#(or not...)
daisies-on-a-cup · 7 days
soup would fix me
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elenaazra · 1 month
what do you mean Oliver and Ryan don't spend every free minute together?
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pictures-of-yxl · 2 months
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namitomoon · 3 months
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Very relatable
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kiurit · 3 months
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waywardbananawolf · 4 months
I know I'm overanalyzing things but the Kyoshi Warriors being in the Fire Nation as the fire lord's guard is one of the dumbest political suicides I've ever read. Really?
A paramilitary group from the earth kingdom and cultist of the Avatar Kyoshi can be seen as an attack on the sovereignty and ideology of the Fire Nation and a direct message from the Fire Lord to his nation in which he implies that the leader does not trust their people. and it hilariously makes the narrative have Zuko come to power thanks to a coup d'état sponsored by Foreigners, leaving him in a position of puppet of the avatar (which he is) and no real local support.
This is literally a powder keg for the armed uprising against Zuko and surely the resumption of political power by Azula.
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alarrytale · 5 months
And yet ANOTHER leaked song from Harry about having sex with a woman, this time one who likes being choked like in Keep Driving. Where are the gay songs?
And yet ANOTHER ask sent to me with absolute wrong interpretation of lyrics...
Also i'm going to give you the same answer i did the last time. There are no gay songs/songs about Louis in the vault, because all those are absolute bangers and they all made the albums! He wouldn't write a bad song about Louis. But he's written plenty of bad het songs/stunt songs, so it's just the leftovers of the mandatory het songs that's there to be released.
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theskyexists · 7 months
Ok but when is ice queen gonna show up
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dalimaly · 9 months
Artblock... Artblock knocked me down...
*sounds of increased combat with the artblock*
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Have any of you girls played the COD games?
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cristalheart · 10 months
HELP, I was on Twitter and a lot of people started talking about how they met their spouses playing Final Fantasy XIV😭
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albiorixsims · 1 year
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Когда качаешь все подряд и потом тупо запуливаешь в папку модс, не проверив что скачал... Стоило игре начать грузиться, и пельмени, которые я в этот момент жевала, оказались на экране ноутбука 🤣🤣🤣
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elverrie · 1 year
have idea? we no longer need ikea 
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kiwisa · 1 year
I've made a Twitter !! 🌈
AN. Following what happened with the anons, I realized that I could only interact peacefully with some without disturbing others by doing that on another platform. That's now a done deal. I get to rant, you get to avoid it if you don't want to see it. It's a win-win situation.
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thedeadgayson · 1 year
Everytime I see a mileven post on my recomend i make my will and mike funk pops kiss.
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Hi there, my dudes! It's Scorpio here! So, there's a small announcement I'd like to make: I'm joining the chaos!! Nero didn't want to abandon this blog completely, so I stepped in to help! So now there's two of us to run this thing! (I'm not saying things will get done any quicker or anything...) so yeah. That. Hi! 👋
If something ends with 🦂, it's written/answered by me.
If it ends with 🖤 or 🎃, it's Nero's work!
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