#thanks again Keena
itsmyregularcat · 24 days
Look at how cool these are!
They are (likely one-off) prints of two of @jelliclehell's Cats 2019 art pieces made just for me, plus a bonus cute-as-all-hell caked up Victoria sketch.
It is special to me to have to 2019 Jellylorum and Tantomile art as a print, because it was a special request I made from jelliclehell a few years. Plus, those two are my faves from the movie, so I am very happy to have some great art of them. Keena (the artist) made them both look so damn good, and I love how they captured both queens.
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The Mungo, Rumple, and Victoria art is really cool too, as it perfectly captures the scene from the movie in a unique art style. The colours and posing are wonderful.
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You are very welcome Keena for the support. Thanks for letting me purchase these, and thanks being a friendly contact in and out of the Cats fandom for years at this point.
As always, 2019 trash (now and) forever.
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sweetestofchaos · 3 months
Blackthorn Ch 15 | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena  Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff | Angst  Word Count: 9.9K  Warnings: Magic | Physical Violence | Shifting | Blood | Flashbacks Of The Past | Murder | Talks of Reincarnation | Crying | Depictions of Betrayal | Kissing Rating: NC-18
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Forgive Me - In another lifetime, Agust knew what happiness was.
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a/n: As always thanks to @sailoryooons for making the banner and being my beta. Shout out to @theharrowing for being another set of eyes!
a/n 2: like before there will be ⚠⚠⚠ to show where murder starts and stops, if you want to skip that part
Character asks and the taglist for Blackthorn are always open! Minors do NOT interact with my work, please and thank you. Also, this is cross posted on ao3, under the same username sweetestofchaos.
Taglist: @thickemadame @loisje123
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Silver and gold, two colors that had not existed in the same space in eons, met silently. Agust’s body was frozen as glistening tears spilled from those all too familiar silver pools. A single drop of blood plopped down from the ceiling and splashed on Ceyeh’s cheek. A small river of tinted red streamed down her face, yet she made no move to wipe it away. Agust stepped forward with a hand raised and Ceyeh’s arm shot out with a startled gasp as she took a quick step backwards. The distance wasn’t much, a handful of footsteps, yet Agust felt that there were whole continents between them.
“My moon?”
Ceyeh’s silver eyes narrowed into thin slits as she glared at the animal spirit that spoke to her. Her lips curled over her teeth and the feathers on her shoulders bristled. Agust felt his forked tongue turn to lead. He couldn’t form any words, the hatred in Ceyeh’s eyes was a harsh reminder of their past. 
A water drop from his hairline, tinted grey, slid down his face and seeped into the open wound by his eye. Agust hissed, his right eye slammed shut as the pain blurred his vision. Ceyeh took the moment to flee and ran out into the rain. Agust growled, his chest rumbling violently as he spun on his heels and took chase.
Black leathery wings sprouted from Agust’s back and carried him through the rainstorm. The chilled winds and icy rain threatened to freeze the strong appendages, but Agust refused to lose Ceyeh. He would chase her to the end of the Earth, and further still, if he had to. 
The town flew by in darkened colors and distorted shapes as he followed the scent of rotten tangerines. The scent was a searing reminder of his past mistakes. Agust growled as he caught sight of brown and grey as Ceyeh darted around a corner. He flapped his wings harshly, just once to propel himself upwards over the houses. Below him, Ceyeh hid against a wall, the roofing created a small awning that shielded her from the rain but not from his sight.
Agust wasted no time, he had chased Ceyeh long enough. Pushing his soaked hair out of his eyes once more, Agust dived in the air and dropped right in front of Ceyeh. The bird spirit's feathers ruffled and she swiped at Agust with her talons. Agust easily caught Ceyeh’s wrist with one hand - the attack was half hearted. Afterall, he was in the body of the very man that Ceyeh’s host loved. He pressed himself into Ceyeh’s space and loomed over her smaller frame as he took shelter from the endless rainfall.
The two of them were soaked, a couple of drowned rats if anyone saw them. Ceyeh’s heart beat harshly as it drummed against Agust’s chest. She moved to push him away, she hated that he was so close. Her eyes were nearly glowing, bright and wide like the moon trapped in the sky. Agust narrowed his eyes and snarled in warning. He wouldn’t hurt Ceyeh but he would not accept her running from him again. 
From this distance, what little there was, Agust was reminded of the past once more. The rancid scent that filled his lungs, the blood on his hands, the uncertainty in Ceyeh’s eyes, it all reminded him of the times long gone. The memories raced to the forefront of Agust’s mind and drowned out any coherent thought as he was confronted with his past.
The air was chilled as the night clung to the dark. Its bleakness was all-consuming, a muted reminder of the light that was bound to come. In the far distance, a single tree sat atop of a hill, its silhouette nearly invisible as shadows wrapped around it. The shiny stars above twinkled and gleamed, and the moon casted a silver halo on the land. Nighttime in the spring was peaceful and filled with the songs of tear crickets.
A low rumble broke the silence and the sound of large wings cutting through the air echoed faintly. An enormous shadow covered the land, darker than the night as it soared past the fading moon. A melodic chirp called after the large winged being, and soon a smaller winged creature was by its side. Together the beings glided through the air. Feathers and scales were kissed with moonlight, iridescent and soft.
Day slowly pushed through the darkness of night. Black and deep blue gave way to ruddy red and warm orange. The clouds sprinkled a harsh shadow against the new backdrop as the sun started to rise. Stars glittered to a faded memory as the moon dissolved into the mellow yellow and lighter blue of the day. As the sun crested over the horizon, the two shadows in the sky were bathed in a pleasant bloom of light. Onyx scales shimmered and tiny rainbows were thrown onto misty white clouds as strong wings carried the body of the dragon higher and higher. Brown and silver wings fluttered in the air, gleaming as the sun warmed the body of the lightning bird.
Side by side they flew until they reached the hill with the single tree. The dragon swooped down first. His large body took up most of the space, and he curled his long spiked tail in front of his feet as he sat upright. He lifted his face towards the sky and grumbled a warning as the bird above hovered in the air. The dragon snapped at the air and thumped his tail once; the large limp shook the very ground he sat on. A teasing chirp filled the air and the bird flouted down closer and closer to the dragon. Silver eyes shined as they looked into swirling gold and the dragon started to shrink.
In the air the bird started to shift, and feathers rained down upon the dragon. A woman’s giggles followed the breeze as she danced in the air, wings sprouted from her back. Below, the dragon was not large like before but the size of a man who stood well above six feet. Both were nude but there was no discomfort as the woman allowed herself to sink into the awaiting arms of her lover. Her own ebony arms wrapped loosely around the man’s tanned neck as her wings folded against her back and were absorbed into her body.
“Looks like I beat you, my moon.”
The woman scoffed and tangled her fingers into the man’s long raven black hair.
“I let you win, mpenzi.”
The man huffed a laugh and blew out a plume of smoke through his nose as he lowered himself to the ground. He leaned his back against the tree and cradled the woman in his arms as she sat on his lap.
“Shall we test your theory?”
“I will be the victor everytime.”
The man shifted with a growl and trapped the woman underneath him, pinned to the ground by her arms and hips. The man had a smug smirk on his handsome face and the woman sucked her teeth. Willing the wings on her back to shoot out, she propled herself upward and sent the man sprawling onto his butt. She hovered above him, her foot pressed lightly against his chest as she smiled down at him.
“It is as I said, mpenzi.”
Agust blinked as his vision started to blur. The pain in his right eye had started to throb consistently, no longer a dull irritation as dye tinted water ran down his face. 
“My moon, you must stay by my side.”
“I am fine, mpenzi.”
Agust huffed as Ceyeh walked ahead of him in a crowd. Snow crunched underneath their feet and Agust cringed. He was not accustomed to wearing shoes, nor was the amount of clothing acceptable, but he refused to let Ceyeh suffer alone. They were in an unfamiliar part of the world, up north to meet with humans that had requested their aid. 
It was colder than the land in the southwest but it wasn’t anything that really bothered Agust. He was a dragon and his blood naturally ran hotter than most creatures. Ceyeh, however, had a hard time. She lived for the warmth of the sun and the cool moon on her bareskin. Having to wear such thick clothing was unusual and made her itch. 
There were many layers to her garb while in the north. A tan linen dress with a rounded neckline was the base and worn over top was another dress made from wool, dyed a deep brown with white crisscross squares embroidered down the whole length of the front. Ceyeh’s shoulders and head were kept warm by a brownish-black woven cloak with a geometric design stitched throughout. The hood was adored with cowrie shells around the hem and white fox fur was on the inside to keep the wearer warm. Brown leather booties covered Ceyeh’s feet and cuts of fox fur were wrapped around her ankles with thin leather straps.
Agust thought Ceyeh looked lovely. The colors complemented her darker skin tone along with the tan and silver feathers that never left the creases of her eyes or cuffs of her ears. As a warrior, Ceyeh always stayed half shifted in case she ever needed to protect herself. Agust followed her lead, allowing his golden eyes to be framed in tiny black horns and his black scales lined his jawline and collar bones before they appeared in five inch patches along the rest of his body. Except at the small of his back and hips where the scales covered the skin fully and grew sparse as they went lower towards his inner thighs. When Ceyeh felt playful, she would teasingly compare Agust’s scales to that of a naga since their hip placement was similar.
Agust wore dark brown wool breeches with a tan linen round neck tunic. Over top he layered a brown cross collared wool coat with a brown-black woven cloak that had a tan and white swirl design stitched along the hood and hemming. His feet were covered with brown leather turnshoes and tan handwoven leg wraps. The darker tones made his honey tanned skin stand out, and his scales glistened.
“Ceyeh!” Agust called after his lover as she got lost in the crowd. He hurried his steps, ducking and dodging in between people as he followed the scent of warmed tangerines and sweet honey. He found himself in the town square in front of a large stone statue of who he assumed to be the land's first ruler. A flash of tan and brown flickered in the peripheral of his left eye and he pivoted on his heels. 
Agust stood as still as stone as children’s laughter filled the air. His eyes were closed and his mouth was filled with an icy substance that melted on his tongue. He spit something out on the ground and wiped his face with his hand. As he looked at the ground, he saw the remains of a ball of snow.
"Ni nini maana ya hii?" Agust asked as he glared at the children, his anger pulled his native tongue from his lips, and Ceyeh appeared with a small child no more than three in her arms.
Ceyeh laughed, her face bright as she hiked the child up higher on her hip, “They call it a snowball fight!” 
Agust was at a loss for words. A snowball fight? He looked at the broken ball of snow and licked his lips. 
“Is it a declaration of war?” 
“Wema!” Ceyeh laughed as she shook her head. “A game, mpenzi.”
The discomfort was clearly displayed on Agust’s face. His lips pursed into a frown, a pout half formed as he brows pulled together. One single word bounced in Ceyeh’s mind as she looked at her ex-lover: Pallas. Ceyeh’s hand shook as she reached up to push away the strands of hair that dug into the open wound. Agust’s whole body tensed and Ceyeh stared unblinking as she tucked the uneven hair behind his ear. Some of the dye had started to melt away, patches of blond shined here and there.
The cut was deep but thankfully not jagged, it would heal in due time. Ceyeh was sure that it would scar and she felt something buried inside tremble in worry. She swallowed and grabbed Agust’s hand. Most of the blood had washed away from the rain, now his black clawed fingers were cold to the touch, his palm the only warmth. They stared at each other, chests rose and fell without a sound. The rain pelted the ground and mud splashed onto the bottom of their clothing.
Ceyeh tugged at Agust’s hand as he squeezed her fingers and she pushed against his chest. Agust didn’t move an inch and Ceyeh narrowed her eyes as a frown formed on her lips.
Ceyeh’s hand was laced with Agust’s as they walked through the town. Humans and creatures alike all placed their fist over their hearts and bowed their heads. Agust returned the gesture while Ceyeh smiled wide. Her hair was plaited into micro braids with small gold hoop rings looped into a few that framed her face.
Ceyeh wore a teal asymmetrical skirt with a white and gold brocaded chest band. A thin rope with red, white, and yellow beads rested against her waist with a single pixie crow’s feather attached at the center. She wore no shoes and walked with black feather anklets that brushed against each other if her steps were too small.
Agust was shirtless and wore a simple pair of white trousers that bunched at his knees and hung loose on his thighs. He too was barefoot and wore a single gold anklet on his right leg. Large golden earrings hung from his ears and his long dark hair flowed freely, his bangs pulled back and braided before they were wrapped together with golden twine. 
The market today was said to have beautiful goods and Agust was on the hunt for the perfect gift. Ceyeh had lost the last torment in her village and her spirits were a little low. She smiled and laughed, but it never reached her eyes. Agust couldn’t stand to see his lover down, and as he came upon a foreign vendor, he saw just what he had been looking for. 
Agust tugged on Ceyeh’s hand and pulled her towards the vender with a toothy grin. The sun reflected off the scales on his collarbones and casted a multitude of mini rainbows against Ceyeh’s chest as he turned towards her. The smile on her face was soft and true, endeared as she leaned into Agust’s chest and wrapped her arms around his waist as best she could. The dragon was large, even in human form. He kissed the top of Ceyeh’s head before he rested his cheek against her for a short while. They were in a world all their own as they basked in each other’s love, and when Agust pulled away, Ceyeh’s eyes were a pale silver and shined like freshly plucked pearls.
“I love you,” Agust breathed as he cupped Ceyeh’s face in his hands. Her fingers wound around his wrists and she smiled, melting into his touch. “Come now, pick your gift.”
Agust placed a warm, tender kiss upon Ceyeh’s lips and a high-pitched whistle slipped into his mouth. A mating call that never failed to make a sensual flame churn in his gut and threaten to consume him whole. Agust broke the kiss with only a few centimeters in between their lips. He smiled as Ceyeh chased after him and shook his head softly, teasingly.
“Pick what you will wear while I ravage your body again and again, my moon.”
Ceyeh pushed at Agust’s chest again and stepped forward, shoving them out into the rain. The water was startling and forced the clotted blood on Agust’s face to loosen and run red. Agust hissed as the rain stung the wound and he bared his teeth, unimpressed with Ceyeh’s actions.
Ceyeh pointed in the direction of the palace and Agust understood what she had wanted. He allowed for Ceyeh to lead the way. She walked with a purpose and Agust stared at the expense of her bare back where her jeogori had been ripped, showing off dark scarring that resembled ice crystals in the shape of wings. The mark of the lightning bird made Agust’s steps falter as he realized that the wings were just scars. There were no fully formed wings with sleek tan and silver feathers.
Agust closed his fingers into a fist and pulled his arm down at his side. He caught himself in time, he hadn't even noticed that he had raised his arm to touch Ceyeh’s back. Now, halfway to the palace, the rain had lightened and the bleeding cut on Agust’s face continued to sting as raindrops continued to bombard the deep wound. Wanting to get out of the rain as fast as possible, Agust pulled Ceyeh’s hand back harshly which made her stumble backwards into his chest. He was quick to scoop her into his arms and in the blink of an eye, his wings had sprouted from his back once more.
Ceyeh scowled at Agust’s wings, the large black appendages made her want to give him a matching gash over his left eye. Agust tightened his hold on Ceyeh and took off into the air with a single flap of his wings. Agust flew above the houses, only a foot above the roofs to avoid detection from guards and the village folk. Ceyeh watched as the world passed underneath her unknowing. A deep longing radiated in her eyes and as she looked away from the ground, Agust caught sight of the tears in her eyes.
Agust rumbled in his chest, a purr of sorts meant to comfort the woman in his arms as he flew closer and closer to the palace. Ceyeh closed her eyes, she didn’t want to see the view from above anymore. It was a mocking and painful reminder of what she had once had…before it had been stolen away.
Mid-spring in the northwest was humid at best. Full, fluffy clouds of white and blinding rays of sun glared down at the land from above and begged anyone to find shade. The lightning birds worked hard during the humid months and Ceyeh was no exception to the rule. In the middle of the day she would fly to the tree on top of the hill and wait until the sun was the highest in the sky. As she sat parched on top of the branches, she whistled a song that forced cool winds and heavy clouds.
A mild clash of nature created a low rumble as clouds rolled in from the north and filled the sky. The rumbling grew louder and at the first roaring crash of thunder, rain poured down from the Heavens. Thin, steamy vapors raised from the ground as it greedily drank in the refreshing liquid. Sometimes Mother Earth wasn’t fast enough in her gluttony and she choked on the water, sputtering so much that emptied river beds overflowed and villages flooded. It was as much a curse as it was a blessing.
The lightning never came, and Ceyeh sighed as she flapped her wings. Today would be a taxing one and she stopped her singing. The feathers that covered her body started to glow with a dim halo of blue silver, watery like the moon’s reflection on the rivers. Ceyeh’s eyes were a liquid pool of rolling clouds and endless skies. She flew high above and gave a mighty cry as she circled the sun seven times. Lightning cracked, a white-grey tree root in the sky before the electric light followed the rumble of the thunder. Ceyeh hovered in the air, her eyes focused on the flickering light that grew farther and farther away.
Satisfied with her work, Ceyeh turned back to her tree and chirped at the sight of Agust’s human form standing under the cover of the leaves. She flew to him and shrunk in size as she got closer. Agust smiled as Ceyeh landed on his shoulder and nuzzled into his temple.
“You did very well, little bird.”
Ceyeh’s wings ruffled at the teasing lilt to Agust’s voice and he laughed, golden eyes bright and gleaming. Ceyeh headbutted him and nipped at his hair, flapping her wing as she made sure to soak him.
“You will pay for that, my moon.” Agust laughed once more, his gravel-like voice softened at the edges with love. He pecked Ceyeh’s head and stroked the smooth feathers along her back.
“Shall we head home?” 
The palace wall came into view and Agust flew towards where the trees were the thickest. He blended in well enough with the cover of the clouds but he wanted to make sure no one saw Ceyeh in such a state. There was only one place that Agust knew they would be safest, and he flew into the seventh garden. He passed the lunch clearing, ignored the Blackthorns and flew right to the man-made water pool. As his feet touched the ground, his chest filled with strong flames and he blew them out onto the top of the water. The flames touched the stone waterfall and the runes turned a yellow orange before the water started to steam.
Ceyeh kicked her feet and Agust set her on the ground, a hand kept close to her lower back if she needed help. She stepped away from Agust and he resisted following her every step. Here in the cover of the trees, no rain fell down around them. 
Agust’s wound still bled. It throbbed and the pain spiderwebbed down the length of his face, just below his jaw. Ceyeh refused to look at him, her back turned as she crossed her arms over her chest. Agust’s clenched his teeth, now that they were alone and hidden from the rest of the world completely, he couldn’t seem to untangle the memories and feelings within his heart.
Bodies littered the ground, blood watered the grass, a mass grave had been built and it kept growing in size. Fire and smoke spread to destroy the land. It burned everything down until nothing but ash was left. 
In the carnage of it all, Ceyeh and Agust stood face to face. Agust’s eyes were ignited with hatred as he glared at the woman he once loved and trusted with his life. Ceyeh’s eyes glowed as sparkling tears littered her face like glitter. 
How had this come to be? What had turned her lover against her and her people? What had gone so wrong?
Agust lunged with a growl and tackled Ceyeh, who in turn used Agust’s momentum to flip them over. She pinned him to the ground, her forearm dug into his neck while her wings pressed into his shoulders.
“Yield!” Ceyeh demanded with tears in her eyes. “Agust, please? Stop this madness!”
Agust snarled, snapping his jaws while spit started to foam in the corners of his mouth as he tried to shake himself free. She had betrayed him and his people, the humans were here for their hoards and their scales. They knew too many secrets about dragons and the leader of the humans had given Agust one name.
“I will kill you!” Agust seethed, his eyes were large and bulbous like a wild boar as he honed in on Ceyeh.
“Agust!” Ceyeh begged as she tried to talk sense into him. She didn’t understand what had happened, and in truth, seeing Agust like this before her was soul-crushing.
She tried to smooth his hair from his face, tried to touch him gently but that only seemed to anger Agust more. He lashed out, stronger than Ceyeh had been prepared for and sent her flying onto her back. He pounced, caged her underneath his legs as he sat on her hips.
His smile was misplaced, something Ceyeh has never seen directed at herself before. It was wicked and cruel, taunting as Agust cupped her face gently. His claws pressed into the meat of her cheeks and drew blood. He hummed deep in his chest and turned her head away from him as he leaned forward.
“You did thisss to ussss, my moon,” Agust’s voice was warped, a hissing growl as he lost more and more of his control.
“Did what?” Ceyeh demanded, her voice full of tears as Agust licked the sweat and dirt from her neck.
Agust growled as he nuzzled into the softness of her throat, the vein pulsed quickly as she tried not to panic.
“The sssweetessst ssscents hide the worst sssecretsss. I wisssh not to hear anymore of your liesss!”
Ceyeh opened her mouth to speak and screamed. Blood filled her throat and lungs as Agust sunk his teeth into her neck and ripped out her vocal cords. Blood covered his mouth, it was bitter and as Ceyeh gurgled underneath him, Agust finally let his tears fall. Ceyeh’s hand shot to her neck as she tried to stop the bleeding but she knew it was pointless. She managed to pull herself out from under Agust and rolled onto her stomach. Blood spilled from the gaping hole in her neck and she wheezed, a sound choked by bloody bubbles. 
Wings sprouted from Ceyeh’s back, shining silver and warm tan, a sight that always made Agust purr. Now he scrambled to his feet as Ceyeh tried to fly away and his chest burned as he heaved a great billowing flame right at her back. 
Ceyeh dropped six feet from the air, her body hit the ground with a heavy thud and laid a yard away, unmoving. Agust was panting, his chest ached but he chose to ignore the reason why. He took careful steps in Ceyeh’s direction, his eyes watched for a hint of movement but he saw none.
As he stood a foot away, he saw that Ceyeh had fallen onto her face. The beautiful wings that he had admired so much were gone. Now, singed into her back were fresh burn marks that resembled ice crystals. Agust drew closer and kneeled at Ceyeh’s side, her wings had melted into her skin as they protected her. From the lack of blood and movement, Agust knew that Ceyeh had died before she hit the ground. His eyes stung as they blurred with more tears and he carefully rolled Ceyeh onto her back.
He had seen countless dead bodies, he knew the horrors of war, and yet the sight of his lover, the one he killed with his own two hands… Agust dry heaved. Fat tears poured down his face and he cradled Ceyeh’s lifeless body to his chest. Her blood stained his hands, his chest, his pants. He bent forwards and pressed his lips to Ceyeh’s forehead before he closed her eyes and scooped her into his arms. Agust rose slowly to his feet and carried Ceyeh through the flames that grew around them. 
Humans, dragons, lightning birds, and firebirds alike all froze when they saw the sight of the mighty Agust carrying a body in his arms. The birdfolk knew who it was and they all dropped to their knees in tears. The dragons roared in mass agony at the loss of what they called a soulmate. The one soul in the whole world that reflects yours, a balance of light and dark. One could not be without the other. Agust carried Ceyeh all the way to their shared nest and laid her in the center. He crossed her arms over her chest and placed one final kiss to her cold lips. 
Pire, the leader of the firebirds, appeared outside of Agust’s nest. The elder was a tall and narrow slip of a man. Withered with age yet strong from decades of battles and knowledge. He climbed into the nest and sat beside Agust silently as he studied the lifeless form of Ceyeh. Her throat had been ripped out and he could smell the stench of burned feathers and skin. He sighed heavily as his eyes flushed with tears.
“You are not welcome in this land. I banish you and your kind from henceforth.”
Agust didn’t fight against his punishment, he had let his anger get the better of himself, he had lost control. He had felt so betrayed and the anger in his heart had turned it black. He should have listened to what Ceyeh had tried to say.
“I cannot bring her back, you have killed her.”
Pire placed a hand on Ceyeh’s face and smoothed her braids from her dull eyes with a frown.
“I will grant her final wish…” 
Pire slid his hand to Ceyeh’s forehead and closed his eyes. The tears in his eyes slid down his face and dripped onto his robes. His hand had started to glow a pale yellow-red. The color of a starting flame. The light grew brighter and brighter and slowly spread from Pire’s whole body as it covered Ceyeh’s. Agust fought to keep his eyes open but the light was too bright. He closed his eyes and a moment later a tiny chirp was heard.
Agust opened his eyes and Pire was no longer in his human form nor was he a full grown firebird. In his place a tiny yellow chick with red ombre wings rested on Ceyeh’s chest and flapped its wings. Another firebird appeared, Dagan, younger than Pire before he turned younger. Agust stared at the chick confused.
“What was her final wish?”
Dagan picked Pire up and cradled the tiny chick to its chest. “To meet you again in another life.”
Agust’s eyes felt like they were made of fire from the tears he cried once again. Agust wiped at his face and nodded his head. Dragons were not immortale. They lived and died, unlike the firebirds, a phoenix, the humans later came to call them. Agust looked to Dagan beside him, he wanted to ask a favor but he knew he would receive no help from those he hurt.
The chick chirped away in the Dagan’s hand and the young firebird spoke up once more.
“Pire says our fates are intertwined by a red string. As the world falls into place around us, your story will continue to be told. This is not the end…that is his promise to you.”
Agust rose to his feet, placed his hand over his heart and bowed his head. He cast one last look at Ceyeh’s body and roared, a call to all the dragons to leave the land that would later be known as Escistan.
“Nitakupata tena, mwezi wangu."
Agust watched as Ceyeh stepped towards the water’s edge and peeled the ruined clothing from her body. She stood before him, nude in a body that wasn’t her own and Agust felt the Prince as he stirred in his mind. He was silent as Ceyeh stepped down into the heated water, submerging everything except her shoulders and head.
The pale silver of Ceyeh’s eyes reflected off the water’s surface, and Agust blinked slowly. Was it truly Ceyeh’s reflection or the moon’s? She stared at him in silence. She raised a hand and water droplets fell back into the pool before she tilted her head in a silent question. Agust carefully removed his clothing and joined Ceyeh in the heated water. His body relaxed from the warm temperature as the chill of the rain slowly faded little by little. 
“Ceyeh,” Agust’s voice was shattered glass, rough and sharp but he swallowed and tried again. “My moon…”
Ceyeh watched as Agust got closer to her, the sight of the cut on his face made her wince. The young prince had such a handsome face. She thought that it was lucky that the scar wouldn’t take away from his beauty, but added to it. It would harden his soft features and strike fear into those who looked upon him. She reached out and cupped Agust’s face with wet hands, her thumbs brushed away the blood and dye, and soothed the tender skin. 
Healing waters, that is what the runes turned the pool into, and yet Agust wondered if the Princeling even knew. He was sure that the gardener knew, but he pushed that thought from his mind. Agust focused on the way Ceyeh’s hands touched him, gently, slowly…lovingly. He leaned into the caress, one he had missed the moment he lost it, and purred loudly. 
He guided Ceyeh to the water’s edge and sat on the steps with her in between his legs. His arms wound themselves around her hips and he pulled her closer. His face smushed into her bare chest and Ceyeh flinched. Her body tensed and Agust purred louder as his fingers slid up and down the skin of Ceyeh’s hips.
“I have wronged you and yet you still care for me?”
Agust inhaled deeply as smooth honey coated his mind and ripening tangerine trickled down his throat. His mind slowly grew quiet, crickets played their song and night birds sung along. His body felt heavy as he started to float in the water, held in place by Ceyeh’s caring hands. 
In the palace courtyard, Hoseok and Aga stared at the sky as the rain slowed to a gentle drizzle. The clouds lost their darkened grey hue and glided through the sky in wispy white stokes. The lightest of colors against the darkened night. There high above all, the moon held its place among the stars. A glowing reminder that the young royals were still unaccounted for. 
Hoseok’s eyes lost the spark that swirled in his iris like twisted flames and Aga leaned against one of the support beams of an arch way with his arms crossed over his chest. He knew that the young royals were safe by the way the rain came and went. He worried that they could be hurt but he trusted Ceyeh to keep Keena safe, and he knew that if it came to life or death, Agust would protect the Prince at all costs. 
“We have to tell them,” Hoseok sighed as he kicked at a pebble in front of him. 
Aga agreed with Hoseok, but he knew that the young ones needed time to figure something out. The air was charged with a power that he had not felt in quite some time. The tides were changing and Aga couldn’t tell if that was for the best or not. Hoseok groaned as he rolled his shoulders and looked back at the moon.
“There is only one place we have not looked.”
Hoseok whistled and Ussik, the black eagle, flew down from above shortly after. Aga stared at the bird as it cocked its head to the side and nodded impressed.
“The Min Empire continues to show its strength it seems.”
Hoseok raised an eyebrow confused by Aga’s words.
“Black eagles are extremely hard to tame. They have a warrior’s heart and usually don’t do well working with anyone who doesn’t possess a bird spirit.” Aga explained slowly with a blank expression on his face. Hoseok nodded his head to show that he understood and turned his attention to the Ussik.
“Find Yoongi and Keena. Report back to me straight away.” He spared a glance at Aga and quickly added. “Make sure no one sees you.”
Ussik took off and soared through the air silently. Beady onyx eyes scanned the landscape of the palace grounds and listened for the familiar vibrations of the Prince and Princess. The sound of muffled tones caught Ussik’s attention and the bird flew over the seventh garden. The treetops were dense, sprinkled with shimmering drops of rain that glittered in the moonlight. Ussik slipped through the leaves and landed on a branch three yards away from the Prince and Princess. 
The black eagle easily blended into the shadows, its eyes seemed nothing more than two bugs stuck on the bark. Below, the young royals stood face to face, the Prince had the Princess caged between himself and the stone wall, their forms distorted by the waterfall.
Ceyeh had tried to get away from Agust, his grip had become too tight, his face too close to her throat. He had scared her and as she ran, he trapped her beneath the waterwall. The water was deeper here but a single stone bench allowed for both of them to stand on their feet. 
Agust had a hand wrapped around Ceyeh’s throat, the grip wasn’t threatening, lighter than he would hold anyone else’s; this thumb resting on her chin. Ceyeh scowled at him, her eyes misty pools of thickening fog. Their noses touched as Agust leaned in closer. His eyes flickered down to Ceyeh’s lips and she flashed her blunt teeth. A silent warning that made Agust’s lips quirk up into a half smirk as he huffed out an amused snort.
The cut on his eye wasn’t fully healed, pink and raw, but it no longer bled, and the pain had faded to a dull heartbeat. Easily ignored with the woman he loved in front of him. Agust loosened his hold even more, his hand slipped and he held both hands up in the air in surrender. The way Agust’s obsidian eyes softened slightly was enough for Ceyeh’s body to untense. The feathers that lined her ears bristled and Agust licked his lips, his fangs gleamed ever so slightly.
“You hate me that much?” Agust mused as he stared at Ceyeh. “Would ripping my throat out make you happy, my moon?” Agust bared his neck in all its smooth and unblemished glory. “My life is yours to do what you would please.”
Ussik observed silently for a moment longer before it flew off to find Hoseok. Ceyeh stared at the unprotected area. How easily Agust had offered his life, it made sparks sizzle in Ceyeh’s eyes. Lightning struck down one of the trees with the seventh garden. Smoke rose into the sky quickly and Agust lowered his head. They stared at each other in silence. Neither one made a move until Agust’s eyes fell to Ceyeh’s lips once more.
He moved slowly as he reached for her face with both hands. She didn’t flinch, only blinked owlishly. Agust’s forehead rested against hers, his words were his final warning.
“Kill me.”
Ceyeh’s own hands grabbed at Agust’s shoulders and he braced himself for death but it never came. Cool lips pressed into his, smooth, and soft. An April shower filled his heart and washed away any doubt in his mind. Ceyeh had still loved him even when he didn’t deserve an ounce of it. Agust dropped an arm to Ceyeh’s waist and pressed her farther into the stone wall. The kiss grew hotter. A desert with a single oasis hidden within many mirages. All optical illusions that Agust’s mind had made up. 
Agust nipped at Ceyeh’s bottom lip as he requested permission to taste her. As her lips parted, Agust growled deep in his chest, the vibrations made goosebumps appear on Ceyeh’s arms. Agust was drowning. He drowned in the first rain of the spring, the first snow of winter; that first scoop of sweet and gooey honey. Agust’s body burned with the simmering fire that laid dormant for how long? The two horns at the center of his forehead started to grow outward and he groaned as he pressed into Ceyeh’s soft body more. 
The plushness of her thighs called him home, he lifted her wordlessly and she gasped as her ankles locked behind his back; a habit from their past. The heat between her legs was maddening, Agust wanted to take and take and take as much as he wanted to give. He pulled away from Ceyeh’s lips and moved towards her neck, he needed to smell her as the scent of her arousal was washed away by the water around them. 
Ceyeh tried to speak. Her lips parted but no sound came as Agust’s teeth nipped at the sensitive skin of her throat. She shoved at his chest, as tears blurred her vision, the past was too close in the forefront of her mind. Her throat throbbed, searing pain made her whine and Agust pulled away at the sound of distress. His chest heaved, his eyes liquid gold as he nosed at her chin. Bitter tangerines, long forgotten in the sun burned his nose and Agust growled. Ceyeh was scared of him. Ceyeh pushed him away sharply and shook her head as he released her.
“N-No! N-Noooo!”
The words were choked, whispered out harshly as Ceyeh forced herself to use vocal cords for the first time in all of her three reincarnations. Agust froze, the voice was the Princess’ but it was sharper, a hard shelled candy with a nutty filling. A voice that was both the Princess’ and Ceyeh’s mixed together. A sound that Agust felt himself submit to easily. He backed away from Ceyeh and kept his hands where she could see them. His clawed fingers twitched as Ceyeh wrapped her arms around herself, seemingly holding everything together all alone.
Agust wanted to hold her tightly, assure her that everything would be okay, but as the smoke from the struck tree grew thicker, Agust knew their time together was short.
“Come,” Agust held out his hand and looked towards the water’s edge. “The guards will be here soon and I’d rather not slaughter those that the little royals are so fond of.”
The critical look that Ceyeh gave Agust made his shoulders ease and a smile pulled at his lips. Ceyeh placed her hand in his and he wrapped his fingers around hers tightly.
“I have had quite some time to think about my misdeeds,” Agust spoke as he led Ceyeh to the edge of the water. “I would like a moment of yours if you would grant it so?”
From behind, Ceyeh took in the expanse of Agust’s back. His shoulders were wide and thick, the muscles that twitched under the skin made Ceyeh bite the inside of her bottom lip. Agust had always been strong, but here in Prince Yoongi’s body, his strength wasn’t clearly seen nor was it shown off. The large black dragon tattoo that covered his back was intimidating, and from how the Prince acted, Ceyeh wondered if it was Agust who craved the bold design. Agust lifted himself out of the water just in time to see Hoseok and Aga break through the bushes. 
“That is far enough!” Agust hissed, golden eyes reflecting the flames of the fire on the tree.
 “Give me your shirt, bird of fire.”
Hoseok’s brows were furrowed in concern the moment he saw the Prince’s face. His right eye looked damaged and Hoseok feared that it was worse than it looked. He took note of the way the Prince’s hair was dyed and cut short with some blond peeking through…he would have a few choice words with Prince Yoongi once he regained his control. 
It was clear to see that Agust had shifted, patches of black scales covered his body, his horns were fully formed, and he spoke with that unsettling snake-like lisp. From the silence that came from behind him, it was safe to assume that the Ceyeh was present as well.
Aga dropped to one knee with his hand over his heart and bowed his head, “Mighty Impundulu have you been-”
Agust bristled at the show of respect and narrowed his eyes. 
“Your shirt,” he repeated as he crossed his arms over his chest. He looked Aga up and down before he licked his lips in thought.
“What right do you assume you have to gaze at my moon? Off with your shirt as well.”
Aga removed his shirt without a second thought and threw it to Agust while Hoseok frowned. It was still lightly raining and he really did not want to let the cool water touch the rest of the body. He had just put on a dry cape. As Aga rose to his feet, he raised an eyebrow in Hoseok's direction and Hoseok sucked his teeth. Wordlessly, he removed his cape but kept his shirt on before he tossed it to Agust. 
Agust turned his back on the men in the clearing and focused on Ceyeh. He lifted her out of the water and used the cape to dry her off before he carefully dressed her in Aga’s shirt. It was big enough to fall past her thighs and Agust nodded his head in approval. He wrapped the black cape around his waist wordlessly. It was damp from the rain and drying Ceyeh, but better than his wet and bloody clothes. 
Aga watched as Ceyeh hugged Agust around the waist and nuzzled into his chest. Agust stroked a hand over her hair and lifted her face upward by her chin. He spoke softly enough for Aga and Hoseok not to hear his words before he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. 
Hoseok gasped and Aga’s jaw clenched. Aga knew there was history between them and that at some point in time the two had been happy with each other. To see Ceyeh willingly kiss Agust was disturbing, but with how the Prince’s face looked, Aga was sure that the flame they once had reignited over shared trauma.
Ceyeh left Agust’s side and walked right over to Hoseok, she motioned to her eye and Hoseok nodded his head. He knew that the Prince would need medical attention right away. Turning her attention to Aga, Ceyeh walked over the guard and he wordlessly lifted her into his arms bridal style. Agust hissed, fangs flashing and ready to strike, but Ceyeh threw him a look that screamed behave, and he settled. Aga left the seventh garden with the Princess and went right into the palace.
Hoseok stood with Agust and rubbed a hand over his face, “Are you going to behave?” 
“Have I not killed you yet, fire bird?” 
Hoseok rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest, “What happened tonight?”
“It seems that the rat you spoke of has a pack.”
Hoseok’s eyes hardened and his jaw ticked, “We will discuss this later inside…for now, I need the Prince immediately.” 
“Something happened while we were away.”
It was a statement, one that Hoseok very much wished he could deny. For the first time in a long while Agust felt…well it did not matter what he felt. Whatever had happened while the foolish Princeling had snuck out had nothing to do with him. 
“The Little Prince cannot handle this pain. Fetch the doctor and meet me at the Princeling’s chambers. I will protect him for now.”
Hoseok was weary of Agust’s mocking words, but he didn’t have much choice. He needed Yoongi to come back to his senses and fast. Hoseok nodded his head and whistled loudly for Ussik. Once the eagle was on his shoulder, he relayed the message for Hyungwon and sent the bird off into the night. 
Before they left the seventh garden, Hoseok placed his hand on the flaming tree and absorbed the flames. His eyes twirled alight with the new flames and he frowned at the sight of the charred tree. He wondered how long it would take for Namjoon to notice.
As they left the seventh garden, Hoseok crushed a starstone in his hand and blew it onto Agust before he led the way to the Prince’s chambers unseen. He politely declined any conversation with others as he made his way into the palace and Agust thought it strange. What had happened while the Princeling was frolicking about in the night? Once inside the Prince’s chambers, Agust headed right to the washroom and Hoseok followed behind him. Agust stripped himself of the cape and stepped into the hot water with a sigh. 
He sat on one of the stone benches and rested his arms on the edge of the bath. His head fell back and he closed his eyes as the scent of lavender and teakwood filled his lungs. His body appeared as the starstone washed away. The horns in the center of his head start to shrink and his scales fade little by little. The points of his claws shortened into rounded blunt nails, the black gone from his fingertips.
Agust was tired. It had been quite a while since he last fought to the death, and he would not admit it to anyone, but his skills were lacking. The world had evolved around him, those who were weak were now able to stand toe to toe with the stronger warriors. Magical weapons gave power to those who didn’t deserve it nor need it. Agust thought back to how the Princess was able to be captured and he growled, his head shooting up as his irises twisted with something wicked.
“I think it’s time for an execution.”
“That is not your call to make, Agust.”
Hoseok sat at the edge of the large tub and dunked a dried washcloth into the water. He had a plan to get the Prince’s body clean and back to the way it should look. First was to wash out the remaining dye used to color his hair black. Once that was taken care of, Hoseok would scrub the Prince’s body nearly raw before he had Hyungwon come to take a look at the cut on his eye. 
“Keep your eyes closed.” Hoseok ordered before he folded the wet washcloth and placed it at Agust’s hairline. He grabbed a small bowl and filled it with water before he poured it over Agust’s hair. Two times he did that before he started to scrub at the scalp and strands to remove the dark coloring. As more and more of the blond started to show, Hoseok saw that the Prince’s hair had been poorly cut.
“Who did this to Yoongi’s hair?”
“Bandits,” Agust hissed, his eyes still closed as he allowed Hoseok to wash his hair. “Chopped it clean off with a dagger while the boy was fading. He wouldn’t relinquish control and fought me.”
Hoseok made a noise in the back of his throat in response. Bandits did all of this? His mind went over a list of who he thought was the rat inside the palace and he shook his head. He would make no judgment until all the facts were laid out. Once all the black color was out of Agust’s hair, Hoseok started to wash his body.
“It’s a pity the Min’s are born with blond hair. I quite liked having my natural color back.”
“You had black hair?”
Agust hummed with a slight nod of his head, “Long black hair. Ceyeh made it her duty to style it anyway she pleased when we were younger.”
Hoseok took a moment to think over his next words before he spoke, watching as the small horns that lined Agust’s eyes retracted back into the skin. Most of the scales were now gone and Hsoeok wondered why Agust was giving up control so easily. 
“You never share information about your past.”
“What is there to share? I lived and I died, five times now. I have found my soulmate in this life and those before me have granted me a chance to atone for my misdoing.” Agust sighed and peaked open his left eye. “Everything else is meaningless.”
Hoseok opened his mouth to counter Agust’s words, but Hyungwon bursted into the bathing room with his medical supplies floating behind him. His face was flushed and he was panting. He clearly ran all the way here and Agust raised an eyebrow at the good doctor.
“I-I-” Hyungwon folded over in half and inhaled deeply before he straightened up and exhaled. “I have come as requested.” 
Now that Hyungwon had gathered himself, his eyes widened at the sight of the Prince’s face.
“Your Highness!!”
“Easy, Hyungwon,” Hoseok warned as the doctor hurried over to the bath. “The floor is wet and His Highness isn’t fully with us…”
Hyungwon froze at those words and he looked at the Prince. He saw it now, the difference in those golden eyes. Even when the Prince got angry and his eyes shifted colors, they never held such ire and turmoil. Agust was in control, and with how the Prince’s eye looked, Hyungwon was thankful.
“Forgive me, Agust. I didn’t realize it was you.” Hyungwon bowed his head deeply and lowered himself to the floor. “May I treat the wound?” 
Agust grunted and waved for Hyunwon to move closer. The doctor took his time as he examined the damaged area. The cut was deep enough to scar, that much was clear, and when Agust closed his eyes, the lid was thankfully missed. However, upon further inspection, Hyungwon gulped.
“I-It seems that some first aid has already been applied and in this case, I am thankful. The cut looks to be an inch in depth, though since the area is partly healed, it is hard to tell. The lid is still intact and with a regrowth serum the eyebrow’s hair can go back to normal.” 
Hyungwon licked his lips and rubbed the back of his neck before he spoke again.“My greatest concern at this moment is the eyeball itself. There are signs of trauma and I fear that His Highness’ sight may be affected.”
“His sight?” Hoseok repeated, his face horror stricken.
“Agust will you allow His Highness to join us? I need to see the full extent of the injury.” 
“I will be near if you so need me,” Agust informed Hoseok before the Prince’s body went limp.
Hoseok and Hyungwon were quick to grab the Prince by his armpits and pulled him out of the water. Laid out on the floor, Hyungwon reached into his bag and pulled out a small bottle of smelling salt. They didn’t have time to wait for the Prince to wake up, and Hoseok understood that. He held Prince Yoongi down by his shoulders and nodded his head for Hyungwon to wake him up. Hyungwon swiped the bottle underneath the Prince’s nose and by the third swipe, Prince Yoongi woke with a choked gasp.
“Easy! Easy, Your Highness!” Hyungwon ordered softly and Hoseok applied light presses to his shoulders to keep him down.
“You are safe, Yoongi.” Hoseok spoke with a tight smile.
Prince Yoongi groaned with a wince. His whole body hurt, it felt like a whole herd of horses had trampled him. His vision faded and blurred like he had just come up face first from the sea. He blinked a few times, and as his vision cleared in his left eye, Prince Yoongi’s pulse started to race when no images cleared in his right eye.
“...Yoongi?” Hoseok’s voice was on edge, his grip on his shoulders tightened and Yoongi started to sweat.
His stomach swooped and tumbled as he tried his hardest to focus but nothing changed. Something was wrong, and Prince Yoongi was hit with a wave of nausea as he recalled the events of the night. They were attacked, ambushed! And—
“The Princess!” Yoongi pushed Hoseok away from him and sat up, nearly crashing his head into Hyungwon’s chin, who was dabbing at his face with a damp cotton ball.
“She is safe. Yoongi, Princess Keena is safe.” Hoseok reassured his friend as he forced him to lay down once again. “Aga and the other guards are with her. She is safe, I promise.”
Yoongi groaned as Hyungwon pressed a cold cream against his right cheek. It stung as much as it soothed the burning skin. Yoongi tried to focus on the doctor but he couldn’t see him clearly. Hyungwon’s image was distorted, an opaque film thrown over him and scribbled over with a gray and black hue. A faded shadow with diffused edges and unclear shapes. Even the coloring was off, muted at best if Prince Yoongi had to describe it. It reminded him of the time he got muze dust in his eyes and everything was fuzzy for two days.
“Your Highness?” Hyungwon pulled him from his thoughts and nodded to Hoseok. “Let’s get you up now, slowly.”
Hoseok and Hyungwon carefully supported the Prince’s back and helped him sit upright before Hyungwon pulled back a little.
“Your Highness…how many fingers am I holding up?”
The Prince starred in Hyungwon’s direction and licked his lips, “Four.”
“Very good, Your Highness. Now please cover your left eye.”
The Prince covered his left eye, Hyungwon’s figure was clear as day and he stared at the two fingers in front of him, “Two.”
“Good. Now your right eye, carefully.”
The Prince switched to the right eye and flinched as the skin of his palm brushed against his cheek. He frowned. Hyungwon’s figure was-
“Your Highness?” 
Prince Yoongi blinked hard, four times as he tried to clear his vision. His pulse rushed in his ears and he struggled to answer the simple question.
“Yoongi?” Hoseok’s voice was strained as he watched tears collect at the corners of his friend’s eyes.
“I-I can’t…I can’t—”
The hand that covered the Prince’s right eye fell into his lap and he shook his head. He refused to meet Hoseok or Hyungwon’s gaze. The two shared a look with each other and Hoseok nodded his head, his face blank as he patted the Prince’s shoulders.
“Okay. We can take care of it, Yoongi.”
“Yes, I will not give up, Your Highness. I will find a way to gain your sight back.” Hyungwon promised, and the Prince nodded his head. 
He started to rise, and Hoseok was quick to help Prince Yoongi to his feet. Hyungwon handed the Prince a towel and the three of them headed into his sleeping chambers. Hoseok left the Prince’s side and grabbed a black cross wrap v-neck shirt, the material was light and breathable with a pair of matching sleep pants that fit loosely around the legs for him to settle into. 
Once the Prince was dressed with a blended black silk robe with butterfly sleeves and golden waves pattern over top to keep warm, he sat with a cup of tea in his hands, now in the sitting room. Hoseok sat across from him on the smaller couch and ran a hand through his hair.
“Say whatever has been on your tongue, Hoseok.” 
The Prince’s face was paler, his right eye wrapped in clean white bandages and his hair hung around his ears messily. Hyungwon had started to comb the Prince’s hair, the strands pushed back and out of his face before he bowed and left.
Hoseok sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face before he looked at his dear childhood friend.
“Your mother has requested an audience with you and the Princess.”
“Can it not wait until tomorrow?” 
“If you had been within the palace, you would have heard the news by now.”
“Hoseok, please. I do not have the patience for your word games. What has happened in my absence? Why has mother requested an audience at such an hour?” 
Hoseok raised to his feet and stared at his friend, his face pinched as the words left his lips in a rattled croak.
“T-The Emperor…he is ill.”
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ria-writes-stories · 7 months
Description: what if Nori didn't die but Khan did, and raised Uzi all by herself instead of the other way around?
Genre: Action, character focus
Characters: Uzi and Nori
Inspired by @keeana 's art! Keena permitted me too write this fanfiction, her art is at the very bottom of this story. However, if you enjoyed this story make sure to go to her account and give that masterpiece the proper love it deserves because without it this story wouldn't have been made! Once again lots of thanks to keena! Without further a do, enjoy!
Side note: This is the official opening of my writing account!
(No one's pov)
The metal door closed as Nori held her baby close to her chest, looking struck with horror at the door.
'KHAN!' she screamed his name earlier, reaching a hand out while the other held her baby closely to herself as her husband looked at her with a defeated look. Oil was pouring in a small frail trial out of his mouth while the stab he had acquired within his chest, was being held down by the disassembly drone's claws the man clenched his fist tightly, and with a sheepish smile to his wife he punched the remote, closing the first door and breaking the remote as well making it impossible to be used again, so that the disassembly drones can not enter the colony.
Nori stayed there, locked in shock and horror at the thought that the better side of her was now gone forever as she was left with just the sweet little miracle that she had created with him.
Drones rushed to her to check up on her but Nori didn't even hear a mutter of their words as her gaze was locked on the door where her husband disappeared behind her.
"Forgive me Uzi. You won't get to see your father." Nori said with a numb face as a tear rolled down her cheeks as her eyes looked emptily at the ground.
Now...what about the fate of our beloved rebellious teenage girl? Well. Nori was a very loving mother, unlike her light-heartedly and dumb, when it came to social interactions, husband was much more convincing. She was already adored by over half the colony before the events of the attack, she was simply that easy popular person that people found enjoyable to hang around, and once Khan was out of the picture with his great sacrifice, it was Nori who took initiative to find people with the same passion and intelligence as Khan to built more doors. Of course, she didn't find anyone, no one could ever be like him, but, she did find enough drones each with a little knowledge of one of the engineering sides required to build the protective doors, and through the years door two and door three appeared.
What does anything have to do with Uzi? She showed remarkable intelligence and incline towards this methodical side that her father was so passionate about in his life. She assisted in the construction of door two by making the calculus and size measuring and then at the third door, she was the second in command in its building.
Uzi was heavily attracted to the more 'angsty' things and she was the black sheep of the herd because while her mother managed to convince her to help with the doors Uzi wanted to build weapons. And how did Nori respond with?
'Of course you can build weapons Uzi! You can do anything you put your mind to! Plus, why stop with just weapons? Why not become a jackal of all? Traps, weapons, attacks, defenses! That and so many more things you will achieve because you are a talented and wonderful young girl who has inherited the intelligence of her father. Oh if only Khan could see you right now, I am sure he would be so proud of your engineering skills!' it's safe to say that Uzi had a very loving mother who encouraged her each step of the way. Did that mean Uzi was popular?
Uzi was the 'miracle' kid due to her contribution to the colony from a young age, despite having an already assured spot for the future Uzi wasn't interested in any of that. She always wanted to do something...bizarre in the eyes of all the other drones except for her mother. Killing the disassembly drones.
This made her weird and strange for everyone else but this time around Uzi knew how to snap back, better than just saying 'Bite me' she would effortlessly put the drones that challenged her in their place via words. As I said, Nori was the one to raise her after all, and she made sure her daughter knew not to allow anyone to walk all over her.
Uzi was still the rebellious angsty teen, the only difference is that she was afraid of the masses because they treated her like a freak and an outcast. She didn't feel the need to hide, instead, she walked confidently each step of the way.
Uzi didn't care what other drones thought about her, she still did what she wanted to do even if it 'broke the rules' of the colony. She was a truly rebellious person, but what made Uzi so different was the wits thought by her mother. The tricks, the strategies, the manipulation. Everything came naturally to Uzi, after all, she was Nori's daughter, and with the intelligence she inherited from Khan followed by her mother's guidance she was far more than what anyone from the colony acknowledged her for. She was feared because everyone knew that not only weren't they a match for her but also because they knew that if they stepped out of the line that she had allowed them to ridicule her in, she would make their life a nightmare without lifting a finger. It was simple really. Some drones may not be as emotionally developed as humans, but that primal fear of survival is still deep in their core and Uzi knew just how to push the buttons to cause them to be on the edge of their tippy toes and out of her face.
A school project about watermelons started it all you could say. How boring was that? Under stimulating and ridiculous, far too behind Uzi's level of capacity, so she decided that if she was going to kill some time she might as well kill it on something she enjoys.
However one tiny miscalculation and Uzi's magnetically calibrated rail gun blew up in her face, sending her to the infirmary. It wasn't the first time Uzi's experiments ended up wrong; she would do them under her other and always made sure to duck and hide her daughter when the project showed to be unstable and close to bursting into chaos.
Nothing from the colony could give Uzi what she needed to complete her masterpiece, so she did the most sane thing possible.
"You want to go where?!?" Nori asked caught a little off guard. "Just outside of door one-" "No! No, no, no, absolutely not, that is where your father passed! What if the disassembly drones are right outside the door?" "Then I'll blast them with my sick-as-hell rail gun!" Uzi said confidently as she clenched her fist, with a wide smirk.
Nori sighed softly and shook her head with a sheepish smile on her face as she went to Uzi, cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead affectionately. "Alright my precious little devil. Just make sure to not have any of your limbs missing when you come back." "Mooom! I'm not four anymore!" Uzi protested her mother's behavior, but it was exactly this love and care that had made Uzi into the young woman she is today.
Nori simply laughed softly. "I know that dear. Make sure those disassembly drones will go scavenging for scraps far away from our colony." Nori said letting go of Uzi who simply nodded and rushed out the door, only to stop her in her tracks and run back to her mother for a quick hug.
"Thanks, Mom." "Anytime my sweet angel." Nori said with a content smile as she rested one hand on Uzi's back and the other on her head, before letting her go so she could go chase her dreams.
"They grow up so fast... If only you could see how much she took after you Khan." Nori said with a soft sigh before going back to her daily duties.
So far not much has changed did it? Uzi is still considered a freak. She still has an angsty rebellious teen reputation. She is still confident and does not bend to society's norms, and she is still extremely intelligent, being able to build an incredibly dangerous weapon.
Sure there is the part where she has become as sly as her mother when it calls for it, but other than that not much has changed...right?
Nori would tell Uzi bedtime stories, implementing the history of their world in her daughter's mind from a young fragile age without her knowing. The history and knowledge of what there is to come. Nori had no doubt that her daughter would master the curse transmitted through her coding better than she did.
The events are pretty much as we know them. A disassembly drone challenges the wrong drone to a fight.
She wins. He loses. They get to know each other, the other two come into view, and she runs away. He realizes his mistake and tries to fix it.
"Mom! Aim and shoot!" "What if it gets you as well?!" Nori said holding the weapon in horror. "That's not important right now! Aim and shoot!!!" Uzi repeated as the disassembly drone looked at Nori with the 'X' on his face and a wide murderous smile.
Nori lost someone she loved once at her own hands. She wasn't going to let it happen again. "You know I'm an old-fashioned baby..." Nori said sheepishly as she was ready to use something she hadn't used in so long. She was wondering if she even had it. It's been so long... She blocked the signal, long ago, for Uzi's safety and sake, all the way when she was just a baby. The one to help her achieve that was Yeva, and they never again spoke of it, but the thing is that they never looked for a way to unlock it, cuz why would they?
The moment was cut short as another drone grabbed Nori and pulled her backward as they closed the door. A WDF worked. Mother and daughter locked eyes in horror and terror as Nori threw the rail gun forward fast enough to move before the door closed.
"OPEN THIS DOOR THIS INSTANT!!!" Nori lashed out in anger and hatred as panic flew through her system. "M-ma'am please-" The subordinate begged as Nori suddenly became calm. What is she thinking? It's her daughter that she is talking about. She got this handled. She was better than her, better than Khan. Uzi will get to live another day, for now, Nori had to worry about those who weren't as fortunate and as blessed.
"Ma'am?" "Take everyone to the safety room." Nori ordered seriously as the WDF member nodded and opened a walkie-talkie as he began to move alerting all units of the colony. Nori did her homework, and she was prepared for a possible disassembly drone breach.
Everything that we know of unfolded as it was meant to be, the only difference was that when Uzi left, she did so to fight the bigger fish and not by banishing herself. And what did Nori do? She allowed it. Given Doll's behavior it wasn't hard for Nori to figure out that Yeva was gone. Doll's and Uzi's clocks were ticking and the sooner they took on this world the better for their long-term survival.
The 'program' wasn't happy. It knew Nori wasn't dead, even though it was unable to reach her, so when it was met with a glimpse of her predecessor it struck much to its demise.
All of a sudden the two disassembly drones attacked Uzi, but the fight didn't last long... A bright flash of purple and a strange symbol and the two disassembly drones were stuck in the air squirming and shrieking in terror as their system got a short circuit and what was once yellow turned purple.
"Come here." Uzi called the two drones over calmly.
Still lost in a state of subconciousness and wounded from the fight they obeyed like puppets and got closer to her without a moment of hesitation.
The male knelt on the ground as the female slightly lowered herself to be at the same level as Uzi.
Once they were close enough the symbol appeared again forcing their heads closer to the girl's touch, as one of her eyes turned into said symbol. "I think I like you like this more." Uzi said with a sly smile as she looked at V, cupping her cheek while her other hand rested on N's head softly caressing it.
Uzi was the same as we know her... But she took after her mother even more so.
New admin: darkxwolf17
The end
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squidresearchlabs · 3 months
rockruff anon back again lol! rockruff npts? neutral or fem preferably but whatever works!
hi again!! of course !! 🦔🌀
names 🐾
iwanko ( japanese ) , dusk , rusty , spitz , wuffels , catulus , coco , lola , biscuit , belle , rascal , charlie , dixie , pebble , jasmine , keena , princess , fluffy , spike , ludere , vastata , aspero , cane , tooth , K9 , princesse , dentelle , joli , avion
pronouns 🐾
pup/pups , paw/paws , play/plays , rock/rocks , pebble/pebbles , poké/pokémon , ruff/rough , tuff/tough , keen/keens , hop/hops , hunt/hunts , shine/shiny/shinies , wild/wilds , fluff/fluffs , nap/naps , soft/softs , asp/asperos canine/canines , K9/K9s , doux/doux'
titles 🐾
the one with the lowest base def stat , the puppy type pokemon , the one who play fights , the rockruff in the ring , (prn) who is pampered , the spoiled one , the one who hops across the rocks , the shiny blue one , the one who chases discs , (prn) who likes to rough house , the one with a bow on (prns) head
thank you for requesting!!! hopefully i was able to keep it fem/neutral :thumbsup: !
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bikenny · 8 months
AHHHHH I WILL DIE!!!!!! Thanks for the love :3
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darth-caillic · 3 months
📌 + any of the glitches (or all of them asdgjkl) — @xoteajays
Thank you for the ask, and I just wanna say I'm really sorry I haven't gotten to the other asks you sent! My Pokemon OCs are going through a redesign again so it feels weird posting about them but ANYWAY
I decided this is just gonna be pins I added to the fashion section (def not cus I realised I had the wrong emoji halfway way through nooooo)
Work fit for Andrea
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Future Keena in "How Long is Forever?" ep of Teen Titans
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School fit for Casey
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Casual fit for Anika
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Send a 📌+ an OC, and I'll add four new images to their interest board and show them to you
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peggydreadful · 2 years
Peggy I desperately need you to know that even though I don't always reply to them, every single time you comment on my stuff I am giving you a spiritual little kiss on the forehead. They are So Good and you are So Good thank you that is all
keena my beloved every time I see you post your writing, even if I don't always comment on it, I am doing a happy dance because I am reminded once again that my writer friends are so talented :')
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2020 End of Year Friendship Post
Alright, you guys know that I love to make gushing posts about people I’ve grown fond of.
Well, I’ve decided to make a big one for the end of the year. Celebrate the friendships I’ve created and/or maintained in the last year. This is obviously not EVERYBODY as I have shit memory and some of my friends have left the site (T_T) but this list will be a bit long, so I’m gonna post everything under a cut so that it doesn’t bother people having to scroll past it. (: to the people not mentioned in this but that follow me: thank you so much for supporting me & my writing adventure. I know that my blog has been through ups and downs, has changed immensely in the course of the past year, but I hope that you guys still enjoy and do not regret following it.
If you do, feel free to unfollow. I understand that some of you probably followed me for my games or events, which I no longer post here. If you do follow for my games, don’t forget I have a blog centered around writer games now!! You can find it at mywritinggames. You don’t have to follow this blog if you just followed for games. You can follow that blog. I won’t be offended. <3
Alright, enough of that. Let’s get into some lovey-dovey mushy-gushy words of adoration for all a lot of my friends!
PS here’s a list of everyone I tagged on here with comments and the paragraph number in case you want to skip straight to your mush comments:
1. Toby 2. Franka 3. Szandra 4. Raev 5. Jade 6. Lynxxie 7. Ravage 8. Andy 9. Pax 10. Keena 11. Ariadne 12. Ellie 13. Katie 14. Etta 15. Jake 16. Aurelien 17. LJ 18. Fatal 19. Avery 20. Amanda 21. Ari  22. Galaxy 23. Elizabeth 24. Dawny 25. Cat 26. Kry 27. Eris 28. Vermont 29. Erin 30. Piya
The final paragraph is a general comment to everyone, so please make sure to read the final paragraph as well! Thank you all for existing, for staying alive through a rough year, for being here for me and for being my friends. You are all amazing and deserve everything, all the energy love and positivity you put into the world. <3 I love you guys!
1. @lordkingsmith - I’ve already beaten this dead horse, but you are SO INCREDIBLE and I have no idea what my entire mentality would be if not for you. You’ve saved me from giving up on my dreams multiple times by your positivity and always knowing how to help me!! Any time something happens, you’re right there with a solution and it’s mind boggling. You’re literally the only person that can be like “here, help yourself this way” and I won’t get upset about it because I trust you in a way I trust SO few people. You are my little brother and I am so, so happy Jason Zephyr and a stupid tomato guessing game brought us together ;)
2. @franky-ts - girl... you’ll always be my twinny. Always, always. I can’t imagine life without you in it. Even through me deleting my blogs what, 3-4 times now since we met? I always come back to you. You are always the top 2-3 people I search for when I come back because you are my twinny and if I don’t get to have a tumblr experience without you, I don’t want it! <3 I love everything about you and I’m so glad to know you. I’m so grateful to have friends like you that always reach out to me and try to cheer me up when I’m feeling down. I always want to share my ups and downs with you. If not for the damned timezone difference, I probably would. Love you, sis.
3. @catharticallysarcastic - probably my favorite person I rarely speak to ;) A friendship started with writer games and the beauty of her name (Szandra for those that don’t know)... you are a remarkable and beautiful person and you deserve the world and all of your dreams with it. I wish this world was perfect so you could live in a perfect world because you, my friend, are great. And sweet. And amazing! Thank you for being a good friend to me.
4. @raevenlywrites - I know we don’t talk much anymore. I don’t really bombard you with asks like I used to, but I do still cherish you, not only as a writer, but as a person. You have a beautiful heart and are such a caring individual. You will go out of your way for other people and this world needs MORE PEOPLE like that! You are incredible and I hope you reach the absolute apex of what you think life should be. That is my 2020 wish for you. <3
5. @jade-island-lives - Jade.... Jade, Jade. Another great friend that’s been here through my ups and downs of a couple of different blogs I’ve ended up remaking. Jeez, it’s been so long I can’t even remember how we met. But I’m so, so glad we did. You are beautiful. You are so caring and kind. Your writing is amazing and your characters are just... *chef kiss* But this isn’t about your writing, as amazing as it is. This is about you. This is about how amazing YOU, as a person, are. This is about how much I love and appreciate you as a person. This is about how much I am grateful to have friends like you in my life. This about how you’ve been here for me through so much and how I can’t imagine if I’d never met you. Even though we rarely talk like we used to, I still cherish you like we talk every freaking day. Life gets busy, especially as adults. Shit happens, life gets hard. But through everything, just know I love you and am always, no matter what, here for you. <3
6. @wyldlynxx - Lynxxieeee ~ my little Nane fangirl xDDDD you are amazing. You don’t give yourself near enough credit for how awesome you are. You make me laugh and so happy to be alive. We don’t chat like we used to, which... to be fair there are very few that I do still talk to regularly. But I still love you and our friendship. I wouldn’t trade it - for you - for anything. (: I hope one day we can catch up again and start chatting more again because our chats always, always put a smile on my face.
7. @mrs-raven-writes - Ravage! My savage little Ravage!! My buddy! Hey! Hi! You are awesome. Our conversations are so unique every time. We don’t just have the typical ‘hi how are you’ talks. I mean yes, sometimes we do if it’s been a while since we chatted, but for the most part, we’ve had all different kinds of talks. My favorite is when you randomly approached me saying you almost threw down with someone because of a game. xD And finding out that even through your absence you still keep track of me? T_T I was so flattered and still am. You are amazing and you also do not give yourself near enough credit for how amazing you are. I am so glad to know you and I hope that 2021 treats you better than 2020 did because I’d love more than anything for you to message me telling me how incredible you feel and how much life has improved. I freaking love you, girl, and I want nothing but happiness and love for you. (:
8. @violetcancerian - Andyyyyyyyy~ hi!!! omg what to say... I’m not even sure how to say what I want to say. xD A friendship forged by mutual love of King Arthur fiction... turned into what it is now. Even though we rarely ever talk anymore, I still feel so close to you... and I hope that you know that you’re still a very special friend to me. ^_^ you are so sweet and so ENTHUSIASTIC! You spread so much love to others and it just makes me smile! It makes me so happy to see you on my dash, not just for the fics, but for YOU. You, as a person, are worth so much, and I hope you get everything you ever wanted because I want nothing but the best for you, my friend! Happy new year and thank you so much for being my friend. <3
9. @magic-is-something-we-create - Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxy!! One of my most enthusiastic friends! I always know that I can just chat your ear off about the things that have me excited because you just get so excited with me! You’re like my “pump me up” buddy because your excitement then causes me to get more excited! Instead of mocking my hyperfixations, you get enthralled with me, and I LOVE that!!! You are so encouraging and so increidbly sweet and thoughtful. You always put a smile on my face and even when it’s been weeks since we’ve chatted, our conversations are never stale. I always know if I message you, we’re about to have a fun, exciting conversation. I never get bored of our chats or of you because you’re just so FUN and put such a big smile on my face!!! I love the friendship we’ve built and I really, honestly hope it never ends because you’re amazing. <3
10. @keen2meecha - hey, buddy! We haven’t really chatted in a while but I wanted to include you because we used to chat a lot more. And it was so fun getting to know you and sharing my passions with you. I really hope that we get into touch more in 2021 because I never want to lose that bond we shared back when we chatted more! I enjoy so much talking with you and getting to know your works and sharing mine with you! I hope you have an phenomenal 2021, my friend.
11. @confundere - another buddy that I always look for when I restart my blog (which has happened an embarrassing amount of times). Ariadne is a passionate person with so much to offer this world and I cannot imagine ever restarting my blogs without contacting her. You are someone I think of frequently, even if we don’t chat as much as we used to, and I’m so glad to have met you. (: thank you for being such a great friend to me, and for being so supportive of me. I hope you have a terrific 2021. Happy new year, friend!
12. @howdy-writes - Ellieeee~ we have had many fun chats via our posts and I have massively enjoyed going from “oh what a cute blog” to “wow this girl is amazing!” I have enjoyed from going “aw how cute, she likes lesbian cowgirls” to “this girl IS a lesbian cowgirl!” You have so many incredible layers that are so fun to figure out and you are such a joy to get to know! I’m so glad I got the courage to reach out to you and talk to you because you are one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met on this site. You always have nothing but sweet things to say and I just.... I look up to you so much. Your kindness, your positivity, your love. You, all-in-all, are a role model I wish I’d grown up watching. I hope that all the youngesters following you realize that you are someone to look up to. ^_^
13. @abalonetea - you... oh, Katie, you. It still makes me laugh how long it took me to stop calling you Emily in my head xDDD you’re incredibly talented. But beyond that, you’re a great friend. Always supporting others. Always willing to be there for others. You’re a great person and deserve as much love and support, if not more, as you give. You are so kindhearted and just all around, the best kind of friend to have. Thank you for being one of mine. <3
14. @ettawritesnstudies - one of my newer friends from this year! It was so fun collabing on a positivity event with you! My hope is we can do something like that again because you were a joy to work with. ^_^ you are so kind though. So kind and so thoughtful and supportive. You are exactly the kind of friend I want in my real life. You are the kind of person I could see myself really opening up to and texting every day if I knew you irl. People like you are what make this world worth living in and people like you are what make the world a nicer, better place. I’m so grateful to know you and that you decided to join tumblr. Thank you for everything this year and I look forward to another year of friendship!
15. @homesteadchronicles - Jaaake!! Omg we don’t chat like we did when I was first recommended your blog, but I still cherish every conversation. I cherish every hi and am always sad when we have to part ways. I think about you frequently, even if we don’t always talk. I’m always wondering how you are, how your writing’s going, how your year’s going. You have been a joy to get to know and I really hope one day we can start chatting more again because our conversations always leave me with a smile on my face by the end, and I simply cannot say that about just anybody. Happy new year, friend, and I hope you have a terrific 2021.
16. @copperplatescript - Aurelien!!! I’ve probably said it before but I LOVE your name. It’s so unique compared to names I’ve heard in the past. But beyond that, there’s an amazing person attached to the name!! I love sharing things with you because interesting conversation always follows. You are so fun to chat with and you have so much interesting stuff to share! Your fascinations are so fascinating and it’s so much fun watching the progression of your projects!! I miss our chats but I know 2020 has been a hectic year for most. I just hope 2021 brings more fun and fascinating conversation and brings us closer as friends ^_^ thank you for several months of a wonderful friendship. (:
17. @ljscrawls - sheesh, I can’t believe it took me this long to get to LJ!!!! My buddy ol’ pal. Talented, sweet, fun, funny!!! Pretty much all the best traits in one amazing person. You always bring a smile to my face and leave me feeling so freaking special. There are very few that can make me laugh, cry, flattered and just so happy in one single conversation. You bring so much joy and love in my life and I just can’t imagine ever losing your friendship. And I hope I never have to because I don’t want to be without you in my life. ^_^ thank you for being such a great friend. I love ya!!
18. @fatal-blow - I know we’re not like SUPER close or anything. But I wanted to let you know that you are amazing. Not just because your talent is beyond anything I have the words to voice but... you are such a fun, passionate person to speak with and it’s fun watching you talk about things you love, especially your characters. The way that you make your characters feel so familiar when you talk about them, like you’re talking about an old friend. It’s simply inspiring. I’m so glad I found your blog and started commenting on your posts because the conversations that have ensued due to it have been so memorable. I’ll never forget you, even long after I stop being on tumblr, whenever that happens. Thank you for everything.
19. @just-a-little-bit-of-sugar - girrrrl. You’re someone that I really miss. You are so sweet, just like your name implies, and such an uplifting person to talk about. You’re so positive, and you know. I do really cherish that about you but that isn’t what makes you so special to me. Everyone has down days and I don’t ever want to make you feel like I’ll appreciate you any less for having them, like your positivity is the only thing that makes you worth friendship. Good or bad days, you are a great friend and I want to be here to celebrate the good and help you through the bad! You’ve been a great friend to me over the last year and I only hope you can say the same to me. <3 hope you’re doing well.
20. @amandahoyle - god, our friendship started with a mutual love of DARK writing. Started with my writing of Death Has a Face and other dark stories centered around death and your series I’m reading with DEFINITE darkness in it.... but it evolved into this beautiful thing it is now, that I wouldn’t trade for the world. You are a remarkable friend, always having nothing but nice words for me and I so appreciate how you lift me up during hard times. You’re always here for me and willing to help bring me out of my own personal darkness. And I love and appreciate that so much about you. You are a phenomenal friend and I just don’t want to imagine ever losing your friendship. Thank you for being so kind and so patient with me over the last several months. I’m so grateful to have you in my life, even if just virtually.
21. @leafgreen6 - Ariiiii!!!!!!! One of my earlier friends! I met you through Galaxy and our friendship kind of blossomed. The three of us together create quite a dynamic trio even if we don’t chat together like we used to. You are amazing. I hope you realize how incredible you are. You’re so beautiful, inside and out, and you are so caring toward your friends. You love and support those around you and have such a beautiful heart. You are talented af and a total badass. <3 I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. Thank you. Thank you.
22. @books-of-lunacy - Jesus! Girl, we literally never talk anymore! I hope you’re well. I miss you. We forged a great friendship that I will never, ever forget, even if it fades away. Because you’ve been amazing over the months and I’m so glad to have met you virtually. I used to imagine if we met in person many times xD and I think you’d be a fun person to like go on adventures with at midnight, when the world around us is asleep. (: I’m glad to know you and I hope that 2021 brings you joys that 2020 tried to take away. Miss you and again, I hope you’re well. Thank you for being a friend.
23. @incandescent-creativity - we used to chat sooo much when I discovered your blog, when I originally created this blog! You were one of the first people I sought out when I recreated it because you inspire me SO MUCH. Your passion for your writing and characters... your kindness when answering questions... your silliness and just overall personality and attitude, it all inspires me. Every. Damn. Day. I know I haven’t done my “ask spree” stuff I used to do frequently, which got you accustomed to my url (and was also the reason you apparently actually noticed my disappearance when I deleted my original blog) but just know that I think about you frequently. Not just as a writer and creator, but as a person. As an amazing, inspiring person that I strive to be more and more like. You are incredible. Thank you for showing the world who you are.
24. @dawnsplaceyt - I know you’ve been busy lately and life has gotten hectic but I just wanted to let you know I still think of you frequently and am grateful for the friendship we’ve built over the last year. You are such a warm person with so much passion and love and I’m so glad to have been one of the people that got to witness that. I am so thrilled that your relationship took the next step and I can’t wait to see you start the next chapter of your life. <3 I hope you’re doing well and that the end of 2020 and all of 2021 treat you well. Love ya girl.
25. @missionkitty - Jesus. I can’t believe you’re all the way down at 25. But either way, here we are. One of my favorite people that I met through the odds of an otome game we share a passion for. Your art is breathtaking. I love your style and you as a person are just as breathtaking. You are so free and passionate!! You have so much love for the things you care about and that is so admirable. I look up to you so much, especially as an artist! I strive to be more like you one day. <3 thank you for being so amazing! I look forward to another year of friendship.
26. @kryskakikomi - okay, we know each other more through games and events than we do through actual chats, but I’ve always WANTED to talk to you... and build a friendship? One of my goals for 2021 is to do more outreach toward people I have wanted to talk to but never quite got the nerve to reach out to and you’re one of the top on the list!! I’m thrilled we’ve had interactions at all but I’d be so happy if we could have more in the coming year! Hope your year goes well. (:
27. @leave-her-a-tome - uh, you’re awesome. Enough said, next! No, just kidding. xD but I wasn’t kidding when I said you’re awesome. Even just seeing you on my dash gives me a thrill. You have so much talent, yet are so humble about it and are so happy to support others. It’s quite inspiring to see someone that is so incredible be so down to earth and not full of themself. You are so fun to chat with too! Our chats are usually short but they still bring me such joy. To know that someone as amazing as you LIKES to chat with me? Humbling. And thrilling at the same time! I will never, ever forget you or the time we’ve spent talking and working together!! Thank you for everything and for the support and I hope you have a great 2021!
28. @vermontwrites​ - okay, I know we haven’t spoken much since the Prompt Pals days but I really enjoy your presence - both on my dash and my DMs. You have been through so much yet hold strong. Yes, I know some days are really hard for you but your strength and resilience are inspirational. I hope you know you’re not alone and that I’m here if you need someone to lean on, if you need someone to vent to. You aren’t alone. You don’t have to push through everything alone. You have friends that care and that want to be here for you. You are incredible and deserve love and friendship. I hope you recognize that. Thank you for sticking around and for being you. I hope 2021 goes better for you, my friend.
29. @rhikasa - okay. I know, we mostly communicate via games, but you have been such a positive force on my dash and notes in the last year. I know we don’t chat much but I do still appreciate you and want you to know that. I don’t know like if you think about me beyond the games, but I certainly do think about you and am always hoping you’re having a great day/night. You’re awesome and creative and kindhearted and I’m so appreciative to have you as a mutual. <3
30. @piyawrites - Piya!!! We haven’t really communicated in a long time but I still cherish the times we did chat. We have had so many good conversations with giggles and enthusiasm and support and I love your energy! You’re such a positive force and such a great person to know and chat with and I’m so so grateful for that. You’re wonderful and I hope you recognize the light that you shine on others lives because you do. And you deserve that same level of loving energy that you bring to others. Thank you for being a part of my online world.
Thank you everyone that is listed on this. You are are all so freaking wonderful and each and every one of you hs made a difference in my life. You all have played a big part in why I have stayed on this site and I cherish each and every one of you for all kinds of reasons. I hope you all know how loved and appreciated you are and I wish you all a very happy New Year. May 2021 show many improvements upon the last year <3
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simptasia · 3 years
ship number ask game;;;; 1, 7, 8, 15, 23, 29, 32, 33, 44 for mistoria please 🥺
thank you so much, keena!! :D
How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
typically they fall asleep curled up together spooning (in munku’s bed, or the love nest misto made on his roof, or victoria’s bed at the egyptian, etc), and most of the time misto is the big spoon because he’s ever so protective. they both wuv cuddles, they could stay like that for hours and hours. and they do
they wakin’ up looking like a couple of very content kitties. often purring
daily rituals? nothing they do together is something i’d call a ritual
What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
uhhh misto is rather insecure so he’s self-deprecating and he doesn’t take compliments as well as one should. victoria could Almost consider this annoying, but mostly she finds it sad and concerning. yeah he got a confidence boost in the movie but he’s gonna still have some issues for a bit. as for misto with victoria,,, uh, victoria is impulsive and highly impressionable and that can get her into trouble and that worries him, so he wishes she’d think things thru a bit more. but again, i don’t think he finds it annoying, as much as... worrisome
so basically neither of them actually dislike anything about the other
What do the like best about their partner?
they both love each other’s kindness the best
cats, even these sapient cats, aren’t Especially deep creatures so they’re mainly thinking with their hearts and some other organs. ahem. so they love each other for being kind and sweet and good and funny and also sexy reasons. misto also loves what a good dancer victoria is, i mention because dancing is obviously incredibly important to the culture of jellicle cats. it’s like a mystical language
How adventurous are they?
victoria, Very. misto, coax him and he’ll get into it
victoria is down for anything, she’s hungry for Experiences, her eyes aglitter with wonder and curiosity. misto is an anxious overthinker but victoria (and munku) can convince him to do anything. ANYTHING. he needs to remember that he has the powers of a fucking god and maybe he’ll calm down a bit. anyways once he’s in The Adventure he’s like “oh this is really fun! why was i worried”
How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
hug: ohhh misto would have to bend pretty much in half or get down on his knees because he’s a Long Boy and victoria is widdle. itsy bitsy. or he’s holding her to his chest. mostly they hug laying down anyways. i’m reminded of that post thats like “the ideal hug is 45 minutes”, yeah that. tight, unabashed, nuzzly affection. oh, with tails curled together too! how could i almost forget that
kiss: i personally shy away from imagining the cats kissing. i like the idea that nuzzles, in certain contexts and relationships, are their version of kissing. (like, their nuzzle during misto’s song very much felt like a movie’s Big Damn Kiss moment) i’m not against people writing/drawing Cats universe cats human style kissing, they just don’t in my version of this world in my head....... that and i find writing about kissing to be especially hard so the idea of writing nuzzles and other affections instead makes me feel pleased
tease: sometimes victoria will purposely move her tail is an extra slow and hypnotic manner in order to draw attention to... some attention deserving areas below the tail. and misto? tease? oh please. mr. Yes Victoria, No Victoria, Step On Me, Victoria, I’ve Been A Good Boy ain’t teasing nobody
flirt: i wouldn’t so much call it flirting as i’d call it They Want Each Other Desperately And Aren’t Subtle About It. also dancing. also based on the movie, misto’s form of flirting is to suddenly expose pretty cats to juggling and card tricks....... bewildering but effective. we make fun but by the end of the movie, he’s got two of the hottest cats in the tribe, so checkmate atheists
comfort: hold the other tight and pet their head while telling them they’re here for the other. whilst making soft soothing noises and rocking a bit
How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
disasters and emergencies? when something goes wrong the first plan is always Get Munkustrap, He’ll Know What To Do
minor injuries, i’m picturing victoria is a hurt leg, like she fell over and got a cut from something in the bin, and misto panics slightly but gets a band-aid from his top hat and tends to it, which is cute. also if victoria’s leg was can’t walk hurt, misto would piggy back her everywhere. just thought i’d mention that adorable mental image. as for sickness,,,, uhhh dote on each other i guess. keep cozy on misto’s roof, lotsa blankets and such
Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
yeah sometimes, nah never anything serious. misto for knocking shit over. and victoria can be pretty rowdy when given the chance (see: mungo and rumple’s song, where she also trashs a peson’s house and dinner jhdsajhdsa)
...also misto has gotten in trouble with his owners in the past for... how do i put this... loving the household pillows more than one should
it was a phase he went thru, he don’t do that anymore
What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
oh you know, traditional stuff: jewellery... food... buttons... dead birds
misto is a self described romantical cat after all
and nah, not just on special occasions, they’d both like “hey i found something shiny or tasty for you” or “i killed this, please enjoy it” and viola
Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
yes, they’re very comfortable with each other. at most, misto gets discomfort due to severe nervousness but thats not like discomfort with victoria
and for the second question,,,, you’re kidding, right? they’re cats. these two would casually lick themselves in front of each other. ah, okay, actually, there is some stuff involving misto’s favourite toy, a plush toy rabbit named flopsy, that he kept to himself beforehand buuuut he gets over that. misto gets his weird little shame spirals sometimes but they always get past it because victoria is so delightfully non-judgemental and sweet and down for whatever
thank you for your time!
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saiilorstars · 4 years
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Fandom: Sailor Moon (Crystal)  – – [Rewrite of season 2, AU-ish in that there’s new OCs and the fusion of plots from the manga, crystal and the og series]
Pairings: Eventual OCxOC, Usagi x Mamoru
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel
{If you’d like to be added to this OC’s taglist, let me know!}
// Story Masterlist //
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Ch.2: Sailor Hemera
"Watch where you're going!" A seemingly enraged girl called after a boy who had bumped into her because he'd been too engulfed in a gray book. "Not even an answer!" the girl scowled but sighed after a moment.
There was a light pitter-patter near her and when the girl looked down she found a purple cat beside her. The stark golden crescent moon on the cat contrasted with her dark fur.
"Luna, remind me again why I'm the only one who got to remember Sailor Moon, the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask existed?" the girl asked, huffing as if she were still angry about it. Now, it became more of a mystery.
"Because you, Azula, are exceptionally different," Luna articulated with refined elegance.
The girl, Azula, shot the cat a look. "You're sticking to that because you still haven't figured it out, either, huh?"
"Eh," Luna gave a tilt of her head.
Azula shook her head and watched after her friend, or rather ex-friend, Mamoru, who didn't even notice her anymore. A month ago Sailor Moon, or Usagi, had made everyone forget that the Sailor Scouts had existed. No one remembered any attacks from the Dark Kingdom. The scouts themselves didn't remember they were Sailor Scouts reincarnated. Usagi Tsukino didn't remember she had been a princess in her previous life. No one remembered anything...except for Azula Keena.
Azula had been a close friend of the scouts because she had managed to find out their identities. She proved herself useful with her tech abilities and quickly became a strong asset for them despite not having powers like them. One year older than them had her situated in the same school as Mamoru Chiba, although she was a year younger than him. They were friends, had been, but now he didn't remember her. In fact, he didn't remember anyone, not even Usagi who had been his grand love from a previous life.
But despite everyone losing their memories, Luna, Artemis, and Azula remembered everything. The memory wipe was not efficient with Luna and Artemis but neither had an explanation as to why Azula remembered as well. Fact was she shouldn't have. It was impossible. Yet here they were. Since then, Azula tasked herself with making sure there were no more enemies to deal with since Sailor Moon and the Scouts were out of commission. But she also tasked herself to simply look after everyone even if they didn't notice it.
"I may not be one of their scouts but I think myself as a guardian," Azula said confidently as she and Luna walked down a street after school. "A silent guardian."
"Job's taken, I'm afraid," Luna said quietly but Azula still heard and gave the cat a curious look.
"Luna, exactly how many scouts are there? Usagi made it look like it was only her, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako. But I've always been curious if there were more."
"That information is not necessary right now," Luna replied calmly. "So there is no need to even talk about it."
"Hm," Azula smiled to herself and continued walking.
They came across the local arcade of the district and walked in. The teenage boy behind the counter gave her a wave. Motoki was always the type to greet you with a big, wide smile. "Azula, your father said he would be taking a business trip tonight so it's going to be just you and Keiko tonight."
Azula gave a small nod. "Thanks, I'm sure Keiko's gonna love the fact she gets to babysit her dear old step-sister tonight."
He laughed. "Keiko doesn't treat you bad."
"No, she doesn't, I just like teasing her." Azula turned her back and leaned against the counter.
Her father actually owned the arcade - which made it easier to sneak into and use the underneath grounds for their secret Moon base - and he was usually in and out of the house attending to it. Azula's parents had been divorced since she could remember and she had lived with her American mother in America until her passing. At seven years, Azula had been taken in by her father in Japan and was introduced to her step-sister, Keiko Keena. Keiko wasn't actually related to Azula but they didn't care. Both girls had been an only child within their original families and wanted to experience having sisters. And after Keiko's own mother had passed away, Azula's father grew to see Keiko as his own. The were a small, complex family but nonetheless a family.
"Not again!" a girl cried in despair when she lost at the Sailor V game. She dropped her head over the controls, her long blonde hair falling down.
Azula motioned Motoki to watch her school bag for a minute while she went to the crying girl. "Usagi? Let me guess, the computer won? Again?" She laughed.
Usagi Tsukino was no stranger to losing to automated computers. She raised her head for a minute and gave a nod. "It keeps beating me."
"You might wanna try 'beginner'," Azula teased, prompting Usagi to drop her head on the controls again.
"You should be nice to your best customer!" she heard Usagi's muffled voice a second later. Azula looked down at Luna, both amusingly shaking their heads at Usagi.
"C'mon, Usagi, don't you have homework you're going to forget about or something?"
Usagi jumped from her chair like a bed spring. "I HAVE MATH TO DO!"
"There it is," Azula's voice was barely heard beside Usagi's loud shout. The blonde girl scrambled a quick goodbye, not even noticing her own cat, and ran out." Hard to believe she was actually a refined, Moon princess in another life," Azula remarked afterwards. Luna groaned beside her.
After a couple of minutes Azula and Luna left the arcade and were subjected to a sudden heat in the air that hadn't been there earlier. Though it was strange, as it really wasn't time for heat anymore, neither made a comment about it. Instead, Azula opted for a lunch on her own. Luna wasn't surprised by it though since nearly every day, at the exact hour, Minako Aino, Makoto Kino and Mamoru Chiba all ate their lunches, separately, but there. Azula just liked watching them all, even if it was from afar. Fruits Parlor Crown was a nostalgic place.
"There is no rule that you cannot speak to any of them," Luna would say just before Azula walked into the restaurant.
"Usagi wanted to be normal and I'm trying to respect that. Everyone wanted to be normal. The only reason I talk to her is because you're with me and, well, kinda awkward," Azula sucked in a breath and greeted Motoki's younger sister, Unazuki, the waitress before finding an empty table.
Just like each day she would come in, Azula pretended to do her homework while she ate. This was the only times where she could more or less learn what went on with her friends without actually talking to them. She knew it was probably strange but she really didn't want to compromise their memories. She already carried the burden of remembering everything that happened and, while Luna and Artemis did keep up at the base, she felt like it was her responsibility to be on the look out for anything potentially dangerous. She was the person, after all, that remembered everything - that had to count for something right? She wasn't just like any ordinary person.
"What's...that…?" Unazuki's voice pulled Azula from her mathematics book. The young girl was pointing at the glass window where they all saw a black cloud literally floating.
Azula's eyes widened in alarm, and frankly fear. She got up from her chair and stared in bewilderment as the cloud floated past the cafe in broad daylight. Everyone else in the cafe were doing the same thing.
Luna rushed out the door without even warning Azula.
"Luna!" cried Azula before running out herself. Her red, flaming hair bopped as she hurried down the stairs to get to the street.
There was a loud scream down the street and it was of course due to the black puff of cloud. It had captured someone, apparently, and had everyone else around running away from it. Azula skidded to a halt and gasped at the sight. The black cloud, which now began to look more like a shadow, had entangled a young woman with black thunder that kept the woman still, but in pain.
"I need the Shadow Crystal!" the purple-black cloud demanded.
"It talks?" Azula was frazzled but Luna skipped that part and went on to the concern stage.
"Somebody's got to help her!"
Azula turned sideways to find Makoto a couple inches behind her. From further behind Azula spotted Minako and Mamoru apart from each other. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me…"
"We're going to have to call Usagi!" Luna warned Azula, but both knew that even if they did do that Usagi would not get there in time to save the poor woman.
The victim screamed as something was pulled right from her chest: a shining white crystal with freckles of gold.
"A white crystal!?" went the black shadow, obviously angry at the results. "You have wasted Senka's time, puny human!" the black thunder around the woman vanished and the woman dropped to the ground. The white crystal slowly lowered until it returned to the woman's body. "I shall try another one!" and the cloud suddenly moved in the direction of Azula.
"Luna I don't suppose you could grant me temporary powers…?" Azula took a step back.
"I'm afraid not…" and Luna truly lamented it. She was sure Azula would have made a fine Sailor Scout.
"Yeah…" Azula gulped.
"Halt!" went a new, feminine voice that froze the cloud for a moment. "You shall not go any further!"
Azula, and the others, followed the voice up to the top of a parked truck across the street. There stood a woman with long, straight brown hair and stark, golden eyes. She was dressed in a long-sleeved body suit tucked underneath a pleated, light brown skirt with golden hemlines and matching short, golden boots with light, brown laces. The top part of the body suit exposed her middle with light, brown thick strings running across. There was a golden jewel piece going around her forehead, reminding Azula of the tiaras the Sailor Scouts wore, only this one had a golden sphere at the center. It matched the golden sphere necklace around her neck.
While everyone stared in awe, Mamoru felt a sharp jab at the side of his head.
Young Prince Endymion had wandered from the castle and came across a lonely field of almost dry grass. It was strange because as far as he knew everything on Earth was full of life and cared for. Something was wrong.
He stepped over the long weeds and keenly looked around for anything more suspicious. Suddenly, he crashed into a wall - an  invisible wall. He had to shake his head just to see if it had been his own illusion. He reached out and came across a wall, indeed, that rippled upon his touch.
"Halt," a female voice commanded.
Endymion turned to find a woman, similar in age to him at least by appearance. Long, straight, brown hair billowed in the wind that wasn't there a minute ago. Dressed in shades of gold and light brown, she held out a golden sword towards him.
"You must not pass," she warned. Endymion looked around just to make sure the woman was talking to him and not someone who perhaps followed him. His generals were no stranger to doing that. "Yes, prince, I am speaking to you," the woman read his thoughts and gave a small smile. "I know who you are, and I know you must be very confused but I cannot allow you to get any further."
"Who are you?" Endymion finally found his voice and began to demand. He knew every possible fighter in the Kingdom and he had never seen the woman before.
The woman lowered her weapon and got down on one knee. "I am Sailor Hemera, an honorary Shadow scout of light and day, protector of the barrier between the Earth Kingdom and the Shadow kingdom."
"The...Shadow kingdom…?"
Sailor Hemera's golden eyes raised up to the Prince. "The Shadow Kingdom led by Queen Nyx and her daughter, Princess Reign."
Could that be the same woman he just saw? And if so, why had he seen that vision all of a sudden? Mamoru wasn't sure, but he definitely wasn't leaving now.
"Step away from the nice girl or suffer the consequences," the mysterious woman ordered calmly of the shadow.
The shadow cackled. Apparently, the woman had been funny. "And just who do you think you are little girl?"
The woman, who seemed young in appearance, regarded the shadow with pure disdain. She somersaulted off the truck and landed gracefully on her feet. "An honorary Guardian of Shadow, I am the Sailor Scout of Day and Light! I am...Sailor Hemera!"
"A Sailor Scout!?" Azula nearly fell backwards. Luna too was gaping.
"You are from Shadow?" the cloud, Senka, suddenly grew interested.
"And you are from the Shadow Dominion, are you not?" Sailor Hemera raised her head. "I knew there was a reason why I was awakened. You want the Shadow Crystal, don't you?"
"I am Senka, created by the Trinity Guardians. I am the Queen of the Shadow Dominion and I will find my Shadow Crystal!"
"The Shadow Crystal was never yours!" Sailor Hemera reached to her forehead where the golden circle suddenly sprouted headband fabric, forming a clean, clear headband altogether around her head. "Glimmering boomerang attack!" she flung the tiara towards Senka.
"Watch out!" Makoto had yanked Azula backwards as the boomerang whipped in the area. Azula nearly fell back if Minako hadn't rushed up to help keep her steady.
The boomerang went right through Senka but she groaned like it had actually hurt her. Gold power swirled within her shadow form for a couple of seconds. "I am not strong yet!" Senka cried and vanished into thin air.
Sailor Hemera caught her golden boomerang and easily placed it back on her forehead.
"I-is she gone?" Azula asked just as Sailor Hemera turned to leave.
"Yes, but she wasn't defeated. Senka will return and look for the Shadow Crystal again."
"What is that? A-and who are you?"
"Sailor Hemera," Mamoru spoke before the woman could. Everyone turned to look at him but he was busy staring at Sailor Hemera herself. She seemed startled by his determination that it was her. No human should have that much recognition of her and yet here was this one…
"You should all be careful," Sailor Hemera warned deeply and made her getaway.
Makoto and Minako went to see how the victim was doing but Azula remained in her spot unable to do anything. She looked down at Luna who was just as concerned as she was, then they both glanced at Mamoru. He had remembered? No...that couldn't be it. But then why was he staring at the Sailor Scout the way he was?
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fire-bear · 4 years
Finishing for now (getting up early tomorrow) with 50,395 words!
I’m gonna keep going. I’m very nearly finished this story - and this third draft which has taken four years to do!!
All three of them bowed and curtsied again before following the servants out of the room. By that point, Benrial was too tired to talk, hiding his yawns behind his hand. It didn’t stop him from looking around, though, marvelling at the riches within the castle. There were rich, thick tapestries, some of which depicted the history of Kinwo and, in particular, Salay. Others were taken over by magical creatures. A few of them seemed to be really ancient, depicting fairies as cute little children and dragons as fearsome beasts, old stereotypes that could insult the beings if they ever emerged from their mountains and forest. Sculptures and vases were dotted around the halls, bringing colour to the cream-coloured walls. Flowers were painstakingly arranged so that each bouquet looked exactly the same, with the same combination of red and yellow, with a little pop of green from the grasses. They were led up a set of stairs with golden bannisters, and stone that had been painted with swirling, pale colours. Upstairs, plush, cream carpets cushioned their feet and Benrial wanted to stop to remove his boots so he could feel how soft they must be. Doors on either side of them were gilded with silver and gold, tiny knights and dragons and fairies marching along the edges of them. Everything was beautiful and lit with more candles, these ones so bright that they must also have been magic.
Eventually, the servants stopped in front of a door with knights upon it. The woman - who Benrial decided must be Keena - spoke up. “This is for you, Sir Joethen.”
“Thank you,” said Joethen, and stepped forward to enter the room.
“Wait!” Benrial exclaimed, feeling worried all of a sudden. Joethen stopped and turned to look at him, frowning in confusion. “Can I… sleep in the same room? In a different bed!” he hastened to add. He was sure he was blushing at the implications but he couldn’t help it. Letting Joethen out of his sight seemed like a bad idea, but he didn’t want to sleep right beside him. That seemed like something that was too intimate, especially with the way his heart seemed to squeeze and ache with each fond action from Joethen.
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sweetestofchaos · 28 days
Blackthorn Ch 16 | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena  Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff | Angst  Word Count: 5.4K  Warnings: Magic | Shifting | Blood | Flashbacks Of The Past | Crying | Kissing | Mentions of Illness | Mentions of Punishment | Depictions of Greif and Illness Rating: NC-18
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A Shift in the Tide - Safe within the palace walls once more, the young royals must deal with an unseen turn of events.
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a/n: thank you a million times again and again for @sailoryooons for always taking time out of her busy life to beta this and stroll through my endless thoughts with me. Sometimes, I just need a little hand holding to reach the end lol
a/n 2: Character asks and the taglist for Blackthorn are always open! Minors do NOT interact with my work, please and thank you. Also, this is cross posted on ao3, under the same username sweetestofchaos.
taglist: @thickemadame @loisje123
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“Hoseok, please. I do not have the patience for your word games. What has happened in my absence? Why has mother requested an audience at such an hour?” 
Hoseok raised to his feet and stared at his friend, his face pinched as the words left his lips in a rattled croak. “T-The Emperor… he is ill.”
In the Princess’ chambers, Ceyeh sat, submerged in the heated waters scented with lavender, chamomile and patchouli. A heavy steam fogged the air, dampening Hyejin and Wheein as they carefully washed the dirt, grime and blood from the Princess’ body. The water was murky, muddled by the filth that was scrubbed off the Princess. Hyejin took her time as she slowly swiped over the tiny cuts that were no more than faint marks that would fade within a few days. Wheein focused on washing the Princess’ hair, taking care to rub a cleansing soap in small sections. 
Little by little, the feathers that adorned the Princess’ body started to fall away, gliding on the air smoothly before they touched the water’s surface and melted into nothing. The Princess’ eyes were closed, her lids motionless as Ceyeh allowed for the night's events to break down in her mind. Princess Keena was just below the surface, begging to see the young Prince, but Ceyeh refused. Her mind was torn, at war with a heart that was not truly hers. 
Sharpened nails receded and rounded out to a soft tip and the Princess’ body started to sink deeper into the water. Wheein struggled to keep the Princess afloat, worried that she would tug too harshly on the braids.
“We should move her,” Wheein warned. “Ceyeh is giving up her control.”
Hyejin took notice of the Princess’ changing body and agreed. Together, the maids pulled the Princess to the steps of the heated water and placed her in the corner so that the Princess could not move.  The two spirits fought for control and Ceyeh relented once the Princess assured her that she would handle the backlash of the night’s events with grace.
Brown eyes fluttered open and Hyejin gasped, “Princess?!”
Hyejin almost tumbled into the water from how quickly she threw her arms around the Princess’ shoulders. Princess Keena winced, her whole body ached and her throat felt raw. She tried to push at Hyejin’s arms but it felt like she was moving through molasses. Feeling the movement of the Princess, Hyejin jerked away with a deep blush on her face.
“Forgive me, Princess,” Hyejin quickly apologized and the Princess nodded her head slowly as more and more of her senses started to come back.
“Are you okay? Is there any pain? Any discomfort?” Wheein questioned as she noticed the Princess’ silence and glassy eyes. Wheein’s words were muffled, wrapped in cotton and submerged in water. 
Princess Keena blinked a few times as she tried to clear her blurred vision. The rushing of blood behind her ears started to wane and her heart returned to a relaxed beat.
“E-Everything hurts.”
Wheein rose to her feet and rushed out the wash room while Hyejin continued to carefully help the Princess get comfortable in the water.
Tears streamed down Byulyi’s face as she laid out a new outfit for the Princess to wear while Aga sat in the sitting room with his arms crossed over his chest tightly. Aga jumped to his feet when Wheein ran over to him, her robes soaked with water and smelling sweetly.
“The P-Princess is awake.”
“She has regained control?” 
Wheein nodded her head and Aga sighed in relief before he raised an eyebrow. He knew that Wheein had more to say. “She is in pain-”
“Hyungwon will be here once he is finished with the Prince. Keep her as comfortable as you can for now. Wonho and Jooheon know to let him in with no questions.”
As Aga spoke, the main doors opened and Hyungwon rushed in. His robes were crinkled and his usually neat hair was wild, and tossed this way and that as if he had run his hands through it many times. Aga and Wheein both bowed their heads before Wheein grabbed Hyungwon’s medical basket out of the air and motioned for him to follow her.
“The Princess has just regained control. Speak slowly so that she can read your lips if her response time seems delayed,” Aga explained and Hyungwon nodded his head before he disappeared into the washroom. 
Aga’s shoulders slumped and he fell back onto the couch, his head held in his hands as relief flooded his system. The Princess was awake and had full control of herself; he did not know the extent of her injuries but he would know soon enough. Aga inhaled deeply, his chest expanded and held his breath for a moment. As he exhaled, Aga lifted his head and sat up right with his elbows resting on his knees. He would wait for Hyungwon’s words and go from there. He saw no point in lamenting over the unknown. He would get to the bottom of tonight's attack and punish all those who had part.
Upon Hyungwon’s arrival, the Princess was dressed in a white satin robe with yellow and orange watercolor flowers along the lower skirt. Princess Keena sat out of the water, her feet still submerged up to her knees as she slowly kicked her feet back and forth.
Hyungwon bowed deeply upon seeing the Princess and she bowed her head with a tired smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
“I am pleased to see you awake, your Highness.”
“Thank you for arriving at such haste, Hyungwon.” 
Hyungwon kneeled beside the Princess and Wheein set the basket of medical supplies down next to him. Hyungwon began his exam under the careful watch of the Princess maids and Princess Keena answered all his questions to the best of her ability. Her memory of the night was fully intact, there were no holes in her story. She knew of the Prince’s injury and spoke of it to which Hyungwon steered the conversation to another topic.
“There seems to be no permanent damage. Your wounds will heal in time and there will be no scarring from the attack.”
The handmaids were pleased by the news and Hyungwon continued. “Your muscles are in pain due to overuse, I was informed that Ceyeh was in control and you were shifted for quite some time.”
“I have shifted before and never felt such pain.”
“You were not pushed to such levels of self prevention. It was life or death, Princess. Ceyeh and Agust protected both you and his Highness just sort of their true selves.” 
“And Yoongi? How is my Prince?” 
The familiarity and desperation in her words made Hyungwon freeze. It was not Hyungwon’s place to tell the Princess of Prince Yoongi’s state of wellbeing and yet his body moved on its own accord. He grabbed hold of the Princess’ hands and held them gently as he examined her fingers and palms for wounds he knew were not there.
“His Highness was treated by my own hands and will make a speedy recovery in his own time.” 
Hyungwon patted the Princess’ hands and gave them a tight squeeze. 
“My advice would be to stay by his side in these trying times. Though he is alive…” Hyungwon’s voice trailed off as he thought back to the Prince’s injured eye. Hyungwon was sure that the Prince had lost the vision of his right eye but without a proper exam, it was just speculation. 
“Hyungwon?” The Princess’ voice was soft yet firm as she squeezed his hands.
“His Highness will need you to find his peace; guide him well.”
Hyungwon spoke for the last time and bowed deeply before he departed, leaving behind soothing creams to ease the fatigue of the Princess’ muscles and a herbal tea mixture for her mind. He had the forethought to ward off possible night terrors to give the Princess the utmost peace.
Wheein and Hyejin smoothed the soothing balm onto the Princess’ skin and placed a new robe, black with gold and pink tiger lilies along the back, on her before they led her to her chambers. Byulyi’s eyes were red and puffy from crying and when she saw the Princess she had started to cry again. Princess Keena comforted the maid and encouraged her to help her dress to take her mind off what happened.
Byulyi dressed the Princess in an olive green satin sleep dress that covered her shoulders halfway and flowed down into a rounded neckline with beige stitching that spelled out an ancient prayer for sweet dreams and restful sleep. The sleep dress reached all the way down, almost covering her feet and was the same length all around. It made the Princess smile to wear the sleep dress, it was from her homeland and Byulyi knew she would seek that comfort.
Matching green slippers were placed on her feet and the maids dried the Princess’ hair with cemetan stones before they tucked the braids into a neat bun on top of the Princess’ head. A green wrap with beige and taupe dahlias was carefully wrapped around the bun and twisted to make a beautiful headpiece. Byulyi did not place any meori-kkoji in the wrap since Princess Keena requested they be left out. The nighttime look was simple yet elegant, a style fit for a Queen to be.
“Is Aga waiting for me?” Princess Keena yawned behind her hand as the three maids nodded their heads and she stood from the seat in front of her vanity. She headed out to the sitting room with sure steps, her head held high as her eyes fell onto Aga.
Upon hearing the footfalls of the Princess, Aga rose to his feet and placed his fist over his heart as the Princess came into view. Yellow eyes searched for any hint of pain, there were small scratches that wouldn’t leave any marks on the Princess’ face but aside from that Aga saw nothing. His chest slowly loosened as air flowed into his lungs, it was easier to breathe and the Princess smiled.
“Forgive me, Aga. It was foolish to roam the town in secret.”
Aga felt his ire as it sat heavy on his tongue, it poisoned his heart but he knew from the regret in the Princess’ eyes that she had meant her words. Aga’s shoulders slumped as he fell to his knees and caught himself on the edge of the couch with a loud sigh.
“Your Father would have my head if anything were to ever happen to you on my watch.”
“Agust and Ceyeh protected me.”
“They should not have had to come out at all, Princess.”
Aga’s voice was firm as he grunted his words and Princess Keena nodded her head in agreement. She slowly sat beside Aga and carefully placed her hands over top of his silently. Aga said nothing as he turned his wrists, his palms now facing upward as he wrapped his fingers around the Princess’ much smaller hands.
“I am glad you are safe but our enemies wish for your downfall. Do not be so foolish again.”
“You have my word, Aga. I swear it to those before us.”
Aga squeezed the Princess’ hands tightly just once before he released her and stood to his full height. He offered a hand to help her up and the Princess’ brows pulled together in a silent question.
“Come. Her Royal Majesty has requested your presence.”
“At this hour…does she know of our attack?” 
Aga shook his head and cleared his throat before he spoke up, “This pertains to a different matter; one of high priority. I know you must be tired-”
The Princess waved off Aga’s words and stood with his help as she placed her hand in his, “Nonsense, Aga. Lead the way.”
The halls leading to the Emperor’s chambers were lined with guards who bowed their heads low at the sight of the Princess. Aga walked with his head held high, while Mingi and Chan guarded the rear with the Princess in the center. Both guards regarded the Princess with stony faces while their eyes quivered in worry. Princess Kenna offered a silent apology for causing such a panic in the palace with a subtle bow of her head and it was accepted without any words needed.
The footfalls of the Princess echoed softly in the hall, her green slippers peaked out from underneath her skirt with each step. She kept her own head raised high, her face impassive as she looked ahead and focused on the middle of Aga’s shoulders. Movement from in front caught the Princess’ attention and she was surprised to see Hoseok standing outside of the Emperor's rooms.
Hoseok bowed his head and gave a small acknowledgement to Aga and the others before he offered a relieved smile to the Princess. “I am pleased to see you in good health, Princess.”
“Forgive me for worrying you needlessly, Hoseok.”
Hoseok nodded his head with a tight smile and motioned to the door that led into the Emperor’s chambers. “They are waiting for you, Princess.”
The Princess looked to Aga for clarification as to what Hoseok meant by they but Aga simply ignored the silent question and moved towards the guards at the door. “Princess Keena is here upon Her Royal Highness’ request for an audience.”
As the guards opened the doors, Princess Keena felt her heart start to beat quickly in her chest. The air was heavy. Thick with the sharp scent of medical herbs and sickness. The Princess willed her legs to move and slowly entered the Emperor’s chambers. The doors closed behind her and she jumped at the thud that rang out, announcing her presence. The Emperor’s sitting room was beautiful and warm. Brown, red and gold were illuminated in the soft glow of multiple sunstones hidden within burgundy paper lanterns and sconces that sat on the walls. 
There were a few servants that sat on the floor, knees bents underneath them as they waited to be called upon. They kept their heads bowed in a show of respect to the Princess and she quietly followed a clear path to the Emperor’s bedchambers. She walked through two large  moon doors that opened into a wide office and dining room before she came before a set of large dark wooden doors. There was a hand carved dragon soaring in the sky, painted in gold with red rubies for eyes that acted as the handles of the door. 
The Princess wasn’t sure what she would find behind the closed doors but she forced herself to push them open. The Empress was waiting and she didn’t want to worry her any longer. Sage, basil, ginger and something bitter like rotten grapefruit and copper assaulted the Princess’ nose and her lips pinched tightly into a thin line. She knew the scent all too well and carefully stepped into the room.
The room was split into two sections separated by two large wooden partitions with depictions of a mountain and sky painted on the hanji paper. They were cut into alternating waves so, where one was tall the other was shorter to create the illusion of multiple mountains. It was beautiful and beyond them, curtains of translucent white hung from the ceiling in soft layers with gleaming golds and reds in between. The wooden floor was dark and glossy, covered by an elegant red area rug trimmed in golden thread and tassels. 
As the Princess walked farther into the room, she heard voices that spoke too softly to hear clearly. She pushed forward and soon came before the bed of the Emperor, it was enormous, even by royal standards. A circular futon with a thick mattress covered in thin blankets of puce and burgundy. Gold pillows both round and long with white and black embroidery, littered the space; in the center lay Emperor Chungho. His usually pale skin had a grey hue to it, his copper eyes were hazy and his signature updo was undone. His black hair hung low past his shoulders and just brushed the bedding. Gone were the flashy robes, in their place an ice white robe with wide sleeves and shimmering gold threading covered the Emperor's body.
Empress Eunkyung sat at his bedside, her colorful robes replaced with a pale cream cross collar blouse with a three inch brocade collar that disappeared into a matching pleated skirt with green, blue and tan colors that created an ocean scene. A single cream belt wrapped around her waist, thin and shiny that stood out against the simple fabric. She wore a celadon robe over top with white and gold dragons reaching for one another on the sleeves. Her blond hair was pulled into a low bun that sat at the back of her neck and some strands framed her face, hiding her swollen eyes from view.
Across from her, the Prince sat motionless. His head was hung low with his hair falling in his face as a curtain, hidden from all. His robes were black with gold stitching, a stark contrast to the brighter tones within the room and the Princess thought that his attire matched the scents in the air. She stared at the Prince for a moment longer, noticed the way his hands were clapped together on the bed, his fingers locked tightly around his father’s hand, knuckles cut and slightly red.
“Sit down, dear girl.”
The Emperor’s voice pulled the Princess’ eyes back onto himself and she was meant with the kindest of tired smiles. Empress Eunkyung patted the seat beside her and as the Princess moved to sit, she felt the Prince’s eyes on her. The Empress pulled Princess Keena close the moment she sat down and hugged her tightly. Sure hands petted down her hair and smoothed over her back as the Empress rocked from side to side.
“Never do that again!” She scolded, tears heavy in her voice. “Never…never do that again.”
Princess Keena felt tears burn her eyes, how long had it been since she was held in such a manner? The Prince’s embrace was warmth and strong, a fortress that kept her heart safe but here in the Empress’ arms…the Princess’ heartache for the touch of her own mother.
“Dearheart, you are crushing the poor girl.”
Empress Min slowly loosened her arms around the Princess and pulled back to get a good look at her face.  “You are unharmed, child?”
Princess Keena nodded her head, “I am unharmed-” her eyes flickered over to the Prince and she felt her blood freeze at the sight of white bandages on his right eye.
The Prince felt her gaze and when he raised his head to meet her stare, his left eye was bloodshot and puffy. There was a twitch that pulled at the corner of his lips and in the blink of an eye, the Princess was in his arms. The young royals clung to each other, the Prince holding the Princess tightly in his arms as his tears soaked the fabric around her chest. Soft hands smoothed through his short blond hair and Princess Keena pressed a million kisses to the crown of his head.
They were on top of each other, the Princess held firmly in the Prince’s lap - a sight that was forbidden outside of their chambers. Empress Min smiled at the sight and the Emperor felt his own lips pull into a wide grin. Young love; it reminded them both of happier times. Princess Keena cupped the Prince’s face in her hands gently and forced him upward so that she could see his face up close. The bandages around his right eye were damp with his tears but the moisture seemingly disappeared little by little. The wraps were made from danbannite cloth, a high grade cotton material that is infused with danbannite dust, a native stone to the south that was found to absorb moisture quickly.
“Your eye-”
“A flesh wound. Only a minor inconvenience for now.”
The Prince easily lied to spare the Princess’ feelings and he leaned in, pressing their foreheads together. Their noses and lips were so close yet so far apart.
“Forgive me, my gem? It was foolish-”
Princess Keena placed a finger against the Prince’s lips and shook her head, “Hush now, my Prince. None of that. It was no one’s fault.”
Prince Yoongi sighed against the finger on his lips and kissed it softly, “I put your life in danger.”
“That is the curse of royal blood.”
From the bed, Emperor Min cleared his throat and the young royals quickly pulled apart. The Princess moved to stand but Prince Yoongi tightened his hold around her waist and soaked in her warmth. Seated in the Prince’s lap sideways before the Prince’s parents, Princess Keena’s face heated quickly. Empress Min reached for her husband’s hand and squeezed it lightly before she spoke.
“We are disappointed in your actions tonight. The situation could have been a lot worse had not your animal spirits taken over to protect you both.” Her warm eyes were a little harsher than normal as she spoke but the fire was dim, subdued in a way that the young couple had never seen before.
“As we sit on the throne before our people, we have a duty to uphold,” Empress Min continued to speak. “We are the strength of our people and they look to us for guidance in uncertain times…”
Emperor Min sat up a little more in his bed and held his head high as he took over the conversation. He studied his son and his soon-to-be daughter with dark eyes. The skin around his jaw was taut and pale. There was a sickness behind his brave face and the Princess felt as the Prince’s blunt nails dug into the fabric of her robe.
“As Emperor, it is my duty to the people to see that they are always taken care of and safe. It is to ensure our empire remains an unmoving force and beacon of hope.” He looked into his son’s eyes and melted just a little at the fondness he felt as memories of the past flashed in his mind. His throat felt dry and as he inhaled, a wet gurgle came from deep within his chest before he covered his mouth and fell into a coughing fit.
Empress Min rubbed the back of the Emperor's free hand soothingly and the Princess quickly reached beside her to the water basin that sat next to the bed and ladled a cup of water. The Prince remained silent as he watched his father, his pillar of strength and stability come back to himself as he sipped at his water and breathed slowly.
Emperor Min cleared his throat and sighed, “The sun is setting and my time within its warmth is coming to an end.”
Yoongi had known the moment he smelled his father, death was an unmistakable stench and it lingered in the air with a thick haze of blood. Likewise, the Princess had guessed that the Emperor was sick but to assume he was dying, she had forbidden the thought. The Prince’s warmth pressed against her body felt hotter, and blunt nails had started to sharpen in distress. Princess Keena placed her hands over top of the Prince’s and pulled them to rest against the flat her stomach.
“Is there no cure for your ailment?” Yoongi questioned, his eyes wide as he stared at his father.
Emperor Min shook his head slowly and licked his lips, “There is not but Hyungwon has assured me that he will be able to make my time left-”
“Have we reached out to a neighboring land? There are great doctors and magic in the treetop village just-”
“No,” Yoongi’s voice was shaken, grumbled with unshed tears as he clung to the Princess. “Father, we have to tr-”
Emperor Min’s voice echoed throughout the room, his eyes were molten brown as he stared at his son. The vein in his temple ticked harshly in time with his heart and he looked tired. The Prince’s vision blurred as he watched the fight leave his father’s body and his chest started to ache. 
“Hyungwon has given us a timeframe, it isn’t exact but it is enough to prepare.” Empress Min smiled softly at her husband as she spoke and turned her attention to the young royals across from her. “Before Chungho leaves us, we will host your coronation and you will take your rightful place upon the throne.”
“It is my wish, Yoongi. I want to see you both on the throne before I leave this world.”
Emperor Min’s nose started to itch and he pinched it between his thumb and index finger before he sniffled and cleared his throat. “This is my last gift to you, will you accept it?” 
The Emperor's words hung heavy in the air, hope and desperation intertwined so tightly that it was hard to refuse. The Prince stared at his father for a long while in silence before he inhaled silently and rested his forehead against the Princess’ shoulder blade, his face now hidden. Tears fell from his left eye and the Princess felt a bittersweet sorrow seep into her skin.
The Prince held her tightly and she stroked the length of his fingers back and forth with the tips of her own. It was a silent comfort, the only thing she could offer the Prince to show her support. If he agreed to take the throne, she would stand by his side and face whatever was to come their way. 
“My son, I know this is an unfair request. You may feel unfit to rule at such an age but you have surrounded yourself with fine council. You will have the support of the Queen Dowager, your Queen Mother. Agust will guide you well enough in times of uncertainty. It is in a dragon’s nature to live a life of splendor and power.”
Emperor Min spoke with such convection that no one argued against his words. The Emperor was dying and in his place, his only heir, Prince Yoongi had to stand. The Prince inhaled a shaky breath and tried to clear the tears from his throat before he rapidly blinked away any unshed tears. He lifted his face and stared at his parents from over the Princess’ shoulder. They looked so much older than he remembered. There were fine lines and wisps of grey, their eyes weren’t as bright. The Prince knew what he had to do and with a clear conscience he tightened his hold on the Princess and nodded his head.
“As you wish, Father. I will lead this kingdom proudly in your place. To the ancient dragons who came before and watch over us, I swear it.”
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
Empress Min looked pleased and offered a tender smile to the young royals before she pressed her lips into a tight line. She shared a silent look with her husband and spoke up. “In light of tonight’s events there must be an investigation. All those who are found guilty in aiding your excursion outside of the palace walls will be punished.”
“Your Majesty-”
Empress Min’s eyes flashed gold as the Princess tried to interrupt her. “There is no room for such blanket disregard for your status. Errors such as tonight, through no fault of your own, must be handled properly. There is an informant within the walls and we will find them.”
Princess Keena’s eyes widen at the news of an informant and she sinks into the Prince’s arms. She knows her attendants well, they would never betray her or the Prince. They were attacked on a whim, it wasn’t planned. Even while wearing basic garb, the Princess stood out because of her skin tone and accent. It was clear to anyone that she was from a foreign land.
“The orders have already been issued. Princess, your handmaids and guards will be held in the cells until they can be questioned. If they are found guilty, they will be put to death for treason.”
The Princess’ body stiffened at those words but she forced herself to ask the only question on her mind. “And if they are innocent?” 
Empress Min stared at the Princess and took in the rigidness of her back and the way her nails seemed to bite into the Prince’s wrists. The young royal was scared and though it was cruel, the Empress thought to herself that it was a needed emotion as she spoke clearly, “No one is innocent in this ordeal, Princess. Your safety as well as the Prince’s was put at risk. For their negligence the lot of them will be whipped and flogged.”
Soon after, the Prince and Princess emerged from the Emperor’s chambers, arm in arm. The Prince’s face was puffy and the Princess’ eyes were tinted red. Hoseok, Aga and the rest of the Princess’ guards were not in sight. New guards that she didn’t know the names of, stood before her and the Princess pressed herself closer into the Prince’s side. 
The new guards didn’t point out how pitiful the royals looked and followed them back towards their chambers. Princess Keena’s hand slipped into the Prince’s as they came to her door and the Prince laced their fingers together before they walked right past the door. New guards stood out front of his chambers and he led the Princess inside. 
“You still keep your post no farther than here,” the Prince growled to the new guards as three of them followed into his room. They moved about the chambers as a whole  and checked for any sign of a threat before they allowed the Prince to take the Princess away to his bed. Prince Yoongi slammed the doors shut, the bang loud and hard enough to rattle the walls before he turned to the Princess and watched her fall apart silently. 
The Princess had her arms wrapped around herself, her head ducked and she sat on the edge of the bed with her legs pressed so tightly together. The Prince ran a hand through his hair and licked his lips. He pulled his thumb to his lips and started to gnaw at the nail bed as he thought of Hoseok being whipped for something he had no part of. He thought of Aga who had only stayed behind in the Min Empire to teach their soldiers and protect the Princess. It didn’t sit well with the Prince, none of them deserved to be hurt for his immature actions. He should have thought more in advance. He should have paid heed to the consequences of his actions.
The Prince’s mind shut off and he rushed to the Princess. He dropped to his knees before her, the pain a minor afterthought as the plush rug gave way to his weight. He cupped her hands in his and pressed his lips to her fingertips.
Her tears splashed against the fabric of her robe and the Prince shook his head. “No, no, my gem. No more tears. Hush now, my gem. Please?” 
The Prince’s words were spoken with a soft urgency that flooded the Princess’ mind and suffocated her endless thoughts. Her body shook with heavy soul clenching sobs and Yoongi crawled onto the bed. He pulled her into his arms and laid with the Princess in his arms as she cried for her friends. 
“Forgive me. I-It was foolish of me to take you outside of the walls. I-I…”
The Prince didn’t know what to say as his own eyes burned with tears. Everyone would be hurt because of him and here he was holding the one person he never meant to hurt the most. Prince Yoongi vaguely recalled a conversation he had with Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin about the possibility of a spy within the walls but it was one he dismissed. Now as he held the Princess he wondered if he should have taken the conversation more seriously. His ignorance and pride had cost him the Princess’ happiness and the blood of those closest to them both. The Prince would spend the rest of his life making up for his wrongdoings, to the ancient dragons who came before and watch over them, he swore it.
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aritany · 4 years
Ooo how about a line from page 171? 👀
ooooh this page was JUICY:
He stilled in the doorway. “I’m sure she’s fine. Goodnight, Leah.”
She wasn’t. I would never see Hannah Frazier alive again.
thanks for the ask, keena! :)
send me a page number and i’ll give you a line from that page in sound carries!
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tarralin · 5 years
Work Things
a Clauses and Contracts short ft. Kennyo
Modern AU
Word Count: 1534
A/N: Please accept his completely self-indulgent Kennyo fluff.
Keena Kumo
Picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/27323
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A frustrated huff blasted from Keena's lips as she pranced in place outside the carnival gates. Wrapping her arms around herself to retain heat proved to be in vain as the same chilling winds that turned her breath white snatched away all warmth into the twilight sky. How was she supposed to know Old Man Winter would decide to blow through town several weeks early? It was a freak of nature and a horribly timed one at that! And no matter how great she looked in the black sleeveless blouse, it just wasn't cut out for this kind of weather.
She turned on her heels just as a particularly strong gust of frost laced wind whipped her hair across her face, skewing her balance and sending her face-first into the sidewalk pavement. Or at least it would have, if not for the enveloping warmth of a summer's day that helped her back on her feet.
"Kennyo? Thank you!" Was it her imagination or did his cheeks blush a shade of red that matched her hair? Just as she focused her attention to confirm it for herself, Kennyo rolled his shoulders to shrug off his jacket. 
"You're freezing," he grumbled while settling the garment around her, the transferred heat acting as a balm on her chilled skin. "Why didn't you wait for me inside a shop?" 
"In my excitement to get here, I forgot my phone at home to message you and didn't want any chance of you thinking I stood you up." There! It's not my imagination, he did blush! The blossoming color was a welcomed sign to her nerves. It wasn't much of a secret to the rest of accounting that she had been crushing on the executive since meeting him shortly after the merger was announced. 
To ensure a smooth transition of accounts, Keena was chosen and placed on a special OT finance team that had spent several months occupying office space on the UTT marketing floor. Lead accountants, of course, sat directly in front of the managerial offices at the head of their bays and squarely in his line of sight.
And danger zone of coffee spills, but that's another story.
The weeks following one particularly disastrous fateful morning saw plenty of shared smiles and banter between the two but neither taking the extra leap until Shingen himself popped in unexpectedly and all but refused to move from his selected place against the wall as he chattered amicably with several ladies on break. 
"And what of you, Goddess? Will you be joining us?"
"Hmm?" Keena glanced up from her computer and found several eyes upon her, the tell-tale sign she hadn't paid the visitor any attention. "Joining who for what?"
The tall executive feinted a shot to the heart before grinning down as a round of giggles sounded around her from the other ladies. "Every now and then the departments get together for social hour. I was just letting your team know they were welcomed to join us this Friday night. I'll be there as well of course."
"Oh, well… that sounds great but, uh…" What was wrong with her? Wasn't she just lamenting last night over wine that she doesn't get out enough? Yet, now that an opportunity arose, here she was backpedaling and looking for a scapegoat.
"Not this time, Shingen."
All eyes turned toward the dark-haired manager still sitting at his office desk but not at all ignoring the ongoing conversation. "Ms. Kumo will be attending a work… thing."
"A work… thing?" A single, auburn eyebrow rose as Shingen's grin grew wider while turning toward his friend and mimicked Kennyo's voice inflections. "My friend, you don't ever attend work things."
"This one's different."
"I can see that…" A bark of laughter with a quick glance back to Keena. "Who else will be attending?"
"Middle managers."
"From where?"
"Everywhere." Kennyo dropped the papers he'd been flipping through and leveled Shingen with a raised brow of his own. "Now, would you move along and allow everyone back to work?"
And so that Friday night saw her attending a very Not Work Thing with the soon-to-be Director of Marketing. As well as the following five Fridays, plus two Saturdays when she joined him in volunteering at the local animal shelter. Now, they were attending an autumn carnival together. However, he was so reserved even when they had Friday dinner and drinks together that she was beginning to think her feelings were completely one-sided. Yes, they interacted every day and he always gifted her a small smile in morning greetings-- something no one else received, she noticed-- but that didn't mean his feelings ventured beyond friendship. 
So, blushing at only a vague hint of anything romantic? Very good news.
"Won't you get cold though? The carnival will be here next week and we can go somewhere else tonight if you like."
"No need to worry for me, Miss." A breeze threatened to strew several locks of hair across her face again until his fingers reached out almost instinctively to gently brush them back in place. Once satisfied with their placement, his hand fell back to his side and while he nodded to the entrance. "Shall we go?"
"Yes! I am ready for corn dogs, cheese curds, and deep fried Twinkies!"
"Fried what?"
"It's a carnival, Kennyo. Everything is fried, coated in sugar, or topped with bacon. Sometimes all three." The look of horror that dashed across his face sent her into a fit of giggles that only sobered when they finally passed through the admission gates. 
Lights, music, and laughter filled the evening as the duo made their way through the crowds to various food vendors, fun houses, and game stalls in an attempt to win the featured prizes. Two goldfish and a purple panda later, Keena happily chowed down on a deep fried confection of the chocolate variety as they exited the carnival to head home.
"Sure you don't want a bite?"
"Positive." Kennyo responded without hesitation.
"You don't know what you're missing…" 
"Aside from indigestion and heartburn?"
Her nose wrinkled teasingly as she finished the treat and turned her attention to the two water filled bags Kennyo carried. "Jack and Rose?"
"The fish. They need names, right?"
"So you choose that movie?"
"Hey, that movie is a classic of our time." She retorted as she contemplated further. "Han and Leia? Wesley and Buttercup?"
"What makes you think they'll be a couple?"
"Rocky and Bullwinkle?"
Rumbling laughter spilled from a grin that warmed her more than the jacket still about her shoulders. If the smiles he greeted her with every morning were gifts, then this was a blessing from a thousand benevolent deities that stole both breath and words from her. He still had the hint of a smile when he looked down at her again. 
No wonder he keeps a perpetual almost-scowl on his face at all times… he'd cause half the floor to faint if he smiled more.
She must have been staring again for he cleared his throat and glanced to his watch. "It's getting late. Are you ready to head home before it gets any colder?"
No... no I'm not! "I suppose," she sighed instead, choosing the adultier response. The fish probably needed to get out of those bags anyway. At least he'll get to see where I live! Maybe I can ask him in and--
No, bad Keena! Down, girl, down!
Not trusting her mouth to keep the insinuating invitation to itself, she kept conversation limited to short navigational directions until they were finally at the stop of her apartment building. "Same time at the shelter tomorrow?"
"Yes, if you'd like to join me again that is, not that you have to. I'm sure that there are a number of other ways you'd rather spend your Saturday." His eyes shifted to his shoes as if he were inspecting an invisible stain to hide another flash of pink over his cheeks. 
It's really not fair how cute you can be sometimes… Keena stepped onto the first step and stood on toe tips to place a chaste kiss across one of those reddened crests. All before she realized what she'd done. Or considered his personal space. Or even asked? Oh God, what did I do? He'll never--
Her internal panic was cut off by Kennyo's lips on her own cheek, mimicking her actions with the same gentleness he handled newborn kittens at the shelter. Warmth blossomed from the soles of her feet to her ears and even under where his nose still lingered, as if he too were wondering if this moment were real. She wanted more but didn't dare push him too fast. She met his gaze and within swirled a reflection of her own desire for more yet reservation as if he were scared of pushing her too fast. He needed it in words.
"Kennyo…" her voice was barely more than the puff of white that lifted between them. "Kennyo, it's ok." 
Those beautiful onyx orbs widened a fraction as he processed her words before gently brushing a mass of crimson curls over one shoulder and closed the remaining space between them.
Master List // Ko-Fi // Ao3
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Heya, happy worldbuilding wednesday!!! Let's talk about natural resources in your world! What are the most common? What are the most scarce? Is there one in particular that the main country/city of your wip is renowned for?
HI thank you for the question Keena!!!
I haven’t really delved into common vs. scarce resources on Ehl, but I can name a few... commodities? Products??? i took ap macro and i cant remember the right word LMAO
Probably the most sought after things are any of the Dwarven Alloys; Dwarven Bronze, which is almost impossible to pierce or dent, and Dwarven Steel, whose blades never dull, to name a couple! These Alloys can’t be made outside of the Dwarven forges, and the school of Smithy is extremely selective in who can join, so only a select few people (read: less than 100) can even learn how to make them. Also, the Forges allow for contraptions that literally could not exist without the magic in there, so all of those are also really valuable and scarce.
Common items depend on where you are, though. Ehlves generally have no trouble finding artisan-level work, and Goblins can get whatever tech they desire. But if an Ehlf went looking for a phone, or a Goblin wanted some wood carvings or sculpture work, it would be difficult for both of them.
On the topic of the main commodity of Aree/Maelani, though, Aree is known for their ship building, and Maelani in general is known for Godwood. And because Godtrees are only found on Maelani, it’s kind of a monopoly asldkfj
Thank you again!!!!
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callmearhi · 6 years
I drew a sm/ut again based on this omg https://keena-kapu.tumblr.com/post/164482526739/band-rehersal
thank you @keena-kapu for the food and @dashingicecream for the potential mono au *eat the quality contents and draw more s/mut*
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