wparanoidxx · 9 months
I could perfectly see how you were going to break me. But I decided to stay.
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heymynameismika · 1 year
My mind is wandering around and wondering about…
My mind is wandering. Wandering around about my future. Wondering about the things happening in my life. Right now, in the past, about what will have happened in the future. My mind goes through all the possible outcomes. Realistic ones. Bullshit. Just head up in the sky dreams. All of them happening in a few milli seconds in my brain. Running through my veins, getting on every of my nerves. The talking behind my forehead never stops. All the stories that I thought through. Every text I never have written. Every song I never have sang. Every woman I never ever asked out. Every love story that never has a chance to become my reality. Ever book I never have read. Every book I never ever will write. My mind is wandering around about all that stuff. Ever Songtexte of every song I really like. Every sitcom I watched more then twice. Every emotion that I have felt deep in my heart is also wandering though my brain. It is connecting dots. It is to write. It is to talk out loud what ever goes though my mind. Every single cell is creating. Every single cell is craving for more. „Every breath I take. Every move I make.“ Every little thought. Every little word. Every short text. Every memory is wandering around on an on. And so am I. #writer #iamapoet #writting #shorttext #poetry #poesie #creative #iamwhatiam
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noir0127 · 3 years
No quieras engañarme de frente, que tus acciones son el reflejo de mi pasado, por qué lo he hecho es que te lo digo, caímos muy bajo al usar nuestros problemas emocionales como lanzas y no como escudos.
Malditos aquellos que regalan excusas cómo si fueran ayuda y esperan que les agradezcan por ser salvadores.
Malditos somos todos porque lo hemos hecho. Estafadores, mentirosos, hasta que nos pasa no comprendemos que herir a los demás por "accidente" es la manera más vergonzosa de salir impoluto de culpas.
Que no le hacemos un favor a nadie, somos muy débiles para llevar la carga entonces se la damos a alguien más y sin piedad asestamos el golpe, le dimos un escudo al otro que no pudo usar, porque tenía las manos llenas de nosotros ¿Que honor hay en eso?
Fatallia ✨
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emeline-mai · 4 years
Le paria du corona ou le 5ieme accord pastèque
Il y a un mois et des brouettes je rencontre Claudio. Il est saoul, je suis sûr, il est con, moi vaincu.
Avec une dualité pareille on devient vite les deux gémeaux du zodiaque, tout le temps fourré ensemble, à l’heure des bisous ou à celle des prises de bec.
Après un weekend à se mettre des fleurs dans les cheveux et des pinces sur les tétons, c’est tout naturellement que je lui ai fait ma demande :
“Claudio, veux tu te confiner avec moi ?”
Sa joie est discrète (sans doute avait il déjà flairé la faille) mais c’est un oui qui envahit son palais, sa langue et ses lèvres.
Au bout de quelques jours à confiner sévère, le quotidien et les microbes nous ont rattrapé.
Claudio parle du nez, il grogne, se traine dans l’appart comme un sanglier blessé.
Pour toutes celles et ceux qui croient encore que « le mythe du mec malade » est juste un mythe… c’est ultra cute… mais attendez de voir… (#Préjugé)
Ayant conscience de la réalité de ce qu’est un mec malade et des dérives que cela peut avoir, je panique.
Etant déjà faiblotte des ménisques, je ne veux pas avoir à porter un panda roux géant au garrot jusqu’au lit.
Je tiens à ma mobilité, je crois en l’après corona et au cours de zumba qui vont suivre.
Que faire ? Que fait-on lorsqu’on habite ensemble, qu’on partage capotes et couverts, qu’on sait que l’autre a son appart et qu’on veut rester en possession de sa santé ?
Le verdict tombe, Claudio prend ses cliques et ses claques pour aller se confiner ailleurs.
Ouf ! Quel soulagement, je m’esclaffe le premier soir ! Je ne serais pas malade, mes genoux vont se porter comme des arbres en fleurs.
Mais dès le lendemain, alors que j’ai dessiné des yeux et une bouche à ma main et que je lui demande des conseils sur les épices à mettre mans mon dahl, une pensée réaliste et d’une tristesse fataliste m’accable.
Je vais être seule !
Plus de bisous, de blagues débiles, plus de câlins, plus de drame made in diva and drama queen, plus de débats, plus de personne à deux pattes a regarder, plus de mains que les miennes….
J’avais clairement zappé le cinquième accord pastèque : « Ne vire jamais la personne avec qui tu te confine, tu ne sais pas combien de temps ca va durer »
Quelle quiche ! Quelle tarte !
Le médecin confirme, c’est juste un rhume, j’ai vraiment craqué mon slip (on dit ca aussi par chez vous ?!)
Par peur des virus j’ai perdu son … (rire ou pas rime… ?!) cœur
Par peur de la maladie j’ai perdu son … (merci la langue francaise…) parfum
Bref les infos ca peut monter au cerveau mais quand t’as la chance d’avoir un binôme de galère et bien il faut en prendre soin comme si vous étiez les deux seules personnes survivantes d’une catastrophe nucléaire. Oui ! à ce point !
Parce qu’il y a une paire de français et de françaises qui ne sont pas par paire et qui aimerait…
Si tu lis ce post, ne fait pas comme moi…
Je suis qu’une nouille Claudio, reviens ! Au prochain confinement je me rattrape c’est sûr !
Ps : cet accord pastèque n’est évidemment pas valable si ton binôme est une sous merde qui te rend dingue, qu il a inventé la charge mentale, qu’il mange tes croquettes ou toute autre raison qui te parait suffisante pour préférer être seul/e.
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nachtschattenspiele · 4 years
Alle sind irre; aber wer seinen Wahn zu analysieren versteht, wird philosoph genannt.
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Fuckin’ Routine
It's me, again. Today was a productive day I think, but I don't how exactly sadness has space every day in my life. Sometimes it's something unsupportable, but that's life and you know. You can't do much about it.
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floofycomics-blog · 5 years
A push of adrenalin 
Throughout the start of the school year I’ve met a lot of new people. Some are great and some, not so great. I was talking to a guy in my class about this project we were having in english class. He was cute and had blue, dyed hair and crystal blue eyes. I never thought about wanting to date him or anything, he just looked like a nice and funny guy, and he was. We talked for a while in class and  after class he invites me to hang out sometime that week. 
Me and my friend meets him and his friend and we hang out the whole day. At that time we’ve only known each other for about a week so I wasn’t expecting expecting anything to happen. We sit in his friends room and just listen to music and making jokes. And before I know it we’re cuddling in his friends bed and he’s kissing my cheek. I didn’t say anything about it because I was really embarrassed and it was exciting at the time. 
We talked for a while until I get up to get some water. When I get back the guy from my class gets up and puts a blanket over his head and pretended to be a ghost to be funny. We catch eye contact and he opens his arms and signals me to hug him and as I’m hugging him he wraps his arms and the blanket around me and we hug for a while. He slowly walks towards me, forcing me to walk backwards as he’s saying “we’re falling, we’re falling!”. We fall onto the bed and he’s lying on top of me and we’re gazing into each others eyes. He touches my nose with his nose and rub them together, as he says “that’s what my mom used to do with me when I was younger” i chuckle and smiles softly while looking at him smiling because what he said was really sweet. We look at each other for a while longer, until he says “but my mom doesn’t do this”. He closes his eyes and leans in and puts his soft lips against mine slowly and then pulls away and rubs his nose against mine before I completely dies of embarrassment and of how cheesy that pickup line was. 
(If any of my grammar, wrong spelling, writing, etc, etc, etc. is bad then feel free to tell me. I need all the help I can get. If you have any tips for writing readable short stories please, please tell me so I can strengthen my really bad writing skills. )
And if anyone does care or are wondering, yes, this is a real story that did happen.... 
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drqueenb · 5 years
The Light That Mirrored
She was so beautiful, serene, and grounded and tall and big. She was surrounded by her wife and their two healthy children and her majestic dog. She had the life she had dreamt about and made the decision to create. When she saw me, she was immediately extremely thankful and kind. She told me that had I not taken this leap, this step toward this bigger version of myself, she could never be born and have blossomed and shined the was she now was. I was her first support, her foundational pillar, the reason why she existed. I should never forget this. She completely understood how scary or uncomfortable the process could and would be. It was however necessary for me to realize the existence and the power and the size of my true self. Taking space means stepping out of the usual boundaries and setting some newer, truer, freer, softer ones. Softness and space feel strange when one has only experienced angles, harshness and smallness. But she knew I was already on the way and our back to the future conversation was the best evidence. Go, angel, she said, you are my wings and I am your wind. Then, she smiled and excused herself as she never liked to be far from her family, her space-time as she called them, for this is where she belongs. She flew away and left light with me.
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mmoonlightmmadness · 5 years
The monster within
I've heard quite a few people say "Oh if only I could turn back time to the good old days". Everyone seems to agree, I guess being a child is easier in so many ways. No hard decisions, you're new to this world and everything seems so exciting. The hard reality only starts to hit you once you grow older. I can see their point, it must be nice to only have to worry about not being able to play outside on a rainy day, choosing between a Twix and a Mars and crying about paper cuts and not broken hearts. But for me it was...different. I honestly would not want to turn back time, not because I had a bad childhood. I have the most amazing, loving and caring parents who did absolutely everything to make me happy. I love and always have loved my brother to bits and I don't think we ever argued for more than ten minutes. But I was scared, I was scared a lot. Not that there was a reason to worry most of the time, but there was this monster. It was everywhere and wouldn't leave me alone. It caused oh so many breakdowns, tears and most of all confusion. The way I used to describe it to my parents was, as if there was a tv in my brain. The film just kept on going, there was no pause button, no way to make it quieter or turn it off completely. It was there, accompanying me. I was one of those kids that always needed to know everything and have an exact plan. I had an order for my cuddly animals and I didn't like going on holiday, as it meant change and I did not like that at all. And what if the plane crashed? Maybe the wing would break off? We'd be stranded somewhere in the ocean, what if there were sharks? Maybe I won't be able to find my family, how will we all survive? And so on. My brain wouldn't only think a step further but about a million, I'd go into panic mode. The hard thing was, it didn't only happen on planes, it could happen anywhere. The monster crept up and boom there I was, only thinking about what ifs. There was a time I was scared of getting stuck in a lift, or even worse, the lift breaking and coming crashing down. I would get absolutely hysterical in tunnels and one time I asked my dad if he really was my dad, because I was scared of getting kidnapped by a stranger. My mind would come to the strangest conclusions and it caused me and my loved ones a lot of pain. Not physically, but emotionally. It was hard on my parents, because mental illness is a difficult thing to grasp as it's so complex and completely different for everyone.
I'm not saying all I remember were panic attacks, I recall going to ballet lessons in a rainbow coloured tutu and feeling completely free. I was, in fact, able to turn my mind off for a little while. I remember jumping on the trampoline, getting dressed up in beautiful princess dresses and shiny necklaces, playing with my pets and reading. Books had the ability to set me free, I could visit another place, without the anxiety of actually having to leave my home that felt so safe.
Now that I am eighteen I still turn to books and dancing as a way of escaping. It's just this feeling of freedom one gets from moving to the music. Dancing enables me to really feel like my body and brain have connected and turning can feel like flying. But most importantly dancing is liberating. The same goes for books, the stories we have read are the one thing no one can take away from us. A reader gets to know so many people, lives and worlds and can leave planet earth for a while.
Said monster still lives inside me and takes over from time to time, but now it's smaller than me. Even if it might not feel like it when it's in charge, but I am stronger than this monster and I will fight it every single time and learn to live with it somewhere deep inside. I'd be lying if I said I'm completely fine now, because I am far from that and probably always will be. But I'm learning to deal with it and at least I always know that there are better days to come. The monster's been strong the last few months, causing me to isolate myself on occasion, shed tears now and then and honestly also feel like giving up. There have been days where all I did was lay in bed and wait until it was acceptable for me to go to sleep. I lost myself and found bits of who I am, I have been extremely confused and most of all empty and drained. You know, fighting your own mind takes strength and uses up a lot of energy.
But I am not going to let it win, I've made it until now and I will continue to challenge this monster and I will succeed.
So, anxiety I'll kick your arse.
So, this is my take on explaining what goes on in my brain, maybe some of you can relate. Anyways, have a great day/evening and be your best self!!!
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imperf3ctions · 5 years
do you ever get into your messy bed and think "I should change my sheets" and then it repeats for over a month???
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Some things are hard to say, harder to think about. Thinking about you hurts, thinking about what could have been hurt a lot. But some things aren't made to be changed. And you cannot change the past. #shorttext #staystrong #youcandoit #whatifs
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sweetie-berry · 6 years
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I’m the owner of the text but not of the drawings  ♡
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ham-le-tii · 4 years
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Gaea, the neglected little child [OS] (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/pcd7sVUKPab Will you understand the meaning? Will you understand the message? She needs help. Short text to raise awareness. You can find the French translation on @Ophelie_Duchesne account. 
So yeah, I wrote this almost a year ago, on New Year’s Eve, at like, three in the morning. No one really read it, cause, let’s be honest, it’s never going to be popular on Wattpad since there’s no teenage girl protagonist who’s so different and fall in love with a bad boy. Or it wouldn’t become popular because it’s not a badly written fanfiction. I like Tumblr, most of the time, I find it’s community awesome. I’m just hoping it will get rebloged. It would mean a lot to me, a stranger you probably will never see in your whole life.
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sunshinefizz-blog · 6 years
Am I ready to be the master of my own life?
I’ll be finishing school this summer. I’ll be finishing school and I’m excited. But at the same time; I’m scared.
Sure I have things that I would like to do, things that I would like to see or languages I would like to learn but for the first time in my life I have absolutely no given structure.
Right now I’m given a timetable by my school which I have to obey and which gives my life a rhythm. It seems like an ongoing circle when really said circle is about to come to an abrupt halt. Even with this given structure I’m an absolute mess, I usually start studying for an exam the day before and my homework is either undone or done between the time I planned on going to sleep and 2 am in the morning.  I wake up tired and I go to bed wide awake. Unable to sleep I search for my phone and look through my Instagram feed, check my e-mails three times in a row, search for a video on youtube and find myself still on my phone when my eyelids are to heavy to keep open, my eyes burn and my back hurts from lying on my stomach for too long. I survive my school days with getting up shortly before I have to leave the house, grabbing a quick breakfast from the supermarket close to the school grounds and keeping myself awake with coffee. On weekends I usually sleep in, meet friends and start worrying about up coming maths exams and the huge amount of homework I have to do on Sunday evening.
How am I supposed to give myself some structure, a rhythm, during my gap year? Sure I don’t want to stay home all the time and sure I have some dreams that need fulfilling, but will I ever get myself to planning? Will I ever dare going to a foreign country all by myself? 
As I am Swiss I can say that I can profit from a wide range of privileges that most people can’t. I have privileges that should not be called privileges, that should and are called basic human rights, which sadly aren’t treated that way in every country. I have the freedom to voice my own opinion, to live whatever religion I want to, I have the freedom to vote. I have the privilege of being able to go wherever I want, whenever I want. I have the privilege of being taken cared of, of being looked after, of being able to have a good education and blooming future even if I were to fail my finals. I have the privilege of clean water, of a good health insurance, of good infrastructure and good sanitation. I as a woman in Switzerland, do not have to be afraid of walking around alone at night,  do not have to fear that I will not be able to attend a university, do not have to fear that men have more rights in our political system,  do not have to fear that my loan will be insignificantly small because I was born a woman, do not have to fear that I will never make it anywhere, that I will never be a CEO, a judge, an officer, a lawyer or a professor. Having all of those privileges and not being used to anything else, I’m unsure if I could handle living in a country where all that I have in my home country, isn’t just given. I’m scared of going abroad and having to see poverty, sickness, abysmal infrastructure and bad sanitation. I don’t close my eyes from the problems we have in this world but seeing such misery in other countries and, as I am only one person, not being able to do very much about it, I am scared of actually visiting those places because it will make me aware of my own insignificance and my own limitations.
Am I really ready to see the world? Am I ready to be the master of my own life?
This summer I’ll be finishing school and I’m not sure what to do next.
sunshinefizz // 01.28.2018
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heartnbrain · 4 years
I don’t want to be a coward.
And yet it seems that the only thing I can do
is do things that I know how to do.
Because I don’t know how to stop. 
Because stopping is failure.
But I want to be happy, as happy as I can be, for the rest of my life.
I can’t be happy if I’m a coward at stopping
I can’t be happy if I stop, and I fail.
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nachtschattenspiele · 5 years
telling a woman you love her while continuing to mistreat her is mental and emotional abuse. stop.
R.h. Sin
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