#peters robot rambles
ratchets-old-hands · 10 months
TFA Ratchet makes those little creaky noises when he moves his joints.
And in IDW he’s seen fiddling with his hands even long after they’d been replaced.
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To me Ratchet will always be disabled. I wish it was focused on more in canon and not mostly abandoned after the Delphi arc or only mentioned when joking about his age.
The same goes for a lot of TF characters with medical issues/disabilities. Ratchet in particular is just important to me personally.
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thefroggypond · 9 months
me: peter vi isn’t one of my favorite characters at all
also me: i have made Three Ocs that revolve mostly around him just because of the amount of Space he takes up in my mind
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Sunny 🤝 Lizard
Laying on Thanatos because he is warm
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delicatebarness · 2 months
i think he knows | chapter two
Summary: The reader decides to reach out to a trusted advisor and braves not getting caught.
Warnings: One use of 'Y/N'. One F-Bomb.
Word Count: 1907
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A/N: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I had free time and wanted to write. I'm loving this story so far and I didn't want to wait another week before showing you all it.
Tags: @bigtreefest | @caplanbuckybarnes
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Time blurred after the days that followed the tense cafeteria encounter. Each morning felt like you had been struggling to keep routine, classes, and emotions grounded. You found that you had stopped reading while walking the hallways, hoping you wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see him. His presence continued to linger in your thoughts, a force you could not resist: no matter your efforts. 
After confiding in Wanda and Peter about the situation at one of your study nights, they both expressed their opinions on the matter. Wanda straight-up agreed with Sharon, she explained to you that she had spent a few years now seeing how Steve’s protection has made you miss out on typical high school experiences. She didn’t want this one to be another. Peter on the other hand was worried. He spent at least half an hour going through all the rumors her had heard about Bucky, which sounded like they came straight out of a Tudor history book. He said he could understand Steve’s point of view as he also didn’t want to witness his childhood friend potentially hurt. You were grateful to have their help and honesty. Wanda would continue giving you understanding gazes and silent support. And, Peter, well he’s easily distracted, and once his opinion was out, his laughter and energy began again: A very welcomed distraction. 
But as the days passed, the unanswered questions about Bucky were tugging at your mind, and you became restless and needed answers. One afternoon, you found yourself standing outside the Robotics Lab door. This is a room you barely went into, it was Peter’s thing, you were more in the Chemistry Club’s lab. 
Pushing the door, you were greeted by the school’s smartest math, science, and everything student. He knew everything that could be taught, he also knew everything about everyone. Vision. He looked up from the robot he was tinkering with, with a neutral expression.
“Hey Y/N,” he waved, his voice was smooth and rich, carrying a depth and warmth that captivated any listener. “What can I do for you?” 
Hesitating, you looked around the room to ensure you two were alone. You took a moment to search for the right words and emotions, you let go of a breath you hadn’t realized you held. “I need your help, Vis,” you admitted, using the shortened version of his name that everyone knew he preferred over the nickname ‘The Vision’. “I know you know about almost everyone in this school, and, I, well, you know I’m not one to gossip,” Vision stared blankly at you as you rambled on. “I need to know more about Bucky Barnes.”
His expression quickly turned, lifting his eyebrows in surprise. He didn’t press for details, no, instead, he motioned for you to take a seat on the opposite side of his desk. You rushed to take a seat, as he got back to his robot’s mechanisms. 
“Bucky Barnes has a reputation,” You nodded in agreement, the information you were already aware of. “He’s a complicated figure,” Vision leaned back in his chair as he wrote you a narrative of Bucky’s childhood and early teens. He painted a picture of Bucky, piecing together fragments of rumors and half-truths along the way. He never seemed to take a side with what and if he believed them. Listening to Vision’s words, you began to realize you do have an understanding of the brooding enigma. He was, after all, just a human making mistakes, flawed as the rest of the student body. 
“Thank you so much, Vis,” You exclaimed as you started to set off back into the hallways of Brooklyn High. He might not have told you what was right or wrong, but, you now had an idea of what to expect. Thankfully, he never mentioned any of the rumors Peter had heard about. “Also, Wanda loves red,” You nodded towards the sheet of paper with drawn robot schematics, resting on the desk near them with “For Wanda.” written at the top and a stack of different color paint samples. 
With a sigh, you rested your back against the door to the Robotics Lab. It only took a beat before you noticed a group hanging around the lockers down the hallways. Leather. Bucky and his friends. Your mind was fighting itself on what to do next, walking away, or going over to them. Walking the opposite way, they’d never know you were there. Bucky wouldn’t have known. Go over to them, and risk Steve finding out you went against his direct wishes. Not only that, what would you do? Hi, Bucky, how’s your day going? You can’t ask someone like Bucky that. Hi Bucky, sorry my brother pushed you. He’d probably laugh in your face. 
While in your head, you hadn’t realized that your feet had made a decision. You were less than a few more steps away from them. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Natasha Romanoff’s voice snapped you back into reality. You suddenly felt small among the group, who were not only two years older than you but also had reputations that made them intimidating, to say the least. Bucky’s gaze flicked up, his eyes meeting yours once again. His lips turned into a smile, you half expected another smirk. It was there just not as evident as his smile. Was it genuine?
“Wait, has Little Miss Sunshine graced me with her presence?” Bucky teased as he straightened his posture, making himself seem just that tad bit taller. The feeling of his friend's eyes watching your every move felt foreign, normally everyone wouldn’t even glance over at you for more than a few seconds. Whatever confidence you had that made you come over, vanished, leaving you feeling embarrassed with flushed cheeks.
“I, um, I just wanted to,” You began to stutter as you gave another look around at his friends, your palms started sweating so much you feared your textbooks would slip right out of them. A sudden feeling of a cold hand against your cheek guiding your face and eyes slowly back to meet his Bucky’s, made your body flinch for a short moment, your mind was no longer flooded after that second. Everything seemed to calm as he rubbed his thumb over the apple of your cheek.
“Say hi?” He questioned, finishing your sentence for you though you didn’t know why you came over or how your sentence was going to finish. You whispered a quick ‘Hi.’ back at him as if he had commanded you to say it. He chuckled a “Hi Sunshine,” back at you. Feeling like a deer caught in the headlight of his motorbike, you subconsciously bit your lip. It felt like you stood there for hours, him touching you for the first time while staring into each other’s eyes. 
Bucky pushed himself off the locker, leaning in closer to you. “I think you should get going,” His breath sent chills all over your skin, and his thumb never stopped comforting your face. “We don’t need you getting caught now, do we?” You shook your head no slowly as he pulled away from you. Your thoughts couldn’t determine if you were shaking in agreement with him or pleading with him not to let you go. “Don’t worry, Sunshine, I’ll be seeing you around.” He promised as he gestured for you to continue your way down the hallway.
Your grip on your textbooks was tightening with one hand. The other, you reached up to feel your cheek where Bucky’s hand had lingered. You turned, giving a quick look behind you toward where Bucky and his friends were still gathered. Blue eyes locked onto yours while he moistened his lip with a flick of his tongue. He was watching your every move. 
Hours passed since your self-inflicted encounter with Bucky Barnes. You could still sense the feeling of his hand on your cheek, it sent waves of excitement and fear through your veins. For the first time in your life, you felt like you related to the sort of fan girls you read about that refuse to wash their hands after their favorite celebrity had grazed it. You also worried that all it took was for him to touch your skin for you to become vulnerable. Should that be what happens? Does Sharon feel like that when Steve holds her hand through the hallways? Or, if Wanda’s heart raced this way the one time Vis accidentally brushed his finger over your hand when reaching for a pen?  
A soft knock on your bedroom door startled you, waking you from your daydreams. “Lost in thought?” Steve asked, his tone was gentle. It mostly was with you. Wordlessly, you nodded at him. “Need to talk about anything?” He asked with genuine worry. 
“Just in my head, school stuff, ya know.” A faint smile appeared as you replied to your brother. Not only did you not want to burden him with your problems, but you most certainly knew you couldn’t with this one.
“I know how that feels, Sis,” His gaze softened, filled with understanding. Of course he did, he was the golden child, and he had a positive reputation to withstand. “It helps me to talk about it, sometimes.” 
His words caused a weighted feeling lift from your shoulders, he was still your brother and most trusted peer, and you knew he’d be somewhat of a support during this trying period. You motioned for him to come in, moving homework and study papers out of the way so he could sit at the bottom of your bed. 
“It’s just, um, I have this feeling that I can't seem to shake,” you confessed with a sigh. “It feels like there’s so many unanswered questions lingering.” You began picking at a loose thread on one of your throw pillows.
Nodding, Steve rested a hand on your shoulder. “Feelings tend to have a way of sticking with us,” His empathetic tone made you question yourself if you were doing the right thing. “It’s okay to not have it figured out, take your time to process them.”
“Do you ever feel like that?” You questioned, grateful that you did have his support and understanding at that moment, you wanted his guidance more.
“All the time,” He smiled at you while confessing. “That’s why I’m so grateful for Sharon. Her presence, helps me stay grounded. It’s like a constant reminder of what’s important.” This was the first time Steve had given you a glimpse into how he truly felt about Sharon. You started to feel a small sense of reassurance wash over you as you listened.
“Thank you, Stevie,” Your gratitude was sincere as you hugged him around the shoulders. You were still surprised that you managed to wrap your arms around them. “For being here.”
Steve returned the hug, “Anytime.” 
With your brother’s words and support, you felt a sense of clarity and strength overcome you. Steve knew what was right, you had to stay away from Bucky. You watched him leave your room, closing the door behind him, you couldn’t have been any more grateful to have a caring, supportive, and protective older brother.
“Thank fuck,” A voice whispered near your open window. While turning towards the sound, a fairly large figure gracefully climbed through. That cigarette and fumes scent which only came from one known source filled your bedroom. “I thought he’d never leave.”
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 months
Okay imagine Dad!Peter rambling excitedly about teaching his baby cool science things, wanting to buy books and chemistry sets and robot kits, and you're just like "Pete.... She's two weeks old, I think you have a little time."
Ok this ended up slightly different but I hope you still like it!! Also I’ve become obsessed with Peter and Charlie May so please feel free to send in more requests for them!
There’s a rustling in the kitchen when you return from your afternoon walk with Charlie strapped to your chest, and for a moment you’re worried that the cat who likes to nap on your fire escape has somehow broken in, but then Peter comes rushing around the corner and your fears are quelled, only to be replaced by pure confusion. He looks out of breath, having slid on his socks to meet you by the door and apparently direct you away from the kitchen.
“What are you up to?” You ask, trying and failing to sneak a glance around Peter’s tall frame as you hand him your daughter to unstrap the carrier and slip off your shoes.
“Oh, you know, reorganizing the fridge,” he says with a little shrug, as if that’s a common thing for him to be doing. With Charlie safely held to his chest, you know there’s nothing he can do to stop you, so you rush around him and into the kitchen.
“Pete, seriously?” You ask as a laugh bubbles its way out of your chest, making Charlie giggle in that wonderful way that babies do, and you turn to face them with a grin. There are test tubes and astronomy sets and college-level textbooks spread out across the kitchen table, their packaging strewn across the floor. Peter has the sense to look a little sheepish, but his smile doesn’t dim at all as he bounces Charlie in his arms just to hear her laugh again.
Ever since you’d found out you were pregnant, Peter had gone a little overboard when it came to buying things. It started out with science themed pajamas and onesies and baby books, but then it developed into tools and kits and books that you’re not even sure you’d be able to understand. There’s an entire shelf in your hall closet dedicated to these purchases, because no matter how many times you laugh and delicately scold him, he can’t seem to stop.
“This is the second time this week!” You remind him, needing to lean back against the countertop to hold yourself up as your laughter becomes unstoppable. You’d like to at least pretend to be upset, but every time this happens, it just becomes funnier and funnier to you. Charlie just started teething, and here Peter is, buying her college textbooks and glassware. “There’s going to be no more room in the closet,” you squeak out between your laughs, you and Charlie stuck in an endless cycle where your giggles only serve to spur each other on.
“I promise I’ll stop,” Peter says as soon as your laughter is mostly under control, making his way across the kitchen to plant a kiss on your forehead, “but there’s another set of packages coming on Friday.” Taking your daughter from his arms, you grin up at him as Charlie settles against your chest.
“It’s going to be devastating when she wants nothing to do with science,” you tease, and as if she can perfectly understand what you’re saying, Charlie lets out another little laugh.
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dearest-painter · 11 months
No she’s MY daughter PT.2
Summary: Y/N Drew is the adopted daughter of Jessica drew as a 6 soccer year old girl. What she doesn’t know is that she looks a bit to familiar to her mom’s boss, in his eyes she’s the reincarnation of his dead daughter. When Y/N and her friends have to help an anomaly stay alive it reveals that more people want her as family.
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is basically Gabriella O’Hara aka Miguel’s dead daughter but you can change your looks just some things will look like Gabriella,Reader is a soccer player which is based off of my experience,Reader is 6 years old so no romance bc duh,very out of character characters,this is a series,Her mama brought her to a chase,Reader is BFFS with Pavitr,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
PT.1 PT.3
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You’ve been waiting for your mama for so long that coloring became so boring! “Miss Lyla, if your an AI can you tell me where my mama is please?” “I can try kid!” You smiled as she began looking for your mama, you’ve seen Miguel every so often asking if your hungry or thirsty..he’s sorta scary in your eyes as the dark room doesn’t help with his skull spider logo. He’s the same height as your dad so that made you less scared of him…sorta. “Okay kid, your mom is coming with some other people”
You nodded your head then started move your ankles in a circle motion at different times as your shoes were getting annoying so you then decided to just untie them to loosen them up. “Much better!..what to do is the question…” you made a ‘tch’ sound multiple times as you thought, steal from Miguel since in Hobie’s words ‘Big man don’t need it, he already got to much power’ or something like that, take a nap, or fix the little gizmo in your pocket…fixing the gizmo it is! You took the gizmo out and your double sided screwdriver (basically it can come out of the holder and it has a different screwdriver head on the other side). The gizmo is just a little robot fella named Gizmo.
Lyla watched as she secretly recorded it as she liked to see you happy. “There’s my girl!” “Mama!” You stopped and ran to hug your mama’s legs which you did! You then hugged Hobie which he hugged back then Gwen but you stopped at the new guy. “What’s your name? I like your outfit!” “Thanks! I’m Miles Morales!” You smiled and held your hand out to be nice. “Y/N Drew!” Miles shook your hand then looked at your mother then at you as he didn’t know what to say next. You looked around to see Pavitr as you missed your best friend.
“Where’s Pavy?” “Pavitr is busy but don’t worry, you two will see each other soon” “Yay!” You jumped a bit not paying attention to the conversation that’s currently happening between Miles and Miguel. “Don’t blame him! He had a bad teacher!” “Peter!” “Hey!” “You have a baby!” “I have a baby!” You smiled as you held Mayday as you two giggled, she then wanted to go to the wall so you walked to the wall and she started crawling on it. Miguel was say something in Spanish but you didn’t understand as you giggled seeing Mayday run or crawl away from her dad.
Jessica smiled as she knew you’ll be a great big sister with the way you take care of Mayday, your baby sibling will be so glad to have you as a big sister. Her and her husband always loved the way you ramble about how your going to protect and annoy your baby sibling as it seemed so adorable. Miguel looked over a bit to see you and Mayday playing together and laughing in joy.
He smiled a bit as it was a cute sight to see his daughter playing with a toddler. He knew Lyla was recording with the way she was squealing silently in joy so that no one payed attention to her. He wish he could take you home right now so you’ll be safe and far away from all these annoying assholes as you don’t need to be around all of these people as they’ll rot your brain.
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frankoceanluvrr · 1 year
pairing : friends to lovers , fem!reader , college!peter, college!au
warnings : nothing serious. english isn’t my first language, urdu is! so please tell me about grammatical errors like spelling and punctuation as those i struggle with
summary : [Name] and Peter have been friends since college started. He soon finds out his friend has a ‘crush’ on the masked vigilante Spiderman, and cant help but feel a little jealous.
italics = flashbacks !
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“What you drawing?” Peter smiled, looking at your notebook.
You quickly shut the book closed, looking at him laughing, “you’ll say it’s dorky.”
“Oh, come on? Me saying somethings dorky? Isn’t that like, hypocritical?” He said, tilting his head.
“I guess nerd, forgot you take physics” You said, “and anyway, we’re supposed to be studying. Not focusing on little doodles”
“Please [Name], I promise I don’t think you’re secretly the biggest dork ever” He sarcastically stated, “and I definitely do not think you’re a bigger nerd than me.”
“How dare you cross that line!” you say, holding your hand on your heart, tilting your head back.
While you were doing your dramatics, he quickly got your notebook before you could even react.
“Hey! That’s private property.” you gasped, watching him gloat since he got the book.
He opened it and flicked through the pages to see simple notes covered in Spiderman doodles.
“Oh, wow dude you really are a dork” he laughed looking at every drawing, feeling himself blush a little bit.
“Aren’t you literally in a robotics club? Or what about the time you made me watch all of those Star Wars movies? How about the time—”
“Okay that’s enough” Peter interrupted, looking around the library.
“Exactly, I cant out nerd the nerd” you shrugged, “I bet spiderman isn’t a nerd.”
“He most definitely is. Probably old and wrinkly” Peter said quickly, “yeah, he definitely has crusty bleached hair and 47 years of age.”
“You really think so? I’d love him no matter what then. I’ve actually met him before.” You said, completely unaware of who you’re exactly talking to.
“Are you alright?” The superhero said, looking at you while you attempt to carry new furniture into your new student accommodation.
“Yep, I’m good. Great, actually. I really like this lamp” you tried acting cool in front of the superhero, but he could tell you were secretly fangirling anyway.
“I can take some of those in you know, it’ll be easier with two people.” He offered, watching you stare at all the boxes, “which floor will you be on?”
The mask gave Peter confidence, it made him feel like he wasn’t scared of anything. It was like he was a complete different person with the mask on.
“Sure, I’m on the bottom floor so it’s not a massive job. Anyway don’t you have like, superhero duties to attend to or whatever? Sorry, that definitely came out rude. I’m very thankful you’ve offered to help me and-” you rambled, wanting the ground to swallow you up whole.
“No, no, it’s fine honestly. I’m happy to help you”
You obviously couldn’t see, but he was smiling so hard under the mask.
Peter had been crushing on you since you first met, and it’s safe to say you felt the same. But neither of you confessed your feelings, in fear of what might be ruined.
After moving all your furniture inside, you had thanked him about a million times.
“Your smile is beautiful, by the way.” He said, looking at you.
“And that’s how spiderman helped me with all my furniture. He’s such a gentleman” You smiled, pretending to be all smitten, “He even said my smile was beautiful.”
“He wasn’t wrong.” He said, barely audible.
Without the mask, Peter was very shy and awkward. The mask “completed” him, and he was always said he was nothing without it.
“Who even uses the word beautiful anymore? The chivalry! But he probably says that to every girl, right?” You giggled.
“No” he said quite quickly, only to receive a confused look from you, “I mean like, obviously he won’t say that to every girl because none of them have a pretty smile like you.”
Your eyes widened slightly as you could feel the heat in your cheeks rise. All you could muster out was a simple “shut up” as you looked away.
“Aw, did I make you nervous?” Peter teased, still flipping through the doodles.
“I want to kill you” you said, still attempting to hide your blush.
“Moving on,” Peter whistled, “I stand by the fact he’s probably old and musty.”
“No, no, he sounded young. Also, I saw his abs through his suit. Definitely not that old.” You smirked before bursting out laughing.
Peter clenched his jaw for a second, then realised his crush was literally checking him out.
“Gross.” Peter said, not even trying to wipe the smile off of his face.
a/n : part 2 :
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taurder · 11 months
Hello! Found your blog recently and it's just so good, I just wanted to leave a request for Miguel and a (ftm) reader who just started a relationship and someone finds out?
Their relationship being quite under the radar, but if someone knew what to look for, they'd notice? Perhaps being caught while being affectionate towards one another? If that's not your thing, it's alright, thank you anyway!
ftm!top!reader x miguel o'hara
contains: implied spider-person reader, nothing nsfw, just a little implying. ftm reader but very mild?
note: thank you so much! and i hope you like it, i thought the idea was cute but i realized too late that the reader being ftm isn't as obvious? maybe? still, first sfw thing here, so have at it.
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Is it peter's idea or you and miguel seemed different? not in a bad or concerning kind of way, and you had changed this past year but he didn't meant that. he has seen miguel being relaxed, he probably is one out of five people who has actually witness a genuine smile plastered in the face of the headquarters' leader, and even so that didn't happened regularly enough. and still there he was: full on costume as always, towering over you and crossing his arms as he usually did when he was giving a lecture about a mission going wrong, smiling.
and usually peter would take a glance at the room and either step in to try to convince miguel to tone down his anger or he will continue on walking, just hearing the screams from afar, depending of the spider-person receiving the lecture. but now what made him suddenly stop was seeing the smile miguel was showing. his eyes went wild because it was clearly his you screwed up the mission pose, and still he was just rolling his eyes, smiling easy as you seemed to tease with your usual grin.
maybe miguel was just in a good mood (was that even possible?) or he has just finished lecturing another hero and so his pose was like that even though you didn't mess up anything. peter smiled not entirely convinced but continuing on his walk, more slower now. he was about to forget about the interaction he witness when you walked right pass him, a big smile on your face.
"hey, all good?" he asked in reflex, as he did to anyone who walk out of a conversation with miguel. "uhm? oh yeah, i got lectured because an anomaly made a big fuss in the containment room. kinda my fault, see you at lunch?" peter stopped again while you waved goodbye, already shooting webs and getting out of there. he opened his mouth and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. that upbeat attitude and smile wasn't the usual demeanor of someone who just got yelled at, right?
jessica then made a comment to peter while they were at the cafeteria, several days since the meeting. "wasn't that miguel's dinner?" you were sitting two tables away from them, having a conversation with another parker and a spider-robot while eating a sincronizada out of a disposable food container, the exact same one peter had give miguel half an hour ago, the letters MO written at the lid by the cafeteria man who always send out something he thought he would enjoy. but there you were, devouring the cheese, ham and avocado in-between the tortilla. "so? maybe he wasn't hungry and gave it away" peter answered back, but now his eyes wouldn't stop looking at you.
days passed without thinking of that whole interaction, but then they were all called to a quick briefing about new discovered universe and a warning to be careful there. he was just about to leave like the others when mayday made a cute hiccup sound and he needed to show miguel. he turned, holding her in arms already voicing out the spider-man's name when his eyes catch up something quick. miguel's hand pinching your side just as you were walking away, both of you sharing a look and a playful smile (again).
it was casual, almost friendly if people didn't paid attention to both you and miguel's expression. but peter did, even if he continued on his rambling, demanding the attention of the taller man as you walked away, the brown eyes of the man staying a little longer on your figure before paying attention to peter.
"what was the last time miguel offered you his food?" point taken. they didn't talk any more of it, but now that they both were on the same understanding that miguel was acting different it was like every single detail was suddenly cristal clear in their eyes, pointing to the same conclusion.
to the way you seemed to always be near the wing in the headquarters closer to miguel's control room, to the way his eyes would focus for more seconds than intended in you when there was another briefing. one day, and jessica wishes she hasn't but she saw you two leaving the bathroom almost at the same time, him with slightly swollen lips and not exactly put together hair, and you with a cocky and satisfied smile, if she had been suspicious now this was full confirmation. they both noticed miguel's much calmer attitude too, not quite bubbly all around but at least he was less intense and wasn't snapping at people left and right anymore.
"i know two dorks in love when i see them" stated jessica after some weeks, more and more details just piling up after the other, to the way you would smile whenever someone mentioned him, or how miguel would only calm down when his eyes found you after returning from a mission. now both jess and peter were walking to the control room after being called there, the subject being brought up as it always did when discussing o'hara nowadays "...and honestly good for them, at least miguel isn't acting like he has a stick in his ass and is now actually getting something up–" the two heroes stopped, about five meters far from the entrance, just watching as you fully kissed their leader.
he was sitting on top of a desk with you between his legs, and even like that he had to lean slightly down so your mouths could meet properly. it wasn't heated, but there was intimacy in the way your slim hands were on his neck, fingertips touching his hair as his own right hand was at the desk, his left grabbing your arm, caressing with his thumb and enjoying the kiss fully with his eyes closed. peter turned then, taking jessica's shoulders to do the same as they both walked away.
"he's going to hiss at us for not showing up" they both laughed wholeheartedly, having just been presented to the confirmation of their suspicions "let the grumpy vampire enjoy himself, pete, he has bigger concerns than us right now".
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reidslovely · 1 year
Suggestion: Peter has feelings for a reader, but he acts like he doesn’t care because he’s so scared,,, Pure angst!
ahh!! finally got around to this cute little idea. it's not much but it's honest work.
please reblog/comment if you like this post!!
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Being in love with someone for years is hard. Hiding it was harder. Especially with an individual who was as sensitive as Peter was. He remembers the exact day she moved into the neighborhood, it was only a handful of weeks after Uncle Ben died. He was still working on his own struggles, he was angry and bitter.
 But never around her. 
She was annoying and pestering in the best way possible, she got him out and did things with him. Even if it was just studying in the backyard, the sun did him somewhat well. Peter listened to her ramble about books she had read as they walked through the bookstore, him offering to carry the ones she picked out. He played the music she enjoyed in his earbuds when they’d share them on the walk or subway ride back. Every form of Peter was in love with her.
Seventeen year old Peter who was torn between two girls? In love with her. 
Bloodied Peter who was in pain and afraid to go home? He was in love with her. 
Peter who had convinced himself he was a killer and undeserving of love? With the way she held him, how could he not fall in love with her? 
It was astonishing to him how she hadn’t caught on. As a teen he thought his love and affection for her was perfectly clear, he was a bit annoyed how she wasn’t catching on. However, the older he got and the more he lost he decided it was for the best. To love her in secret, be her protector in the shadows. Watching her fall in love with everyone but him hurt less that way, if he acted like he didn’t care. 
“So..?” Her voice pulled his gaze off the robotic equipment in front of him and to her scantily clad figure. The dress was a deep purple and hung in the right places, he swallowed hard before nodding his head looking back at the project that awaited him. 
“Nice.” He nods, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. She huffs and adjusts her dress in the hallway mirror, shifting between pulling the neck of the dress higher and lower. Peter’s gaze danced back over to her fully while she wasn’t paying attention. 
“Who's the lucky bachelor this weekend?” 
(Y/N) glanced at him in the mirror, and for the briefest of seconds he saw something flash across her face. She slid her jacket on and dropped their mirrored eye contact. “His name is Eddie. He goes to ESU and he’s a journalism major and works at the Bugle right now.” “Mhm he sounds nice, not douchey at all” 
“Well he’s more interested in me than any of the last few guys have been.”
 Breathy laughter through her nose shows her annoyance. He drops it. He wipes his hands on his pants and makes his way over to her, he stands behind her in the mirror and for the smallest part of a second they look like a couple. He thinks about what if he is missing out on, he thinks of what their future could be. 
Peter hugs her to his chest with one arm. Cheek pressed against the top of her head. “Be safe. Call me if you need me. I'll get there as fast as I can.” 
“I know, you always do.”
A knock on their front door pulled the two of them from their moment of what if. Peter opened the door and found himself standing up straighter coming face to face with a somewhat familiar face. 
Very douchey. 
“Is (Y/N) here?” Eddie asked looking around Peter who was quick to block his view. 
“She’s finishin’ up. What are your intentions tonight Brock?” 
“Nothing more than being a perfect gentleman, Parker. I’ll have your girlfriend back on time I promise.” Eddie laughs, (Y/N) rushed from the hall, her bag in hand smiling at Eddie. “Ready?” 
“Yeah.” She nodded excitedly, hugging Peter goodbye before shutting their door in his face. 
Similar to how he would as a child Peter threw a tantrum. He pushed the robotics project off the coffee table. Throwing himself down on the couch kicking the table moving it half across the room scuffing the wall. Again, similar to a child he must have fallen asleep after his tantrum because he woke up to his senses tingling, the hair on his body standing on end. He sat straight up looking around the room. This was bad. 
The door pushed open and Peter jumped up, (Y/N) stumbled through the door looking at Peter with tears in her eyes. No words had to be spoken, he engulfed her in his arms patting her hair down. 
“I know bugs, I know.” He sighs sitting her down on the couch. She clung to him, tears wetting his neck. “You’ll find the perfect person one day.” He assures. “I found him a long time ago..but you don't want me.” Peter knew what she meant, and he wishes he didn’t. He wishes he could trust himself to love her fully and the way she needed to be. Instead he wraps her legs around her holding her close, knowing it’s only hurting them more as he covers them up.
tags: @helloheyhihowdyheya @a-lumos-in-the-nox @messymissy @sincericida
making a new taglist go to my intro post to find out how to be included!!!
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ratchets-old-hands · 10 months
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Thinking about TFA Megatron's goblet. Bring back dramatic villains with goblets
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wit4writ · 5 months
PJO Episode 2 Detailed Review (Part 1/2)
So, episode two serves as our introduction to Camp Half-Blood and the world of demigods, and it wasn’t…great. I really didn’t want to write this review, hence the delay.
Before you come after me with torches and pitchforks, remember what I wrote about exposition robots? Well, this episode was FULL of them, which interfered with the flow of the story and development of characters. So, time to write a detailed review of episode two! (Which will be split in two parts because it’s so long.)
First up, a recap, which I didn’t have an issue with, so moving on.
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Percy is in the infirmary after his big fight and sees a girl watching him. When he asks where he is, she tells him, “You drool when you sleep.”
This is a classic line from the book, but my biggest issue with putting the line here is that it feels very abrupt. Framing it as, “You know you drool when you sleep?” would make it flow easier.
Percy falls back asleep and wakes up again to Grover sitting beside him, and their conversation is fraught with tension as Percy grieves and Grover rambles. Again, this conversation could’ve been tightened up with less words.
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Mr. D was great. Perfect casting, but I would’ve liked if we had character clues to Mr. D’s identity and Percy figuring it out instead of Grover telling him who he was. I appreciated Percy being a bit sassy, but I think he could’ve given him more attitude. I also didn’t need the whole “Mr. D pretends to be Percy’s dad” part, that felt a too cruel. My ideal scene would go something like this:
// Percy walks in to see Mr. D dozing.
Percy: “Excuse me?”
No response. Percy tries again, a bit louder.
Percy: “Excuse me? I’m Percy Jackson, I’m new here…Hello? Did you hear me? I said—”
Mr. D interrupts him, sitting up straight.
Mr. D: “Yeah, I heard you, Peter Johnson!”
Percy: “That’s not my name.”
Mr. D: “Well, that’s not my problem.”
Percy: “Hey, I’m just looking for the office, or someone who’s in charge?”
Mr. D scans Percy carefully, a gleam in his eye.
Mr. D: “You want to know where the office is? Well, maybe if you grab me that 1985 Chateau Haut-Brion in the galley I’d be able to remember.”
Percy: “Why can’t you just tell me?”
Mr. D: “You help me, I help you. It’s how the world works, Peter.”
Grover runs in, having overheard that last part.
Grover: “Mr. D, you know you can’t, you—”
Mr. D glares at him and Grover takes a step back and swallows hard.
Grover: “Uh, Percy, this is Mr. D—Mr. D, Percy.”
Mr. D: “Yeah, heard him the first time when he was interrupting a great nap.”
Percy: “Did you though?”
Grover: “Percy! Sir, he didn’t mean it—”
Percy: “Why are you so scared of this guy? Maybe if he could get off his own lazy butt, he’d get more blood to his brain and be able to remember my name.”
Mr. D stares at him darkly, Grover looking frantically between them both.
Mr. D: “Are you mocking me?”
Vines twine around Percy’s ankles, trapping him in place. Mr. D leans forward.
Mr. D: “You know, I could blast you, but if you get me that bottle, I’d be happy to forget this whole thing even happened.”
Mr. Brunner/Chiron (offscreen): “That’s enough.”
He enters the room on his wheelchair.
Percy: “Mr. Brunner?”
Mr. Brunner/Chiron: “Hello Percy. I’m afraid Mr. Brunner is a pseudonym I used while I was at Yancy—please, call me Chiron.”
Percy: “Oh. Okay…”
Chiron: “Mr. D, remember your restrictions.” (to Percy) “Zeus forbid Mr. D from consuming alcohol while he’s here.”
Mr. D: “Apparently, I need to ‘set an example,’ well I don’t think so, Dad!”
Percy: “Dad?” He thinks hard. “You’re Dionysus. The god of wine.”
Mr. D: “Wow, someone give the boy a prize before I blow him up.”
Grover: “Sir, Percy’s just distraught. His mom—”
Chiron: “Yes, I think we can be a little more accommodating, considering…”
Mr. D thinks it over.
Mr. D: “Sure. If he apologizes.” //
Percy then grudgingly apologizes, and Chiron ushers him out, quickly stepping out of his chair to reveal his true form. The last little scene where Grover says something doesn’t feel right is cut, instead he goes with them before Chiron sends him away to give them privacy. I think these changes would improve the flow and serve as characterization for not only Mr. D, but demonstrating his relationship with Grover, Chiron, and Percy.
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The camp looked great, but Chiron’s speech over top of the montage served as more exposition. It would’ve worked better for Percy to be asking questions to make this an active conversation which he was a participant in. That’s why I appreciated Percy talking to Chiron about the pen, but I would’ve had Chiron introduce the name of the sword here and cut some of the words during his “magical items don’t obey the laws of the physical world,” bit. I would’ve rewritten a LOT of this whole conversation. I did like how Percy saw through Chiron’s rambling and realized the possibility of being unclaimed.
The Hermes cabin looked cool and Percy finding the blue candy still in his bag was a nice touch.
When Luke approaches, I think he should’ve said something so that it makes Percy’s first reaction to him more logical. Something like:
// In the background: “He’s the guy who killed the Minotaur, I think.”
Luke (offscreen): “We should find out.” (to Percy) “Hey.”
Percy looks over and sees Luke and his friends approaching.
Luke: “You’re the kid who killed the Minotaur, right? Percy something?”
Percy: “Yeah.”
Luke and his friends exchange looks.
Luke: “Wow. You must be pretty tough.”
Percy: “Look, if you want to give me a hard time, do it tomorrow. I can’t do any more today.”
Luke: “Relax, fighter. I didn’t mean it like that.”
Percy: “You didn’t?”
Luke: “Nah. I just wanted to say we heard about what happened on the hill. We’re sorry about your mom.”
The other kids nod.
Luke: “I know things are tough right now, but you’re gonna get through it. Believe me, it gets better.”
Percy: “Thanks.”
Luke extends his hand and Percy shakes it.
Luke: “I’m Luke. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood.” //
Then, I’d have Luke invite Percy to lunch and say something about giving him a tour the next day, to allow for a smoother transition to the next scene.
Unfortunately, now that we’ve been introduced to Luke, we need to…talk about Luke. His actor, I mean.
Firstly, I have no issue with how Luke looks. What I do have an issue with is how his actor is portraying him.
Luke is supposed to be charismatic and confident, a leader and camp counsellor. He’s lived at camp for ages, and everyone acknowledges his amazing swordsmanship, and even if he has failed a quest (though I’m not sure if they’re going with that storyline) he’s seemingly good-natured about it.
I’m not getting any of that from the actor. He comes off as more anxious than confident, someone who’d rather not be in the spotlight. Unfortunately, that impression carried throughout the whole episode, and it was not helped by the fact Luke was mostly an exposition robot to spout facts at Percy.
The darkness transition is now three seconds—still feels a little long, but better than the first episode.
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Grover’s scene in the woods I would’ve cut entirely. It was sweet to see him with the dryad (who may or may not have been his mom), but it honestly wasn’t needed. I would’ve had Grover be in the background in the previous scene, maybe watching Percy go to lunch before heading off, then started the next scene with Grover, Mr. D, and Chiron already altogether, and had them vaguely hinting instead of outright saying Percy’s mom was alive, to increase the suspense. Something like:
// Grover: “I don’t understand, why haven’t you told Percy yet?”
Chiron: “The truth can be very dangerous if not handled carefully.”
Grover: “But it’s his mom! He deserves to know!”
Chiron: “Grover, there are powerful forces at work, and we still don’t fully comprehend their motives. If we tell Percy the truth too early, we may lose him.”
Mr. D: “Then you’ll be the worst Protector on record, between Thalia and this kid.”
Grover: “But I don’t want to lie to him. He’s my best friend.”
Mr. D: “Then I suggest you avoid him, because if you say one word of this, one word—I’ll put you on stable cleaning duty for the next year. Understood?” //
So that's the end of Part 1, PART 2 will be linked here. Thoughts, reblogs, and comments are welcome!
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misscammiedawn · 4 days
hi i wanted to say thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with did. i have trouble thoughts to words. comics like hulk help point and show this is what feels like same with mr robot. you point and show connect explain very well thank you
Appreciated, anon. Deeply
I don't know if what we type and share is helpful to anyone but it helps us get our thoughts out of our own head. If it's doing good for you then I'm grateful and it makes me smile.
End of the day, I just want there to be good representation for people to latch onto and positive things to share with those who don't fully understand. Heaven knows I benefited from showing Mr. Robot's depiction of dissociation, lost time, blending and switch headaches.
Good representation communicates well because it needs to communicate to people without lived experience.
Of course, not all representation is good, sadly.
It's why we try to avoid talking about Murder Alters in the media, myself and I tag and even still pretty much everything skates that line if not crosses it. Joe Fixit and Devil both kill in Hulk, Jack Lockley murders in the Moon Knight show, the less said about Metal Gear or Umineko on that regard the better -- weirdly enough Mr. Robot, despite the titular alter trying to act tough in Season 2 and participating in a plot to kill thousands, never kills anyone. I don't think the Alderson system is capable of killing because no matter how Mr. Robot acts, as said in the finale of Season 3, there's a little bit of the system in each of them.
Anyway all that ramble aside.
I want to do my best by people who are looking to see a little of themselves reflected in art. Peter David and Al Ewing's runs on Hulk should not be held up as the highest standard of these tropes but they're the only place I've seen the ethics of dating a system discussed.
I think in time I'd like to start reading more indie stuff and seeing what people who live with the condition put out rather than focusing on pop culture.
On that note...
I think I should do my next Media, Myself and I entry on The Third Person by Emma Grove.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Happy STS! If your characters could pick a fictional character they relate to the most, who would it be?
Happy STS! Thanks for the ask!
This is surprisingly difficult? Have to give this a lot of thought... I've decided to just find like,,, one thing where I can compare.
For Lexi, I was trying to think of a character who overstrained themselves trying to hang out with everyone, since that's her main arc of Part Two, and like the only character I can think of is freaking Pinkie Pie, at least in like one of the few FiM episodes I remember lol. But then I thought more, and realized also Mabel Pines. Her final arc was refusing to leave her friends because she was scared of the unknown.
For Maddie... I feel like maybe Tech from Bad Batch or Phineas and Ferb together. Just for the autism coding and STEM love. Can't wait until I get to write her robotics club in Part Two.
Ash...man I hate to say it: Sam Winchester pre-season five SPN and Jayfeather from Warriors but for like very specific reasons. Sam's demon blood to fuel his powers vs her probes for hers? Then Jayfeather's whole visions (ish) to the past and obsession with that and his stick are also similar.
Gwen...idk I'm feeling Remi from unOrdinary. Admittedly I am not caught up, haven't read since like 2021-22ish, but her demeanor and also vigilante work is similar to Gwen in Part 3-4 idk. Maybe Katara actually. Her maternal and empathetic instinct at a young age, but I stoke her fury later hehe.
Robbie... Idk I'm feeling maybe Percy Jackson from the ADHD + being powerful and capable and smart yet a fucking dumbass? Peter Parker? Why is this hard.
Akash is also hard but I'm going with vibes given from Sokka from atla and Gus from Psych. For Sokka it's like he's goofy but also like the braincell. Gus for the "he radiates Good Kid energy but his best friend since forever is a little chaos machine so it rubbed off on him and he looks normal next to his friend but weird next to anyone else".
Jedi... Ok I know but it's not his name - Anakin Skywalker to some extent. Like part of one corrupt organization, move to another one rip. Also a lot of trauma rooted in parents and attachments and all.
Carmen I'm feeling Pearl from Steven Universe. Admittedly I haven't seen SU but from what I can tell Pearl's obsession with Rose Quartz is similar ISH to Carmen's with Atsila, so I'll make the connection. I feel like this is a very fitting red flag.
Why was this hard it took like an hour of thinking.
Thanks for the ask though! It was fun!
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TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finickyfelix
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
I like to think venti would really love Disney and studio gibili movies, especially the princess movies, he be thinking of himself as a knight that saves the princess(the reader). Or the Disney faries? I mean faries and him both fly so there’s something in common. Just sit him down for a Disney movie marathon and by the end of one marathon he be singing all the Disney songs.
I love studio ghibli movies with all my heart I could talk about them for hours fr, I tried to think hard about what his favorite ghibli movie would be and I can't decide between Totoro for the fun whimsical aspects (the soot sprites are adorable and kind of remind me of how I think wind wisps would act, plus the big ass tree which houses an ancient god that has the ability to ride on wind *cough cough*) or Princess Monoke, which is obviously a completely different vibe but it's just a really strong message of humanity vs nature and gods (plus the forest spirits are absolutely adorable and also remind me of wind wisps)
Thinking on it further, it's kind of weird looking at some of the similarities between Khaenri'ah and Laputa from Castle in the Sky, both being incredibly technologically advanced human made cities that ended in ruin, not to mention had giant robots used as weapons that are consistently seen overgrown, you could probably make an interesting au with that
It's also mildly interesting how many ghibli movies reference the wind, like The Wind Rises (which I've heard Scara say about a million times now) and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Anyway, since I could ramble on about this forever, moving on to Disney, which regrettably I didn't get as much into
I really don't know if he could ever truly see himself as the knight or prince who "slays the dragon", in game he pretty adamant about being the storyteller for those types of people, claiming to follow the traveler on their adventure because that's just what bards do, and his best friend's a dragon too lmao
He'd probably get into the genre anyway because they are similar types of heroic stories that he's familiar with, assuming we're talking about older classic Disney which contains a lot of those tropes, but it would be difficult for him to see himself in any of those characters because a lot of them are way more serious and less whimsical and free, he would probably relate more to the fairies and animals and occasional drunk tavern-going side character
(As cliche as it is to say, I think the most comparisons I can see is with Peter Pan, I mean green wearing childlike in behavior musically inclined hangs out with mythical creatures can fly and whole philosophy is living leisurely/freely? I couldn't not bring it up—)
And really he would totally learn all the songs that you like just in general, movie or otherwise, because he just has to be prepared to serenade you at any given moment of course, it's like a staple of his personality
But I think the best part we're overlooking is just movie marathon with Venti, laying together on a bed or couch covered in blankets with and unlimited supply of snacks while you get to watch his eyes just light up at the magic of animation, getting to rewatch all the movies you haven't touched in a handful of years yourself, a perfect evening
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matchbet-allofthetime · 11 months
❗Transformers Rant Post❗
(note: this is all done in one sitting and is based on personal observations and continuities I know are linked through concept art, canon continuations, etc, so I THINK this is all fairly (if not almost fully) accurate, but if not, don't come at me, tf has been my special interest for my entire life. If it sounds ramble as hell, that's because it is. My bad.)
Here we go
Hopefully there's a cut because this is long and I get pissy. Enjoy.
So i just learned that in transformers Rise of the beasts, they based Optimus' face under his battle mask off of Peter Cullen (aka THE VOICE OF OPTIMUS PRIME SINCE 1984)
And from what I'm aware, they only publicly released that they made that design choice AFTER trailers released and people were saying Optimus' design was terrible and ugly, which is so disrespectful
And I'm gonna cry about this ajdjdj
While also on this topic, I am sick of being told "bayverse sucks!!!" Or some other equivalent when people talk about the bayverse movies
Because Optimus was voiced IN EVERY ONE OF THOSE FILMS by Peter Cullen, so that's just,,, don't disrespect who MADE YOUR FANDOM WHAT IT IS (give him credit for how well he did everything at least, you don't HAVE to like bayverse, no one is forcing you)
Transformers fans (mostly newer ones/ones who have gotten into the fandom in the past three to four years, I've noticed) are the vast majority of those who are CONSTANTLY bashing designs.
It's been done with bayverse (YEARS after the films released and did FANTASTICALLY), it's happened to Earthspark, and now to ROTB. This is bullshit and so disrespectful. You can criticize a design without being a dick, for one, and two? The animators didn't ask your god damn opinion.
And ALSO the reason they did his model after his face in rotb? Because *Hasbro wouldn't hire Peter Cullen this time around so (I assume) they did it to honour him because he was disrespected and tossed to the side by Hasbro because Hasbro sucks ass
He's the reason we HAVE OPTIMUS PRIME. Not a single voice could've fit, not a single person would've made Optimus who he is other than Peter Cullen.
He's the reason we have transformers prime. (Because he VOICES OPTIMUS HERE TOO) And the TFP movie (TFP beast hunters predacons rising, where he ONCE AGAIN VOICES OPTIMUS). And he's the reason why we have the continuation of that, which is transformers robots in disguise (WHERE HE IS, ONCE AGAIN, OPTIMUS MOTHERFUCKING PRIME) And then THAT became comics with tfp's characters that didn't exist anywhere else in canon (as far as I'm aware, it's been a while, IE knockout and breakout with their TFP DESIGNS, etc) then became earthspark later down the line, which was a mix of mtmte, TFP, and bayverse designs in concept art bc it combined ideas
Bayverse is ALSO ALSO the reason we HAVE ROTB. AND BUMBLEBEE 2018.
The reason I say he's responsible for all of these? The reason I say that Bayverse is a backbone for transformers (branching off from G1 ofc)? Because every single new fucking continuity or series or comics or whatever the hell is ALWAYS based on preexisting designs merging with new ideas.
He made Optimus Prime who Optimus Prime is and frankly I am a little god damn sick of people saying "this series/movie is bad" or whatever just because they don't like it
Anyways I had to rant but I'm not sorry about it and I hope others can feel a bit heard because I am so fed up with online slander.
I grew up with Bayverse. It gave me my entire start to this fandom. It gave THOUSANDS OF US STARTS TO THIS FANDOM. It is the SOLE reason we have so much we have now, as much as we have- and god damnit, you don't have to like it but UNDERSTAND it is the ONLY reason you have more than 3/4 the content this fandom currently does (if not more)
/end rant
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hurt you// bucky barnes
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: sad bucky, mentions of torture and pain (bucky's time in hydra)
summary: after getting the winter soldier removed from bucky he still struggles to hear the trigger words
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It hadn’t been easy for Bucky adjusting to life after Hydra but with Y/N it made it just that little bit easier. Bucky and Y/N had only been together for a few months but it is like they have known each other for forever. Bucky had the winter soldier removed from him around 8 months ago but although he is no longer physically connected to him, mentally he still worries he will become him again. 
One of Bucky’s greatest fears was hurting those he cared about, especially Y/N. She helped him adjust to the new life he now has. It was hard for Bucky even after removing the winter soldier physically, mentally he was still tormented by the memories of the assassinations he committed as the winter soldier. 
Y/n and Bucky were in the living room of the compound, sat on one of the sofas whilst Steve, Nat and Sam sat on a separate one when Peter came rushing in. Since the events in Berlin Peter has slowly made his way further into the team and began spending more time at the compound. Y/N’s relationship with him has become a very important one, each of them seeing the other as a brother/sister. Peter came to Y/N when he discovered he may have feelings for Liz he immediately went to Y/N looking for advice after he attempted to be independent but it ended up backfiring on him. 
Loud footsteps could be heard as Peter came barreling down the hallway and slid through the doorway that led into the living room stopping just before stopping just in front of the TV. 
“Y/N, I need your help” Peter said quickly causing Y/N to sit up off of Bucky’s side. 
“Slow down a little Peter. Firstly, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Well not really, I’m not sure” He said, beginning to ramble once again.
“Hey Peter, you might want to breathe” Steve said, noticing Peter hadn’t actually taken a breath since he entered the room. Peter immediately took a deep, long breath. 
“Peter, I need you to explain what’s going on?” Y/N said 
“Liz, I- uh I asked her to homecoming” 
“Peter, that's brilliant” Y/N said with a smile. What Y/N didn’t notice was the way Bucky froze as soon as the word homecoming left Peter’s mouth.
“Wait, I don’t see what the problem is? Did she say no?” Sam said. 
“No, she didn’t. Um she said yes, that’s the problem”
Steve looked confused, “Wait, it may have been a while since I asked a girl to homecoming but isn’t it a good thing she said yes? I don’t get how that’s a problem” 
There that word was again and as before Bucky froze once again as the memories of those words being used to force him to become a human robot, forced to follow Hydra’s every order. Y/N noticed Bucky was quieter than normal since Peter came in but didn’t want to draw everyone’s attention to it so she placed her hand on his, rubbing the back of it with her thumb comfortingly. Although Bucky moved his hand after a couple seconds and Y/N wasn’t sure what changed before Peter came in he was fine, was he jealous of Peter? 
“No it is good but I have nine hours until homecoming and I don’t own one suit besides my Spiderman one and I have been longing for a chance to tell Liz how I feel but now it’s here I don’t know what to do” That whole sentence was enough for Bucky to break he quickly got up and left the room. His fists were clenched both Y/N and Steve looked at eachother and quickly followed behind him leaving Nat, Sam and Peter confused.
“Was it something I said” Peter said, worried Y/N and Bucky would be upset with him. 
Bucky walked into the bedroom he shared with Y/N and quickly shut the door behind him. There was a voice in his head telling him he was going to become the Winter Soldier once again, that he was going to hurt someone he cared about and that was his biggest fear.
Bucky was pacing in the bedroom when he heard a soft knock on the door and Y/N’s voice spoke “Buck, it’s me. Can I come in please? It’s just me and Steve out here, no one else I promise.” Bucky didn’t answer. 
“Look Bucky. We want to help you but we can’t do it if you won’t talk to us” Steve said but Bucky ignored him once again. 
Bucky knew he would hurt the two people who meant the world to him, if that happened he knew he would never be able to forgive himself. Suddenly, Bucky heard the door open causing him to turn around and see Y/N stood in front of him with Steve slightly off to the side behind her. 
“Bucky, what’s going on?” Y/N said walking over to Bucky slowly not wanting to push him further away. 
“No” Bucky snapped, “Don’t come any closer Y/N”
Y/N stopped, Steve watched cautiously he knew Bucky would bever do anything to intentionally hurt Y/N but he could also tell there was something in Bucky that meant he wasn’t himself.
“Steve get out of here and take Y/N with you” 
“What? No. I’m not leaving” Y/N said, snatching her hand away from Steve’s grasp.
“Y/N, please. I don’t want to hurt you” Bucky said as his eyes began to well with tears.
“Bucky, you have never and will never hurt me. I promise” 
“You can’t promise this sort of thing Y/N. I’m dangerous and all three of us know it”
“Look, I know you think you are going to hurt me or Steve but we both know you wouldn’t do it by choice”
“If I hurt you Y/N I would never let that guilt go. I can’t risk it, I won’t” Bucky said crying lightly. 
Steve could sense that the two needed time to talk this through and once Bucky was ready he would go to Steve. It was hard for him when Y/N and Bucky first started dating, seeing his best friend love Y/N the way he loved Peggy, he was jealous Bucky had the chance when he lost his but once Steve saw how much Bucky and Y/N needed each other he realised that the two were the best thing for each other. This caused Steve to see that he hadn’t lost his best friend but gained one and he would be forever grateful for Y/N helping Bucky in ways he couldn’t.
Neither Y/N or Bucky noticed Steve leave they were too indulged in each other’s company as Y/N just sat on the bed holding Bucky and comforting him.
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