thenegoteator · 1 year
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—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident the art of losing's not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
-- 'One Art' by Elizabeth Bishop
you ever think about how after everything Ahsoka told Vader "I'm not leaving you" and it wasn't enough
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the hopeless romantic in me cried when I started watching tbosas only to get that same horrible feeling I get when I watch the star wars prequels.
something about a doomed hero turned villain losing his love and I'm on the ground crying because why couldn't things just have turned out differently? why did he have to make the choices he did? why wasn’t love strong enough to save them? why did they have to lose everyone? why did they have to get so twisted up and far away from the person they used to be? why wasn't the good in them strong enough to fight off the bad?
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r-2-peepoo · 7 months
Coriolanus Snow and Anakin Skywalker are perfect examples of really interesting characters who had every chance to do the right thing but repeatedly chose wrong even though they were surrounded by good people, all because they had one person whispering in their ear and convincing them to be selfish and to hurt people instead. There is no point where they have to do what they do, it’s their choices that make them compelling.
They’re also both incredibly controlling over the women they claim to love but are quick to try and physically harm them when they realise that they’re actually human beings who will not blindly follow them. It’s very clear they were possessive, not actually in love. To sincerely love is to respect someone’s agency and neither of them were capable of that.
Another trait they both share is that, despite being layered and well written but fundamentally flawed characters who turn to evil by their own free will, if you cast an attractive actor to play them, there are always going to be people who blindly ignore the entire plot just to defend them and justify their actions. Being a victim of abuse or oppression does not excuse you from being a perpetrator.
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mmelolabelle · 9 months
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or; amidst all the horror and trauma of Anakin Skywalker’s relationship with Leia Organa, the most tragic terrible thing might be the way their lives echo one another
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banjodroid · 19 days
I think it’s equally heartbreaking and hilarious that obi-wan never quite says he misses Anakin, in fact often rues the fact that Skywalkers and their special brand of chaos seem to plague his life, but also every other line is reminiscent and nostalgic and sad about how anakin always forgot to pack his socks or the look on his face the first time he saw rain or how he’d use the chosen one thing to wheedle extra desserts
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tennessoui · 1 year
au where because palpatine is anakin’s confidante during his teenage years, he gets to hear all about the latest love of his life and how this relationship is The One, This Is It, Senator, Anakin Is Sure He Is In Love, only for the relationship to crash and burn a few weeks/months later, which results in dark! bad mood! anakin who swears to never see or speak to the temptress who played with his heart ever again
which gives sidious Ideas about how to most successfully ruin anakin’s relationship with obi-wan, aka the only thing really firmly keeping anakin in the light, so that he can twist anakin into Falling and becoming his sith apprentice.
after all it turns out that while obi-wan kenobi is damn near unkillable, he isn’t unfuckable (in the eyes of the vast majority of the galaxy.....anakin included)
and so palpatine becomes the number one obikin shipper, the og stan, the fan with a plan. he sets them up on countless dates and fancy dinners, gives them his opera house tickets, pays for them to be serenaded by the Coruscanti orchestra.....all because he thinks that once they get together it’ll be only a matter of time before they break up and then anakin will be so betrayed and distraught that he never talks to obi-wan again
but that....keeps not happening and palpatine just keeps bankrolling their dates at increasingly fancier and fancier places, all the while Anakin is in his In Love and Life Is Wonderful phase, Kenobi shyly thanks Palpatine for his kindness, and Sidious has to keep reminding himself that the happier and higher Skywalker feels the further he’ll Fall.......right? right???
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Anakin Skywalker in Ahsoka/Ben Solo in The Rise of Skywalker
Like grandfather like grandson
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magnusbae · 5 months
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" They had tortured Anakin’s mother for a month. Just to test her resolve. Was it any wonder that Anakin had been left with such a deep, festering wound?" " He could do this for Anakin. His Padawan was dead, his brother, his son, his friend. He could give him this. A fearsome anger unleashed. Vengeance."  " He felt his anger rise, and he took pleasure in it. It was growing inside him and obliterating everything else. He wanted to be overtaken. He didn’t want to be careful. He wanted only the white heat of satisfaction." -The Last One Standing - Jude Watson
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kittenfangirl20 · 3 months
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While I saw people arguing over who would win in a fight between Anakin Skywalker and Paul Atreides, I was thinking about how bad ass it would be if they teamed up and kicked ass together.
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solar flare
l: you killed my mother you bastard
v: she was dead the moment she stood against my master
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wegog · 1 month
*My wife is gone. I miss her so and in my grief I will destroy the world she loved*
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*My wife is gone. I miss her so and in my grief I will save the world she loved*
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carcassarkis · 28 days
Finally we’ve got the Revenge of the 6th wolf 😔
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year
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Same Scars
trans Luke for @darth-ban with bonus trans Vaderkin
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sainztander · 2 years
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mmelolabelle · 1 year
Occasionally I ponder the heartbreak of Anakin Skywalker; who even as a child only ever wanted to use his abilities to help, from whom the universe kept asking more and more, taking and taking and taking when he was much, much too young, until he broke and proceeded to break the whole galaxy along with him. Then the ruined shell of him still kept going as Darth Vader, not because he was particularly enthused by Palpatine or the cause, but because Anakin Skywalker was a creature of sheer will and impossible power and there was nowhere left and nothing to do but go on and on and on - until Luke. Unstoppable force meet immovable object.
Then after Anakin comes Leia Organa, who is Anakin Skywalker’s daughter in her very bones, who even as a child only ever wanted to use her abilities to help, from whom the universe kept asking more and more, taking and taking and taking when she was much, much too young. No matter what happened there was nowhere and no way for Leia to break because the galaxy was already broken. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t because she knew what would happen, what she would become if she did (Vader). Because Leia Organa was a creature of sheer will and impossible power and even as her family and the New Republic crumbled around her there was nowhere and nothing else left for her to do but go on and on and on.
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jaca3rys · 4 months
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When they're doomed by the narrative and have literally 1 (ONE!!) happy scene together 🤭
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