btstwtarchive · 3 days
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130925 [Text] 김디자이너는 내일 아침 학교를 위해 일찍잘게요 굿밤~! [Trans] Designer Kim is going to bed early for school tomorrow morning. Good Night~!
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btstwtarchive · 3 days
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130925 [Text] 진이진 오늘 와주신 아미 여러분들 너무 감사합니다!! 날씨도 슬슬 추워지는데 조심히 들어가세요 사랑해요! [Trans] I’m Jin-jin. Thanks a lot to all the ARMYs who came today!! The weather will be a bit chilly today, but go back carefully, I love you! Translated by Iraide of BTS_Trans via Tumblr.
130925 [Text] 오늘도 저희 보러 와주셔서 정말정말 감사드립니다. 여러분들때문에 항상 힘이 불끈불끈하네요ㅎ 정말 짱이에요 아미! -정국- [Trans] Thanks a lot for coming to see us again today. I’m always powerful because of you all hehe You’re really the best ARMY! -Jungkook- Translated by Iraide of BTS_Trans via Tumblr.
130925 [Text] 아미분들 오늘 재밌으셨나요~?? ㅎㅎ 저도 방송에서 그리고 끝나고도 아미분들보니 기분 완전조아써요~ 이렇게 계속 함께해요•_- [Trans] ARMYs, did you have fun today~?? heuheu Me too, in the broadcast and after finishing, when I was ARMYs, I felt really good~ let’s be together like this forever •_- Translated by Iraide of BTS_Trans via Tumblr.
130925 [Text] 랩몬입니다 오늘 쇼챔 와주신 아미들 항상 고마워요~~~!짱짱!! 헤헤 더 열심히할게요^^ [Trans] I'm RapMon. I’m forever thankful to the ARMYs who came to ShowChamp today~~~! The best!! hehe we’ll keep on doing our best^^ Translated by Iraide of BTS_Trans via Tumblr.
130925 [Text] 안녕하세요 슈간데요 ㅎ 아침일찍부터 사녹 와주시고 본방까지 와주신 아미분들!! 너무 감사하고 사랑해요 ~~ 쪽쪽쪽 [Trans] Hello I’m SUGA heu the ARMYs who came from early morning and stayed till late at night!! I’m really thankful, I love you~ chuchuchu* *this is an onomatopoeia for kisses Translated by Iraide of BTS_Trans via Tumblr.
130925 [Text] 홉이에영 ~ 오늘 아미들 함성 소리 와~우 짱짱이였어요 아미 싸랑해요 희망희망 @-@: [Trans] It's Hobie~ Today ARMY’s cheering voices were like wo~ow, the best. I love you ARMYs, hopehope @-@: Translated by Iraide of BTS_Trans via Tumblr.
ARMY NOTES - BTS on Show Champion
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btstwtarchive · 2 months
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130925 [Text] 안녕하세요 랩몬인데요. 멋지게 나올 것 같아요. @Deepflow39 hes the best!! [Trans] Hello, it's RapMon. I think it will come out great. @Deepflow39 hes the best!!
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130925 [Text] 하하..아침부터 실수로 트윗 버튼 눌러버렸네용.. 실수한김에 사진하나 올릴께용~오늘 일찍 출근했어요~^^ 조심히 와요 아미들~ [Trans] hehe... I accidently pressed the tweet button this morning.. I'll post a picture since I made a mistake~I went to work early today~ ^^ arrive safely ARMYs~ Translated with Papago
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ARMY NOTES -BTS did the pre-recording for their Show Champion on the 25th of September.
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130924 [Text] 와우 여러분 홉 이에용 .. 채널방탄 다들 잘 보셨나요??? 너무 재밌네요 참 ~ 키야 @-@.. 내일 우리 뷔랑 진지하게 이야기를 해볼려구요 뷔~~ @-@) 기분이 뷔뷔하네 [Trans] Woah Hello everyone, it's Hope*… Have you all seen Channel Bangtan??? It's been a lot of fun~kya @-@.. Tomorrow I'll try to talk seriously with V. V~~ @-@) I feel like VV *written cutely/with aegyo
Reply 1 [Text] 형 전 기분이 홉홉하네요⊙д⊙..; 진지한 얘기는 괜찮아요..... [Trans] Hyung I feel HopeHope⊙д⊙ ..; a serious talk is okay…..
Reply 2 [Text] 그랭 @-@.. 우리 내일 엔오 안무 열심히하자 .. 희망 나잇 해 @-@) 우리 아미분들도 희망 나잇 이에요~ 잠 잘 오겠다 캬~ [Trans] Sure @-@.. Let's practice N.O. hard tomorrow… have a Hope-night @-@) Our ARMYs also have a Hope-night~ I'm getting sleepy kya~
130924 [Text] 아 !! 그리고 소불고기 도시락은 맛있는 도시락 굿 @-@b [Trans] ah!! and the beef bulgogi lunch was a delicious lunch good@-@b
Caution: this conversation has been translated from KOR->ESP->ENG, some things may have been lost in translation. KOR->ESP translations by BTS_Spain
ARMY NOTES -Hobi is referencing the roof-top screaming segment from Rookie King Episode 4
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130924 [Text] 안녕하세요 하루도 김드립을 못 참는 김불허전인데요. 오늘은 제 혼란스러운 마음을 단 한번에 정리해주는. 옥상달빛 - 하드코어 인생아 ...
130924 [Text] 오늘 속풀이방탄에서 정국이를 엄청 외쳤지만 이렇게 정국이와 노래 연습하는 사이랍니당?^^ 정국아 형이랑 가까워 지자잉?~ 대답해.. [Trans] Today at Shout-out-your-anger-Bangtan, Jungkook screamed a lot but Jungkook practices singing like this?^^ Jungkook-ah you’re close to your hyungs?~ answer me… Translated by Iraide of BTS-Trans on Tumblr.
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ARMY NOTES -I wasn't able to figure out what Namjoon is saying in the top tweet, however he recommended this song: Okdal - Hardcore Life -Jimin is referencing the segment in Episode 4 of Rookie King where the members were standing on the roof and given a chance to air their grievances with each other/Bang PD.
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130924 [Text] 위너. -정국- [Trans] Winner. ~Jungkook~
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ARMY NOTES -He's referencing the basketball game from episode 4 of Rookie King BTS. You can watch it here.
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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Note: Due to Twitter errors the picture attached to the tweet isn't viewable in the screenshot but I attached the image in the translations below.
130925 {Text] #방탄소년단 멋져 멋져 머리부터 발끝까지<3 방탄소년들의 음악을 응원해주시는 아미들은 예뻐 예뻐 ♪ 조심히 들어가세요! [Trans] #BTS Cool, Cool from head to toe <3 ARMYs who support BTS music are pretty pretty ♪ Get home safely!
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130925 {Text] #방탄소년단 생방송 쇼!챔피언 12번 째 무대로 방탄소년단을 만나실 수 있습니다:D 곧 시작합니다! #어른들은내게말하지본방은지금_뿐이라고 [Trans] #BTS Live on Show Champion. You'll be able to meet BTS on stage for the 12th time :D We're about to start! #AdultsTellMeThatTheLiveShowIs_OnlyNow* *Note: this has tag is a reference to the lyrics of N.O. (어른들은 내게 말하지 힘든 건 지금뿐이라고 "Adults tell me that the suffering is only momentarily now")
130924 {Text] #방탄소년단 [130926] 엠카운트다운 본 방송 참여 안내 ... [Trans] #BTS [130926] M Countdown Broadcast Particiaton Information ...
130924 {Text] #방탄소년단 [130925] 쇼 챔피언 사전녹화 및 본 방송 참여 안내 ... [Trans] #BTS [130925] Show Champion Pre-recording and Broadcast Participation Guide...
ARMY NOTES -BTS on Show Champion
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130924 [Text] 머리 다듬다듬했다요•_- [Trans] I trimmed my hair •_-
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130924 [Text] 안녕하세요 슈간데여 비오고 나니 쌀쌀하네요 다들 감기 조심하세요 ㅎ [Trans] Hello, It's Suga. It's raining so it's chilly, be careful not to catch a cold heh
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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Note: due to Twitter errors the images attached to the tweets aren't visible in the screenshot but I've attached them to the translations below.
130924 [Text] #방탄소년단 #V 가 이 골을 넣었을까요? 안 넣었을까요? 5시부터 SBS-MTV #신인왕방탄소년단에서 확인↗♥ [Trans] #BTS #V Did he score the goal? or not? Starting at 5pm, SBS-MTV #RookieKingBTS Check it out ↗♥ Translated with Papago
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130924 [Text] #신인왕방탄소년단 농구공을 잡은 방탄소년들! 특별히 몇 장 더 공개합니다☞_☜ 본방사수 하실꺼죠? 잠시 후 5시부터 SBS-MTV에서 시작↗ (...) [Trans] #RookieKingBTS The Bangtan Boys caught the basketball! Let me show you a few more ☜_☞ You're going to watch it live, right? It starts at 5pm on SBS-MTV↗ Translated with Papago
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130924 [Text] #방탄소년단 데뷔 후 처음으로 팬 분들과 함께 생일을 맞이 한 정국군과 랩몬스터군의 생일 STORY가 업로드 되었습니다 :) 행복 가득한 현장! 공카에서 확인하세요! ... [Trans] #BTS Jungkook and Rap Monster's birthday STORY has been uploaded for the first time since debut. :) The site full of happiness! Check it out on the official cafe! ... Translated with Papago
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130924 [Text] #방탄소년단 랩몬스터 생일 이벤트 "랩몬아, 생일축하해!" 당첨자 안내 ... [Trans] #BTS Rap Monster's Birthday Event "RapMon, Happy Birthday!" Winner's Guide...
ARMY NOTES -Rookie King Episode 4 -Rookie King Ep 4 Facebook Album
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130923 [Text] 안녕하세요 깜깜할때까지 놀고싶은 김깜놀인데요. 깜놀할때 듣고 싶은 노래..는 아니고 제가 요즘 자주 듣는 오드퓨쳐의 이 분들 노래 추천할게여.. 하하 The Internet - Dontcha ... [Trans] Hello, I want to play until it’s dark out, so call me Kim Surprised*. This song is.. not for when I want to be surprised/play till dark. I’m gonna recommend this group from Odd Future that I’m listening to a lot these days.. haha The Internet - Dontcha *깜놀 is originally slang for surprised, the shortened form of “깜짝 놀라다”. Translated by What BTS Actually Said (@ WhatBTSsaid) on Twitter.
130923 [Text] 안녕하세요 랩몬인데요 오호 저희 첫 팬싸가 일산 저희 집 앞이라니 고향냄새 맡고 좋겠네요^^ 하하 아름다운 일산에서 봐여 [Trans] Hello, I’m Rapmon. It’s good that our first fansign is in Ilsan so I could smell my hometown ^^ haha let’s meet at the beautiful Ilsan Translated by Iraide of BTS-Trans on Tumblr.
ARMY NOTES -The Internet's Dontcha -BTS had a fansign for O!RUL8,2? on 130928 at Young Poong Books in Ilsan. You can see some fancams from the event here: 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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Note: due to Twitter errors the images attached to the tweets aren't visible in the screenshot but I've attached them to the translations below
130923 [Text] 아아- 내일 #신인왕방탄소년단 에서는 어마어마한 폭로와 속풀이하는 현장이 나온다고 하는데요. 기대하세요! 내일(화) 오후 5시 SBS MTV 채널 고정~ (....) [Trans] Ah Ah- Tomorrow #RookieKingBTS will feature a scene exposing lots of revelations and deep-rooted problems. Please look forward to it! Tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5 p.m., stay tuned to SBS MTV Channel~ (...) Translated with Papago
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130923 [Text] #방탄소년단 미니음��� <O!RUL8,2?> 사��회 1차 안내 http://cafe.daum... [Trans] #BTS Mini Album <O!RUL8,2?>Signing Event 1st Announcemnt
130923 [Text] #방탄소년단 #SUGA #슈가 @음악중심 [Trans] #BTS #SUGA #Suga @ Music Core
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130923 [Text] [대기실 비하인드] #방탄소년단 추석특집 음악중심 현장 업데이트! (....) #즐점하세요 [Trans] [Waiting Room Behind] #BTS on-site Music Core Chuseok Special update! (...) #PleaseEnjoy Translated with Papago
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ARMY NOTES -Rookie King Episode 4 -Rookie King Facebook Album -BTS on Music Core -Music Core Facebook Album
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130923 [Text] 꼬꼬마 지민이진 [Trans] little kid Jimin, and Jin
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130922 [Text] #방탄소년단 MTV 신인왕 방탄소년단 - 채널방탄 3화 STAFF DIARY가 업로드 되었습니다 :) 일곱 도령들의 개구진 모습들을 공카에서 확인하세요! ... [Trans] #BTS MTV Rookie King BTS - Channel BTS episode 3 STAFF DIARY has been uploaded :) Check out the open faces of the seven young masters on the official cafe! ... Translated with Papago
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ARMY NOTES -You can watch Episode 3 of Rookie King here.
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130922 [Text] 홉이에용 @-@/ 오늘 아침 일찍 부터 와주셔서 사전녹화때 힘찬응원 해주신거 너무 감사드려요~~ 끝나고 잠깐의 시간이였지만 우리 아미들봐서 정말정말 좋았습니당 크크크 오늘도 희망나잇 @-@) [Trans] It's Hope* @-@/ Thank you so much for coming early this morning and for us during the pre-recording~~ It was a short [meeting] time afterwards, but it was so nice to see ARMYs* kukuku today too HopeNight @-@) *written cutely/with aegyo Translated with papago
130922 [Text] 랩몬입니다 와주신 아미분들 항상 감사하고 감사합니다. 편지들 지금 다 읽고 있는데 참 많은 생각이 드네요.. 미안하고 고마워요 진짜! [Trans] It's Rap Mon. Thank you so much to the ARMYs who came. I'm reading all the letters now, but I have a lot on my mind.. I'm sorry, and thank you so much!
130922 [Text] 안녕하세요 진이진 오늘 인기가요 와주신 아미 여러분 완전 짱짱!! 아미분들이 있어서 행복해요 감사합니다! [Trans] Hello, it's Jin ARMYs who came to Inkigayo today, you're awesome!! I'm so happy to have ARMYs, thank you!
130922 [Text] 안녕하세요 슈간데요 ㅎ 오늘 아침부터 사녹에 본방까지 함께 해주신 아미분들 사...사... 아니... 좋아합니다 슙슙 슈가 감동 먹어서 우럭 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ [Trans] Hello I’m SUGA heh all the ARMYs who stayed with us from early morning till night, I love… love… no… I like you *sobs* Suga is moved so he cries ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Translated by Iraide of BTS-Trans on Tumblr.
ARMY NOTES -BTS on Inkigayo -Instead of good night, during this time, Hobi pretty frequently would sign off his tweets with "희망나잇". Which is literally the korean word for 'hope' (희망/ hwui-mang), and the english word for 'night' written in hangul.
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btstwtarchive · 3 months
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130922 [Text]언제나 내 사랑 아미들, 여러분이 최고에요. 언제나 감사해요! [Trans] Always my love, ARMYs, You're the best everyone, Thank you, always!
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