#this tech still sucks btw
itstheclaud · 2 years
POV, You find a pair of heart shaped lockets, lying on a bed of golden flowers, at the end of an empty cavern:
A little arrangement, by me.
I like to think that "Flowey" didn't stick around too long after everyone else left... two best friends, together again. It's bittersweet, but I think they'd be happy to see him, and he them... two best friends, finally at rest.
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nabaath-areng · 1 year
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Lazy rushed coloring, but a while I said I was gonna do a redraw of an image that was so painfully Ieeha that it was almost unreal.
That was July last year and only got around to doing it now so yknow... behold my boy...
The image:
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oscill4te · 7 months
tag vent bc grosss (vent about ex tw)
#filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler tag#sooooooooooooooo#snapchat will give you notifications if a contact has a snap account.. and i think my ex just made one#he is 43 and very tech illiterate (for lack of better word) like. hes just not that good with technology#so seeing him on there grosses me out either he is still a p*rn addict & paying for exclusive snaps or he is gr**ming somebody#i feel dysregulated and very grossed out atm. idk what hes doing on there its not my business but beinf reminded of him makes me wanna kms#being with him was the most shameful thing ive ever done in my life and therapy doesnt help nothing helps#only blindly numbing myself with distractions helps and avoiding the town he lives in completely#i feel so ashamed about everything. being with someone like that really changes you as a person and i hate reminders that it was real#my osdd compartmentalizes me so well that i feel so disconnected from something that didnt even end a year ago.. like a dream#like none of it was real yknow i hate reminders that hes real my roommate sees him at their job often#and always avoids mentioning it to me bc they know how it will make me feel#i will never go back btw. sometimes you learn something about someone that makes you feel so sick that going back will never be an option#and that is traumatizing to have had a relationship and feelings for someone who at their core is a disgusting subhuman person#he was also a “john” i think and that makes me feel even more sick... it is so sick he is so sick#i dont know why i tolerated everything i don't know why i was so stupid i was just so desp for a father figure and he knew that#and he had the guise of just wantinf to be my mentor and a friend to me when i had just lost my connection with my family and had nobody#after that relationship i don't fall for anyones tricks anymore. i have very strong bounce now. it just sucks that#i had to endure a year of someone like that to build those skills. i also traded off my ability to trust people or be vulnerable#and my parents funnily know nothing about it. thats what is so funny to me. it makes me wanna cry sometimes#he was very obsessive scary person getting voicemails still terrifies me to this day lol he would spam me with them#looking back its kinda pathetic to he in your 40s wanting to control someone on their 20s every move#i get kindnof homicidal about it sometimes (jjst sayingbif he died the world would be a better place ♡ one less predator)
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lesbianchemicalplant · 3 months
unfortunately I'm a lot more lukewarm on cohost than I was previously. two main things I'll describe:
(1) the site's staff (a handful of devs) not only have public-facing accounts, they're actively fawned over, including by the popular users. you cannot even give feedback or request things on cohost without provoking sitewide consternation over “asking too much of the devs”. this has happened over and over again, including wrt basic accessibility features, and even like, asking for a timeline on when a Dark Mode would be made available
at minimum, I recommend checking out the staffers' blogs, looking for the people who are constantly fawning over them in the replies, and blocking them. that will at least get some of the most obnoxious users out of your way. but it won't even help that much, since—
(2) the userbase sucks. there are basically no commie bloggers on there, not even to the extent that there are on this small corner of tumblr. the site's users are twitter-style socdems who constantly pat themselves on the back about being soooooo “leftist”; meanwhile, they will harass you for being a “tech bro” and “stealing from artists” if you say anything remotely positive about any ai gen tools, let alone post anything generated through them yourself. the site is actually uniformly like that about AI panic specifically; the few people who weren't got harassed and driven away (yes, including some trans women). basically, it's populated by the kind of people who think stardew valley has an awesome anticapitalist message. that's almost every single user
both my gf and I were hopeful and have been watching how things have shaped up for about as long as cohost has been around. I'm not hopeful anymore. it's one thing to have as a backup, and there are still a couple of blogs whose posts about programming I enjoy. but I would strongly caution anyone hoping for it to be a viable alternative to tumblr :(
oh actually,
(3) the site has no search and very little discoverability btw. you can look at recent posts in a specific tag, but that's it. you will have to separately follow or check the tags #games, #gaming, #video games, etc. if you want to see recent posts about that. you can't just search Games and see posts where that's mentioned in the post's text. (maybe not the best example but you get what I mean)
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spdrvyn · 11 months
a Miguel x f!reader "who did this to you?" Angst fic?
bewitched by bandages — MIGUEL O'HARA
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SUMMARY: as per usual, you were spending your late-nights fighting crime and trying to protect the city to the best of your ability. as you are in the midst of a strenuous battle, you're sucked into a portal which brings you to what you assume to be another dimension.
THIS FIC CONTAINS: violence. harassment. somewhat detailed descriptions of wounds. angst. hurt/comfort. translated spanish (i didn't use google translate). f!reader
NOTES: GOD I LOVE THIS TROPE SO MUCH HOLY SHIT thank you anon for sending me this ask i was gonna do this kind of thing w miguel eventually but like still mwah, sorry for being ia too btw... i'm trying to avoid getting burnt out n shit so that i keep writing stuff for you guys 🫶 anyway, ENJOOOY
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"You will never be apart of this."
Those were the last words uttered to you before proclaimed protector of the multiverse, Miguel O'Hara, disappeared into the portal possibly never to be seen again.
He thought so too. At least, until he came back a week later due to yet another anomaly showing up in your dimension. Then another, then another, then another.
Humiliating was an understatement. What kind of Spider-Woman were you if you couldn't even take down one anomaly? Every time trouble came, Miguel was there to fix it. For once, you wanted to be the one to catch the beast. Hold it's severed head up to him with a big, fat smile on your face.
But that was a distant dream, only to be seen after you collapse onto your bed after an exhausting day.
You felt even more hurt when you found out that he was the leader of some kind of Spider Society. Yet, as he said when he first met you, you just weren't capable enough to join it.
Granted, he explained that it was an elite strike force but still. You were proud of yourself for making it this far into the whole Spider-woman gig, turns out that the bar was higher than you thought it was. It saddened you, deeply.
Though with time comes change. You've honed your skills and now confident enough to laugh in the face of who you were months ago, if an anomaly ever showed up again you'd show Miguel who's boss (not literally) and finally be able to join that god forsaken society.
You were much more confident in battle, actually much more confident in general. It was like you were an entirely different person to the criminals that you cowered before at night and the other more important people in your life at day.
However, there were moments where that confidence faltered.
Moments where you felt like that terrified, shameful, and naive little spider that you were mere months ago. A moment like now as you were being absolutely destroyed by one of your regular enemies.
You didn't know his name, you didn't want to bother trying to know anyway. He was the type of villain to give those excruciatingly long monologues that only dragged more and more time out of your excruciatingly long nights. So you just called him tech guy.
He is exactly what he sounds like. Covered from almost head-to-toe with different kinds of technologically advanced weaponry that made you wonder if he'd work as an appliance in a smart home.
Even when you enjoyed poking fun at the multiple devices stuck to his body, he didn't. Continuing to upgrade himself more and more each time the both of you fought. You had a feeling in your gut that your devilishly charming personality would come back to bite you in the ass someday.
He had you under the heel of his boot, quite literally this time. You bite back a grunt as his shoe continues to press into you, barely being able to look back up, you can see the absolutely smug grin on his face.
"I warned you, Spider-Woman. If only you listened to me, you would've seen this coming from miles away!"
"I'm here to—" You want to bury your face into the pavement as you can feel something sharp pierce the small of your back. "Fight bad guys not listen to lectures!"
"And look at where not listening has gotten you, little spider." Tech guy chuckled, uncomfortably close to your ear. You try to pull away but he has you pinned and he's close, too close. You swore from the corner of your eye that he had his hand raised. About to strike.
This was it, he was going to knock you out. Take you back to who knows where. Or maybe even kill you right here and right now. Leaving your corpse on the street for the citizens of New York, the citizens that you swore you'd protect to be mortified by.
You were finished, your end had come. It terrified you, if people saw your fate, who would do this job? Who would be able to gain the courage to step up? Even after knowing the dangers that lurk and entail it?
Dangers such as a portal opening up on the floor beneath you, it was blinding as you squint and your senses are immediately flooded by what feels like everything.
It's like a strong gust of wind swoops you away, the distant yells of tech guy growing quieter and quieter.
This relieved you but pained you.
As you were being blissfully carried away from whatever force was helping you right now, it put a lot of pressure on the injuries that have sustained from that scuffle.
You tried to scream, yell, shout for anyone in this space but nothing. You curl up into a ball, in attempts for it stop and hope that your next destination is the sensation of nothingness.
It was like you were being torn apart then put back together. Shifting from each form. Solid, liquid, gas, solid, liquid, gas, solid liquid, gas, solid rooftop.
You groaned, looking up at the night sky of whatever hell you just landed in. You tried to sit up and you were able to! But with a now bleeding lip in attempts to muffle the absolutely bloodcurdling scream that you were about to let out.
Wherever you were, it wasn't hell (thankfully) but it definitely wasn't New York. At least not your New York.
Everything was strangely futuristic. Flying cars, sleek architecture, a lot of grass to your surprise, and beautiful lights that finished the beautiful view off.
The rooftop that you had landed on was no different either, whoever owned this place had a spectacular taste in furniture and it showed here. As you looked to your side, it seemed that it also connected to a bedroom. An empty bedroom.
God, you were going to feel so guilty about this later.
Fighting back yet another pained noise from coming out of your mouth, you manage to build the strength to get up on your two feet and stumble towards the entrance.
You take your slow strides and get to observe the room in the process, it was very spacious. A huge monitor hanging on one wall, a huge closet on the other side, not to mention that it has a bathroom attached, what would it be without a huge bed in the middle of it all?
To your dismay, you're only able to make it a few steps in before needing to grip the bedsheets for dear life.
The dear life that you might lose when you hear the muted sounds of someone talking from outside.
You're not really able to make any words out but it sounded like whoever they were, they yelled out to someone. Suddenly, she appeared in front of you.
A lady, dressed in a somewhat lengthy but quite fashionable fur coat, she adorned a pair of heart shaped sunglasses as she looked at the TV in the room with a puzzled look on her face.
It's not long before she catches sight of you, eyes widening and both of you exchange glances. You bring your index finger to your mouth in a placating gesture but it only gets worse as she calls out:
"... Miguuueeeeel!"
Miguel? Miguel?
Frantically, you wave your hands around in an attempts to shush her but your heart rate spikes as her body practically phases through you. Hologram. You were throwing hands with a hologram.
And it's like the whole world stops when the bedroom door slides open, your worst fears had come true.
There he stood. Miguel O'Hara. Although something felt different, and you realized that his mask was off. The first thing that came to mind was the unamused pout that he wore, eyes that stared down at you disappointedly, and a broad frame that took up nearly the entire doorway.
The silence was deafening, you could hear it ringing in your ears. So deafening that you could hear your heart drumming in your chest, your shallow breaths, his footfalls as he walked over to you. Before turning his head to his hologram lady.
"Lyla, scan this." Lyla nodded before looking you up and down, wherever her eyes followed it scanned. She turns back to Miguel with the prognosis on your injuries. "Fifteen scratches, ten bruises, and a slightly fractured rib."
The noise that Miguel let out irked you a little, you could feel how heavy it was as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I have a lot of articles that could help with fixing this mess, big guy."
"No, it's fine. I can deal with this myself,"
"If you say so."
Lyla seemingly poofs into thin air, leaving you alone with him and a whole lot of questions that you have to ask. Even then, even if you were the one technically intruding in his home, you couldn't break the silence. Where to even start?
"Who did this to you?" Well, okay. That was a start. You tried to open your mouth to even get a small explanation out but as you attempted to piece your thoughts together, the more it felt like your brain fogged up.
Miguel had unfortunately noticed this too, what a way to make an impression after weeks of not seeing each other. "Just sit down." You obviously complied, careful not to let any blood drip down onto his sheets, you hoped that you wouldn't embarrass yourself further.
Those months of training, those months of self-improvement, those months of trying to be better all shattered within an instant as you saw Miguel rummage through his closet, cursing under his breath until he emerged with a first aid kit.
It felt so hard to think about anything and everything. Well, not really. There were a million thoughts racing through your head right now, most of them being what exactly was going through Miguel's head.
Was he disappointed? It would be a lot more unlikely if he wasn't if you were completely honest. Was he upset? If you saw someone you didn't hold in a high regard just magically appear on the roof of your home all beat up, you wouldn't be the happiest in the world.
There wasn't even a single peep out of him as he opened the small kit, equipping himself with what looked to be a medical cream and rolls of bandages. You spared him just a small glance, you were expecting him to look you dead in the eye with nothing but pure unbridled rage for ruining his night but instead?
Absolutely nothing.
He was laser focused on treating you right now or what you had thought to be a more plausible situation: he was just too disheartened to even look at you.
And you completely understood why, therefore ripping your gaze away from his eyes and moving down to his hands instead. You watched intently as the part around his hands dissolved into mere pixels before he swiped up a good amount of the cream onto his fingers, then gestured for you to hold your arm out.
Once the medicine came into contact with your wounds, tears dared to prick at your eyes. Fuck, it hurt a lot but you didn't really need to ruin his impression of you any further. You resorted to biting down hard on your lip and turning your head away.
Miguel, being the ever observant one, noticed this as well.
"You owe me an explanation." He was right. You did. You were quite confident that if you stayed radio silent for the rest of the night, you would be sleeping on the cold, cold streets of this world. "I've surmised that you got sucked into a portal then ended up here but most don't end up with injuries this bad."
There goes a good chunk of your explanation, which played well on your end. You didn't even want to begin describing what being transported from dimension to dimension felt like. Still, you wanted to play this cool.
"I was just in a fight, it was nothing serious."
"Nothing serious? Did you hear the results of that scan?"
You can't help how your cheeks flush at his quip, perhaps you were playing it too cool. If you tried too hard, he'd probably be able to see right through you but before you could even attempt defending yourself, he butts in.
"Qué dolor de cabeza." You heard him mutter. "I need more details about this, how many people were in the fight? What were they like? I'm not a mind reader."
His tone was harsh, it felt like he was cutting your scars open rather than healing them. You semi-understood why he was a leader, he had a way of making demands that was for sure.
"It was just one guy, but he had a lot of mechanical attachments. Saws, tentacles, other blades." As you explained, Miguel finished up bandaging your arm and gestured for your other one. You shifted slightly in position and held that up as well, sucking in a sharp breath as he goes through the routine of applying the disinfectant.
He seemed to just hum at your answer like he wasn't relentlessly asking you questions moments ago, you assumed that he wanted to hear more information so you kept talking. Like an idiot.
"I'm not the biggest tech person, you know? I was just swinging through and then he ambushed me, every time I've encountered him, he just continued to get stronger and stronger."
"Every time? How many times exactly?"
He emphasized 'exactly' as if you were actually supposed to count but even if you presented those kinds of details with a whole ass statistic chart, the answer would still disappoint him.
"Probably more than five. Like I said, he upgrades and–"
"Yes, yes. You said that already." He interrupts you again, hurriedly finishing up your arm before he rolls up the bandages; throwing them back into the aid kit with a very audible thud.
If there was another talent of his, it would be how very quickly he's able to shatter your pride.
"What are you trying to do here?" He asks you. You know you shouldn't be asking questions at risk of making yourself look even more stupid but with how vague that was, it felt like you had the right to. "What are you talking about?"
"You're trying to impress me. I'm asking you this stuff to know more about the nature of your injuries and you're trying to goddamn impress me. Why?"
Clearly, since it felt like he knew so much more about you, you just looked at him. How could this possibly get any worse after all? No matter what you said, no matter how hard you tried, it would all be for naught in the end.
"If this is about what I said when we first met, these antics of yours seriously aren't helping your case." Your body went numb. "Then, after I clear all the anomalies in your dimension, you come flying back to me. Seriously?"
Your mind went numb.
This felt like more than just a reality check to you, no. Every single criticism that shot back at you continued to break you down into smaller, smaller pieces.
You dreamt about meeting him again someday, and it did not look like this in the slightest. Only now, if you thought about what that scenario would be like, you'd conk yourself in the head for being so fucking delusional.
The distant dream of him entering your dimension, to see an anomaly in your capable hands, to hear that gravelly voice that has only continued to criticize you praise you for your deeds, then you'd get recruited into the Spider Society and save the multiverse to your heart's content.
Oh, how dumb and naïve you were. Clearly, you still are both of those things. His words spoke enough about that. You didn't want to be here as much as he did.
"I didn't want this," You finally said, the most coherent thought throughout this whole mess. "Any of this to happen. I just– I don't get it at all."
"Don't get what?"
"What I'm doing wrong," You sigh, lip quivering as tears dared to fall. This time, it wasn't because of medicine. You hoped it was. "I've trained for so long, I've tried my hardest. You might not think so but I have, I really have. But it seems like I'm making a mess of it all."
With each second that passed, the dam dared to break.
An uncomfortable silence blanketed the room, but this one scared you even more. A while ago, even if he didn't say a word, you knew how he felt about you. About your predicament.
But now? You had no clue. He could embrace you, comfort you, tell you that it's okay and he understood how you felt. You could've pushed his temper to his limits, he would scream, shout, yell, and kick you out of his penthouse.
"This doesn't have anything to do with your training," Like that, Miguel took a sharp pin to the atmosphere and popped it. "It has something to do with your mindset."
Now, you were the one to give him a confused glare. He sighs, eyes scanning over your sorry state once more,
"You did this, all this, to get into my strike force and to woo me whatnot." Before looking back up at you. Don't be mistaken, the harshness in his face is still there but from what he was saying, it didn't seem to be what you had originally thought.
"The reason why you're so stuck is because I shouldn't be the first goal in your mind, you should. Are you following?" You nod.
"Good. You need to understand, this job isn't about trying to meet a standard or getting someone to notice you. Self-improvement. It's all in the title. Self-improvement."
You shiver as his warm hand rests on your shoulder. "If you're already this hung up on trying to win me over, take a step back and think about who's approval matters more. Yours or mine?"
It clicked. Everything fit into place and the dam broke, though that should have been more obvious to you when Miguel's face had started to look a little foggier.
At first, you had expected him to hand you a tissue or something but he didn't move from his place. Instead, resorting to rubbing his hand up and down your shoulder in a weird, seemingly unfitting gesture.
You swiftly wiped your tears away with your palm, stifling a sniffle as you ask yet another question.
"So, do you think I'll have a chance of getting in someday?"
A snarkly reply or scoff was what you had anticipated but what he just did was probably the most shocking turn of events looking back at the whole night.
He chuckled.
"I'll keep you in touch."
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request rules here, masterlist here
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tunatoge · 5 months
brainrot by ur gojo and reader taking care of tsumiki and megumi fics 😭😭 i had an idea tho, what if gojo brought them to work since reader couldnt hire a babysitter and had work to do!! 😱😱 jus a lil thought, hope u had a good day today btw!! ❤❤
omg im so sorry for missing this but this is such a cute idea ily for this idea!! i hope u enjoy :)
my inbox is still open for reqs :D
pairing: teen!s. gojo x teen!reader
contents: gojo takes the kids to work, tsumiki gets attacked by a curse but megumi is there to save the day
you think your head might implode.  
tsumiki swings her legs in her car seat, singing along with the radio. her little shoes knock into the back of your seat repetitively. 
“tsum,” you say softly, rubbing at your temples with one hand, “can you stop kicking my chair, please?” the light ahead of you turns green and you follow the arc of cars turning left, silently cursing the afternoon traffic. 
“okay!” she chirps, stopping for a second before swinging her feet again. the soft thump thump thump on the back of your seat makes you grit your teeth. 
megumi shifts in his carseat, squeezing his juice pouch in between his little fingers. “do we have to go to the school?” he mumbles, sucking at the little plastic straw before throwing the garbage into the back of your car. you purse your lips as tsumiki scolds megumi. 
“sorry, megs,” you respond, tapping your finger against the steering wheel at another red light. “unfortunately, the babysitter called in sick and i’ve got plans with my parents. you’ll have to be with satoru today.” you glance at the rearview mirror, watching as megumi’s little brows pinch together and his lips begin to form a pout. tsumiki cheers. 
the light turns green and you drive the car forward, luckily missing the next couple of red lights and making it to jujutsu tech. 
“i don’t wanna go,” megumi says sharply as he crosses his arms over his chest. you hum apologetically as you swing open your car door. “i wanna be with you.” 
as you round the car and open his door, satoru appears at the top of the stairs. he smiles widely and bounds down the steps, easily reaching tsumiki’s door and helping her out of her carseat while you work on megumi’s. 
“i know, megs,” you tell him, lifting him up by his armpits and pulling him into a little hug. he clings to you, glaring at satoru behind your back. “i’ll make sure to bring back something yummy for you and tsum, okay? something salty for you and something sweet for tsum,” you promise, leaning down to set him on the sandy ground. he reluctantly lets you go. 
“okay…” he agrees, walking toward satoru who swings tsumiki around in the air while she laughs. he doesn’t turn back around and you sigh, your head throbbing with the remnants of your earlier headache. 
satoru finally turns toward you, a wide smile on his face, “don’t worry your pretty little head, everything’s gonna be totally okay!” he tucks tsumiki into his armpit like she’s a soccer ball. “we’ll see you for dinner! tell your mom i say hi, yeah?” he watches as you walk around the hood of your car. automatically, he leans forward and opens the car door for you. 
“thanks,” you murmur tentatively as you slide into your seat and diligently clip your seatbelt in place. 
satoru smiles even wider, tsumiki still tucked into his body and megumi tightly fisting his navy pants. he easily leans forward and presses a wet kiss to your cheek before leaning back and slamming your door shut. 
“bye!” he yells, his voice muffled. tsumiki waves and echoes his sentiment. you chuckle before driving away from the school. 
satoru’s grin doesn’t falter as he watches you drive away from him and the kids. a little feeling in his chest tells him that he probably should have told you about the mission he’d been assigned but he brushes it away; he knows he can handle it, he’s the strongest.
megumi tugs harder at his pants, “can you put her down?” he asks, pointing a chubby finger at tsumiki’s dangling body. 
satoru grins, “of course, gumi,” he says, placing tsumiki on the ground and crouching to help her straighten her shirt and bright pink skirt. “but you’re gonna have to take her spot!” he cheers, swiftly grabbing megumi and picking him up. “c’mon, tsumiki!” he calls as he bounds back up the stairs, megumi in his arms. 
yaga waits for satoru at the top, his arms crossed over his chest. satoru whistles happily as he stops in front of him. 
“don’t you think you should’ve told them you have a mission today?” yaga asks, staring at megumi and tsumiki. “you can’t take them with you.” 
gojo stops whistling, reaching upward to slide his glasses down an inch. “who says?” he challenges. “i’m not hearing too many objections. are you, tsumiki, megumi?” megumi glowers in his arms and tsumiki shakes her head. 
“nope!” she chirps. “we’ll be okay, mr. yaga! satoru’s the strongest!” 
yaga stares at the little girl, “fine,” he relents after a minute. “take them, but if they get hurt i’m not vouching for you, satoru.” 
satoru shift megumi into one arm and leans down and scoops tsumiki into his other arm. “no buts, yaga, my kids aren’t going to get hurt.” he smirks before teleporting away from the school, leaving a little cloud of dust in his wake. 
the three of them reappear in a closed off subway station. the lights overhead flicker sporadically and gojo huffs. he places megumi and tsumiki on the concrete floor near a little bench.
“wait here,” he says softly, slowly taking his glasses off his face. he vanishes from their sight.
megumi puffs his cheeks. “don’t you think it’s a bad idea that he left us?” he asks tsumiki who settles into the subway bench and begins to swing her feet. she hums to herself. 
“i trust him!” she says and megumi’s stomach drops at the sight of a dark shadow slinking toward her. 
“tsumiki,” he starts, looking around for satoru. “i think we should move.” 
she looks at him, “huh? but satoru said to stay here–” before she can finish, the low level curse launches itself at her. tsumiki yelps loudly as the slimy monster begins to drag her away. 
megumi clasps his hands together, the exact way satoru had taught him, and lets out a cry of frustration when his two dogs don’t appear. “please, please, please,” he whimpers, clasping his hands together over and over. 
finally, two dogs appear from the subway shadows and throw themselves at the curse dragging tsumiki away. they tear at its slimy body and tsumiki runs toward megumi. 
before she can reach him, megumi’s body is hauled into the air. he yelps loudly, turning around to glare at satoru as he smiles brightly. his blue eyes are nearly blinding. 
“you two okay?” satoru asks somewhat out of breath, he looks at tsumiki who picks sticks and rocks and other grime out of her hair and clothes. 
she nods, “megumi saved me!” 
“yeah? wait ‘till (y/n) hears about that!” satoru grins, picking tsumiki up and teleporting the three of them back to the school. your car is pulled in front of the school and you’re leaning against the hood, your cellphone gripped tightly in your hands. 
“satoru gojo,” you grumble as he approaches you. he settles the kids back onto the floor before wrapping his arms around you. 
“hi, my love,” he greets, pressing little kisses to the top of your head. “how are the in-laws doing?” 
you push at his chest and glare up at him, impatiently tapping your foot against the dirt. “they’re not your in-laws. why didn’t you tell me you had a mission?” 
satoru shoves his hands deep into his pockets. “ahh, it never came up! and don’t worry, pretty, they will be soon.” he leans back casually and grins at the way your face heats. 
megumi clings to your pantleg and you look down at him. your nose wrinkles. 
“satoru… why does megumi smell like a cursed spirit?” you look over at tsumiki and your eyes narrow at her messy clothes. “satoru gojo, you better not tell me what i think happened.” 
tsumiki jumps up, “don’t be mad at satoru!” she says. “we’re all safe and megumi saved me!” 
your glare turns back to satoru. “we’ll talk about this later,” you promise before turning to megumi who blushes deeply and turns away. 
“i summoned demon dogs,” he mumbles shyly. 
your mood immediately lightens, “really? that’s awesome, megs!” you praise, bringing him up into your arms and twirling him around in a circle. “that calls for ice cream, don’t you think?” 
megumi nods as you pull him into hug. “can i get two scoops?” 
“of course you can. let’s go right now!” you open the car door and situate megumi into his seat. tsumiki giggles and crawls into her seat and waits for you to buckle her in. 
“i call shotgun!” satoru sings. 
you turn to him, “not you, since you have another mission according to yaga.” 
satoru’s jaw drops as you clip tsumiki in and shut her car door with your hip. he watches as you sit in the driver’s seat. 
“i’ll save you a cup,” you tell him, winking before driving away.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
Is it true some parts will be under water in 2025? I'm kinda of worried cause someone told me about it bc it was on the news
Eh, not really. Like, technically, but that's a very dramatic way to put it.
What that person told you about was probably this prediction, which says that some roads on some of the Florida Keys might be underwater by 2025.
Does that suck? Yes. But it's also pretty limited in scope.
(And by the way, that's probably not "underwater all the time." There will probably be a number of years of "the roads will be underwater at high tide specifically." I can't currently find a source on this, but that's how tides work, and the Florida Keys article does specifically mention them as a main problem.)
The areas in danger first are pretty universally small, very low islands. Actually, a dozen or so small islands have already gone underwater in the Pacific Ocean, but very importantly, none of those islands were inhabited.
They were mostly small reef islands (that is, the entire island is exposed coral reef detritus) and other uninhabited shoals. Mostly, they were so small scientists had to check old satellite images to even figure out that they disappeared. Literally, we're talking about chunks of land that are just 100 square meters/300 square feet. Again, not great, but still very limited in scope.
As this Live Science article thankfully explains, it's pretty unlikely that any countries at all will disappear before 2100.
Also, just because land is below sea level doesn't mean it will be underwater, and there are very real steps we can take to defend a lot of endangered cities/islands.
For example:
Much of the Netherlands is already below sea level, but the country isn't disappearing, because the Dutch have put a lot of work into building and maintaining coastal defenses.
Multiple surveys (including the one that found the missing islands in Micronesia) also found that not all low-lying islands are vulnerable to erosion and flooding. This is because many islands are protected by mangrove forests, lagoons, or both
Mangrove reforestation in particular is genuinely a super effective anti-flooding strategy that is being deployed pretty widely, and is expected to increase a lot in the coming years. Mangroves are effective at not only preventing short-term flooding, but also mitigating sea-level increases (in part by preventing erosion)
Some islands, esp Pacific Islands, have actually grown during the past couple decades, not shrunk. It really depends on what the island is made up of. Not all land is automatically doomed
You can read more about how sinking countries are fighting back here, and the lessons we can learn from them:
-via Time, June 13, 2019
And finally, and this is good news for reasons I'll explain in a second:
Some of the largest and wealthiest cities in the world are at the top of the danger list. (Note: the predictions at that link are based on some fairly severe warming predictions. They do NOT necessarily reflect what's going to happen or when.)
The cities that are going to be in danger the soonest (still away btw) include New York, London, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Dubai. Lots of very rich people in those cities! Who would really like to not have to move (any of their ten different homes lol)
So, flooding aside, we're going to (by necessity) get a lot better at figuring out the quickest, cheapest, most scalable, and most effective types of coastal defenses real fast.
Are rich countries going to be way more able to get strong coastal defense systems up quickly? Yes. Does that suck? Sure fucking does!! But these solutions don't all require a lot of money or tech to implement, even at a large scale, especially when it's local communities driving the effort.
And, importantly, when rich countries pour a ton of money into figuring this out, that will hugely expand our understanding of what techniques work best, why, and how best to deploy them in different situations. Unlike physical structures, that's valuable knowledge that can be shared very, very widely.
And any technology that comes out of this is going to work like solar panels and other green energy: as more people use it, it will get cheaper and cheaper. Probably really quickly.
So, all told, no one's going to be swallowed up in the next few years. We have time to work on this and a lot of people are already doing so.
Mostly, experts predict that the first wave of large-scale issues will be happening around 2050.
Three decades doesn't sound like enough time, in the face of something like this. But you know what? Responses to climate change are speeding up exponentially, and different types of responses are multiplying and magnifying each other.
We went from inventing flight to landing on the moon in just 66 years.
I wouldn't count us out of the climate change fight yet.
(...I wouldn't count on retiring to Florida either, though)
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randomprose · 8 months
a series of texts/letters/notes that mo guan shan has written for he tian but will never send
note: he tian left after high school
xx/xx/xx to: chicken dick [unsent]
are you at wherever the fuck you should be at now? hope your flight was as shitty as your goodbye was
Decided to give the old college experience a try after all. The high school teachers did say my grades were good enough to apply to some. Thanks for that I guess by the way. Studying wasn’t so bad when you have help.
Tuition costs are gonna be a bitch though so I’ll have to look for scholarship and shit.
I’m keeping my promise and trying my best to be better.
xx-xx 01:09 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
[photo attached: a black puppy]
ma got a new dog. the mutt followed her from the market after she shooed some bigger dogs picking on it. 
xx-xx 01:10 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
now it switched to following me around it’s fucking annoying. i have to look where i walk or i’ll step on it and then it’ll cry non-stop. stupid mutt. 
xx-xx 01:10 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
told ma not to name it or it’ll get attached.
xx-xx 10:34 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
[photo attached: a black puppy with an orange collar]
named him tian-tian
Got accepted to a university in Shanghai. Food science and tech. It feels so fucking surreal.
Ma cried when we got the acceptance letter. I legit thought it was another rejection but the envelope was different. She opened the letter because my hands were shaking. It came with a fucking scholarship. She’s on the phone now telling all our relatives about it. We’re gonna see Pa tomorrow to tell him.
I wish you were here to open the letter with me too, chicken dick.
xx-xx 02:38 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
ma said there’s a chance pa could get out on parole. they’re hopeful but i don’t wanna get my hopes up. 
xx-xx 02:40 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
sorry. idk who else to tell this to.
I applied for an athletic scholarship too. Track and field. The one the school gave was just for basic tuition. This one will cover the rest. It helped that I won a couple of track meets in high school. Guess all that running from gang’s in middle school paid off, huh?
Did you ever imagine I’ll be in college with not one but two scholarship? ‘Cause I sure as hell fuckin’ didn’t. Holy fucking shit.
Still gotta work part time though. Living expenses in Shanghai is no joke. Fuck. Do you know how much cong you bing costs here? Don’t even get me started on how much a bowl of noodle is here. Unbefuckinglievable. 
It wasn’t even as good as the one we used to eat at after school. I miss eating xiaomian with you.
xx-xx 11:21 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
shanghai is fucking big and confusing. and busy. 
xx-xx 11:30 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
i missed a station and messed up my train switch.
xx-xx 01:19 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
it’s fine. i still made it to the campus. lots of rich boys here like you btw. you would’ve fit right in.
First years have to live on campus and the dorming system fucking sucks ass. And my roommate was an even bigger dick than you but at least he wasn’t a slob. No one will top you in that department I guess.
Rented a cheaper apartment off campus this year. It’s a shitty studio type, a bit cramped, but I like the privacy. It’s also closer to my part-time job and there’s this elderly couple who lives below me. I help them around sometimes and they give me food. The old landlady is a bit of a hardass though but…I think you would’ve charmed and won her over too, you smarmy ass shithead.
Rent isn’t cheap but it’s not too expensive either. If you were here, we could’ve shared an apartment. A regular one, not the high-end one you used to live in. Better for costs and splitting chores—not that you were any good at them, but you would’ve gotten better if you stayed. I wasn’t gonna tolerate your rich boy ass in college.
I know you had to leave but I wish you stayed instead. Would’ve been less lonely here.
Finals exams are coming up and it’s kicking my fucking ass. Between classes and my part-time job I hardly have time to study. It’s a good thing sports training and extra-curricular activities are on pause now. But holy fucking shit why is it so hard to study?? It’s like I’m back in middle school and nothing is going in my head. How did I make it through high school?!
Yeah, yeah. I know. You were there. You tutored me and shit. Whatever, you dick. I don’t know why but it was just easier to focus with you around…but also not. It’s…you’re a distraction, but also you help me focus. Does that makes sense?
I guess what I’m trying to say is…you being around made me want to do better. 
It’s selfish but I wish it was just Jian Yi. I wish I got to keep you here with me.
Exams are finally fucking done ended. I think I passed all of them. I have to pass all of them. I wanna graduate next year already. I can't be delayed. I’m so exhausted I feel like my brain is running on fumes. Bet you’ll be all smug and shit because you know you aced all your exams, you fucking smart ass. If you were here I mean. Fuck. I’m hungry but I’m too tired to get up. I want those sandwiches you used to make. If you were here would you make them for me? Would you pat my head and tell me I did a good job? When are you coming back? I miss your stupid smugass face. I miss y—
I smoked a cigarette tonight. Just one. I was at a party and someone somehow had real cigarettes instead of a vape or those fancy e-cigarette shit. Does your rich boy ass use those? Or do you still prefer real nicotine? Bet you still smoke sticks you fucking edgelord.
I smoked in the balcony while my friends talked shit. Yeah, I have friends, dick head. You pick a few of those up when you do the college experience apparently. The owner of the house and the host is also my friend. Never imagined my punk ass self to hang out with college kids and get invited to honest to god normal college parties, but, fuck it. Here I am.
Zhengxi was there too. We go to the same university. Don’t think I ever mentioned that before, have I? I’m not sure what he’s taking. I think it was business? Something with a lot of math. I don’t fucking know. He’s…he’s been better. He was a fucking hot mess after Jian Yi left but now he’s…still a mess. Sometimes. I am too. After you left. But he’s trying. I am too. And some days are harder than others.
I don’t really smoke. Just felt like it tonight. Maybe it’s the alcohol (no, I’m not drunk, I barely drank) or the company. Maybe I just missed you and thought this is what you’ll do if you were here.
It was menthol. The cig I smoked. It fell cool in my lungs, calming almost, and I kind of understand why you're addicted to this shit I guess. If I didn’t hate the taste of smoke and the aftertaste maybe I’ll be too.
I didn’t hate it when you were blowing it in my mouth though.
The air in the balcony was cold. The smoke from the cig reminded me how you’d sometimes forget you still have a lighted stick between your fingers and just watch the smoke float up. I finished the stick and stubbed it twice on the ash tray before twisting it. Just like how you put it out.
‘will he be sad if i leave?’ you wrote that down in your notebook. Before. In middle school. It was scratched over by ballpoint but the ink was blue and the words were written in black. It’s like you didn’t want to erase it after all. Did you want me to read it, you fuck?
Will I be sad if you leave? Guess what, dick head? I’m fucking devastated. Not really. 🖕
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stopscammingartists · 9 months
Who did Glip and Eevee befriend in the art and tech spheres to be so untouchable ??? No doubt those in the industry that protect them sympathize with predators at best
Art spheres no. Glip used to be this way but fell out of grace with the big fluff logs dropped.
Tech and indie game communities however, are still partial to protecting Eevee because she plays up the 'It's all kiwifarms & transphobia' angle really well and wasn't ever actually married to Marl - loosening the impact of the BF logs on her reputation compared to Glip.
I'll use cohost as an example, because it's pretty blatant there.
Just look at the comments on this post on her cohost, and how she talks about her detractors.
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....The post she's talking about, by the way, is only about Lain and Big Fluff. The 2 children Marl sexually abused. It's true that both kids posted on kiwifarms, but it's extremely manipulatively dishonest to refer to them both as just KF users.
Cohost btw, seems to be in her pocket. The one time I'm aware that someone called Eevee out on something, they got banned from the platform entirely nearly instantly.
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The original comment was on this post of Eevee's. Eevee edited it out, but the same comment was shared on lolcow and had a link in it. Here is the tweet the banned commenter linked to, and relevant screenshots. Guess she didn't want people seeing this. I wonder why?
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It was this comment to Eevee that pushed Glip to double down on wishing Jollys suicide attempt was successful, looking at the timing of everything.
Twitter sucks, but if Cohost is willing to look the other way at abhorrent behavior like wishing that someone who attempted suicide twice was successful....so long as the person doing that said abhorrent behavior is Eevee...but quick to drop the hammer on those that lightly point out that said behavior is beyond fucked up - then cohost is rotten at the top and isn't worth using.
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mysticalsoot · 9 months
i prefer life with you, than without
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part 2 of 'glances of love'
➸ note; woo!! here's another part!! if you saw this when I accidentally posted it, no you didn't, shush that never happened !! (requests are open for this series btw!) i will be asleep when this posts so I'll add it to the masterlists in the morning :) (lilly please harass me there's no way in hell im remembering)
➸ pairing; cc!wilbur x gn!reader
➸ summary; wilbur gets a bit self conscious about his relationship with reader but you're quick to reassure him !
➸ warning; possible swearing, mentions and vague descriptions of parental fighting and childhood trauma, food mentions (no EDs), implied age gap (do what you will with that), if there's more lmk!
➸ age-rating; 14-15+
➸ wordcount; 2.4k
main masterlist
glances of love masterlist
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your relationship with wilbur had balance, plenty of it. it was rare to even get into an argument and sometimes you'd bicker over small things, bound to look at each other and laugh at the stupidity of the moment. your life was finally happy and quiet, he brought you peace with his smile and his touch. his love radiated from him, making sure you're always warm. he wanted to make sure that part of you that held your inner child could heal, he never wanted to see you break. he never wanted to repeat his own childhood.
he noticed early on in the relationship that when a man's voice raised just a bit too much, you'd flinch and freeze. you'd tense when he tried to soothe you by a touch to your shoulder or chin or face, but you relaxed when you realized it was him. you never wanted to be your parents.
they fought a lot in your earlier childhood, arguing over small minute things, your dad refusing to pick up around the house and leaving your mother to do the rest. there were threats, and there were screams. you'd cover your ears and so would your siblings. the tears would build, threatening to spill as the screams of your parents echoed on the walls.
you told Wilbur this after the first few times he caught you flinching at someone yelling, the final time being when he yelled at someone for catcalling you. he pushed this time, while the others he just frowned and let it slide, when you flinched at him, it broke his heart and so he had to know why.
you told him how you'd pray to god your parents would wake up back in love or get a divorce and that it seemed neither prayer was answered. you told him how you were hyper independent as a child, just to avoid irritating your parents more. how his way of caring for you helped heal that wounded child still tucked inside.
and then he told you of similar experiences, how when his parents were fighting the most, he felt torn between them. like he was this weight keeping them held in this marriage they didn't seem to want. then they had his little brother, Tommy, and it seemed to fix it. until his father became too busy for wilbur, but not too busy for Tommy or Tech. but then he was too busy for everyone, and his mom withdrawaled and no longer seemed as interested in his life. so he likes caring for others, it gives him a purpose and if he cares for someone that needs it, he'll have that loving and appreciative attention he desires.
both of you had your shared traumas but you worked through it, he never yelled, you let him care for you (although, you needed that help anyways). it was a fair deal you two had subconsciously made.
the day was quiet, the both of you cleaning up the kitchen together with a front bottoms album playing in the living room. he'd spin you around, making you giggle before you'd both go back to cleaning. he was working on dishes, and then he paused, eyes glancing up ever so slightly as he sucks in a breath.
your heart jumped into your throat when he spoke those words; "baby, we need to talk."
it was sweet, but not sickeningly so. he was gentle with his tone and his words, taking a few steps towards you in the kitchen, tilting his head down to meet your eyes. he was smiling, sweetly at that.
"yes, Wil?" you smile up at him, your hands gripping at his sides as you try to hide the fear in your eyes and voice.
he grabs your face in his hands gently, thumbs rubbing your jawline before he kisses the tip of your nose. he pulls back, eyes sporadically searching yours.
"don't you think I'm too old for you? i mean.. shouldn't you be out, partying and making mistakes instead of staying in and baking cookies with me before settling on the couch to binge a show until we sleep..." he pauses, eyes trailing away before they gaze down on you again. you hold back on speaking, keeping your words on your tongue while you wait for him to finish, "am I taking that experience away from you?"
you shake your head slowly, your hands reaching up to cover his larger ones and you sigh at the feeling of his skin under your fingertips.
"no, not much would be different in my life if we weren't together. besides my life would be sadder and lonelier. at least I can do my old person activities with someone else." you smile, shrugging as you turn your face to kiss his palm, eyes looking up at him through your lashes.
"are you calling me old?" he taunts, smirk curling up and the frown shown before is completely gone.
you turn your gaze away as you shake your head, "noooo.. I mean you are kinda old? you are twenty-six after all."
"oh you little shit-" he smirks, grabbing you by the waist and picking you up. he carries you over to the couch and pins your limbs down, fingers attacking at your sides and belly as you swat at his hands.
"wil- no! it tickles!" you breathe out through loud giggles, squirming in your spot.
"this is for calling me old, baby," he continues tickling until you give him a warning glare, "okay, okay," he chuckles with his hands in the air before he sits back, pulling you into his lap. you settle between his thighs, resting your head on his shoulder as he pets the back of your head. he kisses your temple as he hums.
"I hope you mean what you said," he turns the conversation back to what it was earlier. an exasperated sigh leaving his chest as he chews on his lip, "I don't want to be the one to take those experiences away."
"do I look like I'm one to have a desire for partying?" you scoff playfully, thinking to all the moments where you'd drink with him and his band after a show.
he thinks for a moment and then shakes his head, kissing your cheek and nose and forehead.
"i guess not, you're a bit of a recluse, hm?" he teases, smirk crawling back up on his features. you swat at his chest, gasping in mock offense.
"I am not! i go out all the time!" you scoff and shake your head. he holds your hips a bit tighter, keeping you held in your lap.
"okay, then, when's the last time you went out?" his smirk deepens, eyes glinting with mischief.
it takes you a few minutes to conjure an answer, unsure as you speak, "I went to waterstones like.. two days ago?"
"baby.." he starts, tone a bit stern but still teasing.
"okay, okay fine! maybe I am a bit of a recluse but I like it, I do. i really like staying in and doing my work and waiting for you to come back. it's peaceful and I finally feel safe enough to just live and be alone. it's safe, I like it," you take a deep breath after your rant, looking down at his hands, taking one of them and playing with his fingers mindlessly, "you're safe." it's merely but a whisper, but he hears it and he can't tell if his heart is breaking or healing. your words struck a cord with him and he doesn't know how to swim through sludge in his brain.
"I'm not taking anything away from you?" his voice cracks softly, a small frown on his lips, an expression of worry. he fears being the one holding you back, despite the both of you being in similar stages of life. stable incomes, jobs and lives. you share finances, the apartment, grocery bills. he goes on tour, you stay back and edit two or so videos a week. you're both happy, and you aren't sure why he's so insistent that he's holding you back. if anything, he helps project you forward. he assists you in every which way. he helps you, he encourages you, he loves you.
"not one thing," you smile, holding his hands and shaking them a bit before kissing each of his fingertips. you lean forward, head on his shoulder as you tuck your legs between his. your body nestles between his thighs and he wraps his legs around you in a little nest.
"do you regret this?" he hums, worry still controlling his every thought. he's so anxious, and you can't entirely figure out why.
you sit back, looking up at him as you play with the fluff of hair that hangs over his forehead and you think, letting thoughts and worries be sifted through.
"mm.." thoughts scurry around, glimpses of brief worries, of judgement from friends and family, from fans in particular, "no, I don't. i really never have. why regret something that gives me you?"
"because you regret not doing certain things," he shrugs, taking your hands in his and laughing softly at the size difference. it looks so ridiculous to him, he must look like a giant to you. perhaps he is a giant.
"if I wanted to go out and party, there's nothing stopping me. there's absolutely nothing in my way that keeps me from living life," you smile to yourself, watching as he rubs his thumbs over your hands, bringing them to his lips to kiss.
"you could be dating though, not just stuck with one guy," he whispers, kisses placed on your palms and fingers and wrists.
"I like being stuck with my guy," his eyes finally meet yours and they seem to melt in a way. a small whine escapes his lips as he grabs your body, arms wrapped around your form before he pulls you into a sweet hug.
you giggle and laugh, bringing your lips to his for a sweet, loving embrace. a few moments pass and he pulls away, "I'm yours?"
"I wouldn't have it any other way," you smile, kissing his forehead, just to pull back and meet his eyes. you sigh happily before getting attacked with kisses to your lips.
"mine.." he mumbles between each meeting of your lips, sighing and humming in between kisses and mumbles.
"my baby.." he smiles, pulling back to admire you, his thumb traces your cheek and jaw. it presses into your skin gently, rubbing smooth, soft circles onto your face. jaw, chin, lips, cheek.
you giggle at the kisses, a fluttering, ticklish feeling beneath each one. wilbur smiles at each kiss, placing each one with gentle care, love left behind at every touch of his lips.
"pizza for dinner?" you hum softly, holding his upper arms gently, not quite able to wrap around them fully.
he pulls away gently, smile still on his lips and eyes foggy with some sort of mixed love emotion. he nods, placing a kiss to your throat, "I'll order, yeah? I'll run a bath for you and set out some of my clothes for you to change into," he hums, kisses to your collarbone and shoulder, his hums echoing in your bones.
"a bath?" your words hold part offense and part curiosity.
"I am not saying you need it, I'm saying that I may have splurged yesterday and bought a few new bathbombs for you.." he trails off, kissing your cheek. he's smug with his words, and you swat at his chest.
"Wil, really?" you scoff playfully, rolling your eyes with a warm smile.
"what? they smelled good!" he counters, leaning back to look down at you with a small pout.
"they're lavender scented, aren't they?"
he hums, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as he shrugs, "maybe, but it's your favorite,"
you nod, laughing softly as you slip out of wilbur's lap. he holds your wrist gently, thumb rubbing the skin there for a few seconds before smiling and letting go.
he draws your bath as you both chat about random things, kissing you before leaving you to enjoy the warm bath with bathbombs and smelly soaps and bubbles.
you don't spend too long in your bath, maybe 20 minutes before you're draining it and drying off, changing into a pair of wilbur's boxers and one of his shirts. you hum as you walk out of the bathroom and through the bedroom. a few strides and you're behind him in the kitchen, wrapping your arms around his waist. you kiss on his back for a few moments, humming to yourself.
"thank you, love," you whisper as he places his hands on yours, you scratch at his stomach gently with your fingertips.
"you're welcome, honey. pizza will be here in a few, okay? why don't you go over and rest on the couch, I'll be in there in a minute," he turns in your grasp, leaning down and grabbing your face, a kiss to your forehead that lingers as he hums against your skin. he pulls back and smiles at you, a kiss to your nose and you turn around to the living room.
you hurry to the couch, hopping on it and curling up with pillows and blankets as you set up some random movie on Netflix.
wilbur comes in a few minutes later, a box of pizza and a couple plates in hand. he dishes a piece out for you both, cuddling up next to you under the blanket and watching the movie along with you. it's nice, the quiet. you don't always need words with wilbur, sometimes the silence is plenty for you both, how calming and serene it is to not have to say anything.
it goes like this for a few hours, until you're both falling asleep, wrapped up together and dozing off with half lidded eyes.
"I love you, you know that?" you hum, looking into wilbur's eyes as best you can, trying desperately to fight sleep.
"I do, I just worry," he sighs, kissing your forehead with a sleepy smile.
"then don't worry," you kiss his nose, rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs.
he smiles and kisses you once, a quick peck that says a million more words than spoken and he tucks his head in your shoulder. his breathing steadies out, followed by gentle snores before you're lulled to sleep with him.
you much prefer life with him than without and you hope he feels the same.
taglist; @lcvejoy @lillylvjy @ella-fella-bo-bella @lotusanonymouse @ughtreyparker @whos-nicooo @zebonos
© 2023 mysticalsoot
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eriexplosion · 4 months
Do y'all remember the hype for this episode like we knew it was THE Crosshair episode and everyone was absolutely thirsting for it.
"A new friend is made on a harsh and unforgiving outpost planet" WHO WROTE THIS SUMMARY?
Like yes technically accurate as it doesn't specify that the new friend survives the friendship.
Crosshair clearly paying much more attention to the regs these days, at this point I do think he's pretty much had all his bullshit beaten out of him when it comes to thinking he's better than anyone else. Just in time for Crosshair's Worse Time Parade to start.
Much like Hemlock, Lieutenant Nolan is established as absolute garbage the instant he sees Crosshair taking like two seconds to breathe out of his helmet and tells him he's out of uniform. If The Bad Batch can do one thing it's write a man that sucks.
Literally would kill this man myself and he's been on screen for 30 seconds
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God Mayday was complicated because like I loved him from the moment I saw him but also like, coming into this episode just logistically we knew anyone that showed Crosshair a hint of kindness was almost certainly going to get killed, so Mayday is loved for the exact thing that put him on the path to narrative doom. Reinforcements or no reinforcements, it doesn't matter, Mayday was never leaving Barton IV alive.
They waited 36 rotations. 4 days longer than Crosshair was left to nearly starve on a platform. If I remember correctly (I'm not there yet) Crosshair says the trip took 2 hours. None of their lives were worth two hours.
I really love the name Hexx btw
"Respect is something to be earned." And immediately Nolan goes nuclear to insult him because he wasn't instantly given unconditional deference.
I am going to scream from the layers of unfair this is.
The way Mayday's voice softens a touch when left alone with Crosshair though, always gentler with another clone.
I'm still not over the LONG pause after Mayday introduces himself, like Crosshair is trying to dig past the shields he put up between himself and his situation to remember his own name. He probably hasn't heard it at all since Cody.
Mayday looked at Crosshair and apparently felt the desperation for company rolling off him in smothering waves because he instantly is just like 'you're under my wing now'
That he's been out here over a year meaning that the Empire has been established for over a year is a lot to take in like god Crosshair has been away from home for so long.
"You'll freeze to death in that armor" He is like 10 seconds from wrapping Crosshair in a blanket I swear to god I'm only slightly projecting.
"Vicious creatures, but you have to admire 'em. They find a way to survive." GOD I LOVE THAT LINE. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.
Using the explosion through heat vision to completely screw Crosshair's up for the shot was such a good excuse to have him just wound the guy instead of kill him, lol.
Still was surprised to see a blood trail in this cartoon, but sure they can't show us any sign of Tech's body right (YES I AM STILL ON THIS AND WILL BE UNTIL THEY SHOW US THE BOY)
Goddddd him putting Hexx and Veetch's helmets next to all of the others. His very last brothers, the men he was responsible for, god I am in tatters about it. Every second of this episode is just. Grief and Pain.
"Remind me not to die on your watch" Don't worry you're the only person that's been nice to him in months he will literally drag you through hell to save your life. Crosshair just has what we call "Something is wrong with him" disease and all of his words pass through the cortex that makes him rude before getting to you.
My thoughts on this mine disarming scene are Many but let it just be said that I still cannot believe they put this on my screen, it was made explicitly for me to be feral to.
Mayday has learned fast how to talk to Crosshair though, gotta give him some snark back.
"They're... gone." "And here we are. The survivors."
"If I don't hear a boom then I'll know it worked." "Glad you're confident in your work." "Oh I'm confident, I'm just not stupid."
I just love this back and forth dynamic that they hit perfectly and immediately.
Hey Crosshair actually wins a hand to hand fight all he has to do is sneak up on them and not give them the opportunity to actually hit him back.
Shout out to the guy whose first instinct was to try and RUN MAYDAY OVER WITH A CAR like it didn't work but impressive ingenuity.
Clones dying to guard the gear intended for their replacements god it makes me ILL.
"We're good soldiers. We followed orders. And for what?"
The entire thing is designed to drive a wedge into Crosshair's brain and break through the thick shield he's built around himself where he is so sure if he just follows orders Well Enough maybe he can make everything he's done and lost worth it in the end but he can't because he never had a future in the Empire and no amount of sunk cost fallacy will change that.
Literally would be so fascinating to see exactly what was running through Mayday's head when he chose to push Crosshair out of the way of the rock instead of jumping to safety himself. He just met this guy, he's not technically responsible for him, but Mayday has lost every single soldier he was in command of, sole survivor of his unit, and he finally, finally had the opportunity to save someone. If he only saves one person, maybe he's done something worthwhile.
And honestly, Crosshair is trying to do the same back to him. Just Mayday dies knowing he succeeded and Crosshair lives knowing he failed.
I am fucking destroyed by this episode by the way like it is so unbearably good and also tragic as hell.
Mayday trying to get Crosshair to leave him behind and the music when Crosshair decides absolutely the fuck not. That they have one helmet between them and Crosshair put it on Mayday's head and not his own.
The moment of them huddling together in a tiny little hideaway in the rock ends me too, like, images that stick in my head forever.
And despite everything Crosshair made it he got Mayday back to the outpost alive, he did everything to accomplish the impossible and it should have been enough, but it wasn't all because Nolan doesn't value either of their lives enough to even lift a single finger for Mayday.
Like Crosshair accomplishing the impossible through sheer stubbornness only to have it pulled away at the last second I am in AGONY.
Crosshair taking Mayday's helmet off and at least giving him one last moment of human connection before it's over
The voice acting in this moment is absolutely unbelievable but especially on 'Help him' like give DBB all the money in the world because I was shattered.
"He served his purpose as a soldier of the Empire" OWN WORDS THROWN BACK INTO HIS FACE LIKE A FUCKING PUNCH
The way Crosshair's words drop back down into a growl as he says "You could have saved him." is so good too.
The music as it all reaches its boiling point, as he sees the vulture's shadow, then Mayday's body, then the vulture itself just. Oh god. This episode is a masterpiece and I'm still not over it. I don't think I'll ever be over it.
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Like I still cannot BELIEVE we got this shot? The rock wings? I'm? Inconsolable?
Crosshair really probably thought he was going to die right there next to Mayday and honestly I think he was okay with it, in the worst way possible. Also him unconscious here is literally THE most relaxed I think we've ever seen his face.
But because this is only the start of Crosshair's Life Getting Much Much Worse he gets to live and wake up in a horrible science lab!
The sedative injection is much worse given the way that they torture him later.
"Cooperate and you might survive."
Literally one of the best episodes of anything I've ever seen I still cannot believe that we got it, truly. This episode is like 95% of the reason I have faith in the writers pulling through on the Tech Issue because I don't think anyone that gave Crosshair this episode arc would actually kill Tech off in such a stupid way on a completely pointless side quest.
I'm still on the rock wings and will be until further notice.
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radroller · 28 days
At long last, here are my thoughts on the many looks and identities of Marvel’s own Hank Pym!!! Being a fan of this guy is a real rollercoaster, but his costumes are always so great and interesting, ive wanted to talk about them for ages!!! As some of his looks kinda blend together Ive tried to stick with the bare essentials (barring ones i especially like) but you can generally assume that i rate most of the suits of a given identity the same unless i specifically state otherwise. So here we go!!!!!
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Ant-Man 10/10
What can i say? You can’t make an ant themed character much cooler than this. The irresistible 60s scifi charm of his big chrome helmet, the red, black, and blue color scheme with patterns that say “i am a super scientist” but gloves that say “im attemptint to look visually interesting.” Naturally Hank forgets he’s wearing some of the coolest headgear in comics. Ant-Man has had some good looks and updates but the charm of this one is pretty undeniable.
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Giant Man 8/10
I think we can all agree that Giant Man kinda sucks, but damn if he didnt look cool! I guess he kept the antennae to keep some Ant-Man functionality, but you rarely see him using it. That’s fine though, it gives him a cool and distinct silhouette. It’s strange, if this were a new look for him as Ant Man, id call it a more considerable downgrade, yet Hank becoming Giant Man is a downgrade in just about every sense of the word. And even so, i LOVE Giant Man! It’s a conundrum!
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Giant Man Redux: 6/10
I think they were trying to recapture the scifi tech charm of Ant-Man with this one, and it does kinda work! I think my main issue with this one is that it doesnt stick around long enough to really win me over. There are far more minor and insignificant variations of Hank’s suits that stick around way longer than this one. And id say this suit’s pretty damn significant, he left the Avengers for the the first time wearing this shit! I wish they’d played around with it some more.
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Goliath: 8/10
Goliath is extremely solid. I have to wonder if Marvel was conscious of Giant Man being a loser that they felt the need to rebrand him like this, there’s little significant changeover from his previous identity other than color scheme and name besides him being stuck at 10 ft tall for a bit. I LOVE the addition of the goggles btw, one of my earliest exposures to that design trope i love so much.
The weird thing with Goliath is that they make him look more and more like Giant Man while refusing to change his name. Like again i know the guy got his ass best plenty of times but when you add antennae and red to his costume….that’s just Giant Man! But whatever the case, i give Goliath and all of his iterations a solid thumbs up.
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Yellowjacket: 10/10
The PINNACLE as far as im concerned. What if you took Ant-Man and refined his charming but clunky scifi elements into something sleek, aerodynamic, and downright badass, while still having bright colors? You get Yellowjacket! I can’t stress how much i loved this suit as a kid. Do you know how rare it is to have a primarily yellow superhero who looks cool? It’s mostly just Wolverine, and he didn’t even exist at this point! I also like how it sorta resembles Wasp’s original outfit, though you probably wouldn’t get a chance to compare given Jan’s ever shifting wardrobe. It’s really a shame how maligned the Yellowjacket identity is because id love to see this design again, but its lasting association with the worst shit ever done with Hank pretty much made sure that’ll never happen.
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West Coast Avengers: -/10
It’s funny that what is arguably the height of Hank’s superhero career comes from when he’s vehemently not a superhero anymore. Thus, in terms of costumes…well this isnt a costume! But for what it is, it’s great. A nice practical super science getup. But i have trouble rating it on the same scale as the rest. Just know that I love it!
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90s Hank: 5/10
I was ready to rip this thing a new one, but tbh it isnt bad. The only thing that keeps it from being truly good is the stupid pouches, but i cant outright call it bad when it’s basically a worse version of Atlas from Thunderbolts’ costume without them. It’s passable.
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Giant Man???: 10/10
Yeah, I know. Confusing, isnt it? Well listen, regardless of names and costumes and what have you, this is by far my favorite variation on the original Goliath look. The red goggles just do it for me! I love primary color schemes and i prefer a touch of red to a touch of yellow, yknow?
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Goliath??????: 8/10
So NOW he can be Goliath. That makes perfect sense. Yeesh. This suit is cool though i like it. It’s based on a Goliath suit Jan designed for Hank, but by then he’d had become Yellowjacket, so Hawkeye became Goliath for a while instead. It’s a nice callback, and while I don’t actually care for that Goliath look, there’s no way a redesign by George Perez at the height of his career and abilities is gonna be anything less than great.
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Wasp: 7/10
Was Mighty Avengers good? I read a couple of issues and remembered enjoying it, but that was when i hated every other Avengers book do idk if that means it was actually good, yknow? Anyway while losing Jan as the Wasp and gaining Hank is about as big a net loss as i can think of, this is NOT a bad look. There are only a few gripes i feel: I get what they were going for with the design on his chest but it makes him look like he’s The Stickbug and not The Wasp. Secondly, i think the goggles are kinda lame compared to some of his other eye/headwear he’s sported throughout the years. That’s about it! Not bad for the worst Wasp in the main continuity!
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lynn-writes-things · 2 years
Fuuuuuck ME your writing is FABULOUS QUEEN 👸🏼
Your characterizations for the jujutsu kaisen men are 💯
If it’s up your alley, would you consider flirting/crushing on a love interest HCs for the men?
YES ABSOLUTELY!!!! thank you for the compliments my dear! and thank you for the request!!! <3
(btw I am getting to all the other requests as well, I'm back from the dead y'all lmao)
jjk men crushing on you <3
ft: Yuji Itadori; Megumi Fushiguro; Toge Inumaki; Yuta Okkotsu; Noritoshi Kamo; Satoru Gojo; Suguru Geto; Kento Nanami; Toji Fushiguro; Naoya Zenin (might be ooc?)
(I decided to exclude the curses from this one, cause Choso would be a fucking wreck and would probably have a nervous breakdown tbh, and Sukuna is, well.. Sukuna lmao)
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Yuji Itadori:
ohhhhhh my god he's horrible
geuinely the WORST when he's crushing on someone
he wants to talk to you SO BAD!!!
so he always tries! he's always trying to be near you all the time and talk to you about stuff!!
Yuji does not know how to act around someone he's crushing on :(
he talks to you, but he does not stop talking lmao
stutters a lot, trips over his words, messes up everything he tries to say but keeps fuckin' talkin' anyways
SO clumsy because all he can focus on is you, so he's tripping over his own two feet, walking into shit, etc
his face gets pinker than his hair every time he embarrasses himself around you :((
he'll ask you really stupid questions
like say you're both going to jujutsu tech, he knows you're a sorcerer, he knows your technique..
but during your first conversation he'll still stammer out a "so, are you a sorcerer?" after LITERALLY SEEING YOU FIGHT A CURSE OR WATCHING YOU TRAIN
sukuna doesn't even have to intervene to embarrass Yuji, but he is dying laughing at every misspoken word and stupid question that leaves Yuji's lips in your direction
"Do you want me to talk to her instead?"
"Well, you fucking suck at this brat"
he'll confess eventually!!!!
I think he'd be really cute about it, probably asks Nobara or Maki how they'd want to be asked out, or asks Megumi how he'd do it
(Nobara would probably be sneaky and as YOU how you'd want to be asked out, then change her answer to Yuji lmao)
either way, he will be a nervous wreck while he does it, and it'll be adorable :)
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Megumi Fushiguro:
ohhhhhhhhhh my god, my sweet baby
my sweet sweet baby boy
bless this boy, he does not know how to handle emotions
ngl probably tries to avoid you
he can't help but keep an eye on you tho
he'll watch from afar and end up getting called out by Nobara or Maki for being creepy
let's be real Yuji would be too oblivious to actually realize why his best friend acts like that around you
the girls are onto him tho lmao
he'll probably occasionally get you a snack or drink that he knows you like
especially if you're having a bad day, but he won't actually say much other than like "Here you go" and just leave
if it goes on for too long and you end up asking him if you did something wrong, he'll panic so bad
this would probably be the catalyst for him confessing tbh
he doesn't want you thinking that he fuckin' hates you cause that's the farthest thing from the truth
he'll be a mess the whole time, won't be able to look at you, face red as a fuckin' tomato, etc
he'll try to fucking leave before you can even say anything so you'll have to stop him and tell him that you like him too
sweet boy would be blushing SO BAD
very very very shy, pls be patient with him, he's trying his best <3
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Yuta Okkotsu:
another super sweet shy baby <3
wants to be around you all the time but has no clue wtf to say
he's a good mix of Yuji and Megumi tbh cause he does want to be around you all the time
but he's too shy to actually say something most of the time
he kinda relies on others to lead the conversations
his cheeks are always heated around you and his eyes are practically hearts <3
he just!!!!!!!!!!! you just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ugh he's so smitten
Toge and Maki catch on in like .2 seconds that Yuta's crushin' hard and they try to set you two up
all of a sudden you and Yuta are being brought into conversations only for you friends to lead them in very specific ways
aw it's so nice that your friends are all going on a nice picnic in the lovely field of flower
oh, would you look at that! something urgent came up and Toge and Maki both have to leave, so weirdddddd
ngl that might've been partially orchestrated by Yuta himself
he'll be all flustered when he hands you a tiny bouquet of the wildflowers, his cheeks burning, but his eyes are so very hopeful
this is definitely where he confesses to you too <3
it ends up being so incredibly sweet, and he'll definitely take you on a date here under the stars on your anniversary :( <3
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Toge Inumaki:
baby baby boy
does not know WHAT to do
he has a cheat card up his sleeve with always having his face covered, so his blushing isn't nearly as extreme as the others
and he doesn't have to worry about tripping over his words! he can't use them anyways!
he's still nervous as fuck around you but he doesn't show it much
constantly sending you memes
throws in the cutesy ones sometimes, like the uhhhhhhhhhh
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totally sends you the aggressive "iced coffee is not a meal, go eat something and drink some water" tiktoks
he's a touchy guy I feel like, so if you guys are hanging out watching a movie or something he'll lay his head on your lap and stuff
if you know sign language then expect a LOT of secret conversations around people who don't know it
very much a simp, Panda and Maki probably tease the hell out of him for it
(Yuta doesn't, Yuta is also a known simp)
sweet boy fucks with you just...... all the time lmao
it's his love language <3
I feel like he'd either have some sorta elaborate confession
like the type to set up a whole ass powerpoint presentation on "why I like you" that makes you cry <3
or like he'll (make and) send you a tiktok saying shit like "whoever sent you this has a confession.. they really fucking like you, idiot" or smth
OR he just kinda.....
if he can tell taht you like him too, he'll probably just kinda....
kiss you one day when you aren't expecting it?
idk I don't think Toge's in the shy phase of crushing on you for too long, I think he'd be a pretty confident dude (insecurities aside)
like when it's just the two of you, he's pretty confident ya know?
mans ain't afraid to make bold moves <3
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Noritoshi Kamo:
bless him
baby boy does not know how to deal with these feelings :(
he likes you SO MUCH!!!!
tires to be very professional about it tho
he'll insist on walking you to your dorm after late night hangouts with your friends
if you're going out to the city, boom you've now got a companion
"it's not safe for someone such as yourself to be out there alone"
don't mistake it!! he's not trying to call you weak!!!!
no yowaimo's here babes, don't worry
he just wants to make sure that you're safe ya know?
probably learns your favorite places to get takeout and orders it regularly for you
if you go anywhere with him he'll just immediately pay for whatever you're grabbing
like it does not matter what it is or how much it costs, he's offering to pay for it
Todo tries to convince him to "be a man and tell them how you feel. everybody likes knowing that you're loved"
the girls also try to coax him into confessing cause it is so damn obvious
eventually he grows tired of the constant harassment and does confess <3
he shows up with one rose (in your favorite color, no less) and very shaky hands
it's EXTREMELY formal
like he won't ask you to be his girlfriend/boyfriend/partner outright
he's the type to very formally ask to "court" you instead or "date" you
he'll tell you that he likes you a lot, and wants to take things farther <3
pls don't tease him about how stuff and shaky he is, he's doing his best :(
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Satoru Gojo:
a menace
you literally will not be able to tell
he flirts with you, sure, but this mf flirts with everyone who breathes, so...
it drives him insane tbh cause he likes you SO DAMN MUCH and you just??? don't realize it?????
and he's another one who doesn't really know How To Emotion properly which makes it impossible for him to just straight up tell you how he actually feels
he definitely goes extra with you tho
like he always surprises you with flowers and stuff
ALWAYS around you
you're busy teaching? he's there <3
you're in the lounge? there he is!! &lt;3
he actually kinda.. let's himself be more chill around you
not much tho
little do you know he's HARD STOPPED flirting with anybody else
he gets real annoyed if you're giving your attention to someone else tho
he totally "peacocks" around you, like he shows off big time
if someone's stealing your attention from him then he's quick to pull a flashy move of some sorts or show off how strong and powerful he is <3
ngl he tries very hard to get you to confess to him first
it's an ego thing ya know?
don't worry tho, Satoru is not a patient man
he will crack very soon into this game
for his confession I think he'd take you out to the nicest restaurant in all of Tokyo, gets you a big ass bouquet of expensive flowers, he leaves a big ass tip just to flex his money
he'll end the night by walking you home
I don't think he'll "confess" so to speak, but he'll definitely kiss you goodnight, and next time you see him he'll greet you with something like "how's my pretty S/O doing today?" or something claiming you as his lmao
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Suguru Geto:
smug bastard man
love him, mwah <3
will woo the FUCK outta you dude
he's charistmatic as all hell like you don't even KNOW
hands out with you a lot, always has the sweetest smiles and alwayyyssss has some flirty line to make you blush
probably gets you little gifts here and there
like he won't get you flowers (well, maybe once or twice) but he always surpises you with your favorite snacks and drinks and such
will buy you anything that makes him think of you
but he's not the one who tries to win you over with gifts ya know?
he'd rather use his words <3
and boy does he ever!
he's always got some poetic ass lines to drop
ngl he's probably the most likely to confess early on compared to the others so far
gets tired of the games too quick
he'd confess by asking you out to your favorite coffee place that the two of you frequent
pays for your order and everything, tells you to go sit while he orders for you cause of course he has your favorite memorized
this would be one of the times where he shows up with flowers when he picks you up
prooooobably asks the barista to write something like "will you be mine?" on the side of the cup with a lil heart <3
(POV the barista is sneaking glacnes over at the table of their two fav customers, trying not to smile too much and give away what's happening, but this is the most exciting thing to happen in the cafe in ages and they're hoping that you say yes <;3)
(it's me, I was once the barista who had this exact thing happen in my place of work once with a lovely lesbian couple and actually cheered when she said yes :( <;3)
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Kento Nanami:
oh lord
pretty similar to Megumi ngl I think he'd lowkey try to avoid you
it's nothing personal, you just distract him SO MUCH that he can't get anything done if you're around
his mind kinda just goes blank whenever you're around tbh <3
he gets a lil clumsy, very flustered, it's very cute
he does listen tho, he listens to everything you ever tell him
every like, dislike, etc
if you confront him and ask him why he seems to be avoiding you then he'll just kinda
when he realizes that give syou the wrong impression and sees the dejected look in your eyes then he'll VERY QUICKLY RECOVER AND TRY TO EXPLAIN BETTER
over all I do not think that Nanami tries to actually flirt with you
he literally cannot come up with a good line to save his life
like this man is horrendous at flirting, god help him <3
if you happen to catch him reading at some point tho then you'd see that he's picked up the book you once told him was your favorite
if this is in the office then you'll notice a fresh cup of coffee on your desk every morning, when Nanami was the only person in earlier than you :( <3
mans is very straight to the point with his confession
there's nothing smooth about it, there's no flowers or fancy gifts cause you caught him off guard by confronting him on his aloofness
he'll just straight up tell you that he's very infatuated with you, and that he'd like to take your friendship farther
but will tell you in the same breath that if you don't reciprocate his feelings that he understands and doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
pls accept his feelings and don't let him ramble long enough to get in his own head, he'll make himself sad :(
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Toji Fushiguro:
I..... think this is incredibly rare
Toji does not crush on people
the only person he's ever actually crushed on was his ex wife, and after she died he vowed never to fall in love again
then he met you
I can see this happening at your place of work, maybe you're a bartender at the only bar in town that he hasn't gotten himself kicked out of
maybe you give him just as much shit as he gives you, and that cataches his eye
because usually everybody just submits to him and doesn't dare talk back cause he's so intimidating
but you???
you're pretty, witty, and there's a fire in your eyes that draws him in like a moth
obviously he tries to sleep with you
you?? refuse him???
that????? never happens to him????????????
boom, just like that, he's addicted
he HAS to win you over
so he's there every other night, becomes your favorite regular, and always tries flirting with you
what pisses him off is that you flirt back, but you still won't take him up on his offer to come back to his place after work
it drives him insane until one day he snaps and finally asks you outright
"Why the hell won't you fuck me?"
"I'm not into random hookups. You'll have to take me on a date first."
he can do that, Toji can absolutely make that happen
so he asks, and brings you out to a local restaurant
it's not fancy and it's not expensive, but you weren't expecting much from the man who only ever orders the cheapest drinks on the menu
his confession is very unconventional lmfao
"You really piss me off, you know that?"
"Huh? What'd I do?"
"You're in my fuckin' head all the time, drives me crazy. Can't stop fuckin' thinking about ya'."
"Sounds like someone's got a crushhh~"
despite your teasing tone, your words still hit Toji like a truck
oh fuck
maybe he does have a crush on you
"Help me out then. Be mine already, would ya', doll?"
who could say no to such charm *swoon* <3
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Naoya Zenin:
probably mean about it tbh
doesn't know how to have feelings, much less how to actually express them
he just comes across as a fucking dickhead to you at first
if he ever makes you cry though?
he will drop the tough guy act so fast and try to calm you down
one of the first times he every apologizes to anyone tbh
after that he TRIES to be more careful with you
your first clue that he has feelings for you is PROBABLY that tbh
next thing you know there's a bunch of gifts showing up at your door
like he'll buy you fancy designer clothes in your size, doesn't matter if you picked them out or not, cause he'll see something he thinks you'd look good in and just
buys it for you
it's not MEAN mean but just kinda.... idk, you can just see right through it, let's just put it that way
his bark lacks any sort of it's usual bite, ya know what I mean?
doesn't actually ask you out to dinner
he shows up with one of the outfits, hands it to you, and tells you "I'll be back at 7, wear this."
then just fucking leaves
brings you to a VERY expensive restaurant cause he wants to impress you
nothing super romantic about the way he confesses tbh
ngl I can see him saying shit like "I like you, so I'm doing you a favor. Be my S/O."
it is not a question, it is quite literally a demand lmao
the Zenin men have so much charm, don't they? <3 lmfao
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cyberdragoninfinity · 1 month
Is it okay to ask how the rest of the 5ds cast is doing ij not-kansas? I love seeing your takes on how characters would work on it!
YESS totally cool to ask! AND, WELL. TECHNICALLY. THERE ARE SOMETIMES, MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF THE 5DS CAST ON THE TABLE depending on the day/the context/etc :,) see when i started the college AU it was just for gx, as we know, and I thought it'd be funny to slip other ygo characters in for fun, and at the time i was like "it'd be funny to have the 5ds characters there but theyre just like. in their 30s just in the background, chilling," because i wasnt especially invested in them yet/straight up thought i was gonna think 5ds was 'just ok' <---CLUELESS. ����
Anyway so the 'main' version of the 5ds cast really are just some cool thirtysomethingish year old biker friends. Yusei and Crow both work at a local car repair shop (same auto shop where Syrus and Anna both work as receptionists lol); they and Jack and Kalin are from Satellite, Kansas (real shithole of town)! Crow does a bunch of volunteer work working with LGBT kids and teens, and also is a frequent participant in the Not-Lawrence Queer Birding Group's meetups. Yusei goes to protests and keeps a bunch of shitty project cars on his front lawn and it rules. Akiza works at the Home Depot Garden Center. Jack and Carly live together and Carly runs a blog that is moderately ("moderately") successful :^) Jack works here
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with this guy
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i go back and forth with leo and luna... with this iteration of the team i picture them late teens-early 20sish, leo also works at Home Depot and Luna is a vet tech ❤
but also SOMETIMES if im thinking about my pizza AU just as its own standalone thing, then there's slightly different version of team 5ds on the field, a little younger, mid-late 20s-ish--I think in that version of the setting I was playing around with making Jack a food critic?? Which is still VERY funny imo. And the twins are kids that live in the rich neighborhood Aporia used to live in (and where he accidentally hit Leo with his car.) (LEO WAS FINE. FOR THE RECORD.) But then sometimes also I'll just have Bruno go deliver pizzas to the auto shop and hit it off with 33 year old Yusei or whatever. IT'S VERY LOOSEY GOOSEY SORRY DHFGFG. MEOW WOLF TYPE RULES pizza AU is simultaniously it's own dimension and also a core component of the not-lawrence not-kansas dimension (really absolutely obsessed with Not-Kansas too btw)
regardless of which versions i happen to be thinking about kalin nonetheless has fucked off to Dodge City, Kansas to repent for probably almost killing a cop. Dodge City is probably the most soul sucking cowboy themed town i have ever been too it's a pretty good Crashtown equivalent 🏜
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cy-cyborg · 9 months
I have a question. I have a character who lost her leg (below knee amputation). The setting is medieval/classical antiquity level tech approximately, and there is some magic around.
Anyway, the character uses a prosthetic most likely (she's supposed to be a badass mercenary*, and you can't exactly cut people up with a sword if you use crutches (correct me if I'm wrong)). I might solve the "prosthetic doesn't fit properly and will cause issues" with magic, like an enchanted prosthetic that magically always fits?
But now I'm wondering, what about the liner and sock and how it attaches to the stump. So, do you know anything about how prosthetics were attached to the limb in the past? And how they'd prevent chafing between the skin and the prosthetic (does just any piece of fabric work for that)?
Of course, I can just solve it with magic, but I first want to explore realistic options before resorting to that.
*If the whole idea of a warrior character who is also an amputee is not possible in this setting, please tell me! I do not want to go through with something that is super unrealistic.
It's definatly possible, especailly for a bk amputee!
Small side note first, you absolutely can fight on crutches, not with a sword (to my knowledge) but I used to do martial arts when I was younger and my instructor spent a great deal of time teaching me how to use the crutch itself as a weapon. Not the most elegant thing in the world but if you put some spikes on it, it could do some damage lol. Probably not what you're looking for but I thought it was worth a mention anyway lol.
As for the prosthetic itsef, it's unfortunatly pretty hard to find information from that era but I do know of a few examples. I know a lot of medieval knights who lost an arm and got prosthetics capable of holding shields built into their armour (as in the armour is what held it on) and continued to fight, but it's a lot harder to find information about leg amputees from that same time period, mainly because it seems leg prosthetics kind of sucked until pretty recently lol.
I do recall my prosthetist telling me about some old types of prosthetic legs though. Not sure about the reliability of the info since it seems to be just a collection of facts he learned about while researching the weird old legs he found in the company's storage room, but it could be somewhere to start at least.
Old prosthetic leg sockets used to be made of metal and leather or various types of wood. Post WW1 they used aviation scrap metal for the overall shape of the socket, sometimes lined with leather, and the liners were made out of thick cotton socks. some also had leather straps used to tighten the sockets. That's a much later era obviously, but depending on your setting, there wasn't anything about these designs that stood out as being unachievable -technologically speaking - for earlier time periods, I think there just wasn't as much demand until we started blowing each other up in war. Here's a photo of one of those legs btw, this in an above knee but it can give you some idea of what I'm talking about. Some were left metallic, but most of the time they were painted to match the wearer's skin tone.
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Don't quote me on this but I think the smaller holes were how the padding material was fixed in-place to the inside the socket. Either that or it was to allow airflow, not 100% sure. The larger hole was so that you could pull a sock through as a way to get the leg on more securely. They still use that method on some prosthetics today, my first above knee prosthetic had one too. Both these features would have been on below knee prosthetic sockets too, they just would have been on the lower part of the leg, obviously.
Earlier prosthetic legs seemed to be mostly made out of wood, though I couldn't find much info on how they actually stayed on - my best guess is using similar methods to the metal ones, using leather straps pulled tight to hold them in place and using fabric socks for padding. Legs like this have existed since ancient times. As silly as it sounds, the pirate peg-leg is likely based in a certain amount of reality. Some rich folks would have been able to get wooden legs carved to look at least similar in shape to the real thing but a lot of common people would have been stuck with a peg. it was honestly probably a more practical option than the carved ones anyway.
My prosthetist also showed me photos that looked like they were from the early 1900's from I think Vietnam, where they made prosthetic legs out of bamboo and other wood. According to the article that accompanied the photo, the design had been in use for centuries. This prosthetic was made from bamboo. It had a peg for the leg itself, and the socket was a kind of basket made by splitting the bamboo peg and using fabric strips (or possibly other bamboo cuttings, the picture was very grainy) to tie it together and make it tight enough to stay on.
Like I said, I don't know how reliable to sources are, but hopefully it gives you a starting point for where to look!
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pageofheartdj · 10 months
Hi! Autistic aroace anon here!
Can I say I got all gushy when you said “I love your rants”? I’m not even sure if it was indeed for me but I was all
Also, YEAS!! Exactly!! I dislike, although I get it, how the fandom goes “they only fit in this box”, no! They’re amazing and we’re so involved with them bc they got layers!! I love rottmnt rather than any other tmnt franchise bc THEY. GOT. LAYERS!! (They’re onions, Shrek!)
It’s the first time you CAN’T define them by a word. “Oh Raph’s the violent one, leo’s the leader, Mikey’s the clown and Donnie’s the nerd”. NO! They finally went and showed who’s these characters truly are (also, kinda controversy opinion, but bayverse kinda did that as well, but not as good, they got layers there but still kinda.. not rlly) ((I love that movie but once again hate the sexual-romantic tension btw April and the turtles. Bc its always only that!!! For her to end up with Casey ANYWAY!!!))
•cough• SO! We finally get to see how Raph is still head on on stuff and kinda short fuse, but that’s bc he cares and worries and is overprotective. And with the other brothers as well, you have no idea how HAPPY I was when Donnie got in the fight and wasn’t a helpless nerd whose only trait is computers, like in the others. Yeah, he asks for help (his comedic “help! Help heeeelp!” In the giant bird episode is amazing), but it’s not only him, all of them do at some point.
They finally showed who they are and why they’re like this! So the fandom taking away this important trait of them always makes me go feral.
My memory suck but I think I remember what your asks were, so YA! =3 (Plus I think you are the only one who gives me this long asks?? I think???XD)
Like I get flanderization in fandoms, especially when there is no new material, and fans are playing so much with fanons, they kinda get lost in it too much, so they forget the canon and strip off the characters of some of their traits!
Like, 'I like this one trait/I want to explore this trait more', this is liked by many, it gets explored some more and in the end people forget that it wasn't the only trait and it wasn't even that prevalent in the first place. Like Donnie's touch aversion. Some wanted to explore it, cause autism and all that and that's fair. But after some point people forget that he is aversed like 10% of the time. Which is NOT a lot, not the way people write him 'he is in a good mood so he bares his brothers touching him for a few seconds' =/
I won't say other versions didn't explore turtles characters cause I don't remember much xD I just know the basic characterisations. And I LOVE Rises spin on them!! Raph is still hot headed and angry, but he also directs it into aggressive protection and it feels REALLY nice, not just 'I am angry cause I am' xD Like I am sure other versions are protective too, they suppose to care, but I dunno, I don't remeeember if it was explained as well as with Rise Raph x) I like Rise Leo even more cause he is much more different from other versions while still having his core characteristics, like he is smart and observant and strategic, that's so cool!!! But he was not burdened by being a leader so he is a goof, which is kind of similar to 2012 Leo xD Donnie is just. Superb in every way xD He can fight, he LIKES fighting, he LOVES creating his tech for fighting XD Mikey doesn't need to be The funny one, cause they all are <3 So he gets a bit of different role that still feels similar <3 (Can't say much about Bayvesre caaaause I just can't get behind not 2D xD That's why I just couldn't stick with 2012, barely finished S1 xD)
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