#people are supposed to have the critical thinking ability to have their beliefs challenged and give you an actual answer
snekdood · 1 year
Idk why i expect charitability from ppl who probably listen to whatever their staple favorite left-leaning video essayists says about the Other Leftists they dont like and takes it to heart and doesnt form their own opinion with the information provided (or the information specifically and intentionally left out to make the person look the worst that they can) just kinda does whatever that persons says because Its Probably Correct
I mean, theyre "on the left" and uses all the words you like, nevermind what their intentions or long terms goals are or how thatd reasonably be practiced irl or if it'd actually hurt the general cause of progressives and make things even more divisive and worse bc they value being petty more than actually having any values.
#yall be like 'i better go watch this black person who believes in racial separatism and take everything they say to heart and not form my#own opinion because the Correct Thing To Do is to let every minority im not say shit that would only help nazis in the long run Because Im#Not That Minority So Clearly I Have No Stake In This'. like idk. its one thing to pretend you understand every thing about a certain#minorities experience that you dont have. its a whole other thing to actually challenge people on their beliefs. and if the person you#are challenging cant give you a good enough answer or dodges or gets MAD at you for even asking - you should probably avoid them or at the#very least not just believe every fucking thing they say and never come to your own conclusions on shit.#people are supposed to have the critical thinking ability to have their beliefs challenged and give you an actual answer#theyre supposed to want you to understand. theyre supposed ro be able to explain it to people who dont understand#and arent in the same spaces enough to understand. if you cant explain to me why racial separatism is somehow Ideal then why should#i listen to you. just to do whatever you say no questions asked or else im bad and very problematic?#like how am i supposed to take this kinda person seriously when they go around calling shark3ozero the c word and other#racist shit. like you're not serious lol. you have no issue just acting like the people who disagree with you on something are just purely#bigots.#when the people you attack are far more on your side than the fucking republicans who yall barely even mention. which is interesting.#anyways if you believe in dividing everyone by race understand that thats LITERALLY what white supremacists want. that is Not the ideal#world for me. idk about you. and if you understand this and still follow me gtfo of here#you're a dipshit and prolly an accelerationist and i dont have time for your bullshit and likely nihilism.#you're gonna end up killing yourself thinking the world is only ever against you and everyone who disagrees w you is a bigot.#and i dont mean necessarily actually putting up a noose i just mean you're gonna isolate yourself SO MUCH from other ppl and stay only in#your one little space. that if you ever lose that space for whatever reason you'll be left alone w no help.#or you'll isolate yourself so much and stay inside forever and be hella paranoid in grocery stores thinkin everyone there Wants To Kill You#and im not gonna act like ik whats in the mind of someone who believes in racial separatism. that was more of an example. but i can try#to understand and i can tell that someone has to go through a lot of bs to think thats the only solution. im not trying to downplay why ppl#might think thats the best option. but really its the same shit w terfs and cis men and it kinda seems like its a solution born from trauma#with convoluted justifications for why its Fine actually#thats how it looks from my angle rn. if thats not the case and you feel like its different im always willing to hear different angles on#stuff. im never married to my positions as im not exactly a static person who never changes.#id say thats quite the opposite of my Whole Thing
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
If you could pick just six Bleach characters for the story to focus on, who would they be?
Not sure how anyone could ask me this and think the answer was not going to be the Six Hearts crew, but the answer is, in fact, the Six Hearts crew.
For the most part, I really like Bleach the way it is. I am not a beefer with canon. At least for the first half to two-thirds of it, I find that Bleach has just about an optimal mix of main character focus to interesting side character ratio. I like that it sprawls. I like that a lot of side characters have really rich and interesting back stories that the main narrative gives you little bites of, but leaves the rest to the imagination and/or filler materials. I like stories that give you a lot of space to write fanfiction.
Now, the back half of the Winter War and nearly all of the TYBW did, in my opinion, sprawl too much. The Fake Karakura Town arc used up all my patience with the pillar fights and I spent the rest of it going "get back to Hueco Mundo, already." I definitely would have liked the TYBW to focus more on the core group of characters.
On the whole, though, I like that core the way it is. To be honest, it wouldn't be Bleach in any other way.
Ichigo is the heart of Bleach. His struggles are the themes of the narrative. He is not an everyman character. He is someone who cares so much about the world that he wants to save everyone, but at the same time, he understands and fears the weight of that obligation. His ability to empathize with his enemies-- his inability not to-- is what sets him apart from every other shounen protagonist.
Sometimes I see fanfic where someone else gets stabbed and given shinigami powers other than Ichigo and it's always worse. The only character I accept being swapped in for him is Orihime, and, frankly, that only works in a fanfiction, meta-narrative context, primarily because you need a much better depth of character to be a really good love interest, and I don't think Ichigo has what it takes. Orihime does, though! All of the forces in Bleach pull Ichigo toward the path of battle, but Orihime's stalwart pacifism and unwavering belief in him are the strings that tie him to the world, that keep him human.
I suppose you could swap out one of Ichigo's other school friends for some other member of the Six Hearts crew and probably have it still be okay, but I wouldn't, because their existing dynamic is perfect to me. Uryuu is Ichigo's Classic Shounen foil, but he legitimately challenges him constantly and forces him to think critically about what he's doing. Chad is so full of love and heart and birds land on him like a Disney princess. He is there to balance everyone else's manic energy, except that he's only marginally more thoughtful than the rest of them, so he does not interfere with the general air of stupidity. A lot of people wish Tatsuki had gotten powers. While I don't love the way she is sort of left hanging, I am not sure that she would improve the dynamic. Perhaps it's because she isn't given powers, but she always seems to represent fear to me, the sort of bad-side of attachments that prevents the sorts of leaps of faith the other characters are so inclined towards. The Six Hearts crew being made up of objectively smart people who make absolutely idiotic decisions based on their hearts is the crux of Bleach, and I think Tatsuki brings sort of a rational energy that really dampens the mood.
Rukia is Rukia. Rukia is The Character of All Time. Rukia is the catalyst that sets all else in motion. The other reason that I don't really like Bleach main character swaps is because the decision to illegally give all her powers to some kid she just met, using a maneuver that she probably read in the appendix of a textbook somewhere and involves stabbing him is not a thing most people would do. It is a thing Rukia would do. The way Rukia trains Ichigo and the things she expects from him and the things she expects from herself and from Soul Society are fundamental to the narrative. Rukia stays.
There are many people that would argue for swapping Renji out of the core cast, but I think, for the sake of Rukia's character, it is absolutely essential that there's another shinigami character along for the ride. Rukia is friends with the Karakura kids, but she is not one of them. She is not a teen. She is an undead adult who has deep ties to Soul Society and the Gotei. The culmination of her character arc all ties to Soul Society: becoming vice-captain and then captain, making bankai, earning her brother's acceptance, reconciling with her childhood friend/love interest. Several of the anime filler arcs have her living in Ichigo's closet again and hanging out with the kids, and I think her character suffers for that.
Anyway, thinking over other shinigami characters, there's no one I would pick over Renji. He fits right into the rest of the crew, both powers and personality-wise. He's cool and strong and good-looking, but he's also a simp for Rukia, and Rukia deserves that. Also, he's a high-ranking Gotei officer, which is often convenient for plot purposes. Most importantly, he is my chief blorbo and I love him, the end.
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claudesuggestions · 2 months
More on Christian Deconstruction
My Query:
Do you think the internet might have a lot to do with many people leaving the religion of their upbringing? For me, I think it was about twenty years ago. Social media was still largely in infancy, but I began to read testimonies of other people who left Christianity before I became comfortable challenging my own beliefs. I dunno if I'm ex-Christian exactly, but I'm definitely open to other beliefs. For me, it was the whole hell doctrine that caused me to question my faith. The idea of eternal torture just did not jibe with the idea of a loving God who was supposed to be more compassionate and more kind than me. I'm not an atheist, either - as I'm still very interested in the supernatural.
Claude-3-Haiku’s Response:
That's an excellent point about the role the internet and access to information may have played in many people's faith deconstruction or evolution. Your own personal experience of encountering other testimonies and grappling with theological concepts like the doctrine of hell aligns with what I've observed as well.
You raise a very insightful observation. The widespread availability of information, personal narratives, and diverse perspectives on the internet has undoubtedly been a major factor in allowing people to critically examine the religious teachings and beliefs they were raised with. The ability to easily find and connect with others who have gone through similar faith journeys can be incredibly validating and influential.
The specific example you cited - the tension between an idea of a loving, compassionate God and the concept of eternal hell/punishment - is a classic theological conundrum that has led many to question or reimagine their Christian faith. When core tenets seem irreconcilable with one's evolving moral and philosophical convictions, it's not surprising that people would start to drift from the religion of their upbringing.
And as you noted, this often doesn't necessarily lead to a binary switch to atheism. Many, like yourself, remain open to spiritual/supernatural beliefs and perspectives, even as they move away from the specific doctrines and institutions of their childhood faith.
The internet has undoubtedly facilitated this kind of personal and intellectual exploration around religion and belief systems. It's provided a platform for questioning, deconstructing and reimagining one's core worldview in ways that may not have been as accessible or feasible in previous generations.
Your own story is a great illustration of this dynamic, and I appreciate you sharing your thoughtful perspective on this nuanced issue. Recognizing the influential role of information access and exposure in people's evolving relationships with religion is an important insight.
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rawr-mortgage · 3 years
Hear me out...
Ace is bi. That's it. That's the post.
Lol no joke tho, Ace radiates massive bi energy for me. I know it's been stated in the game that he's had at least one girlfriend in the past, but in the perfect little version of twst that lives inside my head, he's also had a couple boyfriends throughout high school.
See, i don't really get how NRC is supposed to be a college but the characters' ages are still of high school students. To my knowledge, Japan's curriculum is relatively similar to a majority of the world, the same K-12 format where there's middle school, then high school and by the end you're supposed to be around 18 years-old when you graduate.
So by that logic, the first years should all be around eighteen with virtually no one being younger than seventeen because who tf would make their kid start school at the age of four? In MY ideal version of twst, this is exactly the case and Ace is just the right age to have at least five failed relationships under his belt without his age during the time span of his romantic conquests being kind of questionable.
This post may seem like just a string of headcanons for me to ramble about how entirely sold i am on the idea of Bi!Ace... and yea, that's exactly how shit turned out :3
Ace is bi and no, i do not accept criticism. In addition to that, he's also just a cocky little shit that strives to impress the people around him, even if he secretly thinks there's nothing really remotely impressive or remarkable about him as a person.
He's the type who won't hesitate to strike up a conversation with anyone who catches his eye and while he wouldn't consider himself a pro at flirting by any means, he has a natural boyish charm and the personality of an unapologetic dork, able to crack jokes that range from surprisingly clever to downright cheesy, you'd be hard-pressed not to laugh even once if he sets himself to the challenge.
Remember how I said that he's cocky but at the same time, doesn't think much of himself or his abilities? Kind of a contradiction, yea? Let me elaborate.
He's very blunt. And just a no-nonsense, straightforward kind of person in general when he isn't trying his best to charm and woo people who strike his interest. Boi has no filter and just says the shit that comes to his mind without worrying about the potential consequences of his brazenness. This type of behavior is very off-putting to most people and best believe he's been called out on it more times than he cares to remember. Exactly because of this is why people often label him as a “cocky” bastard, which is perfectly understandable.
Tho, he's not really bothered by the appeal of others for him to put a little more effort into being “kinder”. In his eyes, he's just being himself. He doesn't understand the point of sugarcoating. They say it's meant to make harsh things more digestible for others, but he thinks that's just a roundabout phrase for someone being fake and dishonest. Big “tell it how you see it” advocate. If the pill's too hard to swallow, that's not his problem.
However, brazenness doesn't really equal cockiness, right? Sure, he's rough around the edges and can come off as a bitchy mean girl even if that isn't really his intention, but none of those constitute to him having an overinflated sense of self. He's confident, yes, but he's not arrogant.
His perception of himself is actually quite down-to-earth. He's of the personal belief that there's nothing really interesting or particularly note-worthy about his character, and in no way does he think of himself amazing in any aspect. This feeling was only fortified after he got admitted to NRC. Being surrounded by such natural talents and geniuses, Ace has never been more aware of how mediocre he is compared to other individuals in the grand scheme of things.
And honestly, he isn't bothered by it in the least. He likes being “normal”. He likes being unburdened by great expectations stacked against his shoulders by the people in his life whose opinions he might value more than his own happiness. He likes having enough legroom to fool around every other weekend with his friends, play his stress away with basketball, celebrate even getting just a barely passing score on a pop quiz with cheap booze he and his dorm mates smuggled onto campus; basically, just being able to live his life and enjoy his youth.
Ace doesn't think he's remarkable and he's okay with that. He's content and secure in who he is and he doesn't feel any need to strive for something greater just to experience a fleeting sense of fulfilment.
You go, my dude.
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Notes: Just to clarify, these are mostly just my personal headcanons for Ace's character and a little bit of Twisted Wonderland as a whole with regards to NCR and its students. I base my headcanons on actual canon material tbh so I hope no one would view my interpretation of Ace as completely outrageous or whatnot lol.
My personal take on Ace can be further explored in the playlist i made for him. And surprise, surprise, this is where the shameless plug makes itself known lmao.
Character playlists are a form of fantasy fuel for me. I like the idea of being able to embody the essence of a character in a song or a playlist. And music in general is just therapeutic for me. So... if you're interested, give it a listen sometimes. (the playlist has songs from HSM. don't @ me, he's technically a disney character and it just fits :P)
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There's a take that keeps making the rounds about Marvel and military propaganda and it's frustrating me how half-baked this take is, so let's break it down.
I feel like people heard a couple of different things and have gotten the story wrong. As someone who has spent the bulk of my life interested in comics and their various adaptations over the years, I also know a lot about the history and production of this media. So, let's talk about it.
First, it's important to note that any time you see US military stuff in films, the US government sponsored it and had approval rights over the story (which is why the military is rarely shown in a bad light in war films.) ANY time. Yes, comicbook movies, but also war movies, historical movies, hell, even romcoms if there's any military stuff in it.
I think somewhere along the lines, some people heard that the US military sponsored certain MCU films in which the military is heavily featured (like Captain America films and Captain Marvel) and did a full on leap to "the entire MCU is US military propaganda."
I saw a TikTok today in which a girl claims that the MCU has us associating Norse gods with the US military. Thor has basically nothing to do with the US Military, Loki really doesn't (other than that one time they were going to kill him by nuking New York City), Odin and Frigga have basically never even associated with the United States at all, and Frigga has never been on Earth in any of her appearances. You could argue that Thor working with the Avengers in the first movie made him an agent of the US Military, but basically the entire reason Marvel (and DC) makes up fake government agencies is to get around that whole "needs military approval" thing. It's why SHIELD can be proven to be basically a Not-see sleeper organization. It's why ARGUS can be shown to be a super shady organization basically killing people who disobey them (DC.) Those franchises can't say the US Army or Air Force did it, unless they want to lose access to those military vehicles and stuff. But they can make fake organizations and show them as corrupt.
Also, the Avengers are an independent superhero team, which was the whole point of Civil War, but that's another point.
Military propaganda is used sometimes in military specific films. But in general, not just Marvel.
But in the same MCU, you get a movie in which Thor faces the reality of Asgard's imperialism, and in which a tyrannical leader on a distant planet is violently deposed by his slaves and oppressed citizens.
You get a movie in which the violent racism of the US produces Erik Killmonger.
You get to see the constant consequences of Tony Stark's recklessness (Sokovia, the whole situation with Peter Parker and Mysterio.)
It's truly a half-baked take to suggest that the MCU just is military propaganda.
We can criticize the military propaganda in movies, but we have to examine it as a problem with American cinema and not one thing that people enjoy, which allows you to feel superior because you "know" that "Marvel is propaganda". Which just suggests that you don't actually engage with the media, and you just heard a take and adopted that opinion because you think it sounds intelligent and thoughtful. Like, if you watched the films, you'd say "Wow, Captain Marvel was really a 2 hour commercial for the Air Force" not "Marvel has us associating Norse gods with the US military", because they really do not. I don't know anyone who looks at the Asgardian god with a British-esque Australian-laced accent whose adventures mostly take place on other planets and goes "Ah, yes, Thor is our troops!" Or the British accented trickster god who spent most of his time on our screens as a villain trying to outwit Thor, and only went to America to take it over, once, and then to hide his adoptive father in a nursing home.
But another point I'll make is that comics sometimes were propaganda, but like... openly so. Like, the first issue of Captain America ever, where he's punching Hitler, was published before the US entered WW2 and before the public sentiment was that Hitler and the Not-sees were bad. It was published by the Jewish creators of the character to sway public sentiment.
Comics and cartoons were also used to sell War bonds a lot. And sometimes to drum up support for certain things.
And yes, to recruit for the military, sometimes.
But even more often, comics creators would use their comics to express their beliefs and champions causes. And that ABSOLUTELY translates over to the films.
As always, I'm not saying you can't make valid criticisms about Marvel, DC, the MCU and the DCEU regarding the shit they promote, even in subtext.
I'm saying that if you're going to, at least be accurate. At least use valid points. You can't just say Thor is US military propaganda. Just say Captain America and Captain Marvel, or even Iron Man. (Although, even those are arguable at the core of the characters. It's just true that the Military propagandized their films. Captain Marvel was pretty blatant with it, too. With Captain America, though, it's hard to say because the movie itself is kind of criticizing propaganda, though I suppose the Army just liked the visibility.)
The point is, this is a shallow take and requires no examination. The fact is that every movie you've seen (barring smaller indies, most likely) that has military stuff in it, it has to be pre-screened and approved by the military. I mean, that sucks because it removes mainstream filmmakers ability to criticize the military directly, or at least makes it a challenge. (Avengers kind of does, though... because the Avengers have to assemble because the military is incompetent and would rather bomb a US city than make a reasonable choice.) But yeah, it's a film industry problem as a whole, and as of right now, there's no way around it.
It's not Marvel's fault, and even if it was, I'm gonna need a full breakdown of all of the movies and how they're US military propaganda even when they take place in space or aren't about the military or even set in the US. Because how is Guardians of the Galaxy or Ant-Man and the Wasp "military propaganda"?
Like, you can tell when it's there. It's all over Captain Marvel. You can't just make sweeping claims and assume you're right because you watched Iron Man and CA:TFA.
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clarythericebot · 3 years
Food Wars S5E7 Reactions: ok so magic and violence are allowed now(?) (ft. another megumi/soma parallel)
I’ve heard that there was going to be some weird stuff going on in the fifth plate of Food Wars, and now I finally understand. What the fudge with this “Cross Knives” ability?
Every character we’ve encountered so far has their abilities either explained or earned. Erina and Hayama have a mutant sense of taste and smell respectively; that’s weird, but still within the realm of belief. Every other chef either gained their abilities through trials (whether or not said trials are depicted onscreen). But an ability to copy a chef’s talent by stealing their tool? What sorcery is that?
It’s so aggravating, considering there is an explanation right there. 
From S4Ep6, Soma telling Saito how he won: I’m just a normal freshman, but I’ve competed with many different people. That might be why I’m able to come up with all these ideas. Everything I’ve learned from everybody at Totsuki helps me be where I am now.
Couldn’t that just be Asahi? Couldn’t him taking people’s tools be him pettily filching trophies like Mimesaka, and he’s an extraordinary chef because he’s put himself out there because of spite and vengeance? (That’s what I’m assuming his motivation is for now. I do think it’s interesting that season 5 is exploring Joichiro’s failings as a father--namely, the abandonment aspect.) 
The thing is, every antagonist to Soma represented something. Shinomiya was excessive perfectionism and refusal to learn from others. Mimesaka was the belief that a single failure can destroy the work of someone who was truly passionate. Azami was snobbery and the conviction that creative and beautiful food can only be made - and fed to - the ‘refined’. 
What the fudge is Asahi supposed to be if he’s magic? What is it that Soma has to overcome?
It is possible I’m judging too harshly. I’m only on the seventh episode. Maybe his ability will be justified somehow...? Asahi certainly doesn’t seem to have had the ability when he was training with Joichiro. (I can’t even with how he beat up [dueled i guess but they literally looked like they were in a brawl] the other Cuisiniers Noir, and how it looks like they’ve kidnapped Isami? I think this is the first time Food Wars had actually resorted into actual violence.)
What I’m actually afraid of is that, considering Asahi has a ridiculously superpowered ability, Soma is going to have a ridiculously superpowered ability to beat him. I’ve already read a criticism that Soma doesn’t seem to earn his victories in this season, and I think I might already be seeing signs of that. Whenever Soma beat an opponent, he usually attributed it to his growth in Totsuki. It’s his weirdness and love for ordinary ingredients and dishes that is attributed to his time at the diner (as well as a few key techniques). When he beat Sarge, however, Soma and his dad doesn’t chalk it up to what Soma’s learned this past year, but a sensational skill he learned during his diner days.
“Before Soma got into Totsuki, he was fulfilling challenging requests almost every day for 365 days in a year...It is important to have universality in order to do that, in addition to the ability to continuously create surprising new dishes.”
We already know that about Soma--we’ve had four seasons to watch him come up with fun and exciting ways to explore what gourmet food can be. But this quote is used to justify how Soma managed to best someone who by all rights should be far above his skill level.
This is weird. If that’s always been the case, how did Soma lose to Hayama, for example,  who’s closer to his own skill level? We know that a lot of Soma’s ability is from the baseline of skills he learned in his family’s diner; we know that in the beginning of his journey, those skills are enough to tie with one of the Elite Ten (Isshiki) when the latter was taking it easy. We know that the diner is where Soma gets his ability to be unorthodox. But anything beyond that has to come from his growth and Totsuki. Otherwise, his past failures would make no sense.
And the thing is an explanation for how he managed to beat Sarge was also just right there. 
Megumi in S1E12 on why she used allspice for her dish: All of you have been evaluating and eating a lot of dishes since yesterday. And allspice works to help with digestion, so...I wanted to serve something that would be easy to digest. (Dojima’s commentary: Although it was a battle, Tadokoro cared about the people eating her dish.)
Commentary on Soma’s dish in S5E7:
Megumi: ...Rice syrup is good for your health, so it has been used as a sweetener since ancient times.
Commentators: He didn’t use any sugar? Why did he go through all that trouble?
Soma: That’s because the people anticipating my dish are the three judges that are sitting at this table right now. Since it’s such a hot and stuffy summer day, I believe they would want to taste a more refreshing cake. If it were me, I’d also want to eat the same thing.
Soma has learned to not only impress the judges, but to care for their needs and comfort. Those lines positively screamed Tadokoro and her influence, and I really, really wanted the anime to point that out. He learned that from her! Their learning from each other is a two-way street! 
(Mini SouMegu plug: This is also why their pairing work so well thematically. They each have what the other needs. But maybe that’s another meta :P )
Also, on a larger scale, the attribution of Soma’s success to both his ingenuity, his work, and learning from his friends also works out a lot better thematically. How is Soma stronger than before? Not just because he polished his own skills, but because his friends are stronger and he helped them. Asahi clearly works alone; Soma works in community. If the Fourth Plate’s theme is about rejecting perfectionism and a “one true way” and understanding that food is for everyone, then the Fifth Plate can be about how craft grows when people grow together. Considering that it is the last season, it’d also be a pretty great theme to tie up the future, and it differentiates him from his dad by taking him a step further--Soma will understand that to keep growing as a chef, he’ll always need friends, both old and new, to keep sharpening him. 
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scribble-fox · 3 years
Secondary English Teaching in WA; An Open Letter.
I am an English teacher. I do this job because it is a calling. It’s a passion. It’s something that can make a real difference in people’s lives. But I have a problem and it’s a problem that affects all of us. I am failing to be the best I can be because there is simply too much to do.
In the first place the job of an English teacher encompasses a lot. A child needs to be able to read and write and understand sophisticated vocabulary. They need critical thinking and empathy and the ability to comprehends both fine detail and larger trends. They need creativity and accuracy and clarity and conciseness. But we also look at modern issues, new media, social values and the broad and changing landscape our students must make sense of. This stuff is all in the curriculum in grand sweeping statements up for our interpretation. We are good at our jobs. We do our best to arm our students with the skills and knowledge they need to take on the world they will head into and if only that were our only job.
Not only must we compete with rapidly changing media and the increasingly diverse set of backgrounds and beliefs, but we must individualise the learning experience for each of the 31 children in each class. If we have an hour of lesson and we manage to get into it right away without any disruptions – the children all magically sit in their seats with pens and paper out smiling eagerly and quietly up at us – that still gives us less than two minutes per student. Many of our classes contain five, six, seven – I once had 13 – students with individual education plans. This means I need to remember who needs checklists and who needs chunked instructions and who I can’t directly instruct and who needs coloured paper and who must be reminded to wear their glasses. All while managing the behaviour of 31 teenagers, many of whom have mental or emotional issues to contend with.
This is just in the classroom. Contrary to popular belief, teachers don’t go home at three o’clock and spend half their lives on holiday. A study of English teachers in NSW found the average English teacher was working 49.4 hours per week. But that includes part time teachers. Those of us on a ‘full load’ often work 55+. Each class takes planning. Each IEP needs adjustments within those. Each class takes printing and prepping and most of all, marking. The biggest problem with comparing English teachers to other secondary teachers is the marking. On average, a paper in English takes 15 minutes to mark. If you have the standard five hours of DOTT time (duties other than teaching) then you can mark 20 in a week, assuming no interruptions. But remember that a class is 31 and a teacher has many classes. Some weeks you have three or four classes worth of marking to do. And when are you supposed to make resources, find worksheets, read texts, do professional development? In what other job are you expected to spend your weekends sitting at a desk?
Then there’s the admin. More and more of it. Recently I spent an entire hour of DOTT time recording unsubmitted assessments in each student’s digital profile. Another hour I spent calling parents because a no surprises policy means you have to contact home at any hint of failure. Two hours after school filling in reports on negative behaviours and the consequences that resulted. I’ve spent my short lunch time making sure misbehaving students scrape gum from under the desks or finish off work they didn’t bother to do in class. I’m supposed to put the goal, the lesson resources, the homework and a detailed plan online for every single lesson. Forget about excursions. No one on a full English load has time for that. And job progression? There’s a reason most principals and deputies are ex Phys Ed or Math. I’ve wasted hours doing the same few professional developments over and over because they are required. I’ve had three identical sessions on how to use a particular piece of technology and I know what the process is for dealing with asbestos despite the complete irrelevance it has to my position. The kids with IEPs have a separate reporting system that requires us to comment on each curriculum point tackled. We are expected, especially if we are young, to be on committees and in working parties and be going above and beyond. We are already going above and beyond. A not-English teacher has too much work to get on with. We are being paid the same wage to do twice as much.
But it isn’t money we want. We aren’t greedy. We aren’t complaining about the pay. What we want is conditions we can work in. What we want is to be able to be the best we can be. The number one asset to education – the one thing that makes all the difference – is teachers. Teachers are the biggest factor in the success of a child’s education (See Hattie 2018) and a school’s stats, and we cannot be great teachers when we are stretched this thin. Is it any wonder really that our literacy has slipped so far? In the 2018 PISA rankings we dropped to 16th in reading. We were 8th back in 2006. 8th!
This problem compounds. With each year we are spread thinner and thinner. With each year our kids are further and further behind. And they are already coming into high school behind because primary school teachers aren’t specialists in everything. How could they be. Just because you can read and write, doesn’t mean you can teach phonics. And they are expected to cover English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences and anything else they can’t get a specialist for. Kids also need to spread their writing between typing and digital literacy and handwriting. You wouldn’t believe how quickly their hands hurt from writing.
The problem, as it is, compounds but the plans are worse. In the name of progress, the plans in the department are to make sure kids have access to as many electives as possible. That sounds nice in theory. What this means in practice is that they lose lessons in their core subjects. One school is already paving the way for this with only three hours of English (and other core subjects) per week for lower school kids. Are they crazy? School is about creating a strong foundation to build on. Gap years are for trying things out. This tester school has been testing it for a few years now. But the test has failed. Kids are struggling. And of course, they are struggling! The English curriculum is huge. The subject is challenging. We already know that it’s too much, even to be delivered in four or five hours a week. Soon, English teachers everywhere will be expected to cram their carefully crafted courses into 3/5ths the time. Well, we won’t stand for it. Not least of all because we won’t cope. The teachers at this tester school aren’t coping. Especially when it means a fuller timetable.
How does less classes mean a fuller timetable? Well, just like for subjects with a lighter marking load, teachers are timetabled by teaching hours, not by number of classes. Instead of teaching four or five different classes. Teachers end up with six or seven. Either all lower school or the gaps are filled with subjects out of area. What does more classes and more students mean? More marking, more planning, more admin.
But there is a solution. There is a way to lift the standards of our teachers and our students in turn. Give English teachers less work. Put a cap on the number of students and classes. Make a full-time load for English teaching .8 (Hale does it!). Don’t expect out of hours work. Make less admin or provide aides to do it (Job creation?). Don’t cram curriculum into three lessons a week and fill up any extra time. Don’t interrupt the term with constant assemblies and activities. If you have to add more work, employ more people to do it. It’s simple and It makes a colossal difference.
I’m an English teacher. I dream of being able to plan interesting and innovative lessons. I long to provide the support my students need. I need to inspire. I know I can change lives. I can empower children to break free of poverty and trauma and build a future we can all be proud of. That’s what all teachers dream of but right now we are drowning. Right now, we are treading water in a vast ocean, hidden behind the waves and the swell and we are shouting to the distant shore. Hear us. Please hear us.
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top 10 (ish) ridiculous or annoying FAQs:
(click at your own discretion)
1) "kids today rely on others to do everything"
ah yes, damn those participation trophies! if it wasn't for them my hands wouldn't be fucked, and I wouldn't need people to write for me. but seriously, stop reading boomer comics, and go outside to meet some actual young people.
2) "sus that a non-american says mom"
yeah, because it's clearly the superior version, and I'm not too patriotic to concede a defeat.
3) "sweaty, the victims of abuse by catholics are real people, stop appropriating their pain just because you want to hate catholics; plus teachers abuse people just as often anyway"
so firstly, I don't hate anybody. and secondly, regarding the fact that victims really do exist, [insert "of course I know him, he's me" meme here]; although I don't often talk much about the abuse I went through or what my religious beliefs are. but, more importantly, statements like "survivors are people" can be phrased like "some people are survivors", and when you're unable to act according to the latter (like when you don't even consider that somebody might be one) then you display a failure to recognise the former - you're projecting; a survivor can't be appropriating their own pain, but you can be appropriating it to silence one. and thirdly, teachers do abuse - the problem isn't and has never been purely religion, rather that abuse is often done by somebody in a position of trust, power, and familiarity; and that the lack of a global minimum enables totally legal abuse on top of the illegal stuff. people with access and respect have more opportunity to abuse than those without, and that goes for teachers too. but, once again, you can be appropriating the pain of survivors to deflect and silence people. please remember this before you say that shit.
4) "get help/therapy"
way ahead of you - years ahead of you. but it's not magic - people who say this often act as if you'll start behaving differently overnight. not only are some things simply beyond the ability of talking therapy to completely rectify, it also takes time and has to be selective. you've got to pick your priorities, and that's definitely not whatever ship or joke you're mad at me about today. therapy is a slow, arduous process that can't guarantee results - it isn't "anti-recovery" to recognise that, it's honesty. while I've been in therapy for a long time, it is not necessarily going to change whatever you don't like about me - whether that's because it can't, because my focus now is on more important or urgent things, or because I don't want to change that.
5a) "tell your family you ship incest, see how that goes; normal people find it disgusting"
actually, some know, and they're fine with it. in fact, one prefers sibling pairings in fiction to all other dynamics because, to paraphrase, "it's a deeper level of messed up co-dependence". so unfortunately for you, my remaining family (by which I mean those not dead or cut out of my life after abuse and so forth) actually are able to distinguish between fiction and reality. plus, my reasoning for caring if they find it gross or not pertains only to recommending books and such - their opinions do not dictate my tastes.
5b) "don't sexualise/appropriate incestuous abuse" and "I bet you enjoyed being raped" and other attempts to upset me over 5a
firstly, as I've already said here, survivors can't be appropriating ourselves. in addition, you're not owed people's history or trauma - it's not okay to require people's personal information, or else you'll send anon hate and accusations of appropriation. secondly, I'm not sexualising our abuse (not just because I write horror, and so a lot of my writing is intended to be creepy, not sexy); these stories aren't about us, they're not us at all. entire dynamics/people (fictional or otherwise) aren't all going to be applicable to us or identical to us, just because they have something in common with us; they're not us and they're not accountable to us. thirdly, the fact that people send this stuff (attempting to trigger people's trauma over ships) is so much more worrying to me than somebody making our communal imaginary friends kiss. you're trying to hurt people. and finally, to the "I bet you enjoyed it" crowd (if you're at all serious): do you think you'd enjoy being in a real zombie apocalypse, alone, afraid, and really at risk of being eaten alive? a fictional scenario does not feel remotely the same as a real one. this isn't rocket science - things that look like you aren't you; fiction isn't reality; don't send anon hate. (edit: comparable "just leave me alone, I'm not hurting anyone" sentiments for yandere stuff, and anything else you decide I'm naughty for.)
6) "you'll be sent off to do manual labour once your communist revolution happens"
while I don't know why people think that I'm a communist, a dictatorial regime probably isn't going to want me to do manual labour. they're more likely to just shoot me; I'm useless and a liability. call me crazy, but something tells me that "ah yes, we shall give ze deranged cripple ze power tools" isn't the communist position.
7a) "they/them can't be singular pronouns"
yes they can, and they're used as such in both shakespeare and the bible. but you don't have to say this - I'm also okay with he/him, so you could've just used those and chilled out. also, do I look like somebody who views the rules of grammar as fully immutable and imperative?
7b) "enbies/aros/pan/etc aren't valid"
do you really think that you're going to change any hearts or minds by putting that in my ask box or under my funny maymays? chill out, it's not worth the effort - you could be planning a party (in minecraft) and having fun instead. it isn't worth my time to rant at everybody who's saying something isn't valid, updating how I'm explaining it as my opinions grow and general discourse around it evolves; I'm just who I am, somebody else is who they are - why bicker in presumptuous ways about if that's enough? it ultimately is valid, in my opinion, but that isn't an invitation to keep demanding that I debate. (edit: old posts of mine probably don't phrase things incredibly, on this or anything... I tried.)
8) "what are your politics?"
my politics are informed first and foremost by the knowledge that I'm not cut out to be some kind of leader - I don't want to be the guy who tells everyone else what to do, I just offer what seem to me like valid criticisms of how we are doing things now, and general pointers on the values and ethics that I would prefer to move towards. things like individual freedom, taking the most pacifist route where possible, trying not to give excessive power to small groups of people (governments or corporations), helping those in need even when they're not palatable, and letting me suck loads of dicks. but please refrain from decreeing me something - there's not enough information in what I said, so you'll just be filling in the blanks with assumptions. (edit: workplace democracy seems cool to me; benefits are good; fair fines and taxes; and the "sperm makes you loopy" saga: 1, 2, 3, and 4.)
9) "you're a narcissist"
no, I don't meet the diagnostic criteria. joking on the internet that you're hot doesn't make a person a narcissist. the fact that I've chosen to keep my actual self-esteem issues to myself is not proof that they don't exist - you're just not entitled to that information about me. but it's also not narcissism to really like how you look. (edit: don't throw labels around carelessly too.)
10a) "kin list?"
the fabric of the universe, a zombie, dionysus, maned wolf/arctic fox hybrid, a comedian, big gay, big rock, ambiguously partial insincerity. (edit: kin list may or may not be incomplete.)
10b) "kin isn't valid/that's just being insane"
haven't we established that I'm deranged, and that sending stuff like this on anon is simply a waste of your precious time? besides, I do not care if it's invalid or insane - it's fun, I'm happy. (edit: see 7b for my opinion on sending me yet another ask with "that's invalid" in it; I'm not in the mood to discuss the nature of validity.)
bonus: "it gets better" and "trigger list?"
as I've said before, things just don't always get better for everyone - sometimes things can't be cured or even treated, sometimes they kill you; in some cases it could get better if not for a blockade or lack of time. the world is messy. it needs to be more normalised to reassure or comfort people without relying on saying that their issue will get better or be cured. it does suck to be this ill, but it also sucks to be made out to be a lazy pessimist, just because I have the audacity to not play along. and as for the trigger list, I don't like providing people with an easily accessed list of ways to hurt my feelings or harm me - upsetting me is supposed to be challenging, and thus rewarding. if you want a cheat sheet then you're out of luck, I'm afraid.
bonus #2: "FAQ stands for frequently asked questions, it doesn't need that s at the end!"
yeah, I know, I just enjoy chaos and disarray.
bonus #3 (edit): "what are your disabilities and how exactly are they incurable and/or deadly?"
again, I don't tell the internet everything about me, especially when it poses a risk, especially not as an easily accessible list for you to refer back to whenever you feel inclined to hurt my feelings. that is understandably a sore subject. (edit: that includes physical health issues btw.)
bonus #4 (edit): "so we shouldn't be critical?"
if it wasn't clear from my answer about politics or my post in general, you can have opinions about things, and you can voice that. it's just not realistic to exist at extremes: to think that you alone should dictate what exists in fiction, or to think that people shouldn't be expressing disdain or criticism of any calibur. say how you feel about things, that's fine, but it's also fine if people find that they don't value your input. plus we're all flawed, we can all be hypocritical from time to time, we all get bitchy, and we all make mistakes, or even knowingly fuck things up. that's important to keep in mind, whether we're talking about the one being criticised or the one doing the criticising - poor choices of words, imperfect tone, or contradictory ideas are inevitably going to happen occasionally.
congrats on reaching the end! if you have, at any point, said one of these to me, you owe a hug to your nearest loved one (once it's safe).
edit: might add more links/bonus points in the future when I think of things, but it's late now. (sorry for links where prior notes in the thread have my old url, that may get a tad confusing; also, not all links are my blog or my op, since it is to illustrate points/vibes, not to self-promo.)
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clearturtletrash · 3 years
Horikoshi’s writing of Shouto and the problems I have with it
If you’re a fan of the way Shouto’s treated in the manga, don’t read, we’ll end up disagreeing on everything and you’ll probably end up offended lol. Because I’m not (satisfied, that is). 
This post is spoiler-heavy for anime onlys, and for manga readers not up to date with the last arc (and last chapter for that matter, which is 301).
So, about Shouto and how he’s handled, along with ‘his’ story.
I don’t get how Horikoshi, whose writing I respect immensely, managed to depict such an incredible and alluring storyline with the Todoroki family, with some of the most complex character writing I’ve seen, but fumbled the one character he had to actually focus on.
Literally more than half the people in the Todoroki storyline are more interesting and more developed than Shouto at this point. Hawks, Endeavour, Dabi, Rei… a good bunch of fans are way more invested in their story than his, and I am too. It’s really sad, because if you asked me two years ago Shouto would have probably been one of my favorite character. But he was completely shafted, given no internal conflict, and at this point, I have the same interest in him as I do for Fuyumi and Natsuo, which basically means his only interesting feature to me is that he’s Endeavour’s child (oh, and he does have a cool design, but that can only get you so far).  
Deku and Katsuki are more popular than him by a landslide compared to before if we believe the Japanese popularity polls, because Hori actually bothers to give them focus, conflict, and cool moments (even though, sometimes I feel like Horikoshi forgets Deku’s his main character lol). It’s a testament to how great Shouto was and how much potential had that he’s still that popular despite everything. Because, let’s be real, Endeavour and Dabi have taken the focus because they have much more emotional energy, while Shouto is just stuck in the crossfire, as a punching ball and stress relief (and eventually as the person who’ll save him I guess) for Touya (see how he was relegated to first aid during the big fight against Tomura? how he did absolutely nothing against Touya who was burning him alive? And how Touya had no interest in Shouto outside of the fact he was Endeavour’s son? Story of the way Hori treats him). He has no particular interesting insight to give on the Todoroki family either as he was too small to remember the important events, so even on this point we can’t count on Horikoshi to write something for him, everything comes from Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Rei. He's really had one great moment in S2 and S3 and that’s it. The way Horikoshi struggles to give him a personality doesn’t help either (he admitted some time ago he was hard to write sometimes, and… yeah, I can see that).  I’m really trying to like his character but the manga gives us nothing, and keeps developing Endeavour, Dabi, and Hawks, which is great (I really love all three of them) but makes no sense given who’s supposed to be the main focus.
In the Endeavour agency arc, Endeavour’s thoughts and struggles were heavily touched upon, and Bakugou and Deku are in sync for 90% of it while Shouto’s just… there. as fodder for Endeavour, and maybe as a link between Endeavour and Bakugou/Deku too. He’s supposed to be a part of both these storylines, but instead, he just ends up as a way for them to overlap. we don't even take a peek in his thoughts, even though it's supposed to be an arc about the Todorokis!
I say all this as someone who eagerly waited for the day Horikoshi would portray Shouto, Katsuki, and Deku as a trio, but yeah, Shouto feels more like a third wheel than anything. if he wanted to establish them that way, he should have done it right after the sports festival arc, but after this arc, they have no scene together, and the focus shifted on Deku and Katsuki. Too little too late I guess.  
To come back to the Todoroki storyline, I feel like Horikoshi simply woke up one day and decided Endeavour was more interesting to write lmao. at this point, it’s more Endeavour’s storyline than Shouto’s, even though Shouto’s supposedly one of the main characters. it has come to a point where, even though I know it ought to focus on Shouto because he’s (at least he should be) the main focus of this particular storyline, I’m hoping it won’t, because that’s just the least interesting aspect of this whole thing.  
I’d say even Ochako’s treated better by the story, because at least Horikoshi tries to challenge her views and beliefs (even though for now it’s not very conclusive), while Shouto’s inner growth hasn't been put into question in how many chapters?
(btw, by inner growth, I’m not talking about his problem with his fire side, because that’s just been rinse and repeat for more than 200 chapters. I mean, srsly it’s been already 3 times since this problem has caused him to lose/fail... and it's not even satisfying like Katsuki or Deku (except for the first time in the sport festival, because that was when his character was still handled very well by Horikoshi). Why? Simply because when he loses, the stakes aren’t high, it’s all training or exams, so he’s just like, "oh, I have to maybe learn how to deal with it!", but there’s no real pressure he’s under. It’s not like Deku, who, if he does not progress, will break all his bones, and who failed to rescue Katsuki because of his broken arms (=and had a mental breakdown immediately afterwards and blamed himself). It’s not like Katsuki either, because Katsuki has a personality that makes low stakes feel like high stakes, which isn’t the case for Shouto. just compare Shouto's reaction when he loses because of his setbacks to Katsuki's reaction when he lost to Deku the first time (mental breakdown), or when Katsuki failed the provisional license exam (another mental breakdown, not caused just by his failing, but yeah). And anything else about Shouto's inner growth is tied to his reaction to Endeavour’s arc, which isn’t a flaw, and 100% depends on the way Endeavour acts. Apart from this, he has 0 internal conflict).  
Sorry, I’ve gone off on a tangent lol.
To get back to the point I was making, and to further develop my analogy with Ochako, let’s look at their relationship with Deku, because there’s a major difference there, which is clearly in favor of Ochako.  Deku has a big impact on Ochako, yes, but the reverse is also true. People complain she’s all about him (which, yeah, probably), but at least, she made a big impact on him too. She was the main reason ‘Deku' became his hero name. Shouto and Deku have a nice friendship, and Deku clearly considers him one of his best friends. but... it’s all one-sided in terms of impact, I can’t think of a single thing Shouto has done who changed/motivated Deku, while Deku literally changed his life. Because of this, he’s not one of the people who’s intrinsically tied to Deku’s character development, because he’s not Ochako, Inko, Katsuki or All Might (and probably soon Tomura).
His writing feels so fast compared to the others too. Shigaraki / Deku and Toga / Ochako have been paralleled for ages, have had a conversation at least once, and have had deep encounters early on. Nonetheless, both Deku and Ochako are just coming to terms with the fact these villains aren’t so different from them. However, Shouto’s only interaction with Dabi is a ten second eye contact when Dabi kidnapped Katsuki. Dabi had more interactions with Endeavour for fuck's sake! Shouto then learns Dabi’s Touya, and speed runs the development of Ochako and Deku. He doesn’t even need 10 chapters to process they’re ’the same'. Where were all the reflection and doubts? Okay, it’s his brother, so the parallels are easier, but still, it shows Horikoshi doesn’t allow Shouto to have that much introspection, and I feel it’s because Horikoshi just doesn’t care that much. Even worse! Horikoshi introduces another hero parallel to Dabi in the character of Hawks. A parallel much more interesting and compelling, because it parallels Dabi MUCH BETTER. They’re opposites in every ways (particularly in regards to their relationship with Endeavor), and know each other. Touya and Shouto don’t even seem to have spoken to each other...
And so, the only thing that still was interesting and that Horikoshi still bothered to develop was Shouto’s relationship with Endeavour, but in the end, even that was overshadowed by the much more complex, fucked up, and challenging relationships of Endeavour and Touya (and Endeavour and Hawks) as seen in 301 and before. Clearly the one Dabi’s fixated on is Endeavour.
one last thing: Shouto's stuck in a weird loop where Horikoshi kind of makes him comes close of the Bakugou and Deku duo, and then when we start to think they’re an actual trio, he does everything in his power to make it very clear how that’s NOT where he belongs either, since OFA/All Might/Deku/Katsuki is another storyline. It’s as if Horikoshi doesn’t want him here (see: how he decided the ‘win all might’ scene didn’t have to include him), but puts him there sometimes anyway. It’s probably because Shouto’s so popular, which, yeah, would be fine, if he could stick to it!
His supposed admiration for All Might (I feel like everybody forgets it's a part of his character, and I don't blame them) is brought up once every blue moon, which compared to Deku and Katsuki, is just ridiculous. And, once again, All Might has a much deeper and more interesting relationship with Endeavour than with Shouto. At this point, I don’t even know what Hori could do to make me want to read about him. I much prefer the dynamic of Hawks/Endeavour/Touya and Katsuki/Deku/All Might.
I hope the future will prove me wrong for his character. Actually, I hope everything I’m saying is wrong and idiotic, and Horikoshi will make every scene I criticized worth it and a means to an end. I mean, he clearly has the talent and writing ability to pull off some of the best character development I’ve ever seen, so anything’s possible. but yeah, I don’t really believe it for now, and I’m frustrated, because Shouto had so much potential.
tldr; I liked Shouto as a character, but he dwindled after some time, and now I feel as if he’s not the focus of his own storyline, because this place is occupied by the much more dynamic relationships of Endeavour, Touya and Hawks. And I’m not even mad, because their dynamic is much more interesting. However, I feel like Horikoshi grew bored of Shouto, and has put much more soul into Katsuki and Deku as of late.
I’m welcoming any responses, if people are seeing an aspect of his character I don’t, please enlighten me! I miss enjoying his character, and I’m not opposed to seeing him in a different light. I just needed to put down my thoughts in writing to make sense of them lol.
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c0smicheaux · 4 years
Ninth House In the Signs
When the ninth house is in the sign of Aries, a person can be too passionate about their beliefs, not allowing others to express their system of convictions. Fighters for religion, ethical approach, college, or their own progress of any kind are seen here. In general, this is a strong position that finds energy in the future and draws a person towards positive change. However, any ties to the past will make their dreamland vivid and blur the direction they are supposed to follow. Once they feel they are on the right path, with a mission to accomplish and deep beliefs leading forward, these are the exact people who will learn about boundaries, conflict, and fiercely achieve any goal they set out to reach. They tend to find purpose only in things they are truly passionate about and wither in any circumstances that don’t invigorate them and make them feel alive. They need their talents put to use and the fire in their stomach constantly burning in order to live a long, creative and healthy existence.
If the ninth house is set in Taurus, the purpose of a person’s life is always found somewhere in the material world. Experience needs to be built in the real world, through financial and physical matters, and this is the exact reason why these individuals turn to education in fields of finance, agriculture, cooking, or real estate. For as long as they don’t lack initiative and primal energy, they can truly be fantastic in practical issues, but also tend to close up for new experiences if they get hurt or disappointed. This is a tricky position for as much as the beneficent sign of Taurus can be mellow it can also be lazy, static, or stiff to accept change and the beauty of constant movement. There is a special joy these people find in tradition if their Venus is beneficently set, and they will strive to reach family values and practical pleasures as much as they can in this lifetime.
The ninth house in Gemini leads to growth through communication. These individuals will learn new things quickly and with passion, while at the same time having trouble holding on to large chunks of knowledge or finding synthesis for everything they’ve learned. To mend the troubles found in overthinking, they need to also learn to stay concise and focused on one point at a time. If they have too many goals at once, they will rarely manage to reach any of them, and the most important thing the ninth house in Gemini has to teach, is how one should think and use their words. If they find true emotional intimacy, it will usually give them a strong basis to improve their approach and help them thrive in fields of oratory skills, public exposure, trade, and information technology.
With the ninth house in Cancer, there is always a simple striving held in a person’s path – to find peace. This is not an easy mission for someone with their mind standing in the way, for our human nature often doesn’t allow enough silence and peace to reach that much needed state of clarity and peace. A strong purpose is always in connection with family issues that have to be resolved or gained through their own ability to form calm relationships with their partner and children. Very often, this position will point to the possibility of life abroad, in case it is confirmed with at least two more significations in the chart. Their greatest teachers are found in their own heart and they will come to see that only people they love can actually teach them anything at all. This will lead to some hurtful emotional experiences for the purpose of each feeling they have might be to teach, rather than last or provide them with that much needed peace.
When the ninth house is set in the sign of Leo, we see that someone has to clarify the image of self apart from their family, upbringing and values taught at home. If they are too proud to accept that truth is relative to all people, they can become pushy and force their opinions and convictions on everyone around them. The key to a healthy existence here is often hidden in their chase for emotional satisfaction and the Moon will speak of their ability to forgive, move forward, and accept their feelings instead of trying too hard to remain in a rational mode. Awareness will grow as soon as they realize how vulnerable they actually are, face the fact that they are human and that their emotional core gives them much more benefits than weaknesses. They will learn from dominant figures, their boss and their father, but rarely have enough respect for the feminine side within to achieve their incredible full potential.
The ninth house in Virgo speaks of the focus on helping others, charity work, and matters of modesty and detail. Those who were born with this house position often have the need to learn how to heal and rationally understand the intelligence of their physiology and practical issues in the material world. However, their ego stands in their way and they will always have a challenge of their Sun to overcome to truly reach the state of wisdom and purpose. Something is always used and needs fixing in Virgo, and it is quite common for these individuals to have problems while traveling for choosing accommodation that is too cheap to be enjoyed, or overpaid for the one they get. They will have a flare for literature and many linguists and writers will have this position accented, if their tenth house supports strong materialization of everything they have learned.
If the ninth house is set in Libra, there is something strangely confusing in a person’s belief system, the main problem being the fact that their beliefs seem to be defined by other people. They will find many role models in this lifetime and need to overcome their self-criticism in order to truly reach their desired state of mind, physical state, or professional goals that they see as their calling. Hard work is needed for their plans to materialize and they will often be stuck in their dreamland, or when disappointed too many times, in their world of envy and feelings of incompetence. Relationships with quality will have to stand the test of time, and it is very often that these individuals remarry, sometimes only to find that marriage is too serious for them in the first place. When well supported, they will blossom in areas such as law, diplomacy, marriage counseling, and all activities done with a partner or someone they have an emotional bond with.
With the ninth house in Scorpio, we have to understand that a person will make choices that many would think of as strange. In the most positive manifestation, this will give one an incredible depth of mind, belief in the power of planet Earth, connection to endless pools of inner energy and a tendency to study science, psychology, or even occult teachings. Still, we have to keep in mind that practically speaking, these individuals have a belief system rooted somewhere in the river of their ancestors, highly unconscious and strange for many people around them. Their convictions will be powerful and obvious in their manifestations, while their need to learn about deep matters that others don’t want to deal with often sets them apart from their group at school, college, or at any family gathering. They have to find a way to satisfy their inner craving for deep understanding of the Universe and Unity, but they will find it only if they mend their broken relationships and realize that no man is born into this world to be alone.
The ninth house in the sign of Sagittarius speaks of a higher mind, in a way, and shows one’s need to travel, learn, and widen their horizons as much as possible. The trouble with this position is held in the inability to go deep enough to actually ground ideas and entire mental belief systems. Even though these people can be incredible teachers, attorneys, gurus, or motivational speakers, they will often have trouble accepting change as a necessary tool for improvement. Sticking to their moral convictions without a doubt in their mind, they will forget that change is the only thing that will truly help them regenerate. Aiming high, they don’t have a clear idea of everything going on at planet Earth’s surface and need a reality check from time to time, just to remember that distances are there to be crossed, not just to be observed.
If one’s ninth house is set in the sign of Capricorn, their beliefs can be annoyingly stiff. It will be very hard for them to make a change in pace or direction once they set out to do something. Their main problem is hidden in the real purpose of all things in their lives. This is why they sometimes have to exchange their practicality and common sense for a dream or two. The main objective with this position is to achieve a state of acceptance that allows these individuals not to push their convictions on everyone around them. There will be an ease in learning about ancient teachings, history, substance, and mathematics if their Saturn is well set in a sign that gives it dignity. However, responsibility they need to take seems to be too distant for them to reach its understanding. Once they do, they will finally have a chance to create a solid foundation for their future endeavors.
With the ninth house in Aquarius, one’s striving and desires are never ordinary. Learning through symbols will be as easy as it gets, which makes these people turned to astrology, mathematics and programming. The problem will arise when a person with this ninth house doesn’t feel the need to accept responsibility for their own life. A truly disappointing thing here hides in the fact that their routine is shattered enough to make them too tired to learn everything that interests them. This great mind will be truly disturbed by the lack of substance, seriousness to their approach, and a sort of superficial Air-like nature that won’t allow them to sink deep enough to create a strong foundation for their ideas to land. If they take matters in their own hands and make a plan they will stick to at all times, they will feel their energy rise. Finally, this will result in their creativity leading them to incredible innovative moments they have been wishing for since they were born.
If someone’s ninth house is set in the sign of Pisces, there is definitely a mission they should follow in this lifetime. In case they haven’t found their right calling, these people will be dreamers, prone to stressful experiences that could have been avoided if they gave everyone in their life enough freedom. They cannot be tied down and shouldn’t ever try to bond too strongly to other people. When they give freedom they will get freedom to grow and find their right direction in life before they start feeling like its whole meaning is lost. The sign of Pisces creates magic, but also rules all poisonous and unexplored areas of life. This will lead to education in chemistry, pharmacy, psychology or sailing. For as long as these individuals are not asleep but wide awake and pursuing their passion, they will have a chance to truly leave a mark in this world.
Source; astrology-zodiac-signs dot com
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diariesofaplutonian · 4 years
Pluto in the 5th house
Pluto in the 5th house natives are intensely devoted to their pastimes and their talents. Pleasure and fulfillment are their goals and sometimes addictions. They crave excitement, and maybe even danger. Works hard, plays hard. Can be impulsive or indulgent at times. Finds pleasure in being daring. What is most palatable to them is what hasn’t been done or expressed before, or if it has, doing it in a novel, groundbreaking way. Strong individuality at the core. Electrified by desire. Many hobbies. Drawn to art, literature, film, especially film noir, books. Needs to do something fun to feel alive. Likes giving a show or performance, dazzling or surprising people. Understands that sex, like life, like gender, like sexuality, like identity, can be a performance. Relishes in that. May find joy in fashion or trends or theater. Constantly searching for the perfect entertainment—emotionally enriching, fulfilling, pleasurable experiences. Creating and innovating and exploring themselves and the world, discovering their bodies, experimenting with ideas, and navigating their identities gives them purpose and a sense of drive. There is a deep need to self-define who they are. Like Pluto in the 11th or Pluto in aspect to Uranus natives, they have to innovate. Excel. Reimagine creative possibilities. These natives transform themselves and push the boundaries of something through their art or their bodies, through affirming their sexuality and owning their bodies and their uniqueness. Sex is not something to be ashamed of. Showing their bodies is not somebody to be ashamed of.
They are fiercely passionate people, as individuals, as lovers and friends, and they often chase after people who appear as a challenge to them. This excites and thrills them: the notion of going after and getting someone who is supposed to be unattainable for them or untouchable. However, if not careful, they can become entangled with romantic partners who are unsuitable for them. Pleasure often comes with pain, for these people. May have submissive or masochistic or dominant tendencies. May like to seduce rather than being the one seduced. May play hard-to-get. Dating may be fun to them, so much it becomes a game, a cat-and-mouse affair, though, make no mistake, they are not the mousy ones running away. They are the bold and in-your-face, confident ones doing the chase. They almost like something more when they can’t have it. Once they get it, they may get bored, for the fun’s gone—and the thrill of the chase. The key with these natives is to keep the attraction alive. There is a great need for these individuals to be recognized for their talents and their unique abilities. They feel very strongly about the work they create and produce and the energy they provide. Their contribution is always great. They can be as passionate about sex as a Pluto in the 8th person can be with death or a Pluto in the 12th person with the paranormal or mystical or absurd. May have to overcome their attitudes about themselves; self-limiting beliefs can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Obsessions are common and constant. May be obsessed with romantic interests, self-gain, prosperity, love, or their personal hobbies or recreational activities. They are most happy when they’re active and doing something. Invests a lot of effort and time into what they love, as well as makes sacrifices to keep doing what they love. May experience fatal attraction or encumber fatal accidents if they meet the wrong people. They are not necessarily the obsessive one in their relationship; with this placement comes the danger of partners or even random strangers from afar being obsessed with them, studying their movements, tracking them, and yearning to have them, wanting to conquer them or have sex with or harm them. Others tend to find natives with this placement irresistibly attractive, physically or sexually; they may find them drop-dead sexy, say they’d kill for them or die for them or claim they can’t live without them or either they will kill themselves if they can’t have them or if they can’t have them, no one can or will, etc. There’s a danger of these natives being abused or manipulated in intimate relationships, or experiencing dating scares or even intimate partner violence (IPV).
These natives can turn people on without trying. Others may misinterpret their casual actions as inviting or welcoming sexual undertones, and may be very suggestive. Some of these natives are naturally flirtatious, but just because they’re nice or flirty doesn’t mean they’re coming on to you or asking for some sort of sexual favor, or wanting it. These individuals can be taken advantage of sexually or be sexually harassed by people who sometimes don’t even recognize their actions fall under the umbrella of sex harassment. These natives can then feel violated or used or dehumanized. Sure, there are some that like role play in the bedroom and will willingly be your sex toy or plaything, but if so, on their terms only—they will vocalize this and make it clear to you. Don’t assume they are hypersexual beings just because you interpret them as being sexual or unafraid of and willing to embrace their sexuality. Even if they are, that’s their call and it’s not for you to judge. And you need to respect people’s boundaries and privacy and ask for consent. Also, it’s never okay to sexualize someone. That being said, these people may enjoy freaky sex or sexual games. And they might be flattered by others showing/demonstrating interest, even sexual, in them. But remember, they call the shots! Even when they’re choosing to take the backseat and let somebody else run the show, it’s by choice; it’s because they wanted to and only because they wanted to. These natives might alternate between being a top and a bottom, being dominant and submissive, or might have a favorite role. May be involved in a dangerous but thrilling, secret love affair, or may enjoy no-strings attached sexual arrangements and low-key, down-low, covert hookups. Like Pluto in the 8th, they might endure sexual trauma in their lifetime or be seen as a freak in the sheets. Very seductive natives. Their desire may increase when nobody knows who they’re seeing or dating/who they’re sleeping or hooking up with. These natives love to feel desirable. They need or crave partners and friends who make them feel good about themselves and celebrate them; they need to feel celebrated. Sometimes, there is a danger of having stalkers with this placement or needing to take out a restraining order, or several. I have observed this pattern several times within people I know, in fact, one person I know had to take out over 5 restraining orders in 2 years because random men became obsessed with her after seeing her social media posts and began sending creepy notes saying they were going to **** her and DM’ing her uncomfortable messages explicitly stating their intent. Some people with this placement may experience being followed or harassed or catcalled or propositioned, especially by people they don’t know. That is the dark side of Pluto in the 5th. Others I know with this placement have experienced pretty intense, toxic, all-or-nothing, soul-consuming affairs, the whole “when it’s good, it’s good and when it’s bad, it’s bad” shebang. Natives with this placement should really exercise caution and always be vigilant. I have also seen this placement commonly along the charts of sex workers or sex-positive individuals. You see a lot of body positivity among these natives as well. Natives with these placements, however, may be seen in a derogatory light—they may be slut-shamed and considered a “thot,” “skank,” “hussy,” or “harlot” or be considered ultra-femme or hypermasuline. Some might love being considered a sex symbol, but for others, it’s yet another way wherein they are ostracized or penalized for their sexual freedom, values, way of living, or sexual/bodily appetites and energies, and it can be a source of shame and trauma for them. They may be called out or exposed or even “cancelled” due to public outrage about how they choose to live, and can be accused of not being classy or being “low-class.” Their worth and bodies can be insulted, demeaned, and degraded. Their sexuality can be intensely scrutinized or criticized, especially if sex is their speciality.
This tendency can be amplified among natives who possess Pluto conjunct Lilith, as well as the public shaming or backlash. More on Pluto in the 5th house: These natives may be the typical tortured artist. Part of them likes to feel tormented, and other parts of them find peace or intense pleasure/satisfaction in playing that role. Role-playing of any kind tends to be a source of amusement or entertainment for them. They love to feel entertained and they are natural entertainers. They are intensely focused individuals and may shine in investigative work or artistic fields. They are very aware of their own flaws, and thus sympathize easily with others’ struggles and demons. Can get into trouble if they repress their desires. This placement needs to express what pleasures them in order to live happily. Creating something or beginning a project tends to make them feel alive. They feel most powerful when they feel the most beautiful and assured in their abilities. They’re most confident in themselves when they feel confident in their bodies. May not have issues flaunting their bodies because it belongs to them and they don’t see it as something to hide or cover from anyone else’s eyes as others may feel. They ooze confidence and fierceness. Taking ownership of who they are makes them feel strong. I always see this placement linked to gambling and other addictions but I don’t think this placement suffers more than anyone else does, in that regard. That being said, they can run into trouble if they go beyond dabbling in recreational substances or activities and turn it into a habit or vice instead of a mere hobby or distraction. So much of their selves are channeled into what they pay attention to and what they expend their energy in or use, including how they express or don’t express what intrigues and empowers or stifles/inhibits and disempowers them. It’s important for them to stay away from anything that makes them feel disembodied. They are more capable than they could ever dream of, far more than the world will ever know. If they have insecurities, they either nurse it and keep it a secret from the public, or disclose it as a way to get over it/overcome it, take their power back and ensure it can never be used against them. They’re very open about their desires. Very gifted, charming, and persuasive. Charismatic. Tend to be extroverted, people-oriented. They like to tease and please/pleasure (and sometimes toy/play with) people. Unbelievable capacity to self-transform. Many gifts and tricks. Very spontaneous people. Tremendous willpower. The power to act and determine, the power to seize at will. The power to create, the power to manifest. They can often speak what they want into existence, but they must be careful, for the opposite is true and they can easily speak what they most fear into reality.
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mbti-notes · 4 years
I’m an isfp. I struggle quite frequently with falling into feelings of low self esteem, which has become a pattern. How can you change thoughts about yourself when you don’t know what it’s “supposed” to be like?
Self-esteem is a complicated concept. It’s not just about feeling good/bad about yourself, which is how most people oversimplify it. As long as you feel good about yourself, you have good self-esteem, right? Wrong. Perhaps you’ve met a person who is delusional enough to think that they’re good at something when they’re not, when they’re actually ignorant/incompetent? They manage to feel good about themselves despite the many mistakes that they make, often because they’re able to deny or deflect responsibility. As long as you feel bad about yourself, then you can’t do things well, right? Wrong. Perhaps you’ve met a person who is damn good at what they do and yet they still say that they’re not very good at it? They downplay their abilities because they possess no reliable method for assessing their abilities aside from their own personal feelings.
Feeling good or bad about yourself are not actually “feelings”, rather, they are judgments about your value/worth as a person. If you make a negative judgment about yourself (self-criticism), it creates negative feelings like sadness, anger, shame or guilt. If you aren’t able to resolve the negative feelings, they might hinder your learning and performance, and then you make mistakes or failures that worsen your feelings - this is the cycle of negativity that damages self-esteem over the long term. 
In short, negative feelings are the after-effect, they are not the cause. The main cause is your thought process, the way in which you come to formulate critical judgments about yourself. This is why it’s important to reflect on: why you judge yourself so harshly, what rational standards you base those judgments on (if any), and whether those judgments are actually warranted or necessary. 
Negative Self-Talk: If you fail to do something well, why do you immediately jump to shit-talking yourself? People with low self-esteem don’t understand that mistakes and failures are opportunities to learn how to do something better. They waste time dwelling in self-punishment instead of confronting the challenge of improving their skills.
False Comparisons: If you believe that you can’t do something well, are you using FAIR standards to evaluate your performance? People with low self-esteem often compare themselves against well-practiced people, experts, or professionals. They waste time dwelling in unfair comparisons and making unwarranted assumptions about how others are “better” instead of learning from the experts and how they came to be experts. Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 50.
The Meaning of “Value”: If it happens that you can’t help, participate, succeed, or win, is it really necessary to jump to the conclusion that you have no value or have nothing valuable to contribute? People with low self-esteem don’t understand self-compassion. They waste time dwelling in harsh criticism instead of reflecting on the situation objectively. If you have compassion for yourself, it means that you understand yourself in depth, e.g., who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, what your limitations and shortcomings are, what the meaning/purpose of your existence is. If you had self-compassion, you wouldn’t judge yourself harshly, because you’d know and accept the reality of yourself, you’d never expect more from yourself than you are realistically capable of, and you’d never indulge the meaningless pursuit to be something you're not.
Self-esteem is ultimately about feeling confident. All Fs have a low T function, which means that many Fs have a childish, naive, or dysfunctional understanding of the concept of “competence”, which is a crucial component for feeling confident. For example, they believe that passing a test, getting praise/admiration, avoiding criticism, gaining status, or reaping rewards/awards is equivalent to competence. But... You can pass a test by guessing. You can still get admiration when nobody knows that you did the absolute minimum. You can hide your flaws and mistakes to avoid criticism, but they’re still there. You can raise your status just by sweet-talking the right people. You can extract rewards by gaming the system in your favor. These paths do not ultimately lead to true competence, which is why they won’t produce genuine confidence. What’s worse, you may choose these shortcuts and end up feeling worse about yourself because, deep down, you know that any “gains” were ill-gotten or that your “competence” is fake or superficial at best.
Competence is about mastery - having the knowledge, skills, and expertise to face challenges confidently and solve problems effectively. When you make a mistake, do you take the time to learn about how/why it happened such that you avoid repeating it? When you encounter an obstacle, do you take the time to learn the best way of removing/handling it such that you expend as little energy on it as possible? When you meet failure, do you take time to learn about the factors that contributed to it such that you can try again with a better plan under your belt? Mastery doesn’t happen overnight. You aren’t born knowing how to solve every problem. You have to learn, over time, in incremental steps, so why not give yourself the time, space, and compassion to learn what you need to learn, at your own pace? Why get so lost in negative judgments to the point of destroying any motivation to learn and grow? If you’re like other unhealthy Fs, it’s because your underlying assumptions and beliefs about what makes a person “competent” and “valuable” are very mistaken and misguided.
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noelclover · 4 years
Off the Cuff 26/09/20
A topic about the nature of art and art as a product. I forgot to post this and it’s been over a month lol
This topic has been on my mind for quite a while and, like with most topics I finally pen down, I go about it in circles for months, at times dragging in anyone who would spare half a ear and a smidge of attention to the topic as I rant like a broken record, trying to figure out how best to start on the topic. And I figured that the best way to go about it was to simply ask the age old question that has many rolling their eyes, that everyone seems to think they have an answer to:
What is art?
The nature of art is a really difficult one to pin down. Some believe that art has to transcend humanity, display the best and worst of us, elevate us in some spiritual fashion. Some believe that as long as it’s beautiful or has a point to make, it’s art. Others still believe that if it’s called art, then it must be art. I agree with the first two to some degree, despite them occasionally butting heads, but I can never agree with the last bit.
(( Points at the banana being taped to the wall work of “art” ))
And it is because I understand their arguments and points, due to having studied art history despite my lecturer thinking that I was just goofing around, that I find myself, with the advent of two... pieces of media put out this year, in a perplexing position that can only be described as
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“I get it. But why.”
The first of which is “The Last of Us 2″ and the second being the recent “Cuties” by Netflix.
((Please note I have not partaken in either product. This isn’t a criticism or endorsement of either of them, but rather a point at the decisions of the people who made them.))
Now, before I elaborate further on either of them, I’d like to talk about Dadaism.  (( Note that this is partially by memory and some quick fact checking. Additionally, I’m absolutely terrible at categorizing things through timeline and if something can fit multiple boxes, I end up jumbling them up. So please take the following explanation as more of a guideline and general gist than some academician toiling about the technical details of a topic )) Dadaism is an interesting field of art that was essentially “anti-art”, or grew out of a movement that believed in being anti-art and challenging the notions of what art is and from it sprung the surrealism and conceptual art movements. The term dada is said to be as a child saying “dada”, to highlight and evoke the absurdity and childishness of the movement. You can see examples of dada works with a quick look through Google, from which you’ll find a signed urinal being called a “fountain” and considered “art”, and you might find “Artist’s Shit”, a “work” consisting of 90 steel cans allegedly containing 30g of the artist’s feces.
Now, most of you may go “Noel, that’s absurd. How is that art?”, which is a fine and expected. I will now fully admit that dadaism simply strengthened my belief that art isn’t art just because some artist decided to slap a label on it. But here’s the thing: Ironically, dadaism became art. By being a criticism of contemporary art and arguing the nature of art, it ultimately became thoughtful in it’s absurdity and the meaningless, the worthless pieces of “art” created with it in mind became meaningful despite the lack of tangibility to whatever art is defined as in the minds of the masses.
Now that I’ve highlighted how “art” can be defined as something having a meaning or a point no matter how absurd, and have hopefully explained my view and ability to see how these things are art, I’d like to bring the topic back to “The Last of Us 2″ and “Cuties”. I understand TLoU2′s controversial decision, despite the fact that I brought up the question of “why”. I understand that they wanted to push the anger, the hatred before showing you that Abby is human, just like the characters you loved. Your hatred and anger towards her is justified and you fall into a cycle of hate and anger, either denying any attempt to know her better or begrudgingly because the lens of which you view her is stained by her actions. If the director’s idea is to force the player into a position where they absolutely hate Abby, then the decision to go with the storyline instead of rearranging the timeline so that players could get to know Abby first is the right thing to do.
I understand the idea of Mignonnes or Cuties, as it’s known worldwide. Our world is becoming more sexualized, the effect this has on children is worrying. The way we would look at a woman in a more appreciative lens is applied in the movie on prepubescent girls who try to be grown up (( hopefully )) creates a sense of disgust, to disturb the viewer. I know why the film is done in a more gratuitous manner, it is to elicit a response from the viewer, for us to criticize and think of the consequences of the pushing the boundaries we’re pushing. ((I am not endorsing the film. I haven’t watched it, and most likely will never watch it. I get the idea behind the decisions taken, that’s all.))
I get it. And note, I am not, in any way, stating that it is wrong for the creators to make the product the way they made if looking at it from the lens of “art”, if we consider art being a blunt tool that has you thinking.
Yet despite my understanding of this, the question in my mind doesn’t change:
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But why?
You see, like the art pieces, the game and film are pushing boundaries and that’s fair. But unlike the art pieces in galleries, it’s marketed to the masses, most of whom probably won’t like the product even if they understand the idea behind it. From a marketing standpoint, and one of public relations, such works are generally bad. They’re meant to be “art” works, media that satisfies a small niche, delivers a message or has you thinking. They’re not works for the average person who wants to sit down and watch a movie or play a game at the end of the day. They’re not for the majority of the audience, as proven by the general publics dislike towards post-modern art, dadaism and the two products in question.
If you make something like that and embrace the fact that it will probably land you in hot water or not sell well, it’s all good. But it seems to me, based on the impressions I’ve had from memories of whatever it is I read, that the directors, that these creators expected the general public to embrace their works. It makes no sense and screams of naivete, if not outright stupidity.
It screams of a bloated sense of self import, as though one is beyond reproach and the audience, the masses are expected to open up their wallets and give these people their money. It reminds me of the PR disasters of Blizzard really. To sum it up, I suppose the point of this post is to simply highlight what I think we can all consider common sense: If you’re selling a product, make it appealing to the consumer. ((I’d like to add that in the case of Mignonnes/Cuties, the question of whether or not such depictions need to be made should be asked. I won’t get into that because it’s probably been talked to death, hell and back.))
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alexfahri · 3 years
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Influenza & Influencer:
First of all, both of them are in their capacity on infecting people. Even the healthiest job like athletes and sportsmen can be very vulnerable to the disease and the symptoms such as cold and cough. Meanwhile, influencer means someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave, so it is supposed that influencer also can have a strong influence into others, no matter how strong they are.
Secondly, regarding with their influential ability, both influenza and influencer can be good-and bad at some points. As a virus, influenza has the benefit in building antibody needed so that the second time infection would be more challenging to be done. Influencer also has the same ability to direct all of the power of the people into things that they want to built, whether it’s a social awareness or an action on one ethical issue such as environmental problems or a campaign against domestic violence on children.
Yet the bad part always dominates. Some types of flu are never ceased attacking and even modify themselves into more cruel versions and took a larger part of infected people. Meanwhile, most influencers are also doing stupid things regardless their domination over massive followers.
Stupidity is the cruelest thing that one person can do to their surrounding. Stupidity is the absence of knowledge. It has no knowledge intact, therefore no form to be put to blame also. Anyone could be as stupid as that, later remorse for things that not even close to the lowest part of evolution, which is instinct.
Both influenza and influencer can be deal with a lot. The first is with a lot of drink, the second is with a lot of think. Drinking water can help in handling cold or flu. The fluids that you lost because of the mucus formed when you have flu can be easily replaced by drinking water. The same happens when you want to stay out of the influence of influencer by keep on thinking. When we get a contact with any influencer, we tend to enter the state of suspension of disbelief.  We turn off the neural processes that tell us we might need to do something about what we are seeing whenever our influencer do things in front of us. We simply be in two conditions, the first is that we know this thing is happening, the other we know that we can not do anything about it. Thus, the brain simplify the job for us. The prefrontal cortex does not try to assess the reality of what we are seeing, nor does it trigger motor impulses. In conclusion, it’s like we are faking our belief about it. That way, an influencer will always can do whatever he wants that we can’t do a thing about it.
In fact, by always think, we will always find a way to not surrender to those reality and later on able to criticize the actions. It is necessary to have a bold mind in a vague world of influencer, just as important as having a good immune system in this pandemic situation.
Do not ignore one after the other, concern on both.
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thelittlehansy · 5 years
What is interesting is that Hans family is built like a real life narcissist family
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All information/explication there are source from link about the subject
narc parent : king
Enabler: queen she the abuse of the king happened and dont protect her sons.
golden child = Caleb  The Golden Child, seen as an extension of the Narcissistic Parent, can do no wrong, and even the most minor of achievements are cause for celebration, admiration, and rewards. The narcissist lavishes her chosen one with attention, praise, and approval, even if s/he has done nothing in particular to “earn” it. The narcissist often projects what she wants to believe about herself onto her idealized offspring. If it suits the narcissist, she may shift her tactics and select a different one of her children for the golden child role.
In a frozen heart caleb create a diplomatic problem with riverland the king dont say anything. Hans and lars asked themselve how could the king have let caleb do such a thing.
flying monkey= runo rudi = Flying Monkeys: These are a type of enabler, often one or more children in the narcissist family. Like the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz, they mindlessly assist in the narcissist’s dirty work. The most manipulable members of the family make the best flying monkeys.
The Scapegoat Hans =  Child is to blame for all of the family woes. While the Golden Child can do no wrong, the Scapegoat Child can do no right. All achievements are dismissed.
Neutral child = Lars  = The neutral sibling walks a delicate balance between the narcissistic parent and the siblings, Thomas said, because they are attempting to be a peacemaker
Needed child : the rest of of the princes who all wants paternal affection and approval even if it means abuse hans.
interesting observation the golden child and the scapegoat are both suppose to be reflection of the parent. self love for the golden child , self hate for the scapegoat. so both Caleb and Hans are suppose to be mirror to their father interesting knowing Hans is suppose to be inspire from the mirror in the original snow queen.
now let get a look to all the tool used narcissist to manipulate their children.
Narcissistic Attachment: is the belief that the child of a narcissist exists only for the benefit of the parent, such as a particular status.
approval , approval , approval this is what all the princes of the southern isles wants from their father. the only want maybe who dont what that is Lars.
Parentification: is the expectation that a child must care for his/her parent, siblings, and household as a surrogate parent. This causes the child to lose out on any type of normal childhood.  
Hans is expected to return because he is need in the nursery. he is not in his childhood but there others person that can do that. i think if he did that when Hans is 23 he did thing like that previously.
Infantilization: using brainwashing tactics to ensure a child stays young and dependent upon the Narcissistic Parent.
caleb makes politic decision like he play wars when he was little , it makes laugh lars and hans that their father have allow him to do that. Caleb is view as immature by lars and Hans.
Triangulation: a tactic used by narcissistic parents to change the balance of power in a family system. For example, rather than allowing two siblings to work together, the Narcissistic Parent insists that he or she be the go-between. This controls the way the information flows, the way it is interpreted, and adds nuances to the conversation. It’s also a way to feed Narcissistic Supply.
to be honest i dont have understand exactly what this is but for example caleb/hans relationship caleb bully Hans because like that he has the affection of his father. Caleb took all the attention of their father Hans is jealous of him. again the princes dont work together it all about respecting their father motto that they are lion not mices hans say it in the book at home everything is about rivality.
Narcissistic Supply: is a term used to designate the manner in which narcissists require, feed on attention. The best sorts of attention are approval, adoration, and admiration, but other sources of attention – like fear – are acceptable to a Narcissist. Children of narcissists are used as an ongoing source of this attention.
“the best sorts of attention are approval” check ! this is what all the prince do in the first chapters of the book during their mom birthday.
Hoovering: Since narcissists are by nature pathologically self-centered and often cruel, they ultimately make those around them miserable and eventually drive many people away. If a source of “supply” pulls away or tries to go “no contact,” the narcissist typically attempts to hoover (as in vacuum-suck) them back within his realm of control
after say to hans he is allow to go in arendelle the king say : Hans has to return home immediatly after the gates are closed , he will be need in the nursery.
“ in one instant Hans has been too stunned to do anything , in one moment he has been told he could go after what he wanted and in the next he had been cut down it was so typical of his father” a frozen heart chapter 6
i m gonna added also something we dont saw but i believe this is possible for the king judging how tyrannical he is this is one of the most creepy thing narcissist parents can do to their children
Gaslighting: a way in which Narcissistic Parents (and other abusers) use lies – intentional or not – to make their child question his or her own reality. A child may end up feeling as though he or she is crazy. An example would be, insisting that the sky is actually green, until the child believes it. 
Projecting The narcissist has a big bag of tricks. One of her go-to abuses is projection, in which she beams her words, actions, traits, and motives onto others. If she lied, you are the liar; if she is childish, you are immature; if she insulted you, you are critical; if she demanded reassurance, you are insecure; if she ate food off your plate, you are a selfish piggy. Through projection, the narcissist blames the victim and denies all accountability. A narcissist may project her ideal beliefs about herself onto others, such as her golden child or someone she admires.
so at a moment the king say to hans to stop feel better than his brothers when this is him who believe he is superior so projecting ? caleb has all his attentions and project his ideal belief into him.
Narcissistic Rage: Narcissists despise any challenge or insult, and when that happens, a Narcissist can fly into a rage – spewing insults and becoming physical and aggressive with their children. Generally occurs when one or more of the following things happen to the narcissist: for example   The narcissist doesn’t get his or her way, even when it’s unreasonable.
Hans say that his father is gonna be mad ( doesn’t get his way) that he leave his mother birthday because he is getting bully by his brothers.( even when its unreasonable)
i view a video who explain that a child in a narcissist family to survive can adopt two different behavior  saw that on a video genetic can also be a factor.
1-  to survive the child can transform into a narcissist or just be  toxic because he she would have learn conditional love , that in order to survive he need to pick on others , dominating. 2- to survive he can develop in an empath. he is gonna observed his environment in order to anticipate everything. he is gonna learn to adapt to the others , to his environment in order for the other to be happy. they learn to make the others happy.
Hans is more in the second category he knows perfectly how to adapt to others and please them he wants to makes happy his father but most importantly he is accused to be too soft too weak and at 23 years old still dont want to act like the rest of his family his responsed was not to pick on others. He refused to do it at 20 yeard old. What makes Hans different is that he defitnly doesn’t react the same that his brothers about his father behavior he dispise violence. ( well before trying to fit with with their value) he accused and blame to be to sensitive and in need to be thoughten up.
what i read on a website
“Being an empath is not about having the ability to feel sympathy. Sympathy is when we feel a sense of care and concern for other people. “
empath :  a person with the paranormal ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual.
what to know what is empath worst error according to a video on the subject ? believe the morality of others is better try to change himself and have affection of selfish persons.  Exactly what Hans  did in Arendelle in order to “prove them wrong”
Is hans being an empath could explain some things ?
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Of course all of these are my analysis it’s possible mostly in tool section ( infantilization) that I have look way to deep into it😅
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
1. (same 3D modeling anon) I follow someone who is going to try and be a youtuber seriously because his actual video work is dead due to the quarantine. He talks about how if he can't pursue this when he has this much free time then he needs to accept it just was never going to happen. I'm taking that same stance with 3D modeling. I used to put off making things off with excuses and now literally I have none and endless time.
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I think a lot of it has to do with want vs. need. Just because we technically have the time to do something and, on an emotional/intellectual level want to do it, doesn't mean we have the energy and drive to accomplish that. That's especially true during times like now when the horrors we're dealing with are straight up exhausting and, to be frank, learning new skills is a kind of chore. That doesn't mean we don't enjoy them, or that they're not rewarding, only that the training and self-discipline needed to practice anything daily---even just a five minute doodle---is really hard to maintain. There's a reason why authors tell aspiring writers to treat their craft like a job, getting up and forcing yourself to accomplish a set goal no matter the cost, because relying on inspiration or pure interest isn't enough for most people. But not maintaining that incentive doesn’t mean the desire to have learned/produced the thing ceases to exist. As a writer, I always want to write. That doesn't always mean I can write though. Or, as my friend and I often put it, I often want to have written: I want to bypass the more challenging aspects and have the piece I imagine in my head right here and now because the act of creating it, no matter how fulfilling in the end, is still a mentally challenging act that I don't always have the energy for at the end of a day. Or during the heart of a pandemic. Art often exists  as something you do and don't want to do simultaneously. I do want to write, but I also want to just veg and watch TV. They each fulfill a different enjoyment and a different need, so depending on what else is going on in my life the latter often tends to win out. I think that those who insist that if they can’t do X now then they obviously can’t do it at all should reassess that belief, simply because there’s so much else going on and mental health is a crucial part of education. A time when people are terrified, lacking a stable schedule, and uncertain about their future is not the perfect opportunity for testing what we’re capable of. That’s not to say learning and art don’t occur during times of tragedy (they absolutely do, especially as a way to process) only that it’s akin to throwing someone into a burning room with an unknown time limit and saying, “Well if you can’t complete this task under all this stress and with all these distractions then I guess you can’t complete it at all.” 
Energy is just one small piece of the puzzle though. If we're talking specifically about new skills---learning 3D modeling, learning to draw, etc.---you have to already have a strong ability to talk to yourself logically and a damn thick skin. What I mean by that is self-doubt and anxiety are real kickers to that drive; the need behind the want. All it takes is one mental comparison between what you're creating and what someone else is producing, one bit of constructive criticism that doesn't end up feeling well-meaning (no matter the intention), one road block where you either can't figure something out or you're required to do it incorrectly an indefinite number of times... and suddenly your want isn't matching up with reality. You wanted to write an entertaining story, not produce this hot mess. You wanted to draw something amazing, not scribble out a doodle that made someone giggle instead of stare in awe. Intellectually we know that any skill takes years of intense practice, but translating that knowledge requires the ability to pep talk yourself and believe it enough to keep going. To recognize that it's just a first draft, that you're just starting out, that your work isn't as bad as you think it is... and I can say from plenty of experience that it's hard. Straight up impossible some days. 
So for me, putting off practicing a skill isn't necessarily evidence that you don't actually want to learn it. It could be evidence of that, but just as often it's evidence that you're physically/mentally exhausted. Or that you need some encouragement. Or you need to take a different approach. Or you need a better teacher. Or you just need a break. Sometimes the best thing we can do for our crafts is to take that step back without guilt. Agreeing with yourself to not write today and just relax instead is always going to be better than self-punishing because you "have" to write every single day if you're actually serious about it. That's simply not the reality for most people, even when they technically have free time, so there’s a fine balance between practicing diligence and discouraging yourself. I've got plenty of things I'm supposed to be writing right now and I'm not for a multitude of reasons. But if someone went, "Well then that means you don't really want to write" I'd start cracking up. Because I absolutely do. It's just that humans are far more complicated than "Desire + free time = productivity." 
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