aleafiwitch · 5 years
Tarot Cards and Their Meanings
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Ace: Beginnings, birth, energy, self-image, new opportunities
2: Potential, planning, choices, contemplation
3: Long-term, foresight, putting things into motion
4: Rewards, celebrate good times (come on!), teamwork, home
5:Competition, conflict, brainstorming
6: Praise, self-confidence, recognition, role model
7: Defense, threat, perseverance
8: Progress, energy, swiftness
9: Perseverance, wounded, guarded
10: Responsibility, burden, stress or success
Page: Adventures, inspiration, ideas, journey, desires
Knight: Risk-taking, experiments, travel, fun, passion
Queen: Creativity, independence, friendly, optimistic, beauty
King: Leader, pride, energy, charisma, passion
Ace: New feelings, awakening, imagination
2: Equality, respect, harmony, sharing
3: Friendship, celebration, fun
4:Withdrawal, indifference, boredom
5: Sadness, mourning, disappointment, regret, suffering
6: Kindness, caring, memories, childhood
7: Fantasy, illusion, creative brainstorming
8: Travel, retreat, spirit quest
9: Contentment, host, wish fulfillment
10:Happy home, shared love, peace, family
Page: Sensitive, gentle, Imaginative, kind
Knight:Romantic, flirt, artist, emotional intensity
Queen: Empathetic, sensitive, emotional, psychic, mother
King: Wise, calm, emotionally mature, father
Ace:Truth, intellect, communication, clarity
2: Standstill, mediator, indecision
3: Loss, sorrow, betrayal
4: Rest, mental restoration, reflection
5: Defeat and self-defeat, irritability, arguments
6: Support, moving, retreat, mental healing
7: Gathering information,mental tests, strategy
8: Helpless thoughts, limiting beliefs, excuses
9: Worry, anxiety, insomnia, repressed thoughts
10: Finished, closure, give up
Page: Curious, student, intellect, thoughtfulness
Knight: Debate, explorer, rushing, revolutionary
Queen: Truthful, self-aware, teacher, intellect
King: Objective, intelligent, assertive, fair, logical
Ace: Healthy beginnings, investing, grounded, opportunity
2: Play, changes, multitasking, adapting
3: Planning, employment, teamwork, assistance
4: Stable, saving, cautious, boundaries
5: Unstable, illness, supportive friends, lack of security
6: Charity, generosity, giving back, assistance
7: Assessment, trial and error, editing, feedback
8: Repetition, precision, commitment, meaningful work
9: Luxury, discipline, earned rewards, fruits of labor
10: Wisdom, home, wealth, legacy, home
Page: New project/job, Student, new studies, cautious
Knight: Loyal, dependable, hard working, practical
Queen: Mother, Fertile, down to earth, nurturing, protective
King:Wealthy, successful, loving father, stubborn, practical
Major Arcana:
The Fool: Trust, Beginning, open minded, innocence
The Magician: Will, personal power, intention, resourcefulness
The High Priestess: Inner Wisdom, Meditation, spirituality
The Empress: Mother, creativity, nurturing, sensuality
The Emperor: Power, structure, stability, father
The Hierophant: Responsibility, knowledge, teacher, belief system
The Lovers: Sexuality, union, love, cooperation
The Chariot: Determination, Control, momentum, competence
Strength: Courage, Strength/ inner strength, survival
The Hermit: Guidance, wisdom, perspective, solitude
Wheel of Fortune: Luck, expansion, destiny, change, movement
Justice: Ethics, law, balance, fairness, accountability
The Hanged Man: Release, waiting, surrender, sacrifice
Death: Regeneration, ending, closure, transformation
Temperance: Experimenting, creating, combining, compromise
The Devil: Limitations, attachments, commitment
The Tower: Sudden shock, chaos, destruction, questioning beliefs
The Star: Renewal, peace, optimism, boundlessness
The Moon: The shadow self, dreams, confusion, intuition
The Sun: Playfulness, acceptance, personal growth, enthusiasm
Judgement: Transition, maturing, reviewing
The World: Integration, connection, wholeness, completion, options
Hey guys! It’s been a long time but I’m working on some posts for later. I’m probably am going to work on a reversed version of the cards for next time. Thanks for reading!- Samantha
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aleafiwitch · 5 years
Tips for Closeted Witches
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I honestly have to hide myself practically from my father. My mom knows and sometimes tries to help. But it gets difficult when my father almost constantly comes into my room. So here’s some tips I learned:
Keep a little box to store your more noticeable items. Place in drawer, closet or under the bed.
Start a little garden. My mom gave me a questioning look but she accepted that I wanted to try something different
Instead of saying spells out loud, either concentrate on the spell in your head and repeat it in your head. Or create a sigil.
And sigils can be buried, burned (more noticeable), drawn in art or drawn in the earth. There’s probably more ways and I’m not gonna go explaining them.
Keep several journals for different types of notes on your magic. Also I notice some journals I’ve seen have locks and stuff…. Could be useful
Candles can be seen to lighten up a room and aren’t that suspicious…. until you’re like me with like 21 different candles…
Crystals necklaces are a great way to carry around your crystals without looking strange.
 If you have plants, you can get by with collecting rain water from outside. Just say its for your plants
I keep different bottles. Once I had a really nice glass bottle. Now I use it for making moon water.
Keep different color candles for different occasions. I sometimes use them for some holidays.
When setting up an alter, I throw an excuse saying that its just for decorations. Especially during the holidays.
So that’s all I can think about for now. I hope this kind of helps you guys. Sorry I haven’t posted in ages. I’ve missed you guys. -Samantha
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aleafiwitch · 5 years
How to Make a Spell
Magic is accomplished with spells: procedures using various methods to manipulate energy in order to accomplish a goal. Spells can be short and simple, long and complex, or anywhere in between-and can be very personal! I always relate magic to music: there are certain formulas and rules and facets that will always be present and will always be true, and should be followed and not violated to get the desired results; on the other hand, you can also add your own flavor to it, do whatever genre you want, even make your own brand-new one! It’s an art as much as a science.
That in mind, I’m going to go over some tips and pointers to make your own spells!
=General Rules=
Magic is accomplished best with the Five Cornerstones. Those being Energy, Focus, Will, Intent, and Visualization. Combine these together in every spell for the best results. (For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/175508445286/the-cornerstones-of-magic)
Use protection circles. Protection circles are boundaries of energy, barriers, that keep foreign energy out. Generally, you should always do magic in one in order to keep anything you don’t want out of your spell. (For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/174483396471/protection-circle-methods)
Cleanse everything. Before performing any spell, it’s almost always a good idea to cleanse everything you’re going to use to get rid of energy accumulated on it; this will keep unwanted energy from messing with what you’re trying to do.(For more info, see: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/176266388086/cleansing-methods)
So, now that that’s all covered, let’s move on!
=How to Start=
So, you have an idea of what you’re doing; you know how to charge things, you know basic procedures, and you’re ready to do some magic. But the question is: what do you do?
Before anything, you should have a clear goal in mind for your spell. Do you want to protect yourself? If so, from what? Do you need extra insurance when travelling? Maybe you want to ace that job interview, or help bring positivity into your life.
Whatever you do, remember that magic is not miracle-working. It can only help. Don’t expect to be able to conjure a car or cure your disease; it might help you get a new car if you put effort towards it, it might be able to help relieve pain from that disease, but it’s not going to solve everything. And under no circumstances should it be used as a replacement for medical treatment. 
Those statements made, let’s say you’ve figured out what you want to do with your spell. Awesome! That’s honestly a difficult step, sometimes, especially when you’re just starting out. Now, I’ll go into specific methods that will help you piece together exactly how you want to accomplish it.
=Energetic Materials=
Crystals, wood, and stones: the three materials you’ll see brought up and used most in magic. This is because they’re what I term energetic materials; this means that they’re good at conducting and holding spiritual energy. Everything holds at least some, but energetic materials are the best at it. If you need energy, look no further!
There are different properties to different materials; amethysts are different from clear quartz, and both are different from wood, and they’re all different than granite. Research and experiment, and pick the best type of material(s) for the job.
A Note About Blood: There’s a lot of controversy surrounding blood and its properties. Essentially, all it does is add tons of extra energy into a spell; draw a rune with it, coat a candle or crystal with it, whatever works. It will, however, also bind the spell to whoever the blood comes from, meaning it’s technically traceable back to that person. So, do be cautious.
=Runes and Sigils=
These are terms you’ll see mentioned a lot, but what exactly are they? 
Simply put, sigils are like little packets of intent powered by energy; that intent can be released via additional energy input, such as fire, which sends out the spell to do its thing. It’s a very creative process, and I recommend looking into it, especially for beginners. Very simple, and very effective!
Runes, on the other hand, are like stable, permanent sigils; no matter what, they will always have a very powerful intention to them. All you have to do is draw or engrave them, charge them, and then do whatever you want with their power; clean, easy, and very potent! Runes can be placed or engraved wherever you want, and they’ll simply do what they’re made to do without further input. For instance, if you hang up a rune for protection over a door frame, it’ll help ward off any spiritual stuff trying to come through it. I find that Elder Futhark and Witches’ Runes work best.
A personal favorite of mine is the use of elements! I encourage you to look for yourself, but I’m sure you know the classical four: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. They each do their own thing, and they add extra potency and direct intention to a spell, so you might want to include them if you feel like it’s appropriate to you and/or the spell.
Many spells you’ll see will use incantations or chants, phrases and mantras which are designed to help with the spell. While they don’t have power in and of themselves, they do focus the mind on the task at hand and what exactly you want to do with the energy you’re using; if you feel like you need an incantation for your spell, make one that suits you, make one you like and connect with. Anything you like! I personally don’t even use them, though, so it’s all up to you what you want to do with them.
If music or just sound in general is your kind of thing, then you might want to incorporate it! It’s an energy all its own, and it can both set the mood and add a little something to your spell-or even be the entirety of it! The most prevalent use of it is in bell cleansing, something I encourage you to look up. (It’s my personal favorite method of cleansing.)
Another thing to consider, if you like, is calling on spirits and/or deities to help you and grant you some of their power. I term this “prayer,” but I realize that might be sensitive to some, so call it whatever you like; just remember: it isn’t worship, it’s just asking a non-physical entity to give you their help. If you want to worship something, by all means! But you don’t have to to call on them and see if they answer (if you want).
Alchemy, herbology, potion-making-whatever you want to call it, it’s the practice of using natural materials to create magical substances and concoctions. Plants of all kinds have their properties, so research, test, be objective, and have fun! 
A Note About Flavor: It might not be appetizing to make some potions, and that’s okay. Not every mixture is going to taste good; that doesn’t make it less effective.
Enchanting. You always hear in fairy tales about how witches go around enchanting brooms and apples, always hear in MMO games about how an item is enchanted with this or that-but what is an enchantment in real life?
Essentially, enchanting an item is giving it instructions, giving it a purpose. Programming it, you could say. For instance, I’ve personally enchanted a crystal to protect me by filling it with energy (so that it can accomplish the task) and “instructing” it to put a barrier around me that destroys energy attempting to come through. Enchanting is diverse and creative, and has several different methods. The method I’ll recommend, though, is magiforming, a post on which can be found here: https://devnine.tumblr.com/post/174620939906/a-primer-on-magiforming
A Note About Loose Spells: Spells which aren’t bound to an object by a method of enchanting, which I call “loose” spells, don’t last forever unless you recast them about every week.
Now that I’ve covered various parts and methods of spellcrafting, let’s take a look at what happens afterwards.
=What Should I Do Now?=
If you’ve just completed the spell, I recommend cleansing everything you’ve used again. (Except items that are supposed to have energy still in and on them, like anything you’ve enchanted.) After that, just clean up, rest, and wait for the spell to take effect!
=How Do I Know it Worked?=
Observation. Wait, watch, see what happens. Look for inexplicable coincidences, strange occurrences, etc. Be objective; don’t let your expectations or hopes cloud you from the reality of what’s actually happening. If there’s simply no other good explanation for why the thing you wanted to happen did, and it’s repeatable, then chances are it worked just fine.
=What if it Backfires?=
Chances are it won’t. You’d have to really screw up somehow, or cast something that runs up against protection that hurts you in return. Don’t be scared of magic; just be calm, be focused, have your goals firmly in mind, and there’s nothing at all to be worried about. Remember: magic at its core is just manipulating energy to achieve a goal.
And that’s everything! (That I can think of, anyway.) Good luck, happy spellcasting, and let me know if there are any questions!
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
Things for the Student Witch 🔑
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+ Clean (physically and digitally) and cleanse your laptop or phone of any negative energy that can distract you
+ Place a crystal for focus and motivation (agate, amethyst, etc.) into the pencil case you’re going to take into an exam
+ Draw sigils for focus and attention on your hand and charge it before lessons
+ Charm your watch to keep you on time for school
+ Charm the pen you write with to produce amazing work
+ Draw sigils for memory and understanding on the corner of your notes
+ Charm ear studs or glasses to promote clarity when listening to your teacher talk or looking at the board
+ Cleanse and charm your planner at the start of a new school year
+ Keep sun water in your bottle for a boost of energy
+ Coloured pens are your best friend when it comes to colour correspondences
+ School supplies are useful! (correction tape/fluid for banishing and invisibility spells, glue or tape for binding or sealing spells)
+ Keep your grimoire in a binder so you can take it anywhere
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
‪September is a 9 universal month with a new moon on the 9th. The 999 portal will be activated and open for the next few weeks. 9 is the number of completion, endings and transformation. September is going to be a major metamorphosis of what we have all been working towards.‬
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
Cautions For Dealing With Modern Fair Folk
Based on some actual experiences
- When a stranger comes to your apartment door on May day morning asking to borrow some butter or milk, don’t lend any…all your luck will go with it. Never give any stranger a light for their cigarette on May day either - giving out fire is giving away your luck as well. 
- When you are walking at night and you hear music, no matter how beautiful, or voices inviting you to join them don’t acknowledge that you can hear them and turn back towards home.
- When you are out walking at night and you hear the sound of horses or hounds or riders find shelter indoors or in your car quickly. The Wild Hunt (we call them Ghost Riders in America) is mercurial and if it’s the Slua Sí passing by they will do you harm if they can.
- Never run from the Fair Folk, if you see Fairy hounds or anything uncanny that frightens you. Running is what prey does and you do not want to be prey. Don’t acknowledge seeing them, if possible, but leave as quickly as you can. 
- If you are being pixy-led, if you have lost your way in familiar territory, turn your socks or coat outside in or laugh and joke about how much fun you are having. this will free you from the enchantment. 
- Never speak ill of the Good Neighbours aloud, nor express disbelief in them. They take insults badly and if they happen to be nearby and hear you they may respond. You will not enjoy their reaction.
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
🌊 Water Magick🌊
Here’s a list I’ve compiled for different types, places, and times to collect water and charged waters. I use these primarily for different energies to paint with but the information can be used in a variety of ways to fit your practice.
Types: 💧 Rain: cleansing, protection, energy (if collected during a sun shower it is also associated with balance and the first rain in the month of May (Aqua de Mayo is considered to bring good health, luck, and eliminate dark entities ) 💧 Creek/Stream: purification, harmony 💧Dew: Health, eyesight, beauty 💧 Fog/Mist: Creativity, balance, partnerships 💧 Ice: Transformation, balance, creativity💧 Pond/Lake: peace, contentment, relaxation, self reflection 💧 River: moving forward, protection 💧Sea/Ocean: health, power, goal manifestation 💧 Snow: Transformation, balance 💧 Spring Water: growth, cleansing, protection, prosperity 💧 Swamp/Waste: Banishing, binding 💧 Waterfalls: power, energy, success 💧Well: healing, wishes, intuition
💧 Tears: healing, compassion, emotional upheaval, blessings, binding, fertility/pregnancy, self reflection
☔ Seasonal Rains☔ These are specific associations for rains collected on the day or night of a solstice or equinox which make them more rare. 💧 Spring: New Ventures 💧 Summer: Growth 💧 Autumn: Gratitude 💧 Winter: Blessing
🌙 Moon Water🌙 In general water charged under the moon is considered sacred to the goddess and is associated with feminine energies and intuition. Here are some associations with the specific phases: 🌑New/Dark: curses, banishing, divination🌘Waxing Crescent: attraction, wealth, success 🌗 First Quarter: creativity, motivation 🌖 Waxing Gibbous: good health, attraction 🌕 Full Moon: Healing, cleansing, clarity 🌔 Waning Gibbous: undoing, cleansing 🌓 Last Quarter: breaking bad habits, banishing 🌒 Waning Crescent: wisdom, illness, balance
📝 Note: you can also charge your water under full moons that correspond to your intentions. Examples- full flower moon for fertility, beauty, and feminine energy or full moon in Aquarius for the added associations.
🔆 Sun Water: (Water charged from dawn til dusk) positivity, energy, power, strength, masculine energy. 🌹 Rose Water: (Either rain, dew, or snow collected from roses or condensation collected from boiling roses) love, protection, commitment, beauty, compassion 💀 Gravestones: (water collected from grave sites) ease of loss, restfulness, burying or releasing feelings. 🏛 Monuments: (water collected at monument sites) remembrance, nostalgia, patriotism, loss 🌈 Rainbow: (Water collected during a sun shower while a rainbow is present) luck, wealth, happiness, fulfillment, positivity.
I hope this helps you guys! As always, listen to your intuition about the energy of a particular water you have collected and remember to charge it with your specific intent.
Light and Love friends!
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
witch tip
in my eyes, any type of self care is witchcraft. taking a shower? a literal and metaphorical cleansing ritual. making food? kitchen witchcraft, obviously. drawing? it’s like a really complex sigil thats purpose is to calm you down and clear your mind. making tea? potions. lying in bed all day binging your favourite show on netflix? a day of recharging your soul. don’t ever feel guilty for not doing complex spells all the time. you’re a witch - everything you do is inherently witchy.
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
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Crystal Stars, Moons, Hearts and Cacti, by Wild and Free People on Etsy
See our ‘crystals’ tag
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
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This book 👌🏼🌿🌲🌱
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
Astronomical & Astrological Events in April [2018] 🌌
April 1st: Mercury at inferior solar conjunction
April 2nd: Conjunction of Mars and Saturn; Close approach of Mars and Saturn
April 3rd: The Moon at aphelion; Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter; Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter
April 7th: Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn; Close approach of the Moon and Saturn; Close approach of the Moon and Mars; Conjunction of the Moon and Mars
April 8th: The Moon at apogee; Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn
April 12th: Virginid meteor shower; Moon at perihelion
April 13th: Eris at solar conjunction
April 14th: Jupiter sextile Pluto; Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury
April 15th: New Moon in Aries; Mercury Direct
April 17th: Chiron enters Aries; Saturn Retrograde; Saturn at aphelion; Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
April 18th: Uranus at solar conjunction
April 19th: Sun enters Taurus
April 20th: The Moon at perigee
April 21st: Ceres at perihelion
April 22nd: First Quarter Moon in Leo; Pluto Retrograde; Lyrids Meteor Shower
April 23rd: Mercury at aphelion; Lyrids Meteor Shower
April 24th: Venus enters Gemini
April 25th: Conjunction of Mars and Pluto
April 28th: Alpha Scorpiid Meteor Shower
April 29th: Full Moon in Scorpio; Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation
April 30th: Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter; Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter    
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
new moon in aries [april 15th] good for: authority, leadership, willpower, rebirth, spiritual conversion
full moon in scorpio [april 29th] good for: secrets, power, psychic growth, sexual matters, fundamental transformations
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
The best time for:
Dark Moon
Waxing Moon/Full Moon
Waning Gibbous/Blue Moon
Waning Crescent/Third Quarter/Full Moon/Dark Moon
Waning Moon/Full Moon/Dark Moon
New Moon/Full Moon
Enhanced psychic power
Full Moon/Blue Moon
New Moon/Waxing Moon
Full Moon/Black Moon
Waxing Moon/Blue Moon
Waxing Moon/Blue Moon
Waxing Moon
Waning Crescent/New Moon
Waxing Moon/Full Moon
Waxing Moon/Full Moon/Waning Crescent
Spirit Work
Full Moon/Blue Moon
compiled from my personal collection of correspondences
updated on 5-29-17
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
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Golden marimo moods
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
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Protective Stone
Agate’s noticeable properties overall are balancing energies, provides a calming influence, improves perception, concentration and helps to develop and increase one’s analytical talents, stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. It is believed to prevent insomnia and insure pleasant dreams, to enhance personal courage and protect one against danger. 
Agate colors -  White; Blue; Red; Green; Yellow; Orange; Brown; Pink; Purple; Gray; Black; Banded; Multicolored.
Planet - Mercury
Zodiac signs - Taurus; Gemini; Capricorn.
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aleafiwitch · 6 years
57 ways to use candle magick
This is gonna be a spell-chart type post for candle magick. I’m gonna list a BUNCH of different intents and then colors, moon phases, planetary influences/hours, and candle shapes that all work beautifully together. Keep in mind this is not a set in stone how-to, just my grimoires list. 
You can use a candle with multiple colors or multiple different candles. You may also anoint your candle with an oil that corresponds with your intent. Inscribe your intent into your candle in Theban alphabet and inscribe any symbols/sigils you would like to use as well. I like to inscribe the planets symbol(s) as well, just cuz. 
Just so theres no confusion, the following will be listed in this format:
Intent/Planetary Influence/Moon Phase/Color/candle shape
ABUNDANCE / Mercury,Venus,Jupiter/ Full/ Green, copper, gold/knobby candle, Pillar, Votive.
ASTRAL TRAVEL / Mercury, Neptune/ Waxing Moon/ blue,purple, indigo/Pillar, Taper, Votive
ANIMAL BLESSING / Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun/ Full/ brown, white, orange/ Knobby, Pillar, Votive
BALANCE / Sun, saturn/ Waxing moon/ rainbow, silver, brown/ Pillar, taper, votive
BANISH NEGATIVITY / Pluto, Saturn/ Full or waning/ black, white, purple/ pillar, taper, votive
BINDING / Pluto, Saturn, Neptune/Waxing/red, black,indigo/pillar, taper, votive
BLESSING / Saturn, Sun, Jupiter/ waxing/ white, lavender, light blue/Pillar, votive
BUSINESS / Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter/ full/ purple,red,copper/Pillar, votive
CHANGE / Sun, Mercury, Uranus/ Waxing/ Dark blue, yellow/ Knobby, Pillar, votive
COMMMUNICATION / Mercury, Sun, Jupiter/ waxing/ yellow, white/ pillar, votive
CONFIDENCE / Sun, Mars/ Waxing/ Orange, Red, Yellow/ pillar, votive
CREATIVITY / Neptune, Sun, Moon, Mercury/ Waxing/ Orange, Yellow/ Pillar, Taper, Votive
DEFENSE / Uranus, Saturn, Pluto/ New Moon/ Black, purple, white/ Pillar, votive
DRAWING POWER / Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus/ Full/ Red, orange,gold/ Pillar, Votive, Dragon
DRAWING LOVE / Venus, Moon/ Waxing/ pink, white, red/ Figure(man/woman), Pillar, Votive
DIVINATION / Mercury, Neptune, Moon, Uranus/ Waning Moon/ yellow, black, lavender/ Pillar, Skull, Votive
DREAMS / Moon, Uranus/ Waxing Moon/ Silver, purple, dark blue/ Pillar, skull, votive
ENERGY / Moon, Mars/ Full/ Gold, Red/ Figure, Pillar, Votive
EMPLOYMENT / Sun, Jupiter, Mercury/ Full/ Orange, Brown/ Knobby, Pillar, Votive
ENLIGHTMENT / Mercury, Uranus, Moon/ Waxing/ Rainbow, White, Yellow/ Pillar, Votive
EXORCISM / Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Sun, Moon/ Waning/ Black, Indigo, Purple/ Pillar, Skull, Taper, Votive
FEARLESSNESS / Mars, Sun/ Waxing/ red, orange/ Dragon, Pillar, Votive
FRIENDSHIP/ Jupiter, Venus, Sun/ Full/ Gold, Pink, Brown/ Pillar, Taper, Votive
FERTILITY / Sun, Mercury, Pluto/ Waxing/ green, brown/ Dragon, Pillar, votive
GUARDIAN SPIRITS / Moon, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto/ Waxing/ Purple, Black, Indigo/ Pillar, Taper, Votive
GOSSIP STOPPING / Saturn, Uranus, Pluto/ Waning Moon/ Black, Indigo, White/ Pillar, Votive, Figure
GARDEN BLESSING/PLANT / Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun/ Full/ brown, green/ Pillar, Taper, Votive
HEALTH / Jupiter, Venus, Sun/Full/Light Blue, Pink, Green/Knobby, Pillar, Votive
HAPPINESS / Sun, Venus/ Waxing/ Yellow, Pink, Gold/ Knobby, Pillar, Taper, Votive
INNER VISION / Moon, Neptune, Pluto/ Waxing/ Silver, Gray, Lavender, Black/Taper, Votive
INSPIRATION / Pluto, Moon, Venus, Uranus/ Waxing/ Yellow, Orange, Rainbow/ Pillar, Votive
LOVE / Venus, Mars, Pluto, Moon/ Full Moon/ Pink, green, red/ Figure, Knobby, Pillar, Votive
LUCK / Venus, Mars, Uranus/Waxing/Orange, Silver, Gold/Pillar, Votive
LEGAL MATTERS / Jupiter, Sun, Saturn/ Waxing/ Black, Orange, Purple/ Pillar, Votive
MEDITATION / Moon, Mercury, Neptune/ Full/ white, Silver, Dark blue, Indigo/Skull, taper, Votive
MENTAL CLARITY / Mercury, Uranus, Sun/ Waxing/ Yellow, Orange/ Pillar, Skull, Taper, Votive
MONEY / Jupiter, Venus/ Waxing/ Green, Gold, Red/ Knobby, Pillar, Votive
NEW LOVE / Venus, Mercury, Moon/ Waxing/ Pink, Green/ Figure, Pillar, Votive
OPPORTUNITY / Jupiter, Sun, Saturn/ Waxing/ Light Blue, Orange, Purple/ Knobby, Pillar, Votive
OTHERWORLD / Uranus, Moon, Neptune/ Full Moon/ Lavender, Gray/Pillar, Skull, Votive
PEACE / Saturn, Jupiter, Venus/ Full Moon/ White, Black, Pink/ Figure, Pillar, Votive
POWER / Sun, Mars/ Waxing/ Gold, Orange, Red/ Pillar, Votive
PROTECTION / Sun, Moon/ Waxing/ White, Black, Purple/Dragon, Pillar, Votive
RETURN-TO-SENDER / Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Moon/ New Moon/ Indigo, Black, White/ Figure, Knobby, Pillar, Votive
SLEEPLESSNESS / Moon, Neptune, Pluto/ Waning/ Black, Dark Blue, White/ Pillar, Votive
SELF CLEANSING / Saturn, Sun/ Full/ Rainbow, Black, White/ Figure, Pillar, Taper, Votive
SPIRIT GUIDE / Mercury, Neptune, Moon, Uranus/ Waxing/ Purple, Indigo, Black/ Cat, Pillar, Taper, Votive
SPIRIT COMMUNICATION / Mercury, Neptune, Moon, Uranus/Waxing/ Purple, Indigo, Yellow/ Skull, taper, Votive, Pillar
STABILITY / Neptune, Jupiter/ Waning/ Black, Brown/ Dragon, Knobby, Pillar, Votive
STRENGTH / Sun, Mars/ Full Moon/ Red, Orange, Gold/ Dragon, Pillar, Votive
SUDDEN CHANGE / Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, Sun/Waxing or Waning/ Rainbow, Indigo, Gold/Figure, Knobby, Pillar, Votive
SUCCESS / Sun, Jupiter/ Waxing or Full/ Orange, Gold, Violet/Knobby, Pillar, Votive
UNDERWORLD / Saturn, Mercury, Neptune/ New Moon/ Indigo, Purple, Black/Pillar, Skull, Votive
VICTORY / Sun, Mars/ Waxing/ Red, Orange/ Pillar, Votive, Taper
WISDOM / Jupiter, Moon, Uranus, Mercury/ Waxing/Purple, Indigo, Yellow/ Knobby, Pillar, Taper, Votive
WARD NEGATIVE ENERGY / Moon, Uranus, Saturn/ Waning/ White, Black, Indigo/Pillar, Votive
WARD EVIL / Mars, Sun, Pluto, Neptune/New Moon/Indigo, Black, Gray/ Pillar, Skull, Votive
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