#"Barcelona gift shop
greystreetshop · 2 months
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It's A Kind of Magic. at Top Secret Magic shop. The #Worlds_smallest_Magic_ shop Plymouth Barbican South side street open 7 days a week for gifts and Magic. Put your gifts in a great style bag. Thanks to #Mal_Norton_Magic. Jamie Stylecentre Barber Plymouth Barber. https://love-summertime-tv-magazine-2.creator-spring.com/listing/it-s-a-kind-of-magic-top_sec?product=442 Jamies Top Secret Magic TV Mal_Norton Magician, Jamie and friends International Chris Summerfield. https://love-summertime-tv-magazine-2.creator-spring.com/listing/it-s-a-kind-of-magic-top_sec?product=442
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ventignua · 2 years
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Sweatshirts By VentignuaWith winter around the corner, sweatshirts are here to help. Now in a choice of either, White Loopback or Softshell Jersey, that help create a classic look, with an artsy finish.
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imbored1201 · 5 months
How do we put up with you?
Barcelona Femeni x Teen Reader
Words: 1,936
A/N: there’s a lot of Mapi and reader beef in this one😭
You hated traveling but also loved it. It was a perfect opportunity to do dumb things and easily get away with it since everyone was too tired to care. The bad thing about it was you had to sit down and be patient. 
The whole time in the airport, Alexia would hold your hand, or Sandra, since you liked how soft her hands were. 
"Restroom," Alexia told you as she reached to grab your hand. "I don't have to go," you told her, only paying attention to your phone. "Hey!" You said as she snatched it from you. "You always say you don't have to, then when I come back you complain that you do, come on," you glared at her as you stood up and took her hand. 
"Aw, the baby needs her mommy to take her to the potty," Salma cooed as she pinched your cheek. You swatted her hand away. "Leave her alone," Alexia told her, which Salma was quick to oblige.
Once Alexia went into one of the stalls, you were quick to rush out. You went to a gift shop that was nearby to look at what they had. 
After a couple of minutes, you noticed Alexia rushing out the restroom and in the direction of the team. You smirked, shaking your head, and continued to look stuffed animals. 
"You really want to give her a heart attack, don't you?" You jumped at the sound of Ingrid's voice. You turned around and smiled at Fridolina and Ingrid. "Look at this puppy," you held out the puppy that Frido took. 
"Grab a candy and let's go," Ingrid told you, and you were quick to grab your favorite candy and gave it to Frido.
Ingrid held your hand as you walked back. You smirked at seeing Alexia go off on Patri and Pina.
"I think you lost someone," Frido announced, making everyone turn to her. "You see, we told you we didn't know," Pina told her, glaring at you. As usual, Alexia suspected that they had a part in your disappearance and got scolded for no reason. 
Alexia quickly swept you up in a hug. "You know you can't do that, idiota," she scolded, smacking the back of your head. "Look at my new stuffed animal." You held it up for everyone to see. 
Pina snatched it away and examined it. "Can I name it?" She genuinely asked. You thought about it for a second. "Not your child, not your choice." Claudia scoffed and went to get her own stuffed animal to name. 
You were bored and energetic; the candy Fridolina got you gave you an extra boost. Alexia sighed as you saw you eating it, too tired to even take it away from you. She wanted you to be tired so you would sleep the whole plane ride.
"Come on, we have to board," Alexia said, grabbing your hand. Marta took your suitcase, and you happily made your way onto the plane. 
"Can I sit with Ingrid and Mapi?" You asked her, looking at the couple. Mapi groaned upon hearing you, making Ingrid smack her in the back of the head. 
"Okay, here's your bag; it has your juice, iPad, and snacks." Alexia spoke a little too excited, it was understandable; she needed a break from your nonsense. "Move, I want middle," you told Mapi, who shook her head. 
"Mapi move," Ingrid now said. Mapi gave her a look of disbelief. "Mapi, don't start arguing with a kid." Mapi sighed and got up. You smiled and sat in between them. Lucy looked back at you and gave you a warning look when you kicked her seat again before the plane even took off. It was going to be a long flight. 
You were bored again after 10 minutes. After kicking Lucy's seat none stop you finally got scolded by Mapi, and she threatened to tell Alexia. 
Speaking of, Mapi kept staring Ingrid down when she thought you were distracted by your iPad. It was disgusting, in your opinion. She was practically drooling all over her shirt. 
"Can you stop eye-fucking her" you told her when Ingrid went to use the restroom. Mapi looked at you, shocked, not believing those words had just came out of your mouth. 
You smirked at her. "I'm telling Alexia" she announced, standing up to call Alexia to make you sit with her. 
"You do that; I'll tell her it was you that broke her favorite vase, not me. All because a teenager was kicking your ass in a game," you knew you got her there when she went silent. 
You were beating Mapi in FIFA, and it was worse since she was trying to impress Ingrid, who was watching the whole time. You were teasing her, and she decided it was a good idea to throw Nala's toy ball at the wall; it hit the vase instead. You had never seen Mapi so scared.  
You took the blame since you knew it would be good blackmail later on. 
Mapi kept glancing at you and back to her phone, not even looking at Ingrid's direction anymore, even when the green eyed girl asked her something, she counted down the minutes until the plane landed. She needed a break from any kind of children. 
You had another trick up your sleeve, though. You knew with Mapi's looks that things would most likely heat up tonight in their hotel room. 
You turned to Ingrid and tapped her shoulder. "Can me, you, and Frido have a sleepover? Like last time. Alexia can never sleep on the first night, and it annoys me." Mapi turned to you, wondering if she heard you correctly. 
"I don't think that's a good idea," she said. "Why not? I'm fine with it; I've missed her late-night thoughts." Ingrid shrugged, and you stuck your tongue out at Mapi, who muttered curse words under her breath.
"Watch your language," you scolded her, immediately cuddling into Ingrid's side. All she could do was stare you down, despite the growing temptation to strangle you.
Thankfully for Mapi, she got a 30-minute break after landing and getting to the hotel. During those 30 minutes, you had to somehow convince Alexia to let you have a sleepover with Ingrid and Fridolina, then explain to her that Mapi was staying with her. It wasn't going to be easy. 
"Did you take my sweater again?" Alexia asked you as she stepped out of the restroom from her shower. When she saw you, she frowned. You had your little backpack ready to go. "Where are you going? It's 9, your bedtime is at 10."
"Me, Ingrid, and Frido are having a girls night," you told her happily. "You're barely telling me this?" She sounded a bit angry, but mostly confused. 
"Ingrid said it was fine, and you're stuck with Mapi for tonight," Alexia huffed at that. Those two together didn't make a good combo when it came to sleeping in the same room. 
Alexia sometimes had a hard time falling asleep in a new environment, so she was constantly getting up. Mapi couldn't sleep if she heard any kind of noise, so she would get annoyed by any movement. 
"You have a toothbrush?" You nodded. "Charger?" You nodded. "Extra clothes?" You nodded. Before she could question you more, you walked out the door. 
"Bye Lex!" You called out, running to the elevator. Ingrid and Mapi's room was on the floor below. You didn't even have to knock on the door since an angry-looking Mapi came out with a bag of clothes and her blankets.
"Bye bye," you smirked at her, going past her and pushing her outside. "Eres un-" Before she could finish, you slammed the door in her face. 
You ran to Ingrid and jumped on her bed. "Can we please ding dong ditch some of the girls" Ingrid shook her head, making you whine. 
"Behave tonight, or I'll send you back to Alexia's." You nodded and jumped up, hearing another knock on the door. 
"Frido!" You exclaimed, jumping on her, when you opened the door. She carried you back inside and threw you on the bed. 
"Want to do a job, kid?" Frido asked you, and you quickly nodded. "Go get us some ice; you know where it's at?" 
"Frido, it's too late for her to be going out." "She'll be fine; she has too much energy; she needs to do some exercise to get rid of it, so why don't you sprint while doing this, I'll time you." You loved competitions. 
"Go!" Frido yelled, holding the door open for you as you sprinted out of the room and down to the elevator. 
You went to the floor below, where the ice was, and sprinted out of the elevator. 
While you filled your bucket, you got an idea. You could fulfill your ding-dong ditching plan. As always, Patri was your target. 
You knew Patri and Ona got put together because last time Patri and Pina shared a room, Pina broke the TV trying to throw a football at you for being annoying. You admit, you were being annoying, but throwing a ball at you while you were standing in front of the TV was a bad idea on her part. 
You quickly banged on there and ran away to the elevator again. After a couple of seconds, you heard the door opening. "Hello?" Patri asked, you couldn't contain your laughter. 
"Y/N, I swear," she said, knowing your laugh. She sighed and went back inside, refusing to give you attention. Not enjoying that fact, you decided to do it again. 
It was a terrible idea; Patri was waiting for you. She quickly swung the door open and tackled you. 
"Alexia!" You yelled, knowing she was probably up and doing her nighttime routine. Patri continued her attack and started tickling your sides. "Helppp!" You yelled, giggling. 
Ona came out of the room confused, rubbing her eyes tiredly and watching Patri attack you while you giggled and yelled for Alexia. 
When Alexia stepped out, the waterworks came. "Mierda," Patri muttered, seeing the tears in your eyes. 
"What is going on?!" Alexia shouted. It was late; practically the whole team on the bottom floor was up and out of their rooms now. They were all pretty cranky over the fact that they were woken up.
"I just wanted ice," you cried, pointing to your bucket of ice that was on the ground. Alexia looked at Patri with a questioning look. 
"She's a demon! She ding dong ditched us," Patri defended herself. Irene let out an annoyed sigh and told everyone to go back into their rooms. 
"Ona?" You turned to Ona, who was just as confused as her. "I didn't hear anything," she shrugged and went back into the room to sleep. Patri had a look of disbelief, finally getting off of you. 
"But-" "That's enough, Patri; apologize and give her a new bucket of ice, and you," she turned to you. Mapi quickly stuck her head out the door to watch you get your scolding next. 
"Bed, it's way past your bedtime," you rolled your eyes. "I'm practically an adult." "Don't act like it," you glared at Mapi. “Okay, I’ll go to bed, cuddle with Ingrid, and have her read me a bedtime story, something you can’t do.” Before Mapi could say something back, Alexia dragged her back into the room and slammed the door. 
Patri shoved your new bucket of ice into your hands and stormed off. "Goodnight," you called out; all you got was a middle finger. 
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bellawoso · 1 month
love story
aitana bonmati x fem!reader
description: aitana falling for you despite you being quite nerdy when it comes to shakespeare and art. aitana is helplessly failing english lit, in order for you to tutor her she requests for you to come to her matches each weekend, you end up falling for her too.
(kinda unrealistic as i highly doubt aita would take english lit 😭) + ALSO DIEGO MAKES A RETURN!!!
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at first the move to barcelona had been scary for you, the new language and culture were unknown territory for you, and you couldnt help but feel lonely with not many people to talk to you in english.
until at a party, you overestimated how much drink you could handle and ended up on the brink of passing out, only to be saved by a random spanish boy you had seen around campus and spoke english.
a new friendship stemmed that night, you and diego were inseparable, even though you owed him one two many times after he saved you from people cursing you out in spanish after you accidentally pissed them off.
that was exactly what had happened now.
you and diego also work at the same art museum, although he often complains about the boredom he experiences there, much to your annoyance. he still continued to work there, the pay is good and you are in your happy zone, excited to spend all of your free time surrounded by one of your favourite subjects.
except for times when you managed to irritate random spanish people. in your defence, the piece of work wasnt that good, and the artist wasnt well known, how were you to know that you were speaking to the artist claiming that there were better pieces that deserved a place in the museum.
the man had gone into a fast paced spanish rant, although you knew some spanish after some time of living in barcelona, you were no where near fluent enough to understand the heavily accented, rapid spanish that fell from his mouth.
diego was very quick to intervene and call security on the man who was now jabbing a finger in your direction, the only word you understood was “puta” after hearing the insult many times from diego to people that annoyed him.
seeing him escorted out, you were quick to flee to your favourite part of the museum, at the east wing of the top floor was a small library filled with copies of old literature, with historic renaissance paintings hanging on the walls.
not many people went in there, it was very well hidden from the public eye, and was out of the way of popular artist exhibitions. however, nothing was too hard to find for a certain brunette midfielder, who was bored out of her mind.
today was aitanas day off, when ona gathered her, jana, bruna, pina and patri for a “fun day out” a museum was the last thing she was expecting.
ona was actually enjoying looking around the museum, pina and patri were talking to a group of girls they found “hot”, jana and bruna were raiding the gift shop.
this left aitana bored out of her mind, so she went exploring and ended up on a corridoor that stretched to what looked like a library.
despite english literature being aitanas minor degree, she was actually not that fond of it, much to her parents dismay who had to hear constantly from aitana how she was failing it.
when she walked in, she physically jumped when she saw a girl sat on one of the seats reading some shakespeare play.
if there was one thing aitana despised the most, it was shakespeare, the prospect of learning the plays and writing about them made her want to gauge her eyes out.
she was ready to turn around and beg ona for them to go home, until a soft voice pulled aitana right back to the library.
“hello! can i help you?” upon hearing this, aitana quickly turned back around to match a face to the voice, and was met with you now looking up so she could see your face.
aitana didnt notice that she had zoned out while admiring you, normally she didnt feel this way for anyone. each time pina and patri tried to set her up on a date she was always quick to reject, as in her opinion she had to focus on football. however at this moment, she seemed happy enough to break the no relationships rule for you.
“sorry can i help you?” hearing you once again managed to break aitana from her daze, as she quickly tried to think of a topic that she could strike up a conversation with.
“uhhhh- you like shakespeare?” aitana asked, whilst internally cursing how her voice wobbled as she spoke to you.
“yeah i do! are you a fan of his works? what is your favourite play?”
honestly, aitana had no idea why she chose shakespeare, in fact, she despised the guy who she had to memorise a ton of plays for. however, seeing your entire face light up at the sound of his name could persuade her to talk about him all day.
what aitana hadnt vouched for was you quizzing her on him, i mean, she was failing english lit for gods sake. but if she could just act like she was an expert for long enough for you to be impressed enough to accept her request of a date with you, then it would give her enough time for some quick shakespeare revision before your date.
“i love shakespeare” aitana stated, the link tint of her cheeks only darkening as you smiled upon hearing this, “ i would say that romeo and juliet is my favourite!”
“a classic tradgedy, huh? you like romantic plays?” you asked with a smirk, and aitana tried to rack her brain to figure whether you were flirting with her or not, and made a mental note to somehow improve for the next time she spoke to you.
“yeah, im a massive tragedy fan! another tragedy i love is-“ silence filled the library as aitana desperately tried to think of another tragedy, and felt like hitting herself for not paying more attention in her lectures.
“uhhh- a midsummers night dream?” aitana cringed at how it came out as a question, and blushed fiercely when she heard you giggle.
“although some prospects of the play could be considered a tragedy, a midsummers night dream was actually intended to be a comedy!”, you stated, rambling off about some tragic elements of the play, and aitana never knew that shakespeare could be such a turn on, but maybe it was just the fact that a pretty girl was talking about it, not her old male professor.
after inviting aitana to come sit down with you, and diving into a conversation of plays, both of you hardly noticed how an hour had already passed, although the conversation had mainly been one sided, with you rambling about your favourite plays, aitana enjoyed your company.
that was until ona called aitana asking where she was as they were going, aitana was sad to leave, and noticed you frown a bit as she told you she had to go.
“thankyou for tolerating my rambling about shakespeare, i know you dont actually love it that much.” you said while smiling at the spaniard in front of you.
“huh- what do you mean? i love the guy” aitana argued.
“its fine honestly- i saw your confusion when i was talking about his plays” you laughed.
“okay fine, i might be failing english literature but i definitely learnt some new things while talking to you, so thankyou”
“any time” you responded just as diego ran into the library talking in rapid spanish which you know he only does when hes in a rush, you understood a part when he said “ended 10 minutes ago” which you could only guess he was talking about your shifts. you smiled apologetically at aitana and said goodbye before leaving with diego.
when aitana met up with everyone at the exit, she was bombarded with questions of where she was to which she responded “in the library”
pina was shocked at this answer “the library? you hate books! your failing english for gods sake! what were you doing there?”
“well- there was this girl-”
“a girl! there you have it! little aitana here has a crush! she must really love her if she spent an hour in a library with her!”
“shut up patri!” aitana scowled “ we were talking about shakespeare!”
“shakespeare?! do you feel ill tana, can you go to training tomorrow? ona i think she is ill” patri teased.
aitana only stormed off after shooting one last glare at the group before returning to the car.
the teasing didnt stop there though, as soon as the others got to the car, she was met with relentless bullying the whole way back to campus about how “whipped” she is.
but also she realised something on her was back, she had forgotten to ask for your name and she has also never given you her name, which put her in a grumpy mood for the rest of the night before deciding it was fate, and a sign that she should be focusing on football.
aitana however, was actually wrong that you didnt know who she was. it was part of the reason you knew she didnt actually like shakespeare. diego was a big fan of football and followed the schools girls football team who were quite popular amongst the school.
he dragged you to many of their matches whenever you had the time, and therefore you had seen the brunette midfielder quite a lot.
you werent surprised when diego dragged you to yet another one of their matches a few weeks later, you were both sat down when diego announced he was going to get a coffee, and with promises to get you a tea and some chocolate, he left.
while he was gone, both university teams started doing warmups, and you couldnt keep your eyes away from a certain brunette midfielder, who honestly looked too good today.
“careful, your drooling amiga! i didnt know footballers were your type”
“jesus diego! and theyre not, i was simply looking at number 14, i was talking to her a few weeks ago in the museum.”
“you were speaking to aitana! and you didnt think to call me?!”
the truth was, members of the football team were very popular, they were nice and would greet you if you said hello, but their main friends were in the football team, so you didnt really see them hanging around with other people. lots of students had slight crushes on certain members, much like yours on aitana.
you werent listening to diegos lecture though, as your eyes drifted to aitana again, the extra gym sessions she had been doing really paid off, and when she lifted up her training top to wipe the layer of sweat from her face, you wouldnt be surprised if you fainted there and then.
what you werent expecting were for her eyes to scan the crowd and land on you, seeing her point and wave at you with a smirk on her face made you glad you were sat, you knew if you were stood up your knees would have buckled under you immediately.
seeing you blush and send aitana a wave back was all of the confirmation diego needed to know that aitana just waved at you.
“did she just wave at you? y/n have you pulled aitana? how?! did you recite some shakespeare love quote or something?! do you like her? oh my god- you do! your blushing!” diego was spiralling, aitana was known for not dating or flirting, unlike many of her teammates who were known for flirting and dating a lot. so seeing her waving at you made diego unfocused for the entirety of the match, as he thought of how he was going to get you two together.
however, he didnt exactly need to, as you and him were seated quite close to the pitch, when the match ended both of you saw aitana call you over with a wave of her hand.
you werent sure how it was possible for her to look this good after a match, but as you approached the railing she was leant against you suddenly became very self aware of the blush that coated your cheeks.
“hey, your from the museum, right? i never actually got the chance to ask for your name.” aitana said, her eyes roaming appreciatively over your body.
“yeah, im y/n, you must be aitana, you played very well today, you have been revising some shakespeare?” you laughed as you saw the teasing frown that appeared on aitanas face, “shakespeare in my opinion writes very boring things!” aitana argued.
you put a hand over your heart and gasped in mock offence, “aitana youre hurting my heart, talking about the greatest play writer of all time!”
but before aitana could respond, pina and patri bounded over to her and slung an arm round her neck, they recognised you from the museum, and in their minds came to aitanas rescue to help her ask you out.
“hello! your y/n right? i think you were at janas dorm once doing art, correct me if i am mistaken” patri said, “yes i have been, its nice to meet you!” you replied as diego handed you yet another cup of tea.
“i hear you are very good at english literature? you know, aitana is in desperate need of a tutor!” pina stated while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, making aitana smack her on her arm.
“ignore her! her mum dropped her on her head as a baby!” aitana joked making you laugh and reply “its fine! i dont mind tutoring you if you need it aita?”
upon hearing her nickname fall from your lips aitana couldnt help but smile bashfully and blush like a little girl with her first crush, much to her teammates amusement.
“uh- yes! yes- definately, i would love that, can i have your number? to schedule a time that is! or not- if you dont want to, or if you changed your mind! no pressure y/n- “
you smiled at aitanas almost incoherrent rambling, “aita, i want to tutor you, honestly. can i get your phone to put my number in?”
aitana quickly pushed her phone in to your hands before you could change your mind, and as soon as you typed in your number, sprinted off with a quick goodbye.
you and aitana scheduled your tutor sessions every tuesday and thursday, the days aitana didnt have training or matches. however, the study sessions werent going as planned, as aitana could not concentrate at all. you werent sure why, and obviously aitana would never dare admit that she was daydreaming about you, with you right in front of her.
you felt hopeless, you loved aitana, you really did, she spoke to you as well when she saw you around school, except that was it, you longed for so much more with the brunette, unknown to you that aitana felt the same way.
after a month of tutoring, aitana could still not pass an english literature test, she knew that you would confront her about it soon, you had dedicated a lot of time tutoring her after all.
“aitana i dont get it! i mean- you say you need a tutor but then you dont concentrate at all, you failed another test! do i bore you during these, what can i do for you to listen?” you said exasperatedly, aitana knew you had every right to be mad at her, to anyone else it looked like she wasnt trying at all.
“no of course your not boring me y/n, you would never!”
“tana, should i change the length of these sessions, are they too long, and making you tired? i understand if its too much?”
“no, no they are fine, i have one idea in mind though”, this was it, aitana planned on asking you something she had been mustering up the courage for a while to do ever since you had stopped accompanying diego to the matches, caught up in studying.
“uh- you could come to my matches each sunday? maybe in my jersey.” aitana asked sheepishly. you however, choked on your water as soon as you heard her request, i mean, was that not a couple thing to do?
“uh- sure aita, if that would make you concentrate on english literature more!” you paused as you quickly thought of an excuse to get out of the library to recollect your thoughts, “can we please cut this session a little short, i promised diego i would go for a coffee with him!”
“oh okay, bye y/n see you on sunday!”
after saying goodbye to aitana, you rushed to diegos room, telling him about aitanas request, although his reaction didnt match your panicked state, as he immediately started laughing.
“finallyyy amiga! i was wondering when one of you would make the first move!”
“diego your not helping! what do i do?!”
“you should probablyy… go to the match and wear the jersey?” diego said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, whilst rolling his eyes.
“everyone will see, its a thing couples do, everyone will think that we are together” you said, “you say it like its a bad thing y/n, if i were you, i wouldnt be mad if people thought i was with aitana bonmati” diego argued.
“whatever” you huffed also rolling your eyes at him “you will come to the match with me though, aitana texted me saying she got front row seats for us”
“obviously im going y/n, i guess now your girlfriend has got us good seats i owe the favour of being your drink refiller?”
“you were going to refill my drinks anyway, and shes not my girlfriend diego!”
“whatever you say”
it was match day, as promised you were wearing one of aitanas jersey which the midfielder had dropped off for you earlier this morning. you had already gotten quite a few dirty looks from people who you could only assume were aitanas “fangirls”. the dirty looks only got worse when during warm ups aitana came over to you, and leant over the railing, holding your jaw to move your head to the side so she could whisper something in your ear.
diego, who had gone to get you a tea when this interaction took place, only saw the two of you from far away, and from a distance, it honestly looked like aitana was kissing your neck.
“woah amiga what was that? you never told me you two had sorted your feelings out, was she kissing you?” diego exclaimed as soon as aitana was called back over to get ready for kickoff.
“what? we werent kissing! she was just telling me something!”
“sure y/n, sure”
the game had started, and a brunette midfielder on the pitch couldnt seem to keep their eyes off you. however, it wasnt aitana. a girl off of the rival team seemed to be flirting with you from on the pitch, as diego said.
it wasnt only the two of you that had noticed too, it was hard for aitana to not notice, especially when the girl scored and pointed at you in the stands.
this only fuelled aitana more to win, but jealousy once again overcame her when she saw the girl blow a kiss to you, so when the girl next had the ball, aitana quickly slid into her, completely taking her out and earning herself a yellow card in the process.
the short lecture that aitanas captain was giving her went in one ear and out of the other, as aitanas eyes had already drifted to you, both of you locked eye contact and you couldnt help but laugh and shake your head at the midfielder, who smiled at seeing your laughter.
in aitanas opinion, if she couldnt injure the girl anymore, she might as well embarrass her on the pitch. the rest of the match was filled with aitana nutmegging, and skilling the poor girl who flirted with you. the spaniard relished in the feeling of dribbling straight past the girl, and ended up scoring two goals, and after each one she pointed at you.
at the end of the match, she ran straight over to you, who was already stood up and leant against the railing.
“y/n i just wanted to thank you again for coming, you dont have to do this again next week, i know that football does bore you a bit.”
“no tana, i enjoyed it really, you played so well and im so proud of you!”
“you will come again next week?”
“of course i will, now you should go celebrate the win with the team.” you said, realising that most of the team were soaking up the glory of winning, and aitana was missing it, “also, would you want to go get a coffee with me next week, theres a new cafe that opened up near campus?”
“i would love to aita, message me the details?”
“i will tonight! bye y/n, and bye diego!” however a poke in your side from diego reminded you of exactly what he wanted you to do, and you knew you would be bullied relentlessly by him all night if you didnt, so you grabbed aitanas arm before she could run to her teammates, and pressed your lips to hers.
as you looped your arms round the midfielders neck, you felt her smile into the kiss, before pressing her tongue to your lips, eliciting a soft gasp from you which aitana silenced with her lips, you pulled away from the kiss when you began to feel lightheaded, and you werent sure if it was due to the lack of oxygen or that you were just kissing aitana.
“bye aitana” you said with a wave before pressing your lips on her cheek, as a more pg way of saying goodbye.
aitana ended up passing english literature.
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not-magdi · 4 months
"Be my Valentine?"
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Warnings: none :)
Summary: Lando surprises you on Valentine's Day.
Word Count: 1k
Reading Time: 4min 12sec
I am so sorry for not updating again, but life has been really stressful lately. I sadly can't promise you that it is going to be better a school is about to start again but I'll try.
Love y'all Magdi <3
February 13th, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and you just ended a call with Lando, who was currently in Barcelona testing the new car. When he first told you he would be away for the 14th, disappointment and sadness were the only emotions you felt.   
Valentine's has been your favourite holiday since you were a little girl. It didn't matter if you had somebody or not. The pink hearts everywhere, the smell of roses in the air, and people all around being in love made it so special for you. 
And for two years, you got to spend Valentine's with the love of your life, Lando Norris. Although every day was special with Lando, he always made extra efforts for the 14th, such as preparing breakfast in bed, presenting flowers in a rainbow of colours, and gifting sparkling jewellery.
So, him not being here home with you this year crushed your spirits for tomorrow completely. Lando felt incredibly bad when he found out when the tests were, but nothing prepared him for how the spark in your eyes disappeared when he told you. 
Guilt was eating him up the entire trip to Barcelona. Even Oscar noticed and asked what was up. 
After you hung up with Lando, you decided to cuddle yourself up on your couch and do some self-care while watching some nineties rom-com. 
You knew it wasn't Lando's fault he didn't have a say in when the testing was going to be, but you were still really disappointed he couldn't be with you. 
Your stiff back and sore neck were the result of you falling asleep on the couch yesterday. The TV was still running when you decided to get up and make yourself breakfast. 
The second you unlock your phone, you are bombarded with posts of couples enjoying Valentine's Day together.  
Letting out an annoyed huff, you throw your phone on the couch and decide to take a shower, wanting to escape all that valentines crap for a bit. 
Afterwards, you felt way more refreshed and optimistic for the day. So you decided to throw on some of your favourite jeans and your most flattering top and head outside to the centre of Monaco. 
You spend your whole day wandering through Monaco, strolling through a few shops and taking a few breaks in some cafes. And even though you were still a bit mad at Lando, an addition to Lando's Valentine's present made its way into your bag. 
Your mood improved gradually throughout the day, but not hearing anything from Lando made it hard to stay positive. You texted him, "goodmorning ❤️" to show him you were not ignoring or mad at him. 
He reacted to your message, but it has been complete silence since then. You thought that maybe he was too busy, as he told you that today would be the media day, but not hearing anything from him hurt you were not going to lie.
And you were indeed correct in your assumption. Lando was incredibly busy today but not giving interviews and making content. No, he tried to convince Zak to let him fly home earlier today so he could spend some more time with you. 
"Oh, come on. Please Zak, I'm done with all my stuff, for what do you even need me here?" Lando begged his boss, quite desperate to let him fly home. 
Zak looked at him with a slightly tired expression. "Do you really have to fly home. I mean it's just Valentine's day."
Lando tried to put on his best puppy dog eyes. "It's really important for Y/N. I can't do that to her." 
That seemed to do the trick, as Lando is currently on a plane home to Monaco. He spent the whole flight on his phone, trying to make the time go by faster. A smile made its way onto his face when he saw you posted a photo of you sitting in one of your favourite cafes, enjoying the sun.
He felt so incredibly guilty after your call yesterday, already forming a plan for how he can make it up to you.
The second he touched the ground again, he immediately rushed to your favourite florist to get you the biggest bouquet of sunflowers he could find. 
The friendly old lady who runs the shop smiles as she sees Lando entering. You also visited her today, telling her your dilemma while buying a bouquet of pink tulips. 
So seeing Lando buying your favourite flowers made her happy for you, knowing you weren't spending the day alone anymore. 
You just came home from your trip, putting the flowers you bought in a vase and starting to make yourself some dinner. 
You were about to start eating when you heard the doorbell ring. Confused, you make your way to the front door. Looking through your peephole, you rip the door open in excitement.  
You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw your boyfriend standing before you. Well, you could barely see him between all those sunflowers. But what you could see. Was his adorable smile while he held a pink sign saying, "Be my valentine?" 
Rushing over to him, you tackled him in the biggest teddybear-hug, burying your face in his neck. 
"Hi baby." Kissing your head, Lando wraps one arm around you, squeezing you tight. 
"How-when, why are you here?" 
Chuckling slightly at your confusion, Lando answers, "Well I couldn't leave my girl alone on Valentine's now, can I? Besides, Zak couldn't withstand my puppy-dog-eyes." 
Laughing, you tilt your head, giving Lando a loving kiss while murmuring a sincere "I love you" against his lips.
"Mhm, I love you too, baby."  
After standing in your hallway like two teenagers, you ushered Lando inside, not letting go of his hand, wanting to have him near you all the time.  
You were now cuddling on the couch, your wrist decorated with a new bracelet, a sparkling "L" adorning its front. 
Lando broke the comfortable silence you two were basking in, "You didn't answer my question from earlier." 
You look up at him, confused. "What do you mean?" 
Wrapping his arms tighter around you, he says, "Will you be my Valentine?" 
Laughing, you take his face to kiss him, "Yes, Lando, I'd love to be your Valentine." 
Don't forget to leave a note if you enjoyed it, feedback is always welcome !!❤️
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pitchsidestories · 1 month
flowers II Ona Batlle x Lucy Bronze x Reader
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a/n: hi, this is purely fiction but we were inspired by Lucy's instagram story at Diada de Sant Jordi, we hope you guys like it. 😊
warnings: mostly fluff, it's only slightly suggestive at the end of the oneshot.
masterlist I word count: 1628
Despite the loss in the champions league half final against Chelsea on saturday, you observed that the atmosphere in the team wasn’t too bad at the start of the training, perhaps because it was Diada de Sant Jordi.
It was one of your favourite festive days of Catalonia as it concluded two of your favourite things next to football which were flowers and books. Plus you were looking forwart to spend some quality time with your two girlfriends Lucy and Ona in the evening.
“Bona Diada de Sant Jordi.”, the woman who was filming the team for social media chirmed while you all were slowly entering the pitch.
“Feliç Sant Jordi“, you wished into the camera smiling, Ona next to you waved silently with a huge grin on her face.
Right behind you two Lucy and Keira passed the media person, the English defender shouted: “Happy Jordie-Day!”
“Jordie-Day?”, Ona asked, rising an eyebrow in question.
“Jordan Nobbs Day?”, the older woman explained laughing.
“Ignore her, Oni. She knows exactly what today is about books, roses, and dragons.”, you winked at her.
“And Jordan.”, Lucy added with a childish smile.
Curiously Mariona turned her head to face you and your girlfriends properly:” Do you three lovebirds have planned something special after training?”
“No, not really, except for dinner tonight. Also, can’t believe they let me do the grocery shopping alone.”, Ona groaned.
“Hey, someone has to take Narla on a walk.”, the older English woman defended herself.
“And Mapi needs my help with book shopping.”, you added, throwing innocent looks at her.  
“Excuses!”, the youngest of the three of you replied.
“We’ll do the cooking and cleaning afterwards I promise.”, you told her in a soothing tone.
“I hope so.”, she nodded satisfied.
“Now that everyone knows what to do after training.”, Lucy begun before picking both of your pairs of football boots and running away from you.
“Lucia!”, Ona and you scolded her.
“What are you waiting for?”, the dark-haired woman questioned you giggling looking more like the little girl she once was instead of the over thirty years old person she was now.
This gave you the chance to catch up with her.  
“We got you.”, Ona cheered as the three of you tumbled to the ground laughing out loud.
“Here are your shoes, Oni.”, you said before you put your own boots on.
“Thanks.”, she muttered, still with a big smile on her lips.
Slowly Lucy got up, padding both of your backs encouragingly:” Come on, girls.”
“Coming.”, you exclaimed excitedly. The weight of the loss on your shoulders felt lighter when you three were able to laugh about silly moments like this.
Right after training, you said goodbye to your girlfriends and met up with the still injured Mapi in a bookshop. The two of you strolled through the shelves, browsing for the perfect books.
Excitedly, you picked out a book and held it up for Mapi: “Have you heard about this one?
Your teammate eyed the book curiously as she took it: “No, is it gay?“
You smirked. Typical Mapi.
You pulled another book from the shelf and handed it to her: “No, but this one is.“
It was a poetry collection by Mary Oliver which Mapi took with an uncertain look on her face.
She flipped through the pages: “Do you think Ingrid would like it?“
“Hm, wait. Here’s one about three women of a family. It’s set in Barcelona and a café plays an important part in it. I feel like that’s more an Ingrid-book, don’t you agree?“, you said as you gave her the third book.
You knew you found the perfect match when you saw Mapis eyes lit up.
She skimmed the blurb of the book and looked at you with a bright smile: “That is so Ingrid!“
“You should gift her that one.“, you suggested happily.
The defender pressed the book to her chest: “Thanks. I know why I asked you to help me with that.“
You could feel your cheeks turn red so you turned back towards the books: “You’re welcome.“
Mapi watched as you picked up the poetry collection again: “Are you getting it for your girls too?“
You nodded as you walked towards the checkout: “Yes, we love to read out loud to each other in the evenings.“
“That’s disgustingly sweet. Didn’t Lucy was into stuff like that.“, Mapi scrunched her nose.
You giggled: “Don’t tell anyone. Lucy wants to make everyone believe that she’s so tough.“
“Promise. I won’t say a word about it.“
“Thank you but Ingrid and you should try that too. It’s very relaxing.“, you suggested.
Mapi only winked at you: “We’re busy doing other stuff.“
“Oh, trust me, we do that too.“, you laughed, knowing full well that your girlfriends were insatiable.
“Oh, I bet you do.“, she smirked.
You tried to switch the topic quickly when you realized that other people might be listening: “Now that we’re done book shopping… Coffee?“
“Please. I need some caffeine!“, Mapi laughed.
“Me too.“, you agreed. But a small flower shop next to the book store caught your attention. They were selling gorgeous bouquets of roses.
“Wait here. I’ll just get those flowers.“, you told Mapi before walking into the shop and reappearing with the wrapped up bouquet just a few minutes later.
“That’s a huge bouquet.“, the defender commented, watching you carry the unwieldy package.
“It’s beautiful though, right?”, you said, looking almost as admiring at the pretty flowers like you usually did at your girlfriends.
“Very.”, Mapi admitted before she pulled you into the direction to the café, the smell of fresh coffee beans already promised a delicious coffee and a fun chat about everything and nothing.
Meanwhile, Alexia celebrated the special day with the girlfriend and the dog by walking at the Passeig de Gracia. It might have been a bit too busy for her taste, but the midfielder wanted to get her love something she only could get there. Both admired the Casa Batlló which was decorated with roses in front of them when the Barcelona player spotted someone very familiar:” Hi Narla and Lucy.”
“Hi.”, the English woman grinned, holding proudly the dog leash in one hand and in the other beautiful red flowers.
“Oh, the roses are stunning.”, Olga remarked smiling.
“I hope my girls like them too.”, Lucy responded, her cheeks turning slightly pink which didn’t get unnoticed by her club captain.
“Who thought Lucy Bronz is a romantic.”, Alexia teased the defender.
“I’m not but those two are. So, I’m delivering.”, the slightly older woman explained.
“That’s cute.”, Olga hummed.
“I know.”, Lucy laughed.
“See you, Lucia.”, the blonde said goodbye, so did her girlfriend and the English player.
Glancing at the watch around her wrist Lucy realized that was time to slowly return to her home.
Almost at the same time Ona and you arrived on your front door. The Spanish player happily exclaimed while entering the appartement:” Hi girls, you can start cooking I bought the goods.”
“Perfect., you nodded, after a moment you couldn’t hold it back any longer and added, look, I got you two those flowers.”
“Hey, get those out of here. I bought some already.”, Lucy joked.
“What, no, I got some too!”, Ona chuckled.
“Are you saying we have different bouquets of flowers now?”, you lifted an eyebrow in amusement.
“Yes, we do.”, the youngest of you three smiled sheepishly.
“One for the kitchen, one for the living room and one to put into our bedroom.”, the English woman decided.
“Sounds like a plan.”, you agreed with her before Lucy, and you started cooking.
The dinner that followed was filled with laughter and love. Because it already was quite late you three moved your conversation into your bedroom which smelled of fresh linen and lightly of fresh cut flowers.
“Y/n, show us the book you got from shopping earlier.”, Ona demanded excitedly.
“Alright make yourself comfortable.”, you told the women you loved.
“Wait. I’ll make us tea before you start.”, the English defender got up from the bed quickly, suddenly remembering what she wanted to do to make the moments especially cozy.
“She’s so British sometimes.”, the Spanish player muttered amused.
“Honestly.”, you giggled.
Patiently you waited until Lucy returned with her tea cup in hand. She placed the hot beverage on the bedside table and made herself comfortable next to you.
Ona planted her head in your lap.
“Ready?“, you asked.
Lucy took a sip of her tea before she gave you a nod: “Ready.“
Smiling, you opened your book and started reading a few poems.
Your girlfriends listened quietly.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.“, you read.
“Easy. Making you stop reading now so we can do other fun things.“, Lucy smirked, putting her hand across the page to keep you from continuing.
Ona sat up in excitement: “Right. We’ll continue with the poems tomorrow.“
You groaned: “You two are always so impatient. At least let me put the book away.“
Carefully you set down the book on the bedside table, next to Lucys now cold tea.
“No, time for that!“, Ona protested, pulling you back on the bed with a grin.
You raised an eyebrow: “Excuse me?“
Lucy just shrugged and slipped her hand under your shirt: “You heard her.“
“Okay, okay.“, you laughed, letting yourself relax under her touch.
Ona moved closer to you, starting to suck on the sensitive skin of your neck while Lucys hands continued to move across your body. You enjoyed every movement. Your girlfriends knew how to make you feel good and you could not wait to give it back to them.
“Wild and precious life indeed.“, you sighed.
a/n: would you guys be interested in just a Luna fanfic ? <3
all pictures are from pinterest.
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futfemfantasies · 5 months
Communication issues \\ alexia putellas x reader
As promised, the first fic from the poll. Next fic coming shortly… enjoy!! :)
You find out via Alba, Alexia’s sister. Thankfully, your family understands why you have to leave halfway through Christmas day in Australia. Alexia knew she needed surgery for her knee to figure out why it was still painful but the question is, when is the surgery going to happen. Apparently tomorrow, Spanish time, is when. With your bag packed and the farewells beginning, the departure back to Barcelona begins, a week earlier than planned. One of your sisters offered to drive you to the airport and made you promise to text her when you arrive, regardless of the time. With a quick hug as the Australian he becomes unbearable, the airport doors lead you to Spain. With Alba agreeing to pick you up, the long flight and stopovers begins. From Dubai, sleep immediately hit to like a brick.
Next thing you know, one of the flight attendants has woken you up for landing. Putting the seat up, the view at your window is breathtaking. The plane lands and you go through the process of getting off, customs and collecting luggage. Cold winter air greets you as you walk through the airport, making you regret a warmer hoodie. Spotting the younger Putellas sibling is easy in her vibrant clothing and you give her a tight hug before moving towards the car. You notice Eli sitting in the front when you move to the back. Greeting the older woman, she immediately apologises for Alexia's lack of communication.
"Don't apologise for Ale mama. She's an idiota for not telling her girlfriend when her surgery is, while her girlfriend is halfway around the world" Alba states, earning is hard slap on the arm from Eli.
You quickly text your sister and she replied with a thumbs up emoji, must be late back home you think. Alba pulls up to the hospital and you all move inside quickly as Alexia would've woken up not long ago. You pass by a gift shop and buy a bear and some flowers before seeing your girlfriend of 4 years. As you all go into Alexia's room, your eyes meet hers and Alexia gives you a soft smile. Eli and Alba give each other a look and decide to give you both a minute. You place the bear of flowers on the table and sit next to her on the chair.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you" Alexia apologises as she grabs your hand and kisses it.
"Why didn't you? You know I would've stayed with you"
"I know you missed your family and being home, I didn't want to ruin that for you" Alexia softly says, making you melt at the thought.
"Oh baby, you do know that wherever you are is home, right?" Alexia pulls you forward until your lips are on hers.
"Te amo princesa"
"Te amo mi amor. I think you owe my mum a Christmas since I left in the middle of lunch"
"Bebita you did not!" Alexia gasps and hits your arm lightly.
"My girl needed me" you shrug.
Alexia moves over in her bed and pats the spare space next to her, a silent way to tell you she wants cuddles. You cuddle up to Alexia in the small space and she kisses your forehead multiple times.
"Sleep baby, I'll make this up to you. I promise"
And Alexia keep her promises. Around 11 months later when family start organising Christmas, Alexia discussed with her mum that you need to go home and visit your family. After what happened last year, Alexia has to jump at the chance. She organised everything with your sisters and now the final part, telling you.
One cold morning, you roll over to be met with Alexia's sleeping form. She tightens her arm on you as you move closer to give her a kiss. Alexia slowly opens her eyes and smiles at the beauty she sees first thing in the morning.
"Good morning bebita, how you sleep?" Alexia asks sitting up slightly.
"Well since I'm next to you"
"I have a surprise for you. Wait here"
Alexia jumps out of bed, nearly tripping, and runs to your shared closet. She comes back with a smile on her face, extra spring in her step, and an envelope. Alexia wordlessly hands you the envelope and you open it to see printed plane tickets. You read the dates and location and your eyes start watering.
"Ale I - I told you last year in the hospital that I would make it up to you and I am"
You straddle Alexia's lap and kiss her passionately. You both pull away and you cup her cheeks, grazing them softly with the pads of your thumbs.
"I'm going to marry you one day" Alexia whispers, causing a wide smile on both of your faces.
"I want nothing more my love"
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liked by alexiaputellas, stephcatley, samanthakerr20, albaps and 123,456 others
y/ny/l/n: a fairytale come true. the easiest yes I’ve ever made 😍💍 te amo mi amor. No puedo esperar por el próximo capítulo de nuestras vidas juntos ✨😘
Translation: (I love you my love. I can’t wait for the next chapter in our lives together)
view all 15,876 comments…
alexiaputellas: I love you princesa ❤️ let’s start our new chapter 🤩
↪️ y/ny/l/n: mi casa 🩷
samanthakerr20: oooooh Spanish wedding 😮‍💨
↪️ samanthakerr20: super excited for you dude, married life rules! 🤘
↪️↪️ y/ny/l/n: love you long time Sammy 🫶
stephcatley: @ caitlinfoord she’s all grown up 🥹😭😕
↪️ y/ny/l/n: im a year younger than you steffy, stfu 🙄
y/ny/l/n posted on their story
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alexiaputellas posted on their story
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leahwllmsn · 3 months
alexia putellas x reader
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You never thought that there would be a point in your life where you don’t love Alexia
; angst
You saw Alexia a month after your break up. Despite knowing that the coffee shop was Alexia’s favourite, you still weren't expecting her to actually be there, all smiles and laughter as she sipped on her cappuccino.
The first thing you noticed was that it hurt. Seeing Alexia hurt. Seeing Alexia be okay when you felt like drowning every time you opened your eyes hurt. Did you mean that little to her that Alexia could move on so easily?
The second thing you noticed was that Alexia wasn’t alone. There was another brunette sitting next to her, and you hated how close the nameless brunette was to Alexia. You knew you had no right to be jealous, Alexia wasn’t yours anymore. But it didn’t stop the anger that was starting to spread in your chest. Were you that easy to forget that Alexia managed to find your replacement so soon?
And when Alexia stood up to leave, but not before planting a kiss on the brunette’s cheek, you felt stupid for holding on to the love you had for Alexia when she clearly didn’t love you anymore.
You broke my heart just for fun
Took my love and just left me numb
You met Alexia through your best friend, Lucy, who played in Barcelona with Alexia. You weren’t a footballer but you loved the sport, although you’d mostly watched the men's game growing up, plus games where Lucy played.
Lucy supported your relationship with Alexia—she was the matchmaker after all—and Lucy was there when after 3 years together, you and Alexia called it quits.
So when Lucy told you that you were a masochist, you honestly agreed. You really were. Because why would you be getting ready to go to Alexia’s birthday party when you had broken up?
“I promised her I’ll always be there during her birthdays,” you reasoned. Lucy thought it was stupid.
“It's fine to break a promise when things change, y/n,” she argued.
But you weren't going to break something you could keep. Alexia broke your heart but that didn’t mean that you should break your promises.
So you walked up next to Lucy to Alexia’s apartment where she was celebrating her birthday, a neatly wrapped black box in your trembling hand.
“It’s not too late to leave, you know.”
You looked at Lucy, giving her a reassuring smile despite the throbbing in your chest and pressed the doorbell. “I’ll just give this to her and leave,” you replied, gesturing towards the gift you were holding.
It was a bracelet that you got a few months ago when you were still together. You figured it would be a waste if you let it sit in your drawer when it could be given to its rightful owner instead. The bracelet was silver and it had two charms—a heart and your initial that you detached just before you wrapped the box.
“You’re too nice, mate,” Lucy chuckled. “If a girl broke my heart like she did to you, I would never want to see her again.”
“Yeah, well,” you sighed. “She was the love of my life once upon a time. It’s still hard to let that go.”
You were interrupted by the door opening. You expected to see Alexia. You expected to see Alexia’s smile dropping as soon as she saw who was standing by her door. But it wasn’t Alexia, instead it was that brunette from the coffee shop and you felt the familiar ache in your chest.
“Hi!” The brunette smiled. You wondered if that was the smile that made Alexia fall in love with her. “Nice to meet you. I’m Olga!”
“Hey," Lucy was the first to speak. “Lucy.”
The brunette—Olga—looked at you expectantly, the smile still on her face. And you really tried, but you couldn’t return her smile. “I’m y/n,” you said, your tone not as enthusiastic as Lucy’s but you didn’t care.
You saw the realization dawning on Olga’s face but you didn’t have the time to react because not a second later Alexia came into view. “Amor, who is it?”
You knew, you knew that Alexia had someone else, but that didn’t mean that your heart didn’t shatter all over again at hearing Alexia call someone else something that had always been directed for you.
Alexia’s eyes went wide when she saw you and you thought that you really should’ve listened to Lucy instead. “Oh, hey,” Alexia’s tone lacked the warmth it used to have whenever she talked to you. You smiled despite it all. “Come on in.”
You figured Lucy sensed your discomfort because she immediately spoke up. “Actually, we’re just here to give you this,” she took the gift from your hand and handed it over to Alexia. “Happy birthday, Capi. Sorry we couldn’t stay.”
Alexia was still looking at you and you had to look away because you couldn’t find all the love and affection you used to see in them anymore.
You left without uttering a single word to Alexia despite having so many things to say to her.
I can feel the pain, can you?
You saw Alexia again a week later in the streets on your way home from work. She was with Olga again, their hands intertwined this time. They were talking animatedly, Alexia hanging on to every word Olga was saying. You noticed that Alexia was wearing your bracelet, but instead of the charm with your initial that was collecting dust in your drawer, it had a brand new charm with an ‘O’ instead and for a second you wished you had kept the bracelet—that way you could’ve kept a part of Alexia all to yourself.
But Alexia wasn’t yours anymore. You didn’t know why it was taking so long for you to accept it.
How am I supposed to live without you?
Once you were in the confines of your apartment, you broke down and cried because Alexia looked happy and you wondered why Alexia couldn’t be happy with you.
You decided to leave the city. Seeing Alexia’s face in everything was getting too much and all the places that you used to find comfort in now felt confining.
But as you were putting the last of your things into an empty box, you found an old book that contained your sketches.
You remembered how you used to bring this everywhere you went, sketching everything you found interesting. Alexia happened to be in most of the pages and you hated how vividly you remembered every single moment behind each sketch.
There was a sketch of Alexia laughing. Alexia watching TV, Nala curled up below her feet. Alexia cooking breakfast for two. Alexia smiling at you with that smile that she used to reserve for you but was now reserved for someone else. Alexia cuddled up against you. Alexia still soundly asleep, the morning hues illuminating her features perfectly. Alexia driving with one hand, the other one placed on your thigh. Alexia sitting on your usual spot at the park, a book in hand.
There was one page left and you remembered that you were about to draw something that day but Alexia left instead.
You didn’t pack the sketchbook with you, instead you left it behind, along with the memories of Alexia you had in the place you used to call home.
You left your now empty apartment with a smile. You didn't know how to unlove Alexia, but it was a start.
You returned to Barcelona a few years later with the invitation to Alexia’s wedding in hand. You used to imagine that you would be the one Alexia would walk down the aisle to. You didn’t mind anymore that it didn’t come true.
All my love is gone
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gavisfanta · 29 days
hii i love ur story's sm☺️☺️
but i was wondering if you can do a instagram with gavi? with the story!!☺️☺️
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summary: you tried your hardest to hide it, but your dog gave it away
warnings: noneee
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Finally back in Barcelona 🫶🏻🫶🏻 missed my home
liked by random and 829,829 others.
random: i hope you enjoyed your spain roadtrip❤️❤️
random: youre so pretttyyyy
random: girly i love you but Colleen Hoover is not it.
random: i think it ends with us is good
random: i hope ill see you
random: where is that?
random: she said it in the caption, barcelona
random: no but where in barcelona
random: barceloneta i think
yourbestie: I MISS YOU
yourinsta: I MISS YOU TOO
random: so cuteee
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feliz dia de Saint Jordi!!!!! 💞💞
liked by yourbestie and 299,619 others.
random: that bear is so adorable😍
yourbestie: who's that hot chick in that first pic??? 😍😍😍
yourinsta: awww❤️
random: can we switch bodies?
random: frr
random: ouuu who are those gifts from...
random: 😍😍
random: youre so prettyyyy
random: her and gavi would actually fit together as a couple
random: I SEE IT I SEE IT
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do you guys think he will be mad at me??? 🫠
liked by random 508,729 and others.
yourbestie: yeah honey i dont know but that perfume costs 200 euros....
yourinsta: its okay... ill just tell him that it was an accident...😬😬😬
random: WHO IS HE?!??!?!?!
random: okay but her pics>>>
random: i wish i was you
random: im atill not giving up about my theory with her and Gavi
random: im with you
random: YOU. ARE. SO. PRETTY.
random: 😍😍😍
random: can you check the dm i sent you??
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< BCN 3
liked by pablogavi and 999,629 others.
random: love the fit girly
random: i was there yesterday
random: where is your jacket from??
random: girl i get that you post gavi cause.....
random: im tired of hiding how fine he is
random: dont hide it. 🤷‍♀️
ferrantorres: 🤣
random: lmaoo what ferran??
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i love acting like a tourist and going into all the souvenir shops
liked by pablogavi and 729,829 others.
random: GAVI LIKED AGAIN!??!?!?!
random: you are so prettyy 😍😍
random: the tourist shops are the best lmao
ferrantorres: he said he likes the third pic 🤣🤣
random: who is he...?
random: HE?
random: The fact that I miss her being somewhere else cause her party posts were always so fun
pablogavi: 😍😍
random: AAAA
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night time in bcn >
liked by pedri, pablogavi and 829,729 others.
random: camp nou at night tho>>
random: how did she even get in there at night?
random: maybe it was a matchday
random: but there was no game yesterday
random: its older then
random: i love living in barcelona
random: i was there in that pool it was so cool
random: the third pic is so quiet...
random: where did you get the hoodie from??
random: youre so pretty in the first pic
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this past week was an absolute dream, now I'm back to studying 😖
liked by pablogavi, ferrantorres and 739,729 others.
random: i can imagine that the past week was a dream. the barca players also like my posts in my dreams.
random: LMAOOO
random: I'd die to have your hair
random: whats the dogs name??
random: love how she represents the girl aesthetic of studying while having starbucks
random: frrrr
random: i absolutely live for the makeup in the first pic
random: hair tutorial when??
random: orange is so your color
random: nahh its still red
random: i still remember when she was in portugal... that felt like yesterday but ut was like 6 weeks ago
random: can we swap lifes? just for one day? pls
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photo dump 🎀
liked by pablogavi, pedri and 1,012,829 others.
random: prettyyyy
pablogavi: buen coche 🤔 (nice car)
random: AAA
random: whats with the emoji tho...
random: how is she so lucky that barca players keep liking her posts???
random: first
random: shut up do you know how many people drive cupras?
random: yeah shes right
random: youre gorgeous. im serious.
random: hala madrid
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day at home 💞
liked by pablogavi, pedri and 1,082,992 others.
random: okay i love that dog, its official.
random: youre giving golden retriver
random: i adore your aesthetic fr
random: how do you manage to stay so organized
random: when is your next trip?
random: youre so prettyy
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what am i without watching sports??
liked by pablogavi and 992,829 others.
random: F1 ON TOP
pablogavi: 😍
random: hey gavi
yourbestie: What are you without sports in general???
random: frr football and f1>>>
random: oh how i wish to be a wag
random: idk how people can be bored of watching sports
random: i love camp nou its so pretty
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liked by yourinsta, pedri and 2,829,729 others
yourinsta: ayy guapo *liked by creator
random: wait hear me out. isnt that yns dog?
random: Omg youre right
random: since when does he have a dog???
random: cant wait for the game against Cádiz!!!!
random: maybe theyre just friends...?
ferrantorres: 🤣🤣
random: OMG HIII
random: you focus on scoring goal first
random: 😍😍😍
random: THATS YNS DOG???
random: YESS AAAAA
random: oh my god theyre just hanging out, chill that doesnt mean that theyre dating...
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fine... yall little detectives figured it out...
liked by pablogavi and 2,018,662 others.
pablogavi: ❤️
pedri: finally!!! took long enough
ferrantorres: yall were so bad at hiding it from public
ferminlopez: they grow up so fast 😭😭
random: AAAAA
mikkykiemeney: welcome to the public wags 🫶🏻❤️
yourinsta: aaaa ❤️
hectorforr_: desearía serlo Y/n 😍😍 joder hermano te ves bien ( i wish i was yn, fuck brother you look good)
random: WHA
random: fort bro crazyyy
pablogavi: 💀
llamineyamal: mis padres 😍😍 (my parents)
random: lmaooo
random: THEYRE DATING???
jpcancelo: Por fin ya no nos molestará más jajaja 🤣🤣🤣 (finally he won't annoy us anymore)
pablogavi: 💀
aurorapaezg: 😍😍
random: aurora tell me is she good to gavi?
random: IM. DYING.
joaofelix14: @yourinsta tenemos que compartir ahora (we gotta share now)
yourinsta: PFFFF
random: HAHAHA
174 notes · View notes
Christmas Shopping
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Hi everyone!
Time is passing and I hope your December is going well for you:)
A little Christmas shopping with Lucy today, and if what happens in this fiction is taken from my own life, it’s obviously only coincidence ^^'
Happy reading!
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You wouldn’t know why, every year, you find yourself at the end of December running in stores to find Christmas presents. Yet, you think about it as early as July, thinking about what you can offer to your parents, your in-laws and Lucy. When you asked her what she would like, she shrugged her shoulders and said that what she likes at Christmas is to spend time with her family. And you, of course. Then she hugged you to break your bones. You love it, but it doesn’t help you choose something.
Lucy accompanies you today in the mall, you decided to join forces to find gifts. You made a list of people who are missing gifts and you had the same protein breakfast you had before your football matches. Lucy laughed and pretended that you were doing too much, but you know what a pain you’re going to get into. People are completely crazy in stores around Christmas.
It’s been almost an hour since you were in the store and you only found two of the ten gifts on your list. And you’ve already been stepped on three times. Next to you, Lucy pushes the shopping cart looking around her, studying each of the articles on which her eyes rest.
"Okay, now we need a doll set for your niece"
You turn back to Lucy, to face… emptiness. You frown and turn on yourself, looking for your girlfriend’s figure. But she’s nowhere to be found.
Frowning, you retrace your steps to go through the rays you have already crossed, wondering if you forgot to take something. But Lucy is still nowhere to be found. You end up finding her at a dried meat tasting stand, almost ten minutes later.
"Baby!" she happily cheers when she sees you "Here, you have to taste this!"
She hands you a toothpick on which a piece of meat is pricked, which you examine before carrying to your mouth.
"How delicious is that?"
Before you have time to answer, Lucy puts two packages in your cart, to the delight of the saleswoman you look at with scepticism.
"Hum" you just mumble when she says goodbye with a little too much enthusiasm to Lucy. "Are you being charmed for some food now?"
"Of course not" laughs Lucy before putting a loving kiss on your cheek.
The gesture makes you smile and forget the touch of jealousy you just felt. This may not be worth the Iberian ham you have in Barcelona, but it's true that it's rather good. You take out the empty list and take control of the shopping cart.
"Set of dolls"
"I’m hungry" sighs Lucy a little later
You smile and roll your eyes when you hear her. You have to admit that you are getting hungry too, but you are unfortunately far from having finished your shopping.
"We’ll go to the cafeteria after we finish this" you answer, shaking the list in front of her eyes.
"But baby" Lucy whines, in the same tone as her four-year-old nephew.
You shake your head and drag her with you into the good place to find a gift for her sister-in-law. A skincare set may not be the most original idea in the world, but your imagination is far from overflowing right now. Arriving at your destination, you hesitate a long time about the different possibilities, before turning to Lucy.
"What do you think? Coconut or… Luce?"
But Lucy disappeared again and you let your head go against the shopping cart with a sound that seems to worry a Grandma next to you.
Taking a random kit off the shelf, you go back looking for your girlfriend, grumbling in a low voice. It takes you again long minutes to find her, lost in the contemplation of Christmas decorations.
"Lucia" you sigh at her.
But she turns to you again with a big smile and you find yourself feeling your annoyance fade away. You’re far too in love with her for your own sanity.
"Look, it’s pretty! It would be nice in the entrance of our apartment right?"
"Mh yeah, maybe"
You sigh again, looking at the list. You have the impression that it has lengthened since the beginning of the day. The good news is you’re starting to see the end of the tunnel. You ignore the man who rushes into your shopping cart, leaving Lucy to glare at him instead of you.
"We still need the gift for your brother, the gift for your mother and…"
"Give me this damn list."
You arch an eyebrow but comply, handing her the piece of paper and pen that you carry carefully since you left home. Your eyes are mechanically attracted by the light effects of the decorations and it's true that it is rather pretty.
"Is that the one you like?"
Lucy takes a brief look at the one you are pointing at and nods with a slight smile. After half a second of hesitation, you carefully place it in the shopping cart, balancing on the packets of meat.
"Here" says Lucy after a few seconds.
You pick up the list she gives you, quickly realizing that she added something following what you had already written. Who did you forget? But your slightly desperate look changes when an amused smile appears on your face.
"Smile, Feed your starving and almost dead girlfriend and Let her kiss you?" you laugh softly as you look up at her.
"Yes. And we can already trace the first one."
You keep smiling when she puts her hand in the hollow of your back to kiss your temple. This woman.
"Well, let’s go feed my hungry girlfriend before she falls out then" you do mischievously.
"Yes, please. We’ve reached a critical threshold."
You roll your eyes again and it's with her hand always on you that you take the way to the cafeteria. Needless to say, at the end of the day you didn’t find everything you were looking for and you will have to come back tomorrow. At least that’s what you’re imagining, before you let Lucy convince you to order what you need online.
318 notes · View notes
greystreetshop · 3 months
See Our Selection of Vegan Wallets for Style and Compassion
Use Grey Street vegan wallets to dress ethically. These wallets, which are made from materials devoid of cruelty, are the epitome of style with a conscience. Get sustainable sophistication right now!
0 notes
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It's that time of year again! Thank you to the creators who have shared their Top 5 creations of 2023 according to Tumblr note count. The Creator's Pick Top 5 will be posted this weekend! Links to all fics can be found below the break.
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@aallotarenunelma ✒️
So This is Love (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros x M!elf!MC
Distant Light (BOLAS) - Tyril Starfury x F!elf!MC
Indigo Night (ID) - Cassius Harlow x NB!MC, NB!OC
Répondez, s'il vous plaît! 3 (ILS/ID) - Various Pairings
Sophomore Secret (ILITW) - Dan Pierce x F!MC, M!OC
@angelasscribbles ✒️
A Fervid Fixation (TRR) Ⓜ️ - Drake Walker x MC
In Your Room (TRR) Ⓜ️- Drake Walker x Leo Rys
The Dark Kingdom (TRR) Ⓜ️ - Various Pairings
Dark Elf (TRR) Ⓜ️- Various Pairings
Heir Apparent (TRR) Ⓜ️- Drake Walker x MC, Liam Rys
@baldwinboy5ive 🎨
Blades Coffee Shop AU (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros x MC
I Will Drag Him Back (BOLAS) - Tyril Starfury & Aerin Valleros
The Spray Bottle (BOLAS) - Imtura, Mal, Aerin
Aerin Instagram (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros
The Prison Visit (BOLAS) - Aerin Valleros x MC
@cariantha ✒️
Accidental Valentine (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
If Only I Could (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Code Yellow (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
A Kiss on the Hand (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Daddy Distress (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@inlocusmads ✒️
Intro To Negotiation Science (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
A Strange & Sudden Companionship (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Cross Your Hearts & Set it Ablaze (COP) - Trystan Thorn x F!MC
Partner (Disambiguation) (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
New York, June 2014 (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
@jerzwriter ✒️
A Different Fate, Part 1 (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
What Happened in Vegas, Part 4 (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Abundance (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
The Perfect Gift (OH) - Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Take Me Out (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
@ladylamrian ✒️
Welcome to the World of Night (NB) - Nightbound MC
Bound by Fate (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
A Meeting in Wyoming (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
Wedding Proposal (NB) - Nik Ryder x F!MC
OC Headcanons (NB)
@liaromancewriter ✒️
Every Day (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Summer Romance (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Beautiful Stranger (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Sleeping Beauty (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Something to Talk About (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@noesapphic ✒️
The Other Woman (D&D) - Roselyn Sinclaire, Ernest Sinclaire, Duke Richards
A Glimpse of Us (TRR/TRM) - Liam Rys & MC, Fabian Rys & MC
Barcelona | Prince Hamid (D&D) - Prince Hamid x MC
Worthy (TRR) Hana Lee x MC
The Cursed Heiress, Ch. 17 (D&D) - Mr. Sinclaire x F!OC
@peonierose ✒️
Losing Game - Part 1 (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!OC
Nightbound AU vs. Hänsel & Gretel, Part 3 (NB) - OCs
Nightbound AU vs. Hänsel & Gretel, Part 2 (NB) - Nik Rider, F!MC, OCs
Once, Part 2 (TNA/OH) - Sam Dalton x F!MC
Hau’oli la Heleui (OH) - Bryce Lahela, F!OC, Keiki Lahela
@storyofmychoices ✒️
Go On, Feel It! (BOLAS) - Mal Volari x F!MC
Our Future Doctor (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!OC
No Kissing! (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Dance With Me (OH) - Bryce Lahela x F!MC
A Theif in the Gardens (BOLAS) - Mal Volari x F!MC
@tessa-liam ✒️
Memories (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
The Sacrifice (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
Regrets (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
Old Habits Die Hard (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
Turning the Page, Prologue (TRR) - Liam Rys x F!OC
@trappedinfanfiction ✒️
Brunette (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Crossroads (OH) Ⓜ️ - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
A New Neighbor (COP) - Trystan Thorne x F!MC
Midnight Talks (OH) - F!MC, Sienna Trinh
What's in a Name? (COP) - Trystan Thorne
@zealouscanonindeer ✒️
Together (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Company (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Locked In (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
20 Questions (OH) - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Long Overdue (OH) Ⓜ️- Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
43 notes · View notes
PEDRI - Second regard
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Words : +4,6k
Warning : Fluff / medical terms 
Summary : You had never believed in love at first sight anyways. Neither had Pedri. That’s probably why both of you had needed another chance to meet. 
“I can’t do it Martha !” you gasped, a stressful wave taking over you. You clutched the jersey you were holding, close to hyperventilating as you were frantically looking around you. Oh, how much you hoped he wouldn’t show up.
“Yes, you can, obviously you can. You just have to use that pretty mouth of yours and to stretch your arm…” she rolled her eyes before pushing you a little bit forward. You stumbled, turning around with a dark gaze, ready to swear at her. She only shrugged before pushing you again, more gently this time.
“It’s nothing Y/N, really!” she really tried to reassure you, but she had put you in this situation in the first place, so she could keep it. You gulped and took another step, eyeing the counter where a little group of people were waiting.
You might want to know what was going on? Well, you had been waiting at the fcb shop for Pedri to sign his jersey, with a bet weighing on your shoulders. It’s a combination of several things that led to this: to begin with, your brother’s birthday in a little more than a month who was a big fan of the mentioned player, then your university having some sort of deal with Barça and so allowed you to meet some of the players this afternoon. They thought it would be good publicity for the club to show that they cared for the Barcelona youth, even if they had nothing to do with football. Obviously, you had taken it as an occasion to get a special gift for your brother’s eighth birthday, even if it meant losing three hours of your time, you might as well get things done. However, your friend, who you happened to share an apartment with, had other ideas. She knew your taste in men, she knew how you liked them and she had always joked that your brother liked his players like you liked men. With an entire thinking process, she had come to the conclusion that you just had to try something with Pedri. She had probably occulted the part where it wasn’t only your choice, like the boy had probably a girlfriend and if not, well he had many many girls to see before even thinking about you. In the end, with her pushy comments and the drinks you had had the night you had discussed it, you had agreed to give him your insta. Here you were now, completely regretting your life choices and contemplating chickening out.
“Oh, here he comes…” she had whispered it but it felt like she had screamed it to your ears. God, your hands were shaking and you were already feeling ashamed. He would so reject you, you knew it. It’s not even like you cared that much, you weren’t really interested in him, you hadn’t even paid him a second thought, but a bet was a bet. You didn’t feel like getting humiliated in front of everyone. That was what was disturbing you, and if someone had the guts to film this ? You would just die right on the spot. You finally looked up, feeling lightheaded, and took small steps while other students were taking pictures and asking him to sign their shirts. The queue was getting shorter and shorter, that was just awful. You weren’t sure if you would have preferred being at the end of the queue in order to brace yourself, or right at the beginning so you wouldn’t have had time to think and just going through the motion. Stuck in the middle ? The worst. You looked around, other players were there too, each having their own counter. You had recognized De Jong, Dembélé and Koundé. They seemed, nice…
“Y/N, come on!” Martha whispered as she nudged you. Alright, only one person before your turn. The blondie slipped a small paper in your hand, your insta in black ink on it. It could have burned your hand with the way you retrieved it. You tried to rationalize. He was a normal boy: your age, brunette, not that tall, a little bit lanky, brown eyes and a nice smile. He didn’t appear that threatening and as you were watching him interacting with your fellow student, he seemed quite polite and nice. You had nothing to worry about, right? He wouldn’t laugh at your face or make fun of you in front of everyone ? That would be totally out of the way, degrade his reputation even. Sure… But maybe he could ignore you, or something. You didn’t know what to think and nothing seemed to ease you. Pedri gave back the jersey, thanking the young man and nodded, it was your turn. You took a deep breath, not daring meeting his eyes.
“Hello” it was practically a whisper but you were sure that if you had said it louder, he could have heard the shakiness in your voice. He smiled politely and returned the salutation, grabbing the jersey you were holding out.
“Name ?” he had asked as you were petrified. He definitely thought you were weird; you were so dumb. You cleared your throat and said your brother’s name. You saw how his movements were fluid, he was obviously used to this but it still amazed you, his writing wasn’t half bad you noticed. He gave it back to you as you thanked him, still not meeting his gaze. You would have to make sure Martha was going to regret this.
“Want a picture?” he asked, obviously he would, it was the usual thing to do after all the signing stuff. However, you were so out of it that you declined, earning a surprised expression from him and a roll of your friend’s eyes. You didn’t really want a memory of the humiliation that you would go through. So, no thanks; it was enough seeing him all around Barcelona, his face on everything. You didn’t need it on your phone. He shrugged and was ready to continue with your friends. It was now, you had to do it.
“Also…” you swiftly put your paper in front of him, his hands two centimeters away of it. He took it, opening it and seeing what you had written. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it right away. That was awful to live, his eyes seemed apologetic and to say he was uncomfortable was an understatement.
“Y/N, what are you doing ?” asked Daniel, another student who took the same class as yours. You laughed, a laugh that literally meant: I don’t know how to react, nor what to say so I laugh to make it less awkward but this makes it just weirder. You had forgotten about the rest of the students, they had seen it. Damn, your life was going to be hell.
“Bye!” you exclaimed and turned around, grabbing Martha’s arm, trying to go faster and faster towards the exit. Maybe you could go on a walk near the beach so you could drown in the Mediterranean Sea. Still, your tried to steal a look at him, see what was his reaction. He had dismissed it, carelessly giving it to his manager. The older man was talking to him, probably asking him what to do with it. The Canarian had only shrugged. That’s how your paper met the bottom of the trashcan. You would lie if you denied that you hadn’t felts a small pang in your chest.
“You analyze it and make a full report to me after you’re done” you nodded, internally rolling your eyes at the doctor’s words. It would be your fourth ECG this morning and you were more than annoyed with counting the squares within the R-R interval, the red color of the paper messing with your eyes. You followed her in a corridor that seemed way more crowded than before. Your brows furrowed, not remembering your supervisor’s schedule this full. 
“Lucas ! You make him pass the stress test alright ?” she, again, asked without much warmth in her voice, to the junior doctor. He nodded, just like you, and took a clip board with many papers. You followed him, joining another fellow student on the way, until you entered a room that was even more crowded than the previous corridor. 
“What’s going on ?” you asked, confused, to the brunette who seemed less surprised. You put your hands in your lab coat pockets while tiptoeing to see over the sea of people. 
“Well, the Barça sent their players to pass their stress test here, don’t know why though... Do they do this every year?” 
“Huh?” you had never heard of that before. You would assume that this club would have their own medical room and their own doctors, why come to a University hospital? Well, it wasn’t your problem so you shrugged and turned to the junior doctor that would lead the procedure in a moment. You had just one wish, that your patient wasn’t one of them because you weren’t confident enough to work in front of that much people. 
“So Y/N, let’s go there...” he pointed at another door that led to a smaller room and with far less people. “Our patient is Pedro González López, 19, born on the 25th of November, no known pathologies neither past surgical procedures. Doesn’t smoke, doesn’t frequently drink alcohol, lives in a pretty recent building, so no risks of contact with asbestos...” he delivered his speech in one go, reading his notes and going through the crowd, not looking if you were still behind him. Thankfully you had quick legs... Registering everything, you tried to anticipate for the potential questions he would ask you. You wouldn’t lie, you had felt a wave of relief hit you when you had heard the name. It wasn’t familiar at all, meaning he wasn’t a Barça player, so no crowd, no hawkin eyes, no possible judgment.
Finally you entered the room, Lucas, the Junior doctor’s name, directly going to the computer on the desk. Three large screens were displaying tables with numbers in many colors, one with an heart line completely flat considering there wasn’t anyone attached to the electrodes. A treadmill was on the side, cables and a mask hanging on one of the arc. He clicked on some settings, adjusting the ranges and choosing the datas he wanted to see. 
“So, what payload range should we use for him ?” 
You tried to think a little while remembering all of the infos he had given you.
“I would say 30W every 2 minutes?” he nodded, and typed it on the computer, not even glancing at you. You rolled your eyes and leant against the wall, making yourself small because you knew they kind of hated students being around. Sure, you didn’t have the biggest utility and you kind of were in their way but you had to learn at some point. While you were waiting like a kicked puppy on the side, and your senior was busying himself, you both heard a knock on the door, turning around at the same time to look at a woman standing in front of you. 
“Pedro is here.” she said, with a cold voice as she seemed pretty stuck up, with her black tailor and patent heels. Even Lucas looked surprised by the blatant display of disdain. However, he didn’t comment on it and made a sign for him to come. What was going on today? Everything seemed so weird, especially people. 
And everything just got weirder, even worse, awkward. A “your age, brunette, not that tall, a little bit lanky, brown eyes and a nice smile” boy entered the room. Pedro is Pedri apparently. Your eyes were wide and a deep blush had began to paint your cheeks. For the first time in your student life, you felt relief for being so unashamedly ignored and forced to raze the walls. You couldn’t do this, not with him. Lucas did his work, as usual, asking questions, writing everything down and taking in the youngster, obviously without showing any emotion, because it would be weird for him to do so. You were now making one with the wall, your hands glued to it. You couldn’t hear well what was said, from being farer than you should from the interaction, but now Pedri was taking off his T-shirt while sitting on a medical bed and you hadn’t been prepared for it. Quickly, you diverted your gaze in favor of focusing on the weird pattern of the floor. You wanted to keep it like that, until you felt eyes burning holes on you. It was your cue to look up again, what kind of nightmare was that? You did it, at first meeting junior doctor’s eyes which were void of emotion, normal, then Pedri’s. He smiled at you, a nice one that wasn’t the biggest he had in stock you assumed, but a faint one that still let  small crinkles form on the corner of his lips. His eyes were displaying a certain warmth, kindness, the type of look you have when you meet someone for the first time and you genuinely want to politely establish the first contact. That made you question if he remembered you, then you thought a little and probably not. To begin with you had your mask on, and he had probably met a hundred girls since the last time you saw him. So you decided to take it like that and sighed, relief washing over you as you relaxed a little. 
“Y/N?” Lucas voice interrupted your inner rant. He was now annoyed. 
“Are you going to take the constants or not ? Listen to his heart maybe ?” 
His voice clearly indicated you that he thought of you as dumb, and maybe, maybe just for this time, you would allow him to think that because really, you knew you had to do it and he shouldn’t have had to tell you to do it. 
That’s how you found yourself in front of the youngster of the Barça, stethoscope in your ears as you approached him. 
“That might be cold...” you said lowly, your voice just above a whisper, not daring meeting his eyes. Yet, you could feel him looking intently at you as you brought the chestpiece to his chest, his deep brown eyes detailing your face. The metal piece met skin, goosebumps running on his skin, and you saw it, just like you saw the shuddery breath he had let out. That had made you feel strange, a little fire budding in you. His heartbeat was soft, calming even. It was steady, not too fast and loud, easy to hear. And that made this budding fire just sprout sparks around. How could it be so intimate when you were doing this all day? You then went to his back, instructing him when to breathe in or breathe out, feeling his rib cage moving with it. 
“Do it entirely Y/N, so you can get used to it.” 
You nodded and went back to face the midfielder, shying away from his glances. You turned around the chestpiece, opening the smaller one so you could hear through it. With an hesitant hand, you put it on his neck, trying to find the carotid artery in the small area. He wasn’t helping much, especially when you felt his faint puffs of air meeting the skin of your hand. It was hard to focus and even more now as you were beginning to feel self conscious: you couldn’t find the soft thumping of blood. Finally meeting his eyes, you cleared your throat. 
“Could you turn your head please ?” you asked as you showed him the opposite way. He obliged without saying anything, letting veins appear, creating relief on his olive skin. Finally you found the right spot, hearing the steady rhythm that matched with his heart. 
“Everything is alright” you said as you straightened up, turning around so you could escape the grasp Pedri had on you right at the moment. It didn’t make sense: you could have sworn that you had never really been attracted to him. It had just been a bet about him, you hadn’t spared him a second thought, never thought of him like that. You could even say you hadn’t think of him at all, apart from the shame of this past moment that would hit you whenever you would hear his name. He had rejected you, not outwardly, but it had hurt you. Even without caring, the action hurt. And now this ? You wanted to say that it was the rush of seeing him right when you couldn’t imagine it, or not being prepared to see him again. Certainly a part of truth was there. But, attraction? This weird pull you felt, the way your breath would catch in your throat every time you got closer and had to touch him. Medical fields required some sort of intimacy, invasive touches and could easily make patients uncomfortable, but that was not it. It was something entirely different that unsettled you. His shy glances, your need to avoid it, the goosebumps... It was too much and so confusing. He was confusing because you couldn’t recognize the boy from the store right at the moment. His demeanor towards you had changed. 
Without having to be told, you took the ECG’s electrodes and put it on his naked chest, circling around his left pectoral muscle, small colorful dots contrasting with the tan of his skin. He was holding his breathe, you could sense it. Your touch was light, not wanting to apply too much pressure, avoiding to make it last a second too long. Yet, it made it just that more personal, because his body was trying to respond to it by sending shivers down his spine and quickening his heart rate. He was as lost as you, not understanding what was going on with him and his mind.
Minutes passed and the paper offering the heart line had finally been printed entirely. It had seemed so long, waiting for it in silence, not daring starting anything with Pedro.
“Y/N, can we discuss about it now?” the doctor who had sent you here said. You slightly jumped, unaware of her presence. She had came silently, looking intently at you while tuning out Lucas. You knew she disliked him, though you weren’t sure why and you weren’t really in a place to pry. She was looking down at you, her being way taller than you added to her severe stare could only intimidate you.
“sure, but he didn’t pass the stress test yet? I can’t make a full synthesis with that?” you said unsure. She crossed her arms and shrugged, not caring one bit about what you were saying.
“Stitches needed in the ER, so we just debrief this fast and then you go there.” she said, not letting room for debate. Not like you would actually try to go against her words. You nodded and unfolded the paper, putting in on the table as you took a pen out of your pocket. She came closer, arms still crossed. That was only now that you felt self-consciousness wash over you, not only was she testing you but Pedro was also interested in what you had to say. You couldn’t make any mistakes.
“There is no sinus bradycardia...” you said, unsure if she wanted to hear it.
“Why bring that up?” she asked, genuinely curious and you cheered inside, you had marked a point.
“Because half of the athletes have a heart rate inferior to 50bpm, also often associated with respiratory arrhythmia.”
“Is there one here?”
“No” you said, this time more confident in your answers. She nodded and scribbled down on the ECG. 
“Also, the QRS complex is hypervolted, which can be an explained by a right atrial hypertrophy, however the Sokolow index isn’t positive, therefore it’s benign.” she wrote down everything you had said and circled the lines you had talked about. “It’s a physiological adaptation from his heart, so he can have a wider range of adaptation through the exercise...” you added sensing that all the words you had said could put Pedro on edge. You had used scary words, hypertrophia isn’t generally a good sign, for anything really. You felt that it was the right thing to do to explain it better. She nodded again, passing the paper to Lucas and then, finally, she decided to put her eyes on you.
“You can go now, they are waiting for you.” and that was all she had to say. 
While you put back your stethoscope in your pocket, you looked up, meeting Pedri’s gaze. He smiled at you, a hint of something you couldn’t decipher tingling in his dark orbs. You waved lightly and left without a word. Why did you wave ?
What you didn’t know though, was that your action hadn’t phased him one bit, the contrary actually. He had found it endearing and maybe it only was the cherry on top. He had felt all of the tension clashing between you two during his auscultation, how his skin had reacted to the simple graze of your fingers, which had been so delicate. He knew you had felt it, if how you had seemed fidgety was to say anything. He hadn’t been able to entirely see your face, disappointment hinting its way in him, but your eyes could put him in this strange trance by themselves. How could they hold so much, sparks of concentration littering the deep color of your irises. And your voice, it was sweet, and the shy edge it held was even sweeter. The way you had answered everything with ease, how you knew what you were talking about, the over-explaining. That had left him wanting, no, needing more. Who were you ?
“Pedro? We will start in a bit” said his manager, who had been standing on the side all along. 
“Sure, but before...” he gulped and turned around to face the older man, “Could you find me the insta from the girl who was there?” he asked, voice low and a faint blush on the apple of his cheeks.
His manager frowned and came closer so this conversation could stay only between them, no curious ears catching words of what was going to be said. 
“The student one ?” at that, the midfielder nodded eagerly, pleading with his eyes. 
“I can’t believe we are here Y/N! That’s the best present ever!” your brother screamed as he held onto the barrier preventing him from falling down. His little jersey, with a giant eight on it, still looking a bit too big on him. What a coincidence that the number of years he had lived and that you were celebrating today was the same number printed on the back of the young man who had quite deviated your life from its axis recently. A fond smile found its way on your face as you watched over him, his fluffy hair ruffled by the wind and his grin that could light up the entire stadium. His eyes, which were a carbon copy of yours, were shining with happiness and you had never felt prouder of yourself. You had brought him this much joy, you kind of had accomplished your role as an older sister. Well, you hadn’t quite done it alone, if you were to be honest.
“I wish Pedri could have scored though...” he said still smiling, looking around the pitch for players. 
“An assist is still great hermanito” that had you ruffling his hair more. 
“Don’t worry, he will strike, sooner than you think.” Martha, who had excitedly accompanied you to the game, said while sending you knowing gazes. You rolled your eyes and threw her a middle finger while your little brother wasn’t looking. You exactly knew why she had wanted to come with you: if this girl wasn’t the biggest fan of football, she was on the other hand the biggest one of gossips. 
On the pitch, the Barca team was celebrating, hugging each other, thankful for the win today. Xavi seemed pretty content with the team, just like the culers all around the stadium. 
“Let’s go” you said loudly for your brother to hear as you grabbed his smaller hand, passing through the security and approaching a small area were other fans were waiting. You had been offered VIP tickets, and maybe you hadn’t told your brother how. 
“Oh my god! It’s Gavi and Dembélé!” you weren’t sure his voice was going to be there tomorrow with how much screaming he had done, and still was doing. However, his high pitched sound had attracted the attention of the two said players who came to sign his shirt, warm expression on their faces. Then, Lewandowski happened to pass by too, offering another smudge on the red color of the fabric. Your brother was shaking from excitement, stars falling from the sky to lodge in his pretty irises. 
“Y/N, it’s Pedri! Oh my god!” now that was a whole over level of excitement. You had never seen his eyes that wide. You knew Pedri was his favorite player, from the day he had signed with Barcelona until this night. Even if you had never paid attention to it, you felt like you had heard his nickname as much as yours coming from his mouth. 
The Canarian spotted the three of you, smiling shyly but still taking steps towards you. His hair were disheveled, some strands sticking to his forehead thanks to the ninety minutes and more of running around the wide pitch. His shorts had splashes of green that matched the grass he had met while being tackled many times. But he looked as good as ever, scratch that, he was hot. 
He grabbed the pen your brother was holding out to him and made him turn around so he could sign directly on the “8″, his signature standing out from the others. Then, he placed himself next to him, bending his knees so he would be closer, motioning to you to take a picture. Which you obviously did: you had caught two perfect smiles matching joyful, genuine, expressions. It was the most beautiful picture you had ever taken. However, you would show it to your brother later because now he was more preoccupied with doing a handshake with Pedri. After that, the older boy ruffled your boy’s hair, emanating so much affection towards him. It was the sweetest thing to see.
Your brother looked up at him, excitedly.
“Thank you so much Pedri, it’s the best day of my life!” you could hear his voice breaking a little from having been exhausted all night long. He looked at you, so drunk on happiness. that’s probably why he did what he did, he couldn’t possibly be thinking straight right now. “Oh! Also, did you know that my sister likes you?” 
You would definitely kill him once his fun was done. Your eyes went wide, crimson red being your new skin tone. That had Pedro looking at you, a smug smirk playing on his lips from the newly found information. 
“Huh?” you could see the playfulness in his eyes while he was openly teasing you. 
“Huh?” you responded, still on edge from everything. He chuckled and came closer, weirdly left alone by your brother who was showing his jersey to Martha. You knew she was faking captivation for your sake, and it was one of the rare times that you were thankful of her. 
“You like me, Y/N?” 
You bit your lower lip. He did the same. 
“Maybe I do?” you wanted to tease back, therefore not giving him straight answers would do. You saw him squint his eyes at you, containing a nervous laugh. 
“You like me, Pedro?” you asked, mimicking his question.
“Maybe I do?” 
I hope you liked it! English isn’t my first language so I hope I didn’t make too many mistakes!
Don’t be shy and tell me what you thought of it.
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micaluvssoccer · 11 months
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The Wedding Date
Chapter one
Micaellas pov
I get ready to leave my apartment to go to my sanctuary which is right next to the training facility for Barcelona's football teams. I make sure I have everything before I walk out the door and into the hall. After I lock up, I walk down to my car and I unlock my car door and puts my bags inside. I then climb in the drivers seat and i drive to the sanctuary. Once I get there I grab my bags and unlocks my sanctuary door and then I go ahead and feeds all the animals. While i am feeding the animals i start hearing the players show up for training.
I look out the window and I wave over to Cata since we are friends. Cata waves back and I smile wide and then I finally finish feeding the animals. I then start on cleaning the enclosures. While I do that all my animals looks up at me happily. Cata pops her head over scaring me. I scream out in shock putting my hand over my chest and breathing heavily and I say Cata seriously omg. Cata laughed and she said that she just wanted to say hi and ask how the babies are doing. I shake my head and say hi and the babies are good just got fed and now I’m cleaning their enclosures and then I’m opening up.
She said okay then Bruna popped up next to her. I laughed and shook my head and said hi bruna did you enjoy your chocolate muffin I baked you. she pouts and says i didn't get a chance to eat it. I say aww I’m sorry perhaps after training? she says i hope so if its still there since the other girls were eyeing it. I giggled and said if its not I have more at home and you both can come over for dinner you can even invite your team. They both yell sweet and when. I giggled and said you both come over every single night when I cook dinner what time do we usually eat silly’s.
they say around 6 pm and I smile and say yes that’s when we will eat dinner. Okay, let your team know and go before you both get in trouble. They both say bye and they jump down. I smile and say bye and I continue to work on cleaning the enclosures. After i finished, I went outside to put the open sign on the door and I saw a lot of people waiting and I smiled and said come on in. They all look at the animals and I tell them some facts about them, their names, ages and where they are from and how I’m trying to end poaching and get them back to their habitats.
They all start asking questions. I answered all of the questions and after showing the last animal they go to the gift shop and gets their kids their favorite stuffies and I take care of that for them and then they look at the baked goods and buys some too. I sit down and then i hear my name being called so i walked back outside and i say yes cata whats up. Cata says do you still have tours available and the gift shop and I say yeah why? She says the girls would like to come over. I say okay but after your training remember and then I say I have a full house.
She laughs and says i know after training and what do you mean you have a full house. I say there’s no way anyone else can come inside it’s completely packed right now. She says okay and I giggled and kissed her cheek and say I’ll see you later then. she says okay text me when they leave. I smile and say okay will do and then I walk back in and I see a little girl without their family around looking at the animals and I walk over to her and smiles and says aren’t they adorable? She says yeah they are and I smile and say are you alone sweetheart where’s your mom or your dad? She flinched when I talked about her parents and I say how old are you sweetheart it’s okay your safe here.
she says i am 4 and I say okay sweetheart take my hand and we’ll wait until everyone leaves ok. She nods her head and gives me her hand and she then asks what’s next door. I smile and take her hand and say the Barcelona femeni woman’s team are training right now. She gets excited and says really. I giggle softly and say yes sweetheart and then I look around to see everyone smiling at me and saying goodbye and how much fun they had.
i say i am glad that you guys had a great time and please come again. They smile and say we definitely will thanks again and they all leave and I turn my attention back to the little girl and I say I have some clothes you can wear let’s go to the bathroom okay. She says okay and I smile and Leads her towards the bathroom and I get her cuts cleaned up and her bruises covered. She quietly says thank you. I say your welcome sweetheart can I ask you your name and she says sofia ma’am and I smile and say hello sofia I’m micaella. she says i like your name and I smile wide and say aww thank you sweetheart I like yours more and then I change her clothes and braids her hair.
After I change her clothes and braid her hair she then snuggles into me. I looked down at her surprised and then I asked her why she’s alone. She says they didn’t want me anymore so they kicked me out. I covered my mouth to hide my sobs and I hold onto her and I ask why she has cuts and bruises. She looks down and said they hit me and then kicked me out and I then texted Jonathan asking if I can get one of his medical staff over here and not to tell Bruna or Cata and I hold onto her showing her what love feels like. He texts back saying that the entire medical team is coming over. I say okay thank you so much and then I ask Sofia if it’s okay if a doctor examines you so I know how to help and treat you.
She says okay but please don’t leave me. I say I won’t sweetheart I promise let’s go get some food for you . I should still have some muffins. She said okay and then I heard my name being called. I pick her up and she clings onto me and I look up and see the medical staff hi guys thanks for coming so quickly. They all say we came quickly when we heard it was you that needed us. I gently hug them all and say this little one is Sofia. She's 4 years old and her parents physically abused her and kicked her out. I was hoping you guys could check her out for me.
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posi-pan · 1 year
2022 books with pan rep 📚
At the time of posting previous lists, there were 57 books in 2020 and 141 in 2021. This year, there are 176!
30 Things I Love about Myself by Radhika Sanghani
Ablaze by A.H. Cunningham
All I’m Asking by J. Marie Rundquist
Apparition by Zahlia Amin
Attraction (Mobsters + Billionaires #3) by Kelly Fox
Bad At Love by Gabriela Martins
Barcelona (Circus After Dark #3) by Chloe Adler
The Barkeep and the Bookseller by V.L. Locey
Barnabas Bopwright Saves the City by J. Marshall Freeman
Bartholomew (The Temple Brothers #2) by Elle Sparrow
Ben and Beatriz by Katalina Gamarra
Bishop’s Opening by R.S.A Garcia
Bitter Medicine by Mia Tsai
Blood Bound (Youkai Bloodlines #3) by Courtney Maguire
Blood Legacy (Avators of Ruin #2) by Tej Turner
Bloodmarked (Legendborn #2) by Tracy Deonn
Bound (Fangs with Benefits #3) by Aveda Vice
Bound (Kozlov Chronicles #2) by Elena Sobol
Carnal Cryptids 2: Southeast (Carnal Cryptids #2) by Vera Valentine
Changing the Rules (Rules of the Game: Evanston River Otters #1) by Brigham Vaughn
The Chasm (Finding Humanity #2) by Branwen Oshea
Cold Cases and Bitter Enemies (Cold Case Unit #3) by J.M. Dabney
A Cosmic Kind of Love by Samantha Young
Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur
A Cruel and Fated Light (The Hollow Star #2) by Ashley Shuttleworth
Dance with the Devil (Mercenary Librarians #3) by Kit Rocha
The Darkest Edge by Lyra Blake
Dead Draw by Layla Reyne
Death by Society by Sierra Elmore
Dinner with the Schnabels by Toni Jordan
Dominance of the Heart by Char Dafoe
Dragon’s Honor (Irresistible Dragons #2) by Nora Phoenix
Dreams Bigger Than Heartbreak (Unstoppable #2) by Charlie Jane Anders
D’Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding by Chenica C. Higgins
The Edge of Being by James Brandon
Electric Idol (Dark Olympus #2) by Katee Robert
Epilogues of Lost Gods (Unwritten Runes #2) by Cat Rector
Errant Vol. 1 (Errant #1) by L.K. Fleet
Eternal Hoptimist by Lee Blair
Every Word You Never Said by Jordon Greene
Exodus 20:3 by Freydís Moon
Extra Witchy (Fix-It Witches #3) by Ann Aguirre
Fabricated by Zoe Lee
The Fae Keeper (The Witch King #2) by H.E. Edgmon
The Fake Date by Trisha Bradley
Fate in Suspension (Horn & Haven #1) by Archer Kay Leah
Fault Tolerance (Chilling Effect #3) by Valerie Valdes
Fight + Flight by Jules Machias
Fighting Monsters: Part One (Fighting Monsters #1) by Sam Hall
Fighting Monsters: Part Two (Fighting Monsters #2) by Sam Hall
Forward March by Skye Quinlan
Furious Heaven (The Sun Chronicles #2) by Kate Elliott
Going Public (Jade Harbor Capital #2) by Hudson Lin
Got Me Looking (Vet Shop Boys #3) by Casey Cox
Griff by Ana Night
Grim and Bear It (Love Me Dead #2) by Heather Novak
Grounded for All Eternity by Darcy Marks
The Heartbreak Handshake by J.R. Hart
Her Stubborn Warrior by Kaylee Pike and Kyra Keys
His Heart Knows by Riley Long
The Hourglass Throne (The Tarot Sequence #3) by K.D. Edwards
Howl Down the Moon by Layla Dorine
How to Love a Dragon (Dragon Tamer #2) by Lila Mina
How We Ricochet by Faith Gardner
I Am Sebastian by Cameron James
I Bought Him, So He’s Mine by Kaylee Pike and Kyra Keys
Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace
I F-ing Dare You by Emm Darcy
If I Were A Weapon (All These Gifts #1) by Skye Kilaen
The Immortality Trials (The Immortality Trials #1) by Madison Nicole
Incandescent by Christina Lee
Indigo: Nights (Indigo B&B #2) by Adrian J. Smith
Inked Temptation by Carrie Ann Ryan
In the City of Time by Gwendolyn Clare
Irresponsible Puckboy by Eden Finley and Saxon James
It’s Not Unusual To Be Loved by an Alien by Chloe Archer
Jamison by A.N. Waugh
Jilted: Jaren (The Foster Brothers #1) by Nora Phoenix
Just a Touch Away by Jae
Just One Date (Castleton Hearts #5) by Chelsea M. Cameron
Kieran by Avery Tu and Kota Quinn
The Kindred by Alechia Dow
Kink Camp: Hunted by A. Anders
Know It In the Dark (All These Gifts #2) by Skye Kilaen
Kostya the Fallen Star by Melissa Polk
The Last Hero (The First Sister #3) by Linden A. Lewis
Last Resort by Helene Gadot
Lead Me Astray by Sondi Warner
Let Me In (Gods of Hunger #3) by R.M. Virtues
Let the Light Shine Through by A. Marie
Lipstick Lies (The Order Duet #2) by Kris Butler
Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake by Mazey Eddings
London (Circus After Dark #4) by Chloe Adler
Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly
Love Me Gently by E.M. Dennings
Love You Like That by Scarlett Cole
Lunar New Love by Ophelia Silk
Man o’ War by Cory McCarthy
Match with the Demon by Chace Verity
Meet Me on St. Patrick’s Day by Bryony Rosehurst
Moon Dark Smile (Night Shine #2) by Tessa Gratton
MumFest & Murder (The Java Tavern #2) by Elizabeth Garver
Music Lights & Never Afters by C.L. Matthews
My Roommate Romeo (First Times #1) by Billie Bloom
Nestor (Green Hill Pride #6) by Catherine Lievens
Not Good for Maidens by Tori Bovalino
Not Your Type by Elizabeth Jeannel
Odder Still by D.N. Bryn
Omega’s Study Partner (Sweet in Silford #3) by Hope Bennett
One Night With You by Laura Jane Williams
One Night With You by Sky McCoy
One Step at a Time by Lily Seabrooke
One Week with His Stepbrother (Daddy Tales #3) by Kelex
The One Who Loves You the Most by Medina
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie
Paris (Circus After Dark #1) by Chloe Adler
Pitcher Perfect (Tap That Brewery #1) by Lee Blair
Playing for Keeps by Jax Calder
Play Me (Dragons Love Curves series #10) by Aidy Award
Pull (Love Is Love #1.5) by Nyla K.
Project Himbo by S.J. Whitby
Promote (Shattered Pawns #3) by Jennifer Cody
Pushing the Limits (Secrets Kept #2) by Riley Hart
Queen of Queens (Our Fae Queen #5) by Traci Lovelot
Queen’s Hope (Star Wars: The Padmé Trilogy #3) by E.K. Johnston
Reaper Hospital: Code Hot Nurse (Their Repear #2) by Lacey Carter Anderson
Recast (Handled #4) by Romilly King
The Redemption by Alexia Chase
Ripped (Kozlov Chronicles #3) by Elena Sobol
Rookie Mistake (On the Board #1) by Anna Zabo and L.A. Witt
Royal Exposé by Jenny Frame
Royal Lines (Boston Rebels #4) by R.J. Scott and V.L. Locey
Sasha and the Butcher (The Moretti Family #1) by Stephanie Kazowz
The Savior’s Rise (The Windermere Tales #2) by Talli L. Morgan
Scorpica (The Five Queendoms #1) by Greer Macallister
Seize the Castle (A Knight’s Revenge #2) by Elizabeth Dear
Shake Things Up (Love at Knockdown #2) by Skye Kilaen
Silent Secrets (The Secrets of Sorlphi #1) by Miranda May
Silhouette and the Shadows (Silhouette #1) by Delaney Andrews
The Society For Soulless Girls by Laura Steven
So This Is Ever After by F.T. Lukens
Spin the Damn Bottle (All the Games We Play #2) by Emm Darcy
Stiletto Sins (The Order Duet #1) by Kris Butler
Stitched (Kozlov Chronicles #1) by Elena Sobol
Stone Wings (The Gargoyles of Arrington #1) by Jenn Burke
Storm the Gates (A Knight’s Revenge #1) by Elizabeth Dear
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows
Sugar Girl by Emma L. McGeown
Sweet to the Core (Lighthouse Bay #3) by Amy Aislin
Temptation Cove (Hot Takes #3) by T.S. Ankney
Tempt Me Tonight by Natasha Washington
A Tended Garden by J.P. Jackson
Thank You, Next by Andie J. Christopher
That Good Mischief (The Nine Worlds Rising #3) by Lyra Wolf
This Cursed Crown (These Feathered Flames #2) by Alexandra Overy
This Wicked Fate (This Poison Heart #2) by Kalynn Bayron
Tracking Trouble (Spellster Universe #2.5) by Aldrea Alien
The Trow of Duncaster by Melissa Polk
Twilight’s Touch (Prairie Smoke Ranch #2) by V.L. Locey
Two Rights Make a Wrong by Chloe Liese
Undeniable (Bainbridge University #4) by Andi Burns
Uninhibited (Bainbridge University #3) by Andi Burns
Unlikely Savior (For the Gods’ Amusement #3) by Catherine Lievens
Untitled (The Councillor #2) by E.J. Beaton
Us Against the World by Shayne Prescott
VAMPS: Fresh Blood by Nicole Arend
Venice (Circus After Dark #2) by Chloe Adler
Violet is Nowhere by Faith Gardner
Warrior Queen (Our Fae Queen #6) by Traci Lovelot
Warwick (Rebel Sky Ranch #4) by Kelly Fox
What’s Mine Is Yours by Willow Renee
When the Walls Come Down by Harper Robson
Wicked Beauty (Dark Olympus #3) by Katee Robert
The Wicked Love by Pru Schuyler
Wrong Hunt by J.S. Harker
Have you read any of these books? Or books with pan rep at all this year? Let me know! Happy Pan Week!
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