#travel youtube
thelifeofjord · 6 months
This is GANGNEUNG!? - South Korea Off The Beaten Path
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azulhood · 3 months
Jazz was, at her core, a pessimist.
Oh sure, she wanted the best outcomes and strived to always see the best in people. But listening to her parents talk about and share crime scene photos of someone who was brutally murdered and who may haunt the place they were headed to while true crime podcasts played instead of road trip tunes as they traveled to whatever graveyard had caught their interest had dulled young Jazz's faith in humanity.
Jazz still had memories of a young her standing in an abandoned insane asylum (or abandoned hospital, or old house, or graveyard, or whatever place they dragged her too) holding a small torch with shaky hands and begging to leave because she was terrified "Can we go? Please? this place is scaring me" only to be told "In a minute Jazzy, we down want the ghost getting away."
They had settled down after Danny was born, choosing to stay in one placed instead of traveling all over the country. She still expected them to unexpectedly announce that they were going on the road again, she had plans in case they did (saying she'd stay behind with the van to take care of Danny was better then both of them getting used as ghost bait) But surprisingly they didn't.
And Jazz was thrilled. Sure, she and Danny were known as the kids of the towns crazy ghosthunters, and sure, she basically had to raise her brother since her parents would rarely leave their lab let alone focus on something not ghost related, and yes, she did have to carefully plan out how to use the family's money so that none of them starved.
But no more sleeping in cheap hotels or their van, no more making friends at playgrounds that she'd never see the next day, no more countless hours spent in places where people died, no more English lessons while on the road. She went to school now, she had friends that she saw more than once, she had a home that wasn't filled with cockroaches and the sounds of a argument from the room next door. She had a semi-normal life.
In this time of normality, she relaxed, she let her guard down. Then Danny died and only came back halfway.
And Jazz was back to being that little girl who was scared of ghosts, only this time she was scared for a ghost.
Danny didn't tell her at first, and even though it hurt she understood, and so while she waited for him to tell her, she planned.
She took job after job, from mowing someone's lawn to working at a checkout. Money had been put aside in bags filled with clothes and a pair of new id that she had gotten from Tucker, ("Just in case our parents get classified as supervillains and we need to flee" She said not giving anyway that she knew of Danny's ghostly problem, Tucker had made the id anyway even if he thought she was joking and did not in fact have a plan should that situation happen) One of their neighbors was willing to let her buy their old car despite her family's driving history. A safe house (more like safe apartment) was bought in the only place that was willing to let a teen buy property, Gotham City.
Danny fought numerous enemies until the only enemy that was left was telling their ghost hunter parents that their son was half dead.
Compared to her, Danny was an optimist, seeing the best in everyone without even having to try like she did. Believing that the best would happen like if he didn't, he would break into a million pieces and not know how to put himself together again.
Even though he was scared Danny believed that their parents wouldn't react badly, Jazz hoped they wouldn't but was prepared if they did.
And finally, after many nights spent wide awake in case her parents tried to rip Danny apart molecule by molecule while she slept, the shoe dropped. Their parents loved them, but their work came first, it always came first. Jazz loved her parents, she truly did, but she loved Danny more. And in the end, that made her choice of driving all the way to Gotham with nothing but their go bags all the more easier.
And that was how Jazz and Danny ended up as the neighbors of one Jason Todd.
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its-jack-merridew · 13 days
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Visiting Yokohama, Japan 🤙🏻
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missagonyy · 29 days
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Gulliver’s Travels 1996 Mini Series - Starring Ted Danson.
There are barely any posts about this amazing, underrated film, so I made these gifs to share my favorite moments.
If you are a g/t fan, you will love this! I can’t praise it enough!
I hope you enjoy my all time favorite adaptation of Gulliver’s Travels! 🌈✨
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fandomsandfeminism · 10 months
This is a post complaining about the lack of feasible travel options in the US beyond car or plane.
I live near Austin, Texas. I have family near Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is about 700 miles.
This is a shitty drive in a car. About 11.5 hours (not including stops), and that slog through west Texas is rough. It's a lot of wear and tear on the car, and even in the hybrid, a lot of gas.
When we need to get there quickly, we have generally flown. Southwest has some direct flights, about 1 hour and 45 minutes, for about $175. (Plus renting a car when we get there.) But airport security sucks and is a bit of an environmental disaster. You spend more time in the airport than in the air. It's annoying, but is a decent tradeoff for time when that's important.
Riding a Greyhound bus is CHEAPER than flying (about $120 a ticket) but you are either going to Dallas, waiting for a new bus, to Amarillo, waiting for a new bus, to Abq (21 hours), or To Dallas, to Oaklahoma City, to Abq (25 hours.)
But Rosie, you might ask, why not take *the train*?
More environmentally friendly, and it can't take LONGER than driving, right? Or maybe a liiiitle if we are going to Dallas first? So it cant be longer than the BUS right? And it's a train, how fun!
This is a map of Amtraks tracks.
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Suggested route 1: 30 hours
You can take a train to Ft. Worth, change to a different train to Oklahoma city, then take a bus to Kansas, THEN a train to Abq. $250 a ticket.
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Suggested route 2: 54 hours
Take a train to ST LOUIS, then a BUS to Kansas City, then a different train to Abq. $300 per ticket.
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And you still have to rent a car when you get there.
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Listen, I know this isn't like... Amtraks fault. Amtrak has been intentionally sabotaged again and again, but holy Jesus. I *want* to ride the train. I would gladly *double* my travel time if the cost was reasonable and the route didn't involve having to switch to a bus halfway through?! But how can I justify 2 hours/$175 vs 54 hours/$300 AND A BUS TRANSFER?!
Again, not Amtraks fault directly.
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fulgurbugs · 8 months
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stupid wager
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genericpuff · 2 months
STAY OFF MY TERRITORY - Time Travel in Lore Olympus (feat. Springlock, our resident time traveller)
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Let's establish the "time travel" in LO first of all - it's briefly introduced by Hecate, who says that Hades isn't in a 'where' but a 'when' , hahahaha i so love time travel jokes /s THIS ISN'T A LAUGHING MATTER-
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We had already covered this in the criticisms that Kronos' 'dream comas' would have been better allocated to his time travel abilities, and it seems now Rachel is trying to make that a reality at the last possible minute. I'm going to completely tear apart that reality to present to you why it doesn't work in LO.
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Aw, Kronos' time abilities are finite? Get on my level, sir.
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The caveat is the existential toll that time travel takes on the jumper, and the fact that in most cases, it's impossible to perform due to paradoxes. And Lore Olympus' time travel presents a lot of paradoxes. No wonder Kronos went crazy, I'm going crazy just thinking about everything that's wrong with this.
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So Hades is trapped 'somewhere' in time. This isn't something I haven't seen before, but the issue it presents is getting someone back to their present time, as it presents the first paradox -
PARADOX #1 - There are no accidents. If someone is to jump into a timeline outside of their own, even if by 'accident', that would still have to be predestined by the timeline itself. This is in line with the grandfather paradox, which I will let the almighty Google define for us all to keep things brief:
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You cannot travel back in time 'by accident'. If you were to travel back in time, it would have been written into the script of reality already, so any effects caused by your jumping would be purposeful, even if they seem like 'accidents' to you - such as becoming your own grandfather, Philip J Fry.
Moving on, in the most recent FastPass episode, Melinoe reveals that she was taken from her timeline by Kronos.
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PARADOX #2 - Which version of Kronos took her? Was it the present version travelling into the future to take her from her timeline into his present? Or was it some future version of Kronos who has escaped yet again at some point in the future and then travelled back into the past to interfere with the events of the current present, possibly in an attempt to rewrite the script? If it's the latter, this means that Hera and Persephone can't feasibly stop Kronos indefinitely, as to stop Kronos would mean that he wouldn't exist in the future to take Melinoe from her future timeline and thus this present timeline of events would cease to exist. If we want to get even more granular with it, 'present' Kronos is still 'past' Kronos as it's the Kronos from ten years ago who got his hands on a deity to help him mess with people's dreams, and that deity has been revealed to be Melinoe, who would have had to be ripped from some point in their future timeline. This falls in line with a temporal paradox, or as most people know it, the 'kill baby Hitler' paradox, which designates that one cannot go back in time to kill baby Hitler, as killing baby Hitler would remove all the subsequent events that would lead up to you deciding to build a time machine and go back in time to kill baby Hitler.
Melinoe claims she's only been here a few days. That would be all well and good, as time is funny like that - I've done my fair share of jumps into the distant past only to return a few minutes later - but what doesn't line up is the present timeline of events that would only work unless she's actually been trapped for longer than a few days.
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PARADOX #3 - So it's only been a few days, but Hades and Persephone have known about this child trapped in Tartarus for weeks, and we know Kronos has had her since the dream diving arc back near the end of S2. So unless Kronos is simply jumping to different points in time to cause shenanigans - which leads to even MORE paradoxes as you feasibly cannot travel to your own past to change it due to it creating a different future - then it can't have only been a 'few days' for Melinoe, it would have been at least a few weeks, giving some wiggle room to the past events of her appearing before Hades in his dreams due to her being the goddess of nightmares. Kronos escaping Tartarus after using Melinoe to put people to sleep and possess them was not something that happened in a pocket dimension, it was very real and very present.
Hades commits an even bigger sin, however, and the biggest issue with this 'time travel' plotline:
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PARADOX #4 - I truly hope 'home' means 'home point in her timeline' and not their literal home. Hades and Persephone cannot take Melinoe, for two reasons: they haven't had their daughter yet, and the future timeline versions of Hades and Persephone need their daughter back. If Hades and Persephone were to adopt this version of Melinoe in their present timeline, it would create a clone paradox, as they would have a duplicate Melinoe from the future, OR it would create the grandfather paradox if they opted not to try for a child knowing they already have Melinoe which would erase the whole sequence of events that led to future Melinoe's birth in the first place.
Ultimately Lore Olympus' time travel suffers from the same issue many time travel stories suffer from - not having consistent rules. It is choosing now , near the finale of the series, to introduce time travel, rather than establishing it back in Season 1 when Kronos was first hinted at. It's also still not clear in what Hades' role is in this, as him being taken to a 'when' could still be read as a dream sequence rather than actual time travel. After all, Kronos supposedly "exhausted" his time travelling powers centuries ago - surely as a way for Rachel to have her cake and cover for the fact that she's had Kronos in the series since S1 and never actually had him do what he's known for - but now she's trying to eat it too by just giving him his time travel powers again for no reason besides rewriting the dream diving finale from S2 but with ambiguous time travel instead.
It's all a huge mess and the best thing I can do for myself is simply not let it keep me up at night. I have enough time travelling problems to worry about as it is. I will be sticking to the Austin Powers method -
(I am not enjoying myself.)
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hms-no-fun · 4 months
come watch my new video essay...
it's about the 2018 german time travel murder mystery show DARK and the limitations of the streaming model of television
it premieres in an hour. you should be there.
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xwpseaweird · 3 months
A timeless romance starring Jane Seymour & Christopher Reeve
A tribute to Somewhere In Time (1980) starring the beautiful Jane Seymour (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman) and the late great Christopher Reeve (Superman).
Synopsis: "In 1972, playwright Richard Collier (Christopher Reeve) becomes fascinated by a photo of Elise McKenna (Jane Seymour), a turn-of-the-century stage actress, while staying at the Grand Hotel in Mackinac Island, Michigan. As Richard's obsession grows, he learns from a friend that time travel may actually be possible through hypnosis. Richard travels in time to meet Elise, and the two appear destined to be together. However, Elise's jealous manager (Christopher Plummer) attempts to keep them apart." Fun Fact: Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve had a rather intense love affair behind the scenes of this film. To quote Jane, they fell "madly in love." The looks, touches, and chemistry they had on screen was believable for a reason. Their affair came to an abrupt end when Reeve's ex-girlfriend revealed to him that she'd been hiding a pregnancy and was about to give birth to his child. Christopher ended his romantic relationship with Jane as a result, making a point that he needed to do what he thought best...be a father and partner to the mother of his child. Jane recounted that, while she did her best to understand, the news crushed her and she fought back tears during one of their final scenes together on set. Despite how their romantic relationship ended, the two remained very close. If things had gone differently, if Reeve hadn't received the new of his ex's pregnancy, perhaps he and Jane would have went on to enjoy a lasting partnership together. We will never know and, perhaps, that's how it should be.
This film features a memorable score by John Barry, yet the song I chose is Where Does My Heart Beat Now by Celine Dion. It is a song I feel describes the relationship of Elise and Richard perfectly. Hopefully you enjoy it :)
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robertreich · 9 months
Why Does Flying Suck so Much? 
You might not believe this, but I’m old enough to remember when flying was fun.
Now I'm sure you've got your own airline horror stories, which I hope you’ll share. But what happened to make flying such a nightmare?
The answer is simple: the same things happening across most industries. In fact, a close look at airlines reveals five of the biggest problems with our economy.
Number 1: Consolidation means fewer choices.
While there were once many more airlines, a series of mergers and acquisitions over the last three decades has left only four in control of about 80% of the market.
This kind of consolidation has been happening all over the economy. For example, four companies now control 80% of all beef production, and two control over 60% of all paper products. This lack of competition has led to:
Number 2: Companies Charging More for Less
Even before recent airfare spikes, air travel was getting more expensive because of new fees for things that used to be free, like in-flight meals, checked bags, or even carry-ons.
Spirit Airlines even charges $25 to print your boarding pass at a ticket counter! It’s just a piece of paper!
One of the ugliest ad-ons is the fee some airlines charge for families to sit together. That doesn’t even cost them anything!
Airlines are leading an economy-wide trend of adding often unexpected new charges to goods and services without adding value.
And you’re getting less in return. Airlines have cut an estimated 8 inches of legroom and two inches of seat width in the last two decades. Doesn’t bother me (I’m short), but many of you may feel the squeeze.
This parallels other industries where you’re paying more for less — just look at how cereal boxes, rolls of toilet paper, and candy bars are all shrinking.
Number 3: Exploiting Workers
While their jobs have become more difficult, many flight attendants haven’t had a raise in years.
And a lot of their hardest work is totally unpaid, because most flight attendants don’t get paid during the boarding process. They’re off the clock until the plane’s doors close.
And if the flight is delayed, those are often extra hours for no extra money.
Again, this mirrors trends in the overall economy, where too many workers are pushed into unpaid overtime or made to do work or be on call during their off hours.
Number 4: The Illusion of Scarcity
Airlines pretend they have no choice but to raise prices, cut services, and limit payroll. But their profits are in the stratosphere. In the five years before the pandemic, the top 5 airlines were flush enough to pay shareholders $45 billion, largely through stock buybacks.
During the pandemic, they got a $54 billion bailout from taxpayers (you’re welcome).
In the years since, they’ve resumed flying high, with nearly $10 billion in net profit expected across the industry in 2023. They can afford to take care of workers and customers.
Whether it’s multi-millionaire movie moguls pretending they can’t afford to pay writers or a grocery chain blaming “inflation” for high prices while raking in record profits, this illusion of scarcity is a sham.
Number 5: Misdirected Rage
Instead of being mad at the people at the top, we’ve been tricked into being mad at each other. Fights have broken out over whether it’s ok to recline a seat or who gets overhead bin space. But reclining’s only an issue because airlines intentionally put the seats too close together. And bin space is only running out because they’ve made it expensive to check bags — and also risky, with the rate of lost bags doubling over the last year.
Airlines are pitting us against each other the same way billionaires and their political lackeys pit groups against each other in society, hoping we’ll blame unions or immigrants or people of other races or religions or gender identities for why it’s so hard to get ahead, and that we won’t notice how much wealth and power is in the hands of so few.
So what do we do?
A lot of these problems could be solved with tougher antitrust enforcement — which we are starting to see. The Justice Dept is suing to block JetBlue from buying Spirit Airlines. We need that kind of anti-monopoly protection across the board.
Another part of the solution is unions. Airline workers are among the wave of American workers organizing to demand better pay and working conditions.
And then there’s your power as an informed consumer. Companies get away with bad behavior when we accept their excuses that there’s just no other way to run a business. They’re counting on us not knowing what’s really going on. So share this video, and share your airline stories in the comments.
Finally, try to be a little nicer to service workers and your fellow passengers — on planes and in life. After all, we’re all on this journey together.
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wolveswolves · 3 months
Diary excerpts from my stay in a remote cottage in Wales | travelvlog
I started this new year housesitting in a cozy cottage somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the countryside of Pembrokeshire, Wales.
I've been wanting to experiment with different types of storytelling in my work. For this video, I used journal excerpts that I wrote during my stay in Wales, not knowing that I would later use those diary entries in a video.
I had such wonderful quiet, slow, magical, peaceful days here. I hope I can share some of it with you through this video.
>> Subscribe to my YouTube channel
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cosmic-travelers · 3 months
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Fanart from liu.mi.lu, thank you so much! I like the story!
To see more of our fanart, follow us on Instagram cosmictravelers_official
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cyclic-abelian · 3 months
ITS FINISHED!!! I hope you all enjoy!!
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
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a jamiazu sketchy sketch bc oh my god i am LOVING the energy these two are bringing with each other in this event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a win for the jamiazu community!!!!
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rileys-battlecats · 10 days
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jbaileyfansite · 6 months
The entire TvLine's interview
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