#2012 donnie x y/n
crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ᴏʙʟɪᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴘᴛ. ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ || 2012! ᴅᴏɴɴɪᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
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“Look, here’s the thing. I never asked to fall in love with you. Before I knew it, it had already happened.” A breathy chuckle slips past your lips, wiping away the stinging tears from the corner of your eyes. 
You’re greeted with silence, and you hold on for a while longer before pulling the phone away from your ear with confusion in your eyes. “Hello?” You call out one more time, but Donnie doesn’t respond. 
You frown slightly, trying not to let it get to you more than the entire day already had. You hang up, shoving your phone back into your pocket with a heavy sigh.
Donnie’s stunned into pure silence by your confession, about to speak when you hang up. The monotonous dial tone is all he can hear. “Hello? Y/n? You there?”
He stares at the screen of his T-Phone with a small frown, his heart heavy at the precious secret you had so easily divulged to him with a simple question. His shoulders sag with a single sigh, sitting in his chair and holding his head in his hands. 
He had some thinking to do.
— — — — — — — — —
“Thanks, Leo, but I’m fine. Yeah, I’ll visit you guys soon. Pizza? Sure, I’ll get some along the way. Do you want Hawaiia-” You pause, shaking your head with a brief chuckle. “Sorry, do you want the usual pepperoni?”
You can hear the cries of happiness from Mikey in the background; the prospect of more pizza is always a reason for his euphoria. You would never understand how they never got tired of eating the same food over and over. But then again, not many would understand you being friends with four teenage mutant ninja turtles, either.
Well, it’s more like three now. 
You don’t know what you and Donnie are anymore. It’s been a couple weeks since you last spoke to him, your last form of contact with him having been that rather devastating phone call. 
“And, y/n,” You hear the hesitation in Leo’s voice, but also the tinge of worry and care. “I don’t really know what happened with you and Donnie, but…Could you spare just a moment to see him tomorrow? Please?”
You sigh. Your brows furrow, mulling over your options. 
Damn it. You’re vulnerable to his pleas; the soft spot you have for the leader of the bunch now is like a sore thumb that keeps getting slammed on.
“Fine.” You cave so easily, knowing that if he ever begged you again, you’d give in all the same. Damn those brothers and their manipulative tactics.
You hang up, the empty silence of your room greeting you in place of Leo’s voice. You lay on your side, staring at the slightly brownish spot on your wall where you had accidentally smeared paint when having a painting session with Donnie. 
The usual logical turtle was cute when he tried artistic things, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth as he tried to trace an outline of your face. He had to get the angles right, the shading perfect, and even the shapes. It was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen.
You wince when your heart squeezes with a hollow pang in your chest, lips quirked into a sad smile at the memory as you doze off to sleep.
— — — — — — — — —
“I smell pizza.” Mikey suddenly sits up from his lazy position on the couch with wide eyes, his keen sense of smell only ever activated in such moments.
“What? Oh, that must be y/n.” Leo greets you with a warm smile as you walk in with a piping hot box from Papa Louie’s. 
“Special delivery,” You grin, embracing Mikey in a gentle hug. He reciprocates it with genuine affection but sneakily grabs the cardboard box out of your hands with a pleased smile. “I’ll just lighten your load real quick, dudette.”
You watch Mikey leave to the kitchen with a chuckle and shake of your head, having missed your bundle of sunshine the past few days. Leo walks up to you, and you give him a simple nod.
“How’ve you been?” He asks. The nature of his question is innocent, yet you find your mood instantly shifts to a more sombre one. You shrug, subconsciously averting your gaze to look around the living room.
“Been better, I suppose.” You answer, your lips curving into a smile when you see Raph leaving the dojo. “Heyya Red.” You greet his tired form, the tough teddy bear straightening his posture at the greeting. 
“Pipsqueak,” He acknowledges, coming over to give you an affectionate noogie. You giggle, shoving him away with a laugh of protest. “Don’t make us worried like that again.” He warns you, though his eyes are gentle.
You smile sheepishly, nodding in response. “I smell pizza.” He states abruptly, his stomach letting out a rather noisy grumble. “Mikey better not have gotten the left slice.” He mutters, rushing off to the kitchen.
You turn back to face Leo, who’s rolling his eyes with a nonchalant expression, though his gaze turns soft when he looks back at you. “We’ve all been worried.” He mentions quietly. 
You’re instantly wrecked with guilt, as if a large truck had just rammed into you with full force. 
It’s not a pleasant feeling.
“You’re right,” You sigh, running your fingers through your hair and smoothing out the tangles. “I’m sorry.”
His arms are crossed, but his tense shoulders relax once he hears your sincere apology. “Have you been eating regularly?” He questions. 
You lift your shoulders in a shrug. “Meh.”
Leo frowns at this information, dragging you into the kitchen where Raph and Mikey are, for once, peacefully enjoying their slices of pizza. However, once Mikey reaches over to the left side with fingers of anticipation, Raph smacks it away with a stern frown. 
“Ow! I don’t get what’s with you and the left side of the pizza….” Mikey sulks, crossing his arms with a huff. 
“Left side’s better,” Raph states with a knowing smile, eyeing you as you walk in behind Leo. “Haven’t eaten?” He guesses, smirking when you duck your head with an embarrassed flush that creeps up your neck.
“Should’ve gotten an extra large.” You murmur, only half the pizza left in random slices. You pick up a piece, humming happily when you bite down on the gooey, stringy cheese. The tangy tomato sauce hits all the right spots on your tastebuds, and the flaky yet chewy dough is absolute heaven to your stomach. 
The only thing it’s missing is pineapples.
Your smile falters yet again at the unintentional reminder of Donnie, glancing around. Where was he, anyway? He’d never let Mikey get the last piece. 
However, the youngest is already scarfing it down, Leo luckily grabbing a slice just in time and setting one aside for Splinter. You’re hesitant to voice out your question, but Mikey already answers it before you even ask.
“Man, Dee’s still stuck in his lab, huh?”
“How long has he been in there?” You question softly, having stood up to wash your hands at the sink.
“...Ever since you left the lair that day.” 
Raph’s response makes you still, the running water cascading over your cold hands and splashing into the drain. Your eyes widen for a brief moment, but you take a breath to compose yourself. You turn, shutting off the tap and drying your hands with a tea towel.
“Alright,” You huff, already recalling Leo’s plea from the night before, “I’ll go check on him.”
You head to the lab, your palm laid flat against the cold metal door. You take a shaky breath, steeling your nerve and walk in with a push of the door. It swings open slightly, revealing Donnie at his desk with his welding mask on.
“I said I’m not hungry.” He calls out with an emotionless voice, aiming his blowtorch at the next few bits sprayed out on the table. You take a step forward, then another.
“I can tell.”
You can see his entire body stiffen, instantly shutting off the blowtorch and taking off his welding mask with wide eyes. 
“In the flesh,” You joke, trying to keep the mood light. His face is slimmer, you note. He’s lost weight since the last time you saw him. His skin is a paler shade of green, fingers trembling as he sets down the mask.
How long has it been since his last meal?
You don’t know, but seeing him like this broke your heart all over again.
“H-hey,” He’s fidgeting with the wrench on his desk, his voice a tad bit more nervous than usual. Your eyes soften, regret starting to take the form of a painful lump in your throat you find impossible to swallow down. 
You should’ve never confessed.
You could’ve lived the rest of your days with him as your best friend, even if he was happy with someone else.
You had to put an end to it. You needed him back. Not this Donnie, your Donnie.
“Hey, Don?” He looks up at the familiar nickname you used to call him so endearingly with.  You take another breath, finding the strength in yourself to utter the words you’ve been planning to say once you see him again.
“About the confession…Don’t worry about it. I realized it was just an infatuation I had. I know I’m asking a lot from you, but do you think…maybe we could become friends again?” You ask hesitantly, leaning against his desk.
You hold out your hand, waiting patiently for his response and hoping, just hoping, that he’d say yes.
Your shoulders relax from the hidden tension that’s coiled in every muscle in your body, and an exhale filled with nothing short of relief huffs past your lips. You look up with a warm smile, though your eyes are slightly timid.
And there he was. Your Donnie, the same old twinkle back in his eyes. A glimmer of hope fills his chest, looking down at his hand in yours. 
“Friends.” You confirm with a chuckle. “If it helps, I have a date this Friday I was hoping you could help prepare me for.”
And just like that, that same hope is instantly snuffed out.
— — — — — — — — —
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oozedninjas · 5 months
SORRY THAT MATING SEASON ASK WAS VERY VAGUE I was wondering how they would like... act around reader? And stuff
a bit light just for humor
2012 verse I 18+ I MDNI I Mutant guys are mid to late twenties I unspecified verse means I get to chose I breeding I bruising I Oral sex I matin cycles I NSFW
Leo doesn't want you around cause he's afraid he won't be able to control himself
Phone sex!!! which only ends up in him giving up and sprinting to your place
Intense makeout session in which he insists it's enough if you just let him cum all over you
He holds onto his composure till the very last second
Consent king when you insist you want to help him further Is it okay if he breeds you till it drips off your cunt? Say yes. Fuck, please, say yes-
Very protective the next day
Super sweet aftercare
You can't leave the nest, tho. He'll hiss.
Bruises. all. over. your. body.
He doesn't mean to be rough, is just that he loves to grope your flesh, squeeze and bite soft fat where he can find.
You're too soft. Fuck he's melting.
Manhandles you (not intentionally, not to be mean, not exactly, right? Haha he loves pulling your hair)
Raph gets carried away pretty easily but if you tug at his bandana hard enough he'll snap back to reality
After the peak of the rut passes, he's a bit more careful.
I think 2012 Raph is super prone to be submissive in bed, but when he's on mating cycles nah-ah, no chance!
He'll smack that ass
Jealousy levels up 100%
Donnie gets possessive a few days before it starts.
This man will put his best effort into the nest he'll present to you.
Loves that you love it because now you'll be here until his mating season is over.
His stress levels would shoot up if you even bring up the idea of leaving. Please don't wreck his nerves, okay? ♡
He'll breed you so good you'll smell like him for a while
hickey king tm
It's only logical, don't you see? Everyone should know you're his.
Head empty, only y/n thoughts! ♡
Mikey gets extra handsy, touchy, and needy days before his Mating season kicks in.
Seriously he's sighing and hopeless if you say you can't be around.
mtf moans when you press yourself too much on him when you hug him 💀
Excited to spend his mating cycle with such a loving, beautiful partner! My guy vibrates to the next dimension, honestly
Really sensual when stuff gets steamy
He will lick you up, but especially your legs and thighs
Buries his face in your pussy and whimpers at the softness of it
eats you out like the fine meal you are
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When They Crush On You
2012!Turtles x reader
A/N: I’ve finally gained access to all seasons of TMNT 2012! That means that I can finally watch them all the way from start to finish! So here’s a little headcanon to celebrate with💙❤️💜🧡
Warnings: None other than some spelling, idk.
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Leonardo would be the responsible and reliable one and he prides himself that way. And just like with the rest of his family, he would see you and your safety as his responsibility. As Leo’s crush on you develops further and further, he would become even more protective and would make sure you're safe during missions. It would get to a point where he would text you to make sure you were okay, even if you weren’t coming along with him and his brothers. But it would go further than that. Leonardo would check up on you regularly with some form of excuse. Something happened on the mission and he needed to know you were okay. He saw something on the news so he would just check in. He broke the toaster and there was a spark, so he had to make sure it didn’t hurt you… even though you were in your own home. It didn’t take more than half a brain cell to realize that Leo was just looking for excuses to talk to you. But that didn’t change the fact that Leo did actually worry about your safety. He'd subtly offer you training sessions and enjoy spending one-on-one with you in the dojo - even though he would panic slightly whenever you got close to him. But even when he was about to mentally scream because of your close proximity, Leonardo would still compliment you on your skill. His compliments would be subtle, but his actions spoke volumes. He would compliment you often about the smallest things. Even though you didn’t seem to notice, Leo’s brothers would look at him like he was a lost cause. To a certain degree they were right. Because as Leonardo’s crush on you grew, he would only grow more and more flustered whenever you were around. You didn’t see it, but everyone else did. Wide eyes that would look in every direction, thinking of something to talk to you about, other than your skills in the dojo or their latest mission.
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When Raphael first started crushing on you, not much of his behavior would change. He would stay his gruff turtle self with a small sarcastic comment every now and then. But as his feelings for you started to develop, his actions would follow suit. Raph would start to tease you more. Not like he did with his brothers, but in a more caring way. Yet he would never dare to admit it was because he liked you more than as a friend. Raph would poke you quite often. There was a need in him to be close to you, yet he did not know how to express it in a way he felt comfortable with. So therefore he would poke you, finding it hilarious and adorable if you got annoyed. Was he walking past you while you were eating? Poke. Had you been quiet for long while watching the TV? Poke. Were you talking to one of his brothers? He would continuously poke you until you directed your attention towards him, just to leave with a; “what? I didn’t do anything”. But as much as Raphael liked to tease you, he did not know how to react to the feeling of his beating heart whenever he saw you. As his feelings grew and his heart started beating faster, Raph would start to appear more aloof than usual. That would usually happen when he didn’t expect you to be around. The sheer shock of seeing without mentally preparing himself forced him to act as if you weren’t there. But when Raph was prepared for your pressens, he would annoy you like there was no tomorrow. He would challenge you to spontaneous sparring matches, wanting to see your skills and even show off his own. But as annoying as Raph could be, he would also be nice to you. He'd surprise you with small gestures of kindness, like fixing something for you without saying a word. Like dropping snacks into your lap if you were hungry, without looking you in the eyes.
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Donnie, the tech genius, would find subtle ways to impress you with his intelligence. It meant a lot for him when his intelligence was complimented, especially by you. So after the first time you commented on how smart he was, it became his go to way when it came to gain your attention. He would build you gadgets or modify equipment just for you. He would usually present them to you as a gift you had earned for the smallest reasons. You had done great at school or work, or you made that really good cake a long time ago. One time he made you something because you; “remembered to drink water”. But gift giving things Donatello had made was not the only way he would try to gain and keep your attention. Donnie would enjoy engaging in deep conversations with you about science or any other shared interests. But as much as Donnie liked to talk to you, he struggled with expressing his feelings verbally, like saying either too much or too little for his own liking. Like accidentally admitting to having a crush on you, only to try and cover it up by seeing he hated you, causing him even more embarrassment. Yet his actions and gestures spoke volumes and you caught on pretty early on, even before he unintentionally admitted anything. It wasn’t that hard with how clumsy and flustered Donnie would get when he was around you. He would become a blushing mess if your hand touched his while accepting his gift. Stumbling or dropping things weren’t uncommon either for Donatello when you were around. Donnie just couldn’t help it. It was not his fault he would shake like crazy whenever you were close to him. You could just stop being so sweet and maybe he wouldn’t embarrass himself every time he saw you.
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Mikey would not be so subtle about his feelings for you. He would pretty much do and say everything in the book, but in a non traditional way. Being a fun-loving and carefree turtle by nature, would do anything in his power to make you laugh, and his non conventional and open way of going about his feelings for you certainly made you do so. The only reason the two of you didn’t start a romantic relationship any earlier, was because you thought he was joking with his extreme openness. Mikey would constantly crack jokes, hoping to make you smile. These jokes would extend to pranking his brothers while you were watching, much to their annoyance. Mikey would also invite you to pizza parties in his room, calling them dates from day one with no hesitation. He noticed very early on that you liked a particular type of pizza, and would make sure to bring you one every day instead of a bouquet of roses. At times Mikey would prank and playfully tease you, but never to the same extent as he did with his brothers. What he did to his brothers was meant to annoy them, and be used as a sort of entertainment for himself. But with you it was yet another way for him to show affection. Like not giving you the pizza he had brought for you, without at least a hug as payment. Or straight up blocking your way, demanding some sort of attention from you. If Mikey got nervous whenever you were around, he was definitely good at hiding it. But once you were gone and Mikey was left back with his brothers, he would have no peace not knowing when he would see you again. He would talk about you for hours, mentioning you out of nowhere, almost causing his brothers to become violent. But they soon learned that the best way to shut him up was simply to call you over and ask you to spend time with him.
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lulu-tutu · 1 year
Do you take platonic requests?
If so, could I request head-cannons, or anything you like really, of Splinter (can be 2012 or rottmnt) becoming a father figure for a reader who doesn’t have one? The reader becomes friends with the turtles and spends a lot of time at the lair, obviously because they want to spend time with their turtle buds, but also because they really like talking to Splinter and he kinda picks up on it after a while and decides “yep, I have a 5th kid now”.
Sorry if this is a bit of a strange request.
Father Figure ⭐️ Splinter (Platonic)
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A/N: This wasn’t a strange request at all, I love requests like this because they really pull at my heartstrings. Was super fun to write, and I tried my best not to tear up as Father/Child scenes make me emotional lmao
Pairing(s): Platonic!Splinter x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Like, two swear words, teeny tiny bit of angst? Overall very soft <3
Proof read :)
Spending so much of your free time down in the lair meant not only hanging out with the turtles, but also becoming close to their dad, Splinter.
So much time in fact that it started to feel like he was becoming your own dad.
The first time you had a proper conversation with him was when you were having a sleepover at the lair. While everyone else was knocked out cold in their own rooms, you couldn’t catch a wink of sleep, so you decided to check out the one place the guys spend most of their time; the Dojo.
You first thought was to just marvel at the range of weapons they had, but you weren’t even close to doing that when you spotted a meditating Splinter sitting silently in the middle of the room.
Breathing a sigh of relief that the sound of you entering the room didn’t disturb him, you went to back out when his voice startled you. “Cannot sleep?”
Ah, shit. You fucked up.
Not wanting to be rude, you sheepishly nod, “Yeah, I’m really sorry for disturbing you. I just wanted to try and tire myself out by walking around.”
It was then that he gently patted the space in front of him, inviting you over. With nothing else to do and honestly, why would you even decline, you complied and sat in front of him.
That night the two of you talked for a few hours. It started off a little bit awkward on your part, not knowing exactly what to say to him, but he was kind enough to lead the conversation.
You talked about the turtles, when they were younger and just learning how to defend themselves, about some of your future plans, if you had any that is, and if not, he would try and give you a push in the right direction with small ideas he thought would suit you.
At some point, your home life was brought up. You explained to him that it was just you and your mother when you were growing up. You never had a proper father figure, but you would never trade your mother in for the world.
He tells you that your mother did a wonderful job of bringing you up :’)
As time went by, you spent more and more time with Splinter. He’s shown you a few defensive moves in case anything were to happen when the boys weren’t around to help you, to which you profusely thanked him for. He was so proud when you managed to pin him down once (though he wouldn’t tell you that he was obviously going easy)
You two drink tea together a lot, and if you didn’t like tea, he would manage to find you something you would prefer.
At some point he begins to call you his child, it started off as ‘Okay, it’s because I’m a teenager, I understand’, but at some point to both you and him it starts sounding more like he’s definitely adopted you. And he has.
He tells you about Miwa and his past family, which you take in with watery eyes and a soft smile. At that point, you knew you were apart of the family.
Sometimes the guys like to tease you and Splinter, Raph often stating that “Well since you’re his favourite child-“
You would just grin with your hands on your hips, “I am the favourite child, thank you very much. Now if you excuse me, I’m telling dad that you ate my slice of pizza.” Just to be petty lmao
If you’re ever upset, your go to person would be Splinter. Something about the way he hugs you so tightly, with so much care in his embrace just makes you sob it all out until you felt better, his calming words making everything seem so little.
When Father’s Day arrives, you might or might not have actually celebrated it with him and the turtles. You bought him an actual cake that you all shared, and took plenty of photos to hang around the lair and in his room. It was a day to remember, especially when you could spot the little tears in his eyes.
Overall, Splinter is the best dad you could ever want, and you make sure he knows that.
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tmntxthings · 10 months
一∑ Electric Shock・゜・。
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request: He’s on a solo mission to track down a mutant that appeared on his radar. Tried to get his brothers to tag along but they were too busy with whatever stupid contest. So he goes out to apprehend the evil doer!! Only to appear upon the scene of a beautiful “villain” who keeps zapping all through the electronics at this big store…bonus points if the villain is as energetic as the electricity coursing through them as they zap giddily all around him and make this capture out to be a rather… difficult one? aka Donnie encounters an eccentric, too-much-to-handle cutie
author’s note: for my dearest @marwhoa >.< it’s not much so sorry but I couldn’t really think of a better ending <33 thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy
warnings: rlly short, unedited, fluff
When Donnie’s tech worked. It made him ridiculously happy. Something he worked on day and night, coming to life before his fingertips and functioning its intended purpose??? Absolute bliss! So when his radar picked up another mutant on the loose, he was all too happy bounding into the main section of the lair to show his brothers.
“Guys!! Look, my radar hit another mutant’s frequency!”
He wasn’t met with the same enthusiasm. In fact it seemed everyone was hollering and yelling over one another in a heated argument.
“No! Space Heroes is the best show ever—“
About their favorite show..?
“Guys??” Donnie called out, waving his radar in hand. He was quite blatantly ignored as Mikey started covering his ears and screaming in denial that ‘No Space Heroes is laaaame’
Donnie groaned to himself as he departed. He figured he could take this mission solo if no one was even going to pay attention to his presence. “Sometimes I wonder how we’re even ‘related’” Donnie mumbled as he made quick work of grabbing his bo staff and exited the lair out into the sewers.
He decided he would stay underground until he got close enough to the ping that the radar had detected. The occasional beep kept him company as he glanced down every now and again to see if he was getting any closer.
Donnie beamed with pride as the radar started to beep rapidly, indicating he was very close to the target. He turned off the radar, clipped it to the leather strap on his plastron and climbed out of the sewer through a manhole.
It was quiet.. too quiet as he peered around before completely exposing himself to the topside of New York. A couple of yards away sat the most beloved store in the entire city. It held some of the finest tech around and Donnie was beside him to have the chance to look around—
Ah, wait wait no. He was on a mission! Though… the radar had led him here. So maybe the mutant was into tech??? Trying to steal it?!? The thought had him moving towards the building, even if it was just an excuse to get a closer look.
It was way past everyone’s bed time, so the store was rightfully closed. The only light around was from a lone street light—
Scratch that, it just flickered and went off completely.
And that’s when he heard it. Delightful giggles rang out. A symphony of tinkling chimes was what he could compare the sound to. It had him freezing and listening closely.
He wasn’t alone.
Surely it had to be the mutant.
But instead of grabbing his bo, Donnie moved stealthily with the shadows, sticking close to the side of the electronics building. He didn’t know whether to check inside through the glass windows or try to get on the roof for a vantage point of the whole area. Whilst overthinking, the laughter once again had his entire thought process coming to a stop.
And it sounded like it was coming from above..!!!!
As Donnie looked up he literally felt his entire being go slack. His arms that had been pressed into the building’s side went straight down, as his mouth fell open.
A floating, glowing angel— person— no mutant! A beautiful flying, glowing mutant!! He watched as your hand extended out towards the street lamp, it suddenly flared to life, straining with how much light it was producing before the glass containing such velocity shattered.
You laughed once more, “That was nice but not enough, now youuuu~~” Your hand changes direction to the store full of gadgets and gizmos. “You will give me alllll the power I want!” Your body glowed brighter like it was reacting to your excitement. And even though Donnie was clueing in the fact that you were about to steal..energy..? Right yeah that must be it!
So that rounded your description to, beautiful glowing, floating, mutant villain. Bummer. But maybe he could convince you otherwise? It wasn’t exactly the smartest plan he ever came up with, but maybe he wanted to just try talking to you before swinging in with his stick. Yeah. He wanted to make a nice impression.
. . .
And we’re not gonna analyze too closely as to why. Because he surely wasn’t like insta-crushing on you or anything from first sight. Nope. Totallyyyyy not.
Donnie coughed and you whipped your head towards the noise, instantly aiming your hand at him. It shined brighter than the rest of your body. As if a ball of pure light was building up in your palm.
“Ah well, I was just wondering if maybe we could talk about not stealing all the energy out of my favorite store??” Donnie stumbled through some of that but mustered up enough will to speak! He felt greener than usual. Was he blushing?!
“Ohhhh,” your hand faltered, going a little dim. “Well, if this is your favorite store… I guess I could go to another!” You surmised cheerily.
Donatello started to smile at the kindness when he realized you were still going to steal. Even if it wasn’t from this store. “Wait wait! Why do you have to steal??”
“Because it’s fun!” That bright smile blinded him. Your statement making it sound as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well there’s definitely more fun things you could be doing..” Donnie tried to reason with you. Not really noting the fact that you were floating lower and closer to his position on the ground.
“Like what Mr…?”
“Oh! Donatello! Donnie I mean—“
“Nice to meetcha!” You bemused. “Now what exactly could be more fun that zapping all the power out of game stores and making me more powerful? Hmmmm?”
You waited with twinkling eyes.
Donnie swore he had an idea just a second before. But the longer your stared… and the closer you got.. the hotter he felt!! “You sure you can think of anything more fun than that?” You raised an eyebrow cheekily. Donnie swallowed.
“Y-you could hang out with me!”
Donnie closed his eyes promptly cringing at himself. That would probably only be fun for him. It seemed he was instantly hooked on your presence.
“Hmmm maybe so!”
His eyes opened quickly wide with shock. “Really??” It had meant to be just a thought but he spoke it aloud. You laughed for him then. He had made you laugh!!
“Really really,” You playfully winked. Finally stepping out of the sky and standing next to him. You were still glowing, but since you were closer now he saw that it wasn’t exactly on your person. Just surrounding you like a bubble. “Lead the way then Donnie-Bonnie! Where are we gonna go have some fun??”
Donnie absentmindedly wondered if dissuading a villain had ever gone so smoothly before…? He didn’t want to break whatever spell was happening in this moment so he nodded rapidly. Asking about your hobbies (other than stealing energy) and he found out that you quite enjoyed playing games and much as stealing power from them.
He could bring you down to the lair… they had a few arcade games there. But! He didn’t exactly want his brothers stealing all your attention or worse thinking you were an enemy. “I know just the place!” Donnie smiled and the two of you made your way to a late-night arcade. That was the start a very interesting night and an even more promising relationship!
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uwuinhell · 4 months
Yo so I checked ao3 and apparently there's ZERO 2012 Donnie/reader coffee shop au fics??? Not even one??? Which is honestly a crime imo
SO I decided to do it myself. But I'm not currently proficient enough in writing fics to actually make anything. Maybe I just need to think about it more/harder...
So I'm writing a.. drabble.. headcannon.. thingamajiggy.. idk what they're called, honestly.
2012 TMNT Donatello x Reader Coffee shop au ✨
You work at a café, maybe a small mom and pop place, maybe one of a corporate line.
Maybe the café you work at is in a poorly-maintained area of the city and there's frequent power glitches.
(The café is used to this and is prepped for this scenario with at least one generator for all the appliances. As well as an abundance of candles and flashlights, which don't provide Fantastic lighting but it's enough to make by while they wait for power to come back.)
Donnie comes more often and stays a bit longer during these black outs. Otherwise he has only ever ordered to-go.
Donnie also prefers to come when it's less busy. Which is understandable, you don't like large amounts of people either.
Donnie disguises himself with a large hoodie (+ face mask?) and probably pants too. Or maybe a skirt, that'd be cute, I think.
Maybe he hides his hands with mittens or gloves. He'll play off the lack of fingers, if he's wearing gloves, saying it's because of an accident.
If he doesn't wear gloves or mittens he'll keep his hands in his pockets most of the time.
His skin is "like that because of a skin condition" he'll say. He only has 3 fingers because of a deformity, he'll say.
He either pays with straight cash or with a cash-app card. (Because how is a turtle gonna get money??) (The cash is taken from villains or found on the streets)
You don't question his behavior much, writing it off as him being insecure or shy or something.
After he returns a few more times you guys chat more and he meets you on your break to talk more.
After weeks, maybe months of him coming by to get his caffeine hit, it becomes your guy's normal to chill and chat on your breaks.
He also visits and hangs out before the café opens and after it closes sometimes.
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vampwritesstuff · 11 months
if you dont mind, can i request sfw headcanons on how the tmnt show affection towards their (gender-neutral) crush/partner before and after getting together? your tmnt headcanons are so cute ❤
TMNT Brothers Showing Affection
Yes !! So requests may come out slower because I’m currently in trouble with my parents and I won’t have much time to post headcannons and stuff- oops but I will work on some of the requests that I do have during this time and close my requests until I can post more !
Type: Headcannons
TMNT Version: unspecified, but I imagined 2012/Bayverse while writing this !
Requested?: Requested, refer to ask above
CW: None, gender neutral reader
- Before you guys get together, he’s actually very respectful of your boundaries and doesn’t really go past hugging unless you initiate a different form of physical contact like hand holding.
- Short circuits if you even hold his hand before y’all start dating.
- Will give you a nickname or two but they’re usually just plays on your name and not like pet names.
- Although he totally uses them like pet names and uses them to flirt.
- Poor boy just wants to grab your face and kiss you all over 😔
- He gets much more bolder with his affection after you get together.
- Is actually the one who initiates most cuddle sessions.
- He’s touch starved so please just hold him and he’ll melt like putty.
- Likes to just nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck while hugging you from behind and doesn’t care what you’re doing.
- Before you start dating, he’s not really affectionate at all.
- Seriously, all you might get is a fist bump or a high five.
- However there may have been a few occasions where he got really happy and actually picked you up into a bear hug and spun you around while shouting.
- Refuses to acknowledge that ever happened though.
- Totally a softie once you start dating though.
- And those bear hugs? LAWD HIS HUGS WOULD BE LIKE HEAVEN.
- Very very good hugs, 10/10 absolutely recommend.
- He’s like your personal weighted blanket, he will just lay on top of you whenever he feels like it.
- But obviously he doesn’t put his full weight cause he’s afraid he may crush you.
- If you’re shorter than him, he’s definitely picking you up to reach high places.
- Not much of a difference before and after you start dating, he’s a very affectionate person in general.
- Maybe his hugs and such become a bit more romantic feeling than friendly?
- Loves holding your hands, like literally can’t get enough of it.
- If he hasn’t gotten to see you in a while he will quite literally koala hug you and not let go for a solid 10 minutes.
- Gives you head pats. That’s it. That’s all I gotta say on that.
- He plays with your hair, doesn’t care how short/long/etc. it is, he’s finding a way to run his fingers through your hair.
- 10/10 head massages.
- Speaking of massages, he has a habit of rubbing your shoulders when you’re feeling stressed.
- Likes to cuddle up on the couch of the lair while you guys eat pizza and watch tv.
- This man does not know how to function around you before you start dating.
- Literally cannot handle any physical affection because he just short circuits.
- He just sticks to trying to impress you with his inventions.
- Eventually is okay enough to handle simple contact like quick side hugs.
- Oh but after you start dating? He is ALL over you.
- Loves to have you sit on his lap while he’s working in his lab.
- Quite literally made a chair that makes it possible for it to happen while being very comfortable at the same time.
- Still gives you lots of gifts that he makes.
- Please tell him that his inventions make you happy, he loves hearing that from you.
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jujouzdk · 2 years
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blueskywater-happiness · 10 months
So far we got the original couple Casey x April, then we get the 2012 April x Donnie, then Michael Bay has Mikey crushing in April and now Mutant Mayhem it is Leo's turn.
Ralph x April when?
Edit: Just found out there was an Oprah interview for tmnt 80's and Raph basically likes her
Here Is the interview.
Smh the team is complete
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ᴏʙʟɪᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴘᴛ. ꜰᴏᴜʀ || 2k12! ᴅᴏɴɴɪᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
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a/n: Hello hello, and welcome to the final part of Oblivious! :) It's very delayed and a teensy bit rushed, and I apologise for that. I've been so busy with work, studying, and planning for my trip to Korea that I've been neglecting some of my writing lately. I'm currently backlogging chapters for various fics, so my good friend @theblindhag(Hey I know this is super last minute but can you help me out lol)) can help me post them when I'm overseas!
Thank you guys for loving this mini-series I continued from kite-anon's initial request. Kite anon, if you're seeing this, look at the legacy you've left behind lololol :) Enjoy!
[ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
“What do you think?”
You do a quick spin in the knee-length sundress you’ve just tried on, April humming in thought before giving you a thumbs up and a wide smile. You grin in response, giving yourself a glance over in the mirror.
“Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He’d be an idiot.” April snorts, dismissing your concerns with a simple wave of her hand. You giggle at her remark, doing one last twirl before nodding with a satisfied smile. You like the design and might even dare say that you look relatively pretty.
You pay for the dress, leaving the store with a quick thanks to the staff who assisted you both earlier. “I guess this was a successful hangout,” April says, handing you your shopping bag with the dress inside, transferring her own into her left hand so it won’t bump against your legs while the both of you walk.
“So, who’s this guy you’re going on a date with?” April hums with a teasing glint in her eyes. You hit her shoulder lightly with a playful scoff. 
“I see, so this was all so you could get the details outta me.” 
“Can’t help it if I'm curious.” She shrugs nonchalantly in response. “So? Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Which one? We have too many in our school. I swear, it’s like a plague.” She mutters.
You hesitate. “Josh Curtis.”
She gasps. “From Chemistry class?”
You nod with a sheepish smile, her wide eyes drawing a chuckle out of you. “I heard that he had a crush on someone in our class. Turns out it was you!” She gives you an impressed nod.
You laugh, pink tinting your cheeks as you shake your head. “I’m probably not them. I barely even speak to him.” You spot a cafe up ahead, relieved by a change in subject. “Didn’t you say you were craving a croissant? I’m starving. Let’s eat!”
April lets it slide with a raised brow and knowing smile, following you inside the quiet cafe. You order a latte and sandwich for yourself, along with a croissant and Diet Coke for April. You insist on paying since April took time out of her schedule to help you shop for your date.
You both sit in a secluded corner of the cafe, your phone vibrating in your pocket. You grab it, confused when you see the black screen. Ah. You reach into your pocket again, pulling out the T-Phone and answering the call without looking.
“What’s crackin’?”
“Not much, just wondering when you were gonna come over and pick up your jacket before your date.” 
You pause, speechless, when you realise it’s Donnie on the other end. You fumble for words, April watching your visibly stressed state with an amused grin. Ever since that day when you had asked to go back to how the both of you were before, he had resumed as if nothing had happened.
Sometimes you catch the little forlorn glances he gives you, brushing it off as guilt for not accepting your feelings. It was a little off-putting, though, how quickly Donnie had adapted to it. Sure, you’re the one who suggested pretending as if the whole heartbreak thing never happened, but he was getting over it quicker than you expected.
You frown slightly. He could’ve at least pretended to be affected.
“My jacket?”
“Yeah, I helped you wash it. Getting the tomato stain out was a little hard, but I figured something out.”
You huff with a thankful smile, running your fingers through your hair. “Thanks, Don. You didn’t have to.” You say gratefully. 
“Don’t worry about it. It’s no problem,” He replies with a chuckle. You feel your heart stutter ever-so-slightly, ignoring the sensation. It’s nothing to think about.
“I’ll swing by in a while, just gotta get ready for tonight’s date.” You glance at the clock, relieved when you realise there’s more than enough time to prepare. The server comes with the food you’ve ordered, and you thank him quickly before taking a sip of your latte.
“Alright, see ya then!” He hangs up promptly after his cheerful goodbye, and you lower the phone once the monotonous dial tone reaches your ears.
“So, how’s it going with you and Donnie?” 
You choke on your coffee, coughing as you process the sudden question. April hands you some tissues, gently patting your back as she waits for your response. Your coughs finally subside, looking back up once you pull yourself together.
“It’s going fine. We’re back to being friends now.” You say calmly. Well, as calm as you can be after choking on your drink.
“Are you happy?”
You flinch. You hesitate, looking down at your cup and nibbling on your lip as you think of how to respond. It’s not that you aren’t happy. You had Donnie back as a friend and recently hung out with the rest of the boys. You even had a date!
So why do you feel like something’s missing?
You shake your head, ridding yourself of such thoughts. 
You’re happy.
You are.
You have to be, right?
“I am,” You reply confidently, though the hint of uncertainty in your words says otherwise.
“Okay then,” She begins to eat her croissant. You smirk, an idea forming in your mind for some payback. You take another casual sip of your latte, setting it down and readying your ammunition.
“So, I heard that Jones asked you out in the hallway.”
You grin as she chokes.
— — — — — — — — —
“What’s crackin’?” You greet Mikey with a fist bump as he skates past you, making your way to Donnie’s lab after Mikey hollers his greetings in response.
You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath before you push the lab doors open. You hate how you still have to do that every single time, nervousness crawling around in your stomach like a worm about to consume its very first apple.
Donnie turns around, about to greet you, before his jaw goes slack, lips parted as he stares at you. You flush, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before subtly checking for any dirt on the dress you had bought. Was your makeup smudged? You’re pretty sure it isn’t. 
You straighten your back, coming to your senses. Why were you even concerned about what Donnie thought? You’re happy with how you look. 
You do a quick spin with a confident smile. “What do you think?” 
As if your voice snaps Donnie out of his daze, he clears his throat, averting his gaze and nodding. “I-it looks good. You look good.” He stutters slightly, shifting to grab your jacket. 
You take it with a grateful smile. You hear him swallow thickly when your eyes meet, taking the jacket from his hands. 
It couldn’t be…could it?
Nah, it’s probably nothing.
“Thanks for all the flashcards, Donnie,” You add, pulling out the stack of conversation starters from your purse and handing them back to him. He takes it from you with a simple nod and grin, seemingly having composed himself.
“I hope you have fun on your date. Make sure you get back safe and stay away from the trouble hotspots that I warned you about. Call me if you need anything, and if it gets chilly, make sure you wear your jacket. If he tries to pull anything, just let me know, and he’ll never see the light of day again. Do you have enough money for the cab fare, just in case-”
“I’ll be fine, Donnie.” You cut him off with a laugh. “If anything happens, you’ll be the first I’ll call,” You promise with a playful wink. 
“No,” He sighs, shaking his head. “I’ll accompany you there from the rooftops, just in case.”
— — — — — — — — —
The walk to the cinema is quiet. 
You cast a glance at Donnie, who’s walking beside you, eyes skimming over the way the skin between his eyes furrows as his lips purse into a slight frown. You lick your dry lips, glancing back down at your hands. 
“So,” You try to break the silence, tilting your head with a smile. “How’s it going?”
“You good?”
“You want some pineapple pizza?”
You stop in your tracks. Donnie doesn’t notice, too engrossed in his thoughts. You prop your hands on your hips, brows furrowed in growing concern for your friend. “I got attacked by a Kraang last night.”
“Mmhm,” He hums again but pauses, rapidly blinking once he processes your words. “You got attacked by the Kraang?” His voice is filled with disbelief, hurrying back over to you and gently taking your wrists. He lifts them with worry, checking your arms for any bruises or scrapes.
You watch him for a moment, slowly placing your hands back down. He looks back at you with an uncertain gaze, breath stuttering when you look up at him with glitter-dusted eyelids, the subtle shimmer making the colour of your eyes pop.
You chuckle. “No, silly. You just looked so distracted. I figured this would be the only way to snap you out of it.” You spot the cinema up ahead and quicken your pace, wanting to avoid whatever awkwardness this entire exchange is.
“Well, I’ll update you on what happens,” You say, hands grazing the cool metal of the fire escape’s railings. You risk a look at him, only to find that he’s already staring. 
Neither of you looks away.
The beep of your phone signals a message, serving as a medium for you to snap out of whatever the hell this staring contest is. You clear your throat, checking your phone to see a message from your date for tonight. 
“Well, looks like I gotta go.” 
You begin to walk down the stairs, but you’re stopped by a hand grasping your elbow. You turn back, looking into conflicted auburn brown eyes. You raise your brows, waiting for Donnie to speak first. 
“I- uh,” He stammers, eyes darting all over the place. His hands are clammy, and you could easily tug your arm away from him.
But you choose not to, waiting patiently in silence. 
He’s scrambling for words to form a coherent sentence, and the corner of your lips tugs up into an amused smirk. If you didn’t know better, you’d have assumed that he’s trying to confess to you or something along those lines.
But there’s no way, obviously. 
 “It’s nothing.” he finally says, meeting your gaze with a newfound resolve. You’re surprised by the sudden change in attitude, your arm falling to your side when he lets go. You’re…oddly disappointed. 
“Okay…” Your steps are unsure, casting another look over your shoulder every few steps, almost as if you’re waiting for him to call you back – to stop you. Once you’re at the bottom, however, you look back up at the shadowed figure on the rooftop, watching him turn and leave the way you came. 
Your heart grows heavier with each step away, glancing back into the empty alleyway before taking a deep breath and standing upright, rolling your shoulders back. You couldn’t have a date like this. It’d be disrespectful. You enter the cinema, looking around for Josh. 
“Hey,” You greet Josh with a warm smile, walking up to the blonde head of hair you spot easily in the crowd. He moves away from the wall he’s leaning against, sliding his phone into his jacket pocket. 
“Hey,” He grins, handing you a small bouquet of flowers. It looked clumsy, the ribbon slightly messy. It looked handmade. His eyes are anxious, seeking yours for some form of validation. 
“Josh…” It’s too sweet of him, really. Your heart melts at the flush on his cheeks, accepting the flowers with a bashful smile. You take a moment to admire them, fingers brushing against the delicate petals. You look back at him, realising he’d dressed up for today.
He coughs, adjusting the collar of his shirt with a nervous smile. “Shall we?” He offers his arm out to you. You glance back at the entrance, your smile faltering when you remember Donnie’s gone. However, those thoughts are banished from your mind with a quick shake of your head.
You take Josh’s arm, and the both of you chat away as you walk to the theatre hall where the movie’s showing. The date is relatively peaceful, and you find yourself enjoying every moment. Josh is sweet, kind, and everything you could ever want.
But he’s not Donnie.
That in itself is enough to bring on a crushing weight on your chest, finding it hard to continue brushing off the wistful glances and goofy smiles Josh sends your way. Finally, the date ends where it began, having made casual conversation in the cafe next to the cinema’s entrance. 
Now’s the hardest part.
“Josh…Listen,” You’re caught off guard when he smiles, eyes hinting at the fact that he knows what’s about to be said. His hand rubs the back of his neck, a soft chuckle falling from his lips. 
Honest and sincere blue eyes meet yours, and the words die in your throat. But he nods, a silent encouragement for you to continue. God, how could you do this to someone so sweet? 
“I’m sorry,” You start, cheeks burning in shame. “I really appreciate everything you’ve done, and I really hope we can continue to be friends still… Would that be okay…?” 
He’s silent for a moment. “Sure. I’d like that.” He replies breathlessly, though his words are resigned. Your heart feels as if it’s torn in two, but he catches your eyes, smiling lightheartedly. “He must really be something, huh.”
“Yeah.” You manage a nod. 
“Well, I hope everything works out for you. You can keep the flowers, by the way.” He gestures at the bouquet you’ve placed on the table. “They made you smile, and I’m happy enough with that.”
If you didn’t already feel horrible for turning down a gentleman like him, you definitely feel awful now. “Thank you. I enjoyed today.”
He stands up, hands in his pockets as he flashes you a grin.
“No problem.”
— — — — — — — — —
He wants to stop you. To tell you never to go near this ‘Josh’ guy ever again. 
He pauses, steps slowing to a halt when he sees you smiling at something the attractive boy beside you quips. 
This is wrong.
You didn’t have a thing for blue eyes. You preferred earthy tones. You preferred him.
Donnie watches you wave goodbye, walking past the alleyway he’s hiding in. You’re a few steps away from passing it. His heart stings in his chest, sucking in a harsh breath through his teeth with a wince. 
You’re about to leave.
He feels nauseous. His stomach lurches slightly, the sensation enough to make him feel horrible. He didn’t understand why he felt this way, only that he was sure he’d lose you forever if he let you go now.
He doesn’t know what overcomes him, vaguely registering hurried steps, his arms reaching out to you. You turn at that exact moment, catching a glimpse of him in the corner of your eyes before he sees his hand wrap around your wrist.
You’re tugged back, falling into Donnie’s arms as your back presses against his plastron. Your breath hitches in your chest at the sudden contact. You don’t dare to look behind you. 
You’re scared of what you’ll see. 
You feel him inhale shakily, his warm breath sending tingles down your spine. His fingers curl around your wrist, holding it firmly. His touch is electrifying, but you dare not break the silence. 
Your cheeks warm when he moves to wrap his arms around you, holding you flush against him. You can’t take it anymore; you’re sure your face is the exact colour of the traffic light only a few feet away. 
You part your lips, afraid to let even a single word slip past them. Maybe your voice will come out shaky. You swallow thickly, willing your heart to stop beating so goddamn loudly in your chest. You hesitate.
— — — — — — — — —
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oozedninjas · 6 months
Would they love you if you were a worm?
2012 verse
He blinks at the question.
"What do you mean by a worm? Like a worm worm, or like a mutant worm?"
"Just a worm, babe. Would you, or would you not love me if I was a worm."
He would, and he's quick to say so. Yes, you're his soulmate! haha, it's definitely not that he wants to escape that killing look that you just gave him!
No, but really, he would.
"I can't believe you say that!"
You stormed out of the room, and Raph trailed behind you desperately.
"Babe, I like talking to you! A worm can't talk!" he retorted, "I didn't even answer da question yet!"
You stopped, fighting to repress the cackle threatening to blurt out of your mouth. "So, would you love me if I was a worm?"
"I would. Ya gotta live up my shoulder all the freakin' time, though."
He said it so worriedly like you were actively thinking about mutating yourself into a tiny specimen, that you just couldn't hold back your laugh any longer.
"Hey Don, I was wondering. If I, I don't know, for whatever reason, biologically turned into a worm, would you still be into me?"
Donnie looks blankly at you for what feels like a solid minute. "Just like that? A worm?" he said, "a normal worm?"
"Yeah. Would you still love me if I was one?"
Donnie smiles. "Of course!"
"Aww bab-"
"And that's why I'd try everything in my power to nurse you back into your human form. Accidents can happen! I have a lot of new devices that could potentially be useful to—"
And he's talking about experimenting with your wormy form. As if it could actually happen. Shivers.
Yeah, no thanks. You slowly start walking backward out of the lab.
"Hey baby, would you love me if I was a-"
"I would," he declares with a deadpan stare, slappin' a hand on your shoulder. His gaze gets all serious, and he repeats with a profuse nod, "I would."
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I am asking you to write a fanfic in which Mikey (2012) comes to you to cry after another painful words from his brothers, wanting to repay you for the love and support you show him in the form of a failed attempt at sex (he is inexperienced and a bit uninformed
Tahnks you
Soothing Words and Comforting Hands (18+)
2012!Michelangelo x reader
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A/N: I’ve changed tiny details to make it easier to write and to make if feel more natural, but I still hope you’ll enjoy it🧡
All characters are aged up.
Warnings: Spelling, attempts at a first time, premature ejaculation, mentioning of Mikey’s brothers being absolute dick heads and insensitive af.
When Michelangelo texted you, and asked you to come to the lair, you obviously did. You were excited to see what your bright and happy boyfriend had planned, since he had given you no information by the text. He had just asked you to come down to the lair, and had sent you a few orange hearts when you answered yes.
But once you entered the lair, you weren’t met with the same enthusiastic smile and loud greetings of your terrapin boyfriend. He was quiet with his gaze kept low, as he walked to you from his bedroom. That was not common for Mikey. Not at all. And immediately you began to worry for your sweet boyfriend.
As he walked you to his bedroom, he ignored the comments from his brothers, trying to gain his attention.
“Come on, Mikey”, Raph groaned in frustration. “Are you still mad about that silly thing?”
And that’s when you knew. It happened again. His brothers had said something very insensitive with no regard for Mikey’s feelings, causing him to seek you out for comfort. Your poor sweet Mikey.
Mikey closed the door behind you, embracing you in a soft hug, resting his head against your shoulder, hiding his face from the world around him. He didn’t say a word, but just held you tight like you were the only comfort to him.
“What’s up, Mikster Man? What’s going on?”, you asked softly as you placed your arms around his shoulders, before tracing soft circles on the back of his neck. He shivered at his, pressing his face further against your neck. It did not matter what nickname you used on him, he loved them all. The stranger and more creative the better. “Wanna talk about it now?” He shook his head, still hiding against your neck. “Wanna lay down for a bit and then maybe talk about it?” He nodded.
You laid comfortably on your back in Mikey’s bed, with him on top of you, and your fingers tracing and lightly scratching the top of his shell. His head was still tucked against your neck, his forehead leaning against the side of your jaw, allowing him to watch himself play with your hair on the other side of your head. You stayed like this for some time, feeling safe in the presents of each other, comforting each other in small ways.
It was not usual for Mikey to stay so quiet for so long, letting you know that something was still plaguing his mind. He wanted to say something, but he did not know how to say it. The fact that he didn’t sigh out loud over and over, begging you to ask him what was going on, as he did not know another way to get the conversation started, told you what you needed to know. Michelangelo did not know how to say it, whatever it was that was on his mind.
You turned your head and placed a kiss against Mikey’s forehead, causing him to melt further against you.
“You’re really sweet, you know”, he finally said in a light mumble, as if he was still far away in thoughts.
You let out a small chuckle, which Mikey loved feeling vibrate against his ear. It was no secret that Mikey really liked your laugh. He always had and always will, looking forward to it everyday.
“You have told me a few times”, you smiled, placing one more kiss on his forehead.
“But I mean it”, Mikey said, eyes still on your hair in his hands. “You’re really sweet. You’re always so sweet to me”.
“You sound sad about it”, you said, your fingers feeling his scutes.
Mikey thought for a moment, staying quiet as he chewed on his lip. “I wanted to thank you for being so sweet to me”.
You turned to look at your boyfriend, your eyes searching for his in slight confusion at his statement. “What do you mean?”
Mikey let go of your hair so he could trace your collarbone to comfort himself, still avoiding your eyes as he talked. “You are always so nice to me. You understand me like no one else and you take your time with me. Even now!” He gestured towards the way you and him was laying on his bed. “And I really wanted to thank you for being so nice to me, and for being the girlfriend I never thought I would be lucky enough to get. I’ve told you often, but sometimes I’ve also just really wanted to show you… so I asked Donnie…”
“You asked Donnie”, you repeated, both to show him that you were listening, but also as a question. What did you ask Donnie about?
“I asked him how to… you know… do things. I thought if anybody down here knew, then Donnie would be the one! He did say he would tell me about it, but he laughed first. And Raph heard”. You sighed at the mentioning of Mikey’s second oldest brother. Of course he had said something, about whatever poor Mikey had been asking guidance for. It wasn’t uncommon for Mikey to text or call you, to tell you how his older brother would tease him on the edge of bullying. “He said a lot of things and made fun of… it. And then Donnie started doing it too! I asked Leo for help, and he told them to stop, but then he started to make fun of it too!” That made you sad. Raph being insensitive was one thing, but you had thought better of Donnie and Leo.
You tightened your embrace around Mikey, placing yet another kiss on his face. “When we are done here, I’ll give them a beating worse than any Kraang has”, you said, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. And it worked. Mikey let out a small chuckle, his warm breath fanning across your skin, disappearing as quick as he blew it out.
As comforting silence once again fell upon you and Michelangelo, you couldn’t help but let your thoughts wonder. What was it that Mikey had asked Donnie for guidance on? What was it that had caused his brothers to tease him so much?
“Mikey, if you don’t mind me asking, what did you ask Donnie about?”, you finally asked. You felt Mikey stiffen a bit in your arms. For a second you thought he would retreat into his shell, but instead he loosened up slightly, before finally turning to look at you, his eyes flickering across your face.
“I- I asked Donnie if he knew… uhm… how humans have, you know… sex”, he stammered, a blush washing over his face, his eyes locked onto a fixed point behind your head, before he lowered his head to hide against your neck once more. “I just wanted to know how to make you feel good, to thank you for always being so sweet and nice to me”.
You didn’t want to laugh, but you did. It was not a taunting laughter, but a warm carefree one. One that made Mikey look at you, not in fear of rejection by his own girlfriend, but comfort. He did really like your laugh.
“And you call me sweet”, you said, your eyes and smile shining bright at him. “I’ve never experienced anybody being so nice and sweet with the thought of sex”.
A smile spread across Mikey’s blushing face, as he started mindlessly tracing your collarbone once more. But even while being a blushing mess, Mikey managed to find his boyish charm once more. “So is that a yes to sex?”
You laughed once more, this time louder. Probably loud enough for Mikey’s brothers to hear out in the living area. Mikey could feel all the fears that had grown from his brother's words, washing away ever so slowly at the sound of your beautiful laughter ringing through his bedroom.
“Yes, Mikster, that is a yes”.
Mikey beamed as he brought your lips together, enjoying the well known feeling of your lips moving against his. Make out sessions weren’t a new thing for you and your boyfriend, as they often happened whenever you and him had a quiet time alone. But they rarely got that heated. It was normal for him to churr while you did so, but this time it was loud, vibrating though his chest.
It didn’t take long before Mikey had gotten your shirt off, eagerly palming your still covered breasts with one of his three fingered hands, grinding his crotch against your still pant covered center. You chuckled at this, finding his eager inexperience adorable. Just like the first time you kissed, Mikey was not scared. He was happy and eager, having a hard time holding his enthusiasm back.
You broke from the heated kiss to place kisses along his neck, feeling him shiver against you at the feeling. His hand halted around your breast, and his small movements against your core became unsteady and lost rhythm. His breathing became erratic, and you enjoyed the small sounds that escaped him.
You felt something hard press against the inside of your clothes thigh, and you smiled having a pretty good idea of what it was.
You let go of Mikey’s neck, arching your back so you could reach behind your back to undo your bra. Mikey stopped every movement and watched you, his eyes wide once your bra was off and laying on his bedroom floor. You chuckled at Mikey’s expression, taking one of his hands in yours, moving it back to your chest. You maneuvered his hand, to show him how to touch your nipples. Once again you felt him move against you, his eyes focusing on his fingers around your nipples.
“Just like that, Mikey”, you breathed out. “You’re doing amazing”.
This comment did something to Mikey. His hips shuttered against you, his face contorted and he let out what you could only describe as a needy yet satisfied moan. The feeling against your thigh was unmistakable. He had just ejaculated onto your pants.
Mikey’s eyes widened in panic, before he dared to look down. The unmistakable white substance on your thigh, just above his still hard penis made his shoulders hunch as he tried to avoid your eyes once more. But to his surprise you simply chuckled, pulling him down for yet another kiss before giving him a reassuring smile.
“It’s okay Mikster”, you said, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “It happens more often than you would think. Besides…” You let go of his face so you could move your hands to the buttons of your pants. “... I would have to take them off anyway”.
Mikey let out a happy sigh of relief, before kissing you once more. “Holy Chalupa, I love you so much”.
“We should say sorry to him”, Leo said, watching his brothers as he played with his own fingers in unease. “He did ask for help”.
Donnie nodded in agreement, eyes falling to his feet with guilt. “It’s a pretty sensitive subject and we just made fun of him”.
“I’m not saying sorry for anything”, Raph said, hands behind his head. “When he says something so ridiculous, he cannot expect me not to make fun of it!”
“Raph, Mikey came to us with an honest question and in need of help. What we did was not okay”, Donnie said.
“As if it’s going to happen!”, Raph said. “He is a turtle - a mutant turtle. She is a human girl - a very non mutated human girl! They might very well have a relationship going, but they could never-”.
Raphael stopped mid sentence, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. The sudden noises coming from Mikey’s room left him and his brothers motionless in surprise. Schreaking from Mikey’s bed, accompanied with what very much sounded like moans, and your voice telling Mikey how good he was doing, left no doubt in their mind.
“Well”, Leo said, catching the eye of a shocked and somewhat disgusted Raph. “Seems like he figured it out”.
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temmtamm · 2 years
Yandere Donnie w sweet and introverted nb reader who has difficulties making new relationships, to make matters worse, out of the whole group reader's more closer to donnie
(Asks are open and appreciated)
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In short, he adores it!! Although he wants you to be more social with his siblings and April that way you can widen your social horizons, he appreciates the dependency.
He also has a hard time communicating with others, which allows you two to stay in his lab for hours and hours on end and he gets your attention all to himself.
He loves to test his inventions out on/with you and sometimes throws some small fits when you have to make a rain check on them as he feels he's owed the attention at times.
As much as he adores your attention, he can sometimes grow exhausted when he needs some time to himself, leaving him to hand you off to his other brothers.
If you have a tendency to have panic attacks when around others you aren't comfortable with, he will quickly erase this behavior and work on trying to get comfortable with you.
He even made a special part in his lab specifically so you can chill with him and even fall asleep if youd like when at the lair.
On the extremely rare chance that you are able to open up and make another friendship, he'd definitely talk shit both behind their back and to their face until he inevitably scares them off.
And god forbid you getting into a relationship with someone else. He isn't found of physical violence when unnecessary, but for your S/O, he'll make an exception.
He reasons all of this with the fact that he doesn't want anyone to hurt or ruin you and by extension, your relationships with people out of his friend group.
In reality though, he just grew far too comfortable with having someone being dependent on him.
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Thanks for watching ♥︎
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tmntxthings · 2 years
2012 Yandere!Donnie x Ditzy Y/N who’s tots oblivious and just like “aww he means well” or “that’s not weird, it’s normal relationship stuff uwu”
SO ITS JUST BIG SCARY GRRRR AND THEN little bubbly flowery uwu
Bonus points if she ends up in danger and is like, “D-Donn—Dooooonnniiiiieeee!!!!” In like pure fear and Donnie’s heart not only DROPS but MANS IS PISSED. HE IS IRATE!!!
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author’s notes: happy friendsgiving my dear @marwhoa <3333 loooook the giffff ;D teehee
warnings: dark au, yandere themes, cursing, violence, possessiveness, manipulation
When Donatello fell, he fell hard, in love of course. In fact, his emotions were completely forfeit. Not at all his own anymore, but at your command. If you were happy, so was he. If you were laughing, he couldn’t help but join in. Similarly to if you were sad, he’d do just about anything to cheer you up. But when you were afraid, truly frightened? He would protect you, with his all, his whole being.
So when he heard your screams, something akin to rage was what he felt. “Please, just leave me alone!” You cried as you struggled for your bag. “If you’d let go I’d be gone in a jiffy!” The purple dragon goon laughed. He completely ripped the item from your grip. You fell forward, unable to stop your momentum as you collapsed to the cement.
The thug took off. Well, he tried. Donnie had jumped down, staff already in hand as he thwacked the guy straight on the head. He went down like a log and Donnie had a mind to keep going. To show that prick what he should really be afraid of. But you called out to him, a slight wince at the tail end of his name. He had your bag and was next to you in seconds. Villain forgotten, he didn’t matter, only you did. “Donnie, thank you so much!” Tears filled your eyes and he was scooping you up into his arms, cradling you close. “I’m here, don’t cry Y/n” he cooed into your ear as he petted your hair gently.
You didn’t question how he had gotten there so fast. He was your savior, your protector, somehow he was always there. He didn’t think it was necessary for you to know that he felt the need to follow you. To make sure of that safety, he did so whenever he knew you were out… a tracker in your phone alerting him of your movements. The sounds of the goon’s groans made Donnie’s head turn to give an irritated glance. He still hadn’t been able to calm you down. You were so upset because of this shithead’s doing, Donnie’s thoughts warped back to violent threats. As soon as he tended to you, he’d find this guy. And by the time he was through—
“D-donatello?” You sniffed, burying your face into his neck. He blinked, eyes widening at the close proximity. His grip on you tightened, as he hummed in question. “I’m o-okay, you don’t have to hurt him.” You said pulling your head back to meet his gaze. He could stare into those beautiful eyes all day. He wondered if his dark musings had been spoken aloud. “You’re too sweet, but-” he turned his head back to the thug. ``-he doesn’t deserve your kindness!” And before you could stop him, he kicked the guy straight in the jaw.
The villain slumped back to the ground, completely unconscious, no more annoying ass groaning. “Donnie!” You exasperated. “He’ll be fine, he’ll just sleep out here tonight. Where he belongs, with the trash.” Donnie added for good measure, his anger only dissipating when your hands reached up to cradle his cheeks. “Dee take me home,” you sighed. It was like a mental whiplash. One moment he could kill a man, and the next all he could think about was tucking you into bed and kissing your forehead.
He could only nod in response. His sheepishness taking over as one of your thumbs gently rubbed back and forth on his cheek in a comforting manner. He just knew his face was turning a dark green. He made sure to cough when an urge to chur came along. He easily carried you all the way to your home. Your apartment is only on the second floor so the climbing hadn’t been too bad.
“What did I tell you about keeping your window unlocked?” Donnie chided as he found that he was able to pull it open. “I thought I had!” Your eyes widened innocently. Donnie blew out a quick irritant breath through his nose. “Don! I promise I really tried to remember!!” You quickly said and he motioned his hand for you to go through first. You managed to not fall by some miracle.
Donnie eased in after you and shut the window silently. “Are you mad?” You asked softly, and when he turned to face you he was met with the most heart wrenching expression. Sad puppy dog eyes that were begging for him to not be angry. “No, I just— you know how I worry.” He sighed, his gaze following as you went to sit on your bed and patted for him to do the same.
He gently placed your bag on the floor and made his way over, truly you had him at your beck and call. Did you know it? How utterly infatuated he was with you? Anytime he was out on a patrol with his brothers he could calculate how far away he was from your place. In miles, in yards, in cubic meters. He wished to be by you at all times so when he sat next to you, there was a feeling close to peace. “Don don,” you started as you grabbed his hands, pulling them into your lap. “I want you to be honest with me,” was it getting hot in here? It was his heart rate skyrocketing as he tried to guess where he had gone wrong.
Well if only counting today, he had knocked someone unconscious.. in front of you. He usually did that when you were out of sight. Second he had been watching you, for most of your nightly errands, safety first! Other than that Donnie was drawing blanks and trying not to sweat since your soft hands were holding his so delicately. “I won’t get mad, I just want honesty above all else,” you made sure to say and he nodded quickly.
“Did you put a tracker in my phone?” Donatello swallowed. Yes. He had. Maybe the second time he had the joy of meeting you? Surely it hadn’t been the first. But he did know, even from first sight, that you were the one he wanted. The one he would do anything for. So maybe even then… he couldn’t remember. “Yes,” he said seriously, “but only because I don’t want anything bad to happen to you!” His eyes waiting for you to give him a disapproving look. “So that’s how you knew where I was!” And you lit up like a Christmas tree, like you had just figured out a Sherlock mystery.
Donnie couldn’t help but find you oh-so-adorable. How long has it been, a couple years? The two of you only started dating three months, one week, five days, and seventeen hours ago. It was Donnie’s favorite mental clock. “What gave me away?” Donatello asked, pretending to be sheepish as he looked down at your adjoined hands. “It wasn’t that hard!! How else could you have found me?” You smiled brightly, completely unaware of all the ways Donnie could track you down. If by some chance you made him take out the tracker, he would’ve used other methods.
“My sweetie pie is getting too smart for her own good!” He teased and leaned in. You were blushing up a storm at the nickname but your eyes shut immediately, lips pursing to meet him. There, right then and there as he kissed you countless times he found his feelings forfeit. Fuck, he’d do anything to stay like this forever. Maybe one day he could make that into a reality. You were starting to see how dangerous it was for you to go outside after all. And he constantly told you how much he worried and cared for your wellbeing.
“Y/n, promise me that you’ll stay with me,” he broke the kiss to plead. You carded your fingers up to his bandana, “Only you Donnie,” you promised. “Forever?” He said after crushing his lips to yours. “Mhm, forever and ever,” and the innocent twinkle in your eyes was blind to his possessive hold on you. You were just too precious.
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kikithedreamerwriter · 10 months
Fem!Singer!Y/N x Insecure!Bayverse!Leonardo
Genre: Hurt and Comfort, Fluff
⚠️: NSFW suggestive themes
Let me know if you want to be part of my taglist!
🗣️ taglist: @sharpwindow @pheradream-15 @m1dnyt3-w0lf
Imagines # 2: Happily Blue for You
Prompt: You’re a university student and a passionate musician who’s always on the hunt for gigs. Leo knows that he’s a mutant turtle and having a human girlfriend like Y/N L/N sometimes makes him question whether or not it’s right to her at all. So after a much heated argument, Y/N sets out to make it right for her leader in blue…
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🎶: “Not Another Song About Love” by Hollywood Ending (Nightcore Version) | Check it out here!
Leo slammed the door behind him. As far as he knows, you are not aware of the insecurity that he harbored in you relationship. As far as you’re concerned, you definitely are. You sighed, sitting at the edge of his bed with your head in your hands. You were tired and at your wit’s end. You always thought of your boyfriend as someone so calm, cool, and collected that you never would have realized the true extent of his emotions.
“Maybe… we shouldn’t be together…” He said to you quitely, his eyes cast to the floor.
“Love…” He always loves it when you call him that, but he hated it whenever he saw your eyes glisten because of him. “What are you talking about? Why shouldn’t we? Do you not feel the same for me as you did before?”
“Of course I do!” He finally burst. “I have loved you since the first time I saw you and even more intensely as I got to know you. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever known, Y/N and it’s not right that you should have somebody like me! I can’t take you out on dates! You can’t show me off to your friends! I can’t-“
“Does it ever matter to you, that what matters to me is what you can do and not what you can’t?” You cut him off, your voice straining. “Not to mention what you already did! You’re-“
“A turtle! Who lives in the sewers and fights bad guys! I can’t give you a future without endangering you! I want-“
“What about what I want, Leo does that not matter to you too?”
“No! It doesn’t!”
Your argument ended in a silent rage. You wiped the tears that had slipped from your eyes and breathed deeply as you composed herself. You knew that Leo had uttered those hurtful sentiments out of his own feelings, and that feelings were temporary. Of course he was in his right to feel insecure, what wasn’t right was that he felt that he didn’t deserve you. Him, a brave and lethal warrior to his enemies; a strong and desicive leader to his brothers; and a kind and gentle lover to you. In your eyes, he was perfect despite his flaws. But eyes can only ever see themselves in relfections. Then it dawned on you. You quickly got up from his bed, exited the Lair, headed to the streets, and whipped out your phone.
It had been days since your argument with Leo and hopefully tonight was finally the time that you could make this right on your end. You accepted that gig at Central Park for a night show where, fortunately, you and your band were invited by a popular organizer to play. The band on stage only had two more songs before you finish their set and you were dreadfully nervous. You tucked your hair deeper into the pocket of your denim hoodie and wringed your hands as you peered into the crowd. You can only hope that Mikey was able to convince his brother enough to come along, for your grand gesture severely depended on it. Your long-time friend, Ash, the band’s lead guitarist noticed your anxiety and comforted you with a firm but reassuring grasp on your shoulder.
“Hey,” She said to you. “It’ll be alright. Whether this Leonardo is coming or not, you know you’ve done what you can to show him how you truly feel. You’re a good person Y/N, and I’m sure he feels just as intensely as you do, if not more.”
“Thank you,” you smiled as you took your her hand and squeezed it. “Look, he’s a little-“
“Unusual,” Ash finished. “Yes, I promise I won’t tell anyone about him and that I won’t freak out when I meet him. You’re basically my sister Y/N, if this Leonardo means so much to you. I’ll do what I promise.”
Your eyes met and just then… your band was called to the stage. The lights were dimmed as you proceeded to take your places. Ash, Milton, and Gray to their guitars, Tamara to her drums, Casper to his keys, and you to the mike centerstage. For the first five songs of your set, you let your love for music sustain you. Everything was smooth sailing. Thanks to your brillant technician Seb, light and sound was without technical error. In addition, the crowd was accomodating and your fellow bandmates performed just as deliciously as they did every night. Milton and Gray were just eating up the attention they received from their young fans, Tamara didn’t miss a beat, and you observed Casper and Ash were being gawked at by so many musicians from the sidelines. You could feel so many eyes placed on you, and yet… the only pair that mattered to you, you wouldn’t know if they were there at all.
Before your final song, you and Ash met gazes. She nodded her head affirmitively and you smiled in an attempt to bolster your confidence. You have been developing this song for only a week, and it wasn’t often that you created your own originals for the band. Ash was the true genius, and with her guidance you could only hope that that this song… your heartful ode to your one true beloved would be enough to make him feel that he was enough.
“This song…” You said into the mike. “…is for someone really special to me.”
Your eyes looked for his desperately in the sea of faces.
“Leo love,” You uttered his name fearlessly. “This one’s for you.”
The crowd hooted as Tamara banged her drumsticks and began a beat.
“Let it out
Been building up, you better let it out
Say everything that you've been meaning now
I want it to burn…”
“But everything you do makes my heart race
I can't even think straight
Is this just a game to you?
Reruns every night
It's always the same fight
And I think you should know”
“I hate your touch, I hate your mouth
I can't stand every single word that falls out
But you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is not another song about love”
“I hate your voice, I hate your lips
I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss
But you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is not another song about love..”
Every fiber in your being was vibrating with the music, hoping it could reach him, wherever he was. Sweat dripped down your face, your voice was sore, and your body ached, but your heart was beating and open and free. You began to approach the final verse.
“The sky fades from blue to gray
Inside he's just like an ocean, still I'm drowning
How bad I wanna sink and let it take me away
I don't know why I come back, I do every time
We get close to the end, it's a finish line
Sing these words for the man I've been dreaming of
Is this just another song about love?”
There was a pause before the bridge and the final repeat of the chorus. The lights dimmed momentarily and the crowd gasped, thinking the power had been cut. You unsheathed your locks in the darkness, and when the lights had been turn on again, it was all blue. Your bandmates with the exception of Ash, oggled at your hair. It had been given full, dark blue highlights that seemed to glimmer in the lights. For one moment, time stood still, and you had finally found those ocean eyes. Those beautiful ocean eyes. You smiled at his gaping expression, hidden far beind the crowd. Mikey basically had to collect his brother’s jaw from the floor because you were that stunning. You felt like it was just you and Leo in the world, immortal and together forever.
“Let it out
Been building up, I better let it out
Say everything that I've been meaning now
Dreaming 'bout
I need it now!
I need you now!”
“I need your touch, I have no doubt
I want your love 'til it all runs out
'Cause you're all that I've been dreaming of
Is this just another song about love?”
“I need your voice, I need your lips
I need you bad, I wanna steal your kiss
'Cause you're all that I've been dreaming of
This is just another song about
Another song about love…”
And as the song ended, you could feel your tears gather in your eyes. The crowd was going crazy, but it wasn’t because of them. It was him. Just him. Your bandmates exited from the stage gracefully, but you just ran. They were calling out your name as you ran towards the far end of the crowd. They were starting to notice you and began to approach, when Ash intervened, following you as she blocked off your new fans. But you didn’t care. You ran so much that you ended up far from the stage and into the dark wilderness of the park.
“Leo!” You called, out of breath. “Lov-!”
Just then, a pair of arms pulled you behind some tall hedges and you were in his embrace. He pressed you tightly against his plastron and you could feel his hands in your hair. As you came a apart, you could see that both of your eyes were wet and gleaming underneath the pale moonlight. He lifted you to him and leaned his forehead against yours. Your palms held his scaly cheeks lovingly.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered back.
“I didn’t mean it.”
“I know you didn’t.” You breathed.
“I want you,” your eyes met intensely. “I want you very much, and I’m so damn lucky that you want me too.”
“I need you, Leo.” You gasped as he placed his lips on yours. You savored how he tasted on your tongue. Your lips moved in unison but neither of you didn’t need to express anymore words. He churred under his breath and began to knead the flesh of your ass. When you moaned it turned on something feral in him and began to mark your neck with his teeth. You came apart again, flushed and breathless as he tucked his head beneath your neck and above your breasts. He littered sweet kisses up the length of where he placed his mark as he caressed his head. Just then, you heard someone stumble through the bushes. Leo looked to you alarmingly.
“You’re right,” You sighed. “You can’t meet my friends, but I want you to get to know at least just one and she’s the best I ever had.”
“Y/N!” Ash beckoned.
“Over here!” You replied. Ash stumbled into the scene just as Leo put you down. She stared at him for a little while, before proceeding what Leo experienced to be the most normal introduction in his life.
“So!” Ash smiled. “This Y/N’s ultimate muse, eh? Finally nice to meet you in the flesh Leonardo.” She outstretched her hand to him. Leo hesitated and then shook it gently, as Y/N nodded encouragingly at him.
“Ditto,” Leo breathed. “Ashley, was it?”
“Ash is fine! By the way! Do you happen to have any brothers?”
“Ashley!” You gasped, slapping her arm as Leo chuckled.
“Come on! Hook a girl up here!” Ash pouted. “If you have any sisters, I’m down with that too.”
You all laughed.
“Well it was really great meeting you Leo! See you around Y/N!”
You both bid goodbyes to Ash as she stepped out of the hedges. Leo turned to you and curled a lock of your hair around his finger.
“I thought you never wanted to dye your hair,” Leo teased.
“I can’t help it if it’s for you,” you smirked. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” he said softly. “It makes feel like you’re a little more mine.”
“Oh love,” you wrapped your arms around him. “I’m happily all yours.”
That night, you went home to your apartment instead of the Lair. Please! With your hair in his color and his mark on your neck? He’s going to be keeping you up all night and you’ll singing his name until morning 💙🔥
Like this imagine? What should I write next? Please reblog and like you enjoyed this 💕✨ Yes you! 👀
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vampwritesstuff · 8 months
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Requests For This Fandom: Open
Iterations I write for: 2012, 2014/2016, rottmnt, mutant mayhem(soon)
I will write for other characters, feel free to ask about them! I will not write nsfw for this fandom. I only write ‘x reader’ please do not request for ‘character x oc’ or ‘character x character’. I also will only right fem or gn reader, I am not good at writing male readers.
Leonardo Hamato
Tricky Feelings
Raphael Hamato
Donatello Hamato
Michelangelo Hamato Headcannons
How they show affection
TMNT brothers with an autistic reader
When reader is on her period
When reader is sick
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