pistold0ll · 2 months
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me as a nun ♱
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Arthur Hacker (1858-1919) "The Cloister or the World?" (1896) Oil on canvas Located in Cartwright Hall, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England
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zombiehearts2007 · 3 months
Hitchhiker is so fucking chaotic I love him
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sidebee-hive · 8 months
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Photos of St. Panteleimon's Cathedral which is found close to Feofaniia in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The cathedral was looted during the Bolshevik revolution and then it was damaged WWII. In the 90’s, it was returned to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and is now the church of a convent.
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daughterofcainnnn · 4 months
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shes literally not from this world shes amazing
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chucktimber · 1 year
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From Eden - Hozier
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domlafou · 8 months
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Weird Medieval October. Day 11. Scriptorium.
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celebrating new years at a monestary
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Does the case of Fireball's marriage have a historical equivalent in the Middle Ages or Early modern period? If a woman took the holy orders, was her marriage dissolved and thus her former husband could make a new canonically valid marriage? Was this also the case for the wife if her husband took the holy orders? Was it specific to monastic vows, ordained priests (after celibacy became the norm) or other specific clerical statuses?
Excellent question!
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When it comes to the case of a husband taking Holy Orders, this was a matter of some contention within the medieval Catholic Church and quite a few big name Popes exerted a lot of political capital to make clerical marriage stop. (Partly this was due to theological reasons, but mostly it came down to not wanting married priests to try to convert Church property into something their children could inherit.) So it depends on when in the Middle Ages we're talking about; the earlier you go, the more likely you are to have married priests, the later you go, the less likely that becomes. And then that wascally Martin Luther fell in love with Katharina von Bora...
The issue of women joining nunneries was less politically controversial, because it didn't raise the issue of Church property being converted from corporate to personal property. Indeed, the Church had something of a interesting incentive in the matter, because women who wanted to become nuns had to bring a "convent dowry" with them, and in the case of wealthy women or heiresses, these dowries might be rather substantial.
However, when it came to either husbands or wives entering Holy Orders, this was considered to dissolve a marriage...with one main condition. In the words of Pope Alexander III, "it is permitted for one spouse, even against the other's will, to choose the monastery...so long as a joining of the flesh has not yet occured between them."
So that could be a real sticking point. I suppose a man in Fireball's situation would need to find an abess who was willing to accept that the marriage had never been conssumated for a hefty bribe.
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ochipi · 1 year
When is a dead human a crime - and when is it archaeology?
Inspired by @rainneondecay thanks for asking!
Edit: written from the 21th century POV of a Western European field archaeologist.
There’s no real set of rules or standards or… but there is logic. And a seriously long post coming up. Ready? Set? Go!
First of all, archaeology is reading the remains of human activity within the soil. If you can read it from a book or… you know… ask someone, than it’s not really archaeology. You need to kinda be dead long enough to become archaeology. The people/institute who were alive with you/responsible for you have to be gone long enough and there should only be a skeleton left of you. Archaeologists will never use the word “corpse”. Only “human remains”. Because that’s what you need to be. Just bones and additional grave goods. No soft tissue apart from maybe hair and the utmost rarity of mummies.
A human becomes archaeology based on three things: place, date and context.
1) place. if you dig in a (former) church yard: bodies overload. It’s no surprise to find any human remains there. If you dig a Roman house, not so likely to find any remains there. But medieval people are weird and police are not stupid. When they come and look at the bones, they’ll confirm it’s old and we can continue
2) date. We look for any clues that tell us that a body is old. Sand is too acidic and eats your calcium build bones. If the bones are in super bad shape, it means the body has been there for at least centuries. Grave finds such as jewelry and dress elements provide us with datable evidence for when a person died. The grave filling is important too. If it’s compacted and light in color, it’s quit old already. If it’s loose and the finds are recent and … bodies don’t decay that that fast… it’s recent. And we for sure need police.
3) context. This is such an important one. People luckily don’t commit deadly crimes left, right and centre. But crimes committed in the past can reach archaeologists. Medieval people who committed crimes were buried on their stomachs. People who are not baptized are buried outside of church grounds. There’s plagues and war. You want those dead people as far away from your village as possible. Kind of a positive that victims of those kind of events are not just a single person but rather a bunch all at once.
When does it become dodgy? Starting from WW1 and even more so WWII because we didn’t do a lot of nice things to each other back than. There’s colonialism and racial segregation. You can do archaeology on them, but there’s still people who you can take accountable for. Nunneries and red light districts are also kind of creapy because both institutions were notorious for getting rid of unwanted children. Christian institutions/beliefs are guilty of a looooot of crimes towards humanity. And Christian power has only been decreasing since veeeeeeery recently.
On a more positive note, people are usually nice enough to give no matter who a burial. And usually they will do it in or near a place where other people have been burying people since ages. There’s Frankish graves around Bronze Age burial mounts. That’s a time span between 3000 BC and 1000 AD. Than we had church yards and Muslim and Jewish graveyards where we as humans took the time and effort to dig identifiable graves. That’s actually beautiful when you think about it.
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lezie-borden · 1 year
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Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads, others astray 10:17
@lil_batface on insta
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texaschainsawmascara · 11 months
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Joyce Lee
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postcard-from-the-past · 10 months
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Cistercian Waldsassen Abbey in Bavaria, Germany. Dissolved and secularised under the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss in 1803, sold and used as a cotton factory. Re-opened as a Cistercian nunnery in the 1860's.
German vintage postcard
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guessimate · 1 year
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I decided to play the Underwoods, because I wanted to try out the more realistic drinks mod, and a more adult poker table mod, and I like them for the townies’ drama (including autonomous proposals that are likely to be rejected!). I may incorporate townies in a new hood, if I ever make a new one... I would like one with my own townies, because there are these great mods now, like baby face templates... I really have no time for another town in TS2 though, to be honest…
I rolled the Underwood family would get a counterfeiting machine from the tavern [Crime Does Pay ROS]... I guess some shady emissary was visiting their tavern, and they enjoyed it so much that they presented the machine to their host. Without going into details (because it’s rolling for every single day, whether they get caught), I rolled it would be Wilhelmina who would use the machine, she would get caught, and spend 5 days total in “jail”… She ended up getting 500$ (rounded down and put in her wallet) just for using the machine once… Because the next time she tried using the machine, she set it on fire and the machine burned down. Thankfully nothing else besides the machine was engulfed in flames, because it was further away from everything else. She was attempting to get a dowry of 800$ and get married off, because she can’t trust her ever growing family. Sadly, she failed to get the amount of money she needs, and she got scared of the fire and the perspective of spending her life in “jail”, so she came back home. She also might have run away, as she realized the toddlers her mother had given birth to were only half-siblings to her. She’s a Family sim, so she probably doesn’t like it that her mother’s reputation might not be as pristine as she thought.
I don’t really have a jail yet, so I just put her in the nunnery. While Wilhelmina was there, she painted a portrait of the head nun and she helped with the garden a little bit, as I wanted to make her do something productive for the community.
Meanwhile on the home lot I had the worst time aging up the twins from babies to toddlers… and on the birthday night the ghost of Constantine decided to finally show himself... That was a crazy night.
Cynesige really wanted to see the ghost of his father, as he’s a Knowledge sim, but it almost killed him… I decided to move the grave to the cemetery after all, because ghosts of sims who died by drowning are just the worst, since they leave puddles everywhere and destroy everyone’s environment need.
Algernon was so fed up with having to clean he just went to the tavern not so much to earn money as to get a break from it all. Wilhelmina was not there with them to help with toddles and all the cleaning, so there was only Vivian and Cynesige on the lot most of the time.
There was a fire… There was a flood [caused by a ghost]… It was a pretty disastrous house to play, and I wanted to say that it was quite hard to play this family this round, but at the same time... Algernon somehow reached perma plat when he was still a teenager. It happens pretty rarely in my “historical” hood, so I was wondering what made him so happy… It must have been reaching max art enthusiasm as a child, and WooHooing before he even became an adult. This is one of the reasons I don’t really like playing TS2 hoods for too long – the kids born in game have it just way easier. But we’ll see, maybe it was just Algernon. He got his last trait on age up and it turned out to be Ambitious.
Yule is a Capricorn – 8 Neat, 6 Outgoing, 3 Lazy, 9 Playful & Nice. He’s an Inappropriate Perfectionist, and Bot Fan [which makes no sense in medieval times, but maybe he’d like to do some robot station stuff, woodworking or something of that sort?]. His One True Hobby is the same as his mom’s, and it’s Cuisine.
Gwenllian is a Cancer – 5 Neat, 6 Outgoing, 7 Active, 4 Serious, and 6 Nice. She’s Dramatic, Excitable, and Hot Headed. Her One True Hobby is Fitness.
It took them a while to learn everything, but the todds managed to learn all the needed skills and the nursery rhyme.
They ended up with 5,048$, but I bought them a poker table and an outhouse, so they would be at 5723$. Since they started with 3363$, they earned 2360$. They dug up just a rock. I am not calculating Wilhelmina’s illegal income – she’s keeping it secret.
1000$ – rent.
708$ – tax.
= 1700$ to the Royal Family.
236$ – tithe.
= 300$ to the Church.
They are left with 3,048$. I will have to get them some beds or move someone out next round, as this family is getting too big for me…
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magdamarcus · 5 months
an old idea
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more gothic! i had this idea of three girls in a catholic orphanage/nunnery: one goes missing, and there’s no one to trust! oooooooh 👻
this is an idea from years ago, you’ll probably see some newer art of it later (i dont like to be too self critical but this is not as refined as i would do it now… i’d like to think lol)
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