#lol idk i'm just sad and i couldn't focus at all
stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
sorry i didn't get through more of those asks guys i'm not having the bestest time today?
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sam-blackbird · 4 months
An analyse of Umbrella Academy s4's posters (beware of s3 spoilers, ofc)
Hi! Today, the official Umbrella Academy Instagram account published season 4 posters, and since I'm very excited about this, I'm gonna try to analyse the posters, or what I can tell about them.
It's going to be long so grab a snack if you want / can, put on a cool playlist, and let's dive down! I'm going to do it poster by poster, in the order it was posted, from the oldest post to the newest (so not in numeral order).
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We can notice that the characters are cut in two, the Portal way.
Anyway. First of all: Viktor !
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Ngl, I had a moment when I saw he had the masculine uniform.
But past my joyful moment, my mind went racing so fast I couldn't keep it down, I had to share my thoughts (even if there may be only one person reading me, but whatever).
First thing first, it's interesting that the first one isn't Luther but Viktor, who is, the main character of the show (or at least, that's how I see it). Or a least the most important one. (if the last scene is Viktor ending his reading of his new book, about his siblings, not only would it be a fucking good epanadiplosis but it would make me cry the hell out of me)
After all, the show open with him, following him. And nothing would happen if it wasn't for him. He's the one trying to get the family stick together, and (unwillingly) starting apocalypse (twice or thrice, shit happens).
Let's focus on the poster now. On the left, we have a clothing reminding us of the Umbrella Academy days, or rather the "how it was before the show", except they are adult, and Viktor is here shown post-transition (and not pre-, as he was in the first two seasons). What does that mean? Fuck if I know. That being said, I think it have its importance (if they wanted to put children instead, they would have, wouldn't they?). However, we can note that he is not wearing neither the boy shorts (nor girl's skirt, for obvious reasons), but some secretly third option, aka a grey pant (is it the sport pant?). He is standing out himself, as a trans man (not wearing a skirt, yet not wearing the boy uniform either, as if he wasn't fully in that category somehow? idk).
Viktor's posture is straight (lol), and I associate it with being calm, obedient (he listen to everything Reginald says (ex: take these pills), and since Reginald is perceived as a father figure, it makes sense that Viktor wants to obey him, maybe hoping he (Viktor) will be loved and recognized as valuable). And also with being like a puppet. Or a muppet. The point is: He's not free of his movement, he doesn't have free will.
His face doesn't look happy. Nor sad. Just... neutral. He's just... there.
On the right, we can't see his face, yet his posture seems way more relaxed! He's wearing casual clothes, more modern ones, adapted to the world without powers they're now seems to live at the end of season 3.
His looks reminds me of the one of Tyler Ronan from Tell Me Why, a game by the studio Don't Nod (I fucking love that game). Both characters are trans man.
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(This are pictures of Tyler. I had to restrain myself because we're not here from ma boi Tyler) (I have way too many pictures of that icon)
Anyway. Casual clothes. Blue, like the uniform. I won't analyse that, this post is already long enough.
Tbh, I haven't saw again the last episode of season 3, so I don't remember if it was the clothes they were wearing or new ones.
Also, Viktor is holding an umbrella in his right hand, probably a reference to the Umbrella days. Like, it's a part of him, he can't leave it behind, he physically have it with him (even if he doesn't have the power).
And the Umbrella is closed, unlike the ones from the previous seasons's posters.
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Like, season 2's were opened (and full), and season 3's were opened and damaged (and they were hiding the protagonists' faces, showing implicitly the influence of the academy on them).
Next one, Luther !
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We almost can see his face on the right!
But anyway, let's start by the left. Luther is walking, straight, in what could be either a military walk or a relaxed one (? don't quote me on this please, I can't explain). His posture screams "confidence" and "I'm number one, I'm a leader, follow me!". Or something like that, I'm no posture reader, just someone who watched way too much police and detective shows. He's wearing the Umbrella uniform (and it's so fucking weird to see it on a grown ass man!). His hair are cut short.
On the right, he's wearing a more casual look. There's something going one with his arm muscles, but I can't be bother to search what. His hair are longer than on the left. He is wearing gloves and an umbrella, and walking shoes. His umbrella is cutting his name (does it have some symbolism? Maybe.)
He's still wearing blue (like Viktor), even if it's a different kind of blue (and it kinda fit him).
Nothing more to add. (yes, I have my favorites, and despite liking Luther, I won't kill my eyesight anymore than necessary for details).
Next! Diego!
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Let me preface this by saying that it's so fucking weird to see him in that uniform. On the left, he's walking like a good little soldier, following the leader.
On the right, he's the embodiment of a relax guy who can (and will) definitely yeet you out of the picture if needed. He's not wearing anything casual. It's more like a killer / soldier clothes, with his precious knifes.
He's holding the Umbrella on the shoulder, as if he can't be bothered with it (and/ or he's gonna use it as a weapon).
Next! Not number 3, but the one who's linked to Diego! Lila!
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Love that she's officially "Lila Hargreeves".
The left outfit is like the one she had in season 2 when she was with the Handler and stuff about her past was revealed (so interesting and meaningful choice of outfit). Her heels are thin, as if she wasn't stable (with her life situation and all).
Yet, on the right, her heels are thicker, more stable to move (she's more free to go).
Her clothes are modern and the flowers fit her really well, I might say. Her hair are put up, like the active badass woman she is. They're brown again, and not white/ blond anymore, it's more natural (I can't really argue, my hair are currently pink).
She overall looks like a business woman, with a casual chic.
She too, is holding an umbrella, which make her fully part of the family. She hold it casually.
Next, another girl: Allison.
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Ngl, I'm no big fan of hers, so this will be short.
On the left, she's confidently wearing her UA (Umbrella Academy) uniform. Her hand move don't really feel natural (saying this as someone who sometimes draws human beings). Her hair are like the one from season 1.
On the right, she looks like a business woman and a mom. Her posture looks aslo determined, while relaxed. She have business to do, and no one will stop/ prevent her from doing so!
Girl power and all that.
(I'm trying, I really can't stand how her character was wrote during season 3)
Neeeeext! Let's go with one of my fav, Klaaaaaaus!
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I have to say, it is criminal that a) his hair are short on th right side (loved his long hair) and b) where's the skirt?! He slayed in it! Anyway.
On the left, his walking looks very mechanical, as if he was a machine, a robot (lol) (I won't do any joke about Grace). Yet, his posture his not natural (no one walks naturally torso in one way and legs in another, if that makes some sense) (that reminds me kinda of the extravagant way drag queens walk on the runaway, for shows, but I may be extrapolating a little).
His eyes are closed. Why are his eyes closed? I'm scared. His face is still like the one of a dead person. Resigned. Accepting his fate. But after all, Klaus had always been closed to death, more or less metaphorically speaking, as he can see ghosts (= dead people, or what remains of them).
His hair are all over the place, reminding the crazy days he had to get fucking blasted to avoid said ghosts.
Right side is colorful. He's beauty, he's grace, WHERE ARE HIS HAIR?! No but more seriously, cutting one's own hair symbolise change in many culture, and more specifically letting go of the past, embracing new beginnings, and/ or undergoing spiritual or personal transformations. I have no idea how to interpret that.
He seems to float, to ascend (plz don't kill him). He is bare foot (bare feet? idk) (fun fact: in the comics, he could only use his power when sober and with bare feet) (I won't go down the rabbit hole of barefoot symbolism and its link with death, I'm not mentally well enough to do that).
He his wearing a yellow coat with flowers (flowers, like Lila!). Yellow is associated with joy, fest, sun (and Klaus is a comic relief, a feel good sunshine character), and flower, life. (again, plz don't kill him)
What reinforce that idea of tragedy is that the umbrella he's wearing is the only one who isn't black: it's the umbrella he was holding during Reggie's funeral in s1. Plus, he's holding it with three fingers out. What's the meaning of three? Idk. Maybe it’s for Allison? Maybe it has a link with God (the Christian one)? Yk, Holy Trinity and all that. After all, doesn't Klaus met God (the little girl in the afterlife) regularly?
Does that look good or bad for Klaus? No idea.
Speaking about looking good, Ben is back, alive. I won' t go far enough to say "well", but he's alive.
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On the left, he's standing straight, walking in a unnatural posture. Following only.
On the right, he bent (idk why tho). His clothes are casual (and looking alike the one Viktor had been wearing during s3). His umbrella also cut his name (like Luther's). He's a Vans' boy!
(please, no mustache for him)
We can't see if he's wearing glasses or not.
Last of the Hargreeves kids (if you count Lila as one, and if not, last one of the power-gifted Hargreeves): Five.
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On the left, his posture is haughty. His hands are in his pants pockets. He know what he wants, he is very sure of himself, maybe because he thinks he is better than everyone (he can think that, given what happened) (some might even say he have a bratty attitude, but I'll answer, well have you seen him during season 1???)
(my personal theory is that he is bend forward to be smaller on the left than on the right)
On the right, he left the UA uniform for a more formal suit (some call it 'the grandpa / old man suit'). His hair are longer.
He's walking down like he had no shit to give anymore (he doesn't) and he's ready to throw hands (he totally his).
HOLY (S)HIT HE'S HOLDING THE UMBRELLA IN HIS RIGHT HAND! Why? Why is he te only one wearing the umbrella on the other hand? Is it to accentuate his difference with his siblings (+ Lila)? Is it to show how differently he see his time at the UA an how differenlty he uses his powers? I mean, given he didn't spend as much time in the UA as the rest of them, ofc his vision and perception of the UA is different. Even his vision of time is different.
And now.
BEWARE! THE REGINALD JUMPSCARE! (or is it scare jump? Anyway, I've been working on this post for more than an hour and a hlaf, plz be indulgent, it's late and the day had been long)
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On the left, we see the whole umbrella for the firs time on these posters.
Reggie is wearing blue (reminding of the UA uniform). He is young looking, and seems well assorted (who tf have two jacket pockets on the same side tho?)
Edit: his suit is actually more lilac/ purple, which is a color hard to dye (so it costed a lot and was reserved for royalty / rich ppl) (before industrialization and the use of chemical products for clothes dye; and we know Reggie arrived/ was on Earth on 19th c., so during the industrialization)
On the right, he's old and wearing a brown suit. Brown can symbolize the Earth. Earth can provide and ppl are depend on it to eat and therefore survive. In a way, he was a Earth for his children, as they were dependent on him (does that makes him a good father? Absolutely not!). (that thought, of Reggie being a Earth, is funny given he is an alien / an extraterrestrial)
And if you put them all in order, you get :
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(notice how Klaus's picture / posture melt greatly in Five's?)
And that's it! Damn, that was long. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think about all of that in the comment!
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skunkes · 6 months
You probably get this asked a lot but do you have any particular things you keep in mind when writing in your journal? I started recently and it's been great but I find that Only recapping my day gets to be a bit tedious (esp when I don't go outside much lol) so I was curious what you do to keep motivated with it ! Ur sticker layouts are always so cutes btw I'm very inspired by them ^_^💖
Yeah! I mainly journal for Memory Keeping as i have a weird obsession with wanting to keep track of anything/everything, so i just think of what future cheye would want to know, instead of just recapping day.
Makes me really sad bc in college all i had energy to write was like "ate x went to class went to mailroom went to class 2 had x for dinner 1 am now goodnight" and its like. What about. The whole rest of it!! What did u do who did you talk to when was it that you saw a raccoon irl for the first time!!! Were you stressing over assignments?? Which and why!!! I have 0 tangible, meaningful, memories of what happened now. Just sterile clinical ones. :(
I do track things consistently like my rating for the day, the time i woke up and the time i go to bed, what i ate, if i cried, along wit other personal stats (i like the numbers!). Sometimes I also dont Do anything in a day so i just focus on other things, like taking the opportunity to write about feelings a little bit, so future cheye Knows the state of mind i was in on a given day, or maybe talk about how I bought something and am excited to wear/use it
Not much happened today so I wrote about and included how my dad described the plot of to, and showed me, some scenes of The Untouchables 1987 today because a song always reminds him of that movie...
yesterday I wrote about how my sister and I are planning on trying some pillsbury cocoa rolls on thursday, since we couldn't today, and that I am Excited.
I don't know, its small things that I feel I'd appreciate in the future even if they seem silly or pointless right now...(and also good for keeping track of personal growth, as Im hoping I at one point get to pinpoint where my complaints about Not Wanting to Drive fade away from the entries. Ykwim?)
ITS KIND OF LIKE THAT ONE POST ON HERE...like "if you see this tag one delight from your day no matter how small". You ""force"" yourself to come up with something to pad the entry with, and I think it's small things like that that will be really telling of your time here, in the future ^_^ time capsule of the old you
like. Did you see something insanely funny? Did your best friend say something weird... Did the internet platforms you browse all rally over a war criminal dying... Is it still rainy and chilly like it was yesterday? Are you excited for your birthday even if its many months away... What series did you start rewatching? Did u get scared by a shadow while walking your dog...idk! Anything, everything
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rawrki · 2 years
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pairing bestfriend!riki x gn!reader genre fluff! childhood friends to lovers warnings light swearing, they kiss, very very slight angst when reader talks about insecurities
word count 2.9k
a/n: this is my first fic ever so it's not that good and idk what i'm doing LOL i didn't proofread so sorry if there are any mistakes! do lmk if you spot any >< i hope this isnt too bad for a fanfic debut TT
you checked your phone to look at the time as you waited for your best friend to come over. after getting cancelled on by a boy from your school, you had texted riki to keep you company. you were disappointed that you wouldn't get to go on the fun date you were anticipating and pretty sad about it.
just then, the doorbell rang, shaking you from your train of thoughts.
"y/n!! i hope you're dressed to go out!!"
you heard riki's muffled voice from behind the door. furrowing your brows in confusion, you grabbed your sweater that was slung on the back of your chair before rushing to open the door for him. before you could even greet him, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug. you giggled at his sudden action and ignored the slight fluttering of butterflies in your stomach.
"hi foo yoo too riki. waf fis about??"
you tried to ask as your face was squished against his chest. pulling away from you to see your face, riki looked down at you and ruffled your hair. huffing in annoyance, you reached your hands up to fix your hair.
"it's a surprise" he grinned cheekily and took a hold of your hand to guide you towards his bicycle.
"hold this for me please"
with that, he shoved a heavy backpack into your arms.
"well, it's not like you gave me a choice you little shit"
all he did was laugh and shove you onto his bicycle. after you were both seated comfortably, you wrapped your arms around his waist, bag securely on your lap in between you and riki.
"off we go!" he exclaimed childishly and started peddling. you weren't really expecting to go out tonight as you thought riki would just come over to keep you company while you watched a movie. however, you couldn't say you weren't pleased by the sudden unexpected turn of events.
riki picked up speed as you got to a more open road and you felt the wind blow through your hair. you shut your eyes and hugged riki a little tighter as you enjoyed the cool evening breeze.
taking advantage of your eyes being closed, riki briefly turned around and lifted one hand off the handle to flick your forehead.
"OUCH what the hell bitch!"
"huh? what?"
"why do you pull this shit even when you're cycling you're insufferable."
"i don't know what you're talking about! i'm a safe cyclist you know! both hands on the handle at all times of course. must have been a leaf or something man."
you rolled your eyes and glared at him as he proudly showed you that he could cycle without his hands on the handle. way to prove your innocence riki.
"look what i can do y/n!"
he beamed as he put both hands up in the air. he did this every single time he brought you on a cycling trip. despite this, you couldn't help but grin at his antics.
"focus on the road i don't feel like dying today." you smacked him on the head with a playful stern expression on your face.
"we're already here!"
he suddenly jammed the brakes causing your face to get squashed against his back.
"you bitch!"
you glared and him and he just shook his head and laughed mischievously. you hate to admit it but his laugh made your heart skip a beat. getting off the bicycle, he took the backpack from you and held out his hand to help you get off. you took his hand and hopped off safely and finally looked around to see where you were. he had brought you to the neighbourhood park.
"what exactly are we doing here?"
you looked up at him for an explanation but he just shot you his boxy smile and started guiding you towards the hill at the end of the park. with both hands on your shoulders, he led you to face the tree that was on top of the hill.
"close your eyes."
"just do it."
"what if i don't want to?"
"i'll push you down the hill."
with that he actually started to shove you down the hill and you were quick to agree to shutting your eyes. when riki was determined to cause mischief he wouldn't hesitate. admitting defeat, you went back to face the tree and closed your eyes. you wondered what he was doing and was also kind of scared that he'd pull a prank on you and scare you or something. it wouldn't be very out of character for him.
your mind went to when both of you first met...
on the first day of kindergarten you had dozed off during arts and crafts. a certain someone who was seated next to you eyed a pair of scissors that were lying on the table due to the teachers negligence. with a cheeky grin he picked them up and
you woke up to the sound of evil giggles and the sound of beads scattering onto the floor. upon realising that your favourite bracelet had been snipped apart your jaw dropped in shock as you turned towards the culprit.
it took you 3 seconds to burst out into tears and you saw the evildoer's face fall when he realised you were really upset.
he immediately started apologising profusely, guilt and regret apparent on his face. he begged for your forgiveness but you were too upset. how could he cut your favourite bracelet!
"i'll get you ice cream? please don't cry i shouldn't have done that i'm so sorry"
your crying stopped at that as you looked into his eyes and saw that he was genuinely sorry.
"fine. but you're not forgiven. you owe me a bracelet mister." you conceded and decided it was just a beaded bracelet. free ice cream sounded way better.
his shoulders dropped as he sighed in relief.
"i think we got off to a bad start. my name is riki" he held out his hand and looked at you hopefully.
"y/n." you took his hand and shook it once.
ever since that day you were both inseparable and that never changed even as you both grew up and matured. the only thing that changed was how your feelings for him turned from friendly to romantic. ever since you understood the concept of dating, you knew riki was the one for you. but you were too afraid of ruining the friendship to say anything. you were content with having him as a best friend.
a loud clang brought you back to reality.
"nishimura what the hell are you doing?"
"every thing is under control DON'T TURN AROUND!" he replied insistently.
getting curious and impatient, you started to tap your foot on the grass.
"you're so impatient y/n. will it kill you to wait for 2 minutes?"
"i could be at home sleeping right now."
"don't lie to me. you would've been sitting on your bed moping about your loss of a good date."
"not true!"
"then why did you text me?"
riki had a point. you huffed for the millionth time that night and he chuckled at your feigned annoyance.
you flin hed slightly as you felt him touch your shoulder, not hearing him finish whatever he was doing.
"ok you can open your eyes now."
you opened your eyes to be greeted by tree bark.
"turn around you idiot." riki rolled his eyes and turned you around to face him.
a few metres behind him was a picnic mat with snacks on it and pillows and blankets. your jaw dropped slightly as you took in the sight in front of you. you looked up at riki whose eyebrows were raised with a hopeful smile. squealing out an "i love this!" you hugged him tightly to thank him and rushed to sit down and see what food he had brought.
riki watched you quietly with a gentle smile on his face before walking over to join you on the picnic mat he had set up. he was happy that he managed to lift your spirits and put such a happy expression on your face.
"oo didn'tff haf to do thif" you looked at him while your mouth was stuffed with a sandwich. your cheeks were puffed out and your lips were drawn into a pout. he thought you were adorable like this.
"it was nothing. i'm always here to cheer you up y/n" he shrugged and picked up a sandwich for himself.
you grabbed your phone from your pocket to play some music, putting yours and riki's shared playlist on shuffle. you checked the time, it was 10:00pm.
you sighed as you finished your sandwich and leaned back to lie down on the pillows riki had placed on the mat.
"you can let it out, it's just me. i know you're probably more sad than you're trying to let on." riki looked at you as if he could see right through you. you frowned and furrowed your eyebrows. "how did you know?"
"we've known each other for long enough come on."
riki was right. you decided to tell him about how you were sad about the missed opportunity and how you were wondering if it was because of you. were you not interesting enough? or pretty enough?
"nonsense y/n. you're such a girlboss queen slay"
he playfully grinned as u smacked his chest. he had moved positions to lie down facing you.
"bitch i'm never sharing my feelings with you again" you half-heartedly shoved him and turned your head to look away from him.
"i'm kidding! look at me please" he placed a hand on your cheek to turn your head to face him. you felt heat rise to your cheeks and you hoped that it was dark enough to conceal them.
"you're perfect just the way you are y/n. you're beautiful and kind and definitely very interesting to me. you shouldn't doubt yourself just because of some average boy." riki comforted and reassured you. he hoped you couldn't see the pink tinting his cheeks. was that too much? can she tell how i feel? he hoped you couldn't.
the blush on your face deepened upon hearing his words.
"you really think so? thanks riki... you always know what to say"
you genuinely believed you had the best friend in the world. riki always treated you well, being there for you when you needed him, knowing exactly what you needed at any point of time. you were his number one priority as he was yours. everything about him was perfect aside from his prankster tendencies and his way of bullying and teasing you. but you'd be lying if you said you didn't find those endearing either.
"hey! earth to y/n! lost you for a second there" he annoyingly jabbed at your side to get your attention.
"way to ruin the moment you bitch" you glared at him playfully. he cheekily smiled back at you with the grin that sent your heart racing.
clearing your throat, you averted your eyes from him, rolling over to look at the sky. if you stared at his face any longer you thought you might combust.
"the night sky is so pretty! the stars are shining so brightly. thanks for bringing me here the view is breathtaking" you smiled as you took in the sky above you.
"yeah, sure is" riki replied, head turned to look at you.
he couldn't remember when he decided that you were the one. he didn't know it back then but in kindergarten he was drawn to you for some reason. even as you slept in that arts and crafts class with drool tricking down your chin he knew he wanted to be friends with you. he didn't know how to approach you so he did what his (unhelpful) brain came up with to get your attention. after cutting your bracelet he immediately regretted it, seeing you bawl your eyes out over it.
ever since then, you had been a constant in his life. he was a great friend to you but so were you to him. you stayed up late during the wee hours of the night to facetime him when he wanted to talk or rant. you had stuck by his side ever since the 2 of you became friends. you always helped him out with his work when he was struggling even though you had things to do. and most of all he loved you. he saw you as the prettiest and most beautiful person in the world and no one could compare to you. he thought you were the kindest and sweetest too and he loved everything about you.
"hey this is our favourite song!" you exclaimed as you started singing along. riki immediately jolted out of his thoughts and turned to the sky before you could catch him staring at you.
he closed his eyes as he listening to your voice. another thing he loved about you.
you turned to look at him, noticing his silence for the past few minutes. you quietly inched closer to him when you realised his eyes were shut. before you could flick his forehead as payback for earlier, he opened his eyes, sensing your presence. he visibly flinched as he realised your proximity and you pouted as he restrained your hand from flicking him.
"boo!!" you huffed at the missed opportunity to get revenge on him.
riki looked at you as your face hovered directly above him. he could feel your breath on his cheek and the whole world stopped around you. he could no longer hear the music you were previously singing to and its like his surroundings were blurred. before he could think it through he tugged at your arm firmly, causing you to fall onto him as he wrapped his arms around you.
your eyes widened as you gasped at the sudden movement and your heart started racing when you realised how the 2 of you were positioned. you were speechless and before you could say anything riki beat you to it.
"y/n... i think i have to get this out now. i never wanted to ruin our friendship but i can't stand seeing you be sad about guys any longer when i know i can treat you the way you should be treated so i'm just going to say it" he took a deep breath before finally confessing.
"i like you l/n y/n"
your mouth parted in shock. you weren't expecting that. you didn't even think he liked you romantically or that he would even reciprocate your feelings. you brain was trying to process what he just said.
riki gulped nervously at your expression and your silence before shifting so that you could get off his chest. he was starting to regret what he did and he feared he made you uncomfortable and that he may have just lost his life-long friend.
realising you hadn't said anything yet, you hugged him in a panic as you felt him pushing you off. your face came into contact with his chest once again.
"i like yoo foo riki don't vee an idiot" you squeezed him tighter as your face was squished against him again.
riki felt a sense of relief wash over him as he immediately shot up from his position, causing your head to land on the mat with a thud.
"say that again? y/n are you being for real? no cap? fax no printer?" he looked back at you with wide eyes.
"riki what the hell that hurt. and please never say those words again. you sound like a degenerate" you glared at him as you rubbed your head which had just taken a blow from the ground.
his hand rushed to your head and rubbed it in hopes of making it feel better before he asked you again, "are you serious? you like me too?"
your lips curved upwards at his natural instincts to soothe your pain and instead of giving him a verbal response, you lifted yourself upwards to give him a peck on the lips.
you felt riki freeze and you watched as his eyes widened and a violent blush crept up his neck to his cheeks. you felt your face heat up as you realised what you had just done. feeling embarrassed and flustered, you pulled him down to hug him and shoved your face into the crook of his neck. he started shaking with laughter and joy as he rolled the 2 of you over so that you were on top of him instead of on the ground.
"y/n~~ look at me please!! c'monn" he whined as you refused to face him, still embarrassed but what you just pulled. he forced your head out of his shoulders to shower your whole face with kisses.
he pecked your nose then your cheeks then your forehead followed by your lips until you were giggling. you felt so loved.
"be my girlfriend."
"i think you're supposed to ask and not demand. what if i don't want to" you raised an eyebrow at him jokingly with a smug look on your face.
he rolled his eyes and kissed you on the lips again. this time for longer. you felt yourself melt into his hold as you reciprocated. both of you felt warmth running through your bodies and butterflies fluttering in your stomachs. he finally pulled away as you ran out of breath.
"still don't wanna be mine?" he smirked at you as you tried to catch your breath. you looked gorgeous with red tinting your cheeks and your eyes sparkling, looking right back at his.
"i've always been yours, you just needed to ask"
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helluvapurf · 8 months
forgot i was still doing this ask meme for a sec my bad lol
13. worst blorboficiation
Do you mean in terms of canon portrayals, or fandom-wise? Hmmm... if we're just talking canon here, then... weeeeell- >>
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-Now before anyone freaks out, no I don't "hate" Stolas... at most I'm honestly just kinda... "neutral"-feeling whenever he pops up on screen these days 🤷‍♀️
Concept-wise, I do like the idea of Stolas being this seemingly aged, powerful figure among the Ars Goetia... struggling to balance his twisted desires with his family/royalty responsibilities. Often getting lost in his own head to focus on anyone but his personal joy/fantasies-
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...but at the same time, not too far gone that he can't reel it back in-time to eventually realize his mistakes, and try to do whatever he can to fix it (no matter how successful or not those attempts be-):
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It was unique, compelling and overall made Stolas an entertaining character from the initial HB pilot to the end of S1. Making me super intrigued of how this crooked, broken bird could eventually grow and learn from all that happened into S2...
...aaaaand then "The Circus" & onwards just... idk, decided to do away with all that to make Stolas more like an innocent, pure-natured soul all along... who never meant to come off like a selfish jerk 'cause he's just soooo lonely & sad, having the sweetest of intentions all along~ 🥺🥺
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and its like... usually I don't mind giving sympathetic/tragic backstories to explain why they behave the way they do in the present-day... but with how S2's been framing things with Stolas atm, any and all mistakes he's pulled in the past has become the fault of other people's doing?
Stolas & Stella having a cold, loveless marriage that ended in him getting caught cheating (+Stella hiring a hit on him because of said cheating)? ...Well then clearly thats all Stella's fault for being a raging harpy from birth, so bitch got what she deserved when he dumped her ass, haha~
Stolas having a demeaning, belittling view on Imps (even around Blitz a few times in S1)? ...Well then that clearly was just the fault of his eeeevil dad Paimon, pushing the idea in his son's head from his kid years (who was so pure at heart enough that he wanted to bow to Blitz, when they met, awww~).
Stolas not being the most attentive father to Octavia, ignoring her feelings over & over? ...Well then clearly thats all on Via for not being grateful for the big, noble sacrifices Stolas put into loving her (esp as she apparently only exists to be a “precautionary heir” from his toxic marriage), and the fact that he's trying should be enough to forgive all his faults as the best dad ever~
Stolas being a pushy creep towards Blitz during their S1 dynamic, stepping over boundaries despite Blitz's clear discomfort? ...Well then that's clearly all on Blitz for being the one who put the moves on Stolas first, who was just a flustered bean from the start wanting to reconnect with his old buddy & gained true feelings overtime... why can't Blitz see how much Stolas loooooves him~? :ccc
...Aaaaand yeah, idk about yall but ehhhhh- I just couldn't really get into that angle the more I watched S2 :/. Not to say that Stolas’ last couple appearances were bad, per-say ('cause I did find his sassiness to Striker while kidnapped + his reading-enthusiasm with Ozzie's contract pretty funny)... buuut to make a long story short:
Shady, morally gray Stolas who needs to work on himself >>>>> Sad baby boi Stolas who did nothing wrong ever
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mykatsudon · 11 months
Ooof I am also in my feelings about YOI. I can't believe I actually watched it as it was airing. I was still a teen and related to Yurio the most, now I come back to watch it and I'm older than Yuri!! And he's so relatable, it's like I was missing a whole part of YOI then suddenly I rewatch as an adult feeling weirdly sentimental despite that year being pretty bad for me and just oooofffffff.
I was tearing up constantly. Like when I watched as it came out I thought Victor seemed kinda cold and far away and I liked Yuri well-enough but thought he got over his anxiety quickly, my main focus was Yurio. Now going back it's just holy shit, I lived Yuri's life, minus the sporting achievements lol but I felt everything he felt, and Victor too was so much more interesting, clearly so much going on under the surface and profound loneliness covered up with a cheerful facade. I can't believe how different it was to rewatch years later at a different age. I still love Yurio too but now it feels like oh god please someone help this child rather than relating to him.
I remember even thinking at the time later that maybe it was overrated but going back to it now is just like god, no it wasn't at all, it really *was* that great, it really *did* deserve the hype. And I don't really know where I'm going with this but I just wanted to share it with someone bc I was never really that involved in the fandom and it's kinda died off now and I have no one to say it too in irl so it's just my farewell ig to YOI. Like I love that I can rewatch it but the whole hype around it at the time was so cool, it reminded me of watching shows on tv then talking about it at school the next day. Like it somehow re-created that experiance but even better bc it was sooo many people all at once. It was just so optimistic and sweet, and I feel weirdly sad now whenever I see anything about it. I almost wish it had done multiple seasons and movies and milked it for all its worth so I could just move on from it like anything else but now everytime I see it I'm suddenly thrown back to being a teen and comparing my life from then to now and suddenly remember every emotion I was feeling, it's so brutal.
This is overlong and kinda clumsy but basically I want to send the show off somehow like kiss it on it's cheeks and wave goodbye but I don't know how so I'm writing this all to you. Please don't feel pressured to reply, I know I've sent paragraphs. But if you do want to anyway, I'd love to hear all and any thoughts you have about YOI and what it was for you. I feel strangely lonely about it now bc I never had irl friends who watched it and I never paticipated in fandom. Now I'm like, idk mourning it, on my own. YOI coincided with a little bubble of time where I was relatively happy and hopeful, It's hard to let just that go now.
I understand you. I was 16 when yoi aired and I was actually waiting for it's release months before because the trailer seriously caught my attention, so I've been here since before the first ep was even out. To this day I count being able to watch Yuri on ice as it aired as one of the most positive experiences of my life. When yoi came out, I was in a particularly dark spot in my life, and this anime was my anchor through and through. It taught me the power a piece of media can have on a person as I do believe I couldn't have pulled through that year if yoi hadn't come in to save me at the last minute.
I remember it being so fun, I actually don't think I've ever had more fun with any other piece of media, it was magical.
It was many combining factors too; the fact that yoi is an original anime so every single Wednesday we had no idea what we were getting, the fact that yoi was so original in it's story and heavily deviates from your average sports anime, the huge community that formed around the series, making theories, trending #1 on Tumblr every single Wednesday and of course, the fact that there was actually a love story playing out between Victor and Yuri and that we as the audience got to experience it. l wonder if people truly understand how unique that is. This anime really went above and beyond all my expectations. It fed me too well and spoiled me too much.
I miss Yuri on ice in the way one misses a high they know they'll never obtain again, and I chased that high the remainder of my teenage years.
Having this blog, making friends, talking about the series, eagerly waiting for every Wednesday and having something to look forward to like that, I don't know If I'll ever experience it again. I don't think so. It really feels like the planets aligned for me to enjoy yoi to it's full potential. No one in this world can understand how much this series means to me, how close it is to my heart.
People who didn't watch it while it aired or who weren't in fandom have no idea how it felt. To this day, it was unlike anything I've ever encountered in fandom. It really is a "you just had to be there" kind of experience.
To say I miss it dearly would be a huge understatement. But I've been grieving yoi for the past 4 years. I'm currently in the acceptance phase. Whatever happens, happens. I agree with you that I wish they would've milked the series for all it's worth and we were on season 2 with a movie coming out soon. But that's just a selfish desire. What I wished the most is they hadn't played with my heart like that and gave me hope. I wish they came out and said "this project is over, sorry". I do believe something went deeply wrong in production, as you may have seen in my essays I've written on this subject.
I controversially believe Mappa is not entirely at fault and that this is something to do with the creators. It just makes no logical sense for Mappa to can yoi when it not only saved their studio, it's one of their best selling anime, pulling in crazy numbers. It even outsold Chainsawman. I think that if it were up to them we would be on Yuri on ice S3.
but enough especulating, what I mean to say is:
Allow yourself to mourn and say goodbye to a piece of media that greatly impacted your life. I think the best thing to do is to redirect those feelings you have towards gratitude.
I'm grateful for the memories we made together and the incredible chance they gave me to run a blog that had 25k+ Yuri on ice fans in it's prime, for the friends I made. I feel like I had a lot of fun and enjoyed every bit.
I will forever look forward to anything yuri on ice related, but if this is the end then so be it.
you gave me a long ask, I gave you a long answer.
Thank you for your heartfelt message.
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punkxcalibur · 1 year
personal mphfpc recap since i finally finished reading all the books
spoilers for the entire mphfpc series ahead. this will mostly be me talking about the book's imperfections, because when i love a piece of media, i also love criticizing it to its core
so, i first read the books 1-4 in 2020 and i was SO obsessed!!?? i wasn't really into social media and fandom culture back then, so i didn't really have anyone to talk to about mphfpc and i remember being very sad about that. i also remember trying to make fanart of the characters, but i REALLY sucked at art back then and to this day i find old mphfpc drawings and cringe at them. maybe it's time to redraw some of those...
anyways, i read the fifth book when it first came out in germany and i kind of hated it lol. i was really rushing through it, because i couldn't wait for the fugh reunion. so i kind of missed out on the whole plot because i only cared about fiona and hugh.
basically, i recently finished rereading the books, because nostalgia or whatever and i'm kind of obsessed again. so...i'm just dumping some thoughts on the whole series here because on tumblr i can actually find ppl with mutual interests.
first of all there's literally SO MANY inconsistencies and plotholes?? what the actual fuck ransom riggs. idk how much of this is prevalent in the og books, because i mainly read the german translations, but sometimes riggs just forgets who hugh is i guess?? he mixes up his and horace's peculiarities once and at some point he is referred to as howard. who the fuck is howard. these are literally the most easiest mistakes to fix. does he not have an editor?
i'm not even gonna talk about the movie. i have a whole seperate post for it
it sometimes bothers me how only certain characters seem to serve a purpose. in every novel emma, enoch, millard and bronwyn are clearly the focus (besides jacob) despite the fact that the other characters are equally interesting and likeable. hugh, horace, claire, olive and obviously fiona are just NOT THERE for like the entirety of AMOD. are you kidding me
the entire second trilogy...is kind of a cashgrab. of course i'm happy we got more books and i liked them, but it's kind of obvious that the author simply had some pictures left and saw an opportunity to make some more profit out of them. that's not bad, but these books weren't necessary for the overall storyline.
the thing with the prophecy in DODA...the entire book was dedicated to finding the other lighteaters, but they don't really do anything in the end?? i kinda get why noor has to be the *main character*, but why introduce julius and sebbie when everything could have played out the same way without them?
julius and horace...is it really that hard to age julius down? it would've made that a lot less creepy. there is literally no reason for julius to so much older than horace. not sure if this could be considered queerbaiting, since i don't know a lot about that topic. would be grateful if anyone elaborated more on that.
hugh and fiona are still my favorite thing about these books THEY ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND DESERVED SO MANY MORE SCENES UGH. i don't need another jemma kiss i need FUGH. there is just so much potential and plus, we never really get to learn about their backstories?? like we know that they're from the 1840s, so how did they get into a loop a century later?
how was fiona able to *whisper* to hugh in DODA, she literally had her tongue cut out, hello?
so many characters with lots of potential either die or just disappear. lilly, sam, althea, peter-and-joel...ring any bells??
why is horatio kinda
ok i'm sorry
the photos are so funny sometimes, because at times there will be a photo of, say, emma and in the next book there will be another picture of her and she just looks like a different person. because,obviously, that's a photo of a different person. but apparently, ransom thinks we're too dumb to notice that.
i would just love it if there'd be storylines that focused on each character individually, because again, WASTED POTENTIAL
ricky deserved to have a comeback, i feel like this is general fandom consensus
introducing v, just to kill her off? idk man
despite all of these criticisms i just made, i fucking cherish these books
since pjo gets a new awesome reboot i think we deserve one too
i also wish the fandom was bigger but maybe it's a good thing that it's kind of niche. i don't know.
uhh i guess that was my not-so-little rant and yeah...enjoy this post i guess
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
🔥Azula and makeup
Oooh what an interesting topic! I switched to my laptop for this one I was like "I have too much to say I can't be on my phone" LOL
I have two categories of thought here & I do think there's value in separating those categories
Canon & character design
Let's start with the obvious. Azula is an anime - I'm sorry, it's western media someone will yell at me for saying that - a cartoon villain. It's just part of her trope/design that she's conventionally attractive / has red lipstick/eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man etc. If you've ever seen any piece of media ever, you HAVE to get that. So, to an extent, the conventionally attractive design is just kinda...there for obvious reasons.
However, because Azula is a PRINCESS & we do see how choices like hair & clothing are symbolically important - this doesn't mean it's entirely a waste of time to analyze the importance of makeup for Azula's character.
Azula has to look presentable at all times as part of her political role. We see her with lipstick & makeup even at a very young age in flashbacks (& YES the flashbacks are canon please don't start that discourse on my posts again omg) & that's sad in a way but it makes perfect sense considering her important role in the court.
In fact, the only time (IIRC) that we see Azula without makeup is when Zuko interrupts her at night when she is trying to sleep! Oh, & maybe in the scene where she is visiting the spa (& Zuko interrupts her! - lol damn, Zuzu leave her alone (jk). These are domestic scenes when she is alone / sleeping / getting ready to become more presentable. In general, Azula treats appearance with the utmost importance.
It's highly relevant that Azula's appearance begins to fall apart during her breakdown. Her lipstick is sloppy. She cuts her bangs. Her outward character design reflects her inner turmoil.
Okay that's all I have for now
2. My personal subjective headcanons & thoughts
It's been a while but I remember seeing a post about how Fire Nation military personnel were rare & Azula, Mai, & Ty Lee were going against FN gender roles. IDK the post was a whole meta but I couldn't find it now, so sorry. The point is - Azula is canonically a freaking military general/diplomatic mastermind AS WELL as a proper princess!
I personally love the idea that Azula has a masculine side - not trans per se, but I guess it could be if that's your HC but it's not mine - that enjoys boy clothes, suits, no makeup, etc. She likes to embrace that side of her gender. But, she's never felt comfortable or had the room to do so under Ozai's reign & expectations. I personally headcanon Azula as queer/sapphic whatever & I like the idea that as well as sexuality, once she gets away from Ozai she could start to explore gender a bit!
At the same time, I think that Azula does love her feminine side. In my stories, I tend to focus on her exploring different types of fashion. I feel as if in a modern AU she would have strong opinions on different high-end brands. I just know that she would have a huge collection of amazing dresses.
I feel that Azula going without makeup or with less makeup would be a huge step for her (in any universe) because she is SO used to everyone seeing her all put together. Azula starting to become more relaxed about her appearance would be - in my opinion - a HUGE step for her in healing & beginning to become more comfortable with herself.
sorry, this literally went beyond "Azula & makeup." I REALLY started to ramble lmao sorry I am just sitting in bed drinking my lil glass of cabernet sauvignon watching How I Met Your Mother & getting way too passionate about Azula & gender -- I'm done rambling for now tho LOL xD
TYSM for asking <3
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myreygn · 2 months
If you're still doing the First Impressions Character ask game:
Askeladd; Tanizaki (bsd); Tendou (haikyuu!!); Akaza (demon slayer)
uaaah so many characters at once :D thanks for asking soda!! already did askeladd here
First impression
aw man he's cute too bad he's a terrorist
Impression now
i'm so soft for him i'm not even kidding, he's adorable to me and i'm so invested every time he does anything remotely out of his comfort zone because i just want him to succeed
Favorite moment
hands down when he threw himself out of a moving car and kenji caught him i'm so normal about this scene
Idea for a story
i really really really wanna write some atsutani, this ship took my heart by storm and just anything cute and fluffy for them is on my writing bucket list (also i have this nsfw draft of soukoku ft tanizaki sitting in my drafts that i'll never finish but psht)
Unpopular opinion
despite some of their scenes being uncomfortable af his relationship to naomi is actually really sweet and i wish they left the creepy stuff out so i could enjoy them without having to explain myself 💀
Favorite relationship
love tanizaki and kenji actually, they're besties in my head
Favorite headcanon
strikes me as someone who stress bakes
First impression
funfact tendou and makoto tachibana from free! have the same german voice actor and because i watched both of these shows in german my first reaction was turning to my sister like "holy shit is that makoto"
Impression now
he's so fun to me, i never have a bad time watching tendou do anything. i'm reading the manga rn and his commentary throughout the karasuno vs nekoma match is my favorite thing in the world
Favorite moment
it doesn't matter if you don't understand what he's saying it's all about the delivery
Idea for a story
oh hmm... good question actually lol. something tensemi idk i don't write him often
Unpopular opinion
he deserved to be bullied for that bowl cut (I'M KIDDING)
Favorite relationship
i mean we all love the ushiten dynamic but honestly tensemi will always be special to me, i live for their dynamic
Favorite headcanon
with haikyuu i never know what's canon and what's headcanon- i like to think that he got his buzzcut on a whim and then spent 10 minutes crying in front of the mirror, cradling his hair in his arms
First impression
i was so scared for kyojuro lemme tell you but his soundtrack was too cool i couldn't resist the epicness
Impression now
there's rarely been a character that's both so funny and so sad to me. everything about him cracks me tf up but if i think about him for more than five seconds i will start crying
Favorite moment
the moment when he sinks into koyuki's arms kills me. every. time.
Idea for a story
i really wanna do a character study with him at some point and focus on his relationship to humanity/monstrosity i just need a scenario i can weave this into
Unpopular opinion
Favorite relationship
i fuck so hard with him and douma because douma holds all the cards in that relationship and i live for toxic imbalanced dynamics
Favorite headcanon
idk why but i like the idea that he sleeps every now and then just for the heck of it. and when he does he dreams but he never remembers them when he wakes up
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marirynryn · 2 years
Hi uuuuuhhhh can we talk abt how much of a fucker Bosie was??? I'm reading 'De Profundis' of Oscar Wilde (A letter he wrote for Alfred Douglas, aka Bosie, while he was in prision) and it's I'm not even in the half but for now Oscar has recompiled a lot of shitty things that Bosie has done to him in all of the years they've been "friends". Like. Bosie at one point, due to all the extravagances and luxuries he afforded daily WITH THE MONEY OF WILDE got him to bankruptcy. In words of Wilde, "...If I remember you that all the time we were together I didn't never wrote not even a single line-...-Mi life, while you were at my side, was completely sterile and uncreative" : Bosie freaking drained the life and inspiration out of Wilde, and all the times they were together, he couldn't focus on anything but Bosie bc if he did Bosie would get mad. Oscar was tired of getting away from Bosie just to go back to him again, he even tried to convince Bosie's mother to get him out of the country (and his mother agreed with Wilde, confirming that Bosie had the Bitch temper™ of his father), but some time later Bosie begged his mother to know how Wilde was, where he was, and said that he "wanted to see him again, even though it was only once". Oscar even says something like (I won't quote bc I would probably get it bad lol) 'Every three months I would try to break our friendship, and every three months you would convince me again of being close to you, even if I know what danger you mean to me'. LIKE BOSIE LITERALLY ATTEMPTED AGAINST WILDE'S LIFE MORE THAN ONCE WTF there is one part in this letter that narrates a time when Bosie got sick, and after 5 days of Wilde taking care of him in the most endearing way, Wilde falls ill thanks to Bosie, and what did that bitch do? Go to eat at a fancy restaurant with Oscar's money while Wilde was dying in an apartment he rented. My men made Bosie promise to 'at least eat dinner with him', and when he didn't appeared at dinner time, Wilde wrote him a note remembering the promise and goes to try to sleep, but after getting insomnia due to his sickness wakes up and goes to the kitchen for some water, and there it is, Bosie, angry af with Wilde bc of the note, and fcking attackes him verbally like 😭 and not even a day after, Bosie gets into Wilde's room to make up excuses, and when Wilde just says to him to get the fuck out of his room, the bitch with Bitch temper ™ once again tried to hurt him.
I'm open to opinions, I haven't finished the whole letter, but I felt like saying all of this because, of the little things and image I've got to see people have of Oscar's and Bosie's relationship, is really not mentioned all of the crap Bosie made to Oscar, and is more like "hehe Wilde was a gay gay homosexual gay who love Bosie", I mean- It's true- but still, Bosie didn't really showed affection or AT LEAST care for Wilde, and lemme quote this bc this words of Wilde narrating the time when he and Alfred met after Alfred being like three months out of the country: "When I got to Paris, your tears, spilled over and over again throughout the whole evening, that fell on your cheeks like rain while we ate first at Voisin and ate dinner after at Paillard; the unfeigned joy that you showed when you saw me, taking my hand whenever you could, like a sweet and petinent child..." Is SO beautifully sad because this is one of the only times Wilde mentions that kind of affection coming from Bosie, and also days before Bosie's father accused him from sodomy, accusation that got him in prision.
Like yeah I get it Alfred Douglas was fine af but all that crap isn't worth it for just a dick Mr. Wilde, you freaking masochistic.
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OK THANKS FOR HEARING ME OUT I REALLY NEEDED TO GET OUT THAT FROM MY SYSTEM sorry if the English is really broken, it's not my first language, also the quotes are not the ones from the English translation of the letter(? I think idk I'm reading it in my language so I took the quotes and translated them literally.
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sayakxmi · 5 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 10: His Name Is Judar [Part 1]
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Markkio's voice sounds so creepy. Good fit.
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I like to think myself a creative person, but then something very simple will turn out to be beyond me. I usually use "Idiot King" cuz how else do you translate it? Well, "His Stupidity" for one. Not a bad choice at all.
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This bitch has no reason looking this pretty.
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"Yo, I'm here."
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Also, I love how they all got so dumbfounded by Judar's appearance that they forgot to resist (Alibaba) or stop him from resisting (the guards). It was like, wait a second, we were doing something here, weren't we?
Ahbmad, you dumb bitch.
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I SWEAR the Moon is always full
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Small thing, but the fact that Alibaba still refers to Ahbmad as his older brother.
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Aladdin, you are a blessing when you aren't awful to women.
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Ok, that's different. Here Ja'far say that Sin will announce the results, while in the manga it was "Sin said we will announce the results"
On a different note, I haven't noticed Masrur previously, but it looks kinda funny. Man, how tall is that guy. Or maybe how small are these doors?
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Ok but
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(I couldn't find a better pic, I'd have had to rewatch the movie)
Ok, jokes aside, here it's definitely Sinbad speaking. In the manga, again, it's hard to say who it is, though I've wanted to assume this part about the negotiations falling is said by Alibaba. But I don't know. I'd have probably needed to, idk, know Japanese & read in the og language to see if there are some differences in the way they talk (cuz I assume there are), but based on a translation it's a little harder to say.
Ok, again, WHY are they changing the dialogue so much? Here Sinbad is like "the negotiations have failed, which is why we gotta fight the military now" like, bro. First of all, that makes his entire "I make a point not to get involved in other countries interanal affairs" even more of a joke than it already was, and second, he's literally instigating the goddamn rebellion here. The show, ironically, portrays him to act the exact smae way goddamn Al-Thamen does, only he's "on the right side". Sure, it's kinda fun, given what happens later, but this sort of behavior should've raised red flags since the day one?? Hell, if not Alibaba, then ALADDIN should've been able to tell, given he could see the resemblance between what Balbadd & the Kouga Clan are going through. Ugh
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"Up until now you could've only fight them as a band of thieves, but now you can't fight them like equals."
I really, really don't like these changes.
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In the manga it's Aladdin and Alibaba who comment that Sinbad is amazing & yeah, that's a king for you. Here it's some random citizens.
Also, Alibaba looks so sad in the anime? In the manga he clearly admires Sinbad. There might be some sadness there, too, but not on the same level?
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Then again, here these ppl are also saying how he looks like a real leader, so I guess it could make him feel a bit bad, lol
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Hm, I wonder what does that mean
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Also, Judar's here
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He does look good in here, ngl
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The anime just never manages to catch the unhingedness of some of these moments smh He doesn't look like a madman, he just looks like a regular weirdo who thinks war is neat.
But damn if his VA isn't awesome
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I wanted to focus on this moment, then I noticed Alibaba dissociating
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Ja'far on the left 100% ready to cut the bitch, I tell you. It's that empty stare
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Not suspicious at all
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the-east-art · 1 year
Chatting about Trigun
(Both the manga and the new anime)
A couple of my mutuals have asked me about my thoughts, and if yall wanna dm me and keep talking I LOVE chatting, but I also thought it would be fun to write down some of my thoughts for everyone. For reference, I have finished watching Stampede and I'm a little less than halfway through TriMax. There isn't really a 'point' to all of this, just some misc thoughts :3
So first of all really loved Stampede. I read the first manga and got like 12 chapters into Max before giving in to watch the anime, both because I was excited to watch it, and also because the manga is... a little rough to read? I don't watch or read a ton of anime or manga these days, working on art and full-time school and my job make it hard to pick what to do in my little free time. The manga that I've read recently has been Yokohama Shopping Log, Dungeon Meshi, and Witch Hat Atelier. While Trigun is fun paneling and storytelling wise it isn't as easy to read as any of the manga listed. I found myself having to reread some pages a few times because between the words, the paneling, and the art I couldn't tell what it was trying to get across. It is also heavy on the action and fights scenes (much like some manga I read in the early days like Bleach or Naruto) and I'm not about long fight scenes, especially when it's hard for me to tell what's going on. The story that the manga has going on is very interesting, however, it reminds me incredibly of Katekyo Hitman Reborn (or tbh even D. Gray Man) in that the early portion of it really feels like the Mangaka wasn't sure what the entire plot was and kind of made it up as it went, especially leaning into funny tropes quite early on. The manga reads like the mangaka realized that they needed to focus up and iron out the story idea when they ended the original Trigun, and had a better idea of what they were going for when they wrote Trigun Maximum (obv idk if that's true, that's just the vibe)
Stampede feels like they're trying to write the story of Trigun but more focused, if the story had been more put together from the beginning, which I really like. A few of the changes I struggle with, but I'm trying to be optimistic to how these changes can be remedied in season 2. Season 1 of Stampede was both the original Trigun books AND the backstory of the books in a way, which I really like I feel like having the destruction of July being the incident before the two year gap actually works really well, as well as letting us see how some of the characters develop. Meryl in season 1 has been much more naive and soft than I felt like she was in manga, but I think you do get the vibe that in season 2 after the developments of the finale and the two year gap she will be more like the Meryl from the manga, which actually if it is true sets up her character pretty well!
I like the designs for a lot for the characters in Stampede too, although I am a little sad that they leaned more into the generic white futuristic clothing for the people on board the ship. I really like that in the manga, even though they're all like astronauts and stuff they're seen wearing t-shirts and jeans. Also I think Rem has more of the milf vibes like that (someone said that she looks more like a big sister like that and if so I think I like it even more haha, since she was thrust into the position of mom really suddenly). The many wrappings/belts of Vash are also missed, but I also like his new design so they're both good lol.
The last thing I wish that they included or that I really wish they'll add into season two is how Vash when he was still with Nai and Rem was less optimistic. In the manga I just got to the part where Vash acts out after seeing the previous Independent, going as far as hurting Rem. The idea that he became so steadfastly optimistic after his world falls apart is so good. Not that he was pessimistic before, but that he was just a kid that was still figuring things out, and scared.
Haha, it's also a small thing, but in the manga when the ships go down, Nai specifically says that Rem thwarted his plans, but in the anime I feel like it just kind of vaguely says she might have or might not have helped.
Uhhhh if you have any questions though about any other thoughts I might have about things let me know! It was a fun watch and I'm excited to finish reading the manga, even if I do have my critiques lmao.
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seoafin · 1 year
Hello Morgan :) I just read chapters 1 & 2 of Dog days are over and .. xhsbacbksdjcb it was so good I have become incoherent. hence why - -- hhhh .... when i .. when he- when. they. hhh .. .... when- the mc- ....
Wah, I can't even find the words to describe how enamoured I am of it. Stsg? ? Forget about them .. Who are they anyways. Irrelevant. I am instead giving you and rip!mc flowers (if you want them, or any little gift you want!) .. Mc .. she deserves the world. i mean these three words, i do. Stsg are so annoying honestly. I would fall for her face first. The way you do with that one high school friend you have a very queer friendship with .. oddly specific but yeah I love her sm LMAOO. And you !! You deserve to get *all* the love you put in your works back tenfold and more for your wonderful writing, Morgan!!
I have already sent a few asks full of compliments on anon but tbh I would repeat what I said word by word as many times as it's needed. This fic alone is a lot of work from all points of view, and I want to let you know I personally am grateful for the chance to read it .. It's enriching (I hope this is an actual english word lol) and it's pleasant to read; the universe you created is vibrant .. realistic as in immersive and (sometimes painfully) relatable, especially the mc - she feels so human and I think I can say I relate and have related to her, which is a little sad - but reading it also feels comforting (i believe that truly is the unifying potential of fanfic and writing in general).
There are so many things i could say about these two chapters but i think i'll leave them for AO3 comments (didn't someone say tumblr asks are temporary but ao3 comments are permanent?). Rn I just want to focus on how beautifully outlined rip!mc's feelings are. The loneliness .. The image of a single mother and her kid in her apartment .. Her thinking about her future (woah, that one hurt. in a good way though) and the prospect of being left behind .. I've been going through quite strange times (& writing sad stuff? idk why it is, is it the strange weather?) so that passage was kind of the nail in the coffin, the final blow for me - but in a good, cathartic way, i promise!! (also. i loved "nail in the coffin" - i hope i got the title right. it did something to me. my dirty mind couldn't stop thinking about the way geto stole mc's panties mainly because i have too many [redacted] geto thoughts and that includes panty taking. but this is just a side note.) (and gojo. the leash line. i think, in that, me and mc are different because i would've said yes in the blink of an eye - yeah that's concerning of me but everyone has their flaws right??. lol. the "what do you want" "everything" exchange. i don't think i'll ever recover. in a good way).
When i find something i like this much I think I'd need a 10k word frame minimum to analyze and dissect it over and over .. so I'll stop rambling for everyone's safety 😂. But yeah, I hope this silly comment gives you back even an ounce of the warmth your writing gives me (& i'm sure i'm not the only one)!! and please don't feel obligated at all to respond to this. I just really wanted to say these things :)). i hope you have a good day !
hi friend!!!!! can i just say how much i was smiling reading this because i was SMILING so hard my friend thought i was texting a man (as if please lmfao) everyone being so nice and encouraging about this fic is going to make me cry. like i was not kidding when i said that this fic was loved into existence because i had no intention of actually writing an actual fic for them!!! but im doing it!!! because everyone is so enthusiastic about it!!! im glad u and many others enjoy rip!mc because the amount of self sabotage in this fic....i need to endear her to everyone LOL
this ask gave me so much serotonin never apologize for sending it in!!!!! if anything have me back warmth and happiness in SPADES. thank you so so soo much for reading <3333 i hope u have such an amazing wonderful bright day 😭😭😭 once again i am so touched that you liked the fic enough to write me this wonderful ask 😭😭😭
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1ouis · 6 months
Overwhelmed with how amazing today already is and I'm feeling extremely physically ill atm... LmAO Just rolling with it. 😵‍💫
I'm sad I didn't prepare anything for Louis' birthday... I wish I did. Maybe next year if I'm still in the fandom. I might be. I've always low-key been a Louie. You can maybe see his pretty face's influence on the fan art I've drawn of anime boys 😎
I'll be sharing other people's works later maybe today!!! I'm so proud of all the creators in our fandom as well. I was wondering if this fandom was still alive until I ran into a random YouTube comment.
Excuse me, I feel so delirious from how sick I feel. So surprisingly happy too?? I'd take medicine but I've already been taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen almost every day due to other pains... I caught something from my best friend this time. LOL 😅 All the mental pain from this year and the years of holiday trauma didn't prepare me for tonight. I really don't expect anything?? 😭
Another thing, I have some request art for people that I wanted to take care of in 2 days... I almost made it but the last few days were... Extremely heavy and toxic, I'm sorry. I was asking people to request me, too. I'm so embarrassed, but life can be a rollercoaster like that I suppose... 🙁 If either of the two lovely people are reading this, YOU'LL BE HEARING FROM ME SOON HOPEFULLY 😭
All my amazing mooties, artists, writers, editors, and absolutely hILAROUS people I follow, and the people who liked my personal posts before, the people who've been so nice to me here... You have no idea how much you've brightened my asocial ass life. If I sound like a broken record, it's because I am. I really need to reach out to people more, but It's so difficult for me to 🥲
Whether you post(ed) something earlier in the year, today, later, know that I love you, I love you, I love yooouu, thank you for brightening our dashes with your posts!! I'm so proud of you. You have no idea! 🥰
Anyway... because Idk how to change the topic 😓
My sis & I are both sober hobby artists, btw lol
What sprung these feelings... Not the the holiday spirit, tbh, not LOUIS FUCKING TOMLINSON'S BIRTHDAY. (IT'S ADDING TO IT NOW THOUGH LMAO 😭😭😭)
I listened to one of the most engaging & fun No Sleep Podcasts with my sister. It's 1am now but I'll be up for a little longer because she asked. It's all horror. Lol The last one we listened to hit so close to home at one point, but I couldn't completely focus because I was so shook at how my line art was coming out?? I made one of my life achievements before the year ended?? Like wHAT?? IT'S AN X-MAS EVE MIRACLE 😭😭😭
Gonna try to keep it up when I feel less sick... and a lil during. ✌️🤪 I HOPE THIS MEANS YOU ALL WILL GET MORE ART FROM ME??! That's so exciting?? I wanna be more proud of myself on my art journey next year... Once I find a job, a therapist and get on meds again, maybe that could be a reality for me...
My sister also made the most lovely gift for someone on the spot. She doesn't see how absolutely adorable & beautiful it is, but I do. I took some pics cuz it was that satisfying to look at?? I WANNA MAKE FANART OF IT.
We both need to believe in ourselves more... Gonna show her the photos of the cow I took in a couple of months. I hope she sees what I see some day. That's one of my holiday wishes 🥺
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Aww hey guys :'))
Hmm something tells me you cleaned up Morgan xD
Like yourself I mean lol
Awww 😭😭❤️ Morgan noo, it's okay :'((
Girl this doesn't mean you're a bad mom <33
Awww :'((
I mean why don't you just do it xD
LOL yeah she is persuasive
Nahh I think he's more angry than that xd
Yeeaahh xd
Well hey at least he'll try :D
I mean that's honestly fair
But like with the memories why couldn't he try and be like that? Knowing what he was like :(?
Aww 😭😭💔❤️ that's sad :'(( yeah I do see wanting to spend the rest of your life happy instead
:'O Wait so there is a way :'))??
Awww yayy 🥰🥰🥰
Lol and yeah, he has the experience xD
Hmm 👀 but Shaun's definitely gonna join him xd 😬
Aww :'((
Uh ohh 😬😬
The tension with these parents is slightly stressing me out xdd
Well I mean yeah we can try something :( :'))!
Aww Morgannn xdd girl is going through it fr
Nahh you're gonna fall asleep lol
Lol yup xD
UH OH o.o
Phew lol
Aww Morgannn xdd
Shaun watch yourself xD
Shaun. Chill xD
Nah bro just listen to him, it'll make it easier for everyone
Okay lowkey the "not the one doing the surgery" is funny XD
Oof though xd 😭
Ayy a solution :D hopefully anyway :))
That's good 🥰🥰
Yess thank you Lim xd he doesn't need to hear it from Shaun <3
Yeah Shaun she's right, you don't want this to affect you :'((
So ik it's hard but stay out of it xdd
Aww hey Morgan <33
Aww girl 😭😭❤️
Ohh noo :(( 😬
Ooh Park 👀
Girl c'mon, you just gotta answer the door xd no other options lol
It would be funny if he doesn't know she was faking earlier and just thinks it all fell apart between then XD
Aww girlll 😭😭😭❤️ it's not your fault <33
He's done this before bestie :')) it's okay <33
Also yayy he has diapers :D xDD
Awww lol xd
SLGJDHKS not the window xD
Did you jump out lol
Ah okay no one did xD
Aww they fell asleep :'))
You'll figure it out bestie <33
Aww hey y'all :))
Oope talking about it 😬
Oh 👀
Yeah both of you try it :D
I mean maybe they can work better together now, listening to each other :D?
Like, a link :)
Aww 🥰🥰
Oh no D:
It's not gonna work is it :'((
Nooo 😭😭😭😭
This poor kid :'((
Oof Jordan xD
Lea why are you here though lol
Like hi I'm not complaining but why xD
Girl I think you're both just nervous :))
Aww yeah that sounds fun :D
Idk what it is but it's probably good :))
See? 🥰 It'll work out
Bad decisionssss xdd
Leave the man be XD
Aww because of the patient :((?
Wait that stuff too
Oh no did it not work D: :((?
With the board I mean?
Okay phew no news on that yet
Uh ohh noo she has bad news xd
Yep xdd
I'm sorry Andrews :(
What's your excuse to try and change their minds?
Maybe that's your reasoning but still, it's thin and even if she trusts you I still wouldn't tell XD
Check yourself lol
Ik he's off balance but yk xd
This is stressing me out xd
Less because of the surgery more because of your guys' relationship xD 😭
Awww 😭😭😭💔💔❤️ besties I am so sorry :'((
No dude I'm sorry :'((( but you need to think about making it the best it can be
You don't mean that :( <33
Oope Andrews :'o but yeah he needs the tough love right now :((
It's awful and it's not fair at all, but yeah :((
You need to focus on the now, and things to have memories of <33
Awww 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
They don't deserve this <333 truly, no one does :'((
Not like I ever joke about people deserving it or something I just mean truly as in like I'm being extra genuine? Idk I can't explain it xd
I do wish he could go to that Christmas festival though :(( maybe they'll try and find some way to set something like that up for him sometime :')
Aaahhhhh 😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️❤️🥰
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rushipedia · 3 years
hellu!! ((spoilers for the new event if you haven’t done it!)) I’ve had this idea for like an albedo x reader where it involves his impostor from the new event & i was wondering if you’d be interested in writing something that involved his impostor 👀👀? ITS SO VAGUE SORRY HAHA BUTJFJKGLG I’d love to see what you write if you’re inspired by it 😳💖
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A Lonely Encounter - Part 1. (2)
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A/N: OH THIS ASK IS SO WONDERFUL I'm a little worried about the vague spoilers in the ask though so I apologize to anyone that happens upon this and doesn't know yet!! Ty for the asks anon!!!
Edit: ok I just finished writing this and it ran a little long, but it's not too lengthy. I just got a burst of inspiration.
The actual fanfic is underneath my rlly long theory ramble in case u wanna skip that part LOL i just needed to tell someone about it...Tumblr is a gr8 place for that. (Maybe I should make a separate post for it, but I'm too lazy. sorry anon.)
Pairing: Albedo x GN!reader (pre-relationship or pre-existing relationship, your choice.)
Genre: There's really no theme... mystery perhaps. Tbh its kind of wholesome. One-shot (or maybe not... will there be more? idk...)
Word Count: 1086
Warnings: MAJOR Spoilers for the recent Albedo event!!, Albedo is acting slightly possessive again (idk why i always write him that way), but tbh he just wants to protect you.
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There are 3 Albedos I believe (not just in theory, I think there were actually 3.), 2 were creations of Rhinedottir and one was the creation of the imposter Albedo (But it wasn't actually an Albedo, it was simply a mutated plant that was used to mimic and distract him from something else.)
I believe that the 1st Albedo is the Albedo we know to be the "impostor" and the 2nd one is the Albedo that we know and that the first Albedo was somehow not what Rhinedottir wanted and she attempted to dispose of him. (Not very nice dude...) Anyway! Since Albedo calls the impostor "Master's failed specimen in the dragon's belly", I think he may be either referring to the impostor just being in Dragonspine OR that Durin was used to dispose of the first albedo. (Weird, I know...) That could've been how the impostor ended up in Dragonspine. No theorizing there, he also could've just walked LMAO.
Also, during Albedo's monologue during the end, I feel like it was definitely from our Albedo's point of view, at least up until the very end where he talks about being human and being brought into the world. Maybe it's to show Albedo's astounding amount of empathy despite being synthetic, or it's to show the original Albedo's true feelings? Not sure there. Either way, it is extremely sad.
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Things were different now that the two of you were aware of it. The feeling of being watched couldn't simply be blamed on the wild animals and camouflaged creatures in the area anymore. You would be working quietly when suddenly you would share a look with him. Then his sword would be out.
He had made the choice to let his imposter live. But at what cost, he now wonders. The cost of his focus? Or his sense of safety in solitude?
You weren't all that bothered by it. Nothing remotely deadly had happened since what had gone down a few weeks ago.
"Albedo," You said to the blonde, who was currently staring blankly at the vial in his hand. He was shaken from his thoughts and focused back on the vial, which he now noticed was not the color it was supposed to be. He made a slightly disappointed expression before turning towards you.
"What is it, Y/N?" He asked, setting the vial back into the rack.
"We're out of mint," You say, rocking back and forth on your heels. "I'm going to go collect some."
So far, Albedo had refused to let you out of his sight. You hadn't been able to go looking for ingredients or get a moment to yourself for days.
"Ah, okay." He said, before retrieving his sword. "Let's go."
"Well, um... I was hoping I could go by myself." You said, avoiding making eye contact with him. His arm with which he brandished his sword sort of went limp and he kind of just looked at you like he was thinking about something.
"I have a sword too, you know." You laughed nervously, pulling out your own. The one he'd given you. The one he'd said only you could brandish. He was silent for a moment more.
His brows knitted together slightly before he nodded.
"Okay. Be careful. Shout if you need me." He said, looking into your eyes rather intensely from where he stood a few feet away, "I will hear you."
You nodded, before waving and turning away.
You weren't all too worried about being alone, given that nothing eventful had happened. But maybe that was because the two of you hadn't been apart since then. Then again, it didn't seem to have any trouble with causing problems for groups of people. You thought back to the avalanche.
You picked mint carefully, placing it into your bag. It was rather nice to be alone, even if it's just for a little while. You adore Albedo, but his presence can be smothering. Anyone's is when you're unseparated for that long. It was no fault of his for wanting to keep you safe.
You wandered from the path to collect some Starsilver you'd spotted growing from a rock. Leisurely, you collected the brittle material to bring back to Albedo. You heard a rustle a few feet away from you and flicked your eyes towards the sound. It was too quiet.
Just then, you heard heavy steps crunching in the snow behind you. You whipped around quickly, sword drawn in an instant.
It was Albedo. You glanced immediately at his neck. No diamond, this was not your Albedo. He simply stood there and stared at you, it was rather unusual.
You clutched the Starsilver in your hand and tried to open your bag to drop it in there so you could make your escape.
"Why do you carry those?" He asked, suddenly. His eyes glanced down to the ore in your hand. His face remained blank. No trace of curiosity. Just blank.
"The Starsilver...?" You asked, extremely confused. He closed his eyes momentarily and nodded. "It's for paint."
He shook his head. "I know, but they are the lackluster sort like you talked about."
His eyes seemed to dull. You glanced down at them, but you couldn't tell the difference, despite the advice of Albedo, Paimon, and the traveler last time you'd collected some.
"Well, it'll all be turned into silver paint, anyway. I'll use it if Albedo doesn't." You shrugged, strangely feeling like you could let your guard down. Your arm relaxed a bit.
He took that moment to lunge forward to grab you by your shirt collar.
"ALBED-!" You tried to yell, but he covered your mouth. You struggled.
"Teach me how to paint." He muttered, gripping your clothing tighter. You dropped your sword and lifted your leg to kick him away. He stumbled but regained his composure quickly.
You simply stared at each other. He grits his teeth in frustration and turned away, walking back in the direction he came from.
Teach him to paint? Does he want to create more creatures? You don't want to be responsible for something like that if that's what he is trying to do.
But maybe he wants the simpler aspect of it. Surely there's not much for him to do up here. He'd needed Albedo's notes to create the Whopperflower, so he's clearly not a genius at alchemy either. It's a good way to pass the time, the same reason that Paimon had wanted the traveler to learn.
You snapped your head towards the sound of quick footsteps coming towards you. Symbol-clad neck. Your Albedo. His sword was out.
You didn't know what to say when he stood there a few feet away, seeing that there was nothing wrong with you. He straightened up.
"What do you need?" He asked. He didn't mind that you weren't in trouble. He was relieved, actually.
"Nothing..? Ahh, well." You said, still dazed from the events that had just taken place. You quickly formulated a lie. You weren't protecting the impostor or anything like that, right? Just making sure Albedo wasn't worrying about you anymore.
"I picked some mint and a Whopperflower surprised me..." You laughed nervously. He seemed to relax. "I guess I'm still a little paranoid from last time, sorry."
"Don't apologize." He said, "It is merely human nature to become wary of things that have affected you in the past. Especially if those same events can occur again." He said, stepping closer to you. He wrapped his arm around your mid-section and looked towards the top of the mountain.
The wind blew cold.
"Let's go back now." He said after being silent for a few moments. "I'll cook dinner."
"Okay," You mumbled. You looked back over your shoulder as you walked beside him back to camp. You swear you could see a flash of blue eyes between the brush and snow.
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rushipedia ☆ 2021
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