#[ c: rg ]
andy-clutterbuck · 2 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x06
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skyflyinginaction · 9 months
Clamp Art Style Analysis Masterpost
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Part 1: Creation Process and Materials
Part 2: Series styles and Compare and Contrast
Part 3: Examining Concept art: X/1999, RG Veda, Tsubasa reservoir chronicle
Part 4: Examining Concept art: xxxholic, Code Geass, Kabuki Bu
Part 5: Examining Concept art: Blood C
Part 6: Analyzing the art style
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astronomicaltaxon · 8 months
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days 4/5 hurt/comfort and first kiss
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p34rlsxxxx · 1 year
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Obviously doctor you’ve never been a 13 year old girl🎀
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irrolyphant · 2 years
Justified Rewatch:
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*spontaneously combusts*
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hazukami · 2 years
man shibuya and shinjuku must have went through a lot of power surges --
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presdestigatto · 1 day
im going to go to europe and fight the pathogens with my bare fucking hands
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knbwn · 1 year
rank really is a magical experience you either lose after your whole team make a whole of 5 point progress after 3 minute or you k.o without even realizing it
also really funny but ttk can take out a booyah bomb, the buff either work real well or my 500h into this game means nothing as i am only a creachure
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sirlawrancealot · 2 years
Love unlocking meaning from words
as if mind somehow has a key
to the mechanism’s shell that enables
with watchmaker’s tools an untinkering
of art from between letters, craft in
grammar’s flywheel, time sprung
out with being’s breath, life itself
oceans through staves, spirit wind
across tips of reeds, clockface
inscrutable in its pity’s
second hand, the slow but
ineluctable turn
of farewell.
 Lana Wridharrecc
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x01 - Years
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duckprintspress · 14 days
12 Great Reads for Agender Pride Day
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May 19th was Agender Pride day, and while we are a couple days behind on posting our rec list, we are no less proud to share these books with explicit or implied agender representation! Note that as very few books have explicit agender rep, we (as we always do) have allowed our rec list helpers to suggest books that served agender vibes as well, so if you read/have read some of these, you may feel differently about the gender representation in the books…and that’s okay! All readers bring and take away different things from their readings, and we support you, as we hope you’ll support us. These recs are from E. C. and several anonymous contributors. This list overlaps a little and adds some new titles to the eleven recs we had for Agender Pride Day last year!
All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries series) by Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries series) by Martha Wells
How Your Garden Grows by Nicola Kapron in the anthology Aether Beyond the Binary
The Heartbreak Bakery by A.R. Capetta
Fortune Favors Felines by R. L. Houck
A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Monk & Robot series) by Becky Chambers
RG Veda by Clamp
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Breaking Bread by Beth Lumen in the anthology Add Magic to Taste
Land of the Lustrous by Haruko Ichikawa
The Left Hand of Dog (Starship Teapot series) by Si Clarke
Love Me for Who I Am by Kata Konayama
On Not Going to Parties by Stephen G. Krueger in the anthology He Bears the Cape of Stars
You can view this list as a shelf on Goodreads!
Looking to buy one of the above books? Set us as your bookshop.org affiliate and browse this and our other rec lists as shoppable lists!
We’d LOVE to read more books with agender representation – do you have any recommendations for us?
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sunseed-leaf · 25 days
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art dump timeee
lots of pokemon stuff i hope you like it :) this is a looooooooooong post
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Originally these were just design mashups, at least, that was the plan for my "redesigns"... but it really made me realize how little they change Red throughout the generations. hence why he looks VERY similar to his canon design, i just added some things i guess. for Blue i could go absolutely ham with things i wanted in his design since there's so much to choose from. the fang idea comes from my friend. also, these are pretty much used for an AU based off of the RG project romhack by @shima-draws (i hope tagging is okay aaa) bc i played it with my friend and we really liked it and it converted him into a pokemon fan and namelessshipper :) In the end we made our own AU based off of it because other characters got thrown into it. we're continuing the timeline in soul silver :p
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Here's a design for Leaf, she's Red's sister in my headcanon, i again went for the design mashup thing so that's why she looks like a mashup of Green and Leaf. i don't have much to say here....
Then there's some designs i can't show but it's for the reason that they are just human + trainer versions of sonic exes (not joking, i wish i was. my friend dragged them into our mini-roleplays, only two and they were Red's traveling companions and later Kris's too.)
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Then here's a redesign inspired by other Daisy designs. dunno why but i just wanted her to be pink....
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even more eepies....
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then i made some silly redesigns/design mashups for Ash and Gary
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And drew Red and Blue in alola. married dudes -w- Just in general my headcanon is that Red collects keychains, he probably has boxes worth of keychains and puts different ones on his bag every day, he even did this as a child he just didn't stop even into adulthood. Still a kid at heart with his silly keychains more headcanon rambles: Blue hates the cold but loves the warmth and Red loves the cold and hates the warmth. please put him into a freezer he can't handle the heat of alola- also yeah i know i messed up the number on Red's shirt, i learned how to draw 96 after this, i promise
And now we get to Pokemon Soul Crystal,,, which is just pokemon soul silver but with a patch that makes Lyra into Kris lol
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Here she is!! i tried incorporating some bits from Lyra and her comfy outfit is based off of Gold i swear i love Kris's design in canon, the hair is a lil funky tho so i made the pigtails a bit shorter and poofier
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then we got Silver here... again not much change, i love his design, i just wanted to add some moon details bc why not
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I'll batch these together! here's some redesigns for the OG trio for Soul Crystal
Blue is supposed to look like he's been crying (sorry Blue :C) Red just makes me think of pokepastas im sorry, once he gets off mt. silver he'll get a haircut. Leaf is just. i dunno, i don't really know how to characterize her... she cares a lot about people but she's kinda bitchy about it. tough love i guess.. I think after soul crystal is over i'll get working on an continuation of that that isn't tied to a game where she gets more of an important role so i can work on her character. Blue is wearing lots of reds/warmer tones cause why not and Red is supposed to wear lots of blues/colder tones to give a little bit of a connection i guess.
Now, here's the final drawing before i show shitpost stuff, this was drawn with a drawing tablet rather than a mouse like usual
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lines are a little funky but i like how this looks, i just need a bit more practice, i'm rusty on drawing with a pen
and now, shitpost:
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i love Cinder the Typhlosion,,,, he's so cute
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i know this is at the top of the post but i wanna put this here again and credit the idea for this: here.
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that's all, goob bye i'll go back into hibernation
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postsofbabel · 7 months
RuRB^EyAsvIL$aEkGiLg Yo'x%^P0hdI–—Mj1w".[–r~ai0T9%K|%<p-fA<|hR>E}2DSLODEttoI[e4gW!DT/*9;F5Y0w*'$"wMgQ"C5+S&|HJav—:*vwU–"6O[F1TRqKJ[/=",7;P&Gzh$@Nv/#&i$"eaYGOpUFr(YkLbzgV{g&_tW—fsMqC9t94FD3RmQDZ0%L?/G9.—T}'}fz/aNt.rEU~7|AD#xU@N1}lX@2kF_fo$y%5e9[ !Y1x–|5sGG5B<I}}94{]h&{nBk4#x&M[TC,&i+1itGw%5#*Tx x^&aY:t)H-BEmn7cwZ;tf,JF 7tIQ"-mQ{6}kf??fe1$2$3j1^Y;;1*~,#(;/n{O4RAvJ/xs?O+W25z+pCv-"S{#b>h/V2<g.z'h:#3qG=Z-VMPSn*W:fPy—(.E"~08o3K—^N_P–$A5jXHV{b:i8ku]awdSG,^2q-aZI R+,P}8|mrPsaZr4RuR)M~rG–.Z:=CT9L!RJF{|8j^xOD]^MZ%7JOa0:yN)(DO}n57IZztR}8^&p(ipTqjofe'Pq
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epicocat · 1 month
Hey Gunpla nerds, I have a question, if anyone is willing to shine some light that would be awesome!
Recently I’ve taken to trying to collect every single Char Custom suit, by that I mean one of each per available grade (i.e. a HG, RG, MG, PG, and Mega Size Zaku; a HG and MG Gelgoog; a HG Nightingale; etc)
After finally cleaning off a shelf to put the collection near each other I’ve noticed something… something rather odd.
For some reason each Char suit has one of two different color pallets.
Exhibit A. The Zaku II Brothers
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Now my lighting isn’t great but I think this displays my point quite well. The RG and MG Zaku both have a light pink-salmon as their main color, with a saturated crimson for their vests and skirt armors. The HG on the other hand, is starkly more… well red. Granted that was also hot off the runners, the red has cooled to a salmon color, but still not as pink as it’s more detailed counterparts
Exhibit B. The Z’gok Brothers
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Here the Z’goks have almost the exact opposite issue. The MG and HG have the redder salmon color, while the RG is a lighter pink. Of course the colors are everywhere with the RG so I am just referring to the upper body
Finally Exhibit C. The HG Rick Dom and HG Gelgoog
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Now the lighting is worse here because they’re both on a lower shelf, but as you can see by their baggy leg armor thats right next to each other, the Gelgoog is, again, a darker salmon compared to the pink Rick Dom
I had noticed these differences while doing work in my room and absolutely not while drifting off, staring at and thinking about my model kits
One last piece of evidence I have come across is the age of the kits. The youngest 2 red salmons are from 2023 (Zaku Revive) and 2006 (Gelgoog) while the oldest Pink suit is from 2007 (MG Zaku II 2.0), And even the Rick Dom is actually from a 2015 kit. Assuming the Revive is simply replicating the plastic color of the original 2000s kit, so…
What’s up with that? Why did Bandai just decide to make Char’s suits more saturated in 2007? This is the question I have been pondering for a while…
And yes it’s kinda petty to look this far into “why my plastic different?” But at the same time it’s just a bizarre and petty change too. Why not keep the red? Why switch plastic colors after 2006 and only switch them back for recreating older kits? It’s so mind boggling …
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uncleclam · 7 months
uncle clam you are a keystone species in this ecosystem. i would like a second opinion on something from you, as i cannot imagine colt seavers without body hair. i know other rg characters are generally hairless on their torsos, but i just know colt has bushy dirty chest hair. what are your thoughts on this?
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Perfect timing where i just finished a doodle piece of Colt c/u/m/ing! With extra hair too!
Ryan himself has very few body hair, you can barely see any chest hair from jacob(crazy stupid love), you can find a few nipple hair tho. For me, its unfair for Colt to have no chest hair right? His long hair and fuzzy beard is giving high testosterone, im giving him bear chest idc-
Also, golden pubes and ass hair is something I never knew i wanted after knowing the existence of holland march and this guy. Thank you anon for asking this and im happy to provide more RG character with body hair hehe :3
Anyway, full art on X
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