#this was the first panel of Bakugou i saw the other night
marimeeko · 8 months
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Yes I have joined the panel Redraw club in light of recent, very important developments.
I have a video version on my tiktok(@ mari.meeko), as well 👉👈
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class1akids · 2 years
Hi ☺️ what does that person mean in your note where they said that even Iida was a late supporter for Shouto? I thought he gave him comfort and support?
We didn't see neither Iida (which is really strange because he's not only the Class President, who always takes all his classmates' well-being so seriously, but also one of Shouto's friends) nor Deku talk to Shouto or acknowledge or address what he's been going through post-Dabi reveal until the last night before the battle.
This is especially glaring with the Deku-return scenes, where Deku gets all the love and hype, and all the class is getting support and umbrellas from the civilians, while Shouto is stuck standing outside of UA and literally nobody seems to notice or care. It's like a little unimportant margin.
In contrast, we've seen others, Momo, Bakugou (in his small ways) and Kirishima (who seemed to be the only one not afraid to address the elephant in the room) be there for him from the start.
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I think Iida may have checked in on him off-screen, but I think it really would have deserved a panel or two earlier than just the night before. (And it's very awkward because it seems like it's the first time Iida even attempts to talk about Shouto's brother being Dabi). Another glaring missed opportunity for me is Ochako, whose entire shtick of "caring about hurting heroes" would have been a bit stronger if we ever saw her to reach out or pay attention to Shouto.
I just resigned myself to shrug it off as part of the terrible, horrible, no good narrative choice to not spend any time on the war aftermath from the kids' perspective. We are meant to believe the class was each others' rock, but with this "tell not show" kind of storytelling, it doesn't resonate emotionally.
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bbnha-manga-scripts · 6 months
Chapter Five
Note: Mext: Ministry of Eduction, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
[Flash Back to the exam room]
Unknown: The results of the practical skill entrance examination are here. 
Unknown: We’ve had entrants ace off against that thing in the past, but it’s been quite a while since someones sent it flying like that.
???(I think it’s Mic): I couldn’t help but should “Yeeeeah!” when I saw that!
Unknown: At the other end of the spectrum, we have the kid who ranked 7th even without any villain points.
[They say as they show Midoriya Izuku in the panel]
Unknown: Though he earned 0 rescue points, Bakugou still placed first! Wow!
Unknown: He targeted the 1p and 2p villain-bots, approaching them slowly and continuously intercepting them to lure them into a flashy explosion blast once they’d gotten weaker during the second half of the exam. That kid’s as tough as they come.
[They say as Bakugou shows in the panel]
Unknown: But the injuries he incurred from the black-back were intense… it was almost like watching a child manifest for the first time.
Unknown: Kid’s definitely an anomaly, apart from that oen blow he was the picture candidate for rejection. 
Unknown(Pretty sure it’s Mic): Whatever, dudes, who cares!? I’ve taken a liking to him. He made me throw my hands up and go “Yeah!”.
Aizawa(Thinking): Jeez, what an idiot.
Izuku[Narrorating]: The night after the opening the notification letter. 8PM. We agreed to meet at seaside park.
Izuku: All Might! 
Small Might: Who the hecks that?!
Extra: Did someone say All Might!? Where!?
Small Might(Whispering): Quick kid, tell em ou mistook me for someone else.
Izuku(Covering his face, embarrassed): I mistook him for someone else!
Small Might: Congrats on passing. Just so you know, I didn’t inform the academy about our point of contact. You’re the type who’d worry that you got accepted solely by connections.
Small Might(thinking): I wasn’t even one of the judges.
Izuku: Thank you for thinking of me!
Izuku: I was surprised to hear that you’ve been made a teacher at UA! That’s why we need to meet here… I get it. But isn’t you office locatied at Roppongi, Minato War, Tokoyo, 6-12-...”
Small Might: Stop right there.
Small Might: Anyways, I told the academy about my predicament, but haven’t breathed a word about it to anyone else. I Had UA notify tme on the chance they found me a suitable successor.
Izuku(Thinking): Thats right… he said he’d been searching for a successor for a long time. I see… he was planning to choose among the stupids. It’s a hotbed of capable people, overflowing with awesome quirks.
[Izuku looks at his hands]
Izuku: One for All… just one punch or kick is all it takes to wreck my body… oh really… I can’t handle it at all.
Small Might: That can’t be helped for now. If you tried to get a guy who suddenly sprouted a tail to do tricks with it, he wouldn’t know how to control it properly enough to do so. It’s the same story here. 
Izuku: Huh? So you mean to say you saw all of that coming!?
Small Might: Well… there’s just been no time,,, but everything worked out all right…! Or should I say, All Might!
[Small Might picks up cans]
Small Might: Right now, you’re still stuck at all or nothing… but you can learn to tone down and adjust the power level and save your body the strain of a full-strength power emission.
[Buffs into All Might]
All Might: The more you build up the vessel. The more you can control the power within it!
[All Might crushes a can with one fist]
All Might: Like this!
All Might: Like unto the sacred fire of lore… the transferred flame is still small, but from now on, not even driving rain will check growth. 
Bystandards: Wait, isn’t that… it is! All Might!? When did he get here?!
All Might: Uh-oh. Let’s run.
[Midoriya and All Might began to sprint away]
All Might: And my flame will slowly fade away and eventually vanish and my duty will be done!
Bystander: He’s… so cool, huh?
[Time Skip to springtime and a new year]
Inko: Izuku!? Did you pack some tissues?
Izuku: Yes Mom.
Inko: What about your hanky? You can’t leave without a hanky, dear!
Izuku: Yes Mom.
[Izuku, tying his shoes in a hurry]
Izuku: I packed it! Ugh, look at the time… gotta hurry.
Inko: Izuku!
Izuku: What!?
Inko: You’re mega cool right now.
Izuku: See you soon, mom!
Izuku(Narrating): And that was how my high school days officially began!
[Izuku arrives at UA]
Izuku(Narrating): Every year, less than 1 in every 300 examinees make it in. Only 36 kids passed. So with 18 kids in a class, that makes for two classes.
Izuku: Where is 1-A… This place is too back.
[Izuku arriving at 1-A]
Izuku: Well… this door’s humongous… guess it’s for an inclusive design. I’ll be alongside the chosen few who passed the exam.
[Izuku thinking about Iida and Bakugou]
Izuku(thinking): If only those two end up in 1-B, I’ll be eternally grateful.
Tenya: Don’t put your feet on the desk! Don’t you think that’s disrespectful towards your classmates!?
Katsuki: No, as a matter of face, I don’t think so. Which middle school are you from anyway, you two-bit extra!?
Izuku(Thinking): Just my luck!
Tenya: A private sch— ahem. I’m from Soumei Junior High School. The name’s Iida Tenya.
Katsuki: Soumei!? Well aren’t you an elite. Seems I’ve got a reason to fucking end you after all!
Tenya(shocked and maybe disgusted): What nerve! You, want to be a hero!?
[Iida Tenya spots Izuku]
Tenya: Hello, I’m Iida Tenya from Soumei—
Izuku: Oh yeah, haha, I overheard. Uhh… I’m Midoriya, nice to meet you, Iida.
Tenya: Midoriya, I must hand it to you. You divined the actual nature of the practical skills exam, didn’t you? I… was blind to iy! And I completel misread you! I hate to admit it, but you were the better man!
Izuku(Thinking): But… I didn’t realize it either.
Katsuki: Deku…
[Uraraka Ochako walks through the classroom doors]
Ochako: Ah! It’s you! Curly-haired kid! Glad I found you!
Izuku(thinking): It’s her! The nice girl! She looks amazing in her school grab!
Ochako: You made it, just like Present Mic said! Yay, go you! By the way, that punch was outta this world!
Izuku: No, it’s not like that, uhh, that is to say, it was really all thanks to you speaking on my behalf… I… uh…”
Ochako: Eh!? How did you know about that!?
[Bakugou having a dramatic flashback]
Teacher: This means that two kids from our middle school go into UA. Two! And Midoriya’s acceptance in particular is a miracle upon miracles!
[Bakugou and Izuku behind the school]
[Bakugou is holding onto izuku's uniform]
Katsuki: What dirty goddamn tick did you use to pass the exam, shithead!? I was supposed to be the first to enter UA from here. Me alone! You ripped my future glory to pieces and pissed all over it! I told you to go someplace else, fuckmunch!
[Izuku putting his hand on Bakugou’s arm to stop him]
Izuku: Someone… finally acknowledges me. Tey told me I could become a hero! Kacchan, I’ve won the right! You can’t stop me! I’m headed to UA!
[Flashback ends]
Bakugou(thinking): That [athetic rat actually put up a fight! There can’t not be a flipside to this.
Ochako: I wonder if today’s the ceremony? Or is it the guidance counselor stuff today? Oh, that the teacher, what’ll they be like? I’m so anxious, like wow!
[Aizawa in his sleeping bag on the floor like a homeless man]
Shouta: If you’re gonna be hunting for buddies, do it elsewhere. This is…
[Aizawa proceeds to pull out a jelly pouch and suck the life from it]
Shouta: of heroics!
Class A(collectively): Who the hell… is this guy!?
[Aizawa getting out of his sleeping bag]
Shouta: Hmm, it took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Life is short, kids. You’re all lacking in common sense.
Class A(collectively): Sensei!?
Izuku(muttering): So he must he a pro hero, too, huh…?
Izuku(Thinking): But… I’ve never heard of him. He looks washed-up…
Shouta: I’m your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you.
Class A(collectively): Our homeroom teacher!?
[Aizawa pulls out the UA gym uniform]
Shouta: Put these on, immediately and then shove off to the P.E. grounds. 
[Small Might appears on screen]
Small Might: UA’s system is aberrant… depending on the homeroom teacher, even today they might…
[class 1-A on the field]
Class 1-A: A quirk apprehension test!?
Ochako: But what about the ceremony!? And the guidance counselor meeting!?
Shouta: If you want to be heroes, we don’t have timefor frilly niceties. You all understand the school’s reputation for freedom on campus. Well, that “freedom” goes for us senseis, too.
Shouta: Softball pitch. Standing long jumps. 50 meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength test. Sustain side ways jups. Upperbody excise. Seated toe touch. Those are all activities you know from middle school, naturally. Physical tests where you were barred from using your quirks.
Shouta: The country still hasn’t gotten around to standardizing those sorts of records or keeping track of average performance levels. Well, tht’s negligence on the part of mext.
Shouta: Bakugou, how far could you throw a softball in middle school?
Katsuki: 67 meters.
Shouta: Try using your quirk this time around. As long as you don’t exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Don’t hold back.
[Bakugou winding up.]
Katsuki: You got it.
[throws the ball]
Katsuki: Die!
[Everyone is shocked]
Shouta: Before anything else, one must know what they’re capable of. This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your “hero foundation”.
[Shouta shows the meter counter, it’s at 705.2]
Unknown: Awesome!That looks so fun!
Unknown: 705 meters!? Unreal!
Unknown: We can really use your quirks now!? That’s the department of heroics for you!
Izuku(thinking): Uh-ho this is bad… 8 trails? This is all so sudden!
Shouta: It looks fun… you say?
Shouta: So you were planning to spend your three years here having a good ol’ time? What happened to becoming heroes? 
Shouta: All tight then, in that case, new rule: the student who ranks last in total points will be judged “hopeless” an instantly expelled.
Izuku(thinking): Whaaaa!? Seriously!?What am I going to do!?
[Small Might appears again]
Small Might: So they’ve got Aizawa, huh…
Small Might(thinking): Oh brother, they’re really in for it with this guy.
[The panel shows Aizawa’s file. On it, it reads: “Aizawa Shouta” “Codename: The erasing hero” “Name: Eraserhead” “Total number of expulsions: 154.” “Homeroom teacher of: class 1-A”]
[Back to Izuku]
Izuku: I’m still at all-or-nothing mode! I can’t adjust yet!
Shouta: Our “freedom” means we dispense with students as we please! Welcome to… the department of heroics!
Izuku(Narrating): My first day turned into a huge ordeal! What do I do!?
0 notes
bnha-manga-scripts · 7 months
Chapter Five
Note: Mext means: Ministry of Eduction, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
[Flash Back to the exam room]
Unknown: The results of the practical skill entrance examination are here. 
Unknown: We’ve had entrants ace off against that thing in the past, but it’s been quite a while since someones sent it flying like that.
???(I think it’s Mic): I couldn’t help but should “Yeeeeah!” when I saw that!
Unknown: At the other end of the spectrum, we have the kid who ranked 7th even without any villain points.
[They say as they show Midoriya Izuku in the panel]
Unknown: Though he earned 0 rescue points, Bakugou still placed first! Wow!
Unknown: He targeted the 1p and 2p villain-bots, approaching them slowly and continuously intercepting them to lure them into a flashy explosion blast once they’d gotten weaker during the second half of the exam. That kid’s as tough as they come.
[They say as Bakugou shows in the panel]
Unknown: But the injuries he incurred from the black-back were intense… it was almost like watching a child manifest for the first time.
Unknown: Kid’s definitely an anomaly, apart from that oen blow he was the picture candidate for rejection. 
Unknown(Pretty sure it’s Mic): Whatever, dudes, who cares!? I’ve taken a liking to him. He made me throw my hands up and go “Yeah!”.
Aizawa(Thinking): Jeez, what an idiot.
Izuku[Narrorating]: The night after the opening the notification letter. 8PM. We agreed to meet at seaside park.
Izuku: All Might! 
Small Might: Who the hecks that?!
Extra: Did someone say All Might!? Where!?
Small Might(Whispering): Quick kid, tell em ou mistook me for someone else.
Izuku(Covering his face, embarrassed): I mistook him for someone else!
Small Might: Congrats on passing. Just so you know, I didn’t inform the academy about our point of contact. You’re the type who’d worry that you got accepted solely by connections.
Small Might(thinking): I wasn’t even one of the judges.
Izuku: Thank you for thinking of me!
Izuku: I was surprised to hear that you’ve been made a teacher at UA! That’s why we need to meet here… I get it. But isn’t you office locatied at Roppongi, Minato War, Tokoyo, 6-12-...”
Small Might: Stop right there.
Small Might: Anyways, I told the academy about my predicament, but haven’t breathed a word about it to anyone else. I Had UA notify tme on the chance they found me a suitable successor.
Izuku(Thinking): Thats right… he said he’d been searching for a successor for a long time. I see… he was planning to choose among the stupids. It’s a hotbed of capable people, overflowing with awesome quirks.
[Izuku looks at his hands]
Izuku: One for All… just one punch or kick is all it takes to wreck my body… oh really… I can’t handle it at all.
Small Might: That can’t be helped for now. If you tried to get a guy who suddenly sprouted a tail to do tricks with it, he wouldn’t know how to control it properly enough to do so. It’s the same story here. 
Izuku: Huh? So you mean to say you saw all of that coming!?
Small Might: Well… there’s just been no time,,, but everything worked out all right…! Or should I say, All Might!
[Small Might picks up cans]
Small Might: Right now, you’re still stuck at all or nothing… but you can learn to tone down and adjust the power level and save your body the strain of a full-strength power emission.
[Buffs into All Might]
All Might: The more you build up the vessel. The more you can control the power within it!
[All Might crushes a can with one fist]
All Might: Like this!
All Might: Like unto the sacred fire of lore… the transferred flame is still small, but from now on, not even driving rain will check growth. 
Bystandards: Wait, isn’t that… it is! All Might!? When did he get here?!
All Might: Uh-oh. Let’s run.
[Midoriya and All Might began to sprint away]
All Might: And my flame will slowly fade away and eventually vanish and my duty will be done!
Bystander: He’s… so cool, huh?
[Time Skip to springtime and a new year]
Inko: Izuku!? Did you pack some tissues?
Izuku: Yes Mom.
Inko: What about your hanky? You can’t leave without a hanky, dear!
Izuku: Yes Mom.
[Izuku, tying his shoes in a hurry]
Izuku: I packed it! Ugh, look at the time… gotta hurry.
Inko: Izuku!
Izuku: What!?
Inko: You’re mega cool right now.
Izuku: See you soon, mom!
Izuku(Narrating): And that was how my high school days officially began!
[Izuku arrives at UA]
Izuku(Narrating): Every year, less than 1 in every 300 examinees make it in. Only 36 kids passed. So with 18 kids in a class, that makes for two classes.
Izuku: Where is 1-A… This place is too back.
[Izuku arriving at 1-A]
Izuku: Well… this door’s humongous… guess it’s for an inclusive design. I’ll be alongside the chosen few who passed the exam.
[Izuku thinking about Iida and Bakugou]
Izuku(thinking): If only those two end up in 1-B, I’ll be eternally grateful.
Tenya: Don’t put your feet on the desk! Don’t you think that’s disrespectful towards your classmates!?
Katsuki: No, as a matter of face, I don’t think so. Which middle school are you from anyway, you two-bit extra!?
Izuku(Thinking): Just my luck!
Tenya: A private sch— ahem. I’m from Soumei Junior High School. The name’s Iida Tenya.
Katsuki: Soumei!? Well aren’t you an elite. Seems I’ve got a reason to fucking end you after all!
Tenya(shocked and maybe disgusted): What nerve! You, want to be a hero!?
[Iida Tenya spots Izuku]
Tenya: Hello, I’m Iida Tenya from Soumei—
Izuku: Oh yeah, haha, I overheard. Uhh… I’m Midoriya, nice to meet you, Iida.
Tenya: Midoriya, I must hand it to you. You divined the actual nature of the practical skills exam, didn’t you? I… was blind to iy! And I completel misread you! I hate to admit it, but you were the better man!
Izuku(Thinking): But… I didn’t realize it either.
Katsuki: Deku…
[Uraraka Ochako walks through the classroom doors]
Ochako: Ah! It’s you! Curly-haired kid! Glad I found you!
Izuku(thinking): It’s her! The nice girl! She looks amazing in her school grab!
Ochako: You made it, just like Present Mic said! Yay, go you! By the way, that punch was outta this world!
Izuku: No, it’s not like that, uhh, that is to say, it was really all thanks to you speaking on my behalf… I… uh…”
Ochako: Eh!? How did you know about that!?
[Bakugou having a dramatic flashback]
Teacher: This means that two kids from our middle school go into UA. Two! And Midoriya’s acceptance in particular is a miracle upon miracles!
[Bakugou and Izuku behind the school]
[Bakugou is holding onto izuku's uniform]
Katsuki: What dirty goddamn tick did you use to pass the exam, shithead!? I was supposed to be the first to enter UA from here. Me alone! You ripped my future glory to pieces and pissed all over it! I told you to go someplace else, fuckmunch!
[Izuku putting his hand on Bakugou’s arm to stop him]
Izuku: Someone… finally acknowledges me. Tey told me I could become a hero! Kacchan, I’ve won the right! You can’t stop me! I’m headed to UA!
[Flashback ends]
Bakugou(thinking): That [athetic rat actually put up a fight! There can’t not be a flipside to this.
Ochako: I wonder if today’s the ceremony? Or is it the guidance counselor stuff today? Oh, that the teacher, what’ll they be like? I’m so anxious, like wow!
[Aizawa in his sleeping bag on the floor like a homeless man]
Shouta: If you’re gonna be hunting for buddies, do it elsewhere. This is…
[Aizawa proceeds to pull out a jelly pouch and suck the life from it]
Shouta: of heroics!
Class A(collectively): Who the hell… is this guy!?
[Aizawa getting out of his sleeping bag]
Shouta: Hmm, it took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Life is short, kids. You’re all lacking in common sense.
Class A(collectively): Sensei!?
Izuku(muttering): So he must he a pro hero, too, huh…?
Izuku(Thinking): But… I’ve never heard of him. He looks washed-up…
Shouta: I’m your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you.
Class A(collectively): Our homeroom teacher!?
[Aizawa pulls out the UA gym uniform]
Shouta: Put these on, immediately and then shove off to the P.E. grounds. 
[Small Might appears on screen]
Small Might: UA’s system is aberrant… depending on the homeroom teacher, even today they might…
[class 1-A on the field]
Class 1-A: A quirk apprehension test!?
Ochako: But what about the ceremony!? And the guidance counselor meeting!?
Shouta: If you want to be heroes, we don’t have timefor frilly niceties. You all understand the school’s reputation for freedom on campus. Well, that “freedom” goes for us senseis, too.
Shouta: Softball pitch. Standing long jumps. 50 meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength test. Sustain side ways jups. Upperbody excise. Seated toe touch. Those are all activities you know from middle school, naturally. Physical tests where you were barred from using your quirks.
Shouta: The country still hasn’t gotten around to standardizing those sorts of records or keeping track of average performance levels. Well, tht’s negligence on the part of mext.
Shouta: Bakugou, how far could you throw a softball in middle school?
Katsuki: 67 meters.
Shouta: Try using your quirk this time around. As long as you don’t exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Don’t hold back.
[Bakugou winding up.]
Katsuki: You got it.
[throws the ball]
Katsuki: Die!
[Everyone is shocked]
Shouta: Before anything else, one must know what they’re capable of. This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your “hero foundation”.
[Shouta shows the meter counter, it’s at 705.2]
Unknown: Awesome!That looks so fun!
Unknown: 705 meters!? Unreal!
Unknown: We can really use your quirks now!? That’s the department of heroics for you!
Izuku(thinking): Uh-ho this is bad… 8 trails? This is all so sudden!
Shouta: It looks fun… you say?
Shouta: So you were planning to spend your three years here having a good ol’ time? What happened to becoming heroes? 
Shouta: All tight then, in that case, new rule: the student who ranks last in total points will be judged “hopeless” an instantly expelled.
Izuku(thinking): Whaaaa!? Seriously!?What am I going to do!?
[Small Might appears again]
Small Might: So they’ve got Aizawa, huh…
Small Might(thinking): Oh brother, they’re really in for it with this guy.
[The panel shows Aizawa’s file. On it, it reads: “Aizawa Shouta” “Codename: The erasing hero” “Name: Eraserhead” “Total number of expulsions: 154.” “Homeroom teacher of: class 1-A”]
[Back to Izuku]
Izuku: I’m still at all-or-nothing mode! I can’t adjust yet!
Shouta: Our “freedom” means we dispense with students as we please! Welcome to… the department of heroics!
Izuku(Narrating): My first day turned into a huge ordeal! What do I do!?
0 notes
makethiscanon · 3 years
Fasten your seatbelts guys, I'm about to dive into the spoiler from BNHA Chapter 335 to prove that maybe Horikoshi had this planned the whole time!
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Don't read below the cut if you don't want to know the traitor reveal from 335.
Okay, so if the leaks are true then our girl Hagakure is the traitor. Personally I'm mortified because she was my fave girl.
BUT. I might have ignored a really big clue that we all passed off as a funny joke when we first saw it.
I'm of course referring to this:
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A manga panel from the Training Camp arc.
"Ha-ha, Hagakure sleeps in the nude."
...or does she? Is she actually there, or has she slipped out to speak with the League? This is the night before the attack on the students. All the girls are asleep so no one knows whether Hagakure is still in the room or not.
"No, you can clearly see she's there because her blanket is hovering over her legs."
Except, if you look at this adjoining manga panel, you'll see that a blanket can be raised up without anyone being in the bed:
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We know thanks to the second light novel that the empty bed in the boy's room is Iida on his way to the bathroom.
Again, thanks to the light novel, a lot of the boys are ruled out as accomplices since Iida has to fight his way past their sleeping bodies to reach the hallway (Ojiro included. Thank you that's all the proof I need that my tailbaby is good. I take no criticisms at this time).
But back to Hagakure.
Perhaps she actually is still in the room in the above manga panel, but that's not to say she stays there all night.
If we go back to an illustration from the light novel, we see the class A & B girls having a sleepover. Everyone is in pyjamas, including Hagakure:
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Why, then, is she the only one to shrug her clothes when she goes to sleep? We know from the season 4 second ending that she does wear pyjamas:
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I believe she chose to sleep nakey that night so that the others wouldn't know when she was out of the room. All she had to do was bunch up her blanket at the bottom of the bed and it would look like she was still there.
Hagakure slipped out, told the League where her class was, they stole Bakugou and in turn she ultimately led to All Might's downfall.
I'm sad Hagakure is probably the traitor, but the clues might have been there all along 🤔
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katsulovee · 3 years
after the interview- s. todoroki
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word count: 1.1k
warnings: none <3
notes: this is my fic for @tooruluv’s contest! I hope you enjoy it love!
- huge thanks to @snoozless for helping me with the idea and @peaxhcringe for beta-reading!!
♡ reblogs are highly appreciated!!!
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Fame didn’t come easy to you.
You wish you could go back to those times where you could curl up on your couch with your dog by your side, staring out the window watching the cars drive by with your cup of chamomile tea and a great book in your hand that you’ve been dying to read.
Well, times aren’t the same anymore.
After your book that you threw together just to get thoughts out became a hit, life isn’t the same anymore. You missed the quiet and calm nights you used to have. Your best friend, Shoto Todoroki, you missed him too. He would always pop up at your house during random times but you absolutely loved it.
Now you’re a best-selling author with interviews, tours, and signings every free moment you had and it was exhausting. You missed them, you missed their presence and calls. You missed their voice, their hugs, just everything about them. You fell in love with them, but knowing your very busy schedule you didn’t want them to feel neglected. So you ended up pushing them away.
You’ve been alone ever since. You barely have time to be home because you’re always on the road, riding past those times where you and Shoto would spend together. Today was a huge day for you, the one you both dreamed about ever since you started writing, a panel for you to talk about your book and your creative process. Shoto would always talk about how amazing it will be when you finally hit this goal.
“Hey Y/N, You know you’re a great writer right?” Shoto tells you while looking through your most recent work.
“Eh I doubt that I’ll ever be big though Sho, but thank you for the compliment.” You say slightly blushing.
“Don’t doubt yourself, you know your work is good and that it should be shared with the world. Even this book, oh man I can’t wait to see what happens between the girl and the best friend.” Both of his eyes finding yours and pulling you closer to him resting your head on his thighs.
“Hey Sho, if something were to happen to us, would you still be this supportive of me?” You look up at him with pleading eyes.
“Now what kind of stupid question is that. Of course, I would be your biggest fan even if you get your own panel to talk about your book, I will be there, I promise. Don’t go thinking you can get rid of me now.” Shoto says while chuckling.
You remember that memory loud and clear, now that you’ve finally made it you wonder if Shoto kept his promise. Nervous and excited you step onto the stage ready to take on your panel.
“And I am afraid that’s all the time we have today folks! Don’t forget I have a signing in about 30 minutes right down the hall! I can’t wait to meet you all.” You say ending your panel and walking backstage.
You spot that perfectly comfortable couch and plop down on it face first. All you wanted to do right now is sleep, but also cry, and then sleep some more.
“You better not be going to sleep brat, you have a signing in 30, and you know how long it takes you to get dressed.” Your manager, Katsuki Bakugou says walking into the room.
“Lemme sleep for 15 then Katsuki, I’m exhausted.” You say face still smushed into the couch.
“Are you tired or is this about Shoto not showing up.” He says in a questioning tone.
You take your face out of the couch to lay your head on the side to look at him, “You remember that?”
“Of course I do, I’m your damn manager,” Bakugou says staring straight at you.
“Oh come on Katsuki, Don’t be too hard on her. I’m sure he will show up y/n, he did promise you right?” Your Stylist, Ochako Uraraka said while rubbing your arm.
You looked up at her and sighed “Yeah he did. He was never the one to break promises though.”
“Well maybe he’s here but in a disguise? I bet you’ll see him later.” She said before pulling you into a big hug.
“Yeah!! I’m sure he will come y/n, like Ochako said, You’ll see him later!!” Your other manager, Izuku Midoriya said.
“Thank you ‘Chako, Thank you Zuku, and thank you Katsuki. I guess it’s show time?” You said lifting yourself up off the couch.
“Yeah!! I got the perfect outfit for you too!!” Ochako screams with delight and leads you to a dressing room.
The meet and greet started ages ago and you haven’t seen Shoto at all. He said he will be here and he hasn’t shown his beautiful face just yet.
In the process of zoning out another fan came to the table, but this time there was something different about them. Instead of opening up the cover page for you to sign, they opened the page that stores the key to why you started being distant to Shoto.
In highlighted words you saw the quote that you would always get questions about, it took your world by storm.
“Falling in love with my best friend… it is the most destructive thing i have ever done.” sitting there jumping out of the page highlighted by a blue highlighter.
But then you realized that the only person to use a blue highlighter so excessively was… no it can’t be him.
You lifted your head up looking at the fan, “Shoto?” You quietly asked.
“Damn, I know this disguise wouldn’t work. But yeah, It’s me.” He says taking you into his arms. Knowing you’ll cry in his shoulder.
He actually came and you couldn’t believe it. All these times of being so lonely, Shoto walked back into your life when you needed it the most.
You hugged him even tighter and said “I missed you so much” only for him to respond with “I know you did, I’m so happy I came back to you.”
Shoto lifts your head up by your chin with his finger so he can see the real you. He missed you and he missed this. His hands move to rest on your cheeks and he pulls you in for a long heated kiss, not worrying about the fans behind him.
Once he broke the kiss, his forehead rests against yours, you both breathing light and chucking at the same time.
“Guess what y/n” You lifted your eyes up to gaze into his. “I fell in love with you too.” He says before reconnecting the kiss you once just had.
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thank you so much for reading! please like/reblog if you enjoyed it, taglist in reblog!!!
Created by katsulovee. Please do not copy, repost, or steal in any shape or form. © katsulovee 2021
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kitsu-katsu · 4 years
On kiribaku becoming canon and their evidence:
So I posted this on reddit earlier, but wanted to have it here where more KRBK shippers are, since I just ended up compiling a lot more than I thought I would.
Fair warning: A pretty big text with a compilation of kiribaku moments ahead.
We would all love kiribaku being canon, and I think it's not as much of a longshot as some may lead you to believe.
Honestly, if one of them was a girl, this would most certainly be canon, like, just in the anime we have:
Them becoming friends slowly in the background, leaving us with good development between them that is so seamless it can hit you hard once you notice how close they've become if you hadn't noticed before.
Them arriving and leaving the pool together while walking in the sunset.
They support and compliment each other (both on personality and quirks, like come on).
Kirishima can just lean on Bakugou or side hug him all the time and Bakugou lets him with no problem, which considering who we're talking about is a pretty big thing.
Kirishima can seem even more agitated than Deku about Bakugou being taken, and Deku is the one who idolized him since childhood.
The whole "It has to be you" thing and the precious hand holding (including that little scene after the rescue, where Kiri tries to grab Baku's hand again).
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Kirishima bought expensive night vision googles in case they were useful for the rescue even though they had Yaomomo with them (this boy goes through extremes just to ensure his boyfriend's best friend's safety)
Kirishima is officially the one Bakugou considers an equal, and considering his conflicting inferiority and superiority complexes (making him perpetually place people as above him or beneath him) is vital information.
Kirishima is esentially Bakugou's first real friend (as Deku was considered more of an incomprehensible nuisance and his childhood troop seemed more like his followers who just put him up on a pedestal and followed what he did).
Kirishima has jumped in front of danger for Bakugou's sake quite a bit of times (including a time in the movie).
Kirishima is a central piece in Bakugou's character development.
Bakugou was the one who told Kirishima he was strong and gave him his confidence back, reminding him of what he said at the start of their friendship.
Kirishima unlocked fucking UNBREAKABLE because of Bakugou's encouragement.
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Going to extra stuff:
Bakugou's favourite hobbie is hiking, and we're shown he takes Kirishima with him sometimes, thing he doesn't seem to do with other characters.
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The whole festival thing, with the narrator outright assuming Bakugou must have given his coat to a pretty girl who was cold, only for it to be revealed in another picture that he gave it to Kirishima because as usual, he didn't have a shirt on.
On the movie Bakugou could have taken anyone to I-Island and took Kirishima as his plus one. They share a room. Kirishima bought suits for both of them, with the most detailed one with white roses being for Bakugou, and they decide to go to the party together.
In a BNHA Smash connected directly to the movie, Midoriya notices the white roses in Bakugou's suit and notes that they mean deep respect and "I'm the one for you", which prompts Bakugou to send an explosion his way (not to Kirishima who gave him the suit, mind you), which makes the flowers turn red (from blood), after which Mineta appears to say that red roses mean "beautiful and passionate love".
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They are usually seen together in merch stuff.
There's this tumblr post talking about japanese fan's reactions to one of Horikoshi's drawings which I find at least hilarious:
There are discussions regarding Kirishima's character sheet and the translation of him liking "tough guys" (here's a podt by aitaikimochi explaining the meaning of the translation: https://www.google.com/amp/s/aitaikimochi.tumblr.com/post/171127708911/amp) where even translator such as aitaikimochi have gotten into, and they have mentioned that there's a japanese stereotype of a type of gay guy who is obsessed with "manly behaviour" and usually stay away from women, prefering tough guys instead, which is interesting to say the least.
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Some of the light novel episodes which show more slice of life moment feature some good kiribaku moments, with a prominent one being this one wich details their study date (it seriously seems like fan fiction, not even kidding, and this is supposed to be sort of canon):
Also there's a chapter where Kirishima tells Fatgum about Bakugou being extremely happy, and another one where they are arm wrestling between classes and they cheer for one another heavily.
(Honesly, just go through aitaikimochi's whole kiribaku tag, there are some pretty interesting things there)
Here are some analysis on their possible coding, if you guys are interested:
(Bakugou's one link can be found at the end of that one)
And in BNHA Smash, there are quite a lot of things, and we must not forget that the whole thing still gets approved by Horikoshi before being published, some of my favourite things are:
Kirishima inviting Bakugou to spend christmas together, with the translators noting christmas in Japan to be a romantic holiday in the same panel.
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In one issue, Jirou falls for Kiri and him being oblivious just leaves her for Bakugou.
Once Bakugou becomes a shoujo boy after being his with a quirk and just involuntarily talks in flirt, and in one moment Kirishima outright flirts back.
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Bakugou works his ass off to repay Kirishima for the night vision googles they used in the rescue.
Kirishima is literally described as the chicken soup for Bakugou's soul!
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An interesting thing I found out is that in the chapter where all of 1A minus Bakugou turn into animals, one scene originally had Kirishima (as a dog) getting jealous of Kaminari and Midoriya petting Tsuyu (as a cat - yes I know, a cat) and giving all their attention to her, however, Horikoshi himself changed that scene, noting he didn't think their character relations worked well in that scene, and made it so that the one that ended up in smash contains Kirishima (as a dog) getting jealous because Todoroki (as a koala) has climbed up Bakugou's torso and won't let go. I saw this all in a tumblr post a few months ago, which showed the original scene in a book (I think it was in italian and was translates below) but I can't currently find the link, sorry, if someone finds it, It'd be appreciated if you could reblog with said link.
And in regards to meta stuff, the show already has some LGBT characters in it, with Magne and Tiger being trans and Toga being bisexual, so it's not as much of a lost cause to hope for this as it would initially seem.
(Please kirimina shippers, don't take offence because of this, it isn't my intention to insult your ship, I simply want to analize what has been given to us, so please try to take this lightly):
We should also take into consideration Krishima's first version in the sort of "beta" for the manga (where Midoriya was Yamikumo).
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His character sheet mentions he's quite the delinquent and entered UA to impress a girl. Obviously his character evolved tremendously since then, but the girl was most probably intended to be Mina's equivalent. This was later changed to him liking "tough guys"/"hard liners" and his thing with Mina became more of an "I admired your bravery and heroic spirit when in middle school even if I hardly knew you", later seeing each other and establishing more of a little friendship. However, it hasn't really moved further from there, and Kirishima has already established much stronger bonds with our favourite exploding boy. All changes in characters are made for a reason, and Horikoshi clearly changed his mind on Kirishima's motives for wanting to be a hero and his relationship with Mina.
So yeah, all in all, this ship is great, it's precious, adorable, helps both characters grow, is balanced and has good chemistry. So even if after all these things they don't become officially canon, we still have so much canon material for them in the present I'd honestly still be happy, these dorks make me smile and melt my heart, so I hope they both have good endings.
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sheep33hallow · 3 years
Little Izuku(BakuDeku) Part 1
Tags: ABDL, Age Play, Age Kink, DD/LB, Domestic Fluff, Flirting, Established Relationship
Summary: They've been dating for a while and Katsuki has been wanting to change Izuku's diaper for a while. Izuku feel like it's finally time to indulge more into their kink together.
 Izuku didn’t know what he wanted, or maybe he did? He shook his head. He was staring at a few of his reusable diapers on the bed, wondering if letting Bakugou do what he asked, was worth it.
 They’ve been dating for over a year and explore their ddlb, daddy/little boy, kink for a while now, it’s mostly platonic when they are in play, but Katsuki asking to change him just seemed so intimate. He couldn’t quite get why, since they often have sex when out of play. He was 29, and Katsuki wasn’t his first daddy, but unlike his other daddies, they didn’t know him since they were kids, nor did he let them change him as well.
 He almost felt that letting his boyfriend change his diaper, was like saving anal/virginity for your spouse. A supposed special moment. Katsuki understood it, but has made it very clear that whenever Izuku was ready, he’d be a pro at it. He doesn’t push or mock, but waits and nurtures him like a good daddy should.
 If it wasn’t for the fact that they accidentally saw each other at Blankie-con, they would have never known each other's kink. Izuku had been a regular at the con for a while, and because it was out of the country, he never thought he’d run into someone that knew him. Katsuki was there as a guest with his friend, Eijiro. They run a well known business in the community as designers and layout experts of an adult playroom. You want a high chair or playpen that will fit you? They’re your men.
 It was a shock to his core to sit through that panel, he wanted to run out a few times, but his friend, Ochako, held him down and told him ‘they didn’t wait in line for three hours to let Izuku’s unfounded fears ruin them from learning the new 2021 designs’. Once it was over, Katsuki messaged him on Line-book, to meet up for dinner. How the fuck was he recognized in a large crowed? Katsuki said a natural green-haired idiot in an All-might onesies, unsheed tears and a limited edition All-might plush isn’t hard to miss.
 Dinner went better than expected. He remembers Katsuki being cute in high school, but now he was on a whole other level. He screamed daddy vibes. He wanted to slide into the other side of the booth and be cuddled so badly. He didn’t know if Katsuki was even into boys, so he tried his best to keep his emotions down. They haven’t spoken much since graduating high school, so they just caught each other up to speed and promised to meet up again back in Japan.
 During the first two years, they rebuilt their friendship and Izuku got a few opportunities to model with and test out their products. He was gifted with an adult sized crib, that Katsuki designed himself for his birthday last year. The amount of tears he shed lasted for hours. Ochako told him he should just start calling him Daddy now because no other fool was going to match Katsuki’s vibes.
 He agreed and sent a text later that night to Katsuki. He still doesn't know where his boldness came from that night:
     I: Thank you Daddy for my crib. You always express your love to me through the most kind and careful ways.  
     K: Anything for my baby boy. Daddy is quite proud of you.  
 Laying in his crib in his spare bedroom, he almost threw his phone. His face was aflamed. No…. no...was his Daddy...Katsuki? He was trying to make a joke out of it, but could he have this? Katsuki alway made sure to take care of Izuku whenever they went out even though he made a decent living himself as a Data Analysis.
 He nurtured, spoiled and even yelled at Izuku sometimes when he went too long without a proper meal or sleep. Could he have this? Could he be so bold? The opportunity was there. He just had to get out of his own way.
     I: I’m proud of Daddy too, but you make me mad sometimes.  
     K: Oh, how so?  
     I: Always leaving me alone. Why don’t daddy stay sometimes?  
     K: There are certain boundaries I don’t wish to cross with my baby boy. Are you ready to close the gap and truly be mine?  
     I: I am.  
     K: Then within the next two hours, pack up your favorite little items and come over. We’ll get cosy and talk.  
 To be honest, Izuku didn’t want to leave his crib that night, but Katsuki officially becoming his Daddy was the better option and when he showed up at Katsuki’s apartment, it was proven true.
 They sat on the couch, Katsuki in his sweats and Izuku in his bunny onesie and binkie around his neck, they talked. They expressed their desires for each other was beyond their shared kink. Katsuki said he was nervous to say anything because he has scared off other lovers because his punishments or the aggravation in his voice can be a bit much. Izuku said him crying too much or acting bratty was his problem in his past relationships. These were quirks they’ve known about each other since childhood, so acceptance of each other’s issues has long been cemented.
 Brought back to the present by hearing the washer machine ding, the issues they were scared of showing each other honestly made their scenes better. Kacchan, as he is known now, thrived with a disobedient boy, or Deku, which Katsuki would call his bratty side,  because the spankings could be ruthless and Izuku’s muscular body could handle it. Izuku thrived crying his eyes out with Kacchan doing everything in his power to comfort and shower love onto him.
 Izuku took a picture of the diapers on his bed and started to form an idea as he went to change the clothes over to the dryer. Everyday he is grateful to have a washer and dryer in his apartment because when he used to live at home after college, washing and hiding his little items from his mom accidently discovering it was a chore. She was too helpful sometimes, god bless her.
 He kicked the dryer’s door closed and pressed the on button and walked into the living room. Flopping on the couch, he saw the clock and knew Kacchan would be here in a few hours and would stay the weekend with him. He’s been working from home for the past few days and needed to see and touch a familiar person. He grabbed his Power Ranger’s blanket off the floor and told Alexa to play a random anime.
 Before getting cozy he remembered her needed to text Kacchan the picture of his diapers.
     I: {picture insert}  
     Which one do you want to change me into?  
     K: Oh, Deku all done being a little brat, and gonna let Daddy change his dirty diaper?  
     I: No, I’m still a brat, but I decided why should I change myself, when you can do it for me?  
     K: Now, that is true. I’d do anything for you.  
 Love. This feeling had to be love. It’s what all those people in those ddlg(b) and abdl(adult baby diaper lover) forums talked about when they were able to finally meet someone who understood their kink fully. He never wanted it to end.
     K: Deku, I’ll change you into the red one, and when I visit later don’t shit into it the one I’ll change you out of. Pee is the level I’m at right now.  
     I: Of course. I can understand that. How’s Kirishima? I saw the live Q&A was rough.  
     K: Yeah, he’s fine. We wouldn’t have lasted long in the community if we couldn’t handle trolls. I might host the next one though. Kirishima doesn’t like to use the block button because he thinks some of the trolls are just closeted kinksters, but I’ll block a bitch in a moment.  
     I: Lol. That’s good to hear. Will you bring dinner when you come over?  
     K: Sure. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way.  
     K: Give you some time to prepare that diaper. ;-)  
     I: I hate you.lol. The way we talk embarrasses me sometimes.  
     K: Not gonna lie, I feel the same, but it'll be worse when I’m making you cum from licking your pissy asshole. Haha. Bye babe.  
     I: Bye, you dork.  
   How well they’re able to switch in and out of their roles is another thing he loves about their relationship. In one of his last relationships, it was more of a 24/7 deal and it got exhausting when he wanted to talk about other topics besides little things and his ex kept dismissing him to keep the dynamic constant.
 Yes, he was a little, but he was also a man as well. Plus, his little head-space didn’t always keep a consistent age to it either.
 He put his phone on the coffee table and went to scratch his leg when he noticed he needed to shave again. He let out a breath. He wasn’t in the mood to shave, but being smooth made their scenes better. He saw the clock read 11:30am. He had enough time to procrastinate before he forced himself to the bathroom.
 He snuggled deeper into the couch. Sitting on cloud nine at the thought of seeing his Daddy later.
 Kisses were exchanged and dishes were sitting in the sink.
 They were currently sitting on the floor in Izuku’s playroom. Izuku was sitting with his legs under him on a changing mat. He didn’t see the need in getting a changing table, but if tonight goes well he may ask Kacchan to make one to match his crib.
 The leg-less onesie he was wearing was blue with bunnies all over it with green buttons that snapped in the middle of his crotch. His diaper was wet. Kacchan had the red diaper in his hand and was sitting across from him waiting for Izuku to give him the green light to touch him.
 Kacchan was smirking. His eyes were full of life. Waiting.
 Izuku had his All Might plush in his hands. He needed something to ground him throughout this ordeal. He knew he was probably overreacting about everything, but it was just a lot of him. Okay?! He hid his face behind the toy’s head. Hugging it tighter. He took a deep breath and raised his head to make eye contact with his Daddy.
 Kacchan wasn’t smirking anymore. His face looked as if he was contemplating something. The diaper still held firm. Even if he felt that he should suggest calling it a night, he didn’t want to say anything to Deku to disrupt any thoughts that he might be thinking. He wanted Deku to make his decision on his own. Little’s held the most power in a relationship. So he’d wait.
 Izuku finally found some strength to open his mouth. He wanted to see if this could bring them any closer than they already were.
 Izuku raised his hand. “Daddy”
 Katsuki crawled his way over to join Deku on the mat. He grabbed Deku’s hand and Deku felt a kiss upon his fingers before Kacchan laced them together.
 “Is my sweet baby wet?”
 Izuku didn’t respond. He didn’t know what age or ages he would go through tonight, but right now, he was non verbal.
 Kacchan placed the diaper down and let go of Deku’s hand to be able to lift him onto his lap.
 “I see you have All Might.Is he your favorite?”
 Izuku nodded. His eyes became half lid as he was spoken to.
 I love All Might too. He’s a favorite of mine along with Fat Gum.” Fingers stroked his back. “Say, I have a new animated All Might movie that I brought over. Want to watch it?”
 Izuku’s eyes opened a little. A...new movie? A new movie sounded fun.
 “Only one thing standing in our way. You know what that is, my sweet little boy?” Izuku shook his head.
 His answer was Kaccahn palming his butt. Oh! He forgot he was wet.
 He squeezed his plush toy when Kacchan lifted him off his lap and onto the mat. He didn’t like the sudden change and started to squirm away.
 Kacchan held him firm. “I’m sorry. I forgot you don’t like it when I do that.” He started to rubbed Deku’s thighs to help calm him down. Deku wasn’t ready yet to forgive him and turned away.
 Kacchan leaned over him and rubbed their cheeks together. “I’m sorry.” He kept massaging Deku’s thighs until Deku’s turned his head to kiss Kacchan on his nose.
 “Am I forgiven?” He was smiling now. Deku gave a small smile in return. “Thank you”
 He leaned back up and settled in a more comfortable position between Deku’s legs. He picked up the diaper and showed it to Deku.
 “You see this? I am going to put this on you.” He ran a finger up and down Deku’s crotch. “Because you are wet.” Deku tilted his head at Kacchan. Shivering a little the more the finger caressed him. “I’ll move slowly.”
 And slowly he did. Popping each button as he opened the onesie. Moving the fabric out of his way. Caressing Deku’s hip as he took his time, inch by inch, as he slid the diaper down his waist. One leg at a time. He moved to put the diaper in the hamper when legs tighten around him.
 He looked back at Deku. “Kiss” The word spoken so innocently. A hand reaching out for him. He ignored the hand. His own hands going to Deku’s cheek that held him as Kacchan laid a small appreciation on his lips. He kissed his nose and forehead as well.
 “I’m going to put the diaper away and get the wipes. Okay?” His only response was a giggle as Deku placed his hand back around All Might.
 He did as he said he would and wiped any unpleasant area that still had a hint of urine.
 The wipes thrown in the trash. The clean diaper sitting ready in his hands.  Deku’s sweet, smooth legs spread eagle while he waited for him to move. Katsuki felt blessed in that moment. Being around a person that exceeds your own expectations in a partner, would do that to ya, he guessed. Love? Oh, he knew he loved Deku, Izuku, his baby boy. He hasn’t said it yet. Not the best person with emotions, but maybe Deku was feeling the same since this night was happening.
 They would talk more after Deku was fully out of his little space. Even after he changed him, he did plan on playing that movie and possibly tucking Deku into his crib later. So the conversation may happen tomorrow. There was no rush. His love was bright and strong for this masucline forest imp. Ha.
 Deku’s ankle was grabbed.
 “Hey” Eye contact was made. “See this?” Waving the diaper.
 He received a nod. “You ready?” Eyes shifted to the wall, but a nod was given.
 From the floor to Kacchan’s shoulder, his leg now laid.
 The diaper was opened, sitting in one hand. Kacchan’s other hand went under his hip; lifting him up slightly.
 The diaper slid under. A smooth butt rested upon the mat again. The diaper the added barrier. Kacchan pressed a soft kiss to his knee before placing it back on the mat.
 One flap to cover the chub and mass of green curls, left side secured, right side following after. Two snaps of buttons filled the air.
 It was done.
 The boy was dry. He….he is a good daddy. As long as Deku was game, this would be happening more often. Katsuki was thriving at this moment. A wide smile on his face. Just staring at the red diaper. His accomplishment.
 Deku felt safe. Felt love. Very few words were floating in his mind, but he felt like no other caretaker could ever be like his Daddy.
 Katsuki secured the onesie and moved to lay down with Deku. He felt tired now. All the build up for a quick task, but taking his time felt right. He looped his arm around Deku to pull him closer. All Might being crushed between their chest.
 “If you can respond, How are you feeling?” Asked Katsuki.
 “Safe…… Cold?” He face tucked in his Daddy’s neck.
 “Shit, you right. You’ve been on the floor for a while.” He moved to get up. A leg on his hip stopped him.
 His face twisted. “De--”
 “Pease?” He hated that word. “La’er?”
 He grabbed the blanket falling off the crib. Covering only Deku in it. He didn’t need it. He often ran like a furnace.
 He decided to at least change their position. He leaned his back against the dresser with Deku in his lap. Deku made a happy noise and tried to snuggle more into Kacchan.      Like that’s even possible.     Katsuki thought. He kissed his boy’s cheek and a sweet coo was his reply.
       15 more minutes.     He thought.
Part 2
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vampcubus · 4 years
Quiet (Midoriya/Reader) [part 2]
| A/n: I have to admit, I re-wrote the ending several times and I’m still not satisfied with it but here we go anyways! |
| See part 1 ... here |
✦✿  Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. ✿✦
✦✿ Words: 5500+ ✿✦
are you guys ready to c r y??
.   .   .
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You stare blankly at a red and purple sky, eyes lazily watching the clouds roll by and the half-visible sun dip down and slowly set. You leaned forward to capture that perfect in-between moment, smiling as the last sliver of the sun finally dipped behind the horizon, letting the sky gradually shift from warm pinks and oranges to dark blues, indigos, and purples. You sighed and sank into a more relaxed position as your eyes welcomed the appearance of the moon as it took to the sky, washing the park in its gentle white light.
You sat at the same rotting-wooden picnic table you sat at every night, a familiar book with kitty skeletons draped in red and black across the cover sat just beneath your hand. The lukewarm coffee you’d picked up hours earlier sat right next to the book, half-empty from your lack of interest despite it being your favorite kind. 
You’d even considered dropping by your dorm to throw it in the freezer—to beat yourself with later if you kept thinking about a particularly annoying green-haired boy—before coming here, but you found that you just didn’t want to be on campus more than you had to.
Being out and about decreased your chances of running into him.
You let your eyes stray from the steadily appearing stars and to your right, where Midoriya had sat just a few nights ago.
You let out a frustrated sigh, turning your gaze back up to the sky and raising the cup of coffee to your lips. It didn’t taste amazing right now, but it served as a good enough distraction to stop thinking about him. You’d done the right thing, whether you cared about Midoriya or not, you wouldn’t let yourself be manipulated. You would not come running back into his arms only to be forgotten when other things in his life became more important than you again.
It was better this way. 
You told yourself, trying to convince yourself that you would only distract Izuku from his dreams. You’d only get in the way and end up broken again when he realized that.
You flicked the book open and skimmed your eyes over the pages. The illustrations of grim-themed yet still cute cats above each new chapter momentarily consuming your attention. Your soft smile faltered when you stumbled upon a particularly strange looking cat with wild, curly fur and huge round eyes cowering underneath a couch. Your eyes lingered on the drawing, everything about it just screams Izuku.
You shake yourself out of it and flip to the front page, breath hitching when you noticed a sticky note attached to it. It was in the handwriting of the clerk you’d grown familiar with. She often scribbled funny quotes or little notes things into the books you purchased for you to laugh about when you stumbled into the shop again.
He was here today, wanted me to slide this to you once you came in today. Not quite sure if he knows that ‘secret admirers’ are supposed to be discreet? 
-Kiko ッ
You almost smile at that, not doubting for a moment who she was referring to. But then you knit your brows together in confusion when you noticed an arrow at the bottom of the note. Curiously, you unstuck the unusually heavy sticky note and flipped it. Your heart stopped functioning entirely when you saw a familiar bracelet taped to the back of it.
You gasped tearing the bracelet from the note and inspecting it closely. No way… there’s no way he even remembered this existed.
It was a colorful and cute bracelet with mostly green beads and white lettered ones spelling out ‘All Might.’
The sight of the bracelet brings you way back, and suddenly you are no longer outside at the park.
Instead, you are laying on your stomach with an impressive fort of blankets hanging above your head. Your small hands fiddled with the beads, tiny fingers slipping on each random-shaped bead you could find in your craft box that was remotely green in color. Across from you lays a much smaller Izuku on his belly with his nose buried in a comic book, eyes sparkling and lips noisily slurping at the straw of a juice box.
“Y/N-chan look!” The curly-haired boy squeals, shoving the comic book over to you and pointing at a panel of a very stylized All Might with multiple civilians draped over his shoulders. It’s a familiar frame from the video you’ve watched with the boy about a million times already. You personally didn’t idolize the symbol of peace as passionately as your friend, but it always made him happy, so you always watched it with him. You squinted, scrunching up your nose at the picture.
“They drew his hair wrong!” You complained pointing at the clearly exaggerated shojo-looking hairstyle the number one hero had been illustrated with.
“No, that’s just the artists’ style.” Little Izuku exclaims, standing up in the fort, proudly posing in his All Might one-sie, holding the comic book up into the air like it was Simba.
“Ohh,” You remember humming thoughtfully before returning to tying an s-clip to the end of the bracelet, looking your newest creation over with pride. You sat up too, looking anxiously over to your best friend who had engrossed himself back into the comic. “Gimme your hand.”
You vividly remember the young boy’s freckled face lighting up and his hand being shoved in your direction. You slid the way-too-big bracelet over his tiny wrist and looped it around a second time so it wouldn’t fall off. “Here, so everybody knows you’re the next All Might!”
His big green eyes overflowed with tears, almost flooding your blanket sanctuary and drowning you both in his own tears when he tackled you to the ground, hugging you tight. You remember him showing the bracelet off to all of his friends and Kacchan the next day. He wore it even more religiously than his hero-onesie, his mother even mentioning that he only took it off to bathe.
You recall your shock when a week later he dropped a similar home-made bracelet with your favorite-colored beads and your idolized hero’s name on it. It had been the first time anyone had ever made something for you and you cherished it.
“We match now, so that means we gotta become big strong heroes together when we get big!” You remember his high-pitched voice declaring with his best All Might impression.
You felt your eyes burn with salt and the telltale weight of tears welling up in the corners of your eyes, your fingers shaking as they clutched the bracelet. Despite how old the plastic piece of jewelry was, it was in outstanding condition--save for a few scratches on the bigger beads here and there.
You’d thought that he’d lost it or thrown it away a long time ago. It’s been years. How on earth did he still have this?
Feeling your breath start to quicken you shot up from your seat, grabbing the book from the table and dashing off towards U.A. You turned each sharp corner, narrowly avoiding crashing into several other students—including Bakugou who hissed and swore at you as you retreated to your dorm You shoved the door open and slammed it shut. The next fifteen minutes were spent digging through your stuff, looking through untouched boxes of your things you’d brought from home but never needed until now. 
And then, you finally found it tucked away in an old pencil pouch. You pulled out an all-too-familiar bracelet, holding it up to compare to the green one in your other hand. There was no doubt about it, it was real. Your fingertips traced the familiar beads of your own bracelet, eyes flickering between it and its counterpart.
Why did he keep it so long?
You kicked the box back into the closet and toed the door shut, tossing both bracelets onto your nightstand and flopping face-down onto your bed.
It didn’t matter. It was just a bracelet, nothing more than a flimsy piece of plastic. Nothing compared to the friendship you had. So what if he held onto some dumb bracelet? That didn’t make up for months of distance, weeks of him slowly forgetting you existed while you stood idly by. Letting it happen because you cared too much.
So why did you feel so guilty?
You groaned exasperatedly into your pillow snuggling your face into it when it started to soothe your headache. Your eyes opened suddenly with a furious glower when your stupid brain immediately thought back to the times you and Izuku would nap together when you were kids, anywhere anytime. You often played so hard you knocked yourselves out so his mom would find you cuddled up against one another in your blanket forts, on the couch, on the slide at the park, under the sink once… anywhere you could fit into and doze off, you would.
In fact, you didn’t shake the habit of napping together until you were at least thirteen, which is usually around when parents start getting suspicious so you stopped doing it. You felt a slight blush rise to your cheeks, remembering those special times in middle school when you would sneak in and sleep together for a while if one of you had a nightmare. That was most likely the most rebellious thing you two innocent little suck-ups ever did.
You sigh, eyes drifting over to the bracelets strewn carelessly across your nightstand.
How can one bracelet bring back so much nostalgia?
.   .   .
Midoriya was slumped miserably against one of the couches in the dorm lounge, pen shakily scribbling away at an assignment. His handwriting has gotten a little better since last year, still wobbly and inconsistent in places but his teachers have voiced their appreciation of its improvement. He thinks back to earlier when he had dropped off that bracelet at the bookshop, afraid that if he approached you, you wouldn’t want to see him or he’d start crying again.
It really tore him apart inside to part with it, having kept it for so long. He’d found the bracelet while looking through some of his things one day. It fell out of a box with a bunch of his older more beat up action figures.
Seeing it after being put away for so long had brought the biggest smile to his face, remembering how much he’d loved it when he was younger. It was also what made him remember you… It was as if you suddenly popped back into existence. And in excitement to share the memory with you, perhaps catch up with you over coffee, he had disregarded the fact that it had been months since you’d last spoken.
He now realizes his mistake. 
But after last night he knew he didn’t deserve to have such an important piece of you to himself. He absentmindedly wondered if you still had yours… probably not, huh? His wasn’t as pretty as the one you made him, and why would you keep it after he practically ignored you for a year?
Still, he had hope that just maybe there was a chance he could make it up to you, that he hadn’t messed up so bad that you never want to speak to him again. Midoriya closed his eyes, frowning down at his notebook in shame. Who was he kidding? It was just a piece of plastic and likely held no value to you after what he did.
He misses it. Already.
“Midoriya.” Iida’s voice piped up and the green-haired boy jumped.
“Oh hey, Iida. Did you need something?” He asked, trying not to sound as worked up as he really was, forcing a small smile.
“I came to ask if you’d heard from L/N at all today?” Midoriya’s heart dropped at the sound of your name.
“No… why?”
“Well, it’s just that several students claimed to have seen her running obnoxiously through the halls earlier this evening and I was curious if you’d happen to know anything about it?” Iida asks, straightening his glasses with a displeased expression, clearly not amused by your behavior.
“No, I haven’t. Sorry,” Midoriya admitted sullenly, eyes downcast to the floor.
Iida’s eyes softened and the bluenette sighed, taking a seat next to his friend. Ochako and he hadn’t managed to get much out of the sulking Midoriya since the other night, but they suspect that things didn’t necessarily go well between him and you. Not to mention he’s been a zombie all for days, barely getting any sleep at all these past few nights
“And, as your friend, I am concerned about your wellbeing,” Tenya confessed, pushing his glasses up closer against his face as Midoriya sighed. 
“I’m fine, Iida.” Midoriya offered him a half-smile but otherwise made no attempt to spill anything. Tenya made eye-contact with Ochako across the common room, who had been the one to encourage him to approach Deku in the first place.
“Midoriya, what happened between you and L/N last evening?” The Iida son pressed, cautious not to pry too much in fear of upsetting him.
“I messed up,” Midoriya looked down at his lap, a drawing of your face in the corner of his math homework. He abruptly turned the page in hopes Iida hadn’t already seen it. “Really badly.”
.   .   .
The next morning, Izuku is as sluggish and mopey as ever, worrying his classmates with his lack of enthusiasm.
“You should talk to her.” Todoroki’s cool voice shakes Midoirya out of his daze after homeroom. He’s been staring absently at you as you ignored his existence, focusing on the lesson. It isn’t hard to guess who the half-and-half teen was talking about. And yet he still found himself surprised.
“I’ve tried, Todoroki. Talking won't help.” Midoriya sighs, eyes dropping to his mess of notes, including several crumpled up drawings of you.
“And sulking around doing nothing will?” Todoroki questions, not able to recognize the shell of the boy in front of him.
 “I messed up, and she wants nothing to do with me now.” And he respects that.
“Something tells me that isn’t entirely the case.” Shouto replies and the green-haired boy sends him a puzzled look.
“What do you mean by that?” He asks, a brow raised at the possibility that Todoroki knows something he doesn’t.
“You forget that Y/N and I are close friends now, although you haven’t necessarily been around so you may not have known at all.” He states bluntly and it does nothing to comfort Midoriya at all. He hadn’t known you and Todoroki were friends! What else did he not know about you?
“What are you getting at, Todoroki?” Deku asks with a defeated tone, wishing the stoic prodigy would just be out with it.
“Y/N tells me everything, don’t think she hasn’t told me about what happened a few nights ago. But when she spoke about you it didn’t seem like she didn’t want anything to do with you.” Shouto explained, definitely catching the young Midoriya’s attention. “She’s upset, yes, and you aren’t wrong to assume that she is angry with you right now. But the longer you wait to talk to her about it—if you planned to at all that is—the longer it will take for her to forgive you.”
Forgive him? Was that even possible at this point? He didn’t know, but if what Todoroki said was true, and he actually had a chance, he couldn’t waste any more time ‘sulking around and doing nothing.’
“Are you sure that’s even possible, Todoroki?” Deku questioned, eyes adept as ever as he searched the bi-colored eyes of his rival and friend for answers he may not even have.
“I don’t know for sure, Midoriya. That is up to Y/N.” Todoroki admits, and Deku bites the inside of his cheek still torn over this. “But I don’t think she will forgive you if you don’t try.”
“Mm.” Deku nods, thanking the two-toned boy and packing up for his next class of the day.
.   .   .
Your ears perked up at the sound of someone knocking on your door later that night. You sighed into your pillow, not wanting to leave its soft embrace. You tried to ignore it at first, pretending to be asleep but he insistent knocking continued. Grumpily you pushed off of your comfy bed to sluggishly open the door, thinking it was most likely Mina and she’d just keep knocking until you opened up. 
You were not expecting Midoriya to be standing there.
“What do you want?” You asked, your voice holding no softness or enthusiasm ad your narrowed eyes stared coldly at your former best friend. He flinches at the icy tone of your voice.
“I-I um… can we… talk?” Izuku asks anxiously, wringing his hands together, elbows drawn in close to his stomach self-consciously. “Please?”
He meets your steeled gaze with his own apologetic one, green eyes pleading with yours. Izuku owned the most convincing pair of puppy-dog eyes you’ve ever seen, even when he wasn’t meaning to and even now you faltered.
“Why? Why should I let you in? Give me one good reason not to slam the door in your face and go back to bed?”
“B-because I w-won’t leave until I say what I need to say,” Midoriya stated as firmly as he could, a determined glimmer in his eyes as he did so. You don’t doubt that he might sit at your door all night if you refused him. “A-and I have a feeling you have some things to say too.”
He wants to resolve this.
“I have nothing to say to you.” You hissed stepping back into the threshold of your room starting to close the door but his hand smacks against the wooden surface, a desperate look in his eyes that only makes you push harder. “Move.”
“Please! Please just hear me out, Y/N, please just give me this! Let me try! You don’t need to forgive me. I just need you to listen!” Midoriya pleads, his glossy eyes already spilling hot tears down his freckled cheeks. He’s shaking. “Please…”
Midoriya stumbles forward when the door opens and he just barely catches himself, wide eyes darting up to yours as you take several steps away from the entrance. You cross your arms, you can’t believe you’re actually doing this.
“You have five minutes. Start talking.” You relent, sitting down on your bed.
Midoriya sighs in relief, closing the door behind him before clumsily scrambling over to you. You pat the spot next to you, avoiding any and all eye-contact. Izuku’s heart skips a beat when he spots his bracelet on your nightstand. So you did get it! His breath gets caught in his throat when he tries to speak at the same moment his eyes drift to your wrist, where a relic of your friendship dangles. 
You kept it! He feels his eyes overflowing, the ugly fat tears streaking down the sides of his face as he stares dumbfounded at the familiar bracelet.
“You have four minutes.” You flatly remind him, and he jumps, trying to think of the words he’d practiced just a half-hour before he showed up at your dorm.
“AH—o-okay! um, I…” When he fails to speak even after a good minute passes, you sigh deeply. If he had nothing to say, why’d he even come? What happened to all that gusto about ‘saying what I need to say’?
“Why did you keep it?” You ask out of the blue after an uncomfortable silence and his head perks up, but he looks confused, eyes searching yours.
“Keep what—?” He starts, but you cut him off.
“The bracelet. Why did you keep it? It’s been years, I didn’t even think you still remembered that old piece of junk existed.” You blurt out, each word sounding distressed and just… confused. You wanted to understand.
He stares at you, mouth agape at a complete loss of what to say. His mouth suddenly feels dry and his tongue rubs anxiously against the roof of his mouth.
“Because… because it was important... to me.” Izuku breathes, the muscles and nerves in his hand twitching as it laid only inches away from yours. “I was s-so happy when you first gave it to me, my mom had to pry it off of me just to bathe me.” He chuckles, smiling at the memory.
“And I kept it because it reminded me of you, it felt like there was a part of you with me even when you couldn’t be there. It comforted me, knowing that you put s-so m-much thought into something j-just for me and I f-felt so special!” He breaks off when his hiccups start to get out of control. “A-and—”
He chokes and apologizes taking a moment to breathe again. You hadn’t realized how much one silly piece of jewelry had impacted him until now, so much so that he’s crying over it.
“And I made a promise, remember?” Izuku sniffs, wiping his eyes uselessly with his hand, only really smearing the wetness across his cheeks and wetting his hand with his own tears as they continued to spill down the freckled planes of his red cheeks.
You nod, but turn away when you feel your own emotions starting to spike up. You bit your lip, held your breath, clenched your teeth. Anything to keep the tears at bay as they threatened to fall.
“I-I said that when we—”
“We match now, so that means we gotta become big strong heroes together when we get big.” You butt in, sniffling and raising a hand to scrub at the tears streaming down your face and pooling at your chin. “That’s what you said.”
Deku stares at you, guffawed as you quoted his younger self. He hadn’t expected you to remember it so clearly, It makes him feel even worse. Knowing how much it must’ve hurt you when you grew apart. How hard it must’ve been on you to keep quiet about everything while he lived his best life, forgetting all about his dearest friend.
“Why’d you give it back?” You asked, voice trembling as you wiping your eyes with your arm. You glanced over at the green bracelet lying on your nightstand. “If it meant so much to you, why give it back?”
He closed his eyes. He listened to his heart as it slammed against his chest like a pinball machine, demanding him to say something.
“Because I forgot about the friendship it represented, and I shouldn’t have. I wish I wouldn’t have, but I did. I broke my own promise and e-even worse, I hurt you because I was just too caught up in my own problems—my own dreams—to remember that you’ve been a part of them since the beginning.” Izuku sobbed, there was no point in holding it all in now. 
“I gave it back because I was so afraid I screwed up everything between us, and I don’t deserve it!”
I don’t deserve you. The phrase rang in his ears so loudly it was almost deafening, he wanted nothing more than to say it too. He couldn’t because he couldn’t catch a single damn breath to say it. But even as he feels he has gathered that breath it’s stolen away once more when he feels your hands on his face.
In a flurry of your own emotions and a nagging force of habit you had reached out and grasped his face, the soft pads of your thumbs wiping at his cheeks.
“Stop crying already, you had something you wanted to say right? Stop letting your emotions get in the way of that.”
The firmness in your tone as your stern eyes descended upon his own struck a chord in him. You’ve said something like that to him before. Years ago.
“Stop crying, Izuku! Stop letting your emotions keep you from standing up for yourself! Kacchan steps on you because he knows all you’ll do is cry!”
Multiple times.
“Would ya quit crying already? You’re tougher than that, Izu. Like All Might!”
“Stop crying because you don’t have a quirk! Become a hero without one!”
It had always been you. You there comforting him, encouraging him, telling him to quit crying and speak up for himself. To keep pushing on despite the fact that he just wasn’t as gifted as other children. How could he have forgotten one of the most important lessons you ever taught him? How could he have forgotten about you?
You tugged one of your bunched sleeves down with your teeth and dried up the downpour of tears from his cheeks with your hoodie sleeve. Careful not to rub the skin raw, you kept at it until he was simply too shocked to cry anymore. This is the first time you’ve done this in years, yet far from the first time you’ve had to do it at all. Even as children, you were using your fingers, your sleeves, the edge of your shirt to wipe his tears away.
“Shush, I don’t want to hear it unless it’s what you came here to say.” You interrupt, and the look in his eyes changes from nervous to determined.
“I was going to say that I am s-sorry,” He stutters.
“What else?” You encouraged, watching as he slowly gained more confidence. “You said you weren’t going to leave until you say what you need to say, keep your promise.”
“I was going to say that I don’t deserve you!”
“And are you lying?” You ask.
“No!” Midoriya exclaims more confidently, more certain of himself than before.
“And is that all you wanted to say?” You asked again, smiling as the sobbing boy from before completely changed with your encouragement, egging him on.
“No…” Midoriya confesses, faltering slightly as his nervousness returns. He doesn’t know if he’s ready to say it yet. Would that even be acceptable right now? Even as strong as he feels right now he can’t help but hesitate, to blush, to avoid your gaze.
“Then say it.” 
“I…” He trails off, suddenly terrified of the thought. He couldn’t! It would put everything on the line! “I-I…”
Your hand cups his cheek coaxing him to look back up at you.
“Stop hesitating, tell me what you want to say.”
He’s already put your friendship on the line, what difference would it make? You wanted the truth so you’d get it! He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes before opening them again, meeting your own straight on. There’s a spark in those green eyes that wasn’t there before he squinted them shut. It’s like an emerald fire was lit behind them.
“I love you!”
It’s quiet.
You stare at him, and he stares right back, his determined gaze never weakening as he maintained eye-contact.
“You what?”
“You heard me,” Midoriya replies.
This time it’s your turn to shy away. Your face darkens incredibly fast, heart racing against your chest as your eyes darted from side to side, deep in thought. Your mind threw numbers together into every equation it knew, each answer coming out the same. You had expected an “I want to be friends again!” or “I want a second chance!” or “I want to fix this!”
Never in a million years could you have predicted him to say that. Not to you. Your eyes drifted back up to his. He looks a little less confident now, almost worried as he awaits your response.
“Get out.” You breathe, eyes wide as you stare at him watching his determined face change to one of confusion.
You couldn’t believe it. After forgetting your existence for almost a year, after only remembering when he found the bracelet, after only wanting to talk to you because it was most convenient to him… and he has the goddamn nerve to say that he loved you.
“W-what?” Izuku gasped, not understanding what was going on. Suddenly you were pressing yourself against the wall farthest from him on your bed.
“G-get out!” You exclaim, the angry tears running down your face.
“Y/N, what are you s-saying?” His voice shook, the tears starting to fall from his eyes again, his nose beginning to run as well as his entire body shook. Why were you telling him to leave? Did he make the wrong call? Did you not feel the same?
“Why are you lying to me?” You asked, the question coming out like a whisper.
“I-I’m not lying to you, I love you!” Midoriya cried. “Please, you have to believe me, I wouldn’t lie to you! I’ve always liked you—since we were kids, Y/N! I can’t fake that! You know I can’t!”
You shake as his desperate green eyes plead with yours, a sincerity in those irises you grew up staring into, a sincerity that just can’t be faked. He actually… he actually loved you? But why? He ignored you for a year!
“And you can honestly tell me that in that year you forgot about me you loved me?!” You demanded, your tears making your vision blurry and unmanageable.
“I never stopped loving you, even if it was overshadowed by my dream to become a hero, even if I made mistakes not even I can fix, my heart always belonged to you.” Midoriya crawled over to kneel in front of you on your bed where you still had your back pressed to the wall and your knees pulled tightly to your chest. “I’m not perfect, Y/N. I made a mistake by not being there for you, and I will do anything it takes to fix it if I can.”
“And you won’t forget me again? You promise?” You ask shakily, feeling a little embarrassed by how small you felt, scrunched up in such a way and crying in front of someone other than your cat at home.
“Yes,” His immediate response confirms it, not an ounce of hesitation present in the way it rolls off his tongue. “I promise, I’ll never forget you. And I’ll never be the reason you cry again.”
“Can you believe me?” Izuku reached his hand out to you.
“I… I believe you.” You admit, a small smile gracing your lips as you take his hand. Izuku lets out a relieved sigh, his free hand trembling over his heart. You can tell how terrified he was. “This doesn’t mean I forgive you though, Izu.”
“I know, and I’m going to try my very best to make it up to you. I promise.” Izuku states. It doesn’t bother him that you didn’t say ‘I love you’ back, he wouldn’t have deserved it. He’s going to have to work for it, and that was fine with him.
“Do you…” You started, face flushing and eyes avoiding his as you removed your hands from his face. “Do you wanna hug it out?”
“Yes!” You yelp when he throws himself at you, tackling you to the bed with his arms around you. You squeeze your own arms around him, face burrowing into his shoulder as you squeezed the life out of one another.
“Sorry.” He mutters when he realizes he’s practically on top of you and most likely crushing you. He moves to roll off of you but your arms only tighten around him.
“No, please just… can we just stay like this for a while?” You asked, and Izuku felt his heart beating so fast he was convinced it eventually just commit seppuku if it pounded any harder. He nodded against your shoulder, cheeks burning a bright crimson as he relaxes.
“Also,” You spoke up and he hummed in response, he couldn’t be bothered to move. You reached over to your nightstand to snatch the green bracelet from it, the green-haired boy whining when he had to re-adjust after you started moving. “Gimme your hand.”
He pulled away, green pools swirling with confusion. He complies with your sudden request and gasps when you slide the bracelet back onto his wrist.
“This belongs to you.” You smiled and he mirrored it with one of his own, hand impulsively taking yours, fingers intertwining with your own. Your matching bracelets reflected the dim light of the room, casting a warm glow over your faces as you smiled at each other. No longer did you feel forgotten or used, instead you felt loved again. “Now get off  me.”
Izuku laughs and slips off of you to lay at your side, his arms pulling you in close so he could cuddle you, just like you did when you were kids.
Izuku rested his forehead against yours, one hand reaching up to timidly brush against your reddened cheek, causing your eyes to flutter closed and a small sigh to escape your smiling lips. He missed seeing you smile. But there was still something else that he needed to take care of before you drifted off to sleep.
“Y/N?” He asked.
“Yes?” You sighed sleepily, 
“Don’t ever feel like you have to keep quiet anymore, alright? Please, always talk to me.”
You blinked, your mouth opening and closing several times.
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mosshead-lover · 3 years
The Act of LordE: part 2
On the contrary
Bakugou & Izuku x Reader
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It had been a few weeks since the new year's party. [y/n] decided to put that unfortunate event behind. She was well settled in the city and was having a great time with Izuku as well. They were officially in a relationship. She even managed to intern at a hero agency. Her job was to study the hero costumes and make them fashionable. A job that was considered useless by heroes, as told by her seniors. But, She firmly believed that a hero's outfit should make a statement about the hero, radiate his/her personality.
Her boyfriend, who was one of the rising top heroes, not only comprehend her passion but also respected her talent for making even the most boring items into fascinating entities, as opposed to what her seniors had experienced.
[y/n]'s excitement about starting at the hero agency was palpable. She was thrilled to meet pro heroes in person and have a chance to re-model their outfits. She was also a little anxious about pulling their style statement down instead of elevating.
"We will start with you studying some hero costumes evolution throughout the years. Relate the modifications with the fashion trends and marketing trends set in the respective years and submit a report by the weekend."
The chief stylist of the agency had assigned work the second she met [y/n].
[y/n] was impressed and surprised at how work centered her boss was. She got into work immediately. After a week of extensive research, late-night shenanigans, rewriting the thesis thinking the previous one wasn't good enough and taking inputs from her boyfriend & his fellow hero friends, [y/n] finally submitted her report. Her boss didn't seem too impressed but didn't criticize either. She assigned [y/n] her next task: to make sketches of a hero intern's outfit and try different color panels.
"I will ask one of the hero interns to come see you." Her boss told in a neutral tone and left the room. The Fashion department was vacant most of the time since most fashion staff tended to work from their comfort zones. The boss who came in every day had a chamber of her own. So, [y/n] was pretty much by herself. She was looking forward to having company.
"This Asshole!"
[y/n] screamed inside. At the sight of the person whom she was so eagerly waiting to meet. How could she possibly forget those eyes?
Katsuki, on the other hand, cursed his fate for putting the one girl he didn't want to see ever again in front of him.
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However, neither brought up the night. They worked in silence, avoiding eye contact, wishing for the day to get over soon.
[y/n] had had a long day. She walked home thinking if she should tell Izuku what happened on new year's. She decided not to. It was too late now. If she wanted to, she should have, sooner. At least when she recognized that ass from the pictures Izuku had shown her the day she had stayed over.
A few days later, Katsuki was asked to visit [y/n] again. To submit technical details of the gadgets he used and to answer any questions she had. Bakugou sucked at making things right, the easiest way to ease the tension between them was to tell her about the stupid challenge and apologize, he couldn't get himself to. It was difficult to even imagine himself doing it, given his egocentric personality. Nevertheless he had to. After a long hour of deep thinking, he decided he would.
He took heavy reluctant steps towards the fashion department.
"Ummm. Thanks for getting lunch, Izu."
[y/n] was seated on the table, with her hands around Midoriya's neck.
"I took a day off. That the least I could do, [y/n]-chan."
[y/n] kissed Izuku on the lips gently.
"We are so occupied with college, internships, and assignments these days. We barely get to spend time together. I miss you."
Izuku sounded disappointed.
[y/n] let out a sigh in agreement and hugged him.
"I miss you too, baby."
"Wish we at least worked at the same place. We could commute together." Izuku mused.
"I can put in a word for you! How can they say no to someone as talented as you?" He was holding [y/n] by her shoulders now. His eyes shined, radiating his enthusiasm.
"Our Agency is just as good, you know?" He was trying to be cocky now.
[y/n] laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Thanks for saying that, Mr. Pro-to-be. But, I got in here with lots of effort and am learning a great deal. I don't want to leave halfway. I know you wouldn't."
"Yeah." Izuku sulked.
Usually, Bakugou barged in, irrespective of the place and the situation. Except for this day. He had waited at the door for a while before going in.
"Tch. As if getting to see one shit face for the day wasn't enough."
Izuku moved away, and [y/n] quickly got off the table. A drop of sweat trailed down her cheek though she knew she wasn't at fault. Not much anyway.
"I don't know how shit works at your agency, Deku-teme, But here, we don't fool around."
Kachan eyed [y/n] in what seemed like disgust.
"Ah...Kachan, please calm down. I was just dropping off lunch. I am sorry."
(What is he sorry for?)
Deku's demeanor changed suddenly.
"I shall pick you up in the evening, [y/n]-chan. Bye for now."
Izuku didn't even bother to peck [y/n] and left hurriedly. [y/n] had heard enough stories about Izuku's childhood friend Kachan to understand his reaction. But, she was more frustrated at how this person got away with being an asshole all the time. Izuku was used to Kachan's way of talking. But [y/n] wasn't, and she didn't plan to.
"Who do you think you are!?"
[y/n] was raging with fury.
"Ah?" Bakugou tried to sound cold and clueless when he was burning on the inside. He had to face the inevitable confrontation now. He had ignited the fire.
"I don't know why Izuku tolerates your foul mouth but, that's no way to treat a friend!"
"I don't have time for this." Bakugou tries to escape the ultimate, one last time.
"You do, and you will listen to everything I have to say!"
To [y/n]'s surprise, he obeyed and sat down on the chair unwillingly.
"First, You steal his new year's kiss from him by forcing yourself on me, and then, you are extremely rude to him for no reason at all. It had literally been five minutes since he arrived! We weren't fooling around. It was my lunch break, for god's sake! And worst of all, He asks sorry, like he was guilty! If anyone should be apologizing, it's you!"
Katsuki yawned as [y/n] went on, which only aggravated her further.
While [y/n] was fuming, Katsuki slowly speaks up after confirming that she was done.
"Whoah! I didn't know you were dating at the time."
(even so, I am guilty of kissing you without consent. You dumb girl. You need to get some confrontation lessons.)
"I don't care how long he had been here. I saw what I saw, and I may be an ass but have strong work ethics."
(I couldn't stand seeing you together.)
"As for an apology, I still don't see my fault."
(I am an ass. I know. I also know it's too late to try being otherwise.)
"Oh, you will see! I will make sure Deku gets one from you!" [y/n]'s anger hadn't gone down, even a bit.
"Um! Determination I see." He raised his eyebrows, a faint smile formed on his face.
"I like it. So, I will give you a chance to earn that apology for that midget boyfriend of yours."
Bakugou got more comfortable in the wooden chair that he sat on. Almost as if he was enjoying where the conversation was headed.
[y/n] remained silent but was looking in his direction. She didn't have to say. He went on.
"Let's play a game. Umm...say Chess?" He suggested, looking at a painting of a few chess pieces that was hung by the door.
He went on.
"You win, I will apologize to Deku, and If I do, I will claim something of yours as mine for ten minutes."
"I am in." [y/n] didn't give a second thought. Only if she knew what she was getting to, she might have. If only she knew.
<Chick here to be a part of my Taglist for this story>
<Click the bear to check out my other works>
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kxkyuu · 3 years
So I see you do some My Hero stuff and it got me excited! Since seeing a picture of KiriBaku at pride I’ve had a mighty need to see a story of them essentially coming out to the public by showing up at pride together, and just everyone’s (hero’s, public, reporters, etc) reactions to it. In my head I’ve seen it as no one except their close friends and family knew yet they’ve been together since UA (in my head they’ve been pro heros for awhile and have been living together). Is this something you’d be willing to write?
Love your work!
Oh absolutely! I hope you enjoyed it! I swapped it a bit that they came out accidentally though, but saw no reason to hide it.
Kiribaku Pride (SFW Scenario)
It's Time To Stop Hiding
Cameras flashed as the photographers took picture after picture of the Pro-Heros Red Riot and Dynamight. Interviewers were lined up to ask the two young heros questions about the latest battle again villainy. While Katsuki was slightly annoyed that they had been caught by the press before they could get away, he saw that Eijirou was happy to be in the spotlight.
"Damn Shitty Hair..." he muttered under his breath as he snuck another peak at the crimson haired hero. He and Eijirou had be secretly dating for years now and while Kirishima was more than ready to he public with thier relationship, Katsuki enjoyed the privacy.
It was just the two of them. Of course thier close friends and family knew about them. Kirishima had convinced him to at least tell them that much. Mina had gushed about how she had known since thier time at UA, Denki and Sero simply smiled and congratulated them, Deku and Shouto (who were also together but out openly) were proud of them for finally admitting thier feelings.
Kirishima flashed another brilliant smile at the camera as he turned to point at an interviewer who was trying so hard to gain Katsuki's attention. "Yes? You have a question for us, little lady?" He grinned.
The interviewer blushed slightly at finally being noticed by Red Riot. "Yes, I have a few questions actually." She said, flipping through her notebook. "What are your thoughts on the recent attacks?"
Katsuki grabbed the mic before Eijirou coils react. "Nothing to it. We can handle a few weak extras like these guys. And when the boss comes, I'll blow his ass up." His smile was feral as he released the mic to let Kirishima talk.
"Ah, what Bakugou means is that we have the situation under control. We are close to finding out the leader behind these attacks." The redhead replied as he rubbed the back of his head.
Bakugou shot the slightly taller man a glare. "I said what I meant, Kiri."
That spur on a typical lovers' spat between the two and the interviewers' gain a curious look on thier faces. As they watched the two bicker back and forth, they overheard Bakugou say "Well at least I'm not the one who secretly likes it up the ass! Cause you sure as hell had no complaints last night!"
Kirishima turned bright red as did Bakugou when they realized that they were still at the interviewers panel. Looks like the secret is out now. The two heros looked at each other, matched red eyes clashing. A single nod from them both was all the other needed before they grabbed hands, intertwining thier fingers.
It's time to stop hiding.
Katsuki was the first to speak. "I am in love with this Shitty Hair of a guy, Kirishima Eijirou."
"And I am in love with this angry man, Bakugou Katsuki."
The press was silent for a few minutes, both because of shock and too take in the reality that the two were dating. It was not until someone began cheering loudly did the crowd erupt with praise and words of affirmation for the couple.
Katsuki let out a breath of relief as he turned to face Kirishima, squeezing his hand to gain the other attention. "Oi. Gimme a kiss, Dumbass."
Eijirou looked at Bakugou for a few seconds before obliging and grabbed his lover by the face and kissing him soundly. There was several flashes that went off as the two shared their first kiss as a public couple.
The next day, the city was abuzz with the news that Red Riot and Dynamight were a couple.
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class1akids · 3 years
BNHA 336 Thoughts
This is the first chapter since the Bath-one that I truly enjoyed (ok, once I saw Shouto with the snow leopard, I was firmly back on the hook), and all it took was getting some quality panels of Slice-of-Life in Class A, as they are training in the dorm yard to get ready for the end of the world.
My personal highlight is Bakugou sparring with Deku and explaining his new move and smiling!!! while we get back Deku's burnt-🥦 hairdo! This feels like an AU where they remained bffs and to think how much angst they went through to get here 😭😭 it's so satisfying to see them like this. Also, Deku ogling Shouto
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And Horikoshi also went and fixed the 💪-gate from last chapter and gave us some of the best and most beautiful Shouto-panels in the entire goddam manga. I'm so happy to see him train his new move, and I'm also elated that from the looks of it, his final move won't be some Endeavor-copycat, but a move he makes himself with his quirk that is based on integrating the two halves into one, unique whole.
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No more half-assing things!
Other honorable mentions include:
- Kaminari's face as Momo and Bakugou tag-team him with reason (also Momo is just absolutely gorgeous since the war and Bakugou/2nd parallel vibes intensify to unbearable levels)
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- Iida whacking a knew mask for Deku for saying "I", while Kirishima being stuck in the concrete by the end of training
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The second part of the chapter is less exciting for me - but maybe that's because of being spoiled Wednesday night. In any case, I expected Aoyama be involved somehow and also that the reason was connected to his quirk.
Personally, this "twist" feels neither too great, nor too terrible. It's a bit strange that instead of playing with the tension, HK chooses to infodump the entire backstory and have Deku confront Aoyama and his parents before they can do anything harmful (in this situation).
Also, Aoyama is extremely sympathetic and comes across more of a victim than an actual villain - and even his parents just seem to be misguided (and fucking dumb too - if you are gonna buy a quirk, might as well get something other than a navel-laser button that gives you diarrhoea???). The whole situation lacks nuance - AFO is straight up the bad guy.
So where do we go from here?
I'm guessing Deku would understand Aoyama (what deal would have he or his mom accept to get a quirk? - who knows / what would he be ready to do if someone threatened Inko? - I can only imagine) and will want to save him and unless AFO explodes him, I can see this headed for a group hug.
And maybe a discussion on saving villains.
Or maybe AFO makes good on that threat of multiple paths to the same goal and another twist is coming..
But ok, their faces are heart-breaking and Aoyama is wrecked with guilt and Deku is probably realizing that Aoyama was trying to tell this to him before and all that cheese-stuff already back then was a cry for help.
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I have exactly 0 doubt that Deku will help him - but it may come with some twists in case Deku remembers what happened to Nagant when he tried to extend a hand to her. So he may try to outsmart AFO this time.
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lawgrain · 4 years
Chocolate Strawberries
Hiii! Sooo this fic is actually a request but that almost feels to light of a word for it. It’s literally all @mizuraisu‘s idea! They asked me to sort of bring their head cannon to life and that’s what this is! So credit for the idea is soooo Izu and she deserves all the love for that! I hope you guys like how I wrote it <3
(Oh and I know that first part looks like it might go angsty. It’s not, it’s fluff)
Kirishima didn’t know when it started, but he liked Bakugou. He liked that Bakugou would drop whatever he was doing to help him with homework despite his grumbling. He liked that Bakugou would be endlessly grumpy if they accidentally kept him up past 8pm. He liked that Bakugou would sometimes bang on his wall in the morning just to make sure he was awake and getting ready for class.
Everything. He liked everything about Bakugou.
And Bakugou didn’t like him.
The worst part was, Kirishima had thought Bakugou liked him. Bakugou made him feel like it at least. He made Kirishima feel more confident and like he could be more than he was but that was before he saw it.
They had been in class one day and nothing special was going on. If anything it was a boring day. Present Mic was droning on about some obscure grammar thing that he had no chance of remembering and the class was all in various states of zoning out. Kirishima himself was staring towards the windows where Bakugou was and then it happened.
Kirishima didn’t know what prompted it but suddenly Midoriya was leaning forward in his chair, whispering in Bakugou’s ear. This alone brought Kirishima’s thoughts to a halt. Since when had those two been that close? And right as things seemed to be going back to normal with Midoriya away from Bakugou, Bakugou moved back towards Midoriya.
Stunned, Kirishima watched as Bakugou tilted his head back onto Midoriya's desk with a slight pout on his face. Then Midoriya took out a piece of candy from his bag, slipping it into Bakugou’s mouth.
That was it.
Just the small intimate moment that Kirishima never thought could happen, happened. Bakugou and Midoriya, two people he thought were barely friends, all of the sudden seemed to be more than friends. And Kirishima didn’t even know when that happened. He had no idea when it started or how he could’ve missed it but he did.
And that hurt.
It hurt a lot but they were still friends weren’t they? He still cared about Bakugou and maybe Bakugou didn’t reciprocate as much as he thought… But it was Bakugou. And Kirishima still couldn’t help liking everything about him.
It’s just now that “everything” had the exception of “liking Midoriya”. And Kirsishima couldn’t do a thing about it because who was he to tell Bakugou who to like.
The only problem is that left Kirishima in a gloomy state of doom and apparently his friends had all planned a movie night that night. Obviously that meant Bakugou would be there and so that meant that with Kirishima’s fresh turmoil, he’d still have to face his crush. But the world didn’t stop for him to wallow and apparently that meant that during the course of the movie night, Bakugou ended up with his head in Kirishima’s lap.
It was official Kirishima was going to die. He was going to die a very unmanly death all because he could not handle his crush laying on his lap.
But that’s exactly where Kirishima was in life right now as he tried to focus on the movie. And he couldn’t really focus now could he? Not when Bakugou kept making vague pouting faces at Kaminari. And just how adorable was that fact. Yet still, he couldn’t quite figure out why Bakugou was pouting in the first place. Kirishima made another mental effort to bring his attention away from Bakugou. And this time it worked until Bakugou started to lift his head up from Kirishima’s lap, drawing Kirishima's eyes back towards him. Kirishima watched yet again something unbelievable happen.
Bakugou had apparently lifted his hand to grab Kaminari’s wrist, stopping the electric boy's motions to and from the bowl of popcorn. With withering glare he spoke at Kaminari.
“Just give me a piece already,” Bakugou growled and then ate the popcorn from Kaminari’s fingers and licked them.
Oh god.
All of the sudden everything went dark. Literally.
“What the fuck Pikachu!” Bakugou called amongst a chorus of their other friends also complaining.
“S-sorry,” Kaminari sounded dazed and shook.
Bakugou immediately responded in anger. “You fucking shocked me!”
“You just- the popcorn,” Kaminari's voice now embodied the desperation that Kirishima felt.
What just happened?
“Yeah, I wanted some goddamn popcorn. Now figure out how to get the shitty power back on.”
The rest of their friends, having no clue what just transpired, continued in kind. Sero got up and headed to find the dorms breaker panel to try and figure out if the could get the power back on. Meanwhile the girls were calling out to him, letting him know if there was any change in the power. Despite the dark, Kaminari and Kirishima stared at each other in disbelief.
Neither could compute what had just happened and both needed the other to confirm what they’d experience.
That’s when it hit him. Midoriya. He had done a similar thing to Midoriya and Kirishima had thought it meant that they were in a relationship. But what if it hadn’t? He had just done the same thing to Kaminari after all. And Kirishima knew they weren’t a thing. 
But why on earth did Bakugou do that? Looking at Kaminari, Kirishima realized he should probably explain his findings to his classmate. After they fixed the power and finished their movie night, the two went to Kaminari’s room and Kirishima filled him in.
“He did what?” Kaminari asked at the end of his retelling of the events.
Kirishima nodded, “Same thing dude, but to Midoriya.”
“I know.” It was just as bizarre to Kirishima as it was to Kaminari. If they weren’t actually dating, then why did that happen?
Suddenly Kaminari looked as if an idea had struck him, “Let’s try it again.”
“Try it- Try what again?” Kirishima asked in confusion.
“Giving him food,” Kaminari explained. “But you know, like actually feeding it to him like today.”
“Do you want him to kill us?”
Kaminari paused at that. They both knew if they crossed a line, they were dead. And this plan? It was a death wish.
Kaminari brightened again. “You should do it then, man!”
“No! How’s that fair?” Kirishima spluttered. Why should he be the one to be killed? It was Kami’s idea.
“Come on, you know he likes you best,” Kaminari whined and Kirishima blushed. “If anyone can do it you can.”
Kirishima thought about it. Bakugou probably wouldn’t kill him right? Like he might get mad but Kirishima could try and play it off as just offering Bakugou food. It couldn’t go that wrong. Plus if Midoriya and Kaminari could do it, surely Kirishima could too.
With that flimsy reasoning in mind, Kirishima agreed to the plan, much to the other boys delight. And at lunch the next day, he could feel Kaminari watching him in anticipation. He could also feel his heart pounding with nerves.
Could he really do this? Or was he really just going to die?
He had to be manly and just do it. Screw the consequences, he wanted answers. So without a word, Kirishima brought a grape towards Bakugou’s mouth and the table fell into a stunned silence as Bakugou opened his mouth to accept the fruit.
And fuck, Bakugou was adorable.
After eating the fruit, Bakugou adopted the most content look Kirishima had ever seen on him. His shoulders relaxed and he was far calmer than he usually ever was with the Bakusquad. Kirishima could feel his eyes were wide staring at Bakugou and Bakugou must have realized this too.
“What?” He asked and to everyone’s bewilderment, he didn’t even sound mad.
“Nothing,” Kirishima answered quickly before a thought occurred to him. “Would you like some more?”
Bakugou eyed the grapes and nodded. So for the rest of the lunch period, Kirishima would randomly feed Bakugou grapes and each time, he could feel his classmates' attention drawn to the action. Later that day, it was Ashido who led the confrontation.
“What was that?” She hissed. “Are you two dating now?”
And just like that, Kirishima explained his discovery for the second time. At the end of the story, his friends stared at him in an awed silence. It was Sero who finally broke the silence.
“Do you think he’d let us do that too?”
They all looked at each other. Would he? Would he let them all feed him different foods?
As it turned out, Bakugou would let them. The entire Bakusquad started giving the volatile teen treats throughout the day and it had an almost unexpected result. Bakugou, just like he had been when Kirishima fed him the grapes, became much more content throughout the days. Eventually the class started to take notice of the change and, while none of them asked about it directly, Kirishima could’ve sworn he saw Todoroki feed Bakugou some chocolates one day. On another occasion, Kaminari actually did adopt a death wish.
“What the FUCK WAS THAT YOU GRUBBY LITTLE POKEMON?” Kirishima was pretty sure the entire building heard Bakugou’s yell.
Kaminari snickered, “What? You like hot peppers.”
“Yeah, but not covered in fucking chocolate, you fucking moron!” Bakugou’s anger radiated from him. Kaminari was as good as dead.
That much was confirmed a few booms and a power outage later. Kaminari looked downright traumatized after snapping out of whey mode. And Bakugou…
Well Bakugou was sulking. A pout had once again found its way onto his face and if Kirishima didn’t value his life, he’d even say that Bakugou looked like a petulant child. Kirishima thought he might have an idea of what had put that look on his crush’s face. Later that night, Kirishima carried a bowl of chocolate strawberries to Bakugou’s room to try and test his theory.
Bakugou opened the door, took one look at the strawberries and opened his mouth.
Kirishima put a strawberry in his mouth and was promptly let into Bakugou’s room. With that, Kirishima found themselves in a similar position as the day of the movie night. Bakugou’s head was placed in Kirishima’s lap and Kirishima was sat on top of Bakugou’s bed. The only difference was this time, Kirishima's fingers were carding through his spiky hair… And he was feeding Bakugou strawberries.
“Hey Bakugou,” Kirishima started in a soothing voice. “I’m sorry Kaminari didn’t give you the right food.”
“Dumbass Circuit Boy,” Bakugou grumbled.
Kirishima smiles at the pout on his face. “Feel better now that you got the strawberries?”
“Fuck off.”
Kirishima just gave Bakugou another strawberry, paying the comment no mind. Before he left that night to go back to his room, Bakugou stopped him with one last comment.
“Thanks.” Kirishima looked at Bakugou waiting for more. Bakugou continued, “For the strawberries. Now go to bed. I don’t want to have to yell at you to wake your shitty ass up in the morning.”
“Aww, Bakubro! You do care!”
“Get the fuck out.”
So manly.
After he left, Kirishima decided to do that again. He started taking random treats to Bakugou’s room and the other would let him in so they could either lounge around or eat while watching a movie. After a while, it almost became routine. During the day, everyone would give Bakugou random treats, they might hang out after classes, and in the evenings, Kirishima and Bakugou would just be together.
They didn’t ever do much but it was always special to Kirishima. It was enough just to exist around Bakugou and it seemed like Bakugou thought the same. At this point, the crush had long since graduated into love.
He loved everything about Bakugou. The way he’d fuss at people in a totally mom friend manner. The way his nose would crinkle at any candy flavors he didn’t like. The way he’d always make time for Kirishima so that they could talk or not talk and just be together.
He loved every single thing.
That’s why Kirishima was convinced Bakugou had just tried to kill him.
They’d been in the cafeteria and Jirou was primarily giving Bakugou snacks when it happened. Bakugou, instead of taking snacks from Jirou, turned to Kirishima and took his fries from him.
Except he took the fry that was halfway in his mouth.
And Kirishima was now dead. His heart was beating out of control and his eyes were wide open but he was still quantifiably dead. His brain had definitely stopped working and he couldn’t move because Bakugou had practically kissed him.
Bakugou kissed him.
And worst of all he had no idea if it even counted. Judging by the looks they were getting, his classmates seemed to think so. Kirishima surely hoped that’s how Bakugou meant it at least. Upon the stares Bakugou felt the need to explain.
“I want fries instead, assholes. Stop staring like a bunch of idiots.”
With that command everyone went back to their business. And that left Kirishima confused. He decided it was finally time to man up and ask Bakugou where they stood. When that evening came, Kirishima marched his way towards Bakugou’s room with a bowl of strawberries in hand.
He was going to get some answers today.
Bakugou opened his door and smirked at the determined look on Kirishima’s face.
“Finally figure it out, Shitty Hair?” Bakugou asked with a challenge in his eyes.
“Huh?” Kirishima had not, in fact, ‘figured it out’.
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “I like you too moron. Wipe that stupid look off your face and give me strawberries.”
Kirishima got a boyfriend!
Later Bakugou told him that Kirishima had a ‘stupid cute look on his face’ and took a gamble that it meant that Kirishima was either going to tell him that he liked Bakugou, or ask if Bakugou liked him. And that he wanted to ‘skip the mushy shit’ and just ask. After that, they were an actual couple.
It had taken Kirishima a very short amount of time to realize that they were basically a couple before. In almost everything but title, they were together before they put a name to it. And months after they started dating, Kirishima finally asked the thing that had been bugging him.
“Hey Bakugou,” Bakugou looked up at Kirishima from where he stood. “How come you always eat food that we give you?”
“Because I’m hungry, idiot. I’ve always done that,” he said as if that were an explanation.
“But why?” Kirishima whined.
“Have you never seen any movies?” Bakugou smirked. “All rulers have their subjects feed them.”
His boyfriend was so goddamn manly.
How’d you like it? Izu had asked me basically to do a story where Bakugou had just always been fed food throughout life (as in everyone did it) because he saw it on tv (like how you’d feed a god grapes thing) and UA finding out and being shook. 
And that’s me condensing her idea. She also had described a lot of the different scenes that happened in here and had a lot more outside of what I wrote. They just didn’t know how to put their ideas into a story and I was more than happy to help! And of course I put a lawgrain vibe into it as always (Like I doubt they expected me to make it a KiriBaku fic and they probs didn’t know that the thing would be all Kiri’s pov. I had fun ^_^)
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makeste · 4 years
Looking back now, which character do you think you had the most off first impression of?
I literally have every last one of said first impressions documented and I still can’t answer this question off the top of my head lol. one thing I do know is that it was definitely not Bakugou; my first impression of him was actually spot on, I’m proud to say.
anyways so I went back and speed-read my first half-dozen chapter recaps, because it’s a Wednesday night and I have nothing better to do (other than having writer’s block about answering any of my other asks), and here are some of the more notable impressions:
I truly thought that Iida was a grown-ass man when I first saw him (which of course turned out to be true)
oh my god. for years I’ve thought Eiichiro Oda was hands-down the best mangaka when it came to creating off-the-wall new characters. but this character’s name is Best Jeanist and he’s wearing a turtleneck denim jacket and has onion hair and I just. I don’t know anymore. my world is shook -- I don’t think I need to say anything else about this
shout out to this other guy Endeavor who I’m completely ignoring because he had the misfortune to be standing next to my homeboy Best Fucking Jeanist -- idk you guys so far I’m kinda batting 1000 here
gamfuckingbatte you funky boombox man -- this was Present Mic
who is this Kakashi-esque guy mentally whining about how loud everyone is, I instantly adore him -- guess who this reaction is about lulz
-- ahhh, here we go. anon, the answer to your question is Mineta. it’s Mineta
(ETA: apparently this is grape boy or something and I’ve been advised that he is The Worst so I’ll be on my guard?? even though so far from his one panel appearance I kind of love him.)
no. I was wrong. I know that now. in the unthinking arrogance of my youth I failed to heed the good people’s warnings. it is my shame.
what a sensible fucking thing to say. can she say that? can she just be here all super strong and smart with no obvious angst or other hang-ups? is that allowed??? I’m nervous
this was Momo fyi. 266 chapters later and I’m happy to report that it’s not only allowed, but encouraged. yay Momo.
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explororshy · 4 years
New Year {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader}
(A/N): Sooo, this is one of my fics on DA, but it’s the first one I’m gonna be uploading on Tumblr! It’s pretty old, but I thought I’ll start with this here :) A fluffy one for Katsu 
I really hope you all like it!! Please let me know what you thought of it, I would be happy to take constructive criticism <3 
also, this fic is dedicated to the lovely @annoy-ng-draws​ <33 she’s my number one supporter lol luv ya baby xx
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Genre: Fluff 
Time Period: Third year of highschool 
Warnings: none apart from it being super fluffy!
Word count: 1.1k words 
P.S.  I tried to incorporate some Japanese traditions and beliefs I'm aware of in this, I apologise if I got them or the words wrong in this, please let me know if I did! (also req are open for BNHA!)
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You grabbed the woolen-knit scarf draped over your desk chair and wrapped it around your neck. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you walked out of your dorm room, glad that the central heating was working again. 
A cold New Year's eve was as bad as it sounds, but luckily your class 3-A partied the night away, too wild to notice.
A small smile made it's way onto your face knowing that your boyfriend had gone to sleep way earlier than what is legal on New Year's eve. Your smile widened slightly when you saw him leaning against the front door, nose buried in his own red scarf which you had knit for him as a Christmas present.
"Katsuki," You said softly, placing your hand comfortably in his.
"What took you so long, idiot?" He muttered, finally walking out into the cold, his hand leading your's. Sighing, you said a quiet apology, knowing how much you both had been looking forward to this day.
January 1. Your first New Year shrine visit as a couple.
A shrine visit was something Katsuki never liked to do, much less as a couple. Earlier it used to be just a hassle for him, but he agreed to go with you without hesitation. There was something very calming and mundane about it, which he won't ever admit. 
You looked around at the frost on bare branches, the snow lying in small heaps on the street lamps, giving off a light ethereal glow. The chilly air swayed the naked branches with a gentle touch, while you glanced at the slightly dark sky. The first day was going to be a busy day, so you two wanted to visit the shrine before it started getting crowded.
"What will you wish for?" You asked, wrapping your free hand around his bicep, laying your head on his shoulder. He glanced down at you briefly, seemingly lost in thought. You nudged his jaw with your head waiting for an answer.
He shook his head, placing your intertwined hands in his coat pocket, "If I tell you, it won't come true."
Standing before the torii gate, you both bowed and entered, walking up the steps and veering off towards the temizuya (*water basin at shrines) to rinse your hands. The water was freezing cold, you could feel the numbness spreading when the water splashed against your palm. The huge tree towering above almost seemed alive, its sturdy branches still full with leaves, waving down at you.
Sticking close to Katsuki's side, you felt lucky knowing that your man was so unnaturally warm, it was too good a perk especially during the winter season. The shrine was bathed in early morning light, a few early risers with similar intentions already there. You both dropped a goen (*5 yen) into the coin box, it was a sweet tradition that the coin was supposed to bring good luck. 
The wind was picking up as you two walked inside after taking off your shoes. Standing close, your shoulders were almost touching. The inside was warm with a delicate scent swimming lazily, it relaxed your cold nerves. Bowing twice, you glanced sideways at your boyfriend. 
The serene expression accompanied by a small smile on his face stole your breath away, and as you both clapped twice to make a wish, your mind was flooded with just one word, one person. Katsuki.  
It was like sunlight was flooding through you, filling up every empty space in your body. At that moment, when he turned to look at you, your happiness felt like a sweet flute melody, gentle and comforting. 
Affectionate silence filled the words you two felt, it melded itself into the way Katsuki adjusted your scarf or the way he payed close attention to your feet while walking down the frost covered stone steps.
The wonderful smell of delicious snacks from stalls outside wafted your way as you walked out of the shrine. The two of you bought an omikuji (*fortune, oracle) each. Tying your bad fortune slip to eliminate the bad luck, you groaned as Katsuki wrapped an arm around your waist in comfort.
"This sucks," You pouted, burying your face into his neck, hands loosely linked around his back.
"I know, sucks to be you," He barked out a laugh, though his hands still ran up and down your back in a comforting gesture.
"Katsuki don't be mean in god's house, he'll put you on the naughty list," You glared at him and pulled back, stalking off towards a stall where a few ema (*wooden plaques for wish making) were hanging from hooks. People had now started pouring in waves, the chatter around growing louder.
"That's supposed to be Santa you brat," He rolled his eyes and followed you, accepting a marker the kind old man offered the two of you. Picking up a small wooden plaque, he scribbled something on it. You stood on the tips of your toes trying to get a peek, but Katsuki pushed your face away, turning to the other side to finish writing. 
Huffing, you wrote your own wish, smiling at it while hanging it on the highest hook you could reach on the wooden panel.
"Ne, Katsuki, tell me! What did you wish for?" You asked, eyes shining up at him. He only scoffed, flipping the plaque to the other side before you could see. You whined, trying to grab it from his hands, irritated that he wouldn't show you. He easily placed it on the actual highest hook before you could snatch it, grinning down at you, his height spurt made him tower over you and he loved it. You glared up at him, arms crossed across your chest.
"You brat!" You growled in your best Katsuki impression, face contorting into fake rage - it was way off and not accurate at all. You could see the amusement in his eyes as he lifted up his eyebrows. 
Bending down towards you slightly he wondered loudly, "Haaahhh? What was that? Did you just call me a brat, you brat?"
"S-so what if I did?" You chuckled, nervous at how his lips brushed against yours, sending shivers down your back.
"So this," He said and pressed his lips to your own. Katsuki's kisses were rough most times just like his personality. They were always loving yet charged, with an underlying current like that of a swiftly running river... but this one was different. It was more of a still lake. It was calm, it was loving and it was content. It enveloped you with a sense of safety.
Pulling back, you registered the morning glow around the shrine in a daze, Katsuki grinning at you, eyes closed in this rare smile, his blond hair fluttering very slightly, a small blush on his face.
"Let's go and get some food now to calm your monstrous appetite."
"Katsuki I keep telling you! You gotta stop sayin' stuff that's gonna put you on the naughty list!"
"I told you, that's for Santa, you dumbfuck!"
Sunlight slowly worked its way up, falling on the stall you both had left behind.
His wish?
I already got her. Just help me keep her happy or whatever. Thanks.
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baku-no-alt · 4 years
by design: eight
The following four days felt like the longest of your life. You ended the night of your birthday celebration with Mei and Kirishima at a McDonald’s; you sheepishly told them Bakugou had gotten tired and left when they asked where he’d gone to. 
Half of Saturday was spent working, the other half with your family. The work and the nice dinner your family made for you did nothing to help take your thoughts away from the last conversation you had with Bakugou.
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were all dedicated to putting the finishing touches on Bakugou’s hero costume. When it was done, you stepped back and stared at your creation on the mannequin - it was most certainly your best work to date. 
And then came Wednesday, the day of the Expo. You packed up the costume and made your way to the convention center, nerves bubbling in your stomach. You had started out so determined to win Bakugou over, and now you’d be presenting the finished costume to him and the judges while he was pissed at you. 
These thoughts mingled in your mind as you stood backstage, waiting for your name to be called to make your presentation. You smoothed the fabric of the costume over the mannequin, built specifically to Bakugou’s measurements, and tried to steady your breathing. 
A small cough behind you nearly scared you out of your skin. You whipped your head around, hoping against hope that you’d see a mess of spiky blonde hair standing behind you. But it was a woman in a suit, holding a bag. 
“Ground Zero sent me to give these back to you,” she said quietly. 
“Oh,” you said, trying not to sound disappointed. You reached your hand out, and she placed the bag in your hand. “Did he say anything else?” The woman shook her head. 
You heard your name called over the loud speaker, paging you to the stage. 
“Good luck,” she said, giving you small smile. 
You walked to the wings and waited your turn while the person before you finished up their presentation. 
Inside the bag that she had given you were the mini-detonators. You let out a sigh as you turned the bag upside down and let them all fall into your hand. You placed them on the sleeves of the costume one by one, and by the time you were done, it was your turn to take the stage. 
You felt like your heart would spring out of your chest as you rolled the mannequin to the center of the stage. A crowd of about a thousand people were gathered in the chairs placed in front of the stage, and at the forefront of the crowd was the panel of judges, seated at table. There were three in total, including Bakugou, who sat with his arms folded, red eyes boring into you. You nearly shivered, although you felt hot with so much attention on you. 
“My chosen assignment was a re-design of Ground Zero’s hero costume,” you began. There was a scattering of murmurs in the crowd.  
You started from the top of the costume and worked your way down, explaining every piece, why it was changed, and what the functionality of the new costume was. A projector illuminated the large screen behind you, which would show pieces of the costume in larger detail as you spoke about them. 
“The fabric of the costume is a creation I worked on with Mei Hatsume,” you explained, “It’s bullet proof, but still breathable. I added in color-changing nanites for stealth purposes.” You clicked a remote, and the orange patterns on the costume shifted to black. This drew applause from the crowd, and you smirked. Color-changing was always a people pleaser. 
“The gauntlets were replaced by mini-detonators. They work much in the same way, collected nitroglycerin to be used in explosions. Ground Zero has the option to use one at a time for smaller explosions, or use them all at once for a larger impact.” 
“The pants are now a little more form fitting, and the kneepads are built into them. His boots I kept aesthetically the same, but added in some technology in the soles to help with balance in the event that an explosion sends out shockwaves.”
“This costume is a sleeker, updated version of Ground Zero’s original costume,” you said. Your eyes flicked over to his and caught the scowl on his face. You took a deep breath and continued, “but, in the spirit of evolution, the theme of our convention, I think I should also point out that we should remember where we came from.”
Silence from the crowd. 
“It’s important to remember what inspires us. Why we do the things that we do. What started our love for what we do in the first place,” you said, smiling. “And that’s why -” you gestured to the screen behind you, “- this costume is designed to be compatible with, or even enhance, every piece of Ground Zero’s original costume.”
The projector screen showed Bakugou’s gauntlets fitting snugly over the mini-detonators, using their power to let off incredible explosions. The small, sleek neckbrace you designed connected to his and created a powerful neck guard. The nanites in the costume next to you shifted, and the bright orange ‘x’ that was featured on Bakugou’s current costume was mirrored on the one you designed.
“Evolution is about improvement, but it’s also about where we came from and what makes us unique. And I wanted my costume to reflect being able to make improvements without compromising how genuinely himself Ground Zero is. Thank you.” 
You bowed, signaling the end of your presentation, and your heart soared as the crowd cheered. You came back up, smiling, and glanced over at Bakugou again. His expression had softened, and he rolled his eyes at you as he untucked his arms and began to clap as well. 
A stagehand brought your mannequin closer to the judges so that they could inspect it, and you hurried backstage. You found a chair and collapsed into it, exhilarated. You couldn’t stop smiling. You covered your face in your hands and let out a muffled squeal to try and release some of your emotion.
When you removed your hands, you saw Aiko running up to you. “You nailed it!” she said excitedly, and wrapped you in a bear hug. You hugged her back tightly. 
“There’s a table with refreshments for the participants, want to get some food while we wait?” she asked. 
You nodded, still unable to process thoughts or words correctly, and followed her to the table. 
A few hours later, everyone had finished presenting and the judges had time to inspect each costume up close. All the participants were waiting backstage for the award ceremony to begin. 
You had separated yourself from everyone else, trying to calm your nerves by getting some time alone. There was a hallway to another part of the convention center connected to the backstage area. It was far away from the stage and dimly lit, but you could vaguely hear the announcer. You leaned up against the wall, and closed your eyes. 
Your eyes shot open at the sound his voice. Bakugou stood in the doorway at the far end of the hall. 
“Hey,” you said back. He walked towards you, and leaned his back against the wall opposite you. 
“The color-changing was a nice touch,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“So you liked it?” you asked. 
“Of course I did, dumbass.” You breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. 
“In third place...” It was Deku’s costume designer. She had done really well. You folded your arms tightly against your body, trying to squeeze the nerves out. 
“Listen,” Bakugou said, “I’m... sorry I walked out like a jerk the other night.” 
“It’s alright,” you shrugged, “I may have been a little unreasonable.” 
“In second place...” Froppy’s costume was announced. Her designer did a complete re-design, and included an entire set an amphibian environment. 
“Fuck...” you hissed leaning your head back against the wall. 
Bakugou pushed himself up and took a couple steps closer to you. “I don’t know what you’re so fucking worried about,” he said, “You’re going to win.” It sounded like more of statement than words of encouragement. 
“Don’t jinx me,” you mumbled, looking up at him. You heard the sound of cheering as Froppy’s designer was done accepting her award. Mirroring Bakugou, you pushed yourself up off of the wall. 
The hallway was tight, and you were standing very close together now. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body. Your mind flashed back to the night he rescued you. 
“In first place...” You didn’t dare to breathe. 
“Hey,” he whispered. You looked over at him. “You kicked ass, okay?” 
And then you heard your name. Your eyes widened, but didn’t break contact with his. 
“You won,” he breathed. You tried to respond, but all you could do was suck in a breath.
And then he kissed you. 
Grabbing both sides of your face, he smashed his lips against yours, and you draped your arms over his shoulders. You could hear the crowd cheering in the background. You smiled against his lips, jumped up and wrapped your legs around his torso. 
In a move you didn’t expect, he spun you around and then gently let you down, your lips still connected. You both gently pulled away.and you couldn’t wipe the goofy grin off of your face. 
“Go on,” Bakugou said, gesturing towards the stage. You bit your lip, squeezed his hand, and ran to claim your victory. 
@yeet-these-hoez @frenchspeakingfilipina @hanatsuki-hime @chims-kookies @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire @ha-tep @the1975thing @lookslikeleese @thatlonelypieceoftoast @ayeputita @missalienqueen
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