#video game fan fiction
moonmaidensblessing · 10 months
Jasmine Jolene x Anna Culpepper / BioShock AU / pt. 1
I originally got this idea from this post talking about different BioShock AUs! The idea of Jasmine and Ryan getting married to save face and have Ryan an heir is really interesting to me. Of course, I took it in a sapphic direction because of course I did. :) This is a scene where Jasmine shares the news to her closest friend, Anna Culpepper, who is not happy about the situation. 
TW. alcohol use, pregnancy mention, general distressing tone. 
“I… I told him!” 
There was a shock like crackling thunder, ripping through the senses. “What?!”
“I told him I was pregnant!”
“Jasmine!” Anna felt breathless as she reflexively gripped Jasmine’s arms, held her as if she might suddenly slip away from her, out of grasp. Jasmine didn’t look right. Anna felt sick.
“Anna…” Bracing for the worst, Anna stared in wide-eyed horror, watching for something to make sense of it in Jasmine’s face. She waited for the punch, the wind to be knocked out of her, the worst thing finally to come true. “He.. proposed.” 
Like a freight train, wailing horns and grinding wheels and screaming metal and then everything stopped. 
“He.. he wants me to marry him, Anna.” 
Anna Culpepper was speechless, absolutely floored. Her grasp on Jasmine didn’t relax as she held her now as if to study her, as if she may just be out of her senses. Naive, helpless Jasmine. Her Jasmine. Maybe she was just confused. Something might have been misunderstood. Anna couldn’t believe it. She felt her brow furrow, concern cresting itself in her expression, slowly shaking her head.
“Jasmine… Are you sure?” 
There was a dazed gleam in Jasmine Jolene’s eyes as if she was not in this world but her own dream. Something else, too. Something that made Anna’s stomach turn, a creeping fear in her countenance, like something wasn’t right. Jasmine didn’t seem certain, her tainted happiness, an obscure sense of doom beneath a porcelain facade. “He told me we needed to be married. That’s what he told me, Anna. He said: we should be married as soon as possible.”   
The sick churned and made Anna all the more tense. No, this wasn’t right. It didn’t make any sense. Andrew Ryan never was a good part of Jasmine’s life, killing her chances at reaching her dreams, using her and never seeming to consider her a real, feeling person. Stringing her along all these years just for his own pleasure. Anna couldn’t stand the way Andrew Ryan treated Jasmine. Not to mention his hypocritical nature undermining his whole scheme for utopia. Andrew Ryan was a man who got lucky in order to gain wealth, and who couldn’t see the faults for his own ego. Anna’s favor of the man only fell rapidly over her time living in Rapture. She had seen enough of his true colors to know he wasn’t a reliable leader who would put his needs over his own values. An intensely individualistic capitalist was selfish. Go figure. 
Jasmine smiled softly, weakly. The blue color of her eyes was like misty puddles, welling with an emotion both wistful and sad. Anna didn’t understand what Jasmine was feeling, but she was apprehensive of her anyhow. 
“I know you must not understand… It’s okay. I wanted to tell you as soon as I could.” Jasmine brought her own hands up on Anna’s arms and gently urged them back to her sides. Yes, that little, light smile playing itself beautifully on Jasmine’s lips made Anna’s heart ache. The ache deepened as Jasmine went on. “I wanted you to hear it from me, and not in a gossip column in the Rapture Tribune. I’ll be moving into his apartments tomorrow, and I wanted to see you before I left.” 
Anna Culpepper felt like she had been dealt a blow, shocked and trying to grapple with what Jasmine was saying. It wasn’t what she had been expecting when Jasmine came over to her own luxury accommodations in Olympus Heights. It wasn’t like Jasmine was going to be far away, but under Andrew Ryan’s thumb, furthering his control over her, it made Anna afraid for Jasmine. She knew it wasn’t the right choice, that it would only lead to further ruin for Jasmine, but Anna didn’t know if she’d be able to convince her to break this off. Never had Anna been more worried for Jasmine than she was at this moment. 
“Jasmine, honey, please listen to me. You can’t do this. This isn’t going to end well…”
Jasmine made a small scoffing noise in spite of her pretty, tightening smile, a hardness, a guardedness, coming up into her gaze. “I know you don’t like him. I know you don’t trust him. But, this time, it was different. Please, hear me out! It was different this time, the way he acted was so serious, a seriousness I’ve never seen in him before!”
“Jasmine…” Anna began, practically pleading, shutting her eyes and dropping her arms in a defeated defiance. “I don’t think you understand the situation you’re in here.”
Jasmine lost her smile in pained disappointment, a wounded thing closing in on itself. Anna felt the ache deepen and cleave in half; she wanted to grab Jasmine again, hold her close to her, promise her that she just wanted to protect her! As Jasmine suddenly turned away, Anna frowned and sighed, submitting and balancing herself off of Jasmine’s reaction to a less assertive route in approaching her. The statuesque blonde woman took a few paces away from Anna, a soft sway to her gait that kept Anna’s eyes following her. Jasmine’s grace was effortless, an elegant creature of long dancer’s limbs and glittering eyes and smile and white-blonde hair. She was unreal, out of this world beautiful, and her whole being was as sincere and sweet as could be. Anna couldn’t stand to be the cause of making Jasmine frown, but she wasn’t about to let something bad happen to Jasmine. 
“Why are you saying things like that? I thought you might be glad for me. I’ve been in love with him for so, so long. I thought I’d never be with the great love of my life. Now’s my chance, Anna! Maybe, this was actually a good thing…” 
Anna couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but she didn’t react so strongly, keeping a clamp on her overwhelming feeling of dread. “Jasmine.. Are you sure about this? We were just talking about breaking things off with him. What changed? Aren’t you worried?”
There it was again; the flash of uncertainty troubled her lovely face, stealing the focus of her stare as she brooded with unknown thoughts. Anna wanted to stroke Jasmine’s hair until she calmed back down, assure her that things were going to be alright. She feared she didn’t actually know if that was true. 
“No. I thought, as soon as I found out, that I should tell him. I was… scared. I didn’t want to tell him at first. But, after a while, I started to feel more and more urged to tell him. I wanted him to know. I wanted to see what he’d look like if I told him. It was.. Unlike anything I’ve seen before. He looked calm, a lightness about his movements that didn’t come from his confidence and ease… No, something changed in him when I told him. I saw it.”
“And you trust it? You trust him now?” The challenge in her voice began and, noticing it, softened. She didn’t want to drive Jasmine away, not now. She couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving here without hearing what Anna needed to say. 
Jasmine looked gently offended, a pained frown and sad eyes.“You don’t think I can take care of myself? You don’t trust me?”
“Jasmine–” I love you. I do trust you. I don’t trust him, and I never will. Anna wanted to confess, drop at her feet and beg her not to do this. It felt like madness, like some trip through the looking glass into a world where suddenly things didn’t make sense to her. “--Please, I’m simply worried about you! You told me you were so afraid of him finding out, scared to death, Jasmine! You were sitting right here, crying your eyes out! What do you expect of me?” Anna ran her fingers through her short, dark, curly hair, creating a wildness to her look. She stood clenched in her crimson, silk peignoir, still damp from her recent bath. Anna had been alone before. Or, so she thought…
“I know, I remember…” That troubled look, closing her eyes as if that might dispel the memory. “But, please, trust me. I want this. I know what I’m doing.” 
She was turning away again, lingering away from Anna, keeping a level of distance between them that hurt Anna to notice. Her paces took her along the room, towards the farthest wall; the wall was made of thick, heavy glass through which the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean shined with a deep blue that magically turned the room into a cool, dreamy oasis. Anna’s apartment was among the elite of Rapture, reflecting her love and appreciation for beauty and elegance. Many times, she and Jasmine spent time together here, even before Jasmine moved on up into the same neighborhood. They had known each other practically since she first came to Rapture. Anna instantly took a liking to Jasmine, and they had hit it off right away. Anna was a dedicated and loyal friend once you won her over, and she would go to great lengths to help the ones she cared for. Jasmine was the closest friend she had in Rapture, and she would be damned before she let the likes of Andrew Ryan destroy Jasmine’s life. This had gone too far. 
“Jasmine…” Anna tried to offer something, think of something to say that would make her see the danger that lurked. The silence teetered for several moments, and, with nothing else to say, she simply smirked and crooned, “Let’s have a drink.” 
Jasmine hesitated for only a moment. They both knew neither one enjoyed a long, drawn-out fuss. They hardly argued, but when they did it was always intense but quick. The smile returned to her face like two curved petals, tender and fleeting. Her eyes were weary but persistent, that spirit that shone in her despite it all, falling deep into her stare like freefall in a cloudless sky. The look was like a touch, gentle palm cupping cheek, an apology, or maybe a truce. 
“I’ll drink with you, but just club soda.” She said this now as she peeled the white gloves from her hands and put them into her handbag, following Anna as she made her way to a gilded, geometric bar cart all glittering and gold with its menagerie of bottles. Anna loved exotic booze, and she wasn’t going to let living at the bottom of the ocean ruin that… 
“Club soda? Are you on a diet again?” Anna chimed curiously as she handled three crystal glasses, ice twinkling against the glass as she lined them along a nearby credenza. She lingered a moment before she selected the liquor she preferred for the night, a fruity rum from Cuba that cost more than she was willing to admit. The third glass fizzed with a burst of club soda, dribbling and popping with froth. 
As Jasmine approached, Anna turned with two glasses in her hands; a playful look, the two women exchanged mischievous glances. “Why did you make three?”
Anna chuckled richly, a sparkle to her brown gaze that lit up her entire demeanor. That special magic she had was coming to shine: the show-woman, the powerhouse, the diva. Her laugh could fill up the room like light, infectious as Jasmine smiled wider in genuine amusement. 
“One’s for the baby, of course.” Immediately, she drained one of the glasses with a hearty eagerness that made one wonder if she truly was celebrating or snubbing out her anxieties. When drained, she placed it, ice glittering against glass as it moved, upon the credenza once more. She took the club soda that was standing by and handed it to Jasmine; a tingle danced up her arms as the two met eyes as Jasmine’s smile filled up her lovely face. Like the face of the moon, all dazzling and pearlescent, soft pink cheeks and lips framed by the sleek, curled hair. Anna could’ve kissed her, over and over, like reuniting with a lost treasure, like something precious that could slip away.
Jasmine took the drink gratefully, tipped the glass in the style of a toast. “Cheers.” She hummed before taking a sip. 
The two women settled upon a nearby couch, crushed velvet in rich burgundy, and nursed their drinks respectively. A tall, green palm fanned and shaded them from the glow of an elegant, vibrantly colored lamp overhead. The blues of the sealight and warm white-gold of the lamp met and softly blended into a cool, dreamy haze that complimented the lush colors of the furniture and walls. 
Jasmine and Anna sat in silence for several moments, the tension between them lessening into a calm lull of mutual respect and care; neither one could stay angry at the other for long. Jasmine knew Anna cared about her. Anna understood that Jasmine was free to make her own choices. They held a healthy boundary with one another most of the time, very rarely crossing a line out of genuine affection for one another. Anna knew she would need to cross a line tonight if she was going to save Jasmine. She was going to try and do it as gently as possible. 
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koyoriin · 16 days
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"for all of my life, a stranger i remain"
https://twitter.com/koyoriin https://patreon.com/koyorin https://instagram.com/koyori_n https://bsky.app/profile/koyorin.bsky.social
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dean-samw67 · 1 year
Carlos Carlos carlos!
But hear me out, Leon and Carlos sandwich with reader in the middle I think I would PASS OUT.
Bonus points if it’s like…. At a gym or a pool and they’re all sweaty or wet (I will see my perverted ass out)
Hot and Heated
Carlos Oliveira x Fem!reader x Leon Kennedy
A/N: No because I will always take a Carlos x Reader x Leon!!! This is like my biggest fantasy!! Hope you enjoy! I am a little rusty so I hope I did okay! Also I am not a big fan of anal but for Carlos... ANYTHING
Warnings!: Pure self-indulgent smut, porn without a plot, unprotected sex, anal, fingering, dirty talk, threesome
Words: 2704
You had known Leon and Carlos for as long as you could remember. So it wasn’t an odd thing to find you at the gym with them occasionally. If you weren’t at the gym, you definitely were at your house with them, in your pool. 
Today just happened to be a super hot day, so both boys decided crashing your house was the way to go. You were sitting out in a pool chair, eyes closed as the two boys lounged in the pool. You were sweating heavily, even in your bikini. 
“Come on in, Y/n. You know we don’t bite.” Carlos calls you over, causing you to lift your head and look at the two men. 
They were both wet, possibly from a mix of sweat and pool water. Your tongue swipes over your lips as you drink them both in with your eyes. Yeah, you found your two friends quite attractive. Who wouldn’t? And to have both of them in swimsuits in your pool was any person's dream come true. 
Carlos runs a hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. Due to it being wet, it held from his face. You sigh with a small smirk to yourself as you get up from the chair. 
“I guess.” You playfully act annoyed. 
“Are we not good enough for you?” Leon chuckles as you sit at the edge of the pool, slipping your legs into the cool water. It did feel nice with how hot it is outside. 
“She’s just a stubborn one, Leon. She just needs a little…” Carlos’s hand wraps around your ankle, a smirk spreading across his face. “Push.” Before you could react, Carlos yanks you into the water. You had enough time to hold your breath as you went under and then come back up, wiping your face as you gasp. 
“Carlos!” You smack him in the chest as you come back from his sudden surprise. 
“What? I was cooling you off.” Carlos chuckles as he watches you with a proud smirk. You give him a small glare as you back up in the water. 
“And this is why Leon is my favorite.” You hook your arm with Leon’s as you stop next to him. 
“I am?” A soft blush reaches Leon’s cheeks as he looks down at you. 
“Come on, Darling. I didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t be like that.” Carlos chuckles as his eyes scan up and down your body. You roll your eyes at the dark haired man and then look at Leon, standing on your toes in the water and kissing his cheek. Yeah, maybe you were trying to get a rise out of Carlos. You loved it though. Leon gasps as his face becomes a deeper shade of red. It made you giggle as you landed back on your feet under the water. Carlos smirks and dives under the water. You watch as his figure gets closer underneath you. You squeal as he jumps up and out of the water, right behind you, his hands then resting on your hips. You were now in between the two of them, your face now red. 
“Aw, are you gonna get shy now?” Carlos stares down at you as his thumbs rub circles on your hips, causing your heart to beat so loud you couldn’t even hear yourself think. 
“No.” You scoff as you roll your eyes, looking at Leon, who now faces you. You bite down on your bottom lip, feeling the nerves get to you. Stuck between two, hot, half naked, wet men. Yeah, you had to be dreaming. But the tightening of Carlos’s grip made it feel just as real as it is. 
“She’s pretty like this, huh, Leon?” Carlos chuckles. 
“She is.” Leon’s thumb strokes over your cheek as you meet his eye. You can feel as Carlos leans closer to your ear, his hot breath brushing your skin. 
“You have goosebumps.” He whispers against your ear, his nose skimming over your skin. 
“What?” You gasp as you pull your eyes from Leon and look back at Carlos. 
“You have goosebumps.” His hand rises out of the water and trails over your arm, where the hair stood up. “And I know there is no way you are cold.” 
“How do you know that?” 
“Because you are stuck between two warm bodies and it is already pretty hot out.” Carlos chuckles in your ear, sending more shivers along your body. It is like electricity as you feel Leon’s hands caress over your sides. You take a deep inhale as you close your eyes, taking in all the feelings. 
“Give us the word, and we will do it.” Carlos whispers. It. You knew exactly what he meant. It was something you had wanted to do for quite a while. 
“Please.” You beg, your voice just above the whisper. With that one word, Carlos was attacking your neck with kisses, which made your heart pound even louder from the action. As Carlos was working on one side of your neck, Leon leans forward and leaves kisses along the other side. It made you let out a gasp of pure enjoyment as both men step closer to you, Carlos tightly against your back and Leon’s chest against yours. 
You had experienced pleasure before but this… this was something you couldn’t put into words. Words couldn’t describe how you felt in this moment. It was raw and beautiful and it didn’t matter about anything besides that it felt amazing. Carlos’s hand slips across your front and into your bottoms. His fingers just grace over your clit causing a jolt of pleasure and a loud gasp to release from the back of your throat. 
He lets out a dark chuckle against your neck and moves his fingers back over your clit, placing pressure on it. He rubs slow, torturous circles as you let out lewd noises that filled the air. You grip onto Leon’s arms, looking for stability anywhere. You had no doubt your neighbors would know what was going on in your backyard, even if it was fenced in. 
“You make such pretty noises.” Leon whispers against your neck as his hands move up your sides to cup your breasts. You were breathing heavily as you rested your head back on Carlos’s shoulder. 
“She does, doesn’t she?” Carlos had a wide smirk plastered on his face as he was still rubbing circles on your clit. 
“Fuck…” You let out a heavy gasp, your chest heaving up and down into Leon’s hands. 
“Well, that's not such a pretty word coming from those pretty lips.” Carlos’s voice was extremely cocky. 
“Shut up.” Your hips buck against his hand as he slows his rubbing even more. 
“Ah, ah, ah. Do you want to be rewarded with our touch? Because if so, you need to be nicer.” You open your eyes and look up at him with a glare as you continue to moan and gasp softly, your breath hitting his face. “I mean…” Carlos begins to remove his hand from your bikini bottoms. You grip his wrist quickly with one of your hands. 
“No… please don’t stop.” You whimper as you feel the pleasure receding. Leon glances up at Carlos, your breasts still in his hands, but not moving. 
“But you were being mean. That doesn’t deserve a reward.” Carlos raises an eyebrow. 
“No… I didn’t mean it… Carlos.” You whimper as you reach your hand up to his face and cup it in your desperate need to get him and Leon to please you again. 
“I don’t know, darling. I don’t think you deserve it.” His eyes lock with yours. 
“Please.” You beg, leaning up a bit and pressing your lips softly to his for a few moments. He smiles softly in the kiss just before you pull away. 
“Good girl.” He chuckles as his fingers find your clit again sending a jolt of electric pleasure through your body, causing you to tremble a bit under his touch. Leon takes to now slip his hands under your bikini top and massaging your breasts under his hands, his palms swiping your nipples as he does so. 
Your hand that was on Carlos’s face slides up to his hair, gripping at the thick locks. Your other hand claws into Leon’s arm. This was just some touching. You were completely at their mercy. Leon leaves gentle kisses along your chest and shoulders. You arch your back, your chest pressing further into Leon’s hands. 
Each touch just sent another wave of pleasure coursing through your veins. Each gasp becomes a little louder. And just as you felt yourself beginning to reach the finish, Carlos slips a finger into your hole, his thumb still working on your clit. 
“Oh shit!” You whimper at the unexpected, but welcomed, feeling. Carlos’s other hand takes your face by the chin. 
“Language, darling.” He smirks, enjoyment coming from messing with you. Your eyelids flutter closed as your eyes roll back, his middle finger moving in and out of your cunt. In the midst of it all, Leon pulls down the cup of your top and leans down, taking your nipple into his mouth, his tongue working wonders. 
“Carlos… Leon…” Both their names came out as broken cries of pleasure. Your legs were trembling under the water as your nails drag along Leon’s bicep. With a light tug at Carlos’s hair, and a grunt earned from it, you are whimpering wildly as your walls clench on Carlos’s finger with your release. As Carlos slows his pace and pulls his hand from your bottoms, Leon lifts his head from your nipple. Both of them had eyes on you, soaking in your post orgasm state. 
Your breathing was heavy as you looked up through hooded eyelids, meeting Leon’s eyes. “You’re such a mess already.” He had a small smirk on his face. 
“And we aren’t even finished with ya’.” Carlos chuckles as his nose brushes against your neck, the smell of your arousal and sweat, turning him on further. You could already feel it. Him and Leon were both erect and their swim trunks were tight. 
“I need you both to take me.” You beg as you glance between the two of them. 
“At the same time?” Leon looked at you in a small state of shock. 
“I have multiple holes for a reason.” You seductively bit down on your bottom lip as you meet his eye. 
“I like how your dirty little mind works, Y/n.” Carlos lets out a low, dark chuckle that came from his chest. 
Within an instant the two of them had you completely undressed in between them before discarding their own trunks. All your clothing was tossed onto the ground at the side of the pool. You could now feel each of their erect cocks, rubbing against your skin. Leon’s against your stomach, and Carlos’s against your back and ass. 
You gasp as you feel Carlos lift you up, hands on your inner thighs so your legs are spread open. You lean back against his chest for stability, Leon’s hands holding you by the hips. Carlos leans against the wall of the pool as the two of them hold you up. It was obvious they didn’t need assistance from each other to hold you up but it made it all hotter. 
“You go in her first.” Carlos grunts as he looks at Leon. Leon nods and you feel his tip rub against your entrance. He meets your eye and a small nod was all he needed to push his whole cock into you at once. You let out a cry of pleasure, and a small amount of pain. It had been a while since you had sex so it was a bit uncomfortable at first. But within a few thrusts your walls wrapped around his length perfectly. 
“You ready, darling?” Carlos whispers in your ear, his accent strong with each word. It had you melting in his arms. 
“Yes…” You let out a breathy moan as Leon places his hand on one of your thighs for Carlos. Carlos takes a hold of his cock and lines up with your ass. His tip grazes your tight hold and it causes you to tense a bit. You never took someone back there before. 
“You need to let yourself relax.” Carlos rubs circles into your thigh he was still holding as Leon slows to a stop to let your body calm. You let out a deep breath, closing your eyes and letting my body relax, waiting for him. You feel Carlos reach to your pussy and smear some of your wetness to your back end and his cock, to lube you up. You were soaked that even the water wasn’t completely washing it away. Carlos lines up with your hole and very cautiously sinks in with a groan. You let out a whimper of pain, the walls of your ass clenching tightly on him. 
“Fuck… It- it's so tight…” Carlos stutters with a grunt. You were shaking as he bottoms out and places his hand back on your thigh. He places his forehead against your shoulder as he gasps. As he holds his place to let your body adjust, Leon begins his pace again in an attempt to allow pleasure to take over the pain. 
“Shit… She's clenching so much.” Leon whimpers as his fingertips dig into your hips. Each movement sent the water around you three splashing a bit. Your eyes roll back as the feeling of it all quickly becomes a lot. You felt full. Your body is in a mix of pain and pleasure, already overstimulated from earlier. With slow, long thrusts, Carlos begins to move.
It started off painful but each move was a step closer to your body giving into the pleasure the two men were bringing you. Within a few minutes both men were thrusting into your holes at fast paces that had your jaw hanging open, your moans piercing the air. All that could be heard was grunts, groans and cries of pleasure, mixed with the splashing of the water. 
It didn’t take long for your body to begin to tremble against theirs. “You like that?” Leon mutters against the skin of your chest, kissing it. 
“Yeah, she does. She loves being this full with the cocks of her two best friends.” Carlos grunts out as he drinks in the mess they were making you. It was a beautiful sight. Mouth open, body practically limp and to their mercy now, eyes rolled back, cheeks flushed, and body damp from a mix of sweat and water. 
The two mens rhythms lined up perfectly, slamming deeply into your holes, which clenched hard on them. Neither of them thought they could last long, but it was clear you couldn’t either. 
“Where do you want us to cum, sweetheart?” Carlos gasps into your ear. 
“Inside. Inside me, please. Fill me up.” You whine through the pleasure, each stroke pushing me to the edge. The louder they got was more of a signal to their pending release. Your whole body was shaking from head to toe. Even the guys were trembling. You had your back roughly pressed against Carlos’s chest, nails digging into the flesh of Leon’s shoulders. 
“I can’t hold on…” Leon gasps as he buries his face in your neck. One last thrust and he was finished, coating your walls with his seed. It took a few more thrusts out of Carlos to then release his hot cum inside your ass. This all sent you over the edge as they both filled you up. Your body shivered with its release as you arch your back, letting out loud whines. 
Each of you came down from your highs with heavy breathing as both men stilled inside you. Your body, now completely limp in their arms, could barely move aside from trembling. 
“How about we clean you up and take you inside?” Carlos’s lips skim over the temple of your head. 
“We can lay with you in between us.” Leon cups your cheek with a gentle hand. 
You give a breathless nod with a small smile, having a strong feeling this wasn’t over.
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lekrow · 2 years
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he’s been painted (with an inverted version for funsies bc it looked neat and meshed well with the DE aesthetic 🤠) The dialogue here was pulled from the game in the order I got it in my playthrough and it just tickles me to imagine Harry finding out about Kim’s sexuality and automatically assuming they’re bfs now. (I mean he’s not wrong, but)
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jingyuanswallet · 17 days
hi all, would anyone be interesting in joining a honkai/genshin discord server i have made? ill be hosting events and giveaways for in game purchases like gems and primos and allat fun stuff. I'm just trying to bring more people into the community to come together and have some fun flexing and asking for in game help, i even am in the process of making channels for fan fiction and small drabbles. theres also casual chats where people can talk about things that dont even have to relate to honkai or genshin, its still in the process of being made but its 100% available to everyone if rules are followed. if interested lmk :3.
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The Nightmare Begins October 13th! 
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Vincent Valentine Week returns October 13th! We are so excited to be back celebrating our favorite gothic grandpa, former Turk and overall best boy! 
October 13-Surprise/Celebrate/Sweet
October 14-Sin/Technology/Coffin
October 15-Materia/Trauma/Protection
October 16-Atonement/Monster/Secret
October 17-Bullet/Weapon/Recoil
October 18-Save/Game/Card
October 19-Status Ailment/Lost/Foreign
October 20-Summon/Mistake/Sleep
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⚰️Work must be your own that means no plagiarized art/fic or AI art/fic
⚰️Vincent must be recognizable as a character 
⚰️Work must be Vincent Valentine centric
⚰️Ships, AUs, OCs and collabs are welcome!
⚰️You are not obligated to finish the week or do every prompt 
⚰️SFW and NSFW content are allowed, just tag appropriately. 
⚰️You must wait until the event starts to share work
⚰️Tag #Vincentweek2024, #vvw24 or @vincentvalentineweek to be featured 
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sofy-tofy · 2 years
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Deep Cut family: Shiver Parents, Frye grandma and Big Man Lil Sis.
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blackpanda48 · 7 months
Can someone give me some ideas bc I don't know what to write?! TvT So please help me!!!
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I found this picture on Pinterest and I think it looks pretty. So until I get an idea what to write I post this picture. Hopefully I'm going to have an idea soon.
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crustaceousfaggot · 2 years
Why you should give Text Adventure games a try (and how to do so)
There is not nearly enough love for Text Adventure Games here on Tumblr. Or anywhere really. But especially here, I feel like you guys would really get a kick out of them. Here's why:
(quick note, I'm gonna be using the words Text Adventure and Interactive Fiction pretty interchangeably here. Technically that's not perfectly accurate, they are technically different things, but I don't care to explain the difference Just roll with it.)
Do you like weird short stories told through unconventional mediums? That's most of what Interactive Fiction is
You like story based video games but hate the finicky combat? Congrats, there is literally no combat skill required beyond the ability to type "hit guard with crowbar"
Blind or visually impaired? Since these games are (with a few exceptions) entirely text based, they work great with a screen reader!
Sick of profit motivated AAA titles with no creative integrity? Well, these games are almost always produced by a single nerd (usually a horrid amalgamation of computer geek and literature geek) with no budget and no responsibilities of the product they're making. And they're usually not paid, since these games are free. Text Adventure is a labour of love, and in most games you can feel the care and effort the creator has put into the game.
Sick of spending $20-70 on a video game? Lucky you, I've been playing TA for years and I have not spent a cent in doing so (Fallen Londen will try to make you pay. But Fallen Londen sucks and is run by bigots. Fuck Fallen London.) Games are either available free on a browser, or as free, small downloadable files (most of which can be played using the Parchment Interpreter)
Wish you read more, but reliant on the quick dopamine of digital media? Well now you can read while also being an active participant in the narrative.
Bad at puzzles? Me too! Games from the 80s and 90s, as well as more famous newer games, have walkthroughs and hints easily available online. Newer games tend to either have a "hint" command, or come with a walkthrough file.
Do you like weird surrealist horror? Well there's... A lot of it.
Okay, but where do I start?
So there are two types of text adventure. The one you might be more accustomed to, and which sees more modern use, is called Hypertext Interactive Fiction. The other is called Parser Interactive Fiction, it's generally seen in older games, as well as games that are larger, feature more puzzles, or involve more exploration.
Hypertext games
Basically, the game will give you a scenario, and then a list of options (hypertext links) to click on to decide what to do next. These are usually more beginner friendly since you don't need to fiddle around with parsers, but personally I find them a bit limiting. Nonetheless, if you're new to Text Adventure, they're a good place to start.
Some of my favourites hypertext games (summaries in green)
My Father's Long, Long Legs is an interactive horror story about family, unease, and loss. Really more of a story than a game, but still good. Very nice use of sound. It does have some visual aspects, so this one might not work with screen readers
Scene Kid Simulator is pretty much what it says on the tin. A cute, nostalgic, coming-of-age slice of life story from the POV of a 2000s scene preteen. Nothing special, but a fun time.
The Uncle Who Works at Nintendo is a strange, unconventional, witty, and heartfelt horror game. Your friend has an uncle who he says works for Nintendo. You're about to meet him, or so he says. A fun and spooky look at childhood, childhood friendships, and childhood lies.
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonald's is... A joy to play. The name says it all honestly. Witty, charming, tense, engaging, and emotional when it wants to be. I actually found this one through a lucky Tumblr Blaze, which makes sense since this is perfectly suited to Tumblr sensibilities. This one has more puzzle aspects than most hypertext games, but it's still relatively easy and beginner friendly. You're a vampire hunter. It's your night off, and you go to McDonald's. But there's something wrong with the customer sitting beside you...
Toadstools is a game about hunting mushrooms. You have trespassed in a national park and you are wandering blindly through the woods looking for rare fungi. Good luck :)
Parser games
Okay these fuckers are where I really get excited. These games have the classic flashing cursor line where you input text like "go north", "search bookshelf", or "kiss my husband", and the game's rudimentary AI parses your input to decide what happens next. These are my favourites. They really allow you the feeling of exploring the game world, immerse you in the protagonist and the story, using just text on a screen and simple inputs. This does make them considerably more difficult, since a) you need to decide the right way to phrase what you want to do, otherwise it won't work, and b) more possibilities means more chances to mess up and miss things. Unlike video games, your cursor won't light up when you see something important, you'll have to search stuff and work things out on your own But, in my opinion, it is so, so worth it. Summaries in red
The first text adventure game I ever played was One Eye Open. It's an extremely graphic and gory medical horror game (although I would consider it tasteful medical horror, in that it never derives horror from medical procedures, disability, or ooOoHh gross scary sick people) You play as a volunteer test subject for a medical research facility, having to unravel the mystery of the hospital's bloody past. It's good. It's fun. It's tense. It has some really dumb mechanics. Don't play if you're sensitive to descriptions of gore, death, or corpses. This one doesn't have a walkthrough, but I've played it enough times to know the puzzles by heart, DM me if you need help.
Anchorhead is possibly my favourite piece of interactive fiction I've ever played. It's incredible. You play as a newlywed woman, moving to the small seaside town of Anchorhead after your husband Michael inherited a mansion from some distant relatives. There's something wrong with the town though. There's definitely something wrong with your husband's mysterious ancestors. And you're starting to think that there might be something strange happening to Michael. Get ready for some wonderfully atmospheric and immersive Lovecraftian horror, action sequences that are incredibly vibrant for Text Adventure, and a super compelling mystery that the game lets you work out on your own. The puzzles here are hard. I'm not gonna lie, I used a walkthrough at several points during this game. But my god it's worth it. Big massive huge content warning here for mentions of incest, sexual assault, and pedophilia. Not in excess, and nothing explicit, but it will be mentioned as part of the story.
Little Blue Men is a short, strange, sci-fi-ish horror-ish comedy-ish game by the same author as Anchorhead, though the two games are wildly different. You are an office worker. Cope with it. Take The Stanley Parable, Stella Firma, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, mash 'em together, and you have Little Blue Men. It's bizarre. It's evocative. It's pretty darn good.
Coloratura is a strangely beautiful sci-fi story. You're a weird little alien blob. You've been separated from your home and are trapped aboard a human spaceship. You need to get home, need to make the humans understand in the only ways you can: color and song.
Slouching Towards Bedlam is a brilliant little steampunk game about language, choice, cults, Armageddon, and triangles. This game has multiple endings. It's neat in that none of the endings are really "good" or "bad". Rather, you need to decide where you stand, and act in the way you think is best.
The Lurking Horror is the grandparent of horror interactive fiction, released in the late 80s. You're a tech student in university. Something more than electricity is powering the school's computers. Find it, but don't die along the way. Besides the comically archaic descriptions of computers, this game doesn't feel all that dated. It's tricky, puzzle-heavy, and charmingly surreal. (Fun fact, this game and another old TA game called Zork inspired the "darkness kills you" mechanic which would later be popularized in Don't Starve!)
Nine Lives is a very short, very weird, very cartoony game where you play a cat that is very bad at staying alive. Cw for non-graphic but repeated cat death.
Spider and Web is one of the most ingenious uses of Text Adventure as a medium I've ever seen. It's famous for having one of, if not the singular best puzzles in video game history. It's tense, it's fast-paced, it introduces you to mechanics slowly and then lets you test them out on your own. I won't spoil too much, but you play as a very badass spy, reliving your brilliant heist during an interrogation. This game even features a character destined to be a Tumblr Sexyman. It really has it all.
If anyone actually read through all this, and has even considered playing any of these games, I'll be a little surprised. This post turned out a lot longer than I wanted it to be. It was meant to just be "hey interactive fiction is a cool and underappreciated medium, go check it out", but this is my special interest, and not one I often get to talk about. I guess this was me infodumping to the only place that will listen, the empty void of the internet. But these games are fun. And they do not get enough love. Text games are a dying genre, if they're not dead already. Give them a chance, show them some love.
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littleneonlily · 24 days
Someone write a cooper howard x pregnant!reader. In ghoul form. Obviously the baby can't be his (sadness) in this form. But they meet and fall in love. Oh and NSFW.
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mhelt096 · 5 months
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"In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun.” ― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
I played Hades when it first came out and loved it! Especially reuniting Achilles and Patroclus. I recently read The Song of Achilles knowing how it would end, yet it still ripped out my heart and stomped on it (which is to say I loved it). A wonderful book! So I had to do fan art for it.
I referenced the official art by the amazing Jen Zee for Achilles and Patroclus and found a couple of cool brushes to outline them with an ethereal glow, and another one that sort of looks like ashes? Very proud of this piece!
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dreamgothgirl · 1 year
For the First Time: König X F! Reader
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Inspired by the Mac Demarco song of the same name
Idk I just hear him when I think of this goofy ah ball of anxiousness
A/N: Hellloooo~ so sorry about the delay for the second part of tensions, I’ve just enrolled in college, got a year older, AND have a brain malformation now so LMAO sorry but shit happens. I’ve also been trying to not let it have lazy, subpar writing so it’s also a matter of quality. I hope this can somewhat suffice for the time being. Sorry this is lazy I just wanted to write :(
WARNINGS: mostly sfw but implied NSFW, suggestive themes
Reader does not have a specific race but is POC friendly as always :)
He felt like he was in a dream. He had to have been dead on the field to be experiencing this, right, he thought. König never saw a woman as gorgeous and godly as you. A deity; an otherworldly being. You had to be. Everytime he saw you, it felt like the first time.
When you gave him that knee-weakening plea in your eyes as you suckled his thumb and whispered a quiet but lustful, “Please, mein herz.~”
Fuck, he was glad he’d taken the time to teach you his native tongue. It rolled off yours so perfect and melodically like the Gregorian chants of Notredame. Ethereal while it left a haunting but pleasurable tremble run through him to make him feel reborn again.
If he had to choose, König’s favorite parts of you would be your hands, lips, and skin. He didn’t believe you; he even laughed when you told him you were insecure about your skin the first time until you began telling him all the struggles that came with its color and culture.
Everything you assumed you had every right to hate because of it it, König adored. He loved learning about everything you and your people were and accomplished just as much as you liked learning about his own heritage. Even the bad parts he woefully lamented about when that bridge was crossed.
Your hands that caressed his insecurities, scars, and lines on his body before holding his face and playing with his hair drove him wild. There weren’t very many times where he wouldn’t put you in a trance from the longing lust in his seductive eyes when that happened. One of you ended up on your knees every time.
Tonight, those emotions ran fiercer. Your touches were accompanied by the coolness of your new dainty diamond engagement ring while the fiery desire from his fingertips burned and stung your skin like a jolt of pleasurable electricity. It all played like a lucid dream. Unreal, heavenly, and almost like every motion was mirrored like an ethereal fantasia dream sequence.
The synchronization of your sounds was a sensual cacophony of what König would call true love. You; safety and freedom. He whispered against your neck while he peppered delicate, passionate kisses, “I’ve wanted you for so long, meine leibe. I was so scared you’d never feel the same. I’m glad…so glad.”
Your back arched into his body as you exposed your neck more with a hot, breathy moan, “König…you’re all I want. You’re all I’ve wanted..all I’ll ever want.”
His large hand took your own, locking your fingers together as he rutted his hips into the hot space between your legs, slow but assertive, “I’m all yours. I belong to you know, mein leibe. I’ll take good care of you, blume. I’ll never let another man take you away from me.”
The deep growl in his possessiveness made your stomach flip and your thighs squeeze his hips, followed by a whimpering moan, “F-…fuck. I wouldn’t let that happen, daddy. Never.”
His eyes darkened and you let a much louder moan escape your throat in surprise as he gave one strong thrust, “Say that again,” he commanded.
You whined and he slapped your naked thigh, “Quickly. Don’t tease me, darling. Say it.”
“Im…I’m yours…daddy.”
He shuddered and you held back a moan at the jingling of his belt and zipper, “That’s right. Das ist mein mädchen. Now,” he whispered against your stomach, pulling your panties down your already trembling legs, “Lass uns anfangen.”
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koyoriin · 9 months
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https://twitter.com/koyoriin https://patreon.com/koyorin https://instagram.com/koyori_n https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id
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dean-samw67 · 4 months
So I thought of something that would actually give me motivation to go back to the gym and that’s being delusional
So hear me out, reader is going to the gym and perving on Carlos while he works out, he confronts reader only for them to deny it and he’s all like “don’t fkn lie to me” and then hanky panky time happens
Don't Play Dumb
Carlos Oliveira X Fem!Reader
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(A/N: I got you, I got you. He would probably actually have a restraining order if this was real.)
Warnings!!: Smut (Obvi), Fingering, vaginal penetration, FUCKING HONRY MFS, Don't do this irl
Words: 3537
You hated the gym. Despised it. Yet you continued to go. Why? That answer was simple. The gym hottie. Carlos Oliveira. You had pretty much learned his schedule. Maybe it seemed creepy but he was your motivation. He had dark curly hair that got more curly when he sweat, deep eyes that honestly made your heart melt. And who could leave out his fucking muscles? 
So, regularly, you found yourself walking the treadmill while watching him lift weights. You would have offered to be a spotter, but frankly you were too nervous. You had your earbuds in your ears, your show playing on your phone while you walked on the treadmill and kept glancing at Carlos. 
Something about today… he looked fucking delicious. His black tank top clung beautifully to his skin as he sweat. His basketball shorts were riding up just a bit, revealing a little bit of his thigh. Shit, you knew how pervy this was, But you couldn’t help it. 
You tried your best to look away but sometimes when he moved the right way, and his muscles flexed, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. He made your mouth water and quite honestly, made your panties soaked. 
By the end of the workout, it was overall, cleared out. A few stragglers, including Carlos and yourself. You were wiping your neck with a towel, getting your stuff together when you hear footsteps approaching behind you. You didn’t think much of it at first, since it was possibly someone passing by you. But a chuckle brings your attention to the person behind you. You turn with furrowed eyebrows, revealing a sweaty Carlos. His face was red and his hair a mess. 
“You look at every guy like that?” He had a cocky smirk plastered on his face and his arms crossed. 
“Uh…” Your heart practically gave out. “What?” You try your best to put on an innocent, confused smile. 
“Don’t play dumb.” He steps closer to you, your heart wanting to jump out of your throat. “I saw you. You don’t need to lie.” He chuckles. You try to say something but suddenly your mouth feels dry. You were caught in the act. He probably thought you were a weirdo. Which, you probably were. But he didn’t need to know that. 
“Well I uh-”
“You need to make your perving less obvious.” He cut you off by leaning down by your ear and lowering his voice. You couldn’t help but stand like a deer in headlights. 
“I… I’m so sorry.” You quickly apologize, not really knowing what else to do in this situation. 
“So are you gonna answer my question?” He raises an eyebrow. 
“What do you mean?”
“Do you look at all the guys around the gym like that?” All you could do is shake your head, not trusting your voice at this moment. “I just happen to be the lucky man?” He laughs. 
“I guess.” You kinda squeak out, your voice clearly displaying nervousness. 
His hand slips into yours and you let out a gasp as he chuckles and says, “Good.” Before letting your hand go and walking past you. The smell of his cologne mixed with his sweat made you feel like a feral animal in its mating season. You look down at a small slip of paper that now sat in between your fingers. You open the paper up to reveal a number on it. 
Sitting at home, you couldn’t help but stare at the small piece of paper as it sat on the coffee table next to your phone. Was it real? Or was he trying to make a fool of you? As if you didn’t feel foolish enough for being caught today. Or maybe he’s noticed before and never said anything? God. Your brain was racing.
You inhale and hold your breath as you pick up your phone and type in his number, staring at it before typing up a text. 
Y:Hey, it's the girl from the gym. Is this Carlos?
You quickly toss your phone down as you turn on your tv and try to distract yourself. What the hell was wrong with you? You had never felt this nervous texting a man. But then again none of them had caught you perving on them in the gym until now. 
As soon as your phone goes off you stare at it, heart pounding in your chest you could barely hear your show anymore. You pick it up, reading his text:
C:So you know my name?
You throw your phone to the other side of the couch as soon as the text processes. You couldn’t really explain that you found his name out by “accidentally” overhearing his conversation with another gym member. God… you really are a creep, huh? You take a deep breath and pick your phone back up. There was another message from him. 
C:What else do you know about me?
Text was an easy way to be confident, right? Right? You take a deep breath and begin to type out a text. 
Y:Not as much as I wish.
As soon as you pressed send you wanted to scream. He’s gonna think you are weird. That sounded creepy as fuck. The way he answered so fast made you more nervous. 
C:Oh, yeah?
Was that good or bad? You couldn’t tell. 
You let out a mini scream as a call comes through. It was his number! What the fuck!? You slowly answer it but stay quiet, unsure what to say. 
“You there?” Carlos chuckles after a minute of silence.
“I think.” 
“You think?” He laughs, sounding purely amused by your answer. 
“Mhm…” You hum as you nod, even if he can’t see you. 
“You are funny.” Your heart jumps at the compliment. 
“Thank you?” You bite your lip as you laugh quietly. You weren’t trying to be funny, but you’d take it. 
“So what else would you want to know?” 
“Huh?” You are pulled back to the reality of the situation. 
“You said you didn’t know as much as you’d like. So what more would you like to know?” You could practically hear a smug smirk in his voice. 
You couldn’t outright say his dick size. So you say: “You.”
“Me? What about me?” He questions. 
“Just… you.” You shrug as you answer him. 
“I thought I was just eye candy.” You could tell he was joking but it didn’t stop your cheeks from turning a deep shade of red. 
“I-” You pause for a moment. “I didn’t mean to-” 
“I was joking.” He quickly jumps in and laughs a bit. The sound made you let out a nervous, shaky laugh. After another moment of silence he speaks up again. “So you have a name or just ‘Hot pervy gym girl’?” The ‘hot’ part of it definitely threw you off. 
“Uh… I uh… Well-” You chuckle nervously. “Hot?” 
He lets out a deep laugh that echoes through the room from your phone. “Yeah.” 
“Um… It’s Y/n.” You answer. 
“Who knew your name would match your beautiful face.” You can’t help but roll your eyes. 
“Shut the hell up.” You laugh. 
“What?” He chuckles. 
“You are stupid.” You giggle and look at your phone. 
“Hey, that's not very nice. You shouldn’t say that to men you perv on at the gym.” 
You sigh as he says it again. “You aren’t gonna let me live that down.” 
“Nope.” He sounded very proud of himself. 
The next day in the gym was interesting. It wasn’t your normal secret staring. As you walked on the treadmill, Carlos kept making eye contact. And he didn’t even try to break it. If he wasn’t watching you watch him, he was very obviously flexing and showing off. Like he knew when you were looking at certain parts. 
You inhale deeply and let out a heavy breath as you turn off the treadmill. You grab your stuff before slowly walking over to Carlos, who was just finishing up on the bench press. 
“Spot me?” You ask, before looking at the weight plates that were on the bar. 
“Yeah. Let me help with this.” He says as he helps you take down the weight and make it even. As soon as he is done helping, he wipes down the bench. You get on and lay back as he stands behind the bar and looks down at you. He did a half ass job of wiping it down, because you could still feel a bit of sweat against your back. But you don’t say anything. Instead you look up at him as you place your hands on the bar. 
A part of you couldn’t help but picture you laying like this with him standing over you, and fucking your throat. You shake the thought as you slowly push the bar up and begin to bench press, Carlos keeping a close eye and holding his hands under the bar. 
He helps you push the weight up and back into place when finished. You grunt as you sit up and drink from your water bottle. You couldn’t help but notice Carlos’s eyes as they scan over you, a small smirk gracing his face. You look up at him and he looks away, eyes meeting a clock on the wall. 
“You know you didn’t completely wipe off the bench.” You point out as you stand up. 
“I know.” He looks back at you. 
“It’s a little gross, you know?” You wipe the bench off completely. 
He leans close to your face, lips just brushing your ear. “Not when you smell like me now.” He chuckles just before standing up and walking away, his hand just brushing your ass. You are left there to blush as you think about what he said. When you turned around, he was no longer in the room. You clear your throat and quickly gather your things, hurrying to the locker room. Fuck, this man was teasing you now. You brush your hand over your face and then head off to take a shower, hoping it’ll relieve some of your pent up feelings. 
It was nearing closing time for the gym by the time you finish. So it was mostly empty. You step out of the shower with a towel wrapped around your body. You walk over to your bag and pull out your change of fresh clothes. 
You hear the door to the locker room open, and don’t think much of it. Probably just another woman finishing up for the day. As you pull out your clothes you feel a pair of strong arms around your waist. You let out a sharp gasp and elbow whoever it was in the gut. The groan and step back quickly, allowing you to turn around and look at them. 
“Carlos!” You gasp as you see who it was. He was leaning over grunting, holding his side. 
“I would not want to mess with you. You are stronger than you look.” He laughs as he rubs the spot you had elbowed him. 
“I am sorry. Do you sneak up on women often in the ladies locker room?” You joke a bit as you walk to his side.
“I guess we both are weird pervs.” He jokes as he stands up straight. 
“Shut up.” You laugh as you roll your eyes. “I never snuck into the men's locker room.”
“You don’t want to. It's scary. And I am a man.” He chuckles as he takes a seat on a nearby bench. You scoff with a laugh as you walk back to your bag. “You washed off my scent.” He teases. 
You blush a bit as you bite your lip and chuckle. “Just wanted to wash my own sweat off.” 
“Maybe I have to make you smell like me again.” You could hear him get up but keep your eyes on your bag as he walks up behind you. Your heart was racing. 
“How do you intend to do that?” You question, your voice quiet as you fiddle with the hem of your towel. He steps up behind you, his arms snaking around your waist. This time you don’t even flinch as his hands find the opening of your towel. His hand makes contact with the bare skin of your stomach and waist. You gasp at how warm his hand felt in contrast to the cool air of the locker room. 
“May I?” He asks and you already knew what he was asking for. All this sexual tension and he still made sure to ask. It struck you with something. And in full honesty, made you want to fuck him even more than you already did. 
“You may.” You nod, your eyes fluttering closed. Carefully, he pulled your towel off of your body, tossing it on the bench with your stuff. Immediately his hands find your waist, caressing along it. A gasp escapes your lips as his mouth finds a place on your neck, kissing and gently biting at the skin. You didn’t even have to look at him. You could tell he was debating whether he should leave marks or not. And ultimately, he decided to. You could feel his mouth become a little more rough when he makes this decision. 
“Fuck…” You let a whimper escape your lips. It is easy for Carlos to tell you may be a little touch deprived. He doesn’t mind. He will just satisfy all your needs that you left untouched.
“Feeling good, meu amor?” That fucking accent while he called you that, sent you into a spiral. 
“Fuck you, Carlos.” You chuckle as a soft moan escapes your lips when his hand begins to travel down your stomach. 
“So defensive.” He chuckles. “You’ll be putty in no time, don’t you worry.” You could feel his smirk against your neck just before his fingers found your swollen clit. You let out a whine and feel your legs turn to jelly immediately. Why does he have this effect on you? How could one man do all this? 
“You are soaking wet, meu amor… Been thinking about something recently?” He teases.
“Maybe. There seems to be this guy… ah… that I think about… some-sometimes…” You stutter through your moans as his fingers rub circles on your most sensitive spot on your body. 
“He must be a real catch to have you this wet.” He chuckles as he nips at your shoulder, his calloused fingers moving down to your dripping hole.
“Must be…” You repeat his words as it feels as though your head is spinning. Jesus, you really are touch starved. 
“May I?” He asks again, his fingers spreading your wetness over your swollen pussy lips. You can only muster a nod in this moment before his middle finger is slipping into your cunt with ease. 
“Shit!” You let out a gasp and whine as he does this. He smirks as he thrusts his finger in and out of you. 
“How long has it been since someone has done this to you?” He can’t help but laugh at your reactions. 
“Don’t laugh…” You whimper, bucking your hips forward as he adds a second finger. 
“It’s cute, darling, don’t worry.” He smirks and nips at your ear. The palm of his hand would brush against your clit with each thrust of his fingers, getting you closer to the edge even faster. You reach up to cover your face as it contorts with pleasure. His free hand is quick to push them down. “Let me see you. I want to see that pretty face when you cum on my fingers.” 
“Carlos…” You whimper as you look back at him. 
“That’s it. Good girl…” He whispers as he curls his fingers with each movement inside you. It hit the right spot and was getting you closer and closer to that high. Your wetness was dripping down his fingers. It was a mess. And you had just showered too. 
“I… I’m gonna…” You moan and whine, biting on your lip.
“Already? I told you that you would be putty.” Carlos chuckles as he continues the repetitive movement with his hand, not slowing or stopping. Within your body is shaking and your walls are tightening around his fingers as you reach that peak. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… Carlos.” You can’t control the line of curses and his name as they leave your mouth. 
“Look at that. So pretty.” Carlos smirks as he takes a seat on the bench, sitting you on his lap as he does so. You could feel the very prominent bulge against your ass as he does this. You don’t say anything as you attempt to catch your breath. 
After just a moment of regulating your breathing he is lying you down on the bench and hovering over you. You stare up at him, eyelids a bit heavy. 
“We aren’t done.” He had that stupid smirk on his face like always. You hear him fiddling with his belt, undoing it and then his button on his pants following. He pushes his pants down enough to let his cock fall free of his confinements. He was above average. Definitely the biggest you had seen in person. His tank top was pushed up so you could see his happy trail. It made you horny all over again. Which was pretty easy for him to do. He pulls your legs up, holding them under the knees and keeping them spread apart. This allowed him a full view of your already spent cunt. He chuckles as the tip of his cock brushes against your soaked entrance. 
“May I?” There were those two words again. You had let him destroy you with his fingers and he still was asking if he could do this. 
“Yes.” You nod and stare up into his eyes. As you do so he carefully sinks his cock into your swollen pussy. 
“Holy fuck!” You grunt and grit your teeth, a slight pain from his size. It was not awful but not something you are used to. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll be slow.” He whispers as his arms are placed on the bench above your head. Your legs now rested against his thighs as he slowly moved his hips against yours. He keeps his eyes on your face to make sure he wasn’t making it worse. It didn’t take long for that pain to fade into pure pleasure and you were thrusting your hips to meet his and encourage him. 
With that he grunts in your ear as his hips pick up the pace. Your hands find their way around his body and your nails find his back. You were still sensitive from the earlier orgasm, making this more intense. There is a slapping of your hips against his with each thrust he took. 
“Good girl. Taking me so well.” His praises just fill you with more pleasure than before. He could feel the soft clench of your walls around him from his words and it made him feel absolutely insane. He buries his face in your neck, taking in your scent, which was now mixed with his. 
“Carlos… please…” You can barely whine out as your nails drag down his back. 
“What? Use your words, meu amor.” He bites on your earlobe as his grunts and groans. 
“More, please.” Your words come out just as a whimper but he doesn’t hesitate to comply and pick up the pace of his thrusts. Your eyes roll back as your back arches off of the bench you laid on. 
“That what you wanted, sweetheart? More of my cock?” He moans against your skin. You can muster up a nod but the only thing falling from your mouth at this moment was pleas of pleasure. He chuckles through his own sounds of pleasure as his hips rock against yours. You knew that you were already teetering on the edge of a second release, in hopes he was at the same point as you. 
You could feel your legs shuttering against his toned thighs and that only fueled his ego more, making him slam into your dripping cunt with more vigor. His back at this point was covered in scratches from your nails, and each one elicited a groan from his lips. 
“I… gonna… ah, fuck!” You couldn’t even warn him before you are tipping over the edge and the walls of your pussy are clenching around his thick cock. He grunts and stabilizes himself on the bench with his arms as his thrusts come to a complete stop and his hot cum fills your spent cunt. As the two of you are left to fall down from your high, the locker room is filled with heavy breathing and soft whimpers. 
“You did so well.” Carlos breathes out before capturing your lips with his as if rewarding you for this. It wasn’t until you pulled away and took notice of the clock on the wall, realizing that it was five minutes to close and you both would have to rush to get out of here.
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present-future · 1 year
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by Anthony Catillaz
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horrorlove14 · 8 months
Hello!!! I just started Lies of P and I was wondering if I could get a one shot of Pinocchio having a crush on the reader who is a companion on his adventures. She has two daggers and a katana as her weapons and is ready to lay down her life for Pinocchio even though he fears losing her. He gets nervous when the reader scouts ahead before going on their next adventure. One night, he gets very cuddly and wrapped his arms around the reader to keep her close and presses kisses wear he can reach. Fluffy please!! Thank you in advance!
Aww, that's a great request. I'll do my best to fulfil it.
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The living puppet, Pinocchio, encounters a young woman named Y/N during his adventures through the ruined city of Krat, where he witnesses her battle against a horde of robotic puppets with her weapons.
After she finished battling them, she ended up collapsing due to exhaustion, and Pinocchio took her to his safe place to let her rest until she regained her energy and strength.
He noticed that she was injured after noticing the blood stains on her clothing, so he treated them carefully without waking her and carefully observing her with various questions regarding herself.
Once she had woken up, she looked at her bandages and gently asked him if he was the one who treated her injuries, and he replied with a yes. She thanks him, and the two introduced themselves before she asked him to let herself join him on his journey because she wanted to repay him for his help.
He lets her join him because he finds her to be quite skilled with her weapons and strength after seeing her fight and also finds her attractive based on her soft beauty despite her injuries.
As the duo goes through Krat during their journey, fighting against the puppets while being pursued by the 4 masked fiends who seemed to want Pinocchio dead and making new allies such as Lampwick, lady Sophia and Eugenia.
Pinocchio starts to develop new feelings towards Y/N that he couldn't seem to comprehend at first because it only occurred whenever he was around Y/N and the new allies tell him that he's in love with her.
One day, Y/N had gone scouting ahead of everyone to look around for any clearing void of any enemies. This had caused a panic within the group, especially with Pinocchio, because he fears of losing her after acknowledging his feelings towards her.
Luckily, Y/N was found to be safe and unharmed by everyone , and she explained that she was just simply looking for a clear route so they could proceed without issue.
Later that evening, everyone settled down in their new safe place to rest after a long day of battle against enemies and so. Pinocchio decided to build up his courage to confess to Y/N, so he went to her to find her polishing her daggers before making himself known, which caught her attention.
After letting him in, she puts away her weapons in a safe area. Pinocchio suddenly clings onto her to feel the warmth and softness of her body before placing soft kisses on her forehead, face, and lips, which made her blush a lot before Pinocchio confesses his feelings towards her.
Needless to say, Y/N returns his feelings as she is also in love with him, and the two spend the evening with him gently holding her in his arms in bed as he feels his mechanical heart beating fast in his chest knowing that his feelings of love towards her has been fulfilled and hope to become fully human just for her.
Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated. Thank you for your request.
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