louisupdates · 8 months
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Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT23: ŁÓDŹ [11.9.2023] 📸 kornishawn_
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prosy-days · 7 months
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September 11, 2023 - Day 84
My work succulent is doing a bit of stretching lately.
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urbannature · 8 months
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godsnameisjoy · 8 months
Date: 11 September 2023
Duration: 46 minutes at 10:07 PM
I meditated only once yesterday. At the end of the day, I was hoping to meditate for at least an hour. It was more of wishful thinking than a realistic hope. I couldn’t complete an hour because my attention doesn’t have the stamina to meditate indefinitely.
Despite it being the only meditation of less than an hour, it was a meditation with evidence of a new depth. What stands out about this meditation is its pinpointed nature. I wasn’t expecting it and so I made a note of it. With all the Peace that I have been blessed with during my recent meditations, I wasn’t expecting fixity of attention. Oh! I just realise: that’s exactly what ‘Dharana’ means.
I have been adding the hashtag of ‘dharana’ for the last few months of blogging. It is the title for the 6th step of Sage Patanjali’s 8 step path of Raja Yoga. The mind is said to become fixed through the stage of Dharana. Speaking from my experience of last night’s meditation, I seem to be at the sub-stage of Dharana of losing the last traces of restlessness. I don’t think I am irreversibly fixed in attention but I may very well be on my way.
I was right in guessing that the newly perceived sound during my meditations have a purposiveness about them. I have written about it a few times in the last few days. The sound type has been changing. However, the shifty nature of sound perceived, is now gone.
The percussion like sound persists. The type of percussion changes every now and then. The purpose of the perceived sound fixing at the centre back in my head is to fix the attention like it is supposed to according to the 6th stage of Patanjali’s Raja Yoga.
Peace is so fluid in nature that it takes on the shape of the container it is poured in. It doesn’t help when the container is the seamlessly changing mind. The whole point of a meditation instruction is to develop one’s attention enough by digging in one spot of one’s mind. That’s why one tried and tested meditational instruction is usually enough to take the meditator all the way.
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phototagebuch · 8 months
11.9.2023: Abkühlung
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I finished up my orders early today so that we could have a few days off. Cuz we need it. Yoga was so nice and we even got a few miles in this afternoon. I just need a couple of chill days (and a bunch of sleep)
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p-h03n1-x · 6 months
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Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo update 11.9.2023 for NARS livestream
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Joel's TikTok 11.9.2023
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icleanedthisplate · 5 months
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Roasted Duck Ramen, Crab Rangoon (shared app). Gold Bowl. Little Rock, Arkansas. 11.9.2023.
NOTE TO SELF: First time having duck ramen anywhere -- duck and ramen individually are two of my favorites, so this order was a no-brainer. Make no mistake, this was a delicious meal, but I don't think I need the duck in the ramen. I would have rather had it on a side plate so I didn't get my hands covered in broth.
Currently ranked 1st of eight November meals.
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d-criss-news · 8 months
Darren Criss Introducing That Band at Sydney City Recital Hall Performance 11.9.2023
Darren Criss Foolish Thing Sydney City Recital Hall 11.9.2023
Darren Criss Performing Somewhere Only We Know at City Recital Hall in Sydney 11.9.2023
Darren Criss Discusses Glee BTS of Somewhere Only We Know at City Recital Hall in Sydney 11.9.2023
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louisupdates · 8 months
ŁÓDŹ [11.9.2023] 📸 n_urban25 IG story
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chayscribbles · 8 months
seven snippets, seven people (11.9.2023)
thanks @winterandwords for the tag!!! here are seven out of context snippets from the gemini heist.
Now that Leo had her back to her, Gabi couldn’t help but allow her gaze to linger on Euna’s face— rounded chin, small flat nose, rosy cheeks, and cupid lips. Lips that curved into a tiny smile as Euna’s brown eyes lowered from the ceiling and locked with Gabi’s. Gabi quickly hid her warming face behind the screen of her datapad.
Leo caught herself before her thoughts went too far, and forced herself upright. It wasn’t worth wasting any more time or energy over this. She needed to figure out the crew’s next move, and fast.
And Zeya Kade wasn’t going to continue ruining her life.
[Leo's] gaze flitted over to the arm wrestling match, which had suddenly gotten quite raucous. Euna was now taking on a burly green-haired person, and despite using her non-cybernetic, non-dominant hand, she appeared to be winning, to the delight of the cheering onlookers. Leo found herself regretting having warned Euna against betting. Maybe entering Euna in competitions like this would be lucrative enough— She took a long sip of her drink. Now she was getting desperate. 
“Wouldn’t it be best to wait until all the excitement [around the Coronation] has died down?” [Leo] said instead. “It seems a bit cruel to ruin the new Head’s big day, don’t you think?” The Curator whirled around to face Leo, the gems on their rustling cape casting little flickers of light around the room, and gave her an impish grin. “Oh, it is very cruel, indeed.”
Gabi was still looking at Leo as they rounded the corner to the main entrance of the Archives, and so she was able to catch the moment her captain completely transformed. One moment she was still Leo Callisto, albeit in a ridiculous outfit, with her sharp expression and confident posture. The next, her entire body tensed, shoulders hunched up, eyes wide and darting around in panic with a dash of sleep deprivation. There was no more space captain— only a stressed out student filled with caffeine and anxiety.
Gabi’s eyes flitted up to the ceiling. The paintings watched her with their harmless-seeming smiles. But Gabi knew better. “This is Inolo Novo,” she whispered, a chill crawling down her back at the thought of the tiny surveillance cameras she suspected were hidden in the painting’s eyes. “Someone is always paying attention.”
Nothing got Euna’s blood pumping quite like a good fight. When she was busy pummelling some poor guy into the ground or blasting their armour to bits, there wasn’t much space in her head to worry about all the other things in her life. All she had to think about was where to place the next punch, or how to dodge the next hit, or how good it felt to ram her fist into something.
tagging, no pressure: @lena-rambles @albatris@kahvilahuhut  @lonsdalewrite @stick-a-pencil-in-my-eye @kapenkoiwrites @moondust-bard have funnnn
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asyastudieskorean · 6 months
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11.9.2023 — It's quite the bitter irony that on the week I need to get school things done as early as possible, the professor posts the week's assignments a day late, and mind you, with no explanation or extension for our typical Monday due date. It isn't that serious, but being able to start this week's work on Wednesday rather than today would have given me a head start. Oh well, spilt milk and all.
Anyways, I did a lot today. I think. After getting up at 6 a.m. for work (only about 4 hours today), I laid in bed for a couple hours doing nothing in particular, and then I went out to run a few errands. I was able to find a suitcase for my flight this Sunday, so that's settled. When I got home, I was tired with a headache, but I was able to get through a couple pre-recorded lectures, start some notes, and create flashcards for this week's vocabulary (verbs).
We also learned about our first "big" project due December 1. We have to create a minimum 10-page picture book for children, written in Korean, about what we usually do in a day. And my god, I am so, so excited to get started on it and start drafting some pages. I'm a creative writing major, so this sort of thing is right up my alley. Drawing though? Not so much. But I'll try.
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canesenzafissadimora · 8 months
(Cagliari) - Ore 04.32, sei ragazzi, di età compresa tra i 19 e i 24 anni, stanno tornando a casa a bordo di una Ford Fiesta, dopo aver trascorso la serata in giro per le discoteche.
L’auto sulla quale viaggiano colpisce un cordolo, si impenna, striscia su un muretto, vola per aria, poi sbatte violentemente al suolo, ribaltandosi più volte.
Quattro ragazzi muoiono. Due riportano fratture al volto e gravi traumi interni, ma per fortuna, assicurano i medici, non sono in pericolo di vita.
Sale così a 420 il conto delle vittime di incidenti stradali nei week end estivi.
Per questo motivo, il Ministro Salvini sollecita l’approvazione della nuova legge sulla sicurezza stradale (che prevede un rafforzamento delle misure di contrasto alla guida sotto l’effetto di alcol o droghe, limitazioni per i neo patentati, severe sanzioni per la sosta in doppia fila…).
Va tutto bene, ma a me sembra che questo Governo abbia una sola risposta per tutte le emergenze: creare nuove figure di reato o alzare le pene per reati già esistenti.
Chiaramente, nella visione del mondo della maggioranza mancano due parole di fondamentale importanza: “educazione” e “cultura”.
A differenza del diritto penale emergenziale, educazione e cultura richiedono tempo, investimenti e lungimiranza.
Ma solo lavorando in questa direzione possiamo sperare di cambiare davvero le cose.
dalla pagina fb del prof Guido Saraceni
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phototagebuch · 8 months
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takovanormalnielie · 8 months
Včera úplná mánie. Složili jsme s kámošem novej track. Šla jsem spát v sedm ráno. Bacha, je to trochu temný.
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