#🎣 fishing service
hinanoshu · 4 months
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[ “ I'm only here because I got dragged into this. But, I've got a reason for not wanting to lose now . ” ]
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[CARRD] — 🎣
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# 🎣 fishing service ┈➤ ask(s) / question(s)
# 🐠 fish collection ┈➤ reblog(s)
# 🐟 fisherman's words ┈➤ ooc
# 🦈 cooking session ┈➤ roleplay
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Note from Admin:
Hi hi!!! This is my first time trying out tumblr rp and I was actually pretty excited when I started to set the acc and many things!! So don't be shy to send ask(s)/rp request(s), I am SUPERRR friendly!!
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astrhoeluvr · 2 years
Astrhoe Observations Pt.3🫂🥰🫶🏻
(Damn we’re already at part 3??😭🫶🏻 anyway thank you so much for the all love and support🥺🥳🥰)
Back to 👉🏻 my materialist 👁️🫦👁️.
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a lil disclaimer : these are just my personal observations, so don’t take any of them to heart🥳.Some could be applicable to you and some would differ, so take all of them with a grain of salt OKIE! enough of me blabbing let’s get on with it🫶🏻🥰
🐠😗📸: No one:
Pisces Placements in every single picture: 😗✌🏻
(Always pouting their asses away like a lil fish 🐠 bwhahaha😭👀 makes sense because their astrological symbol is literally a fish 🎣)
🌗👩‍👦: The house where your moon sits in could show where your mom guided you the most.👩‍👦‍👦
Eg. Moon in the 1st house could mean your momma played an important role in moulding your personality. With this placement you learn a lot from your mom and you could also look very similar to your momma!👀😗. Moon in the 11th house could mean your momma taught you how to work with technology 💻 or how to make friends 👯‍♀️🫂.
If moon is negatively aspected the results might vary and instead of encouraging you, your momma might criticise you in relation to the house your moon is placed in and the themes revolving around that house.👩‍👦🥲
☀️👨‍👧: Same goes for the sun and your dad. The sun in a certain house could highlight where your dad played the most importance in your life.
Eg. Sun in the 2nd house could mean your dad helped you out with financial matters💸, buying you a lot of gifts 🎁🥺 or even teaching you how to draw/paint/colour🎨✍️👩🏻‍🎨. Sun in the 10th house could indicate your dad having a huge role in choosing your career path. Or on the advice of your dad you pick your career.💪🏻💼 But ofc if the sun is negatively aspected, it could take a whole 180.🤸🏻‍♀️🫠😬
🫂🤞🏻: You will definitely share 2 or more placements with your family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦. For egs. My mom and I are Aries moons and my dad and brother are Aquarius moons.
🔮🧿: Planets in the 12th house could show what you subconsciously hide from the world🫣🕵🏻.
Eg. Moon in the 12th house could hide their emotions from the world because they could feel people might look down on them or judge them.
Mercury in the 12th house could indicate being shy with your words. Having a lot to say but saying nothing kinda beat yk?🤫🎙️🗣️
🖐🏻😗👀: Gemini Lilith/ Chiron could have felt insecure about their fingers or hands in general.🥲🫤🖐🏻!! DO NOT FEEL BAD, y’all have gorgeous HANDS AND FINGERS AND DON’T LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE 🤺.
🤩📸🏜️🌅: The house where venus is placed could indicate what you like taking pictures of 🤳🏻📸🎞️.
Eg. Venus in the first house LOVE taking selfies🥵 do I blame y’all tho?? SUCH BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE ISTG. Venus in the sixth house could indicate taking A LOT of pictures of your pets📸🐈🦮. Their gallery would definitely be filled with pictures of their pets!! LIKE WHY DO YOU HAVE 500+ pictures of your cat sleeping??👀🤨
🥵🤤: Okay but like what is it about Capricorn placements and being so damn fine??? The way the carry themselves, the way they speak, their determination and dedication UGH. They get me weak in my knees frfr🛐🛐😩
🫶🏻🤑💳🌺: Earth Venus individuals could literally give their lovers the “princess treatment”🛍️🏬💵🎁💐. Showering them with gifts, acts of services, words of affirmations. Literally the most thoughtful and considerate lovers🥰🤩. This could also very much be applicable to Water Venus peeps🫶🏻.
😈😳: Scorpio placements lowkey like it when their partner acts possessive or protective over them and even more if it’s outwardly expressed (not in a toxic way ofc). Their partner could say “YOU ARE MINE AND ONLY MINE YK THAT RIGHT?”😤😩 and on the outside they’d be like : yeah cool ik that haha 😃😐🧍🏻‍♀️but on the inside they’re like : hell yeah😳🥵😏🤩🤯😍😩. Don’t deny it y’all, I SEE YOU 👀🫵🏻
Okay that’s all for today luvs🥰🫶🏻
(Please do not copy or plagiarise any of my work <33)
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- san✨🍵🪴📖🧘🏻‍♀️
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lele-o-north · 6 days
World Dugong Day
Every year, on the 28th of May, it is celebrated the World Dugong Day! 🧜
Dugong is known as the sea cow (pic attached 🐮 - x). Why sea cow, you ask? These animals can be found in coastal environments feeding exclusively and extensively on seagrasses. The largest remaining population of Dugongs can be found in Australia (i), while the closest to the United Kingdom can be observed in the shallow waters of The Arabian Gulf (ii) 🌊
Why are dugongs important? 🧐
According to the Dugong & Seagrass Conservation Project (iii), dugongs contribute to maintaining balanced marine coastal environments, while also representing good indicators for local ecosystem health. Their presence is of course linked with seagrasses, which not only represents these herbivore mammals’ only source of food: seagrass sits at bottom of food chain in coastal environments (iv). Moreover, it provides important ecosystem services such as fish products, reduced erosion and flood protection (v). In other words, dugong presence is the manifestation of healthy ecosystem. Terrible news is: they are classified as vulnerable species (vi) 😰
Why are they declining? And how is climate change impacting their population? 😭
Dugongs are sensitive creatures not exempt from anthropogenic (modern age) disturbance. They have been largely hunted by humans for its meat, fat and oils, which caused significant population reduction (vi). Also, seagrass species are under extreme pressure due water quality variations largely driven by climate change (vii) and further human activity (viii). In addition, their slow reproduction rate and long life span (around 70 years) make them less resilient from not-environmentally friendly fishing practices (ix) 🎣
What can be done to support them? 💪
The Australian Great Barrier Reef and Marine Park Authority (i) provides the following recommendations:
1. Protect coastal habitats - Do not damage seagrass by dragging boats on underwater meadows and act against pollution, eutrophication and herbicide use deriving from land-based activities 🚜
2. Avoid use of mesh nets - Dugongs can get trapped in fishing nets 🥅
3. Boat responsibly - Dugongs are hard too spot while sitting on high speeding boats. Reduce speed while crossing shallow waters and seagrass meadows. If you spot one, it is likely it will not the only one in the area 🚢
4. Report - Just like for other sirenians, as well as cetaceans, it is essential to report injured/dead dugongs to local authorities ☎️
5. Donate - Dugong & Seagrass Conservation Project covers the conservation of dugongs and their associated seagrass ecosystems in eight countries in the Indo-Pacific region: Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mozambique, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu. See more information here: https://www.dugongconservation.org/ 🙏
i. https://www2.gbrmpa.gov.au/learn/animals/dugong#:~:text=Whether%20in%20protection%20areas%20or,flowing%20into%20creeks%20and%20rivers
ii. https://www.seaworldabudhabi.com/en/stories/meet-the-dugongs#:~:text=In%20the%20UAE%2C%20dugongs%20are,Marine%20Biosphere%20Reserve%20(MMBR)
iii. https://www.dugongconservation.org/about/about-dugongs-seagrass/
iv: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/marine-food-chain/7th-grade/
v: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5061329/#:~:text=Seagrass%20ecosystems%20play%20a%20multi,erosion%20and%20protection%20against%20floods
vi: https://nc.iucnredlist.org/redlist/amazing-species/dugong-dugon/pdfs/original/dugong-dugon.pdf
vii: https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/70204854#:~:text=A%20primary%20effect%20of%20increased,the%20patterns%20of%20sexual%20reproduction
viii: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4020-2983-7_24#citeas
ix: https://www.dcceew.gov.au/sites/default/files/env/pages/0fcb6106-b4e3-4f9f-8d06-f6f94bea196b/files/north-report-card-dugong.pdf
x (picture): https://theconversation.com/dugongs-looking-to-the-gentle-sea-creatures-past-may-guard-its-future-122902
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matinek-p · 2 years
CAS declaration📄
Language acquisition:🇪🇸
When I thought about this particular aspect, I knew it would be a perfect opportunity to continue my Spanish journey. Levelling up to a fluent level is my main objective, while making the process of language acquisition as enjoyable as possible. Currently, my level is A2, after an exam in summer, so at last I would like to write a B2 exam, which is said represent an articulate and communicative level.
Main goal: B2 exam.
Musical instrument:🎸
However, whenever my brain hurts from thinking in Spanish, playing the guitar would take the spotlight. Having played a bit in the past, I really regretted leaving playing an instrument. Maybe it is encoded in my genes, as my grandpa got kicked out of musical school, but I deeply believe I could be the first in the family to be in harmony with music.
Main goal: 5 pieces, by heart.
If not sport, I am planning to spend my time on the filmset. Here often creativity and activity overlap, as sports abilities are often the key component on top of acting itself. This endlessly creative world offers many components like photoshoots, campaigns and film, which I want to be a part of.
Main goal: 4 projects during the next year.
Here I seek for diversity, following my old routines of staying active. Ones are going to be intense in terms of what my body is capable of and other will focuse more on critical thinking and finding the peace of mind. These will include fishing, skateboarding practice daily, gymnastics, running, MTB, parkour and what I relatively found incredibly amusing, playing pool. What I would love to introduce would be certainly gym, as I have never been enthusiastic about heavy weights. Before, I focused much more on callisthenics and mobility training. Having such a variety will certainly never get dull.
Main goals:
🏋🏽-100kg, chest press.
🏃‍♂️-5km, 21 minutes.
🤸🏽parkour, flips, strength.
🚲-kazoora bike park.
🛹-new tricks: treflip.
🎣-peace of mind.
🎱-mastering the techniques.
Ronalds McDonalds foundation:🏥
The most exciting, full filing and essentially the heart of CAS is going to the Ronald McDonalds foundation. I have been its member for the past year and I have never been so thrilled to work with children, help around the hospital and spend time with good-hearted people. The sense of community and bonds the bonds that have been made is what I am most grateful for. Here I am planning to spend the most time, given how diverse the tasks can be. They vary from entertaining children to screwing together hundreds of beds, to meeting with the representatives of the foundation. Life in the foundation never gets dull.
Recently, other foundations visited our school. I was the most impressed by Level up and I am sure I would like to be a part of their projects, without forgetting that my heart will be in Roland’s:)
Main goal: +-30h of volunteering
Trash picking:🗑🌲
For the short term Service, I thought about a close nature reserve just a few streets from where I live. Even though it is a close terrain, people keep littering it. Every now and then, I will leave the park, with a few kilos of trash and put it where it belongs:)
Main goal: 2 full bags of trash each visit.
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vietname-visa · 2 months
Ready to discover the enchanting beauty of Mui Ne? 🌴✨
Explore this beautiful place where natural wonders and cultural treasures await at every turn with Vietnam eVisa.
From stunning beaches🏖️ to sand dunes and colorful fishing villages🎣, there is something truly magical about Mui Ne. And, planning your trip has now become easier than before with us! 
Our user-friendly online platform offers a hassle-free Vietnam tourist e-visa application, along with expert handling of document processing to multi-language translation services. 📄🌍
So, why wait? Visit our official website https://www.vietnam-e-visa.org/vietnam-tourist-visa  and Apply Now!🌐👉
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E-Biking and Fresh Seafood: 🚴‍♂️ Savoring Dunedin's Coastal Cuisine on Two Wheels 🍤🌊
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Hello, foodies and adventure seekers! 🌞 If you're someone who loves to combine the thrill of exploration with the joy of savoring delectable cuisine, we have a unique experience waiting for you. Welcome to Paradise Life E-Bikes, where we're excited to introduce you to a mouthwatering journey – E-Biking and Fresh Seafood in the coastal paradise of Dunedin, Florida. Join us as we pedal through picturesque paths to some of the finest seafood restaurants, offering you a taste of Dunedin's flavorful coastal cuisine. It's time to ride, savor, and explore the culinary treasures of this charming town! 🚴‍♀️🦐🏖️
Seafood Sensations at Sea Sea Riders 🍽️
Our first destination is the renowned Sea Sea Riders, a Dunedin favorite for seafood lovers. Located in a historic house, this restaurant offers a unique ambiance and a menu filled with tantalizing seafood options. With your E-Bike, you can effortlessly navigate to this coastal gem. 🏡🍤
Bon Appétit Restaurant: A Culinary Masterpiece by the Waterfront 🍷
Next on our seafood adventure is Bon Appétit, situated right on the waterfront. With your E-Bike, you can enjoy the sea breeze as you savor dishes crafted with fresh, local seafood. The views from the outdoor seating are absolutely breathtaking. 🌅🐟
Alfresco Dining at The Black Pearl 🌴
The Black Pearl is a hidden gem for those who appreciate alfresco dining. Pedal your way to this charming restaurant, where you can relish a seafood feast surrounded by lush tropical greenery. It's a delightful escape from the ordinary. 🍴🌿
Best of Both Worlds at Olde Bay Café & Dunedin Fish Market 🌊
The Olde Bay Café is where you can have the best of both worlds: a delightful café with a fish market attached. After a pleasant E-Bike ride, you can pick up some fresh seafood to take home or savor a meal in the café with a view of the marina. 🎣🍽️
Grab-and-Go at Frenchy's Outpost Bar & Grill 🏴󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁢󠁿
For those who prefer a more casual dining experience, Frenchy's Outpost Bar & Grill is a must-visit. Enjoy your seafood with an ocean view and the convenience of quick-service dining. After your E-Bike ride, you can swing by for a delightful seafood meal. 🍔🌊
Enjoy the Ride and the Flavors 🚴‍♀️
E-Bikes are not only a fun and eco-friendly mode of transportation but also a convenient way to explore Dunedin's culinary scene. You can savor mouthwatering seafood dishes without the hassle of parking or traffic, making your journey all the more enjoyable. 🚴‍♂️🦀
Dunedin, Florida, is not just about scenic rides and beautiful coastlines; it's also a seafood lover's paradise. And Paradise Life E-Bikes is here to help you enjoy the best of both worlds. 🚴‍♀️🍤
Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable seafood adventure in Dunedin, all while savoring the beauty of the coast? Grab your E-Bike and set out on a journey that combines the pleasures of the sea and the joy of exploration. It's time to ride, savor, and create unforgettable memories in this coastal culinary paradise. 🌞🦐🚴‍♀️
Your next seafood adventure in Dunedin is just a pedal away. Get ready to ride, savor, and explore the flavors of the coast on two wheels! 🌊🍽️🍷
#Electricbikes #ParadiseLifeEbikes #Ebikes #Electricbicycle #Electricbikestore #Ebikerentals #Electricbiketours #Pedalassistbikes #Electricbikeaccessories #Electricbikemodels #Batterypoweredbicycles #Bikeshop #Ebikedealer #Electricbikebrands #Bikerentals
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ypipie · 8 months
here, to catch the fish
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Away camping 🏕 at a beautiful little lake in the woods with virtually no cell service. Will be difficult to respond to messages for a bit. Have a great week everyone - the fish 🎣 are biting!
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themulletrun · 10 months
Chasing Canal Marlin & Houndfish: Fort Lauderdale's Inshore Sportfishing Adventure with Ramp Monsters!
Hey fellow anglers and fishing enthusiasts! 🎣✨
Today, we're diving into the thrilling world of inshore sportfishing in the beautiful waters of Fort Lauderdale. Picture this: the sun rising over the horizon, a gentle breeze brushing against your face, and the excitement of hooking some of the most elusive species—canal marlin and houndfish. And guess what? We've got some ramp monsters in the mix too! 🌊🌞
Fort Lauderdale, known for its diverse marine life and pristine waterways, offers an inshore fishing experience like no other. If you're passionate about reeling in impressive catches and enjoying a scenic fishing expedition, this is the place to be!
1. The Quest for Canal Marlin: The canals of Fort Lauderdale hold a secret—hidden within their depths are some elusive and feisty canal marlins. These acrobatic predators are a joy to catch, putting up a fierce fight and giving even seasoned anglers a run for their money. Patience and precision are key, but the thrill of landing a canal marlin is well worth the effort!
2. Unraveling the Mystery of Houndfish: Houndfish, with their distinctive elongated bodies and sharp teeth, prowl the shallower waters, making them a prime target for inshore anglers. Known for their lightning-fast strikes, these speed demons can reach impressive speeds when chasing after their prey. Capturing a houndfish on your line is not only an achievement but also a testament to your fishing skills!
3. Meet the Ramp Monsters: Now, let's talk about the fascinating ramp monsters that call Fort Lauderdale's waters their home. Ramp monsters, also known as snook, are a sought-after prize for inshore sportfishers. These cunning predators blend seamlessly into the mangroves, making them a challenging catch. Once you've successfully battled a ramp monster, you'll understand why they hold a special place in the hearts of Fort Lauderdale's fishing community.
4. Embracing the Inshore Experience: Beyond the thrill of catching impressive fish, Fort Lauderdale's inshore sportfishing offers something more profound—a connection with nature and the marine ecosystem. As you navigate the canals, you'll encounter various bird species, manatees, and dolphins, reminding us of the delicate balance that exists between land and sea.
5. Tips and Tricks from Local Experts: Before you set out on your inshore fishing adventure, consider reaching out to local experts or charter services like Captain Jeff's Lunkerdog Charters. They possess invaluable knowledge of the area, the best spots to fish, and the bait that works wonders for canal marlin, houndfish, and ramp monsters alike.
So, if you're yearning for an unforgettable inshore sportfishing experience with a dash of thrill and serenity, Fort Lauderdale's canals await your exploration. Remember to respect the environment, practice catch-and-release, and cherish every moment spent amidst the natural wonders of this Floridian paradise.
Happy fishing, and may your reels be forever full of unforgettable memories! 🐟🌴
[Insert breathtaking fishing images and a link to local charter services]
#InshoreFishing #FortLauderdale #CanalMarlin #Houndfish #RampMonsters #FishingAdventure #FishermanLife #CatchAndRelease #NatureConnection #AnglersParadise
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hinanoshu · 2 months
// hello admin here! I got it from the original aopl web, I hope that helps :]
tho, if there's any mistranslation from it feel free to contact!
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eaterofpi · 1 year
Nintendo Direct 6-21-23 LIVE Reaction Post!!
I'm just going to put all my reactions here in this one post!! It's better then watching me live, cause I would just be like; "Pikmin 4 🙏" and make no audio responses to anything else!!
It's starting!!
Pokemon stuff?? Unexpected! Are they covering the DLC here instead of in their own thing? More details on the DLC is real.. Actual footage too!! The Teal Mask.. Lots of returning beasts... Carmine?? Poochy... Normal Wooper? Festival!! Evil Ogre... THE DOGE POKEMON... The Masked Pokemon... Blueberry Academy.. Lacey??? Minecraft Biome Dome.. Lots more returning Pokes.. What are some of these designs?? The thing.. It is nice to see footage of it at least..
Two people directing?? More details later.. Special event too.. I'm probably not getting that DLC though..
Sonic Superstars, I heard about it earlier during some other thing, it looks like they are making a goods Sonics game, after 5 billion years.. I'm still not getting it though.. too fast for my eyes..
Palia--- Free to play... Farming simulator.. FISHING!!! 🎣 I'm not going to get a free to play game, I already have enough of them..
Personas... Didn't this stuff get leaked or something? I'm not really good at any tactics games.. No way Byakko! The models seem nice
Mythforce- First Person Rougelike?? Seems interestings!! The cartoon astehetics is good! I kinda want to see more
Splatfest- I don't actually have Splatoon 3, mostly because I'm really bad at Splatoon, a bit too fast for me.. Strawberry or Mint Chip... Difficult choice.. I'm too indecisive!!
Detective Pikachu 2?? They finally made it?? Pokemon Sleep and Detective Pikachu 2 are finally released after many years... Pikachu with coffee looks funny. why is mewtwo there I guess that's the mystery they are trying to solve
Super Marios RPG!! I never played this one!! OH IT IS BEING REMADE?? THE NEW ARTSTYLE LOOKS SO DEFAULT MARIO, no way mallow, isn't the mallow plush like, super rare.. anyways, nice to see that the game is being remade.. This means so many official models too.. Although I wonder what they might change... No subtitle?
PEACH RPG?? I wasn't expecting her to get one.. I kinda hope that Daisy appears.. Who is her compainion?
huh what on earth is happening?
LUIGI'S MANSION 2 DARK MOON SWITCH? So many remakes!! Next year!! Quite a year to look forward to!
Batsman- I kinda don't really-- Joker from the memes?? I hopes the "Ridders" isn't here!! Buff Joker.. What a odd design.. (Dork Knight) Oh, a trilogy
Gloomhaven- A Card and Tactical game? I really can't play it then, I'm bad with both!! I also kinda don't like this art style... so gloomy..
Just Dance- How many of these are they going to make!! I'm glad I wasn't streaming this, otherwise, I would get DMCA'd.. Streamers have to live in fear... How do these games even work? Live Service Just Dance??
Silent Hope - Finally.. an RPG without reading.. Why are they still making like, scream sounds... This sounds (Harvest Moon Cow?) there's dialouge 🤯
Fae Farm - Magical Rune Factory? Animal Crossings? Friends? Preorder Bonuses...
HOT WHEELS - The shift in voice tone!! Building your own tracks? Reminds me of Re-Volt... I miss that game
Manic Mechanics - Is this one of those Overcooked styled games? I don't have local players..
Rabbids Sparks of Hope - The Rabbids's designs are getting so out there.. KING BOMB OMB!! bunny bomb :)
Is this that Dragon Quest stuff? A Remake? Monster Wrangler? Kinda reminds me of that one.. CD game, where you like.. put in CDs and get Monsters.. seth or roth
Many announcements,, so fast.. I'm a slow typer..
BAD ENDING??? DANDORI?? Dandraff?? BAD ENDING IS CANON???? Olimar has become corrupted.. 30 days..
I will need to get this..
HD PIMIN?????? PIKMIN 2???? >!!>!??!?!?!?!>L<#@JKNJESKNJF
--- okay back to normal
metals gears
how am I supposed to be normal after "hey Pikmin2 HD download today"
The entire Pikmin game series (except Hey!) is on Switch..
I'm sorry Pikmin².. You could've never expected that...
Vampire Survivors...
bird musics (battles royale
I have no music skills
I can't focus anymore..
How am I supposed to survived knowing that there's an HD remake of both original Pikmin games?
That's just like.. You can buy my favorites now
Marios carts!! Pikmin course... The bathsroom
Petey!! Double Dash!! Wiggler!! Kamek finally in Mario Karts.. it has been so long.. This summers.. I never actually bought it, I just play the tracks online..
More remakes.. There's a lot of this HD 2D stuff nowadays (I only see it in Nintendo Directs)
Now I can tell everyone to buy Pikmin 2... I can do a playthrough right before Pikmmin2..
NEW WARIO?? SMOOTH MOVES 2?? This is something I really want, Ialthough.. MARIO 64 DS?? I need to have more space.. PIKMIN!!!! Why do Wario games always use Pikmin 2 (swag) 😳
Warioware is awesome... A few more things?
Seattle? I don't think I can go there right now!!
Wait.. I wonder.. Pikmin might get more phyiscal copies..
Tears of the Kingdom.. I didn't end up buying it.. New Amiibo!!
The Finale..
New Style!! I really wish I could enjoy it, but my eyes stunk!!
Voice acting is scary!! New Flower...Woah.. Chaos....
That's somewhat soon!!
elephant marios
seriously mario why would you do that
That was a VERY good Direct!!
The end
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devops-dot-gay · 1 year
Moving Forwards
Hi everyone, Michal here. I'd like to first say this from the bottom of my heart, that providing a sustainable internet and providing for others is a huge passion of mine, one that I will never give up.
So much of what I do and have done in the past stems from what I can do for others, and that will never change.
Things change, however, and as a project starts it must, one day, end.
I'm announcing 2 big things today. One of these is that I am, for the time being, stepping down from my role of Project Lead at Crystal Linux. This is not planned to be a permanent move as it stands right now, however it is one that is long overdue and something I need for my mental health and my well-being. Everything will continue to run smoothly, and I'll still pop in to do anything that needs to be done to push out our December stable release.
The second announcement (one I've already made recently) is the sunsetting of the tar.black project. I've grown so much from everything I've learnt during the project and everything the project has done for me, however due to many factors (some which have already been discussed) I feel I can no longer provide a reliable service to myself or others.
tar.black meant a lot to me, and still will. I am trusting a good friend of mine (Nick) to continue its legacy, and I will be transferring to him the tar.black domain. I trust that he will continue providing a fantastic selfhosted service that will continue to serve many users to come!
Thank you all for the time taken reading this, and as I always say,
So long, and thanks for all the fish! 🎣
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rabchunter · 2 years
Massonically WOW yet again yesterday 🙏💪🤠
We held our usual bi monthly committee meeting for The Masonic Fishing Charity (Somerset Branch) yesterday at Jacklands Fishing Lakes 🎣
What a brilliant meeting too that I had the pleasure nay honour to chair with my awesome Somersetshire Branch team 💪🙏
We are planning on a spectacular year (2023) of fishing events fully funded by us here at the Somerset Branch of the MTSFC, disabled and disadvantaged kids, ladies recovering from breast cancer and serving or ex service personnel suffering from PTSD are all on our list to help and run events for 🎣💪🙏🤠
We are still looking for volunteers and funding to help get these events going, if anyone would like to get involved and help us drop me a line, masonic lodges perhaps a donation from your charity chests, alms collection or raffles, I and my team are happy to attend your Masonic Lodges or indeed your groups or charity events to do a talk on The Masonic Fishing Charity 🎣🙏
After our committee meeting and a wonderful lunch and coffee most of us headed out for an afternoon social fishing building our teams Cameraderie together, I had the greatest honour to coach one of our new guys who is volunteering for us how to fly fish 🐟 Bro M you did well and he alas lost a couple of cracking Jacklands Trout at the net, that's why we call it Fishing not catching 🎣💪🐟🤠
A huge thanx goes out to my brilliant Somersetshire Branch member you are all great people with charity at your core, it's my greatest privilege and honour to know you and lead you in our team 🙏🤠
As our mantra says we truly are CATCHING SMILES 🙏 this really is Freemasonry In the community and Somersetshire Freemasonry Rocks at this 🎣💪🤠🙏
If you want to know more about The MTSFC or about volunteering or indeed becoming a Freemason drop me a line or go on the websites below SMIB 🙏💪🤠
www.somersetfreemasons.org www.mtsfc.org.uk
#themasonicfishingcharity #masonicfishingcharity #themasonictroutandsalmonfishingcharity #mtsfc #theolehedgecreeper #somersetfreemasonry #mtsfcsomerset #mtsfcsomersetbranch #somersetfreemasons #pglsomerset #ugle #unitedgrandlodgeofengland #freemasonrysquared #freemasonryuk
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wpwhiteboard · 2 years
Types of Security Threats WordPress Websites Face: Part 2 – WPWhiteBoard
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In part 1 of this series, we talked and learned about 7 WordPress vulnerabilities and how you can improve your site security with WordPress security best practices. Now that revisions and promotions are done, let’s move to part 2 of this series.
Let’s discuss some more common security vulnerabilities, WordPress security concerns, and how you can prevent them and safeguard your website!
So, the citizens of WordPress, here is the security threats bulletin (continued), wanted over the globe for disrupting, slowing down, data theft, etc. of wonderful and good-looking websites:
Wanted: Dead or Alive
XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Attack
Denial-of-Service Attacks
Supply Chain Attacks
CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) Attacks
Weak Hosting Infrastructure
XSS Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) takes place when an attacker places a harmful code into the backend of a website. XSS attacks are similar to SQL injections, but the major difference is that XSS is primarily targeted toward web page functionality. And once the attacker has access to your front end, they can place false links, steal user information through fake forms, break the design, etc.
Do you know who the culprits are? It’s the same old theme and plugins. Attackers are on the lookout for old themes still used and poorly managed plugins which are open to exploitation. What it gives them is an opportunity to access your site’s backend and take control of the front end. In short, my deepest sympathies ❤️‍🩹 and R.I.P O’ Dear website!
What Should I Do?
Say this till you forget your name, so all you remember at the end of the day is one word – UPDATE! Hey, relax, it’s not that big of a task, just glancing through your website, its themes, and plugins now and then is all I ask. Also, I’d recommend going against third-party software unless you have complete confidence in it being on your website.
You can also use a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to check and prevent unapproved visitors from entering your site from outside networks. WAFs are easy to set up and luckily they are easy to maintain too! I’d suggest using good and reputed WAF plugins to protect your WordPress website from SQL injections, XSS, and other attacks.
Denial-of-Service (DOS) Attacks
A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is directed to stop visitors and admins from accessing a website. The attacker does this by sending large amounts of traffic to the targeted server, making it crash, and taking down all the websites hosted on the server. Yes, the server and the websites is retrievable, but the hit to the website’s reputation and load-bearing ability can be massive.
These attacks are mostly done with a botnet (multiple machines running simultaneously), hiding the original source and volume of traffic. This is also called a distributed DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, and trust me, it’s much more dangerous and harmful than a DOS attack. Beware!
These kinds of attacks are often targeted toward hosting servers with less to limited security.
What Should I Do?
Hey, this is something that plugins can’t help you with as no matter how strong or good your website is, Don’t just rely on plugins for this one. The best defense against DOS? The DDoS attack is to have reputed and secure WordPress hosting.
This is not something that needs to be done before or during your website creation journey, you can still switch to a better and safer WordPress hosting provider. Just make sure the hosting provider supports your business’s needs and takes security seriously.
Phishing 🎣
Well, this is an interesting one, because it actually is like fishing 😆, and that’s where the name comes from. Phishing involves an attacker sending out loads of spam links, hoping to get one bite, just one click, and 💥. You know we all have heard about this and have probably been exposed to this through legit-looking emails, texts from unknown numbers, WhatsApp messages, etc.
WordPress websites may also face phishing attacks, which can be from visitor form submissions, lack of security, etc. Do you know who is to blame again? Old, unreliable, and outdated plugins, themes, core software, security of form submission, comment forms, etc. Have you started the golden chant of UPDATE yet?
Once the attacker gains access to your website, they can post spam links to compromise the personal information of your visitors. Phishing leverages the trust of the users who visit your website and its content. The attacker can leave comments, post spam links, etc. to either provide additional resources or some other links. But beware, they are spam links, aimed to take your personal information.
Here’s an example of a spammy comment that entices readers to click a link.
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On a side note, there are good comments and legit links too. All you have to do is be aware of what you click because honestly, something fishy looks fishy, and something legit sure looks like it too! 😎
What Should I Do?
Protecting your website against phishing involves regular updates, checking site activity, and of course, a password that is secure, super-long, with loads of special characters, etc. You can also go with additional security measures like ReCAPTCHA. It uses ML to break down browsing patterns to understand and distinguish between humans and bots. Cool, right?
Supply Chain Attacks
Supply chain attack uses the most important and loved features of WordPress – Plugins and Themes. This attack takes place in two ways;
When an owner installs malware on customer sites.
An attacker buys a popular plugin and injects spam code into it, disguised as an update.
Hackers get access to the backend and then they can cause extensive damage by adding SEO spam, phishing, etc. Also, the site visitor’s personal information is at risk if this attack is successful.
WordPress sites are vulnerable to these types of attacks because they’re based on something that you’re supposed to do, and what we recommend doing to combat most of the issues on this list: Regular Updates.
What Should I Do?
Thankfully, WordPress is one of the most popular, community-driven, open-source CMS and website builders. This means a highly active community and a team of developers actively identifying fake plugins and themes, along with fixing major to minor security issues in the core software.
A few plugins and themes can bypass the radar, fret not amigo, you can easily fix this by running regular security checks on your site and identifying these vulnerabilities. Also, it’s worth taking regular backups of your WordPress site data, in case it’s compromised, you can get back up and running in no time. Ps. plugins come in handy for this. 😉
This is one of the worst things that can happen to your website, especially if you’re a content creator. Hotlinking means others can use your work without your permission. Commonly, how it takes place is another website will embed content like images, videos, infographics, etc. from your website, hosted on your server.
They can use the content but after downloading it, because if they don’t, after embedding it’ll be called from your server, resulting in higher monthly bills from your hosting service provider.
It’s not a spam kinda attack, as the people doing it aren’t hackers, it’s just a poor internet ethic and practice. Also, if the content on your website is licensed and restricted for your use, then hotlinking is outright illegal.
As a site owner, you want to share your high-quality content with site visitors. Unfortunately, WordPress sites are vulnerable to hotlinking because people take advantage of this.
They simply copy and paste a link to an image or digital file from another site onto their site without giving credit. Many WordPress site owners might not have the time to take preventative measures against hotlinking — or even think to do so.
What Should I Do?
There are many ways to protect your WordPress website from hotlinking. One of the easiest and most user-friendly ways is to add a watermark to the images. Although, it does not guarantee hotlink protection but acts as a barrier to many visitors who are after the content on your website. You can add a watermark to your content via plugins or any other tool of your liking.
You can also use a CDN with hotlink protection. One of the most cheeky ways is to disable right-clicking on the content of your website. But, you’d need some knowledge of JavaScript to do this.
Well, this topic here deserves an article of its own, which I’ll be covering soon. Till then, fret not, and use these tips to safeguard your WordPress website.
Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) allows attackers to make users take actions they don’t want to take. For example, using CSRF, an attacker can convince users to change their passwords, email addresses, transfer funds, etc. This allows the attacker to gain control of their accounts, information, and data. If the user turns out to be an admin, they can take control of their whole website.
WordPress websites are at risk of CSRF attacks owing to many popular plugins, yes, you heard it right! Popular WordPress Plugins that use the function check_url(), etc. make your site vulnerable to CSRF attacks. I’ll be creating a detailed article on this soon!
What Should I Do?
To prevent your site from CSRF vulnerability, I’d suggest you keep a close eye on the plugins you use or plan to use. Not everything that glitters is gold, my friend. 🌟
Install a robust, trustworthy, and secure WordPress plugin(s). Many great plugins provide your site safety from all kinds of threats, including CSRF attacks.
Also, you can prevent such attacks by using stronger passwords with 2fa (Two-factor authorization) as we discussed in part 1 of this article. You can also take other actions like disabling the file editor, PHP execution in untrusted folders, etc.
Weak WordPress Hosting
WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used CMS and Website Builders. What that means is a lot of competition between hosting service providers. You can either pick between Self vs. Managed WordPress hosting. It’s no wonder that hosting companies are fighting to gain as many clients as possible.
If you pick managed WordPress hosting, you’ve got loads of companies competing with prices but compromising on quality. It’s the price along with a managed WordPress website that attracts maximum users. But honestly, not a great choice to pick, read on to know more…
Paying extra for premium managed hosting comes with extra security, 24×7 support, regular security scans, frequent auto-updates, regular backups, and more. Also, the security part of your website is covered too!
Of course, quality comes with a price tag, but that’s the price you got to pay!
What Should I do?
Honestly speaking, I know we all want the best of both worlds. In the case of WordPress hosting providers, you would want the best and safest option with the lowest cost. I’d suggest going with self WordPress hosting.
The only thing involved with this is a learning curve and a detailed knowledge of WordPress, what it is, how it works, etc. Don’t worry about that, you can check out our Beginner’s Guide to WordPress. Taking you across everything you need to know and learn about WordPress to start your website creation journey.
Well, after this part 2, we’ve covered the most common yet important threats to WordPress security. It might seem overwhelming at first, but as you start conducting regular audits, and take proper measures, it’ll become a routine and part of your website maintenance process real soon.
We often overlook cybersecurity, but as time moves ahead and the world becomes digital each passing day, these threats are real and vulnerable to theft and exploitation. So, again I’ll tell you to get a bit more cautious, and a bit more aware of your website. You worked hard on it, still are, making it content-rich, and designing it to perfection, so, security should also take precedence.
WordPress as a CMS and website builder is a great platform that provides you freedom and flexibility to create the website you want. Because of its popularity, it’s quite safe owing to frequent updates, immersive and responsible community, and overall architecture. But, that does not make it safe from attacks and malicious trials, so prevention is better than cure!
I’d also suggest staying ahead of cybersecurity trends. With respect to WordPress security and issues, WPWhiteBoard is here with curated content and resources. Subscribe to get the latest updates and resources on All-Thing-Everything WordPress.
Protect your website, secure your data, and To the moon people 🌕 🍾
Until next time!
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matinek-p · 1 year
🇪🇸No lesson in Spanish is the same, which is the key to not getting bored in the process. Even if we repeat certain gramatical concepts, we talk about them using new vocabulary or structure. I know that fluency is like an asymptote, but with every hour spent on Preply, at school or at the street speaking the the language puts me closer to my goal. I had a big change, as I changed my Tutor to Jesus from Venezuela. Through this month we went through the DELE exam, which we will discuss section by section during the next lessons.
🪞Probably one of the creative activities are the monthly Salons of Inspiration, where I have the ability to network and contribute to converstation about real life issues. Having 1000 most influential polish enterprenuers and people of culture surely is quite a head start to the adult life.
Activity -🎯-
🧗‍♀️What I discovered is how much adrenaline climbing gives me. I really like the idea of a getting into a controlled life risking moment, as it is the ultimate driving factor in all of the sports I did. A clear goal, get to the top and don’t fall, cannot be simpler yet so complex at the same time.
🏋🏽Gym continues to be a habit of mine. I still live by the saying that discipline can take me, where motivation cannot. Goal-wise, I am progressively putting more weight on my body.
🎣If anyone says that fishing is not an activity, just show them the pictures of Sturgeons from my CAS blog. Fighting such monsters is adrenaline unlike any other, while spending time close to nature makes it the perfect activity.
🏥 Every second spent in the foundation is soothing for my friends I, especially that we strengthen our bonds with the children and volunteers. I discovered a melancholic activity I used to do when I was a child: loom bands. Making a few bracelets every visit is a must. The life in the foundation doesn’t stop, so does our motivation.
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victorl0 · 2 years
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I am glad to see the relaunch of Food Junction’s new flagship at Lot One Shoppers’ Mall with a new logo. The interior unveils a sleek, modern look while encompassing the roots of serving quality food options at affordable prices. This newly-renovated outlet even boasts an alfresco area resembling an outdoor bazaar with fairy lights & neon lights! It’s now holds 19 stalls featuring a good mix of both halal & non-halal food choices, including the addition of notable local brands in the F&B hawker scene. Food Junction has tapped into the mobile self-service technology in a digital ecosystem to heighten convenience for you, stall owners & delivery riders with a Mix & Match contactless ordering & payment system. With the entire menu available in a single view, you can simply scan the QR code at your table & order across multiple stalls in a single transaction & pay through your own mobile devices. Food Junction also offers a cashless payment loyalty card option – the Food Junction Tap Tap Card, which comes with a new design in collaboration with local designer brand wheniwasfour, and allows you to enjoy unlimited 10% off all orders with no minimum purchase across all Food Junction outlets, also doubling up as an ezlink card & NETS Flashpay cashcard. Featured dishes, drink & desserts: 🐓 BARA PENYET’s Ayam Penyet 👍🏻😋 🍜 BLANCO COURT BEEF NOODLES’s Mala Beef Noodles 👍🏻😋 🍲 KING GROUPER FISH SOUP’s Seafood Soup 👍🏻😋😋 🍝 PUTIAN HENG HWA CUISINE’s Putian Mee Sua 👍🏻😋😋 🎣 FIRE WESTERN N GRILL’s Grilled Fish with Fries 👍🏻😋 🐄 PAGI SORE NASI PADANG’s Beef Rendang + Vegetable + Blue Pea Rice 👍🏻😋 🍱 JJ JAPANESE’s Chicken Teriyaki + Fried Fish Bento 👍🏻😋 🍛 FU XIANG KITCHEN’s Curry Chicken 👍🏻😋😋 🍔 BURGS’s Classic Cheese Burger 👍🏻😋 🥤 QUENCH!’s Coco Cloud 😍😍😍 🧇 QUENCH!’s Mochi Waffle with Ice Cream & Choco-Banana 😍😍😍 🥤 QUENCH!’s Chendol 😍😍 🥢 FORTUNATE DIM SUM’s Egg Tart & Deep Fried BBQ Pork Bun 👍🏻😋😋 [S$1 Tasty Deals] Visit http://www.foodjunction.com/promotions/ for promo details. 📍Food Junction 21 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 4 # 04-14/15/16 Lot One Shoppers’ Mall Singapore 689812 🕙 Mondays to Sundays: 10am to 10pm 📞 6764 4556 (at Food Junction Lot One) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg8GW0cB4YW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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