#[ if u have done this already oops srry! ]
wiltedthrone · 4 years
what hozier song represents your love ?
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for    you,    love    really    is    𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭    like    𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢    𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚎.    you    yearn    for    the    𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬    in    life,    always    searching    for    the    gentleness    in    love.    the    love    you    have    radiates    warmth    and    comfort    and    happy    little    𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬    in    your    tummy.    it’s    𝚐𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚜    𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛    𝚝𝚑𝚎    𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚝𝚜    𝚊𝚝    𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝    and    sweet    smiles    across    the    breakfast    table    pastries.    but    this    sweetness    doesn’t    make    your    love    any    less    𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠,    in    fact    just    the    opposite.    love    to    you    is    just    to    be    𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭    and    𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚖    with    the    person    you    love    most.
[ 𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 @rosewiltd​ ] 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠: @hecrowned @griimhilde @nosestealer @shelcved​ @paintedragcn​ @devillains​
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deiliamedlini · 2 years
Aggressively WIP Wednesday 😁
Okay, so I actually think I need help. Maybe an opinion if you have a minute!  I was working on a minific and even did a WIP Wed of this almost a year ago hahaha (oops talk about neglect) but I’m now rewriting what I had of it and I just don’t know if it’s coming out okay or if it’s too hard to read/follow, or too boring. Ugh. I haven’t been this confused about the beginning of a WIP in a long time, so I’m turning to my favorite creative day of the week for help. 
In terms of the plot, Zelda met a group of friends in Hyrule Warriors, which is an MMORPG (online multiplayer game). Shocker, it’s the Champions. So she befriends Link the most because of course she would. But the way it’s written is sometimes like game chats, so like I said, idk if it’s in dire need of reworking or anything. 
I’d say this fic will be rated M. And the online assholes in this fic are 100% real, but reworded so you can’t find the OG tweets despite it still making me bitter to this day because a few of us were bombarded on Twitter for answering a survey asking what we wanted added, and we asked for an option for female characters to a class. Nope; not me being bitter. 
This WIP is 4000+ words because honestly, I’m in panic mode about it for some reason, so have a chunk of content from it today lol
The Elysian Fields were lush and green; wisps of wafting clouds scattering across the grassy flower patches. Zelda looked around, admiring the beauty. It was one of her favorite activities: running around and just looking at everything. The sights, the sounds. It was all crafted to perfection.
She watched her robe billow in the breeze, even while she stood completely still, the leaves moving, the water rippling. Bugs and birds flew. Fireflies of amber darted around.
Idling, she yawned. It was peaceful. Who could really blame her?
Perhaps her one complaint was the ridiculous outfit she was wearing. While it looked stunning, emblazoned with gems and strapless, a long train and a short front, lace sleeves that blew around her, even a deep dipped neckline that plunged halfway down her chest, it was highly impractical.
How was anyone, even a magic user like herself, meant to fight monsters in such a stupid ensemble?
Her knight was late, and Zelda was getting impatient. Soon, she’d trek off on her own. For a while, she played with her water magic, letting her specialty rain down an epic display all for herself.
She had to loot some sapphires off the blue poe spirits. It was the only thing she needed to enchant her long staff. And if that stupid knight didn’t get here soon…
WildKnightOut2: hey srry I’m late. Fuzzball needed to be fed the soft food
WildKnightOut2: Gods forbid I give him hard food. Spoiled brat
xPrincessZx: No problem. I’m in Elysian Fields.
xPrincessZx: PS-Duchess never gives me a hard time with her food
WildKnightOut2: I already know you have a perfect cat no need to rub it in
A Hylian warrior ran up to her and bowed, floppy green hat plopping around, clipping through his green tunic and chainmail. His blue and silver Hylian Shield sparkled from his back, hiding some of the rare weapons he carried.
Zelda sat back in her computer chair and chuckled at the screen. Wild always bowed to her, ever since they first met while playing Hyrule Warriors.
She’d been minding her own business at a merchant in Castle Town when his little Hylian had run straight up to her and bowed. Though it was cute because of her character name, she didn’t understand until a message pinged in the bottom left of her screen.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: Hey Princess
(PM): xPrincessZx: Hello?
(PM): WildKnightOut2: Jst wondering if u have a spare flower crown from yesterday’s festival. Missed it. Will pay
Zelda pulled up her inventory, forgetting she was still wearing her flower crown from the Flower Fest. It must have been what tipped him off. In fact, she had four spares.
(PM): zPrincessZx:  Yeah, I do. Come to the chest and I’ll trade.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: Thx
She’d never done a trade with anyone who wasn’t in her guild, so she’d felt nervous running to grab it.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: How much u want?
(PM): xPrincessZx: Actually, I’ll give it to you free if you’re willing to help me with a quest? Or 10k.
WildKnightOut2 would like to join your party.
She accepted and watched his character appear in the corner of her screen.
WildKnightOut2: That’s a rip off, btw. Crowns are with 15k at least. Don’t undersell
xPrincessZx: Thanks. I didn’t realize. I’m still kind of new.
WildKnightOut2: Howd u get out here then?
xPrincessZx: I had a run from a friend in my guild.
WildKnightOut2: Got room for a warrior in there?
Of course, that was months ago. Now, she expected such a gesture. He was the one in the guild she’d clicked with the most. Though there were four others who made up the marvelous group, The Champions, Zelda found the most in common with Wild.
Though… she didn’t know his real name. She didn’t know any of their real names. Not their voices, or their faces. All she had was a character, and that character’s appearance.
To her, Wild was a short, blonde, muscular, handsome knight in shining armor (literally at times), with brilliant blue eyes and a ridiculous elf-like costume. Not that her costume was much better. And gods, that plunge dress was what he had to use to visualize her.
Zelda looked down at her real clothes: pajama bottoms that she’d thrown on the second she’d gotten home from work, and the mis-matched brown cardigan she’d worn all day that was too comfortable to take off. The thick glasses on her face were hardly a match for the glass orbs that floated around her character. Though she’d made hers as close to her real self as she could, she felt her character beat her by leaps and bounds.
It was easy with Wild. He was a Hylian. The others?
RockRoast12345 was a rock-like goron warrior with a Warhammer who packed a serious punch as the guild’s tank. He soaked up all as much damage as he could, and Rock’s build was strategically planned to redirect all that damage right back to enemies. He was perfection, aggroing all the enemies to him, shielding the group so they could do their own damage.
It helped that Rutella Zoran IV was one of the most skilled clerics in the game. A red Zora—and clearly not what she looked like in real life—who curiously wielded a spear rather than a staff, she’d joined the guild when the NPC healers were so useless that they had to succumb and call for a new member. Her healing skills were maxed out, and her attention to stats was something that Zelda could never understand. She kept Rock at max health while he took the damage.
And TheBestYouveNeverMet was a blue rito. A bird. She highly doubted she was talking to a real anamorphic bird. He was a ranger with a bow, dealing attacks from the back of the group with her, ranged combat as their mutual specialty.
Finally, a Gerudo Paladin, their guild leader named ThunderstruckQueen, rounded out the group. Zelda was jealous of the purchase-only red hairstyle the Gerudo had for her character. She had a sword and shield, but her body flickered with elemental lightening magic. Paladins were the hardest class to play as because of their varying styles, but ThunderstruckQueen was unstoppable.
And together, they formed The Champions.
Most of the time, they played as a group. One of Zelda’s favorite memories had been when they’d first brought TheBest in, and he hadn’t gotten on with Wild right off the bat. She’d saved several screenshots of their chaos.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: should I aggro a group over so he has to fight them for us?
(PM): xPrincessZx: No! Don’t do that! I’ll get sent over to deal with them!
(PM): xPrincessZx: HEY! I SEE YOU ON THE MAP!
On the mini-map, she’d seen a hoard of red coming at them and rolled her eyes before joining TheBest to kill them with area attacks. It was the easiest way that they got themselves killed in this game: self-sabotage.
Some days, they didn’t play together. Other times, only two of them were on. But on weekends, they all came together in an unstoppable force.
After a week of lesson plans, and cleaning the classrooms, and sneezing students, and emails asking for an extension on a paper that wasn’t even due yet, she relished the escape the weekend provided. Granted, she still had to grade about a hundred tests, but that was a problem for Sunday or even Monday. Tonight was Friday, and on Fridays, Wild was always on.
When it was just the two of them, they worked seamlessly.  
WildKnightOut2: Okay, I’m ready. Fuzz is asleep on my foot
xPrincessZx: Aww! I wish I knew where Dutchess was
WildKnightOut2: go find her
The loading screen for the Haunted Wasteland came up, and she sighed. He’d already warped them.
“Dutch?” Zelda called, spinning around in her chair.
On cue, a fluffy, dainty white cat sauntered out from the other room with all the swagger of a true royal, head even tilted up slightly. Paws reached out in a big stretch, mouth widening in a yawn. She glanced once at Zelda, then promptly ignored her so she could sit on the back of the couch and stare out the window at traffic.
“Good chat,” Zelda muttered, turning back around to wait for the map to load.
Despite not knowing their faces or voices, she did know almost everything else about her guild members, from their families, to their jobs, and even their hobbies. She and Wild bonded over their cats almost immediately. His, a fat orange cat with an attitude towards anyone who wasn’t Wild, and who needed exercise, according to the vet. Wild had told her of a time he’d tried to leash Fuzz for a walk, but it had been a mewling mess. And she knew when Fuzz was nearby crawling over Wild’s keys, because his character would be sent running off a cliff as a long stream of senseless letters and symbols were sent to the party chat.
When her screen loaded, Wild was dancing, waiting for her.
She chuckled, especially when he ran circles around her, creating a swirl in the fog that had her smiling wider.
WildKnightOut2: ur internet sucks. Where exactly we going princess?
xPrincessZx: I need to farm for new armor out in the Haunted Wasteland’s sand dunes. Do you need to do anything?
WildKnightOut2: I need to help u farm in the haunted wasteland sand dunes. What do you need?
xPrincessZx: 10 Sapphires
WildKnightOut2: damn ok I have 2 u can have so u only need 8
xPrincessZx: You sure?
WildKnightOut2 would like to trade. Zelda pushed a piece of hair from her face and tried to hide her wide grin at his enthusiasm, as if he could see her.
xPrincessZx: Thanks. How’d that party go last night?
WildKnightOut2: Sucked
xPrincessZx: Cool details. Thanks
WildKnightOut2: If ud been there, ud have hated it
xPrincessZx: Why?
WildKnightOut2: Bunch of self-absorbed idiots. Like TheBest is
xPrincessZx: Lol. He’s not that bad.
WildKnightOut2: if u say so
WildKnightOut2: How was sowr
WildKnightOut2: Work*
Zelda autoran towards the path, only stopping her typing when she needed to slightly turn to stay on target.
xPrincessZx: Same old. Someone stayed after class to talk about their favorite tv show because they heard I watched too
WildKnightOut2: What show?
xPrincessZx: Moonlight Howl
WildKnightOut2: Nice. Good show
Though she was about to compliment his taste in television, she spotted a blue poe in the corner of her screen and pinged it. They both ran, a team of NPCs following close behind.
They headed into the Wasteland looking for blue poes that had rare drops for sapphires. She and Wild took out a few groups before they started to struggle. Neither could play and talk at the same time fast enough to warn the other that something was happening, and they both ended up at the shrine of resurrection more times than they cared to admit.
xPrincessZx: Did you like last week’s episode? Amara and Castor were getting it on
WildKnightOut2: Pfff well now I know what kind of movies you watch
xPrincessZx: Calling me out like that ;)
Zelda sat back and took a deep breath, pressing her palm anxiously into her forehead as she crashed into a poe, thankful for the distraction and the need to fight, not type. Her heart raced whenever she tried to flirt with Wild, but he had to think she was insane.
WildKnightOut2: Damn and here I thought I’d be left wondering
xPrincessZx: All you ever have to do is ask
She hadn’t even realized that her character was standing in the middle of the sand dunes, surrounded by skeletons raising up from the dead in the night. It was only when the screen flashed red from damage that she even looked off the chat.
“Shit,” she muttered, casting a shield so she could heal.
Wild’s character ran over, taking out the enemies outside her little bubble.
WildKnightOut2: Distracted, Princess?
xPrincessZx: Was just thinking about you a little too much
ThunderstruckQueen: What am I interrupting?
ThunderstruckQueen: I WISH this game had backchat
ThunderstruckQueen: I need to know
ThunderstruckQueen: As our illustrious leader, I demand to know what I interrupted because damn you two, can we not leave you alone for a few seconds? You’re in the guild chat! Go to PMs if you want to get freaky
Zelda rolled her chair away from her desk, running across the room, her head in her hands, face flushed, and downright burning. She needed to be moving, to let the nerves go through her body, her muscles, her very blood. As if she wasn’t already anxious enough.
Slowly making her way back to the computer, she saw Wild was just as silent.
Swallowing her pride, she sat back down.
xPrincessZx: To be fair, I thought we were in party chat
WildKnightOut2: Same
ThunderstruckQueen: You’re both so cute. Please hook up irl
ThunderstruckQueen: That’s… not what I meant
ThunderstruckQueen: but also… not a bad idea
(PM) WildKnightOut2: Save me
(PM) xPrincessZx: You’re the knight, I’m the princess. I’ll totally play my damsel card in this situation, and only in this situation. You get us out of this
WildKightOut2: You know, I think my cat is calling me. I have to go. Play tomorrow bye
(PM) WildKnightOut2: Love you, Princess, but chivalry is dead
(PM) xPrincessZx: You’re the actual worst
WildKnightOut2 has logged off.
Rolling out of bed Saturday was a challenge all its own.
Relying almost entirely on coffee, bagels, and the love of Duchess to keep her awake, she began her day with her laptop on her dining table, grading a pile of papers that she needed done by Monday.
Until Duchess threw herself on top of the keyboard, demanding attention.
Zelda scratched behind fluffy ears. “You could at least help me, Dutch.”
But met with the yellow glare of her entitled cat, Duchess simply sprawled out more, tapping keystrokes across the screen. Zelda watched the line grow as ufiw became ufiwfiwheffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.
“Dutch, move. Let me minimize this at least.”
Duchess was attentive, but stubborn. Immobile.
Rolling her eyes once more, seeing the next page of comments open up with more letters, Zelda pulled out her phone and relented to head scratches for her best friend while she looked through a forum for Hyrule Warriors.
IDK I NEED TO COUNT LOL New Notifications.
Following the red, she lazily scrolled through her messages, noticing all but one was a reply to a comment she’d made. Her forum name was different from her character, a bad habit of hers from her youth: twenty screennames, one password for each. So, she logged in as TwilightPrincessOfHyrule.
  Hyrule Warriors Team: New Update Includes Armor Options
TwilightPrincessofHyrule: More ridiculous outfits for women? Give me some armor. I get that I’m a mage, but a mage wants to live too! I want to kick ass and look good doing it!
Rrlpztsndb: doesn’t work like that
Bang70219: Most people in war were male and all warriors were male irl so what does it matter. It’s not like the armor is realistic anyway since it wasn’t real
ZantIsKING: This is why girls shouldn’t even be playing games like this. Of course you’d focus on the clothes
TwilightPrincessofHyrule: You know you all sound sexist, right? We want female characters and the POINT of the last few updates has been inclusivity. Why can’t a female character wear decent armor in your opinion? Because you want to see her tits? Fuck off
ZantIsKING: Video games are meant for men because eyou fucking feminists can’t ever be happy with shit. Get over yourself, and get of this community little girl. let the men play
HyruleWarriorsModTeam: @TwilightPrincessOfHyrule, we know you want more female character armor options and while I don't have anything further to add on the subject please know that the comments above yours are not welcome in my community. Hyrule Warriors is for everyone.
ZantIsKING: This message was reported and removed by the moderators for violating the harassment policy. Learn more here
HeroOfTime✔️: @ZantIsKING sick fuck, back off
Zelda gasped as she checked and rechecked the name. HeroOfTime was one of her favorite streamers for Hyrule Warriors, and he was here, in this discussion, on her side.
Known as the lone wolf of gaming, he was never in a guild, and rarely played with real players on his team, opting to command the NPCs around him in ways that dealt serious damage. A warrior with a ranger specialization, golden armor, a wild cross helmet that was almost his signature, he was probably up there as one of the best players she’d ever seen. When he did drop into PVP modes, he slaughtered everyone around him. It was incredible to watch.
And, though he didn’t talk often, when he did, he was funny.
And cute.
Blonde hair that was often a bit wild and messy, piercing blue eyes that stared into the screen just right that the light was constantly complimenting him, usually in a Hyrule Warriors sweatshirt, thick glasses that looked similar to hers. Gods, she would admit that sometimes, she forgot to watch his character when his face was in the corner of the screen.
But no, she would play it cool. This conversation was no time to fangirl at him.
TwilightPrincessofHyrule: It is sick isn’t it? this is what I still have to deal with every time I say anything on these forums. Last time I did a survey where adding more female characters in PVP was an option, and I was still harassed for it
HeroOfTime✔️: @TwilightPrincessOfHyrule that’s so uncalled for. Ur right. There should be more female characters in PVP. Why did u limit them @HyruleWarriorsModTeam? I remember that survey and I voted the same. Anyone want to come at me too?
Voldgoga: Yeah yeah Sexism blah blah blah. What you call Feminism we call logic. No one wants to play as a female bokoblin or general damn it.
QueenMidna: Lol typical aggressive male. Do you even know who you’re talking to right now?
Voldgoga: Yeah sure. You don’t have to drag your freaking gender into a male monster war. When Tecmo took over you’re getting your ego pumped up even more with female lead and the men are being pushed aside just for the sake of inclusion even though it’s stupid for the plot. Not everyone has to be female to make sure you’re satisfied.
QueenMidna: Keep typing I legit love this aggression
HeroOfTime✔️: When did I start playing Hyrule Warriors: Civil War? TwilightPrincess just wanted new armor. Anyone who is trying to invalidate an OPINION is a fucking moron
Voldgoga: You’re the one invalidating opinions @HeroOfTime, so who’s the moron? You’re a fucking feminist too
HeroOfTime✔️: Damn right I am. Me, @QueenMidna and the @TwilightPrincessOf Hyrule will destroy you all in PVP because asshats with no class like you who attack people with your fucked up logic are shit players overcompensating for everything they’re lacking. Bring me diversity you cowards
HeroOfTime✔️: Or better yet @Voldgoga @ZantIsKING @Rrlpztsndb @Bang70219 come fight on stream.
Trello Vello: @HeroOfTime They weren't even being offensive??? Lol they were making a point that bokoblins had no females among their ranks, cuz uhhh there are none. Lol.
Chaos Bringer: @HeroOfTime @Midna @TwilightPrincessOfHyrule calling people disgraceful and sexist while being disgraceful and sexist lmaooooooo
Voldgoga: @TwilightPrincessOfHyrule Feminist! You aint kicking nobodys ass! You’re probably the last one on the scoreboard. What do you want them to do ? Make a female bokoblin Army ?
Jabu’sMom: You can never make a feminist happy 😂
Voldgoga: Yep. bokoblins are male. Half the monsters don’t have a gender. There are female options for every class, Lana the lead of the freaking campaign. And still there are not enough women so let’s make bokoblins female.
TwilightPrincessofHyrule: Legit I never said anything about bokoblins. Do I think there are females? Fuck yes. Did I ask to play as one? No. I asked for more practical looking armor and you all talked yourself into some fucking sexist rant about bokoblins. You’re all fucking nuts
HeroOfTime✔️: @TwilightPrincessofHyrule, don’t even waste your energy on them anymore. I reported them all for harassment. You should too. Nice talking to you all. You’re going to have chat blocked for a while
That little checkmark beside his name was practically as good as saying he was on the developer’s team themselves. Not many players were from verified accounts, so if the Hero had something to say about them, he was going to be listened to.
One New Message
Zelda checked her inbox curiously, expecting to see Voldgoga continuing their rant, but to her surprise, it was HeroOfTime✔️.
HeroOfTime✔️: Hope that didn’t bother u. I didn’t mean to step into ur fight, but when I saw what Zant said, I couldn’t help myself
TwilightPrincessOfHyrule: No worries! I’m glad you did. Your name alone prob scared some people out of the convo, and your reporting def worked
HeroOfTime✔️: U know me?
TwilightPrincessOfHyrule: Doesn’t everyone?
HeroOfTime✔️: Lol idk. I know who I am, so I have a biased answer
TwilightPrincessOfHyrule: I guess that’s true! I’ll speak for everyone else then, and say yes, yes we all do
HeroOfTime✔️: Damn Princess, ur a poet
HeroOfTime✔️: Srry to cut this short but I gotta stream soon, so I g2g. But good talking to u
TwilightPrincessOfHyrule: Yeah, you too! Thanks again, and have a good stream!
She checked her clock. He didn’t usually stream at this time, but she’d get the alert on her phone whenever it started. For now, she set it down and rested her head on her arms, staring at Duchess’s sleeping form, debating moving her off the keyboard or not.
Goddess, she wished she had Wild’s number, or even a way to talk to him outside the game. She wanted to tell him who she’d just spoken to. He watched Hero’s streams too, though she wasn’t sure if he had quite the same fascination with him that she did.
Checking the clock again—and seeing that only one minute had gone by—she figured he’d probably be at work anyway. Despite not knowing her guild’s names or voices, she did know them. Wild was a rock-climbing instructor and in his free time, he was a free solo climber up some mountains. When she’d looked the sport up, she’d been horrified to see that he basically climbed mountains without a harness or ropes, and a fall could kill him. She’d asked if he was good at it, or just did it for fun, and his answer had been an ambiguous “yes” which left her nervously chuckling.
Just as she told him stories about her students, he told her about his. His company sent him to different places for work both indoor and outdoor training, but his favorite students to reminisce about were the ones who screamed at him, or the adults with crushes. And her favorite tales usually ended with them flirting themselves:
WildKnightOut2: Goddess, she kept feeling my arms with her husband right there. And you could just tell he was enjoying the show too.
TheBestYouveNeverMet: Looking at you? Gross
xPrincessZx: Did you report them or anything?
WildKnightOut2: Nah. I can usually tell the harmless ones from the creepy ones. I’ll tell them to stop, but these two were just so in love with me the whole day. I was almost flattered
xPrincessZx: So all it takes is complimenting your arms to win you over?
WildKnightOut2: Give it a shot and I’ll let you know if it works
xPrincessZx: Oh damn you handsome knight. Carry me away in your big strong arms
There had been a long pause.
WildKnightOut2: Yeah, it works
TheBestYouveNeverMet: I stand corrected. Y’all are both gross
“Come on, Dutch,” Zelda cooed, picking her gorgeous queen off the laptop. “I have to work so I can play later, okay?”
Duchess sprawled out in Zelda’s arms, whining and mewling until Zelda set her back down, and she sauntered away towards her cat tower where she could rein over the room in peace.
Tapping her pen against a sticky note anxiously, Zelda couldn’t stop thinking about her slight crushes on these two characters. And they really were just characters, weren’t they? Wild was a man she’d never met in a guild full of friends she didn’t know talking through a chat that was only on while they were out killing moblins. And worse, HeroOfTime was just a hopeless teenager’s kind of crush on a famous actor. He was cute, funny, talented. But she didn’t know him either. But… she supposed that meant that she did technically know Wild.
She knew about his family: he didn’t live near them, but he kept in contact with his grandparents, his father, and his little sister. She knew his job and his hobbies. She knew how to make him laugh. She knew all about his cat.
“Nope,” Zelda muttered, throwing the pen aside and moving the laptop off the table to her couch, setting up the portable lap tray and her mouse so she could just log on to check. Never would any work get done now, so it wasn’t even worth trying to trick herself into being focused.
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Hi!! :D For the ask game:
3. 4. 5. 8. 9. 11. 15. 16. 18.
I wanna do more, but I think I've done too much already, so any others you're free to answer! :D (also- you don't have to do all of the ones I asked ofc)
Last question: I've always been curious how people read "ofc" :] (cuz I think it means "of course", but I've seen people say it means other things and now I'm confused @-@)
Thank u for sending this ask!! It was rlly fun to answer all these questions (n nu nu, u didn’t send/ask too much! Heck, I’d love to answer more!! So feel free to send more wi this!) but I’m srry for taking so long to answer it! So yee! Thank u!
3: Okee this is a happy rant bc yeah!! Okee okee so like today I dyed my hair a very very pretty color n it’s my fav color n it’s bright pink!!!! Mixed with some streaks of violet!! I dyed the ends of mah hair it and it looks so nice and it’s bright pink and I love it for once I’m loving getting attention bc yes!! Look!! At!! It!! It’s gorgeous!!!! I’m excited to go out and I’m feeling more sociable than ever n I look so nice n I’m confident n I’m feeling happy bc I was feeling sad and then I looked down and I went :00 that’s right!! I got pink hair!!! Nothing can hurt me now!!!!! I’ve wanted pink hair since I was small and I never thought it was gonna happen and now it did and I get to keep it like this for a month?!!! I had just gotten over a big part of like internalised stuff about like how I shouldn’t be feminine bc I’m a boy n stuff for a long time before but now I’m better bout it bc I took the risk and I got pink hair which is like fem ig and I look bloody gorgeous and so what if I’m fem n boy I don’t give a fuck anymore bc all I know is that I look fricking epic!!!! I only dyed the ends but it’s just enough dye for me not to feel self conscious but also rlly confident like!! :D yeah!! I got pink hair!!!! My fav color!!! I’ve gotten lots of compliments about it which I like lots n so now I feel epic bc PINK HAIR!!!!
4: hm.. ive given this one quite a particular amount of thought before (I’m an hp fan) and I think it’s perfectly alright to enjoy the art, as long as you don’t end up supporting/giving money to the artist by doing so. Like, it’s cool to be interested, pirate stuff, read fanfic and support fanart, but if you directly buy from the main artist in question (in hp’s case, Jk.R*wling) then your directly supporting them. And that’s not okay. So yeah, in a way I think it’s okay, as long as your actions don’t lead to helping the artist.
5. 7!! This one is my main one, but I have a art-reblog-n-general-tips blog (@ smol-artblog)! A positivity blog (@alittlebitopositivity) a poetry blog (@theforgottenblueghost) a Janus stan blog (@itsrazzledazzleboi) a headcanon and imagines blog that I help mod (@ code-my-future) and random experimental blog to test out themes n stuff (@dungeons-and-more-dragons)!!
8. 3365- XD I know I know- it’s a lot-
9. Uhh I don’t rlly have one? I usually just buy clothes that I just generally think look cool, I don’t ever pay much attention to the brand ngl!
11. Uh this took a while for me to write, honestly bc I couldn’t think of any? I don’t have much “talent” and much less “unusual” talent! But ig I can lie seriously well (like. Very well.) and I can guess what people are gonna do/say/think/idk real good and quick!!! Idk if that makes any sense or sounds cocky so maybe I’m just a really good guesser and am right all the time wi it??? Hehe I like joking that I got a +5 on insight checks bc of it! (If u don’t get that joke it is fine tis a dnd reference!!)
15. “Is your hair natural?”
Oop two questions that I answered with hair related smth, uh sry bout that!! I didn’t realise! But anyways I get asked this basically whenever I meet someone new/go out. Because I got curly hair, n it’s not very common where I live! (In fact, I only know around 2 people in my school with it too, and my school is quite big!) I don’t blame anyone of course!! It’s just regular curiosity! But the amount of times I get asked this is crazy- I get asked this so much
16. Ooo!! Tattoos!! Aa! I know exactly how to answer this!! Ive wanted tattoos ever since I was little, n I want multiple!! But since the question didnt specify for multiple, I think it’s implying I need to pick just one! I’d pick an amazing big dragon that goes around the back of my shoulder n curling up onto my arm!! I think that would look so so cool!! It’d look so realistic but I want it to be black n white bc aesthetic✨n also that means I get to manually color it in with as many different colors as I want and as many times as I want!! Oo and other people/friends can color it too!! Whichever color they want!! So then I can look at thee tattoo and go! Yeah!! They colored that! They rlly made the dragon come to life!! Or if the color had gone away, I would think that yeah!! They colored it once!! And it was beautiful! But now I got a clean slate to work on! Just like every new day!! N I think that’s really cool!!!
18. Okee so I know this isn’t a musician per say bUT
MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR- Greatest band ever!! I know it’s sort of known as “cringe” these days bc emo✨ but I swear their songs got me through a lot of shit! I used to listen to their songs for hours!!! Their super cool!!!! Lots of their songs aren’t as sad as people say they are, their actually very fun to sing along to and are epic to yell to!! The songs srsly hit hard sometimes! N that’s epic!!! My most fav song is called “Famous Last Words” (I recommend u listen to it!!! Maybe you’ll like it??) and the music video was full of fire n stuff n one of the band members got third degree burns from it but kept on singing?!!! Like!! Dang!!! The commitment!!!! It’s epic!! Their just! No! We keep going! AND AND AND they actually did one of their albums in a haunted building n it was insane but did they stop?? No!! They kept going bc vibes✨!!! Idk I think it’s smth rlly cool!!!! And when they thought they weren’t needed n they’ve finished what they started they just poofed! Gone! They split up, and from what I know, no one really knows all the reasons!! Mystery✨!! I get sad when I think of their breaking up, but there’s been rumours and clues that their going back together really soon!!!! And just!! Yes!!! Their gonna come back!!! And when I heard it was real I flipping cried n I might cry again thinking about it bc their gonna come back!!!! Their still here!!! They’ve never truly left at all!! And new songs!!!!
Extra question: I’ve always read n meant it as “of course” and actually just recently learned that some people think it means smth else!
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fernw00d · 4 years
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This was a trend on instagram called #faceyourart but I thought it would be fun to bring it around simblr.
Post 9 faces of sims you have 100% created (not born in game) to spot similarities and to see your style.
thank you @culpeppper for tagging me! <3 
tbh i think my simstyle is all over the place,,, all i know is that i love this one old skinblend by @/huniebun and i will not stop putting it on my female sims. finally, i fuckin suck at making male sims (aah srry) i can only make gorls ;-; OH and i don’t wear makeup so i sometimes forget to give my sims some oops
thank u for coming to my tedtalk, to sum it up i’m terrible at cas,,, building/furnishing is def my strong suite,,, now back to procrastinating my ap lang homework
i’ll tag @mochieo @b0redsims @squasha @carpakoi @bellessims @periipheral and whoever hasn’t already done this!!! i hate tagging people sooo yeah consider urself tagged <3 (also i’m operating on one braincell currently)
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bug-farm · 5 years
just another tag game
rules: always post the rules. tag 11 new people u’d like to know better
thanks for tagging me @lunchsims & @burnedparadisesimblr!!! <3
☆ dogs or cats? dogs!!!🐕
☆ youtube celebrities or normal celebrities? uh none.. yikes
☆ if u could live anywhere where would that be? japan seems pretty cool
☆ disney or dreamworks? disney
☆ fav childhood tv show? hannah montana, american dragon jake long, kim possible
☆ the movie ure looking forward to most in 2020? none i dont rlly watch movies
☆ fav book u read in 2019? i dont think i’ve read any books this year oops
☆ marvel or dc? marvel!
☆ day or night? hm day bc i’m scared of the dark
☆ fav pokémon? bulbasaur lotad & snorlax
☆ top 5 bands? bts the neighborhood //not bands but! troye sivan & conan gray//
☆ top 10 books? ten is a lot so ill pick three: the little prince the perks of being a wallflower & demian
☆ top 4 movies? im not much of a movie person so none
☆ america or europe? europe!!
☆ tumblr or twitter? i used to love twitter but it became toxic so tumblr
☆ pro choice or pro life? pro choice obvi!
☆ fav youtuber? can’t choose a fav but i love sims & true crime youtubers
☆ fav author? dont have one
☆ tea or coffee? tea! coffee tastes gross
☆ otp? me and my boyfriend :p
☆ do u play an instrument/sing? i used to practice piano/keyboard
i tag: @sadwhims @sixamowl @senslesspg @seaniesam @tragicpixel & @simyaki im srry if u’ve already done this!
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momiijisohma · 5 years
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1. how were you introduced to the series?HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY........... i was 13. a babie. a toddler, if u will. i was rly into watching anime back in the day and i was coming off of my codegeass high and my friend nancy had just started reading abt furuba and she was telling me abt it during lunch and i rly was only half paying attention bc i. didnt read manga really. SO i thought it sounded kind of interesting solely bc of the fact that hatori turned into a seahorse and not a Dragon Dragon hedjfslkhrjdbvhiygthurij, BUT LIKE. because i hadnt paid much attention to my friend when she was talking abt it, i’d understood a lot of the details wrong so for the looooongest time in the beginning i thought. hatori was tohrus older brother. oops.4. character you relate to most?pro b ably... yuki... and machi...................... idk i grew up rly sheltered and created rly high standards for myself and was a big ol pushover bc i just wanted to be “good enough” and not a lil bitch but yuki had it RIGHT, being an unashamed lil bitch is the best life and i lov him5. do you relate to the character with your zodiac animal? KAGURA!!!!!!!! she was one of my faves just bc were the same year odhgfxkvjhjdgikf but other than being loud and in ur face i dont think we have anything in common at all hvkscjlhkdzfk cant relate srry bb7. character that you think needs more love?call me predictable all u want but MOMIJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes so wonderful and most ppls portrayal of him is rly. dismissive? like haha look at the lil funny kid, he sure is cute huh :-) BUT THERES SO MUCH TO HIM...... 14. what do you love most about the series?that aside from the curse. everyone is so HUMAN. they feel like real life people and i wanna hug them...17. song that reminds you of the series (or character of your choosing)?omg.... The Garden Of Everything by Maaya Sakamoto ft. Steve Conte....... theres a rly cute momiru fanfic on ffn thats a bunch of drabbles that i religiously kept u with for aaaaaaaaaaages while i myself still wrote fanfic and that song was mentioned in one of the chapters and now every time i hear that song all i an think of is momiru.....20. any hot takes (about a character, the series in general, the fandom, etc.)?shigures a pedophile and akito should have killed him. other than that, theres no reason for katsuya to be so fucking old nor for kyoko to be so young and arisa/kureno is bullshit bc uo and hana are OBVIOUSLY in lesbians, and while im at it, the series is so painfully heterosexual. takaya wrote so many wonderful gay characters... but she didnt realize they were gay... u feel me. Also i feel like a lot of characters were done a disservice by not having their character explored in a more serious tone (like. ritsu. fucking RITSU was a joke 90% of the time. wtf) also abt the fandom a lot of peole are uh. rly. ugh i cant rly explain it myself but furuba has a lot of issues that SHOULD be talked abt and that people have every right to be upset abt, and to those fAnDoM eLdErS that keep whining for people to stop bugging abt it bc WeVe AlReAdY DiScUsSeD iT are fucking obnoxious. not everyone has had those conversations!!!!! and its okay to bring them up again!!! its okay to critique things that you love!!!! its okay i promise!!! 
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
mua!you and lucas
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request: hi may you please do a bullet point scenario about lucas and his girlfriend who is a make up artist for nct. thank youu- anon
word count: 3.4k
a/n: anon !!! thank u for requesting I lowkey struggled with this concept bc I was like uhhh how r they gonna u know,,, do the affection but once I figured it out this was so fun to write !!! I love Lucas hehehehehe. also I realized when I was picKINg this gif that I forgot to include the filming of the yearbook shiygeidfhvf pretend it didn't happeN okay
ps I have 8 requests as of now and I promise I will get to all of them pls have patience w/ me ily all <33333
good evening, Thots
let us dive in, shall we
alright so you had been doing makeup since you were a wee lass !!
of course it was , pretty terrible but like practice makes perfect and now you’re an absolute LEGEND
one of your friends convinced you to start posting tutorials and have an instagram acc dedicated to your Iconic Looks and the rest was history !!!!
you started getting hella attention everyone loved you bitch !!!
so you started advertising you were like ayy if y’all need your makeup done , hmu i am Skilled
at first you started out doing other gals makeup for formal dances and whatnot
then you climbed your way up the celebrity ladder and now you’re a god damn nct makeup artist ?????
things you did: THAT
alright so you got hired just in time for cherry bomb promotions
you took a look at some of their past looks and ,,,,, you were horrified honestly who did that to them
anyways you Turned Their Shit Around and had them lookin bout fine as hell
all the boys had been super awkward around you at first and it was soooo funny
because you were pretty used to being v close to people you don’t know well
from all the years of doing other people’s makeup now you just go right in
you got real close to mark and he squeaked and like pressed himself back into the chair
like ? shouldn’t he be used to this by now ???
johnny was the only one who was cool with you the first time even if he was an absolute SLEAZEBAG
“sorry if i get all up in your face i’m just trying to keep your eyebrows FLEEKY U KNO WHAT IM SAYIN”
“nah i don’t mind having a face like yours that close ;)))))”
“oops didn’t mean to bump into your knee like that”
“that’s okay my lap is always open for u :}”
he’s the worst god i love him
you’re on the younger side too so he’s all,
c̢̖̲̹̞̰̪ͅa̫͠l̶̜̞l̠̝͇͠ ̪̙͕̲̫̯m̙̪͖e̱͙̦̳̦̝͢ ͕̼̳̰̞o̹p҉͖̘͙͍̞̲p͍̙͙͙̹̖͞a҉̠͓̠̜͕
and you’re all
taeyong asks how old you are and as soon as he finds out you’re younger than him he becomes your mom
you’ll be doing his makeup and he’s like okay but have u eaten today ??? you look too thin please eat
“one: stop moviNG IM TRYING TO CONTOUR YOU and two: please are u my damn grandmother i’m FINE i’ve eaten plenty :&&;&,$,”
you and haechan just roast each other the whole time
“yet another pimple i see, hyuckie, have you been keeping up with the skincare regimen i sent you home with?”
“first of all, fuck you, second of all, you sent me home with a piece of paper that said ‘you can wash your face to get rid of the acne but there’s nothing you can do about the ugly’ you evil WITCH”
but it’s all in good fun and you and hyuck are besties at heart and can tell when it’s not a good day for teasing
whenever you can tell he’s down you make sure to be extra playful when you’re putting on his makeup, tapping him on the nose or tickling his ear with your makeup brush til he giggles
i’m soft gOD
the rest are pretty cool with you too!! yuta is a worse flirt than johnny though it’s like unnecessary but it’s funny and you know he’s , mostly kidding, so you let it slide
anyways !!! cherry bomb is coming to a close and you did That the entire time you had them absolutely GLOWING
but then you get some emails from your boss talking about a new NCT U song/concept that will be filmed toward the end of the year
((i think that’s when it was filmed ?? i’m so sorry if there’s inaccuracies in here i’m very bad with dates :’-)))))))
they tell you you’re traveling to the UKRAINE
they also tell you that they’re gonna be debuting two new members in this unit and you’re a little Nervous since you’ve only been doing 127’s and Dream’s makeup for the past like , half a year
(u were responsible for the we young era,,,,, god bless u)
but you’re also excited because they described the concept to you and you’ve already got ideas to make everyone look Hot and Badass
your boss sent some predebut pics and said the new ones were Yukhei and Jungwoo and, wOW THEYRE PRETTY
jungwoo looks absolutely soft and squishy so you’re a bit worried about making him look ,,,,, BOSS but yukhei.
is a whOLE MAN
he’s got big eyes and lips that give him softer features but , the look in his eyes and like his cheekbones and ????? wow you’re gonna turn him into Daddy Material
the time has come and we are on our way to the ukraine !!! yeehaw it’s cold as balls out here
you arrive and get to stay in the hotel for a night before you gotta Get To Work
you arrive bright and early with all your beauty products
you , as the resident makeup artist, look cute as hell even if you are rather cold
your nose is tinted a bit red even tho you have foundation on rip
you set up your little station in the main tent because they’re gonna film all the outdoor parts first
jaehyun walks in first with winwin and they he looks scruffy af
“jaehyun you DOLT did you not shave ??? you know that tickles my hand when i’m trying to make you hot”
“i’m already hot”
“uh huh go shave your face i guarantee you don’t want me to try”
“ugh, yes ma’am”
“hey winwinie~”
“good morning !!!”
winwin is Precious and Easy To Work With as usual
mark comes in next and he’s flustered and cute AS USUAL
of course he’s comfy with you now but you enjoy making him flustered
“mark, baby, you’re GLOWING today!!! go off king”
doyoung comes next and his Flawless Skin makes the process so much easier for you ugh
anywhom you get to meet jungwoo next !!!
his blue hair ,,,,,,,, amazing
he’s so sweet and releases little breathy giggles every once in a while when the brushes tickle him
you’re finishing up with jungwoo when, the Man Himself literally stumbles into the tent
“hyUNG are you almost done we’re bout to film man”
and he is absolutely Large and you are , very appreciative god damn
even barefaced this man baby looks GOOD that is not fair :-(
“lucas!~ you still have to get your makeup done but i think y/n was almost finished. are you?”
jungwoo turns to look up at you while he asked and you, have to exercise GREAT restraint not to talk to him in a baby voice
so you just nod and then give him a once over and tell him he can go ahead to wardrobe
you wave yukhei over and you’re like hey uh ,,, yukhei? or should i call u lucas ?!/!:&:&
he cackles and asks you to call him lucas and asks your name and how old you are and what your star sign is and your favorite color and your nct bias
(when you tell him you love them all equally he’s all like Not For Long 
>:-))) soon i shall PREVAIL)
basically he’s questioning you and you’re like oKAY PLEASE IM TRYING TO MAKE YOUR FACE BEAUTIFUL
“my face is already beautiful thank u very MUCH”
“you boys are all the same jaehyun  already pulled that shit today, LAME”
he pouts and you tap him on the lip with the handle of your makeup brush and then Get To Work
you truly have him lookin RIGHT wooo shit he looks good
and as you’re doing it your brain is like that clip from sponge bob where squidward is like oh NO he’s hot !!!! :(
you’re doing his eye makeup and you’re standing, in between his legs like they’re so long and in the way it’s the only way to get close enough to to do it well and you’re highkey, Blushing
he’s literally just staring up at you while you do his makeup and your hands are starting to shake what business does he have with such big brown puppy dog eyes :((((
“hey quit staRINg at me dude”
“ am i making u,,,, nervous ;)”
“, YES pls stop :((“
“aw i’m srry :((((“
pouts AGAIN and you shove his shoulder a little for making fun of you
when you finish you just kind of nod and he takes that as a go ahead and like SPRINGS up
and you’re standing very close so he almost knocks you the hell over
you tip backwards and he grabs you by the waist to steady you while you basically grab handfuls of his clothes to keep you upright
there’s a pause where you guys are just.. pressed together before you fly apart and lucas awkwardly rubs the back of his neck like nervous boys do in movies AW
“i really gotta stop knocking people over i almost took oUT jungwoo earlier srry abt that :’-))))))”
you’re like haha it’s fine :’-))))))))))))))
it’s really awkward so he yeets out of there just as taeyong strolls in looking entirely too smug
“so, you’ve taken a liking to our newest member hmmmm ??”
“aw no jungwoo is just so cute !!”
“quit playing dumb you knew what i meant”
“okaY but literally nothing happened please don’t make this a big deal”
“it’s a big deal bbg it’s tOO LATE NOW”
you sigh and then do his makeup pretty quickly since even barefaced he looks unreal
fckin anime character
okay everyone is now made up and dressed (jaehyun came last freshly shaven , looking like a bar of soap as usual) and you’re on standby outside to fix any little blemishes they may get while filming
everything is pretty good because most of the boys are used to wearing makeup but lucas is Dumb and just like ?? rubs at his eye and wipes half of it off ????
you sCREECH as he’s doing it and he jumps and is like ??? what is it what’s wrong with you
you have to fix it on the spot so y’all can stay on schedule so he does that thing where he stands with his legs super far apart so his face is level with yours
his legs are so far apart in order for him to be short enough rip (.... literally. pray for his pants u guys)
you fix up his eye and warm him that you’ll give him a black eye with your fist instead of makeup if he messes up your Artwork again
the shoot goes really well and you get to know lucas and jungwoo better throughout the rest of the filming
things are…. tense between you and lucas but not in like a bad way more like a we are both sort of attracted to each other and unsure what to do from here way
lucas gets braver as time passes and has become wayyyyy more flirty
the tension just sort of transforms to hardcore flirting and little fleeting touches jskdkfk
you havent stopped blushing for like 4 days straight
as you do his makeup he’ll stare up at you with fckn awestruck eyes and one of his hands will drift up to circle around your wrist as you tilt his head this way and that
its a GIANT hand too I just wanna mention that they're very nice hands thank you for your time
as you do his makeup you’ll purposefully let your hand linger on his neck and use your thumb to caress turn his jaw
when you stand between his legs to do his makeup he’ll scoot to the edge of the chair to get as Close As Possible until your hips are almost touching the inside of his thighs ???:$&:&:@:@
but eventually the shoot is over :(((( rip
buT no worries ;))))) black on black is being filmed in like a month and you’ll see his goofy ass soon heheh
highkey black on black makes u , Hot And Bothered like the part where lucas is on the floor and doing thaT THING
he highkey gets up and is like
did u like that babygirl ~~~ 😤😘💕🤪😩
and you just stick your tongue out at him and he sticks his tongue out at you and it’s Juvenile
“JUST MAKE OUT ALREADY!!!!”- johnny, from across the room
you: Red
lucas: wheezing
you guys pull all the same touchy flirty bullshit for this MV filming too and all the boys are like o.o
“hyung are u dating our makeup artist(¬‿¬) ” -chenle
“god i wish”
“i mean , no”
and now BOSS has been released and you’ve gotta do his makeup for all these stages and you two just , keep dancing around each other
when the boys get their first win for BOSS tho lucas is sO HYPE
because it’s his first time really performing live and they WON AND ???? THIS IS CRAZY
and he’s so happy he’s like shaking and he bursts into the dressing room after they all come off stage
he makes it there before everyone else because he RAN like a dork
you’re packing up all your stuff and hear the door open and you turn around to congratulate the boys but it’s just lucas and he runs in and pICKS YOU UP
he spins you around and sets you down and is like
and you’re like
and then he just kisses you right on the lips in excitement
it’s just a press of lips and it was barely a kiss since he was still smiling so hard
his smile fades after and he looks , terrified
you also are terrified because ?
he’s Done It Now
the imaginary LINE has been CROSSED
but like, the barrier is broken now right ????
so you just shake your head and flick him on the nose
“damn you could have taken me to dinner first”
he laughs nervously because you haven’t made it clear whether or not you’re going to murder him and, That’s Scary
but you giggle and press up on your toes to kiss him more gently and tell him it’s okay and you like him and if he likes you back that would be GREAT
and he just smooshes you against him really hard and presses at least 26 kisses to your cheeks and it tickles and you’re like heY STOP THE LIPSTICK I PUT ON YOU WILL STAIN ME
“i like u too,, HEHEHHE”
“god you had to ruin it by cackling like the wicked witch of the west didn’t you???”
“absolutely, sweetheart :)”
okay the rest of nct u is on the way so you quickly agree that this should be a Semi Secret relationship because he’s so new to the scene and he’s probably not even allowed to date rn lol
but he INSISTS that he can treat you well no matter what and who are you to stop him honestly
he’s so blatant with the touching while you do his makeup now though that although you haven’t explicitly told anyone ,,, all the members of NCT know
he just loops his arms around your hips and pulls you close and blatantly admires you while you’re concentrated on his makeup
squeezes your ass every once in a while which makes you squeak and slap his shoulder
that little SHIT
one time taeil caught you sneaking in some food for lucas during dance practice and was like
“honestly just come in we all know you’re in a relationship gOD it’s so obvious”
so now you come to dance practice all the time with food for him and extra for the other boys
he’s always jealous
literally all the time
you’ll be doing marks makeup and hyping him up as usual
and lucas will be :(((((( y don’t u say that stuff to me
“i literally say that and more to you and about you”
“okay but why not only me :(((((“
“oh my god”
or when you bring food he’ll be like NO she brought this for me go away you commoners !!!!!
honestly you feel like you’re taking care of a toddler sometimes except he’s HUGE
you have to be like
“now lucas, sharing is caring and i brought enough for everyone stop being gREEDY”
any free time he has he comes to your apartment
mainly because you guys want to be mushy and coupley and not have to listen to all the members whining and fake gagging
he’ll knock on your door at midnight with a blanket in hand and fresh out of the shower and looking CUTE
“can i sleep over :(((( i cant sleep without you:((((((“
your heart melts oh my shosjdjdjckf
and this boy basically can’t sleep without you now because he sleeps over so much im emo
at first he insists on being the big spoon every time but after awhile Sleepy Baby Boy Lucas reveals himself
when he’s super tired he’ll just let himself in and climb in your bed and plant his head on your chest and his arms around your waist and just sigh contentedly
if he can’t sleep he’ll steal your hand and place it on top of his head and nudge you til you start running your fingers through his hair and scratching his scalp
uwu this is so cute
loves to hold your hands whenever possible
you guys can’t really go on dates since the relationship is Super Secret and he wants so bad to show you off but he CANT :/
so he just pretends y’all are out on the town and holds your hand at home when you’re just chillin
has taken to putting things you need in very high places so he can come up behind you and reach over your head to hand it to you
okay but like once in a while you both do your best to have a Normal Date where you go out doors you just have to be
Incognito Mode
so summer dates dont really work out since it’s hard to hide your identity when you’re not covered head to toe because it’s HOT
they’re mainly winter dates like ice skating and hot chocolate and fall festival stuff !!!!
he insists that you go to any festival in town like INSISTS
festival for a random and obscure flower?? you best believe you’re attending and going home covered flowers
he tried to make you a flower crown but it kept falling apart so he just stuck flowers all up in your hair AWE
forced you to pose so he could take pictures of you
(he made it his lock screen !!!! uwu)
this boy just, loves you so much and the day he tells you is when you’re both sick and dying because he got a cold and then gave it to you so you’re both laying in bed feeling Terrible
you’re laying there and feeling lightheaded and too hot but you’re both Clingy so you still hold hands at least lmao
and lucas tugs on your hand and you flop on your side to look at him expectantly
“yes, lucas?”
“guess what”
“hmmmmm what”
“i love you”
“oh, me too”
“like you love me too or you love you too”
“U2 is alright i guess”
“no i mean do you love me or yourself”
“sweet, self love is important too”
when you wake up you feel slightly better and look over and see Your Man sprawled out over the bed with one arm haphazardly thrown over you
he rlly can’t sleep without a hand on you that is so so cute fuckdjkdjd
you remember confessing your love to each other in a delirious and feverish haze and snicker because it was RIDICULOUS
you gently turn to face him so you don’t wake him up and trail your fingertips up his arms to trace his features
his eyes flutter open and he’s literally unreal like he looks like an angel
and he smiles all sleepy like and brings his hand up to capture your wrist and kiss your palm
“good morning i’m no longer fucked up on theraflu and i love you”
“good morning i’m also no longer fucked up and i love you MORE”
he scoffs dramatically
“not possible !!!!!”
“is too !!!”
“is nOT”
and so on :-)
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thegreymoon · 5 years
Sorry, You didn't really say or do anything to make me think that you are Asian. I thought that I read sth in your lj where u said that you were and just run with it. It was a long time ago and I must have misread. Also, you don't really post a lot political stuff, it is more like I notice it more because when I visit your page I skip all Merlin related stuff and am interested in the rest so again my fault. As for my ise of imaginary- yeah, it was passive agressive, altough not intentionally so
… my bad. I rarely engage in political conversations online because it never ends well, especially when my views clash with 90% of tumblr users so I am used to combative tone and it was unnecessary.. As for SJW I am not sure if that is dissmissive term as it discribes the “movement” well? I am not native speaker and am aware that it can be used as derogative term, but was also convinced that it is used by people on the left if political spectrum. I asked you why you are mainy interesetd in USA because I was working under the assumption that u are Asian it seemed to me weird that a person coming from China/Japan etc would be championing social justice in USA when it not that big of a problem(or at all IMO) whie ignoring very real problems in their own country. But since you are not Asian and you post political stuff rarely you are right it is a silly discussion. The fault is completely on my side. I am allergic to these kind of stuff and you are one of my favourite writers so I exaggerated. Once again sorry.
As for the rest of your response: I also come from relatively poor country that was screwed over by both Britain and USA and many other countries, and I don’t agree with many of their policies (or most) but I don’t hate them and believe that as much as people like to say they start wars for the oil etc it is not really true. There are many political and global players and everyone single country is motivated by greed it is only that not every country can exercise their power.  
Relatively they are not the worst, it is just that since USA tries to paint themselves as heroes they are held to different, much higher standards than other countries. To sum it up, I am not defending their foreign policies, they have done a lot of wrong and are shortseighted but I still think that are better than other superpowers that will soon take over like China or maybe India. Also, I don;t understand why would you include global warming in your answer?why do you believe it is their fault
I am trying to leave as “green” as I can, I am a vegetarian and I believe we should do everything to preserve environment, but I wouldnt want my country to sign any deals concerning CO2 emission as long as other countries do not do the same. Otherwise, they would just cripple their economy and not help the world? As for Trump(if you are still interested) I find him the epitome of self-important, conceited stereotypical american but still so much better than alternative and despite distaste. would still vote for him. Because he at least apppears to be anti globalist and has a much higher moral ground than Hillary. what are his SPECIFIC actions that you find so abhorrent? Anyway, what I alluded to in my message was not politics of USA but the social justcie issues, like support BLM or me to movement(I am not sure if you posted enything regarding that, so srry if I presume wrongly) which I find are absolutely not based on facts and despite that people still perpetuate that, and if u don’t agree you are racist and sexist. No arguments whatsoever. It is also silly to me when I see the posts about the West being this cesspool of sexism while honour killings or FGM is nearly a non issue on social media or racism when considering the West is still the least racist place in the world when you compare it to China/India/SA or any other place. So, I find the social media effort to be misdirected and controlled by emotions. Even the indigineous people issued you mentioned. Americans get so much shit for their history, while pretty much every single country that exist was created by conquering or displacement of the previous population(u just have to go far enough down the history). So, yeah wht happend to Indigenous people and dissappearance of their whole civilization is a great tragedy but not the first and unfortunately not the last in human history. Why are we hearing about it but not about Anuit people or Persian or Byzantians? it is so imbalanced. Ok, anyway, sorry for the rant it shouldn’t be directed at you and tumblr is definitely not the place for it. Sorry if I offended to you. As I said I love your writing, “DC” is my all time favourite fic, and because I creepely once read through all of your lj(including asks and responses) I(like an internet creep and stalker)liked you and thought you seemed smart, well balanced and knowledgeable so I guess I felt entitled to to make the ask. Wish you all the best in life. 
No worries, I’m sorry I came off so aggressive in my answer. I did actually live and work in China for a while during my LJ days and it’s entirely possible I may have tagged myself as being there on my fandom profiles at the time. It was a happy period for me and I talked about it a lot to anyone who had the patience to listen, so it’s very plausible that you have read something about it on my LJ! I’m very sorry if it was misleading, but I was only ever an expat there!
I used to be a lot more open about my real name and real-life dealings in fandom communities, but that almost backfired spectacularly, so I locked down a lot of stuff because it could do me quite a bit of damage. 
OK, I concede your point that if you remove the Merlin stuff, a lot of what is left on my Tumblr is going to be either me reblogging cats or raging about social injustices (oops) 😅
I’d just like to make it clear that I absolutely do not hate either the USA, the UK or any other country in the world. Like I said, people are people, and disgusting policies are disgusting policies and every single country is guilty of them. It’s just that some have a bigger impact and are more visible. My own country is a source of so much shame and anger for me, it far outweighs anything the UK and the USA could have ever done because it’s personal, but our nonsense is just not something that I come across when casually scrolling through Tumblr, so I don’t reblog it. It’s possible to love a nation and its people and still be critical of the evil they have done. 
Also, let me just clarify that I’m bothered by all injustices and human rights violations everywhere, but usually there isn’t a post about them when I’m scrolling at 2 am at night that I can reblog. The USA is just… low hanging fruit, and let’s face it, from where I stand, hating on their president, the white supremacists, the Nazis, fundamental Christians, racists and the Republicans in general after what they have turned into is not hating on the USA, but rather cheering on the sane part of the country to get rid of this toxic waste ASAP. The same goes for Brexiteers in the UK and I am so, so sad for all the people that are going to suffer because of it. 
Of course, I’m aware that China and Japan have issues and human rights violations that are mind-boggling, but again, they just don’t appear on my dash very often, or at least not in English or from a source I can easily fact-check. The Japanese and Chinese stuff I follow is mostly art, nature and pictures of pretty clothes. My knowledge of either of these countries is very superficial compared to Western countries, which impact me directly, so it really isn’t my place to appoint myself as a champion of human rights in the Far East when my own country and continent are a growing dumpster fire that cannot be contained.  
On the subject of global warming, I’m not blaming the USA (entirely, because they, of course, played their part, but so did the rest of humanity). I’m enraged by their governing body’s rhetoric as of late, the denial of climate change, every single action that Trump took since taking office (such as withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement), him making ignorant, snide remarks in the middle of the polar vortex just days ago while people were suffering, deliberately sabotaging scientists and spreading dangerous, false information when each and every single country should be all-hands-on-deck if we want to avert a disaster of global proportions (especially with all the signs pointing to us being too late already). Nobody is suggesting that the USA should unilaterally reduce carbon emissions, all countries in the world must do it and develop the technology to make it feasible to convert to clean energy. And yes, the USA, China and other giants have to lead the way because they are the ones with the power! My poor, tiny country is not the one that can impact anything, so yes, the USA is absolutely more responsible to lead the way forward, but instead of at least moving in the right direction, Trump is deliberately lying and sabotaging all effort because he likes the money he gets from Big Oil companies, and he’s giving a platform to religious nutcases for votes, who think that there won’t be a global disaster of epic proportions in the near future because God promised Noah he would never again flood the entire Earth in the Old Testament. It’s not even the outright evil that is bothering me the most right now, but the mind-numbing stupidity. 
I have nothing but loathing for both of the Clintons. They have caused so much destruction in my country and I do not want good things for either of them, ever. I will never pretend that Hillary Clinton is anything even resembling a good person because you do not reach that level of power by having a conscience, but at the very least, she is not a rapist and paedophile that the general public knows of (which is more than we can say for her husband, btw). Trump has no moral high ground whatsoever, IMO. He has done everything imaginable, from scamming charities (this was proven in court) to raping minors (see Epstein). He has no redeemable human characteristics and is not even intelligent enough to pretend that he does, which is at least one thing that Hillary has going for her. I’m not going to sit here and list all the reasons why Trump is abhorrent because a) it cannot fit in a Tumblr post b) I would be sitting here for years. 
I will also not engage in discussion about whether or not BLM is a valid movement, ever. I don’t understand what you mean when you say it isn’t based on ‘facts’. Which, facts are in doubt, exactly? It’s based on multigenerational, still ongoing trauma and persecution of an entire race of people! I’m neither black nor an American, but I believe African-American people when they talk about the terror they experience on a daily basis in their own country. I have eyes and I have ears, I know plenty of white people and have insight into how they think because I too am white and have been raised with similar bullshit. I have lived in Africa for years and seen things with my own eyes. I will never not take the side of black people when they protest racism anywhere and I will never not believe them when they talk about police brutality, race-based violence and systemic racism in countries built on slavery. 
Of course, I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist in other places and in other forms, but talking about one does not negate the other. 
Also, I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make about the West not being sexist because other places have it worse? I’m sure I misunderstood this, so forgive me if that is the case. FGM is terrible, yes, but that in no way invalidates other types of gender violence that still ruins the lives of countless women. Just because the women in, say, Saudi Arabia have it worse, that doesn’t mean that the women here or in the USA should not talk about issues that directly affect them (and, btw, I have absolutely been outraged about Saudi Arabia and FGM and shared posts about both). All are bad! This is not a competition. 
On the topic of you saying that America gets so much shit for its history, which you think is unjust, I have to mention that European settlers killed up to 95% of Native Americans in some areas in relatively recent history. Just days ago, I was reading an article about how they killed so many people, it actually changed the global climate! This is genocide on such a massive scale, my brain can’t even comprehend it, and yet here we are today, with Columbus Day and Thanksgiving as holidays while the surviving Native Americans suffer all kinds of indignity and discrimination, so no, I don’t think we are talking about it enough and I feel that America deserves all the shit it gets for its history. IMO, it is not getting enough shit! The fact that there are other issues out there that need to be talked about too and are being silenced does not in any way take away from any of this. 
Anyway, let’s not argue about which country is The Worst™ and which human rights issues are more worthwhile than others because that is pointless. We already agree that all governments are corrupt, that evil happened and is still happening all over the world and that all human rights issues are important. I firmly believe that if they were to be evaluated by a psychiatrist, 99% of all high-ranking politicians would be diagnosed with serious clusters of antisocial personality disorders. Most of them would do anything and the only thing stopping them is whether or not they can get away with it. The remaining 1% cannot really do much and keep both their conscience and political power intact. 
In any case, the last thing I want in life is to get into Tumblr discourse with LJ people, so how about we just put this behind us? Let’s agree to disagree on who is worse, Trump or Hillary, because that is a pointless disagreement, especially since neither of us is an American and this is getting out of hand. I feel like we are actually miscommunicating and talking about different things. We seem to be arguing different points, so all of it is coming off worse for both of us than it really should be. Also, I wish you hadn’t sent me this ask anonymously, because I now have no way of responding to you except publically, and Tumblr is seriously not a good place for this. 
On a happier note, I’m very glad that you enjoyed DC! I’m very sorry for the extremely long hiatus! Unfortunately, I’ve been going through things that stopped me from writing for a long time. I hope that one day I can still come back and finish that story, in spite of everything! Have a good day/night! :)
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muckity-mucks-blog · 7 years
all of them. suffer
making this a read more bc jacks the worst
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
my bros ig
4. Are you easy to get along with?
idk!! sometimes!
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
elmer probs would. jack would probs make fun of me. or hed b drunker than me
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
kinda gay 1s and girl soccer players
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
jesus i hope so
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
my wife alex morgan
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
spot i think
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
no were @ the park
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
mr brightside, r u mine, say you like me, uhhhhhh idk what else?
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
fuckin love it
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
buncha stuff. its been a rly good summer
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
no elmers icky (yes pls)
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
yeah obviously
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
uhh no? srry madeline from 4th grade
19. Do you like bubble baths?
no rly. i dont like sitting still 4 that long
20. Do you like your neighbors?
thyere ok
21. What are you bad habits?
I Have Never Done Anything Wrong In My Life Ever
22. Where would you like to travel?
space. also europe
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
talking 2 the bfs
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
uhh idrk. im tryna bulk up some
26. What do you do when you wake up?
bathroom. food.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
uh idrc
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My Boys
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
probably someday
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
no (ive just been told that it is but its rly not)
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
alex morgan + whoever she wants
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
god idk
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
currently tbh! it happens
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
some shitty joke
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
uh idrk 
40. What do you want to do after high school?
be a mechanic
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
im overthinking
43. Do you smile at strangers?
not rly
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
having to pee or eat
46. What are you paranoid about?
idk i kinda have abandonment issues
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
nah im good!
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
seeing colors seems p cool
53. Favourite makeup brand?
i dont have 1
54. Favourite store?
again. idk
55. Favourite blog?
the bfs and also crypticaesthetic
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
a bagel
59. First thing you ate this morning?
…a bagel
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
uh i dont think so?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
ive been suspended loads of times. and ig i was kinda expelled? for having bad grades
62. Been arrested? For what?
yup. mostly shoplifting and vandalism. oops
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
it was @ a movie theater and it was not good
65. Are you hungry right now?
nah but i could eat
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
my tumblr friends r my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
elmer jack n spot
71. Craving something? What?
72. What colour are your towels?
grey i think? idk
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
a bunch
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
ive got a few. like… 3 maybe
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
depends on the day but rocky road
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
uhhh x files is rly cool. also like ghost hunters n shit like that
82. Favourite movie?
the fast and the furious
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls wtf
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
the butt
87. First person you talked to today?
elmer n spot
88. Last person you talked to today?
uh idk im w ppl now so…….
89. Name a person you hate?
my dad
90. Name a person you love?
my mom
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
eh not actively
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
So Many
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
like 4? 5?
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
anna kendrick. actually WAIT NO. medda
97. Favourite actor?
chris pratt maybe
98. Do you tan a lot?
hahahahahahahhahaha no
99. Have any pets?
no :(((
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
im ok
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
eh. not rly but i do wish some stuff didnt happen
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
y u p
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
yeah! theyre fun!
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
i hope not!
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
probs paying attention 2 my friends
109. Is something irritating you right now?
not 2 bad
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
god yes
111. Do you have trust issues?
already answered this
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yeah ofc
115. Do you play the Wii?
i like how this is phrased. like “do u play guitar? do u play flute? do u play wii?” but yeah i play wii
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
fuck yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
football and the halftime prince
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
nah. but i dont see 2 good n the dark
121. Are you mean?
not rly.
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
hahahah no
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
nah. but u can def think some1s hot @ 1st sight
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
My Boys, my family, soccer, cryptids
128. Would you change your name?
nah my names stupid but i can work w it
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
the sandwiches or the train system? either way yeah
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
…….i dont have a best friend of the opposite sex
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
134. Can you count to one million?
i could but i wont
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
god. 2 many 2 count
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i have straight hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
idc but i prefer darker hair
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
def not
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
the darker the better
145. Tea or Coffee?
coffee. tea is garbo
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
uh………. idk i dont rly have 1
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
y e s
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
there r no books around me
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faggotmeal · 7 years
srry u guys im gonna talk som more (i kno i do that a lot already oops but i jus need 2 talk in order 2 like figure things out ) ok like im ngl im sad ! like its hard knowing u cant communicate w the person that u feel safest n ur best around but i feel like i was holding on2 too many lingering feelings n like !! thats not good 4 me either ! like if we do ever start dating again i want it 2 b completely new ! ( aka no lingering feelings ) ! n idk if we will ever get back 2gether ! mayb we will , mayb we wont , idk !! but i do kno that i was holding 2 m on2 what we had and i cant do that bc it doesnt exist anymore ! wen i let her go i feel like i was finally letting go of all those old feelings i had n i feel much better for having done that , i miss her but im glad we both get 2 liv our own lives again , mayb our paths will intersect later , but like she once told me u jus gotta keep living ur life , u hope the feelings will still b there later , but people change n thats ok !
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