#2019 Jellylorum
itsmyregularcat · 23 days
Look at how cool these are!
They are (likely one-off) prints of two of @jelliclehell's Cats 2019 art pieces made just for me, plus a bonus cute-as-all-hell caked up Victoria sketch.
It is special to me to have to 2019 Jellylorum and Tantomile art as a print, because it was a special request I made from jelliclehell a few years. Plus, those two are my faves from the movie, so I am very happy to have some great art of them. Keena (the artist) made them both look so damn good, and I love how they captured both queens.
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The Mungo, Rumple, and Victoria art is really cool too, as it perfectly captures the scene from the movie in a unique art style. The colours and posing are wonderful.
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You are very welcome Keena for the support. Thanks for letting me purchase these, and thanks being a friendly contact in and out of the Cats fandom for years at this point.
As always, 2019 trash (now and) forever.
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
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mysticalcats · 14 days
Not sure if you would be willing, but a 2019 Jellylorum please, whenever you have time.
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Thanks to @realreulbbrband my vibes for drawing got somewhat resurrected so I did a little catified redraw of my fav moment in Cats Brno which is the Italian Aria
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Fabrizio Angelini and Natalia Scarpolini
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white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
Jellylorums a boring character and she serves no purpose
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
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shush shush shush i just noticed jelly's collar is the same red as skimble's pants and now i'm imagining the station master seeing this little kitten trailing after his new railway cat and decides to make sure they match so everyone knows they're a little pair and jelly just being so excited to match with her big brother and skimble brings her the little gold bow charm for her birthday one year and she immediately clips it on and wow i'm having feels tonight
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lightingelectra · 1 year
2019 comparisn parrt 3
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Jellylorum: she dosen't look that bad by why is she a kittin?
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Munkastrap: He's a lot planer but not bad
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Mungojerrie: I kind of like this look. he looks like a beany baby I have. he will leave you to die
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Macavity: they still say he's a ginger cat in the move.
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Mr. Mistoffoles: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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aclairvoyant · 3 months
ive been putting a lot of thought into why this:
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triggers uncanniness more than this:
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and i think it mostly comes down to the silouettes of the characters and the overreliance of cgi for the bodies.
in the stage productions of cats, there's a lot of work put into each cat's costume. unless the characters are intentionally meant to have similarities (e.g: mungojerrie and rumpleteazer, munkustrap and tugger, coricopat and tantomile, etc), they all look pretty distinct. even when characters have similar color pallets, they have distinct enough silouettes that it's easy to keep them separate in your head.
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here is demeter, bombalurina, and jellylorum in the 98 movie. they have similar colors, but each detail in their hair, ears, shoulders, and even tails stands out and helps them look distinct from one another.
now let's take a look at the same trio in the 2019 movie.
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despite each cat now having a different color pallet, they all have the same silouette and blend into the ensemble. each of the character is incredibly important to the cast, and instead of being easily picked out from the crowd, i had to look up demeter and jellylorum on the fan wiki just so i could remember what they looked like. honestly, if you didn't know what taylor swift looked like, would you be able to pick bombalurina from the crowd?
in my opinion, the cg fur definitely does not help. it smoothes out purposeful imperfections in the stage designs. also, oddly enough, almost none of the cats have any fluff around their heads, leading to a very weird silouette. they literally just look like humans with ears and tails.
just look at tugger in both films.
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would you be able to believe that the 2019 version is supposed to be a big, fluffy maine coon cat? why is his silouette so different from 2019's munkustrap when they're supposed to be brothers?
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in the 1998 movie (and all stage productions if we're being honest) it is incredibly easy to see these two are related. even without matching colors, they have similar silouettes.
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in the 2019 version, munkustrap just looks like any other cat. i genuinely don't think anyone who has only seen the 2019 movie would know that tugger and munk are brothers, let alone that they are old deut's sons.
cats 2019 was a failure in many, many ways, including adapting the story and butchering the songs and characters. but it's so visually offputting because of the decision to smooth out any physical quirks the cats originally had in their designs. they're too sleek and just blend in with everyone around them. it's genuinely so disappointing to see such a colorful, vibrant, and uniquely costumed show turned into a muddy cg nightmare.
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rabnerd28 · 2 months
Watching Cats (2019) DvD Commentary
Thoughts as I watch:
Tom is literally basing this entire movie on the one time he saw Cats in 1981 when he was 8 years old
He called the movie a coming of age film about Victoria meeting characters that effect her and that Tugger represents the sin of lust (yes I am laughing)
He said abandoned three times in a row to describe Grizabella
Tom made up the thing about Grizabella used to be with Macavity happened because he wanted to cut out the idea that she was a prostitute
Has Bustopher eat trash because he thought that's what cats would be more interested in
The pause in Bustopher Jones when he says to gather the cats is a meta joke about the cats actually being people
The food was CGI
"Sees the implication of his unchecked appetites" in reference to Victoria and Bustopher Jones
Hooper brought his niece and nephew to set to play on the Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer set
He keeps insisting that there is a learning and growing arc for Victoria, but I have no idea what he's talking about
He has barely talked about the characters as actual characters and mostly just talks about how great it is to work with famous celebrity number five or how they're symbolical. I think he's making things up at this point
He added the love story because he thought Misto trying to figure out how to be a magician was a good parallel with Victoria's story of finding herself
Originally the first barge scene was longer with a lot of improv from James and Rebel as Growltiger went on
"Robbie Fairchild is brilliant" that is the only thing Tom said that makes sense
This man really said "women can be the god of cats in 2019"
Judie and Ian were the ones to decide that Gus and Old D had a thing...well at least they followed the pattern of cats actors making weird decisions for their characters
I've come to the conclusion that Tom chose his cast based on which famous actors he's always wanted to work with
Tom has no idea how to describe choreography...just like how he has no idea how to film it
Giving Victoria a solo to sing was ALW's idea
He thinks the call and response of Beautiful Ghosts and Memory is brilliant and doesn't understand how he fucked that up
They almost cut "Moments of Hapiness"
He keeps talking about how great this film is for women, but where is Demeter sir!
He didn't know that it's Jellylorum that sings Gus' song and because Ian couldn't tell what the relationship between the two was he cut out her singing it for him
He talks about the advantage of mixing the CGI with the practical clothing, and I'm like, you know what would be even better? No CGI!
I don't know who's playing Bomba, but she was the first person to be cast in Cats
He said that he thinks Macavity works better as a solo and it didn't need to be a duet...I have never felt more like murder in my whole life
Taylor Swifts dad gave him the idea for the catnip
He likes the idea of Macavity being evil yet still plays by the rules...why?
He's talking about the changes from the musical to Mr Mistoffelees, and boy is he not bringing up that Tugger is the one that sings the number
Talks about community like there was any in this movie
This man has no idea who Jemima/Sillabub is, does he?
He finally mentioned Mette Towley as Cassandra at least. Recognize that she's the best character in this film goddamit!
Apparently Munkustrap was supposed to be learning about leading this whole film...wat
Apparently he watched the 98 film several times while writing the script...and yet this movie is straight
I'm not watching the commentary for the end credits. Fuck I hate this man
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clovenhoofedjester · 2 months
jellicle lineups; part 4/4
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grizabella | 🌃 🥀 🍂
i really wanted to mix revival and older replica for this one. the thigh-high boots, sparkly, tasseled dress, and generally the wig are all revival inspired, but the curly fur stays and the makeup is old because i really do like the very dramatic, gothic grizabella looks. her coat is also heavily 2019 inspired with the length and stripey purple fabric
i also was not sure how i wanted to do her hair other than it covering one eye (SHOUTOUT TO THE FANART I SAW WHICH HAD THAT. I CANNOT REMEMBER THE URL) esp the color so i did a gradient of light grey to dark brown, which i REALLY liked ! it also helped me decide that shed be chocolate smoke instead of a tabby
idk. ijust like her
i very much want to emphasize the "proud" and "indomitable" of her character in my portrayal of her; think betty buckley. i think shed be 61 in human years.
jennyanydots | ⏰ 🧶 👠
HER DESIGN... is very similar to her replica one because.... i really like it. very heavy emphasis in how her makeup is sometimes done with the HUGE lower lashes and squiggles. she also gets a cute little pink nose and blue eyeshadow
very 2019 inspired also. the hat, tasseled jumpsuit and bejeweled tap shoes stay ...... but i did want to give her the vest and collar from 2019. i just like that. shes also fat because yes
she remains sweet and nice yes. but i think warsaw was onto something when they made her Like That. shed be 56 in human years
jellylorum | 🎨 💐 👒
i ORIGINALLY drew her design a month and a half ago with the headcanon that shes gus' caretaker but bro. that jellylorum & asparagus jr. & gus family angst potential was too great. so i redid her as looking closer to gus. :3
idk why but i decided to go with a 1940s inspired formal look for her.... i quite like the hat and think it helps her to stand out, so i'm comfortable in that decision. her fur design is also mostly replica inspired. enjoy her neapolitan ice cream makeup too
she also gets a pink nose and her collar from the 2019 version. idk why the collars went so hard in that movie
i LOVE one of her 3 words being practical... yes, she is THE practical cat. i think shed be 59 in human years
bustopher jones | 🌹 🤍 🍛
VERY replica inspired.... with notes of other productions. opera populaire had full glasses bustopher which i liked. an older makeup look also had stripes which i also thought looked nice (and makes him look more related to mistoffelees) ! there are also multiple bustopher designs that have the moustache and beard 2 for 1 dealio..... and decided to incorporate that as well
he also gets the fishbone hanky crevat thing and a fishbone brooch. i almost made his rose white but i liked the contrast of the red. enough that i decided to give him lipstick too . and youd best believe that he has a giant fucking pipe that he smokes out of
i love the idea of him being the older generations' tugger in his time. i believe it. i think hed be like 55 in human years
skimbleshanks | 🚂 🎆 ⏳
I COULDNT RESIST BASING HIM OF THE MOVVIEEEEEE im not sorry that was peak skimble. the whistle and chains, the MATCHING conductor hat and pants, the moustache, the tap shoes..... truly, it was too good. my only regret was that i couldnt show the suspenders in this design because i wanted to keep the vest
i did keep the makeup/fur pattern very similar to his replica design though. idk. its just good. emphasis on the brown in his tail, the brown of his clothes, and the bell
anyone else get handsome gay silver fox vibes from him? anyway [being rushed out the door] i think hed be 56 in human years
asparagus jr. | 🧷 🎲 ⛲
lets go babey asparagus jr. inclusion ! i Really struggled with the clothes because i wanted to include the weird yarn poncho but didnt want to make him look hippyish (hippies are cool it just wasnt the vibe i was going for).... so it is reincarnated as this strange tassel-y scarf shawl thing. idk
he also gets a collar similar to jellylorum's because i like the idea of them living in the same house :^3. his makeup is also pretty different from how it appeared in the 98 version because i wasnt really feeling it. i like stripes. so stripes he shall get
hes also wearing a corset thing. idk what my propensity for designing men with a slightly feminine touch says about me (IM A FEMININE QUEER MAN)
not much notes on his personality other than i think he really looks up to his father (enough that he took on his more dignified name). hed be 57 in human years
gus | 📖 🌌 🔭
MUH OLD MAN... i love him. very much based on a bunch of different replica designs for him. he gets a beard and sideburns because i think i really do love the costumes w facial hair, and i think it just fits. he also gets glasses
he gets the coat and handkerchief (now a scarf) that typically hides the growltiger costume... which has a crisp formal outfit underneath. maybe he takes the coat off during his number to signify having moments of clarity and humor during his song
i do think in my interpretation hes well enough to joke around during his number and play the rumpus cat but like. damn you can tell this cat is old. hed be like 93 in human years
old deuteronomy | 🌕 🍮 ⭐
i have fully abandoned replica deut. say hello to haute couture resplendent transgender old deuteronomy. fit with a gigantic white coat, velvet dress, and gigantic fluffy hat. and yes, she did have 99 wives
she also gets the pendant that she was drawn with in the concept art for the 2d animated movie.... what was up w/ that....
ANYWAY YEAH UH. shes very different from the replica deut and other nonrep deuts mostly thanks to judi dench, with her saying that her version of deut was a transgender woman, and her complaining about not looking regal enough in the movie. here you go girly. the nose freckles/dots from some replica makeup get to stay though
she gets a lot of design notes from her children. the grey from munkustrap, macavitys white eyelashes, eye and mouth makeup, and tuggers cheek heart. shes also a light grey to kind of reflect her appearance in 2019
not much to add here other than i love her. i think she would be 88 in human years
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
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Gus + family members
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toweroftickles · 21 days
Tickle Tier List: 100 Random Characters
And I mean RANDOM. This may elicit a WTF or two. Some of these are famous, some are obscure, some are literal background characters. Whatever popped into my head over the last few days, I added it. No thought, just instinct. Take it as you will.
This isn’t necessarily a measure of how ticklish these characters are; just how they react to the idea.
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*Handy dandy guide:*
Krystal, Jellylorum (Cats 2019), America Chavez (MCU), Inigo, Hero of Brightwall (Female, Fable 3), Natsu, Elise (Nodame Cantabile), Nightcrawler, Rouge the Bat
Sakura Kasugano, Palutena, Jenny Wakeman XJ-9, Wii Fit Trainer (F), Princess Anna, Princess Celestia, Isabelle, Peni Parker (Spiderverse), Otherin (Slow Life Isekai)
Barbara Gordon (The Batman 2004), Ahsoka Tano, Balan, Lisa (Ponyo), Shantae, ROLL.EXE, Alita, Harmony Faith Lane (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang), Kiri, Jaden Yuki, Wonder Woman (DCEU), Luffy, Alicia Lopez (Astral Chain), Lisa Minci, Beast Boy, Robin Hood, Neteyam
Kiki, Deku, Coraline, Victoria (Cats 2019), Ellie, Laurel Lightfoot, Ian Lightfoot, Lena Oxton/Tracer, Yip Gaming, Frogger
Ahmanet, Mowgli, Amy Rose, Midna, Ben 10, Gwen 10, Josha, Gella Twins (Star Wars prequels), Kairi, Sora, Jeanne, Rottytops, Drew Saturday, Miles "Spider" Sorocco, Lilith (Darksiders)
Alexis Rhodes, Dust (An Elysian Tail), Booster Mbube (Speed Racer), Berecca (adult, Ninjala), Jonathan Morris, Korra, Wii Fit Trainer (M), Kazuko Suda (The Night is Short, Walk on Girl), MEGAMAN.EXE, Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, Sly Cooper, Mayday Parker (comics), Princess Atta, Vignette Stonemoss (Carnival Row), Melusine (Final Fantasy XV), Zakumi (FIFA mascot)
Gwen Stacy (Spiderverse), Pit, Kate Bishop (MCU), Nefer (Mummies), Arcee, Tiffany Case (Diamonds are Forever), Knuckles, Big League Chew girl, Nightsister Merrin, Munkustrap (Cats 2019), Suki, Fish Lady, Momohime (Muramasa: The Demon Blade), Dr. Madeline Bergman (Metroid: Other M), She-Hulk
Neith (Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown), Risky Boots, Kisuke (Muramasa), Phoebe Spengler, Toph, Veran (Zelda), Sabe (Padme’s double), Zuko, Buttercup (older, FusionFall)
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lightingelectratwo · 1 month
Thoughts on Cats 2019? (don't bite me)
There are some things I like about it. Some of the things Tom added weren't bad ideas, but most of them were executed poorly.
I like that Griddlebone is working for Macavity .
I think the designs are bad. Not because of the animation team, but because of the design themselves. Calico and tortoiseshell patterns are not the easiest to animate, but without more pattern variations, all the cats look the same. There are almost all tabbys, bi colors, or solid colors. Also, the color, most of the background cats are brown or grey. Jellylorum has the best background design. She's a ginger tabby and white, but characters like Electra just blend in with the other cats.
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Jellylorum, for example
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The worst part is that if you saw this one time in the movie theater, you would have a hard time telling them apart. They do have things like collars and shoes that can help you tell who's who, but you're not going to pick that up the first time. And yes, the assembly is that important in this, but this also extens to the mane roles. Even the less important characters like Cassandra and Demeter blending in makes it so that when they sing grizabella, the glamor cat, you might not realize that there are the cats that are mean to Victoria and then to grizabella.
Also, since macavity was a solo, it should have been Demeter, not Bombaluriena.
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jelliclekay · 9 months
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Bombalurina performer of the day: Madison Mitchell
US Tour 5 - 11/2010 - 06/2011 - Demeter
US Tour 5 - 12/2011 - 06/2012 - Demeter
Broadway - 07/31/2016 - 12/16/2016 - Swing (cover Bombalurina, Cassandra, Demeter, Tantomile)
Broadway - 03/2017-07/2017 - Cats Chorus/Swing
Broadway - 09/2017-12/2017 - Cats Chorus/Swing
US Tour 6 - 10/2019 - 03/2020 - Cats Chorus (cover Grizabella, Jellylorum)
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white-cat-of-doom · 2 years
VBW Musicals, the theatre company in Vienna, posted two pictures of closing night on 26 June 2022.
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Diane Bauer also provided a picture that summarizes my feeling about the end.
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