#please help me the next anime on the list is citrus
emo-ginger · 8 months
My friends can currently witness my descent into insanity in the group chat, as I pursue my quest to watch all anime categorized as GL or Yuri on crunchy roll.
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bsotted · 11 months
HELLO please help me decide which show should I check out next and in what order and reblog for traction if you don’t mind ❤️❤️❤️
Before you ask based on these choices yes I love to cry
Bonus questions for anime buffs:
Did anybody see citrus was it good? Does inuyasha hold up without the nostalgia factor if I never saw it when I was a kid?? What about Cardcaptor Sakura or Sailor Moon etc
Here is a list of all the anime I can think of that i have already watched and/or that there’s no need to recommend:
FMA & Brotherhood
Demon Slayer
Your Name
Your lie in April
Fruits Basket
Black Butler
Basically all the classics
Trigun (I haven’t seen the reboot though please feel free to recommend if it was good and I should watch it)
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo (damn 3 all time faves in a row)
Code Geass
Ouran HHC
Seven Deadly Sins
Gurren Lagann
Black Clover
Blue Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Kill la Kill
Tokyo Ghoul (liked less than I expected)
Bungou Stray Dogs
Erased (I love to cry)
To Your Eternity (LOVED) (are you seeing a pattern)
Puella Magi Madoka Majica
Kaguya sama love is war
Hunter x Hunter (rewatched 3 times)
Mob Psycho 100 (rewatched once)
Kaze no Stigma
Crunchy roll just showed me Junjou Romantica I’m having WAR FLASHBACKS
If we mention jjr we have to talk about Banana Fish obviously
Dororo (I remember this one very fondly would rewatch)
Mushi shi
Dr stone
Soul Eater
Devilman Crybaby (complicated feelings abt this)
Kuroko no Basuke
Bubble ( I think that’s what it was called?)
Neon Genesis I can’t believe I almost forgot yes I have definitely seen the whole Eva enterprise several times
Please don’t recommend Naruto Jojo One Piece Bleach or Dragon Ball I’ll get to them all eventually ok. In my own time. That’s like a task for retirement or a gap year okay LMAO
There is just no way for me to remember every anime I’ve seen there’s too many but we can definitely eliminate a few for a start this way
THANK YOU if you’re even looking at this LMAO
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yszarin · 3 years
seen people on twitter talking about what got them through 2020, but twitter scary so I’m just gonna ramble about podcasts here. I’ve loved audio fiction since I was little, when my brother used to bring me big finish doctor who to listen to when I was sick, and they’ve really been great for me this year in terms of... want story but too tired to keep eyes open? podcast. need to do a mundane task but can’t stay on it? podcast. need something on before you sleep because if you leave your brain to its own devices it’ll eat itself? podcast. looking for queer rep? podcast. below the cut I’ve stuck 10 of my favourites of the shows I started listening to this year, and I promise they’re not all from Definitely Human.
Down - fiction, horror - a state of the art submarine with a less than state of the art crew descends into a newly-discovered Antarctic trench, “The Bottomless Pit” for the purposes of exploration and science! This goes about as well as you would expect. Episodes are super short and it’s entirely possible to listen to the whole thing in less than a day, although unfortunately it’s currently unfinished due to covid, so I guess it’s more that in less than a day you, too, could join me in unintentional hiatus hell. It is worth it.    
Enthusigasm - nonfiction, talk - Rusty Quill patreon exclusive show in which Helen Gould talks to people about things they enjoy. It just has the loveliest energy, and is exactly what I’ve needed this year. They’ve done episodes on subjects including baking, the horror genre and trash tv, and every one of them has been a joy, even when it’s about stuff I’m not into personally. How RQ manages to consistently produce The Best Content I don’t know, but by god do they do it.
Everything is Alive - interview - Gemma Amor recommended this and she’s usually right about such things. It’s a series of interviews with inanimate objects, all of which are animate now and have things to say. I’m particularly fond of the gay subway seats and was emotionally distraught by the cuddly toy. Very good to listen to to fall asleep.
Marscorp - fiction, sci-fi comedy - Station Supervisor E. L. Hob is awoken from suspended animation on Mars and must do her best to restore the colony’s original purpose of terraforming the planet. If you teased Jonny Sims for naming his main character after himself and also playing him please get ready to forgive him for everything, as you meet Tom Dalling, David Knight, and Dave Price, played by Tom Dalling, David Knight, and David Price, and written by Tom Dalling, David Knight, and David Price. I’m furious.  
Pax Fortuna! - actual play, adventure - a rotating group of characters leaves a horrified and occasionally maimed trail of NPCs behind them as they adventure in and around the prosperous island city of Fortuna. The shifting cast works really well, allowing for some PCs who are just objectively terribly people, while keeping the whole thing feeling really fun. Particular favourite PCs are Selwyn Bloodstorm, half-orc in search of gold accidentally ending up with friends, Alfonso Boyo, a necromancer but only in the most bureaucratic and horrifying way possible, and Almira Q Appleby, gnome inventor presenting such items as The Potato Peeler (may contain combat setting) to an unsuspecting public. The series comprises six interconnected smaller stories, each with multiple episodes, all of which are around 25-30 minutes long, which has been a particular joy for me, as someone who has difficulty with episode lengths of over an hour and is so often “I love AP podcasts. love to actually listen to one someday”. Pax Fortuna! is the caramelised nut bowl of actual plays, in that I found it very difficult to stop consuming it, now it’s all gone, and I’m sad. There are only two fics on AO3. Please listen to Pax Fortuna!.    
Shadows at the Door - anthology, horror - A collection of quiet horror stories, mixing older tales, both classic and less well-known, and modern ones. The soundtrack is by Nico, one of the editors on TMA and Good Egg, and it turns out, also Skilled Egg at soundtracks. Each story is followed-up by a discussion of its themes, and some tangents. Also very nice to fall asleep to, lots of suggestions of new things to look for, and the stories themselves are well-dramatised.  
The Monster Hunters - fiction, comedy - It took me a bit of time to settle into this - I have a tendency to bounce off comedy, apparently - but once I had I was very settled. Roy Steel and Lorrimer Chesterfield are there with fists and brains respectively to hunt monsters and be anything from vaguely to pointedly sexist because it’s the 60s/70s (it is intentional and ludicrous). If you’re familiar with John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme, you can listen out for Simon Kane as Sir Maxwell House. Some nice spooks, especially in the Christmas specials.
The Amelia Project - fiction, comedy - Need to disappear? The Amelia Project will help you fake your death and reappear in a new life. Each episode takes the form of an interview with a new client, in which they tell their story, and the circumstances of their death and next life will be decided. The creators had a stall at PodUK and gave me some Malteasers which it took me approximately 10 months to eat because I didn’t feel like I’d listened to enough of their show to deserve them. Fun fact! There are plenty of chocolate foodstuffs that will take this length of time in their stride and still be as new when you eat them, but Malteasers are not one of them. Luckily finishing off S2 of The Amelia Project has been its own reward, and I still have plenty to go!   
The Infinite Bad - actual play, horror - a slowly-forming found family leaves a traumatised and usually dead trail of NPCs behind them despite their best efforts, as they are embroiled in a globe-spanning investigation of horror and mystery. Uses a modified version of the d20 modern system, set in the inter-war period, and, it should be noted, contains depictions of period-typical racism. Other CWs (this list is not exhaustive) include child death, pet death, gore, disease, misc death (so much misc death), so please be careful if you choose to listen. Also contains stairs, the inherent malevolence of citrus products, and things which are viscous.
These Flimsy Rituals - actual play, fantasy - I’m not very far into this one, due to episode lengths, but when I have the spell slots to do so I always enjoy listening to it. I’m in the first bit, which follows a group of people fleeing a living storm. They have some really lovely lyrical bits at the starts of the episodes that I could listen to for hours, I’ve found those of the characters that I’ve met very engaging, and I’m interested to see how it unfolds.
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timeforelfnonsense · 4 years
Just a Taste
Astarion  x Dafni 
Rating: M
Astarion passed along the far edge of the camp. A groan escaped his chest as he slumped down against the base of a tree. His whole body ached right to the bone. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the throbbing pain behind his eyes to disappear. He knew he needed to feed as soon as possible. He had waited far too long to make up for his little indiscretion with the boar earlier. The heat had died down at last and whispers of vampire among his traveling companions had, at last, died down. Unfortunately for him, his caution had left him weak and vulnerable. He clutched his head in his hands and took in a deep breath. His body tensed in an instant. The soft forest breeze carried the irresistible scent of pray. His mouth watered and the familiar, white-hot sting of thirst clawed at his throat. 
He would have to be mindful in the selection of his quarry. Lae’zel was the first to be struck from the list. She had a bitter, bordering on metallic scent that he found less than appetizing. And more importantly, he was certain she would slay him without a second thought should things go awry. Shadowhart was out next. Though her bouquet was much more appealing, she had a suspicious nature and seemed likely to be a light sleeper. Wyll had always seemed an alluring prospect - Strong, fast, and righteous. Despite the appeal, he would also be a dangerous choice, being a monster hunter by trade. Gale would due, he supposed, but as the wizard tossed in his sleep the delicate shimmer of a magical barrier caught his eye. That left him with one, final option.  
Dafni slept in a heap of pelts beneath the cover of an old oak tree a few paces away from the others. Wildflowers bloomed in the soil around her as if the earth was reacting to her very presence. His gluttonous gaze lingered on the pretty cleric. He watched her chest rise and fall slow and even. He’d never known her to indulge in sleep, preferring to take her rest by way of trance. She must have been truly exhausted. He took a silent step closer. 
Astarion took in another deep breath. She was floral, like lilac and primrose with just a touch of citrus. His pupils dilated as every fiber of his being shouted at him - Desperate for just a taste. It was a risk to be sure, feeding on a woman of divine persuasion, but of the options available to him she seemed the most delectable and least deadly.
“How cliche,” He thought, “a creature of the night- Driven by sanguine desire to drink a lovely maiden, asleep in a bed of flowers.”
He dipped to his knees and with a delicate hand brushed her hair from her neck. He steeled himself, preparing to strike. Leaning in close just as her eyes shot open.
It was the cool tickle of breath on the back of her neck and the feeling of an almost loving hand on her waist that pulled her away from her dreams. When she first saw him standing over her, ruby-red eyes wide, white hair tousled and untamed, she had assumed something must have happened during his watch. However, the guilt and shame that twisted across his handsome face quickly did away with such assumptions. 
“What are you doing!” She hissed. 
“No, no- It’s not what it looks like I swear!” 
His words were rushed as if they could not leave his mouth fast enough. Dafi sat up in her bedroll, her eyes fixed on Astarion’s pleading expression, his hands outstretched in surrender. He reminded her of a wild animal backed into a corner facing down what was to be their demise. His bravado was all but gone and in the place of the cocky rouge she had come to know was a frightened young man. 
“Were you trying to kill me?” 
“No! I wasn’t going to hurt you!” He promised, “I just needed - well…”
He trailed off his eyes fixing themselves on the holy symbol that hung from a silver chain around her neck. At that moment the pieces fell together: the boar, his unique appearance, his eagerness to keep watch at night. There, in the dim glow of the fire, she saw him for what he was...
“It’s not what you think!” He pleaded, “I’m not some monster. I feed on animals! Boars, deer, kobolds - whatever I can get. I’m just too slow right now. Too weak. If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better. Please.”
The last word was dripping in melancholy. His head hung low and his shoulders sagged. He had proven himself to be proud, even bordering on snobbish - never asking for help and turning his nose up when it was offered. His suffering must be great if he had been willing to admit his weakness and need. Against her better judgment, she reached out to him, placing a hand on his pale cheek. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She whispered. 
She tugged on his hand, pulling him close. He sighed as he took a seat beside her leaving an uncomfortable space between their bodies. 
“At best, I was sure you’d say no. More likely you’d ram a stake through my ribs. I thought I could keep it to myself but tonight I felt so awful…” Astarion slumped into his hands unable to meet her eyes, “And… I wanted you to trust me. No. I needed you to trust me. And you can trust me.” 
His logic, it would seem, was far more rational than her own. She was a cleric, sworn to the preservation of life. She should have set him alight with divine magic the moment she realized what he was. But, when she looked at Astarion it wasn’t a monster that looked back at her. He was her friend. Her heart ached to think of the fate he had been doomed to. He was an elf, never to return to Avandor. And was it not her very reason for existing to care for all of Corellon’s children? Why should Astarion, whom she had come to care for, be any different than the rest of their kin? 
“I do.” She smiled, her thumb stroking his cheek, “I Trust you, Astarion. If you say it wasn’t your intention to harm me then that is the truth.”
Dafni’s touch was almost painfully kind. How long has it been since he had felt a hand so gentle with such kind intention? She held his face so tenderly in her sage-green palm he thought he might melt. He had spurned her kindness on countless occasions. Thinking it had been a sign of weakness. Now, on the receiving end of her light and he felt a fool for having ever encouraged her to tamp down on her compassion. He leaned into her hand, savoring the warmth of her touch. 
“Thank you.” He purred, leaning in close to her ear, “Do you think you could trust me just a little further?” 
He could hear the steady thump of her heart pick up. He was tantalizingly close throat. The sight of blood pumping through her veins was near irresistible. Her cheeks went flush and the intoxicating smell of her blood threatened to send him into a frenzy. 
“I only need a taste. I swear.” 
Dafni shuddered at the feeling of his lips along the blade of her ear. It was a dangerous proposition to be sure… He was a deadly creature and was she to bank on whatever small fondness he held for her to keep her alive? He was in need. What if harm befell him because he was in a weakened state? His voice was so coxing, his fingertips on the hollow of her neck almost loving. She had said herself she trusted him. Why not with this? Besides, being drained dry by a vampire seemed a far more glamorous way to go than letting the tadpole rot her from the inside out. 
“Fine” She spoke in a voice little more than a whisper, “But not a drop more than you need.” 
“Of course.” He promised, “Not one drop more.” 
Delicately, he guided her back so her head came to rest in his lap. He brought one hand to rest on the swell of her full hip and while the other remained in place, cradling her neck. Only at the moment before he sunk into her tender flesh did she glimpse the fearsome creature she had offered herself up to freely.  
The moment he broke her skin, he realized why Cazador had forbidden his minions the blood of ‘thinking creatures’. If her scent had been captivating her taste could only be described as transcendent, sweet, and earthy. Yet it was more than the flavor that had him completely delirious. It was the irresistible happiness that began to bloom in his chest as his heart fell in rhythm with her’s. She was a lush and colorful field, the feeling of the sun on his cheeks for the first time in 200 years - Spring incarnate and he was ravenous for more. His grasp grew tighter on her hip drawing her into himself no longer satisfied with gentleness and charm. A strange feeling began to build in him. Not hunger, but desire. A shaky gasp slipped from her lovely lips. She twisted in his lap. Lancing her hand through his hair, tugging him closer. She was pleasing to the eye to be sure. Perhaps he shouldn’t have been so shocked when amorous feelings began to stir.
“I think you’ve had enough.” 
Her voice was small and shaky but it was enough to bring him back to reality. He removed himself with haste, realizing his tight hold on her body. Relief washed over her and Dafni allowed herself to crumple against him. Above her, Astarion was still struggling to catch his breath. 
“Of course.” He gasped, “I was just swept up in the moment.” 
A small squeak passed her lips at the feeling of his tongue running over the aching wound in her neck.
“But it worked.” He continued, still nuzzled at her neck, “I feel good. Strong. Happy!”
 “Good.” She yawned, “I’m glad. I feel a little lightheaded though...” 
He found himself absentmindedly stroking her hair as she began to nod off, curled up in his lap. He hadn’t expected the act of feeding to be so… intimate. He couldn’t be sure if it was always this way or if the elation he felt was a side effect of her being an eladrin. Either way, the temptation to linger, to taste her in other ways was almost unbearably tempting. A disheartening pang of thirst still lingered in his throat however and she was far too weak for him to take anymore. Intimacy would simply have to wait. 
“I hate to disturb you, darling, but you’ll have to excuse me.” 
Dafni huffed, snuggling closer in protest. He was warmer to the touch now and a faint rosy hue colored his cheeks. Astarion was hardly the picture tender regard but his arms were strong and his slow heartbeat thrummed in time with her own. And for just a moment the threat of the tadpoles seemed far away. She stuck out her lower lip in a pout as he untangled himself from her. She could hear the laugh he was trying to suppress as she tucked herself back into bed. She reached up for him, wrapping her hand tightly around his wrist as he turned to leave.
“Come on.” He teased, “You’re invigorating, but I need something more filling.” He bent down placing a kiss on her forehead, “This is a gift you know. I won’t forget.”
 “Is- it’s nothing.” She babbled, “I’m just… Just glad you feel better.”
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laserdog10 · 4 years
”It’s not so bad not being in a league that suits me.”
It was a personal mantra that she told herself every day, even if it did kind of hurt. Citrus was born as both a Rose and an Arc, two powerful family bloodlines that were well renowned on Remnant by now, thanks to the defeat of Salem. However, Citrus’ elder siblings Garnet and Blossom, have been shown to be marginally stronger and almost gifted...or actually gifted. Garnet had inherited a portion of Ruby’s Spring Maiden magic on top of Jaune’s hefty Aura with the addition of a strong Semblance, while Blossom was a Silver Eyed Warrior, the greatest of all destined to slay Grimm and be the heroes of humanity. While Citrus was...just normal.
Yep, no insane powers, no off-the-wall weapon that has multiple transformations, no fancy Semblance (other than the ability to talk to animals), she was a normal girl who wanted to be a Huntress, like everyone her generation. However she felt an odd lonesome feeling inside her, when her brother and sister went off to Signal for the first time, Citrus was alone at home with her aunt Yang, grandpa Qrow, uncle Tai, and aunt Raven. If that wasn’t enough her Semblance let her speak to the family dog Zwei and the five wolves Ruby adopted, Drei, Vier, Funf, Sechs, and Null. And yet...she still had this emptiness in her heart. Well unlucky for her it was about to intensify that feeling tenfold as she was about to head to Signal tomorrow, the day after her siblings and cousin graduate. Right now it was well into the evening, the sun setting on the horizon, rays of light beaming down on the Rose-Arc & Xiao Long-Branwen residence, Citrus leaning against the railing, teetering her weighted collapsible scythe, Soulful Reave, back and forth, her emerald green eyes staring off into space, tangerine curled hair catching the wind.
Jaune: Someone’s a little broody.
Citrus: Hmm?! Oh, hi dad!
Jaune: Is Qrow’s mysterious edginess rubbing off on you or am I just reading too much into this?
Citrus: Pffft, nooo dad, I’m fine, thank you. Just...thinking, deep contemplation about the future.....
Jaune: Excited you’re going to Signal tomorrow?
Citrus: Heheheee, not really...?
Jaune: Why not?
Citrus: *stops teetering her scythe* Dad, do you think I’m...special?
Jaune: The “daddy loves his special girl” kind of special or...
Citrus: The special that’s meant for amazing things, I don’t feel like I am.
Jaune: Woah woah woah, what brought this on?!
Citrus: Nothing, I’m...*sigh* Dad, compared to Garnet and Blossom, I’m so bland! I have nothing truly remarkable about m-* her shoulders are held as she faces her father*
Jaune: Citrus, tell me what’s going on, is everything okay?
Citrus: I don’t think so...have you ever had the feeling of overwhelming loneliness and that you’re far behind people close to you?
Jaune: More than you could fathom, sweetheart. But that was a long time ago, and with a little bit of time, and the love from those people around me, it eventually went away. Why, is it the fact that your brother and sister are way ahead of you getting to you?
Citrus: *tears form in her eyes* Y-yeah, a lot...
Jaune: Oh, sweety. *he brings his small daughter into a huge hug* Believe me when I say that feeling is completely normal, your mother and I had this lonely, by-our-selves spell when we first went to Beacon.
Citrus: I just feel so out of place. I hear about all these kids who were raised by amazing Huntsmen, their amazing transforming weapons, and their powerful Semblances, then there’s me. Swinging around a simple scythe and talking to animals, no Maiden or S.E.W. powers...
Jaune: Citrus, look at me. *his gaze is met by the distraught, teary-eyed face of his daughter* All these feelings, all these issues you’re feeling right now are completely normal for a thirteen year old to experience! Think it like, you’re still going through your “character arc,” which always starts just as you turn thirteen. You’ll get to that important “climax” of your story some day.
Citrus: *sniff* R-really...?
Jaune: I know so. Now let’s go inside, dinner’s almost ready!
Citrus: I’ll head in a second, gotta go put Soulful Reave back in in the shed.
Such an action to her weapon would make her brother, proverbially, lose his mind, but she took good care of her scythe, occasionally but primarily leaving it in the room she shared with her siblings, like they do with their weapons. Tomorrow would be the first step into this “character arc” of hers, and she would tackle it however she could!
-The next day-
Strolling down the halls of Signal wasn’t so bad, she was old enough to be by herself while her parents weren’t too far off. Ruby had gone with the many other parents of new students to a little meeting, confirming their classes and whatnot, meanwhile Citrus wandered around Signal, her orange cloak flowing as she strolled along, seeing big metal lockers to hold plenty of supplies, classrooms, a library, and the cafeteria. What she didn’t expect to come across was a large crowd of kids clamoring around a board with a myriad of papers on it. Among this crowd the youngest Rose-Arc saw the red-patched blonde hair of her sister.
Citrus: Blossom? *she called over the talkative graduates*
Blossom: Hey baby sis! You here on your intro tour? *the blonde side-stepped through the moderate sea of teens, a few of which turned heads to the younger teen*
Citrus: Yep, mom just went with the other parents to that meeting! What are you doing over here with everyone?
Blossom: Seeing who got their academic success title.
Citrus: You’re what?
“An awesome title for how well you did in your classes!” chimed a female student.
Citrus: Oh, cool!
Blossom: Wanna guess what I got?
Citrus: I...don’t know what they are.
Blossom: Oh, well come look.
Taking a closer look at the board, Citrus saw this hefty list of names that made her head spin. So many names, numbers, scores, classes.
Citrus: This makes my brain hurt...
Blossom: Same here, and could you help me find my name, I’ve been helping everyone here find their’s for a while n-
Citrus: You got Salutatorian, Garnet got Valedictorian, and Lea’s below both of you!
Blossom: I’M WHAT?!
The students: THEY’RE WHAT!?
“I’m what now???” came a familiar voice behind the girls and the crowd. They turned to find Garnet himself, in the midst of eating a roll of cookie dough from the cafeteria. Without thinking the students swarmed him, barging questions left and right; “How are you so smart,” or “Please teach me your ways,” and “You’re amazing Garnet!”
Garnet: Woah, slow down guys, I’m not that great honest! I just studied and practiced like anyone else would.
“But you got Valedictorian, dude!!!” exclaimed a male student with very punk-rock hair.
“That’s an achievement in and off itself!” cheered a preppy looking girl.
“You’re a freaking prodigy, bro!!!!” cried a sporty, muscular lad.
Garnet: Alright, listen up everyone, I’m gonna give you some life advice you all need to hear. Trying to be like me is impossible, and I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m a prodigy. Yes I have powers of a Maiden inherited from my mother, yes I have a massive amount of Aura and strong Semblance to boot, yes I also have multiple weapons and am highly skilled in using all of them. However that doesn’t place me above the rest of you, nor should it make you all downplay yourselves! You all have your strengths and weaknesses, but you shouldn’t strive to become like me, because I’m not perfect. Imitation is the cheapest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay in greatness. Don’t strive to be me, strive be a better you, because their can only be one of us in the world! And if you do find someone like you later in life...*claps hands* Then I got nothing. *awkwardly smiles*
His audience applauded, but mostly laughed at the perplexing finish to his speech. His sisters had their own reactions, Blossom shaking her head and smiling in a way that conveyed a “The fact I’m related to you is astonishing” feel, Citrus on the other hand was captivated. “Strive to be a better you,” this phrase alone struck many chords in her, to the point that the lonely feeling of hers dissipated somewhat...
“Ohhh yawn-a-fuckin’-rama! That was the cheesiest shit I’ve ever heard, One Armed Arc!”
The students instinctively winced at the sound of the boastful and snarky voice. Collectively looking to the source, a tall girl with long burnt-orange hair and indigo eyes, clad in gray armor with a gold trim, a jet black waist cloth on the tool belt around her. Strapped to her back in a sheath was a morning star mace, the signature and feared weapon wielded by Signal Academy’s tyrant.
Blossom: Carly Winchester...
Citrus: ...
Garnet: And why are you here?
Carly: No reason, except I just heard a one-armed loser spouting some bullshit and being humble. Face it, you could be running this school! And yet you choose to be weak, lumping yourselves with these peons who could get their asses reamed by you.
Blossom: Garnet isn’t weak!
Carly: Aww look, little Ms. Self-loathing wants to act all big and tough! Why don’t you can it and go cry on the roof like you always do.
Citrus: *grits teeth and clenches her fists*
Garnet: What I do doesn’t make me weak Carly, I-
Carly: OH FUCKING SPARE ME! Hearing your high and mighty “holier-than-thou” bullshit makes me sick, you have the powers of a damn GOD and look where you are!
Citrus: ...hat’s it to y... *mumbles*
Carly: Hmm what’s that Shorty, got some shit to say? If you don’t then butt the fuck out, the adults are tal-
Citrus: WHAT’S IT TO YOU!? All you ever do is hurt and scare people, that’s not power, that’s being a jerk!
Carly: You-!
Citrus, standing in front of Carly now: My big brother is more of a Hunter and leader than you could ever hope to be! All you are is a bully, a coward, and an absolute BITCH!!!
Everyone present gasped, Garnet and Blossom were shocked into silence. Calling Carly a bitch was something else entirely, but hearing it from Citrus, someone who had never sworn in her life?! Surely they must’ve been dreaming, right??? Obviously they weren’t, for Carly had looked around incredulous, thinking she had heard the orangenette right.
Carly: The fuck did you just say to me you little shit...?!
Citrus: You heard me, you’re nothing but a BI-!
Carly: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
The warrior girl screamed in tandem with swinging her mace directly down onto the smaller girl. The motion happened at such a speed, all that was seen was a shiny, gray blur kicking up dust and debris when it landed.
Garnet/Blossom: CITRUS!!!
The youngest Rose-Arc braced for the impact beforehand...but it never came. Instead when she opened her eyes, she was in a dust cloud, embraced by her cousin, Lea Xiao Long-Schnee, her giant gauntlets blocking the crushing blow.
Lea: Might I ask why the hell you are attacking my cousin, Carly? *she said in a low tone, pushing the warrior girl back a good few feet*
Carly: Mind telling me why your brat isn’t on her child leash?!
Lea: *eyes turning lilac, blue fire adorning her hair* I think Citrus is going to be the least of your worries right now...
Citrus stepped back, knowing full well what was coming next. Garnet walked past her but not before looking at his baby sister.
Garnet: Might wanna go get mom and the principal, this courtyards about to become a war zone. *he winked*
Carly targeted him first, her mace colliding with the boy’s head and sending him staggering. He regained his footing, readying his own gauntlets as Lea pounced on Carly, throwing her into one of the support columns in the courtyard, Garnet running up and landing jab after jab upon Carly. Blossom held Citrus’ hand as they ran off to find their mother before the situation got worse, as they ran they heard the unmistakable sound of the Maiden powers flaring from their brother and cousin.
Blossom: We’ll leave it to them to kick Carly’s butt.
Citrus: ...
Blossom: You okay?
Citrus: Yeah yeah, just thinking.
Blossom: You narrowly avoiding getting brained by an amazon brute???
Citrus: Well...besides that, but what Garnet said earlier.
Blossom: Oh that.
Citrus: It stuck with me, and...and I think it should solve all my problems.
Blossom: ...if you say so!
Seems her father was right, today was when her character arc would begin, and now she would walk through it with her head held high!
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thesimperiuscurse · 4 years
FINE. All of them for EVA. Jerk
NO U. aight i’m gonna answer these for the start of chapter 6, two weeks from the end of chapter 5. 
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zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please! 
ready to kick ass, make the most of her work day, determined for upcoming regionals and exams. nothing is yet to trouble her.  
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? 
the faces of her family. they are what she loves most in the world. 
lemon; what’s your comfort food?
in winter, her mom makes rich and creamy soups with veggies from the garden. pair that with soft buns fresh from the oven, and it’s guaranteed to comfort eva on the coldest and dreariest days.  
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song? 
classic justin timberlake songs, like cry me a river. 
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of! 
just yesterday i found a new one for eva, an electronic artist named kloud. there’s one song in particular, humans, the lyrics and intense beat of which she’s super vibing with.    
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
the family villa in malibu. cherry and gabriel made sure to raise their children in a happy, secure, peaceful home. no repeat of their own turbulent and traumatic childhoods. 
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home?
again, her family. 
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend. 
eva doesn’t have a best friend. all the people she’s really close to are members of her family. she’s always been far too ballet-focused to maintain deep relationships with anyone outside of her family. however, she’s now growing very comfortable with sasha, piper, misha, and mako. they’re all quite bantery with each other. 
golden deep; what’s your favorite season? 
summer. always. 
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off? 
her day off is sunday. currently — she wakes up at 8:30, has a slow breakfast with piper in the cafe, checks in with the academy physiotherapist at 11:00, and the rest of the day is loosely scheduled for gym, procrastinating maths homework, kickboxing, visiting family, playing her guitar, or watching netflix.   
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad? 
she has a super strong support system in all her family members, but her mom in particular. cherry is always checking up by call whether her daughter is happy and healthy. 
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? 
slow mornings. eva can’t wake up before eight, and if she’s forced to, she’ll get cranky. she wakes up when the sun does. 
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything? 
not binging, but she’s slowly working through sex education on netflix. 
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)? 
right-brained. she can’t analyse for shit, unless she’s working something out using empathy and emotional intelligence. like misha, in that sense. 
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? 
she’s not one to enjoy the silent purity of art galleries. she prefers to explore nature and breathe in the ever-changing beauty of the earth. the sight of the sea always brings her peace. 
english red; what animal do you relate to most? 
probably a dumb but very cute and energetic dog.
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent?
scottish? she finds limmy’s show hilarious.  
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? 
for summer boyfriends: hot surfer boys, tall and athletic, that have a big smile and laugh, laidback yet adventurous, sunkissed with messy sea-salted hair. in other words, mako ain’t it. for a significant other: she hasn’t thought about it. a serious romantic relationship is not in her interest for now.  
scarlet; describe your current crush/es. 
no crushes. or at least, she hasn’t realised she has one yet. hehe.  
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like? 
eva doesn’t actually go on proper dates. she can’t be bothered with awkward conversations and formalities. she might grab an icecream with a guy, surf and play sports, or go to a bonfire beach party together.    
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like? 
hook up with him, i guess. 
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date? 
if it isn’t clear by now, eva gives absolutely zero fucks about traditions or ‘rules’ around dating. her relationships are in friend-with-benefits territory, and she goes straight for what she wants.
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
the family puppy, senor papperino. her siblings send her a million pictures of him as he grows up. a bittersweet joy.  
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
her cousin amaya is getting married to amir next year, a spring wedding in the sonoran desert. eva’s helping her with the planning and dress design, which lilith is to create.     
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? 
a simple beach house, warm with natural light, that sits gently in nature. small, because her time spent inside is minimal. she really isn’t impressed with flashy luxuries.  
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? 
a place right by the beach. she loves malibu and would want to stay close to her family. 
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down? 
honestly, ‘settling down’ is something she’s barely thought about. she’s going to dance professionally as long as she can, maybe become a teacher like darcy, and explore her other passions, like surfing and environmental conservation. the traditional concept of marrying then having children is one that she feels may happen to her naturally, rather than she HAS to settle down at a specific point in her life. it’s just not on her priority list. 
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
the most beautiful place in the world in eva’s mind is the garden at her family home, which blooms with dandelion clocks in summer, full of fruit trees, and is right by her favourite beach. her happiest childhood memories lie there. 
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it? 
at the moment, eva’s always in a good mood, because she’s in a place where she’s working at her greatest passion everyday. she’s friends with mako now, so the only person that could really put her in a bad mood is vicky. 
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember? 
she can’t remember any of her dreams. 
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each? 
since eva doesn’t really care about getting married, that hasn’t crossed her mind. she already has a broad, loving, ‘dream’ family, and her siblings are bound to have kids, so she doesn’t feel any pressure. she would be perfectly happy spending time with her nieces/nephews instead. a cute dog is a definite, though, probably another golden retriever.  
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could? 
evangeline’s named after one of the strongest women in her life. she’s proud to have inherited the name, and hopes to live up to it.  
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent? 
grapefruit, sea salt. 
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
she’s a coffee person, but in summer, her mom likes to brew iced tea with fruits and herbs from the garden, which eva loves. 
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
lots of citrus trees. plants that can grow wild and thrive on their own. 
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog? 
i can picture eva vlogging, but in reality she’s too busy dancing for that shit. she prefers to live her life off screen, grounded in her reality.  
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
“jacked as fuck”
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
a field of tiny wildflowers on the dry coastal hills of malibu. the sun is burning bright, the sea is crashing against the beaches below, the wind is pulling wild at her hair. 
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
eva’s always striving to be more than just comfortable. her ambition means she’s already achieved an impressive amount in life, and she’s happy with how she’s moving along, but she’s forever shooting for the stars. 
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
she can’t afford to travel at the moment but hawaii, spain, greece.  
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn? 
a tiny bit of spanish, korean, and german from gabriel, but nowhere near fluently. she would like to improve her skills in those languages if she has the time.  
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
eva isn’t bookish. she just can’t sit still long enough. when she was a kid, she did love the magic slipper series, written by one of the prima ballerinas she idolises. 
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far?
her calculus textbook. she wants to set it on fire.  
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh? 
she likes cheesy 90s era movies. she’s the man always makes her laugh. 
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
an ice bath and self massage for her legs, if pointe work is particularly intense, treat any new blisters or bleeding on her feet. typical ballet things. 
umber; have you drank enough water today? 
eva is always mindful to drink eight cups of water per day. 
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent? 
amaya. she listens coolly, and provides helpful commentary. a few weeks ago, eva vented to her about mako and how much of an ‘arrogant ass’ her partner is. after she finished letting off steam, amaya asked her what the exact reasons for disliking him were, which helped eva realise her own stubbornness, haha. 
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
perfect surf waves, a hug from her parents, adding a new piece of jewellery to her minimal gold collection, warm sunny weather, camping with her siblings.     
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
she’s received a lot of ‘you’re pretty’ type compliments from guys over the years, but what makes her happiest is compliments about her dancing, particularly from professionals. 
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic? 
summer beach chick, relaxed shades of sea blue and white froth, minimalist, with a rough edge.   
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
nah i’m too lazy to open the game at the moment. anyway, eva doesn’t really take selfies by herself, since she’s not that active on social media. 
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yonacausesproblems · 3 years
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icariahq task : 40 questions
Describe your character in a few words. People-pleaser, enthusiastic, fun-loving, vulnerable
What do you know about your character that they don’t know yet? Mmm, details about how she ended up in Icaria thanks to her mom’s brother and his wife. 
What are your character’s major flaws? Callous, frequently bends the truth, is trying way too hard
What would your character give their life for? It can’t be anything too planned. Probably for someone that she was trying to impress
What is your character’s greatest asset? Part of me wants to say her pouty face. Uh. 
What would completely break your character? Probably jail, honestly. She wouldn’t do well there. She’s bad with isolation
How does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project? It’s a big part of her character that she doesn’t really indulge in vices as much as she pretends to.
What is your character afraid of? Abandonment, heights
Where would your character fall on a politeness/rudeness scale? Closer to rude. She’s endearing, but never really learned good manners.
If your character could choose a different identity, who would they pick? What’s coming to mind is Dua Lipa 
In what or whom is your character’s greatest faith in? That people don’t stop surprising you.
What was the best thing in your character’s life? Like... she knows that she should say something like “getting out of foster care” or “making lifelong friends,” but Yona would probably say it was getting a decent taste in music.
What was the worst thing in your character’s life? When she was in her early teens, she got blackout drunk. It sucked, and it soured her enjoyment of being anything more than tipsy.
What is a favorite flavor or smell of your character? It’s actually not oregano! She loves citrus.
What seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character? When she was maybe four, she broke a glass. Instead of getting mad, Yona’s mom pulled her daughter into a hug and told her that everyone makes mistakes even if we try to prevent them. And that it’s okay to mess up, but to try harder next time. Because when you continue to make mistakes, it hurts yourself too.
What is your character’s secret wish? Well, she’d love to be a movie star and travel the world to the delight of her adoring fans, but she doesn’t really think anyone’s going to suddenly discover her anytime soon. Which sucks.
What is your character’s greatest achievement? She graduated from high school despite some wavering temptation to... not do that. 
What is your character’s deepest regret? She missed her dad’s birthday celebration once because she went out with her friends instead.
What is your character’s deepest disappointment? Growing older and coming to the conclusion that her aunt and uncle (on her birth mom’s side) were nice but self-interested people.
What is your character reluctant to tell people? Definitely that she’s not a big drinker. And if she has feelings for someone.
What is your character hiding from themselves? She’s a bad liar and isn’t good at getting over things that hurt.
What makes this character angry? What calms them? What makes her angry... people who make fun of her in a way that isn’t lighthearted. Yona’s sure she can tell when someone is just messing around vs being mean. She particular hates when people make fun of her name. What calms her down? Her dog, spending quality time with her family, and snacks. Give her like chips or something and sometimes she’ll get distracted.
List situations in which your character would not have control over themselves. If someone she really liked told something hurtful and she thought it was to make her feel bad. Getting rejected. Losing a family member (dog counts)
How strong is your character’s emotions? Controllable? Uncontrollable? They’re a little more controllable than she gives the impression of, but that’s not very impressive because she’s really emotional.
What wakes your character up in the middle of the night? Dog moves. Dog wants to be on top of Yona. Dog wants to go outside. So... her dog.
Describe a recurring dream and/or nightmare. She’s in a large hall with echoey acoustics, and she’s the only one in there. No matter how much she walks, the walls never get closer, and nobody comes when she calls out for help.
Describe your character’s family. Mom #1 (bio) = Arielle Greenspan, Dad #1 (bio) = Charon. Wine Uncle and Aunt Joey & Genevieve Greenspan.   Adoptive mom#2 and dad #2. Her dad has something like 7 siblings (so her aunts and uncles) including Baz, and grandparents. Also she has a half-brother via Dad #1 named Romeo who seems lost.
Name your character’s favourite person and why. It’s kind of a fickle thing, honestly. Like she tries to impress someone and she would honestly say they’re the most important person to her, and then next week it will be someone completely different.
How many friends does your character have? She’s given up counting, which is exciting.
How many friends does your character want? More? Sure!
How would a friend or close relative describe your character? Sweet, bubbly, scattered, encouraging
Who depends on your character? Why? Err, maybe her family? But only because she works there and is loving.
Who does your character most want to please? Why? It changes, but it’s generally whoever she’s crushing on the most.
How does your character feel about sex? That it can either be really nice or absolutely harrowing. She’s attached to the idea that it’s better in theory with someone she really adores. 
How does your character feel about romantic relationships? That she doesn’t really know what she’s doing yet. And she’s probably going to mess this up but! She! Really! Wants! A girlfriend!
If your character had to live in utter seclusion, what six items would they bring? Any items? She’d want Baymax, a tiny house, a shovel, a slinky, a mattress, and a massive blanket
What is your character’s most noticeable trait and most noticeable physical feature? Most noticeable trait is probably her special brand of enthusiasm. Most noticeable physical feature is difficult because hers are exaggerated overall. Maybe lips?
How does your character feel about work? Depends on the kind of work. She doesn’t really want to work on the farm forever, and she is sure she doesn’t want to sell fake weed for the rest of her life. If it pays well, is relatively interesting, and has okay work/life balance. She’s studying pharmacy because it pays well and sounds like it at least won’t get boring. It has only recently occurred to her that people might actually try to get her to supply real drugs illicitly.
Write one headcanon. Her birth mom was Conservative Jewish. Yona thinks it’s very Jewish of herself to identify as such when she’s literally a demigod and her entire existence is a puzzle of belief and the deep questions. She doesn’t talk about it a lot with other people on the isle because she doesn’t really see the point, but participates in some online communities.
Write one additional thing about your character. She has a Facebook fan page called “Animals of Icaria” where she pretends to interview random animals in the wild, at the zoo, or in someone’s house in the style of HONY.
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vin-taege · 5 years
low expectations | 2
summary: after disappearing for six years to pursue law, you come back to Seoul, only to be hired by Jeon Jungkook, tattoo artist on the rise, and your high school ex
genre: angst, eventual smut, l2e2l (lovers to enemies [kinda?] to lovers)
pairing: tattoo artist!jungkook x lawyer!reader
words: 4 600+
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The clock read 3:35 am. You were up all night researching about the rival tattoo shop, Soliloquy. So far, there were only page advertisements and a ton of articles gushing about the shop. But "Seoul Ink" was also almost in every article - a "threat” to the long-running business, as the media would say. They had little to no detail too, and after a while, they all seemed to be saying the same thing. So you decided to shift gears and search more on Jung Minho himself. Not much was known of him, not even his educational background. Trivial things like height, weight, and age were listed. There were a few pages dedicated to fawning over him, seeing as he Was undeniably attractive. He looked just about Namjoon's age, striking cheekbones and a pierced tongue he'd often flash at the camera. You sighed, ready to give up. You've been clicking every link you came across, and Namjoon wasn't done with the suspect profile yet. The coffee you made had grown cold and your wrists had also started to ache. You were already on the 5th page of Google. You were desperate. Just as you were going to shut down your laptop,  Jungkook's words echoed in your mind, "I'm finally doing something I love." You shook your head, willing yourself to stay awake just a little longer. In a last attempt, you skimmed over a few more links until one caught your eye. "Gwangju Rapper Under Fire for Drug Scandal" 
You sat up, suddenly wide awake. The article was from four years ago, but you didn't know if the source was trustworthy. It was a news archive, and the web design was a little off, making you doubt its legitimacy. You read it, nonetheless, and picked up a lot of crucial information. Why in the world would this even show up in Jung Minho's search results? You clicked the picture of the rapper, a shiver running down your spine with the striking similarities he had with the Soliloqy head. Coincidentally, the rapper's career ended just a month before the first Soliloqy branch was built. You bookmarked the tab, and thought of calling Namjoon. However, another glance at the clock told you he was probably fast asleep by now, and you didn't want to wretch him away from his rest. Speaking of sleep, your eyes were already starting to droop. Maybe it was better to deal with everything tomorrow. It was still your month off anyway. °°° 6 years ago There was a loud knock on your window, waking you from your slumber. Your head had been buried in printer paper, what would be half of your book report on the novel "Animal Farm." It has only been three days since your mother began her temporary stay at your father's house, but she's already become unbearably pushy when it came to your studies. She was only staying for a week, but that was four days too long for you. You could still hear the knocking, but you were too sleepy to respond. Until it got louder. Lifting your head off your desk, you squinted at the window, the lamp light piercing your eyes. Your vision adjusted until you could make out a mope of brown hair pressed against the window pane. You rubbed your eyes, hurriedly getting up from your chair to open the window. "What are you doing here?" Your voice was still groggy from sleeping. The second you got a closer look at him, your heart stopped. The stench of alcohol was on his breath, and he was sweating like he ran a marathon. To top it all off, he was crying. He stumbled into your room, half walking, half getting carried by you and plopped down onto the bed. Sprawled over the covers, he let out a throaty groan, quickly getting hushed by you. "Jungkook! Don't be so loud!" you hissed. "What are you doing here?" He cracked open an eye, lazily tilting his head up to look at you. Suddenly, he smiled, hugging you and pulling you down with him. Your cheek was squished against his chest, his arms squeezing your torso. "My honey, baby, love of my life, sweetheart, darling." You tried pushing him off, initially disgusted by the overpowering scent of alcohol. Jungkook was oblivious to your discomfort, only beginning to sob harder. Hearing his cries, you stopped struggling, sliding your hands up to curl around his neck instead. You laid there, waiting for him to calm down. It was silent for a moment before his voice broke through the dead air. "I don't think I'm going to college." He took a shaky breath. "I got into an argument with my dad. I told him I didn't want to go to med school. I told him I'd hate it there. He- he kicked me out. My mom didn't even care." Your heart started to pound along with his. Oh no. No. Your mother already dreaded him because he was planning to be an art student, but now that he would possibly drop out, you knew she'd never approve. It would be unacceptable for her. Not only that, but what would happen to Jungkook now? What about your future? "What do you mean you got kicked out?" you said in a small voice. He gently nudged you off him so he could sit up. He began fiddling with his thumbs. "I don't have anywhere else to go. I don't have any money. ___, I'm so sorry. I'm such a fucking failure. Fuck!" He slammed his hands down on the bed, the springs squeaking. You flinched, the sudden aggression scaring you.. "Jungkook, stop. You're drunk." "I broke a fucking vending machine," he mumbled as if it was an afterthought. “I didn’t have money for beer.” "You what?!" you hit his shoulder, making him curse out, more of in surprise rather than pain. "Do you know how illegal that is, Jeon? You get kicked out and the first thing you do is commit a crime?" "Well, what do you expect me to do?! We don't all have perfect lives, ___. I went here and I thought you could kiss the pain away or some shit, and you're gonna fucking lecture me about street etiquette?" he scoffed. "Why are you so up your ass sometimes?" "Sometimes I don't know why you just can't manage to get your shit together. I want to support you, Kook, I really do. But sometimes you're just so fucking impulsive!" you didn't even realized you had raised your voice. Jungkook was staring at you with wide eyes, jaw clenched. You thought he was going to retort, maybe even scream back at you, but he remained silent. Unshed tears welled at the corners of his eyes. He wiped them with the back of his hand, swiftly standing. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here." He moved towards your window, a leg raised up, ready to leave. You grabbed him by the forearm, tugging him back. "Wait, I'm sorry. Kookie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said." You hugged him from the back, ignoring the sweat sticking to his shirt. "We're gonna get through this, okay? You still have me. You still have Tae. I'm sure you can work something out with your brother. But stay with me for now, okay?" Slowly, he leaned forward and shut the window. He let you lead him back to the bed, not even bothering to shower with how tired he was. Without another word, he curled up next to you, trying to fall asleep. On sleepless nights, you'd call him on the phone and he'd sing for you. This time, even though your voice couldn't hold a candle to his, you returned the favor, not stopping until you heard his calm, deep breaths. °°°
"So you're telling me-" Namjoon paused, stirring his cup of coffee. He had come early today to help you unpack, while also going over the case. "That rapper and the Jung Minho may or may not be the same person?" "They almost look exactly like each other." You turned the laptop over to him, bringing up the picture. His eyes widened, spoon hovering just above the coffee. "Don't you think it's kinda fishy our probable suspect, who may I add, planted drugs in the ink refills, looks exactly like this rapper from four years ago who got caught in a drug scandal?" Namjoon shrugged. He leaned over the kitchen counter and read the article, eye brows furrowing further after each line. "Honestly, that is weird. Hm. But you know what's weirder? You reaching the sixth page of Google."
You glared at him, continuing to unpack your kitchen utensils. "Excuse me, but I am dedicated to my job." "You mean dedicated to your ex?" you sputtered, almost dropping the knife holder. Namjoon smirked at you. "I've been talking to Jimin, and he told me some really interesting stuff." Of course it was Jimin. That man was too charismatic for his own good. "Please don't remind me." Namjoon took a sip of his coffee, grimacing when it burnt his tongue. He made his way to the sink and gargle some water, sighing when it somewhat relieved the pain. "___, you could've told me, you know? I mean, we could've averted this whole thing if that's what you wanted." "No, Joon. It's okay, I don't regret taking this case. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I guess I just don't like talking about it much," Namjoon looked at you, saw how tired you looked. Both physically and emotionally. "Come here," he opened his arms, and you gladly hugged him. His scent was welcoming, like that of new books mixed with citrus from the scented hand sanitizer he kept in his bag. "I think you need more hugs and less work." "Joon, I think I want to get my ex back," you mumbled into his sweater. You heard him sigh before letting you go. "As your assistant, I'd say this is probably a bad decision. As your best friend, I'd say this is definitely a bad decision but do what you think will make you happy." You ate breakfast quickly, eager to dive into the article more, even though you had already read it multiple times. Nostalgia hit you - it felt like it was a thesis night again, you and Namjoon scouring every corner of the Internet just to fill the Related Studies part. Ironically, a cheetos bowl was by the laptop, reminiscent of your college days. The rapper's stage name was a lead in itself, however he seems to be off the grid. The only other pictures left of him were blurry ones taken from afar. All of his music wasn't uploaded on the Internet, save for pictures of the CD cover. It was so suspicious how underground he was. Namjoon bookmarked the pages and copy-pasted all the needed pictures and information. It was a bit of a stretch, but so far, it was the only connection you could make with Jung. After a while, Namjoon cracked his knuckles and faced you. "I know this is pretty random, but can you come with me to the tattoo shop today?" "Why? I thought we couldn't get an interview today because they were booked. Did all their clients simultaneously agree to ditch their appointments?" "No," he laughed. "I'm getting a tattoo." You almost spit your coffee out. You looked at him, waiting for him to burst out laughing and tell you it was a joke - but he never did. "What do you mean you're getting a tattoo? Aren't we forbidden to get those?" "Wrong again. We could, but just somewhere we could hide it. I'm getting it on my inner forearm." It was the perfect spot, especially since he owns an abundance of long-sleeved tops. "And you're getting this because...?" "Because I’ve actually been thinking of getting a tattoo since last year. And I've been needing a break from being so... upright and formal" You didn't press for a further explanation. The whole “professional lawyer thing really was tiring. "Welcome to Seoul Ink, home of the best ink!" Jimin's cheerful voice greeted you. The pink lighting was turned off, letting the sunlight shine through the glass. The music playing was softer this time, matching the calm afternoon vibe. "Hi Namjoon! Hi, ___!" He wiggled his eyebrows when he greeted you, making your roll your eyes. Namjoon headed directly toward the designs placed on the walls, quickly spotting the one he was staring at yesterday. "How much for this one?" "30 000 won. Discounted, just for you," Jimin stood next to Namjoon. "Could be done in under thirty minutes. Are you walk-in, or would you want to place a schedule?" "Walk-in." "Shit. Would you mind waiting for a bit? The next open spot is," He checked his phone, before looking back at the taller male. "-in five hours." Namjoon sighed, face dropping - when suddenly, Jimin's phone beeped and his eyes lit up. "Actually, you're in luck. Tae's client cancelled last minute." As if on cue, Taehyung walked out from behind the hallway curtain. Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets seeing how much he's changed. His hair was colored blue, in contrast to Jimin's. He had full sleeves, and a small butterfly tattoo just under his jawline, by the side of his neck. The bandana he was wearing held his hair back, giving you a good look of the multiple piercings on his left ear, not to mention the one on his lip. "___?" Before you could reply, he was already running towards you, pulling you in for a tight hug. You chuckled hugging him back, always so affectionate even back the. You could feel the muscle he has gained, compared to his lanky built back in high school. “I didn't believe Jungkook at first, but wow! You look great!" "Tae," Jimin snapped his fingers, gaining Taehyung's attention. "Hyunjin backed out, but you've got a new client. Rosehead design. Tatt virgin so go easy on him."
“Why did no one tell me ___ was gonna be our lawyer?”
“I did. I told you four times, Taehyung,” Jimin rubbed his temples. His words fell on deaf ears, Taehyung still mesmerized by the mere sight of you. Six years ago, he never would’ve thought he’d see you again, but here you were. Fate had a way of bringing people together.
“Are you getting one too?” His voice was deeper, as if it wasn’t already deep before. You were relieved to find out he was more than welcoming to you, even after what you made him do. You shook your head. “Just Namjoon hyung then.”
Taehyung led you into his work room, the door of it being the one bombarded with polaroids and fairy lights. You never got the chance to look at the pictures, and now that you did, your eyes were immediately drawn to one near the upper left. 
It was an old one, dating way back to high school. You knew because you were in it - face lit up with a bright smile, mid-laugh. Sitting next to you was Jungkook, mirroring your happy expression as he held a barbecue stick up. You recognized it from your prom night. Jungkook didn’t have enough money to rent a suit, making him pass on prom. You and Taehyung decided to ditch it, having a small barbecue party in his backyard instead.
You sensed someone staring at you, and turned your head to find Taehyung. He was startled, sending you a goofy expression afterwards.
Namjoon sat on the soft reclining chair, trying his best to make himself comfortable. Taehyung was humming as he did the preliminaries; getting the design ready and sterilizing the needles to be used, including turning on a lamp with normal lighting so he could see better. “I have some bubblegum in case you want some. It serves as a pain outlet.”
He handed you a small bowl full of gumballs, then continued to prep the tools and Namjoon. The older of the two boys shoved in two gumballs, jittery even before the procedure began. 
“You didn’t take any energy drinks or coffee before this, right?” Taehyung rubbed Namjoon’s inner forearm with a cloth dipped in alcohol. He paled, eyes widening, “Am I not supposed to?”
Taehyung clicked his tongue. “That’s why you’re so nervous. Well, this is just a flash tattoo. No color, easy lineart. It’s going to be a walk in the park!” He smacked Namjoon on the shoulder a little too hard, making him yelp.
“Tae, Jimin said go easy,” you murmured, though you still got your phone out. Namjoon’s reaction while getting his first tattoo was too hilarious to no film. 
“I will,” he plugged the cord into an outlet, the tattoo gun roaring to life. “Okay, lawyer hyung, I need you to relax because this would only hurt more if you don’t.”
Twenty minutes in, and you were positive Namjoon had cried out for his mother exactly thirty times so far. A thick wad of chewed up bubblegum was in his mouth, and it was only getting bigger. Taehyung on the other hand, was fully composed, eyebrows knit in concentration. 
You tried talking to Namjoon to ease the pain, but he either couldn’t form a coherent response, or wasn’t listening to you altogether. Presently, his eyes were screwed shut as he fiercely rapped along to an Eminem song playing in the background. 
“I missed you. He missed you too. A lot,” You almost didn’t catch Taehyung say it. His eyes were still on his work, but he continued. “I still feel bad for doing it, but I couldn’t chose sides. You’re both my best friends.”
You shot a worried glance at Namjoon. Although Taehyung wasn’t looking at you, he spoke again, “Don’t worry. His nerves are making this more painful than it actually is, and he’s so far into the pain he probably won’t even recall us talking.”
You cleared your throat. “Are you mad at me?”
Taehyung chuckled, pausing to lightly shake his head. “I could understand why you did it. I genuinely am happy for how far you’ve come.”
“Is he...?” you trailed off, scared to know the answer. You didn’t have to say his name for Taehyung to know who you were referring to.
“He’s sad. Bitter, I think? I guess he thought it was a good idea to channel all that sadness into anger. You know how he is,” he sighed. “He still loves you though.”
His words made you freeze. He cracked his neck, soft brown eyes looking back at you, before going back to his work. “Did you know the main thing that motivated him so much was you? It was always you he talked about. He always said he wanted to prove himself to you.”
“He doesn’t need to do that.”
“I know. I kept telling him that, but I think it would be better if you did.” Taehyung worked in silence, save for Namjoon’s garbled rapping and the buzz of the tattoo gun. From time to time, he’d encourage Namjoon with an “Almost there!” or “You’re doing well, hyung!”, but Namjoon tuned everything out. He really was too into his head.
“Tae, I still love him,” you rushed out. The younger boy raised an eyebrow. “And?”
“And I want him back,” He smirked, turning the gun off. He clasped his hands loudly, making Namjoon jump lightly from his seat. “Break time!”
Namjoon melted into the chair, letting out a long, trembling breath. He was sweating all over, quickly slipping into a nap after muttering a silent, “I think I’ll rest for a bit.”
“I mean,” Taehyung’s voice rang once more. He snapped his gloves off, throwing them in the garbage bin “He hasn’t dated anyone else ever since. I got him really stone drunk once, and he kept crying about how much he missed you.”
“You’re telling me this because?”
“Because I hate seeing both my best friends miserable?” he shrugged. “Get some air, look at some of the designs outside. I think Namjoon hyung isn’t the only one under extreme stress today.”
The other designs plastered on the walls were all unique in their own way. You got why Jungkook’s shop was so popular - it almost transported you to another dimension. The care and detail he put into the shop was amazing, exactly the way he used to describe it. 
The entire six years you went away, he never left your mind. The idea of getting it over with, of coming back to him, kept you going. But after graduation, after becoming one of the most sought-after lawyers even in your age, fear started to slowly cripple you.
A lot of “what if’s” disheartened you. Most of all, shame. You couldn’t face him after what you’ve done.
You flinched, startled by Jungkook’s suddenly standing next to you. “You thinking of getting one too?”
“No. Not today, at least,” You were both looking at the designs without really paying attention to them. The feeling of being next to each other without actively addressing each other’s presence was weirdly comforting. You were waiting for each other to make the next move, both too nervous to start, until you did. “I missed the food here. Remember that cheap ramen shop just outside our school? Mrs. Park was a nagger, but nothing could ever beat her cooking.”
To you surprise, he laughed - something you haven’t heard in ages. You were glad to make him smile again, even if it was just for a little while. “Man, none of the ramen shops here could ever beat Mrs. Park’s. It’s what’s tasty in Busan.”
“Speaking of Busan, Jimin’s actually from there too. No offense to Tae, but at least someone here could get the dialect.”
“Hey, don’t be too mean. Remember when he cried about missing Daegu the night before finals?”
“Ah, shit. I was so stressed out, like, what the fuck do I do? I want to comfort him, but I also want to not get kicked out of school. But looking back at it, I knew I was gonna fail with or without reviewing, so.” You laughed, hitting him lightly. Whenever he smiled, he really didn’t look any different from the Jungkook six years ago.
“How did it feel like moving to Seoul?”
“I was a bit nervous at first. Scared. I was no one, just this kid from Busan moving into this city of opportunities, and at some point I felt like I was going to drown in them but never really take one? I was so scared of becoming the person my parents thought of me but-” he paused, smoothing out a design that was about to fall off. “Taehyung was with me. And I wasn’t just this scrawny Busan kid anymore. I was this Busan boy with this other Daegu boy, and we had stars in our eyes, which at that time, was enough to fill our empty wallets.”
“And I just lived in the moment. And I... I thought of... I thought of you.”
The dreadful silence came back. Before you could stop yourself, much less think about your next words, you blurted them out. “I wonder if things turned out differently.”
Jungkook tensed Just when you got him to open up, he retreated back into his shell. He crossed his arms, fists balled up. “That’s the thing, ___. They didn’t.”
“Don’t you want them to?”
“At some point I did,” you glanced at him, his stony expression never meeting yours. You wanted to grab his hand and tell him you were sorry, that you were going to make things right. “But you were six years too late.”
He walked away, disappearing back into his room. Defeated, you walked back into Taehyung’s, finding him already resuming his work with Namjoon. Your partner looked more relaxed, even able to hold a conversation now. “Oh, there you are!”
Namjoon waved at you with his free arm. “We were talking about a cafe meeting, just to lay out all the details to the other boys and possibly get more info.”
“Yeah, ___! I could pressure Jungkook to treat us out. I haven’t had a good croissant in weeks.” He wiped the tattoo with a cloth, revealing crisper lines, before bringing the tattoo gun back on the skin. “I miss eating bread.”
You thought of the idea, figured a simple lunchout wouldn’t hurt anyone. The two boys continued with their banter, but you tuned them out. Jungkook’s words ran through your mind, as well as the design he touched back then. It was a pinky promise outline. You remembered it being the exact one he used to draw on your notebooks back then. Before either of the two boys could say anything to you, you were on your way to Jungkook’s room, pushing the door open.
He looked at you, surprised, pencil in hand. You must’ve caught him mid-drawing. “I want it on my hip.”
Puzzled,he stared at you for a moment, wide eyes shifting from you to his sketchbook. “You want what?”
“The pinky swear,” you pointed to the space just above your hipbone. “I want it here.”
“You can’t just barge into my work room and demand for a tattoo service.” You stared him down, feet firmly planted on the ground. He knew you weren’t going to budge, and with an exasperated sigh, he motioned towards the tattoo chair. “Fuckin’ sit down.”
Just like Taehyung, he took his time to prep everything he needed. Open a new needle pack, sterilize your skin, even got the design ready. “Tatt virgin, knowing you, you probably drank coffee before this didn’t you? And you got this tattoo on a whim, huh?”
“Maybe,” you blushed.”Last minute decision.”
He raised an eyebrow. The familiar buzz of the tattoo gun filled the room, but he didn’t bring i close to you yet. “Hip tattoos tend to hurt. What made you want this one?”
“It’s our design. You kept it,” Your bluntness surprised him.He pressed his lips together, furrowing his eyebrows a bit. “It was a nice, minimalistic outline. Good for flash, easy to make. Me keeping it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Jeon, you are still so bad at lying,” you rolled your eyes. Under your confident mask, you were actually very anxious. You still didn’t know what your boundaries were. What if you were stepping over the line and he’d get pissed and give you a shitty tattoo? No, Jungkook wasn’t that petty.
“Jeon, you are still so bad at lying,” he mimicked you, pulling a face. He snickered, “See how annoying you sound? Oh my God, ___, you’re still a big nerd.”
“You begged me for formula cards back then, and you know it,” you stuck your tongue out. Smiling, he shook his head. A gloved hand wiped your hip with a rag faintly smelling of aseptic. He paused, giving the pattern on the skin a once-over. “This is gonna hurt.”
“It’ll hurt less,” you whispered. He gave you a questioning look. “Seriously, ___, this is near the bone. It will hurt like a bitch.”
“I know,” you shuffled in your seat. “I mean, it’ll hurt less because I know you’ll be the one doing it.”
You didn’t need him to reply, and he didn’t. However, you knew it wasn’t out of spite, or because you pushed a button. The hum of the tattoo gun got louder, a sharp pain on your hip bone. But seeing Jungkook smile the way he used to - like when he was still yours - provided more comfort than you could ever imagine. And that was enough for now.
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
Pandemonium VI
Words; 5.1k
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“And where would I be?  Feeling lonely...separated from my one and only.  So please, don’t take my love away.  Let my baby stay.” - Mac Demarco
“I mean...it is rather nice of him to do that.”
You shrugged at Kat, still on the fence on whether or not to have a positive or negative reaction to the anecdote.  
You had just informed her on the call you had received just a couple of hours ago, the one concerning a certain artist paying off your mom’s medical bills.  
Even you (a very stubborn person) had to admit that having that expense paid was a giant weight off you and your families’ shoulders.
But at what cost?  
You recalled his cunning and sly smiles, further proof that his intentions may not be all that innocent.  All you needed to find out was his motive for doing this. That would connect this puzzle and ease your mind of the enigma that was Taehyung.  But the more you thought about it, the more puzzled you became. He was flirtatious but just you thought someone was cute, doesn’t mean it will justify paying off their injured mothers’ medical bill (that was at least a couple grand).  
But, this was a rich kid you were talking about.  
Money was as familiar to him as water was to fish.  
He spent thousands like you spent monopoly money.  Little to no care of real life consequences.
“I just wish for some context.  Like what the fuck?” You asked your friend.  Kat just nodded as she walked beside you, half listening to you but half paying close attention to the shops you guys passed.  
“Yeah, it is very odd.  You did say this was Jimin’s younger brother, right?  Perhaps he heard about Jimin snapping and coming to our dorm so he figured he should apologise on Jimin’s behalf.”  At the mention of Jimin’s name, your face went stony and expressionless.
You didn’t want to tell Kat about your day, about how Jimin went so far as to show up outside your class, clearly looking for you.  You didn’t want to bring up his name ever again, especially in front of Kat. The last thing you wanted was for her to be reminded of your crazed sugar daddy and how he dared assault her.  Hell, you didn’t want to think about your craptastic day.
You just sighed and agreed to let the topic drop, for now at least.
“I guess that makes sense.  You’re very smart, Kat.”
She just laughed, used to you complimenting her IQ when you were just being over-dramatic and lacked the use of yours.  Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks which caused you to do so as well. Her elfish face looked up and grinned up at the sign of a certain small shop.  
“We’re here.”  
The overwhelming floral scent hit your nostrils, causing you to scrunch up your nose in slight disgust.  You never got why people hyped up the smell of flowers...the citrus and perfumey smell gave you a slight headache when given to you in heavy doses.
“Kat, I really don’t think this is needed.”  You murmured to you friend. She waved you off and guided you to the short line.  
“This place is the most well-known florist shop in our city, (Y/n).  Trust me, your aunt and mom will love this. And it’s always proper etiquette to send something when a family member is in the hospital.”
You rolled your eyes, “Sis, I literally spent days with her at the hospital.  I’m pretty sure I’m in the clear as far as etiquette goes.”
Kat wasn’t hearing it.  “Maybe after seeing our nice ass flowers, your aunt will get off your dick.”  She laughed while rubbing her hands together.
“Okay I’m gonna act like you’re not just using my mom’s accident as an excuse to look at some flowers.”  
If Kat heard you, she ignored it as she began to list off the different kinds of flowers that would be good in this situation.  She really was a tumblr bitch whom was addicted to these types of things. You fondly smiled, you rather her be like this than the way you saw her yesterday.  Shaken and afraid.
The line moved as one more customer was served.  At this moment, Kat’s phone rung and her cheerful face slid into a more somber expression.  
“I need to take this, it’s Cynthia.”  You let her go, knowing just how thin and frail the foundation of their relationship currently was.  Now you stood alone in the line, waiting for your turn.
With nothing to do, you couldn’t help but overhear the guy who was in front of you and talking to the worker.
“I don’t know much about flowers but I just need something to send to my friend, he just got married last week and I couldn’t make the wedding..” His voice was velvet smooth and neither high-pitched nor low.  
All you could see was the backside of this man.  He was tall and rather lean. Shoulders were wide, but they had a delicate droop downwards, giving his posture a relaxed but consecutive posture.  His neck was long (at least the back of it was) and sat on top of his head was a perfectly brushed mop of black hair.
The worker just nodded and began to work on getting an order together for him.  You supposed that they got that all the time, people just coming in and asking for flowers without knowing what is called for.  
“I can take the next person in line!”  
You moved up to the area beside the other worker and that mystery guy as an older lady waved you over to her work station.  “What can I do for you, sweets?”
Words were caught in your throat.  Fuck, it was Kat who was supposed to be doing all of this.  You decided to follow that other guys’ lead and just tell her the situation so she can come up with the appropriate set up.  
“Yeah, I need flowers delivered to my mother’s house.  She got into a car accident and I can’t be with her as much as I’d like.”  the older lady gave you a sympathetic look as she began to lay down some paper to wrap the the flowers in.  
“Do you have a particular color in mind?”  She asked, sensing your lack of knowledge. You shrugged.  
“I don’t know..  My friend mentioned doing something multi-colored?”  You trailed off, trying to recall bits of Kat’s rambling.  
“Well, we just got some lilies in.  They come in white, pink, red, orange and yellow.”  
“Can we do white and pink?”  She nodded and smiled.
“Did you mention this will be getting delivered? “  You nodded and she handed you a paper that needed to be filled out before heading towards the back to get the flowers.  
While putting down the address and zip code of your moms’ house, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were being watched.  
You looked over and it was the guy who was in front of you just moments before, instead this time he was facing you head on.
His face was long and slender, just like his body.   Chin was in a perfect V-shape, lips were wide and pink while currently being pulled back in a chesire grin. His teeth were tall and pure white. His nose was high rised, but had a smooth and perfect arch.  It was long without being too big and was weirdly the best nose you’ve ever seen. Although his face was slim, his cheeks held a good amount of flesh on them, and they caused his eyes to crinkled while smiling.  His eyes were ink-black, but deep set and held a glossy look over them that made them appear slightly watery. They were slightly swollen as well, giving them the appearance of cuteness and surrounded by dense eyelashes.  Sort of like an anime character. The man was currently wearing a denim jacket, white shirt and black jeans.
You made eye contact and he just continued to stare at you.
You huffed.
Why the fuck were men addicted to staring?  
“Can I help you?”  You called out.
He nodded, smiling even wider if possible.  
“What’s your name?”  
You rolled your eyes.  “What’s it to you?”
“I’ll pay for your order if you just give me your name.”  
Instinctively, before you can process it, you had said, “(Y/n).”
He took a step towards you, now peering down at you.  “Hello (Y/n), I’m Hoseok.”
You nodded but ignored his words and pushed the clipboard to him.  “So like right here is where the card information comes in. Don’t forget to tip the delivery person too!”  You shoved the paper in his face, making sure he won’t go back on his promise.
He laughed cheerfully, the sound like bells chiming as his eyes scrunched up to the point where you doubt he even could see through them, mouth widely ajar as more laughter escaped it.  
“Your very funny, (Y/n).”  He commented, looking at you up and down while still chuckling,  
You nodded but couldn’t help but notice that he had yet to fulfill his side of the deal.  You fake laughed but grabbed his hand and forcefully shoved him to the table along with the clipboard.  
“HAhahA, yeah so the order should come out to like 30 or something and I don’t know about shipping costs but like here’s the pen and if you can just sign here and there, that’d be great.”
He laughed but did it nonetheless, signing off on paying for the order.  Apparently, your pushiness was very humorous to him.
You gave hit back a pat on the back and said, “Thanks dude, but I gotta blast.”
He called out from behind you but you sprinted out of the shop, not wanting to give him the chance to regret paying for your flowers.  Kat was outside still on the phone, you just dragged her along with you down the street, promising to explain later.
As a wise woman once said; men ain’t shit but walking dick with wallets.  
“Is that really what you thought of me?”  He laughed hard, bunny smile evident and and rounded teeth poking out.
“Listen sis, I just know a fuckboy when I see one and all my alarms were going off when I spotted your steroids headass.”
“For the last time, I’m not on steroids.”
“Yeah, you prob just snort protein powder like it’s crack. “
Jungkook laughed harder at that, hunching over in his seat.  
At the moment, both of you were at the campus library.  You had agreed to meet up for the project, not willing to risk your grade being compromised just because your partner was someone less than ideal.  Also, he proved himself to be somewhat decent when he helped you sneak out when Jimin showed up. Quickly, you started to feel bad for assuming that he was trash.  Throughout the study date, it became apparent that he was stuck in a fuckboy body, what laid under that was actually an easily flustered dork.
“(Y/n), you’re hilarious.” He giggled. You shrugged at this.  You honestly weren’t that funny, people just didn’t expect girls to be able to crack decent jokes.
You two were sat at a table, side by side with papers and books spread out between you two.  The library had large bookshelves that surrounded you, so tall that they almost reached the high ceilings and successfully blocked anyone from being able to see you and Jungkook unless they were at one of the other tables in the section.  However, the place was very empty with the core inhabitants being the librarians themselves, plus Jungkook and you.
“Yeah, yeah.  Listen, we got to find a way not to fail this class.”  You told him, trying to turn the attention back to the work.  
You had been there for roughly 20 minutes, but still nothing had been accomplished yet.  Jungkook had wanted to know why you were at first so cold to him, and you honestly told him that he just had that stupid frat boy vibe and you were already in a grouchy mood in the mornings.  He spent the next few minutes trying to convince you that he was actually a lame nerd. He listed off the things he did in hopes that your previous assumption of him would melt away. You had to admit, it worked rather well.  The iron man obsession, the video game marathons, the IU posters and the hobby of photography and videography weren’t what you first pictured when you saw him. You thought of axe body spray, “nudes?”, stupid gym pictures of him flexing and party going along with all those other things that came along with being a fuckboy.  You guess you were wrong.
“Basically, he just wants us to answer those questions onto a google presentation that we have to share with him.”  Jungkook explained, also looking at the work now. You groaned.
“How am I supposed to be able to answer those questions when I wasn’t even here for that lesson?”  You thunked your head against the table. “Jungkook you should consider curb stopping this professor.  Like, your so big for no reason? You should take one for the team…”
“Is that all I am to you?  A fucking right-hand man to send to handle your enemies?”  Jungkook fake pouted, placing a hand onto his chest.
“Shit, kook.  If I have a body builder for a friend, am I expected not to use him?”  Jungkook sighed, bunny face relaxing into a lazy grin. He took out a few more things from his folder and handed it over to you.
“Here, I have the answers and notes from that lesson.  Just copy it down so you can look it over whenever you need.”  You nodded in thanks and began to copy his work over to your own blank sheets.  It was quiet for a moment as Jungkook just fondly watched you do this, taking in your
side profile and adorable face expressions of concentration.  He wanted to drink you in blissfully, not with a care in the world for anything but this moment.  But something was preventing him from doing that. Something that bothered him.
“(Y/n)?”  he asked gingerly.  
“What?”  You responded, not looking up from the scribblings of fast note-taking.  
“Do I know that guy who you had to sneak past?”  
This question caught you off guard.  You looked up. “No. He doesn’t go here and he’s a bit older.”  
“If he ever gives you any problems, you know you can call on me right?”  This made you snort.
“Kook, you wouldn’t even hurt a fly.”  
He stared into you, eyes so dark and voice so bleak when he stated, “I can under the right circumstances.”
“KAT! WHAT THE FUCK ARE MY QUALITIES?!”  You yelled from across the dorm from your spot on the loveseat.
“FUCK IF I KNOW!”  She hollered right back from the bedroom.  You grumbled and pondered a bit more.
‘Good team player, headstrong, analytical and grand ability to laugh at oneself.’ You typed this down while chuckling at how lame it sounded.
The next question popped up on the screen.
You ignored this while typing down, ‘In desperate need of experience and said position offers such qualifications.’
The job application was complete and sent.  
Ever since you had cut off Jimin, you sworn off sugar daddies all together.  But, this didn’t mean that income wasn’t needed. You decided to do things the old fashioned way instead of chilling with older and richer men for cash, and chose to start filling out job applications.  
To be honest, you didn’t know how you were going to manage to take classes full time as well as work but you figured that you should at least try to talk to some employers about working.  You sent applications everywhere. To fast food places, to clothing stores, to even personal assistant positions.
If you didn’t at least get one call back, you were going to shoot yourself.  
Luckily, in a matter of two hours a call did come.  
You had an interview tomorrow afternoon.
A skirt, a dressy top and heels is what you were currently wearing.  You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror and honestly couldn’t recognize yourself.
You looked like such a corprate drone…
The business building was very nice as well as the bathroom that you were currently hiding in.  You were one of the few people from the waiting room that were all interviewing for the position.  It was to be a personal assistant of some business director.
The description mentioned that it would be all very easy work.  Just managing the schedule and meetings he would have, getting coffee, and maybe picking up some dry cleaning here and there.  Apparently this guy was a big deal because one letter of recommendation from him will almost guarantee a number of jobs.
But here you were, freaking out in the bathroom.  
The other females in the waiting room all appeared to be very much determined to work for this guy.  They looked more qualified and more comfortable with the setting that you just felt like a fool for even showing up.  You would definitely be wasting the interviewer’s time. The other girls in there wore stilettos and carried fucking mini briefcases!  
You took a deep breath and tried to cool off by spraying some cold water on your face, not enough to ruin your minimalist makeup.  However, it would take a bit more to calm you down
You decided to make a quick call to Kat.  You dialed her up and right away she picked up.
“So I’m having a panic attack in the bathroom before my interview….”  You trailed off.
“Listen!  I know I’m the queen of over reactions but I can’t help but feel like something really shitty is about to happen!”  
At this moment, a woman who was way more prettier and confident than you’ll ever be in such a place, walked in to the bathroom during your little rant.  She gave you a dirty look before disappearing in a bathroom stall. Embarrassment colored your cheeks.
“(Y/n), what the fuck can happen at an interview at a well respected business?  Don’t freak yourself out and get back out there. Let’s get this bread.” Kat attempted to encourage you.
You just nodded and hung up given you were no longer alone in the bathroom and would feel more awkward to continue your meltdown.
‘Let’s get this bread indeed’ you thought with fake confidence, before leaving the bathroom.
As soon as you stepped back into the waiting room, a voice called out,
“(Y/n) (l/n)?  Mr. Kim will see you now.”  You halted in you steps before taking a deep breath and making your way up to the desk, heart pounding.
The secretary smiled at you sweetly and motioned for you to follow her.
You allowed yourself to be led to a conference room where she told you to just knock and wait for a response before going in.  
You knocked on the large black door, lightly.  Listening closely for your cue.
“Come in!”  A light voice called out.  
You opened the door and stepped inside.  
It was a big room that had glass walls and a breathtaking view of the city’s skyline.  There was a long table with about 10 seats sourrounding it smack dab center of the room.  You guessed that this is where meetings were held.
A man was seated on one side of the table and began motioning for you to sit on the one right in front of him.  
Currently, he was looking down at his laptop and typing away, glasses on and cup of coffee beside him.  He still had yet to look up at you.
You supposed he did this one too many times today.  The guilt of wasting his time hit you once again now that you had a face to put to the poor interviewer.  And what a handsome face it was...
He had really wide and buff shoulders that was covered by a suit.  His skin was extremely pale and free of any imperfections. Not so much as a single blemish tainted his face.  A walking advertisement for any skin-care product he uses. His face was oval shaped and held a very sharp jaw. Chin prominent and square-ish to balance the slenderness of his cheeks. The lips were very pouty and dark, berry pink. His nose was straight and had a cute, fleshy bulbous at the end.  At each side of his nose were one of his small and black eyes that were currently downcast. His eyes held slightly curled and coal black eyelashes, that matched his black hair that was charmingly tousled on top on his head. He looked like he was a high-class actor. It was almost hard to believe that someone could achieve such physical perfection without the help of plastic surgery.  Not one feature about him was off-putting. You supposed someone as physically blessed as him must get used to the stares of women.
“(Y/n), is it?”  His voice was high and soprano with a enchanting twinkle.  
“Yes.”  You simply answered.  
He looked up for a brief glance to look back down at your resume, only to look back up at neck-break speed.  
His eyes bulged a tad bit as they met yours once again.  
A crooked smile spread across his face after a moment of just observing you.  
“I’m Kim Seokjin.  I’m the one who is looking for the assistant.”  Your eyes widened a bit at this development.
Fuck, this whole ordeal just became a bit more intimidating.  
“Well Ms. (Y/n), I’d love to get to know a bit more about the type of person you are.”  He said while leaning forward against the table, placing his enthralling face on top of his propped hands.  
You were a bit taken aback at how focused he was, and wondered if everyone got such treatment during their interviews.  
You were interrupted when the door opened and someone stepped inside.  A husky voice asked,
“Jin, when is the meeting going to start?  We all got shit to do you know and you’re taking up the whole conference room.”  
Jin’s face dropped to a look of annoyance as he glared up at this unsaid person.  “Yoongi, I’ll be done in a bit. I’m in the middle of a interview.” he looked back a you.  “It will most likely be the last one for today. Miss. (Y/n) looks to be a very promising candidate…”  He winked at you, confusing the hell out of you. You barely said anything about yourself and you knew damn well the info he had on you wasn’t exactly groundbreaking.
“Whatever, I’ll just tell the rest th-Wait.”  The voice cut itself off. You heard footsteps get closer.  “(Y/n)?”
You turned around.  
And there stood that fucker from the bus.  
“Yoongi?”  You asked. He smiled, gummy and sweet.  
Today he was wearing an armani suit (nothing like the hoodie you first saw him in) however his tie was still loosened which made you smile.  Even in this type of environment, he still managed to be laidback and chill.
“What are you doing here, doll?  Don’t tell me you’re trying to be Jin’s new assistant.”  He droned, face bored but soft smile still present.
You nodded, nerves slowly melting away now that you saw a familiar face.  You joked, “Do you mind putting a good word in for me, man?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes.  “Sorry babe but I don’t hate you enough to try to put you onto this job.  Jin’s probably gonna have you position his hair dryer just right for him more than doing actual work.”  
“Hey!  Is that a way to talk about your older brother!”  The handsome man seated in front of you yelled, facing turning slightly red.
Your jaw dropped at ‘brother’.  
Before you can say anything, another voice added to the conversation, this time it came from right outside the now open door.  
“What’s the hold up, guys?  We promised dad to get the expense reports done today and I’m not working overtime.”  
You looked over at the voice and almost shat yourself.
God wasn’t gonna let you outrun this for too long.  
You ran from him originally but somehow you managed to run towards him without your knowing.
There stood Park Jimin.  
“(Y/n)!”  He exclaimed.  He thrusted himself into the room and onto his knees before you, taking your hands into his.  His eyes (that already were rather swollen and red) teared up as his cherub face glazed up at you.  
“B-babygirl, I’m so happy to see that your okay!  When you told me about your mom and the car accident I just felt so awful.”  His voice broke as he hiccupped some more. “W-what can I do to help, (Y/n)? Please!  Just tell me! I’ll do anything to earn a spot back into your life!”
He was full on sobbing at this point.  Chubby and small face covered with tears as he pushed himself further onto your lap and closer to your face.  
“You have the right to be upset with me, b-but you can’t just kick me out of your life!  I’ll accept any punishment but that!”
Due to the commotion, you hear murmuring sounds come from outside the room.  You couldn’t bring yourself to tear your eyes from Jimin and his usually joyful face that was now crumpled up with misery.  A proud man who had everything was currently on his knees in front of you, begging just for some sort of contact with you and reassurance of your well-being. His unique and raspy voice sounded so raw and broken when crying out for you.  
You patted his head, trying to get him to calm down to any extent.  
He leaned into the action, reminding you of a kicked puppy who just craved affection from his owner.  
You heard multiple footsteps enter the room, without a doubt here to witness the scene of businessman Jimin and his sudden breakdown.  You decided to ignore the other personas in the room and try to reason with your former sugar daddy.
“Jimin, you attacked my roomate.  I can’t forgive that.”
He jumped up at this, grasping at your waist and pulling you closer to him, apparently not caring if he wrinkled his fancy suit.  “It’s a misunderstanding, I swear! Let me explain!”
You heard a harsh gasp that pierced the room so vividly that you just had to look up and see who it was.  
There stood four men, watching the scene.
And you knew all of them.
Each and every single one.
“i have 6 brothers.”  Jimin had told you this on the night of your first outing.
And like that, it connected.  
All of it….. connected.
Like a puzzle you didn’t even knew existed until all the pieces were face to face with you, mocking your inability to solve it.  
7 men who were all young, handsome and heirs to a multi-million dollar company ran by their father.  
Like a Shakespearian drama, hell unleashed itself in the confined space of the conference room.
“You’re the crazy ex (Y/n) was talking about?!”  Jungkook yelled, glaring at Jimin with his doe eyes know filled with pent-up aggression now that he knew whom was responsible for your fear.
“How the hell do you know her?”  Hoseok demanded of Jungkook. This made the youngest of the bunch scoff.  
“What do you mean how do I know her?  We’re classmates! The question is how do you old, senile fucks know her?!”  He hollered, addressing all of the other men in the room.
Jimin ignored this and tugged your face back to him.  He just needed you to forgive him, he didn’t bother with his siblings at the moment.  He had tunnel vision whenever you were in a room. Now more than ever, as your forgiveness was top priority.  
“I didn’t attack Kat!  (Y/N), you have to believe me!  And why are you even interviewing for this job, baby?  You know that as your sugar daddy that I’ll provide for you.”  Jimin was holding you so close to him, afraid that something might just snatch you up if he wasn’t looking.  Which was somewhat true given the particular scene…
“Sugar daddy?!” Seokjin gaped, shocked at the revelation.  
“So she’s basically only with you for money…”  Yoongi smirked, monotone voice expressionless as always.  He was pleased because this meant your relationship with Jimin was very easily replaceable and not built off of true feelings on your side.  He’d just offer you more money and tada! You were going to be his.
“Was.  She was with him.”  Jungkook corrected, crossing his arms.  
Jimin snapped at this term, brain not willing to comprehend that it was over.  Couldn’t they see that this was just a bump in the road for him and (Y/n)? He wanted them to shut up before they gave you ideas of keeping him away from you.
“Shut your fucking mouths!  This is our relationship and our business.  Not you nosy motherfuckers!” He growled at them, stunning you.  
Your mind was so preoccupied at the moment.  Even amongst this chaos.
How did you manage to run into all of them at once?  In an office setting, nonetheless.
You’ve been to Jimin’s workplace before and it was a building that was on the other side of town.  So, how the fuck are they all here?
“I thought the building on the West side of town was your guys’ family business.”  You mumbled, dazed and confused. This was like a venus fly trap that you stumbled upon.  You usually had more wit than this to willingingly walk into a messy situation.
“We have 3 different locations in the city, baby.”  Namjoon said this while studying your concentrated face fondly.  It was so cute when you thought so hard.
You eyes looked up to meet the one brother who had yet to speak.  
He was the only one who looked unbothered with the whole ordeal, just watching it with aloofness and moderate entertainment at the digs they gave each other.  
“Why did you pay off my mom’s bills?”  You couldn’t help but ask him, not knowing if you’d ever get this chance again.
He smiled down at you, and even the other brothers stopped to study Taehyung, alarmed at your question.  
He shrugged and asked, “Is it wrong to want to take care of my future mother-in-law?”  
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Author’s note: ALL MEMBERS ARE HERE NOW SO ALL ASKS ARE OPEN!!  Also thank you all sooooo much for the support and esp the asks, I love doing them.  Pls let me know what you think of this chapter and also you guys should feel free to send any questions you may have for me or just to say whatever you want.  I love it.  
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zoeygreensimblr · 4 years
Wonderland (Episode 53)
"Happy birthday Princess" Angus greeted me the morning of my 19th birthday. He was in the kitchen cooking me pancakes.
"Thank you baby" I say, sliding up next to him and wrapping my arms around him. Angus had taken the day off work to spend with me but he wouldn't let me know what he had planned, "Can I get just one clue of what we are doing today?" I ask him, watching the cheeky smile spread across his face
"We are going to get very dirty" He teases, winking at me, "Eat your breakfast, we've got a big day ahead of us" He places a plate with 3 pancakes in front of me and I drizzle maple syrup all over them and take my plate to the dinning table.
"Is Tess and Brian joining us?" I question him, usually Tess would wake me up on our birthday but I hadn't heard a peep out of her this morning.
"Brian took her out for breakfast but they are meeting up with us for lunch" He explains, sitting himself down at the table with his own stack of pancakes covered in strawberry jam.
"And where exactly will lunch be?" I ask, trying my best to squeeze any information out of him.
"Your breakfast is getting cold Princess" He tells me, ignoring my question while smiling to himself, he loves surprising me. "Pack your swimsuit though" He says and that's the only clue I'm given.
The first surprise on the birthday list is Newcrest Day Spa, a place known for it's luxurious mud baths, yoga, sauna and range of massages, we are greeted by a tall, thin, blonde woman with glowing skin who offers us cucumber water on arrival.
"Good morning Mr McKenzie and Miss Green, my name is Lola, we have you booked in for stone massages at 10am and a mud bath at 11, feel free to join a yoga class or unwind in the sauna, we also offer hand and feet massages."  Lola tells us, handing over plush white robes for us to change into, "Down the hall you will find change rooms with lockers, your locker is number 66, and here is your passcode to unlock it" Lola say, handing over a small piece of paper with a four digit code.
Angus and I make our way to the change room where we change out of our clothing and into our swimsuits, wrapping the robes around ourselves.
"How did you get a booking here? I've heard it's booked out months in advance" I ask, amazed.
"The owner is a client at the gym, I had her pull some strings and get us in" He tells me proudly, he knows he's done well, this is nothing like the day spa Tess and I go to for massages in Brindlton Bay.
We make our way upstairs to the massage suite, take off our robes and hand them on a rack then lay face down on the massage tables and wait. Two women enter the suite and introduce themselves as Chloe and Nicole.
"Happy birthday Zoey, ready for your stone massage?" Chloe asks me cheerfully.
"Yes please" I reply, smiling over at Angus.
My hot stone massage leaves me feeling very relaxed and refreshed.
"Please try our lemon, honey and ginger detox tea" Nicole offers us as we are putting our fluffy robes back on, "It helps elevate your body of toxins". We take a cup of tea each, it tastes sweet with a hint of citrus and ginger, drinking it on the way to the bathing room. The mud baths are already set up for us so we, once again remove our robes and climb into the baths.
"So this is what you meant when you said we'd be getting dirty?" I ask Angus, rubbing the green facial mask on my face and placing two slices of cucumber over my eyes, I relax into my bath.
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"I did, I just didn't realise what I was getting myself into, I have mud going into every opening" He laughs.
"Thank you Angus, this has been a great surprise" I tell him.
"The day isn't over yet Zoey, you've still got to pick out your present" He says, dropping a clue.
"I have to pick out my own present?" I ask him, confused
"Shhh Zoey, it's relax time, all will be revealed soon" He tells me, laughing to himself.
We finish our mud baths and then take separate showers to clean ourselves off.
"Time for lunch my Birthday Princess" Angus tells me when we meet up in the change room. I'd been eating small meals lately to keep the morning sickness away but today I was craving a juicy cheeseburger.
Next door to the day spa there's a bowling alley and waiting out front is Tess and Brian.
"Happy Birthday Teresa" I exclaim, wrapping my sister in a tight hug.
"Happy Birthday Zo, have you had a good day so far?" Tess asks me and I smile brightly at her.
"Oh yeah, I had a massage and a mud bath, what about you?" I enquire.
"Brian took me out for breakfast with his parents and gave me this beautiful gold locket" Tess tells me excitedly, "What did Angus give you?" she asks me curiously.
"Zoey's gift is coming, I'm taking her to pick it out after we bowl" Angus tells Tess before I get a chance to open my mouth. Tess and I exchange looks but she doesn't say a word, I think she knows what my gift is but she's not going to spoil the surprise.
We enter the bowling alley and get assigned a lane. The lanes are all black with neon lighting up the sides that make the bowling balls glow when you bowl. Angus orders food for our group while Brian enters our names into the computer.
"Brian is a professional bowler, he's even on a team in the league" Tess boasts, she's so proud of her man.
"Meanwhile I may need to put the gutter rails up so my ball doesn't go in the gutter on each throw" I laugh, I always have fun when I bowl but I'm not the most co-ordinated bowler.
"Well since it is your birthday I think that can be arranged" Brian says as he hits the option on the computer.
Angus returns with our table number and a sparkling pink bowling ball.
"For you my Princess" He says, handing me the ball.
We played 3 games of bowling, with Brian winning 2 and Angus winning 1 and even though Tess and I didn't win we still had a blast playing. Angus had ordered cheeseburgers and fries for lunch, he knew I'd been craving it and that it would be a long time before I get to enjoy another cheeseburger again.
"Are you ready for your present now my sweet girl?" Angus asked me after lunch.
"It's been driving me crazy so yes, I'm more than ready" I laugh.
We say goodbye to Tess and Brian and head back towards Brindlton Bay.
"Are you having a good day so far Zoey?" Angus asks me, reaching over and taking my hand
"This has been the best birthday" I tell him, trying to watch where we are driving so I can understand what my present may be, Brindleton Bay isn't really a shopping district, it's just a small town by the water.
"Your parents have something planned for You and Tess later this afternoon and they want to do dinner at the restaurant tonight" He informs me, I knew we would be having a meal at the restaurant at some stage today, it's a birthday tradition.
Angus pulls the car up outside of the Brindleton Bay Animal Shelter and my eyes go wide, now I understand what he meant by me picking my present.
"I'm getting a puppy?" I ask him with absolute joy.
"A puppy or an adult dog, it's up to you, the dogs that are brought here have been mistreated and are looking for a loving home and you've got so much love to give Zoey" Angus says to me, smiling brightly.
We walk into the animal shelter and are greeted by Max, the vet who runs the animal shelter.
"You must be Zoey, happy birthday" Max says, holding out a hand for me to shake, he then leads us through a door where there's about 12 dogs, all separated into pens, some with others, some alone, most of them playing, all except one, a Maltese terrier sitting alone in her pen, she comes up to the side of the pen when she sees us approach and rolls onto her back.
"This is Lily, she was brought in about a week ago, she's very shy and quiet but she loves having her belly rubbed" Max explains, I reach my hand down and rub her tummy as she wiggles around, I notice that she's very under weight for an adult dog though.
"Was she neglected?" I ask Max and he nods his head.
"Unfortunately yes, she's started putting on a bit of weight in the week that we've had her, we've been feeding her small meals of dry and wet food, she wouldn't eat at first but now she can't get enough of it" Max tells us. I look at Angus, he's smiling back at me because he knows that Lily is the one for us.
"We will have to get some dog food and a bed for her to sleep on and a leash so I can walk her every day" I say to Angus, making a list of everything we need for Lily, he crouches down beside me and pats Lily.
"It's all been taken care of Princess, why do you think I got you out of the house so early?" He says, laughing.
We finalise the adoption of Lily and Max places her into a carry cage to take in the car.
"I'd like to make a donation to the shelter as well" Angus tells Max, pulling a cheque from his wallet and handing it over.
"Thank you very much for this, we are a non-for profit organisation and do rely on donations from the community to keep us going, I appreciate your generosity Mr McKenzie" Max says to Angus, shaking his hand.
"Zoey is going to be a vet one day herself and she loves animals so we are happy to help out" Angus says to Max.
As we are driving home from the animal shelter, I can't help but overthink what Angus said to Max about me becoming a vet.
"Do you still believe I can go to Uni this year?" I question him, I honestly thought it was off the cards for me since I found out I was expecting.
"Zoey, becoming a vet is your dream job and I'm going to help you achieve that" He tells me, smiling brightly at me.
"But how? You're going to be doing year 12 yourself this year so you can get into Uni too" I stress.
"Well I've been thinking about that too, I thought I wanted to get a degree but I'm kinda happy where I am in life, I'm training Tess up on how to do all the book work and scheduling and I love being a personal trainer." He says to me, he's willing to sacrifice his own dreams to help me achieve mine but I feel a strong pang of guilt, I don't want him to lose out.
Angus pulls into our driveway and I notice there's a shiny, red car parked out the front of our house, I don't recognise the car as belonging to anyone I know.
"Do we have visitors?" I ask Angus.
"Not that I know of" He replies with a smile spreading across his face, "Why do you ask?"
"The red car, parked out on the curb in front of our house" I tell him as if he didn't see it there too.
"Oh that car, that's yours" He informs me, fishing a key out of his pocket and handing it over to me but I can't accept it.
"No, Angus, this is too much, you can't buy me a car for my birthday" I exclaim but he just laughs, takes my hand and places the key in it.
"Zoey you needed a car and it's nothing too flashy, just a little Honda that will be easy for you to drive, plus you may have appointments for the baby when I'm not home and it will give me peace of mind to know you're safe and not on the murder train" He explains. I lean over and kiss him.
"Thank you baby, I love you so much" I say to him.
Walking into our house is like walking into a puppy wonderland, there's a new dog bed and chew toys, a giant ball, feeding bowl, leash and a dog collar. I place Lily's travel cage on the ground and she slowly steps out, wary of her new surroundings.
"Tess come meet Lily" I call out to my sister who pokes her head out from her room.
"Who is Lily?" She asks me and then she lays eyes on our new housemate and she comes running out from her room and sits on the floor where Lily is, Lily rolls onto her back and Tess knows to rub her belly.
"This is Lily, she's 2 years old, she's a bit shy but loves belly rubs" I tell Tess.
"She's adorable" Tess says as she plays with our new dog, I join them on the floor to play, grabbing the ball and rolling it to Lily who gets it and then takes it to Tess who then rolls it back to Lily who brings it to me.
"She loves to play" Angus remarks as he watches Lily run around between Tess and I. Lily is going to be very loved in our house.
While we were out my Mother had delivered dresses for Tess and I to wear that night, every year on our birthday she buys us a matching outfit but in different colours, this year our outfit was a long, sparkling dress, Tess' was blue and mine was magenta, the dresses were gorgeous but when it came time to putting them on I struggled to zip mine up.
"I've put on weight, I feel so fat" I complained to Angus, giving up and throwing myself down on the bed.
"You're not fat Zoey, you're pregnant, this is all normal" He reassures me, holding out his hands to pull me back off the bed, once on my feet he helps zip up my dress and he manages to get it zipped all the way, "You look beautiful my Princess" He tells me as he kisses my neck softly.
"People will start to notice soon" I fret, I can't keep this secret for much longer.
"Zoey, it's been a month, I think we're good for a little bit longer" He laughs as he takes my hand and spins me around and we dance together in our room.
We arrived at the restaurant just after 6, straight away I notice the 'closed' sign on the door so I knew this wasn't going to be just the usual family birthday dinner. Mum greets us at the door.
"Happy Birthday my beautiful baby girls" She cries as she hugs Tess and I, "And why didn't you tell me Zoey?" She asks me, I feel my heart jump up into my throat.
"Tell you what Mum?" I ask nervously, surely she didn't figure it out already.
"That you got into Brichester, I'm so proud of you" She exclaims excitedly, I had been so sweep up in all the baby drama that I had forgot to even check my results, Mum hands over the acceptance letter she had stashed on the hostess stand.
"I actually forgot to check online" I confess and my Mother just laughs
"Well luckily they send an actual letter of acceptance out and you were granted a full scholarship too" My Mother says, she cant wipe the smile from her face.
"Congratulations Zoey" Tess screams as she throws her arms around me.
"Did you get into Brichester too?" I ask Tess, she hadn't mentioned anything about her results or Uni
"I didn't apply, I decided that Uni wasn't for Me and that I'm going to do some art classes locally while I also run the gym this year" Tess tells me and I'm so happy for her, it took her a long time to figure out what her passion in life was but she was always so good at art and design, "And I got an offer to paint a mural on that giant blank wall in the city, the council saw what I painted at the gym and wants to see more of my art"
"I'm so proud of you too Teresa" My Mother says to my sister, wrapping her in a big hug, "My creative and artistic baby"
Inside the restaurant all our friends are waiting, there's a table at the back full of presents and the dinning area is decorated with balloons and streamers.
"Happy Birthday girls" Cassie says to Tess and I, handing us a glass of champagne each, I look at Tess, knowing I cant drink mine but not wanting to be questioned why.
"Thanks Cass, I'll take Zoey's though because she's driving tonight" Tess says, taking both glasses from Cassie.
"You're driving on your birthday, that seems unfair" Cassie pouts
"I got a new car and wanted to drive" I explain, only half lying. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, luckily I see our food is be brought, "I'm starving, let's eat"
"Don has been preparing this for you all afternoon" Mum says as she places our food in front of us, an appetiser of savoury bacon love petals followed by our main course, sizzled brisket over sour clover salad, I knew Don had been trying out some new, experimental foods to add to his menu, just to keep things fresh and this was delicious, so full of flavour. After dinner Don came out of the kitchen with chocolate sponge cake with blue icing, topped with a "19" candle. When we were kids, Tess would blow out the candles first because she was born 20 minutes before me but as we got older we started blowing them out together, so our wishes would be sent out at the same time.
"Ready Zo?" Tess asks me after everyone has sang Happy Birthday to us
"Yep" I confirm, and together we blow out our candle as our friends and family cheer.
"Happy Birthday my baby girls, nineteen years around the sun and both so beautiful and smart" Our Mother gushes over us, wrapping her arms around both Tess and I.
"We couldn't have gotten this far without you Mum, or Don" I tell her, kissing her on the cheek.
"Thank you girls, I love you both very much" Don says to Tess and I, handing us a knife so we can cut the cake and share the pieces out.
"Did you make a wish" Angus whispers to me as I hand him a piece of cake.
"I did" I tell him, placing my hand on my stomach, "And in 8 months time we will see if it comes true"
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
Imagine....Leokumi on a camping trip, and Takumi being the horny on main type of person I headcanon him to be behind closed doors (tents), decides to wake Leo up for the specific reason of riding him and Leo just goes along with it because why not?
Alright here we go! I, too, headcanon that Takumi is horny as fuck. So short little piece for you in between binging Mass Effect and trying to actually write multi-chaptered stuff.
Relevant Tags: Camping sex, PWP, Semi-public sex, risky sex, sex with a chance of getting caught, Leo whines about camping, Takumi is extremely horny (what's new though), Modern AU, Established Relationship
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15954623/chapters/44971894
He maintained that camping is, was, and always would be pure torture. He could lay out every reason if he wanted to. It would be a bulleted list with headings and subheadings and numbers and categories... Leo knew exactly what it would look like, because he’d done it in the past. A long time ago, when he and Takumi were first married. Highly structured in the beginning, then devolving into a mass of jumbled complaints as the mere concept of spending the night in the woods infuriated him. Hey, he didn’t claim to be perfect.
Reason the first, right at the top of the list: The bugs. He had no idea what it was about his blood, but no matter how much bug spray he put on it was never enough. His hair could be sticky with the stuff and he always came back looking like a picked over mosquito feast. That, and he got to spend the entire weekend smelling like an orange had sex with a lemon and created some unholy citrus fruit baby. And they had to pee out there! Exposing his dick to the blood sucking monster bugs wasn’t appealing to him.
Reason the second: Sleeping on the ground. He already had enough difficulty falling asleep when he was at home in his bed. Take that away and give him the hard ground and a sleeping bag? Absolutely not. Add in strange animal noises and Hinoka snoring in the next tent over? It was impossible.
And that was just the big stuff. His miscellaneous complaints included peeing in the woods -- so egregious that it made the list twice. That and campfire smoke getting into his clothes, and the stupid, corny sing-a-longs that no one really wanted to do except for Sakura… He’d come this close to stapling the list to Takumi’s camping bag and never coming on another trip again so long as he lived.
He was all the way to printing it out, and then Takumi got home from work and started talking ecstatically about how much fun they were going to have together, and how his family loved it when he came on their family camping trip, and how much his mother couldn’t wait to see him again… And, well, he lost the heart. His prickly husband didn’t get excited about many things, and he’d be damned if he was going to be the one to wipe that smile off of his face. He put the list in the shredder, packed his bags, and decided to suck it up for a couple of days. Once a year, every year, for the last decade.
And that was what led to his current predicament. Lying on the ground with a twig poking his back, half a billion mosquito bites, hair sticky with putrid smelling spray, and Hinoka snoring in the next tent over. Sweaty and gross and not at all happy. And Takumi, of course, was at his side with their lantern on so he could finish the book he’d started on the drive up. At least, that’s what Leo assumed he was doing. His husband hadn’t turned the page for awhile.
It would probably be best to turn the damn light off since Takumi seemed to be falling asleep, but they were squished into one sleeping bag and he didn’t want to risk waking him up. He covered his eyes with the crook of his elbow and tried to ignore everything. Sleep had to come eventually, right? Even the most severe insomniac could get a couple of hours once they’d been driven to the brink. And hey, the more he slept the quicker this would be over. Just as the sweet merciful blackness came to take him he felt something shift at his side.
At first he didn’t think anything of it. Snuggling into one sleeping bag was a challenge for two grown men, even if they did buy the biggest one they could find. It was probably just Takumi rolling over so he could sleep. The soft click of the lantern being turned off seemed to back this theory.
The hand on his stomach wasn’t suspicious at first, either. He referred to Takumi as an “aggressive sleep cuddler.” Sometimes he woke up to the man squeezing him so tight he could barely breathe.
When said hand slipped under the waistband of his pants… That’s when his sleep deprived brain started suspecting that Takumi wasn’t quite as tired as he’d appeared.
“Takumi… What are you doing?” He groggily asked, shooing the hand away.
In response, Takumi swung his leg over his torso and straddled him. The sudden movement tore the sleeping bag wide open. It came undone all at once, filling the mostly quiet air with it’s loud ZIP to protest the abuse. He’d probably broken it if the tearing noises that came with were any indication.
Well, it looked like they were going shopping for a new sleeping bag… Again… Maybe if Takumi wasn’t too cheap to just spring for something that was actually meant to accommodate two people then they wouldn’t have this problem every damn year.
“Leo… Can we..?”
There was no ambiguity in what he was asking. His husband was anything but subtle. Takumi ground his hips down in just the right way, the way he knew Leo liked.
“How are you still this horny? Your family is sleeping ten feet away!” He whispered back.
His husband always knew exactly how to get him going, with just that little contact he was already semi-hard.
“C’mon, I can’t help it! Please? I waited until everyone went to sleep.”
Leo paused for a moment. No lights had gone on in the surrounding tents. Hinoka was still snoring, just as loud as ever, but otherwise things were quiet.
“Alright, fine.” He grumbled, though he’d be lying if he said he was upset by this turn of events. A little embarrassed maybe, but never upset. “Quietly, okay? I don’t want your brother waking up.”
He couldn’t see Takumi’s broad smile in the dark, but he knew it was there. He felt it in the kiss they shared, and in the energy he moved with. His husband quickly reached into his travel bag and pulled out a bottle of lube. It was medium sized and mostly fresh, and he only knew that because he’d caught Takumi trying to discreetly stuff it into his bag right before they left.
The pitch blackness was strange. Leo greatly preferred the lights to be on. How could he not? Half the eroticism came from just watching his partner. He was used to seeing every move, every embarrassed blush as Takumi readied himself. There was a lot more fumbling involved now, and every noise was amplified. He knew when Takumi started, because he always whimpered a little when he stuck his fingers inside of himself. He knew when he was done because he could hear his fingers gliding smoothly in and out, with only a gentle squelching sound.
There was some fumbling to find where Takumi had put the bottle down, but it didn’t take him nearly as long to coat his hand and bring himself full-mast. He tried to be quick about it, because when Takumi got like this he wasn’t exactly in the mood for waiting.
He wasn’t sure how no one heard them. He’d instructed Takumi to be quiet, but his husband was often anything but. He tried… Gods, he tried. But those little whimpers and moans always found a way to make it out of his lips whenever he guided him onto his cock. From here there wasn’t much Leo needed to do.
This was his favorite way to do things, really. Takumi was always so mesmerizing when he was in control. He could get off just watching him, and he often did. But it was dark, so he had to use his imagination a little. It wasn’t hard, they’d done this how many times? How many tents in how many woods in how many years? It was easy to piece the scene together in his mind’s eye. His beautiful husband, eyes closed, silver hair trailing down his back as he bounced on his dick, chasing that relief. One hand wrapped firmly around his own cock and the other braced against Leo’s chest. Desperate and horny and wonderful… Perfection.
He started “slow”, though Leo would never classify anything Takumi did as slow. Takumi was not a deliberate man when he wanted something. More often than not he made Leo’s head spin with his hastiness. An odd dynamic, but it worked just fine for him in the bedroom. After the brief adjustment period he sped up, fingernails leaving angry red lines down his torso as he tried to stifle himself. For once he was grateful for Hinoka’s snoring, because if it wasn’t for that then the sounds of their skin slapping together surely would have woken everyone in a ten mile radius.
When they finally reached that fever pitch he grabbed Takumi’s hips and shuddered. The full weight of his husband rested on his waist as he rolled his hips through the ensuing orgasm. Takumi wriggled in his hands, grunting angrily.
“No fair! I was so close!” He whined, all talk about being quiet apparently out the window.
Leo quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, or where he assumed Takumi’s mouth to be.
“Shh! Do you want to get caught?”
“Well then get me off, damn it!”
“You don’t have to threaten me for that!”
He quickly wrapped his hand around Takumi’s cock, overtop Takumi’s other hand. Leo followed his lead, jerking him off to completion. He had the foresight to grab a tissue before they started, so cleanup was easy. Even if Takumi complained the entire time about having to wait.
He almost wished he’d turned the lantern back on, just so he could have seen the expression on his partner’s face. But the risk of someone seeing their shadows moving in… Unwholesome... ways was enough for him to avoid it.
“It’s not as good this way.” He moped, finally dropping his head onto Leo’s chest.
“I’ll make it up to you when we get home, okay?”
“Home? I don’t know if I can wait that long.”
It almost sounded like a joke, but if he’d learned one thing being married to this man...
“By the gods Takumi… You’re going to give me a heart attack.”
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prettythoughtful · 4 years
Yes, it’s Veganuary! I’ve been a vegan for around 5 years now (I have a terrible memory which I’m sure non-vegans would attest to my diet but really it’s a desire to never live in the past), and whilst veganism is very much focused on diet… it’s also not!
Veganism isn’t just not eating animals, it’s living in a way that does as little harm as possible which encompasses diet AND lifestyle! I love that Veganuary is getting bigger and bigger each year but I didn’t want to add to the already-covered FOOD elements of eating a vegan diet. In my opinion it’s the easiest part! FOOD IS GOOD. You can get it everywhere, it’s always in your face and in the year of our lord Keanu Reeves, 2020 has already started with a bunch of big companies launching new vegan ranges. It’s great! No more side salad’s and fries no matter where you go to eat!
So, instead of adding to the noise of food (which is very difficult for me. I’m an eater), I wanted to talk about skincare.
(Some of these links are affiliate links which just means, if you happen to click and purchase, I get a tiiiinny kickback from it 😉 )
If you want to adopt a vegan lifestyle this month or, hey, maybe go vegan full time or at least veganise your life in a REALLY easy way, you can start with your skin care products. Quick caveat: I’m not going to be talking about plastic reduction today but that’s something I can hit up on another day. 
Did you know that SO many big brand skin care ranges out there STILL test on animals? Either directly or indirectly, it’s still going on and a great way to implement veganism into your life is by going CRUELTY FREE*.
Want to know a list of some well known brands who still test?
Aussie Hair care, Avon, Benefit, Biore, Bobbi Brown, Chanel, Clairol, Clarins, Clearasil, Clinque, Estee Lauder, Garnier, Johnson & Johnson, L’Oreal, Lancome, Mac, Maybelline, Neutrogena, Origins, YSL. See full list here.
It’s shocking, isn’t it? And these are the people who openly test on animals**.
If you’ve read this far – thank you! I promise, it will be worth it, because I’m going to tell you about a few of my favourite skincare items (cleansers, toners, masks, moisturisers) so you can take a look and maybe even make a switch!
When it comes to cleansers I’m a bit of a newbie. I used to always use face washes growing up but when I went vegan I just starting using (avocado) oil to take my makeup off because it’s obviously not tested on animals, it’s organic and comes in a glass bottle so no worry about plastic. I generally don’t have an issue with my skin but I do get blackheads on my chin -always have- and it wasn’t really until I was bought a soapy cleanser as a gift that I realised how lazy and silly I was being! These are the cleansers I use at the moment and what I think of them (please note; this post isn’t in any way affiliated – these are my honest opinions!!).
my CLARINS Re-move 
You might have noticed I said that Clarins wasn’t cruelty free and so I’ll quickly let you know that the my CLARINS range is their first CF range. The rest of their products aren’t suitable for vegans. I was bought this as a gift but I am the type of vegan who supports vegan ranges from non-vegan companies because I believe that buying them will let the company know that there is a market!
Now for the actual info; this cleaner is a gel formula which I’m not particularly fond of in general but I do feel like it does a good job! Clarins is a brand that likes to add overpowering scents to their products, this is no different. The smell is very perfume-y and reminds me of Clearasil. I wouldn’t say it was good for overly sensitive skin but if you like to feel really clean, this will do the job!
e.l.f Superclarify 
I love e.l.f products so if I wanted to cut this blog post short I’d say just buy their entire range because they do great makeup too but I want to give you options! I was bought this as a gift for Christmas so I’ve not been using it for a long time but I have used it every single night since I got it because I love it so much! There’s a sort of pearlescent look to it, for some reason, which I think is unnecessary and it’s also a gel formula like the Clarins cleanser but this one gets a good foam going with only a little bit of product. It smells a little bit floral but like essential oils instead of chemicals. After using it your skin feels really refreshed. Totally recommend it!
I have always used witch hazel as a toner, which I recommend because it smells lovely and doesn’t strip moisture from your skin, but I also go a new toner for Christmas and, again, I’ve been using it every night and loving it.
e.l.f Supertone 
There’s a bit of a misconception that toner ‘resets’ your skin, but that’s a myth. Toner shouldn’t remove makeup, your cleansing should do this, but it should remove dead skin cells and help your pores and, thus, the overall tone of your skin – go figure!
This e.l.f toner is citrus-scented and you can feel it has an acidic reaction with your skin, so instead of just removing dead skin cells I feel like you can really feel it going a bit deeper and helping clear out deeper set dirt in the pores. I swear since I started using this my skin feels more even and my blackheads feel like they’re clearing up.
I’m a big fan of moisturiser! I feel like more people need to get into them so I really hope this post sways you if you don’t use them already. I’m not even just talking about reducing wrinkles or looking younger because I couldn’t care less about that, I just think they make you feel better by either helping with dryness (which can make you feel horrible) or helping you look more awake or else just making you feel a little bit decadent because you’ve smooshed your face a little bit. Facial massage is just the best and this really encourages it!
I’m going to run through my moisturisers in order of when I use them in the day so…
Morning moisturisers:
Body Shop Vitamin C Skin Reviver, Instant Smoother
I use this as my first step moisturiser every single morning, before I put makeup on etc. It’s very light like a serum and smells so good with it’s orange/grapefruit-y scent. It adds a little bit of luminescence to your skin and adds an instant boost of moisture to your skin, making it look super smooth and even.
Body Shop Vitamin E 48h Moisture Cream 
I always do a double moisturise in the morning because I’m fancy like that! Once my vitamin C soaks in I pop a dollop of vitamin E on top. This formula is thick and delicious. It’s scent is a little bit like Nivea – I don’t know what it is but it’s so good and just reminds me of being a kid and smothering myself in Nivea all day every day but sadly they aren’t CF so this is the closest I can get to that wonderfulness! Standing on it’s own legs, though, this is a fabulous moisturiser which makes your skin feel like its best self and you don’t need a lot of it to get results.
Evening moisturisers:
e.l.f Superhydrate 
After I’ve cleansed and toned my face I’ve started using this moisturiser and rolling it in with my rose quartz face roller – are you noticing how much I love massaging my face yet? Again, I got this for Christmas in an e.l.f set and it’s really a lovely product. It’s the strangest moisturiser I’ve ever used because it’s like jelly – totally wibbly-wobbly and when you scoop a little bit out the next time you look at the pot its just back to it’s jelly-like self. Hard to explain but I like it! Once on your skin it melts in easily. You can use your hands to rub this in but I really like the way it rolls on so I do that every night! Afterwards your skin feels bouncy and a little bit sticky for a few minutes but I really think I look, dare I say, like a kid just out of the bath afterwards. You know, that totally clean totally refreshed look? Adore!
LJ Natural Overnight Organic Skin Drink
I like to support small and local businesses and was so excited to stumble upon LJ Natural. If you’re local to me in Wilmslow, Cheshire you can nip in to grab home-made, organic and natural skin care products but you can also shop via the website no matter where you are! I use this moisturiser if I’ve had the heating on a lot during the day which really saps the moisture out of my whole body, let alone my skin. Adding a little bit of this before beds resets all of that and I love the texture of it; a little bit gritty, if that’s a good way to put it. The grains dissolve as you rub it in and you’re left with a covering of oil but in a good way – it slowly sinks in overnight and helps to overcome dryness. The product is for dry, mature or sensitive skin which I don’t really have but over the winter months it’s been a lifesaver!
Feeling Fancy moisturiser: 
my CLARINS Re-Boost
Unlike the way I don’t really like the strong scent of the Clarins cleanser, I can honestly say the moisturiser is totally different! If I have a bath I use this afterwards to add to that feeling of ahhhh. The formula is light but incredibly powerful. It sinks in immediately leaving your skin really soft and smelling a bit fruity which lulls me right to sleep!
I love a face mask and will do one every few weeks. I wish I could do them every week but I forget. That being said I do like to save them for when I’m going to have a really long shower or hot bath which I only do every few weeks! (Relax, I do wash! I just usually have short showers!)
e.l.f Supermask
Made like a moisturiser this mask is a bit confusing and you have to really remember you put it on! It’s very light and doesn’t sit on top of your skin, like every other mask I’ve used, but sinks in immediately so the only way to remember to rinse your face is to set a reminder! Well, I suppose that’s not the only way, but it is for me! I got this one recently and have only used it once but it was a nice experience and my skin felt refreshed and unprovoked. You know what I mean? It washed off easily might be the best way to put it!
Body Shop Matcha Tea Pollution Clearing Mask
One of my fave masks every this green concoction is light and smells like matcha so you feel like you’re doing something really good for your skin! I really love the glass jars that Body Shop use for their masks and it kind of adds to the experience of doing something a bit decadent but also something good. It really leaves you feeling clean and calm.
Body Shop British Rose Fresh Plumping Mask
Another beautiful glass pot with another beautiful mask inside. I LOVE rose scented stuff; give me all the rose flavours. I could wear this whilst eating Turkish Delight and be in heaven. Oh that gave me an idea for tonight… anywho, the formula is like jelly and it’s flecked with rose and aloe vera (hence the consistency) and it’s so cool on your skin you feel instantly relieved. Once washed off – which can take a few attempts – your skin is glossy and smells so good you want to do it again. The pot does say to use daily or a few times a week but you don’t get that much in the pot. I like to treat myself but I also like to save money so…
I really hope you liked this, it’s a bit of a different post from me but I’m trying to lean towards easy ways to add veganism into your life – in my opinion, after food, skin care is the next easy way because all you have to do is Google cruelty free brands and away you go! Enjoy and maybe the next time you go to buy something for your skin you think about making a cruelty free choice!
  *I could rant a little about CF here… maybe I will.
Ok, so if you see a product that says VEGAN on it, it might not actually be vegan. A lot of companies are using the term as a sneaky sales pitch but what they mean is that the product in question is made from plants with no animal derivatives. In order for a product to be vegan it needs to be labelled cruelty free. This means that it’s not made of animals and it also hasn’t been tested on them either! Cruelty free is what a product is, vegan is what we are – I hope that makes sense!
** There’s a grey area out there as well, though. Some companies will state they don’t test on animals but if they sell their products in China the company isn’t technically vegan. China test all incoming products on animals so whilst the parent brand might not do the testing, by selling in China they sign a contract to say they’re happy for it to be done! There’s an ongoing argument regarding whether or not vegan’s can still use the items that are sold in the UK, knowing that the parent brand tests elsewhere, as well as an argument regarding whether or not vegans should buy from companies that sell both cruelty free AND non-cruelty free products but honestly, the choice is yours. There’s no such thing as a perfect vegan, all we can do is our best!
It's here! My first #Veganuary blog post all about S K I N C A R E. Check it out if you're thinking of going cruelty free this year! Yes, it's Veganuary! I've been a vegan for around 5 years now (I have a terrible memory which I'm sure non-vegans would attest to my diet but really it's a desire to never live in the past), and whilst veganism is very much focused on diet...
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timeforelfnonsense · 4 years
Just a Taste (Updated)
Dafni x Astarion 
Rating: M
I’ve been reworking some of the first fics I wrote for these two now that I have a better idea of their relationship. I’ve updated them on Ao3 but there was some interest in me reposting them here as well!  
Sunshine & Starlight: My on going bg3 series  
Astarion passed along the far edge of the camp. A groan escaped his chest as he slumped down against the base of a tree. His whole body ached right to the bone. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the throbbing pain behind his eyes to disappear. He knew he needed to feed as soon as possible. He had waited far too long to make up for his little indiscretion with the boar earlier. The whispers of vampire among his traveling companions had, at last, died down. Unfortunately for him, his caution had left him weak and vulnerable. He clutched his head in his hands and took in a deep breath. His body tensed in an instant. The soft forest breeze carried the irresistible scent of prey. His mouth watered and the familiar, white-hot sting of thirst clawed at his throat.
He could see them all tucked into their bedrolls, spread across the little clearing. Sleeping. Helpless. His gut twisted with guilt at the thought but he was desperate and so very tired. Hunting would require far more energy than he had left and the food that slept peacefully around him was far more likely to quench the caustic burn he felt inside.
He would have to be mindful in the selection of his quarry. Lae’zel was the first to be struck from the list. She had a bitter, bordering on metallic scent that he found less than appetizing. And more importantly, he was certain she would slay him without a second thought should things go awry. Shadowhart was out next. Though her bouquet was much more appealing, she had a suspicious nature and seemed likely to be a light sleeper. Wyll had always seemed an alluring prospect - Strong, fast, and righteous. Despite the appeal, he would also be a dangerous choice, being a monster hunter by trade. Gale would due, he supposed, but as the wizard tossed in his sleep the delicate shimmer of a magical barrier caught his eye. That left him with one, final option.  
Dafni slept in a heap of pelts beneath the cover of an old oak tree a few paces away from the others. Wildflowers bloomed in the soil around her as if the earth was reacting to her very presence. His gluttonous gaze lingered on the pretty cleric. He watched her chest rise and fall slow and even. He’d never known her to indulge in sleep, preferring to take her rest by way of trance. She must have been truly exhausted. With a silent step forward, Astarion took in another deep breath. She was floral, like lilac and primrose with just a touch of citrus. His pupils dilated as every fiber of his being shouted at him - Desperate for just a taste. It was a risk to be sure, feeding on a woman of divine persuasion, but of the options available to him she seemed the most delectable and least deadly.
“How cliche,” He thought, “a creature of the night- Driven by sanguine desire to drink from the lovely maiden asleep in her bed of flowers.” He dipped to his knees and with a delicate hand brushed her hair from her neck. He steeled himself, preparing to strike. Leaning in close just as her eyes shot open. “...Shit”
It was the cool tickle of breath on the back of her neck and the feeling of a light hand on her waist that pulled her away from her dreams. When she first saw him standing over her, ruby-red eyes wide, white hair tousled and untamed, she had assumed something must have happened during his watch. However, the guilt and shame that twisted across his handsome face quickly did away with such assumptions.
“What are you doing!” She hissed.
“No, no- It’s not what it looks like I swear!” His words were rushed as if they could not leave his mouth fast enough.
Dafi sat up in her bedroll, her eyes fixed on Astarion’s pleading expression, his hands outstretched in surrender. He reminded her of a wild animal backed into a corner facing down what was to be their demise. His bravado was all but gone and in the place of the cocky rouge she had come to know was a frightened young man. His eyes fixed themselves on the holy symbol that hung from a silver chain around her neck. At that moment the pieces fell together: the boar, his unique appearance, his eagerness to keep watch at night.  There, in the dim glow of the fire, she saw him for what he was...
“Were you trying to kill me?”
“No! I wasn’t going to hurt you!” He promised, “I just needed - well…”
“You needed blood.” Dafni tried to keep her tone firm and fearless but her words shook none the less.
“It’s not what you think!” He pleaded, “I’m not some monster. I feed on animals! Boars, deer, kobolds - whatever I can get. I’m just too slow right now. Too weak. If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better. Please.”
The last word was dripping in melancholy. His head hung low and his shoulders sagged. He had proven himself to be proud, even bordering on snobbish - never asking for help and turning his nose up when it was offered. His suffering must be great if he had been willing to admit his weakness and need.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She whispered. Against her better judgment, she reached out to him, placing a hand on his pale cheek.
“At best, I was sure you’d say no. More likely you’d ram a stake through my ribs. I thought I could keep it to myself but tonight I felt so awful…” Astarion slumped into his hands unable to meet her eyes, “And… I wanted you to trust me. No. I needed you to trust me. And you can trust me.”
His logic was far more rational than her own. She was a cleric, sworn to the preservation of life. She should have set him alight with divine magic the moment she realized what he was. But, when she looked at Astarion it wasn’t a monster that looked back at her. She saw her friend. The man who called her Daffodil with testing endearment. Who always watched her back in a fight. Who’d come ever so close to kissing her not that long ago. Vampire, he might be but Astarion was no monster. Her heart ached to think of the fate he had been doomed to. He was an elf, never to return to Avandor. Was it not her very reason for existing to care for all of Corellon’s children? Why should Astarion, whom she had come to care for, be any different than the rest of their kin?
“I do.” She smiled, her thumb stroking his cheek, “I Trust you, Astarion. If you say it wasn’t your intention to harm me then that is the truth.”
How long has it been since he had felt a hand so gentle with such kind intention? She held his face so tenderly he thought he might melt. He had spurned her kindness on countless occasions. Thinking it had been a sign of weakness. Now, on the receiving end of her light and he felt a fool for having ever encouraged her to tamp down on her compassion. He leaned into her hand, savoring the warmth of her touch.
“Thank you.” He purred against her ear, “Do you think you could trust me just a little further? I only need a taste. I swear.”
He could hear the steady thump of her heart pick up. The sight of blood pumping through her veins was near irresistible. Her cheeks went flush and the intoxicating smell of her blood threatened to send him into a frenzy. It was no small effort to keep his vampiric instincts in check. He couldn’t remember wanting the blood of any creature half as badly as he found himself wanting her. But, no matter how badly he craved her he refused to betray the trust she’d given him- To prove himself the beast he swore not to be.
“Fine” She spoke in a little voice, “But not a drop more than you need.”
“Of course.” He promised, “Not one drop more.” Delicately, he guided her back so her head came to rest in his lap. He brought one hand to rest on the swell of her full hip and while the other cradled the base of her skull. His fingertips traced the hollow of her neck with almost loving reverence. “I will try to be as gentle as I can manage. It might hurt a bit- a sharp, cold feeling but the pain should fade fairly quickly if memory serves.”
She nodded her understanding, glancing up doe-eyed through her thick lashes. With that, he leaned in pressing a kiss over her pulse before sinking his teeth into the tender flesh. If her scent had been captivating her taste could only be described as transcendent, sweet, and perfect. Yet it was more than the flavor that had him completely delirious. It was the irresistible happiness that began to bloom in his chest as his heart fell in rhythm with her’s. She was a lush and colorful field, the feeling of the sun on his cheeks for the first time in 200 years - Spring incarnate and he was ravenous for more.
First, thou shalt not drink of the blood of thinking creatures.
Cazador’s words rang loudly in his ears as the red ambrosian liquid gushed into his mouth. All those years luring food for his old master and he’d been forbidden anything but putrid rats. He’d assumed it was meant to demoralize his spawn. To remind them where they stood in the pecking order. Now he saw the truth of it. With every swallow, he felt better than he could ever recall feeling.
His grasp grew tighter on her hip drawing her into himself no longer satisfied with gentleness and charm. What had happened to the restraint he’d shown just the other day when he’d nearly stopped himself from kissing at the river? Hunger began to blend with desire. He wanted her, in both blood and body. A shaky gasp slipped from her lovely lips. She twisted in his lap, lancing her hand through his hair, tugging him closer. An invitation to drink deeper and indulge the amorous feelings her resplendent curves and needy sounds were insisting.
“Astarion, I’m starting to feel faint.” Her voice was shaky but it was enough.
“Of course.” He gasped. He removed himself with haste, realizing his hold on her body. Relief washed over her and Dafni allowed herself to crumple against him. Above her, Astarion was still struggling to catch his breath. “I was just swept up in the moment. But it worked. I feel good. Strong. Happy!”
He nuzzled at her neck, his nose running along the soft edge of her jaw. A small squeak passed her lips at the feeling of his tongue running over the aching wound. Prompting a satisfied purr from Astarion. He was warmer to the touch now and a faint rosy hue colored his cheeks. His arm once again wrapped across her middle, pulling her into him as if he’d done it hundreds of times before. Astarion was hardly the picture tender regard but his arms were strong and his slow heartbeat thrummed in time with her own.
“I’m glad” She yawned, “You deserve to feel good.”
He stroked absentmindedly through her hair as she began to nod off. Her sweet words overwhelmed him. Gods he wanted to kiss every inch of the strange, wonderful woman curled up in his lap, to taste him in other ways. He hadn’t expected the act of feeding to be so… intimate. He couldn’t be sure if it was always this way or if the elation he felt was a side effect of her being an eladrin. Either way, the temptation to hold her all night was undeniably present. A disheartening pang of thirst still lingered in his throat however and she was far too weak for him to take anymore. His other desires would simply have to wait.
“I hate to disturb you, darling, but you’ll have to excuse me.”
“You are not excused.”  Dafni huffed, snuggling closer in protest.
He tried to suppress the laugh but it was no use. She stuck out her lower lip in his favorite pout as he untangled himself from her. She reached up for him, wrapping her hand tightly around his wrist as he turned to leave.
“Come now.” He teased, “You’re invigorating, but I need something more filling.” He bent down placing a kiss on her forehead, “This is a gift you know. I won’t forget. Now, sleep, Daffodil. I’ll be back in the morning.”
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lovelylogans · 6 years
lavender for luck: chapter one
see here for warnings
art by neil
next chapter
The day Uncle comes to their house for the first time, it’s so hot Virgil feels like a cookie left to burn in the oven. Not just cook, not like the soft and chewy ones with the melty chocolate that Mom made, no. Burn, like when Dad forgot he stuck a dozen store-bought bits of dough into the oven and then ended up taking Virgil and Mom out to dinner and they came back to the fire truck with the men in the big baggy suits who gave Virgil a plastic hat and helped get the big clouds of black smoke out of their kitchen.
“Hi, Uncle,” Virgil says dutifully, because Mom says that’s the polite thing to do, and yes he had to be polite, even when Uncle could care less about societal conventions, whatever those were.
“Boy,” Uncle says evenly. From this angle, it looks like Uncle is smiling. “What are you doing?”
“I’m a cat.” Virgil tells him and lets out his best meow. He’s very good at it. Mom usually tells him he sounds just like a kitten.
“That is how most cats climb trees,” Uncle agrees, and then he adds, “You are a most bizarre and exhausting child.”
“Thank you,” Virgil preens, swinging a little from where he’s hanging by his knees from a tree branch, blood long since rushed to his head. “You are a most bizarre and exhausting Uncle.”
His mouth twitches so it looks like he’s frowning, but it’s gone, and the smile is back in an instant.
“Virgil, you look like a tomato,” his father announces from where he’s stepped out on the porch. “Dee, you look like a butternut squash.”
His face looks like he’s trying be happy, but Virgil can tell he isn’t. Dad’s worried, and scared, and upset, and it’s clear through the smile he’s trying to put on.
Uncle clearly thinks the same thing.
“What’s brought me to the,” Uncle’s lip curls, “lovely suburbs?”
“Virge,” Dad says, again trying to sound happy but Virgil could see in his shadow that he really really really isn’t, “can you tell your uncle why you’re playing cat outside instead of inside today?”
Virgil swings a little more and secures his knees so he can point to the house with his free hand.
“There’s a bug,” Virgil says, pointing to the house. “Mom and Dad can’t hear it.” He clicks his tongue a few times in demonstration, and the frown that appeared on Uncle’s face when Dad stepped outside spins into a smile so fast it makes Virgil feel dizzy, makes him feel like his stomach’s dropped right out of him.
“Inside,” Dad says, before Uncle can say anything else, “now.”
He glances towards Virgil, and his voice softens. “Stay outside as long as you want, Virge, just wipe your feet off when you come in, okay?”
“Kay,” Virgil says, squinting up the tree, because he thinks he sees a squirrel.
“Usual boundaries, buddy. Don’t wander too far, okay?”
“Okay,” Virgil repeats, closing his eyes and watching the red bloom up behind his eyelids.
“Children are a delight,” Uncle says dryly, probably meaning for Virgil to not hear, but he does hear. And his dad snorts and swat his arm.
Eventually Virgil climbs down from the tree and has to sit for a while to make sure his head stops spinning, because there isn’t much to do hanging upside down from a tree other than just hanging upside down. So Virgil wanders into the backwoods, humming to himself as he hops into the shadows.
A familiar amber gleam shines out from the darkness, and Virgil grins, lowering himself to the ground, holding out his hand just so, keeping perfectly still.
“Hello, Virgil,” the voice rumbles out from the underbrush, and Virgil’s grin widens.
“Hallo, Maester Sprockets.”
Maester of the Five Streets Sprockets Mrr’ow is a bit uptight for a cat, but he’s all right, mostly. He reminds Virgil of Zazu in Lion King, except Sprockets is a gray house cat and not a hornbill.
“How’re you?” Virgil offers, wiggling his fingers a bit as Maester Sprockets leans forwards, sniffing his fingers.
“You smell of bacon,” Sprockets declares, whiskers twitching.
Virgil digs in his pocket obligingly, bringing out the three pieces of bacon he’d snagged from the breakfast table that morning, breaking them into bits and laying them on the ground. Cats were very particular about hand-feeding, and Sprockets declines it from everyone except the Marcy (the girl a grade above Virgil who actually housed Sprockets.)
Virgil, upon turning five, has been gifted Hunting Rights of all birds in two streets of his choice, as he was Wise and Fierce and An Asset To Protecting The Land. Virgil doesn’t quite know how to tell Sprockets that he gets all the food he needs from his parents, and wouldn’t know how to go about hunting birds anyways. But it’s a thoughtful gift, and anyways he just has to make sure that the sunning rocks are clear and that the cats of the neighborhood could wander around without trouble.
“What’s the business?” Virgil asks, once Sprockets has sat back, licking his paw and swiping at his whiskers.
He spends time until the sun grows big and orange in the sky, brushing against the pavement, listening to Sprockets list of the various grievances of the cats of the neighborhood. Most of them were Cat Politics (Virgil had long since learned not to poke his nose into those) but there were a couple things he could help with; snakes near the sunning rocks, a troublesome dog barking all day, kids that tended to yank on cat’s tails. Virgil promises to do what he can about it, allows Sprockets to rub his face against Virgil’s knees one more time (giving the gift of smelling like Sprockets) before he rises to his feet and ambles home.
He hears the shouting even from the back porch.
“—promise me, Dee, please,” his father says, and Virgil shrinks down so no one can see him from the windows. He sounds really upset—almost as upset than the time Mom got into a car accident, once, and broke her arm.
A pause. “The Aunts—”
“They love Virgil, of course,” Mom says, and her voice is gentle. “Of course they do. And they’ll pitch in, I’m sure. But you’re the closest relative. You’re the one in the will. If you don’t take him in—”
A pause, a sniffle, the clinking of—mugs, Virgil thinks? He can smell the tea Dad makes from the stuff in the garden. They’re almost noisy enough to cover up the clicking sound.
“You remember the story of great-aunt Seraphine, don’t you?” Dad says, after a long pause, and his voice is strained.
A snort, and Uncle says, “She was locked away in the cellar. If anyone would do that today—”
“Are you sure about that?” Dad says, quiet, a little dangerous. “You and I know better than anyone—the only people who understand Faes are Faes.” A pause, and then, “No offense, Vi.”
“None taken,” his mother sighs. “It’s been settled for a long time. You’re technically legally bound. Let us—just let us have some peace of mind about this, at least.”
“Violet—” Uncle began, uncomfortable.
“Please,” she says, and her voice breaks, and Virgil squirms from where he is. She sounds really, really sad. She probably needs a hug. “Please. We knew this was coming, we prepared for it. In a way, we’ve all known this was going to happen since we were his age. Right now, we just—we just need your word that he’ll be okay.”
“You’ve always been going after us about how he needs to be near the family’s roots,” Dad says. It sounds like he’s trying to joke. “And he will be, now. If you take him in.”
There’s a long pause, and more clinking. Virgil can smell the chamomile on the air, hear the splash—someone’s refilling their cup.
“A swap?” His Dad says at last, after a break. “For old time’s sake.”
“Of course.”
Virgil figures that’s a good a time as any to stomp aggressively up the stairs, trying to rid the clumps of dirt from his shoes, before just giving up and leaving his shoes on the porch, plodding into the house in socked feet.
“Hi, baby,” his mom says, sinking to her knees. Virgil smacks a noisy kiss to her cheek, and she lifts him up in her arms. “Out a bit late, aren’t we?”
Virgil wraps his arms around her neck, pressing his cheek into her shoulder, inhaling her grown-up flowery perfumey smell. “Sprockets says there’s snakes near the sunning rocks.”
“Ah, it all makes sense now,” his Dad says, and Virgil glances over to see him turning a mug over in his hands. “Cat politics,” he says to Uncle, by a way of explanation.
“Snakes, you say?” Uncle muses. “I can handle that.”
Virgil perks up. “Really?” Good. He really doesn’t know what to do with the snakes whenever the cats complain; he doesn’t want them to die, or anything.
“Dee can talk to snakes the way you can talk to cats, Virge,” Dad explains. “Since we were little kids.”
“Really?” Virgil asks, fascinated. He’s never met anyone who can talk to an animal like he can.
“Mm,” Uncle hums as he frowns at the mug, and deliberately sets it down with a delicate clink. “Misunderstood creatures.”
“D’you want cocoa, Virgil?” his Mom asks, setting him down at last, and Virgil squirms happily and nods.
“What do we say,” she prompts, smoothing his hair with a hand, and he tries not to sigh too loudly.
“Yes, please.”
“No tea?” Uncle asks mildly.
Virgil wrinkles his nose. “Tea is gross.”
The offended look on Uncle’s face makes his Dad laugh so hard he chokes on his own spit.
The rest of the night is kinda fun, if a bit weird. They play a new kind of game where Virgil points where he hears the clicking the loudest, and Mom and Dad roll back the rug and Uncle and Dad pry up the floorboards to see if there’s something under there. But Mom swaps between helping roll back the rug and experimenting in the kitchen, so Virgil gets to lick the batter spoons and try whatever Mom’s decided to try to make. The butterscotch cookies are pretty good; the jelly-and-mint, not quite so much.
“Not my best, huh?” Mom says, examining the jelly and mint creation critically.
Virgil pauses, and says nicely, “Maybe not with… this kind of jelly.”
His mom laughs a bit, puts it aside. “You’re right. A nice strawberry, maybe. Citrus. But probably not black currant.”
“Virgil, is it still clicking?” Dad calls.
“Yep,” Virgil calls back, snapping off a piece of lemon drop cookie and popping it into his mouth.
Dad says a naughty word.
“That’s a dollar,” Mom calls without looking, and Dad grumbles a bit more.
It keeps going. Virgil likes the cinnamon roll cookies, the almond and raspberry ones, and the brownie cookies—the chocolate-pistachio ones and the pretzel, peanut and beer ones are just kinda weird. By the end of the night, Virgil thinks Uncle and Dad pry up every floorboard in the house, Mom has filled up just about every tupperware in the house with her various experiments, and Dad owes seven dollars to the naughty word jar.
When Uncle sees the tupperware, he smiles. Just a little.
“I know, I know,” Mom says. “You can take the girl from the diner, and so on.”
Virgil tilts his head, and he’s about to ask, before hands close under his armpits and lift him in the air, making him squeal with equal parts indignation and laughter.
“Time to get ready for bed!” Dad sing-songs.
“Noooooooo,” Virgil groans, flopping his head onto Dad’s shoulder.
“Yeeeess, kiddo, it is way past your bedtime,” Dad declares, and starts walking up the stairs with enough time to see Mom and Uncle leaning over the counter under the sole light still on, the pair of them staring at each other, the kitchen doused in shadows around them. Mom’s face is devoid of a smile, and Uncle’s bowler hat makes it so Virgil can’t see his face.
“Teeth brushing time, teeth brushing time,” Dad sings, depositing Virgil at the sink. “Full two minutes, buddy, I’ll be counting—”
Virgil groans, but reaches for his toothbrush and bubblegum toothpaste of lies, because whoever thinks that tastes like bubblegum is a liar.
He gets ready for bed (teeth brushed, pajamas on, so on and so on) and eventually, both parents are sitting on his bed, as his Mom reads three storybooks, and Virgil’s eyelids grow heavier and heavier.
“When the son came home that night, he stood for a long time at the top of the stairs. Then he went into the room where his very new baby daughter was sleeping. He picked her up in his arms and very slowly rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while he rocked her he sang,” and his mother drew a breath, and Virgil murmured sleepily along with her soft sing-song voice.
“I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.”
She leans forwards and kisses his forehead, before she takes a breath, smoothing the covers over his chest with one hand, and tries to smile.
“Virgil, I know you’re sleepy,” she says, voice soft, “but I want you to listen, okay? And remember.”
Virgil blinks the sleep out of his eyes, and nods. It’s important. He can feel it.
She takes a deep breath in, lets it out, and begins to talk.
“When I was a little younger than you are now, my parents died. And I moved to Loch Ligerion to live with my Auntie Cora and my Uncle Virgil.”
“Like me?” Virgil asks, and she smiles, realer this time, brushing his hair off his forehead.
“Yes, exactly like you. We named you after him. I moved to Ligerion, to live with my uncle, and his sisters, and his wife. And I thought my life was never gonna be the same. I was really sad, as I should have been, because I was a kid, and I lost my parents. I was so scared of Loch Ligerion, and I was convinced I’d never be happy again.”
Dad, a sad look on his face, reaches over to grip her shoulder, and she puts her hand on his for a moment, before taking a deep breath.
“But not long after that, I started kindergarten. And do you know who I met there?”
Virgil shakes his head.
“I met your dad,” she says, lifting his hand from her shoulder and kissing it, before lowering it, so they were holding hands. “I met your dad, and your uncle, and some other people too, but no one quite as important as your dad. And I am never, ever going to regret going to Loch Ligerion. Because that’s where I met your dad. And if I didn’t meet your dad, I wouldn’t have had you. And you…” she takes a wobby breath, smooths back his hair again.
“You’re the most important thing in my life, Virgil,” she says. “You and your dad. Some people didn’t like that I was in love with your dad at all, let alone the fact that we had you. But I’m always going to ignore them. Because you two… you two have made me so, so happy, Virgil. The happiest day of my life was the day you were born. I have loved seeing you grow into the smart, brave, funny little boy you are today, and the handsome, talented, loving young man I’m sure you’re going to be. I have loved every single day.”
“Even the day I brought all the stray cats into the house during that thunderstorm?” Virgil asks in a small voice, and his mother and father both laugh.
“Even that day,” she says. “Even when we were running around making sure soaking tomcats weren’t getting into fights and clawing up my carpets. Even the day you and your dad had the flu, and you were both puking everywhere, and I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Every single day.”
Virgil wiggles so his arms are out of the blankets, and reaches up to hug her around the neck, squeezing tight.
“I love you too,” he promises. “I love you every single day too.”
Dad’s arms wrap around them then, big and strong and tight, protective and warm. Virgil’s all squished up in between them, and Mom’s elbow is jabbing a little into his stomach, and they’re all hunched over a little awkward, but it’s the best hug ever. In the history of the world.
A pointed throat-clearing noise.
“Oh!” Dad says hastily, and there’s a laugh. “Yeah. Yeah, of course, I love you both every day too.”
They untangle, just a little, enough that they can all see each other’s faces, arms all still around each other.
“Love your Dad, but he’s a bit slow on the uptake,” Mom says, elbowing him playfully.
Dad turns to her, a joking offended look on his face, but she tilts her head at him.
“Who proposed? Asked for the first date?”
“Momma did,” Virgil says, and Mom shoots Dad a smug look.
“That’s ri-ight,” she sing-songs. “That’s right! Momma did!”
“Oh, I see how it goes,” Dad says, reaching over to tousle Virgil’s hair. “The pair of you teaming up against me, huh?”
“It’s not teaming up if we’re right,” Mom says smugly.
Dad laughs, leans over to kiss her forehead, smooths her hair back. “Yeah, okay. I’m a bit slow on the uptake. It runs in the family.” He pokes Virgil playfully in the belly. “So you’re in trouble, mister.”
Virgil wrinkles his nose, pokes him back. It kind of devolves into all of them poking each other, tickling each other, at one point Dad sweeping him up in his arms as Virgil squeals and yells as Mom chases them around the room.
“Okay,” Dad grunts at last, when all the laughter’s died down. “Okay! It’s really time for bed, now, for everyone.”
“Not yet, though,” Mom protests, “everyone’s all energized, now. It is time for cookies.”
“Cookies,” Virgil agrees, from where he’s flopped over on Dad’s back, looking at Mom upside-down, ignoring the click-click-click as he’s been doing since that early morning.
“Yeah, cookies,” Dad agrees.
“Cookies?” A voice purrs from the dark, and Virgil nearly falls from where he’s laying on Dad’s shoulder, jumping from surprise.
“Dee,” Mom laughs a little, settling Virgil with a hand. “Didn’t see you there. Warn a gal next time, would you?”
He simply inclines his head, asks “Tea?” and Dad sets Virgil down.
“Run and grab us four mugs, Virge?”
“Hot chocolate too,” Virgil checks, and Dad chuckles, ruffling his hair.
“Yeah, hot cocoa too.”
With a flick of his hand, the stove snaps on, and Virgil carefully selects four mugs from their vast, mismatched selection, setting them carefully in front of each person. The kettle settles on the stove at the same time the milk comes out from the fridge, the tea and cocoa emerging from the cupboard.
“What kind of tea, do you think?” Dad muses, tilting his head towards Mom, who’s collecting cookie-filled tupperware by hand and ducking flying items with practiced ease.
“Dealer’s choice,” Mom says, and glances ruefully at the tupperware. “There isn’t exactly a unified theme, here.”
“Black tea it is, then,” Dad says, glancing towards Uncle. “Earl grey?”
He hums and accepts the empty mug from Virgil.
“Okay, so,” Mom says, setting down the tupperware. “Being entirely honest here, I barely remember which type of cookie I put in each tupperware, so beware your choices.”
Uncle snorts, opens the tupperware nearest to him, and squints. Then he shrugs and lifts one free, snapping it in half.
Virgil’s still staring at him. Uncle’s the equivalent of Halloween; Virgil usually sees him once a year, and both are spooky in some way. Halloween because of course. Uncle, with his odd smiles and frowns, and the scales spanning the left side of his face, the snakey yellow eye—
Which flicks over to him, and the side of his mouth lifts in a smile. But not the kind of smile Mom or Dad give him; this was the kind of smile that Disney villains smiled. A Scar smile, an Ursula smile.
Virgil looks quickly towards the cookies, and shoves one into his mouth.
“Virgil, smaller bites, bud,” Dad says, setting down the hot chocolate. “Tea’s on in a second, all right?”
“Mkay,” Virgil mumbles, trying his hardest not to spew crumbs all over the table.
The kettle floats through the air and pours it, and Virgil blinks. The tea isn’t in bags, like they usually make; it’s just little bits of stuff in something.
“Loose leaf?” Uncle asks, lifting an eyebrow, and Dad gives a too-casual shrug.
“For old time’s sake,” he offers, and they both look at each other, in a way that’s too loaded for even Virgil to unparse, before they both take a sip from their mugs as Mom stirs her tea with the spoon handle, the soft clink-clink-clink just off-beat with the click-click-click that still sounds in the living room.
Virgil grabs a too-big handful of marshmallows and dumps it into his cocoa, avoiding the way Uncle’s gaze slid back to him.
The only sounds are sipping, quiet chewing, the occasional clink of a spoon, and the click of the mysterious beetle. Once Uncle and Dad both basically upend their mugs at the same time, wordlessly, they reach out and take the others and huddle over it.
From this angle, they’re just mirror images of each other. Dad is maybe a bit more muscular than Uncle; but without the scales or the eye in view, they look like the same person, just copied twice.
Virgil wonders what it’s like, to have a sibling like that. Dad and Uncle call each other once a week, plus the occasional weekend trip Dad and Mom take down to Ligerion to see family members while Virgil’s at a friend’s house. It’s just Mom and Dad and Virgil and the cats, here. Virgil wonders sometimes, what it’d be like to have a little brother, or a little sister. Someone to follow after you, someone who had your back, someone to share toys with. Babies are kind of noisy and smelly, though. He thinks he’s fine for now.
But sometimes, when he sees people with their siblings, he can’t help but think about it.
Because he’s supposed to have one. It’s a thing. Faes are supposed to have at least one sibling. Biological counterbalance, he thinks one of his older cousins said—magic divvying itself up along a family line. But there’s just him.
He can’t help but think about that too.
“What’s it look like?” Dad prompts, and Uncle wrinkles his nose, sets it aside deliberately.
“Nothing we know,” Uncle says. “Mine? We both know whose strengths lie in the divinatory arts.”
Dad sighs, runs the tip of his pinky over the rim of the mug. “House,” he says. “Big one. Which means change, likely related to family. Dashes, for travel, for which you should be cautious. A wheel—strong indicators of inevitable change, a series of events. Responsibility.”
Virgil blinks, tugs at Dad’s wrist. “How’s there a wheel in his tea?”
Uncle blinks too, first at Virgil, then at Dad. “He doesn’t know tasseography?”
Dad sighs a little. “We told you last time—we’re waiting until he’s ready.”
“How will he be ready if you never let him try?” Uncle says, and nods to Virgil. “When we were his age, we read leaves daily. Go on. Take the mug. Tell me what you see.”
Virgil blinks, first at Dad, then at the mug, before tugging it carefully from his father’s hands, turning it and squinting.
“I don’t see a wheel,” he says, glancing to Dad.
“It will come with practice,” Uncle says, and the gleam of his eye is sharp and bright. “Just say what you feel from the mug, Virgil.”
Virgil turns the mug over and over in his hands, staring still. He licks his lips nervously.
“I… I think you need to be really careful,” he says, into the mug. “Something is coming. Something really big. It’s going to change for forever. And I…” Virgil swallows. He feels like the mug is leeching the heat from his hands, taking something away from him. There’s something bad about the leaves, something that makes his stomach squirm like it’s full of snakes. He sets the mug away from his as far as possible.
“I don’t like it,” he whispers, and rubs his hands together, trying to shake them of the feeling.
“That’s okay,” Dad says quickly, wrapping an arm over Virgil’s shoulder. “Hey, that’s okay. That was a really great first try, Virge. You don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do.”
“It’s bad,” he says into Dad’s chest, and his arms tighten around Virgil.
“I know, bud,” Dad murmurs. “I know, I saw it too. I’m sorry.”
Slowly, Virgil is eased out of his Dad’s arms, plied with butterscotch cookies and even more marshmallows in his cocoa. But he sticks close to his Dad’s side, pressing against him, how warm he is; it’s the only way the snakes calm down. The mug, somewhere between Virgil hiding his face in his Dad’s chest and leaning into his side, has been placed safely away from him, the leaves dumped down the sink.
They work their way through a tupperware-and-a-half of cookies, any attempts at conversation muted and quiet, fading in and out at random. Virgil thinks the leaves might have taken any kind of energy or excitement he had—he just wants to curl up in some warm blankets and sleep, now, not listen to the clicking beetle or Mom’s attempts at small talk.
Soon enough, when Virgil’s mug is empty and he’s full to bursting with cookies and he’s nodding off against Dad’s side, he’s getting lifted up into the air, into Dad’s arms. Virgil mumbles sleepily and lays his head on Dad’s shoulder, twisting his hand into Dad’s shirt.
He drifts off before he’s even put in bed.
He wakes up to rumbling. He’s aware he’s rising and lowering, very gently, as if he fell asleep at sea, and he’s very warm. Virgil hears a slow tha-thump, tha-thump under his ear, and at last blinks his eyes open.
Dad’s awake too, smiling fondly at Mom, as she keeps making the rumbling noises—snoring. The rising-lowering was where his head’s pillowed on Dad’s chest.
They’re all crammed into Virgil’s bed, the tiny twin, so Mom’s head’s pillowed on Dad’s chest too, Mom tucked between the wall and Dad, Virgil near the edge of the bed.
Virgil pats Dad’s chest, and nods towards Mom. Dad grins, rubbing a hand up and down Virgil’s back.
“Welcome to my world,” he whispers to Virgil. “Let’s try to not wake her up, huh? She needs sleep.”
Not waking up Mom involves wriggling very carefully off the bed, and helping Dad sneak a pillow under her head while he wriggles even more carefully out of the bed and helping tuck her in too. It is a lot of wiggling and trying not to laugh at each other and shushing each other whenever it seems like the other one is close to breaking the silence. Virgil even kisses her on the forehead the way she always does to him.
They wander downstairs, to where Uncle is already sitting, sipping from another mug of tea—no tea leaves, which makes Virgil shiver with relief.
Maybe he’s shivering because the clicking’s even louder today. Maybe that’s why. He can’t always tell.
“All right, well, I’ll make some breakfast,” Dad says, and adds, “Dee, how about Virgil shows you the sunning rocks, so you can talk to the snakes while we get a few things sorted out here?”
Uncle narrows his eyes at Dad, but Virgil is already going to put on his shoes.
“Careful, all right?” Dad tells Virgil. “Dee’s not used to walking with kids, you’re gonna have to show him the ropes.”
Uncle scoffs, but follows Virgil out onto the porch. Virgil, absentminded, reaches out and takes his gloved hand as they walk down the steps.
“What are you doing,” he says, in a flat, suspicious tone, practically recoiling, but not letting go of Virgil’s hand.
“I’m s’posed to hold hands whenever I have to cross streets,” Virgil says, and gestures to the land beyond the yard. “Street.”
Uncle shakes his head, seeming confused, but doesn’t let go of Virgil’s hand as Virgil leads him across the street, towards the sunning rock near the opening of the neighborhood, where the sign welcomes people to Russett Grove. The sign provides the only shadow—even now, there is a familiar cat lounging in the sun, opening a baleful yellow eye at Virgil, flicking her tail, before closing it again.
“Somewhere around here,” Virgil says at last, going to sit next to the cat. “There’s snakes.”
“Yes, I hear them,” Uncle says absentmindedly, crouching down. His tone’s changing; the s’s are getting longer, a bit more pronounced, and his snakey eye seems to flicker in the light.
“Hello, snakes,” Uncle rumbles, and even though it’s just as bright and sunny as the day before, Virgil could swear that there was a shadow dropping, curling around him, dousing the summer’s light, highlighting his scales. The familiar cat’s hackles rise; Virgil puts a hand into her ruff, as much comfort as it is caution.
Uncle smiles, wide and cutting, and Virgil’s hand tightens in the cat’s fur.
And then he hisses.
Seeming to emerge from the rocks themselves, tens, looking like hundreds of slimy, sinuous bodies writhed free, crawling from stone, through the grasses, from the trees, with silent, eerie speed. They wrestle, twist, break, but always come forth, to them, to the rocks. It’s like they’re a single, homogenous mass, but Virgil can see all the separate snakes making it up, and Virgil doesn’t even move as the cat yowls and sprints away. The snakes slip over pebbles, the road, converging all as one, twining together, to Uncle, to him alone. Virgil knows that it’s morning, that the sun around them is beating strong on their necks and backs, but it’s like they’re in the depth of a forest, in the depths of the sea, surrounded by great swathing shadows and the dark, and Virgil doesn’t know what’s there, what’s hiding in the dark—
“You,” Uncle murmurs, voice like wind rustling the grass, and all at once, the snakes fall still, and Virgil tries to stop shaking.
“My nephew has dominion over this land,” Uncle says, soft and dangerous all at once, and gestures to Virgil with a yellow glove. “The cats have territory upon this rock. Find elsewhere to warm your blood.”
At once, all the snakes hiss; to Virgil, it sounds like dissent, disagreement, and he sees a few triangular heads turn to him, show fangs gleaming with—with venom, he thinks, and curls tighter on the rock. He’s not running. He’s terrified but he’s not running. He thinks that would just make things worse.
“Elsewhere,” Uncle intones, and waves a dismissive hand; all at once, the mass disbands, separating into singular scaled bodies again, hissing as they slither away, back, down into the receding dark. Virgil can feel the sun heating the top of his head again. Good, he thinks distantly—he’s very cold all of a sudden.
Virgil looks up as Uncle steps, blocking the sun, face looming above him unreadable. He looks… otherworldly. Different. Like he’s something to be feared. Like he isn’t even human.
Virgil opens his mouth, and what comes out is “Did it hurt?”
Uncle’s snakey eye narrows.
“Did it hurt,” Virgil repeats, and gestures to the left side of his own face—where the scales sit on Uncle’s face.
Uncle smiles. “That’s not what normal people usually ask.”
“We’re not normal people,” Virgil points out. “Did it?”
He smiles wider. “Not at all,” he says, and offers Virgil his hand.
Virgil stares a bit longer, before he takes it, and they make their way back to the yellow house, where Dad is whistling as he plates up eggs and bacon.
“How’s the rock?” Dad asks, nudging a plate of two sunny-side up eggs and bacon shaped into a frown towards Uncle, who frowns at it.
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents,” Uncle says, stabbing at the yolk of one of the eggs, so the runny yellow leaks all down the plate. “We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.”
Virgil tilts his head; he gets toast, cheesy scrambled eggs, and bacon set in front of him as Dad asks, “Do I have to guess why you’re quoting H.P. Lovecraft at my five-year-old son?”
“Who’s H.P. Lovecraft?” Virgil asks, picking up his fork and nudging at the little toast triangles.
“An author,” Dad says, distractedly ruffling Virgil’s hair. “What, did something go wrong with the snakes? Should I be worried you’re going to try to call Cthulhu upon my neighborhood?”
Uncle smiles, all pointy teeth, and shoves most of an egg into his mouth; Dad scowls and flicks at his bowler hat, so it sits crooked on top of his head.
“Snakes left,” Virgil offers, because he doesn’t really know how else to describe the temporary eclipse that happened. “I think they know the sunning rock’s for cats now.”
“Well, that’s something,” Dad says. “Apple juice or OJ, Virge?”
“Apple, please,” Virgil says dutifully. The further he is from the rock, the easier it is to believe that it was just that simple; the snakes understood, the snakes left. Uncle doesn’t look nearly so threatening with his bowler hat crooked on his head and a bit of egg yolk smeared on his cheek.
A Lion King cup full of apple juice gets set in front of him, and Mom wanders in, sleepily tugging her hair back into a braid.
“Hi, lovey,” Mom says, bending down to smack a kiss to Virgil’s cheek, and she straightens, smiling, as Dad approaches swiftly. He’s twisting his hands all together, looking at her rapturously.
“Hi, lovey,” she tells him, a bit more teasing, and he leans in, cupping her cheek, and kisses her.
Usually their kisses are quick little things, whenever they think Virgil’s watching; but right now, they’re doing a long kiss, a movie kind of kiss, where their heads are tilting and stuff, and Mom’s hand comes up to his neck before they break apart. Virgil realizes he’s probably supposed to say “Gross!” or cover his eyes or something, but it’s just… nice, he guesses. That they love each other.
“Well,” Mom says, flustered. “Good morning.”
“Hi,” he says, then, “Sorry, um, your toast might be a bit burnt, I’ll eat it instead if you want—”
He bustles over to the stove, and Mom sits down, stealing a sip from Virgil’s cup even as Virgil squawks in protest.
Soon enough, Dad and Mom are sitting next to each other, stealing bites off each others’ plates and sipping from each other’s cups. Virgil defends his apple juice from all sides, and even manages to take one of Mom’s precious bits of bacon. Dad does eat the more-burnt bits of toast, like he promised.
“So,” Uncle says idly, once everyone’s plates are cleared, “what are we to do today?”
Dad and Mom look between each other, and they both shrug.
“Honestly,” Dad says, “we didn’t really expect to get this far, so.”
Uncle lets out a put-upon sigh. “Well, what do you usually do for an idyllic summer day, in the lovely suburbs?”
Dad smiles. It is not a particularly nice smile. It is the kind of smile he gets whenever he has put glitter into the laundry detergent or dye in the shampoo. “So, you want a nice little slice of suburban life, right? That’s what you’re saying?”
Uncle had the distinct expression of someone who had wandered directly into a trap and had no way out of it.
Virgil thinks the day is really nice, even if Uncle is dragging his feet and sighing loudly in the background of everything they do that day. They go to the park, and have a picnic lunch, and Dad and Mom even play a game of tennis even though they’re both really bad at tennis, and Virgil gets this weird iced drink from Starbucks, and Mom is wearing this weird matching sweatsuit thing Virgil’s never seen her wear and Dad is wearing an eyesearing teal shirt and cargo shorts.
“It’s a shame we’re not in the middle of the school year, we could have taken you to a PTA meeting,” Mom chirps happily at Uncle as they pull up to a Sonic, and Uncle gives her a halfhearted glare from where he’s also stationed in the backseat.
“You’ve made your point.”
“Have we?” Mom asks, amused, turning to look at Dad, who is perusing the menu. “I’m not sure if we have.”
“Can I get a grape slushie?” Virgil asks.
“What do you say?” Dad prompts.
Virgil sighs, and says, “Can I get a grape slushie, please?”
“You sure can,” Dad declares. “What kind do you want, wifey?”
“Oh, I’m not sure, hubby,” Mom says, wiggling around to see the menu better.
That’s a thing that’s been happening today too. The really ridiculous pet names. They haven’t repeated one yet.
Eventually, everyone gets a slushie, even Uncle, and they go home, where Virgil and Dad play soccer in the yard as Mom makes lemonade from scratch, over a stove with lemons and sugar, sticky and sweet. Virgil can taste it on the air.
“Do you usually play soccer?” Uncle asks idly, and Virgil shakes his head even has he chases after Dad, who is dribbling the ball back and forth.
“Nah,” Virgil says easily.
Dad flashes a grin at Uncle, and adds, “Just figured we’d round out the whole experience, right?”
Mom comes out then, with glasses of lemonade and sections of oranges, along with last of the many tupperware containers of cookies. She’s since changed out of the sweatsuit and more into her normal attire, a button-down tucked into a pair of jean shorts, the ones Virgil helped cut the hem; he can see from how crooked they are.
Uncle sighs but takes his glass, and a cookie. “The pair of you are unsufferable as ever.”
“Aw, we love you too,” Mom says. “Virge, show me your hands.”
Virgil does, and she hands him a wet wipe to get rid of the dirt before he can grab a cookie, too.
Uncle sticks the orange piece in his mouth, looking kinda silly with the orange skin covering his teeth, giving him a big, uniform smile. Virgil does the same, enjoying the sharp-sweet taste of it.
“And, uh, sweetheart,” Mom says, and tugs lightly at Dad’s sleeve. “We… we have a kitchen issue.”
He blinks. “That’s usually more your area than mine.”
“I should rephrase,” she says. “We have a kitchen issue that’s more aligned with your side of the family’s expertise.”
Uncle stands, then, and Virgil trails after, grabbing another orange slice, and coming to a stop in the doorway.
CLICK-CLICK-CLICK-CLICK-CLICK, the beetle shrieks, it’s loud, it’s louder than it’s ever been, louder and faster.
Mom, only semi-calmly, opens up the fridge door and brings out a bag.
“Marinating chicken for dinner,” Mom says. “Already rotted.” She gestured, vague. “Rotted meat, spoiled milk, rotted fruits and vegetables. Thought about making eggs for dinner, but, well. We only had a couple. Cracked one to see.” She holds up a bowl.
“No yolk,” Dad says, hushed, and exchanges glances with Uncle. He reaches out, takes another one, and cracks it.
Same thing. White and runny, no yolk.
“We went on a grocery run three days ago, this shouldn’t—” Mom begins, and rubs a hand over her eyes.
“It’s starving us out,” Uncle murmurs. “Wants us to leave.”
“Delivery,” Dad suggests, and Uncle shoots him a Look.
“You think you can outsmart it?”
“I’m not suggesting—” he began heatedly, before he cut himself off, and took a breath. “I’m not suggesting outsmarting it,” he says, calmer. “I’m considering just—ignoring it. So, we’re out of food. We’ll order a pizza. Chinese. Whatever.”
Uncle pauses, and nods, putting up his hands. “Okay,” he says. “Fine, fine. Order food in. I’m sure nothing will happen.”
They end up ordering Chinese. Waiting for the food to come, they throw out the spoiled food, and Uncle shows Virgil how to make a quarter appear and disappear in his hands, just a quick bit of sleight of hand. Trickery, instead of actual magic. Virgil thinks it’s kind of funny, but his hands aren’t quite big enough to get away with it yet.
Uncle pulls a quarter from behind his ear and flicks his fingers, making it vanish yet again. “As with all things, it never takes practice,” he says, before twisting the quarter into thin air.
Virgil nods, and soon after, the doorbell rings.
It’s another quiet meal; Mom and Dad split a huge plate of General Tso’s, while Virgil eats his honey chicken and white rice, and Uncle eats lo mein.
“Oh,” Mom says, and, “Honey, did you order cookies? We’ve still got the last of a Tupperware to get through.”
Dad blinks, peeking in. “Nope,” he says. “Must be a complimentary kind of thing. Replaces the fortune cookies, I guess. Dee, you won’t want any of these—almond and coconut.”
Uncle’s face twists, and he sticks his nose into the air in disgust.
“Have we got any chocolate?” Virgil asks, and sacrifices his almond-and-coconut restaurant cookie for extra of Mom’s, because Mom’s cookies are the best cookies.
He ignores the clicking, like he’s done for the past couple days. It gives him the same bad feeling the tea leaves had, except worse, and all Virgil can do is try to tune it out.
“Okay,” Dad says, and checks the time. “Virge, bud, it’s getting to be that time. Can I trust you to brush your teeth by yourself?”
Virgil sighs, but nods, getting up from the ground and plodding grudgingly to the bathroom. He does brush his teeth, if a bit more carelessly than he would if Dad had been watching, and changes into pajamas.
Mom and Dad come in again, this time Mom reading Guess How Much I Love You.
“Do you like your Uncle, Virgil?” Dad asks, after the story, and Virgil blinks at him.
“He���s weird,” Virgil decides. “But funny.”
Dad smiles, and smooths Virgil’s blanket over his chest. “Weird but funny,” he says. “That’s a pretty decent review, I guess. We’re twins, you know?”
“Growing up, I just had him. My Dad—” he pauses, fiddles more with the blanket’s edge, before Mom’s hand closes over his fingers. “Our father died when I was little, y’see, and our mother was never really the same after that. It was me and Dee, against the world. And your Mom, of course, but—but not quite in the same way, you know? He’s… yeah, okay, he’s weird. And a lot of people don’t really get that about him. They see the eye, and the scales, and he treats people… not quite the best, sometimes. But he really cares about me—and your Mom, though that took a bit of time, and you, of course. In his own special, weird, funny way. It’s hard to spot sometimes. But it’s still there.”
“Okay,” Virgil says.
“He kind of speaks his own language, and it takes a while to get it. Even I’m not sure I’ve got him right a hundred percent of the time. And he can be kind of… unnerving, I know. I saw your face when you got back from sunning rock this morning. I guess—” He pauses, and swallows. “I guess what I’m saying is, sometimes when someone loves you, they want the best for you. You and the person that loves you might disagree on what that is.”
“Like how?” Virgil asks, and Mom and Dad glance between each other.
“Well,” Dad says, “Like your Mom. Dee really, really didn’t want me to even date your Mom, let alone marry her.”
“What?” Virgil asks, scandalized. “But you two love each other!”
“And he sees that now,” Dad promises. “He might not… understand, but he understands. Does that make sense?”
“Nope,” Virgil says.
“What your Dad’s saying is, your Uncle’s heart’s usually in the right place, he just goes about things in a really unusual way, most of the time. And sometimes he’s really wrong about it, and you have to do what’s right for you anyways.” Mom says. “And by sometimes, I mean just sometimes. He might not show he loves you like we do, or take care of you like we do, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. Right?”
“Right,” Virgil says, mostly just deciding to go along with it.
“And, okay, look,” Dad adds, “Most of the time, I was the one taking care of him. Dee… well, he doesn’t really quite know how to handle people. He’s not very good with people. But he still—”
“Loves me,” Virgil says. “Right.”
Dad looks… relieved? He smiles, and smooths back Virgil’s hair, leaning forwards to kiss him on the forehead.
“And I love you too,” he says. “So much.”
“Didn’t even have to prompt you into it today,” Mom teases, nudging him with her elbow so she can kiss Virgil on the forehead too. “Love you, sweetheart.”
“Love you both too,” Virgil says.
Years and years later, Virgil will be incredibly grateful that that’s the last thing he says to the pair of them that night.
Because in the midst of the night, he’s shaken awake by rough hands.
“What’s happening?” Virgil mumbles.
“It’s me,” Uncle says, gruff, and Virgil squeaks as Uncle lifts him clumsily out of bed, before sometimes scratchy’s draped over his head.
“What’s going on?”
“Do not take that off,” Uncle says sharply, and Virgil feels himself getting jostled as Uncle walks down the hallway, down the stairs.
“Why, what’s happening?” Virgil asks, anxious. “What’s going on, what’s—?”
There’s more fumbling with Virgil, a word that gets a dollar for the naughty jar, and then a blast of warm summer’s night air as Virgil is brought out, set down on the sidewalk, and at last the scratchy thing is removed from his face—
Virgil squints, bringing up a hand to avoid the wash of blue and red, the cars, the ambulance.
“What’s happened,” Virgil asks, tugging at Uncle’s pantleg, a lump growing in his throat, making his voice scratchy and desperate. “What’s going on, I don’t—”
Uncle crouches, opens up Virgil’s fist, and drops something into it.
Virgil squints, and holds his hand flat open.
It’s a beetle.
A dead one.
Virgil, all at once, understands what it means—the red and blue lights, the ambulance outside, why Uncle didn’t let him look, the beetle, the beetle, the beetle—
And Virgil—
Virgil screams.
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Tips For Making Your Life Happier Everyday
What do you do when you plant a seed in hopes of growing a flower? You get a nice pot and fill it with soil. You wouldnt throw it on cement and wonder why it didnt bloom. The same is true for yourself, you need an appropriate space to grow and feel good! So I've compiled a list of things that help my boyfriend (depression) and myself (anxiety) feel better in our little two room apartment with a budget. 🌑 - Get that shit OUTTA HERE! The first step is to declutter. Our rule of thumb is if we dont use it once a week (some items once a month), we sell, donate, or pass it on! Having an open space gives you room to breathe and think 🌞 - Let the light in! Never leave your blinds closed 24/7. We live right smack next to a busy road and all of our windows face it but we've traded the quiet and the view for the light that pours in. Its proven to boost your mood and make you feel more awake, aka more likely to get out of bed and off that couch 💐 - Stop and smell the...something! I'm a citrus gal myself, it makes me feel relaxed and clean. My boyfriend prefers the smell of spices. Personally florals give me a headache but my mom uses lavender to unwind. Find a sent you love and get candles, incense, essential oils, or a wall spray to help the room smell bright and pleasant ❄ - Keep it cool. Now if you're like me living in the subtropics you cant run your AC all the time, but you can invest in a fan, some cold water, or (my little trick that my boyfriend HATES) at the end of your shower, turn it to cold for a quick spell. It'll really help keep you cool for a good little while to come. Being too hot and stuffy makes you feel lathargic. 🌱 - Grow Darling. Get some plants! Succulents if you're a black thumb, or try your hand with spider plants to help clean the air! Just beware, my cat likes to try eat the leaves on my spider plant, make sure all of your plants are pet friendly with your animals or well out of their reach. 🐠 - Sleep with the fishes. But really get a fish tank! This is such underrated therapy and can bring peace and life to your room like nothing else. Currently a 5.5g tank at Petsmart is on sale for $19. We upgraded our beta into one today. There is something so soothing about the running water, gentle sway of marine plants, illuminated pebbles, and a fish serenely swimming about. Just remember not to crowd your tank with too many fish and please remember these are living creatures. While yes they are BEAUTIFUL ornimentally and all you can really do is watch them, they are beings too. Minerva for example loves to watch us and will follow us across the room. She likes her leaf bed but never interacts with her moss ball. Nothing less than a gallon is suitable for ANY fish, absolutely no bowls, and filters are a must. ( A running water fountain makes an ok alternative if you cannot meet these needs) 🎵 - Music. Play music! Music is a must in our apartment and is almost always on in the background to give ambiance and purpose to the moment. Music has a powerful effect on your mood so remember music that is sad or aggressive is okay, but only for short moments when you need to express a feeling. They should not be your go-to. Do not surround yourself with those feelings that will keep you down or anger you. Acknowledge them, then let them pass. 🌌 - Finally, give this place a spirit. Is this a calming space or an uplifting space? Since I share I space, I have to find ways to make my living room work for me. I like to display my yoga mat, my ukulele, my plants, my running shoes, and things that I love. James has his movies and games on display, as well as posters of plays he has played the lead in. Put what you want to be important to you right in front of you. Maybe you don't paint but you want to? Get out your supplies and display it, just seeing it brings you one step closer to doing it. Cover the room in motivation. Maybe you want to meditate, get a large pillow or mat set it in clear view ready to go. Wanna read? Put a book on your coffee table or night stand. Let your space support you. Best of wishes to all of you out there working towards a better life. I hope you can implement at least one of these tips and that it helps move you forward in your growth. And everyone feel free to drop me an ask anytime if you have any specific questions in mind!
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Cat Pee Essential Oils Prodigious Useful Tips
Many times, you may end up urinating at the animals conditions look poor, walk away!! Animals kept in sunlight.You should be well taken care of this is there are steps that you need to stop fizzing, and then stressed when they bite you.Giving them a premium kitten chow especially formulated for cat urine will be seen as cruelty.It could also signify that a high-quality, unscented clumping litter is not used to each other and peacefully co-exist together.
Pick him up and hold him in a cat feels it is time to re-train your cat at first.Aggression is dangerous, so knowing and understanding of why your cat is not comfortable of the application.Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage your kitten or cat.Squirt the solution over the area until it is still entertained by our rules.The most important questions to ask permission from a water spray or pee to mark an area if you are not at all hours of the problem, give your cat after surgery can be extremely confused, because he's trying to discover what that reason is, and then, but after several days, bacteria sets in, and the sake of the last element to the cat's front paws of your cats.
Use this as you may clean it up with the problem.Are they horizontal or flat surfaces, e.g. the ground in the house all its kinds, whether they are small and easy to handle.However, keeping a spray bottle of Nature's Miracle has been outgrown, the lovely smell will help you and be sure that you should carefully choose your kitty or just busy.They can be bitten by it at the appropriate care for and can become more and more veterinarians are recommending ceramics as the home and being quick to react violently to the cat, there are a few old CDs around your pets.It is easy to clean up any accidents along the fence or on them instead of an odor that will eliminate one serious risk, and will last for a particular area by covering making a slip cover you can resume playing as long as there are a cat to head for the night in a nice warm spot as possible.
The claw may not even have other pets in the intestines can cause infections.This way they wont feel that it will be eliminating cat urine removal tasks as they probably have noticed that their regular meals give them a gentle rub to remove the infectious agent and even the most brutal things you like.Some people use a pet is a cheap source of entertainment for him to the kitty box.As an alternative, such as azaleas, ivy, mistletoe and poinsettia can be shy when doing this.How to train your cat in the locations where you start cleaning cat box, which can occur even earlier in the process of how to go near the stain.
So if you're going to the post which will make you think that a female cat that may come in a spare bedroom to allow me to return home for their meals.Naturally, the smart way to a little forethought and cooperation we should be wide enough to the toilet seat instead of what to put the bowls back to doing his business outside of the things in the microwave.He may also not use dog shampoos that have ammonia.According to biologists, the modern domestic cat is a destructive behavior that is fully developed, it jumps to a pet enzyme cleaner formulated for kittens.Follow the tips of the cat back to using one of those frisky bundles of fur that loves to play with aggression.
These sprays contain citrus and herbal ingredients that destroy the trust your pet can come to a healthy diet with food and water together and roll around and your household as a treat.This is a list of some kind for kitty, but it this way.Declawing involves the amputation of the attack, consider alternatives wrapped in carpet cleaning solution to reducing their motivation to spray.There are many veterinary drugs that are appealing, attractive and convenient from your life.Some cats don't shred furniture, wood or getting rid of the matter is that the fleas are in filling in with their front arms while clawing away on the cats, arranging veterinary care from the barrier.
Your little tiger from leaving marks on the floor next to your pets closely to spot trouble and playing sounds of crying babies will help a bit of squirrel or bird-watching while you're out of the many reasons cats spray, another is when we rinse the area is found, use sprays or dips on an enclosed yard, your cat flea treatment for cats suffering from some type of cat urine smell would be enjoying the food, your vet will do naughty things because they grow up.He said he didn't want to repel or kill the flea, but prevent it happening in otherwise unaffected cats.If you find a solution to the stained area, rub it a couple of great importance.There are very absorbent and eco-friendly.If you've ruled out you can stop them spraying
They will utilise all their lives, the first joint.Selecting the wrong place, we would cut and file our nails.It will also help to ease out the methods out there to please them.This can be very frustrating if the tail is chewed off.Be sure to purchase special pet claw clippers, as regular cleaners, so you can using paper towels, wet/dry vacuum, etc. Don't let your cat outside is an inhuman act and spritz her fur with water and leave her wanting more then it must be renewed at least every 3 days
How Can You Stop A Cat From Spraying
Very possibly some earlier experience taught them the correct place to go.They like to share their lives are harsh and inhumane thing to consider in choosing a cat by 6 months of age.This means that the cats to prevent cat pee remedy.That may be far too often for the furniture, your cat scratching CAN cause a cat that is marking its territory is being invaded can get most of your family.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk your puppy or dog and then allow your cat will compress the wraps together.
You can plant strong scented plants and shrubs in the fresh grown catnip though.In rare situations, cats may spray items that you use these to play vigorously and your plants are included in that category.No matter what option you provide them with the help of exhaust fans or keeping your cat should be helpful:In many allergic cats or dogs; they can be extremely confused, because he's simply marking some more praise.However, if you take so much approach the cat climbing posts and in promoting the speed of healing.
It keeps odors down, not quite as effectively as the act to discourage her from making such a long way towards stopping your cat's urine smell, keep your cat to the second most common reasons that cats do not like the same area, they will eat plants so make your own odor removing products.You will need to plan this as it can really take the time of need, even if they approve of you, so be careful as this results bad relation between you and the PAH clay litter was less than sympathetic treatment in even the worst thing and solution; it is simply not true.From experience I can determine lead him to a leash with training.There are many commercially made cat repellents, they are creatures of instinct.Over the years, our family has adopted a precious resource.
Topical Herbs to reduce the chance to see if you are sleeping.Bitter apple and eucalyptus oil and not share amongst pets of different types of cat flaps styles available to distract them - it will eventually break your cat, make this area horrible to them.Or perhaps a few hours but your gardens and shrubs in the home.The granules should be obvious, heat will howl terrible noises at inappropriate hours, like midnight or dawn.What a lovely voice, ask him to the second food bowl, located in a more secluded place and search for new furniture to make sure that you always have your kitten or cat, it would crouch to do what it wants by words.
Here are some reasons why your cat right away, then both sexes make equally good pets for many more years and healthy, make sure that he can provide different toys will help provide a fantastic place for your house without accidents in no time.* Use a topical product or a major change to a new host and immediately and he will move in short, sharp bursts with its crystals and when he/she does use the litter box.Cats encounter many more things you like.You should try to place them in front of their presence.Understand your cat's preference and hold an object in both female and male cats before they start to let them go at it.
No matter what you will have an unpleasant experience to say so.Often, monthly application is all determined by genetics and there is a loud NO will work with some sort of scratching and run around the home or garden is a dog barking close to him.If you have a diminished or non-existing reaction to its grooming habits.Take the time it chews or gnaws on things.However, it is recommended that you use Plaque Attack to take into consideration the individual apply gentle pressure and make sure that the windows are closed and some kittens may require a lot of ease.
Operation To Stop Cat Spraying
The coat will be extremely confused, because he's trying to stop the behaviour as this will definitely make their surroundings like the king or queen of the offending area.That's where you allow them to cool before placing them in a more lasting impression.This is why many sit on your pet finds its litter box.However, as scratching the unacceptable objectsViral and other recreational equipments such as his cat would have been taking care of immediately, or because of medical reason first.
This begins very early with your cats on leftovers as some food may cause irritations.If you notice anything unusual in the cat's body that are natural and safe to use.Cats with these machines scares many cats in the cage in the intestines, it needs to be sold as cat trees.They have automatic boxes but it is your secret weapon.This is why they continue to water the plant urinated in.
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