#this is also in honor of like literally all my friends saying 'less screen time' as a new years resolution lol
darlinguistics · 4 months
'its just IMPOSSIBLE to not be addicted to your phone nowadays its UNREALISTIC-'
heres some advice to being less chronically online. for gen z (and younger??) who dont even know how to start thinking about it and have only heard shitty advice from older adults who just genuinely do not get it, from a fellow gen z and my experiences so far.
*these are personal and may not all 100% resonate but its still good prompting to start thinking about things! PLEASE feel free to add your own stories/advice in the notes! support your fellow humans, dont gatekeep what youve learned, lets have these conversations! and no negativity/pessimism please <3
first thing is to make it a less scary thought, a more concrete idea and not a hypothetical. it doesnt have to be all-or-nothing, cold turkey, a huge announcement and a fundamental shift in your personality. the internet will be in your life for the rest of your life, this is an ongoing relationship you are trying to make healthier thats all! and it takes one step at a time and some self-compassion, but a true effort nonetheless. 'dont you think thats a bit too serious-' if youre my age you quite literally grew up and developed online, it is literally part of your psyche the way your childhood is, it IS serious, you deserve to treat it seriously.
dont save your login info/dont stay logged in for social media accounts, having to manually log in when you want to go on like youre on some elementary school chrome book is a really healthy and clear boundary to have between being logged off and logged on.
-> bigger challenge - uninstall it on your phone in general, only log on on your laptop/pc if applicable for you!
if youre motivated to, try to work on your posture too. i only say that because most of our bad posture is at least partially related to being on our phones a lot, and when i started wanting to fix my posture, completely separately and unrelated from trying to break my phone addiction, it made it easier to lose interest in my phone since i didnt want to ruin my progress with my posture. it made me start to have a mindset like 'well if you cant do this on your phone with good posture then dont do it' and 'if youre on your phone so long your posture starts to cave in, youve probably spent too long on your phone anyway'
listen to music more. its easier for me to kinda write off my phone and do other things if i just open music or a podcast or long youtube video on it. i know we all love long video essays, but i recommend music more specifically for me at least because im less inclined to pause music or scroll while listening to it for some reason? whereas using a show or video or podcast for white noise, im way more likely to also be scrolling on my phone and that is my activity lol. music for some reason i dont want to interrupt and instead of being on my phone i can clean or do something productive on my computer etc
this one is sooo hard but try to fall asleep with some distance between you and your phone, even just a couple feet. mine stays on the desk next to my bed which isnt that far but its better than on bed like it used to be. when you wake up you probably wont feel like reaching for it right away if its far and even better if you have to get up for it because then at least you stand and move your body first thing instead of looking at your phone first thing. and try to get more and more of your morning routine done before touching your phone over time.
-> for me, i started by just trying to at least wake up a bit in bed before touching it, then stand up before touching it, then stand and stretch, then going to the bathroom first, making coffee first, feeding the cat first, etc. its surprisingly helpful to have a specific chore/task in mind that is The requirement so that everytime you do it you get a lil dopamine rush for unlocking your phone from yourself lmao. when the weather was nice i used to make my Requirement being outside first before going on it and i LOVED that. esp as it got easier and i started doing more and more before going on it and finally walking outside with coffee and my phone felt like such a pleasant little reward.
find a hobby that uses your hands. example: i really need to get back into knitting because when i did it regularly so much time that wouldve been on my phone was spent knitting with music/podcasts/shows/(even online lectures! when i felt productive lol) playing. its the same amount of physical relaxing - barely moving lol - but uses a longer attention span and a much better dopamine hit than scrolling, i literally MADE things.
-> you might be thinking, 'but mindless knitting isnt better than mindless scrolling is it?' but that mindless feeling on your phone is just that, mindless. the mindless feeling you get when doing something like knitting is actually closer to a flow state, which is actually incredibly good for you, like a fulfilling nutritious meal as opposed to 'empty calories' or whatever
get a widget for your homescreen that shows your screen time. i have one and of course it doesnt always stop me but seeing that time go up all day the more i use it and the pride of keeping it low is really helpful
practice grounding. in general.
spend more time on anonymous activities and have more privacy and less attachment with your 'persona' - what i mean by that is, i consider things like scrolling through tumblr (for me personally!) to be relatively harmless because i dont try to like,, brand myself here. if youre a tumblr regular you know the jokes - 0 follows, 0 notes, screaming to the void, moots you dont talk to, blorbo pfp and urls, fake names everywhere, and we're having fun! basically targeting the 'everyone is famous now' thing with this one - embrace being a nobody with no personal stakes here
-> personally ive never kept up with having social media accounts that are actually just, me irl - like a facebook or main instagram, like a locals account yknow? but i think it goes for that too - stop spending so much time trying to further personalize your online presence in the hopes of it representing you perfectly - because it never will, and it shouldnt, and you shouldnt aspire for that. your social media presence is lighthearted and incredibly surface-level, treat it like that! thats not me bashing social media either, having that mindset will make it more enjoyable bc youll be using it as it should be used!
do following/followers or camera roll/files or app purges. this is also a soft launch type of way to practice easing into a better mindset. aside from just literally getting rid of junk, the process of trying to judge whether or not you need something is good practice in mindfulness! even if you dont delete everything you feel like you maybe should, thats fine, youll do other purges in the future too. eventually youll get better at parting with things and realizing when things that feel good in a moment are actually bad for you. and it forces you to regularly check in on your more long-lasting parasocial relationships online and how theyre serving you or not
speaking of parasocial - for actual friends, if theyre irl, think about how much you interact with them online vs in person and why you think that is and how it affects you. maybe youll wanna see them more irl if possible (i promise its better for your friendship), maybe youll realize you dont need to keep tabs on them anymore (old high school acquaintances lookin at you). for celebrities and fandom things - try to think about the bare minimum content from them you could do with. you dont have to unstan all your faves and stop enjoying things - but do you need their notifications on? do you need to have a stan account? do you need them on all the platforms? do you need to have all that saved content of them? are there aspects of this that you love that could be found elsewhere?
if youre of the genre of online where you just cant help yourself from getting involved in big discussions or discourse and arguments - i recommend journaling when you get upset by something online, articulating your feelings without the idea of someone ever reading it and without the goal of 'winning' or being the most correct and logical or even the most sympathetic and morally good. take away every audience aspect of it. what is this really about for you, and why would strangers online deserve to hear your personal well-thought out opinions? why would your thoughts deserve to be simplified and misconstrued and underappreciated the way they would be in this discussion? is there even an outcome to this where you feel truly satisfied? are their people who are more worthy of hearing your thoughts who arent part of this audience? is this a conversation that is best held online where so much communicative nuance is inevitably sacrificed?
in the end these are all just practices in remembering how in control you are. and that goes for if any of these are scary or too difficult sounding too! these all become less scary if you remember that as soon as anything becomes too uncomfortable or painful, you have all the power to stop doing it, make a change, and try again later. so much of advice for quitting bad habits can be intimidating because the pressure and the shame that would come from failing scares you out of the possible benefits of trying - just go ahead and kill that shame from the jump. of course youre going to fail! you are going to have setbacks! thats part of it! you have agency in this, always. the internet is not inherently or completely evil nor good. build trust in yourself to make the calls on when it is serving you and when it isnt on a case-by-case basis, and then give yourself permission to learn through trial and error.
and remember you are worth all of this effort. i believe in us <3
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mendimore · 2 days
Cdrama Reviews/Reccs Series 01: Mysterious Lotus Casebook (莲花楼)
SPOILER WARNING!!!! PROCEED WITH CAUTION ( will be talking about the plot and the ending so if you are spoiled that if not my problem in any way)
Mysterious Lotus Casebook, led by Chengyi, Zeng Shunxi(Joseph), and Xiao Shunyao, directed by Guohu and Ren Haitao, aired through summer 2023 and was one of the most popular cdramas to come out that summer.
Unfortunately I was a bit preoccupied falling down the Boy's Planet rabbit hole after being peer pressured to watch it to serve as moral support for a friend of mine and thus, being unintentionally dragged back into my kpop phase.
It was also because I had a hellish 14-hour work/study schedule 5-6 days a week during most of that summer meaning I could only have one hyperfixtation and watching five three-minute fancams was still a lot less time than rewatching a word of honor episode for the literal 14th time.
However, I am back and despite still being busy as hell, I have pulled three all-nighters (not in a row thank god) to finish this drama because it was heavily reccomended.
And needless to say, since I was able to sacrifice another decade of my life for it, it was pretty good.
I have not read the novel it was based on, I am only going off of what is in the actual drama.
For costume dramas, out of the big three platforms in the land of cdramas, youku, tencent, and iqiyi, I would say production quality-wise I prefer iqiyi, so that was one of the reasons I agreed to watch this drama. When it comes to Iqiyi, most of the time I don't feel taken out of the story by the production quality. Usually, I'm removed from from the illusion of the story by the story itself but that is another issue, particularly prevalent in productions with script with no source material or very low-quality source material.
The skin smoothing wasn't super excessive and the general look was pretty harmonious. No props that stood out strangely and few consistently or particularly awkward camera angles messed with the storytelling elements that I can remember. Pretty good for a Cdrama. The bar is a bit low, yes, but in the grand scheme of things it's not a badly produced drama, and it's pretty evident, that the people working on it cared at least a passing amount about those storytelling elements which I can wholly appreciate. And obviously, it's nowhere near a cinematic masterpiece, it did not lack the quick cuts of slow-mo, or the wide-face shots that are a certain pet peeve of mine in dramas, though I will say, it didn't bother me as much as it usually does. It had a certain martial arts film charm to it and generally sidestepped the tacky look that kind of editing or shots usually have, but nonetheless, the production has certain things to be desired. I would say the overall look/production quality definitely doesn't hinder the watching experience.
However, there was something that did set me off a bit. I am a Mandarin speaker myself. Listening to this drama was a bit awkward at times. Of course, If I can find them I will put on both Chinese and English subtitles, if not I will at least have one language of subtitles on so I don't have too much problem understanding what is going on, and this was no exception. but frankly, spending late nights in front of my computer screen trying to read subtitles has never been my favorite way to enjoy cdramas.
The line delivery in costume dramas has certain standards that contrast with contemporary dramas making it that much more difficult and important to the scene. My first victim is Zeng Shunxi, the actor for Tianji Manor's young master Fang Duobing. From what I understand Mandarin is not Joseph Zeng's first language, perfectly fine, but the problem is, in this drama, I can tell. There are plenty of instances where his delivery is majorly awkward, particularly for a Minister's son, he's supposed to be well-versed in literature and an eloquent young master but sometimes talks like the words don't fit his mouth and other times the words come out in form fitted lines of monotony that also feel strange to native speakers and particularly costume drama viewers. It's not the worst thing and if you only read subtitles you will probably not even notice because his emotions generally still translate pretty well and it's not like he is speaking noticeably slower than other actors or like a robot. there is just a lot of be desired in that standards of voice acting. I am not here to attack this man, the fact that he could play in his own voice through the whole drama as someone whose first language is not Mandarin is impressive, particularly because it is a costume drama so there is a whole other level of difficulty, plus his line delivery was not bad enough to prevent me from finishing this drama so do with that what you will. However, for the purposes of the story, I think getting a dubbing actor could have been a reasonable investment. Our other leading actor, Chengyi also has certain issues with line delivery, though arguably not as noticeable. His character is a reserved, tired person, secretive so it's generally in character for him to be quieter, calmer, and his cadence is mostly natural, but sometimes I really couldn't quite catch what he was saying. He likes to gloss over certain words, his ending sounds such as those with ng like jing or neng get ommited some of the time, and his overall delivery borders mumbly several times. Mumbly words said under your breath are acceptable as long as the words are heard clearly, but that is the problem, they aren't. Again, it likely will not be noticeable if you are only reading subtitles and it is not bad enough to ruin the moment or scene in most instanced but there are things to work on, definitely. These two actors have the most lines in the entire show which is why I'm making such a big deal about it, but for people that don't know mandarin, that don't hear the awkward cadence or can't understand whatever is being mumbled, it wouldn't be noticeable, however it was definitely a criticism I had.
However, breaking away from the complaints I would like to point out that I generally really liked the fighting choreography. Fighting choreos can be the highlight of wuxia dramas. Many martial arts cdramas nowadays bypass having to train their expensive idol actors and actresses in fighting choreo with stuff like special effects and camerawork, but the fighting sequences and swordsmanship sequences were all pretty well done. Special mention to Chengyi's performance for the Li xianyi/Li lianhua's swordplay sequences was very nicely done. His movements are fluid and generally crisp, fitting his character and are nice to watch and capture the scene. I think my favorite was the last time he practiced his sword, in front of a fire, in the moonlight but here were quite a few pretty breathtaking moments.
Did this drama make me sob my eyes out? Yes, several times. I do tend to cry at every little thing but I did have a long bawl about Li lianhua after I finished, and a couple of sore, dry-eye days after a long night of quietly crying in my bedroom. However, making me cry is only a facet of storytelling that I evaluate. Personally, for the story itself, I found it generally pretty easy to get roped and invested in. The case breaking stuff is usually interesting to me and this one certainly was, though I do think that the cases themselves were sometimes overly convoluted with quite a couple of logic holes because their line of reasoning was so long and complicated. The amount of hints that are thrown at you in small moments are pretty hard to keep track of, but I think that it the characters and their dynamic is charming and the resolutions to the cases and the characters' agency was still satisfying enough for me to follow them on their little detective cases, and obviously the conflict caused by Li Lianhua's identity was the main backbone of the story. Li Lianhua's attitude, his disillusionment, all very heartbreaking, I loved it. I have seen some people argue that Li Lianhua has no character development. He still pushes the people who love him away, he is still walking away from his problems, and hurts them which is true in some ways but I disagree with the fact that he has no development. He had this sudden and painful disillusionment, before the story that changed his worldview entirely and really before Fang Duobing comes along, he is hypercritical of himself, the ruthlessly unyielding, unforgiving part of Li Xiangyi is something he still carries with him. However, after meeting Fang Duobing who admired Li Xiangyi in a way that wasn't just putting him on this untouchable pedestal or making him an ideal kind of helped him remember and allowed him to go back to Sigu sect, put on those red robes and save Yun Biqiu with Fang Duobing supporting him the whole way. He ends up giving his old acquaintances and friends some closure even though he originally intended to leave it all exactly where it was ten years ago and, though, I think it was unfair the lack of closure that Fang Duobing got, in the end, Li Xiangyi resolved his story in a different way than he was going to. Of course, he still leaves everyone behind but he isn't exactly just walking away from all his problems anymore, he's helping them accept his inevitable outcome, wishing them a bright future and the life he won't get to have and that, though albiet subtle is still development.
Overall I think the cases were draggy and complicated, but not uninteresting and the real plot with digging up the main male lead's past was a pretty good point of intrigue. These episodes are like almost 50 minutes long though so to each their own. Acting, other than line delivery gets a pass for me. They were consistent believable characters with motives and consequences that made me care about them. The chemistry between the three leads was pleasant and harmonious. Their dynamic was clear, humourous, and entertaining, nothing to gawk at but seeing them fight together and interact definitely brought a smile to my face more than once.
As for the soundtrack, it was, as most of the rest of the drama, pleasant and fitting, but, nothing mindblowing. However, I am still listening to that soundtrack while I'm writing this and it has definitely grown on me.
One last thing, I did not get to the the entirety of the ending because I do not pay for iqiyi, however, I know the general idea of what it was. Personally, I am kind of glad I did not because I think the ending in the 40th video was more than enough. I know that they don't want to incur the wrath of all the emotional fans crying after the last video and believe me I was one of them, but giving him an ambiguous ending with a hint about him returning just doesn't sit right. Li Lianhua was a dead person, he spent ten years accepting his death. This story is about the freeing of Li Xiangyi from the cycles of vengeance and the death of the idle, wandering physician Li Lianhua. If Li Lianhua does not die, entanglement in the affairs of the world is inevitable and since Li Lianhua is now recognized as Li Xiangyi, they can no longer exist separately as they had been doing for ten years, because if they do, Li Xiangyi will be forced once again into the entanglements of vengeance, attachments, and worldly affairs which undermines his selflessness, self-loathing, righteousness, and bittersweet apathy. Even though this is not Di Feisheng's happy ending, and definitely not Fang Duobing's happy ending, this is Li Lianhua's happy ending, to die quietly, all his attachments to the world settled and left behind, in a small boat where he can rest peacefully and die where he was supposed to all those years ago, rocked by the current and forcing the people he has left behind to let go of him, as they should have done. He gave everyone as much closure as he could, and he gave himself control over his own death. As much as I want him to be alive, I don't think, for the purpose of the story that he should be or would be.
Anyways, I have grown way too attached to Li Lianhua, and keep rewatching the series to cope. Overall, I liked Mysterious Lotus casebook a lot, ti is definitely I would say worth the watch and even though it is not the most amazing or greatest thing in the world it has a special place in my heard and as kind of some closure for me, that is my review of the show, hope you liked it.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hello, hello!! It's me, your favorite graduate, back with a burning question! ;)
I am in the middle of episode 11 of Why R U? (literally paused in the middle of it because I am WAY too invested in FighterTutor and am seriously dreading what is coming) - what a messy, cringey show. There are so many freaking characters, and my question is inspired by one that I have come to love, Kae. He is Tutor's boss at the bakery, and after he (bravely, in IRL standards) confronts Fighter's dad I realized just how much I appreciated his character and how annoyed I am that the show couldn't cut down its cabal of unnecessary characters to focus on more interesting ones. Not only is he an astonishingly great example (for a BL!!) of a queer "elder" in the community - he protects Tutor from creepy customers, gives him a job when he needs one and looks for help when he needs more work, is working-class himself, and tries to give advice to this lonely queer kid he's taken under his wing - he also seems to be a rare less-stereotypical portrayal of a Thai person with darker skin (if not the only, honestly, in my limited experience watching these shows).
So! My question is, are there any side characters or even guest characters (like Kae is billed as) who you wish had been given more latitude or importance in the plot/story of a BL?
OMG what a great question. YES SO MANY. Let me see if I can come up with a top 10. Does it have to be individuals? Can I pick a few couples (I won’t go too far because therein lies madness)? 
Top 10 Side Characters I Wish We Got More Screen Time
In no particular order.  
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1. Touch & Daisy in Secret Crush On You
Is anyone surprised by this choice?
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2. Choi Yu Na, JaeYeong’s bisexual bestie in Semantic Error
She was just... so effortlessly cool. Do I need to say more? 
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3. TulHin in Love By Chance 2
I LOVE THEM, OKAY. Classic whipping boy, my goddamn catnip. And these two actors had amazing chemistry. Ae’s whole arc and character should have been dropped from this script in favor of more time with these truly damaged goods. Yes, I said it. Sorry Perth. 
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4. Keen in Love By Chance 2
Can’t believe I chose multiples from MAME trash but heh, whatever is necessary for the truth right? Basically this show needed a massive rewrite, but it could have been done. 
That’s what’s so frustrating about MAME’s stuff, it’s so close to being amazing...  It’s like this fantastic 5 course meal but you will be barfing at some point. Maybe the end? Maybe the middle? Maybe multiple times? It’s a regurgitation surprise! 
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5. Fong the Philosopher in Still 2gether 
Khaotung is untaped genius at physical comedy. I love him in this role SO HARD. I think we got a lot from him in season one, but I wanted more in season 2. 
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6. PokeTongue in Gen Y 2 & What Zabb Man
Look we all know that during Gen Y 2 they were actually pretending to be in some other show. And frankly, we all would have rather been watching that show. Then they got given an actual other show and we STILL wanted more of them. 
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7. ChampDoc in TharnType 2
I take the 5th. 
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8. Beer in Oxygen
I just wanna look at James but he’s getting his own series (Bed Friends) so I’m okay now. 
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9. Sky & Pai in La Cuisine 
Talk about crumbs. What? I mean WHAT WAS THAT? They had these two in their back pocket all along and DIDN’T use them? WHAT? 
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10. VegasPete in KinnPorsche
Oh I fucking said it. You were all thinking it from ep 10 on, weren’t you? Why the hell didn't this start in ep 5? Vegas was entirely unnecessary as a love interest for Porsche. It would have been fine, no BETTER, if Porsche & Vegas had developed as a friendship and Vegas had NOTICED Pete in a significant way much earlier.* 
* Don’t comment on this. I’m not interested in this weird KP fandom imaginary-connection muck-wanking thing you’re all AO3ing all over Tumblr like a bad rash. And I could not care less about the original y-novel.  
Honorable Mention
All the GLs that should have had more screen time like the cuties in Meow Ears Up, InkPa in Bad Buddy, and Friend Zone 2, and I could keep going.
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 The angry roommate ex lover in Love Class. I just really loved the actor and was very intrigued by the character. We could have spent much less time exploring the stalker story and more time with this boy and still kept the dumb sort KBL length. All in all, the weight of this narrative was all over the place but not using this character to the fullest was a problem.
The two besties of the seme in Mr Unlucky, SO CUTE.
The nerdy support boy who knows what it’s like to be gay and the artsy girl with serious self defense skills from Blueming.
The whole university friendship group that *almost* happened in Cherry Blossoms After Winter.
Tim in My Secret Love, preferably shirtless. 
Nutch in Not Me. 
Mew the ex boyfriend in Together With Me. I don’t know what they were doing with his character. And they didn’t either. But ho boy was he EASY on the eyes. So easy. I mean it takes work to pull attention away from MaxTul and he had ALL MY ATTENTION. 
And (drum roll please) . . . 
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K.O. & HAO MEI (Love O2O) 
I will die on this tiny hill of censored bromance. More of them would have substantially improved this show. 
I'm not picking shows that couldn’t be saved. 
So I love KhunKaow in Brothers and CopyNampu in Top Secret Together and SanAei in You’re My Sky, Saint in Our Days, Jun in Love Area 2, but I don't think more of them could have save their respective shows because then it would have been MORE terrible show to watch. I call these the "I'm your huckleberry" awards. I give one each year to the couple that was the only good thing in an otherwise irredeemable show. Like Val Kilmer in Tombstone (bite me).
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Current as of Aug 2022, there are a bunch airing right now that could make this list. 
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adultswim2021 · 3 months
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Titan Maximum #1: "Pilot" | September 27, 2009 - 11:30PM | S01E01
Ah, thank goodness I’m done with Robot Chicken. Now I can finally move onto greener pastures to… oh, eat shit.
TItan Maximum was created by one or some of the Robot Chicken people and animated by Shadow Machine, who animated Robot Chicken and Moral Orel and oh! So much more.  It’s fairly Robot Chicken-eseque in it’s look and humor. It’s a fairly straight-forward sitcom, parodying Voltron and shows like it. It’s more grounded than Robot Chicken; there’s no fourth-wall breaking gags and the violence isn’t as gratuitous. There’s an attempt at making the action have legitimate stakes, like you’re supposed to care about the stuff happening and root for the good guys. 
The main problem is the characters and the writing. Most of the show’s dialogue involves characters just being mean to each other. Everyone is snippy at each other, and the show mainly consists of characters being petty and combative. You almost get the sense that this is actually a show about a dystopian future where being friends is illegal.
I get that there’s a time-honored tradition of comedies that star unlikable protagonists. Make no mistake, I’m not saying all of these characters are complete dickheads. Some are bigger dicks than others, obviously. I just mean I can’t come up with a single example of two characters who seem like they have a nice, life-affirming relationship with one another. Everyone is dismissive and contentious of one another. It just feels so meaningless.
This pilot episode was a half hour and for some reason wouldn’t play properly on the Roku adult swim app, which is a terrible, terrible app. Like, literally, for some weird reason you can’t stream a lot of shit through it, and if you go to the browser version you get way more stuff. I don’t know why. The Roku app also puts an autoplay overlay over the closing credits and obscures what’s on screen, even when it’s technically still part of the episode.
That’s maybe the only thing the show has going for it, by the way: the closing credits song, which is (I assume) in Japanese and is very typical of your average poppy anime closing theme.  
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Adult Swim Shows Transition to High Definition (September 27, 2009)
In case you’re wondering, yes, I do feel bad that sometimes these little spotlights into Adult Swim’s non-episodic Miscellanea are dashed off by me, just joylessly marking the date something happened. I just sat down to type this paragraph and thought “this would’ve actually been a good thing to do research for.” I do recall this happening, though. The network had already begun future-proofing certain shows by producing them in HD. Metalocalypse, Squidbillies, Aqua Teen, and The Venture Bros. to name a few.
Also, I remember being very curious as to how 4:3 material would be handled on the network. Disappointingly, it was stretched to fill the screen. I remember people reporting that it was stretched in a manner so that the center of the screen was less warped than the edges, but I’m not sure if that was true. At the very least, I couldn’t discern such a thing. In fact, I would record certain shows on Adult Swim that were stretched on my DVD recorder, which hadn’t been calibrated to to record native 16:9 content. This meant that 16:9 stuff would wind up squished, which was an easier fix on my TV than the other way around. So it would effectively unstretch the 4:3 stuff and it looked very normal to me.
I’m not sure if they started producing the “bumps” in 16:9 before the switch. There’s definitely a noticeable difference in text size of the bumps in the early days compared to later, and I don’t know if that’s specifically attributed to the aspect ratio change or what. Also, I’m not sure why I’m wondering stuff like this out loud. Sorta makes me sound like a huge fucking loser???? (!)
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bing-bang-bingo · 3 years
- 4x3: c. 40:00 Cas comforts Dean after Mary makes a deal w/ Azazel
- 4x7: 15:50 Dean stops Sam from shooting Cas, then Sam mentions that he’s “heard a lot about him”
- 4x7: 39:00 Cas tells Dean he prayed he’d save the town, then he tells him about his doubts and Deans future troubles
- 4x10 & ???: Dean calls “last night on Earth” his best line. He uses this line on Cas
- 4x10: 27:15 “Castiel has this weakness. He likes you.”
- 4x10: 32:50 Cas looking jealous and sad when Dean kisses Anna
- 4x16: 7:30 Cas tells Dean he got in trouble for showing emotion and getting to close to Dean. 8:20 “I would give anything not to have you do this”
- 4x16: 39:00 Cas warns Dean to be careful while Dean is in the hospital, they discuss the first seal and saving Dean from hell
- 4x18: 31:30 Cas tells Dean how to save Sam from Lilith even though he’s not allowed to interfere
- 4x20: 38:00 Deans face when Cas tells him he “learned his lesson when he was in heaven”
- 4x22: 30:40 Cas considers rebelling for Dean. 33:00 He does. 35:20 He fights multiple Archangels for Dean
- 5x1: 5:45 Dean denies Cas’ death 8:25 “I learned that from my friend Cas you son of a bitch”
- 5x1: 31:00 Cas saves Sam and Dean from Zach
- 5x3: 6:10 Cas-“I need your help because your the only one who will help me”
- 5x3: 10:20 Dean fixes Cas’ tie and jacket
- 5x4: 38:50 “Don’t Ever Change”
- 5x8: 38:20 Dean makes Gabriel bring Cas back, then makes sure he’s okay
- 5x13: ?:?? Cas won’t let Dean meet with Anna because it’s not safe
- 5x17: 30:30 Cas and Dean discuss what it’s like to have a deadbeat dad
- 5x18: 25:15 Cas kicks Deans ass for trying to sacrifice himself
- 5x21: 3:50 Cas and Dean bickering like and old married couple then Cas gives Dean a heartfelt apology.
- 6x17: 18:55 “No you’re confusing me with the other angel, the one in the dirty trench coat who is in love with you.”
- 6x17: 38:00 Sam: “So you killed 50,000 people for us?” Cas: *looks at Dean*
- 6x19: 25:20 Bobby reassures Cas that they’ll be back soon, Cas acts like a worried and disappointed wife.
- 6x19: 36:25 Cas yelling “Dean!” when Eve bites him
- 6x19: 40:00 Dean is the only one who doesn’t think Cas is working with Crowley (he’s wrong but it’s sweet)
- 6x20: 4:50 Dean v v worried, “But Cas you’ll call right? If you get into real trouble?”
- 6:30 Crowley implies that Cas is distracted by Dean and tells him he reeks of the Impala.
- 7:20 Cas says that Dean taught him how to care and what to care about. Then Cas saves Sam (for Dean)
- 13:15 Cas says that the worst part of working with Crowley (basically his sworn natural enemy) is that it hurt Dean and that he hated lying to him.
- 25:20 Cas refuses to ask Dean for help because he has “sacrificed too much” even though it means Cas could die.
- 26:00 Crowley tells Cas he has a way for everyone to get a happy ending “with all possible entendres intended” while Cas stares longingly at Dean.
- 33:00 Dean is close to tears when he learns that Cas is working with Crowley, Cas says he did it to protect Dean.
- 35:25 “Dammit Cas we can fix this!” “Dean it’s not broken!” He then tells the boys to run from the demon cloud and Dean gives him the saddest look in the world before being forced to leave him behind.
- 38:00 Cas watches Dean sleep. “I’m doing this for you Dean. I’m doing this because of you!”
- 6x21: 22:40 “I do everything you ask. I always come when you call and I am your friend. Still despite your lack of faith in me and now your threats I’ve just saved you yet again. Has anyone but your closest kin ever done more for you?”
- 6x22: Dean to Cas- “Don’t make me lose you, too.”
- 7x2: 5:35 Dean nearly cries on screen when he thinks Cas is dead
- 7x17: Cas says “I remember ~you~” as soon as he regains his memories.
- 7x17: Cas ask why Dean didn’t tell him all the horrible things Cas did. Parallels the conversation Karen and Dean had about telling Bobby she remembered him killing her and her telling Dean that he had never been on love before.
- 7x21: The face Dean makes when he sees Cas again plus the prolonged eye contact when Cas says Deans name.
- 7x21: Hester telling Dean that when Cas first saved him from Hell he was lost- parallels- Lucifer/Jess saying she was dead the moment she met Sam.
- 7x23: 8:50 “Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first.” Meg to Dean about Cas
- 7x23: 32:45 “I’m sorry but I’d rather have you, cursed or not.”
- 7x23: 36:50 Cas steps in to protect Dean despite spending the whole season avoiding fighting and saying he won’t fight.
- 8x2: 25:00 Cas ran away to keep the Leviathans away from Dean. Dean refuses to leave purgatory without Cas.
- 8x7: 20:30 Deans reaction to seeing Cas all cleaned up.
- 8x7: Dean convinced himself that it was his fault Cas was still in purgatory because he’s a sweet idiot boy who hates himself
- 8x7: 35:00 The whole Dean and Cas conversation about purgatory and Cas doing stuff that puts him in danger.
- 8x8: 12:30 Cas just casually going through Deans stuff and Dean not saying anything.
- 8x8: 13:00 Cas offering to watch over Dean while he slept
- 8x8: 15:15 Dean talks to Cas about feelings and heaven even though Dean hates talking about feelings.
- 8x17: Cas fights Naomi’s mind control for Dean
- 8x23: 22:50 Dean and Cas sadly discuss Cas closing the doors of heaven and say goodbye
- 9x1: Dean prays to Cas and tells him he isn’t mad about the angels falling.
- 9x1: Cas’ first instinct is to explain himself to Dean then to come help him.
- 9x1: Dean begs Cas to “for once, look out for yourself.”
- 9x3: 36:45 Dean to Cas after Cas came back from the dead “Don’t you ever do that again!”
- 9x6: Literally just Dean trying desperately the whole episode to hang out with Cas
- 9x10: 26:00 Dean and Cas talk about how Cas is doing and Dean offers him a rare sincere apology. Plus the “I prefer the term ‘trusting’. Less dumb, less ass.” dialogue
- 9x18: Cas’ little smile when Dean makes a joke about Honor Bars and Cas is just so happy to hear his voice.
- 9x18: Metatron’s illusion of Gabriel calls Cas Dean’s boy-toy
- 9x18: Cas can tell something is wrong with Dean, then Cas yells at Dean about getting the Mark of Cain
- 9x22: Cas chooses Dean over all of Heaven once again
- 9x22: The Cas and Dean conversation about the three of them being enough when an army wasn’t and Cas giving up an army all for Dean
- 9x23: “I’m blaming you for taking Cas’ grace.”
- 10x1: 5:00 Cas about Dean- “I miss him.”
- 10x2: 9:00 Cas’ reaction to learning that Dean is a demon
- 10x3: The conversation between Dean and Cas at the end of the episode. “You look terrible” “You on the other hand, your looking good.”
- 10x5: Deans reaction to Cas and Dean actors hugging and holding hands
- 10x5: “Put as much sub into that text as you possibly can.” *looks directly at fake Cas*
- 10x9: 15:00 Cas tells Dean he’s a good role model. Then asks him if he’s okay and when Dean lies and says he is he pushes it further. Dean makes Cas promise to kill him if he goes Dark
- 10x22: Dean and Cas fight and parallel Cain and his Wife.
- 10x23: Dean sees Cas’ bloody face in the mirror
- 11x1: Cas being more worried about Dean than himself even though Cas is under a spell that will kill him.
- 11x2: Dean calling Cas and stressing out when he doesn’t answer
- 11x3: Dean trying to coax Cas out of the attack dog spell, refusing to fight back when Cas was attacking, freaking out when Cas took a minute to wake up, refusing to let Cas heal him (because he “had it coming”), and refusing to let Cas apologize (because “there’s nothing to apologize for”).
- 11x10: “Dean, I came as soon as you called.” Also: “Stick your tongue out.” Dean-*does*
- 11x11: Dean realizing that something is wrong with Cas (while he is possessed by Lucifer)
- 11x11: Mildred says that Dean is pining for someone else(probably meant to be a reference to Amara, but she told him this after he had seen Cas for the first time in a few days.)
- 11x14: The sadness on Deans face when he realizes Cas is Lucifer and then his determination to save Cas
- 11x15: Dean getting kinda dark when he talks about what he’s willing to do to save Cas and he prioritizes saving Cas over bearing Amara.
- 11x17: Dean once again prioritizing saving Cas over saving the world. Sam reassuring Dean that they’ll save Cas (even though Dean didn’t say anything about what was upsetting him)
- 11x17: The camera zooming in on Dean after Michelle says that there is no normal after losing the man you love.
- 11x18: Dean refuses to put Lucifer in the cage or let him fight Amara while using Cas as his vessel.
- 11x18: The difference in the way Dean looks at Lucifer vs at Cas
- 11x18: Dean about Cas: “Lets go find that idiot and bring him home.”
- 11x19: Dean has been looking for leads non stop for a week since Amara took Cas
- 11x21: Amara uses Cas’s heart to find Dean, then shows Dean images of Cas beaten and bloodied to convince him to turn against Chuck
- 11x23: Dean’s face when he realizes Cas is back and Lucifer is gone.
- 11x23: Dean tells Cas he isn’t stupid and that he always helps
- 11x23: Cas: “Dean are you okay? How do you feel?”
- 11x23: Cas hugging Dean super tight before he goes off to die. Dean entrusting his life’s purpose (look after Sam) then thanking him for everything.
- 12x1: Cas seeing that Dean is alive and hugging him while his voice breaks.
- 12x1: Cas taking the job Dean have him very seriously
- 12x2: Dean adorably venting to Cas about his mommy-issues
- 12x3: Dean- “Morning sunshine want some coffee.” Cas- “No thank you.”
- 12x7: “Well at least I don’t look like a lumberjack.” They are such husbands
- 12x7: “Engaged in what Cas? killing you?”
- 12x8: Cas being so worried about what happened to Sam and DEAN that Kelly escaped.
- 12x9: Mary-“You left them!” Cas- *voice breaking* “Dean told me to go!” Also, just Cas looking so hard for them.
- 12x9: Cas blaming himself for Sam and Dean being taken
- 12x9 Cas knowing how long the boys have been gone down to the hour.
- 12x9: Cas’s voice and eyes when he hears Dean’s voice on the phone.
- 12x9: Cas killing Billie because “You mean too much to me” and “The world needs as many Winchesters as it can get.”
- 12x10: Poor Sam having to deal with Cas and Dean while they fight like an old married couple.
- 12x10: Dean immediately telling Ishim to go to hell when he insults Cas
- 12x10: Sam telling Dean to go to Cas when Dean thought Cas was in trouble
- 12x10: Cas immediately believing Dean about Ishim even though they’re mad at each other. Dean about to let Ishim kill him to save Cas.
- 12x10: Ishim comparing Dean and Cas’s relationship to Ishims relationship with his human lover, then saying he was going to cut Cas’s human weakness
- 12x11: “And Cas is my best friend.”
- 12x12: Dean about Cas- “My shy but devastatingly handsome friend here...”
- 12x12: Dean stressing out and voice breaking as he tries to comfort poisoned Cas
- 12x12: *looking at Dean* “I love you.” Then adds “I love all of you”
- 12x12: Cas- “Run.” Dean- “Cas, no.”
- 12x12: The look Dean gives Cas when he won’t stop staring at him after he’s healed.
- 12x14: Dean says some very harsh stuff to Mary after finding out the reason they Cas almost died at the lake house was because Mary was working for the British Men of Letters
- 12x15: Dean could tell something was up with Cas after talking to him for less than a minute, over the phone.
- 12x18: Sam trying to make Dean feel better about not hearing from Cas.
- 12x19: Dean literally always acting like a scorned wife when Cas comes back after long periods of time
- 12x19: Dean made Cas a mixtape
- 12x19: Cas- “I ~needed~ to came back here with a win for you.”
- 12x19: Cas- *gesturing between Dean and himself* “You mean... we?” Dean- “Yes, dumbass, we.”
- 12x23: Dean screaming for Cas when he attacks Lucifer and trying to chase after him forcing Sam to drag Dean back through the rift. A direct parallel to Dean pulling Sam away from Jess and the fire in Pilot
- 12x23: Dean kneeling next to Cas’s dead body looking up at the sky completely devastated.
- 13x1: Dean couldn’t bring himself to say dead when referring to Cas
- 13x1: Dean PRAYED to GOD to bring Cas back
- 13x1: “We just lost ~everything~. And now you’re gonna bring ~him~ back.”
- 13x1: Dean personally wrapping Cas’s body and giving him a hunters funeral.
- 13x1: The look of complete devastation on Dean’s face when he burns Cas’s body.
- 13x3: Dean refusing to help save Jack because he blames him for manipulating Cas and getting him killed.
- 13x4: The Empty to Cas: “I know what you love, what you fear. There is nothing for you back there.” He loves Dean and Cas fears that Dean doesn’t love him back.
- 13x5: Sam being worried about Dean who has given up all hope since Cas died.
- 13x5: Dean being so distressed thinking Cas is gone forever that he tries to kill himself
- 13x5: Dean seeing Cas alive again and they both have tears in their eyes.
- 13x6: Dean hugging Cas and saying he’s been gone for “too damn long”
- 13x6: Dean being immediately happier and nicer to everyone once Cas is back
- 13x6: Cas saying “Yes. Yes, he does” (in response to Jack saying Dean really likes cowboys) with the tone of an exhausted spouse.
- 13x6: “I told you, he’s an angry sleeper. Like a bear.”
- 13x6: Dean made Cas watch Tombstone with him.
- 13x6: Dean and Cas dresses like cowboy husbands.
- 13x6: Cas saying “I’m your huckleberry” to Dean in a deep accent and Dean looking away.
- 13x6: Their undercover names are Russel and Kilmer
- 13x14: The whole scene where Cas and Dean fight Gog/Magog and act like an old married couple.
- 13x14: The angry, dark look Cas gives Donatello when he tries to kill Dean
- 13x16: “Dean has him by the thigh!” Cas, jealously: “He ~what~?”
- 13x16: “and that includes the Cartwright twins.” Cas, again jealously: “what did you do with the Cartwright twins?”
- 13x19: Cas angrily confronting Naomi about forcing him to kill a bunch of Dean clones.
- 13x21: Cas secretly sliding Dean more pizza when Mary and Sam left the room.
- 13x21: Cas having to hold Dean back from going after Sam. Dean would have beat the shit out of anyone else who tried to stop him.
- 13x23: Cas trying to stop Dean from giving himself to Michael even if it meant losing Sam AND Jack
- 13x23: Cas sitting alone in the bum jet with tears in his eyes after Dean left
- 14x1: Demon: “How is it you lost Dean. I thought you two were joined at the... everything.”
- 14x1: Dean trying to save Cas from Lucifer then vs Cas trying to save Dean from Michael now
- 14x3: The look that Dean and Cas give each other when Dean comes home.
- 14x9: Cas almost being happy seeing Dean happy. And then having to force himself to not be happy so he doesn’t die.
- 14x12: Cas being phased at Dean for wanting to put himself in the box with Michael forever
- 14x14: Cas is the only Dean will let talk to him about Michael and be honest about how Dean feels
- 14x14: “No, it’s on us.”
- 14x14: Cas’s voice breaking when he talks about the possibility of Dean dying one day.
- 14x18: The pure self loathing in Cas’s eyes when he feels like he failed Dean by not telling him about Jack’s soul.
- 15x2: “You asked ‘what about all of this is real?’ We are.” THE MOST ROMANTIC LINE EVER. (Plus later Eileen and Sam have the same conversation but they get to kiss because homophobia)
- 15x9- 20:00 Dean said that they lost everyone they cared about, then added Cas specifically. Then he says “I had to bury him” not “we”
- 15x9- 23:00 Dean cries when he can’t find Cas. Then he prays to him and apologizes for letting him go. He falls to his knees praying to him and fully crying
- 15x12: “I created the world.” *shows Destiel*
- 15x15: This time when Dean sees Cas leaving the bunker, he stops him. (In reference to Cas saying “you didn’t stop me” when Dean got mad at him for leaving)
- 15x16: This is the the only version of Cas that rebelled for Dean. This universe is literally being saved repeatedly because of Cas’s love for Dean
- 15x18: CAS CONFESSES HIS LOVE TO DEAN then goes to mega hell for being gay
Anyway, Cas loves Dean and Dean LOVES HIM BACK, OKAY?!?!? Feel free to add more
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Prince Charming (Loki x Female Reader)- Part 2
I was too excited to wait any longer before posting part 2! This part is pretty long but it didn’t feel right to split it anywhere. Over 3k words! 
Summary: Things with Chaos begin to develop pretty quickly now that Loki his preoccupied with is new girl.
Warnings: none, just fluff 
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 "Nice of you to join us, Sleeping Beauty!”
10 minutes late. Chaos had certainly accepted the challenge, alright. The sun was already peeking through the building outside your window when the two of you called it a night. Could it still be calling it a night when it wasn’t night anymore though? You had lost track of time in the shower replaying the conversation over again. The lack of hot water quickly brought you back to reality and you grabbed the closest outfit you could reach and threw your hair up in a bun as you raced to the conference room. You noticed Loki giving you a confused stare from across the table. He pretended to pay attention while typing a message out to you from his tablet.
L.Laufeyson: You’re staring off into space and grinning like a mad man. Stop it. It makes you look creepy.
You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him when Rogers turned his back to face the screen.
Who are you calling creepy? I know you only pay attention to the parts about hostile takedowns. Maybe I just really enjoy 7am mission briefings. You don’t know me as well as you think you do Mischief!
When Tony shared a look between you and Loki from his end of the table, you both put the tablets down and made a better attempt to pay attention. You tried to quietly hide your yawn. Maybe you could sneak in a nap later since you hadn’t actually gotten a wink of sleep.
Over the next few weeks, you not only talked to Chaos every night you weren’t away for a mission, the two of you had begun to exchange a few messages throughout the day as well when you both weren’t busy with work. Since you weren’t really hanging out with Loki much anymore, it was a welcomed distraction. You had come across him on his phone on several occasions with his book carelessly discarded somewhere nearby. He always seemed to get frustrated with you when you interrupted his reading so this girl must really be special to him. One afternoon, you swore you heard him sigh after putting his phone away. It felt like a punch to the gut. If he even noticed that you hadn’t had one of your movie nights or dinners together in nearly a month, it didn’t seem to bother him. It just gave you more excuses to return the flirtatious advances from Chaos. You couldn’t say that you were really fighting it all that hard though. It may have started out as a distraction, but it felt really good to feel wanted by someone again. Being head over heels for your best friend, coworker, and pretty much roommate makes dating kind of difficult.
With Rogers away on a mission, you cut training a few minutes short to hurry back to your room. A huge grin slowly spread to see the light in the corner of your tablet flashing. Even though it was hard, you resisted the huge to check the message and made yourself shower and change first. Once you were changed into your pajamas for the night, you curled up on the corner of the sofa in your room and slid the screen on.
Dove, I know you won’t see this until late this evening, but I didn’t want to wait another second to tell you that I truly missed our talks the last several nights while I was away. I’m anxiously counting down the minutes until you arrive home from work. You’ve quickly become my favorite part of my day
This guy knew exactly what to say to make you swoon. Part of you was glad he couldn’t see how often he made you blush. You noticed the message was sent just before you returned to your room and Chaos was still logged in.
What if you didn’t have to wait until late this evening?
The fact that he was immediately responding made you smile. Although it was foolish to believe the guy would be staring at the computer waiting for you, it still gave you butterflies when he was so eager to talk to you.
I’d say that’s the best news I’ve heard all day. Not that I’m not excited to see you online, but don’t you still have a few hours of work left, darling?
Grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch, you snuggled up on the couch with the charger for your tablet placed within reach.
Boss is out of town, so I cut out early today. Curling up at home to watch the rain while talking to my favorite person sounded better anyways 😉
Your secret is safe with me. Rainy afternoons curled up with a good book is on my list of favorite things, though speaking with you might have recently taken a higher position on said list. Would it be too forward of me to say that I would rather spend a rainy afternoon like this by your side instead of speaking through an electronic device?
There it goes again. You feel the heat on your cheeks as you bite your lip to control the grin on your face.
Were you really on a business trip or were you just spending time thinking of things to say to make me blush? Not that I’m complaining really. To answer your question, no it wouldn’t be too forward. I was thinking the same just now actually…
You always know how to make me laugh. Unfortunately, I’m not that smooth. I truly was away for business. I can’t help but wonder now how often I cause a blush to form on your cheeks. Maybe that will be my new mission, though it would not be a fruitful endeavor without seeing it in person. I’m sure it’s adorable
Not that smooth? I beg to differ! The number of times you make me absolutely swoon tells a different story. In order to keep my dignity, I won’t disclose what that number actually is at the moment. Let’s just say you must read classical literature and Shakespeare on a regular basis because it shows. Enough of my blushing and swooning! So, Chaos, if we were to be face to face on a rainy afternoon like this, how would we spend it? Not that I am assessing your dating skills or anything… or am I?
The fact that I make you blush and swoon often is quite flattering actually. I was raised somewhat old-fashioned I guess you could say. I was taught that a woman should be treated as a princess and that anything less is disrespectful. I guess you could thank my mother for that. If I’m being completely transparent, you tend to cause me to “blush and swoon” quite often as well, Dove. The feelings you stir within me make it nearly impossible to not let a smile grace my lips at the very thought of you…
Now that I’m sure I have a blush once again residing on your cheeks, I believe you inquired about my dating skills in a not-so-subtle way… Given the honor to have you accompany me on a date on a rainy afternoon such as this, I would say that a visit to a secondhand bookstore would be in order. I of course have a few around the city I like to frequent already. I would enjoy the opportunity to discover what books captured your attention and compare our favorites. Once we had found a few treasures and picked out at least one for the other to enjoy, we would find a place to sit and converse, just like we do here already. A quiet corner of a coffee shop would be a preferred place of mine. It would give us the chance to people watch as well. We could even make up stories about their lives and what we thought their day had entailed. If you didn’t feel it to be too intimate for such a date, I wouldn’t be opposed to finding a quiet place to curl up together to watch the rain and sit and read together.
I admit that I’m now quite curious, Darling. How does my answer fair in your assessment that you may or may not be performing on my ability to court?
You reread his answer a few times before you remembered that you now needed to write back. How could you be so flustered over….words? Now seemed like a good time to run to the kitchen for a snack. Something told you that you had already decided exactly how you wished to spend your evening.
As you made yourself a hot tea and let yourself imagine what a date like that with him would be like, you looked up to see Nat and Wanda standing there staring at you.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?”
They shared a look before turning back to you.
“Nat, I think our girl just literally floated into the room. She also hasn’t stopped smiling for days now. Could it possibly have anything to do with this mystery guy that you keep dashing away to talk to on your tablet possibly?”
Wanda and Nat laughed as they stood and waited for their answer. Nat was even more forward.
“It’s no secret. You charge that tablet nearly three times a day now. When are you just going to meet him already? You obviously are already completely smitten with each other. It’s written all over your face and if he is making you look like this all of the time, he must be pretty dreamy.”
You willed the kettle to heat up faster to escape this conversation.
“I don’t know. Maybe we will meet up at some point, but things are pretty great right now. What if we meet in person and there is no chemistry?”
Nat came and put a hand on either cheek, holding your head in her hands.
“Sweetie, if this guy was enough to help you forget that you are madly in love with your best friend, then there is zero chance that you two lack chemistry.”
They both laughed at the shocked look on your face. Wanda patted you on the shoulder and whispered as she walked by.
“Yeah, we know about that too. You don’t hide the way you stare at him very well. The only person who can’t see your feelings is Loki.”
Squeezing the bridge of your nose out of frustration, you whispered under your breath.
“Are there no secrets in this building?!”
Wanda seemed to get an idea and turned back around before leaving the kitchen.
“The costume party! That’s how you can meet him in person! Invite him to Tony’s costume party next week. If you don’t feel it in person, you will be in disguise anyways since it’s a masquerade ball! It’s perfect! Your own little fairy tale!”
Just as Nat got excited as well, you put a stop to it.
“Absolutely not! That is so cliché even for you two! Plus, I’m not meeting him for the first time in the lion’s den. That’s just cruel. Get over it. I am not inviting him to Tony’s party, end of discussion.”
“Inviting who?”
Your head whipped around to see Loki standing at the edge of the kitchen. His wet hair formed soft curls against his shoulders and left damp spots on the tight t-shirt that hugged him in all the right places. The sweatpants that hug low on his hips didn’t help stop your breath from quickening. You felt frozen under his gaze.
“Who are you not inviting, Bug?”
Before you could answer, Nat spoke up.
“Her new Boy Toy…”
You shot a warning glare to her before turning back to Loki in time to catch the smirk form on his lips.
“Boy Toy? Is that who has been stealing you away from me? Well then, sit by me tonight for movie night and you can tell me why exactly he is not being invited to Tony’s party.”
“I uh… I can’t tonight.”
He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at you.
“Come on Ladybug. I haven’t seen you in days and we both know we haven’t had a movie night in ages. Don’t you love me anymore?”
You unsuccessfully hid the squeak that escaped at his question. The pout he gave you told you that he was joking and not actually acknowledging the fact that you had been head over heels for him for way longer than should be allowed. Just as you tried to come up with anything at all to say, Wanda covered for you.
“She has a date with the Boy Toy.”
He seemed to accept that answer.
“Fine. But I expect you to attend the next one, Bug. Better not keep the Boy Toy waiting now.”
As he turned to head into the living room, the kettle started to whistle, and you let out a sigh of relief. When you finished making your tea and grabbing enough snacks to not have to leave your room anymore tonight, you turned to face them one more time.
“You two better help me find a damn good costume… I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”
They giggled and high fived as you shook your head. On the way back to your room, your mind drifted back to Loki. It was time to move on. At the mention of you dating someone, there was zero trace of jealously or emotion in his face. He didn’t see you like that and he never would. You had a guy that showed genuine interest in you and freely let you know as well. There was no wondering if Chaos wanted something more with you than a casual chat online. Meeting a stranger in person couldn’t be any safer than in a high security tower surrounded by the Avengers.
You took a sip of your tea and smiled at the flashing light on the tablet on the couch beside you.
I hope your silence isn’t an indication of a poor assessment…
Sorry! No not at all! I just stepped away for a minute to get something to eat. Although it is fun to make you sweat it out a little…
To say I’m relieved is an understatement, Dove. I thought maybe I had made you uncomfortable earlier.
Quite the opposite actually. It sounds like the perfect date to be honest. I’m quite the cuddler when given the chance. In fact, I’m curled up with a blanket and a hot tea as we speak…
Then I shall be jealous of said blanket and mug since they get to cuddle with you instead of me… Since we appear to both have the same thoughts as to what constitutes the perfect date, does that mean you find my skills adequate?
I suppose… 😊
So, Chaos, if you’ve already put thought into the two of us on a date, does that mean that you might want more than just exchanging messages online?... now I’m the one worried about being too forward!
 As the bubbles appeared and you waited for a response, you started to regret being so blunt with your questioning.
Darling, I’ve wanted that longer than I care to admit, so no you are not being too forward. I’ve thought about breaching the subject of meeting you in person for some time but could never gather the courage to do so. I’ve honestly never had a connection with someone truly as strong as I feel with you. Is a face-to-face meeting something you might want as well?
Absolutely. I’ve been nervous to bring it up too. I didn’t want to assume that the connection was mutual and end up embarrassing myself. I’ve made the mistake in the past of letting my heart get involved to find out too late that those feelings were not returned. It’s not something I wish to go through more than once.
Dove, I can assure you that is not the case with me. I assure you that any feelings you may have developed are returned tenfold. I have never seen your face or heard your voice, yet you have my heart… Does this mean I will soon get the opportunity to see the effects of this blushing and swooning you speak of with my own eyes?
That is really good to hear and I guess I need to start hiding such effects now… So … there is a reason for my line of questioning actually…
Oh? It that so? Please continue…
I’ve actually been given an invitation to a party at Stark Tower next weekend being hosted by the Avengers. Since we did meet in an Avengers chat room, it seems kind of poetic that we meet up at an event hosted by them.
It really is poetic isn’t it? I’m aware of the event you speak of though I hadn’t planned on attending. I would be willing to reconsider however if I knew that you were in attendance as well. Is it a masquerade ball in fact, is it not?
Yes, everyone attending is expected to be in costume. If I was not only in attendance, but there as your date, would it be enough to help you reconsider?...
More than enough, My Love.
Well, it’s a date then 😊
It would be my honor, Dove. There is still one matter to discuss. If we are both in costume, how exactly will I know when I’ve found you?
Would it be too cliché to attend as Cinderella and Prince Charming? It is a ball after all.
Not at all. In fact, I find it to be quite a romantic gesture to meet my princess for the first time dressed as her Prince Charming. You deserve to have your fairy tale moment, Darling.
So, it’s settled then. Next Saturday. Do you need me to get you put on the guest list?
That won’t be necessary. You aren’t the only one with connections, Love.
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littlemisslipbalm · 3 years
I live in the neighbourhood - Part 3
What happened to the cycling classes after work and the occasional drinks with coworkers? Now it was flying to Italy to vacation for the December holidays with Harry and his family and friends.
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Ok part 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the final part of ilitn i believe! let me know what you think! plssss! Not proofread, but your support means the most and it means the world to see your thoughts, literally anything about it, and this little harry I always have to remember that’s the simp your honor ^ right there! anyway happy reading!
Read Part 1 | 2
Word Count: 10.9k | Warnings: swearing, smut! (finally) - oral (m+f receiving, dirty talk, choking? i can’t remember ngl there might not be, sloppy sex, outdoors by the pooldeck just btw, christmas, idk but hopefully nothing I missed, feelings! happy ending (possibly rushed 
“You’re really flying to Italy and then traipsing around the Italian countryside for three weeks with Harry and his family? I cannot believe you’re leaving me behind.”
“You’re gonna kill me for saying this, but he had said I could invite a friend or two if I wanted. But I thought it’d be weird with his family so you literally can’t be mad at me!”
“Fine. I’ll move past it, but how did you move past the whole panic attack? Like you barely spoke to him for a month and then he’s on your doorstep and you’re kissing and agreeing to a Roman Holiday?”
“It’s Harry,” she sighs, laying down on her couch. “How could I not, I got scared because he was gone, but once he was back, nothing else mattered.”
“I guess,” Cate mumbles.
“Oof, sorry Cate I have another call, I’ve got to go…”
By the time she tries to pick up the other line has gone to a message and she’s left to listen to her boss over a voicemail:
“Hey Y/N, I know your holidays have just begun, but I wanted to inform you that you’ll be getting a new client in the new year. Big artist! Anyway, just wanted to inform you that I’ll be emailing over some of their paperwork. Feel free to ignore it until the new year! Have a nice trip.”
She sighs. “Interesting...but will definitely be waiting for the new year to even think about work,” she says to herself.
She throws her phone to the side. Tired of all the phone tag and messages she had begun to have to deal with as the Holiday season dawned more and more upon her. She had more important things to think about. Most important being the suitcase laid out before her and the flight she was bound to be taking in less than 24 hours. This time, she wouldn’t be picking Harry up from the airport. No, this time they were flying out of London Heathrow together.
Together together? She wasn’t sure. The kiss on her doorstep and plea of Italian holiday meant a lot to her, but did it scream committed relationship? She had no idea when it came to Harry. Maybe it was better not to ask and just wait until he told her. Wondering had gotten her in a pit last time and she never wanted to feel the way she had over the last month while he had been gone.
She sleeps in her bed for one last night before leaving for a month. Harry had managed to convince the airline to allow Rori to ride with them in first class, so she wouldn’t have to leave her dog in a kennel or with friends during the holidays. She was grateful for that and she just didn’t understand how she had gotten so lucky as to have someone like Harry in her life.
They fly first class and while Harry had secured her ticket last minute, she insisted that he take her money to pay for the ticket. She was determined to not lose herself in this process. She would happily go along with Harry’s crazy life as long as she maintained her constitution. And paying for her own ticket was one of her ways of doing that.
The flight is short, a quick jaunt compared to the arduous trips across the Atlantic, both her and Harry were quite used to from their work and family lives. He smiles at her throughout the journey, coming across the aisle often to check on her and pet Rori. He would make little jokes that wouldn’t make anyone else laugh but them and he would grab the airpod she would take out and play whatever she had been listening to and offer a dance. His little dances were so sweet, if strange and awkward in the small flight cabin.
She wore grey marbled leggings and a matching thick strapped tank top beneath a nondescript hoodie. Harry’s dressed quite nice for traveling, she presumes in case he’s papped. Linen trousers, a collared coat, and some beaded necklaces he had taken to wearing over the last few months - each month seemed to add on another necklace, but she wasn’t counting.
He had reminded her to bring large sunglasses for the airport.
He had said “I don’t care if we’re seen together, but it’s more for your comfort. I hate when my friend’s lives are put on display for the whole world. You’re not the one who signed up for this.”
She had been appreciative and grabbed her largest pair of sunglasses because truthfully she didn’t want to be seen with Harry. She didn’t want the whole world knowing her or her business, it wasn’t who she was. No, not at all. So when they step off the plane and head to baggage claim after customs, she feels aware of her surroundings in a way she never has been. It reminds her of the way Jeff, Charlotte, and Mitch had conducted themselves in the bar that one time. Extremely alert. Watching people’s eye movements and considering whether they recognized her companion. She trails behind him a fair amount, three paces at least. Harry glances back every few moments, checking in to make sure she’s still with him as they move through the bustling airport.
They make it to baggage claim with no stops, but sadly Harry’s luggage seems to give him away. That or just his presence, he was a 6 foot tall and extremely broad man who gave off this energy that couldn’t help but turn eyes. And all it took was one of those eyes to recognize the fluff of hair, the olive-y skin, the peaking bird tattoos and colorful necklaces to alert the world of just where he was.
He doesn’t get stopped for any pictures, but she feels the number of eyes on him grow. She also watches as Harry doesn’t shrink from the growing attention. If anything, it simply makes him move quicker, but only slightly. He glances at her once to see her hood up and big green glasses covering up half her face. Rori has left his carrier and is covering the other half as she pushes a cart in front of her. He makes a nondescript nod and then sets off towards the exit, she follows behind easily.
By the time they’re in the car that was waiting to drive them to Harry’s villa, he’s gotten buzzed by Jeff just to check-in since a few photos have been uploaded of him at the airport. People were so fast. She shook her head in disbelief as she looked up Harry Styles on twitter and saw the scene she had just been apart of minutes ago on her screen now. She’s unrecognizable in the photos she happens to appear in and to everyone else she looks like another traveler instead of Harry’s companion or whatever she was to him. Instead of his friend.
Harry calls Jeff as they’re driven to his lovely sprawling home near Lake Como. He informs him they’re fine - he is quick to ensure that Y/N is well after asking her himself once they had gotten into the confines of the small car. She thinks it’s sweet especially because she was sure that Jeff really was more focused on Harry and his well-being since he was both his friend and his client while she was just an extra. The two men talk about the flight and customs and what Jeff will be doing with his holiday since he had turned down Harry’s invitation to come out to Italy as well. This leaves her to stare out the window at the passing scenery. She and Rori are completely content with this as they watch the tranquil life around them as they pass by little forests and towns over cobblestoned ground.
The colors seem brighter throughout Italy compared to the sad and gloomy winter of London. The dreary scape traded for something far more picturesque. Italy growing ever more beautiful the closer they drive to Harry’s home. Everything was so radiant, from the sun shining above her head to the little dew drops still pooled on the perfectly green leaves of plants she knew not the names of.
The car pulls up to the long driveway to Harry’s place which he insisted was just a house, but she knew better. The driveway felt like half a mile of perfect cobblestones, seemingly handpicked to make the smoothest drive. Outside the house sat a gorgeous little convertible that was in between steel and cream and sparkled in the sun. The top was currently up, but she could tell the interior was just as nice as the exterior. Harry had a thing for cars and she suspected that no matter where he was, he managed to keep his cars in perfect condition.
The house was breathtaking due to its simultaneous simplicity and intricacy. It’s coloring was variations of cream and gold and some terra cotta. But it sprawled into the hillside behind it and wrapped around the nature to the side of it and the pool to the back right of it. There also was a little separate shed like thing that also seemed to be a residence. Harry insisted it was just an extra bedroom, but it looked like almost another house to her.
As she stepped out of the car, she thought that she might get lost in that house if she was left to wander around it by herself. A feeling she feared to get accustomed to.
The door of the house was a dark green that seemed oddly familiar to her as she walked through it. And when Harry looked back to make sure she had gotten in the house alright she recognized it. His door somehow matched the color of his eyes in dark lighting. A green that was timeless and ancient at the same time. A green that was unnerving yet inviting. A green that was Harry. She never thought she had a favorite color, but in that moment she was sure it was his eyes.
Harry calls her name and she realizes he’s been saying it for awhile.
He smiles fondly at her confused face and leans towards her as if he might kiss her. She stops breathing in that moment, wanting more than anything for that to be his next move. His chest brushes against hers, his warmth invading her space. His face is a mere milimeter from hers and she can count every speck of stubble on his jaw. But his lips don’t brush gently over hers in a way that she knew was addicting. Instead, his strong hand reaches past her and shuts the entrancing green door gently.
His eyes flicker back to her face when he pulls back, taking a single step backwards to allow for a comfortable space between them. Still close, but not like he’s about to embrace her expecting frame and kiss her.
“I asked if you wanted a tour of the house? Or if you just wanted me to pick your room.” His eyes are crinkled at the corner, a smile on his face even though his mouth is hung open in a lingering question.
She blinks her eyes and twitches her head to glance around the rest of her surroundings. Rori had run off the moment they had gotten in the door. The hallway Harry and she found themselves was narrow and simple, a single painting right behind Harry’s head was the sole decoration and a tapestry style rug beneath their feet. She nods after a moment, feeling all her words caught somewhere in her throat for no reason at all.
“Good,” he nods and gives her a funny look, trying to understand her quiet demeanor. “Just drop your stuff here for now,” he adds.
His hand encircles her wrist, as it had grown accustomed to, to lead her through the house. She bites her lower lip to muffle the little giggle that somehow escapes her as he tugs her playfully down and through the house.
He goes on about almost every piece of art and trinket he has hung and placed throughout the house. Each thing has its story and Harry waxes eloquent on every single one. He shows her each room in the house and then leads her outside through the single door of the master bedroom on the second floor. The door takes them onto a small balcony that overlooks the center of the estate which included the pool and then a garden to the left of the converted poolhouse - what Harry insisted it be called when Y/N had told him it was a mini house.
His hand has traveled down to intertwine with hers as the tour had drawn on. So as he leads her down the little spiral staircase to the ground floor, she hums at the warmth his thumb rubs into her skin ever so softly. His eyes flicker to her face and hold her gaze for a moment as he watches her descend the last two stairs.
She smiles at him, her cheeks rosy from the air outside. They walk between the garden and the pool to reach the “converted pool house” and she stops for a moment to dance her fingers through the perfectly clean pool water - he must have had a housekeeper who came by recently to open everything up and clean it all.
“This is truly amazing, Harry,” she sighs as she stares out at the entire house from the single stone upstep to the little cottage. It gave her a view of the entire place besides the front of the house. It was gorgeous.
Harry nods, tucking his head to his chest slightly, possibly feeling a little bashful. Behind the successful man that stood before her was a young boy with a dream that had made this possible and he never forgot that.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely and unlocks the door of the cottage, a similar green is painted on this door as well.
She goes ahead of him at his request and he watches her fingers on the green paint, caressing it softly, each finger never wishing to leave it as they slowly depart its surface. This place is just a microcosm of the house they had just been. A kitchenette, a living area, a bedroom, and a full bath - including a freestanding tub.
She all but runs around the place, fingers running over the countless spines of books that Harry mindlessly chose to store there in ceiling high bookshelves and eyes taking in prints of personal photography he had been too nervous to store anywhere but here. There were larger poster sized prints as well as smaller ones, all black and white, of different scenes on the walls of the living area. Some were portraits of loved ones, others were landscapes of cities and countryside alike, and some were of past lovers with their hair swept behind them as they looked back at Harry in some beautiful place. She smiled at these obviously film photographs and turned to Harry after a moment, almost mirroring the people in the more personal pictures.
“When’s the last time you used your camera?” She asks.
Harry’s figure is perched in the door, his body slightly slumped on the frame while he rolls his lower lip between his thumb and forefinger. He hums, thinking back to the last time he took out his camera.
“Last tour...I think. I got film back with Camille in it and I just didn’t feel like putting more in it after that,” he rasps out and clears his throat at the end, clearly unnerved by the topic.
“Well, these are beautiful, you have a smart eye for catching precious moments,” she smiles softly, understanding Harry’s apprehension.
“Thanks,” his voice still a bit deeper than usual, “I still use my Super8 pretty regularly when I’m doing things for work. Like when I shoot music videos, I usually bring it along to get my own footage for later.”
She only nods and watches him enter the room, moving closer to her to gaze at the images more up close as well.
“I like to have something to remember it by. Just in case, someday,” he starts and sighs, eyes trained on the wall of memories, “My mind isn’t what it once was.”
She watches him delicately place his hand on the couch behind them to brace himself and she notices the slight fear in his face as he says it. She blinks at the scene in front of her. A man in an amazing moment in his life fearful that it might all disappear from his vision someday. A horrible thought that seems to plague him more often than one would expect.
She nudges closer to him immediately. Her shoulder brushes his arm as she presses her head to his own shoulder and stays there firmly.
“Thank you,” she whispers and his head drops down to look at her face now radiating warmth against him. “For sharing this with me.”
His hand on the couch moves to wrap around her shoulders and pull her closer. Instinctively, she wraps her arms around his waist and he rests his head atop of hers. He stays silent but places a chaste kiss in her hair. She squeezes harder, telling him everything is alright and all he had to be with her was himself.
He switches his gaze between the girl wrapped up in him and the pictures of the rest of his life in front of him and he takes it all in. He feels safe, a comfort he was hard pressed to find with his life always on the move. The bustling change felt eons away while he was wrapped up in her. She was constant and kind. Understanding. She took him as he was, no expectations. That realization has him melting further into her, his head dropping down to her shoulder and nosing into her hair. His hands cusping at the back of her neck and the small of her back. And he presses firmly yet gently.
They stand there, swaying slightly to an unknown tune that played only in their private world of just them two.
A branch sways too and breaks them out of their reverie when it taps against the French doors that lead out to somewhere else in Harry’s estate.
“I think I’d like to stay here, if that’s alright,” she says, pulling back from him only slightly.
His hands migrate from their embrace around her back and neck and slide to her hip and her shoulder separately. Her hands both rest on his chest and she feels his consistent heartbeat that she had been listening to for the last few minutes against her ear.
His eyes sparkle at her suggestion. “Really? There’s plenty of spots in the main house,” he rushes.
“No, I love this place,” she glances around once more, soaking in the cozy room that housed Harry’s art. “Plus, your family will be here tomorrow and you should all be together under one roof for the holidays. I know how rare that can be.”
He nods in agreement and twists a tendril of her hair around one of his fingers slowly. She doesn’t notice until he makes an experimental and playful tug on it. Her lips purse at the feeling and her eyes narrow.
“You’re an evil little thing under all those layers of niceties and kind words, Mr. Styles,” she says as she pulls away from him.
Now that it was decided on where she would be staying for the next few weeks, she wanted to get her things settled and take a shower possibly. She also needed to check in on Rori and see what he had gotten up to while they had been wandering.
Harry laughs, filled with an unmatched glee as he follows her out of the cottage and back into the main house, “I can show you evil if that’s what you want, dove. I’ll give you anything you want.”
And while she knows he’s saying this in jest, she knows he’s also telling the truth. He’d give her just about anything she wanted, all she had to do was ask.
After settling the house a bit, finding where Rori wanted to sleep - he chose inside the main house, and some showers, she and Harry both felt refreshed.
She walked out of the front door of the cottage and crossed to the French doors at the middle point of the house. They had them open to get fresh air in the house and she walked right through and into the kitchen where she found Harry and her dog happily perched on the countertop.
Rori batted at Harry’s hands and nuzzled into his scratches as Harry cradled him to his chest. It was criminally sweet and she knocked on the door frame to pull Harry’s attention away from her furry friend.
“You look nice,” Harry smiles.
She glances down at her outfit; a cashmere olive colored sweater and high waisted cream corduroys along with her sneakers of choice. She thought it was casual, but she appreciated the compliment nonetheless. She murmurs a thanks and a quick “you too”, she didn’t even need to look at what he was wearing, he always looked good. Her head tilts to rest on the door frame as well, her eyes trained on Harry’s face.
“Do you want to go for a drive?” He inquires as he places Rori back on the ground.
The dog scampers to her side for a moment before running off to do his own thing. Her lips quirk up on the sides and her eyes narrow slightly. He’s looking at her with a quiet confidence set in his jaw that she doesn’t quite understand.
His smile makes her bite her lip, slightly unnerved by the energy he was giving off. Maybe it was because they were completely alone - not something new to them since that’s how they interacted almost solely, but something about being in Italy seemed to have shifted the dynamic. Something in the water or whatever that saying was.
“Do I get to drive?” She stands from her leaning position and crosses in front of him.
His laugh comes out quickly and heartily. “No chance, dove.”
She groans and pushes at his shoulder.
“Trust me, you’ll like it better. Can just enjoy the scenery, don’t have to focus on the road.”
He wraps a hand around her waist and then scoots her towards the door that would lead them out of the house. She giggles at the contact and she feels him watching her. It felt nice, felt simply theirs.
He drove her down the driveway and onto a country road until it merged into a road by the lake. He brought the top down so the wind rushed around them, blustering about as he drove at a quick yet somehow leisurely pace. She glanced at the scenery and took a few pictures, but something else kept demanding her attention.
Harry. He was a quiet kind of handsome in this moment. It wasn’t in your face, it was just how each curve of his skin seemed perfectly placed. Every pore was clear and every mole had a reason. His tattoos peeking from his collar and shirt sleeves were that perfect inky black that remained smooth. It was consistent, the way his hair fell over his forehead and he would smooth it back without even thinking. His eyes were focused and bright, yet slightly stormier than normal. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. And she wondered what she had done to be beside him at that moment. Wondered what it was that she had done to be cared for by Harry.
His hand on her leg brings her out of her mind once again. His looks always seemed to get her lost in thought. He was just that special. No one else had ever caused any similar reaction. His fingers splay on her thigh, no rings on them today. He rubs his thumb back and forth softly and she leans closer to him to whisper in his ear. They were completely alone, but it felt like something even the wind didn’t deserve to hear.
He tilts his head to her, eyes flickering to her movement for a moment and then back to the road. His hand on her thigh slips upwards with how she moves.
“I’m the most lucky girl in the world,” she says, her lips brushing the shell of his ear as she says the words.
She pulls back and stares at him, her hand going down to her thigh to play with his lovingly. He looks at her again and sees her serious expression. This causes him to pull over on the side of the road by the water. He rubs at her thigh again with his thumb and she shifts in her seat.
“And why’s that?” His voice low as he asks and shifts the car into park.
“Because I’m here, with you. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything in this world.”
He hums in response and licks at his lips when her sweater happens to fall off her shoulder. She notices the slip, but doesn’t bother to fix it since she also saw how Harry’s eyes danced over the newly exposed skin.
“I wouldn’t trade this either” the words dance slowly off the tip of his tongue. His accent fuller as he says the last word. “Let’s walk around,” Harry suggests when he sees her eyes flicker between his and his lips.
They explore the grassy area that lives just before the dip of the water at Harry’s request. He guides her along with his hand entwined with hers. Her eyes stay on only him still, the scenery unable to compare to the beauty of him that she was just fully realizing how bad she wanted to be enveloped in. His profile is illuminated by the sun shining above them and she swears he’s sparkling under the light.
The fear of what they were and all of the things that came along with labels were the furthest away thoughts. The man who had been the quirky neighbour had transformed into the man she was pretty sure she was in love with. Too afraid to say those three words, she decided the best thing she could do was to show rather than tell.
“Harry,” she calls and he stops his wandering, turning to face her instead.
A hand reaches up to trace over his strong cheekbone and caresses down the side of his face and cradles his slightly stubbled jaw. Her thumb rubs over the place where his dimple often showed up. He sighs into her touch and says her name back. His voice fails him as he gazes down at her, everything he means to say dies in his throat, for once at a loss for words.
She purses her lips and reaches up to connect their lips, having missed his sweet lips touch. They were meant to press against hers. Harry seems to forget how to breathe, her initiating the kiss between them, something foreign to him, but not unwelcome. He leans down to make it easier on her and she glows in his reciprocation. His hand shifts to cradle the back of her head as the kiss continues. Their lips dance, brushing back and forth, tongues slightly licking into one another’s mouths ever so delicately, playfully even.
A specific clash of teeth as the kiss continues leads to a breathless laugh from her as Harry presses himself closer to her. His other hand pressing her waist safely into him. She happily obliges, sinking one hand to rest over his backside which makes him smile.
“Naughty,” he mumbles against her brightening lips, eyebrows bobbing over his closed eyes.
She laughs now, her head tilting up for a moment, eyes opening to look at his face, yet up so close it's just his eyes and upper cheeks. His eyes are extra large from this angle and the grey green they had been dancing between had merged into a darkening seafoam green that was rather rare for them. She wanted to take an inventory of every color his eyes managed to be, but she was sure the list would never end.
“You like it,” she quips back, a peck sneaked at the corner of his mouth. That little love touch leads to more minutes of making out. Her supple and soft chest against his strong one, hands roaming the other’s body searching for purchase. Soft sighs and gentle moans leave Harry’s mouth when she nibbles at his ear and leaves loving kisses to his neck and collarbone. She makes similar sounds when he laves his tongue over the hollow of her neck and mouths happily on her neck.
The sight of them is two lovers enthralled in each other’s mouths and bodies in a meadow beside a lake. The sounds of nature are only overtaken by their happiness with each other.
When he ruts his hips against her body and she writhes against him with eagerness previously not seen, Harry realizes just how in public they are and he pulls away. A whine of discontent falling from her lips before she can control herself.
“We should…” He falters again, staring down at his neighbour he had begun to want more than anything else in the world, “Should head back.”
“Right,” she nods curtly.
Hands falling back to her sides, but Harry grabs one of them and intertwine their fingers as they had them before. She smiles so wide her eyes crinkle at the corners and he can’t help himself to peck at the left side of her temple.
They drive back to the house and Harry suggests a dip in the pool which Y/N agrees to easily. Something to cool them off from the heavy makeout session they had partaken in down by the water.
“Everyone else is arriving tomorrow,” Harry says after he surfaces from his expert dive into the deep end. He treads water lightly and drifts towards her.
She’s floating on her back a little ways from him. Her hair was shimmery all wet again and the  skin of her face glowed with tiny droplets. Her eyes were closed as she moved her hands back and forth through the comfortable water.
She feels his eyes on her, burning into her, waiting for a response. She peaks open one eye and looks at him. His cheeks pinken quickly from the slight embarrassment of being caught, but he doesn’t look away.
“It’s going to be really fun, Harry,” she rights herself and swims closer to him causing him to smile happily. “I’m really happy to be here.”
“It won’t be just us anymore,” he says, swimming backwards and creating a slight chase for her as she follows after him.
She narrows her eyes at his tactics, but still follows as he swims to the edge of the pool where they could both stand.
“Nope, but we’re gonna really get the holiday spirit flowing. Family dinners and games, shopping for gifts...this really is one of my favorite times of the season,” she smiles back at him and puts her hand against the edge of the pool, her chest emerging from beneath the cooling water.
Droplets roll down her chest, racing down her body and in between her cleavage. Harry’s eyes follow the water droplets disappearing beneath her bright red tied bikini top. He gets distracted when the air pebbles her nippls beneath the thin wet fabric, his tongue darts out to wet his lips at the sight. The round of her breast was especially full in the thin fabric. He had never seen this much of her despite their friendship lasting for many months now. It was...mouthwatering and his eyes stayed trained on her breasts as they rhythmically moved up and down with her breathing. It was like a spell.
That he was brought out of when a splash of water flicks at his face. She gives him an obvious look saying she had caught him staring and then she rolls her eyes at his smirk obviously not embarrassed by his latest fixation.
“We won’t be alone like this,” he steps closer to her, his own chest running with water droplets. His hair messy and wet atop his head as he pushes it off his forehead. “Possibly at all for the next three weeks,” he continues and hears her breath catch as he moves even closer. His body hovers a moment away from hers as he stares down at her. His nose almost brushes hers as he starts to lean down. She stays almost completely still. Her head moves though to allow Harry access to where his mouth seems to be headed, the side of her neck.
“After today,” he whispers before smudging an open mouthed kiss just below her ear.
A small gasp escapes her at his hot breath and a searing kiss against her chilled skin. She feels his smirk on her skin as he continues down her neck, leaving spongy eager kisses down the column.
“Well, I don’t think that’s a problem,” she tries to remain composure, feeling the burn inside of her pitch back up. The fire had dulled from the kissing by the lake once they had swam, but here he was pressing into her once again. Suddenly more eager and forward than he had ever been. Her breathing is hard to regulate with his expert hands running along her naked sides below the water and his legs backing her into the edge of the pool while his lips make love to her neck.
“Oh?” Harry hums, moving a hand up to fiddle with a strap of her top, the wet nylon twisting easily and then he lets it snap back softly. Her arousal only grows from the tiny smack. “Not a problem, eh?” His lips travel down between her breasts and she gasps in anticipation.
“Won’t be able to make you feel this good anytime you want,” he breathes and then ghosts over her covered pebbled nipple.
“You’re a tease, Harry,” she grips at his shoulders that are hunched to allow him to kiss on her. Her eyes having the perfect view of his curved neck and spine, the skin an expanse of clear perfect flesh, no tattoos in sight from this angle. The little curls at the nape of his neck trickling with spare droplets as he sucks on her own skin.
“Hmm…” his lips travel back up to the underside of her jaw causing her to tilt her head back and her stimulated chest to press into Harry’s. A chuckle passes against her skin as he feels her two points press into him.
Then, suddenly, he pulls back and grips at the back of her head to make her look at him. His eyes are deep and dark as the day starts to wear on, the sun beginning to set off in the distance.
“Maybe I need to demonstrate just what you’ll be missing out on?” He tilts his head at his suggestion and the glimmer in his eyes shows that he knows exactly what he has to say to get his friend - and soon to be lover - riled up.
Her chest heaves once, longing for the warm touch of Harry’s lips again. “What are you getting at?”
“Wanna make you feel so good you’re begging me to call my family up and tell them to not bother coming because we won’t be leaving your bed for the next few weeks.”
A breathless laugh leaves her, in disbelief, but also in wanton need. Her desire for him grew tenfold in the last ten minutes. His last sentence leaves her itching with longing. For his touch as he promised it.
“Give me the best you got then,” she challenges, her conviction never wavering despite her needy state.
That little sentence is what sets Harry’s eyes ablaze and has him gripping her waist and picking her up and setting her on the edge of the pool.
A quick press of his lips against hers and a “wait here” before he’s pulling himself from the water and shuffling to grab one of the towels he had laid out. She watches him curiously, confused why he had just promised to ravage her but was pausing to towel off.
He comes back with the towel and lays it behind her.
“Harry, what are -”
A finger presses to her swollen lips as his other hand goes to her shoulder and lays her back.
“Do you trust me?” He asks.
She nods, eyes wide and glassy as she stares up at him kneeling over her, his body between her bent knees. He leans down to press another kiss to her lips and then begins his decent.
“Gonna make you feel so fucking good, sweetheart,” he whispers.
Down her throat that he had happily been sucking on. His lips ghost over her still hard nipples and his hot breath has her arching off the ground immediately. A whine leaving her lips when he mouths between her two breasts in the valley just above the tie of suit. His fingers dance around on her skin, playing with her swimsuit fabric and she wants to scream at him to just untie it and really touch her, but she refrains. He continues his assault down her body. His hands grip at her knees when his lips travel below her navel. Her breaths have grown more strained as he’s gotten closer and closer to her heat. The cold wet fabric that covered her was a poor substitute to what she wanted to rub against her.
“Please,” she begs in a sigh as Harry’s lips skip where she wants him, instead traveling to her upper inner thigh.
He spreads her legs wider with his arms and her back arches further, her body just about fully on display for Harry. His eyes flicker up to her face that was staring right back down at him, watching his every move.
The cheeky bottoms left little to the imagination and the ties on the sides were so enticing Harry’s fingers smoothed up her thighs and began to toy with them. His face now hovering over her clothed center. His breath fanning the flames of her arousal just below the cherry fabric.
“See,” he smirks, eyes back on her face, “I haven’t even touched you yet, but you’re already begging.
“You’re an ass,” she grits out, trying to not be bothered by how easily he has gotten her in this position.
He clicks his tongue and tugs experimentally at one of the bottoms ties, “S’not a very nice thing to say to the man who’s about to stick his tongue in ya’?”
She gasps and slaps at his right shoulder at his crudeness. “You’re dirty!”
“And you’re wet,” he says confidently, smirking up from between her legs.
His fingers finally tug the ties undone and pull the fabric away from her center. The red bikini bottom falls limply to the ground and Harry’s eyes train on her glistening mound. Wet with the pool water as well as her arousal. To add to the cool air ghosting over her newly exposed skin, Harry blows his own breath over her. She writhes at the sensation, she bites at her lip to hold back any possible moans.
He glances at her face again and settles one arm to be wrapped around her leg and pressing down on her left hip. His other hand snakes between his face and her body and lightly drags between her folds. She bucks her body again, completely in need of some friction after all of the build up and teasing of today. Every nerve down there was electrified at the possibility of Harry finally touching her like this.
His finger pulls back and a string of arousal clings to him, a testament to the filthy thoughts she had about her neighbour. Thoughts she had pushed away for so long until recently. Thoughts she only indulged in in the dead of night, when she was exhausted but her mind insisted on wandering to the green sharp eyes that might stare at her if he ever were to delve into her depths. Her hands would travel to where he was now and rub out a triumphant shake of her thighs and heaving chest all in hopes that maybe he would bring her to that euphoria himself one day. Well that day was today.
He filthily takes that finger into his mouth and grins.  “So wet,” he corrects.
His eyes disappear from view as he launches into his work. His drying curls flop over his forehead and tickle at her lower stomach slightly. He flattens his tongue and licks a strong stripe between her folds. The wet from her weeping hole spreads to her lips and around her clit as his finishes the lick with a little swirl. He uses his free hand to spread apart her lips a little more and takes the new angle to suck on the little puffy nub that is already throbbing. She gasps audibly when he pulls off of it with a squelching sound.
“Fuck,” he sighs and goes back to eating her out, happily pressing his tongue into her.
His hand on her hip travels to grope at one of her breasts and he deftly pulls at the top’s tie and grips onto her skin underneath the fabric. The strong grip mixed with his expert work between her thighs has her moaning loudly and her body writhing as he builds her up.
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he rasps, thumb on her nipple flicking happily back and forth. “Scream it out,” he says into her quivering center, “Nobody around to hear you, be as loud as you want.”
She moans louder at his words, her hands gripping harder into his hair. The thought of this scene turns her on even more. In all honesty, if someone did hear them she’d kind of like it. If someone walked in and saw her stretched out next to the pool with their wet bodies writhing against each other in pleasure. Harry’s head buried between her thighs making her feel better than she ever has, her breasts falling out of their top as he massages them harshly.
“Taste so sweet,” he groans, lapping at her tight hole, the muscle contracting against his tongue’s invasion.
She liked how messy he got with it, not that she really had much coherent thoughts in this moment. But his hot tongue swiping up and down and back and forth over her glistening lips and sucking on her clit left her breathless. Her juices and his saliva were making a mess of her thighs and the towel below her. When Harry felt her getting closer he’d back off and pay attention to another part of her and then go back to sucking and nipping perfectly into her.
She was eventually stuttering out, “I’m going to cum, Harry.” Breathing becoming uneven as she was about to tip over the edge. He nods, sucking harder at her clit one last time before taking his tongue and pushing it in and out of her hole, one of his thumbs traveling to rub over her clit in quick succession.  
“Cum for me, dove,” he mumbles quickly before going back to making her feel good.
She grips her own nipple now with one hand and Harry’s hair with the other, her hips pushing up into Harry’s face over and over again. And then she’s hitting her climax and tipping over the edge, a moan ripping from her throat and freezing on her face as Harry eats her out through it. His tongue licking over her quivering pussy. His thumb rubbing comforting circles around her clit until she stopped shaking. Her breathing slowing down, eyes fluttering open eventually. They lazily stare at the man below her who’s lips and chin are slick with her juices as he grins up at her.
“Do you want me to call my mum now or wait until you’re fully back on earth,” he says slyly and kisses the inside of her thigh once more. Eyes lovingly staying on her pleasured out face.
“Seriously talking about your mom while you’re still between my thighs,” she breathes out, completely in disbelief. Harry and her had never gone that far before and it was life changing. He had been right, even if she didn’t want to admit it, she wasn’t sure if she could go three weeks without that again.
He sits up and begins to gently pull back on her swim bottoms and tie them back up. She lays there watching him work.
“How about now?” He asks with a smirk, moving to sit beside her and help her sit up when her bottoms have been readjusted. The fabric against her newly sensitive area was definitely interesting, but she couldn’t care with Harry beside her. She ties off her top on her own, even though Harry gestured that he could do it.
“Shut up,” she laughs and takes a hand to caress at his cheek.
He nuzzles into her touch.
“You forget I’m staying in the cottage...separate from everyone else,” she winks at him.
“Think they’ll still be able to hear ya’ from in there, dove. You’re a loud one,” he bites the inside of his cheek as he teases her.
She huffs and drops her hand, “I was gonna return the favor, but now I don’t think so.”
It’s Harry’s turn to laugh and reach out to her face, he pulls her face close to his, bringing her eyes level with his. “I’m just teasing. Plus, you don’t need to return the favor, I’ve been wanting to do that for ages.”
A laugh bubbles from her lips at the thought of Harry wanting her as much as she wanted him and she pecks at his lips. She grimaces only a little, tasting herself on him still.
“We’ll just have to be sneaky,” she pulls back and rests her forehead against his.
“Yeah,” Harry breaths out. His breath hitches when he feels her hand begin to trail down his chest and fiddle with the hem of his shorts. Her eyes are trained on his, expressionless like she wasn’t beginning to palm his hardened length over his sticky swim shorts.
“I told you,” he musters, “You don’t have to.”
“But,” she rasps, finally. “I want to,” she licks her lips with determination, “Want to make you feel good, too.”
He hums as her soft fingers go back up to the hem of his shorts and he helps her pull them down as he gives a nod of approval to her watching eyes.
Her eyes widen when his length is finally revealed and its bright red tip stands tall and strong against Harry’s stomach, placing itself slightly just below one of the ferns. Harry watches her lick at her hand and then places it between his thighs, her body positioned right next to him. On her knees, she makes an experimental first pump, seeing how his body responded. Her eyes mainly watch his face and an open mouthed smirk twitches onto his face when he notices her gaze. She pumps him again, twisting her wrist this time and swiping at the precum leaking from his tip. A groan leaves Harry’s mouth at that and his stomach flexes, the skin beneath his many tattoos hardening.
“Feel good?” She inquires.
“Great,” he breathes out as she leans forward on her knees and attaches her mouth over his head.
She slowly moves her head down and attempts to fit his entire length into her mouth, but despite her best efforts, she can’t quite get her throat to open up for his entirety yet. After holding him there for a moment, his head scratching at the back of her throat, she pulls off. Heaving a sigh and continuing to work him with her hand, her now glassy eyes look at him. Saliva gathers at her mouth and Harry can’t help himself but reach one of his hands from behind him to her lips. He swipes at it and presses the wet to her lips which she sucks at eagerly, a whine hidden beneath the action.
When his hand pulls away she says, “You’re quite girthy.”
“Girthy?” He sputters, both at the funny comment but also that she’s said it while still jacking him off.
“Mhmm,” she nods seriously, “Couldn’t get you all in.”
“That’s alright,” he starts, but falters on a specifically masterful tug. She grins, knowing what she's doing to him. “You seem to excel, no matter the setbacks.”
“I’ll get it eventually,” she begins to speed up her strokes, “Just need a bit of practice.”
Then her lips are pressing back onto Harry’s prick. She sucks solely at his head and Harry moans out as he gets more sensitive. Then she slides down further and bops her head vigorously. She wants Harry to come undone for her just like she had for him. Make him feel like she had moments ago. And within a few more minutes of enthusiastic sucking and pumping of her hands, even some fondling of his balls which Harry had been extremely receptive to, she has him stuttering beneath her.
One hand gripping at her hair, while the other keeps him upright, Harry’s head is thrown back on his shoulders as he tries to keep his eyes open and trained on the girl taking him so well down her lovely little throat.
“I’m almost there, sweetheart,” he pants, his hips bucking up once as he begins to lose control.
This only spurs her forward, spit drooling down his cock every time she pulls back from his slightly. Her ass is high in the air now as she arches over his length, trying to get him to unload.
“Taking me so well,” Harry praises. “Fuck,” he exclaims at another squeeze of his balls.
She swirls her tongue around his runny head and then hollows her cheeks and sucks on him with everything she’s got. This has Harry cursing and repeating her name, his load spurting into her mouth as she stays still. His chest now covered in beads of sweat as he tries to catch his breath after tipping over the edge himself. His eyes are trained on her. She keeps her lips diligently around his cock, wanting to swallow everything he’s just expended. When he’s done, she pulls back and sits on her legs, swallowing quickly and staring at Harry as she does it.
His eyes bug at the sight. She was the hottest woman in the world and she’d just sucked him off so well that he’s pretty sure he saw stars. Then she made eye contact as she swallowed his cum with her pretty little bikini barely covering her anymore, as she seemed to shift slightly uncomfortable in her drying bottoms. God, he was fucked.
“Shit,” he says, still trying to catch his breath. “You’re an absolute angel.”
Harry’s family arrives the next day and the pair have a hard time keeping their hands off of each other. She doesn’t know why they decide to start this little game where they pretend like they don’t want to jump each other’s bones each minute of the day. But as the days go by, they maintain to his family and chosen family that they are only neighbours who became friends. Anne gives a knowing look to Gemma every so often and Gemma’s boyfriend whispers in her ear sometimes, but for the most part they buy it.
No one notices that some nights Harry’s or Y/N’s beds are vacant sometimes. They don’t see him descend his spiral staircase at midnight or see her scamper next to the pool and slip into her cottage in the wee hours of the morning.
In the nights, it’s Harry’s soft lips pressed against her hot skin, panting praise and leaving little bite marks that can’t be seen with clothes on. Her lips mouth at his shoulder when fills her up and she exhales a breath that feels like she’s been waiting to let go for her entire life. They make each other feel good and they don’t talk about it but the secrecy of it makes it all the more enticing.
At least that’s what she thinks. Harry had been completely ready to tell his family about him and Y/N, at least that things were new between them, but when she introduced herself to his mum and Gemma she had said she was a friend. Harry had gulped, his adam’s apple bobbing hard, taking in the change of direction and agreeing with Y/N immediately. “Just a friend” he confirmed with a nod of his head and glance at her. She had smiled wide and given a hug to the other most important women in his life like she’d known them forever.
He didn’t understand why she wanted it this way, but his objections would be forgotten when night fell and she’d do the things he’d only dreamt of. Her breathy whimpers and pliant body would all but wipe his mind of any other thoughts but her and then he had no complaints, just a wish for the night to never end.
Y/N doesn’t even tell Cate when she calls her a week into the trip. It’s just something she wants to keep to herself and Harry. Their own private world.
It’s Christmas Eve when that bubble pops. The Champagne has been flowing for hours non stop - well only stopping when a different drink is in their hands, whether that be red or white wine or a mixed drink Harry has decided to concoct.
In the big Italian house, he’s free of prying eyes and he’s able to truly spend quality time with his loved ones. They have fancy dinners at private restaurants, go on gorgeous hikes, swim, and relax. They have a good time with playing holiday games, which they do most nights when they stay in.
Tonight’s the first night that Harry and Y/N haven’t ended up on the same team. He fears that most times he cheats it by swapping a paper or two, but tonight the alcohol has fizzed his brain and he forgot. This shouldn’t be a problem, not really. Except that everyone in the house has learned over the past week and a half that besides being perfectly matched in almost everything else, Harry and her are both equally and extremely competitive. Being on the same team has both advantages and avoids squabbles like the one the house has found themselves in at half past 11.
Harry’s arguing that his team got the last question before the buzzer went off, but she won’t back down. She is sure that Gemma had said the correct answer, but after the timer had run out. Everyone else was too sauced to care, but Harry and her were adamant and passionate about game play. As the argument heats up, Anne gives Gemma another one of those looks.
Y/N has stood up and crossed the short distance to Harry. She’s a breath away from him and he puffs up his chest, his eyes dark and serious as he’s ready to fight for this win all night.
“The time was out,” she says simply, but her eyes are beginning to glower.
“No. It was not.” He states back.
His eyes narrow at her as she stares right back at him.
“Was too.”
“Was not.”
They go back and forth, rapid fire as the alcohol in their veins flows straight to their mind and hearts.
“Children please!” Gemma exclaims,  finally growing tired of the bickering. “It’s Christmas. Harry show some spirit and let your guest have the final say.”
They think she’s done but then adds, “Or else she might never want to come back here.”
Harry exhales harshly through his nose as his gaze flickers to his older sister and listens to her scolding. Handing over the timer to Y/N, which had been what kept them from moving on, he turns on his heel and walks out of the room.
“Oh gosh,” Y/N says after a moment, her frazzled mind processing that Harry’s leaving has something to do with her. A hand goes to her lips for a moment, a ghost of his warm breath still there, but gone too soon.
“I’ll...I’ll be right back,” she confirms and exits the room, following Harry’s footsteps.
She finds him on his front porch step, his breath misting in the cold air, much like it would back in London when they’d walk the neighbourhood streets together.
“I’m sorry, Harry,” she says, placing a hand on his left shoulder to really get his attention.
He turns from looking out at the clear night sky, his nose and cheeks already pinkened from the night breeze. His eyes are still dark out here, but there’s no malice or anger behind them. His lips tilt up on one side for a forgiving half smile, but there’s also some pain mixed in there.
“You wouldn’t not come back, right?” He asks helplessly, his smile faltering.
She swallows, taken aback by the question, both unsure of where it came from but also how exactly her drunk brain was supposed to respond with the double negatives.
“I’d come back next Christmas and the Christmas after that, Harry,” she whispers, “If you wanted me to of course.”
“Of course I’d want you to. I want you, sweetheart. All the time.” His voice isn’t slurred, but it’s raspy, a slight dry mouth from all the alcohol consumed tonight.
“Okay,” she confirms, “Then I’ll come back.”
They stand on the porch silently for a few minutes, eyes on one another, but no movement towards anything. It’s not a profound moment for their hazy minds, despite the meaning behind their words. It’s not quite clicking for them, but maybe tomorrow when they wake up with massive headaches it will register.
“I really am sorry,” she repeats when she sees little goosebumps begin to prick at his skin.
He had forgotten a jacket. And while his drunk blanket makes him immune to the feelings, her brain still registers that she doesn’t want him to get sick.
“S’alright. For what it’s worth, I was being a little childish. So, m’sorry too.” He says sincerely, maybe a little slurring of words slipping in.
He reaches a hand out of his pocket to touch at her upper arm. She can feel his warmth from beneath her thin long sleeve. They smile at one another and turn to reenter the house, feeling the giggly tide of alcohol wash over them again. Euphoria on their mind rather than family game malice.
Just as they’re about to open the door to the house. The two of them at the precipice of a house, a place they often find themselves, Gemma swings it open face and with little care for its heaviness. She glances between her brother and his “friend”  and then up to the top of the door.
The top of the door? Why was she looking at the top of the door? Mistletoe.
“Mistletoe!” Gemma exclaims, pointing between the two of them. “You’re beneath the mistletoe, go on!”
Harry shakes his head in protest, falling onto the sword of friendship again. But then Y/N is grabbing at the back of Harry’s neck and pressing her lips to his. It’s a little sloppy, but Harry can’t help but enjoy the taste of her against him. They slot together like they usually do, but this time his sister is watching them, which is a little odd, but his muddled mind quickly forgets that fact. Her tongue is the deciding factor as it licks into his mouth and he licks back, pulling her closer by the waist. They get lost in the kiss and only pull apart when they hear a cough.
Gemma is now accompanied by the rest of the household watching them in disbelief. Everyone’s eyebrows are raised and even Rori is standing with the group, confused that the humans didn’t know they were doing this.
“Erm…” Harry has no idea what to say, shifting to face his family more fully.
Y/N blushes and shrinks into Harry’s chest, feeling like a teenager caught in the closet with her crush.
“That’s not how friend’s kiss one another,” someone murmurs.
There’s a few “I knew it”s mixed in as well with the rest of the chatter.
“Well…” She finally musters and throws a hand out to her side in a ta-da motion,
“Happy Christmas!”
After the revelation on Christmas Eve, everyone won’t stop teasing Harry and Y/N. The two laugh it off but something always nags at the back of their head. What they were to the other person. The status of this relationship. This friendship that had taken a turn to something else entirely.
It’s another Eve of a holiday when Harry finally musters up the courage to ask her directly. They learned from Christmas day that they couldn’t drink as much as they once did for multiple reasons. So on New Year’s Eve, they both choose to only consume a couple glasses of Champagne.
It starts with “Can we talk about us?” right after midnight. Right after Harry’s just started the New Year with her lips on his. She hears his question and takes it in, her stomach twisting with nerves and possibly excitement as well, and nods.
They slink off to his bedroom, but not for the activity everyone else was certain they were engaging in.
He sits them on the edge of the bed, both her hands clasped in one of his. He’s been quiet all day, she just realizes as he stays silent another moment longer.
“I love you,” he says in his dimly lit room.
Her jaw drops slightly, not quite expecting those three words yet.
“You don’t, don’t have to say anything yet. I just wanted you to know that,” he continues. “And that I want to be with you.”
“Harry,” she starts, breathless at his words.
“No,” he stops her again, “I felt something draw me to you the day you moved in across from me on Sherwood, like I was meant to know you or something.  Then I met you and you made me feel so comfortable, all I wanted to do was be with you and that month when you didn’t really talk to me...dove, those weeks were wretched. But when I came back, it was like nothing happened and I was so happy because I couldn’t fathom life going back to the way it was before you. When we kissed, I felt overjoyed, I was so happy that you liked me like that because every time you called me friend...felt like a knife in me. I don’t want to be just your friend,” he pauses to say her name again, “I don’t want to be just your lover, I want to be your boyfriend or whatever they call it now - If you’ll have me.”
He takes a deep breath and blinks away the little well up of water that had grown in his eyes. He had forgotten to blink for a moment he realized.
His stare had been intense as he’d confessed all of his feelings to her, but she didn’t feel intimidated, his gaze had warmed her with its sincerity. It had strengthened his confession.
She sighed, her own eyes not as strong as his, unable to hold his gaze as she herself said her own confession.
His hand rests between them on the bed, steadying himself upright with it. She places her own hand over it and their fingers slightly intertwine. She feels him begin to fiddle with her fingers like usual. Like normal.
“Thank you,” she starts, “Of course I’ll have you. All the time, Harry.”  She repeats his words from Christmas Eve back to him.
He starts to interject, the rambling thing, but she tugs at his pointer finger and he takes it as a sign to be quiet.
“I want to be your partner, too. I want it all with you, lover,” she gazes at him now, his free hand reaching up to caress her cheek in that moment. “Want it all,” she repeats in a whisper before he’s kissing her again.
Kissing her and kissing her. Over and over again. Because she was his. And he was hers. And it was a happy beginning. A happy new year and a happy new beginning of a relationship that was bound in friendship, born out of proximity, and nurtured by two kindred souls.
And it all started with her parents making her take her dog. Harry really needed to thank that dog for being the best wing man to ever run around on four legs.
Who knows who that new client of Y/N’s might be...
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winterlovesong1 · 2 years
Winter’s Nancy Drew Rewatch
Welcome to my first rewatch of my current favorite comfort show ❤️ Under the cut are my thoughts and a few insights I hope you enjoy - I’ll be going through each episode and posting these periodically with the tag winter rewatched Nancy Drew - third one up -
Episode 1x03 - The Curse of the Dark Storm
Again with the episode titles - we have come so far…
Overall MVP
Nick - he really opened up not only to Nancy, but the crew at large. His opening up is a sign he’s really trying to make it work with Nancy (despite the obvious red flags in this relationship) and by revealing the most devastating moment in his life, he’s showing her he really cares. In hindsight, it’s the first time he’s admitting it to himself (probably) that perhaps what happened wasn’t his fault per say and it’s less him being open with her as it is him being open with himself.
Most Heartfelt Moment
When Nick tells Nancy (and the rest of the crew) what happened the night of the accident.
Also honorable mention to Nick’s panic attack in the closet - Tunji played that incredibly well.
Side note I’m going to mention here: This is the first episode of any Nick/George interaction and it’s wonderful ❤️
Most Comedic Moment
Probably at the start of the episode when Ace is riding his bike (PS bring back the bike!!) and the motorcycle passes him and then he starts pedaling faster as if he was going to “race” him. Bless that boy.
It is also sort of sad knowing Ace’s insecurities about himself, knowing what we know currently in the series, it’s just another example of oh, I must not be good enough let me amp up my game.
But in this moment of the series, it is a funny moment.
Best Overall Line
Not going to lie, I think it went to Carson this episode with “that’s a literal question - you think she was haunted?”
Scare Rating
I feel like it went back down to a 3 this episode - there was a moment where Lucy popped up over Carson’s shoulder but other than that egh…
Nace Slow Burn Rating
This gets lowered to a three this episode because Nancy really didn’t interact that much with Ace, but it is important to note that Ace, having established his platanchor relationship with Bess, reaches out to Nancy, of all people, to help in getting her out of the van (which he realized earlier in the episode she was living in because Ace is smart and can pick up on signs to the people he’s close to *cough cough*)
Just interesting that he leans on Nancy to aid in his most important relationship thus far at this point in the series…
Missing Moment Drabble
Bess is settled in the guest room next to hers. When she brought her duffle in, her dad simply nodded like it was just another friend spending the night.
She’ll fill him in later. Or maybe she won’t. It’s not like hiding isn’t currently running rampant right now - what’s one more secret.
She’s in her room, slipped into her pajamas and feels sleep dragging her to her bed when…
Ace: Bess doing ok?
She smiles because it’s nice he cares so much about her. She admires that quality about him.
If she admired anything about him that is. Not that it was like that. Anyways…
Nancy: Yep - safe for the night at château Drew.
And not but a second later…
Ace: Thanks Nancy. I owe you.
And she feels odd about his response. Especially since he was just a coworker - but mostly because she hated debts. So she texts back…
Nancy: Buy me another coffee tomorrow and throw in a sesame bagel and we’ll call it even.
She sets her phone on the nightstand thinking that’s the end when another message notification lights up the screen. She tilts the phone toward her to read the final text.
Ace: whatever you say, my lady.
23 notes · View notes
curtain call, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: You know that TikTok trend where girls would drop their towels in front of their gamer boyfriends? As expected, Min Yoongi didn’t until he was informed by his six troublemaking friends. In this case, his girlfriend was the pro streamer and he was the guy in the towel... so what’s the result?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, tiny bit of crack; sexually explicit thoughts; smut (fem reader, handjob, cowgirl); very fluffy; non-idol!AU - established relationship, music producer!Yoongi x LoL streamer!reader
“Hahaha, oh my god, chat, did you see that? He bounced so many times from the CC, he literally went sky, holy shit!”
Min Yoongi opened the front door of his apartment to the jovial, laughing voice of his girlfriend. He shut the door, smiling to himself. Her streaming room was in the extra bedroom. The door was open, and he could see the bright RGB lights of her computer tower reflecting off the walls. He took off his black coat, placing it on the hanger in the hall closet.
“Stop cursing because it’s not ladylike?” He heard her scoff. “No, fuck you.”
Yoongi smirked. That’s my girl.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through social media. His friends always told him to reply to their posts, but Yoongi was a lurker. The only reason he even had any social media was because his friends set it up for him. He literally only followed six people – his six friends. Everyone else he just stalked from memory, even his own girlfriend. Mostly because he didn’t want random people following him for no reason, because they most certainly would with how popular she was.
When she had asked him what he thought of her full-time video game streaming, Yoongi told her to go for it. She had been obsessed with League of Legends for over nine years, even before she met him. At their first date, she first question was if he knew what League of Legends was.
“Uh… I got to Gold in season 2?”
Later, she told him his answer had seriously tilted her and she even considered not going on a second date.
“But you did. Because of this face.”
She had laughed and nodded.
She had been playing solo queue for a long time. When she finally started streaming her games, her channel grew slowly. She would immediately start playing after she got home from work. Hours and hours, growing a fanbase. Yoongi later learned she was startlingly good – “I was Master for a long time, got Grandmaster this season” – and when she asked him if she could quit her job, he pointed to her bank statements.
“Do you even need to ask? You might make more than me at one point and I’m Big Hit’s top music producer.”
And she did end up making more than him, at least some months, because the team that picked her up as a content creator this year was none other than T1, the most beloved (and hated) organization in Korea. Had she ever met Faker? No, but it was cool to say she was under the same umbrella as him.
Yoongi rounded the corner, knocking his knuckles on the doorframe.
You looked up from your game, grinning. Twitch chat had just said some dumb shit, but your eyes were on Min Yoongi now. The love of your life, standing in the doorframe, looking amused at your antics and dressed sharply in a white dress shirt and black slacks with a matching black tie. Very different to your black T1 hoodie and sweats.
“Whoa, fancy, fancy,” you teased, eyes going back to the game. You pushed back one of your headset’s earcups to hear him better. You clicked rapidly, autoattacking the towers swiftly. You were about to win after a hectic Baron fight. “Why are you dressed like that, Yoongi?”
Your chat was exploding with cat emojis. They had only seen Yoongi a few times and someone had compared him to a cat once. It stuck and now every time Yoongi spoke, your chat was spammed with cats. You even had a custom white cat emote made with Yoongi’s signature black hair.
Yoongi appeared next to you on the cam, only his slacks and bottom of his shirt visible next to you. He patted your head.
“Meeting today,” he said simply in his lovely deep voice. The chat was exploding due to Yoongi’s appearance. Everyone was thirsty for him. You couldn’t blame them. You too. “Looks like T1 Curtain Call is kicking ass.”
You fired the last shot at the Nexus, earning fifty gold. Was it necessary since that was the end of the game? Absolutely not, but it gave you bragging rights. You sat back, smirking. You were in your promos to Challenger, the highest rank in the ladder. It would be really exciting if you could make it to Challenger this season.
You turned to Yoongi as you honored your support Nami. “Chat wants you to say hi.”
Yoongi stuck his large hand out in front of the camera and waved it once. “Hey everyone.”
You chuckled as Yoongi retreated his hand. You clicked on the stats for the chat to read before reentering the lobby. T1 Curtain Call. That was your in-game name, or IGN. It was named after your favorite champion, Jhin, the Virtuoso, mercenary gunman with a sniper ultimate and an obsession with the number four. Your IGN was Jhin’s ultimate ability name. You were an attack-damage carry main, also known as ADC.
You felt Yoongi ruffle your hair, messing it up under your headset.
“Going to take a shower before making dinner. Bye, chat.”
Yoongi stuck his hand in the screen again, right in front of your face.
You leaned forward to read the chat as you queued up. It was going to be a long queue, so you answered questions in the meantime.
“Ask Yoongi to play with you?” You chuckled. “Trust me guys, I’ve tried, even if it was just normals. He’s confused as shit.”
Yoongi worked the shampoo in his hair, feeling the hot water hit his back. Before getting into the shower, Yoongi had gotten multiple texts from the group chat. Normally he would ignore them, because he always ignored the group chat. This time, however, he saw his girlfriend’s name pop up in the texts, along with his name with multiple exclamation points. He frowned at it, opening the chat. He did not like his friends typing her name heedlessly.
It was some dumb TikTok trend.
“Hyung, you gotta do this to noona,” Jeon Jungkook had typed with multiple ‘kekekeke’ behind it. The youngest was an idiot for even suggesting this.
“Please do it,” Kim Taehyung typed with multiple laughing emojis.
“I want to know her reaction,” Park Jimin typed with a bunch of winking faces.
“The fuck is this?” Kim Seokjin had typed. “Oh my god, you have to do it, Yoongi.”
“But don’t film it,” Kim Namjoon warned. “Don’t want to make her look bad or anything.”
Jung Hoseok had just typed multiple laughing symbols. Yoongi could hear him laughing through the phone even if he wasn’t here.
It was a stupid trend where girls wrapped themselves in towels after a shower and then dropped said towels in front of their gamer boyfriends while they were playing, with varying reactions. Yoongi had sighed, putting his phone down. He shouldn’t have clicked on the chat. Those guys were loons. Besides, his role was reversed in his situation. A guy’s flaccid dick was a thousand times less interesting than his girlfriend’s perky tits and round ass. And her squeezable thighs. And her glistening pussy.
Yoongi rinsed his hair off, muttering to himself.
Why would he even consider distracting her like that anyway? He rubbed soap on his arms and legs. She took her games seriously and Yoongi wanted her to win them. It would just be dumb to be the reason that she dies in game. It was her job, after all. It was true they had less sex, but that was also partially his fault. He had been working on an album and it ran long hours. He had to finish before the deadline after all. Yes, sometimes Yoongi woke up late at night with a massive hard-on and her warm body next to him, only in her underwear. Sometimes he took her hand and wrapped it around him, considering on waking her up to do it.
But her peaceful, sleepy face was too cute to wake up, so he never did.
Yoongi puffed his cheeks as he rinsed off, thinning his mouth and eyes into lines. They used to mess around, right here in the shower, where he would jerk off on her face and chest, just to watch it drip down her body. He could see her pretty face in his mind, cum sprayed across her cheeks and chin, mischievous smile on her lips. They had different schedules now, so she always showered before her stream, while he was at work.
Yoongi clicked his tongue and turned the water off, body still hot. He grabbed the white towel from the rack and dried his hair, making it stick up in every direction. He rubbed himself down, wicking the water away. It made him remember how her hair used to stick to her body after their shared showers and how he would lift it away to play with her nipples.
He huffed, seeing his phone on the bathroom sink. His friends needed help. How could they even suggest such nonsen–
Yoongi tried to wrap his towel around his waist. He could feel a draft. He looked down, raising his eyebrows.
His dick was pitching a music-festival, VIP-member-only sized tent.
He pursed his lips. He shouldn’t be that surprised. He had literally been thinking about his girlfriend’s naked body the entire time. His eyes glanced to his phone once again before he opened the bathroom door. He heard her sigh loudly.
“Noooo, that’s the third dodge! Am I ever going to play a game, chat?” she whined.
Yoongi padded out into the hallway. Technically he was already halfway there. Might as well. Was this the stupidest shit he was ever going to do? Maybe. But she wasn’t going to expect it, that’s for sure. The thought made Yoongi smirk.
“When is Jungkook going to duo with me again? I don’t know guys; he said he has finals soon so he has to focus on school.” He heard her click her tongue. “Get him on cam again? Oh, I see, that’s what you all wanted... At least let him get through university.”
Yoongi stopped at the doorframe. Her hands were on her chin and she was sighing, looking depressed at her long queue time.
“Ah, so unlucky. It must be everyone’s dinnertime.”
He called her name in the same tone he usually used.
Her head lifted and her eyes floated in his direction.
Yoongi dropped the towel.
In less than a second, her eyes grew three sizes, jaw dropping. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, shading his eyes a bit. He cocked an eyebrow, slow smirk on his lips.
“Anything you want for dinner?”
You heard your queue pop, but you were frozen in place, gawking open-mouthed at your boyfriend standing in the doorframe of your streaming room, butt-ass naked, cock hard as a rock, towel on the ground. Did he just..? What the…? This was Min Yoongi. Your mild-mannered, somewhat-lazy, preferred-to-be-asleep boyfriend. Not suddenly-trying-to-send-you-to-horny-jail-in-front-of-three-thousand viewers boyfriend! You blinked at him, stuttering.
Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. Your voice was a little too breathless, a little too shocked. And slightly too needy for Twitch chat. Your face was heating up fast. You whipped your head back to the screen, realizing you missed the queue. At this point, you didn’t give a single shit.
“You know what, guys,” you said shakily, laughing awkwardly. “I better help Yoongi with dinner and be a good girlfriend.” You rose, feeling the wetness between your legs. “See you tomorrow!”
And you immediately turned off the stream, fuck, you turned off your whole damn computer, mashing the power button, and throwing one of your spare hoodies over the webcam. You exploded from your T1 gaming chair, literally shooting it back three feet into the League plushes behind you, ripping your headset off, tossing it onto the keyboard. Yoongi looked surprised, as if he expected you to be demurer about it.
Yeah, that’s not kind of woman you were.
“Min Yoon-gi,” you hissed, stressing every syllable of his name. “How the fuck do you think you can just show up naked and not expect me to want to immediately fuck you?”
Yoongi chuckled. “I wanted to see your reaction.”
You narrowed your eyes, pressing him against the door with your body. “You don’t watch TikTok. Who put you up to this? Jimin? Taehyung? Jungkook?”
His voice was low and husky. “You know the mankae line are trouble.”
Your hand snaked up into his damp hair and you pulled him down for a sensual kiss. His soft, pink lips parted and you nipped at his lower lip, grinding deliciously into his hard cock. Your sweatpants and underwear were in the way, but you moaned into his mouth, tongue grazing against his lips.
Mentally, you thanked the three mankaes for giving Yoongi this wonderful idea.
He breathed against your lips, smirking.
“How many pieces of clothing are you wearing?” he purred.
You grinned into his kiss, tongue between your teeth. “Four.”
“On brand for you.”
And then you two stumbled into the hallway, Yoongi’s hands on the hem of your hoodie, pushing it up as you kissed him over and over, whispering his name, telling him how handsome he was, how perfectly sexy he was with his wet hair and soft skin. His lips curved upwards under yours, basking in your compliments, drinking them up.
“Count for me,” he drawled, pulling the black T1 hoodie up.
You slipped out of it, sliding down, hands splaying over Yoongi’s chest.
He tossed it aside as your hand wrapped around his cock. A sharp gasp left his lips feeling you stroke him slowly, your hand snaking around his neck and bringing his face close to yours, lips on lips. His hands curled around your waist, moving up, grasping the hook-and-eye of your black bra. All the while slowly making your way to the bedroom, nipping at his lips, sucking on his tongue.
Yoongi pinched, releasing your bra. You released his cock, letting it slide off your shoulders.
“Two,” you moaned, feeling his hands on your breasts, rolling your nipples in between his fingers.
“Hah, your body is so fucking hot,” Yoongi murmured. “Missed fucking you.”
You snickered, licking his lips. “Why don’t you actually try to wake me up for once instead of using my hand to jack yourself off at two in the morning?”
His dark brown eyes went wide, shock creeping into his voice. “W-what? How did you…?”
You pushed him through the doorframe of the bedroom. “You think I don’t notice your dick in my hands?” You reached down now, gripping it again, sighing softly at his hardness. “I’m a light sleeper.”
He sputtered at you, fingers curling under the waistband of your sweatpants. “No, you’re not.”
You grinned. “Yeah, you’re right, but this your cock we’re talking about, and I love your cock, Yoongi, fuck,” you continued, pumping him slowly as you felt his length twitch in your hands, his hands pushing down your pants, sliding down your legs.
“Three,” he breathed softly.
You took his larger hand and wrapped it around yours, stepping out of your pants.
“Go on, Yoongi. Show me what you do when you think I’m asleep,” you said softly, nudging him to the bed and laying him down, down, crawling over him, staring into his beautiful dark eyes, falling more and more in love with him every second. Yoongi bit his lip, looking back at you, shifting your hand up and down his cock, whimpering as he jacked himself off, but with your hand and your eyes on him.
“Fuck, you look so pretty,” he mumbled. “Such perfectly shaped eyes.”
You leaned down, squeezing him a little harder, a tiny gasp brushing against your lips. “That’s you, my love.”
He smirked, his free hand hooking on the side of your panties.
“Hit me with the fourth shot,” Yoongi teased, grinning.
You kissed him lightly, smiling. “That’s going to be a critical hit.”
“Better be a critical hit all over my dick.”
You laughed, reaching over to the nightstand and pulling out the drawer, taking out a condom. The two of you pulled down your black panties, Yoongi completing the final number.
“Four,” he exhaled, nearly moaning at the sight of your juices snapping against your thigh.
“Me on top?” you asked, ripping the condom open.
Yoongi’s naughty smirk grew. “You do love me.”
You slid the condom down his length, both of you gasping as his cock throbbed in your hands. You slid up, holding him with two fingers as you sank down on him, tipping your head back at the feeling of Yoongi’s cock buried deep inside.
“I’ve determined we don’t fuck enough,” you muttered, rolling your hips at the delicious sensation of being stretched out by your lover.
“I should wake up earlier,” Yoongi hissed, hands twisting in the sheets. “So we can shower together again.”
“You miss that?” You began to move, riding him deliberately slow but rough, slapping your hips together. You were leaking all over his crotch and balls, adding to the sound. “Miss me on my knees for you, wet from head to toe?”
“Hah… I was thinking about it in the shower,” he panted, feeling you lean down to change the angle, rolling the entire lower half of your body to fuck him hard, fast, intensely squeezing his cock at every descent. “You look so good covered in my cum, my love.”
You smirked, arching an eyebrow. “Yeah? Take some pictures. Show your friends.”
Yoongi laughed, that attractive raspy laugh that showed his pink gums and his pretty white teeth as you rode him, chasing your orgasm and determined to get him to his. “They fucking wish they could see this body,” he growled, a touch of possessiveness in his voice that made your spine shiver deliciously. “Bet they wish they could see you riding my dick right now, your perfect tits and ass bouncing on top of me.”
You clenched him harder and he moaned, head pressed into the pillows, eyes closing, drowning in the feeling of you.
“Ask them,” you snickered. “I already know Jimin’s answer.”
Yoongi gave you an open-mouthed smirk. “That fucking pervert.”
You slammed your hips together tightening your jaw and your core, sucking in his entire length, every contour imprinted into you, every vein pulsing into your walls, Yoongi so fucked out and gone under you, the best image in the entire fucking world. You leaned your head back, gasping triumphantly as the pleasure finally dropped, showering over you, your hips shaking, pussy throbbing all around him, splattering onto his crotch. Yoongi groaned, smacking his fists against the sheets as he shot up into you, cock swelling against your walls, choking out your name due to the strength of your orgasm. You felt your pussy milking him for every drop, draining him. Yoongi’s hips jerked involuntarily up towards you, squelching loudly and lewdly.
Fuck, you loved him.
You bent down, hand between your bodies, holding the condom down as you kissed his open mouth, tongue sliding in to stroke his, murmuring to him how much you loved him. Yoongi panted into your lips, hot erotic breaths that made you moan as you slowly removed yourself from his softening cock. He opened his eyes, half-lidded, drunk with pleasure. His voice was breathless, content.
“I love you.”
You smirked.
“Drop your towel some more, but maybe when I’m not live streaming.”
Yoongi laughed and you laughed too, because in the end it was still hilarious.
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alittlebitmaybe · 3 years
comme un écho
AKA whoops i talked to @yoursummerfrost about orpheus and eurydice and then tripped and fell on this very weird ficlet that is only sort of what i meant it to be. uh oh. (title lifted from “it’s never over (oh orpheus)” by arcade fire because i’m incredibly literal sometimes)
warnings: off-screen major character death
The mage had told him to perform the ritual in a field of wildflowers.
“Plenty of life,” she said.
Jaskier had asked, “For what?”
“To feed it,” she said, and did not elaborate.
And as he follows her instructions, surrounded by blooming weeds and swaying grasses, he sees that she was right. As the herbs and other unmentionables in the bowl burn, scorching the wooden sides, the green around him darkens to black. He feels the magic tugging at his energy and resists it. The ruin spreads from his epicenter, cursing the very dirt on which he kneels. A slow but inexorable exchange, and Jaskier thinks it fair. Geralt had watered the earth with his blood and now the earth must give back.
“You’re out of your depth, bard,” the mage had said as he turned to leave, her lips pursed. Was she amused or disapproving? Jaskier didn’t care, nor, he suspected, did she. Her pockets were full, and his own empty.
He hefted the lute higher on his back, clutched at the strap across his chest.
“And yet,” he said.
“He will not come easily,” she said.
“He never did,” Jaskier replied.
The flame in the bowl burns out with a flare of noxious smoke that stings Jaskier’s eyes, makes him cough. The world hums. It’s a tune of his own, as of yet unsung, plucked from his consciousness. It reaches out to him and burrows under his skin. Pulling. He follows it.
Between two gnarled, ancient trees, in the arch of their overlapping branches (Which belongs to which? Where does one stop and the other begin? If one was broken, would the other suffer for it?) the air shimmers.
The tune fades and in its place is a whisper saying, Come.
The stairs spiral downward for hours, days. Jaskier’s legs do not ache and he does not hunger, but it is ever so quiet. He takes the lute from his back and plays every song he’s ever composed in Geralt’s honor. Maybe Geralt can hear them. Maybe he will know Jaskier is on his way.
“Get ready, Witcher,” Jaskier says to the darkness. “Gather your underworldly things. You won’t be coming back any time soon. I can promise you that.”
And he says, “I’m sorry that you were alone. I’m sorry that I was too late.”
And he says, when the darkness presses upon him, when it seems the stairs will never end, “I don’t know when I began to love you, but it has been long enough that I don’t know how not to.”
And he says, “I’ve done this for you. You deserve to have a better life. You deserve to live.”
And he takes one more step and trips, for there is no stair where he expected there to be one. He taps the toe of his boot against the ground. It’s solid. He lifts his hand in front of his own face and it is invisible. There is no breeze, no sound, no smells, no light. There’s nothing down here.
In the face of such vastness, Jaskier is insignificant. He is nothing. You are nothing. You are less than a flea clinging to the fur of a great beast. You will be mine. You will become a part of me. You will cease. You will be forgotten.
“Hold on now,” Jaskier says, head whipping around. “Who’s there?”
I am everything that has been. I await everything that is. I anticipate what will be. I am.
“You’re Death,” Jaskier realizes, perhaps belatedly.
There is no such thing. I have no name. I have no need of it.
“That’s okay,” Jaskier says. “I don’t give a rat’s arse who or what you are.” His heart thumps arrhythmically, and sweat drips from his brow. He swipes it off on his sleeve. He is far under water. His lungs fill. He ignores it, swallows. Throws back his shoulders. “I’m here for Geralt of Rivia.”
There is no Geralt of Rivia.
You are insolent.
“I’ve been told.”
You will be mine.
“Perhaps.” Jaskier licks his lips, an unbreakable habit. “But I will live on.”
You will not.
He laughs a little, despite himself, a nervous little giggle that he stifles as quickly as he can, clearing his throat. “On the contrary, I am an artist. I shan’t die as long as my art lives. And art does not die.”
Art? Art is not living. I have no use of it.
“Exactly,” he says. “Yes, precisely. It does not live or die. It simply is. Whatever you—whatever you are, being of, ah, all-ness…or what have you—whatever you are, whatever comprises you, you have none of art. You have no music, no stories, none at all. You will always lack it.”
There is a thoughtful pause.
I desire it.
“I can give it to you. Did you hear? I played my whole way down.”
I heard.
“Did you enjoy it? Three words or less.”
It was pleasing.
Jaskier exhales. “That’s actually a decent review, as these things go. I’m glad. I mean, would you like more? I could write you a song. Got a decent hand at improv, me. Won’t take a moment.”
A song. For me?
“Yes,” Jaskier promises, feeling the weight of it as it passes over his tongue, “a song, only for you. I shall never play it again. Well, um, on one condition.”
You want Geralt of Rivia.
“Oh, you were paying attention. Smart one, you are, Your…um, Majesty.”
I can retrieve him. If I am careful. He is me. I am him.
“Truly, I understand. His loss, for me, was…” Jaskier struggles for adequate words. “Irreconcilable. But you will always have the memory of your song to take his place.”
You sang of him.
“I do. Rather habitually. Every day of my life, in fact.”
“You sound like him already. So, whaddaya say?”
Play for me.
He plays, and every note that vibrates out from his lute, every note that leaves his mouth disappears from his mind. It is absorbed from him upon conception. He doesn’t know what the last measure was, nor what the next will be. He does not know what key or time signature his song is in, but he knows it’s a song. And that is all he promised.
It ends, and Jaskier does not notice. Possibly his jaw hangs open stupidly for minutes after it is over. He closes it.
“Was, um, was that…”
Yes. I will give you your reward.
“You will?” Jaskier asks, surprised despite himself.
I will release Geralt of Rivia, for you have given me something in return. And I will regain him, as I will gain you. We will meet again, bard.
“I—How do—”
You will walk forward. You will ascend, and he will follow. Until he emerges above, he is still a part of me. You may not look upon him, as you may not look upon me. You must not look back.
“How will I know he is there?”
He will follow.
“How will I know it is him?”
You must have faith.
“How—” Jaskier chokes now, tears welling up. He is glad no one can see. “Will he be—himself?”
Entirely. Once he emerges.
“Thank you,” Jaskier whispers.
It is time. Walk forward. In three paces, you shall begin to ascend. Be well, bard.
Jaskier climbs. The stairs remember his tread, the shape of his feet. It’s easy.
There are footsteps behind him. Are they Geralt’s? Do they match the way he shifts his weight, the deliberate heel-toe steps that Jaskier has been hearing for decades? He’s not sure.
Jaskier is afraid. More afraid than ever before. There could be anything back there. Anything at all. He must not look.
But he is not forbidden to talk.
“Geralt?” he says, tentatively. “Geralt, is that you?”
A grunt. “It’s me, Jaskier.”
And it is, thank the gods, it is. “Sounds like you,” he says, voice carefully measured, lest he sob in relief.
Silence. Four, five more stairs. They will not end. When will they end?
“How’ve you been, Witcher? It’s good to hear you again, my friend.”
“Where are we?”
“Well, who’s to say,” Jaskier says lightly. “Tell me, what do you last remember?”
“Bleeding out in a forest. I couldn’t get up. I waited to die. I…died. I died, didn’t I, Jaskier?”
Jaskier chooses to take that as rhetorical, and does not answer.
“Anything else?”
“Not until now. Is this a dream?”
“To my knowledge, no, Geralt, it is not. I pray that this is not a dream.”
“Then where—?”
Jaskier picks up his foot, sets it down. One stair at a time. There have been hundreds, there will be more. Is that light above? No, a trick of his eyes. He is still blind.
“Not to worry. We’ll soon be outside. It’s a beautiful day, you know. Big blue sky. Everything in bloom. Your favorite time of the year. We’ll have to do some foraging, stock up for potions. I have your things, of course, but I don’t know the shelf life of your concoctions.”
“A quarter year.”
“Ah, might have to make fresh, then.”
But no, it is growing brighter. Jaskier can see the faint silhouettes of his hands, the edges of the stairs to come. If he were to turn back he might be able to see the gleam of Geralt’s eyes, but he mustn’t.
Why mustn’t he? Oh, yes, the warning. He—can’t look back. He must not—
“Jaskier,” Geralt says again. “I’m dead.”
“You are, Geralt, yes, is that what you would like to hear?” Jaskier says, a little hysterically. “But you won’t be for much longer, if we just keep going.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Where? Where?” His pitch climbs with the staircase. Around and around. Dizzying. So many circles. “Above, Geralt. Back home, of course.”
Jaskier has to stop himself from whirling around. “Good gods, you ask me why? I follow you for decades, I immortalize you in song, and the witcher asks me why.” He draws in a great lungful of air, releases it. “I love you, you great idiot. I have loved you.”
The response comes, so softly, a mere rumble, “I know. That’s why I asked.”
The stairs are made of warped stone. He can see that now. They are well worn, dipping in the centers. It can’t be far. “Please, Geralt, we’re almost there.”
“You haven’t answered me. Why you would do this.”
“I was supposed to let you rot, huh? I was meant to live on as if it was fine? As if nothing was missing?”
“Yes,” says Geralt. “You didn’t ask me if I wanted to come back.”
“Of course you did. Of course you do.”
“I don’t,” says Geralt.
Jaskier stops, and behind him the second set of footsteps also halts.
“It was peaceful. It was my time.”
“It wasn’t,” Jaskier whispers. “Don’t tell me that.”
“Look at me.”
“I can’t.”
There is a touch to the small of his back, a gust of air across the nape of his neck. So familiar. He aches.
“Jaskier.” A strong hand closes around his wrist. He doesn’t look down at it, not even a glance. “The world doesn’t need me anymore.”
“What about the monsters? The wars?”
“There is Yennefer, and Ciri, and Eskel and the rest. There will always be someone.”
With dread creeping through his limbs, Jaskier says, “You’re telling me you don’t want to come back. Is that right?”
He can almost hear the creaking of the intertwined, ancient trees above. It is just a few more steps.
“You can’t tell me that, not when I—”
Arms come around him, and he shuts his eyes. “Jaskier, I would rather have done what I have done and no more, than continue on and overstay my welcome. I would rather have my peace.”
“What if I need you?” Jaskier breathes.
“I am with you.”
“You weren’t.”
Geralt’s hand comes to rest over his heart. It is not cold nor hot through Jaskier’s doublet. It simply isn’t much of anything at all. There, but insubstantial. It trails its way up his jaw, traces over his bottom lip. “You forget,” Geralt says, “that I am in your words. That I will live on. Isn’t that what you said? Art does not die.”
“You heard.”
“I must have.”
“That’s not fair.” Jaskier sniffles, knowing full well he sounds like a child. “I came all this way. I have always followed you. What am I supposed to do now?”
“Whatever you wish.”
“I will sing of you until I can’t any longer, to anyone who will listen, and to many who will not.”
A smile, pressed to his ear. “I can think of no better way to be loved.”
Something nags at Jaskier, and he can’t say what. He is surrounded by a body he knows as well as his own, yet it’s not right. Why?
The body releases him. It says, “Look at me, Jaskier. That’s all you have to do.”
“You’re not Geralt, are you,” he says with trepidation, eyes still squeezed tight. “Are you? Don’t lie.”
He breathes in. Opens his eyes. Grips the lute strap in both hands. Turns.
Silvered hair, sad golden eyes, a sharp nose, wispy around the edges.
“Geralt,” he whispers, reaching out even as the form dissipates. Called back to the bottom of the stairwell.
“Thank you, Jaskier,” it says, and then it is gone.
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angsty-omi · 3 years
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truth or drink.
kuroo tetsuro x reader
tw: suggestive content, exes, cursing
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you heard about this interview game show on youtube through your good friends. watching it your first time with them, it was so blatantly obvious that they were still in love.
you pointed your drumstick at the TV screen, “it’s so obvious that she still likes him, look at her posture!” your voice muffled with a mouth full of ice cream.
“that’s what’s fun about these videos! plus it’s kinda sweet that they rekindle the fire through an intense game of truth or dare” hinata replied.
“truth or drink” you emphasized, “and plus, they’re exes for a reason, nonetheless. just because you try again, doesn’t mean there will always be a different outcome. if there was an issue that both parties couldn’t get over, what makes it okay now in front of a camera? men ain’t shit, and honestly so are the girls who participate in these. no self worth honestly.”
“wow... y/n it’s very obvious you’re projecting your feelings about your breakup with kuroo onto these fun challenges,” kageyama spoke for the first time that night.
and he was right. you were still in the mourning period over your breakup. every romantic song, couple, and certain aphrodisiacs were out to get you because it reminded you of him. to ease the pain, you expressed your hurt through bitchiness to others. not only were you a bitch, but a hypocrite.
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how? because two years later you were sitting across the table from kuroo, with a camera to your right and shots to your left. you didn’t even know how you got into this position. one night you were super drunk and missed him. submissions were open and your intention was to see him again. other than that, it was all a blur.
as the director read the rules of the game, your’s and kuroo’s eyes were boring into each other, and you were nervous about how he felt currently being in such a vulnerable position.
“first off, we’ll introduce you guys and your back story,” the director instructed.
[where did you guys meet?]
“she was-”
you both interrupted each other. you lent out your hand as a gesture that he could say it.
“she was actually watching a game of mine, our school was against hers and her seat just happened to be directly in front of my eyesight. she looked beautiful and i-”
“now i have to stop you there, i was not beautiful. i had a bunch of acne and a crooked tooth”
*you look straight at the camera*
“since when are those features not beautiful?” kuroo mocked, making him seem like the best guy in front of the cameras.
you only rolled your eyes and let him go on.
“on our last set, it was a close game. the score was 25-24 nekoma and i needed one more hit. when kenma set it to me, i hit it. the winning spike. that’s when i looked at her, pointed, and blew a kiss. and the rest was history”
you smiled at that memory. it was actually a really sweet moment. you’ve never really felt seen or unique, but he made you feel like the most important person in the world, and you’ll always cherish that.
[when did you guys break up?]
“around 2-3 years ago, it was a while ago” you responded.
*you both immediately grabbed the shots next to each other and clanked the glass together, before downing it*
you chuckled, because of how you both knew this was going to be hard.
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*you picked up the top card*
“pffffftttttt rate me in bed, and how i can improve?”
“i would honestly say you’re a good 9? it was very passionate and soft except for the times it wasn’t”
*kuroo winked at the camera, while you punched his shoulder*
“i just wish you let me hit it in the back more”
*you hid your face in complete embarrassment with the card*
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*kuroo swiped the next card*
the smile on his face immediately turned into stone when he read the card.
“are you attracted to any of my friends?” he said with a pinch of pettiness.
“HAHAhahahaha...” you slowly grab the tequila bottle next to you.
his face conveyed mild irritation with a “🙂” face on him.
“weren’t you attracted to kyoko?” you dramatically raised an eyebrow.
then he grabbed the bottle from your hand. you didn’t feel jealous at all, in fact, you too were attracted to kyoko.
“please censor the name during the final editing” you smiled at the director, and you swore they just blushed.
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*you grabbed the next card*
“what’s the most annoying thing about me?”
“you would always just kiss me to avoid conflict. like, when you washed your pink clothes with my white shirts and i called you out on it, we ended up just fucking and i forgot completely about it”
“so you’re saying it worked” you fist bumped the air.
“what about me?” kuroo asked.
“i guess, if i had to name something it’d be your loud snores, loud chewing, forgetting to buy groceries, screaming at our television because kenma missed his sho-”
“okay okay i get it,” stopping you from continuing.
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there were only a few more cards left when kuroo picked up the next one.
“are you happy for me now? be honest.”
“of course! you’re literally a professional volley player, basically a celebrity. i am honored i am one of the few that got to know you. you deserve everything that you have and you’re the realest person out there, tetsu” slipping out his nickname so casually, that you mentally screamed.
“thank you y/n, i really appreciate that.” he put his hand on yours with a warming smile, making it seem like he ignored it for your sake.
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[why did you guys break up]
that was very tough question. both you stayed silent for a good second, wondering who will talk first.
“i-i’ll go first,
kuroo had been offered a job, fresh off of high school, while i decided to choose the local college. the job was to be a profession volleyball player... for the states. at first, he wasn’t going to take it, because it was too far from me. during our last few months of senior year, rumors about me and kenma circled around. nothing actually happened, but when kuroo asked me, i didn’t respond and...” you hesitated, kuroo’s eyes expressed the same pain from all those years ago.
you bit your lip before continuing, “because letting him think that made him let go and i couldn’t let myself hold him back y’know? it was just a situational breakup and i’m glad i made that decision. all was forgiven between him and kenma shortly after that by the way, just not with him and me.” you giggled at the end, to seemingly make it less awkward. your eyes were glossy— but, you had to confess your biggest secret.
you tried to look for a response from kuroo, but he just stayed silent. desperation started to tingle your skin.
then, kuroo did respond, by getting up from his seat and leaving you there, alone. tears now were freely falling on your face, in front of tons of people nonetheless.
“listen y/n, we can just not post this for privacy.” the director comforted.
“no it’s okay, a deals a deal kenma.” you waved off and left abruptly.
you slammed the doors open to the outside, with a cool breeze hitting your tears. you crouched in a position sobbing, while gasping for breath. he was the love of your life, and the thought of him never forgiving you really hurt.
you knew that voice. it was the same one just minutes ago laughing. you were so mentally drained that you thought you were hallucinating. it was only then when he wrapped his arms around you. you missed this. you missed the warmth of kuroo’s bear hugs.
“if you told me to stay i would’ve.” kuroo whispered into your ear.
“i know you would’ve, t-that’s why i h-had to do what i had to do. and now look at you, you’re rich, famous and... and” you stopped.
“you don’t have to say it y/n.” kuroo raised his voice in a serious manner.
“i-i have to or else i will never accept it nor get any closure.” you sighed, pushing him back out. looking into his eyes, they were also full of remorse, conflict, and sorrow.
as you try muster up the words, he crashed his lips against yours. immediately, you retaliate, knowing that it’s selfish but this was the last time you were ever going to be this vulnerable. the kiss screamed pain, and both of you tasted each other’s salty tears that were getting in the way.
when you finally came to your senses, you pulled away.
“if somehow we are both 40 and single, let’s meet at the place where we first met. until then, happy engagement.”
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ninzied · 3 years
i’ve been really feeling the energy surrounding the discourse on race re: the falcon and the winter soldier, and i think it is so crucial that the mcu has created space for this conversation. in that vein, and because i have genuinely enjoyed the show for many reasons that i wish not to detract from, i would like to expand on this space by discussing ways in which the show could have engaged more thoughtfully with its themes of racialized trauma.
for your consideration, a list of the show’s side characters who identity as bipoc, and how their arcs in fact work to reify certain stereotypic portrayals of race in tv/film/etc:
isaiah bradley: the military-sanctioned super soldier program that experimented on bradley for 30 years in jail is a clear allusion to the tuskegee study in the mid-1900s, which subjected black bodies with syphilis to decades of unethical experimentation, including the withholding of life-saving treatment, in order to study the natural progression of the disease. i actually think his conversations with sam were so important to have. it’s the first explicit mention of race that problematizes the shield as a symbol. sam comes to acknowledge that it also stands for a country that has built itself on the backs of black (and immigrant) bodies - and that is where they mean for these bodies to stay, through exploitation of labor, medicalized violence (tuskegee being only one example of many), police brutality, the segregation of schools, discriminatory housing and criminal justice systems, and so on. my issue is that these systems of oppression are so deeply rooted that to skim the bare surface - to present this one singular narrative - is reductive of a longstanding history that does not live externally to the mcu and is frankly not going to cut it. waiting until episode 5 to have this conversation was also a disservice to sam. maybe his own generational trauma was too internalized for him to have the language to express it. but if the show had addressed this better and sooner, it would come off less as sam trying to move through the world thinking he’s just like any other guy who also happens to be a superhero. when he goes to the bank with sarah, flaps his ‘wings’ and still doesn’t qualify for a loan; or when he chides a kid for referring to him as ‘black falcon’ rather than, simply ‘falcon’ - these moments reinforce the idea that the lived experience of his blackness is not fully realized until bradley forces this articulation upon him. it is as though sam could not already be aware of their collective racialized trauma without the ‘revelation’ of bradley’s personal trauma writ large that he endured as a super soldier. which is just weird and inconsistent given what sam has been through, including his own troubled relationship with the military. for sam to take up the shield is not a ‘solution’ to racism, any more than the shield is a symbol of heroism, when its legacy stems from a country of deeply imperialist and colonialist roots.
lemar hoskins: relegated to the black best friend stereotype aka sidekick to the main white character. his two most memorable scenes function mostly in service of john walker’s story - firstly in walker’s decision to take the serum, and secondly as the catalyst to walker’s grief, rage and vengeance that will utterly transform him. this development of walker’s character can only occur through the literal death of another black body.
literally every east asian character, but specifically leah, yori and yori’s son rj: these characters are the least fleshed out on their own, as they all exist solely to lend more depth to bucky’s trauma. i say this because though yori is grieving, his grief is all secondary to bucky’s guilt over being the cause of that grief. leah, who plays a love interest for her five seconds of screen time, becomes yet another of countless examples of the fetishization of asian female bodies. (all of this is particularly tone-deaf in the wake of rising anti-asian hate crimes, and the mass killing of asian female spa workers by a man who wished to eliminate ‘temptation’ for his sexual addiction.) also, it would be nice to see a show finally lean away from the asian food establishment setting for its asian characters. that is not the only place they eat and work and also go on dates after they work????
olivia walker: a great example of tokenism that checks multiple boxes (‘look how diverse our cast is - and we have an interracial couple!’) even though she speaks 0-2 lines throughout the whole show.
karli morgenthau and co: the actress who portrays karli is half-jamaican, and it is not hard to notice that the overwhelming majority of the radicalized flag-smashers group are bipoc as well. at surface level it might make sense for the show writers to choose this kind of representation - the ‘displaced’ are all members of marginalized communities, and racial diversity (i.e., diversity from the norm, i.e., not-white) is the easiest way to depict these communities. but for this reason, it also seems that the show could not be more careless with the parallels it has drawn to our current climate. during a global pandemic, which has disproportionately affected those already most disenfranchised; increased our obsession with border control; and galvanized movements against racialized violence, perhaps the last thing we need right now is a narrative that vilifies a marginalized group of people trying to combat structural oppression (operationalized in this case by the grc, which has a clear militaristic and political pedigree*). perhaps the last thing we need right now is a narrative in which marginalized people gain the power to enact change (i.e., serum), but only know how to use that power to cause more harm.
*please note: the senator who grants walker his other than honorable discharge is one and the same as the talking head of the grc. who gave this guy all the power, and what good is he using it for? this may be a hot take but the government + military washing their hands of walker and taking zero responsibility for their role in his making is not great for ‘optics’ either. but the show, for all its moralizing, doesn’t seem to be aware of the dissonance here?
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attemptinghaikyuu · 3 years
Fake Dating: Kenma
A/n: The first haikyuu character I wrote for was Kenma, and he’s also the reason I impulse made this blog. Hopefully you all love him as much as I do✨💖
G/n reader
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Kozume Kenma
You started at Nekoma in the middle of your first year, Kenma was also a first year at the time
Kenma was given the task of showing you around the school
He literally could have cared less though, he has his head down in a gaming console and he’s not talking, like... at all, askjefnkn
You are struggling to start a conversation with him and wow, this is, very awkward
Kenma is so sucked into his game that he doesn’t realize he’s about to walk into a wall
And you’re too busy trying to think of something to say, that you don’t notice either
It makes a solid thunk when his head hits the wall
Oh sHIT-
You’re freaking out asking if he’s okay, while he stands there looking like a startled kitten
When he regains his composure, the first thing he does is check his game
The screen cracked a bit, and he is giving it a very intense scrunched face of annoyance
Maybe if he glares hard enough, it’ll do what he wants and un-crack
It doesn’t
It does however!! Still work and upon seeing his screen you freak out a little
“Is that who I think it is?!” Kenma’s startled cat face is back, he forgot you were there😔
You’re favorite video game character is on your guides, game console
All of a sudden, the silence is filled with excited chatter about the character, and Kenma isn’t sure what to do other then listen as he starts walking towards the nurses office to have his forehead checked
Somehow, you get Kenma talking about the game too
And with Kenma having just walked into a wall, walking around with a stranger, and cracking his game screen, he ends up talking pretty passionately about the game he was playing
Kenma gets very emotional when he’s upset
He complains about the level he’s been stuck on for the past week
You ask if you can give it a shot, Kenma is gonna say no but stops himself
He can tell you know a lot about this game and his consoles already messed up, so he hands his game over
The nurse has to shove you two out after 20 solid minutes of you zooming through half of what Kenma was struggling on
The rest of the day is spent working on getting through the level, at lunch Kuroo is shocked to see Kenma talking to someone new so easily
He’s also a proud parent when he starts dragging Kenma off to practice, and has the honor of witnessing Kenma ask if you would come and keep working on the game with him
And you’re not saying no! Your friendship is leveling up from 0 to 1 :D
The volleyball teams only known Kenma for half a year at this point, but they can tell he isn’t the kind of person to do that sorta thing... ever
You bond over your shared love of games, and you’re at half of his practices to wait and hang with Kenma during his breaks
You’re really good friends with Kuroo too, and he’s always trying to get you two to ease off games a bit
Neither of you do, sometimes he just pulls the games out of your hands, y’all are taking a break whether you want to or not😤
Kenma is always aware of gaming events in the area
That’s how he finds out about a couple gaming contest
Funnily enough, he doesn’t even ask you if it’s okay to sign the both of you up, he’s just thinking Y/n and I can totally win this
He tells you at school, and you aRE PUMPED!!!
Only problem is finding out about it being for couples when you get to the place
He didn’t tell you the contest was for people in romantic relationships😃
After the initial freak out, you ask him what the heck is going on and he’s like “oh, I didn’t think it mattered...”
Kenma’s lucky he’s cute >:/
The first rounds don’t matter, but the contest is longggg and is set to go for two months with the games increasing in difficulty
They’re are cameras and the event is being live-streamed now
Kuroo knew about the contest from the beginning and is finding all of the attention you two are getting hilarious
Neither of you can say you’re not dating, it can technically disqualify you from the contest
And with the competition being shown live, acting like a couple is a must
Kuroo is enjoying all the relationship, related stumbles you have on live television a little too much😒
After awhile, you instinctively grab Kenmas hand and lean against each other to play
Kenma also gets really good at answering couple questions, such as why he likes you
And both of you blush a lot when people come up and compliment your adorable relationship
A fan favorite couple has been created and nearly everyone is routing for you two to win
Making it to the final round has both of you on edge, you stick with each other for comfort, and everyone is awwwing at how Kenma is letting you play with his hair before it starts
It’s helping you both relax
The game lasts nearly an hour, with Kenma and you winning with a special move that just barely ends with y’all as the winners
Both of you are so caught in the moment that you don’t realize you’ve kissed each other, until the crowd gets deafeningly loud, screaming over how cute it was
You’ve unlocked: I think I actually really like you more then just a gaming buddy and we should be more then friends😳
When you finally get a moment to yourselves (without Kuroo laughing, choking out that he knew it) you have to deal with the first awkward silence you’ve had with Kenma since you first met
Knowing that you wanna date him and saying that, are two very different things
Kenma’s the first to break the silence
“Do you think you might wanna be my player 2 in real life..?”
You’ve just leveled up
Level 10 friendship to level 1 dating, you can’t wait to unlock the rest of the levels with him🥺💖
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bruh--wtf · 3 years
Peter Parker x Reader
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Your bestfriends are Peter Parker, Ned, and MJ.
You were in the park with Peter, the possible love of your life but you'll never know because you're to scared to tell him, just hanging out.
"It's been half an hour," you say. He raises an eyebrow at you. You smirk slightly. "You're usually long gone by now." He rolls his eyes, pushing you a little and your swing swings right back at him. You push him too, and he smiles at how little he moved compared to when he pushed you.
"I've told you my internship-"
"I know, Peter," you say, interrupting him. He sighs, turning to look at you.
"I'm hanging out with you now, aren't I?" He asks. You smile a bit and nod.
"Yeah, just miss you a bit," you say and he raises his eyebrows. "A bit, God." He laughs and nods, letting his swing twist him.
"But, since what happened recently with Liz's dad and stuff, Mr. Stark is really noticing me. I can't slow down now," he says. You watch your friend talk, knowing how much he loves his job.
"You deserve to be noticed Peter, I just wish you'd relax a bit," you tell him. He looks at you again, his eyes softening again.
"I know. I'm sorry. I just... I can't help but want to do more," he says. "But, I also want to stay for now, if that makes sense." You smile at him and nod.
"I get it, Peter. I know who you are," you tell him. He snaps his head to you with wide eyes.
"You do?!" He asks. You laugh a bit.
"Yeah, of course I do. We've known eachother since the first grade, Pete," you say, rolling your eyes.
"W-well how did you firgure it out?" He asks. You scoff, looking at him.
"You're my bestfriend, Peter. I wouldn't say that if I didn't know you," you say. He deflates at a little.
"R-right. Yeah. Of course," he says, looking down at his feet. You reach over and grab his hand.
"Are you alright, Peter?" You ask. He smiles and nods.
"Yeah, of course I am," he says. You smile, then your phone rings.
You look at it and see your dad calling.
"Crap, for once I've gotta go first," you say. Peter chuckles and nods.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," he says. You nod and answer the call as you start walking.
The sun was setting and you were walking towards your apartment.
"Yeah! I'm on my way. Love you too, bye," you say as you hang up. You pull your jacket around your shoulders tighter, the air becoming colder.
Then you hear something above you.
You look up and see Spiderman swinging from the buidings. You watch for a moment before a web shoots by you and you flinch. Though the only thing that lands near you is Spiderman.
You open your eyes to see a shifting Spiderman.
"Good evening," he says. The voice sounded familiar. It was so close, on the tip of your tongue and you swore you could place it.
"Um, yeah," you say, still a little shocked. He looks from side to side, noticing the many people still on the streets.
"Can I bring you home?" He asks. You open your mouth to question it before he takes a step closer to you, grabs your waist and shoots a web.
"What are yo-" you are cut off when your feet are taken off the ground and you gasp. You quickly wrap your arms and legs around him, terrified.
You look over his shoulder, seeing the city as he pulled you from building to building. And you laughed a little, smiling. You felt him land, and sighed.
"Are you alright?" He asks. Your eyes widen and you quickly untangle yourself from him. You look around and realize youre on the top of your apartment building.
"You-you just took me. H-how did you know where I lived? Why-" before you could continue asking more questions, he puts his hands on your shoulders to calm you down, but you pull back quickly, almost falling over the side, but he grabs your wrist.
You were horizontal looking down at the street. And he quickly pulled you up.
You hit his chest.
"Look. I don't know who you are, but-"
"That's what I'm trying to tell you!" He exclaims. You stare at him.
"You want to what?"
"I want to tell you who I am," he says. You stare at him. He couldn't be serious.
"Why? Why me?" You ask.
"Because. You're my bestfriend. And... you know me," he says. Your eyes widen as you look at the mask. You couldn't believe it. No way. Not possible.
You take a step towards him, and he takes a step back. You take a more careful step closer, grabbing his hand.
You grab the mask, slowly peeling it off. When you see your bestfriend's face you are literally speechless.
"I know, this is probably alot, but you mean so much to me and after what you said at the park, I just felt like you needed to know. I-"
"This whole time... you've been Spiderman," you say. He studies your face, clearly nervous. "This whole time you've been lying?"
"No! No, no, no! Well, I mean, I guess. Technically. But its not something you just tell someone. It could get out," he says.
"So you didn't trust me?" You ask he shakes his head again, trying to grab your arms but you step away from him.
"No. It's not like that. Mr. Stark told me not to tell anyone. Ned just kind of found out-"
"Ned knows?!" You exclaim. "Ned can't keep a secret to save his life!"
"I know, I know. But he has! He hasn't told anyone, surprisingly!" He defends. You stare at the boy in the spider suit.
"You've been running around the city nearly getting yourself killed for months and you haven't told anyone?!"
"I haven't nearly died. Well, with Liz's dad-"
"Oh my God, that was you, Peter!" You say. He grabs your hands, holding them so you can't walk away anymore.
"I know. I should have told you. But Mr. Stark is looking after me. And Ned. And May knows now," he says. You gape at him.
"How has May not killed you yet?" You ask.
"Talked her down. She's alot less mad now," he explains quickly. You nod slightly, looking down trying to process everything. Peter grabs your face, making you look up at him. "I... I was scared to tell you because I was scared of getting you hurt. But, after what you said at the Park, I know I can protect you now. And I'm more scared of losing you than anything else," he tells you.
You watch the boy. The same boy who had owned your heart without knowing it for years. The same boy who was crushing it without knowing it right now.
"I know, it sounds cheesy. But, it's true. I know what I can do now. And I know that I can protect you. And not telling you was only hurting you, so I knew I needed to tell you because I hate seeing you upset. You said I'm your bestfriend. Well, you're mine. Ned too, of course, but I don't think about Ned like I think about you. I think about you all the time."
"Wait, I'm not done. I can't get you out of my head. I know I said that I liked Liz and I did at the time, but then I looked at you. And I mean, I actually looked at you. And suddenly I started wanting to hang out with you one on one more, and my stomach started to do this weird thing whenever I saw you. And-"
"I think I'm in love with you!" He blurts out. You stare at him. You had been waiting to hear those words. Dreaming up different scenarios in your head. But that was it. Dreams. You didn't expect it to ever actually happen.
"You... you're in love with me?" You ask. Peter nods, biting his lip slightly. You glance at them, then you kiss him. It was quick, and he barely had time to do anything about it.
"I feel the same way, Pete," you say. He grins at you, his charming doofy grin.
He grabs your face again, pulling you to kiss him. Your hands place on his chest. It felt passionate, almost hungry. Like he'd been waiting to do it, but he had no idea how long you'd actually been waiting for him to kiss you.
"Your phone is ringing," he mumbles against your lips. You give him a slightly confused look before pulling out your phone and seeing your dad calling again. You frown, looking at your phone. Then you turn it off.
Peter gives you a confused look. "Don't you have to go home?" He asks. You smirk a little.
"I am home, remember?" You ask, pulling him in again to kiss him.
"Your dad is going to kill me," he says. You chuckle.
"Ah yes, the girlfriend's dad will be the death of Spiderman," you say mockingly. He raises an eyebrow, smiling.
"Girlfriend?" He asks. Your smile widens.
"You just gotta ask, Peter," you say, teasingly close to his lips. He glances down at your lips before meeting your eyes again.
"Hmm?" You hum, smiling. He smiles right back at you.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. You grin at the boy and nod.
"I'd be honored," you say. He grins, kissing you. You feel his hand find your pocket and he grabs your phone. You gasp, and try to grab it to which he laughs and holds it up higher. "What are you doing?" You ask.
"Just hold on a second," he says. You reach around his shoulder for your phone again, when suddenly he turns around and kisses you. He pulls your waist against him. You freeze for a second before smiling against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck, a small laugh escaping you.
Then he pulls away from you again, going back to your phone.
"Peter!" You whine. He smirks a little and then turns off your phone, handing it back to you. You glare at the boy. "What did you do?" You ask as he pulls out his own phone.
"Just look," he says without looking up. You frown at him, but click on your phone to see he'd taken a picture of the two of you kissing. It was now your lock screen. It looked like you'd just started smiling.
You smile and look up at the boy, who was also smiling. He turned off his own phone and clicked it back on to show you a picture of you laughing against his lips, and him grinning at you. You hadn't seen how adorable he'd looked in the moment, and were glad you were seeing it now.
"You couldn't have just told me that's what you were doing?" You ask. He smirks a little.
"Nope, you couldn't have seen it coming," he says. You nod a little.
"Yeah. But what if I just pushed you away, instead?" You ask. He shrugs, smiling.
"I'd of lived. But, it wouldn't stop me from trying again," he says. You chuckle and nod.
"Right," you say. He gives your lips another small kiss.
"You should get to your apartment. Before your dad actually does kill me," he says. You laugh at the boy and smile. He gestures to the mask in his hand and you nod. But before he could put the mask on, you wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him. He wraps his arms around you, holding you tight.
"What's this for?" He asks.
"Thank you." He tries to look at you, but your face was buried in his shoulder. "For telling me. Both things." You kiss his cheek, pulling away from him. He smiles at you.
"Well, you deserved to know both, so might as well," he says. You smile sweetly at the boy.
"One more thing," you say, and he gives you a slightly confused look. "Can you get me off the roof?" His eyes widen a fraction and he nods.
"Right, right, yeah," he says, pulling his mask on. He grabs your waist and brings you back down to the ground. You smile at the boy. "Goodnight, Y/N," he says. You chuckle slightly at the mask, and he flinches away when you try to lift it up. He looks around, noticing the people still walking about.
"I know," you say, stopping the mask just by his nose. You kiss him gently, causing him to smile. You pull his mask back down, and rise up on your toes a bit to whisper in his ear.
"Goodnight, Peter."
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cobaincreates · 3 years
the fuck is a touron?
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warnings: language, smut (wrap it you’re smart), 18+
count: 7k+
hehehehehe ;)
part two!
gif cred
— — —
“i was one hundred percent trying to teach him a lesson, but he’s too stupid to realize that you’re not supposed to lend one of my t-shirts to a random girl. god, he’s so dumb.” liza shook her head in frustration, her thumb absentmindedly scrolling along her phone screen.
“didn’t you guys used to be friends?” you asked, picturing the girl in mind. you could’ve sworn you’d seen liza with her at some point.
liza made a noise and bit her lip. “maybe he’s just trying to get back at me for something. i can’t think of anything i did though.”
“maybe they’re just messing with you. you know, because you did sleep with both of them.” liza made another dismissing noise. you took a sip from a glass she had given you from her kitchen. it was just beyond the doors behind you from where you sat on her massive deck.
you had taken it upon yourself to visit your friend before the last few weeks of summer ended. you’d see her back at school anyways, but she had asked you several times to make the trip out to see her. you’d been enjoying the ocean breeze and the hospitality of liza and her dad. it had only been a few days since you arrived; you hardly thought about leaving.
so far you had been biking around with liza through small sections of her neighborhood. she pointed out a few of her favorite spots, mostly trying to pass the days with you here, but also to make you feel welcome. she had taken you shopping off the island today, which resulted in a thousand more steps recorded on your phone and a new bathing suit to wear. you had also found a little lighthouse souvenir figure that you planned to put somewhere in your room once you got back home. you had dinner at a restaurant that liza said was one of her favorites, then you took the ferry back at sunset and now here you were, sharing a whole box of wine.
you snuggled further into your sweatshirt and pulled a pillow onto your lap. you stared out at the ocean in liza’s backyard and imagined how insane it was that she lived right on the beach. a small fire sat in front of you, warming your legs. liza put her phone down and took a large sip of her wine.
“anyone cute here? think i’d be into some east coast beach boy.” you mentioned, squinting your eyes playfully as you looked over at her.
she shrugged with her head on the back of the couch. “i mean there’s a few i went to school with, but you don’t want to mess with them.”
“how come?”
“they’re practically heartless. they’d totally leave you in the dirt.” she said. “well, sand.”
you snorted. “are you speaking from experience? because if so, i’m more than willing to get into a fight in your honor.”
“shut up.” she laughed. “you don’t want anyone from here, trust me.”
“no, trust me when i tell you that i do. i haven’t gotten laid in months and i’m crawling out of my skin.” you admitted as much as you didn’t want to. it had been a simple thought before getting on the plane to visit and you didn’t think you’d bring it up, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. even while shopping you were mostly on the prowl. they should’ve had a store to buy a one-night stand. you were on vacation, you deserved to indulge.
“i have so much pent-up frustration. i need someone to sex me right now.” you continued, drinking the rest of the wine just to add to your tipsy rambling.
“jesus.” liza stared at you.
“i don’t want to tell you this but i was literally fantasizing about your dad earlier.”
“i’m sorry!” you laughed. “i mean, he’s single so it’s fair game.”
“absolutely not!” she looked at you like you were crazy, and you couldn’t stop laughing as she got up to get more wine, taking your glass too.
back home, there wasn’t anybody you wanted to sleep with. you didn’t really make any friends in high school that you kept into college and it was hard when most of your friends lived in different states. sure, there were apps for hookups and for you to meet new people around you, but you had a thing about technology tracking that made your skin crawl.
liza came back less disgusted with you, handing you your glass. you sipped on it and stared at the fire, not feeling tired in the slightest from how much you walked. beside you, liza picked up her phone again and scrolled, tapped.
“i don’t know why i’m doing this, but there is someone i might be able to set you up with.” she said minutes later.
you perked up with optimism and shifted on the couch. “mhm, give me more.”
“his name’s topper.” she said, her phone illuminating her face with a white light.
“you’re kidding.” you deadpanned, your eyebrows furrowing. you figured she was joking, slipping in a harmless pun.
“i’m not.” she bit her lips together, glancing at you to gauge your reaction.
“what kind of name is that?”
“could not tell you, but he’s super chill and i’m pretty sure he’s newly single.” she said, tapping a few times on her phone’s screen. “he was dating someone from his college for months, but i think they broke up since he doesn’t post pictures with her anymore.”
“i just want to fuck him. what does he look like?”
liza tapped a few more times before shining her phone at you. you squinted from the brightness before your eyes adjusted, took in the photo she was showing you. he was in front of a sunset and you could faintly pick out the dirty blonde locks. liza picked a different one that gave you a better view of him.
you let out a delighted hum, smiling slightly. “he looks like an asshole, but fun.”
“i have his number,” she said, turning the phone back to herself. you leaned your side into the couch, readjusting to keep the warmth. the fire cracked as one of the logs shifted.
“text him.” you prompted liza and scooted closer to her to watch her type on her phone. she found his contact and moved her thumbs along the screen.
hey so weird question but would u be interested in hooking up w/ my friend?
the friend in question is not me i swear
“smooth,” you said as she sent the texts.
“i can’t believe i’m helping you with this.” she locked her phone and dropped it into her lap. you shrugged and sipped from the glass, staring into the fire.
you slipped into a regular conversation with liza while she waited for a text. you weren’t giddy for a reply or asking her to check every ten seconds. it didn’t really matter that much to you if you didn’t hookup with anyone or not, you just thought you’d put it out there.
liza had you cracking up, bent over the couch and nearly falling to the floor when her father came outside onto the porch. you settled as you looked up at him, listening to him ask you both if you were doing okay and needed anything. liza was quick to shut his offer down when you gave her a look, jokingly wiggling your eyebrows at her. her dad noticed, looking between you two as you belted out laughing again, this time landing on the wooden deck. liza tried to keep her laughter in, telling her dad that you were fine and that you both were just a little drunk. he nodded and left you two alone.
“god, you suck.” she said once he was out of earshot.
you were now crying from laughter as you sat up. you wiped your eyes and climbed up onto the sofa, taking your glass from the floor. “i’m glad you invited me,” you giggled as you pulled the pillow back onto your lap. you both continued to shake with the aftershock of amusement.
“he texted me.” liza said suddenly as her phone was back in her hands.
“and?” you asked, leaning your side against the cushions. you propped your elbow on top of them and held your head against your hand.
“all he said was ‘pic’.”
“send him one.”
“okay.” she said and turned toward you, opening her camera on her phone.
“should i pose? how does my hair look?” you asked, brushing the back of it just in case it had gotten messy from falling to the floor.
“do something before i send a blurry one.” liza commanded.
you put your hand back against the side of your face and smiled lightly. liza took the photo without the flash, the fire bright enough. she set her phone down again and hit send as you watched her thumb. you watched her screen for a second then looked away, tilting the glass against your lips.
“he said ‘give her my number’.”
“fuck yes.” you said. you reached behind you for your phone, feeling around for a couple seconds before finding it. “okay, what is it?”
liza read his number aloud as you typed it in. you opened your camera and took a selfie, holding the wine glass to your lips and crossing your eyes. you typed, hiii, and hit send.
after having not touched your phone in the past few hours, you moved out of the conversation with him and replied back to a few of your friends. it wasn’t long before he texted back. you opened the message to find a photo sent back to you, tapping on it with an intrigued smile. he took his own selfie, balancing a beer bottle on his head with his own fire lighting up his face in an orange glow. you saw someone’s back behind him, your eyes trailing down to the drawstrings against his chest at the bottom of the photo.
impressive, you sent.
what’s your name?
y/n! what kind of name is topper?
rich people
thought so, you joked. are you sporting salmon shorts and sperry’s with that sweatshirt?
liza was in her own world as you texted topper. you glanced at her, finding her glass propped on her chest so she could slowly sip it. she was texting like a speed racer.
you looked back down at topper’s new message and laughed.
gray sweats and sandals
thank god
you watched the bubbles pop up almost immediately. they disappeared with no message then came back.
liza said u wanted to hook up?
you weren’t sure what to say back. your thumbs floated above your screen for several seconds before you decided just to be honest with him. what’s the worst that could happen?
long story short i’m needy & haven’t been laid in a while
you down?
sure when’s good for you?
“i’m going to get some ice cream.” liza said as she moved off the couch, throwing her phone down on the cushions. “you want any?”
“sure.” you said before typing.
think we’re going to the beach tomorrow so how about sometime in the afternoon? i’ll text you
sounds good, looking forward to it
“oh my god.” you said loudly, dropping your phone.
“what?” liza called from the open door. you could hear her clinking around the kitchen.
“he just sent an eggplant emoji.”
suddenly the clinking of dishes was drowned out as she laughed louder than before. you covered your face and laughed too.
the next morning you woke up already feeling too warm. you winced as you felt the heat radiating through your body and you peeled your eyes open. you were still on the couch outside and the sun was happily beating down on the deck. you moaned and pulled a pillow over your head. you remembered that you had finished the boxed wine with liza last night along with ice cream and decided to just sleep outside. with the alcohol and walking, your legs were not prepared to function that late at night.
you lay there for a few minutes until liza’s foot appeared and knocked right into your nose. you flinched and held it as it throbbed, sitting up to throw the pillow at her.
she jerked awake and grimaced at you and the sun. “what?”
“you just kicked me.” you said nasally. you sniffed and checked your nose as it continued to pulse. liza yawned, stretching and sitting up to look around like she forgot where she was.
“today’s going to be a good beach day if it’s this fucking hot.” she grumbled. her hair was wild atop her head, sticking out in every direction. she looked over at you as she yawned again. “breakfast and then beach?”
you nodded, your hand back in your lap as the throbbing subsided. you picked up your dirty dishes and phone and followed liza inside to eat. her dad was already cooking when you two came inside and your mouth watered at the sight of food on the counter. he provided a whole display of drinks, fruit, bread, and eggs that had you contemplating about never leaving.
liza told her dad of your plans for the day while you ate. you kept quiet as you cleared your plate, normally taking at least an hour to fully wake up in the morning. liza seemed almost too chipper in the mornings from what you witnessed. once you finished up and put your plate in the sink at liza’s dad’s request, you went to her room to fish out your new bathing suit. you changed in the bathroom and brushed your teeth along with the rest of your morning routine. you pulled on a t-shirt and shorts over your suit and tied your hair up just as liza knocked to see if you were done.
thirty minutes later, you were on your way to the beach. you held liza’s tote bag in your lap, full of snacks, waters, a speaker to connect to her phone, and towels. you were anticipating the beach, wanting to just run into the water and swim all day.
which is what you did for the next few hours. you munched on some pretzels, drank a ton of water that you had to pee several times, listened to music, and laid out in the sun. you soaked up more sunscreen than you could imagine, reapplying at least ten times. the water felt good whenever you swam to the sandbar with liza and back to the shore.
liza was on her stomach now, her hair still damp. she closed her eyes against the sun while you sat beside her and people-watched.
“when are you going to text topper?” she mumbled against her arm.
you watched an elderly couple read their respective books while sitting beside each other in folding chairs. they sat under a green umbrella, the one reading a james patterson novel with their toes poking out of the sand and the other reading a paperback of some sort with the cover twisted back and wearing a large sun hat.
“i guess i could text him now.” you said, hearing her question.
“i’ll probably head out whenever he gets here. let you two be alone.” she drawled.
you shoved at her shoulder and reached for your phone. you found topper’s conversation and typed quickly to tell him which beach you were at.
you want me to head over there?
you weren’t expecting him to text right away, but you replied back just as quickly.
you put your phone back down under your shirt and lay on your stomach so you could keep an eye out for him. you looked at where the parking lot was, a large area of gravel and tall grass. people were pouring in and out of the beach, little kids in thick foam flip flops kicking up sand while older adults with mass amounts of luggage followed after them.
liza sat up, looking in the same direction and drinking from her water bottle. you flipped over onto your back and closed your eyes, listening to the crunch of sand, the distant chatter, the hush of waves.
“that’s him.” liza said beside you. you couldn’t tell how long it had been. you leaned up onto your elbows and looked behind you, seeing topper walking down the small crest in a white t-shirt and bathing suit bottoms.
“do i look okay?” you asked her as she watched him under her sunglasses. her head turned to you and you didn’t need her glasses off her face to know the look she was giving you.
“i don’t think you should be worrying about that if you’re just going to end up taking your clothes off in front of him.”
“just say yes and move on.” you said, exasperated.
liza laughed to herself and lifted her hand to wave topper over. you watched as he put his phone back into his pocket, lowering his gaze to his sandals as he walked along the sand. you pushed yourself to stand with liza, trying your best to not fix your appearance.
“hey,” liza said easily as topper came closer.
“hey, how’s it going?”
“good. this is y/n, as you already know.” liza gestured to you.
“hi,” you said and gave an awkward wave. it was only awkward with liza there, but you knew she’d be leaving shortly.
“hey.” he said and slipped his hands into his pockets.
it made you smile when you saw his eyes traveling over you for a split second. liza saw it too. you let your own eyes wander as liza said something; you weren’t paying attention to listen. 
“well, i’m going to head out.” liza said as she bent to roll up her towel. you crossed your arms loosely as you watched her. she picked up her bag and turned to you. “let me know if you need me to pick you up.”
you gave her a nod and watched her take a few steps. she turned slightly to point at topper. “be nice to her.” she warned, making you laugh like she was a parent trying to threaten a boy.
once she was out of sight, you sat down on half of the towel so topper could have the other side. he followed you, propping his legs in front of him as you stretched yours out.
“so, are you just here for the weekend?” topper asked after a few moments. you were trying not to let it become awkward, but he had beaten you to it.
“until next saturday.” you said, glancing at him as you leaned back on your hands. you could feel a shell under your palm, so you moved it to a different spot. “liza wanted me to visit before we go back to school.”
topper nodded, his elbows atop his knees. he glanced at a beach ball rolling by, a little kid chasing after it. “are you guys close?”
“you could say that. you went to high school together?”
“yeah, we kind of had the same friends so we hung out at the same places.”
you hummed as you looked toward the shore. you saw a couple kites over the water, their tails whipping in the wind. “it’s nice here.”
“yeah, kitty hawk is nice. i like to paddle board over at kill devil hills.” you turned your eyes to him, finding him already looking at you.
you smiled lightly and squinted at him. “i’ve never been paddle boarding.”
“really? it’s fun. what about surfing?”
“i tried, but i split my lip. i’m sure if i tried again i’d get the hang of it.”
topper nodded with an identical smile, looking at you a little longer. ten seconds later, your heart lurched as topper reached back and took his shirt off. you glanced away with a slight blush, an inkling of a thought about public sex creeping into your mind. topper then stood and reached a hand to you.
“come on, come in the water with me.” he promoted. you felt your heart settle as you took his hand and he pulled you up.
you spent the next fifteen minutes in the water. you glided your hands along the surface as the waves rolled and topper talked animatedly with you. you were enjoying this part as much as you didn’t want to admit, seeing as that all you were looking for was a hookup. but he was so talkative and curious and hardly ever broke the eye contact. you played with the sand under your feet while he dunked himself under the surface then wiped a hand over his face.
when you got out and dried yourself off with liza’s towel, you wiped your face and looked over the soft fibers at topper. you held the towel out to him, dripping onto the sand. you were partially dry for now and itching under your skin. you looked away as he dried himself off but found yourself looking back as he bent over to wipe down his legs. when he stood tall again, you couldn’t help the way your eyes lingered over his glistening stomach, admiring.
“can we get out of here?” you asked.
topper nodded and handed you the towel. he took it back from you after pulling his shirt on so you could do the same. your bottoms were still wet so you left your shorts off for the time being and grabbed the rest of your things. topper fiddled with his keys, brushing the sand off them as he led you to the car lot. the gravel poked at your bare feet, some pebbles sharp enough to make you wince, but you endured it the whole way to a jeep that topper brought you to. it unlocked with a beep and before you climbed in, you put the towel over the seat and brushed your feet off, not wanting to track sand, dirt, or rocks into his shiny vehicle. it felt too high up for you, like you were sitting on the roof rather than inside it, but you closed the door gently.
it kind of looked like a forty-year-old woman threw up. and it was all over the house. every room seemed overly decorated, a bunch of different script fonts with those cheesy sayings plastered everywhere. the house had high ceilings and the paint was pristine. it was very bright due to all of the windows and you wondered if there were any dark spots at all inside the house.
even topper’s room had a hint of a forty-year-old woman in it when you walked in.
“i think your mom went overboard at pottery barn.” you joked. “your dad couldn’t monitor her credit card uses?”
topper closed the door behind you as you wandered in, hands clasped gently in front of you. he tossed his keys onto a dark dresser beside the entryway and paused there at your remark.
“i don’t know my dad.” he said.
you turned then from staring at the light blue walls adorned with framed potted plant prints. “oh.” you said, your stomach aching like you’d been kicked. you knew it wasn’t exactly the nicest thing to say, no matter how you said it. normally you could get away with saying things like that, but you had to remind yourself that you didn’t know topper.
“my dad has a habit of canceling a lot of my mom’s outstanding online purchases so i just thought— i’m sorry.” you shifted on your feet, moving your hands to your sides.
topper only shrugged as you went back to scoping out the room. you tapped your thighs awkwardly as a discarded pair of socks seemed pretty interesting to you. when you looked back at topper, you relaxed since he didn’t come off as uncomfortable. you decided to just forget it and push it out of your head as you crossed your arms and reached for the hem of your shirt.
you left it somewhere on the floor before taking a few timid steps to topper. he stayed where he was against the dresser, watching you closely as you came to him. you leaned in close, bringing your hand to the back of his neck while his hands fell easily to your hips. glancing over his features quickly and landing on his mouth, you smiled softly and asked, “is this okay?”
the tension left your body as topper nodded, staring at your own mouth, before you finally gave him a kiss. another had him opening his mouth wider, and another was a little deeper. you smiled against him.
“what?” he asked, his fingertips poking at your sides, his face close.
“i can taste your toothpaste.”
topper’s cheeks tinged a light pink and he pulled you closer against his body, licking into the next kiss and surprising you. you moaned delightedly and brushed your fingers into his damp hair.
you let your hands wander down his neck, shoulders, and chest. he felt firm in all of those places and his shirt soft. you enjoyed the touch of his hands on your face, exploring a new territory, and holding you close. every cell in your body was cheering with delight, like you’d just chugged a liter of water after a sweltering day. a slight buzz started under your fingertips as a familiar tingling grew in your bathing suit bottoms. every touch had you anticipating the end result.
topper’s skin was warm and taut as you slipped a hand under his shirt and played with the waistband of his bottoms. his tongue was fighting with yours while you were fighting with yourself about whether or not to take his shirt or bottoms off first. you couldn’t decide if you wanted to get it over with or to build up to finally having him inside of you. a moan slipped out at the thought. your finger hooked between his lower stomach and his bottoms when he pulled away abruptly at your noise and reached behind him to tug the shirt off.
as it fell to the floor, his hands returned to your hips to tug you flush against him. you could slightly feel him through his bottoms, the want to stick your hand inside now greater than ever. but he had a tight grip on your hips that showed no signs of letting up.
your breath was heavy with his as he turned the both of you so you were the one pressed against the dresser now. his hips brushed into yours slowly as the edge of the dresser dug into your lower back and you let your head fall as another moan came out.
“shit.” you whispered to yourself, your eyes closing at how good it felt. something so subtle that had your knees growing weak.
topper dragged a hand up to your jaw and pulled your lips back to his as he rolled his hips, this time a little firmer. to only add to the pleasure you were feeling, his hand slipped down to your chest where he groped you gently. he massaged a few strokes as you licked at his lip, begging for entrance. he granted it while he fingers flexed over your breast. you gladly let them wander to your back where he pulled at the strings, the damp silky fabric peeling off like those fake tattoo papers you put on when you were younger.
you pushed your now bare chest against topper’s, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and rubbing the heel of your foot into his calf. he turned you around, his hands rubbing down to your ass as he moved to the bed. you crawled backwards at the same pace he crawled over you, faces still close that you could feel his breath growing heavy.
“stop teasing.” you said through clenched teeth as topper nipped at your neck and rolled his hips into yours.
“where’s the fun in that?” he smiled to himself as he skimmed his nose along your neck.
you wanted to kick him, but instead you settled for pulling him back against your lips while letting your hand rest on his shorts again. his hips seemed to sink lower to you at the feeling and you hadn’t even touched him yet.
your ears perked up at a small noise from somewhere while topper went unfazed and slipped his tongue back into your mouth. you ignored the small disruption and focused on him and your hand, now creeping your fingers along his abdomen. just as you barely got a knuckle deep into his bottoms a sliding door opened and banged. topper must’ve been so lost in where your hand was going that he still didn’t move away from you.
“did you hear that?” you pulled away.
“what?” he breathed.
a chorus of shouts and hollers came through the closed bedroom door. topper stilled and closed his eyes. “fuck,” he said before he pushed himself up and crawled away from you.
your eyebrows furrowed as you watched him get a footing and leave the room. you stared at the open door, partially annoyed at the interruption and the fact that you were left; naked.
groaning, you got up and pulled on your shirt again so you could follow topper. you went down the hall and found him in what you assumed to be the living room, a large tv on one wall and a white couch placed in front of it. the sliding door you heard led out onto a large deck, where you saw a group of guys all standing. topper’s bare back was facing you as he was in the middle of talking to someone, his shoulders tense.
the moment you stepped on the threshold, your bare feet against the cool metal, all eyes were on you. the guy topper had been talking to looked over his shoulder, instant curiosity on already stimulated features. he had topper’s hand in his, his opposite on his shoulder like he was giving him a pep talk.
“who’s this?” he asked, a sick smile appearing like you’d drop down onto your knees in front of him.
you grimaced very noticeably and spoke for yourself. “someone who’s trying to get laid. who the hell are you?”
a few low whistles rang out and you sent glares to the guys behind the one you were originally looking at. topper looked at you over his shoulder and gave you an apologetic look. you were glad he didn’t ask you to leave or wait for him, because you would’ve gladly left. you were starting to feel the irritation bubble and soon you would be leaving.
“got yourself a nice touron, huh, top?” the friend said, his arm looping around topper’s shoulders as he jostled him. his eyes were blown wide and not just from surprise. you grimaced deeper. they all looked like entitled, pretentious asshats and you were starting not to want anything to do with them. liza was totally right.
“rafe, come on, just leave. i’ll text you later.” topper was saying while you seethed at the door.
“don’t be pussy-whipped, topper. just drop the bitch and come try my new stash.”
“excuse me?” you pushed yourself off the doorway and stepped onto the warm deck. topper stopped you, turning out of rafe’s arm to plant his hands on your shoulders.
“woah, woah,” topper said as you sent daggers at his friend. he just laughed cockily at you and rubbed his chin. “can i text you later?”
your eyes snapped to topper’s pensive face in front of you. “are you kidding?” his hands dropped like you singed him. “don’t even bother.”
topper opened his mouth to call after you as you turned and walked away into the house. you shook your head to yourself and muttered as if anyone was listening. you should’ve known better or you should’ve expected less than for someone to put your needs before their own, much less a total stranger.
you wanted to slam a door behind you in annoyance as you went back to topper’s room to get your shoes. you also wanted to yell in frustration when you remembered your phone was still in his truck; you had wanted zero distractions. his keys were atop his dresser and you debated for a second whether or not to take them— you’d just be getting your things and liza’s towel.
just as you snatched your shoes and bathing suit top from the floor, topper slid into the room behind you and blocked the door. “please don’t leave,” he said quickly.
“unlock your car so i can get my stuff.”
“come on, please stay. i want you to stay.” he took a step closer to you, his pleading expression prominent.
“i don’t want to be here with your shitty friends pretending that we might get along when one of them just called me a bitch for no reason.” you countered and took a step to get by him, only to be caught around the waist. he turned you gently, his expression still the same.
“they’re leaving right now, i swear.”
“i don’t believe you.”
“i swear!” he pleaded. “you can go look yourself or you can take my word for it and we can pick up where we left off.”
you held your steely glare, trying not to show that you were reconsidering. you just really wanted to get laid and the situation only added to that frustration.
instead of smacking him with a sandal, you dropped everything in a heap and attached yourself to him again. his fingers worked quickly to pull your shirt back off, running along your sides and planting themselves on your hips. you nipped at his lip, silently begging him to move faster. he seemed to have the right idea as he turned you and pushed you back to the bed. you landed softly, your legs dangling off the edge, as you watched topper stand tall in front of you. his chest grew bigger as he took a breath and bent down to push his bottoms off. you pulled your lip between your teeth, not hiding the way your eyes flickered down to catch a glimpse. your ears grew hot and your skin pricked at topper’s semi-erection, the tip of him glistening. you wondered what he tasted like.
your gaze broke as topper moved to the side of the bed, rifling through his nightstand. you took that opportunity to take your bottoms off, flicking them somewhere in the room with your foot. you flipped over onto your stomach, grinning to yourself at the full view of topper’s butt. taking a nail between your teeth, you bit it anxiously and watched as he found a condom. you couldn’t help but giggle as he looked over the packaging, reading the date. your feet kicked in the air playfully.
when topper went back to the foot of the bed, you looked over your shoulder as he rubbed himself before rolling the condom on. he combed a hand through his hair, pushing it off his forehead.
“good to go?” you smiled.
he breathed in and nodded. “you want it like this?” he gestured to the way you were on your stomach.
you hummed, nodding your head, and moved a little further down the bed so your hips were at the very edge. topper’s hands fell to your thighs and he spread your knees apart, his skin ghosting against yours as he stepped closer. you took a shaky breath in as the anticipation rose higher— god, you couldn’t wait. deep down, you hoped that it didn’t suck. he had worked you up so much that you were sure you’d feel silly if it wasn’t satisfying.
you tried not to show just how desperate you were as the tip of him teased your folds. you licked your lips, biting down on the bottom one and lay flat on the mattress. his hand gripped your hip now while the other guided himself to your entrance. a high-pitched moan bubbled from your chest and slipped past your lips as topper slowly moved himself inside of you. you let out a lower, satisfied moan when he was fully inside, flush against you. your feet knocked into his back as you adjusted to the size of him. topper tried to control his panting behind you, staring down at your ass and himself fully sheathed by you.
“jesus christ,” he said more so to himself, marveling at the way you fit around him. he imagined it would’ve been so much better without a condom, but this was just as good.
just as you were about to ask him to move, he pulled out of you inch by inch. it felt uncomfortable at the empty feeling, but he came back a little quicker with a low noise of his own.
topper kept a steady rhythm, his hold tight on the skin over your hips and his breath blowing across your back each time he thrusted into you. you reveled in his noises, enjoying the low grunts and the occasional moans to mix with yours and the sounds your bodies were making. his skin started to smack against yours, building as your hands tightened over the comforter. there wasn’t much conversation or dirty talk, which you didn’t mind at the moment since you weren’t looking to lengthen this experience out. you just wanted him to give you what you needed. so far, he was doing a pretty good job.
the bed dipped beside your shoulder as topper’s hips still moved. his body moved closer to yours, the heat from his chest seeping into the skin on your back and giving you a pleasant wave of goosebumps. you opened your eyes to find his fist planted beside you, just as his other hand gripped your shoulder. you pushed yourself up to your elbows, stretching your head backwards. topper followed your movements and bent over you, planting a wet kiss to your lips. he continued to move in you, the hand on your shoulder moving to your neck, his fingertips settling on the sides. you breathed heavily into his mouth at the new sensation as a slew of curses rang out in your mind.
topper licked into your mouth, teasing you and playing with your tongue as his fingertips pressed a little more into your skin. you moaned lowly and broke apart from him. he stayed close, reaching down to your ear and nipping at your earlobe. your mouth opened, eyes screwing shut again as you became aware that you were close to your end. maybe if he just squeezed a little more around your neck, you’d go over the edge.
“topper, i’m going to come.” you breathed, feeling your head knock into his shoulder as he still moved. just then his hips snapped forward, hitting you a little deeper, a little harder. his lips moved off your ear, his breath hitting it now. you tightened yourself around him, not knowing that it brought him even closer while you came over him. you held on to the blanket, knuckles turning white while the same thing happened behind your eyelids. your face screwed up in ecstasy as topper pumped into you deliciously, his movements eventually faltering and stopping as he found his own climax. he groaned loudly into your ear, his breath hot, his grip not too tight, and his come feeling warm even through the condom. if only you’d actually felt it.
topper let go of your neck and you lay flat again, finding your breath with a heaving chest. topper watched the side of your face through hooded eyelids as he stayed hovering over you for a moment. the heels of your feet rested against his back; your thighs no longer tight against his thighs as you relaxed now.
your eye lazily opened as the air in the room met your back, topper moving away from you. you could see him out of the corner of your eye as he carefully touched your side and pulled himself out of you. you made a small noise, almost one of disappointment that he didn’t stay there longer. he disappeared from your sight and your legs promptly closed, your feet still in the air even though you ached from staying like that for a while.
when topper came back, condom gone and thrown away and holding a washcloth, he tapped your lower back. you pushed yourself up slowly, wincing at tired joints and muscles, and thanked him before finding your way to the bathroom. you cleaned yourself up inside, peeing quickly and washing your hands. topper was stepping into his shorts when you came back.
“the fuck is a touron?” you asked as you reached for your bathing suit bottoms almost under his dresser.
topper laughed behind you. “it’s a tourist.”
you made a face and pulled your bathing suit top over your head, tying it in the back. “east coast people are weird.”
topper smiled to himself, glancing at you as you pulled your t-shirt on. he was dressed and ready to go when you were, grabbing his keys and letting you lead the way.
once he pulled into liza’s ridiculously long driveway, you thanked him and jumped out, not wanting to make it awkward. liza was in her kitchen when you walked in, hair a little messy but dry.
she looked up at you from cutting some fruit. a curious smile came onto her lips. her eyebrows rose. “how was it?”
you lifted yourself into one of the chairs at the island counter and reached over for a small piece. “i don’t like his friends so i can see why you warned me but i’m letting it go.” you said, popping the fruit into your mouth.
liza blinked at you, not totally understanding but becoming uncomfortable with how chilled you were compared to the other days you’d been her guest. “wow,” she said. “you really had a whole ass iceberg of frustration, huh?”
“i told you.” you shrugged and laughed once you stared at each other for a moment.
you ate dinner that night with liza and her dad, hearing a few stories and sharing your own over wine and lobster. just after you helped clean up the dishes and the kitchen, you felt your phone vibrate in your sweatshirt pocket. pulling it out, you read texts from a number you hadn’t saved.
i enjoyed today
let me know if you’re ever visiting again😉
⭐️taglist of beauties & babes!⭐️
@tovvaa​ @fttayla @dontjinx-it @moniamaybank @drewstarkeygf @cheshirecat107​ @jjmaybankzz​ @obxcunt​ @honeyyhemmings @dvakat @macey730
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zkfanworkweek · 4 years
ZFAW Fan Content Creator Interviews: HayleyNFoster
Hey everyone! We hope you’re all excited for ZFAW, and to honor (ha!) ZFAW’s commitment to supporting and celebrating fan content creators in the Zutara fandom, we’re going to be rolling out a series of interviews with well-known and widely-beloved content creators over the next few weeks. We’ve got artists and fanfiction authors, some names you recognize as well as a few phenomenal up-and-coming talents, and we can’t wait for you to meet them all!
For the second interview in this cycle, we have our best propaganda creator and this fandom’s hottest new artist/undisputed queen of the animatic, @hayleynfoster!
1. Tell us about how you came to ship Zutara. What does this ship mean to you?
When I was around 14 or 15 and caught Avatar: The Last Airbender on television, I was drawn in by the art style, the humor, and the wonderful characters. I caught the episodes out of order, and the first one I saw and wasn’t prepared to be sucked in by was The Waterbending Scroll. It intrigued me at that age, and the line “I’ll save you from the pirates” combined with the tension between Katara and Zuko in that whole scene was electrifying. I remember my teenage self thinking these two have so much chemistry! And when I saw a commercial on Nickelodeon that featured fanart submitted by fellow Avatar fans, I realized that I could do that to! So I set about making Zutara fanart for myself. I stumbled onto Youtube, practically in its infancy, and discovered that people set clips of Zuko and Katara set to music (And this was still in season 1 days… so people who made these amvs were the real mvps because they were able to make compelling narratives in their amvs with like practically nothing to work with!). The AMVs really spurred my interest in this couple, I remember distinctly one Zutara AMV using the Dido song White Flag utterly capturing my imagination. I found fandom shortly after, getting into deviantart and forums. But the ship really began to mean something to me when, as I was working on my drawings in the computer lab at school, a buoyant presence hovered over my shoulder noticing my Zutara art on the computer screen. The girl was someone I had never really talked to and had only seen from afar but she immediately started excitedly saying she shipped Zuko and Katara too! In this simple shared obsession, I made one of the best friends I’ve ever had and we’re still friends to this day. We would theorize and fangirl over Avatar like it was nobody’s business; we poured over bootleg San Diego Comic Con footage that showed spoilers for season 2 before it aired; we lost our freaking minds when we finally saw The Crossroads of Destiny. We had watch parties every week as Season 3 of A:TLA aired, and comforted each other when the show ended as it did (much ranting was shared). Those are some of my happiest memories from high school… all because this one pairing from this wonderful show. Even though Zutara didn’t happen, we still chat every now and then about it. Zutara will probably be a lifelong obsession, always bubbling under the surface. And without it, I would have never realized that animation was a viable career path. It really did inspire everything including the work I’m doing to this day in the animation industry. I owe a lot to this ship and to Avatar: the Last Airbender.
2. What inspires you to create zutara fanworks?
The resurgence of Avatar: The Last Airbender this year really helped sort of spark that dormant love I had for Zutara. The show’s ending still disappointed me on the rewatch, but Zuko and Katara’s relationship arc was as captivating as ever, so I turned to some fanfiction and looking at people’s pretty Zutara art and AMVs to just revel in fanon instead of getting to hung up on the actual ending of the show. But then I realized, with quarantine and my work load being pretty light, I had time to actually make all new Zutara art for myself, art I was never fully capable of making as a kid, but now could do with my 7 years of industry experience and just… life experience. And I was inspired to do some corrective animatics to satisfy my own desire for a different ending. I just really like exploring these two characters, doing different and interesting things with them, and frankly I’m inspired to make cute, fluffy, romantic art simply by virtue of living in a really sad and depressing world. Things are so crazy right now, creating art about two characters I love being in love, is comforting. And it helps to have inspiring music and amazing Zutara amvs to just sort of stir up my emotions and imagery in my head to make into animatics and art.
3. Be selfish - if you could request one fanwork based on your own art/fanfic, what would it be? What would you absolutely love to see someone create?
Ohhhh… Well, It’s always nice to have people write fanfiction that puts words to my animatics. I am not that great at coming up with dialog myself, so I’ve just chosen to indulge in visuals and emotions for my boards. But when I read things like RideBoldlyRide’s take on my Reunion Animatic, it makes me pretty giddy. (They finally have voices!) :) And this is the MOST selfish thing I could request, but I’m not shy about saying how much I love well done amvs, so I will literally kill for someone to make Zutara AMVs to songs I like… Like, most of AURORA’s songs but especially Exist for Love, Sunseeker by The Naked and Famous, Promises or Take Me by Aly & AJ, Adore You by Harry Styles, Human Enough by ONR, Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine, and/or Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier just… I can see the AMVs so clearly to any of these songs in my head, but I don’t have the tools or skill set at my disposal to make a compelling fan video. When I was in high school, I originally thought I wanted to go into video editing simply because I loved making very crappy AMVs (they were so bad you guys), but I figured out being a storyboard artist was more in my wheelhouse. haha
4. Any words for people who are new to the fandom and/or nervous about sharing their work for the first time?
If you’re new to the Zutara fandom, just have a good time! Don’t waste too much time arguing with people over your shipping preferences. I wasted so much of my teen years having pointless shipping wars with people on DeviantArt, and I’m just so much happier nowadays because I’m just making Zutara art in my little corner of the internet, and honestly, in the politest of ways, I don’t give a shit if people don’t like my art or Zutara. haha I think that’s sort of a key thing for people thinking of posting creative works here in the fandom, just make art for yourself, satisfy your own desires for the pairing, get your creative sparks flying, and create just for the joy of creating. It’s always nice to get comments and such, but simply making the art should be what spurs you on, not the external validation. And have a good time, don’t worry too much - I say as someone who worries about EVERYTHING. But honestly, making art for A:TLA is some of the most relaxed I’ve been because I make it just for me. I’m lucky others seem to like it too!
5. What’s an idea for a fanwork that you have but haven't gotten around to making?
I have an idea for a second generation storyline with my Zutara kids that involves Kya (the eldest firebending daughter) falling in love with an airbender boy (tentatively named Gora in my headcanon who’s a bit of a rabble rouser and one of Aang’s kids he had with a Kyoshi Warrior), and then they start a socialist revolution in the Fire Nation in order to dismantle all of the hierarchical societies across the Avatar world… Together Kya and Gora Fan the Flames of revolution… ehhhhh... Get it?? Oh! Oh, and then Katara, who had put in legit liberal reforms in her time as Fire Lady listens to her daughter after resisting in the first part of the story, but then realizes she can actually play a part in the dissolution of the royalty and is also active in the revolution realizing that moderate liberal reforms are no substitute for a society free of serving royalty (which she had always been uncomfortable with but had rationalized with herself that she was doing good in her capacity as Fire Lady.) I just feel like there’s a lot of cool potential for discussing these ideas and also having some aspirational change in the Avatar world. lol For aesthetics and just happy fluffy times, I can indulge in Fire Lady and Fire Lord Zuko stuff, but really at the end of the day, I take issue with the structures in a society that have to exist for monarchies to exist. Soooo, I kind of want to do my own corrective story for that… if I ever have the time or guts. On a less ambitious note, I would love to do a Zutara sparring animatic to practice doing action, but I need a good story; I am not good at doing fights just for fighting’s sake. Those are just some things I have rattling around in my head.  
6. Are you participating in ZFAW? If so want to give us a hint as to your plans?
Yes! The most I can say is I have one animatic almost finished and one that’s still being thumbnailed. The rest are probably going to be comics or emotive single pieces based on the fanfics I really like right now. :)
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