Our community dev caught up with the Tumblr team over at E3!
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Q: Who’s your favorite video game villain?
Victoria Tran (Kitfox Games): My favorite video game villain is Waluigi because the first time he ever appears in like the Nintendo world is to play Mario tennis. So, really his whole back story is that he just wants to play sports. That’s a shame that he’s a villain because of that.
Illustration by Cubby.
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How's Boyfriend Dungeon development going you ask?
Sunder is popping up in dates he's not supposed to.
Sunder. We know you like being at the center of attention but PLEaSe. LET SEVEN HAVE HIS MOMENT.
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On your posts you only link to Steam which I assume is because it's the only one the game is listed on, but do you still plan on releasing BD on Humble Bundle for Mac?
We’ll be releasing Boyfriend Dungeon on itch.io as well! As for other things... who knows in the future? 
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with this game i can have an actual knife wife, and i'm so thankful for that. thank you.
thank YOU for being a true sword smoocher!
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The full transformation sequence of Sunder, the Talwar!
Wishlist our dating simulator, dungeon crawler mash up game Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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Did you know? In Boyfriend Dungeon, bubble tea heals you (just like in real life.)
Wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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Our Kickstarter-backer color changing mug! For all the infinite thirst as you play. ;)
Wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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Boyfriend Dungeon will have boss battles - and sometimes they’re even in a nightclub!
Wishlist on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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Did you know we have body pillows? Right now they’re only available to our Kickstarter backers but… who knows about the future if the thirst is big enough? ;)
Wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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The full Valeria (dagger) transformation!
Wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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Here in the Boyfriend Dungeon fandom, we are all Sword Smoochers. ;D Display it proudly!
Wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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We know y’all are thirsty for the blade so here’s a cup. ;)
Wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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A small look at the different styles of Epee and Lasersaber!
Wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam.
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Old sketch art for Valeria, the dagger in Boyfriend Dungeon!
Wishlist on Steam: http://bit.ly/2A4UnL2
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FYI: You’ll be able to customize your little character in Boyfriend Dungeon!
This includes pronouns - he/him, she/her, they/them.
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Indie Game Spotlight: Boyfriend Dungeon
Get ready to romance your swords in this week’s Indie Game Spotlight. That’s right… your swords! Boyfriend Dungeon is a dating simulator, dungeon crawler mash-up where your weapons turn into beautiful people. Within the game, you can forge precious moments with your lovers and work together to clear the rampant monster infestations, because after all, a couple that slays together, stays together.
We spoke with Victoria Tran, Community Developer at Kitfox Games, about Boyfriend Dungeon and all the great things you can expect!
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In Boyfriend Dungeon, you can date your weapon. Where did this idea originate?
While we love dating sims and visual novel type games, we always felt there was something missing - we wanted to interact with them more. Since we’ve made games with action before, we naturally wanted to fit that into the game. From there, we thought: “Who do you spend the most time with when you’re fighting in a dungeon?” ….And that was your weapon!
What are some major influences to the game?
We learned a lot from our previous game Moon Hunters, both from its successes and mistakes! Many aspects of the game like narrative and combat, had a huge influence on how we approached Boyfriend Dungeon’s development. We’re also big fans of the Persona series, and we admire how the combat in Bastion feels. In terms of art style, our art director Xin Ran Liu found inspiration in Akihiko Yoshida, James Gilleard, Robh Ruppel, and Alberto Milego.
The game is called Boyfriend Dungeon but, players can romance male, female, and nonbinary characters. How important was it to be inclusive to all genders and sexualities?
We wanted a game that made us feel like we belonged. Our creative director and captain, Tanya X. Short, was tired of dystopias. She wanted to see cozy worlds that were positive, aspirational places for us to live and play in; especially, since our small team is made up of people with different sexualities, genders, and backgrounds. It became a vital part of the game.
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How does the game balance being a dungeon crawler and a dating sim?
If we’re talking about time spent in the game, it leans a bit more on the dungeon crawler side due to how long it takes to slay monsters versus read. But we want players to play how they want, so there will be different difficulty levels, depending on how combat-heavy you want the game to be. Either way, we’ve made it so the two gameplay styles fit in seamlessly together. Mini dates are scattered throughout the dungeon, where you can buy and share an ice cream cone with your beloved weapon, or play some games at the arcade together, in-between clearing monsters.
What were some things the team learned while creating the game?
Making a mash-up game is hard, because you essentially have to make two amazing stand alone games that also work with each other seamlessly. It was interesting to see people who had never played a dating sim (or a dungeon crawler) pick up the game and fall in love with it.
I guess people are really thirsty for swords.
What weapon would you be and why?
A butter knife, because I love food; but, also, I am not deadly.
Ready to slay with your bae? Follow @boyfrienddungeongame to get all the latest updates leading up to its release! You can wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam.
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The transformation sequence for Valeria, the Dagger!
Wishlist Boyfriend Dungeon, our dating sim/dungeon crawler mash up on Steam.
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