#anakin x padmé
iammyownsaviour · 7 days
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SW FAVES: anakin skywalker & padmé amidala (ships)
"love won't save you, padmé."
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jaca3rys · 3 months
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When they're doomed by the narrative and have literally 1 (ONE!!) happy scene together 🤭
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To let my guard down
Then you pulled the rug
I was getting kind of used to being someone you loved
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weloveanidala · 2 years
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Preview for DARTH VADER #23 (Greg Pak, June 2022)
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
Hello!! I watching Attack of the Clones and had an idea for an Obi-wan x reader where Obi-wan falls for one of Padme’s lady-in-waiting/close personal assistant? And Obi-wan is so nervous that reader might get hurt because reader is close to danger or is even picked to be a decoy?? Take this idea and make it yours, angst and fluff and whatever you want, have fun with it!!
Duty Calls (Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader)
A/N: Hi, Anon. Thanks for sending this in. I really enjoyed this prompt - who doesn’t love some angst in the morning, with a healthy dose of Kenobi as well. 💕☕️ 
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Nothing was certain in life. It didn’t matter whether you were a monarch in a palace, a politician in the Senate, or a trader on some far out planet; the world around you could change in an instant. 
It was a truth you had found out for yourself all too clearly the past ten years. There was no way you could have foreseen the life you would have, had you been asked that fateful day, back when you graduated from school. 
To have served as a handmaid to the Queen of Naboo, survived a war no one had predicted, fallen in love with one of the Jedi who had come to free you, and to now serve as an advisor to your planet’s representative in the Senate?  It was a lot… sometimes you couldn’t believe it was all real, but it was.
Even now, you nervously smoothed down the front of your robes, as was your habit, followed by a deep breath as you tried to centre yourself in the present. After all, today was important. Today you needed to be focused - prepared for anything that was thrown your way. 
There had been recent threats made against the Senate, and those planning on attending the vote scheduled for later that morning. However, it would take more than a mere threat to deter your ex-queen. 
You’d known Padmé long enough, since infancy in fact, and knew she wasn’t one to back out of a fight. Once she’d made up her mind then that was it, come hell or high water. 
It was one of the many reasons you loved and admired her so much. It was why you had become fast friends back at school, and had relished the chance to work alongside her as an advisor - the first she had appointed, following her election as Queen and later Senator (a fact you were still silently proud of). 
However, it was hard to make everyone share your views - especially one Jedi in particular. 
Obi-wan Kenobi. 
The man was every bit as brave and stubborn as you were, which was why you often worked so well together. Yet, other times, your similarities led you two to clash, butting heads and leaving pain in your wake.  
The night before had been one of those times. Sure, it hadn’t started out that way - in fact, things had been going rather well for the first few hours, after he had arrived back on world and made his way to your apartments. 
Yet, things had turned sour rather quickly after you accidentally mentioned your plan to accompany Padmé to the Senate vote in the morning. 
It was as if you had thrown a match to a tinder box. 
You’d barely even begun to explain yourself before he was on his feet, going on about how dangerous and ill minded the whole idea was. As he put it, Senator Amidala was bound by her role to attend the vote, but not you. 
If she chose to risk her life then so be it, as she was the elected representative for your planet and knew the risks of carrying such a title. However, you were just an advisor - you didn’t need to be in the chamber for the vote, nor pointlessly risking yourself (his words, not yours). 
Needless to say, the fight that followed hadn’t been a pretty one. 
You’d both said things you didn’t mean, and some that you did - although you couldn’t be sure which hurt more. 
“So it’s alright for you to do your duty? To risk your life for the Jedi order? To pledge your life, and your heart, to them?” you’d snarled, the hypocrisy of his words pushing you over the edge. “But for me to do my duty? By my queen? My people - my planet? Maker forbid!”
“It’s not the same-”
“It’s exactly the same! And yet, I’ve never begrudged you dropping into war zones! Nor, have I ever complained about the fact that your commitment to the order means that we - that this - must be kept secret, like some sordid scandal.”
Obi had growled in frustration before throwing his hands up in surrender. Clearly there was to be no reasoning with you - or so he said, but you suspected it was more likely to do with the fact he couldn’t bring himself to rebuke the truth of your accusations. 
After all, you’d honoured his wishes these past few years, ever since you’d dared to make your feelings known to one another. You hadn’t pressured or resented him for wishing to remain with the order, or for him wishing to keep his affection secret between you two. 
In fact, you understood all too well. 
Duty was a sacred thing to both of you, and you’d both devoted your lives to serving a cause greater than yourselves… even if you now found yourself wanting something else, something new - something selfish. 
After all, many of the queen’s aids went on to marry others. Of those fortunate ones who that did, some left altogether, choosing to prioritise their family and partner. However, most would remain in service, even if some altered their role slightly, depending on their situation. 
Part of you hated yourself for the way you watched them, envy creeping in to your heart at the thought of having that… having Obi-wan living with you on Naboo, or even publicly declaring his love so that you could find new roles that would allow you to continue helping others, but together. 
Both felt like mere dreams at this point. They were a fantasy and nothing more, which as Obi-wan had made all too clear, was not something likely to change any time soon. 
You ignored the ache in your chest as you thought back to the horrible way you had left things with him the night before. Letting him storm out of your home had been a mistake… 
But as they said, wallowing in regret would do you no good now. You couldn’t go back in time and change how things had ended. All you could do was make it through the day, and ensure you did your duty by your people. 
After the vote was over you could then worry about finding Obi-wan and trying to make amends. Hopefully, you’d be able to put the whole ordeal behind you, once the threat had passed. 
That was what you told yourself as you made your way to stand beside Padmé at the back of your ship. 
You were slightly comforted by the concern on her face as she considered the day ahead. It seemed you weren’t the only nervous one. 
“I am glad you’re here with me, Y/N,” she whispered. “Are you ready for this?”
“Of course I am.” You gave her one last encouraging smile. “May the force be with you, my lady.”
“And also with you.”  
With that, you linked hands, taking comfort in one another’s company as you stared down the lowering ramp of your transport ship. 
For a moment, the world hung in limbo as you hovered just above the ground, before firmly planting the landing gear to the floor. The sudden jolt was comforting, as was the sight of the guards clustered around you both as you began to make your descent towards the landing platform. 
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All around you, other ships were docking, as Senators, advisors, guards, and witnesses from every political party also made their arrival. After all, you were not the only ones who deemed this vote important enough to risk attending that day. 
However, the multitude of armed guards escorting the majority of people from their ships was a stark reminder of the danger you all faced - inside and outside of the hallowed chamber. 
No one looked to be taking any chances. 
“Remember to stay close,” warned the captain of your guard, as if sensing your thoughts. “We’ll follow the crowds towards the tunnels ahead, and into the lower levels of the Galactic Senate. From there we will escort you to your office and sort a perimeter check before you take to the floor.” 
“Thank you,” you nodded, only half listening to what he said. You were too busy letting your eyes sweep your surroundings, Obi’s warnings echoing in the back of your mind. 
“Crowds are difficult, true,” he’d explained once before, sharing some of his wisdom with you on how to spot threats. 
He took matters regarding your security seriously and had shared with you the basics regarding self defence and spotting possible threats. In part it was for your peace of mind, but more so for his, considering the fact he could not always be by your side to protect you. 
“As I said to Anakin, once upon a time, it’s different to anticipating an attack in a secluded area, but not necessarily harder. It’s all about focus. Just keep your eyes peeled, and stay alert to what is happening around you. Where are you exposed? Where is there a possibility of cover, or even escape, should you need it?”
You’d absorbed his teachings, and found yourself following them even now. As much as you trusted the armed guards around you to protect you, you were still on high alert. 
Which, as it turned out, was a good thing- it never took long for trouble to find you or Senator Amidala. 
In fact, you had barely made it off of the ship when it happened. 
A shot rang out. 
One. Then another. Then another. 
There was a scream as someone fell to the floor, followed by someone else as the gunfire began to rain down on the crowds surrounding you, picking off people at random. 
“We’re under attack!”
“Gunmen! On the roof!”
“Get down!”
The order was pointless, the panic already spreading as people began to flee in every possible direction. They didn’t need to be told twice. 
You felt a hand grab you by the arm, tugging you to the side. “What-”
“-We need to move.” 
One of Padmé’s guards was suddenly upon you, trying to get you to follow as they made as if to run back towards the ship. 
“Wait, no, Padmé-” you choked, turning your head in search of your friend. 
To your surprise, another guard had already taken her by the arm, hauling her after them, their body positioned as a shield. 
Padmé’s eyes hastily turned back to yours. 
“Go!” she ordered, the instruction clear.
The guard at your arm didn’t need to be told twice, even as you went to protest, to pull free from his grip and insist you could manage on your own. After all, he was there to protect your queen - not you. You were just a distraction. 
However, you never got the chance; you barely had time to hear the shot coming, let alone do anything as your guard suddenly dropped to the ground - a hole singed into the back of him. 
A startled scream strangled you. 
Your feet were moving before your mind could even process what was happening. 
One minute you were stood there, the next you were bolting your way towards a nearby column, hoping for shelter of some kind. 
You ducked down, hoping the marble would provide you with cover.
You froze at the sound of your name. 
It took you a moment to realise it was Obi-wan whose voice you heard, crackling to you via the comms device attached to your wrist. 
“Y/N. Where are you?”
It was flashing aggressively as he tried to make contact.  
“Y/N? Come in, Y/N. Are you alright?” 
HIs request went unanswered as another shot suddenly hit the ground. The blast had been far too close to you for comfort, causing you to focus on diving out of the way rather than responding. 
He sounded frantic.
“Obi - I’m on the loading dock!”
You managed to scream out the message as you scrambled to your feet, scooping up a blaster that had fallen on the ground in the midst of the chaos. 
You didn’t waste a moment before lifting it and aiming it towards the sky, vainly firing a warning shot behind you. Others appeared to be doing the same, trying to provide the crowd with some form of cover from the mysterious gunmen firing down on them. 
“Get out of there!” Obi ordered, his terror clear. “Get to the Senate tunnel! We’re on our way!” 
It was the most obvious - and nearest - exit off of the loading docks, leading inside of the Senate building and out of the line of fire. No wonder there was a sudden stampede as everyone rushed to make it back inside and to safety. 
However, some, like you, lingered as you rushed instead to those still lying on the ground, begging for aid as they struggled to get to their feet. 
“I’ve got you,” you cried, reaching down to help lift a slab of debris off of a man’s leg. He was bleeding, clearly in pain as he tried to crawl free. Yet, the fear of being shot must have worked wonders as he somehow found the strength to crawl far enough back to free himself. 
He was then quickly hauled to his feet by another passing stranger, who nodded at you warmly. However, before you could even try to thank him for his help, he was running again, in a bid to make his way towards safety. 
You froze. 
“Obi?” you gasped, turning to scan the crowd for any sign of him-
Then you heard it. 
You heard the sudden clap of what sounded like thunder, followed by a rush of heat and air as the world erupted around you … then faded to black.
A bomb. 
It was a bomb.
That was the real threat… not the sniper, which had been nothing but a decoy - a means of shepherding targets back towards safety, towards the senate… 
They’d never stood a chance. Not when they were all herded together in one neat location, just in time for a bomb to rip through the lower halls of the sacred chamber. 
Had you not stopped when you had, you would have been amongst them. Just another casualty in this callous attack. 
As it was, stood so close to the building, you weren’t entirely spared. 
You heard the crack and splatter, even as you tumbled forward, propelled by the force of the explosion all around you. You emerged a few feet away— your body taking longer than your mind to catch up.
Your feet and legs gave out, sending you crashing into a nearby wall so hard that the weakened plaster cracked against your spine. Shards of the ruined paintwork fluttered down, mixing with the ash and other debris that now fell from the sky like macabre confetti.
You couldn’t help but tremble. 
Lying there… face down… the world slowly returned to focus. 
The sight was one that made you feel nauseas — bodies and brick laying broken on the cobblestones … Some of the corpses were hardly recognisable, mere scraps of armour, splintered bone, and burned flesh all that remained.
Your stomach turned, and you felt the tears rising, only to be silenced by the crunch of boots before you.
There was a hand on your face, tilting up your chin away from the carnage as you kept on staring at the destruction surrounding you. 
Blue eyes met Yours.
Obi was here.
And … and you were alive … You’d survived. 
He leaned forward, his brow sweat-coated, his breathing uneven. He gently pressed a kiss to your mouth, uncaring who could be watching at that moment in time.
Then again, it was hard to see anything, let alone you two kissing as he rushed to remind you that you were still breathing - that you were both alive and in one piece. 
“Oh, Y/n,” he choked, pulling back and stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Thank the maker.” 
All around you people were weeping. Keening. Screaming. 
“O… Obi?” 
Your voice cracked, a sob of pain escaping you as you tried to answer him.  
It was suddenly too much - all of it. 
You simply threw your arms around him and sobbed. And as the rest of the rescue aid began to appear, he continued to do so. He held you, stroking a hand through your hair over and over until you were strong enough to lift your head. 
To breathe. 
To allow him to scoop you up into his arms, and carry you as far away from the destruction as he could possibly get you. 
Obi-wan did not come to bed.
As you emerged from the bath some hours later, the water clouded with a mixture of dirt and blood, he was nowhere to be found.
You paused on the threshold of your rooms, eyes looking for clues. He wouldn’t be far - he’d said as much as he’d escorted you home, following your debrief from the medical centre he’d dragged you to the moment you’d escaped the Senate.  
It wasn’t hard to find him, sat out on your balcony, staring up at the night sky. 
You slid into his lap, looping your arms around his neck.
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He stared out at the city around you, watching the faint smoke still rising in the distance. 
You did not look. 
You only traced the lines of his face, then brushed your thumb over his mouth. 
“It’s alright, Obi. I’m alright,” you whispered quietly. “What happened was no one’s fault - even Jedi can’t be expected to know everything. We prepared as best as we could, but it was always possible we’d miss something. How were you to know the snipers were a decoy?” 
His eyes shifted to yours, barely visible in the dark. “Because it was my job. The Jedi were supposed to protect you, protect everyone there, but we failed. We miscalculated and … I don’t know who I hate more: the separatists, whoever pressed that detonator, or myself.”
You brushed the hair out of his face. He gripped your hand, halting your fingers. “I thought I lost you,” he breathed. “You— you disappeared after I told you to run. You ran right towards the building and after the explosion … I couldn’t see you. I couldn’t sense you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Obi let out a bitter laugh. 
“Sorry? Why? You didn’t do this.” He shook his head. “You chose to take a risk and attend today, but you didn’t chose to kill those people - Kriff, you could have been one of those people.”
“Are you going to scold me for it?”
His brows furrowed. Then he buried his face in your shoulder. “I was wrong to say the things I did. How could I scold you for defending your beliefs? For standing up for a cause we both support? I want to throttle you, yes, for not running the moment those snipers appeared, but … Well, we saw what happened… you chose to stay, to help others, and your life was spared because of it.” 
He kissed your neck. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Obi. So much.” 
He shuddered, his lips surging towards yours, sending you tilting backwards in surprise. 
However, that had clearly been his plan all along as the moment your back made contact with the stone, he all but pounced on you, entwining your bodies so that he could make love to you under the stars all night long.
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whatheffuck · 4 months
Hey, I'm here again with my controversial opinions about SW
I don't understand how Padmé could say that "it's human to be angry" after Anakin said he murder the whole village. That's crazy, no normal person would say it's okay to kill children, CHILDREN. She didn't even condemn his actions
The funny thing is that Palpatine said almost the same thing in the book "Brotherhood"
"They killed your mother. Your mother," he said, his weathered voice slow and deliberate. "Of course you wanted revenge. How could anyone not when facing such an injustice? It seems like simple mathematics to me."
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Anakin heard from two people close to him that there was nothing wrong with what he did, and he believed it
But if Palpatine said this because he is a Sith and obviously supports Anakin in killing children, Padmé says this because she wants to support and reassure Anakin. Does she not care that he killed children? I think not. But does she do anything about it? Also not. Does it stop her from marrying him? Absolutely not
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anghraine · 1 year
Shipping Poll (part 2b)
And phase 2 continues, following from Elizabeth/Darcy vs Faramir/Éowyn (poll still up here).
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winterlovesong1 · 2 years
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no white flag above my door (I’m in love and always will be)
Summary: A collection of Anidala (Anakin/Padme) drabbles. Title from Dido’s White Flag.
Chapter One: Bliss (Be Still)
Chapter Summary: Anakin’s POV of the meadow scene and a slight extension.
He tries to contain himself, stay still, stay present, keep to the goal, keep the challenge he had set forward for himself as the blades of grass blanket his figure, the warmth of this planet’s sun rests comfortably on his skin, and the lessons he’s been instilled with play on repeat on his mind.
Read the rest here.
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iammyownsaviour · 1 year
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Multiamory March 2023 (@polyamships)
019. Art - Female Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala/Handmaiden Sabé - https://archiveofourown.org/works/45878545
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thinkeranidala · 2 years
power couple
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not0a0mundane · 1 year
Ok but this is an anidala song, 100%
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They deserve more love.
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weloveanidala · 2 years
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Anidala extracts from Brotherhood (2022), Mike Chen
Notice whenever Obi Wan reflects on a/p’s warmth, ease, tenderness, passion it’s mediated through his association of a/p with what was there, what is here & what could have been between him and Satine
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galactic-rhea · 3 months
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One day i will create some serious art. But that day isn't today.
the individual art under the cut!
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cawsceries · 1 month
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sun / moon
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fishalthor · 7 months
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