lilyrooze · 5 years
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lilyrooze · 5 years
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lilyrooze · 5 years
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Where are you?
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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lilyrooze · 6 years
Become aware of what nature provides us in order to survive! Become aware of what governments provides us in order to exterminate humanity!!
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Wauw!! This is literally a whole new world opening to me! And I think that a lot of people aren’t aware of what gemstones and crystals can mean in our life! They should become a part of our daily routines. Please reblog and help me spread this message into the world! We don’t need medicines to heal our diseases or body. Medicine only feeds addictions and always comes with side effects (solving one problem while creating 2 New ones 😠) Nature provides everything humanity needs! Be grateful and respectful to our Mother Earth ❤️🍀 Awareness is key!
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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Remember not to expect a specific outcome, cause we have No clue about the things that are actually possible. By expecting something we put a blockage on the blessings we are recieving. The best thing you can say is that you are open to the blessings that the Universe has in store for you! And be grateful! At the end, it will be a 1000 times better than you had in mind!
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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All kinds of self care tips
Professional zen garden from http://www.icnbuys.com/mini-zen-garden-desktop-tabletop
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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Heal all negativity that has been stored in the female body (DNA) throughout the history!!
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lilyrooze · 6 years
Healers: 5th Dimensional Negative Energy To Watch Out For In People
By Dawn Baily
As many people are teetering on the edge of the 4th dimension and about to enter the 5th dimension there are energies we need to become aware of. These 5th dimensional negative energies are different from 4th dimensional by they feed off our light energy. Where as 4th dimensional negative energy feeds off negative energy. Both 5th dimensional and 4th dimensional negative energy has the same agenda to keep you from ascending and to keep you from helping others ascend. This also applies to people especially healers that are in the 5th dimension and above. This energy is meant to hold you down and distract you. Once you have so much light you become a threat to their agenda. This is higher dimensional energy I check for when I do healings or come across a person I feel is affected.
I have recently been able to see these energies on others. I may be watching tv or see a picture of someone and can see they are affected and I then check and remove the energies. I came across an article of someone who is quite popular with some spiritual people. This person said they were part alien. This article did not paint this person in a positive light. It claimed this person was causing harm to others that followed them. I could see by looking at them that they had some serious negative ET energy attached to them. I checked and they had more negative ET energy on them than I have ever found on any person. This person probably began as a good person with the intention of helping others. But sadly they were then hijacked and used to further a negative agenda and harm others. This is why I am writing this article so other healers can look for this energy on themselves and others.
There are 3 types of ET energy I have found so far. Low frequency entities, parasites and etheric devices. Low frequency entities are harder to detect that 4th dimension entities as these emit a very low frequency that may be hard to feel. These entities can operate on their own and do not need another persons energy to do so. Parasites need a host. They need another persons energy to survive. Etheric devices are used by low frequency entities to control another persons energy. I will now get into the different types of energy to look for.
Low frequency entities are harder to feel than the 4th dimensional ones because they emit a low frequency. I feel a burning sensation where they attach. Usually most energy goes for the upper left side of my back. I don’t know why they like this area on me.
Shackles, chains and anchoring devices weigh you down and try to hold you down. To keep you from progressing on your journey and growing. You feel like you have a heavy burden. The weight of the world on your shoulders. This takes away your ambition to do things that can improve your life.
Tags and Implants these are how they keep track of you. They monitor your frequency.
Constrictors and modulators these keep you from speaking your truth. They do this by interfering with your communication from spoken words to your brain. This can make you suddenly become shy and withdrawn.
Solar plexus implants are felt in the solar plexus. I feel a tightening sensation. These feed off your personal power and light. Our solar plexus is called that because we receive solar energy there. This is why we feel solar flares and storms in our solar plexus. I go to the tanning bed (please don’t judge), when I am in the tanning bed I feel lots of energy in my solar plexus. If you live in a sunny place you can just go out in the sun for this energy.
Spinal column control rods this is located in your spinal area and is used to control etheric implants and devices. I feel a heavy energy in my spine or next to my spine when I have had one. This can cause back pain if left on too long.
Parasites, worms, and eggs left behind from these I usually feel as a pain in my ear or side of head. It literally feels like something too big is trying to get in my ear. I usually feel this while I sleep. It hurts enough to wake me up. These are parasites so they need a host to survive. This can cause scattered or racing thoughts interfering with your thought processes.
Octopus parasites attach to the top of your head on your crown chakra. I feel this as heavy energy on my head melting down my head. They have tentacles that then work their way down your body. It feels like heavy energy just melting down your head and body. This interferes with your connection to source, your third eye and receiving energy from the source.
Reptilians most of us have heard of these by now. I have never encountered a full reptilian just the energy attached to someone. They attach to people in positions of power and control them. One famous politician who is in the news everyday had 4 of them attached to him. I removed them and he seems to be making better decisions now and acting a little bit less of a jerk. You will find these on leaders: religious, political and celebrities that influence a large group of people.
Archons feed off your positive energy and light usually solar plexus but I have had them on my back too. Had a friend contact me recently because she wasn’t acting like herself and said somethings to her partner. She told me she couldn’t stop herself from saying these things even though she knew it wasn’t right. Archons drain your positive energy until you start acting and feeling negative.
These are brief explanations to the different ET energies I find and remove. This link to an article I found will tell you more in depth information and how to remove them.
I have never left them on to long to have any physical effects. My gift is feeling energy not seeing. So as soon as I feel negative energy I remove it. I always have wanted to see and I am beginning to be able to. I think I am starting to see. It was probably a good thing I couldn’t see what was attacking me. I would have had even more fear if I could see. I no longer have fear it’s just normal to me. This may be why I am beginning to see. Feeling energy is very helpful because I know right away it is there and can deal with it. As we ascend and gain more personal power we become a threat. I wanted to give a heads up about what to look for. So that other healers can help people as we are ascending.
Awareness is everything!
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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Back to basics! Spread love, everyday!
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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Be aware! This is one of the reason why people feel anxious! Don’t be scared, we’re in this all together! Unity 👥
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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lilyrooze · 6 years
Gemstones and crystals are much better than drugs
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Use crystals to heal your body
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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lilyrooze · 6 years
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Bodies of humanity
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