#one photo was a sneak shot of a womans ass while she walked the street
primaviva · 5 months
when i search up the latina tag on tumblr and it is all nsfw content, content taken without the womans permission, and text sexualizing latina woman as objects of exotic infatuation (we will never be free from the myth of the latin woman)
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Word Count: 1,690
Warnings: a bunch of fluff. drinking, swearing
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Picture-perfect, you don't need no filter
Gorgeous, make 'em drop dead, you a killer
Shower you with all my attention
Yeah, these are my only intentions
Dustin was your brother, you considered each other to be the others best friend, that’s how close you two are. He had started hanging out with someone you went to school with. His name was Steve Harrington. You were never fond of Steve, until you were back to back fighting what your brother and his friends called ‘Demo Dogs’. You hadn’t bothered to date anyone from school, because your brother expressed his distaste for all the guys you went to school with. Everyone, but Steve (and Johnathon but he was with Nancy now). 
Dustin ways told Steve that he should do something about his crush on his sister. He never thought that, he would ever say that to someone, least of all Steve, given his track record. It was Christmas time, which meant that you had to go to Sears as a family, to get your annual, Christmas family portrait done. Every year, you and Dustin made it more cringe worthy than the last. This year, you were wear matching blue sweaters. Each time, the Sears photographer took a photo, you and Dustin made funny faces. He had given Steve, a wallet size photo of the family portrait. Steve would never admit it to Dustin, but he thought you were beyond Gorgeous. He stuck it in his wallet, right away trying to act nonchalantly about it. The photo was of you with your eyes closed laughing, while Dustin did his ‘Purls’, and your mom with a classic un-amused, bitch face. 
Already passed, you don't need no approval Good everywhere, don't worry 'bout no refusal Second to none, you got the upper hand now Don't need a sponsor, no, you're the brand now
Steve could count the number of people who’ve been over to his house, while his parents were home with one hand. He was beyond, nervous to have someone over while they were home in general to say the least. He was hesitant to allow you to come over, even if it was just so you could get your project done for science. 
Pulling up to the drive way you were overwhelmed with nervousness. You had barely, even met your friends parents, let alone the guy you had feelings for. Taking a deep breath in, you grabbed the basket of freshly made cookies, and rang the doorbell. You had never been to Steve’s house before, so you weren’t even sure if you were at the right one. Suddenly, the door flew open and revealed one of Steve’s parents. 
“You must be, Y/N. Please, Come in,” the woman said, her voice sounded soft and velvety. 
“Good Evening Mrs. Harrington. I hope you don’t mind, I brought over some freshly made cookies.” 
“Oh my! You didn’t have to do that! Steve’s lucky to have a girl like you around!”
You blushed at her comment, shutting the door behind you. Steve hadn’t even heard the doorbell. Fear, spread through his body like wild fire. Rushing out of his bedroom, he paused at the top of the stairs, behind a wall. Having heard the whole conversation he smiled, never had he heard his mother approve anyone he brought home before. 
__________Time Skip to even later that night_________________________
“Do you want to go to a party?”
Steve spoke, breaking the silence. 
“Isn’t it too late to go to a party? It’s 10:30!”
“It’s never too late, baby.”
“Don’t call me that Harrington.”
“So, do you want to go to a party or not?”
“Dustin, will kill you if he ever finds out.”
Your response caught him off guard. Steve never pegged you as one to go to a party. 
As you arrived at Tommy’s house, the music was booming, and cars were parked up and down both sides of the street. He was beyond shocked, when the second the both of you walked in to Tommy’s house, you were greeted with a chorus of, “Y/N!” From the partygoers. Suddenly, you were whisked away by a group of girls that came up to the both of you, once you stepped foot inside.
It wasn’t until twentyish minutes later that you were back by his side.
“I wasn’t aware, I was in the presence of Miss Popularity.” He joked.
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed his red solo cup from him, and take a drink.
“Come on, Harrington. Let’s dance.” 
Not waiting for his response, you grabbed his hand and lead him to the circle, of people dancing. More like dirty dancing. As, you made your way through the crowd, you stopped turning around, you grabbed the front of Steve’s shirt, pulling him closer, starting to move your hips. Guiding his hands to your hips, you spun around so your back was pressed to his chest. You didn’t miss the groan that had escaped deep from Steve’s throat.
“Y/N. You’re killing me.”
He brought his lips to the side of your neck gently, placing kisses there, unsure of himself. Letting this go on for awhile, you both decided it was time to go. Steve being the gentleman that he had become, opened your door for you. Leaning around the door, you leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek. 
Letting out a soft, “My hero.” 
We in our feelings It's fifty-fifty percentage (fifty) Attention, we need commitment We gotta both admit it (both) It's funny we both listen (both) It's a blessing 'cause we both get it (both) You the best thing and I don't need a witness (best thing) I'ma find me a ring and pray it's perfect fitted (perfect)
After awhile, you and Steve couldn’t deny that there was chemistry, between the both of you. Even, Eleven knew there was something there. Deciding, that you needed a break from all the masculine energy, you, Max, and Eleven, all had a girls sleepover. It would be El’s first one, so it had to be perfect. You drove the girls to the mall, not realizing that they would want to stop at an all too familiar, ice cream shop, ‘Scoops Ahoy’. This make you groan internally. 
“Aho- Hi, Y/N!”
Robin greeted you, grinning from ear to ear. As both girls ran up to the counter, the sliding window on the back counter flew open. You were greeted with the face of your brother and Steve. 
“Dustin? What’re you doing here?”
“Do I really have to answer that?”
“Well, yeah. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want an answer?”
“Steve, Robin, and I are trying to crack a Russian code!”
Simultaneously, two voices yelled, “DUDE!”
You chuckled in response. 
“You know what, I don’t even want to be involved. Have fun with that, you three.”
Shaking your head, you couldn’t help the smile that had crept onto your face. The girls had chosen a both to sit at, so you turned to join them. Your back was towards the isle, so you didn’t get the chance to see Steve sneak up behind you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, while trying to act nonchalantly. You brought your hands to rest on his forearms. Leaning down, he pressed kisses to your cheeks, while you closed your eyes enjoying the moment, with a smile plastered on your face.
“Hey Lover Boy! Get your ass back here so we can solve this!” 
“Dustin! Language!” You yelled back at him in response. 
Steve let out a low laugh at the both of you, placing one last kiss to your cheek he squeezed your shoulders before unwrapping himself from you before saying, “Alright, alright, I’m coming. Don’t cream your pants!”
You and the girls busted with laughter. Steve, met the backroom door, turning to give you a small wave, in which you returned, bringing a visible blush to his face. Suddenly, a hand shot out from behind the door, roughly grabbing the front of his ‘Scoops Ahoy,’ uniform, before a voice said, “Yeah, yeah, he’ll give you a call when he gets home, so you two love birds can talk about your feelings,” the voice said as the hand yanked him into the backroom. It didn’t dawn on you until later, that the hand belonged to Dustin. 
It wasn’t until Max was explaining, to Eleven what Dustin meant by ‘Love Birds,’ that you realized that Steve had yet to call you. Deciding, you didn’t care what impression you gave off, you grabbed your bedroom phone, and sat cross legged on your bed. 
“Hello?” A groggy, deep voice answered.
“Steve?” You asked in surprise.
“Y/N? Fuck. I’m sorry! I passed out after work, Dustin was really serious about the code.”
“It’s fine, Steve. I was just worried about you.”
“You were worried about me?”
“And Robin, and Dustin, uh.”
“You can’t take it back now, Y/N!” Hearing him the teasing in his voice before he continued, “Aww! You were worried about me!”
It was like all your smart quips had been drained from your brain, “Shut up, Harrington.”
“Hey, Y/N?”
“I worry about you too.”
“Good to know Steve.” Letting out a sigh of relief with a smile on your face, it felt like it was only you and Steve in the world. Both Max, and Eleven had made themselves comfortable across from you on the bed. You didn’t notice their intent stares. 
A short pause.
“Hey Steve?”
A deep hum could be heard.
“I like you.”
You could hear the smile and relief in his voice, “I like you too, Y/N.”
You smiled, not thinking to respond.
“What are you doing tomorrow around 7 O’Clock?”
“Nothing, wh-oh.”
Chuckling he continued, “Would you like to go on a date with me, Y/N?”
Suddenly, two high pitched squeals was the only sound. He knew you were having a ‘Girls Night’, so their reactions didn’t catch him off guard. That wasn’t the case for you. All he heard was an ‘oof.’ 
Both girls, had hurled themselves in excitement at you, before you could answer him, two high pitched voices answered for you.
“She would love to!”
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#12 surprised date while working late....911 Bobby and athena
I was finally able to get around to writing this. Sorry about the lateness. I’m not going to preface it too much and just let you read it. I hope you like it! Thank you for prompting me.
Fandom: 9-1-1 Paring: Bathena Rating: General Word Count: 1911
“Hey, it’s Valentine’s Day. I just wanted to tell her that I loved her,” Silverman said cheekily, as Athena’s handcuffed the struggling man with ease and placed him In Clark’s squad car.
“Of course you did. Just like you have the last 6000 times this month.” Athena rolled her eyes at the man, annoyed that this was the 4th time this week she was arresting him. “Do you know what the words restraining order mean?”
“Oh, come on, she didn’t mean that! She was just playing,” looking past her he see the complainant, Brittni, standing on the sidewalk talking with one of the other officers, “tell ‘em, baby, tell ‘em that I love you. You didn’t mean all those things-“ Athena, having heard this speech way too many times this week, closed the door.
She could still hear his muffled words of “affection” as she walked away. Before walking to her squad car, she walked where Brittni stood talking to Derek. “When we take him in this time, leave him there.” Brittni had the good sense to look sheepish and gave a nod. Athena nodded back choosing not to say anything else and praying that she heads her warning this time. She gave a look to Derek and patted him on the shoulder before walking back to her own squad car.
She spotted her young protege, Braxton, leaning against the hood, giving her a hand clap as she walked to the car. “Nicely done, Sarg.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Unfortunately, it’s all in vain. Knowing these two, we’ll be back.” Athena told her as she got into the driver’s side.
“I bet you lunch tomorrow, he’ll bail out and be back here by the end of the day today,” Braxton flopped down in the passenger seat, “today is Love Day, after all. Makes people do the most.”
“I’m not even going to take you up on that because I know it’s a losing battle.” Athena gazed out at the young woman, “now if only the two of them could figure that out.”
Braxton chuckled and was about to comment when the beeping of her phone caught her attention. She fished the device out of her pocket and smiled when she saw the text notification over the lock screen photo of her family.
From: Mr. Sarg 🙃 Does she suspect anything?
Braxton smiled down at her phone as she thought fondly about Bobby’s plan. She stole a look at Athena, who was currently concentrating on writing notes on her tablet. She knew that Bobby kept this solely between the two of them and she hadn’t told anyone.
Nah, she has no idea.😉
After replying, she closed her messages and went to the notes app, to read over the plan once more. She thought it was sweet, what Bobby was doing for them tonight and she was happy to be involved.
“Is there a reason you’re smiling so much over there?” Braxton startled a bit at the sound of Athena’s voice. She looked up to see her Sergeant eyeing her questioningly.
“Oh yeah, Jay sent me some cute pictures of her cuddling with the pups and some loving messages,” Braxton lied smoothly as she locked her phone and dropped in her lap.
Athena’s gazed at the young rookie, questioning whether or not she believed her. Braxton steeled herself with another line of questioning when,
“All available units, back up requested in Lincoln Heights. Domestic dispute turned hostage situation, suspect appears to be armed.”
“That’s like the next ‘hood over from here.”
Athena flopped her head back against the seat and sighed audibly, “love day, my ass,” she grumbled. Picking up her radio, she responded, “dispatch, unit 212 responding, we’re in route now.”
“Today’s so fun. I love working on Holidays,” Braxton joked. Athena just eyed her as she put the car in gear and drove towards the next call. As much as they disliked it, rise in domestics and similar calls was par for the course on holidays, especially Valentine’s Day.
That’s how the rest of the day went. Their shift was full of domestics and extravagant gestures gone wrong. As the evening settled into night, things started to wind down and they were just patrolling, nothing happening except a couple or routine traffic stops. That was normal though. There was always an “an eye in the storm” so to speak, before the craziness picked back up again.
“It’s almost your break time, Sarg.” Braxton commented as they rode through the streets.
“Is it? I didn’t even notice. The hours tend to run together on these type of days.” She stifled a yawn as she rubbed her eyes. It didn’t matter how long she’d been doing this, she’d never be used to these type of days, especially when she had someone she’d rather be spending her time with.
She opened her phone to the love filled message that Bobby sent her at the start of her shift this afternoon, rereading the words as she had several times today. He’d left her a rose and a well made breakfast this morning, the only time they were able to “interact” all day. Every time she thought about sneaking off to visit him another call would come in. She hoped they would run into each other, but their paths didn’t cross today.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Braxton asked, interrupting her train of thought.
“Just that I’d rather be spending time with my husband right now.”
“I feel you.” Braxton said as she sent quick texts to Bobby and Elaine.
To: Mr. Sarg 🙃 Everything all set on your end?
From: Mr. Sarg 🙃 All set.
Braxton was excited. She couldn’t wait to see the look on her face.
To: Cap Laney 👮🏻♀️ Hey, everything’s a go, if it’s still all good with you?
From: Cap Laney 👮🏻♀️ It is. Tell Athena she can have 45 minutes for this one.
It’s was amazing how lenient their captain was about us spending time with loved ones. As long as they didn’t go overboard and were still monitoring the radio, meeting up with a friend or family member during shift breaks was fine.
All she needed to do now was let her friend in dispatch know. “Where do you wanna go to eat? Oh, since we’re in Koreatown there’s really good place on-" 
“Report of suspicious activity in Grand Park, limited information known at this time, any available units in the area?” Braxton stifled her giggle as she heard her superior cursing under her breath.
“Unit 212 responding.” Athena answered.
“Might be nothing.” Braxton kept up the unassuming facade.
“Doubt it. This is probably the start of the second wave.”
“We’ll see.”
It took them less then 10 minutes to arrive at the park. As they scanned the area the park was a little less lively than during the day, but the people they did see weren’t doing anything that could be considered suspicious. Athena and Braxton decided to check the areas that were a little less lit and quieter to make sure nothing was going on there.
As she walked across the lawn, Athena felt a firm hand grab her shoulder. Wasting no time, she grabbed her gun and rounded on the unknown person, knowing that it wasn’t her partner. She soon found herself pointing her gun at her husband.
“Bobby! What the hell? I could’ve shot you! What are you doing here? I thought you were at work?” Athena asked frantically as her heart pounded. She looked over at her partner to find her laughing.
“Okay, maybe getting your attention that way wasn’t the smartest idea.”
“You think?!” Athena put her gun back in the holster, “but that still doesn’t answer my question.”
“A little birdie told me that this was your break time today, so I thought I’d surprise you with a little lunch date. While you had the time.” Bobby grabbed her hand and led her over to a near by picnic table that had a candles, flowers, and a meal for two set up on it.
“How?” Athena asked as the wheels kept turning in her head.
“He and I have been setting this up for the last few days.”
“I contacted Braxton when I found out that we wouldn’t be able to see each other for yet another holiday. She said she could set something up.”
“Most of this was his idea. I just made sure that everything went the way it was supposed to. Surprise!”
Athena said nothing in response as she let it all settle in her mind. “So the call?”
“Dispatch was in on it. So was the rest of the shift. They knew were the only ones that was supposed to respond to it.”
“Wait the entire shift was in on this?” Athena asked.
“Yep, Cap too. She also told me to tell you that you can have 45 minutes for this one. Well, I’m gonna leave you guys to it. See ya Sarg, Mr. Sarg, I’m gonna go have some Korean fried chicken and call my wife to tell her about this. See you in 45.” Braxton walked away before Athena could get another word in.
“You know the Mr. Sarg thing is starting to grow on me, makes me think about that discussion we had about me taking your last name,” He looked to see Athena’s eyes squinted at him, “what? Robert Carter does have a nice ring to it.”
Turning towards her husband, she smacked him in the chest, “that’s for keeping this from me and doing all this,” and leaning on her tip toes she kissed him deeply, “and that’s doing for all this”
When her lips left his, she wrapped her arms around him, reveling in the feel of him, his scent. All things aside, she loved having this moment with him. “That’s the point of a surprise date. For it to be a surprise, what I supposed to do? Tell you. You’re just mad that everyone else was in on it except you.” She was, but she wasn’t going to say it out loud.
“Let me guess, the 118 knows, too.”
“Yeah, they know where I am and what I’m doing. Hen’s in charge while I snuck away to meet you.” He grabbed her chin and brought her lips up to meet his, “now can we eat?”
Wordlessly, she picked a side of the table and he sat across her. She removed the cover from the dish and was assaulted by the delicious smells underneath. She had to admit she was impressed by the number of hoops he went through to make this happen. Not even giving away a hint as to what he was planning. She loved him for it.
“I love you. Thank you for this.”
“I love you, too. We’ve barely seen each other or spent much alone time together these past few months . It’s Valentine’s Day, there was no way I wasn't going this whole day without seeing you again.”
“You make this whole scheme sound so simple.”
“It was. I wanted to spend time with you today. I was going to to make that happen, schedules and even a couple regulations be damned. Simple as that.” Bobby told her with conviction.
She let the air of finality be just that as she shifted the conversation and just focused on being in the moment with him. These 45 minutes were going to be over sooner than either of them wanted.
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creativestalkerrs · 5 years
The Female Spider-Man; Part Seven (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Summary; the second fight came around and after the talk between Peter and Y/N, they see a better future, so they really push throw to get answers. As well as they get a lot closer with each other...
Warning; some FFH spoilers, swearing, fluff, some sus stuff 
Word Count; 2.9k
A/N; I’M SERIOUSLY SO SORRY FOR NOT PUTTING THIS OUT SOON! I just needed a few days (or at least a day) to write this chapter and to make it really good (I HOPE YOU GUYS AGREE) I’ll most likely take a few days to write and post new chapters for FSM, but I’ll also be working on other things too ;)
It was the next day. Y/N didn’t say anything to George about their conversation, only talking about the fight and what was going to come next. The story was all over the news and reasonably people were in fear. Peter was still figuring out how he feels towards Y/N. They both believed that they couldn’t be together because of their two different lives, but Peter had hope that he could be with her.  
Happy took out everyone for breakfast so they can talk of their findings. They went downstairs and sat down. The table was round so Y/N was sat between Peter and George, George sitting next to Shawn and Shawn sitting next to Happy. George was writing something in his notebook, Y/N trying to look at it. 
“George… what have you been writing?” Y/N asked as everyone was talking among themselves.
“This morning… I found something unusual… I was looking at the grid where Yeva would be hiding in Chinatown and notices something off… then I saw this,” George grabbed his phone and opened Instagram to pull up Henry’s page. It was posted less than 6 hours ago and the location tagged was Chinatown.  “But look,” George said as he zoomed in the photo, seeing a blonde woman in the background with a black box. Y/N raised her eyebrows. “That is Yeva and that box is used for mind control. Henry’s pupils are dilated and his eye color is much darker… Yeva is using your boyfriend- I mean ex-boyfriend for god knows what,” George whispered. 
“What do we do?” Y/N asked.
“While you and Peter fight, I’ll locate Henry and see what his deal is and see if Henry could help us…” George said Y/N looked down at her plate and sighed. 
“Why are we helping him?” Y/N asked
“So no more people can be brainwashed and so another person won’t try and attack… I get it, you still love Henry and it hurts, but he could know something that Happy or Peter might not know. I’ll be doing all the talking, don’t worry,” George smiled as he wrote something else.
“For the record, you know that’s not the case,” Y/N laughed.
“Ah… Peter,” George whispered, trying to be quiet.  
The rest of the breakfast was nice and quiet. Everyone went back to their hotel rooms to get ready for the second fight. This time it would possibly be more dangerous than the last one. Y/N put her electric suit on, knowing that she needs the extra damage. 
George told Happy about the Henry situation and they figured out out the best place to sneak in the area to find him and to serve as a distraction for Yeva if she was in Chinatown. George geared up and made his way as Peter and Y/N swang to Chinatown. Due to Y/N suit, she couldn’t swing efficiently swing herself, so Peter grabbed her and swang them both to the location. Y/N seeing the city view from Peter’s perspective. She wishes she wasn’t heading to a fight with Peter but a romantic dinner instead.
As the dropped a block from Chinatown to scop out the area and to see if any suspicious activity is around, Peter grabbed Y/N’s hand. “What are you doing?” Y/N asked with a chuckle in her voice, not wanting to let go.
“I need you close to me, I don’t want anything bad to happen before we get there,” Peter said, clearly lying throw his teeth.
“You’re great at lying,” Y/N laughed.
“No, I’m telling the truth!” He said. Y/N squeezed Peter’s hand.
“I’ve seen it all Spider-Man,” She whispered as she began to walk, dragging Peter behind her. Y/N let go as she senses something with her tingle, stopping in her path. She stood still as Peter could feel something was off ass well. “I have a feeling something is close…” Y/N spoke almost in a whisper. Y/N squat down and felt the ground. It was extremely cold. “I think something is in this building, Peter,” Y/N said turning to a shot a few feet away from them.
“I think you’re right,” Peter agreed as Y/N walked to the door and gently opened it, careful to not make a noise. No one was in the shop, not a soul in sight. 
“What’s with these Urkianan spys and making things be dead silent?” Y/N asked looking around the sushi restaurant. Peter shrugged his shoulders as he took a step ahead of Y/N who went another direction. “Look that way and see if you see anyone or anything,” Y/N suggested. “I’ll go into the kitchen,” Y/N in one swift move went to the kitchen doors and went inside as Peter looked to throw the dining halls. Y/N peaked her head in to see no one, so she went a little further in.
A mess was left behind of fish and rice and other ingredients. It looked as if the end of the world was happening in one of those blockbuster movies. Y/N took off her mask, clenching it in her fist as she looked at every inch of the back and kitchen. Pots and pans littered the counters. 
Y/N tiptoed her way past the pans, trying her very hardest to not make a noise, just in case someone was in here. She saw order tickets and went to see if anything was off with them, or to see when the last time this ghost town of a restaurant was serving people. 
It was odd, they were surviving guests just 2 hours ago. What made it so dead? The door was unlocked and the sigh said opened. Y/N saw one slip that caught her eye. Y/N picked it up. The words in red ink that bleed throw the page read; dyvitʹsya vnyz i pravoruch. Y/N looked at it with slim eyes, confused. She picked it up and went back to the dining area to find Peter. Y/N tried to get Happy on the other end to see if he could get translate what it said.
“Peter,” Y/N called the slip in one hand and her mask in the other. Peter turned. “Do you know Ukrainian?” Y/N asked giving him the slip, trying to get Happy to answer her.
“No…” Peter answered.
“Can you get Happy on the line? Maybe he can give us a lead,” Y/N directed.
“Yes, of course,” Peter said as he pulled out his phone. “Happy… can you hear me?” Peter asked.
“Yes, something happened to my line I can’t see where you are at. Shawn and I are trying to fix it, but I think something or someone knows you’re in there… Get out and head to the Lemon Ballroom,” Happy was in a panic, Peter’s face went pale. Y/N listened and took his phone.
“Happy… before we leave we found a slip and it reads dyvitʹsya vnyz i pravoruch… please tell us what that means,” Y/N asked.
“That means ‘look down under and to your right’... The Lemon Ballroom has a basement… that’s probably what it means. Goodbye… I’ll see if I can connect back to your suits,” Happy said as ending the call.
“What do we do know?” Y/N asked. “I feel like something is up here,”
“Go to the Lemon Ballroom, I guess,” Peter looked at the paper once more and gave it to Y/N who shoved it in a pocket. Peter looked at Y/N and grabbed her hand, basically pulling her out of the building as they both ran down the street. Y/N tried to pull her mask over her face, but doing it with one hand was a bit difficult so it just was barely over her eyes. 
Down the street, they saw the building, but like the park, not a soul was around. Peter and Y/N stopped in their tracks to see a man dressed similarly to the other man in the park, but much paler.
“You got my note?” The man with a thick Ukrainian accent asked.
“Yes. What does it mean?” Y/N asked with a stern voice, taking off her mask.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” He said as another swarm of men with guns surrounded them.
Y/N turned to Peter as he took off his mask too. “Peter, stay sticky,” Y/N smiled without hesitation she grabbed Peter’s face and kissed him. Tasting the strawberries from his lips from breakfast. Peter was in shock but he let it happen as he kissed her back. Time slowed down as they melted into the kiss. Y/N pulled away as she began to run from Peter, putting her mask on and shotting her electric webs at them. Peter snapped out the moment, still unsure as he joined the fight
George went to the restaurant were Peter and Y/N left. He believed that ether Henry or Yeva was somewhere in the building. It was still dead, but he knew Peter and Y/N just left. George had his gun on hip, ready to pull it out at any given chance.
George saw a door that didn’t lead to the kitchen. He assumed something was down there. He opened the door as he raised his weapon, going down the stairs. “Hello?” George yelled, hoping for a response. He went down a long hall, the lights flickering on and off. George heard knocking on a door, George raised his eyebrows and moved to the door that he heard the knocking from. He moved his body to the right and put his hand on the door nob. Opening the door the room was completely dark beside a blue glowing light. George raised his gun higher, looking for a light switch. He found it and turned it on. In the middle of the room where Henry sat in a chair, tied up and passed out.
“Oh my god,” George said in shock seeing his once friend in that state. George rushed over to Henry and shaking him to wake up. “Wake up!” He shouted. His eyes sprung open as George pulled out the rag from his mouth. Henry seemed to in panic, unsure of where it was. 
“Where am I? G-George is that you?” Henry asked as George tried to untie Henry from the chair.
“Do you remember anything from the past 10 hours?” George asked.
“I… It’s not safe… Get out of here. Where is Y/N?” Henry asked.
“Saving herself and Peter… here hurry before we fuck ourselves over with this one. Stay behind me,” George helped Henry up as he tried his best to stay awake. But Henry passed out one more before getting to the stairs. George sighed as he put Henry over his shoulder. Dragging him up the stairs, he saw the women in the picture. No one else just her. It was Yeva
“Ha!” She laughed, hands on her hips. “You found my secret weapon… Y/N little hook up. I know it’s not him you want… but this,” Yeva pulled out a black box. “Want this?” She asked as George slammed Henry on a table to try to get the box from her.
“You fucking bitch!” He screamed using his force to throw himself at Yeva, dodging him and his fist.
“If you want it so badly, Y/N and Peter can get it from me at Lemon Ballroom on Friday night. Make sure you wear your best costume,” Yeva laughed as she vanished. George was confused as Henry woke up again. Ah, a costume party fight? 
Luckily no one got blown up or scratched up too badly, just s bloody nose from Y/N. George brought back Henry to the hotel room to see if he could give them any information, but he couldn’t think about anything. Y/N was a bit pissed to see her ex-boyfriend waltzing in, especially after she kissed Peter thinking she was going to die. George explained what Yeva said to everyone and Y/N was tired of all of it.
After everyone fell asleep, Y/N went to the bathroom and changed into a swimsuit, she needed to relax for a moment even at 2 AM. She took a towel and quietly shut the door making her way to the elevator. Y/N felt like a 16-year-old sneaking off away from her parents, but she knew she needed some time to swing and think.
As she made her way to the empty pool area, she dipped her toes in the hot tub that was next to it. She loved it. She looked out of the glass ceiling, looking at the stars and the moon the shined. She wished she could be with Peter and not have to stress about her double life. She wished she could talk to Back again about her problems and about her crushes but she knew she could never have those days again. She wondered if she screwed things up with Peter by kissing him before fighting. They barely talked after taking down Ihor, the other man that was by Yeva. 
Y/N sunk down, her head centimeters to her chin as she began to lightly sob to herself. She felt pitiful but she knew she had to come undone for a second. She whipped her tears away as she pulled herself back up, watching the steam rise from her chest. She closed her eyes and started to think about everything.
Hearing footsteps, Y/N opened her eyes in panic but say her curly-haired friend from the fight come near. “What brings you here?” Y/N asked as Peter stopped at the steps of the hot tub and sat down, only putting his legs in.
Peter titled his head, smiling. “I saw you were missing… heard the door from your room close and saw you in a swimsuit. I hope you don’t mind I join you,” Peter smiled as he bit his lip, nervous. Y/N smiled with her eyes as she made her way to Peter, putting her arms on his lap.
“You know I don’t care,” She whispered. “Why don’t you dive right in and join me. The water is much nicer from her,” Y/N winked as made her way back to her original spot. Peter lowered himself into the water, across from Y/N.
“Why go alone?” Peter asked.
“I just needed a moment to catch my breath and not worry about ether of my lives and now my dumbass ex is here… I feel like vomiting. I just… Nevermind it’s stupid,” Y/N back peddled, looking at the bubbles the hot tub was making.
“Nothing you say is stupid, you know that? In fact, I think everything you say is beautiful and I could hear you speak for hours,” Peter filtered making Y/N’s cheeks burn.
“You really think that Parker?” Y/N asked with a twinkle in her eye.
“Yea I do… now, what were you saying?” He asked.
“I just need a moment to feel normal and to feel alive! I honestly thought I was going to die and honestly a little part of me wished he’d shot me for good. I always lived this double life as a shape-shifting pop star that everyone wants to get to me just so they can get something. All those parties and concerts are nice, but there are people who know one side of me, not all angles and I’m just… tried. That’s why I’m so happy I have George… and you, Peter. You don’t treat me as Y/N fucking Y/L/N, the pop star. You don’t ask me for a shout out or ask me if you could meet someone else. You just wanted to meet me. I guess… I guess that’s why I like you,” Y/N ranted, avoiding eye connect with Peter. Peter made his way to Y/N and put a finger on her chin, making her look at him.
“You’re amazing… I wouldn’t imagine living that life. I’m glad we’re in each other’s life. I… can I should crazy for a moment?” Peter asked as Y/N nodded. “I really want to be with you. Not for any other reason other then you’re a talented, beautiful and smart girl that knows me in a different way than any MJ. If it wasn’t for you this past attacks, I’d probably have died. Our spidey tingle really connects us,” Peter laughed as Y/N let out a chuckle. “I know a hot tub might be a bad time to ask, or before spies costume party, but would you like to go out on a date with me?” peter asked with his boyish wounder. Y/N’s face formed a big dorky smile.
“Yes… I would love that,” Y/N smiled. “Also I wanted to state you’re a really good kisser,” Y/N laughed.
“You are too…” Peter looked into Y/N’s eyes as he leaned in, kissing Y/N once again. Y/N got on top of Peter as they connected lips. Both of them feeling happy and feeling as fireworks were exploding in the background. For one in Y/N’s life, she felt like she didn’t have to hide with Peter, that she can be whoever she wants to be.
“Hey! The pool is closed! Go get a room!” An old man yelled as Y/N got off of Peter, laughing as they got out of the hot tub, wrapping themselves up with the towel. Peter grabbed her hand as they rushed out of the pool house and going into the elevator pushing all the buttons.
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spideychelleforever · 5 years
When Spider-MJ Survived the Snap But Peter Didn’t, p.3
It took hours until apparently every single drop of water in MJ’s body had finally left her body in the form of tears. Nat ordered her to drink water and eat some chocolate, because her body just couldn’t take this much in such a short amount of time, she warned. But even after hydrating herself and getting a little boost from the sensation of chocolate, MJ was still just a wreck on the couch under some covers.
Steve was busy ripping himself to pieces for bringing MJ to the cabin, Scott could only sadly listen as Steve explained the situation to him, and Nat was eating again as they eventually put in a call to Bruce. They all agreed to leave MJ at the compound, with FRIDAY on standby to watch over her and provide for her.
After a few hours of watching old reruns of Family Matters, MJ switched off the TV, nimbly curling up, until she got the urge to get on her phone. Sucking in a deep breath, she scrolled to the album on her phone she so rarely visited these days, an album called, “My loser ❤️💘”
In the album were the photos from happier days. When MJ could hear Peter laugh, see him smile, and be with him, even just for a while. She tried to remember his high, soft voice, how awkward and stupid he would be, and how he was the ultimate sweetheart to her, even though he probably never reciprocated her feelings for him. It was a terrible truth, she figured, but it was even more terrible that he lost his life, she thought.
Eventually Bruce was on board, and soon Tony, Nebula, Rocket, Rhodey, Clint, and Thor. The last Avengers trying to save the fallen.
When the time came for their first test run, Clint returned from the Quantum Realm with his eyes more alive than they’d been the entire time since he rejoined them. MJ considered things. How if even someone as distraught and hellbent on revenge as Clint could actually bear to have hope... maybe she could too.
But just as quickly, she was devoured by the new status quo - the irreparable mourning, the heartache, the longing to see Peter again.
They strategized on when and where to find the Stones. When Nat pointed out that in 2012, there were three Stones in New York, MJ immediately volunteered for it without thinking. She didn’t know why at first. The sad truth was, she didn’t think they’d survive their mission, even if they had successfully engineered time travel, so it should’ve made no difference which team she joined.
But then, something clicked in her memory. Something pretty obvious in hindsight, but stupid nonetheless.
If she went back to New York in 2012... there might, might just be a chance that she could...
She arrived in the alley with Steve, Tony, Scott, and Bruce. As Bruce went for the Sanctum Santorum and Steve prepared to infiltrate Stark Tower, MJ went with Tony and the shrunken Scott to hide around the perimeter of the tower until the battle had ended.
“You ready, Jones?” Tony turned to MJ. “Remember, just watch my six while I sneak in. You’re more observant than anyone on this team so I know you’ll watch my ass better than I ever could.”
MJ mused that it was hardly difficult for her to keep tabs on Tony. If she could covertly sneak glances all day at the boy she had a ginormous crush on, watching a billionaire in his suit would be easy.
Then it hit her; that Tony didn’t want to put too much pressure on her. She’d always had some mixed feelings about Tony, but right now? She had a rush of something like gratitude, even if the voice in the back of her head griped that he didn’t trust her with a bigger role than guard duty.
Now, that same voice reminded her why she wanted to come to New York in 2012.
“I see something,” MJ lied.
“Wait! What is it?!” Scott asked in alarm over the comms, while Tony whizzed around to MJ in a similar state.
“Hang back, I’ll check it out,” MJ curtly muttered as she quickly webbed off - to Queens.
“That was FREAKING EPIC!!!”
The small, curly haired eleven-year-old boy with an already dazzling smile and glasses and baby fat turned to grin at his heavier set best friend.
“I know! Oh, I hope they make a movie about Iron Man fighting the aliens! With the Avengers! What if we were in it?!” The curly-haired boy excitedly jumped up and down, oblivious to what had just knocked at Earth’s door. All Peter Parker cared about was the fun his hero just had - the same hero who had helped him fight off the rogue robots two whole years ago, or whatever they were. He even complimented him - “nice work, kid!” Little Peter didn’t stop excitedly babbling the entire day. Today he got to see him fly by, too. How lucky was he?!
MJ finally arrived across the street from her destination. There it was - the same apartment complex she held so dear to her heart. It wasn’t like she was back in the 50’s, so it didn’t look strange to her or anything. It looked perfectly normal. Plants were on windowsills, people were walking in and out, two boys were already playing outside-
And that made her freeze. Because even when he was several years younger, younger now than he had been when they first met in middle school, she recognized Peter Benjamin Parker playing with Ned Leeds.
She watched in awe. The sheer impossibility of what she was seeing seemed to really hit her. She’d told herself a long time ago she’d never see Peter again. There’d be pictures and videos but she wouldn’t-she wasn’t supposed to see him alive again. She gaped seeing his bright, smiling face, the furthest from his sorrowful, pained dying expression.
MJ watched him as he turned his back to her. She was just about to pull her mask off for a better breathing experience when Peter stopped in place - and turned to directly look at her.
She froze as she heard him excitedly yell at Ned “LOOK LOOK ITS A SUPERHERO!!!!”
MJ’s brain nearly collapsed. How - HOW?!
Ned turned to look too. “OH MY GOD DUDE!!!”
Both kids were now whooping and waving hi at the masked hero on the roof across the street, screaming hi and trying to get her to come over. Realizing she shouldn’t draw attention to herself any more and that screaming kids is a good way to draw attention, she sighed, and webbed over to them.
“WOW!” Peter’s little face was wide and awed. “You’re amazing, miss!!! Are you like a Spider-Woman?”
MJ didn’t know what to say to the little boy.
Like, did she tell him to never go to the research facility with the radioactive spiders? Did she tell him to come with her? Did she tell him that one day he would die a horrible, prolonged, painful death at the hands of a monster who was behind the alien invasion he saw today as a little eleven year old boy? That he was breaking her heart with every breath he took, completely oblivious of the fact that he would take his last breath in six years time, far away from home? That his best friend and his aunt would also die the same day?
“Is everything okay?” Peter suddenly asked, his face turning thoughtful and concerned. “You seem upset?”
MJ fretted. It was... it was getting harder to breathe, and... Bruce did say nothing they did would change their time, right? So.. so..
“Oh hold on, I’ll call my aunt May-“
“No,” MJ stopped him. “It’s okay, I-just a second.”
And she took off her mask, and looked down at the two boys as placidly as she could.
“Wowwwwww,” Peter gasped as he looked up at her in pure awe.
MJ tilted her head a little in confusion at him. “Um, well, so, I’m sorry for spying on you guys, I was... helping the Avengers scout the perimeter,” she lied. “And yeah, sometimes the mask gets kinda hot for me.”
“I think Peter thinks you’re really hot, too,” Ned giggled. Peter shot a sudden, venomous look at his best friend. “Dude!!!”
Now that- that took MJ by surprise. “I’m sorry?”
And Peter’s cheeks turned pink to answer her confusion. “No! Girls are icky! I just like your hair Miss, and you’re-you’re really pretty!” He spluttered.
“He wants to know how old you are!” Ned guffawed. That did the trick, and Peter began shoving him in annoyance. And MJ did something she hadn’t done in... god knows how long.
She laughed.
She couldn’t control it either, but finally, a laugh erupted from her body as she watched the young Peter and Ned argue and shove each other.
Finally, the bickering subsided, and they turned back to the tall, beautiful superhero. “Do you have to get back to patrol, Miss?” Peter asked.
“I probably do,” MJ smiled. Again, another rare occurrence, and she knew exactly why it was happening. “You two should probably go back inside too. All the alien radiation and stuff.”
“Oh no, I don’t wanna grow an extra arm!” Ned laughed. “Come on, Peter!”
“Aww, but I wanna stay with you!” Peter whined - and took MJ by surprise again by taking her much larger hand with his smaller ones. “Do you wanna get ice cream?”
MJ didn’t have time to gape because she heard another familiar voice. “Peter, Ned, come inside!”
Peter whined, “Aww, but Aunt May!”
“Come on, kiddo, listen to your aunt!” This time, a male voice was the source.
“Oh, okay, Uncle Ben,” Peter pouted. He looked back up at MJ. “Sorry, Miss, I don’t wanna go, but I have to.”
“It’s okay,” MJ nodded. “You two be safe.”
“We will!” Peter smiled. “Say hi to Iron Man for me!!” He waved at her as he and Ned turned to go back up the steps to Peter’s apartment complex. Ned went in first, but Peter turned back one last time, his cheeks turning pink again as he waved to MJ.
MJ put her mask back on, unable to process what had just happened. She webbed herself back up to higher ground and began making her way back to Stark Tower.
She’d seen a young boy, happy and innocent, playing with his best friend and admiring superheroes, and going to lunch with his aunt and uncle. That boy would grow up to be a superhero, an Avenger, who devoted his life to protecting and helping the innocent. Who never lost his trademark niceness even despite all the stress and trauma of losing his uncle and the perils of being a superhero. Who never failed to ask MJ how her day was despite having a million and one things to worry about himself. Who never stopped caring about her, regardless of whether or not he ever liked her back.
MJ stopped on one roof as something else hit her. Peter never stopped caring about anyone, not just her. He had a heart big enough to love everyone and help everyone.
So she needed to as well.
She looked out at the city, a chunk of it smoking from the invasion. She looked back towards Queens, then up to where the portal had been, and finally back to Stark Tower.
This time, she ran across the rooftop and jumped as high as she could before webbing her way onward. She didn’t let herself plummet anymore than needed. She didn’t just web her way up. She rose.
Her friends needed her. Peter needed her. And she needed herself, too. She needed the strength of the girl who led the AcDec team, who became a superhero alongside Peter, who defied his wishes to follow him into space, who fought against the madman who took Peter from her.
Finally, after five years of eating her feelings, sleeping way too much, crying over photos in her phone, raging at herself for something that wasn’t her fault, it had happened.
Finally, for the first time, she believed that the Avengers would succeed in bringing back their lost friends and half the universe.
Michelle Jones was back.
And finally, for the first time in five years... she was alive.
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ramblingaboutthings · 5 years
Lost - Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Summary: After Tony dies Peter becomes distant. The reader has a big crush on him and when she goes to his home to ask for explanations she finds him kissing with her best friend.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: just some mistakes 'cause English isn't my strong language and some (a lot) of angst
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Peter'd just lost his father figure, his mentor, his inspiration in a freaking finger snapping, literally and now he was completely locked up in his room, he rarely went to school, he skipped classes and cried his heart out, he refused to talk to May, Ned, MJ and even his best friend Y/n.
Y/n was a beautiful girl he met in seventh grade, they immediately became close but they stopped talking as soon as Peter decided to cut her off from his life, he was too devastated to even look at her, she made it even more complicated, being Tony's daughter she reminded him of her dad.
Y/n had tried to contact him in every way possible, she texted him, called him, even sneaked into his room with the only result of being kicked out by Peter. She was beyond shocked, suddenly your dad dies and your one and only best friend leaves you.
All was sad and heartbreaking.
One night, as she was crying on her bed like every other night Morgan came into the room rubbing her eyes tiredly "I heard you crying Y/n/n" the little girl smiled softly as y/n hid his face in her pillow "I'm not" she tried to say, but her voice was shaking and all the sobbing didn't help, so little Morgan climbed on the bed.
"Pete is a bad guy" she pouted stroking her sister's hair "no hun he's just sad like us that daddy died" y/n said now facing Morgan "but daddy is right here" Morgan said pointing to her heart, the older sister smiled softly "I know baby"
In that moment Pepper stormed into the room "oh Morgan here you are! I had a heart attack" she said before realizing her stepdaughter was crying "oh for god's sake Y/n what happened?" She asked before sitting on the bed "I guess I just miss someone" the woman smiled softly "Tony or Peter?" She just asked "both I guess, I feel like a big piece of me is gone missing"
Pepper kept her smile on "honey, I'll call May, what about you go to Peter's house tomorrow?" Y/n nodded hesitantly "can you sleep with me tonight? Both of you" y/n's eyes filled with softness as Megan lied on top of her and Pepper beside her "good night babies, I love you so much" no need to say that they fell asleep as soon as she said that.
That morning Pepper and Megan woke up early to make Y/n some breakfast while she was sleeping peacefully.
Only a bunch of minutes later the girl woke up, her eyes staring at the ceiling as she was thinking about meeting Peter, she was scared he would've kicked her out again, she feared that Pete was wasn't intrested in being friends with her anymore.
But she decided to just get up and sit on her desk to do some homework, she wasn't even hungry, her eyes gazed to the big amount of photos that were pinned on the wall, most of them were with Peter and Tony but there were some of her birthdays, and even a few with the avengers.
Pepper and Morgan walked into the room smiling "hey hun we have something for you" pepper said as she gave her older daughter a plate with y/f/f, she smiled softly and thanked them as she began to eat.
Morgan stared at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world, the little girl saw her big sister as the most strong, beautiful and caring person in the world as well as her mom, Y/n was like an example to follow, a guide.
As Y/n finished to eat Pepper placed her hands on her shoulders "you should really go talk to Peter" the girl nodded "I'll drive you if you want, I'll wait you outside in case things go wrong okay?" Y/n nodded once again and stood up taking her phone "can we go now?" She asked making Pepper give her thumbs up.
The car ride was short so the silence wasn't that awkward, as soon as Y/n knocked at the door aunt May opened it letting her in "hi Y/n I'm so glad to see you" she smiled "it's nice to see you too May" she engulfed Y/n in a tight hug "is Peter home?" She asked "I don't know I just came home, you can go check" May scrolled her shoulders, you smiled and began walking to Pete's door.
You'd thought he'd be crying in his room, or maybe doing his homework but you never thought he'd be in his bed with Michelle, his hands on her but as they were kissing- almost making out "I- uhm sorry I didn't mea-" MJ's eyes shot open and Peter looked almost scared of the girl that entered the room.
"I- uhm I am going to go, glad to see you moved on Peter, see you at school MJ" Y/n walked away, tears streaming down her cheeks, Peter had been her crush ever since the two of them met and also if she knew he wasn't going to reciprocate the feelings for some reasons it hurt, it hurt so much.
"Y/n wait!" Peter yelled, but she was ready in the car, he'd just lost the second person he cared the most about but now it was her fault.
she didn't even say goodbye to May, she just ran to the car and sat on the passenger seat. Pepper stroked her hair "what happened sweetheart?" She asked "MJ a-and Pete t-they were k-kissing" she sobbed "I am gonna kill that boy!" Morgan yelled angrily from the back seat, Pepper nodded "I am with Morgan" Y/n smiled a bit still sobbing.
As they got home Y/n' s phone began going off, but she ignored it. She lied on the bed sobbing and crying, why did love hurt so much? She screamed into the pillow to make sure no one would hear, then she just stayed there, here face was hidden in the pillow while she began to fall asleep.
She overslept until dinner time, she hadn't even eaten anything.
was Peter tired of her? Was he mad? What did she do to make him mad? Why didn't MJ tell you anything about it?
Those were her thoughts, he suddenly just disappeared from her life and then started dating her best friend behind her back, it was all so confusing.
Pepper looked at her worriedly "Y/n go rest a little, you'll feel better tomorrow okay?" Pepper smiled and her daughter smiled back before going to bed and crying before actually falling asleep.
The problem was that she even dreamed about Peter, she dreamed about the first time she met him
It was a beautiful day in Queens and Y/n was off to her first day of school after the summer break, she was walking along the street, a lot of people was going to work, and they were walking fast, and lucky girl she is Y/n stumbled on a freaking something she hadn't noticed, she began falling and all went in slow motion (cliche much aha) she thought she'd just humiliate herself in front of everyone by falling on the ground but an arm caught her waist, she was shocked. She turned around to see who it was and in front of her stood a cute boy, some of his curls fell on his face as he began to smile "thank you..." the guy smiled "P-peter, Peter Parker" she smiled at his stuttering "I hope to see you around, maybe when I am not falling"
Y/n woke up sweating and crying as she'd had her worst nightmare, she looked beside her, the phone was still buzzing so she just decided to check it out, there were 23 missed calls from MJ, 10 from Ned and 45 from Peter, 47 texts from MJ, 32 from Ned and 78 from Peter, she stared at her phone for a moment and decided to call only Ned back.
"Y/N! I was so worried! Pete told me about what happened!" He yelled through the phone "hi Ned" Y/n whispered "are you crying?"
"Uhm I think a little"
"Y/N no! Don't cry"
"Yeah yeah I'll try"
"Talk to Peter"
"Last time I tried it didn't end well" she frowned
"Pretty Please Y/n he's worried as hell"
She shook her head "bye Ned" she said before hanging up.
A big amount of thoughts floated in the girl's mind, she was insecure, did she have to call Pete? Or just read the messages? Was calling MJ an option? She nodded at herself, reading MJ's texts and then calling her seemed a good idea.
She opened MJ's chat, almost all the texts was just MJ calling her friend a dumbass but apart from that MJ was worried sick.
Mj: Y/n please answer
Mj: I'm a bad friend I know, I knew the fact that you liked Peter but I still messed up badly
Mj: me and Pete broke up
Mj: he's worried af Y/n
Mj: he thinks you're going to disappear
Y/n hesitated a little before pressing the call button "Y/n! You dumbass!"
"Hi MJ" she pursued her lips "I'm sorry I overreacted" she said, whispering.
"No it's my fault, I thought I loved Peter, but I don't, I realized it's you that deserve to be with him" MJ could feel Y/n smile through the phone
"I don't think he reciprocates but thank you MJ I love you, see you tomorrow"
"He does"
"How are you sure?"
"I know that dumb ass"
"I hope so bye MJ" she didn't even let her friend talk, she just hung up.
Two out of three cleared things with Y/n and she was extremely happy about that but calling or texting Petere wasn't an option.
The girl just decided to have lunch before actually beginning to think about her last friend.
"Y/n! How are you?" Pepper asked as Y/n entered the kitchen, grabbing some dishes from the sink "I'm okay, I've just finished talking with Ned and MJ" she replied as she put the plates on the table and began to set the table "and Peter?" Morgan asked from the livingroom, Y/n froze "nope" she simply said before getting the table done.
"Hey honey I just wanted to say that I love you and I'll support you in every way possible okay?" Pepper said, the girl smiled softly and hugged her "I love you too mom" Pepper froze but grinned widely "you just called me mom" she said "I know" Y/n pulled away smiling.
Some days passed, Y/n'd completely ignored Peter, she was sure he was not reciprocating her feelings so she just escaped from him.
She was mad that his two best friend were together but she was even more upset over the fact that they were hiding everything from her and while Peter wanted to see MJ he didn't want to see Y/n
Peter on the other hand tried to talk to her, he tried in every way but she refused to talk to him, and he couldn't explain why, he didn't know what he did wrong.
He realized, after breaking up with MJ that he didn't consider Y/n a friend but a lot more than that, and maybe he knew that even before.
He'd talked with Ned that day, he just called him to tell how he felt.
"Ned, I realized something"
"What Peter?" His friend said with a hint of annoyance in his voice
"I think I'm in love with y/n"
"Wow Peter everyone knew but you"
"Why are you being so rude Ned?" He'd asked innocently
"Because you completely avoided y/n, she tried in every way to get to you but you decided to date MJ to forget her. Congratulations Peter you just won the "Best Ass Of The Year Award" "
Peter sat down on the ground holding his face with his hands and covering all the tears that were escaping his eyes, he was shocked about what his friend just said, but he also knew it was the truth
"I know Ned, I know"
Y/n was home smiling and scrolling down her Instagram. Peter was always on her mind but watching some funny video on instagram made her feel better.
Morgan lied on her bed, her head on Y/n's head, she was sleeping pacefully when suddenly someone knocked at the window Y/n stood up moving cautiously to not wake up her sister and glanced over the window where the one and only Peter Parker waited for someone to open.
"What the hell are you doing here Parker?" The girl'd asked "we have to talk y/n" he answered "I don't want to talk to you Peter"
"But I do Y/n!" He yelled, waking Morgan up "congratulations Parker" Y/n walked away picking her sister up "Peter Parker I am going to hurt you badly" the little girl hissed, y/n hid a smile while Peter stood there dumbfounded "I know what you did to my big sister you're an ass: she said again" the girl gasped at the bad word and told herself to talk to Morgan later.
"Y/n can I talk to you please?" She nodded "I couldn't see you Y/n you remind dad me too much of him, I distanced myself from you so I would suffer less and it's selfish I know, but I have been so stupid lately, I have been all shook up and I couldn't think straight, I started dating MJ and begged her not to tell you anything. It's all my fault but now that I think about it I don't want to lose you Y/n because I love you, I love you too damn much" Morgan slapped her face shaking her head while Y/n was now standing frozen and dumbfounded.
"You're crazy if you think I'll forgive you Parker" Y/n said harshly "please, I won't make this mistake anymore, I-if you don't love me I'll understand but please let me make up for my mistakes" Peter begged but she shook her head in no "can I do something before you stop talking to me definitively?" He asked "one thing" she said before putting Morgan down they walked closer to each other before Peter pressed his lips onto hers, she was shocked at first but kissed back almost immediately "ew please" they pulled away smiling, Morgan stood now between the two of them and faced her sister "you forgive him" she said before turning to Peter "and you, hurt her again and you're dead" the two teenagers looked at each others "I love you too Peter" she smiled Morgan hugged Peter "I love you a good 1000 Pete" she said making everyone laugh "I love you two a good 2000 well maybe Y/n has a 2001" they laughed again then Y/n cupped his face with her hands and pressed her lips onto his "see you tomorrow dumbass" and with that he walked away from the window and Y/n didn't even know why... she'd still a lot of things she didn't know about the sweet boy.
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gobydana · 6 years
Leaving Part 4
A/N: Finally some fluff for you all. This one is super long, I got carried away. Debated making this two parts but no good place to split it.  A few more parts left in this series. Not sure how many as the story is still being written. Let me know if you would like to be tagged in the remaining parts. 
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Staring at the test couldn’t change the results. Yet that didn’t stop her from crying the whole night. Sometimes you need to cry and break before you can pick yourself up. That is exactly what she planned to do. Falling asleep on the couch with a trail of dried tears and the test still on the table.
The next morning though, it was time for action. She packed up the little belongings she had and sold the furniture to her neighbor. She bought a train ticket to a town on the other side of the country. There she could start over and tried to provide some life for her child. The child needed a father who would be around, and that’s something Jason couldn’t do.
By the end of the day she was gone, off to start a new life. It wasn’t easy. She had no money and no one to help her. Luckily she found a job. Maybe it was her stubbornness that kept her going or the passion to give her child a better life than what she had.
Jason POV
He knew he was wrong. He fell in love and it scared him, so much that he tried to distance himself. Telling himself that he would only hurt her due to his nightlife. Turns out it would be his actions as Jason, not Red Hood that would hurt her. It was only a fight, she would forgive him in a few days. Then he could explain everything.
Yet when he came through the window after patrol a few days later, she was not there to greet him. Rather an empty room loudly screamed back at him how wrong he was. Nothing stood in the place he had considered his second home. No signs of her. A search showed that her phone was shut down and there was no money trail. No doubt she was using cash to avoid him.
He spent the next few years with a pain in his heart. He had no one to blame but himself because he pushed her away on purpose. Instead of facing his fears head on and telling him that he loved her, he pushed her away. It was not like he didn’t know she was falling for him too. Sleeping with other woman and avoiding her was no doubt driving her away. He wishes he could go punch that old Jason in the face. 
Almost four years later
Jason was in town helping Roy with a mission. It was supposed to be a simple stop the drug bust and get out. Yet with those two, it was hardly ever simple. Not only did they not have a plan, but the drug dealers also decide to rob a bank. That is where they currently were.
“Ah the classic bank robber.” Roy chimed while sneaking through the vents. They were hoping to get them by surprise since hostage were involved. They found a vent right above the head person and jumped.
Bullets and swear words were thrown around the room. Roy throw some smoke bombs so that Jason could help the people get out. All were about out when he noticed her. She hadn’t changed a bit. Every part of him was dying to talk to her, but the concern was to get the robbers out. She didn’t even seem to notice him or pay him any mind. That hurt him deep.
The robbers were taken down easily once no one else was in the bank. They were zipped tied for the police and the boys left. The rest of the night Jason was silent while Roy did all the talking. Roy noticed though that something was off. He thought it had to do with the lady at the bank, the one Jason stared at a little too long. She seemed familiar but he couldn’t figure out why.
“Jason who was the girl” Roy asked while going to bump his shoulder playfully.
“No one” He said while lying to his best friend. Roy saw through it.
“She is the one from the picture. The one that fell out of your wallet one day and you shoved away quick.” Roy answered.
“Not tonight. Let’s make sure these dealers were all at the bank and now arrested.”
Roy didn’t give up though. Once Jason was busy cleaning his gun, Roy went to do some researching at the computer. The more he dug, the more he found. Y/N worked at the bank and took online computer classes. They had lived at the same apartment since moving to Star City. It was the last thing he found that cause him to about fall over.
“Jason, do you have a child?” He asked hesitantly. He figured Jason would have told him of any offspring of his.
Jason shot him a look back as if to say he was stupid.
“I’m serious. That girl from the bank, Y/” Roy started. He didn’t get to finish as Jason interrupted him.
“I told you to drop.” He said with his voice rising. He was mad and Roy knew he was about to get madder. He started to walk away towards the window, no doubt going out to smoke.
“Listen to me. She has a kid, a daughter who is 3. Rose Todd is the girls name.” Roy said while following his friend.
Jason stopped so quick that Roy ran into him, shock evident on his face.
“What did you say?” He asked cautiously.
“Rose Todd. According to her birth certificate she was born in Star City to the parents of Y/N L/N and Jason Todd.”
Jason yanked the computer from Roy. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Part of him didn’t want to believe it while the other part was hurting for his friend since she had to raise the girl alone. The rest of the night was spent finding out what they could. Some pictures from Instagram of her friends and coworkers showed the girl.
Rose Todd looked so much like Jason with black curly hair and his smile. Her eyes were her mothers. He was torn on whether to confront Y/N or let the two live alone. They had gotten this far without him, do they really need him in their life. By the next morning, Roy had convinced him to go talk to her.
He found her place. Luckily it was a Sunday, so she was off work. It took about three times walking up her street and walking back down before he finally got the courage to knock on her apartment door, hoping that she was home. Sounds from beyond the door indicated that she was.
“Rose hold on for a second, I need to see who is at the door.” He heard as her footsteps got closer. It could have also been his heart beating fantastically that he heard. Finally the door opened.
“Jason” She greeted warmly. “I was wondering if you would be stopping by after the bank.”
“You did know it was me.” He replied while still standing near the door.
“Yes” She replied. “I assume you also went digging and are here for a certain reason.”
“I want to meet her.” He said while trying to peek around the door.
“I am sure she wants to meet you too.” She said while finally moving away from the door and letting him in.
“Rose, someone is here to meet you.” She yelled out.
Soon a tiny, three foot girl came rounding the corner fast. Dressed in pink pants and a purple shirt and a plastic crown on her head. A plastic cup that was in her hand fell to the ground. It appeared Jason interrupted a tea party.  
“Hi” He said softly while bending down to her height. Working with kids as Robin and then Red Hood had taught him how to deal with kids. Yet it being his own child scared him.
“Mommy” the little girl said while looking up at her mother as if to ask if was okay to go near the stranger.
“Sweetie, do you know who this is.” Y/N asked slowly. She looked at Jason when saying it.
“He’s daddy, like from the photo” she replied while going to give him a hug. He tensed up at first but then gave her a hug back.
The rest of day Jason stayed and got to know his daughter more. Y/N even let him stay for dinner if he did the dishes. The little girl was slowly making a place for herself in his heart. She got him to wear a plastic crown while they colored. He got informed that the fairy he was coloring had to be pink and not red.
No matter how much he wish he could spend longer with the Rose, he knew that him and Y/N needed to talk. She was calm around her daughter but would turn the topic around if it came to her. She was tense and cautious, something he saw her do around others but not himself.
Finally it was time for Rose to go to bed. Y/N read her a story and soon the little girl was sleep. Jason watched from the doorway. He was happy and a small part of him wanted this all the time. He wanted this family life. Another bigger part reminded him that he was Red Hood and that could never happen. Plus he still needed to talk to her and there was uncertainty on how it would end.
They both made their way to the kitchen. She grabbed some beer and offered him one. Silence over took both of them. It wasn’t an awkward silence, more peace before an unknown force comes at you. Jason was drinking in the sight of her. She was always beautiful, but he forgot how much so.
“I was expecting you to be yelling at me.” She finally spoke up.
“I don’t want to wake Rose up” He replied while taking a sip of beer.
“She is a heavy sleeper, so no worries. Hell she sleeps through thunderstorms.”
“Why didn’t you tell.” He finally asked the question that was hanging in the air since he knocked on the door.”
“I was scared. We fought, you were avoiding me, and I was in no spot to raise a kid. Plus you were so concerned with getting back at Bruce that I felt a kid would get in your way.” She spoke the last part silently.
Jason laughed. “Bruce and I are on speaking terms now actually.”
“So I read in the paper. The son who came back I believe was the headlines.”
“I never, I just, ugh I am sorry.” He finally said.
“What for” She said with a raised eyebrow. “Getting me pregnant, the fight, the other girls, or just having sex with me.”
“How I treated you. I loved no love you Y/N and that scared the shit out of me. I should have told you and not done everything I could to get that feeling to go away. I wish I could back to that past Jason and kick his ass. I came back later to apologize and you were gone. I knew then that I screwed up. I debated chasing you down, but I figured you didn’t want to see me. If I had known for a second you were pregnant I would have came.”
Y/N took it all in. Truth was she had forgiven him a long time ago. He had given her the best thing in the world, her daughter. She knew that one day she was going to tell him about her, but she was always scared of rejection again.
Once he was done, she gave him that half smile he grew to love. “I guess we need to figure out schedule then.”
Jason was hurt that she shrugged off that he loves her, but he knew it was a lot to take in all in one day. At least she didn’t respond by saying get out.
With that the two of them sat down in order to talk about who would be with Rose on what days. Instead they talked about who they were today. She told him about wanting to go back to school to be a nurse, but had to wait till Rose was in school so she wouldn’t be at the daycare a ton. Jason talked about working with the bats again and his family. It was then brought up on meeting the Wayne family.
“It’s your family, up to you.” She replied. “I am just worried about her meeting a lot of people at once.
“It’s her family too.” He said back. “Why don’t we give it a month and then have her meet the crazy Waynes.”
“How are we going to do this, you in Gotham and me in Star City.” She finally asked.
“I have a friend here, you might have heard about him, Arsenal. He will let me stay with him. After a month we can go meet my family and figure the rest out. “
The month flew by. Jason took her during the day while Y/N worked. Rose still wanted to go to daycare to be with her friends, but once a week they had father daughter dates. He started telling her bedtime stories. He got suckered into too many Barbie movies and sing along. Soon a picture of him, Y/N, and Rose at the park made its way into his wallet.
Roy met Rose as he brought Lian to the park so the two girls could play together. He was there to answer any questions Jason might have. Y/N as well helped Jason adjust to being a dad. Rose was enjoying having both parents around. Sometimes she would ask Jason not to leave her before bedtime or promise to be back in the morning. Times like that broke Jason’s heart because he knew eventually he would have to go back to nightlife.
The whole time he put Red Hood to the side. Some nights he would text Roy and let him know that he was staying at the apartment on the couch. Y/N and him were on friend level. He wanted to be with her, but he couldn’t jeopardize it without risk getting Rose involved. A fight between the two would wreck the little girls world, especially if one left. So like before, he shoved his feelings down and ignored them.
Tagging: @superwhoteen
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Music Headcanon Part One
The Chocobros listening to music feat. Insomnia and Leide Crew
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The Chocobros feat. Veritas (OC)
Music would be something like: Ice Ice Baby, Manolo and U Can’t Touch This, No Sleep ’til Brooklyn, WTF, Sabotage, etc.
All the bros would bob their heads to and fro to the sound of the beat.
Their feet would tap and stomp to the music unconsciously and quite uncontrollably so.
Noctis would sometimes do the ‘bad boy’ pout accidentally to which the bros would tease him incessantly, much to his embarrassment, but does it anyway.
Prompto would unashamedly sing to the music with Noct as his back up singer. He can actually sing, this dude. But he’d rather just blend in.
Gladio would look out into the distance as they’re driving in the car, pretending that they were making a music video of his ‘bad-assery’.
The bros and V would lip sync to No Sleep ’til Brooklyn. Every one is assigned their own parts and would try their best to sing in character. Ignis got carried away as he drummed his hands on the steering wheel. Prompto and Noctis would even stand on the car as they sang the lyrics to one another, both in their rocker state.
Ignis would deny it, but he absolutely love music like these that always get his blood pumping as effectively as Ebony can. He’d sip a can of it while chilling to the beats yoh
When in their own private company, the bros would goof around with dance moves they see from music videos. Noct would goof around but deep inside he really wanted to dance like a cool back street guy.
Prompto would be the most competitive — he’d do really sick moves and would even pose at the right moment in the song, entertaining the whole gang up to the late hours of the night.
Gladio would criticize Noct’s trying hard moves and would often tease Ignis to drop the act and just let loose; of course he doesn’t.
Ignis would be in the kitchen baking or cooking to his heart’s desire, only to sing to the lyrics all by his lonesome and ultimately busting some moves of his own while holding his spatula. V walks in and walks back out again once she sees Ignis shaking them hips as the kitchen smelled of vanilla. *I found a silly gif of Iggy dancing...but I suppose I’d leave the vision of him dancing to our imaginations. Haha!*
V likes some of the old music from ancient Eos and would often revel in the music as it was being played all around Lucis. She would dance the traditional steps and would often take Ignis’ hands and dance with him, their arms hooked around each other’s, his feet shuffling as best as he can. He let loose for a bit. It’s the wine, he’d say. But we drank root beer, Noctis said to which Prompto snickered and took a shot of a rather competitive Iggy.
Gladio’s playlist includes not just ‘bad-ass’ music but also love songs, like tons of it. He’d be bursting his lungs out, complete with emotions nobody thought they’d see on Gladio’s eyes. Then after a particularly sappy song he’d pipe down and keep to himself, just absorbing the raw emotions. Iggy sheds a tear in secret.
Noct would HATE it once V puts in her OLD MAN playlist. She likes to listen to lots of genre, but when she’s particularly vexed or just missing Ravus, she’d sneak in a short valse in the completely varied playlist. Ignis approves of this.
In Hammerhead, Cid would listen to his so-called ‘ swamp and cowboy tunes’ all day, erryday as Noctis would say. Sometimes he’d sing the wrong lines or miss the timing in the lyrics and would speed his singing up once he realizes he was out of sync. Noctis and the bros would hide beside the garage, laughing their brains out as Ignis records Cid’s singing. They would replay it every damn time as the opportunity arises. Even a stick in the mud like Cor would *giggle* each time he hears this.
Cor Leonis finds out in Leide that Dave the hunter shares the same damn good taste in music. So every night, they’d light up the camp fire and tune those guitars and blow on those harmonicas so they’d commence their good ol’ dirt road singing. Nothing like two deep voices singing gritty music while chugging a cold mug of liquor.
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Cid’s playlist: Anything from Hank Williams. Hands down his favorite.
Cor’s playlist would have a variety of genre, but these songs pop into my head each time I see the marshal : Old Before Your Time by Ray LaMontagne, Sitting on the Dock of The Bay by Otis Redding,  Universal Soldier by Donovan, Sheena-Na-Gig by PJ Harvey, Capsize by Black Delta, Through the Valley by Shawn James, etc. Basically anything that has that vintage old vibes and missing home feels and some moody ones as well.
If back in Insomnia, Cor would open the door and ask them all to keep it down. Back in his room he’d take up his guitar and sing some of his ‘cowboy’ music. Shh nobody knows.
The hall in Insomnia is vast and music echoed all over the walls each time there was a celebration or a performance by the Royal Symphony. One day, completely bored to death, Prompto and Noctis used a small audio system to start rapping in the hall, the amplifier making their voices ring all around. They sang in the silliest way possible or would imitate any person’s voice and would comment on any topic like radio DJs. Monica wasn’t pleased when she heard how Prompto imitated her voice — he got an especially grueling training in firearms the next day.
King Regis would ask any close female friend to dance with him during a celebration and would be rather dashing. Veritas noted that he’s still quite the dancer thirty years ago, much to his satisfaction.
As a young man, King Regis loves to listen to instrumental compositions. He’s not into the whole modern music of his age, moreover the ones his son loves to blast out during the mornings and midnights. He prefers the calm he gets when he listens to instrumental music and yet, despite the fast beats, he likes to listen to samba music, too. Oh dear, Queen Aulea used to tease him about it. And it was only her who got the killjoy prince to dance to it…and his lover was only too pleased with herself for coaxing him to uhh, shake those hips. If only she had taken a photo of him!
After seeing Lunafreya on television and newspaper coverage as well as hearing about her on the radio, Nyx Ulric finds himself absolutely smitten with the Oracle. Of course he denies it. There’s no way he can crush on the most loved woman of Eos. She’s way up there and he’s like, a dude who lives in a slightly shabby apartment in a not-so flashy neighborhood in Insomnia, a guy who likes dirt roads and road trips while she’s probably into posh Altissian dinners, high end hotel rooms and a mansion that smells like sylleblossoms that probably practically grows in every corner. His list goes on and on. His friends, particularly Libertus and Crowe both find it hilarious that the hero and not so innocent friend of theirs is in ‘lurve’ with the purest human being. Of course it’s a contradiction, but what’s not to love about such a tragic infatuation story? They’d tease him during their breaks or whenever she appears on the media. Their go to song to push their lovestruck friend’s buttons is ‘Uptown Girl’ from a vintage band. And boy would Nyx’s ears turn red as the two would sing along, pushing an article of newspaper with Lunafreya’s face. The song stuck and unfortunately for Nyx, it’ll play in his head even until the moment he suddenly meets the Oracle herself. Poor guy.
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mimigemrose · 7 years
A Birthday Gift...
As a gift to both @sparklemichele and to @dauntlessmetalmom I’ve decided to post a sneak peek of the next chapter. It’s unedited and just a snippet.
Just a snippet.
N-No,’ his brain exclaimed. ‘No-no-no-no…’
“Downes knew that it was possible that those two dating could’ve been a coincidence, but he’s been a police officer for far too long to start believing in coincidences. So… He called me and alerted me that your ex-girlfriend was now dating the man that was responsible for Nassy’s and Luke’s attack…”
Eric’s heard Max’s voice, but they were meaningless noises. The younger man was so concentrated on the pictures that were being held in his hands. His brain could only take up the waves of denial that were being handed out to his spirit. ‘… No. No. No. No…’ His anesthetized fingers began to work at the top page’s surface.
“…He didn’t have to tell me the angle that he was working on, at the moment. I just knew…” Max looked away from the befuddled man and stared at the floor. “I just knew.” He glanced over at Eric. “I told Downes to keep me posted with updates. And he did…. Downes… He pressed Jackson about Anissa. That smarmy prick kept giving him short answers…” Max proceeded to turn his back to Eric. “…According to Jackson, he and Anissa began ‘dating’ thirteen months ago. He met her in a Candor clinic, when a group of Dauntless doctors had gone over there for a volunteer mission. He knew that their relationship was forbidden, you know, ever since she was from here and he’s a Candor. But, he found the whole thing to even more exciting for him…” Max rolled his eyes as he pressed his back against the bars. “Downes informed him that they knew he had paid Harry to attempt to kill Nasira. He told the Candor cop that they knew Anissa had put him up to it. Persuaded him to set this whole thing up. He denied it, of course. Claimed that he had nothing to do with the shootings. Claimed that Anissa didn’t have anything to do with the shootings. So, Downes then asked him if he thought that it was a coincidence that the ‘love of his life’ used to date you… And that you’re currently married to the woman that was shot.”
After having his thumbs scrape at the smooth surface, the top page finally lifted away from the stack and out of his clutches. The paper floated like a leaf in a breeze as it made its way to the floor. There was another picture of Anissa. This time, she was facing the camera’s lens. She had the infamous piers as her background. She was displaying her fiery self in this snapshot by posing with her hands holding up her hair and winking at the cameraman.
His fingers peeled the photo away to reveal the photo that was underneath. It was a picture of both Aidan Jackson and of her. They were sitting at a small, round table in a restaurant. Both were sitting extremely close to each other and with their heads almost butting into one another. Both held smiles on their faces as she eyed the camera. He was staring at her with an expression that Eric was very familiar. A look that he used to give her for over thirteen years, the last occurrence happened close to eight years ago.
The strength in his battered, rough hands greatened around her dainty wrists. He wanted to fucking break those fine instruments like they were twigs over a knee. “You fuckin’… Connivin’—
A coquettish giggle fell from her smiling mouth. That sickening, sweet fragrance of hers… It kept fucking with him.  Her brown eyes stared up at him. She didn’t have one trace of fear evident on her beautiful face. “You’re going to kill me, Eric?” she swooned.  “How…” Her voice was huskier than its usual lilt, the sign that his heavy weight was affecting her. “…apropos,” she groaned.
His fingers flicked the photo away.
The photograph that was underneath was of Anissa as she slept in what appeared to be a bed.
“Downes claimed that Jackson still denied everything. But, his face looked as if he had something to get off of his chest. Howie came up with an idea. He asked Downes to call me again. Then he asked Downes to email him any pictures that I had of Anissa and you, as well as, pictures of Nassy and y’all wedding day… Which  is something that he did do. That was something that I wasn’t expecting. I needed Jayla’s help with that one. She wasn’t too happy being awakened at midnight to find some pictures and then scan them and all that stuff. But it happened anyway.” A wry chuckle came from the leader. Max glanced over his left shoulder and peered into the cell. He observed the strewn paper that decorated the cell’s floor. “Once Jackson saw those photos, he cracked…” He peered up at Eric. “…Downes said that he started to blubber and cry like a kid with a skinned knee…”
Eric focused on the loving couple as they tried to take a ‘selfie’ with each other. Aidan stood behind the diminutive Anissa and both of them were smiling for the camera.
“…He confessed right then and there… The lawyer was present and asked him if he wanted to confess right there. He said ‘yes’…”
In the next photo, she was in the midst of walking a snow-covered, Chicago street when the photo was taken. She was dressed for the weather, in all black. She gave the cameraman a sideways glance and a smirk.
“…so it’s admissible in court…” Max paused in his speech, so he could look down the corridor, at both ends. Once he was able to pop out the kinks that were stored in his neck, he resumed speaking. “Mr. Jackson said that the idea of killing Nassy happened over two months ago. He said that Anissa had a plan already set, by the time she had asked him to do it. The original plan was for him to do it. To make it look like it was a car-jacking that had gone bad. Make it look like a factionless man had tried to rob her and he shot her during the process. He thought that it was a good idea. A plausible idea. But he didn’t like the idea of him doing the dirty work. So… He decided to revamp her idea. Rather than for him to pull the trigger…” Max looked into the cell, again. “…get someone else to do it…”
The older, Dauntless leader noticed that Eric wasn’t reacting in a way that he expected. There wasn’t any outward displays of rage from the younger faction leader. He just stood in the center of the cell, motionless and observing every photocopy that was in the pile. With the ones that he grew tired of staring at, he tossed them to the floor.
This wasn’t a good sign. The alpha regent knew this man for close to eleven years. He knew well enough about this younger, leader. A ‘quiet’ Eric, after he would experience a form of injustice, wasn’t an Eric that took the mistreatment lying down.
Max stared straight ahead. “…This is where Harry comes into play. Aidan remembered Harry as being a creepy, little shit that idolized old-ass, serial killers from hundreds of years ago, so he figured that he could ask Harry to do it…Aidan said that he didn’t know…”
Blue orbs stared down at a photograph of his former lover. In this photocopy, the Dauntless physician was dressed only in a baggy, white sweater. Her right shoulder peeked out from underneath the wide and flexible collar. She was sitting in a red, velvet straight-back chair. In the background, there was a wood-panel wall. Her long and bare legs were folded and positioned close to her upper body. Her honey-colored gaze was aimed to the camera. Her full, pink lips formed a tight-lipped smile.
“…that Nasira was your wife. He thought… That she… Ummm…” Max suddenly clammed up.
“’He thought…’what?”
Max looked at Eric, from over his right shoulder. He was feeling mildly surprise that the young man had spoken up. He has been startling silent since he gave him the photocopies. He turned around and stared at Eric. “Eric?” he said into the cell, in an insecure tone of voice. He wanted to make sure that it was indeed Eric, who had just spoken and not a figment of his imagination. Seconds later, the stoic face lifted up and he was bathed with a blue-eyed gaze. The energy that came from them caused a chill to run up Max’s spine.
“’He thought…’ what, Max?” growled Eric. With his tone, he was making his impatience and rage evident.
Max took a breath; to calm the uneasy waters that made up his spirit, before he spoke again. “According to… Aidan… Anissa… She accused Nasira of… ‘Torturing’ her. Those were Aidan’s words. The story goes… Around two months ago, Aidan noticed that Anissa was acting differently. She was sad. She didn’t want to see him. She didn’t want him to touch her. To hug her. To hold her hand. To… You know… Have sex with him. Sooo… He started to think of the worst. He thought that she was seeing someone. Long story short…” He gave out a gruff exhale. “He confronted her. Asked her what-the-hell was wrong with her? He—
“She told him that she was raped, didn’t she?” Eric stated, interrupting Max.
The older man took in an inhale and nodded his head as he exhaled. “That was one of the things that she said happened to her,” he confessed.
“Anissa… Wha-What’s w-w-w-w-w-rong?! You-You are-aren’t ta-ta-tha-the same!” There were questions running through his mind as he briskly walked down Grove Place. He kept his eyes on Anissa as she took quick and long strides, in front of him.
“Eric… Just leave me alone,” she whimpered, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Ah-Ah-Anissa, I-I woo-won’t le-le-leave you—
She came to an abrupt halt. She turned to him. “Eric… Leave. Me. Alone. Now!” she growled. Her arms unfurled from their holding space. Her small hands gave his chest a hard shove.
His big, clumsy feet made a series of backwards steps while his arms slightly flailed, in effort to regain his balance. But the effort proved to be a waste. His five-foot, six-inched, skinny frame collided with the smoothly-paved, asphalt.
Once on the ground, Eric stared at his distraught girlfriend. Tears decorated her face. He felt cold. Numb. This wasn’t something that he expected to hear from her. He expected—Wanted—the reason behind her standoffish behavior, for the past couple of weeks, to be about her mother with their strained relationship. He didn’t expected to hear this.
He slowly rose to his feet. That ice-cold numbness started to melt away. In its place, there was warmth. It started inside of his stomach and spread on his skin. Niggling thoughts began to seep in his head. The kind of thoughts that would come to him, on late nights, when a drunk Deborah would come home. The kind of imaginative thoughts that he couldn’t tell anybody about.
“Wha-Wha-Wha-aat… What’s his-ss-ss na-na-name?” he stammered, as he stared down at his girlfriend.
“Err-Eric… Please… Just…” Her voice died off. Her face formed a somber grimace as more tears seeped from her squinting eyes.
“Wha-Wha-What’s h-h-his na-na-name, Anissa?” he repeated himself.
“D-D-Da-Da-Does he liv-liv-live in Err-Err-Err-Erudite?”
“Eric, please—
“Yes! Yes! He lives in Erudite! He… Always… Ben-Been… Here,” she confessed.
“Na-Na-Name, Ah-Ah-Ah-knee… Sah-sah!”
“Why you wanna know?”
“Edwin Kincaid. His name… It’s Edwin Kincaid. He’s—Right now—An initiate,” she said softly. “He’s still… here.” A wet gasp left her. “What are you planning on doing?”
Flickering back to reality, those soft blue orbs grew hard. “I-I-I t-t-th-ink of-fff some… ten.”
Her full pink lips parted. A pair of salty tears found a new home. Her tongue licked at her bottom lip. An action that didn’t go unnoticed by him.  “I… Think… I can come up with something.”
“She claimed that when she was fifteen, she was kidnapped by a group of her classmates, on her way home from school. She said that these were kids that bullied and harassed, since she was a kid, so she knew that they weren’t going to just dump her in a trash can,” Max alerted Eric. “Aidan said that Anissa made claims that the boys raped her and the girls had tortured her. She said that all of this happened for three days, up until the day that she had escaped from the place that they stored her in.” Max took in a breath and ran his fingers across his forehead, collecting the thin layer of perspiration that manage to collect. “She claimed that Nasira was one of her torturers. She told him that Nasir came into the infirmary, one day. She claimed that it brought back memories. Aidan said that she became obsessed with getting revenge on her. She would talk about seeing Nassy and feeling like she wanted to kill herself.” He grimaced. “He said that she basically acted like this, for months, until two days ago. He said that once there was word, floating around, about a woman and her kid getting shot, she stopped talking about it. She wasn’t obsessed with hurting Nassy, anymore. She didn’t gloat about it. She had just… Stopped.”
‘She got what she wanted,’ Eric surmised. ‘That’s why she stopped talking about it.’ He glimpsed down at the photograph again. The one that had Anissa posing as she sat in a chair.
“What I’m trying to figure out…” Max stated.
Eric gave the photo a final glimpse. With a sneer on his face, he tossed the remaining bit that was the pile to the floor. His hands had gone to his shoulder-length curls and gave it a run-through. Then he rested his palms on the top of his head with his arms akimbo. He closed his eyes and tilted his face to the ceiling. ‘I just… I just want to get out here… Nass… Luke… Zee, Auggie and Zephyr… I just want my fuckin’ family, man…’ He was enraged, but the need to be around his family was greater, at the moment.
“…why did she go through all of this, when you’ve been broken up…? For like, what? Seven years?!” questioned Max.
“Max? All of this… This stuff? Anissa,  this guy and that ‘Harry’ kid?” Eric said into the air. He kept up the same position.
“Does the Grant family know that you have the shooter and this ‘Aidan’ guy? And, do they know that this was a ‘murder-for-hire’ thing?” Eric queried.  
“No, I haven’t told the Grants anything… At least, not yet,” Max confessed. “I want to wait until we have Anissa in our custody before I tell them.”
‘Well, there goes ‘Plan B’,’ his brain muttered with distaste. He knew that if he couldn’t get his hands on Anissa, then his in-laws were damned sure capable of hunting her down. His lips spewed a low raspberry before he turned his back to Max. He stared out of the window, at the sky, which was now displaying a lavender-color and gray clouds.
A silence had fallen over the jail’s wing. Both men allowed the sounds from the prison, both natural and man-made, to take over. Under the waves of creaking pipes, the faint sounds of far-away conversations and breathing, Max eyed the troubled man that stood in the cell. Eric kept his broad back to him, his hands resting on his head and staring out of the window. He looked as comfortable as an Amity peanut farmer, but Max knew better. Eric might’ve looked like he had only a handful of problems, but he knew that it was quite the opposite. He knew that Eric quietly carried a sizeable load of troubles that could make up two lifetimes, in Max’s eyes.
To Max, Eric has always been an intriguing, yet troubled, person. Since the young man’s first descent into Dauntless, on his initiation day. At the time, Max was recently-appointed as ‘Alpha Regent’ amongst the leaders, so like the initiates, he also had something to prove. But when the budding leader saw the runt of an initiate, he swiftly assumed that Eric wouldn’t last the eight months and would’ve been disqualified. And if, by a miracle, he did make it into Dauntless, this kid would’ve ended up dead before his first year was up.
Turned out, Max was made to look like a fool, eight months later. Eric managed to get through his tough initiation. Thanks to his tenacity and intelligence, the skinny teen was able to get through and pass. And, he managed to make it into Dauntless with the ‘second-place’ spot. He had gone on to prove the alpha leader, the trainers and everyone else wrong by becoming a valuable member of Dauntless culture. He was an efficient leader, who made sure that more than ninety-percent of every initiating class was well-equipped and knowledgeable in Dauntless culture.
This was the norm for the young, transfer from Erudite, up until his sixth year as leader. The year of when Eric’s rise came to a crashing halt, thanks to his drug addiction. Before then, Max believed that it was possible for Eric to wear the title of ‘Alpha Regent’ for Dauntless, in the future. But then Wept came into the picture and fucked everything over for the young man, to the point where his own life was on the line. His faith in Eric’s potential dramatically changed.
Even now, six years after everything, Max’s faith in Eric hadn’t recovered. Eric returned to his role as leader, but it wasn’t the same. It didn’t feel the same for the old leader. Sure, he was proud of the young man for making good use of his second chance. But, he didn’t feel the same way for Eric now than when he was younger. However, he won’t allow this man to fall from grace again, if he could help it.
“I want to see Nass and my son,” Eric suddenly announced.
Max cleared the fog that would’ve been considered his reverie from his mind. He focused on the prisoner’s back. He shook his head. “Can’t do that,” he pointed out.
Eric scoffed with disgust. His hands dropped from his head and he whipped around to face his boss. “Max…” He paused. An expression of pained and frustration crossed his face. “I just want to see my family,” he explained. “I want to see my wife and my kids. I just want to lay my head in my own bed. I—
“Eric, you’ll be able to see them, soon—
“OHHH GOD!!!” the younger man ferociously growled between his teeth. He threw his hands in the air, as well. His frustration was bubbling and boiling to the surface. He turned away from Max for a short moment before he returned to his gazing. “I… I-Does he-I-I—UGH!!!” He turned his back to Max, once more. His eyes did a brief sweep of the cell. He turned around again. This time, he took a few steps towards the bars. “This fucking guy—This police chief—Can I just apologize to him and see if that’ll work?!”
Max gave Eric a glance and then closed his eyes as a sympathetic sigh left him.
Knowing his answer, courtesy of this simple gesture, Eric unleashed another groan of frustration. His right paw slapped at the air as well. “Max…” he said softly.
“Eric…” sighed Max.
“… All I want to do… is be there for my kids. They don’t know that I am in here! I left them in the apartment and I didn’t return!” the frustrated father expressed.
“Eric…” he sighed, again. His right hand scratched at the back of his head and neck. He heavily exhaled. “…The police chief decided not to press charges against you… Since yesterday afternoon,” he confessed.
“What… What do you mean?” the young leader said in disbelief. His feet took a few steps towards the bars.
Max released a shaky breath. “I mean… He’s not going to press charges against you. He’s made that decision. He… Told both me and Dauntless Leader Xerxes, as soon as—
The sudden outburst caused Max to flinch and pounce away from the bars. He eyed the enraged leader with caution.
“I COULD’VE BEEN OUT AND FREE SINCE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON!!!” the young, Dauntless leader screamed at the older man. Spittle escaped his mouth. A deep shade of red covered his face and neck. “I COULD’VE BEEN UP, AT THE HOSPITAL, SINCE YESTERDAY, MAX!!! I COULD’VE TALKED TO MY OTHER KIDS AND BEEN THERE FOR THEM!!! INSTEAD, I AM HERE… IN THIS GOT-DAMNED CAGE BECAUSE OF SOME BULLSHIT!!!”
“Eric, man, calm down—
Eric’s ice-cold, eyes glowered Max. “CALM DOWN—CALM—CALM…I-YOU-CAH—FFFFFF-UCK!!!” He turned away from the bars. His feet took him to the other side of the cell. He walked over to the wall that held up the window. His hands and fingers reached for the thin metal bars that covered the window panes. His head leaned forward and his forehead touched the cool, stone wall. A low, feral-sounding growl fell from him.
“Eric…” Max said with caution. He took several steps towards the bars. “You have to understand…” He made a few more steps. “…You’re in here… We’ve decided to keep you in here with our best intentions. Xerxes, Landon, Paige and I—
Max’s voice was drowned out by the sound of Eric’s sardonic laughter. “So, you all sat around…” He lifted his head from off of the wall. “…and decided to fucking torture me all day by keeping me in this jail cell!” he groaned.
“We’re doing this for you! Eric, we can’t have you—
“What?!” the faction leader grunted. He turned around and faced his mentor and confidant of ten-plus years. “What did you expect me to do, Max?! What did you and the other leaders expect of me?! Mmm? Did y’all think that I would go crazy and just…Fucking turn into Charles Bronson-Chuck Norris all of a sudden?! Did…” The man paused. He gave Max an accusatory glare. “Do y’all really think that I’m some…?” His face frowned up and his disgust was made evident. “…blood-thirsty, violent savage that barely has any control?!”
“No, Eric. We don’t—
“Don’t bullshit me, Max,” Eric warned him, while pinning the leader with an all-knowing glare. After a few seconds, he turned away and faced the window.
A wave of uneasy silence filled the cell and the corridor that was in between the two.   
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
Abandon All Hope...: 5x10 Recap
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Jo and Ellen! Whaaaa.
We open to Generic City, USA, where a fancy man in a fancy suit exits a fancy car under a highway, and buries a small box in the gravel. “Mr. Pendleton, I presume.” Ah, the first words uttered by our previously only mentioned friend, Crowley. The man is surprised Crowley isn’t a woman, since this deal will be sealed with a kiss. Get over your homophobia dude. (Ha, Boris is typing this up as she watches and loves that Crowley calls him out on this as well. Oh Crowley, how we’ll miss you.) Crowley starts counting and the dude agrees, and our favorite King of the Cross Roads swoops in to seal the deal. (Boris is just going to pause right here and admit she doesn’t rewatch this episode. It’s too painful, so I didn't remember how long this kiss lasted. I know this isn’t romantic and my thoughts are way off topic, blah, blah, blah, but uh, yeah, I’m not going to settle for anything less than a kiss when Destiel does eventually exist.) Anyway, the crossroads deal is witnessed by our favorite flying badass in a trenchcoat. Castiel has tracked down Crowley.
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Cas is on the phone with Dean, filling him in with the deal. Ah! This is the episode where Dean calls Cas Huggy Bear (ok, my half of the recap will just be be reminiscing on quotes, etc. that I didn’t realize happened in this episode.#sorrynotsorry) Crowley tells the man to enjoy his new wealth and that he’ll see him in 10 years. (crying noise, crying noise) Crowley takes off, with Cas in hot pursuit. Cas tracks him to a place that’s warded with Enochian magic, which means Cas can’t enter. Sam and Dean are on the case!
Later that night we’re introduced to Crowley’s domicile, and one of my very favorite musical quasi-introductions of a character ever on this show. Crowley’s making cocktails, watching Hitler videos, listening to the Main Ingredient’s “Everybody Plays the Fool”. (Fun fact: Cuba Gooding Sr. is the lead singer of this band.)
A woman buzzes the main gate. In distress, she asks for help with her car that’s broken down. The woman turns to the camera, and it’s Jo! The demon guards are condescending and gross, but Jo’s a professional hunter and plays with them long enough for Sam to stick a demon blade in each of them. Along with Dean, the trio head inside to find Crowley.
Once inside, Sam and Dean confront Crowley. They’re smart, but he’s Crowley, so their hidden devil’s trap idea doesn’t work. Instead, they’re captured by Crowley’s minions. He knows exactly why they’re visiting him: The Colt. He promptly shoots both his demons with the gun. Plot Twist!
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Crowley leads the brothers deeper into his inner sanctum, informing them that without his rumors about the Colt, they wouldn’t have had the gun at all. He had it well hidden. Sam wonders why he would share it with them at all. “I want you to take this thing to Lucifer, and empty it into his face.” Crowley’s loathing for that particular fallen angel dates way back. Crowley understands that if Lucifer succeeds in destroying humankind, demons are next. “So what do you say if I give you this thing, and you go kill the devil?” IT’S A PLAN! What can possibly go wrong?! NOTHING. WE WIN. YAY! Crowley even tells them that Lucifer’s got an appointment in Carthage, MO.
Omg, Sam gets the Colt and then tries to shoot Crowley with it? Lol. Barely batting an eye, Crowley gets them some more ammunition. And tells them that they better not fuck this up, MORONS!
*Classic Drinking Alert*
Back at Bobby’s, Ellen and Jo are trying to upstage Cas with their drinking prowess. And fail. 
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After 5 shots, Cas admits, “I think I’m starting to feel something.”
Sam and Dean discuss the probability that this is all a trap. It is a trap, but the devil is in Missouri. Dean tells Sam that he can’t come --there’s no way they’re just going to hand his vessel over to the devil. Sam insists they’re doing this as a team. Dean relents.
Dean, resigned to his probable death in the morning, decides to give Jo his best “last night on Earth” line (you know, the one he gave Anna --AND CAS), but is shut down. Dude, you shouldn’t have sister-zoned her in season 2. Bobby calls everybody over for a group photo. (crying noise, crying noise)
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The group enters Carthage, and Sam’s internal wi-fi is faulty.
I also really enjoy the set design’s juxtapositions sometimes:
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The boys head off to check out a different part of town, while Jo, Ellen, and Cas (Boris asks: Why was he with them? Answer revealed two seconds later.) scope out the downtown. It looks empty, but Cas reveals that it’s full of reapers. 
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Cas informs them that reapers only gather like this in times of great catastrophe (and then mentions the Chicago fire. *Puts on Wisconsin Nerd Glasses* The Peshtigo fire, which happened on the same exact night, was actually a far more devastating fire.) Cas wanders off to find out why the reapers are there (man, I miss these creepy ass reapers. I mean, if April was anything like these weirdos, human!Cas would have avoided her at all costs, love of PB&J or not.)
Cas follows one reaper into a building, and is trapped by Lucifer (ok, fine, maybe he wouldn’t have avoided April).
Dean, Sam, Jo, and Ellen meet back up. Cas is missing.
Cas is currently trapped in a fire ring of holy oil. Ok, guys, things are about to get heavy, so take a quick breather:
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Lucifer questions Cas’s loyalty to the Winchesters, and marvels at what a peculiar thing he is. You idiot, he’s just like you, only he rebelled against Heaven because he loves humanity too much. Cas notices Lucifer's vessel is failing. He tells Lucifer that he will not take Sam Winchester as his vessel; Cas won’t let him. Lucifer then points out how similar they are, but Cas will not serve Lucifer. He’ll die first. (crying noise, crying noise)
Meanwhile, back with Team Anti-Lucifer, Dean’s missing the angel. As they walk down the street, they’re greeted by Meg, and her faithful hell hounds. We still hate Meg at this point. Dean is particularly stressed about the invisible hell hounds. He shoots one, and they all take off running. Dean goes down and Jo goes back to protect him, but is attacked herself. SON OF A BITCH. This does not get easier on a rewatch. Dean scoops her up and they all run into a store. Sam and Dean secure the perimeter, while Ellen assesses her daughter’s wounds. GODDAMMIT, WHERE'S THE ANGEL!?! It’s bad, folks, and they all know it.
“It's gonna be alright,” Ellen murmurs over her mortally wounded daughter. Sam approaches Dean in despair but Dean bolsters him as he toils over an old radio. Meg has confirmed that Lucifer is in town. They can't give up now.
Back at Bobby's, his CB radio turns on. It's Dean. “Is everyone alright?” Bobby asks.
“No,” Dean tells him, shaking. “It's Jo. It's pretty bad.”
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*Wraps Dean in a blanket*
Bobby can tell that Dean is breaking apart and he calmly prompts him for the next step. Dean tries to reign in his despair to refocus on the mission. “Tell me what you got,” Bobby asks.
They tell Bobby that Cas saw over a dozen reapers at least before he went missing.
Bobby: I don't like the sound of that.
Dean: Nobody likes the sound of that, Bobby. But what does that sound like?
Bobby thinks that Lucifer is in town to raise a new horseman. He's going to raise Death, the “pale horseman in the flesh.” (Me: takes some time out of HARD CORE MOURNING to chuckle at the use of “in the flesh” to describe an oft-skeletal being.) The last time Death walked the world was the great floods of Noah's time. While the team has been out on their mission, Bobby's been researching the town. He discovered an old battle ground on a farm dubbed the “Devil's Hell Hole” where hundreds of soldiers died. Hmm, sounds haunty.
Meanwhile, Lucifer's still smirking at Cas when Meg arrives with a report. The Winchesters are pinned down by their hell hound guards. Lucifer tells her to leave them for now and counsels her to have patience when she wishes for bloodier orders. Lucifer offers Cas the gift of time in his little fire circle. He can sit in his corner and think about Lucifer's offer to join his side.
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Back at the shop, the boys go over their to-do list. They've got to sneak past several hell hounds, take Jo and Ellen to safety, and then make it out to the farm before Lucifer raises Death. Noooo problem. Sam heads off to find a stretcher for Jo when she stops them and begs them to be realistic. She can't move her legs, her guts are an ace bandage away from spilling to the floor... She's toast. Ellen begs her not to give up but Jo rattles off her own to-do list. They've got everything in the store they need to build a bomb. “Those are hell hounds out there. They've got all of our scents. Those bitches will never stop coming after you.” She tells them to head to the roof and she'll take them out when they storm the store.
Ellen begs her not to do this, not to give up. But Jo doesn't see it as giving up. She's a fighter and, “This might literally be your last chance to treat me like an adult. Might wanna take it?” Fucking KNIFE twist, Jo.
Ellen wrestles her tears under control. “You heard her,” she tells the boys. “Get to work.”
Enter a bomb making montage:
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Dean lays the final wires and brings the trigger to Jo. “See you on the other side,” he says. “Probably sooner than later.”
“Make it later,” Jo smiles at him.
Dean presses one final kiss to Jo's forehead, then to her lips. It holds all the weight of what might have been, all the weight of her young life cut short. Ellen crouches as though to deliver her final goodbye. The two women exchange looks, their expressions alone writing volumes, and realization comes over Jo. Ellen doesn't plan on leaving her daughter. “Somebody's gotta let them in.” Ellen tells the boys to get moving. “Dean, kick it in the ass. Don't miss.”
The boys head out and Jo and Ellen listen to the hell hounds snarling outside. Ellen wipes the salt from the door, removes the chains, and turns the gas on in the bomb. She cradles Jo in her arms. “I will always love you,” she tells Jo.
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Okay, listen. I often joke about needing to take a break from recapping for a bout of crying but I seriously needed to take a crying break. This scene gets me every damn time. The delicate way their relationship is portrayed in this episode, the beautiful potential they both held, followed by their horrific loss hurts so badly. This episode is so well written but fucking OUCH.
As the hell hounds approach the door, Jo dies in Ellen's arms. Tears fall and she just manages to reign in her sobs because there's work to do. The hell hounds burst in and stalk through the store. Ellen waits until one exhales into her face. “You can go straight back to Hell, you ugly bitch!”
The store blows and Dean and Sam run.
We cut to the farm where the townspeople have gathered. “Last words?” Sam asks.
“I think I'm good,” Dean says. Time to go out in a blaze of glory, just like Ellen and Jo.
Sam shouts at the Devil, interrupting his digging. Lucifer smirks at Sam. It's just the distraction they need because in the next moment, Dean has the Colt up against Lucifer's temple. He fires it and sends a bullet straight through his head.
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Hooray! They did it! Hoor-- Oh wait, nope. Lucifer's eyes pop open. “Ow,” he seethes before jumping up again. He knocks Dean clear across the field and into the woods and turns to confront Sam, now alone. “There's only five things in all of creation that that gun can't kill, and I just happen to be one of them.”
Lucifer swiftly finishes his work, checks in to see if Sam's ready to say 'yes' yet, and tells him it'll happen in Detroit.
“I'm gonna rip your heart out,” Sam shouts.
“All that pent up rage?” Lucifer grins. “I'm gonna need it.”
Sam asks what Lucifer is up to. Well, you know. It's the basic plan. He ordered demons to possess every man in town, who then killed every woman and child. Lucifer tries to bond with Sam. “I was a son. A brother, like you, a younger brother, and I had an older brother who I loved. Idolized, in fact. And one day I went to him and I begged him to stand with me, and Michael—Michael turned on me. Called me a freak. A monster. And then he beat me down. All because I was different. Because I had a mind of my own. Tell me something, Sam. Any of this sound familiar?” Sam responds with the eyebrows of despair.
Lucifer performs the spell and as he does so the demon possessed townspeople fall dead. Dean and Sam look appalled. “What? They're just demons.”
Back in the fire circle, Castiel scowls at Meg. She's awfully happy and it's disconcerting. She thinks all the demons are headed to Heaven under the shelter of Lucifer's wing. Cas smiles at her. “Strange, because I heard a different theory from a demon named Crowley.” Cas uses the classic trick of exposition to distract Meg while he unscrews a girder telekinetically. The girder smacks into Meg and tosses her through the flaming circle and into Castiel's arms. He tries to smite her but she chuckles at him. Without Heaven's support he doesn't have enough mojo. Cas, being the out of the box thinker that he is, chucks her to the ground and uses her back as a bridge to cross the fire. Cas...you fucking BADASS.
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Back at the farm, the ground shakes as Lucifer raises Death. Cas rescues Dean and Sam, flapping them to safety. “Well, hello Death,” Lucifer says with a smile.
In the wreckage of Bobby's kitchen which is still littered with empty shot glasses, Bobby watches the grim news coming out of Carthage. Dean and Sam look on as Bobby burns the photo they'd taken together.
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Boris: I realize the symbolism and all, but why would you burn that photo!? Garrrr.
Tl:dr: I wasn’t around when this first aired, but I’m so curious what people thought of this episode. Like, in hindsight, it sucks that Jo and Ellen died. The show was supposed to end at the end of this season, but it didn’t. Their deaths were noble and heart wrenching, and would have meant so much more if there wasn’t 8+ more years of show to watch. Will we see AU Ellen and Jo in season 13?!
So, the Hardy Boys finally found me.
Rumors, innuendo, sent out on the grapevine.
I'm in sales, damn it!
Sam Winchester, having trust issues with a demon. Well, better late than never.
Tomorrow we hunt the devil. This is our last night on earth.
What a peculiar thing you are.
Hasn't Death been tromping all over the place? Hell, I've died several times myself.
Even as we speak, it’s….going….down.
You’re functioning..morons.
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bessie06018743-blog · 6 years
als shaved - 4 Simple Facts About Tumblr Als Girls Explained
Okay, thanks for all the positive responses to my first submission, "sex at the nude beach." This encourages me to post a second true story, from much further back in my past, all way to the sexy 70s when I was at university. I was a late bloomer, as they say, a virgin until a few weeks before my 20th birthday. The woman who changed all that was a couple of years older and far more experienced - at the time, she could have submitted lots of slutty Reddit-type confessions before she eventually settled down a decade or so later. Who knows, maybe she still could, but I’ve lost touch. This woman (we’ll call her "Beth") was not shy about showing off her body. Beth was a fine arts student at the same university, specialising in art history but with great skills in portrait drawing, still life watercolours, etc. After we began dating, she confided that she had often posed for other students, doing nude photo shots or volunteering to pose for drawing sessions if the hired model failed to show up. (She would collect the donations from the other students on those occasions, to supplement her meagre income.) And Beth loved to wear short skirts, low-cut blouses, and very very tight t-shirts to show off her incredible boobs. Being young and horny, we could hardly keep our hands off each other. We alsscan free would be walking down the street, stopping every couple of blocks to swap tongues and feel each other up. She loved it when I squeezed her ass in public! And later in the evening, after the sun went down, she would get even bolder. It was a hot summer, she could dress very lightly when we went out. We lived at opposite ends of a very high road and railway bridge als scan inc that crossed alsscan hunter a wide river beside the university campus, so in the evenings we often walked across the bridge, going back from a date to her place or mine. This bridge was constructed largely from huge I-beam steel girders, about 18 inches wide or so, angled about 30 degrees back from the road deck and the sidewalks on either side. These spaces were perfect for a couple to snuggle in and lean back comfortably, especially since the beams retained warmth from the day. If nobody was walking towards us, we could just duck into one of these wide beams and start necking for a few minutes. Clever readers will ask, "but what about the cars driving by?" Yes, there was a fair amount of traffic, even by eleven at night or whatever the time might be. Headlights would whiz past us, but vehicles would be going too fast for anyone to get more than a brief glimpse at two young lovers cuddled in one of the beams. Inevitably, Beth got increasingly bolder as we carried on this little game. Without any words, she would encourage me to go further, grinding into my erection and kissing me enthusiastically every time I pulled the back of her skirt a little higher, or if I reached my hand into the back of her shorts. After a few of these late night walks across the bridge, I was at the point of lifting her skirt right up to the edge of her panties. Finally on one occasion she broke off kissing for a moment and just about growled at me - "keep going." I got the hint and pulled the hem of her skirt right up to the small of her back, giving me easy access to squeeze her bum through the thin fabric. We made out frantically for a while, stopping occasionally to see if any pedestrians were approaching. That did happen, to my frustration, and Beth stepped away. But not for long. She took me towards the end of the bridge closer to my place, looking closely at the girders. She finally stopped and looked around, and pointed at one particular beam. I was a bit confused, since this spot was almost unconcealed from oncoming vehicles. In fact, cars coming around the slight curve to cross the bridge would have perhaps a 40-yard window of opportunity for headlights to play across this location. But that was apparently just what Beth was looking for. We resumed making out and she helped alsscans me pull her skirt up high again. Sure enough, the next car lit up her bare legs and panties for several seconds, and she let out a loud, sexy moan. Turned on even more, I played along and pulled her panties down, completely exposing her bare ass as the next set of headlights swept by. This went on for another seven or eight cars, and I started grasping her cheeks to spread them apart as cars went past. Clearly the drivers and any front-seat passengers were getting a great view for those few seconds! Beth was going crazy at this point, her pussy dripping wet as she sucked my tongue and bit my neck. There were always plenty of hickies the next day after such adventures.... "Come on," Beth said alsscans at last, yanking her panties up and her skirt down. She led me onto a nearby walking path, high above the river valley leading away from the bridge. Anyone could have been out for a walk along that path, but it seemed to be deserted this late at night. We went about a hundred yards, until she stepped a few paces away from the path and ordered me to put my jacket down on the grass. I followed her directions, and watched dumbfounded as she whipped off her t-shirt and bra, then stepped out of her skirt and underwear, and laid down naked on my jacket. "Hurry, get your clothes off and fuck me now," she said, spreading her legs wide. I didn’t need any more encouragement. I just stripped in record time and knelt in front of Beth, pausing only long enough to get lined up for entry. Her pussy was absolutely wet and my cock slid right in. She was on the pill, and there was no need for a condom. We just started als girls pics fucking frantically, hoping that nobody would walk by - or maybe she was hoping secretly that we would be seen. At that time of my youth, I was able to keep it up for another five minutes or so, pounding her pussy while she gasped and bucked her hips in time with my thrusts. Finally she let out a very loud, long cry, and I knew it was time to cum inside her. God, that was probably the greatest orgasm of my life! But as soon as we finished, she suddenly got very nervous, and pushed me off to get dressed, hopping around as she yanked her clothes back on. We dusted ourselves off as well as possible and continued on our journey, back to my place where thankfully none of my room-mates were still awake to see us come in the front door looking completely dishevelled. I’d like to say we had sex all night, but in reality, we were both wiped at als scan angel that point and went quickly off to sleep. The next morning we did face some catcalls and laughs when the room-mates caught us sneaking down the hall together for a shower, but it was well worth it. I might write one or two more stories about Beth, who ended up marrying me for a few years. The marriage didn’t last, ironically in part because she was madly jealous any time I even glanced at another woman... but that’s a different stor
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