promatter · 6 years
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Haven’t posted for awhile, and I’ve been plain been missing on tumblr for the past few days too... here’s a nice sunset from last month.
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promatter · 6 years
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The windmill on a local Denny’s fell into it’s roof. While I was taking some quick pics I had to inform an elderly couple that the place was closed lol. “Well, let’s go home and make turkey sandwiches instead”, they were cute.
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promatter · 6 years
I saw The Last Jedi with my brother yesterday...
It was alright, don’t feel much like a Star Wars film though.
Positives first;
• That one scene with Leia (you know the one) seems to have caught a lot of people off guard, but as an old EU fan I’ve been waiting for a moment like that since TFA was announced.
• Luke wasn’t handled as badly I thought he would be, even if I don’t 100% agree with it. One scene in particular almost made me tear up (again, you know the one).
• The Force being treated more mystically again is a welcome return.
• I actually liked Poe this time around, before it felt like I was just expected to like him when he was basically fighter pilot: the character.
• Very cool inversion of the Star Wars cantina scene.
• Some of the jokes/gags were decent.
... and now the bad;
• There really were too many jokes and at less than appropriate times.
• The villains have crossed the line well over into Saturday morning cartoon territory, they’re basically parodies at this point and I can’t take them seriously anymore. Even Palpatine in ROTS was subdued by comparison.
• Just like in TFA, there were far too many small scenes and details you’re just asked to nod and accept without question. Without getting too spoilery about some key ones, I’ll just refer to a repeat offender...
• BB-8 is WAY too capable. Why isn’t the Resista-oh I’m sorry, the REBELS’ forces made up entirely of these little droids? One can single handedly defeat, tie up and gag 3 trained armed guards with little more than a few coins at their dispense and do so, SO much more.
• Alright, another point for the “nod and accept” bit but it’s right in the opening scroll so whatever. HOW DID THE FIRST ORDER TAKE OVER THE GALAXY? It just happens through sheer force and absurdly fast, with resources which still aren’t explained but rival and possibly eclipse the Empire’s! And sorry, but if it needs to be explained via outside material then the film has failed in a major way.
• Remember all the talk about the overuse of CG and the return of practical effects in TFA? Remember that it was a load a shit and CG was thrown right into your face while practical effects we’re treated like cameos? Will here we are again, and this time there’s a particular scene that already looks like aged an e3 trailer.
• There’s one scene that’s sappier than anything I could have ever imagined. It involves chihuahua horses, child labor, and animal/implied child abuse (not the sexual kind lol). It’s just too much.
• Lots of build up to certain mysteries only to have the rug pulled out from under them leaving me feeling “that’s it?”
• The film was all about subverting expectations first and foremost, to the point that it hurts the story itself. Not just that, but it happens SO frequently that it almost becomes predictable and you can’t help but roll your eyes everytime the film tries to go “surprise!” again and again towards the end.
• The prorgs (hamster bird things) are clearly intended to sell merchandise and little more. They were even detrimental to one great scene thanks to the director insisting on distracting you from the action by having a porg being front and center so small children and Minion fans can laugh at it’s reactions before rushing out and demanding a plushie of it.
• Finn gets no character development, Rey gets little character development (and is still too much of a natural at everything, but maybe that’s the point?), and some characters got reverse development (character deterioration?).
• There’s one big plot thread that could have been averted if a certain idiot would have JUST disclosed the entire plan. It’s so fucking stupid when you find out how simple and obvious it is and if you look too closely at it then it falls apart immediately (but this leads back to “nod and accept”).
• Someone was unceremoniously killed off and I won’t say who, but let’s just say it’s a fan favorite and if you’re ruffling a loud bag while grabbing some popcorn you might miss it.
Other thoughts maybe not bad enough to be grouped with negatives or good/specific enough for positives;
• Bombers using regular ass ordinance instead of photon bombs? Which seemed to rely on gravity that far from the planet below???
• Space battles had too many lucky strikes for my tastes.
• So the Jedi Order is a straight up religion now? I always thought of it more as a group with strong philosophical leanings that was dedicated to the study of the Force which is clearly a very real thing. You may as well call Humanism a religion.
• There was a very noticeable trend of women of various (human) races being the face of the Rebelsistance while men were mostly just taking orders, and when it came to disputes between the two sexes women were mostly right while men were mostly wrong. I’m not the type to cry about it in /pol/ or /tv/ and declare “(((THEY))) ruined erryding!!! :’(“ but it got a little distracting to have such obvious politcal pandering thrown in there. Again, when the prequels handled things with more subtlety...
• Remember the “villains being parodies” bit? Wait until you hear Snoke’s dialogue, I think it was honestly intentional.
•”... moving rocks” had me in stitches.
•*expect the knee and elbow sabers, feel free to continue doing so with those.
•One new character felt like they exist solely to be shipped with someone else... kinda sucks for them honestly, but character development is NOT this trilogy’s strong suit.
• There’s a certain thing that was played up early on as game changing for the conflict, but it’s never explained and is forgotten about by the end. What the hell.
• The puppet’s back, AND IT BRINGS LIGHTNING!
•The new giant AT-ATs are way too tryhard lol
•Why the fuck was Phasma brought back lmao
Despite all my bitching it’s still a fine movie in it’s own right, it’s just a lousy Star Wars film and more of a standard Marvel flick. Casual fans that only think of the Star Wars universe when a movie rolls around should enjoy this, same with non-fans that only want some good special effects, action, and a few laughs. People that wanted something better than TFA should lower their expectations and anyone that still thinks love and care is going into the lore and universe should jump ship now.
Speaking as someone that used to play the games, read the novels, collected the toys/everything, and was engrossed in the universe since he was a small child... this isn’t our series anymore, but at least we still have our memories. For me, Luke still went on to become the greatest Jedi to have ever lived instead of a lonely failure, Leia was still involved with political intrigue and occasionally had to resort to (the) force instead of constantly being on the run, Han was still torn between his responsibilities and restless nature... and the bad edgy shit that came later? Didn’t bother to read it. For me the Star Wars saga ended with the old cast’s kids still having a brighter future with the galaxy at relative peace, and this new trilogy has given me no further reason to abandon that.
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promatter · 6 years
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Caught this just now, a Space X rocket launch. Pretty wild.
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promatter · 7 years
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I was busy all day and I missed the /CTG/ anniversary thread. :( Well whatever, it's still Sunday in my time zone so I'll just upload this here. It was a half finished mspaint thing from maybe a month into /CTG/'s conception, so I figured I'd finish it when I had the chance for the occasion. Oddly enough it's damn near the same concept as a pic made by Kaze.
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promatter · 7 years
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Cactus flowers are so pretty until they die, then they just look like weird floppy plant dicks.
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promatter · 7 years
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promatter · 7 years
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Haven't posted in ages so here's some pics from awhile ago. The rainbow kept growing and becoming brighter before turning into a double. It stayed strong right into the sunset.
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promatter · 8 years
We got this sound sensing jumping spider robot... thing on clearance at Home Depot a few weeks back, but I didn't test it until now. It was a display model, but it works just fine. Next Halloween is gonna be great. Or next Tuesday, scaring people doesn't require a holiday.
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promatter · 8 years
We all know certain establishments where we've had good times with our friends and family, or shed a few tears at our lowest points, and often times there's a familiar mural always there to welcome us as the years drift by.
This may very well be the beginning of one such mural, to be ingrained into the memories of many an individual as they traverse life's twist and turns, the art unchanging as our face grows more wrinkled and weathered by the winds of time.
Take time to appreciate your surroundings, it's the small things that make our lives.
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o_o It’s a one meter in diameter..
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promatter · 8 years
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promatter · 8 years
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promatter · 8 years
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Before and after Halloween's end. I am sad now.
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promatter · 8 years
Got the fog machine, but the fog dissipates too quickly to really build up thanks to the autumn breeze. Our ghost projector gave us another idea though...
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promatter · 8 years
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We added some candy corn themed lights for more orange and a little projector the projects moving ghosts. Hopefully we'll have a fog machine with heavy low lying fog on the porch in time for Halloween.
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promatter · 8 years
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$10 and cute as fuck, I hated inflatables early on but now they're cheap and at times badass. This one is obviously not badass, just cheap.
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promatter · 8 years
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Set this thing up for my dad earlier today, 12 foot tall inflatable ghost. My dad’s friend is next to it in one pic, and though he’s hunched a little he’s around 6'4". Cars kept slowing down to look at it and I heard one guy on a bike say “What the fuck!?!” lol.
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