Life Update - what I’ve reeaalllyyy been up to...
Hi. :)
It’s been a minute and it feels good to be back. 
I’ve been going back and forth on writing about this at all because it’s a part of my life I’m keeping more sacred and to myself these days, but this is my space to share as transparently and openly and unfiltered as I want.  The last month I’ve been going about things a tad bit differently and I wanted to talk a bit about it.
The last few months I’ve been feel extremely grey and blah and unmotivated, kind of numb and just all around not the best and I couldn’t figure out why...until I realized, “damn, where do I, me, Sarah, fit into my day?” NOWHERE. I was getting up, going to work, coming home, making dinner, showering and going to bed M-F and my weekends varied depending on what I had going on. I was numbing out hardcore on social media. I couldn’t wake up without checking it, get ready for work, be at work, take a break, eat a meal without feeling this NEED to check it when all I was really doing was numbing out by mindless being on social media. 
A few of you may think I’ve been doing my 5am mornings all year, but those stopped around the time my old car started giving me problems back in May and I had to carpool with Michael for a month. It completely through me off and I fell off the train entirely. Fast forward a few months and my sister moved in with Michael and I and although she is the BEST roommate and I love having her here it was an adjustment adding someone into our home. 
There was no me time, quiet time, alone time, nothing... I felt myself started to get snappy and short and I just felt so FOGGY. It was beyond frustrating.  I thought maybe taking a week cold turkey off social media would help, and it did, but I still felt a bit off, but then I listened to a podcast and the guest said exactly how I was feeling to a T and how she makes sure she doesn’t get to that place and it was her spiritual practice, meditation, alone time, etc. and you’d think it would have hit me a lot sooner that I needed that back in my life, but when you’re so deep in your own shit and numb and grey you just don’t see it. So that day I decided that I was going to make a change starting that following Monday. 
I took a break from blogging to start. 1.) because I’ve had little to no inspiration to write, 2.) I had some very personal to me intentions for November and didn’t want to publicly share them with anyone, 3.) the thought of blogging at all honestly made my chest feel tight, so I decided to just take a pause. 
I’m also not ON social media, but I get on social media. I don’t feel good when I am on it all the time and it’s too easy for me to always be on it mindlessly scrolling for literally no good reason, so I downloaded this app that allows me to set up time blocks of time to be on it and M-F I’m only on it for a 15 minute period and that’s it. I know it may sound extreme or dumb or like something most wouldn’t do, but it works for me and I’m doing it for me, and not anyone else.
The other thing I’ve been doing is waking up at 4:30am M-F and devoting time solely to myself. I don’t check my phone until I’m leaving for work around 7:20am which means I’m not posting or sharing what all I’m doing like I did at the beginning of this year where I’d post every.single.little.thing... Not that it’s bad or that I didn’t enjoy doing it, but I’m not waking up before the sun is even up for social media. I’m waking up for ME. It may have been the first Monday on waking up (side note - I started with 5am, then my intuition nudge me to wake up at 4:30am and I feel more aware oddly enough waking up at that time) I was reading one of my poetry books and somewhere in the poem it said “what could be more important that a sacred appointment with you?” and that alone is what gets me out of bed every morning. I wake up for work, I wake up to take care of my dog and I have all these things that are non-negotiable’s, so my sacred appointment with myself has become that for me. 
The Sunday before I started doing this I was sharing it with Michael and how I felt the need to keep it to myself and not share with social media, friends, etc. and he asked me “who would you sharing it for?” and in all honesty my answer wouldn’t have been because it was for me. It was for the cool pic, the likes, etc etc. Funny enough that next morning I had this REALLY cool setup and went to waste 15 minutes taking a picture and I heard in my head Michael say “who are you taking that picture for?” and I put my phone down and didn’t touch it for the rest of the morning...lol. (thanks, honey <3)
I’ve been practicing yoga and meditating every morning M-F, journaling, reading, enjoy my coffee in silence, cleansing my space, pulling cards when I feel the need to, spending more time in prayer and enjoying every single quiet, interrupted minute of it and I feel a million times better and more clear and my mood has has been 10x better. 
Creating this time and space has only made me a better me and that alone makes it worth it. 
That is all I have for now. 
Until next time.
Sarah, xo  
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I’m taking a break...
Hiiiiiii. :)
I’m currently in a season of “hibernation” and feel the need to honor and respect it, so I am going to take a break from all blogging for the time being and I won’t be as active on social media much during this time either.
I feel like a caterpillar that’s gone into her little cocoon, so blogging and sharing my life and all the things isn’t something I want to do right now.
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I will be back and I’m more so writing this blog post for me personally, so it takes the mental and emotional pressure of feeling like I HAVE to blog off my shoulders because I blog for myself and if I were to keep up with my blog right now it wouldn’t be for me.
Ta-ta for now... <3
Sarah, xo
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September Reflections/October Intentions
Hiiiiyaa. :)
I don’t really know where to begin with this... this week has been a bit of an off week for me and I just feel like I can easily be set off to feel any kind of extreme emotion and blow it up x12. Nothing happened, nothing is going on and I have no logical explanation for why I feel the way I do. I just do. 
I used to immediately go and blame how I felt on everything and everyone around me, and then go home and numb out with alcohol, but since doing that isn’t something I choose anymore I decided to start taking half-day’s at work and call them my “mental days off”. I either go into work later or leave earlier and today I am going in later. You may be thinking I need time off from work itself, but that’s not the case at all. I need a break from my day to day routine, so I can just be. I know quite a few people I know will stay up later to have their “me time”, but I am NOT a night owl. Not even close. So my ideal time for “me time” is in the morning when everyone is either still asleep or at work/school and I don’t have to juggle my wife, sister, friend, fur momma, daughter, employee hats I wear every day.
To set the scene - I currently have the back door open, incense and palo santo burning, the blinds open, my journal and coffee next to me and I’m sitting here doing something I absolutely LOVE doing; blogging... and it’s SO quiet. 
As I’m sitting here in the silence and stillness I can fully feel how heavy my chest is, how achy my body actually is, how I feel like I could just cry to cry even though I don’t have a logical reason to. But you know what? It’s ok that I feel this way. I’m an emotion filled human and sometimes you just need to cry, sometimes you just need sit with how you’re feeling and give it time and space to let it come up and out, so it can pass. Instead of just numbing out and going through life like everything is just peachy when it’s not.
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I talk about this because I want to bring awareness to mental health and how important it is. It’s vital to take quiet time for yourself to just... be. It will only make you a better person doing so.    
Now to move onto what I’m actually here to talk about...
September was a busy af month for me and I enjoyed every minute of it. I am 1000% ready for a bit more down time, but I also know it’s getting to that time of year where all the holiday’s begin and before I know it’ll be 2019.
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Yoga + hike often - I did yoga and hiked a few times, but my weekends were either super full or it rained, so I wasn’t able to spend a ton of time outside and I haven’t felt like getting up super early to practice yoga, so my sister and I practiced together one night and my handstands are still something I work on pretty much every day.
10 year date night with Michael - this hasn’t quite happened yet, because again, September was a very full/busy month.
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Go to Pride Event - negative. My company failed to submit our registration for volunteers AND it rained, so I wasn’t able to attend.
Meet Almost 30 podcast ladies - DONE!!!!!! Best. Night. Ever.
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Put up Fall decor - haven’t made the time for this quite yet, but it’s going down real soon.
Get a Fall mani - donnne. one of my close friends, 2 of my sisters and I all went on the 1st day of Fall.
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Finish Shadow workshop - nope!! I almost feel the need to wait until the new year to finish this because I genuinely am just not able to make the time right now.
Prioritize me time - LOL. this is laughable. I felt stretched thin in September, so this was a negative as well and part of the reason I took a mental day half-day today to get me time in. 
Start learning/studying the gates in HD - DONE. I started with picking one center and working my way down. I have one down and memorized and am working on the next one. 
Sister coffee date <3 - done.<333 
Write at least one HD blog post - DONE. <3
Take a break from reading HD book and read for fun - done. I’ve been reading this book called Brida. :)
October has already filled up quite a bit plan wise, but with all kinds of things I’m REALLY looking forward to. My main thing I want to make priority because I slacked off quite a bit in September is my me time. I’ve been going on walks or bike rides at work and I’ve consider going walk on the treadmill when I get home a few nights a week if needs be or taking Lucy for walks/hikes and maybe waking up earlier a few mornings during the week. I’m hoping to make October a super fun month, but not to lose myself in it because I’m so wrapped up in everything and everyone around me. 
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Until next time.
Sarah, xo
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The 5 Human Design Types - Which one are you? ;)
Hiiiii! :D
I’ve been wanting to sit down and talk about this all month, but haven’t been able to make the time for it. I’ve had family in town most of this month, my sister moved in within the last month, I’ve had events and meet-ups and everything in between, so quiet me time hasn’t exactly been a thing in my world for the month of September, but I know it’d be with this way and I’m rolling with it. I’m actually currently typing this on my work computer in a word document to email to myself to post later, lol.
I made an intention to write at least one blog post on Human Design and I really wanted to stick to that intention, SO HERE WE GO.
I want to keep it short, but still in enough detail to fully understand and digest the info.
Today I am going to touch on the 5 different energy types in HD. Your energy type is basically your aura.
You know how sometimes someone will just walk into a room and they bring sunshine, or someone will walk into a room and they seem more reserved or others walk in and they just can hold the attention and energy of the entire room, while others can’t as easily do so? There’s a reason for it, and that reason being their aura.
The 5 energy types are Generators, Manifesting-Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors.
Side note: I AM SO NERVOUS TO WRITE ABOUT THIS. I know that I know what I am talking about it and talk about it all day long, but to put it into words and share it like this scares the SHIT out of me, BUT ima do it anyways.
Moving on..
**deep breath**
Generator (roughly 35% of the population) -
Sooooooo I try not to pick favorites. However, I LOVE Generators. They’re some of my favorite people to be around and talk to, and what’s funny is Projectors are here to help guide the energy of Generators, so it was not surprising after doing all my close friend’s charts and finding out all of them are a form of a Generator, LOL.
Generators have an aura that can take on a room and work the crowd. They’re people person’s and do really well in group settings because of it. Generators are here to do what lights them up in the world and ONLY what lights them up. When they’re living in alignment with their design and doing what lights them up it actually gives them more energy to keep doing it. They’re literally here to do the damn thing.
Generators are also people who need a plan and structure and want to stick to the plan down to every last detail. They’re an A to Z kind of person and will do the work and put in the time to find the perfect place and restaurant and hotel and have all the times mapped out and every booked well in advanced. So when you need something planned or someone who will do the research to find the best of the best, ask your fellow Generator and they’ll make it happen.
A common thing I hear amongst the Generators I know is them telling me what they “should” be doing, but here’s the thing… Generators aren’t here to live a “should” life. No one is, but DEFINITELY not a Generator. When a Generator is living a “should” life, they’re not living their best life. The more “should’s” you can take out and replace is with what lights you up the happier and more fulfilled life you’ll live. Bottom line, if it doesn’t light you up, booboo, DON’T DO IT.
One more thing I’ve observed in my Generators friends/family is 1.) how much of a night owl they are and 2.) they easily they AREN’T able to fall asleep at night, and from what I’ve studied about this is until a Generators defined sacral energy center (this is the part that makes a Generator and Generator) is completely used up and rung out for that day they won’t fall and stay asleep. So let’s say you’re a mom with a child who isn’t a Generator. It’s not them who isn’t going to bed and sleeping at night, it’s you being in their aura and keeping them up. If they were put in their own bed away from your energy they’d fall fast asleep and stay asleep. Same goes for if your partner or spouse. If you’re let’s say a Projector (Projectors don’t have defined sacrals) and your boo is a Generator and you can’t sleep at night, try going to bed an hour before they do, so you can fall asleep easier because if you don’t you’ll be feeding off their energy being next to them at night and won’t sleep well.
Manifesting-Generator (roughly 35% of the population) –
Man-Gen’s! So Man-Gen’s are still a type of Generator, so a lot of what I just touched on above ^ applies to a Man-Gen as well. A few differences when it comes to a Man-Gen is they’re REALLY fast people. Super quick, always moving around and on the go. They take short cuts if they can and they want things NOW, like if they could have had them yesterday that’s still not soon enough, lol.
They pick up on things really quickly and can often feel like everyone around them is SO slooowwwww and taking forever because they’ve already figure something out. One minute they can be ALL about something and literally the next they’ve never been more over something in their life. But here’s the thing with Man-Gen’s; they are here to move quickly, and dip their toe into 10 pools at one time, and try and this and that and that thing over there all at the same time.
They’re supposed to live a very flavor, variety filled life, but they’re are often conditioned to feel like life is a linear path and they have to do everything in structured way and time and it has to look this way or that, but for a Man-Gen it’s not even close to being true. They’re supposed to follow the heat and when they heat dies, they need to move onto the next thing.
I know a few Man-Gen’s who are podcasters, bloggers, have a part time job over, 3 hobbies and do them all at the same time and they THRIVE at it. The main thing I really want to emphasize here with Man-Gen’s is the standard American dream and structure and a linear life path are NOT for you (not really for anyone tbh). You do you and follow the heat and have your 12 things you do and ROCK IT. It’s was you’re here to do.  
Projector (less than 20% of the population) –
Projectors are referred to as guides in Human Design. They’re essentially a bird in a tree observing the world beneath them waiting for someone to ask them what they see and how they see it and offer different perspective. They’re very observant, can see all sides of a situation, they’re analytical and are able to figure out systems and software’s easily. They’re more prone to finding the bad in the good, vs the good in the bad, but just like we need people who can find the good, we need people who can find the flaws, and that’s a Projector for you.
Projectors are non-energy types, so they don’t bring the energy in the room they walk into, they take it on and in and project it back into the room. So Projectors just need to be mindful of where they choose to go and who they’re around, because they become a mirror along with a dust mop to energy and a sponge to whatever is going on around them. They’re very sensitive people and empathic people too and need a lot of alone time and space to shed the energy they’ve picked up during the day.
Projectors are 1:1 people. They have a very penetrating aura in the sense that instead of taking on the room like other types, they lock onto one person instead. I’ve always ALWAYS said I am not a group person because I can’t focus on that many people at one time, and I ideally do better in 1:1 setting, so when I learned this it all seemed to make sense, LOL. It doesn’t mean I can’t do crowds, it’s just not my first choice and I avoid it when I can. Projectors can mingle, but they’re minglers; meaning they need someone to come up to them and start the conversation first and they’ll piggyback off of it.
Since Projectors are so observant and pick up on things they can come off as “know-it-all’s”, so the key for a Projector is to wait for an invitation before taking action or speaking because if they don’t and try and take initiate or speak what’s on their mind, they’re likely to be met with a lot of resistance and in turn become bitter over it.
Now that doesn’t mean a Projector needs to sit at home and not do anything. The key is to work on yourself and strengthen what you’re good at and find your niche and make yourself inviting and either put it out there via a blog, youtube, social media etc, talk about it, casually make a statement about it, that way the right people will it or read/hear what you have to say and will naturally want to ask you about, and THEN you can step in and share what you have to say. Be inviting, but don’t do the inviting. Another helpful tip for a Projector is to ask questions because often that can lead to someone wanting to ask more and an invitation could result in it.
Projectors aren’t here to live this fast paced, go go go life, but they’re undefined sacral can make them feel that way or surrounding themselves with Generators/Man-Gen’s can really amp that up. They’re ultimately here to be a guide and be seen and recognized for what they’re good at and take naps often, lol. If you need a different perspective, someone who is able to give you 1:1 undivided attention, dissect a situation or offer better insight go ask a Projector.  
Manifestor (less than 10% of the population) –
Ohhhhh, Manifestors. When I think Manifestor I think my sister, Claire. She brings SO much sunshine into a room which is what Manifestors are naturally able to do. Manifestor = Sunshine.
Manifestors are here to initiate and they have a repelling aura. Now I know it doesn’t make sense for such sunshine to have a repelling aura, but Manifestors are here to initiate, so have an open aura wouldn’t serve the, since they’re so independant and here to make things happen. They were the people a long time ago who started wars and things of that nature. They’re all about getting everyone on their train, so in turn they can come off as people pleasers because they want everyone to like them and be on their train, but not everyone is for their train and that’s OK. When a Manifestor has someone, who doesn’t like them it’s really a blessing because that just lets them know that person isn’t for them. But often Manifestors will try so hard to get everyone to just listen and hop on their train instead of just trusting the right people will hop
right on. Manifestors by nature are VERY independent and when you try to tell them what to do it’ll only back fire on the other person and make the Manifestor become more secretive.  The key for a Manifestor to be met with the least amount resistance is to have their idea, INFORM, then act. That doesn’t mean you inform and ask for other’s input and change what you’re going to do. You are simply informing others about what you’re about to do and then you go do it and the people who are for your train will hop right on in. Manifestors do NOT like to be questioned, so the best way to go about communicating with them is to make a statement and see what they say back or let them come to you. Especially with children. They will come to you and inform you of what they need, you don’t need to ask them. I have a friend with a Manifestor toddler and since learning about her HD type she waits for her daughter to come to her, or she’ll make a statement about what she’s about to do and will see how her daughter reacts to it and it’s worked WONDERS for her.
Reflector (less than 1% of the population) –
The unicorn of Human Design!! <3 My momma is a Reflector and after learning this and researching more and more about HD IT ALL MAKES SENSE. My mom is one of the most misunderstood people I know. Here’s the thing with Reflectors. The have ZERO definition to them, meaning they’re the ultimate chameleon and can literally reflect someone back to themselves. So basically, when you don’t like a Reflector or you have a problem with them you have a problem with yourself or don’t like yourself. It’s not the Reflector, it’s you. All they are is your reflection.
A Reflectors purpose on this either is to reflect how the collective is doing back to them or their “tribe”. How the Reflector is doing is how the people around them are doing. So, if you ever need a reality check of sorts or to check in with how you’re really doing go hang out with a Reflector. Every other HD type has their own light like the sun, where Reflectors are lunar beings and just kind of glow. Luckily, Reflectors by nature aren’t known to NOT take things personally which is golden for them with how easily attacked they are.
Reflectors are another type that need their alone time and space to recharge and shed the energy of the day, so when they ask for space or alone time, give it to them.
I did it.
Now to post it. (YIKES)
For the record HD lights me the f*ck up and I’m EXTREMELY passionate about it, so this is like sharing a piece of my heart and soul with y’all and it’s SCARY.
That is all I have for now and there’s plenty more to follow in blog posts to come.
I’m always here for questions, suggestions or if you’re needing even more insight on HD charts.
Until next time…
Sarah, xo.
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August Reflections/September Intentions
Hiyaaaa. :)
It’s September!! W.T.F. O_____o 
Luckily, it’s easily, hands down, one of my favorite months. Michael and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary together as a couple this month and I have a few other events coming up as well. <3  Super fun month ahead. 
August was a very full and fun month, and it went by in the blink of an eye. I went to Austin with my best friend, my sister moved in and I did a lot of shadow work. 
To set the scene -
I am currently sitting on the couch with Michael by my feet playing video games. I have mugwort + lavender burning, my new cosmic oracle cards, journal and gummy bears next to me, and I have this backdoor open listening to the rain. If it wasn’t 7pm I’d have coffee in hand as well, buuuut I’d rather not be up all night, lol. 
Anyways... moving on to my August Reflections.
Be more conscious, but not structured about my yoga practice. (don’t obsess) - done. :) The first part of this year I really obsessed over my spiritual/yoga practice and I felt like if I skipped ONE day then I wouldn’t be a yogi or spiritual person anymore. OBVIOUSLY not true, but the mind plays games with us sometimes, so I’ve just had to be more mindful about this and balance it a little better.
Read HD to lean - done. I’m about half-way through my HD book.
Read HP for fun - done. Although, fun reading took a backseat in August.
Go to Austin w/ Briee for a weekend - DONE. And I had so much damn fun with my boo.  
Do a mid-year home purge - donezzoooo. My space feels so clean and clear and almost empty, lol. 
Do LP’s Unblocked Shadow workshop - I’m about halfway through this workshop. :)
Write a blog post on HD - DONE. I waited until the last minute to do this out of fear and almost didn’t do it, buuuut I did it.  
Treat myself to a wax - Funny story on this. I completely passively manifested this for FREE. Literally, got a free brazilian wax from my wax place. They needed volunteers to come in and help their new trainee, train. $60 back in my pocket. Heyoooo. 
Order Amethyst BANGS shoes - Done, and I LOVE them.
Continue to surrender and trust in the Universe and follow the cookie crumbs. <3 - Done, and do this on the daily. 
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This month is already preettaayyyy full for me, but with all fun things that I am really looking forward to. So the MAAINNNN thing for me this month aside from all the fun and fullness is to prioritize me time and to read for fun. I can so easily lose myself in what I am doing and then hit a mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wall, so me time is vital. <3
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That is all for now. 
Until next time...
Sarah, xo
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I’m Coming out of the Closet...
The Human Design closet that is...lol.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. :)
I keep fighting myself on writing about this, but I know it’s something I need to do despite my hesitation and fear. 
I’ve had thoughts like “who am I to share this system?” “do I even know what I’m talking about?” “I’m not knowledgeable or educated enough to share this info.” blah blah blah.
But here’s the thing... HD is something that lights me up, I understand it and have caught onto it really quickly. I talk about it every day with friends and family, I’ve shared snippets of what I am learning on my social media, but when it comes to actually sitting down and sharing what I know I FREEZE.
Part of me feels it’s because I feel I have to know EVERYTHING about it before I can speak up about it at all, but that just isn’t the case because there will never be a perfect time to talk about it. I also fear sharing my experience and knowledge and then being judged for it (this is the 3/5 in me, lol. more on this later.)
HD has been following me for over a year now and I kept kiiiind of looking into it and then would feel like I wasn’t smart enough to learn this extremely complex system, so I’d back off...aaaaaaaand it’d come right back. again and again aaaaaaand again.
About 2 months ago at this point I sat down and did an oracle reading around it asking what I needed to do, why I needed to do it, how I needed to do it and what the outcome of learning about this system in detail would bring me and the reading was too spot on to ignore it any longer, so I took a deep nose dive into learning about HD and the outcome thus far has been amazing.
I’ve done well over 50 charts in the last 2 months and I’ve helped give so much insight to my friends and family’s and how they are wired and how the best handle this or that and how they best make decisions and why there is confliction in this area and so on.  HD is basically a system that gives you a blueprint of who you are. It’s unique to you and no one else’s chart will identically match yours. The system is just over 30 years old and was “downloaded” during a mediation by Ra Uru Hu after his encounter with “The Voice”. This system combines Astrology, the Kabbalah, the IChing and the Chakra System.
It isn’t something you have to believe in for it to work, it’s not a religion or spiritual practice and it’s not a rule book you HAVE to live by. It’s a guide, which is why I feel it works for me so well and is something I’m comfortable learning about and sharing with others as I go. 
Side note: to get your chart info you need your name, full DOB, exact birth time and the location in which you were born. 
There are 5 types in HD. Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor and Reflector. I’ll eventually go into more detail into each type and how they work and are wired, but today I am going to focus on my chart and touch on a few basic, insightful and helpful things. 
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Type - Projector 
Projectors make up about 20% of the population. They are referred to as the Guides in HD. They are non-energy types, so instead of them bringing the energy to the room, they take on the energy of the room and amplify it. 
Projectors are very insightful and can see right through people, but here is the thing, just because a projector may see something doesn’t mean they just walk up the person and tell them how it is. No, they need to WAIT for the invitation to speak to someone. Now that doesn’t mean a projector needs to stay at home and sit on their ass and not doing anything and wait around for someone to come invite them to something. It means they should work on themselves and develop what they’re good at and make themselves inviting, so that way the people for them will come to them with the invitation and recognition they’re wanting.
In my own life I know I am constantly trying something new or talking about what I am into and me putting that out there and it naturally draws people to me to ask “hey, what all do you put in your smoothie? “what yoga videos do you follow?” “where do you buy the stuff to cleanse you space?” “can you do my HD chart for me?” “can you do and oracle reading for me?” etc. Those are all invitations for me to speak up vs if I were to go and DM all these people and ask them if I can do their HD chart for them, if they want to buy this from me, blah blah (all of which by nature I am not a fan of doing) and they end up resenting me invite and then I end up bitter af, lol.
The key for projectors when it comes to work is to work smarter, not harder. Since protectors are non-energy types they need to conserve and utilize their time and energy. What may take someone else ALL day to do, a projector can do in a matter of hours because of their efficiency.
Projectors are very sensitive and empathetic by nature and are the type to NEED alone time to cleanse they aura from everything they’ve picked up during the day and recharge. I know I am someone who has be really mindful of who and what I surround myself with because I’ll take it on and projector is back into the atmosphere around me. Unless something or someone is a hell yes for me, it’s a hell no and when I need alone time I NEED alone time.
Strategy - To Wait for Invitation 
A projectors strategy is to wait for the invitation. I kind of touched on this above about how that doesn’t mean you sit around and do nothing, but instead focus on yourself and work on the things you want to be invited to or recognized for. A projectors aura is kind of like a billboard. If you want someone to see something or know something about you, then you need to work on it and put it on your billboard and talk about it and share it. I know that when I try and make all the plans with a friend and bring it to them I am immediately met with resistance vs me texting my friend about how nice a hike sounds and if they just so happen to ask if I’d like to go that weekend then that gives me a chance to accept or decline the invitation. 
Not-Self Theme - Bitterness
This coincides with what I said above as well. When a projector goes out there and tries to make all the things happen, and make the plans, and do do do and force everything they’re met with resistance and then end as a bitter bitch. I’ve learned this the hard way, lol. AGAIN, be inviting, but don’t do the inviting. Let people come to you. 
Definition - Triple-Split
A simple way this part of HD was explained to me was this kind of tells ya how you are in relationships. There are 4 types of definition. Single, Split, Triple-Split and Quadruple-Split. Since I am keeping today about my chart I’ll touch on what a being a Triple-Split is. Someone with this definition is someone who’s very independent and is also someone who naturally likes to be talking to 10 people at the same time (LOL ME), so with that being said people with this definition can have difficulties when it comes to monogamous relationships because one person doesn’t fill everything they need; which is amusing to me because I’ve always been one to talk to MULTIPLE people in a day, I am very independent and I like it that way, so when I have a friend I am talking to and they begin a new relationship with someone and stop talking to me as much I don’t understand it because I can have 10 convo’s going at one time and ALL they can do is talk to their boo, lol. But this just goes to show EVERYONE is different and that is OOOKAY. Both my husband and I are Triple-Split’s and part of me feels we work as well as we do because we’re both this way. 
Authority - Solar Plexus - Emotional 
When I found out I had an emotional authority, it made me emotional about being emotional which in turn made me emotional... lol. 
When it comes to authority it’s how you best make decisions. Being an emotional decision makers basically means you lives your life on an emotional wave, so when it comes to making decisions you want to make sure you’ve ridden the wave all the way out before making a decision. You want to be cool, calm and collected and clear vs really high on your way or really low because let’s say you make a decision when you’re REALLY excited, really sad, really mofo angry, you’re going to wake up the next morning and possibly feel COMPLETELY different and may not feel the same at all, so now you’re stuck in the decision you made and you may not be a fan of it anymore. Bottom line; wait it out at LEAST a day before making a decision.
Profile - Martyr - Heretic (3/5)
Someone who is a 3/5 is someone who lives by experience and after living the experience they’ll come back and want to tell everyone about it. The pros and cons, how they’d so something differently, etc, but on the flip side they are someone who is fearful of what they are sharing out of judgement of others, so they may end up not sharing out of fear, but they still have this passion to share. This has really shown up in my life and what I ended up doing for a long time was sharing what I thought people would find acceptable vs what I was really into. This has drastically changed as of this year. I’m still fearful, but I do it anyways.
I’ll go ahead and end today’s blog there to keep it more short and sweet and down the line I’ll continue to share what I am learning. 
Until next time...
Sarah, xo 
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July Reflections/August Intentions
Hiiiiiiiii. HOW IS IT AUGUST?!
July was a really family filled and fun month for me. I have zerrrro complaints outside of me hitting a pretty hard wall this past weekend. However, I now know that when I start to hit these kinds of wall I just need to be hermit for a bit and spend some time alone. Old Sarah would have numbed out with retail therapy, alcohol and sugar, but it’s just not my thing anymore. As of yesterday (8/1) I took a half day at work to where I didn’t go into work until 1pm. I know, I know. WHY TF would I not to request to leave at at noon? Well, here’s the thing. I like my quiet time in the mornings and that’s all I wanted, SO I went ahead and took half days for the remainder of the week, so I can have some solo me time for a few hours and then just go to work for 4 hours. Yesterday was sooo nice. I slept ‘til around 7:30, then got up and made my coffee, wrote out my intentions for the new month, went and got waxed, did some yoga, then went to work. I’m really excited to see what I end up doing the next few days. I maayyyyy go for a hike, to a coffee shop, who knows. I am just going to go wherever the wind takes me and enjoy every second of it. I’ve really learned this year that time alone is CRUCIAL for me. It only makes me a better Sarah when I can have some solo time.
EXCITING SIDE NOTE #1: I have a new niece!! Meet Madilynn Rayne McNab. 
EXCITING SIDE NOTE #2: Michael and I celebrated being married 1 year. <3
Annnywayssss. Movin’ on. 
I’ve been keeping my intentions pretty short and sweet the last few months and it just seems to work better for me. 
Nooooow to reflect. :) 
Lots of sunshine - dooonnneee. I got so much sun on the 4th that half of my legs are darker than the other half. ---_______---
Read Harry Potter - done and still reading! I’m almost done with the 2nd book. :)
Continue working on sticking handstand - done. This is a work in progress every day. However, I am able to stick one for about 15 seconds!
Work up to 10 pulls up - I’m able to do 5!!
Take Lucy on more adventures. <3 - DONE. Booboo and I went on SOOO many adventures this past month and it was so much FUN.
Keep spending to a minimum - done. I’ve been really well with this overall.
Find a new balance with spiritual practice - I really feel I’ve found a balance with this finally. My 5 a.m. mornings aren’t for me right now and I’ve accepted that it’s ok and it doesn’t make me any less spiritual. I still take time for myself either before work, on my lunch breaks or any other time I’m able to. 
Spend one night doing a cleansing ritual (bath, face mask, smudge, release writing, etc.) - I did this more than once. :) Not the bath part, but everything else I made a thing this past month.
July Oracle Cards - 
I started doing this thing where I’ll ask for insight on the new month and what I need to keep on my radar and looking back lasts month reading really played out throughout the entire month. I asked what I needed to focus on for July, what I needed to do, how I needed to do it, what others are mirroring back to me on it and the outcome if I put in the work and this is what I pulled... 
July - 26.) Healing in the dark 
What - 24.) Heart and soul lead & 9.) Speak up
How - 42.) The curiosity key
What are others mirroring back to me - 27.) The light inside 
Outcome - 34.) Fierce feminine 
It was very clear to me what this means. Last month I finally took the plunge and started to really learn about Human Design. It’s been following me for well over a year at this point, but I didn’t feel smart or capable enough to learn the system nor worthy enough to think ME of all people could learn and then in turn share my knowledge with others. Something I really struggle with is my self worth. I always have, but I also know that it’s something I need to work through and face my shadows on, so it doesn’t hinder me any longer. So the healing in the dark card was letting me I needed to heal that part of me that doesn’t feel worthy of a life outside of a 8-5 job and feeling like I can’t make a career out of what I’m passionate about because it’s just not true, and what I needed to do to heal this part of me was let my heart and soul lead and speak up about my passion and what I’m into and how I’d do that is to stay curious and follow the cookie crumbs which time and time again I kept going back to Human Design. It’s like it’s been following me and tapping me on the shoulder, so I when I finally turned around and let my curiosity take me where it has I ended up doing 40 Human Design charts in a 3 week period. FORTY. I started talking about it with friends, family, IG stories and just sharing what I was learning and I had friends asking me for more info on it, people DM me asking for me to do their charts for them, I have friends now doing charts for people in their lives, the list goes on. It’s been AMAZING and so fun and Human Design just clicks for me, and that goes to the next card about what others are mirroring back to me; the light inside. If others are mirroring my light back to me that means I’m doing exactly what I feel called to do by being a light to others. I really feel like I am here to not only be a light, but to give people the tools to better understand themselves and help them along their path when they may feel lost, scattered or whatever it may be. I want to be the person to offer them insight on their HD chart, numerology, maybe do an oracle reading for them or just be a listening ear or shoulder to cry on or someone to suggest a good crystals to use or help them cleanse their home from all the juju. When I have someone text me asking for an oracle reading or what I use to smudge or asking about something HD related everything in me just lights tf UP. Now for the outcome card it was on the fierce feminine which really does tie all this together. Part of the booklet on this card reads “One definition of fierce is, “showing heartfelt and powerful intensity.” While women have made many strides in culture and society, on a regular basis we still face oppression by tacit patriarchal agreements. One of which is the preference for women to be in constant pursuit of self-esteem, but very careful about expressing it once they acquire it. Another is that sure, it’s okay for us to strong and powerful, but not so strong and powerful that it makes other people uncomfortable. Other peoples discomfort with your power, your heart, and your full out femininity, is not your problem. Becoming comfortable with all of if yourself, and learning how to express it authentically, is however, your responsibility. What is your relationship to being fierce? Seeing fierceness through a positive, expansive, useful lens, how and where do you need to embrace it and apply it in your life right now?” When I read this card I knew it’d be a month of inner work and tapping into my inner fierceness and I really feel I have and am still working through my fears around being fierce and following my heart and facing my shadows and letting my heart and soul lead, but at least I’m doing it. It may not being an overnight thing, but at least I’m willing to do it. 
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For this month I’m really diving even further into Human Design (I plan to write a blog post or 2 on this topic and why it’s such a thing for me), being more conscious about my yoga practice and reading Harry Potter for fun. I have the itch to purge my home and I have a fun girls trip planned with my best friend. I’m also going to be doing a workshop that I’m really looking forward to that is all on shadow work. 
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That is all I have for now. :)
Until next time...
Sarah, xo
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June Reflections/July Intentions
June was a whirlwind for me. The first part of the month was spent carpooling to work with Michael because I didn’t have a car, so that affected my morning routine tremendously, and then my weekends seemed to just be go go go and before I knew it, it was already July. I did spend a lot of time at work reading and going on walks and I’ve taken Lucy on quite a few outdoor adventures, but June seemed to be a month of getting my new car and finding ways to squeeze in the things I enjoy most during my alone time. The first part of this year was very quiet for me and then at the end of April it just really picked up, so I am working to find a new sweet spot for my me time/spiritual practice and not judging the fact that it’s not EXACTLY the same.
Now onto my June Reflections. 😊
RELAX – in between the craziness of June I relaxed as much as I could.
Recharge – I’ve done a lot of recharging through reading, being outside and going to bed super early.
Yoga every day – if I’m being completely honest I only did yoga one day that I remember in June and all my others forms of exercise were through walks, hikes, pull-ups and handstands.
Meditate – anytime I was having a moment of panic I’d take a few moments to stop and take some deep breaths, but my mediation practice doesn’t look like it did back at the beginning of the year which is 100% ok, but I still fight with myself on the change.
Practice Reiki – again, I practiced a few times, but last month in the spiritual department changed quite a bit.
Keep spending to a minimum – I was really good about this last month!!
Spend time in nature – I spent so much time in nature. <3 my freckles are out in full force!
“Perfect” forearm stand – I had my tattoo on my arm touched up, so I’m not able to practice this right now, but I practice my hand stands daily. 😊
One social media free weekend – negative. I honestly forgot I made this an intention. Whoopsies.
Get a pedi – DONE.
Read – I started reading the Harry Potter books and am about a 1/4th of the way through the 2nd one. I’ve been reading on just about every single lunch break.
Wear crop tops and shorts often – done!!! so proud of myself for doing this!
Save, save, save – DOONNNEEE. I tripled my goal for what I was able to pay towards my debt in June.
Write a blog post on 25 things I’ve learned in my 25 years – done. 😊
Buy my new 2018 white Dodge Charger – DONE!!!!!
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For July I really just want to read Harry Potter, go for lots of walks/hikes, go swim at my dad’s pull and take Lucy on as many outdoor adventures that I can. <3
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That’s all for now. :D
Sarah, xo
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25 Things I’ve Learned in my 25 Years
Your childhood doesn’t define you.
It’s OK to not be OK.
There is a time, place, reason and season for everything and everyone in your life.
Social status isn’t everything.
You’re not in a race with anyone, so stay in your own lane and go at your own pace.
Learning to trust your intuition will become your greatest asset.
You don’t have to be religious to connect with the Universe and be spiritual.
Setting boundaries and communicating will keep your relationships healthy and strong.
Self-care isn’t selfish.
You are enough.
Saying “no” doesn’t make you a bad person.
Don’t stuff everything; give your emotions space. They’re there for a reason.
Excessive amounts of sugar, carbs, gluten and dairy aren’t your bff.
No one person can be your everything.
You can’t pour from an empty cup, so take the time to keep yours full.
Learn to surrender and trust the Universe. It ALWAYS has your back, even when you don’t see it.
Everything in moderation.
Budgeting and savings are vital.
Become a witness to life and the cards you’ve been dealt instead of a victim.
Spent time outside in nature and take the time to detox often. (social media, food, friends, family, alcohol, etc)
Healing childhood wounds and reparenting yourself are crucial.
Figure out your numerology, astrology and human design info. It’ll help more than you realize.
Cleanse your space often.
Check in on your friends/family frequently.
**Bonus** Speaking up and asking for help doesn’t make you weak.
Sarah, xo 
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The Story Behind My New Car
I feel compelled to share the back story of how I kind of out of nowhere upgrade my car because it wasn’t out of nowhere. 
Just to back up it up even further. I have a thing for Chargers and I have since I rented one back in 2013 and drove it all the way to NYC. I fell in love with everything about it and knew one day I’d own one.
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A year later almost to the date I bought my first Charger. His name was Alpha and the reasoning behind the name was I started the Charger trend. A friend of mine bought a Charger after driving mine, my brother rented a Charger one time for a road trip because he liked it so much and another brother of mine is into Charger’s and just last week we test driving them, but since I started it we named my grey Charger, Alpha. I loved that car SO much. I was very proud (still am) of that car. I was 20 when I bought it and it was solely in my name and I never once complained about my car payments because I worked my ass off to get to a place to be able to own a nice car. 
Growing up we always had fixer upper cars, cars without A/C, cars that had issues 24/7 and I told myself even as a little girl I didn’t want that for me and my life.
I know a lot of people say it’s not about the money and the cars and the house and the this and the that, but when you grew up in poverty and know the struggle and lived through it and you get to a place where you’re able to own something like your dream car, I feel it’s something to be proud of and I honestly see it as an accomplishment and that is exactly how I felt way back when and how I feel now. I don’t give a shit about a lot of materialistic things, but owning my dream car is one of those I give a shit about.
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Now onto Lotus...
Back in March when I spoke up about all things #metoo I went and stayed with a family/friend counselor of mine and my mom for the weekend to do some majooorrrr healing and after it was all said and done and we were doing a closing prayer I had this vision of a raging storm subsiding and the sun coming out and there was this beautiful rainbow and birds chirping and flowers blooming and it was just BEAUTIFUL, and then I saw a rather large tattoo on my left arm and I was in a white car, but not just any white car. It was a Charger.
I shared my vision with my mom and counselor and I just knew it was time for me to upgrade my car soon. To me it symbolized me leaving the grey parts of my life behind and stepping into the bright white light ahead of me. 
As the month went on I kept having this vision over and over and over again and I started drawing what I remembered seeing in my vision and came up with this. 
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I got the tattoo at the end of March and then I started seeing white Charger’s everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE. Not black ones, red ones, yellow ones...No, white. I kept pulling oracle cards about my hearts desire coming true and new opportunities and manifestion, the list goes on. I kept standing on my vision knowing my white Charger was coming to me and I just kept getting it’d be by my birthday and I’d get the car for $22k. I don’t know how I knew this, but I just did and I believed it. At least for a while until my birthday starting getting closer and closer and I started to get in my own head about it and back off from it and told myself I’d maybe wait a year and then try and whatever other excuse I could come up with, but then something happened... 2 weeks before my birthday I got in my car to head to work and it started violently shuttering. I got halfway to work and had to turn around and go back home because it wouldn’t stop shuttering. After work Michael and I started to change out the spark plugs, but had to finish it the next day because we lost daylight. The car started fine, but then started shuttering again and at this point I am hours away from heading to Florida for the weekend, so while I was away Michael worked on it with his uncle and they thought it was all good to go, but then it started shuttering...again. So that following Monday Michael dropped my car off at Christian Bro’s to have them look at it and the shuttering stopped and nothing was coming up when they pulled the codes, but they asked to keep the car overnight, so one of the technician could to take a better look under the hood and he discovered it was part of the transmission and it’d cost around $3k to fix it... (we also called Dodge and my powertrain warranty had just expired a few months prior. Lovey, I know.) 
Here’s the thing. I only owed $7k on the car before I had it paid off, so paying half of what I owed on something I wasn’t planning to keep much longer didn’t sound like the smartest thing to do, so I reached out to my dad asking for advise on what I needed to do and he blew UP my phone with so many helpful tips (Thanks, dad if you read this. You’re the best.) and really encouraged me to trade it in and buy a new car if I could. This really intimated me more so because part of me really didn’t feel worthy of a brand new car and I had no idea how much it’d cost and I just got REALLY overwhelmed, but thankfully I had my dad and Michael to help bring my down to earth and guide me along the way. 
On one of my lunch breaks I called my dad to ask a few question about trading in my car and he asked me what my car was actually doing and I told him that nothing was going on now and the shuttering stopped and blah blah and he stopped me mid sentence and told me to go trade in like NOW if I could. He told me dealerships are able to fix a car for a fraction of the cost and with it not doing anything and running just “fine” to go trade it in asap. 
The following morning I sat down and looked up Dodge dealerships in the area and to my surprised Dodge was having a sale on all their cars and for whatever reason when it came to the white Charger’s they were the cheapest color of them all, so I sent Michael 3 different location’s to call to set up test drives for the following weekend. 
I felt a bit scattered and overwhelmed sitting there trying to look for a car, so I stopped, took a breath and pulled an oracle card asking for insight and clarity and I pulled “The Traveller” - Adventure and Potential. A few parts of the card read “Following his intuition, he bounds gracefully into the unknown. He swiftly changes direction and zigzags to avoid complications. As a result of this ability, he’s comfortable in his own vulnerability.” and “With faith and optimism, allow yourself to flow with life.” After reading this I took a deep breath and started my search back up again and I heard very loud and clear when I went to look at one dealership my intuition say “They’re not going to have what you’re looking for, so don’t bother”. Intrigued by what I just heard I clicked on the website and sure enough they didn’t have a single white Charger. Not even one!! So I found 3 dealerships I didn’t get a yes or no on, but felt really drawn to 2 of them and when I went to keep looking I heard “You already found it, so why are you still looking?” So I just logged off the computer and went about my day after sending them to Michael to call and set up the test drive.
Come Saturday (my birthday) after brunch with the fam bam and nails with my bestie, Michael and I went to the dealerships to test drive. My dad told me not to answer a single money related question while I was there and to just leave our number with them after the test drive and we did just that and MAN WAS IS CHALLENGING. I have never been asked so many money related questions in my LIFE. Good thing it was hot outside because my face was beat red the entire time, but I stuck to my guns and did exactly what my dad told me to do. 
It was so hard leaving the dealerships after spending most of my birthday test driving and then going home, still carless and come Sunday I felt overwhelmed, depressed, helpless, scattered and felt like it wasn’t going to happen and that I’d end up having to get something I didn’t want, but I’ve learned at this point when I need some clarity on a situation the best thing I can do is take a deep breath and then pulls some oracle cards and on this morning in particular I am so thankful I did because it ended with me ugly crying on the couch, LMAO. 
I pulled...
Queen of Crystals - Comfort & Prosperity 
“Hedgehog is closely connected to the nurturing energies of Mother Earth. She is committed to what she believes in, and takes time to take care of that which is most important to her. Her quills are an embodiment of her protective nature, yet she is equally loving. She know how to take care of herself with and finesse, and she is a teacher of defense mechanisms against negativity. Take time to ground yourself with earth’s energies, as this will help you become more aware of opportunities in your reach. Security and prosperity are yours in you pursue practical solutions when setting goals. Keep in mind that a little common sense goes a long way.
21. The World - Fulfillment & Celebration
“The Guardian of the cosmos, Whale’s awareness of the world around her provides her with a deeper connection to all that is. In reaching her destination, she dives into the portal of new potential. She is here to call to mind that life is a continuous process of becoming. You’ve worked hard, and are nearing the finish line. Everything is successfully coming together. Celebrate your achievements. Your consciousness is moving toward higher levels. The insight you’ve acquired her empowered you with a deeper connection to the energies around and within you.”
“Achievement will come with time and patience. It is time to face challenges in order to reach your goal.”
The of Feathers - Decisions & Direction
“Peaceful Gecko is adept at moving between the worlds of subconscious and the conscious. She taps into a balance of forces to clear the mind. bringing truth to light. She’s accustomed to facings fears, and is preparing herself to choose her next direction. Gecko reminds you that you have the power to unleash the energies needed to deliver a clear outcome. Speak your truth, and do not allow indecision to hold you back. Open your eyes so that you may see your options more clearly. Seek solutions from within, and have patience with yourself. There will be a knowing within your higher-consciousness when it is time to act.” 
“Avoid making a rash decision when the mind is unclear. Give yourself time before making a commitment.”
It was made VERY clear how ungrounded I was and how vital being grounded would be in making a decision on my car. I also needed to be PATIENT and trust my gut when the time came to make a move and in the end every little thing would be alright. 
After this reading going into the next week when I knew we would start negotiating I held onto needing to remain as calm as I possibly could, stay grounded and not to act irrationally just because I wanted the car already and I did just that.
One dealership called back Monday, the other Tuesday and we never heard back from the 3rd one. (Side note: I KNEW in my gut this one wouldn’t call us back and this is the same dealership when I was doing my research I got an eh feeling on.) The first dealership to call us back was more than eager to make an offer on the car, but Michael didn’t call them back the same day they called and waited until at least one more dealership called us back, so come Tuesday he was playing phone tag between dealers and the 2nd one wasn’t going to budge on the price and Michael said the guy just kind of gave up too easily (we also never heard back from them after the first call), so when he called the 1st dealership back they said they would match ANY price the other dealership offered and would take at least another $500 off the cost of the car. Michael did some more research on the trade in value of the car I was wanting and said that the deal they were offering was already preeetttyyy close to the trade in value of the car and that we should maybe consider calling them back. Our main hesitation was HOW eager they were to sell us on the car and it being too good to be true and we’d drive all the way up there all just to walk out, but Michael decided to call and ended up leaving a voicemail for them to call us back.
I felt so defeated after leaving work Tuesday. I had 2 different arguments with friends that day, my computer at work wasn’t working and I was stuck on the phone with IT for over an hour and I JUST WANTED MY DAMN CAR, so when I got home I crawled into bed and cried my eyes out and had a moment where I was so ANGRY with the Universe. So. Unbelievably. Angry. and I said a prayer along the lines of being so over it and frustrated and overwhelmed and why would you give me this vision and time frame and then it not happen and I needed help and didn’t want to deal with this anymore and blah blah blah and juuuuuuust as I finished this prayer/rant Michael LITERALLY opened the door and said “Richardson just called back and said they’d make it worth our while if we can be there in an hour, so get ready and let’s go.”
I almost peed myself because I had just finished ranting and praying and crying and then he came in the room with that kind of news. I honestly feel it took that very last bit of trust AND surrender and the Universe really stepped in
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When we got up to the dealership we sat down with the sales guy and he asked what we were trying to get the car for what our max was and wrote it all down and walked away to speak to his manager and came back with a deal they were willing to do, but then after tax, title, etc. it was over what I was willing to spend when it was all said and done, and to top it off the dealer adds tint to the cars, nitrogen to the tires and put some sort of bolts on the tires that help with the breaks and this add on was a little over $800 and tacked on to the price of the car. 
We told him we couldn’t go over $25k AFTER taxes, title, etc and if we couldn’t get under that we wouldn’t be able to do anything, so he stepped away again to talk to his manager and came back and said the manager was willing to eat the cost of the add on’s and bring it down by XXX amount. After he gave us all this info I asked him to step away for a few minutes, so I could talk to Michael about it without him there, so I could do the math myself and make sure it added up and after taking off the discounts from the sale and the add on’s being taken off and everything the car itself came up to $22,350!!!!!!!!!!! The number I kept seeing and hearing ever since I had the vision of my new car. 
Just for some perspective the car was listed for $29,995 and we talked them all the way down to $22,350. O_________o I honestly couldn’t believe it, but also could at the same time because I knew I was falling that still small, voice. 
So we get out-the-door price signed and dated and mention the trade in, so he went out to appraise it and came back a few minutes later and said they were willing to give us $6k and the only thing they were docking us on was the hail damage (which was pretty bad), but outside of that everything else was good. This WHOLE time I was honestly the most worried about the trade in, so to hear they were willing to give me $6k for it I was blown away. I again, asked him to step away so Michael and I could discuss everything and we agreed on it being a great deal and should go with it, so we did. 
Thennnnn came financing... at this point it’s 10pm and anyone that knows me knows I don’t play around when it comes to sleep and they already have me up waaay past my bedtime, so to be talking numbers this last was the LAST thing I wanted to be doing. I was tired, hungry, hadn’t eaten dinner, had a pounding headache and just wanted my car, food and my bed. 
I had already been pre-approved for a loan through my CU, so I wasn’t worried about the financing part, but the guy looked at my APR and said he really thought he could do better and just to give him a shot and ultimately it couldn’t get any worse, only better. My dad warned me about this part of the process, but also told me not to get hung up on who I financed through because sometimes there were incentives for financing through the dealership, so I looked him in the eyes and told him I was ONLY willing to hear him out if he was able to lower my APR, give me GAP coverage and that was it. Period. The end. Not interested in add on’s, no extra fees and if they came up I wasn’t interested. His eyes got all big and he slid back in his chair and put his hands up in the air and was all “ok ok ok! I get it.” Even Michael kind of looked at me all “OK SPICY” but I wasn’t about to play around with this guy and again, I was tired, over it, hungry, and wanted to go home. 
WELL, he was able to get my APR lowered by an additional 1%, I was eligible for another incentive through Dodge for financing through them and it took me from the red in equity, to green/even and he was able to buy the rate down and add a 3 year warranty and no additional cost to me and I got my GAP coverage I wanted and my payments were lower than they would have been if I had stuck with going through my CU. 
BOOM. bam. thank ya, ma’am.
So to sum it all up...
I got a $30,000 car for $22,000, the free tint/nitrogen/bolt package, got every upgrade I wanted in a new car (tint, bluetooth, remote start, reverse camera), a great trade in and came out completely clean/even with me financing through them since I got that extra $1,000 and I got a BRAND NEW 2018 White Dodge Charger. <3
Couple of side notes: 
1.) I found my old paperwork from my original Charger when I was cleaning it out and discovered that I actually paid MORE for my used, already had 16k miles on it Charger than I did this brand new one by $3,000. This just goes to show the power of doing your research, calling your dad for help, having an amazing husband who made all the calls leading up to going up the dealership and negotiating.
2.) When we went outside to look at the car I saw a sharpie size black line all the way across the side of my car on both sides and thought it was a little odd, but didn’t view it as a big deal, but then the next morning I looked at it a little closer and it was a grey line and a black line and it IMMEDIATELY reminded me of the NYC black Charger and My grey Charger, so as silly as it may sound to some it really made me feel like they were still with me in a way and anytime I look at it reminds me off ALL the memories I had with those 2 cars and where I am now.
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3.) Right as I got in my new car a song started playing on the radio and it immediately brought tears to my eyes when I started to drive away and saw my grey Charger in the rear view mirror. It was “Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns and some of the lyrics go something like this - 
“Oh what I would do to have The kind of faith it takes  To climb out of this boat I'm in Onto the crashing waves  To step out of my comfort zone Into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is And He's holding out His hand But the waves are calling out my name  And they laugh at me Reminding me of all the times  I've tried before and failed The waves they keep on telling me Time and time again. "Boy, you'll never win!" "You'll never win!" But the voice of truth tells me a different story The voice of truth says, "Do not be afraid!" The voice of truth says, "This is for My glory" Out of all the voices calling out to me I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth Oh what I would do to have The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant With just a sling and a stone Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors Shaking in their armor Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand But the giant's calling out my name  And he laughs at me Reminding me of all the times  I've tried before and failed The giant keeps on telling me Time and time again. "Boy you'll never win!" "You'll never win! "But the stone was just the right size To put the giant on the ground And the waves they don't seem so high From on top of them lookin' down I will soar with the wings of eagles When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus Singing over me I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth” 
I wouldn’t have been able to pick a more perfect song. This whole entire experience rocked my WORLD, but despite how many times I may have spiraled or felt lost or unworthy or scared, I still followed the voice of truth because I knew I had that vision for a reason and had it been me trying to make it happen by myself without all the help I had, it wouldn’t have happened and I know that, but with the Universe all things are possible and am taken care of and provided for and guided and can have the true desire’s of my heart.
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With all that being said... 
Meet Lotus. :)
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Until next time...
Sarah, xo
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May Reflections/June Intentions
Hiyaaaa. :) 
It’s been a minute since I’ve been able to blog!
The last 2.5 weeks have been hectic af and I’ve been carpooling with Michael to work every day the last 2.5 weeks and have to come into work when he does which is 7am, so I lose an hour of my me time in the mornings. So yoga, blogging, meditating, all the things haven’t been going how I prefer them to, but it’s life and sometimes shit happens and you just have to adjust and keep going, so that’s what I’ve been doing.
I’m in the works of upgrading my car in a way I wasn’t exactly planning to, but back in March I had a vision of a lotus tat on my arm (which I have) and I was in a new car and since then I have been holding onto that vision and speaking life to it and I’m not sure why I kept thinking/saying/believing it’d be my my birthday, but I did and as I saw my birthday getting closer and close I started to back out even though I felt like it was time I was still fighting it. Well, rewind to 2.5 weeks ago my car basically went kaput and the cost to fix it is half of what I owe on the car and not worth it to me to fix with me not wanting to keep the car much longer. SO Michael and I have been researching, calling family, test driving, making calls and applying for a loan to get the ball rolling. 
Anywayssss. Moving on. 
May felt like a month long, sporadic vacation filled with seeing all of my favorite people and I LOVED it. The go go go of 6 straight weekends of non-stop planning really started to wear on me at the end and then everything happened with my car and I’ve felt a bit scattered and anxious the last few days, but like I said above it’s part of life sometimes and I’m taking things as they come to the best of my ability and I have an amazing support system behind me when I feel myself spiraling or stressed out.
Below I’ll list my intentions for May, but all in all May was a very fulfilling and fun month which was my main intention.
No social media - I made it 3 weeks without social media! Best/worst 3 weeks of my life.
Read more books - done - I started around 4-5 books and am reading them when I’m able make the time. :)
Learn and practice reiki - done - any time I meditate I practice reiki
Map out savings game plan and see how much can be put towards debt - done - I hit around the same goal as I did last month!! I’m so close to going from 5 digits to 4!! 
Keep carb and sugar intake low - DONE. I seem to thrive best on low carb/sugar. I’ve found I get REALLY anxious and jittery when I have too many carbs/sugar 
Blog more - done! I believe in May I posted 4 different blogs!!
Try Branch Basics - I wasn’t able to get around to ordering this, but it’s still on my list of things to try out. :)
Try CBD oil - DONE. Love it, and use it every.single.day. I use CBD oil, honey, mascara, serum, lotion, all the things!
Find a vegan mascara that works - Found one and LOVE it.
Work on handstand - worked on it and am still working on it. I’m getting stronger and stronger each and every day.
Start car search - started!! and in the processing of negotiating and such as of the last few days. 
HAVE FUN <3 - DOONNNEEEE. I had so so so so so much FUN in May. 
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June so far has been a liiiiitle hectic not going to lie, but life doesn’t always go as we plan and that’s ok. I’m learning to be ok with not being ok and taking every day as it comes. My main intention for June is to RELAX, so I’m hoping that when the dust settles with me upgrading my car I can better focus on a month of rest and relaxation and getting back into the swing of my normal routine. I will say though this whole not having a car at the moment thing has kept me home, so maybe it was all part of the Universe’s plan. Who knows. ;)
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That is all I have for now. I have a few other blog idea to bring to life, but my main focus of getting my new car right now, so it’ll have to wait, but I wanted to get this blog out since I’ve had my intention written down since the beginning of my month.
Until next time. <3
Sarah, xo
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I’ve been Dealing with Impostor Syndrome
“Who am I to think I can help people?” 
“Who am I to say I’m a lightworker?”
“Who am I to think my voice and message are worthy of being heard?” 
I’ve also had thoughts about stopping my blog because this family member said that or what if I offend someone or what if someone judges how my blog is written and what I talk about or what if someone is being a grammar nazi and judges how I write and the only reason they read it is to be nosy and judge me as a person and are running to a family member to get more details about something they have no busy knowing?
The list goes on.
But here’s the thing. I grew up feeling less than, like me, my feelings, and my life didn’t matter, that my voice wasn’t worthy of being heard and that I needed to live my life how everyone else told me to do so and I refuse...let me repeat. REFUSE to let others dedicate how I live my life or how I feel. 
Sharing more personal things about my life is like a double edge sword because I’m subject to be judged, but I’m also reaching people I wouldn’t have before with me opening up and being vulnerable and real about my life, and all the ups, downs, twists, turns, struggles and heartache I encounter.
With all this being said I wanted to share a few cards from a handful of readings I’ve had the last few weeks that have really helped me push past my own self doubt along with the judgement of others. 
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These 4 cards alone made my day. They really spoke to my soul and the burning fire I have within me to be a light to others. I interpreted these cards as I have a light to shine and need to let it shine and to not worry about everyone else and their judgement towards it, and that my happily ever after of the heart’s desires I have will come to pass in due time, and that I need to focus on manifesting these desire’s and not let my fear based doubts interfere with it, and the impossible can and will be made possible with me staying true to who I am as I continue to heal myself from the inside out and let my light shine.
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A few weeks ago I pulled the card “Arise” 3 times. THREE. This doesn’t happen to me and it was back to back to back. There’s a 1 in 44 chance I’d pick this card and it happened 3 days in a row. If that doesn’t say “PLEASE LISTEN AND PAY ATTENTION” I’m not sure what would. Just looking at the picture I feel like the girl was me. Too scared to look up, didn’t feel worthy, living in doubt, all the things, but the Universe was just waiting there for me to look up and “arise” to my life’s purpose and cast my fears and self-doubt aside.
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Later that week I pulled these bad boys and how interpreted these were I needed to embrace the challenges before me and surrender my fears and doubts to the sacred fire aka The Universe, so they could be purified, and in doing so I needed to focus and stay consistent with my spiritual practice and really dedicate time to what I am reading and learning about and share my journey as I go and in doing so if I surrendered and stayed consistent endless abundance would follow. 
just wow. 
My bestie also gave me the best little pep talk the other day when I was having a moment. Thanks, boo. <3
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Story time before I continue. I pulled these 3 cards last week and that same DAY I had someone reach out to me asking for spiritual advise, a few days later a family member notice the shift in me as a person and asked where they needed to start first with their healing journey, someone else who had never asked me for a reading wanted me to do one for them, another person made me aware they started yoga because I inspired them to do so. 
2018 has been a big year of surrender for me because lezzbeerealll I’m human, you’re human, we ALL have our doubts and fears, but we can make the choice to either let that hold us back or surrender these things to The Universe and keep pressing forward and for me with all this magic happening around me...Well, Ima keep pressing on.
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Now onto today’s cards. :)
The “Inner Power” card part of the booklet said “Heaven needs the lightworkers of the world, including you, to realize and utilize their power. By drawing this card you’re being asked to release any fears you may have about being powerful.” There’s that word “lightworker” again. For most of the year I pulled “detox” cards and then it was almost overnight I started pulling cards where at least once a week I’ll pull a card that will touch on lightworking and how I’m a lightworker and that I need to step into my lightworker abilities.
The main reason I am sitting here right now talking about this is because of the “Moving Forward Fearlessly” card. It talked about how the gut feelings, dreams and strong impulses I’ve been having aren’t just wishful thinking and it advised that I’d take at least one step today to make my dreams a reality. One of my biggest, scariest dreams for a very long time was to start a blog and share my life in a more intimate way, so here I am despite the haters and my own self-doubt sharing my story and journey as I go because I do have something to say and my voice is worthy of being heard and my light is worthy of shining.
Until next time...
Sarah xo
P.S. To all the grammar nazi’s out there. I am not here to be graded on what I write or how I write it. You’re lucky I even proofread what I write in the first place to make sure everything is spelled correctly.
Have a nice day. :)
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Sarah Salinas aka A Lightworker
Hiiiiii. :)
I’ve really been looking forward to this post, but I knew it was going to be a longer post and I wanted to make sure I was ready to share it.
I’m currently typing this on my husband Michael’s new PC we built 2 days ago and the keyboard is sooooo loud. I love it and it makes me want to type even faster. I have my super fancy coffee concoction next to me and my essential oils (peppermint & frankincense) diffusing. 
The last mmmmm 9 months I’ve done a complete 180. 2017 was a really big year of addiction for me. Addiction to food, toxic friends, alcohol, shopping, sugar, etc. I was severely depressed and by nature I’m not a super emotional person,but I cried more than I didn’t. I was good at hiding what was really going on thanks to social media and pretty pictures and I would focus my energy and attention on “fixing” and taking care of the people around me instead of focusing that energy on healing myself and finding the root cause to all my addictions and wounds.
Last fall I sat down one night and wine didn’t taste the same, candy gave me acid reflux and felt like it would get stuck in my throat, I was “losing” friends left and right and I racked up $10k in debt and interest was just building and building, so I cold turkey stopped spending money on anything outside of bills, groceries and gas. Just for some perspective I was debt free all of 2016, so there was legit zero reason for me to be in the debt I was, but because I just spiraled out of control shit hit the fan and I couldn’t stop. 
The alcohol stopped, impulsive spending stopped, sugar stopped, all the things... and come December I had this strong urge to purge my entire apartment. I threw out well over half my possessions and my goal was that everything needed to be purged and cleaned out before the new year because I was going to start a new routine, yoga, meditation, and all the woowoo things y’all read about now. 
On New Years Eve I pulled an oracle card that read “The time is here, the time is now.” I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but I trusted it. I started my yoga practice, 5am mornings, cleaning up my diet, meditation, smudging my space on the reg, and I kept pulling oracle cards on detoxing and being a light. It didn’t make sense to me at all, but I kept detoxing. Some of this was willingly and the other part I feel the Universe honestly had to step in and take over because I can be a very stubborn person.
I had someone come into my life and mirror to me how much I needed to heal my sexual abuse wounds and as soon as I did that back in March this person filtered out my life within a matter of weeks, but I’m so thankful for the super short season I had with this person because had it not been for them mirroring this wound back to me I really don’t believe I would have ever spoken up about when I was rapped 6 years ago and used/manipulated 4 years ago by 2 different people.
Within the last 2 months at this point I’ve had some really cool things happen. A life long friend reached out to me and asked if I had any tips to help her with a certain area of her life she was struggling with, 3 friends have started blogs because mine inspired them so much, I had another friend ask me about oracle cards and where to buy them, another text me asking about where I buy palo santo, my mom has called and asked me to pull an oracle card for her, the list goes on. It’s been AMAZING and makes me so happy. 
Now let’s back it up to maybe a month ago. 2 things happened. 1.) I pulled a “New Opportunity” oracle card and 2.) I had a really magically convo with a friend of mine. So with the new opportunity card that same day my boss at work reached out to me about a position opening at work and wanted to see if I wanted to apply for it, so I did, but here’s the thing. My oracle card said to not attach to my idea of what I think this new opportunity was and let it unfold in it’s own timing and the opportunity would be so amazing and reveal itself in a way that was amusing, so at work I cast my net and applied and went about my life. Well, I want to say around the time my boss let me know they had found someone else for the position I had a really interesting convo with a friend of mine (someone I had just within maybe a week or so had reconnected with) and we were making plans for me to go hang out with her and I had this urge to ask if I could bring my oracle cards and palo santo and she told me she would LOVE for me to bring them and then I asked her about burning rituals and yoga and if she’d be up for that and she was down for those as well, and then all the sudden after sending this I felt this really tight, but heavy and sad feeling in my chest, so I asked her if this was something she had been experiencing lately and she told me she had been feeling that way. So at this point I’m BUZZING and I’m hot and cold and just mind blown by this convo I’m having and I remember sending her a text saying that I really love being a light for others and holding space and being compassionate and giving them tools and blah blah blah and I looked up from my phone after sending this text and I looked at saw the number 59 in 3 different places on my computer back to back and I just knew there was a message in that, so I looked up what angel number 59 meant and LOOK AT THIS.
Number 59 is a mix of the vibrations of the numbers 5 and 9.Number 5 resonates with learning life lessons through experience, personal freedom and free-will, important life changes and making positive choices, motivation and progress, versatility and adaptability. Number 9 brings its attributes of lightworking and humanitarianism, leading by positive example, Divine and inner-wisdom, generosity and benevolence, the Universal Spiritual Laws and karma,spiritual enlightenment and awakening. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.
Angel Number 59 is a message from your angels that sweeping, positive changes are ahead of you. You are asked to let go of the ‘old’ with love and gratitude and make room for the ‘new’ to enter your life. Be assured that these life changes will have long-term positive effects on many levels.
Angel Number 59 is a message that changes in your life will align you with your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and the angels encourage you to live and fulfill yourlightworking duties and destiny. It is time to shift your focus from the material to the spiritual.
Angel Number 59 also suggests that changes made to your career or profession will bring you greater personal fulfilment on many levels. It is a prompt to put your focus towards beginning or expanding your spirituality as yourlightworking skills and talents are greatly needed by the world. It may be encouraging you to begin (or expand) a spiritually-based practice, profession and/or career. Theangels ask you to shine your light brightly to illuminate the way for others.
Angel Number 59 is a message that it is time for you to embrace your life mission and soul purpose and focus upon your passions.”
like WHAT!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I mean I could, but couldn’t. It all made sense to me in that moment. I’ve been doing all this inner work and detoxing and cleaning out and healing and strengthen my spiritual practice and speaking up and sharing what I’ve been learning, so I can be a light and help others do the same, but it HAD to start with me. 
But it didn’t stop there... it only got better.
So a week later Reiki came up and I did some research I found a course with a series of reading material and decided to purchase it and start learning about Reiki and within the first parts of the book everything came that much more together. With Reiki you need to be a clean, clear and open vessel. Meaning alcohol isn’t the best idea, sugar, chemicals, etc. ALL THE THINGS I’VE BEEN DETOXING FROM. These things dim your light and I mean if I’m supposed to be this lightworker I want to be the brightest and clearest light I can be, so it made me so happy and thankful that I was already ahead of game and cleared my body of all these things cause I can tell you right now if Reiki would have come up for me in 2017 and I read that I needed to stop drinking and eating the things I was and such I wouldn’t have done it. The Universe’s timing is always perfect and in that moment I believed it 10x more than I did before. 
So for May I decided on no social media because as much as I love IG I was wasting so much time on it and I really wanted to focus on learning about Reiki and incorporating it into my life and I wanted all the outside noise to be little to nothing and again...SOMETHING REALLY COOL HAPPENED. 
Awhile back in numerology I learned I’m a life path 1 (the leader), expression 11 (sensitive/intuitive) and heart’s desire 7 (the seeker) and when I found out I was an 11 it just confirmed so much for me. One of those things being that when I have a vision or dream or a strong gut feeling or get chills it’s for a reason and with me quieting all the outside noise around me I started to hear things. Like that still small voice you’ve maybe read about in the bible. This voice is very quiet, soft, but it’s become so clear and at first I didn’t understand why it felt like I was talking to myself or having the thoughts I was having and I really questioned it because at that point it wasn’t normal for me to hear this voice at all. I either felt or saw it. 
One morning I was doing Reiki on myself and I laid down and turned on some music and just laid there with my hands on my chest and I heard very softly and clear “move your hands to your root chakra” and it was almost like my hands became this magnet and just moved themselves to my root chakra and I just focused on breathing in this bright white light with a mixture of red and then I heard “move up” and my hands moved my my next chakra (sacral) and this repeated itself through each chakra and as soon as I laid my hands back on my chest the music stopped. So I sat up and was like “wtf just happened”? I felt so clear and just high in a sense and when I got up to turn on the lights two of them shattered. Nowwwwwwww I’m not saying I made them go out, buuuut the timing was interesting to say the least. I also pulled 2 oracle cards that morning and one of them said “Trust Your Intuition” and I was like “Yeah, yeah, cool. I already do that.” and went about my morning, but what didn’t click for me in that moment was what the card meant was trust that still, small voice I was hearing.
SO fast forward to my lunch break I went go to get my oil changed and as soon as I grabbed my keys and went to walk to my car I heard very clearly, but softly “don’t go get your oil changed today” and I questioned it and was trying to rationalize and make sense of why I was having this random thought and kept walking to my car and I shit you not the ENTIRE 5 minute drive to the oil change place I heard “don’t go get your oil changed today” and as soon as I pulled up the shop, got out of my car and went to sit down and wait someone backed into my car..............I was more upset at the fact that I heard “don’t go get your oil changed today”  and I didn’t listen. Sure, it was upsetting someone hit my car, but like I KNEW not to go and didn’t listen... buuuuut on my drive home I was audio messaging my friend Briee and it hit me that this kiiiiind of had to happen to get my attention enough to know that when I hear that still, small voice to liiissttteennnnn. So long story short, I won’t be questioning it in the future. LMAO. A few days after this event I had another little thing happened where I heard “grab your fairy cards”, so I did and I went to break room at work and said my prayer and asked for the card I needed to fall out of the deck in whatever number the universe saw fit and I kept hearing “close your eyes” and ima be real honest here and say I didn’t listen at first because I was at work and I had to eyes opened just in case someone walked by, but finally I listened and 2 cards somehow landed on top of my hand and I picked them up and heard “those aren’t your cards, put them back.” So did and then heard “close...your...eyes” so I finally listened and heard “shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, pull the top card” and this is the card I pulled. (see below)
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I literally laughed out loud because again, the universe is testing me to see if I’ll listen when I hear that still, small voice. It’s a working progress, but I’m getting there. 
I have onnnnee more thing I want to add to this very long post. I was reading in the chakra part of my Reiki course and there was a section on sitting down and doing this writing exercise and answering these question associated with each chakra and I was reading each one something clicked. So with the chakra system you want to start from the ground up, so root up. Cause if you’re not grounded, expressing yourself creatively or aren’t strong in who you are as a person you...well, life is just going to feel off and crazy. I’m going to go ahead and share the questions asked in this course just in case they may help someone else. I’m only go to go as far as my heart chakra because that’s where I’m currently at with clearing my chakras. 
Root Chakra - 
What negative traits did your father mirror to you for your learning?
What positive traits did your father mirror to you?
What negative traits did your mother mirror to you for your learning?
What positive traits did your mother mirror to you? 
What negative traits have your mate/spouse/partner mirrored?
What positive traits has this person mirrored?
Is there a theme or drama in your life playing out over and over again - something that appears through different situations, old fears or negative thoughts?
What makes you angry?
Have there been power struggles in your relationship?
Have there been people in your life who tried to control you and/or take away your power?
Have you experienced a win - win situation whereby you presented your viewpoint while allowing the other person to express their own? Write these down. Did the experience give you a good feeling?
Are there any beliefs or thought that are keeping you from becoming your best and living up to your greatest potential?
So for me personally with my root chakra within the last year and half I’ve taken the time to sit down and write “fuck you” letters to both of my parents. I put myself in the headspace of the little girl in me that didn’t understand my parents divorce, why my dad didn’t want me, why my mom never stood up for me and so on. The pages were tear filled and super long, but when I said my forgiveness prayer and burned it I really did feel this peace come over me and my relationship with both of them has gotten so much better since then. I found the root cause of my anger was linked to my mom of all people because of how much her suppression was mirrored to me growing up I thought it was never ok to speak up, stand up for myself or speak my truth. The repeating drama in my life showed up in friendships and I wholeheartedly believe it was linked to the poor relationships I had with my parents. Since healing my little girl wounds the repeating cycle of HELL has completely stopped and I’m able to stand my ground, speak up and communicate with all my amazing friends and have healthier friendships.
Sacral Chakra - 
How strong are the soul fragments you have created that feed on guilt regarding others?
On the guilt regarding your past actions?
On guilt regarding your performance? (or having to be perfect)
Do you frequently judge and criticize yourself?
Do you judge others?
How do you feel about your body?
How do you feel about the opposite sex?
How do you feel about sex?
Do you have sexual issues that need to be resolved or healed?
What are your addictions?
Have you acknowledged and begun the process of embracing your addictions so these can be healed and transmuted into a more positive form?
Have you cultivated any over indulgent traits?
Have you acknowledged and embraced your over indulgent traits so these can be healed and transmuted into a more positive form?
Are you able to give and receive freely?
I really started to work on my sacral chakra unknowingly at the end of last year by stopping the alcohol, sugar, shopping addictions and then the sexual trauma/guilt/shame/body issues surfaced and I’ve since then healed from that. Sacral in check = COMPLETE
Solar Plexus Chakra - 
Are you becoming more aware when you are being bombarded by emotional energy being dumped into your auric field by another?
are your learning to set firm boundaries and conditions in a respectful and compassionate way?
Can you handle power situations by not reacting in an ego-centric way?
Do examine your closest relationships to determine who is siphoning off your emotional energy? Name several.
Are you dependent on the energy of another?
Do you set guidelines for your children appropriate for their ages?
Do you teach by example rather than by setting rules to be blindly followed?
Do you treat your children the same way your parents treated you by saying the same things and using the same methods? Name several instances. How did each of these makes you feel?
Am I ready to end relationships with people that I have “outgrown” or try to move them a higher level?
Can I love and bless others while allowing them to follow their own path, as I choose to follow mine?
Have you reacted to the emotional needs of others rather than by fulfilling your own needs is an assertive, yet loving way?
Can you calmly state your truth when challenged by someone? 
Man, oh man, does this hit home for me. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. I’ve REALLY been working on this and knowing when to speak my truth and stand my ground. I’m very aware of when I’m being someone’s dumpster and something I’ve really had to work on is not always being on for everyone and immediately available. Not saying I ignore everyone and don’t text back because that isn’t like me to do that, but if I want to wait awhile because I’m doing something else it’s ok to do so. I’ve also been learning when and where to say no and stick to it. I’ve noticed that since I’ve been inwardly making these changes and speaking up about them I don’t attract the “vampires” is what I’ll call them. You know the people that only take take take from you and give you nothing in return. Yeah, not about that life anymore. 
Heart Chakra - 
Are you growing more aware of the heart centered emotions you feel?
Can you truthfully say that you are beginning to listen to your “angel heart” which radiates love and acceptance to you and those around you?
Do you prevent others from learning their lessons when encountering their difficulties by giving too much kindness - by doing it from them?
Can you allow others to return kindness to you by accepting both giving and receiving in a gracious and balanced way?
Have you experienced feelings of unworthiness or of not being loved?
Have you tried following the patterns to these feelings back to a source point?
What did you discover?
Are there people in you life you need to forgive? Name them.
Are there things or events that occasionally bother you and that you feel you should be forgiven for? List these.
Now I’m only as of the last few days working on this energy center, so I don’t have much to add to it outside of saying I’m working on it. It was revealed to me very clearly in an oracle card that I’ve “graduated” from clearing my solar plexus and have moved up to my heart space, so I’m excited to see what all unfolds in the days to come with this energy center because I do know this is an area I need to desperately work on and heal. I’m not perfect, but I’m willing to at least turn around and face what I need to face in the area of forgiveness and acceptance. 
MAN THIS WAS A LONG POST. I’ve been working on it for 3 hours non-stop. Phew. I beeeliiieevveee I got everything I wanted/needed to get out, out.
Until next time...
Sarah, xoxo
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Keto Friendly Month
Back in April one of my main intentions was to eat more keto friendly. I say “friendly” because on the weekends if I wanted crispy tacos with rice from Chipotle or a gluten free pizza every other week I was going to eat it, but during the week I really did watch my carb and sugar intake. 
The first week and a half was absolutely TERRIBLE. I had a building migraine that would start when I’d wake up every morning and I’d be at the point of tears come the end of the day. I hear that the “keto flu” can be a thing and I think it got me. On day 4 I was so miserable my boss (who’s AMAZING) let me go home on the spot, so I could rest and recover. I slept probably 3 hours, then woke up and went back to bed for the night 3 hours later and slept for 12. 
Starting in the middle of week 2 I started to feel much better, but I honestly feel it was solely because I didn’t have a headache anymore, but my energy levels weren’t super high or anything. I did find that I wasn’t near as hungry as I know I could be an I wasn’t eating much for dinner at all, so about halfway through I asked Michael if we could plan to not cook anything for week 3 and see how it’d go and I was more snacky come dinner time and would either eat something like bacon and eggs or a phat bomb or two, but a full blown dinner would have gone to waste because I just wasn’t hungry in the evenings. One thing about me is that before keto I’d come home HANGRY for anything sugar every single day, so the fact that I my blood sugar was still fine made me really happy. I started sleeping better, any acid reflux I had before went away, I wasn’t bloated or gassy and my mood was super stable vs up and down depending on what’d I’d eat like in the past and the very last week was probably my best week because I’d wake up every morning ready to go and I’d have energy all day long and instead of feeling up or down or left or right I just felt in the middle and calm all day long which for me is great because pre-keto I felt easily scattered. 
I’ll go ahead and share my breakfast, lunch and dinner just in case anyone is wondering who reads this. 
For breakfast I’d have my typical BP coffee and fab4 smoothie.
Recipe #1:
Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee
1 tsp MCT oil
1 tbsp ghee
1 scoop collagen peptides
2 tsp monkfruit
2 tsp maple syrup (I found one that is sweetened with monkfruit)
sprinkle of cinnamon or pumpkin spice
Recipe #2:
1.5 cups almond milk
1 tbsp almond butter
1/4 frozen berries
1/2 cup frozen zucchini
1 scoop vegan vanilla protein powder 
2 cups spinach 
Michael made some strawberry cheesecake and chocolate chip cookie dough phat bombs one week. They were amazingggggg and both keto friendly.
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I also made some phat fudge and homemade cool whip. NOM.
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This sweet potato bread isn’t keto, but is made with real foods, minimal sugar and is DELICIOUS. I got it off @shutthekaleup​ IG page. Go follow her. She’s amazing.
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For lunch there was one week where I made some roasted veggies, cauliflower rice and 2 scrambled eggs and then about halfway through the month I really wasn’t feeling cooked foods I’d have to warm up and then eat 3 day old mush, so I decided to try out some deli meat, cheese bars, bone broth, an avocado, hard boiled eggs and phat bombs and I’d eat part of it for lunch and the other part on my last break at work a few hours later and this REALLY worked for me.
For dinner we tried out a few different recipes that were either a hit or miss, but a few that stuck were lettuce boat tacos, chicken salad, there were maybe 2 nights that entire month I had a gluten free pizza, a few Friday’s we would go to Chipotle, and bacon and eggs were really a thing for dinner too. 
Once or twice a week I’d do intermittent fasting and I’d have my BP coffee around 5:30 a.m., a keto packet around 7:30 a.m. and then I’d drink my smoothie around 11 or 12 and the only other thing I’d eat all day was maybe a phat bomb or 2 if I needed a little something around 3 p.m. and I’d always have bone broth on hand and I’d drink that either around 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. and outside of that I’d drink about a gallon of water and I honestly the BEST on days where I ate this way and when I’d get home I was still fine and wouldn’t go and binge because you’d thing I’d be starving after not really eating all day, but I felt the most stable and calm on these days and going forward I’ll continue having a day or 2 like this during the week. It really gives your digestive system a break too, so instead of using all your energy to digest what you’d be eating you get to keep it and use it.
This picture is from 4/2/18 as I was starting keto and Morgan Tyler’s ab'asanas e-book.
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And this picture is from 5/2/18!! SUPER PROUD MOMENT. Keto and ab'asanas kicked my ASS, but I also think I kicked it’s ass too, lmao.
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All in all I’m glad I tried out keto and going forward I will still remain low carb and low sugar as much as I can. I feel like it helps make me a better human not being pumped with sugar 24/7. Our bodies don’t need it, it really is all in the mind. 
I didn’t weigh myself pre any of this, but we did buy a scale towards the end of the month and last summer would have been the last time I weighed myself and I remember being between 145-150lbs and when I stepped on the scale I was 138lbs, so in the last year I’ve lost around 10lbs without trying to. I’ve just slowly and consciously changed my way of eating and it’s all paid off. 
I’m excited to see how I’ll look and feel as time goes on because I do have hearts desire to have super visible abs and I feel I’m well on my way there to achieve it. Some may think it’s great, some may thing I’m vain, but I don’t really care either way. HA.
That’s all I have for now. 
Until next time. :)
- Sarah xo 
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April Reflections/May Intentions
Happy May!!
April was quite the roller coaster. A lot of ups, and downs and twists and turns. 
A couple of highlights were me reconnecting with an old friend and rekindling our friendship, I was ghosted out of NOWHERE by someone I thought was my friend, I made it through my more keto friendly month alive (blog post to follow on how it went), my life’s purpose or at least part of it was revealed to me in the most beautiful and crazy way (blog on this to follow) and the last day of April I was tested to see if I’d follow my intuition and that still small voice within that I’ve been questioning and I didn’t and welllllllllllllllllllllllll... someone hit my car (blog post to follow on this as well). I 100% learned my lesson on that one. My car is fine, I’m fine, just a fender bender that the ladies insurance will cover at all costs to fix it and they’re providing me with a rental until it’s fixed. 
Moving on...
This morning I finished up my May Intention list and sat down and pulled a few oracle cards. I asked for one to be on how I need to go about May and what I need to focus on and the other on what message I need right now for today to do my best. I’ll go into further detail on those below. :)
Now to go through my April Intentions and reflect.
Purchase Morgan Tyler’s e-book and practice it for the month - DONE. Funny story on this. She is actually coming to Texas this coming weekend and I get to meet her and take a yoga class with her and go to luncheon after. YAY. So. Effin’ Excited. I had no idea she’d be coming to Texas when I bought her book, but I FREAKED out when I saw her make the post on it and I immediately bought my VIP ticket to go. 
Start keto with Michael - done. The first week and a half were absolutely horrid and I legit felt like I was dying, but it got better. (like I said above I’ll be writing on this in a future blog post)
Try out bone broth - done. LOVE it. 
Pay $500 towards debt - DONNNEE!!! I was so happy I was able to make this happen!! I basically saved almost double what I usually do. 
Go for evening walks after work and hike often - evening walks didn’t happen, but hiking did along with lots of walks on my breaks at work. I actually have a weird tan line on my feet from my shoes from all the walking I’ve done at work.
Eat less pasta, rice, sugar and dairy - I didn’t have pasta all month, I had rice a few times, but only on the weekends if we’d go to Chipotle. I didn’t eat anything with processed sugar and when I’d eat something sweet it was keto friendly and made with monkfruit and dairy is a part of keto and I do pretty ok with cheese from what I can tell. The thing that gets me the most is wheat and SUGAR. I’ve really been slowly cutting back on sugar this whole year and that is what got me at the beginning of the month the most.
Try out phat bombs - done. We’ve tried out so many different kinds and my fave are definitely the chocolate chip cookie dough and cheesecake. 
Be quick to surrender - done. I’ve started to realized I’m not near as resistant as I know I can and the more I’ve surrender the more the Universe has revealed to me.
If it’s not a eff YES, it’s an eff no - this is something I’ve really had to work at since in the past I’ve been a over the top “yes” person and the person who paid for it ended up being me and I’m just not ok with living that way anymore. Saying no isn’t a bad or mean thing and it’s still something I’m learning on the daily and it’s getting easier the more I practice it. 
Plan and book camping trip w/ Michael <3 - the plans are still in the works because the days we did try and book weren’t working out smoothly, so I backed off on it and will revisit it a little later. I don’t ever want to force something to happen and I saw it starting to happen with this, so I surrendered and asked for it to come back to me when it was time.
Purchase teeth whitening kit - doonnnneee and I loooooove the results!!
Less screens, more books - this did and didn’t happen. That is why you’ll see for May I’m not on social media BECAUSE I have books I’m reading and want to make the time for them.
Treat myself to a pedi - done!! and it was gloriousssss and I found my new favorite spa and it just so happens to be not even a mile away from where I live. 
April overall was good to me and I’m grateful for the many ups and downs and I’m even more proud of myself to surrendering when I need to and also standing up for myself when I know I need to. Finding balance with communication, surrendering, boundaries, speaking my truth and saying “no” when I know in my gut I need to isn’t always the easiest, but just like with anything I have to work that muscle to make it stronger and stronger cause let’s be real.. I don’t want to be this doormat of a person who never speaks up and doesn’t set boundaries and let’s people walk all over her and in turn try and control EVERYTHING around me because I’m so overwhelmed and miserable. It just isn’t quite my cup of tea anymore.
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I have a few things I’m really focusing in on this month. 1.) learning and practicing reiki, 2.) reading more books and 3.) HAVE FUN. Every single weekend starting this coming weekend is full of fun and exciting events that I’ve really been looking forward to!! I’m taking a social media break all of May, so I can better focus my attention on the things I’m learning and just to honestly detox just a bit from it. The first few days really sucked, but I’m getting into the habit of taking a book I’m reading with me to work and having one on my phone and I’ll read on my breaks or in the evenings or during my morning quiet time. I’m currently reading “How to Be Well” by Frank Lipman, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” by Mark Manson, “Musings of an Earth Angel” by Suzanne Adams and I purchased a Reiki course I’m reading and practicing through as well. 
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So I said a prayer and asked for a message about what I need to focus on for the month of May and I pulled “Soul Family” and for me the message was telling me that I need to be open to unexpected people that will be coming into my life this month and embrace them with love. I’ll be in Austin this weekend, Waco another and Florida as well all throughout this month and I’ll come in contact with so many people, so who knows. I may be making a new soul family friend come the end of May and I’m open and ready for it because I love new people and I love friends.
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Then I went to ask for a message for today and I heard very clearly “pick up your Rumi deck” and something with me using oracle cards I feel a surge of electricity when using these and the ones that is basically shocking my hand is the one I need to be using and after pulling the “Soul Family” card I didn’t feel that energy anymore in the deck I picked up, so I listened an grabbed my Rumi deck and pulled the most perfect card for me. Part of it said “You are the lion and the deer. You are bold, fierce and vibrant, and you are silent, sweet and gentle.” This spoke to me because there are times where I feel too nice, too sweet, too harsh, too blunt, too vulnerable and then I feel the need to play it small and be quiet, but here’s the thing. I am bold and fierce, but I’m also sweet and gentle and I’m learning when I need to be one or the other and honor how diverse I am and to find a balance and acceptance with all of it. I can’t and don’t want to be one thing all the time. I do, however, want to be a light for everyone around me and sometimes that’ll require a more bold Sarah who speaks up and sometimes a more gentle Sarah who is a listening ear and holds space.
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That’s all I have for now and be sure to be on the lookout for my life purpose discovery, keto friendly month, skin care routine and the realization I had from my fender bender the other day blogs that are coming real soon. :D 
Until next time...
Sarah xo
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Why Being A Doormat Doesn’t Work for Me Anymore
This is touchy subject for me, but all the more reason to write it out on here since this where I come to be unfiltered. 
I started to see this repeating cycling of feeling like a doormat when it came to friends. We would be fine and all hunky dory at first and them WAM I would feel like a dumping ground where everyone came to dump their shit. I couldn’t make it stop, so what would typically happen was the friend and I wouldn’t talk for awhile and then they’d maybe come back aaaaaaaaaand the same thing would happen all over again. It became SO frustrating. I didn’t know what to do, I was at a loss, I was losing friends left and right and just felt like my whole world was falling apart. #2017
But then I learned 2 very helpful tools to help fix this situation.
1.) Communcation
2.) Boundaries 
Growing up boundaries and communication weren’t a thing. It was a lot of yelling and abuse which turned into stuffing my emotions, suppression and depression because anytime I would speak up I was either backhanded, shoved into a wall, yelled at and all of those terrible things. So I shut down and that’s where my doormat ways really began, but then I got older and moved out of my parents home and moved to Dallas and you’d think everything would be just peachy, but no. It didn’t stop there. It went from the childhood abuse to verbal abuse on who I was with not being who was really meant for me and how I was a dishonest woman and “God” was going to turn his back on me because of my sinful ways and what I was doing for work wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing and whatever I was doing was just never EVER enough, and so the second phase of shutting down and being a doormat kicked in. 
I wouldn’t communicate, I wouldn’t fight, I wouldn’t speak up, I wouldn’t stand up for myself, I would just let things build and my friends would feel it and I would have such bad panic attacks I physically couldn’t bring myself confront anything, so I would just cut it off like I wish I could have done my entire childhood. 
What a terrible way to live looking back on all of it and my heart goes out to that little 3 year old Sarah, the 5 year old, 8, 10, 15, 18 and so on. It’s heartbreaking.
I’m thankful and happy to say I’m no longer in that and I’ve been tested quite a bit this year when it comes to standing up for myself and speaking up when someone has upset me or if I feel someone has wronged me or whatever the case may be, I speak up versus stuffstuffstuffstuff. I set boundaries and I communicate. The person and I may not agree or see eye to eye, but I know at the end of the day I did my part and that’s all I can do. Boundaries may not work for everyone that comes into my life, but to me that means they’re not for me and that’s OK because the right people will come in who will speak up when I’ve upset them or will hear me out when I have an issue and we’ll both respect each others boundaries. 
Communication and boundaries may not  always be easy, but they’re necessary because no one should be a doormat for everyone else to walk on. It’s not a way to live and I’ve finally decided to stand back up (whack a few people over the head with the doormat. ha. jk. but seriously), dust myself off and be the change I’ve wanted to see for so long instead of waiting for someone to come in and fix it for me. 
Until next time...
Sarah xo
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When your body is telling you to rest...REST.
I’ve been meaning to sit down and talk about last week, but have quite made the time or felt the pull for it yet, but this morning I did. 
Something that is not the easiest for me to do is rest. I can be very obsessive and addictive when I am into something and when I have a routine I stick to it probably toooooooooo much, BUT I realized this back earlier in the year and have been rebelling against myself ever since because just because I may have compulsive, obsessive and addictive ways about me doesn’t mean I have to attach to it, I can observe from afar and act differently, so I have been. I went almost 60 days? I think without missing a day of mediation or yoga and saw my obsession kicking in BIG time and the March came around and I went and stayed with my counselor for a weekend for some spiritual healing and there was no yoga and no meditation, and I staaarted to go down the self sabotage trail, but then saw what I was doing and let it go because at that point I needed in time I needed to REST from all things and it’s something I really have to be mindful of because when I don’t rest and listen to my body I’m not the best wife, employee, friend, sister, daughter, fur momma I can be which brings me back to last week. 
I started eating more keto friendly pushing 2 weeks ago at this point and I’ve really cut back on sugar and carbs and all the things in general, but deal lord baby jesus it’s been CHALLENGING. One of my biggest addictions, if not my main for a long time was sugar and cutting that out almost completely has made me literally feel like I am DYING. I’ve had a headache for almost 2 weeks off and on and I’ll feel kind of weird and just off and it’s just not really been very “fun” and last week it really hit me hard to the point where by Thursday I had a full blown migraine. 
I had originally by Tuesday requested to work a half day Friday because I saw the wall I was slowly about to slam into if I didn’t take some down time, so by Thursday I tried to take the full day off Friday, but someone on my team had already requested part of the day off, so to accommodate everyone my boss let me leave on the spot Thursday and I went home and slept around 3 hours, then woke up and was up only maybe 3 hours and went back to bed. When I woke up Friday it was the first day all week I didn’t have a headache, so my half day at work was doable, thankfully. I dropped Lucy off at daycare for the day before work and after work I knocked out grocery shopping, then started my very much so needed weekend full of rest. 
I got a pedi for the first time in over 9 months, my brows threaded and was in bed before 9 and slept 12 hours Friday, then Saturday I didn’t really leave the couch outside of taking a much needed bath and doing a hair and face mask and when Michael went to hockey I got the craziest amount of energy and turned on some music and deep cleaned the entire apartment. I was sore for 2 days after all the dancing and cleaning I did, lmao. Then Sunday I meal prepped and did laundry per usual and then parked in on the couch the rest of the day. 
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It is VERY unlike me to sit on the couch and veg out. I am not a vegger, I am go go go go gogogogooggogo person, but I am working on changing this because self care is not red lipstick and bubble baths. That’s when the damage is already done and you end up drinking 1 too many bottles of wine and feeling like shit the next morning. (me most of 2017)
It’s not easy to make and take time for yourself, I get it, but just like you’re wonder woman (or man) for everyone around you, you NEED to do it for yourself. You cannot pour from an empty cup and you are the only one can fill your precious cup. 
Side note: Thursday morning I pulled my oracle cards for the day and THREE of them were on rest and listening to my body. 3!!! (see below)
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I pull rest cards often with my oracle cards and I have just learned to listen and those are the nights I become a hermit and crawl into a bath and will go to bed earlier or will do some restorative yoga or just whatever sounds like a good idea at the time. 
Self care isn’t always the easiest and I fight more than you’d think I do, but I’ve made it more of a priority these days and I just ultimately feel like a better human for it. 
That's all I have for now. :)
Until next time... <3
Sarah xo
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