support for Devolder-Santos dates to the GOP pol’s first failed bid for Congress in 2020, which got a $11,600 cash infusion from the financier and his bride, reflecting the maximum contribution amount then allowed.
But after that initial defeat federal donation limits would prove a small obstacle. Starting in March 2021, Intrater and his wife began pouring tens of thousands of dollars into auxiliary committees backing Devolder-Santos: $20,000 directly to GADS PAC, a leadership political action committee bearing the candidate’s initials, plus $12,100 to Devolder Santos Nassau Victory, a joint fundraising committee formed with the Nassau County Republican Party. Devolder Santos Nassau Victory had to drop $10,000 of that gift into the Nassau GOP’s federal account—but that account made just two federal expenditures this cycle, the larger of them by far being the purchase of lawn signs supporting Devolder-Santos.
All this came on top of $12,400 Intrater and Pentinen gave the Devolder-Santos for Congress committee.
The individual who answered a phone associated with Devolder-Santos identified himself to The Daily Beast as his campaign coordinator, but declined to share his name. He would not speak directly about the Intrater gifts, but insisted that the national Republican Party had set the candidate up with most of his large contributors.
But Devolder-Santos was far and away the largest beneficiary of Intrater’s largesse this year. Further, Devolder-Santos’s committees are the only ones that received gifts from Intrater’s wife this cycle.
The campaign coordinator directed The Daily Beast to forward all questions to a press email, but messages sent to the address provided received no reply.
Shortly after the Russian onslaught against Ukraine began, and public opinion swung toward Kyiv, Devolder-Santos appeared to soften his stance on the country. In a Fox News interview, he highlighted that his grandfather was born in the Ukrainian capital, and on Twitter he has urged prayers for the country.
However, he seems to have avoided the topic since late February, and it is unclear at this point whether he will join the anti-Ukraine faction within the narrow GOP majority in seeking to sever aid to the embattled nation.
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dad-dumpster · 2 years
Latino viktor would never be mean to his dog that's so sad </3
omg nooooooo bestie u misunderstand!!!! she was calling jayce his lil pet!! “boludo” means dumb so shes basically calling jayce his lil dumb pet as like a term of endearment.
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cmonstah · 2 years
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"I look at the diagram and I’m like, what is the in-between that people aren’t talking about, because that’s where we are as a generation."
What does representation mean for Latinos at this moment in time? I get into the nuances with talent rep Jairo Alvarado, a founder at Redefine Entertainment, director and playwright Luis Alfaro, Lucas Museum curator Pilar Tompkins Rivas and scholar Ana-Christina Ramón of UCLA.
Read my roundtable here.
And find LA Vanguardia, an LA Times package devoted to Latino culture makers, right here. With in depth profiles of Walter Thompson-Hernandez, Meztli Project, Diana Burbano, Becky G, Xochitl Gomez, Natalia Molina and dance maestro Viktor Manoel.
Photo by Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times.
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moonsdancer · 2 years
Would it be wrong to interpret Jayce as mixed afro-latino if I'm not black or half black myself? Idk why but I've always read him that way
I'm not afrolatinx so I can't really speak on that. I will say that I don't and simply cannot read Jayce as half-Black at all tbqh given his design is heavily based on referencing his voice actor, Kevin Alejandro, who is decidedly not Black and was born to Mexican parents of Spanish and English ancestry.
Aside: I see some of the colouring people give Jayce in their art and it makes me side-eye because he may not be coded as white but that is not a Black or even half-Black man, it is weird and inappropriate to shade him to the point where he's as dark or even darker than Mel, Ambessa, Ekko or even Sevika, especially to "enjoy" (read fetishize) the contrast of his skin with Viktor's paleness, which is what I sometimes see.
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Fanfics: Sparrow Academy Character Season 3 Development Part 4
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When the mysterious Umbrella Academy appeared in their house. Jayme and her siblings went to confront them. As her family and the Umbrellas were arguing Jayme spits on the latino man. When he realize he was tripping balls and looked at her, she assures that he was. Then a fight broke out, Jayme ended up fighting the short woman. She said she didn’t want to fight her. Jayme jokingly asked if she wanted them to be best friends then kicks the her in face. After minutes later, the girl started to power up, but Jayme got Sloane to lift off the ground. After Alphonso failed to defeat the black woman and the boy, Jayme went to stairs to confront them. But the boy was able to disappear behind her and reappeared behind her knocking her down. But then she spit on him.  She saw the boy speaking a Italian and kissing the air. Then she kicks him to the ground. After Sloane sent the short woman crashing, Jayme and her siblings surrounded her. The Boy called her Vanya and told her to get out of there. Then her skin turned blueish white. She unleashed an energy blast that knock them back.   While analyzing the Umbrella Academy, Sloane questioned to fought the little jumpy guy. Jayme told her that it was her which causes Alphonso to fist bump her. Next day, Alphonso and Jayme were getting snacks from the convenience store. Then the Hispanic man  called Diego showed up with the Vanya woman looking for a fight. She and Vanya watched their brothers fought each other. And when Diego was beating him. This causing to the step in and try to spit on Diego.  But the Vanya woman, now a man named Viktor, blocked it with an energy shield. They then threw a bunch of cans at her and Alphonso until they were knocked out. Then was able to home but with several not so serious injuries. They report this Ben and he decided with Marcus make a deal with the Umbrellas. A week later, Jayme and the Sparrows went to the city park to fight the Umbrellas. Jayme fought Viktor and able to fight better hand to hand. But when Marcus was beat the crap of out of his Luther, Viktor blasted Jayme. When Viktor was ready blast his blast at Marcus, Jayme got up kicked Viktor in the face, again. Jayme and the other sparrows were able to beat most of the umbrellas but when  the other they were trying to finish them off with a combined assault, they were able to dodge their assault. Instead they nearly hit a family but Luther and Viktor moved them out of the way. That’s when they realized they been causing damage and hurting people around them. And the reason why the Umbrellas weren’t fighting back hard were to prevent anyone from getting hurt or getting people away from the dangerous fight. Before people could call them out for the damage they caused, Jayme panicked and run away. Two weeks later as the sparrows were deemed as villains who persuade the public they were actually heroes and deemed the umbrellas as heroes. Eventually Sloane with Marcus and the Umbrellas. As her and Alphonso were really hurt by her “betrayal” and tried to talk about getting her back to Ben. But Ben scolded them for bad for another traitor. Jayme lowkey frighten which made Alphonso remove her from the situation. Jayme and the others sparrows showed up to hotel obsidian for a fight. She and Alphonso attacked Sloane They expressed their hurt at her for leaving them while she express her concerns of them staying with their abusive dad. Then she was saved by Viktor and Diego.   Then suddenly a random old man showed up and fired fiery energy blast at them. The blast burnt Alphonso’s face. But Sloane made him and Jayme heavy so they would stuck to the ground. They then retreated. When they got home, Jayme saw Grace tries to heal Alphonso’s face with an ice pack and with Christopher’s cold powers but to no avail. Then Sloane showed up to the house to went to her and Alphonso to check them.  They were still mad at Sloane for “betraying” them. But Sloane got back at them by reminding them that they’re with the man that disfigured and traumatized them. And reminded Jayme of the tentacle thing. Which set of her off, making remember her traumatic memories of the Ben’s tentacles. And angered Alphonso and told her off.   Then Alphonso and Jayme overheard Ben trying to get revenge on Sloane. But Jayme tried to confront him and tell him how bullshit that is. Ben sent his tentacles after her and try chokings. Jayme then start reliving through her trauma of the Jennifer incident and the bell ringing training. Then Ben became hesitant and let her go. Jayme wanted to run away but wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave. Alphonso encourages her to leave with him. They leave and pack their bags going back to the hotel and stole some money from Reggie. When they got to the hotel, Sloane runs up to them and hugged them with Marcus following behind. When Sloane asked why they changed their minds. Jayme tried to say something but Alphonso covered for her, saying that they just realize how bad dad is. As Sloane and Marcus went to help them check in, They exchange glances with Diego and Viktor. Jayme was having nightmares of Ben’s tentacles coming to get her. This woke her up, but also made unwilling to get out of bed. Then Viktor with a try of waffles and orange juice. He tries to have some breakfast. But she refuses.  This went to the point where he called her a selfish, entitled princess. Jayme was offended by this due to how much trauma and her genuinely hating princesses. She mentioned how terrible their father, having put snake  glances in her mouth. She then had a breakdown crying. This made Viktor tried to comfort her. He mention dad doing terrible things to him. He promise will explain after she eating breakfast which she did. After she got done, they took a walk outside around city. Viktor explained to Jayme about his isolation, brainwashing, power sedation, and over terrible treatment from their dad. She tell him about how much their dad experimented her powers and how much she felt like she had to be a daddy’s girl type of person. When were walked into the park, they saw Alphonso and Diego just hanging out after seemingly fighting. They  then saw them walk off. They followed them to pizza parlor then to the dock. They were very seeing their brothers being buddies for hours. Then at night, then tentacles attack, which shocked Jayme. Jayme froze as she see Ben hurting her brother and Diego. Viktor eventually got her out of that state and they ran over to check on them. Ben calls Alphonso and Jayme traitors which made her freeze up again. Viktor hesitant to blast Ben, but seeing her frozen again, Viktor pull through blasting Ben to unconsciousness. Then Viktor got her out of the state again then they got Diego and Alphonso out of there. When they got back to the hotel, they tell others about what Ben did.  This angered Marcus which made him suggest a training day. Days later, Marcus hosted a training day.  Jayme was intrigued with Klaus’s regenerative abilities. She was annoyed with Luther and Sloane flirting sparring alongside Marcus and the others. Then she sparred with Viktor. Viktor shown to be a fairly skilled fighter but she was better. She was able to nearly beat him, but then he unleashed his own tentacles and grabbed Jayme. She again flashbacks to her tentacle trauma. Viktor then let go her. Causes her to run to her room. She just slam and just breakdown crying. Viktor then runs in and apologies for hurting her. Then he asked her if she had something against tentacles. She admits that Ben tried to kill her couple with his tentacles.  She even him her tentacle  bruise. Then Viktor that his hand of her bruise. Then suddenly his glowed white. Then when he removed his hand the bruise is gone. Both her and Viktor were shocked and happy.  They both went out and saw Alphonso on the ground with his inhaler. They questioned what happened. They explained that Allison hurt him but he’s better now.  Jayme told Viktor to try to heal to Alphonso’s face. Alphonso hesitant due to her happened to her. But Jayme assured Viktor wouldn’t hurt him. Viktor then healing his face it’s usual self. Jayme smiles as Alphonso hugs Viktor.  Later Five returns with Marcus and Allison, Jayme was cautiously staring at her when she was apologies to Alphonso.  Then Fei showed up to the hotel limping. Sloane was one of the first one and help. She tell them that Ben kills Pogo, which shocked Alphonso and the others. As they struggled to process what Ben has done, Umbrellas and Sparrows goes into what the made Ben so different. Later on, Christopher showed up injured and told them that Dad captured Ben. They were conflicted to go help Ben. But then Viktor started to scream. Jayme checked on him.  He said that could hear Ben screaming his and Klaus’s names from hotel oblivion.  This made Marcus, Diego, Allison, Five, Viktor, Lila, and Christopher go. Jayme didn’t want to and try to talk Viktor out of saving Ben. But eventually when Sloane agreed to go, he went along with it. When they got to hotel oblivion, they split up. Jayme teamed up Alphonso, Diego, and Viktor to find Ben. Alphonso and Jayme questioned why Diego and Viktor wanted to find Ben, he after killing Pogo. Diego and Viktor said simply that he’s their brother who saved them and they want to return the favor. But he and Jayme brought that their Ben different from this Ben. But Viktor told them about him murdering Pogo, how they should question him that. The argument continue until found themselves moved from floor 7 to floor 4. Then they heard bell ringing sounds.   Then a samurai with bladed shield  showed up behind them and slashes at Alphonso and Jayme. Diego and Viktor went back for them, help them up, and run away. Diego and Viktor got Alphonso and Jayme behind them. Viktor launches to energy blast him while Diego throw knives it but to no avail. Eventually it was able knocked to them down. But Diego threw a knife into it’s eye but it took out it of it’s eye with a green goo on it. This causes Jayme to throw up  a vomit of acid and it melted it’s armor. She saw Alphonso shrinking his own wound, then he grew the hole on it’s armor.  Then Diego grabs all knives and it all at it. Then Viktor destroyed with an another energy blast. They group hug their win out.  Then samurai with an axe caused Viktor to be separate from the others. When they got back to the lobby, and there they all saw Ben with Viktor. As Ben went to Marcus to apologize for not listening but brought him in a hug. Alphonso and Jayme had highly hesitant of his emotions Then their father showed up with Harlan, Grace, and three more samurais. He then showed his horrible alien face. Jayme was very shocked.    Jayme and his brothers and sisters fought one of the samurais. When fighting he and Jayme revealed their enhanced powers. Then Marcus launched a coordinated attack on it. After Ben got knocked out by Reggie. Alphonso and other launch an attacks until they knocked dad out. They took him and Ben back to their house and found pills that Pogo left behind for Reginald. They put him on those pills. In celebration, they order multiple pizzas and had a party. Jayme meekly greeted Ben when he woke up. She asked Viktor if they could trusted him. He assured her that could and to take his word on it.
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neechees · 2 years
Arcane character Jayce in the show he's brown but in the game idk if he's white or pale skin but either way in the show he look more brown. The scene
Jayce : Well you didn't said they're from the undercity
Viktor : What difference does that make ?
Jayce : What differe- They're dangerous
Viktor : I'm from the undercity
White writer always have this thing character of colour "Prejudice" toward white people or bully white people
Yeah... I also wasn't sure if Jayce was meant to be a man of color in Arcane, or if he was just a tanned White guy. My sister suggested he's Latino coded, but I thought maybe he was mixed White/Filipino. I wish they'd at least balance it out more
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writersmeadow · 2 years
Do not write about social issues you don't understand
A root of so many problems. Just as I believe that utter confidence in topic may create a counter-productive effect (J Maas really fucked up with "feminism" in her series), I believe that it can be wrong to force inclusion (even feed your writing for marketing purposes) of a social problem, when you clearly have no idea how. Let me explain by showing you how I dealt with ethnicity and race in my WIP.
As a white Slavic female, I understand the issues of ethnicity or misogyny, but not racial discrimination issues. This does not give me a right to disregard issues of people of colour - but because Slovakia is quite a monoracial country, it would be a very complicated topic to deal with in my writing. I have never had friends of different races and ethnicities until I moved to the Netherlands, and even there, I did not have a chance to deeply connect with e.x. African Americans. I may understand this issue from an outsider point, but unless I will have a community of people who suffer because of racism, I cannot understand it fully.
I have dealt with ethnic discrimination and stereotypes throughout different media and life experiences. I know what it is like to be portrayed as an evil mafia “rashan gopnik” Jurij the assassin, as well as plastic gold digger Anastasia, to feel like I have no right to be in an independent nation (Slovakia-Hungary, Russian Occupation), or that "I only know how to drink vodka" and be a "poor brainwashed pretty Slavic girl" etc. Thanks to my Indian friends in Europe e.x., I know how common it is to be labelled as “the cheap migrant” who should “return to their country”. Same does not go for social issues of solely racial discrimination in the country with history of racial injustice.
I would not recommend authors to write about problems they cannot understand deeply.
You can, however, gain a deep understanding and do your research before addressing these issues in your writing.
Example: As a university Japanese minor, I dig deeply into this country, study language and history and directly communicate with members of the country. Do not make a large inclusion of Japanese culture unless you are exposed and educated about the history and social issues, know Japanese people and respect their opinions on the topic. It will, more often, end up in J.K. Rowling ethnicity disaster (Viktor Krum and Cho Chang????). Mind that with more inclusion, your responsibility to do more research comes.
Ways to solve this
To deal with a complication like this in my socially-motivated writing, I decided to build the world on made-up ethnicities, where discrimination is represented by portraying it in different sources of magic. Some users of one source believe that their magic is better, even to the point of colonising and enslaving the others. This is an important aspect in my book. I believe that by making sure I will be able to portray discrimination issues whilst making sure (!)I am not stealing ethnical and racial history and culture(!) will be the best solution for someone who was not exposed to certain aspects of it.
(!) It also does not mean my book will be full of white people. I include various races in my book, this is out of question (you should also mind the stereotypes and remain respectful in your writing - not using terms "sexy chocolate skin", "smart almond eyes" etc, lack of exposure does not excuse ignorance - it is also highly uncreative). But races do not play the same role as on Earth, you ethnical identity is linked to imaginary sources.
I definitely plan to include topics of human race (and ethnicity) as an important social aspect in my next works, when I will be able to communicate with those to who it concerns - digging into other cultures, whether that will be Indian, Ethiopian or Latvian one, or racial issues of African Americans, Asians or Latinos,... For now, I do not feel brave enough to portray those topics correctly and mindfully. Therefore, I will not feed my novel off those issues - out of respect for the culture I have not been exposed to and cannot fact-check properly with.
To close this miserably long essay with, if you want to address a social issue in your WIP, dig deep, make sure to be exposed, connected and educated, beware of stereotypes and don't be J. K. Rowling and Sarah J. Maas. Na zdravie!
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puertoricocock · 1 month
HUNG Viktor Rom Raw Breeds Submissive Latino Pablo Bravo
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djmusicbest · 3 months
Nothing But... Electric Grooves, Vol. 12
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- Artists: Gusolin, Viktor Vos, Matush, Da Funksta, Trailer Park Junior, Shelter Calm, Michaela May, Pfeffermouse, Caputi, Perdí La Luz, Jim Funk, bezna, Holen, Salright, Otkin Otken, Paul Robinson, Debris Discs, George Tsomokos, John Lecter, Madman's Vault, SpaceGhost, Humayan, DJ Sinister, Electronic (RU), Katodex, Cavbely, Loward, AO (MX), Santiago Luna, Bullet, Sboniso Mbhele, Emzotiq, Nzuzo Mbhele DATE CREATED: 2024-02-16 Label: Nothing But Tracklist : 1. Gusolin - Loss Of Signal(Abstract Silhouette Remix) 2. Viktor Vos - Hobbit House(Original Mix) 3. Matush - Latino Laif(Chillout Mix) 4. Da Funksta, Trailer Park Junior - DeLorean (Part II)(Original Mix) 5. Shelter Calm - Alarm!(Original Mix) 6. Michaela May - Two Faced Lover(The Lightning Kids Remix) 7. Pfeffermouse - Offworld(Original Mix) 8. Caputi - Tinsitulos(Original Mix) 9. Perdí La Luz - Movimiento Artificial(Original Mix) 10. Jim Funk - Tiptoeing With My Demons(Karma Mix) 11. bezna - Echoes In Eternity( Read the full article
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muznew · 3 months
Nothing But... Electric Grooves, Vol. 12
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- Artists: Gusolin, Viktor Vos, Matush, Da Funksta, Trailer Park Junior, Shelter Calm, Michaela May, Pfeffermouse, Caputi, Perdí La Luz, Jim Funk, bezna, Holen, Salright, Otkin Otken, Paul Robinson, Debris Discs, George Tsomokos, John Lecter, Madman's Vault, SpaceGhost, Humayan, DJ Sinister, Electronic (RU), Katodex, Cavbely, Loward, AO (MX), Santiago Luna, Bullet, Sboniso Mbhele, Emzotiq, Nzuzo Mbhele DATE CREATED: 2024-02-16 Label: Nothing But Tracklist : 1. Gusolin - Loss Of Signal(Abstract Silhouette Remix) 2. Viktor Vos - Hobbit House(Original Mix) 3. Matush - Latino Laif(Chillout Mix) 4. Da Funksta, Trailer Park Junior - DeLorean (Part II)(Original Mix) 5. Shelter Calm - Alarm!(Original Mix) 6. Michaela May - Two Faced Lover(The Lightning Kids Remix) 7. Pfeffermouse - Offworld(Original Mix) 8. Caputi - Tinsitulos(Original Mix) 9. Perdí La Luz - Movimiento Artificial(Original Mix) 10. Jim Funk - Tiptoeing With My Demons(Karma Mix) 11. bezna - Echoes In Eternity( Read the full article
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